
    Unless otherwise indicated, all place names are in Massachusetts (including Maine)


    Adam, 219, 227n.5

    Adams, Abigail, 318n.9

    Adams, Ferdinando, 13–15

    Adams, John, xl, xiv, xlvi n.5, xlvii, l–li, lxii, 104, 105, 204, 219, 230, 273, 276, 317n.7, 318, 323–324, 325n.6, 327, 339, 344, 355, 356, illus. 361, illus. 396, 420, 479, 481–484 passim., 493, 562; admiralty cases, 382–395; and Boston Massacre trial, 270, 581; and Boston Tea Party, xliii n.2; on civil law, lii n.6; and jurisdictional conflict, 429; on lawyers, 289, 360, 376; legal career, 359–418; library, 244; Novanglus, li, 372, 374, 401, 408–416; papers at Massachusetts Historical Society, 581; and Sewall v. Hancock, 436; and Stamp Act, 478

    Adams, John, 302

    Adams v. Dade, 17

    Adams, Samuel, 408n.3, 409, 492

    Addington, Isaac, 114, 329

    Adjournments and continuances, 139

    Adlow, Elijah, 473, 474

    Administrative actions, 149

    Admiralty Court, 548

    Adultery, 505

    Afro-Americans, see Blacks

    Alexander, James, 270

    Allen, James, 114n.9

    Allen, Jeremiah, 575–576

    Allen, John, 253, 267, 339

    Allen, Jonathan, 339

    Allen, Josiah, 182

    Allen, Neal W., xxxviii, xliii–xlv, lxv

    Allen, Samuel, 284

    Allestree, Paul, 21

    Allis, Frederick S. Jr., lxi–lxii

    Allum, John, 130

    Almshouses, see Poverty, law of

    American Antiquarian Society, resources for legal history, 551–553

    American Eagle (ship), 562

    American Revolution, and legal history, xl, xiv ff., iii ff., 419–467; and fragmentation of court system, 437–451; pamphlet literature, 272. See also Conflict of laws; Federalism

    Andros, Edmund, xxi, xxxiii, xxxiv, 66, 265, 575

    Angier, Oakes, 339

    Antinomian movement, xxvi, lx, 265, 268

    Appeals, 126–127, 140, 212–214

    Appeals Court, 545

    Appellate Courts, 545

    Appellate Division, 546, 547

    Apprenticeship, legal, 326 ff.

    Arnold, Benedict, 342

    Arnold, Oliver, 342

    Arrowsic, 296, 306

    Arthur, Daniel, 494

    Articles of Confederation, 452

    Arundel, 307

    Ashley, John, 339

    Ashurst, William, 63n.3

    Aspinwall, William, 3, 33

    Assistants, Court of, 5, 21, 43–46, 48, 51–53, 521, 522, 541, 542, 545

    Assizes, Court of, 192 ff., 204–207, 218–219, 227

    Assumpsit, 18, 513–516

    Atkins, Thomas, 130

    Attorneys, see Lawyers

    Attucks, Crispus, 270, 562

    Auchmuty, Robert, xxxiii, xliii, 103, 194–195, 198–203, 210–215, 218, 227, 233, 235n.4, 339–340, 351, 389, 390n.3, 394; acting Attorney General, 220; and bail hearings, 218; and benefit of clergy, 237; and English law, 231–232; memorial, 482.

    Auditors, 139

    Austin, Benjamin, 340

    Austin, Jonathan Williams, 340

    Avery, Samuel, 492


    Bacheller v. Brocke, 29, 30

    Bail hearings, 217–218

    Baker, Mary, 141

    Baker, Nathaniel, 141

    Bancroft, Thomas, 557

    Bane, Jonathan, 298, 307

    Bankes (Attorney General), 13–14

    Bankruptcy, 425

    Barnes, Thomas G., xxvii, xxix, xxxvi, lxv

    Barnet, John, 114n.9

    Barnstable, 237, 558

    Barratry, 7

    Barret, John, 159, 160

    Barret, Margaret, 159

    Barrett, Samuel, 340

    Barristers, 16, 25. See also Lawyers; Solicitors

    Barry, Mary, 225

    Bastwick, John, 12

    Bath, 567

    Belcher, Jonathan, 58, 102, 201–202, 288, 576

    Belcher, Jones v., 423n.1

    Bell, Robert, 256, 408n.1

    Bell, Sarah, 175n.1

    Bellefontaine, Edgar J., 473

    Bellingham, Richard, xxviii, 7, 9, 10, 42, 51

    Bellomont (Governor), 67–68

    Benefit of clergy, 236–239

    Bentley, William, 168–169, 170

    Berkshire County, list of records, 532

    Bermuda, BWI, 23

    Bernard (Governor), 352

    Bernard, Francis, 576

    Berwick, 210, 275–307 passim

    Beverly, 558

    Biddeford, 301, 307, 563

    Billings, Joseph, 142–143

    Billing, Newport v., 394n.1

    Bisbee, Elisha, 194n.1, 317n.1

    Black, Barbara A., xxx–xxxiii, xxxviii, xli, lxv

    Blackburn, Joseph, Otis portrait, illus. 320

    Blacks, xli n.9, 128–129, 141

    Blackstone, Commentaries, 205–206, 243, 256, 428

    Blagrove, Nathaniel, 63n.3, 77n.5, 80–88, 90–98, 100–102

    Blin, James, 212n.7

    Bliss, Daniel, 340

    Bliss, Jedediah, 340

    Bliss, Jonathan, 340

    Bliss, Moses, 340–341

    Blood, Phineas, 235

    Blood, Samuel, 235

    Bloomfield, Maxwell, xxv

    Blowers, Sampson Salters, 341

    Blyth, Benjamin, Adams portrait, illus. 361

    Body of Lawes and Libertyes, 31, 41, 47

    Bollan, William, 194n.1, 200–201, 235

    Bond, William H., lxi

    Bond, writ of debt, 511–513

    Boone, Nicholas, Constables Pocket-Book, 255

    Borland, John, 221

    Boston, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 30, 34, 36, 58, 59, 68, 82, 108–151 passim, 164–188 passim, 194–236 passim, 246–271 passim, 273, 277, 288, 293, 322, 360, 363, 386, 396, 397, 403, 406, 409, 418, 473, 479, 490, 493, 494, 495, 520, 547, 549, 558, 562, 563, 564, 566, 570, 571, 572, 577, 581

    Boston Massacre, xlvi, 473; trial, 269–270, 562

    Boston Municipal Courts, 547

    Boston, Old State House, illus. 420, illus. 438

    Boston Police Court, 547

    Boston Tea Party, xlviii n.2, 409, 581

    Botein, Stephen, xxv

    Bourn, Silvanus, 194n.1

    Bourne, Shearjashub, 341

    Bowditch, Joseph, 557

    Bowdoin, James, 577

    Bowen, Edward, 557

    Bowen, Nathan, 557

    Bowen, Nathaniel Sr., 558

    Brackett, Joshia, 490

    Brackett, Joy v., 491

    Bradbury, Theophilus, 289n.4, 341, 349

    Bradford, Andrew, 254

    Bradford, William, xxvii n.5, 254, 271

    Bradstreet, Simon, xxviii, 20, 48n.9, illus. 50

    Braintree, 164, 165, 172, 360, 362, 369, 552

    Brattle, Elizabeth (Hayman), 86, 95, 97

    Brattle, William, 86–87, 341–342

    Breach of peace, 117, 118, 124

    Breaking and entering, 505, 509

    Briar, Richard, 286, 289

    Bridger, John, 276–277, 281, 284

    Bridges, John, 159

    Brink, Robert J., xviii, xxiv, xxxvii, lxi, lxiii, lxv

    Bristol, 58–102 passim, 227, 235, 237

    Bristol County, list of records, 532–533

    Broadstreet, Abigail (Fuller), 390–391

    Broadstreet, Joseph, 390

    Broadstreet v. Broadstreet, 390–391

    Brocke, Bacheller v., 29, 30

    Brockus, John, 134

    Bromfield, Edward, 114

    Brookfield, 552, 553

    Brookfield papers, 553

    Brooklyn (Brookline), 134

    Brown, Daniel 342

    Brown, John, 342

    Browne, William, 332

    Buckminster, Joseph, 209

    Bulfinch, Charles, 484

    Bull, Job, 130, 138, 141

    Buller, Nisi Prius, 244

    Burglary, 505

    Burnet (Governor), 102

    Burnham, Job, 297n.8, 301

    Burrel, George, 130

    Burrel, Samuel, 135

    Burrill, John, 304

    Burroughs, George, 578

    Burton, Henry, 12

    Burton, Stephen, 70, 72

    Butterfield, Robert, 218

    Butters v. Stoughton, 29

    Buttley, John, 133

    Byfield, Deborah (Clark), 58

    Byfield, Nathaniel, xxx, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxviii, xli, 56–105, illus. 56; coat of arms, illus. 105

