Part Three
Vestry Minutes
Edited Document
An entry books of all Such meetings, Agreements and other matters, proper to be Recognized and done from time to time; by the members of the Church of England, as by Law established under the Gracious influence of the most illustrious Our Sovereign Lord James 2d. By the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, defendour of the faith &c. Anno Domini 1686 and in the 2nd year of said Majesties Reign at Boston within his said Majesties territory and Dominion of New England In America.
Boston in N. England June 15 1686
Att a meeting wherein were present ye Gent following
Vizt Mr. Ratcliffe our minister
Edward Randolph one of his majesties councill
Captaine Lydgett
Mr Luscombe
Mr Maccartie
Mr Ravenscraft
Dr Clerke
Mr Turfory
Mr Banks
Dr Bullivant
Agreed that every Sabath day after evening Sermon shall be made a publique Sollicitation by the Church Wardens for the time being for the Service of the Church & to be continued until some publique & settled provision be made for the same.
Agreed that Doctor Benjamin Bullivant & Mr Richard Bankes are elected Church Wardens & to Continue until Easter next.
Agreed Edward Randolph, Esq., Captain Lydgett, Mr Luscomb and Dr Bullivant with our minister should wait on the President and Councill to treate about our Church affairs.
Agreed that an humble address be made to his Majestie and signed by the Gentlemen as above named, to implore his Majesties favour to our Church, and it is Consented that all other true sons of the Church of England may joyne with us in the same.
Agreed that in the same method, a Letter be sent to ye Right Reverend father in God the Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury and other to the Reverend father in God, the Lord Bishop of London to implore those prelates favour towards our Church
Agreed that Mr. Smith the Joyner do make 12 formes for the service of the Church for each of which he shall be paid 4/8.
Agreed with the said Mr Smith the Joyner that this church will pay and allow unto him 20s quarterlie & every Quarter in Consideration for his cleaning, placing and removing the Pulpitt, formes, table, &c and doing all other things which shall be Convenient, and Necessary in our place of publique Assembly.
Boston in New England, July 4th 1686.
At a meeting wherein where present the Gentlemen following,
Viz:t M:r Rattcliffe our minister. |
Edward Randolph, Esq:r |
M:r Ravenscroft.138 |
M:r Turfry.139 |
Cap:t Lydgett. |
M:r Proctoar.140 |
M:r Luscombe.141 |
M:r White, |
D:r Clarke.142 |
Mr. Mallett |
M:r Ste.v Wisendunk143 |
M:r Macartie |
Mr Banks144, |
} |
Churchwardens |
M:r Brindley. |
M:r Mallett.145 |
D:r Bullivant. |
} |
Agreed |
To Pay Mr Ratcliffe: our minister 50ll per annum. Sallary besides what the |
Councel, Shall thinke fitt to Settle on him & If Mr Buckley Chaplain |
to his Majesties Frigatt the Rose shall Please to Assist Mr Ratcliffe, |
he Shall receive for his Paines 20:s a: weeke. |
Agreed |
That M:r Smith the Joiner Do make a reading table & Desk, and |
that he be payd his bill for Joyners worke done in the Church. |
That a Cushin be bought For the Pulpit. |
Agreed |
That a sober fitt Person be sought after for a Clarke. |
That there be on the Seccond Sabbath Day in Augt next a Sacrament. |
That the Councel be addressed unto, to Give us Libertie, and Authority |
by a briefe, to Passe, through the whole Territory of his Maj.t |
in New England and there in to Collect & receive all Such |
Agreed |
Voluntary Donations, as all Persons whatsoever Shall be disposed |
to give us, for & Towards the Building of a Church in Boston, to be |
erected for the service of God, & for the use of the Church of England |
As by Law established. |
That the Prayers of the Church be Said every Wednesday
& Friday, in the year, for the Present in the Library
Chamber in the town house in Boston, & in the Summer
Season to begin at Seven of the Clock in the Morning, and
in the Winter Season at Nine of The Clock in the
Boston July 1689 Laus Deo
a memorandum of Some honest & Well Disposed persons that
Contributed their assistance for & towards erecting a Church
for God’s worship in Boston, according to the Constitution of ye
Church of England as by Law Established:
The summs following were first collected.
lb s |
lb s |
lb s |
D.r Benj:a Bollivant |
20.0.0 |
Gilbert Bant146 |
. 0 . |
John Colten |
0.10 |
Lt Col: Nicholas: Paige |
20. |
Tho:s Harris147 |
1. |
Richd Crispe148 |
1. |
Lt Col: Charles Lidgett |
15. |
Tho.s Gould149 |
0.12 |
John Foge |
1.10 |
Maj:r Anthony Hayward150 |
10. |
Thos Walker |
.10 |
Savil Simpson151 |
1. |
Thaddeus Macarty |
7.10 |
Tho s Walker Clark |
1. |
Edward Smith |
1.16 |
Francis Foxcroft152 |
10. |
Benj.a Alford153 |
2. |
John Pole |
1.10 |
Samuel Ravenscroft |
5. |
Jn:o Ware |
2. |
Jno Baker154 |
1.4 |
Edward Hill155 |
6. |
W:m Ardell |
1. |
Ralph Dordant156 |
1. |
7. |
Andrew: Marriner |
1. |
Cap:t Jn:o George157 |
1.2 |
Andrew Dolbury158 |
10. |
Jn:o Parmeter159 |
1.1 |
Warner Wessendunk |
2. |
John Nelson |
5. |
Xpher Goffe |
1.4 |
George Hollard160 |
0.12 |
Thomas Brinley161 |
5. |
Tho:s Cooper |
1.10 |
Edw:d Thomas |
1. |
Wm Brinley |
2. |
John George |
3. |
James Loyd162 |
1. |
Wm Gilbert163 |
0.10 |
Capt A Boudon |
5. |
Roger: Kiltup164 |
.10 |
Isaac Jones165 |
.1 |
Richd Harris |
2. |
Edward. Creck |
1. |
Danll Allen166 |
1. |
Rob:t Johnson |
2. |
Stephen Minot167 |
1. |
Thos Mallet |
0.6 |
W:m Hobby168 |
2. |
Joseph: Short |
1.5 |
Abram Blish |
0.6 |
George: Monk |
1.2 |
Mercy Hunt |
.5 |
David Harris |
0.6 |
Antho:n Checley |
8.0 |
W:m Hunt |
2. |
Jarvas Ballard169 |
0.12 |
James: Sherlock170 |
5. |
Thos Fareweather |
0.10 |
James Meeres171 |
0.6 |
Edward: Lilley172 |
3. |
Jn:o White |
0.10 |
Nath.ll Sheapcoat |
.6 |
Benjamin: Davis173 |
3. |
George Raison174 |
1. |
Thos Winsor |
.6 |
Giles Dyer175 |
5. |
Nath:ll Nudigate176 |
2. |
Richd Talley177 |
.6 |
Francis Burroughs178 |
5. |
Lancelot Lake179 |
5. |
Abram Smith |
.6 |
George Portage180 |
5. |
Joshua Broadbent181 |
2. |
John Woody |
.6 |
L:t Veazy182 |
1. |
Samll Lynd183 |
1. |
Joseph Hilliard |
.6 |
Tho.s Luscombe |
5. |
Duncan Cambol |
1. |
Wm Hufft |
.6 |
Nath: Baker184 |
.18 |
Sargent Walker |
0.12 |
Step.h Wesendunck |
5. |
Thos Stanbury185 |
1.10 |
James Adkins |
1.0 |
Tho:s Dudley186 |
2.0 |
Harry Clarke |
1. |
Edward Randolph Esq:r |
5. |
Mr Belchamber |
3. |
John Conney, Jun:r |
1.1 |
James Hooper |
5. |
Benjamin Mountfort187 |
2.2 |
Gilbert Bant |
1. |
Robert Gutteridge188 |
0.10 |
Rich:d Rogers |
1. |
===== |
===== |
£185.0.0 |
£44.2 |
£ 27.8 |
44.2 |
185.0 |
£256.10 |
Cash of the house to Carpenters |
£260.0 |
Fencing |
09.0 |
Maj:r Haywoods bill |
15.16 |
£284.16 |
Note their was Some other Charge in Painting the Window frames by Thos Chiles
Which he demanded Nothing for.
Majr Haywood undertook with Carpenters & the accompt was ballanced
Wth him, When Capt Ravenscroft & Foxcroft were Church Wardens.
Note that on the 18th of April 1689 preceding the date there began a most
Impious & desestable rebellion against the Kings Majesties Government, the
Gov:r & and all just men to the same were brought into restraint.
lb |
Sr Edmund Androse left for the Church Service |
30. |
Capt Francis Nicholson left |
25 |
in the year 1693. Sr Francis Wheeler putting in here to recruite his fleet returning from an unsuccessful attempt upon Martineco Gave |
10 |
Cap:t Vickers |
3 |
Cap:t Deane |
4 |
Cap:t Hawkins |
4 |
Cap:t Greenaway |
3 |
£24 |
the Gentlemen land officers Gave I think |
32 |
Mr John Mills a Barbados Gentleman gave a pr of Plate, A Cup.
in the year 94 an agreement was made with John Cunabel of Boston to Join
to build pews by the Last of July the Same Year for which he’s to have
A Second agreement was made with the said Cunnable to Make
a floor 5 sumers189 & (cross) Joice190 for 32.10 he having the Old Sleepers191 &
timber under the floor & time Given him untill November Next.
it must not Be forgot that Sr Robt Robbinson192 Gave a blew Silk damask
Cusheon & Cloth Pulpit Cover.
Mr Thomas Gold & Wm Weaver gave a brass Standard for an hour Glass.
A list of contributors towards pew, begun May 1694:
John Bishop |
2 |
Doct.r Luke |
2 |
Jeremiah Gibson |
1.10 |
Walter Willet |
1.10 |
Tho.s Child193 |
1.10 |
Chaddock |
.12 |
Henry Watkins |
1.4 |
Mrs Buckley |
1.10 |
Thos Walker |
1.4 |
Henry Gibbs |
3. |
Thos Macarty |
2 |
Shackbolt |
.16 |
Henry Charloe |
3. |
Spencer |
1 |
Wm Laycey |
.12 |
Wm Hobby |
2 |
Elisha Perret |
2 |
Childerston |
.12 |
Benj:a Mountfort |
2 |
Thomas Newton194 |
3 |
John Cole195 |
.18 |
Thos Grafford196 |
2 |
Robt Bengar |
3 |
Mr Galand purser |
3.0 |
Savill Sympson |
2 |
Mathew Cary |
2.6 |
Mr Wakefield |
.7 |
Thaddeus Maccarty |
2 |
Henry Franklyn197 |
2.2 |
Mr Squire |
2.2 |
Francis Foxcroft |
2 |
George Rason |
2.2 |
Thomas Seele |
1. |
Nicho Tippet198 |
5 |
Willm Hill |
2 |
Thomas Eyres |
1 |
Cap.t Fox |
5 |
John Walker |
2.2 |
Joshua Barnes199 |
3 |
Richd Harris |
2 |
Mr Bayley |
1.12 |
John Hooper |
1.10 |
Doctr Almond |
2 |
Thos Field |
2.2 |
John Cutler200 |
1.4 |
Giles Dyer |
2 |
Richd Ely |
2 |
George Turphrey |
2 |
Doct Craffard |
1 |
Joseph Cowell201 |
.9 |
John Williams202 |
?? |
Thos Gold |
2 |
Francis Marshall203 |
.10 |
£21.49 |
£41.14 |
£33.5.4 |
From the top |
33.5.4 |
Credit in F.F. his Acct is Given by those Sumes |
by me F. F. £96.18.4 |
in part of this Disbursement |
Memorande Capt Thos Jew gave 600 ps 8/8 Current money of this Province
Wy made wy over weight Cutt of One hundred & eighty three Pounds
& ordered by him to be imployed for the servise of the Church as
Francis Foxcroft thought Meet & lyes in my hands.
June 3d Given about 18 months past. Fra:n Foxcroft
Janry 95/6 Governour Nicholson sent F. Foxcroft a bill for Sterlg 15lb & Ordered the Disposal thus 5 to the Minister 5 to the poor at xmas 5 to buy bibles
wth Common prayers & Singing Psalmes for the poorer Sort of the Church
Nicholas Beare who deceased at Maddagasker gave fifty Pounds
Six pounds whereof was pd to the person that pd it as a Gratuity.
June. 96.. & made recd in the Church attd per Fra. Foxcroft.
Right Honourable and Right Reverend.
Father in God.204
May it please your Lordship In our last in October 96
We aquainted your Lordship, That We had recd the effect of our
former addresses by the appearance of our Minister Mr Sam. Miles amongst us.
And since we have experienced the continuation of yr Lordps favours in
Sending Mr Dansy, & Since Mr White, Who both Decd before they Arrived to Officiate. Now by the providence of God being destitute of an assistant to Mr Miles we further entreat your Lordps kindness in sending another proper for us (a single man will suit best) And that your Lordps (according to your wonted great
bounty & Goodness to us wch we have in continual remembrance wth all thankfulness) would be pleased to persist in using your intrest for the continuance of hisMaj:ts bounty for his Maintenance: for we are very unwilling to venture
the being of our church in these parts So far advanced to the glory of God
and the benefitt of Man kind upon the Life or humour of one person.
We gave Mr Miles on his arrival £140 in consideration of the extraordi:
:nary Expense he had been at in England & Soon after augmented his Salary,
for one yeare in Consideration of his Marrying the Widow Dansey & Going
to house keeping from 40 / to £3 a week And are and Shall be ready to
proceed as far as is or may be in our power for the ends Aforesaid.
So committing your Lord:p to the Divine protection We Crave
leave to remain
Your most Obedient Sonns = In the name &
by the appointment of the congregation of his
Maj:ts Chappel at Boston in New England.
George Turphrey |
Wardens |
John Indicot205 |
2 May 1698 by J Phillips.
Mr Stephen Wisendunk.
Sr after our hearty Commendations We pray you to peruse seal & Deliver the inclosed
& Give us your assistance to Get this thing effected and Withall to Discourse his
Lordp That his Maj:ts Bounty of 100 per annum wch hath been recd by Mr Miles &
Mr Dansey206 & Mr White.207 the last Minister Sent with my Lord Bellomont208
who Dyed at Barbadoes in his passage, hath been disposed of by the receivers at
their pleasure. Hereafter if his Lordp please to Cause it to be pd to You, you will
Transmitt it to us which we pray you to do in proper goods. and we will pay 40/
a week to the Minister his Lordp Shall Send also Shall keep a fair record of itt in our Church books wch hath been hitherto Omitted (tho Not by our fault) for Such
benefitts ought to be had in everlasting remberance. If you can procure us a Coppy
of the warrants by Vertue of which ye Said £100 per annum is Paid out of our Gracious Kings privy Purse. We promise our Selves your dillegent Compliance which will bew kindly Accepted by The Congregation of the Church of England
in Boston.
Wardens |
John Indicott |
To his Excellency Richd, Earl of
Bellomont Cap.t Generall & Governour in Cheif of His Maj:ts
Provinces of the Massachusetts Bay
New York & New Hampshire.
The humble address of the congregation of the Church of England
Settled at Boston in the Boston Province of the Massachusetts
May it please your Excellency.
As the Inhabitants of these his Majesties
Provinces in General are highly Sensible as well of his Majts favour
in appointing your Excys (Every Way So Noble & Worthy a Person) to be
their Capt General & Governour in Chief: as of Your Exc:ys great Condesention
in undertaking that Station that You might promote the Welfare
& Prosperity of his Maj:ts Subjects in these remote territories.
So this congregation in particular do with hearty Thankfullness &
Grattitude acknowledge his Majesties Grace in choosing a Governour
for us whose Religion & Piety Shine forth with an Emminency, no wayes
Inferiour, to those Sublime Endowments which possess your Excellency’s noble
and generous Soul.
And we are thereby encouraged to hope (as we do Earnestly pray)
That as well by Your Excell:ys countenance & patronage as by the example
of Your Great Piety, this Congregation may flourish & increase both
in number & Vertue to the Glory of almighty God.
With our most earnest supplications to the throne of Grace for Your
excellency’s health & felicity, and that (as soon as the affairs of his Maj:ts
Service will admit) we may be made happy by Your Excys Presence amongst
us. We Subscribe with all Dutifull Submission
Your Excellencies
Most humble & Most Obedient Servants
Samuel Myles Presbyter.
George Turfrey. |
Wardens. |
John Indicott. |
Right Hono[able and] Right Reverend.
Father in God [Henry] Lord
Bishop of Lon [don ]210
May it please your Lord:sp In Our last address
to your Lordp — May211 Last, We gave your Lordp an Acount of
the Death of M r White [and prayed that Yr Lordps favour in sending another
in his stead to [be Assistant to Mr Samuel Myles] and in still Improving Your
Interests for the continuance of his Majesties] bounty for his maintenance.
We being unwilling [to venture the Well being of our Church So far
advanced in these parts [in one person] The aforesaid bounty We pray
Your Lord.p to permit M:r Stephen Wisenduck to receive, who will be
Carefull in conveying it to us, And we promise to Pay the said assistant
40/ Shillings Weekly.
Since we have recd expirence of Your Lord:ps Care & Kindness in
sending us a Library, which we have recd in Good Condition, & having
this opertunity of a worthy Gent:n Colloel Andrew Hamilton,212 late Governour
of the Jersy’s, may not omit to render Y:r Lordp our most hearty thanks: & Shall see
them Improved to the true Intents for the present have Lodged them
in Mr Miles’s Study, for the use of him, the assistant when he comes,
& his or their Successors, and take care that no abuse or imbecilment
be made of them.
So committing y:r Lord:p to the Divine protection, We crave leave to remain
Your Lordps Most obedient Sons
25 July 1698 In the Name of the Congregation of his Majts
Chappel at Boston in N: England.
George Turfrey. |
Wardens |
John Indicot. |
Collo Andrew Hamilton. Hon:ble S:r
We entreat the favour of Your Honour to present to his Lord:p the Bishop
of London the enclosed address and to Improve Your own Intrest in
Promoting Whatsoever may fall in Your way, for the benefitt of the
Church of England in these remote parts.
We shall be alwaies thankfull & in the meantime not wanting in
our praiers for your Honours safe arrivall & prosperity, subscribing our Selves
Your Honrs
Most humble Servants
25 July 1698 In the names as above.
Right Honourable & Right Reverend
Father in God, Henry,
Lord Bishop of London.
May it please your Lord.p In our last Address
to Your Lordp of 2d May, [and 25 July last] which we have reason
to beleive are safely Come to Your Lordps [hands, We besought your Lordships continuance of your favour in sending us an Assistant to Mr Samuel Miles, for should any sickness or distemper should happen to him we should run advneture of being dispersed, which would overhtrow in an instant, what we have been this ten years endeavouring, The firm Establishment of a Church of England Congregation in this place.]
We further entreat [your Lordship not in the] least to admit of Mr Miles’s
removall, or he is well liked by all of Us. A Good liver & painful preacher,
and as we have formerly hinted . We hope Your Lordp is well Satisfyed
with our Provision for him.
If your Lordp would be pleased to Procure a part of the fides propagandi
money to be transmitted to us. We question Not but to Improve it to
as Good or better advantages than hitherto the others have done. for
the french our neighbours at the Eastward are very Sedulous in Proseliting
Indians that Way. & never as any thing as yet done by those to Whom the
Money is here remitted in these Parts.
It will much add to our present Satisfaction to receive the favour
of a line from Your Lord Ship Assuring Your Lordp We are very zealous in
Promoting of our increase and are [intending] finding it needfull to Enlarge our Chappel
We Conclude with our prayers for your Prosperity & Crave leave
To Subscribe our Selfs.
Your Lordps
Most Obedient Sons.
In the Name of the Congregation of the Kings
[illegible] 1 November 1698 Chappel at Boston N: England
George Turphrey |
Wardens. |
John Indicot |
Mr Stephen Wisendunck.
Sr We received Yours of 24 July in due time &
do heartily thank you for your Care. Shall expect in due time the effect
allowing your Self What you have advanced to Mr White.
We are bold again to trouble you With the Enclosed because we would
be sure in the affairs of our Church.
The books You Mention are Well Lodged & Due care Shall be taken of
them for the Intent they Were Given of Which we have hinted to his Lord:p
in our last we Sent per Mr Andrew Hamilton We rest Satisfied in your prudent
Management of our affairs [ … ]
As ever
Sent by
the Mast
Ship from
Piscataqua [Portsmouth, N.H.]
A Register of Books
Sent with his Excellency the Earle of Bellomont towards laying
All lodged for the present in Mr Miles’s now Dwelling House the foundation of a Library for the use of the Church of England Clergy in Boston.
on the Scriptures.
Biblia Polyglott |
6 Vol folio. |
Castelli Lexicon |
2 Vol folio. |
Robertsoni Lib.r Paulmonum Heb. |
12:o |
Bythncis Lyra Prophetica |
4o. |
Buxtorphii Thesaurus |
8.o |
Buxtorphii Lexicon |
8.o |
Calvini Opera Comentaria |
3 Vol folio. |
Poli Synopsis Criticorum |
5 Vol 4.o |
Dr Lightfoots Works |
2 Vol folio |
Dr Hammond upon the Psalms |
folio. |
on the New testament |
folio. |
Mr Baxter on the New Testament |
8.o |
Chemniti & Gerardi Harmonie Evangelica |
folio. |
Estius in Epistolas |
folio. |
Mr Joseph Meads work |
folio. |
Mr Edwards on the Difficult texts |
2 Voll 8.o |
Clementis Epistolee to Colomesy |
8.o |
Policarpi & Ignatij Epistolle Ed Upenij Oxon |
4.o |
Justini Martinis Opera Colonice 1686 |
folio. |
Tertulliani Opera Rigaltij Par1634 |
folio. |
Cypriani Opera nec non. |
Mynucii Selicis. |
July ficmicy materni |
Commodiani Opera Omnes ex Paniely Ed: Pax. 1666 |
folio |
Ambrosii opera 2 vol par 1661 |
Epiphani Pera Grec Pat 2 Vol Col.1682. |
Theronomi Opera 3 Vol par 1621 |
Eusebius Socrates Sozomenus & Grae & Lat 2 Vol juxta Edit Valesy Amstel 1677 |
Augustini Athanasis Opera |
7 Vol par 1685 folio |
Athansis Opera Grae & Lat 2 Vol par 1621 |
Fulgenti Opera |
8.o |
Gregoria Opera Par 1621 |
Bernardi Opera Par 1621 |
Dallenis de Vou Patrum. |
Scriveneci Apologia Pre Eclesia Patribus. |
Discourses apollogetical for the Authority of the Scriptures & the truth of Christianity.
Grotius de veritate Christiane Religionis |
12.o |
Stillingfleets Origines Sacrae |
4.o |
Edwards on the authority Stile & Perfection of the Holy Scriptures |
3 Vol 8.o |
Bodies of Divinity.
Estius in Sententias. |
Chimnesij Loci Communes |
folio. |
Calvini Institutiones inter Opera. |
Polani Syntagma |
folio. |
Turretimi Compendium. |
4o |
Phillipi a Lomborck Theologia Christiana |
folio. |
Le Blancks Theses Thelogica |
folio. |
Vossijs Theses Theologica. |
4.o |
Dr Hammonds Practical Discourses |
folio. |
Dr Scotts Christian Life & Discourses |
5 Vol 8.o |
On the General Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace
first volume of Catechetical Lectures |
folio. |
Short Discours on the Doctrine of our baptismal Covenant. |
on the Creed in General.
Dr Jacksons Works 3 Vol |
folio |
Mr Perkins on the Creed With his Other Works 3 Vol |
folio. |
Dr Heylins Theologia Veterum. |
Bp Pierson on the Creed |
folio. |
Dr Barrow on the Creed |
folio. |
On the Creed |
8.o |
on the particular Articles.
Dr Bates on the Divine Existences |
8.o |
Dr Pelling on the Divine Existence |
8.o |
Mr Edwards on the Divine Existence & Providence |
8.o |
Dr Sherlock on Providence. |
4.o |
Charnock on Providence Inter Opera |
On the Divine Attributes |
folio |
Dr Bull Indicium Celesie Catholic de necessitate Credendi quod |
Dominus Noster Jesus Christi Verus Sit Deus. |
Dr Barrow on the trinity bound up with Ashetons |
Collections on that Subject |
8.o |
Bp Stillingfleet on the trinity |
8.o |
on the sattisfaction of Christ |
8.o |
Dr Sherlock’s knowledge of Jesus Christ 2 parts |
8.o |
Downham of Justification |
folio. |
Dr Bates Harmony of Divine Attributes in the Great business |
of Mans Redemption. |
8.o |
D rBulls Excumen censura |
4.o |
Dr Sherlock on Death. |
8.o |
8.o |
Drelincout’s Consideration on Death |
8.o |
On Moral Laws & Christian Duties.
Zouches Elementa juris Prudentia |
12.o |
Sanderson de obligatione Conscientiae. |
8.o |
Bp Taylors Ductor Dubitantium |
folio. |
Sharrocke de Officijs. |
8o |
Mr Perkins’s Cases of Conscience. |
8.o |
Bp Barlow’s Cases of Conscience. |
8.o |
Dr Caves Primitive Christianity. |
8.o |
Summa Virtutum & Vitiorum. |
8.o |
Bp Hopkins on the ten Commandments. |
4.o |
Bp Taylors holy living & Dying |
8.o |
Christian Monitor with weeke upon Death |
12.o |
Kettlewells Measures of Christian Obedience. |
8.o |
Dr Pellings Discourse on Holyness. |
8.o |
Downhams Christain Warfare. |
folio. |
DrHorneck’s happy Asceticks |
8.o |
Great Law of Consideration. |
8.o |
Bp Fowlers design of Christianity. |
8.o |
Christian Liberty. |
8.o |
of Prayer & the Sacraments.
Bp Hopkins on the Lord’s prayer. |
Dr Bright upon Prayer. |
Dr Combers Discourses on the whole Common prayer. |
8.o |
Kettlewell on the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. |
8.o |
Dr Horneck’s Crucified Jesus |
8.o |
On Repentence. |
Dr Goodmans Prodigal pardoned. |
Bp Reynolds |
folio. |
Bp Sandersons. |
folio. |
A Bp Tillotson’s 10 Vol. |
8.o |
A Bp Leightons 2 Vol 4. |
1 Vol 8.o |
Praelectiones |
4.o |
Dr Barrows Sermons 3 Vol. |
8.o |
Dr Conants Sermons 2 Vol. |
8.o |
Bp Stillingfleets. 2 Vol. |
8.o |
Bp Ridders |
8.o |
Dorringtons Discourses 2 Vol. |
8.o |
Falkners Remains |
4.o |
Petavii Rationarum Temporum. |
Chradock’s Church History of the old & new testament 2 Vol |
folio. |
Du Pins Eclesiastical History of the 9 first Centuries 3 Vol |
folio. |
Bp Taylors life of Christ. |
folio. |
Dr Caves lives of the Apostles. |
Lives of the fathers 2 Vol |
Burnetts History of the Reformation 2 Vol |
folio |
Quicks Syndicon or History of the Church of france. |
Blunts Censura Authurom. |
folio. |
Sr Richard Bakers Chronicle of the Kings of England. |
Sr Wm Dugdales View of the late troubles |
folio. |
Varenivs’s Geography with sansons mapps |
folio. |
Chemnitj Examen Consilij Tridenti |
folio |
Charmieri Panstratia 4 Vol |
folio. |
Field of the Church |
folio. |
Dr Combers Roman Forgeries. |
4.o |
Liturgia Tigunina |
8.o |
Hookers Eclesiastical Polity |
folio. |
Bp Stillingfleet’s unreasonable Separation |
Dr Sherlock’s Defence of it. |
Vindication of the Defence. |
Bp Kings Invention of Men in the worship of God |
12.o |
Acompt of Ancient Church Government |
4.o |
Mr William Allens Works 4 Vol |
8.o |
Snake in the Grass. |
8.o |
Philological & Miscellaneous.
Plutarchi Opera Grec Lat Franckfurti. 2 Vol |
folio. |
Ciceronis opera London 2 Vol |
folio. |
Epictetus Grec Lat cum cebetis Tabula. |
Littletons Dictionary. |
4.o |
Scapula’s Lexicon |
folio. |
Leigh bourns Cursus Mathemacticus. |
folio. |
Introductio ad Chronologiam |
8.o |
Henrici Mori Opera Theologica. |
Ministerial Directions.
Mr Dodwells Letters for the Susception of holy Orders. |
8o |
Mr Baxters Gildas Silvianas. |
Pentons Aparatus. |
8.o |
Bp Burnets Pastoral Care. |
8.o |
Bibliotheca Parochialij. |
4.o |
The Clergys Honour in the life of S.t Basil & St Chrisostom. |
Dayly Office for the Sick. |
8.o |
All lodged for the present in Mr Miles’s now Dwelling House
Placed in 12 boxes made Suitable to Contain them213
Mr Stephen Wissendunk writes from London 19 October 1698
That he had recd from My Lord of London £78 odd Money
for accompt of the church. whereof we are wardens & hath
Sent in Goods the Value of £86..11..8.. for the Suply of his
Majesties Chaplin Mr Bridge214 to whom we have obliged
our selves to Pay 40 a Week.
The Said Goods Delivered into Mr Francis Foxcrofts hands
to sell & to be accomptable unto the Church .. 16 March 1698/9
The acct of Cash for the Sale of the above written Good given in by
Capt Francis Foxcroft amounts to £126..2..8
1698/9 Right Hon.ble & Right Reverend
Father in God.
May it Please your Lord:p
We have gladly recd the efferts of
our formers by the appearance of Mr Christopher Bridge among
us which favour of Your Lord:p we acknowledge wth all thank
fulness & Doubt not but he will be to Sattisfaction. We Shall
constantly pay him 40/ a Week which we began the 5th instant the
first Day of his arrival also we continue unto Mr Miles his £3 a week
besides his Perquisites, & Shall not be wanting in our Due respect to
both of them. We have recd the Goods from Mr Wisendunck & pray
the continuance of Your Lordps Favour. We Shall Alwaies Endeavour
to Approve our Selves.
Your Lordships Most Obedient Sons
Wardens |
John Indicot |
Of the Kings Chappel in Boston New England.
20 March 1698/9 by Jno Alden.
Mr Ste: Wisendunk.
S:r Since our last in 9:ber We have yours of the 19.8ber per foy
with the for accompt of our Church for which we returne
you hearty thanks & pray the Continuance of Your favours
in receiving from time to time His Maj:ts Bounty of My Lord
of London, & Sending it in Such Commodities as you judge may
turne best to Accompt, by reason of Foys long passage, these
now sent to me to but Small acct but that Can’t be helped.
Mr Bridge we hope will do very well. we Shall Pay him
Constantly 40 Shillings a week wch we began the 5th
Instant the first Day of his arrival & Continue unto Mr
Myles his £3 Weekly.
With our respects to remain
Boston 20 March 1698/9 Your obliged friends of
At the Kings Chappel in Boston
Monday the 9th of October 1699.
Mr Christopher Bridge Minister.
William Hobby Warden.
It being proposed in behalfe of Mr Bridge that he should
be allowed for the time by him expended in London & on his
passage hither in order to his Comming over to be assistant to Mr
Miles he having been engaged in that Service for the space
of Six Months before his arrival here at which time his allowance
of forty shillings a week began. Agreed by
Mr Jno Cooke.215 |
Mr Thad: Maccarty. |
Mr Benj:a Mountfort. |
Mr Tho: Newton. |
Mr Savill Simpson. |
Mr Gyles Dyer. |
Mr Edw:d Turfrey. |
That the said m:r Bridge in Consideration above sd be paid
£25 & that the wardens accordingly pay the Same unto him
out of the proceeds of the Goods recd from England for the
Use of the Church.
At a Meeting of the Vestry at the Exchange Tavern216 kept by
David Johnstone217 Tuesday March ye 24: 1701
Present |
Mr Samll Miles: |
Mr Chris: Bridge |
Giles Dyer; |
Savill Sympson |
Wm Hobby; |
Dr Lake. |
John Cooke |
East Apthorpe |
Ed: Loyd.218 |
That Mr Bridge have the 100£ per ann: Sterling
that is allowed by the King he running all riques
Beginning the sd annuity at Easter Next.
That Mr Foxcroft bring in his accompt
Mr Samll Miles. |
Mr Chris Bridge. |
East Apthorpe. |
Edward Lyde |
Thos Newton. |
Savill Sympson. |
John Bridger.219 |
Lancelot Lake. |
Ordered That Clarke Hill shall wash ye Church once in
month during the Summer; Sweep it twice in every weeke, &
brush the Dust of the Seats Shelves & tops of the Pews, Shall go
and appease the Boys & Negroes & any disorderly Persons; to
Provide a Seat for Strangers according as they appear; to ring
the bell, Open the Doors & Windows & Shut them as formerly
& take Care of the books & etc
Boston Dec.r 1703
Att a Meeting of the Vestry.
Present his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq.r Gov.r
his honour Thos Povey Esqr Lieut Gov.r220
Mr Samuel Miles Miniter.
Mr Christopher Bridge Minister.
Coll Foxcroft. |
Mr Jno Nelson. |
Mr Edward Loyd. |
Mr Giles Dyer. |
Mr East Apthorpe. |
Mr Nich. Roberts.221 |
Then ordered That the Church wardens for the time being
within ten Days after Ester day reckon with Mr Miles & At
his discretion Call a Vestry & Give Us Notice of Wt is Wanting of
£3 a week which we Promise for our Selves & the Auditory
Shall be made up within ten days after.
Then Ordered that the repairs of the Church from time
to time be at the discretion of the ministers & Church wardens
Saveing in any Great Article.
Boston N: Eng:d Augt 22 1705
Whereas through misunderstandings, there as been Sundry
differences risen between the Revd Mr Sam:ll Miles & the
Revd Mr Christopher Bridge, & has been of very ill consequences,
tending to the Disolution of the Congregation of the
Church of Engl:d in these remote parts. to Prevent which,
very Great & earnest endeavours have been used, By His
excellency the Governour, The Honourable Lieut Governour, the
Church Wardens, & Vestry for accomodating & Reconciling all
Matters & affaires, to which they have Solemnly & hapily
Consented Viz:t
1 That they mutually promise not to take part with (or in the
least contrive or abett) any Persons in doing, saying or reporting
any thing that Shall tend to the Damage of either, of either,
or give any adherence to any such reports, or by any ways,
endeavour to Alienate the affections & esteem of the People
from each Other.
2 That they shall as much as lies in their power promote the
Peace & Wellfare of the Church & at all times use their
utmost endeavour to secure & advance the just Interest
and Sattisfaction of each other.
3 That they shall not undertake to officiate in any other
place then the Church where the Revd Mr Samll Miles is
Constituted Minister, & the Revd Mr Chris: Bridge assistant,
with out the full Concurrence & approbation of each other
& to their equall advantage & benefitt.
4 That the Revd Mr Christopher Bridge shall never
pretend to or take any perquisites by Marriages, or
any otherwise belonging to the Revd Mr Samll Myles as
Minister of the Church & appropriated to him by the
Bishop’s especial order.
5 That if for the future any Offence Shall unhappily rise
between them, the Party Agrieved shall truly & freely
discover & Discourse the other, & if the ofence be of Such
nature that they cannot overcome & compose the differences
them selves that then they Shall represent it to the
Govr of this Province for the time Being, & the Church wardens
& such other persons as Mr Miles & Mr Bridge shall mutually
agree upon & then if not Composed before to be represented to
the Ordinary of the Place at the Liberty of them both.
6 That the Revd Mr Samuel Miles as Minister of this Church
& the Reverend Mr Christopher Bridge, assistant Shall
never with out the concurrence of each other (much
less in opposition) at any time or on any acct give order to
warne any Vestry or give any Countenance of approbation
to it without knowledge & Consent of each other.
