A treasure trove of information about the contribution of John Pynchon to the settling and development of the Connecticut Valley and the individual welfare of many of its inhabitants can be found in those portions of his accounts recording transactions about land. For land, either in virgin or cultivated state, was wealth, and land transfers took the place of money. For most of the settlers this was the only way to pay for goods.
When a new town was to be established, Pynchon would come forward promptly and use his great holdings of land as the means of financing the founding. He paid all of the legal fees and other expenses of the new town, and because there was no other way to pay him, the community and some individuals repaid him in land. The reader will find in the following selections materials about grants of land, purchases, leases, sales, and the founding of such towns as Northampton, Hadley, Deerfield, and Suffield (Stony River). Land transfers were made for wampum, beaver, goods of various kinds, but not for money. Most enlightening is the ample evidence of renting and leasing tracts or entire farms in a wilderness region where land was thought to be available almost for the asking. Throughout American history the role of the frontier capitalist was vital, though little studied. John Pynchon was without question the foremost frontier capitalist of his time.
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 221
By a psell of hashoy meddow548 in Tho Coops woodlot, [about gl at the further]* middle of his wood lot which is adjoying to John Pynchons meddow lots lying on the Northside of my land & running Northward from my land 14 rod broad & in length from the brow of the hill on the west all the breadth of that wet meddow to the brow of the hill on the East side: the which psell of land being about 2 acres or more of it, the said Tho Cooper hath sold to John Pynchon for 30s (which is here allowed him on acot) this 11th day of May 1654 as witness his hand |
001 |
10 |
00 |
Tho Cooper |
Recd by wt I am to allow you out of the country rate 1653 towards wt is due to you from the county |
00 |
10 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 291
December 13 1654 |
Recd by your Grant of a lot in the plaine |
which I bought of you viz 3 acres the |
acres the homlot 3 acres wet meddow & 4 acres |
woodlots at |
02 |
00 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 248
March 1658/59 |
Recd by your land in long meddow550 all your |
land in Springfield being Sold me at |
55 li before Rich Fellows Fra Pepper & |
James Taylor |
55 |
00 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 7
Jan 12th 1658 |
By wampam I had at Northampton to make |
the Purchase of Lands for Hartford |
People (besides wt wampam you had ag:) |
I allow you on acot & all busynes with |
chikwallop551 cleared |
27 |
19 |
06 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 246
Geo Colton Dr To the Purchase of his |
land at Woronoco which I bought of |
Panesans wife Paupsunmikitus his part |
of the Land there, viz for that which |
to pay me for the Indian Purchase of |
his share: the Sum of Ten Pounds: of |
which I haue Recd in Bever 30s so there |
08 |
10 |
00 |
remaine due to mee to be pd me the Sum |
of 8 li 10s which is to be pd me in |
wheate & Pease by march or Aprill next |
either at my house at Springfild or at |
Hartford in to a vessel & heretoe I |
Set my hand this 26th of June 1663 |
George Colton |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 348
[torn]ec 25th 1658 |
Imprim To the Purchase of the land on |
the east side of the River where the |
Towne stands |
62 |
10 |
00 |
Aprill |
[torn]ept 1660 |
To the Purchase of their land on the |
west side of the River |
75 |
00 |
00 |
To Law bookes554 |
01 |
10 |
00 |
To a pr of Collours staff Tassells |
& Top555 |
05 |
00 |
00 |
To Umpancheal556 for all his corne feilds |
& old ground |
12 |
10 |
00 |
156 |
10 |
00 |
[To my Journye & horse]* |
Recd per Contra |
128 |
04 |
07 |
Rests to pay |
028 |
05 |
05 |
156 |
10 |
00 |
Octobr 29th 1663 |
Acoted with Nathanell Dickenson & |
Nathanell Ward about the Acot of |
Hadley Towne & there is Resting due |
to me to Ballance the acots in the |
Sum of Twenty Eight Pounds five |
shillings fivepence |
28 |
05 |
05 |
as witness there hande this 29th of |
Octobr 1663 |
Nathaniell Ward |
Natn Dickinson Sr |
Octobr |
1663 |
To the Purchase of al the neck of Wequagon |
which they call Hockanum:557 for which |
they are to pay me next Spring 50 li |
I say |
50 |
00 |
00 |
78 |
05 |
05 |
Recd per Contra |
68 |
11 |
08 |
of Goodm Hubbard558 10 bush of wt |
01 |
15 |
00 |
Febr 24 1667 By G Beltwood |
00 |
08 |
00 |
1668 |
By Thomas Coleman559 |
01 |
17 |
06 |
By Serjant Goodman |
05 |
05 |
03 |
Nov 12th 1669 Quit the whole acot |
78 |
05 |
05 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 349
August 60 |
By G Barnard |
27 |
11 |
00 |
mor 8 3 11 |
08 |
03 |
11 |
June 61 |
By Mr Terry560 about 9 or 10 |
06 |
08 |
06 |
By G Dikinson 5 li his Rat 6 li John |
&5 li Nath |
16 |
00 |
00 |
by Borman to cosin Holyoke by John |
Lattimore by Mr Willys |
March 10 1661/62 |
[By Sam Church 50s (from G Powell)]* |
02 |
10 |
00 |
By Hubberd of Wethersfeild |
04 |
00 |
00 |
Sept 27 62 |
By Sam Belding |
05 |
06 |
00 |
By Nath Dickenson pd to Deacon Stebbins |
03 |
03 |
00 |
Octobr 16 62 |
by Mr Russell Junr pd to Deacon Stebbins |
04 |
00 |
00 |
By Sam Smith Sen561 |
05 |
00 |
00 |
By G Warner per Bascomb |
04 |
00 |
00 |
By Sam Church per Tho Day |
01 |
08 |
00 |
By Mr Henry Clarke last Spring into |
Pinnace562 |
05 |
00 |
00 |
Octobr 1662 |
By Mr Henry Clark to Deacon Stebbins |
already pd there & will pay to him |
06 |
05 |
03 |
By John Marsh to Deacon Stebbins |
02 |
01 |
00 |
By Fra Barnard (per Tho Hubberd joiner563) |
01 |
02 |
00 |
By Mr Westwood564 |
03 |
00 |
00 |
more Mr Westwood 6s 6d pd into Deacon |
Stebbins |
00 |
06 |
06 |
By Nath Dickenson to Deacon Stebbins |
already pd per Jo Deming or to be pd |
01 |
10 |
00 |
By Mr Goodwin for Nath Porter |
05 |
04 |
05 |
By G Warner to Deacon Stebbins |
01 |
18 |
00 |
By G Lewis for John Coale the farme |
