A Stated Meeting of the Society was held at No. 25 Beacon Street, Boston, on Thursday, 25 January, 1906, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the President, George Lyman Kittredge, LL.D., in the chair.
The Records of the last Stated Meeting were read and approved.
The Corresponding Secretary reported that letters had been received from Dr. James Bourne Ayer of Boston, Mr. James Willson Brooks of Petersham, Mr. Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., of Manchester, and Mr. William Vail Kellen of Boston, accepting Resident Membership.
On behalf of Mr. George A. Plimpton, a Corresponding Member, the President exhibited a photograph of the title-page of the eighth edition of Thomas Dilworth’s A New Guide to the English Tongue, published by Franklin at Philadelphia in 1747. The book contains sections devoted to spelling, grammar, prayers, and fables, and played an important part in this country previous to the Revolutionary War. The original is owned by Mr. Plimpton and is thought to be a unique copy.284
On behalf of Mr. Appleton P. C. Griffin, a Corresponding Member, Mr. Henry H. Edes communicated a Commonplace-Book written by Benjamin Franklin (1650–1727), an uncle285 of Dr. Franklin. The first forty pages are unfortunately missing, but the remainder is here printed.286
Genoa 1718.
The Spanish consul and two Jesuits went on board the Spanish admiral, Taken by sr George Bing,287 with 10 more in the fight, and sent into Mohone,288 They tarried on board about two hours and quickly after they were gone a shore she blew up, having on board, 80 Guns, 600 barrels of powder, 150 spanyards, and 50 English m̄. This fell out next day after she was bro’t into Mohone.
Boston N. L:289 8 June 1719.
The Spanish fleet with the pretender,290 set out from corona291 at latter end of March 1719. and sayling toward Irland, were scattered, and shattered very much, driven back into several ports and many of them cast away.
The same Lettr. of 8 June above says the Spaniard had 8 Men of War, abundance of Transport ships, 6000 Souldiers, and arms for 20000 men, and a Million pss [pieces] of Eight, when they sayled for corona to Joyn the Duke of Ormond.292
15 June 1719. B. N.293
War with spaine proclam’d at Boston 9 June of the 15 it says, that 4 Spanish ships set on shore on the Ile of Sky in Scotland, about 8 hundred m̄ almost starved, and prsently departed, and that the French General has burnt Six of the Spaniards men of war at and ordered the Timber there which is sufficient
Samll Franklin 1762294
to build 20 m̄ War to be carried unto Bayony.295 there is also a prodigious number of Masts.
Boston N. L: 15 June 1719. says, Sally296 has released 200 English captives.
Boston 28 Sept 1719.
On the 17 Instant there appear’d in cape-cod harbour a strange creature, His head like a Lyons, with very large Teeth, Ears hanging Down, a large Beard, a long beard, with curled hair on his head, his Body a bout 16 foot Long, a round buttock, with a short Tayle of a yellowish colour, The Whale boats gave him chase, he was very fierce and gnasht his teeth with great rage when they attackt him, he was shot at 3 times and Wounded, When he rose out of the Water he always faced the boats, in that angry māner, The Harpaniers struck at him, but in vaine, for after 5 hours chase, he took to sea again.
None of the people there ever saw his like befor.
Boston 19 Oct 1719
Dreadfull Thunder and Lightning at Dublin in Ireland such as was never known in that country, it Lasted Six hours.
Boston 19 Oct 1719
The Czar of Muscovy297 as seiz’d 3 of the Sweds Men of War, and is going thither with his Fleet and army.
Edenhurg. 6 Oct 1719. The late Earl of Wintons298 real estate was sold here for 50482ł. sterling, and the 9 day the Late Earl of panmure299 his Estate was sold for 60400ł. sterling.
21 Dec: 1719. there came out the first Boston Gazzet, put out by [Philip] Musgrove postmr.300
On the first Fryday in Mar: 1720. Mr Colmans Lecture began.301
Mr prince302 Tr. 24 Mar: 1720. sayes that according to the Judgmt. of those phylosophers Who reckon that there are 300 Millions of Men on the earth at this time, God is prsent (in al parts of the World) at the formation of no less than 3 Millions of Men every Moment.
Boston from London.
25 Apr: 1720. The Lord cobham303 Genral: has taken Spanish prisonr at vigo 865. cannon. 103. barrels of powder 2000, smal arms 8000 and 7. ships, These are part of the Spaniards preparations for Invadeing england, last year when their fleet was driven back and shattered by a storm.
Boston Gazzet
says a parliamt man at plymouth had 10 servts Who went to take their pleasure in a boat in the Harbour, that the boat turn’d over and they Were all Drowned.
The Depositions of Jno. philmore, concerning John philips and other pyrats are too Long to be here Incerted, In Boston N. letter of the 3 May 1724 you have a full and particular account of the Barbarous Murders, crueltys and Inhumane usages of those who fell into their Merciless hands, Together with the Robberys, destruction of Goods and ships which they commited, and how at last [Andrew] Harradine whom they had taken contrived to subdue them killd some of them and bro’t some of them in to boston where they were Executed.304
On the Sexton of Cambridg. By an Oxford scholar.
You see old Scarlets305 picture stand on high *
But at yoṛ feet, there does his body lye
His grave-stone both his age and death does show
His office by those Tokens you may know †
Second to none, for strength and sturdy Limb
A scar-babe, Mighty voice, wtḥ Vissage Grim
Two Queens he did Interr within this place
And this Towns housholders in his times space
Twice over: but at last his own turn came
What he for others did, they did for him the same.
* over Kings-colledg Gate
† The pickax and spade.
Leghorn 12 July 1718.
Letters from Grand cair[o] say 200000 dyed there of of the plague in May last.
When Indians hear that some there be
That Men, the papists call
Forbiding Marriage bed and yet
To Thousand Whoredoms fall
They ask if such do goe in cloths
Or whether God they know
And when they hear they ’re richly clad
Know God yet practice soe
Nay sure they ’r beasts not men, they say
Mans shame and foule disgrace
Or men have mixt with beasts and soe
Bro’t forth this monstrous Race
On a grave in Covent garden C. yard.
Good frind for Jesus Sake forbear
to Digg the Dust Inclosed here
Blesst be the man that spares these stones
And curse’t be he that moves my bones.306
An Epitaph.
The Modest front of this small floor
Believe me Reader, can say more
Than many braver Marbles can
Here lyes a Truly Honest Man
One Whose conscience was a Thing
That troubled Neither church nor King.307
My sister Hana Morris Dyed,308 23 June 1712.
The Streets, Lanes, and Alleys, Names, In the Town of Boston N. Eng: As they are Recorded in the Town Book, By ordr of the Selectmen, on 3d May 1708.309
72 |
B | |
Beech street |
2 |
Blind lane |
10 |
Bishops Alley |
19 |
Battery March |
28 |
Belchers Lane |
29 |
Beacon Street. |
31 |
Brattle Street |
64 |
Back Street |
80 |
Beer lane |
84 |
Bell Alley |
90 |
Bennet Street |
102 |
Battery Alley |
109 |
C | |
cow lane |
22 |
crooked Alley |
24 |
centry street |
33 |
corn-hill |
34 |
coopers Alley |
37 |
church Square |
40 |
common Street |
44 |
crabb lane |
50 |
cambridg street |
52 |
crooked lane. |
54 |
corn Market. |
57 |
corn court |
59 |
cold lane |
66 |
creek lane |
68 |
cross street |
81 |
Clarks Square |
91 |
Charter Street |
98 |
D | |
Davies lane |
32 |
Dock Square |
55 |
E | |
Essex street |
3 |
Elbow Alley |
85 |
F | |
Frogg lane |
5 |
Flounder lane |
23 |
Fish Market |
73 |
Fish street |
77 |
Fleet street |
89 |
Ferry Way |
97 |
G | |
25 |
Gibb’s lane |
26 |
Green lane |
53 |
Gallops Alley |
86 |
Garden court |
94 |
Greenoughs Alley |
107 |
H | |
Hogg Alley |
7 |
Half squf court |
47 |
Hanover street |
62 |
Hilliers lane |
65 |
Hull Street |
101 |
Henchmans lane |
106 |
I. K. |
Joylieffs lane |
39 |
Kings Street |
41 |
L | |
Long lane |
20 |
Leverets lane |
48 |
Link alley |
71 |
Lynn street |
96 |
Love street |
103 |
Lime alley |
104 |
M | |
Marlboro: street |
16 |
Milk-street |
18 |
Mackeril lane |
49 |
Merchants row |
60 |
Marshals lane |
67 |
Marsh lane |
70 |
Minots court |
74 |
Middle street |
79 |
Moon street |
93 |
N | |
Newbery street |
6 |
North street |
88 |
O | |
Orange street |
1 |
Olivers street |
21 |
Old Way |
82 |
P | |
pond street |
8 |
pudding lane |
46 |
pierses alley |
58 |
paddeys alley |
78 |
princes street |
87 |
Q. R. | |
Queen street |
42 |
Ransfords lane |
4 |
Rawsons lane |
17 |
S | |
Short street |
9 |
Summer street |
13 |
South street |
14 |
Sea street |
15 |
Sconce lane |
27 |
School street |
30 |
Spring lane |
35 |
Sudbury street |
51 |
Shrimptons lane |
56 |
Salt lane |
69 |
Scottows alley |
75 |
Swinge lane |
76 |
Sun court |
92 |
Ship street |
95 |
Salem street |
99 |
Snow hill |
100 |
Slideing alley |
105 |
Salutation alley |
108 |
T. U. | |
38 |
Trea-Mount street |
43 |
Turn again alley |
45 |
Union street |
61 |
W | |
West street |
11 |
Winter street |
12 |
Water street |
36 |
Wings lane |
63 |
Wood Lane |
83 |
White bread alley |
110 |
New North bell weys |
505 |
Old North bell weys |
700 |
New south bell weys |
700 |
Old Brick bell weys |
532 |
Colmans bell weys |
430 |
Old south bell weys |
places known by other Names Not Mention’d in the Number above
Aimes house |
G |
A |
G |
Beacon hill |
Hows Wharfe |
B |
H |
Cops hill |
James street |
common |
J |
common garden |
K |
clarks Wharf |
K |
Drawbridg street |
Long Wharfe |
D |
Lillys Wharf |
E |
L |
E |
Mount pleasant |
Fort hill |
M |
Fort lane |
M |
Fox hill |
North Battery |
Fortification on Neck |
Neck |
Meet: Houses and Churches In Boston. in the year 1724.