    Byfield, Richard, 58

    Byfield, Sarah (Leverett), 58, 103

    Byng, Admiral, 267

    Byrd, William II, 244


    Caldwell, James, 270, 562

    Calhoun, Daniel, xxv Calhoun, John C, 401

    Callender, Joseph, 121

    Calvinism, xxxvi

    Cambridge, 161, 168, 180, 201, 392, 558

    Cambridge, Fourth Court House, illus. 434

    Cambridge Platform, xxvi, xxx

    Came, Samuel, 292, 294, 297, 302, 306

    Campbell, Barnet, 169–171

    Campbell, Sarah, 169–171

    Canals, 501

    Canon law, 403

    Care, Henry, 258, 260;

    English Liberties, 257–258, illus. 259

    Carol, John, 562. See also Carrol, John

    Carr, Patrick, 270, 562

    Carrol, John, 270. See also Carol, John

    Carver, Anna, see Richards, Anna (Carver)

    Case files, 525, 526. See also File papers

    Cavet, William, 119

    Cazneau, Andrew, 342

    Chadwick, John, 137

    Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., xvii–xviii, xxii, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii

    Chancery Court, 16

    Chandler, John, 342

    Chandler, Nathaniel, 342

    Chandler, Rufus, 342

    Chapman, Jonathan, 235

    Chardon, Peter, 376

    Charlestown, 150, 199, 201, 221, 235, 574

    Charters, Massachusetts, 253–254, 265

    Chase [Samuel], 460

    Chauncey, Charles, 58, 61–62

    Checkley, Anthony, xxxiv, xl

    Checkley, John, 232

    Checkley, Samuel, 134

    Chesebrough, William, 20

    Child, John, New Englands Jonas, 249, 250–251

    Child, Robert, xxvi, 265, 268

    Chisholm v. Georgia, 562

    Choate, John, 557

    Choice of law/choice of court, lv, 427–428, 429, 436, 437

    Chroust, Anton-Hermann, xxv, xxxiv–xxxv

    Cicero, 359, 416

    Citizenship, 249

    Civil law, 135–148, 367 ff., 382 ff., 506 ff.

    Clap(p), Samuel, 159, 391

    Clap, William, 391

    Clap’s Will, 391

    Clark, Daniel, 217, 222

    Clark, Deborah, see Byfield, Deborah (Clark)

    Clark, Hugh, 489

    Clark, John, xxxviii, 107–151; Judicial Book, 111 ff., illus. 112, illus. 131

    Clark, Jonas, 493

    Clark, Timothy, 114n.9

    Cleaveland, A. C, 557

    Clement, Augustin, 22n.5

    Clough, Eden, 490

    Cockerell v. Cockerham, 26n.4.

    Cockerham, Cockerell v., 26n.4

    Cockshutt, John, 13

    Coffin, William, 143

    Cogan, John, 23

    Cogan, Foxwill v., 28

    Cohen, Morris L., xxviii–xxxi, xxxviii, xiv, lv–lxvi

    Coke, Edward, 9, 47, 48, 228; Booke of Entries, 25; Institutes, 230, 231; on jurisdictional conflict, 428

    Colcord, Edward, 3

    Cole, Elizabeth, Francis Doughty v., 33n.6

    Cole, William, 30

    Cole, William, Francis Doughty v., 33n.6

    Coleman, Dr., 62–63 n.9

    Coles, John, Paine portrait, illus. 375

    Collman, Zachariah, 579

    Commissioner’s courts, 521

    Commissioners of Small Causes, 546

    Common law, 47, 136 ff., 422, 454–458

    Common Pleas, 6, 16

    Common Pleas, Inferior Court of, 521–522, 523, 524, 546; records, illus. 470, 480, 483, 486, 488, 492, 527, 544, 585

    Commonwealth status, 410

    Commonwealth v. Jennison, 582

    Conflict of laws, liv–lv, 419–467

    Congregationalism, 41, 502

    Connecticut Colony, legal publications, 253

    Constables, 124–125, 174, 176, 179, 183

    Constitution, American, 452, 454–467

    Continental Congress, 437–441, 442

    Contracts, 440, 511 ff.

    Conveyancing, xxxv–xxxvi

    Cook, Alice, 121

    Cooke, Elisha, 66–69, 108, 109, 110, 114, 329

    Coolidge, Lawrence, lxi

    Coolidge, United States v., 461

    Coomer, John, 135

    Cooper, John, 161

    Copley, John Singleton, 416n.5; Goldthwait portrait, illus. 203; Quincy portrait, illus. 580

    Copley, Matthew, Jr., 213–214

    Coquillette, Daniel R., xix, xxi-lxiii, lxvi

    Corbet, Michael, 392

    Corbet, Rex v., 392–394

    Coroners Court, 548

    Costs, court, 140

    Cotton, John, 7, 12, 13, 15, 20, 38, 42, 251; Moses his Judicials, 250

    Council for the Safety of the People and the Conservation of the Peace, xxxiii

    Counterfeiting, 495

    County courts, 542, 546

    Court House, Fourth, Cambridge, illus. 434

    Courts: organization and jurisdiction, 520–524; records at American Antiquarian Society, 552–553. See also names of courts (e.g., Assistants, Court of)

    Courts-martial, 440

    Covenant, writ of, 511, 512

    Cox, Anna, 181–182

    Cox, Elisha, 181–182

    Crackbone, Benjamin, 161n.7

    Criminal law, xxxviii, xlii–xliii, 146, 191–242, 504 ff.

    Croke, George, 14

    Crosby, Major, 376

    Cross, Joseph, 303

    Currency cases, 466

    Curtis, Joseph, 298, 305

    Curwen, Jonathan, 557–558. See also Curwin, Jonathan

    Curwen, Samuel, 557

    Curwin, Jonathan, 329. See also Curwen, Jonathan

    Cushing, John, lxi, lxvi, 330, 342, 569

    Cushing, John, Jr., 330

    Cushing, Roland, 342

    Cushing, William, xl, 314n.5, 325n.6, 332, 342–343, 370n.7, 482, 582, illus. 583

    Customs, 386 ff.

    Cutt, Eleanor, see Phipps, Eleanor Cutt


    Dade, Henry, 13, 14, 17

    Dade, Adams v., 17

    Daftorn, Isaac, 142

    Daftorn, Mary, 142

    Dalton, Michael, Countrey Justice, 111, 117, 121, 144, 229, 288

    Dana, Francis, 343, 582, 583

    Dana, Richard, 328n.7, 343, 579, 581

    Dane, Nathan, 558, 559

    Danforth, Thomas, 329

    Davenport, Addington, xxxiv, xliv, 330

    Davenport, Addington, Jr., 194n.1, 286

    Davis, James, 254

    Davis, John, 297n.8

    Davis, Woodcock v., 26n.3

    Dawson, John P., xxv, xxviii

    Day, Ezekiel, 158–159

    Day, Matthew, Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes, xxix–xxx, 6, 10, 251, 252, illus. 252

    Day, Steven, 247, 248, 250, 253

    De bonis asportatis, 509–510

    Debt, writ of, 511–513, 515

    Declaration of Independence, 487, 500

    Dedham, 223

    Defamation, 511

    Defense counsel, 204–216, 217 ff.

