Part Five
Vestry Minutes
From April 1753
April 11. 1773
[it was often the practice to enter the minutes in the front of the book and to turn the book upside down to enter the receipts at the back but this book is an exception]
Vestry Book for Kings Chapel begun On Easter Monday April 23.d 1753
At a Vestry of Kings Chappel held at the Rever.d
M.r Caners on Wednesday the October 1753.
The Rever.d M.r Henry Caner Minister
John Box |
Wardens |
James Forbes |
M.r James Gordon |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Doct.r Silv.r Gardiner |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Doct.r John Gibbins. |
M.r Powers Marriot |
George Craddock Esq.r |
Voted That a Guinea. Each be given to Jeremiah Gridley358 & James
Otis359 as a Retaining fee for Defence of the Church.s
Right to the Lands at Taunton left to the Chappel by
M.r Thom.s Coram, in Case a Suit Should Commence on s.d Acco.ts
And that Eliakim Hutchinson take the Conduct of Said
Affair in behalfe and for the Benefite of the Church
Voted Unanimously that for Want of proper place to Assemble
in The Occasionall days. viz Thanksgiveing. The fifth
of November and Thirtieth of January be Omitted
untill the Chappel be Rebuilt
Voted That Doct.r John Gibbins & Doct.r Silvester Gardiner
make Enquirey whether Doct.r Sewalls360 Meeting house
can be Obtain.d for the Chappel Congregation to
Assemble in on Christmass day. and if to be don
the Church Wardens to make Proper Application
for Liberty of the Same
The Subscription Continued Lawfull M.o
£ |
£ |
Thomas Gunter |
4 |
George Craddock |
3 |
Samuel Wentworth |
4 |
Silvester Gardiner |
5 |
Thomas Pearson |
3 |
Thomas Hawding |
4 |
Mary Jackson |
3 |
John Powell |
3 |
Samuel Wethered |
3 |
Gilbert Deblois |
4 |
John Wheatley |
3 |
Lewis Deblois |
4 |
Alice Quick |
3 |
Edward Tyng |
4 |
Samuel Buttler |
3 |
Robert Auchmuty |
3 |
James Dalton |
2 |
Stephn Deblois |
3 |
Robert Stone |
3 |
Sarah Leddel |
2 |
Martin Brimmer |
3 |
Thomas Brinley |
3 |
Andrew Johonnot |
4 |
Job Lewis |
3 |
William Read361 |
3 |
James Hill |
2 |
Benjamin Pratt |
4 |
Gillam & William Tailer |
2.13. |
Doct.r Cass |
2 |
George Arthur (never paid) |
3 |
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at the House of
the Reverend M.r Caner on Friday May 1753. Present
The Rev.d M.r Caner Minister John Box & James Forbes |
Wardens |
Charles Apthorp |
Thomas Lechmere |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
Charles Paxton |
Doct.r Silv.r Gardner |
Eliakim Hutchinson | |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
George Cradock |
M.r James Gordon |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Voted. That the Votes of the Vestry on Saturday the March last past
be Continued.
Whereas from a Survey of the Condition of Kings Chapel in Boston
it has been thought Necessary to pull down and Rebuild the same
And Whereas a Vote of the Proprietors of said Chapel bearing
date the 22.d day of April 1748 was obtain.d to this purpose, and
a Comittee then Nominated and Appointed by the said Proprietors
to proceed with all Convient Expedition in Causeing the said Work
to be Executed And Further Whereas, the said Comittee agreeable to
their Said Instructions, have determin.d to take down the present
Building sometime in this present Month of March or the
beginning of April next We the Subscribers, Proprietors, and
others of the Congregation of said Church in order to provide the
means of Publick Worship (dureing the time that the said Chapel
may be Rebuilding) for ourselves and others who have been used
to Assemble in the Said Church, Do hereby Severally promise & Obledge
our Selves to pay unto James Gordon & John Box, Wardens of the
said Chappel, or to the Wardens thereof for the time being, the Severall
Yearly Sums herein after Annexed to our Respective Names, in Weekly,
Monthly, or Quarterly payments, for and untill the time that the
said Chapel shall be Rebuilt or made fitt to Assemble in for the
purposes of Divine Worship, Provided only that this Oblegation be
not Construed to Extend above two years. Commenceing from Easter
next Ensueing the date hereof. Don at Boston this day of
March 1753.
£ |
Shrimpton Hutchinson |
3 |
Henry Frankland |
6 |
Powers Marriot |
3 |
Paul Mascarene |
4 |
Edward Winslow |
3.4 |
Estes Hatch |
4 |
Henry Leddel |
4 |
Charles Apthorp |
8 |
James Forbes |
5 |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
4 |
John Box |
3 |
Francis Brinley |
5 |
[Henry] Lloyd |
4 |
John Gibbins |
4 |
[Benjamin] Prat |
4 |
James Smith |
6 |
At the Anniversary Meeting of the Propietors of Kings Chapel
in Boston at Trinity Church At four O’Clock P M: on
Easter Monday April 23. 1753. there being fourteen Propietors
Present NB. The Kings Chappel being then taken down in Order to be Rebuilt.
Voted by Written Votes, The Church Wardens for the Year Ensueing be
M:r John Box and |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men for the Ensueing Year be
Eighteen; Seven of whom to be a Quorum
The names of the Persons chosen by written Votes as follows Viz
Sir Henry Frankland Barronett |
his Excellency Gov:r Shirley |
M:r James Smith |
Collonell Paul Mascarene |
James Gordon |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Hawding |
George Craddock Esq.r |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
Thomas Letchmere Esq.r |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Gunter |
Collo Francis Brinley |
M.r William Price |
Doctor John Gibbins |
Voted by hand Vote that M:r Tho:s Hase be Clerk w.t ye Same Sallery as last year
Voted that Stephen Deblois be Organist with the Same Sallery as last year
Voted that Jn.o Hooker be Sexton & to be allowed Twenty Shillings
Old Tenor per Week, but if Prayers is Said on Wednesdays &
Fridays at Trinity Church Festival Days by Our Minister
& he gives his Attendance as Sexton on those days; he is to be
allowed & paid Thirty Shillings Old Tenor or four Shillings
Lawfull Money per Week for ye ensueing Year
Voted That the Thanks of this Congregation be given to M.r
James Gordon for his great pains & faithfully dischargeing
his office of a Church Warden for these Seven Years last past
At a Vestry of Kings Chappel held at the Rever.d
M.r Caners on Wednesday the December 1753
The Rev.d M.r Henry Caner Minister
John Box |
Wardens |
James Forbes |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
George Craddock Esq.r |
Mr James Gordon |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Hawding |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Voted Unanimously That the Vote of the Vestry the
October Relateing to Meeting at Doct.r Sewalls on
Christmass day be Continued and that the Church Ward.ns
write to the Gentlemen proprietors of said Meeting house
for Liberty of the same which was don Accoringly &
the lett.r deliv.d to Thomas Hubbard362 Es.qr & was as follows
To the Honb.le Ezekiel Lewis363 Esq.r and the Gentlemen Seaters364 of the South Brick Church in Boston
By a Vote of the Vestry of Kings Chappel, we are desired to Ask
the favour of the use of your Church for our Congregation to
Assemble in for Divine Service on Tuseday the of this
Instant December being Christmass Day
Your Compliance with which Request will greatly
obledge the of s.d Comunity. as also
Yo.r mo.t humb. Serv.ts
Boston Decemb.r 1753 |
John Box |
Wardens |
James Forbes |
To the Above letter Wee Receiv.d on the a Verbal answ.r,
that our Request was Granted and their Church was
at our Service for the time desired. only they Expected that
wee would not decorate it with Spruce &.c
Coppy of a letter from the Rever.d M.r Andrew Croswell365 in answ.r
to one wrote him the March 1753 by the Minister & Church
Wardens of Kings Chapel desireing the Liberty of his Meeting
on prayer days & Omitted to be Recorded in its proper place
Rever.d Sir Boston March 1753
I am desired by the Proprietors of our Meeting house to lett you
know That we Grant your Request of Liberty to Assemble in it
on Wednesdays, Fridays, and other week days for publick
This wee look on to be only doeing as wee would be
don by a thing highly agreeable to Christianity & Humanity
And therfore for my Selfe & them I bid you heartily welcom
to it
I am Sir
For |
Your and the other Gent.mns humb. Serv.t |
The Rev.d Henry Caner |
Andrew Crosswell |
2 DC |
At the Aniversary Meeting of the Proprietors of Kings Chapel
in Boston, At Trinity Church on Easter Monday at three a Clock in
the afternoon April 1754. There being Seventeen Proprietors Present
Voted by Written Votes that the Church Wardens for the Year
Ensueing be |
James Forbes and |
M.r John Box |
Voted That the number of Vestry men for the Ensueing Year be
Twenty, Seven of whom to be a Quorum
Names of the Vestry Chosen by written Votes are as follows
S.r Henry Frankland Baron.t |
His Exc.y Govern.r Shirley |
Col.o Francis Brinley |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r James Smith |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
M.r James Gordon |
George Craddock Esq.r |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
Thomas Lechmere Esqr |
M.r Thomas Hawdinge |
Col.o Paul Mascarene |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
M.r Thomas Gunter |
M.r William Price |
M.r Shrimton Hutchinson |
M.r Powers Marriot |
M.r Henry Leddel |
Voted by hand Vote that M.r Thomas Hase be Clerk with the |
same Sallary as last year viz Eight pounds Lawfull Mony |
Voted That M.r Stephn Deblois be Organist.
Voted that the Church Wardens & Vestry appoint a Sexton and
Bellows Blower
Voted That George Craddock Esq.r & Doct.r John Gibbins |
Audit the Church Wardens Accounts for the past Year |
At a Vestry of Kings Chapel held at the House of the
Rever.d M.r Henry Caner on Monday May 1754.
The Rever.d M.r Henry Caner Minister
Wardens |
John Box |
George Craddock Esq.r |
M.r Henry Leddel |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r Powers Marriot |
D.r John Gibbins. |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
D.r Silv.r Gardiner |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r Reported That agreable to a Vote
of the Vestry the October 1753. He had Settled the affair of the
land at Taunton left to the Chapel by M.r Thomas Coram, with M.r Stephn
Burt the present possesor, and the Said Burt would pay the
of the Vestry. One hundred pounds Lawfull Mony within Twelve
Months from the of this Instant. upon their Suffering a
Recovery against them at the next Inferiour Court at Taunton
in the County of Bristol, and giveing a Quitt Claim to s.d Land
Voted That Eliakim Hutchinson be Impowerd to proceed in
the above affair according to the agreement made with M.r Burt. and
that the hundred pounds Lawfull Mony when Receiv.d Shall be applyed
towards the Building of the New Chapel.