7 That what allowance the Revd Mr Samll Miles ought
to have for performing the whole work dureing the absense
of the Revd Mr Christopher Bridge, be referred to his Excly
the Gov:r the Lieut Govr Church wardens & Vestry of Said Church
8 I Samuel Miles in Testimony of My full & hearty reconcili:
ation unto or with the Revd Mr Christopher Bridge my
assistant do concur with the Prayers & Desires from this
Church to my Lord Bishop of London for the Continuance
of Said Mr Bridge as Formerly.
Wittness. |
Samuel Myles. |
N Roberts |
Church |
Chris. Bridge. |
J Nelson |
Wardens |
At a Vestry held the 17th of August 1705 at the House
of Mr Nicholas Roberts.
Present Vizt
His Excellency Jo: Dudley Esq.r |
Ed. Lyde Esq:r |
His Honour Tho:s Povey Esqr Lieut Gov.r |
Gyles Dyer Esq:r |
The Revd Mr Samuel Miles. |
Capt Hobby. |
The Revd Mr Chris: Bridge. |
John Indicot. |
Mr Nicho Roberts |
Church Wardens |
East Apthorpe. |
John Nelson Esqr |
Savill Sympson. |
ou borne |
Capt Paxton.222 |
1 Ordered that the deed of land given by Coram Lying at Taunton be recorded that the Church Wardens enquire into the Value of it & to Deliver their opinion to the Vestry at their Next Meeting |
By & Paid By them when in Cash for the Church with the Vsuall & Customary exchange at 40 Pc amo to £12.15.3 |
2 That the bill of £9.2.4 drawn by Mr Stephen Wisendunk in favour of Collo Foxcroft on the Church Wardens for the Time being, being ballance of the Acct Due to him from the Church Shall be accepted by the Church wardens. |
1705 By an adjournment of the Vestry from Thursday ye16th
of August to Saterday ye 18th & from thence to Sunday
after Evening service being the 19th Instant.
Present Viz.t
His excellency Joseph Dudley Esq.r
The Revd Mr Samll Miles.
The Revd Mr Chrisr Bridge.
Coll:ll Francis Foxcroft. |
Mr East Apthorpe. |
Gyles Dyer Esq.r |
Mr John Indicot. |
Edward Lyde Esq.r |
Mr Savill Sympson. |
Mr Nichol Roberts |
Church Wardens |
John Nelson Esqr |
Voted that the Church wardens do draw up Such heads as
relates to a Settlement & agreement between the Revd Mr
Samll Miles & the Reverend Mr Christopher Bridge.
And that a letter be writ to the Lord Bishop of London
relating thereto & Signed by them in behalf of the Vestry &
Congregation of the Church of England.
Whereas we have been Informed that Some of Our
former proceedings have been by Ill Minded Men rendred
Clandestine. we can not omit noting to Your Lordp that it
is Now and alwaies has been composed of Men of the Best
reputation, & from whom the Church receives both counte:
nance & Support.
Boston August 24: 1705
May It please your Lord.p
At a meeting of the Vestry on
thursday the 16 Instant Collo Francis Foxcroft communicated
a letter to us which Your Lordp was pleased to Send him, Which
to our great Surprise & Astonishment imported Your Lordships
displeasure with Mr Bridge with his removal from us & pt
of the sallary from this Church which we presume is Occasioned
by sundry misinformations to your Lord:p of his Carriage.
After some discourse we adjourn’d to sunday evening being the 19th Instant
Where in the Church were his excellency our Governour the Lieu.t Governr
Mr Miles & Mr Bridge where after some debate it was voted that we the
Church wardens for the present year Should draw up some heads relateing
to the thourough good understanding peace & Sattisfaction of them both
& upon their agreeing & Signing the Articles Votes that we should
enclose them to Your Lordp giving an acct of the state of the Church
as it now stands relating to this affair
1 the first we have done and when presented to them they very willing:
:ly & Chearfully signed it to the great Comfort & sattisfaction of us
all. & now we are bound in duty to represent Mr Chris Bridge
to Your Lord:p as his carriage has been to us ever since his first arrival
that it has not been proud Lofty & Haughty but of a Courteous
agreeable deportment to us all as becomes his profession & the Gospel
and so very acceptable to us.
2 On the 20th of Dec:r 1703 at a vestry Present the Gov:r , Lieut Govr
the two ministers & many of the chief of the Church some few that
were absent having had timely notice in the Conclusion thought
proper for the interest & Advantage of the Church that Mr Bridge
should go to England in order to obtain subscriptions for the enlarging
our Church & wt other advantages your Lordp should be pleased to favour
us with. Our Gov:r was the last consenting to it but Comply’d with
it seeing the Gentlemen of the Church so desirous of it & being
ready at all times to Gratifie us in any thing that Can be thought
to tend to the promotion & Growth of the Church here.
3 We perceive your Lordp is highly displeased with Mr Bridge his
intercepting & breaking open a letter which if true would would very
justly deserve your resentments which we need not paraphrase upon
since nothing can be said more than the enclosed affidavitt which
Clears him of that aspersion the Vestry having thoroughly examined
& Acquainted themselves them Selves with all the original causes and reasons
of the differences between our Ministers find them them to proceed from
Jllosices Lying reports & Misrepresentations & those so trivial & frivolous
that since seriously considered is not nor ever was worth while
to mention & much more to trouble your Lordp who ever it is that
has been so busie has done neither service to God Honr to himselfe
or studied the peace and tranquillity of the Church in these remote Parts.
We are very sencible and have great reason as in duty bound
to expresse all possible gratitude for your Lordps great Care
of us in promoting of the Church here & presume to conclude
that the removall of Mr Bridge was intended for the benefitt
& advancement of the Church Your Lordp then Seeing him
guilty of Such crimes & misdemeanours as would be justly thought
Calumny & Reflection here to continue him among us.
Since we have sufficiently Cleared up to your Lordp that its quite
otherwise than has been represented we make bold humbly to begg
the Continuance of Mr Bridge & his Salary’s Stay with us especialy since
there is so good an accomodation between him & Mr Miles & will be
for the promotion and establishment of us which otherwise might
have proved of fatal Consequence by the Disolution of the Church
here there being [wait for and would] greatly rejoyce at our halting & destruction.
Finding the evil misrepresentations of Matters to your Lordp if
not proved to the contrary would be of fatal consequence to
the Church by the removal of either of our Church ministers
which are in all respects worthy of our esteem whether in
Regard of their doctrine Life or Conversation which is as becomes
the Gospel therefore we humbly pray to your Lordp not to adhere
to any private insinuations that May be made assuring your
Lord:p that from time to time a true state & Condition of the
Church Shall be laid before you from the Church wardens
by order of the Vestry
We are truly & deeply sencible of Your Lordships especial
protection & Care hitherto towards us which embolden us in
this plaine & free manner to offer our prayers and informations
hopeing Your Lordp will accept of it as a Performance of our
Duty haveing with all Sincerity set forth the truth of Matters
We are with all Submission
Your Lordships |
Most humble |
To the right reverend Father in God |
Most Dutifull & |
Henry Lord Bishop of London |
Most Obedient |
Servants |
Nicho Roberts |
Church |
Jno Nelson |
Wardens |
Boston Feb 2: 1705
May it Please your grace,
We are humbly bold to address your
Grace being the Ministers Church wardens and Communicants
of the Church of England in Boston N: England to Acknowledge
your fatherly Care of us at all times. And to pray the Continuance
there of being the only settled Church in this province to Assure your
Grace that we shall Continue stedfast in our profession & Obedience
as we ought, And it is our Duty to Informe Your Grace we have
been always assisted & encouraged by Coll:ll Dudley our present Gov:r
who by his constant attendance and good example has ever since he has
been in the government: put us forward & having been Informed of
Your Grace’s favour to him in her Maj:ts Appointment of him
to this Government we pray that your Grace would please to be
Assured from us that nothing will tend more to the Sattisfac:
:tion and Increase of the profession of the Church of England
As well as trade and other benefitts to all her Majts Good
Subjects here residing than his Continuance in the Government
which we humbly pray your grace will please also on our behalf
to represent to her Majesty as need be.
And we shall ever pray for your Graces
long Continuance in the Government & Servise of the Church,
We are Your Graces
Most Humble
Most Dutifull
& Most Obedient
Gyles Dyer. |
Samll Myles |
Thomas Child223. |
Chris Bridge |
Jn:o Devin. |
Nicho Roberts |
Church |
Samll Baker. |
Jno Nelson |
Wardens |
Peter Hawksworth. |
Edwd Lyde. |
Cyprian Southack.224 |
Easte Apthorpe. |
Jno Eastwicke.225 |
Jno Oulton.226 |
Antho Blount.227 |
Ra: Harrison. |
Wm Tayler.228 |
Benja Mountfort |
Samll Checkley229 |
Henry Franklyn. |
Savill Sympson. |
We have a avoided troubling your
Grace with a number of names these
being the Chiefe of the Church
To the Most Rev:d Father in God His Grace Thomas
Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury & one of her Majts
Most Hon:ble Privy Councel.
Boston N: Engd Feb: 4 1705/6
May it please your Lord.p
The Constant experience we have
of your Lordships fatherly care over us encourageth us freely to
address Your Lord: p being sensible of Your Great regard & esteem
for his excellency our Gov.r
Therefore we are humbly bold to informe your Lordp that he had
been very successfull in his Government for the security of the
Country from Indians to the observations of all her Maj:ts Good Subjects
the Enemie having being often Defeated & the frontiers preserved
More than in any former trouble.
That notwithstanding the taxes have been & are very
burthernsome to support & carry on the war we are engaged in
against the french & Indians who in conjunction have done us
much mischeife Yet through the noted prudence and good Conduct
of his excellencie the Enemy have not only been repulsed but are now
Constrained to Abandon their own Countries & Places of retreat unto
some hundreds of Miles Distance from these parts the Administration
of the Government & the expence of the revenue is & has been such
as gives a genll Sattisfaction & makes us easie & thankfull to God:
for her Majesties wisdome and goodness to Us in appointing Such
an one over us who by his long experience in Government &
knowledge of the Country in particular renders him as we humbly
conceive the Most proper person to promote & Maintain the Hon:r
& Interest of the Crown here every thing proceeding well except
the Gov:rs own Salary which is by no means sufficient notwith-
standing her Majts repeated Commands in the Matter.
That his constant attendance & care for the peace of the Church
and Support & Honour thereof is apparent to all men as well as his
Example of Justice & Vertue upon all which acount we are hum:
:bly Bold to informe your Lord Ship that his continuance in the Governt
will be most acceptable to all her Maj:ts Good Subjects. Merchants &
planters that have their dependance on the Government of Eng:d
as well as the Church here & there fore humbly pray Your
favourable acceptance & Representation of this our address as
need be for Collll Dudleys Continuance in the Government which
we are well assured will be for Her Majesties Hon.r the peace &
Sattisfaction of this Province & Most particularly of our Selves
& the Congregation of the Church of England under Your
Lordps Care & Patronage here. We are
My Lord with all submis:
:sion Your Lordships
Most Humble
Most Dutifull
& Most Obedient
Samll Miles |
Chris: Bridge |
Nicho Roberts |
Wardens |
John Nelson |
John Endicot. |
John Devin. |
Edw:d Lyde. |
Thomas Child. |
East Apthorpe. |
John Eastwicke. |
Samll Baker |
Savill Sympson. |
Cyprian Southacke. |
Henry Franklyn. |
John Redknap.230 |
Gyles Dyer. |
Peter Hawksworth. |
John Oulton. |
Samll Checkley. |
Ra: Harrison. |
Anth:o Blount. |
Benja Mountfort. |
We have avoyded troubling your Lordship
with a number of Names these being the Cheife of the Church.
To the Right Rev.d Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of
London & one of Her Majesties Most hon:ble Privy Councel
At a meeting of the Vestry at the house of the Revd Mr Samuel Miles
in boston on fryday the first Day of April 1709.
The Revd Mr Samll Miles Minister.
Present .
Mr Thomas Newton Church warden.
His Excellency the Govern.r |
Mr John Endicott. |
Sr Charles Hobby. |
Mr Savill Simpson. |
Edward Lyde Esq.r |
Mr Henry Franklyn. |
M:r William Hobby. |
Upon the reading at the vestry this day, my Lord Bishop of London’s Instructions
to Mr Harris231, Assistant to Mr Myles. Ordered that the Same be entred Verbatim
as follows vizt
Having Appointed Mr Harris to go Over Assistant to the minister
at Boston for His better Sattisfaction, I have thought fit to declare, that he is not to
go under the Absolute Command of Mr Myles; Yet is he to pay a respect to him
in All Reasonable things, And take an Equal Share with him in Supplying the
Church, But not to Meddle Wth any thing that relates to perquisites whether
for Marrianges, Burials, or Christenings, & to be contented with what is Allotted
him from hence & by All means to Avoid the Insinuation of Any that Shall
Attempt to make Matters uneasy betwixt him & Mr Myles whom I do likewise
require to receive this his Assistant, with All fair & Good Usage: & that they
Both Conspire into so good an Understanding that Nothing May Creep
in to Make a breach Between them & that they Do agree to relate all Story’s
that shall be whispered to to them, Publickly in the Next Vestry. that such little
make Bates232 may be discouraged and made ashamed of Such base behaviour &
therefore I desire likewise that this paper may be read in a full Vestry, that
they May be wittnesses of your Sincere conformity to Wt is Appointed. I do
also Declare, that M.r Harris Shall have the full Allowance of the Appointed
Bounty, By Midsummer next month at furthest as not yet being
fully Informed to what degree & upon wt Grounds Mr Bridge hath committed
that Insolent Riot upon ye Church of Rhode Island wch so soon as I am
Ascertained of I intend the full allowance shall comence from that time
Given Under my Hand this Twenty Eighth day of May 1708
H: London
Boston New England August 27th 1712
At a meeting of the Vestry At the House of Mr Johns at the Royall
Exchange this Evening. Present
Lieu.t Governor |
John Bridge Esq.r |
Capt Southack |
Church wardens |
Collo Gyles Dyer |
Mr East Apthorpe. |
Wm Melross233 |
Ed: Lydd Esqr |
Mr John Oulton. |
Tho.s Newton Esqr |
Mr John Vallantine.234 |
Mr Gyles Dyer Junr235 |
1 It was Agreed that that the Pulpit be Removed to the Next pillar
at the East being Near the Center of the Church.
2 That the Pews be built in one forme with out Bannisters.
August ye 28 1712
At a Meeting at the Church all the above named Gentlemen Present.
Edward Lyde Esqr, Mr John Oulton & Mr Thos Bannister,236 proposed
that the Gentlemen of the Vestry Should Build the Pews & they would
Each of them Advance fifty Pound, Towards Building them.
To be paid them As the pews were disposed of, wch was agreed upon.
And Thanks Returned, the Said Gentlemen upon which Workmen
Were Imediately Sent for, & Treated with, about it, but not agreeing,
The Gentlemen of the Vestry, pray’d Coll:ll Dyer, that he would be
pleased to Agree with any Workman, he Should think fit to Build
The Same.
October the 24th 1712
At a Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr Johns at ye Royll Exchange
This Evening.
His Honr Lieut Gov.r |
John Bridger Esq.r |
Sr Charles Hobby. |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
The Revd |
Mr Myles |
Collr Giles Dyer |
East Apthorpe |
Mr Harris |
Ed: Lyde Esq.r |
Savill Simpson. Capt Cyprian Southack |
Church Wardens |
W.m Melross |
It was then Agreed that places Should be Apointed for Every Gentleman
of the Church that Wanted; to build their pews & that they Should
Build them at their Own Charge, the above Order being Made Void
October 25 1712
The Vestry Met this morning at the Church & Numbered the pews
and appointed every Person his place as per List.
Boston New England December 20 1712
At a Meeting at the church all the Gentle Men here present of the Vestry.
Agreed that Solomon Clackston Should Make a flatt Plaine in Order for
Laveling & Plastring the said. Solomon Clackston To have Thirty Pounds for
His Labour. Agreed on by Coll Dyer.
Cyprian Southack |
Church Wardens |
William Melross |
His Honr the Lieut Governour. |
Sr Charles Hobby. |
Mr Nicholas Roberts. |
Edward Lyde Esq.r |
Mr John Vallantine. |
Collo Giles Dyer. |
Mr Giles Dyer Junr |
Mr East Apthorp. |
Att A Meeting of the Vestry & Congregation of the Church of Engld
at the Queens Chappel in Boston in New England on wednesday
The 15th of April 1713
Sr Charles Hobby237 |
Chosen Church wardens for the year of our Lord 1713 |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Vestry Men Elected for this Year
His Excelly the Governour. |
Jos Herne Esq.r238 |
His Honour Lieut Govern.r |
Mr Bannister. |
Edward Loyd Esq.r |
Cap Southack. |
Collll Foxcroft. |
Mr Nelson. |
Mr Wm Hooby. |
Mr Simpson. |
John Bridger Esq.r |
Mr Dyer. |
Thos Newton Esq.r |
Mr Mills.239 |
Mr Nicholas Robarts. |
Colloll Dyer. |
Mr John Oulton. |
Colloll Rednap. |
Mr East Apthorpe. |
Capt Tuftry. |
Mr John Vollentine. |
Capt Paxton. |
Continued this Present Year
Mr John Giles Clark Mr Rod: Judd240 Sexton James Berry241
Chosen to Look after the boys & is to have 26/ per yeare for the Same
Voted that there shall be 20 Vestry besides the Governr & Lieut Governr
Church Wardens Ministers & Whereas Judd had 5 pence per Week he
Shall have 6d The Last Bell to Ring at 10 of the Clock in the Morning the
Whole Year and 3 a Clock from the 10th of March to the 10th of
September and at 2
The Other Months, the Bread & Wine & at the Communion to be paid
out of the Contribution Mony. The Psalms of Tate & Brady to Be Sung in
the Church
Every Sunday the Commandments are to read at the Communion Table.
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church of England at the Queen’s
Chapple in Boston In New England the 15th of June 1713. Present
Charles Hobby - |
Church wardens |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Collo Rednap |
Mr East Apthorpe |
John Bridger Esq.r |
Mr Nicholas Roberts. |
Mr Thos Newton |
Mr Edward Mills |
Capt Southack |
Capt Turfery |
It was Agreed that the Church wardens Should agree with
Some Workment for the lathing & Plastering of the Church
And finishing the Same
At a meeting of the church this 3rd day of August 1713
Referring to the Orgains Given them By Thomas Brattle Esqr242
Decd Voted that the Orgains be Accepted by the Church & that
Mr Miles answer Mr Willm Brattles243 Letter Concerning the Same.
Present At a Vestry Met at Boston Wednesday ye 12th of Augt 1713
Charles Hobby |
Church Wardens |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
The Hon.ble Wm Tayler Esq.r |
M.r John Oulton. |
Edward Loyd Esq.r |
M.r Jos: Herne. |
John Bridger Esq.r. |
M.r Ed: Mills. |
Mr Nichos Roberts. |
Mr Tho.s Newton. |
Voted yt the pillars, Cappitalls, & Cornishes of the Church be painted Wainscott
colour before the Scaffold be taking down. Voted that Unless Do.r Lake
:ately pay to the church Wardens the Sum of 5ll towards ye repairs of the
Church yt they dispose of the Pew he Sits in to Such Persons as they Shall
See convenient
And also any other person or persons that Shall Refuse to pay theirs
Paying him & them the Mony that was disbursted for that Use.
At a Vestry held at boston Febry 2nd 1713 Present
The Revd Mr Henry Harris |
Sr Charles Hobby. |
Church Wardens |
Wm Tayler Esqr Lieut Gov.r |
John Jekyll. |
Thomas Newton Esq.r |
Thomas Bannister. |
Capt Patton.244 |
Capt Southack. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Voted that the church wardens write to Colloll Rednap & Desire him
to Go to M:r Edward Enstone Who lives Next Door to Mr Master’s on
Tower Hills & Discourse him as to his Inclination & Abillity to Come
Over & be
Organist here We being Willing to Allow him 30ll per annum, this Money
Which wth Other Advantages as Dancing, Musick &c We Doubt Not but
it will be Sufficient Encoragement.
Boston New England Feb 2d 1713
Coll.ll Redknap
Sr We are Desired by the Gentlemen of the Vestry to Intreat your
Favour in Going to Mr Edward Enston Who lives Next Door to
Mr Masters’s on Tower hill Who we are Informed has an
Inclination of Coming into these Parts If he Could Meet with
Any Encouragement; If You Will Enquire into his Abillity
As an Orgainist Suitable for us the Church is Willing to
Allow him 30ll per Annum this Money With Dancing,
Musick, &c, We doubt Not but that it will Sufficient
Encouragement. You know the Necessity of Our time of Which
Grows Away Apace, & If he Cannot Undertake it, We Must
Desire you to Enqur further for a Person fitting & forward
One Over by the first Oppertunity.
We Wish you All Prosperity & are
Sr Your Very Humble Servts
Charles Hobby.
John Jekyll.
At a Vestry held at the Church In Boston March 2d 1713
The Revd Mr Samll Myles. |
The Honble Wm Tailer Esqr Lieut Gov.r |
Tho:s Newton Esq.r |
Mr Thos Bannister |
Sr Charles Hobby. |
Church Wardens |
Mr Giles Dyer. |
John Jekyll |
Mr Edw:d Mills. |
Mr John Oulton. |
Mr George Turfrey. |
Voted that the Organ be forth with put up. Voted that the two Long
Pews fronting ye Pulpit Be Made into Two Quare Pews One for Collll
Taylor the Other for Mr Jekyll & that the two Pews behind them
be Made Into One for the Use of Masters of Vessells. & that the Pew
behind be for Eight Old Men & Shall be there Placed.
And that a Shell be Put over the South Door.
Ordered that Mr Baker245 be Clarke in the Room of Mr Gyles.
Mr Gyles to be Paid 10ll Pound per ann. & Mr Baker All Other Proffits.
At a meeting of the Vestry of her Majesties Chappell in Boston New Eng. Decr. 8 1713
To the Honble Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
The Representation and Request of the Ministers and Church Wardens of the Church of England in Boston
We are informed that the Honble Genl Nicholson A Most Worthy Member of the Honble Society and a Most Generous Benefactor to the Church in these Parts that the Honble Society have laid before Her Majesty A Particular Scheme for Settling Bishops In These American Parts and as nothing can Contribute more to the Flourishing State of Religion among us, we have made our Humble Address to her Most Sacred Majesty upon that Head, and would Humbly One of the Members of the Honble Society to be our Remembrancer to her Majesty on that behalf and that Almighty God would bless and Prosper all your Pious Endeavours for the good of his Church, and bless you for those Endeavours is the hearty prayer of your most Obedient and Most Devoted humble Servants,
Jno. Nelson |
J Dudley Govr. |
Jo. Hearne |
Wm. Tailer, Esq. Lt. Govr. |
Gy Dyer |
Saml Myles |
Minister |
Henry Harris |
Minister |
Charles Hobbes |
John Jekyll |
Church Wardens |
J Redknap |
Edwd Mills |
Tho Bannister |
J Bridger |
Jno Valentine |
Tho Newton |
Wentworth Paston |
Boston Decr. 8th 1713 |
Cyprian Southack |
At a Vestry held at Boston Decr. 10th 1713
The Honble Wm Tailer Esq |
The Revd Mr Saml Myles |
Coll Jno Redknap |
The Revd Mr Harris |
Capt Cyprian Southack |
Lt Charles Hobby |
Church Wardens |
Capt Wentworth Paston |
John Jekyll |
Gyles Dyer |
Mr Joseph Hearne |
It is requested that the Revd Mr Harrison & Coll Jno Redknap do Take care to Deliver the Packett directed to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospell in Foreign Parts & take a Receipt for the same.
And also to enquire for how Mr Henry Newman came to the knowledge of a Former Packett of which he gives an Acct. to Mr Saml Myles by his Letter of the 26th of Septr 1713. And that a Copy of said Letter as far as it relates to the Church be delivered to the Rd Mr Harrison & Coll Redknapp
And it is further requested of Coll Redknap that he will Inform the Bishop of London of our Prest Circumstances & recommend us to his Lordships Favour and that he will give us an Acct of his Proceedings therein
Further Proceedings at the next Vestry Entred in the other Side of the Book.
At a Meeting of the Vestry & Congregation of the church of England
At the Queens Chapple In Boston New England On Easter Monday March 29
Voted that 1714.
Sr Charles Hobby. |
Be Continued Church Wardens for this Year 1714 |
John Jekyll. |
Vestrymen Elected for this Year
Dr Thos Crease.246 |
The Honble Wm Tailer Lieu Gov.r. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Edward Lyde Esqr. |
John Nelson Esq.r |
Collol Foxcroft. |
Mr Savill Simpson. |
John Bridger Esq.r |
Mr Gyles Dyer. |
Tho.s Newton Esq.r |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Mr Nicho.s Roberts. |
Mr Anthony Blount. |
Mr John Oulton. |
Colloll John Rednap. |
Mr John Vallantine. |
Capt Turfrey. |
Joseph Herne Esq.r |
Capt Wentworth Patton. |
Mr Tho.s Bannister. |
Capt Daniel Wibourne.247 |
John Giles Continue Clark & Roger Judd Sexton. |
At a Meeting of the Vestry at the Queens Chapple In Boston
August 18 1714
Present John Jekyll Church Warden.
Edward Lyde Esq.r |
Mr George Turfrey. |
Thomas Newton Esq.r |
Capt Danll Wilbourne. |
Mr Joseph Herne. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Mr John Vallantine. |
Mr Anthony Blount. |
John Bridger Esq.r |
Voted that thanks be given to the Gentlemen of the Brittish Society
for their present of a clock & That Mr Jekyll Aquaint ym of It.
That a Shell be Put Over the South Door.
And that Mr Price248 be paid Seven pds 10 Shillings for one Qurs Sallary
Due at Midsummer 1714 & 7ll 10 Shillings more for wt work he has done
About ye Organ.
London April: 27th 1714
The Papers Mr Harrison & My Self were Intrusted wth to the Society
were faithfully delivered. Those Gentle Men be well perswaded of the
necesity of having Bishops sent to America are resolv’d to joyn thine Address
to those Of New York New England & Rhode Island to her Majesty yt She
Would be Pleased to Appoint Some propper person for that Worke
So Soon as possible I Did speak to Several of the Members of the Society
Particularly to My Lord of London & Clarendon that they Would
Be Pleased to Consider of Our Nothern parts before Jamaicai
or Barbados there being Greater Necesity for having One Amongst us where
Whigs & fanaticks Swarme than in those Parts.
I have not talked wth Mr Newman249 as yet Mr Harrison being in the
Country, I wait his returne. Mr Miller’s250 Affair has been read before
the Society who are perswaded of the Great Advantage of an Early
Education in the principles of the Church has Upon Peoples future
lives & Manners So that I Do Not Doubt but there will be a Considera:
:tion had to Mr Millers Desire & an Encouragement for the Instruction
a Certain Number of Children in the Principles of the Church.
I design to Move ye Society for some Books Not Only for ye School
but Prayer Books for ye Church.
I have been Several times with Mr Enstone the Orgainist who
Appears to Me a Good Man, I have told him the Circumstances of ye church
And the Nature of the Country, as well As I Could & have Agreed wth him
for 30ll a Yeare New England money & have Promised him Ten Pounds Sterling
for his & Wife’s passage over. I could Not Prevail with him upon other terms
I reckon About ye End of July he will be Able to Saile from hence, In the
Mean time he is to Aquaint himself with the Maner how to keep an Organ in repair
In case of any Accident.
Mr Harrisons Agent has Recd one yeare & an halfe of his Sallary I hope
it will be particularly payd for the future, Which he will have Over in
ye next Ship as Likewise part of Mr Newmans Debt.
I need not tell you the Noise Collll Hunters,251 procecution of the Church
at New Yorke Made there but Can Assure You it Made More Here
Her Maty being Informed of the Same Imediately Ordered All Procecution
to Be Stopt A Coppy of Which I Send You Inclosed,
Wt I have to Add is to Assure you yt I am wth all Respects.
Gentlemen Your most
Obedient Servant
J Redknap
To Sr Charles Hobby Kn.t
& Jno Jekyll Esq.r
Gentlemen. Being of Opinion that the Churches Interest In these Parts
of the world, may be much promoted by sesonable & Proper Applications at home
I think it Necessary to aquaint you that I am Willing to Undertake a Winters
Voyage in this Service & in Order to Obtain your Concurrence, I beg leave to
Lay before You the following particulars: It is Well Known that many
Places In this Province would have readily Embraced the Doctrine of our Church
had they been In due time provided with Ministers: But for want of
Such a Supply they have fallen of from us. The Inhabitant of Newbery
and Marble head are now the Only Considerable body of People (Accepting
the Members of this Church) Who Express an affection for our Excellent Consti:
:tution The Importance of both these Places is Very Visible the One being
Seated In the center of the Country the Other being a Town of ye most Univer:
:sal Concern & Beneficial Trade; It is there fore of the Last Consequence that
Faithfull & Able Missionaries be Sent to them Before their Patience be tird
Out with Delays as have been the Case of Many Others: & Since Letters &
Addresses to the Honble Society for propogating the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Verry Often proves Ineffectuall by reason of the Multiplicity of Business
which Occurs to them. It may be necessary for me to Wait Upon the Society
in Person & Urge this Affair With the Strongest Motives & represent it
in the Clarest Light. Another thing that requires My Presence in
England, is the heavy Tax laid upon My Sallary wch I have reason
to Beleive May Be Taken Of By My Own Sollicitations, & Cannot
Possibly Hope to Succeed Any Other Way. The Necessary Charges
Of My family are so Excessive that I can ill bear So large A Deduction
Out of the Royall Bounty. Tho The adjusting of this Particular
will be Not Only for My Own Private Benefitt but for the
Publick honour of the Church Which Depends In A Great Measure
upon the Handsome & Liberall Maintenance assigned to It’s
Ministers. His Excellency Genll Nicholson has already honoured
Me With His Approbbation, & Indeed he Deserves the Praise of this
Design Since he was pleased first to propose it to Me, There Is Nothing
Wanting but Your Consent to Put it in Practice Which I Don’t
Doubt your zeal for the prosperrity of the church, Will Incline
You to Grant & the Experience of Your Kind Ness to me inboldens
Me to Ask this favour of You Vizt that You Would be pleased
to Allow the Revd Mr Myles Twenty Shillings per Week Extrordinary
During My Absence, that My Sallary May be Kept Intire for my
Self & family wch Will be No More than is Needfull to Defray My
Charges. I Conclude Wth Assuring You that I Shall Upon all
Occasions Study to Serve the Church In General & You in particular
And So Approve My Self Your faith full friend & Most Humble
Henry Harris
At a meeting at the Vestry at the Exchange Tavern Nov:r 16. 1714
Present his Excellency Gen:ll Nicholson, the Reverend Mr Myles & Harris.
The Hon:ble Collo William Tayler.
Edward: Lyde Esq.r |
Mr Tho:s Bannister. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Capt Dan.ll Wibourne. |
John Jekyll. |
Church |
Wardens |
Mr John Oulton. |
Joseph Herne Esq.r |
Tho:s Newton. |
Mr Giles Dyer. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Mr Anthony Blount. |
Voted By the Vestry (with Mr Myles’s Aprobation) that Mr Harris May Go
home, he proposing to return by Midsummer Next: & that Mr Myles be
Allowed 20:s. More per week During Mr Harris’s Absence.
Boston Novr 18: 1714
The Revd M:r Henry Harris has now resided Among us about Six Years
Officiating as one of the Ministers of his Maj:sts Chappel in all which
Time We have Observed him faithfull in the Discharge his Duty & regular
& Innofensive in his life & Conversation by Which he has gained ye Esteem
& Love of the Whole Church &c, because he is Now A Going to expose himself
to the Difficulty’s of a winter’s passage to Great Brittain for ye Service
of the Church in Generall; in these Parts & of His Majesties Chappel
in particular We think Our Selves Oblidged as friends & Christians to
Give him this Publick Testimonial That He may be the better
Enabled to Effect a Work so Good & Beneficial.
Will.m Tailer. |
Samuel Myles Minister |
Edward Lyde. |
Thos Creese. |
Cyprian Southack. |
John Oulton. |
John Jekyll. |
Church Wardens |
Edward Mills. |
Dan:ll Wibourne. |
Thos Newton |
Tho:s Bannister. |
G: Dyer. |
Jn:o Vallentine. |
Jos: Herne. |
Anthony Blount |
Vestry Men |
May It Plea/se Your Lord.p252 Boston Nov:r 18. 1714
The affairs of the Church of England in these
parts requireing a just & faithfull Representation; We have joined
Our endeavours wth those of his Excellencey Francis Nicholson Esq:r to
prevail with ye Revd M:r Henry Harris (as the Most proper person) to
Undertake a Voyage to London, humbly To lay before your Lord:p
the State of these remote parts of your Diocess; He has Lived Six
Year Among us, in Wch time an Innofensive life & Conversation
have Made him Successfull & beloved. And as he is Going With
the first Opertunity, We presume to reccommend him to
Your Lord.p as Such, And As we have no reason to doubt, Your
Paternal Concern for us, We beg Yor Lord.p Will be plased
to favour him With propper Seasons for representing Our
case to your Lord.p & to Give him a Speedy Dismission that he
May return to his charge among us Humbly Begging Yor
Blessing & a series of Your favour We are
Your Lord Ships Most Dutifull Sons & Most
Obedient Humble Servants
Sam:ll Myles Minister
Will:m Tailer. |
Ed: Lyde. |
Cyprian Southack. |
Edward Mills. |
Tho:s Bannister. |
Jn:o Vallentine. |
Vestry Men |
John Jekyll. |
Church wardens |
Thos Creese. |
Thos Newton |
Danll Wibourne. |
John Oulton |
Gyles: Dyer. |
Jos: Herne. |
Antho:n Blount |
To The Kings Most excellent Majesty.253
The humble address of the Ministers Vestry Gentlemen & others of Yo:r Ma:ts Chappel in Boston in New England.
May it please Your Ma:ty
Wee your majesties most dutifull & Loyall subjects in
this place of the Church of England as by law Established humbly Approach yr Ma:ty With ye most Sincere & hearty Joy for your peacefull Accession to the Crown, Yours By Superiour Right & Merit, A blessing So great as Mitigates Our Sorrows for the Demise of Your Royal Predecessor of happy Memory, who was always to us A Gracious & Bountifull Sovereign.
It’s our misfortune to be removed to So Great a Distance from yr Maj.ts Royal Person whose Comfortable Influency’s fall with Directer rays upon your More happy Subjects In Great brittain. It behoves us therefore to be Constant in Our Sollicitations as we doubt Not to Approve our Selves in our Obedience Loyalty & Zeal for your Servise. The Distance may make Us Late in Our addresses yet None of your Maj:ts Subjects Shall apear More Early & Dilligent with their lives &
fortunes in Defence of Your Sacred person & Government.
Extend therefore most gratious Sovereign Your Princely care towards us
that Whilst the hearts of those subjects, Who more immediately Share ye
Blessing of Your Auspicious reign, Ore flow with Joy we may
Participate in your royall favours.
That your Maj:ty may Long wear the Imperiall crown of yo:r Great
Ancestors, and the Glory of your reign encrease with the Numbers of Your
Days, & Every Day Accompanied with an Influence of All that Can
Make A Monarch great & happy is the hearty Prayer of Your Maj:ts
Most Dutifull & Most Loyal Subjects.
Signed by the Members of the Church at Boston, Newberry & Marblehead.
May it Please your Lord.p
We could not omit so fair an opertunity by Our Most
Patron: Gen:ll Nicholson of Paying our Duty to Your Lordsp and Intreat
Your further paternal Care of us. for since the Revd Mr Henry Harris is Gone
to Sollicit our affairs & to Lay the State of the Churches In these parts
Before Your Lord:sp We are Apprehensive his Stay May be retarded
Or his Inclination Lead Him to Stay In England Some time.
