“academies,” 63–66, 70, 72

    Adams, John C., 19n40

    Age of Logic, 3, 48

    Age of Reason, 4

    Agricola, Rudolphus, 38–39

    De Inventione Dialectica, 11, 13

    Ainsworth, Henry, 30–31, 80, 83, 89

    Akkerman, F., 11n18

    Aldrich, Henry, 56, 58, 91

    almanacs, 111–112

    Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 28, 69n178

    Alston, R.C., 23n51

    ambiguity, 102

    Ames, William, 18–19, 21, 49n126

    analysis, 102

    angelography, 68

    Anglicans, 2, 56, 63, 92, 103, 120–124

    antepredicaments, 79

    arguments, 21–23, 50

    Aristotelian logics, 2, 25, 29, 33, 35, 49, 78–79

    Aristotelianism, 32, 59, 82

    Aristotle, 10, 12, 33, 48

    Arnauld, Antoine, 33, 34n78, 36n85, 39n92, 66, 91, 95, 99–101

    and Jansenism, 45, 81

    The Port-Royal Logic (Ars Cogitandi), 36, 39, 42–52, 96, 102, 131

    Ashworth, E.J., 10n16, 11n19, 26n55–56, 28n64–65, 78n200, 79n202

    Aston, T.H., 79n201

    Augustine, 14, 15, 70, 105

    Augustinian/Calvinist doctrines, 44

    Augustinianism, 14–15, 20–21, 66

    authority, 9, 27

    axioms, 20, 49–50, 89, 102, 104

    Axtell, James, 34n76, 35n82

    Bailyn, Bernard, 109n260

    Barnard, Howard C., 46, 47n118–119, 67n172

    Barnard, John, 96n230, 130–131

    belief, 104

    Bellomont, Governor, 117

    Beurhaus, Friedrich, 18n37

    Bible, 13, 21, 51, 107–108, 131

    as divine testimony, 128

    Blackloists, 58–59, 60, 66, 100

    Blome, R., 53n133, 54n135

    Bossuet, Bishop, 52

    Brattle, Edward, 109

    Brattle, Elizabeth (née Tyng), 109

    Brattle, Thomas (brother of William), 75, 92, 109–110, 113, 116, 123, 33–134

    Brattle, Thomas (father of William), 109, 110

    Brattle, William, 2, 3, 7, 75–76, 89, 91–93

    and Augustinianism, 15n28

    Compendium of Logick, 19, 37, 93–108, 128

    and divine faith, 5, 50

    as divinity professor, 108–132

    and Morton, Charles, 61, 91

    Brekle, Hervert E., 43n109, 52n132

    Bretshneider, Carolus Gottlieb, 111n264

    Brockliss, L.W.B., 8n14, 47n118, 52n131

    Buckingham, J.J., 44n112

    Bunting, Banbridge, 74n191

    Bunyan, John, 6

    Burgersdijck, Franco, 27–28, 29, 31–32, 80, 85

    Burgesdicius, 36

    Burr, George Lincoln, 94n226

    Caderton, Laurence, 18n37

    Calamy, Edward, 62n156, 63n159, 65n165, 68n174, 69, 70n182–183

    calendars, 112

    Calvin, John, 40, 64

    Calvin College, MI, 137

    Calvinism, 30, 136

    and Jansenism, 44

    and Puritanism, 63, 65

    Cambridge University, 16, 18, 29

    Cartesianism and, 55

    and Platonism, 4, 65

    Queen’s College at, 19, 62, 63

    St. Johns College of, 54

    Carmelites, 53

    Cartesian logics, 2, 29, 33, 35, 49, 56, 81, 93–94, 131, 134

    as textbooks, 36, 52860, 90

    Cartesianism, 41, 54, 77, 91

    described, 94–95

    origins of, 37

    Case, John, 78

    Categoriae Decem ex Aristotele Decerpta, 14

    categories, 12, 48–49, 59–60, 82, 99

    certainty, 5, 41, 88, 100–101, 103, 104, 105, 124, 128, 132–134

    of Christianity, 27, 83