    Defensive pleas, 515–516

    Demurrer, 516

    Dennett, John, 302

    Detinue, writ of, 510

    Dewey, Israel, 171

    Dewin, Henry, 121

    Dick, 129

    Dickenson, Eben, 224

    Dickenson, Sarah, 224

    Dilatory pleas, 515

    Dissenters, 268, 275, 502

    District Court Department, 547

    Divorce cases, 390–391

    Doan, John, 228n.8

    Doane, Captain, 383, 385

    Doane v. Gage, 372, 383–386

    Docket books, see Minute books

    Doctors, xl n.8

    Dodge, Richard, Jr., 159

    Dominion of New England, 265

    Donham, Anna, 505–506

    Dorchester, 149, 150

    Dorman, Jesse, 222

    Dorr, Harbottle, 576

    Double jeopardy, 125n.5

    Doubleday, Elijah, 137

    Doughty, David, 218, 238

    Doughty, Francis, William and Elizabeth Cole, v., 33n.6

    Dover, NH, 555

    Dower right, 507

    Downing, Emmanuel, xxviii n.6, 9

    Draper, Rich, 114n.9

    Dudley, Joseph, 59, 66, 68, 85, 88, 101–102, 120, 217, 229, 265, 289, 379, 380, 382, 575

    Dudley, Paul, xl, xliv, xxxiii n.3, xxxiv, 9, 87–88, illus. 196, 197, 217, 283, 286, 330

    Dudley, Thomas, xxviii, 48, 51

    Dukes County, list of records, 533

    Dummer, Jeremiah, 59, 62n.9, 63n.3, 114, 231

    Dummer, Samuel, 118

    Dummer, William, 63n.3, 296

    Duncan, Jeremiah, 118

    Dunster, Henry, 34, 248, 253

    Duryee, Mills v., 465

    Dyer, Gyles, 114n.9

    Dyer, Mary, lx


    Economic growth, and legal history, 501

    Edgartown, 214

    Edwards, Constable, 308

    Edwards, Jonathan, 344, 354

    Edwards, Malachi, 291, 296–297, 308–311

    Egremont, 176

    Ejectment, 506

    Ela, Daniell, xxxv

    Election sermons, 264

    Ellis, Mrs., 233–234

    Ely, John, 343

    Ely, Justin, 343

    Endicott, John, 48, illus. 49, 129

    England, civil war, xxvi; courts, 5, 6, 16; legal profession, 9; rural legal system, 4. See also English law

    English, Philip, Sr., 222

    English law, xxix ff., xxxvi, xxxix ff., xiv, iii, 143 ff., 147–148, 227 ff., 257, 421–429, 433–437. See also England

    Engravings, on file papers, 489–490

    Enlightenment, 359, 371, 383 ff., 404 ff., 417

    Entail, 507–508

    Entertainment laws, see Settlement, law of

    Essex, Joseph, 139

    Essex County, xxx, xxxiii, xxxiv, xlvii; list of records, 533–536; records in Essex Institute, 556

    Essex Institute, resources for legal history. 555–558

    European law, 419

    Eusden, John D., xxix

    Execution sermons, 265

    Exeter, NH, 276, 282, 555


    Fairwether, John, 114n.9

    Falmouth (Portland), 275, 296, 299, 306, 307, 567

    Family Court, 548

    Family responsibility for poor, 158 ff., 174

    Family violence, 129–130

    Farmer, Thomas, 161n.7

    Farnham, Daniel, 343, 350

    Faulkner, Eliza, 123–124

    Federal-state jurisdictional conflict, 451–454. See also Conflict of laws

    Federalism, 419–467

    Fees, for attorneys, 240; bill, illus.,

    Feke, Benjamin, Sewall portrait, illus., 331

    Fennison, Margaret, 236

    Fernald, Nathaniel, 301, 308

    Fessenden, Stephen, 314n.5

    Feudalism, 380, 402 ff.

    Field, David Dudley, 477

    File papers, 480–481, 485–497, illus., 527

    Fines, 125–126

    Fitch, Joseph, 343

    Fitch, Samuel, xl, xlvii, 343–344, 377, 379, 382, 403, 493

    Fitzpatrick, Edward,

    lag, Ester, 120n.4

    Flagg, James, 269, 562

    Flaherty, David H., xxxviii, xlii–xliii, lxvi, 478

    Flanders, Mary, 161n.5

    Fleet, Thomas, 270

    Fletcher, William, 269, 562

    Fletcher v. Vassall, 318n.9

    Fortes, John, 110

    Fortune telling, 128

    Foster, Jedediah, 552

    Foster, John, 114n.9

    Fowles, John, 236

    Foxcroft, Thomas, 59, 61

    Foxwill v. Cogan, 28

    Frame, Benjamin, 116

    Franklin, Benjamin, 324, 576

    Franklin, James, 258

    Frauds, statute of, 424

    Freeman, Enoch, 344

    Freeman, Samuel, 344

    French and Indian Wars, xxxviii, xxxix n.2, 154

    Frobisher, Sheriff, 473

    Froe, Priscilla, 160–161

    Frogley, Mr., 139

    Frost, Catherine, see Hammond, Catherine (Frost)

    Frost, Catherine, see Leighton, Catherine (Frost)

    Frost, Charles, 286, 288, 289, 297, 299, 310

    Frost, Margaret, 303

    Frost, Nicholas, 281, 282

    Frost, Simon, 282

    Fuller, Abigail, see Broadstreet, Abigail (Fuller)


    Gage, Captain, 384–385

    Gage, [Thomas] (General), 576–577

    Gage, Doane v., 372, 383–386

    Gaine, Hugh, 254

    Gambling, Benjamin, 283, 285, 309

    Gardiner, Sylvester, 269, 562

    Gardner, Constable, 125

    Gardner, Tyng v., 581

    Gawalt, Gerard, xxv, 1

    Gee, Mr., 142

    Gee, Lately, 213

    General Court (Massachusetts), 5, 10, 29–30, 44–45, 52, 521, 541–543

    General Gaol Delivery, 192

    General Session of the Peace, Court of: Maine, xliv; Massachusetts, 192, 502 ff., 522, 524

    George, Amos, 161

    Georgetown, 285

    Georgia, Chisholm v., 562

    Gibbs, Robert, 114n.9

    Giddings, Daniel, 155n.7

    Gilbert, Evidence, 244

    Gilbert, Felix, lvii

    Gilmore, Grant, lix, 475, 476

    Glossary, 529–531

    Gloucester, 138, 180, 564

    Glover, Jesse, 248

    Glover, Jesse (Mrs.), 248, 250

    Godsoe, William, 286–287, 289

    Goebel, Julius, xxii

    Goffe, Edmund, 355

    Gold, David, 212

    Goldthwait, Ezekiel, illus. 203, 483

    Gooch, Joseph, 194 n.1

    Goodere, John Dinely, 267

    Goodere, Samuel, 267

    Gookin, Nathaniel, 142

    Gordon, Robert, lviii

    Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 275, 278, 279

    Gorges, Thomas, 278–280

    Gorham, David, 344

    Gorham, Shubael, 344

    Gorton, Samuel, 265, 268

    Gould, Stephen, 246–247

    Goulding, Peter, xxxv

    Government institutions, in court records, 500–501

    Governor and Council, 521, 543, 545

    Gowen, James, 286

    Gowen, Nicholas, 286, 289

    Grand Remonstrance, 37

    Grant, Daniel, 305

    Grant, James, 129

    Graves, Thomas, 330

    Gray, Harrison, 576

    Gray, Lemuel, 581

    Gray, Samuel, 270, 562

    Great Awakening, lvi, n.1

    Great Barrington, 161, 169, 170, 171

    Greater Quarter Court, 521

    Green, Bartholomew, 253

    Green, John, 122–123

    Green, Samuel, 253, 264

    Green, Thomas, 260

    Greenleaf, Joseph, 96, 254, 255–256, 257

    Gridley, Benjamin, 344

    Gridley, Jeremiah (Jeremy), xl, lxii, 319n.3, 343, 348, 355, 360, 363, 366, 369–370, 377, 379, 381, 382, 394, 399, 402, 403, 406, 418, 482, 483