Coppy of a Letter to the Minister & Wardens of Trinity
Church Thanking them and the Congregation for their favours
Sirs Boston August 1754
Haveing agreed to open Kings Chapel on Wednesday next
and thence forward to have Divine Service Continued there We
have thought proper to give you this Early nottice of our design,
and Especialy, wee are desireous of Expressing our thanks for
Indulgeing us the use of your Church whilest ours has been
Rebuilding, and to assure you that Wee shall be Ready to testifie
our gratitude for this favour, by any Services in our power
if the Circumstances of your Church should call for our
assistance You will be pleased to give order that our
Workmen be allow.d to take down the Clock and Bell which
wee Shall have occasion for at the Chapel
We are with proper Respect Gentlemen
Your most Obed.t & mo.t hbl Serv.ts |
The Rev.d M.r William Hooper. Minst.r |
Henry Caner |
Joseph Dowse Esq.r and M.r |
Rufus Greene |
James Forbes |
Wardens of Trinity Church |
John Box |
Coppy of a Letter of thanks to M.r Croswell and
his Congregation
Rever.d Sir
As the Comitee for Rebuilding our Church have
made Report. that the Congregation may henceforward meet in
it for Divine Worship. We Could not Resign the Liberty allow.d
us by the proprietors of your Meeting without giveing you
and them this Testimony of our Gratitude & thanks for your
favours, which we pray You to accept and believe that
we are for our Selves and in behalfe of the Vestry of our
Church Rever.d Sir
To |
Yours & the Proprietors |
The Rev.d M.r Andrew Croswell |
Obledg.d & mo.t humb.l Serv.ts |
Boston Aug.t 1754 |
Henry Caner |
James Forbes |
John Box |
On Wednesday the August 1754. Opened the New Chapel
with prayers and a Sermon, after which £342 old Tenor
was Collected towards finishing said Chapel and paid by the
Church Wardens to Charles Apthorp Esq.r Treasurer to the Comittee
At a Vestry of Kings Chapel held at the House of
M.r Samuel Wethered on Wednesday the August 1754
The Rever.d M.r Henry Caner. |
Minist.r |
James Forbes |
Wardens |
John Box |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Hawdinge |
George Craddock Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Gunter |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
M.r Shrimton Hutchinson |
D.r John Gibbins |
M.r James Smith |
D.r Silv.r Gardiner |
M.r William Price |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r Henry Leddel |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Voted That the Vestry and as many of the Church as shall
be Willing. pay their Subscription toward Supporting the Minister
for Six Months from Easter past. and that the Assesment on the
Pews Commence on Sunday next the Instant
Voted That hereafter the Charge of the Bread and wine at the Sacrament be
deducted out of the Offeratory mony and to begin next Sacram.t day
Voted That no Negros be Admitted to Sitt or Stand in any of
the Isles dureing the time of Divine Service. but that the Sexton
be directed to order them up into the Gallery
At The Aniversary Meeting of the Proprietors of Kings Chapel
Held there on Easter Monday the March 1755 at Eleven a Clock
in the forenoon there being Thirteen Proprietors present
Voted by written Votes that the Church Wardens for the Year
Ensueing be |
James Forbes |
Thomas Hawdinge |
Voted. That the Number of Vestrymen for the Ensueing Year
be Eighteen. Seven of whom to be a Quorum
Names of the Vestry by Written Votes are as follows
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
His Govern.r Shirley |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r James Smith |
Charles Paxton. Esq.r |
M.r James Gordon |
Col.o Paul Mascarene |
M.r Samuel Wentworth |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
M.r William Price |
George Cradock Esq.r |
M.r Shrimton Hutchinson |
M.r John Box |
M.r Henry Leddel |
Voted By hand Vote that M.r Thomas Hase be Clerk the |
Ensueing Year with the usuall Sallary viz £8 Lawf.l Mo |
Voted. That Ichabod Willaston be Continued Sexton with |
4/ per Weeke Sallary or £10.8 Lawfull Mony per Ann.m |
Voted. That John Johnston be Continued to Sing & be paid
20/ old Tenor per Week as long as the Minister and
Church Wardens find it Necessary
Voted That Charles Apthorp Esq.r George Cradock Esq.r
and Doct.r John Gibbins or any two Audit the Church Ward.ns
accounts for the Year past
Voted. That The Thanks of the Congregation be given to M.r
John Box for his Long & good Service as Warden
of this Church
At a Vestry of Kings Chapel held at the House of the Rev.d
M.r Caner on Wednesday Aug.t 1755. Call.d on Acc.t of the Death
of the Rever.d M.r Charles Brockwell who died on Said day
at 10 aClock in the Morning
The Rever.d M.r Henry Caner |
} |
Minister |
James Forbes |
Wardens |
Thomas Hawding |
George Cradock Esq.r |
M.r Henry Lloyd |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Eliak.m Hutchinson Esq.r |
Doct.r Silvr Gardiner |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
M.r Shrimton Hutchinson |
Mr William Price |
Mr James Smith |
M.r John Box |
Voted. That the Rev.d M.r Brockwells Funeral Expences be
paid by Subscription, and that the Senior Church Warden
provide for the Same in as frugal & decent Manner as
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
1.6.8 |
M.r Thomas Hawding |
1.6.8 |
M.r William Price |
0.13.4 |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
1.6.8 |
M.r James Smith |
1.6.8 |
M.r Henry Leddel |
0.12 |
M.r Henry Lloyd |
1.6.8 |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esq.r |
0.12 |
Doct.r. Silv.r Gardiner |
0.13.4 |
Col.o Paul Mascarene |
0.12 |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
0.12 | Alice Quick |
0.12 |
M.r John Box |
0.12 |
M.r William Patten |
0.6.8 |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
1.6.8 |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
1.6.8 |
M.r Shrimton Hutchinson |
0.18 |
M.r Powers Marriot |
0.18 |
James Forbes |
1.6.8 |
On Thursday February 1756 The Rever.d M.r Henry
Caner with the Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
Waited on His Excelency Gov.r Shirly at the Province House
at 9 A.M. with their Congratulatory Compliments
for His Ex.cys Safe Returne to his Goverment. and were
wel Received
At the Aniversary Meeting of the Proprietors of Kings
Chapel held there on Easter Monday April 1756 at
11. in the Forenoon there being Seven Proprietors Present
Voted By Written votes that the Church Wardens for the
Year Ensueing be |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
M.r Henry Lloyd |
Voted. That the Number of Vestry Men be Seventeen
five of whom to be a Quorum
Names of the Vestry by written Votes as follows
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
His Govern.r Shirley |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Col.o Paul Mascarene |
M.r James Smith |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
George Cradock Esq.r |
M.r William Price |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
M.r Shrimt.n Hutchinson |
M.r John Powell |
James Forbes |
M.r John Box |
M.r Powers Marriott |
Voted. By hand Vote that M:r Thomas Hase be Continued Clerk for
the Ensueing Year with the Usuall Sallary viz Eight pounds
Lawfull mony
Voted. By hand Vote that Iccabod Willaston be Continued Sexton for |
the Year Ensueing with four Shillings per Week Sallary |
Voted. That M.r Thomas Johnston be Continued to Sing and be |
paid Two Shillings & Eight pence per Week Lawfull mony |
Sallary as long as the minister & wardens find it Necessary |
Voted. That Charles Apthorp Esq.r George Cradock Esq.r and Doct.r |
John Gibbins or any two of them Audit the Church Wardens |
accounts for the Year past. |
At the Aniversary Meeting of the Proprietors of Kings
Chapell held there on Easter Monday April 1757 at 11
oClock in the Forenoon.
Voted. By written votes that the Church wardens for the
Year ensuing be |
Doct. Silv:r Gardiner |
Henry Lloyd Esq:r |
Voted. That the Number of vestry men be eighteen, five
of whom to be a Quorum.
Names of the Vestry by written Votes as follows
Sir Hen.y Frankland |
M.r William Vassall |
Col.o Francis Brindley |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
M.r W.m Price |
Doc.r John Gibbins. |
M.r Shrimp.t Hutchinson |
M.r John Powell |
Eliak.m Hutchinson Esq. |
M.r John Box |
Charles Paxton Esq. |
M.r Powers Marriot |
Col.o Isaac Royall |
M.r Nath.l Wheelwright |
James Smith. |
M.r Saml Wentworth |
Voted. That M.r Thomas Dipper be organist to Kings Chapell
with a Salary of Fifty three Pounds six & 8d
per Ann:
Voted. By hand Vote that Ichabod Williston be continued
Sexton for the Year ensuing, with four shillings per Week Sal.ry
Voted. By hand Vote that M.r. Thomas Hase be continued Clerk
for the ensuing Year with the usual Salary viz. Eight
Pounds L. Money.
Voted. That Charles Apthorp Esq. Eliak.m Hutchinson Esq.
George Cradock Esq. or any two of them to audit the Church wardens
accounts for the Year past
Voted. That whatever Money shall be remaing in y.e Church wardens
to ye Comittee for rebuilding this Church, to be by him apply’d to the
discharging the Debts thereof
The following Notification was read in Kings Chapell
on Easter Sunday March 1758 immediately after the
afternoon Service.
The of this Church are desired to attend
publick prayers tomorrow at eleven oClock, and after-
wards to proceed to the Choice of Church officers for the
present year, & to attend, such other Business of the
Church as shall then be laid before them
At the Aniversary meeting of the proprietors of King
Chapell held there on Easter Monday March 1758
at elaven oClock in the forenoon
Voted. By written Votes that the Church wardens for
the ensuing Year be. Doct.r Silv.r Gardiner
Nath.ll Wheelwright.
Voted. That the number of Vestry men be nineteen
Seven of whom to be a Quorum
Names of the Vestry men by written Votes as
His Excell.y Thomas Pownall Esq. |
Henry Vassall Esq. |
Col.o Francis Brindley |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Charles Apthorp Esq. |
M.r William Price |
D.r John Gibbins |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
George Cradock Esq. |
Mr Shrimpt.n Hutchinson |
Eliak.m Hutchinson Esq. |
M.r John Powell |
Charles Paxton Esq. |
M.r John Box |
Col.o Isaac Royall |
M.r Powers Marriott |
M.r James Smith |
Sam.ll Wentworth Esq. |
M.r William Vassall |
Voted. By hand Vote that M.r Thomas Hase be continued
Clerk for the ensuing year with the usual Salary
viz. Eight Pounds Lawf. Money
Voted. By hand Vote. that Ichabod Williston be
continued Sexton for the year ensuing with a
Salary of 4 Shillings per week
Voted. By hand Vote. That the Church wardens for the
time being. provide a Bellows blower for the
Organ. at twenty four Shillings per Ann.
Voted. Whereas the Propr.trs of Kings Chapell by their
Vote bearing date of the 22d of April 1748 did appoint
and Authorize Charles Apthorp, George Cradock,
Eliakim Hutchinson Doct.r John Gibbins. Doct:
Silvester Gardiner and M.r Thomas Hawding
to be a Committee to rebuild the said Chapell
And whereas the Said Committee in executing their
S.d Trust have been obliged to borrow certain Sums
of Money, for which they have given their own
proper security, and moreover, Whereas it is thought
unreason.ble That the s.d Com.tee Should stand any
longer engaged for the whole publick Debt of this
Church It is Voted, That a number of other able of Kings Chapell be desired to Share the Said
Burden with the Com.tee by giving each one his own
personal Bond, for wch part or proportion of the
publick debt as may be thought reasonable. And for
their encouragement to do so, It is further voted that
all & every person who Shall give their own Security
for any part of the publick debt as afores.d Shall to-
gether their Heirs, Exors. & Admins.t be indemnify’d
by this Church as to any loss or Damage they may
sustain by becoming so bound untill the Church Shall
have gradually paid off the Several Sums for which
they shall so engage
Voted. That Charles Apthorp. Eliakim Hutchinson & George
Cradock or any two of them to audit the Church
wardens Accounts for the year past
The following Notification was read in Kings Chapell on
Easter Sunday April 15. 1759, immediately after the afternoon
The Proprietors of this Church are desir’d to take
Notice that after divine Service tomorrow which begins at
10 oClock, they are to proceed to the Choice of Church officers for
the present Year; and to attend such other business of the
Church as shall then be laid before them.
At the Aniversary meeting of the Proprietors of Kings Chapel
(agreeable to the above notification) on Easter Monday April 16
1759 at 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted. By written Votes that the Church wardens for the
ensuing year be
Doc.r Silvester Gardiner
Nathan.l Wheelwright Esq.r
Voted. That the number of Vestry men for the ensuing
Year be Eighteen. Seven of whom to be a Quorum.
