The number of the College Book is given in the headline of every left-hand page.
The heavy face figures within square brackets indicate the paging of the original. For details, see the Introduction to this volume.
All entries, even when erased or crossed out in the original, are printed in the text, provided they are decipherable.
Words crossed out are, if decipherable, printed in lined type; if not decipherable, the fact is stated in a footnote. Where an entire entry has been crossed out, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Where a word has been crossed out and another word written above it, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Where a word has been erased or altered, the fact is stated in a footnote.
If a word or words are interlined, the fact is stated in a footnote.
Words or letters supplied on account of torn page, illegibility, etc., are printed in italics within square brackets. A blank space within square brackets indicates that words or letters are either illegible or torn away.
In entries written in Latin, abbreviations are expanded in italics, and letters omitted without marks of abbreviation are placed within square brackets.
All entries in the original are in ink, unless otherwise specified in footnotes.
A Glossary of terms requiring explanation is printed at the end of the volume, preceding the Index.
The Colledge1 Booke2 No 33
At a Genƚƚ Court held at Boston Septemb. 8th 16364
The Court voted for the erecting a publick Schooll or Colledge in Cambridge, ffour hundred pounds, to be payd out of the Country Treasurye.
The Reverend mr John Harvard sometimes Minister of Gods Word at Charlstown5 by his last Will & Testament gave towards the erecting the abovsd School or Colledge, th’ one Moiety or halfe parte of his estate; the sd Moiety amounting to the sum̄ of seven hundred seventy nine pound seventeene shillings and two pence.
mr Thomas Adams and mr Christopher Coulson gave a Sum̄ of money remaining as they informed in mr Theophilus Eatons hands, towards the erecting of the abovesd Colledge, the Sum̄ was indefinite, their letter bearing date the 26th of march: ffourty. the which mony was received by mr Nathaniel Eaton before their9 letter was received.
vid p: 51. 39. 40. 65. 71.10
The Lady Moulson gave towards the abovesd College One hundred pound & mr Bridges ffifty pound, which was payd in to the country Treasurer, with other small Gifts, amounting to twelve pound Sixteen & a groate, wch do The whole amounting to One hundred sixty two pounds Sixteen & a groate, for which the country doth remaine Debtor to this day: & for the same they have annually allowed to the Colledge ffifteen pounds, Commencing from the yeare Sixteene hundred ffourty & eight.
Mr Nathaniel Eaton was chosen Professor of the sd Schooƚe in the yeare One thousand six hundred thirty seaven,11 to whose care the management of the Donations before mentioned were betrusted for the erecting of such Edifices as were meet12 and necessary for a Colledge, & for his own Lodgings: An account of his management whereof is as followeth
Mr Nathaniel Eatons Account under his own hand
Inprs. The frame in the Colledge yard & digging the cellar, carriage & setting it up |
120.00.00 |
Itm. ffencing the yard with pale 6 foot and ½ high |
030.00.00 |
It. To the Mason Thomas King for Chimneys |
006.00.00 |
It. To the Smith payd for Jron Casements |
002.00.00 |
It. Part of the fframe for an outhouse |
005.00.00 |
It. ffelling, Squaring, Leading timber to be added |
004.00.00 |
It. Leading Stone & clay for underpinning |
001.10.00 |
It. ffor thirty Apple-Trees & setting them |
006.00.00 |
It. ffor Bricks provided & layd in place |
003.10.00 |
It. Payd by me to the Carpenter for additions to be made to the frame already raised, beside the 20ƚƚ received by virtue of a note from yor Selfe to mr Allen |
108.00.00 |
It. In part of payment for lime to be burnt for the Colledge |
001.00.00 |
It. ffor unloading the Timber prepard for ye Addition: |
003.10.0013 |
It for 250 Cedar boards wth the Carriage of them: |
010.10.0014 |
Sum̄ Totall |
301.00.00 |
Received of mr Allen |
200.00.00 |
Remains due |
101.00.00 |
Mr Nathanael Eaton appearing in the Court held at Boston, in September, Sixteen hundred thirty nine, & being there convicted of sundry abuses & inhumane severityes by him acted towards the schollars under his charge, was openly sentenced & removed from his abovsd Trust.
The care of carrying on the building begun by mr Eaton, was then committed to the mannagement of mr Samuel Shepard and the College Stock putt into his hand.
At a meeting of the Magistrates and Elders at Boston.
27. of August. 1640.
The Reverend mr Henery Dunstar was by them invited to accept the place of President of the Colledge, which he accordingly accepted, to whom was committed the care & trust for finishing of the Colledge buildings and his own lodgings & the Custody of the Colledge Stock, & such Donations as might further be added to the Jncrease thereof. An Account whereof he presented to the Overseers of the Colledge & is on file with the Colledge Records.
At a Genƚƚ Court held at Boston in the yeare 1642.
Whereas through the good hand of God upon us, there is a Colledge founded in Cambridge in the County of Middlesex, called Harvard Colledge [4] for the encouragement whereof, this Court hath given the Sum̄ of ffour hundred pounds, and alsoe the Revenue of the fferry betwixt Charlstowne & Boston; and that the well ordering & managing of the sd Colledge is of great concernement—
Jt is therfore ordered by this Court & the Authority thereof, That the Governor & Deputy Govr for the time being and all the Magistrates of this Jurisdiction, together with the teaching Elders of the Six next adjoyning Towns. vizt. Cambridge, Watertowne, Charlstowne Boston, Roxbury and Dorchester and the President of the sd College for the time being, shall from time to time have full powr & authority to make & establish all such orders, Statutes & constitutions as they shall see necessary for the Jnstituting Guiding & furthering of the sd Colledge & members thereof, from time to time in piety morality & learning as also to dispose order & manage to the use & behoof of the said Colledge & ye members thereof15 all Gifts, Legacies bequeathes, Revenues, Lands & Donations as either have been, are or shall be conferred, bestowed or any ways shall fall or come to the sd Colledge. And whereas it may come to pass, that many of the sd Magistrates & sd Elders may be absent or otherwise imployed about other weighty affaires, when the sd Colledge may need their prsent help & counsell, Jt is therfore ordered that the greater Number of Magistrates & Elders, which shall be prsent with the President, shall have the power of the whole. Provided that if any Constitution, Order or Orders by them made shall be found hurtfull to the sd Colledge or the Members thereof, or to the weall-publick, then upon Appeal of the party or partyes greived, unto the Company of Overseers first mentioned, they shall repeal the sd order or orders (if they shall see cause) at their next meeting or stand accountable thereof to the next Genƚƚ Court.
ffor the furnishing of the Colledge with a Library that might be of publick use to the Students therein, the Hond Magistrates & Revd Elders gave towards the same out of their own libraryes to the vallue of Two hundred pound.
Mr Henry Pooll gave towards the Colledge ten pound
Mr Theophilus Eaton gave towards the building the edifices of the Colledge ffourty pound.
Mr Richard Russell gave towards the finishing of the Colledge Edifices nine pound.
Mr Edward Jackson gave toward the finishing of the edifices Ten pound.
Mr Wory16 gave four pound.
Mr Parish Mercht gave three pound.
Mr Joss: Glover gave to the Colledge a ffont of printing Letters to the Colledge.
Some Gentlemen of Amsterdam gave towards the furnishing of a Printing-Press with Letters gave fourty nine pound & somthing more.
Mr William Hibbons, Mr Thomas Weles, & Mr Hugh Peters, procured from diverse Gentellmen & merchants in England towards the furnishing of the Library with book to the vallue of an hundred & fifty pound.
Mr Hobart Schoolmaster at |
gave Two & Twenty pound |
The Revd Mr |
Greenhill minister of Gods word at |
Stepney gave seven pound.
Mr George Glover gave two pound.
Mr Bridges, Mr Greenhill & Mr Glover gave to sd Colledge as many Utensills as amounted17 to Twenty pounds.
A Gentleman (not willing his name should be putt upon Record) gave ffifty pound.
Mr Willis Mercht at Boston gave seven pound.
Capt Weles of Roxbury gave gave ten pound
Mr Israel Stoughton of Dorchester gave ffive pound
Mr Richard Parker of Boston Woollen-Draper gave ffour pound.
Mr John Pratt of Hartford gave ffour pound
His Majesties Colony of the Massachusets Bay, with His Maties Colonies of Plimouth, Hartford & New haven in the Space of Eight years gave for the benefitt of ye Schollars Two hundred & ffifty pound & more: vide, the particular account of the Sum̄s brought to ye Coll: from each Colony. page 10.18
At a meeting of the Govrnors of Harvard Colledge held in the Colledge Hall the 27. Decembr 1643 Herbert Pelham Esqr was Elected Treasurer of the sd Society. Also it was then ordered that two Batchelors should be appoynted to help the President to read to the Junr Pupills & be allowed to each of them for their pains ffour pound per annum out of the Colledge Treasury. Sr Bulkeley & Sr Downing were nominated & appoynted for that service to continue for One year.
A Common Seale for the Colledge was then also appoynted in forme following
December 10. 1646
The Reverend Mr Nathaniel Ward gave to the College.21 A ffarme of Six hundred Acrs lying upon Merimacke River neer Andevor-Town. The Grant whereof stands Recorded the 22d22 of ye 2mo. 1647 by William Aspinall then Recordr. and he was allowed twenty pounds due for his Sonnes expences in Coll:
Mr Jsrael Stoughton of Dorchester gave by his last Will to the Colledge a Legacy in Lands, the words of the will are as followeth,
Hereby J do further give as followeth; Vnto Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, J do give Two hundred acrs of land out of my purchased lands on the northeast side of Naponset, about mothr Brooks, that is on the utmost bounds of my farme next to Dorchester Town all my grants & purchases on that side being layd together to my ffarmes as the Town hath allway promised mee. So Some meadow & some upland about mother Brooks. may in time be somthing worth towards the Advancing of Learning; And One hundred acrs more J give to the same use out of my dues on the blue Hill side, provided the Town will allow it to ly in due opposition to the farme Two hundred, that the River only may part them; that is Three hundred acrs to the use aforesd to remaine to the Colledge use for evr. The Court to choose one man & my executors another & they two a third to lay this out so as it may be most equall for the good of the College & with least prejudice to my other land.
Major Robert Sedgwick of Charlstowne gave to the Colledge a Shop in Boston standing by William Phillips house rented to William Taylor at ten Shilling a yeer
Seal of Harvard College
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Presentatio Bacalaureorum
Honorandi viri, vosque Reverendi Presbyteri!
Presento vobis23 hosce juvenes, quos scio tam̄ doctrinâ, quam̄ moribus idoneos esse, ad primum in Artibus gradum suscipiendum pro more Academiarum in Angliâ.
Admissio Bacalaureorum.
Admitto te ad primum gradum in Artibus. sc. ad respondendum Questioni pro more Academiarum in Angliâ.
Tibique trado hunc librum unà cum potestate publicè prælegendi (in aliquâ Artium. quam profiteris) quotiescunque ad hoc munus evocatus fueris.
Presentatio Magistrorum.
Honorandi Viri, Vosque Reverendi Presbyteri!
Presento Vobis hosce viros quos scio tam doctrinâ quam̄ moribus esse idoneos ad incipiendum in Artibus pro more Academiarum in Angliâ.
Admissio Inceptorum.
Admitto te ad secundum gradum in Artibus pro more Academiarum in Angliâ.
Tibique trado hunc librum unà cum potestate profitendi ubicunque ad hoc24 munus publicè evocatus fueris.
Formula admittendi Socios.
Primò. Præbebis omnimodam debitam Reverentiam Honorandis Magistratibus ac Reverendis Presbyteris et Præsidi; Collegii Inspectoribus.
2. Religiosè in te suscipies curam dum̄ hic commoraberis observandi singulas salutares leges, statuta & Privilegia hujus societatis, quantum in te situm est; atque etiam ut observentur ab omnibus hujus Collegii membris in singulo uniuscujusque munere.
3. Omnes & singulos Studentes qui Tutelæ tuæ committuntur, aut in posterum committendi sunt, ut promoveas in omni tam̄ divinâ, quam̄ humanâ litteratura, pro suo cujusque captu, atque ut moribus honestè ac inculpatè se gerant,25 summoperè curabis.
4. Sedulo prospicies nè quid detrimenti Collegium capiat, quantum in te situm est, sive in ejus sumptibus, sivè in ædificio & structurâ, ffundis, proventibus, cæterisque omnibus, quæ nunc ad Collegium pertinent, aut dum̄ hic egeris pertinere possint.
Quod etiam ad nos (Collegii Inspectores) spectat pollicemur nos tibi non defuturos esse, quibuscunque tuâ intererit: Imò verò te confirmabimus authorite26 ac potestate nostrâ in omnibus tuis legitimis administrationibus, contrà quoscunque contumaces. Et pro Collegii facultatibus erogabimus tibi Idonea Stipendia (i. e. pro modulo nostro) quæ sufficiant ad victum & amictum & litteraturam tuam promovendam.
Formula admittendi Scholares Ædiles.
1. Præbebis omnimodam debitam Reverentiam honorandis magistratibus ac Reverendis Presbyteris et Presidi Collegii unà cum Socius singulis.
2. Debitam dilligentiam Studiis incumbendo adhibebis, Studiis (inquam) Linguarum & Artium liberalium, obsequendo Tutori tuo et Salutaribus ejus præceptis, quamdiù in Statu pupillari versatus fueris in hoc Collegio.
3. Religiosè in te suscipies curam, dum̄ hic commoraberis observandi singulas salutares leges, statuta & privilegia, hujus societatis, quantum in te situm est: atque etiam ut observentur ab omnibus hujus Collegii membris in singulo uniuscujusque munere fidelitèr curabis.
4. Sedulò prospicies, nè quid detrimenti Collegium capiat, quantum in te situm est, sive in ejus sumptibus, sive in edificiis et structurâ, fundis, proventibus, fenestris, cæterisque omnibus quæ nunc ad Collegium pertinent, aut dum hic egeris pertinere possunt
Quod ad27 nos, Præsidem sc. & Socios, pertinet pollicemur nos tibi non defuturos, quibuscunque nostrâ intererit, imò verò in studiis tuis & pietate progressum, quantum in nobis fuerit, promovebimus.
A more particular Accompt of the contributions made by the severall colonies aforenamed28 in29 pag. 6.30 followeth.
Massachusetts |
li s d ob |
Boston Ei |
84.18. 7.2 |
Salem |
00.00. 0 |
Charlstown |
37.16. 2.0 |
Watertowne |
00.00. 0 |
Lyn | |
Ipswich | |
Dorchester | |
Concord | |
Dedham | |
Cambridge | |
Brantrey | |
Glocester | |
Mauldon | |
Rowley | |
Roxbury | |
Springfield | |
Newbury | |
Oburne | |
Sudbury | |
Weymouth |
00.00.00 |
Hingham |
00.00.00 |
Salisbury |
00.00.00 |
Hampton |
00.00.00 |
Andevor |
00.00.00 |
Haverill | |
Hartford |
Hartford |
30.17. 0.0 |
Mi Saybrook |
02.09. 0.0 |
Windsor |
05.15. 0.0 |
||| |
New haven | |
Millford | |
Stratford | |
||| |
Plimouth |
Plymouth Town |
04.13. | |
| |
The distribution made of the moneys given from the several colonyes now followeth
To mr Bulkeley & Mr Downing |
008.18.06 |
To mr Samuel Mather during his fellowship | |
mr Samuel Danforth, Readr & fellow 6 yeares |
056.13.08 |
mr Jonath. Mitchell. fellow 3 yeers |
026.00.00 |
mr Comfort Starr fellow pt of 2 yeers |
011.10.0034 |
mr Samuel Eaton fellow 2 yeer & ½ |
034.07.06 |
mr Vrian Oakes |
010.16.02 |
mr John Collins. fellow 1½ yeer |
018.00.00 |
Sr35 Wigglesworth. fellow ½ a yeer |
004.00.00 |
mr White |
006.00.00 |
mr Eliâ Corlett |
002.00.00 |
Sr Ames |
022.08.00.½ |
Jno Ames |
011.05.03.½ |
mr John Brock |
003.07.06.½ |
mr Stirk |
002.16.08 |
Sr Hollett Steward |
002.16.06 |
Sr Phillips Steward |
006.10.00 |
Sr Jnce |
009.13.04 |
Bowers |
009.12.00 |
Thompson |
018.11.06 |
James by order from N. Haven |
010.07.10.½ |
To 6 Students for writing for ye Churches |
002.04.06.½ |
mr Jenners Sons |
011.14.08.½ |
Summa |
298.05.02. |
Mr Hen: Dunste[r] Trer̄ de facto
The Severall donations made to the Colledge, dureing the time that mr Dunster36 was Presidt of said said Society, was by said mr Dunster received and distributed, according to the appoyntmt of ye Overseers. and on ball. of accts by him made at the resignation of his place, said mr Dunster was Cr. to ye Colledge. as appearith. pag. 18:37
ffor the further Jncouragement & promoting the weall & Government of the Student in the Colledge, The Genƚƚ Court held at Boston the 30th of May. 1650. made & granted under the Seal of the Colony this following Charter.
Whereas through the good hand of God, many well devoted persons have been and dayly are moved and stirred up to give and bestow sundry guiftes, Legacyes, Lands and Revenues for the Advancement of all good Litterature, Arts & Sciences in Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, in the County of Middlesex, and to the maintenance of the President & ffellowes and for all Accommodations of buildings & all other necessary provisions that may conduce to the Education of the English & Jndian Youth of this Country in Knowledge & godliness. Jt is therefore ordered and enacted by this Court and the Authority thereof That for the furthering of so good a work and for the purposes aforesd from henceforth, that The sd Colledge in Cambridge in Middlesex in New England shall be a Corporation consisting of seaven persons (to witt) a President, ffive ffellowes and a Treasurer or Burser; And that Henry Dunster shall be the first President; Samuel Mather, Samuel Danforth Masters of Art, Jonathan Mitchell, Comfort Starre and Samuel Eaton, Bachelors of Art shall be the five ffellows, and Thomas Danforth to be prsent Treasurer all of them being Jnhabitants in the Bay, and shall be the first seven persons of which the sd Corporation shall consist. And that38 the sd seven persons or the greater number of them procuring the Presence of the Overseers of the Colledge, and by their counsell and consent shall have powr and are hereby authorized at any time39 or times to Elect a new President ffellows or40 Treasurer, so oft and from time to time as any of the sd prson or prsons shall dye or be removed, which sd President and ffellows for the time being shall for ever hereafter in name & fact be one body [13] politique and corporate in Law to all intents and purposes, and shall have perpetuall succession, And shall be called by the name of Præsident & ffellows of Harvard Colledge. And shal41 from time to time be eligible as aforesd, And by that name they and theyr successors shall and may purchase and acquire to themselvs or take & receive upon free guift and donation any lands, Tenements, Hereditamts within this Jurisdiction of the Massachusetts not exceeding the Vallue of ffive hundred pound per Annum and any goodes & Summs of money whatsoevr to the use and behoofe of the sd President, ffellowes and Schollars of the sd Colledge and also may sue and plead or may be sued &42 impleaded by the name aforesd in all Courts & places of Judicature within the Jurisdiction aforesd, And that the sd President with any three of the ffellows shall have powr & are hereby authorized when they think fitt to make & appoynt a com̄on Seale for the use of the sd Corporation. And the President & ffellows or the major part of them from time to time may meet and choose such officers and servants for the Colledge & make such Allowance to them and them also to remove and after death or removall to choose such othrs and to make from time to time such orders & By Lawes for the better ordering and carrying on the work of the Colledge as they shall think fitt Provided the sd Orders be allowed by the Overseers. And also that the President & ffellows or a Major part of them with the Treasurer shall have powr to make conclusive bargaines for lands & Tenemts to be purchased by the sd Corporation for vallueable Consideration. And for the better ordering of the Governmt of the sd Colledge and Corporation, Bee it enacted by the Authority aforesd That the President and three more of the fellows shall & may from time to time upon due warning or [14] notice given by the President to the rest hold a meeting for the debating and concluding of affairs concrning the proffitt and revenues of any lands & disposing of their goods. Provided that all the sd disposing be according to the will of the Donors. And for direction in all emergent occasions, execution of all Orders & By laws for the better Ordering and carrying on the work of the and for the procuring of a generall meeting of all43 the Overseers of the Society in great & difficult Cases, and in cases of non-Agreement. Jn all which Cases aforesd, the Conclusion shall be made by the major parte, the said44 President having a casting voice The Overseers consenting thereunto. And that all the aforesd Transactions shall tend to & for the use & behoofe of the President, ffellows, Schollars & Officers of the sd Colledge and for all accommodations of buildings, books and all other necessary provisions and furnitures, as may be for the Advancemt and Education of Youth in all manner of good Litterature Arts & Sciences. And further be it ordered by this Court. And further be it ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof That all the lands Tenements or Hereditaments, houses or Revenues within this Jurisdiction to the aforesd President or Colledge appertayning, not exceeding the Vallue of ffive hundred pound per annum shall from henceforth be freed from all civill Jmpositions, Taxes and Rates, all goods to the sd corporation or to any Schollar thereof appertayning shall be exempted from all manner of Toll, customes & Excise wtsoever. And that the sd President, ffellows & Schollars together with the Servants & other necessary officers to the sd President or Colledge appertayning, not exceeding ten vizt. Three to the President and seven45 to the Colledge belonging shall be exempted from all prsonall, civill Offices, military Exercises or Services watching and warding and such of their Estates not exceeding one hundred pound a man shall be freed from all country Taxes or Rates whatsoever and none others. Jn Witness whereof the Court hath caused the Seale of the Colony to be hereunto affixed. Dated the One & thirtieth Day of the Third month called May. Anno One thousand six hundred & fifty.
Thomas Dudley Governor.
Compared wth the Original Charter
ꝑ H Flynt46
The fforme of Exemption for Colledge Servants
Whereas or much hond magistrates & Deputies47 in Genƚƚ Court assembled in the Third month of the yeare, One thousand Six hundred & fifty have for the furtherance of good Litterature, by Charter priviledged the officers & servts of Harvard Colledge to the number of ten from all prsonall offices civill & military Exercises and Services watchings and wardings & their Estates not exceeding an hundred pound a man from all country Rates & Taxes whatever.
Wee therfore. A. B. C. having chosen or well48 approved neighbor D. C. to serve us for the space of one whole year from the date hereof in his calling of B to attend the colledge work upon a week or ten days warning so often as thereunto he shall be called do by vertue of the priviledges given unto us exempt the aforesd D C from all the aforementioned Jncumbrances & Charges Jn witness whereof he hath given & we have accepted these prsents signed with or hands.
A |
DC |
B |
C |
Mr John Newgate of Boston by Deed under his hand & seale bearing date: 1650. gave an Annuity to the Colledge of five pound per annum for evr. ffor the payment whereof his ffarme at Rumbly Marsh stands bound.
Mr John Coggan of Boston Mercht gave to the Colledge Seventy Acrs of marsh land, scittuate lying & being at49 Rumney50 Marsh & confirmed the same by deed under his hand & seale. dat. 1652.
Cambridge gave to the Colledge, at Shawshin a ffarme of One hundred acrs: unto which mr Henry Dunster President added One hundred more, & is scituate lying & being the whole Two hundred acrs in one entire prcell, on the north Easterly side of Shawshin River adjoyning unto mr Daniels farme
The names of sundry Gentellmen that contributed towards the repair of the Colledge in the year51 1654. & 1655 &c.
009 00 00 |
Richard Dana in Cotton Cloath |
000 09 00 |
001 00 00 |
mr Edmund Angier |
001 00 00 |
mr Edwd. Jackson |
002 12 06 |
mr Nickolas Davison |
001 10 00 |
mr Edmund ffrost, Ruling Elder of the Church of Cambr |
000 10 00 |
A widdow in Roxbury |
001 00 00 |
Daniel Kempster |
000 05 00 |
Saml Richardson of Woburne |
002 10 00 |
mr Richard Russell of Charlstown |
005 00 00 |
mr Peter Oliver |
005 00 00 |
Richard Bellingham Esqr |
040 00 00 |
mr John Newgate |
010 00 0054 |
79–16–655 |
mr Jncrease Nowell |
002 10 00 |
Capt Robt Cane |
003 00 00 |
mr Theodore Atkinson |
005 00 00 |
mr Richard Saltonstall, Esqr – 104ƚƚ |
104 00 0056 |
Elder57 Colburne of Boston |
006 10 00 |
mr Hezekiâ Usher of Boston mercht |
008 00 00 |
mr Samƚ Cole |
000 16 00 |
mr James Oliver |
010 00 0058 |
mr Samƚ Danforth |
001 04 00 |
ffrom Charlstowne |
009 09 00 |
mr John Wilson Senr ffourty shill per annum for 10 yeer |
020 00 00 |
Vide acct hereof – page. 37. potius 4759 |
170. 9. |
79.16. 6 |
See donation Bk. p. 860 |
250. 5. 661 |
June. 10. 1654.
mr Henry Dunster President made a Resignation of his place in writing under his hand & delivered the same to the Overseers of the Colledge, wch being prsented unto the Genƚƚ Court then sitting, The Court made thereupon their Order as followeth.
In Answer to a writing presented to this Court by mr Henry Dunster, wherin amongst other things therin conteyned, he is pleased to make a resignation of his place as Præsident, This Court doth order that it shall be left to the care & discretion of the Overseers of the Colledge to make provision (in case he persist in his Resolution more then one month & informe the Overseers) for some meet prson to carry an end that work for the prsent & also to act in whatever necessity should call for untill the next Sessions of this Court, when wee shall be better enabled to settle what will be needfull in all repects [18] with reference to the Colledge: and that the Overseers will be pleased to make returne to this Court at that time of wt they shall do herein.
At a meeting of the Overseers. 24. 8. 1654
Mr Henry Dunster after sundry conferences that had passed between the Overseers & himself made his finall Resignation in these following words.
To the hond Magistrates & Revd Elders of Harvard Colledge.
J Henry Dunster Præsident of Harvard Colledge: ffor & upon diverse considerations & weighty Reasons me thereunto moving, do relinquish & resign up my Presidentship into the hands of yorselvs the hond Overseers of the sd Colledge. Heartily praying God graciously to provide for the sd Society a suitable supply for the publick weal thereof, & of the whole country
Henry Dunster
This Resignation of Mr Dunsters was voted & consented to by the Overseers the 24th of the 8th 1654.
Mr Dunsters Accompt prsented to the Colledge January. 15. 1654. wherin he makes the Himselfe62 Debtor. 110ƚƚ 19sh 2d ½. And gives Himselfe63 Creditt. –
By Order of the Overseers
Paid to Mis Elizabeth Dunster the Relict Widdow of the above-named Henry Dunster deceād in full of her64 Ballance of Accompts as65 above & for all other demands by Thomas Danforth Treasurer Twenty pounds.
Twenty66 see Danforths acc P. 4667
The Lawes, Libertyes and Orders of Harvard Colledge confirmed by the Overseers & President of the Colledge in the Yeares 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645 & 1646. and published to the Schollars for the perpetuall prservation of their Wellfare & Government.
Coll. Laws
Eadem. Lib. 1. p. 17–19.68
1: ffirst. When any Schollar is able to read Tully or such like classicall Latine Author ex tempore & make & speak true lattin in verse & prose, suo (ut aiunt) Marte, & decline perfectly the Paradigmes of Nouns & Verbs in the Greek Tongue, then may he be admitted into the Colledge, nor shall any claim Admission before such Qualifications.
2. Every One shall consider the maine End of his life & Studyes to know God & Jesus Christ which is eternall Life. John. 17. 3.
3. Seeing the Lord giveth Wisdome every one shall seriously by Prayer in secrett, seek wisdom of him. Prov. 2. 2. 3.
4. Every one shall so exercise himselfe in reading the Scriptures twice a day that they may be ready to give an Account of their proficiency therin both in Theoreticall Observations of Language & Logicke & in practicall & spirituall Truths, as their Tutor shall require according to their severall Abilityes respectively, seing the entrance of the word giveth light. Ps. 119. 130
5. In the publick Assembly they shall carefully shun all Gestures69 that shew any Contempt or neglect of Gods ordinances & be ready to give an Account to their Tutors of their profitting & to use the helps of storing themselves with knowledge as their Tutors shall direct them, & all Sophisters & Batchelors untill themselvs make commonplace shall publiqȝly repeat Sermons in the Hall whenevr they are called forth.
6. They Shall Eschew all profanation of Gods holy Name, Attributes, word, Ordinances & times of worship & study with Reverence & Love carefully to retaine God & his Truth in their minds.
Coll. Laws70
7. They shall honor as theyr Parents, magistrates Elders, Tutors, & aged prsons, by being silent in their prsence (except they be called to answer) not gainsaying, shewing all those laudable expressions of honor & Reverence in their prsence that are in use as bowing before them, standing uncovered or the like.
8. They shall be slow to speake & eschew not only Oathes, Lyes & uncertayn Rumors, but likewise all Jdle ffoolish, bitter Scoffing, frothy wanton words and offensive Gestures.
9. None shall pragmatically intrude or Jntermeddle in other mens Affaires.
10. During their Residence they shall studiously redeem their time, observe the generall houres appoynted for all the Schollars, & the speciall hour for their own lectures. & without any disturbance by word or gesture: And if of anything they doubt, they shall enquire as of their fellowes, so in case of Non-Resolution, of their Tutors.
11.71 None shall under any pretence whatsoevr frequent the Company & Society of such men as lead an ungirt & dissolute life. Neither shall any without License of the Overseers of the Colledge be of the Artillery or traineband. Nor shall any without ye Lecense72 of the Overseers of the Colledge, his Tutors leave, or in his absence, the call of Parent or Guardians go out to another Towne.
12. No Schollar shall buy sell or exchange any thing to the vallue of Six pence without the allowance of his parents, guardians or Tutors. And whosoevr is found to have sold or bought any such thing without acquainting their Tutor or parents shall forfeit the vallue of the commodity or the restoring of it, according to the discretion of the President.
13. The Schollars shall never use the mother Tongue except that in publick Exercises of Oratory, or such like they be called to make them in English.
14. If any Schollar being in health shall be absent from prayer or Lectures, except in case of urgent necessity or by leave of his Tutor, he shall be liable to admonition, (or such punishmt [21] as the President shall think meet) if he offend above once a week.
Coll. Laws73
15. Every Schollar shall be called by his sirname only, till he be invested with his first degree, except he be ffellow Commoner or a Knights Eldest Son, or of superior nobility.
16 No Schollar shall under any pretence of recreation or other cause (unless foreshewed & allowed by the President or his Tutor) be absent from his Studies or appoynted exercises above an hour at morning-Bever, halfe an hour at after noon-bever, an hour & an halfe at dinner, and so long at supper.
17. Jf any Schollar shall transgress any of the Laws of God, or the house out of perverseness or appairent negligence after twice admonition, he shall be liable if not adultus, to correction: if adultus, his name shall be given up to the Overseers of the Colledge that he may be publickely dealt with after the desert of his fault; but in grosser offences such graduall proceeding shall not be expected
18. Every Schollar that upon proof is found able to read the Originall of the old & new Testament in the Lattin Tongue, & to resolve them logically, withall being of honest life & conversation & at any publick act hath the Approbation of the Overseers & masters of the Colledge may be invested with his first degree. Vide præced. pag. 8.74
19. Every Schollar that giveth up in writing a Synopsis or Summa of Logick, Naturall & morall Philosophy, Arithmetick Geometry & Astronomy & is ready to defend his Theses or positions with all skilled in the Originalls as aforesd & still continues honest & studious, at any publick act after tryall he shall be capable of the second Degree of master of Arts. Vid. pag. 8.75
At a meeting of the Overseers of Harvard Colledge, in sd Colledge. May 6th. 1650
1.76 No Schollar whatever without the fore77 acquaintance & leave of the fellows shall be prsent of the President and his Tutor, or in the absence of eithr of them two of the senior fellows shall be prsent at or in any of the publick civill meetings or concourse of People as Courts of Justice, Elections, ffayres, nor at military Exercise in the time or hours of the Colledge exercise [22] publick or private, neither shall any Schollar exercise himselfe in any military band, unless of known Gravity & of approved, sober & virtuous conversation & that with the leave of the President & his Tutor.
Coll. Laws.78
2. No Schollar shall take Tobacco, unless prmitted by the President with the Consent of their Parents or Guardians; & on good Reason first given by a Physician & then in a sober & private manner.
3. To the Jntent that no Schollar may mispend his Time to the dishonor of God & the Society or the griefe & disappointment of79 his freinds, but that the yearly progress & sufficiency of Schollars may be manifest: Jt is therfore ordered. That henceforth there shall be three weeks of Visitation yeerly foresignified publiqȝly by the President of the Colledge between the 10th of June & the commencemt. wherin from 9 a clock to 11 in the forenoon & from one to 3 in the afternoon of the second & third day of the week all Schollars of two yeers standing & upwards shall sitt in the Hall to be examined by all com̄ers in the Lattin, Greek & Hebrew Tongues & in Rhetorick, Logicke & Physick & they that expect to proceed Batchelors that yeer to be examined of their sufficiency according to the Laws of the Colledge. & such as expect to proceed Masters of Art to exhibbit their synopsis of Arts required by the Laws of the Colledge: And in case any of the Sophisters Questionists or Jnceptors faill in the prmises required at their hands according to their standings respectively or be found insufficient for their time & standing in the Judgment of any three of the visitors being Overseers of the Colledge, they shall be deferred to the following yeer, but they yt are approved sufficient for their degrees shall proceed; & the Sophistrs publickly approved shall have their names sett up in the Hall.
Plan A
Salt Marsh lying in Dorchester
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
4 Whereas by experience wee have found it prjudiciall to the promoting of Learning & good manners in the Colledge to admitt such young Schollars who have been negligent in their Studyes & disobedient to their masters in the Schoolls & so by an evill custome or Habbitt become utterly unfitt to improve for their own proffitt according to their freinds Expectation the liberty of Students in the Colledge. Jt is therfore ordered, That no Schollar whatsoevr where these be published shall thenceforth be admitted [23] from any such Schooll, unless having the Testimony of the master of the sd School of his Obedience & submission to all Godly School Discipline & of his studiousness & Dilligence at least wise for one Quarter of a yeer last before his coming thence; in case of Discontinuance from school then it is expected, he shall bring the Testimony of his Sober & Studious Conversation undr the hand of a Magistrate or Elder or two or three competent or pious witnesses.
Coll. Laws.80
Anno 1654
Whereas the Colledge hath received much dammage by unseasonable & bad payments from severall prsons ffor the future prevention hereof it is ordered by the Overseers of the Colledge that henceforth all Students appertayning to the Colledge shall pay in all mannr of dues, for their commons, Tuition & Study Rents to the Colledge Steward & to no other of the Colledge Officers, to be delivered at Cambridge Town, unless the Steward shall accept of it elsewhere; And also that all their payments shall be made either in currant mony or wheat, malt, butter, & fatt beasts alive being all good & merchantable & fitt for the use of the Colledge, & whatsoever is othrwise the Steward may refuse it, & in case the Steward81 and Colledge Debtors cannot agree of the vallue of any pay, the price & just estimate thereof shall be determined by able men by them mutually chosen.
