Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Book titles are generally found under the name of the author, unless anonymous, in which case they are alphabetically listed by title. Information in [square brackets] indicates alternative spellings. The British nobility generally are listed under their titles rather than their surnames.
ABIGAIL (online catalog for Massachusetts Historical Society), 405
absolute monarchy, 209, 221, 242n127
Achilles, 204
Adair, Douglass, xxvi-xxvii
Adams, Charles Francis, ed., The Works of John Adams (1850-1856), xxiin8, 50n1
Adams, John
Boston Massacre and, xxi-xxiin8, 50n1, 271n1, 334n2
at Continental Congress, 320, 322n7
Davis and Pierpont, trial of, 112–13n4
Galloway, Joseph, compared, 286
in JQ’s will, 176
letter to JQ from, 271
on Mayhew, Jonathan, 276n4
mentioned in letters, 259, 348
as “Novanglus,” Boston Gazette, 241–42n114, 272n1
Obsta principiis, use of, 61n10
oration of Josiah Quincy III referring to, xxxn30
on proceedings of Continental Congress sent to JQ, 278
tutoring in preparation for Harvard, 132n2, 353n8
Adams, Samuel
Boston committee of correspondence formed on motion of, 125n2
Boston Massacre, soldiers tried for, 51, 52n2
British political opinion of, 326
Chauncy, Charles, correspondence with, 271n2
Clymer, George, and, 140
at Continental Congress, xxv, 260n2, 275, 322n7
Dickinson, John, letter of introduction for JQ to, 254n1
failure to write to JQ, 360
General Court Representative (15 May 1770), 60n1
Hawley, Joseph, and, 119n1
Lee, William, and, 387
letter from JQ to, 258–60
McDougall, Alexander, and, 376
mentioned in letters, 182, 356, 360, 363, 376, 387
in “Well Wisher” letter, 182
Cato, 232n1
The Freeholder, 92n6
Addresses &c. to the Late Governor Hutchinson (1774), 257n7
Administration of Justice Act, 259, 261n11
Admiralty Courts, 115–16, 119, 192
advice, JQ on giving, 120
Agathocles, 211
Agricola, 237n68
Alba [Alva], Duke of, 194, 208
Albany, 392
Madeira, purchased by JQ in Charleston, SC, 255
Southern fondness for, 128–29
Alexander the Great, 81n1, 225
Almon, John, 233n4
Alva [Alba], Duke of, 194, 208
American charter sent to Jonathan Smith by JQ, 138
“Americus” in Public Advertiser, 386
Andross, Sir Edmund, 239n90
Anglicans and Anglicanism, 20n1, 261n8, 289, 291n10–11
Annapolis, tea cargo ships burnt at, 278, 289, 291n7
anonymous “Well Wisher” letter and reply (May 1774), 180–83, 233n8
Appleton, Nathaniel, xxn16, 302–3, 336, 360
Arendt, Hannah, xxvi
Argyle, Duke of, 373
arms and ammunition
British prohibition of export of, 349
from Holland and Spain, 388
powder alarm (September, 1774), 125n3, 349n3
public ownership of, 125n3, 349n3
Ashurst, Sir Henry, The Deplorable State of New England (c. 1708), 239–40n90
Asia (ship), 332
Association Plan, 294n2, 333, 334n7, 376, 377, 387–88, 391
Athens and Athenians, 225, 231
Atkins, Sir Robert, 241n112
Auchmuty, Robert, 289, 291n11, 320
Augean Stables, cleaning of, 93
Augustus Caesar, 218
Avory, Thomas, 271n2
Babylon, London as modern version of, 263, 264n4
Bacon, Francis, xxvii, xxix, 68, 135, 174, 232, 241n110
“Of Vain-Glory,” 136–37n3
Barber, Davis, 267
Barnard, Francis. See Bernard, Francis
Barré, Isaac, xxv
Barret, Sexton, 333
Barrington, Daines, Observations upon the Statutes (1766), 226, 241n105, 245n171
Bass, Jonathan, 370
Bath, JQ visiting, 354, 357, 362, 364n4
Bathurst, Lord, 189
Beccaria, Marquis, An Essay on Crimes and Punishment (1767), 235n39–40
The Bee: Or, Universal Weekly Pamphlet, 243n129
Bee, Thomas, 139
Bell, J. L., 275n2
Bentham, Jeremy, 235n39
Bernard [Barnard], Francis
in Arthur Lee’s pamphlet, 270n4
Boston Commissioners dismissively characterized by, 22n3
“Hyperion” on, 73
Letters to the Ministry (1769), 239n86–87
“Marchmont Nedham” on, 96–97, 107, 108, 153, 157n3
mentioned in letters, 268, 281, 325
in Observations (JQ), 196, 239n86–87
ordered to instruct Massachusetts House of Representatives to repeal letter asserting basic rights, 83n2
“Philanthrop” (essayist) defending, 91n5, 96–97
publication of letters of, 157n3
waning popularity of, 270n4
in “Well Wisher” letter, 182
Bernard, Sir John, 241n107
Bethell (ship), 353n2
Bible and biblical allusions. See also specific biblical figures
2 Corinthians 6:15, 45n5
Hebrews 13:5, 11n6
Job 20:12, 28n3
4:9, 185
5:5, 185
6:5, 93n3
6:10, 397n2
7:20, 247n210
23:23, 247n211
Micah 7:16, 11n7
Proverbs 10:24, 240n95
33:6, 11n7
34 and 73, 28n3
Romans 8:31, 11n6
1 Samuel
17:44, 10n3
pastiches, 8, 10, 10n3, 11n6–7, 25, 28n3, 387
Bill of Rights suggested, 255
Billops, Mr., 376
Birch, Thomas, introduction to Milton’s Works (1753), 367n5
Blackstone, William, Commentaries (2d ed., 1766-1767), 61n5, 220, 236n54, 237n59, 243n130–32
bloody flux, 296
Blowers, Sampson Salter, 332, 334n2, 368
Boies [Boice], James, 173, 396
Bolingbroke, Hector St. John, Viscount, Letters on the Study and Use of History (1752), 198, 235n28
Bollan, William, 35n1, 336, 337n6
books and literature. See also specific authors and works
bequeathed to son by JQ, xxv, 174
bequeathed to wife by JQ, 174
book reviews, JQ’s use of, 114n6
found in JQ’s chest after his death, 396–97, 399
given to JQ by Thomas Brand Hollis, 375
Harvard bequests of Hollises, 324n2
influences on JQ, xxiin8, xxvii, xxix
lent to Thomas Brand Hollis by JQ, 381
sent from London to America by JQ, 363
Boquet, Lt. Col., 289
British evacuation of (March 1776), 201n10, 290n1, 366n3
fortifications on Boston Neck, 273, 274, 276n3, 292, 302, 320–21
power to assess monies in, 197–98
quartering of troops in. See quartering of troops
siege of (1775-1776), 322n5, 334n8, 366n3, 400n4
Tea Party, xxin6–7, xxx, 143–44, 187–90, 195–96, 318n3, 337n5
Boston Chronicle, “Bostonian” essays in. See “Independant” essays
Boston Evening-Post
Association Plan broadside, 294n2
JQ’s publication in, xxiii
letter purported to be from Gage to North printed in, 310n3
“Mentor” essay, on commemoration of Boston Massacre, 66–68, 81n2
Peters letter printed in, 291n9
Petersham Town Resolutions printed in, 124n1
Provincial Convention, broadside of proclamation on, 322n6
text-searchable copies of, 406
“A true Patriot” in, 8, 9, 10–11n4
Boston Gazette. See also “Edward Sexby” essays; “Hyperion” essays; “Independant” essays; “Marchmont Nedham” essays
“Callisthenes” essays, on Ebenezer Richardson, 78–81, 111–12
Davis and Pierpont, comments on trial of, 113n4
on Gray, Harrison, 322n6
“Intelligentibus” essay, on allowances for jury service in Boston Massacre trials, 69–70
JQ’s frequent publication in, xxiii
letter purported to be from Gage to North printed in, 310n3
notice of JQ’s leaving for London and directions for clients and debtors, 370n1
“Novanglus” (John Adams), 241–42n114, 272n1
“An Old Man” essay, on non-importation, 62–65
Petersham Town Resolutions printed in, 124n1
political allegiance of, 40n2, 91n2
“Pro Aris et Focis” essay, on right of resistance, 32–35, 238n80, 282n2
“Pro Lege” essay, on British Constitution and rule of law, 12–15, 366n4
provincial congress/convention, satire on proclamation on, 322n6
“Tertius in Nubibus” essay, on Sabbath conferral between Paxton and Hutchinson, 71
text-searchable copies of, 406
Boston Massacre
Adams, John, and, xxi–xxiin8, 50n1, 271n1, 334n2
Church, Benjamin, delivering oration commemorating, 290n3
coroner in post-mortems, 112n4
Hodgson, John, ed., The Trial of William Wemms (1770), xxi–xxiin8, 50n1
“Intelligentibus” essay, Boston Gazette, on allowances for jury service in trials associated with, 69–70
JQ as defense council, xxi–xxiin8, xxiv, 70n2, 81n2, 254n1, 271n1, 334n2
juror choice in Preston trial, 111–12, 117
letters between Josiah Quincy Sr. and Jr. regarding, 50–52
Lovell, James, delivering first oration commemorating, 290n1
“Mentor” essay, Boston Evening-Post, on commemoration of, 66–68, 81n2
Preston, Captain Thomas, 50, 51, 69, 70n2, 111–12, 117, 271n1
Richardson trial and, 81n2
Boston Port Act and blockade of Boston Harbor
Boston Tea Party and, 187–90, 195–96
commercial transactions forbidden by, 190–91
Green, George, on, 312
indiscriminate nature of, 193–94
lawful quays and wharfs under, 199
non-importation and, 200–201, 290