1 The old Brick |
7 The Quakers M. H. |
2 The old North |
8 The New North |
3 The old South |
9 The New South |
4 The Kings chappel |
10 The French church |
5 Mr Colmans M. H. |
11 The New North brick |
6 The Baptists |
12 Christs church. |
Commonplace Book of Benjamin Franklin (1650–1727) an uncle of Dr. Franklin
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the original in the possession of Edward Andem Whiston, M.D.
R |
O |
R |
prison lane |
Scarlets Wharf |
prouts lane |
Swing Bridge |
palmers pasture |
South battery |
Quakers lane |
S |
Qu. |
Town Dock |
Rope walk |
Town House |
It is likely some of those places last noted are Mentioned undr other names in the number above
A peny line sent to my Daughter Eliz. at Mr Honybourns 16 Dec. 1713.
Mr Hannah view’d your hood
Says the Camblets very Good
If you’d have it very Trim
and if you will be ruled by him
To make it in the Due decore310
You must add Three yards or More
and according to his Sence
Ev’ry yard is Eighteen pence
So then if you Note it Down
’T will be Three pence above a Crown
Moreover for his undertake
Nine Groats he ’l have it well to Make
Some Silk I also dyed have
Fitt for a Modeish lineing Grave
This Inclosed Is the collour
May be ’tis a little fuller
To affirm it I am bold
’tis a collour that will hold
Yet colour and with what to line it
I would have yoṛself Designe it
Here at home I have some blue
’tis not of the Deepest hue
the Damask will most service do
Which to chuse I leave to you
shortly by a peny Line
By what I’ve writ I hope you’l gather
I am yet yoṛ Loving Father. B. F.
A Dialogue bet. a Married Man and a Marriner.311
Frind, since we both encumbred are
and changing loads is common
With yoṛ consent Ile take the ship
and you shall take the Woman
That change would but Augmṭ my care
for Womans fond adorer
Had need of store of shiping too
to fetch new fangles for her
M. M.
Then since you neither will Exchange
nor I can’t better Make her
We’l put the Woman in the ship
and let King Neptune take her
O by no means she’l vex him soe
and put him in commotion
It never will be saffe henceforth
to sayle upon the Ocean.
An Epitaph on the Readṛ at st saviours312 Southwark.
Here lyes the body of Mr John Knightly
Who in his life time ne’re Walkt uprightly
and yet he wore his sursingle Tightly
His nose it lookt red, and his eyes they lookt sprightly
Good Gentle reader tread on him lightly.
On a Tomb in the Great church yḍ at Warwick.
Here lyeth one under this stone
Who never did good but only to one
Whither he’s gone and how he fares
No body knows nor no body cares.
On Tobacco.
O Nasty black pipe, art thou crept in here
With thy poysonous Weed & thy Smoke disappear
Lest custome and use to Ill habits provoke
And Health thou destroy wtḥ thy fire and thy smoke
But if thou wilt still in spite of my Laws
Suffocate, strangle and Draw in Thin Jaws
I Doom thee thou poysonous weed with thy stink |
To be spauld at, and pist on, and Smutted with Ink |
To be chawed by sotts to prpare them for Drink |
To be put into clysters, and Vomits and plasters
And evṛ Embroyl’d in all kinds of Dissasters
to be burnt and Destroy’d wherever thou come
And you pipes to be broken for that is yor. Doom.
B. F.
On Mṛ palgraves Tombe near the charnel House In Westminster Abby 1724.
From bone to bone he Travel’d all his life
Bone of his bone he left behinde, his Wife
Bones he laid Down in hope of bones much better
So he has lost his bones, and we the best bone-setter.
An Epitaph on Bona Fide313
Here lyes an old man of Seventy and seven
Who dyed as he liv’d yet hoped for Heaven
For faith and good works the Two saving things
He out did all potentates princes and Kings.
There’s Utrecht & Riswick & Spanish partition314
Old Renunciation315 and New Demolition316
And as for good Works no Man had the like
Begin at Landau317 and end at Mardike
For if the most Christian Wants Justification
His only good Works are Fortification
And as for his sins the Jesuits make good
That He gets Remission by sheding of blood
Some tho’t him Imortal some Honest & Just |
Yet he Rotted and Dyed in the Month of August318 |
As did his good Sister319 now now Mouldred to dust |
But the Mortification is greater by far
To pope Turk320 and Swede & Ktṣ of Lebarr321
To Jacks and False Jurors such deaths are sd stories
For old Bona fide was head of the Tories322
But as he lay dying on Royal state bed |
Remembring’s best friends it is Whispred and said |
O Robin of Radnor323 take care of thy Head |
O James Duke of Ormond324 My Ireish dear Joy
I bequeath thee to Villers325 wn. he wants a decoy
O high Metled harry326 go cool thy lewde fire
by Maintenons327 leave wtḥ her Nuns of st Cyre
O bold King of Sweden328 Expect a Defeat
O Duke of Morea329 resolve to retreat
O Clement332 of Rome thy church bull recall |
If Worcester333 says true prepare for a fall V |
For George of great Brittain will Manage yu. all. |
Transcribed from My sons334 letter to betty Dated 16. April 1716.
I was much surprized to hear of My Fathers coming to Boston, Thinking I should never have seen him More on this side the grave, But Much More When I saw him, Tho. Uncle335 use to say I was his fore runner, Father has his health here very Well, I should be very glad if a Mean May be found to bring you alsoe over, and then I shall be Easie, &c.
A strange and Wonderful prophesie for the year
Before the sixt day of the next new year
Strange Wonders in Great Brittain will appear
Four Kings together shall assembled be
And Each shall strive for Sovereignity
Various successes shall their arms attend
And each shall egarly his Right defend
But which o’th four at last shall Victor be
That secret is not yet reveald to me
But thro’ the Ile in city and in Town
Shall Mens dead bones be tumbled up & down
And certainly this Tumult shall not cease
untill a Herald does proclaime a peace
A Herald strange the like was never born
His beard is flesh his Mouth is real horn
But ere the Agent can the peace compleat
Most cruelly they will the Herald treat
And like wilde canibals him Kill and Eat.
read Herauld
Sent to Me in 1724.
Nature to him a Slender crop Assign’d
1 2 3 4 5 9 6 8 7
A proper Emblem of his slender Mind
5 1 2 3 4 6 7
In Answer to a letter sent with this above, and a Notorious Lye revived, concering Mr Ec Baxters Killing a man, and takeing a Medal from him, in the courant at the same time.
To you the crack-fart of the Town
This comes, and if you hand it Down
To your Admirers, Them advise
paper no More to blott with Lyes,
Long Since Exploded, by a name Well known
To Question Which, will be to blott yor own.
On Fasting
The Sick Man Fasts because he cannot Eat
The poor Man Fasts because he has no Meat
The rich Man Fasts for to Increase his store
The glutton Fasts ’cause he can eat no More
The hypocrite Fasts that he may be comended.
The good Man Fasts because he has offended.
Esqr Woodward,336 in the year 1722. obtained a patent to Make pennys— 2d—3d—4d—d6 for Ireland, and North America, on one side is K. Georges Head, and this Inscription
Georgius. Dei. Gratia Rex.
And on the reverse, a Rose in the Midle And, Rosa. Americana, utile. Dulci. 1722.
In English Thus. The Sweet and profitable American Rose.
Mr Sam: Welles337 M. A. was Minister of Banbury in Oxford shire untill the Black Bartholomew, when he was Ejected with about 2000 Ministers More, He lived afterwd and dyed in his own house there, about the year 1678: Dorothy his Widdow removed to Londo in 1682. B. F. Married her Daughter Hannah the youngest of 12. on the 23 Nov. 1683. And my son sam:338 was born in White-chappel parish in Goodm̄s fields. 15 Oct 1684.
Again on behalf of Mr. Griffin, Mr. Edes communicated a treatise on dyeing and coloring, also written by Benjamin Franklin (1650–1727). In this treatise frequent mention is made of “Alexis.” This was a rather famous book in its time, originally published in Italian under the pseudonym of Alessio Piedmontese.339 Its authorship is unknown, but it is sometimes, though on what evidence is uncertain, ascribed to Girolamo Ruscelli. There was an English translation, the titles of which read as follows:
The secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont. Containing excellent remedies against diuers diseases, woundes, and other accidentes, with the maner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, dyinges, colours, fusions, and meltinges . . . Newely corrected . . . Translated oute of Frenche into Englyshe, by William Warde. London. 1562.
The second part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont, by hym collected out of diuers excellent aucthours, and newly translated out of French into English . . . By Willyam Ward. London. 1563.
The thyrde and last parte, etc. London. 1562.
Franklin’s treatise, a great part of which is from Alexis, is incomplete, but what is extant follows.340
To Make Black Ink.
put into 5 Winchester quarts of Raine Water
- 8 o͞u: of Aleppo Gauls broken, not in pouder.
2 o͞u: of Copris
2 o͞u: of White Salt.
2 o͞u: of Loaf sugar
1 o͞u. Allum and
a Gill of Aqua-Vitæ
put these altogether in a New Earthen pot and Stir them well Morn, and Evening 30 Dayes
Then use it
By this Receipt I Made Ink in 1673. Which I saw was as black and Beautifull 30 years afterward as it was at first Writing. B. F.
To Make Red Ink
In a pint of Raine Water boyle a qrof an hour
- 4 oū. of Ground Brazel
2 oū. of Salt, White salt
1 .oū Of Allum Then straine it
And add 1 .oū of Gum Arabeck, and When it Is disolved use it
To Make Green Ink
Mix very in Gum-Araback very well
Mix very well in Gum Arabeck water the Juice of Rue, saffron, and verdigrease. [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 93 vo.]
Another R
Mix very well in a Morter, verdigrease, litharg, Quicksilver and childspiss, and if it is too thin put Gum water to it. Alexis [book v. fol. 92 vo].
Golden Ink
Mix very Well, beaten gold-leaves with four Drops of Honey, and when you use it mix Gum Arabeck water with it /: gum disolved in cold water then Write with it & keep it in a glass. Alexis [book v. fol. 92
Goldn letters wth.out gold
Beat of orpiment and fine Christal singly, each an oū: then mix them with the white of Eggs, When you write with it Keep it in a glass. [Alexis, book v. fol. 93 vo.]