At a meeting of the Overseers. Anno. 1660
Jt was ordered
Coll. Laws82
1: That no student shall live or board in the family or private house of any Jnhabitant in Cambridge, without leave from the President and his Tutor, & if any upon such leave obteyned shall so live, yet they shall attend all Colledge Exercises, religious & Scholasticall & be under Colledge Order & Discipline as others ought to do & be that are resident in the Colledge, & shall pay allso five shillings a Quarter towards Colledge detriment, beside their Tutorage. And in case any Student shall be & live in the Town as aforesd out of Colledge Commons more then one month, whether together or at severall times with [24] without leave obteyned he shall thenceforth be looked at as no member of the Colledge.
2. Also whereas the penaltyes imposed on such Students as are in commons are not so suitable in some prticulars to awe & deter such as board in the Towne as abovesd. Jt is therfore hereby provided, that the President or President & Tutors may proceed with them within the Town in case of Delinquency by Admonition & private correction, untill by Reason of an incorrigible Spirit in the offender, The President & ffellows shall see cause to proceed to publicke correction or Expulsion any former or other Law & Custome notwithstanding
3 Also whereas divers students are discontinuers for the Jndemnity of the Colledge. Jts hereby provided that in case any shall be behind of payment of Detriments & halfe Tuition according to former Laws more then one month after their Quarter Bill is given in by the Steward83 to the Butlar, such non-payment shall be looked at as their utter withdrawing from the Colledge, & they shall loose all their Time & Jntrest as to their claiming of any degree or future priviledge in the Colledge othrwise yn by satisfaction of such Arrearages due & dammages sustained & the Approbation of the Corporation concurring & not with standing such withdrawing such students shall be lyable to pay all such their Arrearages & just debts due to the Colledge
Augst 24 1663.84
4. Whereas (through long experience) former Laws have not been effectuall for the prventing of unnecessary dammages to the Colledge, by the violence or carelesness of those for whose Accommodation great cost & charges have from time to time been expended. The Overseers do therfore order, that henceforth all due care be taken for the prventing thereof; And that where any dammage shall be found done to any Study or Chamber inhabited, The prson or prsons resident therin shall make good the same, & where any dammage is done to ye Edifice of the Colledge (excepting by the inevitable providence of God) to any vacant Chamber, or Study, the Colledge fences about the yard,85 pump, Bell or clock &c: the same shall be made good again by all the Students resident in the Colledge at the Time when such dammages shall be done or discovered to be done & shall be duly payd in their Quarter Bills to the Steward of the Colledge, who shall repay the same to the Treasurer or othr such officers of the Colledge as shall be appoynted to disburse the same.
Coll. Laws86
Provided always, if the prson or prsons that were the Actor or Actors, or blameable occasion of such dammages done be discovered & do appeare he or they shall make full satisfaction for the same: And shall be also lyable to such further punishments by fine or othrwise according to the Demerritt of his ffact. And where any Student do take any Study he shall pay the Rent thereof for one whole year, whethr he be Resident therin so long or not, & shall stand engaged to deliver the same in such good Repair as he received it at his entrance.
5 Whereas uncomfortable experience hath shewed that notwithstanding former Laws & provisions for Colledge Exercises (viz Common places, Disputes and Declamations) have been too much neglected or slightly prformed even by senior Schollars who should be exemplary to othrs. Jt is therfore ordered, yt the President shall have full powr to impose a fine in way of penalty upon any negligent prson according to his discretion, provided it exceed not five shillings for one Offence. And that if the Resident number of such as are to Common place be small, Com̄on places be but once a month, that so their may be competent time to do their work throughly without too much burden or hindrance to othr Studyes.
Anno. 1666
Jt is ordered by the Overseers, that such as are fellows of the Colledge, & have sallaryes payd them out of the Treasury, shall have their constant Residence in the Colledge, and shall Lodge therin & be prsent with the Schollars at meall times in the Hall, have their Studyes in the Colledge that so they may be better enabled to inspect the mannrs of the Schollars & prvent all unnecessary dammage to the Society.
These ffollowing orders were made by the Overseers. Anno. 1667. for the rectifying of ye Library & Rules for the Library Keeper.
1: No prson not resident in the Colledge, except an Overseer shall borrow a book out of the Library.
2 No Schollar in the Colledge, under a Senior Sophister shall borrow a book out of the Library.
3. No one under master of Art (unless it be a fellow) shall borrow a Book without the allowance of the Præsident
Coll. Laws87
4 Jf any prson whatsoever shall be found injurious to the Library by abusing or not carefully restoring any Book borrowed by him, upon complaint to the Præsident by ye Library Keepr he shall pay double dammage & be debarred from borrowing.
5. No prson besides the Library keeper shall be allowed to have a Key to the Library, except the President, the Pastor of the Church in Cambridge, & the Senior ffellow for himselfe & the rest of the ffellows & no other of the Schollars shall have liberty to study in the Library.
6. There shall be no lending or removing out of the Library the new Globes or books of extraordinary vallue (as Biblia Polyglotta, King of Spains Bible &c) but with very great caution & upon extraordinary occasion.
See, Coll. B. 4. P. 27.88
7. The Library keepr shall take care that by the helpe of ye Treasurer of the Colledge, the Library be kept in good repair, that no dammage come to any of the books by the weathr or want of convenient shelving &c. Also he shall keep the Library duly swept, & the books clean & orderly in their places.
8. The Library keepr shall write or cause to be fairly written in a book (to be payd for by the Treasurer) the names of all the Books belonging to the Library. ffirst in the order as they are placed & disposed according to the affixed catalogue. Secondly, Jn one continued Alphabet setting down the Authors name & what of his works are in the Library & where. Thirdly The names of the severall Donors of ye Books with the Books given by them
9. No Book shall be sold unless in the Library there be two or more of the same sort, & not that but by ye order of the Corporation & the same exactly recorded.
10. Jf any new book or Books be given, they shall be brought into the Library with the knowledge of President & fellows & an exact Accompt thereof taken & kept from time to time by the Library keepr.
11.89 The Library Records & other manuscripts & wt else shall be judged expedient shall be kept in a chest in ye Library undr Lock & Key to be kept by the Library keepr.
Augst 24. 1663.90
12 No book shall be taken out of the Library or returned without the knowledge & prsence of the Library keepr, the name of the Borrower & restorer with the book & time of borrowing & returning being orderly sett down in the Library keeprs book by the prson himselfe.
13. The ordinary time for borrowing & returning books shall be between ye Hours91 of eleven in the forenoon & one in the afternoone.
14 No book shall be lent ordinarily for above a months time & once in halfe a year all the Books shall be actually called in & sett in their places.
Coll. Lawes92
15. Once in two years the Library keepr shall be newly chosen & then give up his Accompt to the Præsident & ffellows.
16. Vpon the new choice or removall of the Library Keepr, the fellows shall look over the Library & see that all the books be actually in their places; if any be wanting the Library keepr shall make them good
At an Overseers meeting. Anno. 1667
1 Jt is ordered that no Student be admitted into the Colledge by the President or his Tutor untill he bring a certificate under the hand of the Steward that one quartrs allowance for his dues to the Colledge be fully satisfyed nor shall any be continued therin unless from time to time at evry Quartrs day they bring the like certificate from the Steward that he is satisfyed for the following Quarter with the Arrearages of any before the Quarter past. And in case eithr President,93 Tutor or any othr Officer shall prsume so to do they shall satisfye the dammages thereby sustained to the Colledge or Steward & the Steward may abate such person whethr President or Tutor of any dues to them appertayning so far as shall be in his hand to allow them & they shall also be lyable othrwise fully to satisfye all the sd dammages.
2.94 Jt is ordered likewise that the Steward shall not be injoyned to accept of above one Quarter part, flesh meat of any prson.
3 Whereas it is observed that there is a great Discouragement putt upon Parents by Reason of severall Abuses that are putt upon their children at yr first entrance by the Senr Students, sending them upon yr private Errands. &c: The Overseers do commend it to ye President & fellows yt for the future due care be taken to prvent the same & yt all Abuses in that kind be severely punished by imposing a penalty on such prson or prsons, as shall presume so to doe, or by corporall punishmt. as the Corporation shall see meet.
At a meeting of ye Overseers, 1681
1. The Overseers do order, that the President of the Colledge do from time to time com̄end it to the Parents & Guardians of those students that commence, that they provide not above one gallon of wine for a Student, judging it to be sufficient for that occasion.
Coll. Lawes.95
2 Also instead & place of a visitor or Proctor, the Overseers do impowr the senior ffellow in the Colledge there resident from time to time to execute the sd Trust & Office to whom is hereby given & delegated full powr to reforme all disorders among the Schollars & to visitt any Chamber or Room & to turn out from thence any prson or company that he shall apprhend & judge uncivill, vnsuitable & unsober & likewise to take away all wine & strong drink where he feares any excess & is also further impowred to execute the trust & Office according to Jnstructions given him from time to time by the Corporation.
At a Corporation meeting held June. 17. 1667
Jt was then ordered & appoynted, That the fforenoon on the Commencement day be allowed to96 the Batchelors for the prformance of their Exercises on that day: And that for the future it be looked upon as their due ordinarily, i. e. Except it do appear to the President & fellows that there be just Reason for their ordering it otherwise.
Formula Publicæ Confessionis
Ego S. W. Qui à cultu divino in Aulâ Collegii tam matutino quam vespertino toties per aliquot menses abfui (in qua absentia monitis & aliis in me Animadversionum Gradibus non obstantibus hactenùs perstiti) nunc culpam meam Agnosco et publicæ Agnitionis hoc Testimonio me reum profiteor, et majorem in his Exercitiis pietatis diligentiam in posterum (Deo volente & juvante) dum hic egero, polliceor.
Coll. Laws97
ffor as much as the wearing of Long hair after the man̄er of Ruffians and barbarous Jndians hath begun to invade New England contrary to the Rule of Gods word which sayth Jt is a shame for a man to wear long hair, as also the commendable custom generally of all the godly of our nation, untill within these few yeares.
Wee the magistrates who have subscribed this Paper (for the clearing of our own Jnnocency in this behalfe) do declare & manifest our dislike & detestation against the wearing of such long hair, as against a thing uncivill & unmanly whereby men do deforme themselvs & offend sober & modest men & do corrupt good manners. Wee do therfore earnestly intreat all the Elders of this Jurisdiction (as often as they shall see cause) to manifest their Zeale against it in their publick Administrations, and to take care that the members of their respective Churches be not defiled ther with, that so such as shall prove obstinate & will not reform themselvs may have God & man to bear witness against them. The 3d month. 10 day. 1649.
Jo: Endicott Govr
Tho: Dudley Dept Govr
Rich: Bellingham
Richard Saltonstall
Jncrease Nowell
William Hibbins
Thomas fflint
Rob: Briges
Simon Bradstreet.
Jn the yeare 1659.
Richard Saltonstall Esqr being then in England sent over for the use of the Colledge in mony, Two hundred & twenty pounds. & in goods98 as they cost in England One hundred pound.
Mr William Paine Mercht gave to the Colledge Twenty pounds, to be layd out for the purchase of lands: & with sd mony the lands whereon the Colledge99 now stands & the Presidents100 lodgings was bought, conteyning about One acre & a Rood. See Coll. B. 2. p. 38.101
Mr Robert Keyne of Boston mercht deceased,102 by his last will gave to the Colledge a Legacy of one hundred pound. Also the one moiety or halfe part of a house Scittuate in Boston neer to the old meeting house vallued at One hundred and forty103 seavē104 pound ten shillings [& is now in the possession of Seth105 Perry by lease from the Colledge Treasurer at Ten pound per annum].106
Mr Henry Webb of Boston, Mercht decēād by his last will, gave to the Colledge One dwelling house Scittuate in Boston, rented at Thirteen pounds per Annum, wherin Leivt Enoch Greinliffe doth now dwell. Also he gave a legacy of fifty pounds,108 to be laid out in Some pasture Land, or Small house that may yeild yearly Rent, either for the maintenc of Some poor Scholars or otherwise for the best good of the College [to be imꝑved by the Care and discretion of the Presidt & overseers of ye College & the Apꝑbation of the Overseers of this my Will]109
The Genƚƚ Court held at Boston 1657 gave to the Colledge Two thousand acrs of land which was accordingly layd out in the Pequid Country neer unto Southerton, as is more prticularly declared in the Returne made by the Surveyor to the Genƚƚ Court.
Captt Richard Sprague of Charlstowne by his last will & Testament gave to the Colledge Thirty Ewe110 Sheep with their Lambs vallued at Thirty pound.
Mr Edward/John111 Hopkins, sometimes Govrnor of Hartford Colony by his last will gave to the Colledge One hundred pound.
Bridget Wynes of Charlstowne gave a Legacy to the Colledge to the vallue of ffour pounds in mony.
Thomas Pierce senr of Charlstowne deceased, by his last will gave a Legacy to the Colledge of Twenty Shillings.
Mr Wilson of Boston Mercht gave to the Colledge a Pewter fflaggon vallued at ten shillings.
Mr Rowss of Charlstowne Sadler gave a Legacy to the Colledge to the vallue of two pound ten-shillings.
Sr112 Kenelme Digby gave to sd Colledges Library, as many books as were vallued at Sixty pound.
Sr Thomas Temple Knight. gave two Globes a Cælestiall & Terrestriall to sd Colledge.
Mr Edward Ting113 gave nine pound & ten shillings to the Colledge.
Mr Thomas Graves114 gave some Mathematicall Books towds the furnishing of the Library.
Mr John Willet gave to the Colledge the Bell now hanging in the Turrett.
Mr Ralfe ffreck gave to the sd Library Biblia Polyglotta.
Mr John ffrecks gave some Books to the vallue of ten pounds.
Mr John Winthrop gave towards ye furnishing sd Library many choice books to the vallue of twenty pounds.
Sr Richard Daniel Knight gave many books to the Library
Mr Latham Minister of Bury in the County of Lancaster gave to the Colledge ffive pounds.
Mr Stranguish of London gave the Colledge ten pound.
Mr Jno. Ward sometime of Jpswich. by his last will gave the remainder of his estate debts & legacyes bequeathed by him being payd, to the Colledge whereof receiued, from mr Payne his executor in horses vallued at Seaventy two pounds.
Mr John Payne of Boston, marcht gave to the Colledge ten pounds.
Mr Wm Colbran, of Boston, gave to the Colledge money five pounds.
The Jnhabitans of115 out of their poverty gave to Harvard Colledge One hundred & twenty four pound.
Mr Stranguish gave to the Colledge ten pound.
Mr John Buckley first master of Arts in Harvard Colledge & Matthew Day Steward of the Colledge gave a Garden conteyning about one Acre & one Rood of land scittuate &116 neer adjoyning to the Colledge & ordered the same to be for the use of the ffellows that should from time to time belong to & be resident at the said Society, the sd Garden being now commonly called & known by ye name of the ffellows Orchard.
Plan B
College Farm at Lunenburg
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
[Vid. mr Bulkleys grant under his hand pag. 37.]117
Coll. Lawes118
At a meeting of the Overseers at the Presidt house. March. 27. 1667.
The Orders following were confirmed untill the Overseers shall see cause to take them into further consideration.
Eadem. Lib. 1. P. 37–119
1. Henceforth the Steward,120 the Butlar & the Cook shall in distinct Books, keep an exact Account of their respective Offices & Trusts committed to them in way of Debtor & Creditor and shall prsent the same to the Corporation at the Presidents house, from time to time, the Sixth day come fortnight after the end of evry Quarter, by nine of the clock in the morning, & that no prson do fail to do his duty, on penalty of being fined Twenty shill: to the use of the Colledge as also to satisfye all dammage the Coll shall sustaine by their neglect.
2. The Steward shall take the sole care of, and provide at the currant prices all necessary & meet provisions with utensills, for the Offices both of the Cook and Butlar, according as the Colledge Occasions whethr ordinary or Extraordinary shall from time to time require & seasonably deliver the same to the respective Offices.121 He shall keep an exact & true Account of all such disbursemts & quarterly shall require and receive of the Butlar & Cook an Account of the prticular Debtors to the Colledge, and shall prsent the same so received together with his own, unto the President for his Examination and Approbation, the which being passed by the President, the Steward shall forth with require the same of the severall Debtors, & shall prsonally stand ingaged to respond & pay the same to the Colledge.
3. The Steward shall deliver in to the Butlar his bread, at 5 shill. the bushell, allowing to evry bushell 70 Loaves, the weight of evry loafe being proportionable to the currant price of wheate as in the country Statute, for wheate bread; and shall deliver in his Beer, at 2 shill: the Barrell, each Barrell consisting of 16 Beer Gallons, allowing thereunto a peck of malt.
Coll. Laws122
4 The Steward is from time to time to pay the Colledge officers, viz. The Tutors, Cook, Butler & Bellringer, their respective dues & Sallaryes & also to allow the monitors Account.
5. The Steward shall be accountable & pay unto the Treasurer Quarterly what shall be given in, in the Quarter-Bill, in the Account of Study Rents & glass mending.
6. The Steward shall be allowed in his Accompts. 5ƚƚ quarterly for his Salary.
7. The Butlar & Cook are to look unto & in case Detriment befall, fully to be accountable for all the Colledge vessells & vtensills great & small, delivered by Jnventory unto them, and on evry Quarter to deliver in unto the corporation in writing, an Jnventory thereof, prticularly shewing wt detriment is befallen the Colledge & by what means, whethr by wearing, in the just usage (which the steward is to repair at the colledge charge) or by any abuse of any prson or prsons whoevr, from whom the Corporation shall see that the Butlar & Cook shall have just & full recompence, if they be members of the Society: But if detriment come by any out of the Society, then those Officers themselves shall be responsible123 to the house, because they may not but at their perrell com̄unicate wt is the Colledges to any without.
8 The Butler & Cook are to see that the sd vtensills to their severall Offices belonging from day to day be kept clean & sweet & fitt for use; and they shall at meall times deliver them out, as the publique service of the hall requireth to the servitor or servitors who shall be responsible for them, untill they returne them, after meales, to the buttery & kitchen: But they are not bound to keep or cleanse any prticular Schollars Spoons, Cup, & similia; but at their own discretion.
9. Jf any Schollar or Schollars, at any time, take away or deteine, any vessell of the Colledge, great or small, from the Hall, out of Doors, from the sight of the Buttery Hatch, without the Butlers or Servitors knowledge or against their will; he or they shall be punished 3d: but more at the Presidents or fellows discretion, if perverseness appeare: But if he or they shall prsume to deteyne any vessell great or small that it be wanting the next meale, he shall be punished 12d. [35] and in case any shall loose, marr124 or spoyle any such vessell, then shall they pay the full vallue thereof; and as the matter may be circumstanced shall be alsoe lyable to what further punishment the Corporation shall judge meet.
Coll. Laws125
10. The Butlar & Cook shall see that all the Rooms peculiar to their Offices together with their appurtenances be sett and kept in order, clean and sweet from all manner of noysomness and nastiness and sensible Offensiveness: To the Butlar belong the Cellar & Buttery and all from thenceforth to the furthest end of the Hall with the South porch; To the Cook, the Kitchen, Larder, the way leading to his Hatch the Turrett, and the North Ally126 to the walk.
11. Neither shall the Butlar or Cook suffer any Schollar or Schollars whoevr, except the ffellows, masters of Art, & ffellow-Com̄onrs, or Officers of the house, to come into the Buttery or Kitchen save with their parents, or Guardians, or with some grave and sober strangers; and if any shall presume to thrust in, he shall be punished 3d, but if presumptuously & continually, they shall so dare to offend, they shall be lyable to an Admonition, & to othr proceeding of the Colledge discipline, as the Corporation shall determine.
12. The Butlar & Cook shall not deliver at meal-times save in case of sickness, or other just & allowable causes, any commons to any schollars, save unto the servitors, nor they to any save their dues to the Schollars sitting orderly in their places.
13. Neither the Cook nor the Butlar shall put any Schollar into or out of Com̄ons but by order from the President or his Tutor.
14. The Cook receiving provisions at currant price shall delivr the same out to the Schollars, advanceing one halfe penny upon a penny.
15. The Cook for the faithfull discharge of his office shall be allowed by the Colledge, Thirty pound per annum and his commons.
Coll. Laws.127
16 The Butler receiving his Beer from the Steward, single Beer at 2 shill. & double at 4s the barrell shall advance four pence upon the shilling.
17 The Butler shall take a distinct Account of the Com̄ons of the Schollars that are absent from meales, which shall be reserved for the Colledge use.
18 The Buttlar upon evry 6th day at noon shall give an Account128 to evry Schollar demanding his weeks sizings in the Buttery; & he is not bound to stay above halfe an hour at breakfast in the buttery, after the Tolling of ye bell; nor above a quarter of an hour after thanksgiving in the Hall, at meales.
19. The Buttler shall provide candles for the Hall both for prayer & supper receiving for that end from the Steward, 20 shill: in silver or the vallue thereof in candles, to be put proportionably on evry Schollar whose Name is in ye Buttry
20. The Butler for the faithfull discharging of his Office shall receive from the Colledge 12ƚi per Annum.
21. The Schollars of the house shall take a strict Account129 of all the buildings, Chambers, Studyes &, fences, belonging to the Colledge & shall give an account quarterly to the Treasurer wt dammage the Colledge hath susteyned in any of the aforementioned prticulars & by whom.
22. No Schollar shall enter into, or leave the possession of any Chamber or Study untill Some one of the Schollars of the house have viewed the State thereof, which they shall represent unto the Treasurer, and in case any shall leave a Study in any Chamber, wherin some do yett remaine, such as remaine shall stand charged with the care of the vacant Studyes.
23. The Bell-Ringers office is to ring the Bell (except for meales) to keep the clock & to call the president to prayrs; for which he shall receive from the Steward five pound per annum.
At a meeting of the Corporation. June. 10. 1659.
Coll. Lawes130
Whereas there are great Complaynts of the exorbitant practises of some Students of this Colledge by their abusive words and Actions to the Watch of this Towne. The Corporation accounting it their duty by all lawfull means to seek the redress thereof for the future, do hereby declare to all prsons to whom it may Concerne, That the Watch of this Towne from time to time & at all times shall have full powr of Jnspection into the mannrs, and Orders of all prsons related to the Colledge whether [37] within or without the precincts of the sd Colledge houses & lands, as by law they are impowred to act in Cases within the limmitts of their Towne, any Law usage or Custome to the Contrary notwithstanding. Provided always wee judge it not convenient neither doe wee allow that any of the sd Watchmen should lay violent hands on any of the Students being found within the precincts of the Colledge yards, otherwise131 then so as they may secure them untill they may informe the President or some of the fellows, who will take care to examine the matter for the effectuall healing of all such disorders. Also in case any Student of this Colledge is found absent from his lodging after nine of the Clock at night he shall be responsible for and to all Complaynts of disorder in this kind, that by Testimony of the watch or othrs shall appeare to be done by any Student of the Colledge as shall be adjudged guilty of the sd Crimes unless he can purge himselfe by sufficient witnesse.
Extractum Doni Pomarii Sociorum per Johannem Bulkleium.
Decemb. 20. 1645.
Noverint universi per presentes, Quod Egomet Johannes Bulkleius, nuper studens Collegii Harvardini, dono Henricum Dunsterum dicti Collegii Presidem, utpote eidem ob plurima atque ampla accepta beneficia devinctissimus, mea parte Illius Jugeris, quod Ipse cùm Domino Downingo, Samuele Winthropo132 & Johane133 Alcoke eminus à Patre-familias Marrit; viz. Quartâ, parte pomarii dudum a nobis plantati, & dimidium reliqui manentis adhuc agrestis: ut dum hic Preses vixerit pro Suâ vendicet, ordinetque; Sin aliquando Præsidium exuerit, aut in eodem vitâ defunctus fuerit, tum̄ velim, ut Collegium tanquam λὲπτὸν Tenue, ab alumno maximè benevolo sibi in perpetuum appropriaret.
Hæc Ego, propriâ manu
Johannes Bulkleius.
[Pomarij supradicti Exemplar exhibitum est, in hujus Libri, Paginâ:134]
At a meeting of the Overseers. 24th. 8. 1654.
Jt is agreed by the Overseers that the Revd mr Richard Mather and the Revd mr John Norton speak with the Revd. mr Charles Chauncey and as they shall see cause encourage him to accept of an Jnvitation to the Presidentship of the Colledge, in case the Overseers shall give him a call thereto.
The Care and Governement of Harvard Colledge for the present time & untill a President shall be orderly elected and confirmed is committed by the Overseers unto the ffellows of the Colledge.
At a meeting of the hond & Revd Overseers of the Colledge. 2. 9. 1654.
mr Mather and mr Norton are desired by the Overseers of the Colledge to tender unto the Revd mr Charles Chauncy the place of President, with the Stipend of One hundred pound per annum to be payd out of the Country Treasury: And withall to signify to him, that it is expected and desired that he forbeare to disseminate or publish any Tenets concrning the necessity of immersion136 in Baptisme & Celebration of the Lords Supper at Evening, or to oppose the received Doctrine therein.
At a meeting of the Hond & Revd Overseers of Harvard Colledge, at the Colledge Hall in Cambridge. 27. 9. 1654.
The Revd mr Charls Chauncy was solemnly inaugurated into the place of President;
Sr Shepard, Sr Hooker & Sr Ambrose were chosen fellowes.
mr Henry Dunster consented to remove out of the Presidents house by the last of March next.
ffebruary. 28. 1655.
mr Samuel Nowell and Sr Moody were chosen ffellows of the Colledge
Aug. 12. 1656.
mr Samuel Bradstreet was chosen ffellow of the Colledge.
Sundry peices of plate given to the Colledge.
By mr Thomas Langham ffellow Com̄onr, A peice to vallue of Three pound three shill. & ten pence. It137 is one Silver Beer Bowl.
mr Ven ffellow Commoner, One fruite dish & one silver Sugar spoon & one Silver tipt jug.
Mr Richard Harris One great Salt &138 one small Trencher Salt.
John Hayward late of Charlstowne decēād, bequeathed to the Colledge, a Tract of land scittuate lying & being in Watertowne & is adjoyning to the great ffresh pond, conteyning by Estimation twenty acrs more or less.
The Revd mr Ezekiell Rogers, late Pastor of the Church at Rowly decēād, by his last will, gave & bequeathed to the Colledge, part of his library; & the Reversion of his house & lands in case, as is in his will more prticularly provided.
An Jnventory of the whole Estate of Harvd Colledge taken by the President & ffellows as they find the same to be Decemb. 10. 1654 at which time the Accounts thereof were given, by Mr Henry Dunster late President of the sd Colledge.
Jnprs. The building called the old Colledge, conteyning a Hall, Kitchen, Buttery, Cellar, Turrett & 5 Studyes & therin 7 Chambers for Students140 in them. a Pantry & small corne Chamber. A library & Books therin, vallued at 400ƚƚ.
Jt. Another house called Goffes Colledge, and was purchased of Edw: Goffe, conteyning five Chambers. 18 Studyes. a Kitchen Cellar & 3 garretts
Jt. The Presidents dwelling house, barne with 2 leantoes & other appurtenances.
Jt. One small house unfinished, intended for a printing house.
Jt. The lands upon which the aforesd buildings are erected, and is adjoyning thereunto, the whole being about 3 acrs, and about halfe an acre thereof planted with fruite Trees.
Jt. One parcell of corne land in Cambridge neck of land conteyning about 3 acrs & a halfe, now in the occupation of mr Joseph Cooke.
Jt. A small piece of land lying before the Colledge & was formerly the houselott of Robt Broadish.
Jt. A grant of 2000 acrs of land by the genƚƚ court when a place convenient to lay the same out shall be prsented by the Corporation.
Jt. mr Robt Cooke of Charlstowne, his gift of a grant of eight hundred acrs of land, made him by the genƚƚ Court.
Jt. A farme at Shawshin, conteyning two hundred acrs, now in the occupation of John Parker, by lease for 21 yeares at rent of 10 shillings per annum at prsent.
Jt. mr John Newgate of Boston his gift of five pounds per annum to be continued, as appeares by his Deed under his hand & seale.
Jt. Seaventy acrs of marsh land, lying in Rumny Marsh being the gift of mr John Coggan of Boston rented at 4ƚƚ per annum.
Jt. Two small shops in Boston, the Gift of Majr141 Sedgwick to the Colledge, which shops are made voyd by mr William Phillips, at the Ship Taverne and the sd Ship Taverne house ingaged for the annuall payment of twenty shill. to the Coll: for ever.
Jt. mr John Wilson Senr Pastor of Boston Church, his gift of Twenty pound, to be pd ffourty shill: per annum, whereof 40s is already payd.
Jt. Six hundred acrs of land lying upon merrimack River neer Andevor, had of mr Nathanael Ward for a debt of 20ƚƚ due from him to the Colledge.
Jt. Wee find a Conditionall gift of 300 acrs of land. made by Mr Jsrael Stoughton.
Jt. The East Gallery in Cambr. meeting house for the use of the Students vallued at 30ƚƚ.
Jt. A printing press, with all its appurtenances, now in the occupation of Samuel Green Printer. the prticulars whereof are expressed in an Jnventory given in by the sd Printer to the Presidt vallued the whole at eighty pounds.
Jt. Vtensills in the Buttery and Kitchen, the prticulars whereof are given in by the Butler in a writing now in the Presidents Custody.
Plate belonging to the Buttery. namely. One Silver Salt, vallued 5ƚƚ. 1s. 3d. at 5s per ounce. One small Trencher Salt vallued at 10s. One beer bowle 2ƚƚ. 18s. 1d. One stone pott tipt with Silver. 20s.
Jt. Jn debts due to the Colledge. The Lady Moulsons gift viz. 100ƚƚ. & mr Bridges gift of 50ƚƚ. with some othr small gifts making the whole to be 162ƚƚ. 16s. 4d. now in the Countreys hand, for wch the Country allows the Colledge annually 15ƚƚ for 4 Schollarships that being the Jntent of the donors.
Jt. By the Stewards booke, from severall Students & other prsons, four hundred seaventy one pound eleven shill: three pence halfe penny.
Colledge is Debtor.
Jnprs. To mr Henry Dunster late Presidt upon ballance of all Accots the Summe of |
Jt. To the Steward for the dyet of severall ffellows now removed from the Colledge |
93.14.4. |
Jt. To the Steward for severall debts judgd lost |
44. 9.1. |
Jt. To the Steward personally |
117.12.9.¾ |
Jt. To severall prsons in the Stewards Book |
10.14.8.¾ |
Jt To severall of the Studts for mony by them disbursed for yr Studyes & Gallery room |
Aug. 24. 1663.
mr Samuel Elliott, mr Peter Bulkeley, mr Nathanael Chauncy were chosen ffellows of the Colledge.
November. 28. 1666
mr Thomas Graves, mr Solomon Stoddard Sr Nowell were chosen ffellows of ye Colledge.
March. 27. 1667
mr Solomon Stoddard was chosen Library keeper
The Treasurer is ordered to provide necessary Vtensills for the Colledge, Kitchen & Buttery, not exceding 50 pounds.
January. 1. 1667.
mr Joseph Pynchon chosen a probationr ffellow, the Junr Sophister committed to his care.
October. 4th 1669.
Ordered by the Corporation, that mr Thomas Danforth be desired, & upon his consent engaged, to pay unto the ffellowes the money due by Charlstowne fferry and to provide Wood and other conveniences for them, and alsoe to give them a Bill to mr Richards the Treasurer of what is due to them of the Remaindr of their Salary once a year.
Ordered that three pounds be allowed by the Steward to Goodm Taylor towds the discharge of the charges of his sons commencemt. and that the money be repayed either by the money coming from the Eastward, (if it be attainable) or else to be allowed out of mr Webs gift, abating 15 shill: a peice from the mony aforesd distributed among four persons.
Plan C
College Farm at Townsend
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Ordered that the Revenues of mr Webs gift be distributed for the following yeare as followeth. vizt to Sr Shephard four pounds. to Higginson three pounds: to Corlett three pounds. to Addams three pounds. & this mony to be allowed them by the Steward.
Sewall142 is elected Schollar of the house to succeed Epps.
ffebr. 21. 16 69/70
The Corporation ordered, that mr John Richards Treār̄. shall pay to Fr. Willoughby Esqr. for 28 pewtr dishes weigh. 102ƚƚ. 3 pottle pots. at 6s. ps. 18s. one 3 pint pot 4s. 6d Jtm to pay mr Shrimpton. 2ƚƚ. 9s. 6d. To the Presidt towds Sr Taylors commencemt 1.0.0. To pay the Steward towds Sr Taylors Commencemt 2.0.0. And the last three pound be well repayd to the Colledge Stock. out of the Eastward money.
September. 27. 1670.
The Corporation ordered that the Revenues of mr Webs gift be distributed the following yeare to the same prsons yt it was the last year, unless some be discontinuers.
Ordered, That the Butler have 4 or 5 pounds given him for the year currant, to encourage him in his work, out of ye moneys given the Colledge for the Encouragemt of poor Schollars. And that the Corporation will speake to the Overseers (the first opportunity) to enlarge his Stipend.
Aug. 1. 1671
The Corporation ordered, that the Trēār pay to Taylor the Butler, five pounds in Cash out of the Colledge Treāry; wch was promisd to sd Butler for the faithfull discharge of his place.
Novemb. 15. 1671
The Corporation ordered, that mr Webs gift, (from Aug. 71 to Aug. 72) be thus distributed. to Sr Shepard 4 pouds to Sr Higginson. 3 pounds. To Sr Corlett. 3 pounds. To Emerson. 3 pounds. Except some of them become discontinuers.
Febr. 12. 1671
Ordered by the Corporation, that Sr Thatcher & Alcock continue Schollars of the house; That Pyke & Allen be substituted in the othr 2 vacant places. That Minot be Monitor.143 That the 3 pounds of mr Webs gift allowed to Sr Corlett for the year currant be given to Hawley, & yt only one Quartrs pay be given to Sr Corlett, because of his discontinuance.
