Part Four
Vestry Book belonging to
The Kings Chapel in Boston
Decem 5. 1740
Ending March 30. 1753
Votes of the Vestry of the Kings Chapel
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
at ye Sun Tavern on Friday December 5 Anno Dom: 1740
Mr Charles Apthorp |
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister |
Dr Silvestir Gardner |
James Gordon & |
Ch Wardens |
Jonathan Pue Esqr |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Cap Edwd Tynge |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Dr. John Cutler |
Coll:o Estes Hatch |
Mr James Smith |
Jn.o Read Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Unanimously Agreed That a Second letter be drawn be drawn up & Sent to
his Lordship the Bishop of London (to be signed by the Minister
Church Wardens & Vestry) Praying his Lordship to hasten the
appointing & Sending us An Assistant in ye. room of ye Revd M.r
Davenport & confirming our former recomendation of the Revd
Mr. Stephen Roe to that place And the Church Wardens are
desired to draw up & Prepare the Said letter to be forwarded to
his L.dShip by the Next Ship for London And the Rev.d Mr
Rog.r Price Promised to write a letter to his L.dShip (to be
inclosd open in ours) signifying his refusal of the Said
Assistant, or Lecturers Place
Agreed also that ye Voluntary Subscription for raising a Sum sufficient
to defray the Charges of the current Year be promoted & the Present
thereof be written on a large Paper & Presented to all the Proprieters
of Pews & other members of the Chapel for them to Subscribe what
Sum they thought Proper It was likewise agreed by a
majority that ye Sum Should be presented to his Excellency
the Governour
James Gordon Warden |
Memo |
Collo Estes Hatch & |
offerd to wait on his Excellency wt |
Dr Jno Cutler |
the Said Subscription |
The Ch.r Wardens |
also |
Mr Eliakm Hutchinson |
Capt Ed Tyng & |
offerd to goe ab.t amongst the |
Mr James Smith |
& others wt ye Subscription |
Coppy of the Letter to his LdShip the Bishop of London
whom According to ye direction of ye Vestry, Signd by the Minister,
Church Wardens & Vestry
Boston Decem.r 8. 1740
May it please Your LdShip
Having lately received advice from Mr
Sandford of his delivery of our Letter to Your L.dShip requesting
Your LdShip to appoint a new Lecturer of Kings Chapel
in ye room of the Rev:d M.r Davenport now Minister of Trinity
Church; & that upon our request Your L.dShip was pleas’d to
discover an inclination to appoint ye Rev.d Mr Stephen Rowe
of S:o Carolina if ye Revd. Mr Comisary Price had not wrote
to Your LdShip desireing that he might succed M.r Davenport
in that Lecture; Wee here make our most dutifull Acknowledgemt
to your L:dShip for your Goodness to us in so far hearkening
to our request; And as M.r. Comisary has upon further
consideration declin’d being Lecturer of ye Kings Chapel,
of he informs Your L.dShip in his inclosed letter, wee begg
leave to renew our request to Your LdShip for the appointment
of a new Lecturer, and that it may be in favour of Mr Rowe
having still ye Same oppinion of him wee expres’d in our
former letter to Your L.dShip, and being Perswaded that his
removal to Boston will not only be much to ye Satisfaction
of the Congregation of ye. Kings Chapel, but also have a tendency
by Gods Blessing to promote y.e wellfare & increase of ye Church
in this place, which wee Shall ever earnestly endeavour & seek:
:after. Wee have desired M.r Comisary Price to express his
concurrence wt us in this Letter to Your L.dShip by signing the Same
wch he has accordingly done and remain
Your LdShips most Dutifull & most Obed.t
Sons & Servants
Rogr Price Com.ry
Jas Gordon |
Wardens |
Wm Shirley |
& all ye Vestry Men |
Boston March 26. 1741
At a Meeting of the Minister Ch.r Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
at ye house of Mr Andr Hallyburton
Mr Saml Wentworth |
The Revd M.r Rogr Price Minister |
Mr James Smith |
James Gordon Chr Warden |
Capt Edwd Tynge |
Wm Lamber Esq.r |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Jona Pue Esqr |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Voted That y.e Severall Gentlemen that returnd the monny the
money to Dr Silvester Gardner being Thirty Pounds (voted
to be returnd to him by ye Congregation at Easter last) for the
Pew N:o 39 have Credit according to ye respective Sums each
Paid as So much Contribution Paid by them least year
N.B. the Sums were as follows
Viz |
Wm Speakman |
£5 |
Dr Jno Cutler |
£2 |
Chas Paxton |
4 |
Jno Read Esqr |
1.10 |
Thos Pearson |
3 |
Dr Geo Stuart |
1.10 |
Thos Aston |
3 |
Rowld Houghton |
1 |
Jno Jekyll Esqr |
3 |
Luke Vardy |
3 |
Thos Green |
3 |
21 |
---------- |
£30 |
At ye Annual Meeting of ye Congregation of Kings Chapel in S.d Chapel
March 30. 1741 On Easter Monday
Voted. That ye Church Wardens take an Acct of ye Defficencys of ye Severall
Proprietors of Pews. &c in their Contributions for ye Year last & call in
the money due to ye Chapel from them & the Subscribers this Week
in order to Pay of the Debt of the Chapel this Week before the last
Years Accts are closed by the Church Wardens & to return the names
& numbers of the Pews of those that are delinquent & refractory to the
Vestry or Congregation at their Next Meeting
Voted That wee now Proceed to Choose Twenty Vestry=Men for this Year
Seven of whom Shall be a Quorum to Act upon any occasion
The Names of ye Said Twenty Vestry Men Unanimously & Separately
Voted – are as follows on ye other Side after
Voted That ye Church Wardens for this Year be |
Wm Shirley Esqr. |
Mr Saml. Wentworth |
Easter Money Mar: 30. 1741
The Names of ye Vestry Men Chosen & Voted as On ye Other Side
M.r Eliakim Hutchinson |
James Gordon |
Mr Thos Pearson |
Peter Fanneuil Esqr. |
Henry Franklyn Esq.r |
Jno Read Esq.r |
M.r John Box336 |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Mr Rob.t Lightfoot |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
Mr Thos Perkins |
Estes Hatch Esq.r |
Dr John Gibbins |
Mr Thos Hawding |
Dr John Cutler |
Capt Edwd Tynge |
M.r Wm Bowen |
Mr James Smith |
The Church Officers for this Year Voted
unanimously & Seperatly
Powers Merret ---- Clark with the Same Sallery as last Year £50 per an.
Stephen De blois ---- Organis wt ye Same Sallery as last Year £50
Wm Ruleau ---- Sexton wt ye Same Salery as last Year Viz: 12/ per Week
Stephen Ruleau |
Assistant to ye Sexton wt y.e Same Salery as last Yr £5 |
& to keep boys & Negroes in good Order in time of Divine Service |
The Auditors of ye late Church Wardens Accts for last Year
Voted |
{ |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Mr James Smith |
Easter Monday April 18th: 1742
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chapel
Voted that the Church Wardens for the
Ensuing Year be Sam:l Wentworth |
Eli:a Hutchinson Esqr |
Voted, That the Number of the Vestry Men for the
Ensuing Year consist of fifteen & no more
and that of wch be a Quorum and here
followes the Names of the Gentlemen chose
to Serve as Vestry men as they they were
Severally voted Viz
His Excellency Willm Shirley Governour
- Fra.s Brinley Esqr
- Doctr John Gibbins
- George Cradock Esqr
- Chas: Paxton Esqr
- John Read Esqr
- Mr Charles Apthorp
- Peter Faneuil Esq
- Collo Estes Hatch
- Mr Jas Gorden
- Mr James Smith
- Mr Tho.s Hawding
- Mr James Forbes337
- Cap Ed: Tyng
- Sylv.r Gardner
Voted That Powers Mariot Serve as Clerk
for the Year Ensuing for £50 old Ten:r
That Stephen Deblois Serve as organist
for the Year Ensuing for £50 old Tenr
That William Ruleau serve as Sexton
for the ensuing Year for 12/ per Week old Ten.r
Voted That George Cradock Esqr |
Audit ye Church War= |
Mr Chas Apthorp |
dens accots for ye Year |
Mr Jas Smith |
past |
Voted That M.r Ch: Paxton Mr Gordon & the Church:
Wardens be a Committee to inquire into the
State of the Church to find out the deficient
Proprietors for the two last years, to get
their Arrears & further Subscriptions for
the Currant Year
Voted, That the disposal of Pews and other
Matters relating thereto, be left with
the Church Wardens & Vestry to do as
they think proper
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens
and Vestry of Kings Chappell at the House
of Mr James Wethred in Boston ye July 1742
Mr Thos Hawding |
The Revd Mr Roger Price |
Mr Jas Gorden |
Saml Wentworth |
Church= |
Mr Ja.s Forbes |
Elia: Hutchinson Esq |
Wardens |
Capt Ed. Tyng |
Mr Jas Smith |
Geo. Cradock Esq |
Chas: Paxton Esq |
Voted, That Pew N:o 34 formerly belonging to John
Jekyll Esq decd. be sold (his Widow & family being
moved into Maryland & no Contribution paid for
Several years) And that 35 £ old tenour be the
Value Sett ont with a Weekly contribution of
4/ Old tenour And Such Additional assess:
ments as Shall here after be taxed by Ch. Wardens
and Vestry for the Support of the Church
Voted, That Pew N.o 7 formerly Doct.r Creeses dec:d be
Sold, and that 30 £ old tenr be ye Apprisment of
Sold to Jas Gordon
it with a Weekly Contribution of 4/ old tenour
and Such further assessment as Shall hereafter
be thought necessary by the Church Wardens and
Vestry for the Support of the Church
Voted That Pew N.o 74 formerly M.r Procters338 be sold, and
that 30 £ old tenour be the Price of it With a Weekly
Contribution of 4/ old tenour, and Such further
Assessments as Shall hereafter be layd out, by
the Church Wardens & Vestry for the Service of the
Voted That the Church Wardens Acquaint Green
(Wid.o of Nathl Green) that his pew in Kings Chapell
N 54 greatly in Arrears & to demand the Same of
her, allso to know if She’l ingage to pay 2/
old tenour per Week Contribution agreable to an
assessmt this Day layd out by the Vestry, and
On her refusal to Sell Said Pew for 20 £
old tenour
Voted That the Pew in the Gallery latly owned by
Mr John Merrit N98 be Sold for £25 old ten.r with
Such a to the Injunction of 2/6 per Week and
Sold to Sarah Points
Such further tax as Shall hereafter be thought necessary to
be Payd on it by the Vestry for the Service of the Church
Voted, That Pew N.o 28 be sold, lately owned by Mr
Richd Hunt decd, unless his Heir will appear to pay
the Arrears due ont and ingage for the Payment
of 2/6 per Week old ten.r for time to come, assessed by
the Vestry and Such further taxes as Shall be here
after Tho’t Necessary and that to be layd on it for the Service
of the Church and that £25 old Ten.r be ye price of
Voted that Pew N.o 12 be disposed of in Same manner as
Sold to Mr Royal Houghton the forgoing respecting not only Arrears but Price and future Obligations
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry
of Kings Chappell at the House of Mr Saml Wetherhead
in Boston the 19. of July 1742
The Revd Mr Commisary Price
George Cradock Esq |
Sam:ll Wentworth Chur.h Warden |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Fra.s Brinley Esq |
Dr John Gibbins |
Cha.s Paxton Esq |
D.r Syl: Gardner |
Mr James Gorden |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Mr Tho.s Hawding |
After a Debate on the Commissarys Leaving his Church &
Attending his Excellency The Governr to the Eastward in his
intended Interview with The Indians on his Excellencys Invitation
The Question was put Whether the Vestry then Mett
Consented to Mr Commissary Prices attending the
Governr to the Eastward & Passed in the Negative
Voted That Mr Brinley Mr Cradock & Mr Apthorp with the
Church Wardens wait on his Excellency Govr Shirley
to Acquaint him with the proceedings of ye Vestry
so far as it related the Commissary attending him
to the Eastward
Voted That the Revd Mr Roe has the Consent of the Vestry
to attend his Excellency as Chappling in his Eastern Voy.e
provided his Excellency should please to ask him
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens &
Vestry at the House of Mr Wetherhead in Boston
the 22.d of July. 1742
Saml Wentworth |
Ch: Wardens |
Eliak Hutchinson |
Mr James Gorden |
Cap Jas Forbes |
Jno Read Esq |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Geo Cradock Esq |
Chas: Paxton Esqr |
After debating on the vote that passd ye 19th Ins.t relating
Mr Commissary Prices Attending the Govr to the Eastward,
The Question was put Whether the Vestry would recon=
sider Said Vote, it pass’d in the Affirmative Nem.
Contra: Then Another Question was put
Whether the Vestry consented to ye rev.d Mr Prices attending
his Excellency Govr Shirley to the Eastward notwithstanding
the Vote yt passd ye 19th In.t on yt Head and it passd in
the Affirmative
Voted That John Read Esq Geo Cradock Esq. with the
Ch: Wardens Wait on the Govr to acquaint his
Excellency that ye Vestry has reconsidered their Vote
of the Ins.t relating the Commissarys attending him
to the Easterd and Voted him their Consent to
Accept of his Excellencys Invitation
July 18, Deliv’d Possession of Pew N.o 34 lately Mr Jekylls
To his Excellency Govr Shirley for his family to Sett in
for which he returns to the Church his pew 96 in
the Front Gallery, & pays into ye hands of ye Church
Wardens for ye use of the Church ten pounds old ten.r
and oblige himself to pay four Shillings per week Contribu:
:tion Old Ten.r and Such further assessments as Shall
be adjudged necessary by the Ch: Wardens & Vestry for ye
Support of the Church
Del.d Possession of Pew N.o 7, in Kings Chappell
lately occupied & held by Doctr Creese decd to Mr
James Gorden for which he has returned to the
Church his Pew N.o 67 and pays into ye hands of
the Church Warden for ye use of the Church five Pounds
Likewise obliges himself to pay a Weekly Contribution
of four old Ten.r and Such further Rates as Shall
hereafter be laid on it by the Ch. Wardens & Vestry for ye
support of the Church
Del.d Possession of Pew N.o 67 lately Mr Gordens to
M.r Saml Maltby for Which he is to pay into ye Ch: Wardens
hands for ye use of the Church Twenty five pounds old
Ten.r & three Shill Pr Week Contrib: old Ten.r also ob:
lige himself to pay Such further rates as Shall be layd
on Sd pew by the Ch. Ward: & Vestry for ye support of the Church
hereafter Octo:r 21. 1742 Recd of Mr Maltby by ye above from
S. Wentworth
Jan.y 10. 1742
Recd of Gov.r Shirley ten pounds old Ten:r which with the
Pew in the Gallery he formerly had but now returned by
his Excellency to the Church again is in full for ye pew voted
him by the Vestry formerly Mr Jekylls dec:d
Sold M.r William Youins half of the pew in the Gallery N119 formerly
occupied by M.r Rhodes decd: and Recd of Mr Youins
At Same time Seven pounds 10/ old Ten.r in full for
Said half pew, he likewise Obliges himself to pay a
weekly contribution of one Shill & Six pence for the
Same, with Such additionall Taxes and Rates as
Shall hereafter be layd on Sd half pew for the Sup:
:port of Kings Chapell by the Church Wardens
& Vestry: and hold by title on these Terms
Conformable to a Vote of the Vestry of the 5th April last
I have sold the Pew N.o 74 formerly M.r Proctors for
Kings Chappell to Mr Tho.s Pearson for thirty
pounds and accordingly rec:d in part thereof from
Sd Pearson Twenty Pounds old ten:r he is to pay
a Weekly contribution of four Shillings old tenr
and such further Taxes and future assessments as
Shall be laid on Sd Pew by the Ch: Wardens &
Vestry & to hold his Title on no Other Terms. This
done ye 10th Jan.y 1742
Easter Monday April 1743
At a Meeting of the Congregation in the Kings Chapple
Em . Hutchinson & |
year ensuing |
Mr. Cha: Apthorp |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men be but Fifteen
five of shall be a Quorum and their Names
are as follows
His Excell:cy the |
M.r James Smith |
Tho.s Lechmere Esq.r |
Chas Paxton Esqr |
Fran.s Brinley Esq.r |
M.r John Gibbins |
Job Lewis Esqr |
M.r Edw.d Tyng |
Henry Frankland Esq.r |
M.r James Gordon |
George Cradock Esq.r |
M.r James Forbes |
Estes Hatch Esq.r |
Mr Wm. Speakman |
M.r Sam.ll Wentworth |
Voted Church Officers as follows
{ |
Stephen Deblois Organist & his Salary £50 Ꝑ anm: Old tenr |
Powers Mariot Clerk & his Salary £50 Ꝑ anm: Old tenr |
W:m Ruleau Sexton & his Salary 12/ Ꝑ week old tenr |
Voted That M.r Cradock M.r Apthorpe & M.r Smith be
Auditors to the late Church Wardens Acc.ts
Voted That all affairs relating to Pews for the Year ensuing
Shall be settled by ye Church Wardens & Vestry
Voted That the Church Wardens shall not give any Proprietor
of Pew Credit for any Sum or Sums of money put into
the Box unless his Name be properly fixt to it
that it may be certain who the Donor is, Neither
shall any Proprietor be allow’d to have paid any
thing towards the support of his Pew unless he
complys with the above prescribed method
or some other as satisfactory to the Church Wardens
At a Meeting of the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Kings
Chapple at the House of M.r And.w Hallyburton Aug:st 5. 1743
E.m Hutchinson |
Church Wardens |
M.r Smith |
M.r Cha.s Apthorp |
M.r Paxton |
Capt Forbes |
M.r Wentworth |
Voted That Pew No 23 formerly belong:g to M.r Lazarus Hubbard be
Sold N.B. it was Sold to Timo Winship & Matthews each One half
Voted That the Title of M.r Johnson to the Pew N.o 25 be enquired
into and if it be not paid for to be Sold
Voted That ½ the Pew N.o 29 formerly belonging to Mr Casper be sold
Voted That the Pew 31 formerly belonging to Mr Pearson but now
relinquished by him be Sold
Voted that the Pew N.o 39 formerly belonging to the Rev.d Mr Checkly
but now relinquish’d by him be Sold Sold to Jas Monk
Voted that the Pew N.o 45 Formerly belonging to M.r Jno Barnet
but now Relinquish’d by his Heirs be Sold Sold to Hen Loyd
Voted That the Pew N.o 54 formerly belonging to M.r Nathll Green
be Sold Sold to Powers Marriot
Voted That the Pew N:o 73 formerly belonging to M.r Peter Luce
be Sold N.B. Sold to Jno Greaton
Voted That ½ of the Pew N.o 95 Formerly belonging to M.r Geo:e Tilley
be sold Easter Mond: 1742 Not Yet Sold
Voted That the Pew N.o 98 Formerly belonging to M.r Jno Merret
be sold he having Relinquinsh’d his Property to it Sold to Mr Pointz
Voted That ½ the Pew N.o 108 formerly belonging to M.r Frazier
be Sold
Voted That ½ the pew No. 109 formerly belonging to M.r David Evans
be Sold
Voted That the Pew N.o 102 formerly belonging to
be Sold |
Sold One half to Jno Deacon Apr: 7. 1740 |
& One half to Robt Jackson Apr: 18. 1747 |
At a meeting of the Congregation in the Kings
Chapple on Sunday the Feby 1743 On M.r Comissry
Price acquainting them that he was desirous of
going to England to make a Visit to his Relations
and settle his own Private Affairs. It was Voted
That M.r Read M.r Cradock & M.r Gordon with
the present Church Wardens Should be a Comittee
to Consider how far & on what terms Mr Comissry
Prices Request might be granted consistent with the
well being & maintenance of the privilege of the said
Chapple & make their Report to the Congregation
at their next meeting
At a Meeting of the Congregation in the Kings
Chapple on Sunday the Feb:y Inst.t ye before nam’d
Committee presented the following proposals
In pursuance of the foregoing Vote on Sunday ye
5th of this Inst:t We the Committee for the said Church pro:
-pose that upon the first assurance M.r Commissary can
give us of a Clergy man provided in his Stead & ready to
embarke for this place he may depart on his intended Visit
That we shall weekly pay his vicar’s dues accord:
ing to his appointment out of his standing Salary and ye
rest of his Salary to his Order here
That we are Content that he Continue in England
upon his Visit a twelve month from his first Arrival there
and no longer with out special occasion signified to and
allow’d by the Church
And lastly in Case he shall not incline to return
to us again within the time here in limited or such further
time as may hereafter be allow’d by the Congregation that
then the Church shall be declar’d & deem’d Vacant and may
immediately proceed to the Choice of a Minister
These things we propose and (on Mr Commissarys
agreeing thereto with the Congregation or such Person or Persons
as they shall see meet to appoint for that purpose) we think
may be safely comply’d with, leaving it to his own discre:
tion when to go wishing him a safe & prosperous Voyage
The foregoing proposals being Read to the Congre:
:gation they
Voted That Mr Commissarys Request should be
granted on the Terms therein Mention’d & that
the Gentlemen of the Committee are desir’d in behalf
of the Church to settle an Agreement with Mr
Commissary agreeable to their Report
Easter Monday March 26 1744
At a meeting of the Congregation in the Kings Chapple
Voted Mr Apthorp |
Church Wardens |
Mr Cradock |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men be thirteen as follows
& six be a Quorum
His Excellency the Gov.r
E.m Hutchinson
John Read Esqr
Fra.s Brinley Esqr.