objectives and consequences of, 194–99
Observations (JQ) on, 186–201, 233n5–6
persons empowered to enforce, 192
Pownall on, 361
privations of poor due to, 259
on prosecution of suits in relationship to act, 199
Remick, “A Perspective View of the Blockad of Boston Harbour,” v, vii
shipping contracts voided by, 192–93
ships and vessels compelled to depart or held forfeit, 191–92
South Carolina sending sloop load of rice for relief of, 255, 256n3
suspension/repeal of all acts relative to Colonies since 1764, proposals regarding, xxvn17, 38, 39, 244n152, 290, 309, 338–39, 342–44, 346–47, 348, 354, 355, 360–62
terms for ending blockade in Act, 195–98
Boston Town Meeting
continuing meetings of, 302
instructions for General Court Representatives (15 May 1770), 53–60
quartering of troops, problems associated with (3 November 1774), 288–89
Resolutions (20 November 1772), 122, 125n3
Tea Party and, 190
“Bostonian” essays in Boston Chronicle. See “Independant” essays
Boswell, James
An Account of Corsica (1768), 28n4
Dilly, Edward, and, 381n1
Bowdoin, James, 61n1, 315, 322n7, 336, 337n6, 399
Bowen, Mr., 286
Boxwood (seat of Lord Shelburne), 355
Brackett, Mr., 17
Bradford, William, 245n177
Braintree, Massachusetts, 131–32, 173, 396
Brand Hollis, Thomas, 324, 331, 366, 375, 381
Brattle, William, 164–67
Brewton, Miles, 255–57
Gage, Thomas, money sent to, 392
in New York, 338, 340, 376, 381, 388
Bristol, Earl of, 13
Bristol, England, JQ visiting, 354, 357, 362, 385
Britain, British crown, and British Parliament. See also London
Address to the King, House of Lords debate on, 326
American cause as cause of, 267–69
arms and ammunition, prohibition of export of, 349
arrival of JQ in, 300
autumn 1774 elections, consequences for America of, 306, 307n4
Boston, evacuation of (March 1776), 201n10, 290n1, 366n3
common people of Britain, JQ’s opinion of, 354, 362
Constitution, 12–15, 47, 53, 123, 218, 223, 242n122, 284
Continental Congress, efforts to convince Parliament to deal formally with, 337n6
degeneracy of, 7–8
despotism of, 3–5
dissolution of Parliament in (autumn 1774), 308, 309
emigration to America from, 317
impeachment of peers in, 12–15
Jacobite rising of 1745, 373
JQ induced to settle in, rumors of, 347
JQ’s attendance at/reports on Parliamentary sessions, 16n4, 316, 326, 338, 341–43, 359, 365, 369
JQ’s reports on political atmosphere and sentiment, 314–16, 317, 325–28, 340–44, 358–60
King’s speech in Parliament, 240n96, 240n102, 311, 365
liberty, historical tradition of, 24–27
measures of crown as measures of Parliament, 242n122
merchants and manufacturing affected by non-importation agreement, 306, 315–16, 342, 354–55, 358, 371–73, 387, 388n2
ministers, misrepresentations and mistakes of, 281–82
Observations (JQ) on history of American oppression by, 223–32
opening of Parliament, JQ attending, 316
Petersham Town Resolutions regarding government of, 122–24
petition to King from Continental Congress, 387, 388n3
petition to King from merchants, 387, 388n2
Resolutions of Parliament quartering troops in Boston, 154–55, 157n4
salarying of judges in Massachusetts, 111–12, 119, 123, 125n3, 167n3, 199
standing army, gradual imposition of, 211–21
suspension/repeal of all acts relative to Colonies since 1764, proposals regarding, xxvn17, 38, 39, 244n152, 290, 309, 338–39, 342–44, 346–47, 348, 354, 355, 360–62
troop movements, 1768-1775, 125n3, 252n2, 392
“Well Wisher” letter threatening JQ with arrest and confiscation of estate by, 180–83, 233n8
British Coffee-House, 183, 233n8
Bromfield, Abigail, later Phillips (mother-in-law), 173, 260n3, 336, 384, 397, 399
Bromfield, Henry, 258, 260n3, 265, 306
Bromfield, Thomas
kinship to JQ, 260n3
letter from JQ to, 384–85
letter sent to Samuel Adams from William Lee via, 363
letters for JQ in London sent to, 258, 265, 294, 306, 377n1, 378, 390, 393
letters to JQ, 378–79
mentioned in letters, 305–6, 363, 368, 380, 381, 383, 387
Bromfield, Mrs. Thomas, 368, 378, 393
Broome, Samuel, 391
Brown, Dee, 405
Brown, Sheriff, 17
Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus), 151n2, 231–32
Buckingham, Duke of, 15
Bulkley, Jonathan, 370
Bunker Hill, battle of (June 17 1775)
fiftieth anniversary (June 17 1825), xxiii-xxiv, 11n5, 337n4
Warren’s death at, xxn2, 134n2, 310n1
Burgh, James, Political Disquisitions, 381, 382n6
Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq., on American Taxation, April 19 1774 (1775), 363, 364n4
Burnet, William, 55
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 65n4, 109, 281, 325, 359
Butler, James, 370
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 120, 121n2
Buxted, Mr., 378
Caesar. See Augustus Caesar; Julius Caesar
Calf, Captain, 294
Caligula (Roman emperor), 371
“Callisthenes” essays, Boston Gazette, on Ebenezer Richardson, 78–81, 111–12
Cam[b]den, Charles Pratt, Lord, 244n147, 342, 344n6, 369
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 61n6, 84, 86, 101n5, 288, 290, 291n8, 320, 322n6, 348, 349n3
Camus, Albert, 101n4
Continental Congress letter to, 299
Dummer, A Letter to a Noble Lord, Concerning the Late Expedition to Canada (1712), 247n206
JQ letter on American rights to Canadian minister, 18–19
Louisbourg, taking of (1745), 302, 303–4n2
Lovell on disposition of, 320
New England involvement in expedition against, 229
Quebec Act, 261n13, 284–85, 286n5–6, 321, 322n10, 362
Caracalla (Roman emperor), 74, 77n3
Carr, Sir Robert, 243n128
Cassibelan [Cassivellaunus] (British prince), 210, 239n82
Cassius (Gaius Cassius Longinus), 151n2, 231–32
Castle William, Boston, 125n3, 170
“Catalogue of Books,” posthumous. See specific authors and works for listings
Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catalina), 109, 168
Cato, Letters, xxix, 174, 236n44
“Centinel,” as possible pen-name of JQ, 40n2
Chaldea, 194
Charles I (king of England), 57, 81n4, 118n7, 223, 225, 226, 243n127, 366n4
Charles II (king of England), 20n3, 117, 118n7, 214–15, 240n102, 240n105, 243n127, 366n4
Charles VII (king of France), 208–9
Charles V (king of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor), 224
Robertson, History of the Reign of Emperor Charles V (1769), 209, 237n66, 238n73–74, 245n155–56, 245n160
Charleston, South Carolina
JQ’s impressions of, 127, 129–30
Madeira purchased by JQ in, 255
Charter and Constitution of Massachusetts Bay. See Massachusetts Bay Charter and Constitution
charter sent to Jonathan Smith by JQ, 138
Charters and General Laws of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay (1814), 235n27
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of
Bishop of St. Asaph and, 304n3
Brand Hollis, Thomas, as admirer of, 324n2
Camden and, 344n6
An Elegy on the Late Rt. Hon. W . . . . . . P . . . , Esq. (1766), 91n3
JQ hears speaking in Parliament, 369
JQ meeting with, 316
JQ’s admiration for, 91n3, 244n148, 318n7
peer protests signed by, 244n148–49
Quebec Act, letter from Lord Lyttleton on, 284, 285, 286n5–6, 316
Shelburne and, 324n3
speech on American reconciliation transcribed by Quincy, 16n4, 369
views on America, 318n7
Chauncy, Charles
Adams, Samuel, correspondence with, 271n2
Hutchinson and, 277n2
letter of introduction for JQ in London, 271n2
letters to JQ, 277, 292–94, 357
mentioned in letters, 315, 357, 360, 378, 393
Cheever, G. R., The American Common-Place Book of Prose (1832), 235n30
Chesterfield, Lord, 189
Christmas/New Year holidays (1774/1775), 327, 354, 357, 364n4
Church, Benjamin, 288, 290n3, 395n2
Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero; Tully), xxi, 35n1, 109, 110n6, 135, 136n3, 204, 234n14, 234n19, 239n89, 375
Cincinnatus (Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus), 43, 45n7
civil administrative officers, 218, 222–23
civil society, Observations (JQ) on standing army and, 185, 201–22, 236n43, 243n140
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 14, 189, 365
A Complete Collection of Tracts (1747), 241–42n114
Clarke, Benjamin, 317, 329, 336
Clerk, George, 267
Clinton, Sir Henry, 322n3
Clymer, George, 140–42, 250–52, 343
“The Cobbler,” in Massachusetts Gazette, 94, 100, 100n3, 101n8, 102
Cobham, Viscount, xxixn29, 189, 400n2
