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- 1 Of the Forme of church govnmt in general, and
- that it is one, Immutable, & prscribed in ye word
- of god.
- 2 Of the nature of ye Catholike-church in general, [&]
- in speciall of a pticular visible-church.
- 3 Of the matter of ye visible-church, both in respect[t]
- of Quality & quantity.
- 4 Of the Forme of a visible church, & of church cov[t]
- 5 Of the first Subject of church power, or to whom
- church power doth first belong.
- 6 Of ye officers of ye church, & especially of Past[or]
- & Teachers.
- 7 Of Ruling Elders & deacons.
- 8 Of Election of church officers.
- 9 Of Ordination & Imposition of hands.
- 10 Of the power of ye church, & its Presbytery
- 11 Of the maintenance of church officers.
- 12 Of the Admission of members into ye church.
- 13 Of the church members their remoovall from
- one church to another, & of Le[tters] of Recommen
- dation & dismission.
- 14 Of Excommunication & othr church censures.
- 15 Of the communion of churches one with another
- 16 Of Synods.
- 17 Of the Civill magistrates power in matters
- Ecclesiasticall