The number of the College Book is given in the headline of every left-hand page.
The heavy face figures within square brackets indicate the paging of the original. For details, see the Introduction to this volume.
All entries, even when erased or crossed out in the original, are printed in the text, provided they are decipherable.
Words crossed out are, if decipherable, printed in lined type; if not decipherable, the fact is stated in a footnote. Where an entire entry has been crossed out, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Where a word has been crossed out and another word written above it, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Where a word has been erased or altered, the fact is stated in a footnote.
If a word or words are interlined, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Words or letters supplied on account of torn page, illegibility, etc., are printed in italics within square brackets. A blank space within square brackets indicates that words or letters are either illegible or torn away.
In entries written in Latin, abbreviations are expanded in italics, and letters omitted without marks of abbreviation are placed within square brackets.
All entries in the original are in ink, unless otherwise specified in footnotes.
A Glossary of terms requiring explanation is printed at the end of the volume, preceding the Index.
The Colledg Book, No. 4.1
The length of Masachusets Hall 109 feet.2
Province of the Masachusets Bay |
An3 Act for Incorporateing of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge in New-England |
See Coll. B. fol. no 5. p. 43.4
Whereas there hath been for many Years in the Towne of Cambridge in the County of Middlesex in New-England a Society com̄only known by the Name of Harvard Colledge, where many Persons of known Worth have by the blessing of God Almighty been the better fitted for Publick Imployments both in the Church & in the Civil State, And whereas the due Encouragement of all good Literature, Arts, and Sciences will tend to the honour of God, the Advantage of the Christiā Protestant Religion, and the great benefit of their Majestie’s Subjects inhabiting this Province both in the Present & Succeeding Generations, And considering that many Persons have bestowed Legacies, Gifts, Hereditaments and Revenues on the sd Colledge. Be it therefore Enacted5 and Ordained by his Excellency the Governour, Council & Representatives of their Majestie’s Province of the Masachusets Bay in New-England Convened in General Assembly. And by the Authority thereof it is Enacted & Ordained, That the sd Colledge in Cambridge in the County of Middlesex in their Majesties Province of the Masachusetts Bay in New-England shall be a Corporation consisting of Ten persons. That is to say a President, Eight Fellowes, & a Treasurer, And that the Reverend mr Increase Mather shall be the first President, Iames Allen, Samuel Willard, Nehemiah Hobart, Nathanael Gookin, Cotton Mather, Iohn Leverett, William Brattle and Nehemiah Walter Masters of Art shall be the eight ffellows, and Iohn Richards Esq the Treasurer, all of them Inhabitants in sd Province, And the first ten Persons whereof the sd Corporatiō shall consist; which sd Increase6 Mather, Iames Allen, Samuel Willar[d,] Nehemiah Hobart, Nathanael Gookin, Cotton Mather, Iohn Leverett, William Brattle, Nehemiah Walter & Iohn Richards & their Successors shall forever hereafter in Name and Fact be one Body Politick & Corporate in Law, to all Intents & purposes; And shal[l] have Perpetual Succession, & shall be called by the Name of the President & Fellowes of Harvard Colledge, Which Persons or the Greater Number of them shall have Powe[r] and are hereby Authorized at any time or Times to elect a new President, Fellowe[s] & Treasurer, so often and from Time to Time as any of the sd Persons shall dye or be removed, Provided no such Election be made without Notice given in Wr[i]ting under the hand of the President or Senior Fellow unto the Persons concerned seven daies at least before Such Election be made. And the said President,7 and Fellowes & Treasurer and their Successors Elective as afore-said [38] shall and may purchase and acquire to themselves, or take and receive upon free Gift or Donation any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments9 within the Province aforesaid not exceeding the Value of Foure Thousand Pounds ꝑ Annum, And any Goods or Sum̄ of Money whatsoever to the Use and behoofe of the sd President & Fellows of Harva[rd] Colledge, and also for the Encouragement of Learning And may sue & Plead or be sued & Impleaded10 by the Name of aforesaid in all Courts & Places of Iudicature: And that the sd President and Fellows and their Successors may have forever one com̄on seal to be used in all Causes & Occasions of the Said Corporation, and the same seal may alter, change, break & new make from Time to time at their Pleasure. And the sd President & Fellows or the Major Part of them from time to time11 may meet and choose, Officers, & Menial Servants for the Colledge, & them also to Remove, and after Death or Removal to choose such others. And to make from time to time such Statutes,12 Orders & By Laws for the better ordering the Affaires of the Colledge as they shall think fitt. And also tha[t] the President & Fellows or Major part of them with the Treasurer shall have Power to make Conclusive Bargaines for Lands & Tenements to be purchased by the sd Corporatiō for valuable consideration. And for the better ordering the Government of the said Colledge or Academy, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the President & Fellow[s] or any Six of them shall & may from time to time upon due notice or Warning given by the President to the rest, hold a Meeting for the debateing & concluding of affaires concernīg the Profits & Revenues of any Lands and disposeing of their Goods. Provided that all the sd disposals be according to the Will of the Doners, And for direction in all emergent Occasions, & the Execution of all Statutes, Orders & By laws: In all which cases aforesd the Conclusion shall be made by the President & Major Part of the Fellows. And all the Transactions aforesaid shall tend to & for the Use & behoofe of the President, Fellowes, Schollars & Officers of the sd Colledge. And for all Accom̄odations of Buildings, Books & all other Necessary Provisions & Furniture as may be for the Education and Advancement of Yout[h] in all manner of Good Literature, Arts & Sciences. And farther be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all the Lands, Tenements & Hereditaments, Houses or Revenues within sd Province to the aforesaid President,13 ffellows, or Colledge appertaining, shall14 from hence15 forth be freed from all Publick ordinary Rates & Taxes appertaining to the Province in Genera[l] And that the sd President, Fellows & Schollars with the sd Servants & any other necessary Officers to the said President or Colledge appertaining, which Servants and Officers are not to exceed fifteen16 vizt Three to the President and Twelve to the Colledge belonging shall be exempted from all Personal Civil Offices, Military Exercises, Watchings & Wardings, And the estate of the sd President and ffellows17 under their own Management, to be free from all Rates & Taxes Provided they Reside & dwell in the Colledge. And whereas it is a laudable custome in Universities whereby Learning has been Encouraged & Advanced to Confer Academical Degrees or Titles on those who by their Proficiency as to Knowledge in Theology, Law, Physick, Mathematicks or Philosophy have been Iudged Worthy the[re]of. It is hereby Enacted & ordained that the President & Fellowes of the sd Colledge shall have Power from time to time to grant & admit to Academical Degrees as in the Universities in England, Such as in respect of Learning & good Manners they shall find worthy to be promoted18 thereunto. And whereas there have been at Sundry time[s] & by diverse persons, Gifts; Grants, Devices of houses, Lands Tenements, Goods chattles Legacies Conveyancies heretofore made to the sd Harvard Colledge in Cambridge in New-England or to the President and Fellows thereof successively, The said Gifts, Grants Devices & Legacies are hereby forever confirmed according to the true Intent and [519] Meaning of the Donor, or Donors, Granter or Granters, Divisor or Devisors.
Boston |
William Phips |
Passed Iune 27th 1692. Anno RRs
et Reginæ Gulielmi et Mariæ Quarto.
Jsac Addington Sec̄r̄y
Harvard Colledge in Camᵬr. Julij 26o Anno 1692.
At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge20
- The Presidt
Jt is Ordered,
1. That ye Laws hitherto Used for governing ye House be & Continue in full force till further order.
2. That ye Treasurer pay to ye two Resident Fellows Jno Leverett & Wm Brattle twenty five pounds each of them, besides yt wch cometh to them from Charlestown Ferry in Consideration of ye Service they have done in ye Colledge this last year.
3. That Aaron Boardman be continued Steward & Cook, & Sr Wadworth Buttler.
4. That Zech. Hicks be Colledge Carpenter, & yt Zech. Hicks junir be Continued Colledge joyner. That Jno Wyth be ye Mason, & Thomas Andrew Bricklayer, Ephraim Cutter Glasier, Abraham Hill22 Butcher, & Jonathn Nutting Colledge Smith.
5. That ye Steward be empowered by a Letter of Attorney to gather in ye Coll. Debts.
6. That Mr James Allen junir be allowed forty Shillings to be paid by the Steward.
7. That Sr Mors & Willard be allowed 20s each of them, that is to say, So much to be deducted out of ye Allowances made to Sr Dudley & Sr Tappan Schollars of ye house ye Last year, wo were absent both of them at least one Quarter of ye Year.
8. That Sr Dudley, Sr Willard, Bradstreet, Flint & Woodbridge be Schollars23 of ye House for ye present year, & yt four pounds be paid to each of them out of ye Colledge Treasury.
9. That Mr Henry Newman be continued Library Keeper for this Year, & that he be allowed three pounds out of ye Colledge Treasury.
10. That whereas Mr Nehemiah Hobart declines being A Fellow of the Corporation. The Revd mr Charles Morton is Chosen Fellow of Harvard Colledge.
At a meeting of ye Corporation at ye Colledge in Cambridge. Sept. 5o 1692.
Voted, That the Reverend President be desired to accept Gradum Doctoratus in Theologiâ, and that A Diploma be drawn up by the Corporation & Presented. to him.
2. That Mr Jno Leverett & Mr Wm Brattle be by ye President admitted ad gradum Baccalaureatus in Theologiâ, they first making each of them A Sermon in Latin in ye Colledge Hall, & Responding to A Theologicall25 Question.
3. Ordered, That ye Bacchalours of Arts shall dispute in the Colledge Hall on Philosophicall Questions one in A fortnight; The Masters on Theologicall Questions as the Presidt shall Appoint.
4. That ye Treasurer of the Colledge take care yt ye Presidents Horse be well kept at ye Charge of the Colledge.
5. That ye Rents due on the Account of Studies & Chambers in the Presidents house be disposed of to ye Use of ye President, or as he shall See Cause.
Camᵬr. March. 6o 169⅔ At a Corporation meeting.
1. That Aaron Bordman be impowered by Letter of Attorney to sue for & recover wt is due from particular Schollars to the Colledge.
2. That mr Webbs donation be continued to Hubbard for this present Year.
3. That ye Resident Fellows Mr Jno Leverett & Mr Wm Brattle be allowed as their Salary for this present Year ending at the next Commencmt five & twenty pounds each of them, besides what they have received & are yet to receive from Charlstown Ferry.
Camᵬr. Apr. 3o 1693. At a meeting of ye Corporation.
That Mr Thomas Dudley28 be desired, and he is hereby desired, To file A Bill in Chauncery on behalf of Harvard Colledge referring to a Legacy of 100ƚ bequeathed to sd Coll. by ye Revd mr Edm. Brown of Sudbury deceased in his last Will and Testament.
At a Meeting of the Corporation at the Colledge Jn Camᵬr. Maij 8th 1693.
Whereas at ye last Corporation the Worshipfull Majr Richards requested yt He might be dismissed from being Treasurer of Harvard Colledge, the Corporation having considered that there are other weighty services for the Countrey incumbent on ye s̄d Treasurer, have thought it Reasonable, that with many thanks for his former services for the Colledge, his desire of A dismission from the burden of his Relation to this Society, be Complyed with.
And that mr Thos Brattle be chosen to succeed Majr Richards as Treasurer of Harvard Colledge.
Voted & Agreed Nemine dissentiente.
At a Corporation meeting of Harvard Colledge at Camᵬr. April 190 1693.
- Mr Jncr: Mather Presidt
That whereas upon veiwing the Stewds Accounts, the Colledge falls forty pounds, twelve shillings, three pence in his debt; fifteen pounds for the present is ordered to be p̄d unto sd Stew̄d by the Treasurer & the Remainder to be defaulked as it becomes due to the Colledge frō s̄d Stewd.
This following Act past in the Corporation May 8th 1693 and shld have been entered with the other, but was omitted.