Thomas Leechmere Esqr
M.r James Gorden
M.r James Forbes
Estes Hatch Esqr
Mr Thomas Hawden
Job Lewis Esqr
M.r John Gibbins
M.r William Speakman
M.r Henry Lloyd
Voted That Mr Stephen Deblois be organist for the ensuing year & that
his Salary continue at Fifty pounds a year
Voted that Mr Powers Mariott be Clerk for the year ensuing & his Salary
continue at Fifty pounds a year
Voted That Mr William Ruleau be Sexton for the ensuing year &
his Salary continue at 12/ a week
Voted That M.r Smith M.r Gordon & Capt Forbes be to the late
Church Wardens Accots
Voted That all Affairs Relating to Pews for the year ensuing be settled
by Church Wardens and Vestry
Voted That the present Church Wardens with M.r Read E:m Hutchinson
& Mr Gorden be a Comittee to Assess the pews agreeable to
the proposalls made by the late Church Wardens the cheif
part of the proprietors subscribed to
Voted That Mr Commissary Prices Salary be paid agreeable to the
Exchange settled by this Government
Easter Monday April 15 1745
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chappell
George Cradock Esqr |
Church Wardens |
Willm Shirley Esq.r Jun.r |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men be Fifteen as follows
& Five be a Quorum
His Excellency the Govern:r
Charles Apthorp
Fra: Brinley Esqr
John Read Esqr
E.m Hutchinson Esq.r
Job Lewis Esq.r
M.r James Gorden
M.r James Forbes
Tho:s Leechmere Esqr
M.r Henry Lloyd
M.r John Gibbins
M.r James Smith
M.r Cha.s Paxton
Estes Hatch Esq
Voted M:r Stephen Deblois be Organist for the year ensuing
& that his Salary Continue at Fifty Pounds a Year
Voted That M.r Tho.s Hase be Clerk for the year ensuing & his Salary
be at Fifty pounds a year
Voted That M.r William Rulleau be Sexton for the ensuing year
& his Salary be at Twenty Shillings Ꝑ Week
Voted That Job Lewis Esq.r Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r & M.r James
Gorden be to the late Church Wardens Accots
Voted That what is deficient of the Exchange in M.r Prices Salary
during M.r Sam.l Wentworths Churchwardenship be Settled
by the present Church Wardens
Voted That M:r Comissary Prices Salary be paid Agreeable to the
Exchange settled by this Government
Voted That all affairs Relating to Pews for the year ensuing be
settled by Church Wardens & Vestry
Easter Monday ye March 1746
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chappel
Voted M.r James Gordon |
Church Wardens |
M.r John Box |
Voted That the N.o of Vestry Men be Fifteen as follows & Five be a Quorum
His Excellency The Governor
George Cradock Esq.r
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r
M:r Charles Apthorp
Capt:n James Forbes
Coll:o Estes Hatch
M:r Will:m Speakman
M:r Thomas Hawding339
Fra:s Brinley Esq.r
M.r James Smith
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r
Jonathan Pue Esq.r
Job Lewis Esqr
Henry Frankland Esqr
Mr Stephen Deblois gave ye Church 3 months warning to
provide an Organist in his room
Voted That M.r Thomas Hase be Clark For ye Year ensuing
& his Salary be £50 per Ann.
Voted That Mr William Ruleau be Sexton for ye Year ensuing
& his Salary be £50
Voted That M:r Comissary Price’s Sallary be paid agreeable
to the Exch.a settld by this Government
Voted That all affairs relating to Pews For ye Year ensuing
be settld by Church Wardens & Vestry
Voted That Job Lewis Esq.r M.r Charles Apthorp & M.r James
Gordon be Auditors to ye late Church Wardens Accts
Mem:o April 5 1746 The Exch:a as it is Settled by the Governmt
wt Great Brittain is 500 per C.t at wch Exch:a the Reverd Mr Roger
Price his Yearly Salary being £110 Sterling Amos to Old Tenr= £600
Ꝑ Ann: is =£12.13.10 Ꝑ Week Accounting 52 Weeks to y.e Year
wch Weekly Allowance is to Continue till ye Governmt altors the Excha
& then it is to be Computed Accordingly But as there is 55 Sundays
in ye following Year from Easter to Easter (ye least Inclusive) It is exactly £12 Old Ten.r
Ꝑ Week to make up Mr Prices Salery unless ye Exch.a is Alterd by the Govermt [illegible]
At a Meeting of the Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
At ye Royal Exchange Tavern in Boston On Friday June 20 1746
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
James Gordon & |
Ch: Wardens |
Jona Pue Esq.r |
Jno Box |
Present |
Eliak: Hutchinson Esq.r |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
M.r Tho:s Hawding |
Capt. James Forbes |
Voted That Mr Stephen Deblois have Twenty Pounds Old Ten.r in Addition
to his Salery to Make it Seventy Pounds for this Year
Voted that the Pews (in the Kings Chapel) of those persons that have not
paid the full of their Contribution to the Satisfaction of the Church
=Wardens for the two Years last past according to the last Assessment
Are forfeited According to the Rules & Votes of this Church of
the Church Wardens may Give them One more Notice & if they doe
not then then Pay their Arrears of Contribution Shall & may
dispose of all or Any of the Said Pews As Occasion offers
At a Meeting of the Congregation of the Church called Kings=
Chapel on Thursday November 27. 1746 Appointed for a
General Thanksgiveing after Morning Servis in Said Chapel
The Rever.d Mr Roger Price rector of Said Chapel Signified to
the Congregation his Intention of Goeing to England & quitting
the Rector Ship & Cure of Said Church by reading his letter to the
Congregation & then delivering the Same to James Gordon the first
Warden of which here follows a true Copy
To the Congregation of Kings Chapel
Having an intention of Goeing to England in the Mermaid
Man of War which will Sail About four months hence I take the
first opportunity to Acquaint you with it. that you may procure a
Minister in my Stead, to whom I am at my time ready to
resign: for the Success of whose labours in Your Servis, I shall
never cease to Pray. And hope that all Good offices may Still
continue between my Congregation of Kings Chapel And
their Affectionate & unworthy Minister &c
Boston New Eng:d Novr 21. 1746 Signed Roger Price
Testes James Gordon first Church Warden
The two Church Wardens |
} |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
} |
Geo Craddock Esq.r & |
} |
Francis Brinley Esqr |
} |
To be a Comittee to Consider of a fitt Person in holly Orders well Quallfied
of unblameable life & conversation & to recomend him as Such to the Congre=
=gation to be Appointed Rector of the Kings Chappel in the room of
the Rever:d & worthy M.r Roger Price, who has determined to leave us
The Said Comittee mett the Same day in ye Evening At ye Royl Excha
Tavern and haveing fully considered it Were Unanimously of
Opinion that y:e Rever.d M:r Henry Caner Minister of the Church
in Fairfield Connecticut is the most proper Person to discharge the
Duty of that Cure w:ch is Submitted to A Vote of the Congregation
Also Orderd that the Propietors of the Pews be Severally Notified
to Meet at ye Chapel on Saturday next at three O’Clock PM
to receive the report of the Comittee &c
Saturday Novem:r 29. 1746 the Propietors being duly warned
to Meet as Affors.d at 3 oClock, the Bell rang - And there being
but few of the Said Propietors that Attended. It was agreed
to Adjourn the Said Meeting till next day being Sunday
after evening Servis of the Clerk was Orderd to Notifie all
the Propietors after Morning Prayers - Accordingly
Sunday November 30 1746 The Proprietors of Kings Chapel
being Assembled at the time & Place Appointed, The first
Warden after Acquainting them with the Occasion of this
Meeting did read the forgoeing letter from the Rever.d Mr Comisary
Price to the Congregation as Also the report of the Comittee from
the entrys in the Church Book
Then the Question was Put; Whether wee should choose a Minister to
Succed the Rev:d M.r Comisary Price from Amongst the Clergy in holy
Orders in New Engl.d or write to his Lordsh.p our Diocesan
& other ffriends in Old Engl.d - to procure us a Minister from them Questions being Put to Vote it was carried by a great Majority
that wee Should choose A Minister from Amongst the Clergy in
New Engld After which the Propietors Proceeded to the Choice
of a Minister to Suceed the Said Rev.d M.r Price in the Rectory or
Cure of the Kings Chapell by an hand Vote And
the Rever.d M.r Henry Caner a Minister of the Church of Engl.d
at Fairfield in Connecticut was chosen to Suceed the Said Rev.d
Mr Price in ye Said Rectory or Cure by a great Majority
the two Church Wardens with |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Esq |
Francis Brinley |
Esqrs be |
Geo: Craddock |
a Comittee to Acquaint the Rever.d M.r Henry Caner of the Choice they
had made of him As their Minister to Suceed the Said Rever.d M.r
Price in His Rectory or Cure of Kings Chapell & with the Same
Sallery &c
Here following is a Copy of the Letter the Comtee
Affors.d Wrote & Sent to the Rev.d M.r Henry Caner
Reverd Sir Boston Decem.r 4. 1746
The inclosed is a Copy of the Votes of the
Congregation of the Kings Chapple in Boston (relateing
to the choice of a Minister in the Stead of the Rever.d M.r
Comisary Price who has resigned) by wch you’ll perceive
that wee are Appointed to give you an Invitation to the
Rectory of that Chapple, which wee now doe wt great
Pleasure Assureing You Sir that our report was verry
Acceptable to the Congregation and to y.e Governour in
particular who much approved of our determinations
And wee doubt not from Your known Merrit & the
Unanimity there is Amongst us, that wee may be extreme
happy under Your Cure
Wee are likewise desired to Acquaint You the
Sallery is One hundred & Ten Pounds a Year Lawfull Money
of Great Brittain payable Weekly in equal Payments
in Bills of this Province, and the Publick Servis of the Church
is equally performd by the Rector & his Assistant, And the Perquisites
(which are considerable) are the Rectors due.