“Coercive” or “Intolerable” Acts, xxviii, 252n2, 312n4
coffee houses, 183, 233n8, 306, 313, 324, 325, 331, 340, 355
Coke, Sir Edward, The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England (1644-1681), 16n9
Commines, Philip de, History, 209, 238n73, 240n94
common people
judgment of, 37–38
liberty, desire for, 24–27
right of resistance, 32–35
“Common Sense,” in Massachusetts Gazette, 114, 118n3
A Complete Collection of The Lords’ Protests (1767), 189, 234n15, 237n57, 241n113, 242n115–16, 242n120–21, 243–44n145–149, 243n139–43, 244n152, 247n212
Concord, Massachusetts, 130n1, 270n2, 273, 308
The Conduct of the Administration (1767), 244n151
Congress. See Continental Congress
Coningsby, Thomas, 240n104
Constitution, British, 12–15, 47, 53, 123, 218, 223, 242n122, 284
Constitution, Massachusetts. See Massachusetts Bay Charter and Constitution
constitutional convention (1787), 141n1
consumption (disease), xix, 327, 355, 381n1, 402n3
Continental Congress
Adams, John, and, 271, 320, 322n7
Adams, Samuel, at, xxv, 260n2, 275, 322n7
Association Plan, 294n2, 333, 334n7, 376, 377, 387–88, 391
Bee, Thomas, at, 139
Brewton letter on, 255
bribery of delegates in New York, 338, 340, 376, 381, 388
Clymer, George, at, 140–41n1
Clymer letter on, 251
Dickinson, John, letter on, 253
Dickinson, Philemon, at, 252n3
dissolution/adjournment of (autumn 1774), 277, 292, 302–3
efforts to convince Parliament to deal formally with, 337n6
Ireland, overtures to, 339
Johnson, Samuel, on, 374n1, 380, 381n2
JQ letters on, 259
JQ seeking letters of recommendation for London from members of, 258
Lovell, James, at, 290n1
Massachusetts delegates appointed to, 320, 322n7
McDougall, Alexander, and, 376–77, 377n1, 390–91
non-importation agreement, 278, 300
petition to the King from, 306, 315, 387, 388n3
Proceedings of, 278, 288, 298, 348
public reaction to results of, 350
on restraint of violent action, 321
Rutledge, Edward, at, 260n2
Suffolk Resolves, response to, 300, 301n3
Cooper, Samuel, 51, 52n2, 182, 267, 315, 362, 364n3, 399
Coquillette, Dan, xviii, xx, xxin5, xxiiin12, xxivn15, xxviin26, xxxiin37, 405–6
Corsica, revolution in, 26, 28n4, 33, 372
Coues, Captain, 311
council (Massachusetts governor’s council), 34, 73, 98, 123, 132n4, 147, 153–55, 166, 167n3, 252n2, 261n7, 261n20, 337n6
Coventry, Sir William, 240n100
Cox, Kevin, 405
Crafts, Thomas, 288
Cranch, Richard, 173
Cranfield, Edward, 228, 246n199
Crassus (Roman general), 374
crimen laesae Majestitas, 12
Cromwell, Oliver, xxixn29, 118n7, 181, 207, 225, 227, 319n9, 366n4
Curio (Roman senator), 371
Cushing, Thomas
Boston Massacre, soldiers tried for, 51, 52n2
in Continental Congress, 322n7
“Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman of Distinction” (1774), 261n13
General Court Representative (15 May 1770), 61n1
letter of introduction for JQ to Reed from, 266n1
letter to JQ, 348–49
mentioned in letters, 259, 265
Phillips, William, Sr., and, 261n7
Treasury money used by, 285, 287n11
Cutler, Ebenezer, 113n4, 116–18
Dana, Richard, 60n1, 275, 276n4
Dane, Francis, 176
Dartmouth, William Legge, Earl of, 244n146, 260, 310n3, 311–12, 312n2, 312n4, 313, 359, 360
Davenport, John, 246n185
David (biblical king), 10n3
David’s Worthies, 199
Davis, Caleb, 112, 112–13n4, 116–18
de la Guard, Theodore (Nathaniel Ward), The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America (1647), 247n217
de la Pool, Michael, 15
The Debates and Proceedings of the British House of Commons (1766-1772), 234n22, 238n74
Decemviri, 207
Declaratory Act, 242n122
Demosthenes, 109
Denmark, absolute monarchy in, 221
Dennie, William, 258, 336, 337n6
despotism, “Hyperion” essay on, 3–5
Deverson, Captain, 387
Dickinson, John
Clymer, George, and, 142
An Essay on the constitutional power of Great-Britain over the colonies in America (1774), 284, 286n5
letter from JQ to, 262–63
letter of introduction for JQ from Samuel Adams to, 254n1
meeting with JQ on JQ’s Southern journey, 253n1
mentioned in letters, 251, 283, 284, 343, 348, 355, 357
“Pennsylvania Farmer” letters of, 253–54n1
reluctant embrace of revolution by, xxvi
Dickinson, Philemon (brother of John), 251, 252n3
Dilly, Charles, 233n4, 306, 378, 380–83, 386, 393
Dilly, Edward, 233n4, 380–81, 382n6, 383
Dionysius of Syracuse (Sicilian tyrant), 74, 77n3, 211, 241n105
Dixon, John, mezzotint political cartoon by (1774), xxviii
Dodsley, Robert, ed., A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes (1744), 5–6n2
Doolittle, Ephraim, 124n1, 125n4
Dorr, Harbottle, Jr., 76–77n1
Draco (Athenian lawgiver), 241n105
Draper, Richard, 40n2, 90, 91n2, 104, 114, 115, 116, 119, 233n6
drink and drinking
Madeira, purchased by JQ in Charleston, SC, 255
Southern fondness for, 128–29
Druids, 210
Drury Lane Theatre, 330n3
Dudley, Joseph, 239n90
Dudley, Paul, 239n90
Dummer, Jeremiah, A Letter to a Noble Lord, Concerning the Late Expedition to Canada (1712), 247n206
Dunbar, Justice, 70
Dupuis, Abraham, 378
Early American Imprints, 406
East India Company, 143, 188, 190, 195, 201, 364n3
Edes, Benjamin, xxiii, xxxv, 40n2, 91n2, 101n9, 157n4, 233n4, 242n122, 244n151
Edward I (king of England), 244n153
“Edward Sexby” essays, Boston Gazette, 12 October 1772
to Joseph Hawley, on judges’ salaries, 119
on press freedom, right of resistance, and jury trial, 114–18
source of name, 118n1
Edwards, Thomas, 173
Egypt and Egyptians, 33, 48, 49n4, 118, 194, 359
Ehud (biblical figure), 115, 118n5
Eighteenth Century Collections Online, 406
An Elegy on the Late Rt. Hon. W . . . . . . P . . . , Esq. (1766), 88, 91n3
Eliot, Mr., 23
empires, effects of dominion of, 207, 218
England. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament
enthusiasm (zealotry), 9, 18, 63, 108, 144, 180, 213, 225, 263, 268, 316, 341
“An Epistle to the Right Honourable the Lord Cornbury” (poem quoted by JQ), 3, 5–6n2
Eustis, William, xxi
Exeter Cathedral, 305
“Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman of Distinction” (1774), 260, 261n13
Fabius Maximus (Roman general), 43, 45n7
Farquhar, George, “Beaux’ Stratagem,” 330n3
father of lies, 63
Finch, Sir Henry, A Description of the Common Laws of England (1759), 57, 61n4
First Continental Congress. See Continental Congress
fishing rights, North Atlantic, 284, 381
Fitz-Adam, Adam (Edward Moore), The World (1753-1756), 137n4
Fleet, John and Thomas, 40n2, 294n2, 310n3
Fleury, André-Hercule, Cardinal, 371
“forensic history,” xxii-xxiii
Fortescue, Sir John, De Laudibus Legum Angliae, 16n6
absolute monarchy in, 221
Corsican revolution, 26, 28n4, 33, 372
French Revolution, xxx
massacres of 16th century in, 207
trade situation in Britain and, 371, 372
Francis (ship), 387
Franklin, Benjamin
Adams and, 271n1
Address to the King, mentioned in House of Lords debate on, 326
Cushing and, 348
Dilly brothers and, 381, 381n1, 386
efforts to convince Parliament to deal formally with Continental Congress, 337n6
as “Electrical Doctor,” 381n3, 386n2
immigrants to America from Britain sponsored by, 317
Ireland, role in American overtures to, 339n4
JQ’s opinion of, 305, 313, 317
Lee, Arthur, and, 388n3
lodgings in London, 307n2
London press on, 380, 381n3, 386
in London with JQ, xxiv, 305, 307n2, 313, 323, 324, 327, 331, 336, 353
Petersham Town Resolutions quoted by, 125n1
publication of private letters, concern over, 316
Quincy Sr. and, 283, 305, 323, 336, 353
Williams, Jonathan, the younger, and, 305, 307n3
Free Thoughts on Seduction, Adultery, and Divorce, By a Civilian, in Monthly Review (1771), 112, 113n6
common people’s desire for, 24–27
“English Liberties,” Hutchinson accused of efforts to abridge, 159–62
of the press, 75–76, 77n4–5, 114
Freeman, Isaac, 353n2
French, Jonathan, 404
French Revolution, xxx
Gadsden, Christopher, 255
Gage, Thomas
Appleton letter on, 302
in Bernard’s Letters to the Ministry (1769), 239n86
as both commander of British army in North American and governor of Massachusetts, 252n2
bribery money sent to, 392
British rumors regarding orders sent to, 325
condemnation of provincial congress/convention by, 320, 322n6
Dixon mezzotint cartoon and, xxviii
Lee, William, on, 392
letter purported to be to North from, 309, 310n3, 321