Names of the Vestry men by written Votes as follows.
His Excell.y Tho.s Pownall Esq.r |
Henry Vassall Esq.r |
Col.o Francis Brindley |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Doc.r John Gibbins |
M.r Will.m Price |
George Cradock Esq.r |
Henry Lloyd Esq.r |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r Shrimpt. Hutchinson |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
M.r John Powell |
Col.o Isaac Royall |
M.r John Box |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Powers Mariott |
William Vassall Esq.r |
Samuel Wentworth Esq.r |
Voted. That M.r Thomas Dipper’s Salary as Organist
to this Church be for the year ensuing Sixty
Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence.
Voted. That Ichabod Williston be continued Sexton for the
Year ensuing with his usual Salary of 4s/ per week
Voted. That M.r Thomas Hase be continued Clerk for
the ensuing year with a Salary of Twelve Pounds
per Ann.
Voted. That Doc.r John Gibbins, George Cradock Esq.r and
Cap.t James Forbes or any two of them Audit the
Church wardens Accounts for the year past.
Voted. That whatever money shall be remaining in the
Church wardens hands after all the necessary
Charges of the Church be paid that he apply it
to the discharging the debts of this Church
Voted. That the Minister and two church wardens be a
committee to wait upon Grizzle Apthorp366 &
return her thanks for her kind benefaction to this
Whereas this congregation have no certain Fund
for Supporting their Minister and other officers, but what
arises from the assessments of the pews and casual con-
tribution (which is no ways equal to their necessary &
annual expences) which by many accidents may fail, to
the great detriment of this church which is now encumbred
with a heavy debt and not finished. Therefore to guard
against inconveniencies and begin a Fund, that the
income may in time equal all our charges and enable
this Church to pay their debts and Support their Minister
and other officers in that generous manner they in their
inclinations are desirous of: And whereas such a Support
must greatly tend to the encouragement of the most learned
and ingenious ministers to Settle among us; on whom and
God the prosperity and increase of true Religion greatly depend.
It is therefore judged adviseable by this propriety from a Zealous
view of promoting the honour of almighty God, and the generous
benefit of this congregation, to pursue all laudable methods y.t
may tend to answer such great and truly pious designs, one
of which is to render the Situation of their minister easy by
a handsome and honourable Support: And whereas it may
with Reason be hoped that many persons whom divine
Providence hath been pleased to entrust with competent
Estates, are willing and only wait an opportunity of shew.g
their gratitude in particular for that blessing by cheerfully
bestowing part of the Same to such pious and charitable Uses
as may benefit the latest ages: most effectually redound to the
Honour of advancement of Christ church, and their own
Eternal welfare. It is therefore Voted. that the
Minister and Church wardens and Vestry men belonging
or shall belong to this Church or the Major part of them if they
think proper, Shall appoint one day in every year for a publick
collection, notice of such appointment be given the Sunday
before such collection, and all such Sums so collected, Shall
by the Church wardens, with the advice of the vestry, or the
major part of them, be improved by putting the same to
Interest on good Security, and only the Interest thereof be
apply’d to the support of the Minister or Ministers and other
officers and charges of said Church, in Such a manner as the
Church wardens and Vestry of this Church, or the major part
of them Shall from time to time Vote and direct; but the
principal to remain forever to remain as a Fund for the use
aforesaid, unless it Should by the church wardens and Vestry
of said Church or the major part of them, be thought proper
to invest the Same or any part thereof in real Estate for
the use and Benefit of said Church and in that case Said
real Estate to be and remain forever to said Church, and only
the neat profits thereof to be applyd to the purposes aforesaid,
but if any such donation be of real Estate, then the Church
Wardens with the advice of the Vestry to let the Same keep
it in repair and the neat profits only, thereof forever to be
apply’d to use aforesaid, so that whatever principal shall
be receiv’d by any donations for the purposes aforesaid, may
forever remain intire and as a fund for the benefit of this
Church. Provided, Nevertheless there is not in any Gift
or donation particular directions from the Donor, that such
his gift shall be apply’d to some Special purpose not within
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapell at the house of
the Rev.d M.r Henry Caner. Septm.r 1759
Present Silvester Gardiner Esq.r Church Warden
Charles Paxton Esq.r Shrimp:t Hutchinson Esqr.
Henry Lloyd Esq.r Samuel Wentworth Esq.r
George Cradock Esq.r M.r William Price
Mr. James Smith
Voted. That the Church Wardens be desired to Rent the house
and Land lately given to this Church by Joanna
Brooker367 widow deceas’d, and on the best terms they
can for any term of years not exceeding Ten
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapell at the house of
the Rev.d M.r Caner Oct.o 1759
Col. Isaac Royall |
M.r John Box |
George Cradock Esq.r |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Henry Vassall Esq.r |
M.r Powers Marriott |
Doc.r John Gibbins |
Shrimpt. Hutchinson Esq.r |
Whereas the Governor, Council & house of Representatives appoint-
ed Tuesday the Instant to be observed at Doc.r Sewall’s meeting
house as a Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the great
Victory his Majesty’s Arms has obtained over the French at
Quebeck & for reducing that City to Obedience of the Crown of
Great. Britain
Voted. That the same be observed at the same time by this Church
and that the Rev.d M.r Caner be desired to Preach on that
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapell at the house of the
Reverend M.r Caner on Saturday the Novem.r 17. 1759
Voted. That the following Notification be read in said
Chapell on Sunday Novem.r 1759
The Congregation are hereby notified that in Concurrence
with the Several other Congregations in this Town, there is to
be a Collection in this Church, the next Sunday in the after-
-noon, for the Benefit of the late unhappy Sufferers by Fire
to be distributed among them in Proportion to their present
necessitous Circumstances by the following Gentlemen. Thomas
Hancock, Thomas Hubbard, John Phillips, Joseph Dowse,
Samuel Grant and Meletiah Brown And Doctor Silv.r
Sunday Novem.r 1759. Agreeable to the above Notifi-
-cation there was collected on s.d occasion £529.12d O Tenor.
Sunday March 1760. A Brief was read in the Church
for a collection to be made the 3.d of April. towards the
Relief of the sufferers in the great Fire which happen’d
in this Town on the March 1760
Agreeable thereto there was collected on s.d 3d of
April being the annual Fast day appointed by the Goverm.t
Nine hundred and twenty five pounds Six shillings Old
Tenor towards the relief of said Sufferers. which sum was
paid into the hands of John Phillips Esq.r Treasurer to the
Com.tee appointed by the Governm.t to distribute the Same.
The following Notification was read in Kings Chapell on
Easter Sunday April 1760 immediately after the afternoon
noon Service
The Proprietors of this Church are desird to take Notice
that after divine Service tomorrow which will begin at 10. oClock
they are to proceed to the choice of Church officers for the present
Year and to attend such other Business of the Church as shall
then be laid before them
At the Anniversary Meeting of said Proprietors (agreeable to the
above Notification) on Easter Monday April 1760. at 11. oClock
in the forenoon
Voted. By written Votes that the Church Wardens for the ensuing Year
Be |
Nathan.l Wheelwright |
& |
Charles Paxton |
Voted That the number of Vestry men for the ensuing Year be
Twenty, seven of whom to be a Quorum
And the following Gentlemen was accordingly Chosen by
written Votes to Serve as Vestry men for the ensuing Year
His Excell.y the Governor for |
the time being |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Doc.r Silv.r Gardiner |
M.r William Price |
Fran.s Brindley Esq.r |
Henry Lloyd Esq.r |
Doc.r John Gibbins |
M.r Shrimpt. Hutchinson |
Geo: Cradock Esq.r |
M.r John Powell |
Eliak.m Hutchinson Esq.r |
M.r John Box |
Col. Isaac Royall |
M.r Powers Marriott |
M.r James Smith |
Samuel Wentworth Esq.r |
William Vassall Esq.r |
M.r Robt Auchmuty |
Henry Vassall Esq.r |
William Read Esq.r |
Voted. That Whereas the Rev.d M.r Caner’s Salary is at present but One
hundred & forty six Pounds thirteen shillings and four pence be
for the future One hundred & fifty pounds per Ann.
Voted. That M.r Thomas Dipper be continued organist to this Church
with a Salary of Sixty six Pounds thirteen Shillings and 4 pence
per Annum
Voted. That M.r Thomas Hase be continued Clerk for the
ensuing Year with a Salary of Twelve pounds per Ann.m
Voted. That M.r Ichabod Williston be continued Sexton for the
Year ensuing with the usual Salary of four per week
Voted. That Cap.t James Forbes, M.r James Gordon and
Nathan.l Wheelwright Esq.r or any two of them audit the
Church Wardens Accounts for the year past.
Voted. That the Church Wardens for the time being give
their Bond to Doc.r Silvester Gardiner for the Ballance of his
Account due to him from this Church.
His Excellency Francis Bernard368 made his publick Entrance
into Boston Aug.t 2. 1760. And on Monday Morning the Rev.d M.r
Caner having Convend the Clergy & Wardens of the three Churches
in this Town waited on his Excellency with the following address
May it please your Excellency,
We, the Ministers & Wardens of the Episcopal
Churches in this Town, beg leave to Congratulate your Excellency
on your safe Arrival in this your Government, we likewise
acknowledge with all thankfullness, the paternal care of our
most gracious Sovereign, in appointing a person of yr Excell:ys
approv’d abilities Integrity & publick Spirit, to direct the
important affairs of this province, we persuade ourselves
that a dutifull people will be happy under your prudent
and gentle administration, and your Regard for Religion;
and especially for that Establishment wherein you have been
Educated leave us no Room to doubt of your protection & Encouragem.t
of the Church of England. As it is our duty so we shall always be assi:
:duous to honour your Excellencys Person, and to Reverence & obey
your Government, we shall make it our hearty prayer that God
may bless you & your family, and succeed your Administration
to the Advancement of his Glory & the Welfare of this Province
To which his Excellency was pleas’d to Return the fol:
:lowing answer.
I am very much oblig’d to you for this kind address & Espe:
:cially for your hopes of, & wishes for the good Success of my Administrati:
:on in this province. The advancement of Religion I Esteem to be one
of my first duties: and I can say that it is most Suitable to my
own disposition. You may therefore be assurd that I shall use
my best Endeavours to Render that Communion, in which I imbib’d
the first principles of Religion most Conducive to the Ends of it.
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel Legally warned
and assembled at the house of the Rev.d Mr Caner Decr 29. 1760 upon
occassion of the News of the death of his Majesty King George the 2:d
& the accession of King George the Third.
The Revd Mr Caner |
} |
Minister |
Nath Wheelwright Esq |
} |
Warden |
George Craddock Esq |
Silv: Gardiner Esq |
Henry Lloyd Esqr |
Shrimpton Hutchinson Esqr |
Vestry |
M.r James Smith |
M.r John Box |
M.r Powers Marriott |
William Vassall Esqr |
Voted that whereas his Excellency the Governour Council & house of Reps
have appointed Thursday the first day of January next to be a
day for Solemnizing the death of his Late Majesty King George
the Second, the same be accordingly Solemniz’d on said day at
Kings Chapel, & that the Revd Mr Caner be desir’d to preach a
Sermon suitable to the occasion, And
Whereas it is Represented to the Vestry that his
the Governour is desirous of attending the Service of the Church
on the day abovementioned if it be appointed at an hour com:
:patible with his attendance it is therefore.
Voted That Mr Church Warden be desir’d to wait on his Excellency
and consult him upon that Subject.
Voted That divine Service upon Thursday next on Account of
the Solemnity as above do begin at 3. oClock P.M.
