IN a new country certain industries ancillary to the clearing and planting of virgin land are essential. Small and primitive though they may appear today, they required a greater outlay of capital than ordinary farmers could command. As the richest man of the upper Connecticut Valley, to John Pynchon naturally fell the duty of financing, in whole or in part, the erection and operation of gristmills and sawmills, profitable undertakings that paid for themselves eventually if they were properly managed.
The Account Books yield ample quantities of data about the construction of dams and the making and assembling of machinery, including cogwheels, rounds, and the like, as well as the costs of labor, carting, and teams. Most of the mill machinery was made of wood, but John Stewart, the Springfield blacksmith, hammered out a large amount of ironwork. Once the gristmills were running, coopers were needed to make the barrels in which the meal or flour was shipped off—as far as Barbados at times. Hauling as many as 120 logs at a time to the sawmill and taking away the sawn lumber kept the farmers with teams of oxen very busy.
John Pynchon and his partners made contracts with their millers for from one to seven years to grind corn, wheat, and malt (barley), and shared with them a percentage of the tolls. The grinding of grains was evidently a profitable business, for the miller enjoyed the custom of entire communities. Distress at Springfield was great when the hitherto peaceful Agawams burned Pynchon’s two mills in 1675. Likewise the sawmills not only provided lumber and shingles for construction in the Valley, but also for Barbados and Antigua.
Any project that might prove useful to the commonweal, as well as profitable to the undertakers, was bound to interest John Pynchon. In the truest contemporary sense he was an English “projector.” This is nowhere more evident than in the abortive “Rosin designe” of ca. 1691–1695.
About seven miles from Springfield, in the midst of a stand of the best turpentine-producing pines, Pynchon and his associates set up a camp to produce rosin, for which at that time there was a good market, especially for making varnish and soap. In addition to local labor hired by Pynchon, one Captain Germon (Germain, Jerman?), a French participant in the scheme, hired a number of skilled Huguenot workers. They may have come from the French Protestant settlement in Rhode Island and some of them were ship carpenters. Another Huguenot who was active in the project in 1694 was Dr. Nicholas Ayrault, whose kinsman Peter Ayrault was a leading physician at Newport. As late as 1698 Nicholas Ayrault was practicing medicine at Springfield.
Although many forty-gallon barrels of rosin were produced at the camp, the design was last mentioned in the accounts on 20 May 1695. For reasons not now understood, the rosin business failed.
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 332
[torn] n accot of what I haue |
laid out [torn] Mill dam |
1651/52 |
Imprimis pd G Dorchester443 for goeing downe for |
G Clarke to bargaine |
00 |
03 |
00 |
for Symon Carting 3 days (in feb or March 1651) at 8s per day |
01 |
04 |
00 |
pd G Cooly for 220 foote of boards |
00 |
12 |
00 |
pd G Dorchester for Planks 4 li 12s |
more by G Cooper & G Clarks apointmt |
6s 8d |
04 |
18 |
08 |
pd G Coop |
02 |
00 |
00 |
pd Wm Clarke |
12 |
10 |
04 |
25th July 1653 |
pd G Coop in full of his due |
03 |
07 |
02 |
pd David Chapin by G Coop & Clarks |
Appointmt |
00 |
09 |
00 |
pd John Lamb 1 li 18s By Goodm Coop & Clarke from Smith & pd him in alle 1 li 18s |
01 |
18 |
00 |
pd Jonath Burt by theire apointmt |
01 |
06 |
08 |
pd G Mun for 2 d worke |
00 |
03 |
04 |
pd G Cooly for 4 d & a litle more |
00 |
07 |
00 |
pd G Wright for 3 d |
00 |
05 |
00 |
pd Jonathan Taylor for 3 d |
00 |
05 |
00 |
pd G Ashly for 3 d himself & his lad |
1 d ½ |
00 |
06 |
00 |
pd Rich Exsell for 3 d 5s 4d Tho Steb |
1 d 20d |
00 |
07 |
00 |
pd Goodm Stebbins for 7 d |
00 |
11 |
08 |
pd Goodm Warrinar for 2 d |
00 |
04 |
00 |
00 |
05 |
00 |
pd Nath Pritchard for 2 days |
00 |
03 |
08 |
pd John Lumbard for 2 d & ½ |
00 |
04 |
02 |
my Teame Carting planks & Mulch444 &c |
00 |
05 |
00 |
my Teame 3 days in June 1653 carting |
the Timber to the dam |
00 |
18 |
00 |
more halfe a day my Teame |
00 |
03 |
00 |
8 days & ½ my men work at the mill in |
June 1653 at 20d per day is |
00 |
14 |
02 |
John mended & laid mattocks445 for the |
worke steeling & new making |
00 |
08 |
00 |
for Spikes for the worke |
00 |
14 |
00 |
for 3 qts of Sack, Sugar, Butter |
spice & flowre for cakes |
00 |
13 |
06 |
Feb 1653 & March 1653/54 I pd out |
towards the new reparation of the howse |
& Cogg wheele &c as followeth |
[torn] mp pd Goodm Coale for 5 d his man |
00 |
10 |
00 |
Nayles at twice |
00 |
10 |
00 |
pd David Chapin for 2 d |
00 |
04 |
00 |
pd Antho Dorchester for boards & planks |
18s 8 d worke 13s |
01 |
11 |
00 |
pd Jonath Burt for 4 d besides of old |
00 |
06 |
08 |
pd Tho Bancraft for worke |
00 |
13 |
02 |
pd G Sikes |
01 |
01 |
00 |
pd Rowland Thomas |
00 |
03 |
04 |
pd G Bridgeman 7 d ½ |
00 |
15 |
00 |
for Sam Wright 3 d |
00 |
05 |
00 |
pd John Dumbleton for 3 d |
00 |
05 |
00 |
pd Reice Bedortha for 1 day |
00 |
03 |
04 |
Griffith Jones for 1 day |
for the wheele Gudgions &c |
01 |
09 |
01 |
pd Anthony Dorchester for worke |
00 |
04 |
10 |
pd G Mirick for 2 d |
00 |
03 |
04 |
pd James osborne 3 d |
00 |
05 |
00 |
Acoted 23d of December 1654 |
41 |
00 |
01 |
more I pd towards the mill worke which |
was forgot to be acoted above |
To Sam Wright for 3 d worke446 besides |
Above |
00 |
05 |
00 |
Sept 165 |
To Benj Mun 2 days worke |
00 |
03 |
04 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 333
Bro Smith pd for the Mill worke 1651 as appeares per his note |
10 |
