[Original accounts settling building expenses of first church edifice, other accounts and documents relating to purchase of first organ from Abraham Jordan, Organ Builder, London in 1743, acquisition of royal church plate, etc., from April 30, 1730 to January 14, 1823, from Vols. 1 and 2, Trinity Church Records.]
[Vol. 1 TR]
At a Meeting of the Trustees of Trinity Church at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Thursday May 8 1740
Voted That Messrs. John & Jonathan Simpsons Note of Thirty Nine Shillings be Accepted and paid.
Voted That Mr. John Indicotts Bill be Accepted & that he be Allowed the Sum of Three Hundred & five pounds Seventeen Shillings for the Same.
Voted that Mr. Willm. Coffins Bill Amounting to One Hundred & Ninety pounds One Shilling & Eight pence be Accepted & Allowed, but that the Number of Hinges for the pew dores be Examined into wee thinking there must be a Mistake of About Thirty pair in what is Charged.
Whereas Mr. Willm. Speakman & Joseph Dowse being Thee first Church Wardens that were Legally Chosen & a great deal of Trouble Laying on them in their Office, therefore
Voted that Mr. Joseph Dowse have Liberty to build a Tombe Under the Church of the Common Size without paying Anything to the Use of the Church Mr. Speakman haveing Liberty Already.
Voted That the bond of Indemnification Given by the present Church Wardens & Vestry to the Trustees be Recorded In the Church Book & that the Trustees Deed to the Church Wardens & Vestry together with all former Deeds now in the Trustees Hands be delivered to the present Church Wardens together with the Church Book.
Voted That the following List being a True Accompt of what the Church at present Owes as by the Accounts In the Church Books be Recorded in Said Books.
Voted That the tradesmens Bills & papers with Their Receipts be delivered to the Church Wardens in Order to be kept in the Church Box.
Voted That the Church Wardens & Vestrys Bond of Indemnification to the Trustees be kept by Mr. Wm. Price.
A List of what Trinity Church Owes viz.
To William Speakman |
£350. |
To Charles Apthorp |
90. |
To William Price |
57.19.11 |
94. 4.8 |
To Peter Luce |
65. |
To John Arbuthnot |
51.15.6 |
To Henry Laughton |
50. |
To Thomas Phillips |
50. |
To Rufus Greene |
25. |
To Job Lewis |
5. |
To George Cradock |
25. |
To Benja. Walker |
25. |
To John Gibbins |
25. |
To Robert Tomblinson |
50. |
To Willm. & John Jones |
100. |
To Kings Chapple |
300. |
To Thomas Greene |
30. 8.3 |
To Joseph Dowse |
25. |
To Hugh McDaniel |
78. 4. |
To Temple Nelson |
14. |
To Joseph Gooch |
25. |
To James Griffin |
30. |
To Episcopal Charitable Society |
550. |
To John Indicott |
23. 6. |
To Willm. Coffin |
160. 8.5 |
$2300. 6.9 |
Mrs. Mildred Stanbridge has not given in her bill for painting The Church |
394. 6.2 |
Memorandum. To pay this Debt of 2300£ their is to dispose of Thirty & Six Pews or Seats in the Church which are valued thus
1 at the Sum of |
£70.0.0 |
16 at the Sum of |
£55 each |
£880.0.0 |
19 at Ditto of |
£50 |
£950.0.0 |
£1900.0.0 |
So that the Church will be Indebted after they are sold for whats already done £400 besides painting
400 more
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents That wee William Speakman Baker and Joseph Dowse Merchant both of Boston in the County of Suffolk & province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England the Present Church Wardens of Trinity Church So Called in Boston Aforesaid and John Arbuthnot Distiller, Phillip Dumaresq Merchant, Charles Apthorp Merchant, Benjamin Faneuil Merchant, John Merrett Merchant, John Hamack Wine Cooper, Thomas Austin Apothecary, Henry Laughton Taylor, Peter Kenwood Merchant, Rufus Greene Goldsmith, Lawrence Lutwich Distiller, James Griffin Merchant and William Coffin Merchant all of Boston aforesaid the present Vestrymen of Said Church are Holden and Stand firmly bound and Oblidged unto Peter Luce Merchant, Thomas Child Distiller, William Price Cabinet maker and Thomas Greene Merchant all of Boston aforesaid a Committee duly Appointed by Sundry persons who Advanced & Lent divers Sums of moneys toward Erecting and Building the aforesaid Church in the full and Just Sum of Two Thousands pounds Lawfull Money of New England to be paid unto
Thee Said Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price & Thos. Greene a Committee as aforesaid, their Executors Administrators or Assigns To the which payment well & Truly to be made wee bind Our Selves and Our Successors in the Several Offices and Capacitys Aforesaid Joyntly and Severally in the whole and for the whole firmly by these presents. Seal’d with Our Seals Dated the Eighth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & thirty Nine, and In the Thirteenth Year of his Majestys Reign.
THE CONDITION of the aforewritten Obligation is Such that whereas in the Building & Erecting of the Said Church Sundry Large Sums of money have been advanced by Divers persons unto the Said Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price and Thomas Greene a Committee as Aforesaid for which Sums they Stand Joyntly & Severally bound, and the Said Sums So Advanced to and borrowed by the Said Committee have been Laid Out and Expended by them in the Compleating & finishing the Said Church, as it now is, which Sums so borrowed as aforesaid were respectively to be paid and Reimbursed Out of the moneys Arising upon the Alienation of the pews of Said Church. And whereas Several of the pews in the Said Church have already been Disposed of & the money arising therby So Farr as the Same Extended have been Applyed to the payment of the Debts Contracted as Aforesaid all which Stands Fairly posted & Enter’d in the Said Church books, & doth & may fully and at Large appear And whereas the Said Peter Luce, Thos. Child, William Price & Thomas Greene a Committee as aforesaid in Order Effectually to Carry on the building of the Said Church and to finish the Same as it now is have Inter’d into Several Contracks and Agreements with Divers Workmen & Others Concerned in the Erecting and Compleating the Same which Contracts and Agreements Or Some of them are or may bee Yet Subsisting and it may So Happen that the Said Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price & Thomas Greene in Case of Default in the performance of Such Contracts and Agreements are Lyable and Subject on their part to Thee Penalty and forfeiture therein Contained.
If therefore the Said William Speakman & Joseph Dowse the present Church wardens of the Said Church as aforesaid and the Said John Arbuthnot, Phillip Dumaresq, Charles Apthorp, Benjamin Faneuil, John Merrett, John Hamock, Thos. Austin Henry Laughton Peter Kenwood, Rufus Greene Lawrence Lutwich James Griffin & William Coffin the present Vestrymen of thee Said Church as Aforesaid and their Successors in the Severall offices and Capacitys aforesaid Shall and do from time to time and at all times forever hereafter well and Sufficiently Save Defend And keep Harmless and Indemnify Thee Said Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price, & Thomas Green and Each of them their Executors & Administrators Lands Tenements Goods & Chattless off from and Against all And Each and Every Such bond and Obligation as they at any time have made given & Enter’d Into Unto any person Or persons whatsoever for any Sum or Sums of money whatsoever by them borrowed or received for and towards the Erecting Building finishing and Compleating of the Said Church And Also off from and against all Other Contracts Obligations Agreements Articles & Writings by them made done & Executed with any workmen or Others Concerned in the Erecting building finishing & Compleating the said Church and from all penaltys and forfeitures whatsoever that they may bee Lyable and Subject to by means thereof and Also off from and Against All Actions Suits Judgements Recoveries Costs Damages Claims and Demands whatsoever that may be brought Had prosecuted Or Obtain’d Against them the Said Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price & Thomas Greene Or Either of them their or Either of their Heirs Executors and Administrators Lands Tenements Goods or Chattles, for or by reason thereof and all without Any fraud or Delay. Then the Aforewritten Obligation to bee Void & of None Effect but in Default thereof, to Abide and Remain in full force and Vertue.
Signed William Speakman & Seal. Joseph Dowse & Seal, Thomas Aston & Seal. Peter Kenwood & Seal. Rufus Greene & Seal. Lawrence Lutwitch & Seal. John Arbuthnot & Seal. William Coffin & Seal & James Griffin & Seal.
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of The Erasement in the Second & Third Line in this page first made Edward Fennell & George Whitside.
Boston May 8th 1740 The Trustees for Building of Trinity Church this day delivered to William Speakman and Joseph Dowse (the first Church Wardens) all the Deeds for said Church, the papers relating to the building &c. and this Book. here followeth severall Transactions of the said Church done before the delivery of this Book the record of which hath been kept by the said Church Wardens in a private Book & now Transfered into this.
Marlborough May 5th 1752
As my deceased Husband was a Subscriber to trinity Church one Hundred pounds (which att that time of Day was above twenty pounds sterling) He gave up one of the two pews allotted Him which I believe the church never accounted for and therefore take this Method to apply myself to you to settle the Matter with My Son Barnes who I have Impowered to give you any Discharge proper as the Small pox Hinders my comeing to town to transact any Affairs myself. Your complyance with my request will very much oblidge Sir Your Most Humble Servant
Abigail Arbuthnott
Mr. Jos. Dowse
[Here follow Church Accounts from 1730 to 1768]
CASH DR. to Sundry Accompts £525.0.0 being so much borrowed, to pay Leonard Vassall Esq. for a Piece of Land, in Summer Street, to build a Church on. viz.
To William Speakman |
£208.6.8 |
To Henry Laughton |
125. |
To Thomas Child |
33.6.8 |
To William Price |
33.6.8 |
To George Cradock |
25 |
To Job Lewis |
25 |
To Thomas Green |
25 |
To Nathaniel Green |
25 |
25 |
To John Gibbins |
25 |
£550 |
The above Account is entered wrong & therefore the Accompt is Stated Otherwise.
April 6
CASH | Dr. | |||
To Trinity Church recd. of Job Lewis |
£25 |
of Charles Apthorp |
25 |
of John Arbuthnott |
20 |
of Thos. Child |
25 |
of Thos. Greene |
25 |
of Rufus Greene |
10 |
of Nathl. Greene |
25 |
of Willm. Price |
10 |
of Peter Luce |
25 |
of Willm. Pattin |
5 |
of Benja. Atkinson |
25 |
of John Leddel |
10 |
of Henry Laughton |
25 |
of George Monk |
10 |
£265. |
To William Speakman recd. of him |
50 |
To George Cradock recd. of him |
25 |
To Benja. Walker recd. of him |
25 |
To James Smith borrowed of him |
250 |
To William Pattin recd. & borrow’d of him |
100 |
To John Gibbins recd. of him |
25 |
To Amos Wood recd. of him |
25 |
To Trinity Church recd. of Nathl. Greene for Intrest |
£3. |
1. |
4 |
recd. of Phillip Dumaresq 2. |
2. |
5. |
1. |
4 |
£770. |
1. |
4 |
September 7
October 4
November 13
January 23
March 10
1735 26
April 15
May 24
August 11
September 8
December 7
January 31
CONTRA | Cr. | |||
By Trinity Church pd. James Smith for Intrest on Money |
£5. |
By Ditto paid Leonard Vassall Esq. for a lott of Land |
514. |
7. |
2 |
By Ditto paid Willm. Pattin for Intrest on money |
8. |
16. |
4 |
By Willm. Pattin paid him |
100. |
By Trinity Church paid binding the Church book |
. |
7 |
By Willm. Speakman paid him by Thos. Greene |
85. |
18 |
By Trinity Church paid Jos. Greene for 3 & ½ Days Work |
1. |
4. |
6 |
By John Indicott paid him |
8. |
15. |
6 |
By Willm. Speakman paid him by Rufus Greene |
£10 |
pd. him by Thos. Greene in 1732 |
20 |
pd. him by Ditto April 1733 |
10 |
40. |
By Wm. Speakman for money left in his hand when the land was paid for |
5. |
12. |
10 |
£770. |
1. |
4 |
April 11
1731 13
August 7
February 1
June 7
CASH | DR. | |||
Brought from folio 3 |
£377. |
14. |
10 |
To Kings Chappie recd. for Thos. Child’s Bond & Intrest |
110. |
To Ditto recd. of Thos. Greene |
17. |
12. |
9 |
To Joseph Dowse |
25. |
To James Smith |
500. |
To Trinity Church recd. from Benja. Jarvis by the hand of John Phillips 36/ Sterling, a Present, sold for |
9. |
9 |
To Trinity Church recd. of Phillip Bennett for the Pew No. 41 |
50. |
To Ditto recd. of Eliza. Barnes for a Donation from a Private hand |
10. |
To Ditto recd. of the attorny of George Clark for a Pew No. 39 |
50. |
To the Episcopal Charitable Society recd. of Thos. Greene Treas. |
170. |
15. |
To Ditto |
20. |
To Phillip Dumaresq |
3. |
15. |
To John Gerrett |
50. |
To Trinity Church recd. of Mrs. Gerrett for a donation |
5. |
To Thomas Astin |
15. |
To Johnson Jackson |
29. |
17. |
6 |
To the Episcopal Charitable Society recd. of Willm. Speakman |
55. |
To Johnson Jackson |
8. |
To Ditto |
12. |
2. |
6 |
To Joseph Dowse |
10 |
To Trinity Church recd. of Joseph Dowse toward altering the Pews |
which he has Collected of the Proprietors |
£60. |
recd. of Ditto toward altering Ditto |
20. |
recd. of Rufus Green & Johnson Jackson |
10. |
recd. of Joseph Dowse toward Ditto |
20. |
recd. of Ditto toward Ditto |
10. |
120. |
To Trinity Church recd. for Contributions from October 16: 1737 to this day brought from the other book |
400. |
17. |
6 |
To George Whitlock recd. |
20. |
To William Speakman |
150. |
To the Episcopal Charitable Society recd. of Joseph Dowse |
150. |
To George Whitlock |
5. |
To Ditto |
30. |
To John Gould |
55. |
Carried to folio 21 |
£2474. |
9. |
1 |
April 13
July 13
November 27
January 27
January 1
July 5
November 22
January 7
February 23
March 17
April 1
July 31
October 7
February 14
March 15
April 21
July 10
May 7
June 5
CASH | DR. | ||
Brought from folio 14. |
£2474. |
9. |
1 |
To The Episcopal Charitable Society recd. of Joseph Dowse Treasurer for which two bonds was given |
550. |
To Trinity Church recd. of Jona. Simpson for the Pew No. 54 sold him |
70. |
To Ditto recd. of Phillip Dumaresq for Inlargeing two Pews |
10. |
To Phillip Dumaresq recd. in full |
2. |
To Jonathan Furnass recd. |
55. |
To Job Lewis recd. in part of Saml. Webbs Note of hand |
10. |
£3171. |
9. |
1 |
June 26
July 7
September 29
Januaruy 28
April 8
May 24th
June 26
July 4
September 2d.
