maintenance of congregationall churches, further then
they be furnished wh psonall estates, and be both able
& willing to contribute of themselves. God accepteth
not robbery for a sacrifice.
But why do we stand to plead exemptions from
Exceptions? The Lord helpe all his faithfull servants
(whether Presbyteriall or Congregationall) to judge
& shame orselves before ye Lord, for all or former
complyance to greater Enormityes in church govmt,
then are to be found either in the Congregational
or Presbyteriall way. And then surely either ye Lord
will cleare up his own way to us, to frame [&]
to subdue ^us all to one mynd Ezek 43.10; or els wee
shall learne to beare one anothers burdens in the spirit
of meeknesse. It will then doubtlesse be farre from
us to attest the discipline of Cht, & to detest the
disciples of Cht: so to contend for ye seamelesse
coate of Cht as to crucifye the living members of
cht; so to divide or selves for church-govmt, as through
or breaches to open a wide gap for a deluge
of Antichtian malignity to swallow up both church
and Civill state. What shall we say more? Has
the Lord indeed left us so such hardnesse of
heart that church govmt shall become a snare to
us, as sometimes moses was to Egypt Exod. 10
that we can not leave contesting and conten
ding about it, till ye Kingdome be destroyed?
Is it indeed of God according to
knowledge, for one nation to take ^up armes agt
another, for the propagation of church discipline? [?]
doth any Covent of God, (subordinate to the
everlasting covent of grace) [?] us to