01 |
10 |
more in June 1653 when the worke was set up, Hugh & James 8 d worke |
00 |
13 |
04 |
& Sister Smith pd G Sikes for his worke in March 1653/54 repairing the decay under the howse cogwheels &c |
01 |
01 |
00 |
1 d Carting by Benjah Smith447 |
00 |
06 |
00 |
pd Griffith Joanes for 1 d worke |
00 |
01 |
08 |
12 |
03 |
10 |
1654 |
The Mill Dam Stands us in the reparation under the house |
54 |
li |
0 |
cogwheels &c |
12 |
0 |
In all |
66 |
0 |
I pd toward the Mill worke as per acot per Contra |
42 |
00 |
01 |
12 |
03 |
10 |
Bro Holyoke as per his acot |
12 |
07 |
06 |
65 |
11 |
05 |
Devide this Sum into 3 pts & one third |
is 21 li 17s 2d which each [torn] us is |
to beare, But I pd the Sum off 41 li 00s |
1d being 19 li 3s 00 [torn] then my |
share which is to be allowed me |
10 li |
9s |
8d |
By Bro Holyoke448 which I haue reckned |
12 |
7 |
6 |
with him which is set to [torn] reckn |
09 |
09 |
08 |
21 |
17 |
2 |
By Bro Smith |
09 |
13 |
4 |
09 |
13 |
04 |
& |
12 |
3 |
10 |
is |
21 |
17 |
2 |
this of Bro Smith449 |
which is one third pt |
was allowed me |
of the charges of the |
on the Bill which |
Mill as per acot this |
I was to pay her |
23d of Decembr 1654 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 55
[before 22 September 1652] |
Recd by wt is due to you for the Rent of the Mill & land this yeare to March 1653 |
03 |
10 |
00 |
Octobr 23 52 |
Due to me for Tole450 of the Mill by bargaine with G Dorchester I was Cut of from halfe Tole 2 months before the yeare was out for which you allow |
00 |
06 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 59
[7 January 1652/53] |
Due by wt you are to allow me for Tole of the Mill by a bargaine with G Dorchester I being cut of form End |
00 |
06 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 128
Feb 10th 1652/[53] My Broth Holyoke & I agreed with Anthony Dorchester451 for the Tole of the Mill for a yeare namely from the 5th of Jan last: to the 15th of Jan next, which will be Ano 1653 He is to allow us Thirteene Pounds for our share of the Tole of the Mill, the which Thirteene Pounds, he is to pay us, in such Corne as he grinds: quarterly he is to pay it: he is to maintaine all Coggs & Rounds fit for grinding & to leaue the Mill in as good repaire as he finds it at the yeares end:
This Thirteene Pound he is to pay us [besides]* in relation to what Corne the Plantation grinds: what corne I may grind into meale to send out of Towne, he is to allow us halfe the Tole of that besides, & so Hee to haue halfe the pfit of such Corne according as I may agree with him for grinding it: So aboue Receiving it Se p. 239
Jan 5th 1652 |
Anthony Dorchester acot, wt the halfe of the tole of the Mill this yeare Past is: which is my share Impr 14 bush of Indian452 I had at the mill in the spring |
01 |
15 |
00 |
4 bush of Indian Now |
00 |
10 |
00 |
2 bush Ind to Mr Hosford |
00 |
05 |
00 |
10 G Warrinar |
01 |
05 |
00 |
20 Griffith Joanes |
02 |
10 |
00 |
10 Griffith had at the spring |
01 |
05 |
00 |
18 bush of wheate about 8 I had in the Spring & 10 is at the mill |
03 |
09 |
00 |
10 |
19 |
00 |
& so much wheate I ground for Barbados453 as the ½ of the Tole would be about 25s & the halfe of the Tole betwixt this & March will be at least 15s or 16s In all 13 li & the Tole would haue bin more but the some ground the yeare before the more least the dam should break up |
Jan 17 1653/[54] |
Recd towards the 13 li due to us for the Tole of the Mill the yeare past by Anthonys acot 30 bushs of Indian Corne (myselfe) |
03 |
15 |
00 |
22 bush to Griffen Jeanes for myselfe |
02 |
15 |
00 |
15 bush to Sist Smith |
01 |
17 |
06 |
00 |
12 |
06 |
4 bush of wheate myselfe |
00 |
15 |
04 |
10 bush wheate at the Mill |
01 |
18 |
04 |
11 |
13 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
rests due on the Tole for the rent of the land this yeare past Ano 1653 comes to 15 bush of wheate Recd 25 bush of wheate that is to say the 10 abovesd at the Mill & the 15 bush |
& |
1 |
10 |
0 |
2 |
16 |
4 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 55
March 17 1653 |
Recd by wt is due to you for the Rent of the Mill & land this yeare to March 1653/[54] |
03 |
10 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 287
Dec 13th 1654 |
Acoted & rests due to mee |
13 |
11 |
09 |
more for 1 pr of bootes (forgot) |
01 |
00 |
00 |
1 pr of Pistolls & holsters |
01 |
17 |
00 |
a Saddle & furniture |
01 |
17 |
00 |
Due to me on acot of charges about reparation of the Mill, as we made up acots 23d of December 1654 |
09 |
09 |
08 |
29 |
15 |
05 |
Recd by what is resting due to you for your pt of the Tole of the mill & land the yeare 1653 |
02 |
05 |
03 |
Recd by your pt of the Tole of the Mill & land this yeare 1654 being 5 li at 4 li 17s |
04 |
17 |
00 |
Recd by what Father454 apointed me to pay you out of his debts being 5 li which I allow here |
05 |
00 |
00 |
12 |
02 |
03 |
Jan 1st 1654 |
Acoted & there rests due to mee |
17 |
13 |
02 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 296
Anthony Dorchester desyred we would accept of 13 li 10s for our share of the Tole of the Mill for this yeare 1654 which we yeilded to, viz from the 5th of Jan 1653to the 5th of Jan 1654 he is to allow us |
13 |
10 |
00 |
VOLUME I, 1651–1655 · PAGE 297
[before 6 January 1654/55] |
Recd by 1 d worke at the Mill & 1 d he pd Ben Mun for & 18 d in some worke |
00 |
04 |
10 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 22
Jan 17th 64 Agreed with Rich Sikes455 to Tend my Mill by well & Careful Grinding all the Corne shall be brought to it for one whole yeare: from the next Munday being the 22nd of this psent Jan for which he is to have one half of the Tole & to allow me the other halfe of all the Tole he to mend cogs & Rounds and buckets456 except when a whole new Set of Coggs & Rounds are needful then I to allow los toward it, he to take the care of the stopping breeches457 scouring &c but I to pay for the clearing and scouring off ditche