That No money belonging to ye Colledge shall be let for more then 6ƚꝑ Cent. & that there shall be an abatemt according to that ꝑportion as to what is now due upon Jnterest for money by vertue of any bonds (wch concern the Colledge) in the hands of the Treasurer.
Copy of a Letter sent to ye Worshipf: Jno Richards. Esq[r]
Honrd Sr
Mr. T. Brattle Treasurer31
Your Honor hath been informed of ye Act of the Corporation referring to ye Treasurer Mr Thōs Brattle to Succeed in the Treasurership of ye Colledge. These are to return unto you the hearty thanks of the Corporation for yor former care & Service, and to desire you will be please32 to deliver unto ye sd Mr Thos Brattle ye Coll: Accts and Books: Wee also pray you to favour yor Successor wth what advice may be for the Advantage of ye Colledge.
From Harv. Coll. |
Yor affectionate Friends & Servts |
in Camᵬr. June 12o 1693 |
Jncrease Mather Presidt |
To ye Worshipfull Majr |
in the Name and at the desire of the Corporation. |
Jno Richards Esqr |
At a meeting of the Corporation at Boston June 22d 1693.
- The President
The Corporation having been informed that ye Custom taken up in the Colledge, not used in any other Universities, for the Com̄encers to have Plumb-Cake, is dishonourable to ye Colledge, not gratefull to Wise men, and chargable to ye Parents of ye Com̄encers; do therfor[e] put an End to that Custom, and do hereby order that no Commencer or other Schollar shall have any Such Cakes in their Studies or Chambers, and that if any Schollar shall offend therin, ye Cakes Shall be taken from him, and he shall moreover pay to the Colledge twenty shillings for each Such offen[ce.]
Retrenching Commencement Charges.34
Jt is also hereby ordered that what is due from Such as desire to take ye Degree of Master of Arts, on the Ac̄c̄o of Detrimts for their being absent from the Colledge may for this Year be remitted by the Presidt as he shall See cause.
Harvard Colledge in Camᵬr. August 10o 1693. At a meeting of ye Corporation,
That the Treasurer ꝑsecute ye Affair of mr Edm. Brown’s Legacy according to the Advice of Lawyers,
That ye Cook for ye remainder of this present Quarter be allowed two pence three farthing for one pt in ye Kitchen.
That Sr Pemberton be Library-Keeper for this present Year, & that for his service he be paid 5ƚƚ out of ye Treasury.
At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge, Sept. 4o 1693.
Ordered, That wheras July 3o 1679 Seven pounds money was ordered by ye Corporation out of mr Penoyers Legacy to mr Noadia[h] Russel, & none of it ever p̄d to s̄d Russel the present Treasurer Shld pay to him or his order ye s̄d Sum̄e of Seven pounds out of mr Penoyers money wn in ye Treasurers hands.
Ordered, That for this present year beginning at Com̄encmt 1693. ye Schollars of ye house Shall be Sr Flint, Woodbridge, Willard Smith & Henchman, & each allowed out of ye Colledge Treasury ye Sum̄e of four pounds: And that ye ffellows allowc for this year, ending at Com̄encmt next be 25ƚƚ each, besides the fferry-money.
At A Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge October. 2. 1693.
Prest The Presidt
Jt was voted,
That Mr Charles Chauncey shall be Diplomated Master of Arts. Memorandū.
This day Mr Mortons resolution to that Question, How may the Colledge be made greater and better? being read and considered, Mr Morton, and38 the two Residt Fellows were appointed to make A Model, and to draw up Som proposalls for ye Enlargmt of the Colledge by new buildings.
Camᵬr. November 6th 1693.
At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge.
1. That there shall be an Abatemt of the one half of40 the Detrimt due from Mr Jno Hancock.
2. That the Treasurer of Harvard Colledge (Vizt Mr Thos Brattle) Shall be allowed for his Sallary thirty pounds ꝑ Annū.
due for work to Zech. Hicks. |
11–10–3 |
Zech. Hicks. junr |
8–18–9 |
Jos. Hicks |
8–12–0 |
Jonth Nutten |
8–05–0 |
£37–5–0 |
3. The respective Accounts of Zechariah Hicks, Zechariah Hicks junr Joseph Hicks and Jonathn Nutten Amounting ut41 in the Margine being presented to ye Corporation are42 allowed, and the Treasurer is43 Ordered44 that the to pay unto ye s̄d Zech. Hicks Senir and Junir, Joseph Hicks and Jonathn Nutten their dues45 respectively.
4. That Mr Webbs donation be allowed to Jno Hubbard for this present Year.
5. That ye Jndian Colledge be taken down, th provided the Charges of taking it down amount not to more then five pounds.
Camᵬr. Decembr 6th Anno Domi 1693.
Wade expell’d.46
Wheras Wade hath been convicted of abominable Lasciviousness, on which Account he hath been publickly Admonished; NotwthStanding which he has not Manifested any true Repentance for his Crimes but has Agn been found Guilty of the like evile, unto47 wch he has added lyeing against his Conscience: Jt is therefore Ordered by the Presidt & Fellows Residt at ye Colledge, wth the Concurrc of the Corporation, that the s̄d W ade be Expelled, and he is hereby Expelled the Colledge, as A person Unworthy to be Continued a member of this Society.
Jt is likewise Ordered, that this his Expulsion be Entred amongst the Colledge Records.
Camᵬr. March. 5o 169¾
At A Corporation-meeting, then Voted,
1. That the Colledge-Stewd Should pay to Mr Danforth the Sum̄e of one pound fourteen Shillings & five pence, two farthings, So much being formerly overp̄d to the Colledge by the sd Danforth49 on the Account of mr Edw. Thompsons Detrimts
2. That the Cook for the Remainder of this Quarter be allowed two pence three farthings for one part in the Kitchin.50
3. That the Treasurer pay to Jno Francis the Sum̄e of Six-pounds,51 ten Shillings So much being due to him for his Odd brick worke for the Colledge.
4. That whereas the Sum̄e of 50ƚƚ Sterling of Mr Penoyers money was improved for the Use of the Countrey by ye Reverend Presidt wn in Engƚd, Jt is ordered, that when ye s̄d money is ꝑcured 7ƚƚ of the s̄d money shall be p̄d to Mr Noadiah Russel for what was due to him by vertue of an Act of the Corporac̄on Anno 1679, & the Remainder of s̄d 50ƚƚ52 Shall be p̄d to the present Residt Fellows.
5. That ye ffellows Allowe be p̄d by the Treasurer Quarterly.
6. That Such as Shall be admitted into Colledge, upon their Admission Shall bring Security to ye Stew̄d for the paying all Colledge dues as they Shall arise.
Bond to ye Steward.53
At a Corporation-meeting at Harv̄d Coll: June 11̄o 1694.
Then Ordered,
That Such as Stand for their Degrees Shall ten days at least before the Com̄encmt clear their Accounts with ye Colledge Steward.
2. That every one wo Stands for his Second Degree & has not resided at Colledge for ye three years preceeding shall pay55 to ye Colledge twenty Shillings Detrimt and So proportionably, &c
That mr Newman’s proposal about procuring the Colledge-Armes in Bilboa56 is left to ye President’s Consideration and Determination
At a meeting of ye Corporation at Harvard Col: Sept: 3. 94:57
That whereas ye Treasurer has lately recd of mr Penoyer’s mony, about ye summe of Seventy pounds in N. E. mony; Seven pounds of ye said mony being formerly Ordered to be paid to mr Noadiah Russell, formerly a Newhaven Scholar;
Jt is now Ordered,
That of ye Remainder of ye said monies ten pounds be paid to Wakeman [belonging to ye Colony of Nox]59 ten pounds to Collins, & twenty pounds to each of ye two Fellows, mr John Leverett, & mr Wm Brattle:
At a Corporation meeting at Har: Col: Aug: 6. 9460
- The President
- Mr
- Morton
- Allin
- Willard
- Mather
- Leverett
- Brattle
- Walter
- The Treasurer61
1: That Sr Flint, Willard, Smith, Moodey, &62 Willard Junr be Scholars of ye hou[se] for this present year; & be allowed four pounds each:
2: That Mr Pemberton be Library keeper ys year, & his allowance five pounds:
3: That ye Salary for ye Resident Fellows be for ys present year fifty pounds betw between them, to be paid ꝑ ye Treasurer, besides wt yy shall recieve from Charlestown Fer[ry]
4: That ye Steward’s Advance upon ye Commons in ye Kitchin for ys present & ye nex[t] Quarter, be one farthing on a part:
5: That Mr Webb’s Legacye be to Hubbard this year, three pounds being except[ed] for Mr Gibbs:
Harvard Colledge, June. 11th 1694.63
Wade’s Confession, readmission.64
Whereas J have been Expell’d ye Colledge for Scandalous Violat[ion] of ye Seventh Com̄andmt, & endeavouring to cover my evil in doing [so] J do in ye presence of God, & of this Society Confess these my heinou[s] Sinns, and desire to take Shame to myself; And J do justify the proceedings of ye Honorable Corporation, humbly begging pardon of God, and the Clemency of ye Corporation in restoring and readm[itt-]ing into this Society & unto ye priviledges thereof Their humb[le] & Penitent Supplyant John Wa[de]
day Julii 4o 1694.
Upon this, after almost a years probation, and the testimony of ye Revd Mr Hubbard & mr Rogers concering his reformed [ ] Jno Wade was readmitted into ye Coll: and admitted to [ ]65
At a Meeting of ye Corporation at Harvard Colledge September 94 March 4: 169⅘66
1. That ye Treasurer shall pay unto the Revd Præsident or his Order, what was ordered unto him of ye Jnterest mony due from Mr Edwd Pelham Anno 1686 ꝑ Mr Dudley & Mr Stoughton:
2. That ye Steward shall be allowed to take ten Cord of Wood off from ye Colledge lott for this present year:
3. That ye Steward for ye Remainder of this present quarter shall advance one farthing upon each part in ye Kitchin, Provision continuing yet dear.
4. That the Steward shall not be charged for wt wood he has taken off from ye Colledge Lott or Lotts heretofore:
At a Meeting of ye Corporation at Harvard Colledge April 8. 95
1. That ye Steward for ye whole of ye next Quarter, should continue his Advance of one farthing upon each Part in ye Kitchin, Provision yet continuing dear:
2. That six leather Chairs be forthwith provided for ye Use of ye Library, & six more before ye Commencement in Case ye Treasury will allow of it:
Camᵬr. Julij 8̄o 1695
At A meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge.
That the Treasurer of ye Colledge give unto Mr Jno Cotton of Hampton a discharge in full of wt was due from sd Cotton unto ye Library, he having paid thirty pounds money70
The71 Corporation Unanimously Concurred wth the Chh of Cambridge in their Jnvitation of the Revd Mr Wm Brattle to the work of the Ministry in that Chh.
Cambridge Aug: 5. 169572
At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge
Voted, 1. That mr Ebenezer Pemberton be continued Library-keeper for ys present year, & be allowed five pounds:
2. That Mr Cushing, Sr Flint, Easterbrook, Moodey & Willard be scholars of ye house for ys present year, & be allowed four pounds each:
3. That Mr Webb’s Legacye be continued to Sr Hubbard ye present year:
4. That ye Salary for ye Resident Fellows be for ye present year fifty pounds between them, to be paid ꝑ ye Treasurer Quarterly, besides wt yy shall recieve from Charlstown Ferry:
Whereas74 the Revd Presidt (who was and is Settled in his Presidentship by an Act of the Great & Genl Assembly &c) by reason of a late Vote of ye House of Representatives, hath Signified to ye Corporation his design to relinquish his Service in ye Colledge, as Presid[ent,] Ye Fellows of sd Colledge (thô they should heartyly rejoyce, if ye Revd mr Jncrease Mathe[r] could have such Encouragemt as might induce him to reside at ye Colledge, yet) Considering how advantageous his Susteining ye Office, & ꝑ forming ye Worke of a Presi[dt] (as hitherto) hath been, and foreseeing how many ways it may ꝑve detrimental to ye Affaires of this Society, both at home and Abroad, should he pursue Such h[is] design: Do unanimously request ye sd Revd Mr Mather, yt laying aside Such thoughts and not too deeply resenting ye Matters of Discouragemt layd before him in s̄d Vote, He would continue his care & conduct of this Society as formerly.