    and knowledge, 20, 23, 103

    Chauncy, Charles, 119

    de Chevreuse, Duc, 46

    Christians, 14, 23, 36, 37, 130

    Church of England, 114, 120, 122, 124, 130

    Cistercians, 45

    Clarendon Code, 63

    Clark, Kelly James, 137n327

    Clark, Stephen R.L., 42n103

    Classical logic, 37

    Coady, C.A.J., 9, 9n15, 22n46

    Coke, Zachary, 30–31

    The Art of Logick, 30, 83, 89

    Colman, Benjamin, 112n266, 116, 118–119, 122, 122n289, 124n296, 126

    Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 68

    communal knowledge, 22

    compendia, 33

    See also encyclopedias

    Condy, Jeremiah, 134

    Congregationalism, 92, 120–123

    conscience, 76–77

    Corrigan, John, 116n274, 119, 132

    Cowie, Leonard W., 121n287

    critical thinking, 137

    See also humanistic logics

    Cromwell, Oliver, 30–31

    Curley, E.M., 40n96

    Curtis, Mark, 55n140

    Daniel-Rops, H., 44n112

    definitions, 102

    Defoe, Daniel, 67

    Derrick, Christopher, 138n328

    Descartes, Rene, 33, 39–42, 40, 48, 54, 58, 93–94

    Discourse on Method, 39, 54

    as father of modern philosophy, 49

    Meditations on First Philosophy, 40

    Principles of Philosophy, 42, 95

    Rules for the Direction of the Mind, 95

    See also Cartesianism; Cartesian logics

    devotional manuals, 7–8

    diagrams, 80–81

    See also schematic drawings.

    dialectic logic, 14, 37

    See also probabilistic logic

    Dialectices (Melancthon), 12

    dichotomization, 82

    Dickoff, James, 34n78, 43n109, 46n116, 52n131, 102n246

    Dickson, Richard E., 16n32

    Digby, Kenhelm, 59, 100

    dissenters, 63, 73, 76

    divine faith, 5, 37, 106, 128

    See also divine testimony

    divine grace, 15, 44, 71, 106

    divine revelation, 37, 106

    divine testimony, 13, 21, 22–24, 37, 50, 88, 104, 106, 127, 133–135

    See also testimony

    dogmatism, 5, 21, 37–39, 81, 84, 88, 102, 103, 104, 124, 134

    humanist position on, 11

    See also certainty

    doubt, 40, 101

    Downame, George, 18n37

    Downey, Edward, 41n98

    Draper, Johanne, 98n234

    Dudley family, 109

    Dunbar, Samuel, 90

    Dunn, Catherine M., 17n33

    Dunn, Edward, 125

    Edghill, E.M., 82n211

    Edwards, Jonathan, 4, 7, 28n63, 78, 127n306, 131

    Edwards, Timothy, 7

    Eliot, John, 33–34

    encyclopedias, 68–69, 80

    ens, 100

    “enthusiasm,” 126–127

    epistemology, 3, 20, 36, 81, 95, 104, 127

    of divine testimony, 24

    and God, 51

    modern, 9

    reformed, 137, 138

    epitomes, 33

    Erasmus, 35, 37, 38, 107–108

    Ermatinger, Charles J., 3n3

    error, 104

    Eucharist, 59

    See also transubstantiation

    Eusden, John Dykstra, 19n38

    external knowledge, 49–50

    See also testimony

    Eyre, John, 109

    Eyre, Katherine (née Brattle), 109

    See also Winthrop, Katherine

    faculties of the soul, 13

    faith; 5, 9, 13, 27, 37, 104, 106

    mysteries of, 51, 107

    versus science, 50–51

    true holy, 27

    See also divine faith; human faith;