Voted that the Church Wardens do cause the pulpit Desk &
Clerks desk in the Chapell to be covered with black Cloth.
Voted that an advertisement be order’d by the Church Wardens to be
put into the Thursdays Newspaper in addition to an Advertism.t
already inserted to the following Purport Viz.t And there will
be a Sermon also at Kings Chapel on the same day the
Service to begin at 3. OClock P.M.
Voted that the Church Wardens be desird to notify his Excellency
the Governour, and his honour the Lt Governour of the time the
Vestry have appointed the Service to begin.
Agreeable to the foregoing appointment and desire of the
Vestry The Revd Mr Caner preached a Sermon suitable to the occasion
on the first of January above mentiond at Kings Chapel, At which
his Excellency the Governour the Council & house of Representatives
with a numerous audience were present.
And the next day the following Vote passd both houses Viz
In the house of Representatives Jany 2.d 1761.
Voted That the Members of the town of Boston with such as the hon:ble
Board shall join be a Committee to give the thanks of the Court to
the Revd Mr Caner for his Sermon preachd before them Yesterday
upon the decease of our Late most gracious Sovereign George the
Second and desire a Copy thereof for the press
Sent up for Concurrence369
Attest Roland Cotton Cler: Dom: Rep.
In Council Jany 2. 1761
Read and Concurrr’d & Jacob Wendell, John Erving & William Brattle are join’d in the Affair.
A Oliver Secry
Consented to Francis Barnard
Copy attes.t A Oliver Secry
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapell on
Easter Sunday March 22. 1761 immediately after the Afternoon
The Proprietors of this Church are desir’d to attend publick
Prayers tomorrow at ten O’Clock and after Prayers to proceed
to the Choice of Church Officers for the present year, and to attend
Such other business of the Church as shall then be laid below
before them.
At the Anniversary Meeting of sd Proprietors agreeable
to the above Notification on Easter Monday March 23d 1761
at 11 O’Clock in the forenoon
Voted By written Votes that the Church Wardens for the Ensuing
Year be
Nathaniel Wheelwright & |
Esqrs |
Charles Paxton |
Voted That the Number of Vestry men for the Ensuing Year be
Twenty: Seven of whom to be a Quorum
And the following Gentlemen were accordingly Chosen to
Serve as Vestrymen (by written votes) for the Ensuing
Year. Vizt
His Excellency the Govern.or |
Henry Lloyd Esqr |
Doctor Silvest:r Gardiner |
Mr Shrimpton Hutchinson Esq |
Francis Brindley Esqr |
Mr John Powell |
George Craddock Esqr |
Mr John Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Mr Powers Marriott |
Coll.o Isaac Royall |
Saml Wentworth Esq |
Mr James Smith |
William Reed Esq |
William Vassall Esq |
Mr Robt Auchmuty |
Capt James Forbes |
Mr James Gordon |
Mr Willm Pryce |
Mr James Apthorp370 |
Voted that M.r Thomas Dipper be continued Organist to this
Church with the usual Salary of Sixty six pounds thirteen
Shillings & four pence per Ann:
Voted that Mr Thomas Hase be continued Clerk for the Ensuing
Year with the usual Salary of Twelve Pounds per Ann:
Voted that Mr Robert Voeax be Sexton of this Church for the Ensu.g
Year with a Salary of 4/. per Week.
Voted that Mr Thomas Johnston be allowed for attending & assisting
M:r Dipper in tuneing, Repairing & Clearing the Organ
forty Eight Shillings per Annum. from March 1756 Augt to March 1761
Voted that George Craddock, Sylvester Gardiner & Shrimpton
Hutchinson Esq:rs or any two of them, audit the Church
Wardens Accounts for the year past.
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel legally warnd
at the house of the Rev.d Mr Caner May 10. 1761
The Rev.d Mr. Caner
Nathl Wheelwright Esq |
Wardens |
Charles Paxton Esq |
George Cradock Esq |
Vestrey |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
Samuel Wentworth Esq |
Capt James Forbes |
Mr James Smith |
Mr James Gordon |
Mr John Box |
Mr Powers Marriott |
Mr William Reed |
Voted That whereas Mr Thomas Dipper Organist of Kings Chapel
has notify’d the Church that he purposes to Comply wth
an invitation he has Receivd’ to Remove to Jamaica, The
Two Church Wardens with George Craddock Sam.l
Wentworth & Sylvester Gardiner be a Committee to
Write to Barlow Trecothick Esq in London to procure an
Organist to succeed Mr Dipper at Kings Chapell
Voted That the sd Committee do give instructions to Mr Trecothk
to allow a Sum to the Organist he shall provide not
Exceeding £50 Stg per Ann:
Voted That if it be found necessary the Committee do allow
£10 Stg toward the passage of an Organist from England
Voted That the Committee do instruct their Agent to oblige
the Organist he shall chuse to give the Church twelve
Months notice whenever he determines to leave it.
Voted That the Committee do proceed in the several matters
before mentiond with all possible Expedition.
Copy of the Letter wrote on the foregoing Occasion
Mr Dipper Organist of Kings Chapel has Receivd an Invitation
to a Larger Salary at Jamaica, than we do or can afford to give
him. He has promis’d to stay with us however till the Latter End
of September next, within which Time we must Endeavour to provide
a Successor. You have always prov’d yourself a Sincere Friend to the
Chapel and we doubt not but that your good disposition towards
us Still Continues. In Confidence of it we the Subscribers, who are
a Committee appointed to Conduct this Affair, have taken The
Liberty to desire your Assistance in providing an Organist for
this Church, and that you wou’d send him over as soon as
possible, we hope it will be. (at furthest) some time in the fall.
The Stipulation you are at Liberty to make is £50
Sterling per Ann: if a Suitable person cannot be obtaind for
Less and (if his Circumstances Require it) a Gratuity also of £10 Stg
towards the Expence of his passage
The Qualifications of the Man & the Conditions we shall
Expect from him are such as these: That he understand Musick
well, & particularly the Organ, That he be a man of a Good moral
Life & Conversation That he Contract to tarry with us at
Least 7 Years That he be obligd to give the Church at Least a
Twelve months Notice whenever he intends to Leave it.
These Last Articles are what we are desirous he should
Comply with, Nevertheless we Leave it to you to abate or omit
any of them according to your discretion except the Article
of Salary which we can by no means think of Enlarging
These are all the directions we have to give and we
Entirely Confide in your Goodness, that our Expectations
will be answerd as to time & every Requiste Qualification
We are wth due Respect Your most hble Servts
Nath. Wheelwright |
Saml Wentworth |
Barlow Trecothick Esq |
Chas Paxton |
Sylv: Gardiner |
Geo Cradock |
Nov 26, 1761 Thomas Lechmere Esq.r made a Present of
a handsome Folio Common Prayer Book to be us’d at the
Communion Table in Kings Chapel on Condition that the
Church agree to put the Old Book us’d at the Altar, into his
Pew for the use of himself and his Family which proposal
has been agreed to, And the Sexton has been this day directed
to place the said Book agreeable to this proposal
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapel on
Easter Sunday April 11. 1762 immediately after the Afternoon
The Proprietors of this Church are desir’d to attend
publick prayers tomorrow at ten O’Clock and after prayers
to proceed to the choice of Church officers for the present
year, & to attend such other business of the Church as shall
be then Laid before them.
At the Anniversary Meeting of sd Proprietors, agreeable
to the above Notification on Easter Monday April 12. 1762
at 11 O’Clock in the Afternoon.
Voted By written Votes that the Church wardens for the
Ensuing year be
Charles Paxton |
Esq:rs |
Silv:r Gardiner |
Voted That the Number of the Vestry for the Ensuing Year
be Twenty, Seven of whom to be a Quorum
And the following Gentlemen were accordingly chosen to
Serve as Vestry men (by written Votes) for the Ensuing Year Viz
His Excellency the Governor |
Henry Lloyd Esq.r |
Nath. Wheelwright Esq |
Shrimpton Hutchinson Esq.r |
Francis Brindley Esq |
Mr John Powell |
George Craddock Esq |
Mr John Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Mr Powers Mariott |
Collo Isaac Royall |
Saml Wentworth Esq |
Mr James Smith |
William Reed Esq |
William Vassall Esq |
Mr Robert Auchmuty |
Capt James Forbes |
Mr James Gordon |
Mr Willm Pryce |
Mr James Apthorp |
Voted That Mr John Moody be Clerk (in the Room of
Mr Thos Hase declin’d) for the Ensuing Year with
the Usual Salary of Twelve Pounds per Ann:
Voted That Mr Robert Voeax be Sexton of this Church for
the Ensuing Year with the usual Salary of 4/. Per Wk
Voted That George Craddock & Shrimpton Hutchinson Esq:rs
& Mr James Gordon or any Two of them be a Com-
mittee to Audit the Church Wardens Accounts for
the Year past:
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
(legally warn’d) at the house of the Rev.d M.r Caner on
friday the 20 August 1762
The Rev.d M.r Caner |
Min.s |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Wdn |
Shrimpton Hutchinson |
Geo. Cradock | |
Henry Lloyd |
M.r John Box |
Vestry |
Robert Auchmuty Esq.r |
M.r Powers Marrriott |
Saml Wentworth Esq.r |
Nath.l Wheelwright Esq:r |
The Church wardens having laid before the Vestry
a State of the Church and finding that the present
Assessment is insufficient to defrey the annual
Expense, have agreed to encourage a general Contribution
(from every person in the Congregation). To which pur-
pose it is put to Vote. Whether the two Church wardens
together with Sam.l Wentworth and Nathan.l Wheelwright be desired to go round to all Proprietors of Kings Chap.l
and desire their compliance with the above proposal. &
voted in the Affirmative.
Voted That the following Letter be forthwith
sent to M.r Dipper at Jamaica, to desire his return
as Organist of Kings Chapell
Boston 13th Aug.t 1762
The Committee appointed to provide
an Organist for Kings Chapel, hearing that you
have not succeeded to your Mind at Jamaica, have
wrote to their Agent in London, not to engage an Organist
to come from thence till further orders, determining to
give you an invitation to return to Boston. You are
accordingly hereby desired to return and resume your
former Place of Organist at Kings Chapel, if it be agreeable
to you, and upon your compliance you may depend upon
your former Salary, to commence upon your arrival here.
