book iii: 1762–1785
Continued from Volume 1.
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15: 2nd mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Samuel Smith and James Davis present |
Jos Russell Ju marriage |
David Sheepherd [Shepherd] Reports that he attended the Marraige of Joseph |
Russell & Mehetable Howland According to Appointment which |
was Consomated Orderly & Sd David has rend[e]red a Excuse for his |
not making Report Last monthly meeting |
Shearman Craw give in a paper |
The Committee appointed to treat with Sherman Craw Report |
that they have treated with him and he gave them a good Degree |
of Satisfaction, and Sd Craw hath given in a paper to this meeting |
Signifying his Sorrow, Therefor the matter is Referd under the |
Cair [care] of the above Sd Committee and Paul Russell is ad[d]ed to them |
for a further Trial of his Sencerity and they to Report to next meeting |
when they think Necessary |
The Committee appointed to inquire into the matter Respecting |
T. Almy Certificate Signd |
Thos Almy, have Draughted a Certificate on his behalf, to the mo |
meeting of Acoakset which was Signed by the Clerk in behalf |
of this meeting |
Complaint against David Smith |
The Committee appointed Respecting the Complaint of Wm Barker |
and Daniel Cornal [Cornell] against David Smith for Reporting that Some |
of the Overseers were false men, Report as followeth and is Accepted |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth – – |
Agreeable to your Appointment last monthly meeting we have made |
Inquirey into the Grounds of the Complaint of Wm Barker & Daniel |
Judgment against D. Smith |
Cornel Against David Smith and we find by undoutted Evidences |
that Sd David Smith has Publickly Reported that Some of the |
Overseers of our Meeting were false men to the Defamaing of |
them therefore our Judgment is that Sd David Smith Ought as |
Publickly to Condemn the Same, as he Reported the Scandel – – |
Given forth by your Comte |
Nicholass Howland |
this 10th the 2mo 1773 |
John Ricketson |
Benja Taber |
Wm Wood |
Benja Howland 2nd |
David Smith Requests a Coppy of the Complaint of Wm Barker |
& Daniel Cornel against him which is granted |
D:S appeal granted |
Lik[e]wise Sd David Requests an Appeal from the afore Sd Judgment |
to the Quarterly meeting which is granted – – |
Settled accoump with Treasurer |
The Committee Appointed to Settle Accounts with the Treasurer |
Report that they have Settled Sd Accoumpts and Remain in the |
Stock 23£ : 1S : 2d old tennor – – |
meetings debt |
The Sd Committee also Inform that they have Collected the Chief |
Debts against this meeting which amount to 35£ – 12S – 2d; L[awful]: mon[ey] |
this meeting Collected the Sum of - – 13£ – 12S – 2d Old tennor |
Order on Treasurer |
and the Treasurer is Ordered to Deliver £2:0-0 Lawfull money |
to the Overseers of the poor for the Use of the poor – – |
and Sd Treasurer is Ordered to pay Wm Anthony Ju 1£ – 2S – 2d L. money |
for Repairing the meeting house – – |
money to be raised |
Samuel Smith is Appointed to Draught Subscriptions for to |
Raise money to Defray the above Sd Debts and bring them |
to the Adjournment of this meeting, this meeting Adjourns |
to the Last forth Day in this month |
2mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting meet by Adjournment 24th : 2mo : [1]773 |
the Representatives were Called Samuel Smith present |
The case of Dav Smith |
this meeting has further Consid[e]red the matter Respecting David Smith |
and do appoint Prince Allen Seth Sherman Abraham Tucker to Show |
him the Judgment that was Read and Accepted at the first sitting |
of this meeting in Consequence of the Complaint of Wm Barker |
and Daniel Cornal and to Labour with the Sd David to Comply |
therewith- and make Report to the next monthly meeting |
Commit to correct ye minutes |
Thos Hicks Samuel Smith Job Russell Wm Anthony Ju are |
appointed to Correct the monthly meeting minutes in order to |
be Put on Record And also to Inspect the papers and they to burn[?] |
them that appear to be of no Use or Service and make Report |
to next Mo Meeting – – |
Papers for Subscrip= =tions |
Samuel Smith hath Drafted papers for Subscriptions agreeable |
to Appointment And Caleb Russell Prince Allen Gideon Howland |
William Mosher Timothy Russell & Jonathan Hussey are appointed |
to Communicate Sd papers to Each member of this meeting that |
are able) in order for them to Subscribe thereto & Sd Committee |
to Receive the money and pay the Same into the Treasury |
of this meeting and make Return of their doings, and the |
Sum total So Collected to this meeting as Soon as they Can |
with Conveniency |
J: Hussey overseer of ye buring ground |
Jonathan Hussey is appointed to have the Oversight of |
the Buriing [Burying] Ground belonginging belonging to this meeting |
in the Room [place] of Daniel Russell Deceasd |
3mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th ye 3mo 1773 |
the Representatives are William Mosher & William Wood present |
Treasurer paid out money |
the Treasurer Reports that he hath paid the Overseers of the poor |
£2 – 0S – 0d Lawfull money also paid Wm Anthony Ju 19[?]£ – 2S – 2d L money |
as Ordered last monthly meeting – – |
on David Smith case |
The Committee appointed to Shew David Smith the Judgment |
in Consequence of the Complaint of Daniel Cornal & Wm Barker |
against Said David, and to labour with him to Comply therewith |
Report as followeth which is Accepted |
Agreeable to appointment we have Shewed David Smith the |
Judgment of the Committee appointed to Judge & Determine between |
Said Smith and the Overseers of our Meeting which was read and |
Accepted in our Last monthly Meeting (David Smith present) |
we have Likewise laboured with Sd aSmith to Comply with Said |
Judgment which he Refusses to do and Still Insisted upon his |
appeal to the Quarterly meeting |
⎧ Abraham Tucker |
Dated Dartmo ye 15th 3mo 1773 |
⎨ Seth Sherman |
⎩ Prince Allen |
To correct Miniutes & Record them |
The Committee appointed to Correct the Monthly Meeting |
minuets & Inspect the loos[e] papers & burn those that appear |
to be of no Use or Service Report that they have fulfilled their |
appointment & Samll Smith & Wm Anthony Ju is to Record Sd Mi: |
Step: Merithew desires a Certificate |
Stephen Mearithew [Merithew] hath Removed within the Compass of |
Sandwich Monthly Meeting and Desires a Removel Certificate |
therefore we Appoint John Williams & James Davice [Davis] to Inquire |
into his Life and Conversation & also to see if his Outward |
affairs be Set[t]led to Satisfaction and Draught a Certificate |
for him if they find things Clear and Report to next mont[hly] meeting |
Report of Comtee about yearly meet ing |
The Committee appointed to Consult with Acoakset Mo Meeting |
about the Alteration of our yearly meeting Report as followeth |
which is Accepted |
We the Committee appointed by the Moonthly Meetings of Dartmouth |
and Accoakset, Persuaht [Pursuant] to appointment we have Weightily |
Consid[e]red the matter in R[e]gard to an Alteration in our yearly |
agreed yt Coakset & Aponigst yearly meetings be two Distinct meetings |
meeting, And have Agreed that Sd yearly meeting be two distinct |
meetings the better to Accomodate the Select meeting and |
that they both be held at the Same time as heretofore and |
that the time of meeting be first as followeth (viz) |
The first day of said meeting to begin at the twelfth |
hour the Second Day at the Eleventh hour & the last Day at ye |
tenth hour Dartmouth the 10th of ye 3mo 177[3?] |
Joshua Davel |
Joseph Tucker |
Samel Smith |
Abraham Tucker |
Paul Russell |
Jona Hussey |
Leomuel Sisson |
Joseph Tripp |
Job Russell |
The Queries hath been answerd in this meeting and an Epistle |
Represe: to ye Q: meeting |
Signed to the Quarterly meeting and orderd forward by the Repre: |
who are Wm Mosher Samuel Smith Barzillia Tucker Prince |
Allen & Job Russell and Likewise Sd Representatives are to |
Procure Such papers & Coppies as shall appear Necessary and |
Report to next Monthly Meeting |
4mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 19th ye 4mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Thos Hicks & James Davice [Davis] Present |
Certificate for Step Merithew |
This meeting hath signed a Removal Certificate for Stephen |
Mearithew [Merithew] to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich – – |
Report from Quart meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all Attended according to Appointment and have Produced an |
Epistle from the Same which hath been read and well Accepted |
J: Case Desires a Certificate |
Job Case Informs that he is about to Remove to the Oblong |
and Desires a Removal Certificate for himself and Children, therefore |
do Appoint Prince Allen & Daniel Cornal [Cornell] to Inquire into his life |
and Conversation and see that his Outward affairs be Sett[l]ed to |
Satisfaction and Draw a Certificate for them if they find things |
Clear and bring it to next monthly meeting – – |
The friends appointed to have the Oversight of that meeting |
at Bedford, Report that they attended Sd meeting which was |
kept in a good Degree orderly, And the friends at Bedford |
Meeting at Bedford Continued |
Request that the weekday meeting there be Continued as here= |
=tofore untill the Monthly Meeting in the tenth month Next, |
which is granted and David Sheepherd [Shepherd] & James Davice [Davis] are |
appointed to have the Oversight of Sd meeting to see that it |
be kept orderly & in the Authority of truth and Report to the |
tenth Month next – – |
H. Cook admited a member |
The Women friends Inform that they have Admitted Hannah |
Cook A member of our Society which this meeting approveth |
The friends at Newtown inform that they think it Necessary |
Some meetings discontinued in New Town |
to Drop Several meetings held on week Day there namely |
the meeting held on that week our youths meeting is, and |
also the meeting on that week our Monthly meeting is held |
therefore Sd meetings are Discontinued for time to come |
S: Craw paper Accepted |
The Report Respecting Sherman Craw being Satisfactory |
therefore this meeting accepts of his paper Condemning his |
marr[y]ing out of the Unity of friends |
This meeting is Informed by the Epistle from the |
Quarterly Meeting that said meeting has Confirmed the |
David Smith confirmed by Quar meeting |
the Judgment of this Meeting against David Smith |
therefore we appoint Abraham Tucker Prince Allen and |
James Davice [Davis] to Labour with Said Smith to Comply with |
Said Judgment, and they to Report to next monthly meeting |
Received Extracts from ye Q meeting |
This Meeting has Received 330 Extracts of Epistles from the |
Quarterly Meeting which were Lat[e]ly Reprinted and are to be |
Distributed among friends in generall – – ~ |
Money Recd by Subscrip =tions |
William Mosher Reports that he has Received by way of |
Subscription £40 ″ 12S ″ 2d old tennor which he paid into the |
Order on Treasurer |
Treasurey, And Sd Treasurer is orderd to pay Sd Sum to them |
that has Demands on this meeting and Report to next mo |
Meeting – – Collected at this meeting £6 ″18S ″ 0 Old Ten |
5mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th 5mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Thos Hicks & Samll Smith present |
on the case of Job Case |
the friends appointed to Inquire into Job Casses Conversation and |
Settlement of his outward affairs and prepare a Certificate for |
him, Report that Sd Cases affairs are not all Settled therefore |
they have not prepared one for him, and they are Continued in |
that Service and to Report when ready – – |
David Smith Case |
The Committee appointed to Labour with David Smith |
Reports as followeth that he is not willing to comply |
and Sd matter is Referd to next monthly Meeting for Sd Smiths further Consideration under |
the Same friends care as heretofor and then they to make Report |
order on Treasurer |
The treasurer reports that he hath paid part of the |
money as orderd last Monthly meeting, therefore he is Still |
Continued to pay as Orderd and Report to next Mo meeting |
when he thinks Necessary |
J. Howland Requests Certificate |
John Howland Requests a Certificate to the mo |
meeting of Rhod Island Certif[y]ing his Clearness Respecting |
marraig and Conversation, And we appoint David Shepherd |
and James Davice to take the necessary Care |
Care on that account and Draw a Certificate if they think |
proper and bring to next monthly meeting |
Friend Living at Bedford Request the Liberty to build |
friends Request to build a Meet house at Bedford |
a Meeting House there Therefore we appoint Joseph Tucker |
Abraham Tucker Joseph Barker John Potter Benja Smith Ju Thos |
Hicks & William Anthony Ju To Consider wheather it be best to |
build a house there or not, and if they think best to build to |
agree on what Size to build, and Report to next mo meeting |
M: Stratton Receivd a member & Susanh Wing |
The women friends Inform that they have minueted [minuted] Margaret |
Stratton and Susanah Wing under their Care which this |
meeting Approveths of – – |
Daniel Cornal [Cornell] hath Exhibitted a Complaint against |
D. Cornel Complaind of Tho Smith |
Thos Smith for accusing him of being a falls [false] man and saying |
he Could prove it, which is Referd to next mo meeting by |
Reason of Sd Smith not being present and John Potter is |
appointed to Inform Sd Smith and Report to next mo meeting |
this Meeting Collected £7 ″ 6S ″ 2d old tennor |
6mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 25: 6mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen & Wm Anthony Ju Present |
the Committee appointed to have the Care of that matter |
Respecting David Smith Report that he Refusses to Comply |
with the Judgment of this Meeting and friends being Clear |
from further Labour with him Do hereby Deny the Said |
Da. Smith Denied |
David Smith from being a member of our Sosiety [Society] and Prince |
Allen is Appointed to Inform sd Smith of his Denial and |
Report to next mo meeting – – |
J: H obtaind Certificate |
This Meeting has Signed a Certificate for John Howland to |
the monthly meeting of Rhod Island Certifing his |
Clearness Respecting maraige & Conversation |
Thos Smith Case |
The Referance of Last Monthly Meeting Respecting Daniel |
Cornal [Cornell] and Thos Smith, Now Coming under notice and we |
appoint, David Sheepherd [Shepherd] Abraham Howland James Davice [Davis] |
Seth Russell Joseph Barker to Inquire and here [sic] and Determine |
between them in behalf of this meeting & Report to next Mo Meeting |
Wm Mathews visited this meeting |
Our friend William Mathews hath Visited this meeting with his |
Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Worrington [Warrington] in theCounty |
of York in Pennsilvania Dated the fifth month last, Whose labour |
and Service in the Truth is well Accepted13 Likewise our friend John |
Willis hath Visited us with a few Lines of Concur[r]ence from the |
yearly Meeting of Flushing held the first of the 6mo 1773 whose |
Visit was Kindly accepted – – |
R:B & wives Certificate |
This Meeting hath Received Removals Certificates form [from] Rice Baker |
and Wife from the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset |
which is Accepted |
Meetings to begin at the 11 hour adjourn |
This Meeting hath Concluded for friends to meet at the Eleventh |
hour in the fore noon at all our meetings for worship Except |
our yearly Meetings – – this meeting Adjourns to the first |
Six Day in next month |
At a Monthly Meeting held according to adjournment |
the 2nd day of the 7mo 1773 the Representatives both present |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
William Anthony jur is Chosen Clerk for this day and untill |
Job Russell Shall be able to attend the business |
The Committee appointed to Consider about building a meeting |
Building Bedford mee[t]ing house referd to Quar meeting answers Epistles & Representa |
House at Bedford, Report that they think it might be well |
to build a House there, yet that matter is Referd to the |
Quarterly Meeting for further advice, An Epistle to ye Quarterly meeting |
was Signd Sent with ye answer to the Queries by our Representatives who are |
Thos Hicks Barzillia Tucker Caleb Russell Seth Russell & Nicholas Howland |
7 mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held at Dartmouth ye 19th ye 7mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Wm Mosher & Samuel Smith present |
Luthan Wood proposal of marriage and Ben Sawdy L.W & S. W published |
Luthan Wood and Susannah Wing Decleard their Intentions of |
marraige, also Benjamin Sawdy & Hannah Cook Declerd |
Their Intentions of marraige (they having produced their parents |
Consent in writing to Satisfaction) and were Desird to wait till |
next monthly meeting for their Answer, And Prince Allen and |
Joseph Barker are appointed to Inquire into Luthan Woods Clearness |
Respecting marraige and Conversation, And Barzillia Tucker and |
Wm Wood are appointed to Inquire into Benja Sawdies Clearness Respecting |
marriage & Conversation and Report to next mo meeting – – |
D Smith in= =formed of his denial |
Prince Allen Informs that he Informd David Smith of his Denial |
as orderd Last mo meeting |
Tho Smiths Case referd |
The Committee appointed on Account of Thos Smith & Daniel Cornal |
Report that they han had an opportunity to Discharge themselves |
therefore the matter is Referd under their Care and they to make |
Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Return from Qur meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that |
they all attended Except Seth Russell & he hath Renderd an Excuse |
which is Accepted, Said friends have Produced an Epistle from |
Said Quarterly meeting which hath been Read and kindly Ac- |
=cepted and Likewise the London Printed Epistle of last year |
which hath been Read in this meeting & the moving & whol[e]som[e] |
advice therein Earnestly Recommended to the Notice of Each |
Received 6 books from ye Q meeting |
Individual, The Quarterly Meeting hath Sent this meeting Six books |
part whereof was wrote by Ambrose Rigg, Entitled, a Brief & Serious |
warning to Such as are Concerned in Commerce & Tradeing &C14 [etc.] – – |
The other part being the Advices of Several yearly meetings in |
London, which books are Recommended to friends Perusal – – |
Received T. W: Certifi: appeal granted to David Smith |
Received a Removel Certificate from Acoakset Monthly meeting |
on behalf of Thos Willcox Dated ye 7th month 1773 which is Accepted |
This meeting grants David Smith an Appeal to the Quarterly |
meeting and Prince Allen is Appointed to Inform Sd Smith thereof |
money collected |
Caleb Russell Informs that he hath Collected by way of Subscription |
according to appointment £45 ″ 4S ″ 0 old tennor |
Prince Allen Reports likewise that he hath Collected Sd Subscription |
as appointed 20£ – 14S – 9d all which they paid into the treasury |
this meeting Collected 12£ – 3S – 0 old tennor |
order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is ordered to pay Joseph Tucker 1£ – 15S – 0 old tennor |
for Shewing friends horses |
The treasurer is ordered to pay Timothy Russell five Dollars for half |
years ke[e]ping the meeting house |
overseer of ye meetings Land |
This Meeting appoints Prince Allen & Thomas Hicks to Oversee the |
Meeting House & to Inspect the meeting house Lot, in the Room [place] of John |
Potter (who is Dismised) & Seth Sherman Deceasd |
16th ye 8mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th ye 8mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Thos Hicks & Barzillia Tucker both Present |
Lut Wood and Ben Sawdy Clearness |
The friends appointed to Inquire into Luthon [Luthan] Woods and Benja |
Sawdys Clearness Respecting marraige & Conversation make |
Report that they find nothing to hinder their Proceeding |
Luthan Wood and Ben Sawdy Answer |
Luthon [Luthan] Wood & Susanah Wing appeard at this meeting for their Answer |
Likewise Benja Sawdy and Hannah Cook appeared for their Answers |
whose Answers ware, that Each Couple might Proceed to take Each |
other in marraige [marriage] in Some Convenient time before next monthly |
meeting Advising with the Overseers that this meeting Shall |
appoint for that purpose and Joseph Barker & Prince Allen are |
appointed to See Luthon Woods marraig Consomated Orderly and William |
Wood and Peleg Gifford is appointed to See Benja Sawdies marriage |
Consomated orderly and they to make Report to next mo meeting |
Tho Smith Case continud |
The Committee Appointed on Account of Daniel Cornal [Cornell] & |
Thomas Smith Report that Sd Smith Refuses to make answer |
thereto until he have a Coppy of the Complaint Exhibeted against |
him which this meeting grants Provided Sd Smith Obligate him= |
=self that he make no other Use thereof but for his own Defence in |
the Society, And the afore Sd Committee are Continued in that Service |
and make Report to next monthly meeting |
paid out money |
The treasurer Reports that he hath paid Timothy Russell 5 Dollars |
as Orderd Likewise Joseph Tucker 35/ as orderd |
C: Hoag visited this meeting |
Comfort Hoag hat[h] Visited this meeting with a Certificate from |
the Monthly Meeting held at Hamton in the Province of New – – |
hamshier in New England baring Date ye 17th ye 6mo 1773 which |
kindly Accepted – – |
The Committee appointed to have the Care of Abner Russell |
Some months past Report that one of them hath had an oppertunity |
of Conferrence with him and he gave him no Satisfaction on that |
account, and that he had fallen into the like Disorder again |
A. Russell Denied |
and is Obsconded So as friends hant Opertunity as with him, and |
this meeting Apprehending they are Clear hath Signed a paper |
of Denial against him and the Clerk is Ordered to Read Sd paper |
at the End of a first Days meeting & Return Sd papere to next |
monthly meeting |
J:Howland Ju Request |
James Howland Jur Desires to come under the Care of friends |
therefore we Appoint Jonathan Hussey Barzillia Tucker and |
John Williams to take an Oppertunity of Solid Conferrence with |
him in Order to Discover the motive of his Request and Report |
to next monthly meeting – – |
order to give D:S Coppy of denial |
The Clerk is Ordered to gave David Smith a Coppy of the |
minute of his Denial made Against him Agreeable to his Request |
This meeting Collected £6 ″ 0S ″ 4d old tennor |
Prince Allen Reports that he Informed David Smith that his |
Appeal is granted |
Disorder in Loitering round the meeting house |
This meeting Discovers Disorders by Peoples Companying |
Round the meeting house and talking in Companies before |
meeting and after the time of Day for meeting both for Worship |
and Disapline – Therefor do appoint our friend Joseph Tucker |
Thos Hicks Joseph Barker Prince Allen & Wm Anthony Ju |
and Wm Mosher to Inspect into the above Disorder and |
Advise as they Shall think proper in that Respect and |
they to be Continued in that Service one year and then |
make Report to this meeting |
9mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th ye 9mo 1773 |
William Mosher and Samuel Smith appear as Representatives from |
the Preparative meeting – – |
meeting adjourns by request |
This meeting Conclud[e]s to adjourn to the 21 Instant by the Request |
of a Committee which was appointed by the Quarterly meeting |
to Viset the Monthly Meetings – – |
This Meeting being meet by adjournment ye 21 ye 9mo 1773 |
the Representatives being Called both present – – |
Lu Wood and Ben Sawdy marriage |
The friends appointed to See Luthan Woods & Susanah Wing’s |
marriage Consomated, Also the friends Appointed to See Benja |
Sawdies [Sawdys] & Hannah Cooks marriage Consomated All made report |
to this meeting that they Discharged themselves according to |
appointment on those Accounts and Saw nothing but Sd mar= |
=riages was Consomated orderly – – |
A: Russel paper Read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the paper of Denial against |
Abner Russell as orderd and Returnd Sd paper to this meeting |
which is as followeth – – |
From our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th Day of ye 8mo 1773 – – |
Testimony against A: Russel |
Whereas Abner Russell having had his Education among |
friends, But by not giving heed to the grace of God in his |
own heart, a Measure whereof is given to Every man to |
profit withall, has So far been lead away through the |
Stratagems and Tem[p]tations of the Enemy of mans felicity, |
as to be Accused and Charged on Oath by Mary Anthony of |
being the father of her Bastard Child, And friends having |
Bestowed Some Labour with him in Order to bring him to a |
Sense of his Transgression that he by an Unfeigned Repe= |
=ntance might be Restored to the way of truth again but his Conduct |
& Behaviour Sense [Since?] Sd Labour was bestowed on him Seams to Demon= |
=strate it had not its Desired Effect, Friends therefore thinking they |
are Clear from Any further Labour with him think we can do no |
less for the Clearing of truth, than to Testify against him & hereby do |
Disown the Sd Abner Russell from being a member in Unity with our |
Society, Nevertheless hoping & desiring that ye Almighty by the Riches of |
his grace & mercy may yet bring him to a Sight & Sense of ye Evil of his ways |
& by unfeigned Repentance witness his peace to be made with him and |
Restored to ye way of truth |
Signed in and on behalf of our Sd meeting by Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
James Howland Case referd |
The friends Appointed to take an Opportunity of Solid Conferrance |
with James Howland junor Report that they have had Some Confer[ence] |
with him and he gave them Some Satisfaction and Sd Howland |
is now gone to See [Sea?] and the matter is Referd under the Care of Said |
Committee and they to make Report as Soon as the[y] Can with Conve= |
=n[i]ency – – |
D Smith Recd a Coppy of miniut. |
The Clerke Reports that he gave David Smith a Coppy of the |
minute of his Denial as orderd – – |
Thom Smith Continued |
The Committee appointed on Account of Daniel Cornal [Cornell] & |
Thomas Smith, Reports that they are not Ready to make |
full Return of their Appointment therefore the matter is |
Referd under their Care, and Said Committee Desire Some addition |
therefore this meeting adds Giles Slocum Wm Wood Barzillia |
Tucker and Joseph Howland to the afore Sd Committee and they |
to make Report to the next monthly meeting – – |
money Collected |
Gideon Howland Reports that he hath Collected 29£ ″ 7s ″ 6d O-Tennor |
by way of Subscription as appointed Some months past and has^ paid |
Said money into the Treasurer – – |
Representa to the Q meeting |
The Queries were read in this meeting and Answers thereto |
prepard, Likewise an Epistle prepard and Signed by the Clerk |
for the Quarterly meeting and Ordered forward to Said Quarterly |
by the Representatives, who are Caleb Russell Barzillia |
Tucker William Anthony Ju Wm Barker Prince Allen and |
Samuel Smith and they to make Report to next mo meeting |
appointing overseers Referd |
The appointing Overseers both of the meeting & of the Poor |
is Referd to next monthly meeting |
10mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 18th 10mo 1773 |
Jonathan Hussey & Thos Hicks Appears as Representatives from the |
Preparative meeting – – |
overseers for yearly meeting |
This meeting thinks proper to Appoint Some friends to have |
the Care and Oversite of the Lofts & Other Seats at our |
Ensuing yearly meeting to Prevent Indecencies among |
the youth & others and therefor Do Appoint our |
friends Wm Barker Wm Sandford Jona Hussey Joseph Raker |
Thos Hicks Samuel Smith Wm Anthony Jur Abraham Howland |
and Benja Chase |
for that purpose and they to make Report to the next monthly meeting – – |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjourns to the 25th Instant after ye meeting |
for worship which is to begin at ye Eleventh hour – – |
mett |
This Meeting meet by Adjournment ye 25th ye 10mo 1773 – – |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey and Thos Hicks present |
Tho Smith Case Referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Daniel Cornal [Cornell] and |
Thomas Smith Reports that they are not ready to make Return |
therefore the matter is Refer,d under their Care and they to make [report?] |
to next monthly meeting – – |
Epistle Received from ye Q. meet |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting being Called |
upon Report that they all attended Sd meeting and |
Produced An Epistle from the Same which was read in |
this meeting & Kindly Excepted – – |
the Society |
This Meeting appoints our friends Thos Hicks Wm Mosher |
William Anthony Ju Benja Howland 2nd James Davice [Davis] as |
Overseers in the Society for the year Insewing |
Overseers of ye Poor |
This Meeting appoints our friends Joseph Barker Caleb |
Russell Barzillia Tucker Abraham Howland David Shepherd |
John Williams & Gideon Howland Overseers of the Poor for the |
year Ensuing – – |
The friends Appointed to have the Oversight of ye meeting |
at Bedford made Report that they generally Attend Sd meeting |
which was kept in a Good Degree Orderly And Sd friends at |
meeting at Bedford Still Requested |
Bedford Still Requests to hold their meeting on first Days & |
week Days as Uusal [Usual] untill ye monthly meeting in ye 3d mo |
next, which is granted and David Shepherd & James Davis |
Are Appointed to have the Oversight of Sd meeting & make |
Report at ye Expiration thereof. |
J: Wing Intention of marriage |
Jonathan Wing and Ann Wood Decleard their Intentions |
of marriage and were desired to wait till next mo Meeting |
for their Answer, The Sd Wing having Produced a Certificate |
from Acoaksat Mo Meeting Respecting marriage |
This meeting Collected £14-7s-2[d] Old tennore [tenor] |
11th mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 15th ye 11mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey & Barzillia Tucker – – |
overseers of yearly meeting Report |
The friends appointed Last monthly meeting to have the |
Oversight of the Lofts and Other Seats at our yearly meeting |
made Report that they all attended Sd meetings ^Except J. Barker & B. Chase and Measurable |
Dischargd themselves in that Respect and that Said meeting |
was Conducted in Some good Degree orderly on that account |
Case of Tho Smith referd |
The Committee appointed in the Case between Daniel Cornel [Cornell] |
and Thomas Smith not being Ready to make report, one of them |
being Sick, its therefore Refered to next monthly meeting |
Transcrips read |
The Transcrip[t]s Received from the Quarterly meeting in ye 7 month |
last hath now been Read and the Whol[e]som[e] Advice therein Conta= |
ined is Earnestly Recommended to friends Obsersvation & notice |
B. L & wifs paper |
Barker Little and Elisabeth his wife hath given in a paper |
to this meeting Condemning their falling into the Sin of |
Fornication therefore we appoint Prince Allen and Philip Allen |
and Jonathan Hussey to have an Oppertunity of Conferrance with |
Sd Little also to Inquire into his life & Conversation in order to |
Discover his Sincerity and make report to next monthly meeting |
against Eben ezer Mosher |
This Meeting is Informed from the Preparative meeting that |
Ebenezer Mosher Neglects attending our meetings for which Disorder |
he hath been labourd with and gave no Satisfaction on that |
Account and Desires to be Disowned by friends, And we appoint |
Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker to have the Care of that matter |
and Labour as they may find freedom & make Report to next |
mo meeting – – |
Complaint against R: Peckham |
This Meeting is Informd that Richard Peckham hath |
Married his first Cousen & Married out of the Unity of friends |
and his wife hath had a Child Soon after Marriage and he |
hath been Labourd with and Declines making Satisfaction |
and we appoint Joseph Gifford David Sheaphard [Shepherd] and |
John Williams to have the Care of yt [that] matter and Report to |
next monthly meeting – – |
W: Brigg Certificate Returnd |
Wesson Briggs and family hath Returnd their Certificate |
to this meeting Dated ye 12mo 1770 which this meeting Accepts |
Jonathan Wing and Anna Wood appeard for their Answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take Each other in |
J. Wing Receivd his answer |
Marriage in Some Convenient time before next mo meeting |
Advising with the Overseers that this meeting Shall app= |
=oint for that purpose, and John Potter and William Mosher |
are appointed to See their marriage Consomated in good order |
and make Report to next Monthly Meeting – – |
meetings begin at ye 12 hour |
This meeting Collected the Sum of £8-4s-4d old tennor [tenor] |
This Meeting Concludes that all our meetings for Worship only |
(Except at Bedford) begin at the twelfth hour |
12 mo 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 20th ye 12mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen and Samuel Smith present |
Case of Barker Little referd |
The Committee Appointed Last monthly meeting to confer with Barker |
Little in order to Discover his Sincerity Report that they think |
proper to wait a while Longer before we Accept his paper |
therefore the matter is Referd under the Same friends Care as |
heretofore and they to make report to next mo meeting |
overseers of yearly meet ing report |
Joseph Barker and Benjamin Chase makes report that |
they attended the yearly Meeting According to Appointment |
and Saw nothing but what was in tolerable good order and |
they have both Renderd an Excuse for their not Reporting |
to Last monthly meeting which is Accepted |
Tho Smith Case referd |
The Committee Appointed on Account of Daniel Cornal [Cornell] and |
Thos Smith Inform that they are not Ready to make Report |
Care and then they make Report |
The friends Appointed to treat with Ebenezer Mosher report |
that they have Dischargd themselves on that account and |
E: Mosher Denied |
he gave them no Satisfaction and this meeting Apprehending |
they have fully Discharged themselves therefore his Request is |
granted and we do hereby Disown him the Sd Ebenezer Mosher |
from being a member of our Society and Abraham Tucker is |
appointed to Inform him of his Denial |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of that matter Respecting |
Richard Peckham Report that they have had an Oppertunity |
with him and he Declines Condemning his Disorders to friends |
friends to Draw a paper of Denial against R=Peckham |
Satisfaction, and the Same friends are Appointed to Draw a paper |
of Denial against him and to Shew [Show] him the Same and labour |
with him as they may find freedom and make Report to next |
monthly meeting – – |
J: W & A. W marriage Consomated |
The friends Appointed to See Jonathan Wings and Anne Woods |
marriage Consomated Report that they Attended Sd marriage and |
Saw nothing but what it was Consomated in good Order – – |
W. Rusell gave in a paper |
William Russell hath given in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his marr[y]ing out of the Unity of friends and we Appoint Samuel |
Smith and Abraham Howland to have an Oppertunity of Conferrance |
with him in order to Discover his Sencerity on that Account and |
make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Complainst Francis Allen and Son Thos |
This meeting is Informd that Frances [Francis] Allen and his Son |
Thomas hath taken the Oath in form before a Majestrate [Magistrate] |
they having been labourd with on that account and Sd Frances hath |
Appeared in this meeting & Condemned the Sd Offence and Also |
his two much Neglect in Attending meeting, which Seems to be |
Some Degree of Satisfaction, but it being the mind of his meeting |
that Sd Offence ought to be Condemned Publeckly therefore |
this meeting do Appoint our friends Barzillia Tucker and |
John Williams to assist the Sd Frances and to labour with |
his Son as they may find freedom & make Report to next mo |
meeting this meeting Collected 9£–5s–6d old theror [tenor] – – |
meeting Adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to the last forth day in this month |
after the meeting for worship which begins at ye 11th hour |
mett |
This meeting being meet by Adjournment ye 29th ye 12mo 1773 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen & Samull [Samuel] Smith present |
The Queries were read in this meeting and Answers thereto |
prepaird and an Epistle read and Singed [Signed] for the Quarterly |
meeting and orderd forward by our Representatives who are |
Representa to ye Q meeting |
Prince Allen William Anthony Ju William Wood Nicholass |
Howland and Thomas Hicks and they to make Report to next |
monthly meeting – – |
The young Couple that Appeard at this meeting for their |
to Lay their Intentions of marriage being Consid[e]red and friends |
not being Unanim[o]us in let[t]ing them pass by reason of their |
being So nigh in kind therefore Sd matter is Referd to next |
monthly meeting – – |
R. Smith under Dealing |
This meeting being Informd from the Preparative meeting |
that Ruben Smith hath been and Contracted marriage |
with a young woman not of our Society that belongd |
to a Distant Land and brought her home with him |
wherein his Conduct Appears Very Disagre[e]able to friends |
principals and he being Labourd with by one of the |
Overseers and not giving Satisfaction for Sd misconduct |
therefore we do appoint Prince Allen & Jonathan Hussey |
to have the Care of that matter and Labour with him |
as they may find freedom & make Report when they |
have Discharged themselves |
order on Treasurer |
The treasurer is Ordered to pay Timothy Russell 5 Dollars |
for half a years keeping the Meeting house and make |
Report to next mo meeting |
1mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 17th ye 1mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Wm Barker & Jonathan Hussey present |
Bark Little case referd |
The friends appointed to have the Care of that matter Respecting |
Barker Little, Report that they are not fully Satisfyed in |
that matter therefore Sd matter is Referd Under their Care one |
month Longer and then they to make Report – – |
all but one of the Committee Appointed in that Care between |
Daniel Cornal [Cornell] & Thos Smith Report that Said Smith Ought |
Publickly to Condemn his Reporting that Daniel Cornel was |
a fals[e] man, which Report being Ac[c]epted & is as followeth |
Agreeable to the Appointment of the monthly meeting we have |
Report of ye Committee Respecting D.C & T.S |
heard the matter Depending Between Daniel Cornal & Thomas |
Smith Respecting Sd Smiths Accusing Sd Cornal of Being a fals[e] |
man and that he could prove it – – |
We having heard Each parties pleas & Allegations Respecting |
Said affair and it is our Judgment that the affore Sd |
out Sufficient grounds – And that therefore Sd Smith Ought |
publickly to Condemn his Accusing Sd Cornall of Being a |
fals[e] man – – |
given forth and Dated |
⎫ |
Joseph Barker Giles Slocum |
this 27 Day ye 12 mo 1773 |
⎬ |
Seth Russell Wm Wood |
⎭ |
Joseph Howland Abraham Howland |
James Davis Barzillia Tucker |
Tho Smith offender |
Therefore Said Thomas Smith is now looked upon as an |
offender therefore we do Appoint our friends Abraham Tucker |
Wm Sandford Joseph Tucker & John Williams to Labour |
with him in order that he may Condemn his Disorder |
and they to make Report to next mo meeting |
The friends Appointed to have the Care of that matter Respecting |
*Testimony against Richard Peckam is Recorded in page 305 |
Richard Peckham Report that they Dischargd themselves on |
that Account and they have Draughted a paper of Denial * |
against Sd Peckham which was Signed by the Clerk & the |
Clerk is orderd to Read Sd paper at ye Close of a first Days meeting |
for worship before next monthly meeting & then make Report * |
Eben Mosher Case |
Abraham Tucker Informs that he Desires to be Continued one |
month Longer in Discharging himself with Ebenezer Mosher |
as appointed – – |
Wm Russel give in a paper |
The friends Appointed to take an Oppertunity with Wm Russell |
Report that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction yet the |
Receiving his paper is Referd to next Monthly Meeting |
Frac Allen & Son Tho give in a paper |
Francis Allen & his Son Thomas hath given in a paper to this |
meeting Condemning their taking the oath in form, which is Accepted |
provided they Cause Sd paper to be Read publickly at the Close of a |
first Days meeting before next monthly meeting & Return Sd paper |
and Report of its being Read – – |
Representa Report |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
that they all Attended Except Thos Hicks, and he Sent his Excuse |
which was Accepted – And they have Produced an Epistle |
from Sd Quarterly meeting which hath been Read and the |
Moving and Salutary advice therein Earnestly Recommended to |
friends Notice & Observation – – |
Tim Russel paid |
The treasurer reports that he hath paid Timothy Russell 5 Dollars |
as orderd – – |
G. H. & C. S. Published |
Gideon Howland and Catheren [Catherine] Slocum appeard in this meeting |
in order to Lay their Intentions of taking Each other in marriage |
and the matter of their being nigh in kind hath been weightely |
Consid[e]red and the Circumstances Relating thereto, And as they have |
So far Contracted in that Relation before our yearly meeting minutes |
of 1772 was made in Regard to marriage of nigh in kind, And |
they were Ignorant / as they Say that it was Conterary to the order of |
friends when they So Contracted and that they Cannot now willingly |
Desist therefore this meeting doth permitt them to pass tho it is |
not fully Satisfactory to this meeting neither is it me[a]nt to be a presedent [precedent] |
but is at this time Sufferd for the Reasons aforeSd therefore |
Gideon How =land 2d proposal of marriage |
Gideon Howland 2 and Catherin Slocum Declard their Intentions |
of taking Each other in marriage and were Desird to wait till |
next monthly meeting for their Answer and Benjamin Slocum |
and William Barker are appointed to Enquire into the young mans |
Clearness respecting marriage and Conversation & Report to next |
monthly meeting |
E. Russel Complaind of |
Deliverance Smith hath Exhibeted a Complaint against Elijah |
Russell for Refusing to Submit a Controvercy to men, therefore |
we do Appoint William Barker and Prince Allen to labour |
with him as they may find freedom & Report to next monthly meeting |
The Committee Appointed to Viset those friends that possess |
Slaves made Report to this meeting which is Accepted and is |
as followeth – – We the Subscribers Persuant to Appointment |
of the monthly meeting have Again Viseted those friends |
that Possess Slaves and Labourd with them to do Justice to their |
fellow Creatures, by Disc[h]arging them from a State of bondage |
and Slavery, And William Sandford hath Accordingly freed his |
Negro. Joseph Russell yet Refusses to Comply with our advice |
Peleg Slocum Keeps his Negroes yet in bondage, but Saith that |
he Shall free them at the age of 26 years, they Providing afterward |
and Laying up a Certain Sum yearly to Secure his Estate, |
John Russell thath one that is under age that is now in a |
Report of ye Committee about Negroes masters |
State of Slavery, but he gave Encourag[e]ment he Should free her at |
a Suitable age & Isaac Howland hath given Good Encouragement |
to free his Negro – – |
Given forth by your Committee this 17th ye 1mo 1774 |
Benja Howland 2nd |
Barzillia [Barzillai] Tucker |
Samull [Samuel] Smith |
James Davis |
Negro masters |
And those friends mentioned in the above Said Report that |
Continue Slaves in bondage are Desird to Comply with the |
tenth Query in that case and if not they may Expect to be |
Disown[e]d, and we appoint our friends Joseph Gifford William |
Sandford William Anthony ju and Joseph Tucker jur to let them |
know the mind of this meeting & make report to next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected 8£ ″ 16s ″ 0 Old tennor [tenor] |
2mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 21st ye 2mo 1774 |
the Representatives are William Mosher & Samuel Smith both present |
Barker Little Case referd |
the friends that had the Care of that matter Respecting Barker |
Little Report that they are not fully Satis[f]ied to Receive his |
paper yet therefore they are Still Continued in that Service |