Voted & Unanimously Consented to.
Camᵬr. Sept. 2d 1695.75
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvd Colledge.
Zechariah Hix having layd down his office of Corpenter, Voted that Joseph Hix Succeed ye sd Zechariah Hix in s̄d office.
At a Meeting of ye Commissioners for Propagating ye Gospell among ye Jndians:76
Wm Stoughton Esqr
Wait Winthrop Esqr
Mr Jnc. Mather
Mr Ch. Morton
Mr Gab. Bornoun
Whereas the President & Fellows of ye Colledge Jn Cambridge have Proposed & Desired that ye Bricks belonging to ye Jndian Colledge wch is gone to decay & become altogether Uselesse may be Removed & Used for an Additional Building to Harvard Colledge, We do Hereby signifye to ye Corporation our Consent to their Proposall; Provided that in case any Jndians should hereafter be sent to ye Colledge, they should enjoy their Studies rent free in said building; This Dated in Boston, Sept: 19. 1695
Wm Stoughton
Wait Win
Cambridge Octob: 7. 92
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvd Colledge
Voted, That ye Steward for ye next Quarter shall advance one farthing upon each Part in ye Kitchin, Provision Continuing yet Dear:
At a Meeting of ye Corporation in Boston Jan: 9. 1695–6.
The Corporation considering that ye price of Provision is not fallen sin[ce] ye last Quarter do consent yt ye Steward of ye Col. shall continue ye Advance on ye Commons for ye next Quarter as formerly.
At a Meeting of ye Corporation Jn Camb: Apr: 6. 96:
1. That whereas ye Revd Presidt has by his manifold Services to ye Colledge laid us under deep obligations to acknowledge ye same, The Corporn out of a sense hereof, & as a Testimony of their Gratitude do pray him to acce[pt] of, & hereby do Order ye Treasurer forthwth to pay unto sd R. Presidt ye sum̄e of seventy pds mony out of ye Col: Treasury.
2. That ye Steward’s allowance in ye Kitchin shall be after ye Rate of 3d ꝑ ye Part untill further Order:
3. That ye Stewd be allowed ye Bal: of Pynchon’s acct 7. 2. 480; Jt being expected yet That ye Stewd do obtain ye sd Debt of Pynchon if it may be:81
4. That ye Treasurer be Jmpowred to sell ye Col. House yt belonged to Captn Keayn, to Col. Paige Provided, that he do not sell it under 150ƚƚ mony:
At a meeting of ye Corporation Jn Camb: June 8. 96.
1. That ye Colledge Treasurer should pay to ye Revd Presidt such mony as he should need to purchase a horse with, for ye better Capacitating him to make his Visits &c at ye Colledge.
2. That ye Steward should remit to ye Revd Mr Torey 18s 4d being part of wt is due from his Kins[man]
Iuly 15. 169683
Henchman expell’d for thieft & contumacy.84
Henchman being convicted of stealing a Silver Spoon, and having moreover added contumacy to his offence, refuseing to attend at the Colledge when required by the President he was this day expell’d the Colledge as unworthy to be any longer a Member of this Society.
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard College July 6. 169685
1 That ye Salary for ye Resident Fellows be as ye last year:
2. That mr Treasurer is impowred to take Captn Checkley’s Bond for 100ƚƚ mony for Majr Richard’s Legacye.
3. That mr Pemberton be continued Library-Keeper, & Allowed as ye last year.
4. That Sr Easterbrook, Wakeman, Moodey, Mather & Willard be scholars of ye house for ys year & allow’d as last year;87 & that wt was allowed to Mr Cushing & Mr Flint wo were absent ye last year be paid to Bulkly.
5. Jn consideration of ye present difficulty in providing for ye Colledge, that ye Steward be allowed ye Detriments due from ye Masters wo Commenced ye year past.
6. That Hubbard have ten pounds & Wakeman five pounds out of mr Webb’s88 gift this year:
7. That ye Sweeper henceforward be allow’d two shillings & six pence from each scholar ꝑ ye Quarter from each scholar yt has keeps up a Study:
That ye Treasurer be impowred to Contract with Michael Spencer & to purchase ye Tenement He lives in for ye Use of ye Colledge; not giving above four score pounds: for sd Tenement:
Harvard Colledg in Cambridg. October 12th 169691
The Honble ye Lieutt Govern̄r desired & appointed the Revd mr Jncrease Mather to continue as president of the Colledg, mr Charls Morton, mr James Allin, mr Samuel Willard, mr Cotton Mather, mr Jno Leverett, mr Wm Brattle, & mr Nehemiah Walter to Act as Fellows of sd Colledg, & mr Thomas Brattle as Treasurr; & the sd President, Fellows & Treasurr, to proceed in the Jnstitution & Govermt of the house, & in the Managemen[t] of the Estate of the Colledge according to the late Rules of said Colledg, untill his Majtys further pleasure shall be known, or a legall settlement of said Colledge shall be obtained.
At a meeting of ye Presidt & ffellows & Treasurer of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge Nov. 9th 1696.92
- The Presidt
- Mr Morton.
- Mr
- Allen
- Willard
- Mather
- Leverett
- Brattle
- Walter
- The Treasurr93
1 Voted, Whereas ye obtaining A Charter for Incorporating the Colledge may prove of Singular advantage to ye Churchs of New-England both in present and after times, and considering yt whilst ye Colledge continues as at present, an unhappy Settlemt of it may be feared, and that donations to the Society are obstructed, and yt ye present Stock is endangered,
That therefore an humble Address & petition be drawn up to be presented to ye King, praying his Majty to grant us his Royall Charter for ye Jncorporating94 of ye Colledge.
2 Voted, That ye Honrble Lt Governour be entreated to use his Jnterest for ye facilitating this affair, and our Obtaining of what Wee humbly petition for.
3. Voted, That an Address in ye Name of the President & ffellows of the Colledge be presented to ye Honrble Lt Governor, Acknowledging his honrs Care & favour for sd Colledge, and particularly for his late visitation and Settlemt thereof, and returning their humble thanks for the Same.
Cambridg July 13. 1697:95
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledg
1. That ye Laws & Statutes Enacted Anno 1692 be Revived & hereby are reviv’d & shall be & continue in full force98 untill ye Corporation shall take further Order:
2. That Symms shall be Butler, Sr Saltonstal laying down that Office:
3. That ye Scholars of ye house for this present year shall be Mather, Willard, Torrey Bulkley & Bradstreet Junr; & that yy be allow’d each of ym four pds out of ye Colledg treasury:
4. That ye Resident Fellows be allow’d each of them twenty five pounds besides what they shall recieve from Charlstown Ferry:
At a meeting of the corporation of Harvard Colledge
In Boston Nov: 15 1697.99
Mr Iohn White, mr Ebenezer Pemberton and mr Iabez Fitch were chosen to be Tutors in Harvard Colledge
Voted, that the tutours shall be allowed 30ƚƚ ꝑ annum to Each of them to be Payd in money Quarterly by the Treasurer besides what shall be due to them from their Pupills.
Voted, that what of mr Penoyers gift is now due, be disposed of as Follows, viz two thirds to mr Leverett and mr Brattle, of the remaynder two thirds to Taylour, the rest to Moss
Sir Saltonstall was appoynted Library Keeper on which account the Treasurer is to allow him 5ƚƚ Per annum.
At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge Jn Boston
March 3d 169⅞101
- The Prsident
Voted, that the Prsident, Mr Allen, Mr Willard, Mr Mather, Mr Leverett, or any three of them be empower’d as a Com̄ittee to treat wth The Honourable Lievt Governr about ye additional building to ye Colledg, of wch his Honr has made som Proposals to ye Corporation.
Voted that for ye encouragement of ye prsent Tutors of ye Colledg Mr Pemberton and Mr ffitch, they shall be allow’d for their past services after ye proportion of 50ƚƚ ꝑ annum, to each of them (besides what shall be due to them from their Pupills) to be pay’d in money by ye Treasurer.
At a meeting of ye Corporation in Boston Aprl 7. 1698.
- The Prsident
Order’d that the Bricks of ye old Jndian Colledg be sold to Mr Willis, he allowing for them 20ƚƚ
Order’d & voted (nemine contradicente) that whatever monys are or shall be in ye hands of ye Treasurer on ye account of double books sold out of ye Colledg Library, be disposed of for ye purchasing other books, and that ye Treasurer by ye first opportunity send to London for ye German Ephemerides &c, and ye Acta Eruditorum.
At a meeting of ye Corporac̄on in Boston my 5. 1698.
- Ye Prsident
1. That Mr Webbs donation be disposed to Corwin for this present year from his admission into Colledge.
2. that from ye Stewards last reckoning untill ye year be expired, ye sd Steward is allowed ye whole of ye 2 colunns of com̄ons & sizings & detriments, for ballancing ye difficultys & extraordinary Charges by reason of ye dearness of provision for som years last past.
3. that ye Widdow Smith shall pay after ye rate of 4 pound ꝑ cent for what mony remains in her hands belonging to ye Colledg, for as many years ensuing this act, as she hath paid after ye rate of105 eight ꝑ cent, since ye act of ye Corporac̄on ordered that ye Trasurr should take but six ꝑ cent for mony Let out.
Memorandum.106 On June 6. 1698: mr Eliakim Hutchinson of Boston delivered to the prsident ten pounds New England money for the use of the Colledge, wthall declaring that of it was his purpose to give 10li every year to the Colledge, as long as the Government there should be such as He approved of, & no longer.
At a Corporac̄on meeting in Boston my 12. 1698.107
- The Prsident
Voted that a messenger be sent to New-York wth ye address to his Excellency ye Governr, agreed to by ye Corporation, and that 15ƚƚ be allowed to him by ye Treasurer in order to bearing Charges, or more if there shall be need of it.
Voted that Mr John White be ye messenger sent wth sd address to ye Governr
Order’d that a cellar shall be made in ye new building designed for ye Colleldge by ye Honourable Lievt Governr at ye Charge of ye Colledge.
At a Corporāōn Meeting in Boston June. 9. 1698109
Voted, 1. That Mr White be allowed Ten pounds for his Service in going to New York wth an address to the Governr; over and above the fifteen pounds orderd him toward bearing his charges thither, and expended by him.
Voted. 2. That it be left to the Treasurer, and that he have full power to treat abt Burgess and Jngolls debt to the Colledg, and to do in that matter wt he shall judge best.
Cambridge. June. 13. 1698. At a Corporāōn Meeting
That for the Encouragemt of the Present Tutors Mr Ebenr Pemberton, and Mr Jabez Fitch, They shall be allowed Each for their Services Since March 3 last113 to July ye 3. next; beside wt shall be due from yr pupils, after ye proportion of 50ƚƚ pr Annum to be payd them in money114 by The Treasurer.
At a Corporac̄on meeting in Cambridge otobr 3d 1698.115
Voted that the Present Tutors Mr Pemberton & Mr ffitch shall be allow’d after the proportion of 50ƚƚ ꝑ an̄um to each of them besides what shall be due from their Pupils, to be paid to them in money quarterly from ye Treasurer, th this vote to be in force as long as there shall be but two Tutors at ye Colledge.
Voted yt ye Schollars of ye house for this year shall be Sr Hubbard, Bradstreet, Angier, Weld, & Bulkley117 to be allow’d from ye Treasurer 4ƚƚ each of them.
Voted yt ye Butler shall allow quarterly 25sh to ye Colledge for absent Com̄ons untill further order.
Voted yt Mr Webbs Legacy be for this year disposed of for ye benefit of his two Grand Sons Corwin & Sheaf to be equally divided between them.
