office, who only are to act & exercise this power.
(a) Rom.12.4 to 8. (b) Act.1.23. & 6.3,4. &14.23. [struck through]
(c) 1 Cor.12.29,30.
¶ Chapt. 6. of the officers of ye church and
especially of Pastors & Teachers.
A church being a company of people combined
togeather by covenant for the worship of god, it
appreareth thereby that there may be a church
the essence & being of a church wthout any
officers, seeing there is both the forme and
matter of a church. wch also is implied by when
it is sayed the Apostles ordayned Elders
in every church Act 14.23.
Neverthelesse though officers be not abso=
lutely necessary to the simple being of churches,
when they be called, yet ordinaryly to their
calling(a) and to their wellbeing they are. And
therefore ye Lord Jesus out of his tender compassion hath
appointed and ordayned officers(*), wch he would not
have done if they had not bene usefull & needful
for ye church. Yea being ascended into heaven he
recd gifts for men(b), & gave gifts to men(c), whereof
officers for ye church are justly accounted no small
parts(d), they beinge to continue to the end of the
world & for the pfecting of all the saints(e). (a) Rom.
10.14,15,17. (*) Eph.4.11. 1 Cor.12.28. (b) psal.68.18. (c) Eph.4.8.
(d) Eph.4.11. (e) Eph.4.13.
These officers were either extraordinary or ordinary.
Extraordinary as (a) Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, ordinary
as Elders & deacons. The Apostles, Prophets and