Lovell letters on, 273–74, 288–89, 320, 321
Paddock, Adino, and, 366n3
Pownall’s report on dispatches of, 361, 363–64n2
Quincy, Norton, and, 132n4
Warren letter on, 309
Galba (Roman emperor), 243n134
Gardiner, Sir Christopher, 228, 246n202
General Court. See Massachusetts General Court
George I (king of England), 374n2
George III (king of England), xxviii, 65n4, 101n6, 215, 244n153, 300, 365, 388n2
Georgia, 281
Gill, John, xxiii, xxxv, 40n2, 91n2, 101n9, 157n4, 233n4, 242n122, 244n151
Gill, George, xxxin36
Gill, John, 177
Glorious Revolution (1688), 215
Glover, Bromfield, 387
Goldthwait, Ezekiel, 272, 323, 353n5
Gordon, Dr. and Mrs., 401
Gordon, Thomas
Cato’s Letters, with Trenchard (1722), 174, 236n44
The Life of Agricola, By Tacitus (1763), 237n68
Works of Sallust (1764), xxix, 174, 179n5, 239n88, 243n137
Works of Tacitus (1737), xxix, 176, 237n62, 239n83, 242n124, 243n134
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 228, 245n177, 246–47n203
government, British. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament
governor of Massachusetts. See also Bernard, Francis; Gage, Thomas; Hutchinson, Thomas; Pownall, Thomas
Boston Chronicle supporting regime of, 40n2
Boston Town Meeting on powers of, 54–55, 61n6
council of, 34, 73, 98, 123, 132n4, 147, 153–55, 166, 167n3, 252n2, 261n7, 261n20, 337n6
General Court, power to move, 61n6, 84–86, 89–90, 97–99, 101n5
Gower, Lord, 189
grapes, Portugal, 300
Gray, Thomas, 285, 292, 351, 353n7
Great Britain. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament
Greece (ancient)
America compared to Free States of, 225, 308, 371
Athens and Athenians, 225, 231
Sparta (Lacedemonia), 215, 308
western course of arts and sciences and, 194
Green, George, 311–12
Greenleaf, Stephen, 111
Greenough, Deacon, 378
Grenville, George, 318n3
Grey, Anchitell, Debates of the British House of Commons (1763), 236n43, 237n55, 238n78, 240n96, 240n98–100, 240n102, 240n104, 241n106–7, 241n112, 243n127, 243n128
gunpowder plot, 20n3
Hackluit [Hakluyt], Richard, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, and Traffiques of the English Nation (1599-1600), 138
Haley, Mr., 378
Halifax, Charles Montagu, first Earl of, 15
Hallowell, Benjamin, 150, 151n3, 153, 156, 157n3
Haman (biblical figure), 213, 240n94
Hamilton, Colonel, 333
Hampden, John, 81, 232, 247n216
Hancock Cemetery, Quincy, Massachusetts, xxxi-xxxii, xxxii
Hancock, John, 51, 52n2, 61n1, 140, 152–53, 157n3
Hannibal of Carthage, 45n7, 342, 344n7
Harbord, William, 240n98
Blowers at, 334n2
Eustis graduating from, xxin7
General Court at (1770), 54
Hollis bequests to, 324n2
JQ at, xvi
JQ’s contingency plan to endow chair at, xxvii, 176
More[e]ton, Perez, at, 134n2
Quincy, Josiah III (son) and, xxxin36
Quincy, Josiah, III at, xxvii
Quincy, Samuel (brother) at, 130n1
Sibley, John Langdon, Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University (1873-), 2n1, 130n1, 132n4, 134n2, 277n2, 290n3, 405
Trumball, Jonathan, at, 291n8
tutoring in preparation for, 132n2, 353n8
Warren, Joseph, at, 310n1
Williams, Jonathan the younger, at, 307n3
Haversham, Lord, 189
Hayley, Mr., 363
Henry IV (king of England), 244n153
Henry VII (king of England), 212
Henry VIII (king of England), 241n105
Henry, Matthew, An Exposition of all the Books of the Old and New Testaments (1721-1735), 28n3
Henshaw, Josiah, 51, 52n, 60–61n1
Hercules, twelve labors of, 93n2
Hill, Captain, 384
Hill, Justice, 370
Hill, Mrs., 130
Hillsborough, Wills Hill, Earl of, 83, 101n5, 239n87, 312n4, 326
Hic niger est, hunc tu Romane cavete, 43
Hodgson, John, ed., The Trial of William Wemms (1770), xxi–xxiin8, 50n1
Holland, 207–8, 283, 302, 372, 388
Hollis, Thomas, 324n2
Hollis, Thomas Brand, 324, 331, 366, 375, 381
Holt, Sir John, Life . . . (1764), 1–2
Hood, Samuel, 239n86
Hooke, William, New Englands teares, for old Englands feares (1641), 205, 236n52
Pope, First Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated, 403, 404n2
Pope, The First Satire on the Second Book of Horace, 118n9
Satires, 45n4
Hotham, Sir John, 236n43, 237n55
House of Commons, British. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament; Grey, Anchitell, Debates of the British House of Commons (1763); individual members
House of Lords, British. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament; A Complete Collection of The Lords’ Protests (1767); individual peers
House of Representatives, Massachusetts. See Massachusetts General Court
How, Sylvanus, 124–25n1
Hume, David, “Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth,” in Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects (1758), 238n76, 238n79
Hungarians, 198
Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 311, 312n2, 316
Hutchinson, Thomas
Addresses &c. to the Late Governor Hutchinson (1774), 257n7
in Arthur Lee’s pamphlet, 270n4
Blowers and, 334n2
Boston Tea Party and, 143–44, 337n5
British political opinion regarding, 325, 328n4
Chauncy and, 277n2
“The Cobbler” defending, 94, 100
A Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of Massachusetts-Bay (1769), 138, 245n177, 247n104
“English Liberties,” accused of efforts to abridge, 159–62
freedom of the press and, 75–76, 77n4
Gage compared, 302
on gubernatorial power to move General Court, 61n6, 84–86, 89–90, 97–99, 101n5
The History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, 61n1, 148, 153, 157n3, 233–34n12, 245–46n180–188, 245n163–64, 245n166–68, 245n170, 245n172–73, 245n175, 246–47n202–205, 246n190–200, 247n209
imperial policy, efforts to enforce, xxn3
JQ in London and, 325, 328n4, 359
JQ’s verbal attacks on, xxv, 65n4, 71–76, 82–105, 143–72
“Lelius” defending, 88–91, 94–99
letters scandal, 149–50, 152–56, 157n3, 158–72
Lincoln, Hannah Quincy, and, 120–21, 394
Massachusetts Bay Charter and Constitution, accused of efforts to destroy, 159–62, 164
Massachusetts Bay Charter, on interpretation of, 82–83
mentioned in letters, 120–21, 256, 268, 281, 387
in Observations (JQ), 189, 196, 246n187, 246n194
Oliver, Hallowell, and Paxton, association with, 149–50
Phillips, William, Sr., and, 261n7
Pownall, JQ’s impressions of, and, 364n3
return to England with farewell testimonials, 256, 257n5
Sabbath conferral between Paxton and, 71
salary accepted from crown rather than General Court, 125n3
The Speeches of His Excellency, Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay (1773), 246n194
in “Well Wisher” letter, 182
Hyde, Edward. See Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
“Hyperion” essays, Boston Gazette
28 September 1767, on despotism, 3–5
5 October 1767, responding to “A true Patriot,” xxivn13, 7–10, 337n4
26 September 1768, on quartering of troops, 21–22
3 October 1768, on common people’s desire for liberty, 24–27
25 November 1771, on Hutchinson and press freedom, 72–76
4 May 1772, on refusal of House of Representatives to rescind letter asserting basic rights of Bay Colony, 82–83
significance of Hyperion in Greek mythology, 5n1
Hyslop, William, 292, 296, 297n4, 378
impeachment of peers, 12–15
“An Independant” essays, Boston Gazette, on “Bostonian” essays in Boston Chronicle
12 February 1770, 36–39
26 February 1770, 41–45
12 March 1770, 47–48
Ingersoll, 368
innocence, JQ on presumption of, 51
“Intelligentibus” essay, Boston Gazette, on allowances for jury service, 69–70
“Intolerable” or “Coercive” Acts, xxviii, 252n2, 312n4
Continental Congress and, 339
Richard II in, 212
Ireton, Henry (pseudo-signature for JQ’s letters to Abigail Quincy), 317, 328, 329, 336, 339, 347, 360, 363
Ireton, Henry (Roundhead in British Civil War), 319n9
Jackson, Edward, 353n2
Jackson, Jonathan, 176
Jacobite rising of 1745, 373
James Captain Watson (ship), 377
James I (king of England), 20n3, 111
James II (king of England), 215, 223, 239n90
Jannot, Mr., 267
Jefferies [Jeffreys], Judge George, 117, 118n8, 215, 226
Jefferson, Thomas, xxvii, 271n1
Jenkins, Captain, 393
John Wilkes (ship), 387
Johnson, Samuel, 44, 45n8, 240n97, 374n1, 380, 381n1–2
Johnstone, George, 339n2
Jones, David (witness to codicil to JQ’s will), 179
Jones, Mr. (tailor), 384
JQ. See Quincy, Josiah, Jr.