    Groton, 159

    Guildhall (London), 6


    Hadley, 224

    Hale, Matthew, Pleas of the Crown, 228–229

    Hamilton, Alexander, 270

    Hammond, Catherine (Frost), 282

    Hammond, Joseph, Sr., 282, 289, 290, 296, 302, 304, 305, 307, 310

    Hammond, Joseph, Jr., 287, 289, 290, 294, 296, 299, 300, 302, 304, 307, 310

    Hammond, William, 282–283, 296

    Hampden, 549

    Hampshire County, court records, 536, 553

    Hampton, NH, 555

    Hancock, John, 386–390

    Hancock, Thomas, 387

    Hancock, Sewall v., lii n.6, 436

    Hargrave, Francis, 269

    Harris, Benjamin, 257, 258, 260

    Harris, John, 141

    Hartegan (Hartigan), James, 270, 562

    Harvard College, xxvi; professions of graduates, xxxiv, xlix, 333–336

    Harvard Law School, resources for legal history, 559–568

    Harvey, Thomas, 303

    Haskins, George, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, lxvi–lxvii, 476

    Hatch, Rucke v., 27, 28

    Hatfield, 571

    Hatt, Giles, 18n.5

    Hatt, John, 18, 19, 26

    Haverhill, 161, 555

    Hawkins, William, Pleas of the Crown, 229n.7, 233

    Hawles, Sir John, Englishman’s Right, 257

    Hawley, Joseph, 315, 325n.5, 344–345, 354, 408n.3

    Hawthorne, John, 329

    Hayman, Elizabeth, see Brattle, Elizabeth (Hayman)

    Hayman, Mary, 86–88, 95, 97

    Hayman, Nathan, 70, 81–83, 86, 95, 97, 101

    Heard, John, 304

    Heath, Joseph, 296

    Henderson, Edith G., lxvii

    Henley, David, 563

    Hennessey, Edward F., xxiv, lxi, 473–474

    Henry, Hugh, 301

    Hett v. Shave, 26

    Hett v. Tose, 26

    Hewes, Dr., 124

    Heylyn, Peter, 13n.3

    Highways, 134, 501

    Hill, Jeremiah, 563

    Hill, John, 296

    Hill, Joseph, 308–309

    Hill, Roger, 296

    Hill, Valentine, 21

    Hiller, Joseph, 194n.1, 223

    Hindus, Michael S., xxiv, lxvii

    Hitchburn, Thomas, 142

    Hittee, 231, 234–235

    Hoar, William, 75n.7

    Hoddy, Mary (Plaisted), see Phipps, Mary (Plaisted) Hoddy

    Hodgkins, Francis, 176

    Hollis, Thomas, 406–407

    Holmes, Oliver Wendell, lviii–lix

    Holmes, Silas, 237

    Homicide, see Murder

    Hooper, John, 303

    Hopkins, Mark, 345, 352

    Hopkins, Timothy, 345

    Horton, Sarah, 137

    Horwitz, Morton J., iii, liv, lv n.8, 477–478

    Housing Court Department, 549

    Hovey, James, 317n.7, 319, 321, 323, 345

    How, Daniel, 230

    Hubbard, Elizabeth, 578

    Hubbard, Nathaniel, 330

    Hudson, Seth, broadside, illus. 185

    Hudson, United States v., 461

    Hue, Simon, 237

    Humfry, John, xxvii, n.6, xxviii, 42, 51

    Hunt, Thomas, 121

    Hurst, James Willard, xxiii, xxv, 501

    Hutchinson, Anne, lx, 268

    Hutchinson, Elisha, 114

    Hutchinson, Foster, 332, 483, 484

    Hutchinson, Susannah, 280

    Hutchinson, Thomas, lvi–lvii, 204, 227n.6, 232–233, 271, 321n.7, 332, 340 ff. passim., 376, 394, 395, 407n.1, 408n.3, 576


    Idleness, 128

    Immigrants, 174–175, 186

    Indebitatus assumpsit, 514

    Indians, xxxii, xxxviii, xliii, xli n.9, 126, 129, 141, 172, 271–272, 275

    Inflation, 154

    Ingersoll, David, 345

    Inns of Chancery, 15–16

    Inns of Court, 15–16

    Insolvency, 466

    Insolvency Court, 548

    Institutio legalis, 381n.6

    Interstate jurisdictional conflicts, 448–451. See also Conflict of laws

    Ipswich, 6, 164, 172, 183, 520, 558

    Ius gentium, 404, 405, 410 ff.


    Jack, 492–493

    Jamestown, VA, 246

    Jefferson, Thomas, 244, 324, 401n.9

    Jeffrey, James, 557

    Jenneys, Richard, 488, 489

    Jennison, Commonwealth v., 582

    Jephson, William, 139

    Jewett, Amos, Jr., 162–163

    Jewett, Ann (Noyes), 162

    Johnson, Isaac, xxviii, 42, 48, 51

    Johnson, Jonathan, 302

    Johnson, Margaret, 126

    Jolliffe, John, 20

    Jones (Justice), 13

    Jones, Douglas L., xxxviii, xlii, lxvii

    Jones v. Belcher, 423n.1

    Jones v. Leeke, 26n.4

    Jordan, Captain, 305

    Jordan, John, 307

    Joy v. Brackett, 491

    Judges, role of, liii–liv. See also Lay judges and magistrates; magistrates

    Judgment books, see Record books Judiciary, federal, 453

    Jurisprudence, European, 359, 368

    Jury, role of, liii, 501

    Justice (symbol), illus. frontispiece and title page

    Justices of the peace, 46–47, 54, 113 ff; 143 ff., 504 ff., 543, 547; records at American Antiquarian Society, 551, 552; records at Essex Institute, 557. See also Judges; Lay judges and magistrates; magistrates

    Juvenile Court Department, 549


    Kelley, Michael, 303

    Kennebunk, 567

    Kent, Benjamin, 225, 328, 333, 345, 360

    Kent, Joseph, 345

    Keyser, George, 3

    Kilroy, Matthew, 270, 562

    King, Esther, 161

    King, Peter, 231

    King, William, 161

    King Philip’s War, xxxii

    King William’s War, xxxviii

    King’s Bench, lv, 6, 16

    Kir, Thomas, 387

    Kittery, 275–302 passim

    Kneeland, Samuel, 260

    Konig, David, xxiv, xxvi, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvii


    Labor contracts, 515

    Lamb, David, 495

    Lambard, Eirenarcha, 111

    Lancaster, Duchy of, 16

    Land Court Department, 549

    Land title, 506, 507

    Lane, Andrew, 194n.1

    Lane, John, 228

    Langdell, Christopher Columbus, lviii

    Langdon, Timothy, 345

    Larkin, George, 257

    Laud, William (Archbishop), 6, 11, 13–14

    Laver, William, 20

    Law, colonial, xvii ff., xxi ff., xxvi ff.; social value, 147. See also Lawyers; headings beginning Legal . . . ; specific subjects (e.g., names of courts, types of law, legal issues)