Wee Shall be Glad of the favour of a line or two from
You at the return of this Express. Being in great Esteem
& Respect &c &c |
James Gordon |
} |
Jno Box |
Com:tee |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Geo Craddock |
NB Coll.o Brinley being Out of Town did not Sign
Sunday December 21. 1746 the Comittee afforsaid Received
a Letter from the Rever.d Mr Henry Caner (without a date)
in Answer to their forgoeing of which here follows a true Copy
To Mess:rs |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
John Box |
To Eliakim Hutchinson |
Francis Brinley |
Esqrs |
Geo Craddock |
Comittee of the Congregation of Kings Chappel in Boston
Gentlemn I received Your very oblidging letter of the 4 of instant
December together with an inclosd Coppy of the Votes of
the Congregation of Kings Chapell in Boston relateing to
the choice of a Minister. I have, as the Short time
would allow, maturely weighed the kind Proposals containd
in Your Said Letter and am oblidged with much
Gratitude to acknowledge the honnour you are pleased
to doe me I Should with much Pleasure
offer my Servis upon this Occasion, did I not consider
the Importance of the Post, & the difficulty of discharging
it with suitable Prudence; to the Honour of God &
the benefit of the Souls concernd: For w:ch reason &
to the End that the Intrest of Religion amongst You
might be more Probably advanced. I could sincerely
wish the choice had fallen upon One of a Character
& Capacity to which I have no pretensions
however as the conduct of this affair has the Aspect of a
Providential Appointment destitute of any Motion
and distant from any thought of mine till the Present
Notification I think Proper to acquaint you that
the little Servis I am capable of contributing to the
Intrest of Religion and the Church of Christ among
you shall not be wanting whensoever I am called
upon; or whenever the Rev.d Comisary is pleasd
to resign I ask but time to make Suitable
Provision for a verry Affectionate People, the leaving of
whom would otherwise give me much Uneasiness
Let my Compliments be Acceptable to every Gentleman
concernd & particularly my Duty waits upon his Excellency
the Governour to whom I am much Oblidgd for his kind
A True Coppy attested by |
Your most Obedient & |
James Gordon Ch: Warden |
most humble Servant |
Henry Caner |
Monday December 22. 1746 The Propietors of
Kings Chapel being called & Mett at ye Chapel the Letter
of the Comittee of Curr:t to the Rev.d Mr Henry Caner with his
Answer thereto forgoeing being read they
Voted that ye Affors:d Comittee Should write a Letter to the Rever.d Mr
Henry Caner Signifuing to him their desire of his coming to
Boston about the Midle of March Next to officiate in the
Duty & Cure of Kings Chapel here follows a duplicate
of Said Letter
To M.r Henry Caner In Fairfield Boston Dec:r 30: 1746
Rev:d Sir Wee are favoured with Yours by the return of the Express wee recd: the 21 Curr.t & the next day wee communicated it to
The Propietors, who unanimously expres’d a great satisfaction
in Your Acceptance of ye Cure of Kings Chapel not in ye least
doubting but you will to the best of Your capacity discharge the
duty of it to the honour of God & the benefit of the Souls concerned
And wee will on Our part faithfully fulfil our engagem.t in
punctually Paying what wee have Promisd Wee Observe
that You desire time to make Suitable Provition for Your
Affectionate People we hope May be done by the middle
of March will fully compleat the four Months M.r Comisary
Mentions in his Letter of Resignation (of You have a Copy) &
and at time he will be oblidged to goe on board ye Mermaid
therefor by a Vote of the Propietors wee are desired to Acquaint You
with it & entreat You to be here rather before then exceed that
Here follows a Copy of the Rev.d Mr Henry Caners Letter in Answer
to the foregoing Fairfield Jan:r 16. 1746
To James Gordon & Jn.o Box Wardens &
to Eliak:m Hutchinson & Frans.s Brinley & Geo Craddock
Comitte of ye Congreg.t of Kings Chappel in Boston
Gent:m: Your favour of ye 30 Dec.r I duely received am Oblidged to
the Propietors of Kings Chappel for their Kind Acceptance of my Offers
to Serve them. I pray God the like Union & Harmony may ever Submit
between us, when I shall be employed in the actual discharge of that Servis,
An honest diligence & endeavour to be usefull is all that I dare Promise
As to Your offer of reward I have that confidence in your honour as to
Suppose it a Proper Provition: its what indeed I am not or Judge of, being
ignorant of the necessary expense of the Place. My Rule in affairs of this
Nature is that of the Apostle that They who Preach the Gospel should live of
the Gospel; & I must confess I never Yet found the People who were not
willing to comply with it, & I will not so much Suspect either my own
faithfullness on the One hand or the honour of the Propietors on ye other, as to
imagin there will ever be room for the least misunderstanding on this
head With regard to the time the Propietors have Pitched upon for my
Attendance I beg leave to Observe that being distant an exact punctuality
may possibly be impracticable I shall however labour to conduct upon
that head in Such a manner as to Give no reasonable Ground of measuring
The exact time of the Mermaids Sailing will doubtless be better known
a while hence & being Notified of it I Shall take Special care that the
Church be not left Vacant In the mean time if the Rev.d M.r Comisary
Should tarry a little longer then at first Proposed I conclude in that case
the Propietors would excuse a Small delay Some vacancy will
unavoidably happen in ye Church at Fairfield & a General regard to ye
intrest of Religion will direct us to make that Vacancy as little as
possible But I determine nothing peremptorily, Only leave it to time
to discover what will be most Prudent In y.e mean while & Allways, I am
Gent Your Most Obed.t h Servt H: Caner
King Chapel February 25. 1746
Upon Reading the forgoeing letter from y.e Rev:d M:r Henry Caner
to the Propietors of Kings Chapel They
Voted that y.e Comittee affors.d Shall Write An Answer to y.e Said Rev.d
M.r Caner requesting him to be here by the 25 of March next, or in
all Said Moneth at furtherst
Wch Letter the Said Comittee drew up & Sent Accordingly
N .B. the Church Wardens had no Opportunity of Entring a Coppy of the Said
Letter, an Oportunity offering to forward it the Moment it was finishd &
At a Meeting of ye Vestry of Kings Chapel at ye Royal Excha
Tavern On Wednesday April 8. 1747 Present
Estes Hatch |
| |
James Gordon & |
Ch: Wardens |
Jona Pue |
John Box |
Mr Tho.s Hawding |
Geo Cradock |
Esqrs |
Capt James Forbes |
Charles Paxton |
Voted That ye Propietors of Pews be Notifid Tomorrow to Meet at y.e
Chapel to morrow after Evening Prayers in y.e Afternoon to Consider
of ye Rate of Exch.a ye Rev.d M.r Comisary Price’s Salery of £110 Ster:
is to be Sett at for ye Year Past & to Agree & Settle ye Same wt him
Voted the Pew No 30 - late Kentons to Roger Hardcastle
Voted That all the Pews of those Propietors that are behind & in Arrears as to
the Payment of their Contribution according to the Assessment of each
Pew be Sold by the Church Wardens, without respect to Persons, As Soon
as Purchasers be Sent letters in Order to raise Money to Pay of the Debts
of the Church
At a Meeting of the Congregation or Propietors of Kings Chapel
on Thursday Apr 9. 1747 at ye Said Chapel
Voted the Rev.d Mr Comisary Price’s Salery for the Year 1746
of £110 be computed at ye Rate of Seven hundred PerCent &
Paid him in Old Ten.r at that Rate from Easter Mar 31. 1746
to Easter Next Apr: 19. 1747 N.B. Pd him £880 O.T. per Rec:t sub ye End of this Book
Voted the following Gentlemen be a Comittee for the Propietors of Kings
Chappel to Continue till Easter Next to transact all Affairs relating to
the Church As to raising Moneys to Make Good deficencys
Collecting & taking Acco:t of the Library, Church Plate, ffurniture
& Apurtenances & inducting & Receiving the Rev:d M.r Caner
as Minister of the Chapel &c Viz
Geo Cradock Esq.r |
D:r. Jno Gibbins |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
The Rever:d M.r Henry Caner came to Town on ffriday Evening & the
Next Morning April 11. 1747 About Eleven O’Clock in y.e forenoon
he was conucted to the Kings Chapel in Boston by the Rev:d Mr Comisary
Price, the Church Wardens & others of the Comitte Appointed As Above
Who all went Out of the Church, the Church Wardens at the door delivering
the Key of the Church to the Rever:d M.r Caner who locking himself in the
Church, Tolled the Bell & then Unlocked the Door, receiveing the Church War:
:dens & Comittee &c into the Church again, who wished him joy upon
his haveing Possesion of the Church
Easter Monday April 20. 1747. At a Meeting of the
Minister & Propietors of Kings Chapel
Voted That no Person be Chosen a Warden of this Church but of those
that are Communicants
Voted That the Choice of Church Wardens & Vestry Men & other Matters
of Consequence relating to this Church for the future be determined
by Written Votes Only
Voted That Every Pew in the Church the Propietor or Proprietors whereof haveing Paid Contribution Agreeable to the Assesment have On Single
Vote & no More
Voted That the Church Wardens Wait upon the Rev.d M.r Brockwell
this Week & Acquaint him it is the desire of the Propietors of this
Church that he will Preach in the Morning on Sundays
Voted James Gordon & |
be, & are continued Wardens for this Year |
John Box |
Voted There be fifteen Vestry Men Chosen for this Year, a Majority of
them to be a Quorum were each Singly
his Excllency the Governour |
Charles Paxton Esqr |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Capt Edward Tynge |
Geo Cradock Esqr. |
M.r James Smith |
Henry Frankland Esq.r |
Thos Letchmore Esq.r |
D.r Jn.o Gibbins |
Job Lewis Esqr. |
D.r Silvester Gardner |
Jona Pue Esq.r |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Capt James Forbes |
Estes Hatch Esq.r |
Voted That the Sale & Forfeiture of Pews, & other Prudentials of the Church
are left to the Church Wardens & Vestry for this Year
That Thomas Hase be Clerk for this Year wt the former |
Salery of fifty Pounds Old Tenr |
Voted Seperatly |
Mr Stephen Deblois be Organist Salery as last Year |
Stephen Ruleau Sexton Sallery as last Year |
Mr. Charles Apthorp |
Voted |
Mr Geo Craddock |
be Auditors of last Years Accts |
Doctor Jn.o Gibbins |
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry
duely Warned at the Exchange Tavern On Twesday Aprill 28. 1747
The Rever.d Mr Henry Caner Minister |
Doct.r Silvester Gardner |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Capt Edw.d Tynge |
John Box |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Henry Frankland Esqr. |
Mr James Smith |
Capt James Forbes |
Voted That as Mr John Southack hath Absented Absented himself from
the Chapel for many Years last Past & Paid no Contribution
for the Pew N:o 63 (Possesd by his Father Cap.t Cyprian Southack)
to the Satisfaction of the Church Wardens The Church Wardens
Acquaint him & demand the Arrears of Contribution for Said Pew
And if he does not Pay the Same or make it Appear that he has
paid it the Pew will be disposed of According to the Rules & Votes
of the Church
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings
Chapel on Thursday June 4.1747 Present
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
The Revd Mr Henry Caner Minister |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
James Gordon & Jno Box Wardens |
Coll.o Estes Hatch |
Henry Frankland Esq.r |
Geo Craddock Esqr |
Capt Edwd Tynge |
Cap.t James Forbes |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
The Vestry haveing taken into Consideration the Great Charge & Trouble the Rev:d
M.r Henry Caner our Minister has been at in removeing his ffamily & ffurniture
&c from Fairfield here, & Settling them in this Place were Unanimously of
of Opinion that the Congregation Ought to Make a Collection in Order
to reimburse him Therefore
Voted That ye Said Collection be Made On Trinity Sunday Next in the
Affternoon & it is earnestly recomended to ye Congregation of wch they
are to be Notfied on Sunday Next both before & Affternoon
Which Collection being Made Accordingly, it Amounted to, As Gatherd at
at the Chapel On Trinity Sunday One hundred & Sixty Seven Pounds 6/ 1d
dd by the Church Wardens to ye Rev.d Mr Caner Old Ten.r
A letter Directed to Mr James Gordon to be communicated to ye Minister Wardens
& Vestry of Kings Chapel Boston of wch here follows a Copy
Gentlemen & Brethren
The propietors of the Pews in Trinity Church haveing
Chosen M.r Wm Hooper of this Town for their Minister, they presented him
to their Diocessan the L.d B.p of London for Holy Orders giveing Testimonials
that he had Lived in this Town a number of Years & that he had been a Person
of good life & conversation, of Repute & good Creditt here—but to our
great Surprise wee are informd that a Caveat hath been made to
his Ordination by representing him to his L.d Ship as Person of whom
Common Fame doth Say he is Neither of Good Principals nor Morals.
Wee therefore begg of You Gentlem.n as Brethren together wt us & of the
Same Town to Signifie whether this Gentleman hath not been of a
fair Character, or to Give Such other representations of him as Ye may
think just that Such insinuations may not affect his reputation
nor frustrate the designs of Our Church wch are in haveing a Useful
Minister that may not only promote our Own good, but be instrumental
in ye General benefit of the Church of Engl.d amongst us. We begg
You candidly to consider this affair & Act with, & for us Brethren will be thankfully acknowledgd by the Church that wee have the
honour to represent. We are Gentlem:n
Your most humble Servts
Boston June 4. 1747
Jos: Dowse |
Wardens of Trinity Ch: |
W.m Price |
Which letter being twice Reced, the Vestry Concurrd in An Answer by delivering to them the following
Letter to the Lord Bishop of London to be Signd by the Wardens & Vestry a Copy
whereof here follows
May it Please Your Lordship
Our Brethren of Trinity Church being under verry great
difficultys by reason of M.r W:m Hoopers Ordination being put off
on Acct, as wee hear, by some representations made of him to Your
L.dShip as a Person whom common Fame reports to be of bad
Morals, And haveing desired us to Acquaint Y.r L.dship with M.r
Hoopers Character, So far as wee are Able, Since his first Settlement
at New Boston to his departure last Fall, Wee the Church Wardens
& Vestry of Kings Chapel Doe Solemnly Declare that wee
That wee know not of any Immoralitys he has been charged with
Since he has been a Dissenting Teacher in this Town, but he has
maintaned a Verry fair Character here, and from his constantly
takeing his turn with the rest of the Teachers in this Town, in
the Weekly Lectures & the great Love & Esteem People had for
him till he left them, must be of Opinion that he is a
Gentleman of good Moralls.
Signd by the Church Wardens & Vestry & dd: to the Ch: Wardens of
Trinity Church In Boston on June 5 1747 by James Gordon Warden
Voted that ye Rev.d Mr Comisary Prices Demand (for some Allowance from
Our Church Since the Term of his Resignation expired On Acct of the
Mermaid Man of Warr’s not Sailing for Engl.d So Soon as expected:)
Be laid before the Congregation
Conform to the Vote of the Vestry April 28. 1747 The Wardens have
waited On Mr Jn.o Southack Acquainting him wt the tenour of S.d Vote & frequently
demanded the Arrears of Contribution for ye Pew N.o 63 but he Still
Neglects & refuses to Pay the Same, nor does he make it Appear he has
Paid it, or any part thereof Since his Fathers decease, Neither has
he Attended the Publick Worship at ye Chaple And Since Cap.t Edw.d
Tynge has (besides his right to Sitt in Said Pew) Paid the full Contribution
or Assesmt: of the Whole Pew, for Some Years last Past & Also did relinquish
& Give up to the Church his One half of the Pew No 13. In Consideration
of these, & as he has been a benefactor to the Church Therefore
Granted him the whole of Said Pew, On Condition of his Paying
Three pounds New Ten:r per Annum by Weekly Monethly or Quarterly
Contribution or Such further Assesm.t as may be laid On the Same &c
As One half of the Pew N:o 95 in the Gallery belongs to the Church
& the other half to Cap:t Doubt Placed Eleanr Temple
in Said Pew where She is to Sitt till ye Said One half is Sold, She Paying
two Shillings Old Ten.r per Week & Putting her Name to the Money
Mem:o Pursuant to a Vote of the Congregation of Kings
Chapel On Easter Monday last The Ch: Wardens waited
On the Rev.d M.r Brockwell the Wendsay following, to Acquaint
him it was the desire of the Congregation that he would Preach
On Sundays in the Morning at the Chapel: but before they
could deliver the Message he told them he knew what they
came for that he had been previously acquainted therewith
by One of the Vestry=men, who he Said had treated him ill
& to whom he had declared his determination he would
Stand to, & give no other Answer The Wardens replied
They were Sorry any Gentleman of the Church should treat
him ill or Anticipate them who were Only delegated by the
Congregation to deliver that Message they purposd to doe
in the most civil & respectfull Manner & to Shew him the
reason of the request was not unprecedented but had been
occasionally Granted At times before both by the Rector &
Assistant And further that they thought he neither treated the
Congregation or Vestry fairly first in accepting, or takeing any
notice of a Message from the Church deliverd by Any Single
Person without being first well Assured he had Authority from
them to deliver it. And next in ascribeing the ill treatment
or difference w.t that Person to the Vestry who had no hand in it
& utterly disavowed it The Wardens not Obtaining An
answer called a Vestry Meeting to Acquaint them as affors.d
& being Mett & Considering that Mr Brockwell being appointed
by his Lordship the Bishop of London Lecturer Afternoon=
=Preacher & his insisting On that Duty & being Unwilling to
interfere with his Lordship’s Appointment Unanimously
Dropt the question
Sunday Nov:r 1: 1747 After Morning Divine Servis
The Rev.d Mr Brockwell Acquainted the Sen:r Church Wardn
of Kings Chapel that he had received a Letter from his
Lordship the Bishop of London the Contents whereof
regarded the Chaple, desired the Warden to call a Vestry
that it might be Comunicated to them. Accordingly the
Sd Warden Orderd the Clerk the Same day to Notifie the
Vestry from the Desk to Meet at the Chapel the Thursday
following being the 5 of Nov.r after Morning Servis
Thursday Novr 5 after Morning Servis being
the time Appointed for ye Vestry to Meet at the Chapel
Present The Rev.d M.r Caner Rector, the Church Wardens (but
not a Quorum of the Vestry) the Rev:d M.r Brockwell
deliverd to ye Sen:r Warden a Letter from his Lordship the
B.p of London dated July last directed to him the S:d
Mr Brockwell Afternoon Lecturer or Preacher of Kings Chapel
w:ch Letter w:t the Consent of all then Present was Read by the