Judas Iscariot (betrayer of Jesus), 109, 110, 334n5
judicial matters. See also Boston Massacre; jurors and jury trials
Admiralty Courts, 115–16, 119, 192
Boston Port Act, prosecution of suits in relation to, 199
Davis and Pierpont case, 112, 112–13n4, 116–18
lawyer, JQ as, xx, xxi–xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv–xxvi, 23, 81n2, 112–13n4, 133, 254n1, 276n4, 370
Richardson, Ebenezer, trial of, 78–81, 111–12
salarying of judges, 111–12, 119, 123, 125n3, 167n3, 199
speedy sentencing, right to, and Ebenezer Richardson case, 78–81
Zenger, John Peter, trial of, 76, 77n5
Julius Caesar
assassination of, 231
Commentaries, 238–39n82
commentaries on, 45n7
Lucan, Pharsalia, 232n1
in Observations, 189, 204, 207, 210, 212–13, 215
in Plutarch’s Lives, 236n46, 239n8, 240n92
Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, 100n2
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 60, 61n9, 149, 151n2
jurors and jury trials
allowances for jury services, 69–70
choice of jurors, 111–12, 116–17
in Davis and Pierpont case, 111–12, 115–18
Kent, Benjamin, 61n1
Killroy [Kilroy], Mathew, 117
King, Address to, House of Lords debate on, 326
of purveyance, 218–19
to remove General Court, 56–58
King’s speech in Parliament, 240n96, 240n102, 311
Kirk [Kirke], General Percy, 215
Lacedemonia (Sparta), 215, 308
Langhorne, John and William, Plutarch’s Lives (1770), 45n7, 81n1, 234n14, 234n19, 236n46, 236n51, 240n92, 241n108–9, 243n134, 247n214
Latin proficiency of JQ, 16n4, 61n10, 238n82
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 226, 245n174
law as profession, JQ on, 23
law commonplace book of JQ, xx, xxin5
lawyer, JQ as, xvi, xvii–xviii, xix, xx, xxi–xxii, 23, 81n2, 112–13n4, 133, 254n1, 276n4, 370
Lee, Arthur, xixn2, xxin18, 260, 261n13, 318n5, 337n6, 378, 393
A Speech, intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, in support of the Petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia (1775), 387, 388–89n3
A True State of the Proceedings in the British Parliament and In the Province of Massachusetts Bay (1774), 268, 270n5
Strictures on a Pamphlet Entitled, A Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans, on the Subject of Our Political Confusions (1774), 270n1, 353n4
Lee, Sir Thomas, 238n78
Lee, William, 313, 318n5, 363, 387–88, 388–89n3, 392
Leighton, Robert, Expository Works (1748), 247n207
Lelius (Caius Lelius, Roman general), 91n2
“Lelius,” in Massachusetts Gazette, 88–91, 94–100, 102–4, 107–10
Leonard, Daniel (as “Massachusettensis”), 272n1
Leonard, Ephraim, 272
Leonard, Thomas, xix
Lepidus, 189
A Letter from Thomas Lord Lyttelton, to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill (1774), 284–85, 286n5
letters. See also specific senders and recipients
Bromfield, Thomas, letters for JQ in London sent to, 258, 265, 294, 306, 377n1, 378, 390, 393
concerns of JQ over publication of, 316, 317, 326, 355, 356, 357, 360, 363
Franklin’s anxiety regarding publication of, 316
Hutchinson’s letters scandal, 149–50, 152–56, 157n3, 158–72
inspection and confiscation of, 336
intelligence, JQ seeking letters of, 259, 273, 306, 317, 327, 363, 370
introduction, letters of, for JQ, 132, 254n1, 258, 265, 266n1, 271n2, 374n1
pseudo-signature for letters to Abigail Quincy, JQ’s use of, 317, 328, 329, 336, 339, 347, 360, 363
Reed, Joseph, only signing letters with initials, 279, 299
Levy, Leonard, 77n5
Lewis XI (king of France), 208–9
Lexington, Massachusetts, 130n1
common people’s desire for, 24–27
“English Liberties,” Hutchinson accused of efforts to abridge, 159–62
freedom of the press, 75–76, 77n4–5, 114
Liberty (sloop), seizure of, 152–53, 157n3
Lincoln, Bela (brother-in-law), 1–2, 130n2, 131, 132n3, 173
Lincoln, Hannah Quincy (sister), 2n1, 120, 131, 173, 286, 297n1, 394–95, 401–2
Lindsey, Theophilus, 375n1
linen manufacturing, 303
literature. See books and literature, and specific authors and works
Livery of London, 388
Livy, 45n7
Locke, John, xxviin25, xxix, 174, 399
Americans in, political temper of, 305–6, 314, 315
arrival of JQ in, 305–6
Lincoln, Bela, JQ requesting impressions of London from, 1
Livery of, 388
press interest in JQ, 313, 380, 381–82n3–4
press, JQ’s interest in, 300
Quincy, Samuel (brother) leaving for, after Lexington, 130n1
return voyage of JQ from, xix–xxn2, 360, 362–63, 378–88, 393
textiles, gown, and Morocco pocket-books purchased by JQ in, 384–85
theatre, JQ attending, 329, 330n3
voyage of JQ to, xx, xxiii, xxix, xxxiiin1, 258–60, 263, 265, 271, 272, 283, 295–97, 302, 365, 370n1
London Chronicle, 310n3
London Gazetteer, 46n9
London journal of JQ, xviin5, 277n1, 312n2, 367n5, 375n1, 388n3
London Magazine, 402n3
Loring, Dr., 274
Loring, George, warehouse of, 302
Loring, Sarah, 173
Louisbourg, taking of (1745), 302, 303–4n2
Lovell, James
Appleton, Nathaniel, and, 303n1
Boston Massacre, first oration commemorating, 290n1
as British prisoner, 290n1
in Continental Congress, 290n1
on death of JQ, xix-xx
letters to JQ, 273–75, 288–90, 320–22, 332–34, 357, 365
Low Countries. See Holland
Lowell, John, 178
Lysander of Lacedemon, 215
Lyttleton, George, Lord, 286n6
Lyttleton, Thomas, Lord, 284–85, 286n5–6
Macaulay, Catharine
An Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the Present Important Crisis of Affairs (1775), 363, 364n4
History of England (1769-1772), xxix, 118n1, 179n5, 238n74, 240n91, 364n4
Observations on a Pamphlet Entitled, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents (1770), 235n41, 364n4
Machiavelli, Niccoló, 194
Madeira, purchased by JQ in Charleston, SC, 255
Maier, Pauline, viii, ix-xii, xvii, xxvn18, xxviin24
Mailer, Norman, xviii
“mandamus” council, 259, 261n7, 261n10, 289, 320
Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 112, 113n5, 116, 281, 325, 359, 365
Marblehead, Massachusetts, 292, 333
Marc Antony (Roman general), 100n2, 189
“Marchmont Nedham” essays, Boston Gazette
8 June 1772, on moving of General Court to Boston, 84–86
15 June 1772, on Hutchinson’s motives and ends, 93
15 June 1772, on Lelius’s response defending Hutchinson, 88–91
22 June 1772, on defense of Hutchinson by “Lelius” and “The Cobbler,” 94–100
29 June 1772, on Lelius and Hutchinson, 102–5
6 July 1772, on Lelius and Hutchinson, 106–10, 241n114
20 December 1773, on Hutchinson’s reaction to Boston Tea Party, 143–44
27 December, 1773, on hypocrisy of Hutchinson, 146–48
3 January 1774, on Hutchinson’s associates and letters scandal, 149–50
10 January 1774, on Hutchinson letters scandal, xxn14, 152–56
17 January 1774, on Hutchinson letters scandal and efforts to abridge “English Liberties,” 158–62
31 January 1774, on Hutchinson letters scandal and Brattle testimonial, 163–67
7 February 1774, on Hutchinson letters scandal and Hutchinson’s refusal to show House the correspondence, 168–72
Cobbler’s awareness of identity of, 101n8
Dorr’s identification of JQ as author of, 76–77n1
frequent use of pseudonym by JQ, 87n1
Hutchinson verbally attacked in, xxvn21, 84–86
Marlborough, John Churchill, first Duke of, 374n2
Marmontines of Messina, 215–16
Marsh, Ann, later Quincy (stepmother), 120, 131, 132n2, 133, 173, 286, 323, 353n8, 397
Marsh, Joseph, Jr. and Sr., 132n2, 353n8
Marsh, Sister (of Ann Marsh Quincy), 351–52, 353n8
Marvell, Andrew, The Rehearsal Transpros’d (1673), 24, 27n2
Mason, John, 246–47n203
Mason, Jonathan, 317, 329, 336, 352, 396, 398, 399
“Massachusettensis” (Daniel Leonard), 272n1
Massachusetts Bay Charter and Constitution
British oppression of America and threats to, 226, 246n187, 247n203, 247n205
Hutchinson accused of efforts to destroy, 159–62, 164
interpretation of, 82–83
Massachusetts Gazette, 40n2, 91n2, 100n3, 101n8, 118n3, 233n6, 383n1
Massachusetts General Court
Boston Town Meeting instructions for Representatives to (15 May 1770), 53–60
Gage’s efforts to discharge, 273–74
gubernatorial power to move, 61n6, 84–86, 89–90, 97–99, 101n5
House of Representatives, 53–60, 61n6, 83n2, 84–86, 89, 92n7, 97–99, 101n5, 119n1, 132n4, 156, 157n6, 164, 167n3–4, 169, 172, 239n87, 261n7, 266n1, 322n7, 388n3
King’s prerogative to remove, 56–58
Massachusetts Government Act, 252n2, 261n10
Massachusetts governor. See governor of Massachusetts
Massachusetts governor’s council, 34, 73, 98, 123, 132n4, 147, 153–55, 166, 167n3, 252n2, 261n7, 261n20, 337n6
Massachusetts provincial congress/convention, 273–75, 276n3, 292, 302, 303, 308, 320, 322n6–7, 348–49, 361, 363–64n2
Massachusetts Spy (newspaper), 40n2, 77n4, 310n3
Mayhew, Jonathan, xxxn30, 275, 276n4
McClanathan (juror in Davis and Pierpont case), 116
McDougall, Alexander, 376–77, 390–91
“Memoir” (two-volume manuscript, Eliza Susan Quincy), xxxn32, xxxiii-xxxiv. See also notes to specific items, for documents and letters included therein
Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Junior, of Massachusetts: 1744–1775 (Josiah Quincy III/Eliza Susan Quincy, 1825)
authorship of, xxin7
editions of, xxin7
“facsimile” pages, 310n2, 344n8
JQ’s will in, 179n5
letters and documents contained in, xxxiii. See also notes to specific items, for documents and letters printed therein
loss of some documents used in writing, xxxiii-xxxiv
publication of, xxx-xxxi
“Mentor” essay, Boston Evening-Post, on commemoration of Boston Massacre, 66–68, 81n2
Methodism, 312n2
Middleton, Henry, 255
military. See also quartering of troops; standing army
Mutiny Act, 206, 237n57216–217
Milton, John
Eikonoklastes, 238n75
Hollis bequests to Harvard of works of, 324n2
introduction to Works of (1753), 365, 367n5
“Of Reformation in England,” 41, 45, 45n2, 46n10, 100, 101n9
Paradise Lost, 44, 45n6, 84, 87n2, 102, 105n2, 185, 232n1, 281, 282n3
“The Ready and Easy Way to establish a Free Commonwealth,” 48, 49n5
Moline[a]ux, William, 51, 52n2, 259, 261n8, 275, 276n4, 285, 292, 303
A Monody Inscribed to Benjamin Church jun. M.D. in Memory of Mr.