and to make Report to next monthly meeting |
R. Peckh paper Read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the paper of Denial against |
Richard Peckham as orderd |
Wm Russell case referd |
The Receiving of Wm Russell paper is Refered one month |
Longer in order to Discover his Sincerety & Samu[e]l Smith and William |
Anthony jur are Appointed to have the Care of that |
matter and make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Tho Smith disowned |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Thomas Smith |
Report that he gave them no Incouragment of Condemning |
his Disorder agre[e]able to the Judgment of this meeting |
therefore we do hereby Disown the Said Thos Smith from |
being a member of this meeting, and we do Appoint our |
friends Thomas Hicks & Prince Allen to Draught [Draft] a paper |
of Denial against Sd Thos Smith and bring it next mo meeting |
and likewise Inform Sd Smith of his Denial & his Right of appeal |
and Report to next monthly meeting |
Eben Mosher informd of denial |
Abraham Tucker Reports that he fully answerd his Appoint- |
ment by Informing Ebenezer Mosher of his Denial |
Francis Allen & Thos Case referd |
Frances [Francis] Allen & Thomas Allen made no Report of their paper |
being Read as orderd therefore the matter is Referd one month |
Longer and James Davice [Davis] is appointed to Inform them of their |
Neglect on that Account and to Inform them that the meeting |
Expects them to make Report as orderd last mo meeting |
G: H & C. S: not to have their answer Sent to ye Q: mee for Advice |
This Meeting not being Unanimo[u]s in let[t]ing Gideon Howland and |
Catherin Slocum have their Answer by reason of their being nigh |
in kind therefore we Conclude to Send the matter to the Quarterly |
meeting for advice – – |
Controvercy to men |
The Committee appointed to labour with Elijah Russell Reports |
that he Concludes to leave Sd Controvercy to men and Sd Committee |
are Continued to See that it is Completed, and make Report to next |
monthly meeting |
Comt on Slaves Continued |
The Committee appointed to Labour with those friends that possess |
Slaves Desire to be Continued one month longer and thos[e] friends |
are looked upon as offenders that hath not Compli[e]d with ye tenth |
Query This meeting Collected 9£ ″ 1s ″ 0 old tennor |
3 mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 21st 3mo 1774 |
The Representatives are Wm Sandford & Benja Howland 2nd present |
The matters Respecting Barker Little & William Russell is Referd |
one month Longer under the Same friends Care as heretofore |
in order to Discover their Sencerity – – |
T: Smith Denied *Testimony Recorded in page 299 |
The Committee Appointed to Draw a paper of Denial against |
Thomas Smith and Inform him of his Denial & Right of appeal |
Report that they Dischargd themselves according to their appointment |
and this meeting hath Signed a paper* of Denial against Thos |
Smith and the Reading Sd paper publickly is Referd by Reason |
Thos Smith Appeal |
Sd Smith Requests an appeal to the Quarterly meeting, which |
this meeting grants, and Thos Hicks is appointed to Inform him |
that we grant him an Appeal to Sd Quarterly meeting and Report |
to next mo meeting |
James Davis Reports that he Informd Franiecs [Francis] Allen as orderd |
and they have not made Report at this meeting therefore the |
matter is Referd one month longer under the Care of James |
Davis and then he to make report |
The matter Respecting Elijah Russell being not fully |
Set[t]led therefore it is Referd as heretofore and the Committee |
to make Report when Ready – – |
the matter Respecting those friends that Possess slaves is |
Referd one month longer under the Care of the Same friends |
as heretofore and then they to make Report – – |
4th Day meeting Discontinued |
This Meeting Concludes to Discontinue the meeting that was |
held on the fourth day Preceeding Sandwich yearly meeting |
when it happeneth in the Same week with the monthly meeting |
meeting begin at ye 11 hour |
This meeting Concludes that all our meetings for Worship |
begin at the Eleventh hour |
this meeting Collected 5£ ″ 8s ″ 0d – – |
adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the first Six Day in next mo |
after the meeting for Worship – – |
This Meeting meet by Adjournment ye 1st Day ye 4mo 1774 |
the Representatives being Called both Present |
The friends appointed to have the Oversight of that meeting |
at Bedford made Report that they generally Attended |
Sd meeting And that it was kept up in Some good Degree |
Orderly, And the friends at Bedford Still Request to hold |
a meeting for worship there which this meeting grants as followeth |
meeting at Bedford Still Continued |
Said meetings to be held on Every first Day of the week |
and on Every Sixth day of the week, Except in those weeks |
that our Monthly meeting Preparative & youths meetings |
are and to Continue till the third month next, and |
David Sheepherd [Shepherd] and James Davice [Davis] are Appointed to have |
the Care and Oversight of Sd meeting & make Report at the |
Expiration thereof |
J: Chase Requests Certificate |
Jacob Chase Requests a Removal Certificate for him Self and |
Children to the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset, and we do appoint |
Barzillia Tucker & Barnabus [Barnabas] Mosher to make the Necessary Inquiry |
in that matter and Draw one for him if the[y] think proper and |
bring it next monthly meeting |
Charles Russel paper |
Charles Russell hath given a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his falling into the Sin of fornication therefore we appoint |
Samull [Samuel] Smith & Prince Allen to have the care of that matter |
in order to Discover his Sencerity and Report to next mo meeting |
Ephraim Trip paper |
Ephrim [Ephraim] Tripp hath given in paper to this meeting Condemning |
Some misconduct of his therefore we appoint Barzillia Tucker |
and Prince Allen to have the Care of that matter in Regard |
to the young mans Cencerity [Sincerity] in that matter & Report to next |
monthly meeting |
Gideon Gifford paper |
Gideon Gifford hath given in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his marr[y]ing out of the Unity of friends and we Appoint our friends |
Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker to take an Oppertunity of |
Solid Conferrance with him in order to Discover his Sencerity |
and Report to next monthly meeting – – |
J: Allen Requests Advice |
Jedediah Allen Informs that he hath thoughts of Sel[l]ing and |
Removing from hence and Desires the Advice of this meeting |
and we do Appoint our friends Prince Allen & Nicholass Howland |
to Advise with him as they may think proper |
The Queries were Read & Answers thereto prepard and an Epistle |
to the Quarterly meeting was Read & Signd by the Clerk and |
Sent with Sd Answers to the Quarterly meeting by our Representa=tives |
to the Quarterly meeting |
who are Jonathan Hussey Barzillia Tucker Wm Anthony jur |
Thos Hicks Wm Sandford & Prince Allen and they to make to |
next mo meeting |
To review Miniuts |
Samuel Smith Thos Hicks Prince Allen & Wm Anthony jur are |
appointed to Review & Correct the monthly meeting minutes |
in order that they may goe to Record and make Report |
to next mo meeting |
4th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th ye 4th mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Thomas Hicks & Samuel Smith both Present |
Bar Little and Wm Russell case referd |
The matters Respecting Barker Little & Wm Russell is Refered one |
month longer under the Same friends as heretofore in order to |
Discover their Cincerity & also to See if they dyly [duly] attend meetings |
and then they to make Report – – |
Tho Smith Informed |
Thomas Hicks Reports that he Informed Thos Smith as orderd last |
monthly meeting |
F:Allen & Tho Allen paper returnd |
Francis Allen made Report of his paper & his Son Thoses being Read |
and is Returnd |
[middle third of page is blank]
Respecting Slaves |
The matter Respecting those friends that Possess Slaves is |
Referd one month Longer under the Same friends care as heretofore |
Jacob Chase Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Jacob Chase |
and Children to the monthly meeting of Acoakset |
Charles Russell case referd |
The matter Respecting Charles Russell is Referd to next mo meeting |
under the care of the Same friends ^as before they not having Discharged themselves care, for a |
further proof of his [?] |
and they to make Report to next mo meeting |
Eph Tripp case referd |
The matter of Receiving Ephrim [Ephraim] Tripps paper is also Referd to next |
mo meeting under the care of the Same friends for a further proof |
of his Sincerity and they to make a Report to Sd meeting |
Gid: Gifford case referd |
The friends appointed to Confer with Gideon Gifford Report |
that he gave them Some Degree of Satisfaction but the |
Receiving his paper is Referd to next monthly meeting under |
the Same friends as heretofore & then they to make Report |
the friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, Report that |
Representa tives Report from Q: meeting |
all attended Except Jonathan Hussey & he Sent his Excuse for his |
not Attending which was Accepted, And they have produced |
an Eppistle from Sd meeting which was Read & well accepted |
and the Salutary advice therein Carefully observed and Rec= |
commended to Each Individual |
Corected |
The friends appointed to Revise and Correct this meetings |
minutes in order to goe on Record Report, they have fullfilled |
their Appointment and left them with Wm Anthony Ju to goe |
on Record |
Clerk appointed |
This Meeting Appoints our friend William Anthony Ju |
Clerk of this meeting in the Room of our Esteemed friend Job |
Russell Deceasd, And we do hereby Rattify and Confirm what |
Sd Anthony hath done as Clerk Since the Deceas[e] of Sd Job Russell |
P: Rusell Complaind of |
The Overseers have Informd that Paul Russell hath been |
guilty of Abusive behaviour in the night Season at Roger |
Moshers also a being with an Unbecoming Company at |
Prince Potters and Sd Overseers have Laboured with him for Said |
misconduct and he hath given in a paper Condemning the Same |
and we do appoint our friends Abraham Tucker Joseph Tucker Joseph |
Barker & Jonathan Hussey to have the care of that matter and |
make Report to the next monthly meeting |
friends Removd |
Whereas there hath Divers friends Removed and about to Remove |
within the Compass of the Nine=partners monthly meeting (Namely |
Jonathan Smith and Phebe his wife Benja Russell famely [family] |
Stephen Smith & Children David Anthony & famely, and it |
appearing Necessary that they have Certificates therefore we do |
Appoint our friends Jonathan Hussey Prince Allen Samu[e]l Smith |
William Anthony Ju Thos Hicks to Join the women & make |
the Necessary Inquiry on that account and Draw Certificates |
if they find things Clear and bring them to next mo meeting |
D. Cornel wants advice |
Daniel Cornal [Cornell] Informs that he Desires Some Advice in |
Regard to his Selling & Removing from home, And we |
do appoint our friends Thomas Hicks William Sandford |
and Joseph Gifford for that purpose |
To Settle with Treasurer |
We appoint Prince Allen & William Anthony Ju to Settle |
Accounts with the Treasurer & also with Thos Smith in behalf |
of this meeting & Report to next monthly meeting, they are also |
to Receive & Examine all accounts that Sands [Stands?] against this |
meeting and bring the Sum total to next monthly meeting |
This meeting hath Collected ten pounds four Shillings & 7d old tennor [tenor] |
5 mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th ye 5mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Thos Hicks & Samuel Smith both present |
Case of Bar Little and Wm Russell referd |
The matters Respecting Barker Little & William Russell is |
Referd to next monthly meeting under the Same friends care as |
heretofore and then they to make Report – – |
manimitted |
Isaac Howland 2nd hath Signed a bill of Manimission ]Manumission] for his |
Negro man Pero and Deliverd to this meeting which this meeting accepts |
Concerning Pel: Slocum and John Russel Slaves and J Russell |
The matters Respecting Peleg Slocum & John Russell in Regard their |
freeing their Slaves is Referd by reason of Some Incouragment of Comply[ing] |
one month Longer under the Same friends case as heretofore – – |
and also the matter Respecting Joseph Russell in regard to his holding |
his Negro in Bondage is Referd by the Request of his Son & Abraham |
Tucker & John Potter and they to make Report to next mo meeting when |
Said Russell Returns home from his Journey |
Case of Cha Russel referd |
The matter Respecting Charles Russell is Referd under the Care |
of the Same friends as heretofore and they to make report next mo meeting |
when Ready as Sd Russell is gone from home – – |
Eph Tripp Gid Gifford And Paul Russel Cases referd |
The matters Respecting Receiving Ephrim [Ephraim] Tripps & Gideon Gifford |
paper is Referd one month longer under the Same friends care as |
heretofore and then they to make Report |
The matter Respecting Paul Russell paper is Referd one month |
longer under the Same friends care as heretofore 5 month |
Certificates Signd J. Smith D. Anthony Wife & children |
This meeting hath Signd Certificates for Jonathan Smith & Wife and |
David Anthony & Wife & Children to the Monthly meeting of the |
Nine=Partners – – |
Prince [Allen] & William Anthony Ju made Report to this meeting as |
followeth which is Accepted |
According to Appointment we have Set[t]led Accoumpts [Accounts] with the |
Treasurer and Remain in the Stock– – – – – – – – – |
£8 ″ 0s ″ 0d old tennr |
Due to Benja Allen – – – |
11 ″ 14 ″ 4 £ mo |
Settlement of Accoumpts |
Due to Benja Smith Jur for keeping Alice Smith |
} |
from the 25th ye 10 mo 1773 to the 4th ye 4 mo 1774 – – – |
5 – 7 – 4 £ mo |
Due to Thomas Hicks for Repa[i]ring meeting house |
3 – 3 –11 £ mo |
Due to Timothy Russell – – – – – – – – – – – – – – |
0 – 4 – 0 |
and also we have Set[t]led with Thos Smith |
20 – 9 – 7 £ mo |
and paid him in full of all his Demands |
Dartmouth the 16th ye 5mo 1774 [fr?] |
William Anthony Ju |
Prince Allen |
a few Lines Jonthan Hussey |
This meeting Signed a few lines for Jonathan Hussey by way of |
Certificate to the Oblong & Nine partners as he is abought [about] |
to travel to them parts |
To draw Certite for Ben Russel & Stephen Smith |
We Continue the Same friends as heretofore to Draw Certificates for |
Benja Russell & Stephen Smith and their Children and make Report |
when Ready – – |
£12 11 – 4 O:T. |
order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is Orderd to pay Benja Allen |
£20 old tennor [tenor] |
and Report to next mo meeting |
6th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th ye 6mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey & Prince Allen |
both present |
Barker Little and Wm Russel case referd |
The matter Respecting Barker Little and William Russell is |
referd to next monthly meeting for further Consideration under |
the Care of the Same friends as heretofore |
Ephra Tripp case referd |
The matter in Regard to Ephrim [Ephraim] Tripp is Referd to next monthly |
meeting for further proof of this Sincerity under the care of Prince |
Allen & Barzillia Tucker and then they to make Report |
Gid Gifford case referd |
Likewise the Case of Gideon Gifford is Referd to next monthly |
meeting under the care of Joseph Tucker & Abraham Tucker |
and then they to make report |
Case of John Russell & Peleg Slocum freeing Negros referd |
The matters Respecting John Russell & Peleg Slocum in regard |
to their freeing their Negroes is Referd one month Longer under |
the care of Joseph Gifford William Sandford and Samuel Smith by |
reason of Incouragment of Compliance and then they to make Report |
Ben Allen paid |
the treasurer reports he hath paid Benja Allen the money as ordered |
last mo meeting |
R: Walker viset |
Our friend Robert Walker hath Visited this meeting with a |
Certificate from the monthly meeting of Brighouse in the |
County of York, Dated the 19th ye 3mo 1773 also one from ye Quarterly meeting |
held at york the 24th & 25th ye 3mo 1773 with a Concur[r]ing one from |
the yearly meeting of ministers & Elders held in London from |
the 29th ye 5mo to the 7th of ye 6mo 1773 all which were read to Satis= |
faction and his Viset Kind accepted – – |
Case of Paul Russel referd |
The matter in Regard to Paul Russell is Referd to next monthly meeting |
under the care of the Same friends as heretofore for a further proof of |
his Sincerity and then they to make Report |
H: Smith 2 Requests Certificate |
Humphry Smith 2nd Informs that he is about to Remove with his |
fammily to East Hoosuck15 and Desires our Certificate therefore |
Joseph Barker Prince Allen & Samuel Smith are appointed to make the |
Necessary Inquiry and draw one for him if think proper and bring |
it to next monthly meeting – – |
Micajah Wood paper |
Micajah Wood hath given in a paper Condemning his marrying |
out of the Unity of friends & we do appoint our friends Barzillai |
Tucker & Wm Mosher to Confer with him on that Account in order |
monthly meeting |
E: Robertson Viset |
Our friend Elisabeth Robinson hath Viseted this meeting |
with a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Richmond in |
Yorkshire bearing date ye 4th ye 3mo 1773 with one of Concurrence |
from the Quarterly meeting held at York ye 24 & 25 of the 3mo 1773 |
with another of Concurrance from the Yearly meeting of ministers |
and Elders held at London from ye 29th ye 5mo to the 7th of ye 6th mo |
1773 all which were Read to Satisfaction and her Viset and |
Testimony well accepted16 – – |
S: Lightfoot viset |
Likewise our friend Susanah Lightfoot hath viset us with |
her Certificate from the monthly meeting held at Urchlon [Uwchlan] |
Chester County in Pensylvania Dated the 9th of the 6mo 1774 |
whose Visit was Kindly Accepted17 |
The Queries and Answers thereto were read and an Epistle |
Representa: to ye Q: meeting |
Singd [signed] for the Quarterly meeting and Orderd forward to Sd |
meeting by our Representatives who are Thos Hicks James |
Davice [Davis] Barzillai Tucker Wm Anthony Ju & Joh[n] Williams |
and they to make Report to next monthly meeting |
2 meetings a Day at Bedford |
The friends at Bedford Request to hold two meetings for |
Worship on first days which is Granted untill the monthly |
meeting in the tenth month next, Said meetings to begin |
in the forenoon at the 10 hour and in the afternoon at |
the 3rd hour – – |
Giles Slocum give in a paper |
Giles Slocum hath Given in a paper to this meeting Condem= |
=ning his falling into the Reproachfull Sin of fornication |
and we appoint our friends Samuel Smith Joseph Gifford Joseph |
Barker Wm Barker Seth Russell to take an Oppertunity of |
Conferrence with Said Slo[c]um in order to Discover his Sincerity |
and make Report to next monthly meeting |
This meeting Collected £12 – 0s – 9d old tenor |
7th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th ye 7mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey & Prince Allen both present |
Case of Wm Russell referd |
The matters Respecting William Russell is Referd one month |
Longer under the Care of the Same friends as heretofore & then they |
to make Report |
Bar Little referd |
The matter Respecting Barker Little is Referd to next mo |
meeting under the care of the Same friends as heretofore |
and then they to make Report – – |
Case of Eph Tripp referd |
The matter Respecting Ephrim [Ephraim] Tripp is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the Care of Prince Allen & Barzillai |
Tucker John Potter & Caleb Russell and they to Report next |
monthly meeting |
Case of Gid Gifford referd |
The matter Respecting Gideon Gifford is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as |
heretofore and then they to make Report – – |
Case of John Russel and Peleg Slocum freeing Negroes referd |
The matters Respecting John Russell & Peleg Slocum |
freeing their Negroes, not being fully Compleated |
therefore its Referd to next monthly meeting under the |
Care of the Same friends as heretofore and then they to |
make Report |
Case of Paul Russel referd |
The matter in Regard to Paul Russell is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the Same friends Care as heretofore |
and then they to make Report – – |
Case of Hum Smith referd |
The friends appointed to prepare a Certificate for Humphry |
Smith Report that they hant Compleated Sd Business therefore |
they are Still Continued for that purpose and to make Report |
to next monthly meeting |
Case of Micajah Wood referd |
The matter Respecting Micajah Wood is Referd to next mo meeting |
under the care of the Same friends as before and then they to |
make report – – |
Return from Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report |
that all attended and have Produced an Epistle from the |
Same which was Read & well Accepted – – |
London Epistle |
The London Printed Epistle of Last year was read in this |
meeting and as it Contains much Good Advice & Instruction |
Pertinant to the Present times it is orderd to be Publickly |
Read at the close of our meeting for worship – – |
Transcip yearly meeting Epistle |
A Transcrip[t] of our Last yearly meeting Epistle was Read |
and Kindly Accepted Sd Transcrip[t] Informs the yearly meeting |
David & Thomas Smiths Case |
Confirmd the Judgment of the Quarterly meeting against |
David and Thos Smith and as to the matter of Gideon |
Gid Howland marriage not allowed |
Howland & Katherine Slocum marriage, it is Recommended that |
we Strictly adhear to the Rules of the Society in that Respect |
Transcrip of London Written Epistle |
A Transcript of the London Written Epistle for the Last year |
was Likewise read in this meeting and the Salutory advice |
Epistil from Philidela |
the yearly meeting of Philidelphia was read to good |
Satisfaction |
Giles Slocum case referd |
The matter in Regard to Giles Slocum is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as |
heretofore and Jonathan & Daniel Cornal [Cornell] & Joh [John] Williams |
are ad[d]ed to them and they to make Report to next mo meeting |
Sewel History paid for |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid two Dollars it being |
the Remainder for one of Sewels History |
Denial to be drawd against David Smith |
We appoint our friend Samuel Smith & Prince Allen to Inspect |
the minutes made against David Smith and Draught [Draft] a |
paper of Denial Against him if they think proper when Sd |
minutes is inspected and bring it to next monthly meeting |
Clement Beedle proposal marriage |
Clement Biddle of Philidelphia and Rebecca Cornal |
Declared their Intentions of taking Each other in marriage |
and were Desir,d to wait untill the next monthly meeting |
for their Answer |
D: Conel Requests Certificate |
Daniel Cornal Desired a Removal Certificate for him |
Self and Children under age ^to the mo meeting of the Ninepartner therefore we appoint Thos |
Hicks and William Anthomy Jur to make the necessary and |
to Draw one for him if they think proper and bring it |
to next monthly meeting |
This meeting hath Concluded to come to a Subscription |
Subscription to Raise money |
being in Debt nearly to the amount of twenty five pounds |
Lawfull money, and our friends Caleb Russell Prince |
Allen William Wood Abraham Howland & Benja Slocum |
are appointed to Receive & to pay the Same into the |
treasury of this meeting and make Report of their Doings |
with the Sum total as Soon as they Convenient can |
This meeting hath Collected £13″1s″3d old tennor |
Three books Receiv,d |
This meeting hath Received three Books of Robert |
Barkley [Barclay] & William Penns works from our yearly meeting |
which is for the Use of friends in General |
8th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 15th the 8 mo 1774 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen & Thos Hicks present |
Wm Russell case referd |
The matter Respecting William Russell is Refer,d to next |
monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as here- |
tofore, and they are Desir,d to Inform him that friends are |
not willing to Receiv his paper by reason of his Slackness |
of attending meetings |
case referd |
The matter Respecting Barker Little is Refer,d to next |
mo meeting under the Care of Jonathan Hussey & Seth Russell |
and then they make Report – – |
Ephraim Tripp Case refer,d |
The matter Respecting Ephrim Tripp is Refer,d to |
next monthly meeting under the Same friends care as here- |
tofore and then to make Report – – |
Gideon Gifford’s case refer,d |
The friends that had the Care of that matter in regard to |
Gideon Gifford Desire the matter Refer,d one month longer |
therefore sd matter is Refer,d under sd friends and then they to |
make Report |
John Russell & Peleg Slocum Case referd |
The matter in Regard to John Russell & Peleg Slocum freeing |
their Negroes not being yet fully Compleated therefore sd |
matter is Refer,d one month Longer under the Same friends |
Care as heretofore and then they to make report |
H. Smith Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed Removal Certificate for |
Humphry Smith 2nd his Wife and Children to the monthly |
meeting at the Ninepartners |
Paul Russell Case refer,d |
The matter Respecting Paul Russell is Refer,d to next |
monthly meeting under the Same friends Care as hereto= |
fore and then they to make Report |
Micaj Wood Case refer,d |
The matter in regard to Micajah Wood is Refer,d under |
the care of Barzillia Tucker Benjamin Rider and John |
Williams to next monthly meeting & then they to make |
Report |
Giles Slocum Case refer,d |
The Committee that had the care of that matter Respecting |
Giles Slocum Desire the matter to be Refer,d which is Refer,d |
to next monthly meeting & then they to make Report |
Testimony against D. Smith Recorded in page 299 |
This meeting hath Signed a paper of Denial against |
David Smith and the Clerk is order,d to read sd paper |
Publickly at the Close of first days meeting for |
worship and make Report to next monthly meeting |
Clement Biddle Certificate |
Clement Biddle hath Produced a Certificate from |
the monthly meeting of Philidelphia Certifying that he |
is a member of their meeting & Clear of marriage Entangle- |
ments Engagments as far as they know |
C:B & R: C Receiv,d their answer |
Therefore Clement Biddle and Rebecca Cornal appear,d |
for their answer which was that they might Proceed |
to take Each other in marriage in Some Convenient time |
before next monthly meeting advising with the Overseers |
this meeting Shall appoint for that purpose and |
See their marriage Consomated in good order and make |
Report to next monthly meeting |
D Cornel Certificate Sing,d |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the |
Monthly Meeting of Ninepartners for our friend Daniel |
Cornal and his Children under age |
Certificat to be given all moved in the Verge of Ninepart- ners month -ly meeting |
We appoint our friends Thomas Hicks Prince Allen William |
Anthony Ju and Samuel Smith to Draw Removal Certificates |
for all the friends that have Removed to Sarhatoga that |
they on Inquiry Shall think proper and make report to |
next monthly meeting and also to Draw one for |
Jedidiah Allen his wife and Children all to be Directed |
to the monthly meeting of Ninepartners |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is order,d to pay Timothy Russell five dollars |
for half years keeping the meeting house |
This meeting hath Collected £11″10s″11d old tennor |
1774 9th mo |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 19th the 9th mo 1774 |
the Representatives are William Sandford & Thos Hicks present |
Wm Russell case referd |
The matter Respecting Wm Russell is Refer,d to next monthly |
meeting under the Care of the Same friends as heretofore |
and then they to make Report |
Bark Little case refer,d |
The matter Respecting Barker Little is Refer,d to next mo |
meeting under the Care of the Same friends as heretofore |
and then they to make Report |
E: Tripp Denied |
Whereas Ephraim Tripp hath long been under Dealing and the |
matter having been under the care of a Committee for a long time |
and now Said Committee Report that they have found no Satisfaction |
therefore we hereby Disown the Said Ephraim Tripp from being |
a member of our Society and Prince Allen & Thos Hicks is appointed |
to Draw a publick Testimony against him and bring it to next |
monthly meeting and also to Shew him a Copy of the minute |
made against him |
Gid Gifford’s case referd |
The matter Respecting Gideon Gifford is Referd to next monthly |
meeting under the Care of Joseph Tucker & William Mosher and |
then they to make report |
manimition from John Russell |
John Russell hath Signed and Deliver,d to this meeting Two |
Bills of Manumition one for a Negro Woman Named Luce |
and one for a negro gall Named Vilot which this meeting |
Peleg Slocum case referd |
Accepts. And Peleg Slocum Not fully Complying with |
friends Request in Regard to freeing his Negroes, therefore the |
matter is Refer,d under the Same friends care as heretofore, to next |
monthly meeting & then they to make Report |
P: Russel Denied |
Whereas Paul Russell having been under Dealing and the |
matter hath been Long under the Care of a Committee & now the |
greater part of Sd Committee (the other being absent) Report that |
they found no Satisfaction therefore we hereby Disown the Said |
Paul Russell from being a member of our Society and Prince |
Allen & Thomas Hicks are appointed to Draw a publick Tes- |
timony against P. Russell & bring it to next monthly meeting |
& also Shew him a Coppy of this minute |
Certificates Sing,d for Several friends Zephaniah Anthony Wife & Children &c |
This meeting hath Sign,d Removal Certificates to the monthly |
meeting at the Ninepartners for the following friend (viz) |
Shadrac Dennice his Wife and Children, Zephania Anthony with |
his Wife and Children |
B Biddle Certificate Sign,d |
This meeting hath also Signed a Removal Certificate to |
the monthly meeting of Philidelphia for Rebeca Biddle |
wife of Clement Biddle |
Micaj Wood case referd |
The matter Respecting Micajah Wood is Refer,d to next mo |
meeting under the Care of Barzillia Tucker, Benja Rider Joseph |
Barker & Prince Allen and then they to make Report |
Giles Slocum case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Giles Slocum Desire |
the matter to be Refer,d which matter is Refer,d to next mo |
meeting and then they to make report |
T: & D: Smith Testimony Read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimonies against |
David and Thos Smith as orderd |
This meeting Collected – – £11 00s 00d old tennor |
This meeting adjourns to the Last first in this month after |
the meeting of worship |
This meeting meet acccording to adjournment the 28th the 9 mo 1774 |
the Representatives being called both Present |
Clement Biddle marriage |
The friends appointed to See Clement Biddle & Rebecca |
Cornel marraige Consomated, Report that Said marraige was |
Consomated orderly Except the young womans appearing with |
her bonet on in time of marriage, which appears that She did |
it Inadvertantly therefore friends advise for the futer on Such |
Occations women take off their bonets |
manimitions from J:R |
Joseph Russell hath free,d his Negro men from the State |
of Slavery, Namely Quash and Pero, and their Manu- |
missons hath been Read in this meeting & accepted |
Tim Russel is paid |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Timothy Russell five |
Dollars for keeping the meeting house half a year as orderd |
and approv,d & Sent with the Epistle, which was Sign,d in this |
F. Rider Recommended as a Minister |
meeting to the Quarterly meeting, and our friend Freborn |
Rider was Recommended as a member of the Quarterly meeting |
of ministers & Elders |
money sent for the Y: M Stock |
The Treasurer is order,d to hand three Dollars to the Representatives |
to the Quarterly for the yearly Stock and Report next mo meeting |
Representatives to the Q: Meetig |
Our friends Thomas Hicks Barzillia Tucker Wm Barker Wm An[thony]: ju |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting and present the |
Epistle with the answers to the Queries and make report next mo Meeting. |
10th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 10 mo 1774 |
the Representatives ar Joseph Barker & Prince Allen both present |
Wm Russell case referd |
The matter Respecting Wm Russell is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under the care of the Same friends as heretofore and then they |
to make Report |
Barker Little’s case referd |
One of the Committee appointed on account of Barker Little Reports |
that they hant had an oppertunity with him and Desire the matter |
Refer,d therefore Sd matter is Refer,d untill next mo meeting under |
their Care and then they to make Report |
Testimony Signed against E:T & P: R |
Prince Allen & Thos. Hicks hath answer,d their appointment |
and brought Testimonies against Ephrem Tripp & Paul Russell |
which were Sign,d by the Clerk and Sd Clerk is order,d to read |
Sd Testimonies at the Close of a first Days meeting at Some |
Convenient time after the time of appeal is out & then make Report |
Gideon Gifford paper accepted |
The Committee appointed on account of Gideon Gifford |
Report that they have So much Satisfaction as they are willing |
to Receive his paper Therefore this meeting Concluds to accept |
Sd paper which is as followeth |
G: Giffrd paper |
To the Preparative & Monthly meeting of friends |
Whereas I have Married Out of the Unity of friends & therein |
broak the good order Established among them, which broack |
of Disorder I am Sorrow for and do Condemn the Same and |
Desire friends So far to pass by mine offence as to let me |
Remain under their Care from your friend |
Dartmouth the 3 the 3 mo 1774 |
Gideon Gifford |
P. Slocum case referd |
The Committee appointed in the affair of Peleg Slocum, made no |
Report therefore the matter Respecting Peleg Slocum’s freeing his Negroes is |
Refer,d untill next monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as |
heretofore & Joseph Tucker & Abraham Tucker is aded to them and they to |
Report to next monthly meeting |
& E: T Deni,d |
The women Inform that they have Signed papers of Denial against |
Mary Cornal & Elisabeth Tucker which this meeting approveth of & |
the Clerk hath Signed Sd papers also – – |
M: W Deni,d |
Whereas Micajah Wood hath been under Dealing for marring out of the |
Unity of friends, and the matter been under the Consideration of a Committee |
for a long time, and they Report that Said Woods Conduct hath been |
Disagreeable, in Reporting a Scandeclos Story about Edieth Smith wife |
of Humphry Smith the 2d and not Inclining to Condemn the Same to friends |
Satisfaction therefore we hereby Disown him the Said Wood from being |
a member of our Society and Benja Rider & Prince Allen are appointed |
to Draw a Testimony against him & bring it to next mo meeting |
also to Shew him a Coppy of this minute and Inform of his Right |
of appeal and make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
G Slocum Case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Giles Slocum Desire |
the matter Refer,d which is Refer,d under the Same friends Care |
as heretofore unto next monthly meeting & then they to make Report |
money paid by Treasurer |
the Treasury Reports that he hath paid the money to the Representatives |
as order,d last monthly meeting |
Return from the Q: meeting |
The Representative Report that they all attended the Quarterly |
meeting, also we Received an Epistle from Sd meeting with an |
Printed one from Philidelphia which were read & kindly accepted |
D Shephers Jur desires a Certifi |
David Sheepherd jur Requests a few lines to the mo meeting |
of Smithfield Certifying his Clearness Respecting marriage and |
Conversation & Caleb Russell & John Williams are appointed for that |
purpose & they to Report to next mo meeting. Likewise |
Elias Slocum Requests one of the like to the mo meeting of |
Coakset & Prince Allen & Thos Hicks are appointed to take |
the necessary Care on that account & Report next monthly meeting |
This meeting Collected 8£-5s-5d old Tennor |
Testimony against David Smith Should have been Recorded in page 293 |
(Whereas David Smith of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol |
in the Province of the Massachussets Bay in New England |
having Long made Profession with us & been a member |
of our monthly meeting of Dartmouth, But for want ^of due |
watchfulness, and Giving way to a Contentious mind, has |
So far Deviated from our Profession as to Publickly Report |
that Some of the Overseers of our meeting were fals men, to |
the Defaming of them, and friends having Labour,d with |
him in much Love in order to Retract & Condemn the same |
and Restore him to unity with his Brethren again, But |
he Refusing to Comply therewith therefore for the Clearing |
=tentious Person This meeting is Concerned to Give this |
forth as a Publick Testimony against him, and hereby |
Disown him the Said David Smith from being a member |
of our Society untill by Repentance he shall be Restord to the |
way of truth – – Given forth at our sd mo meeting held on |
the 15th day of the 8th month – 1774 |
Signed in and on behalf of Sd meeting by Wm Anthony jur Clerk) |
Testimony against T: Smith Should have been Recorded in page 285 |
(Whereas Thomas Smith Son of David Smith had his Education |
among friends & Disregarding the testimony of truth So for as to |
Publickly Declare that Daniel Cornel was a fals man & he could |
prove it, and he hath failed of his assertion, and friends hav= |
=ing Repeatedly Labour,d with him in Love in order to restore |
him to the way of truth, but our Labour of love not having |
the Desire,d Effect to friends Satisfaction therefore for the clearing |
of truth and friends from the Reproch of Such practices this |
meeting is Concerned to Give this forth against him & do hereby |
Publickly Disown him the sd Thos Smith from being one |
society and from under the care of friends Nevertheless Des= |
=iring if it be agreeable with Divine pleasure that he may |
yet be Restor,d from the Evil of his way & by unfeigned Repen- |
-tance Return to the way of truth – – |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21st Day of the 3 mo 1774. And Signed in & on behalf of Sd |
meeting by – – Wm Anthony jur Clerk |
11th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of the 11th mo 1774 |
the representatives are Jonathan Hussey & Wm Mosher both Present |
Wm Russel case referd |
The matter Respecting William Russell is Refer,d to next mo |
meeting under the Care of the Same friends as heretofore and then |
they to make Report |
Some of the Committee that had the care of that matter Respecting |
Barker Little case referd |
Barker Little report that they hant fully Disharg,d themselves |
on that account therefore the matter is Still Refer,d to next mo |
meeting under their care & then they to make Report |
manimition from P.S Receiv,d |
Peleg Slocum hath Signed & Deliver,d to this meeting two |
Bills of Manimission one for a Negro man named Cesor & one |
for a Negro man Named London which this meeting accepts |
Testimony against M: Wood |
This meeting hath Signed a Testimony against Micajah |
Wood and the Clerk is orderd to read Sd paper at the Close of a |
first Days meeting for Worship at Some Convenient time before |
as followeth – – |
Whereas Micajah Wood hath had his Education amongst |
friends and Disregarding the testimony of truth So far as |
to marry out from amongst friends and also Reporting a |
Scandalos Story about Edieth Smith wife of Humphry Smith |
all which friends having Laboured with him in love in order |
to Restore him to the way of truth, but our Labour of love |
not having its Desired Effect to friends Satisfaction there |
fore for the Clearing of truth and friends from the Reproach |
of Such Practices this meeting is Concern,d to give this forth |
against him the Said Micajah Wood and do hereby Publickly |
Disown him from being one of our Society and from under |
the Care of friends Nevertheless Desiring if it be agreeable |
with Divine Pleasure that he yet may be Restored from |
the Evil of his ways and by unfeigned Repentance Return |
to the way of Truth – – |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21 Day the 11th month 1774 and Signed in |
and on behalf of Sd meeting by |
Wm Anthony jur Clerk |
manimited negroes informed |
We appoint our friends Prince Allen Joseph Gifford and |
Caleb Russell to Inform all the Negroes Manimited by friends |
belonging to this meeting that they are Set at liberty and |
advise with them as they think proper |
G Slocum’s case referd |
The Committee appointed on that affair of Giles Slocum Desire |
that matter Refer,d one month longer as they are not fully ready |
to make Report therefore Sd matter is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under their Care & then they to make Report |
D: Sheepherd ju Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed a Certificate for David Sheepherd ju |
to the monthly meeting of Smithfield Certifying his Clearness Resp- |
ecting marriage, Also one of the like kind for Elihu Slocum to the |
monthly meeting of Acoakset |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Jededi-ah |
J: A Certificate |
Allen his wife and Children to the Monthly meeting of the Nine |
Partners Likewise one for Isaac Sandford & Children to Sd mo meeting |
and Likewise one for Benja Russell his wife & Children to Sd mo- meeting |
Likewise one for Stephen Smith & Children to Sd mo meeting – – |
The year being Expired of the Service of the Overseers, Likewise |
the Overseers of the Poor yet the Same are Still Continued in that |
Service till next monthly meeting and the Choice of Sd Overseers |
is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
meetings begin at 12 hour |
This meeting Concluds that all our meetings for worship only |
Begin at the twelveth hour Except at Bedford, and to Continue |
So untill the monthly meeting in the fourth month next, and then |
all our meetings to Begin at the Eleventh hour untill our |
yearly meeting in the faul – – |
C: G & J: S under Dealing |
The Overseers Inform that Caleb Green, and Joshua Sherman = Ju |
hath married out of the Unity of friends and that Sd |
Green hath married his first Cousin and the overseers having |
Labour,d with them for the Same (altho they were not |
Previsously Cautioned to Desist) and they Decline |
to Condemn their Transgression therefore we do Refer,d matter |
to next monthly meeting – – |
The Overseers Inform that Isaac Smith hath married out |
of the Unity of friends and he having been Precautioned to |
I. Smith Denied |
Desist, Therefore we do Disown him the said Isaac Smith |
from being in membership & from under the Care of this meeting |
This meeting Collected £5 ″ 1s ″ 11d O:T |
12th mo 1774 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of the 12 mo 1774 |
The Representatives are Thos Hicks & Barzillia Tucker both present |
overseers appointed |
Our friends William Mosher Thomas Hicks Benjamin Howland and |
James Davis William Anthony ju are appointed Overseers for |
the year Ensuing and John Williams and Prince Allen is nominated |
and Desire to Consider of the matter one month – – |
Overseers of the poor |
Our friends Joseph Barker Gideon Howland Abraham Howland |
Caleb Bassell Barzillia Tucker David Sheepherd Philip Allen Benjamin |
Rider are appointed Overseers of the Poor for the year Ensuing |
E. B admitted a member |
The Women friends Inform that they have Received Elizabeth |
Briggs a member of our Society which we Concur with – – |
The matter Respecting Wm Russell is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under the Care of Samuel Smith & Prince Allen and then they |
to make Report – – |
B: Little paper accepted |
This meeting hath Concluded to accept of Barker Little and |
Wifes paper Provided they Cause Sd paper to be Read publickly |
at the End of a first days meeting for Worship and Return |
Said paper to next mo meeting |
M: Wood paper Read |
The Clerk reports that he hath Read Micajah Woods paper as |
order,d |
This meeting Collected – – £8″14s″0 old Tennor |
fig. 9: The Allen’s Neck Meeting House was first built in 1758 and rebuilt in 1873.