Sd Warden. Then the Warden askd M.r Brockwell if he would
lett him take a Coppy of S:d Letter, he refusd, but Said the
Letter Should be forth Comeing & Produced at a Meeting of a full
Vestry The Gentlemen of the Vestry then told him that it
Seemd to them (by the purport of the Bishops Letter to him) that
Both Mr Caner & the Vestry had been falsly & injuriously repre:
=sented to his Lordship the B.p As assuming an Authority
Over the Assistant or Lecturer in Oposition to his Lordships Appoint
=ment or directions, therefore Prayed him to let them have a Copy
of the Letter he wrote to his Lordship, Occasiond the Bishop
to Write the Said Letter, to he Answerd he would give the
S.d Copies at a Meeting of a full Vestry. Wch was then Agreed to
be called & Meet at the Light house Tavern in King street on
Friday the Instant at 6 O’Clock in ye Evening
N, B, before the Meeting of the Vestry the Church Wardens waited
on the Rev:d Mr Brockwell to Ask him for the Copies of the Affors.d
two letters he had Promis’d to Deliver at a full Vestry Meeting:
but he refusd to deliver the S.d Copies telling them he would be
at the Vestry Meeting himself
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at ye Light=
house Tavern in Boston on Friday Nov.r 6. 1747. at 6 O’Clock in the
Evening Present
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
D.r Silvester Gardner |
Jno Box |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Char.s Apthorp Esq.r |
M.r James Smith |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
D.r Jn.o Gibbins |
the Revd Mr. Caner being Sick & not Able to Attend
The Rev.d Mr Charles Brockwell340 being Present read a Paragraph of
a letter ( he Said) he wrote to his Lordship the Bishop of
London, So far as Related to us, w.t his Lordships Answer, the Same
that was read at y.e Chapell Yesterday, after the Question
was put by the Senr. Warden, to each of the Gentlemen of the Gent.l
of the Vestry Singly: Whether is it Your opinion that the Reverd M.r
Brockwell be Askd Once More for the Copys of his Letter to his Lordship
the Bishop of London, now read by him to us, & of his L:dships Answer y.r to
They Severally all Answerd Yes - except M.r James Smith
Then ye Sen:r Warden Askd the Rev:d Mr Brockwell if he would be Pleasd to
give the Vestry the Coppys as Affors.d he refusd & denyed, w:ch the Warden
was desird to minute in the Vestry Book. The Said Warden then
askd M.r Brockwell; if he denyed the Coppys of Both letters, or if he
would give them a Copy of Any One of those letters. M.r Brockwell
replied that he did not Absolutely refuse either of them, but
required further time to consider of the Matter, that perhaps
he might comply w.t the request of the Congregation in common
wt their Vote at Easter & then he thought they would have no Occasion
to Ask him for those Copies, with wch Answer the whole Vestry
were well Pleased & desired the Wardens Not to enter any Minute
in the Book of what Passed in the Vestry at this Meeting till next
meeting & then Adjourned till this day week to Meet at the Sun
Tavern at 5. O’Clock in ye Evening
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel, by
adjournment at ye Sun Tavern in Boston on ffriday Nov:r 13
Doctr Silvester Gardner |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Job Lewis Esqr. |
Jn.o Box |
Capt James Forbes |
Cap.t Edw.d Tynge |
Thomas Letchmere Esq.r |
Doctr Jn.o Gibbins |
Mr James Smith |
The Rev.d M.r Charles Brockwell being also Present The Question
was Askd him; If he had considerd of what he Proposed to the Vestry
at their last meeting he answerd he had wrote a letter to his
Lordship the Bishop of London he Would read to them &
intended to Send per first Opportunity & he thought was
Sufficient to Satisfice them & Still refused to Give them
the Copies of the letters affors.d or to comply wt the request of the
Congregation in their Vote On Easter Monday last, upon wch
some dispute Arose & the Vestry Broke up
N, B, a few days after this Meeting Some of the Principal
Gentlemen of the Vestry desired the Sen.r Warden to write a letter to
the Rev.d Mr Brockwell resigning the request for the Coppys of the
affors.d Letters hopeing by that means to Obtain An Answer in Writing
under his hand without Wrangling or disputes in Compliance therewith
the S.d Warden Wrote a letter to the Rev.d Mr Brockwell of which
here following is a Coppy
Boston Wednesday Dec.r 9. 1747
Rev.d Sir I am desired by the Gentlemen of the Vestry of Kings
Chapel to ask You, once more for Copys of the letters You
wrote by way of Complaint against them to his Lordship the
Bishop of London & of his Lordships letter to You in
answer thereto, in Order to Justifie themselves & the Rev.d
Mr. Caner to his Lordship, as they apprehend (by the
purport of his Lordships Letter you Allowed to be read
at the Vestry) that the Vote of the Congregation of
Kings Chapel on Easter Monday last in regard to their
request that you would Preach in the Morning on Sundays
has been misrepresented by You to his Lordship So as to
excite his Lordships displeasure Against them
I begg the favour of a direct answer that I may communicate
the Same to the Vestry this Evening at their Meeting
I am
To the Rev:d M.r Cha: Brockwell Sir / Your most humble Serv.t
Ja Gordon Ch: Warden
At a Meeting of the Minister, Church Wardens
& Vestry of Kings Chapel; At the Sun Tavern in Boston
On Wednesday Decem.r 9. 1747
Present |
The Rev.d Mr Caner Minister |
Cap:t Edw.d Tynge |
Ja Gordon & |
Wardens |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
Jno Box |
Sir Henry Frankland K.t |
Doctr Jn:o Gibbins |
Doct:r Silvester Gardner |
Jonath.a Pew Esq.r |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esqr |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
Geo: Craddock Esqr. |
Voted that ye letter wrote by James Gordon Ch
Warden to the Rev.d Mr Brockwell at ye request of Some
of ye Gentlemen of the Vestry of this days date to wch
he gave no Satisfactory Answer be recorded in y.e Vestry Book
The Rev.d Mr. Henry Caner Our Minister then
deliverd a letter from ye Reverd M.r Brockwell to the
Gentlemen of the Vestry dated this day Signifieing That
for y.e Sake of Peace in ye Church he would comply wt the
request of the Congregation (as by their Vote on Easter Mon=
day last) to Preach at ye Chapel on Sundays in the Morning
or fore Noon, but there being Some after expressions in Said
Letter, (in their Opinion) might create misunderstandings
or disputes, therefor Voted That y.e two Church Wardens
together w.t Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r Doe immediatly
wait On the Rev.d M.r Brockwell wt the Said Letter & desire
him to give them Another Letter in the Same words, or to
ye Same Purpose, if he thought fit, only leaving Out the S.d
After Expressions excepted Against They Accordingly
went & deliverd the Message & returnd the letter to the Rev.d M.r
Brockwell, he then Wrote Another Letter & deliverd to them
a Coppy of wch here follows Viz
Gentlemen These are to Satisfie You of my
Complyance with the Request of the Congregation
in respect to my Preaching in the Morning instead
of the Afternoon, as Appointed by the Bishop,
and in this You may See my hearty desire of Peace
& that I am Your Most humble Servt
Wednesd. Night Dec.r 11. 1747
To the Gentlem:n of the Kings Chappel Charles Brockwell
in Vestry Assembled
The next day James Gordon Sen.r Warden rec’d a letter
from the Rev.d M.r Brockwell a Coppy of which here follows
Boston Thursday Dec.r 10. 1747
Mr Gordon
Sir Being yesterday surprisd wt an unexpected
Letter from you at M.r Speakmans, & haveing waited on
you with a verbal Answer, w:ch upon consulting M.r
Caner (at ye ffuneral) I reduced into writeing, & which
was afterward returned to me by Your Self & two others
of Your Vestry for Amendment. Haveing maturely weighed
the whole Affair, I send you this to explain my Self,
& prevent future mistakes
First as I am in duty bound, I shall abide
by our Diocesians appointment & determination, & look
upon my as the Lecturer or Afternoon Preacher of the
Kings Chappel & absolutly disclaim ye Title of an Assistant
you w:d impose upon me, thereby (as I conjecture) to
substitute me as Curate of the Parish
2:dly For y.e good of ye Church (as Alledged) & at their
Request, I Shall be contented to wave my Priveledge &
permitt M.r Caner to Preach in y.e Afternoon in my Stead,
But this discretionally only, as he & I from time to time
shall agree between Ourselves, Still reserving to my Self
the Sole Right, According to the Bishops Appointment:
& determination This Sir I desire You would
communicate to the Vestry as an explaination to that Letter
I was hurried into last night & by this they may depend I will
invariably abide, and it is my resolution (God assisting)
to be as Servisable in my Station as my Slender Attainments will
admitt, to them & theirs. I am Y:r Assured Frd & h Sert
Cha: Brockwell
NB, it was Voted (at the last Vestry Meeting) That
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r Dr Jn.o Gibbins & Dr Silvester
Gardner be a Comitte to draw up a Letter to be Approved
of, & Signed by the Vestry & Sent to the R.t Rev:d the L.d Bishop
of London relateing to a letter wrote to his Lordship by the
Rev.d M.r Brockwell & his Lordships Answer Which letter
was Accordingly drawn up, & laid before the Vestry at their
Meeting On Monday Evening Jan:r 11. 1747/8 at ye Sun Tavern
w:ch they Approved of, & Signd, & deliverd to the Sen.r Warden to
be forwarded w.t a Copy of all the Minutes Votes & letters &c in
this Book relating to this Affair beginning at Page 31
Attested by both Wardens w:ch was done Accordingly the Same
Night & Sent per Cap:t Bruce for London here follows
a Coppy of the Letter
May it Please your Lordship Boston January 1747
Our Present Address to your L.dship is occaisioned by
your Ldships Letter of last July to ye Revd Mr Brockwell, which
he comunicated to us in a Vestry call’d at his desire for that Purpose
& which we can’t help saying, a little Surpris’d us as we found from some
Passages in it that he must have misrepresented both ye Revd Mr Caner
& ourselves to your Lordship We wish upon
this Occasion we could have obtained from Mr Brockwell a copy of
your Ldships Letter to him & of his own to your Ldship, which occa:
:sion’d the writeing of it, that we might have been more fully Inform’d
of ye cause of your Ldships displeasure at us & so happy as to have
had it in our power (as much as might be) to Remove it by vindica=
=ting ourselves from the charge he has made against us to your
Ldship; But since he has Chose fitt finally to refuse us a Copy
of either, & only read to us a Paragraph out of what he inform’d
us was a copy of his Ltre to your LdShip, so far as at rela=
=ted to us, & has left us very much in ye Dark as to ye whole of his
charge against us. We hope yr Ldship will make a proper Al:
:lowance for ye disadvantage we lye under in case any part
of his Ltre to you should remain unanswered & humbly beg leave
to lay before yr Ldship a short & full state of ye Case between that
Gentleman & Us in what we conceive to be its just Light. As our
Church is in a great measure supported by a free & voluntary Con
=tribution collected every Sunday in ye afternoon it has been cus=
=tomary for ye Gentleman who esteemed ye best Preacher & most follow’d
by ye People to Preach in that part of ye Day as may easily be made
to appear & as this matter was never before disputed by Mr Brockwell’s
Predecessors, We easily conceive the Incumbent had such a right to
his Pulpit as to Preach either in ye forenoon or afternoon as should
be Judg’d most for ye advantage of ye Church & accordingly the
Congregation on their Anniversary meeting on Easter-Monday
last, takeing into consideration ye Circumstances of ye Church while
on many accounts are very Indifferent, & being fully Perswaded
that Mr Caners preaching in ye after-noon would be greatly for
its Benefit, appointed the Church Wardens to wait upon Mr Brock
=well & acquaint him with their request that he would Preach
in ye fore-noon, but before the Church Wardens had time to wait
on him, one of ye principal Members of ye Congregation & a par=
=ticular Acquaintance of Mr Brockwells, & meeting him imediately
afterwards, inform’d of ye Congregations desire & purely as a friend
(as he informs us) used his endeavours to perswade him to a Complyance
what Particular discourse pass’d between that Gentlem: & Mr Brockwell
We cant pretend to Say, But the Church Wardens soon after going to
let him know ye desire of ye Church were prevented by his telling them
he knew what they came for, & had been Previously acquainted there-
with by one of ye Vestry who he said had used him Ill & to whom he
had declared his Determination & would stand to that & give no other
answer. Upon this some Gentleman very desirous of Peace
& to prevent all manner of misunderstandings; discoursed with Mr
Brockwell on ye affair & who then gave Encouragement to hope that he
would gratifie the Congregation’s desire & said ye best way wo’d be
to leave ye Matter to Mr Caner & himself not doubting but they sho’d
make all easy: & at another he declared that if Mr Caner had mentioned
ye thing to him, he should very readily have come into it. This my Lord
occasion’d ye Congregation to put ye matter upon that Issue & to desire
Mr Caner to talk with Mr Brockwell upon it, who at ye request of ye
Congregation, & upon Mr Brockwells own proposal was induced to do it
not having before in ye least concern’d himself with it
And thus my Lord we were in hopes that this matter had been Adjus=
=ted to Mr Brockwells own satisfaction as he soon after constantly
Preached in ye fore-noon without any sign of disgust or uneasiness
or giveing any cause that he was at ye same time makeing com-
=plaint against us, much less that he was makeing an Injurious
representation of Mr Caners conduct in ye affair; which Mr Caner
was brought into by entirely through Mr Brockwells own propo-
sal. And now my Lord we beg leave to Assure you that
if we had in ye least apprehended that our Proceedings would
have been looked upon as an Infringem:t on your Lordships Ap=
=pointm:t of ye Assistant Ministers We Sho’d have made our humble
Application for your Lordships order & directions in ye matter
Instead of makeing the request we did to Mr Brockwell & as we
would industriously avoid every thing that may Incurr your
Ldships displeasure & erase all Impressions that may have been
made to our hurt; We humbly Address your Ldship for an ex=
=plicit account of ye Duty of the Assistant (& as it appears he
has been always call’d by severall of Bishop Compton Ltres
& in our ‘till very lately, or afternoon Preacher or Lecturer that
we may conduct ourselves accordingly being fully Satisfied from
the great Opinion we have of yr Lordship’s Paternal goodness yt
your Lordship will have a most tender regard for our Infant
Church planted here in the midst of disaftected Separatists & not
suffer matters of an Indifferent nature, in ye least to Obstruct her
Welfare & Prosperity. As to what he would Insinuate
to your Ldship in order to represent us as contentious people
that he liv’d in perfect Harmony with ye People of his former Churchs
at Scittuate & Salem; We shall forbear to trouble yr Ldship
with anything that may Glance upon his Conduct towards
them any further than to say that the Case is very different
from what he would have yr Ldship believe it to be As We
think that ye Minutes of ye proceedings in this Affair enter’d in
our Books may farther Contribute to Shew it to your Ldship
in its true Colaur. We have inclosed a Copy of them. We are wth
great Respect yr LdShips
Most dutif: & Obedt & humbl
H: Caner Ministr |
George Craddock. |
J.s Forbes |
J Gordon & |
Ward:s |
Eliak:m Hutchinson |
Jno Gibbins |
J Box |
Job Lewis |
Edw.d Tyng |
Henry Frankland |
Silv:tr Gardiner |
Jon:a Pue |
Chas Apthorp |
Whereas a Subscription was Sometime ago begun
by his Excelency Wm Shirley Esq.r Sir Henry Frankland, Peter
Fanneuil Esq.r & others for rebuilding Kings Chapel in Boston
& Whereas the S.d Peter Fanneuil Esq.r then chosen Treasurer or
or Receiver to ye S:d Subcribers Soon after died & nothing further
has been Since done in the Affair
Wee the Subscribers upon a Representation
that y.e S.d Chapel is now much more gone to decay & not worth
the Charge of repairs, out of regard to the honour of God, & the more
decent provition for his Publick Worship, & for Confirming &
further Promoting the Said Subscription heretofore begun
Doe hereby Severally Promise & Oblidge Our Selves Our heirs & to Pay at or before the last day of Septem.r
next ensueing ye date hereof in Quarterly Payments into
Charles Apthorp Esq.r hereby Appointed Treasurer to us the
Subscribers, or to ye Treasurer or Treasurers that may be hereafter
chosen by the majority of Sd Subscribers towards Rebuilding the
S.d Chapel the Several Sums annexed to our respective Names
And Wee doe hereby also further Promise invite all well
disposed Charitable Persons to Join this Subscription of Ours
shall be made Known to join wt us in the Good Work
above mentiond Done at Boston Sept:r 30. 1747
Subscribed | NE Currency Old Ten.r | Sterling | ||
Charles Apthorp |
£1000 |
W:m Shirley |
£200 |
James Gordon |
200 |
Henry Frankland |
150 |
John Box |
200 |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
40 |
James Forbes |
200 |
Tho.s Lechmere |
30 |
William Lambert |
100 |
James Smith |
30 |
Thomas Hawding |
400 |
Silvester Gardiner |
30 |
John Gibbins |
250 |
Charles Paxton |
50 |
Jonathan Pew |
100 |
Charles Knowles |
100 |
EdwdTynge |
250 |
Wm Vassall |
40 |
Henry Vassall341 |
40 |
Old Tenour |
Sterling money |
Brought forward |
710 |
200 |
Francis Brinley |
50 |
Joanna Brooker |
100 |
Edwd Ellis |
15 |
Saml Wentworth |
250 |
Henry Johnson |
10 |
Mary Jackson |
100 |
Joseph Royall |
10 |
Barlo Trecothick |
300 |
John Salmon |
100 |
Thos Inches |
100 |
Geo Craddock |
200 |
Powers Marriot |
150 |
Jno Greaton |
100 |
Jn.o Lindal |
150 |
Henry Lindel |
100 |
Tho.s Pearson |
50 |
Jonas Leonard |
50 |
Martin Brimmer |
50 |
James Jarvis |
50 |
Henrietta Maria Caine |
50 |
Ambrose Vincent |
50 |
Henry Lloyd |
200 |
Shrimpton Hutchinson342 |
200 |
Jn.o Wheatley |
100 |
Sarah Trecothick343 |
50 |
Wm Hull |
40 |
Peter Roe |
50 |
Gilbert Debloise344 |
100 |
Lewes Deblois345 |
100 |
Thos Hase |
50 |
Thos Bennet |
50 |
100 |
Tim.o Winship |
30 |
Gilbt Warner |
100 |
Antho Davis |
150 |
James Hill |
50 |
Jane Wendell |
40 |
Geo Arthur |
70 |
Thos Cole |
50 |
Wm Spikeman |
150 |
Jno Deacon |
50 |
Robt. Auchmooty |
200 |
W:m Bowen |
50 |
Geo Featherston |
25 |
Anna Houghton Cash pd |
3 |
by the Rev.d Mr Caner |
Saml Wentworth |
100 |
Henry Barnes |
100 |
Sarah Mach Neal W:do |
50 |
Isaac Royall Esqr346 |
150 |
Isaac Doubt |
50 |
Estes Hatch |
100 |
W:m Hall |
50 |
Hugh Hall347 |
200 |
Abig.l Hallyburton |
100 |
Andrew Johonnet |
50 |
Thos Keighley |
50 |
Thos Langford |
20 |
W:m Read |
100 |
W:m Tailor |
100 |
John Williams |
50 |
Thos White |
20 |
Joseph Halsey |
50 |
N. B. a Comittee being Chosen & Appointed to Solicit & Collect further Subscript