Voted yt ye Library Keeper shall be allow’d 8ƚƚ ꝑ an̄um.
Voted,118 1119 that Bulkley be one of ye Scholars of ye house for this present year, & be allowed from ye Treasurer four pound; Also that Wise be another in ye Room of Sr Hubbard, having ye foremention’d allowance.
Dec: 5: 98:120 Present The President Mr Allin, Mr Torey; Mr Willard, Leveret, Brattle, Walter, White, Wadsworth, the Treasurer.
At A Meeting of the Corporac̄on at ye Colledge in Cambridge Decembr 5. 1698.122
That so ye worship of God may be upheld in ye Colledge wth ye Greater solemnity and that the Schollars may be better acquainted with ye original languages in wch ye holy Scriptures are written, Jt is hereby order’d that prayer with reading of ye Scriptures shall be constantly attended morning and evening in ye Colledge hall, and that when there is a President or vice-Presidnt124 resideing125 on the place he shall as often as will consist with his other work expound the Scriptures to ye Schollars, and that in stead of ye readings by ye Schollars formerly126 used in ye Colledge Hall at ye time of worship it shall from hence foreward be part of ye work of ye Tutors to hear their Pupills read every morning out of English into Hebrew and in ye afternoon out of English into Greek a Chapter, or so much of it as their Tutors shall think convenient, & that they take care that their Pupills perform their readings with due exactness & not perfunctorily.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridg127 August 7th 1699128
Voted that Mr Henry Flint be Chosen a Tutor in Harvard Colledg
Voted that Wiswal senir shal have that 5ll ꝑ annum bequeathed to the Colledg by Mr Newgate allowed to him for the Year following
Voted that the Senior Tutor shal have allowed to him besides wt shal be due from his Pupils (viz two Classes) 40ƚƚ ꝑ annum in money to be paid quarterly by the Treasurer
And that the other two Tutrs shal have Each of them 35lb ꝑ Annum in money allowed130 to them besides wt shal be due to them from their pupils
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridg Nov. 6. 1699
Voted that the Scholars of the house be for this Year Broadstreet, Wise, angier, Weld, Gookin to be allowed Each of them 4lb from the Treasurer
Voted that Mr Webbs Legacy be disposed to his two Grandchildren Corwin & Sheaf
Ordered that the Price of Parts return again to two pence farthing and that the Bread return to the former Size bec of the Present Plenty & Cheapness of wheat
At a meeting of the Corporation in Cambridg May 6th 1700
Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Mr Willis 10ƚƚ Money in ful for what is due to him for work done in the Cellar of the New Colledg.
Ordered that the Schollars who are Accommodated wth Cellars in the New Colledg shal Each of them allow to the Colledg 6 shillings ꝑ Annū Cellars belonging to the Tutrs Excepted.
Ordered that what of Mr Penoyers Gift is now due be disposed of as follows viz two thirds to Mr Pemberton and Mr Fitch the Remainder to be Equally divided133 between Sr Wakeman (in Case he Commences) and134 Sr Taylour. Jf Sr Wakeman does not Commence then between Sr Bur & Sr Taylour.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridg August 5th 1700
Voted that the two Resident fellows Mr Flynt & Mr Fitch be allowed for the Last Quarter of a Year Each of them 12ƚƚ 10sh in money to be payd to them by the Treasurer of the Colledg besides wt shal be due from their pupils
Voted that the Schollars of the House for the Year Ensuing shal be Sr Broadstreet Junir Angier Weld Hale Gookin & that they be allowed Each of them 4ƚƚ from the Treasurer
Voted that Mr Eliakim Huchinsons 10ƚƚ this Year given to the Colledg be disposed of to Hale
Voted that Mr Thomas Brattle be desired to Continue to act as Treasurer of the Colledg until his Majestys Pleasure be known referring to the settlemt of the Colledg or that the General Court shal take further Order
Voted that the Price of Parts be two pence half penny this vote to continue til further Order
Voted that wt is Due to the Colledg from Fisk on the account of Detrimt be remitted
Voted that Mr Boardman be continued Steward & Cook to the Colledg.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridg Aug Sept. 1. 1700
Voted that Mr Webbs Legacy be Equally divided between his Grandchildren Corwin and Sheaf in case Sheaf return to to the Colledg otherwise the whole to be disposed of to Corwin.
Voted that Mr Glovers Legacy be disposed of to his Grandson Rawson
Mr Nathƚƚ Saltonstal was then Chosen Tutr of the Colledg
Voted that Mr Flynt be allowed 40ƚƚ |
P Annum |
Mr Fitch 35ƚƚ137 |
P Annum |
Mr Saltonstal 35ƚƚ138 |
P Annum |
(besides wt shal be due to them from their Pupils) to be paid quarterly in money by the Treasurer.
Voted that Mr Flynt & Mr Fitch139 be allowed for the Present Quarter Ending in Octob. 6th. Each of them 12ƚƚ. 10sh.
Voted that Pitcher be forgiven his Detriments for the Year past.
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridge April 7th 1701
Voted that out of Mr Penoyers Legacy141 12ƚƚ be disposed of to Mr Saltonstal one Pound to Mr Fitch 1ƚƚ to Burr 1ƚƚ to Gookin
Ordered that the steward shal pay to Mr Saltonstal Ten pounds Upon next Reckoning Jf he falls so much in the Colledg debt
Ordered that Mr Stoddard who is Appointed Library-Keeper until the Com̄incemt be allowed for his service after the proportion of 8ƚƚ ꝑ Annū
Voted that Sr Broadstreet being Removed from the Colledg Loring be in his Room Scholar of the House
Voted that Mr Newgates Gift be for the Year past allowed to Wiswal senir
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridge Augst 4th 1701.
Voted That wt is due frō143 Mr Thatcher on account of detriments be Remitted
That the Schollars of the House for this Year shal be Sr Angier Sr Loring Hale Gookin Mighil and that 4ƚƚ be allowed to Each of them by the Treasurer
That the ferry at Charlestown be Let to Jno Russel he giving good security to the treasurer
That Sr Cotton be continued Buttler for this Quarter or until the Corporation shal take further order
That Mr Josiah Willard be appointed Library keeper for this Year and be allowed Eight144 8ƚƚ from the Treasurer
That Mr Glovers Legacy for this Year be continued145 to his Grandson Rawson
That Mr Willis be desired to veiw the old Colledg and to Jnform the Corporation wt is Necessary for repairing said Colledg
April. 11. 1701. Devotion having bin convicted of Lying, & Stealing, & rudeness of behavior towards one of ye Fellows of ye Colledge, He was then expelled the Colledge.146
At a Meeting of the Corporation At Cambridg Octob. 13. 1701.147
Voted that Henchmans dues to the Colledg be remitted.
Voted That wt is due to the Colledg from Sheaf til his Relation to the Colledg Ceased be paid out of Mr Webbs Legacy
Voted That No schollar shal Keep Cydar in his Cellar without Leave from the President or the Tutrs and Every Schollar herein149 trespassing shal forfeit his Cydar to the Colledg
Voted that John Braddish be appointed Colledg-Glazier150
Voted That the Treasurer pay to Mr Nathƚƚ Hubbard the 10ƚƚ given the Last year to the Colledg by Mr Eliakim Hutchinson
At a Meeting of the Corporation April 6th 1702
Voted that Fisk be Schollar of the House in Angiers room for the Year Currant Angier152 having Lived from Colledg
Voted that 23ƚƚ of Mr Penoyers Legacy now due be Equally divided between Mr Flynt Mr Fitch153 & Mr Saltonstal & 40 Shillings be disposed of to Hemingway.
Voted That the Vice presidents Expence out of pocket in Visiting the Colledg be defraid by the College Treasurer
Voted That154 the Remainder of Mr Webbs Legacy for this Year besides wt was Last graunted to Sheaf be Equally divided between Corwin & Sheaf
Voted That wt Colledg Expences remain due from Mr Danforth for his Son Elijah from the Time of his admission unto the End of the Last Quarter be discharged by the Treasurer
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridg Septem 7th 1702
That the two Resident fellows be allowed for this Quarter 12ƚƚ 10sh each of them, to be paid by the Treasurer
Voted That Mr Josiah Willard be appointed Library Keeper for the present Year and be allowed after the rate of 10ƚƚ. to be paid by the Treasurer
Voted That the Scholars of the House for this Year be Sr Loring Sr Gore Hale Gookin Mighil & that 4ƚƚ be paid to each of them by the Treasurer
Voted That the Jncome Mr Webbs Legacy be Equally divided for this present Year between Sr Corwin & Sr Sheaf provided they reside at Colledg
Voted that Mr Glovers Legacy be disposed of to his Grandson Rawson for this Year
Voted That Weeds dues to the Colledg be allowed to the Steward
Voted That wt is due from Sr Prentice to the Colledg be allowed him.
Voted That 4ƚƚ of Mr Eliakim Hutchinsons Gift be disposed of to Mr Flynt & 4ƚƚ to Mr Fitch
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridg January 4th 1702
Voted That Mr Jonathan Remington be a Tutr of Harvard Colledg and Supply Mr Fitches place wn he Removes to Jpswich
Voted That the two Resident Fellows be allowed for this quarter and the two other Quarters of the year Currant after the rate of 12ƚƚ & 10sh ꝑ quarter to be paid by the Treasurer
Voted That the Treasurer pay to Mr Braddish Colledg Glazier wt is due159 to him to this time for work done at the Colledg
Voted That it be Left wth the Vice president and Tutrs to draw up Some Jnstructions for the Schollars of the House to be put in practice by them
Voted That Rogers have the benefit of Mr Browns Legacy for this Year
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridge March 23d 170⅔
Voted that Mr Andrew Bordman be Colledg Steward & Cook & take place the Enter upon his Office the begining of the next Quarter
Voted that Mr Leveret Mr Brattle Mr White Mr Flynt be desired to make up accounts wth the Relict of the Late Steward
At a Meetineg of the Corporation at Cambridg August 10th 1703
Voted That Mr Thomas Brattle Colledg. Treasurer & Mr Wm Brattle be Fellows of the Corporation
Voted That there be a Third Tutor Chosen.
Mr Josiah Willard was Chosen to be the third Tutor.
Voted That the three Tutrs have 120ƚƚ paid them for the year Ensuing including Mr Penoyers Gift unto them out of the Colledg Treasury Whereof Mr Flynt to have fourty three pounds he that has the Sophimores Class is to have fourty Six pounds And he that has the freshmans Class one & thirty pounds.
Voted That Mr162 Penoyers money in the163 Treasurers hands being 21ƚƚ 3s be disposed of as followeth viz 7ƚƚ to Mr Henry Flynt 4ƚƚ to Mr Jabez Fitch 4ƚƚ to Sr Gookin & the remaining 3ƚƚ 3sh to Mighil.
Voted That Six pounds be allowed to the Library keeper for the Year Ensuing
Voted That Mr John Whiting be Library keeper for this Year
Voted That Mr Glovers Anuity for this Year be paid to Sr164 Rawson
Voted That Mr Webbs Gift be Continued for the Ensuing Year to Sr Corwin & Sr Sheaf & proportioned to them according to their Residence at the Colledg in said time
Voted That the Treasurer pay Mrs Mary Bordman the Ballance of her Account found due to her be the Committee appointed for that Service
Voted That there is Nothing due to Mrs Mary Bordman of wt she demands in her petition now Exhibited respecting a Sixth pt of money advanced upon parts at any time
Voted That the Treasurer be Empowered to Lease some Lards of the Colledges near Natick falls
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridg Sept. 28th 1703
Voted that the Sum̄ of Sixty pounds be Allowed out of the Colledg Treasury towds the building a New Meeting house in Cambridg
Voted That the Schollars of the House for this Year be Sr Loring Mighil Rawlins Wigglesworth & Short & That Sr Loring be allowed for three Quarters & Sr Gookin for one Quarter the rest paid as has bēē Customary, by the Treasurer
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridg May 23d 1704
Voted that Sr Corwin be allowed Six pounds out of Mr Webbs Legacy to the Colledg for the defraying of the Charges of his being at the Colledg & taking his degree this Com̄incemt instead of what was allowed him in168 the former Vote of the Corporation for this year
Voted that the price of parts return again to two pence farthing til further Order
Voted that Mr Theophilus Cottons detrimts being thirteen shillings and four pence be remitted him
Voted that wt Remaines due to the Colledge from Mr Danforth170 for his Son Elijah’s Expences at the Colledg be discharged by the Treasurer
Voted That the Treasurer be impowred171 to Let a parcel of Land in Newtown belonging to the Colledg unto Mr John Hubbard for 99 years or as they shal aggree.