A speedy return, or an answer to this, will be agreeable
Humble Servants
M.r Thomas Dipper
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapel on
Easter Sunday April 3. 1763 immediately after the afternoon Service
The Proprietors of Kings Chapel are desir’d to attend
the Prayers of the Church tomorrow at 10 oClock. And afterwards
proceed to the choice of Church officers for the year ensuing, and
such other Business of the Church, as shall then be laid before
At the Anniversary meeting of said
Proprietors agreeable to the above Notification on Easter Monday
4th April 1763 at 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted by written Votes that the Church Wardens for the
ensuing year, be
Silv.r Gardiner |
| |
Chas Paxton |
Voted N.o of
That the N.o of Vestry men for the ensuing Year be
Nineteen. Seven of whom to be a Quorum And the follow.g
Gentlemen were accordingly chosen to serve as Vestry men (by
written Votes) for the ensuing year. Viz.t
M.r Powers Mariott |
Nath.l Wheelwright Esq. |
Sam.l Wentworth Esq. |
Geo: Cradock Esq. |
W.m Reed Esq. |
E. Hutchinson Esq.r |
R. Auchmuty Esq.r |
W.m Vassall Esq.r |
M.r James Gordon |
Capt. James Forbes |
M.r James Apthorp |
M.r W.m Price |
M.r Gilb.r Deblois |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
M.r John Powell |
Shrimp.t Hutchinson Esq. |
M.r John Box |
Voted. That M:r John Moody be Continued Clerk for [the]
ensuing year with the usual Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted. That M:r Robert Voeax be Continued Sexton for
the ensuing Year, with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted. That Geo. Harland Hartley be Organist of this
Church for y:e Year ensuing with a Salary of Sixty six
pounds 13s/4d per Annum
Voted. That for the future each Pew on the Lower Floor
pay a Pistereen371 weekly, & the Small Pews in Proportion
Voted That Geo Cradock, Nathaniel Wheelwright &
Henry Lloyd be Auditors of the Wardens Account for
the year past
Whereas there was but so few Proprietors at Easter meeting
this year, y:t Six of them made a majority: which Six persons
Voted to give me the Subscriber as organist fifty pounds sterling
per Annum, & as I understand afterwards y:e Church is unable to pay y:t
Sum have agreed with the Present Wardens to Accept of Thirty
pounds per Annum as organist instead of the Fifty Pounds
Sterling per Annum Voted me by the Six persons Aforenam’d
The above Notification was Read in the Church, May 20th
The Proprietors of Pews on the Lower Floor of this Church
are desired to take Notice that their Pews are by a Vote of
the Church to pay nine Shillings Old Tenor per Week for
the Future
The following Notification was read in Kings Ch[apel]
on Easter Sunday April y:e 22 1764 immediately a[fter]
the afternoon Service
The Proprietors of Kings Chapel are hereby
notifyed that after Prayers to Morrow (which begins
at 10 oClock) are to proceed to the Choice of Church offi-
cers for the Year ensuing, and Such other Bussiness
of the Church as shall then be laid before them
At the Anniversary meeting of Said
Proprietors agreeable to the above Notification on Easter
Monday 23d April 1764 at 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted, by written Votes that the Church Wardens for
the ensuing Year, be
Silv.r Gardiner |
Esq. |
Cha:s Paxton |
Voted The following Gentlemen to be Vestry Men
for the year ensuing and that Seven of them be a Quorum .
His Excel:y the Governor |
M:r Powers Mariott |
Nathaniel. Wheelwright Esq. |
Samuel Wentworth Esq. |
Geo: Cradock Esq. |
W:m Reed Esq: |
E: Hutchinson Esq: |
Rob:t Auchmuty Esq |
W.m Vassall Esq. |
M:r James Gordon |
Cap. James Forbes |
M:r Gilb: Deblois |
M:r W:m Price. |
M:r Lewis Deblois |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
Shrimp: Hutchinson Esq. |
Voted. That M.r John Moody be continued Clerk
for the ensuing Year with the usual Salary of Twelve pounds
per Annum
Voted. That Robert Voeax be continued Sexton
for the ensuing year, with the usual Salary of 4s/. per Week
Voted. That Geo. Cradock, Elaikim Hutchinson
and Nath.l Wheelwright or any two of them, be a Com.tee
to audit the Church Wardens Accounts for the year past
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapell
on Easter Sunday April: 7th 1765 immediately after the
Afternoon Service.
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby
Notifyed that after Prayers to Morrow which begins at
10 oClock they are to proceed to the Choice of Church officers
for the year Ensuing and Such other business of the Church
as shall be laid before them
At the Anniversary Meeting of s:d Proprie-
tors agreeable to the above Notification on Easter Monday
April 8:th 1765 at 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted, by written Votes that the Church Wardens for
the Ensuing year be
Silvester Gardiner |
Esq |
Charles Paxton |
Voted , That the Number of Vestry Men for the Ensuing
Year be fifteen, five of whom to be a Quorum
And the following Gentlemen were chosen unanimously
(by Written Votes) to Serve as Vestry men for the Ensuing Year Viz.
His Excellency the Governor |
M:r John Box |
George Cradock Esq |
William Read Esq. |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
M:r James Gordon |
Nath:l Wheelwright Esq. |
M:r Gilbert Deblois |
M:r James Forbes |
M:r Lewis Deblois |
M:r William Price |
Shrimpton Hutchinson Esq. |
Doct:r Thomas Bulfinch372 |
Samuel Wentworth Esq: |
Voted, That George Harland Hartley be Continued organist
for the Ensuing Year with a Salary of £30 per
Voted, That M:r John Moody be Continued Clerk for
the Ensuing Year with a Salary of £12. per Ann:m
Voted, That M:r Robert Voeax be Continued Sexton
for the Ensuing year with a Salary of £12 per An:m
Voted, That George Cradock Esq. M:r James Gordon and
M:r William Price or any two of them be a Committee
to Audit the Church Wardens accounts for the year
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday March 30th 1766 immediately After the
Afternoon Service
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby Noti-
fyed that after Prayers to Morrow, which begins at 10 oClock
they are to proceed to the Choice of Church Officers for the
Year Ensuing & Such other Business of the Church as Shall
be Laid before them
At the Anniversary Meeting of Said
Proprietors agreeable to the Above Notification on Easter
Monday March 31:st 1766 at 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted By Written Votes, that the Church Wardens for
the Ensuing Year be
| |
Charles Paxton |
Voted That the Number of the Vestry Men for the Year
Ensuing be fifteen, five of whom be a Quorum
And the following Gentlemen were Chosen unani-
mously (by written Votes) to Serve as Vestry Men for the Year
Ensuing Viz:t
His Excellency the Governor |
M.r Francis Johonnot |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
M:r William Price |
Robert Auchmuty Esq. |
M:r John Box |
Henry Lloyd Esq:r |
M.r James Gordon |
Samuel Wentworth Esq: |
M.r Gilbert Deblois |
William Read Esq: |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
Shrimpt.n Hutchinson Esq. |
Doct.r Thomas Bulfinch |
M:r James Forbes |
Voted That George H. Hartley be Continued Organist for the
Year Ensuing with a Salary of £40 per Annum
Voted That M.r John Moody be Continued Clerk for the
Year Ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That M.r Robert Voeax be Continued Sexton for the
Year Ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That M:r James Gordon. M.r William Price & Doct:r
Thomas Bulfinch or any two of them be a Committee
to Audit the Church Wardens Accounts for the year past
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at
the House of the Rev:d D:r Caner’s July 11:th 1766
Doct:r Silv:r Gardiner |
Wardens |
Charles Paxton Esq |
His Excell:y the Governor |
M.r Fran.s Johonnot |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
Shrimpt:o Hutchinson Esq. |
Robert Auchmuty Esqr |
M.r James Gordon |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
Whereas Florentius Vassall373 Esq. of London has sent
over a Marble Monument of his Family to Silv:r Gardiner
Esq. desiring that it may be Erected in Kings Chapel. &
the Said Silv: Gardiner having apply’d to this Vestry
agreeable to M.r Vassall’s desire.
Voted That Liberty be given to Erect the Said Monument
on the North Side of the West Door in Said Chapel, provid-
ed the Said Silvester Gardiner pay what the pew Shall be Valued
at, which Must be taken away to give Room for it
Voted That Charles Paxton Henry Lloyd & Robert
Auchmuty be a Committee to Value the Said Pew
Agreable to the above Vote we the Subscribers are of
Opinion that the pew N.o 43 in Kings Chapel to be taken away
to make Room for Erecting the Marble Monument of M.r
Samuel Vassall374 of London Merchant Sent over here by
his Great G.d Son Florentius Vassall of London Esq: is at
Least worth to the Church Twenty five pounds Sterling
Charles Paxton
Henry Lloyd
Rob.t Auchmuty
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapell at
the House of the Rev:d Doc:t Caner’s
Doc:t Silvester Gardiner |
Church |
Warden. |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
Shrimpton Hutchinson Esq. |
Mr John Box |
The Rev:d Doct: Caner Laid before the Vestry the follow:g
Letter & Vote of the Town
Rev:d Sirs
The town in whose Service we are, being
inform’d that the Releif which a Number of our fellow Towns
Men Sufferers in the Late fire, had been Some time Looking for,
was no Longer to be Expected, & being moved by a Representation
of the poverty, want & distress to w:ch They are Reduced, Came into
a Vote at their Late Meeting directing us to desire y.e Ministers
of the Religious Societies in y.s Town, that they would propose to
their Several Congregations a Charitable Contribution for them.
We therefore in Compliance therewith, address you Sirs,
and the Society under your pastoral Care, Requesting a
Contribution may be appointed for that purpose in your
Congregation which will give an Opportunity to all whom
GOD of his bounty has enabled, and of his grace may
incline to contribute to this truly Necessary charity.
May an infinitely good God in the Midst of Judgment
Remember Mercy & by his divine influences Render so
Affectual those Motives to Charity w:ch Humanity dictates,
& with w:ch our holy Religion a bounds, that their Christian
brethen & Neighbours being excited to afford the Sufferers
that releif their unhappy Case calls for, many thanksgivings
may be going up to the God of all grace from whom
comes down all the good any do or Can enjoy
We are with great Respect & Esteem
Your humble Servants
Joseph Jackson |
To Receive the Sum that may |
Samuel Sewall |
Selectmen of Boston |
be Collected, & distribute the |
John Ruddock |
Same, as by a Vote of the town |
John Hancock |
inclosed |
W:m Phillips |
Tim:o Newell |
John Rowe |
Boston Apr: 2:nd 1767
The Rev:d Doc:t Caner & M:r Troutbeck375
At a Meeting of the Pew holders & other In-
habitants of the Town of Boston legally qua-
lified & warned in publick Town Meeting
assembled at Faneuil Hall on Tuesday the day of March 1767
Voted That the Selectmen be desired to Receive the Several
Sums that may be Collected for the Sufferers in the late
fire, and distribute the Same together with Such other
Donations as may be made, among those Sufferers in
Such proportions as they may Judge Proper
Att: William Cooper, Town Clerk
Thereupon the Vote was put whether they would So far
comply with the Vote of the Town, as to have a publick Con-
tribution for s.d Sufferers, it pass’d in the Affirmative &
that the Collection be on good Fryday. publick Notice thereof
being given on Sunday Next, which was Accordingly done
and on good Fryday following there was Collected
£XXxxXX Lawfull Mony
I had the Honor of your Letter of the 2:nd
of April & Communicated the Contents to the Warden &
Vestry of Kings Chapel who appeared well disposed to forward
a Charitable Collection for the distressed Sufferers by the late Fire,
Yet were of Opinion that a List of the Sufferers should have
been published with a Computation of each Mans loss opposite
to his Name; & afterwards, an Acc:t of the Total Sum Collected,
& how much was distributed to each Sufferer. Something of this
kind it is imagined would be Satisfactory to the publick, & Remove
the Chief objections which have been usually made to Collec-
tions of this Sort. For the present however a Collection hath
been Voted & Complyed with, amounting to £40.6, which
I have the pleasure to of Sending you with this: but the Gentle-
men of the Vestry have come to a Resolution to appoint a
Committee among themselves for the future, to distribute y:r
own Charities, unless Something of the Nature of what is
Mention’d above should be Adopted
I am Gentlemen
P.S: be pleased to Send a Receipt |
Very Respectfully |
for the Money by the Bearer |
Your Obed.t Serv.t |
H. Caner |
Joseph Jackson Esq: and the Rest of the Gentlemen
Selectmen of the Town of Boston
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chaple
on Easter Sunday immediately After the Afternoon Service
April 19:th 1767
The Prop:rs of this Church are
hereby Notified that after Prayers to Morrow w:ch begins at
10 oClock they are to Proceed to the Choice of Church Officers
for the Year ensuing & Such other Business of the Church as
Shall then be Laid before them
At the Anniversary Meeting of the Said
agreable to the above Notification on Easter Monday April 20:th
1767. At 11 oClock in the forenoon
Voted By written Votes that the Church Wardens for
the year Ensuing be
Silvester Gardiner |
Esq:rs |
Charles Paxton |
Voted By written votes that the following Gentlemen
be Vestry Men for the Year ensuing, & five of them
be a Quorum
His Excell:y the Governor |
M:r John Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
M.r W:m Price |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
M:r James Gordon |
Robert Auchmuty Esq |
M.r Francis Johonnot |
William Vassall Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
William Read Esq. |
M.r Gilbert Deblois |
M.r John Powell |
Doc.t Thom.s Bulfinch |
M.r James Forbes |
Voted That George H. Hartley be Continued Organist for
the Year ensuing with a Salary of £53.6.8 on Condition y:t
he Constantly Attend his duty at Church on All Fasts & Festivals
& that he keeps the Organ Constantly in Tune
Voted M:r John Moody be Continued Clerk for the Year
ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That M:r Rob:t Voeax be Continued Sexton for
the Year ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Ann:m
Voted That M.r John Powell, M.r Lewis Deblois and
M:r James Gordon or any two of them be a Committee
to Audit the Church Wardens Acc.t for the Year Past.