February 2
March 30
June 16
November 7
October 12
March 26
May 2
By Ditto pd. Ditto for 2635 foot Ditto £8 |
2. |
1. |
By Ditto pd. Eleazer Dorby |
2. |
7. |
By Ditto pd. Saml. Wethered |
20. |
By Ditto paid John Indicott for Boards |
28. |
8. |
6 |
By the Episcopal Charritable Society pd. John Gibbins |
2. |
By John Fisher paid him in full |
20. |
By Trinity Church pd. John Indicott for |
10804 foot Board at 105/ |
£56. |
14. |
0 |
5469 foot Inch & quarter Ditto at £8 |
43. |
15. |
0 |
100. |
9 |
By Ditto paid John Noys for 11000 Laths at 15/ |
8. |
5 |
By Ditto paid Hugh Macdaniel for 14500 Laths 16/ |
11. |
12 |
By Ditto paid Mr. Rollo for Warning the Proprietors twice & Cleaning the Church |
2. |
Carried to folio 14 |
£347. |
7. |
3 |
June 16
August 13
September 4
October 22
November 19
March 6
CONTRA | CR. | ||
Brought from folio 3 |
£347. |
7. |
3 |
By Trinity Church pd. Cornish & Roger Glazier’s Bill |
34. |
15. |
10 |
By James Smith |
5. |
By Trinity Church paid Recording Messrs. Speakman & Gibbons’s deed |
0. |
10. |
By John Goldsmith allowed Thos. Child out of his Bond |
40. |
By Thomas Greene |
59. |
. |
7 |
By John Indicott |
399. |
4. |
8 |
By Ditto |
30. |
By Trinity Church paid Middlecott Cooke for 445 bushel Lime at 1/6d. |
33. |
7. |
6 |
By Ditto paid Edwd. Winter Blacksmiths Note |
9. |
11. |
11 |
By Ditto paid Henry Turner for 7 m Laths at 14/ |
4. |
18 |
By John Goldsmith paid Abner Blasdell |
12. |
10 |
By James Smith paid him |
12. |
10 |
10. |
. |
By John Goldsmith |
6. |
By James Smith paid him |
12. |
10 |
By John Indicott |
50. |
By Temple Nelson paid John Honeychurch |
7. |
By John Indicott |
9. |
10. |
By James Smith |
12. |
10 |
By Ditto |
12. |
10 |
By Trinity Church paid Thos. Child for Intrest due to King’s Chappie |
27. |
By James Smith paid him |
210. |
10 |
By Trinity Church paid Thos. Child for Intrest due to Kings Chapple |
27. |
By James Smith paid him |
156. |
By the Episcopal Charitable Society paid Intrest on £170 |
2. |
11. |
By John Indicott |
12. |
10. |
2 |
By James Smith |
3. |
15. |
By the Episcopal Charitable Society paid Intrest on £170 |
10. |
4. |
By James Smith |
3. |
15. |
By Trinity Church paid Joseph Scott for Wood screws |
1. |
1. |
By John Indicott paid him Towards the Alter |
13. |
15 |
By Ditto paid him Towards Altering the Pews |
35. |
By James Smith |
3. |
15 |
By John Indicott Towards Altering the Pews |
15. |
By Trinity Church paid Willfret Fisher for Carteing |
4. |
1. |
6 |
By John Indicott Towards Altering the Pews |
20. |
By Trinity Church pd. Willm. Coffin for Intrest due to Kings Chapple |
27. |
By the Estate of Aldin Bass deceasd paid Thomas Greene |
4. |
4. |
5 |
By Trinity Church paid the Minister & officers of the Church &c. from October 17th 1737 to this day brought from the other book |
366. |
16 |
9 |
By the Church Called King’s Chapple paid Selvester Gardiner |
150. |
By James Smith paid him |
153. |
10. |
By John Indicott paid |
30. |
By Silvester Gardiner paid him |
25. |
By James Varney paid him |
11. |
19. |
By Aldin Bass deceased paid Robert Breck for Said Bass’s Widow |
3. |
18. |
1 |
By John Indicott paid him |
22. |
10. |
Carried to folio 21 |
£2449. |
15. |
8 |
April 19
July 5
September 10
November 8
December 22
January 4
March 8
May 12
July 7
November 22
December 12
January 9
April 3
July 6
August 1
October 11
November 2
December 4
February 1
February 22
March 5
10 & 17
April 21
May 8
June 7
July 2
June 26
July 7
August 3
September 13
October 6
February 12
May 8
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By the Kings Chappel payd on account of the Trustees Bond and indorsed on the same per Silvr. Gardner Ch. Warden |
100. |
By the foot of the Debter side of Contribution Book for the Yeare 1739 page 4 amounting to |
312. |
14. |
8 |
By Cap. John Hamock for pew No. 35 delivered up to the Church |
55. |
By Henry Laughton for Ditto No. 42 Ditto |
55. |
By Willm. Hazlup for Ditto No. 40 Ditto |
55. |
By the Kings Chappell pd. on account of the Bond & Indorsed per Jas. Gordon |
100. |
By Ditto pd. on Ditto account & Indorsed per sd. Jas. Gordon, C. W. |
50. |
By the Episcopall Charitable Society for a Yrs. Intrest on £550 to June 26th |
33. |
By the Kings Chappel payd the full of the late Trustees Bond fifty pound principal & Twenty five pound & Eleven pence Intrest payd Jas. Gordon Ch. Warden |
75. |
.11 |
By the Dr. side of the Contribution Book the yeare past |
559. |
16. |
2 |
10. |
8. |
6 |
By Maj. Vassall’ Estate pd. for pew No. 96 delivd. up per Maj, Sewal, Executor & per vote of Vestry payd him |
50. |
By Building, Pulpit & Vestry Room as per account page 17 |
370. |
2 |
By John Gerratt pd. for his Pew No. 7 fifty pounds per vote |
50. |
By John Indicott payd the Ballance of his account due from the Trusteesj |
23. |
6 |
By John Merrett payd for Pew No. 62 resigned to the Church |
55. |
By Indicott & More pd. More Twenty pounds |
20. |
By Mr. Cutler[?] 25/ By Iron Rods for Organ loft £5.10 |
6. |
15 |
By Ditto pd. Wm. More Ten pounds. By Ditto Sam Duncan for sand & carting £4:15/6 |
14. |
15. |
6 |
By Ditto pd. Intrest Mony Due the Episcopal Charitable Society on the several Bonds to the 1st of December pd. Chas. Apthorp, Treasurer |
68. |
5. |
£2064. |
3. |
9 |
March 25
April 8
June 26
July 4
May 3
September 2
March 24
1741 30
April 29
November 6
December 4
TRINITY CHURCH to be built In Summer Street | Dr. | |||||||||
To Cash paid James Smith for Intrest |
£5. |
To Ditto paid Leonard Vassall Esq. for a piece of Land as per the Annexed Deed |
514. |
7. |
2 |
To Ditto paid Willm. Pattin for Intrest |
8. |
16. |
4 |
To Ditto paid Binding this Book |
7. |
To Cash paid Jos. Green for 3 & ½ Days Work Spreading Dirt |
1. |
4. |
6 |
To John Goldsmith for Diggin the Seller & Spreading the Dirt |
55. |
To Ditto for Digging the Trenches for the foundation & Under the alter as per agreement |
9. |
To Ditto for Work &c. as per his Note |
187. |
2. |
6 |
To Andrew Hall for 32500 Bricks at 38/ |
61. |
15 |
To Hugh MacDaniel for 782 Bushells of Lime at 2/ |
78. |
4 |
To Willm. Wheelar for 8 Cart load of Stones & Wharfage |
4. |
4 |
To Hezekiah Blanchard for 10 Load of Sand & Carting |
4. |
5 |
To John Fisher for Carteing as per Note |
29. |
13. |
6 |
To Willm. Knox for Ditto |
18. |
12. |
2 |
To John Henshaw for Ditto |
4. |
13 |
2. |
7. |
0 |
To Cash pd. Mr. Campbell for 2 Days work |
.14. |
To Cash pd. Mr. Raullo for Warning the Gentlemen to meet |
. |
5 |
To Ditto pd. getting Stones out of the Seller & diggin a doore |
1. |
To Willm. Speakman for 4 years Intrest he paid James Smith on £250 |
80. |
To Cash paid Josiah Quincy for 25 Cart Load Quar Stones @ 15/ |
18. |
15 |
To Ditto paid Robt. Ford for 5651 foot of Clear board @101/ |
48. |
15. |
2 |
for 2513 foot of Inch & Quarter Ditto @ £8:1/ |
£28. |
10. |
8 |
To Ditto pd. Ditto for 2635 Ditto £8 |
20. |
4. |
6 |
48. |
15. |
2 |
To Cash pd. Mr. Saml. Wethered’s Bill for Providing a Dinner |
20. |
To Cash pd. John Indicot for 4526 foot Board at £5 |
£22. |
12. |
6 |
650 foot of Inch & quarter Ditto £8.10/ |
5. |
10. |
6 |
wharfage |
0. |
5. |
6 |
28. |
8. |
6 |
To the Episcopal Charritable Society for Intrest on Money |
2. |
To Cash pd. John Indicott for 10804 foot Clear board at £5.5/ |
£50. |
14. |
0 |
5469 foot of Inch & quarter Ditto £8 |
43. |
18. |
0 |
100. |
9. |
To John Arbuthnot for 9 Melasses hogshead at 2/6 |
1. |
2. |
6 |
To Cash paid John Noys for 11000 Lath 15/ |
8. |
5 |
To Cash paid Hugh Macdaniel for 14500 Lath 16/ |
11. |
12 |
To Thos. Greene for 900 foot of Glass 10 by 8 at £11 |
£99. |
2 boxes of Glass Cutt arching Cost |
38. |
1. |
3 |
which Greene bought of Thos. Perkins |
137. |
1. |
3 |
To Cash paid Mr. Rollo for Warning the Proprietors twice to Meet & for Cleaning the Church against it was Preach’d in |
2. |
To King’s Chapple for Intrest on Money |
13. |
3. |
3 |
To Cash pd. Cornish & Rogers for putting in 1670 panes of Glass |
34. |
15. |
10 |
To Thomas Greene for Plank, Board & Nails & Carteing |
11. |
18. |
3 |
To Cash paid Recording Messrs. Speakman & Gibbin’s Deed |
10. |
To John Goldsmith for filling in the Wall & finding Stuff |
40. |
2160. |
Church & finding Stuff per the Agreement |
To Cash paid Middlecott Cooke for 445 bushells of Lime at 18d. |
33. |
7. |
6 |
To Cash paid Edwd. Winter Blacksmith Note |
9. |
11. |
11 |
To Thos. Child for 34 Cartload of Stones recd. of Jere. Stoddart £67 |
for Stones & Sand deld. by Samuell Paine |
17. |
9. |
6 |
for Stones deld. by Thomas Copeland |
16. |
2. |
0 |
for Willm. Knox’s bill for Carteing |
5. |
16. |
4 |
for 13 Cart load of Stone deld. By Roger Nichols at 5/ |
3. |
5. |
0 |
for Hair deld. by Willm. Butler |
5. |
8. |
0 |
109. |
.10 |
To John Indicott for fixing the Pulpit &c. and makeing 9 Benches, when it was Preach’d in by Agreement |
20. |
Carried over to folio 16 |
£3898. |
7. |
9 |
April 11
June 7
August 2
October 12
April 15
May 2
June 16
August 18
September 4
October 22
November 19
December 2
March 6
April 13
July 12
August 20
September 10
March 8
July 4
December 22
April 3
December 4
March 5
April 21
May 10
June 1
July 3
June 26
July 7
August 3
September 13
October 6
February 8
May 8
October 2
March 24
Dr. Trinity Church Account with Joseph Dowse Warden
To Cash paid Warden’s of the Kings Chaple in part of Bond |
£100 |
To Ditto paid Jno. Hammock for Pew No. 35 |
£55 |
To Ditto paid Henry Laughton for Pew No. 42 |
55 |
To Ditto paid Wm. Hazlep for Ditto No. 40 |
55 |
To Ditto paid the Wardens of Kings Chaple |
100 |
To Ditto paid Ditto more |
50 |
33 |
To Ditto paid Kings Chappell Bond |
75. |
0. |
11 |
423. |
0. |
11 |
To Ditto paid The Executors of Leonard Vassall for Pew No. 96 |
£50 |
To Ditto paid for Building Pulpit, Vestry Room per account |
370. |
2 |
To Ditto paid John Garrett for pew No. 7 |
50 |
To Ditto paid John Indicott Bill of his account with the Trustees |
23. |
6 |
To Ditto paid John Manett for Pew No. 62 |
55 |
To Ditto paid John Indicott after Bill Allowed |
41. |
10. |
6 |
To Ditto paid Intrest money Due the Charitable Society on the Several Bonds to the 1st of December paid Chas. Apthorp Esq. Treasurer |
68. |
5 |
To Cash paid Willm. Moore |
14 |
672. |
3. |
6 |
To Ditto paid Jos. Gooch for two Pews he had Pledged by Cap. Dumeresq No. 56 & No. 89 |
£110 |
To Ditto paid John Indicott & Com. for Timber for Capatols |
13 |
To Ditto paid John Crosby a Year Salary 1740 not Charged in Contribution Account |
26 |
To Ditto paid Wm. Speckman in full for a Bond |
186 |
335 |
£1530. |
2. |
3 |
March 25
March 24
March 31
March 25
December 23
March 24
Trinity Church Account with Joseph Dowse Warden |
Dr. | ||
Brought from preceeding folo. |
£2238. |
7. |
6 |
To Cash paid Thos. Stevens his Bill |
41. |
16. |
1 |
To Ditto paid Thos. Wharton for pew No. 112 |
40. |
To Ditto paid Jno. Indicott for Rails on the Top of the Church |
69 |
41. |
10 |
To Ditto paid H. McDaniel in full |
84 |
To the Organ’s Account Short of Subscription |
119 |
395. |
6. |
1 |
To Cash paid |
£264. |
4 |
To Ditto to Thos. Stevens Altering the pews |
13. |
3 |
To Ditto for Pew No. 98 Resign’d by Peter Kenwood |
55 |
To Ditto for No. 109 by Lewis Turner |
40 |
372. |
7 |
To Ditto paid Geo. Cradock in full |
£50 |
To Ditto paid Temple Nelson in full |
14 |
To Ditto paid the Heirs of Evans for Pew No. 18 |
55 |
119 |
To Ditto paid Peter Kenwood for Pew No. 98 Resigned |
£50 |
To Ditto paid Wm. Speakman’s Administrator in full |
200 |
To Contribution Short in 1749 |
30. |
12/ |
7 |
To Cash paid Jno. Merrett for Pew No. 32 Resigned |
70 |
350. |
12. |
7 |
To Ditto paid for Pew No. 49 Resigned |
40 |
To Ditto paid for Ditto No. 78 Ditto |
55 |
To Ditto paid for No. 112 Ditto by W. Lambert |
60 |
155 |
To Ditto paid Charges of with Dr. Gardner |
183. |
14 |
To Ditto paid Thos. Stevens account Carpenter |
120 |
To Ditto paid Jos. Gooch in full |
£25 |
To Ditto paid Crowell & Stanbridge painting outside, Fence &c. |
233. |
14 |
258. |
14 |
£4243. |
.10 |
Trinity Church Account with Joseph Dowse Warden |
Dr. | |||||
Brought from Preceeding folo. |
4243. |
. |
10 |
£37. |
10 |
To Ditto paid DeJersey for No. 36 |
55. |
To Ditto paid Caleb Jo. Gray in full |
20. |
£112. |
10 |
To Ditto paid Chas. Apthorp Esq. for 2 Bonds due the Charitable Society 135 oz 12 dw 3 gr Silver & Intrest |
1047. |
8. |
9 |
To Ditto paid for Pew No. 24 A McNeil |
£60 |
To Ditto paid for Ditto No. 38 J. Arbuthnott |
55 |
To Ditto Jno. Arbuthnott Balance |
50 |
To Ditto H Stanbrige in full for his Old Account |
81. |
9 |
To Ditto paid Peaze Cazneau in full |
28. |
274. |
9 |
To Ditto paid Fra Johonott in full |
50 |
To Ditto paid Cord Cordis Ditto |
30 |
To Ditto paid Antony Davis for Pew No. 15 Resignd |
85 |
165. |
To Ditto paid Chas. Apthorp Esq. Intrest of 172.8.6 Silver to 1 December 1756 |
