Notes and Transactions of the Proprietors, 1728–1769
[Vol. 1 TR]
Memo: This Book was damag’d before it was begun & much out of binding.
This Book was given by Capt. Thomas Child for the use of a New Church to be built in Summer Street, April 1730 and which is to be called Trinity Church.
[Text of deed dated September 11, 1728 in which Leonard Vassall undertakes to convey land bounded by Summer Street and Bishop Lane on which to build an Anglican Church in the South End of Boston.]
KNOW all men by these presents, That I Leonard Vassall of Boston within the County of Suffolk & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Esq, am holden and Stand firmly bound & obliged unto John Barnes Merchant, John Gibbins Apothecary & William Speakman Baker, all of Boston aforesaid, in the full and just Sum of One Thousand Pounds, lawfull Mony of New England, to be paid unto the said John Barnes, John Gibbins & William Speakman; or either of them, their or either of their Executors, Administrators or Assigns. To the true payment whereof I bind my Self my Heirs Executors & Administrators firmly by these Presents. Sealed with my Seal, Dated the Eleventh Day of September Anno Domini 1728, and in the Second year of his Majesty’s Reign. WHEREAS by one certain Indenture under the Hand & Seal of the above named William Speakman, bearing Date the 25th Day of April 1728, duly executed & recorded, the above bounden Leonard Vassall Stands, or thereby is intended to Stand Seized in his Demesn as of fee, of & in a certain House & Land, lying & being in Summer Street so called, at the South End of Boston aforesaid, and by the said Deed expressed to be bounded Southerly on the said Street, there measuring Eighty Six feet, Easterly on Bishop Lane, there measuring one Hundred Sixty nine Feet, Northerly on Land of the Heirs of John Valentine Esq. deceased, there measuring Forty five feet, Westerly on the Land of the Heirs of John Marion deceased, there measuring on a Streight Line One Hundred Twenty nine feet ten Inches, then Northerly again on Land of the said Marions Heirs, there measuring Twenty Seven feet, then running Northerly by the said Marions Land till it comes to the said Valentine’s Land Forty feet Six Inches, or however otherwise bounded or reputed to be bounded, together with the Privileges & Appurtenences thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining.
And whereas the said Leonard Vassall hath agreed with the said John Barnes, John Gibbins & William Speakman To Sell Assign & convey unto them or one of them, their or one of their Heirs & Assigns all his said Right Title & Interest in said Premisses, to Him given granted & conveyed by force of said Indenture, upon the Terms & to & for the Special Uses & Trust hereafter Expressed & Declared.
NOW the Condition of the above Obligation is such that in case the said John Barnes, John Gibbins & William Speakman, any or either of them Shall & do within the Space of two Years from the Sixteenth day of April last past, well & truely tender & pay unto the said Leonard Vassall his Heirs, Executors or Administrators the full & just Sum of Four Hundred and Fifty nine Pounds five Shillings in good Public Bills of Credit of the Province aforesaid, with Lawful Interest for the Same from the said Sixteenth of April to the time of said Tender, together with all other reasonable Costs & Charges which He the said Leonard Vassall, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators may reasonably pay or expend within the said Term of Time on or about the said Premisses, deducting the Rent of said House & Land. That then if the said Leonard Vassall his Heirs Executors or Administrators Shall & do immediately thereupon make & execute, or cause to be made & executed unto the said John Barnes, John Gibbins & William Speakman, or one of them a good Lawful & absolute Deed of Conveyance of all his said Right, Title, Interest, & Estate of in & unto the said Premisses, with the Appurtenences in Fee Simple, in as full & ample a manner as the said Leonard Vassall is now Seized thereof by Force and Vertue of said Indenture. But nevertheless to & for the Special Use, Trust & Confidence hereafter mentioned, & to & for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever. That is to say, that they the said John Barnes John Gibbins & William Speakman, any or either of them, their any or either of their Heirs or Assigns Shall & will with all convenient Speed immediately after the said Conveyance, endeavour to procure a Building to be erected on the said Land for the Worship of God.
Which Building or Church, They, any or either of them Shall take care to be contrived & disposed both without & within, as They, any or either of them (in the absence of the other) Shall find & judge most conducing to the decent & regular Performance of Divine Service, according to the Rubrics of the Common Prayer Book used by the Church of England as by Law Established. And the same be appropriated for the said Pious & most Christian Use, Intent & Purpose forever. But in Case of not erecting the said Church or Building as aforesaid upon the said Premisses or in Failure of Appropriating the Same to the said Pious & most Christian Use, according to the true Intent of these Presents, then to the Use of the said Leonard Vassall & his Heirs forever; He or they repaying the Summ of Four Hundred & Fifty pounds & no more. And if in said Deed of Conveyance mentioned to be made as aforesaid by the said Leonard Vassall to the said John Barnes, John Gibbins and William Speakman, any or either of them for the Uses aforesaid, the said Leonard Vassall Shall Warrant & Defend the said Premisses with the Appurtenances to Him or Them for the Use aforesaid, against the Lawful Claims and demands of all & every Person & Persons whomsoever claiming by, from or under Him the said Leonard Vassall, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, but of & from no other Person or Persons whomsoever, Then the Above Obligation to be Null & Void, otherwise to remain in full Force & vertue.
Leonard Vassall & Seal
Sealed & delivered in the presence of Lewis Vassall
John Vassall
William Porter
[Text of deed dated April 13 1730 in which Leonard Vassall conveys certain land to three trustees on which to build an Anglican Church in the South End of Boston.]
THIS INDENTURE made the thirteenth day of April Anno Domini 1730 and in the third year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second King over Great Britain &c. Between Leonard Vassall of Boston within the County of Suffolk and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Esq. on the One part, and John Barnes merchant John Gibbins Apothecary and William Speakman Baker of the other part, all of Boston aforesaid Witnesseth That the said Leonard Vassall for and in Consideration of the Sum of Five hundred fourteen pounds Seven Shillings & 2d. in good Publick Bills of Credit of the Province aforesaid to him in hand at and before the Ensealing and Delivory of these presents well and truly paid by the aforenamed John Barnes John Gibbins & William Speakman—the receipt whereof the Said Leonard Vassall doth hereby Acknowledge. Hath Granted bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed released Conveyed and Confirmed And by these presents Doth grant bargain Sell aliene enfeoffe release Convey and Confirm unto the said John Barnes, John Gibbins and William Speakman All that his the said Leonard Vassalls certain Messuage or Dwelling house and Land situate lying and being in Summer Street, so called, at the South End of Boston aforesaid, butted & bounded as followeth viz. Southerly on the said Street there measuring Eighty Six feet more or less Easterly on Bishops Lane there measuring One hundred Sixty nine feet more or less Northerly on Land of the Heirs of John Valentine Esq. deceased, there measuring Forty five feet more or less, Westerly on the Land of the Heirs of John Marion deceased there measuring Twenty Seven feet more or less then running Notherly by the said Marions Land till it comes to the said Valentine Land Forty feet Six Inches more or less or however otherwise butted & bounded or reputed to be butted and bounded. Together with all and Singular priviledges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Also all the Estate Right Title Interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the said Leonard Vassall of in and unto the said granted and bagained Messuage or Dwelling house Land and premisses with the Appurtenances, and the Revercion and Revercions Remainder & Remainders thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said granted and bargained Messuage or Dwelling house Land and premisses with the Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes John Gibbins & William Speakman Their Heirs and Assigns forever, To and for the Special use Trust and Confidence hereafter mention’d, and to and for no other Use Intent or purpose whatsoever, That is to Say, That they the said John Barnes, John Gibbins & William Speakman, any or either of them, their any or either of their Heirs or Assignes Shall and will with all Convenient Speed edeavour to procure a Building to be Erected on the said Land for the Worship of God; which Building or Church they any or Either of them, their any or either of their Heirs or Assignes Shall take care to be contrived and disposed, both without and within, as they any or Either of them, their any or either of their heirs or Assignes (in the absence of the other) shall find and judge most conducing to the decent and regular performance of DIVINE SERVICE, according to the RUBRICS of the COMMON PRAYER BOOK used by the Church of England as by Law Established, and the Same be appropriated for the Said Pious and most Christian use Intent and purpose forever. But in case of not Erecting the said Church or Building as aforesaid upon the said Premisses, or in failure of Appropriating the Same to the said Pious & most Christian Use according to the true Intent of these presents as aforesaid within Five Years and five months from the Eleventh day of April currant, then to the Use of the said Leonard Vassall and his Heirs forever, He or they repaying the Sum of Four Hundred & fifty pounds and no more. And the said Leonard Vassall for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth Covenant grant & agree to and with the said John Barnes John Gibbins & William Speakman their Heirs and Assignes to Warrant & Defend the said granted and bargained premisses with the appurtenances to them the said John Barnes John Gibbins and William Speakman their Heirs and Assignes forever for the uses aforesaid (and no other) against the Lawful Claims and Demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever claiming by from or under him the said Leonard Vassall his Heirs Administrators or Assignes, but of and from no other person or persons whomsoever.
IN WITNESS whereof the said Leonard Vassall hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day & year aforewritten.
Leonard Vassall & Seal
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of (the words (more or less) being interlined in five places on the first Side, & the word (less) on the Same Side being first Inserted in the margin.
