12 May 1773218

    Philadelphia May 12 1773


    Agreeable to my promise I now inclose you a copy of one of the first American charters. It is made out from an impression of (1600 Anno Domini), Hackluit’s voyages which is now out of print, and perhaps the copy from which it is taken is the only one in America.219 Had your Governor. Hutchinson a copy within his reach it might have furnished him with perhaps not the least curious, and, it may be, important paper in his Collection.220 How far this and the other papers of those early times may discover the intentions of the adventurers to America, and of Government, with respect to the unlimited authority of Great Britain over the Colonies to be planted, is a question that may admit of a quick decision; especially if the approving act of Parliament sometime after passed be attended to. As for the inclosed, I think you may depend on it as exact and correct, only that in some instances I have used the common abbreviations in spelling.

    I hope this may meet you happy in the injoyment of your family and friends, and in a confirmed state of health.

    I am, Sir, very respectfully, your very humble servant221

    Jon. B Smith