Evangelists, as they were called extraordinarily(b) by

cht, so their office ended wth themselves; whence

it is that Paul directing Timothy how to carry

along church Administrations giveth no direction

about the choice and course of Apostles, Prophets

or Evangelists, but only of Elders & deacons. And

when Paul was to take his ^last leave of ye church of

Ephesus, he committed the care of feeding the church to n[o]

other but unto the Elders of that church(c), and consequen[tly]

of each other respectively. The like doth Peter(d) committ

to the Elders. (a) Eph.4.11.  (b) Gal.1.1. Act.8.6,26,29. &

11.28. (c) Act.20.17,28. (d) 1 Pet.5.1,2,3.


  Of Elders, who are also in Scripture called bishops

some attend chiefely to the ministery of ye word,

as ye Pastors and Teachers; others attend especial[lly]

unto Rule(b), who are therefore called Ruling Elde[rs]

(a) Act.20.17,28. phil.1.1. 1 Tim.3.1,2.  (b) 1 Tim.5.17.


  The office of Pastor & Teacher appears

to be distinct Eph.4.11 Rom.12.7,8.  The Pastors

speciall worke is to attend unto Exhortation

& therein to administer a word of wisedome; T[he]

Teacher is to attend to doctrine & therein to

administer a word of knowledge(a) and eithr

of them to administer the Seales of that Covenant,

unto the dispensation whereof they are alike called

as also the to Execute the Censures, being but a

kind of Application of ye word, the preaching

of wch togeather wth the application thereof they

are alike chardged wthall(c).  (a) Rom.12.7,8 1 Cor. [cut off]

(b) math.28.19.  (c) 2 Tim.4.1,2 Tit.1.9.


  And forasmuch as both Pastors & Teachers are