Beat and make into paste with strong vinegar, the best verdigrease, when you use it, mix the Water wherein Gum Arabeck is disolved, [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 1 vo].
printers Ink bla
Burn Rozin in an Iron pan, hold a bag with ye Mouth downward to catch the smoak, When it is cold shake yoṛ bag on a paper, Mix the soot Exceeding well with Linseed oyle, and then boyle it over a gentle fire, until you find it thick [Cf. Alexis, book v. fols. 98 vo, 99 ro].
printers Red Ink
Mix Vermillion finely powdred and searsed342 very well with Linseed oyle and soe use it
printers Ink Green
Mix Spanish Green, and Linseed oyle very well together and soe use it
printers Ink Blue
Mix very well finely powdred verdigrease and Linseed oyle, Or Azure of almaine, or that of Glass which is made at venice. Alexis ℞ [book v. fol. 99 Vo].
Cocker343 The Famous Writing Mṛ His Receite For Black Ink. 1675.
Take a Quart of Clear Midling Beer. An ou: of green vitriol, or Coperas. Two ou: of Gum Arabeck. Four ou: of Gauls Cut, not beaten, put these together in a New Earthen pot, Stir them Well Twice a day for fourteen dayes then use it.
Mṛ Tho. Francis ℞ for bla Ink
In a Gaƚƚ: of Soure Syder boyle a handfull of shomack berryes and 2. oū: of Maple bark, in an Iron pot untill half is Consum’d, then put in 2 oū: of Gum Arabeck, or cherry Gum, 1 oū: of sugar and 1 ou: of Coperas. and When they are Disolved use it. 1716
To Make Red Ink. 1673.
Into 2 quarts of River Water, put 4. oū: of brazell Ground, 4 oū: of White Salt, and 1. ou: of Allum, boyle these gently a Quarter of an hour, Then Straine It, & When ‘tis Well setled pour it off, And Add 3 ou: of Gum Arabeck, When that is Disolved use it.
To Make Gold-color Ink
Disolve 1 oū: of Gum of Almonds In the White of Three Eggs, Then Temper Well with It vermilion finely ground untill it is Redish enough, then use it
To Make Green Ink
Mix 2. oū: of verdigrease finely powder’d, with half a pint of Stronge Wine Vinegar, When you use it Add 2. oū: of Gum Arabeck disolved In Water, And yu May Add a little Distild Water of Alepo Gauls.
Amber to Clear
Boyle it in the Grease of a sow that gives suck and it will be both cleerer and better
Aquavitæ pleasant
Distill good Wine a year old in a Glass six foot long with a gentle fire, strive not to draw much, Take it away while it run or drop freely [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 1 ro].
Bones to Colour Green
Disolve in Double Aquafortis as much copper as you can, Then put in yoṛ bones and let them lye at least twelve houres. [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 85 vo.]
Bones to Dye Green
put Quick-lime in Water, stir it once in twelve hours for Three dayes, boyle yor bones in Roch Allum Then scrape them, Take the cleer Water off your lime and add to it beaten Verdigrease, and boyle yor bones in it, In stead of lime Water you may use stale chamber lye /: piss [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 85].
Bones to dye Emerald.
Disolve in Aguafortis as much copper or brass as you can, Then put in yoṛ bones twelve hours, but silver soe disolved does better. [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 85 vo.]
Bones to dye Red
Boyle them in Allum Water, then put into lime-water, or urin /: piss, Madder or brazel ground, and boyle yoṛ bones in it [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 85 vo].
For purple use Logwood, as in red.
For blue use Indico, as in red
Bones to dye Red
Slack Lime with raine Water, let it stand 24 hours, stir it twice in that time, Then put to every quart au ou: of brazel then boyle yoṛ bones in it, This will dye horn or Wood alsoe [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 89 ro].
Bones how to Guild Gold-col.
Let out the White of a New laid Egg by Making a hole at End, Then fill it with two parts Quick silver and one part salarmoniack clean and Well fine powdred, Mix them well with the yolk Then close the hole with soft Wax and lay that end downward It being Capt at both ends with an Egg shell, Then put it in a Dunghill 25 dayes Closs coverd, Then if it is too thick put Gum . to it
This will Guild Glass, Iron, or Wood-bones. Alex [book v. fol. 97 vo].
To prepare Bone Dying-Wood
In strong vinegar, Infuse Copris, Allum, verdigrease a week, Then boyle it with fileings of Copper, Then put in yoṛ bones and they will be Green, If you would have them Red leave out the verdigr: and put in Brazel, If yellow, put in Turmerick, and soe of other Collours Alex
Bones to dye Red
Slack Lime with raine Water, let it stand 24 hours, put to every Quart an oū: brazel Then boyle yoṛ Bone, Horn, or Wood in it
Bones to Dye Yellow
Steep the Inner bark of Apple-tree in Water one Day, Then boyle it with Allum Then put in yoṛ Bone, Horn, or Wood, and boyle it. Or. in stead of Aple-bark, you may use chips or sawdust of the Locust Tree. B. Fra
Bones to Dye Black
Boyle Gaules in vinegar With yoṛ bones, wood or Horn then add the White of Eg͞gs and Walnut leaves and boyle it in that Alexis
Books to Guild
Beat Bole Armoniack one oū: sugar-candy 2 Drams, beat very well the White of one Egg, Then Mix them all well together, Bind, Cut, Glue, & pollish yoṛ Book, Then brush it over with ye White of an Egg, and let it dry, Then brush it over with yoṛ Composition, and when it is dry, scrape and polish it well, Then wet it and lay on yoṛ leaf gold and when tis dry polish it [Cf. Alexis, book v. fols. 94 vo, 95 ro].
Bristles to dye Red
Wash them, and Rinse them clean from the sope suds, Then lay them in Allum Water till they look yellowish Infuse Madder in vinegar and mix it with Water over the fire, put in your bristles, bring them almost to boyle, When cold take them out Or you may use Brazel instead of Madder, Brazel Ground or Rasped. [Cf. Alexis, fol. 89 ro.]
Bristles to Dye Yello
Wash and allum them as above, or boyle them in Allum, Then boyle saffron or Turmerick & Ligustrum in Water, but first Infuse them in vinegar, Then to make them Green dip them in the dyers hot Indico Vat [Cf. Alexis, fol. 89 vo].
Bristles to dye blue
Wash and Rinse them as above directed and then dip them in the Dyers hot Indigo Vat. Or Disolve Indico in Warm piss and Then put in yoṛ bristles, and let em lye longer or less time according to the strength or Weakns of yoṛ Liquor,
Another ℞ for Green.
Wash as above, Infuse painter’s Green in vinegar Then Dip them, or put em In and let them lye for some time. These are Alexis ℞s
Candle How to Make
Take an equal Quantity of virgin-Wax and pure Brimston, Melt them together and when they are Well Mixed make yor Candle, This will not be put out by blowing. Alex, [part ii. fol. 8 ro].
An Ice Candle
Mix powder of charcole and brimston, hold yoṛ candle made as above against the fire, and sprinckle on it yoṛ charcole, till tis as thick as a knife back, Then fasten it at end of a Gutter in frosty Wether that ye water may freez on it [Ibid.]
Fethers to Dye
Blue, dip them in a silk dyer’s strong Indigo vat, for Red disolve vermilian and Gum in Water, and add a smal quantity of boyled brazel liquor, for Yelow Disolve Gum bogia, in Water, for purple Mix Indigo with vermilion, for Orange mix Gum bogia, vermilian, and Turmeriek together, for Yelow Mix Turmeriek and Gum bogia, With These you may Dye bristles alsoe of the same Collours Alex
Glass How to Guild Gold col.
Let out the white of a New-laid Egg by Making a little hole at the End, then fill it with two parts Quicksilver, Sal Armoniack one part, finely powdred, Mix them Well with a stick Then close it Well with soft Wax, Cap it at both Ends with an Egg shell, set the Wax end dow ward in a hot Dunghill covered, 25 Dayes, If it is too Thick put in Gum Water wṇ yụ use it
Another ℞
Beat Well in a Mortar, clear yelo. orang peel clear frō . within, and clear yelo. and bright brimstone, set this in a vial closs stopt, undṛ Underground, Ten Dayes, Then heat it by the Fire and use it Alex
Hair to Make Yelow
Steep the rind of Rubarb or scrapings, in wine or strong clear lye, Wash yoṛ Head & Dry it in the sun, Doe soe several times
Hair to Make Black
In comon Lye, boyle 4 handfulls of sage leaves, one handf: of Beet-leaves, one handf: of Walnut leaves, or bark, and one oū: of Myrrh, Then Wash yoṛ head several times with it
Hair to Destroy
Heat a piece of fine Gold red hot and burn off the hair, Then Anoynt the place with oyle of Roses or violets. This ℞ Alexis [see fol. 78 vo] had from a Syrian Lady, and he often proved it, If the Gold be pure it leaves noe Mark A he Goats Gall does the same [part ii. fol. 5 vo].
To Make Hair Black
Combe it with a comb of Lead, or a horn comb first laid in oyle of Crows Legs, untill it hath drank up all the oyle [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 40 ro].
Hair to Make Green
Wash it in the Distull’d Water of fresh Capers [Alexis, part ii. fol. 9 ro].
Steep Leeches in red Wine or vinegar in a Lead vessel, six Weeks, then Wash yor head and Dry it in the sun. or boyle vine, red fig, and Mulbery leaves in Raine Water, and Then use it [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 41 ro].
Hair to Make Grow
put Three Live Frogs in an Earthen pot and soe burn them to Ashes, Then Mix the Ashes with Honey, or Tar which is Better. [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fols. 5 ro, 23 ro.]
Horn how to shape.
Burn Argill, Then With it and unslac’t lime Make a strong Lye, Then add horn Raspings, & boyle them. Well in this, and then shape them
The German ball
Melt 4 oū: of Bee’s Wax, Then put in a 2d Tub of Lamb black, and ha: an ou: of Mutton suit or hard Tallow, Mix these very Well over the fire Then put it into Water and make it into balls,
Let yor. Shooes be clean and dry, Rub it well into them and it will make them smooth and black, This is for the Rough side of the Lether. (.W.
Gold-Silver to Clear
Boyle it in Raine Water and beaten Tarter, or boyle in raine Water, in a Copper vessel, Salt, and beaten Tarter, but first heat them hot by the fire, and let no Iron come into the Water.
Gloves to Soften
Make a Larder of the yolks of Eggs, and use it as you doe a Larder of Sope for other things Se more of this in Lether page Tho Cleverly
Ivory to Whiten
Cover it with Quick-lime, Then Moysten the lime with Water that it may slack, let it lye in the lime Twenty four hours
Ivory to Dye Emrald /: g-
Disolve in Aquafortis as Much copper or brass as you can, and let yor bones or Ivory lye in the liquor 12 hours, but Silver disolved does better
Iron to keep from Rust
put Lead fileings in oyle olive Nine dayes & then Rub it well on the sword or Iron.