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard College at Cambridg 29th August 1704
- Mr V Præsident.
- Mr Allen
Voted. 1) that ye 3 Tutors shall have One hundred & Twenty pounds paid them out of ye College Treasury for their Salary ye year ensueing (including mr penoyers Gift unto them) of which Summe mr Flynt is to have Six pounds more than ye two other Tutors, he having the care of two Classes. the said 3 Tutors salary (with what they shall have from ye Treasurr & their pupills) to be in all respects equal!, Saving ye Six pounds yt mr Flynt is to have more than ye other Tutors as aboves̄d. ye last quarter of ye Senr Sophister’s tuition being fully to be Accounted for.
2) Voted, that one third of ye mony which is in ye Treasurrs hands of mr penoyer’s Legacy being two & twenty pounds ten shilling be disposed of to Gardner & Williams junr & of ye remaining two thirds, one third be disposed of to mr Flynt & ye other two thirds to mr Remington
3. Voted, that ye whole of mr Glover’s Annuity for ye last year Ordered Sr Rawson, be paid to him notwithstanding his discontinuance neare three quarters of sd time
4) Voted, that Twenty shillings be allowed ye Steward yt was due to him from mr Weld for his discontinuance at College.
5. Voted, that for this year there be six scholars of ye House, namely, mr Loring, Sr Mighill, Rawlins, Wigglesworth, Short & Fisk, mr Loring & Wigglesworth to have four pounds a piece, & ye other four three pound a piece.
6. Voted that mr Whiting be Library keeper ys year, & that he be allowed Six pounds for his Service.
7. Voted that Ten pound be allowed mr Corwin ye ensueing year out of mr Webb’s Legacy.
8.) Voted that ye Treasurr be Jmpoured to Let a piece of Land of ye College’s, lying neare wr ye old College stood to mr Andrew Bordman or any other person, for Such term of yeares, & upon Such conditions as they shall agree upon.
9. Voted, that there be a Corporation Meeting tomorrow month, to deliberate further upon his Exceƚƚcys proposall about Erecting a professorship
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridg Sept. 27th 1704
Voted That Sr Danforth be freed from the Charge of Study Rent.
Voted That Rogers have the Benefit of Mr Brown’s Legacy for the Year past
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard College in Cambridge 22th August 1705
Voted 1) That the 3 Tutrs shal have one hundred and Twenty pounds paid them out of the Colledg Treasury for their Salary the year Ensuing (including Mr Penoyers Gift unto them) of wch Sum̄ Mr Flynt is to have Seventeen pound more than the two other Tutrs he having the Care of the two Lowermost Classes The said Tutrs Salary with what they shal have from the Treasurer and their pupils to be in all respects Equal saving the Seventeen pounds that Mr Flynt is to have more than the other Tutrs as above said the Last quarter of the Senir Sophisters Tuition to be fully accounted for
Voted 2) That three pounds be allowed to Williams Senr out of Mr Eliakim Hutchinsons Gift this Last year to the Colledg he continuing at the Colledg this year
Voted 3) That Mr Whiting be Library keeper this year & that he be allowed Six pounds for his service
Voted 4) That Mr Whiting be allowed fourty shillings more for his paines in transcribing the Lists sent to England of the books in the Library
Voted 5) That the Scholars of the House for this Year be Mr Gore Sr Gookin Wigglesworth, Fisk & Williams Senr each to have 4 pounds accorind to their Continuance at Colledg
Voted 6) That out of the Ten pound allowed Last year to Mr Corwin forty shillings be allowed to Robie & forty shillings to Wadswor[th] Mr Corwin not residing at Colledg above that proportion of Six pou[nds] to himself
Voted 7) That Ten pounds be allowed to Mr Corwin out175 of Mr Webbs Legacy or in that proportion according to his Continuance at Colledg this next year & forty shillings to Barnard176
Voted 8) That Mr Fisks detriment be remitted him being twenty shillings & Mr Cutlers detriment being sixteen shillings
Voted 9) That Phillips have the benefit of Mr Browns Legacy for this Next year
Voted 10) That forty shillings a peice be allowed the 3 Tutrs this year more that wt was above Expressed
Voted 11) That the whole three pounds be allowed to Sr Rawlins as schollar of the House Last year notwithstanding his discontinuance some part of the Time177
At a Meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard College at Cambridge 6th August 1706178
1) Voted that there180 be a Third Tutor chosen in ye room of mr Josiah Willard, who has left the College.
2) Voted that the 3 Tutors shall have one hundred & Twenty pounds paid them out of the Colledge Treasury for their Salary ye Year Ensuing (Jncluding mr Penoyers Gift to them
3) Voted that mr Flynt have Sixteen pound, he having ye care of two Classes, and mr Jonathan Remington Eight pounds out of the one Hundred & Twenty pound abovesaid, & then the 3 Tutors Salary with181 what they shall have from from ye Treasurer & their Pupils to be in all respects Equall, ye last Quarter of the Senior Sophister’s tuition182 to be fully accounted for.
4) Mr John Whiting was Chosen the third Tutor. & mr Gore was Chosen Library Keeper for ye Year ensuing.
5) Voted yt mr Gore be allowed Six pound for his Service as Library Keeper ye Year Ensuing.
6) Voted yt ye Schollars of the house for this year be mr Gore mr Gookin, Wigglesworth, Fisk & Williams Senr, each to have 4 pound according to their residence at the Collige.
7) Voted that twelve pounds be allowed to mr Corwin out of mr Webbs Legacy or in that proportion according183 to his continuance at Collige this Year.
8) Voted that forty Shillings a peice be allowed to Robie, Wadsworth & Barnard this Year.
9) Voted that mr Hugh adams’s Detriment be remitted him being twenty Shillings.
10) Voted that Rogers have ye Benefit of mr Browns Legacy for the year 1704, & that Phillips have the Benefit of said Legacy for this year.
11) Voted that mr White & mr Wadsworth with the Treasurer. take a veiw of the house of mr Webbs Gifte whither it be best to have it repaired or pulled down, & another built in the room of it, & make their report at the next Corporation meeting.
12) Voted that Mr Leverett wth the treasurer take care for the building of a Pew for the Presidents Family in the meeting House now a building, & about the Students Seats in Said meeting House. the Charge of the Pew to be Defrawed out of the Collige Treasury.
At a meeting of the Corporation at the vice-Presidents House in Boston: March 27 1707:
1 Voted that the Steward: have for the Quarter Currant, & the quarter next Coming one farthing more than his last allowance185 upon a part, & Sixth part of the farthing belonging to the Collige, in Consideration of the Scarcity of provision.
2) Voted that the Sum̄ of thirty Shillings be given to mr Gore John Gore for his Extraordinary Service in regulating the Library.186
At a meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College at Cambridge187 6th of August 1707:
John Leverett Esqȝ, & mr Ebenezer Pemberton were chosen Fellows of Harvard College, & members of the Corporation
Voted, yt the 3 Tutors Shall have one hundred & Twenty pounds paid them out of the College Treasury for their Salary the year Ensuing, (including Mr Penoyers Gift unto them.
Voted, that mr Flynt have twenty pound in Consideration of his having the care of two Classes, and mr Remington Six pound first paid them out of ye one hundred & Twenty pound above said. & then yt the 3 Tutors salary with what they Shall receive from the Treasurer and their Pupils to be in all respects Equall, the Last quarter of the Senr Sophisters Tuition to be fully accounted for.
Voted, That mr Nathanaell Gookin be Library Keeper for the year Ensuing189 now began, & that Six pounds be allowed for his service in Said office.
Voted that the Library keeper190 within the Space of one month next coming, take an Jnventory, of all Books, mathematicall Jnstruments, & other things of value committed to his Custody, & Give receipt for them to the præsident, to be accompted for by him at the Expiration of his Year annually, or at his leaving his place, before he receive his salary. That when any Books are Borrowed, he take care to call them in once in a Month (as has been heretofore used) and if any Damage is done to them to represent it to the President.
Voted That the Schollars of the House for this year be mr Gookin, Sr Wigglesworth, Sr Ruggles, Fisk, & Williams Senr, and that 4 pounds be allowed to Each of them, according to their residence at the College.
Voted That the 2 Houses by the Tutors be proportioned out to the care of the Schollars of the House. within the Space of a Fortnight next Coming, Each one quarterly render an account to the president or Tutors of what Damage, & by whome has happen’d, in their respective Wards, & yt no sum̄ be paid any of them by the Treasurer for their service without a Certificate, from time to time, from the President or one of the Tutors, yt he has performed the duty above-mentioned.
Voted That mr Corwin’s Expences at the College this Year be paid out of the Rent of mr Webbs House Given to the College provided they dont Exceed Twelve pounds.
Voted That Forty Shillings a peice be allowed to Wadsworth, Barnard, & Tompson this year out of mr Hutchinson’s Gift.
Voted That Phillips have the Benefit of mr Brown’s Legacy, for this year, & Oliver the benefit of mr Newgates Legacy of 4£ this Year.
Mr White & the Treasurer made their report concerning the College House, mr Webb’s Gift, and they are desired with mr Wadsworth to Continue their care about the said matter, & Jt is voted that they digg a well, & put a pump into Jt, for the use of Said House if they find it needfull.
Voted that mr Danforth’s debt to the College Steward for his son Elijah’s Expences at College be paid to the said Steward out of the College Treasury.
At a Meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College, at Cambridge ye 28th of October 1707192
- Mr James Allen socius senr mr Nehemiah Hobart, mr Peter Thacher, mr Saml Angier. ye Treasurer. mr John Danforth, mr John Leverett mr Wm Brattle, mr Jno White. mr Jonathan Pierrepoint. mr Benjn Wadsworth. mr Ebenezr Pemberton, mr Henry Flynt & mr Jonathan Remington.
John Leverett Esqr was chosen President of Harvard College
Voted. That mr Dudley’s dues to ye College for his Master’s degree be remitted him.
To193 His Excellency Joseph Dudley Esqr Capt Generall, & Governr in Chief &c
The Humble Address of the ffellows of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge. Sheweth
That Wee have according to the Rules of Our House unanimously declared Our Desires that the future Heads of this Colledge may be resident here And as resident Presidents were anciently wont to do, may Govern the Students & serve them with Divinity, Expositions &c And in ꝑrsuance thereof Wee have Chosen the Honble John Leveritt Esqr Our next Præsidt of whom Wee have good Confidence that He will (when Accepted & Subsisted) lay aside & decline all interfering Offices & Imployments, and Devote himself to s̄d Work, and by the Divine Help be a very ffaithfull & able Jnstrument to Promote the Holy Religion here practised, & Established by Jnstructing & fitting for Our pulpitts, Churches, & other publick & usefull Services; Such as shall in this school of ye Prophetts be Committed to his Care & Charge; Wee Recommend the s̄d Honble Person as Our President to Yor Excellcyes ffavourable Acceptation and Pray that You Would present Him to the Honble Generall Assembly, & move for His honble Subsistance194—If Yor Excellcye thinks fitt; so Wee rest—Yor Excellcyes most humble Servts
Harvard Colledge in Cambr Octobr 28. 1707 |
James Allen Senr ffellow |
Voted.195 That the Rđ Mr Allen the Senr ffellow Sign the above Address & ꝑrsent the Same to His Excelcye in the Name of the ffellows of Harv̄d Colledge, & mr Treasurer wth the ffellows, living in Boston are desired to Accompany the Rđ Mr Allen, when He waits upon the Govr with the said Address.