73. |
17. |
6 |
To Ditto paid John Gibbs Account for Painting Church |
£972. |
10 |
To Ditto paid at Manafactory house for canvas for Ditto |
18. |
7 |
To Ditto for Ozenbrigs |
12. |
8 |
1003. |
5 |
To Ditto paid Capt. P. Kenwood for Balance |
£70 |
To Ditto paid Thos. Greene Ditto |
26 |
To Ditto paid for Pew No. 39 |
90 |
To Ditto paid for Ditto No. 66 |
100 |
286. |
To Ditto paid for No. 77 to T. Bazen |
£100 |
To Ditto paid Ebenz. Holmes Esq. for No. 48 |
100 |
To Ditto paid for 120 Resigned |
43 |
To Ditto paid for No. 127 Ditto |
40 |
283. |
£7488. |
11. |
1 |
July 13
March 25
March 27
May 10
December 14
April 20
Aprill 1768
CONTRA | CR. | |||||
By Cash recd. of Job Lewis Esq. |
£25. |
of Charles Apthorp |
25. |
of John Arbuthnot |
20. |
of Thos. Child |
25. |
of Thos. Greene |
25. |
of Rufus Greene |
10. |
of Nathl. Greene |
25. |
of Willm. Price |
10. |
of Peter Luce |
25. |
of Willm. Pattin |
5. |
of Benja. Atkinson |
25. |
10. |
of Henry Laughton |
25. |
of George Monk |
10 |
£265. |
By Cash recd. of Nathl. Greene for Intrest on Money |
3. |
1. |
4 |
By Ditto recd. of Phillip Dumaresq |
2. |
By Cash recd. of John Hooton by the hand of Willm. Price |
5. |
By Ditto of John Berry by Ditto |
5. |
By Ditto of P. Luce for 7 Load of Stones @ 8/ |
2. |
16 |
By Ditto of Isaac Ledyard |
5. |
By James Smith paid for 16 Cart Load of Stones 8/ |
6. |
8 |
By Cash recd. of Mr. Matth. Stewart |
By Willm. Speakman for Rent he recd. for a house & the land |
37. |
By Thos. Greene for 1 & ¾ Load of Stones @ 10/ |
.17. |
6 |
By Cash recd. of Robt. Harris by the hand of Willm. Price |
10. |
By John Fisher he gave for the ballance of his account |
9. |
13. |
6 |
By Thos. Greene for 2900 foot of Board at £5.5/ |
£15. |
4. |
6 |
777 foot of Inch & Quarter Ditto £8.8 |
6. |
10. |
6 |
21. |
15 |
By John Indicott for Board &c. deld. Cost 25571 foot |
158. |
19. |
3 |
Carried to folio 16 |
£537. |
10. |
7 |
April 6
October 4
November 13
Januaruy 23
April 15
August 11
September 12
November 10
July 15
CONTRA | CR. | ||||
Brought from folio 4 |
£537. |
10. |
7 |
By Cash recd. from Mr. Benja. Jarvis of New York by the hand of Mr. John Phillips 1 piece[?] Gold 36/ Sterling sold for |
9. |
9 |
By Cash recd. of Phillip Bennett for the Pew No. 41 |
50. |
By William Coffin |
for Ditto |
58 |
50. |
By Rufus Greene |
for Ditto |
61 |
50. |
By Joseph Dowse |
for Ditto |
55 |
50. |
By Thomas Phillips decd. John Phillips for Ditto |
47 |
50. |
By Willm. Speakman |
for Ditto |
46 |
50. |
By Job Lewis Esq. |
for Ditto |
97 |
50. |
By Henry Limbrey for Pew No. 53 gave Benja. Faneuil the Title |
50. |
By Ditto for Ditto 66 gave Edward Carter the title |
50. |
50. |
By Edward Dumaresq for the Pew No. 64 |
50. |
By Peter Kenwood for Two Pews No. 90 & 98 |
100. |
By Henry Whitton for the Pew 35 to John Hamack |
50. |
By John Arbuthnott for the Pew 38 |
50. |
By Cash recd. of Eliza. Barnes for a Donation from a Private hand by order of Vestry changed afterward for No. 62 |
10. |
By Thomas Greene for 1 Pew No. 63 sold John Merrett |
50. |
By Leonard Vassall Esq. for two Pews No. 95 & 96 |
100. |
By Willm. Price for one Pew No. 60 |
50. |
By Thomas Child for one Pew No. 45 |
50. |
By Peter Luce for two Pews No. 44 & No. 15 |
100. |
By Thomas Greene for one Pew No. 59 |
50. |
By Cord Cordis for one Pew No. 93 |
50. |
By Charles Apthorp for two Pews No. 57 & No. 85 |
100. |
By Henry Laughton for two Pews No. 42 & No. 83 |
100. |
By John Hamack for one Pew No. 37 |
50. |
By Willm. Coffin for one Pew No. 52 Sold Lawrence Lutwich |
50. |
By Bartholomew Ballard for one Pew No. 62 |
50. |
By Thomas Greene for one Pew No. 67 sold Edwd. Tuckerman |
50. |
By Cash recd. of George Clarke for one Pew No. 39 by J. Arbuthnot |
50. |
By Willm. Haislup for one Pew No. 40 |
50. |
By Thomas Child for one Pew No. 54 |
50. |
By Johnson Jackson for one Ditto No. 65 |
50. |
By Phillip Dumaresq for two Pews No. 56 & No. 89 |
100. |
By Thomas Greene for 1 Pew No. 36 sold Peter de Jersey |
50. |
By John Garrett for one Pew No. 7 |
50. |
By Cash recd. of Mrs. Gerrett for a donation |
5. |
By Thomas Aston for one Pew No. 13 |
50. |
By Willm. Coffin for one Pew No. 68 sold Alexander Thorpe |
50. |
By Henry Price for one Pew No. 87 |
50. |
By Thomas Greene for one Pew No. 94 sold to James Griffin |
50. |
By John Indicott for one Pew No. 5 sold Jabez Hatch |
50. |
By Thomas Greene for one Pew No. 4 sold David Evans |
50. |
By Contributions in the Church from October 17: 1737 to this day brought from the other book |
400. |
17. |
6 |
Carried to folio 17 |
£3262. |
17. |
1 |
November 27
January 1
April 13
May 31
July 5
September 10
October 11
November 22
Januaruy 26
February 23
March 17
April 1
June 1
April 4
May 5
July 7
August 21
September 29
October 9
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By Thos. Phillips for Pew No. 88 to Peter Pelham for |
£50. |
By Cash of Mrs. Anna Wroe for Pew No. 9 per vote of Vestry |
55. |
55. |
By Henry Standbridge for Ditto No. 82 per Ditto |
55. |
By Thos. Child for Ditto No. 51 per Ditto to Jas. Boutineau |
70. |
By Willm. Hunstable for Ditto No. 84 per Ditto |
50. |
By Willm. Pattin for Ditto No. 92 per Ditto |
50. |
By John Barrell for Ditto No. 10 per Ditto |
50. |
By John Crosby for Ditto No. 16 per Ditto |
55. |
By Eliza. Monk for Ditto No. 17 |
55. |
By Sundry Benefaction recd. from Sundry in England by Capt. Peter Kenwood amounting to 22: 19/6 Sterling in N. E. £123: 13/ allso sundrys here amounting to £151: 1: 5 which per vote of Vestry is apply’d to building Vestry Room & pulpit as far as it will go the Names of these perticular Benefactors are Recorded folio 66 in this Book. |
265. |
15 |
2 |
Carried to folio: 161 |
810 |
15. |
2 |
Begun with the Wardens account 1740 |
May 24
July 4
Febuary 2
Contra | Cr. | |||||
By Ballance of Contribution 1739 |
£23. |
5 |
By Cash Borrowed of the Charitable Society |
140 |
By Ditto received for a pew No. 9 A Wroe |
55 |
By Ditto for Pew No. 35 G. Tilley |
55 |
By Ditto for No. 42 T. Aston |
55 |
By Ditto for No. 56 W. Speckman |
55 |
By Ditto for No. 92 Wm. Patten |
50 |
By Ditto received of the Charitable Society |
75 |
By Ditto of Eliz. Monk for Pew No. 17 in part the Remainder Dr. Peter Kenwood |
10 |
By Ballance of 1740 Contribution Account |
£58. |
10 |
By Cash for Pew No. 96 T. Perkins |
70 |
By Sundry Donations for Building Pulpit & Vestry Room |
265 |
15/ |
2 |
By Cash for Pew No. 7 of M. Manhally |
50 |
By Ditto No. 81 Ann Foot |
45 |
By Ditto No. 62 Jno. Vassal |
70 |
By Ditto of Capt. Philip Bennet |
9. |
4 |
By Ditto of Capt. Kenwood 6 Guinea Donations Received in England |
34. |
13 |
55 |
By Ditto of Adam McNeil for Pew |
20 |
678. |
2. |
2 |
By Ballance of 1742 Contribution Account |
£96. |
12 |
By Cash of Nath. Dowse for Pew No. 89 |
70 |
By Ditto of Jno. Crosby for Pew No. 16 |
55 |
By Ditto of Jno. Smith for Ditto No. 120 |
20 |
By Ditto of Peter Faneuil for No. 40 |
70 |
By Sundry Donations for the Kings Plate |
108. |
3 |
419. |
15. |
£1646. |
2 |
March 25
June 26
July 4
September 2
February 2
June 16
Contra | Cr. | |||||
Brought from the Credit of preceeding Page |
£1646. |
2 |
By Ballance of 1742 Contribution |
£72. |
4. |
6 |
By Cash of A. Cutler for Pew No. 110 |
40 |
By Ditto of G. Honywell for No. 120 |
40 |
By Ditto of John Brackett for No. 128 the Remainder discounted in Account |
18. |
15 |
By Ditto of John Bright for No. 106 |
35 |
By Ditto of G. Phillips the rest discounted with Wm. Price for Pew No. 33 |
27 |
By Ditto of Jno. Ranchon for No. 49 |
40 |
272. |
19. |
6 |
By Ditto of P. Mortimore for No. 133 |
£50 |
By Ditto of Jno. Rowe for No. 32 |
55 |
By Ditto of Doctor Sumerez for Privalige of a Tomb |
10 |
By Ballance of 1743 Contribution |
100. |
11. |
3 |
By Cash of T. Hutton[?] towards Pew No. 131 |
20 |
By Cash for No. 32 of Jno. Marrett |
70 |
By Ditto for No. 84 of Jno. Morley |
55 |
360. |
11. |
3 |
By Ballance of 1744 Contribution |
£20. |
9 |
100 |
By Ditto of R. Evans for Pew [18] |
55 |
175. |
9 |
By Ballance of 1745 Contribution |
86. |
4. |
7 |
By Ditto of 1746 Ditto |
£51 |
By Cash of William P Smith for Pew No. 129 |
37. |
10 |
By Ditto of Wm. Lambert for No. 112 |
60 |
By Ditto of William Gohegan for 123 |
30 |
By Ditto of John Newell for 77 |
85 |
By Ditto of Jno. Winnett[?] for 91 |
100 |
363. |
10 |
£2904. |
16. |
4 |
Contra | Cr. | |||||
Brought from Preceeding folo. |
£2904. |
16. |
4 |
By Cash of Lewis Turner for Pew No. 80 |
£55 |
By Ditto Step. Greenleaf for No. 11 |
£100 |
By Ditto of John Gooch for No. 98 |
100 |
By Ditto of Stephen Parker for No. 109 |
60 |
By Ditto for Ballance Contribution for Year 1747 |
40 |
300 |
By Ballance of Ditto for the Year 1748 |
24 |
By Cash of B. Pollard for Pew No. 32 |
£100 |
By Ballance of Contribution for 1750 |
14. |
7 |
By Ditto Ditto 1751 |
15 |
129. |
7 |
By Ditto Ditto for 1752 |
£95 |
By Cash of A. Lepear for Pew No. 122 |
22. |
10 |
By Ditto of of T. Golthwait towards Pew No. 39, per acct[?] George Clark |
47. |
10 |
By Ditto of P. Burck for Pew No. 105 |
22. |
10 |
By Ditto Tax laid on the Pews for Repairing & Painting the Outside |
314 |
501. |
10 |
By Cash of R. Skinner for Pew No. 14 |
£80 |
By Ditto of B. Bayard for No. 36 |
100 |
By Ditto of A. Davenport No. 48 |
100 |
By Ditto of R. Greene No. 18 |
80 |
100 |
By Ditto of Wm. Molineaux No. 20 |
100 |
By Ditto of Wm. Tate for No. 125 |
60 |
By Ditto of Jno. Conway for No. 127 |
40 |
660. |
By Ballance of 1753 Contribution |
49. |
By Ditto of 1754 Ditto |
22. |
£4843. |
13. |
4 |
Contra | Cr. | |||||
Brought from Preceeding folo. |
£4843. |
13. |
4 |
By Cash for Pew No. 77 of T. Brazen |
£100 |
By Ditto of Estate of William Foot for a Tomb |
20 |
By Ditto for Pew No. 70 of T. Harris |
70 |
By Ditto received from Estate of P. Luce paid by Wm. Sheaf |
131. |
13 |
/6 |
321. |
13. |
6 |
By Ballance of Contribution of 1755 |
256. |
8 |
By Subscription towards Painting |
600. |
By Pew No. 38 Sold J. Erving |
£150 |
By Ditto No. 39 G. Bethune |
150 |
By Ditto No. 66 T & J Greene |
120 |
420. |
By Contribution Account for Year 1756 to Easter 1757 when arrears [?] are paid |
204 |
By Cash of Richd. Small for Pew No. 25 |
110 |
By Ballance from Contribution Account for 1757 when Received |
146. |
10 |
By Ditto of 1758 to Easter 1759 |
126. |
10 |
By Pew No. 31 Sold Jos. Loring |
120. |
By Ditto No. 34 to Jos. Cutler |
£130 |
By Ditto 21 half to Jane Eustice & the other half to J. Head & R. Jenkins |
100. |
By Ditto 129 Sold D. Gegory |
60. |
By Ballance of Contribution for the Year 1759, when Receiv’d |
114. |
By Cash for Pew No. 2 of Wm. Bennet |
100. |
By Ditto for No. 77 of R. Jarvis |
100. |
By Ditto for No. 23 of A. Denver |
100. |
By Ditto for No. 15 of J. Hatch |
130. |
834. |
£7982. |
14. |
10 |
July 13
May 1
September 8
September 1
Contra | Cr. | ||
Brought from Preceeding Folo. |
£9371. |
4. |
10 |
By Error in Cash paid P. Kenwood for No. 98 Charged twice |
50. |
£9421. |
4. |
10 |
Ballance Due to Jos. Dowse from the Church |
274. |
19. |
6 |
£9696. |
4. |
Leonard Vassall Treasurer of Trinity Church |
Dr. | ||||
To Willm. Price’s Note of hand for ½ money ½ Goods |
£100. |
To Thomas Child’s Ditto Ditto |
100. |
To Peter Luce’s Ditto for Rum, Sugar & Molases |
100. |
To Henry Laughton’s Ditto for Rum & Goods |
100. |
To Thomas Greene’s Ditto for Nails |
100. |
To John Arbuthnots Ditto for Rum |
50. |
To Thomas Phillips’s Ditto for ½ Money ½ Goods |
£30 |
30 |
Ditto’s Ditto when Ditto’s finished |
40 |
100. |
To Peter Luce’s Note on Ebenz. Storer for ½ Money ½ Goods |
25. |
To Rufus Greene’s Note on Ditto for Boards |
50. |
To Charles Apthorp’s Note on Ditto for ½ Money ½ Goods |
150. |
To Job Lewis’s Ditto on Nathl. Greene for Ditto |
100. |
To Henry Limbrey’s Note on Saml. Gardner |
100. |
To John Eastwicke’s Note on Thos. Goodwin |
Do. 22. |
To Ditto’s Note on Saml. Webb Do. |
Do. 28. |
50 |
To Phillip Dumaresq’s Note on Ditto |
Do. |
100. |
To Trinity Church for Two Pews No. 5 & No. 96 |
100. |
£1325. |
April 13
CONTRA | Cr. | |||
By John Indicott for the following paid him |
By Job Lewis’s Note on Nathl. Greene |
£100. |
By Peter Luce’s Ditto Note of Hand |
100. |
By Henry Laughton’s Ditto |
100. |
By John Arbuthnot’s Ditto |
50. |
By Thomas Phillips’s Ditto |
30. |
By Peter Luce’s Note on Ebenr Storer |
25. |
By Rufus Greene’s Note on Ditto |
50. |
By Charles Apthorp’s Note on Ditto |
150. |
By Cash paid him |
100. |
£705. |
By Phillip Dumaresq for his Note on Saml. Webb returnd |
100. |
By John Goldsmith for Mr. Eastwick’s Note on Thos. Goodwin |
22. |
By Ditto for Ditto’s Note on Saml. Webb. |
28. |
By Ditto for Part of Henry Limbreys Note on S. Gardner |
25. |
By John Indicott for Thos. Greene’s Note of hand |