John Checkley
Benja. Rolfe
Thomas Child
Receiv’d on the day of the dates or the deed of the aforenamed John Barnes John Gibbins & William Speakman the Sum of Five hundred fourteen pounds seven Shillings & 2d. being the Consideration money there in Expressed.
per Leonard Vassall
Suffolk LS Boston April the 30th 1730
The aforenamed Leonard Vassall Esq. personally appearing Acknowledged the aforewritten Instrument by him Executed to be his Act and Deed.
Before me
Tim. Clarke Just. Pacs.
Dated February 28, 1735 N.B. The Deed from John Gibbins and William Speakman conveying the aforesaid Land to Peter Luce Thos. Child, William Price & Thos. Greene a Committee Chosen to build a Church is recorded att the other end of this Book.
Dated October 10 1739 Allso. The Deed from said Peter Luce Thos. Child William Price & Thos. Greene to William Speakman & Joseph Dowse first Church Wardens & to the Vestry of said Church & their Successors for Ever is Recorded at the other end of this Book.
[Here follow 24 folio pages of accounts and receipts with Mr. John Indicott settling accounts relating to the building of the First Church edifice, the ordering and acquisition of an organ for the church from Abraham Jordan, London, England in 1743, the obtaining of the royal plate for the church in 1742 and other sundry accounts. These documents are found in Appendix A. The text of the deed dated October 10, 1739, from Peter Luce, Thomas Child, William Price and Thomas Green to William Speakman and Joseph Dowse, which also recites the terms of the above mentioned deed dated February 28, 1735, follows here and not “at the other end of this Book” as stated above.]
THIS INDENTURE made the Tenth day of October in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. and in the Year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Nine Between Peter Luce Merchant, Thomas Child Distiller, William Price Cabinet Maker, and Thomas Green Merchant all of Boston in the County of Suffolk, and Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England, being a Committee duly Chosen by Sundry Persons who Advanced Divers Sums of Money towards Erecting and Building a New Church in Summer Street in Boston aforesaid on the One part And William Speakman Baker and Joseph Dowse Merchant, the Present Church Wardens of the Said Church now Called Trinity Church, and John Arbuthnot, Distiller, Phillip Dumaresque Merchant, Charles Apthorp Merchant, Benjamin Faneuil Merchant, John Merrett Merchant, John Hammock Wine Cooper, Thomas Austin Apothecary Henry Laughton Taylor Peter Kenwood Merchant Rufus Greene Goldsmith Lawrence Lutwych Distiller, James Griffin Merchant, and William Coffin Merchant all of Boston aforesaid the Present Vestry of the Said Church of the Other part Whereas by One Certain Indenture bearing Date the Thirtieth day of April Anno Domine One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty and in the Third Year of His Present Majestys Reign made or mentioned to be made Between Leonard Vassall of Boston aforesaid Esquire on the One part, and John Barns Merchant, John Gibbins Apothecary, both of Boston aforesaid, and the Said William Speakman of the Other part, the Said Leonard Vassall for the Considerations therein Mentioned, Granted Bargained Sold and Conveyed unto the Said John Barnes, John Gibbins and William Speakman All that his the Said Leonard Vassalls Certain Messuage or Dwelling House and Land Situate Lying & Being in Summer Street att the Southend of Boston aforesaid Butted and Bounded as followeth vizt. Southerly on the Said Street there Measuring Eighty Six feet more or Less, Easterly on Bishops Lane there measuring One Hundred Sixty Nine feet more or Less, Northerly on Land of the Heirs of John Valentine Esquire Deceased, there Measuring Forty five feet more or Less, Westerly on the Land of the Heirs of John Marion deceased there Measuring on a Straight Line One hundred Twenty Nine feet Ten Inches more or Less, then Notherly again on Land of the Said Marions Heirs There Measuring Twenty Seven feet more or Less then Runing Notherly by the Said Marion’s Land till it Comes to the Said Valentines Land, Forty feet Six Inches more or Less or however Otherwise butted & Bounded, or Reputed to be butted and bounded Together with all and Singular the Priviledges and Appurtenances thereunto Belonging or in any Wise appertaining To Have and to Hold the Said Messuage Land and Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the Said John Barns, John Gibbins and William Speakman their Heirs and Assigns for Ever, To and for the Special Use Trust and Confidence therein Mentioned That is To Say That they the Said John Barns, John Gibbins & William Speakman or any or Either of them Shall & will with All Convenient Speed Endeavour to procure a Building to be Erected on Said Land for the Worship of God, which Building or Church they any or Either of them, their any or Either of their Heirs or Assigns Shall take Care to be Contrived and Disposed both Without and within as they any or Either of them their any or Either of their Heirs or Assigns in the Absence of the Other Shall Find and Judge most Conducing to the Decent and Regular Performances of Divine Service, According to the Rubrick of the Common Prayer Books Used by the Church of England as by Law Established and the Same be Appropriated for the Said Pious and most Christian Use Intent and purpose for Ever as by the Said Deed Referance thereto being had, may more fully and att Large Appear And Whereas by One Other Certain Indenture Bearing Date the Twenty Eighth Day of February in the Ninth Year The Said Present Majesty’s Reign Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five made or Mentioned to be made between the Said John Gibbins and William Speakman on the One part and the Said Peter Lucey, Thomas Child, William Price and Thomas Greene a Committee as aforementioned of the Other part therein Reciting That Whereas The Said Church has Since been Erected and Built Pursuant to the Said Use Trust Intent and purpose And in the Building and Erecting the Same Sundry Large Summs of Money had then Allready been advanced and paid by Divers Piously Disposed Persons to be Reimbursed out of the Moneys that Should Arise upon the Alienation of the Pewes or Seats of Said Church, And That Whereas to Compleat and Finish the Said Church further Considerable Sums of Money must Likewise be Laid Out and Expended by the Said Peter Luce and Others of a Committee as aforesaid in Consideration whereof. And also for the Sum of Twenty Shillings Lawfull Money of New England to them in hand paid by the Said Peter Luce & Others a Committee as aforesaid the Receipt of which Sum the Said John Gibbins and William Speakman did thereby Acknowledge and for Divers Other Good Causes and Considerations them thereunto Moving More Especially to and for the Uses Trust & Confidence hereafter mentioned and Declaired they The Said John Gibbins and William Speakman the Said John Barns being Absent Did Grant Bargain Sell aliene Enfeoffe Release Convey and Confirm unto the Said Peter Luce and Others a Committee as aforesaid all and Every the before Recited Land and premisses with the Said Church all and Every the Buildings and Edifices thereupon Standing and being Together with all and Singular the Priviledges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining Also all the Estate Right Title Intrest Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the Said John Gibbins and William Speakman (in the Absence of the Said John Barns) of in and Unto the Said Granted and Bargained premisses with the Appurtinances and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof To Have and To Hold The Said Granted and Bargained Church Land and Premisses with The Appurtenances unto the Said Peter Luce Thomas Child William Price and Thomas Green their Heirs and Assigns for Ever But to and for the Special Use Trust and Confidence hereafter mentioned and to and for noe Other use Intent or purpose whatsoever, That is to Say, to and for the Use of the Said Peter Luce Thomas Child William Price and Thomas Green their heirs and Assigns untill such time as the Said Peter Luce &c. their heirs and Assigns Shall by the Sale and Alienation of the Pews and Seats of the Said Church or otherwise howsoever be fully Reimbursed all any Every Such Sum and Sums of Money already Advanced by Sundry well disposed Persons towards the erecting and Building of Said Church as aforesaid as also all Such other Sum or Sums of Money hereafter to be Laid Out paid and Expended by the Said Peter Luce Thomas Child William Price and Thomas Green or Either of them towards the Compleating and Finishing of the Said Church or Untill the said Peter Luce &c. their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns, and Every of them Shall have the payment of all Such Sum or Sums of money so advanced paid Laid out and Expended as aforesaid Secured to their Satisfaction by the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Said Church hereafter to be duly Chosen and Likewise be Indemnifyed and Saved harmless from all Contracts Obligations Agreements and Artickles by them made done and Executed or hereafter by them to be made done and Executed towards the erecting Building finishing and Compleating the Said Church as aforesaid, and of and from all Costs Charges and Damages that they their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns may Support Sustain or be put to for or by means thereof and from and Immediately after the payment of all and Every the aforesaid Sum and Sums of money in manner aforesaid or Security so given as aforesaid then to and for the Use of the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Said Church, and their Successors for Ever and the Said Peter Luce &c. a Committee as aforesaid in and by Said Deed did for themselves their heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns and Every of them, Covenant Promise and agree to and with the Said John Gibbins William Speakman their heirs Executors and Administrators and Every of them, That from and Immediatly after the payment of all and Every the aforesaid Sum and Sums of money in manner as aforesaid or such Security so given as aforesaid they would att the proper Costs and Charges in the Law of the Said John Gibbins and William Speakman their heirs Executers and Administrators execute one or more Deeds in the Law for the better Passing and Conveying the Said Church, Land and Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the Church Wardens and Vestry of Said Church and their Successors for Ever Free from all Gifts Grants Mortgages Dowers and Incumbrances Whatsoever, by them had made done or Committed or by any Person or Persons Claiming by from or under them as by the Said Deed (reference thereto also being had) may more fully and att Large appear. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the Said Peter Luce &c. a Committee as aforesaid For and in Consideration That they the Said Peter Luce &c. a Committee as aforesaid by the Sale and Alienation of Sundry pewes and Seats in the Said Church Already Disposed of to Divers Persons are Fully Reimbursed and paid all Such Sum and Sums of money as hitherto have been Advanced by Sundry well disposed persons towards Building of the Said Church and also are paid or well and Sufficiently Secured to be paid to their Satisfaction by the Church Wardens and Vestry of Said Church for the Time being all Such Sum and Sums of money as they the Said Peter Luce &c. in their Capacity aforesaid have Laid out paid, and Expended towards the Compleating and Finishing of the Said Church, as also are well and Sufficiently Indemnifyed and Saved Harmless from all Contracts Obligations, Agreements and Artickles by them made done and executed, or that hereafter may be by them made done and executed towards the Erecting building finishing and Compleating the Said Church as aforemention’d and of and from all Costs Charges and Damages that they the Said Peter Luce Thomas Child William Price and Thomas Greene, their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns may Suffer Sustain, or be put to for or by means thereof, and also for the Sum of Twenty Shillings Lawfull Money of New England to them In hand paid by the Said William Speakman and Joseph Dowse Church Wardens as aforesaid and the Said John Arbuthnott, Phillip Dumaresque, Charles Apthorp, Benjamin Faniuel, John Merrett, John Hammock, Thomas Austin, Henry Laughton, Peter Kenwood, Ruffus Greene, Lawrence Lutwych, James Griffin, and William Coffin, the Present Vesterymen of the Said Church as aforesaid the Receipt of which Sum they the Said Peter Luce &c. a Committee as aforesaid Do hereby Acknowledge and thereof and of Every part thereof do Acquit Exonerate and Discharge them the Said William Speakman and Joseph Dowse Church Wardens as aforesaid and the Said John Arbuthnot &c. the present Vestry Men of the Said Church as aforesaid and every of them, their and Every of their heirs Executors and Administrators for Ever by these presents, and also for Divers Other good Causes and Considerations them thereunto moving, more especially for and in Consideration that the Said Land whereon the Said Church Called Trinity Church in Boston now Stands was purchased of the Said John Barns, John Gibbins and William Speakman with they intent to Build and there is now Actually built upon the Same an Edifice or Church Called Trinity Church as aforesaid for the Publick Worship of God according to the Rubrick of the Common Prayer Book used by the Church of England as by Law Established and the Said Church and Land ought to be appropriated and Always Sett apart for the Said pious and most Christian use Intent and purpose for Ever, and ought not to be Converted used or Applyed to any Other use and purpose or Design whatever, they the Said Peter Luce &c. a Committee as aforesaid Have Given granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed Released Conveyed and Confirmed and by these Presents Do for themselves their Heirs Executors and Administrators fully freely and absolutely Give grant bargain Sell Aliene Enfeoffe Release Convey and Confirm unto the Said William Speakman Joseph Dowse the Present Church Wardens as aforesaid and the Said John Arbuthnott &c. the Vestrymen of the Said Church for the time being and their Successors, as well the aforesaid peice or parsell of Land Situated Lying & being in Summer Street aforesaid butted and bounded as aforesaid with the Appurtenances, as also the Said Edifice or building thereon Standing, Now used for the Publick Worship of God Called Trinity Church & all Other the Buildings Fences ways passages Waters Watercovers profits priviledges Emoluments and appendancies to the Said Granted Land and premisses belonging or In any wise Appertaining To Have and To Hold the Said granted and bargained Land, building and premisses with the Appurtenances unto the Said William Speakman & Joseph Dowse the present Church Wardens as aforesaid, and the Said John Arbuthnott &c. the Present Vestry Men of the Said Church, and their Successors in the Severall Offices or Capacitys aforesaid To the Only proper use benefit and behoof of the Said William Speakman & Joseph Dowse the present Church Wardens as aforesaid, and the Said John Arbuthnott &c. the present Vestrymen of the Said Church as aforesaid and their Successors in their Severall Offices or Capacitys aforesaid for Evermore In Trust nevertheless, and upon Condition allways that the Said Edifice or building Called Trinity Church and the Land aforesaid whereon it Stands and before Conveyed Shall from hence forth and for Ever hereafter be Converted Improved Appropriated and made Use of for the Publick Worship of God According to the Rubrick of the Common Prayer Book used by the Church of England as the Same is Settled and Established by An Act of the Parliment of England made in the first Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Entitled An Act for Uniformity of Common Prayer and Service in the Church and Administration of the Sacraments and another Act of the Parlement of England made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second Entitled an Act for the Uniformity of Publick prayers and Administration of Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies And Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Churches of England, and be Converted Improved and Used to and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. And also that the Right of Presentation of the Rectory of the Said Church Shall be Continue and Remain from hence fourth Successively for Evermore hereafter in the proprietors of the Severall Pews in the Said Church or the Major part of what Shall then be present and Convened together on a Legall Warning or Notification given by Order of the Church Warden or Wardens for the time being for that Purpose allways provided that only One Vote and no more Shall att all times be Allowed to Each pew in the Said Church agreeable to a Vote of the Said Church Passed and Entered in the Said Church book for that purpose the 5th Day of March Anno Domine One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty five and in no Other person or persons whatsoever. Any Right that thereunto may Otherwise be Claimed notwithstanding. And that all Votes for the Choice of a minister or Ministers & all Officers and their Sallerys Shall be by written Votes & no Otherwise. And Furthermore they the said Peter Luce, Thomas Child William Price and Thomas Green for themselves and Each of them their and Each of their heirs Executors and Administrators Do Covenant Grant and agree to and with the Said William Speakman and Joseph Dowse present Church Wardens as aforesaid And the Said John Arbuthnott &c. present Vestrymen as aforesaid Every of them and their Successors in their Severall Offices or Capacitys aforesaid to Warrant and Defend the Said Granted and Bargained Land Building and Premises with the Appurtenances unto them the Said William Speakman & Joseph Dowse present Church Wardens as aforesaid and the Said John Arbuthnott &c. the Present Vestrymen of the Said Church and their Success in their Severall Respective Offices or Capacitys aforesaid in manner as before granted for Ever Against the Lawfull Claims and Demands of all any Every Claiming or to Claim by from or under them the said Peter Luce Thomas Child William Price & Thomas Greene their heirs but of & from person and persons whomsoever. In Witness whereof the Said Parties to these presents have here unto Interchangebly Sett their hands and Seals the day and Year first herein aforewritten.
Peter Luce
Thomas Child
William Price
Thomas Greene
[Text of an announcement requesting subscriptions for the purchase of land for the building of the church.]
Boston April 6th 1730
WHEREAS a Piece of Ground In Summer Street Boston has been so far Secured That in Case a Number of well Disposed persons will pay for Said Ground and Erect a Church thereon within four Years from September next ensuing for the Service of God According to the Rules & orders of the Church of England.
And in as much as Several Persons have already Subscribed towards the Same it is desired of all others who are willing to forward so good and Laudable Design to Contribute towards paying for the Land in the first place and in Case the Church is not built within the time above mentioned their money shall be returned with very Little Loss.
£25. |
Job Lewis |
25. |
Willm. Speakman |
50. |
Benja. Walker |
25. |
Charles Apthorp |
25. |
John Arbuthnott |
20. |
Thos. Child |
25. |
John Gibbins |
25. |
Thos. Greene |
25. |
Rufus Greene |
10. |
Nathl. Greene |
25. |
Willm. Price |
10. |
Peter Luce |
25. |
Willm. Pattin |
5. |
Benja. Atkinson |
25. |
John Leddel |
10. |
Amos Wood |
25. |
Henry Laughton |
25. |
George Monk |
10. |
[List of major subscribers for the building of the church.]
Boston October 17th 1733
WE THE SUBSCRIBERS do hereby Promise and Engage to make good the Payments to our Names Annexed According to the terms thereof whensoever demanded by Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer Peter Luce, Thomas Child, Thomas Greene, & William Price, a Committee for Erecting & building an Episcopal Church on a piece of Land in Summer Street, or to any one of the said Comittee to be repaid in proportion as money arises from the Sale of the Pews or any Benefactors.
Leonard Vassall |
£100. |
William Speakman |
200. |
Charles Apthorp |
100. |
John Arbuthnot |
100. |
Willm. Price |
100. |
Henry Laughton |
100. |
Peter Luce |
100. |
Rufus Greene |
50. |
Thomas Child |
100. |
100. |
Henry Limbrey |
100. |
George Monk |
100. |
John Eastwick |
50. |
Philip Dumaresq |
100. |
Job Lewis |
100. |
Thomas Phillips |
100. |
Henry Whitton |
50. |
Peter Kenwood |
100. |
[Minutes of Meetings of Committee selected to build the church]
At Luke Verdy’s October 17th 1733
At a Meeting of the Purchasers of a Piece of Land In Summer Street for the Erecting of an Episcopal Church and of the Subscribers for the Building of the Same
Present |
That a Treasurer with four Trustees be a Committee to Carry on the Affairs of the Church.
Voted Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer Unanimosly.
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s on Tuesday November 6th 1733 of the Treasurer & Trustees Chose for Seeing the Carrying on of a Building for a Church &c.
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
We sent for Mr. John Indicott and Conversed with him about the most Proper Methods for Carrying on the Work. Agreed that there be 14 Large windows & 16 small windows. Adjourned to Fryday Evening being the 8th Current to meet at Mr. John Searl’s.