01 |
02 |
06 |
By Isack Graves |
01 |
17 |
06 |
By Goodm Barnard the Maulster for |
Adam Nicholls |
00 |
06 |
00 |
By Wm Pixley which [illegible] 5 bush ¼ |
of Indian from the Country for a |
journy O Butler for which I allow him |
00 |
11 |
00 |
By Mr Goodwin for Pixly |
00 |
17 |
04 |
By Mr Goodwin for John Ingram |
01 |
08 |
04 |
By Deacon Stebbins of John Dickenson |
00 |
16 |
00 |
By Deacon Stebbins Andrew Bacon |
00 |
19 |
01 |
By John Taylor to Deacon Stebbins |
01 |
08 |
0 |
By Deacon Stebbins from Wid Hawks565 |
03 |
01 |
09 |
By John Coale 20s to Deacon Stebbins |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Mr Russel566 to Deacon Stebbins |
02 |
10 |
00 |
more By Mr Russell to pay which I set |
to Mr Russels acot |
03 |
02 |
11 |
By Balding to Deacon Stebbins |
01 |
16 |
06 |
Acoted for all above this |
128 |
04 |
07 |
29th of Octobr 1663 |
Nov 11th 1663 |
By Wm Lewis the Sum off 3 li 19s |
whereoff he pays 22s to Mr Russell |
which was formerly acoted Recd by |
Mr Russell & the rest is 2 li 17s to |
be now allowed Hadly |
02 |
17 |
00 |
By Wm Lewis which Robert Ashly pd |
me in to Tho Colemen |
02 |
07 |
00 |
19 May 64 |
By Joseph Kellogg in payment for |
Nathaniell Dickinsons bond in wheate |
at 3s 6d per bushell |
01 |
11 |
00 |
at the same time he paid toward Hocanum |
purchace in wheat as above |
01 |
11 |
00 |
June 2 64 |
Recd of Mr Terry In wheat toward the |
03 |
00 |
00 |
Recd of Sam Moody in wheate for paymt |
of Hadley debt |
02 |
00 |
00 |
June 17 64 |
Recd of Goodm White of Had Sen 35 ½ bu |
06 |
04 |
00 |
the Same day |
Recd of Goodm Warnr of Hadley 30 bu |
wheat |
05 |
05 |
00 |
June 28th 1664 |
Recd of Noah Coleman 31 bush of wt for |
Hadley |
05 |
08 |
06 |
July 21 |
Recd from Jos Allys by G Meakins & |
Cornet Allys567 48 bush |
08 |
08 |
00 |
By Deacon Stebbins for Goodm Ward |
03 |
06 |
00 |
By Mr Russell Sen 13 bsh ½ wt |
02 |
07 |
03 |
per Mr Henry Clarke |
03 |
02 |
00 |
June 8 1665 |
By John Hubbard568 15 bshs of wt |
02 |
12 |
06 |
June 27 |
By Jo Hubberd 17 bushs of wheate |
02 |
19 |
06 |
Sept 27 65 |
By Jo Hubbard 2 bshs |
00 |
07 |
00 |
By Wm Lewis 1 li 14s for Joh Coleman |
01 |
14 |
00 |
June 22 1666 |
By Wm Lewis for Tho Coleman |
01 |
02 |
00 |
56 |
01 |
09 |
By Wm Lewis as per his acot |
12 |
01 |
00 |
Acoted all this as per Contra |
68 |
11 |
[torn] |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 218
& owner of the Land at Norwotog569 |
hath taken up of me towards Pay |
for his land which he pmises570 |
to Sell |
Sept 23 1659 |
Impmis 2 yds of Bilboe rug 40s |
01 |
15 |
00 |
red shag Cotton 6s blew Trad cloth 6s |
00 |
12 |
00 |
wampam 2 fad 6 h |
00 |
13 |
00 |
a shurt |
00 |
10 |
00 |
all is 14 fadam |
1 Coate |
5 fad |
01 |
12 |
06 |
1 pr brechs |
1 fad |
red shag |
0 |
5 h571 |
all is 36 fad |
in wampum |
7 fadam |
01 |
15 |
00 |
Feb 13 59 |
in wampum |
2 fadam |
00 |
10 |
00 |
more a Coate |
5 fad |
50 fadam in all in wampum |
15 fad 5 h |
05 |
02 |
06 |
Apr 12 1660 |
14 fadam viz a |
coate |
5 fad |
Sha Cotton |
1 |
2 h |
03 |
10 |
00 |
wampa |
7 |
8 h |
more Apr 13th |
10 fad viz a gun |
6 |
6 fad |
5 h |
red shag |
1 |
1 |
2 h |
02 |
10 |
00 |
wampa |
2 |
2 |
3 h |
more 10 fadam in two |
blew Coates |
02 |
10 |
00 |
more Apr 16th |
16 fad in a Coate |
1 pr of breeches & |
10 fad of wampum |
04 |
00 |
00 |
in all 100 fadam is the Sum off 24 li |
25 |
00 |
00 |
more dlrd the 16th of Aprill 1660 |
one shurt at 2 fad is |
00 |
10 |
00 |
in shag Cotton 1 fad |
00 |
05 |
00 |
April 24th 1660 |
In wampam 7 fad |
01 |
15 |
00 |
Apr 25th 60 |
red shag 15 h & wampam 8 fad 5 h is |
10 fad |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Apr 27th |
red shag 12 h wampam 3 fad 8 h |
By Coate 5 fad 10 fad |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Wampam |
01 fad ½ |
00 |
07 |
06 |
May 9 59 |
In wampam |
08 fad ½ |
02 |
02 |
06 |
2 Coates |
10 fad |
02 |
10 |
00 |
May 17 |
a blew wastcote & 10 fad |
wampa |
12 fad |
4 h |
03 |
02 |
00 |
May 19 |
In wampam |
03 |
00 |
15 |
00 |
June 1 60 |
In wampam |
04 |
6 h |
01 |
03 |
00 |
In wampam |
01 |
00 |
05 |
00 |
June 7 60 |
a Coate 5 fad wampa |
5 fad |
10 |
02 |
10 |
00 |
In wampam |
10 |
02 |
10 |
00 |
1 coate 5 fad sh cot bb & |
09 |
red 3 f 6 h & wampa 4 h is |
02 |
05 |
00 |
In all |
100 fad |
25 |
00 |
00 |
& above 100 fadam is in the |
whole 200 fad |
June 20th 1660 |
Blew shag Cotton 1 fad 8 hands |
00 |
09 |
00 |
red shag cot 12 h & 8 h wamp |
2 2 h a knife |
00 |
11 |
00 |
July 4 60 |
2 Coates, shag, & wampam |
20 |
05 |
00 |
00 |
In wampam |
02 |
00 |
10 |
00 |
To Joseph Parsons his Sum at |
14 |
03 |
10 |
00 |
July 10th 1660 |
a coate & wampam dlrd you at |
Joseph Parsons howse572 |
10 |
02 |
10 |
00 |
To paymt Mr Goodwin573 |
02 |
8 h |
00 |
14 |
00 |
To wampam |
07 |
2 h |
01 |
16 |
00 |
July 30th 1660 |
To more wampam 5 fad |
10 |
& a Coate 5 fadam is |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Aug 23 60 |
To black wampam wt & shag |
07 |
To a Red Coate |
05 |
03 |
00 |
00 |
To 2 fadam for your being drunk574 |
10 |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Sept 6 60 |
To wampam 4 fad & your wife 4 fad |
Sept 14 |
To wampam 4 fad but by your |
03 |
00 |
15 |
00 |
Importunity I give one |
00 |
15 |
00 |
To a kettle 6 fad 2 Recd |
12 h |
so it is |
05 |
01 |
05 |
00 |
100 fad |
25 |
00 |
00 |
100 fadam & Above is 200 fad all which |
is 300 fad which I make the Sume of |
75 |
00 |
00 |
So much I Ingaged to him for his land |
at Nalwotogg: & haue pd him ale to his |
owne Content in the pticulars aboue sd |
Sept 1660 |
This Acot Set off with Hadley Towne it |
being pd for the Purchase of theire |
Land I haue Reckned it with them |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 219
Sept 29th 1660 |
Trusted Umpancheal one Coate at 5 fadam |
of wampa for which he ingages to me his |
land which is at Natta Couss that is to |
say 4 or 5 little Indian feilds: or |
[thes of]* Else I am to haue some of his old |
Indian Corne feilds at Wequittay575 by ag |
Owes |
2 fad 6 h |
Sum is |
1 li 18s 00 |
Octobr 11 1660 |
Trusted him (but it is his Brothr) 1 Coat 5 fadam |
Recd of this in Bever 4 fad ⅛ Rests 5 h |