100. |
By Thos. Child for part of Henry Limbrey’s Note on S. Gardner |
By John Indicott for part of H. Limbrey’s Note on S. Gardner |
35. |
By John Goldsmith for part of Ditto |
20. |
5 |
By John Indicott for Thos. Phillips’s Note of Hand |
30. |
By Ditto for Ditto |
40. |
By John Gooldsmith for Part of H. Limbrey’s Note on S. Gardner |
19. |
15 |
100. |
By Thos. Child for his Note of hand deld. up |
100. |
£1325. |
March 12
1734 28
August 7
September 26
October 5
November 6
December 5
June 10
June 28
July 5
August 30
Trinity Church Account with Rufus Greene | Dr. | |||||
To Cash paid the Rev. Wm. Hooper for 18 Sundays at 80/ |
£72. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid Robert Auchmuty 48/ to Copy of deeds 11/4 |
2. |
19. |
4 |
To Cash paid Willm. Read for John Bannisters Affair |
4. |
11. |
2 |
To Cash paid Wm. Gooch 62/ for Spruce 12/ |
3. |
11. |
0 |
To Cash paid for making two Surplices |
1. |
10. |
8 |
To Cash paid Mr. Nowell Painter |
1. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid Mr. Stimpson Saxton |
11. |
13. |
8 |
To Cash paid Daniel Crosby Clerk |
8. |
13. |
8 |
To Cash paid John Cutler Organist |
26. |
13. |
4 |
£132. |
15. |
6 |
To Cash paid Ralf Inman for pew No. 115 |
5. |
6. |
8 |
To Cash paid for a Contribution book |
0. |
8. |
0 |
To Cash paid the Rev. Wm. Walter for one quarter Salary |
16. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid Ditto for two Quarters Salary |
33. |
6. |
8 |
To Cash paid for Sundries taken of memorandom book |
7. |
15. |
8 |
To Cash paid Henry Vassell Esq. for pew No. 76 |
13. |
6. |
8 |
To Cash paid David Gregory for pew No. 129 |
1. |
7. |
11 |
To Cash paid John Rowe Esq. for three Years Interest due on a bond from Trinity Church to the Charitable Society for 172 Ounces 8.6 of Silver |
10. |
6. |
9 |
To Cash paid the Rev. Wm. Walter for one quarter Salary |
16. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid the Rev. William Hooper from Easter 1765 to Easter 1766 being 51 Sundays at 80/ |
204. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid John Cutler Organist |
£26. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid Daniel Crosby Clerk |
8. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid Mr. Stimpson Saxton |
11. |
6. |
9 |
To Cash paid Elizabeth Longley’s Note |
3. |
2. |
1 |
To Cash paid ditto for half of the pew No. 121 |
4. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid Wm. Gooch Note |
1. |
3. |
8 |
To Cash paid Sundrys taken of memor book |
2. |
11. |
0 |
£57. |
10. |
2 |
To Cash paid Henry Vassell for the Curtins and furniture of the Pew No. 76 |
3. |
2. |
5 |
£502. |
13. |
1 |
10. |
6. |
0 |
Cash paid Mr. Stimpson Saxton 56/8d paid Mrs. Hooker 22/ |
3. |
18. |
8 |
Carried Over |
£516. |
17. |
9 |
April 8
June 24
Januaruy 8
February 18
March 11
April 1
May 2
July 26
October 24
Trinity Church Account with Rufus Greene | Dr. | |||||||||
Brought Over |
£516. |
17. |
9 |
To Cash paid William Corbett for Pew No. 99 |
20. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid for Sundry Charges |
3. |
12. |
0 |
To Cash paid the Revd. William Hooper for 54 Sundays since last Easter @ 66/8d per Sunday |
180. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid the Rev. Wm. Walter his Salary at four payments £16.13.4 Each Quarter of a year |
66. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid Mr. Stimpson Saxton |
£11. |
14. |
4 |
To Cash paid Mrs. Hooker for washing |
0. |
10. |
0 |
To Cash paid Daniel Crosby the Clerk |
8. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid John Cutler Organist |
26. |
13. |
4 |
To Cash paid Mr. Curtis for doorkeeper |
1. |
16. |
0 |
£49. |
7. |
0 |
To Cash paid John Rowe Esq. as Executor to the Estate of the late Rev. Wm. Hooper deceased in full for his Salary Thirty Six pounds |
36. |
0. |
0 |
To Cash paid Stephen Greenleaf Esq. Warden in full |
33. |
13. |
11 |
£906. |
4. |
0 |
October 24
February 25
April 13
May 22
April 8
June 24
January 27
March 30
April 1
June 28
April 20
May 22
WILLIAM SPEAKMAN of Boston | Dr. | |||
To Cash paid him |
£85. |
18 |
To Cash left in your hand when the land was paid for |
5. |
12. |
10 |
To Cash paid you by Rufus Greene |
10. |
To Cash paid you by Thos. Greene in 1732 |
20. |
To Cash paid you by Ditto in April 1733 |
10. |
To Trinity Church for Rent you received for a house & Land |
37. |
To Ditto for the Pew No. 46 |
50. |
To Cash payd by Joseph Dowse Church Warden in full of the Bond & Intrest on other side |
186. |
To His Subscription to an Organ in Trinity Church |
50. |
To Cash payd Mrs. Hannah Speakman Administratrix in full |
150. |
February 1
April 13
1742 May 6
1749 February
CONTRA | Cr. | |||
By Cash recd. |
£50. |
By James Smith you paid him |
250. |
By Trinity Church for Intrest you paid to James Smith 4 years |
80. |
By Cash recd. this Day |
38. |
10. |
10 |
By Cash recd. of him for which Messrs. Joseph Dowse, Rufus Greene & Thos. Greene gave their Bond on Intrest |
150. |
By Trinity Church Intrest of the above Bond to this day |
36. |
By Intrest on depredation of Money viz. on £150 |
April 6
April 10
April 15
May 8
May 6
December 1
September 19
1739 July 10
1742 March 3d
April 19
CONTRA | Cr. |
By his Note on Ebenezer Storer for |
£150. |
By John Indicott for Thos. Greene’s Note |
50. |
By John Eastwicke’s ballance |
50. |
December 5
October 14
March 13
HENRY WHITTON of Boston Wine Cooper | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for a Pew No. 35 deld. John |
£50. |
May 31
CONTRA | Cr. |
By his Note on Charles Apthorp |
£50. |
December 1
WILLIAM PRICE of Boston Cabbinettmaker | Dr. |
To Leonard Vassall Esq. for your Note of hand deld. up |
£100 |
To Trinity Church for one Pew No. 60 |
50. |
To Ditto for Inlargeing his Pew |
5. |
To Ditto for Subscription towards the yearly charge for the yeare 1740 |
3. |
To Gillam Phillips Esq. per order |
43. |
To Cash in full (being in Disco, for Organ Subscription) |
20. |
July 5
April 13
1739 July 10
1743 December
December 6
January 7
1739 February
THOMAS CHILD of Boston Distiller | Dr. | ||
To Leonard Vassall Esq. for Part of H. Limbrey’s |
Note on Samuell Gardner |
To Leonard Vassall Esq. for said Child’s Note of hand gave him up |
£100. |
To Trinity Church for one Pew No. 45 |
50. |
To Ditto for one Pew No. 54 |
50. |
To Ditto for Inlargeing 2 Pews at £5 each |
10. |
To Ditto for a Pew No. 51 to James Bouteneau seventy pounds |
70. |
To Subscription for Organ |
25. |
1751 short 8.7/ |
22.7/ 1753 & 1754 short 14.15/ |
37. 0 |
1752 9.12/ |
Tax repaid 4.10/ |
carried to folio 23 |
342. 2 |
September 26
August 30
April 13
January 26
1739 July 10
1740 July 23
Brought from follo. 6 |
342. 2 |
CONTRA | Cr. | ||
By his Note of hand for ½ Money ½ Goods |
£100. |
By Jere. Stoddard you paid him £9. & £16 for 90 Load Stones |
45. |
By John Goldsmith you paid him |
14. |
By Ditto you are to Pay him |
20. |
By Trinity Church for 44 Cart load of more Stones recd. of J. Stoddard |
£22. |
by Stones recd. of Thos. Copeland |
16. 2 |
by Stones & Sand recd. of Samuell Paine |
11. 9.6 |
by Willm. Knox’s bill for Carteing |
5.16.4 |
by 13 Cart load of Sand recd. of Roger Nichols at 5/ |
3. 5.0 |
by Hair recd. of Willm. Butler |
5. 8.0 |
64. 10. |
By John Indicott you paid him |
36. 3.10 |
By Trinity Church for £25 we thought was given which he says was lent |
25. |
312. 4. |
December 6
November 6
August 30
February 8
Brought from follo. 6 |
312. 6. 5 |
By Joseph Dowse discount £7.15.11 |
Ballance due the Church 1755 £29.19.19/7d. |
PETER LUCE of Boston Merchant | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for Two Pews No. 15 & No. 44 |
100. |
To Ditto for Inlargeing 2 Pews at £5 each |
10. |
To Ditto for pew No. 21 to Jno. Savell per order |
55. |
To Ditto for Tax due on his pew No. 44: yeare 1743 |
5. 5 |
To Ditto for Two years Tax viz. 1744: 6.17.6 1745 £7.10/ |
14.17. 6 |
To Ditto for Tax since 1745 is 10 Yeares |
121.15 |
306.17. 6 |
April 13
1739 July 10
1743 October
CONTRA | CR. | |
By his Note of Hand paya. In Rum, Sugar & Molases |
£100. |
By John Indicott for his Note on Eben. Storer |
50 |
By Edward Tothills ballance transfered as per vote of this date |
25 |
By Cash of William Sheaff Esq. who by desire of Mr. John Luce the Executor to Petr Luce payd this Ballance for his Seccurity pledged said pew No. 44 to said W. Sheaf until he redeemed it for said Sum with Intrest |
131.17. 6 |
306.17. 6 |
December 6
September 24
February 8
December 17
JOHN ARBUTHNOTT of Boston Distiller | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 38 |
£50. |
Recd. of Joseph Dowse Fifty pound Old Tenor in full for Ballance due the Estate of Mr. John Arbuthnott from Trinity Church recd. in behalf of Mrs. Abigal Arbuthnott Boston January 24 1754 Henry Barnes. |
May 31
CONTRA | Cr. |
By his Note of Hand payable In Rum |
£50. |
By John Indicott for Charles Apthorp’s Note on James Hawdan |
50. |
By Ditto for Rum |
.13. |
By Trinity Church for 9 Melasses hogsheads at 12/6 |
1. 2. 6 |
December 2
September 18
October 22
HENRY LAUGHTON of Boston Merchant Taylor | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for Two Pews No. 42 & No. 83 |
£100. |
To Ditto inlargeing his pew No. 83 |
5. |
To Cash paid (being discounted on Organ account) |
20. |
September 19
November 27
By His Note of Hand paya. in Rum & Goods |
£100. |
By John Indicott for his Note of hand |
50. |
December 3
October 14
THOMAS GREENE of Boston Merchant | Dr. |
To Peter Kenwood for his Note |
£100. |
To Robt. Thomlinson for Cha. Apthorp’s Note on him |
59.18. 1 |
To Trinity Church for 1 & ¾ Load of Stones at 10/ |
17. 6 |
To the Church Called Kings Chappel |
109. 4 |
Carried to folio 13 |
£269. 9. 7 |
January 30
October 1
April 3
December 2
THOMAS GREENE of Boston Merchant | DR. | |
To the debt brought from folio 7 |
£269.19. 7 |
To Trinity Church for 2900 foot of Clear board at £5.5/ |
£15. 4.6 |
777 foot of thick |
Ditto £8.8/ |
6.10.6 |
21.15. |
To Cash paid him |
59. . 7 |
To Trinity Church for 1 Pew No. 69 sold John Merrett |
50. |
To Ditto for the Pew No. 59 for Your Self |
50. |
To John Hamack he orderd me to pay |
25. |
To Trinity Church for 1 Pew No. 67 sold Edwd. Tuckerman |
50. |
To Ditto . . . for 1 Pew No. 36 sold Peter de Jersey |
50. |
To Ditto . . . for 1 Pew No. 94 sold James Griffin |
50. |
To Ditto . . . for 1 Pew No. 4 sold David Evans |
50. |
To James Griffin for his Note on said Greene |
30. |
To Trinity Church for Inlargeing one Pew |
5. |
To Ditto for one Pew No. 16 sold to Willm. Pattin |
50. |
To Ditto for one Pew No. 63 sold to Benja. Greene |
65. |
£852.15. 2 |
65. |
To order discount with Thos. & Jno. Greene 3.7.9½ Lawful |
25. 8. 3 |
November 10
July 15
September 10
October 17
February 23
June 7
April 10
May 11
July 10
August 21
October 9
January 10
August 28
By his Note of Hand paya. In Nails |
£100. |
By Trinity Church for 8 bb for the Masons Tubs |
.16. |
By Ditto for 7000 Bricks at 36/ |
12.12. |
By John Indicott for Peter Kenwoods Note |
100. |
By John Gooldsmith for what you paid Nathl. Fairfield |
68. |
By Hezekials Blanchard for your note on Caleb Lyman |
4. 5. |
By John Henshaw for Ditto on Gersham Keyes |
4.13. |
By Willm. Wheelar Jr. for Ditto on Danl. Powning |
4. 4. |
By Willm. Knox for Ditto on Caleb Lyman |
18.12. 2 |
By John Goldsmith for Sundrys |
38.13. 6 |
Carried to folio 13 |
£351.15. 8 |
December 6
July 16
August 2
October 1
November 6
CONTRA | CR. | |
By the Credit brought from folio 7 |
£351.15. 8 |
By Trinity Church for 900 foot of Glass 10 by 8 at £11 per C |
£99. |
2 boxes with 432 or arching Glass |
38. 1.3 |
137. 1. 3 |
By Ditto for 1000 foot of Board for |
£3.15.0 |
Scaffold gave to Mr. John Indicott for what he used in Civering windows & 350 foot of Plank for Benches deld. in August last |
3.10.0 |
1500 of 10d Nails 42/ 1m 20d. Nails 40/ |
4. 2.0 |
Carteing Glass & Plank |
0.11.3 |
11.18. 3 |
By John Indicott for your Note gave Moses Ayres on Willm. Blin |
12.10 |
By James Smith |
£12.10.0 |
By the Episcopal Charitable Society |
10. 4.0 |
22.14. |
By John Indicott |
18. 3. 7 |
By John Goldsmith |
17. 8. |
By John Indicott |
29.17.10 |
By Ditto |
10.10 |
By Ditto paid John Vintenon |
8 |
50. |
By Ditto |
47.18.10 |
By Robert Kenton |
12. |
By John Indicott discounted |
46. 6. |
By Henry Redin you paid |
30. |
By Robert Kenton paid |
28. |
By Trinity Church he paid Ebenz. Messinger Turners Bill |
22. |
£856. 3. 5 |
December 2
June 3
September 15
October 6
December 1
February 1
March 13
July 6
January 8
April 3
August 11
THOMAS PHILLIPS of Boston Shoopkeeper | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for a Pew No. 47 gave John Phillips the title |
£50. |
To an order payd Peter Pelham draun by Thos. Phillips |
50. |
April 13
March 13
CONTRA | CR. | |