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s on Fryday November 8th 1733 of the Treasurer & Trustees Chose for seeing the Carrying on as above
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Agreed that there be three doors in the front of the Church and one door on the East side of the alter to answer to the Eastermost Ile. That there be one small window made in the front over the Ceiling. That Mr. John Indicott having Received an Account of Everything that is to be done, be desired to give in an Account what he will do the work and find the Stuff for, on Monday Evening Next being the 12th Current at this Place to which time this Meeting is Adjourn’d.
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s Monday November 12th 1733 of the Treasurer and Trustees Chose for Seeing the Carrying on of a Church &c.
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Voted that we pay Mr. John Indicott Twenty one Hundred Pounds for Building the Church and finding the Stuff & Excepting the Raising Dinner which he is not to find. Adjourned to Mr. John Searle’s to meet on Fryday Evening the 16th Current & all persons Concerned in this affair are to be warned and Desired to Meet at the above mentioned Place and time.
Agreed with Mr. John Indicott to pay him one halfe money the other halfe goods for the said work one third to be paid him at the Signing of the Agreement one third when the Church is Raised & the other third when the Church is finished.
November 16th 1733
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s of the Purchasers of a Piece of Land In Summer Street and of the Subscribers towards the Erecting of a Church on the Same
Voted that what has been done by the Comittee heitherto is approved of and that they are desired to go forward with the same. Voted That Doctor John Gibbins be Desired to deliver up the Book he had Delivered to him (to Minute the affairs of said Church) to the Treasurer and Trustees that they may Register all their Publick Transactions therein. The Treasurer & Trustees adjourned to Monday Evening the 19th Current to meet at Mr. John Searle’s as above.
Boston November 19th 1733
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s of the Treasurer & Trustees Chose for Seeing the Carrying on of a Building for a Church &c.:
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Voted that we give Mr. John Indicott Sixty Pounds that he may Provide the Raising Dinner which Sum we agree to pay him in the Second payment.
That Mr. Wm. Price be desired to go with Mr. John Indicott to Mr. Benja. Rolfe to desire him to draw a Ruff draught of the Contract to be presented to the Committe on Wednesday night next being the 21st Current to which time this Committe is Adjourned.
Boston the 21st November 1733
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s of the Treasurer & Trustees Chose for seeing the Carrying on of a Building of a Church &c.
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Mr. John Indicott Presented a Ruff draft for a Contract to be signed by both Parties and after hearing the same and makeing the Proper alterations we desired him to get the Same drawn fair & to meet us here on Monday Night next to have the same signed.
We sent for Mr. John Goldsmith a Mason & have desired him to meet us here on Monday next & to bring with him an Account of what the Stones, Lime, Sand & work for the Seller wall & foundation to Place the Pillows on may be done for. Adjourned to meet at Mr. John Searle’s on Fryday Evening the 30th Currant.
Boston November 30th 1733
At a Meeting at Mr. John Searle’s of the Treasurer & Trustees Chose for seeing the Carrying on of a Building for a Church &c.
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Adjourned to Thursday December the 6th to meet at Mr. John Searle’s.
At a Meeting of the Treasurer & Trustees at Mr. John Searle’s Chose for seeing the Carrying on of a Church &c.
- Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer
Major Vassall told the Comittee that he had heard that Mr. Sewall had made Interest to get in Minister of Trinity Church & he declared that if Said Sewall Should be Chosen Minister for that Church without his Approbation that he would Immediately withdraw the hundred pounds that he lends to help Carry on said Church & that he would likewise resign his place of Treasurer. This he declared before he signed the Articles. The Treasurer & Trustees & Mr. John Indicott Signed the Contract Interchangeably.
Agreed with Mr. John Goldsmith to digg the Seller Under the Church of 82 foot long & 62 foot wide & 3 foot 6 Inches deep & to Carry away & Spread the dirt over the remainder of the Ground & over Bishops Alley against our own Ground For fifty five pounds agreed that said Goldsmith build a Double faced wall & that we give him Twenty shillings a Perch for this work & that we find Lime & Sand.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at the Church land In Summer street Chose for seeing the Carrying on of a Church &c. Boston April 1st 1734.
We this day Agreed with Mr. Goldsmith that he should Level the Ground for the floor of the Seller that he should digg a Trench all round the Church of one foot deep & wide Enough for him to lay the foundation In, that he should digg a place Under the Alter of fifteen foot wide & Twenty two foot long & Trenches in the same for the Foundation to be laid in & Carry away all the dirt for the doing of which we agree to give him Nine Pounds. We this day Agreed with Mr. John Indicott that he should move his working shop upon the Church Ground & make it fitt for a limehouse for the Mason to make his Mortar in & that when the Church is finished he shall move the same off again and that he shall move off the old house that Now stands on the land & that he shall fill up the Hollow that will be made by moveing the house out of the Rubbish that will be in the Seller. For doing of this & for the Use of the Shop we give him the old house.
Voted that We meet at Mr. Wm. Pattins at the Golden Ball tomorrow Night & Every Tuesday Night till we order otherwise & that he that does not Come shall pay his Club of the Reckoning.
Boston Tuesday April 2d. 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Pattins Chose for Seeing the Carrying on of a Church &c.
Whereas Mr. Hugh McDaniel has desired this Committy that he may Supply us with what Lime we shall want for the Use of Trinity Church & that he has offered to Stay for the money for the same till the Pews are Sold and Money rissen for the Sale of them & likewise that he will upon our takeing all the lime of him give Twenty Pounds for the Use of the Church. Voted that we take the lime of said MacDaniel or his Orders. Voted that the Alter be twenty Eight foot long or thereabouts and ten foot deep.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Pattens on Tuesday April 9th 1734 Chose as above said
there not being a Majority of the Trustees we Could not do any business but Voted that we meet at Capt. Thos. Child’s tomorrow in the forenoon.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Capt. Thos. Child’s Wednesday April 10 1734 Chose as above
Voted that the Committe wait on Mr. Commissary Price & desire him to lay the Corner stone of Trinity Church accordingly Thos. Child Wm. Price & Thos. Greene waited on Mr. Commissary Price in behalfe of the whole Committe and desired him to lay the Corner stone on Monday next which he Accepted of. Voted that the following words be writ on the Stone (Trinity Church this Corner stone was laid by the Revd. Mr. Commissary Price on the 15th April 1734).
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Wm. Pattins the 16th April 1734
There not being a Majority of the Trustees we Could not enter on any business.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose aforesaid at Mr. Wm. Pattins on Tuesday April 23: 1734
Voted that the following Persons be desired to receive a list of Donations each of them & to Use their Indeavour to get in as much money as they can & that we meet at Mr. Willm. Randalls till further orders.
That John Jekyll Esq. be desired to receive one.
That Capt. Philip Dumaresq be desired to receive one.
That Mr. Wm. Price be desired to receive one.
That Mr. Geo. Monk be desired to receive one.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Wm. Randells on Tuesday April 30th 1734
Voted that there be one Seller door made in Bishops Alley 17 & ½ foot from the South Corner of the Church and that there be another door made under the Great Window that is over the Alter to go into the Seller.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Randles on Tuesday May the 14th 1734
There not being a Majority we Could not do any Business.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Randles on Tuesday May 21st 1734*
*The record of this meeting and six other meetings held in 1734 contain nothing more than shown here and below.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday the 4th of June 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Withereds on Tuesday the 18th of June 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday the 25th of June 1734
Voted that Mr. Richard Hall be desired to receive one of the Lists for Donations.
Voted that there be air holes left in the Wall Insted of the Windows wee formerly agreed for.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday the 2nd of July 1734
Voted that the Stone Work be levelled assoon as may be with Conveniency and that Wee Top the foundation with Brick.
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday July the 9th 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday the 16th of July 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Withereds on Tuesday the 30th of July 1734
At a Meeting of the Trustees Chose as aforesaid at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Tuesday September 24 1734
At a Meeting at Mr. Withered’s on Fryday March 28th 1735
Present |
Present |
That the Committy be desired to apply themselves to the Gentlemen that have the Property of the land In their Names & desire them to make the Property of the land over to the Committy that they may have Power to Sell the Pews.
Adjourned to Wednesday Next to meet at this Place.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Trinity Church July 21st 1735
Whereas Mr. John Goldsmith has Informed the Committy that Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer of Trinity Church desired Said Goldsmith to tell them that Said Vassall should not have anything more to do with the affairs of that Church & therefore desired the Committy would proceed without him. Voted that Mr. Willm. Price is desired to wait on Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer and desire him to appoint a time for the whole Committy to Meet to Proceed to Bussiness and to know if he would meet the Committy as Usuall.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Randles on Monday July 28th 1735
Mr. Willm. Price reported that according to the vote of the Committy of the 21st he did on the 26th Current wait on Leonard Vassall Esq. Treasurer and Desired to know of Said Vassall whether he would Meet the Committy as usuall or Not. He Made Answer that he would not have any further Concern with any Business about Said Church and he Desired The Committy Would Proceed without him And he likewise Desired that his Name should not be put into any Conveyance of the Church land that might be made to the Committy. Voted that the Committy wait on the Revd. Mr. Commissary Price on Wednesday Next the 30th Current & desire him to Preach the first Sermon in Trinity Church & that he be desired to Nominate the Day.
Wednesday July 30th 1735 Mr. Peter Luce Mr. Willm. Price & Thos. Greene Trustees wated on the Revd. Mr. Commissary Price according to the vote of the 28th Current and Mr. Commissary Price appointed Fryday the 15th August 1735 to be the day when he would Preach the first Sermon in Trinity Church.