The burthen lying Very heavy upon the Revd M.r Myles During his Absence
and our addition of 20ll a week chargeable, We Most Humbly Entreat Yo:r Lord:p to Order Mr Harris over us as soon as possible or Some Worthy Gentleman to Supply that Vacancy. We are the More Sollicitous in Case Mr Myles Should be
Sick we should be under an Insuferable inconveniency for want of a
Minister amongst us And we should be left as Sheep with out a
Shepherd, all which we lay before your Lord:p as Becomes May it
Please your Lord:p
Your most Dutifull sons &
Humble Servants
At a meeting of the Vestry & Congregation of the church of
England at the Queens Chapple in Boston On Easter monday April 18: 1715
M.r John Oulton |
Be Church Wardens for ye Year |
Mr John Vallentine |
ensuing. |
Vestry Men elected for the Year 1715.
His Excellency the Gov.r
The Hon.ble Willm Tailer Esqr Lieut Gov.r
Edward Lyde. Esq.r |
Mr Edward Mills. |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Mr Savill Sympson. |
Sr Charles Hobby K:nt |
Do:r Tho:s Creese. |
Thos Newton. |
Capt Dan:ll Wibourne. |
Francis Foxcroft Esqr |
Mr Anthon Blount. |
Mr Jos: Hearne. |
Mr Tho:s Bannister. |
Mr John: Barnes.254 |
Capt W:m Rouse.255 |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Maj:r Paul Mascarene.256 |
Mr Giles Dyer. |
Mr John Brocas.257 |
Jn:o Nelson. Esq.r |
Mr Rich:d Hall.258 |
Mr James Baker chosen Clerk for the year Ensuing. he behaving
himself as he Ought to Do.
Mr Roger Judd Sexton.
Rev:d Sr Boston June 15th 1715
Having rec’d the knowledge of your good will to Serve the
Church of this Town, by Capt Wibourne’s Information: We take the freedom,
In Behalf of the Whole Congregation, to beg y:r Friendship, In Endeavouring
to Obtain, from ye Gentlemen of Your Island, their Charritable assistance of
Our Small Number, belonging to the Church afores.d Who have been at
a Great Expence in Enlarging the Same w:ch is Not Yet finished for Want
of a Sufficient Stock to Go On.
Whatever You Gather for this Service, We Pray You will Pay to Cap:t
Wibourne, who hath Promised to Lay out the Same to the Best
Advantage for ye Sd use, Your Charity & friend Ship herein Shall
for ever be acknowledged by
To the Rev:d Wm Gorden |
Rev:d S:r Your Most Obedient |
of Barbados |
& Most humble Servants O: V: |
Gentlemen, Somerset house June 17th 1715
I take this first Opertunity of Sending Mr Harris back to You
In compliance with: your request to me on that behalf. Tho’ he could have
wished to have stay’d Longer, In Order to Settle his own affairs
his Pension from ye Crown not yet being Established anew, and his acc.ts
remaining Still unpaid: I shall take care however that he be no Loser.
It is with Great Satisfaction I hear Mr Harris has given So good Content
During his Ministry Among You, & of ye Harmony there is between You,
As nothing can Contribute More to the Service of the Church, So I hartily
Recommend ye Continuance of it to you & am Gentlemen
Your Most Assured friend
Jo L
May it please your Grace. Boston Janry 9th 1715
We the Church wardens of his maj:ts Chappel in Boston humbly Presume
most gratefully to acknowledge Yr Lordps letter & favour by the return of the Rev:d
Mr Harris, & in a more especial manner for those Generous expressions tending
to his Establishment among us, & ye payment of his acc.t the poverty & Meanness
of the Condition of our Church & well as his own pressing Sircumstances Constrain us to be Instant to Procure Yr Lord:ps Good Endeavour to procure his Comfortable Settlement. Wch together With Your Lordps Blessing & Prayers, We in behalf -of the Church ardently Desire being wth the Greatest reverence
Your Graces Most humble & Obed:t Serv:ts
John Oulton
John Vallentine
At a meeting of the Vestry & congregation of the Church of England
at the Kings Chappel in Boston N: England on Easter Monday
April 22 1717.
Voted That the Revd Mr Samll Miles have £3.10 per week In Consideration
of the Value of Our bills of Credit Being Lowerd
By Exchange
That Coll: Gyles Dyer & |
Be Church Wardens for ye Year Ensuing |
Mr Edward Mills |
Vestry men elected for the Year 1717.
His Excellency the Governour
The Honourable Wm Tailer Esq.r
Edward: Lyde Esq.r |
Mr Anthon Blount. |
John Jekyll Esqr. |
Mr Samll Bannister.259 |
Thos Newton Esq.r |
Capt Will:m Rouse. |
Francis Foxcroft Esq.r |
Maj:r Paul: Mascarine. |
Mr Joseph Hearne. |
Mr John Brochouse. |
Mr John Barnes. |
Mr Rich:d Hall. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr John Oulton. |
John Nelson Esq:r |
Mr John Vallentine. |
Mr Savill Sympson |
Mr Henry Franklyn |
D:r Thomas Creese |
Mr James Smith.260 |
Capt Daniel Wibourne |
Mr James Baker & Thos Hayes261 Continued. |
At a Vestry held at his Majts Chappel in Boston the 10th Day of July. 1717.
Present .
Giles Dyer. |
Church Wardens |
Edward Mills. |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Sam:ll Bannister. |
Cap:t Southack. |
Henry Francklyn. |
Joseph Hearne Esq.r |
Anthon Blount. |
John Oulton. |
Rich:d Hall |
Upon reading An Agreement of the Neighbourwood of School Street
relating to the Paving the Same it was then & their Agreed that the Present
Church Wardens Should Agree with Sutable Persons to Pave the Churches
Proportion in s:d Street and to Pay for the Same out of the Church Stock
If they Cannot obtain Subscriptions of the Same.
D: E: M:
At A meeting of They Vestry & Congregation of the Church of Engl.d
at the Kings Chappel In Boston N: England. On Easter Monday
April the 14:th 1718:
Voted that
Gyles Dyer. |
Be church Wardens |
Edward Mills. |
for the Year 1717: |
Vestry Men elected.
His excellencey ye Gov:r
The Hon:ble Will.m Taylor Esq.r |
Savil Sympson. |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Majr Paul Mascarine. |
Edw:d Lynd Esq.r |
Tho:s Creese. |
Will:m Rouse. |
Francis Foxcroft Esq.r |
Anthon Blount. |
Joseph Hearne Esq.r |
Sam:ll Bannister. |
John Nelson Esq.r |
Henry Franklin. |
John Vallentine Esq.r |
Rich:d Hall. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
James Smith. |
John Bridger Esq.r |
John Broceas |
John Oulton |
Mr Kenton262 & Mr Hayes Continued |
John Barnes. |
Voted that Mr Mills & Mr Franklin have liberty to Build a
Tomb under the East End of the Church.
At a meeting of the Vestry & Congregation of the Church of Engl:d
at his Maj:ts Chappel in Boston in New Engl:d On Easter Monday March
30th 1719 for ye Choice of Church Officers: It was then & there Voted Thatt
the meeting be adjourn’d to friday the 4 of April for that the Congrega:
tion were not Duly notified. On which Day The Vestry & Congregation
Met & Proceded to a Choice.
Voted that.
Mr Henry Franklyn |
Be Church |
Vestry Men Elected for ye year 1719 |
Mr George Craddock263 |
Wardens |
Vestry Men |
His the Gov.r |
The Hon:ble W: Tayler Esqr |
Sam.ll Bannister Esqr |
J. Cutler.264 |
J. Checkley.265 |
J. Smith |
J: Vallentine Esqr |
Ed: Lyde Esq:r |
J: Oulton. |
J: Jekyll Esq.r |
J: Barnes. |
T: Newton Esq.r |
G: Dyer Esq.r |
J: Hearne Esq.r |
E: Mills. |
Capt C: Southack |
A: Blount. |
T. Creese |
Capt W. Rouse |
J: Bridger Esq.r |
Mr Kenton & Mr Hayes Continued
Att a meeting of the Vestry & Congregation of the Church of Eng.d
at Boston in New England on easter Monday the 18 April 1720
Voted that George Craddock & H Franklyn be Church wardens
for the Year Insueing
Vestrymen Viz.t
Wm Tayler Esq.r |
Mr Giles Dyer. |
Edw Lyde Jno Jekyl Esq:r |
Capt Wm Rouse. |
Thos Newton Esqr |
Mr Antho Blount |
Mr Joseph Hearne. |
Mr Samll Bannister. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr Richd Hall. |
Mr Thos Creese. |
Mr James Smith. |
Mr Jno Vallentine. |
Dr Jno Cutler. |
Mr Jno Oulton. |
Mr Francis Brinley. |
Mr Jno Barnes. |
Dr Jno Gibbons.266 |
The Organist Mr Enstone. Kenton Clark & Hayes Sexton Continued
That Mrs Cowell be provided with a pew.
Those that have the possession of Pews & Don’t pay Contribution
to have them taken away & sold to others that Will: notice being
first publickly given the Church wardens being Empowerd to
dispose of them.
Those pews that are not disposed of or pd for by them that
has them in Possesion to be Sold by the Church wardens.
That D Rutley Be appointed to keep good order amongst
the Boys & that for his trouble he be allowed 12d per Sunday.
Left to the Church wardens to have the Church kept in repair.
That a minute be made per Desire of Mr Jno Checkley that the
reason of his being left out of the Vestry was for his refuseing
taking the Oaths.
Att a meeting of the vestry & congregation of the Church of
England at Boston in N: England on Easter monday ye
10 April 1721
Voted His Excellecy being present.
That Mess:rs Jno Cutler & H Franklyn be Church wardens for ye
Year Ensueing.
Vestry Men Viz.t
Wm Tayler Esq.r |
Mr Jno Barnes. |
Edwd Lyde Esq.r |
Mr Gyles Dyer. |
Jno Jekyll Esq.r |
Mr Edwd Mills. |
Thos Newton Esq.r |
Mr Anth.o Blount. |
Mr Joseph Hearne. |
Mr Samll Bannister. |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr James Smith. |
Mr Thos Creese. |
Mr Francis Brinley. |
Jno Vallentine Esq.r |
Mr Jno Gibbins. |
Mr George Craddock. |
Mr Jno Gibbs. |
Mr Jno Oulton |
Mr George Stewart.267 |
The Organist Mr Enstone Continued
The Clark Continued And to be allowed 7/ per Week.
The Sexton Continued & to be allowed 7/ per week.
That the Revd Mr Samuel Miles be allowed & paid him out
of the Church Stock 12£ for paving before his house.
That Messrs Jno Oulton Jno Barnes & Gyles Dyer do
Inspect & Overlooke ye books & Accts of the Church & make
a report There of At the next Church Meeting
Att a meeting at Easter
Voted that |
John Cutler |
be Church wardens for ye ensuing Year |
James Smith |
Vestry Men Viz.t
Wm Taler Esq.r |
Jno Gibbs.268 |
Antho. Blount. |
John Jekyl Esq.r |
George Stewart. |
Francis Brinley. |
Capt Cyprian Southacke. |
Tho.s Lechmere Esq.r269 |
Jno Gibbons. |
Jno Oulton. |
Edwd Lyde Esq.r |
Henry Franklyn. |
Edward Mills |
Joseph Herne. |
Thomas Selby.270 |
Samll Bannister. |
Jno Barnes. |
Voted The Committte continued & Mr Edward Mills added to them to give
a returne by next Whitsunday.
That the Revd Mr Samuel Miles have £30 paid him out of the
Church Stock in full of All Demands for his past Charges
& Service in London at 10£ a year for 3 Years.
That the Revd Mr Henry Harris Have 10/ a week for the
following Year out of the Church Stock.
That Messrs Thos Selby, Anthony Blount & North Ingham
& Thomas Philips271 are chose a Committy to make enquiry
Wt Pews are unpaid for
April 1 1723
Att a meeting of the congregation with the Vestry
Voted That the Revd Mr Samuel Miles be paid weekly Ten
Shillings out of the Church Stock more than his former
Sallary Which Makes Four Pounds per Week.
Att a meeting of the Church & Vestry at Easter April 15 1723
Voted that
Francis Brindley Esqr |
Be Church wardens for ye ensueing Year |
& James Sterling |
Vestry men
Collll Wm Tayler. |
Antho Blunt. |
Jno Jekyl Esq.r |
Doctr John Gibbins. |
Capt Southack. |
Henry Franklyn. |
Edwd Mills. |
George Craddock. |
Jno Gibbs. |
Thomas Selby |
Doctr George Stewart. |
John Vallentine Esq.r |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
Doctr Thos Creese |
Edward Lyde Esq.r |
Doctr John Cutler. |
James Smith. |
Jno Barnes. |
Robert Auchmuty Esq.r272 |
The Organist Mr Enstone Continued.
The Clarke Continued to be allowed 20 per annum.
The Sexton Continued & to be allowed as formerly.
Voted that Robt Auchmuty Esqr at the Relinquishing of his Pew in the
Gallery, Together with John Overing Esqr273 they Paying £20
to the Church to have the Pew Commonly known by the
name of Sr Charles Hobbyes.
That Mr Thos Amery274 & William Coffine,275 upon their paying
£10 Each, for the pew in the Gallery Formerly Mr Auchmutys
shall enjoy the Same.
That Mr James Smith paying £20 for the Inlargement of his
pew & Five pounds four shillings for his Arrears of Contribution
Shall Enjoy the Said pew as it now is.
That Mr John Powell276 paying £10 for one half of the Pew called
Mrs Wibournes Pew, Shall enjoy the Same.
That Mr James Gordon277 paying 15 £ for the pew formerly Mr Tunlys
shall enjoyed the Same.
That the widow Boucher paying 40/ for the pew formerly Mr
Rous’s Shall enjoy the Same.
That the widow English paying £10 Shall have the pew that
Mr Hays Family did Sit in giveing liberty to Mr Brock & his Son
to sitt there.
That every Person that has any property in a pew shall Pay 52/
per annum yearly or else forfeit the Same. And if any person through
misfortunes Shall be unable to pay the Same by making application
to the Church wardens & Vestry Shall be By them Relieved as also
all those who have not paid for their Pews & their Arrears in Con:
:tribution are desired in this month to pay the same to the Church
wardens on penalty of forfeiting their Pews which Shall then
be at the disposall of the Said Church wardens & Vestry.
That Messrs Jno Barnes George Craddock & Joshua Wroe278 be
Auditors of the last years acc.ts
Novr 8 Voted by the Church wardens and Vestry that Mr Edwd Enston deliver
the key of the Organs to Messrs Price & Gifford that they May practise on
the Organ in order to quallify one of them to be Organist, as Shall be best
Approved of by ye Said Church Wardens & Vestry.
Also Voted that Mr Hays the Sexton have an augmentation of 2/ per Week
till next Easter.
Janry 10 Voted by the Church wardens & Vestry that Mr Baker serve as
sexton to the Church in the room of Thos Hayes decd untill easter
next Provided he Continue sober & of a good behavour untill that time.
April 6, 1724
Att a meeting of the Church at Easter for the ensueing Year
Voted that |
John Barnes |
serve as Church wardens for the Year 1724 |
& James Sterling279 |
The Vestry and that they Shall be all Communicants in the Church.
Collo Wm Tayler. |
Robt Auchmuty Esq.r |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Major Paul Mascareene. |
Capt Cyprian Southacke. |
Capt Wm Pearne.280 |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Robert Robbinson Esq.r |
Capt John Cox. |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
Mr Thomas Philips. |
Doctr John Gibbons. |
Mr Job Lewis.281 |
Mr George Craddock. |
Mr Wm Spikeman.282 |
Mr Thomas Selby. |
Mr William Randle.283 |
Doctr John Cutler. |
John Reed Esq.r284 |
Mr James Smith |
Francis Brindley Esq.r |
Francis Brindley Esqr to continue Church warden till
June ensueing.
Voted that Messrs George Craddock & Joshua Wroe be
Auditors of last Years Account.
Voted By a vote of the congregation that Mr Nathaniel Gifford
be organist for the Year ensuing and that he play a Voluntary
before the first Lesson and attend the Church upon all holy Days
also the Clark to be Continued.
that James Baker the Sexton be Continued upon his good
April 16.
At a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Vardys285 ye Exchange Tavern.
Present |
The Reverend Mr Samll Miles |
Churchwardens |
Mr Brindley. |
Mr Randle. |
Mr Sterling. |
Mr Philips. |
Mr Speakman. |
Mr Lewis. |
Mr Gibbons. |
Mr Auchmuty. |
Mr Mills. |
Mr Robinson. |
Mr Cox.286 |
Mr Craddock. |
Mr Pearne. |
Mr Smith. |
Mr Barnes. |
Mr Mascareen. |
Nothing done only the examination of the pews as to title, & those to be
Disposed off, allso Contribution as by the particular list.
Aprill 23: 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Vardys ye Exchange Taverne
Present The Reverend Mr Samll Miles.
Church wardens |
Mr Brinley. |
Mr Sterling. |
Collll Taler. |
Mr Spikeman. |
Mr Mascariene. |
Mr Auchmuty. |
Mr Smith. |
Mr Cox. |
Mr Jekyll. |
Mr Mills. |
Mr Lechmere. |
Mr Phillips. |
Mr Craddock. |
Dr Stewart. |
Mr Selby. |
Dr Gibbins. |
Mr Randle. |
Mr Barnes. |
Voted that the Church Wardens for the time being have liberty to putt
out at interest what Money Shall be in their Hands belonging to
the Church at good Personall Security not exceeding One Hundred pounds
to one person.
Also That the Two Church wardens Mr Jekyll Mr Accmuty Mr Reed
and Doctr Gibbins, or the major part are desired to Assist the Revd
Mr Miles in drawing up proper Answers to the Lord of Londons287 Queries
also A Letter of thanks. The same Committee draw up a letter of
thanks to his Excellency Genll Nicholson & send him a Coppy of the
Answers to his Lordps Queries.
And to Draw up a dutifull and Loyall addresse to the King,
The Reverend Mr Henry Harris was Sent for to the Vestry but
sending word he was indisposed
Voted that Capt Sterling be Desired to wait on Mr Harris to meet the
Vestry the next Thursday at 4 o Clock at this House.
N: 4 The Contribution To be paid by Mr Lambert288 Next Easter
£5.4 or Sooner for him self & Mr John Oulton.
April 30: 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Verdys the Exchange Tavern.
Present the Reverend Mr Samll Myles.
Church Wardens |
Mr Barnes. |
Mr Sterling. |
Vestry Men |
Vestry Men |
Mr Jekyll. |
Capt Cox. |
Mr Smith. |
Mr Lechmere. |
Mr Selby. |
Dr Stewart. |
Mr Mascareen. |
Dr Gibbons. |
Mr Craddock. |
Mr Phillips. |
Mr Lewis. |
Mr Speakman. |
Mr Randle. |
Voted that Capt Corny have leave to Continue in his Pew
paying Contribution.
Also that those Gentlemen who are already gone to the North Church
Shall have a consideration for their Pews one half of the first Cost.
Also that those Gentlemen who Shall for the future go to the North
Church Shall have no Consideration at all for their Pews.
Also that Mr Thos Selby have a right to three Quarters of the N:o 20
of the North Isle Relinquishing his Own pew No 22 in the Same Isle
and when the Widow Britton is provided otherwise to her Satisfaction
then Mr Selby is to Pay to the Church £3.15 & have a right to
the whole Pew.
Also that Mr Thomas Phillips have the Pew N:o 22 formerly
Mr Selbys paying ten Pounds to the Church & that he has liberty
to Give Up his pew N:o 34 on the North Side to Mr Luke Verdy the
mony rec’d.
Also That Mr Vallentines Pew be disposed of.
Also That Mr John Tubee Shall have the pew N.o 37 on the
North Side formerly in the Possession of Monk289 & Warner
Paying ten Pound is the Mony Rec:d
Also that Mrs Bath be spoken to & if She pays the Arrears from
the Death of her Husband & Security to pay the Contribution for the
time to Come then Her Title to be Confirmed if not to be disposed
of to Mrs Britton & Bucher. Answer Nothing to do with the pew
the title given to her Son at Present Abroad & when
returnes She is to informe him of the Above Vote.
Mrs Rows has a Title to one half of the Pew.
Mr John Arbuthnot290 title to one half of his pew.
May 7th 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Verdys Exch Tavern.
Present the Reverend Mr Samll Miles.
Church wardens |
Mr Barnes. |
Mr Sterling. |
Mr Lechmere. |
Mr Randle. |
Capt Cox. |
Mr Craddock. |
Mr Phillips. |
Mr Selby. |
Mr Speakman |
Dr Gibbins. |
Mr Mascareene. |
Mr Lewis. |
Mr Mills. |
Dr Stewart. |
Mr Smith. |
Dr Cutler. |
Pearson pew N:o 33 North Side.
Voted that Fletcher Whitehead & Elisa Cox & husband have a title to
two thirds of Said Pew & that they pay Each of them Six pence per Week
Also that Phillips the founder & his Wife being Entituled to the
other third of the Said Pew he promising to Pay 12d per week.
Also that the Widow Sympson be Intituled to half the Pew N:o 42
She paying Six pence per week Quarterly.
Rec’d Mr Henry Franklyns promise to pay his Mothers Contribution
Mrs Davis at ye Bare to pay her Contribution Quarterly
Mr John Briggs to Pay after the Same Manner.
Half of Mr Joseph Bissetts pew to be disposed of No 42 Disposed
And order to the Sexton that he Cite both the Ministers and the whole
Vestry to meet at the Above house upon Special
Affaires on the 11: Instant.
May 14 |
No 24 |
{ |
Capt Brett has a title to his pew the Contribution |
No Isle |
{ |
to be paid quarterly from last Easter. |
No 19 |
{ |
The Widow Vibert has a title to her Pew but is Incapable |
N Isle |
{ |
of Paying Contribution. |
No 6 |
{ |
Possessed formerly by Mr Sympson now in the Possesion |
Et End |
{ |
Thos Eyre Contribution Paid by him Weekly. |
No 38 |
{ |
John Gibbs Entituled to the Pew by Succession from |
No Side |
{ |
his father he paying 12d per Week Quarterly. |
The Widdow Kent to Keep the title of her pew for her Son |
& that the Contribution of 52/ per annum be paid Quarterly |
Commencing from last Easter. Also that Mr Franklyn the Printer |
have to Sit there he Paying his Contribution twelve pence per Week. |
No 31 |
{ |
Capt Nuocks pew was paid for to the former Church wardens |
So: Side |
{ |
Contribution Duly Paid. |
No 10 |
{ |
Mr John Barnes his Title good. |
So Side |
{ |
Mr Job Lewis in the front Gallery his title Good. |
No 33 |
{ |
Kenton the Clarke his title good haveing done Sundry Jobbs |
Et End |
{ |
to the Church. |
No 31 |
{ |
Lazarus Hubbart his title good the Contribution as he Says |
Et End |
{ |
is Duly paid at Least twelve Pence Each Sunday. |
No 17 |
Mrs Britton and Mrs Bucher have Each of them one Quarter |
Part of the Pew Paying their Contribution Mrs Bucher pd 40/ |
No 35 |
Mrs Davis title good the Contribution Duly paid as She is able. |
No 6 |
Mrs Sarah Robbinson have the Pew behind the Pulpit in |
returne for her Place that was behind Mr Smith Paying |
Contribution. Recd of Thos Selby by a former Vote £3.15 |
N: 42 |
{ |
Messrs Hayes’s the Pilots Entituled to half the pew paying |
N: Side |
{ |
five Pounds. Mony Recd. |
May 21: 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Vardys Exch Tavern
Present The Reverend Mr Samuel Miles.
Church Wardens |
John Barnes. |
James Sterling. |
Major Mascareen. |
Mr Selby. |
Dr Gibbons. |
Mr Lewis. |
Dr Stewart. |
Mr Phillips. |
Mr Randle. |
Capt Cox. |
Mr Speakman. |
{ |
Formerly Paddisons That Capt Gideon Ball & his Family |
Et End |
be established in the Same pew paying fifteen Pounds & Contribu: |
:tion Mony Received. |
The four Corner Pews in the Gallerys were built by leave of the
former Church wardens by the following Persons.
John Pillet In the Womans Gallery. |
Edward Cainston & |
Thomas Shaw |
N: East. |
Henry Redin & |
James Wright |
} |
one pew in the N West. |
John Lambert. |
the other in the N: West. |
Benjamin Brue. |
The titles Good the Contributions duly paid hitherto.
No 32 |
Francis Rawlinson title good as apeard by a Rec’t from John |
N Wt |
Jekyl Esq:r The Contribution Duly Paid. |
No 21 |
Formerly Mr Watts’s Sold to Capt Richard Avery he paying £10 |
Wt End |
Also Contribution be duly Paid. |
No 8 |
Mr Robt Skinner Entituled to the other half of the Pew he |
Gallery |
paying £5 The mony & also that he pay Contribution. |
Voted that Major Paul Mascareen and his family with Collll Taylers
leave sitt in that Pew and that an other Person come there Untill a
Suitable pew be vacant agreeable to the Major & his Lady & that they
havy the preferrence of the Same before anyone whatsoever.
Also that James Sterling be Entituled to the Pew formerly Mr Blunts
payying £20 & the Contribution mony recd
Also that Mr Lock the Butcher pay the Contribution Quarterly
May 22 Collll Tayler has given leave to Major Mascareene to Sit in his Pew
June 4 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Vardys Exchange Taverne
Present the Reverend Mr Samll Miles.
Church wardns |
John Barnes |
James Sterling |
Dr John Gibbins. |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
Mr Job Lewis. |
Mr George Craddock. |
Dr George Stewart. |
Mr Tho:s Selby. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Mr Wm Randle. |
Mr Thomas Philips. |
Capt John Cox. |
John Reed Esq.r |
Mr Wm Speakman. |
Voted that Mr William Randle be Sent to the Reverend Mr Henry
Harris to Desire the Letter he promised to give the 30th of last April
and answerd he had no timely notice & that he would have Nothng to
Say to us.
Voted that the Minister & Church Wardens of the Kings Chapple
make a faithfull & just representation to My Lord of London
of the Revd Mr Henry Harris’s Conduct for the last two Years
Also that the Clarke Shall have 20/ |
for their attendance while |
and the Sexton 40/ |
the Vestry Met publickly |
out of the Church Stock. |
Also that Each Vestryman & Church Warden Shall pay the
Expence of the Meetings out of their own private purses.
The Whole Expence of the Vestry at the Tavern
June 15th
List of Those who pay their Contribution Quarterly.
Helenor Whitehead 6d per week |
No 33 North Side |
Elisa Cox & Husband Do |
Phillips the founder he continues to pay weekly |
Widow Sympson 8d per week |
No 42. |
Mrs Frankyln 12d Do to be paid by her Son Henry. |
John Briggs Do per week |
No 24 North Isle. |
Capt Brett Do |
John Gibbs Do |
Lock the Butcher D.o |
Decr 1 1724
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Luke Verdys excha Tavern
Present the Reverend Mr Samll Miles
John Barnes |
Church Wardens |
James Sterling |
Willm Tayler Esq.r |
John Cox. |
Thos Lechmere Esq.r |
William Randle. |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Thos Phillips |
Mr Francis Brinley. |
Vestrymen |
Willm Speakman. |
George Craddock. |
James Smith |
John Gibbins |
George Stewart |
Thos Selby. |
Voted that the following Certificate & Declaration in
Favour of Doctr Timothy Cutler be entered.
We the subscribers members of his Majesties Chappel in Boston
do certifie all persons Whom it doth or may Concern that the
Reverend Doctor Timothy Cutler hath to the best of our
Knowledge Ever since his declaring for the Church of England
to this Instant behaved himself after a becomeing & Innofensive
manner to all orders & Degrees of Men in this Place more Especialy
towards the Reverend Mr Henry Harris & Neglected no means proper
for a Clergyman & a Christian or a Gentleman to use for
gaining the Said Mr Harris’s good will & to Live peacebly with
him In Testi Mony Where of We have herein to Set our hands
This first Day of Decr in the Year of Our Lord 1724
The above certificate Read at the Vestry the Reverend Mr
Henry Harris being present & aproved of the same Likewise
Gave his opinion that the Said certificate be registred in the
Church Books.
March 29 1725
Att a meeting of the Vestry for the ensueing Year
Voted that Messrs John Barnes |
Serve as Church Wardens |
& John Gibbins |
The Honourable Wm Tayler Esqr |
Vestry men |
John Jeky Esqr |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Dr George Stewart. |
Mr George Craddock. |
Mr Thos Selby. |
Francis Brindley Esqr |
Capt John Cox. |
Mr Wm Speakman. |
Mr Wm Randle. |
Dr John Cutler. |
Mr John Checkley. |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Voted that Messrs Craddock Lewis & Wroe be auditors to
the last Years Account.
Mr Nathaniel Gifford to Continue Organist and Shall
have for Sallary forty Pounds for this Year.
& the Contribution Shall be gathered by going round wth boxes
Also the Clark Continued and that he have for Sallary for
the ensuing Year twenty two Pounds.
Also that James Baker the Sexton be Continued & is to
have for Sallary 8/ for the Ensueing Year.
That Mr Gilbert Warner shall have the other half of
the Pew of Mr Arbuthnots he paying £10.
Also that Estes Hatch shall have the pew of Capt Cornys pew
he relinquishing of his own & pay for the same £10.
Also that Capt Wm Browne Shall have the pew that was
Collll Hatches he paying fifteen Pounds.
Also that Dr John Cutler Shall have the Pew he now sits in
being Collll Foxcrofts pew he paying fifteen Pounds.
March 30 Also that Mr John Read Shall have the pew formerly Mr
Gibbs’s he paying ten Pounds to the Church & five Pounds
to his Widow.
Also that Mr Peter Stelling Shall have half of the pew
of Carter & Peake he paying five Pounds.
Also upon Mr Robinson refusing to pay fifty two Shillings for the
last Year to the Church wardens his pew Shall be disposed to
Capt Robert Butler & Capt Francis Wells.
Also that Mr Samll Cooper & Mr Andrew Halliburton shall
have the pew of Capt Averys they paying ten Pounds.
Also that all Pews that are disposed, and to be disposed of, to any person
what Soever those persons shall pay the Value to the Church
wardens in a month at furthest after the disposal otherwise
the Church wardens Shall dispose of the Same to those persons
that will pay for the Same.
Also that the Alteration of the pews of the South Side be at
the Charge of the Church & that Messrs George Craddock Job
Lewis, & John Cox Shall have such pew as Shall be Vacant by
Said Alteration they paying ten Pounds Each & relinquishing
their Pews in the Gallery.
Also that the Church wardens wait upon the Honourable
Willm Tayler Esqr & Desire him to Sit in the Governours pew.
Boston Janry 24 1725/6
Att a meeting of the Congregation belonging to the
Kings Chappel in boston. Voted that the Som of 20/ per week
be added to the Sallary of the Reverend Mr Samll Myles to
make it five pounds per week for the time to Come & that £400 be
lent him out of the Church Stock the Next Easter, without
Interest he paying into the Church wardens for the time being
£100 per year untill the whole £400 be paid his house & land to
be security for the Said four hundred pounds.
Att a meeting of Congregation on Easter Monday
Boston April 11:th 1726
Voted that Messrs. John Gibbins & |
be Church Wardens |
Charles Apthorpe |
for the Year Ensuing |
Vestry Men | Vestry Men | Vestry Men |
Wm Taylor Esq.r |
Mr Joshua Wroe |
Mr. Willm Randle |
Thos Lechmere Esq.r |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr. Thos Selby |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Collo Estes Hatch. |
Mr. Thos Philips. |
Francis Bryndley Esq.r |
Mr. John Powell. |
Mr. John Cox |
Mr John Barnes. |
Robt Auchmuty Esq.r |
Doctr John Cutler |
Mr George Craddock. |
Mr. Thos. Amorey |
Mr. Willm Lambert |
Cyprian Southack. |
John Reed Esq.r |
Mr. George Shore291 |
Maj.r Paul Mascarine. |
Mr John Overing Esq.r |
Job Lewis |
Mr. James Smith |
Doctr George Stewart |
Mr. Willm Speakman |
Voted That Robt Kenton the Clarks Sallary be raised to
thirty pounds per annum.
And that Messrs George Craddock Job Lewis & Joshua Wroe
be auditors to the last Years Account.
That the ministers Church wardens & vestry be impowerd to manage
the whole affaires of the Church for the ensuing Year.
Att a meeting of the Vestry on April 13th A.M. in the Church
The Reverend Mr Miles. |
John Gibbons Church Warden |
John Barnes. |
John Reed. Esq.r |
Robt Auchmuty. Esqr |
John Powell. |
George Stewart. |
John Checkley. |
Estes Hatch. |
Wm Lambert. |
Job Lewis. |
James Smith. |
John Cox. |
John Cutler. |
Thos Phillips. |
Wm Randle. |
George Shores |
Wm Speakman. |
The reverend Mr Samll Miles Informed the Vestry that Mr
Charles Apthorpe refused to serve as Church warden & nominated Mr
Thos Selby who was Chosen by a majority of voices.
May 30. 1726
Att a meeting of the vestry at Mr Thos Selby’s.
The Revd Mr Samuel Miles Rector.
John Gibbins. |
Church Wardens. |
Thos Selby. |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Wm Speakman. |
Maj:r Paul Mascarine. |
Dr Stewart. |
Job Lewis. |
John Barnes. |
Thos Amorey. |
Willm Randle. |
John Overing. |
George Shore. |
Capt John Cox. |
Joshua Wroe. |
Willm Lambert. |
George Craddock. |
Jno Checkley. |
James Smith. |
Whereas the Reverend Mr Samuel Miles instead of receiving £400
from the Church agreeable to a Vote of the Congregation Janry 24 1725/6
has taken the same from his honour the Lieut Governour. Voted that the
sum of twenty four Pounds be paid out of the Church Stock to his
Honour for the first years interest of the Said Sum of four hundred Pounds
eighteen pounds for the Second twelve pounds for the third & Six Pounds
for the fourth years interest.
Voted That four score pounds be raised within a fortnight
from this day & lent to the Revd Mr Samll Miles upon
his promissory note payable within Six months, from the
Day of the date hereof.
That Inasmuch as Mr Joseph Hearne has by Indisposition
of Body been absent from the Church for nigh two
years last past, Major Paul Mascreen be intled to the
pew next to Mr Jno Barnes’s paying for said pew twenty
pounds & reserving a place for Mr Hearne when ever
he shall be able to come to church.
That Mr Wm Randle be intitled to the pew lately
Belonging to Mr Peter Butler decd paying for said
pew the sum of twenty Pounds & in Case any of Mr
Butlers Children when of Age Shall demand the said pew
the Church Shall pay back the twenty pounds to Mr Randle
That Mr Thomas Amorey upon Consideration of
having paid ten Pounds towards a pew about three Years
ago have the preference of the first that shall be Vacant
That Mr Nathaniel Gifford be continued organist
for the Year ensuing & be paid Forty Pounds Sallary
Memorandum January 20 1726/7 Captain Querck paid 52/ for his
Contribution for the Year ensuing that he might hold his Title
to his Pew.
March 28: 1727
Att a meeting of the Vestry at M.r Luke Vardys P.M.
Present the Revd Mr Samuel Miles
John Gibbins |
Church Wardens. |
Thos Selby |
Thos Lechmere Esq.r |
Job Lewis. |
Jno Reed Esqr |
Estes Hatch. |
James Smith. |
Paul Mascarine. |
Jno Powell. |
Thos Amorey. |
George Craddock. |
George Stewart. |
Willm Speakman. |
John Barnes. |
Willm Lambert. |
Thos Phillips. |
John Checkley. |
George Shore. |
Voted That the paper, relating to the Church Stock’s Security,
laid before the Vestry by Dr George Stewart be referr’d
to the Consideration of the Congregation on monday in
Easter Week.
Ordered that the Sexton ring the bell every Sunday morning
from three quarters after Nine to Ten of the Clock, And in ye Afternoon
in the Summer from 3 quarters after two until three, But
in the Winter from 3 quartrs after One until Two.