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 26
Iron for Jo Stewart to make for Quabaug |
2 hoops for a Trundle458 head |
2 hoops for the shaft |
2 gudgeons459 |
4 Bolts & keys |
20 little wedges for the gudgeons |
250 Spikes or Brads |
Sledge & Peck460 |
Croe461 |
The 2 Hoopes they had to Quabaug462 weighed 20 li weight |
Iron dlrd John Stewart for Quabaug worke weights 312 li |
Recd back again 23 li |
4 |
4 |
08 |
& they had my old 8 2 gudgeons weigh 27 li 5 d |
0 |
14 |
03 |
4 |
15 |
11 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 55
Decembr 21 1668 Agreed with Timothy Cooper for 120 loggs fit for my Saw Mill for length betwixt 12 foote & 25 foote: all the 12 foote loggs are to be at least 21 Inches at the smale and without the Barke none of them under but mostly above viz. 2 foote or 2 foote & ½: & the longer Loggs the least to by 18 Inches at the smale and without the Bark: & some loggs to be of all the lengths: all the loggs to be straite: & for this 120 loggs I am to allow him 8d per log one with another: In all 4 li
In case some few of the loggs that are long pve bu463 17 Inches at the smale end I pmise not to refuse them for 8 or 10 loggs
All these Loggs to be got ready & fit for carting by the middle of March next
March 2d 1668464 agreed with Tim Cooper to cart all the 120 loggs above which he is to cart to my saw mill fit to be sawne: such as he carts only to the top of the Hill he is to Rowle downe & to take care of them when they are rowld downe so to order you that they may ly convenient & handy for one hand to get them to the saw for which loggs I am to give him 20d per log for the carting of them & laying them fit to saw
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 57
July 17th 1668 Acoted with John Baker & have Reckned for his Building of my Mill House & my Barne over the River & so will be due to him when finished |
20 |
11 |
09 |
By 47 days worke about my Mill dam & hewing the Timber for the dam |
06 |
06 |
00 |
with Severall days setting up my fence by Bever I had of you which you recd of the dutchman466 |
08 |
05 |
00 |
Discounted per Contra Novembr 30 1666 |
14 |
11 |
00 |
July 17 1667 Agreed with Joseph Leanord to shingle467 my howse at the Mill wth 3 foote shingles I finding the shingles & laying them by the house viz those 3 foote shingles over the River I am to bring to the Mill & then Joseph is to lay them well, & he is to get & lay all the Lath: he getting the lath which I am to cart: he pviding the lath except carting as aforesd & taking my shingle & Laying them well & worke man like: the whole covering being compleated by him [I am to pay him]* of both the roofes. I am to pay him for the whole covering compleated & well done: by the hundred for every hundred of shingle layd I am to allow him 12d & to saw the lath at my saw mill which he is to get & lay & doe all the Covering for 12d per C which he is to goe about assoone as the house is ready for covering & is then forthwith to Cover it out of hand. In case of my Saw mill failing that I cannot saw the lath then he is to rend & hew them & the laying of them wth shingle on them is to goe at 14d per C so I am to allow for the shingl [illegible] large 14d per C If he rend the lath |
By shingling my Mill House by th C 43 C as he says at 12d per C |
02 |
03 |
00 |
By 1 d worke Boarding the Mill house 1 d Raising Saw mill |
00 |
05 |
00 |
Discounted per Contra Feb 13 1668 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 74
January the 23th 1665
Lett out to Thomas Bancroft468 my Mill & Mill howse for Seven yeares, hee to Doe all the worke that belongs to it for the ready & well Grindin of the Corne of the Plantation, both water worke & other worke, he is to be at the sole & whole charge of all except the New Millstones which John Web469 is making for me I am to Lay them at the Mill assone as We hath finished them & bring them downe470 But all the other worke whatsoever about or for the fitting & keeping of the Mill to worke first & last he is to be at the charge off I am to be free of all charges, And so he takes to himselfe the whole tole of the Mill, allowing & paying to mee or mine the sum of eight Pounds this first yeare & for the Three Next yeares he is to allow & pay mee the rent or sum of Twelve Pounds each yeare & the Three last yeares he is to allow & pay mee the rent or sum of Thirteen Pounds each yeare the aforesd severall sums yearely are to be pd within the yeare: in wheate & Indian Corne at Current price at least halfe wheate whereas [illegible] pd that he is to have all the Toles: the meaning is of all the Graine he Grinds excepting Mr Pynchons Mault what Mault I send to the Mill during the whole terme of seven yeares he is to Grind it well wthout taking any Tole of that which is for my owne use in my famly: & I am forthwth to Let him have Twenty shillings worth of Iron & Steele at the end of the Terme he is to dlr up the Mill to me my heires or assignes in good Condition fit for Grinding That is a Mutuall agreemt betwixt us we doe Jointly set to or hands this 23th day of January 1665
John Pynchon
Thomas Bancroft
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 311
By making my Mill 70 li his halfe |
35 |
00 |
00 |
1666 |
By making Bolting mill472 & other worke his halfe |
07 |
17 |
42 |
17 |
By Cornelious halfe the Pease that I pd the Ind |
00 |
08 |
By Cornelluis [Williams]473 |
06 |
03 |
By 5 weekes worke about my dam |
05 |
00 |
00 |
By G Dorchester |
01 |
00 |
0 |
By carting Timber Plank which you pd in allowing |
me the price of the Plank & I allow it you again |
[00 |
05]* |
00 |
Discontued per Contra |
55 |
14 |
11 |