Whereas it is Represented to this Church that the
Organ is so foul & Dirty that it cannot be well tun’d
Voted that the Church Wardens give M.r Hartley Such Assis=
stance as will be Necessary towards taking down the
Pipes & Cleaning the Same
Whereas the greater part of the Comittee formerly
appointed for the Rebuilding & finishing Kings Chapel are
Since deceased, & Sundry Debts Contracted in the Course
of the Building are Yet unpaid, & the Chapel Church
yet unfinished. Resolved by the proprietors of said
Chapel in this their present Meeting that the following
Gentlemen whose names are underwritten, be added to the
present Survivors of the late Comittee, and be fully empowered
to fall upon ways and Means for discharging the Debts of s.d
Chapel, to Keep it in Repair, and finish the Remainder of
the Building According to the plan formerly Proposed,
as future Donations & Contributions Shall enable them.
And the following Gentlemen as Mentioned above
were Accordingly Voted unanimously to be added to y.e Comittee
The Rev:d Doct:r Henry Caner
Charles Paxton Esq
Henry Lloyd Esq
John Powell Esq
M.r John Box
M.r Gilbert Deblois
M.r Lewis Deblois
Memorial of the Rev:d John Troutbeck to the
Church Wardens & Congregation of Kings Chapel Church
in Boston, Sheweth,
That when he was invited by the said Con-
gregation to join in a Sollicitation to succeed the Revr.d
M.r Brockwell as Chaplain or Minister in the Said
Church or Chapel, he was then informed that the Salary
was one hundred pounds Sterling per Annum.
Accordingly he agreed to second their Application to the
Right Rev.d Doct.r Sherlock, then Lord Bishop of London,
who was pleased to Comply with their Joint Request, &
appointed him to the Said Office of Chaplain or
Minister. But, upon applying for the Salary, he
has always found an annual deduction of about Nine-
teen pounds. He therefore begs Leave to Recommend to the
Consideration of said Congregation the said deficiency:
hoping, they will either make it up to him, or Convince
him by their speedy Answer That his Request is unreason-
able, and that he has no Right or Title to expect it.
Boston 10 Dec:r 1767
Rev:d Sir Boston 23.d Dec: 1767
We Receiv:d your Memorial to the
Church wardens & Congregation of Kings Chapel of
Decemb.r and observe, that when the Congregation
joininged with you in soliciting the Right Rev:d the
Bishop of London to succeed the Rev:d M:r Brockwell,
it was only to Succeed him with the usual & Comon
Salary without the Least Promise or encouragement
of your Receiving any thing from the parish; and
upon examining in the Church books we cannot find
any of your predecessors ever did Receive any thing from
the Church. The parish have been & still are at a very
great expence in Rebuilding their Church & have y.r by
incured a very large debt, & the Church not yet near
finished: besides the Congregation by the Same Mis-
fortunes attending all other Societies are greatly
lessen’d. Under these Circumstances you call upon
us, makes us very unhappy, as our abilities are no
ways equal to our inclinations; not only to make up
the deficiency you Complain of; but Likewise to aug-
ment the living of our very Worthy Incumbent whose
Salary we are Sencible is too Small, only the poor
pittance of £112.10 Sterl:g per Annum & his Perquisites
not £10 more, which he very Dearly earns. The
Parish to our knowledge have been & still are exerting
themselves & taking every Laudible means to dis-
charge the heavy debt they at present Labour under,
which if once obtain’d we doubt not they would y:n
do every thing that is in their power not only to make
the Incumbents Salary a Little more agreable to his
Station, but to make good any deficiency that may be
in yours. We shall lay your Letter before the Con-
gregation at their Easter meeting. And in the mean
We are Respectfully your most obedient &
Very Humble Servants
Silv. Gardiner |
C. Wardens |
Cha.s Paxton |
The Rev:d M:r John Troutbeck
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings
Chapel at the House of the Rev:d Doct.r Caner’s Mar. 22d. 1768
Silvester Gardiner Esq. Wdn.
Robert Auchmuty Esq |
William Read Esq |
John Powell Esq |
Doct: Thom.s Bulfinch |
Francis Johonnot |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
M.r John Box |
Whereas it appears on an inspection of the affairs
of Kings Chapel that there are Sundry Gent:m deficient in
paying their Respective taxes duly laid on their Pews, for
the want of which S.d Church is much distressed & rendered
entirely incapable of paying off the Rector & officers of said
Church & other Necessary charges.
Voted, By the Vestry of S.d Church duly chosen & Assembled
That the Church wardens for the time being be Requested
to give all such delinquent prop:rs Notice that unless they
pay what they are indebted for their Respective taxes on
their Pews within three months next after Easter Sunday next,
that their Respective pews will be sold according to the
tenor of their deeds without further Notice, And said
Wardens are herby desired to demand all arrears due for
taxes of pews as directed by the deeds given the several Prop-
rietors. And in case of any person or persons neglecting for
the space of three months after s.d demand to pay the
Same then to proceed to the Sale of Such delinquent or de-
linquents pew
The following Notification was read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday April 3.d 1768. immediately After the
Afternoon Service
The Proprietors of this Church
are hereby Notifyed that after Prayers to Morrow, which
begins at 10. oClock. They are to proceed to the Choice of Church
Officers for the Year ensuing & Such other Business of the
Church as shall then be Laid before them
At an the Annivarsary Meeting of said proprie-
tors agreeable to the above Notification on Easter Monday
April 4:th 1768 at 11. oClock in the forenoon
Voted, By written votes that the Church Wardens for the
ensuing year be
Silvester Gardiner |
Esq:rs |
Charles Paxton |
Voted, By written Votes that the following Gentlemen be
Vestry-Men for the ensuing year, & five of whom to be
a Quorum
His Excell.y the Governor |
M:r John Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
M:r William Price |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
M.r James Gordon |
Robert Auchmuty Esq |
M:r Gilbert Deblois |
William Read Esqr |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
William Vassall Esq |
Doct: Thom:s Bulfinch |
John Powell Esqr |
M.r Francis Johonnot |
Voted That in calling a Vestry it be deemed a Suffici[ent]
Warning to any Gentlemen of the Vestry who lives
out of Town that a Notification be left at the House
where such person usually resides or frequents when
occasionally in Town
Voted That George Harland Hartley be Continued
Organist for the Year ensuing with a Salary of £53.6.8
on conditions y.t he Constantly attends his duty at Church
on all Fasts & Festivals (& that he keep the Organ
Constantly in Tune)
Voted That John Moody be Continued Clerk for the
year ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That Ephraim Veoax be Sexton for the year
ensuing with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That John Powell Esq. M.r Lewis Deblois and
M.r James Gordon, or any two of them, be a Comittee
to Audit the Church Wardens Accounts for the Year
Whereas the Expence of Rebuilding Kings Chapel
has so far exceeded all the Generous subscriptions that
has been made towards it & that there still Remains a
heavy Debt unpaid of £ 7 or 800£ which is on Interest &
that the Same may be gradually Lessen’d & paid of
pews for the future on the Ground floor
Voted that each pew for the future on the Ground floor pay 16.d
per week either, weekly, monthly or
Quarterly except the pews N.o 26. 58. 71. & 72 which shall pay
for the future only 12:d & it is Likewise Voted. That all the
pews in the Gallery pay for the future 12.d per week either
weekly, monthly or Quarterly
Whereas there are Sundry Persons who have Left the Church
& in their pews have placed others, Contrary to the tenor of their
deeds, to the great detriment of the Church: therefore Voted, that
whatever Prop.r that hath, or shall so Leave the Church & shall not
pay his or her Contribution according to the true intent of his
or her deed, over and above what such occupier shall pay;
which is further Voted to be 16:d a week, to be paid weekly, month-
ly or quarterly by such occupier, it shall & may be Lawfull
for the default of payment as afores.d either in the of
such pew or Occupier thereof for the church wardens for
the time being to sell or dispose of such delinquent prop:trs
pew after giving him or her due Notice yrof & deduct out
of the money arising from such sale whatever Arrerages shall
be due to s.d Church for the taxes afores.d & pay the Remainder
to such prop:r if any there be
The Church wardens Read a Letter from the Rev:d
M:r Troutbeck, which they Rec.d from him Dec.r y.e 10:th 1767
Acquainting them there was near £20 deduction in his
Salary annually, praying it may be made up to him
by this church. The Congregation taking his Letter into
& the Circumstances of the Church into consideration and
finding themselves unable to Comply with the Rev:d M.r
Troutbeck’s desire therefore Voted, that there be a Contribution
for the Rev.d M.r Troutbeck for the present year, a Notifi-
cation being first given from the Desk the Sunday before the
Contribution is to be made
Boston July 12:th 1768
We here inclose you the Vote of the
Vestry Respecting the delinquent Proprietors in their
Contribution for their Pews, the Sale of which we hope
You will Speedily prevent by discharging the Arrears
due on Pew N.o of Which you are at present a Pro=
We are Respectfully your Humble Servts
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
Chas. Paxton |
Wardens |
The above is a Copy of a Letter wrote to the
following Persons Viz.t
£ |
60.14 Samuel Fitch Esq. pd |
William Tailer |
£ |
123.13.7 |
153.1.6 Shrimpo Hutchinson Esq. |
Cap.t Rob:t. Ston |
61.5.6 |
25.0.9 Christopher Lehr |
James Gordon pd |
78.6.6 |
39.9.3 Thomas Clements p.d |
George Bray pd |
33.9.9 |
53.0.3 Matthew Nazro |
Henry Rhodes |
91.12.6 |
Joshua Loring Esq: |
25.16.6 |
The 14 & of July I the Subscriber did wait upon
the above Gentlemen and in behalf of Silv. Gardiner &
Chas. Paxton Wardens of Kings Chapel demand of
each of them y.t Sums opposite to their Respective Names
Ephraim Voeax
Boston July 14:th 1768
We here inclose you the Vote of the
Congregation of Kings Chapel Respecting the pew you Set
in, which they expect you to Comply with
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
Chas. Paxton |
Wardens |
The above is a Copy of a Latter wrote to the following
Persons Vizt
M.r W:m Turner Dld
M:r Davis
M:rs Martha Harvey Dld
Boston July 14:th 1768
We here inclose you the Vote of the Con-
gregation of Kings Chapel Respecting the Pew N.o
in Said Chapel
We are Respectfully your Hum.le Servts
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
Chas. Paxton |
Wardens |
The above is a Copy of a Letter wrote to the following Persons Viz.t
Dld Joshua Loring Esq. £25.16.6
W.m Tyng Esq
M.r John Greaton
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings
Chapel on Sunday Evning July 1768 in the Vestry
Room of s.d Chapel having been previously notified
from the Desk
The Rev:d Doct.r Caner
Henry Lloyd |
Esq:rs |
John Powell |
D:r Thomas Bulfinch |
M.r John Box |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
D:r Caner Communicated to the Vestry a Breif
issued by his Excell.y the Governor with the advice of the Late
General Court for Collecting the Charity of the Several
Congregations of this Province towards releiving the late
unhappy Sufferers by fire at Montreal; And the Vestry
came to the following Resolution Nem. Contradicente Viz
That the Said Brief be read to the Congregation
of Kings Chapel on Sunday Aug:st 7:th After Morning
Prayers. And that the s.d Congregation be desired to pre-
pare themselves for a Collection to be made for the pur-
pose above-Mention’d on Sunday the 14:th Day of Aug:t
1768 After Evning Prayers & Sermon
Aug:t 7:th The within above Mentioned Brief was Read this
Day After morning Prayers and the Congregation of Kings
Chapel desired to prepare themselves for a Collection on Sunday
the 14 of Instant Aug:st Agreeable to the Vote of July 31st
Aug:st 14:th The above Mentioned Collection was again No-
tified this Day After Morning Prayers, And in the Afternoon
there was Collected the Sum of £33.18.10 which was paid
to Harrison Gray Esq, Treasurer as per the following Rec:t
Boston Aug:st 16. 1768 Received from the
Congregation of Kings Chapel in Boston under the Pastoral
Care of the Rev:d D.r Caner & the Rev.d M.r Troutbeck the Sum
of thirty three pounds Eighteen shillings & ten pence for the
Sufferers at Montreal in the Late fire
Harrison Gray Treas
Boston Oct:o 1768
Rev.d Sir
Agreable to our promise of the
23d of Dec.r we Laid your Letter before the Congregation at their
Meeting in Easter last, who then passed the Inclosed Vote, which
we should have sent you before, had not M.r Lewis Deblois Assured
us he had Acquainted you with it, and not Receiving any
intimation from you Relative to the Collection we thought it
proper to Acquaint you with what the Congregation then did
in Order to Receive your directions in the Affair
We are
Respectfully your Obliged &
Very Hum.le Servants
Church |
Silv. Gardiner |
Wardens |
The Rev.d John Troutbeck
Sent by Voeax
The following Notification was read in
Kings Chapel on Easter Sunday March 26:th 1769 imediately
After the Afternoon Service
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby
Notified that After Prayers to Morrow (which begins at 10 oClo.)