An Abbreviate of the Colledge Accounts, conteyning both receits and disbursements from October. 1654 untill Decemb. 1663. Extracted out of the Colledge Books, made and given in by Thomas Danforth. Trēār
Harvard Colledge is Debtor
Jnprs. To mis Dunster in full of her demands |
020 00 00 |
To Table linnen and Utensills for ye Buttery |
006 08 06 |
To expences at mr Turners |
007 03 06 |
To Sallaryes & Allowances payd to the ffellows & other Colledge Officers for 9 years past |
445 18 06 |
To repairs of the Edifices, Presidents Lodge and fences &c. for 9 years past |
337 11 01 |
To loss in peage received at 8 a penny |
055 06 11 |
To freight of a chest of Books |
001 00 00 |
To mr Carter |
005 00 00 |
To a stags head sent to England to a Benefator |
000 10 00 |
To moneys payd for exchange of a Bell |
006 02 06 |
To a parcell of land on wch the Coll. now stands144 |
020 10 00 |
To a Debt pd Ensigne Sherman |
005 00 00 |
To mr Elliots order. part of mr Saltonstalls gift |
037 07 00 |
To the use & supply of mr Saltonstalls Son |
017 10 08 |
To mr Chancey by order of the Overseers |
040 00 00 |
To ditto. For sundry disbursemts |
048 08 02 |
000 12 00 |
To loss in a Colt had in ꝑt of Wards legacy |
007 10 00 |
To a brass copper |
006 00 00 |
To boards had for Colledge use |
009 08 00 |
To so much pd the prsent fellows |
002 16 00 |
To ballance so much resting in Stock |
459 17 11 |
1540 00 09 |
459 17 10145 |
1080 2 11 |
Harvard Colledge is Cr.
Jnprs. Given towds the repayrs of the Edifices. 1654. |
By Richard Bellingham Esqr |
04014600 00 |
By mr John Newgate |
010 00 00 |
By mr James Oliver |
010 00 00 |
By Charlstowne |
009 09 00 |
By mr John Allen of Dedham |
009 00 00 |
By mr Hezekiah. Usher |
008 00 00 |
By mr William Colbrun |
006 10 00 |
By mr Richard Russell |
005 00 00 |
By mr Theodor. Adkinson |
005 00 00 |
By mr Peter Oliver |
005 00 00 |
By Capt Keyne |
003 10 00 |
By mr Edw. Jackson |
002 12 06 |
By mr Jncrease Nowell |
002 10 00 |
By Samuel Richardson |
002 10 00 |
By mr Samuel Danforth |
002 00 00 |
By mr Nicholas Davison |
001147 10 00 |
By mr John Stedman |
001 00 00 |
By mr Edmd. Angier |
001 00 00 |
By mr Samuel Coale |
001 00 00 |
By a widdow of Roxbury |
001 00 00 |
By Elder ffrost of Cambridge |
000 10 00 |
By Richard Dana |
000 09 00 |
By Daniel Kempster |
000 05 00 |
127 15 06 |
By rent of Charlstowne ferry in Peage at 8 a penny |
328 10 00 |
By rent of mr Coggans gift in Rumney Marsh |
031 13 00 |
By mr John Wilson Senr gift of 40s per annum |
018 00 00 |
By mr John Newgates gift of 5ƚƚ per annū |
043 15 00 |
By Study rents for 3 years |
057 15 00 |
By revenue of the printing press received |
020 00 00 |
By mr Richard Saltonstall148 |
453 03 03 |
By rent due from Mr Wm Phillips 20s per annū |
009 00 00 |
By rent of a farme at Shawshin |
005 10 00 |
By the gift of Mr William Paine 20l. & his son John. 10ƚƚ |
030 00 00 |
By Mr Wm Colbran.149 5ƚƚ & ye rent of mr Webs house 6ƚƚ |
011 00 00 |
By Capt. Keynes legacy. 100l By pt150 of mr Wards Legacy 94 |
194151 00 00 |
By mr Webs legacy. 50ƚƚ by Capt Penelton in boards 5ƚƚ |
055 00 00 |
By the gift of mr Willoughby |
016 00 00 |
By Advance made of ye Colledge Stock by the Treār̄ |
138 19 00 |
1540 00 09 |
An Abbreviate of the Accounts of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge for 5 years past. Beginning in Decemb. 1663.
Harvard Colledge is152 Dr
Jnprs. To Salleryes & allowances by order of the Overseers payd to the Presidt fellows & othr Officrs of the Colledge |
305 07 03 |
To the Expences of Sr Noyes in the Colledge by order of the Overseers |
048 00 00 |
To the Expences of Shepard, Higginson, Sr Predon & Addams. Jn the Colledge by Order |
013 00 00 |
To so much allowed mr Nowell, mr fflint, Sr Woodbridge, Sr Atherton, Sr Whitman & Sr Adkinson, towds the Expenses in the Colledge, they being orderly admitted Schollars of the house |
075 00 00 |
To so much allowed Wm Bordman, when he was the Steward of the house, for ballancing his Account of153 disbursemts |
036 08 11 |
To so much allowed mr Lindon for his disbursemts on the house at Boston that was mr Webbs gift to the Colledge |
033 06 00 |
To so much disbursed for brass peutr & linnen |
014 08 00 |
To disbursemts for ye Coll. Edifices |
Jn. 1664. & 1665 |
063 19 00 |
Jn. 1666. |
015 12 11 |
Jn. 1667. & 1668 |
059 08 11 |
To so much disbursed for Entertainmt of the hond Overseers of the Coll. at Boston & Cambridge |
002 12 07 |
To so much allowed for the Transportac̄on of 100ƚƚ in corne & meate. From Hartford to Boston |
007 06 00 |
674 09 11 |
To ballance ye Acct resting in Stocke |
863 04 09 |
1537 14 08154 |
Harvard Colledge is Cr
Jnprs. By so much resting in Stock. Decem. 1663 |
459 17 11 |
By the rent of the house in Boston yt was mr Webs gift, for eight yeare & ⅛. at 13ƚƚ per annū. ending Novemb. 15. 1668. abating 6ƚƚ charged in formr account |
099 12 06 |
By Study rent for five yeare now past |
150 06 06 |
By rent of Rumney Marsh yt was mr Coggans gift for 5 years at 3ƚƚ per annum |
015 00 00 |
By the full of 20ƚƚ given by the Revd mr Jno Wilson. Senr |
002 00 00 |
By the rent of a ffarme at Billericâ, being the gift of Cambridge Towne & mr Henry Dunster |
004 05 00 |
By rent due from Wm Phillips, for a shop in Boston yt was the gift of Major Robt Sedgwick at 20s per annū. for five years now past |
005 00 00 |
By a Legacy given by Rouse of Charlstowne |
002 10 00 |
By the gift of Bridget Windes of Charlstown Widdow. mony |
004 00 00 |
By a Legacy given by Thomas Peirce of Charlstowne |
001 00 00155 |
By the gift of mr Wilson Mercht in pewtr flaggon |
000 10 00 |
By a Legacy given by Capt Richard Sprague of Charlstown |
030 00 00 |
By a Legacy given by the worƚƚ Edward156 Hopkins Esqr late of Hartford deceased in corne and meate |
100 00 00 |
By a Legacy given by Capt Robt Keyne, out of the reversion of his wives Thirds. not yet received |
147 00 00 |
By so much receivd of the Steward towds the charges for repayring the glass of the Colledge |
002 14 05 |
By so much in ye hands of the Country Treasurer, being the gift of the Lady Moulson. 100ƚƚ & of Mr Bridges. 50ƚ. & othr small gifts the whole being |
162 16 04 |
By the advance of the Stocke for 5 years past, besides the rents above expressed |
191 02 00 |
By ye rent of the ferry 5 years at 27ƚƚ per anū |
135 00 00 |
By ye annuity given157 by mr Jno Newgate of Boston dec̄ēd. being 5ƚƚ per an̄ for 5 yeers past is |
025 00 00 |
1537 14 08158 |
An Account of the Colledge Stock. ffeb. 1. 1668.
mr Wiƚƚm Phillips behind for rent |
011 00 00 |
Robt Burges & Ingolls for Rumney Marsh |
006 00 00 |
Behind of mr Coales gift |
000 04 00 |
Thomas Hawkins by a Bill receivd of mr Payne in part of mr Wards Legacy |
022 00 00 |
Ditto. for intrest behind |
006 08 00 |
mr Richard Parker by bill, payable in wheate |
010 13 04 |
The Executors of mr Joseph Jewet of Rowly by bill do owe in money. |
060 00 00 |
Ditto behind for Jntrest. 23. 2. 1668 |
007 01 00 |
mr John Russell Senr of Hadly. in wheate & Pork do owe by Bill |
068 15 00 |
mr Antipas Newman by bill, do owe in money |
002159 00 00 |
Pequott. Capt George Denison is Dr by Bill in money |
020 00 00 |
Ditto, is Dr for Jntrest behind. 16. 7. 68 |
008 00 00 |
Christopher grant is Dr in provision |
014 00 00 |
Billericâ. Wm Chamberlain is Dr by Bill in wheate |
006 00 00 |
Ditto is Dr. for intrest |
000 16 00 |
Brantree. Christopher Webb is Dr. in wheate per Bill |
014 00 00 |
Billericâ. Daniel Shed is Dr. in wheate by Bill |
014 00 00 |
John Swan is Dr. in Corne abt |
002 00 00 |
ffrancis Willoughby Esqr hath in his hands mony |
075 00 00 |
Ditto, in provisions he receivd of Lt Bull for mr Hopkins gift |
092 14 00 |
Ditto. for Jntrest of the abovsd Summ̄s |
025 10 00 |
Jno Bernard of Watertown Dr in provisions |
011 10 00 |
Henry Green of Rumny Marsh. Dr. in a Cow & wheate for ye Rent 2 yeare |
005 16 00 |
Christopher Webb. Dr. for Jntrest. 26. 8. 68 |
003 06 00 |
The Country Treār̄. hath in his hands mony yt was ye gift of Lady Moulsons. 100. mr Bridges 50ƚƚ & othr small gifts the whole is |
162 16 4 |
A pt of house yt was Capt Keynes of160 Boston Vallued at |
152 10 00 |
Jn Sheep Corne & Cattle under ye Treār̄ dispose |
060 12 01 |
863 04 09 |
ffebr. 1. 1668.
The Colledge Estate in houses lands & annuityes is as followeth.
Jnprs. One house at Boston, the gift of mr Web. rented at |
013 00 00 |
Jn Rumney Marsh about 70 acrs rented at |
003 00 00 |
Jn Billericâ 200 acrs of land, rented at |
001 00 00 |
The Rent of Charlstown ferry in mony |
027 00 00 |
besides the ferrage of the Corporation & now they are to add 10 shill: more per annū |
000 10 00 |
Annuity given by mr Newgate out of his farme at Rumney Marsh |
005 00 00 |
Annuity to be pd by Wm Phillips |
001 00 00 |
Jn Pequott Country 2000 acrs of land |
A farme of 600161 acrs purchased of Mr Ward |
50 10 00 |
This Account conteyned in the foregoing pages perused by the Corporation is allowed.
feb. 1. 1668.
Charles Chauncy Presidt
Lands scittuate in Cambridge belonging to the Colledge;
One wood lott conteyning 6 acrs on Southside Charles River.
One wood lott lying in Cambridge bounds neer spye-pond, conteyning abt 6 acrs.
One prcell of, upland on the Southside of Charles River, conteyning 40 acrs, being the gift of the Towne to the Colledge.
All the abovesd stand Recorded in Cambridge Towne-Book.
Also 40 acrs of land on South side of Charles River being the gift of mr Richard Champney, as will appeare by his last will & testament.
Jtem. There is also belonging to the Colledge Stock a Legacy of 5 pound per annum, by the last will & Testament of mr John Glover late of Boston162/Dorchester decēād.
By the Overseers. March. 7. 167½.
Ordered that the disbursemts for the buriall of the late President, the Revd mr Charles Chauncy deceād shall be discharged by the Colledge Treasurer. and the Treasurer is ordered to examine & allow of sd Account.
N. B President Chauncy died Febry 19. 167½163
Decemᵬ. 5. 1667.
Whereas there are obstructions in the Colledge touching providing for the Schollars in poynt of dyett & the present Steward Will: Bordman hath declared his resolution to lay down that Trust & office, the Overseers with the consent of the President & ffellows do request mr Thomas Danforth to take the care & charge of that affaire for one yeare, that so due & necessary provisions be made for the Schollars as is requisite.
And the Overseers with the President & ffellows do declare, that if he shall please to inspect that affaire that so former inconveniences, under wch the Colledge hath laboured may be prevented for the future, all meet Encouragement shall be allowed unto him.
i.e. The O Economicall affairs of the College.165
mr Thomas Danforth made resignation of his place & Office of Treasurer of the Colledge. And accepted at the Desire of the Overseers, as above is expressed, to inspect the Affairs of the Colledge,166 and to take care for their necessary provisions.
June. 3. 1669.
Capt John Richards being chosen by the Overseers with the consent of the President and ffellowes. Treasurer of the Colledge; the Severall Bonds Obligations, &c. conteyning the Debts due to the Colledge, as is more prticularly expressed pag. 40. 41.167 were by the late Treasurer deliverd unto the sd Capt John Richards by Order of the Overseers of the Colledge. In the prsence of
Richard Bellingham Govr
Simon Bradstreet. Esqr
Samuel Simonds. Esqr
Daniel Gookin. Esqr
Henry Henly Esqr, of Lime in Dorsetshire gave to the Colledge, Twenty seaven pounds. Whereof the Overseers being informed, they ordered Capt John Richards Treār, to receive the same, & to returne the Donor a Letter of Thankfullness in the Name of the Overseers.
Boston. June 3. 1669.
June. 3. 1669
Whereas severall well-minded prsons in the Towne of Portsmouth, upon Pascataqua River have voluntarily engaged themselvs to give freely towds the Jncouragemt of the Colledge at C Sixty pound per anum for 7 years next coming;
The Overseers do order that the sd gift shall be disposed of in manner following, vizt
To the senr ffellow as an Addition to his Salary Sixteen pounds per annum.
To the second ffellow, Eleven pounds per annum.
To the third ffellow, seven pounds per annum.
And the Remainder to be for the Encouragemt of Schollars as the Overseers shall see meet to order.
At a meeting of the Overseers168 July.169 30.170 1672.171
: Doctor172 Leonard Hoar was elected President of the Colledge. The which he accepting he was inaugurated. 10. 7. 1672.173
At a meeting of the Overseers. June. 20. 72.
This following order174 was made and agreed on.
Whereas the Genƚƚ Court having perused and considered the order of the Councill bearing date Sept 12. 1671. to promote a generall contribution for building a new Colledge at Cambridge, of brick or stone, as an addition unto Harvard Colledge, unto wch there hath been a returne from severall Townes of considerable Summs subscribed for that work wch publicke & pious designe & work the Court hath approved, and by their order bearing date. May. 15. 1672 have referred it unto the Overseers of the Colledge to cause the sd good work to be prosecuted to effect.
Jn pursuance whereof the Overseers of the Colledge do nominate, choose and appoynt Deacon John Cooper and mr William Manning of Cambridge, to be Agents & Stewards to mannage that work, both in hiring & paying workmen & Artificers, in procuring and purchasing materialls & in doing all othr matters & things, referring to the building and finishing the sd Colledge, & for this end they are hereby impowred [55] and authorized joyntly and severally to receive all the contributions that are or shall be given for this work, and to give acquittances for the same, and faithfully to dispose what shall be received for the best advantage, keeping exact Accots of all receits & disbursemts, The Overseers of the Colledge reserving for themselvs, the direction & appoyntment of the place, matter, forme and directions of this new building: Also do order that if at any time the sd Stewards shall meete with any obstruc̄c̄on in this work they shall & may have recourse to the Overseers (or such Committee of them as they may appoynt) for advice and Assistance, and when the sd work is finished, and faithfull Accots given by the sd Stewards, the Overseers do promise that meet recompence and allowance shall be made & give unto175 the said Stewards for their care & pains therein.
Richard Bellingham Govr
John Leveritt. Dept Govr
Simon Bradstreet
Daniel Gookin
Daniel Denison
Edwd Tinge
Richard Russell
Eleazer Lusher
William Stoughton.
John Mayo
John Oxenbridge
Thomas Thatcher
Samuel Danforth
Jncrease Mather
Plan D
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Also as an Addition to this Order, the Overseers do desire and appoynt, the hond Dept Govr Capt Daniel Gookin, mr Thomas Danforth, mr Stoughton mr Shearman & mr Vrian Oakes, to be a Com̄ittee for the Overseers, unto whom the Stewards for the buildings, may have recourse and receive ordrs and directions from them or any four of them.
January. 20. 1672.
The Overseers ordered the Treār̄ to pay to Dr Leonard Hoar, One hundred pound towds his Transportation from England hither.
15. 7. 1673.
mr Vrian Oakes, mr Thomas Shepard, mr Joseph Brown & mr John Richardson resigned up their fellowships.
mr Daniel Gookin, mr Daniel Russell & mr Joseph Taylor being chosen by the Corporation fellowes of the Colledge, were allowed by the Overseers. mr Russell, & mr Taylor refused to accept said place.
Novemᵬ. 10. 1674.
The Overseers met & spent the day in prayer and humiliation with reference to some dissettlement in the Colledge.
March. 15. 1675.
Doctor Leonard Hoar made a resignation of his Presidentship of the Colledge.
The Revd mr Jncrease Mather176
The Voluntary Contributions made towards the new Edifice is as followeth
Boston |
abt |
800 00 00 |
ƚƚ |
Whereof Sr Thomas Temple gave |
100.00.00 |
Benjamin Gibs |
050.00.00 |
Salem |
130 02 03 |
Whereof the Revd mr Higginson gave: |
05.00.00 |
mr William Brown senr mony: |
40.00.00 |
mr Edmund Batter |
20.00.00 |
Capt George Corwin |
Dorchester |
067 04 11 |
Lyn |
020 00 00 |
Watertowne |
041 16 03 |
Cambridge & the Village |
199 01 08 |
Jpswich |
060 03 02 |
Newberry |
021 04 00 |
1339 12 3177 |
1339 12 3178 |
Charlstown |
196 11 1 |
Weymouth |
039 10 00 |
Brantree |
087 14 00 |
Rowly |
040 08 05 |
Dedham |
061 12 00 |
Whereof Ensigne Thomas ffuller gave |
5ƚƚ 0s 0d179 |
Roxbury |
037 16 08 |
Concord |
033 07 05 |
Sudbury |
024 00 08 |
Marblehead |
008 19 06 |
017 18 09 |
Hadly |
033 15 03 |
Northampton |
020 09 04 |
Westfield |
012 08 01 |
Dover |
032 15 00 |
Kitterey |
022 00 00 |
Salisbury abt |
abt |
017 00 00 |
Topsfield |
006 00 00 |
Exeter |
010 00 00 |
2041 18 11180 |
2041 18 11181 |
Chelmsford |
018 07 00 |
Billericâ |
012 04 00 |
Maulborough |
011 11 08 |
Glocester |
005 00 00 |
Andover |
012 10 00 |
Medfield |
007 16 00 |
Milton |
014 18 00 |
Wenham |
004 11 05 |
Hingham |
019 06 02 |
Hull |
003 18 00 |
Redding |
030 17 06 |
Maldon |
010 00 00 |
Haverhill about |
about |
018 10 06 |
Scarborough |
002 09 06 |
Bradford |
009 03 00 |
Beverly |
013 00 00 |
Hatfield |
014 02 06 |
Woburne subscribed 00—27ƚƚ—02s.—00d |
27 2 0182 |
2277 6 2183 |
Sr George Downing—English money |
005 00 00 |
Totall. |
1895 02 09 |
Sundry Donations to the Colledge received by Capt John Richards Treār̄.
1669 |
ffrom a Gentleman in England by mr Pet: Serjeant |
027 00 00 |
1670 |
ffrom England by ditto Serjeant |
020 00 00 |
1672 |
By mr Henry Ashurst |
100 00 00 |
ffrom England by mr Pet: Serjeant |
024 00 00 |
1676 |
By Legacy of Judith ffinch in Corn. 20b made |
000 14 06 |
1680 |
By David Wilton a Legacy |
010 00 00 |
1679 |
John Smedly Senr of Concord |
010 00 00 |
1680 |
By mr Henry Clarke of Hadly a Legacy |
050 00 00 |
By Richard Russell Esqr a Legacy. 100: received in part |
031 13 4184 |
1681 |
By Sr Matthew Holworthyes legacy |
1234 02 06 |
In part of mr Skarletts Legacy |
010 00 00 |
1681185 |
Of Mr Thomas Smith for paymt of Mr Glovrs legacy of 5ƚƚ per annum. from. feb. 10.69. for 12 yeer. |
060 00 00 |
1577 10 4186 |
1683 |
More Donations not containd in Capt Richards Account. & are yet resting due to the Coll. |
mr Joseph Brown his legacye of |
100 00 00 |
Deacon William Trusedales legacy |
040 00 00 |
mr Henry Ashworth legacy of 100ƚƚ in England |
128 00 00 |
Elder Pen a legacy for 2 Schollarships. 10 pound per annum, commencing from the Death of mis Pen |
mr Samƚ Wards legacy of Bumkin Jsland rented at 50 shil: ꝑ annum |
Behind & unpd of mr Russells legacy as above |
069 00 |
1914 10 4187 |
Here follows the severall Orders, Appoyntments and Distributions made by the Corporation, during the time that Doctor Hoar did officiate, extracted out of the old Colledge-Book.188
October, 1st 1672.189
Ordered by the Corporation, that mr Webs gift for the year Currant be thus distributed; to mr Shepard, 4 pounds, to Sr Higginson 3 pounds, to Hawly 3 pounds, & to Emmerson 3 pounds, unless some of them become discontinuers.
Harvard Colledge in Cambr. Sept. 27. 1670
The Presidt and ffellows do order the Treār to lett out the lands belonging to the Colledge in the Pequott Country, for such Terms of years as he shall see best190 for the improvemt of sd lands. Provided where any have violently intruded & taken possession of any part of it, not to lease it out to them for more then seven yeare, & in case of their refusall to take lease thereof on equall terms that they forth-with quitt their possessions, & in case of refusall the Treār is forthwith to proceed to a legall Tryall for clearing the Colledge Jntrest.
Also whereas Capt George Denison is indebted to the colledge & hath tendred a farme of 300 acrs adjoyning to the Colledge lands. The Treār is ordered to accept of his proposall & in case they cannot agree on equall Terms, then forthwith to require Colledge Dues from him.
Also the Treār is ordered to call in all moneys due to the Colledge from any of remoter Towns, that it may be in a readiness to be disbursed for Colledge use.
Also the Treār is ordered to rebuild the Presidents fences against the high way with a stone wall & pay for it out of the Colledge Treāry.
Also he is further ordered to procure a Copy of John Glovers will, so far as referrs to the Colledge.
Also to take order for the receiving of the Printing press, wch the Corporation for the Jndian Stock have ordred hither.
January. 25. 1672
mr Thomas Danforths Account was made up for the yeare past: and the ballance due to him 40ƚƚ 9s 11d 1ob is ordered to be payd him by the Treasurer.
Febr. 3. 1672.
Ordered by the Corporation, that mr Richard Russell be desired to give the Colledge Treasurer191 162lb 16s 4d that the Country hath of the Lady Moulson’s gift to the sd Colledge, unless there be an assurance of the 15ƚƚ per annum, or some graunt to that effect.
vid. p. 1.192
Also that the money due to a fellow pr mr. Glovrs will, vizt 5ƚƚ per annum to begin ffebr. 9. 1669. to the 10. 12. 72. be payd by mr Habb. Glovr to mr Nowells heirs, mr Joseph Brown, & mr John Richards in equall portions, & mr Richards to give orders to receive it.
Also that mr Brown & mr Richardson give an Accot of wt they have received of their Salaryes, that so they may be satisfyed.
May. 27th 1673.
mr Graves being treated with to accept of a ffellowship, declared to the Corporation that he was not free to accept it. whereupon.
mr Daniel Gookin was chosen probationr & is forthwith to take ye care of a Classis.
The Corporation further ordered that mr Nath: Gookin succeed mr Jer: Shepard in injoying 4 pounds of mr Webs gift from the time of mr Shepards leaving it, during the Corporations pleasure.
Agreed with mr Marmaduke193 Johnson, that for the space of three years he shall have the use of the font of the Long Primier Letters for wch he is to pay 30sh in mony per annū. to the Colledge Treār, and delivr the President ten copyes of evry book he shall print.
Sept 15. 1673 att a Meeting of the Overseers at Col. in Cambr mr Urian Oakes mr Thos Shepard, mr Io[ ] Brown & mr Iohn Richardson declar’d yt they resign’d up their places of Fellows in the College.194
Septemᵬ. 15. 1673.
mr Daniel Gookin being nominatd, Chosen &195 presented by the Corporation was by the overseers approved and confirmd in his ffellowship: As also mr Daniel Russell & mr Joseph Taylor. Likewise mr Joseph Browns resignation was taken as valid. NB. It sħd seem by what fol. Oct. 2. mr Oakes & mr Shepards Resignation was not taken for valid: if it had the Corporation, & Overseers w̄d have Express’d it, & not Sent as they did to ’em so Soon af[ter]196
Also mr Jo: Richardson this day resigned his ffellowship
Camᵬr. Oct. 2. 1673.197
Jt was Voted, That mr Urian Oakes, & mr Thos Shepard be requestd to continue their Assistc to the College as Fellows according as they were formerly appointed thereto, & Capt D. Gookin, & ye Presidt are desired to acquaint them wth the mind of the Overseers therein.
Novemᵬ 5. 1673.
The Corporation ordered that mr Webs gift for this year be disposed as followeth. To Nath. Gookin. 4ƚƚ. To Emerson. 3ƚƚ. That Andrews be third to begin. Nov. 16. & continue to next August. unless any of these become discontinuers. That the Presidt & Treasurer desire the overseers of mr Webs will to assent hereto, and if they please to name the fourth.
Sr198 Sewall was chosen ffellow—And together with mr Daniel Gookin, installd before the Overseers Novemᵬ. 26.
Nov. 20.
Sr Sewall was presentd to and accepted by the Overseers.199
Febr. 2. 1673.
The worƚƚ mr Thomas Danforths Accots were this day adjusted & the Colledge found in his debt, 13ƚƚ. 13s. 11. wch he was authorized to receive of the Treasurer.
Emerson for refusing to come to the President being twice sent for, is warned to make an acknowledgment in writing on ffriday next. And then to declame before the President, for going out of Town without leave.
March. 1. 1674.
Ordered that henceforth Sr Sewall be Colledge-Library Keeper. And that mr Cheevrs son have the fourth Share of mr Webs gift, till August next. mr Webs Overseers consenting, & he continuing here.
Aprill. 15. 1674.
Ordered, That if any senr Student compell ye ffreshmen to go on Errands in studying time, both sender & goer shall be punished.
That mr Gookin & sr Sewall ffellows have half a years Salary of their proportion out of Pascataqua-gift be forthwith payd them, by the Treasurer. Also fifty shill: apeice due in ffebruary last from mr Glovrs gift
May 4. 1674.
Ordered, that the undergraduates after declaiming shall delivr a fair copy of their declamations to the President or senr ffellow present, unless they have showed it before to their Tutor.
June 15. 1674.
Sr Thatcher chosen third ffellow of the Colledge.
mr Marmaduke Johnsons bargain made, May. 27. 73 ordered to be confirmed by writings. And his priviledge of being seer200 to the colledge confirmed.
Nov. 19. 1674. The Revd Mr Samuel Danforth Pastr of the Church in Roxbury and senr Fellow of the Corporation of Harvard College in Cambridge dy’d.201
At a Meeting of the Hond and Revd Overseers of the College at Bost Dec. 3d 1674202
The Overseers do com̄end it to the Presidt & the Fellows now remaining, that they take care speediely to fill up their no according to their Charter, that so their power and Priviledge granted them by the Gen̄l Court may not be weaken’d, or abated in any kind. Taken out of the Old Overseers Book. fol. 62.203
Decemᵬ. 11. 1674.
- The Presidt
- Mr Gookin
- Sr Thatcher
- Mr Richards204
The Overseers having consented, the Corporation order that Thomas Serjeant take his degree of Batchelor of Arts, from wch by ym i.e the Corporation205 he was suspended.
The Revd mr urian Oake,206 mr Thomas Shepard, mr Jncrease mathr chosen ffellows of the Colledge to fill up the corporation in its number of seaven wch vote the Presidt is to acquaint them with and to receive yr answer in order to their Jnstallment.
Dec. 11. 1674
For the Filling up the Corporation in its Number of Seven. The said Society doth Unanimoly207 choose the Reverend Mr Urian Oakes & Mr Thos Shepard & Mr In[ ] Mather as Fellows of the s̄d College, wch Vote the Presidt is Desired to Acquaint them with & to rec̄v their answer & [see] Long. College Book. f. 5[1].208
mr Daniel Gookin was chosen Library-keepr. who is209 to enquire after the books found wanting in the last surveigh.
Ordered that the benefitt of mr Webs gift be210 added to the Colledge stock, ’till the corporation give further order.
That the vtensills belonging to the Buttery and Kitchen an Jnventory whereof follows, remains as they are & wr they are. only the plate to be brought to the Presidents house. and that mr Gookin & mr Thatcher ask an accot of the Colledge Linnen in Stewards hands.
That the Treār gett the Colledge ffarme neer Pacatuck in Connecticut measured out, & agreeth with the Tennant, as he shall find best.
The President is desired to prsent the Laws made Aprill. 15. & May. 4. 1674 to the ovrseers for yr Confirmation.
That till. 25 of next march mr P. Thatcher have liberty to live in Boston, provided he Tutor the Schollars there residing
That the Presidt be reimbursed his expences about the houses & lands of the Colledge.
That the 4 prsons who com̄enced Masters in ye year 1674, paying yr detriments211 be abated 40 shill. apeice.
An Jnventory of the Colledge utensills belonging to the Kitchen & Buttery. Nov. 18. 1674.
Kitchen212 utensills.
- 1. great Jron pott. 1. small Jron pott.
- 5 Spitts. 2 Jron Racks. 2 Jron Trammells.
- 1. Bar of Jron. 1. pr of Tongs. 1 Jron peale.
- 2. Skillets. 2 Jron dripping pans. 1. Beif fork
- 1. Lawn sieve. 1 Skimmr 1 brass Ladle. 1 Cleavr
- 2 pr potthooks. 1 chopping knife. 1 pestle & mortar
- 1. great Jron Skoale beam. 2 pr Skoals.
- 1 half peck. 1 great Grid Jron. 1. small Jack.
- 3. drye barrells. 52 pewtr plattrs. 11 Sawcrs
- 2 pye plates. 2 frying pans. 1 payle.
- 1 pretty big kettle. 3. Chafing dishes. 1. Little kettle
- 1. wooden Tray. 1. Kneading Trough. 7. Barrells
- 1 pr Slings. 1 Coppr. 1. rolling pin. 4 wood pastry-platts. 1 Mustard Querne.
Buttery utensills.
- Silver. 3. pound due from mr Pelham fellow Commonr in the hands of the Steward.
- 2 Saltsellars. a little one & a great one.
- An earthen Jugg tipt with silver.
- 1. Bowl. 2. Beakrs. one markd I B. th’ othr W W.
- one Silver Tanker, Samƚ Parris gift. worth 7ƚƚ 10s
- 3. Silver Spoons.
- Pewter. 2 two-quart pots without lidds.
- 1 threepinte pott with the Lidd off. 1 pint pot wth no lid
- 6 Bowls. two bruised ones without a foot
- 4 Cuecups very defective. 4 eard Cups unfitt for service
- 2 Salt sellars battered. 9 Juggs. of wch 5 good.
- 1 Tankard with the Lid on it. 4 brass Candlesticks
- 1 flaskett. 1 Trunk. 3 desks. 1 buttry book. 1 brass tap
- 2 fellow table cloaths. 2 Tables to put names on
- 3 brass Candlesticks. Jn the Hall. 1 chaire 6 forms
Plan E
College Farm in the West Wing of the Town of Rutland
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Decemᵬ. 21. 1674.
The corporation (on occasion of Thomas Serjeants going to sea next week) mett, & in pursuance of the order made. Decemᵬ. 11. he prforming all exercises before them wch were wont to be done in publick, The President did admitt him to the degree of Batchelor in the Arts.
Novemᵬ. 10. 1674.
The Overseers being informed of the sad and distressed Estate of mr Barnabas Chauncey, Son of mr Charles Chauncey dec̄ēd late President of the Colledge, ordered yt the Treasurer of the Colledge pay ten pound in mony out of the Colledge Treasury for his present supply of213 cloathing and bedding &c.
At a meeting of the Hond & Revd Overseers of the College at Cambridge 15. 1. 1674. 5.214
mr Urian Oakes & mr Thos Shepard being orderly Elect[ed] Fellows of the College & presented by the Corporac̄on for the[ir] allowc, they were accordingly accepted, and intreated to accep[t] that Trust.
Dr Leonard Hoar made a resignac̄on of his Presidtship of the College.
2: mr Increase Mather being orderly Elected & presented by the Presidt & Fellows to the Hond Overseers for their acceptance at a former Meeting: He was by an Unanimous Consent intreated to accept that Service & trust.
at Boston 11. (1) 16745\4.215
![]() |
Aprill. 7. 1675.
Mr Vrian Oakes was desired to give his Answer to a former motion of the Overseers to accept of the place of the President of the Colledge pro tempore.
In Answer wherto, he declared a deep sence of his unfitness for the work; yet considering the prsent Exigency the Society was now in, & confiding in the Overseers seasonably to endeavor the settling a fitt prson for yt work, manifesting his willingness to accept of that place for a time God enabling by health & strength, & so far as his church consented.
The Same Apr̄ 7. 1675.218
The Overseers do Order that the Corporacōn do take present & effectual Care for the Provision of the Studts that shal repayre219 to the College: So as may be for the most encouragmt of them.220
26. 2. 1675
At this Corporation meeting wr Present
mr Samuel Danforth was chosen ffellow of the Colledge.
Aprill. 19. 1675
According to the order of the ovrseers for settling the Colledge. The corporation did223 choose to the office of a Steward, mr Tho: Danforth, the late Steward & the President is requested to desire his acceptance of it.
William Bordman is chosen Cook
Edward Payson is chosen Butler.
June 1. 1675.
Order’d, That Aaron225/Will: Bordman Colledge Smith be payd by the Treasurer 20 shill: for mending the Clock: & that he be allowed 12 shill: per annū for that Service for the future
That Minot, Allen, Cheevrs, Danforth be schollars of the house for the year ensuing, & that Allen be presently payd 5 pounds due of the schollarships.
That mr Webs gift be this year thus distributed To Nathaniel Gookin 4 pounds & wt was due for the last year be prsently payd him. To Andrews 3 pound & yt ye 3 pound due of the Schollarships be prsently payd him. To Emerson 3 pounds & 5 pounds due of the Schollarships to be prsently payd him. To Swetman 3 pounds & 40 shill due of ye Schollarships to be prsently payd him.
Septemᵬ. 8. 1675.
Thomas Cheevrs chosen monitor.
Ordered, That the moneys from Pascataqua be payd by the Treasurer, first wt is due to mr Nowell and the remainder to the prsent fellows.
