dismisse ye people, for to blesse (e) them in ye name of
ye Lord. (a) Revel.2.2. (b) 1 Tim.5.19. (c) Act.21.18, 22,23.
(d) 1 Cor.5.4,5. (d) Numb.6.23 &c:
This power of Govrmnt in the Elders doth not in
any wise prejudice the power of priviledge in the
Brotherhood, as neither the power of priviledge in ye
brethren doth prejudice the power of Govrnmt in
the Elders, but they may sweetely agree togeather: as
we see in the example of the Apostles furnished wth
the greatest church power, who who tooke in the
concurrence & consent(a) of the brethren in church=Ad=
ministracions. Also that Scripture 2 Cor.2.9. & 2 Cor.10.6
do declare that what the churches were to act & do
in those matters, they were to do in a way of Obedi=
ence, and that not onely to ye direction of the
Apostles, but also of their ordinary Elders. (a) Act.1.15,
16 to 23. & 6.1,2. 1 Cor.5.4 & 16.3. 2 Cor.2.6,7.
From the Pramises, namely that ye ordinary power
of Govnmt belongeth onely to the Elders, ^& power of
priviledgeth remayneth wth the Brotherhood, as power of
judgemt in matters of Censure, & power of liberty
in matters of liberty, It followeth that in an Organick
church, & right Administracion, all church acts pceede
after the maner of a mixt Administracion, so as
no church act can be consummated or psented wthout
ye consent of both.
¶ Chap. 11. of the maintenance of
church officers.
The Apostle concludes that necessary & sufficient
maintenance is due unto the ministers of ye word,
from the Law of nature & nations, from ye Law of Moses