© Copyright Jean Schnell
order on Treasurer |
the Treasurer is order,d to pay Timothy Russell 5 Dollars for half years |
keping the meeting house |
This meeting adjourns to the 28th this Instant |
This meeting meet by adjournment the 28th the 12th mo 1774 – – |
the Representatives being Called Barzillia Tucker present and |
Thos Hicks Sent his Excuse for not being here which this meeting accepts |
case of Giles Slocum continud |
The Committee appointed on account of Giles Slocum made Report |
to this meeting which Report this meeting being not willing |
to accepts by Reason the matter is not fully Setled then for |
the Same Committee is Still Continued and hereby Impower |
them to Settle the whole affair in behalf of this meeting and |
make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Case of Caleb Greene and Joshua Shearman |
The matter Concerning Caleb green and Jorshua Sherman ju |
being Refer,d Last monthly meeting to this meeting therefore |
we appoint our friends John Williams Caleb Russell and |
Benjamin Rider to Labour further with them and make |
Report to next monthly meeting Likewise to Inform Isaac |
to next monthly meeting |
D: Russell Requests Certificate |
David Russell Desires a Removal Certificate to the |
monthly meeting of Coakset and William Mosher and |
Barzillia Tucker are appointed to take the Necessary Care |
on that account and Draw one for him if they think proper |
and bring to next monthly meeting – – |
on Title of meeting house Lands |
This meeting Concluds it Necessary that there be an Inspection |
into the Title of our meeting house Lands but this meeting |
being Small therefore the Chusing a Committee on that |
account is Refer’d to next monthly meeting – – |
J: Wood under Dealing |
This meeting being Inform,d that John Wood hath been found |
in the Reproachful Evil of Joining with other in Stealing |
of watermillions from John Sheepherd also in Gatherin with a |
Tumultious Company by way of Riot very unbecoming the truth |
Likewise he is Published out of the Unity of friends and Likewise |
W: Haden under Dealing |
the Overseers inform that William Hoden [Hayden] hath also been Conside= |
rate in Stealing Said Sheepherds watermillion all which matters |
Said Overseers hath Labour,d with them for and we appoint |
our friends Caleb Russell Prince Allen Barzillia Tucker to Labour |
further with them on those accounts and Report next mo meeting |
1 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of the 1st mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey and John Williams present |
Prince Allen John Wms proposed overseers |
Prince Allen and John Williams, not being fully willing to be appointed |
Overseers at present therefore they are Still Desir,d to Consider of the matter |
one month Longer and then they to make Report – – |
W: R paper accepted |
This meeting accepts of William Russells paper, the Committee |
on that account on that account on that amount making Somewhat |
a Satisfactory Report Concerning him – – |
B Littles paper not read |
Barker Little and wives paper not being Read by Reason of |
Disappointment therefore the matter is Refer,d and he is Desir,d to |
Cause Sd paper to be read as order,d before and Return it to next mo meeting |
Tim Russ is paid |
Timothy Russell Informs that the Treasury has paid him the money |
as order,d Last mo meeting |
Giles Slocum case referd |
The matter Respecting Giles Slocum is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under the Care of the Same Committee as heretofore by their Request |
and then they to make Report |
Caleb Green J Shearman case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Caleb Green and Jorshua |
Sherman Desire the matter Refer,d which is Referd to next mo |
meeting and Caleb Russell is Dismised from that Service by |
Room and they to make Report next mo meeting |
D: Russel Certificate Sign,d |
Removal Certificate for friends David Russell & his wife to |
Acoakset monthly meeting were Signed at this meeting – – |
J: H & M: A Received their answer |
Jonathan Howland and Mary Allen Declar,d their Intentions of |
marriage and were Desired to wait till next monthly for their answer |
and Joseph Barker & William Anthony ju are appointed to Inquire into |
the young mans Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation and |
make Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Our friends Prince Allen Wm Anthony ju Samuel Smith |
Committee to Inspect the title of meetings Land |
Barzillia Tucker are appointed to Inspect into the Title of our |
meeting house land and where they find any defect to mend |
and Strengthen the Same as they may think best and make |
Report when they have Accomplished the Same – – |
Report from Quart meeting |
The Representative Report that they all attend the Quarterly |
meeting According to appointment & have Produced an Epistle |
from the Same which hath been Read & kindly Accepted – – |
John Wood & Wm Haden case referd |
The matters Respecting John Wood and Wm Haden are Referd |
to next monthly meeting on the account the Committee have not |
had opportunity to fulfill their appointment therefore they are |
Continued in that Service & to make Report to next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected 11£″0s″0d old tennor which is Sent to the |
treasury by Benjamin Smith jur – – |
(The following paper of Richard Peckhams Should have been Recorded |
in page 278 – – |
Testimony against R: Peckham |
Whereas Richard Peckham a member of this meeting, hath for |
want of adhearing to the measure of Light and Grace in his |
own Heart, So far Deviated from the good order Established |
amongst us as to fall into the Sin of fornication as appears by |
his wives having a Child Soon after marriage, and Likewise |
hath married his first Cousin the which he Declines to Condemn |
to friends Satisfaction, and after our Labour of love we think |
we are Clear do disown the Sd Richard peckham from being a |
member of our Society Untill it may please God to Shew him his |
Error and by an unfeigned repentance he may Return, is our |
hearty Desire, Given forth at our monthly meeting held in |
Dartmouth – – the 17th Day of the first month – – 1774 – – |
Signed in and on behalf of Sd meeting by – – |
William Anthony jur Clerk —) |
1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th the 2nd mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey & Barzillia Tucker present |
John Wms overseer B Littles paper read |
John Williams is appointed Overseer in order to Join the Rest |
in that Service – – This meeting is Inform,d that Barker Little |
and wives paper hath been read as orderd & Returnd to this |
meeting and is as followeth |
The monthly meeting of friends to be holden at Dartmouth the |
15th the 11th month 1773 |
B: Little and wifes paper |
Friends whereas we through the Infirmation of the adversary |
have fallen into the gross Sin of fornication and brought a great |
Scandal upon our Profession for which we are Sorry for and do |
Condemn hoping God will forgive us and friends So for pass by |
this Offence with all other our offences as to lett us Still Remain |
under their Care – – |
Barker Little |
Elisabeth Little |
Case of Caleb Green J Sherman & I Smith |
The Committee appointed on account of Caleb Green & Joshua |
Sherman jur & Isaac Smith Report that they Inform,d Sd Smith as |
order,d and that Caleb Green gave them Some Satisfaction and |
Sd Green & wife gave in a paper to the meeting Condemning |
their misconduct they likewise Report in Regard to Joshua |
Sherman that they had an oppertunity of Conferrance with him |
and he gave them no Satisfaction and this meeting Concluds |
to Refer the matters Respecting ^Sd green & P. Sherman Under the |
Care of Benja Taber John Williams & Benja Rider and they to make |
Report next monthly meeting – – |
The friends appointed to Enquire into the Clearness of |
Jonathan Howland Report that they have made Inquiry and |
find nothing So material as to hinder his Proceeding – – |
J. H & M A Receiv,d their answer |
Jonathan Howland and Mary Allen appear,d for their Answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in |
marriage in Some Convenient time before next mo meeting |
advising with the Overseers we Shall appoint for that purpose |
and Joseph Barker & Wm Anthony ju to See their marriage Consoma |
in good order & make Report next monthly meeting – – |
T: M & R: H Publish,d |
Thomas Mott and Rhoda Hathaway Declar,d their |
Intention of taking Each other in marriage & were Desir,d |
to wait untill next monthly meeting for their Answer and |
William Wood & Barzillia Tucker are appointed to Inquire into |
Sd Motts Clearness in Regard to marriage & Conversation & make |
Report next monthly meeting |
Wm Haden Case referd |
The friends appointed to Labour with John Wood and Wm |
Haden Report they have not fully Discharged themselves |
in that matter and Desire it to be Refer,d which is Refer,d |
to next monthly meeting and then they to make Report |
J Davis Requests Certificate |
James Davis Desires a Certificate Signifying his Clearness |
Respecting marriage & Conversation to the Monthly meeting |
of Smithfield therefore David Sheeherd and Benjamin Taber |
are appointed to take the Necessary Care on that account and |
bring one to the next monthly meeting if they find him Clear |
David Hart gave in a paper |
David Hart hath given in a Paper to this meeting Condeming |
his marring out of the Unity of friends, and we appoint Joseph |
Tucker William Mosher & William Wood to take an Oppertunity |
of Conferrance with him in order to Discover his Sincerity, and |
Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Charles Russel case |
The Committee appointed Some months past on Acount of |
Charles Russell Report that he gave them no Satisfaction |
and that Sd Russell is about to marry out of the Unity of friends |
and Samuel Smith & Prince Allen are appointed to Draught a |
Testimony against Sd Russell and bring it to next mo meeting |
also to Inform him of his Right of an Appeal – – |
money paid to the treasury |
Caleb Russell Reports that he hath Reciv,d by way of Subscription |
as order,d Some months past the Sum of Eight pounds Eleven |
Shillings & four pence Lawfull money and paid into the Treasury |
This meeting Collected £13″7s″4d old tennor which is Sent to the |
treasury by Prince Allen |
order on Treasurer |
The Treasury is order,d to pay Benjamin Allen his Demand |
on the meeting also those that have Demand for Reparing |
the meeting house and make Report next mo meeting |
J: Hussey Requests a Certificate |
Jonathan Hussey Desires a Removal Certificate for him |
self his Wife & Children to the monthly meeting of Ninepartners |
and we appoint William Sandford Wm Anthony jr and John |
Potter to take the Necessary Care on that account and bring one to |
next mo meeting if they think proper – – |
adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the first Day of next month |
mett |
This meeting meet by Adjournment the 1st Day: 3 mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Jonathan Hussey and Barzillia Tucker present |
P Russell denial read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath read the Testimony against |
Paul Russell & Ephrim Tripp as order,d Some months past |
and Return,d Said Testimonies to this meeting |
William Barker and William Sandford are Appointed to have |
Wm Sanford oversite of Bury =ing ground |
the Oversight of the Burying Ground in the Room of Jonathan |
Hussey who is about to Remove from hence, and they to Join |
with Abraham Tucker & Joseph Tucker in that Service – – |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasury is order,d to pay Benjamin Smith jur his bill |
against this meeting which was Inspected and allow,d Some |
time past and Report to next monthly meeting |
Testimony against P: Russell |
Whereas Paul Russell Son of Paul Russell having had his |
Education among friends and Disregarding the Testimony of |
of Truth So far as to be found in Some abusive behavour |
with Roger Mosher in the Night, and Likewise in |
Resorting with a Rude Company at Prince Potters house |
all which plainly appears by his own Confession and |
friends having Repeatedly with him in Love in order to |
Restore him to the way of Truth but our Labour of Love not |
having the Desir,d Effect to friends Satisfaction, therefore for |
the Clearing of Truth and friends from the Reproach of Such |
practises this meeting is Concern,d to give this forth against him |
and do hereby publickly Disown him the Sd Paul Russell from |
being one of our Society and from under the Care of friends |
yet Nevertheless Desiring if it be agreeable with Divine |
pleasure that he may yet be Restord from the Evil of his ways |
and by Unfeigned Repentance Return to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th the |
10 mo 1774 – – |
and Signed in & on behalf of Sd meeting by |
Wm Anthony jr Clerk |
Testimony against E: Tripp |
Whereas Ephriam Tripp Son of Wm Tripp, Having had |
his Education amongst friends and Disregarding the |
Testimony of Truth So far as to be found in Some abusive |
behaviour with Roger Mosher in the Night Season and |
Likewise in Resorting with a Rude Company at Prince |
Potters house all which appears by his one Confession, and |
friends having Repeated Laboured with him in love |
in order to Restore him to the way of Truth, but our labour |
of Love not having the Desir,d Effect to friends Satisfaction |
therefore for the Clearing of Truth and friends from the |
Reproach of Such Practices this meeting is Concerned to give |
this forth against him & Do hereby Publickly Disown him |
the Said Ephrim Tripp from being one of our Society and |
from under the Care of friends yet Nevertheless Desiring |
be Restored from the Evil of his ways and by unfeigned |
Return to the way of Truth – – |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 17th Day the 10 mo 1774 and Signed in & on behalf of Sd |
meeting by – – |
William Anthony jr Clerk |
Bill for keeping Alice Smith |
The Overseers of the Poor hath handed in a bill from |
Benjamin Smith Ju for keeping Alice Smith to the amount |
of £4″6s″8d Lawfull money which is accepted – – |
Case of James Howlands Request |
Caleb Russell & Seth Russell are appointed in the room |
of Jonathan Hussey to Jaine Barzillia Tucker in having the |
Care of that matter Respecting James Howland Ju who |
Requested to Come among friends and make Report |
when ready |
Content Tucker Receiv,d |
the women Inform that they have minutes Content Tucker |
under their Care which this meeting approveth |
J: H and C. T: Publish’d |
Jonathan Hussey Ju & Content Tucker Declar,d their Intention |
of marriage and were Desir,d to wait till next monthly |
meeting for their answer and William Sandford and John |
Potter are appointed to See into the young mans Clearness |
Respecting marriage and Conversation and Report to next mo Meeting |
3 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th 3 mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Benja Howland 2nd & Samuel Smith present |
Caleb Green J Shearman case referd |
The Committee appointed on Account of Caleb Green & Joshua |
Sherman ju Desires them matters Refer,d as they have not |
fully Discharged themselves on those Accounts therefore |
Sd matters is Refer,d under their Care of the Same Committee |
and Wm Mosher & Barzillia Tucker are aded to them in that |
Service and they to make Report next mo meeting |
Case of Giles Slocum referd |
The matter Respecting Giles Slocum not being fully |
Setled to friends Satisfaction therfore Sd matter is Referd |
under the Care of the Same Committee as heretofore and |
the to make Report to next monthly meeting |
Jona Howland marriage |
One of the friends Appointed to See the marriage of |
Jonathan Howland & Mary Allen Consomated, Report |
that he attended Sd marriage and Saw nothing but what |
it was Consomated in a Degree Orderly the other friend hath |
Render,d a Reasonable Excuse for his non Attendance |
Tho Mott Clearness |
The friends appointed to Inspect into the Clearness of Thos |
Mott Respecting marriage and Conversation Report that |
Jonat Hussey Clearness |
The friends appointed to Inquire into Jonathan Hussey Ju Clearness |
make the Like Report that they find nothing to hinder |
Thos Mott & Jonat Hussey answer |
Thomas Mott and Rhoda Hathaway, and Jonathan Hussey jur |
& Content Tucker Appear,d for their Answer, which was that |
Each Couple might Proceed to take Each other in marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this & the next monthly |
meeting advising with the Overseers this meeting Shall Appointe |
for that purpose and Adam Gifford & Barzillia Tucker are Appointed |
to See the marriage of Thos Moot & Rhoda Hathaway Solamnised |
orderly, and Wm Sandford and John Potter are Appointed for the |
Same Service with the Other Couples – – and all to make |
Report next mo meeting – – |
John Wood & Wm Haden case referd |
The matter Respecting John Wood and William Haden are |
Refer,d to next monthly meeting under the Care of the Same |
friends as before, and they to make Report next monthly meeting |
James Davis Certificate |
A Certificate was Signed as this meeting for James Davis to the |
Monthly meeting of Smithfield Signifying his Clearness in regard |
to marriage and Conversation – – |
F. Rider Recommend to the Select meeting |
This meeting hath Signed and Sent to the Quarterly meeting |
of Ministers and Elders a minitue Recommending Freburn |
Rider as a minister and member of the Select meeting |
The friends appointed to have the Oversight of the meeting at |
Bedford Report that they have Generally attended Sd meeting |
and that it was held and Conducted in a Good Degree orderly |
and that they think it might be advantagious to Continue |
the Same, and the friends Living there do Generally Request |
two meeting a Day at Bedford |
it to be Continued one year Longer which is granted accordingly |
and they to hold Two meetings ^on first^ Days untill the monthly meeting |
in the tenth month then one meeting on first Day and one on |
the Sixth day of the week and Sd meeting to begin on the 10th hour |
and on the 3rd hour on the first day & at the 11th hour on 12th Day |
and our friends David Sheepherd James Davis and Caleb |
Russell are appointed to have the Oversight of Sd meeting & |
and to make Report at the Expiration therof – – |
This meeting Collected £6″11s″6d old tennor |
adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the 29th Instant after the meeting of worship |
3 mo mett 1775 |
This meeting being meet by Adjournment the 29th the 3rd mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Benjamin Howland & Samuel Smith present |
David Hart case referd |
Two of the friends appointed on account of David Hart Report |
that he gave them Some Satisfaction, yet they Desire the matter |
Refer,d which is also Refer,d under their Care and they to make |
Report next monthly meeting – – |
Treasurers report |
The Treasury Reports that he hath not paid all the money as |
order,d Last monthly meeting therefore he is Still Desird to |
accomplish that business and make Report to next mo meeting |
Testimony against C: Russel Sign,d |
This meeting hath Signed a Testimony against Charles Russell |
and the Clerk is order,d to Read Sd Testimony at the Close of a first |
Days meeting for worship before next mo meeting and then make Report – – |
Sd Testimony is as followeth – – |
Whereas Charles Russell having had his Education among friend, but |
Thro, Unwatchfulness and Disregarding the Testimony of truth in his own |
heart hath So far departed therefrom as to be found Guilty of the Reproachful |
Sin of fornication and also hath married out of the unity of of friends |
and we having timely Labour’d with him in Love in order for his recovery |
but friends Labour not having the Desir,d Effect to friends Satisfaction |
therefore this meeting is Concern’d for the |
maintaining of our Christian Testimony and the Preservation of the |
Professions thereof from the Reproach of Such Enormous practices |
Do hereby Publickly Disown him the Sd Charles Russell from |
being a member of our Religious Community and from under our |
the Care of this meeting Untill by Unfeigned Repentance he shall |
Return to the way of truth & find mercy with the Lord |
Given forth & Sign,d in & on behalf of our mo meeting held in Dartmouth |
by adjournment 29th the 9 mo 1775 by Wm Anthony jur Clerk |
The Queries have been Read and Answer,d in this meeting and an |
Answers Epistle and Representative to the Q: meeting |
Epistle to the Quarterly meeting Read and Sign,d & Sent with sd |
answers to Sd Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Caleb Russell Barzillia Tucker James Davis John Williams Wm |
Mosher Wm Barker & Wm Anthony jur who are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting and make Return next mo meeting |
adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the 7th Day of next month – – |
mett |
This meeting being meet by Adjournment the 7th Day of the 4 mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Benja Howland 2nd & Samuel Smith present |
Job Howland hath Exhibited a Complaint against Wm Wood |
wherein he Requests Sd Wood to Leave an affair to men Subsist- |
=ing between him & Sd Wood and the Overseers Inform that they |
have had them together and Advis,d Sd Wood to submitt Sd matter |
to men but he Declines the Same and this meeting being Small |
therefore the Chusing a Committee is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate to the mo |
Sign,d |
meeting at the NinePartners for our friend Jonathan Hussey and |
Hepzibah his wife and Sylvenus & Rachal their Children and |
their Grandaughter Elisabeth Hussey – – |
Jonan Hussey Ju request a Certificate |
Jonathan Hussey Ju Requests a Removal Certificate to Sd meeting |
and Wm Sandford & Wm Anthony Ju are appointed to Draw |
one for him if they on Inquiry Shall think Proper and bring |
it to next mo meeting |
4 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th the 4mo 1775 |
no Representa tive from preparitive meeting |
There not appearing any Representative from the Preparative |
meeting the Reason alledged being the Severity of the |
weather that day that there was no meeting held, yet this |
meeting Concluds to goe forward as Usual, yet fear the |
Coolness and want of True Zeal for the Cause of Truth |
was too much the Primary Cause of the afore Sd Neglect |
Caleb Green & J Shearman Jur case referd |
The Committee that had the Care of them matters Respect- |
=ing Caleb Green and Joshua Sherman Jur Report that |
they have Received Some Satisfaction, yet this meeting |
meeting thinks proper to Refer Sd matter under the Care of |
the Same Committee and they to make Report to next mo. meeting – – |
G. Slocum paper Accepted |
This meeting Concluds to accepts of Giles Slocums paper |
Condemning his falling into the Sin of Fornication with |
Ruth Russell provided he Cause Sd pape to be publickly Read at |
the Close of a first Days meeting for worship before next monthly |
he being present and Report to next monthly meeting and return |
Sd paper and Prince Allen is appointed to Serve Sd Slocum with a |
Copy of this minute |
Said paper is as followeth – – |
To the Monthly meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Whereas I have Gave way to the Ensenuation of the adversary so |
far as to be guilty of the Sin of fornication with Ruth Russell |
Whereby She Charged me of being father of her bastart Child |
which Reproachful Sin I am Sorry for & do hereby Condemn Desiring |
forgiveness from the Almighty and that friends may do far |
pass by mine offence as to let me Remain under their Care |
from your friend |
Giles Slocum |
Dartmouth the 16th the 4mo 1774 |
Tho Mott J Hussey Ju marriage |
The friends appointed to See Thos Mott and Rhody Hathaway |
and Jonathan Hussey ju and Content Tucker marriage Consomated |
all made Report that they attended Sd marriages and Saw nothing |
but that they was Consomated orderly – – |
Wm Haden case referd |
The Committee Appointed on account of John Wood and |
‘William Haden Desire them matters Refer’d which is Refer’d |
which is Refer,d under the Care of the Same Committee and they to make |
to next monthly meeting – – |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Reports he hath not paid the money as order’d Last |
monthly meeting Therefore he is yet Continued to pay Sd mony as |
order’d and make Report next monthly meeting |
C Russell Testimony Read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimony against |
Charls Russell as order’d – – |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting being Called upon |
Return from the Quarterly meeting |
Report that four of them attended but Caleb Russell & James |
Davis did not attend the whole of sd meeting bur renderd a reason |
therefor which was Accepted |
and they have Produced an Epistle from Sd Quarterly meeting which |
hath read and well Accepted |
Case of Wm Wood |
The appointing a Committee at the Last Adjournment on that |
affair of William Woods being Omitted by reason of the Smallness |
of the meeting therefore we now Appoint our friends Adam Gifford |
Benja Slocum Benja Chase Philip Allen to Labour with Sd Wood |
to submit Sd matter to men Agreeable to our Dissipline – – |
J. H ju Certificate Signd |
This meeting Signed a Removal Certificate for Jonathan Hussey |
Ju and Content his wife to the monthly meeting of the Ninepartners |
Report Wm Smith case |
The Committee appointed Some time past to Labour with Wm Smith |
Report as followeth We the Subscribers being appointed Some |
time past to Labour with Wm Smith for taking too much Spiritous |
Liquor Soon after which Appointment he Removed up the |
Country Nevertheless two of us had an Oppertunity to Speak |
with him on that Account and Labour,d with him According |
to our Ability, but Receiv,d no ^real Satisfaction and after a long |
time of Tryal we are Inform,d by Credible Information and |
undoubted Evidence that he yet Continues in the Same practice |
of taking Spiritous Liquor therefore we think best that he be Denied |
by friends – |
from your friends |
Philip Trafford |
Samuel Smith |
Dated the 19th the 3mo 1775 – |
John Potter |
Which is accepted therefore this meeting Doth Disown the Sd |
W: Smith Deni,d |
Smith from under the Care of friends and Samuel Smith is appoint |
ed to Draw a testimony against him and bring it to next mo |
meeting also to Serve him with a Copy of this minute |
Jemimah Davis Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Jemimah |
Davis to monthly meeting at the Oblong– |
To Revise Correct & record meetings minutes |
This Meeting appoints William Anthony Ju Samuel Smith |
Thomas Hicks Barzillia Tucker to Revise Correct and Record this |
meetings minutes and also to Settle Accounts with the Tresurer and |
make Report next monthly meeting |
5 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the15th of the 5mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Caleb Russell & Nicholass Howland present – – |
Case of C Green & J Shearman referd |
The Committee that had the care of the matter Respecting |
Caleb Green and Joshua Sherman Jur hath made Report |
which is Somewhat Satisfactory yet they not being present |
Said matters are Refer,d to next monthly meeting under the |
Same friends and then they to make Report. |
G S paper accepted |
report that been made that Giles Slocum paper hath |
been read and Returned to this meeting as orderd. |
D.H.s paper accepted |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
David Hart, made Report that was so Satisfactory to this |
meeting that we Conclude to accept D. Harts papers as Satisfactin |
Wm Wood case referd |
The Committe that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Wm Wood Report that Said Wood Still Declines to leave |
Controvercy to men yet by his request the matter is Referd |
to next monthly meeting for further Consideration and |
then he to make report – – |
J.W. and Wm Haden matter Referd |
The Committee that were appointed in the Case Respecting |
John Wood and Wm Haden Report that they have been in a |
Progress but have not fully Compleated the Same to |
their Satisfaction & Desire it Continued which is Cont= |
inued Accordingly under the Same friends care as before |
and they to make Report when they Shall accomplish sd matter |
Wm Smith Paper |
A Testimony against Wm Smith was Signed in this |
meeting by the Clerk and he is order,d to read it Publickly as |
usual & make Report to next monthly meeting which is as followeth |
Wm Smith denial |
Whereas William Smith Son of Jonathan Smith & Phebe his wife |
Late of Dartmouth, but now a Resident in East Hoosuck in |
the Province of the Massachussets Bay in New England having |
been Educated and made profession with friends but hath |
So far Departed there from as frequently to fall in to the Repro |
achful Evil of taking too much Spiritous Liquor, to his own |
Prejudice of his Family, and a Reproach to that holy pro= |
fession and name that he hath Pretended to make Profession of |
and friends having from time to time in Love Labour,d with |
him for his Recovery in hopes he would Refrain from apra[?] |
of Love not Obtaining the Desired End, But he Continuing |
therein therefore for the Clearing of truth and the Testimony |
we bear from Such Reproachful Evils this meeting is Conc- |
erned to give this forth as a Publick Testimony against him, |
and do hereby Disown him the Said William Smith from |
being a member of our Society untill by Repentance |
and Reformation he Shall Return from the Error of his |
way and be Restored to the way of Truth – – |
Given forth & Signed in and by order of our monthly |
meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 15th of 5mo 1775 |
by Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
Committee to Correct the minutes |
The Friends to Revise Correct & Record this meetings minutes |
Report that they have Revised & Corrected Sd minutes and left |
them with William Anthony Ju to Record but they Report |
they have not Setled with the Treasurer by Reason Some |
Subscriptions that are gone out & not made up & Completed |
To Settle with Treasurer |
and Wm Anthony Ju and Prince Allen are appointed to Settle with |
Said Treasurer and make Report next monthy meeting |
Ruben Smith case |
One of the friends appointed Some time past to Labour with Rubin |
Smith being Removed from hence. This meeting appoints Abraham |
Howland to Join Prince Allen in that matter and to make Report |
next monthly meeting |
J. Howland Recevd under friend Care |
The Committee appointed Sometime past on account of James |
Howland Ju Request to come under friends made Report to this |
meeting that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction therefore we |
accept of Said Howland to be under the Care of this meeting |
Obediah Allen desire a Certificate |
Obediah Allen Requests a Removal Certificate for him Self his wife |
and Children to the monthly meeting of the Nine Partners and we |
appoint Thos Hicks & Philip Allen to Join the women and take the |
necessary Care if they think proper |
This meeeting collected £9″11s″0d old tenor – – |
Certificate for Rhoda Allen & Meribah Allen |
Removal Certificates for Rhoda Allen & Meribah Arnold |
Directed to the monthly meeting of the Nine Partners were Signed |
in this meeting |
6 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 19th of 6th mo 1775 |
The Representatives are William Mosher & Samuel Smith both present |
James Howland proposal of marriage |
James Howland and Meribah Sheepherd Declared their Intentions of |
of taking Each other in marriage and were Desired to wait till next |
monthly meeting for their Answer, and Seth Russell & John |
Williams are appointed to Inquire into the young mans Clearness |
Respecting marriage and Conversation & make Report to next |
monthly meeting |
The Committee that had the care of that matter Respecting |
J.S. paper accepted |
Joshua Sherman Ju made Report to this meeting which was |
So Satisfactory as we Conclude to Accept of Sd Shermans paper |
for Satisfaction but Caleb Green not being present by reason |
of his being Unwell therefor that matter Respecting Caleb Green |
is Refer.d to next monthly meeting under the Same friends care |
as heretofore & then they to make Report |
William Wood made no Report to this meeting wheather he |
Matter Between J:H and Wm W: |
would Submit that matter to men Subsisting between himself |
and Job Howland, or not therefore the matter is Refer,d under: |
the Care of Adam Gifford Philip Allen Benja Chase Benja |
Slocum & Joseph Gifford and they to Labour with Said Wood |
to leave the matter to men & make Report to next mo meeting |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimony against |
Wm Smith as order.d |
S Slocum Certificate from Coakset |
The women Inform that they Received a Removal |
Certificate in behalf of Sarah Slocum from monthly |
meeting of Coakset |
Certificate for Obediah Allen Wife & Children |
A Removal Certificate on behalf of Obediah Allen |
His Wife & Children Directed to the monthly meeting of the |
Nine Partners was Signed in this meeting |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
R: Smith Deni,d |
Rubin Smith made Report that he gave them no Satisfaction |
for his misconduct therefore we do Disown him the Said Rubin |
Smith from being under our care and Abraham Howland |
is appointed to Inform him of his Denial and make Report |
to next monthly meeting |
money raisd |
The Treasurer Reports that the Committee Appointed Some |
time past to Rais money by way of Subscription have rais,d |
and paid to the Treasury the sum of £9–10s–2d Lawfull money |
The Committee Appointed to Settle with the Treasurer mad[e] |
the following Report which is accepted |
We the Subscribers having Settled accounts with the |
Treasurer according to Appointment as followeth -- |
Settlement with the Treasurer |
The money Collected and into the Treasury by order |
of the monthly meeting Sinse the 16th the 5mo 1774 |
33£ 16s 0d |
Treasurer paid out |
24 15 11 |
Remains in the Stock |
9 0 1 |
Dartmouth the 17th the 6mo 1775 for Prince Allen |
Jos Trafford Diswown,d |
Wm Anthony Ju |
We are informed that Joseph Trafford is Inlisted in to the war |
or militia and been Labour,d with by one of the overseers |
and not Retracting therefrom and for the Clearing of truth |
we do Disown him from being under our care and we |
appoint Abraham Howland and Benja Howland 2nd to Serve |
Said Trafford with a Coppy of this minute when they have |
and Opportunity, & the Clerk is order’d to Read this minute |
Publickly as Usual & Report to next mo meeting |
R: Russell Disown,d |
The Women Inform that they have Disowned Rebeckah |
Russell wife of Jethrow Russell, and Mary Wing wife of |
Giles Wing which this meeting Concurs with |
Queries answer.d |
The Queries were Read in this meeting and Answers thereto |
which were approved and Sent by our Representatives to the |
Quarterley meeting with our Epistle to Sd meeting which was |
Sign.d by the Clerk and Sent by our Representatives who are |
Represen tatives |
Thomas Hicks Samuel Smith Benj.a Howland 2nd Caleb Russell |
William Anthony Jur Barzillia Tucker |
This meeting Collected |
£10--2s--3d old Ten |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is ordered to pay Timothy Russell 5 Dollers |
for half years keeping the meeting house |
7 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th 7mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Wm Mosher & Benja Smith Ju present |
The friends appointed to Inquire into Jones Howland Clearness |
Respecting marriage & Conversation Report that they dont find |
nothing to hinder their proceeding |
J.H & M.S. had their answer |
James Howland Ju and Meribah Sheapherd appeard at |
this meeting for their Answer which was that they might |
Proceed to take Each other in marriage in Some Convenient |
time before next monthly meeting. Advising with the |
Overseers that this meeting Shall appoint for that purpose |
and Caleb Russell and Seth Russell are appointed for |
that purpose to See their marriage Consumated orderly |
and make Report next mo meeting. |
C:G & wivs paper |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Caleb green made Report which was So Satisfactory to |
this meeting that we Conclude to accept of Green & wives |
at the Close of a first Days meeting and for worship they being |
present before next monthly meeting and then Return |
Said paper & Report of its being Read |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respect- |
J:H: & W:W matter Refer,d |
ing William Wood Report that Said Wood hath Concluded |
to Submit the Controvercy Insisting Susisting between himself |
and Job Howland to men and the Same Committee are |
Continued to See that it be Completed. |
Abraham Howland Report that he Inform.d Rubin |
Smith of his Denial as order,d – – |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting made |
Report that they all attended and have brought an Epistle |
Return from the Q. meeting |
from Said meeting with Divers transsrips(viz) one from |
the Last yearly meeting of Rhodyland, one from the yearly |
meeting in Landon [London] one from the yearly meeting a |
one from the yearly meeting at flushing & a Number of |
Printed Epistles from London all which were read in this |
meeting and the Salutary Advice therein, is Recommended |
to Each Individuals Observation and notice |
It is Recommended in P.Quarterly meeting Epistle |
that the Queries be Answer,d by & in the Open preparative |
Advis,d yt Queries be answer.d in ye meeting |
meeting for the future, its also Recommended for this |
meeting to rais the Sum of five pounds ten Shillings Law- |
full money to Supply out yearly meeting Treasury, and |
Convey it to the Treasurer of sd meeting as Soon as may be |
which this meeting Complies with – – |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid Timothy Russell |
five Dollars as order,d S.d Treasurer also Reporth that |
he hath paid Benja Smith Ju ten pounds Eight Shilling |
Lawfull money for the keeping Alice Smith which this |
meeting approveth – – |
Subscription for Bar Apology |
Thomas Hicks is appointed to take in Subscriptions for Barkleys |
[Barclay’s] Apology agreeable to the Directions of the Quarter[ly] Meeting |
This meeting Collected – – 11£ 6s 80d T |
8 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 25th the 8 mo 1775 |
the Representatives are William Mosher & Benja Howland 2nd |
both present |
Shubel Bunker Certificate |
Shubel Banker [Bunker] Brought a Certificate from the mo meeting |
on Nantucket Certifying his having a Birth right of membership |
there & Clearness Respecting marriage. |
& L:G publish.d |
Shubel Banker and Lydia Gardner Declar.d their Intentions |
Of taking Each other in marriage and were Desir.d to wait |
till the next monthly meeting for their Answer |
James Howland Ju marriage |
The friends appointed to See James Howland Ju ^& meribah: [Sharp?]: marriage |
Consomated Report that they attended Said marriage and |
Saw nothing but that it was Consomated orderly. – – |
Caleb Green paper read |
Report hath been made of Caleb Green & Wives paper being |
read and return,d to this meeting as order,d, Said ^paper is Recorded |
in page 354. |
We appoint our friends William Barker Gideon Howland |
Committee to rais money |
Giles Slocum Isaac Howland Ju & John Allen to rais money |
by way of Subscription to Supply our yearly meeting Stock |
and ^pay the money into the treasury and make Report of their |
Doings with the Sum total to next mo meeting. |
This meeting Collected 8£″7s″7d old tennor |
J.H. had a Certific: to London Certifiate for John Williams |
This meeting Sign.d a Certificate in favour of Joh[n] Howland |
to friends in London also one in favour of John |
Williams to friends in the West[w]ard Provinces as they |
were about to go there on account of business |
9 mo 1775- |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
18th the 9thmo 1775 – – |
The Representatives are Wm Barker & Thos Hicks both present |
Shubel Bunkers answer |
Shubel Bunker & Lydia Gardner appear.d for their answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in |
marriage before next monthly meeting Advising with the |
Overseers that this meeting Shall appoint for that purpose |
and Seth Russell & Wm Barker are appointed to see their |
marriage Consomated orderly and make to next mo meeting |
Money Rais,d |
The Committee appointed Last monthly meeting to raise |
money by way of Subscription Report that they have rais.d |
and paid into the treasury the Sum of Eight pounds three |
Shillings & four penies Lawfull money and the Treasurer is |
money order to the yy meetig |
Is order.d to pay into the treasury of our yearly meeting |
the Sum of five pounds ten shillings Lawfull money & |
Report to the next mo meeting |
The Overseers Inform that Jedediah Allen hath |
married out of the Unity of friends, They Likewise |
J.Allen Disown.d |
Inform that they Precautioned him Therefore this meeting |
Doth Disown him the Said Jedediah Allen from under |
our Care, and Irvine Allen is appointed to Inform him of |
Jonathan Russell Gave in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his Reporting & Exercising with a Company of men in |
the military order which is Refer.d to next mo meeting |
Committee to fence the Land round y meet. house |
Friends Conclude it best to fence our Land around our |
and we appoint our friends Wm Barker Wm Sandford Thomas |
Hicks Wm Anthony Ju Timothy Russell Benja Rider and |
Caleb Russell Elishap Smith & Samuel Smith to Confer |
together and Cause S.d Land to be fenced when and |
after what manner they shall think proper.– – |
P Russell Disown.d |
The Women Inform that they have Denied Patience |
Russell wife of Stephen Russell which this meeting |
Concurs with – – |
They also Inform that they have minuted Hannah Hicks |
H: Hicks Receivd |
Under their Care which this meeting Concurs with – |
We Likewise Sign,d a Certificate to the mo meeting of |
Anna Wing Certificate |
Acoakset for Anna Wing wife of Jonathan Wing |
This meeting Collected – – L 8″17s″10d old tennor |
meeting adjourns |
This meeting Adjourns to the 27 Instant after the meeting |
for worship |
mett |
This meeting meet by Adjournment the 27th the 9mo 1775- |
the Representatives being Called both present |
The Queries were Read in this meeting and Answers |
thereto prepar,d and Likewise an Epistle Sign.d by the |
Clerk and orderd forward to the Quarterly meeting by |
Representi to the Quar terly mee: |
our Representatives who are Joseph Tucker Thomas |
Hicks Caleb Russell Wm Mosher Wm Anthony Ju and |
William Sandford to attend Sd Quarterly meeting and they |
to make Report to next monthly meeting. |
10 mo 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 16th the 10th mo 1775 |
The Representatives are Wm Mosher & Thos Hicks present |
Samuel Smith Chosen Clerk for this time |
Shubel Bunker marriage |
Wm Barker & Seth Russell Reports they attended the |
the marriage of Shubel Bunker & Lydia Gardner |
which was accomplished orderly |
Report of Treasurer |
The Treasurer Reports he hath not paid the money |
to the yearly meetings Treasurer therefore he is now order’d |
to pay the Same with two pounds Lawfull money more |
which is now aded by the Quarterly meeting, and make |
Jedediah Allen not inform of his denial |
Prince Allen Reports he hath not Inform,d Jedediah Allen |
of his Denial as order,d |
J.Russell paper accepted |
This meeting Doth Accept of Jonathan Russells paper |
Condemning his Exercising with the militia, for satisfaction |
Return from the Q. meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Reports |
they all attended Agreeable to Appointment and have |
Produc,d an Epistle from the Same which was Read & well Accepted |
Two Printed Epistles from the Last yearly meeting of our |
friends in London were read in this meeting and the |
Salutory, Pirtenant & Necessary Advice therein Contain,d |
kindly Accepted and Recommended to Each members |
Epistle Receiv,d |
The Overseers Inform that Josiah Wood hath been in the |
Practice of firing up and mending Guns for the Use of war |
and that they Labour,d with him therefor but he still |
persisteth therein. Therefore Joseph Barker Abraham Howland |
and Samuel Smith and Benja Howland 2nd Rider are |
appointed to Labour further with him and make Repot |
next monthly meeting |
J:Wood under Dealing |
This meeting Concluds thatall our meetings for worship |
only Except at Bedford begin at the 12 hour & all the |
others meetings at the 11 hour and this to Dontinue all |
the mo meeting in the 4th month next |
meetings to begin at the 12 Hour |
Obediah Beard hath Produced a Certificate from this |
monthly meeting at Nantucket, Informing us that he had |
a Birthright among them when he Removed from them |
which is Accepted |
Removal Certificates for Deborah Davice [Davis] wife of James |
O:Beard Recommed from Nantucket |
Davice, And Sarah Sheepherd wife of David Sheepherd Ju from |
the monthly meeting at Smithfield was Read in this meeting |
and Accepted |
Debo: Davic[e] and S. Shephard Certificates |
Our friend Freeborn Rider Informs us of her Intention |
to Visit Sandwich Quarterly meeting which this meeting |
taking into Consideration Concurs with and have Unity |
with her therein and the Clerk is order,d to Give her a |
Copy hereof – – |
The women Informs they have Denied Comfort Castle |
F.R. going to Sandwich |
wife of Daniel Castle which this meeting Concurs with |
this meeting Collected – – £9″13s-9d old tennor |
C:Cassel Disown,d |
20th the 11 mo 1775. |
the Representatives are William Barker and Joseph Barke[r] |
both present |
11 mo 1775 |
Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby Declard their Intention |
of taking Each other in marriage and were Desir,d |
to wait till next monthly meeting for their answer. |
and Prince Allen and Thos Hicks are appointed to Inquire |
into the young mans Clearness Respectin marriage & Conversation |
and make report next monthly meeting – – |
A.A. & P.K publis.d |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath not paid the money |
into the yearly meeting treasury as order,d, therefore he is |
Continues to pay it as Soon as he can Conveniently and |
Report next mo meeting |
Treasurer Report |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting Jessiah [Josiah] |
Wood Report that they have Labour,d with him and Desire the |
matter Refer,d therefore Said matter is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under the Care of the Same friends as heretofore and then they |
to make Report |
J.W. matter Refer,d |
The women Inform that they have Disown.d Sarah Wilcox |
Wife of William Wilcox which this meeting Concurs with |
Job Anthony hath Return.d a Removal Certificate for him= |
S:Wilcox Disown,d |
=self and famely which was Given out from this meeting |
the 17th of the 8th mo 1761 which was Directed to the monthly |
meeting of Rhodssland . And not Deliver.d but now Return.d |
he as afore S.d And now he Living in the Compass of the Coakset |
meeting which was then apart of this meeting therefore the |
Clerk is order.d to Transmit a Coppy hereof to S.d Coakset meeting |
Benjamin Smith jur hath brought a bill to this meeting |
J. Anthony Certificate Return,d |
fo keeping Allice Smith as pr Agreement with the Overseers |
of the poor to the amount of £4″17s″1 Lawfull mony |
which this meeting approveth and the Treasurer is order.d to |
pay Said bill as Soon as he can with and make Report to |
this meeting |
The Overseers Inform that James Cornal hath married |
out of the Unity of friends and was timely precautioned |
B.S. bill given in |
by the Overseers therefore friends Apprehending they are Clear |
and do hereby Disown the Said James Cornal from being |
under our Care and Barnabas Mosher is appointed to Inform |
This meeting Collected £4″12s″11d old Tennor |
J.Cornal Disown.d |
friends Concluds to Repair the meeting house Stable |
and Thos Hicks and William Anthony ju to See it Compleated |
and make Report next mo meeting |
To repair meeting house Stable |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th the 12 mo 1775 |
the Representatives are Caleb Russell and Samuel Smith pres[ent] |
12 mo 1775 |
The friends appointed to Inquire into Abraham Allens Clearness |
and Conversation Respecting marriage Report that they have |
taken the Necessary Care and find nothing to hinder their |
proceeting |
Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby appear,d for their Answer |
Abra Allen Clearness |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in |
marriage in Some Convenient time before next mo meeting |
advising with the Overseers that this meeting shall appoint |
for that purpose and Prince Allen and Thomas Hicks are appoint[ed] |
to See Sd marriage Consomated orderly and make next mo meeting. |
A:A.& P K had their answer |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath not paid the money into the |
yearly meeting treasury therefore he is Desired to pay Said |
money as Soon as he Conveniently can and Report to next mo meeting |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid £4″17s″1d to Benjam |
Smith ju as order,d last monthly meeting |
Treasurer Report |
The friends appointed to Repair the meeting house |
Stable Report that it is Copleated – – |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Jesiah Wood Report that Notwithstanding their Repeeted |
Labour with him he Still Continues in the Same practice |
of mending & Repairing guns for the Use of war which is |
Stable Repar.d |
Inconsistant with the profession we make therefore this meeting |
doth Conclude to Disown him if he doth not Imediately Desist |
therefrom and the Same Committee are still Continued |
to Inform him hereof and Draw a paper of Denial against |
him if do not Comply with the Judgment of this meeting |
and they to make Report next mo meeting |
Barnabus Mosher Reports that he hath Inform,d James Cornal |
of his Denial as order,d |
J.W. matter Refer.d |
Our well Esteemed friends Aaron Vail and David Sands were |
at this meeting with their Certificates from the monthly meeting |
of the Nine Partner Dated the 17th of the 11 mo 1775 whos Visit |
Testimon and Labour of Love was Kindly Accepted among us18 |
The Queries were Answer,d ad an Epistle Signed in this |
meeting and orderd forwar.d to the Quaterly meeting by our |
Representatives who are Thomas Hicks Wm Mosher Barzillia |
A.V: and David Sands visited us |
Tucker Samuel Smith Abraham Howland & Wm Barker and |
they to make Report next mo meeting |
Representas to the Q: meeting order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is orderd to pay Timothy Russell five Dollars |
for Keeping the meeting house half a year and make Report |
next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected 8£″2s″0d old tenor |
1 mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th the 1 mo 1776 |
the Representatives are Benj.a Howland 2.nd & Joseph Tucker ju |
both Present |
one of the friends appointed to see Abraham Allen and |
A Allen Married |
Phebe Kirbmade Report that he |
attended Said marriage and Saw nothing but what it was |
Consomated orderly & the other friend Render,d a Reasonable |
Excuse for his not attending S.d marriage |
Report of Trea surer |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid the money as orderd |
into the yearly meeting Treasury |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Jesiah Wood Report that he gave them Incouragment of |
J.W. matter Referd |
Desisting from mending guns for the we of Sogers therefore |
the matter is Refer,d under the Care of the Same |
Same Committee as heretofore and they to Inform Sd Wood that |
tis the mind of this meeting that he ought to Condemn his past |
misconduct in that matter and Prince Allen is aded to sd Committee |
and they to Report to next monthly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report that |
Return from the Q meeting |
they all attend agreeable to appointment and have Produced |
an Eppistle from the Same which hath been read to Satisfaction |
and therein Inform that Smithfield [Rhode Island] monthly meeting hath |
been at the Expence of £294″6″1 Lawfull money in building |
a meeting house which is recommended for Contrebution |
as they in their Freedom Shall see fit |
Report from Treasurer |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Timothy Russell |
five Dollars as order.d – – |
under Dealing |
We are Inform,d from the Preparative meeting that |
Benjamin Howland the 3rd hath been Aiding or Assisting |
with a Company of men in taking away guns from from |
friends and others and hath been Labour,d with by the |
Overseers and not Condemning it to friends Satisfaction |
therefore we appoint our friends Joseph Barker & Samuel |
Smith to Labour further with him and Report to next mo meeting |
Jos Trafford informd of denial |
Benjamin ^Howland the 2nd Reports he hath Served Joseph Trafford with |
a Coppy of his Denial Agreeable to Appointment |
there was a Certificate Sign,d in this meeting for our Traveling |
Certificate for Trave[l] friends |
friends Aaron Vail & David Sands to the mo meeting |
of the Ninepartners |
this meeting Collected 3£″16s″3d old tenor |
2 mo 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 19th the 2 mo 1776 |
the Representatives are John Potter & Gideon Howland both present |
J.R and Sarah M publish.d |
John Ricketson and Sarah Morell Declar,d their Intention |
of taking Each other in marriage and were Desir,d to wait |
till next monthly meeting for their answer and Thomas Hicks |
and Philip Allen are appointed to Inquire into Said Ricketsons |
Clearness Respecting marriage and Conversation and make |
Report next monthly meeting |
Josiah Wood gave in a paper |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Jesiah Wood Report that they have Discharg,d their trust in |
that matter & S.d wood gave in a paper to this meeting as followeth |
J:Williams Confession |