=ions & to Manage & Direct all Affairs Relating to the Rebuilding the Chapel
the Church Wardens can take no further cognizance hereof (as not being of the Comittee)
Save what may be Communicated to them by the Said Comittee or As they may be desired
by the Congregation & Vestrys
To Wm Vassal Esqr Boston Jan:r 25 1747/8
In Jamaica
Sir As ye ruinous condition of Kings Chapel in this Town
is very well known to You, who have Generously contributed to ye
rebuilding of it, And as you are not unacquanited wt the inability of
the People to Goe through wt So chargeable a work; wee flatter
our Selves wt Your further kind Assistance in Applying to such
well disposd Gentlemen of Your Acquaintances in Jamaica
whose Ability Generosity or Charity point them Out as proper
to be Applied to. A Violent Storm having lately carried
of a large Part of the Roof lays us under a necssity of hasting
the Work w.t all possible expedition. The Subscriptions
already Obtained Amount to about £1600 Sterling wch to
You at least who well know Our circumstances is an evidence
of the readiness & Zeal of the People in this Affair. Wee have
upon former Occasions particularly at y.e first erecting of
the Chapel experienced the Generosity of the Gentlem.n in the
West Indies Islands & their readyness to Assist their Brethren
in these Parts destitute of the favour of the Goverm.t & many
advantages they enjoy to Promote affairs of this Nature
And it is of Singular Pleasure to us that wee have the opportunity
of making our present Aplication to those Gentlemen thro Your
hands, whose Influence & Interest wee are very Sensible of &
whose knowledge of us & Our Circumstances will Give You all
the Advantages Proper to recomend the Case. Convinced of
Your readyness to Promote An Affair of this Kind Wee make
no Apology for giveing You this trouble but desire Our hearty
thanks may be Given those Gentlmen who Shall Please to lend
us their Assistance; entirely confideing in You to receive manage
& transmit to us Any Benefactions of this kind that offer
In y.e mean time heartilly wishing you Success in this & in Your
own Affairs & a speedy Safe Return. Wee take Leave to
Subscribe Our Selves Sir
Your mos Obedt. &c Most hble Servts
Henry Frankland |
H Caner Minister |
James Smith |
James Gordon & |
Ch Wardens |
James Forbes |
Jno Box |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Geo Craddock |
Jno Gibbins |
Charles Apthorp |
Silvester Gardner |
To all Charitable & well disposd Gentlemen in the Island
of Jamaica Wee the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of
Kings Chapel in Boston Send Greeting
The ruinous Condition of the Parish Church
called Kings Chapel in Boston requireing the Said Chappels being
speedilly rebuilt To which purpose the Congregation according to
their Ability has largly contributed, but the Sum falling much short
of Accomplishing the Work; Wee hereby humbly desire the Assist=
=ance of all Such well disposd Gentlemen in ye Island of Jamaica
whose abilitys enable them to Promote So good a work & particul=
=arly beg leave to recomend to them the following or other Such
form of Subscription as they Shall think proper to that end:
In the Mean time heartily Praying for their health & Wellfare
Wee Subscribe Our Selves their Most humble Serv.ts
Subscribed ut Supra
Wee the Subscribers upon Aplication
made to us from the Minister Ch: Wardens & Vestry of the Parish
Church of Kings Chapel at Boston in New England representing
the Nessesity of Rebuilding the Said Chapel & of their Inability
to Accomplish the Good Work alone. Willing to encourage
So good a design Doe promise to Pay towards Rebuilding
the Said Chapel unto William Vassal Esqr. appointed by
the Said Minister Ch: Wardens & Vestry Receive of Our
Said Bounty; the Several Sums Annexed to our respective
Names to be by him deliverd to the Said Gentlemen
for the Use above Specified
Done at Jamaica the day of
NB The foregoing were Transmitted to W.m Vassal Esq:r at
Jamaica per Cap:t Geo Ruggles
The following Letters were sent to London by Mr Will Martin in ye Ship
Samuell & John Mr Will. Blanshard Mr. bound for Hull
May it Please your Lordship Boston Janry 29th 1747/8
Wee think it our Duty to acquaint your
Lordship that Time & other Accidents & particularly a late Remark
-able Storm have so much impaird Kings Chapel in Boston, that
it is become necessary to Rebuild it. To which purpose ye Congrega-
-tion have chearfully entered upon a Subscription which at present
amounts to Sixteen Thousands Pound New Engd. Currency equall to
so many Hundreds Sterling & is daily increaseing; but as We have no
Expectation of their Ability to compleat the Work of themselves, they
have thought proper to apply to such Friends whose Ability & Virtue
give Hopes of their encourageing a design of this Nature. But as all
probable means in our Power will be found little enough to accomplish
the good Work; We humbly beg leave to ask your Lordships Opinion
of the Propriety of an Application to his Majesty in fav:r of a Church
the first in America & who at the publick Charge erected a very handsome
Pew for his Majesties Gov:r a Church which has heretofore tasted of
the Royal Bounty, & if we may Judge by ye Name, seems in some
measure encouraged to expect it. We are sensible your Lordships
Interest & Influence would be ye greatest Security of Success, if such
an Application were thot’ practicable & proper whether that Assistance
were Ask’d from the Royall Bounty or by Virtue of an Authorita=
-tive Breif. In hopes of being favourd with your L.dships
Direction & supported by your Interest. We beg leave to Assure
Your Lordship that we are with all Duty & Submission
Yr Lordships Most obedient
& most humble Servants
P.S. Enclos’d with this your
Lordship will Receive Duplicates
of our Former Letter & Papers
The Right Reverend Father in God
Edmund Lord Bishop of London
Boston New Engd January 1747/8
May it Please your Lordship
Your Lordships residence for sometime
in these Parts of America, but especially your Known Zeal &
Liberality in promoting ye Interest of Religion & Learning here,
encourages us to acquaint your Lordship with ye Condition of
Kings Chapel in this Town & to ask your Interest & Assistance
in favour of its being Rebuilt, which by Time & Accidents is now
become necessary. The Congregation have chearfully contributed
according to their Ability, but that is much short of what ye Work
will Require. If a Letter from your Lordship to any Persons
in England who are Piously & charitably disposed, might be thot’
to Procure Assistance to a thing of this kind, We beg leave to hope it
will not be wanting. Mr Thom:s Sandford Merch:t in London is
the Person with whom any thing Advanced in our favour might be
safely lodged in order to be transmitted to us. We beg leave your
Lordships pardon for this freedom & leave to Subscribe ourselves
with all dutifull Regard
Your Lordships most obedient
& most Humble Servants
The Right Reverend Father in God
George Lord Bishop of
Boston in New Eng.d Januy 29. 1747/8
While the united Acclamations of Brittish
Subject have agreed to cellebrate the Success God has given his Majesties
Fleet under your Conduct; Permitt us also at this distance to Assure
you that We hear the News of your Victories with Joy & celebrate them
with Gratitude to Heaven. Particularly we thank God for that
renewal of that Health, so necessary to ye publick Service, & which
We hear was some time since in a Precarious State. If the
many great Affairs in which you are engaged give you leisure to
to attend to that Application of a people at this distance, We humbly
beg leave to lay before you ye ruinous Condition of Kings Chapel in
this Town, which haveing suffered very much from a late Violent
Storm is now become necessary to be rebuilt. Subscriptions are
raiseing to this purpose with all Diligence, a List of which we
have Presum’d to inclose, but as it is impossible for ye Congregation
to raise a Sufficient Sum to Accomplish ye Work. We flattered our
Selves We might take leave to recomend a thing of this Nature to you
whose Abilities enable you to do that which your Prudence and
Generosity dictate. ‘Tis our Necessity which gives us ye confidence
of this Address, & which must also be our excuse for ye particular
freedom of it. Wee only beg leave further to assure you that We
shall heartily Pray for Your Health & Happiness & that We
are with all proper Submission
Yr most Obedt & most Humb Serv.ts
The Honourable S:r Peter Warren
NB the Above Letter wt a Coppy of the Subscription paper was Addressd & forwarded
At ye Request of the Minister Wardens & Vestry Under Cover of S:r Hen: Frankland Chas: Apthorp Esqr
& Mr Thos Hancock
Boston N Engd Jany 29th 1747/8
Mr Thos Sanford
Our former Experience of your Goodness has
determin’d us to apply to you, not doubting your Interest in the
Affair in which we are at Present engaged, which is that of rebuilding
Kings Chapel in this Town, become necessary by Time & by Injuries
of a late Storm. We have Addressed some friends abroad for As-
sistance as We are not able to Perfect ye Work alone, & have Presum’d
to direct them, if any thing should be Obtain’d, to lodge it with you,
whom we desire to receive it & transmitt it to us. If you should add
your own Interest to ye Advancement of this Design, We should Ac-
-knowledge it as an Addition to ye Many favrs done to Sr Yr Most H: Servts
NB: The foregoing Letters were Sign’d by ye Minister & Vestry
Mr John Caswall Boston New Engd Jany 1747/8
The design of this is to inform you that our
friend your late Uncle Henry Caswall348 did some time agoe
in Company with his Excellency Gov:r Shirley, Sr Henry Frankland
& other ye Heads & Members of Kings Chapel in Boston, did project
to rebuild ye sd Chapel; & to this End fram’d a Subscription which
each of them signd with his own Hand to be paid when Ten Thousand
Pounds this Currency should be Subscribed. But as ye Affair was not pro-
secuted with Vigour by ye Managers, ye sd Sum was not entirely raisd ,
‘till a few Days before Mr Caswall’s Death. The sum of ye Subscriptns
now Amounts to about Fifteen Thousand Pounds, & a much greater is
still wanted. We yr fore beg ye fav:r of your Order to Mr Sherman who
is Administrator upon your Uncles Estate here, to pay ye sd Subscription
(which he thinks himself not impower’d to do without) being Two
Hundred Pound of this Currency, equall at the time of Subscribeing
to about forty Pound Sterling. And if We may promise ourselves
any Addition to the sd Sum from your own Bounty; we shall take
care to Acknowledge it as a very seasonable Instance of your regard
to Religion & ye Prosperity of ye Churches in New England & esteem
it a favour done to
Sr your most Hum:le Servts
This & ye foregoing Letters were Signed by ye Minister & Vestry
Henry Caner Minister |
James Gordon |
Wardens |
John Box |
Henry Frankland |
Charles Apthorp |
Geo Craddock |
Jno Gibbins |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Jona Pue |
Edwd Tyng |
Silvestr Gardner |
James Smith |
Sr Boston January 1747/8
Wee the Minister Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
in Boston beg leave to return our hearty Thanks for your very Kind
& generous Subscription towards rebuilding our decayed Church, of
which we were acquainted by our very worthy Friend Sr Henry=
Frankland. Your departure from hence so soon after we were Noti=
-fied of this fav:r Prevented us of ye pleasure of waiting upon you and
Paying ye proper Compliments of Gratitude. This was what we
should Particularly have chosen at that critical Juncture as a
Testimony of our dislike of ye Tumultuous Proceedings, which
unaccountably took Place about that Time. Prevented of that
Opportunity We have Pitcht upon this Method of expressing ye Senti=
=ments We entertain of your Virtue & Bounty & to assure You that
as we shall always esteem ourselves bound to Pray for your
Health & Welfare so particularly that all your enterprises for
his Majesties Service & the publick good of our Nation may be
crown’d with Success. We only beg leave farther to assure you that
we are with all Possible Gratitude
your most Obliged most Obed:t
To The Honble Char:s Knowles Esq:r & most Hum: Servants
May it Please your Honour Boston Janry 29t.h 1747/8
Kings Chapel in this Town, worn out by Time &
Particularly shattered by a late Storm, is thot’ necessary to be rebuilt;
to which purpose Subscriptions are raiseing both at Home & abroad, it
being impossible the Congregation should do it without Assistance
& as your Honour is a Proprietor of it, & your Family there Accomoda=
=ted with ye Advantages of Divine Worship. We have thought it our Duty
to acquaint you with ye proceedings of the Church (& Accordingly have in=
=closed a List of ye present Subscriptions) & to beg your Assistance in carry=
=ing on ye Good Work. This indeed We promise ourselves from your known
Virtue & Generosity but We shall entirely leave it with you how far & in
what manner to recomend a thing of this Nature to ye Officers & Gentlem:n
of ye Garrison. Assureing ourselves that this Affair will have your Ut=
=most Countenance, we only beg leave to Add our hearty good wishes
for your Health & Prosperity & that we are Your Honrs Most Obedt & Most Hum:
The Honble Paul Mascarene Esq.r
NB this Ltre & a Copy of ye Subscriptions inclosed, were del.d to ye care of Capt Chs Harris who sail’d in the
Massachusetts Frigate
Sir Boston Febry 3.d 1747/8
Kings Chapel in Boston, the first Church ever
built in this part of ye World is now, through length of Time, &
sundry Accidents bro’t to such a Ruinous Condition as to occa-
-sion its being Spedily pull’d down. And ye Members thereof,
notwithstanding the generous Subscriptions of his Excellency
our Gov:r & Sr Henry Frankland; with all ye Efforts they can
make here, finding themselves unequall to ye Rebuilding the
same, are constrain’d to seek Assistance from abroad.
We Therefore ye Minister, Wardens & Vestry of sd Church
takeing Encouragem:t from ye Benefaction of that Brave and
worthy Officer, Admiral Knowles; Presume to make our
address to you not doubting the Veneration you have for
Established Church & the great Success whith which it hath pleased
Almighty God to bless you will be sufficients Motives to render our poor
Church a proper Object of your Charity & thereby give us an Opportu-
-nity of numbering Capt Thos Frankland, as well as Sr Henry amongst
our best Benefactors. We pray for ye Continuance of your good Success
& are with due Regard
Yr most Hum:l Servts
Capt Tho;s Frankland
NB D.D. the Above Letter wt the Letter to Mr Knowles, to Sr Henry Frankland
to be forwarded under his Cover
At a Meeting of the Propietors of the Pews in Kings Chapel
On Sunday March 27 1748 After Evening Servis at ye Said
Chapel, being duely Warned from ye Desk ye forgoeing Sunday
& also by Printed Tickets Sent & left at their Several habitations
The Sd Propretors being informd of this Ruinous Conditon of this
Said Chapel & also that there was a considerable Sum Subscribed
towards the Rebuilding the Same it was
Voted Nemime contradicente That the Said Chapel Shall be Pulled
down And Also
Voted Nemime contradecente That the Said Chapel be Rebuilt
At a Meeting of the Ch: Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel in Boston
at Mr. Hallyburtons in Kings Street on Thursday Mar 31 1748
Present |
Ja Gordon |
Wardens |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
John Box |
Jona Pue Esq.r |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Capt James Forbes |
Char.s Apthorp Esq.r |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
Doct.r Silvester Gardiner |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
The Church Wardens haveing laid the Acc.ts of the State of the Church before the
Vestry whereby it appears that when each of the Propietors have Paid up the
Arrears of y.e present Assesment of each of their Pews the Whole Sum or
Amount of Said Assesment together with the Transient Money will
fall Short of Defraying the Charge of the Chapel to Easter next about
Two Hundred & fifty four Pounds Old Ten.r Computed to be Seven shillings
per Pound on the Present Assesment each & every Propietor Ought to Pay
before Easter Sunday next: that y.e Wardens may be enabled to Pay of the
Salleries & discharge the Debts of the Chapel
Being informd of your design very speedily
for England, ‘Tis with much pleasure we entertain so favourable
an Opportunity of prosecuting the Interest of our New Church
with our Friends at home. The doing of it thro’ your Hands who
have hitherto so heartily appeared in it & so generously contributed
towards it, we imagine will be ye best method to convince our
Friends of the necessity of the thing & of our Inability to accomplish
it without their kind Assistance. The several Letters we
have sent before to Sr Peter Warren & others representing the
decayed & ruinous Condition of Kings Chapel, the heavy
charge of rebuilding it & ye generous Subscriptions that have
here been made towards, tho’far short of what charge will
amount to; will indeed give those Gentlemen some distant No=
=tion of what we are doing, but when ye matter is explain’d &
recomended by you, who have been engaged in ye previous Mea=
=sures that have been taken. We assure ourselves the thing will
Appear in a more favourable Light & more readily determine their
concurring to our Request. Assured of the your readiness to un=
=dertake the thing, We have presumed to inclose a copy of our
Subscriptions, which we apprehend you have sufficient Autho=
=rity to recomend to any Gentlemen generously dispos’d, both
from our present Request & as you are a Member of ye Vestry.
Heartily Wishing you a safe Voyage, Success in this
& in your own Affairs, We take leave to assure you that
we are with much Esteem & Regard
Sr your Assured Friends &
most Hum:le Servts
H: Caner Minister |
James Gordon |
C: Wardens |
Jno Box |
George Craddock |
Jno Gibbins |
Ch:s Apthorp |
Silvr Gardiner |
To all charitable & well dispos’d Persons to whom ye inclos’d
Subscription may be presented, the Minister Wardens & Vestry of
Kings Chapel in Boston send Greeting.
Whereas the Parish Church of Kings Chapel in
Boston is by Time & Accidents gone to decay & is therefore found Neces-
-sary to be Rebuilt. The Congregation have generously according to
their Ability subscribed towards the good Work But the Sum being
much short of what so great a Work will Require, We have presum’d to
Ask & to hereby heartily desire the Assistance of all Charitable & well
disposed Persons to whom our Subscription may be Presented
& particularly that they will be pleased to pay whatever Sums
they shall think proper to Advance to this good Design. To our
very good Friend Sr Henry Frankland, who as he has been a very
Liberal Subscriber towards & is himself a Member of the Vestry of
of sd Chapel, We have presum’d to trouble with the inclosed Sub=
=scription, & to desire him to receive & transmitt to us whatever
may be Advanced in consequence of this our Humble Request, your
favourable reception of which will engage the Prayers & hearty
good Wishes of Your Hum:l Servants.
