The Memorial Verses of the Logick System
Cap. 1 of Terms & Acts of the Intellect [1]
Terms are as handles fitted to a thing
usefull as bones that flesh to market bring.
Logick by its 3 parts dos the Intellect
to apprehend, compound, discourse, direct.
Cap. 2 Of Predicables [2]
A single one or Individuall is what?
Indefin’d, proper, Suppos’d, pointed at.
All universalls thus together pack
In what? Gen: Spec: / what manner, diff: prop: Acc:
Genus above species below are seen
and subalternates take their place between.
Genus and difference do the species make
property after difference place dos take.
not only, not all, not always possest
Are meane. All—only—always is the best.
Precisive is of what thought layes aside
negative is of what may be deny’d.
Abstraction precisive takes property
All common Accidents I can deny.
Cap. 3 of Antepredicaments [3]
The predicaments to know 7 things forewatch,
3 Definitions, Div’s & Rules, 2 each.
Equiv’s, & Univ’s, with their Analogates
Subject and form to make denominates.
Great Aristotle all created things
under 2 common heads (sub. Acci:) brings.
In not as part, or. place, nor can absent,
that dos inhere and is an Accident.
Abstract, as Justice; Concrete, is as Just;
Simple, as man; and complex man is dust.
What Predicate essentially you do
of predicate, may of the Subject too.
under one Genus or a common name,
Species and Difference they are the Same.
Cap. 4 of Predicaments. [4]
A man, tall, wise, that once his friend, did greet;
buried, in Greece, now, lyes, in winding sheet.
To Predicaments, 5 things are Requisite,
Real, univ: univers: whole, finite.
Cap. 5 of Substance [5]
Body and spirit are it’s Species1
But 1st and 2d its Subjecting ways.
contrary none; nor has degrees at all;
takes contraries; is said univocall.
Cap. 6 of Quantity [6]
Spirits extension dos possess no Space
but things that are material lfill a place.
Geometries continualls, Long, broad, Thick,2
discrete in number for Arithmetick.
lines common term is point of surface line,
Surface the parts of body dos combine.
All numbers under these distinctions fall,
numbring, numbred; cardinall, ordinall.
Contrary, or degrees, t’will not admitt,
It equalls, is potentiall infinite.
Naturall power and habit sense escape,
but sense perceives the patible & Shape.
Naturall pow’r & Impotens are known
by their effects, some act or passion.
Habit’s Infus’d by God Immediately,
or is acquir’d by humane Industry.
firm habits many acts (or few strong) cost
by force is disposition and soon lost.
All morall habits do the will direct
but Intellectuall the Intellect.
the privative of all assent is doubt
Assents are some with fear & some without.
Opinion, humane faith give weak assent,
fals error heresy shism are confident.
Assur’d of truth is faith divine in heart
Intelligens, Sapiens, Science, prudens,
Art. Sap: Science, Speculat. pru: practicall
Art operates; Intelligence is all.
Patible quality affects one sense
Its passion is of little permanence
form is of animates; shap’d naturall,
figure of things shap’d Artificiall
Qualities only have their con & deg:
by those things are alike (as egg to egg)
Cap. 8 of Relation. [8]
To 3 In each Relation have an eye,
the subject, corrolate, and Reason why.
three grounds Relations are built upon
Quantity, Quality, and action.
Transcendent, predicamentall, Rationall,
Real; of like, or divers name (there’s all)
Reciprocall by (est) and are together.
In nature, knowledge, both made, marr’d if either
Cap. 9 of Action and passion [9]
Qualities power, Action formality,
Immanent in; Transient without doth lie.
Contraries & degrees, act taketh on,
by qualities; Inferreth passion.
Intentional to Action term doth give
Sensible change is by Transmutative
Cap 10. of Respective Predicaments. [10]
Replete, defin’d &c circumscription
each body hath its where, no 2 have one.
Eternity, Everlastingness sublime
of God and Spirits are: of bodies time.
time has succession, none eternity
concreate; best is opportunity.
above, below, are common unto all
before, behind, Right, left, to Animal.
habits provided are; by nature, Art.
for need, or ornament, to whole, or part.
habits unsuitable become a sin
are outward signs of what is Log’d within.
Cap. 11 of Postpredicaments [11]
Two Simple terms which do each other thwart
In third, in the Same time, Respect & part
oppos’d Relation, contrariety,
privative terms, and contradictory.
Relate’s contrar’s, affirm’d private’s deny’d
but contradictories no mean abide.
before, together, after, 6 set forth,
time, nature, knowledge, order, cause, &. worth,
Generat: & corrupt: augment: diminish:
altering & placeing, motions kinds do finish.
habit for all positive Accident,
one kind of quality, last predicament.