Decembr 3d 60 |
Trusted his Broth & Red & bl Coate |
(to pay Bever) |
10 fad 5 h |
1 pr stockens |
1 fad 2 h |
amt due 1661 Recd in wampam 8 fad |
Recd all this |
Novembr 28th 1660 |
Trusted Umpanchee for which he Ingages |
his Cornefeilds below Wequitlyy of |
06 fad |
for some of his |
old ground below |
Wequitayyagg |
1 Cote 5 fad wampam 1 fad |
In wampam |
02 fad 5 h |
1 pr Breeches |
01 |
2 |
red shag cotton |
00 |
08 h |
Sum is |
2 |
12 |
6 |
Decembr 17th 1660 |
Umpancheel desiredto be trusted as |
followeth for which he Pawnes ale |
his land in Wequuttayyag ale the |
Cornefeilds & what ever he reserved |
is now Morgaged for |
1 Red Coate |
5 fad 5 h |
19 fad 3 h |
2 Red Coate |
11 fad |
2 yds wt shag Ct |
2 fd 4 h |
2 knives &c |
0 |
4 |
Trusted him on the same |
acot one red cote 2 knives [illegible] h |
If I am not pd in Bever when he comes |
from Heakeg all his land is to be mine |
Umpanchee owes on a Gun he had |
away the 16 Dec 1660 |
02 fad 0 h |
red shag 14 h Knives 9 h |
002 |
3 h |
more he owes me |
02 |
4 h |
Sum is |
7 li 19s 6d |
Decembr 25 60 |
Trusted At Umpanches desire an |
Indian called Wuteallatssun |
one red Coate |
7 0 |
& wt shag cote |
6 5 |
for which he pmises to [illegible]d |
a scocue & knife576 0 2 h to one in |
Pawn within 6 days Umpanches wife is |
to bring it |
Acoted for this |
Decembr 1660 |
Umpanchee having Ingaged his Cornefeild |
at Nattacouss & Wequttayyag & his old |
ground below Wequitayyag all his |
Cornefeilds which he had reserved he now |
make over ale to me which I take of him |
for Hadley Towne & that for the Sums |
above viz in Sept 1660 (as above) he had |
01 |
18 |
00 |
in Nov 60 as above |
02 |
12 |
06 |
in Dec as above |
07 |
19 |
06 |
all is |
12 |
10 |
00 |
This Posted to Hadly acot I having |
bought out all Umpanchs old Ground |
that he reserved: for the pp use of |
the Towne of Hadly |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 330
[n.d.] |
To what you are to pay for Hadley which |
I acoted to Hadley as Recd it of you in |
Octobr 1662 6 li 5s 3d This you pmised |
to pay in to Deacon Stebbins I say |
06 |
05 |
03 |
[illegible] |
Sam Marshall |
[To what you are to pay for Sam Marshall |
& haue pd it to Deacon Stebbins]* |
00 |
00 |
00 |
To paymt for you to Mr Russell Junr |
01 |
11 |
09 |
07 |
17 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 331
[n.d.] |
By a rest to him of old March 7th 1660 |
brought from pa 39 |
00 |
04 |
00 |
By Deacon Stebbins which he allows me |
for you upon acot this 3d Sept 1663 |
04 |
13 |
00 |
By Mris Warham |
01 |
10 |
00 |
By Deacon Stebbins Octob 30th 1663 from |
Sam Marshall |
01 |
10 |
00 |
07 |
17 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 350
Sept 1662 |
To my giving him a Receite for 5 li to |
be set off with Hadley Towne he ingages |
to pay me the sd 5 li in wheate into |
such vessell at Hartford or Wethersfield |
which I shall apoint to Rec it Sometime |
next Spring on demand |
05 |
00 |
00 |
To 24s you pay on your Towne acot for |
your Son Chileb |
01 |
04 |
00 |
06 |
04 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 351
By wheat from Sigismund Richall 31 bush |
06 |
04 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 68
Sept 12th 1663 |
Mr Russell to pay for Hadley |
2 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
10 |
11 |
5 li 12s 11d |
2 |
00 |
00 |
of this I Recd [by]* By Deacon Stebbins when I |
acoted with him Sept 3d 63 he allowed me |
2 |
li |
10s |
so that Mr Russell is still to pay |
3 |
2 |
11d |
I Say |
03 |
02 |
11 |
5 |
12 |
11 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 69
Sept 3d 1663 |
By Deacon Stebbins 50s |
00 |
00 |
00 |
this 50s being for Hadley I doe not |
charge Mr Russell Dr for it & So am |
not to give him credit on this acot |
it being set of to Hadly Towne |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Nov 2d 1663 |
By Deacon Stebbins as per his letter |
you pd into him for me 21 bush of wheate |
which was sent to the Bay per Cox |
04 |
04 |
00 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 350
To Paymt for you to John Coale for |
Hadley Towne |
01 |
02 |
06 |
To Pixley his entry of action |
00 |
10 |
00 |
To paymt for you to Hadley Towne |
03 |
19 |
00 |
[01 |
12 |
06]* |
November 11th 1663 Ballanced per Contra |
05 |
11 |
06 |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 351
March 11th 1661/62 |
By Wm Warrinar |
00 |
10 |
00 |
July 62 |
By 1 girdle of 4 fad 10s 1 other |
girdle 10s |
01 |
00 |
00 |
2 small girdle |
00 |
10 |
00 |
By Goodm Hubbard |
02 |
00 |
00 |
By Goodm Ely |
01 |
05 |
00 |
By Fraunces Pepper |
00 |
04 |
06 |
By Expences at Sudbery |
00 |
02 |
00 |
November 11th 1663 Ballanced per Contra |
05 |
11 |
06 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 124–125
[These prsents That]* Joseph Crowfoote581 of Spr having Purchased certain psels of Land in and of the Chik R Mor582 on the south side thereoff of Major John Pynchon of Spr aforsd thereon which Land the sd Major Pynchon at the sale thereoff did reserve to himse & his heirs for ever Liberty of Passage as they should have occasions: according as the same is Mentioned & expssed in the Deed of sale thereoff [to Jos]* which J Crowfoote hath: Now for the further and fuller security thereoff & freedome of Passage to sd Major P & his heirs [These psent Testifie that]* I doe hereby declare that my Deed of the sd Land tis Major P is with Reservation & exempcon from the Liberty of Passage to the sd Pychn & his heirs foreever thorow the sd Land that is to say for Passage or goers on foote or with Horse or cattle thorow the fenced in Land To & over Chik river at & toward the Marsh to & from at pleasure As also with the like free Liberty of the sd Cartway to goe with Carts over the sd Land up a little hig [illegible] where the cartwy go [illegible]over the River And that I the sd Jos Crowfoot my heirs & assigns have noe such right in & to the land others to oppose or hinder the sd Pynchon his heirs or assigns in theire Passage or goeing thorow the Land there [illegible] he having made that reserve to himself
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 109