Nov 12 1666 |
Agreed with Mr Andrews & Cornelius Williams to build me a Saw Mill & I to give them for the whole worke compleated well & Substantiate all workmenlike & set to sawing the sum of [45 li] * forty five Pounds & they set a roofe over it fit for covering the sawmill to be done with Planke 60 foot long I doe the digging Carting & Ironworke |
Will Andrews |
Cornelius Williams |
Memorandum 45 li was theire owne asking & I give them wt they asked at the conclusion of all I told them they must Plank it on both sides the trench from the Saw Mill to the Sluce which they in pt yeilded to I finding the Plank there words were that if they had a |
good Bargain that they did not loose by it, they would doe it into Bargaine |
Mr Andrews |
By Cornelius Williams |
Recd a scarfe No price as per Note |
00 |
00 |
00 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 312
Feb 1 67 |
To paymt to Tho Copley474 for the Plank he sawed for the Saw Mill |
06 |
18 |
00 |
To paymt to Jonath Burt475 per your order |
01 |
15 |
00 |
To him for 1 d Raising Saw Mill |
00 |
02 |
06 |
1168 |
[To paymt]* to Goodm Dorchester for Hewing the Timber for your Saw Mill |
03 |
12 |
06 |
To John Arstell worke 45 days |
05 |
12 |
06 |
To Mr Andrews his debt |
05 |
00 |
00 |
To paymt for you to Serjant Stebbins |
30 |
00 |
00 |
Recd per Contra |
62 |
12 |
3 |
67 |
05 |
08 |
Rests |
04 |
13 |
5 |
April 8th 1668 |
Acoted & rests Due to Balance |
04 |
13 |
05 |
more due To me which was forgot to be acoted the Saw which you brake [for the use of the Saw Mill]* |
01 |
05 |
00 |
01 |
08 |
00 |
To Boards which John Artsell sawed for you 625 fote |
Recd per Contra 8s 00 |
07 |
06 |
05 |
rests |
6 |
18 |
05 |
To set Somethings to rights coronellus476 & I acoted about the sawing &c of all accots rests due to mee To Ballance And I am to haue when Sawing Cornelius give me acots of that he did at the Saw Mill: only 5 loggs of his at the Saw mill John Artsell is to saw for him, & this sawing I allow for his keeping the Saw mill at first To 1 pr Stickens wostead477 dlrd after the acot |
00 |
12 |
00 |
07 |
10 |
05 |
Aprill 22th 1668 |
all is which Cornelius Ingages to pay me by Mr Goodwin Tho Stebbins prsent at this Ingagement |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 313
By 5 about the Trough & other worke in the Mill last y 1667 |
00 |
15 |
By ½ day helping taping the Gudgeon of the Saw Mill |
00 |
01 |
By 270 foote of Plank for the Saw mill fleame478 |
01 |
04 |
By your worke about making the fleame |
01 |
00 |
0 |
1666 |
By your making the Saw mill the whole worke |
45 |
00 |
0 |
By timber 13 foote & ½ 2s 2d |
By 2 Planks I had of you 4 6 Towards which he had Timber 6 8 of me at 3s so tis |
00 |
03 |
By worke at the house of Corection479 laying the floars ptitions &c all agreed at Discounted per Contra Aprill 8th 1668 |
62 |
12 |
03 |
By lengthing out the carrage at the End of the Saw mill 2 d worke he pays Jonath Burt & finding Timber Discounted this 8s per Contra this 22th of Aprill 1668 |
00 |
08 |
00 |
VOLUME III, 1664–1667 · PAGE 322
[torn] 8 1666 |
with Joseph Rogers to tend my Mill for a yeare: & because noe house & the Rate &c For the first halfe yeare I am to him 10 li [illegible]* for which he is well & Care Fully to the Mill & to attend to grind all the Corne shall be brought & also to tend my Bolting Mill to Bolt into flowre what I shall haue ocasion for [not Exceeding 300 bushe]* & he is to keep all things in rep & to looke to the dam Latter halfe yeare he is to haue all the Tole of the Mill allow me 12 li for it & doe ale the repr [illegible] that belong & he to take care of the dam. |
The 8th of Jan his tyme begins |
[Illegible]r my Mill tending [illegible] 9th day of Jan 1668 |
[illegible]rrinar & Jermy Horton480 |
for the land at Skeepmuck pay 30 li at 3d paymt [illegible] |
10 li Ano 1664 Aprill or May |
Aprill 65 |
& the last 10 li on Aprill 66 they failed of paymt & so forfeited the Land yet I told them they would allow for the timber they should hold it & this most the allowance be if they hold it for my paying 10 li in Aprill 64 16s is not paying that 10 li 16s & anoth 10li Aprill 65 |
10 |
16 |
00 |
11 |
13 |
00 |
[illegible] paying 22 li 9 [illegible] the last 10li on April 66 52s is |
12 |
12 |
00 |
35 |
01 |
0 |
the forbearance of 35 li from Aprill 66 to Aprill 1667 will be |
02 |
16 |
0 |
37 |
17 |
0 |
of 37 17 6 one cometh to 3 li 00 06 |
VOLUME V, INDEX, 1672–1693 · PAGE [30]
Novembr 3d 1670 I made acots up at Quabaug, about the Mill & the whole charges so far as it is caryed on at prsent, amounteth to 156 li 11s 04d whereoff my halfe comes to |
78 |
05 |
08 |
each of the other 4 there Halfe qter pt is 19 11 05 |
And I Having Bought out Corporall Coys481 pt which came to |
19 |
11 |
05 |
Nov 3d 1670 |
So that I am now out of Purse therein the whole for my owne pt |
97 |
17 |
01 |
The house Covering it & Nayls my share of it comes to |
07 |
05 |
00 |
making the Trench to carry in more water & gravell & stoones to lay agt the dam & some other chargs about that Mill: all as per acot made Nov 28 1672 amounts to 45 13 9 whereoff my share being ½ & ½ a qter pt is |
28 |
11 |
01 |
This my Mill at Quabaug stands me in to |
133 |
13 |
00 |
Recd & Reimbursed by Tole from it The first I had which G Aires482 after it was set to grinding allowed me was Recd Nov 28 1672 on acct made up for the time past of a joint 1 y 3 quarters since [illegible] till now G Aires & Pritchard483 having acoted & agreed my pt of |
0 |
17 |
04 |
Tole to be which is allowed me at Quabaug |
45 bush Ind C is |
5 |
10 |
00 |
& wheate 5 bush is |
01 |
00 |
00 |
To Nov 28 1672 |
07 |
07 |
04 |
Dec 1673 |
Recd by Tole as per G Aires his acot to |
Dec 1673 |
28 bush ¾ Ind C 3 11 10 |
5 bush ½ ½ peck wt 1 2 6 |
04 |
19 |
04 |
1 bush 14 Malt 0 5 5 |
