tempted(a) and that the best of us have need of much forgivenesse
from the Lord(b). Yet the winning and healing of the
[struck through] ^offendors soule, being the end of these endevours, we
must not daube wth untemprd morter(c), nor heale
the wounds of or brethren slightly(d). On some we
must have compassion, and others save wth feare(e). (a) Gal.6.1.
(b) math.6.14,15. & 18.34,35. (c) Ezek.13.10. (d) Jer.6.14. (e)
Whilest the offendor remaynes Excommunicate, the church
is to refrayne all member=like communion wth him in
spirituall things; and also from all familiar communion
wth him in Civill things, further then the necessity of
natural, domesticall or other Civill relacions doth require,
& are therefore to forbeare even to eate(a) & drink wth him
that he may be ashamed(b). (a) 1 Cor.5.11. (b) 2 Thes. 3.6,14.
Excommunicacion being a spirituall punishmt, it doth not
prejudice the excommunicate in, nor deprive him of his
Civill rights; and therefore toucheth not Princes or other
magistrates in point of their Civill dignity or Authority.
And the Excommunicate being th but as a Publican and
an Heathen, Heathens being lawfully pmitted to come to
heare the word in church=assemblies(a), therefore we
acknowledge the like liberty of hearing the word may
be pmitted to psons Excommunicated, that is pmitted unto
Heathens. And because we are not wthout hope of his
recovery, we are not to account him as an Enemye, but to
admonish him as a brother(b). (a) 1 Cor.14.24,25. (b) 2 Thes.3.15.
If the Lord sanctifye ye Censure to the offender, so as by
ye grace of cht he doth testifye his Repentance, wth humble
confession of his sinne, & judging of himselfe, giving glory
to God, the church is then to forgive him & comfort him,
and to restore him to ye wonted brotherly communion wch for=
merly he enjoyed wth then. 2 Cor.2.7,8.