Edmund Quincy, tert (1768), 384, 395n2
Montagu, Edward Wortley, Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Antient Republicks (1759), 66, 68n2, 240n91
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, 75
The Spirit of the Laws (1752 edition), 206, 237n59–60
Monthly Review (periodical), 113n6
Moore, Edward (Adam Fitz-Adam), The World (1753-1756), 137n4
Moore, Henry, 83n2
Morocco pocket-books, 384
Morris, Corbyn, 313, 318n3, 328n6
Morton, Nathaniel, New-England’s Memorial (1669/1772), 226, 245n172, 245n176, 247n178
Mor[e]ton, Perez, 133, 134n2, 173–78, 360, 370n1, 398
Morton, Thomas, 153, 228, 246n202
motivation, as historical problem, xxviin24
mourning rings, xxix
“Mucius Scaevola,” in Massachusetts Spy, 75, 77n4, 91n1, 97, 101n8
Murray, John, 259, 261n10, 391
Murray, Robert, 391
Musapaedia, or Miscellany Poems (1719), 402n3
Mutiny Act, 206, 237n57216–217
ne loqui de republica, nisi per concilium, 210
Nedham, Marchamont (writer and political commentator), 87n1, 118n1, 324n2
Nedham, Marchmont (pseudonym for JQ). See “Marchmont Nedham” essays
Nemo me impune lacessit, 12, 16n3, 107
Nero (Roman emperor), 111, 243n134
New England Coffeehouse, 306
New Hampshire, 246n199, 349, 351
New Year/Christmas holidays (1774/1775), 327, 354, 357, 364n4
New York
bribery used in, 338, 340, 376, 381, 388
British troops sent to, 392
Continental Congress, sending delegates to, 376–77, 391
letters of introduction for JQ in, 266n1
McDougall, Alexander, in, 390–91
provincial congress, 377n1, 390–91
Quincy, Samuel, in, 133
revolutionary sentiment in, 140, 142, 298–99, 340–41, 376–77, 381, 388, 393
Zenger libel case (1935), 77n5
New York City, 267, 361, 376–77, 377n1, 390–91, 392
Association Plan, 294n2, 333, 334n7, 376, 377, 387–88, 391
Boston Port Act and, 200–201, 290
British manufacturers and British trade affected by, 306, 315–16, 342, 354–55, 358, 371–73, 387, 388n2
Clymer letter on, 250–52
Continental Congress agreement on, 278, 300
Davis and Pierpont, trial of, 112–13n4
Gage dispatch mentioning importation of prohibited items into New York City, 361
“An Independant” essay, Boston Gazette, on, 36–39
JQ letter to Samuel Adams on, 259
JQ letters to Abigail Quincy on, 354–56, 358–59, 361
Lovell letters on, 288, 289–90, 320, 332, 333
McDougall letter on, 391
“An Old Man” essay, Boston Gazette, on, 62–65
Reed letter on, 278
suspension/repeal of all acts relative to Colonies since 1764, proposals regarding, xxvn17, 38, 39, 244n152, 290, 309, 338–39, 342–44, 346–47, 348, 354, 355, 360–62
Norfolk, Duke of, 15
North Atlantic fishing rights, 284, 381
North Carolina, 128–30
North, Lord (Frederick North, second Earl of Guilford)
in autumn elections of 1774, 307n4
bishop of St. Asaph and, 304n3
Dickinson letter on, 281
Dilly, Charles, on, 381
Dixon mezzotint cartoon and, xxviii
Grafton administration, replacing, 244n147
historical reputation of, 318n3
Hutchinson compared, 325
“I will have America at my feet” remark, 338, 342
Keene, Winstead, and, 312n2
letter purported to be from Gage to, 309, 310n3, 321
Lyttleton, Thomas, second baron, and, 286n6
on Newfoundland fisheries rights, 381, 382n5
opinion of JQ, 336
political views and style of, 101n5
resignation offered and refused, 300
Warren letter on, 309
“Novanglus,” in Boston Gazette (John Adams), 241–42n114, 272n1
Nugent, Earl, An Ode to Mankind (1741), 21, 22n2, 27, 28n5, 35n3, 65n5, 114, 118n2
Observations (JQ), 185–232
Address to the King, mentioned in House of Lords debate on, 326
on Boston Port Act, 186–201, 233n5–6. See also Boston Port Act and blockade of Boston Harbor
Brewton, Miles, on, 255
on civil administrative officers, 218, 222–23
collections holding copies of, 406
dedication, 186, 232–33n2–3
on history of oppression of America by Britain, 223–32
London press on, 382n4
pagination of, 233n4
postscript, 232, 247n217–18
printing and publication of, xxiii, 186, 233n4, 381n1, 398
Quincy, Samuel, on, 248–49
quoted by Josiah Quincy III, xxxn30
on standing army and civil society, 185, 201–24, 236n43, 243n140. See also standing army
title page, 185
“Well Wisher” letters (May 1774) referenced in footnote to, 233n8
Williams, Jonathan, on, 305
“An Old Man” essay, Boston Gazette, on non-importation, 62–65
Old South meeting house speech of JQ, xxin6, 337n5
Oliver, Andrew, 150, 151n3–4, 152, 153, 156, 159, 160–62, 182, 387
Oliver, Peter, 182n2
An Oration Pronounced, on July 4, 1798, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Commemoration of the Anniversary of American Independence (Josiah Quincy III, 1798), xxx
Order of the Thistle, 16n3, 110n4
Otway, Thomas, Venice Preserved (1682), 20n3
Ovid, 360n2
Oxford University, 139n1, 260n2, 319n9
“Pacificus” essays, London Gazetteer, 44, 46n9
Paine, Robert Treat, 322n7
Paine, William, 296
Paoli, Pascal, 28n4
Parker, Easther, 173
Parliament, British. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament; A Complete Collection of The Lords’ Protests (1767); Grey, Anchitell, Debates of the British House of Commons (1763); individual members and peers
Parsons, Major, 289
Paxton, Charles, 71, 150, 151n3–4, 153, 268, 270n6
peers, impeachment of, 12–15
Peggy Stewart (ship), 278, 291n7
Pemberton, Justice, 370
Pemberton, Samuel, 51, 52n2, 370
Pembroke, Earl of, 305
Pennsylvania, 140, 253, 266n1, 317
pensions and pensioners, 21, 25, 38, 43–44, 57, 97, 218, 223, 242n121, 243n143, 243n145, 267, 371, 380
Pepperrell, William, 303n2
Percy, Hugh, Earl, 267–69, 270n1–2, 351
Petersham Town Resolutions (4 January 1773), 122–24
Philadelphia. See also Continental Congress
Adams, John, in, 271
Clymer in, 250–52
Cushing in, 348
forged letter from Gage to North emanating from, 309, 310n3, 321
JQ ‘s plans to be in, May 1775, 355, 360, 362
letters of introduction for JQ in, 132, 254n1
publishing and printing in, 233n4, 236n54, 270n1, 353n4, 406
Reed, Joseph, in, 278–80
revolutionary sentiment in, 138n1, 262, 282, 390
“Philanthrop” (essayist), 88, 91n5, 95, 96–97
Philip II (king of Spain), 208
Philip de Commines, History, 209, 238n73, 240n94
Philip of Macedon, 109, 225, 371
Philippi, battle of, 231
Phillips, Abigail Bromfield (mother-in-law), 173, 260n3, 336, 384, 397, 399
Phillips, Sir John, 215, 234n22, 238n74, 241n106–7
Phillips, William, Jr. (brother-in-law), 174, 176, 403
Phillips, William, Sr. (father-in-law)
Boston Harbor blockade and non-importation agreement affecting, 259
Boston Massacre, soldiers tried for, 51, 52n2
Hutchinson and, 261n7
in JQ’s will, 173
letter to JQ, 370
letters for JQ from London sent to, 387
mentioned in letters, 306, 307n5, 317, 336, 360, 397, 399
power of attorney during JQ’s absence in London, 370n1, 378
Quincy, Samuel (brother), and, 123
piemento, importation of, 361
Pierpont, Robert, 112, 112–13n4, 116–18
Pitkin, Lt. Col., 399–400
Pitt, Christopher, The Works of Virgil (1763), 16n4
Pitt, William. See Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of
placemen, 21, 123, 207, 218, 224, 243n145, 267
“Plain Truth,” in Public Advertiser, 380, 381–82n3
Dionysius of Syracuse as pupil of, 77n3
The Republic, xxix
Plutarch, Lives, xxvii, 45n7, 81n1, 189, 192, 234n14, 234n19, 236n46, 239n89, 240n92, 241n108–9, 243n134, 247n214–15
political commonplace book of JQ, xx, xxin5
Boston Town Meeting instructions to General Court Representatives and, 61n10
letters and, 2n3, 138n3, 356n4, 364n4, 367n5, 382n6
Observations pamphlet and, 233n12, 234n13–15, 234n19–20, 234n22, 235n28, 235n39–41, 236n43, 236n46, 236n50–54, 237n57, 237n59, 237n62, 237n66, 237n69, 238n73, 238n76, 238n78, 238n82, 239n84, 239n88–89, 240n91, 240n92, 241n105–6, 241n108–9, 241n111, 241n114, 242n122, 244n153, 245n171, 246n177, 247n207, 247n212, 247n214–15, 247n217
periodical essays and, 16n5–6, 27n2, 28n4, 45n2, 45n7, 68n2, 92n6, 113n6, 118n1
Pompey (Roman general), 216, 241n109, 374
Pope, Alexander
An Epistle to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Cobham (1733), xxixn29, 398, 400n2
“An Essay on Man,” 136n2, 206, 236n53
First Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated, 403, 404n2
The First Satire on the Second Book of Horace, 118n9
prologue to Addison’s play Cato, 185, 232n1
popish plot (against Charles II), 20n3
Port Bill. See Boston Port Act and blockade of Boston Harbor
Porterfield, Captain, 378
Portugal grapes, 300
powder alarm (September, 1774), 125n3, 349n3
Pownall, Thomas, 313, 316, 318n4, 361–63, 366
Administration of the British Colonies, 364n3
Pratt, Charles. See Cam[b]den, Charles Pratt, Lord
Preb[b]le, Jedediah, 361, 363n2
press. See also specific newspapers