Recd by Tole as per G Air acot |
Aprill 20 1675 |
40 bush Ind C wheate |
05 |
00 |
00 |
Pritchards Share allowed in acot |
June 18 1675 |
VOLUME V, INDEX, 1672–1693 · PAGE [31]
This acot is to the 3d of Novemb 1670 |
My share in that Mill & land at Quabaug Now is halfe of it, & halfe a quarter more |
This 3d Nov 70 Agreed with Deacon Hovey: Goodm Aires & Goodm Pritchard,484 to Build a House over our Mill there which is to be 22 foote long & 20 f wide the covering to be Leantoe fashion485 but done with Good shingles, the whole worke to be compleated & well finished by them, excepting Nayles, which I am to find my share off, all else they are to doe & pforme & finish all by the End of Decembr next, for which I am to allow & pay them for my pt |
6 |
05 |
00 |
my share of Nayls |
1 |
00 |
00 |
7 |
05 |
00 |
The whole worke being acoted to come to 10 li Nayls for that covrng |
1 |
10s |
11 |
10s |
The Cost of Quabaug Mill the whole as at the Top the 1st acot was |
156 |
11 |
4 |
the next acot made as above is |
011 |
10 |
0 |
And an acot made up this 28 Nov 72 of Expending is |
045 |
13 |
9 |
213 |
15 |
0 |
My share of which being ½ the mill & ½ a qrter pt is |
133 |
13 |
So much the Mill at Quabaug stands me in for my pts as per acot made to this 28th Nov 1672 only I haue a Grant of 40 acrs hom lot & 20 acres meddow486 to beare this charge 10 acres bought of Coy & 5 of meddow is 50 acrs & 25 Meddow |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 327
Nov 3 70 |
By worke for me about Quabaug Mill & by your 8 pt of sd Mill & all your share & interest in the Land belonging to it, having bought him out both of the Mill & his share of Land to if for |
34 |
00 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 324
Nov 25 1670 |
To Nayls for the Mill your pt |
00 |
04 |
00 |
To the Tole of the mill besides a bushell you let G Coy have the rest due to me is |
00 |
17 |
04 |
June 28th 1671 |
Discounted all & set off per Contra |
13 |
19 |
10 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 325
By what I am to allow & pay him on acot about Quabaug Mill: as per acot |
12 |
14 |
07 |
By Building the house over the Mill my due to pay for it is 6 li 5s one 3d of which I am to allow to you viz |
02 |
01 |
08 |
This is debt & so set per Contra 17s 4d |
00 |
17 |
00 |
13 |
19 |
10 |
15 |
11 |
03 |
rests |
1 |
11 |
05 |
15 |
11 |
03 |
June 28th 1671 |
Acoted & rests due to Goodm Aires By Balance |
01 |
11 |
05 |
By acot about the Mill made Nov 28 1672 on which acot I am to allow you |
03 |
15 |
02 |
Nov 28 72 Agreed with G Aires: to keepe the mill at Quabaug & tend it to Grind the corne brought to it for one yeare: he to take the Tole allowed viz ½ a peck out of a bushell on ale the corne shall be ground his owne & all & for his Tending the Mill he is to haue one 3d of the Tole: I am to haue the rest for my pt He is to Grind all the corne comes to the mill except Goodm Pritchards corne Goodm Pritchard having Liberty to Grind his owne corne only
Dec 18 1675 Agreed with G Aires to keepe & tend the mill at Brookfeild for the yeare coming or longer on the same terme as formerly
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 328
Dec 5 70 |
To Nayls for the Mill howse your pt |
00 |
04 |
06 |
July 29 72 |
To 1 bush ½ Per wt you are to allow me to Mill |
00 |
04 |
06 |
To 10 bush ½ Ind C you are to allow me from the Mill |
01 |
06 |
03 |
Recd per Contra |
17 |
13 |
11 |
26 |
01 |
01 |
rests |
08 |
07 |
2 |
Nov 28 1672 |
Acoted & rests due To Balance |
08 |
07 |
02 |
[after 4 July (1674)] |
To Corne from the Mill by your grinding which you were to allow I suppose |
02 |
00 |
00 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 · PAGE 329
By what I am to pay him on acot about Quabaug Mill as per acot setled |
Nov 3 70 |
08 |
15 |
07 |
Dec 5th 1670 |
By 11 li ½ of Bever at 8s |
04 |
12 |
00 |
By 1 woodshaw487 |
00 |
04 |
00 |
By what I am to allow you for building the howse over the mill according to agremt that I am to pay you |
02 |
01 |
08 |
By allowance for your horse to Marlboro when prest by the Constable |
00 |
03 |
00 |
By acot about the Mill made Nov 28 1672 on which acot I am to allow you |
01 |
01 |
[illegible] |
17 |
13 |
11 |
Discounted per Contra Nov 28 1672 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 PAGE 322
Dec 27 70 |
To Nayls for the Mill house you are |
to allow |
00 |
04 |
06 |
Aug 6 1672 |
To ¼ 2 qts of wt you [illegible]allow me for which you had from Q, Mill more than your share as per acot made 28 Nov 72 |
00 |
01 |
03 |
VOLUME V, PART 1, 1672–1693 PAGE 323
Dec 27 70 |
By Building the howse over the Mill I being to pay 6 li 5s for my share of which I am to pay one 3d of it to you is |
02 |
01 |
08 |
By 3 skin 4 li & 2 oz Bever at 8s |
01 |
13 |
00 |
13 |
16 |
02 |
By acot about the Mill made Nov 28 1672 on which acot I am to allow you |
05 |
02 |
00 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 PAGE 272
The Sawmil Pine Hall488 on the South branch of the Mil River afterwards sixteene acres; wherein I haue one eighth pt is Dr |
Feb 21th 1684 |
To this weeke my Roco489 his worke there (not accoting 2 d that he returned back bee of Raine) to this Saturday Night he hath beene there (with my Horse) 3 compleate days besides the Dam worke & house at 5d per d as per agreemt is |
00 |
09 |
00 |
Feb 24 84 |
To Roco 2 d this day & yesterday: also Jonath Morgan yesterday ale is 3 days is |
00 |
09 |
00 |
March 16th 1684/85 |
To 1 d Roco with my Teame |
00 |
Octob 29 1685 |
To 1 Gallon of Rum 6s to the Company at Raising by order & desire of Dec Burt G Mirick & G Day |
00 |
also 1 barrel of Cider 118 |
To my Teame & John Buck490 with them 1 day |
To Roco 2 weekes worke to this 31 Oct |
1685 |
To Jonath & David Morgan at Raising |
To Roco 8 days last weeke & now the |
To my Teame & Jo Bush Nov 11 & 12th |