John William appear,d in this meeting and Confer,d |
that he Some time past Inconsiderately fixed and sold |
Some Straps for the use of Solder in Corring [Carrying?]their warlike |
Stoves [Stores?] but going uneasy therein Desisted from Suppling them |
in any such matters also P.Williams verbilly Condemned |
his misconduct therein which this meeting Accepts for Satisfaction |
Ben Howlands Case referd |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Benja Howland 3.rd Reports that they have made Some progress |
in that matter and B. Howland gave in a paper to this meetg |
Condemning S.d misconduct but friend not Reseiving full Satisfaction |
Satisfaction on account of Sd Howlands not going to the |
parsons from which the guns was taken, therefore the matter |
is Referd to next monthly meeting under the Care of the Same |
Committee as heretofore and then they to make Report |
We are informed by the Overseers that Elijah Sandford |
hath married his first Cousin & out of the Unity of friends |
to Condemn his misconduct in that matter therefore |
this meeting concluds that for the Clearing of truth we |
E.S. Disownd |
can do no less than Disown him therefore we hereby Disown |
the Sd Elijah Sandford from under our Care and the Clerk |
is orderd to read this minute at the Close of a first days |
meeting before next monthly meeting and then make report |
and William Barker is appointed to Inform Sd Sandford of his |
Denial and report to next monthly meeting |
The Overseers inform that Daniel Smith Son of Humphy |
hath been in the Practice of taking Spiritous Liquors |
D.Smith under Dealing |
to access also neglects attending meetings for which they |
have Labourd with him and he not Condeming it to |
Satisfaction therefore we appoint John Potter and |
Abraham Howland to Labour further with him on that |
account and Report to next mo meeting – – |
This meeting Collected – – £6″8s″11d old T |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 28th Instant – – |
mett |
Meeting met by Adjournment ye 28th of 2nd mo 1776 |
The Representatives are John Potter & Gideon Howland Present |
B. Sherman under Dealing |
We are Informd by the Overseers from the preparative |
meeting that Benjamin Shearman hath been to a place |
of frallicking and measureably joind with those that |
that were therein very unbecoming a friend also neglects |
attending meeting & the Overseers having Labourd with him |
and he not Condeming it to Satisfaction Likewise the |
Overseers Inform that Divers of our young friends hath |
been in the practice of going to places Publick revort where |
very undue Liberty is taken Evin of musick and |
dancing and other Lacivious and unbecoming conduct to |
the Reproach of truth and a Grief to Solid friends. Some |
of which hath been Labourd with by Sd Overseers and this |
meeting taking it into Consideration thinks proper that |
they be further Labourd with, therefore do appoint Joseph |
Tucker and William Sandford Barzillai Tucker Samuel |
Smith Wm Barker Benjamin Rider for that purpose |
with the Assistance of the Overseers and make Report to |
next mo meeting |
3 mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 18th of 3rd month 1776 – – |
The Representatives are William Mosher and Saml Smith present |
Notwithstanding Jesiah Wood gave in a paper Last |
monthly meeting Condemning his misconduct in mending |
J.W. yet under Dealing |
guns, yet this meeting as Informd by part of the |
former Committee that had the care of that matter |
that he Still Continues in the practice of mending |
Ann Gifford Visit to Sandwich |
guns in this time of publick Commotion which we apprehend |
brings a Reproach upon friends therefore this meeting |
Concluds that J.Wood Desist from mending or making any more |
guns at present and the former Committee is appointed |
to Inform J.Wood of the Conclution of this meeting and |
Sd Committee to Draw a paper of Denial against him |
if he Dont Emadiately Desist and bring it to next mo |
Meeting |
Clerk to give a coppy of this minute |
Anne Gifford Inform,d this meeting that She has thoughts |
of attending Sandwich Quarterly meeting and Desires |
our Concurence therein and this meeting having Unity with |
her Intended Visit She being in unity with us and her |
Publick Testimony approvd of among us and the |
Elij. Sanford inform.d of denial |
Clerk is order.d to gave her a Coppy of this minute |
The Clerk Reports that he hath read the minute against |
L.S Confession |
Elijah Sandford as order.d also Wm Barker Reports that |
he Inform.d Sd Sandford of his Denial as order.d – – |
Adjourn |
Leamuel Smith gave in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his marrieng out of the Unity of friends which this meeting accepts |
This meeting Collected £4″2s″8d old tennor |
Mett |
this meeting adjourns to the Last forth Day in this month |
after the meeting for worship which is to begin at ye 11 hour |
D.Smith Disown.d |
This meeting meet by Adjournment the 27th ye 3 mo 1776 |
the Representatives are Wm Barker & Samuel Smith present |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Daniel Smith Reports that they have Discharg.d their trust |
in that matter and find no Satisfaction Therefore this meeting |
Case of Benj Shearman referd |
Apprehending we have Discharg.d our Duty towards him |
Do Disown the Said Daniel Smith from under our Care |
and Abraham Howland & Gideon are appointed to Inform |
him of the Conclution of this meeting and Draw a testimony |
against him & bring it to next mo meeting |
B Howland 3rd referd |
The Committee that was appointed to Join the Overseers in |
Labouring with Benjamin Sherman & Some of our young friends |
for going to places of frollicking Report that they havent |
Completed Sd business therefore they are still Continued |
in that Service & to make Report next mo meeting |
J.R. had his Answer |
The Committee that had the care of that matter Respecting |
Benj.a Howland 3.rd Report that that matter is not fully settled |
therefore Sd matter is Refer.d to next mo meeting under their Care |
and then they to make Report – – |
The friends that were appointed to Inquire into John |
Rickertson,s Clearness Respecting marriage Reports that |
they find nothing So materal as to hinder their Proceeding |
in marriage |
M:Wing under Dealing |
John Ricketson and Sarah Morell appear.d for their |
answer which was that they might Proceed to take Each |
other in marriage in Some Convenient time before next |
monthly meeting advising with the friends that this meeting |
appoints for that purpose and Thomas Hicks & Wm Barker |
are appointed to See their marriage Consomated orderly |
and make report next mo meeting |
A former minute of this meeting made in 8th mo 1753 |
H.Smith Confession |
Respecting Mary Wing was read in this meeting whereby |
it appears She had been Under Dealing and had not |
“Received her as a friend in full Unity but Suspended |
the matter for Some further Proof of her Sincerity” |
And this meeting taking the matter into Consideration |
do appoint William Anthony ju Gideon Howland Sam.el Smith |
to Inquire into her Life and Conversation where She hath |
Lived, for a further Proof of her Sincerity and make |
Report next mo meeting |
J.Slocum Complain.d of |
Henry Smith gave in a Paper this meeting Condeming |
Some Expressions he made in his Pation to Oder [?] |
which this meeting Accepts |
Thomas Hicks hath Exhibited a Complaint against |
G.H. & wives Confession |
Jonathan Slocum for Refusing or Neglecting to pay |
his Rate for the year 1768 therefore this meeting |
doth Appoint Benj.a Smith ju Benja Slocum & George |
Smith to Enquire into the Reason of ye Slocums Refusing |
to pay Sd rate & Report next mo meeting |
sentatives to ye Q. meeting |
Gideon Howland the 2nd with his wife Catherin Gave in |
a paper to the Preparative meeting Condemning their falling |
into the Sin of fornication and marrying Nigh of kind, but by |
Reason of Sd paper being mislaid & not brought to this meeting |
the matter is Refer,d to next mo meeting and the Clerk is Desir,d |
to Brouse[?] Said paper to Sd meeting |
The Queries were answer,d in this meeting and an Epistle |
Sign.d for the Quarterly meeting and order,d forward to S.d Quarterly |
meeting by our Representatives who are Barzillia Tucker |
4 mo 1776 |
William Anthony ju James Davis & they to make Report |
next mo meeting |
Josiah Wood Disown,d |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
15th ye 4th month 1776 |
the Representatives are Caleb Russell & Joseph Barker present |
Daniel Smith Disown,d |
The Committee Appointed to Labour with Jesiah Wood Reports |
they have fulfilled their appointment therein and that he Refuses |
to Comply with the advice & Judgment of this meeting there: |
=fore the Clerk hath Sign.d a paper of Denial against him |
B.Shear= =man & o case refer,d |
Also the Committee appointed on account of Daniel Smith |
Report they have fulfiled their appointment and have Drafted |
a paper of Denial against him which was also Sign,d by the |
Clerk and the Clerk is order,d to Read both the afore S,d |
papers Publickly at the Close of a first Days meeting for |
worship and make Report next mo meeting |
Ben Howland case referd |
The friends appointed to Join the Overseers in Labouring with |
Benja Shearman & Some young People for going to places |
of frollicking, Report that they have not fulfilled their |
appointment in that matter therefore they are Still Continued |
in that Service and to Report next mo meeting |
J.Ricketson married |
The Committee appointed on account of Benja Howland 2nd |
Report that they have made Some progress in that matter but |
finding things things not fully setled to friends Satisfaction |
therefore Said matter is Still Continued Under their Care and |
they to Report to next monthly meeting |
Case Mary Wing referd |
One of the friends appointed to See the marriage of John Ricke- |
=tson and Sarah Moral consomated Report that he attended Said |
marriage and did not see but that it was Consomated in good |
order, the other friend Reports that he was Detain,d by Sickness |
and did not attend Sd marriage |
Jonathan Slocum Settled |
The Committee appointed on account of Mary Wing Reports |
that they gave have made Some progress and this meeting |
thinks proper that they Inform S,d Mary Wing of their appoint= |
=ment therefore S,d matter is Refer,d under their Care one |
month Longer and then they to make Report – – |
Return from ye Q. meeting |
The Committee appointed on Account of Jonathan Slocum |
Reports that Said Slocum hath paid his Rate to Tho.s Hicks |
and the the matter is Setled – – |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report |
Committee to raise money |
that they all attended and have produced an Epistle from |
S.d meeting which was read and well Accepted – – |
they Define in Said Epistle Some Assistance towards Defraying |
the Charge of building the meeting house at Smithfield |
therefore this meeting Appoints Caleb Russell Thos |
Hicks Russell Tho.s Mott Giles Slocum & Wm Barker to |
Draw Subscriptions & Sign them in behalf of this meeting and |
Gideon Howland and wife paper |
Receive the money of Each member as they in their freedom |
Shall See fit and Caleb Russell is order,d to pay the Same to |
the Said Smithfield meeting and they to make Report of the Sum |
So Collected to next mo meeting |
Committy to Revise ye minut |
Gideon Howland 2.nd & Catherine his wife gave in a paper to |
this meeting Condemning their falling into the Sin of fornication |
and marring[marrying] nigh in kind, Therefore we appoint Benja Taber |
John Williams and Joseph Barker to Join the women and take |
an Oppertunity of Conferrence with them in order to Discover |
their Sincerity in that matter and make Report next mo meeting |
Chusing overseer referd |
We appoint W.m Anthony Ju Samuel Smith Gideon Howland and |
Thomas Hicks to Revise and Correct the monthly meeting minutes |
in order to goe on Record, Also to Settle Accounts with the Treasurer |
and make Report next monthly meeting – – |
meetings to begin 11 hour |
The Chuising Overseers is Refer,d to next monthly meeting |
and the former ones is continued untill there be a new Choice |
it.s Concluded that all our meetings Except at Bedford begin |
at the Eleventh hour untill the monthly meeting in the tenth |
month next |
The Overseers Inform that Peleg Gifford jur hath been to a |
P.Giff under Dealing Baptice |
Baptice meeting and undertook to Emitate them in Singing |
which we think very unbecoming one of our profession – – |
and tis the mind of this meeting that S.d Gifford aught to publickly |
Condemn S.d misconduct therefore we appoint Abraham Howland |
Benja Smith ju Philip Allen to Labour with him on that |
account and make Report next monthly meeting – – |
order to pay Tim Russell for hay |
The Treasurer is order,d to pay Timothy Russell 9s/£:m: to |
pay for hay which was Expended at our Quarterly meeting |
last faull – – |
Disown,d |
The Committee appointed Some time past to have the care of that |
matter Respecting Abraham Ricketson Report that they have |
had Sd matter under Consideration and now Inform that they have |
no Satisfaction from Sd Ricketson therefore we hereby Disown |
the Sd Abraham Ricketson from under our Care and Thos Hicks |
is appointed to Inform Him thereof |
This meeting Collected £7″3s″4d old tennor—The Treasurer |
T.R. paid |
reports that he paid Timothy Russell the above 9s/ as order,d |
5mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th the 5th mo 1776 |
The Representatives are Joseph Barker & Tho.s Hicks present |
G. Handy Publish,d |
George Handy and Mary Potter Declared their Intentions of |
taking Each other in marriage and were Desired to wait till |
next monthly meeting for their answer, and Samuel Smith |
and Abraham Howland are appointed to Inquire into the young |
mans Clearness Respecting marriage and Conversation and |
Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Choosing Overseers refer,d |
The Choosing of Overseers is Refer,d to next monthly meeting |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimony against |
Jesiah Wood and Daniel Smith as order,d. Said Testimonies |
are as followeth |
J.Wood Denial |
Whereas Jesiah Wood having made Profession with us, and under the |
care of this meeting, yet hath so far Departed from the Principal of |
Truth and the Testimony thereof as to be found in the practice of |
mending or Repairing Guns, or fire arms (So called) for the use of war |
and friends having Labour,d with him Repeatedly in much Love in |
order to Discover to him the Evil thereof, and to Reclaim him there |
from, but friends Avice and Admonision not having the Desired |
and he Continuing in the Said Practice to the Dishonour of Truth |
and Grief of faithfull friends, Therefore for the maintaining of our |
Testimony herein, This meeting is Concern,d to Give this forth as a |
Publick Denial Against him, and do hereby disown him the Sd |
Jesiah Wood from being a member of our Society, and from under |
the care of this meeting. Desiring Nevertheless that he may Return |
from the Error of his way, and by an unfeigned Repentance and |
Acknowledgement of the Evil thereof, Return to the way of truth |
Given forth & Signed in & on behalf of our monthly meeting held in |
Dartmouth the 15th ye 4th mo 1776 by – Wm Anthony jur Clerk |
Dan Smith denial |
Whereas Daniel Smith Son of Humphry Smith of Dartmouth in the County |
of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusets Bar in New England, having been |
Educated and made Profession with friends but hath so far Departed therefore |
as to frequently take too much Spiritous Liquors to the Reproach of that holy |
and name that he hath protended to make profession of also hath much |
neglected attending of meetings, and friends having Labourd with him in |
Love for his Recovery but our Labour not having its Desir,d Effect therefore |
for the Clearing of truth and the testimony we hear from such Practices this meeting |
is Concern.d to give this forth as a Publick testimony against him & do hereby |
disown him the S.d Daniel Smith from being a member of our Society untill |
by a Reformation he Shall Return from the Error of his ways & be Restored |
to the way of truth Given forth & Signed in and by order of our monthly meeting |
of friends held in Dartmouth the 15th ye 4th mo 1776 by Wm Anthony ju Clerk |
Benj Howland 3 case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Benjamin Howland 3rd Report that |
the matter is not fully Setled therefore Said matter is Refer,d to next |
monthly meeting under the Care of the Same Committee as heretofore |
and then they to make Report |
The Committee appointed on account of Mary Wing Report that they |
have fulfilled their appointment therein and by Enquiry they do not |
find her Life and Conversation hath Manifested a Sincear Repen- |
M.Wing Disown,d |
=tance in Respect to her Crimes for which She was under Dealing |
therefore this meeting Concluds to disown her from being a member |
of our Society and the Same Com,tee are appointed to Draw up a |
paper against her and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
R.Case Receiv,d |
The women Inform that Rachel Case wife of John Case is Receiv,d |
as a member among them they also Inform they Receiv,d a Remo- |
val Certificate for Phebe Beard Daughter of John Beard which is accepted |
Ben Sher= =man case |
The Committee appointed to Laboure with Benja Sherman Reports |
They have fulfilled their appointment and he Acknowledges his Desit[Deceit] |
in not attending our meetings, but they do not find upon full Inquiry |
that he Join,d with those in a frolick but hapened there on |
the account of Business which Report is accepted |
young peo= =pel case referd |
The Committee appointed to Joine or assist the overseers in Labouring |
with the young people Reporte they have not gone through with |
Sd Service they are therefore Still Continued in that Service and |
to make Report next monthly meeting |
Report on Collecting money |
The Committee appointed to Draw Subscriptions & Collect money |
for the use of Smithfield meeting Report they have made Some |
Progress therein but not finished it they are Continued for that |
Service and to Report next monthly meeting. |
P.Gifford jnr gave in a paper |
Peleg Gifford ju gave in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his misconduct which is Refer,d to next mo meeting by reason |
the Committee appointed on that account are not fully |
Satisfied and they are Continued in that Service and to Report |
next monthly meeting |
C:Green Paper accepted |
Tho.s Hicks Reports he hath Inform,d Abraham Ricketson |
of his Denial as order,d |
Caleb Green hath given in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his Procuring the Printing of a Small Pamphlet on the Subject |
of paying Taxes that was not Discovered by the yearly meetings |
Committee for Viewing manuscripts which paper is accepted |
for Satisfaction19 |
Dan Wood request a Certificate |
Daniel Wood Requests a Removal Certificate to the monthly |
meeting of the Oblong, and this meeting appoints |
James Davis |
and Caleb Russell to Enquire into his Circumstances and draw |
one for him if they think proper and bring it to next mo meeting |
Gid Howland case referd |
The Committee Appointed to Confer with Gideon Howland 2nd |
Report that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction but the |
but the Receiving his paper is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
under the care of the Same Comittee & then they to make report |
Settlement with ye treasury |
The Committee appointed to Revise & Correct this meetings |
minuts Report they have fulfilled their Appointment |
also Setled Accounpts with the treasurer and there Remains |
in the Stock £6″5s″9d Lawfull money – – |
C.Russell Request |
Charles Russell Gave in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his falling into the Sin of fornication for which transaction |
he wa Denie,d and Requests to be Receiv,d again under friends |
care Therefore this meeting appoints Prince Allen & Benja Smith |
jner to take an oppertunity of Solid Conference with him in |
order to Discover his Sincerity and to make Report next mo meeting |
Report of ye meeting at Bedford |
The friends Appointed to have the Oversight of the meeting |
at Bedford Report that Sd meeting hath been held & Kept |
as orderly as Usual and they Still Request Sd meeting may |
be Continued as heretofore untill the monthly meeting in the |
forth month next year which is granted and Caleb Russell |
and Seth Russell & James Davis are Appointed to have the |
oversight thereof and to make Report at the Expiration |
thereof – – |
bill |
Benja Smith ju gave in a bill for doing for the poor |
to the amount of £6″14s″8d Lawfull money which is accepted |
and the treasurer is orderd to pay Sd money & Report next |
mo meeting – – |
This meeting Collected – – £6″2s″11d old tennor |
6 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
17th the 6mo 1776 - Thomas Hicks is appointed Clerk for this Day |
the Representatives are Wm Sandford & Nicholas Howland present |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th Instant after ye meeting |
of worship – – |
This meeting meet by Adjournment ye 24th 6mo 1776 |
the Representatives being Called both Present |
The friends appointed to Inquire into George Handys Clearn[ess] |
Respecting marriage and Conversation Report that they |
have taken the Necessary care on that account and find |
nothing to hinder their Proceeding |
G Handy Answer |
George Handy and Mary Potter appeard for their Answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take Each other in |
marriage in Some Convenient time before next monthly |
meeting Advising with the Overseers that this meeting |
Shall appoint for that purpose, and Abraham Howland |
and Samuel Smith are appointed to See their marriage |
Consomated orderly and Report next mo meeting |
Overseers appointed |
Our friends Joseph Barker Thomas Hicks Wm Barker |
James Davis & Wm Anthony jur are appointed Overseers |
for the year Ensuing |
appointing overseers of poor referd |
The appointing Overseers of the poor is Referd to next |
monthly meeting |
Gid Benj Howlands case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Benja Howland 3rd |
made Somewhat a Satisfactory Report on that account |
yet the Receiving of Sd Howlands paper is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the Care of the former Committee |
and Prince Allen & Wm Barker are ad[d]ed to them and they |
to Report next mo meeting |
Mary Wing case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Mary Wing have |
Prepard a paper agreeable to Appointment, yet that mat[t]er |
is still Continued to next monthly meeting under Care of |
Sd Committee |
Visit of D F and J - Perry |
Our Beloved friends David Faris and John Pery [Perry] have |
attended this meeting with their Certificates from the monthly |
meeting of Willminton [Wilmington] in the County of New Cassell [New Castle] on Dillewar [Delaware] [originally written on one line] |
Dated the 15th of the 5th month 1776 – which were Read to Satisfact[ion] |
and their Visit well Accepted |
Visit of R W and P- Yarnall |
Also our Beloved friends Phebe Yarnall and Rebecca Wright |
were at this meeting with their Certificates, the former from |
the monthly meeting held at Concord in Chester County Pennsyl |
vania the 7th of the 2nd mo 177620 The Latter from the monthly |
meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd day of ye 5th mo 1776, which |
were read to Satisfaction & their Visit Kindly Accepted – – |
on account of young people |
The Committee Appointed to Assist the Overseers in Labouring |
with Some of the young People, Report they have made Some |
further Progress therein and that they Beleive it to be of |
Service therefore they are Continued to Proceed further in that |
matter as they may find themselves Engaged therein and to make |
Report thereof to the next monthly meeting |
Queries Answerd |
The Queries have been Read and Answers thereto Read & |
approved . – This meeting is Informed that Thomas Allen |
(Son of Francis) hath married out of the Unity of Friends |
T -Allen Disownd |
Notwithstanding his being Previously Cautioned to desist |
therefore this meeting doth Disown him the Said Thomas Allen |
from being a member of our Religious Society & Benja Taber |
is appointed to Inform Said Allen of his Denial & Report next |
monthly meeting |
This meeting Collected – – £10 ″ 5s ″ 9d old tennor |
Adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 26 Instant after the meeting for worship |
mett |
This meeting meet by adjournment the 26th ye 6th mo 1776 |
the Representatives both Present |
Peleg Gifford Ju case referd |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Peleg Gifford Ju Report that they Satisfied on that [next word is faded] |
but the Receiving Sd Giffords paper is Referd to next mo meeting |
by Reason he is not [smudged] present |
D-Wood Certificate |
A Removel Certificate of Daniel Wood Directed to the monthly |
meeting at the Oblong was Signed in this meeting – – |
Case of Gid Howland 2 referd |
The Matter Respecting Gideon Howland 2nd is Referd to next |
monthly meeting under the Care of the former Committee who |
are then to make Report |
M Wing Certificate wife of Giles |
A Removal Certificate Directed to the monthly meeting |
of the Nine Partners for Mary Wing wife of Giles Wing was |
Char Russel case referd |
The Committee Appointed to Confer with Charles Russell |
Report that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction but his |
not being present Said matter is Referd to next mo meeting |
under the care of Sd Committee who are then to make Report |
Treasurer report |
The treasurer Reports that he hath paid the money to Benjamin |
Smith Ju as orderd last monthly meeting |
The Treasurer is orderd to pay Timothy Russell five Dollars |
for half years keeping the meeting house and Report next |
monthly meeting |
mony Raisd for Smith -field |
The friends appointed to Collect money for the Use of Smithfield |
monthly meeting and pay to Caleb Russell for that purpose |
Report (Giles Slocum) Excepted) [sic] that they have Collected and |
paid Said Russell the Sum of – – £7 ″ 3s ″ 7d Lawfull money |
Whereas Amos Willcox having a birthright among friends but we |
A Wilcox under Dealing |
finding his Conduct & Conversation being very Inconsistant with |
our Profession (viz) going to frollicks, bad Language and not |
attending meetings and he having been Labourd with by the |
Overseers but he Continuing therein and we appoint Benjamin |
Howland Prince Allen to Labor with him as they find freedom |
and Report next mo meeting |
Representa: to ye Q: meeting |
There was an Epistle Signed in this meeting to the Quarterly meeting |
we appoint our friends Caleb Russell Thomas Hicks Wm Anthony Ju |
to attend the Quarterly meeting and present the Epistle and Answers |
to the Queries and Report next mo meeting |
7mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 15th ye 7mo 1776 |
The Representatives are Wm Barker & Prince Allen present |
George Handy marriage |
The friends appointed to See George Handy and Mary Potters |
marriage Consomated Report that they attended Sd marriage & |
Saw nothing but that it was Solemnised orderly |
overseers of ye Poor |
We appoint our friends Abraham Howland Prince Allen Philip |
Allen Joseph Tucker Jur Caleb Russell & Benja Rider Overseers of the |
Poor for the year Ensuing. – – |
One of the Overseers Inform that Edward Taber is married out of |
E. Taber Disownd |
the Unity of friends after being precautiond Therefore we do Disown |
him the Said Edward Taber from being one of our Society and John |
Williams is appointed to Inform him of his Denial and Report to next |
monthly meeting |
Case of Benja Howland 3 refered |
The matter Respecting Benjamin Howland 3d[?] is Referd to next |
mo meeting under the Same friends care as heretofore & then they |
to make Report. – – |
people referd |
The Committee that was to Joine the Overseers in Labouring with |
Some young People, Report they have not Compleated Sd business |
therefore they are Still Continued & Prince Allen is ad[d]ed to them |
and they to Report next mo meeting |
Mary Wing case referd |
The Matter Respecting Mary Wing is Referd to next mo meeting ration |
under the care of the Same Committee as heretofore for further Conside |
Peleg Gifford Jur case referd |
The matter Respecting Peleg Gifford Jur is Referd to next mo meeting |
under the care of the Same Committee as heretofore they being not |
fully Satisfied[?] and then they to make Report |
The Commit[t]ee that had the care of that matter Respecting Charles |
C: Russel accepted |
Russell made a Satisfactory Report on that account therefore this mee[ting?] |
Accepts of Sd Russell to be one under our care provided he cause the paper [he?] |
gave into the meeting to be Read publickly at the Close of a first day and |
he being present befor[e] next mo meeting & then Return Sd paper & Report |
its being read |
Treasurer Report |
The Treasurer Reports he paid Timothy Russell five Dollars as order[ed] |
last mo meeting |
A Wilcox case referd |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Amos Willcox Report that |
they have not fulfilled their Appointment by reason when they went to [his?] |
place of abode he was not at home therefore they are Still Contin[ued?] |
in that Service & to make report next mo meeting – – |
The friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they |
all Attended Sd meeting And Producd an Epistle from the Same [which?] |
Report from ye Quarterly meeting |
was Read and well Accepted, Together with a Transcript of Our last |
yearly meeting Epistle together with a number of Epistles from the |
yearly meeting & meeting of Sufferings in London which Said |
Epistle[s] have been Reprinted and Distributed among most of friends |
famelies of this meeting for their perusial [perusal] |
T Hicks appointed Elder |
This meeting appoints Thos Hicks an Elder and Refer the appointing |
more to next mo meeting |
Gid How= =land 2 case referd |
The matter Respecting Gideon Howland 2nd is Referd to next mo meeting |
by reason the women have non [a]ccepted his wives paper |
This meeting Collected – – £8 1s 8d |
8 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 19th the 8th mo 1776 |
the Representatives are John Williams present Benja Smith Ju not present by |
Reason of his attending funeral |
Edw Taber not informd of denial |
John Williams Reports that he hath not Informd Edward Taber of his |
Deniel as orderd therefore he is Continued to Compleat Sd apointment |
And make Report next monthly meeting – – |
Tho Allen informd |
Benjamine Taber Reports that he hath Informed Thomas Allen of his |
Deniel [Denial] as ordered |
Part of the Committy that had the car[e] of that matter Respecting |
Ben How= =land 3 case referd |
Benjamine Howland 3rd Reports that have made Some progress but desire |
the matter Referd therefore Sd matter is Referd under their Care and they to |
Report to next monthly meeting – – |
young people case continued |
Some of the Committee that was to Join the Overseers in Labouring |
with Some of the young People Report that they have made Some |
progress and Desire Sd matter to be Continued therefore its Continue[d] to |
next mo meeting & then they to make Report |
M. Wing Disownd |
This meeting Signd a paper of Deniel against Mary Wing and the |
Clerk is orderd to Read Sd paper at the close of a first days meeting before |
next mo meeting & then they to make Report and Wm Barker is appointed |
to Inform her of her Denial & Report next mo meeting Said paper is as followeth |
her paper of denial |
Whereas Mary Wing Some years past was under Dealing by this |
meeting (as appears by our Records) and altho She Gave in a paper |
Condemning her Misconduct, yet the meeting did not Receive her |
into full Unity but Suspended the matter for further Proof of her |
Sincerity. Now this meeting (of late) having made Enquiry into her |
Conduct and Conversation and Likewise have had Conference with |
her on that matter and do^not find a Sufficient Proof of a Sincear Repentan[ce?] |
but Rather the Contrary therefore this meeting doth deny her the |
Said Mary Wing from being a member of our Religious Society |
untill by a Sincear Repentance and Return from the Evil of her |
ways as a Sure token thereof to the way of Truth & well doing |
Signd in and on behalf of our monthly meeting held in |
Dartmouth the 19th ye 8th month 1776 - by Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
Susana Smith C[l]erk |
report on Peleg Giffords case |
The Committee that had the care of that matter Respecting Peleg |
Gifford Jur Report that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction |
therefore this meeting Accepts of Sd Gifford paper for Satisfaction |
provided he cause Sd paper to be publickly Read at the Close of a |
first Days meeting (he being present) before next mo meeting & then |
Return Sd paper & make Report Sd paper is as followeth |
P .Gifford paper |
To the monthly meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth on the |
20 ye 5mo 1776 – – Dear friends being in A Sense of my misconduct |
when being at a meeting of another Society, in Singing Psalms |
with them, which I am Sorry for Considering it was not according |
to the Constitutional principles of our Profession So to do Desiring |
friends and all others therein Concernd to pass it by that I may |
Remain under the care of this meeting is the Desire of your |
friend – – |
Peleg Gifford Jur |
Dartmouth 14 ye 5mo 1776 |
Russell paper not read |
Report hath been made that Charles Russells paper hath not |
been Read therefore he is Deferd to Accomplish the Reading Sd paper as order[ed] |
and make report next mo meeting |
case of Amos Wilcox referd |
The matter Respecting Amos Willcox is Referd to next mo meeting |
by the Request of the Committee and then they to make Report . – – |
Mary Spoo= =ner denid |
The women Inform that they have Deni[e]d Mary Sponer [Spooner] wife to |
Simson Spooner |
This meeting collected – – |
£9 8s 3 old te[nor] |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to next Second Day at ye 11th hour – – |
mett |
Meet by Adjournment ye 26 ye 8th mo – 1776 |
The Representatives being called both present |
Case of Gidi How =land 2 referd |
The matter Respecting Gideon Howland 2nd is Referd to next mo – |
meeting by reason the women are not Ready to Receive his wifes paper |
the Chusing of Elders is Referd to next mo meeting – – |
A G Certificate |
Ann Gifford Signified to this meeting that She hath a mind |
to visit Sandwich monthly meeting and Desird our Concurance |
therein, And we approving of her Intended visit She being a |
member of this meeting and her Publick Testimony well Accepted |
among us And the Clerk is ordered to give her a Coppy of this minute |
This meeting is Informd that Richard Hathaway Son of Caleb |
Hathaway hath Inlisted & gone into the war very Conterary to our |
profession therefore for the Clearing of truth friends thinks proper to |
R. Hath Disownd |
Disown him, hereby Denying the Said Richard Hathaway from under |
our care and John Williams is appointed to [smudge] Inform him of his |
Denial when he [has] an oppertunity and Report to this meeting |
It appears that David Chase hath been under Dealing for [Some?] |
Time for marr[y]ing out of the Unity of friends, And now part of the |
D. Chase acknow: ledgd |
Committee that had the care of that matter Report Making a |
Satisfactory Report on that account and friend Concludes to accept |
of his acknowlegment for Satisfaction |
We are Informd that Abraham Smith hath been Assisting |
or fit[t]ing warlike Implements also paid money towards building |
A:S and E:Gifford under Dealing |
a fort and hath been Labourd with by friends and Rather Jus- |
-tifies Sd Conduct – – Likewise Elihue Gifford hath Joind |
with a Military Company in their Exercise by way of training & |
hath been labourd with also, and not Condemning Sd Conduct |
therefore we appoint our friends Caleb Russell John Williams |
William Mosher & Joseph Tucker [Jur?] to Labour further with Sd |
Smith and Gifford and make Report next mo meeting |
J. Case Certificate |
There was a Removal Certificate Signd in this meeting to the |
monthly meeting of the Oblong for Job Case & his children |
Lately Removed within the bounds of Nine partners monthly meeting |
This meeting hath Collected a List of the names of all the |
persons who have Latterly Removd within the bounds of the |
Nine partner[s] monthly meeting and inclosd the Same in a letter |
Directed to Sd mo meeting of ye Nine partners ^the names of ye persons in Said List is as followeth |
(Viz) Jonathan Smith & Phebe his wife, Jonathan Hussey |
and Hepzabeh his wife & Selvenus & Rachel their Children & |
their Granchild Elisabeth Hussey Jonathan Hussey Ju & Content his |
wife, Benja Russell and Anna his wife and Patience & John Their |
Children; Stephen Smith and his Children namely Jonathan Elihue |
and hannah, Elisabeth Smith wife of Wm Smith & their |
Children namely Gideon Zadock Judith Rebecca Catherin Caleb |
Noah ann & Elisabeth; David Anthony & Judith his wife & |
their Children namely ^Elihu Humphry Susana & hannah; Humphry Smith |
and Edieth his wife and their Children namely ann Neomy |
abigail Mary Mager Humphry & Peleg, all the above at present |
& there abouts, Zephaniah Anthony & Wait his wife and their |
Children namely Ase[?] and Mary, Hannah Dennice[?], wife of |
Thos Dennice, Lillis Baird wife of David Baird, Obediah Allen |
& Phebe his wife & their Children Ebenezar, Jonathan & James Daniel |
Children Thos Abigail Benja Elisabeth & John, Shadrick[?] Dennice[?] & abiel |
Cornal & his his wife & of John Allen & thereabouts walter Ruth & Children and Gideon |
their children Hephzebah, Paul Noah & Jonathan, Rhoda Allen wife |
& Mary Wing wife to Giles wing, there to Saratoga, orter Crick |
& to Whit Cricks Jedediah Allen & Eunice his wife & their children |
Matilda Sarah Polina wilson Pamela & Keziah, Isaac Sandford |
Oyman Kethrine[?], Neomy Sisson wife to John Sisson at Hoosack |
Bowdish who hath Removd to Saratoga without Requesting one |
or informing friends thereof21 |
9 mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th ye 9th mo 1776 – – The Representatives are Wm Moshe[r] |
and Thomas Hicks both present |
Edw Taber informed of denial |
John Williams Reports that he hath Informd Edward Taber of his |
Denial as orderd – – |
case of Ben Howland 3 referd |
The matter Respecting Benjamin Howland 3rd is Referd to |
next moly meeting under the care of the Same Committee as hereto[fore] |
and then they to make Report – – |
Case of young people referd |
The Committee appointed to Joine the Overseers in Labouring with |
Some young People Desires that matter Referd therefore its Refer[d] |
to next mo meeting & then they to make Report – – |
denial not read |
The Clerk Reports that he hath not Read Mary Wings Deniel, and |
Wm Barker Reports that he Informd mary wing of her Denial [and?] |
Likewise Informs that Sd mary Wing Desires an appeal to the |
Quarterly meeting in the Winter Quarter – – |
P. G. & C. R papers been Read |
Peleg Gifford Ju and Charles Russell having Causd Each of their |
papers to be Read as orderd or Requird by last mo meeting and |
have Returnd Sd papers to this meeting Sd papers as followeth |
To the Preparative and Monthly meetings of friends in Dartmouth |
Whereas I have gave way to the Ensenuations [Insinuations] of the Adversary So |
far at [sic] to be guilty of the Sin of fornication with [Jenifer?] |
Lumber whereby She Chargd me on oath of being |
father of her basterd Child which Reproachfull Sin |
I am Sorrow for & do hereby Condemn Desiring |
forgivness from the Almighty and that friends may So |
far pass by mine offence as to let me Remain under |
their Care from your friend – – Charles Russell |
Dartmouth ye 15th [3?] mo 1774[?] |
A:Wilcox paper |
Amos Willcox hath given a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his misconduct for which he hath been under Dealing but friends |
not being fully Satisfied of his Sincerity the matter is therefore Continued |
under the care of the Same Committee as heretofore for their Inspection |
and a proof of his Sincerity & Wm Sandford is ad[d]ed to Sd Committee – – |
Gid. Howland 2 [&] wife paper accepted |
This meeting Conclud[e]s to Accept of Gideon Howland 2d and wives paper |
Condemning -their fal[l]ing into the Sin of fornication & marriing nigh |
in Kind for Satisfaction Provided they cause Sd paper to be publickly |
Read at the Close of a first Days meeting he being present She being |
unwell & Return it to next monthly meeting & Report of it being Read |
There was Subscriptions Signd in this meeting to rais[e] money for |
the yearly meeting Stock and we appoint our friends Caleb Russell |
Committee to raise money |
John Smith 2nd Daniel Gifford George Handy Joseph Tucker Ju Wm |
Sandford to Receive the money of Each member and pay the Same |
intotal the Treasury and Report to next monthly meeting of the Same |
total So Collected & paid in |
This meeting Collected – – |
8 – 1 – 8 o.T. [old Tenor] |
adjourn mett |
This meeting Adjourns to the 23 Day of this Instant at ye 11th hour |
Met by Adjournment the 23rd ye 9mo 1776 – – The Representatives |
being Called both present – – |
The Overseers have Communicated a Complaint to this meeting |
E: Russell Complaind of |
under the hand of Sarah Davis against Elijah Russell for |
Refusing to Submitt a matter of Differance to men as the |
Refuses as aforesd We appoint Prince Allen Wm Mosher Wm Sandford |
to Inquire into the above Sd matter & Labour with Sd Russell |
as they may find freedom and make Report next mo meeting |
[Ch]useing Elders referd |
The Chusing of Elders is Referd to next mo meeting |
Abra. Smith & Elihu Giffords case referd |
The greater part of the Committee appointed to Labour with |
Abraham Smith and Elihu Gifford Report that they |
have Dischargd themselves in that matter and Sd Smith |
and Gifford Justifies their Conduct therein therefore Samll |
Samuel Smith is appointed to Draw a Testimony against |
them & bring to next mo meeting and Caleb Russell is appoin[ted] |
to Inform them thereof & Report next mo meeting |
Compl[a]int against Abra Wood |
We are Informd that Abraham Wood is in practice of fit[t]ing |
guns for the use of war, And friends having Labourd with him |
to Desist but he Still Continues therein – – |
Complaint against Isaac How land 2 & Jos Russel Ju |
Also we are Informd that there is a Negro man held in a State |
of Slavery by Isaac Howland 2nd & Joseph Russell Ju and friend |
having Labourd with them on that account therefore we appoint |
Benjamin Smith Ju Benjamin Howland 2nd Joseph Tucker Ju |
Samuel Smith & William Sandford to Labour further with Sd Wood |
on that account Likewise with Isaac Howland & Joseph |
Russell Ju on that account & make Report next mo meeting |
tives Representa^ to Q meeting |
The Queries were Answerd in this meeting and an Epistle Signd |
to the Quarterly and orderd forward by our Representatives |
who are Joseph Tucker Samll Smith Wm Barker and they to |
Report next mo meeting |
10 mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 21st ye 10 mo 1776 |
The Representatives are Wm Barker & Joseph Barker presen[t] |
B Howland paper Accepted |
this meeting Accepts of Benjamin Howland 3rd paper for Satisfactio[n] |
Condem[n]ing his going in Company with men that took away |
guns for the Use of war, Provided he cause Sd paper to be |
Publickly read at the Close of a first Days meeting for worship |
he being present before next mo meeting & then Return Sd paper |
and Report of its being read |
Gid Howland paper read |
Report hath been made of Gideon Howland 2nd & wives paper |
being Read as orderd & is Returned to this meeting |
Said paper is as followeth |
G.H. & wifes paper |
To the Preparative and Monthly Meeting of Poneganset |
to be held the 13th & 18th Days of the 3 mo 1776 |
Dear friends Whereas we through unwatchfulness have |
a child So Soon after marriage for which we are Sorry |
Desiring the Lord may forgave us and friends pass it |
by together with our marr[y]ing nearer in kin than is |
allowable among friends hoping for the futer through |
Divine Assistance we may be Enabled to walk more |
Circumspect that friends would Still Continue us under |
their Care |
Gideon Howland 2 |
Dated this 13th ye 3 mo 1776 |
Catherin Howland |
Case of Labouring with youths Con= tinued |
The Committee appointed to Join the Overseers in Labouring |
with Some of our youth Desire that matter Referd therefore |
Sd matter is Referd to next mo meeting & then they to make Report |
Raising money for yearly meeting referd |
The Committee appointed to rais[e] money for the yearly |
meeting Stock Desire Sd matter to be Continued therefore its |
Referd to next mo meeting and then they to make Report |
Elisa Russell case referd |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Elisabeth Russell |
Report that they have Inquird into Sd matter as orderd |
and Labourd much with Sd Russell to Settle with Sarah |
Davis or leave the matter to men all w^hich Sd Russell |
Intirly [entirely] Refuses to Comply with yet by the Request of |
Benjamin Smith it is Referd one month longer under the |
Care of the Same Committee and then they to make Report |
appointment of Elders Referd |
The Appointing of Elders is Referd to next mo meeting |
Caleb Russell Reports that he Informd Abraham Smith and |
Elihu Gifford of their Denial as orderd and there was a |
testimony Signd against Sd Smith & Gifford & the Clerk is orderd |
to read Sd Testimonies Publickly as usual -& Report next mo meeting |
/To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth to be [held?] |
the 20th day of 2nd month 1775 |
Whereas we have gone Conterary to |
good order with friends in marrying near of kin, and [f…?] |
C Green and wives paper |
among friends And as we have offended in both these |
things which we are Sorry for and do Condemn an[d] |
as we are truly Desirous to remain under your care [we?] |
[illegible words written vertically in this column] |
hope you can find it clear with yourselves on deliberat[e] |
thought and tenderness towards us to pass by this fault |
Praying the Allwise Director may So order our Steps |
for the future in the paths of truth that henceforth we |
may justly be called your Affectionnate friends |
Caleb Green |
Elisabeth Green |
Jos Russel Abra Wood cases referd |
The friends appointed to Labour with Isaac Howland 2nd and |
Joseph Russell Jur & Abraham Wood, not having |
Compleeted the matter It is therefore Referd to next mo meeting |
and Said friends Continued for that Service & then to make Report |
Return from ye Qu meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report they all |
attended Sd meeting and have Producd an Epistle from the |
Said meeting which was read and well Accepted |
Certificate for A:Allen |
This meeting Signd a Certificate for Abraham Allen to the |
monthly meeting of the nine partners, as he is a going to viset [visit] |
his friends within the compass of Sd meeting |
Ben Smith Bill |
Benjamin Smith Ju gave in a bill for keeping Else Smith |
to the amount of £36 ″ 8S old tennor which the Treasurer is |
orderd to pay & Report next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected £1 ″ 4S ″ [0?] Lawfull money |
11mo 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 18th 11mo 1776 |
the Representatives are Wm Barker & Wm Mosher Present |
Sam Howland Certificate |
Receivd a Certificate from Coakset monthly meeting Seting [forth?] |
Samuel Howlands Clearness Respecting marriage – – |
Sam Howland proposal of marriage |
Samuel Howland & Mary Smith Declard their Intentions of |
marriage and were Desird to wait till next mo meeting for |
their Answer |
Ben Howland 3 paper read |
Report hath been made of Benjamin Howland 3rd paper |
being Read and is Returnd to this meeting Sd paper is as |
followeth |
Dartmouth the 14th of the 2nd month 1776 |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth |
Beloved friends |
I hereby Condemn my Going in Company with |
Ben Howland paper |
those that took Guns in order to be used in the millitary Service |
with all my misconduct in that matter hoping thro Divine |
Assistance to be preserved from the Like behavour in future |
and I Desire friends So far to pass by this mine offence as to |
Let me Remain under their Care, freely Acknowledging friends |
Kindness Extended towards me in this matter and much Desir= |
=ing that for time to come I may So walk as to be Justly Called your |
beloved friend – – |
Benjamin Howland 3rd |
Labouring with youths left to overseers |
Most of the Committee Appointed to Join the Overseers in |
Labouring with Some of our youth Report that altho they |
have not Proceeded So fully as Intended yet they think it |
best that the matter be Left with the Overseers and they |
Dismissd which is agreed to by this meeting and the Overseers |
are Desird to watch Over the youth in a more particula[r] |
manner and where Any transgress to bring their names |
with their Respective Crimes to this meeting |
Epistles Receivd |
This meeting Receivd Some Printed Epistles from the yearly |
meeting at Philidelphia which is Destributed among friends |
also one from the yearly meeting of Ministers & Elders, both |
which were Read & Kindly Accepted – – |
This meeting Collected £0 – 13S – 2d Lawfull money – – |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 27th Instant after the meeting of |
worship which is to begin at the 11th hour |
mett |
This meeting meet by Adjournment the 27 of the 11mo 1776 |
the Representatives being Called both Present – – |
Raising money referd |
The Committee appointed to rais[e] money for the yearly meeting |
Stock, not being Ready to make Report therefore the matter |
is Referd to next mo meeting and then they to Report |
Case of Elijah Russell |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Elijah Russell Report |
that they have had a nother Oppertunity with Sd Russell (B: Smith |
Present) and he Declines Submitting the matter to men agreeable to |
the Advice of Sd Committee, therefore this meeting taking Sd matter |
into Consideration, It is Our Sense & Judgment that he the Sd Russe[ll] |
ought to Settle the Same with Sarah Davis before the next |
mo meeting or Submit Sd matter to men and the Sd Committee |
Chusing Elders referd denial of to be Signd & read |
are Desird to Inform him hereof & to make Report next mo meeting |
The matter of Chusing [Choosing] Elders is Referd to next mo meeting |
Whereas the Testimony against Abraham Smith & Elihu Gifford |
that was brought & Read at Last mo meeting not being Signd by |
an Omition of the Clerk he is therefore now orderd to Sign the |
Case of I:Howls J:Russ Ju referd A Wood denyd |
Same & Read it as orderd before & make Report next mo meeting |
The Committee Appointed to Labour with Isaac Howland and |
Joseph Russell Ju and Abraham Wood Report that they have |
fulfilld their apointment therein & Said Wood Refuses to Comply |
with friends A[d]vice but Continues to mend guns for the Use of |
war therefore this meeting doth Deny Sd Wood |
from being a member [of] our Society and Sd Committee is orderd to |
Draw a Testimony against him & bring it to next mo meeting they |
also Report that Isaac Howland & Joseph Russell have of Late not |
fully Complid with friends Advice in Regard to the Negro, the matter |
is therefore Referd to next month[l]y meeting under the care of Sd Committee |
and then they to make Report – – |
[confessio] |
Jedediah Allen gave in a paper Condem[n]ing his misconduct and Requests[?] |
to Come under friends Care again, And we appoint Joseph Barker |
and Wm Barker to have an Oppertunity of Conferrance with Sd Allen |
in order to Discover the Sencerity and motive of his Request and Report |
next monthly meeting |
C Rus paper accept ed |
Caleb Russell Gave in a paper to this meeting Condem[n]ing his |
having a hand in Conveying Some Goods Called prise Goods and being |
with those that Sold Such Goods & Drinking with them; which this meeting |
Accepts^for Satisfaction Provided he Cause the Same to be Publickly Read at the Close |
of a first Days meeting for worship (he being Present) between this and |
next mo meeting and then Return Sd paper |
[f]ence round meeting house |
The Committee appointed to fence the Land round the meeting house |
Report that they have Compleated Sd matter and Repa[i]rd the meeting |
house and brought in their bill whis [which?] is – £5 ″ 4s ″ 4d L:[lawful] money |
Exclusive of those that gave work – – |
Little House |
This meeting Conclud[e]s to build a Little house for the Use of friends |
at our meeting house, And we appoint William Sandford to Comput[e] |
Sd business as Soon as he can with Convenency & bring in his account |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Benja Smith Ju £36 - 8S old tennor |
as orderd |
12mo 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th 12th mo 1776 |
the Representatives are Wm Sandford & Samuel Smith present |
Saml Howland answer |
Samuel Howland and Mary Smith appeard for their Answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in marriage |
in Some Convenient time before next monthly meeting [advising?] |
with the friends that Shall be appointed for that purpose and we |
appoint Wm Mosher and Joseph Gifford to See their marriage |
Consomated in good order and make Report next mo meeting |
Case of Elij Russ Settled |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Elijah Russell Reports that Sd Russell and Sarah Davis hath Set[t]led Sd |
matter or Contrevercy |
Testimony against Abr Wood Signd - |
There was a Testimony Against Abraham Wood Signd in this meeting |
by the Clark and he is orderd to Read it Publickly at the Close of a firs[t] |
Days meeting for worship and make Report next mo meeting |
Case of I. Howland J Russel Ju referd |
The Committee appointed to have the Care of that matter Respect= |