Overseers Meeting.226 27. 8. 1675.227
mr Vrian Oakes is elected Presidt of Harvard Colledge & by the Overseers importuned to accept sd place & trust.
mr Samuel Danforth being Elected by the Corporation for a ffellow of the College, The Overseers manifested their Approbation thereof this day.228
Decemᵬ. 22. 1675.
Wadsworth was chosen Schollar of ye house
mr Ammi-Corlett was chosen ffellow of the colledge.
Ianry 1. 1675. mr Ammi-Corlet being Elected by the Corporation for a Fellow & presented before the Overseers for their Approbation. They manifested their Approbation thereof.229
Decemᵬ. 27. 1675.
mr Daniel Russell was chosen ffellow of the Colledge, and to be presented to the overseers for yr acceptc230
11. 2. 1676.
Sr Allen was chosen Library-keeper.
At a Meeting of the Corporation,231 22. 6. 1676.
All the Member thereof being Present i.e
mr Samuel Angier is chosen Probationr
The Butler is ordered to Ring the Bell at 5 a’clock in the morning & 9 aclock at night throughout the yeare
Octoᵬ. 23. 1677.
Wadsworth chosen Butler of the Colledge.
14. 3. 1677.
mr John Rogers of Jpswich chosen President of the Colledge, nemine contradicente
James Alling chosen Schollar of the house
Thomas Bernard is allowed234 3 pounds for the following year out of mr Webs gift
At a Meeting of the Overseers at Boston. 28 Ianry 1677.235
It is Com̄ended by the Overseers to the Corporation that they choose another Fellow in the Room and Stead of the Reverend Mr Shepard dec̄d. And one to Officiate on the Place if they Judge it needfull.
Turn over and See how the Corporac͞on understood the above Com̄endation of the Overseers.237
At a Meeting of the Corporation at Cambridge238 March. 1. 167⅞
All being Present239
mr John Sherman Pastor of the Church at Watertown chosen ffellow of the Colledge, & member of the Corporation, All Consenting. And the Presidt was desired to present him to ye Overseers in order to their Approbation.241
At this Meeting Mr Isaac Foster was chosen a Probationer, and took ye Care of the Sophimores. Martin, Leverett, Oliver, Brattle, & Green.242
The Presidt remitd 16s to this new Tutr whom the Corporac͞on saw meet to choose to Officiate on the Place, besides the Revd Mr J. Sherman now chosen a Non-Residt Fellow of the College243 and Member of the Corporation.244
Ordered, That Goodman Brown have for his Service in the Colledge, two shill. per quarter from evry Schollar particularly, that holds a Study in the Colledge.
Percivall Green is allowed 3 pounds out of mr Webs gift for the following year
Samuel Mitchell shall have 6 pounds of the Schollarships yt remaine vacant.
Russell senr is chosen Schollar of the house for ye yeare following.
The Jnventory at. pag. 55245 was calld ovr.
May. 21. 1678.
mr Oakes was desired to contine247 his care ovr the Colledge & to officiate in the place of President at the next Commencemt
Mr Sherman was now presented to & approv’d by ye Overseers. In wch place he continued to his death, wch happen’d Aug. 8, 1685.248
mr249 Jsaac ffoster was installed ffellow of ye Colledge.
Samuel Gibson was called before the ovrseers & solemnly cautioned of entertaining any of the Students in his house, frequenting the Colledge or drawing them otherwise into his company.
The Students are cautioned not to frequent the houses of Samuel Green250 junr & the abovnamd Samƚ Gibson.
June. 30. 1679.
Voted, That the Worƚƚ Mr Stoughton be desired to provide a Presidt for the colledge, & the ovrseers consenting, the Revd mr Oakes is desired to write to mr Stoughton in the name of the Corporation
Mr Daniel Gookin is chosen Library keepr
Boston. July. 3. 1679
Ordered, that mr Penoyrs Donation of 34 pound per annum, mony of England, given to 2 fellows & 2 Schollars be disposed of as followeth. viz. from Apr. 1. 78. to Aprill. 1. 1679. To mr Gookin & mr ffoster prsent ffellows 10 pound a peice & to James Alling & noadiah Russell, both schollars of the colonie of nox256 or new haven, 7 pound to each. And that what is due from mr Penoyrs Legacy before Apr. 1. 1678. viz. 10ƚƚ wn received be given to mr Corlett.
Octoᵬ. 8. 1679.
mr Samuel Andrew was chosen ffellow of Harvard Colledge, nemine contradicente.
The Treasurer is impowred to take care of the Donation of Sr Matthew Holworthy, to gett it over258 into the Country, as soon as may be
Five pounds of mr Penoyrs gift due from Apr. 1. to Octob. 1. 79. is given to mr Jsaac ffoster.
The Colledge Laundress is allowed 40 shill. ꝑ annm for washing the Colledge Linnen.
Russell senr was chosen Butler of the Colledge
ffeb. 2.259 1679.
mr Oakes chosen President of Harvard Colledge.
mr John Richards is ordered to treat with the Execrs of mr Joseph Brown decēād, about his Legacy to the Colledge, & receive the same to best advantage, & the Revd mr Jncrease Mather is desired to assist him herein.
The Treasurer is ordered to pay mis Belchar for the wine expended at the ffunerall of mr Ammi-Ruhamah Corlett.
Sr Bernard & sr Mitchell be chosen Schollars of the house for one whole year.
Thomas Andrews & John Wythe chosen Colledge Servants, one to serve in the place of a Bricklayer the other in place of a plasterer.
Ordered, that the Treasurer pay Aaron Bordman 20 shill ꝑ annum for keeping ye clock in repayr
ffebr. 9. 1679.
The Overseers approvd of the choice of the Revd mr Vrian Oakes, to the office of President in the Colledge. & request the worƚƚ William Stoughton Joseph Dudley & Peter Bulkely Esqrs & the Revd mr John Eliott & mr Jncrease Mather,260 to prsent their desires to mr Oakes & the Church at Cambridge, for his acceptance of sd trust & their concurrane therin.
The Revd mr Urian Oakes was Installed Presidt of Harvard College261 by Govern. Bradstreet in the College-Hall on the Com̄encmt-day. August 1680.262
25. 5. 1681.
The Revd mr Vrian Oakes, President of Harvard Colledge, dyed.
26 5 1681263
ffor the mannagemt of the Commencemt now shortly to be attended It is ordered, yt the Govrmt of the day & work be by the fellowes of the Colledge in manner following
The Revd mr [ ] is to begin the day with prayer & give the Com̄encrs their degrees.
The Revd mr [ ] is to moderate ye dispute [ ] the worke of the day with prayer.
[ ] of the Batchelours.
Jts further orderd, that the fellowes of the Colledge take care thereof in all respects, as well for admission of students as Govenmt & instruction till a President be orderly settled.
At a Meeting of the Overseers at Cambridge 26. 5. 1681.264
For the Managmt of the Com̄encmt now shortly to be attended. It is Order’d, That the Governmt of the day & work shalbe by the Fellows of the College, in manner following,
The Revd mr John Sherman is requested to begin the Work of the day with prayer. And is Impowered to give unto the Com̄encers their Degrees.
The Revd mr Incr. Mather is requested [t]o Moderate the Dispute of the Masters, [a]nd to Conclud the work of the day with prayer.
mr Daniel Gookin [i]s desired to Moderate the Dispute [o]f the Bacchelours and to be in all other respects assisting as as there shalbe occasion.
Also for the Carrying on the present Work of the College untill that a Presidt be orderly nominated and Settled, It is Order’d, That the Fellows of the s̄d College take the care there of in all respects, as well for the Entrance of Studts, as their Governmt and Instructions.
Plan F
Tract of Land lying in Billerica at a Place called Shawshin
From College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
At a Meeting of the Overseers at Boston. 28. 5. 1681.265
The Overseers being inform’d That the Rev̄d mr John Sherman by reason of the Infirmitys attending his Age, may not be capable of attending the Work of the Com̄encmt as was lately Order’d do Judge meet to revise their former Vote, and do hereby Order and Impower the Revd mr Increase Mather to carry on the Work and Service of the next Com̄encmt, and to give the Com̄encers their Degrees, due respct266 being had to the ꝑficiency267 & duty required of the Com̄encers by the Law of ye College for the Obtaining the same. And mr Daniel Gookin junr is desired & order’d to be helpfull in Moderating the Disputes of the Bacchelrs
28. 5. 1681268
The Overseers being informed, that the Revd mr John Sherman may not be capeable, through age, of attending the work of the Comencemt, they thereby impower the Revd mr Jncrease Mather to carry on the work thereof & give the Commencrs their degrees. And mr Daniell Gookin junr is desired to be helpfull in moderating the disputes of the Batchelrs
For the Preventing of the growing Excess in Wine at Com̄encmts269
Jts ordered That no Graduate henceforth shall provide more then 3 gallons of wine, nor othr Students more then one for com̄encmt.
mr Samuel Andrew is appoynted to execute the office of a Proctor for the com̄encmt week And in speciall, to take care that the Students Chambers and Studyes be cleared of all manner of prsons during the time of publick exercise on com̄encemt day. & at or before 9 a clock at night to cause all strangers to depart from the Colledge, & to signifye to them that ye usuall recourse of any to the Colledge the following days of the week, excepting Schollars is displeasing to the hond & Revd Overseers, & that they are required accordingly to forbeare. And in case Students or other prsons not belonging to the Colledge shall refuse to submitt themselvs to this order, Jts required of mr Andrews yt he returne their names to the Overseers who will proceed agt them according to ye demeritt of their offence. Also the Proctor is required to take speciall care yt the provisions to be sent in to the College Hall be accordingly prformed. And all the abuses yt have been of yt kind formerly to be effectually prvented for the future.
12: 5. mo.270 1681.
Danforth & Walter are chosen schollars of the house, their Schollarships to begin from last com̄encemt.272
out of mr Webs gift. 6ƚƚ for ye following yeare is given to Webb & 4ƚƚ of sd gift unto Tompson.
The Treār to dispose of the money from England.
Anno. 1681. 6. 9. mo273
mr John Cotton was unanimously chosen ffellow of the Colledge.
Ordered, that the hond mr Thomas Danforth be desired to look after the repayring of the College Edifices
Boston. Anno. 1681.
The Revd mr Jncrease274 Mather was chosen Presidt of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge.
Nov. 7. 1681
mr John Cotton was chosen Library keeper
Dudley was chosen Schollar of the house
The worƚƚ Capt John Richards & the Revd mr Jncrease Mather are desired with Speed to receive of John Scarlet, Executor of Capt. Samuel Scarlett the mony due to the Colledge by Legacy or annuity of sd Capt. Scarlett; & upon refusall to prosecute according to Law
Decemᵬ. 13. 1681.
mr nehemiah Hubbard was chosen277 by the Corporation unanimously, to be ffellow of the Colledge
The Treasurer is impowred, by Letter of Attorney to impowre somebody to receive wt is due on account of mr Penoyrs & mr Dooderidges gifts, & to give discharges upon receipt thereof.
January. 5. 1681
The Revd mr Samuel Torrey Pastor of the Church in Weymouth was unanimously chosen ffellow of President of Harvard Colledge.
Cotton is chosen Schollar of the house.
Whiting is ordered to receive 3279 pound of mr Webs gift
March. 27. 1682.
Ordered, That what is due from the Revd mr Seaborn Cotton, on accot of detrimts or halfe tuition for his Son mr John Cotton shall be remitted.
That what remained due from mr Richard Russell for Schollarships before his decease, supposed to be about 10 pound be allowed to Sr Mitchell
That wt is due from the Revd mr Jncrease mather for detrimts or halfe tuition of his son Cotton Mather be rebated.
Whereas great complaints have been made against Web for his abusive carriages, in requiring some ffreshmen to go upon his private Errands, in striking them; & in281 scandalous negligence of those Dutyes he is bound to attend by Colledge Law; & having persisted obstinately in his evills, notwithstanding means used to reclaime him; & not attending the Corporation this day, wn required; he is sentenced, ffirst to be deprived of the pension formerly allowed him, and also to be expelled the Colledge: and in case he prsume after the Space of 24 hours to appear within the Colledge Walls, then the fellows are to cause him to be282 carryed before civill authority.
Apr. 10. 1682.
Jnprs. mr John Rogers was chosen President of Harvard Colledge.
Whereas the Worƚƚ Capt John Richards is going for England, he is desired to leave the Accots of & Papers concerning the Colledge Stock in the hands of the hond Thomas Danforth, Dept Govr, ’till his returne from England or ’till anothr be chosen.
Ordered by the Corporation, That the Resident fellows mr Samuel Andrew & mr John Cotton shall (on consideration of their care & pains) be allowed each of them 50 ƚƚ in mony out of the Colledge Revenue, for the prsent year ending at Com̄encemt that is to say, so much shall be added to their prsent salary as to make it up fifty pound to each for this year
Colledge Estate delivered by the Worƚƚ Capt John Richards unto the Dept Govr is as followeth: in the Accot underwritten.
Account of the Estate belonging to Harvard Colledge under my management. Due from the severall prsons undermentioned, namely.
Jntrest | Principall | ||
49ƚƚ 10 08 |
ffrom mr ffrancis Willoughby’s Exers. by obligac͞on. dated January. 24. 1668 |
200 00 00 |
12 09 00 |
From mr Joseph Jewets Exrs. Ipswich, ꝑ obligc̄. dat. Apr. 23. 60 |
060284 00 00 |
03 16 00 ½ |
ffrom Kt Grant. watertown ꝑ obligac̄. dat. nov. 28. 1664 |
010 00 00 |
From Jno Bernard Watertowne. ꝑ obliḡ. dat. Apr. 17. 1667 |
003 10 00 |
01 18 06 |
From Hen. Green Boston, ꝑ obliḡ. dat. May. 4. 1667 |
005 00 00 |
67 14 02 ½ |
From Lt Josh Fishers Exrs. Dedham, ꝑ oblig. dat. may. 29. 1669 |
017 00 00 |
Jntrest as ꝑ Margent |
067 14 02½ |
From mr Ed: Tings Exrs. Boston, p note. dat. may. 20.1669 |
005 00 00 |
From Tho: Hawkins Exrs. Boston ꝑ bill. dat. Sept 20. 1661 |
022 00 00 |
From Tho: Brown Cambr. ꝑ bill. dat. March. 1. 1664. rest |
010 04 06 |
From mr Seth Perry rest285 due for rent of house in Boston March. 25. 1682286 |
025 00 00 |
From Robt Jngolls & Robt Burgess rest due for rent of meadow to March. 1. 1675287 |
003 00 00 |
From ditto Burgess & Jngolls & Ri. Hood of Lyn. new lease of mr Coggans meadow wch they take at 8ƚƚ ꝑ ann. for 7 yeare from. ffeb. 27. 1675 (of wch I recd. 8ƚƚ 10s) rest due. 27. 12. 81 |
040 00 00 |
From the Exers of Ri:288 Russell Esqr (for wch they pay 15ƚƚ ꝑ annū) |
162 16 04 |
From sd Execrs. 100ƚƚ given by mr Russells will of wch receivd. 31ƚƚ 13. 04d rest due |
068 06289 08 |
From the Exers. of mr Joseph Brown a Legacy |
100 00 00 |
From mr John Scarlett, he was to pay of Capt Scarletts Annuity. 28ƚƚ (I recd 10ƚƚ) rest |
018 00 00 |
From the Bendalls (Capt Scarlets Legacy) due Jan. 1. 81. for 1 year money |
007 00 00 |
From mr Newgates ffarme due march. 25. 1682 |
005 00 00 |
26⅔ bush, of malt in Golden Moores hand and 25 in mr Lyndes hand & 10 bush. Ben Eaton |
012 00 00 |
Ballance of my Accot |
007 06 00 |
848 17 8½ |
Moneys Lett out. Anno. 1681. at 8 ꝑ C. ꝑ annū.
Aug. 1681 |
15 |
To mr Sam: Goff of Cambr. ꝑ bond for 1 year |
015 00 00 |
18 |
To mr Jno Nevison Watertown ꝑ obliḡ. 4 yeare |
050 00 00 |
19 |
To Wm Veazy & Capt Jno Holbrook Weymouth. ꝑ bond. 1. year |
040 00 00 |
19 |
To Sam: Paine & sd Holbrook, ꝑ bond. 1. yeare |
020 00 00 |
20 |
To Robt & Benj. Badcock Milton. ꝑ bond. 3 year |
030 00 00 |
23 |
To Elias Parkman of Boston marrinr ꝑ morḡ. 3 year |
125 00 00 |
Sept 7 |
To mr William Goodhue. Jpswich. ꝑ bond. 1 yeare. |
040 00 00 |
15 |
To Tho: Plimly & Capt Nicho. Page. Boston. ꝑ bond. 3 yeare |
025 00 00 |
15 |
To mr Edwd Pelham & mr Sam. Goff. Camᵬr ꝑ bond. 1 yeare |
030 00 00 |
20 |
To Jno Aulger of Boston. ꝑ mortḡ 3 year |
030 00 00 |
21 |
To Tho: Atkins of Boston carpentr ꝑ mortḡ. 3 year |
025 00 00 |
27 |
To mr Leonard Dowden Mercht Boston. ꝑ mortḡ. 1 year |
050 00 00 |
October |
8 |
To Robt Billings Senr &c. Dorchestr. ꝑ bond. 3 year |
270 00 00 |
17 |
To James Pembrton & Jo: Pembrton. Boston, ꝑ bond. 1 year |
025 00 00 |
17 |
To mr Pet. Sergeant to pay Jntrest from 1st Jnst Novb note |
100 00 00 |
27 |
To Esther Keene & Eleazer Holyoke. Boston, ꝑ bond. 1 yeer |
030 00 00 |
To James Tisdall of Charlst Taunton & Dr Avery Boston. Bond |
010 00 00 |
Dec. 15 |
To Tho: & Ephr. Hunt &c. ꝑ bond |
100 00 00 |
1682 |
mr Samƚ Nowell ꝑ bond. Apr. 6. 1 year |
050 00 00 |
To Jno Matson of Dorchester (includ in a morḡ. for a gll sum to mee) for 2 yeer. com̄encing June. 4. 1681 (Wm Stoughton Esqr hath the mortgage) |
128 00 00 |
1193 00 00 |
To a Donation from Capt John Hull |
100 00 00 |
Contd on the other side |
848 17 8½ |
2141 17 8½ |
A Deed of mr Jno Coggans meadow lett to Jngolls and Burgess &c. now at |
8ƚƚ ꝑ an̄ |
Deed of Annuity of mr Newgates-Rumney marsh |
5 ꝑ an̄ |
Lease of house to mr Seth Perry Boston |
10 ꝑ an̄ |
Lease of house to mr Enoch Greenleafe: Boston |
13 ꝑ an̄ |
Legacy of Mr Jon Glovrs (all pd to ffebr. 10. 1681) |
5 ꝑ an̄ |
Lease of Charlstown fferry (All pd to ffebr. 1. 1681) |
50 ꝑ an̄ |
Legacy from ye late Capt Samƚ Scarlett, (see his will) enquire of Mr Jncrease Mather |
7290 ꝑ an̄ |
Deed of Bumkin Jsland from mr Samƚ Ward of Charlstowne. |
Deed of Land bought of mr John Betts at Cambr. |
A grant of a ffarme at Pacotoqȝ in Pequott. Country. |
Aprill. 10. 1682. ꝑ me
John Richards.
May. 4. 1682
The Petition of Joseph Web292 formerly expelled the Colledge, being prsented to & considered of by the Corporation, they consent that he shall be readmitted into the Colledge on his good behaviour being publikely293 read in the Hall, & by him publickly acknowledged.
At a Corporation meeting.
Ordered that the double Books in the Colledge Library be prized & sold & ye mony improved for the buying other books yt are wanting.
Jan. 10. 168⅔.
Ordered, that the Worƚƚ Capt John Richards Esqr be impowred as Attorney in behalfe of ye Corporation to call in & receive moneys due as arrears from the gift of Mr William Penoyer or295 othrs, & upon receipt to give full discharge & acquittance
The Worƚƚ Samuel nowell Esqr was chosen Treār of Harvard Colledge, Liberty being reserved for the Worƚƚ Jno Richards Esqr to reassume the place at his returne.
March. 22. 168⅔
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Colledge do of the next mony belonging to the Colledge wch shall be by him received pay to the fellows upon the place,297 what yet remains as due to them by Vote of ye Corporation, dated Apr. 10. 168⅔
Ordered, That Elliot, Whiting, Mills, Phillips shall for the next year be allowed five pounds out of the Colledge Revennue. the time to begin at 28 of this instant March.
An Jnventory of the Colledge Vtensills belonging to the Buttery octob. 26. 1683.
Silver. |
2 Salt Sellars. 1. great one. 1 little one |
1. earthen Jug tippd with silver. |
1. Silver Tankard marked S P. |
2 Silver Spoons. 1. Goblett the gift of mr Edward Paige ffellow Com̄oner. |
1. Goblett given by mr ffrancis Wainwright ffellow Com̄oner. |
Pewter. |
4. fflaggons, serviceable, 2. two quart potts with lids good. 2 two quart pots without lids, battred. 1 3 pint pott without a lid. 1. Tankard unfitt for service. 2. new Juggs with lidds. 4 other Juggs one with a lid & 2 without. 4. old Juggs unserviceable, |
3 Sizepots, 2 with lids, new. the other without 4 new salt sellars. 2 old battred salt sellars 4 small cups new. 3. Bowls battred. 4 cups with eares unserviceable. 2 cuecups one unserviceable. |
Brass. |
ffour brass candlesticks. |
Linnen. |
Com̄encmt Linnen. 5 Diapr tablecloaths. 3 long ones. 2 small square ones. |
7. Doz: & 4 diapr napkins. |
2 long Towells new. 1 old Towell unserviceable. com̄on Linnen. 3. ffellows Tablecloaths new. 3 new Table cloaths for ye lower Table. 3 old Tablecloaths. almost worn out. |
Wood. |
1. Table. 4. canns 2 new. 2 old. |
12 doz: Trenchrs. 6 cups, 4 beer barrells |
3 Tables to put names on 1 great desk, 1 salt box. Jn the Hall. 3. Tables. 6 forms 1 Chair. 3. Desks. |
1 Curtain to one window. 1 small buttery Mulctbook |
An Accot of the Colledge Stock betrusted by Capt Jno Richards Esqr by with Thomas Danforth Esqr.
Harvard Colledge Stock. Dr.
1682 | ||
Apr. 20 |
To David Mead ꝑ Bill for 1 year at 8 ꝑ C |
007 00 00 |
May. 6 |
To Aaron Bordman by order of the ffellowes |
002 04 10 |
July. 19 |
To mr Manning pd portage of Books |
000 09 00 |
To the Butlar for Trenchrs |
000 12 00 |
To mr Addington for entring writings |
000 05 00 |
To Christophr Read298 ꝑ Bill for 7 years at 8 ꝑ C beginning September. 30th 1682 |
050 00 00 |
To cash payd for boards for Colledge use & charges as particulars on file |
010 17 00 |
To 6 Schollarships at 5ƚƚ ending. Aug. 8. 82 |
030 00 00 |
To disbursemts at Sundry times referring to Coll. Woodhouse |
011 14 03 |
To James Trowbridge & John Mirick per bill dat. 8. 8. 82. at 8 ꝑ C. for 4 years |
046 12 00 |
To Hen. Seager ꝑ bill. dat. 10. Jan. 82 |
020 00 00 |
To Christopher Grants Bill |
001 15 06 |
181 09 07 |
Harvard Colledge Stock Cr
1682 | ||
June. |
By Cash received of Capt Richards |
007 06 00 |
By Richard Hood of Lyn. Arrears of Rent for Marsh |
002 00 00 |
By Malt ꝑ 10 bush. of Benō. Eaton |
002 00 00 |
July. 25 |
By Richard Hood abovsd in money |
001 00 00 |
8ᵬ. 9 |
By Hester Keane Jntrest |
002 08 00 |
14 |
By James Pemberton principall & Jntrest |
027 00 00 |
20 |
By Mercy Dowdon principall & Jntrest |
054 00 00 |
9ᵬer. 6 |
By Malt of mr Jos. Lynds 31½ bush. 31 |
004 14 06 |
By old Timber |
000 03 00 |
By Ditto |
001 02 00 |
By money received of Deacon Coopr |
000 17 06 |
Xᵬer. 13 |
By Samuel Payne ꝑ Jntrest |
001 12 00 |
By Roger Billings |
046 12 00 |
20 |
By Dr Avery principall & Jntrest |
010 16 00 |
11. 10 |
By Jno Man ꝑ Jntrest |
012 00 00 |
12. 6 |
By Will. Veasy Jntrest money |
003 04 00 |
176 15 00 |
Rest due to Ballance this Accot to Tho. Danfor Esqr March. 5. 168⅔ |
004 14 07 |
181 09 07 |
5.1.168⅔ A true Accot Errors excepted Tho: Danforth |
Camᵬ. 5. 1. 168⅔
The Accots of the Colledge Bills & estate betrusted wth the above named Thomas Danforth Esqr by Capt John Richards Treār. of the College, having been perused & examined by the Corporac̄c̄on, the day & yeare above written, this abovesd Accot thereof is allowed by us. and the bills & Evidences of sd moneys & Estate by or order are by sd Thoma Danforth Esqr delivered into the hands of Samuel Nowell Esqr
Jno Rogers
Jncrease Mather
Nehemiah Hobart
Samuel Andrew
John Cotton
Plan G
Rogers’s Farm in Waltham
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
March. 5th. 1683: An Accot of the Estate belonging to Harvard Colledge under the Care of Saml Nowell299 Esqr. delivrd unto him by Thomas Danforth. Esqr is as followeth.
Jntrest due at End of yr years respectively.
Jn moneys due by Bond and Bill &ca.
ƚƚ sh dd |
63.00.00 |
ffrancis Willoughbyes Exrs. ꝑ Bill. dat. 24.11.68 |
200 00 00 |
17.05.00 |
Joseph Juitts Execrs, ꝑ Bill. dat. 23.2.1660 |
060 00 00 |
02.06.06 |
Hen. Green of Boston ꝑ Bill. dat. 4.3.1667 |
005 00 00 |
01.04.00 |
Samƚ Goffe ꝑ Bond. dat. 15.6.1681 |
015 00 00 |
04.00.00 |
Jno Nevinson ꝑ Bond. dat. 18.6.1681 |
050 00 00 |
Wm Veazy & Capt Holbrook ꝑ bond. 19.6.1681 |
040 00 00 |
Samƚ Payne & Capt Holbrook ꝑ bond. 19.6.81 |
020 00 00 |
02.08.00 |
Robt & Benj. Badcock ꝑ bond. dat. 20.6.81 |
030 00 00 |
10.00.00 |
Elyas Parkman ꝑ mortgage. dat. 23.6.81 |
125 00 00 |
03.04.00 |
Wm Goodhue ꝑ bond, dat 7.7.81 |
040 00 00 |
02.00.00 |
Tho: Plimble & Capt Nich. Page. dat. 15.7.81 |
025 00 00 |
02.08.00 |
mr Edwd Pelham & Samƚ Goff ꝑ bond. 7.7.81 |
030 00 00 |
02.08.00 |
Jno Angur of Boston ꝑ mortgage. 20.7.81 |
030 00 00 |
02.00.00 |
Tho: Atkins300 of Boston ꝑ mortgage. 21.7.81 |
025 00 00 |
Roger. Billins Senr Dorchester ꝑ bond. 8.8.81. rest |
245 00 00 |
08.00.00 |
mr Peter Seargeant ꝑ note. 1.8.81 |
100 00 00 |
Hester Kane & Eleazer Hollinck Boston ꝑ bill. 27.8.81 |
030 00 00 |
08.00.00 |
Ephr. & Tho: Hunt ꝑ bond. 15.10.81 |
100 00 00 |
04.00.00 |
mr Samƚ Nowell Esqr ꝑ bond. 10.2.82 |
050 00 00 |
Jno Mason of Dorchester included in a mortgage in mr Stoughton hand. June. 4.81 |
128 00 00 |
Jno Man of Boston ꝑ mortgage at 6301 ꝑ C |
100 00 00 |
Lt302 James Trowbridge. Jno Miricke bond. 8.8.82 |
046 12 00 |
Kt. Read of Cambr. by bond. dat. 21.8.82 |
050 00 00 |
Hen. Seager of Muddy River, dat. 10.11.82 |
020 00 00 |
Kt. Grant Senr ꝑ bill dat. Jan. 20.82 |
016 14 00 |
00.11.08 |
David Mead of Billericâ dat. 10.12.82 |
019 00 00 |
The Country Treār̄ Dr for wch annualy they pay 15ƚ in Country pay |
162 16 04 |
142.19.04 |
1763 02 04 |
Jn moneys behind for Rent, Jntrest Legacyes &ca. as followeth.
John Barnard of Watertowne ꝑ bill. 17.2.1667 |
003 10 00 |
Execrs of Lt Josh: ffisher ꝑ note. dat. 20.3.1669 |
017 00 00 |
Edwd Ting Esqrs Exers. ꝑ note. dat. 20.3.1669 |
005 00 00 |
Execrs of Tho: Hawkins ꝑ bill. dat. 20.7.1661 |
022 00 00 |
Tho: Brown of Cambr. ꝑ note. dat. 1.1.1664 |
010 04 06 |
Seth Perry for Rent behind, dat. 25.1.1683 |
035 00 00 |
Robt Jngolls & Robt Burgess. Lyn. rest due for rent. 1682 |
049 00 00 |
The Country Trēār hath in Stock of the Colledges 162ƚƚ 16s 4d for wch they pay in Country pay annually (due for 82) |
015 00 00 |
Exrs. of Richard Russell Esqr behind for a legacy |
068 06 08 |
Exrs of mr Joseph Brown |
100 00 00 |
mr Jno Scarletts, part of Capt Scarletts annuity |
018 00 00 |
Bendalls Children for Capt Scarletts Legacy, for 1681. 1682. beginning January. 1. 1680 |
014 00 00 |
mr Newgates farme. 1681. 1682 |
010 00 00 |
Jn Benoni Eatons hand 31½ malt. 31 ꝑ bush |
004 14 06303 |
Malt. 26⅔ bush in Golden Moores hands |
003 19 10 |
By order of mr Jno Russell of |
of Danƚ Hovey304 |
012 10 06 |
Hadly to receive |
of Country Trēār |
006 18 06 |
Bill signed by Bridget Peirce |
021 00 00 |
Legacy of Deacon Trusedall. Exers of Wm Gilbert |
040 00 00 |
By Jntrest as on the left page money |
142 19 04 |
Tot |
594 09 04 |
Brought from ye left page |
1763 02 04 |
2357 11 08 |
Jn Rumney Marsh. 70 acrs. Meadow at. 8ƚ ꝑ annum |
008 00 00 |
mr Newgates Annuity. 5ƚ ꝑ annum |
005 00 00 |
House that was Capt Keynes rented at. 10ƚƚ ꝑ anū |
010 00 00 |
mr Webs house rented at 13ƚƚ ꝑ annum |
013 00 00 |
Legacy payd out of mr Jno Glovers Estate. 5ƚ ꝑ annum |
005 00 00 |
Charlstown fferry lett at. 50ƚƚ per annum |
050 00 00 |
Capt Scarletts legacy. 7ƚ ꝑ annum |
007 00 00 |
Bumkin Jsland mr wards legacy ꝑ ann̄ |
002 00 00 |
About 20 accrs land in Watertown. Haywards gift at |
002 00 00 |
102 10 00 |
Lands in Cambr. Town bounds |
In the neck of land. 3 acrs ½ |
on S. Side river woodland. 6 acrs |
40 Acrs Elder Chamneys gift |
30 acrs granted. by ye Town |
10 acrs wood lotts. At Spie pond |
A farme at305 Billericâ. 200 acrs. |
1751ƚ moneys at Jntrest. as above at 8 ƚ ꝑ C. is |
140 00 00 |
242 10 00 |
ƚƚ s d |
Totall. |
Jn Stock upon Emprovemt |
2357 11 08 |
Jn Annuityes, Rents &c ꝑ ann̄. |
242 10 00 |
Aug. 12. 1683.
Mr John Rogers was solemnly inaugurated into the place of President.
At a meeting of the Corporation in Cambridge. Decemƀer. 5. 1683
Nehemiah Walter was chosen Butler
Orderd that the Schollars of the house for the year ensuing be Sr Mitchell, Sr Danforth, Denison, Saltonstall, Dudley & Cotton
Orderd, That upon consideration of the great pains which the present ffellows resident in the Colledge (vizt mr Andrew & mr Cotton) have taken, theyr allowance for the year past beginning at Com̄encemt 1682 shall be 45ƚ in money to each of them. And that what the Jncome from the fferry at Charlstowne & mr Glovers gift doth come short of this sum̄ shall be made up out of the money received in England by the hond Treasurer of the Colledge Major Richards
John Palfrey was chosen Colledge-Joyner
Ordered, That the Butler shall on account of his drawing of Cyder have 18d ye Barrell allowed to him.
Jt was voted and agreed vnanimously by the corporation that the president be desired to speake to the Govr to intreat yt the Overseers would please to order the Commencemt for the future to be on the first Wednesday in July.
At a meeting of the Overseers at Boston January. 3. 1683.
The Overseers being acquainted with the Vote of the Corporation for the change of the Com̄encemt day from the time wherin ’t was last held to the first Wednesday in July, Do consent yt it be upon sd day for the future.307
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridge March 17. 1683. 4.308
- Mr Rogers Presidt
That out of mr Penoyrs gift be given to Chauncey £10, and £7.10s to Davenport.
That Eliot, Whiting, Mills & Phillips shal have each of them for the next year £5 in money given them, this Vote to begin frō Mar. 26. 1684.
At309 a Meeting of the Overseers on the Commencmt day Camᵬr. July. 1. 1684. Prest Simon Bradstreet Governr Dan. Gookin, Willm Stoughton, Majr Bulkley, Majr Saltonstall, Hūphrey Davy, John Richards, James Rusell, Wm Johnson, Samƚ Sewal, Esqrs. mr John Eliot, mr James Allin, mr Samƚ Willard, mr Tho: Shepard.
Wheras ꝑ a sudden visitation by Sickn. the Present Presidt is disabled from Officiating in carrieing on the Com̄encmt; The Overseers of the College have Nominated, appointed & Order’d the Reverd mr Wm Hubbard to manag[e] the Same, and do fully impower him to admitt to, & confer upon the Persons concern’d their Degrees belonging to them respectively.
John Richards.
ꝑ Order.
July 2. 1684.310
The Revd mr President Rogers dyed. The Sun begining to emerge ou[t] of a Central Ecclyps.