    Law libraries and reports, xl

    Lawson, Deodat, 267

    Lawson, George, 229

    Lawton, Christopher Jacob, 213

    Lawyers, xxxii, 3, 4–7, 9, 16, 29–30, 143, 210; in Assizes, 193 ff., in civil cases, 211 ff.; in criminal cases, 191–242; fees, xxxi–xxxv; geographic distribution, xlix–l, 337–338; Maine, xliii–xliv, 276 ff.; professionalization, xxiv ff., xxxiii ff., xxxix ff., xliii–xliv, xl, xlvii, 1, 19, 39, 164–171, 191, 207, 212, 244–245, 313–358, 368, 476; papers at American Antiquarian Society, 551; public opinion, 41, 200–201, 207, 254, 395–400. See also Barristers; Solicitors

    Lay judges and magistrates, xxv ff., xxxviii–xxxix, xli–xliii, 39–55. See also Judges; Justices of the peace; magistrates

    Leach, Mrs., 129

    Lechford, Richard, 11

    Lechford, Thomas, xxvi–xxvii, xxxvi, 3–38, 40, 551–552; Notebook, 271; Plain Dealing, 35, 36, 37; scriveners book, illus. 24

    Lee, Philemon, 184

    Leeke, Jones v., 26n.4

    Legal education, see Legal training

    Legal history, xxiii ff., lvii–lx, 270–271; sources, 471–584

    Legal literature, xxviii ff., xxx, xxxviii, 243–272

    Legal profession, see Lawyers

    Legal publication, see Legal literature

    Legal training, xxviii, xxxii, xxxv n.5, xl, xlvii, lviii–lix, 200, 369 ff.

    Legal unity, 426

    Legate, Thomas, 552

    Leighton, Catherine (Frost), 304n.2

    Leighton, John, 305–306

    Lemmon, Joseph, 552

    Leominster, 552

    Leonard, Daniel, xlvii, li, 342, 345–346, 409. See also Massachusettensis

    Leonard, Elkanah, 194n.1

    Leonard, Ephraim, 346

    Leonard, George, 346

    Leonard, Zephaniah, 346

    Leverett, Hudson, xxxv n.5

    Leverett, John, 91, 100, 329

    Leverett, Sarah, see Byfield, Sarah (Leverett)

    Libby, Samuel, 301

    Libel, 117, 120

    Liberty (ship), lii n.6, 386 ff.

    Lidgett, Madam, 74

    Lilly, John, 229n.7

    Lincoln, William, 553

    Liquor sales, 126, 132–133

    Litchfield Law School, 1

    Little, Isaac, 234–235

    Little, William, 562

    Little, Woodbridge, 346, 347

    Littleton, 159

    Livermore, Matthew, 239

    Long, H., 161n.5

    Lonyon, Thomas, 126

    Lord, Benjamin, 303

    Lord, Robert, 3

    Loring, Israel, 346

    Loring, Jonathan, 346–347

    Lovejoy, Nathaniel, 557

    Lowell, John, 347

    Loyalists, xlvii, 445–448, 479

    Lucy, 128–129

    Ludlow, Roger, xxviii, 42, 48, 51

    Lumber industry, 501

    Lyde, Byfield, 58

    Lyde, Edward, 58

    Lyman, Phineas, 344, 357

    Lymon, Henry, 32

    Lymon, Wolcot v., 32

    Lynde, Benjamin, xxxiv, xl, 194n.9, 233, 330

    Lynde, Benjamin, Jr., 330

    Lynde family, 400

    Lyndery, Ralph, 142

    Lyndsey, Eleazer, 238


    Macaulay, Catharine, 406

    McCauley, William, 270, 562

    MacDonald, John, 237

    McKirdy, Charles, xxv, xxxiv, xlix–l, lv, lxvii

    McLane, Elizabeth, 159, 160

    McMillan v. McNeill, 466

    McNeill, McMillan v., 466

    Madeira case, 386–390

    Madison, James, 460–461

    Magistrates, 39–55, 145, 543. See also Judges; Justices of the peace; Lay judges and magistrates

    Magistrates Courts, 547

    Maine, xxxviii, xliii–xliv, 273–312

    Mainwaring and Frost v. Shores, 285

    Major, Kathleen A., lxvii

    Malicious prosecution, 511

    Malynes, Gerald, xxxi n.7

    Manchester, 165

    Mangent, Jemima, 226

    Mansfield, Isaac, 557

    Mansfield, Lord, 269

    Manslaughter, see Murder

    Marblehead, 161, 168, 180, 201, 392, 558

    Marion, Joseph, 194, n.1

    Marsh, Nathaniel, 557

    Marshfield, 234

    Marston, James B., 420

    Maryland Assembly, 424

    Mason, Arthur, 114n.9

    Mason, George, 452

    Mason, Jonathan, 398

    Massachusettensis, 409, 412, 415. See also Leonard, Daniel

    Massachusetts: court records, 471–497, 499–540; court system, 541–544; and New Hampshire, 201, 204, 279. See also Massachusetts Bay headings; names of courts; specific subject headings

    Massachusetts Bay Colony, xxvi ff., xxxii–xxxiii, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix n.2, lvi, 3–10, 21, 25, 29–30, 32, 37, 42, 144–146. See also Massachusetts

    Massachusetts Bay Company, 43–44

    Massachusetts Historical Society, resources for legal history, lxi, 569–584

    Massachusetts Judicial Records Committee, lxi

    Masters, Giles, xxxiv

    Mather, Cotton, 63n.3, 67, 108, 209, 261–264; Bonifacius, xxi, 207, 263; Magnolia Christi Americana, 271, illus. 274; sermons, 264–265; Wonders of the Invisible World, 268

    Mather, Increase, xxxiii, 63n.3, 108, 261, 264; Crisis of Conscience, 268

    Mattoon, Whiffle v., 432, 433

    Mauduit, Israel, 271

    Maule, Thomas, 578

    Maverick, Samuel, 270, 581

    Mayhew, Jonathan, Discourse, 265–266

    Medad, 239

    Medicine, xl n.8

    Menand, Catherine, xviii, xxiv, lxi, lxiii, lxviii, 485

    Menzies, James, 289

    Menzies, John, xl

    Middlesex County, list of records, 536–538

    Militia, 133–134

    Miller, Perry, xxiii, xxiv

    Millet, Nathan, 138

    Milliken, Harry, xviii

    Mills, 501

    Mills v. Duryee, 465

    Minot, Stephan, 493

    Minute books, 480–484, illus. 470, illus. 483, 493

    Mitchell, David, 347

    Mitchell, Jacob, 347

    Money, 439–440, 501

    Monsky, John, lxi

    Montgomery, Hugh, 270, 562

    Moody, Samuel, 291, 293, 296, 299, 306

    Moor, Mrs., 128–129

    Moor, Sarah, 162–164

    Moor, William, 492

    Moore, Francis, 22, 23

    Moot Club, 381n.6

    Morals laws, 147

    Morison, Samuel Eliot, xxii

    Morris, Richard B., xxii

    Morrison, Daniel, 291, 296–297, 308–311

    Mort d’ancestor, 507

    Morton, Perez, 347

    Morton, Thomas, xxvii n.5

    Moulton, Jeremiah, 294, 298, 306

    Moulton, Sheriff, 312

    Mount Hope, 70, 73, 74

    Municipal Court, Boston, 524

    Murder, 392–394, 504–505

    Murphy v. Pinchbeck, illus. frontispiece

    Murray, Daniel, 347

    Murrin, John M., xxv, xxxix ff., lii

    Muyden, Johannis van, see Van Muyden, Johannis


    Nantucket, 237

    Native Americans, see Indians

    Neal, John, 303

    Neal, Robert, 238

    Necho, George, 239

    Negative vote conflict, 52

    Negligence, 511

    Negroes, see Blacks

    Nelson, John, 195

    Nelson, William, Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace, 117, 229n.7