Let to Goodm Ely583 the howsing & Land I haue now Bought of Sam Marshfeild, for all of it Goodm Ely formerly agreed that (if I would buy it of Sam Marshfeild) he would give me 8 li per yeare for it & he would doe all fencing & reparations to the Buildings: he would be at all charges about it, & allow me 8 li per anum: he sd If I would doe the fencing & bear all the charges he would allow 10 li per anum But cleare of all charges he would allow me 10 li per anum & so let it him at 8 li & So he Ingages to pay me by the yeare & till he can attaine to Buy it his yeare begins this psent 2d April 1667
Aprill 6th 67 Goodm Ely came to me to agree, what he should give me for the howsing & land aforesd which I bought of Sam Marshfeild: & we agreed the price to be 75 li when he can attaine to pay for it: when he is able to pay me 75 li he is to haue it, & in the meane tyme he is able to pay me (having first cleared other debts) he is to allow me 8 li per anum cleare of all charges.
Dec 30th 1667 At his desire I abated him 3 li of his rent the first y: of which he must allow when he buys it viz 8 li But before he pays for this, I told him that I would have the other debt in wt he owes me on other accots being Ingaged, then if he can attain to pay for this he is to haue it & till then he is to pay me 8 li per anum cleare of my charge to me.
Agreemt made void by mutual Consent March 15 1669
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 51
Febr 26th 1665 Let out to Ensigne Tho Cooper: my meddow lot on the South side of the Agawam river, only reserving Ten acres of it to my selfe for mowing: which Ten acres is to ly next to my Broth Holyokes land: The sd Ten acres exempted & reserved out of it the rest of my land there, Ensigne Cooper is to have for the Terme of Seven yeares, wth Liberty for Plowing Sowing or mowing it pvided he doe not breake up the meddow or mowing land: in Consideration whereoff the sd Ensigne Tho Coop after the first three yeares (For which tyme he is to pay noe rent) he is to allow & pay to Capt Pynchon his heires or assignes: as followeth viz for the fourth & fifth yeare Twelve Pounds that is to say sixe poind a yeare each of those Two yeares: & for the sixth yeare he is to pay the rent or sum of Seven Pounds, & the last yeare viz the 7th yeare to pay the rent or sum of eight Pounds: the severall paymts to be made yearley in merchantable Corne at price current with the Merchant in Springfeild at or before the 1st of March yearly at the house of Capt Pynchon in Springfil And it is conditioned that Ensigne Cooper shall make & repaire all the fencing belonging to the Land I have there in that middle meddow & keepe it in good repaire & so deliver it up at the end of the terme only what New fence is now to be made [illegible—crossed through] if any be: Capt Pynchon is to allow him the cost of first making it
That this is a Joint agreemt betweene us witness or hands this 26th of Febr 1665 by mowing Land not to be broken up is intended & ment such as shalbe Judged by indifferent men: Mowing Land
Thomas Cooper
John Pynchon
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 19
Aug 24 67 John Ponder coming to me & desyring to hire my 12 acr of ground in the neck at Woronoak: he offered me 3 li 10s for it for next yeare but I told him he should give me 4 li for it we then made noe Conclusion further than thus. That I pmise to him that he should haue it next yeare for 4 li & he should give me noe more though another would for Jan 67 he told me he would hold it at 4 li and so he is to haue it for 4 li
March 19th 1668/69 Agreed with John Ponder for Three acrs of land in the meddow at Woronoak next to Mr Whiting586 even off with Mr Whitings lot there: which thre acrs John Ponder sells to Mr Whiting for 3 li 10s & John Ponder to pay the Rates this yeare, & he is to make the fence for it at least halfe the fence
Pd John Ponder in pt for the land
2 yds Searge at 6s |
0 |
12 |
0 |
1 Moose Skin leather |
1 |
02 |
0 |
1 |
14 |
00 |
The rest of it he says shall be pd towards his share caryed above for |
the purchase |
[Aprr (illegible) 69 To 3 li Sugar |
00 |
02 |
00]* |
June 12th 1669 Agreed with John Ponder for the other acre of land of his next to Mr Whiting so that now he hath sold all his interest there in that 4 acre for this one acre more or less even all his remaining land there I am to allow & pay him 55s for which he is to haue in 3 C or 3 c ½ of boards & the rest to set off wt he owes me. He promises to mow and make into Hay 4 acres of grass at Pacatuck. |
27 |
01 |
05 |
Posted above |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 6
March or Aprill 1668 Samuell Daniell (of Hadley) Lett out to him my Land at Hadly on the west side of the River He to allow & pay me Sixe Pounds for this yeare coming & to looke to & repr all the fencing & pay halfe the Rate the other halfe of the Rates I am to beare: It is only my 2 3ds & I Let him for I excepted the widdow of [illegible] 3d
June 13th 68 He desyred to hold this land some years I granted him It 4 y on the tearmes afsd And wt Land he Plows up (only he is not to breake up any meddow) I promised him he should Impve it 4 y for breaking it
March 1st 1668/69 Agreed wth Sam Daniell of Hadley about my land at Paunches which he is to haue for foure Pond Ten shillings per anum for 4 y now com ag & he is to rep all fencing & that sufficiently for the Security of the feild at his owne charge: & he is also to beare all Rates & pay al charges & I to allow nothing for I am to haue 4 li 10s per anum Cleare (he offered me 6 li if I would pay charges) but in regard to theire meting house Rate & ministers House which will be in a year or 2 I abate my Rent to 4 li 10s which he is to pay me yearely mostly in wheate though if that faile I am to take such graine as the land will afford: And it conditioned that if he breake up any New ground a yeare or 2 hence in such case that he may have some allowance for breaking it up he is to hold it 5 y from this tyme on the Tearme aforsd that is to say at 4 li 10s per anum was only bee of his being to pay all Rates: which for meeting house & ministers house will pve heavy for 3 or 4 yere in pticular the y coming the meeting house Rate