By his Note of Hand for ½ Money ½ Goods |
£30 |
By his Ditto to be paid when the Church is Raisd. |
30. |
By his Ditto when the Church is finishd. |
40. |
£100. |
December 4
EDWARD TOTHILL of Boston | Dr. |
To Peter Luce for the ballance of this account |
Transferred as per vote |
£25. |
February 8
By Peter Luce’s Note on Ebenz. Storer for ½ Money |
½ Goods |
£25 |
December 5
RUFUS GREENE of Boston Goldmith | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 61 |
£50. |
To pew No. 4 |
75. |
To Cash payd in full |
55. |
130. |
April 13
By his Note on Ebenz. Storer for Boards |
£50. |
By John Indicott |
25. |
50. |
By Cash paid Mrs. Evans for pew No. 4 |
55. |
130. |
December 1
June 19
October 17
JOB LEWIS of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To John Indicott for Nathl. Greene’s Note on Saml. Webb |
£50. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 97 |
50. |
To Ditto for one Pew No. 91 Isaac Royall |
55. |
June 10
April 13
October 9
By his Note on Nathl. Greene for ½ Money ½ Goods |
£100. |
By John Indicott for Nathl. Greene’s Note on Saml. Webb |
50. |
By Cash recd. from Sarah Leach In part of Saml. Webbs Note |
10. |
December 6
October 1
January 28
HENRY LIMBREY of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 53 gave Benja. |
Faneuil the Title per order of Cha. Apthorp |
£50. |
for the Pew No. 66 gave Edward Carter the Title per Ditto |
50. |
£100. |
April 13
By his Note on Saml. Gardner |
£100. |
December 1
JOHN EASTWICKE of Boston Merchant DR. | DR. |
To Charles Apthorp |
£50. |
March 13
CONTRA | CR. | |
By his Note on Thomas Goodwin for ½ Money |
£22. |
By his Note on Samuell Webb for Ditto |
28. |
£50. |
December 3
PHILLIP DUMARESQ of Boston Merchant | DR. | |
To his Note on Saml. Webb returnd him |
£100. |
100. |
To Ditto for donations he recd. of Leo. Edmond Hopkins |
£5. |
of Dr. Willm. Bruce |
5. |
of Capt. David Pipoon |
5. |
of Capt. Kinslow |
2. |
17. |
217. |
February 23
May 5
By his Note on Saml. Webb for halfe Mone ½ Goods |
£100. |
By John Indicott for your Note on Stepn. Bouteneau |
25. |
By Ditto for Ditto on Mrs. Rammie |
30. |
By Cash recd. of Rufus Greene on account of Donations |
15. |
By John Indicott you paid him |
41. 5 |
By Cash recd. |
3.15 |
By Cash recd. |
2. |
217. |
November 27
December 5
March 26
June 12
February 23
September 29
PETER KENWOOD of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Two Pews No. 90 & 98 |
£100. |
To Eliza. Monk per order |
15. |
To Wm. Burbank past note not payd |
4.11 |
Ballance |
71.16 |
91. 7 |
May 31
January 10
By his Note on Thos. Greene |
£100. |
By his note on Mrs. Ann Wroe for 2/3 mony |
25.00. 0 |
By Ditto on Mrs. Mary Marshall Ditto |
25. |
By Indicott & Co. for a Note on Nath. Davise for 2/3 mony |
20. |
By Will: Burbank pd. £21.7 on Abiel Walley |
21. 7 |
91. 7 |
January 30
October 10
January 9
JOHN INDICOTT of Boston Carpenter | Dr. | |
To Peter Luce’s Note of hand |
£100 |
50. |
To Henry Laughton’s Ditto |
100. |
To Thomas Phillip’s Ditto |
30. |
To Peter Luce’s Note on Ebenz. Storer |
25. |
To Rufus Greene’s Note on Ditto |
50. |
To Charles Apthorp’s Note on Ditto |
150. |
To Job Lewis’s Note on Nathl. Greene |
100. |
To Cash paid him |
100. |
£705. |
8.15. 6 |
To Cash paid him |
To Phillip Dumaresq for his Note on Stepn. Boutineau |
25. |
To Willm. Price he paid him |
87. |
To Thomas Green’s Note of hand for Nails |
100. |
To Peter Kenwoods Note on Thos. Greene |
100. |
To John Arbuthnots for Chas. Apthorp’s Note on James Hawdan |
50. |
To Peter Luce for his Note on Ebenz. Storer |
50. |
To William Coffin for his Note of hand |
50. |
To Robt. Thomlinson for Chas. Apthorps Note on J. Hawdan |
40. 1.11 |
To Saml. Gardner for my Note |
35. |
To Willm. & John Jones for their three Notes on Thos. Parker |
100 |
To Henry Laughton for his Note of hand |
50. |
To Charles Apthorp for Thos. Green’s Note on him |
50. |
To Job Lewis for Nathl. Greene’s Note on Saml. Webb |
50. |
To Phillip Dumaresq for his Note on Mrs. Rammie |
30. |
To Leonard Vassall Esq. for Thos. Phillips’s Note of hand |
30. |
To Willm. & John Jones for their two Notes on Thos. Parker |
50. |
To Leonard Vassall Esq. for Thos. Phillips’s Note of hand |
40. |
To King’s Chapple Thos. Greene paid him by James Hawdan |
50. |
To Rum deld. him by John Arbuthnot |
.13. |
To Willm. Price he paid you |
7.19.11 |
To The Church Called Kings Chapple Thos. Greene paid you |
60. |
To Phillip Dumaresq he paid you |
41. 5 |
To Cash paid him by Thos. Greene |
399. 4. 8 |
£2210. |
To Cash paid him by Thos. Greene |
£30. |
To Trinity Church for Boards &c. deld. him per receipt 25571 foot of Clear Board |
158.19. 3 |
36. 3.10 |
To Cash paid him |
50. |
To Cash he paid you by John Vintenon’s note |
9.10. |
To Edward Dumaresq for Jacob & John Wendell & Co. Note on Caleb Lyman & Company |
50. |
To Thos. Greene for his Note gave Moses Ayres on Willm. Blin |
12.10. |
To Cord Cordis’s Note of hand |
50. |
To Thos. Greene for John Vintenon Note |
18. 3. 7 |
To Willm. Haislup he pays you |
50. |
To Thomas Greene for his Note on Willm. Blin |
29. 7.10 |
To Ditto for Ditto on Saml. Parkman |
10.10 |
To Ditto paid John Vintenon per order |
£8. |
To Willm. Coffin for Thos. Greene’s Note to Vintenon |
25.6.9 |
33. 6. 9 |
To Thomas Greene for his Note on Caleb Lyman & Co |
50. |
To Joseph Gooch he paid you |
25. |
To Rufus Greene he paid you |
25. |
To Willm. Price’s Note of hand |
£50. |
To Thomas Greene discounted |
47.18.10 |
To Cash paid him in full |
12.10. 2 |
100. 9 |
£749.10. 3 |
June 25
August 7
September 18
October 3
November 29
December 5
January 6
June 10
September 24
January 7
June 12
July 15
August 30
January 8
May 12
June 3
October 6
December 1
February 1
March 13
June 13
July 6
By Job Lewis Esq. for Nathl. Greene’s Note on Saml. Webb returned |
£50. |
By Trinity Church for the outside & Frame of the Church & finding Stuff as per Agreement |
£2160. |
£2210. |
By Ditto for building & fixing a Pulpitt &c. & makeing benches against it was preach’d in as per Agreement |
£20. |
By John Goldsmith for Bricks |
2. |
By Makeing 102 Pews & finding Stuff per Agreement at £6.10/ |
663. |
By Extraordinary Works on the Steps more then the Agreement & my bill of Extraordinary Work as per Note |
64.10. 3 |
749.10. 3 |
June 10
July 15
August 30
October 22
April 27
March 12
March 28
August 7
November 6
June 28
July 14
September 15
December 22
October 22
August 6
July 14
August 30
July 4
GEORGE CRADOCK of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To Cash in full fifty pounds |
£50. |
July 9
CR. |
By Cash recd. |
£25. |
By Intrest allowed but no difrence money |
25. |
BENJAMIN WALKER of Boston Shopkeeper | Dr. |
To Trinity Church for the Cash Lent as per Cr. side this day said B. Walker told Jos. Dowse one of the Wardens that he freely gave it and ordered him thus to discharge the same |
£25. |
March 17
By Cash recd. |
25. |
April 6
JOHN GIBBONS of Boston Apothecary | DR. | |
CONTRA | CR. | |
By Cash recd. |
25. |
AMOS WOOD of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To your order Carried to the Credit of John Hamack |
£25. |
September 12
By Cash recd. |
£25. |
September 7
JAMES SMITH of Boston Sugar refiner | DR. |
To Willm. Speakman he paid said Smith |
£250. |
To 16 Cart Load of Stones deld. in August last at 8/ |
6. 8 |
256. 8. 0 |
To Cash paid Extraordn. Intrest for 3 mo. |
£5. |
12.10 |
To Ditto |
12.10 |
To Ditto |
12.10 |
To Thomas Greene for money he left with Willm. Price |
12.10 |
To Cash paid him £12.10.0 (January 9) To Cash £10.10.0 |
23. |
To Cash paid him in part of the bond |
200. |
To Cash paid him for Principle £150 for Intrest £6 |
156. |
Carried to folio 19 |
£434. |
April 10
November 1
July 6
November 8
January 4
July 7
September 15
November 22
January 9
April 8
JAMES SMITH of Boston Sugar Refiner | DR. |
To the Dr. brought from folio 11 |
£434. |
To Cash paid him |
3.15. |
To Ditto |
3.15. |
To Ditto |
3.15. |
To Cash paid him in full |
152.10. |
£598.15. |
August 1
November 2
February 22
May 10
By Cash recd. for which Mr. Willm. Speakman & Mr. Henry Laughton gave their Bond |
£250. |
By Cash recd. |
6. 8 |
By Cash recd. for which Peter Luce, Thos. Child, Willm. Price & Willm. Speakman gave their Bond paya. in 9 Months |
500. |
Carried to folio 19 |
April 11
March 10
July 6
CONTRA | CR. | |
Brought from folio 11 |
£500. |
By Trinity Church for Intrest on £500 from 6th July 1736 to 6th of January 1737 is 18 Months at 10 per cent per annum |
£75. |
for Intrest on £300 from 6th of January 1737 to 6th of April 1738 is 3 Months at 10 per cent per annum |
7.10 |
for Intrest on £150 from 6th of April 1738 to 6th of May 1739 is 13 Months at 10 per cent per annum |
16.5 |
98.15. |
£598.15 |
May 10
WILLIAM PATTIN of Boston Tavernkeeper | DR. |
To Cash paid him |
£100. |
August 7
By Cash recd. for which Messrs. Willm. Speakman, Thos. Child & Willm. Price gave their Bond |
£100. |
April 11
WILLIAM COFFIN of Boston Braizer | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 58 |
£50. |
To Ditto for one Pew sold Lawrence Lutwich No. 52 |
£50. |
To Ditto for one Pew sold Alexander Thorpe |
50. |
To Ditto for Inlargeing one Pew 5. due W. C. 160.1.5. |
5. |
To Ditto for a Pew No. 8 sold him per vote of Vestry this day |
55. |
To 30. Pew Door hindges Charged more then had |
32. |
To Ditto for priveledge of a Vault built under the Church |
10. |
To Cash pd. being discounted on Organ account |
50. |
252. |
April 13
September 19
April 17
July 10
July 4
November 27
CR. |
By John Indicott for his Note of Hand |
£50. |
By Ditto for Thos. Greene’s Note gave John Vintenon |
£25. 6. 9 |
By John Indicott for the Trustees Note |
50. |
By Trinity Church for his Bill |
190. 1. 8 |
By Ditto for 31 ma lath Nails dld. Wm. Hunstable at several times |
17.12. 6 |
283.00.11 |
September 24
February 1
April 4
May 8
ROBERT THOMLINSON at Present of Boston | |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 43 |
£50. |
To Ditto for what he subscribed towards this yeare’s charges of the church & not payd |
6.10 |
April 13
May 8
CONTRA | CR. | |
By Thos. Greene for Charles Apthorp’s Note on him |
£59.18.1 |
By John Indicott for Ditto’s Note on James Hawdan |
40. 1.1 |
£100 |
October 1
To Thos. Greene for his Note on Caleb Lyman for |
£4. 5 |
October 1
By Trinity Church for Sand & Carteing |
£4. 5 |
JOHN HENSHAW of Boston Wharfinger | DR. |
To Thomas Greene for his Note on Gershn. Keyes |
£4.13. |
October 1
By Trinity Church for Carteing as per Note |
£4.13 |
WILLIAM WHEELAR of Boston Mason | Dr. |
To Thos. Greene for his Note on Danl. Powning |
£4. 4 |
October 1
By Trinity Church for 8 Cart load of Stones |
£4. 4 |
WILLIAM & JOHN JONES of Boston Merchants | DR. |
To Trinity Church for one Pew No. 99 |
£50. |
To Ditto for pew No. 78 sold James Collingwood per order |
55. |
To Cash in full |
45. |
October 9
January 10
November 27
By John Indicott for their three Notes on Thos. Parker |
£100. |
By Ditto . . . for their two Ditto on Ditto |
50. |
October 5
January 6
ANDREW HALL of Medford | DR. |
To Cash paid him Twenty-five Pounds |
£25. |
To Ditto |
36.15 |
61.15 |
October 15
March 26
£61.15 |
August 2
WILLIAM KNOX of Boston Carter | DR. |
To Thos. Greene for his Note on Caleb Lyman |
£18.12. 2 |
October 16
By Trinity Church for Carteing &c. |
£18.12. 2 |
August 6
JOHN FISHER of Boston Carter | DR. | |
To Cash paid him |
20. |
To Trinity Church for the ballance said Fisher gave to the Church |
9.13. 6 |
29.13.6 |
September 12
By Trinity Church for Carteing &c. per Note |
£29.13. 6 |
August 6
September 8
November 10
September 15
October 11
June 26
By Cash recd. of John Gibbins |
£60. |
By Ditto of Ditto for Both Sums Peter Luce, Thos. Child, Willm. Price & Thos. Greene gave their Bond this day payable in 13 Months |
110. |
By Trinity Church for Intrest on the above to this day |
2. |
By Cash recd. of Thomas Greene Treasurer |
170. |
By Cash recd. of Willm. Speakman £55. & the above mentioned Luce, Child, Price & Greene gave their bond this day for £225 & paid the Intrest of the £170 |
55. |
By Cash recd. of Joseph Dowse Treasurer |
150. |
By Trinity Church for Intrest on £170 for 3 years at 6 per Cent per Annum |
30.12. |
577.12 |
By Cash recd. of Joseph Dowse Treasurer for which Messrs. Willm. Speakman, Willm. Coffin & Lawrence Lutwich gave Bond |
£275. |
By Cash recd. of Ditto for which Messrs. Peter Kenwood Henry Laughton & Thos. Aston gave their Bond |
275. |
By Ditto recd. of Jos. Dowse Treasurer for which Jno. Arbuthnott Benja. Fanueil & Rufus Greene gave Bond |
140. 0. 0 |
By Ditto recd. of Thos. Child Treasurer for which Will Speakman Joseph Dowse & Jona. Simpson gave Bond |
75. 0. 0 |
£765.00. 0 |
May 24
September 8
January 7
May 8
June 26
March 28
September 29
May 8
March 25
May 3d.