Done at Boston in New England |
Hen: Caner Minister |
Aprill ye 12th 1748 |
James Gordon |
Wardens |
Jno Box |
Geo Craddock |
Jno Gibbins |
Char.s Apthorp |
Silvester Gardiner |
Tuesday in Easter Week April 12. 1748 being the day
appointed for the Proprietors of the Pews in Kings Chapel to Choose
their Church Wardens Vestry Men & Officers. The Said Propietors
being Mett at ye Chapel Present only fifteen Voters
Voted |
James Gordon & |
Be, and are Continued Church Wardens for the |
John Box |
Year ensueing |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men for the Year be fiveteen &
Any five of them be a Quorum: here follows the Names
of the Gentlemen Chosen Viz By Ballot
13 |
his Excelency Gov.r Shirley |
15 |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
9 |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
13 |
Doct:r Silvester Gardiner |
13 |
Sir Henry Frankland |
14 |
Robert Auchmooty Esq.r * |
14 |
Francis Brinley Esq.r * |
14 |
Cap.t Edw.d Tynge |
14 |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
15 |
Geo: Craddock Esq.r |
by a New Vote |
Capt James Forbes |
14 |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
Mr James Smith |
13 |
Doct.r John Cutler * |
10 |
Voted Seperatly That |
Thomas Hase be Clerk |
Mr Stephen D’Blois be Organist |
W:m Ruleau be Sexton |
Voted that |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Job Lewis Esq.r & |
be Auditors of the last Years Accots |
Mr James Smith |
Voted That this Meeting be Adjourned to Wendsay the 20 Curr.t to Meet
at ye Said Chapel after Morning Prayers & that Notification
there of be given On Sunday Next
At the Meeting of the Propietors Afforsd at the Chapel on Wednesday
April 20. 1748 by Adjournment. It was Proposd to Pay the Rev:d
M.r Henry Caner his Last Years Salary of One hundred & Ten Pounds Sterl.g
at y.e rate of Nine hundred per C.t in New Engl.d Currency Old Ten:r or Ten for One Proposall was Accepted & Agreed to. by the Rev.d Mr Henry Caner our Minister
& Therefor
Voted Unanimously that ye Rev:d M.r Henry Caners Salerly for y.e Year 1747
Ending at Easter last be Computed & Paid at 900 per Ct Old Tenour Exchange
Voted That M.r Stephen Diblois Shall have Eighty Pounds Old Ten.r Sallery
as Organist for ye Year ensueing Ending at Easter Next
Voted that Mr Tho:s Hase Shall have Sixty pounds Old Ten.r Sallery as Clerk
for ye Year ensueing ending at Easter Next
Voted That Mr Wm Ruleau Shall have Thirty Shilling per Week as
Sexton for ye Ensueing Year ending at Easter Next for he is to
doe all y.e Dutys of Sd Office & call ye Vestrys & Propietors & other Meetings
of ye Church, he Shall be Orderd without any further Consideration
Voted that all & each Propietor of a Pew or Pew or Pews in this Church Shall
Pay Seven Shillings On ye Pound on all Such Sum or Sums as their Pew or
Pews Are Assesd or Rated by last Assesment
Copy of a Demand Made by the Wardens of Kings Chapel on Benja
Fanneuil for One third Part of Two hundred Pounds Sterling Subscribed by
Peter Fanneuil Esq.r in his life time towards Rebuilding this Kings Chapel
on whos Estate the Said Benja Fanneuil Adminstred
Whereas Sundry Members of Kings Chapel in Boston
at a Meeting on or About the 2d Nov.r 1741 voluntarily Subscribed
towards the Rebuilding the Said Chapel Amongst whom Peter Fannuil
Esqr Subscribed Two hundred Pounds Sterling, One third Part thereof as Soon as Ten Thousand Pounds Old Tenour be Subscribed , One third more Six Months after the Building is began, and ye other third Six months after ye Second Payment
Now Whereas all, or most of
the Subscribers have made their first Payment above Ten Thousand
Pounds Old Tenr being Subscribed Wee the Wardens of S.d Church
wait upon you M:r Benjamin Faneuil349 as Administrator to
Your late Brother Peter Faneuil Esq.r dec.d for the first payment
of his Subscription of Two hundred Pounds Sterling, being Sixty
Six Pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence Sterling: or Old Tenour
equivalent Signed
Boston Dec.r 17. 1748 |
James Gordon |
Wardens |
John Box |
The above is a true Copy of a Written Paper
Deliverd to Mr Benj.a Fanneuil in Our Presence
By James Gordon & Jn.o Box Wardens, this 17th
Day of December 1748
Petr Roberts |
Testes |
Jona Greenleaf |
Wee the Wardens of Kings Chapel Waited on Mr Benj.a Fanneuil
w.t the Above Wittnesses & Made a Demand in Manner & form of Sixty
Six Pounds thirteen Shillings & four Pence Sterling, or the Equivalent
in Old Ten.r Currency, being the One third Part & first Payment of Two=
hundred Pounds Sterling Subscribed by his Bro.r Peter Faneuil des.d
towards Rebuilding ye Kings Chapel. The demand being made
of him as Administrator to his Said des.d Brothers Estate,
he Answerd: he would not pay this Sum
James Gordon |
Wardens |
John Box |
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings
Chapel on Thursday February March 2.d 1748 at ye house of the Rev.d
Mr Henry Caner Present. |
The Rev.d M.r H Caner Minister |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Jno Box |
Dr: Jno Gibbins |
Chars Paxton Esq.r |
Mr Thos Hawding |
Dr Silvr Gardiner |
Mr James Smith |
It was proposd that a Letter of Adress Should be Sent to Our Diocesian
Doctor Tho.s Sherlock Lord Bishop of London upon his Translation
to ye See of London & upon a Draught of a letter being Presented
it was read and Agreed to be Signd by the Minister Church Wardens &
Vestry as follows
May it pleas Your Lordship Boston February 27. 1748
To recive the Address & Congratulation
of the Minister Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel in Boston upon
Your Ldships Translation to the See of London.
We sincerely bless that good Providence of God disposd his Majesty
to appoint, & Your Lordship to accept, a Station of so great conseq
=uence to the intrest of the Church; the Importance of may
reasonably employ Your Lordships great Abbilitys
Remote as we are from the Episcopal Throne, we have yet the
honour of being esteemed a Part of Your Lordships Diocess
in consequence of wee doubt not of shareing your Paternal
care & Benediction. Kings Chapel is the first Church erected in
New Engl:d it has labourd under a Series of opposition, tho
now pretty well & firmly establishd. All the Churches in New Engd
have taken their Rise from its countenance & Support & particularly
two other large Churches in this Town of Boston.
Its priority in point of Time, & the difficultys have attended it from
that circumstance have entitled it to singular honours & Priveledges
An Assistant was procured for it by Bishop Compton, now paid out
of ye Civil List, & a Small Library by the same Intrest
The Rector of it had ye honour to be appointed Commisary by Our
Late Worthy Diocesian & enjoyd other marks of his Favour
And as wee hope by our dutifull Behaviour to merrit Your
Lordships Notice in like Manner so wee begg leave in all
humility to expect it, & in particular Your Lordships Episcopal
Benediction most highly valued by
Your Lordships most dutifull & obedient
Will: Shirley. the Gov.r |
Serv.ts Hen: Caner |
Minister |
James Gordon |
Wardens |
Jno Box |
Eliakm Hutchinson |
Char.s Apthorp |
Jno Gibbins |
James Smith |
Silvester Gardiner |
Tho.s Hawding |
Char.s Paxton |
Edw.d Tynge |
John Cutler |
Geo Craddock |
To the Right Rev.d Father in God
Thos Lord Bishop of London
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at the Exchange Tavern on
Wednesday June 28. 1749 Present the Revd M.r Caner Minister
Ja Gordon |
Wardens |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Jno Box |
Mr James Smith |
Chars Apthorp Esq.r |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
Capt James Forbes |
As M.r Jos: Carbut refuses to Sit in the Pew N 85 as Voted last Vestry
Meeting As not agreeable to him
Voted that Mr Joseph Carbut be Seated in the Pew N 121 (reserving
a Seat therein for Mr Wat) he Paying three Shillings Old Tenr
Refused every Sunday Contribution or Such further Assesment as the
Vestry Shall determine toward the Support of the Chapel
Voted M.r Winslow & his ffamilly (who Sit in S:r Harry Franklands
Pew) be Seated in the Pew N 80 formerly Bulls he Paying five
Shillings Old Ten.r per Sunday or Such further Assesment as the Vestry
Shall determine
Voted that the Congregation be Notified on Sunday next to Meet at the
Chapel on the Wednesday following after Morning Prayers in Order
to Agree on a further Assesment on this Pew, the present Assesment
being Unequal to the Charges of the Church
Voted that the Pew N 71 be forfeited & revert to the Church if the Present
Possesors, being first asked, does not pay up the Arreages of Contribution
within fourteen days from this time And in that case M.r Wheatley
who now Sitts there Shall have the refusall of Sitting there he Paying
the Sd Arrearge & Such Weekly Contribution as Shall be Sett on it
by the Vestry N.B. M.r Eastwick Pd the Arrearge within the time
Agreed that Giles Brewer be Seated in the Pew N 121 in the
Gallery of Kings Chapel he Pay:d four Shillings Old Tenr
Per Week Contribution So long as he Shall Posses the Same
or Such further Assesment as the Propieters or Vestry
Shall Rate the Same, towards defraying the Charge of
Sd Chapel NB July 1. 1749 he Signd to this Agreement
The Gentlemen of the Vestry having used all the Means in their Power
w.t the Assistance of the Wardens to collect & Get in the Arrearage of Contributions due to the Chapel Yet by means of the low Circumstances of Severall of
the Propietors, the Depreciation of the Present Currency & other Accidental
Arrearges there is Still a deficiency of about One hundred & fifty Pounds
Old Ten.r to Ballance the Acc.ts of the Chapel for the Years 1747 & 1748
to raise Sum they have Agreed Upon a Voluntary Subscription is to be handed About & Presented to the Several Propietors of the Pews
& others -- here follows a List of the Subscribers & the Sums Given
in Old Tenr Currency Viz
Charles Apthorp Esqr |
£6 |
pd |
Wm Lambert Esq.r |
£3 |
Mr James Smith |
8 |
pd |
Rob.t Auchmooty Esq.r |
4 |
Dr John Gibbins |
3 |
pd |
Jonas Leonard |
1 |
James Gordon |
3 |
pd |
Thos Cole |
1 |
Dr Silv:r Gardiner |
4 |
pd |
Henry Loyd |
4 |
Mr John Box |
4 |
pd |
Thos White |
1 |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
4 |
pd |
Shrimpton Hutchinson |
3 |
Mr Tho:s Hawding |
4 |
pd |
Thos Langford |
3 |
Mr Powers Marriott |
4 |
pd |
Thos Pearson |
3 |
Capt James Forbes |
3 |
pd |
Stephen Nazaro |
1.10 |
Dr Jn.o Cutler |
2.2 |
pd |
Gilbert Deblois |
20 |
Mr Thos Gunter |
5 |
pd |
Robert Stone |
3 |
Mr Tho:s Inches |
2 |
pd |
John Greaton |
4 |
| Quick |
2 |
pd |
Saml Wethered |
2 |
| Jackson |
2 |
pd |
Wm Bowen |
2 |
Mrs Speikman |
2 |
pd |
Thos Hase |
1 |
Cap:t Tyng |
4 |
pd |
Mr Mich Corvain |
2 |
Mr Henry Laddel |
2 |
pd |
Wm Tailor |
2 |
Mrs Sarah McNeil |
2.2 |
pd |
Thos Letchmere Esqr |
3 |
Geo: Cradock Esqr |
3 |
pd |
Peter Roe & James Dalton |
4 |
Mr Jn.o Mascarene |
4 |
pd |
Samd Buttler |
1 |
Mr Jame Boutineau |
3 |
pd |
John Sanburn |
Mr Samll Wentworth |
4 |
pd |
Govr Shirley Per E Hutchinsn |
Eliak.m Hutchinson Esqr |
4 |
pd |
Esq.r Recd Mar 28. 1751 |
5.1 |
Jona Pue Esqr |
2 |
Charles Paxton Esqr |
4 |
Mr Martin Brimmer |
2 |
Mr Jn:o Leddel |
4 |
Mr Geo: Arthur |
2 |
Mr Hen: Mar: Caine |
1.4.6 |
Mr Gilbt Warner |
1 |
Mrs Doro: Wharton |
1 |
====== |
101.8.6 |
The Above Collection Amounting to £ of wch £158.18.6 is paid
5. 1
is Applied as follows Viz
£71.16.10 is carried to the Creditt Side of the Churches Acot 1747 to Ballance that Acot
85.6 is carried to the Credit Side of Do Aco.t 1748 to Ballance that Acot
1.15.8 is carried to the Credit of the Church Acot in July 1749
Wednesday Kings Chapel July 5. 1749
The Propietors of the Pews in Kings Chapel being duely Notified
from the Desk on Sunday last as by vote of Vestry of 28 Ulto to meet
& being Mett Accordingly Voted that each Pew in the Chapel
be & is Assesed Fifty Per Cent or Ten Shillings in the Pound more &
Over & above the last Assesment wch each & every Propietor or
Person or Persons Seated in ye Several & respective Pews Are to
Pay for this Year commencing at Easter Sunday last past
& to continue till a further Assesment is Agreed upon or Voted
by the Majority of the Propietors duely warned & Present
The Present Assesment on each comes to Old Tenor Currency Viz
1 Gov.r |
£30 |
32 Thos Hase |
£ 6 |
67 Arthur |
£ 9 |
2 Paxton |
15 |
33 Wethered |
12 |
68 Randell &c |
15 |
3 Hatch |
15 |
34 Shirley |
15 |
69 Ledell & Hill |
15 |
4 Hutchinson |
15 |
35 Taylor |
15 |
70 Apthorp |
15 |
5 Forbes |
18 |
36 Wroe |
9 |
71 Halls heirs |
11.5 |
6 Frankland |
15 |
37 Gurrot |
15 |
72 Vincent |
11.5 |
7 Gordon |
15 |
38 Fanneuils hrs |
15 |
73 Greaton |
11.5 |
8 Bowen |
15 |
39 Monk |
15 |
74 Pearson |
11.5 |
9 Apthorp |
15 |
40 Gardner |
15 |
75 Rogers |
8.5 |
10 Speakman |
15 |
41 Powell &c |
15 |
76 Welchman |
13 |
11 Ruggles |
12 |
42 Gibbins |
15 |
77 Cowell |
11.5 |
12 Houghton |
11.15 |
43 Mascarene |
15 |
78 Phillips heirs |
9 |
13 Sanderson |
11.5 |
44 Trecothick |
15 |
79 Pollard Seated |
13 |
14 Wells |
11.5 |
45 Loyd |
15 |
80 Winslow Seated |
13 |
15 Wharton |
11.5 |
46 Lewis pd |
15 |
81 Briggs 7.16 |
16 Read |
11.5 |
47 Burns |
9 |
82 Eyres heirs |
7.16 |
17 Jackson |
11.5 |
48 Newton |
9 |
--------- |
18 Halsey |
8.5 |
50 Letchmere |
18 |
19 Trecothick |
8.5 |
51 Oulton |
18 |
Gallery |
20 Wendall |
8.5 |
52 Brinley |
18 |
83 |
7.16 |
21 Johonnet |
13 |
53 Smith |
22.10 |
84 Sherman |
11.5 |
7.16 |
54 Marriot |
9 |
85 Coxe |
11.5 |
23 Winship &c |
7.16 |
56 Hawding |
12 |
86 Leonard |
11.5 |
24 Fisher & Davis |
6.15 |
57 Colesworthy |
12 |
87 Quick |
11.5 |
25 Johnsons |
6.15 |
58 Cutler |
12 |
88 |
11.5 |
26 Bretton |
6.15 |
59 Steels hrs |
11.5 |
89 Stone & Featherstone |
12 |
27 Nazaro |
6.15 |
60 Auchmooty |
18 |
90 heirs of Grainger |
7.16 |
28 hunts heirs |
7.16 |
61 Stewart |
18 |
91 Box |
9.16 |
29 halyburton &c |
7.16 |
63 Tynge |
18 |
92 Seaburn & Graffton |
7.16 |
30 hardcastle |
9 |
65 Craddock |
18 |
93 Langford &C |
7.16 |
31 Mucklemans |
7.16 |
66 Warner &c |
12 |
94 |
Pew N |
Assesmtt |
Old T |
Assesmt |
Pew N | Assesmtt | Old T | Assesmtt | ||||
95 Mrs Newman & |
£ 11.5 |
109 Keitley &c |
£ 7.16 |
Mrs Saunders |
96 Box |
11.5 |
110 |
97 Pue |
11.5 |
111 Liddell Scholars |
7.16 |
98 Pointz |
11.5 |
112 Govr Servants |
99 Apr for Old Women |
113 |
5.5 |
100 Cole & White |
7.16 |
114 Lucas & Harwood |
5.5 |
Recd of Mr Harwood |
4. |
101 Brimmer |
7.16 |
115 Wing & Habisham |
5.5 |
102 Jackson & Deacon |
7.16 |
116 |
Churches |
103 M:cNeal |
7.16 |
117 |
104 Harvey |
7.16 |
118 Seated Mr |
at 4/ Per Wk Contrib.t |
5.5 |
105 Bennet |
7.16 |
119 Youngs & |
Paliere |
5.5 |
106 Inches |
7.16 |
120 |
107 Trecothick |
7.16 |
121 Brown Seated |
10.8 |
108 Roe |
7.16 |
122 |
7.16 |
Whole Assesment |
Amo to |
£1268 |
Pews belonging to ye Chapel Apropriated
- 49 A Small Seat under the Pulpit
- 55 The Wardens
- 62 The Ministers
- 64 Sea Officers
- 99 98 Old Women
- 94 Appropriate for Old Men
- 96
- 97
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of
Kings Chapel at ye House of the Rev:d Mr Caner on Thursday
December 14. 1749 Present the Rev.d M.r H Caner Minister
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Jno. Box |
Dr Jno. Gibbins |
Geo: Craddock Esq.r |
M:r Barlow Trecothick |
Capt James Forbes |
Mr Powers Marriot |
A Letter wch came by Cap Craigie from his Grace the Lord
Bishop of London (in Answer to Ours of ye 27 Febr: last past)
being comunicated & orderd to be Recorded as follows
To the Rev.d Mr Caner & to the Church Wardens
& Gentlemen of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
at Boston in New England
London Sept:r 13. 1749.