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 147
Agreed with Reice Bedortha587 for his Howse & hom lot of 4 acres the Tan howse lying by my Pasture, also his 3 acres of wet meddow & 4 acrs woodlot even all his land & housing on this side of the grt River for which I am to give 32 li & 10 lb of cotton woole & the use of the sd howse & Land till Michalstide: & also the use of my pasture there till then: he allowing me the Pasturing of my horses one week [fortnight]* tyme for mending the fence & likewise he excepts his Nursery viz the young smale apple trees that stand togither which he is to have & take away at Michalstide or next Spring at furthest till then they remaine his but the orchard & all the comeditye the land & house belonging are mine after michalstide next. |
After this agreemt Reice offered me his house & Land for 32 li |
to end all differences before Serjant Stebbins: but this we fell |
of from |
May 8 1667 As a finall Issue to all misunderstanding of one another about the Pasture by the wharfe betwixt Reice & my selfe It is agreed that Reice shall hold that Pasture of mine till Michalstide next & then he may be at his liberty to have it or not: if he holds it he is to pay me the [to allow me 20s to the]* former 15 li in kind according to former agreemt at Michalstide next & 20s more added to it: So that tis 16 li he is to pay me next Michalsti[illegible] & the Pasture to be his And in case he doe not pay: the sd 16 li in wheate then to allow me 20s in wt & so to leave the Pasture: & have no more to doe with it this agreemt made before Tho Stebbins: So that for 20s he is either to hold or Leand the Pasture588 which he pleases at Michalstide next: then tis to be determined absolutely one way or the other |
above is |
01 |
15 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 121
Jan 15th 1671 |
By 8 d worke 1675 |
00 |
16 |
By allowance for wolves |
00 |
13 |
00 |
01 |
09 |
00 |
I agreed with him to cross my debt & |
to lett him haue 6 cow commons for |
his house & 2 acrs |
Aug 3d 1672 This he desyred to be at Liberty in & to keepe his House & homlot which I haue yeilded to & all is void
& At his urgent desire I doe yeild to let him haue 6 Cow Commons at Pacomtuck590 thus: viz he is to haue only the Intervale591 or meddow & Plowland pt: not medling with the woodland that I am to Keepe & the Intervale share of the 6 cow commons he is to take as it rises by Equally deviding his pportion out of my 16 Common Lot at Pacomtuck: 6 commons are to be his of that Intervale land equally devided: & for the Intervale of these 6 Cows Commons without the wood land he is to allow & pay me his lott in the neck over the River at Springfeid being neere 3 acrs lying betwixt G Dorchesters land & Jo stebbings & also 40s more he is to allow & pay me next Spring & ingages then to pay me all the debt he owes me & that without faile (In young Cattle) bec I Let him haue his house & Land ag he says I shall be free of my pay next Spring for all that he owes mee: He also hires my farme land & 9 Cow Commons: next yeare he to Mow & make all the grass into good Hay current & the one halfe of it to be mine he to trade & keepe all the Cattle I shall send to eate up that Hay & If any of them suffer for want of Good Tendance or wintering or through any neglect of his he is to make them good
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 386
To rest due to me of old about rent & |
seed Corne |
01 |
10 |
09 |
ordered him |
To 8s 3d pd Obadi Dickenson |
00 |
08 |
03 |
[(illegible) & 6 |
per Dickson |
To John Allys payig you |
00 |
07 |
06 |
(illegible) 6 |
7 5 (illegible) |
To Hezekiah Dickinson payig you |
00 |
08 |
00 |
7 6 per Jos Allys |
22s per Jos Wells]* |
To John Wells paying him |
00 |
07 |
07 |
4s per Leiut Allys |
rests 6 |
To 14s per Leiut Allys |
00 |
14 |
00 |
Quit all per Contra |
03 |
16 |
01 |
Jan 30th 1673 |
Samson frary agreed to allow me 10s for |
the Mowing of my Meddow in the 9 Commons |
last Summer so I set him Dr for it |
00 |
10 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 387
By 38 Rod offence 15 Raile fence at |
2s per Rod |
03 |
16 |
00 |
viz the Lot next to Sutliff |
10 rod |
& the lot next the church Lot |
28 rod |
By paying to Mr Mather the Rent for my |
meddow |
00 |
10 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 450
[31 December 1674] Agreed with Nath foote of Hatfeild to Build me A dwelling house at Pacomtuck on my land there of 29 f Long 21 f brd 10 d stud, he to doe ale the carpentry worke from falling to finishing:592 all that is to be done by carpenters for closing & finishing all (as Joseph Lenord593 is to doe, he likewise to doe all the carting for all which worke well substantial & workemanlike done & the house wholy finished Excepting Nayls Stone worke & chimnys only that the mantle Trees for the chimny he is to find I am to allow him 30 li whereoff 3 li I am to pay into G Meekins for Bords, & Sawing he is to haue of him: & the rest I am to pay him in wt [Pease]* & Porke the Porke at 3 li 5s barrel dlrd at Hartford not above 3 or 4 barels in Porke the rest in corne as aforesd or goods or pay to his content as soone as the worke is done or pt before hand: the worke to be done by Aprill come 12 Mo hereto he sets his hand this 31 Dec 1674
Nathanell Foot
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 470
1674 |
To Samll Hinsdales paying him |
02 |
10 |
00 |
To Samson frary Paying him |
00 |
10 |
00 |
Aprill 1675 |
To Samll Dickenson paying him by |
G Stockwell595 |
01 |
00 |
00 |
[To John Hawkes (illegible) paying you |
5 li]* |
[05 |
00 |
00]* |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 471
By my Rate 1674 or the Paymt towards his |
Maintenance arising due from my Cow |
Commons at Pacomtuck for the 1st yeare |
ending in Dec 1674 |
03 |
18 |
00 |
1675 |
By my allowance towards his Maintenance |
arising on my Cow Commons the 2nd y |
ending Dec 1675 as they Rate them |
03 |
11 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 536
[This agreement runs across pp. 536–537.]