September 2
By John Indicott Thomas Greene paid him |
£50. |
By Thomas Greene he discounted towards the Glass |
109. 4. |
By John Indicott Thos. Greene pd. him |
60. |
By Cash recd. of Thos. Greene the 8th June last |
90. |
By Ditto for Thos. Child’s Bond & Intrest |
110. |
By Intrest on Money to this day |
13. 3. 3 |
By Cash recd. of Thos. Greene |
17.12. 9 |
Messrs. Peter Luce, Thos. Child & Willm. Price gave their Bond for the above £450 to be paid in 1 year from this date |
By Intrest of the above . . . from May 1739 to this |
25.00.11 |
475. .11 |
September 24
December 2
April 13
March 24
SILVESTER GARDINER of Boston Apothecary | DR. |
To Cash paid him |
£25. |
May 31
By Cash recd. in part of a Pew |
£25. |
January 31
JOSEPH DOWSE of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 55 |
£50. |
To Lewise Turner Twenty pounds |
20. |
To Caleb Joseph Gray a Note on Jos. Sherborne in Goods |
20. |
To Cross for Ballance of his account Danl. Rea Discount £30 |
25. |
To Thos. Child discount £7.15.11 To Thos. |
Powel discount £29.10/ |
37. 5.11 |
102. 5.11 |
60. 8. 1 |
April 13
December 24
September 29
CONTRA | CR. | |
By Cash recd. in part of a Pew No. 55 |
£25. |
By John Goldsmith for your Note on Willm. Blin |
25. |
50. |
By Trinity Church for 1500 foot of Clear board at 20/ |
£15. |
10. |
By Indicott & Co. a Barrel Rum: £18.4/ January 11 |
By Ditto a hhd. Rum: £55.6/ |
73.10 |
By Henry Stanbridge a hhd. Rum |
64. 4 |
162.14 |
14 |
April 13
September 15
October 11
HUGH MACDANIEL of Boston Ropemaker | DR. |
To Cash payd in full |
78. 4. |
By Trinity Church for 782 Bushell of Lime at 2/ |
£78. |
August 2
TEMPLE NELSON of Boston | DR. |
To Cash paid John Honeychurch per order |
7. |
To Cash pd. Cap. John Steel Administrator |
14. |
March 8
By Trinity Church for 42 Cartload of Stones at 10/ |
21. |
March 8
EDWARD DUMARESQ of Boston Rigger | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 64 |
£50. |
May 31
By John Indicott for Jacob & John Wendell & Comp. a Note on Caleb Lyman & Co. for |
£50. |
May 17
JOHN HAMACK of Boston Wine Cooper | DR. |
To Trinity Church for one Pew No. 37 |
£50. |
September 26
By Amos Woods ballance he orderd us to pay You |
£25. |
By Thomas Greene you orderd him to pay us £50 |
25. |
September 12
CORD CORDIS of Boston Sugar Refiner | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 84 |
£50. |
To Cash payd Ten Dollrs. the 27 Do. in full 7.10/ |
30. |
September 19
October 21
By John Indicott |
£50. |
By Ditto towards building Gallerys (per Jos. Dowse note for) |
£30. |
October 6
October 16
WILLIAM HAISLUP of Boston Pinmaker | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 40 |
£50 |
October 6
By John Indicott |
£50. |
October 6
BARTHOLOMEW BALLARD of Boston Joyner | DR. |
To Trinity Church for a Pew No. 62 |
£50. |
October 11
By John Goldsmith for Thos. & John Phillips’s Note on Kilcup |
£25. |
By Ditto . . . for Ditto . . . on James Hawdan |
25. |
50. |
October 22
THOMAS ASTON of Boston Apothecary | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 13 |
£50. |
To Benefaction Mr. Aston gives this Debtor |
30. |
April 1
By Cash recd. in part of the Pew No. 13 |
£15. |
By Ditto |
20. |
By Ditto |
15. |
£50. |
By Indicott & Cos a Note drawn in favour of Indicott & mony for |
£30.00. |
January 7
1738 31
April 1
JOHNSON JACKSON of Boston Distiller | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 65 |
£50. |
To Ditto for pew No. 124 in Gallery to J. Richardson |
40. |
January 26
April 3
July 31
October 7
October 16
February 26
JOHN GARRETT of Boston Rigger |
DR |
To Trinity Church for one Pew No. 7 |
£50. |
March 17
CR. |
By Cash recd. of his Wife |
£50. |
March 17
HENRY PRICE of Boston Tayler | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 87 |
£50. |
June 1
By John Indicott |
£50. |
July 6
JOSEPH GOOCH of Boston Attorney at Law | DR. |
To Cash payd by Joseph Dowse |
25. |
By John Indicott you paid him |
£25. |
June 13
ROBERT KENTON of Boston Plaisterer | DR. |
To Thomas Greene for his Note on Caleb Lyman |
£12. |
January 8
To Ditto he paid |
28. |
To Cash paid him |
15. |
55. |
July 24
October 6
By Trinity Church for Plaistring the Altar per Note |
£55 |
October 6
ALDIN BASS deceased his Estate | DR | ||
To Cash paid Thomas Greene |
£4. |
4. |
5. |
To Cash paid Robert Breck for paid Bass’s Widow |
3. |
18. |
1. |
£8. |
2. |
6. |
April 21
June 8
CONTRA | CR | ||
By Trinity Church for Carteing |
£8. |
2. |
6. |
March 26
GEORGE WHITLOCK of Boston Merchant | DR |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 48 |
£55. |
May 7
By Cash recd. |
£20. |
By Cash recd. |
5. |
By Ditto |
30. |
55. |
May 7
June 5
HENRY STANBRIDGE of Boston painter | DR | |
To Trinity Church for pew No. 82 per vote of Vestry |
£55. |
To Joseph Dowse a hogsd. of Rum 107 Gall.@ 12/ |
64. |
4. |
To Cash pd. Two Hundred pounds |
200. |
To Cash £61. December 23 To Ditto £68. 13/8 |
129. |
13 |
1754 January Cash |
81. |
9 |
July 4
February 5
April 18
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By Trinity Church for account of painting |
394. |
6. |
2 |
By half Bill for outside painting |
116. |
17 |
511. |
3. |
2 |
JAMES GRIFFIN of Boston Merchant | DR. | |
To Trinity Church for deficiency in Tax on pew No. 62 being his Father Patten’s |
10. |
10. |
To Ditto for privoledge of a Vault built under the Church |
10. |
By Thomas Greene |
£30. |
May 11
JOHN GOULD of Boston Miller | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 12 |
£55. |
May 31
By Cash recd. by the hand of Joseph Dowse |
£55. |
June 8
JAMES VARNEY of Boston Limeburner | DR. | |
To Cash paid him |
£11. |
19. |
June 7
CONTRA | CR. | |
By Trinity Church for Lime as per Note |
£11. |
19. |
June 1
JOHN INDICOTT of Boston House Carpenter | DR | |
To Cash paid him on account of the alter |
£13. |
15. |
February 1
35. |
To Cash paid him towards Ditto |
15. |
To Ditto |
towards Ditto |
£10. |
To Ditto |
towards Ditto |
10. |
20. |
To William Coffin for the Trustees Note |
50. |
To Trinity Church for one Pew sold Jabez Hatch No. 5 |
50. |
To Thomas Greene discounted |
46. |
6. |
To Cash paid him towards altering the Pews |
30. |
To Cash paid him towards Ditto |
22. |
10. |
282. |
11 |
To Ballance due J. Indicott Carried to Account Indicott & More Bellow |
23. |
6. |
March 10
April 4
May 12
July 2
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By Trinity Church for his Bill for the Alter & Altering the Pews |
£305. |
17. |
7 |
May 8
DITTO JOHN INDICOTT & Willm. Moore of Boston | DR. | ||
To Peter Kenwoods order on Thos. Greene for |
121. |
6. |
9 |
To Johnson Jackson for Jos. Dowse order on him |
9. |
To Cash payd him J. Indicott per Jos. Dowse fifty pounds |
50. |
To a Note on Mrs. Foott drawn per J. Dowse for |
25. |
To Cash payd in full |
87. |
14. |
3 |
£293. |
1. |
0 |
February 25
July 18
April 10
CONTRA | CR. | |
By Trinity Church for Pulpit & Vestry Room per agreement |
£255. |
By Ditto for Addittonal Bill for work on Ditto more then Agreement |
14. |
15. |
By Ballance of John Indicott account above |
23. |
6 |
293. |
HENRY REDIN of Boston Carver | DR. |
To Thomas Greene he paid |
£30. |
July 3
By Trinity Church for Carveing 2 Whole & 2 half Capitals |
£30. |
July 3
JONATHAN FURNASS of Boston Baker | DR. |
To Trinity Church for the Pew No. 34 |
£55. |
July 17
By Cash recd. |
£55. |
WILLIAM HUNSTABLE of Boston Brick layer | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Pew No. 84 per vote of Vestry |
50. |
July 4
To Jos. Dowse Note on Thos. Child for £10:0:0 To Cash for Laths 25/ |
11. |
5 |
To a Note drawn in favour of Jno. Burroughs for |
36. |
November 7
To Ditto in favour of Ditto £5. Aug. 13 to Cash Ditto pd. Pow[ers]? Merriett 5:5/ |
10. |
5 |
To Cash Ten pound £10. December 30 To Cash to Jno. Holyoke paid in full £9 |
19. |
September 14
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By Trinity Church plaistring 430 yd 1/9d. 8 M Nails 96/30 bush. hair 75/ |
46. |
3. |
6 |
By Laths 25/ September 14 |
1. |
5. |
By White washing the wholle Church per agreement |
finding Stuff & scafolds £27 & some plaistering 40/ |
29. |
By Trinity Church for pew No. 84 taken again |
50. |
September 1
JONATHAN SIMPSON of Boston Brazer | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Pew No. 116 in the Gallery per vote |
50. |
January 10
By Indicott & Moore to pay in his Shop |
£50. |
October 17
STEPHEN APTHORP of Boston Brazer | DR. |
To Richard Collyar for order to pay in a pew |
35. |
To Cash in full |
15. |
April 1
November 28
By INDICOTT & MOORE to pay in his Shop |
£50. |
October 17
February 20
By Indicott & More to pay in Rum |
£50. |
By Henry Standbridge a hhd. of Rum returned |
By Willm. Burbank note pay in Rum £25 |
October 17
April 30
FANEUIL and BOUTINEAU Merchants | DR. |
By Indicott & Co. for their Note on Caleb Lyman & Co. 2/3 mony for |
60. |
By Ditto for Ditto on Mrs. Magdelen Wroe 2/3 Ditto |
40. |
November 3
BENJA. GREENE of Boston Goldsmith | DR. |
To Cash payd |
25. |
By Indicott & Moore to pay in a Shop Note 2/3 Mony |
£25. |
October 17
JOHN BARRELL of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To T. C. for Pew No. 10 per vote of Vestry for fifty pounds |
50. |
September 1
To Trinity Church for pew No. 66 to Jos. Gerrish |
65. |
April 1
CONTRA | |||
By Indicott & Co. his Note on Will. Taylor 2/3 mony for |
100. |
0. |
0 |
By Trinity Church for £15 Ball pew No. 66 said pew reverting for defficency of Tax |
15. |
October 17
Capt. PHILLIP BENEST of Boston Marriner | DR. |
To Trinity Church for preveledge of a Tomb |
10. |
To Cash in full |
40. |
By Indicott & Co. for his Note on Nathl. Viall half mony |
£20. |
16 |
By Ditto on Jno. Tyng in Cash |
20. |
By Cash |
9. |
4 |
October 10
FRANCES JOHONNOTT | of Boston Merchant | DR. |
To Cash in full |
50. |
CONTRA | CR. | ||
By Indicott & Co. for Lambert & Johonnott Note on Mrs. Marshall 2/3 mony payable to Jno. Endicott Boston November 2d. 1754 Recd, of Jos. Dowse Warden of Trinity Church Fifty pound Old Tenor being in full of debt due one from said Church. |
50. |
00. |
0 |
November 11th
JONATHAN FURNASS of Boston Baker | dr. | |
CONTRA | CR. | |
CAPA. JOHN SNOW of Boston Marriner | DR. | |
To Trinity Church for his Note dated June 18, 1742 drawn on Jacob Wendell Esq. & Co. being the Wages of Derby Mahoney who died at Sea & ordered said Snow to give the same to the Church but said Snow Recd, said Wages himself & died without paying the same. |
23. |
To Cash pd. Jos. Jackson Administrator in full for the 20£ in part of a pew |
20. |
June 16
By Cash on account of a Pew No. 119 Twenty pounds |
£20. |
August 22d.
