first Christian church was gathred out of the Jewish o[cut off]
church, and out of many Synagogues in that church
and consisted partly of the Inhabitants of Jerusa
lem, partly of the Galileans, who though they
kept some communion in some parts of publique
worship with the Temple; yet neither did they
frequent the Sacrifices, nor repayre to the
Sanhedrim for the determininge of their ch[ief]
causes, but kept intire and Constant communion
with the Apostles=church in all the ordinances
of the Gospell Act: 2:42 And for the first
Christian Church of the Gentiles at Antioch it
appeareth to have bin gathered, and constituted
partly of dispersed Brethren of the church of Je
rusalem, where of some were men of Cyprus [&]
Cyrene, & partly of the believing Gentiles Act 1[1]
But wt if there were no Expresse example of such
a thinge extant in the Scriptures, that which
we are wont to answer the Antipedobatists must
suffice here, It is enough, if any evidence there
of may be gathred from just Consequence of
Scripture light. Doctor Ames his judgment for
ought we know passeth with out exception
which he gave in answer to the Second question
chapter 24 of his 4th booke of Conscience
“ num: 16: If any, saith he, wronged with unjust vexa
“ tion, or pvidinge for his owne edification, or in
“ testimonie against sin, depart from a church
“ where some evils are tolerated, and ioyne himself