=ing Isaac Howland & Joseph Russell Ju freeing his Negro Report that |
Said friends have not Compleated Sd matter therefore the Same |
Committee are Still Continued in that Service & to make Report |
next mo meeting – – |
Receivd |
The Committee that had the Care of the matter Respecting |
Jedediah Allens Requesting to Come under friends Report that |
they have had an oppertunity of Conferrance with him and |
Receivd a Degree of Satisfaction therefore Said Allen is Received |
under friends Care – – |
money Raisd |
The Committee appointed to raise money by way of Subscription |
for the yearly meeting Stock Report that they have Raisd and |
paid into the Treasurer · – £12 – 3S – 6d Lawfull Money |
Abra Smith Elihu Giff denial |
the Clerk Reports he hath Read the testimony against Abraha[m] |
Smith & Elihu Gifford as orderd Last mo meeting Sd paper is |
as followeth |
Whereas Abraham Smith & Elihu Gifford having ma[de] |
Proffession with us & under the care of this meeting, But have So far |
Departed from the way of Truth and the Testimony thereof as to be |
found in joining with & measurably Supporting of war or preparation |
for the Same particularly the Sd Smith hath paid money towards |
the building a fort & also in fit[t]ing Some war like Impl[e]ments |
and they having been Tenderly Labourd with by friends to Desist |
from & Condemn their Sd Conduct but our Labour therein not |
obtaining the Desird Effect, But they Still Justifying the Same this meet[in]g |
therefore being Concernd for the maintaining our Testimony against all outward worst |
fighting and preparations for the Same do give this forth as a testimony against them |
hereby Disowning them the Sd A:Smith & E:Gifford from being members of our Society |
and from under the care of this meeting Untill by unfeigned Repentance & Return |
from the Error of their ways they Shall be Restord to ye [the] way of truth Given forth and |
Signed on behalf of our mo meeting held in Dartmouth 21st 10mo 1776 by |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Caleb Russell hath Causd his paper to be read as orderd and Returnd is as |
followeth – – |
To the Preparative and Monthly meetings of friends next |
to be held in Dartmouth |
Dear friends |
C Russell paper |
Being under a Sense of my Error in having a Concern or |
hand in those Goods Called Prize Goods, So far as to assist in Carting or |
Conveying Some of them a Small distance & being with them that |
Sold Such goods & Drinking with them Some wine & water, and having |
found my self mind Troubled therewith am real[l]y and heartily Sorry |
for it not thinking it according to the principales of our profession |
to have any hand in Such Goods Desiring friends will pass this by |
and that I may be more watchfull for the future from your^affectionate friend |
Caleb Russell – – |
Caleb Rus Ju Davi Sheph & paper accepted |
Caleb Russell jur and David Sheepherd Jur gave in papers to this |
meeting Condemning their misconduct, the first in Carting of |
Prise Goods the Latter for going as Pilot in a Prise Vessell |
which this meeting Accepts for Satisfaction – – |
Divers friend condemn their misconduct |
Also Giles Slocum Elihu Slocum Timothy Howland & Jona [Jonathan] Tucker |
have appeard in this meeting and Verbally Confes[s]ed & Condem[n]d |
their having been Concernd in buying Carting or Conveying of prise |
Goods which this meeting also Accepts for Satisfaction – – |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is orderd to pay Timothy Russell five Dollars for half |
years keeping the meeting house and Report next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected 17S/5d - Lawfull money – – |
adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the 30th Day of this Instant at ye 11 hour |
mett |
Meet by Adjournment the 30th ye 12mo 1776 |
the Representatives being Called both present – – |
Chusing Elders referd |
The Chusin[g] of Elders is Referd to next mo meeting – – |
The Overseers Inform that David Shepherd Briggs Jonathan howland |
Complaint against Divers friends |
Nicholass Lapham hath purchased prise Goods and Joseph Russ[ell] |
David Allen Elezer Allen Jonathan Allen & Thos Akin hath |
been Carting prise goods |
and Joseph Russell Ju has taken Charge of Such goods |
when bid of at Vandue & Stord & Shipt them again all which |
Sd Overseers Report they have Labourd with them but they have |
not Condemnd Sd misconduct to friends Satisfaction therefore |
we appoint Wm Mosher Samuel Smith Philip Allen Benja |
Howland 2nd John Williams to Labour further with the above Sd |
friends and Report next monthly meeting |
Queries Answerd |
The Queries were Answerd in this meeting and an Epistle Signd |
for the Quarterly meeting and orderd forward to Sd Quarterly meeting |
Representa tiv[e]s |
by our Representatives who are Thos Hicks Benja Howland 2nd Wm |
Anthony Ju Wm Mosher and they to Report next mo meeting – – |
Paper of denial to [drawd?] against John Wood & Wm Haden |
The friends Appointed Some time past to Labour with John Wood |
and Wm Haden for their misconduct Report that they have fulfil[led] |
their Appointment therein but they Gave them no Real Satisfaction |
therefore Sd friends are Appointed to Draw a paper of Denial against |
them & bring it to next mo meeting |
A Pass for Representas |
This meeting Signd a Certificate for our Representatives to the |
Quarterly meeting Directed to the Commanding Offeser [Officer] of this |
Melitary [Military] Service Desiring their Leave for Sd Represen[ta]tives |
to pass on their way to Sd Quarterly meeting |
1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
20th the 1st mo 1777 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen & Joseph Barker Present – – |
Case of those concernd in prize goods |
The Committee appointed Last mo meeting to Labour |
with those friends that Purchasd prise [prize] goods Report that |
they Lab[o]urd with Sd friends, and Nicholass Lapham David Brigg[s] |
Jonathan Howland gave in papers to this meeting Condemning |
Sd misconduct which is Accepted provided they Sign a Testimon[y] |
against Such proceedure according to the Conclution of this |
meeting And this meeting Conclud[e]s / Notwithstanding the |
minute of Last mo meeting, That all those friends that |
hath Condemnd Sd misconduct Sign a testimony against Such |
Such proceedure to be publickly read as Usual in order to take |
of the Report from the Society, and Said Committee are Desird |
to Draw a Testimony for that purpose and Desire all those |
friends that have no transgressd as aforeSd to Sign the Same |
if they find freedom and bring to next mo meeting – – |
and said Committee is Desird to Draw up Testimonies against |
those friends that Decline making Satisfaction and bring |
to next mo meeting – – |
Complaint a gainst Ralph Allen |
We Understand that Rhalf Allen Son of Benjamin Allen |
hath Inlisted & gone on bo[a]rd of a Vessell of war which being |
Conterary to our profession therefore we hereby Disown the Sd |
Ralph Allen disownd |
Rhalf Allen from being under our Care & the above Committee |
is Desird to Draw a testimony against him & bring to next |
mo meeting |
Wm Russell Son of Tim disownd |
Likewise we Understand that Wm Russell Son of Timothy |
Russell hath Inlisted into the war & Cannot well be Spoake |
with therefore we Disown the Sd Wm Russell from being |
under our Care and the afore Sd Committee is orderd to |
Draw a Testimoney against Sd Russell and bring it to |
next mo meeting – – |
Certificate for Thos Allen |
This meeting Signd a Certificate for Thos Allen to |
the mo meeting of the Nine partners as he is a going there |
to Visit his friends |
This meeting Collected – – |
£1 6S 1d |
L. [lawful] money |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 29th Instant after the |
meeting for Worship which is to begin ye 11th hour |
mett |
Meet by Adjournment ye 29th ye 1 mo 1777 – – |
The Representatives being Called both Present |
Howland Marriage |
The friends appointed to See the Marriage of Samuel Howland |
and Mary Smith Report that they attended S.d marriage and |
Saw nothing but that it was orderly Accomplished |
The Clerk Reports that he hath read the Testimony against |
Testimony against Abra Wood |
Abraham Wood as order,d Last mo meeting Sd paper is as followet |
Whereas Abraham Wood the Son of Jesiah [Josiah] & Hannah Wood |
Having had his Education Amongst friends, But by Departing from |
the Testimony of truth hath So far gone astray as to be found in the |
Practice of mending & Preparing of guns and Instruments of war |
and friends having Labour,d with him in love in order to Reclaim |
him from a Practice So Inconsistant with the Profession he hath |
made but he Continuing in Said Practice. This meeting therefore |
doth Give this forth as a Testimony against him hereby Diso- |
wing him the Said Abraham Wood from being a Member of our |
Society untill by an Unfeigned Repentance & Acknowldgement of |
the Error of his way he Shall be Refer,d to the way of Truth -- |
Given forth & Signd in & on behalf of our monthly meeting of friend. |
held in Dartmouth the 16th the 12 mo 1776 By – – |
William Anthony Ju Clerk |
Case of Isaac Howland Ju refer.d |
Isaac Howland 2nd gave in a bill to this meeting Manimiting |
a Negro man named Primus but yet Some friends Doubting |
wheather S.d Negro is fully free,d therefore S.d matter is Refer,d |
under the care of the Same Committee as heretofore & they to |
Report next mo meeting |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Reports that he paid 5 Dollars to Timothy Russell |
as orderd Last mo meeting |
The Chusing of Elders is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
Return from Q meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report that they |
all attended Except Benja Howland 2nd who Sent a Reasonable |
Excuse. They also brought an Epistle from S.d meeting which was |
Read and well Accepted |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath Sent the money that was rais,d |
to Supply the yearly meeting Stock according to the Direction |
of the yearly meeting which this meeting approves |
paper of denial brought against J Wood & Wm Haden |
The friends Appointed to draw a paper of Denial against John Wood |
and William Hayden have brought S.d paper which was Sign,d by |
the Clerk, who is order,d to read the Same as Usual & make Report |
next mo meeting S.d friends also Inform that they have Inform,d Sd |
Wood & Hayden of their Denial |
John Howland Certificate from London |
John Howland being Return,d from England hath Produc,d |
a Certificate from the two weeks meeting held in London the |
25th the 3rd mo 1776 Certifying his Good Conversation while there |
and his Clearness from marriage Engagements which hath been |
Read & well accepted |
Job Gifford Luthan Wood Barker Little purchase prize goods |
The Overseers Inform that Job Gifford Luthan Wood & Barker |
Little have Purchas,d Prize Goods, and they have Treated with |
them for their misconduct, and the matter is put under the |
Care of the Same Com,tt that were appointed to Deal with |
the others under the Same Transgressions & to Report of them |
with the others |
Case of Wm Rus= =sell Tim Son referd |
This meeting having Reconsider,d the minute made at the |
first Seting of this meeting Respecting Wm Russell Son of |
Timothy Russell and do defer the denying of him untill |
a further Confirmation of his being inlisted into the war |
money to be raisd |
Joseph Gifford Philip Allen John Williams and Obediah |
Beird are appointed to raise money by Subscriptions to pay |
the Cost of fencing in our Land Round the meeting house and |
make Report next mo meeting |
2 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
17th the 2nd mo 1777 |
The Representatives are Philip Allen & Joseph Tucker Ju present |
Testimony Signd against Jos Russell Jur David Allen Ebenez Allen Jonat Allen Ralph Allen |
The Testimonies against Joseph Russells jur David Allen |
Elezer Allen Jonathan Allen And Rhalf Allen were Sign,d |
in this meeting by the Clerk who is order,d to read the Same |
Publickly as Usual & report next mo meeting & John Williams |
is appointed to Inform them of their Denial & Report next mo meeting |
John Akin manimitt Indian boy named Hazzard |
A Manumition was Read in this meeting Signed by John |
Akin thereby manumiting an Indian boy Named Hazzard |
which is accepted for Satisfaction |
Papers accepted of Divers friends concerned in prize goods |
The Committee appointed to Labour with those friends that |
were transgressions in being Concern.d with Prize goods |
brought Testimonies to this meeting Sign,d by Barker Little |
David Briggs Elihu Slocum Jonathan Howland & Timothy |
Howland David Sheepherd Ju and Thos Akin which Testimony |
are Accepted for Satisfaction provided they Cause them to be |
Publickly read as Usual & Returnd & Report made to next |
mo meeting thereof – and Said Committee are Still Contin[ued?] |
to Labour with those Transgressors on them accounts who have |
not yet Complid with friends Advice, also to Draw testimony again[st] |
them that Decline making Satisfaction and Report next mo meeting. |
Case of Isaac Howland Ju refrd |
The Committee that had the case of that matter Respecting |
Isaac Howland Ju freeing his Negro, Desires s.d matter Continued |
therefore its Refer.d to next mo. meeting and then they to Report |
Wm Mosher an Elder |
This meeting Appoints William Mosher an Elder |
John Wood Wm Haden denial |
The Clerk Reports he hath the Testimonies against John Wood and |
Wm Haydon as orderd S.d Testimonies is as followeth – |
Whereas John Wood & Wm Haydon has had their Education amongst friends yet by |
Giving way to the Insinuations of the adversary – they have been found |
guilty of Stealing watermillions from John Sheepherd likewise ye sd wood |
has appeard with a Tumultuous Company by way of Riot very unbeco= |
ming the truth which we profess. Likewise Sd Wood & Haden has |
Proceded in Marriage out of the Unity of friends, all which they |
have been Labour,d with for in order to Convince them of the Evil |
of their ways but our Labour of love not having the Desird Effect |
to friends Satisfaction therefore for the Clearing of truth and friends from |
Such Evil Practises do hereby Disown the S.d John Wood & Wm Haden from being |
members of our Religious Society and from under the care of this meeting |
Desiring If it be Consistant with Divine goodness they may come to Sight & |
Sence of their outgoings and by unfeigned Repentance be [returned?] to the way of [truth?] |
Given forth at our mo meeting held in Dartmouth the [?1]st Day 1st mo 1777 |
and Signed in and on behalf S.d meeting by – Wm Anthony [Ju] Clerk |
Wm Russells denial confirmd |
This meeting being now Confirmd of Wm Russell having been in |
the wars therefore Do confirm the Denial of Sd Russell and the |
Committee Continued to Draw a Testimony against him as ordered |
Last mo meeting and Inform him thereof & Report next mo meeting. |
Friends to raise money not ready to report |
The Committee appointed to rais money, not being fully |
Ready to make Return therefore they are Continued in that |
Service & to Report next mo meeting – |
Complaint a gainst Walter Wood he is denid |
We are Inform,d that Walter Wood hath married out of the Unity |
of friends after being Precautiond by one of the [?] Therefore |
we Deny him the Said Walter Wood from being under the care of |
friends and Joseph Tucker Ju is appointed to Inform him thereof |
& Report next mo meeting |
Complaint a gainst Benj Russellson of Benj referd |
This meeting being Inform,d that Benja Russell Son of Benja |
Russell Son of Benja hath purchas,d or partook of prise goods |
and been Labour,d with, but not appearing to make Satisfaction |
therefore S.d matter is Refer,d under the Care of the Committee |
appointed to Labour with transgressors of that [kind?] – – |
Complint a gainst Stephen Mott referd |
This meeting is Informd that Stephen Mott hath Inlisted into |
the war and we Appointed Caleb Russell and John Williams |
to treat with him and Draw a paper of Denial aganst |
him if he Declines to make Satisfaction and make Report |
Jos Mott denyd |
This meeting is Informed that Joseph Mott hath Removd |
away a far distance from hence and married out of the |
Unity of friends and as he cannot will be Labour,d with by |
Reason of his being gone away as afore Sd. Therefore this meeting |
doth deny him from being a member of our Society. |
Amos Wilcox disownd |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Concerning |
Amos Willcox made Report that he hath Given them no |
Satisfaction but Still Continues in this Transgressions therefore |
this meeting doth deny him from being in membership |
with us & Sd Committee are order,d to draw a paper of Denial |
against him & bring to next mo meeting also to Inform him of his Denial. |
Case of Simeon Gifford |
The Clerk hath Signed a Certificate or Recommendation to the |
monthly Meeting of the NinePartners for Simeon Gifford, who |
hath Removd there & married out of the Unity of friends. Request- |
-ing them to take the matter with him under their Care. |
To Inspect into the Right of Member- -Ship |
It hath been moved in this meeting to Consider the matter in [respect?] |
to our members who Stand as members & who hath a proper ^[Birth?] Right |
by the Rules of our Society & who not therefore Prince Allen Wm |
Anthony Ju Thos. Hicks Benjamin Smith Ju & Samuel Smith are |
appointed as a Committee to Consider thereof and if they think |
there needs a further Explanation to our yearly meeting minutes |
in that Respect they are Desird to Draw up what they think |
needfull in writing and bring it to next mo meeting – – |
This meeting collected – – |
0L 16s 1d |
l_mony |
3 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th 3mo 1777 |
the Representatives are Prince Allen & Benja Howland 2nd present |
Testimony against Jos Russell Ju & the Allens not read |
The Clerk Reports he hath not Read the Testimonys against |
Josep Russell Ju & the Sons of Benja Allen as orderd Last mo mee[tin]g |
therefore he is Still Continues for that Service & to Report next mo meeting |
The friends (viz) Barker Little David Briggs Elihu |
Slocum Jonathan Howland, Timothy Howland David Shepherd Ju |
Thos Akin hath Causd their Testimonies to be read Publickly as |
Confession of Several Traders in Prize goods |
orderd Last mo meeting & Returnd them to this meeting Sd Testimony |
are as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth |
Beloved Friends |
We the Subscribers having Inconsiderately or unduly Purchased |
or Carted |
Some Small Quantity of those goods called Prize goods taken by |
war and Violence Which Said Conduct of ours after a Matter of |
Consideration thereof we do Utterly condemn and are Sorry |
for it hereby Testifying to friends, and Publickly Declaring |
Declaring to all People to whom these Presents may come |
that as our conduct herein is Inconsistant with the Religious |
Profession we make, So we would take the Reproach thereof to |
ourselves, and Clear the truth and the Professors thereof from the |
Same Desiring forgiveness from the Divine goodness and that |
friends would So far pass by this our misconduct as to let us |
Remain Under their care hopin in future through Divine |
Assistance to be Preferred from the Like misbehavour – – |
from your friends Dated ye 29th of the 1st month AD: 1777 |
Thos. Akin |
Barker Little |
Timothy Howland |
David Briggs |
Elihu Slocum |
David Shepherd Ju |
Jonathan Howland |
Job Gifford Nick Lapham Luthon Wood papers accepted |
Job Gifford Nicholass Lapham & Luthon Wood gave in |
Papers to this meeting Condemning their Purchasing Some |
Prise goods which is Accepted, Provided they Cause them to be |
Publickly Read as Usual & Report & Return Sd paper to next |
mo meeting – And the Same Committee are Still Continud |
to Labour with those that are transgressors on account of |
being Concernd with Prize goods & to Report next mo meeting |
and Draw testimonies against those that Decline making |
Satisfaction if any there be & bring to next mo meeting – – |
Isaac Howland Ju case refer’d |
The Committee Appointed to Labour with Isaac Howland Ju |
on account of his freeing his Negro Report that they have |
not Discharg,d themselves on that account therefore they |
are Still Continued in that Service & to Report next mo meeting |
Walter Wood not Inform’d of denial |
Joseph Tucker Ju Reports that he hath not Inform,d Walter |
wood of his Denial as order,d therefore he is Continued for |
that Service & to Report next mo meeting |
Testimony a gainst Stephen Mott Signd |
There was a Testimony against Stephen Mott Sign,d in |
this meeting by the Clerk who is order,d to Read it Publickly as |
Usual & Report next mo meeting & John Williams is appointed |
to Inform Sd Mott of his Denial ^& Report next mo meeting |
Report of money raisd |
The Committee appointed to rais money by way of Subsim |
ption Report that they have Rais,d the Sum of 5£ 17s 6d |
of which is paid to the Committee that fenced the land |
round the meeting house the Sum of – £5 4 s 4 ½ |
and the remainder is Deliver,d to the treasurer which is 12 /9 |
Testimony Signd a gainst Amos Wilcox |
There was a Testimony Sign,d in this meeting by the Clerk |
against Amos Willcox & the Clerk is order,d to read it publick[ly] |
as Usuel & Report next mo meeting |
This meeting Collected – – |
1£ 8s 1d £m |
Adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to ye 26th Instant after the meeting of |
worship which is to begin at ye 11th hour |
mett |
Meet by Adjournment ye 26th ye 3rd mo 1777 – – |
the Representatives being Caled both present |
Concerning Birth right of members |
The friends Appointed who hath a Proper Birthright by the |
Rules of Discipline &c Report that they have mett and and |
Consider,d but are not ready for a Report in full therefore they |
are Still Continued for that Service & to make Report next mo meeting |
Jonathan Willbor & Wife desir to come un der friend care |
Jonathan & Huldy Willbur gave in a paper Requesting to |
Come under friends Care with their Children and our friends |
Philip Allen & Prince Allen are appointed to Join the |
women and take an Oppertunity of Solid Conferrance |
with them in order to Discover the motive of their |
Request and Report next mo meeting – – |
Abiel Gifford reques to come under friends care |
Abiel Gifford Requests to come under friends Care and |
we appoint Wm Mosher & Wm Baker to take an oppertun[it]y |
of Solid Conferrance with him in order to Discover the motive |
of his Request & Report next mo meeting |
Certificates J Barker J Howland Ju J Hart |
There was Certificates Sign,d in this meeting for James Bark[er] |
Job Howland Ju & Jonathan Hart the two first to the |
mo meeting of ye Ninepartners the Latter to the mo meeting |
o Smithfield they being a going there to make some [?] |
Wm Barkers accompt |
Wm Barker gave in an account to this meeting for hay- |
which he Procur,d at our Quarterly meeting in the 10th mo |
Last which is Allowed & the treasurer is order,d to pay |
the Same with is £1 = 4s £-12[?] and make Report next |
mo meeting – – |
To Revise miniutes |
William Anthony Jun Samuel Smith Prince Allen |
and John Williams are appointed to Revise and Correct |
this meeting minutes in order to goe on Record and |
Report next mo meeting – also to Settle accounts with |
the treasurer |
Friend appoint ted Elder |
The Women Inform that they have Appointed Sussanah |
Smith Deborah Haden & Deborah Hicks in the place of |
Elders which this meeting Concurs with and they with |
as Elders to the Quarterly meeting – – |
Queries answerd |
The Queries was Answer,d in the meeting and Said Answers |
together with a Epistle which was Sign,d in this meeting |
was order,d forward to the Quarterly meeting by our Repr- |
Representatives |
esentatives who are Caleb Russell Wm Mosher Thos Hicks |
John Williams & William Anthony Ju and they to make |
Report next monthly meeting |
4 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 21st the |
4th mo 1777 |
Testimony red against Jos Russell Jur & Sons of Benj Allen |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell & James Davis Present |
The Clerk Reports he hath Read the Testimonyes |
against Joseph Russell Ju & the Sons of Benjamin |
Allen as order,d Last mo meeting S.d testimonies are |
as followeth |
Testimonies against J: R D: A J: A E: A |
Whereas Joseph Russell the Son of Caleb Russell |
and David Allen Jonathan Allen & Elezer Allen |
being the Sons of Benja Allen all having had their |
Education amongst friends, but by Departing from |
their Education and the Testimony of Truth have So far |
gone astray as to be Concern,d in Receiving buying Cart[ing] |
or otherwise Concern,d in those goods taken in the w[ar] |
Testimony of Ralph Allan Recorded in page 390 |
by fors of armes, being those good Called Prisse goods |
and friends and friends having Labour,d with Each often |
in order to Discover to them the Evil of Such a pract[ice] |
but friends Labour of Love not having its Desir,d Effect |
these are therefore Given forth as a Publick Testimony |
against them the S.d Joseph Russell [&?] David Allen Jonatha[n] |
Allen & Elezer Allen hereby Denying & Disowning |
them from being members of our Society & from under |
the Care of this meeting untill by unfeigned Repentance |
and Acknowledge of the Error of their ways. they shall |
be Restor.d to the way of Truth. Given forth and |
Sign,d in and on behalf of our Sd meeting of friends held |
in Dartmouth ye 17th the 2nd mo 1777 by |
Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
Luthan Wood Job Gifford Nick Lap= =ham Confessi on |
Luthan Wood Job Gifford Nicholass Lapham hath Cast |
their papers to be Publickly Rea.d & Returnd to this mat[ter] |
as order,d last mo meeting S.d papers is as followeth – – |
To the Monthly Meeting held 17th Day 3 mo 1777 |
Whereas Sometime past, We ^Inconsiderately purchas.d Some Goods Called Prise good |
and upon a further Consideration find it is Conterary to the Principals of |
truth which we are Sorry for and do Condemn and Desire friends |
to pass it by and let us Remain under their Care from your friend. |
Luthon Wood |
Job Gifford |
Nicholas Lapham |
Jos Russell & Ben : Russell Case Concerning Prize goods |
Part of the Committee appointed to Labour with those |
friend that are transgressors on account of being Concern,d with |
Prise goods Report that Joseph Russell and Benja Russell |
Declines Condeming their Conduct in that matter to friends |
Satisfaction therefore the Same Committee are Continued to |
Labour further with them & if they find no Satisfaction |
to Draw testimonies against them & bring to next mo meeting |
Wm Russell Son of Tim [be] disownd |
There was a Testimony Sign.d in this meeting by the Clerk |
against Wm Russell Son of Timothy Russell & the Clerk |
is orderd to Read it publickly as Usual & Report to |
next mo meeting. |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Reports that he has paid £1 – 4[?] £ mo |
to Wm Barker as order,d last mo meeting – – |
Isaac Howland case Sent to Q: meeting for advice |
This meeting not being fully satisfied on account of Isaac |
Howland freeing his Negro and being Somewhat Different- |
ly minded in that affair Conclude to ask the advice of |
the Quarterly meeting therein – – |
Walter Wood inform d |
Joseph Tucker Ju Reports that he hath Inform,d Walter Wood |
of his Deniel as order,d Last mo meeting |
Testimony a gainst Ste pen mott |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimony against |
Stephen Mott as orderd Sd Testimony is as followeth |
Whereas Stephen Mott Son of Jacob Mott having had a birth |
Right of Membership with us but hath So far Deviated from our princip[les] |
as to inlist himself a Solder & having been Labourd with in love for his |
misconduct in order to Reclaim him from the Evil of his ways but |
friends Labour not having its Desir.d Effect therefore for the Clearing |
of truth from Such practices we give this forth as a Publick testimony |
against him & do deny him from being a member of this meeting |
Nevertheless Desiring if it be Consistant with Divine Pleasure that he may |
Come to a Sight of his Outgoings & Returned, Signed in on behalf of our mo meeting |
held in Dartmouth ye 17th 3rd mo 1777 by Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
not informd of de[n]ial |
John Williams not having Inform,d Stephen Mott of his Denial |
as order,d he is Still Continued for the Service & to make Report |
next mo meeting |
Mary How = land Certi = ficate |
There as a Removal Certificate Signd for Mary Howland |
wife of Samuel Howland to the mo meeting of Coakset |
Letter to Greenwich |
This meeting Signed and Directed a Letter to greenwick mo |
meeting Desiring their Assistance to Labour with the family |
of Charles Slocum he being Deceas,d – – |
The Clerk Reports that he hath Read the testimony against |
Amos Willcox as order,d Last mo meeting S.d testimony is as followeth |
Testimony against Amos Wilcox |
Whereas Amos Willcox Son of Wm Willcox Deceasd and |
Dorrity his wife of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol & |
Province of the Massac[h]usetts Bay in New England having |
has a birthright with us the People Called Quakers, yet |
through unwatchfullness and a Disregard to the testimony of |
truth in himself hath been found in the practice of Using |
bad Language, going to places of frollicking and Neglects |
attending of meetings, which conduct being Reproachfull |
and Scandalous to our Profession and friends having Labourd |
with him in love in order to bring him to a Sight of his |
Errors but their Labour Proving Inafectual and he Continuing |
in S.d Practices. therefore for the Clearing of truth and friends |
from the Reproach thereof this meeting is Concernd to Give this |
as a Publick Testimony against him Disowning him the Sd |
Amos Willcox from being under our care yet Desiring if it be |
Agreeable with Divine goodness that he may yet Come to a Sight |
of the Evil of his ways and through Unfeigned Repentance |
find mercy. |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21 Day of ye 4 mo 1777 and Signed in and by order of S.d meeting |
by Wm Anthony Clerk |
Case of Birth= =right of Chil dren gone to yearly meet ing |
We understand the matter in Regard to what Children have |
Proper Birth Rights & who not by the rules of our Society is |
gone from the Quarterly meeting to the yearly meeting for an |
Explanation thereof therefore the Committee appointed in our |
meeting for that Service is Dismised. |
Abiel Gifford accepted |
The friends appointed to have an opportunity with Abiel |
Gifford Report that he gave them good Satisfaction therefore we |
accept of the S.d Gifford to be under our Care – – |
Jonat Wilbor referd |
The Committee appointed to have an Oppertunity of Conference |
with Jonathan Willbur Report the S.d Willbur gave them good |
Satisfaction but he not being present therefore S.d matter is |
Refer,d to next mo meeting under the care of the Same Committee |
as heretofore |
Martha Allen Received |
The Women Inform that they Received into membership |
Martha Allen wife of Jonathan Allen & their two Daughters |
Mary & Isbil which this meeting Concurs with – – |
Return from Qar meeting |
The friends Appointed to Attend the Quarterly meeting Report that |
they all attended S.d meeting but have not Produc.d their Epistle |
by Reason it was not Transcrib,d Two Epistle from London and one |
from the meeting of Sufferings in Philadelphia were Read in |
Charles Slocum & Ebenezer Slocum Sons of Charles Slocum disowned |
this meeting to good Satisfaction & the Clerk is order’d to read |
them severally at his Deferassion [Deposition?] at the Close of some of |
our Publick meetings of worship – – |
This meeting is ^informd that Charles Slocum & Ebenezer |
Slocum Sons of Charles Slocum Deceas.d who Remov.d from |
hence Some years past, & having a right among friends but |
they having been lately visited & treded[traded?] with by two friends |
of this meeting who Report that S.d Slocums owned them |
-selves to have been Concernd in military matters & not |
Discovering in them any Disposition of a Return on |
Reformation therefore we do Disown them from being member |
of our Society and Benja Howland Samll Smith |
to Draw a Testimony against them & bring to next mo meeting |
and Caleb Russell is Appointed to Inform them of their s.d |
Denial a Soon as he Convenient can & Report to this meetg. |
Miniuts not revisd |
The Committee appointed to Revise and Connect this meetg |
minutes not having Compleated it they are Still Continued |
for that Service & also to settle account with ye treasurer |
& Report next mo meeting |
Giles Slocum request a Certificate |
Giles Slocum Requests a Certificate to the mo meeting |
of Sandwich Certifying his Clearness Respecting marriage |
& Conversation therefore Nicholas Howland & Samll Smith |
are Appointed to Inspect into S.d matter and Draw one if they |
think proper & bring to next mo meeting – – |
Meetings Granted at Bedford |
The friends appointed to Oversee the meeting at Bedford |
make Report that S.d meeting hath been kept up as orderly |
as Usual heretofore and they Request the Same may be |
Continued as heretofore for the year Ensuing which is |
Davis is Appointed to Oversee the S.d meeting to see it |
be kept up according to the Good order of truth & to make |
at the Expiration thereof – – |
This meeting Collected £1 – s10 – d8 £. money |
5 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 19th the 5th mo 1777 |
The Representatives are Benja Howland 2nd & Abraham [Howland?] Present |
Received an Epistle from our Last Quarterly meeting |
which was read and the Advise therein well Accepted |
Case concerning Prize good Good refer’d |
The Committee Appointed on the amount of those friends |
Concernd in Prise Goods made Report that they have |
not fully gone through with the matter they are therefore |
Continued in the Same Service & to make report next |
monthly meeting |
Stephen Mott Informed of his denial |
John Williams Reports he hath Inform.d Stephen Mott |
of his Denial as orderd |
Testimony a gainst Wm Russell not read |
The Clerk Reports he hath not Read the Testimony |
against Wm Russell According to Appointment he is |
therefore Continued for that Service & to make Report |
next mo meeting |
Testimony Signed agains^t Eben Slocum & Charles Slocum |
There was a Testimony Sign,d in this meeting against |
Ebenezer & Charles Slocum Sons of Charles Slocum Deceast |
and the Clerk is order,d to Read the Same Publickly as |
Usual and Report next mo meeting |
Miniuts revisd |
The Committee Appointed to Revise & Correct the meeting |
minutes & to Settle accounts with the Treasurer report |
that they have fulfilled their Appointment & Left the |
Settled with Treasurer |
minutes with the Clerk to be Recorded and there remains |
in the Stock after Settlement the Sum of £5 Lawf. mony. |
Giles Slocum Certificate |
There was a Certificate Sign.d in this meeting on the |
Account of Giles Slocum Directed to the mo meeting of |
Sandwich Certifying his Clearness Respecting marriage |
Complaint a gainst Joshua Shearman |
This meeting is Informd that Jorshua Sherman hath |
Remov,d out of the [?ing] of this meeting Sometime past and |
not applying for a Certificate also Neglects attending |
meeting and hath been Labour,d with by one of ye Overseers |
& othe friends but they not finding Satisfaction therefore |
we appoint Caleb Russell and John Williams to Labour |
further with him for his misconduct and Report next |
Jonathan Willbor Wife & Children Recievd |
This Meeting in Concurrance with the womens meeting |
doth Accept of Jonathan Wilbur and Haldah his wife |
and all their Children to be members under the Care of this meeting |
Prince Allen Treasurer |
This meeting Appoints Prince Allen Treasurer in the |
room of Tho.s Hicks who by his Request is Dismissed |
This meeting Collected – £1 – s9 – 9 £. money |
6 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the |
16th the 6th mo 1777 |
The Representatives are William Sandford & Prince Allen Present |
The Queries were read and Answers prepar.d in this meeting |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 23rd Instant after the meeting |
Of worship which is to begin at ye 11th hour, by reason if its |
now being the time of the yearly meeting |
Mett |
Meet by Adjournment ye 23rd 6 mo 1777 |
The Representatives being Called both present |
Report of Comtee Concerning Prize goods |
The Greater part of the Commitee appointed to Labour |
with those transgressors on account of prise goods Report that |
they have Discharged themselves in that matter and Joseph Russell |
and Benjamin Russell gave the Satisfaction on that |
account, and S.d Committee hath Draughted and brought Testimonies |
against them to this meeting, yet the matter is Refer.d one |
month Longer by the Request of William Barker and Joseph Gifford |
as they Express a Concern to treat further with them and they to |
Report next monthly meeting. |
Testimonys Read |
The Clerk Reports he hath Read the Testimonies against Wm |
Russell & Charles & Ebenezer Slocum as order.d Last mo meeting |
S.d Testimonies are as followeth – – |
Testimony a gainst Wm Russell Tim son |
Whereas William Russell Son of Timothy Russell, having |
had a Birthright among friends and been under the Care of this |
meeting but hath So far Departed from our Profession as to |
Inlist into the wars which being So Inconsistant with our profession |
and Principals and Reproachfull to our Society that this meeting |
is Concern,d to gave this forth as a publick testimony against |
the Said William Russell hereby Disowning him from being |
under our Care, yet Desiring if it be Agreeable with Divine |
Pleasure that he may Come to Sight and Sense of the Evil of |
Such practices and through unfeigned Repentance find mercy |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 21st of ye 4th mo 1777 and Sign.d in and by order of S.d meeting |
by – – |
William Anthony Ju Clerk |
Against Eben & Charles Slocum |
Whereas Ebenezer Slocum and Charles Slocum, Sons |
of Charles Slocum Deceas,d and Sarah his wife, having had |
a Right of Membership amongst us, but they Departing |
So far from the Principals we Profess as to be Concern,d |
in Millitary or matters and friends having |
Treated with them on that Account, but they Discovering |
no Disposition of a Return or Reformation, therefore |
this meeting being Concern,d to maintain our Testimony |
herein do hereby Publickly Disown and testifie against |
them the Said Ebenezer and Charles Slocum from being |
members of our Religious Society Untill by unfeign,d Repen |
=tance & Reformation they shall be Restor.d to the way |
of truth – – Given forth and Signed in & on behalf |
of our monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
the 19th of the 5th mo 1777 by William Anthony Ju Clerk |
Judith Akin & Abigail How = land |
The Women Inform they have Denied Judith Akin and Abigail |
Howland which we Concur with |
Case of Joshua Shearmen refer’d |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Joshua Sherman |
Report that they have not fully accomplished S.d matter |
therefore its Refer.d under their Care and they to make |
Report next mo meeting |
Elizabeth Russell disowned |
There was a Testimony of Denial against Elizabeth |
Russell wife of Benjamin Russell Sign.d in this meeting |
by the Clerk – – |
Bethiah Eldredg Receivd Representative |
The women Inform they have Minuted Bethah Eldridg |
under their Care which we Concur with – – |
Our friends Thomas Hicks William Anthony Ju |
Benjamin Howland 2.nd and Seth Russell are appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting and report next mo |
answers & Epistle Chusing overseers referd |
meeting and present the Epistle with the Answers to the Queries – – |
A New Choice of Overseers is Refer.d to next mo meeting |
and the former Continued in that Service till a New Choice is made |
This meeting Collected . . 2£ ″ 3s ″ 5d £. money |
7 th month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 21st 7mo 1777 |
the Representative are Wm Barker & Joseph Tucker Ju present |
John Willi ams proposal of marriage |
John Williams and Martha Peabody Declar.d their Intents |
of taking Each other in marriage and were Desir.d to wait |
till next monthly meeting for an Answer and Joseph |
Gifford and Wm Barker are appointed to Enquire into the |
Clearness of S.d William Respecting Marriage & Conversation |
and make Report next mo meeting – – |
Overseers referd |
A new Choice of Overseers both of the meeting and of ye |
Poor is Refer,d to next mo meeting |
Report from Quart meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report |
they all Atten,d Agreeable to appointment and have |
Epistils Recievd |
Produc,d an Epistle from the Same with a Transcript[ion] |
of a written one from London baring Date from ye 27 |
the 5 mo 1776 to the 1st of ye 6th mo Enclusive with a Trans |
cript from Philadelphia with our Last yearly meeting |
Epistle with an Extract from Some of S.d yearly meeting |
minutes all of which have been Read in this meeting to Good |
Satisfaction and the S.d Trascript from London is order to |
be Publickly Read in Each of our meetings for worship – – |
[J and B?] Russell disownd |
Joseph Gifford and William Barker made Report that they |
have had Conference with Joseph Russell and Benja Russell |
agreeable to their appointment and that the Said Benja did |
not give them Satisfaction therefore he is hereby Denied from |
being a member of this meeting and the Clerk hath Sign,d |
a paper of Denial against him and is order,d to read it Publickly |
as Usual & make Report next mo meeting – – |
Case of Joseph Russell referd |
And their Report Respecting Joseph Russell not being fully |
Satisfactory the matter is Refer,d at ye Request of John |
Potter, to next mo meeting & Nicholass Howland is appointed to |
Inform Benja Russell of hi Deniel & Report next mo meeting |
Case of Joshua Shearman & son Joshua referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Joshua Sherman |
Report that he gave them a Degree of Satisfaction for his |
Removing without the advice of friends & not Requesting a |
Certificate therefore we appoint our friends James Davis and |
John Williams to See if his outward affairs be Setled to Satisfaction |
and Draw a Certificate if they think proper. also to Draw one for |
Jorshua Sherman Jur if they think proper and bring them to |
next monthly meeting |
Elizabeth Howland disownd |
This meeting in Concurrance with the Womens meeting have |
Sign,d a Testimony Against Elizabeth Howland wife to |
Benja Howland |
Jonathan Slocum disown,d |
This meeting is Inform.d that Jonathan Slocum hath |
Married out of the Unity of friends after being Previously |
Caution,d by the Overseers, and also hath been found Guilty of |
fornication as appears by his wifes having a Child before |
marriage as also by his own Confession therefore this meetig |
doth Disown him the Said Jonathan Slocum and Philip |
Allen & Samuel Smith are appointed to Draft a paper of |
Report next mo meeting – – |
Complaint against Tho.s Wilcox and Wm Sanford Jur |
We are Inform,d That Thomas Willcox & William Sandford Ju |
hath Purchas,d Some Prise Goods and they have been Labourd |
with by friends for their misconduct but did not Give them |
Satisfaction therefore our friends John Potter & Benja Taber |
are appointed to Labour further with them and to make rep[ort] |
next mo meeting |
To have oversight of meeting house yard |
We appoint our Friends William Barker Prince Allen John |
Potter Benja Howland 2nd William Anthony Ju to have the |
Oversight & Care of the yard fenced in Round our meeting ho[use] |
and Indeaviour to Preserve the feed for the Use of furren22 |
friends horses at the time of the Quarterly meeting and |
other times as they shall See Cause upon Application mad[e] |
to them |
Penelope Trafford denyd |
The women Inform that they have Denied Penelope |
Trafford which this meeting Concurs with |
Collected – – |
£1 .. 11s ... 1d £. Money |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is order,d to pay Wm Barker 4 Dollars for half |
year.s keeping the meeting house and £1 – 3s for other Charge |
which he paid for this meeting |
also S.d Treasurer is order.d to pay Joseph Rotch 2£ – 8s– 0 for |
Peter Barney for the hire of a vessell for friend to goe to Nantucket |
8 th month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 18th 8 mo 1777 |
The Representatives are Joseph Barker & Prince Allen present |
The Committee appointed to Inquire into John Williams |
Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation Report that |
they have found nothing to hinder his proceeding – – |
John William answer |
John Williams and Martha Pebody appear,d for their Answer |
which was that they might Proceed to take each other in marriage |
in Some Convenient time between this & next mo meeting Advising |
with the friends this meeting Shall appoint for that purpose and |
Joseph Gifford & Wm Barker are Appointed to see their marriage Consuma- |
-ted orderly & Report next mo meeting |
Recd Wm Penn Epistles |
Receivmd Several Reprinted Epistles of our worthy friend William |
Penn taken from his Select works page 497, one of which being Read |
to Satisfaction and they are order,d to be Destibuted among friends |
to be read in their forneties [families?]23 – – |
Meeting |
We appoint our friends Joseph Barker James Davis Prince |
Allen & William Anthony Jur Overseers of the meeting for the |
year Ensuing and an Additional Choice is Referd to next mo meeting |
Overseers of poor |
Caleb Russell Seth Russell Benja Reder Samuel Smith |
Gideon Howland are Appointed overseers of the poor for the year Ensuing |
The Clerk Report he hath Read the Testimony against |
Benja Russell and Nicholas Howland Reports he Informd |
S.d Russell of his Denial as order,d Last mo. meeting S.d testimony |
is as followeth |
Testimony against Benj Russell |
Whereas Benja Russell (Son of Benja Russell Deceas,d |
having been a Member of our Society but hath so far Departed |
from our Religious Profession as to purchase Some of those |
Goods Called Prise Goods taken in the war, and this meeting |
having Labour,d with him in Love in order to Discover |
to him the Evil of his S.d Conduct but our Labour therein |
not being Effectual therefore for the Clearing of our testimony |
herein this meeting is Concern,d to Give this forth as a Publick |
Testimony against him hereby Disowning him the Sd Russell |
from being a member of our Society untill by a Sincear |
Reformation & Return he shall be Restor,d to the way of |
Truth – Given forth & Sign.d in & on behalf of our mo |
meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 21 Day of the |
7th mo 1777 By – – |
Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
Step. Gifford request a Certificate |
Stephen Gifford Requests a Certificate to the mo meeting of |
Acoakset Certifying his Clearness Respecting marriage and |
Conversation therefore Samuel Smith & Thos Hicks are appointed |
to take the Necessary Care on that account & make Report next mo meeting |
Aaron Lan= =kestor and David Sands Visit |
Our Beloved Friends Aaron Lankestor and David Sands |
were at this meeting on a Religious Visit whose Testimony and |
Visit hath been well Accepted And Samuel Smith & Wm Anthony |
are Appointed to Draw Certificates for Sd friends and bring |
them to next [?] the Adjournment of this meeting |
Adjournd |
This meeting adjourns to the 27th Instant after the meeting of worship |
Mett |
Met by Adjournment the 27th ye 8 mo 1777 |
The Representatives Called both present – – |
Jos Russell Case referd |
John Potter made Report Respecting Joseph Russell and he the |
Russell gave in a paper to this meeting which were to pretty good |
Satisfaction yet the matter is Refer.d to next mo meeting for Same |
alteration in Sd paper if he Shall See fit to alter the Same |
Shearman Certificate |
This Meeting Signd Removal Certificates for Jorshua Sherman |
and Jorshua Sherman Ju to the mo meeting of Sandwich who |
have Removd their then Some time ago |
Jonat Slocum denial |
a paper of Denial was Signd against Jonathan Slocum |
and the Clerk is order.d to Read the Same Publickly as |
Usual and make Report next mo meeting but ye Committee |
not having Inform.d him of his Denial Philip Allen is orderd |
to Inform him of his S.d Denial & Report next mo meeting |
Jonat Green Certificate |
Received a Removal Certificate from the Monthly meeting |
of Greenwich for Jonathan Green and Martha Green who have |
moved here & is Accepted |
Easter Russell denial |
A paper of Denial was Sign.d in this meeting against Easter |
Russell wife of Paul Russell in Concurrance with the women meeting |
The Commitee Appointed to treat with W.m Sandford Ju and |
Case of Wm Sanford Jur & Thos Wilcox |
Thos Willcox [Wilcox] Report that they have had a Conference with them |
The former of which gave them a Degree of Satisfaction the Latter |
Apear.d in a state of willfull blindness yet they have Each of them |
Given in a paper Condeming their misconduct but nither of them |
attended this meeting Said Committee are Still Continued to treat |
with them once more and to Draw a paper of Denial against Sd |
Willcox if he do not Give them Satisfaction and bring it & make Report |
next mo meeting |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer not having paid the money to Joseph Rotch as orderd |
he is Therefore Still Continued to pay the Same & Report next mo meeting |
The Time next monthly meet -ing to be held |
This meeting doth Conclude at ye Request & by the Directions |
of our Quarterly meeting Committee to hold our next mo meeting |
on the next day following the preparative meeting being the |
fifth Day of the week and to begin at the Usual hour – – |
Complaint against Nat Kirby |
This meeting being inform.d that Nethaniel Kirby hath |
appear.d with the millitary Company as a Solger[Soldier], and been |
Labour.d with by the Overseers, and Justifies Sd Conduct therefore |
we appoint Peleg Slocum & Philip Allen to Labour further with |
him and Draw a paper of Denial against him if they find no |
Satisfaction and bring to next mo meeting |
Certificate for A Lankestor & D. Sand |
Certificate for Aaron Lankestor and David Sands were |
Sign,d in this meeting The former to ye mo meeting at the Oblong |
the Latter to the mo meeting of ye Nine partners |
9 Month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 11th Day 9mo 1777 |
the Representatives are Benj.a Howland 2nd & Benj.a Taber present |
Meeting to Be purged |
This meeting hath Concluded not to Indulge any into this meeting |
that are not members of the Society for the future Neither at the |
time of young people pasing in order for marriage nor other time |
John Williams Marriage |
Jo.s Gifford & Wm Barker Reports they attended the marriage of of |
John Williams & Martha Pebody and that it was Consumated orderly. |
an Additional Choice of Overseers Refer.d to next mo meeting |
Step Gifford Certificate |
A Certificate was Signed in this meeting for Stephen Gifford |
Respecting his Clearness of marriage and Conversation Directed |
to ye mo meeting of Accoakset. |
Case of Jos Russell refered |
The matter Respecting Joseph Russell is Refer.d to next mo |
meeting under the care of John Potter who is then to make Report |
Jonat Slocums denial read |
The Clerk Reports he hath read the Testimony against |
Jonathan Slocum as order.d Last mo meeting but Philip Allen |
not having Inform.d him is Continued for that Service & to make |
Report next mo meeting – – |
Wm Sanford & Tho Wilcox refered |
The Committee that had the Care of that matter Respecting |
Wm Sandford Jur and Tho.s Willcox [Wilcox] Report that they found |
Some Satisfaction with both Sd friends yet by S.d Committee Request |
it is Refer.d to next mo meeting under their Care & then they to |
make Report |
Treasurers report |
The Treasurer not having paid the money to Joseph Rotch as |
order.d he is therefore order.d to pay the Same & Report when it |
is done |
Nat Kirby case referd |
The Committee appointed to treat with Nathaniel Kirby Report |
they have had a Conference with him and Receiv.d a Degree of |
Satisfaction, therefore the matter is Refer.d to next mo meeting |
under the Care of ye Same Committee as before and Benja |
Howland & Samuel Smith is aded to them and they to Report |
if he do not give them Satisfaction. |
To collect account of Sufering friends |
We appoint our friends Samuel Smith Prince Allen John |
Williams Benj.a Rider A Committee to Collect the Account of |
the Sufferings of friend within the Compass of this meeting & |
bring them to this meeting |
Ben Howland’s proposal of marriage |
Benjamin Howland 3rd and Mary Slocum Declar.d their Inten- |
:tions of taking Each other in marriage and were Desired to wait |
till next mo meeting for their answer and Wm Barker & Joseph |
Gifford are Appointed to Enquire into the young man’s Clearness |
and to make Report next mo meeting |
Collected – – l9 – 6s – 1d l mo |
This meeting to the 24th Instant after the meeting for worship |
Meet by Adjournment ye 24 Day ye 9th mo 1777 |
The Representatives Called both present- |
Comtee on Isaac Howland case |
The Committee from the Quarterly meeting appointed to Advise |
this meeting in a matter Respecting Isaac Howland freeing |
his Negro or other matters as truth opens the way, have given |
in the following in writing as their advice which is well Accepted |
Dartmouth ye 11th ye 9 mo 1777 |
Their advice & Judgment |
We the Committee appointed by our last Quarterly meeting to |
visit the mo meeting of friends at Apponaganset for the Support |
of our Christian Discipline and more Especially that part |
of it against Slavery Do give it as our Sense and Judgment |
in the first place that the Spirit and Intention of our Rule |
Discipline on that behalf be fully observ.d and Attended unto, |
But Nevertheless when any friend moved by a Principal |
