Instituted wor[shi]p, according to ye 2d commandment
and to continue one & ye same until ye appea
ring of or Lord Jesus Cht (f) as a kingdome that
can not be shaken (g) until he shall deliver
it up unto God even the father (h). So that [it]
is not left in the power of man, officers
churches or any state in ye world to adde [or]
diminish or alter any thing in the least
measure therein (i). (e) Exod. 20 4-5. (f) 1 Tim[othy]
13 to 16. (g) Heb. 12 27, 28. (h) 1 Cor. 15.24 (i) [?]
The necessary Circumstances as tyme & place
belonging to order & decency, are not soe [left]
unto men as that under pretence of them [who?]
may thrust [crossed out] their owne Inventions upon
ye churches (K), being Circumscribed in ye word
wth many general Limitations, where they
are determined, in respect of the matter
being neither wor[shi]p it selfe nor Circumstances
separable from wor[shi]p (l): in respect of the
end, they must be done to Edification: (*) in re
spect of ye maner, decently & in order (m)
according to ye nature of ye things ymselves
& civill custome (o). Yea they are in some [sort]
determined pticularly, namely that they be done
in such ^a [crossed out] maner as all Circumstances consi
dered is most agreeable Expedient for edi
fication ^(p) so as if there be no errour of man
concerning their determination, ye determining
them is to be accounted as if it were divine (q).