I return you my sincere thanks & acknowledgment for your
kind Congratulation. The best prospect I have of doing any Service
among You to Religion & the Church of England, depend upon the
Assistance I promise my Self from your good disposition & Inclination towards
both. How able I may be, or what opportunitys
I may have to Serve you depends not on me, but on the great
Master whom both you and I Serve; one thing I trust I may
promise, that I Shall never want the Will to Promote, as far
as in me lies, Your present & future Happiness
I heartilly recomend you to y.e Care & Protection of God, & of
our Blessed Lord & Redeemer Christ Jesus
I am
Your Aff:t & Obed.t Servt in Christ
Tho:s London
At a meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
Dec.r 14. 1749 at ye house of the Rev.d Mr Henry Caner
The Rev.d Mr Henry Caner Minister |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Capt James Forbes |
Present |
Jno Box |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Dr Jn.o Gibbins |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
Geo Craddock Esqr |
Voted Collo Benja Pollard may, if he & M.r Winslow Agree,
take down the Partition between his Pew N 79 & Mr Winslows Pew N
at his or their Cost Provided they or either of them repair & build up the
Said Partition Again when required by the Vestry Provided Also that
they or either them shall engage to Paysuch a Sum or Sums of money As
Shall be Assesed or Sett upon the S.d Pews so conjoined dureing the time
Chappel is Pulled down
Easter Monday April 15. 1750
At a Meeting of the Propietors of Kings Chapel in Boston at
Said Chapel to Choose Wardens Vestry Men & other Church offices
for the Ensueing Year
Voted that James Gordon & John Box be & are Continued Church
Wardens for ye ensueing Year
Voted there be fifteen Vestry Men Chosen for ye Ensueing Year
& the following Gentlemen were duely elected by Ballot or
written Votes; as were the Wardens
8 Votes |
Governor Shirley |
8 Votes |
Doctor Jno Gibbins |
7 Do |
Sr Henry Frankland Bart |
8 |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
8 Do |
Charles Apthorp Esqr |
7 |
Charles Paxton Esq.r |
8 Do |
George Craddock Esq.r |
7 |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
6 Do |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
7 |
Mr Powers Marriott |
7 Do |
Capt James Forbes |
8 |
Mr James Smith |
7 Do |
Mr Thomas Hawding |
7 |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
7 |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
7 |
Voted that Thomas Hayes be continued Clerk wt ye Same Sallery as last Year
Voted that M.r Stephen De Blois be continued Organist for ye Year ensueing
Voted ye Value of Twenty Pounds Old Ten.r be Added to Mr De Blois’s Salery
as Organist wch makes it equal to One Hundred Pounds Old Ten.r
Voted that W:m Ruleau be & is continued Sexton for ye ensueing Year wt the
Same Sallory as last Year. Viz y.e Value of Thirty Shillings Old Tenr per
Voted the Manadgment of ye Pews & Prudential of the Church be left to the
Church Wardens & Vestry for ye ensueing Year as formerly
{ |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Voted that |
George Craddock Esq.r |
be Auditors of ye last Years Aco.ts |
& M.r James Smith |
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of King Chapel
At ye Ministers house on Moneday April 23. 1750
Present The Revd Mr Henry Caner Minister |
S.r Henry Frankland Bar.t |
James Gordon & |
Mr James Smith |
Jno Box Wardens |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
The Sen.r Warden laid a State of the Chapel as to the Charge of the Church for the
Year 1749 from Easter Mar 25. 1749 to Easter April 15. 1750 Old Tenr
And likewise laid before the Vestry an Estimate of the Arrearage due from the
Propietors & others Seated in ye Pews of Said Chapel for ye Said year to Make up the
last Assesment on Said Pews of at Easter Sunday past of £444.10/- O Ten.r
Voted That One half of Pew No 119. in ye Galery lately Possesed by Youings
des.d (provided he has left no Widdow or heirs that will Pay the Arrears & further engage to Continue the Contribution) be disposd of by the Wardens, Giveing Mr Palliere, who Posseses the other one half, the Preference he or they
Paying the Arrears & engaging for the Contribution
Voted that the Wardens Shall dispose of, or Place Such Persons as they think proper in
the Pew No 113 in ye Gallery in like manner
Voted that the Wardens dispose of, or Place whom they think proper in One half of the Pew No 93 in ye Gallery, giveing Mr Langford the Preference he or
they Paying the Arrears & engaging for the future Contribution
Voted that the Church Wardens dispose of, or Seat whom think proper, in One
half of the Pew No 92 in ye Gallery giveing Mr Seaburn the Prefference he
or they Paying the Arrears & engaging for the future Contribution &c
Voted that the Wardens Acquaint Mr Henry Barnes & M.r Wells with
the Arrearage due for the Pews No 47. & No 14 & if they or either of them
refuse or delay Paying the Same the Wardens at their discretion May
dispose of or Seat whom they think Proper in each or either of Said Pews
at their discretion
Boston April 30. 1750
Memo Seated M.r David Watts in Pew N:o 122 in ye Gallery of
Kings Chapel he having engaged to Pay Ten Shillings & five
Pence Lawful Money of this Province for his Seat in One half
of Said Pew Yearly Commencing at Easter last Past by Weekly
Monethly or Quarterly Contribution And Seated
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at the house of the Rev:d M:r
Henry Caner on Thursday June 21. 1750 Present
The Rev.d M.r Caner Minister
Mr James Smith |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Jno Box |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Charles Apthorp Esqr |
Geo Craddock Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Voted the Pew No 61 being forfeited for Nonpayment of the Contribution
for last Year &c be offered to Collo Wiltshire to be Seated
there w:t his ffamily reserving a Seat for ye W:do Stewart when She attends
the Publick Worship there = he Paying the Arrears of Contribution
that is due from ye Said Pew & Such further Annual Assesment as is, or
Shall be imposed on it by the Vestry while he is Seated there
Voted that if Collo Wiltshire refuses to Pay the Arrearages &c According
to ye foregoeing Vote that ye Wardens may Offer Said Pew & Seat to Such
Person or Persons there that will comply w.t y.e Conditions Above
Voted That ye Pew N.o 48. is forfeited & Reverts to the Church for Non Payment
of the Contribution last year &c Unless Hibbert Newton Esq.r Pays the
Arrears of Contribution due from Said Pew within a fourtnight after Notice given of this Vote
Voted that the Pew N.o 57 is forfeited & Reverts in like manner to this Church
for non payment of ye Contribution for last Year unless Cap.t Colesworthy
Pays the Arrears due for Said Pew within a fortnight after notice is given
of this Vote
Voted that ye Pew N:o 85 forfeited &c in like manner for ye Same reason
unless the W:do Cox Pays the Arrears due for Said Pew within a fortnight
after Notice is given her of this Vote
Easter Monday April 8. 1751
At the Meeting of the Propietors of Kings Chapel being the
Anniversary Meeting for Choosing Church Officers &c
Voted unanimously by Said Propietors that
James Gordon & |
be & are continued Wardens for the Year |
John Box |
ensueing |
Voted that there be fiveteen Vestry Men Chosen for the following
Year & five of them to be a Quorum & the following
Gentlemen were Chosen Vestry Men by a ballot or written
Votes, (as were the Wardens) Viz
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
14 |
Gov.r Shirley |
14 |
Mr Thos Hawding |
15 |
+ |
Charles Paxton |
13 |
Capt James Forbes |
14 |
Charles Apthorp |
14 |
Vestrymen |
Mr James Smith |
15 |
Eliakim Hutchinson | |
14 |
+ |
Mr Powers Marriot |
12 |
George Craddock Esqr |
13 |
+ |
Mr Barlow Trecothick |
16 |
S.r Henry Frankland Bar.t |
10 |
Dr John Gibbins |
14 |
Francis Brinley |
Esqrs |
12 |
Tho:s Letchmere |
13 |
Voted by a hand Vote that Thomas Hase Serve as Clerk for the
ensueing Year his Salery to be the Same as last Year Viz
Sixty Pounds Old Ten.r equall to Eight Pounds Lawfull Money
Voted by a hand Vote That Stephen Deblois Serve as Organist for
the ensueing Year with the Same Sallery as last Year Viz
One hundred Pounds Old Ten.r equall to Thirteen Pounds Six
Shillings & eight pence Lawfull money
Voted James Hewit Serve as Sexton (upon Probation) for Six
Moneths to come ending the 8 of October next
Voted by a hand Vote That the Manadgment of the Pews & other
Prudentials of the Church for the Year ensueing be left to the
Church Wardens & Vestry
Voted by hand Vote That |
Charles Apthorp |
Esq:rs & |
George Craddock |
be Auditors |
Mr James Smith |
of the Church Wardens Accounts for the Precding Year
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel on Thursday
April 1751 At the house of the Revd M.r Henry Caner
Present |
The Revd M.r Caner Minister |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
John Box |
Geo Craddock |
Esqrs |
Charles Apthorp |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Mr Thos Hawding |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Voted the Pew in Kings Chapel N 8, Occupied by the
late Wm Bowen Des:d & ffamilly being in Debt to the Church
Twenty three Pounds Eight Shillings of the late Old Ten.r Currency
Arrears of Contribution is forfeited & Reverts to the Church
Voted That M.r Henry Liddell350 with his ffamilly be Seated in
the Pew N 8 he Paying To the Value of Ten Pounds Old
Ten.r of the Arrears of Contribution due from Said Pew w:t
the Yearly Assesmt of Contribution as is now or may be
hereafter Sett upon Said Pew Apr 26 Reced the Ten Pounds of
Mr Liddell
Voted That ye Pew N:o 14 be offerd to Mr Martin Brimmer
to be Seated there (Mr Wells being first Asked to Pay the Arrears
of contribution & refusing to Pay either in Loaf Suggar or Money)
Pd Mr Brimmer holding his Pew in the Gallery & also Paying
to ye Value of Six Pounds Old Ten.r late Currency of the Arrears due
from Said Pew N. 14 with the Yearly Assesment of both Pews
Voted That M:r Mr Nathe Rogers351 be Seated in the Pew N 75 (where
Jno Deacon now Sitts) he Paying the Arrears of Contribution due
from Said Pew wt the Yearly Assesmt of Contribution & allowing
Mr Deacon a Seat for himself in Said Pew
Voted that M:r Eastwick be asked Once more by the Wardens for
the Arrears due to the Church from Pew N: 71 & if he does not
Pay the Same The Said Pew be Offord to M:r Wheatley to be
Seated there with his ffamily he Paying the value of Five Pounds
of ye late Old Ten.r Currency of the Arrears due from Said Pew
& the Yearly future Assessment thereof. Mr Wheatley Pd the £5
Voted that Mr Peter Chardon352 be Seated in the Pew N 78,
Paying the Value of four Pounds of the Late Old Ten.r Currency of the
Arrears of Contribution due from Said Unless Albert Dennie
who Sett there last, Pays the whole Arrears Mr Chardon
Paying the Yearly Assesment of Said Pew
N B the Daughter of Tho:s Phillips desd (who had a right in Said Pew)
to be Seated wt M.r Jn.o Box who offers her, or in the Pew N: 12 as She
chooses Recd the four Pounds April 26. 1751
Accepted the above Pew upon the above
mentioned Conditions & paid the Arrears of
four pounds old Tenor Peter Chardon
Copy of James Gordon, Church Warden, his letter to Mark Wentworth353 of Portsmo
in New Hampshire Esq.r Boston Apr: 22. 1751
S.r Inclosd is Thirty two pounds Old Ten.r Bills of Your Province
& belonging to ye Kings Chapel of the Churchs money The Gentlemen of the Vestry haveing a high esteem of Your Affection & Regurd for y.e intrest of the Church, desire me to remitt this money to you, & begg You’ll be so good as to Exchang it (at
the easiest discount) for your own bill on Mr Apthorp in my fav.r as Warden
wch will Oblidge them & Your Most humble Servts J G Warden
In Answer to Said Letter Charles Apthorp Esq.r deliverd me Twenty Eight Pounds Old Tenr
Bills of this Province April 29. 1751 in Exch.a For the £32 N Hampshire
Bills remitted to M.r Wentworth the £4 discount is to be Chargd to the Church
At a Meeting of ye Vestry at ye House of the Rev.d Mr Henry Caner on Thursday
May 16 1751 on Acco.t of ye Sorrowfull News of ye Death of his Royal Highness
Fredrick Prince of Wales.354 Present
The Rev.d Mr Henry Caner Minister |
} |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Ja: Gordon and |
Wardens |
Mr Tho.s Hawding |
Jno Box |
Doctr Silvester Gardiner |
Geo. Craddock |
Doctr Jno. Gibbins |
Char.s Apthorp |
Esqrs |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Voted that the Pulpit & Desk of Kings Chapel be Put in Mourning at y.e Charge of
The Church & that ye Wardens cause ye Same to be done by Wednesday Morning Next
Voted that the Church Wardens Wait on the Rev.d M:r Henry Caner & desire him to Preach a
=:Sermon at ye Chapel on Wednesday Next Suitable to that Solemnity
Voted that ye Wardens wait upon his hon.r the Lieut Governr of this Province & acquaint
=him w:t the Substance of the Above written Votes
Voted the ye following Advertisement be Printed in ye Newspapers that come out on
=Monday & Tuesday Next & that the Wardens cause the Same to be done
Advertizement Upon the Melancholy News of the Death of his Royal
Highness the late Prince of Wales, The Wardens & Vestry of Kings
Chapel mett
& Voted that ye same be Solemnised at Kings Chapel on Wednesday ye 22.d
Instant. Upon which Ocasion the Pulpit will be hung in Black, and a
preached by the Rev.d M.r Caner Suitable to that Solemnity
Divine Servis will begin at 11 oClock
Voted An Adjournment of the Vestry to Meet Again On Friday Sennight 24th Curr:t
at ye Same Place at 6 O’Clock in ye Evening
May 17. 1751
Conform to ye foregoing Votes The Pulpit & Reading Desk & Clerks
Desk were Coverd wt Black Broad Cloth. The Wardens waited on his
Honr the L:t Gov.r & Acquainted him that a Sermon was to be Preached at
the Chapel on Wednesday y.e 22 Curr:t By the Rev.d M:r Caner Suitable to this
Mournfull Occassion &c
The Charge of hanging the Pulpit &c as follows Viz
7./4 yds fine Black Broad Cloth at £11. Old Ten.r per yd £79.15. --
7/8 yds Middim D:o £9 per yd 5.17.6
17 yds of Silk ferret356 d 2/. 1.14. --
1/3 o:z of Sewing silk d 30/. 0.10. --
4 h: of Inx 0.9.6 Old Tenr La Mo
£ 88.6. is = £11.15.5 2/5
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel by Adjournment
at y.e house of ye Rev.d M.r Caner on Friday May 24:th 1751
Capt James Forbes |
The Rev:d M:r Canner Minister |
Dr John Gibbins |
Ja: Gordon & Jn.o Box Wardens |
M:r Tho:s Hawding |
Geo: Craddock |
Dr: Silvester Gardiner |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Charles Apthorp |
It was Unaimously Voted That all the Votes in regard to the forfeiture of
Pews of those that are in Arrears & have not Paid up the full of the
or Rate of their Respective Pews & Seats to Easter last, be put in Execution
Unless the Arrearage is Paid to y.e Church Wardens within a fourtnight
after they are severally Notified the Delinquent Pews are to lockd
up if they doe not Pay in that time
Voted that M.r Caine & Spouse may Sitt in Pew N 47 they Paying the
Assesment of the Pew NB they Refused to Sitt in Said Pew
Agreed that this Vestry be & is Adjourned to Meet on Wednesday
Sennight June 12 Next
A a Meeting of the Minister Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
at ye house of the Rev.d M.r Caner on Wednesday June 26. 1751
The Revd M.r Hen: Caner Minister
Doctr Silvester Gardiner |
James Gordon |
Warden |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Geo Craddock |
Esqrs |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Mr James Smith |
Dr John Gibbins |
Wheareas M:r Halsey who Sitts in Pew N 18 in ye Chapel is in Arrears
& Owes to the Chapel Nineteen Shillings for the Year 1749 & Six
Pounds & 8d Old Ten.r for the Year 1750
And Mr Green who Sitts in Pew N 81 is in Arrears & Owes to the
Chapel Nineteen Shillings & two Pence of the Contribution for the Year
1749 & Seven Pounds Sixteen Shillings for ye Year 1750. w:ch Pews
revert & become forfeited to the Church for Non payment of the Contribution
According to the Assesment w:ch they Neglect & Refuse to Pay therefore
Voted that the Church Wardens cause Locks to be put on those Pews
N 18. & 81. & Lock them up till the Said Arrears is Paid, or the Said Pews
are otherwise disposd of by the Vestry Agreed the Vestry to be called
& Meet this day fourtnight
Agreed that each of the Gentlemen of ye Vestry Pay into the Church
hands, Three Pounds Old Ten.r to Pay the Printer for Printing the Rev:d
M.r Caners Sermon Preached at ye Chapel 22 Ult.o Upon the Melancholly
News of the Death of his Royal Highness the late Prince of Wales till
Such time As Some other Method is concerted to raise the Money
Governour Pd |
£3 |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esqr |
3 |
Dr Gibbins Paid |
3 |
Dr Gardiner Pd |
3 |
Mr Smith Pd |
3 |
Mr Marriot Pd |
3 |
3 |
Chars Apthorp Esqr to be Chargd |
3 |
Ch: Paxton Esq.r per Mr Hatch Pd |
3 |