of Benevolence to Assist any in Bondage in order to Provide |
their freedom if time & oppertunity Admitt that Such friend |
before he Proceed therein lay the Same before the mo meeting |
to which he belong & take their Advice yet if he Should for |
want of time or Oppertunity Proved therein without the |
advice of friends as afore S.d we think it may be safe for |
the Monthly meeting where the Benevelent Intention |
is Evident by attending Circumstances to let Such fiends |
Escape the Censure of Society |
John Collins |
Joshua Devol[Davol] |
Tho.s Hazzard Son of Robert |
Aziel Wilkenson |
and the matter Respecting |
I Howland Case |
Isaac Howland is Referd to this meeting Committee that had the |
Care of that matter Last in Charge & they to Judge thereon and |
make Return to this meeting when they have fulfill.d the Same |
Answers Epistles & |
The Queries were Answer.d and an Epistle Sign.d in this |
meeting and order.d forward to the Quarterly meeting by our |
Reprsenta =tives |
Representatives who are Joseph Tucker Samuel Smith |
& Tho.s Hicks and they to Report next mo meeting – – |
order on Treasurer |
By Directions from Last Quarterly this meeting orders |
the Treasurer to pay to the yearly meeting, Treasurer the |
Sum of twelve pounds to Supply the yearly meeting Stock |
and make Report next mo meeting |
10 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th 10mo 1777 |
the Representatives are Caleb Russell and Philip Allen Present |
An Additional Choice of Overseers is Refer.d to next mo meeting |
paper accepted |
Joseph Russell give in a paper to this meeting Condeming his |
Suffering his Team to draw Some prise Shugar, which this meeting |
Accepts provided he he Cause the Same to be Publickly Read as |
Usual & Return S.d paper to next mo meeting. |
Wm Sanford Ju & Tho Wilcox case referd |
The Committee Appointed on the Case of Wm Sanford Ju and |
Tho.s Willcox not having Accomplish.d their Service Define it |
may be Refer.d to next mo meeting which is accordingly and |
then they to make Report |
Nathaniel Kirby disownd |
Whereas Nethaniel Kirby hath Sometime past taken up arms |
in the military Service and the Committee appointed to Labour |
with him therefor, hath made Report that he Gave them no Satis- |
=faction, Therefore for the Clearing of our Testimony herein this |
meeting doth Disown him from being a member of our Society |
and from under the care of friends, and the Clerk is order.d |
to read this minute Publickly at the Close of a first Days meeting |
as Usual & Report next mo meeting |
The friends appointed to Inspect into Benj.a Howland 3rd |
Clearness Respecting marriage Report that they Don’t find |
any thing to hinder his proceeding |
Return from Q. meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report |
they all Attended and have Produc.d an Epistle from the Same |
which hath been Read to Good Satisfaction |
Treasuresr report |
The Treasurer Reports he hath Sent the money to the yearly |
meeting ‘ Treasurer Agreeable to his Appointment |
Benj. Howland 3 Answer |
Benja Howland 3rd and Mary Slocum Appeard for their |
answer which was that they might Proceed to take Each |
other in marriage at Some Convenient time before next mo meeting |
Advising with the Overseers this meeting shall appoint for that |
purpose and Joseph Gifford & Wm Sanford are appointed to see Sd |
marriage Consomated orderly and Report next mo monthly m– |
Mary Slocum Certificate |
The Women Inform they have Receiv.d a Removel Certificate for |
Mary Slocum wife of Giles Slocum which this meeting Concurs with |
They also Inform they have Receiv.d a Removel Certificate |
Martha Sloc- cum |
for Martha Slocum wife of John Slocum with all her Children |
Except the youngest which being born Since they Remov.d which is |
Receiv.d as a member at the Request of the mother of sd Child |
John Smith request a Certificate |
John Smith Son of Isaac Smith Deceas.d Requests a Removel |
Certificate to ye mo meeting at the Ninepartners therefore we |
Appoint Nicholas Howland & Tho.s Hicks to take the necessary |
Care therein and Draw one for him if they find things Clear |
Gilbert How land request a Certificate |
Gilbert Howland also Requests a Removel Certificate to |
the mo meeting at the Ninepartners therefore we appoint |
Joseph Barker and Thos Hicks to Draw one for him if they think |
proper after Enquiry & bring to next mo meeting– – |
Collected – – l4 – 5s – 1d – l. mo |
11 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th ye 11mo 1777 |
The Representatives are Benja Howland 2nd & Prince Allen present |
Josep Russell paper read |
Joseph Russell’s paper having been read as order’d and is Returnd |
to this meeting Sd paper is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Respected Friends |
Jos Russell paper |
Whereas Some time past I Suffer.d my Team to draw |
Some prise Shuger a Small Distance and thereby offended |
my friends for which I am Sorry and Do Condemn keeping |
you may So far pass it by as to Let me Remain under you |
Care – from your friend – Joseph Russell – – |
Case of Wm Sanford and Tho Wilcox referd |
This Meeting not being fully Satisfied to accept of Wm |
Sandford ju & Tho.s Willcox paper therefore the matter |
Respecting them is Refer.d to next mo meeting under the |
Same friends Care as heretofore and then they to Report |
Edw Taber request |
Edward Taber hath Given in a paper to this meeting Condemning |
his marr[y]ing out of the Unity of friends and Requests to |
be Receiv,d into Unity again therefore James Davis and John |
Williams are Appointed to tak an Oppertunity of Solid Conference |
with him in order to Discover his Sincerity and make Report |
next mo meeting |
Nat Kirby informd of denial |
Philip Allen Reports he hath Informd Nathaniel Kirby |
of his Denial as order,d but Clerk not having read his Denial |
he is Continued for that Sevis[Service] and to Report next mo meeting |
Ben How land’s Marriage |
Joseph Gifford and Wm Barker Report they attended the |
marriage of Benja Howland 3rd & Mary Slocum and Said |
nothing but that it was Consomated orderly |
Mary Howland Certificate |
This meeting Sign.d a Certificate for Mary Howland to the |
mo meeting at the Nine partners |
Lilis Maccomber Received |
The Women Inform they have Receiv.d into membership |
Lilis Maccombur[Macomber] which this meeting Concurs with |
John Smith Gilbert Howland Certificates refer.d |
The friends Appointed to Draw Certificate for John Smith |
and Gilbert Howland Report that things are not fully |
Clear in Regard to S.d Smith they are Still Continued and |
mo meeting |
and they have prepard a Certificate for Gilbert Howland and |
brought which was Signd in this meeting |
Testimony against J Slocum recordered next page |
Philip Allen Reports he hath Informd Jonathan Slocum |
of his Denial as order.d Some time past- |
Benja Howland 2nd hath given in an Account to this meeting |
Ben Howland 2nd Bill for keep ing A Smith |
for helping [Allice] to the amount of l4-14s-8d l money |
which is allowed and the Treasurer is orderd to pay the |
Same and Report next mo meeting |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Joseph Rotch for Peter |
Barney – 2L – 8s agreeable to his appointed some time past - |
Collected – 1L – 14s – 9d |
12th month 1777 |
At s Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth 15th 12mo 1777 |
The Representatives are Benja Taber & Joseph Tucker Ju present |
The matter Respecting an additional Choice of Overseers is |
being Consider.d in this meeting and not finding any willing to |
accept Sd matter is Dismissed |
Thos Wilcox disowned Wm Sanford Ju case referd |
The Committee appointed on account of Thos Willcox [Wilcox] and Wm |
Sanford Ju Report that Sd Willcox [Wilcox] gave them no real Satisfaction |
therefore we hereby Disown the Sd Thos Willcox[Wilcox] from under |
our Care Sd Sanford gave the Committee Some Satisfaction |
therefore Sd Committee is Still Continued and Abraham Howland |
is aded to them in that matter & to Report next mo meeting |
also to Draw a Testimony against Sd Willcox [Wilcox] and bring to next mo |
meeting Likewise Inform him of his Denial |
Edw Taber Recd |
The Committee appointed on account of Edward Taber |
Report that they have received a degree of Satisfaction. Therefore we conclude |
to except[accept] of said Taber under our Care |
Nat Kirby Denial read |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testimony against Nathaniel |
Kirby as ordered: Said Testimony is as followeth |
Testimony against Jonathan Slocum |
Whereas Jonathan Slocum hath made profession with us as a member of our |
Society but hath so far departed there from as to marry out of Unity of friends after |
being previously Cautiond and also fallen into the Sin of fornication as appears by |
his wife’s having a Child before marriage therefore this meeting being conserned to maintan |
our Testimony herein do Give this forth as a publick Testimony against him hereby |
Disowning the S.d Jonathan Slocum from being a member of our Society untill by a |
Sincear Repentance & Acknowledgement of the Evil of his Conduct he shall be Restord |
to the way of Truth Given forth at our mo meeting held in Dartmouth by adjourn |
ment the 27th the 8mo 1777 & Signed in & by order of Sd meeting by – – |
Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
against R A should been Recorded in page 370 |
Whereas Ralph Allen Son of Benjamin Allen & Allaphal his wife |
having had a Birthright among friends but hath so far Departed from our |
Profession as to Inlist[Enlist] or Enter on bond of a Vessell of war Called a Privateer and |
against Such Proceedings do Give this forth as a publick denial against |
him & do hereby disown him the Said Ralph Allen from being [?] |
a member of our Society & from under the Care of this meeting |
Given forth & Signed in & on behalf of our mo meeting held in Dartmouth 17th 2mo 1777 |
by Wm Anthony Ju Clerk |
Certificate for J Smith not accompli shed |
The Committy appointed to draw a Certificate for John Russell Smith |
Report that said matter is not accomplished. therefore said Committy |
are still continued for that Service and make report when ready. |
B Howland paid |
The Treasurer Reports that he hath paid Benjamin Howland the money |
as ordered the last Monthly meeting |
A Gifford’s Request also J Devol and Seth Huddleston |
We received a paper from Abiel Gifford requesting his Children to |
be taken under friends care. Also one from John Devol requesting to |
come under friends care and his Son also . . . Likewise one from Seth |
Huddlestone requesting to come under friends care with his Children, |
Therefore we appoint Joseph Barker, Thomas Hicks, Benjamin Rider |
and William Mosher to take an opportunity of conference with Said |
Pertitioner in order to discover their Sencerity and wheather[whether] said request be |
from the bottom of true Convictions and make report when ready. |
Certificate for N Howland Received |
We received a Certificate for Nicholas Howland from Coakset meeting |
which is accepted |
M Lapham Received |
The Women friends Inform they have received Mary Lapham, Wife |
of Nicholas Lapham under their care which we concur with |
This Meeting Collected l3 – 13s – 3d |
adjournd |
This meeting adjorns to the 24th Instant |
mett |
This Meeting mett by adjornment the 24th of 12th month 1777 |
The Representatives being called, both present |
Queries answered Friends appo inted to Quarterly Meeting |
The Queries were answer’d in this meeting, And an Epistle Sign’d |
for the Quarterly meeting, and forwarded by our Representatives to Said |
Quarterly meeting; Who are William Mosher William Anthony Jur |
Caleb Russell and Gideon Howland: and they to make report to the |
next Monthly meeting |
Wm Anthony Ju his Bill |
William Anthony Jur gave in a bill for keeping Alice Smith |
from the 24th of the 4th month to the 28th of the 10th month 1777 which is |
Six months: as by agreement with the Overseers of the poor: To the |
amount of 5L – 18s – 6d Which is approv’d, and the Treasurer is order’d |
to pay the Same, and report to next Monthly Meeting |
1778 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 1st month 1778 |
The Representatives are Benjamin Smith Jur and John Williams Present |
Report of a Com mittee on T.Wil cox & W. Sanford |
The Comitty appointed on the case of Thomas Wilcox and William |
Sanford Jur make report that the matter not being fully settled in regard |
of Sanford’s delinquent to be continued, therefore it is referred to next Monthly |
meeting under their care Who are then to make report; They also make |
report that they have fulfilled their appointment respecting said Wilcox |
and have drafted a paper of Denial against him, which after being |
read, and considered and Signed by the Clerk, who is ordered to read |
the Same as Usual, and make report to our next monthly Meeting |
Return of Friends from Quarterly Meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, report |
that they all attended except Caleb Russel who gave a reasonable Excuse |
They also produced an Epistle from said meeting which was read and |
kindly accepted |
W Anthony Bill not paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid the money to William Anthony Ju |
as ordered: therefore he is continued to pay the Same and report to the |
next Monthly meeting |
Certificate for C. Howland |
Cornelius Howland Informed this meeting that he had some expect |
=ation of going to Sea, and desired a Certificate, which was granted, |
and one being present was Signed by the Clerk |
C Peckham Disowned |
The Women friends Inform they have denyed Katurah Peckham |
which this meeting concurs with |
Samuel Gifford declar’d his intention of marriage |
Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber declared their Intentions of |
Taking each other in Marriag : and were desired to waite till the next |
Monthly Meeting for their answer: and Phil Prince Allen and Nicholas |
Howland are appointed to Inquire into the young man’s Clearness and to |
make report next Monthly Meeting |
N Lapham request for his Children |
Nicholas Lapham requests that his Children may be taken under |
the care of this Meeting: therefore William Anthony Jur and Thomas Hicks |
are appointed to take the needful care in that case and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
This Meeting Collected 5L – 15s – 3d |
T Russell under dealing |
Timothy Russel hath given in a paper to this meeting Condemning his |
Purchasing Some Prize goods: But as he hath some time past Lett out |
his house for the use of an Hospatal to Inocculate the Small Pox in after |
being advised to the contrary; which hath given uneasiness to divers |
friends24 . . . Therefore this meeting doth appoint Benjamin Taber William |
Mosher and Samuel Smith to have conferrence with him in those matters |
and give in their report and Judgment, there upon to the next Monthly |
Meeting |
2d month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of 2nd month 1778 |
The Representative are William Barker and Benjamin Taber Present |
Report of the Committee for J Devol, Seth Huddleston and A Gifford |
The Committy appointed to have a conferrence with John Devol |
Seth Huddlestone and their Children and Abiel Giffords childrens Report |
that they have fulfilled their appointmen, and have found good |
Satisfaction. Therefore they are all accepted to be under friends Care |
the name of John Devol’s child is Job . . . . Seth Huddleston’s Children |
names are Sarah and Lavinah and Abiel Giffords childrens names |
are Levi, Lilis, Gilbart, John, Jeremiah, Abiel and Joanna. |
The case of Wm Sanford Ju referd |
The commity appointed on account of William Sanford Jur desire |
that matter refered, therefore it is refered under their and they |
to report next Monthly Meeting |
T Wilcox Denial not read |
The Clerk Reports he hath not read Thomas Wilcox’s Denial |
as ordered therefore he is continued to accomplish the same and report |
to next Monthly Meeting |
W Anthony’s Bill paid |
The Treasurer reports he has paid William Anthony Juer the money |
as order’d last Monthly Meeting |
S G reported Clear |
The friends appointed to Enquire into Samuel Gifford’s clearness |
Respecting marriage report that they find nothing to hinder this proceeding |
in marriage |
N Lapham’s request refer’d |
The friends appointed to have the care of that matter respecting |
Nicholas Laphams children being taken under the care of friends |
desire it to be refered therefore said matter is refered to next Monthly |
meeting |
S Giffords and L Ma comber an swer |
Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber appeared for their answers |
Which was, that they might Proceed ^to take each other in Marriage in Some Convenient |
time between now and next monthly meeting, advising with the |
friends, that this meeting shall appoint for that purpose, and Nicholas |
Howland and Prince Allen are appointed to see their said marriage |
Solemnized and to make report next monthly meeting |
J Roach request a Certificate |
Joseph Rotch Requests a removal Certificate to the monthly |
Meeting at Nantucket. therefore this meeting appoints James Davis |
and Seth Russel to take the necessary care on that account, and |
bring one to next monthly meeting if they think proper. |
The case of T Russell refer’d |
The matter respecting Timothy Russel is refer’d to next monthly |
meeting for further consideration |
This meeting collected 2L – 8s – 5d |
meeting Comtee – visit J Howland |
The Quarterly Meeting’s Committy that was appointed to Visit |
and advise this meeting on account of Isaac Howland’s freeing his |
Negroe; have given in advise the following advice: which is |
accepted, and that matter is dismised, and this Meeting’s Committy |
discharged there from |
Their advice to Monthly Meeting |
The advice of the Quarterly meeting’s Commity is as followeth |
We whose names are hereto Subscribed. being a Commity to advise |
the Monthly Meeting of Dartmouth Respecting a matter of Isaac |
Howland’s being concerned with a Negroe &c: Having had an |
oppertunity with him and said monthly meeting’s Commity and considered |
the case, Look upon it that there is at least an appearance of |
weakning our Testimony against Slavery in his Conduct: Therefore |
think well of the care of said meeting in the case: yet we have Learnt |
by Strict Inquiry he had no Such intent; But reather acted from a |
Benevolent purpose, and has mannumitted said Negroe, therefore |
we advise said meeting to drop that matter |
Dartmouth the 16th day of the 2nd month 1778 |
T Hazard son of Robert |
Joshua Davol |
Moses Farnum |
Benja Buffinton |
David Steere |
Oziel Wilkinson |
3rd month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of 3rd month 1778 |
The Representatives are Peleg Gifford and Benjamin Smith Jur present |
W Sanford’s paper accepted |
The Commity appointed in the case of William Sanford Ju Report that he |
hath given them a degree of Satisfaction, therefore the Paper he gave in to |
this meeting, condemning his purchasing Prize goods is accepted |
provided he cause the same publickly to be read as Usual and return |
Said papaper to next monthly meeting |
The Clerk reports he hath read the paper of denial against Thomas Wilcox |
according to appointment – Which is as followeth |
T Wilcox Testi mony of denial |
Whereas Thomas Wilcox hath, through unwachfulness so far deviated |
from the Principles of Truth: as to purchase goods, take by violence and |
War, And after due admonition his not condemning the Same ^to the – – |
Satisfaction of this Meeting: Therefore we give this forth as a publick |
Testimony against him, denying him the right of membership with us: With |
desires that he may by Sincear repentance be brought to a Sight and sense |
of his past life, and come to the fold of the Just, with a Sincear heart |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeing, held at Aponaganset in Dartmouth |
The 19th day of the 1st month 1778 |
pr William Anthony Jur Clerk |
request refer’d |
The matter in regard to Nicholas Lapham’s Children is refered to next |
Monthly meeting |
Report of N [sic] Gifford marriage |
The friends appointed to oversee the Marriag of Samuel Gifford and |
Lillis Maccomber, report that they attended the marriage and that it was |
orderly accomplished |
The case respecting J Roch’s Certif icate refered |
The friends appointed in respect of Joseph Roch’s Certificate Signify |
they have not accomplished said appointment, therefore it is refered to next |
monthly meeting and they continued for that Service |
T Russell con demns his mis conduct |
Timothy Russel hath appeared in person in this Meetinging and hath |
so far condemned his Conduct in Letting out his house to Inocculate the Small |
Pox in, as this Meeting takes up with for Satisfaction . . . This meeting also |
Concludes to accept of his paper Condemning his purchasing Prise goods |
provided he cause the Same to be publickly read as Usual and return |
it to next Monthly meeting |
D Shepherd & Son request a removal Certi ficate |
David Shepard and his Son David each request a removal Certificate |
to the Monthly meeting at Smithfield, for themselves and Children under |
age they being about to remove theighther; therefore Benjamin Taber James |
Davis, Caleb Russell, and William Sanford are appointed to inquire into their |
Circumstances and to draw a Certificate for them if they think proper, after |
due inquiry is made, and make reports and bring them to next monthly meeting |
Certificates for J Allen & P Cor nel Signed |
Certificate for John Allen and Paul Cornel directed to the monthly |
meeting at the Nine partners were Signed in this meeting, they bring about |
to take their Jerney within the compass of said meeting |
J Cornel request |
James Cornel hath given in a paper to this meeting Requesting to come |
into Unity with us agains being free to Condemn his misconduct in mariyng |
out of the Unity of Friends: and in paying money toward the Support of |
War: therefore William Mosher and Abiel Gifford are appointed to have |
a Sollid conference with him in order to know his Sincerity and to make |
Report next monthly meeting |
This meeting Colected l2 – 17s – 7d |
Adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the 25th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
which is to begin att the 11th hour |
mett |
This meeting met by adjournment the 25th of the 3rd month 1778 |
The Representatives being called, both present |
Complaint against C Hathway |
This Meeting is Informed that Caleb Hathway hath so far gone out |
from the Order of Truth and friends as to forsake our meetings and |
follow Seperate meetings that are held out of the true Unity of |
And he having been Treated with on that acount, but Still persists |
in his said disorder, therefore this meeting appoints William Barker |
Joseph Tucker and Benjamin Taber to Labour further with him and make |
Report next Monthly meeting |
Epistle signd and friends appointed to Quarterly meeting |
The Queries have been Read and answer’d in this Meeting and on |
Epistle Sign’d and order’d forward to the Quarterly Meeting by our Represen |
tatives who are Jame Davis Gideon Howland William Anthony Jur and |
Abiel Gifford and they to report next Monthly meeting. |
G Slocum & J Slocum Disowned |
Whereas George Slocum and Joshua Slocum Sons of Charles Slocum |
deceased, having a Birthright amongst by Virtue of their Parents marriage |
among us, but they having long since removed out of the compass of this |
meeting without any recommendation to any other or request any, and |
this Meeting being Informed by the Monthly meeting of Greenwich that they |
have Lived widly from the way of Truth and friends; perticurly being |
Remarable for a Light unsteady behavor, and not attending meetings |
therefore this meeting doth disown the Said George and Joshua Slocum |
from a right of membership among us |
4th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 4th month 1778 |
The Representatives ^are Benjamin Taber and Abiel Gifford, Present. |
W Sanford’s paper re fered |
William Sanford Jur not having read his Paper by reason as tis Said |
that his wife not being well it is therefore refered to next monthly meeting |
on the Same condition as before. |
N Lapham request re fered |
The matter Respecting Nicholas Laphams Children is refer’d to next |
monthly meeting, and the Same friends continued in that Service |
and then to make report |
Certificate for J Rotch |
A Removable Certificate for our friend Joseph Rotch and wife to the |
Monthly meeting of Nantucket was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk |
T Russell’s paper read |
Timothy Russell’s ^paper having been read and returned to this meeting |
is accepted . . . Said paper is as Followeth |
Timothy Russell’s acknowledg ment |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Aponaganset on the |
15th of 12th mo 1777 |
Respected friends I some time ago Purchased Some Prise goods |
which I am now Sorry for, and do condem the Same, hoping for ^the time |
to come may be more careful of medling with Such goods: therefore |
I desire that friends may pass by this offence and let me remain |
under their care as before |
From your well wishing friend – – – |
Timothy Russell |
Certificate for D Shep= =hard Ju Signed D Shephrd Senor refer’d |
A Removal Certificate for David Shepard Jur his Wife and two Children |
the monthly meeting of Smithfield was Signed in this meeting |
But the friends that were appointed; not having prepared a Certificate |
for David Shepard Senior, they are Still continued for that Service and to |
make report next monthly meeting |
J Cornel received |
The Comittee appointed to confer with James Cornel on his request to |
Come under friends care, make a Satisfactory report, therefore he is acceped |
as a member of this Meeing. |
case refer’d |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Caleb Hathway make |
Report that they have Treated with him, but have not obtained the |
desired Effect to their Satisfaction, but yet they desire said matter |
Continued, which is accordingly refer’d to next monthly meeting and |
then they to make Report |
The report of Quarter ly meet ing Comte |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they |
all attended according to appointment, and have produced an Epistle |
from the Same which was read and well accepted, together with an |
Epistle from the Meeting of Sufferings which containing much Good |
Advice, was Recommended to Friends perticarly Notice |
B Tucker Disowned |
This Meeting is informed that Benjamin Tucker hath Married out |
of the Unity of friends. after being previously cautioned. and advised |
to desist: therefore – – he is hereby disowned from being a Member of this |
meeting. And William Mosher is appointed to inform him thereof and |
Report to next monthly meeting |
M Davil received |
The Woman friends Inform that they have received into Unity |
Mary Davil [Davoll] wife of John Davil [Davoll], which this Meeting concurs with |
Time of meet ings to begin |
This Meeting Concludes that all our Meetings Begin at the Eleventh |
hour for the Ensuing Six months, Except at Bedford [New Bedford] |
and there to begin as usually they have done |
This Meeting Collected l2 – 4s – 7d ½ |
5th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of the 5th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Seth Russell and Samuel Smith . . Present |
W Sanford reciv’d |
William Sanford Jur his paper having been read ^and returned, therefore he |
is accepepted by this meeting |
Certificate for D Shepherd Senor |
A Removal Certificate for David Shepard his Wife and Children |
under age, dedicated to the Monthly Meeting of Smithfield was Signed |
in this Meeting |
W Sanford Ju his paper |
William Sanford Jur Paper which he gave in to the meeting is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be holden in Dartmouth at ponaganset |
the 18th of the 8th month 1777 |
Those Lines Comes to Inform you that I have Purchased Prize goods |
So called: for which I am Sorry for the Same, and am free to Condemn |
the Same: and desire friends would pass by my offence, and let me |
Remain under their care, and I hope to be mor Carful for the futer |
From your friend – – |
William Sanford Jur |
Hathway’s case refer’d |
The Commttee appointed in the case of Caleb Hathway not being fuly |
Satisfied in that matter do therefore request it Still continued. it is therefore |
Referd to next Monthly Meeting, and said Committee yet Continu’d, and |
desired to make return to Said next Monthly meeting. |
not Inform’d |
William Mosher not having informed Benjamin Tucker of his denial |
he is therefore continued for that Service and to report to next Monthly Meeting |
Report of Bed ford meetings |
The friends appointed to oversee the meeting at Bedford (not being called |
upon last Monthly meeting) have now given in their report that they have |
attended the Same with hath been kept up deacently and in as good |
order as Useally they have been heretofore |
Certificates for N. Howland & R. Smith Signed |
Removal Certificates for Naomy Howland Rebecka ^Howland her Daughter |
with Rebecca Smith wife of Daniel Smith with their Children except |
the youngest; directed to the Monthly meeting of the ninepartners |
were Signed in this meeting |
N. Lapham’s children recevd |
This Meeting in Concurrence with the Womens Meeting doth Accept |
of Nicholus Lapham’s Children as Members of this Meeting |
R Allen & wife Disowned |
This meeting is Informed that Robart Allen hath married out of the |
Unity of friends, after being precautioned by friends: this meeting |
therefore doth do hereby deny him from haveing a right of membership |
with us: And the Women friends Inform that they have denyed |
Easter Allen now wife of Robart Allen which this meeting concurs |
with, and Seth Russel is appointed to inform said Robart Allen of his |
Denial, and to make report next Monthly Meeting |
H Woodman Disowned |
The Women friends Likwise Inform they have denyed Hannah Woodman |
wife of Robart Woodman . which this meeting doth also concur with |
J Sowle’s Inten tion of marri= age |
Jonathan Sowle Ju and Bersheba Russell declared their Intentions |
of taking Each other in Marriage in this meting, and were desired to wait |
until the next Monthly meeting for their answer – – |
They haveing first obtained Consent of Parents and produced the |
Same in Writting to this meeting |
Friends ap pointed to settle with Treasurer |
Our friends Samuel Smith and Thomas Hicks are appointed to Settle |
account with the Treasurer and make report next Monthly Meeting |
This meeting Collected l2 – 19s – 5d ½ |
W Anthonys Bill order’d to be paid |
William Anthony Jur hath given in an account to this meeting |
for keeping Alice Smith 26 weeks Ending the 28th of the 4th month last |
att 4/8d per week which amounts to l1 – 6s – 4d Silver money which is |
allow’d, and the Treasurer is Ordered to pay the Same In such manner |
and in Such currancy as the Overseers of the poor hath Contract and |
directed |
6th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of 6th mon 1778 |
Seth Russell and Thomas Hicks are Representatives, both Present |
Prince Allen is appointed Clerk for this Day |
G Folger and Sylvanus Folgers |
George Folger proposed his Intention of Marriage with Rebecca |
Slocum and were desired to wait Till next Monthly meeting for their |
of marriage |
answer – Also, Silvanus Folger, and Avis Slocum proposed |
their Intentions of Marriage, and were desired to wait till next |
monthly Meeting for their Answer |
Adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to next Second Day end |
Mett |
This Meeting mett by Adjournment the 22nd of the 6th month 1778 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
B Tucker and R. Allen informd of their denial |
William Mosher makes report he hath Informed Benjamin Tucker |
of his denial according to appointment; Seth Russell also Reports he |
hath Informed Robert Allen of his Denial, according to appointment |
of last Monthly meeting |
C Hathways case referd |
The Commitee appointed to Treat with Caleb Hathway, Report |
that they have had a coferrance with him but he gave them but little |
Satisfaction, do request said matter yet continued which is accordingly |
and the Same Committee continued in that Service; And Joseph Gifford |
Caleb Russell and Adam Gifford are aded to them and to make report |
next monthly meeting . . . And if in case said Hathway Still persists in |
his disorder, said Comittee is directed to draw up a Testimony against |
him and bring it to next Monthly meeting |
J Sowle’s Certificate |
Jonathan Sowl Jur hath produced a Certificate from Accoakset |
meeting Certifying his Clearness respecting Marriage and Convesation |
A Lancaster th & D Sands Visit |
Our Beloved Friends Aaron Lancaster and David Sands attended |
this meeting with their Certificates, the first from the monthly meeting |
held at the Oblong the 18th of the 2nd month 1778. The Latter from the |
Monthly meeting held at the Nine Partners the 22nd of 5th month 1778 |
Which being read to Satisfaction: Their Visit and Testimony in the |
Service of the Gospel was well accepted. And William Anthony Jur |
Certificats for Sd friends appointed |
and Samuel Smith are appointe to draw Certificates for said friends |
and bring them to the Adjournment of this Meeting |
J Sowles answer |
Jonathan Sowle and Bersheba Russell appeared for their answers Which |
was that they might Proceed to take Each other in marriage in some |
Conveniant time, between this and next Monthly meeting adviseing |
with the Friends that this meeting Shall appoint for that purpose who |
are Samuel Smith and Thomas Hicks and they to See their marriage |
Solemnized orderly and make report to next monthly meeting |
Settleing accompte Refered |
The friends appointed at our Last Monthly meeting to Settle |
accompts with the Treasuerer not having fulfilled their appointm^ent they are |
Continued for that Service and to make report next Monthly Meeting |
E Johnson recd |
The Women Friends Inform they Received into Membership Elisabeth |
Johnson Wife of James Johnson, with their two Daughters wich this Meeting |
Concurs with |
cate returnd |
Joseph Roche having Returned the Certificate that this Meeting gave |
forth for himself and wife: But his removing at present being obstructed |
and his Said wife having already removed [tho?] This meeting Signed a Certificate |
for this Said Wife, and have omitted his own at Present |
E Hatheways Certificate accepted |
Elisabeth Hathway hath produced a removal Certificate for herself and |
four of her Children Namely Jonah, Lydia, Mary, and George which was |
Read and Accepted, together with a removal Certificate for Elisabeth |
Hathway Jur Which is also accepted |
This meeting Collected |
l4 – 15s – 1d – in Paper money |
And |
0 – 16 – 0 – in Silver money |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 24th of this Instant after the meeting of worship |
mett |
This Meeting mett by adjournment the 24th of the 6th month 1778 |
The Represtatives being Called both Present |
Certificates for A Lancaster and D Sands Signed |
Certificates for our friends Aaron Lancaster and David Sands were |
Signed in this meeting and Directed to the Monthly meetings where |
they belong |
The Queries were Answered and an Epistle Signed to the Quarterly |
Representative appointed to Quarterly meet- =ing |
meeting Signed and Ordered forward to said Quarterly Meeting by the |
Representatives, Who are Caleb Russell, William Mosher, Seth Russe[l] |
and Abiel Gifford, and they to report next Monthly Meeting |
Miniute for Anna Gifford |
Anna Gifford Inform’d this meeting that she hath thought of |
attending Sandwich Quarterly meeting next to be at Falmouth and this |
meeting, after Considering thereof do Concur therewith; Her publick |
Testimony being approv’d off with us, And the Clerk is order’d to give |
her a Coppy of this minnute |
7th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 7th month 1778 |
The Representative are James Davis and Benjamin Taber, Present |
Received Certificates for George Folger Jur and Sylvanus Folger |
Setting forth their clearness respectinge Marriage |
G Folgers & S Folger’s answers Given |
George Folger Jur with Rebecca Slocum; And Sylvanus Folger |
with Avis Slocum appeared for their Answers: Which was that each |
Cupple might proceed to take each other in Marriage in Some Convenant |
time between this and next Monthly Meeting Adviseing with the friends |
that this meeting Shall appoint who are William Sanford, William Barker |
Prince Allen and Joseph Barker, and they to See said Marriage |
Solemnized orderly and make report next Monthly meeting |
One of the friends appointed Last Monthly meeting to oversee the marriage |
Report of J Sowle’s Marriage |
of Jonathan Sowle Jur and Bershaba Russell make report that he attended |
Said Marriage which was as orderly as Usual the other friend did not |
attend by Reason he was at the Quarterly Meeting. But William Anthony Jur |
made report that he attended in the room of the other said friend: and that |
it was accomplished orderly. |
accounts Settled with the Trea= =surer |
The committe appointed to Settle accounts With the treasure reports |
theay have answered there appointment and there remane in the Stok after all is |
Paid that this meeting hath alredy Given order for |
viz. in Silver money |
l1 – 8s – 11d |
in Paper money |
l3 – 2 – 5 |
Caleb Hathway Disown’d |
The Commitee that had the care of that matter Respecting Caleb |
Hathway report that they have had an oppertunity of conference with him |
and he gave them little or no Satisfaction: Therefore, We hereby Disown |
the said Hathway from being under our Care: And a publick Testimony |
being Signed in this meeting against him by the Clerk, who is to ordered |
to Read the Same Publickly in our Usual manner and make report thereof |
to next Monthly meeting; and Seth Russell is ordered to Inform him of |
his Denial and report to next monthly meeting |
Report from Quar terly Meet -ing. Epistles Receiv’d |
The Representatives ^to the Quarterly meeting being Called upon, Report they all attended except |
Caleb Russell, who hath rendered his reason for not attending which hath been |
accepted. And they have produced an Epistle from the said Quarterly |
meeting which was Read: together with Epistles from London yearly |
meeting, from the General Spring meeting of Ministers and Elders held |
at Philadelphia, and one from our Last Yearly Meeting all of which |
have been read: And as they contain, much good and wholesom advice |
Friends are Earnestly desired to observe and deliberately consider the |
Same. And as there is a considerable number of those London Epistles |
they are distributed among friends familys. |
Rules and orders Re ceived & Boundries between monthly meetings. |
Our Said Quarterly Meeting hath Communicated to us Several Rules and |
Orders Concluded upon at our Last Yearly Meeting Respecting our discipline |
Also the Settlement of the bounderies between Swanzey Monthly meeting |
and this. And likewise, an alternation of the Boundaries between this |
Monthly meeting and Accoakset |
: all of which the Clerk is ordered to Record in |
their proper places |
four dollars to be paid P. Gifford |
The Treasurer is Orderd to pay Peleg Gifford four Silver Dollars for |
or its Equivelent in paper for keeping the Meeting house half a year |
This Meeting Collected in Paper money – – |
2L – 16s – 9d |
out of which was paid to Caleb Rusell for shoeing ^friends horses |
2 – 3 – 6 |
Remains in Paper – – |
0 – 13 – 3 |
Collected in Silver money – – |
0 – 9 – 4 |
The Paper respecting the Settlement of the Boundery Lines between |
the aforsaid Monthly meetings Is as followeth |
To the Quarterly Meeting of Friends ^next to be held at East Greenwich |
for Rhod Island |
Settlement of the boun dries Be tween the monthly meetings |
We the Committee appointed to Revise and Settle the Bounderies |
Between Rhoad Island, Swanzey, Dartmouth, and Accoakset Monthly |
monthly meetings, having received the Same; and that there is |
Some Inhabitants Live between Swanzey and Dartmouth Monthly |
meetings. That it is not easy to determine, to what monthly meeting |
they belong: Therefore, We have concluded that the dividing line |
Between said Monthly meetings run in the following manner (viz) |
That all those friends Living in Freetown to the Northward of |
Fall river and Dartmouth belonging to this Quarterly Meeting: |
Shall belong to Swanzey Monthly meeting |
alteraton of bounds |
We also with the concurance of Dartmouth and Accoakset Monthly |
Meetings make the following alteration in the boundries between said |
Meetings (viz) Beginning in the Old Line at the Northeast corner of bound |
of James Sowls Land, from thence a North line till it comes to F[r]eetown |
Line. Nevertheless we Submitt it to the Quarterly meeting |
2 month 14th day 1778 |
Philip Tripp |
Thomas Ester |
William Anthony Jur |
Theofila Shove Jur |
8th month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of the 8th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Abiel Gifford and John Devol [Davol] both Present |
Report of G F & S Folger’s marriage |
The friends appointed to attend the marriages of George Folger and Rebecca |
Slocum, and Sylvanus Folger and Avis Slocum, have made report that |
they attended said marriages, and that they were orderly Solemnised |
Testimony a gainst C Hatha [way] hath been read |
Report hath been made that the Testimony against Caleb Hathway hath |
been read as ordered and that Seth Russell hath Informed said Hathway of |
his Denial agreeable to appointment |
Received a Coppy of the Testimony Given forth by our Last Yearly meeti[ng] |
against a Pamphlet on Taxation: &c Which hath been Read in this meeting |
agreeable to the direction of Said yearly meeting |
Said Testimony is as followeth |
A Testimony Given forth from our yearly Meeting held at Smithfield |
from the 12th in the 16th of the 6th month Inclusive 1778 for New England |
Testimony of the Yearly meeting against a pamphlet on Taxation |
Whereas a Peice in Manuscript upon the Subject of Taxation &c |
Was written by a Member of our ^Religious Society, and came under Consideration |
of our meeting for Suffering, before the Author was known, and some matter |
contained therein being altogether dissatisfactory to friends, and Inconsistent |
with our Religious Testimony: Inquiry was made, an[d?] indeavers used |
to prevent the publication, or Spreading thereof without the desired Effect |
but the Same with Some additions, and alteration, was published, under |
the Title of “A Letter from a friend, to Some of his Intimate friends.” |
Contrary to the good Order of our Society, and the incouragement |
received from the author: - And the matter being laid before this meeting |
And watily [weightilly] Considered, We are constrained to give forth our Testimony |
against the Said Piece, and the Spirit if Conveys to the reader, as tending |
to Leaven the minds of friends with the Spirit of the World, Lament |
=ably prevalent, and to bring those who pay attention to Religious |
Scruples under Suffering and Introducing Discord, and divisions amongst |
friends ^as well as containing matter disagreeable to our Practice and testimony |
as a people . . . . And also against the manner in which it was published |
to the World. being inconsistant with a rule, Long since laid down |
and consented to by our Society25 |
Signed in and by order of our said yearly Meeting By Thomas Latham Jnr Clerk |
~~~~~~~~~~ |
this time |
Coppy |
Order to pay P. Gifford |
The Treasurer not havnig paid Peleg Gifford the money as ordeed |
Last Monthly Meeting; he is therefore still directed to pay the Same |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Certificate for J Roch Signed |
A Removal Certificate for Joseph Rotch directed to the |
Monthly meeting on Nantucket was Signed by the Clerk he |
having Removed theither. |
G Gifford paper acced |
Gideon Gifford hath given in a paper to this meeing Condemning |
his buying a Ticket in a Lottery, which this meeting accepts |
Few lines to Swanzey in behalf of E Thurston |
This meeting hath Signed and Sent a few lines to the monthly |
Meeting of Swanzey, Informing them that Edward Thurston Juor |
his wife and their Children are deemed as Members of our Society |
and are within the bounds of that meeting as now Settled |
Chusing overseers refered |
A new Choice of Overseers is Refer’d to next Monthly meeting |
and those that have Stood as Such the year past are Continued untill |
next monthly meeting |
R Thrasher & A Wanton Disowned |
The Women friends inform they have denied Rebeckah Thrasher |
Wife of Samul Thrasher and Abigail Wanton wife of John Wanton |
which this meeting Concurs with |
N Howland & R Smith Signed |
A Removal Certificate for Naomy Howland wife of Job Howland |
with Rebecca her Daughter was Signed in this meeting directed to |
the Monthly Meeting at East Hoosuck |
This Meeting Collected |
l4 . . 1s . . 9d – in paper money |
Collected |
0 . . 9 . . 9 in Silver money |
9th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of 9th moth1778 |
The Representatives being called Joseph Tucker Jur present |
Abraham Howland not present by reason of Sickness |
P Gifford paid |
Peleg Gifford hath informed this meeting that the Treasurer hath |
paid him the money as ordered, the Said Treasurer not being |
present at this time |
Choosing overseers refered |
A new choice of Overseers is refer’d to next monthly meeting |
and the former ones are still Continued in that Service . . and |
Abiel Gifford is aded to them |
meetings omitted |
This meeting doth Conclud to discontinue all our Weekday meetings |
on the Same Week our Quarterly Meetings is to be held in |
E Gifford’s Request |
Elijah Gifford hath given in a paper to this meeting Requesting |
for himself and Children to come be taken under the care of friends therefore |
this meeting appoints Thomas Hicks Nicholas Howland and William |
Barker to take an opportunity of Sollid conferrnce with him and |
Endeavor to find the motive of his request, and make report next |
Monthly meeting |
J Allen’s paper accepted |
John Allen hath given ^in a paper to this Meeting Condemning his |
being Concernd in a Lottery and Likewise hath verbaly Expressed himself |
in this Meeting. Signifying his Sorrow in regard to said matter |
Which this meeting accepts for Satisfaction |
Queries an swer’d Epestle Signed & Representa’ appointed |
The Queries were answered in this meeting and an Epistle Sign’d |
for the Quarterly meeting and order’d forward to said Quarterly meeting |
by our Representatives who are William Barker Caleb Russell and |
Joseph Barker and they to report next Monthly Meeting |
E Mosher Taken prisoner |
This Meeting being inform’d that Elihu Mosher being carried |
away Prisoner by the Brittish Troops, therefore we appoint Seth |
Russell James Davis and Abiel Gifford to confer with the meeting |
of Sufferings in order to procure his relief as they shall think proper26 |
complaint against L Mosher |
The overseer Inform that Lamuel Mosher hath so far gon Contrary to |
our Profession, as to drop some bad Expressions in the manner of Swareing |
and other thretning Language, and said overseers hath Laboured with him therfor |
and he having Condemn’d Said expressions to those that heard them yet declines |
to Condemn them Publickly to the Satisfaction of this Meeting therefore we appoint |
Benjamin Howland 2nd Benjamin Taber and Joseph Tucker Jur to Labour with |
him as they may think proper and Report next Monthly meeting |
certificate for E Mosher |
A Certificate for Elihu Mosher who was carried away Prisoners was Signed |
in this meeting directed to the Meeting of Sufferings: Informing them of his |
being a member of our meeting and Clear in regard to Military matter |
This Meeting Collected in Silver money– – |
l0 – 7s – 3d |
Collected in Paper money– – |
2 – 11 – 7 |
10th month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of the 10th month 1778 |
The Representatives are William Barker and John Williams -- Present |
Chusing Over- seers refered |
A new Choices of Overseers is Still refer’d to next Monthly meeting and those |
that have been in that Service continued till a new choice |
E Gifford’s request Refered |
The friends appointed to confer with Elijah Gifford on his request, Repent |
that for want of a Conveanent oppertunity they have not fulfiled their appoint |
ment, they are therefore continued in said Service, and to make report next |
monthly meeting |
L Mosher’s case refered |
The friends appointed to treat with Lamul Mosher report they have not |
fulfilled their appointment, one of them being Sick they are therfore continued |
In said Service, and Joseph Gifford is added to them and they to make report |
next Monthly meeting |
Overseers of the poor continued |
The time of the appointment of overseers of the poor being Expired they are |
now again continued in that Service untill a new Choice is made |
Friends app- ointed to over see the bury ing ground |
This meeting having Concluded to make a new choice of Friends to have |
the care of our burying Ground. Who Shall be Interred therein that are not |
members of the Society, and who not – Who are William Sanford William |
Barker and Joseph Tucker Jur and also William Mosher Benjamin Rider |
and John Devol for Newtown |
N Howland & T Hicks to over see the meet ing house |
This meeting also appoints Nicholas Howland and Thomas Hicks to have |
the care of our old meeting house and Lands and to keep the fences in repair |
Round the Same |
Trustees to the Deeds appoint ed |
This Meeting appoint the following friends as Trustees to take Deeds |
of this meetings Land the former ones being Some of them Deceased (viz) |
William Mosher, Samuel Smith William Anthony Jur and Joseph tucker Jur |
C Russell request Certificate |
Charles Russell requests a Removal Certificate to the Monthly meeting |
at East Hoosuck, therefore Benjamin Smith Jur and Samuel Smith are |
appointed to mak due inquiry into his Circumstances, and draw one |
for him if they find things clear and bring it to the next Monthly Meeting |
Certificate for J Smith Signed |
A Removal Certificate for John Smith son of Isaac deceast was Signed |
in this Meeting directed to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck he |
having removed theither |
his Bill |
William Anthony Jur hath given in an acount to this Meeting for |
keeping Alice Smith from the 28th of the fourth month Last to the 28th |
ordered to be paid |
Instant including 26 weeks at Twenty eigh Shillings per week |
old Tennor Silver Money and to be paid in Silver or its Equivilent |
in Paper money which this meeting orders paid accordingly: The amout |
thereof is l36 – 8s in Silver old Tennor. |
Time meetings begin |
This Meeting concluds that all our meetings begin at the |
Eleventh Hour for the year ensuing except at Bedford |
and that to begin as usually they have done. |
B Taber ap pointed Trea surer |
Benjamin Taber is appointed Treasurer in the Roome or Stead |
of our Well beloved friend Prince Allen deceased: for the year Ensuing |
S Smith and T Hicks to settle ^with heirs of former Treasurer |
And Samuel Smith and Thomas Hicks are appointed to Settle |
accounts with the Heirs of the former Treasurer deceased, and make |
Report next Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting Collected in Silver – – |
0L - - 5s - - 00d |
Collected in Paper money |
2 - - 13 - - 10 |
11th Mo 1778 |
At A Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of the 11th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell and Joseph Barker - - -Present |
A New choice of Overseers is again refer’d to next Monthly meeting |
E Gifford & children accepted |
The Committee appointed to confer with Elijah Gifford and family |
Report, that most of them visited said family (one of said Commitee being |
detained by Sickness) and found a degree of Satisfaction and Sincerity |
among them. Therefore this meeting accepts of said Elijah Gifford and |
Children to be under the care of this meeting |
The Women friends also inform they have accepted Deborah Gifford |
the wife of the said Elijah Gifford which this meeting concurs with |
Overseers of the poor apoin[t]ed |
Caleb Rusell Gi^deon Howland Benjamin Howland 2nd Samuel Smith and |
George Smith are Chosen Overseers of the poor for the year Ensuing |
L Moshers paper accepted |
The friends appointed to Treat with Lamuel Mosher, gave in their |
Report, which was in degree Satisfactory, and he hath given in a paper |
to this meeting Condemning his misconduct, which this meeting accepts provided |
he cause the Same to be read Publickly as Usual, and return said paper |
to next Monthly meeting |
Settleing with the Treasury continued |
The Friend appointed to Settle accounts with the Heirs of the former |
Treasurer report, that they have not fully accomplished the Same, they are |
therefore continued in said Service and to make report next monthly meeting |
Frinds to revise and correct the miniuts |
Samuel Smith Thomas Hicks Benjamin Howland 2nd and William Anthony Ju |
are appointed to Revise and Correct this meetings Minnutes in order for them |
to go on Reccord and to make report next monthly meeting |
=ed without Certificate |
Shearman Craw having removed within the bounds of accoakset Meeting |
Without giving notice thereof to this meeting, We therefore Signed and sent |
a few lines, to Inform the said meeting at Accoaket of his Removal |
Certificate for B Rick etson signed |
This meeting Sin^ged a Certificat for Benjamin Ricketson son of William |
Ricksetson’s to the Monthly meeting of East Hoosuck, as he is a going theither |
to settle his outward affaires. |
J Russell request a Certificate |
John Russell informes this meeting that he is about to Remove to |
East Hoosuck and desires a Certificate, therefore Benjamin Smith Jur |
and Gideon Howland are appointed to draw one for him if they think |