Boyle in Water, Walwort berries, and Elderberies with roach Allum, pass it Thro’ this liquor 3 times Drying it each time, wash it first each time [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 86 vo].
Lether to Dye Red
Wash it well, then lay it in Gall two hours, Then brush it over with Ligustrum sodd in Water with Allum, Then put in Spanish Green, Then Dye it Twice in Lye wherin brazel is boyled first, For Spanish Lether boyle yor. Ligustrum in Lye [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 88 ro].
Lether to Dye Green
Wash it well in cold Water and dry it, Boyle the Ripe berries of Dogtree with Roach allum, and brush over the Lether with it, and dry it, Then boyle yelow grains /: berries of Nept (alis) Nerprum with allum water and saffron [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 88 ro].
Lether to Dye Green
Couler Wash, and dry, It in the Decoction of Dogtree berries,” and Ashes, Disolve Indico in roach Allum Water, brush it over with this, and When It is Dry, brush it over wth above nam’d yelow [Ibid. vo].
Linen to Whiten
Lay it two dayes in soure Milk, closs coverd.
Linen to Dye black
Scoure it clean, rince it, put it into hot alum liquer, an hour, boyle old fustick chipt or ground, put yo’ linen into that liqr hot. Then sadenit in the same, with copris disolved in Water, Then Wash it well and give it fresh Logwood, pass it 3 or 4 Times, Thro’ each Liqr Wash it every time from the copris Liqr, B. Fra
Linen to Dye Green
First Dye sky col, Then Alom it, Then Wash it, Then give it old fustick liqr and it will be Green B. Fra
Lether Gloves to clean & Dye
For clear White, use nothing but Whiting & Water
For Lemon, use lemon cot, yelow oker, & Whiting
For Yelow, use lemon cot, Whiting, & yelo. oker
For Orang, use Red oker, french oker, lamb black & whiting
For Red, use Red oker, french yelo, Whit: lamb, bla
For flesh C:, use Red oker and Whiting
For Chocalet, use La: b͞la. Red oker, & Whiting
For Copper, Red oker, and Lamb black
For Ash, use Whiting and Lamb bla.
For yelo, White, use oker, and Whiting
For green White, use Dutchpink, and Whiting
Note, you must kill yor. Lamb black by itself and then Mix it according to Art
To Clean Gloves
Use the yolk of Eggs beaten, as you use a Lardṛ of Sope to Wash or scoure, linen or silk,
To Glaze Gloves
Use the Whites of Eggs, Well beaten as you Doe to Glaze a plumb-cake/: Ice it
To perfume Gloves
Beat civet very fine and searse it, Then Mix It with yoṛ White of Eggs, and soe Glaze them Mr Char: Casting
Letter of Silver
Melt and Mix an ou: of Tinn with 2 oū of Quicksilver then beat them well together with Gum Water, and write, [Alexis, fol. 93 vo].
White Letters
Write With the White of an Egg and let it Dry, Then black the paper all over with Ink and When it is Dry Rub It very Well with a clean Linen Cloth. [Cf. Alexis, fol. 94 ro.]
Letters Gold coƚ.
Mix Dryed powder of saffron, With as Much yelow scaley Glistering orpiment, and the Gall of a hare, or pike, put it into a vial stop it closs, and put it Into a Dunghill 14 dayes, Then shake it Well and Write [Alexis, fol. 97 ro].
Marble to Guild
Beat Bole Armoniack, and Linseed oyle very Well together, and let yor Ground be neither Wet nor Dry, When you lay it on And When it is Dry lay on yo’ Gold [Cf. Alexis, fol. 93 vo].
Mix very Well Lamp-black With Linseed oyle and let yor Ground be Neither wet nor Dry, as above, Then lay on yor Gold as above. [Ibid.]
Gold on a single Ground
Temper Together Gipsum, Aloe Epaticum, and Bole Armoniack, of Each a like Quantity With the Whites of New laid Eggs beaten & strain’d thro’ a clean linen cloth, and if yor Ground be too strong put Water to it, Wn it is Dry lay on yo’ Gold. [Alexis, fol. 93 ro].
Gold on parchmṭ
Mix yor Gold, with Gum Arabeck Water, and White of Eggs, and soe Guild yor parchment vellum or Lether [Alexis, fol. 93 ro].
Mettals to Guild
Make into fine powder Salt Armoniack, White vitriol, and stone salt, cover yor. Mettle with it, put it into the fire an hour, Then Quench it in urine Newly Made, This colours Stone alsoe, of a Gold Colour
Oyle or Grease takes out &c
Mix the Ashes of a vine, finely Sifted, with the same quantity of soft sope, of White Argil, and Roach Allum, Mix them Well and Make them into balls. Spit on yor. spots then rub yor. ball on it, scrape it off or Wash it off with Warm Water.
See More of this in Spots. page
pitch & Tarr takes out &c
Rub the spots with clean Tallow, Then lay sope upon them, and scoure it Well in a stronge Larder of Sope B. Fra.
pictures to Refresh
Disolve clear Allum in stronge Vinegar When tis cold Wet yor picture, and rub it Gently with a clean soft brush or cloth
print and Writeing to Refresh
Steep Gauls one day in White wine, Then Distill them, when it is cold, Gently Wash yor print or Writeing With cotton Wool.
Gather them at Even, with a sharp knife, When they are half open, set them in the Ayr all night, Then put em in an Earthen vessel, Well loaded, stop it closs and Cover it With Dry sand, Tis sd to Keep em fresh a year
Steel to Harden
Quench it 5 Times in the Juice of the Herb, Mouse Ear, Then it will cut Iron
Steel to Soften
Quench it in Juice of Hemlock 4 Times then Melt Lead, and Quench it in pure oyle olive, Then Quench yor. steel in it 7 Times
Spanish Green to Make
Mix With brass, or Copper fileings, Salt Armoniack, and stale chamberlye /: piss, as it drys continue to Wet, the fileings till they Turn Green, and Then use it
Spots to take out
Mix Spirit of Sulpher, With Three parts Water, Wet no further with this than the spot This Takes Ink spots out of cloth or stuff
Staines takes out Wollen
Boyle Lavender in Water, Wet yor. staines with it prety Warm, Dry it in the Sun, in sum̄er doe soe a second time, This will fetch out a staine in a Mix colour Woolen cloth tho, It be Made with Lime B. Fra
Spots Ink takes out
Wet them with Juice of Lemons 3 Times, and let it dry in every Time, Then wash it in Warm Water, This Takes spots of b͞la Ink or other things out of Woolen or Linen clothes [Alexis, part ii. fol. 48 ro].
Spots Takes out
Beat to powder, Martem Crudum and Raw Red Arsnick, a like Quantity, With the Herb cinkfoyle, put fair Water, to them Then boyle it unto half, let it cool, Then set it in the sun, 2 hours, Then Wash & dry yor Cloth of Gold In the Sun [Alexis, part iii. fol. 59 ro].
Boyle a Tench, all to peeces, Wash the Cloth often in the Water, Then boyle bran in the Same Water, and Wash yor cloth in it again
I suppose this will not hurt the colour
Another ℞
Boyle in a very clean vessel Roach Allum, one pou: unslackt Lime one pou: in Two Quarts clean Water, With Six ou: of Allum-en fecis, use it Warm 4 Times, Then Wash With Water, This Takes out oyle or Grease [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 47 vo].
Another Receite
Take the Juice of the Herb, caled in latin Lanaria, by the Apothecarys, Condissi, & lay it upon the spot 3 hours, Then Wash it out with Warm Water, [Ibid.]
This Takes spots out of velvet or scarlet colour, Without hurting the color.
A ℞ for Silk
Wet the spots with double distil’d Aquavitae Then lay on it the White of a New-laid Egg and Dry it in the Sun, Then Wash it in a Clear Water, Doe this Three Times [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 48 ro].
Another ℞
For spots of oyle in cloth, Drop oyle of Tarter on them, and take it off againe Quickly, Then Wash it well in Warm, and then cold Water Doe this 4 Times.
Another ℞
For Cloth In Graine, Wet it in Allum Water and rub Cloth against cloth, Doe this Three or 4 Times and Then Wash it in Warm Water. [Alexis, part ii. fol. 48 ro.]
Spots Take out
Of Woolen or Linen Tho, Made with Ink, Wet them often With Juice of Lemons, or Juice of Limes, Thus, Fill a silver Tankard with boyling hot Water, cover’d closs, lay yor. spot on the cover and squeez yor Juice upon it, When It is dry, wet it againe, untill yor spot is out then wash it in Warm Water
Burn a poū: of White Argill Till it is very . Then put an oū: of it in clear strong vinegar and make it Just boyle, Then Wet the spot by little aud little, When tis out, Wash it wtḥ Water [Alexis, part ii. fol. 48 vo].
Another ℞
For oyle or Grease, Burn Till White, the bones of Sheeps Legs, that have been boyled, beat them into fine powder, lay it Warm on the spot, When it looks black, take it off and put on more, Doe it in the hot sun, or With a hot cloths Iron puting a soft brown paper between yor. Iron and cloth [Alexis, part ii. fol. 49 vo].
Another ℞
For cloth, Mix Wine lees, beech Wood Ashes, & clay of an old Wall, or Fullers Earth, Which I Think is better, Then Wet the spot Thorowly with yor Mixture, dry it in the sun, Then Rub it off and Wash it Well, Dry it in the sun [Cf. Alexis, part iii. fol. 58 ro].
Another ℞
For cloth, beat fine, 4 ou: of Tarter, ha: oū: of Allum, Three Drams of Vitriol, put to them Three ox Gales, and Twice the Quantity of Raine Water, and Wine Vinegar, boyle These till Two Thirds is consumed, Then use it
Spots Takes out
For White Woolen cloth, boyle 4 oū: of Alumen Fecis, in a pint of Water, till a 4o part be consumed, Then steep In it Two dayes, one oū: of Alume and 4 oū: of White sope, Then use it [Cf. Alexis, part iii. fol. 58 vo].
This ℞ In My opinion Will doe noe great feats
Another ℞
For any Cloth, Wet yoṛ spots Thoro’ly in the Decoction of pease, lay it in it Two dayes, Then Wash it clean in River Water, and dry it in the Sun, [Alexis, part iii. fol. 58 vo].
Another ℞
For oyle or Grease, steep yoṛ spots In Whey, Made of Milk, Whereing flower of pease or beans, has been put /: boyled, Then Wash and dry it in the sun. [Ibid.]