Boston April 4th 1727
Att a generall meeting of the Congregation of the Kings
Chappel in Boston on easter Monday
That Mr Thomas Selby & Mr Thomas Phillips be Church
wardens for the Year ensuing.
Voted that the following persons be Vestry
men for the year.
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Majr Paul Masquarine. |
Mr Job Lewis. |
Mr John Powell. |
Mr Joshua Wroe. |
Mr Thomas Amery. |
Mr William Randle. |
Mr William Speakman. |
Mr James Smith. Jun.r |
Mr John Checkley. |
Mr Robt Skinner. |
Wm Lambert Esq.r |
Mr George Shore. |
Collo Estes Hatch. |
John Reed Esq.r |
Mr Thos Creese Jun.r |
Voted That Nathll Gifford be Continued Organist for the Year
Ensuing at £40 per ann Salary
That Robt Kenton be Continued Clark at £30 per ann
& that James Boxer be Continued Sexton at 8d per week.
Voted that the ministers Church Wardens & Vestry be impowred to
manage the affaires of the Church for the Year ensuing.
Voted That the Church Wardens for the time being provide a good
strong box with 3 different Locks & Keys one of which Shall
be kept by the Eldest Church Warden another Key by the other
Church warden for the time being & the third Key by Such
Proper person as the Congregation Shall apoint & that the
Box containing the Church money Shall be Lodged at the
ministers house.
Voted That Mr Job Lewis be the person to keep the third Key for
the year ensuing
Voted That the said Church Wardens & sd Mr Job Lewis shall
meet at the place where the Said box is Kept on the first
Monday in every month & make fair entrances in the Book
& put into the Said Strong box such monies as Shall be in the
eldest Church Wardens hands for the time being & do all other
business’s relating to sd Stock which is now managed only
by the eldest Church Warden Except paying the weekly sallaries
& mending the windows & that no sum of Mony Shall be put
out to interest with out the Consent of two of the Key Keepers
at least. and in Case any one of the Key Keepers should
want any mony upon interest with Good security he Shall
have the Approbation of the Other two. And that No person
Shall have any Sum exceeding One Hundred Pounds wth out Said
June 26 1727
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Mr Thos Selbys.
The Reverend Mr Samll Miles.
Mr Thos Selby |
Church Wardens. |
Mr Thos Phillips |
Thomas Lechmere Esq.r |
Collo Wm Taylor. |
Mr Thos Amory. |
Mr Robert Skiner. |
Collll Estes Hatch. |
Mr William Lambert. |
Mr Jno Powell. |
Mr George Shore. |
Mr Job Lewis. |
Mr Thomas Creese. |
Mr William Spikeman. |
Mr William Randle. |
Mr Joshua Wroe. |
Voted That the Church wardens pay unto his Honour the Lieut
Governour the Sum of twenty four Pounds for one Years
Interest of four hundred pounds ending ye 20th Instant due from
the Reverend Mr Samuel Myles.
Voted That the Church wardens be impowerd to make
such repaires in the Church as they shall think Convenient
not exceeding the Sum of Thirty Pounds.
Voted That Mr Samuel Grainger292 have the half of the pew
that he now sitts in at the price that the Vestry shall agree upon
Voted That the Church wardens do provide a place proper in
the Church to place Mr Daniel Williard as they Shall think proper
Boston August 3d 1727
Att a meeting of the Vestry at Mr Thos Selbys
Voted that the Church wardens be desired & Impowerd to sign a
certain memorial to the Generall Court in relation to the
ministers of the Church of England in Boston being over
seers of the Colledge in Cambridge.
Boston August 4 1727
Att a meeting of the Vestry of the Kings Chappel in Boston
Thos Selby |
Church Wardens. |
Thos Phillips |
Thos Lechmere Esqr |
Robt Skinner. |
Thos Amery. |
Major Mascarine. |
John Powell. |
Vestry Men |
Thos Creese Jun.r |
Willm Randle. |
William Lambert Esq.r |
Job Lewis: |
George Shore. |
Willm Spikeman. |
Joshua Wroe. |
John Reed Esq.r |
Voted That the Church wardens Shall be impowerd to pay one half of the
present Contingent Charge & wt here after may arise by presenting
to effect a Certain memorial to the Great & General Court exhibiting
asserting & maintaning of the Right of the Revd Dr Timothy Cutler
& Samuel Miles being rejected as Overseers of Harvard Colledge
according to the Original Establishment.
That Thomas Lechmere John Reed & Robt Achmuty
Esqrs be committers to present the memorial.
Att a Meeting of the vestry of Kings Chappel in Boston
on the 18th Day of August 1727.
The Reverend Mr Samuel Miles Minister.
The Reverend Mr Henry Harris.
Mr Thos Selby. |
Church Wardens. |
Mr Thos Phillips. |
The Honourable. Collo Taylor Esq.r |
Capt Cyprian Southack. |
Mr Edward Mills. |
Mr Joshua Wroe. |
Mr John Powell. |
Mr Job Lewis. |
Vestry Men |
Mr Thos Amery. |
Mr Robt Skinner. |
Mr George Shore. |
Mr Willm Randle |
Mr Thos Creese Junr. |
Voted That the Pulpit & Desk of the Kings Chappel be
put in to mourning & also the Communion Table.
Boston Augt 21: 1727
At a meeting of the Congregation of the Kings Chappel in
Boston at Mr Vardys the Revd Mr Samuel Myles being absent
thro Indisposition but attended on by Mr Thomas Phillips
Mr Willm Randle & Mr Robert Skinner who reported that
he Approved of the Meeting this night & would sign Such Loyall
address to his Majesty as the Committe Chosen should draw up.
Voted that an Address be drawn up accordingly & that the Revd
Mr Samuel Miles & the Revd Mr Harris wth the Honble Collo William
Taylor Thos. Lechmere Esqr & Major. Paul Mascarine be a
Committe to Draw up the same
That the Church Wardens do wait upon the Revd Dr Timothy
& desire that his Church may appoint a Comittee to join in the
drawing up the said Address.
Boston August 22.d 1727
Att a Meeting of the Committee of his Majesty’s Chapel
& Christ Church at Mr Vardys
It is resolved by the Committee of both Churches appointed
to meet for the drawing up a Dutiful & Loyal Address
to his Majesty That the Church Wardens of both Churches
be acquainted that they have accordingly prepared a Draught
of it & desire that Warning be given to both Congregations
to meet on Wednesday the 30th of this Instant at the Kings-
Chappel to hear the same read in Order to give their Assent
for Signing
Present The Rev.d Doctor Cutler
The Rev.d Mr Harris
The Honble Coll.n Wm Taylor Esq.r
Thomas Letchmere Esq.r
Paul Mascarine Esq.r
Thomas Graves Esqr293
Mr Samuel Weeks.294
Augt 27 1727
Att a meeting of the Committee of both Churches at
Mr Vardys for drawing up dutifull & loyall address to his
Majesty that the Church Wardens of both Churches be
acquainted that they have accordingly prepared and caught
of it & Desire that Warning may be given to both
Congregations to meet on Wednesday the 30th of this
Instant at the Kings Chappel to hear the Same read in order
to Give their assent for Signing.
The Revd Doctor Cutler
The Revd Mr Harris
The Honble Coll Wm Taylor
Thomas Lechmere
Paul Mascarine
Thomas Greaves
Mr Samll Weeks
At a Meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens Vestry’s
and Congregation of the Episcopal Churches in Boston at
the Kings Chappel in Boston the 30th August 1727
An Address to his Majesty prepared by the Committee Chosen
& appointed to draw up the same from the Ministers Church
Wardens Vestry’s & Congregations of y.e said two Churches –
being read
Voted That the said Address be accepted & Signed by the S.d Ministers
Church Wardens Vestry’s & Congregations
A Letter to the Bishop of London being presented by ye Reverend
Doctr Cutler was read & accepted.
Voted That the said Letter be signed by the Ministers Church Wardens
& Vestrys of the Said Churches in behalf of themselves and the
Voted That an Address be made to his Majesty for a Bishop and
that the said Address be sent to the Bishop of London in
twelve months & that the persons who signed the Address to
the King shall likewise sign the Address for a Bishop unless
other wise Determined by the Bishop of London.
Voted That the Address to his Majesty be sent to Mr Thos Sanford295
Mercht in London to be by him presented to Generat Nicholson
& Gouvernour Shute in Order to be presented to the Bishop of
London & in their absence to present the same himself And
that the honble William Tayler Esqr Major Vassall & M.r
George Craddock be the persons to forward the same.
At a Meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens Vestry’s and Congregations
of the two Episcopal Churches in Boston at the Kings Chappel in Bost
on the first day of September 1727
Voted That Mr Samuel Grainger for his Services done to the said
Churches be paid as a Gratuity the Sum of Ten Pounds –
Viz.t Six pounds part thereof by the Kings Chappel & four
pounds Remainder thereof by Christ Church
Att a meeting of the ministers Church Wardens Vestry’s and
Congregations of the two Episcopal Churches in Boston at
the Kings Chappel in Boston the August 1727
An Address to his Majesty prepared by the Committee Chose
& appointed to draw up the same from the ministers Church
Wardens Vestries & Congregations of ye said two Churches –
being read.
Voted that the said Address be accepted & Signed by the s.d Ministers
Church Wardens Vestry’s & Congregations.
Boston Augt 27 1727
Att a meeting of the Committee of both Churches at
Mr Vardys for drawing up dutifull & loyall address to his
Majesty that the Church Wardens of both Churches be
acquainted that they have accordingly prepared and caught
of it & Desire that Warning may be given to both
Congregations to meet on Wednesday the 30th of this
Instant at the Kings Chappel to hear the Same read in order
to Give their assent for Signing.
The Revd Doctor Cutler
The Revd Mr Harris
The Honble Coll Wm Taylor
Thomas Lechmere
Paul Mascarine
Thomas Greaves
Mr Samll Weeks
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens Vestrys
and Congregations of the two Episcopal Churches in Boston
at the Kings Chappel in Boston
Voted that Mr Samuel Grainger for his Services done to the said
Churches be paid as a Gratuity the Sum of Ten Pounds Vizt
Six Pounds part thereof by the Kings Chappel & four Pounds
remainder there of by Christ Church.
To the King’s most excellent majesty the humble
address of the Ministers & Congregations of the Episcopall
Churches in Boston in the Massachusetts bay in N. Engd
May it please your Majesty
We your majestys Dutiffull & Loyall Subjects humbly
beg leave to Console with your majesty on the Death of your
royall Father our late Gracious Sovereign a loss only to be
repaired by your majestys happy & peaceable accession to the
throne of Your Ancestors to which you are intitled by Your
Vertues as well as by your Birth it being the united voice of all
your Majestys Loyall Subjects that the graces & perfections
which adorn your royall person reflect a greater lustre upon
the Crown you wear than they receive from it and the Gems
in your Imperial Diadem are not so resplendent as the Shining
accomplishments of Our Most excellent Queen rendered still more
glorious by the beutifull Prospect of Your Illustrious offspring.
We are indeed far removed from the Center of Your Majesties
government never the less we doubt not but your propitious
Influence like the Rays of the Sun will be extended to the utmost
bounds of Your large dominions Your Majesties most gracious
most gracious declaration has already filled our hearts with
extraordinary joy We are there by encouraged to hope for
Your Majesties protection & Especiall favour to the
Episcopal Churches in N. England being in their Infancy
struggling with many Difficulties & tho we are not Capable
of Serving Your Majesty as Some of our fellow subjects who are
Placed under your immediate Presence Yet in our Inferiour Station
We Shall embrace all oportunities of Demonstrating our hearty
Zeal & Unfeigned affection for your Sacred person & Governmt
We Shall all always esteem it our principal & most Comprehensive
Duty to fear God Honour the King our rightfull & law full Sover:n
King George the Second & pray with the most fervent Devotion
that god would be graciously pleased to grant your Majesty a long
& happy reign over us that he would Crown You & Your Royal
Consort with ever lasting felicity & make You Glad with the
Joy of Your Countenance & grant that there never may be wanting
princes of your August family & of your faith who may have with the
blessing of Your Majts Reign to after Ages.
May it please your Lordship.
The two Episcopal Churches of this town embrace
this opportunity to express their unfeigned Loyalty to his
present Majesty & their most joyfull Congratulations
of his Accession to the throne of his Hereditary Dominions
of Great Brittain & Ireland. & we the underwritten
do now in their names & at their Desire tender their
address to Your Lordps Approbation ambitious of the
presentment of it by your hands.
Yt was may it Please your Lordp the Inclination of Several
to have now presented to his majesty our want of a Bishop
Resident in these American parts & humbly to have ask’d
this blessing as the first instance of his Princely Care to Us
but by others it was thought too early to be so particular
However we all Concurred to have an address on this
Subject prepared & Signed within the Compass of twelve
Months & then to tender it to his Majesty by your
Lordps Assistance unless Your Lordps Wisdom Shall direct
us better in the mean time
We do assure your Lordp that no part of this motion
arises from any Doubt of Your Lordps great abilities
or tender Care of us but purely from a Sence of our Unhappy
Distance from your Eye. For which reasons we remain with
humble expectations of your Lordps thoughtfullness upon this
affair & what ever instructions your Lordp shall think
proper for us all & particularly for
May it please your Lordship
Your Lordps
Most Dutifull Sons & servants
Samuel Miles. |
Job Lewis. |
Timothy Cutler. |
Wm Speakman. |
Henry Harris. |
Henry Whitton. |
Leonard Vassall. |
Thos Creese. |
Thos Selby. |
George Monk. |
Thos Phillips. |
Thomas Greaves. |
Wm Tayler. |
Willm Price. |
Thos Letcmere |
John Jekyll. |
Cyprian Southack |
Ed. Mills. |
James Smith. |
Wm Randle. |
Will Lambert |
Sam Weeks. |
Paul Mascarine |
Robt Skinner. |
Wm Patten. |
George Shore. |
Henry Langhton. |
John Powell. |
Th Amorey |
Joshua Wroe |
To the Parishoners of the Kings Chappel at
Boston in New England
Gentlemen. Inasmuch as I am at present in a very
low and Languishing Conditions, & God only knows when
I Shall recover my health So as to be able to perform
the Duties of my Holy Function I therefore most earnestly
Entreat you Speedily to find out Some Method to procure
me a Curate from England who may Come over as soon
as may be & in so doing you will oblige your (very
weak & afflicted but) faithful Friend
Samuel Myles
Boston N. England.
Feb.y 2:nd 1727/8
At a Meeting of the Congregation Kings Chapel,
at Boston in New England Feb.ry 1727/8 Summon’d by
the Rev.d m.r Samuel Myles, to Send to England for a Curate
m.r Thomas Phillips Church Wardens having refused to enter
a vote put up by himself vizt Whether the Congregation
proceed to Business or not? Which was carried in the
Affirmative by a very great Majority; and then Absenting him:
:Self together with the Rev.d m.r Henry Harris & Some others
and carrying away with him the Church Books:
The Congregation then proceeded to Business & passed
the following Votes Nemine Contradicente.
- 2. That John Jekyl Esqr be Moderator.
- 3. That John Gibbins Enter the Votes of this Congregation
- 4 That the Reverend m.r Samuell Myles be provided with a Curate according to his Desire.
- 5. That General Nicholson and m.r Thomas Sandford296 Merchant in London, be the Persons to whom Applica: :tion Shall be made, or in the Absence of One of them, the other be the Person to whom We Shall make Application to procure Such a person, well affected to his Sacred Majesty King George the Second, and the Protestant Succession in his Illustrious Family, and a Sincere Friend to the Church of England as by Law Established.
6. To Allow the Said Curate, for a Salary one Hundred Pounds Sterling per annum, to be paid here, at the Difference of Exchange; and Twenty Pounds Sterling to pay his Passage hither.
7. To Encourage Some Gentleman, qualified as above and whose Ability of Performing Divine Service and Preaching, as well as Morals, Shall Recommend him; That he Shall Succeed the Rev.d m.r Samuel Myles in this Church, upon the decease of the Rev.d m.r Myles.
8. That there be a Committee of five Persons, to write to General Nicholson and m.r Thomas Sandford Merchant in London to procure a Person, to come over here, qualified as above
John Jekyl Esq.r |
m.r George Cradock |
m.r John Eastwicke |
Voted to be ye Committee |
m.r John Barnes |
m.r John Checkley |
- 10. That M.r Thomas Phillips, Church Warden, take Possession of the Church Stock and the Keys of ye Church in Case of the Death of the Rev.d m.r Samuel Myles and keep the Same ‘til further Order from the Congregation.
- 11. That the Committee wait on the Rev.d M.r Samuel Myles and acquaint Him with Our Proceedings at this Meeting
Whereas a Vote was passed by the Congregation of Kings
Chapel in Boston in Easter Week last,
Impowering the Minister viz the Rev.d M.r Samuel Myles,
Church Wardens & Vestry of Said Church, to Transact the
Affaires of the Church for the year ensuing, or words to this
purpose; And inasmuch as one of the Church Wardens, vizt m.r
Thomas Selby is dead since And the Rev.d M.r Samuel
Myles is Dead also And being inform’d
that Tho.s Baker has warned the Vestry who
were chosen last Easter, to meet as a Vestry
at m.r Luke Verdys on monday the Instant at eleven
of the Clock in the forenoon
We therefore whose names are underwritten, Members
of the Said Congregation, do Protest against all and every
thing that hath been done Since the Death of the Rev.d
M.r Samuel Myles our late minister, By those Persons
chosen, Vestrymen last Year or shall hereafter be done
by them as a Vestry, they not being that Compleat Orga:nized
body to whom the power of transacting the affairs of the
Church was disolved by the above recited Votes March. 2.d 1727/8
Edward Lock. |
Tho.s Holker. |
Tho.s Ashton. |
George Cradock |
John Barnes. |
Gilbert Warner. |
Tho.s Higgins. |
Jos. Sleigh. |
Jos. Walker. |
Rich.d Hall. |
Tho.s Shaw. |
Jno White.297 |
Peter Stelling. |
Peter Wroe. |
Tho.s Wharton. |
Lazarus Hubbard. |
Nath.ll Richardson. |
W.m Wells. |
Willm Crosse. |
James Frazier. |
Sam.ll Bourne. |
Richd Wilson. |
Jno Morke. |
Rob.t Lark. |
Timy Crouchinton. |
Tho.s Wallis. |
Peter Briton. |
Jno Gibbons. |
Benja. Stedman. |
W.m Rullaue. |
Luke Vardy. |
Thos Child. |
John Carlo |
Edwd Cox. |
Rowland Dyke |
John Netmaker |
James Gillaspy. |
Samuel Banister |
George Mayo. |
Benja. Dauling. |
John Davis. |
Sam.ll Grainger. |
Sam.ll Negus. |
George Stewart |
James Hambelton |
Rich.d Quick. |
John Eastwicke. |
John Pillet. |
Stephen Labbe |
Wm Brushfeild. |
Jno Barnes. |
Benj.a Simmons. |
Jos Browne |
Jno Arbuthnot. |
Wm Franklyn. |
Benj.a Price. |
Peter Briton |
Andw Halliburton. |
Jos. Wakefld. |
John Lambert. |
James Ivers.298 |
Sampson Dewer. |
Tho.s Eyre. |
Anthony Enner. |
Peter Feurt. |
Tho.s Green. |
Edmund Ellis. |
James Lbbue. |
Edwd Boyle. |
Rufus Green.299 |
James Wady. |
Edward Carter. |
Arthur Head. |
Nath.ll Green. |
Henry Dyre. |
John Williams. |
James Hill. |
Silvester Gardiner. |
Frederick Cornwall |
Tho.s Loyd. |
John Harvey. |
David Abercromby. |
John Hurst. |
Henry Eliot. |
Jno Lucas. |
Samll Cox. |
Wellford Ridley. |
Joseph Phillips. |
Jno Gould. |
Jno Harrood. |
Ja Stevens. |
Francis Hatton. |
James Wright. |
Wm Burgis |
Jonathan Pue.300 |
David Melvill. |
Tho.s Langford. |
Ja.s Cornewall. |
Tho.s Little. |
Moses Markham. |
Samuel Carter |
Att a meeting of the Vestry of the Kings Chappel in Boston at the
Royall exchange on the fourth day of March Anno Dmo 1727/8
The Revd Mr Henry Harris President.
Mr Thos Phllips Sole Church Warden.
The Honble William Tayler Esqr. |
John Jekyll Esqr. |
Capt. Cyprian Southacke. |
Mr John Powell. |
Coll Estes Hatch. |
Mr George Shore. |
Mr James Smith. |
Majr Paul Mascarine. |
Mr Job Lewis. |
Wm Lambert Esqr. |
John Reed Esqr. |
Mr William Speakman |
non consenting |
Mr Robt Skinner |
non consenting |
Mr John Checkley . |
non consenting |
Mr Joshua Wroe |
Mr Willm Randle |
non consenting |
Mr Edward Mills. . |
Mr Thomas Amorey |
Mr Thos Creese Junr. |
non consenting |
Being met together at the Place above written it was put to vote
whether it was a Vestry legally met. it passed in the Affirmative by a
great majority Every body consenting except five persons whose non Consent
is above written over against their respective names.
That notice be given to the Congregation to meet at the Kings Chappel
tomorrow at eleven of the clock in order to Consult what may be
proper in relation to the funerall of Mr Samuel Miles Decd & upon
no other business. & also that notice be given on sunday next yt
ye congregation meet on the Wednesday following at three of the Clock
p m at the Kings Chappel
A true copy of a paper deliver’d to Robt Kenton Clerk of the
Kings Chappel in Boston by the Revd M Samuel Miles to be read
in the Said Chappel.
The Congregation are desired to meet here at three of the
Clock in the afternoon next Tuesday to Consult proper methods
of procureing a Curate from England for the Revd Mr Samll Miles.
Boston N Engd. Samuel Myles.
March 4 1727/8
Boston March y.e 5th 1727/8
At a meeting of the Congregation at the Kings Chappel in
Boston in Order to Consult what May be proper in Relation
to the funeral of the Reverd Mr Samuel Myles decd.
Voted That there be a Committe Chosen to Consider for
the said Service.
Voted That the Numbers of the said Committee be five.
Voted that M.r Thomas Phillips M.r Job Lewis M.r Jno Estwicke
M.r John Barnes M.r George Craddock be the sd Committee
Voted That the Charges arising upon the said ffunerall be
left to the discretion of s.d Committe.
Voted That the said Charges be paid out of the Church Stock.
Voted That the Congregation be adjourned to Wednesday Come Service
next at three a Clock P.M. being ye 13th instant.
Att a meetng of the Congregation of the Kings Chappel
in Boston Wednesday the of March 1727/8 by
The Question was put Whether the Rev.d Mr Henry Harris
has a right to joyn with the Congregation in Church Affairs
as the Minister of the Kings Chappel for the time being.
Then it was proposed Whether the Question as above written
should be put to a vote or not. It passed in the Negative.
The Question was put Whether the Chusing of a Minister should
be deferr’d till Gouvernour Burnett comes or not. It Passed
that it should not be deffer’d.
1. If it be your minds That proper Methods be taken to procure
a Clergyman from England well affected to his Sacred
Majesty King George the Second & the Protestant Succession
in his Illustrious family a Sincere friend to the Church
of England as by Law Established & whose Ability for
performing Service & Preaching as well as Morals
shall more over Recommend him to Succeed the Late Reverend
Mr Samuel Myles in this Church manifest it &c.
It passed in the Affirmative
2. If it be your minds that his Excellency Generall Nicholson
& Mr Thomas Sanford Mercht in London be the persons
impowerd to or in the Absence of one of them the other be
impowerd to present a Clergy man for Institution quallifd
as by the fore going Vote in the name & behalf of this Congregation
within Six months from the Death of the late Revd Mr Miles to
our right reverend Diocesan the Lord Bp of London to succeed the
Reverend Mr Miles in this Church manifest & c
It passed in the Affirmative
If it be your minds that the One hundred & ten Pounds
Sterling be settled as a yearly Salary upon the aforesaid
Clergyman to Commence upon his Arrival here, & to be paid,
Here by Weekly proportions at the difference of Exchange
Manifest it &c It passed in the Affirmative.
4 If it be Your minds that John Jekyll Esqr.George
Craddock. John Eastwicke. John Barnes & John Checkley
be a Committe to acquaint our Right Rev.d Diocesan with
the Death of the Rev.d Mr Samuel Myles & that they
likewise inform Genl.ll Nicholson & Mr Sanford of the sum
& the Votes of this Congregation & Manifest it &c. It
passed in the Affirmative.
5 If it be your minds that the vote passed by this
Congregation on February the sixth last Impowering
the Church wardens to take possession of the Church Stock &c
be Annulled & that the box now in the House of our
late Incumbent with the Stock &c in it be forth with put
into the hands of the Committee now chosen, to whom
shall be added (for this purpose) Job Lewis &
Thomas Phillips Church warden & that these seven
or the Majority of them be hereby impowered to passe
a receipt to Mr Miles’s Executors for the Same; And
that the Said box with the Stock in it & c be kept in ye
house of Mr John Barnes Merct Manifest it & c.
It passed in the Affirmative.
6 If it be your Minds, that the Church Wardens pay unto the
Rev.d M.r Watts out of the Church Stock twenty five pounds
for having done the Duty of Mr Myles in this Church by
Mr Miles’s desire? Manifest it &c. It passed in ye affirmative
7 If it be your Minds, that Myles the Relict of our (late)
Incumbent, be paid twenty shillings per Week out of this
Contributions, until the Arrivall of a Clergyman to
succeed the late Rev.d Mr Smuel Myles Manifest it &c.
It passed in the Affirmative.
8 If it be your Minds that the Committee or the Majority of
them forthwith remitt twenty pounds Sterling out of the
Church Stock to Mr Thomas Sandford to pay the passage
of the Clergyman who shall be presented by Generall
Nicholson and Mr Sandford or either of them for Institution
to succeed the (late) Rev.d Mr Samuel Myles? Manifest it &c?
It passed in the Affirmative
9 If it be your Minds that the Committee now chosen,
or the Majority of them, be Impowered to remit such
Sume or Sumes of Money out of the Church Stock, as
they or the Majority of them Shall find absolutely
necessary to defend our Right of Presentation to this
Church against any person or persons whomsoever who
shall dispute the same Manifest it &c.
It passed in the Affirmative
10 If it be your Minds that M.r Kenton the Clerke be
allowed his Mourning out of the Church Stock? & Manifest
it &c. It passed in the Affirmative
11 If it be your Minds, that this Congregation adjourn
themselves untill the twenty second day of Aprill next
at Eleven a Clock in the Forenoon, being Monday in
Easter Week? Manifest it &c.
It passed in the Affirmative
At a Meeting of the Vestry at Mr. Luke Vardy’s
on March 28th. 1727 P.M. Present
The Revd. Mr. Samuel Myles
John Gibbins |
Church Wardens |
Thos. Selby |
Thos. Lechmere Esq |
Mr. John Powel |
John Jekyl. Esq |
Dr. George Stewart |
John Reed. Esq |
Mr. William Lambert |
Maj. Paul Mascarene |
Mr. John Checkley |
Mr. George Cradock |
Mr James Smith |
Mr. John Barnes |
Mr. Thos. Amorey |
Mr. Job Lewis |
Mr. William Speakman |
Col. Estes Hatch |
Mr. Thos. Phillips |
Mr. George Shore |
Voted That the Paper relating to the Security of the Church Stock
laid before the Vestry by Dr. George Stewart be referr’d
to the Consideration of the Congregation on Monday in
Easter Week.
Ordered that the Sexton ring the Bell every Sunday morning
from three quarters after Nine until Ten, And in ye Afternoon
in the Summer, from 3 quarters after two until three, But
in the Winter from 3 quarters after One until Two.
Boston April the 22.d 1728
At a General Meeting of the Congregation of the Kings Chapell in Boston
being Easter Monday, Voted.
That |
Mr John Eastwicke |
be Church Wardens |
Mr William Randll |
for the Year Ensuing |
Voted That the Number of Vestry consist of Fifteen.
Voted that the Vestry be
The Hon:ble William Tailer Esq.r |
Mr John Barnes |
Doctr George Stewart |
James Stevens301 Esqr. |
Frans Brinley Esq.r |
Mr Jno Checkley |
John Jekill Esq.r |
Doctr John Gibbins |
Mr Joshua Wroe |
Mr George Craddock |
Samll Bannister |
Willm Speakman. |
Robt Skinner |
Thoms Letchmere Esq.r |
Benja Walker |
Voted That Nathaniel Gifford be Organist for ye Year ensueing.
That James Baker be the Sexton.
That the Account deliverd in to the Congregation for the
funerall of the revered Mr Samuel Myles
Amoung: to one hundred ninety pounds fourteen pence be paid by the
Church wardens.
Voted That Marion’s Accot Amo to fourteen pounds
ten Shillings & nine pence be paid
That Giffords Accot be left to the Church
Wardens & Vestry.
That a Comittee for Auditeing the last Years accots
be Mr George Craddock
Mr Joshua Wroe
Mr Job Lewis
That The Revd Mr Harris be Allow’d for his past
Service to this day the Sum of Twenty Five
pounds to be paid out of the Church Stock
That the Organist Clark & Sexton be allow’d
their usuall Sallarys That the Third key after mr Phillips has Finish’d his accots be delivered to Mr John Barnes the Key of the Church box.
That Painting & beautifying the Governs Pew be
Left to the Church wardens & Vestry.
Boston Aprill 29th 1728
At a meeting of the Vestry at mr Wm Pattons.
Mr John Eastwicke |
Church wardens |
Mr Willm Randale |
Thomas Lechmere Esqr. |
Mr George Steward |
Mr Joshua Wroe |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Jno Barnes |
Vestry men |
Mr Samuel Bannister |
Mr Robt Skinner |
Mr Benja Walker |
Mr Wm Speakman |
Mr John Gibbins |
Mr George Craddock |
Voted That the Governours Pew be new Lin’d with China,302 and that the
Cushions & Chairs be Covered with Crimson damask &
the Curtains to the Windows be of the Same damask
At a meeting of the Vestry at Mr Pattons November 25 1728
Mr John Eastwicke |
Church Wardens |
Mr William Randel |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Mr Josha Wroe |
Mr George Cradock. |
Mr Rob: Skinner |
Francis Brinley Esqr |
Vestry Men |
Thoms Lechmere Esqr |
Vestry Men |
Doctr John Gibbins |
Mr Benja Walker |
Doctor George Stewart |
Mr Wm Speakman |
Mr John Checkley |
Voted That the Church wardens Look into the Vault where mr
Myles lyes Intered & Consider what may be proper to be
done on removeing his Corps and to Act as they
Shall think Proper. It passed in the Affirmative.
The Question was Put whether the Church Wardens
Should Call a meeting of the Congregation or Not
it passed in the Negative.
Voted That mr Nathl Giffords’ Accot of Six pounds Five
shillings for Sundry writeings for the Church be
paid by the Church Wardens.
Att a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chappell in
Boston on Monday in Easter Week Aprill 7:th 1729
Voted |
That Mr William Randle |
Be Church wardens for |
& Mr William Speakman |
the Year Ensuing |
Voted |
That the Number of the Vestry shall not exceed twenty. |
Voted that the Vestry Be |
His Excellency the Governour |
James Stevens Esq.r |
Benjamin Walker |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Samuel Grainger |
Mr George Craddock |
Robert Skinner |
Estes Hatch |
Jonathan Pue Esq.r |
Charles Apthorpe |
Thos Creese jun.r |
Joshua Wroe |
Thomas Child |
John Arburthnot |
Peter Faneuill.303 |
Thomas Holker |
George Stewart |
Thomas Wallis |
Jno Checkley. |
Voted That Nathaniel Gifford be organist at £40 per Ann
Robert Kenton Clerk at £30
William Rullaugh Sexton at 8s/ per week.
Voted That no money be given to the Reverend Mr Harris out of the
Weekly Contributions or Church Stock untill the Arrival of a
Minister & his being in full possession of this Church in
Consequence of the Votes of this Congregation on the March
1727/8 and that then the Congregation Consider what shall be
due to the Rev.d Mr Henry Harris for his extraordinary Service &
pay him accordingly But not before
Voted that the Church Wardens give out of the Church Stock
what they shall see
necessary towards the Relief of Mr James Baker
Voted That the Alteration of Pews be left to the Church Wardens
& Vestry
Voted That |
Mr Craddock |
Audit the Accompts |
Mr Wroe & |
Mr Apthorpe |
Voted That the Church box be removed to Mr Craddock’s two Keys of the said
to be Kept by the Church Wardens & the third Key be in the Possession of
Mr Craddock.
At a Meeting of the Vestry at Mr Luke Vardy’s
May 1729
William Speakman Church Warden. |
Estes Hatch. |
George Cradock. |
Thomas Crease. Jun.r304 |
Jno Checkley. |
John Arbuthnot. |
Thos Wallis. |
Robt Skinner. |
Joshua Wroe. |
George Stewart. |
Thos Holker. |
John Gibbins. |
Jonathan Pue. |
Benja Walker. |
Charles Apthorpe |
Thos Child. |
Samuel Grainger. |
Voted That the Church Wardens and Vestry wait upon the Reverend
Mr Price. upon his Arrival here and Conduct him to M.r Peter Feurts
for Lodging and Entertainment till he Shall provide for himself.
At a Meeting of ye Vestry in Kings Chapel on ye June 25 1729
William Randle |
Church Wardens |
William Speakman |
James Sevens Esqr |
Benja Walker |
Thomas Child. |
George Cradock. |
Robert Skinner. |
Thomas Holker. |
Joshua Wroe |
Jonathan Pew Esqr |
Thomas Wallis. |
George Stewart |
Thomas Creese Junr |
Jno Checkley |
Samuel Grainger |
About four a-Clock in ye Afternoon ye Revd Mr Roger Price was conducted
in to Kings Chapel by Revd Mr Henry Harris, it being a few hours after
the Arrival of the Revd Mr Price, and a Letter from Mr Thos
Sanford to ye Committe was read importing that ye Revd Mr Roger Price
was the person he had presented to ye Lord bishop of London by Vertue
of the Power devolv’d upon Him by ye Votes of the Congregation of the
13 March 1727/8 Whereupon ye Revd Mr Roger Price produced ye following
License & Certificate reading them in the Church & then delivered them
to ye Church Wardens to be recorded in the Church Book.
They are as follow Vizt
Edmundus permissione Divina Londinensis Episcopus,
Dilecto Nobis in Christo Rogero Price clerico Salutem et gratiam.
Ad peragendum Officium Ministrale in Provincia de nova Anglia in America,
in precibus communibus aliisque Ministeriis Ecclesiasticis ad Officium Ministri pertinentibus
Juxta Formam descriptam in Libro publicarum Precum
Auctoriate Parliamenti huius inclyti Regni magnae Britanniae
in hac parte editam et provisam,
et Canones et Constitutiones in hac parte legitime stabilitas et publicatas,
et non aliter neque alio Modo:
Tibi cuius Fidelitate, Morum Integritate, Literarum Scientiae, sanae Doctrinae, et Diligentiae plurimum confidimus,
(Subscriptis prius et iuratis per te Coram nobis
omnibus et singulis Articulis et Juramentis in hac parte de iure scribendis et Jurandis) Licentiam et facultatem nostras concedimus et impartimur per Praesentes, ad nostrum bene placitum dumtaxat duraturas.
In cuius Rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum quo in hac parte utimur
praesentibus apponi fecimus.
Datum apud Westmonast quarto Die mensis Martii,
Anno Domini millessimo septigentessimo vicessimo nono,
nostrae translationis Anno Sexto.305
I do Declare that I will Conforme to ye Liturgy
of the Church of England as it is now by Law Established
Roger Price
Edmo London
This declaration was made and Subscribed before me by ye said Roger Price to be Lycensed to perform the Ministerial office
in Boston in New England in America this fourth Day of March
in the Year of our Lord 1728/9 and in ye Sixth Year of
our Translation.