At a Meeting of The Trustees at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Monday August 4th 1735
Voted that Mr. John Indicott be orderd to Clear everything out of the Church & to pull down the old house & lime Shed that are before the Church as quick as Possable & that he be desired to Erect a Pulpit a Reading Desk & a Desk for the Clerk & to make as Many Ruff Benches as shall be Convenient. Accordingly on Tuesday the 5th Current the Committy orderd & desired Said Indicott to do according to the Above Vote.
At A Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Monday August 12 1735
Voted that the Committy desire the Church Wardens of Kings Chapple to lend their Books & Cushings for the Use of Trinity Church on the 15th Current which they readily consented to.
At A Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Wednesday the 13th August 1735
Voted that there be a Dinner Provided at Mr. Withereds at the Bunch of Grapes on Fryday the 15th Currt. the Charge thereof to be paid out of the Church Money.
Voted that the Committy wait on the Revd. Doct. Harward & desire him to read Prayers on Fryday Next, which he readily Consented too. Voted that the Committy wait on the following Gentlemen and desire them to give us their Company at Church & likewise to Dine with the Committy vizt: His Excellency the Governour the Honorable the Lieut. Governour the Captain of His Majestys Ship the Scarborough All the Episcopall Ministers that shall be in town that day and all the other Gentlemen that are in town that has given or lent Money to Trinity Church & the three Head Carpenters.
Boston August 14 1735
Sir. I am requested by the Committy of Trinity Church to lett you know that tomorrow being Fryday there will be Prayers read by the Revd. Mr. Harward and a Sermon Preached by the Revd. Mr. Commissary Price In the said Church, the Service to begin at 11 oClock in the forenoon where the Committy would be Glad to See You. They likewise desire you will give them Your Company to dine with them at Mr. Withereds at the Bunch of Grapes after the Service is over where wee shall be Honourd with his Excellency’s Company & Severall other Gentlemen of Distinction. I am with Due Respects in behalf of the Committy
Sir Your Verry Humble Servant
Thos. Greene
The Above is a True Coppy. The original of it I sent by the hand of Mr. Benja. Barron on the Above day To Leonard Vassall Esq.
Thos. Greene
Boston August 15th 1735
On this Day the Revd. Mr. Thos. Harward read Prayers according to the Rubrick of the Church of England and the Revd. Mr. Roger Price His Lordship’s Commissary Preached the first Sermon in Trinity Church from the 10th Chapter of the Hebrews & 23 Verse. Lett us hold fast the Profession of our faith without wavering. Which Sermon was Preached before a large Number of People his Excellency Jona. Belcher Esq. being Present and likewise wee the Subscribers
At A Meeting of the Committy at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Monday August 18th 1735
Voted that Mr. Saml. Wethered’s Bill of Twenty Pounds be paid him out of the Churches Money for Providing a Dinner according to the vote of the 13th Currt.
Agreed with Mr. John Goldsmith to Pay him Fourty Pounds for his filling in round the Church between the Studs from the flore to the first Girt he being to find Clay, Bricks, Carteing & Every thing Necessary & to do the said work for said Sum.
October 7th 1735 delivered into the hands of Mr. John Cornish four Boxes of Glass 10 by 8 each Containing 100 foot & likewise two Boxes of Screwes, I haveing agreed with said Cornish to find Putty & put in the Glass into the Sashes for five pence per foot.
December 5th 1735 delivered Mr. Simon Rogers 1 box Glass 10 by 8 qt. 100 foot.
February 24th delivered Ditto . . . 2 Ditto . . . 10 by 8 [qt.?] 100 foot each.
At A Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Monday October 13th 1735.
Voted that Thos. Greene get’s Mr. Rollo to Warne all the Gentlemen who have given or lent Money towards the Building of the Church to Meet at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Thursday evening Next to Consult what will be Proper be done to Procure a Minister for Trinity Church.
Boston November 27th 1735
Reverend Sir
Mr. Arthur Browne
We are Desired by Some of the Principle Gentlemen Conserned in Trinity Church in this place To Acquaint You that they would all be very Glad to have You for there Minister provided You are to Leave Your parish at providence as we are informed by Mr. Laughton ’tis your Intention & Likewise free from the Ingagement with the Gentlemen in Newhampshire & for Your Support the Gentlemen concernd as well as We are full of Opinion that You may Depend Upon £8 per Week at Least which is Equal to what Mr. Commisary Price has & if by the Increas of the Congregation they Can Augment Said Sum wee doubt not but they will do it. They Also Desire us to tell you that they are willing to wait till next Spring that You may have an Answer from London Concerning Your Removall to Piscataque Provided they be Certain of Your Excepting the Above Said proposalls if the Society at home will not Transferr Your Salary to Piscataque. We therefore begg You will favour us with Your Answer Which wee wish may be of Your Excepting Our Offer which will be verry Agreable to All the Gentlemen Conserned & more particularly to Reverend Sir Your Most Obedient Humble Servants.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Trinity Church at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Fryday the 5th March 1735 The following Persons were Present & them whoes Names have got any Pews against them agreed to take the same.
The following Question was put.
If it be Your Minds that the Proprietors of the Pews and them only Shall have a vote for the Choice of a Minister and all other Affairs Relateing to the Church, and that Each Pew Shall have but one Vote; Please to Manifest it by the Usuall Sign. It was Voted in the Affirmative. March 6th the following Persons desired it might be Minitted that they desired to have Pews.
Capt. Phillip Dumaresq two Pews
Mr. John Phillips one Pew
Mr. Joseph Dowse one Pew
At A Meeting of the Proprietors of the Pews of Trinity Church at Mr. Willm. Randle’s on Monday April 19 1736
Present |
Present |
The Proprietors that were Present Agreed to draw lotts who Should have their first Choice of the Pews, & them that were not Present Desired the Persons to draw for them who are mentioned with the absent Members Names, each Person drew according to the Sum he had lent Excepting Leonard Vassall Esq. to whom the Proprietors gave the first Choice.
Number of the Pews | ||||
Leonard Vassall Esq. |
No. 95 & No. |
96 |
Mr. Willm. Speakman |
46 |
1. |
Job Lewis Esq. |
97 |
2. |
Mr. Peter Luce drawn by Mr. Thos. Child |
14 |
45 |
3. |
Mr. Henry Laughton |
42 |
100 |
4. |
Mr. John Jones for John & Wm. Jones |
99 |
5. |
Thomas Greene |
59 |
6. |
Mr. Thomas Child |
44 |
7. |
Mr. Charles Apthorp drawn by Thos. Greene |
57 & |
88 |
8. |
Mr. John Arbuthnot |
by Willm. Price |
38 |
9. |
Mr. William Price |
60 |
10. |
Capt. Peter Kenwood |
90 |
98 |
11. |
Capt. Phillip Dumaresq |
by Thos. Greene |
56 |
12. |
Mr. Henry Limbrey |
49 |
53 |
13. |
Mr. Robert Thomlinson |
by Thos. Child |
43 |
14. |
Mr. William Coffin |
by Thos. Greene |
58 |
15. |
Mr. John Phillips |
47 |
16. |
Mr. Rufus Greene |
61 |
17. |
Mr. Joseph Dowse |
55 |
18. |
Mr. Silvester Gardiner |
54 after relinqished |
The foregoing Pews were Chosen by the foregoing Men for which they Agreed to Pay fifty Pounds for each Pew.
At a Meeting of the Committe at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Monday August 30th 1736
Voted That Wee pay Mr. John Goldsmith for laying 1050 yards of Plaistring at 18d. per yard according to agreement.
Voted That Wee pay Mr. John Indicott Twenty Pounds for his makeing the Pulpit, desk & benches &c. and finding Materials for the Same against the first Sermon was Preached.
Agreed with Mr. John Indicott to Give him Six Pounds Ten Shillings a Piece for building the Pews & finding all Boards Nails Glue & Joyces to lay the Pew flores on and everything Else Excepting Hinges.
Voted that the Proprietors of Pews Meet at Mr. Willm. Randles on Fryday Evening Next and that they be Notifyed of the Same.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Pews at Mr. Willm. Randles on Fryday September 10th 1736
Present |
Present |
Voted That the Titles of the Pews Shall be Given in the following forme viz.
Received of A. B. the Sum of £50 In full for a Pew in Trinity Church No. — to have and Injoy the Same to him and his Heirs So long as they pay what Shall be Assessed on the Said Pew for the Support of the Said Church Yearly by the Majorrity of the Proprietors then Present. But in Case the Said A. B. and his Heirs Should leave the Said Church he or they Shall make an offer of the Said Pew No. — for the above Sum of £50 to the Church Wardens and Vestrey for the time being within one Year after their leaveing Said Church (and in Default thereof Said Pew Shall be forfeited to the Said Church) which if they refuse to Axcept of then the Said A. B. Shall have it in his Power to Dispose of it to whom he Pleases that will Submitt to the rules of Said Church. Whereas The Committy of Trinity Church has been at a Great deal of Trouble in Seeing the building So farr Carryed on and have likewise Spent a Great deal of time and alwayes their own Money on their Meeting and More Especially for that they have been Bound for Large Sums of Money for to Carry on the Work it is thought reasonable that they Should have liberty each of them to build a Toombe of the Common Size Under Said Church at their own Cost and Charge without paying anything for the Ground to Said Church. It was Voted in The affirmative and Likewise Voted that Leonard Vassall Esq. and Mr. Willm. Speakman have the Same Liberty with the Committy to build each of them a Toombe if they Please.