Cap. 12. of Definition & division. [12]
nominall Definitions notifie,
by common words, or etymologic
Reall, essentially Genus, Difference,
Acc: property, or common Accidents.
for definition tis Requir’d you bring
that which is plain, short, equall to the thing
Divisions nominall do show thereby
What words equivocall do Signify.
Reall and perfect parteth universall3
essentiall (meta: Phys:) and Integrall.
Imperfect sub: by Acci: Represents
Acci: by Sub: and Acc: by Accidents.
If you will make division aright
the members few, adequate, opposite.
The 2d part of Logick.
Cap. 1. of Proposition its definite departs [1]
In proposition Signes, and parts do lie,
nouns without time, verbs with time Signify.
Subject before, predicate the other side,
of copula expressed & deny’d.
Cap. 2. of Proposition Species [2]
A categorick you may Simple call
if, and, or, either, hypotheticall:
true, or false, quality the thing affords,
affirmed or deny’d is of the words.
All, or no generall, some particular
Indefin’d no Signe; this, that, Singular.
What? Cat: of Hyp: / of what kind? true, false, are
aff: neg: / how much? und: part: Ind: Singular.
Cap 3d of Proposition & affections. [3]
false not true cons: true not false Subs: you see
both subalterns, contradicts neither be. or
contraries may be false not true, true, false, not false you see
both subalternate, true & false; contradicts neither be.
not set before dos contradicts concern,
after contrar’s, fore & aft, subaltern.
not all, is some; but all not, is as none.
not none, is some; but none not, every one.
not any, none; not some, not all is this.
not either, neither; neither not, both is.
envy: will simply turn, but eva’s done,
by Acci: Case: contraposition.
A, is aff: E, neg: both universall are
I, is aff: O, neg: but both particular.
The 3d part of Logick
Cap. 1. of Syllogisms. [1]
Syllog: Induc: Sorites, enthymem
example (or Similitude) dilemm.
3 propositions do next matter frame
of Syllogism: Remote, 3 terms the same
the mean is both, the premises are one
minor is Subject of conclusion.
Sub præ the 1st, twice prae the 2d is,
twice sub & 3: (mind this you will not miss.
Bar-bar-ra cæ-la-rent Da-ri-i for-ri-o (are Reduced)
cæs-a-re cam-es-tres fes-ti-no ba-ro-co / 3d Da-rap-ti
fe-lap-ton Dis-a-mis Da-ti-si bo-car-do fe-ri-son
S. Simply turn’d & P. pt. acci: well.
M. is transpos’d. C. to Impossible (or
S. will be simply turnd. by Acci: P.
M. is transpose’d Impossible is C.
All neg’s, all parts, conclude not by this art
conclusion always follows weaker part
Cap. 2. of Secondary Argumentation. [2]
Clear brevity an enthymem doth love
always a sequel by a sequel prove.
In hypothetick what by Sequel’s meant
the same in enthymem is argument.
the weakness of Induction is espied
If there’s an Instance which may be deny’d4
example from Similitude conclude
in argument they commonly delude (or
examples from their likeness do conclude
but always fail where’s no Similitude.
by a Sorities arguing in a chain first subject dos, last predicate attayne but if one link dos hap to slip or fly then all the argument is spoil’d thereby. |
Dilemma’s horns do push on either side
yet truth may safely in the mean abide.
Cap. 3. of demonstration its Definition [3]
A demonstration Science doth compleate
opinion Topick, fallacy deceit
by difference demonstrate property
you’ll then the thing & cause attain thereby.
to demonstration some foreknowledge bring
that tis in nature, subject, what? name, thing
foreknow the subject that tis, & both what’s
affections name, principles name, both that’s
Gen: Diff: to Sub: Sub: & prop: is direct
exist: to ess: externall cause is effect
of all, directly, as it self, those three,
are stepps by which things necessary be.
Of demonstration’s truth 5 are the laws,
necess: Immed: more known, preced: & cause.
Cap. 4. of demonstration its division. [4]
In barbara remote efficient lies
if turn’d, if not, camestres then denyes,
the next effect its cause doth verify
That so it is; althô it show not why?
To prove the [why] of things 4 causes tend
matter & form, efficient and end.
Cap. 5. of demonstration’s affections [5]
Analysis in demonstration brings
back from the last to the first proof of things
a thing Indemonstrable you may call
which has no proof, or what needs none at all.
Regress 1st by the effect the cause doth show
and then the effect by the cause why tis so.
the circle is Impossible in this,
that’s prov’d by cause, whereof the cause it is.