Dec 8 9 |
To 2 d of Roco |
Dec 21 1685 |
The Company for this Pine Hal Sawmil Met & Agreed all my worke to be 30 days at 3s 6d per day is |
3 |
15 |
0 |
30 carting |
00 |
18 |
00 |
Rum Cider 17s 6 C Bords |
17s slitwork 3 C491 15s |
02 |
10 |
00 |
08 |
10 |
04 |
44 li of Iron at 5d per li |
00 |
18 |
04 |
my ½ pt being |
6 li |
16s |
I leave to Reed |
1 |
14 |
4 |
8 |
10 |
4 |
Which I Reed |
1 |
9 |
4 |
of Tho Stebbins |
& |
0 |
5 |
0 |
of N Burt |
So all is Ballanced |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 PAGE 273
The Company or Eight owners492 of this Pine Sawmil per Contra are Febr 21 1684 |
Thomas Mirick |
Tho Day |
Who are Cr By the said Mill |
James Warriner |
Saml Ball |
Thorn Stebbins |
Jos Stebbins |
John Burt |
& Henry |
& Major Pynchon |
8 |
10 |
04 |
Tho Mirick |
6 |
01 |
00 |
Tho Stebbins disbursed |
4 |
17 |
00 |
Tho Day |
5 |
10 |
00 |
50 |
15 |
10 |
James Warrinar |
5 |
10 |
06 |
Sam Ball |
5 |
19 |
06 |
Jos Stebbins |
7 |
12 |
06 |
Burts |
6 |
15 |
00 |
More to G Mirick for Pond Land 50s & other things Summed up in the Papr Dec 21 1685 |
02 |
54 |
08 |
03 |
12 |
00 |
This 54 li 8s Devided into Eight pts for every owner to pay the pt or share or Sum which each owner is to pay of this Sum is 6 16s a piece Besides this pt each owner hath to pay Gaines & the ⅛ of the Iron worke is of things not accoted & Nayls altering Irons & Raising about 4 li in all which each ⅛ pt is 10s |
0 |
17 |
00 |
2 |
05 |
00 |
0 |
10 |
00 |
10 |
08 |
00 |
the whole Mill stands in about |
83 |
12 |
00 |
Each ⅛ |
Dec 21 1685 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 199
[The Rosin Design]
Apr 15 1692 Agreed with John Harris for 7 Months service upon the Rossin designe to worke about it where we carry it on about 7 Mile of494 & be constant in the Imploymt, to begin about the worke on Munday Come seven night the 25th of April for which Service of his I am to allow & pay him 42s per Mo in corne Dld: Pease & some wt Rye & Porke at current price he apting hims wch he [illegible] rathr than 30s & also to Let him have the use of my house (at the street by Mr Glovers during the terme of the 7 Mos
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 174
Benja Wright for worke at Rosin 12s Mony a weeke He was ther til the Snow & raine put him off this Nov 24 1693 for which he Reckns I must pay him in Money in his Rates |
00 |
09 |
06 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 234
Nov 24 1693 |
Upon your Coming to me with Capt Germon497 [about]* & setting to rights the carting horn of the Rossin last yeare you carting only 2 loads then whereas I carted 6 load: we set it to rights that besides wt C Germon allows me: you are to allow me in Mony 3s which as Capt Germon pd 3s 6d per load in Mony whereas we pd 7s per load in pay must be doble so that this 3s due from you to me must be |
00 |
06 |
00 |
more to a Seive or ridder 2s 6d Capt Germon paying 9d of it you & I to beare is gd of it your pt is 10d ½ |
00 |
00 |
11 |
July 1694 Capt Germon & I with Sam Lamb498 making accots about Barrels find that besides the 10 barls you499 had of me There is more for you to allow & pay 5s 6d So much is due from you in Money which you must allow 2s whereof I haue pd to Sam Lamb more then my share & there is 3s 6d for you to pay him besides [2s in all]* or if I pay him this 3s 6d then you haud 5s 6d to pay me [illegible] You came to my house with Sam Lamb this 27 of July & ordered me to pay him the 3s 6s which I pd him in the prsente with the 2s before is 5s 6d which I reckn pd you toward the 40s I am to allow you for the Trees & you desyred me to pay to Capt Germon 20 4 & would abate me the rest viz [illegible] 40s So I have pd Ferry the 40s I ingaged to pay him for his Trees this yeare accordingly this ist Oct 94 I Pd to Capt Germon 28s 4d Money & tooke his Receite & gave it to Ch Ferry whereas my 40s Bil to him for the Trees he dlrd up to me & I cancelled it by tearing of our Nams & gave him ag the writing |
May 20 1695 |
The accot of 3 li 5s 6d above Ballanced per contra |
VOLUME VI 1683–1693 · page 11
May 13 1694 |
John Weller501 Ingaging good Barrls for Rossin of 40 Gallons for it & doeing all at 2s 6d per Barrel I am to give you Cr 3 li If Waller pay it accordingly or otherwise I accept it at 55s Weller |
03 |
00 |
00 |
did not pforme & so I give you Cr |
02 |
15 |
00 |
Discounted this 2 15s per Contra |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 133
The 6 weeks work of your son Isacc about Rossin in the summer 1694: I set to your Bond Payable to Mr Stoughton,503 on that Bond you haue Cr Octobr 1694 for 36s |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 264
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 112
June 8th 1695 |
To allowance for my Copper to Boile Rossin 9s at |
00 |
13 |
06 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 266
Disbursemts on the Rosin designe | |||||||||||||||||||||
CAPT JOHN GERMON DR | |||||||||||||||||||||
April 14th 1692 |
To my Teame Carting his Boards for the House 1 d money |
00 |
04 |
00 |
To 4 Partes 8s 4 barrels agreed 6s |
00 |
14 |
00 |
June 6 |
To 1 C of 8d Nayls besides G Ferrys |
00 |
01 |
10 |
[more 2 C of 10d from Luke Hitchcock]* |
June 20th |
To 40 li Porke besides Porke for my 2 men |
00 |
02 |
04 |
Recd June 29 pt of the Porke back againe viz 26 li so its 14 li To 3 pecks of Meale Baked in to Bread |
00 |
02 |
06 |
June 28 |
To a team Eben Graves506 I sent out with Boards & Beer for the men |
00 |
04 |
00 |
They sent them 10 li of Porke |
00 |
01 |
04 |
The 8 Boards at 21 f in a Board is |
168 f but bee one wavy and another not so long I say 160I accot you for 160 foot |
1 |
04 |
00 |
1 pce Porke noe Bons507 8d |
00 |
02 |
00 |
July 15 1692 |
To 23 li ½ Porke |
00 |
03 |
11 |
July 28 1692 |