These above being read the Revd Mr Henry Harris, the Church
Wardens, & the Vestry men & the people who were present all went out
of the Church, the Church Wardens at the Door delivering the Key
to Mr Price, who locking himself in the Church, tolled the Bell & then
Onlockd the Door of the Church, receiving the Church Wardens & Vestry
men into the Church again, who wished him Joy upon his having
Possession of the Church. Then the Revd Mr Price orderd the
Clark to give publick warning in the Church upon the Sunday following
that the Congregation meet in the Church next Wednesday
at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon.
Att a Meeting of the Vestry and Congregation in Kings Chappel
on Wednesday ye 2d of July 1729
Voted That the Sum of One Hundred Pounds be Paid
to the Reverend Mr Harris for his extraordinary Service
That the Church Wardens & Committe Return
Thanks to Mr Thomas Sanford and Make him a
present of Ten Guinaes for his Service Done.
Att a Meeting of the Vestry, att Mr Vardys
on Tuesday ye 8th July 1729
The Reverend Mr Roger Price |
William Randle. |
Church wardens |
William Speakman. |
Jonathan Pue Esq.r |
Thos Creese Jun.r |
John Checkley. |
Robt Skinner. |
John Gibbins. |
Thos Child. |
Thos Wallis |
Vestry men |
James Stephens Esq.r |
Jno Arburthnot |
Charles Apthorp. |
Thos Holker |
George Craddock. |
Benja Walker |
Voted That Nathaniel Gifford be paid Ten Shillings
for Two Certificates
That Mr Benja & John Walker & their
Sister Elizabeth Walker be placed in the Late
Coll: Dyres Pew (Reserving the property of Sd:
Pew to Mrs Hannah Dyre Provided She Pay
the arrears Due & Contribution for the future.
Voted That the Church Wardens wait on his
Excellency the Governour to know his opinion
Concerning a proposal made in the Vestry about
Building a Gallary on ye South & South East Sides of
the Church & Make a Report the next Vestry
Att a meeting of the Vestry at the Exch on Friday the
25 of July 1729.
The Revd Mr Price
Wm Randle |
Church Wardens |
Wm Speakman |
Mr Jno Checkley. |
Joshua Wroe. |
Mr John Gibbins. |
Geore Craddock. |
Samll Grainger. |
Vestry men |
Bena: Walker. |
George Stewart. |
Jon:a Pew. |
Robt Skinner |
Jn:o Arbuthnot |
Thos Creese junr. |
In pursuance of a Vote of the Vestry of July 8, W:m Randle
Waited on his Excellency ye Gov:r to know his Opinion Concerning
building a gallery on ye South & South East Sides of ye Church;
Who gave his Approbation for building ye Said Gallery, & Wm Randel
Made report of ye Same at ye meeting of the Vestry of July 25 1729
Voted That a Gallery be built on ye South & South East sides of Church
excepting over his Excellencys Seat over which there is only to be
a passage.
Voted That the Church Wardens & Messrs George Craddock Joa Wroe
George Stewart & Jno Gibbins be a Comitte to agree for, & Direct & Inspect
the building of the Said Gallery.
Voted that Mr Samll Grainger have ye other half of the Pew
in which he Sits paying three Pounds to the Church, and reserving
a seat in ye said pew for Rich Hollands Wife.
That ThosShaw have ye other half of the pew in which he Sits
paying three pounds to the Church, reserving seats in ye Said Pew
for Cumstocks Children.
Boston Aug.t 1729
I John Pillet do Covenant and agree with Messrs William
Randle & Wm Speakman Church wardens, George Craddock
Joshua Wroe, John Gibbins & George Stewart (a Comitte Chosen
by the Vestry of Kings Chapple on July 25 Last to Agree
with, Direct & Inspect a Carpenter in building a Gallery
on the South & East Sides of Said Chaple.) To build a
Gallery on the South side of Kings Chaple. Consisting of
Ten pews in the front each of them five foot Six Inches
deep, With A passage three foot Wide behind & find all the
Boards, Timber, Nails, Iron, Lime, Lathing & Plaistering,
& every thing else necessary to Compleat Said Gallery
Workman like: and also to take down a large Window over
the South Door, make two window frames & Casements
& Fix them In; &c find Such Clapboards & Plastering as
Shall be necessary for Inside & Out side Work about Said
Windows; and to attend the direction of the above Committe in the
Premises. all this I Promise to do and Compleat within
fourty Days from the Date hereof: upon Consideration that
Will:m Randle or Willm Stewart Speakman or either of
them pay me the Sum of One Hundred & ten Pounds Bills
of Credit, as I Shall want the Same. Wittness my hand
the Day & Year Abovementioned
John Pillet.
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
On Thursday the 14th of Augt 1729
The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
Att a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings
Chapel on Monday the 25 day of Augt 1729
The Question was put whether the Reverend
Mr Price’s Sallary Should be Raised or not
itt passed in the Affirmative
Voted that the Reverend Mr Prices Sallary
Should be Raised to Eight Pound
per week
At a Meeting of the Vestry in Kings Chapel on
Wednesday ye 10th of Sep: 1729
The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
William Randle |
Ch: Wardens |
William Speakman |
George Craddock |
Thomas Creese Jun.r |
George Stuart |
Thomas Wallis |
Charles Apthorp |
Vestry Men |
Robert Skinner |
Vestry Men |
Thomas Child |
Benja. Walker |
John Checkley |
John Gibbins |
Joshua Wroe |
Jonath: Pue Esq:r |
Voted That (Notwithstanding the Vote passed on ye
6:th of August Last for the Building a Singll
Gallary on the South Side of Sd Chapel a Double
Gallary Should be Built With the front Pews Leaving
the Back part of said Gallery Vacant.
That the Committe afore Said be Continued to act as
therein Expressed.
In The Church a Meeting of the Vestry on Sept. 23: 1729 Present
The Reverend Mr Roger Price William Randle, Church Warden
Geo: Cradock, |
Jos: Wroe, |
Geo: Stuwart, |
Cha: Apthorp, |
Jona Pue, |
Jno Checkley, |
Rob: Skinner, |
Tho: Holker, |
Tho Wallis, |
Sa: Grainger |
Jno Gibbins |
Estes Hatch, |
Tho Creese jun:r |
Vestry men
Voted That the Moving the Pulpit &c Desk, & alteration of the pews between
the middle & South Isle, is Necessary and Advantagious to the
Church Nomine Contradicente.
Voted That the above alteration
be Left with the Comittee for building a Gallery. Nem: & Contradi
At a Meeting of the Vestry in Kings Chapel on the 28
Day of Sept 1729 The Question was put whether
an alteration of the Range of Pews on South Isle is Nessary
and Prove advantageous to the Church
it Past in the affirmative
Voted that the Moveing of the Pulpit and Desk and
alteration of the Pews above Mentioned be Left to the
Church wardens & Comittee of Vestry for Building
a Gallary. Nemine Contradiconte
in the presence of The
Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
William Randle Ch: Warden
Mr Sam: Grainger |
Tho: Creese Jun.r |
Jon:a Pue Esqr |
Tho Holker |
Geo Stuart |
Tho Wallis |
Geo: Craddock |
Vestry Men |
Jos: Wroe |
Vestry Men |
Jno Checkley |
Estes Hatch |
Jno Gibbins |
Tho Child |
Rob: Skinner |
Cha: Apthorp |
Boston Sept 19. 1729 I John Pillet do Covenant & Agree with Messrs William
Speakman & William Randle Church Wardens George Craddock Josh: Wroe
George Stewart & John Gibbins (a Comitte of the Vestry) To build a double
Gallery on the South Side of Kings Chappel Consisting of ten Pews in the
front each of them five feet Six Inches deep & one Single Bench behind
and find all the Boards, Timber, Nails, Iron, Lime, Lathing & Plaistring
and everything else necessary to Compleat the Same Workman like.
Also take down a large Window over the South door Make two Window frames
and Casements, and fix them & find Such Clapboards & Plaistring as Shall
be Necessary for Inside & Out Side Work about Said Windows. Move the
Pulpit Reading Desk &c & Make four Pews In the Place Where the
Pulpit Reading Desk &c
Stands. All this I Promise to do & Compleat
Within two Months from the Date hereof, Upon Consideration that W: Randle
& W: Speakman or either of them pay me the Sum of One hundred & Sixty Pounds
Bills of Credit As I shall Want the Same: & I do farther Promise to Attend the direction of the Above Committee In the Premises.
Att a Meeting of the Vestry in Kings Chapel Oct 13 1729
on the Day of Sept Octor 1729
The Revereend Mr Price Minister
William Randle |
Church Wardens |
William Speakman |
John Arburthnot |
Jno Gibbins |
Benja: Walker. |
Jno Checkley |
Joshua Wroe |
Vestry Men |
Geo. Stuart |
Vestry Men |
Rob: Skinner |
Jona Pew |
Tho: Child. |
Estes Hatch |
Cha: Apthorp |
Voted that we the Minister Church Wardens and Vestry
acquaint the Lord Bp of London with the Death of the Rev:d Mr
Henry Harris & Humbly Desire that his Place may be Speedily Suplyed
May it Please your Lordship
Wee the the Minister Chh Wardens and Vestry
of Kings Chapel att Boston in New England think
it our Duty to apply our Selves to Your Lordship
on the Mallancholy occasion of the Death of the Rev:d
Mr Harris Who Died on the 6:th of this Instant.
as wee know not who is the Patron Wee Humbly
beseech your Lordships Intrest that our Loss may
We are Your Lordps Very
Humble & Dutifull Sons & Servts
Roger Price Minister
William Randle |
Chh |
William Speakman |
Wardns |
Cha: Apthorp |
James Stevens |
Thos Wallis. |
Benja Walker |
Tho: Creese Ju: |
Geo. Cradock |
Jos: Wroe |
Peter Fanuil |
Jno Gibbins |
Estes Hatch |
George Steuart |
Jona Pue |
Sam: Grainger. |
Jno Checkley |
Tho Holker |
Robt: Skinner |
Jno Arburthnot |
Thos Child |
Boston N: England
Octo 13 1729
At a Meeting of the Vestry in Kings Chapel
on Fryday ye 31st Day of Octo: 1729
The Reverend Mr Price Minister
William Randle |
Ch: Wardens |
William Speakman |
James Stevens Esqr |
Joshua Wroe |
Jna Pue. Esq.r |
Geo Stuart |
Jno Checkley |
Ben Walker |
Vestry Men |
Rob: Skinner |
Tho Creese Jun:r |
Tho Holker |
Tho Wallis. |
Jn o Gibbins. |
The Question was Put whether the South
Gallery Should be Built in the Front over
the Governours Seat itt Passed in ye Negative.
Voted That the West Gallary be Altred in to as
Many Pews as Conveniency will Permit,
The Same Committee to be Continued
I John Pillet of Boston in New England, House Joyner Do Covenant
and agree with Messrs William Randle & William Speakman Church
- Wardens Geo: Cradock, Josu: Wroe, Geo: Stuart, and Jno Gibbins (a
Commitee appointed by the Vestry of Kings Chapel) to Build a
Double Gallary on ye South Side of Sd Chapel Containing Ten Pews
in the front Each of them five feet Six Inches Deep, & One Bench
behind & Oblige my Self to find all the Board, Timber, Nails,
Iron, Lime, Lathing & Plaistering & Every thing Else Necessary to
Compleat Said Gallary Work man Like, take down a Large win-
dow over ye South Door, Make two Window frames & Case ments
& fix them, and find all the Clap boards & Plaistering Necessary for
Inside & outside work about Said Windows: also Move the
Pulpit and Reading Desk and make Such alterations in the Pews
between the Middle & South Isles as the Above Commitee Shall
order all this I Promise to Do and Compleat within Too
Months from the Date hereof, and attend the Direction
of the Committee in the Premises. Provided that Mrs
William Randle and W:m Speakman or Either of
them pay me the Sum of Two Hundred and Ten
Pounds Bills of Credit, as I Shall Want the Same
Witness My Hand this 24 Day of September Anno
Domini 1729
Att a Meeting of the Vestry at M.r Verdy’s
December 2.nd 1729
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price
William Randle |
Church Wardens |
William Speakman |
George Cradock |
Tho.s Child |
Estes Hatch |
John Arbuthnot |
Tho.s Holker |
George Stewart |
Tho.s Wallis |
John Checkley |
Robert Skinner |
Benj.m Walker |
Charles Apthorp |
Thomas Crease |
Voted That Nathaniel Green306 have the Small Pew before
the Church-Wardens, paying Fifteen pounds for ye Same
That Benjamin & John Walker have the
Square Pew N.o 1. at the East End of the South Isle, with
a Pillar in it, paying Twenty pounds for the Same
Whereas M:rs Hannah Dyer, Daughter to the late Col.
Giles Dyer, by the moving the Pulpit, has had her Pew
taken from Her, Voted, That upon her paying the
Debt due from her Father, the late Col. Giles Dyer, to the
Church, The Church Wardens provide Her with a good Pew
Voted That m.r Job Lewis have the Pew N.o 3 in the
South Isle relinquishing his Pew in the Gallery, &
Ten pounds.
That m:r John Eastwicke have the Pew N.o 5. in
the South Isle, paying Thirty pounds for the Same
That m.r Thomas Wroe have the Pew N.o 13 in the
South Isle, paying Twenty five pounds for the Same.
That Cap.t Francis Wells have the Pew, formerly
Richard Pullings, paying Twenty five pounds for ye Same
That m.r Peter Luce307 have the Pew he now sits in,
paying Twenty five pounds for the same.
That Cap.t Thomas Armstrong have the Pew, formerly
Cap.t Brets, paying Twenty pounds for the same
That Evans & Kightley have the Pew in ye South
Gallery, N.o 1. paying Twenty pounds for the Same
That Cap.t Mark Tregothick have the Pew, in ye South
Gallery, N.o 3. paying Twenty pounds for the Same.
That Cap.t Tho.s Barwick, have the Pew in ye South
Gallery, N.o 4. paying Twenty pounds for the Same
That m.r William Coffin have the Pew, in ye South
Gallery, N.o 5, paying Twenty Pounds for ye Same
That m.r Tho.s Holker have the Pew, in the South
Gallery, N.o 7, paying Twenty Pounds for the Same
That m.r John Checkley have the Pew N.o 10.
in the South Isle.
That George Campbel have half the Pew in the
South East Corner below, paying Fifteen pounds for ye Same
At a Meeting of the Vestry at mr Verdys
Decemb.r 4.t. 1729
The Rev.d M.r Roger Price
William Randle |
Church Wardens |
William Speakman |
John Jekyl. Esq |
Samuel Grainger |
George Cradock |
George Stewart. |
Estes Hatch |
Benjamin Walker |
Jonathan Pue |
Charles Apthorp. |
Robert Skinner |
John Gibbins |
Thos. Crease |
John Checkley |
Thos. Child |
Voted That John Harvey have the Pew N.o 6. in the South
Gallery, paying Twenty Pounds for the Same
That Capt. Jacob Williams’s Wife have half the
Pew N.o 8. in the South Gallery, paying Ten pounds
That Martin Brimmer308 have the Pew N.o 9. in
the South Gallery, paying Twenty pounds for the Same
That Tho.s Colle & Alexander Thorp have the
Pew N.o 10. in the South Gallery, paying Ten pounds each
That Cap.t Thomas Child be placed in the Pew, in wch
m.r John Eastwicke lately Sat, until the Owner
of Said Pew arrive, or it be disposed off.
Sold To Lambert Cox half the Pew N:o 8:
In ye South Gallary for Ten Pounds 1729 This Day Covenanted & agreed with m.r
John Pillet to alter the West Gallery and Build Fifteen new
Pews and find every thing necessary to complete the Same, for
wch he is to be paid One Hundred & Ten Pounds.
In Testimony of my consent to the above Agreement I do
hereunto Set my hand John Pillet
Sold to Mr Peter Roe & Mr Andrew
Frizwell The Pew N:o 2: in the South Gallary
for Twenty Pounds
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel
Convened at Luke Vardys in Boston on the 27 day
of Feb: 1729/30
The Reverend Mr Price Minister
William Randle |
Ch:h Wardens |
William Speakman |
John Jekyell Esq:r |
Thomas Child |
Jon:a Pue Esq:r |
George Stuart |
Estes Hatch |
Robert Skinner |
John Checkley |
Thomas Creese |
John Gibbins |
Benjamin Walker |
Voted that Mr Peter Pellham have the Pew
in the North Gallary (formerly Mr Job Lewis’s)
Sd Pellham Paying Twenty Pounds for the
That Mr Jonathan Pue have the Pew Joyning
to the South Side of the organ Paying
Twenty five Pounds
That Mr Henry Hope have the Pew Joyning
to the North Side of the organ Paying
Twenty five pounds
That James Stevens Esq:r be Placed in the
Gouvernors Pew till the arrival of a
Governour who Shall make use of the
Att a Meeting of the Vestry in King Chapel
on the 27 of March 1729/30
The Reverend Mr Price Minister
John Jekyl Esq.r |
Mr Will: Randle |
Ch.h |
Mr George Craddock |
Mr Will: Speakman |
wardens |
Capt Tho: Child |
Mr Rob: Skinner |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Tho: Wallace |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Mr Jonathen Pew |
Doctor George Stewart |
being of the
Voted that ^ the back pew in the west Gallery be
Sold for fifteen pounds not under twelve pounds nor above
fifteen at the Discretion of the Chh wardens
Voted that Mr John Merritt309 have a front pew in the
west Gallery he paying twenty five pounds for the Same
Voted that the woman that formerly had a Right to Sitt in
the front pew of the West Gallery have now ye South Corner pew in the
front of the Said Gallery
Voted that Mr James Ivers and Mr Bishop be Seated
be placed in the North Corner pew in the front of the West Gallery
At a meeting of the Congregation on Easter Monday
ye 30th of March 1730
Voted Mr William Spikeman |
for Church wardens |
Mr Job Lewis |
for the year Ensuing |
Voted that the Number of the Vestry do Not Exceed
Voted William Taylor Esqr |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Mr George Craddock |
ffrancis Brindly Esqr |
Mr William Randle |
Mr John Eastwick |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr Tho: Phillips |
Capt Cyprian Southeck |
George Stewart |
The Vestry men |
Mr John Checkley |
for the year |
Robert Achmuty Esqr |
Ensueing |
Coll: Estes Hatch |
Mr Robert Skinner |
Jonathan Pew Esqr |
Capt Tho: Child |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr George Shores |
Mr Samuell Grainger |
Voted That Mr Nathaniel Gifford be Organist for the
year Ensueing
Voted that M Rob: Kenton be Clerk for ye year Ensueing
Voted that Mr Will Rullo Be Sexton for the year Ensueing
Voted that the Reverend Mr Rodger Price have one Hundred
pounds for the Extraordinary Service untill this day
Voted That Mr Nathaniel Gifford have fourty pounds for his
Salary for the year Ensueing
Voted That Mr Rob: Kenton have thirty five pounds for his
Salary for the year Ensueing
Voted that Mr Will: Rulo have ten Shillings per week for
his Salary for the year Ensueing
Voted Mesrs George Craddock, John Eastwick, John Merritt
be Auditors for the Last years accounts
Voted That the affairs of the Pews be left to the
Chh Wardens and Vestry for the year Ensueing
att A Meeting of the Vestrey at Mr Vardys May 4:
At a Meeting of the Vestry (the Revd mr Roger Price not
in the Province) at mr Luke Verdys August. 11. 1730
William Spikeman |
Church Wardens |
Job Lewis |
Benjamin Walker |
Thomas Phillips |
George Cradock |
Thomas Child |
Estes Hatch |
George Stewart |
Jonathan Pue |
John Gibbins |
William Randle |
Rob.t Skinner |
George Shore |
Voted That His Excellency Gov.r Belchers Arms be paintd
and put over his Pew in Kings Chapel
At a meeting of the Vestrey of Kings Chapel
at mr Luke Verdys Octobr 1730
The Revd mr Roger Price Minister
William Speakman |
Church Wardens |
Job Lewis |
Charles Apthorp |
John Checkley |
Thomas Child |
George Cradock |
George Shore |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esqr |
Thomas Phillips |
John Gibbins |
Rob.t Skinner |
Sam.ll Grainger |
George Stewart |
Benjm Walker |
Voted That the Church Wardens wait on his Excellency
the Govr and return him Thanks, in behalf of the
Church, for Solliciting his majesty for his Royal
Nemine Bounty to Kings: Chapel, and pay the contingent
Contradicente Charges, as by the deliver’d, to the satisfaction
of his Excellency.
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at
Mr Luke Verdys October 18 1730
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Wm Speakman |
Church Wardens |
Job Lewis |
Wm Randle |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
Thomas Child |
George Cradock |
George Stewart |
Saml Grainger |
John Checkley |
Tho.s Phillips |
Estes Hatch |
Cyprian Southack |
George Shore |
Benja. Walker |
Voted one New Common Prayer book for the altar
two for the Desk
two New great books for the Gov.r pew & the two
old ones in the Gov.r pew for the Church Wardens Pew
Voted two New books for the Church Wardens
Wm Speakman & Job Lewis
Voted two New books for Francis Brinley Esq.r & Mr George
Cradock they returning the old ones and every
body else that have old ones to return ‘em
Voted two New books to Cap.t Cyprian Southack & Col.o Est Hatch
Voted two New books to Mr Tho.s Phillips & Mr Geo. Shore
Voted Mr John Chickley to have Cap.t Southacks book
Voted D.r Gibbins & D.r Stewart the two books that are in
the Church Wardens Pew
Voted Mr Wm Randle the book that is at the Comunion Table
Voted Cap.t Child to have Mr Brinleys book
Voted Mr Hall to have Mr Cradocks book
Voted Mr Wm Gould to have the Clarks book
Voted Mr Rob.t Skinner to have the book in the Desk
Voted that the Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Wm Speakman |
Church Wardens |
Job Lewis |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esq.r |
M.r George Cradock |
Dr John Gibbins |
M.r John Checkley |
be a Committee to write a letter to Col.o Shute for the
Plate that is now in his hands that was given to Kings
Chapel by his late Majesty King George the first
At a Meeting of the Congregation at Kings Chapel on
Wednesday November 25. 1730
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Voted that the Rev.d Mr Roger Price have three pounds
per week from Easter to the Arrival of the Rev.d Mr
Thomas Harward the S.d Mr Price quitting all
Pretensions to any part of the Money paid by the Crown
to the S.d Mr Harward
At a meeting of ye Congregation of Kings Chappell
on Monday ye 7 of Dec:r 1730
Voted that no money be payd out this Ch.h Stock
towards defraying the Charge of burrying ye Reverend Mr
Henry Harris
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chapel
Boston on Easter Monday the 19 April 1731
Voted That Mr Job Lewis |
Be Church Wardens for |
& Mr Charles Apthorp |
the Year ensuing |
Voted That the Number of the Vestry Shall Not Exceed twenty
Voted That the Vestry be
Mr George Cradock |
Mr Thos Phillips |
John Jekyll Esq.r |
Mr Samll Grainger |
Dr John Gibbins |
Colo Estes Hatch |
Mr Wm Speakman |
Mr John Checkley |
Cap.t Cyprian Southack |
Mr Jonathan Pue |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esq.r |
Mr James Smith |
Mr John Eastwicke |
Mr Rob.t Skinner |
Dr George Stewart |
Wm Lambert Esq.r |
Mr Wm Randle |
Francis Brinley Esq:r |
Mr Thomas Green |
Mr Benja Walker |
Voted that Mr Nath.l Gifford be Organist for the Year
ensuing & to have forty pounds for his Salary
Voted that Mr Rob.t Kenton be Clerk for the Year ensuing
and to have forty pounds for his Salary
Voted that Mr Wm Rulo be Sexton for the Year ensuing
& to have twelve Shillings per week
Voted that the Rev. Mr Roger Price be paid three pounds
for his extraordinary Service
Voted that Mr John Eastwicke |
Mr George Cradock |
Be auditors of the last |
& Mr John Arbuthnot |
Years accounts |
Voted that the affairs of the Pews be left to the
Church Wardens & Vestry for the Year ensuing
Voted that the Consideration of building a Vestry room
be left to the Church Wardens & Vestry for them
to make a report to the Congregation at the next
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings
Chapel at Mr Pattens January 26. 1731/32
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Job Lewis |
Church Wardens |
Charles Apthorp |
Francis Brinley Esqr |
John Checkley |
George Cradock |
Estes Hatch |
John Gibbins |
Wm Speakman |
Thomas Green311 |
Wm Randle |
Jona Pue Esq.r |
Thos Phillips |
Benja Walker |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esqr |
George Stewart |
James Smith |
John Eastwick |
Robt Skinner |
Voted That the two Vestrys of this Town of
Boston doe Unite as one body or Society to
Consider what is proper to be done further
upon the two Memorials lately presented to
the General Assembly of this Province, the
one by the Rev.d Mr Roger Price Com.ry alone
& the other by the Revd. Price
& the Rev.d Dr Cutler, the Rev.d Mr Harward
& the Rev.d Mr Miller
Whereas the Rev.d Mr Roger Price having Presented a
Memorial to the General Assembly of this Province for the
Relief of the Members of the Church of England, who have
Suffered great hardships from some of the Laws of this
Province respecting the Exercise of their Religion, & whereas
the General Assembly has appointed a Committee from both
houses to consider of the Same, which Committee not being
Contented with the Evidence of three Persons, who had Suffered
Belonging to the Rev.d D.r Cutlers Church, but insisting
Upon more particulars of Persons who have Suffered, the Rev.d Mr
Price called his Vestry together who met at Mr Pattins
December 17. 1731
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Job Lewis |
Church Wardens |
Charles Apthorp |
Estes Hatch |
Samuel Grainger |
George Stuart |
Thomas Phillips |
Rob.t Skinner |
Benja. Walker |
Wm Speakman |
James Smith |
Wm Randle |
John Gibbins |
Tho.s Green |
John Chickley |
Voted That two thirds of the Charges which have or Shall
arise upon presenting the Said Memorial, and procuring a
greater Number of Instances of Persons who have Suffered
by the Laws of this Province respecting the Exercise of
their Religion Shall be paid out of the Church Stock
Voted That the Prayers of those Memorials being
rejected by the General Assembly a Memorial
wherein to lay open the State of the Case to the Lord
Nemine Bishop of London, & a petition to present to the
Contradi: King in Council, be prepared by the Rev.d Mr Com.ry
cente Price, D.r Cutler Mr Harward Mr Miller & offered
to the Consideration of the united Vestries of this
Voted That the Vestries be adjourned to Thursday Feb. 3.
At a Meeting of the Vestries of Kings Chapel &
Christ Church at Mr Pattens February 3. 1731/32
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Charles Apthorpe Church Warden
John Gibbins |
Samuel Grainger |
George Stewart |
Robt Skinner |
Thomas Green |
Jona Pue Esqr |
Estes Hatch |
John Checkley |
Wm Speakman |
Wm Randle |
Whereas the Rev.d Mr Tho.s Harward refused to join
the Committee in drawing up a Memorial to the Lord Bishop of
London & a petition to the Kings most excellent Majesty
respecting the Sufferings of the Church men in this Province
it is now Voted that he be no longer of the Said Comittee
but that the Rev.d Mr Commissary Price Dr Cutler & Mr
Miller be the Committee, & that the united Vestries be
adjourned to Monday night next at five a Clock being the
7 of this Instant Passed Nemine Contradicente
At a Meeting of the Vestries of Kings
Chapel & Christ Church at Mr Pattins Feby 7. 1731/32
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Job Lewis |
Church Wardens |
Cha.s Apthorp |
Robt Auchmuty Esqr |
Sam.l Grainger |
George Cradock |
Jon.a Pue Esqr |
James Smith |
Benja. Walker |
John Gibbins |
Tho. Phillips |
Estes Hatch |
Wm Randle |
John Checkley |
Wm Speakman |
John Eastwick |
Tho.s Green |
George Stewart |
Rob.t Skinner |
Voted That the Memorial drawn up by the Committee
and Unanimously accepted by both Vestries
be Sent to the Lord Bishop of London
Voted That the two Church Wardens & Tho.s Green of
Kings Chapel & the two Church Wardens &
Mr Rideout of Christ Church are desired to Colect
the Subscriptions for defraying the Charges that
may arise in defending the Church of England in
this Province
Voted Adjourned to Monday Feby 14
At a Meeting of the Vestries of Kings Chapel
& Christ Church at Mr Pattins February 24. 1731/2
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Job Lewis |
Church Wardens |
Charles Apthorp |
John Eastwick |
Wm Randle |
Jon.a Pue Esqr |
John Checkley |
Samll Grainger |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esqr |
John Gibbins |
Rob.t Skinner |
Estes Hatch |
George Stewart |
Tho.s Phillips |
Benja. Walker |
Wm Speakman |
Voted Thom.s Sandford Esq.r be & hereby is our Agent to prose:
:cute our Petition to his Most Sacred Majesty & one
other to our Diocesan the Bishop of London and to
Govern him Self therein by his Lordships directions &
Such advices and Auth.ty as he Shall from time to time
Receive from us
Voted y.t John Jekyle Esq.r |
John Gibbins |
George Cradock |
Rob.t Harris |
Robt Auchmuty Esq.r |
Thos Cannington |
Cha.s Apthorp |
Are Appointed a Committee to Carry on Correspndence our Agent Tho.s Sandford Esq.r Conformable to the
Vote afores.d & to the orders to them from time to time
Given by us & also to remitt to our S.d Agent Such Sums
as Shall be by them Reced from us to defray the
Contingent charges he Shall Necessarily be at & therein
they make fair Entrys of all their proceedings therein
which Such advices as they Shall receive are to be laid before
us as often as we require the same & that any four
Shall be a Sufficient number to act in S.d p.remisses &
we hereby reserve to our Selves the power at all times
to change or add to the Number of the S.d Committee &
finally to Disolve the Same as we Shall see cause
Voted That Mr John Checkley be Appointed to goe into the
Country to get the Address & petition Sign’d & his
Charges to be paid out of the Money Received per
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings
Chapel in Boston on Easter Monday the April 1732
Voted |
That Mr Charles Apthorp |
Be Church Wardens for |
& Dr George Stewart |
the Year ensuing |
Voted |
That the Number of the Vestry Shall not exceed twenty |
Voted |
John Jekyll Esqr |
Estes Hatch |
Benja. Walker |
Francis Brinley Esq.r |
Thomas Green |
Wm Randle |
John James Esq.r |
Wm Speakman |
Tho.s Child |
George Cradock |
James Smith |
Tho.s Phillips |
John Checkley |
Rob.t Skinner |
John Arbuthnot |
John Eastwick |
Jon.a Pue Esq.r |
Job Lewis |
John Gibbins |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esqr |
Voted That Nath.ll Gifford be Organist for the Year
Ensuing & to have forty pounds for his Salary
Voted That Rob.t Kenton be Clerk for the Year ensuing
& to have forty pounds for his Salary
Voted That Wm Rulleau be Sexton for the Year ensuing
& to have Twelve Shillings per week
That |
Thomas Wroe |
George Cradock |
Be auditors of the Last |
John Gibbins |
Years Acccounts |
Voted |
That the Affairs of the Pews be left to the Church Wardens and Vestry for the Year ensuing Mem. That Mr Abraham Wendell affair abo.t the Pew of Mr Luke Verdys be Settled |
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell at mr
Verdys Thursday 4 May 1732
The Reverd Mr Roger Price Comissary
Cha Apthorp |
Church Wardens |
George Stewart |
John Eastwicke Esqr |
mr John Arbuthnot |
Jona Pue Esq |
Colo Estes Hatch |
mr John Checkley |
Cpt Tho. Child |
mr Wm Spikeman |
mr Thos Green |
mr Wm Randle |
mr John Gibbins |
mr Robt Skinner |
mr Geo Cradock |
mr Benja Walker |
mr Tho. Phillips |
mr Job Lewis |
Upon enquiring into the Title of the Pew No 34 in the North Isle at
present in the possession of mr Luke Vardy, mr Tho. Phillips do charged
that One half of per Sd Pew was purchased by his brother Mr John
which declaration was accepted also by the Vestry.
Voted That mr Thos Langford & mr Timy Chesington be
intituled to One half of the Pew where mr Peter Stelling he
sits they paying Seven pounds ten shillings
Voted That mr Brice Eccles be allowed with his Family to sit in
the pew that belonged to mr Ja Overight deceased, for the present
he paying Contribution
Voted That mr Evans & Kightly have liberty to take in the Alley
next to their own pew, they to pay the charge of
alteration & also Five pounds to the Church
Voted That mr Morgan Evans have One half part the pew
next to mr Lucas near the Bellfry, paying Six pounds
Voted That the Church Wardens & Vestry meet at the Church
next Thursday to settle the Pews at 3 a Clock, Afternoon
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell On Sunday
July 9th 1732 at the Lodging of the Reverd mr Roger Price
Present the Reverd mr Price Rector & Comisry
Geo Steuart Chh Warden
Francis Brinley Esqr
Robt Auchmuty Esqr |
mr John Checkley |
mr Geo Cradock |
mr Thos Child |
mr John Eastwicke |
mr Wm Speakman |
Vestry men |
mr Estes Hatch |
mr Benja Walker |
mr Wm Randle |
mr Robt Skinner |
Jona Pue Esqr |
mr Tho Greene |
mr James Smith |
mr John Arbuthnot |
mr John Gibbins |
mr Thos Phllips |
Voted that the Underwritten Remonstrance be deliver’d to
his Excellcy Govern Belcher per this Comittee undermen
caned Vizt.
The Reverd mr Price Minister
Geo Stewart Cch Warden
Francis Brinley Esqr
Robt Auchmuty Esqr
mr John Eastwicke
Col.o Estes Hatch
mr Geo Cradock
To His Excellency Jona Belcher Esq Governr & Comandr in
Cheif in & over His Majesties Province of Massachusetts Bay
The Remonstrance & Representation of the Minister Cch
Warden & Vestry of Kings Chappell in Boston
Humbly Sheweth
That with the greatest concern they hear Yor
Excellency has laid yor Comands on the Revd Tho Harward
to Attend you in Yor designed expedition & treaty wth the Eastern
Indians, And That He without duly considering his own Duty
& the present circumstances of the church implicitly obeys
them, And that in opposition to mr Comissarys Orders.
It is with the like concern that we should have this unhappy
Occasion of calling in question such Yor Excellencys Autho:
:rity being desirous always of Distinguishing our Selves as
our Holy Religion does our Church in Being the most
Dutyfull & much Loyall in all things Lawfull. But We
must with Submission now Remonstrate That mr Harwards
Duty is Locall, and no Power But the Power that apointed
Him for that Duty can dispense Therewith.
However, Such is our attachment to Yor Excellency & the
Honour We pay to Yor high Station that We cheerfully
would fall into Such Yor Commands: But as it is well
known the Absence of the Reverd mr Pigot has been the
means of many members falling from the Episcopall Church
of Marblehead. So mr Harwards attending you in This
Expedition [ … ] We greatly fear be the means not only of
Shutting up
that Church’s Doors but possibly terminate in the Ruin of
And what probably may be the Secret Views of the Enemies
of Our Church who advise Yor Excellency in this affair
We Therefore beg you to consider if it please God to visit
mr Comissary Price with Sickness then Two Churches will
be without Ministers and probably from Such Like
Reasons why Our Ministers have not attended Governr
on Such Negotiations. As Yor Excellency has declared
in the Strongest Terms Yor Readiness to Serve the Church
of England We flatter Our Selves you will now give
Demonstration in recalling Orders that inevitably must
tend to the hurt thereof, And as in Duty We will ever
pray &c
The Governr Read it before The Comittee & made Reply.