Continental Congress and provincial congresses, reaction to results of, 350
freedom of, 75–76, 77n4–5, 114
London papers’ interest in JQ, 313, 380, 381–82n3–4
London papers, JQ’s interest in, 300
Preston, Captain Thomas, 50, 51, 69, 70n2, 111–12, 117, 271n1
Priestley, Joseph, 331n2
private letters. See letters; specific senders and recipients
pro aris et focis (phrase), 35n1, 238n80, 281
“Pro Aris et Focis” essay, Boston Gazette, on right of resistance, 32–35, 238n80, 282n2
“Pro Lege” essay, Boston Gazette, on British Constitution and rule of law, 12–15, 366n4
provincial congresses/conventions, 276n3, 350. See also specific states
provincial militia, 58
Public Advertiser (London), 380, 381–82n3–4, 386
Public Ledger (London), 380
purveyance, royal prerogative of, 218–19
Pynchon, William, 246n185
Quakers, 298
quartering of troops
Appleton letter on, 302
Boston Town Meeting on problems associated with (3 November 1774), 288–89
British troop movements, 1768-1775, 125n3, 252n2, 392
Clymer letter on, 252n2
“Hyperion” essay on, 21–22
Lovell letter on, 321
“Mentor” essay on, 66–68
new quartering act, 252n2
Parliamentary resolutions resulting in, 154–55, 157n3, 157n4
Phillips letter on, 370
Quebec Act, 261n13, 284–85, 286n5–6, 321, 322n10, 362
Quincy, Abigail (daughter), xxviin26, 177–78, 295, 297, 297n1, 366
Quincy, Abigail Phillips (wife)
Bromfields, kinship to, 260n3, 261n7
correspondence between JQ and, xxxiiin1, 126–27
Ireton, Henry, as pseudo-signature for JQ’s letters to, 317, 328, 329, 336, 339, 347, 360, 363
letter from JQ, 1 March 1773, on Southern trip, 126–27
letter from JQ, 5, 8 November 1774, on voyage to London, 295–97
letter from JQ, 8 November 1774, on arrival in England, 300
letter from JQ, 17 November 1774, on arrival in London, 305–6
letter from JQ, 24, 27 November 1774, on initial political impressions, 313–17
letter from JQ, 7 December 1774, on British political sentiment and opinion, 325–28
letter from JQ, 7 December 1774, on letter writing strategy, 329–30
letter from JQ, 14 December 1774, on need for revolutionary spirit, xviin6, 335–37
letter from JQ, 16 December 1774, on suspension of acts relative to Colonies, 338–39
letter from JQ, 19 December 1774, forwarding draft of Reed letter with personal sentiments, 345
letter from JQ, 22 December 1774, on meetings with members of House of Commons, 346–47
letter from JQ, 7 January 1775, on non-importation agreement, 354–56
letter from JQ, 11 January 1775, on American prospects for success, 357–60
letter from JQ, 12 January 1775, on conversation with Pownall, 361–63
letter from JQ, 12 January 1775, on Paddock and Sewell, 365–66
letter from JQ, 14 January 1775, on receipt of letters, 368
letters to JQ from, 365, 366n4, 368
Lincoln, Hannah, letter to, on death of JQ, 297n1, 401–2
mentioned in letters, 131, 133, 140, 267, 277, 284, 323, 350, 352, 370, 384, 393, 403
mourning rings for JQ and, xxv
Old South meeting house speech of JQ quoted in letter to, xxin6, 337n5
Quincy, Sr., letters to and from, on death of JQ, xxixn29, 297n1, 396–400
Quincy, Ann Marsh (stepmother), 120, 131, 132n2, 133, 173, 286, 323, 353n8, 397
Quincy, Betsey (sister), 285, 397
Quincy, Edmund (uncle), 167n3, 353n2
Quincy, Edmund (brother), 324n2, 395n2
Quincy, Edmund (grandson), xxxin31
The Life of Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts (1868), 353n2
Quincy, Eliza Susan (granddaughter). See also entries at Memoir
on Boston Town Meeting instructions to General Court Representatives, 61n1
on Bunker Hill Monument dedication, 11n5
burial mound of JQ and, xxxi, xxxii
on Dixon mezzotint cartoon, xxviii
Eustis, William, remembering JQ to, xxi
“Journal of E. S. Quincy of Lafayette’s Visit, 1824–1825,” 11n5
on mourning ring of JQ worn by Josiah Quincy III, xxix
objectives in publishing letters, 297n1
Stuart portraits commissioned by, xxxi
Quincy, John (first cousin of Josiah Sr.), 271n1
Quincy, Josiah, Sr. (father; “Josiah the Colonel”)
death of, 404
failure of JQ to write frequently to, 323, 350, 363, 369
grave of, xxxi
health of, 352
in JQ’s will, 173
letter to Josiah Quincy III (grandson), xxixn29, 403–4
letters between Abigail Quincy and, on death of JQ, xxixn29, 297n1, 396–400
letters from JQ to, 29–30, 51–52, 120, 135–36, 271n1, 323, 369
letters to JQ, 31, 50, 131–32, 283–86, 350–53, 368
mansion in Quincy built by, xxviii, xxxii
mourning ring of JQ and, xxix
Reed, Joseph, and, 266n1
“Spanish Prize” of, 252n3, 350
third marriage of, 132n2
will of, xxixn29
Quincy, Josiah, Jr. (JQ), xix-xxxii
Address to the King, mentioned in House of Lords debate on, 326
American rights lauded by, xvi–xvii, xix–xxiii
biography by son and granddaughter. See entries at Memoir
contemporary reputation of, xx-xxi, xxvii
death of, xix-xx, xxivn16, 381–82n3, 394–402
grave of, xxxi-xxxii, xxxii, 173
health of, xix, 101n8, 120, 126–27, 133, 135–36, 260, 285, 296, 300, 305, 313, 327, 337, 347, 350, 353, 355, 368, 369, 380, 381n1, 385
last letter of, 384–85
last will and testament of (28 February 1774), xxvii-xxix, 173–79, 236n44
Latin proficiency of, 16n4, 61n10, 238n82
as lawyer, xx, xxi-xxvi, 23, 81n2, 112–13n4, 133, 254n1, 276n4, 370
letter of Quincy Sr. to Josiah Quincy III on, xxixn29, 403–4
letters and journals of JQ after his death, 396–97, 398
list of letters sent kept by, xxxiiin1
literary influences on, xxiin8, xxvii-xxix
mentioned in JQ’s letters, 305, 336
mourning rings, xxix
posthumous portrait by Gilbert Stuart, xxviin25, xxxi
on publication of JQ’s writings, 398
significance of, xx-xxi
sources for studying, 405–6
tutoring in preparation for Harvard, 132n2, 353n8
writings and speeches of, xx-xxiii, xxxiii, xxxiv
Quincy, Josiah III (son; “Josiah the Mayor”). See also entries at Memoir
burial of, xxxin36
Dixon mezzotint cartoon and, xxviii
in JQ’s will, xv, xxviin26, 174–76, 177–78, 236n44
letter from Quincy Sr. (grandfather) to, xxixn29, 403–4
mentioned in letters, 125n1, 126, 131, 133, 284, 295, 297, 350, 366, 396, 398, 401
Quincy, Justice, 370
Quincy, Nancy (sister), 285, 368, 397
Quincy, Norton (cousin), 132
Quincy, Samuel, Sr. (brother), xxxiiin1, 128–30, 133–34, 173, 248–49, 257n5, 323, 394–95
Quincy, Samuel, Jr. (nephew), 174
Quincy, Massachusetts, xxviii, xxxi, xxxii
Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus approbetur, 244n153
Rahe, Paul, 70n1
Randolph, Edward, 227–28, 246n197
Rapin de Thoyras, Paul de, 215, 239n85, 240n101, 240n103, 240n105
Ray, Nathaniel, 321
Raymond, Robert, Lord, Report of Cases . . . (1743), 2, 14, 16n7
Reed, Joseph
Clymer and, 142
Cushing and, 348
initials, only signing letters with, 279, 299
JQ introduced to, 254n1, 266n1
letters from JQ to, 142, 337n3, 340–43, 345
letters of introduction from, 258, 265, 266n1, 374n1
Reid, John Phillip, xxii-xxiii
Remick, Christian, “A Perspective View of the Blockad of Boston Harbour” (watercolor, 1768), v, vii
repeal/suspension of all acts relative to Colonies since 1764, proposals regarding, xxvn17, 38, 39, 244n152, 290, 309, 338–39, 342–44, 346–47, 348, 354, 355, 360–62
Representatives at General Court. See Massachusetts General Court
resistance, right of, 32–35, 114–15
Rhode Island, 349
rice sent from South Carolina in relief of Boston Harbor blockade, 255, 256n3
Richard II (king of England), 211–12
Richard III (king of England), 172n2, 240n105
Richardson, Ebenezer, 78–81, 111–12
Richardson, Jemmy, 288
Richmond, Duke of, 244n146–49, 326
Risum tenatis amici?, 39, 40n3
Robbins, Caroline, 118n5
Robertson, William
History of the Reign of Emperor Charles V (1769), 209, 237n66, 238n73–74, 245n155–56, 245n160
The History of Scotland (1761), 189, 234n13, 239n84
Robinson, Sir Thomas, 35n1
Robson, Captain, 378
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, second Marquess of, 244n146–49, 244n149, 319n8, 388
Roman republic and empire
Decemviri, 207
military and senatorial leaders in, 43–44
office without power in, 218
present state of America compared to, 231–32, 371, 373, 374
provincial congress compared to, 308
western course of arts and sciences and, 194
Romney (ship), 170
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, The Social Contract, 236n50, 237n65
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer, “On the Death of Mr. Thomas Rowe,” in Philomella (1737), 401, 402n3
Royall, Isaac, xxviin26
Rum, Colonel, 132
Rushworth, John, ed., Historical Collections (1659-1701), 14, 15, 16n5, 238n78
Russel[l], William, 214, 240n99
Rutledge, Edward, 255, 258, 260n2
Rye House Plot, 118n7
Sabbath conferral between Paxton and Hutchinson, 71
Sacheverell, William, 240n100