    fallacies, 79

    fanatics, 58

    faulty reasoning, 39

    Feingold, Mordechai, 63n158

    Fiering, Norman, 3, 3n4, 4n5, 61, 62n157, 65–66, 68, 93, 97n232, 32n315

    first principles, 106

    Fitch, Jabez, 90, 96

    Flint, Henry, 66n167

    Flynt, Henry, 90, 96n228, 115, 125–126, 129

    fortress of knowledge (scientia mirabilis), 41

    Franciscans, 53

    Franklin, Benjamin, 6–7

    Fraunce, Abraham, 22

    Gale, Theophilus, 64–66, 73, 81

    Gascoine, John, 63n158

    Gear, Allen, 31

    Genevan Academy, 64

    genus and species, 26, 102

    geometry, 49, 81, 95, 101

    Gilbert, Neal W., 26n55, 33n75

    Gillispie, Charles Coulston, 26n55

    Goodin, John, 31n71

    grace, 85

    Grafton, Anthony, 8n14, 17n34, 33n75

    grammar, 49

    Graves, Thomas, 113–114

    Greenleaf, Daniel, 95n227

    Greenleaf, Stephen, 95n227, 96

    Gregory XIII, Pope, 112

    habit, 82, 85

    Haddan, Arthur West, 15n28–29

    Hall, David D., 119n282

    Hall, John, 54n137

    Hall, Michael, 75n194

    Hall, Roland, 43n109

    Hambrick-Stowe, Charles E., 7

    Hardwig, John, 9, 9n15

    Harris, Edward-Doubleday, 108n258, 117n278

    Hart, Hedrik, 41n98

    Harvard, John, 6, 16

    Harvard College, 2, 9, 29, 33, 64, 73–74, 110–111

    library of, 16, 66, 73

    logic textbooks used at, 8, 19, 75–76, 90, 93, 95–97, 136

    Hatch, Nathan O., 3n4

    Hedge, Levi, 135–136

    Heereboord, Adrian, 28

    Hendel, Charles W., 52n131

    Henry VIII, 15

    heresy, 84

    Heyd, Michael, 8n14

    Hoitenga, Dewey, 41n98

    Hollis, Thomas, 73

    Holy Spirit, 13, 24–25, 51, 83, 85

    Hornberger, Theodore, 1n2, 81n206

    house-schools. See “academies”