College Stock April. 29. 1693.311
Interest due | ƚƚ s d | fol.312 | ƚƚ s d | |||
Octob. 4.92 |
.. .. .. |
Mr Samƚ Goff |
Cambridge |
Bond |
65 |
50 .. .. |
Augst 17.93 |
2 00 0 |
Mr Sam̄l Paine, Capt Jno Holbrok |
Weymoth |
Bond |
65 |
20 .. .. |
Aug. 19.93 |
12 00 0 |
Mr Robert & Benja Badcock |
Milton |
Bond |
66 |
30 .. .. |
Aug 23.93 |
18 00 0 |
Mr Elias Parkman |
Boston |
Mortḡ |
66 |
112313 10 .. |
June 2.93 |
1 16 0 |
Jno Bunker & Jam. Lowden |
Charlestown |
Bond |
67 |
15 .. .. |
Ingolls & Burges |
Lynn |
Rent |
67 |
34 6 .. |
Augst 24.93 |
48 00 0 |
Mr Richd Wharton |
Boston |
Bond |
68 |
100 .. .. |
Apr. 8.93 |
6 1 6 |
David Mead |
Billerica |
Bill |
68 |
8 10 .. |
Sept. 29.93 |
3 2 0 |
Ebenezer & Jchabod Brown |
Cambridge |
Bond |
68 |
21 2 .. |
Mar. 29.93 |
1 3 0 |
Jno Barnard |
Watertown |
Bill |
68 |
5 .. .. |
Spet 29.93 |
11 2 0 |
Wm Smith |
Boston |
Mortḡ |
69 |
62 8 .. |
July 20.93 |
1 4 0 |
Wm Shaddock. Jno Stratton |
Watertown |
Bond |
69 |
15 1 .. |
Oct. 29.92 |
.. .. .. |
Jno Green |
Cambridge |
Bond |
69 |
1 19 4 |
Sept 15.93 |
14 0 0 |
Joseph Holmes & Bligh |
Boston |
Bond |
70 |
25 .. .. |
May. 28.93 |
74 8 0 |
Mr Edward Pelham |
Road Jsland |
Mortḡ |
70 |
341 4 .. |
Apr. 1.93 |
2 8 0 |
Mr Matthew Bridge |
Cambridge |
Bond |
71 |
30 .. .. |
Sept 29.93 |
14 4 0 |
Mr Jno Jackson |
Cambridge |
Bond |
71 |
89 5 .. |
Sept 28.93 |
3 4 0 |
Mr Joseph Webb |
Boston |
Bond |
71 |
26 .. .. |
Jano 23.92 |
6 8 0 |
Lt Richd Way |
Boston |
Mortḡ |
73 |
80 .. .. |
Febr. 12.92 |
4 16 0 |
Seth Perry |
Boston |
Bill |
73 |
15 .. .. |
July. 25.93 |
12 0 0 |
Edwd Hill of Boston, & Capt White |
Weymoth |
Bond |
76 |
50 .. .. |
Nov. 21.92 |
.. .. .. |
Capt Richd Crispe |
Boston |
Bond |
76 |
25 .. .. |
Apr. 26.93 |
4 16 0 |
Simon Crosby Billerica Jos. Crosby |
Brantrey |
Bond |
76 |
60 .. .. |
June. 16.93 |
1 4 0 |
Nathl Wilson Senr junr & Samƚ Wilson |
Camᵬr. Villg |
Bond |
77 |
15 .. .. |
Apr. 19.93 |
.. .. .. |
Jn ye hands of Jno Richds ye Ballc of Accts |
56 10 2 |
241 16 6 |
1288 15 6 |
241 16 6 |
1530 12 0 |
Jn New-England. | In England. | ||
Mr Greenliffs house. Mr Webs gift ꝑ Annū |
ƚƚ s 12 0 |
Mr Wm Penoyer out of a farme in Norfolk formerly let at 44ƚ ꝑ An: now at 30ƚ out of wch Corporation for Indians 10ƚ ꝑ Annū, and to ye Coll: yr hath com but about 13ƚ ꝑ Annū as ꝑ Mr Edwd Whites Acco for 2 last years. This pd to March 25. 1685. |
Capt Keyn’s Legacy a house. ꝑ Annū |
10 0 |
Mr Glovers Annuity |
5 0 |
Mr Coggin’s gift, meadow at Lynn |
8 0 |
Mr Newgates Annuity ꝑ Annum |
5 0 |
Bumkin Jsland let to Jsc Lobdel ꝑ Annū |
2 5 |
Land at Watertown to Saml Livermore ꝑ An |
1 5 |
Charlstown Ferry ꝑ Annum |
50 0 |
241 16 6 103 10 0 23 00 0 |
Elder Penns Annuity J guess ꝑ Annū |
10 0 |
A Deed of Land bought of Mr Betts pains ꝑf |
103 10 |
368 06 6 |
Jno Dodridge Esqr ꝑ Annū paid to Febr. 84. The314 Substc of ys ddd to his Exellcy Sr E Andr[os] |
Mr Nathaniel Hulton of Newington Green gave 130ƚƚ
Mr Thomas316 Gunston of Stock-Newington gave 065ƚƚ
Memo The Numbers of the Corporation wr then Revd Mr Iohn Sherman, Mr Incr. Mather Mr Neh. Hobart
Mr |
Andrew |
Cotton |
Iohn Richards Esqr Treasurr
At a Meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College Iuly 21. 1684.
Whether do you consent That the Rev̄d mr Ioshua Moodey be chosen Presidt of Harvard College? Voted in the Affirmative.
Sept 1684.
The Corporation having Nominated the Revd mr Ioshua Moodey for Presidt of the College, The Overseers declared their consent to and Approbation thereof, and appointed Majr Danƚ Gookin Esqr Samuel Nowel Esqr and the Rev̄d mr Iohn Eliot as their Com̄ittee in the Name317 of the Overseers to acquaint mr Moodey therewith and desire his Accepta of sd Trust and place.
Octobr 14. 1684.
The Com̄ittee appointed to treat with Mr Moodey concerning his acceptc of the Presidts Place made return to the Overseers, That Mr Moodey’s Answer was on the Negative.
The Overseers Order’d the Corporation forthwith318 to ꝑceed to the Nominacōn of som other meet Person for sd Place and Trust.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Camᵬr. Oct pr̄o 1684.
Order’d That the rent of House belonging to the College now Let to Seth Perry shal for this year be disposed of for the Encouragmt of the Rogers’s in case they shall continue to be in Com̄ons.
Order’d That the Schollars of the house for the next year shalbe, Sr Danforth, Dudley, Cotton, Rogers Senr, Rogers Iunr, Mitchel.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Boston, Oct. 16. 1684.
Order’d That out of Mr Penoyers money rec̄d by & now in the hands of the Hond Majr Richards £18 shalbe disposed of to mr Andrew, and £18 to mr Iohn Cotton the Present Fellows of the College.
At a Meeting of Corporation Oct. 30th 1684.
Mr Samuel Mitchel was chosen a Probationer, and desired to undertake the charge of the Class of the Sophimores untill further order.
At a Meeting of the Corporation of the College in Camᵬr. March 2d 168⅘.
Order’d that ten pounds shalbe given to Davenport out of mr Penoyers Gift, and of that money now in the hands of the Hon̄d Majr Richards.
At a Meeting of the Corporation of the College in Cambridge March 23. 84/5.
Voted that Sr Saltonstall be chosen Buttler.
Voted, That mr Leverett be chosen a Probationer, and be desired to take the Care of the Class of Sophimores.
At a Meeting of the Corporation in Cambridge, May 4̄o 1685.
Order’d that what is or shalbe due to the College from Mather Iunr on acct of Detrimts shalbe remitted.
Order’d, That out of the absent Com̄ons of bread & bear shalbe allow’d to ye Buttler Thirty Shillings on acct of washing the Trenchers.
Order’d, That mr Andrew Bordman be appointed the College Cook.
June 11th 1685.
At a Meeting of the Hon̄ & Revd Overseers of Harvard319 College at Boston.
The Revd mr Increase Mather was requested to take special Care of the Governmt320 of the College, and for that End act as Presidt till a further Settlmt be Orderly made. Exemplar verum Tho: Danforth.
At a meeting of the Corporacōn in Cambr̄ July. 2. 1685.
Whereas ye Gen̄l Court held at Bost May 27. 1685 has order’d that ye £100 ꝑt of the An̄ual Salary for the Presidt be p̄d to the Corporac͞on, It is hereby order’d by ye Corporac̄on that ye sd £100 shal be disposed of as follows, vizt £10 to mr Leverett and £40 to mr Cotton ye present fellows of the College, & £50 to mr Man̄ing in full discharge of what is due from ye College on acct of disbursmts.
At a meeting of the Corporation in Cambr̄ Sept. 15. 1685.
mr John Leverett & mr Sam̄l Mitchel were chosen Fellows of the College.
Voted, That mr Andrew Bordman’s Salary as Cook shalbe £40 Annualy.
Order’d That £10 be allow’d to Each of the three fellows out of the mony in Majr Richds hands
Novr 25. 1685.
It was agreed by the Presidt & Fellows, That to the Buttlers Annual allowc for Candles sħd be added 10s on ye acct of what is Spent in drawing Cider.
Rules & Orders respecting the Steward Cook & Butler Of Harvard College321
1. Respecting the Steward
The Steward shall take ye Sole Care of, & provide at ye Currant322 Price all Necessarys and meet Provisions323 for ye Offices of ye Cook & Butler, according as ye Colledge324 Occasions whether Ordinary or extraordinary shal require325 & seasonably deliver ye Same at ye respective Offices.
The Steward shall deliver in unto ye Butler his Bread at five Shilgs ꝑ Bushell & his Beer at four ꝑ Barrell each Barrell consisting of 16 Galons of Beer measure allowing thereto two pecks of Barley Malt.
He shall Quarterly require326 & receive of ye Butler & Cook an Account of ye particular Debts & shall present them with one entire Account of both drawn up on ye fryday fortnight after ye Quarter Day to ye Rector & Tutors for their Approbation & Examination to wch being added in their respective Collumnes, Detriments, Study rents, Tuition, Punishmts The Monitors Allowance, Gallery Money, Glass mending & ye said Bill being either signed327 by ye Rector or Tutors, the Steward shall forthwith make Demand of & receive wt shall be due thereon,328 from329 ye several Debtors & (saving onely for such Debts as shall be allowed, by those whom it may concern, to be desperate and so remitted by them) shall ꝑsonally stand engaged & be accountable for ye same as follows.
1. To the College Treasures for all Study rents, Detriments, Punishments, Gallery Money Glass-mending &c
2 To the Tutor for Tuition & half Tuition charged on their respective Pupils Account.
3 To the Monitor for wt is charg’d in ye Monitors Collumn.
4. The Steward shall not330 give Orders to the Cook & Butler for their receiving any Scholar into Commons and sizings but they shall receive orders from331 ye rector or one of ye Tutors for yr Commons or Sizings, but they shall receive Orders from ye rector or one of ye Tutors for their being put out for either.
The Steward shall be allowed for his Cost and Pains the whole sum that is332 charged in the Collumnes of Commons and sizings, supposing the Sum shall not amount to sixty Pounds ꝑ Quarter, and if the Said Sum shall amount to more, the Steward shall pay to the College Treasurer one sixth333 Part or if six of the Excess and accordingly if the Said Sum shall fall short of the fore mentioned Sum of sixty Pounds, the College Treasurer shall allow him one third of this Defect.
2 Respecting the Cook and Butler
1 The Butler and Cook are to look into all the College Utensils and Vessels grea[t] and small deliver’d by Inventory to them and on every Quarter Day to deliver into the Rector or Tutors an Inventory therof. particularly shewing wt Detriment is befallen the College, and by what Means, whether by Wearth in their just Usage (wch the Steward shall repair at ye College Charge334) or by any abuse or Neglect of any Scholar or Schollers wch shall be charged to their Account335 in ye Stewards Generall Bill; if &336 if Detriment Come to ye fore-mentioned Vessels or Utensils by any out of the Society.
Plan H
Plan of the Sink from the Kitchen of Harvard Hall and of the Drains from Stoughton and Massachusetts
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Then those Officers that ye Utensils belonged to shall themselves be responsable to ye College for ye sd Detrimt, for that they are not but at their Peril to Communicate wt is ye Colleges to any not related thereto.
2 The Butler and Cook shall see yt ye Utensils and vessels to their several Offices. appe[r]taining As,337 Pots, Cups, Saltsellars &c to ye Butler, Platters, trenchers &c to the Cook from Day to Day be kept clean and fit for the Use and at all mealtimes they shall deliver them out as ye Publick Service of the Hall requres to ye Servitors, wch shall be responsable for them untill they return them to ye Buttery Hatch & Kitching as [88] is requisite338 and if any Scholar or Scholars shall at any time take away or detaine any Vessels of ye Colleges, great or small from ye Hall out of Doors339 from ye Sight of ye Buttery Hatch without ye Butlers or Servitors Approbation, He or they shall be punish’t three pence340 Shillgs but if ye Sd Vessels be detained by any. as to be wanting next Meal, he or they so detaining shall be punish’d twelve pence this Punishment to be noted distinctly by itself
3 The Butler and Cook shall see that all ye rooms peculiar to their Offices, together wth their Appurtenances, be set & kept in Order, clean and sweet from all manner of filthiness and in Defect therof they shall ꝑ ye rector, or Tutors, be punish’d one Shilg or more as ye Crime deserves.
4. Neither the Butler nor ye Cook shall suffer any Scholar or Scholars Whatsoever, excepting ye Tutors, Masters of Arts, or Fellow Commoners to come into ye Kitchen or Buttery unless on some extraordinary Occasion.
5. They shall not deliver, att Meal Times, except in Case of Sikness, or other just and allowable Causes, any Commons to any Scholar, save to ye Servitors, nor they to any saving ye Scholars setting orderly in the Hall
6. The Butler receiving his Bread at 5s ꝑ Bushel shall advance tenpence on a Bushell and receiving his Beer at 4s ꝑ Barrel shall advance 4d on ye Shilling, ye Cook receiving Provisions from ye Steward at Currant Price shall advance 6d on ye Shillg.
7. The Butler and Cook on every friday Noon shall give an Account to every Scholar demanding it of his Weeks sizings.
8. The Butler shall provide Candles for ye Hall, and at the End shall receive 20s annually of ye Steward wch shall be put equally upon ye Scholars heads
9. The Butler shall call ye Rector to Prayers Morning and Evening at the Set Times, and tole and ring ye Bell at five of the clock341 in ye Morning and at nine in the Evening.
10. The Butler shall allow to the College for ye absent Commons quarterly 10s; for ye faithfull Discharge of his Office he shall be allowed by the College twelve pounds ꝑ Annum
The College Laws342
Apr̄. 12. 1686.
It343 was then Agreed, That Davenport Senr s̄h̄d have £12. allow’d him out of that money of Mr Penoyers now in the hands of the Hon̄d Majr Richards.
Order’d, That the Fence between the College Lands and Mrs Mitchel’s shalbe forthwith set up, And that Mr Cotton be desired to take care to see it don.
Order’d, That Mr Cotton and Mr Leverett shall each of them be allowed £10 out of Mr Penoyers Legacy now in the hands of Majr Richards.
Order’d, That Mr Sam̄l Mitchel shall have £10 allow’d him out of Mr Dodderige’s Gift now in the hands of Majr Richards.
Apr̄. 25. 1686.
Order’d by the Presidt and Fellows, That what is due to the Colledge from the two Sr Williamses on the acct of Detrimts shalbe remitted.
July. 8. 1686.
Order’d, That for the Present year Mr Penoyer’s Legacy shalbe disposed of To the present Tutrs Mr Leverett and Mr Brattle, and to Davenport Senr and Ions each of them six pounds.
Index, refering to ye Pages Immediately following in ys Book
College lands sold | p. 90 [91345] | |
College Homestead |
90 [91] |
Lands in Cambridge |
91. 2. 3 [92–94] |
Elder Chamney’s Gift |
p. 92 [93] |
Mr Heywards, in Watertown |
93 [94] |
Shawshin Farm |
93 [94] |
Bumpkin Iseland |
93 [94] |
Mr Coggan’s Marsh |
94 [95] |
Mr Webbs House in Boston |
94 [95] |
Mr Stoughton’s Lands Dorchester346 |
94 [95] |
Mr Ezek. Rogers—Rowley |
95 [96] |
Judge Sewal’s. 500. Acres |
95 [96] |
Mr D. Russel’s—Saco |
96 [97] |
At Paucatuck, Narragaset |
98 [99] |
Merricaneag, Province of347 Main |
100 [101] |
At Rutland |
101 [102] |
At Lunenburgh |
102 [103] |
At Townsend |
103 [104] |
Mr Danforth’s, in Framingham |
103 [104] |
Hopkinton Coll. Brown’s |
104 [105] |
Mr Nathl Wards conveyance |
104 (1) [105] |
Robert Cooks Grant |
105 [106] |
General Courts 800. Acres |
105 [106] |
Edward Jackson’s. 400. Acres |
106 [107] |
Mr Atkinson’s |
106 [107] |
Mr Newdigate’s |
107 [108] |
Mr Glover’s |
107 [108] |
107 [108] |
Capt Scarlet’s 7. L. pr An |
108 [109] |
Charlestown-Ferry |
108 [109] |
Elder Penn’s L. 10. pr An |
108 [109] |
Hopkinton Rents |
109 [110] |
Mr Penoyer’s Legacy |
109 [110] |
Mr Dodderidge’s Legacy |
110 [111] |
Esqr Boyle’s Donation |
110348 [111] |
Marsh in Dorchester giv’n by Governr Stoughton. |
Lib. 4.p 13349 |
Plan of it. pa. 101.350 |
Rogers’s Farm Lying in ye Town of Waltham purchas’d with the Money wch was the Produce of the Sale of the Revd Lands giv’n to the Colleg by the Revd Mr. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley |
Vid. p. 95. 114. & 123. & 124.351 |
Lands & Annuities belonging to Harvard College.352
Whereas ye Lands and Annuities belonging to Harvard College, are entred in ye College Books after a broken disjointed manner, I (Benja. Wadsworth, President Dec. 10. 1733) thought it proper to collect said Entries, and what I find further belong to them, & enter them here, in a more uniform compact manner.
Capt. Kein’s House sold.
And here I would premise, yt some Tenements353 or Lands entred in ye College Books, as formerly belonging to it, have since been sold,354 viz. Capt. Kein’s House in Boston, given to ye College, was sold July. 8. 1696. by order of ye Corporation, to Coll. Paige for. L. 160. See Mr Treasurer Brattle’s College Book. no 5. p. 43.355
20 Acres at Lexington sold.
Item. 20. Acres of Land at Lexington, granted to ye College by ye Town of Cambridge, (as appears by their Town-Records) sold to Gregory Stone for L. 50. An. 1721. See College Book no 4. p. 70.356
6 Acres sold
Item sold about six Acres Southside Charlse River to John oldham. 1714. See College Book. no 4. p. 45. 53.357
Mem. Thȏ there were358 Corporation votes, to sell a strip of Land in Cambridge Neck 3½ Acres; and in Fresh-pond Meadows 1½. Acre; yet I dont find yt hitherto they have been sold.
College Home-stead.
As for yt oblong parcel of Land, on which ye three Colleges & ye President’s House & Barn now stand; I suppose ye Easterly part of it, was granted by ye Town of Cambridge An. 1638. to ye use of a publick school or College forever, containing 2⅔ Acres.359 The College expended on it. above L. 300. (See Coll. Book No 3. p. 2360) & it appears not yt ye Town ever allow’d them their charges.361 The westerly part of ye South end (where ye President’s House now is) was bought of Edward Goffe wth a Building on it, afterwards call’d Goffe’s College. See Coll. Book. no no 2. p. 18.362 no 3. p: 41.363 That part wch runs northward from Cambridge Meeting House, even to a rod or two north of ye present old College, was bought of John Betts. April. 4. 1661. and entred with ye Records of Deeds for Middlesex, Lib. 13. p. 424–5. This Land was bought with money given to ye College by mr William Payn merchant, and by his son. See Coll. B. no 2. p. 38. B. 3. p. 30.364 The northwest corner of ye Land where ye Colleges are, was sold by Thomas Swetman to Michael Spencer. Dec 10. 1677. entred in ye Register at [92] Cambridge. Lib. 8. 287. And sold by Michael Spencer to ye College Jun. 12. 1697. entred in ye Registry of Deeds for Middlesex. B. 12. p. 80. 81. These three Deeds of Betts, Swetman, & Spencer, is are with ye College Treasurer.
Land before ye Presidents House.
No 3. p 41365
On ye south side of ye street, Just before ye President’s House as it now stands, is a small piece of Land belonging to ye College; it was formerly Robert Bradish’s House Lot. When it was leas’d to Steward Bordman. 1705. ye bounds were, about. 115. feet on ye street north of it; on another street Eastwardly about eighty nine feet; on ye south, one hundred fifteen feet, as on ye north (ys south side, and ye west side, now Join on Steward Bordman’s Land) and ye West side is of ye same length with ye East, viz. eighty nine feet. I suppose part of Steward Bordman’s Barn now stands on ye northwest corner of this Land. This Land was call’d ye House Lot of Robert Bradish. Coll. B. [2. [p. 18. [N B Part of366 this Land was taken into ye Presidents use in Autumn 1770: leaving so much of it with367 out of ye fence then made as might accommodate Mr Andrew Boardman to go to his Barn. Agreed by ye Corporation that he should have some at ye west End left him and more on ye South west Corner but no lease was given of it nor any Time set twas only allowed for the present—and no sum was fixed as a consideration for ye use of it]368
A long slip of Land in Cambridge Neck. 3½ Acres occupi’d formerly by Joseph Cook. Coll. B. 2. p. 18. Since yt, occupi’d by Coll. Foxcroft, and by Coll. Goffe; it’s bounded, west by ye Land of Mr Thomas Foxcroft, north by an Highway, East by an Highway leading towards Captain’s Iseland (so called) south
Mem.371 Nov.15. 1736.
Francis Foxcroft Esqr shew’d me B. Wadsworth372 a deed dated ye 1. day of—1653. wherein ye Corporation sold two Acres of Land to Tho. Danforth, Esqr and they373 had in lieu of it, ye above 3½ Acres.
West fields.
An Acre and half in Cambridge West Fields, or Fresh-pond Meadow, bounded by Deacon Bowman’s Land
Lands laid out on south side Charlse River. 1662. in the seventh division, to ye College, three Acres.
Lot. 33. S. Side Charles River.
More land on southside Charles River, granted by ye Town Feb. 27. 1664. & March. 27. 1665. Lot. 33. to ye College, thirty Acres and374 three Commons. This is on Cambridge Town Records. Treasurer Brattle’s Book. p. 84. says,375 (Dec. 4.376 1704) ys land was survey’d about. 30. years agoe by order of ye Town’s Committee, by David Fisk, and review’d last April by ditto; yt it was eighty Rod long, & Sixty Broad; yt it was platted, & lay west of their Meeting House (scil. Newtown) and not far from Charles River. It’s now let to Jonathan Willard for nine years begining March. 25. 1726. at. 15. shillings per Annum.
Elder Champney’s. 40. Acres in Newtown.
From Richard Champney’s Will. Jun. 30. 1669. on Record of Wills in Middlesex. Lib. 3. p. 139. an Extract, viz.
I do give and bequeath those Lands lately granted & laid out to me by ye Town of Cambridge, near to ye Falls on Charles River, containing fourty Acres more or less, unto Harvard College in ye same Town, as an expression of my willingness to further ye Education of youth in all godly Literature.
This Farm was survey’d by David Fisk. An. 1704. a Plat of it is with College Treasurer. ’Twas leased to mr Nathl Hubbard for. 99. years, begining March. 25. 1705. for. 20s pr An. If payment of Rent be neglected. 30. days after ’tis due, ye College may reenter.
Cambridge Rocks Lot. 15.
Lots granted in Cambridge Rocks. 1689. in ye first division ye fifteenth Lot was laid out to Harvard College, twelve Acres, bounded, Thomas Fox southwest, Highway southeast, Saml Cook north easterly, Joseph Cook & Nathl Hancock northwest.
Lot. 36.
In ye second division Lot. 36. ye College, twelve Acres, bounded Peter Town south west, Ephraim Cutter John Cooper and John Marret South East, Jonathan Remington northeast, Nathl Pattin & Edward Winship northwest.
A Record of Lots laid out in Cambridge, & voted to be recorded. May. 12. 1707. In in ye lower division on ye north side Menotomy River, & at Mill’s Ware.
The sixty sixth Lot to Harvard College, seven Acres and an half, bounded northeasterly wth Saml Cooper, south westerly wth Saml Andrew, northwesterly wth an High way, south westerly wth Mr John Whiting.
Lot. 77.
The seventy seventh Lot to Harvard College, one Acre three Quarters & twenty Rods, bounded northwest Saml Hastings, south East John Swan, north East John Holmes, south westerly an Highway.
Lot. 12.
In ye upper division on ye East side ye Bridges, ye twelf Lot to Harvard College, seven Acres & an half, bounded southerly wth John Holmes—now 16.1733 I’m Inform’d, Joseph Underwood is on a[ll] sides of i[t]379
Lot. 6.
A division of Lands in Cambridge, platted in March. 1724. And voted yt ye Lots be recorded accordingly April. 17. 1724. [94] In ye Lower division. No. 6. to Harvard College, one Acre & twenty seven Rods, bounded, Easterly Ephraim Frost’s Heirs, westerly Henry Prentice, northerly Henry Prentice, southerly wth ye Common.
Note, this Lot lies near ye College, viz. Just a cross ye Common northward380 from Cambridge Burying place.
Lot. 58.
To Harvard College four Acres and an half & twenty eight Rods, bounded, Easterly with ye Countrey Road, southwesterly wth an Highway, northerly wth Deacon Cooledge, & southwardly Capt. Bordman. Mill’s ware. High Way runs across this Lot.
Mem. All these ten381 preceeding Parcels of Land belonging to ye College (excepting Elder Chamney’s Gift) are recorded in Cambridge Town Books for Records of Lands.
Land in Watertown given by mr Heyward.
An Extract from ye Will of John Heyward of Charlestown dated July 1672. on Record of Wills for Middlesex Lib. 3. p. 272.
I give unto ye College at Cambridge my House Lot by ye Pond in Watertown lying for twenty four Acres.
It appears by a Lease of this Land to Daniel Livermore. An. 1696. it was then bounded, north by ye Fresh Pond, East by Palsgrave Wellington, West ye Widow Beers, south by Lands of Grant Cooledge & Wellington.
Shawshin Farm.
Cambridge Town Records Book. 1. p. 33. shew, yt. 1639. five hundred Acres at Shawshin (now Billerica) were granted to mr382 Henry Dunster President of Harvard College; one hundred Acres of which was for ye use of Harvard College. Our College Book No 3. p. 16.383 says, mr Henry Dunster gave one hundred Acres more adjoining to ye former. As appears by a Lease of ys Land to Richardson & Hosely. 1708. it was then bounded, south by ye Land lately mr Daniel’s, East by Woburn Line, northerly Joseph Walker, westerly by several mens Lots. A Plat of ys Land, (now wth ye Coll. Treasurer,) taken by Jonathan Danforth Jun. 19. 1699 (when ye Bounds were renewed) calls ys Farm two hundred & twenty Acres. The Bounds were renew’d again. 1718. by Saml Danforth surveyer, present Joseph Walker, James Hasley, Dr Simon Crosby. Memo a Plan of this Farm taken by Capt. Caleb Brooks, is enter’d in this College384/this this Book No 3385 pa. 122.5386
[W]ards, or [B]umpkin [I]seland.
Mr Samuel Ward of Charlestown, by a deed Will/a deed387 or Instrument under his hand. April. 9. 1680. Which is entred with Records of deeds for Suffolk. Lib. 21. p. 278. gave to Harvard College, his Iseland, between ye Towns of Hingham & Hull, called Bumpkin or Wards Iseland, containing about thirty Acres. This now rents for about L. 23. pr An.
Mr Coggan’s Marsh at Rumney Marsh
Mr John Coggan Merchant in Boston, by a deed or Instrument under his hand (now with ye Coll. Treasurer) dated Jan. 16. 1654/5. gave to ye College a Parcel of salt marsh in Rumney Marsh. Our College Book. no 3. p. 16.388 calls it seventy Acres, and says, Mr Coggan confirm’d it under his hand & seal. An. 1652. bounded on three sides with ye River or great Creek, and a Lease given of it (1709) says, on ye fourth side with Capt. Flood’s Marsh runing in a straight line from one side of ye sd River or Creek to ye other. This marsh was platted by Mr John Gardner An. 1716. The use of ye marsh is for ye College, but if any of389 Mr Coggan’s children or Grandchildren should be at the College, they to have ye benefit while continuing there. The Plat of ys is with ye Treasurer, of ye College. The Present Rents between. 20. & L. 25. pr An.
Mr Webbs House in Boston.
Mr Henry Webb of Boston, by his Will. April. 5. 1660. gave to ye College an House & Land in Boston. This Tenement is now Leas’d to Mr William Payne for ninety nine years, begining March. 25. 1710. in this Lease ye Bounds are thus described, viz. Westerly in ye Front by Cornhil one and thirty feet and an half; easterly in ye Rere by Pudding Lane, twenty four feet; northerly by Housing & Lands of John Campbel; southerly by ye Housing & Lands of Enoch Greenleaf and ye late Thomas a field, extending in depth on390 each side from Front to Rere, about one hundred thirty five feet. Mr Payne is to give twelve Pounds pr An. for this Tenement; at two payments annually, viz. L. 6. on or before Sept. 29. & ye other six, on or before the 25th of March. If he fails of making payment for more than thirty days after ’tis due, & demanded, ye College may reenter.
The Honble mr Wm Stoughton Esqr’s Land in Dorchester.
The Honble William Stoughton Esqr Livetenant Governour, late of Dorchester; besides his building of yt College now call’d Stoughton’s College,391 did in his last Will & Testament, give to Harvard College, a Pasture in Dorchester, twenty three Acres; bounded An. 1718. Easterly by Israel Leadbetter, southerly Saml Jones & Isaac Ryal, westerly by Land yt is or was Joshua Henshaws, northerly John Robinson, measuring on each side about eighty Rods, and at each end about fourty Rods.
In ye same Will, he also gave to ye College four Acres of Marsh in Dorchester, (sometimes in ye occupation of John392 Trescot)393 bounded 1735. South, Georg[e] Minot; westerly & Easterly, Tho. Tolman; northerly, Israel How & Samuel Jones394 These two Parcels, viz. ye Pasture & Marsh, were by Mr Stoughton’s Executors convey’d by Livery & seizen to Mr Tho. Brattle College Treasurer, Aug. 4. 1703. as appears by a written Instrument now in ye Coll. Treasurer’s hands. The yearly Incomes of these Lands, to be for ye benefit of some Dorchester scholar, if none such at College then to some Milton scholar, if none such to an Indian student, and in want of such, to any well deserving yt is needy. [96] See more of this Will of ye Honble Mr Stoughton’s, Coll. Book. No. 4. p. 13. at ye latter end of yt Book.395
Plan I
College Land in the President’s Improvement
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Revnd Mr Ezek: Rogers
The Revnd Mr Ezekiel Rogers Minister in Rowley, in his last Will & Testament gave Sundry Parcels of Land in Rowley to his wife, after her decease to ye Church & Town of Rowley, towards enabling them ye better to maintain two teaching Elders, in case they396 should be four years destitute of two such Elders, he then gave said Lands to Harvard College. According to ye tenour of this Will, ye foresaid Lands came to ye College, and they recd Rents for them. from397 An. dom. 1701. March. 25. (& ever since) see Treasurer Brattle’s fol. Book. p. 72.398 Mr Rogers’s Will, is on ye Record of Wills at Ipswich. I’ve seen an Attestation under ye hand of Thomas Lambert Town Clerk of Rowley. Jan. 22. 1677. yt ye sd Mr Rogers was buried. Jan. 21. 1660. & Mrs Rogers Feb. 12. 1678. See a large Paragraph of this Will, Coll. Book no 4. at ye latter end. p. 10.399
Vid: infra p. 114.400
The Corporation of ye College have lately petitioned the General Court, for Liberty to sell these foresaid Lands (lying in several small separate Parcels) yt with ye produce of them, they may buy some where a401 more compact Farm, which might bear the name of Mr Rogers’s Gift. No 4.402 p. 165.403
On June. 24. 1696. The Honble Samuel Sewal Esqr & Hannah his Wife, by a written deed or Instrument (now in the Coll. Treasurer’s hand) gave to the college404 a Farm at Petaquamscot in ye Narraganset Countrey, otherwise called Kings Province, containing five hundred Acres more or less, bounded southerly by ye Lot laid out to Thomas Mumford, which is numbred three;405 northerly by ye Lot laid out to John Wildbore, numbred five;406 westerly by a Line runing cross &407 dividing this 500. Acres from other Land belonging to said Sewal. This whole Lot, before said Sewal gave part of it to ye College, was in ye northwest corner of Petaquamscot, & was numbred four.408 The Incomes or Profits of this Farm are by ye donors direction
For and towards ye Support and Education at ye said College, of such youths whose Parents may not be of sufficient ability to maintain them there; especially such as shall be sent from Petaquamscot aforesaid, English or Indians if any such there be.
This deed of Gift to ye College, is recorded in ye Book of Land409 Evidences at Kingstown. May 29. 1706. in no 2. p. 104. 105. Pr Saml Fones cl. And in ye Book of Land Evidences of the Colony of Rhode-island. no 2. p. 336. Pr West, Clark Recorder. A Plat of this Farm is wth ye College Treasurer.
The Revd Mr Danl Russel’s Land given to Coll.
I find by sundry Papers in my keeping, which I transcrib’d from410 Papers accidentally coming into my hands An. d. 1727. That William Phillips bought a considerable Quanties of Land on Saco River in ye Province of Main Aug. 29. 1660. of Hombinowit, alias John Rogomock. This deed was witness’d by Robert Field, Ezbon Sanford, John Alden.411 Robert Howard Publick Notary Massachusetts Colonie, attested ye copy of ye above mention’d deed, to be true. Sept. 1. 1667. On ye backside of ye above, ’twas certifi’d yt Livetenant John Peik of Newberry, had possession given him by Turf & Twig from ye abovesaid Rogomock, for ye piece of Wm Phillips, in ye Presence of Archelaus Woodman and John Gress.
Said Wm Phillips bought more Land adjoining to Saco River of Moheiggon. May. 31. 1664. Ys deed was witness’d by John Wakefield & Mary Wakefield.412 And further, Edward Higgon & John Higgon, did, Aug. 17. 1669. confirm ye forementioned Land, in presence of Francis Hook & Nicholas Lash. This Instrument was entred in ye Records of ye County of York. July. 14. 1669.
William Phillips of Winter Harbour in ye Province of Main & Bridget his Wife, by a firm deed. Aug. 30. 1673. convey’d to Mr Richard Russel of Charlestown, Merchant, his Heirs & Assigns forever, two thousand five hundred Acres of Land, bounded in said deed as follows viz:
‘Lying and being upon Saco River, Joining to & begining at ye upper part of Salmon Falls in ye Province aforesaid, being in breadth up by Saco River northwest one mile, being on ye westward413 side of said River, and to run in length upon ye main Land so far on ye said breadth, as to make up ye said Quantity or number of two thousand five hundred Acres, and is butting upon Saco River Eastwardly, and on ye Land of ye said Phillips Westerly.