    Nelson, William E., xviii, xxiv, xxxvii, liii–liv, lxviii, liv ff., 477

    Neoclassicism, 368

    New Bedford, 549

    New Castle, NH, 283

    New England, Dominion of, 265

    New Hampshire province, 253, 275–276, 279; and Massachusetts, 201, 204

    New London, CT, 214

    New Milford, CT, 197

    New York, NY, 246, 247, 254, 261, 269, 270, 466, 477

    Newbury, 162

    Newburyport, 176

    Newcastle, Duke of, 202

    Newport v. Billing, 394n.1

    Newton, John, 219

    Newton, Thomas, xxxix–xl, xliii–xliv, 194–195, 205, 211–212, 221, 227n.5, 230, 283n.4, 286, 288

    Nicker son, Rex v., 394

    Nimeno, John, 175n.1

    Noble, John, illus. v, 347–348, 472, 474, 497

    Nolan, Dennis, xxv

    Nonamesset, 214

    Noodle Island, 151

    Norfolk County, records in Essex Institute, 555–556

    Norridgewock, 298

    North Carolina, 254

    Northampton, 159, 164, 165, 180, 184, 561

    Notary public records, 557

    Notting, Jonathan, 557

    Novel desseisin, 507

    Nowel, Peter, 303–304

    Nowell, Increase, 20

    Noyes, Ann, see Jewett, Ann (Noyes)

    Noyes, Daniel, 557

    Nurse, Rebecca, 577


    Oakes, Josiah, 228, n.8

    Oath of a Free-Man, 248–250; illus. 249

    Old State House, Boston, illus. 420, illus. 438

    Oliver, Andrew, 105

    Oliver, Captain, 303

    Oliver, Daniel, 348

    Oliver, Nathaniel, 70, 72, 81

    Oliver, Peter, 105, 332, 340, 348, 422

    Osgood, Isaac, 557

    Osgood, Russell K., xxxviii, xli, lxviii

    Otis, James, xiv, 317n.7, 318n.9, 319n.3, 203–204, 327, 328, 348, 351, 352, 360, 366, 370n.7, 377, 381n.6, 384, 392, 409, 482, 493, 562

    Otis, James, Jr., xl, 233, 318n.9, illus. 320, 348, 352, 357, 492

    Otis, John, Jr., 214

    Overing, John, xliii, 194–195, 199–201, 213–215, 222


    Paddleford, Seth, 348

    Paine, Robert Treat, xl, 314n.5, 318n.9, 321n.8, 348–349, 374, illus. 375, 376, 384, 482, 484, 562; papers, 581–584

    Paine, Thomas, 349

    Paity, Peter, 116, 125

    Panton, Henry, 392–393

    Parker, Chief Justice, 231

    Parker, Alice, 577

    Parker, James, 299, 301

    Parker, Joseph, 237–238

    Parker, William, 352

    Parks, William, 254

    Parliamentarianism, 374

    Parris, Samuel, 558

    Parrot, Samuel, 138

    Parsons, Moses, 349

    Parsons, Theodore, 269n.7

    Parsons, Theophilus, 289n.4, 349

    Peak, John, 129

    Pearson, Eliphalet, 269n.7

    Pedley, John, 139

    Pelham, Herbert, xxviii

    Pemberton, Mr., 123

    Penhallow, John, 285, 306

    Penhallow, Joseph, 296

    Penhallow, Mary, see Phipps, Mary (Penhallow)

    Penn, William, 244

    Pennsylvania, Prigg v., 466

    Pepperrell, William, 281, 289, 298

    Pepperrell, William, Jr., 282, 287, 288, 297, 298, 299, 300, 303, 304, 306

    Perkins, John, 557

    Peters, Hugh, 14

    Petition, right of, 79 ff.

    Phenix, Jeremiah, 235

    Philadelphia, PA, 243, 246, 256, 257, 564

    Phillips, Samuel, bill to, illus. 585

    Philpot, Rebeccah, 133

    Phipps, Eleanor Cutt, 285

    Phipps, Mary (Penhallow), 285

    Phipps, Mary (Plaisted) Hoddy, 285

    Phipps, Thomas, 285–286, 311, 312

    Phips, Spencer, 230

    Phips, William, xxxviii n.2, 63n.3, 67, 575

    Physicians, see Doctors Pickering, John, 284

    Pickering, Timothy, 349

    Pillory, see Stocks

    Pinchbeck, Murphy v., illus., frontispiece

    Piracy, 266–267, 394

    Pitt Packet (brig), 392

    Pitts, John, 138

    Plaisted, Elisha, 282, 302, 303, 306

    Plaisted, Hannah (Wentworth), 282

    Plaisted, Hannah (Wheelwright), 282

    Plaisted, Ichabod, 281, 282

    Plaisted, John, 276, 281, 284

    Plaisted, Mary, see Phipps, Mary

    (Plaisted) Hoddy Plaisted, Samuel, 282

    Plea bargaining, 219–222

    Plea in bar, 516

    Pleading: rules of, 502–516; bibliography, 516–517

    Pleadings, written, 25

    Pleas in abatement, 515–516

    Pleas to the jurisdiction, 515

    Plymouth, 71, 75, 145, 146, 233, 319, 564, 571

    Plymouth Colony, legal publications, 253

    Plymouth County, liv, 144–146;

    Court Records Project, liv n.3, xxiv; list of records, 538

    Police Courts, 547

    Police forces, 526

    Political theory, on jurisdiction, 459–467

    Polley (schooner), 494

    Poor laws, see Poverty, law of

    Popish plot, 257

    Population, and economic conditions, 153; and legal history, xxxii, xxxvii

    Porter, Eleazer, 184

    Porter, Elisha, 349

    Porter, Israel, 577

    Porter, Samuel, 349–350

    Portsmouth, NH, 276, 283, 285, 309, 555

    Pound, Roscoe, 475

    Poverty, law of, xxxviii, xlii, 134, 153–190

    Powers, Edwin, xxxii

    Prat(t), Benjamin, xl, 230, 349, 350–351, 356, 360, 363, 366, 370n.7, illus. 378

    Preble, Abraham, 281, 306

    Preble, Mary, 306

    Prerogative, 429 ff., 435

    Presbyterians, 265

    Prescott, William, 559

    Preston, Captain, 473

    Preston, Caroline, lxviii

    Preston, Thomas, 270, 581

    Preston, Rex v., 318n.9

    Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 466

    Primus, 129

    Prince, John, 558

    Printing, 246 ff.

    Probate, 425

    Probate and Family Court Department, 548

    Procedural pleas, 222 ff.

    Procedural reforms, 506

    Profanity, 117, 118–119

    Professionalization, see Lawyers: professionalization

    Property law, 147, 189

    Property right, 511

    Prout, Joseph, 114n.9

    Providence, RI, 258

    Prynne, William, 12, 13

    Publishing, legal, see Legal literature; Printing

    Pullen, Richard, 133

    Pullin, Edward, 557

    Puritans, xxvi ff., xxix, xiv, 4–7, 11, 31, 41, 262, 542

    Putnam, James, 342, 350, 354, 362, 369

    Pym, John, 37–38

    Pynchon, William, 9, in 22. 3, 113,

    350, 356, 557

    Pynchon Court Record, xxx


    Quakers, 265, 268

    Quantum meruit, 515

    Quantum valebant, 515

    Quare clausum fregit, 509

    Quarter Court of General Sessions, 546

    Quarter Courts, Inferior, 520

    Queen Anne’s War, xxxviii

    Quincy, 479

    Quincy, Edmund, 330

    Quincy, Hannah, 360, 371, 380

    Quincy, Josiah, xl, xlvii, 226, 314n.5, 347, 350, 494

    Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 270, 318n.9, 321n.7, 350, 390, 562, 579, 580

    Quincy, Samuel, xl, 219, 318n.9, 350–351, 356, 482, 483, illus. 580


    Railroads, 501

    Ralph, Jeremiah, Jr., 237

    Randell, John Martin, 495, 496

    Randolph, Edward, xxi, xxxiv, 66, 67

    Rastell, William, Collection of Entries, 25

    Rawson, Edward, 253

    Raynes, Nathaniel, 289–290

    Read, John, xl, xlii, 194–195, 197, 198–204, 209, 212, 215, 227–228, 230, 232, 233, 288, 351; law library, 230, 244n.7

    Read, William, 351

    Reasons of Appeal, xxxv, 221 ff.