    Howe, Daniel Walker, 4, 4n5, 4n6

    Howell, Samuel, 29n66, 52n131

    Howell, Wilbur Samuel, 10n16, 43, 57n144, 58n148, 91n220

    Hughes, Merritt Y., 35n81

    human faith, 37, 106, 128

    See also human testimony

    human reason, 39

    human spirit, 77–78

    human testimony, 24, 50, 88

    See also testimony

    humanistic education, 32–33

    humanistic logics, 2, 3, 10n16, 11, 20, 78, 88, 105, 137

    humanistic tradition, 16, 99

    humility, 103

    inborn capacities, 82

    individualism, 40

    infused habits, 82

    Inquisition, 44

    intellectual certainty, 39

    internal testimony, 50

    See also testimony

    Jacob, A., 55n138

    James, Patricia, 34n78, 43n109, 46n116, 52n131, 102n246

    Jansen, Cornelius Otto, 43–44

    Jansen, English. See Gale, Theophilus

    Jansenism, 2, 36, 43–45, 53, 66, 81

    Jardine, Lisa, 8n14, 10n16, 11n17–18, 12n23, 16n30, 17n34, 33n75

    Jesuits, 2, 44–46, 53

    Johnson, Thomas H., 34n76

    Kaledin, Arthur, 123n290

    Keckermann, Bartholomaeus, 14, 22–23, 25, 26–27, 27, 80

    Kennedy, Rick, 46n116, 75n194, 94n226, 108n258, 113n268

    Kenney, Anthony, 10n16, 78n200

    Kenney, W. Henry, 35n82, 79n201

    Kilcullen, John, 45n115

    Klauber, Martin, 8n14, 94n225

    Kneale, Martha, 10n16, 43

    Kneale, William, 10n16, 43

    knowledge, 17, 24, 41, 82, 88, 95, 103, 105

    sources of, 15, 21

    systemization of, 49, 68

    Krailsheimer, A.J., 38n88

    Kretzman, Norman, 10n16, 78n200

    Lake, Peter, 63n158

    Lamprecht, Sterling, 54n136–137, 55, 58n147, 59n150

    Lancelot, Claude, 47n119

    Lang, Robert, 47n118

    Lathrop, Samuel Kirkland, 116n274

    latitudinarianism, 4, 6, 103

    lazy thinking, 36, 39

    LeClerc, Jean, 33, 56, 97

    Lee, Samuel, 64–65

    LeGrand, Anthony (Antoine), 33, 52–54, 66, 68–69, 81, 93, 98–99, 101

    Leibniz, Gottfried W. von, 41, 57

    Leverett, John, 3, 32–33, 36, 75–76, 89, 93, 95, 96, 111, 113, 114–115, 30

    Lindall, Timothy, 90

    Locke, John, 33, 35, 97

    Lockean logic, 29, 3, 96–98, 134–135

    logic, 3, 6, 7, 35, 36, 49

    as art of right thinkng, 99, 128

    definition of, 99

    logic textbooks, 2, 50, 62, 98, 137

    of Britain, 52–60

    humanistic, 11, 13, 15

    See also individual logics

    See also vernacular textbooks

    Loringhoff, Bruno Baron von Freytag, 43n109, 52n132

    Love, Harold, 33n75

    Loyola, Ignatius, 8n13

    Luther, Martin, 2, 11, 13

    Lynde, Benjamin, 94

    MacIlmaine, Roland, 17–18

    Manschreck, Clyde Leonard, 11n19

    Mary, Queen of England, 76

    Massachusetts Bay Company charter, 74

    mathematical demonstration, 4–5, 49, 104, 106

    See also geometry

    Mather, Cotton, 34n76, 35, 36, 36n83–84, 65, 69n179, 73, 76, 110–111, 15–118

    Mather, Increase, 3, 32, 34, 61, 65, 74, 75, 93, 95

    and Brattle, William, 113–118

    Mather, Nathaniel, 93

    Mather, Warham, 7

    Maurer, Wilhelm, 12

    Mayhew, Jonathan, 132

    McGahagan, Thomas, 94n225

    McGarry, Daniel D., 59n151

    McGhee, Michael, 42n103

    McLachlan, Herbert, 63n160, 65n162

    Meil, Jan, 47n118

    Melanchthon, Philipp, 2, 10–16, 21, 25, 60, 79

    Compendiaria Dialectices Ratio, 12

    Erotemata Dialectices, 12, 13, 36, 83, 89

    memory devices, 26

    metaphysics, 3

    method, 102, 103, 105

    Mico, John, 109

    Mico, Mary (née Brattle), 109

    Miller, Perry, 1, 19, 34n76, 44n111, 78

    Milton, John, 20, 34, 35

    missionaries, 53–54

    de Montaigne, Michel, 39, 41

    More, Henry, 4, 55, 94

    Morgan, John, 8, 8n14

    Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1n2, 28n63, 62n157, 66n168, 73, 75n194, 13n269, 116, 120n285, 136n326