To 32 li of Porke at 2d ½ |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Sept 12 1692 |
To 13 li ½ of choise Bacon at 5d ½ |
If not more however I set it but 5d |
[illegible] id |
00 |
06 |
00 |
02 |
12 |
00 |
To a Barrel of Cider since |
00 |
06 |
00 |
20s pd to the Boatmen etc. |
For Wm Cheny I am to pay you 30 bush |
of lnd C |
July 15 92 |
Pd you my order to Sam Ely |
5 |
bush |
30 bush pd |
July 27 |
per order of S Terry for |
12 |
Aug 24 |
per order Dan Morgan |
13 |
April 8 1693 Ballanced al accots with Capt Germon concerning the last yeares Rossin, & I being to have out of the Rossin in Mr Peter Barachins hands my share: that is a qrter pt of it after Capt Germon hath a qter pt of the whole of the whole [pt]* Then to Issue al former acots about the Frenchman I had Capt Germon I allow Capt Germon 9 li out of my share & have given order to Mr Peter Barachin to pay sd 9 li to Capt Germon, & the rest in to Capt Davi[s] for me which is the Issue of al accots with Capt Germon |
April 20 1693 2 of Capt Germons men viz Steven Church & another came to [illegible] or in the morning to the Towne staid al the day [& the next day]* [illegible] which 2 d absent from the Rossin now he also the other 3 men came in the Afternoon the sec day & were from the work til none next day is a whole day of 3 men: & 2 french men [illegible] 2 days makes in al 5 d absent from the worke It was when the Frenchmen that went to Build the vessel were here & sent for you to come to them as aforesd Satterday April 29 & returned not til Friday Night May 6th So that he was gon 7 days al is 12 days |
May 10 &11th & pt of 12th day 2 men at Germons is 4d I am told that Likewise 2 of the Frenchmen came to Towne the Satterday formerly & came bef noone to Towne & staid til about [illegible] 1 d |
Also May 13 1693 on Satturday in the afternoon I saw one or 2 of the Frenchmen herein agt my House per the afternoone: 2 or 3 hourse bef Steven came & I heard he came on Friday noone before is 1 d ½ May 20 on Satturday morning I saw 3 Frenchmen so Early that they must come in the Morning always If not the day before these 3 staid al Satterday for they were in Towne at night when our men cam hom |
May 11 |
To 6 yds ¼ ql Red cloth 12s 6d |
Money a Ridder or Seiver508 1 6 |
450 foote Boards 12s [12 0]* |
Capt Germon says he had but |
240 fat 2[s.] 6 |
6 |
9 |
This is accoted with Capt G Nov 29 9s only the Tere Cloth509 12s 6d I am not pd for But am yet to Rec that The rest is acot & for his Frenchmans worke on which I am to allow him out of the Rossin 1 11 4d having pd pt And g Ferry has to allow him 2 li 6 4d out of the Rossin |
Upon the Rossin designe at Mid Hall510 my 2 hands Nehem & Wm Loomis went out & Then sent by them as followeth 30 li of Porke 2 loaves of Bread |
00 |
10 |
00 |
1 bush of Pease |
00 |
03 |
00 |
Apr 17 |
Sent 10 li of Porke & 2 loaves of bread also 1 loafe before |
00 |
06 |
00 |
Apr 24 |
2 loaves of Bread & about 6 or 7 li of Porke |
00 |
04 |
00 |
May 1st 93 |
Sent 1 pee of meat 5 li 1 loafe & ½ of bread |
00 |
03 |
00 |
May 8 |
2 loaves bread 2 pces meat aboue 8 li Butter is flour 6d |
00 |
06 |
00 |
½ a bush of pease |
00 |
01 |
06 |
1 barrel of beere formerly |
00 |
05 |
00 |
May 18 |
2 loaves bread about 8 li meat Butter |
1 barel of Beere |
00 |
10 |
00 |
2 bush of Pease they had the next day or 2 d after |
00 |
01 |
06 |
May 22 |
1 loafe Bread Porke 7 li or 8 li Butter |
00 |
04 |
00 |
02 |
14 |
00 |
This would last to the End of May which is about 2 Months By which I guess That dyet & Expence in pay is & will be about 27s a Month for Two men though afterward they did or had less meate511 so that it may be accoted cheaper in pay it may be done I suppose for 14s per Mo a man washing & al in pay in Money I Reckne the dyet etc for a man a Month to stand in about 10 or 12s at 12s 6d per Mo 7 Months comes to 4 li 7s 6d per Mo 7 Months comes to 4 li 7s 6d & occasional charges make it that one had need have 5 li a man for the time of 7 Months dyet |
Capt Germon says he tooke off a hand about Pitch 3 weeks & John fox off fro worke 3 |
1 Mo & ½ |
To the 6th of Octobr we acot 6 Mo ½ is |
13 li one man for dyet |
5 men |
65 li |
6 weeks abord it is |
3 |
so its |
62 li |
mine |
20 |
82 |
Aug 7 1694 |
Oweing to Capt Germon of old 1 1 4 |
Linen pd him |
6 |
6d |
to his men pd for him |
6 |
8 |
May |
13 |
2 |
So remains due to him 18s 2d |
The halfe is |
41 |
by my 2 men pd |
21 |
So I haue to allow Capt Germon 20 li & more of old |
18s |
2 |
20 |
18 |
2 |
To the End of the time which is to Oct 6th |
Pd 2 li rest due to him |
18 |
18 |
2 |
Pd by a barl Porke his share |
2 li |
00 |
rests |
18 |
18 |
2 |
I set above mine 20 li But Quit is a mistake & should be 21 li for one man at 4s 13 li & the othre 4 Mo seruice as we agrd 4 li per mo or makes 21 li so that 20s more to be allowed To the Boatman you ordered me to pay |
1 |
13 |
06 |
& you had my share of Rossin from Rollins |
0 |
06 |
00 |
1 |
19 |
06 |
VOLUME VI, 1683–1694 · PAGE 267
Disbursemts on the Rosin designe | ||||||
Apr 15 & 16 1692 |
which was Friday and Satturday both days I had out there Wm Chenny & Sam Thomas: which is 4 d one of them cutting Trees the other about Clapbords &c |
Apr 18 |
Munday Jo Pynchon512 & Wm Cheny went & staid the whole weeke not coming horn til Satturday Night |
Apr 25 |
The same 2 hands went out on Munday & staid al the weeke |
May 2d |
the same hands al the weeke |
May 9th 92 |
the same 2 hands al the weeke so that they have bene 4 weeks viz one whole month: |
besides the 2 d Each of them the weeke Before |