It is very well Gentlemen
At a meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens & Vestry
of Kings Chappell At mr Verdys 12 July 1732
Present The Reverd mr Roger Price, Rector & Comissry
The Reverd mr Tho Harward Lecturer
Church Wardens |
mr Geo Stewart |
mr James Smith |
mr John Gibbins |
mr Benja Walker |
mr John Checkley |
Col Estes Hatch |
mr Jno Eastwicke |
mr Job Lewis |
Jona Pue Esq |
Robt Auchmuty Esq |
mr Tho Child |
Vestrymen |
mr Tho Greene |
mr Wm Speakman |
mr Robt Skinner |
mr Wm Randle |
mr Tho Phillips |
It is mutually Agreed between the Reverd mr Roger Price & the
Revd mr Tho Harward that the Duty of Reading Prayers &
Preaching be equally performed by them
The Reverd mr Price put the Question whether the Revd mr Tho
Harward has any right to the perquisites that may arise by
marrying Christening or burying &c, it was unanimously
Voted that he had not: it was also agreed that in the
absence of mr Price by being in the Country for any such
length of time as renders him incapeable of performing
either marrying Christening or buryalls that mr Harward
performing either of those Dutys during such absence
shall be intituled to the perquisites. & likewise
unanimously Voted by the Vestry.
Voted that next Sunday notice be given in the Church that
all persons that have not paid for their Pews do pay it
to the Church Wardens in a month at farthest or else
such Pews will be disposed off
Voted that the underwritten Letter be transcribed in the Cch book
Good Sr July 13 1730
I Send you the Comission, together with
a copy of mine from the King wch I believe is entered
among the public Records there Governr Belcher having
had it particularly in his Instructions to make Such Entry
As the Secretary to the Comissioners of Trade & Plantations
informs me. I also send these three Copies of his Directions I
have drawn, for all the Comissarys in the Plantations,
In order to their proceeding against Irregular Clergymen; wch
I hope you will have no occasion to carry into practice,
mr Harward who comes over to succeed mr Harris,
is well Recomended by the neighbouring Clergy in Surrey,
where he has been an Incumbent for many years near
Guilford; and their Recomendations is confirmed by the Bishop
Chichester, their Diocesan, according to the method I use
for receiving due Satisfaction concerning the Characters of
Such persons as offer themselves for Missionaries
He is directed to behave himself towards you with
all due Respect as his Superior, and not to intermeddle in
any matter, but what shall appear to belong to him as
Lecturer, But its impossible for me to descend to perti:
:culars, since I do not know what those of Duty properly
belongs to him, as Such. If you can fix that matter
your Selves, with the advice & Assistance of some discreet
and Serious persons of the Congregation, I shall be ready
to rectify it, that it may be a Rule to all future Ministers
& Lecturers of that Church;& if any doubt arise concerning
the proper bounds, You may refer it to me, and I will con:
:sider and determine it according to the best of my Judgmt
I pray for a Blessing upon yr Pastorall Labours, &
Sr Yr Assured friend & Brother
Edmd London
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell at Verdys
28 September 1732
Present mr Charles Apthorp |
Church Wardens |
Doctr Geo Stewart |
mr John Gibbins |
mr Job Lewis |
mr Benja Walker |
mr Wm Randle |
mr Robt Skinner |
mr Tho Child |
Vestry men |
mr Wm Spikeman |
mr Jno Checkley |
mr Tho Phillips |
mr Jno Arbuthnot |
mr Jno Eastwicke |
mr James Smith |
Whereas the Reverd mr Roger Price did on the 18th day of
Septemr 1732 Set out on a Journey intended to New York
contrary to the desire of the Cch Wardens & without consultg
the Vestry, & this not being the first time of his absenting
from his duty without adviseing with the Vestry or Congre:
:gation, to prevent the like for the future, & We being
desirous of his constant Residence among us.
Voted that the Church Wardens for the time being do not
pay the Sd Rector mr Price any money for the time of
his absence till further Order from the Vestry or Congregation
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell at Vardys
On Thursday Febry 1732/3
The Reverd mr Roger Price Rector
Charles Apthorpe |
Church Wardens |
Doctr Geo Stewart |
mr Geo Cradock |
mr Robt Skinner |
mr Jona Pue |
mr Jno Eastwicke |
mr Benja Walker |
mr Job Lewis |
mr John Arbuthnot |
Vestry men |
mr John Gibbins |
Vestry men |
mr Wm Spikeman |
Colo Estes Hatch |
mr Tho Greene |
mr John Checkley |
Voted that mr Nathl Gifford has no power to depute any
person to act for him as Organist
Voted that Mr Dublois act as Organist till Easter next
Voted that Twenty four pounds be paid to the Reverd mr Price
for this time of his being absent
At a meeting of the Congregation at Kings Chappell 7th Febry 1732/3
Voted that what the Vestry did the first Instant be confirmed
At a Meeting of the Congregation of Kings Chapple
On Easter Monday 26 March 1733
Voted That mr Dublois be organist for the year ensuing
At Forty pounds Salary
Doctr Geo Stewart |
Church Wardens |
mr Geo Shore |
That the Vestry does not exceed Twenty five
Cpt Cyprian Southack |
Jona Pue Esqr |
Fra Brinley Esqr |
Robt Auchmuty Esqr |
mr Geo Cradock |
mr Benja Walker |
mr John Checkley |
mr Tho Child |
mr John Gibbins |
Vestry men |
mr Tho Phillips |
Vestry men |
Colo Estes Hatch |
mr Jno Arbuthnot |
mr Wm Spikeman |
Job Lewis Esq |
mr James Smith |
Cpt Edwd Tyng |
mr Robert Skinner |
mr Saml Grainger |
mr Peter Luce |
mr Jno Powell |
Doctr Jno Cutler |
Vestry men |
mr Thoms Green |
mr Rufus Green |
mr Jona Barnard |
mr Charles Apthorp |
the Reverd Mr Roger Price claimed his right of choosing a
Chh Warden, but was overuled by the Congregation
Voted |
That Wm Rollo be Sexton at 12/ per week |
the year ensuing |
Robt Kenton Clark at Forty pounds |
Voted |
That every person that pays Fifty two shillings a Year |
Contribution & has punctually pd it for the year past |
to the Satisfaction of the Cch Wardens, be allowed to |
Vote and no other |
Voted |
That mr Jno Arbuthnot |
Job Lewis Esq |
Auditors of last years Accots |
mr Benja Atkinson |
Voted |
That the affairs of the Pews be left to the Cch Wardens |
and Vestry |
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Chh called Kings
Chapel in Boston at the house of Mr Lutwicke on ffriday ye
ye 30th of March 1733
The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
George Steuart |
Church wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr Robert Skinner |
Capt Tho: Child |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Jn Arbuthnott |
Mr Jonathan Barnard |
Mr Tho: Phillips |
Vestry Men |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Vestry Men |
Doctor Jn Gibbens |
Mr Ja: Smith |
Mr Sam: Grainger |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Mr Peter Luce |
Captain Edward Tyng |
Doctor Jn Cutler |
Voted that ye Church wardens for the time being, Provide
a book, to keep an account of the Contributions of those persons
who design to pay fifty two Shillings a year, or more
Voted that publick notification be given next Sunday
that all persons that intend to give fifty two shillings a year ,or
more, are desired to give their names with their money Every time
they Contribute, that so ye Church Wardens may know what each person
Voted that Messieurs Hays have the other half of the pew No 42
on ye North side, they paying eight pounds, and if they will not do it
give the Same ye Church wardens are to dispose of it to other persons.
Voted that Capt Child have that pew that was formerly Mr Edward Davis’s
he paying twenty five pounds for the Same.
Voted that Mr Peter Luce have the pew that was formerly Capt Rouses and
Mr Bathes he paying twenty five pounds for the Same payed by himselfe
Voted that Mr John Bogdal have the pew that was formerly Robert
Robinsons Esqr he paying ten pounds for ye Same and Relinquishing
his right in ye pew he now has in the S. E: Corner Payed for by himself
Voted that Mr Brice Eckley have that part of a pew that was formerly Mr
Wrights he paying four pounds for the Same
N115 Voted that Mr Compton have ye other half of Mr Morgan Evens
pew, he paying as Mr Evens payed for his halfe
No 62 Voted that ye pew that was formerly ye Reverend Mr Samuel
Myles our late Ministers, be a Ministeriall pew for Ever.
At a Meeting of the Vestry at Mr Luke
Vardys on Aprill 6:th 1733
The Reverend Mr Rodger Price Minister
George Stewart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Mr Geo Craddock |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Dr John Gibbens |
Mr Job: Lewis Esqr |
Mr Tho Phillips |
Mr Will: Speakman |
Mr John Arbuthnot |
Vestry men |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Vestry men |
Mr Tho: Green |
Mr John Powel |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Capt Tho: Child |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Voted that if Mr Liddel has made a proper Entry in his books, of his having
payed Six pence a Sunday for Mr John ffrankline, and his paying up the
other Six pence a Sunday that is deficient, that then Mr John ffranklins
right to his pew be good
Voted that Mr Compton have that halfe of the pew N115 with
the pillar in it, where Mr Morgan Evens Sitts he paying five pounds
Voted that Mr William Speakman have the Refusall of any pew
that he likes below that is to be Sold, he Relinquishing his own pew in ye
Gallery, and paying what the Vestry shall order. NB he had pew No 10
Voted that a proper Book for Recording Christenings,
Marriages and Burials, as also another Book to Record pews in
be provided by the Church Wardens
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church called Kings
Chappel in Boston in New England on ffriday ye 13th of Aprill 1733
at the house of Mr Luke Vardy
The Reverend Mr Rodger Price Minister
George Stewart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Vestry Men
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr Thomas Green |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Robert Skinner |
Mr Jonathan Barnard |
Captain Thomas Child |
Mr William Speakman |
Doctor John Cutler |
Capt Edward Tyng |
Mr Sam: Grainger |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Voted That Elizabeth Smith has a good right to the pew
next the South west Stairs on the North Side of them
Voted That Mr Richard Hunt have the pew that Mr
Rowland Dyke sat in N23 he paying Twenty pounds for the Same
Voted that the Pews be Numbered provided the painter
will do it in Oyl Colours, for Six pence a piece
An Inventory of Vestments and Ornaments
Belonging to the Church called Kings Chappel in Boston
in New England taken by George Stewart, Mr George Shore
Church Wardens, and Mr George Craddock one of the Vestry
men of the Said Church on the Ninetenth day of Aprill 1733
- It312 per Six Surplices of fine Bagg Holland313
- It The Altarpiece, whereon, is the Glory, painted, The Ten
- Commandments, The Lords Prayer, The Creed, and Some
- Texts of Scripture
- It a Comunion Cloath of the finest Crimson Genoa314 Damask
- It an old Comunion Cloath of Silk Damask
- It ffive China Cushions, Given for the Communicants to
- kneel upon, without the Rails of the Altar, Given by
- Captain James Sterling when he was Church Warden
- It The pulpit Cloath, Desk Cloth, and Three Cushions, of
- fine Genoa Damask
- It Two old Cushions of Silk Damask
- It an old pulpit Cloath of Ditto and a cushion Lent the Church at Braintree
- It Three Table Cloaths of fine Damask Linnen
- It Seventeen Napkins of Ditto
- It two pieces of fine Diaper315 ten yards in a piece
- It The Stand for the Hour Glass of Brass Given by Thomas Gold and Mr
- William Weaver
- It one Bible and fifteen Common Prayer Books, all old
- It one New Bible and fourteen Common Prayer Books
- It one Large Common Prayer Book Given by Thomas Lechmere Esqr
- It twelve Leather Bucketts given by the Gentlemen of Brittish
- Society
- It a Clock given by the Same Gentlemen.
- It an Organ Given by Thomas Brattle Esqr
- It The Kings Coat of Arms
- It The Arms of Sir Edmund Andross Knight and Governour
- It Do of ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Lieutenant Governour
- It Do of Captain Hamilton of His Majestys Ship
- It Do of Joseph Dudley Esqr Governour
- It Do of Samuel Shute316 Esqr Governour
- It Do of William Burnett Esqr Governour
- It Do of Jonathan Belcher Esqr Governour
- It The Bell
An Inventory of the Silver Plate taken by
the above persons, on the 19th day of Aprill 1733
- It per four Large fflaggons
- It three Chalices and their Covers
- It one Bason
- It one Receiver
- It Two Servers
At a Meeting of the Vestry at Mr Luke Verdys on
Wednesday ye 16th of May 1733
The Reverend Mr Rodger Price Minister
George Steuart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Vestry Men
Doctor John Gibbins |
Mr Peter Lucy |
Capt Thomas Child |
Mr William Speakman |
Mr Tho Phillips |
Mr Jonathen Barnard |
Mr John Checkley |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
Mr Samuell Grainger |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Referred Elizabeth Smiths affair untill Captain
Southick be Spoke to farther about it
Voted That the Church Wardens treat with workmen
about the Repairs of the Church and report their doings therin to
the Vestry
Voted that Mr Willlam Speakman have the pew No 10 he
paying fifeteen pounds and Relinquishing his pew No 92: payed
by himSelfe
Voted that Mr Luke Verdy have the pew No 92 in the North
Gallery which was Mr Speakmans he paying five pounds and Relinquishing
his halfe pew No 20: payed by Mr Tho:s Phillips
Voted that Mr Abraham Wendall have the halfe
of the pew No 20 Relinquished by Mr Luke Verdy he paying ten
pounds for the Same
Voted That Mr Richard Frys account of five pounds
fiveteen shillings by payed by the Church wardens for Severall Books
Voted That Mr George Campbell have the other halfe of
ye pew N.o 5: formerly Possessed by Mr John Boydel317 he paying ten
pounds and allowing Mr Rouland Houghton and his wife, and Mrs
ffrost to Sitt theire, untill the Church can provide for them.
Payed by himselfe
Voted that the Number of the pews be Entered in a Marble
Book Covered with Marble papper, Called, the Book for Registering
of Pews, together with the Names of their Owners
At a Meeting of the united Vestrys of ye Church
called Kings Chappel and Christ Church at Mr Pattens
one the 26th day of June 1733
The Reverend Mr Rodger Price |
} |
Doctor Timothy Cutler |
Minister of K Chappel |
} |
Minister of Christ |
George Steuart |
Churchwardens |
} |
Church |
Mr George Shore |
Mr William Price |
Church |
Vestry men |
Mr John Hooten |
Wardens |
Mr Charles Abthorp |
Vestry men |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Captain Robert Harris |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr George Monk |
Capt Edward Tyng |
Mr Thomas Green |
Mr William Patten318 |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
Mr Henry Lauton |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr Edward Standbridge |
Mr Jonathen Bernard |
Mr Robert Jarvis |
Mr Samuel Grainger |
Doctor John Cutler |
Captain Thomas Child |
Mr Peter Lucy |
Robert Achmuty Esqr |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
Mr William Speakman |
Voted that George Steuart be added to the Comittee Chosen
on ffebruary ye 24 1731/2 in the place of John Jekyl Esqr deceased
Voted that the Comittee be desired to consider the Report
of the attorney and Sollicitor-Generall and the Method Chalked out
by the Bishop of London for the Reliefe of Such Members of the
Church of England within this Province as shall be distrained or
imprisoned for not paying rates to the dissenting Teachers and make report
to the united Vestrys of Such ways and means as they shall think
Expedient for the Vestrey abovesaid Vestrey to govern them
selves by relateing to the premises, for the future, and
this is to be done by the Abovesaid Comittee with all Convenient
At a meeting of the Vestry of the Church called Kings
Chappel in Boston, at the house of Mr Luke Verdy on the twelth
day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred
and thirty three.
The Reverend of Mr Roger Price Minister
George Steuart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Vestry Men
Capt Thomas Child |
Mr Jonathan Barnard |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Mr Charles Abthorp |
Mr Thomas Green |
Mr Peter Luce |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Capt Edward Tyng |
Mr William Speakman |
Voted that Mr Jno Johnston Butcher have the pew No 25
Relinquished by Captain Norrice he paying for the Same twenty
five pounds
Voted that those persons who have already bought pews and
that do not pay for them in four weeks from this date shall have
them Sold to others, that will, they being first notifyed of this Vote
and that all pews that shall be Sold for the future, the money shall
be payed before they have possession of the Same
The Reverend Mr Roger Price accquainted the Vestry
that he designed to go on a Voyage for England in a short time.
At a Meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens and
Vestry of the Church called Kings Chappel in Boston at the house of
Mr Luke Verdy the 11th day of october 1733
The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
George Steuart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Vestry Men
Capt Edward Tyng |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr Jonathen Bernard |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr Thomas Green |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
Captain Thomas Child |
Mr William Speakman |
Francis Brinley Esqr |
Mr John Checkley |
Voted that the Brass Stand for the hour glass to be lent to the
Church of Scituate as also three Diaper napkins, provided the Reverend
Mr Addington Davenport319 their Minister gives his note to Return the
Same to the Church Wardens of this Church for the time being whensoever
this Church Shall See meet to demand them back
Voted that this Vestry be adjourned to this day fourthnight
At a Meeting of the united Vestries of the Churches called
Kings Chappel and Christ church, at the house of Mr Luke Vardy in Boston on the twenty ninth day of october in ye year Seventeen hundred and thirty three
of the Kings Chappel |
of Christ Church |
The Reverend Mr Roger |
The Reverend Doctor Timothy Cutler |
Price Minister |
Minister |
George Steuart |
Church Wardens |
Mr William Price |
Church wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Mr John Hooten |
Vestrie men |
Vestrie men |
Mr Benj: Walker |
Mr Edward Standbridge |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
Mr Robert Jarvis |
Mr Jonathen Bernard |
Mr Henry Lauton |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr George Monck |
Mr Thomas Green |
Mr William Patten |
Captain Thomas Child |
Captain Robert Harris |
Doctor John Cutler |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Captain Edward Tyng |
Mr Jonathen Pue |
Mr John Checkley |
Francis Brinley Esqr |
Mr George Craddock |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr William Speakman |
Voted nemine Contradicente That the Report of the Comittee
of the ninteenth of this Instant be received Provided the Said Comittee
never Shall Extend no farther than only for carrying on and presenting
the cases of the agrieved Churchmen only in the Court of this Province
Voted That Robert Achmuty John Reed John [ Henrie ] William Shirley and
William Bolan320 Esqrs have, each of them a retaining fee of three pounds
for the Service of the Suffering Members of the Church of England in the
Voted Nemine contradicente That the Comittee be Empowered
to defend any Churchman, That, shall be presented for travailling, to, from
or comeing from, any Church of England throughout the Province for the
worship of God.
Voted That the Comittee be Empowered to defend the Church of
England Ministers, in case they should be prosecuted in any of the Courts
of this Province, for Marrying according to the Custom of Marrying in the
Church of England, Provided, the Said Ministers do, Marry according to
to the usuage in the Common Prayer Book, of and Canons of the Said
Voted that Mr William Price be added to the Comittee in the room
of Mr Thomas Cannington whose affairs will not permitt him to attend, and that Mr William Speakman be in the room of Mr George Craddock, who is Speedly going in a Voyage for England.
Voted that Mr George Craddock be Joined with Thomas Sandford Esqr
in Prosecuting the affairs of the Church of England in these parts dureing
the Said Mr Craddocks continuance in England
The Report of the Comittee of the United Vestries of Kings
Chappel and Christ Church at Mr Luke Verdys on October ye Nintenth
in the year of our Lord on Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty and three
The Comittee haveing taken into their Consideration the vote of the
above United Vestries.
Authorizing them to Consider of the report of the attorney and Solicitor
Generall, and ye Method chaulked out by the Bishop of London, for the Relief of
of Such Members of the Church of England within this Province, or shall suffer
by distraint or Imprisonment, for not paying towards Building of meeting houses
or Supporting Independent or Dissenting Teachers
Are of Opinion That it is most agreeable to the above report, and Method
chaulked out by the Bishop my Lord of London, That, Robert Achmuty Esqr John
Reed Esqr & Mr William Bollan be immediatly Retained in order to prosecute
Such officers, as the Comittee shall think proper, who have, or shall hereafter
distrain or Imprison any members of the Church of England within this
Province, for their not paying towards, and Building Dissenting Meeting houses
or Supporting Dissenting Teachers, and that the Comittee be Empowered to support
& mentain Such prosecution out of the money already collected for the Reliefe
of the Suffering Members of the Church of England within the Province
John Gibbens Charles Apthorp Robert Harris Geo Steuart George Craddock
A Copy of part of The Lord Bishop of Londons
Letter to the Reverend Mr Roger Price dated
We have at last obtained the Opinion of the Attorney and
Sollicitor generall in Relation to the New England Charter and the power of
the Legislature there to make Laws for valoring the members of the
Episcopal Church to the Independent ministers. I am truly Sorry that
the Opinion comes out so little in our ffavour, But am obligded to trans:
:mitt it you in order to be comunicated to the Clergy, that they may
be Satisfyed that we have done all that is in our power, I heartily wish
we could have Sent over some better prospect of Reliefe but the truth
is, the Exercise of the power they claim began So early, and continued
So long, that I doubt there is little Encouragement to hope, that their
acts will be declared null and Void, as made by an Incompetent Author:
:ity. You See by the Enclosed paper that they make; this length of time
and this continued Exercise of the powers they claim the rule of
Interpreting the Charter.
I am oblidged to write in this plain tho uncomfortable manner,
that you may Judge, how far it will be advisable, for the members of the
Church there to make it a Cause; and if Judgement be given against them
as it Certainly will to bring it befor the King and Council by way of
Edmd London
I desire you to accquaint Mr Brown of Providence,
that I have not been unmindfull of his affair, which could not be
thouroughly Judged of till we had the Opinion, If they had no power
at all, his would be a clear case, and if they have power, you See our
Law[y]ers will allow no remedy, But in a Judicial way there and
by appeal hither.
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens and
Vestry of the Church called Kings Chappel in Boston on
February ye twenty second on thousand Seven hundred and
thirty three
The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
George Steuart |
Church Wardens |
Mr George Shore |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr Jonathaen Bernard |
Mr Peter Luce |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Mr John Checkley |
Capt Edward Tyng |
Mr William Speakman |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr Jonathan Price. |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Voted That Capt Edward Tyng and Mr Jonathen Bernard
have the pew N:o 13: formerly the pew of Mr Stephen North,
they paying, Twenty five pounds for the Same
Voted That Mr Peter ffanuiel have the Other halfe
of the pew No 88 formerly the halfe pew of Mr Benjamin
Daling, he paying ten pounds for the Same
Voted, that Mrs Quick321 have the Other halfe of the pew
No 87 formerly Mr John ffranklines, she paying ten pounds
for the Same
Voted That Mr Luke Verdy have the pew No 70 formerly
the pew of Mr Thomas Selby, Relinquishing his can pew in
the Gallery N:o 92: to the Church and paying ten pounds more for the
Same, which ten pounds was payed whilst the Vestry was Sitting
Voted That Mr Thomas Morrice have the pew
N:o 92: formerly the pew of Mr Luke Verdy he paying twenty
pounds for the Same
Voted: That Mr Thomas Piersone have the pew N:o 31: he
paying Twenty pounds for the Same and the Widow that Elizabeth Smith
be placed in pew N:o 32:
Voted, that Mr John Davis have the pew No: 119: He paying
ten pounds for the Same, He haveing payed formerly five pounds
for part of the Said pew.
At a Meeting of the Congregation of the Church
called Kings Chappel on Easter Monday being the fiveteen of Aprill
on Tousand Seven Hundred and thirty four.
Present The Reverend Mr Roger Price Minister
Voted That Mr George Shore |
and |
be Church wardens for the |
Mr Thomas Green |
year |
Voted that ye Vestrie men do not Exceed the number twenty
five: and that any nine of them be a Caoram to do Bussiness,
provided all of them be Warned, and the names of the Vestrie
are as followes
Captain Cyprian Southeck |
Captain Thomas Child |
George Steuart |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
ffrancis Brinley Esqr |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
Mr John Checkley |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Doctor John Gibbens |
Mr John Merritt |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Mr Peter Luce |
Robert Achmuty Esqr |
Doctor John Cutler |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr Will:m Speakman |
Mr Ruffus Green |
Mr James Smith Junior |
Mr Jonathan Bernard322 |
Mr John Eastwick. |
Mr Eliakim Hutchesone |
Jonathen Pew Esqr |
Mr Edward Tothill323 |
Captain Thomas Austine |
Voted That Mr Steven D’Blois be Organist for this
Year, and that his Salary be fourty pounds
Voted That Mr William Rulleau be Sexton for this year
and that he have twelve Shillings Every week for his Salary
Voted that Robert Kenton, Clerk, have fourty five pounds
for his Salary for the year
Voted that the Consideration of the Vote twenty sixth of
March on Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty and three relateing
to Voters be Continued
Voted That Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr John Arbuthnott |
be Auditors of George Steuarts account |
Mr John Merritt |
Voted that the Bussiness of the pews be left to the Minister
Church Wardens and Vestrie.
Voted that the Church Box be removed to the house
of Mr George Shore, from the house of Mr George Craddock
Att a Meeting of the Vestery of the Church Calld the Kings Chappell att
Mr Luke Vardys. On Fryday the 19. of Aprill 1734. Boston N.E.
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Rector
George Shore |
Church Wardens |
M.r Thomas Green |
Cap.t Jn.o Eastwick |
Cap.t Tho.s Auston |
M.r Rufus Green |
Cap.t Tho: Child |
M.r W.m Speakman |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Peter Luce |
M.r Jn.o Arbuthnott |
Mr Benj. Walker |
Doctor Jn.o Gibbons |
M.r Jno Merrett |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Vestrymen |
M.r Jn.o Checkley |
M.r Jn.o Barnard |
Estes Hatch Esq.r |
Doct.r Steuart |
M.r Edw.d Tothill |
Voted. That Elice Quick be Allow’d the four pounds She has not paid
towards the half part of her pew, for Quitting One half part of a pew She
formerly had
Whereas Mr William Randle has paid M.r William Downe £2:5:5 for
Chaney &c Deliver’d y.e 24. December, 1729. & Deliver’d Mr Dell .
Voted that if the Same be not Already Charg’d in Said Randles Accot, That the
Churchwardens pay him for the Same
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church calld the Kings Chappel
Att Mr Luke Vardys On Fryday ye 17 of May 1734 Boston N.E.
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price. Rector
George Shore |
Church Wardens |
M.r Thomas Green |
Vestry Men
Doct.r John Gibbins |
M.r John Merritt |
M.r Thomas Phillips |
M.r Benj.a Walker |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Cap.t Thomas Aston |
M.r John Eastwick |
Doct.r John Cutler |
Doct.r George Stuart |
M.r William Speakman |
M.r Jonathan Barnard |
Estes Hatch Esq.r |
M.r Peter Luce |
Jonathan Pue Esq.r |
M.r Edward Tothill |
Agreed That Mr Samuell Weatherhead have the half of the pew N:o 86. He
paying ten pounds for the Same
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Our Rector told us that he was
Resolv’d to proceed on a Voyage to England in Captain
William Sheperdson
1734. May the 21 Whereas I Roger Price Rector duly Inducted of ye Church Called
Kings Chappel in Boston in the County of Suffolk being Nessenated to Quit
That Parish or Congregation In consideration thereof I hereby Volantarily
and of my Own free Will Resign Release Disavow any Right, Title Interest
claim & Demand I now have, Ever had, Or at any time hereafter might pretend
To have to the Rectory or parsonage of that Church and Relax & Discharge all
and Every Contracts Agreements Sacred or Civil between the Congregation
and mee as Rector as Afore said And declare it Shall and may be Lawfull for
Said Congregation to proceed to the Choice of a Nother Rector or Minister
for Said Church, promising in no wise to Dispute or Call in Question
the Validity of Such Choice but at all times Execute Every thing to Confirm
the Same
Rog Price
Churchwardens |
Tho:s Greene |
Att a Meeting of the Vesstry of the Church calld Kings Chappel Att
Luke Vardys On Wednesday the May. 1734
George Shore |
Church Wardens |
M.r Thomas Green |
Vestry Men | Vestry Men | Vestry Men |
Francis Brinly Esq.r |
Mr Thomas Phillips |
Mr Benjamin Walker |
John Eatwick Esq.r |
Mr John Merrit |
Mr William Speakman |
M.r George Stuart |
Doct.r John Cutler |
Robert Auchmuty Esq.r |
Coll. Estes Hatch |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
M.r Jonathan Barnard |
Doct.r Jn.o Gibbons |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r John Arbuthnot |
M.r Rufus Green |
Captain Tho:s Aston |
Voted That the Church Wardens be Impower’d to have a place fix’d up the
Belfrey to place the Books in belonging to the Library of Kings Chapel
And that the Books be Removed from Mr John Barnes’s house to Said
place in the Belfrey. the Church Wardens takeing a Cataloge of the Same
Order’d by the Vestry that Notification be given to the Congregation
On Sunday Next Both in the forenoon and Afternoon the Gentlemen
of the Congregation that are Qualifyed to Vote are Desir’d to Stay After
the Service is Over in the Afternoon
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church Call’d Kings Chappel at Mr Luke
Vardys On Saturday y.e 25. May. 1734
George Shore |
Church Wardens |
M.r Thomas Green |
Rob.t Auchmuty Esq.r |
Coll: Estes Hatch |
Mr John Arbuthnot |
M.r John Merrit |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
M.r Thos Aston |
M.r Benj.a Walker |
Jonathan Pew Esq.r |
M.r Jonathan Barnard |
John Estwick Esq.r |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Tho.s Phillips |
Mr John Checkley |
Mr Rufus Green |
M.r Edw.d Tothill |
Mr Thomas Child |
Whereas ye Rev.d Mr Roger Price had taken passage on Board Capt W.m Sheppardson
Bound for London, And being detain’d in Nantasket by Contrary winds he
Came up to Boston and desire’d ye Church wardens to Call a Vestry in Order
to Lay before them his Resolutions in Staying with his Church Accordingly
Wee the Vestry When mett Voted Rob.t Auchmuty Esq.r and Jn.o Eastwick Esq.r to talk
with ye Rev.d Mr Price Relating to Severall Properties belonging to ye Church
as are Mention’d Underneath. Which he pretended Some time past to have a
Right too. And upon his giveing up his pretentions to them all he Should be
Received again by a Vote of the Congregation Where upon ye Rev.d Mr Price was
Sent for. And Every Article Concerning ye former disputes was Read to him
To which he Comented, Agreed to, And Gave up them all
- 1 To have no pretensions to ye Perquisite of ye monys for burying under ye Church
- 2 To have no pretensions in Chuseing a Church Warden
- 3 To have no pretensions to the Church Stock
- 4 To have no pretensions to y.e Church Library. Only the Use of Them
- 5 To preach on Sunday Afternoons. When it can be done
- 6 To make due Entrys of ye Church Marriages, Christenings, & burials in the book provided for that purpose.
2 July 1736 I this day freely Consent and agree to the foregoing Articles
particularly explaining the second thus viz that that I do not pretend to any
right of appointment of the Church Wardens or nominating him for
the Congregations Selection. Witness My Hand Rog: Price
Rog: Price
Att a Meeting of the Congregation of Kings Chappell On Sunday
The May. 1734 Boston N.E
The Transactions of the Vestry Att Mr Luke Vardys on May ye 25. 1734
being Read to the Rev.d Mr Roger Price and Congregation and no
Objections made then the Congregation. Voted That the Rev.d
Mr Roger Price be Rector and Minister of the Church call’d
Kings Chappell as before
Att a Meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens and the United
Vestreys of Kings Chapple and Christ Church in Boston att
the House of M.r Luke Vardys. Boston August 20:th 1734 Tuesday
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price |
George Shore Church Warden |
The Rev.d M.r Timothy Cutler |
W.m Price & Jn.o Hooten, Churchwardens |
Vestry Men
M.r William Spikeman |
Francis Brindley Esq.r |
M.r Edward Tothill |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r Jonathan Barnard |
Doct.r George Stuart |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Robert Jenkins |
M.r Thomas Austin |
M.r Robert Jarvis |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
M.r William Ivers |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
M.r Edward Lutwick |
M.r Benja Walker |
M.r Hugh M:cDaniell |
The Rev.d M.r Arthur Browne324 being Present at ye above Meeting
Voted That the Comittee that have hitherto Prosecuted M.r Mathew
Ellis Case are hereby impower’d to Send it home to England
To M.r Thomas Santford in Order for prosecuting it to Effect
there and also that M.r George Craddock be Added to Said Comittee
Voted That Mr Mathew Ellis have out of the Money gathr’d for
Prosecuting the Church Affairs. Twenty five pounds to be p.d
To the Rev.d Mr Browne for M.r Ellis’s Use.
Voted That Mr George Craddock have Thanks for his Service to us
Whilst in England
Voted That Thanks be Return‘d to Mr Thomas Santford for his
Service to us and that our Comittee be ye persons to doe it
Att the Church Call’d The Kings Chapple Sunday Mar:30: 1735
Voted by the Congregation y.t the Rev.d Mr Roger Price Shall have all
The Contribution That Shall be gather’d in Said Chappell the
Next Easter Sunday in Stead of his Weekly Eight pounds
At A Meeting of the Congregation of the Church
Call’d Kings Chapple on Easter Monday April 7. 1735
The Rev.d M.r Roger Price Minister
Voted That Thomas Greene |
be the Church Wardens for this Year |
& John Reed Esqr |
Voted that the Number of Vestrymen exceed not Twenty Eight
& that any Nine of them be a Quorum to do business
Provided the whole be Warned
Voted that the following Gentlemen be Vestrymen for the year ensu:
Robert Auchmotty Esq.r |
M.r Thomas Aston |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Samuell Bannister |
Col.o Estes Hatch |
M.r Eliakim Hutchinson325 |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
M.r Henry Caswall |
M.r John Gibbons |
M.r James Gordon |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Edward Tothil |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
M.r Silvester Gardner |
John Jekyle326 Esq.r |
Vestry Men |
M.r Rufus Greene |
Vestry Men |
Doct.r George Steuart |
Franc.s Brinley Esq.r |
M.r George Shore |
M.r William Coffin |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r Abraham Wendell |
Will.m Sherley Esq.r |
M.r John Merritt |
M.r Thomas Child |
M.r Peter Luce |
M.r John Arbuthnot |
M.r Charles Paxton |
Voted M.r Stephen DuBlois Organist with his Usual Sallary
Voted Mr Will.m Rollo Saxton with his Usual Sallary
Voted that M.r Rob.t Kenton the Clerk have the Same
Sallery for the Insuing Year as he had the last Year
Voted that Doct:r George Steuart |
} |
be Auditors of M.r George |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Shore’s Accts |
& John Eastwick Esq.r |
Voted that the Business of the Pews be left to the Minister
Church Wardens & Vestry for the Year Insuing
Voted that the Church Box be removed from the house of
M.r George Shore to the house of Thomas Greene
Voted that the Church Library be Delivered unto the Rev:d Mr
Roger Price for the use of the Ministers belonging to
the Church of England In Boston he giving a Receit to
be Accountable for the Same and to return the Same to
the Church Wardens for the time being when and So
often as desired by the Church.