THOMAS PERKINS | Merchant | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Pew No. 96 per vote of Vestry for |
70. |
March 30
By Cash received in full |
70. |
April 1
MRS. FOOTT shopkeeper in Boston | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Pew No. 81 per vote of Vestry to Mrs. LeCrass |
55. |
By Indicott & Co. for Jos. Dowse order in favour of Jno. Indicott for |
25. |
By Cash Twenty pounds February 26 by Jno Indicott £10.0.0 |
30. |
April 10
June 16
JOHN CROSBY of Boston Wigg Maker | DR. |
To Trinity Church for Pew Number 16 per vote of Vestry for |
55. |
By Tr. Church a Years salary as Clerk of the Church |
26. |
By Ditto a years Sallary as Ditto to this Date is 55 weeks |
27. |
10 |
By Cash in full |
1. |
10 |
April 19
MRS. ELIZABETH MONK of Boston Widow | DR. |
To a pew No. 17 per Vote of Vestry |
55. |
January 10
By Cash recd. in part fourty pounds |
40. |
February 2d.
By Peter Kenwood |
15. |
January 10
JOHN INDICOTT & WILLM. MORE Housewrights | DR. | |||||
To a Note on Rufus Greene payable in Rum |
50. |
To Ditto on Anthoy. Cavaly in Ditto £50. To Ditto on Johnson Jackson for £30 |
80. |
To Ditto on Jona. Simpson £50. To Ditto on Stepn. Apthorp £50 both Brazers |
100. |
To Ditto on Cord Cordis £30. To Ditto Benja. Greene 2/3 mony £25 |
55. |
To Gerish & Barrell for Note on Will Taylor 2/3 mony |
100. |
To Peter Kenwood for notes on Anna Wroe £25. Ditto on Ditto on Mrs. Marshall £25 2/3 mony |
50. |
To Philip Benest for Ditto on Na. Vial 1/2 mony for £20.16/ Ditto for Ditto on Jno. Tyng Cash £20 |
40. |
16. |
To Fanuiel & Boutineau for Notes on Caleb Lyman £60. on Wroe 2/3 mony for |
100. |
To Lambert & Johonnott Ditto on Mrs. Marshall for 2/3 mony |
50. |
To Thos. Aston for a Note on said Thos. Aston for Cash £30 |
30. |
25. |
To Trinity Church for Thos. Perkins Note on Jas. Hawden in goods |
20. |
To Na. Shower Note on Eben. Storer in favour of Jas. Gardner for fourty pounds half mony & half |
0. |
To Thos. Wharton for Note on him for fourty pounds |
40. |
To Thos. Hake for Char. Apthorp Note in favour of Thos. Hake (by him indorsed) on Charles Coffin for 2/3 mony for Seventeen pounds ten shillin |
17. |
10 |
To Tr. Church 2307 feet of Merchandable Lumber sold them at £6 per |
13. |
16. |
9 |
To Cash to Will. More Twenty pounds |
20. |
To Cash to Ditto Wm. More Ten pounds |
10. |
To Capt. Lewis Turner per order Twenty pounds to Wm. More Cash |
20. |
To Cash pd. Mr. Wm. More Fourteen pounds |
14. |
To Jos. Dowse for a barrell of Rum to J. Indicott 32 gallons @ 11/ and 12/ |
18. |
4 |
To Cap. Peter Kenwoods for Note on Nicholas Davise 2/3 Cash |
20. |
To Wilfret Fisher per order on him for to be esteemd as 2/3 Cash |
37. |
10 |
To Jos. Dowse for a hogshead of Rum, 108 gall. @ 10/3 per order on Th. Child |
55. |
6 |
To Jas. Clark for Peter Fanueil Note on Mary Marshall 2/3 mony |
36. |
To Adam Mcniel for Jno. Ervine note on Saml. Allen 2/3 mony |
20. |
To Th. Hake for a Note on Greg Hobbs, 8:15/ To Johnn. Jackson for note 3:2/6 |
To Ditto Mrs. Foot |
a Note £10:0:0 |
21. |
17. |
6 |
To James Morris for a Note on John Winslow 2/3 money for |
23. |
5 |
To Cash pd. for 2 p” timber for pillars 35/ November 2 To Cash £10 |
11. |
15 |
To Cash £3, to 100 ft. Boards 13/ |
3. |
13 |
To Thos. Greene per order £35.0.0 |
35. |
1118. |
13. |
3 |
October 17
November 11
July 10
August 27
October 16
November 10
December 4
January 5
February 26
September 20
April 20
The Cost of the Building of Trinity Church
To sundrys in follo. |
4 |
£3898. |
7. |
9 |
Ditto follo. |
16 |
997. |
12. |
3 |
In the |
Ditto |
17 |
816. |
3. |
3 |
Comitte’s |
5712. |
3. |
3 |
Account |
In J. Dowse Account for pulpit vestry room |
428. |
2. |
11 |
for Building the Gallery |
viz. Jno. Indicott & Will Moore their Bill whole Work & Stuff per agreement |
1057. |
0. |
0 |
Will Coffin 31m lath Nails |
17. |
12. |
6 |
Will Hunstable plaistering 430 yds @ 1/9 hair & nails 8:11/ |
46. |
3. |
6 |
Thos. Fillebrown 150 bush. Lime & Lath |
33. |
15 |
Johnson Jackson 50 bush lime @ 2/9 |
6. |
17. |
6 |
Cash for Carting £4.15.6 lath & Timber 9:4/6 |
14. |
0. |
0 |
Willm. Price cutting freeze for Organ loft |
6. |
Willm. Burbank Carving Capators |
152. |
0. |
0 |
1333. |
8. |
Henry Stanbridge double priming the wholle church |
394. |
6. |
2 |
Will Hunstable white washing |
£29 |
John Brackett chimney & peers |
19. |
10 |
Thos. Stevens building Governor pew |
18. |
15 |
Will Burbank carving two corner capators & backs to the others |
22. |
Thos. Stevens work preparing for Organ |
89. |
5. |
Rails round top of the Church & Iron |
41. |
16. |
1 |
To Cost & charge of the Organ £350 Sterling and £252 New England money & £14 Sterling more Exchange bought at several times cost |
2322. |
10431. |
The Exchange upon a Medium was at 400 per hundred makes the Cost £2087. Sterling
To pay this
88 pews Bellow
Organ by Donation
except 119£ charged Old Tenor
1753 painting outside £233.14
1756 Ditto inside & altar 1003.5
1759 a Bell 76.10/.
Cost of the Pulpit and Vestry Room | ||
To Indicott & More |
£269. |
15 |
Lumber Carving Moulding |
19. |
18 |
Hubard Carving Capators & Mitre & |
15. |
10 |
Bisson the Smith & Iron |
45. |
17 |
Messenger |
11. |
05 |
Sundry Expences |
7. |
17 |
£370. |
12 |
besides painting & Guilding &c.
A List of Benefactors to Trinity Church which by order of the Vestry of said Church is apply’d towards building a pulpit & Vestry Room that is those in this page (Memorandum this doth not Includge Donnations given before the yeare 1739 such are Entred in the Church Account).
1739 and
Collected by Cap. Peter Kenwood in England
Sterling | |||||
from the Lord Bishop of Exon |
£2. |
2 |
the Dean & Chapter of Ditto |
5. |
5 |
the Revd. Arch Deacon Kendall |
1. |
1 |
the Revd. Mr. Richd. Gay |
1. |
1 |
the Revd. Docr. Kendrick |
.13.6 |
Jona Rashleigh Esq. |
5. |
5 |
Mr. Ethold Davy |
2. |
2 |
Mr. Rachell Hawkins |
4. |
4 |
Mr. Christr. Weber |
. |
5 |
Mr. Willm. Walker |
1. |
1 |
£22. |
19.6) |
Capt. P. Kenwood payd to the Church Wardens |
) |
440 per Exchange. |
100. |
14.3) |
123. |
13. |
9 |
besides a piece of Lace given by a Gentelwooman abt. 3¼ yd. |
Collected in Boston |
from Messrs. Johnson Jackson |
£9. |
Jonth. Simpson |
7. |
Thos. Aston |
5. |
Robt. Skinner |
20. |
Peter Faneuil Esq. |
20. |
Jona. Furnass |
5. |
£66. |
John Box |
5. |
5. |
Fras. Johonnott |
5. |
Stepn. Apthorp |
6. |
Thos. Plaisted |
5. |
Step. Ayrault of Rhode Island |
3. |
Robt. Lighfoot |
5. |
29. |
95. |
from Majr. Jno. Murray of Antegua per the hands of Mr. Jno. Jones 2 Tons[?] Sugar Net |
47. |
1. |
5 |
£265. |
15. |
2 |
Benefactions continued to the Next Page
A List of Benefactors Continued from preeceding page. The Amount there Carried into Cash Account folio: 21: and the Church Account folio: 17 |
£265. |
15. |
2d. |
£265. |
15. |
2d |
By Thos. Perkins for a Note on Jas. Handen payable in goods. It[?] is paid the workmen towards the Gallerys Twenty pounds |
£20. |
By Six Guneas collected by Mr. Weber of Exon and peracct Mr. Hines[?] amongst the people of Exon & Cornwall by order of the Rev. Mr. Richard Gay of Exceter. Cap. Peter Kenwood payd the same here @ 450 per Exchange 4 |
£34. |
13 |
By John Box’s Benefaction received by the hands of Wm. Coffin |
£5. |
00 |
By Capt. Mathews for a perceill of Lumber given last year which is now sold to Mr. Indicott for £13 deducting costs and /20 |
12. |
0. |
0 |
Carried into this Book follo. 21 and 165 |
£71. |
13 |
August 27
October 9
Capt. John Cutler of this Town presented the Church with a large Handsome Silver Basson weight neare 34 ounces Value about £60., & by order of the Wardens his arms & name is engraved on the same.
December 1
Collected from Sundry persons to the amount of £108 being towards paying the Charges of Plate, furniture, Books &c. procured from his Majesty King George the 2d by his Excclsncy Gov. Shirley & presented this Church as perticularly recorded in Vestry Book page 33 & allso folio. 69 this Book.
By Benja. Walker his Debt due from the Church £25.0.0
Subscribers for the Organ in Trinity Church payd to Joseph Dowse one of the Wardens. Subscription began to be taken Mar. 1 1741. The Organ arived Nov. 1744.
old Tenor | |||||||
Peter Faneuil Esq |
£100. |
0. |
0 |
Henry Frankland Esq. |
50 |
John Vassall Esq. |
100 |
50 |
Jon Jones |
50 |
Thomas Perkins |
50 |
Peter Boynton of Philadelpha |
60 |
Isaac Royall |
50 |
Jonth. Simpson |
50 |
Thomas Greene |
50 |
Rufus Greene |
50 |
Thomas Palmer |
50 |
William Coffin |
50 |
Guillam Phillips |
60 |
Benja. Faneuil |
50 |
John Craister |
30 |
Nath. Bethune |
20 |
Step. Apthorp |
20 |
Antho. Davise |
20 |
Thomas Aston |
20 |
John Rowe |
20 |
John Gould |
20 |
Henry Laughton |
25 |
John Arbuthnott |
25 |
Will Price |
30 |
Benja. Pollard |
20 |
Johnson Jackson |
15 |
Ralph Inman |
20 |
Jonth. Furnass |
20 |
Benja. Greene |
25 |
Philip Bennest |
25 |
Nath. Dowse |
20 |
Cord Cordis |
20 |
Peter de Jersey |
20 |
Lewis Turner |
20 |
John Ranchone |
20 |
James Perkins |
30 |
Henry Vassall |
25 |
John Hamock |
20 |
Thomas James Gruchy |
20 |
John Merrett |
20 |
Rob. Skinner |
15 |
Henry Laughton Jr. |
10 |
Joshua Richardson |
10 |
Thomas Wharton |
10 |
Jabez Hatch |
10 |
David Evans |
10 |
William Patten |
15 |
Thomas Speakman |
10 |
Cash |
5 |
Mrs. Roe & Mrs. Marshall |
10 |
10 |
James Clark |
10 |
Edw. Tyng |
10 |
George Skinner |
10 |
Capt. John Jones (the elder) |
10 |
Henry Dorrell |
10 |
Stephen Hall |
5 |
Edward Quincy Jr. |
5 |
Charles Paxton |
10 |
Cap. Cowley |
5 |
John Smith |
5 |
Thomas Plaisted |
5 |
The Reverend Mr. Addison Davenport |
84 |
Carried |
To pay in London to the |
Organ builder |
14£ sterling |
1729 |
Subscription for the Organ |
Brought from other side |
£1729 |
Collected at the first oppening |
of the Organ by Contribution |
130 |
of John Burroughs |
10 |
of Eben Holmes |
10 |
of James Griffin |
30 |
in account: Will Speakman |
50 |
1959 |
50 |
20 |
William Bowdoin |
50 |
Tho. Child |
20 |
2029 |
Copy of Directions sent with the Organ for this Church which arrived from London in Ship Swan, Thomas Dudding Master November 1 1744 procured by John Thomlinson Esq. which cost to the Organ maker £300, charges Entry & searchers fees 18/6, cartage, wharfage, port[ers?] & water[?] 2: 12/6, prim[?] Bill Lading 1: 10/7, Insurance 350 @ 15 gns. per C. to retturn 7 g. if go with Convoy £57:2/, the whole £362:3 7.
Directions for Boston Organ
Let the 1st Case be Sett up and Scribed to the Gallery floor then lay the Rails or Barrs for the Sound boards then lay the sound Boards on the Barrs, then the Wind Chest & wind pipes & Bellows then the Roller Boards and keys & baskwells or Movement from the Keys, then the Ribs from the Keys to the Roller Boards and from the Roller Boards to the Sound Board. Then the Rollers and draw stops in as marked and your Bellows poles with the weight of each Bellows to be laid on at the End. Must be 44 pound weight. Fix your Long Irons for the Draw stops. Put your swelling Case on the Chair Organ Sound Boards with its movements for the Slider and foot. Put the Conduits in for the front pipes & the Stop Diapas: pipes at the End of the Case. In case of a Cyphering (which is Easily done if a key speaks with out touching, then open or inset the Foreboard and take a goose feather and brush the pallet & all will be right. Then put the front pipes in begining at No. 1 the Great Organ is Marked as you stand at the Keys from your left hand the Chair or Choir Organ Reverst. Lay a Board for the floor between the two Sound Boards to walk on and Nail two or three Bredths of thin stuff against the Stile of the Middle Fouer behind the 5 Great pipes at your feet to prevent the movement of the swelling being seen. The Stop Diapasons Bass will prety Neare Guide you for the Tuning the stopers not being moved the Reed stops as the Two Trumpett are tuned by the Spring or Brass wyer which you must move but Slowly least they Slip off the Tongue. The mettle common pipes are Tuned from the Top closeing makes them flatter & opening makes them sharper. The Trible stop Diapason are tuned by the Ears that stand by the Mouth of the pipes the first pipes you put in is the Trible open Diapasons, then the Principall, then the Stop Diapasons then the 12th then the 15 th, then the Sisqualtera & Cornett then the Trumpett.