they are to proceed to the Choice of Church officers for the
Year ensuing & such other Business of the Church as shall
then be laid before them
At the Anniversary Meeting of the said
Proprietors, (agreeable to the above Notification) on Easter
Monday March 1769 at Eleven oClock in the forenoon
Voted: By written Votes that the Church Wardens for
the ensuing Year be
Silvester Gardiner Esq. |
Wardens |
M.r Gilbert Deblois |
Voted: By written Votes that the following Gentlemen
be Vestry Men for the ensuing Year, & five of whom to be
a Quorum
His Excell.y the Governor |
William Vassall Esq |
Charles Paxton Esq. |
M.r Jn.o Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
M.r James Gordon |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
M:r William Price |
Robert Auchmuty Esq. |
M.r Francis Johonnot S.r |
William Read Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
John Powell Esq |
Doct Thom.s Bulfinch |
Voted. That George Harland Hartley be continued
Organist the ensuing Year with a Salary of £53.6.8
on Conditions he constantly attends his duty at Church on
all Fasts & Festivals & that he keep the Organ constantly
in Tune
Voted That John Moody be Continued Clerk for the
ensuing Year with a Salary of £12 per Annum
Voted That Ephraim Voeax be continued Sexton during
Pleasure with a Salary at the rate of £12 per Annm
Voted To Charles Paxton Esq the thanks of this Congregation
for his many Donations to it. & for his Services as Church
Warden for this many Years past.
Voted That this meeting be adjourned to Monday in
Whitsun-week when the State of the Church be laid
before the Proprietors with the whole of the Church Acc:ts
Voted That James Gordon, John Powell & Herman
Brimmer or any two of them be a Committee to Audit
the Church wardens Acc.ts for the Year past.
At a Meeting of the Congregation of Kings
Chapel on Monday (the 15. of May) in Whitsun-week
agreable to adjournment
Voted: That all the delinquent Proprietors. wrote to in
July 12. 1768 by the Church Wardens that do not pay
and discharge the Several Sums due on their Respective
Pews, within three Months from the date hereof (due
Notice first being given them) and the Church Wardens is
hereby directed either to sell such delinquent Proprietors
Pews, or to seat such Persons in them who shall be answer-
able for the Contribution untill his or her Pew can be
sold. And the Church Wardens are hereby impowered
& desired to give s.d Delinquents Notice of this Vote as Soon
as Convenient not exceeding ten days
Voted: That M.r Jn.o Haskins & M.r Jn.o Box Jun.r be
Appointed as Collectors to assist the Church Wardens
for the Year ensuing in Collecting the Contribution &
they are hereby appointed accordingly
Whereas the Rev.d Doct Caner the present
Rector or Incumbent of this Church is advanced in Years
and liable to frequent Infirmities which has often
interrupted his attendance on the duties of his Office
And as the Rev.d Jn.o Troutbeck his assistant at s.d
Church has been Visited with the Gout or some Rhumat
Pains Complaints, and is Liable to further Attacks
of the same disorder; by which means the publick
service of the Church is in danger (at times) of
being interrupted to the great determent & disadvantage
of the Congregation. to prevent which it is hereby
Voted that D.r Caner be desired to engage some Young
Gentleman of Good Life & Conversation as his Curate
to Assist him in the Parochial duty of this Church or
the assistant for the time being as occasion shall
require And to enable him to support s.d Curate
it is further Voted that the s.d D.r Caners salary
for the future be augmented to £200. per Annum
to be paid in quarterly payments as soon as he shall
provide himself with a Curate
Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to Wednesday the
of June (After Prayers) to Receive the Report of the
Vestry Relative to what ought to be allowed the Rev:d John
Troutbeck for his extraordinary Services during the Rev:d
Doct.r Caner’s Late Sickness
A Copy of a Letter to the delinquent Proprietors that
were wrote to in July 1768 Vizt
Boston May 23.rd 1769
We here inclose you a Vote of the Proprietors of
Kings Chapel Respecting the delinquent Proprietors that
were wrote to in July 1768 of which you are one
We hope you will pay the arrears due on your Pew
and thereby prevent us the disagreable Task of puting S.d
Vote in Execution
We are Respectfully your friends and
Very humble Servts
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
Gilb:t Deblois |
Wardens |
The above Letter was sent to the following Persons
Shrimpton Hutchinson |
William Tailer |
Christopher Lehr |
Robert Stone |
Matthew Nazro |
Henry Rhodes |
I the Subscriber did on the of May 1769. deliver to each
of the above Named Gentlemen a Copy of the foregoing Letter
with the Vote of the Congregation of Chapel (past the
Inst.t) Respecting the Delinquent Proprietors. inclosed therein
Ephraim Voeax
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
on the of May at the House of the Rev.d D.r Caner
D.r Silvester Gardiner |
Church Wardens |
M.r Gilbert Deblois |
M.r John Box |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
Jn.o Powell Esq. |
Vestry |
William Read Esq. |
Doct.r Th.o Bulfinch |
The Vestry taking into Consideration the Extraordinary
Services of the Rev:d John Troutbeck (our Assistant) since
his arrival among us, more especially his Services during
the late Indisposition of the Rev.d D.r Caner. Do Report
that Twenty Guineas be allowed & paid by the Church
for those Services
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Kings
Chapel, on the 14:th June. by adjournment. The above Report
of the Vestry was Read & unanimously Accepted.
The following is a Coppy of a Letter Rec..d from the
Rev:d John Troutbeck
When I complain’d to the Proprietors of Kings
Chapel of the deficiency & smallness of my Salary, I thought
it so Reasonable an Application, that it could not have occasion’d
a Dispute that wou’d have lasted near two Years. But I find
I was Mistaken.
After having exhausted most of my Argument, to very
little Purpose; & to avoid the disagreeable Trouble of sending in
a Bill for my particular Services, (which, indeed, is next to
an Impossibility, & might, Perhaps, occasion another dispute,)
I am now come to a Resolution of putting an End to all Contro-
versy, by desiring, if there be any thing due to me for perform-
ing extraordinary Duty, it may be apply’d towards defraying
the Expence of An additional Assistant.
Till some worthy Person can be procured, who will be
entirly agreeable to D:r Caner, & the Congregation (& the soon the
better, as you have made provision for one,) I shall use my
best Endeavours to keep the Church open, during D.r Caner’s
Confinement, without expecting any Gratuity, Fee, or Reward
for my Trouble; for I am, Gentlemen, a Sincere Friend to ye
Church, and your Most Obedient & most hum.le Servant
John Troutbeck.
Boston 22 May 1769.
Please to comunicate this Letter to all the Proprietors.
Boston June 22:nd 1769
Rev:d Sir
We were favour’d with your letter of the
22:nd May, which gave us the Satisfaction to hear that there is
an End put to the Controversy that has lately arisen in our
Church. We have agreeable to your desire taken Care to
Comunicate the Contents of your Letter to the Vestry & Proprietors
at their Respective Meetings, who have Voted you Twenty
Guineas, for your Extraordinary Services, which we here
Send you; Had the Circumstances of the Proprietors of the
Proprietors been equal to their Inclinations their Gratuity
would demonstrate to the world the Sincere Regard they have
for You. We are in behalf of the Church, Sincerely
Your Most obedient & very hum.l Servts
Silv: Gardiner |
Wardens |
Gilb:t Deblois |
The Rev.d John Troutbeck
A Copy of the above Letter the Subscriber
delivered to the Rev.d John Troutbeck, and at the Same
time tender’d him with the Sum of Money therein specified
But he refused to Receive it.
Edw. Cazneau
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday April 15:th 1770 immediately After the
Afternoon Service
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby Notified that
After Prayers tomorrow (which begins at 10 oClock) they are to
proceed to the Choice of Church Officers for the Year ensuing
& such other Business of the Church as shall then be laid before
At the Anniversary Meeting of the said Pro-
proptors (agreeable to the above Notification) on Easter Monday
16:th Apriel 1770 at 11 oClock A.M.
Voted: By written Votes that the Church Wardens for the
Year ensuing be.
Silvester Gardiner |
Gilbert Deblois |
Voted: By written Votes that the following Gentlemen be of
the Vestry for the Year ensuing & five of whom be a Quorum
William Vassall Esq. |
Eliak: Hutchinson Esq. |
M:r John Box |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
M.r James Gordon |
William Read Esq. |
M.r Francis Johonnot. |
Robert Auchmuty Esq. |
Doct:r Thos Bulfinch |
Jn:o Powell Esq. |
M.r W:m Price |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
M.r Thomas Brinley |
Voted: That George Harland Hartley be Continued Organist
the ensuing Year with a Salary of £53.6.8. on Condition he
Constantly attends his Duty at Church on All Fasts & Festivals
& that keeps the Organ constantly in Tune.
Voted: That John Moody be continued Clerk for the
Year ensuing with his usual Salary of £12 per Ann.m
Voted: That Ephraim Voeax be continued Sexton during
Pleasure of the Minister, Church Wardens & Vestry, with a
Salary at y.e rate of £12. per Annum
Voted: That James Gordon, John Powell & D.r Th.s Bulfinch
or any two of them be a Committee to Audit the Church
Wardens Accounts for the Year Past
Voted: That Mess:rs John Haskins & John Box Jun.r be
Collectors to Assist the Church Wardens for the Year ensuing
to collect the Assessment that Shall be due on the delinquent
Proprietors Pews.