July 31th 1677 Lett out to Philip Mattoune my [torn]ighteene Cow Commons & 4 sheepe Commons: at Pacomtuck all the [land]* Intervale land, belonging to the said Commons (except the hom lot which is already disposed off) according as it is laid out in the severale Devissions towards the upp[torn]nd of the land in Pacomtuck meddow597 all which the said Philip Mattoun is to hold Injoy & Impve for Eleven yeares from the 1st day of March next for the use & Impvemt of which land the said Philip is to beare & Pay all the Rates Taxes & charges whatsoever shall arise upon the said Land from yeare to yeare till the End of the terme, as also make & maintaine all the fences whatsoever keeping & Leaving all in good repaire And Moreover he the said Philip Mattoun is to Build upon the land a good dwelling house strong substantiale & well Built & Compleately finished: of 30 f long 20 f wi[torn]& 10 f stud, as also a Barne of at least 48 f long 24 f wide & 14 f stud well Braced in all pts to be strong substantiale & workemanlike & to compleate & finish the same before the end of the terme & then leave & dlr up all in good repaire: And further the said Philip is to allow & pay to Mr Pynchon or his assignes the Rent or sum of Thirty shillings per annum for the first Nine yeares & the Tenth yeare to allow & Pay to the said Pynchon his heires or assignes the Rent or Sum of Three Pounds, & the Eleventh yeare or last yeare to Pay foure Pounds all in good merchantable wheate at merchants price or in other good Pay to the content of said Pynchon or his: And it is Provided that the said Pynchon shall furnish the said Philip with Two good Milch Cows betweene 4 & 7 yeare old which the said Philip is to haue to the end of the tyme, so that the said Pynchon is not to call them off, but they are to be wholy at the dispose of the said Philip, he dlring up to the said Pynchon at the end of the terme Two good Milch Cows between 4 & 7 yeare old not to Exceed 7 yeares at the most & the cows to be large & good Milch: which he the said Phillip hereof obliges himselfe to dlr up to said Pynchon or to his, at the end of the terme of eleven years, togither with the Land & howsing as aforesd & fences all in good & sufficient repaire: In witness hereoff we doe hereunto set our hands this 31th day of July 1677
Philip Mat—M toune his Marke:
John Pynchon
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 376
May 7 1683 Sold to Tho Wells599 my 11 common Lot of Meddow at Pacomtuck which I had of fishers & my 9 Commons more I had from Major Lusher with the 2 Homlots belonging to them & that Land I bought of John Barnard to the Homlot by his for which Land Tho Wells is to pay me 50 li in Monny within a Month: & also is to make up & doe well & substantiall that fence which belongs to my 18 Commons at Pacomtuck seasonally & well for securing the feid & heretoe we set our hands the day abovesd
Witness |
John Ponder |
John Pynchon |
Luke Hitchcock |
Thomas Wells |
Recd the abovesd Money of John Hubbard |
of Hadley |
I say Recd with allowance so that I |
acot the whole 50 li pd as above |
50 |
00 |
00 |
Aug 1686 acoted abot it |
Accordingly (tho it was neglected til July 1692) I gave a Deed for the 9 Commons with al the Land belonging thereto of upland Intervale Land &c al & wt ever belonging according to the several devissions thereof & Bounde Likewise for the Eleven Commons of Meddow in these tearmes that is to say the 33 acrs of Meddow only with the Hom lot so thet Deed given this 4th of July 1692 Runs
I accoting that I sold not the 100 acrs of upland which I bought with this Land of Major Leverett600 & therefore Express it not in the Deed So that the 100 or 150 acres of upland remaines mine which I take it lys on the high land without the Meddow fence towards Hatfeild
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 554
Rates at Pacomtuck alias Deerefeild on |
my land there Having disposed of some |
of my land there That which I keepe is |
the farme lot acoted 11 Cow Commons |
20 Com |
& that I had of Major |
Lusher |
9 Comons In |
___all |
And at the ether End |
my |
18 Cows Commons & |
4 shep |
18 |
1st y 1674 |
The ministers Rate on these which I pay |
to Mr Samll Mather Ano 1674 ending in |
Dec 1674 is |
03 |
18 |
[illegible] |
1675 the 2d y |
To Mr Mather for the y 1675 Ending in |
Dec 1675 They give me an acot some |
Commons being wanting that my Rate is |
03 |
11 |
[illegible] |
To the Rate to the ministers howse |
this yeare they set me |
07 |
01 |
[illegible] |
To the little howse for a Meeting |
house that they mete in: & to make |
Highways this y 1675 I allowed |
01 |
00 |
[illegible] |
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 238
[This agreement runs across to p. 239.]
The land which is mentioned here following I haue bought of Mr James Rogers of New London: viz the one halfe of James Rogers his land by Mistick River on the Norwest side of it being fourteene hundred acres by acot be it more or less, togithre with Nine acres of meddow more or less on Six penny Island:602
The land was purchased from Mr Palmes |
500 acres |
from Mr Adis |
300 |
from Mr Thomson |
300 |
and the Towne granted James Rogers |
300 |
In all |
1400 acres more or less |
Togither with the Nine acres of meddow on Sixpenny Island: Togither also with the Indian Feild viz the feed of it for Ever from Michalstide till March or Aprill yearely and what grass can be Mowed off on it: The one halfe of all the prmises before mentioned, Togither with all the Priviledge & advantages thereoff forver I bought of James Rogers on the 17th of September 1662 (as was aboue acoted the last yeare) & as it is here writ so it is Entred in James Rogers booke and in my acot with him
More Septbr 9 1663 I haue Bought of James Rogers the halfe of that land which he Bought of goodm Culver, being the quantity of 530 acres with the meddow in it
Also Bought of him the halfe of that Land he had of Lothrop which is 250 acres besides the homelot 8 acres bought of Park 258
In all 788 acres be it more or less, The one halfe whereoff I haue bought with all the Priveledges and advantages there off forever, and that for 10 li afore acoted & for severale other consideration. This also is Entred in James Rogers booke in my acot this 9th Sept 1663. The whole psell of Land, which now I haue the one halfe off along with Mr James Rogers is about Two and Twenty hundred acres by acot but it is Judged to be neere as much more: & Likewise I am halves with James Rogers in the Indian Feild the feed off it forever. All this land is Acoted for as aboue & yet James Rogers owes me as abovesd 128 li 14s 06d
VOLUME II, 1657–1666 · PAGE 239
James Rogers must be called on for a deed of Sale for this Land which he hath pmised to give me when ever I desire it. my land besides viz that which I Bought of Amos Richardson603
is |
200 acres |
& out of the psell of James Rogers I will add 288 or |
300 |
500 |
& then |
there |
remaines of that land from James Rogers 2000 acres whereoff my halfe is 1000 acres besides the 500 acrs. To this [illegible] |
The Land as above which have in N London Bounds is |
500 acres |
300 |
300 |
300 |
530 |
238 |
And Mr Rogers grant from the Towne afterwards of |
a bit of Land between it is Judged about |
100 |
2268 acrs |
This it was by the grant at first But in the Measuring it was made such large measure that some say it is above halfe as much more besides the feed of the Indian feild for ever.
