¶ Chap. 10. of ye power of ye church, and

          its Presbytery.


  Supreame and Lordly power over all ye churches upo[n]

earth, doth only belong unto Jesus cht, who is ye King of

ye church and the head thereof(a), who hath ye governmt

upon his shoulders(b), and hath all power given unto h[im]

both in heaven & in earth(c).   (a) Eph.1.21,22. Col.1.18.

(b) Hai.9.6.  (c) math.28.18.


  A company of professed beleevers, Ecclesiastically confe[de]

rate, as they are a church before they have officers and

wthout them, so even in that estate subordinate chu[rch]

power under cht delegated unto them by him do[th]

belong unto them, in such [struck through] ^maner as is before exp[cut off]

chap      and as flowing from ye very nature [&]

Essence of a church, it being naturall to all bod[ies]

(& so unto a church body) to be furnished wth suff[ici]

ent power for its owne preservacion & subsistence.


  The Govnmt of ye church is a mixt Govnmt (an[d]

so hath bene acknowledged long before ye terme

of Independency was heard of.) In respect of cht

the head and King of ye church, and that Soveraigne

power residing in him & exercised by him, it is a M[o]

narchie: In respect of the body, of Brotherhood of ye

church, and power from cht granted unto them, it

resembleth a democracy: In respect of ye Presbyt[ery]

& power committed to them, it is an Aristocracy.


  The Soveraigne power wch is peculiar to cht(a), is

exercised, in calling ye church out of ye world

into holy fellowshipp wth himselfe(b). 2 in insti[tu]

ting the ordinances of his worship(c) & appointing