Sadler, John, The Rights of the Kingdom (1682), 244n153
safety, relinquishment of rights for, 221–22
St. Asaph, Jonathan Shipley, bishop of, 303, 304n3, 327, 331n2
salarying of judges, 111–12, 119, 123, 125n3, 167n3, 199
Salem, Massachusetts, 125n3, 295, 311, 332, 333, 349n3, 378, 380, 383
Salisbury Cathedral, 305
Sallust, xxix, 174, 179n5, 239n88, 243n137
Sam[p]son (biblical figure), 115, 118
Sat verbum sapti (Verbum sat sapienti), 258, 260n4
Savage, Joseph, xxxn32
Savil[l]e, Sir George, 316, 319n8, 327
Sayre, Stephen, 318n5
Scarborough (ship), 332
Scipio Africanus (Roman general), 91n1
Scotland, 16n3, 65n4, 107, 130n3, 373
Scott, Sarah, The Life of Theodore Agrippa D’Aubigne (1772), 237n69
Scottish Order of the Thistle, 16n3, 110n4
Scylla and Charybdis, myth of, 159, 162n5
Search, Edward, The Light of Nature Pursued (1768-1777), 356n4
Seider, Christopher, shot by Ebenezer Richardson, 81n2
Selden, John, Of the Judicature of Parliaments (1681), 14, 15, 16n6
Sewall, Jonathan, 320, 322n5, 365, 387
Sexby, Edward. See “Edward Sexby” essays
Shakespeare, William
Antony and Cleopatra, 94, 100n2
Hamlet, 5n1, 7, 10n2, 22n4, 127n4, 158, 162n2, 242n125, 327, 328n10, 340, 344n3
Henry V, 247n216
Henry VI, Part III, 168, 172n2
Henry VIII, xix
Julius Caesar, 60, 61n9, 149, 151n2
Merchant of Venice, xxiin8
Richard III, 149, 151n2, 152, 156n2
Tempest, 10n2
Troilus and Cressida, 360n2
Garrick as Hamlet, 330n3
JQ greatly influenced by, xxiin8, 10n2
JQ’s commonplace book of, 242n125
Spevack concordance, 406
Shaw, Peter, 65n4
Shayler, 333
Shebbeare, John, 374n1
Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of, 324, 327, 331, 337n7, 344n6, 355
Sheppard, Brian, 406
Shipley, Jonathan, bishop of St. Asaph, 303, 304n3, 327, 331n2
Shippen, William, Jr., 258, 260n5
Shipton, Clifford K., 405
Sibley, John Langdon, Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University (1873-), 2n1, 130n1, 132n4, 134n2, 277n2, 290n3, 405
Sidney [Sydney], Algernon, viii, xxviin25, xxix, 81, 117, 118n7–8, 124, 174, 232, 247n216
Apology in the Day of his Death, 125n4
Discourses Concerning Government (1763), 125n4
Sisyphus, myth of, 96, 100–101n4
Smith, Dr. (in Philadelphia), 388
Smith, Elizabeth Quincy, 271n1
Smith, Jonathan, 138
Smith, Thomas, 133
Smith, William, 266n1
Sobrius esto, 263
Society for Propagating the Gospel, 20n1
Socrates, xxix
Solon (Athenian lawgiver), 231
Sons of Liberty, 76n1, 276n4, 290n1, 290n3, 298, 377n1, 392
South Carolina, 126–27, 128–29, 139, 260n2, 266n1, 296, 384, 398. See also Charleston, South Carolina
Southern Colonies
JQ’s literary connections in, 357
JQ’s trip through, xx, xxiiin12, xxxiiin1, 10n2, 16n4, 126–39, 253n1, 296
absolute monarchy in, 221
Aragon oppressed by Castile, 224
arms and ammunition obtained from, 388
rebellion of Holland against rule of, 207–8
standing armies in, 211
Spanish Inquisition, 198
Sparhawk, John, 233n4
Sparta (Lacedemonia), 215, 308
The Speeches of His Excellency, Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay (1773), 246n194
speedy sentencing, right to, 78–81
Spencer family, 15
Spengler, Oswald, xxviin24
Spevack, Martin, 406
Stair, John Dalrymple, second Earl of, 371, 374n2
Stamp Act, xxvn17, 39, 244n152, 276n4
standing army, 74, 314, 326. See also quartering of troops
Britain, gradual imposition in, 211–21
civil administration as form of, 218, 222–23
Eagleson letter on, 19
foreign or mercenary soldiers, use of, 206–7, 241n110
historical examples of uses of, 207–15
imposition of taxes to pay for, 224
“Mentor” essay addressing, on commemoration of Boston Massacre, 66–68
Observations on civil society and, 185, 201–24, 236n43, 243n140
Petersham Town Resolutions regarding, 122–23
Quincy Sr. on diminution of, 350–51
safety, relinquishment of rights for, 221–22
troop movements in America, 1768-1775, 125n3, 252n2, 392
“State Tinker,” in Public Advertiser, 380, 381–82n3, 386
Sterne, Laurence, Tristram Shandy, 20n2
Stonehenge, 305
Storer, Mrs., 397
Stratford, Lord, 189
Stuart, Gilbert, posthumous portrait of JQ by, xxviin25, xxxi
Sullivan, Francis Stoughton, An Historical Treatise on the Feudal Law, and the Constitution and Laws of England (1772), 241n111, 243n127
Sunday conferral between Paxton and Hutchinson, 71
suspension/repeal of all acts relative to Colonies since 1764, proposals regarding, xxvn17, 38, 39, 244n152, 290, 309, 338–39, 342–44, 346–47, 348, 354, 355, 360–62
Sweden, absolute monarchy in, 221
Sydney, Algernon. See Sidney, Algernon
Tacitus, xxix, 174, 237n62, 237n70, 242n124, 243n134
Life of Agricola, 237n68, 245n159
Talbot, Sir Robert, Letters on the French Nation, 113n6
Tanner, Alderman, 353
Tarquinian kings of Rome, 225
tax monies paid into towns, disposal of, 320, 322n6
Taylor, William, 320
tea cargo ships burnt at Annapolis, 278, 289, 291n7
Tea Party, Boston, xxin6–7, xxx, 143–44, 187–90, 195–96, 318n3, 337n5
Temple, Earl, 244n146–49
Temple, Mr., 156
Temple, Sir William, 208, 238n72
“An Essay upon the Ancient and Modern Learning” (1740), 234n20
“Tertius in Nubibus” essay, Boston Gazette, 71
Tha[t]cher, Oxenbridge, 275, 276n4
Thayer, Colonel, 132
Thomas, Isaiah, 77n4
The History of Printing in America (1810), 40n2
Thomson, James, 360n2
Tiberius (Roman emperor), 371
Tiberius Gracchus, 205, 236n51
Ticknor, George, xxxn32
Towers, Johnson, C. Julii Caesari, Commentaria De Bello Gallico (1768), 238–39n82
town resolutions
Boston circular letter, 122, 125n3
Boston Town Meeting instructions for General Court Representatives (15 May 1770), 53–60
Petersham Town Resolutions (4 January 1773), 122–24
Townshend, Charles, 112n2, 239n86
train bands, 238n78
Trapp, Joseph, 16n4
Callisthenes imprisoned for, 81n1
of Church, Benjamin, 290n3
crimen laesae Majectitas, 12
defined, 147
Sidney convicted of, 117, 118n7
“Well Wisher” letter threatening JQ with, 180–83
Trenchard, John, xxix, 174, 236n44
trials. See judicial matters; jurors and jury trials
“A true Patriot,” in Boston Evening-Post, 8, 9, 10–11n4
Trumball, Jonathan, 289, 291n8
Tucker, Abraham, 356n4
Tucker, Captain, 378
Tudor, William, 177
Tully (Marcus Tullius Cicero), xxi, 35n1, 109, 110n6, 135, 136n3, 204, 234n14, 234n19, 239n89, 375
union/unity of American Colonies, 58–59, 62, 142, 200, 229–30, 253, 256, 262–63, 278, 281, 292, 308, 320, 376, 388
United Kingdom. See Britain, British crown, and British Parliament
United Provinces. See Holland
Upton, L. F. S., xxin6
utilitarianism, 202, 203, 235n39
Venal, William, Jr., 179
Verdun, Bishop of, 240n94
Verres, 109
video meliora proboque deteriora sequor, 136
Virgil, Aeneid and Eclogues, 13, 16n4, 20n4, 106, 110n3
Virginia, 135–36, 266n1, 321, 363, 388n3
Voltaire, Candidus (1759), 282
Walcott, William, 290n6
Walker, Mary, 173
Waller, Edmund, 240n104, 241n112
Ward, Artemas, 363n2
Ward, Nathaniel (Theodore la Guard), The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America (1647), 247n217
Warren, Joseph
Boston Massacre, soldiers tried for, 51, 52n2
on Boston Town Meeting committee of correspondence, 60n1
Bunker Hill, death at battle of, xixn2, 134n2, 310n1
on death of JQ, xx-xxi
eulogy delivered by Perez Mor[e]ton, 134n2
Eustis studying under, xxin7
on health of JQ, 120
mentioned in letters, 182, 267, 315, 320
as witness to JQ’s will, xxviin26, 177, 179
Washington, George, xxvii, 45n7, 290n3, 291n8, 377n1
Webster, Daniel, xxiii, 11n5, 337n4
Wedderburn, Alexander, 125n1
“Well Wisher” letters (May 1774), 180–83, 233n8
Wendell, Oliver, xx, xxivn16, 357
West, Gilbert, The Institution of the Order of the Garter, A Dramatick Poem (1742), 1–6, 35n2, 110n2
western course of arts and sciences, 194
Whately, Mr., 150, 151n4, 155, 160, 164, 169, 170, 172n3
Wheeler (juror in Davis and Pierpont case), 116
The Whig-Examiner (periodical), 92n6
Wilkes, John, 244n147, 318n5, 319n8, 324n2, 377n1, 381n1, 388n3
William III of Orange (king of England), 374
Williams, Jonathan, the elder, 306, 307n6
Williams, Jonathan, the younger, 305, 307n3, 323, 355
Wilson, Edmund B., Address Delivered in Petersham, Massachusetts, July 4, 1854 (1855), 124n1
Wilton House, 305
Winsor, Justin, xxxin34
Wiswall, Daniel, and wives, 288–89, 290n4
Wood, Gordon S., xxvin22
woolen manufacturing, 303
Worden, Blair, 87n1
Wright, Conrad Edick, 2n1
Wyndham, Sir William, 243n129
Ximenes, Francisco, Cardinal, 211
Young, Arthur, Political Essays Concerning the Present State of the British Empire (1772), 242n122
The Complaint; Or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality (1742), 394–95
“Your Well Wisher” letters (May 1774), 180–83, 233n8
Zobel, Hiller, 81n2
Zuckert, Catherine and Michael, xxvn20