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 434
Imprim |
To the Purchase of the Lands from the |
Indians, stated by the Committee at |
there Meeting the 19th March 1672/73 at |
40 |
00 |
00 |
To the Petition to the Genl Cort: the |
2d Petition 10s Mony at |
00 |
14 |
00 |
The Coppy of the Court grant |
00 |
01 |
06 |
To my paying Goodm Marshfeild for 3 |
days in laying out feather streete |
High street605 &c |
00 |
07 |
06 |
for some writing I pd for & other |
Expences I pd |
00 |
12 |
00 |
41 |
15 |
00 |
Acoted Febr |
1681 |
Ballanced per Contra |
by Receiving from severale psons of |
Suffeid the Sum of 41 15s 00 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 435
Aprill 29 1674 |
By my Sawmill Lot 60 acrs |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Symon Lobdells606 60 acr lot |
01 |
00 |
00 |
[By Jonath Burt for his Alotmt 50 acre |
00 |
00 |
00 |
By Benj Parsons]* |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Leiut Fyler607 for his 2 Sons Lots |
02 |
00 |
00 |
By my Corner lot on [feather streete]* |
01 |
00 |
08 |
Mill lot on High streete |
01 |
00 |
00 |
[By my Son Whitings lot that 60 acre]* |
00 |
00 |
00 |
By Sam Harmon |
00 |
16 |
08 |
By Joseph Harmon |
00 |
16 |
08 |
June 23 1674 |
By Goodm Millington |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Joshua Wallys |
00 |
13 |
04 |
[By Jacob Drake] * |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Benj a Bartlet 13s 4d |
01 |
06 |
08 |
By Sam Dible 13s 4d |
By Nathanell Harmon |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By John Hodge |
00 |
16 |
08 |
By Nicholas Rawlins |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Increase Sikes |
00 |
16 |
08 |
By Victory Sikes |
00 |
16 |
08 |
By Robert Old |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By John Burbank |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Thomas Moreley |
00 |
13 |
04 |
[By Ebenezer Dible]* |
00 |
00 |
00 |
John Hilley |
00 |
13 |
04 |
[March 2d 1674/75]* |
00 |
00 |
00 |
[By Nathanell Bissall (on acot]* |
00 |
00 |
00 |
By Tho West |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Sam Cross |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Geo Jeffery |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By Jonath Winchell |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By David Winchell |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Samuell Taylor |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By David Morgan |
00 |
16 |
08 |
Nov 29 1676 |
By Abrah Dibble |
00 |
16 |
08 |
Jan 31 1677 |
By Goodm Rising |
00 |
16 |
08 |
By Judah Trumble 16 8 |
01 |
13 |
04 |
By Jef Trumbl 16 8 |
By George Norton |
00 |
16 |
08 |
May 30 1678 |
By Nathanell Cooke which I Recd |
in 30 li Hops |
00 |
13 |
04 |
By G Kent 20s & [for]* Sam Lot 13s 4d |
01 |
13 |
04 |
By Serja Austin 2 40 acrs & a |
50 acre |
1 |
6 |
8 |
0 |
16 |
8 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
By G Allyn 9 sc acrs |
03 |
00 |
00 |
By G Remington his lot 50 & 3 sons |
40 apce 170 acrs |
02 |
16 |
08 |
more 10 acrs |
00 |
03 |
04 |
By John Pengilley |
01 |
00 |
00 |
[Dan Cand & Mr Edm Marshall]* |
01 |
06 |
08 |
Isack Cakebread 15s |
00 |
15 |
08 |
Jos Eastman |
00 |
16 |
08 |
Wm Pritchard |
00 |
16 |
08 |
Edw Smith |
00 |
16 |
08 |
James Barker 16s 8d |
00 |
16 |
08 |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Nath Cheny |
01 |
00 |
00 |
By Goodm Roe |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Tim Palmer |
00 |
16 |
08 |
The Due to me |
41 |
15 |
00 |
Per Contra is 41 |
15 |
00 |
So all is Ballanced this Febr 1681 |
Qu: 30s per Goodm Watson: which I Recd on some |
acots of changes &c I defrayed for the Pit setlig: |
& therefore doe not accot it & yet G Watson is to |
be discharged from the Towne from paying this 30s |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 388
Aug 24 1673 |
To the Purchase of Suffeild |
01 |
00 |
00 |
1674 |
To the Purchase of Suffeild |
01 |
00 |
08 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 366
Nov 30 74 |
To the Purchase of Suffeild |
00 |
16 |
08 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 384
Dec 18 [1674] |
To the Purchase of Suffeild608 |
00 |
16 |
08 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 422
[This agreement runs across pp. 422–423.]
Dec 25th 1673 These Presents Testifie That John Pynchon of Springfeild hath Lett out to Isack Morgan609 of Springfeild aforesd for eleven yeares now to come severall psells of land hereafter mentioned, To witt, all his the said Pynchons land in the Plaine under the Round hill being about Twenty acres its also that halfe of the said Pynchons 3 corner meddow which lys next to the Round hill being about Twelve acres, together with Ten acres of the said Pynchons wet meddow which lys a litle below Jonathan Ashlys, & also sixty load of dung,610 to mend the land under the round hill; As also the said Pynchon Ingages to Build at the round hill this next Summer, a howse for the said Isack Morgan to dwell in to the End of the terme, as also a Barne for his better accomodation, & likewise to let him haue the use of Three Cows, a yoake of oxen & a horse to the End of the terme of Eleven yeares, togither with a Cart & wheeles, yoake, Plough & chaine, & all Irons for the Teames Also the said Pynchon is to fence in the wet meddow for the said Isack Morgan, & to Bogg611& cleare five acres of it within Two yeares Isack Morgan being to Bogg & cleare the rest according to agreement the said Pynchon hath made with him: likewise the said Pynchon ingages to Plant an orchard on the land, with at least 80 Apples trees for the said Isacks use & to fence it in for him into which orchard, Isack is not to Put cattle to feed while the Trees are young or lyable to be damaged with Cattle Also the said Pynchon is to fence in a Pasture by the orchard of an acre or Two for the said Isacks use & benifit For the use Rent & hire of All which the said Isack Morgan is yearely to allow & Pay unto the said Pynchon his heires or assignes the Severall Sums here after mentioned, To wit fourteene Pounds the first yeare, & the second yeare fifteene Pounds, & so every yeare to increase Twenty Shillings a yeare, till the Rent or Sum amounts to Two and Twenty Pounds, which will be the 9th yeare & there Isack to hold it the Two yeares after at that Rent viz Paying yearely Two & Twenty Pounds, every of the Three last yeares The Rent to be Paid yearely: five Pounds of it in bringing 32 sufficient sled or cart loads of Good firewood & 1 good Cartload of Candlewood612 to the howse of Mr Pynchon yearely (only it is pvided that when wood comes to be so scarce that a Teame cannot goe above twice in a whole