Voted That the Church Stock be Called in and let out Again
To the Treasurer and Trustees of Trinity Church
They Giving Good Security for the Payment of
the Principal Money and Lawfull Interest on the Same
Proposed and Agreed too that when there Shall be either Prayers
or a Sermon on any day Excepting Sunday that the
Prayers Shall begin at Eleven of the Clock in the fore-
:Noon Excepting the time Should be alterd by giving
Publick Notice in the Church the Sunday before
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church Called Kings
Chapple at Mr Luke Verdy’s on Tuesday June 24: 1735
The Rev.d M.r Roger Price Minister
Tho:s Greene |
Church Wardens |
John Reed Esqr |
M.r Rufus Greene |
Doct:r George Steuart |
M.r Edw:d Tothil |
Doctr Silvester Gardiner |
M.r Will.m Coffin |
M.r John Merritt |
M.r John Arbuthnot |
Vestry Men |
M.r Tho:s Aston |
M.r James Gordon |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
Col.o Estes Hatch |
M.r James Smith |
Voted That Saunderson have one half of the
Pew No 13 Shee paying Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings
for it And her Constant Contribution
Voted That M.r John Seaburn have one half of the Pew
No 92 for paying Ten Pounds for the Same and his Constant
Voted That M.r Phillip Gatcomb and his Wife be placed in
the Pew No 17 by the Church Wardens
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens &
Vestry of the Church Called Kings Chapple at Mr Luke
Verdy’s on Wednesday Septemb:r 10:th 1735
The Rev.d M.r Roger Price Minister
Thomas Greene Church Warden
Cap.t Tho:s Child |
M.r Eliakim Hutchinson |
Doct:r George Steuart |
Mr Rufus Greene |
Doct:r Silvester Gardiner |
Mr John Arbuthnot |
Vestry Men |
M.r Will.m Coffin |
Mr Abraham Wendell |
Mr Tho:s Aston |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
M.r Edw.d Tothill |
Voted That M.r John Checkley Doct:r George Steuart & Cap.t Tho:s Child
With the Church Wardens be a Committy to view the Church &
See what Repairs they Shall think it Proper to be Done & Comm:
:unicate the Same to the Vestry at the Next time of their Meeting
At a Meeting of the Ministers Church Wardens &
Vestry of the Church Called Kings Chapple at Mr Luke
Verdy’s on Wednesday Septem:r 25: 1735
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price
Tho:s Greene Church Warden
Mr Will.m Coffin |
Mr John Arbuthnot |
Mr George Steuart |
Vestry Men |
Mr Abraham Wendell |
Mr Rufus Greene |
Mr Will.m Speakman |
There not being a Quorum wee Could do no business
At a Meeting of the United Vestrys of Christ Church
And Kings Chapple at M.r Luke Verdy’s on Fryday
October 31:st 1735
M.r John Hooten |
Wardens |
Thomas Greene Warden |
M.r Robert Jarvis |
M.r John Checkley |
M.r Job Lewis |
M.r Hugh M.cDaniel |
Col.o Estes Hatch |
M.r Will.m Ivers |
Vestry Men |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Vestry Men |
M.r Abraham Wendell |
M.r Silvestr Gardiner |
M.r Henry Laughton |
M.r John Gibbins |
M.r Robt Jenkins |
John Eastwicke Esq.r |
M.r Will.m Price |
M.r George Steuart |
M.r John Aruthnot |
M.r Tho:s Aston |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
The Committy for Carrying on the Affair of the Appeal of
M.r Matthew Ellis made their Report that they had
Served M.r Rich.d Sprague with a Coppy & Shewed him
the original of three Orders of Council Sent to the
Committy from M.r Thomas Sanford by Cap:t Shepherdson
And likewise Read the Letters of M.r Thomas Sanford
to the Committy and their Answer to M.r Sanford
And the United Vestry Voted that thanks Should be
given to the Committy for their Services in this Affair.
At a Meeting of the United Vestreys of the
Churches Called Kings Chapple & Christ Church in Boston
at M.r Luke Verdy’s on Thursday November 13:th 1735
The Rev.d M.r Roger Price Commissary
Thomas Greene Warden
Doct.r George Steuart |
M.r Will.m Ivers |
M.r Abram Wendell |
M.r Lutwick |
M.r James Smith |
M.r Hugh M.cDaniel |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Will.m Price |
Doct.r Silvest.r Gardiner |
M.r John Arbuthnot |
Cap.t Tho:s Child |
Vestry |
M.r Will.m Coffin |
M.r Charles Apthorp |
Men |
Robert Auchmuty Esq.r |
M.r Edw:d Tothill |
M.r George Monk |
M.r George Shore |
M.r Henry Laughton |
Doct:r John Gibbins |
M.r Will.m Pattin |
M:r Will.m Speakman |
The Question was put whether the Present Controversy Con:
:cerning the Ministerial lott in the Pettequomscutt Purchase
between the Rev.d M.r James MacSparran327 & M.r Jos:e Torry
Should be Carryed on by the United Vestrys either in
Prosecuting an Appeal Against or in Answering an
Appeal of Said Torry if occasion So require before his
Majesty in Council as the affair of Ellis & Sprague was
Carryed on or not. It was Voted with the Affirmative
The Further Question was put whether Tho:s Sanford Esqr
be Intrusted in the Premises aforesaid with the Same
Powers and under the Same Restrictions as in the
Case of Ellis & Sprague. It was Voted in the Affirmative
The Question was Also put whether the Present
Committy that has the Conduct of the Case of Ellis &
Sprague Shall have the like Conduct of the Premises
Aforesaid and with the Same Powers and under the
like restrictions as in the Case of the S.d Ellis & Sprague
Voted in the Affirmative
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church Called
Kings Chapple at Mr Luke Verdy’s on Fryday April 9: 1736
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
Thomas Greene Warden
M.r George Shore |
Rob:t Auchmuty Esq.r |
Col.o Estes Hatch |
M.r John Arbuthnot |
Doct:r Silvest:r Gardiner |
M.r Eliakim Hutchinson |
Doct:r Geo. Steuart |
Vestry Men |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
Vestry Men |
M:r Tho.s Child |
Cap.t Thomas Aston |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
M.r Will.m Coffin |
M:r James Smith |
M.r James Gordon |
The Question was putt If it be your Opinion that
there Shall be a Meeting of the Congregation In order
That the Rev.d Mr Price may lay before the Congregation
his reasons why his Sallary Should be Augmented please
to manifest it. It Passed in the Affirmative
At a Meeting of the Congregation at the Church Called
Kings Chapple on Wednesday April 14: 1736
The Question was put. If it be your mind that the Rev.d
M.r Roger Price Shall have One Hundred & Ten Pounds
Sterling a Year for his Sallery please to Manifest it.
It was Voted in the Affirmative.
Voted that the Rev.d M.r Roger Price Shall have the
Contribution that Shall be Gethered on Easter Sunday Next
in the afternoon insted of his Weekly Allowance.
At a Meeting of the Vestry of the Church Called Kings Chapple at
M.r Luke Verdys on Fryday April: 16 1736
The Rev.d Mr Roger Price Minister
M.r Charles Apthorp |
M.r Estes Hatch |
Job Lewis Esq.r |
Doct:r Silv.r Gardiner |
M.r Tho Aston |
M.r Thos Child |
Doct:r Geo: Steuart |
M.r r John Arbuthnot |
Vestry Men |
M.r Will.m Coffin |
Vestry Men |
M.r Eliakim Hutchinson |
M.r Sam.l Banister |
M.r James Smith |
M.r James Gordon |
M.r Will.m Speakman |
M.r John Merrett |
Voted that M.r John Merrett M.r James Gordon & M:r Tho:s Greene be a
Committy to take Care that the Rev.d Mr Tho.s Harward be buried in
a Decent Frugall Manner & in the absence of either of them M.r Sam.l
Bannister is to act in his Room
Voted that Mr Saml Banister have liberty to Sett in the
Pew No 8 & to place his family in one half of the Same till
Further orders & that Madam Banister be Notified when that
Vestry Meets the Next time that Shee may give in her reasons
(if Any Shee have) why the one half of Said Pew Should
not be voted to the Use of Mrs Samll Banister
At a Meeting of the Congregation in the Church Called
Kings Chapple on the Lords Day April 18 1736
Voted that the Charges that Shall arise by burying the Revd
Mr Thos Harwood deceased be paid out of the Church Stock
Voted that Mr John Merritt Mr James Gordon & Thos Greene
be a Committee to order the way & Manner of the funeral
1736 April 26 Easter Monday
At a Meeting of the Congregation of the Kings Chap
pell Boston
Agreed that if Dispute ariseth upon any Vote, Scrutiny
Shall be made & none be allowd to vote but such as are quali
fied according to ye vote of this Congregation to that end made
upon Easter Monday 1733
Voted that the Church Wardens |
John Read & |
For the year ensuing be |
Thomas Child |
Charles Apthorp |
John Eastwick |
Robert Auchmuty Esq |
William Speakman |
Peter Luce |
John Merrett |
Edward Tyng |
Job Lewis Esq |
Thomas Green |
William Shirley Esq |
James Smith |
John Gibbons |
Col: Estes Hatch |
George Shore |
George Stewart |
That Stepehn Dublois be Organist & his Salary for
the Year be forty five Pounds
That Mr William Rulleau be Sexton upon his usual Salary of
twelve shill: a week
That ye Clerk have his Salary of forty five pounds continued for
the year ensuing
That Peter Luce Job Lewis Esq & Samuel Banister Audit The
last Church Wardens Accounts & ye Church Boxes be removed to ye house
of John Read above mentioned
That ye Business of ye Pews be left to Ordering of ye Minister Chh Wardens and the Vestry as usual
And lastly that the Minister Chh Wardens & Vestry are desired
to write home of ye Death of the Revd Mr Harwood & make all such
Applications as are proper upon this Occasion
April 30 1736
At a Meeting of the Vestry the following Letter was written to ye Bishop
of London
May it Please Your Lordship
We the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry
of Kings Chappell in Boston do humbly beg the favour of your Lordship
to repair the Loss our Church has Sustaind by ye Death of ye Late Revd
Mr Harward who died ye 13th of this Instant.
Our Infant Church being surrounded with ten dissenting
Congregations in this Principal Town which are provided with
Ministers the most Esteem’d for Learning & Piety among them, Its pros
perity depends much on ye abilities & good Qualities of our Ministers
We therefore Reliye on your Lordships Judgement & Goodness
in Speedily Supplying us with a Proper Person
We are with all Submission
Boston New England |
Your Lordship’s |
30 April 1736 |
Most dutiful Sons & Servants |
George Stewart |
Roger Price Commissary |
Wm Speakman |
John Read |
Wardens |
John Gibbins |
Thomas Child |
George Shore |
William Shirley |
John Merrit |
John Eastwicke |
Charles Apthorp |
Thomas Green |
James Smith |
Job Lewis |
The Right Revd the Lord Bishop of London |
Mr Sanuel Banister Mdm Banister & his Sister Mdm Banister were
heard on their Respective Claims to ye Pew No. 8 The determination whereof
is Adjourned with this Meeting to ye fourth of May next at 6 oClock in
this Place
May 4. At A Meeting of the Vestry according to Adjourment
Mr Commissary Price |
G. Stewart |
John Read |
Wardens |
J. Gibbins |
Thomas Child |
T. Green |
John Eastwick |
Determind the Right of ye Pew No. 8 is in Madm |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Banister & her Children only |
Peter Luce |
Charles Apthorp |
Wm Speakman |
1736 Nov. 17 Att A Meeting of the Vestry of the King’s Chappel Boston at
the Royal Exchange present
John Read |
Church Wardens |
Thomas Child |
Robert Auchmuty Esqr |
Wm Speakman |
Peter Luce |
Job Lewis Esqr |
John Gibbins |
The Vestry |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
John Merret |
Jno Eastwick |
Edward Tyng |
Thomas Green |
Voted that a Committee from this Vestry wait upon M.r Comissary Price, pray
him to write to the bishop of London, & therein affectually remove
those difficultys about ye immediate Settlement of his assistant here, & the
powers he is to have, w.c by his Lordships letter to Col Williamson M.r
Commissary has raised, & now do retard ye coming of an assistant:
and pray him to de: liver them this letter open, to be enclosed by ye vestry
in theirs to his Ldsh.p to hasten ye matter
Voted, that ye Chh wardens Mr John Merret be the Committee for the purpose
above mentioned
Voted that a Committee be appointed to Write to Mr Sandford & to the bishop of
London (according as Mr Commissary Shall answer the above Committee)
to press ye Sending of an Assistant to us as Soon as conveniently may be,
& lay these letters before the vestry at their next meeting
Voted that Robert Auchmuty Esqr and Mr John Gibbins be joined with the former
Committee all five, as one Committee to draw up these letters
Voted that this Meeting be adjourned till fryday ye 19 instant at 6. at night ye place
19 Nov Att a Meeting of ye Vestry According to adjournment present all that
are above mentioned except Estes Hatch Esq.r
Voted that the letters were produced by ye Committee pursuant to the above
orders be Copied & duplicates of them Sent Accordingly the tenor
whereof is this
May it please your Lds.p
On the 30th of April last we wrote yr Ldsp of ye death of ye Revd Mr
Harward humbly praying his place might be well & Speedily supplied at yr
Since that we have casually met with your Ldsp’s letter to Col Williamson of ye
11th of August, wherein you Say that ye Revd Mr Price raises some difficulties a-
bout ye Settlement of this Successor and ye power he is to have, and you know
not Qarling it may be ere these matters are adjusted
Upon this we applied our Selves to the Revd Mr Price to let us know what these
difficultys are, and to write to yor Ldsp effectually to remove these difficultyes
yt retard ye Settlement of his Assistant & join with us to hasten ye matter to
which he answerd us, that as he had already So he would now wrote ye Ldsp for an
Assistant, but praying that he might be obliged to perform half of the duty of all
kinds, if Mr Price Should require it, but be intituled to no fees, and if Mr Price
Should be absent upon any necessary call, then to perform ye whole without
any extraordinary reward
Wherefore we apprehend it necessary to inform your Ldsp how ye duty & privy-
leges of our Minister & ye Kings chaplains in this Church have been heretofore
Settled and for yt purpose inclosd Copys and Settlements whereby we
understand, they are independent of each other, must take equal Hands in
Supplying the Chh, and Marriages Christenings & burials with the perquisites belong
to our Minister but in his occasional absence & Kings Chaplain
Which in words above, wc he has given us in writing may intend differing from
the former Settlements, or not may casually drop from his pen more than he has
given us, we are not Sollicitous to know: but we humbly pray ye Ldp by no
means to depart from these Setttlements.
For as we are Situated in this Metropolis of New England where there
are men of good learning & discretion, Surrounded by many dis-
senting Congregations, who are Generally possesst with two ministers each, and
those the best for learning & Piety that this land can afford. So its absolutely
necessary for sd prosperity of this Chh, an even to have it from Contempt
that our Ministers Should Be equally qualified for the places and
therefore ye Ldp must Judge that his Majestys Chaplain for this place
Should by no means be crampt, Subjected & made & inferior Curate
because then ye man must be accordingly, & will be certainly despised.
To Conclude therefore We humbly pray ye Ldp, as Soon as conveniently
maybe, to Send us an Assistant to ye Revd Mr Price the best for Solid
learning & Exemplary Piety yt can be procured for us, together with
your pastoral blessing upon
Boston in N. England Nov 22 1736 |
Yr Lorships most dutifull |
Sons & Servants |
Wm Speakman |
Jno Read |
Church wardens |
Job Lewis |
Tho. Child |
Peter Luce |
Robert Auchmuty |
To ye Ld Bishop of London |
Tho Green |
Wm Shirley |
Edward Tyng |
Jno Merret |
Jno Eastwick |
M.r George Shore |
Doct.r John Gibbins |
G Stewart |
On ye death of ye Revd Mr Harwood, Mr Comissary Price in conjunction
with ye Vestry of Kings Chappel wrote to ye Bishop of London, in treating his
Ldps interest that an Assistant might be immediately Sent over to that Chh
a Copy of wc we take the freedom of transmitting to you, & flatterd our Selves
we Should have Succeeded in Such an Solicitation before this time. But ye
affair contray to our expectation being protracted put us upon endeavouring
if possible, to discover ye Secret cause, & very fortunately acquired a letter
from his Ldp directed to Col Williamson (a copy is also in closed) which
in our Opinion manifests, ye double part acted by our minister has hitherto
been ye Clogg; this will appear most glaring by comparing ye letters wrote by
ye Minister & Vestry with his Ldp: by ye one ye United desire of ye Minister
& Vestry was that an Assistant might immediately be Sent, by ye other his Ldp
observes if Mr Comissary had It raised Such difficultys as hitherto retard
ed ye affair & that he knew not when ye Same will be adjusted. This duplicity
in Mr Comissarys conduct makes ye Strange impression on his Congre-
gation, for yt its too visible interest & a recess from parochial duty
were at ye bottom: and this is not ye only instance we have against him,
as by an abstract tracing his conduct for some years past (under this
cover) will Evidently Appear. Good Sir, the pious Zeal to ye growth of
our Establisht Chh that Shines thro ye whole conduct or Your life, and
what (to our happiness) we frequently experienced, encourages us in this
explicit manner to lay before you the unhappy Situation of our Ecclesias-
tical affairs; and from ye State of ye Case a Gentleman much inferior to
Your penetration must discover ye absolute necessity of having an assistant
Immediately Sent us. And when you Seriously consider his performance to
be in ye first Establst Chh in ye Metropolis of New England, amongst an audience
inferior to very few Congregations, for natural and acquired Ability; encircled
with meeting houses filled with ye most Shining teachers of their persuasion,
Surely you call ingenuous mind truly attached to the propagation of our
holy Religion, must conclude ye person ought to be a Gent in some measure
eminent for his learning, a polite popular preacher, of an exemplary life,
& that a Gent so qualified will not prostitute Such distinguishable Merit
& dwindle down to a Servile curate. So yt we apprehend a low life man
yt will render our Minister Situation a sinecure, will best Suit ye Comissary,
but most effectually hurt not only ours, but all ye Establisht Chhs in these parts
therefore to guard against this, we conceive ye regulation of ye assistants duty
Should be as prescribed by our former and present Diocesan & according to ye
Agreemt Solemnly entered into by Mr Price Mr Harward in full Vestry
And Such reasonable terms will well Comport with ye Character of ye Gentlemen
we want: and we Shall have but a contracted Opinion of one that em-
braces lower which regulation & Agreement we likewise inclose.
By a paragraph in his Ldps Letter we conceive there is an Opening
given us to think his Ldp would not take umbrage at our recommending
a Gent Satisfactory to us, we therefore presume to observe by ye
Character we have of ye Revd Mr James Sterling, now a Chaplain to a
Regiment, he will be equal to ye duty & answer our Expectation; and
ye other so yt he is the Gent his Ldp makes Some Account of in his
Letter to Col Dunbar, tho thro’ Mistake, he therein gives him ye Sir name
Auchmuty, wc mistake is easily accounted for, because he is first
cousin to Robert Auchmuty Esqr the Judge of ye Admiralty in these
parts. Thus we unavoidably have troubled you with the detail
of our Chh affaiirs, pointed out ye qualifications of ye Gent to be Sent,
condescended to ye nomination of ye person, if in his Ldp’s & your
Judgment his character answers; therefore upon ye whole we amply
pray you would exert your good office in so critical a Juncture, and
wait on his Ldp, deliver ye enclosed letter to him, obviate the diff-
icultys already started press ye Immediate Sending an Assistant
equal to our Expectations, and conduct your Self in all things as may
tend to ye best interest of our Chh; & all contingent expenses Shall,
with the utmost faithfulness, be paid to you by our Chh; and your
Singular services for ever will be acknowledged by Sr Yr greatly obliged
humble Servts
Boston in N. England Nov 22 1736
Peter Luce |
Jno Merret |
Jno Read |
Chh |
T. Green |
Jno Eastwick |
Tho Child |
Wardens |
C. Apthorp |
G. Stewart |
Robt Auchmuty |
W Speakman |
Wm Shirley |
Job Lewis |
G. Shore |
Jo Gibbins |
Voted also that Robert Auchmuty Esqr be desired to draw up the letter to Mr Sandford touching Mr Price in the above letter to be inclosed with ye assistance of Mr Read, wc was accordingly done in the following tenor
As to an Abstract of the conduct of ye Revd Mr Price among us, we are the more free to disclose it to you his very good friend, because we trust you’l So improve it as may best Serve the advantage of either party, not hurt that Gent’s Character, & at ye Same time bar his assistant’s being made his curate.
In June 1729 the Revd Mr Price came hither, and the next Spring we were vi-
sited with the Smallpox, always a desolating & mortal disease among us. Then
Mr Price took a house in ye Country about four miles from Town, & there Spent his
Summer. Now tho’ it was easy for him to report to his Church for ye performance
of publick Service, yet its evident he must be all that time out of the way
of performing that most necessary duty of visiting the Sick when there was the
greatest Occasion for it.
In June 1735 he dwelt about four Miles out of Town all the Summer season
at wc many people were uneasy for his neglect of visitng ye Sick among us as before
The last Summer when we had no other Minister, he purchased Several lands at Hopkinton about 27 Miles from Town, & ever Since that he’s frequently resorted to
that place, & Still must do it as long as he holds those lands to make any benefit
of them These things are great retirements from his parochial dutys, and the
furnishing of him with a Curate is not ye properest means, to make him the more
Steady & laborious in his duty.
He has been urged to keep a just register of the Christenings Marriages & burials
of this Church, but never could be prevailed upon to undertake it till 1 May 1734
when he Solemnly made under his hand in the Chh book Kept by ye Chh wardens re-
signed up to ye Chh all his right to the parsonage or Rectory of this Chh , intending
to proceed directly to Great Brittain; but in few days changed his mind, and upon
his promise, among other things, to make due Entrys of the Chh Marriages Christen-
ings & Burials in ye book provided for that purpose, was
received by a Majority of ye Chh again: and yet we have reason to doubt he has ever done it Still
We might add, that we did not take it kindly when he took a Tour of about
a month to New York, to See the Country, without giving his Chh any notice of it
Yet nevertheless during all this time we have been So just to him, as that
for Several years we gave him eight pounds a week in our Currency at his
request, which was better than his £110 Sterl a year wc we promist him
and when that came to be worse, we have raised it to eleven pounds
a week our Currency, of the full value of our first agreement
Wherefore upon ye whole, we cant but think we have well performed our duty,
& he ought willingly to attend his duty amongst us, wc is the true intent of our Contract & obligation to him; and that there will be no reason or Justice in releasing him from his duty, & turning ye Kings Chaplain into a curate for that end
and purpose. To all this we who were present & perfectly knowing of all these
things Subscribe our Selves ye humble Servts
Boston Nov 22 1736 |
Tho Child |
G Shore |
Jno Merrett |
Tho. Green |
Peter Luce |
G Stewart |
Jno Eastwick |
All bound up & delivered Mr Merret to transmit by ye Cambridge
Ct. Morris & ye duplicate by Capt White
to [ illegible] this 29 Nov 1736 Jno Read.
At a Meeting of the Congregation in Kings Chappel
In Boston on Easter Munday Aprill 11 1737
Voted that Mr Thomas Child |
Be Church Wardens |
Mr William Coffin |
for the Year Ensuing |
Voted That the Number of Vestry Men be Twenty one & that
Sevin be a Quorum to doe Business & ye whole to be warned
Voted That the Following Gentlemen be Vestry men for
The Year Ensuing
John Reed Esqr |
Willm Lambert Esqr |
Robt Auchmuty Esqr |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Francs Brinley Esqr |
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Mr. George Cradock |
Mr. John Merrett |
Mr . Cha: Apthorp |
Willm Sherley Esqr |
Mr Willm Speakman |
Vestry Men |
Mr. Peter Luce |
Vestry Men |
Doctr. Geo: Stewart |
Mr. John Arbuthnott |
Mr Jas. Smith |
Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson |
Mr. Thomas Greene |
Doctr Silvr. Gardiner |
Job Lewis Esqr. |
Mr. Charles Paxton |
Doctr. John Gibbins |
Voted That Mr Stephen Dublois be Organist for ye Year
Ensuing and his Sallary be Fifty Pounds
Voted That Willm Rollo be Sexton his Sallary as Usuall
Voted That the Clarkes Sallary be Fifty pounds for the
Year Ensuing
Voted That Messrs Geo: Cradock John Merrett & Peter Luce
be Auditors of the Last Years Accounts
Voted That their be a Contribution on Next Sunday
Fortnight to make good the Deficiency to
The Minister & Officers
Voted That the Affairs of the Pews for the Year Ensuing be-
Left to the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry
Voted That the Church Boxes be moved to the House
of Mr. Thomas Child
Voted That the Repairs of the Church be Left to the Minister
Church Wardens & Vestry for ye Year Ensuing
Voted That the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry be Desired
to Chose A proper Man to Look after the Boys & give
Him a proper allowance for the Year Ensuing
A Copy of the Lord Bishop of London’s Letter to ye
Church Wardens & Vestry of the Kings Chapel in Boston
Gentlemen Whitehall Feb. 1t 1736/7
I Recd ye Application for A New Minister &
To Succeed Mr Harward and have now appointed Mr
Davenport a person who has been Long known to you and
of whom I Conceiv’d a very good Opinion from his Behaviour
and Conversation while he Continued in England. In my Letter
To Mr Price & him wch. Come by the same Vesel that brings
This I name Recommended to both of them, the Living in peace
and good will towards Each Other, & that in Case of Sickness
Or Necessary Absence which may Equally happen to both
They be Ready to give their Assistance Mutually without
Expecting any Consideration for it -- This I assure my Self
they will be Ready to do and Particularly that Mr
Davenport will think it no hardship to take upon him Mr
Prices share of Duty. When he is Call’d to any other place
as my Commissary tho that be an Occation of Absence which
Cannot befall Mr Davenport these Absences are short and
Rarely happen and as Long as the Ministers can Agre to these
Matters between themselves and the whole Duty is Regularly
Perform’d. The Congregation will have no cause to Complain
I am unwilling to Suppose that any misunderstanding can
happen between Mr Price and Mr Davenport
But if any should happen which I shall be truly griev’d at
I doubt not but you will be ready to interpose your good
Offices to Remove it and to prevent the Mischiefs which must
unavoidably Ensue upon any breach or Even coldness between
them. And so commending you all to the Divine blessing
And Protection I Remain Gentlemen Your Assured Friend
Edm London
Recd by Capt Shepardson Aprill 18t 1737
At A Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr Luke
Vardy’s Tuesday May 10 1737
Present Mr Comiss. Price
Thomas Child |
Church Wardens |
Wm. Coffin |
Mr. James Smith |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Mr. Jno Merret |
Mr. Thos Greene |
Mr. Wm Speakman |
Doct. Geo Stewart |
Voted that Doct Geo Stewart & Mr. Thos Greene be
Joyn’d wth the Church Wardens As A Committee to Inspect
into the Church to See what Repairs is wanted & to make
Reports of the same to the Vestry this day Seven night &
Voted that Mr Wm. Rullou be Requested to keep the Boys
& Negroes In Good Order in the time of Divine Service
And be Allow’d five shillings p Month for that Service
The Vestry is Adjourned till this day Seven night
At A Meeting of thte Vestry (According to Adjournment)
At the house of Mr Luke Verdy’s on Tuesday ye 17 May
Mr Commissary Price
Thomas Child |
} |
Church Warden |
Doct Jno Gibbins |
Wm. Lambert Esq |
Doct Sil: Gardiner |
Job Lewis Esq |
Doct Geo Stewart |
Mr. Wm Speakman |
Mr Cha Apthorp |
After receiving the report of ye Committee it was
Voted that the Church Wardens Procure Work-
men to repair the Ground Cell at the west end of the
Church & doe what is necessary their & repair ye Wind
ow Frames Gutters & shingling of ye Roof so soon as they
are in Cash so to doe
A Coppy of the Lord Bishop of London Letter to the Revd
Mr Addington Davenport
Good Sr Whitehall Jan 24 1736/7
I have appointed you to succeed Mr Thomas Harward328 in the duty
of the Kings Chapple there to be performed by you in all the rules &
Directions wch have been given by ye Bishop Compton and myself you
will not Fail in general to pay all due respect to Mr Price both as
Chief Paster of ye Congregation & as my commissary & when the duty of
the latter station obliges him to be absent from Boston wch as I am
Informd is very seldom I think it reasonable that you should Perform
his duty there without Expecting any Gratuity for it as to other acci-
dentall Inabilities or absences on Acct of health or Necessary business
which both of you in your turns may have Occasion for I hope there
is no need to Exhort either of you to afford mutual assistance to each
other I desire you to communicate this Letter to Mr Price & have no
more to add at this time but to commend you to ye divine protection
& to wish you Success in your Pasterall Labours wch will Always
be A Great satisfaction to
Edm London
My Intention is that you enter
upon this duty as soon as ye 15th of
Aprill is over that being the day
wch Mr Harward dy’d and the
Society will appoint a Missionary
for situate without Loss of time
At A Meeting of the Vestry at the house of Mr Luke Verdy’s
on Fryday ye 17 day of June 1737
Thomas Child |
Church Wardens |
Wm Coffin |
Mr. Thos. Greene |
Mr. Peter Luce |
Doct Geo Stewart |
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Mr. Jno. Arbuthnot |
Jno. Read Esqr |
Mr. Jno. Merret |
Doct Silver Gardiner |
Collo. Estes Hatch |
Voted that the Pew No 33 wch did belong to Capt
Wm. Brown Decd be now posses’d by Mr Wm Coffin he Re-
signing His pew in the Gallery N 105 & Pay Five pounds
for the Use of the Church
Where as Thos. Child one of the present Church wardens
is chose a Jury man for the next Inferiour Court of
Common pleas to be holden at Boston ye first Tuesday
of July next Voted that he do not Serve and if he is
find to Appeal to the Sessions and stand tryall &
the Charge to be paid out of the Church Stock
Voted that the pew No 105 wch is now Resign’d By Mr Wm
Coffin be Posses’d by Mr. Thomas Bennett he paying
Twenty pounds for the Use of the Church
At A Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr.
Luke Verays August the 9 1737
Present Mr. Commissary Price
Thos. Child |
Church wardens |
Mr. Wm. Coffin |
Jno. Reed Esqr. |
Capt Edwd. Tyng |
Doct. Silv Gardiner |
Mr. Jno. Arbuthnot |
Doct. Geo. Steuart |
Doct Jno. Gibbins |
Mr. Wm. Speakman |
Voted that A Bench or Seat be put up on the Back
part of the Kings Pew
Voted that we are Content that Collo. Wm. Barwick and
Major Josiah Marten with their Family sitt In the Kings
Pew till they can be Other ways Provided for
So it be with the Governers Consent
At A Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr.
Luke Verdy Oct. 17 1737
Present Mr Comissary Price
Thos Child |
Church Wardens |
Mr. Wm. Coffin |
Mr. Jas. Smith |
Dot. Geo Stewart |
Dot. Jno. Gibbins |
Mr. Wm. Speakman |
Mr. Jno. Arbuthnot |
Mr. Eliam. Hutchinson |
Mr. Cha Paxton |
Doct. Syl Gardiner |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Wm. Lambert Esqr |
Capt. Ed Tyng |
Mr. Thos. Greene |
Voted the Pew No. 32 to Thomas Hayes he paying Ten
Pounds for the Use of the Church
At A Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapple at the House
of Mr Luke Verdy Sept 5 1737
Thos. Child |
Church Wardens |
Mr. Wm. Coffin |
Vestry Men
Cha Apthorp |
Doct. Gibbins |
Ed Tyng |
Wm. Speakman |
Jas Smith |
John Arbuthnot |
Jno. Merret |
Cha. Paxton |
Tho: Greene |
Doct. Stewart |
Silv: Gardiner |
Peter Luce |
The Revd Mr Price Informed the Vestry that Severall
Gentlemen had Desired him & the Revd. Mr. Davenport
to Perform Divine Service in Trinity Church untill the
Sd. Church was Supply’d wth A Minister & Desird to
Know if they had any Objection the Major Part was of
Oppinion they might Supply that Church till Easter
Mr Willm Patten is placed by the Church Wardens
in the half of the Pew No 66 belonging to Jno Arbuthnott
at the Desire of both Party’s
Boston Janry the 1 1737/8
The Gentlemen of the Vestry are Desir’d to Meet at
the House of Mr. Luke Vardys on Tuesday Evening Next
at Six O Clock to Dispose of Such Pews as belong to
the Church
To Mr. Robt. Kenton
To be Published from ye Desk Signed by (Thos. Child) Church
(Wm. Coffin) Wardens
At the Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr Luke Verd
ys Janry. ye 3 1737/8
Present Mr. Commissary Price
Thos Child |
Church Wardens |
Wm. Coffin |
Vestry Men
Mr. Wm. Speakman |
Mr. Cha: Apthorp |
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Doct. Geo. Stuart |
Robt. Auchmuty Esqr. |
Doct. Silv: Gardiner |
Wm. Lambert Esqr. |
Doct Jno Gibbins |
Voted Whereas Mr Brce Eccles has Mov’d wth all his family from this
Town to Rhoad Island & has made no Provision for the Paymt
of the Contribution therefore Voted that the half part of the Pew
No 122 wch Belonged to him be Sold
Voted that if Mr. Jno. Davis does not Pay Ten pounds for ye
Remaining part of the Pew No. 119 within three months of
this date it Shall be Sold
At A Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr Luke Verdy
March 15 1737/8
Present Mr. Comissary Price
Thos. Child |
Church Wardens |
Wm. Coffin |
Vestry Men
Robt. Auchmuty Esqr. |
Doct Jno Gibbins |
Wm. Sherly Esqr. |
Doct. Geo. Stewart |
Frs. Brinley Esqr. |
Mr. Wm. Speakman |
Mr. Geo Cradock |
Mr Thos. Greene |
Mr. Jno. Merrett |
Capt. Edwd. Tyng |
Doct. Silvesr: Gardiner |
Mr. Cha. Paxton |
That Whereas by Publick Notice from the Government the
Malancholy News of the Queens Death is Confirm’d
Voted That the Pulpit & ye Desk be put in Mourning at the
Charge of the Church & that the Church Wardens take
Care of the Same
Voted That the Church Wardens Wait on Mr. Comissary
Price & desire him to Preach A Sermon Suitable to that Malancho-
ly Occasion
Voted That on Thursday the 23 Inst be A Day for Solemnizing
the Same
Voted That the Church Wardens acquaint his Excellency the
Governour & his Honr: The Leuetenant Governour with
The Substance of the Above Votes
Voted That the Church Wardens wth Mr Charles Paxton wait
on his Excellency the Governour wth A Letter of wch. the
Letter of wch. ye Underneath is A Coppy
Boston March 15t 1737/8
We the Vestry of the Kings Chapple being
Informed that yr Excellency has taken Umbrage at Collo
Barwick & his Family Sitting in the Kings Pew: In
Justice to our Conduct in that Particular we beg Leave to
Represent to Your Excellc. that our Assent to the Gentlemn
being So placed from the Assurance we had that
Your Excellency first made that Complement & the part
that we Acted Therein was in Concurrence with the
Previous Leave by you Given wch at all times is in Yr
Excellencys Power to Withdraw we are wth Great
Respect Sr. Yr. Excellencys most Obedient Humble
Jno Gibbins |
Wm. Sherly |
Roger Price |
Cha. Paxton |
Fras. Brinley |
Thomas Child |
Silvester Gardiner |
John Merrett |
Wm.. Coffin |
Thos.. Greene |
Geo Stewart |
Robt Auchmuty |
Geo Cradock |
Wm. Speakman |
Edwd Tyng |
March 16 1737/8 Agreeable to the Vote Above we waited on
his Excellency the Governour & Acquainted him that
the Pulpit of the Kings Chapple be Coverd wth
Black Cloth and A Funerall Sermon Preachd by the
Revd Mr Commissary Price on the Death of our Late
Gracious Queen on ye 23d. Inst.
Also Deliverd him the Letter the Coppy as Above
To which his Excellency Answerd he never Gave
Leave for any Person to Set in the Kings Pew
At the Request of the Church wardens & Vestry the Revd
Commissary Price will preach a Funerall Sermon at The
The Kings Chapple on ye 23 Inst. on the Death of her
Late Majesty ye Service to begin at Eleven a Clock upon
wch Occasion the Vestry has Given directions to Cover the
Pulpit & reading Desk with Black Cloth
At the same time this Advertisement was orderd to be
put in the publick Prints
At A Meeting of the at ye House of Mr. Luke Verdys
on ye 28 March 1738
Present Thos. Child |
Church Wardens |
Mr Wm. Coffin |
Doct Geo. Stewart |
Capt. Edwd Tyng |
Mr. Jno Merrett |
Wm. Lambert Esqr |
Mr. Geo Cradock |
Mr. Charles Paxton |
Mr. Cha. Apthorp |
Doct Jno Gibbins |
Mr. Tho: Greene |
John Reed Esqr. |
Mr. Wm. Speakman |
Wm. Sherly Esqr. |
Mr. Elim. Hutchinson |
Voted That the Church Wardens be desired to meet on
Mr. Comissary Price & Return him Thanks for his
Sermon Preachd at the Kings Chapple on ye 23 Inst.