This deed was witness’d by Gershom Hobart & Paul Dudley; and acknowledg’d April. 8. 1675. before Edward Rushworth Associate; and entred in ye new Book of Records of ye County of York. p. 137.
This conveyance not to be found.414
Mr Richard Russel of Charlestown confirm’d to his son Daniel Russel (who gave a. 1000. Acres to ye College) two thousand Acres of ye aforesaid Land at Saco, a clause in his conveyance to his son, is as follows, viz.
‘I give, grant and confirm unto my son Daniel Russel, two thousand Acres of yt my Messuage or Tenement lying and scituate in or near ye Town of Saco in the [98] county of York or Province of Main; lying in breadth upon Saco River one mile norwesterly, & begining Just above Salmon Falls; and up in ye main Land till said Quantity be compleated; being bounded by Saco River Easterly, by ye land of William Phillips northerly and Westerly.
Having shewed how ye Revnd Mr Daniel Russel became owner of ye foresaid Lands, I’ll now Insert a clause of his Will, viz. Dec. 20. 1678. viz.415 |
An Abstra An Abstract of ye last Will and Testament of ye Revnd Mr Daniel Russel, heretofore of Hartford in ye Colony of Connecticutt; but deceased at Charlestown in ye County of Middlesex, within ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England, viz.
‘To ye College (wherein I have taken my degrees in Learning, and which has been a means in some measure to fit and furnish me for preaching ye everlasting Gospel, whereof I have sometime been an unworthy Messenger) I give and bequeath one thousand Acres of Land, lying (& being ye one half of my Grant) at Winter Harbour, to be & remain as the said Colleges Estate forever.
Taken out of ye Registry of
Wills for416 ye County aforesaid
Lib. 18. p. 336.
By Francis Foxcroft Register
Probat. for said Middlesex.
York Ss. Recorded April. 6.
1731. & Recorded Lib. 14. Fol.
97. of ye Records for deeds &c
in ye County of York.
Attest Jos. Moody Register.
Mem. Mr Saml Woodbridge of Hartford, who married ye daughter of ye Revd mr Daniel Russel, and in her right claim’d one half of ye Land given to Mr Daniel Russel by his Father, said in a Letter of his to Mr. Benja. Emons of Boston. Nov. 8. 1726.
This 2000. Acres of Land has a fine Meadow in it of abt. 60. Acres; yt ye Tract was laid out by one Mr Blackman about thirty years past or something better
I cannot find, whether Mr Blackman took a Plat of these Lands; or whether his survey was entred in any publick Records. Wthin a few years now past, Elisha Cook Esqr of Boston, bought ye 1000. Acres belonging to Mr Woodbridge in right of his Wife. And his. 1000. Acres together with ye Colleges,417 was survey’d within two or. 3. years past, and ye College did bear part of ye charge.
March. 23. 1657/8. Laid out to Harvard College at Cambridge, in lieu of a Grant made them of two thousand Acres of Land at a General Court held at Boston, these several parcels of Land in manner following, viz.
Lands at Paucatoque or Southerton.
On ye East side of Pauquatucket River, one Parcel of Land by Estimation about five hundred Acres of Land more or less, being bounded with Paucatuck River runing by William Cheesbroughs House on ye East & northeast thereof, and continuing upon ye said River unto ye Head thereof, and with a Path leading from Mystick unto Kechomaug or ye wading place over Pauquatucket River on ye south east thereof, ye which Path is ye head of William Cheesbroughs Land, and on ye West with ye Wilderness.
Also one other Parcel by Estimation about five hundred Acres more or less, lying upon Mystick River, begining about fourty Pole on ye south side ye Brook yt runneth into ye said River near to Goodman Culver’s House, and extending from418 ye said River half a mile on each side thereof, and runing up ye said River fourty Poles above ye northside of ye swamp lying at ye north end of ye Plain, and there to be in breadth on each side ye River as before named, and ye said Lines to be made straight Lines, and not to run crooked as ye River runeth.
Also one other Parcel by Estimation about five hundred Acres more or less, being bounded with419 a Parcel of Land layd out unto Thomas Prentice on ye West, with ye same on ye south, on ye East with Wiquapaug, and on ye north with ye common Land.
Also on ye west of Mystick River five hundred Acres more to be laid out upon ye great Plain about two Miles more or less from Goodman Culver’s House.
Also one hundred Acres of Meadow of ye nearest yt may be found unto ye abovesaid Farms on Mystic River, ye which two last are to be laid out by Captain George Denison & Thomas Danforth.
To ye Hond General Court assembled at Boston ye 19. of May. 1658.
May it please this Hond Court, to confirm these within mentioned Parcels of Land to ye College, as also to grant unto Thomas Danforth (who hath spent much time in seeking out ye same for ye accommodation of ye College, and must spend more in seeking ye further Improvement [100] thereof) three hundred Acres to be laid out adjoining to ye West side of yt five hundred Acres, which lieth at ye head yt of Goodman Cheesbroughs Land, and to be bounded by Captain George Denison; your Petitioner & servant shall be Incouraged to be further serviceable to his power.
Thomas Danforth.
The Deputies think meet to grant this Petition with this Proviso, yt ye Lands herein specified appertaining to ye College, exceed not two thousand five hundred Acres, with reference to ye Consent of our Hond Magistrates hereto.
William Torrey Clerk
26th May. 1658. consented to by ye Magistrates.
Edward Rawson Secretary
After each word herein written is recorded, then follows,
In Answer to ye Petition of Mr Thomas Danforth, who laid out ye lands above mentioned, which ye Court allows & confirms, and Judgeth it meet to grant unto ye said Mr Thomas Danforth, three hundred Acres of Land to be laid out to him adjoining to ye West side of the College Lands yt lyeth at ye Head of William Cheesbroughs Land, and to be bounded by Captain George Denison.
What’s above written, shows ye Right ye College has to ye Lands mention’d, which lye in ye Pequot Country. Corporation votes about these Lands may be seen Coll. Book. no 1. p. 41. on Sept. 27. 1670. & p. 52.420 Dec. 11. 1674. about measuring out ye Bounds of ye foresaid Lands. The General Court at Connecticut May. 14. 1674. made some conditional Imperfect confirmation of at least some of ye College Lands abovesaid, but I think it never took effect. Thom Danforth Esqr of Cambridge (sometime Treasurer of the421 College, and who laid out ye above Lands for ye College) in a Letter to Wm Stoughton Esqr. July. 3. 1683. Bitterly complains of hard usage from Connecticut, in taking from ye Massachusetts Bay ye Lands belonging to ym by Conquest in ye Pequot Countrey; and in said Letter says
‘As for ye College Lands, ye Grant by ye General Court and return made by myself of ye laying it out, is on Record with Mr Rawson; of which ye College was actually possess’d, untill some of Hartford Colony & some of Rhode Island by violence dispossed, and have built thereon.’
Sept. 6. 1717. The Corporation of ye College, voted, to address our General Court for an Equivalent for said Lands in Pacatock (see Coll. Book. no 4. p. 60422) but ye matter drop’d & no Address was made. The College have not for many years (if formerly) had any benefit from said Lands, nor essayed to sell or lease them; I suppose they have been long since possess’d by others, in their own right as they think.
At a special General Court called by ye Honourable Governour and Magistrates order, to sit in Boston on ye. 7. Feb. next, and then sat, 1682/3
Merricaneag in Province of Main.
‘This Court do grant Merricaneag Neck of Land in the Province of Main in Casco Bay, with one thousand Acres of Land adjacent, unto ye President and Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge, to be and remain to ye use of ye said College forever; and ye President of ye said Province is ordered to bound out ye said Grant, as may be most behoofull to ye College
Extracts from ye Instructions of ye General Court of ye Massachusetts Bay, to Joseph Dudley & John Richards Esqrs their Agents in England, pass’d in March 1682/3
‘You are also to take notice, in case you see cause to deliver up the deeds for ye Province of Main, yt several Tracts of Land have been granted to several persons. viz. one to ye College of a Neck of Land, called Merricaneag Neck and a thousand Acres lying in Casco Bay; also a Grant of a thousand Acres to Mr Wharton, also a Grant to Mr Russel Treasurer, and several Townships setled by ye President of yt Province, which were confirmed while you were here by this Court, all which Titles to ye soil should be excepted, when you make a surrender of yt Province.
N. B. As ye first Grant gave ye College a423 title & right to these Lands; so ye last mention’d Act of ye Court, shews yt said Court had confirm’d424 it.
An. 1684. The General Court granted to Capt. Joshua Scottow 500. Acres to be laid out in ye Province of Main in any free place;425 ys Grant was confirm’d by ye Court May. 27. 1685. Twas laid out on Merricaneag by Edward Tyng & Sylvanus Davis, who I suppose took Merricaneag for a free place426 (wch it was not, being granted before to ye College) Mr Scottow sold this 500. Acres to Saml Sewal Esqr March. 29. 1690. ye deed was recorded in Suffold Records of deeds April. 10. 1690. and in ye Records of deeds in ye Province of Main. Dec. 3. 1691. Note further. Nov. 8. 1693. the General Court granted [102] to ye foresaid Saml Sewal Esqr & his Wife, 1000. Acres on Merricaneag. I suppose twas ye general Courts forgetting their former Grant to ye College427 yt occasion’d this428 for wn sd Honble Judge Sewal came to understand yt Merricaneag had formerly been granted to ye College, and thereupon appli’d himself to ye General Court, sd Court granted him 500. Acres at Pennicook, and were ready to grant him as much more in some other place, in lieu of wt they had granted him on Merricaneg. Hereupon ye Honble Judge Sewal & his Wife, in written Instruments (now in Coll. Treasurer’s hands) releas’d & resign’d to ye College (on April. 24.429 1696) their. 500. Acres on Merricaneag bought of Mr Scottow, and their. 1000. Acres there, granted by ye General Court to ym.
Plan430 of a piece of Salt-Marsh lying in Dorchester belonging to Harvard-College, giv’n by the Honble Governr Stoughton vid. Coll. Book No 4. pag. backside 13.431 Measured June 15. 1748. ⅌ Saml Blake, laid down by a Scale of two of Gunter’s Chains to an Jnch.
Chainmen, Mr John Robinson & Mr Saml How.
Enter’d here Jan. 10. 1754. ⅌ E. Holyoke.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Holyoke, Plan A, between pages 190–191 of this volume.—Editor.]
At a Meeting of ye Proprietors of ye Town of Rutland at Boston. Nov. 5. 1718. duely warned.
Voted, yt ye Lot in ye Plat marked no N. be granted to ye use & benefit of Harvard College in Cambridge forever, being two hundred fifty Acres in ye western Wing.
A true Copy from Rutland Proprietors Book of Records,
Attest, Saml Wright Clerk of said Proprietors.
See Coll. B. no 4. p. 154.432
This Farm is in ye south East Corner of ye West Wing, butting northerly on Jonathan Waldo433 no. 1. & westerly on John Smith, and Jeffreys. no. 6. Easterly on ye setlers part; southerly on Leicester. ’Tis reckon’d there are thirty or fourty Acres of a large Pond in this Tract.
[The College have hitherto done nothing towards the Improving this Rutland Farm.434]
Vide the Plan of the Town of Rutland pag. 119 & 120.435
Vid. Plan of the Coll. Farm in Rutland pag. 121.436
At a General Court held at Boston Nov. 4. 1719. said Court ordered two Towns to be laid out on ye Westerly side of Groton west Line, and appointed William Tailer, Samuel Thaxter, Francis Fullam Esqrs, John Shipley and Mr Benjamin Whittemore a Committee to lay out said two Towns, and in their directions given to them by ye said Court, were ye following words, viz.
‘That there be laid out and reserved for ye first setled Minister a good convenient Lot, also a Lot for the school, and a Ministerial Lot, and a Lot for Harvard College, of two hundred & fifty Acres each, and yt ye setlers be obliged to build a convenient House for ye worship of God in each of ye said Towns, within ye term of four years.’
This clause I transcrib’d from a copy of ye General Courts Act, attested by Josiah Willard Secretary.
The two Townships were laid out, and one of ym call’d Lunenburgh,437 ye other, Townsend.438
Accordingly, there was laid out for ye College, in ye Town of Lunenburgh, as follows, viz.
Laid out by ye Committee appointed, two hundred and fifty Acres and fourty four rod of Land in ye northwes northeasterly part of said Township, to Harvard College, begining at a Pillar of Stones erected for ye most southerly corner, and runing north. 32. degrees East, an hundred & fourty two rod, on second division belonging to John Fisk, there making an Angle and runing West thirty two degrees north 282. rod, on ye north Town Line, there making an Angle; and runing south. 32. degrees West an hundred & fourty two rod, on common Land there making an Angle; and runing East. 32. degrees south two hundred & eighty two rod to where it began.
Survey’d by Nathan439 Heywood, and approv’d of by
Josiah Willard |
Committee. |
Edward Hartwell |
Jonathan Willard |
Nathan Heywood |
College Lot on the West of Cambridge Common
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
vid. Infra p. 111440
A Plat of ys Farm was given in to ye College, sign’d by ye above Committee. Aug. 19. 1730. ye College paid L. 2–2. for laying out said Farm & entring it in ye Proprietors Book in Lunenburgh. According to ye Plat, ye Farm is in an oblong [104] oblong form, having right Angles, and is, long. 282. Rod, broad. 142. Rod.
[Hitherto, ye College have not let, nor done any thing to Improve, this Farm.441]
Townsend Land.
Dec. 10. 1733.
The General Courts Grant about Lunenburgh, will Inform, yt ye like Grant of. 250. Acres is made to ye College in ys Township, but ’tis not yet laid out so as to be entred in any Book of Records at Townsend.442 We now have a Plat of said Land. 1735.
It is hereby certified, yt at a Regular Meeting of ye Proprietors in ye common & undivided land in ye Town of Townshend upon ye 2nd Wenesday of April. 1734. voted by said Proprietors, yt Capt Wm Lawrence, Jasher Wyman, & Amos Whitney, be a committee to lay out a Lot to Harvard College agreable to ye Act of ye general Court. Attest per me, Jasher Wyman, Proprietors Clark.
[About this Townshend Farm, look forward, p. 112. 113.]443
The Honble Tho Danforth Esqrs Gift.
To Harvard College in Cambridge, on condition hereafter named, I do give, and when they have a President setled, will confirm by deed, those three Tenements at Framingham now in Lease to Benjamin Whitney, Isaac Bowen & John Whitney, as in their Leases is contained; to have & hold ye same forever to their only use & behoof. The conditions are as followeth, i. e.
1) That ye annual Rents thereof shall be for ye support of such Student as shall from time to time use & Improve one of the studies in ye new lodgings erected by Mr Stoughton.
2) That ye nomination of said person shall be by my heirs resident in ye Province.
3) That such Student shall be exempted from paying Study Rent and detriment
4) If such lodgings shall not be from time444 to time set & kept in good repair, or if any Prelatical Injunctions shall be Imposed on said Society, yt in such case, this my Gift shall revert to my Heirs.
I shall advise of a meet form for such an Instrument as soon as the College is setled.
See Coll. B. no 4. p. 99. & ye other end of yt Book. p. 8.445 The annual Income of these Lands, is six Pound.
An Extract take from ye last Will & Testament of ye Honble Samuel Brown Esqr, late446 of Salem in ye County of Essex deceased, viz.
Land at Hopkinton, given by ye Honble Saml Brown Esqr
Item I give to Harvard College in Cambridge, sixty pounds to be Improved for purchasing an handsom piece of Plate for ye College, with my Coat of Arms on it. I also give & bequeath to ye said College, what Lands, Houses, Buildings & Fences I have in ye Town of Hopkinton, which I purchased of Eleazer Giles, alias leased of ye College Trustees, and contains about two hundred Acres of Land, together with my stock belonging to said Farm; ye Incomes & Rents thereof allways to be Improved for bringing up some poor scholar or scholars, more especially such as my Sons & their Posterity may recommend.
A true copy of ye original
Daniel Appleton Register.
At a General Court of Election held at Boston the 8th tenth day of ye third 8th447 month. 1643. 1641.
Mr Nathl Ward’s Farm.
Mr Nathanael Ward is granted six hundred Acres of Land where it may not prejudice a Plantation
Copy examined Pr Josiah Willard Secretary Lib. 1. 390. Pa.
At a General Court of Election held at Boston ye tenth day of ye third Month. 1643.
Mr Nathanael Ward is granted his Farm of. 600. Acres as near Pantucket, as may conveniently be, to be laid out by Sergeant Howlet of Ipswich, Joseph Jewett448 of Rowley, and Phillip Chalice of Salisbury.
Copy examined by Josiah Willard Secretary Lib. 2. 39. Pa.
Dec. 10. 1646.
This conveyanc[e] is entered wth ye Records of Deeds for Suffolk Lib. 1. fol. 81. John Ballantime Register.
I wholly & fully resign, grant, sell & make over all yt Farm of. 600. Acres given me by ye General Court, lying near Andover by Merrimack, to ye College at Cambridge forever
By me Nathanael Ward
Acknowledged ye day & year abovesaid, before me John Winthrop Governour.
Recorded ye 22 (2) 1647. By William Aspinal. V. Recorder.451
May. 18. 1664. The General Court ordered ye Treasurer to lay ou[t] ye, 600. Acres of Mr Wards to Improve, or sell it for ye College benefit. [yet nothing done.]452
N. B. This conveyance by Mr Ward to ye College, was for a debt of L. 20. due from him to ye College (Coll. B. 2. p. 19) B. 3. p. 42453 for his son’s expences there (Coll. B. 3. p. 7)454 and so this Farm is said to be purchased455 B. 3. p. 51.456
Notwithstand all yt preceeds, I dont find yt this Farm was ever laid out, nor was ye College ever possess’d of, & thrô ye negligence of former times never was benefitted by it
At a General Court held at Boston ye 7nth day of ye eigthmonth. 1640.
Robert Cook’s Grand of 800. Acres.
Mr Robert Cook of Charlestown, in Regard of his Father’s hundred Pound adventured in ye Joint Stock, is granted eight hundred Acres of Land, where he can find it without Prejudice to any Plantation granted or to be granted.
Copy examined Pr Josiah Willard Secretary. Lib. 1. P. 349.
[I find]457 in ye Inventory of ye College Lands An. 1654. [B. 2. p. 18. &]458 B. 3. p. 41.459—“Mr Robert Cook of Charlestown, his Gift of a Grant of eight hundred Acres, made him by ye General Court.”
I dont find yt ys Grant was seasonably sought after, nor yt it was ever laid out, ye College was never possess’d of nor benefited by it; should it not be petition’d for?
General Courts Grant of. 800. Acres.
At ye Second Session of ye General Court held at Boston the 19. of October. 1652.
In Answer to ye Petition of ye President & Fellows of Harvard College, ye Court doth grant them eight hundred Acres of Land, and Liberty to Imploy such as they please to find out such a place or places as they may be most commodious & convenient for them, and to return to this Court what they have done therein, to ye end it may be laid out & confirmed to them.
A true copy, examined Pr Josiah Willard Secretary.
I dont find, yt ys was ever pursu’d or laid out.
From Edward Jackson’s Will. (Jun. 11. 1681) Lib. 5. p. 116.
Mr Edwrd Jackson’s 400. Acres.
I do give unto ye College at Cambridge, Broughton’s Chronologie &c Also I do give to ye said College, a Tract of Land at Billerica being four hundred Acres granted to me by ye Town of Cambridge, as by their Town Book doth appear. Also such debts as my Executors shall receive at any time from any debtor or debtors of mine in old England, my will is, yt such debts shall be given to ye said College.
Attest, Samuel Danforth, Register.
Thô this Will is of so ancient a date, I dont find ye least hint460 of it (as I remember) in ye College Books, nor had I any plane notice of it till very lately, when I enquir’d, & procur’d ye above attested copy.
I find among certain Papers by me, as follows viz.
Mr Atkinson’s Land
Thedore Atkinson of Boston, Feltmaker, by an Instrument bearing date ye 13. day of October. 1671. gives & grants to ye President & Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge, and to their Successors in ye said Society forever, to ye use of ye said College from & Immediately after his decease; a piece of Land lying at ye southward of Boston, containing by breadth & length about twenty rods of Ground, bounded with a Highway westerly, with Land given to ye Church of Charlestown northerly, with Land given by him to ye Church of Ipswich Easterly, and with a High Way yt leads to Mr Eliakim Hutchinson’s ground, southerly.
Recorded with ye Records of Deeds for Suffolk Dec. 17. 1695. Lib. 17. pag. 178.
Pr Joseph Webb clerk.
[I dont find, yt ye College ever sought after this Land, or was any way benefitted by it. I think I’ve heard, as thô ye donor was so fancifull as to give away more Land than he had, or at least ye same piece of Land first to one & then to another.]461
Annuities in N. England belonging to Harvard College.
Mr Newdigate’s Annunity.
John Newdigate of Boston by an Instrument dated Jun. 11. 1650. (recorded March 15. 1702. with Records of Deeds for Suffolk. B. 21. Pag. 201. Pr Addington Davenport Register) grants & and establishes upon Harvard College in Cambridge in N. England, five Pounds per Annum to be paid out of ye Rents of his Farm at Rumney Marsh. See more of this, Coll. Book. no. 4. latter end. p. 4.462 Tis but L. 4. pr An. yt’s usually pd, I suppose, by it’s passing from Countrey pay, to money.
Mr John Glover
Extracted from ye Will of Mr John Glover of Boston, bearing date the. 11. April. 1653. viz
And further, yt my son Habakkuk shall have ye said half of my House in Boston next Goodman Hudsons, with ye half of ye yard and other Housing & Tanpitts, my son Habakkuk paying within one year to my son Thomas Glover ten pounds, and to my son Nathanael Glover fourty pounds, and to Harvard College at Cambridge, for and toward ye Maintainance of a Fellow there, five pounds a year forever. And if my beloved Wife can spare to give ye said five pounds a year in her life time, I doubt not but she will give it.
examined Pr Joseph Marrion Register.
Mr Glover’s Will is registred |
in Suffolk. B. 1. p. 93. |
It’s463 but L. 4. Pr An. yt’s usually reciev’d, I suppose ye reason is, ’twas first pd in goods or Countrey pay, as then call’d, and since yt in money.
See concerning ys Annuitie Coll. B. 1. p. 49.464 &. B. 2. p. 38. B. 3, p. 52.465
Major Sedgwick’s Gift.
The College Books speak of Major Robert Sedgwick of Charlestown, his giving to ye College a shop in Boston (’tis sometimes call’d, two small shops466) standing by ye great ordinary,467 called ye Ship Tavern.468 This Shop was let by President Dunster to Richard Taylor. Jan. 13. 1646/7. See Coll. B. 1. p. 15.469 It seems ys shop was afterwards made void by William Phillips, and owner of ye great Tavern, and ye Tavern-House was Ingaged to pay annually to the College470 twenty shillings. Coll. B. 2. p. 19. See Coll. B. 3. 7. 42. 51.471 An. 1663. L. 9. was due to ye College from Wm Phillips B. 3. p. 47.472 ye same B. p. 50.473 Feb. 1. 1668. Wm Phillips is behind for Rent. L. 11.
I dont find yt any part of ys L. 11. was ever paid, or any Rent since.
The College Books speak of an Annuity of L. 7. from Capt Scarlet’s Estate. Jan. 1. 1676474 I dont find yt more than L. 10. of it was ever paid. See Coll. Book. 3. 75. 82.475 B. 4. p. 48.476
Capt. Scarlet’s Annuity. L. 7.
The Corporation ordered their Treasurer. Nov. 7. 1681. to sue for this Annuity, if he could not otherwise get it. B. 1. p. 57.477 B. 3. p. 73.478 I dont find yt ys was su’d for, nor any of it recd to this day.
Charlestown Ferry.
The Incomes of ye Ferry between Boston & Charlestown were early granted by ye General Court to Harvard College.
Book first of ye Records for ye Massachusetts Bay Page. 288.479 An. Dom. 1640. The Ferry between Boston & Charlestown, is granted to ye College.
The College now receives L. 260. pr An. from those to whom ye Ferry is leased.
Elder Penn
By ye last Will & Testament of Elder Penn480 (Ruling Elder of ye old church in Boston) L. 10. pr An. are to be given to poor Scholars, out of ye Rents of his Farm at Pulling Point; but this money is dispos’d & order’d by ye Elders & Deacons of ye old church in Boston; so yt neither Corporation nor overseers of ye College have any thing to do in ye disposition of said L. 10. pr An.
Hopkinton, Rents.
The Rents of ye Town of Hopkinton (which Lands were partly purchased with moneys given by ye Will March. 7. 1657 of Edward Hopkins Esqr, dated March. 7. 1657. & partly given by ye general Court of ye Massachusetts Bay, in an Act of theirs. Nov. 7. 1716) are to be annually gev given, three Quarters thereof, to six Bachelours (or Masters, in want of Bachelours) of Art residing at ye College, and performing such Exercises in Theologie as ye Corporation shall appoint them; and the other Quarter of said Rents, to ye Grammar school master for ye time being of ye Town of Cambridge, who by vertue of this pension, is oblig’d to teach seven scholars in said school in Grammar Learning, from time to time gratis.
The management of these Hopkinton Lands, is in ye hands of Trustees according to a decree of Chauncery in great Brittain (ye decree of wch Court recover’d ye Legacy given by Esqr Hopkins) so yt neither Corporation nor overseers of ye College, have any thing to do in renting said Lands, or in receiving Rents from ye Tenants. But when ye President Informs ye Trustees of Hopkinton, yt ye Bachelours, or in want of ym, Masters, of Art (wch are annually chosen by ye Corporation, and presented to ye Trustees for their Approbation) on Esqr Hopkins foundation, have resided at ye College & perform’d ye Exercises, as aforesaid, then ye Trustees order their Treasurer to paid pay to such Bachelours or Masters, their proportion of ye foresaid Rents.
Annuities in Great Brittain belonging to Harvard College in New England.
Mr Penoyer’s Legacy.
A clause of Mr William Penoyr’s Will, bearing date May. 20. 1670.
And for and concerning my Messuage in Norfolk let unto Robert More at ye yearly Rent of fourty four Pound Per Annum, my Will is, yt out of ye Rents and Profits thereof ten pound pr Annum be paid forever to ye Corporation for propagating ye Gospel in New England; and yt with ye Residue thereof two Fellows and two Scholars forever be educated and brought up in ye College called Cambridge College in New England, of which I desire one of them so often as occasion shall present, may be of ye line or posterity of ye said Robert Penoyr, if they be capable of it; and ye other of ye Colony of Nox,481 or of late called New haven Colony, if conveniently may be. And I declare my mind to be, yt eight years or thereabouts, is a convenient time for ye Education of each scholar respectively, and about yt standing others to be taken into their places, which nevertheless as to him, I leave to ye Master and Governour of ye said College. This to be performed after ye death of my Wife Martha Penoyer. See Coll. B. no. 1. p. 29.482 & Treasurer Brattles B. p. 21.483
N. B. These Rents are duely recd by ye College Treasurer, thô ye Rents of [111] of late have, on one account or other, been very low of late years, to what they were formerly.
Mr Dodderidge
John Dodderidge Esqr of Bremeridge in ye County of Devon (in old England) in his last Will and Testament, which was proved at London Jun. 20. 1659. before ye Judges for Probate of Wills [Pell. 380]486 has these words, viz.
‘Also I give & bequeath unto ye College in New England, towards ye maintainance of Scholars there, ye yearly sum of ten pounds to be forever Issuing & going forth out of my said Rectory of Fremington in ye County of Devon.
I dont find by487 ye College Books, yt ys Annuity has been paid to ye College, since Feb. 1684. See488 Coll. B. no. 4. p. 51.489 & Treasurer Brattle’s Fol. Book. p. 204.490
The Corporation of ye College have been for more than ten years past writing to England, to Mr Lewis Gregory, Capt Talamy, Mr Newman about this matter; they have give in491 sundry Letters of Attorney to sue for it in ye Court of chancery; Mr Newman now has such a Letter, however, ye matter has not hitherto been brought actually to a Tryal in chauncery, but I hope it quickly will.
Esqr. Boyle
Out of ye Estate of ye Honble Esqr Boyle of great Brittain, fourty five pound sterling annually is to be paid to ye President & Fellows of Harvard College492 in Cambridge in N. England, ‘to be by them Imployed & bestowed for ye Salary of two other Ministers, to teach ye Natives in or near his Majesties Colonies there, in ye Christian Religion.’
See Coll. B. 4. p. 33. 34. 38. 39. 42.493
This money is paid annually to ye Coll. Treasurer wth ye usual Exchange for L. 45. sterl. by ye Commissioners in Boston494 for propagating the Gospel among ye Indians. The Corporation of ye College Indeavour to dispose these moneys according to ye foresaid directions; thô sometimes they have (for want of Ministers actually teaching ye Indians, to recieve it) dispos’d it495 towards ye educating persons at ye College, to prepare them for preaching to ye Indians.
Inquire after ye Will of Mr Robert Thorner496 (in old England) dated. May. 31. 1690. & ye Will of Dr Daniel Williams497 (of great Brittain) See Coll. Book No. 4. at ye later end, for Mr Thorner’s498 Will. p. 3.499 for Dr Williams’s500 Will. p. 7.501
A Plat of ye College Farm at Lunenbourg. Look back. p. 102.502
[Here follows, in the hand of President Wadsworth, Plan B, between pages 200–201 of this volume.—Editor.]
Plan K
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
College Farm at Townshend. Look back. p. 102. 103.503
[Here follows, in the hand of President Wadsworth, Plan C, between pages 210–211 of this volume.—Editor.]
The above Plat contains two hundred & fifty Acres of land, laid out for Harvard College within ye Bounds of ye Township of Townshend, in full satisfaction reserved in ye original Grant of said Township. The most Easterly corner being a Stake & Heap of stones in ye Town line, at or near Cambridge School-Farm; from which ye line runs south, thirty one degrees & an half West, by Common Land one hundred and sixty Poles, to a black oak tree; there turning a right Angle & runing West 31½ degrees north on Common Land two hundred & fifty Poles, to a black oak Tree marked for a Corner; there making a right Angle & runing north 31½ degrees East, on Common Land one hundred & sixty Poles, to a stake & stones in ye Town line, thence turning & runing East 31½ degrees south, in ye line of ye Township two hundred & fifty Poles to ye Corner first mentioned, all of which Corners are well marked and a sufficient number of Boundaries made in ye several lines
Entred in ye Records of ye Proprietors of Townshend (thô, not ye Plat) p. 318.
Mem. March. 10. 1735/6. The Steward had a Note to pay to Capt. Wm Lawrence L. 8–7s–0d. for charges about ye College Farm at Townshend; besides, L. 13–5–9. formerly pd to Capt. Bordman & Mr Jones, on ye same account in general.
Mem. one hundred Acres were laid out for ye College by Mr Jones & Capt. Bordman; and afterwards. 75. Acres at each end of it (250. in all) by Capt. Lawrence, Mr Wyman, Mr Whitney.504
Articles505 of Agreement for division and Partition indented made and concluded on the twentieth day of November in the ninth Year of his Majesties Reign Annoq Domini 1735 between Edward Hutchinson of Boston in the County of Suffolk in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Esqr Henry Flynt of Cambridge in the County of Middlesex in the province aforesaid Esqr Nathanael Appleton of Cambridge aforesd Clerk and Andrew Boardman Steward of Harvard College in Cambridge aforesaid Esqr or any three of them a Committee appointed and impowered by the President and Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge aforesd the eighteenth of August 1735 as by the Records of the College may appear to make506 such amicable Agreements and Settlements for and in behalf of said College with the Church and Town of Rowley in the County of Essex referring to the Division and Settlement of sundry parcles of Land given and bequeathed to said Harvard College and Church and Town of Rowley by the Revd Mr Ezekiel Rogers late of Rowley aforesaid Clerk deceased on the one Part and Deacon Humphrey Hobson Thomas Lambert Esqr Ephraim Nelson Gentleman Joseph Jewet507 Junr yoeman508 and John Northend Gentleman a Committee appointed by said Church of Rowley and Ephraim Nelson Nathanael Mighil Jeremiah Chaplin Gentleman Samuel Dickinson yoeman509 and Thomas Lambert Esqr a Committee appointed by said Town of Rowley to joyn with the Committee aforesaid in the Division and final Settlement of said Parcles of Land bequeathed as aforesaid on the other part as510 followeth. To wit whereas the said President and Fellows of said Harvard College and the said Chh and Town of Rowley by vertue of the last Will511 and Testament of the said late Revd Mr Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley deceased are seized and possessed of sundry Parcles of upland Meadow and Wood Land in their own right as of fee in Rowley aforesd and that the said President and Fellows and the said Chh and Town might know have and enjoy their respective rights in in said several Parcles of Land given and bequeathed as aforesaid in severalty. Wherefore we ye said Edward Hutchinson Henry Flynt Nathanael Appleton and Andrew Boardman in the capacity aforesaid for and in behalf of said President and Fellows of said Harvard College and their Successrs and we the said Humphrey Hobson Thos Lambert Ephraim Nelson Joseph Jewet512 Junr and John Northend Ephraim Nelson Nathanael Mighil Jeremiah Chaplin [116] Samuel Dickinson and Thomas Lambert in the Capacity aforesaid for and in behalf of the said Church and Town of Rowley aforesaid and their Successrs have mutually covenanted and agreed and by these presents do mutually covenant and agree in and to the division partition and final Settlement of said Lands as follows Videlicet Imprimis That the said President and Fellows of Harvard College and their Successrs shall and may from henceforth and forever hereafter Have Hold use occupy possess and enjoy as their part and share of said Lands the several peices and parcles of said Land for the use of said College513 as follows To wit A Certain peice or parcle of salt Marsh and upland at a place called Sandy-bridge containing by Estimation fifteen Acres be it more or less bounded westerly on Land belonging to the Church and Town formerly given them by said514 Revd Mr Ezekiel Rogers deceased Southerly and Eastwdly on a Creek and partly on Jeremiah Hobson till it comes to the Road then crossing said Road Eastwardly on Captn. Pickard to the notherly Corner and notherly on a high way also a high way running515 cross516 said Land also another peice of Salt Marsh called517 Cowbridg Marsh about nine or ten Acres be it more or less bounded westerly on the Church and Town Land given them by Mr Ezekiel Rogers aforesd southerly partly on James Platts and partly on Richard Doel Eastwardly518 on Pickards Land and Notherly partly on said Chh and Town Land and partly on Josiah Bishop. Also about three quarters of an Acre of salt Marsh be it more or less called high way Marsh bounded westwardly and southerly by Deacon Boynton519 Eastwardly, with with Jonathan Todd and Notherly with widdow Pickard Also a peice of fresh Meadow called Satchels Meadow about six Acres be it more or less bounded westwardly on the Chh and Town Land given them by the said Mr Rogers southerly and Eastwardly by a brook and Notherly and northwestwardly on John Northend which peice of salt and fresh Meadow and upland are supposed to yield one year with another about520 thirty521 Loads of Hay Also all that lot or tract of Land laid out to Mr Ezekiel Rogers’s Living at a place called Hounsley Hill containing about thirty Acres be it more or less bounded as on record in Rowley records also the lower Homelot522 or Homestead containing about six Acres more or less bounded notherly Eastwardly and Southerly on high ways and Westwardly on Thomas Lambert Junr and Deacon Hobson Also the upper. House Lot on the other side of the high Way containing about eight Acres more or less bounded southerly on the High Way Eastwardly on the late Revd Mr Paytons Homestead and the [117] High way or Common Land notherly on Benjamin Smith and the Horse pasture and westwardly on Deacon Hobson Also the Horse pasture adjoyning to said upper house Lot containing about eleven Acres more or less bounded Eastwardly on Benjamin Smith Notherly on the Revd Mr Jewet and John Steward Westwdly on Joseph Broklebeuck southerly on Capt Mighil and Jeremiah and Humphrey Hobson and said upper House Lot Also a peice of arable Land about six Acres more or less lying near Mr Ezekiel Northends bounded notherly on the high Way Eastwardly on sd Ezekiel Northend southerly on David Hammand Westwdly on Land in possession of John Todd Also a parcel of upland and Marsh being yt523 part524 of warehouse pasture which belonged to said525 Mr Rogers about fifteen Acres more or less bounded westerly on Mr Broadstreet and the Creek eastwardly on the River called warehouse River & the shipyard and notherly on Thomas Lambert Esqr a High way to the shipyard running through part of it Also eight Wood Lots in the three thousand Acres so called marked and numbred as follows To wit with the Letter A No 10 D. No 10 D No 25 E No 3. B No 4 S No 7 S No 4 S No 14 The said several Lots being butted526 and bounded as in the Commoners Book of Records in Rowley Also eight Wood Lots in the middle Commons so called Markt and Number’d as follows To wit with the Letter K No 10 L No 5 S No 9 P No 2 Q. No 1. R. No 11. G. No 1. T No 2 The said several Lots being butted527 and bounded as in the Commoners Book of Records in Rowley or however these and all or any the aforemention’d peices or parcles of Land are otherwise bounded or reputed to be be bounded Also four freehold rights or Commonages in Mill Swamp pasture in the lower Commons lying in general with the rest of the Proprietrs in said pasture And the said Humphry Hobson Thomas Lambert Ephraim Nelson Joseph Jewet Junr and John Northend a Committee of the Church and the said Ephraim Nelson Nathaniel Mighil Jeremiah Chaplin Samuel Dickinson and Thomas Lambert the Committee of the sd Town of Rowley for and in behalf of said Church and Town do hereby remit release528 and forever quitclaim unto the said President and Fellows of Harvard College and their Successrs in said Trust for the use of said College for ever all their right title Interest claim and demand whatsoever of in and unto all and every the forementioned parts and parcles of Land herein assigned and set of to said President and Fellows of said College and their Successrs for the use of said College for ever as aforesaid. All which said several peices and parcles of Land remissed and released as aforesaid together with the [118] Summ of one hundred pounds in province Bills of Credit paid for the use of said Harvard College is in full Satisfaction for the whole529 right Interest and demand of the said President and Fellows of said Harvard College for the use of the sd Harvard College in and unto all and every part of the real Estate of the late Revd Mr Ezekiel Rogers aforesaid deceased by Virtue of his last Will and Testament.