Anno Regni Annæ Reginæ, Sexto
At a Great and Generall Court or Assembly for Her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Engd begun & held at Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty Eighth of May 1707; And Continued by Severall prorogations unto Wednesday the 29th of Octobr following, being the third Session.
Jn Council.
Thursday Decembr 4th 1707
The Governour & Council having Accepted & Approved the Choice made by the ffellows of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge of Mr John Leverett to be present President of the sđ Colledge, to fil up that Vacancy.
Propose, That the House of Representatives Consider of & Graunt a suitable Salary to be paid to the sd President annually, out of the publick Treasury, for His Encouragement & Support, during his Continuance in sđ Office, residing at Cambridge, & discharging the proper Dutys to a president belonging, and intirely devote himself to that Service.
And, Inasmuch as the first Foundation and Establishment of that House, & the Government thereof; had its Originall from an Act of the Generall Court, made and pass’d in the Year One thousand Six hundred & fifty, wch has not been Repealed or Nulled,
The President and Fellows of the sđ Colledge are Directed from time to time to Regulate themselves according to the Rules of the Constitution by the Act prescribed: And to Exercise the Powers & Authorityes thereby Graunted for the Government of that House, & Support thereof
Saturday Decembr 6th 1707
The Representatives, returned the vote pass’d in Council the 4th Currt referring to the Colledge with their Concurrance thereto, & this farther Addition thereon Vizt That the Sum̄ for Salary he One Hundred, and fifty Pounds, To which the Council voted an Agreemt
By His Excelcye the Governour.
Jsac Addington Secr̄y
Consented to J Dudley
Cambridge, Wednesday, 14th Janr 1707197
mr Leverett’s Jnstalment.198
His Excellency, attended by mr President, the Fellows, & Overseers, went into the Hall; And in presence of the Scholars, & a numerous Company of Gentlemen from Severall parts, Declared Mr John Leverett to be the Rđ President of the sđ Colledge; And put the Care of that Seminary into his Hands agreeble to the Choice of the fellows of the House; Approbation of the Overseers, & the Votes of the Council & Assembly, in their last Session, with the usuall formality; Directing Him to Govern that House, & the Schollars there, with Duty & Allegiance to Our Soveraign Lady the Queen, And Obedience to Her Majtyes Laws.
At the a meeting
Cambridge Ianrij 26to 1707199
At a meeting of the President & ffellows of Harvard Colledge
- The President
Whereas the auntient & laudable practice for the Undergraduates to read the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament out of the English or Latin into Greek before Evening prayers in the Colledge Hall, hath bin for some years last past discontinued,
It is declared & Enacted by the President & Fellows of Harvard Colledg[e]
That the sd Auncient & laudable practice & Usage201 be revived, and that from and after the Publicacōn hereof the Undergraduates are hereby ordered & obliged to read the Sacred Scriprs of the New Testament before the Evening prayers in202 Greek out of the English or Latin Translation, when and so often as the President shall personally ꝑform the Evening Service in the Colledge Hall.
Boston May 27. 1708
At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard Colledge
Voted That the Auncient Custome of reading in the Colledge Hall before Morning prayers be revived; And that whereas that Excercise was wont to be ꝑformed by the Undergraduates, except the ffreshmen, from the Hebrew into Greek, Jt is now Ordered that they shall ꝑform the sam[e] in Latin, the Freshmen to make use of their English Bibles, while the other make use of their Hebrew Bibles in that Service
Cambridge Augst 30th 1708
At a meeting of the Presidt & Fellows of Harvd Colledge
1 Voted that the 3 Tutors have each of them their respective Pupill’s tuition mony, and that they have one hundred pounds paid them by the Treasurer out of the Colledge Treasury; whereof twenty four pound to be paid to Mr Flynt, fourty four pound to Mr Remington and thirty two pounds to Mr Whiting
2 Voted. That ye Gallery mony paid by each every Schollar at his admission be six shillings.
3 Voted. That Mr Nathll Gookin be Library keeper for the year now began, & that six pound be allowed him for the said service
4 Voted. That the Schollars of the House for this year be Mr Gore, Mr Gookin, Sr Quinsey, Hawly & Wigglesworth, four pounds to be allowed each of them according to their residence at the Colledge, under the same Regulations as last year
5 Voted That Mr Corwin’s Expences at the Colledge this Year be paid out of the Rent of mr Webbs House, provided they don’t exceed Ten pound.
6 Voted That Sr Wadsworth be paid fourty shillings and Allen four pounds out of Mr Eliakim Hutchinson’s Donat̄ this Year to ye Colledge
7 Voted That Mr Nudigates Legacy204 of four pound be paid unto Oliver, that four pounds be paid out of Mr Rogers’s Legacy to Woodbridge, & five pound out of Captn Keynes Legacy to Rogers
8 Voted That the Chamber called the painted Chamber in the Honourable Mr Stoughton’s house, be reserved for the Use of the near Relations of sd Mr Stoughton residing at the Colledge
9 Voted That a farthing be advanced on a part from this time ’till further Order.
Harvard Colledge Decr 14o 1708.205
Shattuck’s case.206
Whereas Benjamin Shattuck stands convict of A Scandalous breach of the Seventh Com̄andmt, by com̄itting fornicacōn, to the great dishonr of Almighty God and Reproach of this Society; It is therefore Consider’d and Order’d by ye Presidt and Resident Fellows, wth the Advice and Consent of ye Non-Residt Fellows of this House, That the sd Shattuck be Expelled the Colledge, and hereby he is Expelled the Colledge, as A ꝑson who by his Atrocious207 Crime aforesd has rendred himself unworthy to retain any relation to this Society. And the Buttler is hereby required forthwth to erase his Name.
Cambridge March 21o208 1708.209
At a meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard Colledge.
Agreed, That the President with Mr Treasurer treat wth Mr Bridge concerning Collier’s & Chauins Dictionarys, and the Memoirs of Arch-Bishop Cranmer and if they may be had upon reasonable Terms, to buy the sđ Books for the Library with money out of the Colledge-Treasury: And it is further Agreed, That if the Presidt shal proceed on his Iourney to York, before the Matter be accomblishd That then Mr Pemberton be desired to joyn with Mr Treasurr to finish it.
Nutting’s Case.211
Harvard-Colledge Mar. 23. 1708.212
Whereas Iohn Nutting stands Convict of the most Scandalous & Injurious breach of the Eighth Com̄andmt by altering one of the Bills of Credit of this Province, Vizt Increasing the Sum̄ of two213 shillings into Ten shillings, to the Great dishonr of Almighty God, the disparagmt of the Credit of this her Majtys Province, the Damage and hurt of the publick interest, and to the Last reproach & disgrace of this Society; It is therefore consider’d and Order’d by the President and Resident Fellows with the Advice and Concurrence of the Non-Resident Fellows of this House, That Iohn Nutting be Expelled & the s̄d John Nutting is according Expelled the Colledge as a ꝑson that by his Crime afores̄d has render’d himself unworthy to retain any relation to this Society. And the Buttler is also required im̄ediately to erase his Name.
The214 Will of Edward Hopkins Esqr Deceased deviseth among other things as followeth vizt
The Will dated ye 7th day of March 1657.
Proved ye 30th of Aprll 1657 by Henry Dally the Nephew & Sole Executr
To Mrs Susan Hooker the Relict of Mr Thomas Hooker all such debts as are due to me from Her upon215 the account J left in New-England and the Residue of my Estate there, J do herby give and bequeath to my Father Theophilus Eaton Esqr Mr John Davenport, Mr John Culleck and Mr William Goodwin in full assurance of their trust and faithfulness in disposing of it according to ye true intent and purpose of me the sd Edward Hopkins, Which is to give some encouragement in those Forraign Plantations for ye breeding up of hopfull Youth in a way of learning both at the Gram̄er School and Colledge for ye publick Service of ye Country in future times;
Mr Hopkin’s Will.216
And as for ye Estate that ye Lord hath given me in this England J thus dispose among other things—vizt
My farther mind and Will is that within Six moneths after ye decease of my wife five Hundred pounds be made over into New-England according to ye advise of my Loving Friends Major Robert Thompson & Mr Francis Willoughby and conveighed into ye hand of ye Trustees before mentioned in farther prosecution of ye aforsd Publick ends which in the Simplicity of My heart are for ye upholding and promoting the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ in those parts of ye Earth.
Esqr Boyle’s217
There being a Charity of 90ll per annum obtained by ye company out of Mr Boyles Estate they have made ye Following order, how it shall be applied, which J have copied verbatim, being it may be218 Directory to you for ye future in the disposall of ye money we remit you, vizt
See p. 38. 39.219
Ordered yt two accounts may be opened apart in ye Books of ye Corporation for Mr Boyles charityes vizt one for ye Moiety of 90ll pr Annum for ye Salary of two Preaching Ministers to instruct ye natives in or near His Majs Collonies in New-England in ye Christian religion; and ye other
And the other for ye other Moiety therof to be transmitted by this Corporation unto ye President & Fellows of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge in New England, & to their Successors to be by them Employed and bestowed for ye Salary of two other Ministers, to teach ye Natives, in or near His Majts Colonies there, in ye Christian Religion.
Transcribed out of Sr W. Ashurst’s Letter to ye Comissioners—Dated Iuly 16, 1697.
Cambridge Iune 1t 1709
The Above transcript was delivered in to ye President and Fellows by the Revd Mr I Mather to be entred into ye Registry of ye Colledge.
Mr Hulton’s will.220
This is a farther Codicil to be annexed to ye Last Will & Testament of me Nathaniel Hulton the Elder Citizen and Salter of London, which J will shall be taken as a farther part therof
J give & Bequeath to Mr Jncrease Mather Minister of ye Gospel in New-England ye Sum̄e of one hundred pounds of Lawfull mony of England for ye use of ye Colledge there, of which He is President.
Cambridge At a meeting of ye Corporation of Harvard Colledge in the Library there Iune ye 1t 1709
Jt was proposed by ye Revd Mr Jncrease Mather that one of his Son Walter’s Children, might have ye benefit of ye Abovsd Legacy while att ye Colledge, Which ye Corporation assented unto.
Connecticutt scholars.222
The President proposed the Desires of three Young Gentlm Vizt Mr Woodbridge Mr Eliot and Mr Weld Who are Candidates for their Second Degree in ye Collegiate School at Connecticot, that they may be admitted this approaching Com̄encment to their Degree of Master of Arts, and desired ye opinion and advise of ye Corporation, Whose opinion is yt it is not advisable to admit ye Persons above mentioned to their Degrees the Com̄encment now223 approaching.
Jn answer to ye Petitions of William Shattuck & Benja Shattuck setting forth224 ye deep sense of ye sd Benja Shattuck’s Crime, and Justifying ye proceeding of ye President & Fellows in their Animadversions therupon, Praying that the sd Benja may be restored to his Standing in ye Colledge, and be admitted to his degree, at ye Com̄encment now approaching.
Jt is unanimously agree’d and declar’d, that ye President225 and Fellows are dispos’d to Shew al ye favour and tenderness towards ye Petitioner and Charity towards ye delinquent that may be consistent wth the testimony born against the Crime Com̄itted, and wth ye concern they are oblig’d to have for ye Honour of Almighty God, and reputation of ye Colledge; and that they are of opinion yt it is most advisable that ye sd Benja Shattuck be restored according to ye Custom of ye Colledge in such cases, some time after ye next Commencment: And that he may be admitted to his first Degree the Com̄encment following, Hoping that nothing in ye mean time will intervene yt may be an obstruction therunto.