For spots of Wine, Mix Wine lees With Lye made of beech Ashes, Equal Quantity, lay yor Cloths in it all night, Then Wash them With Whey, and dry them in the sun [Alexis, part iii. fol. 58 vo].
Another ℞
For spots in all man̄er of Silk, Wet them wth the Juice of Great Round Mushrums, yt are sharp in tast, keep them Wet 2 hours Then Wash them in Warm Water and dry them in the sun [Ibid.]
Sope to Make sweet
Mix ponder of Musk, and Rose Water wtḥ your Melted Sope, or Thus, beat very fine Six Graines of Musk, 4 Grā: of civet and Mix these wth Rose , Then Mix these with a Due proportion of yoṛ Melted sope [Cf. Alexis, fol. 54 vo].
Wood to Dye or Colour
Take the Newest, and Moystest, Horse dung, that you can get, and let it draine into a vessell or straine it In, Then put in Roach Alum & Gum Arabeck a like quantity, Steep yor. Colour in this Liqr, Then put in yor. Wood, The longer It lyes in it the Deeper will be yor Colour, When you take it out Dry it in the sun, This is said to Dye soe Thorowly that Nothing Alters It. [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 86 ro.]
Wood to Dye Black
Lay it 3 Dayes in Alum Water Warm’d by the sun or by the fire, Mix Oyle Olive, Linseed Oyle, Roman vitriol, and Brimstone, of each a like Quantity, and boyle yor Wood in it, The Longer the blacker, but too much oyle Makes it brittle [Cf. Alexis, book v. fol. 86 vo].
Writeing Refreshes
Beat Gaules and steep them one day in wine Then Distill them, When Tis cold, Wash very Gently, yor print or Writeing With Cotton Wool, and then Dry it
Egg to put in a Glass
Steep it 3 dayes in strong vinegar, or 4 dayes Then Roule it with yor Hand, put it into your Glass, then put Warm Water to it and it will make the Egg hard againe
peel and Quarter an Onion and lay it on yor. flesh and then flyes will not settle on it [Cf. Alexis, part ii. fol. 21 ro].
Gold and Quicksilvr
All Minerals Will swim upon Quick silver Except Gold, and a small Quantity of that Will sink, and be of a silver colour,
Spots takes out
Lye Made of the Ashes of Gentian root Takes spots out of Woolen clothes, sayes Dr Turner344 in his herbal page 8
The Names of Colours Given by The Silk Dyers
Amarant |
cinnamon |
G |
Ash-colour |
cloth colour |
Aurora |
clove colour |
Gingerline |
Azure |
copper col: Coffee |
Gold col: English |
B |
cream col: |
Gold col: french |
Black Dutch |
crimson In Grā: |
Goslin col: |
Black English |
crimson out Gr: |
Green primrose |
Black french |
culumbino |
Green Indian |
Black spanish |
Dove col: |
Grass Green |
Black Linen |
Drab col: |
Green spanish |
Bloom colour |
Damson, Deer |
Green sea, |
Blue Bow dye |
EF |
Green Willow |
Flame col: |
Grey White |
Buff colour |
Flesh col: |
Grey Light |
C |
Flowerdeline In Grā |
Grey stone |
Flowerdeline out Gr: |
Grey Iron |
celandine |
Fox colour |
Grey sad |
chesnut |
Frost col: |
Grey blue |
cherry col: |
Gridiline |
H J K |
O |
Smoke |
Olive col: |
Straw col: |
Hair col: |
Orang col: |
Strabury |
Jett col |
Snuff col |
peach col: |
Issabella |
pearle col: |
King col. |
philamot |
T. U |
L |
primrose |
Lavender col: |
prince col |
Tauny |
Lead col: |
pomgranate |
Verdigrease |
Lemon col: |
protector |
Violet col: |
Liver col: |
purple |
Vigoe col: |
Lyon col: |
philamot out of bla. |
Union col: |
M |
Q R |
Water col: |
Mazereen blue |
Quaker col. |
Watchet |
Marigold col: |
Red |
White cream |
Medina col: |
Rose col: |
White SWhite |
Minum |
Russet |
White Snow |
Musk col |
White Good |
Murrey col: |
S |
White Midle |
N |
Sand col: |
White blue |
Nutmeg col |
Salmon |
Wine col: |
Nut hazle |
Scarlet |
Yellow |
Nut chess-nut |
Silver col |
I had Designed to say somthing to Each of these colours in their Alphabet order, But considering that several colours have a dependance upon others in their Dying wcḥ are found under another Letter, I concluded it were best to Write of them as they offer themselves in their Dependencies, and this method I chose to Take for Two Reasons, First because hereby the Work will be very much shortened, and Secondly, I think it will be much the More Inteligible, and by an Index any Colour may be Readily found
When I had concluded as above still there remained a scruple Where, or with Which colour to begin, and for this I can hitt upon noe better Method and Order, than What we constantly practiced at Mr Lights, and Mṛ Willintons Which Was Since Mr Waggits Dye house, in Hollands Leagure in Christ church parish in Southwark, and that Was alwayes to begin First with the Whites, And let it be Remember’d that My practice Was upon Raw, that is, unwro’t silk, in the skeyn, both black and Colours, for about Thirty years, and afterward I DyedGarments of Wrought Silk and stuffs and cloth for about Ninteen years More, and I design to Write of both in their Order and first of skeyn silk
Dying of skeyn, Raw or unwrought silk, I presume will not be practiced here in N. E. in this century, but Time May come When it Will, However I will leave a few hints about it, that May be helpfull if any should be hereafter Inclin’d to promote It
1. England produceth None, or very little silk, in the skeyn, but it is bro’t from foreign countryes, and several parts of the World, Namely Bengali, Bolognia, Bononia, Italy, Naples, persia, France, spaine, and Holland, &c Its natural colour is either yelow or White, and Raw, it feels like Horshair
2. The finer sorts of skeyn silk are Thrown, that is, Twisted in the countrys that produce them, as bolognia, Naples orgazine Naples throw, orsoy, Bononi, &c and of these there are several sorts Especially of Bolony as Bolony, fine bolony, and superfine bolony, wcḥ Tho’. it Double, is as fine as a hair,
3 The Courser sorts as Legee’s, are some of them Thrown in England, and soe are the Bengalis, and all the other sorts, as stiching sowing both Ardas, and Beladine, I mean Naples beladine, Dutch beladine, is Naturaly of a higher colour, and not soe strong,
4 Take notice that a pound of Raw silk Which is 16 oū: Wh: Averdupois, When you put it to Dying, if it be for light colours, as, White sky, blue, Green, Ash gold, silver yelo’ Isabela, buff red, &c for Weavers, It wasts in boyling off the Gum to make it fit for Dying, 4 ou: in every poū:
5. But if it be for heavy coloṛ as cloth coɫ hare coɫ, sad coɫ, &c Then the Dyer returns you 16 oū: to the poū: and if it be dyed black then you will have 17 oū: or 17 and a half for yoṛ pound. And for this purpose there is In London 4 sorts of Skeyn Silk Dyers namely, Scarlet Dyers, who dye onley Reds In graine, Light col Dyers, Who dye all cot, heavy col Dyers, and black Dyers,
6. To prepare our silk for Dying We first Boyle it off, but to prpare it for boyling first we Mark it /: tye a leband or brown Thred about every skeyn, then put 6 or 10 Skeyns gently roled together in a han-full, and 10 of these handfulls are put on a cord and 6 or 7 cord sowed up in a bag made of cloth like a chees strainer which will hold about 20 poū:
7 For Boyling Allow for every 20 poū of silk for colours 6 poū: of ordinary sope, for Black allow but 5 poū: and boyle it 2 hours Make it boyle to the Top of yoṛ Copper all the Time and continue to thro’, in a little Water, to keep it from boyling over, but not to stay the boyling of it, When it is boyled cool and take it up in a tub or bark of clean Water, Wringing it out of the suds, If it be clear White, it is Well boyled, if any yelow remaine upon it you must boyle it againe or else it will spoyle yoṛ coɫ. Then wash it out in two clean Waters and soe it is tit for Dying
8. If you have White silk for White, boyle it by it self, and yo’ yelow alsoe by it selfe and to both allow much Room and Liquor. Hard Waters are not fit for Dying but Especially for boyling off, but among soft Waters some are softer than others and therfore you must use More or Less sope accordingly
Thus have I told you first how to prpare yoṛ skeyn silk for boyling off, secondly shewed the way to boyle it, In the Third place I come to speak of prparing yoṛ silk for Dying and this varies according to the coɫ you are which you are to dye
1. I begin with Whites, and for these you need not wash them out of the suds wherin they were boyled but only Wring them out hard, Make a Larder not strong of White cake sope such as you boyld yor Whites in, but it must be soe strong as to stand, beat or Grinde Indigo With Water and when it is well settled put More or less into yor Larder according as yo’ White is to be, Whiter or bluer, first dyeyor Cream : Then
. Then snow
: Then Milk
: Then good
. Then blue
: and last of all yor pearle coɫ: In every coɫ addingsomthing more of your Indige Then Wring them and hang ’em in a closs room set brimstone afire under ’em for two hours then Dry stringeand skeyn ’em
2. Silver Coɫ,345
A definition of coulers
Azure/: sky coɫ |
constant |
Blush. /: maidens blush |
Envyed |
Gold coɫ |
Averitious |
Gra: Green |
youth |
Green, sea Green |
Inconstant |
Green, willow green |
forsaken |
Green span̄: Green |
hope |
Gridiline |
absent |
Issabella |
beauty |
Lemon |
Jealous |
Lemon |
Jealous |
Orange |
Martial |
philamote |
Withered |
Love |
Red |
defyance |
Straw coɫ |
plenty |
Violet |
Religious |
White |
Death |
White/: milk wt |
Inocence |
yellow |
Joy |
Black/: sable |
mourning |
Blue |
chearful: Jolly |
Mr. Edes made the following communication:
At our Stated Meeting in January, 1904,346 Mr. Charles K. Bolton communicated an interesting letter written 12 April, 1750, by Franklin, then in Philadelphia, to his mother who was still living in Boston. In it Franklin says:
Cousins Josiah & Sally are well, and I believe will do well, for they are an industrious saving young Couple: But they want a little more Stock to go on smoothly with their Business.