Contents of 34 Boxes cont said Organ
In No. 1 is Great Organ Sound Board some Stools &c. No. 2 is Chair Organ sound Board stools with posts in them & 2 Gilt Vrass [?], No. 3 is Front pipes. No. 4 & 5 is the same. No. 6 is the Mutes or uper flatts. No. 7 is the 2 sett of keys. No. 8 is the Baskwells for Choir Organ. No. 9 is the flute Stop & Echo Open Diapason Echo Principle & Echo Trumpett & Trible stop Diapason for Choir Organ. No. 10 is the Baskwells for the Great Organ. No. 11 is the Bass of the Choir Organ & some of the S:D Great Organ Mach. No. 12 is the Roller Boards. No. 13 is the flatts belonging to the Case. No. 14
No. 14 is Draw Stops, Handles, Turnills, peices of the Swell, the End and Midle Towers 2 Rails & Irons for Bellows.
No. 15 is Trumpett Bass and Ribbs of Choir Organ & Great Organ.
No. 16 is the rest of Trumpett & the Boxes or feet of the Bass.
No. 17 is the 12th 15th & Trible Stop Diapason for the Great Organ & the Treble open Diap. for the Great Organ. No. 18 is the Principle for Great Organ & one open Mettle pipe bellonging to great Organ. No. 19 is Sisqualtera & Cornett in papers Numbered No. 20 is 9 Stop Diap. pipes & the bigest wood pipe bellonging to open diaps. in wood & some Conduits at one End and the keys of the locks and some Screws bellonging to the prospect and some ports marked bellonging to Great Organ. Sound Board some draw stops part of swelling Movements marked. No. 21 is the Wind Chest. No. 22 & 23 is the Bellows with 44 pound weights on Each. The height of under Case is 7 feet 7 Inch, width 10 feet 2 in. Depth 6 ft. 9½. No. 24 is one of the Tops of the End Towers in which is the Wind pipe peices bellonging to the Case as Marked. Some of the Covering of the Top of the Case and the Carved Gussetts for the 3 Towers. No. 25 is the Middle Tower in it is some of the long Irons and several of the Shelves the Pedall for the Swell for the foot. 2 peices for the covring of the Top of the Case the Doors & prospect. No. 26 is some long Irons some Conduits. No. 27 is one of the End Towers. No. 28 is the Freise Cornice. No. 29 part of the Panelling. No. 30 is Swell Case. No. 31 Bottom part under the keys. No. 32 is part of the sides of the Case. No. 33 part of the Case. No. 34 part of ditto.
To the Church Wardens &c. Gentelmen.
This Organ has been tryd by Mr. Hendall our great Master & Mr. Robinson Organist of St. Magnus & of St. Lawrence & of Wessminster Abby & Mr. Kilwoy Organist of St. Martins & severall other Masters & it has been playd on by my Lord Brook. I made an Organ for his House for which he paid me £268 13/6 & Likewise by my Lord Gurnsey whome I am now making one for. They all allow & Say yours is as good an Instrument for what it contains as ever went out of England. I told none of less then £350 as Capt. Thomlinson said you could not go to more then 300£. I left the packing and packing cases to your selves being what Im allways payd for Expense of which is out of Pockett £14. Im sure I have exerted my Self & if it is but put up right shall be fully pleased with the pains I have taken & make no Scruple in being employ’d in any future work you may have occassion for. I have more Money for an Organ Im just now sending away for a Church at St. Micheals Mount Cornwall the gift of Sir Jno. St. Aubin which Organ has but one row of keys. I have sent by the Captain a Tunning Brass & some heeld[?] Wyor. I’m Gentelmen
Your Most Humble Servant
Abr: Jordan
Organ Builder
London Bridge Rowe
July 3 1744
An Account of Expences of plate &c. from several Offices by Warrant from his Grace the Duke of Graf ton Lord High Chamberlain of his Majesty Household being his Majesty Bounty to his Excelency Will Shirley Esq. Governor of Massachusetts Bay New England June 1742. Shiped aboard the Britania Jera. Jones Master.
Coach hire to the Dukes & Lord Chamberlain Office 5/2/2/2/ |
11: |
paid at Lord Chamberlin Office £13:4/6. Porter & Woman housekeeper 5/ |
13: |
9. |
6 |
paid for Warrant at the Treasury for plate 42/ at Do. furniture 42/ |
4: |
4 |
paid at the great Wardrobe 36/6 porterage 2/ |
1: |
18: |
6 |
paid at Jewell Office 4:4/ Servant 5/ porterage 3/ |
4: |
12 |
Paid Howard frame Maker 42/ porterage 5/ Kent the painter 21/ |
Cartage 3/ porterage to Burlington House 2/6 |
3: |
13: |
6 |
London June 10 1742 signed Sterling |
£28: |
8: |
6 |
Christo. Kelby |
Deduct 5:1/6d. being the proportion for the Kings picture |
5: |
1: |
6 |
Remains for the Churchs proportion for plate & furniture |
£23: |
7: |
The said furniture & plate contains as follows |
palte |
2 flagons |
a Chalice |
all of white Silver weighing 181:18: |
a receiver |
a paten |
a pulpit Cushon 2 Ditto for reading Desk |
Of Crimson Damask |
a large Royall Bible an Altar Cloath & a |
Table Carpett |
Books |
A lage Royall Bible |
2 Royall Common Prayer Books |
12 folio. Common prayer Books |
Linnen |
2 Surplices |
2 Dyaper for Table Cloath & Napkins |
The above was this day presented by his Excelency Will Shirley Esq. Governor of this Province to this Church. Boston August 20 1742. And Whereas His Excelency Covenanted at the Jewell office to retturn the plate if required the Wardens Entred into the following Covenant with his Excelency. Boston August 20 1742. Whereas we have this Day received of his Excelency Will Shirley Esq. Governor of his Majesty Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England One hundred Eighty & One Ounces Eighteen peny weight of White plate for the use of Trinity Church in Boston being two flaggons one Chalice a Patent a Cup & a receiver which were delivered to his Excelency W. Shirly by the Right Honorable William Lord Abergaveny Master & Treasurer of his Majesty. Jewells & plate and which his said Excelency hath Covenanted to retturn the same to the said Lord Abergaveny or his Assignes when he or they shall require the same Now we the Subscribers for our selves our Heirs Executors & Administrators in the Office of Wardens of Trinity Church aforesaid promise & Covenant to and with the said Will Shirley his Heirs Executor & Administrator to deliver the plate aforesaid to said Excelency his Heirs Executor or Administrator on their Order when the same shall be required of him or them as is before mentioned.
Joseph Dowse Seal
Peter Kenwood Seal
Wittness to J. Dowse signing Sealing
Elizabeth Willmott to Both
Addington Davenport to J. D.
William Shirley Jr. to P. K.
Whereas His Excelency Governor Sherly has been pleased to write for a Sett of Plate & furniture for a Church (His Majestys usual Bounty to his Governours at their receiving their Commission) Which Grant he has been pleased to say he designes for the use of Trinity Church and as ther will be a Duty on the Plate & some Charges at the several Offices where this afair must pass thro We the Subscribers for that End cheerfuly pay to the Wardens of said Trinity Church the following Sums.
Boston October 8 1741.
pd. Joseph Dowse five pound |
£5: |
0: |
0 |
pd. Peter Kenwood five pound |
5 |
pd. William Speakman five pound |
5 |
pd. William Coffin five pound |
5 |
pd. Benja. Fanueil five pound |
5 |
pd. George Whitlock five pound |
5 |
pd. James Bouteneau five pound |
5 |
pd. Thomas Perkins five pound |
5 |
pd. Thomas Child five pound |
5 |
pd. Capt. Hamilton & Mr. Inman |
5 |
5 |
pd. Mrs. Mary Marshall Three pound |
3 |
pd. Mrs. Ann Wroe five pound |
5 |
pd. Mrs. Mary Ann Fanueil Three pound |
3 |
pd. Benja. Greene Three pound |
3 |
pd. Philip Bennett Three pound |
3 |
pd. Thomas Aston Three pound |
3 |
pd. Peter De Jersey Three pound |
3 |
pd. Jonth. Finnass Two pound |
2 |
pd. Jabez Hatch Two pound |
2 |
pd. Thomas Green five pound |
5 |
pd. Rufus Green five pound |
5 |
Will Price 10/ sterling |
2: |
15 |
a Gentelman in London |
2: |
15 |
Jonth. Simpson 31/6 Sterling |
8: |
13 |
Cash |
108: |
3 |
Received Mr. W. Hooper |
1763 |
1760 To 17 |
£306 |
4 years Arrers |
1762 To Cash & paid Hatch |
280 |
@ 260£ |
£1040 |
586 |
1 yr to 1764 |
260 |
454 |
1040 |
1764 |
1763 |
By 32 weeks |
Nov. Cash |
£300 |
since Easter @ |
5 |
160 |
1764 Nov. Ditto |
396 |
Old Tenor |
1460 |
696 |
1282 |
December 2d. |
To Cash for Ballance to this day |
178 |
1460 |
December 2d 1764. Received of Jos. Dowse One Hundred Seventy Eight pound old Tenor being the whole of my Salary due from Trinity Church to this day.
William Hooper
Dr. The Reverend Mr. Hooper Account | Cr. | ||||||||
To Cash paid his Order to |
since Easter 1751 52 |
Mr. Jabz. Hatch |
160: |
0. |
0 |
week @ 24/ Old Tenor per |
1754 August To Cash |
100: |
0: |
0 |
£6 |
8 |
By Ditto yeare past |
62: |
8 |
1755 September To Cash |
20: |
By Ditto Ditto |
62: |
8 |
280: |
0: |
0 |
By Ditto Ditto |
62: |
8 |
By Ditto Ditto |
62: |
8 |
1756 Easter Ball due |
52: |
0: |
0 |
312 |
Lawful is £6:18:8d |
£332 |
By one weeks Omision in 1753 when was a Collection |
20 |
332. |
1757 April 13th To Cash to Mr. |
By above Ballance |
£52: |
0 |
0 |
Hooper in full |
114: |
8 |
By One Yeare |
to Easter 1757 |
62: |
8 |
£114: |
8: |
April 13 1757 received above Ballance to this day. |
William Hooper |
To 2 years weekly Cash sent at 20£ Old |
1759. |
Tenor per week is from April 11 1757 to |
By two years salary |
April 15 1759. 10 week |
£2100:0:0 |
Old Tenor per |
Due Mr. Hooper to Easter |
annum |
£2200:0:0 |
1759 inclusive Old tenor |
One week more being |
121:4 |
since April 11, |
£2221:4: |
1757 |
21:4 |
2221:4 |
Boston April 19 1759
Received the above Ballance due me from
Trinity Church to this time of Joseph
Dowse Warden
William Hooper
Estamett of Bells from Glocester
The largest size Tenor 2000. The other in proportion |
8 Bells alltogather 76: |
8512 @ 14d |
£496. |
10. |
8 |
matterals as per letters |
45. |
541: |
10. |
8 |
proportion togather 66. is 7392 14 |
£432: |
8 Bells |
matterals |
45. |
477 |
The 3d Peal 6 Bells Tenor 2000 the whole will |
weig 69 with matterals |
488. |
The other Size Tenor 15 whole peal will weig 52 |
5824 with matterals £30: is |
£370 |
Founder to come over to hang the Bells |
£60 |
Cost of a Bell of 4:2:27 is 531 @ 14d |
£30: |
19. |
6 |
2:13: |
matterals |
£3. |
17: |
34: |
16: |
Dr. The Proprietors of Trinity Church in a/c current with George Brinley & Joseph Head Wardens
To Cash pd. Revd. |
Dr. Gardiner for balance due at Easter |
167. |
44 |
“ |
on Exchange Foreign money |
1 |
“ ditto ditto |
1. |
68 |
2. |
68 |
“ Cash pd |
Otis Briggs repairs of Church & Lumber |
27. |
21 |
Benja. Clark repairing Organ Loft |
4. |
“ “ “ |
Thos. Barrys bill 6 cords of Wood |
24. |
“ “ “ |
T. Southworth Sawing Wood & mending Glass |
5. |
92 |
“ “ “ |
Ditto fixing Stoves 3 Casks Lime & Glass |
16. |
“ “ “ |
Ditto pointing Windows, Bark & Coal |
17. |
25 |
“ “ “ |
Levi Hawkes bill repairing Stoves &c. |
26. |
21 |
“ “ “ |
Premo. on Exchange Foreign money |
2. |
“ “ “ |
Thos. Southworth bill Spruce & clearing Vault |
27.50 |
“ “ “ |
Revd. Dr. Gardiner’s salary |
2000. |
“ “ “ |
ditto on a/c of Grant |
204. |
94 |
“ “ “ |
Miss Brown Organist |
200. |
“ “ “ |
J. Sharp Clerk & Chorister |
150. |
“ “ “ |
T. Southworth Sexton |
100. |
“ “ “ |
Assistant Chorister |
50. |
“ “ “ |
Bellows Blower |
15. |
2719. |
94 |
“ “ “ |
Exchange on Foreign money |
4. |
40 |
$3044. |
55 |
Due Revd. Dr. Gardiner on a/c of Grant |
$295. |
06 |
April 16
July 8
“ 22
September 9th
October 9
November 16
“ 28
January 2d
“ 14
Cr. The Proprietors of Trinity Church in a/c current with George Brinley &Joseph Head Wardens
By Cash for Interment of Miss Milnor in Strangers Tomb |
10. |
“ “ of Mrs. Elwyn for Rent of Pew No. 60 beside Tax |
12. |
50 |
“ “ Recording 2 Deeds |
2. |
“ “ Taxes collected since Easter 1822 |
From 1819 to 1820 |
12. |
50 |
1820 “ 1821 |
68. |
70 |
1821 “ 1822 |
640. |
10 |
1822 “ 1823 |
2298. |
75 |
3020. |
05 |
Taxes remaining due at Easter 1823 viz. |
1816–1817 |
3. |
55 |
1818 |
30. |
25 |
1819 |
182. |
32 |
1820 |
177. |
60 |
1821 |
183. |
85 |
1822 |
235. |
70 |
1823 |
875. |
75 |
$1689. |
02 |
which sum $881.37 is merely nominal the Debtors being insolvent |
Boston March 31st 1823 |
Errors Excepted |
signed George Brinley |
J. Head Jr |
Wardens |
$3044. |
55 |
January 14.