day, then Mr Pynchon is to allow more for it) & about Three Pounds of the Rent yearly is to be pd in wintering of 4 or 5 cattle for the said Pynchon yearely, & the rest of the Rent yearely to be Pd in such graine as the land yeilds yearely, at the current Towne price of it in Springfeild or in Porke, only the said Isack hath liberty Now & then to pay some pt of his Rent in neate cattle If the said Pynchon & he agrees upon the Price thereoff: And it is conditioned, That all the Dung what soever shall be made; the said Isack is to Impve it by laying it uppon the land hereby Lett for the Good & mending there off, he being yearely before winter to carry forth all the Dung upon the Land hereby demised, & to Impve it for the mending of the Land yearely even to the very last yeare, & noe other wise of any of the Dung: Tis further Conditioned That the said Isack is to uphold, & at his owne pp Cost & charge to mainetaine all the fencing belonging to the severall psells of land hereby demised, & that sufficiently well for the security of the feild yearely, And to leave all the fence in good repaire as likewise the howse & Barne at the end of the terme of eleven yeares; & likewise the said Isack is to deliver up A cart wheeles Plow yoake, the Bands chaine & all Irons, & tackling what Ever, he is to deliver up all to the said Pynchon or his assigns at the end of the terme, Togither with the oxen Cows & horse: It is further conditioned That Mr Pynchon hath liberty to take of the cattle as any of them grow old, by Exchange Putting younger in the Place for Isacks use, And in case of any of the cattles Miscariage If it be by Meere casualty & through the mere pvidence of God, the said Pynchon is then to beare the Loss & to make supply of them (if it be the oxen or horse) for Isack use, but if any Miscariage be through Isacks default Either through his negligence in tending wintering or not looking after them at any tyme it is meate, or by overworking or any way wherein the said Isack is culpable in such case he the said Isack to beare the loss & want, & make good such beast to the said Pynchon: And it is Conditioned That the Rates which shall at any tyme arise upon the cattle, the said Isack shall beare & pay yearely: But all the Rates on howsing & Land Mr Pynchon is to beare & Pay: The Rent or Sums abovementioned to be Pd are yearely all to be Pd by the 1st day of March yearly at the house of Mr Pynchon Tis agreed that for 3 or 4 yeares bec the boggy meddow not being yet Bogged is not yet fit to Mow the said Isack shall therefore haue Liberty to Mow 3 or 4 acrs of Mr Pynchons meddow over Agawam & also to Mow Mr Pynchons boggy meddow behind the hill if he doe not use it himse as likewise to Mow all the headlands in the 3 corner meddow of Mr Pynchons And whereas there is now sowne on the land hereby demised Two acres & halfe of winter wheate It is agreed That Isack shall haue the said Two acres & halfe of winter wheate on the Ground: & therefore the said Isack shall there after care before he leaves the farme [torn] sow Two acres & halfe of good winter wheate on the ground that is most suitable for it, & leave & resigne up that Two acres & halfe of Good winter wheat growing on the land when he leaves the farme: In witness to these presents we haue hereunto set our hand this 25th day of December 1673
witness hereunto |
Jonathan Burt |
Isaac Morgan |
the marke of h M |
Hanah Morgan |
John Pynchon |
To the Rent of the farme the 1st yeare |
viz pt of Ano 1673 & pt of 1674 |
14 |
00 |
00 |
To the Rent of my farme the 2d yeare |
Ano 1674 pt & pt of 1675 |
15 |
00 |
00 |
29 |
00 |
00 |
Recd Per Contra having abated the one |
halfe of the Rent |
25 |
05 |
00 |
rests |
08 |
15 |
00 |
Acoted & rests due To Balance |
this acot |
08 |
15 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 2, 1672–1693 · PAGE 423
By Cutting 2 Calfes613 |
00 |
00 |
06 |
By ½ d worke |
00 |
01 |
00 |
By hiring 2 acrs ½ ground of you |
01 |
05 |
00 |
By killing hoggs |
00 |
02 |
06 |
By allowing you for a Plow Boy 3 week |
00 |
18 |
00 |
By 2 d digging stone Aprill 1674 |
00 |
05 |
00 |
By carting 2 load of stone |
00 |
07 |
00 |
By carting 3 load Railes |
00 |
09 |
00 |
By 1 d helping Sam Ball |
00 |
02 |
06 |
By cutting 4 calves in May 1674 |
00 |
01 |
00 |
By 1 d Raising house |
00 |
02 |
00 |
Killing 2 calves |
1 |
0 |
By Triming614 |
1 |
8 |
Raising Barne |
2 |
0 |
By 8 d abot |
the well |
16 |
0 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Cutting Calvs |
Nayling up Bords on |
& c |
2 |
6 |
Barne |
2 |
6 |
Triming |
0 |
6 |
clapbord |
1 |
6 |
By 7 load wood |
15 |
0 |
Cutting a Bull |
2 |
6 |
1 load Pine |
04 |
17 |
02 |
Triming one |
1 |
4 |
Cutting 2 |
Calvs |
0 |
0 |
6 |
carting Rayls from |
7 |
6 |
Triming |
1 |
10 |
carting 1 load |
Setting up |
Posts |
1 |
6 |
Rails |
0 |
1 |
0 |
00 |
05 |
00 |
clapbording |
Fencing the yard |
11 |
0 |
Triming |
0 |
0 |
8 |
Gable end of the |
By carting clay & |
1 d at Mill |
0 |
3 |
0 |
Barne |
Daubig |
10 |
0 |
1 d Mowing |
0 |
2 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
15 |
2 |
By killing a sheepe 6d |
00 |
00 |
06 |
By wintering of 7 cattle at 12s |
04 |
04 |
00 |
Killing 2 cattle |
05 |
00 |
13 |
05 |
02 |
By abatmt on the Rent of my farme |
05 |
00 |
00 |
more abatemt |
02 |
00 |
00 |
Discounted Per Contra Dec 3d 1675 |
20 |
15 |
00 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 188
[This agreement runs across pp. 188–189.]
Sept 13 1686 An Agreemt with Goodm Marshfeild about his paymt of the auncient debt for goods he had of me when I went to Engld: the remaine of that Debt being 150 li 12s 3d for which Debt he hath agreed to allow & pay me & I accept as followeth 15 acres of Land in the Medow over Agawam River more or less 12 acrs in the Pikle over the River more or less 7 acres & ½ by my orchard over the River: 10 acres of Meddow & 10 acres of upland at Nonsuch: 20 acrs more or less his due at Enfeild 50 acres at the falls joining to that Land which I had of Wm Brookes: His pt of the sawmil at Schonunganock616 that is to say that pt of it which will belong to me in a 4th share: with the Saw wholy to be mine: He to joine in & pfect the laying out that at Enfeild as also my land there to it: To all which Land over the River I am to haue only 20 rod of fence that is to say that 20 rods or 21 rods by Tho Millers: & we Ingage to Each other this to be Issue of the above acot or Sum & to give Deeds on the one hand & discharge the Debt on the other hand when Deeds are given with his wifes acknowledgmt:
as witness our hands
John Pynchon
Samll Marshfeild
He to pay Rates this y as
formerly I pm him the use of
the Land over Agawam next year