Voted Any Proprietor may have liberty to build a Toombe of the Common Size Under the Church In Such Place as the Present Committy or Wardens when Chose Shall appoint for the burying his relations in, he or They paying Ten Pound for the Use of Said Church, but that No man or Person Shall have liberty to put in any Corps not related to them without Paying five Pound to the Use of the Church for Each Corps So buryed.
Voted That the Committy be appointed to Apply to the Ministers of this Town (when the Pews Shall be finished) and Desire them to Preach in Trinity Church by Turns and that the Committy Agree with them on as Easie Termes as they Can.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Wednesday February 16 1736
Whereas Several of the Proprietors have desired that there may be monthly Meetings of the Proprietors of Trinity Church
Voted That The Proprietors be Notifyed to Meet on the first Monday of Each Month ensuing at the House of Mr. William Pattin in Boston to Consult of Such things as may be for the Advantage of the Church.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Monday March 7 1736
Voted that Mr. John Hunnichurch’es Note be Allowed & that he be paid for one third part of it & Mr. Temple Nelson to have Credit given him for the other two thirds of it.
According to the Vote of 16th February last Several of the Proprietors Mett at the house above mentioned & they thought it might be advantagious to the Church to Meet oftener then once a Month therefore Voted that the Proprietors of Pews meet every Monday evening at the house of Mr. Willm. Pattin as above, till otherwise order’d.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattin’s on Fryday September 9th 1737
Agreed That Messrs. Peter Luce, & Thomas Greene Act as Wardens Untill it shall be thought Proper by us to order Otherwise.
Voted that the Proprietors of Pews shall be warned to meet on Monday Next at the House of Mr. Saml. Withered’s to Chuse a Clarke & a Saxton & to do such other affairs as may be then thought Proper.
At A Meeting of the proprietors of Pews at Mr. Saml. Withereds on Monday September 12th 1737.
The Committee Reported that According to a Vote passed the 10th September 1736 that they had wated on the Revd. Mr. Roger Price & Mr. Addington Devenport & Desired that they would perform Divine Service by Turns in Trinity Church & they promised to do it for which the Committee promised to pay them three pounds per Week for every Sunday that Divine Service was performed.
Voted that Mr. John Crosbe be Clark till Easter Next.
Voted that Mr. John Hooker be Saxton till Easter Next.
Voted that the Committee be desired to agree with Mr. John Crosbe & Mr. John Hooker till Easter Next on as Easie Termes as Possible.
Wheareas the proprietors & Benefactors to Trinity Church did on Fryday 5th March 1735 pass a Vote that the proprietors of the pews & them only Shall have a Vote in Said Church In Confirmity to the Same, Now Voted that no person shall be Excepted as a proprietor or have power to Vote till he has paid the whole for his pew.
Voted The Committee be desired to apply to the Other Churches in this Town & desire the favour of them to Lend us Books Vestments and plate till wee Can provide them Otherwise.
A Coppy of a Receipt given to the Church Wardens of Christ Church In Boston for what things wee borrowed of them.
Received of Messrs. Robert Jenkins & Edward Lutwich Church Wardens of Christ Church In Boston Two Velvet Cushings & Covers to them Two folio Common Prayer Books Two Damask Table Cloths & two Damask Napkins all which are the Goods belonging to Said Church Which wee Promise to Deliver unto Said Messrs. Jenkins & Lutwich or to their Successers in Said Office on Easter Tuesday Next as Witness Our Hands
building of Trinity |
Church In Boston |
Memo: these things were returned back and the receipt above said being mislayd, a receipt was given by the Wardens for them.
At A Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattins On Monday December 5th 1737
There being a Considerable Number of the Proprietors of Trinity Church Then Present it was their Unanimous Desire that the Committee Should weight on the Revd. Mr. Addington Devenport & Lett him know it was their Desire to have him Minister of Trinity Church.
Voted by the Committee that they Comply with the desire of the proprietors. Accordingly on December 6th wee weighted Upon the Revd.
Mr. Davenport & Communicated our Message to him. He gave us for answer he would Consider of it.
At A Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Price’s on Tuesday December 13th 1737
We Agreed to Weight on the Revd. Mr. Davenport for his Answer to our Message of the 6th Currt. And Accordingly Wee Weighted on him at his house and he said he was not against moveing to Trinity Church, if the Proprietors Should desire Him And he Could Agree with them; Provided his Lordship the Bishop of London should grant him Leave.
Voted That the Saxton be ordered to Notify the Proprietors of Pews to meet at Mr. Samuell Withereds Tomorrow Evening which Will be Wednesday December 14th 1737 That the Committe may lay before them what they have done Relateing to the Revd. Mr. Davenport.
At A Meeting of the Proprietors of Pews in Trinity Church at Mr. Samuell Withereds on Wednesday December 14 1737
Voted That the Overtures that were made to the Revd. Mr. Davenport by the Committe on the 6th & 13th Currt. In Relation to his being Minister of Trinity Church is Approved. And further that the Committe be desired to wate on the Revd. Mr. Davenport, and desire him to write to the Lord Bishop of London for his Lordship’s Leave to Move to Trinity Church if he thinks Proper. Nemine Contra dicenti
Voted That the Committe be desired to Write to the Lord Bishop of London and lett him know of the founding of Trinity Church and the Constitutions thereof and of our offer to the Revd. Mr. Davenport for to be our Minister, and to Write Such other Letters as they shall think will be for the benefit of Said Church.
Whereas Mr. Samuell Banister did abate Something in the Price of the Land whereon Trinity Church Stands, because a Church was to be Erected on it. Therefore Voted that he shall have the Pew Number Eleven During the Terme of his Natural Life for the above reason, he paying Such Contribution as Shall be Assesed on each Pew Yearly.
Boston December 17th 1737
May it Please Your Grace
Divine Providence Haveing Placed You in that High Station In the Church of England, Wee beg Leave To Congratulate Your Grace on the Same, And Esteem it a Great Blessing that the Church has So Holy, Pious & Learned a Father Over it. Wee Humbly Begg Leave to Inform Your Grace that wee Have Lately Erected In this Town a Building for the worship of God, According to the Rubrick of the Church of England which is Named Trinity Church. The Charge of it Haveing been Great & but a few of us to bear it wee have not been Able to finish it Yet & knowing that the Prosperrity of this Church Depends on Our Haveing a Learned & Pious Minister wee have Applyed to the Revd. Mr. Devenport (knowing his Abilities) to begg Leave of his Lordship The Bishop of London Our Diocesan to remove him to us.
Wee have Likewise Applyed to the Honourable Society for Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts, of whom Your Grace is President that they would Extend Their Unbounded Charity to us in Helping to Support Our Minister for a few Years till wee are Able to Compleat our Church and Therefore most Humbly Pray Your Grace’s favour Therein, & Your Blessing on our Undertakens. May The Almighty God Continue his Bounty to the Church in Granteing Your Grace a Long Life, is the Ardent Prayers of Your Grace’s Most Dutifull Sons and Servants.
To His Grace the Most Revd. Father in God John Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury Primate and Metropolitan of all England.
Boston December 17th 1737
May it Please Your Lordship
Wee are Desired by our Constituants, To Informe Your Lordship, That wee have at our own Charge Erected a Building in this Town for the Service of God, According to the Rubrick of the Church of England, which is Called Trinity Church: and not knowing but the Mistakes of Some Men might Misrepresent our Constitution wee think it our Duty to Acquaint Your Lordship that as wee apprehend our Selves a Lay Appropriation, wee humbly Presume, the Right of Presentation and the Choice of all the Officers, Is in the Proprietors of Pews who have a Right to Vote and no Other, and that our Minister may Convene The Vestry so Often as he may have accation. And when the Church Wardens Calls a Vestry, they Order that the minister be Informed That he may be Present, if he Pleases, and as the Revd. Mr. Davenport (who wee Justly Love & Esteem) is the most Likely Person wee know to Cherrish our Infant Church Wee humbly Begg that Your Lordship will Indulge us So farr as to give him liberty to be our Minister. Wee also begg Your Paternal Indulgence in Representing our Case to the Society for Propagation of The Gospel In foreign Parts, for as there is but few of us that have been at the Charge of this Large Building which is not yet finished, So Besides what wee have advanced Our Selves wee are bound for Large Sums wee have borrowed. If Therefore Thier Goodness and Charity which is so Extencive would Inable us in part to give a handsom Support to our Minister ’till wee are Able to finish Our Church wee Doubt not but then wee Shall be Able to do it our Selves.
Wee Earnestly Intreat Your Lordships Blessing on this Our Indeavours. May The Almighty Long Preserve You a Blessing to The Church Under Your Lordship’s Care. This is the Fervent Prayers of Your Lordship’s Most Dutifull Sons & Servants.
To The Right Revd. Father in God Edmund Lord Bishop of London.
Boston December 17th 1737
Revd. Sir. Wee Haveing Erected In this Town a Building for the Worship of God According to the Rubrick of the Church of England which is named Trinity Church. The Charge of it Haveing been Great, & but a few of us to bear it, wee have not been Able Yet to finish it. Notwithstanding, wee have taken up Large Sums of money on Intrest to Carry on the Same besides Considerable wee have Advanced our Selves, haveing No Other View, but the Glory of God, & Intrest of our Holy Church. The Goodness & Merritt of the Revd. Mr. Davenport demanding our Love and Esteem, wee have applyed to him to Get Liberty from his Lordship The Bishop of London Our Diocesan That he may Remove from Kings Chapple to Trinity Church which if Obtained wee are Assured will be for the Intrest of the Church of England in this Place.