Secondly that the said Church and Town of Rowley shall & may from henceforth and forever Have Hold use possess and enjoy for the use of said Church and Town as mentioned in said Will the following parcels of Land To wit the salt Marsh upland and Meadow given by the late Revd Mr Ezekiel Rogers aforesaid being at Sandy bridg Cowbridg and Satchels Meadow that is to say the whole of said peices530 of Land excepting what in this aforewritten Jnstrument is relased531 to said College Also the whole of the Land that said Church and Town hold and enjoy by virtue of said Mr Rogers’s Will in the East and West End Ox532 pastures in the additional Grant to East End Ox pasture called the new Ox pasture at Hawk Meadow at great Swamp and two Freeholds in the several late Divisions of Land in said Town that is to say the several Divisions or Lots of Land that have or may arise by vertue533 of said Freeholds and all other peices of land in said Town wheresoever and whatsoever which said College hereafter demand by vertue of said Mr Rogers’s Will and the said Edward Hutchinson Henry Flynt Nathanael Appleton and Andrew Boardman the Committee aforesaid for and in behalf of the said President and Fellows of said Harvd College do hereby remise release and forever quitclaim unto the sd Church & Town of Rowley for the use of said church and town of Rowley534 forever according to the Will of said Mr Rogers all their right title interest and Demand whatsoever of in and unto all and every the aforementioned parts and parcles of Land herein assigned and set of to the said Chh and Town forever as aforesd And in Testimony hereof and that the aforementioned division partition and setlement may remain firm and stable and be held good and valid by the said Parties and their Successrs respectively for ever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents the respective Committee for Harvard535 College for the Chh and for the Town of Rowley have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and Seals the day and year first aforewritten
Signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of us Benjamin Smith Edward Sanders. |
The Names and acknowlegment on the following Page. |
Before Daniel Appleton Js Ps
Essex ss Recd on Record Aug. 26. 1736. Recorded Libro. 72. Folio. 6. & examined, Attest John Higginson Register.536
N. B. The Moneys wch the Lands in Rowley were sold for as by the foregoing Deed were laid out in the Purchase of a Farm. at. Waltham of one Mr Caverly containing 164. Acres Vid. the Survey’d Plan as Enterd. pag. 123, 124.537 The Deed of wch Land is Recorded in the Records of the County of Middlesex. Lib. pa.538
[These two pages539 are filled with a plan of Rutland, in the hand of President Holyoke. See Plan D, reproduced in this volume between pages 220–221.—Editor.]
A true Plan of the College Farm in the West Wing of the Town of Rutland, it being the South easterly Corner Farm of that Wing mark’d N. pag. 119,541 Survey’d by Thomas Harman Surveyor, John & Robert Samond being Chain men, who were all sworn to the Truth of this Survey before Jos. Convers. Just. Pac.
This Farm viz both Pond &542 Upland contains 274. Acres & 94 Rods plann’d in this Page by a Scale of fifty Rods to an Inch; but the Original Plan taken by the abovesd Harman by a Scale of 25. Rods to an Inch. June 11. 1751: vid. Supra.543 pag. 102.544
The Field Notes round the Pond are545 as Followeth.
Beginning at the S. West Corner, where the Town Line546 crosseth the Pond viz at 1. Thence running
Rods. | Rods | |||||||||
To |
2 N. 12. |
W. 20. |
To |
14. S. 38°. |
W. 8. |
Where it began.547 |
3 N. 8. |
E. 18. |
15. S. 20. |
W. 10. |
4 N. 3. |
E. 18. |
16. S. 36. |
E. 20. |
5 N. |
26 |
17. S. 28. |
W. 3. |
6 N. 10. |
W. 14. |
18. S. 21. |
E. 36. |
7 N. 15. |
E. 36 |
19. S. 5. |
E. 18. |
8 N. 2. |
W. 26 |
20 S. 22. |
W. 14. |
9 N. 8. |
E. 24 |
21. S. 9. |
W. 44. |
10 N. 16. |
E. 37 |
22 W. 27. |
S. 18 |
11 E. 15. |
S. 59 |
23 S. 11. |
E. 6. |
12 S. 9. |
W. 38 |
1. W. 5° 30′ |
N. 61. |
13 S. 1. |
E. 10 |
Enter’d here by E. Holyoke Jan 16. 1754.
Memo The original Plan by Harman is upon File.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Holyoke, Plan E, between pages 230–231 of this volume.548—Editor.]
Enter’d here Jan. 14. 1754. ꝑ E. Holyoke.
Vid. infra p. 93.550
Memo The original plan upon the same Scale is upon File.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Holyoke, Plan F, between pages 240–241 of this volume.551—Editor.]
A plan or Plat of a Tract of Land lying in Billerica at a Place call’d Shawshin belonging to Harvard-College containing near 230 Acres Taken from a Scale of 40 Perch to an Inch, The easterly Line was Setled as in this Plan, & Each of the Boundaries consented to, as may fully appear, by a Settlements under the Hands & Seals of the Parties. Sept. 25. 1744.
⅌ Caleb Brooks. Survr
This Plan on this & the other Side553 describes The Farm in Waltham called Rogers’s Farm wch belongs to Harvard-College in Cambridge. vid. pag. 95. 118.554 laid out by a555 Scale of 30 Perches in an Inch; by Benja Johnson, The original Plan as taken by the sd Johnson556 being upon file.
An Account of the several Divisions in this Farm together their several improvements &557 Contents in Acres &c. here follows.
The No Mark |
No |
is improv’d in |
Acres | Roods | Perches | |
1. |
Pasture |
19. |
1. |
28 |
2. |
Land wthout Fence |
5. |
3 |
0 |
3. |
Mowing |
6 |
0. |
16 |
4. |
Mowing |
4 |
2 |
20 |
5. |
Pasture |
2. |
0 |
16 |
6. |
Orchard |
1. |
0. |
0 |
7. |
Pasture |
10. |
3. |
0 |
8. |
Pasture |
14. |
0 |
0 |
9. |
Pasture |
24. |
0. |
0 |
10. |
Pasture |
18. |
0. |
0 |
11. |
Pasture |
16. |
3. |
0 |
12. |
Mowing |
2. |
0 |
0 |
13. |
Orchard558 near ye House |
3. |
0. |
0 |
14. |
House & barn & Land |
0. |
2. |
10 |
15. |
A Fruit-Garden |
0. |
2. |
0 |
16. |
A small Orchard |
0. |
1. |
30 |
17. |
Pasture |
2. |
0. |
0 |
18 |
Pasture |
3 |
2. |
0 |
19 |
Mowing Tilling & Orchard |
29 |
2. |
0 |
Plan L
Township of Fryeburg
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Here followeth an Account of the Proportion of Fence559 to be made by ye560 several Borderers upon this Farm together with the College Proportion of sd Fencing, as contained wthin the several Braces, noted by the Letters of the Alphabet.
Perches | |||||||
The Brace markd |
A |
contains the Proportion of Fence to be made by |
John Fist |
62. |
b |
The College |
62. |
c |
George Adams |
31. |
d |
The College |
31. |
e. 1 |
Jona Sanderson |
27. |
f |
Deacon Sanderson |
5. |
g |
The College |
5. |
e. 2 |
Jona Sanderson561 |
20. |
h |
The College |
47. |
J |
The College |
67. |
k |
Thomas Hammond |
69. |
l |
John Lawrence |
16. |
m |
The College |
16. |
n |
The College |
48. |
o |
Samuel Stearns |
44. |
p. |
David Mead |
43. |
q |
The College |
43. |
r |
s |
This Plan taken by Ben. Johnson Nov. 20. 1750. was enterd here Jan 19. 1754 By E. Holyoke And contains 164. Acres.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Holyoke, Plan G, between pages 250–251 of this volume563—Editor.]
A Plan of the Sink from the Kitchin of the New Building & of the Drains from Stoughton & the Massachusetts.
Memo The Asterisk*565 near the Mouth of the sink is 9 feet from the Front of the New Building, in which place there is in the Sink an opening at present stop’d with566 a large Slate, on ye West side, in order to receive (if there ever shou’d be need of it) a Drain running parallel to the New Building.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Holyoke, Plan H, between pages 260–261 of this volume.567—Editor.]
[Here follows, in the hand of President Langdon, Plan I, facing page 270 of this volume.569—Editor.]
- cghi represents the proper bounds of the college land & the opposite sides are equal.
- efgba is the land inclosed.
- abcd is Mr570 Bordman’s land in the President’s improvement
- ab = 45½ links
- bc = 10½
- bg = 145½
- gf = 158
- gh = 174
- hi = 135
- ef = 67
- dc = 58
- cghi is, 23490 sqe571 links equal to 37½ Rods
- fhide is 5560 Links—Coll: land improved by Mr Boardman
- abcd is 543/5017 do.
Ballance due from Mr Boardman to572 the College, equal to 8 Rods
Cambridge Feby 22 1775. I the Subscriber hereby acknowlege that I hold of the College that part of the above described rectangular House Lot which is contained within the Gore on the west side, as defined in the Plan foregoing by the Letters fhide, at the rent of two Shillings lawful money pr Annum. And I promise to deliver up sd Gore of Land to the College whenever they shall demand it573 to be in their proper possession or improvement.
Andrew Bordman
Signed In Presence of
John Elliot
Theodore Parsonn574
N. B. The College came to a new Agreement with Mr Boardman for the above Gore of Land March 8 1779 which see in the next Page575
Memo In the year 1800 the College, from this lot, threw into the street running from g to c 19 Feet from g towards h in the line gh, and 23 Feet and 10 Inches from c towards i in the line ci, to widen and straighten sd stree; thus lessening those two lines.576
Cambridge March 8th 1779
I the Subscriber hereby acknowlege that I hold of the President & Fellows of Harvard College the Gore of Land belonging to a House Lot opposite the Presidents House, as described in the foregoing Page, for which I promise to pay annually while in my Occupation one Spanish mill’d Dollar, or the value thereof in Continental Currency in proportion to the difference between Silver & Paper according to the most equitable Determination And to deliver up said Gore whenever the said President & Fellows shall think proper to take it again into their Possession
Plan of College Lot on the West of Cambridge Common, & its Situation with respect to adjoining Lots. Copied from a Town’s Plan dated March 1724. Scale 20 R. to an Inch: Sam Danforth Surveyor.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Langdon, Plan J, facing page 280 of this volume578—Editor.]
[Here follows, in the hand of President Langdon, Plan K, between pages 290–291 of this volume.579—Editor.]
The College Lot in the Southerly Corner of Brownfield is bounded as follows, viz. Beginning at a Pitch-Pine Tree marked HB 1766, being the Southerly Corner of one of the Grants sct that which contains 8544 Acres, & from thence running N 60° E one Mile & 4 Rods; thence N 30 W, 160 Rods; then S 60° W one Mile to the Westerly Side Line of the sd Grant; then S 27° E on sd Line to the first mentioned Bound; containing 360 Acres more or Less.
The College Lot on the Easterly Side of Saco River begins at an Hemlock Tree marked HB 1770, being the Southeasterly Corner of the Grant of 11000 Ac. & thence running S 60° W on the lower Boundary of sd Grant one Mile; then N 30° W. 160 Rods; then N 60° E580 one Mile to the Easterly Side Line; then S 30° E 160 Rods on sd Line to the first Bound. Vid: Deed procured from Henry Young Brown Esqr Octor 26 1779 by the Presdt, & recorded in the Book of Benefactions p. 109.
N. B. The above Plan of Brownfield is a Copy from one which the President obtained from the abovementioned Henry Young Brown Esqr
S. Langdon Prdt
Plan of the Township of Fryburg, by a Scale of 1 Mile to an Inch.
[Here follows, in the hand of President Langdon, Plan L, between pages 300–301 of this volume.582—Editor.]
N. B. The College Lot No 30 on the northerly extremity of the River is intirely an Interval, & was laid out for a first Division of the Interval of 23 Acres, but is now found to contain nearly 50 Acres, so that the addition of about 10 Acres more of Interval will complete the whole quantity of Interval which is supposed to belong to each whole Share as the Township was bounded by the first Grant.
The College Lot No 28 contains about 42 Acres of Upland, very good, & was laid out for the first Division of Upland to Harvd College.
The small Lot No 61 is 10 Acres of Meadow on the Borders of Lovell’s Pond, & was assigned to the College, joining upon the School Lot & Ministers Lot which are contained in No 62 & 63.
The above Plan was copied from a large Plan belonging to the Proprietors of Fryburg, by
Saml Langdon Presdt
L. S.584
Præstantissimus generosæque indolis Juvenis,585 Jeremias Dummer, Anglus Americanus, Studiorum, tam Phylosophicorum quam Theologicorum, quæ in patria felicitèr586 inchoaverat, uberius excolendorum gratia, ante Annum ac Semistre, et si quid excurrit, ad Academiam nostram, laudabilibus instructus testimoniis, accessit. Et mox se morum comitate, ingenii elegantia, judicii acrimonia, multa eruditionis varietate, et, quæ cuncta ista exornat, insigni modestia, doctis apud nos hominibus egregie adprobavit. Mihi certe, ex quo innotuit,587 amabilem se præstitit. Quid quid hic exegit temporis, constanti assiduitate bonis literis, divinis humanisque, publice ac privatim impemdit:588 atque ita collectos olim Thesauros notabili augmento locupletavit. Eximia denique profectuum suorum, præsertim in sacris, specimina, non domesticis solum scholis, sed et publicis pro Academica Concione exercitiis et imprimis prolixa disputatione de descensu Christi ad Inferos, erudite a se conscripta, ac strenue meo sub præsidio defensa, omnium cum applausu exhibuit. Ex quibus spem concepi, crescere ipsam in vitam Dei, qui Ecclesiam olim insigniter ornaturus Sit. Neque dubito ipsum bonis omnibus de meliori nota commendare. Ita scribebam Lugduni in Batavis. III. Kal: Febr: M.D.CCIII:
Herm: Witsius
Diplomata in Paginis sequentibus relata.589
- D. Jer. Dummer. Phil. D. pag. 1. [168]
- D. Cott. Mather S. T. D. Glasc. p. 3. [166]
- D. Edv. Wigglesw. S. T. D. Edinb. p. 9 [160]
- D. Benja Colman. S. T. D. Glasc. p. 11. [158]
- D. Jos. Sewall S. T. D. Glasc. p. 12. [157]
- D. Sam. Mather. A. M. Glasc. p. 13. [156]
- D. Carol. Chauncy. S. T. D. Edinb. p. 14. [155]
- D. Jona Mayhew. S. T. D. Aberd. p. 15. [154]
- D. Ebenzr Miller S. T. D. Oxon. p. 16. [153]
- D. Benja Franklin A. M. Cant. N. Angl. p. 16. [153]
- D. Thō. Bulfinch M. D. Edinb. p. 17. [152]
- D. Mather. Byles590 S. T. D. Aberd. p. 18. [151]
- D. Sam. Langdon. S. T. D. Aberd. Marischal. 19. [150]
- D. Ezr. Stiles. S. T. D. Edinb. p. 20. [149]
- D. Saml Auchmuty. Oxon S T. D. p. 21. [148]
Rector591 et Professores Academiæ ultrajectinæ Lectori S. P. Solenne et præclarum est majorum nostrorum institutum ut qui emeriso per indefessam industriam Studiorum cursu, fructus laborum suorum ferre, atque ad juvandum ornandamque Ecclesiam et Remp. in partibus sibi credendis accedere fatagunt Academiæ alicujus examini sese subjiciant, atque ab ea debita virtuti ac eruditioni suæ præmia et decora consequantur. Cum itaque ornatissimus præstantissimusque vir D. Jer. Dummer, Anglus diligentem Phylosophiæ operam per aliquot annos navasset, atque jam ad Exhibendum suæ eruditionis specimen paratus esset, petiissetque a nobis, ut ipsum titulo Academico doctrinæ suæ conveniente ornaremus: Nos æquissimæ honestissimæque ejus petitioni satisfacere volentes, præmisso tentamine, eundem per universam Phylosophiam accurate examinavimus, et quæstiones Phylosophicas ipsi præscriptas subtiliter explicantem, et ad dubia atque argumenta a nobis mota ac opposita solide respondentem, nec non Theses inaugurales De Annimorum ΜΕΤΑΓΓΙΣΜΩ, cum annexis ex universa Phylosophia desumptis, defendentem audivimus. In quibus omnibus cum insignem eruditionem suam ac non vulgarem Phylosophiæ peritiam, pari cum modestia conjunctam, Nobis probasset, qui virtuti atque honestis studiis debitur honos petenti merito contulimus. Quapropter ex auctoritate ac potestate nobis ab Illustr. ac potentibus Provinciæ Ultrajectinæ Ordinibus concessa atque tributa, eundem D. Jer. Dummer per Clariss: Subtillissimumque Collegam nostrum592 D. Gerardum De Urjes, Phylosophiæ Professorem ordinarium, et S. S. Theologiæ extraordinarium, Phylosophiæ Doctorem et Liberalium artium Magistrum creavimus ac renunciavimus, creamus ac renunciamus, dedimusque ac damus hoc nostro Diplomate facultatem, legitima vocatione præcedente, Cathedram Magistralem et Doctoralem conscendendi, ac Phylosophiam profitendi. Tribuimus ei insuper omnes immunitates, privilegia ac prærogativas, quæcunque vero Phylosophiæ Doctori et Liberalium Artium Magistro tribui et concedi soient. Quæ omnia ut testatiora forent, publicum hoc Diploma, Manu Rectoris Magnifici, et Promotoris, nec non Secretarii nostri signatum, ac majore Academiæ Sigillo confirmatum, ei dari curavimus. Ultrajecti a. d. 13 Februarii Ao. MDCCIII.
H. Pontanus S. S. Theol. D. et Pro. |
Gerardus De Urjes |
h. t Academiæ Rector |
Phylos. Dr et Professor ac Promotor |
Senatus594 Academiæ Glasguensis Christiano Lectori Salutem.
Cum artes omnes alat honos, Utilissimo sane Instituto illi quorum in manu fuit res Christiana Academias, harum rerum optimos Arbitras, ea præditas voluerunt potestate, qua, qui Liberalibus Artibus diligentem et fœlicem navassent operam, eos Idoneis honoribus afficerent. Ex honorificis vero, quos disciplinarum nomine Academiæ largiuntur, titulis, primas merito tenet, quem ejus nomine tribuunt cui ancillantur cæteræ. Cum hoc Academico honore dignissimum censeamus Virum egregium Cottonem Mather, Evangelii, apud Bostonienses Angliæ novæ incolas, præconem celeberrimum, de cujus quippe vitæ integritate, Jngenio, prudentia, et Sacrarum Literarum cognitione, nobis et orbi595 quidem Literato constet; famâ. simul et editis ab eo Scriptis istarum virtutum Testibus Luculentissimis; Eum virum Cl. Cottonem Mather Doctorali in S S Theologia dignitate insigniendum judicamus; Eumque (pro potestate ab antiquis retro Principibus nobis concessa) his Literis Theologiæ Doctorem dicimus, declaramus, et renunciamus; Eique cuncta privilegia, Immunitates, Iura, Theologiæ Doctoribus usquam Gentium concessa, vel concedi solita, Libenter Concedimus et596 tribuimus.
In quorum omnium fidem, Literas hasce Majore Academiæ Sigillo munitas, Dabamus Glasguæ, VIII Cal. Junias Anno Æræ Christianæ M.DCCX.
To597 the Great & Generall Assembly of his Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Engld now sitting in Boston598
The Memoriall of ye Overseers of Harvard College in Cambridge in ye County of Middl within ye Province aforsd599
That whereas it pleased Almighty God to inspire ye first Heroick600 Adventurers into a Wast & howling Wilderness wth Piety & Wisdom early to contrive a Seminary for the Preserving601 propagating and advancing Learning & Religion, and ꝑ ye Liberal Assistance of many well dispos’d & generous602 ꝑsons, The Goverment wch then was but in it’s Infancy, was pleas’d to erect a College, and ꝑvide Accom̄odation of Buildings for ye Reception both of a presidt & Studts proportionable to ye first Numbers yt offer’d themselves to be educated in good Letters & Piety; and in after Times wn the first Edifices were become too Streight or unfit for ye Scholars to dwell in, the same publick603 Spirit Discended upon ye Successors of ye first Patriots: Insomuch as a more Capacious & sumptuous Habitation was provided ꝑ ye Publick for them.
And yet Later even in ye Rembrance & View of the Youngest in This Genl Assembly, The truely Honorable & Conspicuously604 Learned & religious Wm Stoughton Esqr (who is to be held in everlasting remembrance by all Learned & Good Men) built & finish’d at605 his own sole Cost & Charge an intire Large College for the Accom̄odation of ye Studts
The Memorialists cant but take it to be ye most agreable Thing In ye World, as to represent to you the great & Generous the Wise & pious things done ꝑ the yor blessed Predecessors ye Fathers & Founders of this Country, so to ꝑsent to you the Oppertunity & Occasion, of convincing all mankind, That yt Excellent Spirit is not intomb’d wth our fathers, but still survives in this Generon and is vigorous in ys great general Assembly.—Now thus it is may it please
This honorle Court
That althô ꝑ ye Accom̄odats & provisions before mentioned there have been sufficient Apartments for ye Students wthin ye College hitherunto, yet thrô606 the Blessing of God upon ye Land, & upon ye College; The Numbers of ye Sons of ye Prophets are now so increas’d, that the Place where they were wont to dwell is become so Streight as not to be capable of receiving ym. There are Considerable Numbers especially that were admitted this Year, who are oblig’d to take Lodgings607 in ye Town; upon wch not only they themselves complain of great Difficulties & Inconveniencies, but ye Gentlemen yt have ye Govermt of yt Society do already feel a great Concern in yr Minds & have but uncomfortable Views of Mischeifs impending; wch yy fear they shall not be able to avert, by reason of many being necessitated to be so much & so far from their Constant Inspection, & ye Slender Authority ye College is capable of expecting from ye Town.
Wherfore ye sd Overseers have tho’t themselves under Indispensible Obligations608 both out of a just regard to609 ye610 Honour of this Court, and a Tender Concern for ye most Important Interests of Religion & Learning, to lay ye Premises before this Great & General Assembly hoping yt you will be pleased to [163] take ye same into your most serious Consideration & do therein as shall seem good in your great Wisdom & Piety, under ye benign Influence of ye Excellent Spirit transmitted to you, together wth ye Blessed Fruits of it, from your Ancestors: That so your Names as well as theirs may be consigned wth ye Like Odours611 to ye Latest Posterity
ꝑ Order of ye Overseers
H Flynt Cler Inspect
To612 the Great & Generall Assembly of his Majtys Province of the Massachusetts in New England now Sitting in Boston, The Memoriall of ye Overseers of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge in the County of Middlesex with in ye Province aforesd
May it please this Honble Court
Forasmuch as upon ye memoriall prefer’d by the same body that now lays this before you, You have bin pleased to take into your Consideration the Necessity of Providing for ye reception & accommodation of ye Students admitted into Harvard College in Cambridge; & Thereupon at ye Session of this Honble Court in May last past, Order’d an Additionall Building to be Erected at the South West Angle of Stoughton College of ye same width wth that called Harvard College, & to Extend Westward in Length Fifty foot, The foundation of wch is already Laid; On the Account whereof the Memorialists do most heartily thank this Honble Court & most religiously acknowledge ye goodness of Almighty God in inclining your hearts to so Good a worke.
So Ready a Coming into this Important Affair, & so Generous613 A begining of this Pious work, so highly conducing to your own honour & ye Interest of your Countrey are an ample Testimony yt ye Motion made for it was not disagreeable to you; & ye Memorialist cannot but believe, yt this, their Second request wch is for ye carrying on and perfecting of ye Same in a manner worthy ye noble beginnings, will be as acceptable to this Honble Court.
As it was Meer614 necessity yt obliged ye memorialist to make ye first motion, & ye belief yt it was so, yt induc’d you [to] Come into ye affair of ye College & to make ye beginnings that have bin made; so there is nothing in ye world yt Could produce this Second Motion, but ye certainty, That that necessity can’t be answered and Supply’d unless this Honble Court will be pleas’d to carry out ye begun additionall building to ye Length first proposed in ye Plan laid before you, That is, to one hundred foot in length.
This will be plain Demonstration if it be considered.
1 That ye number of ye now resident Studts Graduates & undergraduates amts to one-hundred & Twenty four.
2 That ye Studys to receive them even when ye building founded shall be finish’d will amount to but one Hundred & Sixteen wch is Eight less then are absolutely necessary to Entertain ye present residts
3 That if you shall be pleased to carry on ye sd additionall building to ye length of one hundred615 Foot as Above mentioned ye Studies then will amt but to one Hundred & Thirty Four wch will afford but Ten supernumerary studys, & these will not be like to remain So, But in all probability will be taken up as soon as ready, if not by new admissions Yet by ye return of Graduates who are now non-resdts onely for want of Studys to receive them.
The Memorialists therefore Pray this Honble Court to take ye Premises in to your Serious Consideration, & do there upon according to yor Great wisdom, wch always resolves to ꝑfect a great & good work by making it to answer all it’s necessary Ends & Intentions
Henry Flynt Cler: Inspectorū
Cum Honos virtutis Præmium sit, Gloriæque stimulis ad præclara et617 (visùm) ardua optimus quisque concitetur, æquissimum semper visum618 est, ut qui Moribus Ingenio et optimarum Artium Cognitione præ cæteris eminuerint, ij maximis Laudibus et summis honoribus afficerentur; quo et alij eorum exemplo ad virtutis et Industriæ semitam ingrediendam accenderentur, Ipsisque veræ Laudis iter ingressis ad idem graviter persequendum Animus cresceret: Nos itaque universitatis Jacobi Regis Edinensis Professores famâ impulsi quæ de Eruditione et virtutibus venerandi viri Domini Edwardi Wigglesworth Sacro-Sanctæ Theologiæ in Harvardino Academiæ Cantabrigiensis619 Angliæ Novæ Collegio Professoris Hollisiani percrebuerat, Dignissimum judicavimus qui doctorali in Sacro Sancta Theologia Dignitate cohonestaretur: Hisque Literis jam dictum Edwardum Wigglesworth vitâ, Ingenio, Prudentiâ et Sacrarum Literarum Cognitione Insignem virum, Doctorem in Sacro-Sancta Theologia prodidimus, renunciavimus, constituimus, Eique concessimus Privilegia, Immunitates, Jura, quæ hic aut alibi uspiam ad Doctoratûs Provectis concedi soient: Cujus rei quo major620 esset fides inclyti Senatores Edinenses Athenæi nostri Curatores et Patroni Sigillum, Nos Chirographa Apposuimus Edinburgi Anno Salutis humanæ Tricessimo Supra Millesimum et Septingentessimum: Die vero Secundo Mensis Junii
And: Plummer Med: & Chem: P. |
Gul. Hamilton Ss: T: P. |
Jo: Rutherfoord Med Theor: et Pract: P. |
Matt: Craufurd S: T. et Hist: Eccl: P. Reg: |
And: St Clair: Med: Theor. & Pract: P. |
Gulielmus Scott P. P. |
Robertus Steuart P. P. |
Al: Bayne J. P. |
Col. Mac Leeurin Math: P. |
Ad: Watt H. L. P. |
Joa: Stevenson P. S. |
Carolus Macky Hist. P. |
Col: Drummond P. P. |
Robertus Henderson. B et Acad: ab Archiuis.621 |
Senatus Academiæ Glasgoviensis
Christiano Sectori Salutem
Viri admodum Reverendi Benjamini Colman apud Novæ Angliæ Bostonienses623 Verbi divini Ministri tum morum Sanctimoniam et Pietatem verè Christianam, tum ingenium, Eruditionem ac Literarum Sacrarum Peritiam, adeo nobis comperta dederunt et probata gravissimæ Laudationes, et nobis Commendantium testimonia fide dignissima, ut dignum omnino censeamus Virum Reverendum quem nos summis afficiamus Honoribus Academicis
Dictum propterea624 Virum Reverendum Benjaminum Colman doctorali in Sacro Sancta Theologia Dignitate ornandum decrevimus: eumque Theologiæ Doctorem creavimus, declaravimus, et renunciavimus, et his eum Literis Doctorem Theologiæ creamus, declaramus, et renunciamus: eique cuncta Privilegia et jura Theologiæ Doctoribus usquam Gentium concessa vel concedi Solita concedimus nos et tribuimus lubentissime
In quorum fidem Literas hasce Majore Academiæ nostræ Sigillo munitas dabamus Glasguæ XXVIIIo Maij MDCCXXXIo
Neil Campbell. Ac: Prof:
Rob: Simson Math: P. |
Jo: Hamilton vice Canc: |
Jo Lowdoune P. P. |
B625 Unson S. T. P. |
Charles Morthland Lingg: orient: P |
Gul: Forbes J. U. P. |
Jo: Johnstoune Med: P. |
TBrinsbane626 |
Rob: Dick Nat: Phil: Prof: |
Wil: Anderson H. E. P. |
Francis Hutcheson P. P. |
And: Rosse H. L. P. J. |
Al: Dunlop Gr: Ling: Pr. |
Senatus Academiæ Glasgoviensis
Christiano Lectori Salutem
Viri admodum Reverendi Joseph627 Sewall apud Novæ-Angliæ Bostonienses628 Verbi divini Ministri turn Morum Sanctimoniam et Pietatem verè Christianam, tum Ingenium, Eruditionem ac Literarum Sacrarum Peritiam, adeo nobis comperta dederunt et probata gravissimæ Laudationes, et nobis commendantium testimonia fide dignissima, ut dignum omnino censeamus Virum Reverendum quem nos summis afficiamus Honoribus Academicis
Dictum propterea629 Virum reverendum Josephum Sewall doctorali in Sacro Sancta Theologia Dignitate ornandum decrevimus: eumque Theologiæ Doctorem creavimus, declaravimus et renunciavimus, et his eum Literis Doctorem Theologiæ creamus, declaramus, et renunciamus: eique cuncta Privilegia et jura Theologiæ Doctoribus usquam Gentium concessa vel concedi solita concedimus nos et tribuimus lubentissimè
In quorum fidem Literas hasce Majore Academiæ nostræ Sigillo Munitas dabamus Glasguæ XXVIIIo Maij MDCCXXXIo
Neil Campbell Ac. Pres: |
Jo: Hamilton Vic.630 Canc: |
Jo: Lowdoune P. P. |
B. Unson S. T. P. |
Rob: Simson Math: P. |
Gul: Forbes J. U. P. |
TBrisbane |
Jo: Johnstoune Med: P. |
Wil: Andersone H: E: P. |
Rob: Dick Nat: Phil: Prof: |
Francis Hutcheson P P |
And: Ross H. L. P. J. |
Al: Dunlop633 Gr. Ling Pr. |
Senatus Academiæ Glasguensis Christiano Lectori Salutem
Quum compertum habeamus Egregium Juvenem Samuelem Mather apud Novæ-Angliæ Bostonienses optimis deditum Studiis ea praeditum esse Eruditione iis Virtutibus quæ eum honoribus Academicis reddant dignissimum, Nos eum optimi et nobis amicissimi Parentis non degenerem634 filium absentem ornare; Officii esse duximus Nostri. Dictum propterea Samuelem Mather Artium Magistrum635 creamus et renunciamus, et apud omnes haberi et appellari volumus; Eique concedimus omnia Jura et Privilegia, Artium636 Magistris usquam Gentium concedi solita. In quorum fidem Literis hisce communi Academiæ Sigillo Munitis Nomina nostra subscripsimus. Datum Glasguæ XXVIIIo Maij MDCCXXXIo
Neil Campbell Ac637 Pres: |
Jo: Hamilton Vic. Canc. |
Rob: Simson Math: P: |
B. Unson S. T. P. |
Jo: Lowdoune P. P. |
Gul: Forbes J. U. P. |
Charles Morthland Lingg orient P. |
Jo: Johnstoune Med: P. |
Wil: Andersone H: E: P. |
T Brisbane |
Rob: Dick Nat: Phil: Prof: |
Fran: Hutcheson P. P. |
And: Rosse H. L. P. J |
Al: Dunlop Gr: Ling: Pr. |
Quum Honos sit Virtutis Præmium, et ideò apud Omnes Academias in more positum sit, ut Qui Moribus, Ingenio, et optimarum Artium Cognitione præ Cæteris eminerent, Ii maximis Laudibus et summis Honoribus, Afficerentur; Quo et Ipsis ad Prælara et Ardua præstanda, Animus cresceret, et Alij Eorum Exemplo, ad Virtutem et Industriam concitarentur, et Omnes veræ Virtutis et Eruditionis, Iter ingressi, ad Illud graviter persequenduin acriter stimulentur: Nos igitur Academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinensis Primarius, Cæterisque Professores idoneis Testimonijs certiores facti, de Eruditione, Probitate alijsque præclaris Dotibus Reverendi admodùm Viri Caroli Chauncy Artium Magistri, Verbi Ministri in Ecclesia Bostoniensi in novâ Angliâ, Eum dignissimum judicavimus, Qui Doctorali in Sacro-sancta Theologia, Dignitate cohonestaretur, hisque Literis jam dictum Carolum Chauncy (Vitâ, Ingenio, Prudentiâ et Sacrarum Literarum Cognitione insignem) Doctorem in S. S. Theologiâ, prodidimus, renunciaviinus, constituimus, Eique cuncta concessimus, Privilegia, Immunitates, et Jura, quæ Hîc, aut alibi uspiam ad Doctoris Apicem provectis concedi solent. Cujus Rei quo major esset Fides, Sigillum Inclyti Senatores Edinenses Athenæi nostri Curatores et Patroni, Nos Chirographa apposuimus; Edinburgi Anno Salutis humanæ, quadrigesimo secundo, suprà Millesimum septingentesimum, Die Verò secundo Mensis Martij.