May 16 92 Agreed with Capt Germon my former 2 hands being allowed me. The [illegible] find only 1 hand & for the other hand I am to have one of his men allowing him 25s per Mo to the End of the time this y allows [illegible] finding him dyet or his paying him in prvsions for it [illegible] gave pt goods to me I be [illegible] at the care or charg of cary 3 men prvison out one Month he is to carry my men al the rest of the time I Expressed also that [illegible] weeke Wm caryed out pvisson513 for 2 men & that [illegible] goe [illegible] weeke so I am 2 allow 3 noe dyet til from next weeke viz May 23t his begins allowance rate I am to find [illegible] one [illegible] men: & for that weeke viz to the end of May I sent out bread for one man of his besides Wm [illegible] & most also I allow for |
This 30th of May 1692 Wm caryed out |
prvisions for 2 men viz 20 loaves |
3 peck Pease Meate and [an] swerable as |
before also hethertoe he carryd |
pvissions for 2 men |
June 6th |
he caryed meate for 2 Pease already |
But not bread bec formrly sd he had |
baked so much that it wold not keepe |
& so must send next time |
June 13 |
Sent 2 pces of Porke about 8 li but noe |
bread bec they lost [illegible] & it |
[illegible] keepe & had Pease enough & |
to spare as Wm tells me |
June 20 |
Sent Pork & bread for or men & Pease |
bef besides wt to Capt Germans accot |
Sent 2 Loaves 1 pee of Pork noe Bones |
1 pce Beife Butter etc |
July 4 |
I ordered Sam Thomas to goe But he sd he |
would not & did not goe so that this weeke |
only I wanted a horse cut514 which I must |
allow for 1 weeke worke |
July the 11 |
Wm went Caryed Bread Porke Pease &c for |
himselfe & another hand |
July 18th |
Alike |
July 25 Wm caryd Bread &c & about 6 li til Augst the 3d Afterward Wm caryd only for himselfe & went til this 29th Augt that he stayd from goeing ma[illegible] From 3d of Aug I am to allow for dyet of one man is also 3 Months about 11 weeks about 1 li & 5 Months of a man [illegible] pay is 6 li 5s |
Issued al acots allowing Capt Germon 9 li which I agreed for I am to have a quarter pt of the whole of the pduce of the Rosin Capt Germon ist having a qrter pt of the whole & bearing his pt of the charges of that & having the rest devided into 4 pts: one qrter pt is mine |
July 11th 12th [& 13th]* Charls the Baker:515 in Towne in al compleate 3 days Munday July 31 none of the Fr:men went out though Fr went early that Morning & held it & Tuesday They fel out & went not til noone then 3 went & the others staid to Noone & went in the Night ag Thursday Aug 3d one of them came to Towne in the morning staid al day til Night & then went without pvisions bec he could [illegible] get a [illegible]: so John came in the after noone & staid til next day Noone After that Antony spent 3 d getting a cart to goe next d brought horn the Cart & then staid al next day & was not come there Tuesday Augt 8 when G Ferry & I was there |
One man absent who were with Capt Germon July 2d & staid away from the 28 July 1693 |
The Burning about our Pine Trees516 at Rossin Hal Cost us Goodm Ferry 5 hands or 5 days & my selfe that is my hands 3 days & such sore works as Goodm Ferry sd he would not doe the sd ha. [illegible] for 3s a day and Money Memento our carting horn our Rossin last yeare was never Levelled: I was out 6 days or Loads viz 2 d Tho Lamb 14s [illegible] d couzin Holyk Teame O[illegible] 3 Loads my owne Temme 21s 6 loads all |
This set to rights with Capt Germon that is about Carting home the Rossin last y he hath allowed it on accot where I haue pd him that is to say accoted about the Frenchmens worke this y more then ours upon which accot Nov 24 1693 I gave him under my hand that 1 li 1 is 4d is tole allowed him out of the Rossin this y |
Ch Ferry hath 2 6 4d to allow him out of the Rossin I ack517 my hands were absent in Aug: viz Ben al Munday & Wm Munday & ½ Tuesday Sept 18 Benja absent |
Memento the carting horn of 45 barrls this y 1693 is to be accoted above whereof I fetcht brought also pd for 2 Loads one 5 barrels & the other 6 In al 11 barels I brought horn Goodm ferry brought 5/16 the other 29 Barels Capt Germon was at the charge to bring |
45 in al with the Turpetine |
& 3s to be allowed me for burning abot G Ferry my owne pt taken of |
Capt Germon must the 2s |
above I brought 11 barls [illegible] 10 |
4s 8d Capt Germon is to allow me as his [illegible] accts |
In 1694 April 2 my Folks set in to worke at Rosin worke Virgin I dismist the 16 May 1694 He was gon 8 d befor so that he was only 5 weekes & ½ in service Tho Slater I dismist June 26 1694 so that he was in service only 2 Month & 26d We agreed They worke 4 Months 2 [al 4 Mo ½ & 3 d]* |
July 21 pd Capt Germon (when he pd Lamb for the barels he had of me) 6s 8d (sent barl of Beer) he had 4 shillings & 4 bits |
July 21 To 1 barl Porke |
2 |
15 |
0 |
[½ bush Pease]* |
6s 3d last y of the Frenchmen & 6s 3d |
more due to me |
my Teame went out with these & 5 Barrels only |
Capt Germon the hand Wm Turner the dutchmen518 |
July 31 the Frenchmen came home say [illegible] |
saw 6 Ind & then Capt Germon released one of |
his men so that there remained but 4 & only |
the time before he had about Ditch that man |
afterward went to work 10 he hath 5 |
Aug 7 94 Agreed with Capt Germon to let virgins |
& Thomas his worke goe at 4 Months service |
though it is more & he accot is 4 Mo 2 d yet |
he says he wil Reckn nothing for Bens loss of |
time & so accot it al at 4 Months service |
To 8 d carting home barrles at 3s |
1 |
4 |
0 |
To 28 barls at 22d 4 barls at 2s 4d |
3 |
0 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
8 |
Afterwards Oct 23 1694 we agreed & |
Lumped al accots at G Dorchesters |
House before John Dorchester & Doctor |
Auralt519 & I agreed that Capt Germon |
the thense an equal devisn be made of |
al the Rossin I am to haue halfe & |
allow him 18 li which I pd by severals |
here as by Boatman |
1 |
19 |
6 |
went safe to Boston |
16 |
00 |
6 |
18 |
00 |
00 |
& ordered Mr Jefferys to pay him |
16 li 6d If 7s |
This was the issue of all |