    Morris, William, 28n63

    Morton, Charles, 1n2, 3, 5, 7, 15n28, 56, 62–78, 113, 114, 134

    and Brattle, William, 61, 91

    Compendium Physicae, 68, 90

    A Logick System, 25, 78–90, 133

    Philosophical Translations, 69

    Pneumatics, 68, 69

    The Spirit of Man, 69, 77

    Nadler, Steven M., 42n104, 45n115, 47n118

    natural introspection, 100

    natural versus supernatural, 10–11

    neoterics, 32–33

    Newington Green, 64–66, 70, 72, 79

    Newman, Henry, 120n286, 121–122

    Newton, John, 81

    Nicholson, Francis, 120–122

    Nicholson, Margorie, 54n137

    Nicole, Perre, 46

    Noll, Mark A., 136n326

    Norris, John, 66

    North, Roger, 55–56

    Norton, Arthur O., 68n173, 94n224

    Oliver, Elizabeth (née Brattle), 109

    Oliver, James, 111, 113, 114

    Oliver, Nathaniel, 109

    Ong, Walter J., 3, 3n3, 10n16, 26n56, 48, 49n125

    opinion, 104, 106

    order. See method

    Oxford University, 16

    Exeter College at, 80

    Magdalene College at, 64

    Waldham College at, 62

    Parsons, Bethiah (née Brattle), 109

    Parsons, Joseph, 109

    Partridge, William, 7, 90

    Pascal, Blaise, 38, 39, 46n116, 53, 132

    The Geometrical Mind, 48

    Paul, Saint, 85

    de Paul, Vincent, 53

    Pauline tradition, 21

    pedagogical reform, 16–17

    Pemberton, Ebenezer, 6

    Perkins, William, 18n37

    Philippo-Ramists, 25

    physics, 49

    piety, 63, 119

    Pinborg, Jan, 10n16, 78n200

    Plato, 33

    polemics, 48, 59

    polity, 83–84

    Popkin, Richard H., 37, 40

    Porphyry, 26

    Port-Royal des Champs, 45–46

    Little Schools of, 46–47, 67, 74

    See also Arnauld, Antoine: The Port-Royal Logic

    predestination, 43, 44, 71, 82, 108, 125, 132

    predicables, 79

    predicaments, 79, 99–100

    See also categories

    Prideaux, John, 80

    Prince, Walter, 95n227

    Principia Dialectica, 14

    probabilistic logic, 10, 12, 89

    propositions, 48

    Protestants, 2, 12, 16, 27, 63

    psychology, 68

    Puritanism, 1, 4, 6, 16, 18–19, 22, 24, 44, 78

    and conscience, 76–77

    examples of, 61–62

    Favoritism of, 32–37

    and logic, 29, 60

    in New England, 4, 91–93, 104, 130

    Puritan-Ramists, 49, 62

    Quakerism, 58, 88, 120, 126

    quality, 82–87, 99

    Quincy, Josiah, 116n274

    Ramean “recipe,” 48

    Ramism, 1, 18, 34

    Ramist logics, 20, 33, 49, 58, 81

    See also “six-sided view of life,” 49

    See also grammar; logic; mathematical demonstration; physics; rhetric; theology

    Ramus, Petrus, 11, 16–25, 25, 32, 35

    Dialecticae Libri Duo, 16

    and human reason, 38–39

    as martyr, 17, 34

    Rand, Benjamin, 96–97, 135n322

    rationalism, 1, 13, 37, 113, 119–120, 125, 137

    reason, 15, 37, 39, 43, 78, 100

    Recollects, 53

    Reedy, Gerhard, 24–25

    Reformation, 2, 71

    Reid, Thomas, 35, 134–135

    Restoration, 62

    resurrection, 59

    rhetoric, 49

    Richardson, Alexander, 16, 18–25, 26, 51, 62, 108

    The Logicians School-Master, 19, 24–25, 96

    risibility, 81

    Rogers, J.G.A., 97n233

    Roman Catholics, 2, 7, 12, 51, 54, 63

    calendar of, 112

    Ross, U.D., 82n211

    Rowe, Thomas, 65

    Rubidge, Bradley, 8n13

    rules of art, 20

    rules of reason, 34

    rules of truth, 101–102

    Ryan, John K., 53n134

    Salem witch trials, 92, 133

    de Sales, Francis, 53

    Salisbury, John of, 59n151

    Sanderson, Robert, 28–29, 78, 80

    Schaff, Philip, 14n27

    schematic drawings, 26

    See also diagrams

    schism, 84

    Schmitt, Charles B., 10n16, 27n60, 28n64, 78n200, 79n202