When this letter was passing through the press an effort was made to identify the persons mentioned in it, which was unsuccessful so far as “Cousins Josiah & Sally” were concerned until it was too late to insert more than a brief footnote giving their names. An inquiry addressed to persons in Philadelphia who were the most likely to be able to shed light on this question elicited only the information that one of Franklin’s descendants, who had given much time and thought to a study of the family history, had met with two or three other references to these young kinsfolk, but that he was entirely in the dark as to their identity. I knew that it was highly improbable, if not impossible, that any person holding to Frankbn in 1750 the relation of “cousin,” as the term is now used, could, by any stretch of the imagination, be truthfully called “young;” I concluded, therefore, that these young persons were a nephew and niece of the philosopher, and began a systematic investigation of the matrimonial alliances of all Franklin’s sixteen brothers and sisters and of their many children. My search was successful, and I have the pleasure of announcing to the Society that Frankbn’s new neighbors in Philadelphia were his nephew Josiah Davenport and his first wife Sarah Billings.
Josiah Davenport, born in Boston 18 December, 1727, and baptized 24 December, following, at the Church in Brattle Square, was the son of James Davenport of Dorchester and Boston by his second wife Sarah Franklin (born 9 July, 1699), an elder sister of Dr. Franklin.347 He married Sarah Billings, the banns having been published in Boston 29 June, 1749. She was born 2 January, 1727–28, and baptized 28 September, 1729, at the Church in Brattle Square, the eldest daughter of John and Sarah (Endicott) Billings.348 Soon after their marriage they moved to Philadelphia, where she died 1 April, 1751, and was buried with their child in the graveyard of Christ Church, very near the tomb of Franklin. The inscription on her tombstone is as follows:
Memoria Sacrum of
the wife of Josiah Francis Davenport349
of Philadelphia
who died April 1st 1751
Aged 23 years and 3 months.
Oh that I had been worthy
This happy soul to her blest journey end
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
[Lines indistinct.]
Also their Child.350
Mr. Davenport lost no time in consoling himself by a second marriage, as the following entry in the Christ Church Registers testifies:
1751 December 13. Josiah Davenport & Anne Anuis,351 by Mr Sturgeon.
The fruit of this marriage was two daughters, Sarah and Deborah,352 and two sons, Franklin,353 who became prominent in public life in New Jersey, and Enoch, who was lost at sea.
Mr. Edes also exhibited a facsimile of a letter written by Franklin 22 April, 1771, to Humphry Marshall of WestBradford, Pennsylvania.354 Mr. Albert Matthews gave a brief sketch of Humphry Marshall, and exhibited a copy of his Arbustum Americanum: The American Grove, or, an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the American United States, printed at Philadelphia in 1785, — perhaps the first botanical book published in America.355
Mr. Matthews called attention to what is probably one of the earliest allusions to Franklin in a printed book;356 read some extracts from Boston newspapers describing the celebrations of Franklin’s birthday in 1803, 1804, and 1805 by the Boston Franklin Association;357 and asked for information in regard to the “Franklin Pensioner” of London.358
The Rev. Dr. Edward H. Hall communicated the following letter written by Franklin 17 October, 1779:
Boston Town Record of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the original
Record of the Baptism of Benjamin Franklin
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the Register of the Old South Church
To Messṛṣ S. Adams, E. Gerry, Jambs Lovell, and S. Holton359 Esqṛṣ
Passy, Oct. 17. 1779.
I have lately received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 7th of May last, relating to the Loss of the Brigantine, Fair Play.360 I had before made the Application desired, and obtained an Order to the Governor of Guadaloupe for making the Compensation. I hope therefore that the Business is effected; but if any Difficulties have arisen, and any farther Steps are necessary to be taken here I will readily endeavour to do what may be desired of me, having the greatest Regard to your Recommendation.
I have the Honour to be, with much Esteem,
Your most obedient
& most humble Servant
B Franklin361
Octr 17. 1779
From Doctr Franklin
respectg the Brigne Fair Play,
in Answer.
recd Mar. 4tḥ 1780
The Rev. Dr. James H. Ropes exhibited the original Record Book of the Old South Church in Boston, containing the entry of Franklin’s baptism.
Mr. Edes exhibited a photograph of the page of the Boston Town Records which contains the entry of Franklin’s birth.
Mr. William C. Lane made the following communication on —
An examination of the records and papers of Harvard College shows that Franklin for many years maintained friendly relations with the College authorities, looked after the purchase of philosophical instruments for them in England, was interested in the building up of the College Library, and from time to time sent gifts of books; and that the Corporation of the College, from the time when it bestowed on him the degree of A. M. in 1753, was careful to acknowledge his gifts with gratitude and to solicit a continuation of his favors.
No record of any connection previous to the bestowal of the degree is to be found. The vote conferring the degree is as follows:
At a Meeting of the Presdt. & Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge. July 23, 1753.
Voted, That Whereas Mr. Benja. Franklyn of Philadelphia, hath made great Improvements in Philosophic Learning, & particularly wth. Respect to Electricity, Whereby his Repute hath been greatly advanc’d in the learned World, not only in Great-Britain, but ev’n in the Kingdom of France also, We therefore willing to do Honour to a Person of such considerable Improvements in Learning, Do admit him to the Degree of Master of Arts in Harvard-College. And it is hereby also directed, that the Diploma to be given, in This Regard, to the sd. Mr. Franklyn, be varied from the Common Form, aggreable to the Preamble of this Vote: And that this Vote be presented to the Honble. & Revḍ the Overseers for their Approbation.362
The text of the diploma is preserved in College Book No. 3, pp. 16–17 (back), among other diplomas for degrees conferred by the College or received by graduates of the College from universities abroad. The latter part of this volume seems to have been devoted to this purpose, that models of good usage in such matters might be conveniently at hand.363 The original diploma, enclosed in a metallic case illuminated with the arms of the College, still exists in the library of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia.
Diploma of Harvard College testifying to the confessing on Benjamin Franklin in 1753 of his first Academic Degree
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the original in the Cabinet of the American Philosophical Society
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Nov Angliâ. Omnibus in Christo Fidelibus, has Literas inspecturis vel audituris Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
Quandoquidem Dominus Benjamin Franklin Arrngr, De Philadelphiâ americanâ, Experimentis non vulgaribus, præsertim circa Miranda Vis electricæ Phænomena, Philosophiam locupletavit, Undè apud Doctos non in Britannia solum, verùm etiam in Galliâ, Fama Ejus percrebuit, et Ipse de Orbe literato optimè meruit; NOS igitur Studiosi, debitis Doctrinæ Honoribus, hujusmodi Homines oruandi, Eo Concilio, ut ad Scientiam ulteriùs promoveudam, et Ipse et Alii incitarentur, Notum facimus, Quod (consentientibus Honorandis admodùm & Reverendis Academiæ nostræ Inspectoribus) Virum ante dictum dignum judicavimus, Qui Gradu in Artibus Magistrali donetur; Ideoque Dominum Benjaminem franklin Armigerum magistrum in Artibus decrevimus constituimus & renunciavimus, dantes & concedentes Ei omnia Insignia, Jura & Privilegia, Dignitates ac Honores ad Gradum Suum Spectantia.
In cujus Rei Testimonium, Literis hisce communi Academiæ Sigillo munitis, Nomina nostra Subscripsimus Cantabrigiæ, Anno Salutis humanæ quinquagesimo tertio, supra milesimum & Septingentesimo, Octavo Calendar. Sextilis.
Edvardus Holyoke Prases |
Socij |
Henricus Flynt |
Josephus Sewall DD. VDM. |
Edvard. Wigglesworth Theologiæ Professor Holliss: |
Nathaniel Appleton V. D. M |
Thomas Hubbard Thesaurarius |
Samuel Langdon |
S.T. D. |
1762 |
Aberdeen. |
Ezra Stiles |
S.T. D. |
1765 |
Edinburgh. |
Samuel Auchmutt |
S.T. D. |
1766 |
Oxford. |
Andrew Eliot |
S.T. D. |
1767 |
Edinburgh. |
Nathaniel Appleton |
S.T. D. |
1771 |
Harvard. |
John Cuming |
A. M. |
1771 |
Harvard. |
Naphtali Daggett |
A.M. |
1771 |
Harvard. |
Charles Russell |
M. D. |
1765 |
Aberdeen. |
John Winthrop |
LL. D. |
1771 |
Edinburgh. |
Ebenezer Pemberton |
S.T. D. |
1770 |
Princeton. |
George Washington |
LL.D. |
1776 |
Harvard. |
Horatio Gates |
LL.D. |
1779 |
Harvard. |
Joseph De Valnais |
LL.D |
1779 |
Harvard. |
A letter written to Thomas Hancock 11 September, 1755, proves that Franklin’s regard for the College which had honored him with its degree, soon showed itself in a practical form. The letter, the accompanying subscription paper, and the older on his brother, John Frankbn, at the time postmaster in Boston, are all preserved in the Harvard Library, but there is, I believe, no evidence that any other subscriptions were cabed out by this of Frankbn. Beginning with a remark about “the Inconvenience attending the Want of a Fund to increase and improve your College Library,” Franklin goes on to say:
I imagined that a Subscription set on foot for that purpose might with proper Management produce something considerable. I know you are a Friend to the College, and therefore take the Freedom of inclosing a Paper of that kind, and recommending it to your Care, to procure (if you approve of the design) a suitable Number of Hands to it. Five and twenty Subscribers at 4 Pistoles Each ⅌ Annum would in five Years produce 500 Pistoles, which if all laid out in Books would make a handsome Addition to the Library, or if put to Interest, would produce a little Annual Income sufficient to procure the best new Books published in each Year. Some might perhaps Subscribe more than four Pistoles ⅌ Annum and others less; and I think that a single Pistole or half a Pistole should not be refused; Tho’ such small Sums might occasion a little more Trouble in Receiving or Collecting. I send withal an Order on my Brother, for my first Year’s Payment. ‘Tis but a Trifle compar’d with my hearty Good will and Respect to the College: but a small Seed properly Sown, sometimes produces a large and fruitful Tree: which I sincerely wish may be the good Fortune of this.364
The subscription-paper, the only signature to which is that of Franklin, reads as follows:
We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, taking into Consideration, that in the Library of the College at Cambridge in New England, many Books useful to Students in the several Branches of Learning are yet wanting: and that as new Improvements are from time to time made inScience, new Books on many Subjects are continually coming forth, with which Seminarys of Learning especially should be early furnished, for the further Qualification of the Tutors, and Advantage of the Youth by them to be instructed. But inasmuch as there is not yet any Fund for such Purposes belonging to the said College, therefore to remedy that Deficiency in some degree for the Present, and farther to advance the Reputation of the College and the Public Good, We do each of us promise to pay Annually for Five Years to come, the sums to our respective Names annexed, into the Hands of the Treasurer of the said College for the Time being, to be disposed of in the Purchase of such Books for the Library, as the Presidents and Fellows shall from time to time order and direct.