    Recognizance of the peace, 121–122, 126, 141, 143, 148

    Record books, 480, 484–485, 493, 525

    Reed, Charles, 495–496

    Regulatory offences, 130 ff.

    Reid, John, xxv, lv n.8

    Religion, and legal issues, xxxix, lvi, 261–266. See also names of denominations

    Religious offenses, 147

    Remington, Jonathan, 194n.1, 194n.9, 330

    Replevin, 139, 510

    Residency, see Settlement, law of; Warning-out system

    Respublica v. Sweers, 500n.4

    Revere, Paul, 488, 490

    Revolution, American, see American Revolution

    Rex v. Corbet, 392–394

    Rex v. Nickerson, 394

    Rex v. Preston, 318n.9

    Rex v. Wemm, 394n.3

    Reynolds, Nathaniel, 75n.7, 80

    Rhode Island boundary case, 202, 204

    Rice, Gideon, 238

    Richards, Anna (Carver), 116

    Richards, John, 329

    Richards, Joseph, 116

    Richmond, 296, 306

    Rishworth, Edward, 280, 287

    Roads, see Highways Robbery, 505

    Robes, James, 120

    Robie, Thomas, 201

    Robie, William, 135

    Robins, Robert, 494

    Robinson, Jack, 348

    Robinson, Robert, 195, 214–215, 223, 225, 233

    Rogers, Jeremiah Dummer, 351

    Rogers, John, 77n.5

    Roman law, 367, 370, 383 ff.

    Ropes, Nathaniel, 332

    Rose (frigate), 392

    Rosenthal, Max, Cushing portrait, illus. 583

    Rouse, William, 221. See also Rowse, William

    Rousseau, [Jean Jacques], Du Contrat Social, 380, 402, 403

    Rowell, Thomas, 161n.5

    Rowley, 162, 163, 164

    Rowse, William, 302. See also Rouse, William

    Roxbury, 150

    Rucke v. Hatch, 27, 28

    Ruddock (Justice), 327

    Ruggles, Timothy, 319n.1, 351

    Rushbrook, Ovid, 209

    Russell, Chambers, 330, 352

    Russell, James, 577


    Sabbath breaking, 117, 122, 124

    Sack Cut, 238

    Saco, 296

    Saffin, John, 63n.3, 71–77, 80, 81, 85–88, 219, 227n.5, 329; “The Original of the Town of Bristol,” 73

    St. Georges, 290

    Salem, 149, 150, 164–180 passim, 197, 237, 238, 520, 555, 557, 577, 582

    Salem witchcraft trials, see Witchcraft trials: Salem

    Salisbury, 555

    Salkeld, Kings Bench Reports, 232

    Salmon Falls, 276, 306

    Saltonstall, Gurdon, 197

    Saltonstall, Richard, 9, 48, 330

    Saltonstall, Robert, 3

    Sargeant, Christopher, 351

    Sarjeant, Nathaniel Peas(e)lee, 351–352, 558

    Satter, Malachy, 489

    Savage, Edward, Paine portrait, illus. 375

    Savage, Ephraim, 123

    Scarborough, 301

    Scituate, 579

    Scriveners, Company of, 19

    Scroggs, Chief Justice, 258, 260

    Seahorse (ship), 132

    Seals, on legal documents, 489, illus. 503

    Sedgwick, Benjamin, 352

    Sedgwick, Theodore, 352, illus. 353

    Sedition, 446, 447, 458

    Selectmen, 132 ff., 157 ff.

    Senie, Elisabeth, 159

    Sermons, printing of, 264–265

    Sessions Courts, 162

    Settlement, law of, xlii, 171–176

    Sewell, David, 289n.4, 352

    Sewall, Hannah, 108

    Sewall, Jonathan, xlvii, 201, 318n.9, 352, 354, 390, 409n.9

    Sewall, Mitchel(l), 350, 557

    Sewall, Samuel, xxxix n.2, 63n.3, 88, 91–92, 107, 108, 114n.9, 122, 123, 132, 194–195, 198–199, 207, illus. 208, 209, 212n.8, 229–231, 273, 329, 557, 578–579

    Sewall, Stephen, 330, illus. 331, 352, 557

    Sewall family, 400

    Sewall v. Hancock, lii n.6, 436

    Sexual offenses, 117, 120–121, 124

    Sharpies, James, Cushing portrait, illus. 583

    Shave, Hett v., 26

    Shaw, J., The Practical Justice of Peace, 117

    Shays’ Rebellion, lvi

    Shepard, John, 287

    Sheppard, William, England’s Balme, 289

    Sherburn, 142

    Shipton, Clifford, lx

    Shirley, William, xxxiii n.3, 201, 235n.4, 236, 238

    Shores, Mainzvaring and Frost v., 285

    Shove, Edward, 194n.1

    Shower, Kings Bench Reports, 232

    Shrewsbury, 553

    Shrewsbury papers, 553

    Shurtleff (Dr.), 20

    Shute, Samuel, 59, 63n.3, 109, 110, 198–199

    Shutesbury, 555

    Shutesbury papers, 553

    Simpson, Daniel, 298, 306

    Simsbury, 184

    Skye, William, 126

    Slavery, xli n.9, 269, 279, 394

    Slaves, fugitive, 466

    Slew v. Whiffle, 394n.9

    Smibert, John, 60; Byfield portrait, illus. 56; Prat portrait, illus. 378;

    Sewall portrait, illus. 208

    Smith, Benjamin, 183

    Smith, John, 292, 302, 303, 304, 312

    Smith, Joseph, xxii, xxiii, xxx, xxxii, xxxvii

    Smith, Mary, 133

    Smith, Richard, 75–76

    Smith, Samuel, 301

    Smith, Thomas, 209

    Social Law Library, lxi

    Social status of litigants, 127–128, 141, 145–146, 502

    Sodalitas Club, lxii, 376–382, 401, 402, 403

    Soldiers, 187

    Solicitors, 15, 17, 19.

    See also Barristers; Lawyers

    Somers, John, Security of Englishmen’s Lives, 260, 261

    Somerset, James, 269

    South Carolina, 254

    Sow case, 552

    Sparrow (ship), 23; license, illus. 24

    Special assumpsit, 514–515

    Special Courts, 548

    Spencer, Isaac, 138

    Spinney, Samuel, 287

    Sprague, John, 354

    Sprague, Timothy, 212

    Springfield, 168, 180, 239, 520, 549, 558, 561

    Stackpole, John, 301

    Stamp Act, xlvi, 478, 479

    Stamps, on legal documents, 487, illus. 488, 489

    State courts, 442 ff.

    Statutes, publication, 250–254

    Stephens, Mary, 161

    Stevens, Daniel, 237

    Stevens, John, 114n.9

    Stevens, Robert, xxv

    Steward, Edward, 303

    Stocks, illus. 185

    Stoddard, Anthony, 229

    Stoddard, Solomon, 354

    Stoddard family, 400

    Stolen goods, 125

    Stone, Benjamin, 291, 305

    Stoneham, 212

    Story, Charles, 283, 284–285, 288, 289

    Story [Joseph] (Justice), 327, 461, 559

    Stoughton, William, 329, 575

    Stoughton, Butters v., 29

    Strangers’ Courts, 520, 542, 548

    Stratton v. Stratton, 28

    Strong, Caleb, 354

    Strong, Nehemiah, 354

    Strong, Simeon, 354

    Sturgeon Creek, 281

    Sturgeon, Robert, 214–215, 231

    Sudbury, 553

    Sudbury papers, 553

    Suffield, 160, 213

    Suffolk County: bar association, xlvii, 322–323, 395, 400; bar book, li, illus. 396; records, xxx, xxxiii, xxxiv–xxxvi, 538–539

    Suffolk Files, 472 ff.