Voted: That the Present Standing Committee for finishing
the Church be desired to renew the Bond with the
Charitable Society.
Boston 24 Oct.o 1770
The pew N.o 28 which you set in is now
become the Property of the Church, both from the Tenor of y.r
Deed & the Laws of the Province And as you have not taken
Notice of the Several Notifications we have sent you to pay
up the Arrears due on s.d Pew --- We now tell you tho’ it is
with Reluctance that if you do not pay up the Arrears due
thereon within one M.o from the date hereof We must
& shall obey the Votes of the Church by Selling s.d pew
to the first purchaser that presents without giving you
Any further Notice
We are Respectfully
To |
Your very Hum:le Servts |
Mr |
Silvester Gardiner |
Church |
Shrimpton Hutchinson |
Gilbert Deblois |
Wardens |
Dld Voeax 19. Nov.b 1770
Boston 24. Oct.o 1770
The Circumstances of the Church Obliges us
to call on you for the Ballance of y.t Note which we beg
you will discharge as Soon as may be to Enable us to
discharge the Debts of the Church
We are Respectfully
To |
Your very hum Servts |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
Gibt. Deblois |
Wardens |
Dld Voeax 19. 1770
The following Notification was read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday March 31. 1771 immediately after
the Afternoon Service.
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby
Notified that After Prayers Tomorrow (which begins
at 10 oClock) they are to proceed to the Choice of Church
Officers for the year Ensuing, & Such other Business
of the Church as shall then be laid before them.
At the Aniversary Meeting of the said Proprietors
(agreeable to the above Notification) on Easter Monday
April 1771. at 11 oClock. A.M.
Year Ensuing be |
Silvester Gardiner Esq. |
M.r Gilbert Deblois |
Voted: by written Votes that the following Gentlemen be of
Vestry the Year Ensuing & five of whom to be a Quorum
Charles Paxton Esq. |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
William Read Esq. |
Robert Auchmuty Esq. |
John Powell Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
M.r Henry Leddell |
M.r John Box |
Doct. Thoms Bulfinch |
Mr William Price |
M.r Thomas Brinley |
William Vassall Esq. |
M.r John Haskins |
Voted. That Geo. Harl.d Hartley be Continued Organist
for the Year Ensuing with a Salary of £53.6.3 on
Condition he Constantly Attends his Duty at Church on All
Fasts & Festivals & that he keeps the organ Constantly
in Tune But if the Said Hartly Neglects any part
of his Duty, the Church Wardens are hereby directed to
deduct so much of his Salary in proportion as he shall
Neglect his duty, & the Church Wardens are hereby
directed to Leave him with a copy of this Vote
Voted. That John Moody be continued Clerk the Year
ensuing with his usual Salary of £12. per Annum
Voted. That Ephraim Voeax be continued Sexton,
during the pleasure of the Minister, Church Wardens
& Vestry, with a Salary at ye rate of £12. per Ann.m
Voted. That M.r Henry Leddell Doct. Thomas Bulfinch
& M.r Lewis Deblois or any Two of them be a Comittee
to Audit the Church Warden’s Acc.ts For y.e Year past.
Whereas the Hon.r Lieutnant General Shirley formerly
Governor of this Province, lately deceased, did for several
Years attend the public worship at Kings Chapel, to
which he was a warm friend & very generous benefactor
For his more Honorable Interment & to testify
their gratitude for his many useful & excellent Services
The Proprietors of said Chapel have this day Voted
That John Erving Jun.r Esq. have Liberty to deposit
the Corps of the s.d Lieut.t Gen.l Shirley & any other of his
Family or descendants in the Tomb N.o 18. Under S.d Ch.
The following Notification was Read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday April 1772 immediately after the
Afternoon Service.
Voted The Proprietors of this Church are hereby
Notified that after Prayers to Morrow (which begins at
10 Clock) they are to proceed to the Choice of Church
Officers for the Year Ensuing, and such other Business
of the Church as shall then be laid before them.
At the Anniversary Meeting of the said Proprietors
(agreeable to the above Notification) on Easter Monday
April 1772. At 11. oClock A.M.
Voted. By Written Votes. that the Church-Wardens for the
ensuing Year be, D.r Silvester Gardiner.
M:r Gilbert. Deblois
Voted. By written Votes that the following Gentlemen be
of the Vestry the Year Ensuing, 5 of whom to be a Quorum
Charles Paxton Esq. |
Eli:a Hutchinson Esq. |
Henry Lloyd Esq. |
William Read Esq |
Robert Auchmuty Esq. |
Jno. Powell Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois. |
M.r Henry Leddell |
M.r John Box |
D.r Tho. Bulfinch |
Rich.d Lechmere Esq. |
M.r Thom.s Brindley |
W:m Vassall Esq. |
M.r John Haskins. |
Voted That M.r John Selby be Organist for the Year Ensuing
with a Salary of £53.6.8 per Ann.m On Condition he Constantly
Attends his Duty at Church on all Feasts & Festivals &
that he keeps the Organ Constantly in Tune.
Voted That the thanks of this Congregation be given to Elizabeth Rogers for her generous Present of a
Elegant Folio Bible.
Voted That John Moody be Continued Clerk for the
Year Ensuing with his Usual Salary of £12. per Ann.m
Voted That Ephraim Voeax be continued Sexton, during
the pleasure of the Minister, Church Wardens &
Vestry, with a Salary at the Rate of £12. per Ann.m
Voted That the thanks of this Congregation be given to M.r
Gilbert Deblois for his generous Presents of a Sett of
handsome Common Prayer & Psalm Books for the
Church Wardens Pew
Voted That the thanks of this Congregation be given to
M.r Lewis Deblois for his Often & Repeated Services
in Officiating as Organist, when this Church has
been destitute of One.
Voted That the thanks of this Congregation be given to the
Several Gentlemen in London for their kind &
generas Subscriptions towards a Bell for this
Voted That Mr. Henry Leddell, D.r Thomas Bulfinch &
Mr. Lewis Deblois or any two of them be a Committee
to Audit the Church Wardens Accounts for the
Year Past.
Voted That the Vestry be desired to form a plan for one
or more Stoves in the Church & Report to this Congregation
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel on the
day of august at the House of the Rev.d Doct.r Caner
Present. The Rev.d Doctr Caner |
Silvester Gardiner |
Church Wardens |
Gilbert Deblois |
William Read Esq. |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq. |
Gentlemen of the Vestry |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
M.r Henry Leddel |
M.r John Haskins |
The Question being put wether the Vestry has power to Regulate
the Toleing the bell for Funerals Voted in the Affirmative
Voted. that the first & Second bell for Funerals be Toled in the
usual Manner, & but Eight minutes each time
Voted That the Manner of Toleing the third or passing bell
be altered & that she strikes only four times in a Minute
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
the House of the Revd D.r Caner on Tuesday the
of December 1772
The Rev:d Doct:r Caner |
Silvester Gardiner |
Church |
Gilbert Deblois |
Wardens |
Judge Auchmuty |
Thomas Brindly |
Richard Lechmere Esq |
M.r Lewis Deblois |
Vestry Men |
Mr John Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Charles Paxton Esq |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
Voted That the Rev:d Doct:r Caner and the Church have
Wardens wait on His Excellency the Govourner and re-
turn him Thanks for procuring the Kings Dona-
tion for a Service of plate & pulpit Furniture
for the Kings Chapel
Voted That as Salem Church has made application to
this Church at Easter Last for their old pulpit Furniture
as soon as they shall receive their new, by the Influence
of Governour Hutchinson Vote that the Minister
Wardens Deliver to them the Old Furniture on their
Application for the same
Voted That three New Folio Prayer Books be also
given to Salem Church who we understand is almost
Destitute of common Prayer books for their Reading
Desk & Clerks Desk
Voted That the Church Wardens Do sell & give a Deed
to some suitable person for Pew No 29 and if any
Gentlemen of the Navy Should be dessirous to attend
divine service at the Kings Chapel by Application to the
Church Wardens, they are directed to provide for them
Voted That the Wardens make an Offer of pew No 6 to
M:r Charles Jarvis which if he excepted and pay the
Money for the same, if not the wardens be Desired to
sell it to some the Suitable Person
At the congregation at meeting on sunday the 6th
December after divine service in the afternoon
Voted That the divine Service for the three winter Months
for the Future begin at half an Hour past ten O Clock
and that the Bell Rings at Ten with the Other Bells
and begin to tole xxxxxxxxx 5 Minutes before half
past ten O Clock and to tole untill half past Ten
when the Minister is to Begin
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at
the House of Dr Caner on Tuesday the of January
Present the Revd D.r Caner |
Silvester Gardiner |
Church |
Gilbert Deblois |
Wardens |
Mr Lewis Deblois |
John Haskins |
Vestry men |
W:m Read |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
The Question being put wether the Pew N:o 76 is
forfeited for not complying with the Tenor of the
Deed passed in the affirmative and that the Church
Wardens be desired to sell the same
Voted that the pew No 64 be sold within ten Day
from the Date hereof
The following notification was Read in Kings Chapel
on Easter Sunday April 1773 imediatly after the
afternoon Service
The Proprietors of this Church are hereby
Notified that after Prayers to morrow (which begins at
10 O Clock) they are to proceed to the Choice of Church Officers
for the Year ensuing and such other Business as
Shall then be laid before them
At the Aniversary meeting of the Said Pro-
prietors (agreeable to the above notification) on Monday
Easter Monday April
Voted / that the above notification shall be Deemed a Suffi-
ciant warrant for all future meetings of the Proprietors of
this Church to Justify them in their acting upon
Whatever shall be laid before them by either the Minister
Church Wardens
Voted by Written Votes that the Church Wardens for the
Year ensuing be D.r Silv. Gardiner |
M:r Gilbert Deblois |
Voted by Written Votes that the following Gentlemen be of the Vestry
for the Year ensuing 5 of whom to be a Quorum
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq |
Henry Lloyd Esq |
W:m Read Esq |
Robert Auchmuty Esq |
Jno. Powell Esq |
M.r John Box |
M.r Henry Leddle |
Mr Lewis Deblois |
Richard Lechmere Esq |
D.r Thomas Bulfinch |
William Vassel Esq |
M.r Thomas Brinley |
John Vassel Esq |
M.r John Haskins |
George Erving Esq |
Voted That M.r John Selby be Orgainist for the Year
insueing with a Salary of £53.6.8 per Ann on
Condition he constantly attends his Duty att Church
on all Fasts & Festivals and that he Constantly keep
the Organ in Tune
Voted That John Moody be continued Clerk for
the Year ensuing with the usual Salary of £12
per Ann
Voted That Ephriham Voeax be continued Sexton
durring the Pleasure of the Minister and Church
Wardens & the Vestry with the usual Salary of
£12 per Ann
Voted That M.r Lewis Deblois & M.r Henry Leddel
be a Committe to Audit the Church Wardens
Accounts for the Year past
*Voted That the Morning service begin at ½ hour
past Ten O clock and in the afternoon at ½ past
two O Clock from the 15 Oct.r to the first Sunday in
March * and that the Bell always begin to ring a
Quarter of an Hour before the Service begins
Voted. That the Church wardens make out a Deed
for the Tomb No 18 where the late General Shirley
was intered to Eliakim Hutchinson Esq by the Desir
of Governer Shirly of new Providence M.r Hutchinson
to pay twenty four pounds Lawful for the same
Voted that the Old bell with the Apurtanances be
to the Saint Anns Church in Gardiners town
* The remaining part of the Year to begin at ten in the
Morning and in the afternoon at three OClock and
to toll the Last ten Minutes