Shattuck’s Case.226
Jn answer to ye Petition of ye Colledge Stewd representing ye Dearness of Provisiō still continuing, and that notwithstanding ye allowance of one farthing upon a part made him at ye Last meeting of ye Corporation he hath been a great Sufferer, praying that he may be227 farther allow’d what may be thought reasonale for his comfortable Support,—The Sd Stewd is allow’d to advance one farthing [35] more upon a part (yt is to say, he is allowd to Charge two pence three farthings for each part) And he is farther allowd £80 in ye Collumn of Com̄ons & Sizing in ye Quarter Bills; the. Sd Steward to pay one Sixth pt of ye residue of what shall be from time to time Charged in ye sd Collumn to ye Use of ye Colledge; This allowance to Com̄ence from ye begining of ye Quarter now running, and to continue from thence till one year be expired.
The Steward Proposes to allow two pounds and an half to a mess and and an half penny towards Sawce
At a Meeting of ye President & Fellows of Harvard Colledge, at Mr Pemberton’s house at Boston, June 9th 1709.
Voted 1. That Mr Henry Newman be Constituted our Agent or Attorney to to represent Us, and to act in or behalf, particularly with respect to ye Legacy in Mr Edward Hopkins’s Will referring to our Colledge.
2. That Fourty pound sterƚ be remitted to ye Sd Mr Henry Newman for ye prosecuting of ye Sd Affair.
3. That Mr Benja Edmonds be Jmpowred by a Letter of Attorney to receive what is due from mr Penoyer’s Estate to or Colledge and to give Sufficient Discharges for what He receives.
4. That it be Left with ye Treasurer to grant a Lease unto Mr Wm Payne of ye Messuage or Tenemt in this town wch ws given by228 Mr Webb to or Colledge for 99 years, & for Such yearly rent as they Shall agree upon.
5. That Denison be Butler till ye Com̄encmt next Coming.
At a Meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard Colledg in Cambr. July 1st 1709229
- The President
- Mr Brattle
- Flynt
- Remington230
Upon his Excellencys desire that Mr Jared Eliot should be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts
Mr Iared Eliot admitted Mr of Arts.231
Agreed and Voted that the said Jared Eliot be allowed to proceed Mr of Arts the approaching Commincmt he performing the usual Exercise in the Colledg Hall and paying the Stated fees of the Colledg and 20s Detrimt as is Usual for those that take their second degree after their discontinuance
At a Meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard Colledg at Cambridg Monday ye 5th of September 1709 Jn the Library.
The President |
Henry Flynt |
Mr Nehemiah Hobart |
Jonathn Remington |
Wm Brattle |
The Treasurer232 |
Ebenezr Pemberton |
Voted 1) That the 3 Tutors have each of them their respective Pupils Tuition money and that they have one hundred pounds paid them by the Treasurer whereof Mr Flynt is to have twenty Eight pound Mr Remington fourty two pounds Mr Whiting Thirty pounds.
Mr Holyoke Library Keeper233
2) That Mr Edward Holyoke be Library keeper for this year & that Six pounds be234 allowed him for the said Service
3) That fifty shillings be allowed and paid to Mr Gookin for his taking a Catalogue of the books in the Library.
Scholars of ye House235
4) That the Schollars of the house for this year be Mr Sever Sr Thair236 Wigglesworth Aire & Berry and that four pounds be allowed to Each of them according to their Residence at Colledg under the regulations that have been made concerning them.
5) That Mr Corwin have the benefit of the Rent of Mr Webbs Gift this year Jf his Expences at Colledg amount to so much.
6) That Oliver have the Benefit of Mr Newdigates Legacy of four pounds this year & that Woodbridg have four pounds allowed him out of Mr Ezekiel Rogers’s Legacy & Rogers have five pounds allowed him out of Captn Keyn’s Legacy.
7) That there be paid out of Mr Eliakim Hutchinsons donation for this year fourty237 shillings to each of Mr Walters sons & fourty shillings to Williams Junr.
8) That Walter Junr have the benefit of the Jncome of Mr Hultons Legacy of one Hundred pound.
9 That Cotton Woodbridg & Rogers have Each of them four pounds being the benefit of the Jnterest of Mr Benjamin Browns Legacy.
10) That Denison be Butler.
Harvard-Colledge Decr 21. 1709.238
Benjamin Shattuck, presenting to the Presidt The Letters Com̄endatory and Testimonial of the Rev̄d Mr Sam̄l Angier, and the Revd Mr Henry Gibbs, signifying the good and Laudable carriage and demeanour of the sd Benjamin Shattuck, and the Satisfaction he had given in one of the Congregations in Watertown, Since his Lapse for which he was Censured in the Colledge; He the said Benjamin Shattuck,240 agreeable to the Vote of the President and ffellows of Harvard Colledge past at their meeting on Iune 1st Last past, was restored and readmitted into the Colledge, and unto the priviledges, and Capacities of A member of the sd Colledge: And the Buttler was Order’d to put up his Name in the Buttery according to his Standing.
At a Meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard Colledg in the Library, Apr. 10th 1710.241
Voted 1. That whereas the Slate roof on Stoughton Colledg proves defective and upon a Survey Thereof its judged more Convenient to Cover it wth board and Shingle Mr Treasurer is therefore desired to take Effectual Care for the taking of the said Slate roof and to cover it wth board and Shingle and to doe wt shal be further needful for the repaires of the said Colledg and that the Charge thereof be paid out of the Colledg Treasury.
Voted 2. That provisions continuing Stil as dear or being rather dearer then they were June 1st Last The Steward is allowed to Charge three pence for each part and is also allowed 80ƚƚ in the Collumn of Commons and Sizings he paying ⅙ part of the residue to the Colledg. This allowance to be from the begining of this present Quarter to the End of it.
Voted 3. That Trowbridg be allowed four pounds out of the Colledg Treasury.
Voted 4. That Nutting be Readmitted into the Colledg.
Harvard Colledge. Iune 26. 1710.243
Nutting re-admitted.244
Nutting upon his publick confession, and promise of future Circumspection, diligence, dutiefullness, and good demeanour, was pursuant to the Vote of the Corporacōn pass’d Apr. 10. 1710. was restored & re-admitted into the Colledge, and to the priviledge of the House, and the Buttler directed to put up245 his Name in the Buttery in the place assigned him among the Sophomores.
At a meeting of the Presidt & Fellows of Harvard College, in Cambridge, in the Library, on Monday246 ye 18th of Septr 1710
Voted, 1. That the Three Tutors have Each of them their respective Pupill’s Tuition-money, & that they have One hundred pound paid them by the Treasurer; whereof Mr Flynt is to have Twenty Eight pound, Mr Remington fourty two pound, and Mr Whiting Thirty two pound: And Six248 pound more to the s̄d Mr Whiting out of the said Treasury.
2. That Mr Edw̄d Holyoke be Library-keeper this year, and that Six pound be allow’d him for the s̄d Service.
3. That the Schollars of the House for this Year be Mr Hale, Mr Stevens, Williams, Blake & Berry, & that four pound be allowed to each of them according to their Residence at the College, and under the Regulacōns prescribed.
4. That Mr Curwen have the benefit of the Rent of Mr Webb’s gift this Year, if his Expences amount to so much.
5. That there be paid out of Mr Eliakim Hutchinson’s Donation to Mr Walter’s two son, & Mr William’s of Dearfield’s son, six pound, that is, fourty shillings to Each of them.
6. That Walter junr have the benefit of the Income of mr Hulton’s Legacy of One hundred pound.
7. That there be five pound allow’d unto Rogers out of Captn Keyn’s Legacy, four pound to Appleton out of Mr Ezekiel Roger’s Legacy, and five pound to Andrews, fourty shillings to Clarke, Three pound to Crocker, and fourty shillings to chipman out of Mr Brown’s Legacy.
8. That the Allowance which was made to the Steward last April to the End of that Quarter, be continu’d to him from the expiratōn of s̄d Quarter till the middle of the second Quarter, and to the End of it, in case it shalbe judged reasonable by the Presidt & Fellows that are in Cambridge.
9. That the Matter of the ferry be left to the Presidt and Treasurer, and that Atwood be the Third ꝑson, unless the Charlestown men have sufficient reasons against him.
At a meeting of the Presidt & Fellows of Harvard College In Cambridge, Novr 27o 1710.
Upon reading Sr Wm Ashhurst’s Letter to the Presidt, wherein he Adviseth in these Words, Vizt Upon Looking back into the Orders of or Court We find That in Iuly 1697 We gave Orders to our Com̄issionrs to pay to the Presidt & Fellows of250 yor College fourty five pounds p Annū wth the Currt Excha, and did expect it had bin don but by ꝑusall of Their Accts do find they have not followed our Orders, thô they have faithfully applyed the Money to the same Uses; However this being Jrregular, and neither according to our Instrucōns or the Donors Intention251 as to the Administracōn of this Charity, I have now by the Direction of the Corporacōn writt positively to or Com̄issioners That for the Future they pay you Annualy fourty five pounds with Currt Excha, And as to the past Omission wee have directed them to accom̄odate the Matter to the College’s Satisfacōn: It is Voted, That Mr Treasurer Brattle and Mr Pemberton Accompany the Presidt to treat with the Com̄issionrs upon an Accom̄odacōn of the Matter afores̄d
See pp. 33, 34.252
At a meeting of the Presidt and Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge Decr 19o 1710.
1. The Presidt, Mr Treasurer Brattle and Mr Pemberton pursuant to the Vote of the 27th of Novr Last past did on the 28th of the same Novembr254 meet the Com̄issionrs for the Indian Affairs at the Council-Chamber in Boston to treat with the s̄d Com̄issionrs. upon an Accom̄odation of the matter of Mr Boyl’s Gift. As they now report to the Corporacōn; and they further report as followeth, Vizt That after the demand made by the Com̄ittee on behalf of the College upon255 the s̄d Com̄issionrs for the arrear of £45 ꝑ Annum with Currt Excha, which had bin neglectd to be paid unto the s̄d Presidt and ffellows for about Twelve year past; The Com̄issionrs acknowledging the Neglect and Omission, pleading that it was for Want of Advice to them; and adding that thô by the Govrs Letter it’s the Company’s positive Order to them, that wth respect to the s̄d Arrears, they accomodate yt Matter wth ye Presidt & ffellows of ye College, [39] yet256 ’tis hope’d that The s̄d Presidt and Fellows of the College will not be stiff in that particular, because, among other reasons, ’tis impossible for th[e] Company to advance so much as the Arrears com to with out257 diminishing other necessary allowances.
Upon a full debate in a Long Conference between the s̄d Com̄issrs and the Com̄ittee for the College, the s̄d Com̄ittee condescended to the desires of the s̄d Com̄issioners, and to accept of ninety pounds with Currt Excha for six years thenc next coming; and from the expiracōn of the six years forward forty five pounds wth Currt Excha to be paid; and accordingly, It was mutualy agreed by The Com̄ittee in behalf of the Presidt and ffellows of Harvard College, and the s̄d Com̄issionrs That for six years next coming ninety pounds with Currt Exchange shall be paid to the President and Fellows of Harvard College; and from thence forward fforty five pounds with Currt Excha be paid: The first paymt to be made at or before the thirteenth of Iuly One thousand Seven hundred & Eleven.
The Com̄ittee reported to the Corporation as above, at their meeting this day; and the said report was accepted and allow’d of.
See p. 42.258
2. And the President and Fellows proceeded to the Consideracō[n] of the manner in wch the Donation of the Honble Mr Boyle sh̄d be disposed of, and upon a long debate a rough of sundry Articles ws259 drawn up, and refer’d to260 further Consideracōn.
3. Voted, that the Allowc made to the Steward by the Vote of the 10th of Apr̄. Last past, and Continued by the Vote of Sept. 18th be continued to him to the End of the Third Quarter.
At a meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College at the Presidts House Iulij 4th 1711. being the Com̄encmt day.
In the Morning before the fore-noon Exercise.