---------- |
27 |
Boston June 29. 1751
Mem:o Mrs Colesworthy has Paid the Arrears of Pew N 57 for ye Years
1749. & 1750. & I have given her possesion again & Opend this Pew for her
upon her promise that that the assesment or Rate of the Pew Shall be
be duely & Punctually Paid for the future
Cap.t Geo Briggs hath Also paid the Arrears of Contribution due
to the Chapell for the Years 1749. & 1750. to Easter last Past & I
have Given him ye Key & Possesion of Pew N 81. & he hath Given his
Promisary Note to Pay twenty Shillings & Nine Pence L.a Money Contribution
Yearly by Weekly Monethly or Quarterly Payments So long as he
Shall posses Said Pew James Gordon Warden
Mr Halsey has Also Paid the Arrears of Contribution for the
Pew N 18 to Easter last Past & have Given him ye Key &
Possesion of Said Pew
A Meeting of ye Vestry of Kings Chapel at ye house of Charles Apthorp Esq.r
on Friday July 19. 1751 Present The Revd Henry Caner Minister
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Dr Jn.o Gibbins |
John Box |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esqr |
V Mr James Hawden357 |
Geo Craddock Esqr. |
Voted That Gilbert & Lewis Deblois be Seated in the Pew N. 13 formerly
the Widdow Sandersons the Key to be deliverd them they Paying for ye lock &
Key & the future Assesment of Said Pew by Weekly Monethly or Quarterly
Contribution & Payments As is or Shall be Sett on Said Pew
Voted That Mr Wm Vassall be Seated in ye Pew N 48 formerly Hibbert
Newtons Esq.r, if he will Accept of it, he Paying for ye lock & Key wch is to be
Deliverd to him & the Assesment by Weekly Monethly or Quarterly Contributions
& Payments as is, or Shall be Sett in Said Pew
Agreed the ye Vestry Meet On Monday Next at 12 oClock at Noon at ye Same
A a Meeting of the Minister Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel on Monday
July 22d 1751 at Charles Apthorps Esqr
Present Revd Mr Caner Minister |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
John Box |
Mr James Hawden |
Geo Craddock | |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Char: Apthorp |
Agreed that ye Wardens wardens Acquaint M.r Winslow that Benj.a Pollard Esq.r
refuses to Pay the Contribution for the Pew N.o 79 Any longer than to Easter
last Past & as the Pew N 80, where M.r Winslow is Seated the Partition between
the Said Pews was Allowed to be taken down & both Pews laid into One, & that
if M.r Winslow will engage to Pay the Assesment of Both Pews they may
Stand as they Doe now otherwise he be desired to Make up the Partition
Again as formerly & then Mr Winslow may have his Choses of either
of them
Adjourned to Meet at ye Revd Mr Caners house on Wednesd Sennight at
6 O Clock in ye Evening
At a Meeting of the Vestry of at ye house of the Rev.d Mr Henry
Caner on Wednesday April 18. 1752 at ye request of the
Reverd M.r Caner Present |
The Revd Mr Caner Minister |
Mr Thos Hawding |
James Gordon & |
Wardens |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Jno Box |
Dr Jn.o Gibbins |
Capt James Forbes |
Mr James Smith |
The Reverd M.r Caner Acquainted the Gentlemen of the Vestry of his
purpose & the Neceessity of his Goeing Out of Town to Avoid the Danger
of his haveing ye Small Pox if the Church Agreed to his Proposall
& told them that if it was Agreeable to them he had engaged the
Rev.d Mr M.cGilchrist of Salem to Exchange wt him to Officiate
in his Cure & room during his Absence. but that Since he had obtaind
M.r McGilchrists Consent the Rev.d M.r Brockwell had Signified his desire
& Consent to Perform the whole duty of the Chapel (except Visiting the Sick
of ye Small Pox) dureing Mr Caners Absence
The Revd M.r Canner therefore desired the Opinion & Consent of the
Vestry in these Matters
first Whether they were willing he Should Goe as he Proposed;
they all declared they were Willing
2dly Whether they were willing to Accept of the Rev.d M.r Brockwell his
offer of doeing the whole Duty of the Chapel dureing his Absence
or whether he must get Mr the Revd Mr McGilchrist to Officiate
in his room & Stead
They all Unanimoulsly declared it their Oppinion that the Rev.d
Mr M.cGilchrist Should Should officiate for, & in ye room of the
Rever.d Mr Caner dureing his Absence As being more for ye Safety
& good of the Church as the Rev.d M.r Brockwell has not had the
Small pox, to his knowledge, nor will Visit ye Sick of that distemper
Easter Monday March 29. 1752 A the Anniversary Meeting
of the Propietors of Kings Chapel at ye Said Chapel
Voted that |
James Gordon & |
be Continued Church Wardens |
John Box |
for ye Year Ensueing |
Voted there be Thirteen Vestry Men Chosen, five of them to be a Quorum
the Names of the Thirteen Chosen & Voted Viz The Governour
Sir Henry Frankland Barrt. |
Mr James Smith |
Coll.o Paul Mascarene |
Capt James Forbes |
Vestry Men |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Thos Letchmere Esqr |
Mr Thos Hawding |
Frans Brinley Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Voted Mr Tho:s Hase Clerk |
wt ye Same Sallerys as last Year |
M.r Steph: Deblois Organist |
Mr James Hewit Sexton till further Orders |
Voted the Affairs of disposing & Selling the Pews & other Prudentials of the
Church be left wt ye Church Wardens & Vestry
Voted Messrs Geo Craddock Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbins & |
be Auditors of the Church Wardens |
M.r James Smith |
Accots for ye Preceding Year |
At a Meeting of the Gentlemen of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at the
house of the Revd Mr Henry Caner November 10. 1752 The Church
Wardens laid before them An Acct of the Charges of Said Chappel
for Year 1751 to Easter March 29. 1752 and upon Summing
up it Appears there is a Defficiency in the Contribution for that
Year of About two hundry & fifty Pounds. After the Arrears for Sd
Year are Paid Therefore in Order to make up the Said Deficiency
the following Gentlemen Subscribed & Promisd to Pay to the Church
Wardens the Several & Respective Ammoun Sums Opposite to
their Names as follows Viz Old Tenr
M.r Saml Wentworth |
£6.5. |
+ |
Doctr John Gibbins |
£6. |
+ |
Mr Henry Ledell |
4. |
+ |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esqr |
6 |
+ |
Mr Robt Auchmooty |
4. |
+ |
Mr Tho:s Hawding |
6 |
+ |
Mr John Wheatley |
3 |
+ |
Mr Powers Marriot |
6 |
+ |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Charles Paxton Esq:r |
6 |
+ |
Mr Thos Gunter |
10. |
+ |
Doctr Silvester Gardiner |
6 |
+ |
Thos Letchmere Esq.r |
8. |
Mr Henry Leddell |
Capt. James Forbes |
5 |
Mr John Powell |
Mr. James Smith |
5 |
+ |
Mr Wm Read |
Geo: Craddock Esq.r |
5 |
+ |
M.r Gilb.t Deblois |
2.5 |
+ |
James Gordon |
4 |
+ |
Capt Geo Briggs |
John Box |
4 |
+ |
William Tailor |
3. |
The Above Sums that are Paid are Carried to the Creditt
of the Church Accts for ye Year 1751 Amo to £94.10/--
At a Meeing of the Congregation of Kings Chapel On Sunday March
the 18th being Warned to Stay at Sd Chapel after Divine Servis in the
Afternoon to know their mind concerning the fixing On a Place
for performing Divine Servis, after ye Old Chappel is pulled down & whilst
it is Rebuilding It was proposed by a great majority to Ask
liberty of the Propietors of Trinity Churh for the Use of Said Church
& if Wee Cannot be Accomodated w.t that Church It was unanmously
Voted that it be left with the Church Wardens & Vestry to chose & procure
Any other commodious Place for the Congregation to Meet in for the Perform-
-ance of Divine Worship as usual Untill the Chapel is Rebuilt & fitt
for the Congregation to Meet there
The Congregation likewise Agreed to Pay up the whole of the Assesment of
their Several & Respective Pews with the Arrearages due at & untill Easter
Next & to Pay to the Wardens or Put the Same into the Contribution Boxes
on Sunday next in Order to enable the Wardens to Pay the Debts
of the Chapel & to make Such further Contribution as will make up
the Deficincys of this & the Preceeding Year
Accordingly the Vestry wt Some of the Principal Gentlemen of this
Church Mett on Monday March 19. 1753 A M at the Exch:a Tavern
& Severally Subscribed each a Sum Opposite to their Names towards
Defraying the charge of this Church whilst Rebuilding to be Paid Yearly
wt a Letter to the Minister Wardens & Vestry & other Propietors of Trinity Church
of w:ch here follows a Coppy
To the Rev.d M.r Wm Hooper &
To Mess:rs Joseph Dowse & Ruffus Green Wardens &
To the Gentlemen of the Vestry of Trinity Church in Boston
As the Propietors of Kings Chapel have come to a Resolution to
take down the S:d Chapel within a few days, in order to Rebuild the Same. They have
directed us to apply to You, and to begg the liberty for Our Congregation to Assemble in Your Church while Ours is Rebuilding Wee Aprehend that if One of the Congregations (at Your Election) Should begin the Service Preisely at half an hour after Nine in the Morning & at Two in the Afternoon, the other will have Sufficient time for Performing Divine Worship, without incomoding each other. & especially if the Post Commion Servis were Omitted by both And for the four Winter Moneths (when the Days are Short) wee Shall be content wt One Service a Day An answer to this request as Speedilly as convenience will Allow will Oblidge Gentlemen Your most humble Servants
H Caner |
&c |
J Gordon |
Boston March 1753 |
J Box |
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel on Tuesday March 27. 1753
At ye house of the Revd Mr Henry Caner Present
the Reverd Mr Caner Minister |
James Gordon & Jno Box Wardens |
Capt James Forbes |
the honbll P. Mascarene Esq.r |
Eliakm Hutchinson Esq.r |
Doctr John Gibbins |
Chars Paxton Esq.r |
Doct Silvester Gardiner |
Charles Apthorp Esq.r |
Mr Powers Marriot |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Thos Hawding |
Geo Craddock Esq.r |
Thos Letchmere Esq.r |
A Letter from the Minister & Wardens of Trinity Church in Answer
to Ours of the 19 Currt as follows. :To the Reverend Mr Henry Caner &
:To Messrs James Gordon & John Box Wardens &
:To the Gentlemen of ye Vestry of the Kings Chapel
in Boston
Gentlemen In the Name, & at the desire, of the Propietors of Trinity Church
wee Acknowledge the honour of the Receipt of Yours, of the 19 instant; And
Acquaint You, that they have unanimously granted you liberty to Assemble
in Said Church when the Chapel shall be taken down
In order to Accomodate You, they have resolved to alter the time
their usual time of Assembling, & to begin the Servis on Sundays for this en-
-sueing Sumer Season (till the first of October) Precisely at Eleven oClock in
the Morning, & at four in the Evening; & for the other part of the Year, from
the begining of October to the begining of Aprill, they have resolved to Assemble
at 9 a m in the Morning & Three in the Evening
As for the Precise Time of the Assembling of Your Congregation they leave
that to Your Selves provided You Order it so as that there May be at least
One half hour from y:e Ending of Your Servis, to the time they have fixed
for the begining of Ours; that all confusion may be Avoided in Goeing to &
Comeing from Church
Wee are all Glaid to hear that the Building of the New
Chapel is so far Advanced & heartilly Wish You Success, & that the Work
may be Soon brought to An happy Conclusion Gentlemen
Your most Obed:t humble Servants
Boston March 26. 1753 |
W:m Hooper |
Joseph Dowse |
Ruffus Greene |
After Reading & perusing the Above Letter it was
Voted that Wee Doe Accept of the offer & Grant therein Contained, Also
Voted that the Rev.d Mr Caner wt the Church Wardens be desired to Write An
Answer to Said Letter
A Coppy of which here follows
To the Rever.d Mr W:m Hooper and |
To Messrs Joseph Dowse & Ruffus Green Wardens |
Wee have Yours of 26 instant before us & have here
the Plesasure of returning You the Thanks of our Vestry for the Favour it
contains. As the Chapel is orderd to be taken down next Week. Wee
shall make use of the Liberty You have Allowed us and notifie our Con-
-gregation to Meet at Your Church the Sunday after next; observeing
not to interfere with the hours you have reserved to your selves
Wee are with proper Acknowledgements of your Favour & in behalf of the
Vestry & Congregation
Boston March 28. 1753 Your Oblidged and
Obedient Humble Servants
H: Caner
James Gordon
John Box
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at ye Rev.d Mr Caners
on Friday Saturday March 31. 1753 Present
Voted that ye Revd Mr Caner wt the |
J Gordon & Jno Box Wardens |
Church Wardens Write a letter to Mr |
G: Craddock Esqr |
Crosswel desireing the libberty of that |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
} |
Meetinghouse for Our Congregation on |
Dr Silvester Gardiner |
Festival & Prayer Days & other Occassions |
M.r Powers Marriot |
For Performing Divine Servis |
Eliakim Hutchinson Esq.r |
Charles Paxton |
Accordingly wee wrote the following Letter
Revd Sir Boston March 30. 1753
The Chapel in wch Our Congregation used to Assemble for divine Worship
is directed to be taken down Next Week, in order to its being Rebuilt; And the Design of this is to begg the favour of You & the Gentlemen of your Church to give Liberty for Our Congregation to Assemble at Your Meeting house on Wednesdays Fridays or Such other days of the Week whereon wee Usualy have Publick Prayers Wee should be glaid, if it were Practicable to have the Pleasure of An Answer by Sunday Evening that our Congregation may be Notified the Next day
The Complyance of You & your Church with
this Our Request will Oblidge |
Revd Sir Your & their |
H Caner |
The Revd Mr Andr Crosswell |
Most humble Servants |
J Gordon |
J Box |
P.S. The Above was designed to have been Sent last Night but was Omitted
List of Proprietors, 1749
April 20 1749
It appearing that the Pew No. 111 in the Galery
of the Chapel formerly Granted to Mr Pilot
desd leaving no representative intitled to Sitt
there According to the Rules of the Church
and no Contribution Paid for the Sd Pew
for these two Years last Past, wherefore the
Said Pew Reverts to the Church
Voted That Mr. Lidell’s Schollars Shall
and may be Seated in ye Sd Pew No. 111
he Paying such Yearly Assesment as Shall
Voted Unanimously that the following
Seventeen Pews and half Pews Shall revert
to the church and be disposd of or Such
Persons seated in each and every of them
As shall and will Oblige themselves to
Pay the Yearly assessment of them when
demanded by the Wardens Provided each
of the Severall Persons to whom they be-
longed (who are to be duly warnd of this
Vote) doe not Pay the arrears of the Contri
bution due from each and every One of
them to the church Wardens and to
their Satisfaction, within a fourtnight
from this day, viz:
Widdow Morrice Pew N. 21
Mr Matthew, One half of N. 23
The heirs of Jno Johnson desd, N. 25
Mr Brittoon, N. 26
Hibbert Newton Esqr., N. 48
Capt. Colesworthy, N.57
Mr Luke Vardy, N. 76
The heirs of Geo. Shores, N. 79
The heirs of Mr Brett, N. 80
The Widdow Cox, N. 85
Mrs Grafton, One half of N. 92
Capt. Dou Doubt, ½ of N. 95
Mr. Williams, N. 113
Lucas & Harwood, N. 114
Heirs of Morgan Evans, N. 115
Mr. Powers
Mr. Powers, N. 121
Redding & Verrein, N. 122
From the Records List of Proprietors and
Occupiers of Seats, July 5, 1749
1 Govr |
2 Paxton |
37 Girrot |
72 Vincent |
3 Hatch |
38 Fanneuils hrs |
73 Greaton |
4 Hutchinson |
39 Monk |
74 Pearson |
40 Gardiner |
75 Rogers |
6 Frankland |
41 Powell etc. |
76 Welchman |
7 Gordon |
42 Gibbins |
77 Cowell |
8 Bowen |
43 Mascarene |
78 Phillips heirs |
9 Apthorp |
44 Trecothick |
79 Pollard Seated |
10 Speekman |
45 Loyd |
80 Winslow Seated |
11 Ruggles |
46 Lewis |
81 Briggs |
12 Houghton |
47 Barns |
82 Eyres heirs |
13 Sanderson |
48 Newton |
14 Wells |
49 A Small Seat |
Gallery |
15 Wharton |
under the pulpit |
16 Read |
50 Letchmere |
17 Jackson |
51 Oulton |
18 Halsey |
52 Brinley |
83 |
19 Trecothick |
53 Smith |
84 Sherman |
20 Wendall |
54 Marriot |
85 Cox |
21 Johonnet |
55 The Wardens |
86 Leonard |
22 Gibson |
56 Hawding |
87 Quick |
23 Winship, etc. |
57 Colesworthy |
88 |
24 Fisher & Davis |
58 Cutler |
25 Johnsons hrs. |
59 Steels hrs. |
89 Stone & Featherston |
26 Britton |
60 Auchmooty |
90 Heirs of Granger |
27 Na |
61 Stewart |
91 Box |
28 H heirs |
63 Tynge |
92 Seaburn & Grafton |
29 Halyburton etc. |
64 Sea Officers |
93 Langford &c. |
30 Hardcastle |
65 Craddock |
94 Appropriate for |
Old Men |
31 Mucklewa |
66 Warner &c. |
95 Mrs. Newman |
Mrs. Saunders |
32 Thos. Huse |
67 Arthur |
96 Box |
33 Wethered |
68 Randell &c. |
97 Pue |
34 Shirley |
69 Leddell & Hill |
98 Points |
35 Taylor |
70 Apthorp |
99 Apr. for Old Women |
36 Wroe |
71 Halls heirs |
100 Cole & White |
101 Brimmer |
102 Jackson & Deacon |
111 Liddell’s Scholars |
120 |
112 Govr Servants |
121 Brewer Seated |
104 Harvey |
113 “ “ |
122 |
105 Barnett |
114 Lucas & Harwood |
106 Inches |
115 Wing & Habersham |
107 Trecothick |
116 |
Churches |
(Whole Assessment |
108 Roe |
117 |
Amounted to £1268) |
109 Kirtley &c. |
118 Seated Mrs. |
110 |
119 [illegible] & Pal |
[marbled cover, no folio]