Time of Subscribing. |
Names of Subscribers. |
Annual Subscripṇ for Five Years. |
Lawful Money. |
£ |
s. |
d. |
Septr 11. 1755 |
Benjṇ Franklin of Philadelphạ |
Four Pistoles |
4 |
8. |
0 |
The order to pay the subscription is in the form following:
Philada Sept. 11. 1755
Pay to the Treasurer of Harvard College for the time being, Four Pistoles, or Four Pounds Eight Shillings Lawful Money, being my Subscription to the Library of the said College for one Year next Ensuing the Date hereof, and charge the same to the Acct of
Your Loving Brother
B. Franklin.
To Mr John Franklin
Postmr Boston.
From the fact that this order remains in the possession of the College, and from the absence of any notice in the Corporation records, it may be inferred that Franklin’s subscription was never called for.
A letter to Thomas Hubbard, Treasurer of the College, dated 28 April, 1758, is printed in Bigelow’s edition (1887), III. 10–12, and in Smyth’s edition (1905), III. 435–437. A copy of the original is in the College Library. It relates to an electric battery of thirty-five cells which the writer is sending for Professor John Winthrop’s use, and the proper installation of which he describes with some care. In a postscript he says:
I beg the College will do me the favour to accept a Virgil I send in the Case, thought to be the most curiously printed of any Book hitherto done in the World.365
A letter in the College files, from Joseph Mico, who for many years acted as the agent of the College in London, refers to these articles and to Franklin’s letter. It is addressed to Thomas Hubbard, the College Treasurer, and reads as follows:366
London the 13th: May 1758.
I have now before me, your favours of the 23ḍ January, & its copy, inclosing a Memorandum, for Benja. Franklin Esqr:, from Mr. Winthrop, Hollissian Professor of the Mathematicks, at Harvard College, & a few-Lines from yourself, desiring him to procure a few Articles, for the use of said College, & to deliver them to me. That Memorandum was delivered him, & he sent me a Case, w.th Electrifying Instrumts. &cạ, which I have shipt, & also a small Trunk of Hebrew Psalters &cạ . . . Inclosed is a Letter for yourself, from Mr. Franklin, which he delivered me open; I paid him £10.3.7 for the Things purchased by him, & have charged it in the above Invoice. . . . .
S:r Your most humb. Servt.
Joseph Mico.
To Thomas Hubbard Esqr: Boston.
How early Franklin’s correspondence with Winthrop began is not certainly known. Four letters, 2 July, 1768, 11 March, 1769, 25 July, 1773, and 1 May, 1777, are printed in Bigelow’s edition of Franklin’s Works. It is not impossible that the letter to “a friend in Boston” of 25 December, 1750 (in Smyth’s edition, III. 32), may have been sent to Winthrop. It was found among Governor James Bowdoin’s papers and describes an accident that occurred while the writer was making an electrical experiment. The following letter of 10 July, 1764, preserved in the CollegeLibrary, is the earliest known that was certainly addressed to Winthrop:
Philada July 10. 1764
I received your Favour of the 12th past, and congratulate you on the Recovery of Mrs Winthrop367 & your Children from the Small Pox.
Mr Stiles return’d Æpinus to me sometime since.368 I must confess I am pleas’d with his Theory of Magnetism. Perhaps I receive it the more readily on Acct of the Relation he has given it to mine of Electricity. But there is one Difficulty I cannot solve by it quite to my Satisfaction, which is that if a Steel Ring be made magnetical by passing Magnets properly round it, and afterwards broken into two Semicircles, each of them will have strong N. & S. Poles, in whatever Part the Ring is broken. I have not try’d this, but have been assur’d ‘tis so & I know that a magnetic Bar broken has after Breaking 4 Poles, i.e. it becomes two compleat Bars. I think with him that Impermeability to the El. Fluid, is the Property of all Elṣ [electrics] ⅌ se; or that, if they permit it to pass at all, it is with Difficulty, greater or less in different El. ⅌ se. Glass hot permits it to pass freely, and in the different degrees between hot & cold, may permit it to pass more or less freely.
I shall think of the Affair of your unfortunate College,369 and try if I can be of any Service in procuring some Assistance towards restoring your Library. Please to present my respectful Compliments to Dr. Chauncy,370 Mr Elliot371 and Mr Cooper,372 and believe me with sincere Esteem,
Your most obedient
My Respects to the
humble Servant
President, & to Mr
B Franklin
J. Winthrop Esq’
In 1768, while in England, Franklin sent to the College a bust of Chatham, thanks for which were expressed in the following vote:
At a Meeting of the Presdṭ & Fellows of Harvard-College Jany 4. 1769.
Voted 4. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dṛ Benjạ Franklin for his very acceptable Present, of a fine Bust of that great Assertor of American Liberties, Lord Chatham.374
Franklin’s letter to Winthrop of 2 July, 1768 (Bigelow’s edition, IV. 175–183), refers to the telescope being made for the College by Mr. Short and to an “equal altitudes and transit instrument undertaken by Mr. Bird,” work on both of which had been delayed. In his next letter, 11 March, 1769 (Bigelow’s edition, IV. 233–235), he is just about to send off the telescope, obtained after much delay and difficulty. The transit instrument he had sent in September by Captain Watt. He writes:
By a late ship I sent your College a copy of the new edition of my Philosophical Papers,375 and others, I think, for yourself and for Mr. Bowdoin. . . . I have got from Mr. Ellicott the glasses &c of the long Galilean telescope, which he presents to your college.
A letter376 from Jasper Mauduit to the Rev. Andrew Eliot, dated Hackney, 13 September, 1769, states the source of the money applied to the purchase of these astronomical instruments:
In answer to your letter of June 22d past, I had paid to Dr Franklin out of the £200 subscribed by Thomas Hollis Esq’ for an apparatus £147. The particulars he should have given to the Colledge, but suppose He waits till he has laid out the remainder wch is £53, as he told me at the time, that He had bespoke some things more.
The Money he had of me was for a large Reflecting Tellescope 100 Guineas
G |
£105 |
& for an Equal Altitude Instrument |
40 |
42 |
147 |
The thanks of the Corporation for the same instruments and for other gifts are expressed in the following votes:
At a Meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard College April 25. 1769.
Vote 8. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr Franklin for his many very obliging acts of friendship; particularly for his care in procuring several valuable Instruments for the Apparatus, and that he be desired to continue his kind regards to the College.
At a Meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College Octor 22, 1770.
Vote 4. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr Franklin for his repeated good Services to this College, and particularly in his Care of a valuable achromatic Telescope lately received thro’ his hands: and that Professor Winthrop Transmitt this Vote to Dṛ Franklin.
At a Meeting of the President & Fellows June 24th 1771.
Voted 7. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr Franklin for his kind remembrance of Harvard College expressed in his many friendly Offices & valuable Donations to this Society, particularly in his late Present to our Library of two accurate Mathematical Treatises of Mr Maseres;377 and the learned & elaborate Work of Hoogeveen de Graecis Particulis.378 They also thank Dr Franklin for the Pleasure he has given them of placing his Effigies379 among those of their other Benefactors: and Voted that Professor Winthrop do transmit a Copy of this Vote to Dr Franklin.
At a Meeting of the President & Fellows June 16th 1772.
Voted That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dṛ Franklin for his continued Regard to Harvard College expressed in his kind Present of a late valuable Work of Dṛ Priestly entitled the History & Present State of the Discoveries relating to Vision, Light & Colours,380 and that Dr Winthrop be desired to transmit a Copy of this Vote to Dṛ Franklyn.
In a letter to Samuel Cooper, dated London, 25 February, 1774, Franklin writes:
I send, directed to you a set of the late French edition of my “Philosophical Papers.”381 There are in it several pieces not in the English. When you have looked them over, please to give them to Mr. Winthrop, for the college library.
The thanks of the Corporation for these volumes and for a copy of Vattel are expressed in the following votes:
At a Meeting of the Corporation of H. Col. 31. May 1774
Dr. Franklin having presented to our Library a French Translation of his Philosophical Works, in two Vols 4to. A copy which we receive with particular Pleasure, as it is a Testimony of the Sense Foreigners have of the Merit of these Writings, which must do honor to the Country that gave him Birth, as well as to every literary Society he is related to. Voted, that the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr. Franklin for this valuable present, & that Dr. Cooper do transmit him a copy of this Vote.
Septr 30 [1776]. At a Meeting of the President & Fellows at the President’s House.
Vote 2. That the Thanks of this Board be given to the Honle Dr Franklin for a fresh Instance of his Regard to the College by the Present of Les Droits de Gens par Monsr de Vattel382 to our Library, by the hand of the Honle James Bowdoin Esqr — And that Mr Bowdoin383 be desired to present Dr Franklin with a Copy of this Vote.
Seal of Harvard College pendant to Franklin’s Diploma, 1753
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the originals
Tin Box, emblazoned in red and gold with the Arms of Harvard College, in which Franklin’s Diploma was sent to him in 1753
It is pleasant to find that all the volumes mentioned above, as well as the bust of Chatham and the mezzotint “effigies” of Franklin, are still safely preserved in the College Library. One other volume, of earlier date than any of those recorded, and very probably a gift from Franklin himself, is also to be found on the Library’s shelves. This was his “Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America, by Benjamin Franklin, and communicated in several letters to Mr. P. Collinson, of London, F.R.S. London. 1751.” This copy contains the Supplemental Experiments, etc., dated 1753. Whether it was received by the College just before or just after the degree was conferred would be difficult to say.
Mr. Matthews spoke of having recently been shown, while in Philadelphia, the original diploma conferring by Harvard College on Franklin the honorary degree of Master of Arts in 1753 and the flat tin case, emblazoned with the College arms, in which the diploma was enclosed, and exhibited photographs of them. The following description of these, both of which are in the possession of the American Philosophical Society, is taken from a letter written to Mr. Edes by Dr. I. Minis Hays:
The Harvard diploma is engrossed on parchment and measures 15½ by 12½ with the seal attached by a light blue ribbon measuring 1⅜ by 11½. The box is of a blue-green color and the arms are emblazoned in red and gold. The hooks and centre bar are in a purplish-slate color. The top of the case is lost. The remaining part measures 8 by 4⅜ by 9/16. Judging from the folds in the diploma I do not think the top could have added more than a half inch to the height of the case.
Mr. Francis H. Lee exhibited a medallion of Franklin made in France by Nini in 1777.384 In this he is represented in his well-known fur cap, and Mr. Matthews called attention to the description he gave of himself upon his arrival in Paris.385
Mr. Edes exhibited a portrait, in proof condition, which George Bancroft considered the best engraved portrait of Franklin. It was engraved in Paris by Darcis in 1795, after a delineation by Lethière.