Wainwright’s case.262
The Presidt advised the Corporation that Iohn Wainwright one that was in Course to have proceedd Bachellour of Arts this day263 stood264 Convict of being, in the Company with two others, in a Riot late in the night, to the great disturbance of the Neighbourhood, and Scandall of the College; And Open’d265 before the s̄d Corporacō[n] the circumstances of the Conviction: And after a debate upon the Petition prefer’d by the delinquent and read the Question266 was put Whither the s̄d Iohn Wainwright, wth any safty to the Honr of the College, Might be admitted to his degree To which the Corporation answer’d and Voted in the negative.
The Same.
At noon. Eod. Die. His Excellency the Govr desired that the Corporacōn w̄d meet, accordingly the Corporacōn met in the College Library, and one of ye ffellows of the Corporacōn waited on his Excȳ the Govr to tell him the Corporacōn were together in the Library, who was pleased with his Excȳ Generall Hill and the Honble Admirall Walker to meet the Corporacōn in the same place. And His Excȳ was pleased to declare his Approbation of the proceeding of the Corporacōn with the Delinquent as above, and to Observe the necessity of such resentmts for the safty and honr of the Society, & hoped that what had bin done was a good security for both: and added that the Generall and Admirall did Accompany him to Interceed for the Yong Gentleman, that had unhappyly broken i[n] upon the Good Orders of the House, and Moved that he might be [40] restored to the favour of the Corporacōn, and Admitted to his Degree with his Companions: Adding that he being recom̄ended to the Generall for an Officer in her Majesty’s Service in the Expedition to Canada, his Excȳ the Generall was very desirous he might go off with ye favour and honr of the College.
Wainwright’s case.267
The Corporacōn thank’d return’d their Humble thanks to his Excȳ the Govr for all his favours to the College, and his present good Countenance upon their proceedings, assured their Excȳs and his Honr that tenderness to the Sons of the House was always the most agreeable, when it was a safe Admincōn, and that it was necessity and not inclinacōn that at any time, and at this, obliged to what has the face of Severity, and that they shd im̄ediately see the sincerity of the Corporacōn in this their ꝑfession: Hereupon the Question was put, Whither John Wainwright sħd be admitted to his degree wth his Companions? To which the Corporation seriatìm declared that the s̄d Iohn Wainwright sħd be admitted to his Degree with his Companions.
At a Meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College in the Library on Monday the 20th of Augst 1711.
1. That Mr Holyoke be Library-keeper this Year, and that six pound be allow’d him for the s̄d Service.
Scholars of ye House.269
2. That the Scholars of the House for this Year be Mr Hale, Mr Stevens, Sr Bernard, Sr Prescott & Berry, and that four pound be allow’d each of them according to their residence at the College.
3. That there be paid out of Mr Eliakim Hutchinson’s Donacōn at the End of this Year to Walter fourty shillings & to Williams fourty shillings.
4. That Walter have the benefit of the Income of Mr Hulton’s Legacy of One hundred pound.
5. That there be five pound allow’d to Mr Robie out of Capt Keyn’s Legacy, four pound to Appleton out of Mr Ezekiel Rogers’s Legacy, and Ten pound to Marston being the Income of Mr B. Brown’s Legacy, and five pound to Andrew being the Income of William Brown Esqr his Legacy.
Price of parts.271
6. That the Allowance made to the Steward formerly of three pence for Each part be Confirmed from the End of March Quarter, and Continued to him to the End of this present Quarter: and at the End of the s̄d Quarter it be Left wth Mr President and the Fellows residing at Cambridge to allow to the Steward what they shall think reasonable to advance on the Parts over and above the Establishmt (wch is Two pence farthing) for the ensuing Quarters, untill the Corporation shal direct otherwise.
Bolting Mill.272
7. That what Charge the Steward has bin at in purchasing a Bolting-Mill for the Use of the College be273 allow’d him, so far as five pound will go, if it cost him so much.
8. That Clark and Crocker be allow’d fourty shillings ape and Pierrepont Three pound out of the rents of Mr Webbs Gift.
Mr Whiting, Fellow.274
9. That Mr Iohn Whiting be a ffellow of ye Corporation in the room of Mr Remington, who has signify’d to us his Resignation of his Fellowship.
President takes a class.275
10. That Mr Presidt be desired to Take under his Tuition the Class that is this Year admitted, untill other provision shalbe made for them. This was moved to the Presidt, which he Comply’d wth.
11. That fourty pounds be paid to Mr Flynt, & fifty pounds to Mr Whiting out of the College Treasury or after that proportion untill a third ffellow of the House be chosen, besides their respective Pupill’s Tuition-money.
Mr Hopkins’s Gift, to be further sought for.276
12. That the Treasurer be Impowered to recieve Mr Newman’s Acct of his Charges in the managmt of the Cause depending in Chauncery upon Mr Hopkins’s Legacy, and to Order him Supplys of Money, if need be, for the Carrying on to Effect that affair. And that he direct Our Agent to insist upon, and Obtaine, if it may be, that the Trust of the s̄d Legacy be Invested in the Presidt and Fellows of Harvard College: but not to oppose the Gram̄ar Schools having pt of the s̄d Legacy.
Cambridge Sept 24o 1711.
Price of Parts.277
The Presidt Mr Brattle, Mr Flynt and Mr Whiting met at the Presidts House, and upon Consideration of the Continuance of the dearness of Provision, agreed to continue the allowc made to the Stew̄d of the College according to the Vote of the 20th of Augst Last past, untill they sħd take that matter into further Consideration.
October 24. 1711.
Waldron’s case278
Waldron returning to College was publickly Admonish’d and made a Publick Confession in the College-Hall upon his Exorbitance com̄itted before the Com̄encment.
At a Meeting of the Presidt and Fellows of Harvard College at the House of the Revd Mr Bradstreet in Charlestowne Decembr 24o 1711.
Mr Ioseph Stevens was unanimously chosen a Fellow of the College, and—Decembr 26o 1711. The Presidt acquainted his Excȳ yt Mr Stevens was chosen as afores̄d and pray’d a Meeting of the Overseers in Order to their Approbation of the s̄d Election.
At a Meeting of the Overseers of Harvard College, In the Council Chamber at Boston upon Thursday the 17th of January 1711.
- His Exc̄y Ioseph Dudley Esqr
- Governr &c
Mr Stevens approv’s a Fellow.281
His Excellency acquainting the Overseers That Mr Presidt Leverett by his Letter of the 26th of Decr past, had represented to him, That at a Meeting held by the President & Fellows on the 24th of the same appointed for the supply of a Vacancy in one of the Fellowships of the House, Mr Ioseph Stevens was Elected to fill up that Vacancy; and accordingly presented and Recom̄ended him to his Exc̄y for his and the Overseers Approbation pro More Majorum.
Voted That the s̄d Mr Stevens be accordingly approved and Admitted a Fellow of that House.
ꝑ Order of his Exc̄y—Henry Flynt Cler̄ pro hâc Vice
In the College Hall, Febr 14th 1711–12.
Mr Stevens Jn stall’d.282
This day after Morning-Prayers Mr Ioseph Stevens Elected by the Presidt and Fellows of Harvard College to be a283 ffellow of the s̄d College, and being approved of by the Overseers was Install’d secundum formam præscriptam.
At a Meeting of the Presidt & Fellows of Harvard-College, Jn the Library, April. 28o 1712.
1. The Disposition of Mr Boyle’s Charity was taken into Consideracōn, and the following Articles formerly drawn up and read, were now Resolved,
1. That the Honble Mr Boyle’s Donacōn to this College be apply’d for the next Insuing six Years for the Educacōn of four students to be imploy’d in ꝑpagating the Gospel among the Natives within the Province of the Massachusets Bay, or the Neighbouring Provinces.
2. That this Donacōn being £90 wth the Currt Excħa for the said Six years shalbe distributed to the four studts in such ꝑportion as the Corporacōn shall think proper.
3. That such studts as shal have the Advantage of this Donacōn shall submit to such Methods of Educacōn, as the Corporacōn shall judge most proper to Qualify them for serving the Interest of Religion among the Natives.
4. That skill in the Indian Language be regarded as one Important point of their Educacōn, whilst this Corporacōn shall judge the Circumstances of the Natives require it: And agreeably the s̄d studts do express their Inclinacōn & Resolucōn to apply themselves to the attainmt of skill in the Indian-Language at such seasons & in such manner as this Corporacōn shall determine.
5. The studts afores̄d upon their Admission to the Benefit of this Charity shall manifest their purpose and sincere intention, That, when they are judged Competent by the Corporation for the Service, they will wholy devote themselves to ye Work of the Gospel among the Natives in such places wthin this Province or the neighbouring Colonies, as they shalbe directed to.
6. That when any287 of the studts shalbe Minors, their Parents or Guardians shall ꝑmise they will do what in them Lyes to influence them to answer these their Engagmts
7. That these studts manifest their promise and submission to all this, and if Minrs, their Parents or Guardians wth them, under their hands by subscribing such an Engagmt as this Corporacōn shal prescribe.
8. That their ꝑmise and Obligacōn wholy to attend the work of the Ministry among the Indians be understood with this Proviso, Vizt That the Com̄issionrs of the Indian Corporacōn do afford them Such Support & Encouragmt, as shalbe Iudg’d suitable to the Difficulty & Importance of the Service they are to Engage in.
2. Voted, That Galpin have the benefit of one Quarter-part of Mr Boyle’s Charity, that is to say, of £90 sterling, wth the Currt Excħa for one year com̄encing from the 25th of March last, upon his Submission to the Regulacōns in the Resolves above specify’d.
3.288 Voted, That Mr Stevens be a ffellow of the Corporacōn.
4. That Mr Edward Holyoke be a ffellow of the House.
5. That Mr Stevens be allow’d £30 for his ffellowship from the time he was Chosen to the End of this Year.
6. That Mr Holyoke be allow’d £14. for his ffellowship from the time of his Election to the End of this Year.
7. That the Library-Keeper be directed to take care of getting a Roll or Table of the Benefactrs fit for publick View by the nex[t] Com̄encmt
Aaron Bordman steward, no more claims to make.289
8. That Sr Bayley’s Debt of £1. 13. 4d to the Estate of Mr Aaron Bordman Late Steward of Harvard College be discharged out of the College Treasury; The Ex̄c̄rs of the s̄d Steward not troubling the College about paying the rest of the Debts mencōn’d in a List now given in by the Ex̄c̄rs
A play-place for ye Scholars.290
9. Voted, That the Orchard purchased of Michael Spencer & lately fenced, be assign’d for a place of recreation & exercise for the Scholars.
About a distinguishing Habit.291
Upon the Information of one of the Members of the Corporation that a Gentlman had made an Offer to array the Studts of the College in Gowns, if it might pass into an Act of the Governmt of the House that the Habit in the proper distinctions shd be maintain’d ever afterwards: The Corporation is of Opinion, that it w̄d not be proper to act any thing upon it, wthout the Advice of his Exc̄ y & the Overseers of the College; and desired the Presidt to discourse the Govr upon it.
Jn the College-Hall, June 17o 1712.
Hussey’s case.292
George Hussey being Convict of Dressing himself in Women’s apparell293 and walking in the Street in that Scandalous dress, was publickly admonish’d, and made A publick Confession, and degraded.
Com̄encmt Day at the Presidts House 1712.
The Presidt called together the Corporation, and Com̄unicated a Letter he had rec̄d from his Exc̄y, in which he was pleased to signify that he had bin moved by several Gentlemen, Minister[s]294 and others, Sons of the House, That the Rev̄d Mr Thomas Bridg[e] might be admitted Master of Arts, The Corporation Agreed and Voted That the s̄d Mr Bridge be admitted Master of Arts.
2. The Presidt moved in behalf of Addington Davenport Esqr That he might be also admitted a Master of Arts, and it was Voted, That Addington Davenport Esqr A Son of the House, who had pass’d his Year in Course, be admitted Master of Arts.
The same day the Presidt presentd the determination of th[e] Corporation to the Overseers, who approved thereof, and the Rev̄d Mr Thomas Bridge and Addington Davenport Esqr were publick declared Masters of Art. [44]