Corinth (d), Pergamus & Thyatyra (e). (a) Jer. 2.21. (b) Isai [missing]

(c) Gal. 5. 4. (d) 2 Cor. 12.20, 21. (e) Rev. 2.14, 15, 20, 21.


To the matter of the church in respect of its

quantity ought not to be of greater number [then]

may ordinarily meet together conveniently in [one]

place(a) nor ordinarily fewer then may carry o[ut]

church-work; Hence, when the holy Scripture ma[keth]

mention of the saints combined into church-esta[te]

in a Towne or Citty where was but one Cong[gre]

gation, it usually calleth those saints the chur[ch]

in the singular number, as the church of the

thessalonians, the church of Smyrna, Philadelphia [&]

ye like. But when it speakes of the saints in [a]

Nation ^or Province wherein there were sundry congregation[ns]

it frequently & usually calleth them by ye nam[e]

of churches in the plurall number, as, ye chu[rches]

of Asia(b), Galatia(c), Macedonia(d) & ye like(e). w[hich]

is further confirmed by what is written of sund[ry]

of those churches in pticular, how they were asse[mbled]

& met together, the whole church in one place

the church at Jerusalem(f), ye church at Antioch(g),

ye church at Corinth(h). And Cenchrea, though it

were neere to Corinth, (it being the Port

thereof, and answereable to a village) yet being [a]

distinct Congregation from Corinth it had a chur[ch]

of it owne as well as Corinth had(i)      (a) 1 Cor[cut off]

(b) 1 Cor. 16. 29 (c) Gal.1.1.  2 Cor. 16.1  (d) 2 Cor.8.1. (e) 1 Th[cut off]

(f) Act.2.46. & 5.12. & 6.1. (g) Act.14.27. & 15.30. (h) 1 Co[r] [cut off]

4. & 14.23.  (i) Rom. 16.1.


Nor can it wth reason be thought but that every

church appointed & ordayned by cht, had a ministery

ordayned & appointed for the same. Yet plaine