And as by the Bounty & Goodness Only of the Honourable Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Under God) The Episcopal Church In New England Subsists and fleurishes wee most Humbly begg that Your Unbounded Charity may Extend to us in Helping to Support Our Minister for a few Years till wee are Able to Compleat our Church. Present our Humble Respects to the Venerable Society on whose Goodness we Alone Depend in Our Present Necessities we are Sir for Our Selves and the Other Proprietors of Trinity Church Your most Obedient Humble Servant.
To The Revd. Dr. David Humphreys Secretary to the Society for the Propagation of the gospel in Foreign Parts at his House in Warwick Court, Warwick Lane London.
Boston December 17th 1737
To Mr. Thos. Sanford Merchant In London
Sir. Wee Knowing that You have Alwayes been a True Freind to the Church of England & that You have been Alwayes ready to Serve that Part of it which is in This Country with the Utmost of Your Power, has made us putt Our whole Trust In You & begg The favour That You would deliver The Inclosed Letters & desire You would use Your utmost Indeavour with his Lordship the Bishop of London Our Diocesan that he would give Liberty to the Revd. Mr. Davenport to move to Trinity Church which has been Lately built by Reason the Chaple was full & no Pews to be bought by New Commers. Many of the Dissenters Take a great Likeing to the Revd. Mr. Davenport as well as the whole of Our Church. Therefore wee think it must be of Great Advantage to the Church In General to have him in Trinity Church because Any Person that Comes Over to us may have Seats Assigned them which is Like to be an Inducement to many. What Charge You will be at Shall be verry Gratefully Repaid You by us who are for our Selves & the Other Proprietors of Trinity Church Sir Your Most Oblidged Humble Servants.
The following is a Coppy of a Letter sent by the Trustees to Mr. George Clarke Merchant In London.
Boston January 27 1737
Sir. Wee Knowing the Love You have for the Established Church & Esteeming You a worthy Member with us is the Reason wee now give You an account of our Proceedings. The Revd. Mr. Davenport who You Know is Assistant to The Revd. Mr. Price at the Kings Chaple has Behaved Himself to all sorts of Men with Sovreign Goodness & Prudence That He is Generally Loved & Esteem’d & as wee thought he Would be a Proper Gentlemen to make accessions to our Church it was Unanimously Voted by the Proprietors that the Trustees Should wait on him to Desire he would Write to the Lord Bishop of London for Liberty to move To Trinity Church & That the Trustees Should write to our Worthy Diocesan that he would Indulge us in the same which Wee have Done & Lett his Lordship Understand that as wee at our own Charge Purchased the Land Erected the Building & must keep it in Repair & Pay all the Officers wee therefore Humbly Presum’d that the Right of Presentations & the Choice of all the Officers is with the Proprietors of Pews who has a Right to Vote & No others which Constitution wee are well assured You will Like. By Desire of the Proprietors the Revd. Mr. Price & Mr. Davenport have for Sometime Past alternately Performed Divine Service with us Since which we have Experienced that Some People who use to go to Meting has Purchased Pews and wee have Reason To Believe Sundry more will if wee are So happy as to have the Revd. Mr. Devenport for our Minister. If a favourable Oppertunity Should Present of Seeing the Bishop of London wee Intreat You to Use Your Utmost Indeavours with his Lordship for his favourable Regards to our Church and as You Have Often Declared Your Love for the Church of England Wee flatter our Selves You will not be Ashamed to begg for Her the Burden of the Church has Laid heavy on a few of Us and wee are not Yet able to finish it and more Especially to Provide the Necessary Ornaments of an Organ & a good Bell or Bells and many worthy Gentlemen In England Only Wanting Oppertunity of Doing Good and is Pleased when Such Oppertunity’s as this Offers wee therefore Desire You would Use Your Intrest with Such well Disposed Gentlemen in behalf of our Church. Mr. Robert Thomlinson who is the Bearer of this Being a Proprietor with us has Likewise Promised us his Good Offices. May Your Affairs Prosper According to Your wish & may You have Health to go through it with Pleasure is the Sincere Desires of
The following is a Coppy of Letter gave by the Trustees to Mr. Robert Thomlinson.
Boston January 27 1737
Sir. You being Bound for England Speedily & wee Knowing Your Good will to the Church of England in General But more Especially to Trinity Church where You are a worthy Proprietor must Desire that You would Consider that our Church not Being finished Yet & the Proprietors not being Able to Raise money to do the Same But more Especially to provide the Necessary ornaments of a Good Organ & Bell or Bells & that many well Disposed Gentlemen In England Would Willingly Contribute to So Good & Laudable a Thing of which wee dont Doubt but a great number of Your Acquaintance are Such wee therefore Intreat You would Use Your Utmost Indeavours with Such well Disposed Gentlemen in Behalf of our Church. Wee Desire You would Deliver the Inclosed Letter with Your own Hand. We wish You a Good Voyage to London & Safe Return & Remain
The Following is a Coppy of a Letter gave by the Trustees to Capt. Peter Kenwood.
Boston March 9th 1737
Sir. You being bound for England Spedily & wee knowing Your Good will to the Church of England in General, but more Especially to Trinity Church where You are a Worthy Proprietor Must Desire You would Consider that our Church not being finished Yet, and the Proprietors not Being Able to Raise money to do the Same and that Many well Disposed Gentlemen In England would Willingly Contribute to so good & Laudable a Thing of which Wee dont Doubt but a Great Number of Your Acquaintance are Such, Wee Therefore Intreat You would use Your Utmost Indeavours with Such Well Disposed Gentlemen in behalf of Our Church.
We wish You Health and Prosperity a Good Voyage there and Safe Return and Remain
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Pews In Trinity Church, at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Thursday March 23rd 1737
Present |
Present |
Voted that wee meet at Trinity Church on Tuesday in Easter week Next in Order to Chuse Church Officers at 10 a Clock in the forenoon.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors In the Church Called Trinity Church on Easter Tuesday April 4 1738
Voted That the Chuseing of Church Wardens and Vestry be put off ’till another time.
Voted Mr. John Crosby be Clarke for the Year Ensueing & |
by written votes |
Voted Mr. John Hooker be Sexton for the Year Ensueing |
Voted that Mr. John Crosby Shall have at the Rate of Twenty Six Pounds per Annum for his Service for the time past and likewise for the Year Ensueing.
Voted that Mr. John Hooker Shall have Eight Shillings a week for his Service for the Year Ensueing.
Whereas Messrs. Caleb Lyman & David Collson as a Committee of the Select Men of the Town of Boston has applyed to the Trustees of this Church to desire leave that they may Sett the South Engine on the back of the Church land Near to Mr. Gooch’s Barne and that they would Move it off Again at the Towns Charge when desired, Therefore Voted That the Select Men have liberty to move the Engine on the back of Said Ground, on the above Conditions.
Voted that the Trustees be desired to procure a Book for the Registring of Marriages Christnings & Burials, and the Clarke be directed to keep the Same for the Present.
Voted that the Revd. Mr. Price and Mr. Davenport have forty Shillings each, every Sunday for their Performing Divine Service In Trinity Church for the future, and no more.
Voted that the Committe be desired to Wait on the Revd. Mr. Price and Mr. Davenport and desire them to officiate in Trinity Church ’till wee Can be Provided with a Minister, and that they acquaint them with the Substance of the Preceeding Vote.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. William Pattins on Thursday April 27 1738
Mr. John Indicott Presented his Account for the building of the Pews. and the Steps to three dores &c. Amounting in the Whole to Seven Hundred Twenty Seven Pounds ten Shillings & 3d.
Voted that his Account be Accepted and that he Shall have Credit for Said Sum.
At a Meeting of the Committe at Mr. Willm. Pattins on June 12 1738
Voted that the Ceiling of the Alter be done after the Moddle made by Mr. Willm. Price.
Voted that Mr. John Indicott be desired to do the Woodwork for the arching Part, and likewise that he Purchase the Stuff fitt for the Same and for the fluted Cullums, the flore and Rails for the Alter &c. as Cheap as Possable.
At a Meeting of the Committe at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Fryday July 1738.
Voted that Mr. Robert Kenton do the Plaistring work of the Alter and that we pay him for the Same what it Shall be worth when done.
At a Meeting of the Committe at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Tuesday October 3rd 1738
Voted that Wee adjourn to Trinity Church to meet Tomorrow morning at 9 a Clock.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Trinity Church on Wednesday October 4th 1738
Wee drew the Plan on the Spot for the Steps, Floreing & Rails at the Alter with the Pillasters &c. And gave Mr. John Indicott Directions to do the Work Conformable to Said Plan.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattin’s on Tuesday November 7th 1738
Whereas Mr. James Griffin has Erected the frame for a Building on his own land Near to the Church And the Trustees being Desireous the Same might be moved farther from the Church. Mr. James Griffin desired that the Trustees would give him a lease for a Way of Twelve foot on the North part of the Church Land adjoyning to Mr. Joseph Gooch’s land, and he would be oblidged to Move his Frame on the North East end of his Land that he purchased of Mr. Joseph Marion and he would fence out said Way & he would Move the Engine house twelve foot to the Southward of where it now Stands and that he would likewise Pay for the Use of the land what the Proprietors should think proper.