Proper, and bring it to next monthly meeting. |
Certificate for C Rusel signed |
This Meeting hath Signed a ^Removal Certificate directed to the Monthly |
Meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga. For Charles Russell his wife |
Rebecca and Little daughter Amie they having Removed |
theither to dewell. |
A Howland Ju Disowned |
This Meeting is Informed that Abraham Howland Jur hath married |
out of the Unity of friends, after being precautioned by friends: therefore |
he is disowned from being a member of our Society and from under the care |
care of this meeting, and Benjamin Smith Jur is appointed to Inform him thereof |
Complaint a gainst J Akin |
The Overseers Inform that John Akin hath appeared in bearing of Arms |
and hath been Treated with by friends but declines to Condemn the same there- |
fore John Williams and Joseph Tucker Jur to Treat further with him on |
that account, and also on account of his Neglecting to attend our Meetings |
and to make report next Monthly meeting |
This meeing Collected in Silver money |
0L – 9s – 10d |
Collected in paper money |
4 – 5 – 0 |
12th month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of the 12th month 1778 |
The Representativ are Caleb Russell and Seth R[smuged] Huddleston - Present |
Overseers appointed |
We appointed our friends Abiel Gifford Benjamin Taber Benjamin Smith 2nd |
Seth Huddleston Joseph Barker William Anthony Jur and William Barker |
Overseers for the year Ensuing |
L. Mosers paper read & accepted |
Lamuel Moshers Paper having been Red agreeable to the direction of |
last monthly meeting and returned the same to this meeting. Which is accepted |
and is as followeth |
L. Mosher paper of acknowledg ment |
To the Monthly meeting of Friends to be held at Dartmouth 16th 11th month 1778 |
Whereas, some time past I get into a Passion, so far as to drop Some bad |
Expression in the manner of Swareing: For which I am heartily Sorry and |
do Condemn, And desire Friends so far to pass it by as to let me |
Remain under their Care |
Lamuel Mosher |
settled with the Treasurry |
The Friends appointed to Settle accounts with Heirs of the former Treasurer |
Report they have fulfilled their appointment, And have settled accounts |
down to the 9th month last Inclusive; and remains in the Stock 5L – 15s – 6d |
in paper money and 1L – 15s – 10d in Silver money |
Miniuts revisd and corrected |
The friends appointed to Revise and correct this meetings minutes, report |
they have fulfilled said appointment and left them with ^ye Clerk to be recorded |
Certificate for J Russell referd |
The friends Chosen to draw a Certificate for John Russell and to inspect into |
his Clearness Report, they have not fulfilled said appointmen in full, they are |
therefore Continued in Said Service, and Abraham Howland is added |
to them, and they to make report next monthly meeting |
The Case of John Akin refered |
The friends appointed to Labour with John Akins report they have |
not accomplished Said appointment for want of an oppertunity they are |
also continued in the Same Service and to make their report to next |
Monthly meeting |
E Thurstons Certificate Returned back |
Our Cirtificate in favour of Edward Thurston and his family directed |
to Swanzey monthly meeting being returned back to this meeting again |
therefore we appoint Thomas Hicks Samuel Smith and William Anthony Ju |
to consider what be necessary for this meeting to act further, in that |
matter and make Report to next monthly meeting |
Certificate for E Mosher |
This meeting hath Signed and sent a Certificate to the monthly meeting |
at Pembrock for Eliakim Mosher a young son of Joanna Mosher he being |
about to go as an apprentice there |
This meeting Collected |
5L – 3s – 7d in paper money |
0 – 13 – 2 ½ in Silver money |
money de liver’d to the Treasurer |
There was delivered to the Present Treasurer the Sum of 5L – 15s – 6d in |
Paper money and 1 – 15 – 6d in Silver money By the Committee that Settled |
accounts wh with the heirs of the former Treasurer |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this Instant after the meeting of |
Worship which is to begin at the 11th hour |
Mett |
Met by adjournment the 30th of the 12th month 1778 |
The Representatives being called Caleb Russell present Seth Huddleston not present |
J Allen request a Certificate |
John Allen informs that he is about to Remove with his family to |
Live within the bounds of Saratoga or Hoosuck Monthly meeting and |
Requests a removal Certificate for himself and Children therefore |
Abiel Gifford and John Devol are appointed to make due Inquiry |
into his Circumstances and draw one for them and bring it to next |
Monthly meeting if they find things Clear |
J Jonsons request |
James Johnson Request to come under the care of this meeting with his |
Son William: And William Mosher and Thomas Hicks are appointed to |
Take an oppertunity of Solid Conferrence with him in order to know the |
reason of his Request, and make return to next Monthly meeting |
against S Wilcox Ju |
The Overseers inform that Stephen Wilcox Jur hath taken up Armes |
in or for War: and hath neglected the due attendance of our Meetings |
for which they have Treated with him but did not give them Satisfaction |
Therefore this meeting appoint Caleb Russell and Benjamin Howland |
to Treat further with him, and to make report to next Monthly meeting |
Certificate W Howland |
There was Signed in this meeting a Certificate for William Howland |
Certifying his being under the care of this meeting, as he is about going |
a Voige to Sea |
Chusing Visitors refered |
It hath been proposed in this meeting to chuse some friends to Joyn or assist |
the Overseers in Visiting and treating with disorderly members of this |
meeting, Perticurly those that Neglect the due attendece of our Religious |
Meeting; But this meeting being small by reason of the Severity of the |
Season the matter is refer’d to next Monthly meeting |
Queries answered |
The Queries were Answered. And an Epistle Signed in this meeting to the |
Quarterly meeting and order’d forward by our Reprsentatives who are |
Representatives appointed |
William Mosher Abiel Gifford Samuel Smith and William Anthony Jur |
and they to report next monthly meeting |
1779 1st month |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of 1st moth 1779 |
The Representitives are Benjamin Rider and Benjamin Taber Present |
J Akin’s case refer’d |
John Akin being gone to Sea the Committee appointed to Labour with |
him make report they have not fulfiled their appointment they are still |
Continued in the Same Service and to make report when they shall have |
Opportunity to perform the Same |
Certificat for J Russell refered |
The Committee appointed to draw a Certificate for John Russell not |
having fully accomplished the Same they are therefore still continued in Said |
Service and make report next monthly meeting |
The case of [E] Thurston refered |
The Comittee appoined to consider the matter in regard to Edward Thurton Jr |
and family not Having fully accomplished the Same they are Stil continued for |
for the Same Service and report next Monthly meeting |
Certificacate for J Allen refered |
The Committee appointed to draw a Certificate for John ^Allen report they have |
made Some progress in the Said matter but not having accomplished the same |
they are also continued in said service and to make return next Monthly meeting |
[J] Jonsons re quest refer’d |
The friends appointed to confer with James Jonson in regard to his request |
to Come under friends care Report they have had an opportunity of conferrenc |
with him: and that he gave them a dreegree of Satisfaction yet that |
matter is also continued and to Said friends in the Same Service untill next |
Monthly meeting |
S Wilcox Ju case refered |
The friends appointed to Labour with Stephen Wilcox Jur Report |
they have ^not fulfilled the Same; they are also continued for the Same Service |
and to make report next Monthly meeting |
the Quarter ly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they all |
attended agreeable to apointment, and have produced an Epistle from the |
Same together with a number of London Printed ^General Epestils. One of which |
being Read, with the sd Quarterly meetings Epistle to good Satisfaction and |
the Said London Epistles distributed among friends and recommended to |
to be read in their families |
Collections called for to Supply yearly meet ing Stock |
It is Recommended by the Quarterly meeting, and also by Writeing from |
the meeting for Sufferings to Send up as speedily as may be Collections to |
Supply the yearly meeting Stock: And this meeing concluds to raise the |
Sum of Twenty pounds for that use |
J Sisson’s proposal of marriage |
Job Sisson having Produced his Parents consent that he may proceed in |
marriage with Ruth Sheppard |
Job Sisson and Ruth Shepherd declared their Intentions of taking each |
other in marriage: and were desired to wait till next Monthly meeting for |
answer |
This meeting Collected in Silver money |
. . . 0L . . 15s . . 9d |
in paper money |
. . . 12 . . 1 . . 4 |
Order to pay P Gifford four Dollars |
This meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Peleg Gifford four Silver Dollars |
or the Vallue thereof in Paper currancy, it being for keeping the meeting |
house half a year . . . Also to pay William Anthony’s bill formerly given |
in and Accepted |
Adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 27th instant after the meeting of Worship |
Mett |
Met by adjournment the 27th day of the 1st month 1779 |
The Representatives are Benjamin Rider and Benjamin Taber Present |
Friends appoin ted Visiters |
Our friends Joseph Tucker Caleb Russell and Thomas Hicks are |
appointed to Joyn and Assist the Overseers in Visiting and Labouring |
with the disorderly members, as mentioned Last Monthly meeting and they |
are desired to visit and Labour with them in Love in order for their |
Restoration: and if after they have discharged themselves in that respect |
Such of said members that continue disorderly: They to bring their |
Names and their Crimes to the meeting in Order for them to be dealt |
further with as our discipline requires |
Wm Allen request Certificate |
William Allen Son of Philip deseased being about to remove within Compas |
of Saratoga Monthly meeting and desires a Certificates therefore Abiel Gifford |
and John Devol are appointed to take the needful care in that case and |
make Return to next monthly meeting |
W Hart’s paper accepted |
William Heart hath given in a paper Signifying his Sorrow for being |
Concerned in a Lottery which is accepted |
O Beard Disowned |
The Overseers Inform that Obediah Beard hath married out of the unity |
of friends after being Precautioned. Therefore he is Deny’d and disown’d |
from being a member of our Society, and Seth Huddelston is appointed to inform him |
hereof and make report to next monthly meeting |
Friends appointed to take in Subscriptions |
We appoint of our friends Jonathan Wilbore [Wilbur] John Williams William Hart |
Joseph Tucker Jur and Gideon Howland to goe forth with Subscriptions that |
was Signed in this meeting to raise money: as expressed in Said Subscriptions and |
Pay the money to the Treasurer of this meeting, and make return to next |
Monthly meeting of the sum so raised |
C Russells and W Barkers Bills |
Caleb Russell hath xhibited an account to this meeting for keeping Some |
Traveling friends horses and Shoeing them to the amount of 8L – 2s – 0 which |
is allow’d: and the Treasurer is ordered to pay the Same: And also to pay |
William Barker four Dollars or the vallue thereof for keeping the meeting |
house half a year, Some time past: And also 18 shillings for paper for |
bringing Some Hay for the use of friends, and make return next monthly meeting |
2nd Mo 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of 2nd month 1779 |
The Representatives Peleg Gifford and Samuel Smith Present |
Certificate for J Russ |
A certificate for John Russell directed to ^ Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck was |
Signed in this meeting by the Clerke. |
E Thurstone case |
The friends appointed in the case of Edward Thurstone Jur have brought |
a few Lines – being an Indorsment on the former Certificate directed to the |
Monthly meeting of Swanzey : Setting forth of their being members and |
Recommending them to Sold Meeting |
Certificate for J Allen refered |
The friends appointed to draw a Certificate for John Allen report |
that things not being Settled by reason of Sickness they are therfore continued |
in Said Service and to report next monthly meeting |
J Jonson Received |
The friends appointed to Confer with James Johnson on his request to |
come under friends care have Made a Satisfactor report; therefore he the |
Said James Johnson and his Son William are received into Membership |
with us. |
S Wilcox Ju Disowned |
The friends appointed to Treat with Stephen Wilcox Junor Report they |
have fulfilled their appointment, but he gave them no Satisfaction therefore |
he is disowned from being a member of our Society, and the same friends |
are appointed to draw a Publick Testimony against him, and bring it to |
next Monthly meeting: And William Ricketson is order’d to Inform him |
of his Denial |
M Russel Disowned |
This meeting is Informed that Michael Russell hath married out of the |
unity of Friends and hath been Treated with on that account by friends both |
before and after Said Marriage and he gave them no Satisfaction. Therefore |
he is disowned from being ^ in Membership with us: And William Ricketson is |
order’d to Inform him of his Denial and make report next monthly meeting |
Disowned |
The overseers inform that Shearman Craw hath removed away in a disoderly |
manner, without the knowledge or concurrance of this meeting into the |
Compas of another, and neglects to attend meetings, and they having |
Treated with him on these accounts but he gave them ^no Satisfaction therfore |
he is denyed from being a Member of our Society, and Seth Huddleston is |
orderd to inform him of his denial and report next Monthly meeting |
Report of the Treasurer |
The Treasurer reports he has paid all the money as order’d last monthly |
meeting, Except that to Peleg Gifford and that he designed to pay |
and report next Monthly meeting |
Certificate for [W] Allen |
A removal Certificate was Signed in this meeting for William Allen Son of |
Philip deceased, dedicated to the monthly meeting of East Hoosuck |
Berd informed [JS?] Certficate |
Seth Huddleston reports he hath informed Obediah Beard of his denial |
according to appointment |
Received a Certificate from Accoakset Monthly Meeting for Job Sisson Signifying |
he is a member of their Society and Clear from any marriage Entanglement |
Friends to collect money continued |
The friends appointed to Collect the money by Subscriptions not |
haveing fully accomplished, the Same, they are still continued in said |
Service and to make report to the adjournment of this meeting |
BS, JC : JA Request Certificates |
Benjamin Sawdy, James Cornwell and James Allen having informed |
this meetin that they perpose to take a Journey up the Countrey and desires |
Each of them a Certificate: Therefore, Thomas Hicks, Elijah Gifford |
William Mosher and John Smith are appointed to make inquiery into their |
Clearness and draw Certificates for them if they find them clear and |
bring them to the adjournment of this meeting. |
J Sissons answer [is?] given |
Job Shson Job Sisson and Ruth Shepard apear’d for their answer |
Which was that they might prceed to take each other in Marriage in |
Some conveniant time befor next monthly meeting: adviseing with the |
Friends that this meeting Shall appoint to See the Said marriag accomplis’d |
who are William Sanford and William Barker and they to make report |
next Monthly meeting |
[W] Barker Ju [re]quest a [Cer]tificate |
William Barker Junor being about to go as apprintice: with his brother |
within the Compass of East Hoosuck or Saratoga monthly meeting and desiers |
a Certificate, therefore Joseph Tucker Jur and William Sanford are appointed |
to take the needful care in that respect, and draw one for him if they think |
Proper and bring it to the adjournment of this meeting |
[W] Russell [R]equest a [C]ertificate |
William Russell having informed that he hath concluded to remove with |
in the Compass of East Hoosuck or Saratoga Monthly meeting, and requests |
a removel Certi^ficate therefore Benjamin Howland 2nd and Nicholas Lapham |
are appointed to Treat with him on that account: And if they find – |
things clear then to draw one for him and bring it to next monthly meeting |
for Anne Smith |
A Removal Certificate for Anne Smith wife of Thomas Smith and their |
Children whose names are Sarah, Lloyd, Paul and Barnabas was Signed |
directed to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
Collected . . . . . |
In paper money . . . . . 7 – 10 – 3 |
In Silver money 0 – 7 – 6 |
Adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th of this Instant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Met by adjournment this 24th of the 2nd month 1779 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
[C]ertificates for [B]S, JC : JA |
A Certificate for Benjamin Sawdy was Signed in this meeting directed |
to the Monthly meeting at Saratoga he being about to Travel theare |
Certificates for James Cornel and James Allen were Signed in this |
meeting directed to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
they being about to go theither |
Certificate for [W] Barker Ju |
Also A Removal Certificate for William Barker Jur was Signed in |
this meeting directed to the Same meetings as above he being a going |
there to dwell |
A Allen’s paper refered |
Abraham Allen hath given in to this meeting a Paper Condemning his |
Being concerned in a Lottery and the meeting not being fully clear to |
accept the Same |
Therefore Elijah Gifford Thomas Hicks and Joseph Tucker Jur are appointed |
to Examin into the Circumstance of the matter and make return next |
monthly meeting |
Complaint against P Gifford Ju |
The Overseers Inform that Peleg Gifford Jur hath appear’d in a War |
Like manner with his Gun in order to Stand Wach with others of the Militia |
and also been found with others Shoouting at a Turkey set up for that purpos |
for which disorderly conduct this meeting doth appoint our friends William |
Mosher, Samuel Smith and Gideon Howland to Labour with him in order to |
Shew him his Error and make return next Monthly meeting |
W Mosher appointed to draw money for yearly meet ing Stock |
We appoint William Mosher to draw the Sum of Twenty Pounds out of the |
Treasury of this meeting, and pay the Same to the Yearly meeting Treasurer |
to Supply the yearly meeting Stock: Also take all the money that is Collected |
by this meetings Commity for the meeting of Sufferings; and pay the |
Same there, and make report ^to the next monthly meeting. |
Complaint against J Gifford |
The overseers inform that Job Gifford hath Neglected to attend our Religious |
Meetings after he was Treated with on that account: And also hath set up |
Selling Spirituous Liquors, and thereby Suffering unbecoming company att his house |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint Benjamin Howland 2nd, William Barker |
and Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] to Labour further with him on these accounts and to |
make report next monthly meeting |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of 3rd month 1779 |
The Representatives are Elijah Gifford and Abiel Gifford, present |
A miniut from meet ing for Suf fering & Testimony from Philadel To be read |
Received a Coppy of a minute from our meeting of Suffrings held |
the 8th Instant, directing that the Same, with a Testimony from the yearly |
meeting of Philadelphia by adjournment from the 29th of the month to the |
4th of the 10th month 1777 (which was Read in this meeting) be both Publickly |
Read in all our meetings, which this meeting concurs with and the Clerk |
is ordered to Read them accordingly |
Certificate J Allen |
A Removal Certificate for our friends John Allen his Wife and Children |
Directed to the monthly meeting of East Hoosuck or Saratoga was Signed in this |
meeting by the Clerk |
Testimony against S Wilcox Ju |
A Testimony of Denial against Stephen Wilcox Junor was signed in |
this meeting by the Clerk who is ordered to Read it Publickly in the usual |
manner and make report next monthly meeting |
also against M Russel |
And William Ricketson reports he hath informed said Wilcox of his denial |
and also Michel Russell of his Denial according to appointment |
Likewise Seth Huddleston informs that he hath informed Shearman Craw |
of his denial as order’d Last monthly meeting |
Order to pay P G |
Treasurer not having paid Peleg Gifford as order’d he is again |
desired to do the Same and make report to next monthly meeting |
Report of J Sisson’s marriage |
The Friends appointed to attend the marriage of Job Sisson and Ruth |
Shepard, report that they attended said marriage, and saw nothing but |
that it was orderly accomplished |
Certificate for W Rusel |
A Removal Certificate for William Russell directed to East Hoosuck |
or Saratoga monthly meeting was Signed in this meeting he having gone |
there to dwell |
The case of A Allen refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with Abraham Allen report they |
have Treated with him, but the matter not being Settled it is refered to |
next monthly meeting and the Same friends continued in Said Service and |
they to make Report next monthly meeting |
P Gifford Ju case r reffer’d |
The Committee apointed to Treat with Peleg Gifford Jur Report that |
they have had conference with him but did not give them full Satisfaction |
but request the matter may be continued Longer; Therefore they are continued |
to next monthly meeting in the Same Service and then they to make report |
W Mosher [?] he hath [?] the money |
William Mosher reports he hath fulfilled his appointment in regard to carrying |
the money to the yearly meetings Treasurer: and also to the meeting of Sufferings and hath |
produced a coppy of the minute from the Clerk of the meeting of Sufferings |
that they had Received the Sum of 17L – 17s – 4d in paper and 12 Shillings in hard |
money for the use of the poor come from Rhoad Island that are not of our Society |
The case of [J] Gifford refered |
The Comittee appointed to Treat with Job Gifford report they have had a |
Conferrence with him and he gave them little or no Satisfaction Nevertheless |
the matter being Weightily consider’d it is refered to next monthly meeting and the |
Same Committee Still continued, and if he doth not give them some satisfaction |
they then to draw a paper if denial against him and bring it to next monthly meeting |
Friends approin ted to attend Swanzey monthly meeting |
The few lines of Indorsment directed Swanzey monthly meeting and Signed by the |
Clerk at our monthly meeting in the first month last was now read, and do appoint |
our friends Thomas Hicks William Anthony Jur and Samuel Smith to attend |
Said meeting at Swanzey, with said Indorsment in order to treat with them on |
that account: in behalf of this meeting and endeavor to show them the State |
of the Case, and make return to this meeting when they have accomplished the Same |
A Howland A Barke & [J] Ricketson [J] Howland requesting Certificates |
Abraham Howland son of Job Howland desires a removeable Certificate to the |
monthly meeting of East Hoosuck and Saratoga – – And also Asa Barker a young |
Son of David Barker being about to ^go an apprintice to live within the Compas |
of Smithfield monthly meeting – also John Ricketson informs he is about to |
go to the Oblong, or thereabout in order to purchase a place to live at |
Requesting of us a few lines by way of Certificate – and likewise Jethro Howland |
Son of Benjn Howland being about to go to East Hoosuck or therebout to |
make Some Stay and also desires a Certificate – Therefor this meeting appoints |
Samuel Smith Elijah Gifford and Thomas Hicks to draw Certificate for them |
and Sign them in behalf of this meeting if they shall think proper when they |
have duly enquired into their Circumstances and made return to next monthly meeting |
L s d |
Collected in paper Currency . . . . . |
6 – 10 – 3 |
In Silver Currency . . . . |
0 – 13 – 0 |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th instant after the meeting for Worship |
Mett by adjournment this 24th of the 3rd month 1779 |
A Devol and B Gifford Ju Request |
Abner Devol and Benjamin Gifford Jur Each gave in a paper to the |
Preparative meeting requesting to come under Friends Care: Therefore we |
appoint William Mosher Abial Gifford and Samuel Smith to take an Opportunity |
of Solled Conferrence with them in order to desern the true motive of their |
Request and make return next monthly meeting |
W Ricketson bill for hay |
William Ricketson gave in account to this meeting for c500 of Hay |
which is allowed it being 18 Shilling in hard money or its Equivelent in |
paper and ye Treasurer is ordered to pay the Same. |
Complaint a gainst J Shepard J Smith [H] Smith [E] Russell T Howland & I Howland |
The Overseers Inform that John Shepard, John Smith, Henry Smith |
Elijah Russell, Timothy Howland and Isaac Howland son of Benjamin |
have Joyned with others in purchasing and Owning a Vessel that was Taken |
in the War, or by way of Violence: yet as it hath been Signified that |
Said owners were Ignorant that She was Such a Vessel this meeting therefore |
doth appoint Caleb Russell William Mosher Elijah Gifford Samuel Smith |
and John Devol to inquire into the true state of the case, and Circumstances |
attending the same and bring in their Judgm’t thereupon to our next |
monthly meeting |
Complaint against [I] Howland |
The overseers also Inform that Isaac Howland son of Benjamin is found |
Guilty of the Sin of fornication as appears by the accusation of Merebah Smith |
and hath also been neglecting in attending meetings and the above said |
Committee are appointed to Labour with on that account and draws a Testimony |
of denial against him if he do not give them satisfaction, and bring it to next |
monthly meeting |
Friends appoint ed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
We appoint our friends William Mosher Thomas Hicks Joseph Tucker Jur |
William Barker and Gideon Howland to attend the Quarterly meeting and present |
the Epistle which was aproved and Signed in this meeting by the Clerk also the |
Answers to the Queries which was read and approved in this meeting and they to |
Make report next monthly meeting |
4th Mo 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 4th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Abiel Gifford – Present |
Testimony against S W not read |
The Clerk Informs he hath not read the Testimony against Stephen |
Wilcox as order’d he is therfore desired to perform the same and make |
Return next monthly meeting |
P Gifford not paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid Peleg Gifford, he is therefore |
ordered to pay and make report when it is paid |
The case of A Allen refered |
The friends appointed in the case of Abraham Allen report they |
have been ingaged in the matter but it not being fully Settled to Satisfaction |
they are Continued in the same service and to make report next |
monthly meeting |
a paper of denyal is ordered to be drawn against P Gifford Ju |
The Friends continued Last monthly meeting to treat with Peleg Gifford Ju |
Report they have fulfilled their appointment and he declines to make |
Satisfaction and that they think they are clear from any further Labour |
with him they are therefore appointed to draw a paper of denial against him |
the said Peleg Gifford Jur And they with Joseph Gifford and William Sanford |
to Inform him thereof and make report next monthly meeting |
The case of J Gifford refered |
The Committee Continued to Treat with Job Gifford report they have had |
some late Conference with him, wherein he gave some degree of Satisfaction |
they are therefore Still continued in the Said Service and make report next |
monthly meeting |
Report of Friends ap pinted to Sign Certificats |
The Friends appointed to prepare and Sign Certificates in the behlf of |
this meeting report they have performed the same. Except that for Abraham |
Howland (Son of Job) and they are Still continued to draw one for him if |
they think proper, and bring it to next monthly meeting |
The case of A Devol & B Gifford refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with Abner Devol and Benjamin Gifford |
Report they have had Some conference with them and that they gave them some |
degree of Satisfaction. the matter is therefor refered to next monthly meeting |
W Ricketson not paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid William Ricketson as ordered |
he is therefore ordered to pay the Same and make report when he hath paid |
The friends appointed to Enquire into and to Judge the matter of the |
owners of the Vessel said to be taken by War and Violence who have given |
in the following report which after being read and considered is accepted |
and is as followeth |
[the bottom half of the page is blank]
The case of [I] Howland [r]efered |
The friend appointed to Treat with Isaac Howland son of Benjamin |
Report, they have had conference with him, but he did not give the full |
Satisfaction, yet they did not drauft a Testimony against him they are therefore |
continued in the Same Service and report next monthly meeting. |
Report of friends [a]ppointed to [at]tend Quar terly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they all |
attended Except Joseph Tucker Jur and he hath rendered an Excuse for his not |
attending which is accepted; and they have produced an apistle from the Quarterly |
meeting which was Read and well accepted. |
[Ce]rtificate [requ]ested for [D] Barker |
David Barker desires a Certificate for his young Son Shove Barker to the monthly |
meeting at Swanzey he being gone there to Live as an aprentice |
[J] Cornel re= quest a Certificate |
And also James Cornwell being about to Remove within the compass of East |
Hoosuck or Saratoga Monthly meeting: and Request a removal Certificate to Said |
meeting: Therefore Jonathan Willbor Joseph Tucker Jur and Elijah Gifford |
are appointed to make inquiry into above said matter and draw Certificates |
for them if they find things Clear and bring them to next monthly meeting |
Report of the meeting at Bedford |
The Term for holding meetings granted to the friends at Bedford being |
Expiered the overseers thereof made report that it hath been kept up as Usual |
and request it continued which is Granted for one month only and Benjamin |
Taber Caleb Russell and Seth Russell are appointed to have the oversight |
thereof and to make report next monthly meeting |
L s d |
Collected in paper Currency – – – |
5 – 4 – 9½ |
Collected in Silver currency – – – |
0 – 9 – 8 |
5th Mo 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 5th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Joseph Barker and Benja Rider Present |
The Clerk hath made Report the Testimony of Denial against Stephen |
Wilcox Junor hath been Read according to appointment which is as followeth |
Testimony of [D]enyal against [S] Willcox Ju |
Whereas Stephen Wilcox Jur having had a Right of membership among |
Friends, and under the Care of this meeting yet through unwachfulness |
and disregarding the Principal of Truth, he hath fallen into great Indiffer- |
=ency of mind, so as most wholly to Neglect attending our Religious – – |
meetings: He hath also of Late appeared with his Gun in a Warlike |
poster: which Conduct of his being Inconsistant with our Peacable Princi- |
=ples that we make Profession of, and friends having Laboured with |
him in Love on these accounts, but he not adhearing to the advice of |
friends herein, We do therefore Give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against him the Said Stephen Wilcox Jur disowning him from being a – – |
member of our Society, untill he by unfeigned Repentance and acknoledgment |
of the Error of his ways, he shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth, and Signed in ^ & on behalf of our Monthly meeting of friends held in |
Dartmouth the 15th of 3d month 1779 by |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
The case of A Allen refered |
The Committee appointed in the Case of Abraham Allen make report |
that they have still been in the progress of that Service, but it being not |
yet fully settled to Satisfaction: It is therefore refered to next Monthly |
meeting, and the same friends continued and then they to make report |
Complaint against W Bowdish Ju |
This meeting is Inform’d that William Bowdish Jur hath fallen into |
the Sin of Fornication; therefore William Mosher and Joseph Tucker Jur |
are appointed to Treat with him on that account, and to draw a paper |
of denial against him if he do not give them Satisfaction and bring |
it to the next monthly meeting |
Received Certificates E. Allen & M. Hoxcie |
The Women Friends Inform that they have received Removal |
Certificates for Elizabeth Allen Widdow and Meriah Hoxcie both from Sandwich |
Monthly meeting, which this meeting concurs with |
Certificate Signd for J. Allen |
The Removal Certificates that were Signed in this meeting Some |
months past for John Allen and his wife and Children and Brother |
William Allen were now altered, and Signed being now directed |
to the Nine partners Monthly meeting they being about to remove there |
Peleg Gif ford Jur paper refered |
Peleg Gifford Jur hath given in a paper to this meeting Signifying |
his Sorrow for his offences taken notice of by the meeting which |
being considered; the matter is refered to next monthly meeting under |
the care of the Same Committee as before, and they to Visit him and |
Treat with him again and make report next Monthly meeting |
The case of J Gifford referred |
The Committee continued in the case of Job Gifford, report |
that he hath dissisted from Selling Spirituous Liquors the matter is |
therefore refered to next monthly meeting for a further proof his |
Sincerity under the care of said Committy then to make report |
Certificate for A H |
A Removal Certificate was Signed in this meeting for Abraham |
Howland (son of Job) directed to the monthly meeting of East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
The case of A Devol & B Gifford refered |
The Friends appointed to confer with Abner Devol and Benjamin |
Gifford Jur on their request to come under friends care report that |
they desire it continued which is accordingly under the care of said |
Committee and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Disowned |
A Testimony of Denial was Signed in this meeting against Isaac |
Howland (son of Benja) and the Clerk is ordered to Read the Same |
Publickly as Usual and make report next monthly meeting |
meetings granted at Bedford |
The Overseers of the meeting att Bedford report said meeting hath |
Been kept up orderly as Usual and they request it continued which is |
Granted So far as for them to hold their said meeting in the Usual |
manner untill the monthly meeting in the 10th month next and the |
Same friends to have the Oversight thereof, as had last before |
and then they to make report |
Certificate for S Barker |
There was a Certificate Signed in this meeting for Shove Barker |
young Son of David Barker to the monthly meeting at Swanzey |
as he is gone there to live as an Apprentice |
L s d |
Collected in paper Currency . . . . |
7 – 6 – 2 |
in Silver Currency . . . . |
0 – 11 – 8 |
A Howland and W Anthony Ju gave in their bills for keep ing A Smith |
Abraham Howland and William Anthony Jur have Each given in |
their account for keeping Alice Smith Each to the Amount of 3L – 18s – [?] |
in Silver money or the Vallue thereof in paper which is for keeping |
Said Alice for the Six months last past next preceeding the 28th of the |
4th month last which said accounts are allowed; and the Treasurer |
is ordered to pay the Same as far as he is Supply’d with money by |
the meeting |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 26th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment his 26th of the 5th month 1779 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
P Cornel H Smith & J Potter request Certificates |
Paul Cornel [Cornell] having removed within the compas of East Hoosuck |
and Saratoga Monthly meeting desires a removal Certificate; and Hezekiah |
Smith and John Potter having gone to make some Stay within the |
Compass of the Monthly Meetings of the Oblong and Nine Partners and |
Likwise request Certificates. Therefore this meeting appoints Benjamin |
Rider William Anthony Jur and Samuel Smith to make due inquiry into |
their Circumstances and clearness of the afore said young men and draw |
Certificates for them if they think proper and bring them to next Monthly meeting |
J Cornel Certificate Refered |
The Matter for Signing James Cornel [Cornell] and wife Certificate is refered |
to the next Monthly meeting for the Women friends Concurrence. |
Receipt from Yearly meeting |
Received a Receipt Signed by the yearly meetings Treasurer that he hath |
Received the Sum of 19L – 10s—in paper currency and 10 Shilling in hard |
money of this meeting for the yearly meeting Stock |
Complaint against T Smith (Son of Levi) |
The overseers Inform that Levi Thomas Smith Son of Levi (deceased) hath taken |
up Armes in order for War and doth reather Justify the Same when they |
Treated with him on that account: Therefore Joseph Tucker Jur and |
Benjamin Rider are appointed to Treat further with him on that account |
and if he declines to condemn the Same then they to draw a Testimony of |
Denial against him and bring it to next monthly meeting |
6th month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of 6th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell and Joseph Barker Present |
S Underhill & J Walters Visit |
Our Beloved Friend Solomon Underhill hath attended this meeting in |
Company with our beloved friend Joseph Walters both of whom hath been |
Recommended to our Satisfaction from their respective places of aboad[abode] |
whose Visit and Services among us have been well accepted. |
A Allen’s paper accepted |
The Committee continued in the case of Abraham Allen report that |
he hath given them Satisfaction in regard to his offence: Therefore the |
Paper he gave n to this meeting Some months past Condemning the |
Same is now accepted for Satisfaction which is as followeth |
Such is as follows |
Whereas Some time past I was so unwise as to be concerned in a |
Lottry which I find in my Self was wrong, which I do condem and desire |
that friends will so far pass it by as to let me remain under your Care |
Abraham Allen |
The case of W Bowdish Ju refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with William Bowdish Jur not having |
fulfilled their appointment they are there Continued in said service |
and to make report next monthly meeting |
J Gifford case Continu’d |
The Committee appointed in the case of Job Gifford report that he |
yet continues to desist from Selling Spiritiuous Liquors: yet they request |
it Still continued. It is therefore according continued their Care and |
to report to the meeting when they shall be satisfied therein |
A Devol recevd |
The Committee appointed in the Case of Benjamin Gifford Jur and |
Abner Devlor Devol report that he the Sd Abner Devol hath given them |
Satisfaction, he is therefore received into Membership with us. But |
B Gifford’s case referd |
the receiving of Benjamin Gifford is refer’d under the care of the |
Same friends for a further proof of his Sincerity and they to report |
to this meeting when they shall see fit. |
I Howland’s betrayal read |
The Clerk reports that he hath Read the denial of Isaac Howland |
agreeable to the appointment of last Monthly meeting, and hath also |
informed him of Said Denial – Which is as followeth |
I Howland’s Disowned Testimony of Denial |
Whereas Isaac Howland Son of Benjamin Howland and Elizabeth his |
wife having his Education among friends under the care of this |
meeting, but by disregarding the Testimony of Truth in himself |
hath fallen into the Sin of fornication as appears by the accusation |
of Meribah Smith and he no wise clearing himself there from |
to friends Satisfaction, but upon Inquiry we have reason to believe |
the accusation to be Justly grounded, and friends having Extende |
Their Labour of Love with, with him in order for his Recovery |
But our Labour not being Effectual. This meeting being concerned |
for the Clearing of Truth and friends from the reproach of Such Evil |
Conduct do therefore give this forth as a publick Testimony against |
him the Said Isaac Howland disowning him from being a member |
of our Society until by unfeigned Repentance and return from the |
Error of his ways he shall be restored to the way of Truth. |
Given forth and Signed in and behalf of our monthly meeting held |
in Dartmouth the 17th day of the 5th month A. D. 1779 by |
William Anthony Jur Cle[rk] |
Certificate J,Cornel Wife & children |
A removal Certificate for James Cornel [Cornell] his Wife and Children |
Directed to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
was signed in this meeting by the Clerk |
T Smith (son of Levi) Disowned |
A Testimony of denial against Thomas Smith (son of Levi) was |
Signed in this meeting and the Clerk is ordered to read the Same |
Publickly as Usual, and Make report thereof to our next Monthly |
meeting: and Caleb Russell is appointed to Inform said Thomas |
of his denial and make report next Monthly meeting |
Collected in paper Currency – |
£10 – 9s – 10d |
In Silver Currency – |
1 – 1 – 8½ |
adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
which is to begin at the 11th hour |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 24th of the 6th month 1779 |
The Representatives being Called both present |
P. Gifford Ju case continued |
The Committee appointed to confer with Peleg Gifford Jur make report |
that they have meet and treated with on the account of his |
outgoings but he not giving them full Satisfaction the matter is |
Refered under the care of said Committee to next monthly meeting |
who are then to make report |
Certificate for H.Smith |
Certificates were Signed in this meeting for Hezekiah Smith and |
Paul Cornel [Cornell], the first directed to the Monthly meeting of Oblong or |
Nine Partners, the Latter to the monthly meeting of East Hoosuck or Saratoga |
J Potters case suspe= =nded |
The matter concerning John Potters is Suspended by reason things |
are not fully Clear therefore William Anthony Jur and Samuel Smith |
are desired to Inform him of his deficiencies as soon as opportunity |
will a low[allow] and they also are to proceed in such measures relative to |
to said matter as they may think best and make return to the |
meeting when they have accomplished the Same |
D. Shepherd request a Certificate |
Daniel Shppard [Shepherd] desiers a Certificate to Sandwich monthly meeting |
Setting forth his right of membershiph and Clearness of Marriage Entangle |
=ment therefore William Barker and William Sanford are appointed |
to take the nessessary care therein and report next Monthly meeting |
B. Sawdy request a Certificate |
Benjamin Sawdy desires a removal Certificate to East Hoosack or |
Saratoga monthly meeting; therefore William Mosher and Abiel Gifford |
are appointed to take the nec[e]ssary care in that affair and make |
Report next monthly meeting. |
Complaint against P Slocum |
The Overseers Inform that Paul Slocum is accused of the Sin of |
Fornication with Rhoda Reed who accuses him of being the father |
of her Bastard Child, and Said Overseers having Laboured with |
him on that account, he nowise Clearing himself from Said accusation |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint Benjamin Howland 2nd and Thomas |
Hicks to Treat further with him on that account and if he do not give |
them Satisfaction to draw a paper of denial against him and bring it |
to next monthly meeting. |
Butts receivd |
The Women Friends inform that they have received Anna Butts under |
their Care: also they have disowned Mary Wood wife of Abraham Wood |
and Abigail Howland Wife of Isaac Howland all which this meeting |
Concurs with |
Certificate for D. Sands & Underhill |
This Meeting Si[g]ned Certificates for our Friends David Sands |
Solomon Underhill and Joseph Walter directed to the monthly meeting |
they belong too Certifying our Unity with their publick Testimony |
and Labour whilst amoung us |
Queries answerd representatives appointed |
The Queries were Answered and an Epistle signed in this meeting |
and Ordered forward to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
who are Samuel Smith Abiel Gifford Joseph Tucke [Tucker] Jur and William |
Anthony Jur and they to report next monthly meeting. |
7th month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 7th month 1779 |
The Representatives are William Barke [Barker] and Abiel Gifford present. |
The case of W Bowdish Ju refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with William Bowdish Jur. Report |
that they have had Conference with him and that he hath given |
them a good degree of Satisfaction and he hath given in a paper |
to this meeting condemning his outgoing; Yet the matter is refered |
to next monthly meeting for a further proof of his Sencirity [Sincerity] and the |
Said friends to have the oversight of his conduct, and to report next |
Monthly meeting |
T Smiths denyal read |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testimony of denial against |
Thomas Smith as directed last monthly meeting, and Caleb Russell |
Reports he hath informed him thereof according to appointment |
which is followeth. |
Testimony of denyal against T Smith |
Whereas Thomas Smith (son of Levi Smith deceased) in the Town of |
Dartmouth and Province of the Massachusets Bay. Having had his |
Education among friends, but through unwachfulness and disregard- |
=ing the Testimony of Truth in his one heart; have so far deviated |
from the peaceable Principle we make profession of as to take up Armes |
in order for War, and friends having Laboured with him in Love to |
Show him the Error of his way but their Labour of Love not having the |
desired affect: Therefore this meeting is concerned to give this forth |
as a publick Testimony, denying him the said Thomas Smith from |
being a Member of our Society, and from under the care of this |
meeting: Nevertheless desireing, if be consistant with Divine Wisdom |
that he might yet come to a Sight and Sence of the Error of his way |
and return to the way of Truth. |
Given forth by friends at their Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
The 21st of the 6th month 1779. |
Signed in and by order of said meeting by |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Certificate for B Sawdy Wife and Children |
A Removal Certificate for Benjamin Sawdy his Wife and their |
Children directed to the monthly meeting at East Hoosuck or Saratoga |
was Signed in this meeting they having gone there to dwell |
Certificate for D Shepherd |
A Certificate for Daniel Shepard directed to the monthly meeting of |
Sandwich, Setting forth his clearness in regard to marriage and conversation |
was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk |
The case of W.Bowdn continu.d |
The friends continued in the case of Peleg Gifford Jur mak report that |
that they not being fully Satisfied therein request it Still continued |
which is accordingly continued to next monthly meeting under the |
Care of the Same friends as heretofore and then they to make report |
P Slocum Disowned |
The friends appointed to Labour with Paul Slocom [Slocum] report that they |
have fulfilled the Same, and that he did not give them Satisfaction |
Therefore they have produced a Testimony of denial which was Signed |
against him the Said Paul Slocum, by the Clerk who is directed to |
read the same publickly as Usual and make report to our next monthly |
meeting: and William Barker is appointed to Inform him there of and |
Report next monthly meeting |
Report of Friends from Quar terly meet =ing |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting Report |
they all attended according to appointment and have produced an Epistle |
from the Same which hath been read and well accepted; together with |
Transscrips of Epistles from London and Philidelphia which were also |
Read and the Seasonable advices therein Communicated to us well receivd |
J Akin Disown.d |
The friends appointed Some months past to Labour with John Akin |
Report they have fulfild their appointment and that he gave them no |
Satisfaction, Therefore He the said John Akin is disowed from being in |
Membership with us, and John Williams is appointed to Inform him of |
his denial also to draw a Testimony of his denial against him and bring it to next |
monthly meeting |
A Mott Disown.d |
The Women Friends Inform that they have deny.d Anna Mott wife |
of Jacob Mott which this meeting concurs with |
Certificate for Lamu Smith |
This meeting hath Signed and Sent a Certificate or Information to the |
Committee appointed by the meeting for Suffering, agreeabl to said meeting |
Requests concerning Lamuel Smith a member of this meeting who is |
Taken and carried into New York and there remained a Prisoner under |
distressed Circumstances by the last account we had from him the |
Said Lamuel |
Certificate for S Hud dleston he being dra= =ughted as a soldier Friends to asist him |
This meeting being Informed that our Friend Seth Huddleston is |
Draughted [Drafted] as a Soldier and is required to appear att Ta[u]nton within a |
few days for that purpose. Therefore this meeting thinks proper and |
hath given him a Certificate. Setting forth his being a member among us |
Also do appoint our friends Abiel Gifford John Williams and |
William Anthony Jur. To assist him in all things relative thereto |
in order for his release, and other things as they in the Wisdom |
of Truth Shall think best |
This meeting Collected in paper – |
£7 – 7s – 6d |
Collected in silver – |
0 – 12 – 3 |
8 month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 8th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Abiel Gifford and John Devol present |
The case of W, Bowdish Jur refered |
The Committee who had the oversight of the conduct of William |
Bowdish Jur report, they have seen nothing amiss in him since last |
Monthly meeting yet the matter is refered to next monthly meeting |
and the Same friends to have the oversight of him and report next |
monthly meeting |
P Slocums denial read he informed |
The Clerk reports that the Testimony against Paul Slocum hath |
been Read as ordered, also William Barker reports he is informed as ordered |
which Testimony is as followeth |
The Testimony of denial against P Slocm |
Whereas Paul Slocum (son of Benjamin Slocum and Phebe his wife) |
Having had his Education among friends under the care of this meeting |
yet by departing from the Testimony of Truth in his own heart hath |
so far gone astray as to fall into the reproachful Sin of Fornication |
as appears by the accusation of Rhoda Read; and friends having |
Laboured with him in Love in order to discover to him the Evil |
thereof, and to restore him to the way of Truth, |
But our Labour of Love not being Effectual to the Satisfaction of this |
meeting: Therefore for the Preservation of Truth, and friends from the |
Reprach of Such Enormous evils this meeting is concerned to give this |
forth as a publick Testimony against him hereby disowning him the |
the said Paul Slocum from being one of our Society, and from under |
the Care of friends: Desiring nevertheless if it be agreeable to divine |
Pleasure that he may yet find a place of Repentance and by an unfeined |
acknowledgment of the Evil of his way return to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
held in Dartmout the 19th of the 7th month 1779 |
by William Anthony Jur Clerk |
J Akins case continued he being gone from home |
The Friends appointed to Inform John Akin of his Denial and |
draw a Testimony against him report that it is accomplished by |
reason Said Akin being gone from home: Therefore the said friends |
are desired to accomplish the same as soon as may be and mak report |
to this meeting |
J Clark request Certificate |
Jonathan Clark Informs he is about to Remove with his wife and children |
within the Compas of Nine Partners Monthly meeting and desires a |
Certificate therefore Benjamin Chase and Abiel Gifford are appointed |
to Joyne the Women and take the necessary Care therein and draw a Certificate |
if they think proper and bring to next monthly meeting |
P Gifford Ju case continued by a [New?] Comtee |
The Committee in regard to Peleg Gifford Jur Report that they |
have fulfiled their appointment and things not appearing fully clear |
to accept him, and said Committee being dismist by their request |
And Joseph Tucker Josep [Joseph] Barker and Benjamin Rider are now appointed |
to Treat with him the sd Gifford and report next monthly meeting. |
S Howland Disowned |
The Women Friends Inform they have Denied Sarah Howland now |
Wife of Warren Howland; And that they have Received into membership |
Hannah Willbore which this meeting concurs with |
The Treasuerer Reports he hath paid William Ricketson Three dollars |
hard money as ordered and also paid Peleg Gifford four dollar as ordered |
Likewise in hard money |
C Howland returnd his Certificate to request another |
Cornelus [Cornelius] Howland having returned to this meeting a Certificate that |
he formerly had to goe to Sea: And now again request a Certificate also |
to goe to Sea: Therefore Benjamin Smith Jur Samuel Smith and |
William Anthony Jur are appointed to inspect into the Circumstances |