    Schneider, John R., 11n19, 12n20–21

    scholastic logic, 17

    scholastic philosophy, 54

    Schouls, Peter, 101n241

    science, 37, 69, 104, 128

    as knowledge, 50–51, 106

    and logic, 10, 12

    of reasoning, 14

    scientia, 20

    scientia mirabilis, 41

    Scottish Common Sense logic, 134–135

    Sebba, Gregor, 41n99

    Sedgwick, Alexander, 44n110, 44n112, 46n116

    senses, 82

    Sergeant, John, 56–60

    Sever, Charles W., 111n262

    Sewall, Joseph, 117n278

    Sewall, Samuel, 61n154–155, 117–118, 124

    Shank, Michael, 8n14

    Shapin, Steven, 9n15, 22n46

    Shapiro, Barbara, 22n46, 63n158, 103–104

    Shaw, J.F., 14n27

    Shipton, Clifford K., 90n218, 132n315

    Sibley, John L., 111n262, 116n274, 124n293, 124n295, 125n300, 30n312

    Siegel, Thomas, 97n231, 98n234, 134

    simples, 20

    skepticism, 11, 36–38, 40, 8, 71, 79, 81, 83, 88, 89, 101

    Sleigh, R.C., 45n115

    Smith, J.W. Ashley, 56, 62n157, 67n171

    Smith, Samuel, 80, 8

    Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 121

    Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 121

    solitaires, 44, 46–47

    Southern, Richard, 38n87

    Southgate, Beverley C., 59n149

    Sowards, J.K., 35n80

    Spencer, Thomas, 23

    Spinoza, Baruch, 37

    spirits, 71, 77–78

    Sprunger, Keith L., 19n38, 49

    Stevens, Joseph, 120n284

    Stewart, Dugald, 34–35

    Stiles, Ezra, 131

    Stout, Harry S., 3n4, 118, 119n282

    Streater, John, 31

    Sulpicians, 53

    Sweet, William Warren, 136n326

    syllogisms, 10, 79, 86, 88–89, 95

    rules for, 48

    synopses, 37

    synthesis, 102

    systematics. See Philippo-Ramists

    Tappan, David, 136

    Tayler, J.L., 64n161

    Temple, William, 18n37

    terms, 36, 79

    Test Acts, 63

    testimony, 9, 13, 21, 37, 88–89, 133, 135

    See also divine testimony; external knowledge; human testimony, divine faith, human faith

    textbooks, reductions of, 33, 97–98

    theological apology, 15

    theology, 49, 68, 130

    Calvinistic, 30

    and logic, 107, 131

    and schematics, 27

    Thomas, Ivo, 78n200

    Tillotson, John, 4, 5, 6

    toleration, 84

    topics, 48, 95

    tradition, 13, 14, 51

    transubstantiation, 54

    Trappists, 53

    Trinity, 107–108, 132

    trust, 9

    truth, 36, 133

    Tyng, William, 109

    Unitarians, 136

    universal church, 36, 51–52, 54

    See also Roman Catholics

    universalists, 128

    Valla, Lorenzo, 11

    Van der Hoeven, Johan, 41n98

    Vanderjagt, A.J., 11n19

    Verbeek, Theo, 94n225

    vernacular textbooks, 67–68, 80–81, 95

    Verstraete, Beert C., 35n80

    vulgar logic, 36

    Wallis, John, 112

    Watson, Richard A., 41n99, 42n105, 43n109, 52n131, 53n134

    Watts, Isaac, 65, 98, 134–136

    Watts, Michael R., 63n160

    Wesley, Charles, 66

    Wesley, John, 66

    Wesley, Samuel, 66–67, 68n174, 70

    White, Thomas, 59

    Whitefield, George, 127–128

    Wigglesworth, Edward, 126–130

    Wilkins, John, 62

    will, 14, 43, 132

    See also human will

    Willard, Samuel, 115, 118

    Williams, Bernard, 41n99–100

    Williams, Ebenezer, 68n175

    Williams, Elisha, 7, 131

    Williams, Roger, 31

    Winthrop, John, 122–123

    Winthrop, Katherine (née Brattle), 109

    See also Eyre, Katherine

    Winthrop, Wait-Still, 109

    Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 41n98

    women, education of, 68

    Wood, Anthony, 55

    Wright, Thomas, 16n31

    Wynne, John, 97

    Yale College, 131

    Yolton, John, 79n201

    Zabarella, Jacobi, 27, 80