And Desire he will have it Printed as soon as
Conveniently may be
Easter Monday ye 3d Aprill 1738
Att a Meeting of the Congregation of Kings
Chapell In Boston
Voted that Mr Commissary Price be pd. Eleven pounds P
week to this day
Voted that Mr Comisry Prices Sallary be computed at
400 £ Cr for the Year Ensuing
Voted that Wm. Coffin & |
Be Church Wardens for |
Silvester Gardiner |
the Year Ensuing |
Voted That there be 24 Vestry Men chosen & that
7 be a Quorum
Voted that the following Gentlemen be Vestry men
for the Year Ensuing
Collo. Estes Hatch |
Robt. Auchmuty Esqr. |
Doctor Geo: Stewart |
Geo ; Craddock Esqr. |
Peter Faneuil Esqr . |
Doctor John Gibbin |
John Merritt |
James Smith |
Jona Pew Esqr. |
Edward Tyng |
Eliakm. Hutchinson |
Cha. Apthorp |
William Lambert Esqr. |
Wm. Speakman |
Charles Paxton |
Job Lewis Esqr. |
Francis Brinley Esqr . |
Thos. Green |
Wm. Sherley Esqr. |
Majr. Josiah Martin329 |
Geo. Tilly |
Abra. Wendell |
John Reed Esqr. |
Voted that no Persons are Quallified to Vote in this
Church unless they pay 52/ Ꝑ Year and write
their Names on their Mony
Voted that Stephen Dublois be Organist for the Year
Ensuing & to have £50 Ꝑ Annum
Voted that William Rullow be Sexton for ye Year
Ensuing & to have 12/ Ꝑ Week
Voted that Robt Kenton, Clark to have £50 Ꝑ annum
Voted that £5 be given as Charity to the Widdow Burgiss as
being poor and her Husband formerly of the Church
Voted that Step: Rullow for taking care to keep the
Church clear of unruly boyes &c be Allowd £5
for the Ensuing year
Voted that the Charge of putting the Pulpett & Desk in
mourning on the Death of the late Queen be paid
out of the Church Stock
Voted that Job Lewis Esqr. Geo. Craddock & Mr. Cha Apthorp
be Auditors of the last Years Accots
Voted that there be Six persons Chosen for the Better
consideration of Assesing the Pews for to support
the charge of the Church Vizt.
Jno. Lambert |
Chas: Apthorp |
} |
of the Vestry |
Cha. Boucher |
} |
Geo: Stewart |
Thos. Pearson |
And that Wm. Coffin Church Warden be Joyn’d wth them
Voted that the Affairs of the Pews be left to ye Minister
Church Wardens & Vestry for ye Year Ensuing
Voted that there be a Collection or Contribution Next Sunday
come fortnight to Make good ye Difficincy of the
last Years Charges
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell
at the House of Mr Luke Vardys ye 15 May 1738
Wm. Coffin |
Church Wardens |
Silvester Gardner |
Jno. Read Esqr . |
Wm. Sherley Esqr . |
Ja. Smith |
Majr Josh. Martin |
Thos. Green |
Vestry |
Wm. Speakman |
Doctor Geo: Stewart |
John Merritt |
Eliak: Hutchinson |
Voted that the Sexton be sent to each family of the
Congregation of the Kings Chappell with One of Mr
Comissary Price’s Sermons Preach’d on the Death of the Queen
, and that a Church Meeting be Called as soon
as Conveniently can be to know wheather the Charge
shall be paid out of the Church Stock
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell
ye 2d June 1738 att ye house of Luke Vardys
Mr. Comissary Price
Wm. Coffin |
Wardens |
Silv. Gardiner |
Geo. Stewart |
James Smith |
Geo. Craddock Esqr |
Collo. Estes Hatch |
Thos. Greene |
Vestry |
Geo: Tilly |
Wm. Speakman |
John Merrit |
Cha. Paxton |
Voted That Mr. William Patten have half of ye Pew
No. 66 which did belong to Mr. John Arbuthnot
he having Relinquish’d the Same ye sd Patten
paying £10
That whereas Capt. James Sterling has been
absent from this town 4 Years and it doth not
appear that the Contribution has been paid for
his Pew No. 38 Therefore Voted that sd.Pew
be sold to Peter Faneuil Esqr. He Relinquishing
his Pew in ye North Gallery No. 88 & paying £15
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell
ye 2d Augt. 1738 at ye House of Luke Vardys
Mr Comisry Price
Wm. Coffin |
Wardens |
Silvester Gardner |
Robt. Auchmuty Esqr |
Doctor Geo: Stewart |
Geo: Craddock Esqr |
Wm. Speakman |
Vestry men |
Collo. Estes Hatch |
Wm. Lambert Esqr |
Abra. Wendell |
Voted that Mr. Rowland Howton have the Pew
No. 88 He paying Twenty five pounds for the
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell at the
House of Luke Vardys ye 09th Novr. 1738
William Coffin |
Wardens |
Sylvr. Gardiner |
Doctor John Gibbins |
Collo Estes Hatch |
Geo. Craddock Esqr . |
Wm. Speakman |
Thos. Green |
Vestry |
Geo. Stewart |
Wm. Sherley Esqr . |
Edwd Tyng |
Wm. Lambert |
Voted that Geo. Craddock Esqr & Doctor Geo. Stewart be
Joyn’d with ye Church Wardens as a Committee and
that they take propper Workmen to Examine
what Repairs is Necessary to be done to ye Church
and make their Report to ye Vestry on Tuesday ye 14th
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell
at the House of Luke Vardys ye 14th November 1738
Silvr. Gardiner |
Wardens |
William Coffin |
Geo Craddock Esqr . |
James Smith |
Job Lewis Esqr |
Doctor Jno Gibbin |
Edward Tyng |
Cha Paxton |
John Merritt |
Thos. Green |
That whereas the Comitte that has Veiw’d the State of
the Church, are of Opinion that Twenty pounds is
Absolutely Necessary to be lay’d out in Repairs this fall
Voted That the Report of the Comitte be Receiv’d and that
the Church be Repair’d Imediately
Voted that £150 of the Church Stock be called in to pay for
the Repairs of the Church and to make good the
Deficiency of Mr Comissary Price’s Sallary and the other
Officers of the Church
Att a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappell
at Luke Vardys house ye 8th Febr. 1738
Mr. Comissary Price
Wm. Coffin |
Wardens |
Sylvr. Gardiner |
Geo : Stewart |
Edward Tyng |
Ja. Smith |
Vestry mens |
John Merrtt |
Thos.Child |
Cha. Apthorp |
Vestry |
Geo: Craddock Esqr. |
Jno. Gibbin |
Thos. Green |
Will: Speakman |
Geo: Tilly |
Uppon some Complaints made by severall
Gentlemen belonging to the Church That
Robt. Kenton by his Irregular behaviour
having Renderd himself unworthy of his Office,
its the opinion of the Minister & Vestry he shall
be no longer Clark
And whereas Mr. Commissary Price Nominated
Powers Marriott to be Clark in his room The
Vestry Unanimously Approv’d of the Same
At a Meeting of the congregation of Kings
Chappel in Boston on Easter Monday
April ye 22 1739
Voted that Silv. Gardiner |
be church wardens |
James Gorden |
for the year Ensuing |
Voted that there be 21 Vestry men and that 7 be a Quorum
William Coffin |
Charles Apthorp |
William Speakman |
John Gibbins |
George Stewart |
Estes Hatch |
Thomas Child |
Edward Tyng |
Voted Peter Faneuil |
Thomas Green |
Cyp. Southack |
be Vestry men |
Charles Paxton |
for the year Ensuing |
Peter Luce |
George Cradock |
James Smyth |
Job Lewis |
Francis Brinley |
John Read |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
William Shearley |
Robert Auchmuty |
Voted Stephen Dublois be organist and that his Salary
be £50 Ꝑ annum
Voted William Rullou be Sexton & have 12/ Ꝑ week
Voted that Powers Marriott330 be clerk for the year Ensuing
& that his Salary be £50 Ꝑ annum
Voted that Robert Kenton be pd his whole Sallary for
his last years Service notwithstanding he did not
Serve all the time
Easter Monday April ye 22: 1739
Voted Stephen Rullow take care to keep the Boys and
Negros in good order & have £5 p annum for his Service
Voted That the Stock belonging to the church be called
in as Soon as Possible and that Mr. Comisary Price
& the other officers be pd what is Due to them until
this time (for their Sallaries) and that the Remainder
of the Stock be appropriated to Discharge the other
Debt and to repair the church
Voted that Mr Charles Apthorp Doct John Gibbin
& Mr Job Lewis be auditors of ye last years account
Voted that ye affair of the Pews be left to the Minister
church wardens & vestry for the year Ensuing
at a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapple Boston
at Mr Luke Verdys the 15 of April 1739
The Reverend Mr Commisary Price |
} |
Minister |
Silvester Gardiner |
James Gordon |
church wardens |
Thomas Green |
Thomas Child |
Edward Ting |
Peter Lucy |
William Coffin |
John Gibbins |
Vestry men |
William Shearley |
Charles Packston |
Eliakim Hutchison |
George Stewart |
William Speakman |
Job Lewis |
Mr comisary Price delivered A letter from the
Revd Mr Davenport and it being to Vote whether the
letter Should be Recorded in our church Book or no
and it Passed in the affirmative. The letter is as follows
Revd. Sr .
As I have determined to comply with ye repeated
desire of the proprietors of Trinity church in removing
there, upon receiving an Equivalent for my present
allowance, and our worthy Diocesan not forbidding
it, I therefore think it Just and proper to acquaint
you and Your Vestry herewith, that so what is best &
most convenient may be done to Supply the Lecturers
place if it Should be Vacant
Boston May ye 9 1739 I am Sir
Your most obedient humble
Servant Addington Davenport
it being moved to the Vestry that Mrs Wharton
was ordered out of the Pew No. 15 by Mrs Flag
Voted that She continue to Set in the Pew No. 15
reServing the place for the Grandchild of Mr Edward
Lock till he comes of age or further order from the
Vestry and continuing to pay her contribution
weekly and not Inviting any to Set with her
but her own Family
At a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappel at Mr
Luke Vardy ye 29 of June 1739
Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
James Gorden |
Wardens |
George Cradock Esq |
Job Lewis Esq |
Mr James Smyth |
Charles Paxton |
Doct John Gibbins |
Mr Thomas Child |
Doct George Stewart |
Vestry men |
William Shearley Esq |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
William Speakman |
Capt Edward Ting |
Mr Thomas Green |
Peter Lucy |
Voted that the Vestry write the following letter to My Lord
of London to fill the Lecturship of Kings -
Chappel in case the Revd Mr Davenport re-
move to Trinity church as Soon as may be
May it please your Lordship
Wee the church wardens and Vestry of Kings Chappell
in Boston having lately received notice from the
Revd Mr Davenport (a Copy of which we Inclose to
Your Lordship) that he desires to Quit the Chappell
and accept the cure of Trinity church in this
Town, upon his being assured of receiving from
that congregation an Equivalent for his Present
Allowance, Provided your Lord Ship Shall
not forbid his Removal, humbly beg leave there
upon to Intreat Your Lord Ship in behalf of the
congregation of this Chappell that in the case of that Gen-
tlemans Removal the Vacancy may be filled up
with a Minister of Known Learning & Piety, Such
an one as Your LordShip Shall think Proper to
Send us. And to prevent any Inconvenience which
may arise not only to this but to other neighbour-
ing churches from our remaining any time un-
Supplyed with an Assistant, we take the Liberty
farther to BeSeech your LordShip that Mr Daven-
port Successor may be ready to Supply his Place
immediately upon his Removal from us: which
Instance of Your Lordships Goodness Shall ever be
gratefully Acknowledged by
Your Lordships most Obedient
And Dutifull Sons & Servants
Boston June ye 20
Silvester Gardiner |
Church |
James Gorden |
Wardens |
William Shearley Esq |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
George Cradock |
Peter Faneuil |
Edward Ting |
Cyprian Southack |
George Stewart |
Charles Paxton |
John Read |
William Speakman |
John Gibbins |
Estes Hatch |
Job Lewis |
Charles Apthorp |
at a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappel at Mr
Luke Vardys ye 1 Novbr anno 1739
Present Revd Mr Price
Silv. Gardiner |
Church Wardens |
James Gorden |
Capt. Thomas Child |
Mr George Cradock |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Doct George Stewart |
Vestry Men |
William Shearley Esq |
Mr. William Coffin |
Mr James Smyth |
Doct John Gibbins |
Mr. William Speakman |
Job Lewis Esq |
Voted that the Titles of Pews be Examined in to beginning
at No.1 and those Pews that are found delinquent
be Sold. after the Publick notice be given in the
at a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappel at the
House of Mr Luke Verdy on Febry ye 5 1739
Present Silv Gardiner |
Church Wardens |
James Gorden |
Doct George Stewart |
William Shearley Esq |
Mr Thomas Green |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
Vestry Men |
Doct John Gibbins |
Mr James Smyth |
John Read Esq |
Mr William Coffin |
George Cradock |
Job Lewis |
Charles Paxton |
Charles Apthorp |
Voted that Mrs Cuttler has no right to the Pew No. 6
Voted That Mrs Cuttler and Mrs Evet be plac’d in
the Pew No. 6 they Paying 12d a week Each
to the Satisfaction of the church wardens
Voted that the Pew No. 39 be Sold to Doct
Silvester Gardiner he paying thirty Pounds
for the Same
Voted that the Pew No. 17 be Sold
Voted that the Pew No. 22 be Sold
Voted that the Pew No. 74 be Sold reserving a Setting
for the widow in the Same
Voted that one half of the Pew No. 102 that former-
ly belonged to the widdow Williams be Sold
to Deacon he paying ten Pounds
Voted that the Pew No. 103 be Sold to Mr John
McNeill he paying Twenty Pounds for the
Voted that one half of the Pew No. 114 formerly belong-
ing to Capt Shalley be Sold
Voted that the church wardens wait upon Mr
Gillam Phillips331 and give him the offer of
Either the Pews No. 17 22 or 74 and after his
choice or refusal to give the next, Preference
to Mr Samuel Wetheread and then to Mr .
Samuel Wentworth332 and the widow Jackson
agreeable to the last Vote I have waited upon
Messrs Gillam Phillips Samuel Weathered
and Samuel Wentworth and they refused those
Pews. and then Mrs. Mary Jackson chose the
Pew No. 17 for which I gave her the following
Title Receeived of Mrs Mary Jackson Twenty
five pounds for the Pew No. 17 which She is to
hold and Enjoy so long as She or any of her
Family continue to go to church called the
Kings Chapel paying weekily what Shall be
thought necessary by the Majority of the
Propiretors toward the Support of the church
at a meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chapel at the
House of Mr Luke Verdy on the 10 day of March 1739
Present Silv. Gardiner |
Church |
James Gorden |
Wardens |
Vestry Men
John Read |
Charles Paxton |
Estes Hatch |
Charles Apthorp |
George Cradock |
William Coffin |
Thomas Green |
Thomas Child |
George Stewart |
Edward Ting |
Eliakim Hutchinson |
John Gibbins |
Job Lewis |
William Shearley |
William Speakman |
it being put to a Vote that whether a Publick
Notification from the Desk be a good or Suffici-
ent warning for a Vestry meeting or no
it Passed in the affirmative
Voted that the church wardens and Vestry has Power to
Proceed to the Sale of any Pew that are forfeited by
the known Rules of the church if the minister is
not Present Provided the Minister has due notice
of the Meeting more Especially if he call the Vestry
Easter Monday Aprile 7 1740
At a Meeting of the Congregation of Kings Chappel in Boston
Voted That ye Proceedings of ye Vestry held at ye House of Luke Vardy
ye 25 of February last in relation to ye forfeiture & Sale of Pews
in ye Kings Chappel is illegal the minister being absent
from ye. Said Vestry at that meeting
Voted That ye Revd Mr Jon Checkleys Pew N 39 be restored that was Sold to Mr
Silv Gardner And
Voted That the Money be returned to Mr. Silvestr Gardner that he
Paid for ye Said Pew
Voted That No Person Shall be allowed to Vote in the Congregation
but those that Pay at least fifty two Shillings every Year
Contribution & affix their Names to ye Said money when they
Pay it—to ye Satisfaction of ye Church Wardens for the time being
Voted that a Comittee of five Meet Persons be Chosen by all the Pro-
prietors of Pews with Power to Asses each Pew in the Chappell
at So much as the whole may be at least equall to the Yearly
Charge in Money
Voted That the Church Wardens for this Year be |
James Gorden |
Wm Shirley Esqr . |
Voted that the number of Vestry members be fifteen Chosen as follows
Mr Silvester Gardner |
Mr James Smith |
Jno Read Esqr . |
Mr Jno Gibbins |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr Estes Hatch |
Mr John Cutler |
Mr Jona Pew |
Mr Geo Stewart |
Mr Wm Lambert |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Robert Auchmuty Esqr . |
Mr Geo Craddock |
Mr Saml Wentworth |
Mr Charles Paxton |
Voted that Powers Merriet be Clerk for ye Year ensuing
Voted that Stephen Dublois be Organist for ye Year
Voted That William Ruleau333 be Sexton for ye Year } to ye Same Salary
as last Year
Voted Stephen Ruleau334 be Continued to take care to keep
Boys & Negroes in Good Order & in time of Divine Service
Voted that ye Revd Mr Roger Price have Eleven Pounds Ꝑ Week Paid
him wch is Computed equall to One hundred & ten Pounds Sterling
Ꝑ Annum Voted Aprill 14 1736 according as Exd is now with London
Boston New Engd Easter Monday Aprile 7 1740
The Votes of ye Congregation of ye Kings Chappel Continued
Voted That when a Vestry is Called Each Vestry Man Shall be
Voted That Publick notification be given next Sunday from ye Desk
for all ye Proprietors of Pews in ye Kings Chappel to Meet
at Sd Chappell on ye Wednesday following
to chose a Comitee to Asses ye Pews According to ye fore going
Vote &c And the Sexton is also Orderd to Notifie as many of the
prorietors as he can find
Voted that the Affaires of ye Pews be left to ye Minister Church Wardens
& Vestry for ye Year insuing as formerly
Voted That Mr Charles Apthorp
Cap Edward Tyng & |
Audit ye last Church Wardens |
Mr James Smith |
& make report Accordingly |
Memo James Gordon Paid to Mr Silvester Gardner Three Pounds
towards his contribution for ye Year ensuing
Geo Tilley Pd Mr Silvester Gardner four Pounds Contribution for
last Year
Jno Bright Pd. Dr: Gardner Three Pounds Contribution for last
Aprile 12 1740
Pursuant to ye Votes of this Congregation at their meeting on Easter
Monday last, The Proprietors of ye Severall Pews in this Church desired
to meet here on Wednesday next between eleven & twelve o’clock in ye
forenoon to Chuse Assesors of ye Pews
The Gentlemen of the Vestry desired to meet ye Minister & Church Wardens
at ye house of Mr Luke Vardy tomorrow at Six ye o clock in ye Evening
to consider ye Affairs of ye Pews to them refferrd
To Mr Powers Merrit Clark of Kings Chappel
You are to read ye Above Notifications from ye Desk
tomorrow after Sermon in ye Afternoon
Signd by both Church Wardens
At a Meeting of the Vestry of Kings Chappel at the house
of Mr. Luke Vardy On Monday Aprile 14th 1740
The Revd Mr Roger Price Rector
James Gorden |
Church Wardens |
Wm. Shirley Esqr . |
Robt. Auchmuty Esqr . |
Jno. Read Esqr. |
Geo Craddock Esqr. |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Eliakm: Hutchinson |
Vestry men |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Jona. Pue Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Dr: Geo Stuart |
Dr: John Cutler |
Dr Silvestr Gardner |
Voted That Mrs Cutler & Mrs Evet Wdos be Placed in ye Pew No. 6 they
Paying twelve Pence Ꝑ Week each contribution to ye Satisfaction of
the Church Wardens
Voted That when any Pew in ye Kings Chappel is Sold for ye future The Title by
the Church Wardens Shall give to the Purchaser or Purchasers Shall be in
the following form Viz: Granted to A. B. the Pew
No. …. wch he, his Wife & Children shall enjoy so long
as they continue Members of ye Kings Chappel upon the
following conditions that is to Say, Paying for the Purchase
£…………..And £………………Ꝑ annum by Weekly
Monthly or Quarterly contributions And also what the
majority of the Proprietors of the Pews Shall further Asess the
said Pew towards the necessary support of the Church
And that every Person to whom any Pew for ye future Shall |
} |
Wardens |
be granted, or Sold, Shall underwrite his Acceptance of
such Pew in ye following form VIZ
I Do Accept of ye Afforsd Pew On ye Afforsd conditions
A. B.
Witnesses |
} |
C Wardens |
The Question being put—Whether the two letters from Revd Mr .
John Checkley, the One to the Congregation And ye other to the
Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chappel for
for ye last Year concerning ye sale of his Pew &c now read
It Passed in ye Negative
The question being put Whether ye Pew Number 39 is become vacant
by the Reverd Mr Jno Checkley’s removal with his ffamily to Providence
in Rhode Island Government, and being there settled as a Missionary
to ye Church there and it not appearing that he has Paid contribution
According to ye Votes of this Church It Passed in ye Affirmative.
Voted that Doctor Silvester Gardner Shall have ye Pew Number 39 -
he Paying thirty pounds for the purchase thereof and fifty two
Shillings Ꝑ annum contribution & such further Assessment as
shall be made upon ye Same by the Proprietors of the Pews
Voted That Mrs Mary Jackson Wdo Shall have ye Pew No: 17 She paying
Twenty five Pounds for ye purchase thereof & fifty two Shillings P
annum contribution & Such further Assesments as Shall be made
by ye Proprietors of ye Pews upon ye Same
Voted That Mr John McNeal Shall have ye Pew No. 103 he Paying
Twenty Pounds for ye Purchase thereof & fifty two Shillings Ꝑ Annum
contribution & Such further Assements as Shall be made upon
ye same by ye Proprietors of ye Pews
Voted that Mr John Deacon Shall have one half of ye Pew No. 102 he
Paying Ten Pounds for ye Said half Pew to ye Purchase thereof
& fifty two Shillings Ꝑ annum contribution And Such further
Assessments as Shall be made upon ye same by ye Proprietors of ye Pews
Voted that the Meeting be Adjourned to ye 29th of this Month at Six o
clock in ye evening to Sitt at ye house of Mr Luke Vardy
April 29 1740
The Vestry Mett According to ye. Afforsd Adjournment -- Present
Jno Read Esqr. |
Mr. James Smith |
The Revd Roger Price |
Collo. Estes Hatch |
Mr Char: Apthorp |
Jas Gordon |
Ch Wardens |
Geo Cradock Esqr. |
Mr Charles Paxton |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbns |
Mr Saml Wentworth |
Dr Jno Cutler |
Mr Eliakm Hutchinson |
Dr Geo Stuart |
Wm Lambert Esqr. |
Dr Silvr. Gardner |
Voted This Vestry be Adjourned Sine Diem
At a Meeting of ye. Vestry of ye Kings Chappel on Friday
May 23. 1740 at ye house of Mr Andrew Hallyburton
Present The Revd. Mr Roger Price Minister
James Gordon |
Ch Wardens |
Wm Shirley Esqr. |
Mr Eliakm. Hutchinson |
Jno. Read Esqr |
Estes Hatch Esqr. |
Wm. Lambert Esqr. |
Mr. Chas Apthorp |
Dr Geo. Stuart |
Jno Cutler |
Geo: Craddock Esqr. |
Dr. Jno. Gibbins |
Mr. Saml Wentworth |
Dr Silvestr Gardner |
Mr. Charles Paxton |
Memo: Doctor Silvester Gardner voluntarily relinquished His Pew No. 39
to the Church
Voted that Dr Silvester Gardiner Shall have ye Pew N 40 in ye Kings Chappel
lately Possesd by Mrs Hannah Wroe Wdo: She relinquishing ye Same & he
Paying her Twenty Pounds & Ten Pounds to ye Church
Voted That the letter from ye Revd. Mr Adington Davenport to ye Revd Mr
Roger Price be recorded – Done as follows Viz
Revd Sir I have at length accepted ye Cure of Trinity Church You will not therefore expect any further assistance from me at ye Chappel, and will be
so good as to communicate this advice to ye Gentlemen of that Church
as Soon as conveniently may be I am Revd Sir
Boston May 9. 1740 Your most Obedt humble Servt
Addington Davenport
directed to ye Revd. Mr Roger Price Rector
of Kings Chappel in Boston
Voted That ye Revd Mr Roger Price, the Church Wardens & Jno Read Esqr be a
Comitee to draw up a letter to his Grace ye Bishop of London requesting
his Lordship to Send us an assistant to ye Kings Chappel in ye room of the
Revd Mr Davenport & to recommend of Revd Mr. Stephen Rowe335 for Such
& to get ye Sd letter signd & dispatched
Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Thursday next at three o clock P.M &
meet at this house
Coppy of a letter to ye Bishop of London drawn up & forwarded agreeable to ye
above written Vote
New Engd Boston May 24: 1740
May it Please Your Lordship
The Revd Mr: Davenport hath at length quitted his
place in ye Kings Chappel for Trinity Church. A Copy of his letter
whereof is here inclosd. Wherefore we humbly pray Yr Lordship
to supply his place in ye sd Chappel wt Such a Person as Yr Ldship
shall judge most suitable by his learning & Piety to minister ye Church
in ye Capital town of New Engld and that as soon as
conveniently may be, because in case of Sickness wee can have no assistance
from any casual Lecturer in these parts. And as wee are informd that
Revd Mr Stephen Rowe for want of his health cannot continue in Carolina
wee beg leave to inasmuch that wee once heard him reading Divine Service
& preaching among us, well approved his talent therein, and shall be generally
gratified in his removal to this place, for what we then saw & have otherwise
heard of him. Yet finally we rest our selves in Your Ld Ships wisdom &
goodness properly & seasonably to supply us, & wait
Your Ld: Ships most Dutifull & Obedt Sons & Servts
Roger Price Minister
Ch Wardens |
Wm Shirley |
Jno. Cutler |
Eliakm Hutchinson |
Charles Paxton |
James Smith |
John Read |
Wm Lambert |
Geo Craddock |
Saml Wentworth |
Jno Gibbins |
Jona. Pue |
Charles Apthorp |
Estes Hatch |
Silvr Gardner |
Ed Tynge |
Geo Stuart |
Peter Faneuil |
At a Meeting of ye Congregation of Kings Chappel on Sunday May 25 1740 after
Service in ye afternoon
It was unanimously agreed that Cap Edwd Tyng was chosen of ye Vestry
on Easter Monday last tho not entered in ye Books as Such and his
number completed without him therefore the Vote relating to ye .
number of Vestry Men on Easter Monday last was reconsidered &
Voted That ye number of Vestrymen for this Year Shall consist of Seventeen
And to complete ye Number
Voted That Peter Faneuil Esqr be one of ye Vestry for the Year
At a Meeting of .ye Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of ye Kings
Chappel at ye house of Mr Hollyburton July 1 1740
Geo Craddock Esqr. |
The Revd. Roger Price Minister |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Ja Gordon & |
Ch Wardens |
Mr Saml Wentworth |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
Wm Lambert Esqr. |
Mr James Smith |
Dr Geo. Stuart |
Charles Paxton Esqr. |
Voted That Mr Eliakim Hutchinson have ye Pew N: 4 (now Possd by
Capt Thos Child) he Paying Thirty Pounds for ye Same Viz
Twenty five Pounds to be Paid to Capt Child & five Pounds to ye
use of ye. Kings Chappel
Voted That Mr Thos Hayes Shoe Maker have ye Pew No
32 he now Sitts in he paying Ten Pounds for ye Same
Septr 8 1740
At a Meeting of ye Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chappel at ye
house of Mr Andrew Hollyburton
Present The Revd Roger Price Minister
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Ja Gordon Ch Warden |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
Wm Lambert Esqr. |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Saml Wentworth |
Geo Cradock Esqr |
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Charles Paxton Esqr |
Collo Estes Hatch |
As Mr Edwd Lock has relinquished his Pew N: 15 to ye Church
Voted that Ten Pounds be given to ye Sd Mr Lock out of ye money arriving on
ye Sale of Said Pew as Charity
Voted that Mrs Wharton Wdo. have ye Said Pew N 15 that was Mr Locks
She Paying Twenty five Pounds & Conforming to ye rule & Vote of ye Church
As Mr Wm Coffin resigns his Pew N: 33 to ye Church
Voted that ye Sum of Twenty five Pounds be Paid to Mr Wm Coffin out of the
money arising on ye Sale of his Pew
Voted That Mr Saml Wethered have ye affor sd Pew N: 33 that was Mr Coffins
he having formerly Paid five Pounds & relinquishing the Pew No 86 he
had in ye Gallery he conforming to the Rule & Votes of the Church
Voted That Mr Patrick Gibbin have ye Pew N 86 in ye Gallery yt belongd
to Mr Saml Wethered he Paying Twenty Pounds for ye Same & con
forming to ye rules & Vote of the Church
Voted that the Pew N 56 lately Possesd by Mr Thos Green (who has left ye Chappel)
be sold & what money Mr Green can make appear be paid to ye
Church for ye Purchase of Said Pew be returnd to him
Voted That Mr Thos Hawding have ye Affor sd Pew No 56 lately Possesd by
Mr Thos Green he Paying Thirty Pounds for ye Same & conforming
to ye Rules & Votes of the Church
At a Meeting of ye Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of
ye Kings Chappel on Thursday Septr 18 1740 at Mr Hollyburton
The Revd Roger Price Minister
Capt Edwd Tyng |
Ja Gordon |
Ch Wardens |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Colllo Estes Hatch |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Mr James Smith |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Geo Craddock Esqr |
Voted That ye Church Wardens Order a lock to be put on ye door
of ye Pew N: 56 lately Sold to Mr Thos Hawding & to deliver the
Key to Mr Hawding wt Possesion of ye Said Pew
At ye Same time Agreed by the Vestry nemme contradicente that
if Mr Thos Green Should goe into ye Affor sd Pew or Order in Person
or Persons into Said Pew to interrupt Mr Hawding in ye quiet
Possession, or disturb ye Peace of ye Church that the Church Wardens
wt Some of the Vestry Shall goe & warn him or them out & if he
or they are refactory they Shall be turned out by force
Voted tht ye Church Wardens may Sell the One half of the Pew in the
Gallery No. 122 that formerly belongd to Mr Brice Eccles
Voted That a Committee of Six Persons of this Church Shall be joind wt
the Minister & Church Wardens & Shall be chosen to consider
of a Method of raising a Subscription for the rebuilding of the
Kings Chappel
Voted That this Vestry is Adjourned to meet at this house this day
At a Meeting of the Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chappel on
Tuesday October 21 1740 at ye Sun Tavern Present
The Revd Mr Roger Price Minister
Mr Eliakm Hutchinson |
James Gordon & |
Ch Wardens |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Dr Jno Gibbon |
Mr James Smith |
Geo Cradock Esqr . |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Doctr Silvester Gardner |
Memo This Vestry requested the favour of Wm Shirley Esqr One of Our Wardens
to draw up a Preamble to a Subscription paper wch is to be Presented
to Such well disposd Persons as are willing to contribute towards
rebuilding ye Kings Chappel wch Mr Shirley
under took & is to be laid before ye Vestry at their next meeting
Voted That ye Church Wardens wait on Messrs Frankland &
Lightfoot & make them an offer of either ye Pew N 6 late Mrs.
Haywards or N. 70 Mrs Menzies wch they Shall chose either
on Purchase or Sufferance
Voted That this Meeting be Adjourned to ye 29 Inst: to Meet At this house
According to ye foregoing Vote I waited on Messrs Frankland & Lightfoot
& made then an offer of either of ye Pews N 6 or 70 on Purchase or
Sufferance & they chose ye Pew N: 6 en Sufferance telling me
they would Pay the Church for ye use of Said Pew any Sum they in
reason, Should by Sitt upon it by the Year
Octr 24 1740 James Gordon Chh Warden
N. B at ye same time I Sent word to Mrs Cutler & Mrs Avet
(who were formerly placd in ye Said Pew No 6 that they
Should be Provided wt Seats
Sunday October 29 1740 PM.
The Gentlemen of ye Vestry were desired to Stay after Evening Servis
And were Acquainted that Mr Thos Green had on Wednesday last taken
Of[f] the lock they ordered that the Wardens to put on Mr Thos Hawdings Pew
N. 56 & carried it away
The Sd Vestry ordered Mr Green to be notified to meet them on Wednesday
Evening next at ye Sun Tavern
The Vestry at ye Same time Orderd Ja Gordon Chr Warden to Procure a lock
to be put on ye door of ye Pew N 6. & to deliver ye Key to Messrs Frankland
& Lightfoot
At a Meeting of ye Minister Church Wardens & Vestry of Kings Chapel
on Wednesday October 29 1740 by Adjournmt at Mr Andr Hollyburtons
Sun Tavern Present The Revd Rogr Price Minister
Wm Lambert Esqr. |
James Gordon & |
Ch Wardens |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Wm Shirley Esqr |
Estes Hatch Esqr |
Geo Craddock Esqr |
Mr Eliakim Hutchinson |
Dr Silvester Gardner |
Whereas at a Vestry held on ye 8 September last it was Voted that ye
Pew No. 56 lately Possesd by Mr Thos Green (who has left ye Church)
be Sold & what money of Sd Mr Green can make Appear He paid to the
Church for the Purchase of ye Said Pew be returnd to him And as it is
difficult to ascertain what has been paid by the original Proprietor
& his desendents for the Purchase of ye Same now it is
Voted That the Church Wardens shall Pay to ye Said Mr Thos Green for himself
& the other heirs of his late Mother Mrs Green who was intitled
in her life time to one half Part of ye Said Pew N 56 The Sum
Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings he & them relinquishing all the right &
title or claim to ye Same in favr of the Kings Chapel
Voted That Mrs Hayward Wdo Shall have fiveteen Pounds paid to
She & her Children relinquishing the Pew in ye Kings Chapel No 6
to ye Said Church
Voted That in as much as Mrs Menzies Wdo has by indisposition
of Body been Absent from ye Kings Chapel for about three years
Past Mr. Charles Apthorp be intitled to ye Pew in Sd Chapel No
70 he Paying Twenty Pounds for the Purchase & reserv
-ing a Place in Sd Pew for Mrs Menzies when She Shall be
able & come to ye Said Church
At a Meeting of ye Vestry of Kings Chapel Novr. 7. 1740
The Revd Rogr Price Minister
Dr Silvestr. Gardner |
James Gordon |
Church Warden |
Mr Charles Apthorp |
Wm Lambert Esqr |
Estes Hatch Esqr. |
Dr Jno Gibbins |
Mr Saml Wentworth |
Dr Jno Cutler |
Jona Pue Esqr |
The Gentlemen of ye Vestry considering the deficiency of the Contributions
& Arrears due to ye Minister & officers of ye Chapel thought proper
to promote a Voluntary Subscription for this Year Viz from Easter
last past to Easter to come to be Signd by the Proprietors of ye Several
Pews, if willing, & to ascertain ye Sum each person is to Pay & to begin
& incourge ye Said Subscription The Gentlemen of ye Vestry Since
Promised to Pay for this Year as Ꝑ the Preamble to Said Subscription paper
Jno Read Esqr Twenty Shillings Ꝑ mo Estes Hatch Esqr Seven Pounds & Ten Shillings
Mr Charles Apthorp four Shillings Ꝑ week Dr Jno. Cutler Seven Pounds this Year
Wm Shirley Esqr four Shillings Ꝑ Week Cap Edwd Tyng Eight Pounds for this Year
Mr James Smith Ten Pounds for this Year Jona Pue Esqr Two Shillings 6d a Week
Mr Eliakm Hutchinson Ten Pounds for Dr Jno Gibbins Two Shills: 6d a Week
Wm Lambert Esqr for himself & Mr Oulton James Gordon Eight Pounds for the Year
Ten Pounds for the Year Mr Saml Wentworth five Shill: Ꝑ Week
Dr Silvestr Gardner Seven Pounds ten Shills this Year