Therefore Voted that Mr. James Griffin have liberty for A Way of Twelve foot for the Above Reasons Untill the Proprietors Meet, and then to Pay what they shall order.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Capt. Thos. Child’s on Wednesday January 24th 1738
Voted that the Proprietors be warned to meet at the house of Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Fryday the 26th Currt. at 6 Clock in the afternoon to Consider whether they will augment the Ministers Sallery to Six Pounds per Week or not, & to Consider Such Other Matters & things as Shall be thought Necessary.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Trinity Church at the house of Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Fryday January 26th 1738
Present |
Present |
The Committee Reported that Mr. Commissary Price told them that he Expected that the Proprietors Should Allow Six Pounds for Each week for his and the Revd. Mr. Davenports Performing Divine Service in Said Church.
Upon a due Consideration of the Above named Proprietors that the Church Continuing not yet Embodied and thier Request Last Easter to the Said Gentlemen was to Officiate in this Church Until that Could be Executed (& they have a Setled Minister) which has hitherto Prevented them Collecting any money but by Voluntory Contribution which Barely Affords the present Allowance of £4 per Week.
Voted that the Committee wait on the Said Mr. Price & Mr. Davenport to Desire they will not persist on their Demand, But to Continue to Officiate in the Said Church Until a Minister is Setled with them, which they hope will be the Next Spring for that their Present Circumstances Does not Admitt to pay more nor will they pay more than the Said £4 per Week.
Voted that the Trustees be Impowerd to Lease unto Mr. James Griffin a way of Twelve foot wide of the Church Land from the Eastermost part of Said Griffins Land Into Bishops Ally So Called upon his Condition of fenceing it out And keeping the fence in repair & for his Paying two Ounces of Silver per annum for the Use of the Church for Twenty One Years Agreable to a Vote of the Trustees Passed the 7th of November Last.
Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Thursday Next at 3 a Clock in the afternoon to meet at Trinity Church to Consider about altering the Pews.
According to the Above Vote Messrs. Peter Luce, William Price & Thomas Greene Waited on the Revd. Mr. Commissary Price the Next day & left a Coppy of the above mentioned Vote with him. They likewise waited on the Revd. Mr. Davenport & Red the above mentioned vote to him & he Returnd for Answer that he would Perform Divine Service According to the Desire of the Proprietors.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors at Trinity Church on Thursday February 1st 1738 Upon an Adjournment
Present |
Present |
It was Proposed that the Pews in the Main Body of the Church be made four Inches wider then they are now ’till they Come within One Pew of the Church Wardens; And That the Proprietors of Each Pew that shall be Alter’d Pay five Pounds for each Pew, To pay for the Altering of them and to help make up for the Loss which the Church will Sustain in the Eight Pews which will be Taken Away.
Voted That the Pews be Altered According to the Above Method when the Proprietors have paid their Money. W. Price Negative
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Willm. Pattins on Tuesday February 6th 1738
Mr. Joseph Dowse offered his Service to Collect the Money for the Altering of the Pews, which the Trustees gratefully Accepted and orderd that the Proprietors Names be given to him with An Account of the Vote for Altering the Pews, and of the Trustees resolution in this affair.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. William Pattins on Tuesday February 13 1738
Mr. Joseph Dowse made a Report that he had been with most of The People whose Pews were to be Altered & that all he had Spoke too were willing for the Alteration & had Paid or Promised to pay him & Mr. Dowse promised to the Trustees that he would Collect Sufficient to pay for the Alterations. Upon that Promise the Trustees Agreed with Mr. John Indicott to Alter the Pews According to the Vote passed first Currt. and said Indicott Is to find Stuff of all Sorts & do the Work for Thirty five Shillings for each Pew he shall Alter. Said Indicott is to have All the Stuff that may be taken up Excepting the Hinges.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Thursday February 22nd 1738
Voted that the front Pew on the Right hand of the Main Ile shall not be sold under Seventy five Pounds.
Voted That the other Pews that are to be Inlarged shall not be sold under fifty five Pounds a piece.
Mr. William Price is desired by the Rest of the Trustees to Treat with a Carver about the Corinthian Capitals & Report his doing assoon as may be.
Voted that we give Mr. Messenger fifty Shillings a Dozen for the Banisters for the Alter Provided he does them Neat and Workmanlike According to the Pattorn Shewn us the 20th Current.
May it Please Your Grace
Wee verry Lately had the Honour of the Societys Letter which gave us the Pleasure of hearing Our Humble Request was laid before your grace, whose Kind Notice in Transmitting it to the Society wee have the most Gratefull sense of; and are once more Humbly Bold to approach Your Grace with our most Ardent Desires That you would Compassionate our week but well ment Endeavours to Promote the Intrest of our most Excellent Church Against the Malicious Attemps of her Avow’d & Numerous Opposition here. And now whilest wee are Struggling in our week Manner to Shew forth her Praise before the face of her Enemies, wee Beseech Your Grace, Speak but the word & She Shall Live To the Unspeakable Joy of all That Love our Sion.
Lett Our Earnest Petetion find a favourable Acceptance with Your Grace, & may that ever flowing fountain of Charity now Happy under Your Grace’s Immediate Care water our Infant Plant. Thus wee Trust, it will thrive & flourish to the Glory of Almighty God, to Our own Great Satisfaction & Reward, & the Abundant Advantage of Our Posterity & Many Others. Wee are, may it Please Your Grace, Your Graces Most Oblidged Obedient & Devoted Sons & Servants.
To the Most Revd. Father in God John Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury Primate & Metropolitan of all England.
per Capt. Debuke
Boston August 21st 1738
Revd. Sir.
Wee were favoured with Your Letter, dated 6th March 1737 but The 17th Currt. wherein wee find You have Laid our Letters of 17th December Last before his Grace The Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury and Likewise to the Honourable the Society for Propagation of the Gospel In Foreighn Parts & that the Society would be Acquainted with what Services wee Expect from Mr. Davenport. Our Desire is to have Mr. Davenport for Our Minister and as he has £100 Sterling paid him for his Sallary, where he now is, wee Cannot Expect that he will move to Trinity Church without wee Can pay him the Above Sum at Least, As the Charge of Trinity Church at Present is Great by Reason it is not finished wee think wee Cant Raise a Sum Equal to what he must Resign if he Comes Among us. Therefore our Humble Request is that the Honourable Society would of their unbounded Goodness Allow us Such Aid for the Maintaining of our Minister a few Years as in their wisdom they Shall think fitt & wee will make up the Remainder. Should wee be so happy as to have the Revd. Mr. Davenport for our Minister wee dont Doubt but wee Shall have Our Church finished & filled in a Short time & be Able to Maintain Our Minister without burthening the Society.
To the Revd. Dr. David Humphreys Secretary to The Honorable Society for Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Wednesday February 28th 1738/9
Mr. Willfret Fishers Note of Carteing amounting to four Pounds One Shilling & Six Pence was Laid before the Trustees & They Considering his Necessitous Circumstances on account of his Late Sickness have not Only Accepted his account but Likewise Voted That the Same be paid him in money assoon as Conveniently may be.
Mr. Willm. Price Reported he had been with Mr. Redding the Carver About the Cappitals, who Said he would not Carve them well under Ten Pounds a piece. Therefore Voted that Mr. William Price be desired to Agree with Said Redding for the Corinthian Cappitals & that he be paid £30 for them by a Note on a Good Shop.
The Rest of the Trustees desired Thomas Green to treate with Mr. Robert Kenton About Plaistring the Remaining Part of the Alter and make Report assoon as may be.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. William Price’s on March 5th 1738
Thomas Greene Reported that he had Taulked with Robert Kenton About his finishing the Plaistring of the Alter, his Answer was he Could do it as well as Any man in Boston. Upon which Thos. Green was Desired by The Rest of the Committee to Imploy Said Kenton Immediately to do Said Work with all Convenient Speed & Said Greene is Hereby Impowerd to Provide Stuff for Said Kenton & Likewise to Direct Mr. Indicott to Provide Proper Scaffolds.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Thursday March 22nd 1738/9
Voted That Mr. Jabez Hatch have the Pew No. 5 he paying fifty Pounds for the Same.
Voted that Aldin Bass deceas’d his Account of Carteing amounting to Eight Pounds 2/6d be Accepted & Allowed & that the Same be Paid to those who Can give a Legal Discharge for it.
At a Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Luke Vardy’s on Wednesday April 4 1739
Voted That Each Pew be Numberd Agreable to Every Mans Title with Paint on the Dore if it Can be Done not Exceeding Eight Pence for each.
Voted That Thomas Greene have Liberty to Sell one Pew in Trinity Church towards Reimbursing himself for what he had Advanced to Tradesmen.
Voted That the Stairs to go into the Pulpit be placed on the backside of it.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of Pews in Trinity Church on Easter Tuesday April 24th 1739
Church Wardens |
first that was chosen |
Voted that there be Eleven Vestrymen Chosen for the Year Insuing.
Voted Mr. John Crosby Clarke his Salary Twenty Six Pounds for the Year.
Voted Mr. John Hooker Saxton his Salary Eight Shillings a Week.
Voted That the Revd. Mr. Price & Mr. Davenport Shall have forty Shillings each for their Service each Sunday.
[Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Trinity records contain redundant accounts of certain meetings of the Proprietors from 1739 to 1769. The most complete account is in every case given with an indication from which volume it is taken.]