Conversion turns the proving Propositions
Into affections, perfect Definitions.
Cap. 6. of Topicks. [6]
On argument opinion is grounded
but upon Testimony faith is founded.
Probable is by all, most, wisest deem’d
and then these, all, most, or most esteem’d,
doubtfull & profitable must be all,
What problem first, after conclusion call.
The middle term doth prove as argument
Genus, Definition, property, Accident.
Maxims & differences whence they are sought,
afford all arguments that can be brought.
In execution first efficient
matter & form; and only in Intent.
If totall, direct, next cause you have got
Th’efficient will follow; otherwise twill not.
formall & virtuall must be within
efficient, what it gives (cat yields but skin)
As is the cause such an effect you’l se,
in Essence if univocall it be.
under the adjuncts names do subjects fall
the man who learning hath you learned call.
from the prevailing part, denominate,
althô the thing be in Imperfect State.
Where ere you will suppose a Subject, his
proper Inseparable adjunct is.
opposites are but 2 disparates 3
Divers what only not the same things be.
The better is the good you do propound
Its contrary so much the worse is found.
opposite are made known by one another
and as for Subject they’l admitt no other.
two equalls in themselves a 3d thats Just
Equall with one, equall the other must.
What ever is but like is not the same
a hypocrite bares but a Christian’s name
like will to like; birds that are of a feather
We usually do find will flock together.
conjugates hold in concrete & abstract
not from one act, to habit, pow’r to act.
In conjugates if one be said to one
the other’s of the other said anon.
Good etymons do with the thing agree,
but not when foolish & unapt they be.
the whole is greater than the part be sure
no part the whole’s extension from can endure.
All parts together set.
And then the whole {?} you’l surely get.
Parts for the whole by nature are ordayn’d
and in the whole is every part sustain’d.
destroy the genus & you do deface
the species that under it hath place
from species you the genus may inferr
but if from genus, species you err.
of what the species is affirm’d of that
the genus also is the predicate.
that, what’s Defin’d, is Species, gather hence
because it hath Genus & difference
to what the definition doth agree
so that the Definite apply’d may be.
Two members only do division crave
if you it philosophicall would have.
All divine Testimonies from the Lord
humane from men; both writing is or word.
certain assent, & universall faith,
Render to God in all what are he saith.
as are the men that speak better or worse
Such is a humane Testimony’s force.
men not deceiving, nor deceiv’d may tell
Indubitable’s not Infallible.
When not from Sense or Reason men depart
of skilfuller, believe them in their art.
Ten arguments one Scripture truth outweighs
one argument 10 humane witnesses.
from maxims misapply’d disputes arise,
Resolv’d by the distinctions of the wise.
Cap. 7. of fallicies. [7]
Would you know fallacy, how’t comes to pass
4 terms or double mean it always has.
Equivocation in the words do frame,
Amphyboly in sentences the same.
compounding and dividing foolish art,
parts what should Joyne & Joynes what it should part.
like sound and shape of words do trifle it
only to Impose upon a Slender witt.
Quibbles in words are more for merriment
then to deceive with serious Intent.
A Sophister makes the respondent mute
by a respective taken absolute.
mans ignorance is oft Impos’d upon
by false suppposed contradiction.
not cause for cause deceives us very much
When not at all it is; at least not such.
bad consequence is easily descry’d
when by conversion you have it tey’d.
Sometimes small arguments look very big
When that is beg’d for which men ought to dig.
all captious questions packing false with true,
must open’d be, that you its parts may view.
Equiv: Am: compo: Div: like Sound, & figure of words
Acci: Respective, Ignor. cause, con: beg: & Inferr.
Cap. 8. of Method. [8]
By Sense, observance, & experience
Adding Induction, Arts arose from hence.
change not in things divine keep what is old
In philosophicalls you may be bold.
doctrinall method universall Things.
begun, whence to particulars it brings
In Subject, principles, affections, kinds,
Synthetick method doth mistruct our minds
all practicalls in Analytick way,
first end, then subject, lastby means essay.
if in good method ought you would express,
take what is needfull nothing more or less.
let every part in method well agree
not one to other contradicting be.
To subject or to end be sure that all
and every part be homogeneall
That always must precede which is most fitt
to make you understand what follows it.
When paragraphs are apt, distinct, & clear,
connexions of the parts will best appear.
method doth memory with reason match,
order of things will make the best dispatch.
one Subject; Generalls before are sent
Synthetick parts, Subject, prin: Accident.
one end: less generall first place obtains
parts analytick are, end, Subject, means.
Upon the prickly bush of Logick grows
of other Sciences the fragrant rose.