    Sullivan, James, 289n.4, 317n.7, 354–355, 461

    Sullivan, John, 289n.4, 254–355

    Superior Court Department, 546

    Superior Court of Judicature, 192, 193, 204, 211–213, 522, 523, 543, 545; documents, illus. 503

    Supreme Court, 453

    Supreme Judicial Court, lxi, 523–524, 543–544, 545; inventory, 519, 526–528

    Surrency, Erwin, xxv

    Suspicious individuals, 117–118, 121

    Sutton, 553

    Sutton papers, 553

    Sweers, Respublica v., 500 ff.4

    Swift, Samuel, 355

    Swift v. Tyson, 466


    Taggart, John, 218

    Taggart, Patrick, 218

    Tailer (Lt. Governor), 58

    Tailer, William, 102

    Taxation, 45, 175–176

    Taylor, Ezra, 355

    Tedman, John, 116, 125

    Thacher, Oxenbridge, 347, 350, 360, 370n.7, 377, 381n.6

    Thayer, Eb, 376

    Thayer family, 553

    Theft, 117, 124

    Thomas, John, 352

    Thomas, Nathaniel, xxxiv, 330

    Thomas, William, 143, 233

    Thompson, John, 302

    Timon, 118

    Tinker, John, 22n.5

    Title, to land, 506, 507

    Tompson, Samuel, 552

    Topsfield, 172, 222

    Tories, see Loyalists Tose, Hett v., 26

    Town records, at American Antiquarian Society, 553

    Townsend, Penn, 114

    Townsend Acts, 436

    Trade development, xxxii

    Transients, see Poverty, law of; Settlement, law of

    Travis, Betsy, 183

    Trespass, 139, 508–511

    Trial Courts, 546

    Trials, published proceedings, 266–271

    Triumphs Of Justice Over Unjust Judges, 258, 260

    Trover, 510

    Trowbridge, Edmund, xl, 332, 343, 349, 350, 355, 422, 582

    Trowbridge, Thomas, 217

    Trumbell, John, 409n.9

    Trumbull, J. Hammond, 17n.2, 18n.2

    Tucker, Ichabod, 557

    Tuckerman, John, 135, 136

    Tudor, John, 355

    Tudor, William, xlvi n.5, 355–356

    Tufts, Mary, 169n.6

    Tunagain, John, 126

    Tupper, Thomas, 214

    Turland, Thomas, 126

    Turner, James, 302, 303

    Tuttle, Daniel, 209–210, 220, 233–234

    Tyng v. Gardner, 581

    Tyson, Swift v., 466


    Ulysses (ship), 495

    United States v. Coolidge, 461

    United States v. Hudson, 461

    United States v. Worrall, 460

    Upham, Jabez, 356

    Upham, Joshua, 356

    Usher, John, 253


    Valentine, John, xl, xliii, xliv, 194–195, 198, 205, 209, 221, 233, 283n.4, 286, 288; law library, 244n.7

    Van Muyden, Johannis, Compendiosa, illus. 365

    Van Schaak’s Law School, 1

    Vassall, William, 269, 562

    Vassall, Fletcher v., 318n.9

    Virginia, 254


    Wakefield, John, 136

    Walker, Edward, 356

    Walker, Isaac, 356

    Walker, Quock, 582

    Walker, Thomas, 77n.5

    Walley, John, 70, 72–76, 81, 91, 100, 329

    Wallingford, CT, 221

    Wallpaper making, 490, 492

    Waltham, 181, 182

    War of Jenkin’s Ear, xxxviii

    Ward, Artemas, 230

    Ward, Nahum, 230

    Ward, Nathaniel, xxviii, 5–7, 30, 42; Body of Liberties, 5–7, 9, 30, 31, 33, 42, 47, 250, 251

    Wardell, Jonathan, 129

    Warning-out system, xxxviii, 176–189; documents, illus. 177–178

    Warren, Charles, xxv

    Warren, John, 236

    Warren, Mehetabel, 182–183

    Warren, William, 270, 562

    Watertown, 214, 231, 576

    Watertown, tax protest, 45

    Watson, John, xxxiv

    Wealth, and residency, 181, 188–189

    Webb, Christopher, xxxiv, 136

    Webber, Thomas, 138

    Welch, William, 305

    Weld, Thomas, 268

    Welfare, right to, 155, 188

    Wells, Robert, 254

    Wells, 239, 275, 281, 282, 291, 296, 298, 307, 309

    Wemm, Rex v., 394n.3

    Wemms, William, 270, 562

    Wenham, 158, 159, 165

    Wentworth, Lord Deputy, 15

    Wentworth, Hannah, see Plaisted, Hannah (Wentworth) Wentworth, John, 282

    West, Symboleography, 22, 23

    Westfield, 180

    Weston, 181, 182

    Wetmore, William, 350, 356

    Whales, 383–386

    Wheeler, William, Jr., 236

    Wheelwright, Hannah, see Plaisted, Hannah (Wheelwright)

    Wheelwright, John, 268, 280–282, 289, 294, illus. 295, 296, 298, 299, 302, 308–309

    Wheelwright, John, 282

    Wheelwright, Samuel, 282

    Whigs, 501

    Whipple, Slew v., 394n.9

    Whipple v. Mattoon, 432, 433

    White, Alexander, 563

    White, Hugh, 270, 562

    White, Samuel, 346

    White Pine Acts, 69, 103, 105

    Whiting, William, 169

    Whittemore, Mr., 139

    Whitton, Henry, 225

    Widows, 306

    Wilkes, John, 267, 345

    Wilkins, John, 76–79, 81

    Willard, Abel, 340, 354, 356

    Willard, Samuel, xxxix n.2, 356

    William and Elizabeth Cole v. Francis Doughty, 33n.6

    Williams, Ephraim, 584

    Williams, John, 356–357

    Williams, Jonathan, 356–357

    Wilson, James, 401n.9

    Winchester, John, Jr., 217

    Winchester, Josiah, 134

    Winslow, John, 357

    Winslow, Pelham, 357

    Winter Harbor (Saco), 305

    Winthrop, Adam, 125n.2, 134

    Winthrop, John, xxvii, xxx, lix, 6–9, illus. 8, 11, 21, 23, 35n.3, 41–44, 47, 48, 104, 105, 142, 214, 249, 250, 268, 271, 417; papers at American Antiquarian Society, 552

    Winthrop, John, Jr., xxviii n.6

    Winthrop, Stephen, 23

    Winthrop, Waite, 67, 329

    Wise, Jeremiah, 288

    Witchcraft trials, 268; Salem, xxxii, xxxviii n.2, 265, 267, 556, 578

    Witham, Peter, 307–308

    Wolcot v. Lymon, 32

    Woodbridge, John, 291 ff., 302, 304, 306, 312

    Woodbridge, Nathaniel, 346

    Woodbridge, Timothy, 170

    Woodcock v. Davis, 26 n.3

    Woodman, John, 301, 304

    Woodman, Jonathan, 120

    Woodsum, Joseph, 210

    Worcester, 230, 362, 363, 369, 549, 551, 553, 558, 566, 567, 582

    Worcester County, list of records, 539–540; papers, 553

    Workhouses, see Poverty, law of Worrall, United States v., 460

    Worthington, John, 314n.5, 340, 354, 357

    Wright, Benjamin, 296

    Wright, Henry, 134

    Writ of entry, 507

    Writ of attachment, illus. 544

    Writ of right, 507

    Writ of trespass, 508–511

    Writ system, 477

    Writs of Assistance case, xiv, 492

    Wyer, David, 289n.4., 357

    Wyeth, John, 357–358

    Wythe’s Law School, l


    York, 228, 237, 239, 275–311 passim, 520

    York County (Maine), Court of General Sessions, 290–312; records, illus. 298, illus. 300


    Zenger, John Peter, 269–270

    Zobel, Hiller B., 485