Jo: Rutherford Med. Theor. et Pract. P. |
Gul. Wishart S:S. T. P Acad Pr. |
And. Plummer Med. & Chan. P. |
J Gowdie S. S. T. P. |
And. St Clair Med. Theor. et Pract. P. |
Pat: Cumming S. S. T. H. E. P. |
Robertus Steuart Ph. Nat. Pr. |
Carolus Alston M. et Bot. P. |
Col: Drummond Ph. et. Gre. Ling. Pr. |
Alexr Monro Anato. P. |
Gul. Dason. L. Heb. P. |
Carolus Macky Hist. P. |
Robertus Hunter G. L. P. |
Joa Pringle Ph. mor & Pr. P. |
Geo. Stuart H. L. P. |
Rob. Henderson B et Acad. ab Archivis |
Jo: Erskine Jur. Mun P. |
Diploma S-S. T. D pro Magistro Jonathan Mayhew ex Universitate et Collegio-Regio-Aberdonensi.
Universis et Singulis in quacunque Dignitate constitutis, Quorum hæc nosce interest, Senatus inclytæ Universitatis & Collegii Regij Aberdonensis
S. J. D. S.
Noveritis Nos ea Auctoritate, quam Summi ac potentissimi Principes Almæ huic Universitati amplissimam indulsere, Tabellarum præsentium Latorem, Reverendum et Eruditum Virum Magistrum Jonathan Mayhew Verbi Divini Ministrum apud Boston in Nov-Angliâ, sacrosanctæ Theologiæ Doctorem & Magistrum constituisse, creasse, proclamasse, renunciasse ex Senatûs academici Decreto, promovente Doctore Joanne Chalmers Principali dicti Collegij (Omnibus quæ Dignitatis Ratio aut Academiæ Consuetudo postulat; ritè peractis) Nec non Eidem Potestatem fecisse docendi, legendi, scribendi, commentandi, omniaque id Genus alia præstandi, Quæ hic aut639 alibi uspiam S. Th. Doctoribus et Magistris concedi solent: Omnibusque Honoribus, Dignitatibus et Privilegiis ipsum effecisse640 & ornasse, quibus affici et ornari solent, Qui ad ilium Dignitatis Gradum ullibi Terrarum legitimâ Ratione evehuntur.
Quod ut fælix faustumque sit, Deum ter Opt. Max. comprecamur. In cujus Rei Fidem, Tabellas hasce communi Universitatis Sigillo et Chirographis nostris muniendas curavimus. Aberdoniæ è dicto Collegio Regio, Anno Æ. C. MDCCXLIX. Die vero Mensis Decembris vigesimo sexto
Jo Chalmers S. S. T. D. Promotor |
Jo. Lumsden S. T. P |
Jacobus Gregorie M. P. |
Dan. Bradfiet. P & G L. P. |
Al. Burnet subprincipalis |
Geo. Gordon LL: O O: P: R. |
Rodericus MacLeod P. P. |
Jacobus Catanach J. C. P. |
Al. Rait P. & Math. P. |
Thos Gordon Hum. Lit. P. |
Cancellarius Magistri & Scholares Universitatis Oxoniensis, Omnibus ad Quos præsentes Literæ pervenerint, Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
Cum eum in Finem Gradus academici à Majoribus nostris prudenter instituti fuerint, ut Viri de Reigione, de Re literaria, optimè meriti iisdem insignirentur; Cumque Reverendum Virum Ebenezer Miller Artium Magistrum, Ecclesiæ anglicanæ Presbyterum, utriusque tum Religionis, tum Rei literariæ Honorem in Nova Anglia quam plurimum adauxisse, abundè Nobis compertum sit; Ubi per viginti Annos et ultra, scoticis inter Dissentientes Doctoribus circundatus, fideliter & strenuè sacerdotale Munus administravit adeoque dignus sit, qui ulteriori & magis honorifico nostro Testimonio ornetur & commendeter;
Sciatis igitur quod Nos Cancellarius Magistri et Scholares antedicti in solenni, Doctorum, Magistrorum regentium & non Regentium, Senatu, Die primo Mensis Decembris Anno Domini millesimo641 septingentesimo quadrigesimo septimo eundem Reverendum Virum Ebenezer Miller (conspirantibus Omnium Suffragiis,) Doctorem in S. S. Theologia, creavimus, in et/in642 constituimus, Eumque Virtute præentis Diplomatis, omnibus Juribus, Privilegiis et Honoribus ad istum Gradum quaqua pertinentibus frui & gaudere jussimus. In Cujus Rei Testimonium Sigillum Universitatis Oxoniensis commune, Præsentibus apponi fecimus.
Dat. in Domo nostræ Congregationis |
Die octavo Mensis Decembris Anno Dom: 1747 |
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Nov. Angliâ,. Omnibus in Christo Fidelibus, has Literas inspecturis vel audituris643 Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
Quandoquidem Dominus Benjamin Franklin644 Arm[i]ger, De Philadelphiâ, americanâ, Experimentis non vulgaribus, præsertim circa Miranda Vis electricæ Phænomena, Philosophiam locupletavit, Undè apud Doctos non in Britannia solum, verùm etiam in Galliâ, Fama Ejus percrebuit, et Ipse de Orbe literato optimè meruit; Nos igitur Studiosi, debitis Doctrinæ Honoribus, hujusmodi Homines ornandi, Eo Concilio, ut ad Scientiam ulteriùs promovendam, et Ipsi et Alii incitarentur, Notum Facimus, Quòd (consentientibus Honorandis admodùm & Reverendis Academiæ nostræ Inspectoribus) Virum antedictum dignum judicavimus, Qui Gradu in Artibus Magistrali donetur; Ideoque Dominum Benjaminem Franklin Armigerum Magistrum in Artibus decrevimus constituimus & renunciavimus, dantes & concedentes Ei omnia Insignia, Jura & Privliegia, Dignitates ac Honores ad Gradum [152] Suum Spectantia
In cujus Rei Testimonium, Literis hisce communi Academiæ Sigillo munitis, Nomina nostra Subscripsimus, Cantabrigiæ, Anno Salutis humanæ quinquagesimo tertio, supra milesimum & Septingentesimo, Octavo Calendar. Sextilis.
Edvardus Holyoke Præses |
Socij, |
Henricus Flynt |
Josephus Sewall DD. V D M. |
Edvardus Wigglesworth Theologiæ Professor Holliss: |
Nathaniel Appelton V. D. M |
Thomas Hubbard. Thesaurarius |
Nos Academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ Primarius cæterique Professores hoc Scripto testatum Volumus Thomam Bulfinch Novanglicanum, Artium Magistrum, postquam Se suosque in Re Medica progressus, Facultati Medicæ probasset luculento Testimonio ab ea Nobis commendatum, summos in Medicinâ Honores Gradum nemp. Doctoralem (Subjecta prius publicæ Professorum censuræ Dissertatione suâ inaugrali645 de Crisibus. delato jurejurando, solennibusque ritè peractis, consecutum esse, Eique amplissimam Potestatem, Medicinam ubique Gentium, Legendi, Docendi, Faciendi concessam, aliaque omnia Privilegia,646 Immunitates, Jura, quæ hîc, aut usquam alibi, ad Doctratus647 Apicem evectis concedi solent. Cujus Rei quo major esset Fides Nos Sigillo publico appenso, Chirographa apposuimus Edinburgi, Anno Salutis humanæ Millesimo septingentesimo quinquagentesimo septimo, Die septimo Mensis Octobris.
Io. Rutherford Med. P. |
Joannes Gowdie S. S. T. P. et Academ. Præfect |
Robertus Whytt Med. Theor & Pract P. |
Robertus Hamilton. S. S T. P. |
Gul. Cullen Med & Chem. P. |
Pat. Cuming S. S. T. & He. P. |
Thomas Young Art. Obst. P. |
Jacobus Robertson L. L. O. O. P. |
Alexr. Monro senr Med. & Anat. P. |
Carolus Alston Med. & Bot. P. |
Geo. Stuart L. H. P. et Bibl. |
Universis et Singulis in quacunque Dignitate constitutis quorum Hæc Nosce648 interest, Senatus inclytæ Universitatis & Collegii Aberdonensis. S. T.649 D. S.
Noveritis Nos ea Auctoritate, quam summi ac potentissimi Principes, almæ huic Universitati amplissimam indulsere Tabellarum præsentium Latorem, Reverendum ac eruditum Virum Magistrum Matherum Byles Verbi650 divini ministrum apud Boston in Nov-Anglia Sacrosanctæ Theologiæ Doctorem et Magistrum constituisse, creasse, proclamasse, renunciasse, ex Senatus academici Decreto promovente Reverendo Viro Joanne Chalmers dicti Collegij Principali et Sacrosanctæ Theologiæ Professore primario (Omnibus, quæ Dignitatis Ratio aut Academiæ651 Consuetudo postulat, ritè peractis) Nec Non Eidem Potestatem fecisse dicendi, legendi, Scribendi, comentandi Omniaque652 id Genus alia præstandi, Quæ hîc aut alibi usquam Sacrosanctæ Theologiæ, Doctoribus et Magistris concedi solent:
Omnibusque Honoribus Dignitatibus et Privilegiis ipsum affecisse & Ornasse, Quibus affici & ornari653 solent, Qui ad ilium Dignitatis Gradum ullibi Terrarum legitima Ratione evehuntur.
Quod ut felix faustunque sit, Deum ter Opt. Max. comprecamur. In cujus Rei Fidem, Tabellas hasce Communi Universitatis Sigillo, et Chirographis nostris muniendas curavimus.
Aberdoniæ è dicto Collegio Regio. Anno Æ. C. M.D.C.C.L.X.V Die vero Mensis Septembris decimo tertio
Jo. Chalmers Promotor |
Jo. Lumsden S. T. P. |
David Dalrymple T. C. P. |
Thos Gordom Hum Lit. P. |
Rodericus MacLeod Subplis P. P. |
Gulielmus Ogilvie P. P. |
Al. Burnet P. P. |
Geo. Gordon. L. L. O. O. P. R. |
Omnibus et Singulis quorum Interest. S.
Quum omnis Generis honores eum in finem et primo inventi et postea conlati fuerint ut Ingenia Hominum excitarent et bene de Rebuplicâ seu consulendo seu agendo meritis Laborum suorum fructum aliquem redderent, Nos Gymnasiarcha et Professores Universitatis Marischallanae Abredonensis quibus præclara in Literas merita rimari, atque inventa remunirarier solenne semper fuit, pro comperto habentes Virum pium et probum Dominum Samuelem Langdon, verbi divini Ministrum, Pastorem de Portsmouth in Nova Anglia magnos in Sacris Literis progressus fecisse eisque praeditum esse moribus qui virum pium et probum deceant ac ornent, Propterea Nos supradictum D. Samuelem Langdon ornare, qua potis est, volentes honoribus nostris summis academicis dignum censuimus, atque Eundem Sacro sancitae654 Theologiae Doctorem creavimus et constituimus sicut per has presentes Doctoratus Literas creamus, omnibus ubique bonarum Artium studiosis obnixè commendatum habemus ut Eum humaniter amplecti ac benignè promovere dignentur. Quam gratiam oblata ansâ lubentes et ex animo bene faciundo reddemus; Nos qui Chirographis655 nostris publicoque Universitatis Sigillo Diploma hocce muniendum curavimus.
Datum Abredaeis Decimo tertio Cal. Julias A. Æ, C. M.DCCLXII.
Georgius Campbell Gymnasiarcha.
Alex. Gerard S. S. T. P.
Francis. Skene P. P.
Alexr Donaldson M.s. LL O. O. P.
Gulielmus Kennedy L. G. P.
Joannes Stewart Math. P.
J. Beattie P: P.656
Quum Honos sit Virtutis Præmium ideoque apud Omnes Academias usitatum sit, ut Qui Moribus, Ingenio et optimarum Artium Cognitione præ cæteris eminent, Ii maximis Laudibus et summis Honoribus657 afficiantur. Nos igitur Academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ Primarius cæterique Professores hoc Scripto testatum volumus Virum Reverendum Ezram Stiles A. M. V. D. M. apud Novum Portum in Insula Rhodia Colonia Britannica Summos in S. S. Theologia Honores Gradum nempe Doctoralem consecutum esse. Eique amplissimam Potestatem S. S Theologiam, ubique Gentium legendi, docendi, profitendi concessam aliaque omnia Privilegia, Immunitates, Jura, quæ hic aut usquam alibi, ad Doctoratus apicem evectis concedi solent. Cujus rei quo major esset Fides, Nos Sigillo publico appenso Chirographa apposuimus Edinburgi anno Salutis humanæ MDCCLXV. 28o die Martij
Seal of Marischal College, Aberdeen
College Book III
Engraved for The Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Jo. Rutherford Med P. |
Gulielmus Robertson S. T. P. & Primarius |
Jo. Hope Med & Bot. P. |
Robert. Whyth Med. Theor. & pract P. |
Robertus Hamilton. S. S. T. P. |
Hugo Blair Rhet. & Lit. Eleg. Pr. |
Thomas Young Art. obst. P. |
Jacobus Russell. P. N. P. |
Alexr Monro junr658 Med et Anatom. P. |
Robertus Cuming. S. S. T. & H. E. P. |
Alexr Monro Med. & anat. P. |
Jo. Erskine Jur. Mun. P. |
Geo. Stuart L. H. P. |
Robertus Hunter G. L. P. |
Jacobus Robertson LL. O. O. P. |
Robertus Dick Jur. Civ. P. |
Matth. Stewart Math. P. |
Cancellarius,660 Magistri, & Scholares Universitatis Oxon. Omnibus ad quos præsentes literæ pervenerint, Salutem in Domino sempiternam.661
Cum maxime Rei literariæ intersit, ut Dignissimos omnes sua sequantur præmia, eumque in Finem Gradus Academici prudenter instituti fuerint, ut optime meriti iis insignirentur:662
Cumque Testimoniis et Elogiis fide dignissimis cognoverimus egregium Virum Samuelem Auchmuty in Artibus Magistrum Ecclesiæ S. S. Trinitatis apud Nov. Eboracenses Rectorem, in Liberalibus Artibus & Scientiis tam probe instructum fuisse, ut non tantum Honoris ergo, sed pro meritis, Gradu Doctoris in S. S. Theologia insigniri posset; Eumque gravibus Negotiis in Nova Anglia, ubi sacro Verbi Divini Ministerio, Doctrinæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ consono, summa cum Laude vacavit, impediri quominus Limina Musarum adeat, & Laurea Academica coram ornetur; Idcircò in frequenti Senatu vigessimo tertio Mensis Januarii Anno Domini millesimo septingentessimo663 sexagessimo sexto (conspirantibus omnium Suffragiis) præfatum Samuelem Auchmuty Doctorem in S. S. Theologia renunciavimus & constituimus; eumque Virtute præsentis Diplomatis singulis Juribus, Privilegiis, & Immunitatibus ad eundem Gradum quoquo modo pertinentibus frui & gaudere jussimus. In cujus Rei Testimonium Sigillum Universitatis Oxoniensis commune, quo in hac parte utimur, præsentibus apponi fecimus.
Datum in Domo nostræ Convocationis Die vigesimo tertio Mensis Januarii Anno Domini prædicto.
Quum664 Honos sit Virtutis Præmium ideoque apud omnes Academias usitatum sit ut qui Moribus, Ingenio et optimarum Artium Cognitione præ cæteris eminent, Ii maximis Laudibus et summis Honoribus afficiantur. Nos igitur Academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ Primarius cæterique Professores hoc Scripto testatum volumus Virum Reverendum Andream Eliot A. M. Ecclesiæ quæ665 est Bostoniæ in Nova Anglia Pastorem Sacrosanctæ Theologiæ Doctoris Titulum consecutum esse. Eique amplissimam Potestatem sacrosanctam Theologiam ubique Gentium Legendi, Docendi, Profitendi concessam, aliaque omnia Privilegia, Immunitates, Jura que hic aut usquam alibi ad Doctoratus Apicem evectis concedi solent. Cujus Rei quo Major esset Fides Nos Sigillo publico appenso Chirographa apposuimus, Edinburgi Anno Salutis humanæ, millesimo, septingentesimo, sexagesimo septimo Novembris Die decimo septimo.
Joseph Black Med. & Chem. P. |
Gulielmus Robertson S T P Primarius |
Robertus Hamilton S. S. T. P. |
Alexr Munro Med. & Anat. P. |
Joa: Stevenson P. R. P. |
Geo: Stuart. L. H. P. |
Jo: Hope Med. & Bot. P. |
Jacobus Russell Ph. Nat. P. |
Gul. Cullen M. Prof. |
Robertus Hunter G. L. P. |
Jo. Gregory Med. Prac. P. |
Adam Ferguson P: & E: P: |
Thos Young Art. Obs. P. |
Robertus Cuming S. S. T. & H. E. P. |
Robertus Dick Jur: Cu: P. |
Gul: Wallace Jur: M. P. |
Jacobus Robertson L: L: O. O. P. |
Joannes pringle Hist: Cu: P. |
Matth: Stewart Math. P. |
Hugo Blair Rhet. & Lit. Elegant. Pr. |
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Nova-Anglia Omnibus in Christo fidelibus ad quos præsentes Literæ pervenerint, Salutem in Domino sempiternam
Cum Gradus Academici eum in finem instituti fuerint, ut qui Virtute & Literaturâ eminerent, ii Honoribus affcerentur: et eum Vir Reverendus Nathanael Appleton, Ecclesiæ Cantabrigiensis Pastor Ordini Pastorali diu fuerit Decori & Ornamento, Prudentia, Sacrarum Literarum Cognitione, Morumque Sanctitate præcellens; et per quinquaginto Annos & Ultra, Consilio, Scriptisque editis plurimum Ecclesiæ profuerit; & speciatim ad promovendam in hac Academiâ, Pietatem & Eruditionem Vires intenderit, dum Ministri Evangelii & socii hujusce Senatus Munera per tot Annorum Seriem, maxima cum Laude expleverit: Quibus de Causis, Eum dignissimum judicavimus qui summâ Dignitate Academica insigniretur.
Sciatis igitur quod Nos Præses & Socii Collegii Harvardini in Cantabrigia, antedictum Virum Reverendum Nathanaelem Appleton Doctorem in sacro sanctâ Theologia creavimus & constituimus, atque hoc nostro Diplomate renunciamus, Honorandis admodum & reverendis Academiæ nostræ Inspectoribus unanimi Suffragio consentientibus; Eique dedimus et concessimus omnia Insignia, Jura, Honores & privilegia ad suum Gradum spectantia. pertinentia
In Cujus Rei Testimonium Nos communi Sigillo Universitatis hisce Literis appenso Chirographa apposuimus Die decimo septimo Julii Anno Salutis millesimo septingentesimo septuagesimo primo
Samuel Locke Præses
Johannes Winthrop Math & Phil. P.
Andreas Eliot S T D & Inspect Secr
Samuel Cooper, S T D
Josephus. Willard. Ling. Græc. Præc.
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Nov-Anglia Omnibus ad quos præsentes Literæ pervenerint, Salutem
Cum Gradus Academici eum in finem instituti fuerint ut qui Moribus et Optimarum Artium Cognitione & praxi eminerent, ii honoribus afficerentur—cumque Nobis compertum sit Johannem Cuming Concordiensem Armigerum Virum esse probis Moribus ornatum, apud hancce Academiam in Curso Literario aliquandiu occupatum fuisse, multum temporis Artem Medicinæ & Chirurgiæ cum Egregiâ Famâ exercuisse, & sese in Collegium Harvardinum Benefactorem benevolum nuper præbuisse
Sciatis igitur quod Nos Præses & Socii Collegii Harvardini in Cantabrigia Nov-Anglorum Supradictum Johannem Cuming Armigerum ad Gradum Magistri in Artibus Honoris Ergo admissimus (Consentientibus Honorandis admodum & Reverendis Academiæ nostræ Curatoribus) Eique simul dedimus & concessimus Omnia Jura Honores & Privilegia ad istum Gradum pertinentia
In Cujus Rei Testimonium Nos Communi Academiæ Sigillo, hisce Literis appenso Chirographa Apposuimus—Die &c
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Nova Anglia Omnibus in Christo fidelibus ad quos præsentes Literæ pervenerint, Salutem in Domino sempiternam
Cum Gradus Academici eum in finem instituti fuerint ut qui Moribus & optimarum Artium Disciplina & Scientiarum Cognitione eminerent ii Honoribus afficerentur cumque ex famâ fide dignissima nobis compertum sit Reverendum Dominum Naphtali Dagget apud Collegium Yalense quod est in Novo Portu Connecticutensium, Sacro-Sanctæ Theologiæ perplures Annos Professorem & nunc quoquo Presidem Virum esse probis Moribus Ornatum & de Republica & Ecclesia cum bonarum Literarum studio, tum præcipue sacrarum Cultu optimè meruisse
Sciatis igitur quod Nos Præses & Socii Collegii Harvardini in Cantabrigia Nov: Anglorum supradictum Reverendum Dominum Naphtali Dagget ad Gradum Magistri in Artibus non tantum Honoris Ergo, sed etiam pro Mentis admissimus (Consentientibus Honorandis admodum & Reverendis Academiæ nostræ667 Inspectoribus) Eique simul dedimus et concessimus Omnia Jura, Honores & Privilegia ad istum Gradum pertinentia—Die decimo septimo Julii Anno Salutis millesimo septingentesimo septuagesimo primo
In Cujus Rei Testimonium Communi Universitatis Sigillo his Literis appenso Chirographa apposuimus
Universis & singulis haste Doctoratus Literas668 visuris lecturis vel Audituris, Nos Alexander Donaldson, saluberrimæ Medicinæ in Alma Supremi Domini669 Regis Universitate Marischallana Abredonensi Doctor et Professor, Actu regens et Decanus, Salutem in Eo qui est omnium vera Salus
Quum mos antiquus et laudabilis semper extiterit ut qui multis sudoribus, indefesso labore, studioque assiduo literis operam navaverint insigni aliquo et eximio honoris titulo tanquam peracti laboris monumento et670 clarissimæ Virtutis præmio dignarentur, ut sequentium seculorum progenies horum exemplo allecta ad persequendas arduas quidem sed pulchras Eruditionis ac Virtutis vias stimulentur; Quumque Nobis satis superque compertum sit Dominum Carolum Russell non solum studijs medicis maxima cum laude per complures annos incubuisse, et in eisdem maximos progressus hactenus fecisse, sed671 et etiam in omni Medicinæ praxi versatum esse ac fuisse. Propterea Nos Alexander Donaldson (Gymnasiarcha caeterisque in prædicta Universitate Professoribus consentientibus) antedictum D. Carolum Russell Medicinæ Doctorem creamus declaramus et constituimus, Illique tenore præsentium literarum vim publici Instrumenti habentium Medicinam exercendi hic et ubique terrarum potestatem conferimus, omnibusque et singulis istius Gradus privilegijs exemptionibus libertatibus honoribus et indultis alijs quocunque nomine censeantur juxta formam continentem vim et tenorem Statutorum et privilegiorum Academiis et Universitatibus concessorum Eum frui ac feliciter gaudere jubemus. In quorum omnium fidem actestimonium Diploma hocce Doctoratus Instrumentum magni Universitatis sigilli [142] appensione nostrisque Chirographis communiri voluimus
Datum Abredoniæ Primo Id. |
Julij—A. Æ. C MD.CCLX.V. |
Alexr Donaldson Medicinæ Doctor Professor et Decanus |
Georgius Campbell Gymnasiarcha |
Alexr Gerard S. S. T. P |
Geo. Skene M. D. P. P. |
J Beattie Mor. P. P |
Quum Honos sit Virtutis Præmium ideoque apud omnes Academias usitatum sit, ut qui Moribus, Ingenio et optimarum Artium cognitione præ cæteris eminent, Ij maximis Laudibus et summis Honoribus afficiantur. Nos igitur Academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ Primarius cæterique Professores hoc Scripto testatum volumus Joannem Winthrop R. S. S Matheseos et Philosophiæ Naturalis in Collegio Cantabrigiensi Novæ Angliae Professorem, Juris utriusque turn Civilis turn Canonici Doctoris titulum consecutum esse; Eique amplissimam Potestatem Jus turn civile tum Canonicum ubique Gentium Legendi Docendi, Profitendi concessam aliaque Omnia Privilegia, Jura672 quæ hic aut usquam alibi ad Doctoratus Apicem evectis concedi solent—Cujus Rei, quo major esset Fides, Nos, Sigillo publico appenso Chirographa apposuimus. Edinburgi Anno Salutis humanæ Millesimo septingentesimo septuagesimo primo Julij die decimo octavo
Gulielmus Robertson Primarius |
Joseph: Black. M & Ch. P. |
Robertus Cuming S. S. T & H E P |
Alexr Monro. Med. & Anat. P. |
Jacobus Robertson Linguar Oriental. P. |
Jo. Hope Med. & Bot. P. |
Thos Young Art. Obs. P. |
Jacobus Russell. Phil. Nat. P. |
Gul. Cullen Med.673 P. |
Gul. Wallace I. M. P. |
Jo. Gregory Med. Prac P. |
Jo. Pringle Hist. Un. Civ. P. |
Francis Home M. &. M. M. P. |
Ja. Balfour J. N. & G. P. |
Robertus Hunter G. L. P. |
Adam Ferguson P. & E. P. |
Robertus Hamilton S. S. Th. P |
Hugo Blair Rhet. & Lit. Elegant. P. |
Præses et Curatores674 Collegii Neo-Cæsariensis omnibus et singulis has Literas lecturis Salutem in Domino
Quandoquidem æquum est et rationi prorsus consentaneum ut ii qui Labore et Studio bonas didicerunt Artes præmia suis Studiis digna referant; quando etiam huc potissimum spectant amplissima illa Jura nostro Collegio regio Diplomate collata ut eos qui in quibuscunque Artibus et Scientiis summam excellentiam attigerunt Honoribus et Titulis amplificare queat.
Quumque reverendissimus Vir Ebenezer Pemberton A.M. verbi divini Minister apud Boston sit non tantum Pietati et morum Probitati admodum insignis Artibus liberalibus penitus instructus sed et sibi tantam in Theologia cognitionem Labore et studio acquisierit necnon scriptis suis luculenter probarit ut summos in ista Facultate honores probe mereatur. Idcirco Domino Ebenezero Pemberton supra nominato Gradum Doctoratus in S. S. Theologia concedendum existimavimus, utque ei cuncta Privilegia atque Ornamenta quæ Theologiæ Doctori competunt rata & certa sint eum Titulo Graduque Doctoris in S. S. Theologia cohonestandum675 et ab universis dehinc pro adepto et Doctore habendum volumus: cujus Sigillum commune Collegii Neo-Cæsariensis huic Membraæ affixum, nominaque nostra subyscripta Testimonio sint.
Datum Aulæ Nassovicæ |
Joannes Witherspoon Præses |
Sexto Calendas Octobris. |
Gulielmus Smith |
Gulielmus Tennet |
Anno Æræ Christi 1770 |
Jacobus Caldwell |
Richardus Treat |
Gulielmus Shippen |
Joannes Blair |
Joannes Rogers |
Georgii Washington Armigeri Copiarum Rei-publicæ americanæ Imperatoris celeberrim L. L. D677 Diploma descriptum legatur678 Libro 7mo679 p. 297, 298, 299 q. vid. Dat: Aprilis 3tio A. D. 1776.
Horatii Gates Armigeri L.L.D. Diploma.
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Novanglia, omnibus ad quos Literæ præsentes pervenerint in Christo Fidelibus, salutem in Domino Sempiternam.
Cum eum in Finem Gradus Academici instituti fuerint, ut Viri Disciplina, Sapientia, et Virtute insignes, qui vel de Re Literaria vel de Republica optime meruerint, Honoribus Laureatis remunerarentur; maxime decet, quod hujusmodi Honore afficiatur Vir ille admodum honorabilis, de Republicâ Americana optimémeritus, Horatius Gates Armiger, Exercitus nostri nuper Septentrionalis Imperator, cujus Peritiæ Artis bellicæ et erga Patriam nostram Amoris per Regiones Americanas undequaque680 percrebuit Fama. Vir ille Insignis681 Copias totius Britannici Exercitus, magnâ ex Parte lectissimas, ad numerum decem millium, Duce Burgoyne, per Iter Canadense ad Impetum in Novangliam faciendum missas, variis Præliis profligavit;682 totumque tandem Exercitum reliquum, Die Octobris XVII, A. S. MDCCLXXVII, Conventione Saratogana in deditionem coegit. Hujus Deditionis Pacto, quas insolentissimè minitabatur Burgoyne, iis Direptionibus liberata fuit Novanglia, et omnibus fere Pacis muneribus inde usque delectata: dum interea Rei-publicæ Partes ad Austrum vergentes, nobiscum fraterno Vinculo conjunctæ, Hostis immisericordis Rapinas perferebant. Eadem Deditio hujus nostræ Universitatis ad optimas Artes colendas “hæc Otia fecit.
Sciatis igitur, quod Nos Præses et Socii Collegii Harvardini, consentientibus Honorandis admodum ac Reverendis Academiæ nostræ Inspectoribus Dominum supra nominatum, Horatium Gates, Juris Utriusque, [138] turn Naturæ et Gentium, turn Civilis, Doctorem statuimus et creavimus; eique dedimus atque concessimus omnia Jura, Privilegia, Dignitates ac Honores, quibus ad istiusmodi Gradum uspiam Gentium evecti ornari debent.
In683 cujus Rei Testimonium, communi Universitatis Sigillo hisce Literis appenso, Nos Præses et Socii, Die XVIII Junii, Anno Salutis humanæ MDCCLXXIX, apposuimus Chirographa.
Samuel Langdon S. T. D. |
Præses |
Jacobus Bowdoin |
Samuel Cooper S. T. D. |
Edvardus Wigglesworth S. T. P. Holl: |
Socii |
Caleb Gannett Math: et Phil: Præc. |
Johannes Lathrop. V. D. M |
Ebenezer Storer |
Theasurarius |
Josephi de Valnais Armigeri L. L. D Diploma.
Senatus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in Novanglia, omnibus, ad quos Literæ præsentes pervenerint in Christo Fidelibus, Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
Cum eum in finem Gradus Academici instituti fuerint, ut Viri Disciplinâ, Sapientiâ, et Virtute insignes, qui vel de Re Literaria, vel de Republica optimè meruerint, Honoribus Laureatis remunarerentur; maxime decet, quod hujusmodi Honore afficiatur Vir ille præclarus, Josephus de Valnais Armiger, Consul apud Massachusettenses primus, a Rege christianissimo Ludovico XVI constitutus; Rege magnanimo, qui Nationi nostræ Americanæ, uno quasi Die ortæ quæ secundum nondum expleverat Annum, cum Britannis, Gente antiquâ, Terra Marique potentibus, pro Aris et Focis colluctanti, humanitatis causâ tulit Suppetias; eandemque in Amicitiam ac Foedus, Reipublicæ nascenti Præsidio [137] simul et Decori, Conditionibus æquissimis ascivit.
Sciatis igitur, quod Nos Præses et Socii Collegii Harvardini, consentientibus Honorandis admodum ac Reverendis Academiæ nostræ Inspectoribus, suæ Majestatis Christianissimæ Beneficiis in Rem-Publicam Americanam collatis incitati, atque ut Amorem quo totum Genus humanum amplexamur pariter significaremus, Dominum supra nominatum Josephum de Valnais, Consulem ejus apud Nos primum, Honoris ergo, Juris Utriusque, tum Naturæ et Gentium tum Civilis, Doctorem statuimus et creavimus; eique dedimus atque concessimus omnia Jura, Immunitates, Privilegia, Dignitates, ac Honores, quibus ad istiusmodi Gradum, vel in Americâ, vel alibi usquam Gentium, Provecti ornari solent aut debent.
In cujus Rei Testimonium, communi Universitatis Sigillo hisce Literis appenso, Nos Præses et Socii, Die XVIII Junii, Anno Salutis humanæ MDCCLXXIX apposuimus Chirographa.
Samuel Langdon S. T. D. Præses |
Jacobus Bowdoin |
Samuel Cooper S. T. D |
Edvardus Wigglesworth S. T. P. Holl: |
Caleb Gannett Math: et Phil: Præc: |
Johannes Lathrop V. D. M. |
Socii |
Ebenezer Storer |
Thesaurarius |