Mr. Denison R. Slade communicated a letter written from Paris 3 November, 1782, by Mrs. Abigail Rogers, the wife of Daniel D. Rogers; and exhibited photographs of Copley’s portrait of Mrs. Rogers and of a miniature of Mr. Rogers. The letter follows:
Paris Nov. 13 1782
My Dear Sisters
What would I give to spend this afternoon in the Parlour of the old Mansion at Harvard my Parents on one side my Sisters on the other both attending to the long story I could entertain them with; painful & pleasing Circumstances wd compose the Narration; but since this happiness must be defer’d to some future Period I will content myself with writing. I have devoted this afternoon to that purpose: I am prevented by a cold from dineing at Doctor Franklin’s to day, Mṛ Rogers is gone My Lady-ship was dress’d and the Coach at the door but found myself so unwell that my great Prudence got the better of my inclination, have undress’d and am seeted by a good Fire in a small Parlour to give some account of what has pass’d since my last, which was wrote at Brussels, in which I gave you a very particular account of our Journey from Amsterdam to that Place: Sunday after I wrote we put out in a Coach & Four for Paris where we arrived the Friday following. After imploying the Stay-maker mantua maker &c. &c. I was thought fit to make my appearance abroud. Mṛ R. had Letters to several Gentlemen in this City which he has deliver’d and from whom we have received great civilitys. I have been so happy as to be introduc’d to a very agreeable set of American Gentlemen and Ladys among whom are Mṛ & Mrṣ [John] Jay from New York. Mṛ Jay is Ambassador at the Court of Spain but since the negociation for Peace has ben upon the carpet they have resid’d here, they are bouth very sensible Polite well bred People much use’d to Company & to the World, we dined with them yesterday with a large company of Gentlemen: We had a very genteel dinner dressd in the English tast. dind at four drank tea at seven came home between 8 & 9. the same Company dines at Docṭ Franklin to day with the addition of the other Ladys. Mrṣ Izard is a Lady from South Caroliner who has spent twelve Years in England, her Husband a few years past was Minister at this Court is now gone to America.387 She appears to be a very capable sinsible woman has been used to liveing in high life: is very Friendly & clever: the other Ladys are Mrṣ Montgomery who is a second Mrṣ S. Quincy388 in every thing She is a Widow with one Son is come to Europe on account of his Education.389 Mrṣ Price makes up the American set She is a Lady who has spent some time in Boston: they meet at each others Houses almost every day to drink tea & spend the Eveg. We have been invited to meet with them there are ten or twelve american Gentlemen that are of the party, and I can asure you Form a Society the most agreeable, a Society in which my Sisters would be highly delighted. Am interuped by my Mantaumaker who has been to inform me that the King has lost an Aunt and She thinks it is highly necessary I should have a Sur[tout] of Black Sattin upon the occasion as the Mourning is but for three weeks I told her I would consider of it.
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from a rare print in the possession of Henry Herbert Edes
Suppose you will expect a very perticular account of my dress and of the present fashions. I put of bying any thing till I came here: have had two dresses made one a Pink Sattin Gown & petticoat trim’d with the same, the other a clouded Sattin for an undress it is made something like a gown & Petticoat only with out any triming except a very handsome white Silk tassel on each side, there are no other Silks worn but Sattius in winter: a lutestring would appear as much out of season and would be as singular as a stuff in Summer: dress is greatly attended to by all ranks of People and not to dress in season discover’s too much of Poverty. I have been to the Opera where I had an Opp.ty of seeing a great number of Ladys: their dress is very Elagant and the Rouge makes them appear to great advantage. I was dispointed in the Theatre it did not come up to my expectation but not understanding the Language is a great disadvantage. The itching of my Head puts me in mind that I have said nothing about the Head dress: they wear very small Cushions with the hair crape’d over them two Curls on each side and very broad: as to Caps there are so great a verity that you scarcely see two alike, but every thing in the Millinary way is exceading Dear much more so then in England: when you aske the reason, they answer because they are much prettyer. Thread lace is intirely out of Fashion. Negligees & deept Ruffles are not worn except in a full dress & when you go to Court at which Place I have not made my appearance yet. but hope to before I leave Paris. The weather is so could and the days so short and my Lady-ship so delicate That I fear I shall leave the City without seeing all that is worth a stranger[’s] notice. We expected my Brother390 would have been hear before this but he has been detaind by the arrival of a vessel, we look for him in a few days. We hear a vessel has arrived from Boston, I impatiently wait for the arrival of the Post, shall be exceedingly disappointed if I should not have long Letters from each of my Sisters. O Girls! I should not bear the disappointment well I can asure you.
Diploma of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences sent to Benjamin Franklin in 1781
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts from the original in the Cabinet of the American Philosophical Society
I hope this Letter will be so fortunate as to reach its destind owner as it will need the partiality of a Sister to over look its many defects, the best of Husband[s] joyus me beging your acceptance of our kind love and good wishes, intend writing mama: if I should not by this Opp.tyPlease to present my Affectionate Duty [to] Papa & Mama391 & remember me to all Friends, there are three Vessels bound For Boston shall endeavour to write by them all. Adieu. God Bless you Prays
Your Affectionate Sister
A letter from
Mrs R. dated Paris
Novr 1782
Mr. Edes exhibited a photograph of the original certificate of Franklin’s membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, now in the possession of the American Philosophical Society.
Mr. Thomas Minns read the following paper on the estate in Washington Street which was at one time in the occupancy of Franklin’s father, Josiah Franklin:
Christopher Batt, a tanner, with a large family, came from Old Sarum, or Salisbury, in England, and settled in Newbury, Massachusetts in 1638. He soon removed to Boston and purchased of Thomas Grubb a large tract of land in Washington Street, nearly opposite the present Transcript office, extending on Washington Street from the site on which Peter Sargeant afterwards built his splendid mansion that became the Province House, nearly to Bromfield Street, and from Washington Street to Province Street in the rear.
Here he built tan houses and tan pits, laid out an orchard and gardens, and carried on the business of a tanner, using water from the sources of that spring which gave its name to Spring Lane, and which still flows under the Post Office Building.
Christopher Batt was accidentally killed in his orchard in 1661, by one of his sons firing at a mark.
After the death of his widow in 1679, the land and buildings were divided among the children. Paul Batt, who married Sarah, daughter of the Rev. John Wilson of Medfield and granddaughter of the Rev. John Wilson who was the first minister of the First Church in Boston, seems to have been the most prosperous of themall. He is described by Dr. Shurtleff as the “Village Glazier,” and his share of the estate was a tract of land with buildings, measuring forty-one feet three and one half inches on Washington Street and extending back of the same width two hundred and sixty-six and one half feet to Province Street.392
Paul Batt died in 1678, and in his will bequeathed to his daughter Sarah Batt, subject to the life estate of his mother, his tenement then in the occupation of Richard Smith and the land and shop that was before said tenement, then used by himself.
The daughter, Miss Sarah Batt, married Deacon Micajah Torrey, Jr., and their descendants are still living in Weymouth, Massachusetts.
On 19 July, 1707, —
Micajah Torrey of Weymouth . . . Yeoman, and Sarah his Wife Daughter of Paul Batt late of Boston aforesḍ Glazier deceased . . . in consideration of the Sum of one hundred and Eighty pounds . . . to them . . . paid . . . by Thomas Creese of Boston aforesḍ Apothecary . . . convey [to him] All that their Messuage or Tenement . . . at the Southerly end of the Town of Boston . . . Given and bequeathed unto the said Sarah . . . by the Last Will and Testament [dated 8 July, 1678] of her Father the sḍ Paul Batt part whereof is in the present Tenure and Occupation of Josiah Franklyn and the other part thereof in the present Tenure and Occupation of Charles Roberts, and is bounded Measuring and Described as followeth . . . Measuring in breadth at the Front [Washington Street] from the middle of the Gutter standing between the Land of the sḍ [Thomas] Creese [north] and the Land hereby Sold along by the Shop in the Occupation of the sḍ Franklyn unto the si [William] Turner’s Land [south] fourteen feet,
more or less; 18 feet and 10 inches wide in the rear; with a depth of 112 feet and 7 inches on the northerly line; the southerly boundary being on an indented line about twenty-six feet north of Ordway Place.393
Josiah Franklin, described in his native land as a silk-dyer, took up his residence in Milk Street in 1685, and as Paul Batt died in 1678, abundant time had then elapsed for the settlement of his estate, and Mr. Franklin may have then taken possession of the shop, and the fact that he could obtain a house and a shop so near together may have determined the place of his residence. The Memorial History of Boston (II. 269) speaks of Franklin’s early recollections of the sign of the “Blue Ball,” and as the Ball has the figures 1698 plainly inscribed on it, and I have seen nothing to indicate that Josiah Franklin gave up the Batt shop in Washington Street till he moved to Union Street in 1712, the Blue Ball may have hung in front of that shop continuously from 1698, visible to Franklin in his earliest years.
Biographers of Franklin have found difficulty in accounting for his early years till the removal of the family to Union Street, but the occupation of this shop so near his father’s residence makes it evident, that, as soon as he could walk and talk, it must have been a constant resort.
There is evidence that at this time his father was a manufacturer of candles. Picture to yourselves Franklin at this time, coming daily from his father’s shop and seeing constantly the magnificent grounds and house adjoining, of Peter Sargeant, which is well described in Shurtleff’s book.394 It must have produced a marked impression on a boy of five or six years of age.
With this clue to his early surroundings, an observing reader may find in his letters or autobiography some reference, of which this will give an explanation.
In conclusion, let me add that Sarah (Wilson) Batt, widow of Paul Batt, married for her second husband Josiah Torrey, son of William Torrey, an early and influential settler of Weymouth, and long Clerk of the Deputies, having, as Johnson says, special qualifications for that office, being “a good penman and skild in the Latine tongue.”395 Their oldest child, the Rev. Josiah Torrey (H. C. 1698), the first minister of Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, was born in this house, and like Franklin was baptized at the Old South Meeting House opposite, 20 March, 1680. The Torrey family soon removed from Boston and were early and pioneer settlers of Mendon, Massachusetts, of Bristol and Barrington now in Rhode Island, and of Mansfield, Connecticut.
Dr. James B. Ayer and Mr. Minns exhibited Franklin medals which had been given them on their graduation from the Boston public schools.
Mr. Robert Dickson Weston-Smith of Cambridge was elected a Resident Member.