of the Voige [Voyage] that he intends, and draw and Sign Such a Certificate for |
him in behalf of this meeting as they may think proper, and make report |
thereof to next monthly meeting |
order to pay T Howland |
The Treasurer is ordered to pay Timothy Howland five dollars for |
keeping the meeting house half a year: or the Vallue thereof in paper |
Collected in paper Currency – £4 – 4s – 0d |
Collected in silver currency – 0 – 14 – 1 |
9th month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 9th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Joseph Barker and John Williams Present |
W Bowdish Jur [?]paper ac cepted |
The friends appointed to have the oversight of William Bowdish Ju |
make report to Satisfaction, and his paper again Read this meeting |
doth conclude to accept of the Same, provided he cause the Same |
to be Read publickly at the Close of a publick meeting for Worship |
on first day, he being present and return the Same to next |
monthly meeting, Said paper is as followeth |
W BowdishJu [?] paper of acknowlegment |
To a Monthly meeting of Friends held at Dartmouth 19th of 7th mo 1779 |
under a due Consideration of my misconduct in time past. I publish |
these lines in duty to a Society whome I have reproached, by being |
Seduced by the Enemy to Fornication and have Contracted marriage |
Contrary to the proper order of Friends, and must Confess I have |
not been attendant to the Several meetings of friends as becometh |
a member of the Society: which exorbetant behavour I acknowleg |
as a dishonor to the worthy Societ profession of friends and with |
Sorrow unfeigned I condemn whereof I am guilty; and desire |
Friends to pass by my offence and yet to number me amongst them |
From your unfeigned friend William Bowdish Jur |
Benj. Gifford Junor received |
The Friends appointed to confer with Benjamin Gifford Jur |
make a Satisfactory report in regard to his request: Therefore he |
is now Received under the care of this meeting as a member of our Society |
Certificate for J Clark refered |
The Friends appointed in regard to Jonathan Clarks Certificate |
Report they have been in a progress in that matter, but Some of his |
affairs, not being fully Settled, the Matter is refered to next |
monthly meeting, and the friends continued in said Service and |
then they to make report |
J Akins denyal Signd read &he Informd |
The friends appointed to draw a Testimony of denial against |
John Akin, have accomplished the Same, which hath been Read and Signed |
in this meeting and the Clerk is ordered to read it publickly as usual |
and make report thereof to our next monthly meeting, they also report |
they have informed him of his denial agreeable to appointment; which |
is as followeth |
Testimony of denial against J Akin |
Whereas John Akin having had a Right of membership with us but |
hath so far deviated from our Christian profession as to appear withn |
Military Company under Armes in order for defence for which he |
hath been Laboured with in Love in order to reclame him, but it |
not having the desired Effect, and he continuing to Justify the |
Practice or reather not to retract it, we think it necessary, for the |
Clearing of Truth and friends to give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against him. |
Nevertheless it is our desire that he may yet be convinced of the |
Impropriety of bearing armes under this Gosple Dispensation, and retur[ned] |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 20th of 9th mon[th] |
Signed in and on behalf of said meeting by |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Certificate for C, Howland |
The friends appoited to draw and sign a Certificate for Cornelus Howland |
report they have fulfiled the Same |
T Howland not paid |
The Treasurer not having paid Timothy Howland as ordered |
for want of mony as we understand he is ordered to pay the same |
when furnished with money, and make report next monthly meeting |
The case of P Gifford Ju Continu.d |
Two of the friends appointed to Treat with Peleg Gifford Jur |
Report they have Treated with him, but that he did not fully comply |
to Condemn his conduct to friends Satistfaction: but in as m[u]ch |
as one of Said friends was not there with the other two when they |
Treated with him by reason of disappointment, therefore they are |
Still continued to Treat with him and if he do not give them Satisfaction |
they are ordered to draw a paper of denial against him and |
bring to next monthly meeting |
A Committee appointed on account of Schools |
It being recommended to this meeting, by a Committee of the Quaterly |
meeting to appoint a Committee to Confer with them on the weighty |
Subject of Erecting Schools for the better Education of our youths |
This meeting doth appoint Thomas Hicks Elijah Gifford Caleb |
Russell Caleb Green Joseph Barker William Anthony Jur John |
Devol and John Williams for that Service |
J Russell B Ricketson Certificates returned |
Certificate that this meeting Some time a goe granted to |
John Russell and Benjamin Ricketson directed to East Hoosuck |
Monthly meeting are now returned with Indorsement to Each Setting |
forth the orderly conduct of said friends while there, they being now |
Returned home |
Collected in paper – – £4 – 0s – 0d |
Collicted in Silver – – 00 – 15 – 2 |
Adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th Insant at the Eleventh Hour |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 27th of 9th month 1779 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
[Co]mplaint against [S] Russell and he disowned |
This meeting being Informed by the Preparitive meeting and Overseers |
That Stephen Russell hath Married out of the Unity of Friends after |
being previously Cautioned to desist by the Overseers: Therefore the |
Said Stephen Russell is denied from membership in the Society and |
Joseph Barker is appointed to Inform him hereof and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
George Smith having Requested at the Preparitive meeting that his |
Children might be Received into Membership with us: But he the Said |
not George not apparing at this meeting to Continue his request it is |
therefore refered to next Monthly Meeting for further Consideration |
Complaint against H Howland |
The Overseers Inform by way of preparative meeting that Humphry Howand [Howland] (son of Benjamin) |
hath been in the practice of going to horse races and Suffering his |
own beast to run: and he likewise doth very much depart from that |
plainness of apparrel, and otherwise, that Truth require: after being |
freequanly [frequently] Spoken to on that acount by friends: Therefore this |
meeting doth appoint Caleb Russell Elijah Gifford and John Devol |
to Labour further with him on those accounts and make report next |
monthly meeting also to draw a paper of denial against him if he |
do not make them Satisfaction |
Meetings dis continued |
This meeting doth hereby discontinue all our weekday meetings within |
the Compass of this meeting for next week only, they being so near the |
time of the Quarterly meeting |
Epistles Received |
Received a Transcript of the Epistle of the last yearly meeting of |
Friends on Long Island,27 together with one from our last yearly |
meeting which were both Read and the Seasonable advices therein |
given well accepted |
Queries answerd |
The Queries were answered and an Epistle Signed in this meeting |
and Ordered forward to the to Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
Representatives appointed to Quarterly meet ing |
Who are Caleb Russell Joseph Barker William Mosher Samuel Smith |
Abiel Gifford and John Williams, and they to report next monthly meeting |
A Report of a Committee formerly appointed by this meeting to Inspect into |
the birthright of Children hath been now Read and Considered and being |
approved is a followeth |
Report of the Committee to Inspect Birth rights of Chil dren |
Agreeable to appointment We have Considered the matter respecting our |
members, Who have a proper Birthright: and we find that in or about |
the year 1763 our monthly meeting came into the Same measure (or narly[nearly] so) |
in said matter as the yearly meeting did afterwards in the yer 1774 |
which was then Established as a Rule in the Society: Wherefore we |
think the Same Rule with us ought to begin in the first month 1763 unto |
which Rule we refer, as our Rule to be governd by; and we further think |
that the former Rules and customs of our meeting ought to remain and stand |
good down to Said dates of the first month 1763 which was as near as we |
can Collect as followeth (viz) that all Such Children whose parents or even |
a father only were members, Such Children were deemed members, whe |
ther Such parent or parents requested for their children or not, or whether Such |
parents were members by Birthright or otherwise |
Given forth this 12th day of the 3rd month 1777 |
Prince Allen |
Thomas Hicks |
Benjamin Smith Jur |
Samuel Smith |
William Anthony Jur |
10th month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of 10th month 1779 |
The Representatives are William Mosher and William Gifford present |
W. Bowdish Ju paper read and accepted |
William Bowdish Jus Paper having been Read as directed last monthly |
meeting is now returned and accepted |
Certificate for J Clark Wwife and Children |
A Removal Certificate for Jonathan Clark and his wife Susanna and |
their Children was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk directed to |
the monthly meeting at the Nine Partnethers [Nine Partners] they being about to |
remove there: the names of theire Children being entered in Said |
Certificate are as followeth Lydia Philip Elisabeth Jonathan |
and Ruth |
T Howland paid J Akin de- nial read |
Treasurer Reports he hath paid Timothy Howland as ordered |
The Clerk reports he hath Read the paper of denial against |
John Akin according to appointment of last monthly meeting |
Report of the Comtee on the o Erecting Schools |
The Committee appointed at our last Monthly meeting to Confer |
with the Quarterly meetings Committee on the case of Errecting Schools |
make Report that they have had a Conference accordingly and that |
They have fallen in with the meashurers Recommended by our last |
yearly meeting: And said Quarterly meetings Committee have |
advised that Each monthly meeting chase a Solid Judicious Committee |
to have the Standing oversight of Such Schools, and to See that they be |
Erected accordingly: Therefore this meeting doth appoint Abiel Gifford |
Caleb Russell William Anthony Jur John Williams Elijah Gifford Jonathan |
Willbour Caleb Green John Devol and Samuel Smith for that purpose |
S Russell Informed |
Joseph Barker reports that he hath informed Stephen Russell of his |
denial agreeable to appointment |
Testimony of denial Sign,d a gainst P GiffordJu |
The Committee Continued to Treat with Peleg Gifford Jur Reports that |
he did not give them full Satisfaction: Therefore they have prodced |
a paper of denial against him which was Signed; and Joseph Tucker Ju |
is appointed to Inform him thereof, and that he hath a Right of an appeal, |
And Said paper to Lay on file untill the time of appeal is Exipir,d |
and then the Clerk to read the Same Publickly in the Usual manner |
and make report to this meeting when he hath performed the Same |
Friends from Quar terly meet ing |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting being |
Called upon make report that they all attended agreeable to appointment |
And have produced an Eppistle from the Same which hath been Read |
and well accepted: And as there is money requested to Suply the |
yearly meeting Stock, the matter for raising the Same is refered |
to the adjournment of this meeting |
Collected in Silver money – 0£ – 10s – 7d |
Collected in paper Curency – 11 – 7 – 0 |
adjourn |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th instant after the meeing of Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 27th of the 10th month 1779 |
The representatives being Called both Present |
G Smiths request referd |
The matter in Regard to George Smiths Request concerning his |
Children is refered to next monthly meeting |
Hum How case referd |
The Committee appointed to Labour with Humphry Howland having |
Proceeded in that Service buh not being fully Clear in the case request |
the matter refered which is refered to next monthly meeting and they continued in |
that Service, and then they to make report |
S. Gifford & S Rusell gave in papers of ackno =legment refered |
Stephen Gifford and Stephen Russell Each gave in a paper to |
to this meeting Condemnin their misconduct, and the day being now far |
Spent, Said matters are refered to next monthly meeting |
[Report?] of the overseers of Bedford meet ing |
The Time Granted for holding meetings at Bedford being now Expierd |
The Friends that had the Oversight thereof being Called upon make |
report that it hath been kept up orderly as usually and Request it |
Continued as Usual which is Granted until the 4th month next year- |
And Seth Russell John Williams and Benjamin Taber are appointed |
to have the Oversight thereof and to make report at the Experton thereof |
Time of meeting begin |
This Meeting concluds that all our meetings for the future begin |
at the Eleventh hour until otherwise ordered by this meeting Exepting |
only that at Bedford which is to be held as heretofore |
raising money refered |
The matter of raising money to Supply the yearly meeting Treasury |
is Refered to next monthly meeting |
11th month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 11th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Benjamin Smith 2d and Thomas Mott Present |
The report of Peleg Gifford being In formed of his de nial |
Joseph Tucker Jur not being present to make report concerning his Informing |
Peleg Gifford Jur of his denial therefore that matter is refered to next Monthly |
meeting and then he to make report |
Friends appointed to Visit G. Smith on account of his request |
George Smith having Requested for his Children to be Taken under the |
Friends Care, Therefore this meeting doth appoint Benjamin Smith 2d and |
William Anthony Jur to Joyn with the Women friends and Visit the |
Family in Soled manner and acquaint themselves of the State thereof |
and make report to the next monthly meeting |
H Howland |
The friends appointed to Treat with Humphry Howland make report that they |
have Confered with him on the account of his out goings and that he gave Incorag |
ment to refrain therefrom in futer and gave in a paper Condemning the Same |
Therefore the Same Committee are continued in Said Service and to make report |
next monthly meeting |
Friends appoin ted in case of Russell and Gifford |
This meeting doth appoint Thomas Hiks [Hicks] Joseph Barker and Benjamin Howland 2d |
to treat with Stephen Russell and Stephen Gifford in regard to their miscon- |
duct, which they and each of them gave in a paper to this meeting Signifying |
their Sorrow for the Same: and Stephen Russell Requesting therein to be Restored to |
Unity with friends again and the Committee to make report to next monthly meeting |
N Gifford gave in a paper |
Nathaniel Gifford gave in a paper to this meeting condemning his being concernd |
in a horse race, Therefore this meeting doth appoint Elijah Gifford and Samuel |
Smith to confer with him on that account and to report to next monthly meeting |
advice from school Comtee |
This meeting hath Received advice and direction from the Quarterly meetings |
School Committee in regard to Erecting Schools, which is well accepted & Concluded |
to be conformed to by this meeting |
Rules for requ esting Schools |
Also received from said Committee Rules for Regulating of Such Schools which |
are recommended to this meetings, Schools Committee for their notice & observation |
Five of whom this meeting orders shall or may act in behalf of the whole |
of them, and they are advised to meet together to act and do what be needful in |
that matter as often as conveniently as they can or as need may require |
Friends appoin ted to take in subscriptions for yearly meeting stock |
This meeting being directed by the Qarterly meeting to raise money by way of |
Subscription to Supply the yearly meeting Stock, Therefore this meeting doth appoint |
Thomas Mott, Henry Smith, Seth Russell, Daniel Gifford, Timothy Howland, |
and Daniel Ricketson to take in Subscriptions for that purpose and to pay on the |
money so Subscribed to this meetings Treasurer and make report of the Sum Total |
to this meeting as Soon as they have acomplished the Same |
J Howland proposal of marriage |
John Howland and Reliance Shepherd declared their Intentions of |
Takeing each other in Marriage, and were desired to wait till next Monthly |
meeting for their answer: and Our friends Caleb Russell and John Williams |
are appointed to inquire into John Howlands Clearness in regard to marriage |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Certificate for A Shepherd |
This meeting hath Signed a Removal Certificate for Anne Shepherd a young |
Daughter of David Shepherd directed to the monthly meeting of the Oblong She being |
gone there to Live |
R G Receivd |
The Women Friends Inform they have Received a Removal Certificate for |
Rhoda Gifford Wife of Stephen Gifford from the monthly meeting of Accoakset |
Jean Smith Disown.d |
They also Inform they have disowned Jean Smith Wife of David Smith and |
this meeting hath Signed a Testimony against her in concurrance with the |
Womens meeting: and the Clerk of this meeting is directed to Read said Testimony |
Pucblickly in the Usual manner and make report to next monthly meeting |
This meeting Collected in hand money – |
0£ – 14s – 6d |
in paper money – |
16 – 15 – 0 |
Conclud to to mend the fences |
This meeting Concluds to meet in General to Erect and mend up the fence s |
Round this meeting house yard on the 27th Instant If fair weather if not |
the 29th |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 24th of the 11th month 1779 |
The Representatives being Called Benjamin Smith 2d Present Thomas Mott |
not present |
C Wood gave in a paper |
Chilon Wood gave in a paper Condemning his marrying out of the Unity of |
Friends therefore we appoint Elijah Gifford and Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] to have the |
care of that matter: and to Indeavour to discover the Sincerity of the young man |
in his condemning Said matter and make report next monthly meeting |
C Sherman & G Russell gave in papers |
Caleb Shearman and Gilbart Russell each gave in a paper Condemning |
their Joyning with companies in a Warlike and Stand Gard (as they call it) |
Therefore we appoint William Sanford Joseph Tucker and John Williams |
to have an oppertunity of soled [solid] conferrence with them in order to discover |
their Sincerity in that matter and make report next monthly meeting |
J Devol |
John Devol Informed that he hath thououghts of going to the |
and |
Nine Partners to Visit his friends and we concuring therewith as he is a |
member of our meeting and under of our care - And |
G Howland going Jorney[g] Clerk orderd to give copy of minuts |
Gedian Howland he is going to East Hoosuck and Nine partners to |
Visit his friends and he being a member of this meeting and under our |
Care therefore the Clerk is ordered to give each of them a Coppy of this minute |
A Howland gave in a bill |
Abraham Howland gave in a bill for keeping Alice Smith to the |
amount of 1£ - 12s – 7d hard money and the Treasurer is ordered to said account |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Chusing over seers of ye poor referd |
The year being Expired of the Service of the Overseers of the Poor, but a new |
Choice is refered and Said Overseers continued until next monthly meeting |
Friends ap pointed to re vise ye minits |
We appoint our Friends Thomas Hicks Benjamin Smith 2d John |
Williams and William Anthony Jur To revise and Correct this meetings |
minnuts in order to go on Record |
Also to Settle account with the Treasurer and make report next monthly |
W Barker Ju returnd his Certificate |
meeting |
William Barker Jur returned from East Hoosuck with his Certificate |
that went from this meeting which is now accepted |
J Barker re turnd his Certificate request a nother |
James Barker returned his Certificate from East Hoosuck with their |
Indorsment thereon to Satisfaction, and now request from us a removal |
one to Hoosuck monthly meeting: Therefore we appoint William Sanford |
and William Anthony Jur to take the Necessary care therein; and draw |
and Sign one in behalf of this meeting if they think fit and make report |
next monthly meeting |
12th month 1779 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmout the 20th of 12th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Samuel Smith and Nicholas Lapham Present |
P G informd of denial |
Joseph Tucker Jur reports he hath Informed Peleg Gifford Jur of his |
Denial according to appointment |
G Smith & children accepted |
Benjamin Smith 2d and William Anthony Jur Reports they have Visited |
George Smiths family on his request for his Children to be received under |
Friends Care, and that they found good Satisfaction therein, Therefore |
this meeting doth acccept of said Children to be under the care of this meeting |
whose names are Abner, Ruth, Rhobe and Willia |
Case of H Howland referd |
Part of the Committee appointed to confer with Humphry Howland Report |
that they not having fully accomplished this matter and request it continued |
Therefore it is refered to next monthly meeting and the Same Committee Still |
Continued in Said Service and to report next Monthly meeting |
Giffords pa per accepted |
Part of the Committee appointed to Treat with Nathaniel Gifford in regard |
to his being concern,d in a horse race, make report that he gave them |
Satisfaction: Therefor this meeting doth Acccept of his paper condemning |
his Said disorder for Satisfaction |
report on J Howld clearness |
The friends appointed to Inquire into Clearness of John Howland Report |
they find nothing hinder to his proceeding in marriage with Reliance Shepherd |
Smiths denial read |
The Clerk reports he hath Read the Testimon of denial against Jane Smith |
according to appointment |
Certificate for Sisson |
This meeting Signed a removal Certificate for Ruth Sisson wife of Job Sisson |
to the monthly meeting of Accoakset |
J Howlands answer given respecting marri age |
John Howland and Reliance Shepherd appeared for their Answer |
Which was that they might proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some |
Convenient times before next monthly meeting; advising with the friends |
this meeting Shall appoint to Oversee Said marriage who are Caleb |
Russell and Benjamin Taber, and they to make report next monthly |
meeting |
N Giffords pro posal of marri age |
Nathaniel Gifford and Mehettebel Trafford declared their Intentions |
of Taking Each other in marriage, and were desired to waight till next |
monthly meeting for their answer: and Jonathan Willbor and Thomas |
Hicks are appointed to make inquiery into the young mans Clearness |
Respecting marriage; and to make report next monthly meeting |
A Howland not paid. |
The Treasurer not having paid Abraham Howland by reason he hath |
not called for it, he is Still ordered to pay the Same if called for and |
make report next monthly meeting |
in a Journey Clerk ordered to give a coppy of the minute |
John Barker having Signified to this meeting of his Intention to |
take a Journey with his brother James into the Government of New York |
and expects to be at Some meetings in them parts, Which this meeting |
approves of he being a member of our Society and a member of this meeting |
and the Clerk is directed to give him a Coppy hereof |
The case of Caleb Sherman G Russell refered |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Caleb Russell Shearman and |
Gilbart Russell report they have not fully accomplished the Same (tho mad[e] |
Some progress therein) therefore the matter is referred to next monthly |
meeting and the Same friends Continued in Said Service and then to report |
D Shepherd req uest a Certificate |
Daniel Shepherd request a Removal Cirtificate to the Monthly meeting |
at Sandwich, Therefore William Sanford and William Barker are appoin |
=ted to make due inquirey into his Clearness and draw one for him if |
they find things clear and bring it to next monthly meeting |
Request of P Mac comber Wife Children |
Philip Maccomber his Wife and Children having requested to come |
under the care of Friends; Therefore this meeting appoint Thomas |
Hicks and William Anthony Jur to have a Soled [Solid] Conferrence with them |
in Concurence with the Women friends in order to discover the motive |
of their request and to make report to next monthly meeting |
Complaint a gainst J Howland |
The Overseers Inform that James Howland hath been a Voiage to Sea as |
Master of a Vessel that Carried Armes for War, and they having |
Treated with him on that account, he reather Justified himself therein |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint Caleb Russell and John Williams to Treat |
further with him on that account and make report to next Monthly meeting |
This meeting hath Collected In hard money – |
0£ – 2s – 6d |
In paper money – |
12 – 18 – 0 |
adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 29th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment the 29th of the 12th month 1779 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
The case of S Russell & S Gifford Refered |
The mater Respecting Stephen Russell and Stephen Gifford not being |
accomplished are refered to next monthly meeting and the same friends continued |
in that Service and then they to make report |
C Woods paper accepted |
The friends appointed to Treat with Chilon Wood make report that he |
gave them a degree of Satisfaction, and his paper condemning his marrying |
out of the Unity of friends; being again Read, is accepted for Satisfaction |
Chusing Overseers of poor referd |
The matter of a new Choice of overseers of the poor is refered to next |
monthly meeting and those of the former choice Continued until a new |
Coice is made |
Revising miniuts |
The Committee appointed to Revise and Correct this meetings minutes |
Settleing with Trea surer referd |
And to Settle account with the Treasurer not having accomplished the |
Same they are Still continued to performe the Same and to make report |
next monthly meeting |
appointed to Collect Friends Books to= =gether |
This meeting understanding that our Books have been much Scattered |
abroad; therefore this meeting appoints Thomas Hicks Jonathan Willbor |
an Daniel Ricketson to Collect said Books together and make out a fair |
List of them; and also to prepare a Sutible chest to put them in at this |
meeting house that they may be for the General Service of friends And |
Said Committee to make report of their Service herein, and also return |
Said List of the Books to next monthly meeting |
Chusing overseers refer,d |
The time of the former appointment of Overseers being Expired a New |
Choice is refered to next monthly meeting and they continued in that |
until then |
This meeting Adjouns to the 5th day of next month |
Mett by adjournment the 5th day of the 1st month 1780 |
The Representatives being called Samuel Smith present Nicholas |
Lapham not present |
Queries answer,d |
The Queries were answered in this meeting and an Epistle Signed |
and directed to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who |
Representatives appointed to draw money for yearly meet ing |
are Samuel Smith, Abiel Gifford, William Anthony Jur and |
Gideon Howland; And they are directed to draw the Sum of 40£ paper |
money, and 30 Shillings Silver money out of our Treasury, and pay the |
Same to the yearly meetings Treasurer to Suply the yearly meetings |
Stock, and make report next monthly meeting |
1st month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 1st month 1780 |
The Representatives are William Barker and Abraham Howland present |
Request of P Maccober refered |
The Committee appointed to Confer with Philip Maccomber and |
Family report that they have not fully accomplished Said appointment |
Therefore the Same friends are Still continued in Said Service and to |
make report to next monthly meeting |
Certificate for D Shep herd |
A Removal Certificate directed to the monthly meeting of Sandwich |
was Signed in this meeting for Daniel Shepherd |
Report of J Howland marriage |
The friends appointed to Oversee the Marriage of John Howland and |
Reliance Shepherd report that they attended said marriage and that it |
orderly Solemnized |
The case of H Howland refered |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Humphry Howland report |
that they have Several times Treated with him on that account and altho |
in Some respects he gave a degree of Satisfaction, but for a further |
Proof of his Sincerity Said matter is refered to next monthly meeting |
and they are then to make report |
Cas of G Russel Refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with Gilbart Russell report that |
that they have not fulfilled their appointment by reason of the difficulty |
of the weather they are Still continued to perform it & report next monthly meeting |
paper accepted |
But The Same Friends report they have Treated with Caleb Shearman who gave |
them Satisfaction; Therefore his paper Condemning his disorder is now accept |
=ted Provided he cause the Same to be Read publickly in the Usul maner and |
Return the Same to next monthly meeting |
Howland disown,d |
The Friends appointed to Treat with James Howland for his disorder |
make report, they have performed the Same, and that he did not give them |
Satisfaction; Therefore he is disowned from being a member of our Society, |
And John Williams is appointed to draw a Testimony of denial against |
him, and also to Inform him thereof and bring it to next Monthly meeting |
Huddleston Received |
The Women friends Inform that they Received into Membership |
Lydia Hudleston [Huddleston] Wife of Seth Hudleston [Huddleston], |
which this meeting hath Unity with |
E Gifford and H Wilcox disowned |
This meeting hath Signed Testimonys of denials against Elisabeth |
Gifford and Hannah Wilcox, and the Clerk is ordered to read publickly |
in the Usual manner, and to make report next monthly meeting |
S Gifford pa= =per accepted |
The greater part of the Committee appointed to confer with Stephen |
Gifford report that they have performed the Same who gave a good degree |
of Satisfaction; Therefore his paper which he hath given Condemning his |
misconduct is accepted provided he cause the Same to be publickly Read |
as Usual and Return the Same to next monthly meeting |
This meeting is informed John Churchmans Journals are ready |
This Meeting is Informed by a miniut of the meeting for Sufferings |
That a Number of John Churchmans Journals which they had Engaged |
are now ready; and advise that Friends would Send up their Subscriptions |
with their money at two-thirds of a Silver dollar per Book to the next |
meeting for Sufferings28 – and our friends Samuel Smith William Mosher |
and John Williams to take in Subscriptions and make report to the adjournment |
of this meeting |
This meeing Collected in hard money – |
00£ – 15s – 6d |
In paper money – |
11 – 12 – 0 |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjourns to the 26th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 26th of the 1st month 1780 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
Report on N Gifford clearness re= garding marri= age |
The friends appointed to inquier into the Clearness of Nathaniel Gifford |
Respecting clearness in regard to marriage make report, that they have made inquiry |
and do not find any thing Sufficient to hinder their proceeding in marriage |
S Russell referd |
The friends appointed to Treat with Stephen Russell report they have |
been with him and had a Conference with him on the account of his disorder |
and think best the matter be continued, therefore the matter is refered to next |
monthly meeting and the Same friends continued in Said Service and then |
then they to make report |
N Gifford answer given |
Nathaniel Gifford and Mehetabel Trafford appeared for their |
Answer which was that they might proceed take each other in marriage in Some |
Convenient time before next monthly meeting advising with the friends |
this meeting Shall appoint to Oversee the Same who are Elijah Gifford |
and Jonathan Willbor and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Overseers of the poor appoin ted |
This Meeting appoints Elijah Gifford, Gideon Howland, Caleb Green |
Abraham Howland, Giles Slocum, and Thomas Russell Overseers of the |
Poor for the year Insuing |
Revising minuts and Settling with Treasurer Referd |
The Friends appointed to Revise and Correct this meetings minuits |
and to Settle accounts with the Treasurer reports they have not accomplish |
the Same they are therefore continued in Said Service and make report next |
Monthly meeting |
Report of money raised |
The friend appointed to raise money by way of Subscription have |
now made report Return of the Sum total so Collected wich is 108£ – 10s – 6d |
In paper and 2£ – 3s – 7d in hard money which they have delivered to the |
Treasurer of this meeting |
Overseers ap point |
This meeting appoints Abiel Gifford, Benjamin Smith 2d, Benjamin |
Howland 2d, Seth Huddleston, Caleb Russell, and Benjamin Taber |
Overseers for the insuing |
G Gifford receiv,d |
The Women friends Inform they have received Grace Gifford into |
unity which this meeting Concurs with |
Report of Friend that attended Quarterly Meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they |
all attended agreeable to appointment and have produced an Epistle from |
the Same which hath been Read and well accepted; The Said friends |
also report they have Sent the money to be conveyed to the yearly meetings |
Treasurey, which was Sent by them |
The chusing a Comtee on account of attening Quarterly meeting is referd |
The Quarterly meetings by their Epistle have recommended to us to |
appoint a Committee to Joyne their Committee to confer the matter of Enlarging |
Sandwich Quarterly meetings by Joining part of this Quarter there to; |
which |
which this meeting doth refer to next monthly meeting for further Consideration |
The report in regard of books |
The friends appointed in regard to this meetings Books and to procure |
a box to put them in report they have procured a box and produced the |
Same to this house, and they have Likewise been in a progress to Collect said |
Book, but have not fully accomplished the Same, they are therefore |
Continued in Said Service and make report next monthly meeting |
The friend appointed to Treat with Gilbart Russell that they have |
fulfilled their appointment therein and that he gave them a degree of |
Satisfaction, therefore this meeting doth Except of his paper Condemning |
his disorder, provided he cause the Same to be read publickly in |
the usual maner and returne Same to next monthly meeting |
The Friend Continued to have the care of Humphry Howland report |
that he hath given them a degree of Satisfaction yet there appearing |
Somthing in his Habit that friends are not fully with; therefore it is |
Refered to next monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as before |
These two Last Paragrafts belong to the third month, but were |
Entered hear through mistake; Therefore they are Re Entered again |
In their proper place |
2nd month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 2d month 1780 |
The Representatives are Joseph Booker and Jonathan Willbor pesent |
P Maccomber Received under friends care |
The friends Continued to confer with Philip Maccomber and Children |
Report that they have fulfilled the Same who gave them a good |
Degree of Satisfaction; Therefore this meeting doth accept of him the |
Said Philip Maccomber and his three Sons Namely, Gardner, Barnabus |
and Abraham to be under the care of this meeting |
The case of H Howland refered |
The matter respecting Humphry Howland is refered to next monthly |
meeting under the care of the Same friends as before who are then to report |
Receiv,d a Certificate for J H |
Received a removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of Swanzey |
for John Howland who has removed hear the Same Setting forth him |
to be a member of the Society which is accepted |
The case of G Russel refer,d |
The friends appointed to Treat with Gilbart Russell make report that |
they have not accomplished the Same by reason of Some Indisposition |
of body, and Some disappointment; Therefore they are Still continued |
in Said Service and to make report next monthly meeting |
C Shermans paper read & accepted |
Caleb Shearman having caused his paper to be read as Expressed last |
monthly meeting which is accepted for Satisfaction |
J Howland denial signd orderd to be read |
A paper of Denial against James Howland was Signed in this meeting |
and the Clerk is ordered to read the Same publickly at the Close of a meeting |
of Worship on first day of the week and to make report thereof next monthly |
meeting and John Williams reports he hath informed Said Howland as odered |
Testimony against EG & HW. read |
The Clerk reports that the Testimony against Elisabeth Gifford and |
Hannah Wilcok have been Read as ordered last monthly meeting |
Stephen Giffords paper having been read as ordered is now acceted for |
Satisfaction – and is as followeth |
S Giffords paper |
To the monthly meeting next to be held at Ponaganset on the 18th of the 10th month |
1779. Dear friend – Whereas I Some time past have So far departed fom the |
Principles of Truth as to fall into the Sin of Fornication as apears by my |
wifes having a Child So So[o]n after marriage, for which miscondut I and heartily |
Sorry for and do condemn, desireing God may forgive me, and that friends |
would so far pass this mine offence by as to let me remain under their Care, From |
your unfeigned friend |
Stephen Gifford |
The case of S Russel referd |
The friends appointed in the case of Stephen Russell report they have |
taken the necessary care in that respect, but think best said matter be |
continued; theref[ore] it is refered to next monthly meeting uder [under] the care of |
Said friends who are then to make report |
Report of S[sic]G marriage |
The Friends appointed to Oversee the marriag of Nathaniel Gifford |
and Mehetibel Trafford report they attended the same which was orderly |
accomplished as far as they could discover |
report of friends revise miniuts settle with Treasurer |
The friends appointed to Revise and Correct this meeting miniuts and to |
Settle account with the Treasurer make report they have fulled the Same and have |
Left Said miniuts with Clerk to go on record – They also report there remains |
in the Treasury £97 – 2s – 0 in paper money and 1£ – 2s – 6d in Silver money |
Concerning Sand wich Quarterly meeting refered |
The matter in regard to Enlarging Sandwich Quarterly meeting having |
been under Consideration of this meeting, and divers [diverse] friends Expressed their |
opinions. It is fered [referred] to next month meeting |
Certificate for B Sawdy Wife & Children |
A Removal Certificate for Benjamin Sawdy his Wife and Children was |
Signed in this meeting directed to the monthly meeting at Saratog, and East |
Hoosuck a former one having been Granted by this meeting which he hath |
not Received |
G Howlands account for keeping A Smith |
Gideon Howland hath given in an account for keeping Alice Smith |
from the 6th of the 6th month to the 28th of the 10th month 1779 being 20 weeks |
and 5 days at a Silver Dollar pr week or the Vallue thereof, to be paid |
in Such money as the meetin Collects, amounting in Silver Lawfull |
money to £6 – 5s – 0d which this meeting allows and the Treasurer is Ordered |
to pay the Same and make report next monthly meeting |
Hum Russells proposal of marriage |
Humphr Russell and Bethiah Eldrech (after obtain consent of parents) |
Declared their Intentions taking each other in marriage and were desired |
to wait till next monthly meetin for their answer; and Benjamin Taber |
and Joseph Gifford are apointed to Inquire into the young mans Clearness |
and to make report next monthly meeting |
Information sent to Sandwich Respecting J Shea rman & Son |
A few lines directed to the monthly meeting of Sandwich was Signed in |
this meeting Informing them that Joshua Shearman and his Son Joshua |
had Sometime past removal Certificates from this meeting and by Informa= |
=tion had not delivered them |
Collecting books continued |
The friends appointed to Collect our Books report they have made |
Some progress therein; they are Still continued in Said Service and to report |
next monthly meeting |
J Bowdish |
The Overseers Inform that James Bowdish hath married out of the Unity |
of Friends, and his wife hath had a Child Soon after marriage; Therefore |
this meeting doth appoint John Williams and Seth Russell to Treat with |
him therefor and to make report to next monthly meeting |
They also to draw a paper of denial against him if he do not make them |
Satisfaction |
A Ricketson paper |
Abraham Ricketson hath given in a paper to this meeting Codemning |
his former misconduct Perticularly Horseracing for which he was |
Denied; Therefore this meeting doth appoint Thomas Hicks and Samuel |
Smith Confer with him on that account and make report next monthly meting |
order to pay T Howland |
This meeting orders the Treasurer to pay Timothy Howland five dollars |
or the Vallue thereof in paper for keeping the meeting house half a year |
This meeting Collected in paper – |
13£ – 13s – 0d |
In Silver – |
00 – 15 – 5 |
3rd month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th 3rd month 1780 |
The Representatives are Thomas Hicks and Benjamin Rider present |
G Russell paper Excepted |
The Committee appointed to Treat with Gilbart Russell report that |
they have fulfilled their appointment therein, and that he gave them |
a degree of Satisfaction: Therefore this meeting doth except his paper |
Condemning his misconducts Povided he Cause the Same to be read |
Publickly in the Usual manner and return the to next monthly meeting |
H Howland Case Continued |
The friends continued to have the care of Humphry Howland report |
That he hath given them a degree of Satisfaction; Therefore this meeting |
yet there appearing Something in his habit that friends are not fully Satisfiyd |
with therefore it is Refered to next monthly meeting under the care of the |
Same friends as before in order for them to pevail upon him to dissest |
from wearing such apperal as well as to convince him of the Evil thereof and |
to make report next monthly meeting |
S Russell Receiv.d |
The friends appointed to Treat with Stephe Russell report that they |
have had Several conferences with him on the account of his disorder |
for which he was disowned) who hath given a degree of Satisfaction; Threfore |
he is Received into membership again |
B Slocum receiv.d |
The Women friends Inform they have Received a Removel Certificate |
for Bethiah Slocum wife of Jonathan Slocum |
H Wilbor Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed a removal Certificate for Hannah Willbor |
directed to the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners She being about to |
Remove thear |
The Clerk reports the Testimony of Denial against James Howland |
hath been read as ordered at our Last monthly meeting; which is as followeth |
Testimony of denial |
Whereas James Howland having made Profession with us the |
People called Quakers, But for want of adhearing to the dictats of best |
Wisdom, hath So far deviated from our Christian principles as to tak the |
Command of an Armed Vessel – for which he hath been Laboured with |
in Love to reclaim him from Such practices; But our endeavors not having |
the desired Effect, and he declineing to condemn the Same; We are there |
=fore Concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against Such Conduct |
Hereby disowning him from being a member of our Society untill he |
Shall come to a Sight and Sense of his out goings, and by unfeigned |
Repentance return to the way of Truth, which is our Earnest desire |
Signed in and on behalf our Monthly meeting held in |
Dartmouth the 21st of the 2nd month 1780 |
by William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Report of H Russell Clearness |
The Friend appointed to Inquire into the clearness of Humphry |
Russell report they have made Inquiry and find nothing to hinder his proceding |
Answer given to H Russell |
Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldrich appeared for their answer |
which was that they might proced to take each other in marriage |
in Some convenient time before next monthly meeting adviseing |
with the friends that this meeing Shall appoint to Oversee the Same |
who are Benjamin Taber and William Anthony Jur and they to |
make report next monthly meeting |
Bowdish disown.d |
The friends appointed to collect this meetings books report they have |
been in a progres therein and they not being all collected they are still continued |
in Said Service and to make report when they find freedom |
The friends appointed to Treat with James Bowdish report they have |
fulfild the Same, but that he did not incline to make friends any Satisfaction |
Therefore he is hereby disowned from being a member of our Society, and |
Said friends have drafted a Testimony of Denial against said Bowdish |
which hath been Read and Signed in this in this meeting and the Clerk is |
ordered to read the Same publickly as Usual, and report thereof next |
monthly meeing – And John Williams is appointed to inform said Bowdish |
of his de[n]ial and make report next monthly meeting |
Ricketsons case continud |
The friends appointed to confer with Abraham Ricketson report that |
hath gone away and that they have not had oppertunity to Treat with him |
therefore they are Sill continued in Said Service and make report when |
they have accomplished the Same |
T Howland not paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid Timothy Howland as ordered |
he is therefore directed to do it and make report to next monthly meeting |
Certificate requested for A Barker |
David Barker Requested a Certificate for his Son Asa Barker to the month- |
=ly meeting at Sandwich he being gone there to Live as an apprentice, Therefore |
Joseph Gifford and Joseph Tucker Jur are appointed to take the necessary |
care in that respect and to draw one for him and bring to next monthly meeting |
Certificate requested for E Hathaway |
We being Informed that the Widdow Elisabeth Hathaway and her family being |
about to remove from hence to RhoadIsland to Live; Therefore Joseph Barker |
and Samuel Smith are appointed to take the needful care in that Respit and |
to draw a removal Certificate for them if they find things clear; (They to |
Join with the Women friends in Said case) and report to next monthly meeting |
Hez Smiths Certificate |
There was a Certificate Signed in this meeting by the Cerk for Hezekiah |
Smith directed to the monthly meeting at the Nine partners, as he hath thoughts |
of going there to make Some Stay in his Labour |
Queries answerd |
The Queries were Answered in this Meeting, and an Epistle Signed directed |
to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives William Mosher, Samuel Smith. |
Representative Quarlymeeting |
Thomas Hicks, William Anthony Jur and Abiel Gifford and they to report |
next monthly meeting |
G Howland not paid |
The Treasurer having not paid Gideon Howland he is desired to accomplish |
It and make report to next monthly meeting |
Collected in paper – |
18£ – 19s – 2d |
Collected in Silver – |
0 – 11 – 8 |
4 month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 4th month 1780 |
The Representatives being caled John Devol present Elijah Gifford who |
was appointed at the Preparetive meeting not present |
G Russells paper Read |
Gilbart Russell caused his paper to be publickly Read and returned to this meeting |
as ordered Last monthly meeting – Which is as followeth |
Which is as follows |
To the Preparative and Monthly meeting of Friends to be held at |
Dartmouth the 10th of 11th month 1779 |
Whereas I Some time past did Inconsiderately go on a Military Gaurd |
which I now am Sorry for and do Condemn desireing friends to pass it by |
and let me remain under their Care from your friend Gilbert Russell |
H Howlands case refered |
The matter of Humphry Howland is refered to next monthly meeting |
by reason but one of the Committee being present and the Said Committee |
then to make report |
Report of H Russells marriage |
The Friends appointed to See Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldriedges |
Marriage Solemnized report they attended said marriage and Saw nothing |
but that it was in a degree orderly |
J Bowdish paper read |
The Clerk Reports that James Bowdishs paper of Denial hath been |
Read as ordered, and John Williams report he hath informed Said Bowdish |
of his denial – Which is as followeth |
Which is as follows |
Whereas James Bowdish having had a Right of membership with us |
the People Called Quakers in Dartmouth – But for want of taken heed to the |
reproof of Instruction in his own heart hath so far gone a Stray as to fore |
Be found guilty of the Sin of Fornication as appears by his wifes having a |
Child Soon after mariage and also neglects the attendance of our religious |
Meetings: For which offences he having been treated with, but declines to |
Condemn the Same, to friends Satisfaction. – We therefore give this forth as |
a Publick Testimony against Such conduct, hereby disowning him the Said |
James Bowdish from being a member of our Society and from under the Care |
of this meeting – Nevertheless desireing he may come to a Sence of his outgoings |
and return is our desire |
Signed in and on behlf of oure afore Said meeting held in Dartmouth |
this 20th day of 3d mo 1780 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
G Howland paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath paid Gideon Howland the money as Ordered |
Last monthly meeting but he not having paid Timothy Howland, therefore he is |
continued to accomplish the Sane, and to report next monthly meeting |
Report of Representatives from Quar terly meetg |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report that they all attended |
but Thomas Hicks who Sent a reasonable excuse and they produced an Epistle |
from Said Quarterly meeting which was read and well accepted |
B Mosher proposal of marriage |
Barnabus Mosher Jur and Ruth Anthony appeared in this meeting and |
Declared their Intentions of Taking Each other in marriage; and were desired |
to waite till next monthly meeting for their answer: and John Devol and |
Abiel Gifford are appointed to inquire into the young mans clearness |
Respecting marriag and report next monthly meeting |
Advice to Collect Friends Sufferings |
Received from the meeting for Suffering Some regulations for taking |
Friend Sufferings, which we desire the Comitty, appointed in our meeting |
Some time past for to collect friends Suferings – To observe & comply with |
adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns till tomorrow after meeting: Which meeting |
being Called by reason of a Funeral |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 18th of 4th month 1780 |
The Representatives being Called John Devol present Elijah Gifford not present |
Certificate for A Barker refered |
The Committee appointed to draw a Certificate for the Asa Barker not being |
Present the matter is refered to next monthly meeting and Said friends |
Continued in the Same Service then they to make report |
E Hathaway Certificate not accom= =plished |
The friends appointed last monthly meeting to Joine the women friends in |
Drawing a Removal Certificate for Elisabeth Hathaway and famamily not |
having accomplised the Same by reason the matter was not presented to the |
Womens meeting Said friends are therefore Still continued in Said Service |
and to make report to next monthly meeting |
The case of J Sherman & Son Inspeted |
Whereas Joshua Shearman and his Son Joshua having some years past |
Removed from hence into the Compass of Sandwich monthly meeting |
and having removal Certificates: but as we are informed of Late they have |
not delivered said Certificates to Said meeting: This meeting therefore |
appoints our friends John Williams and Caleb Green to Treat with them |
the Said Joshua and Son on the account of their great neglect, and to |
Inquire into their conduct Since removed and make report next monthly meeting |
A Devol request a Certificate |
Abner Devol request a Certificate to the monthly meeting at Sandwich |
Setting forth his clearness respecting marriage: Therefore Joseph Barker |
and Thomas Hicks are appointed to take the needful care in that case |
Respect and bring one to next monthly meeting |
L Sherman Disown,d |
The Women friend Inform they have denied Lois Shearman now |
wife of Andrew Sheaman [Shearman] which this meeting Concurs with |
Collected in paper money – |
£19 – 17s – 0d |
in Silver money – |
00 – 5 – 2 |
5th month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of 5th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Abiel Gifford and Joseph Tucker Jur present |
H.Howland case conti= =nued |
The Committee appointed to Treat with Humphry Howland not giving |
in a Satisfactory report from him, not yet fully clear in their appoint |
Discharge of their appointment they are therefore Continued in Said Service |
and to make report when they find themselve clear in that matter |
T Howland not paid |
The Treasurer not having paid Timothy Howland as directed last monthly |
meeting: he is therefore continued for that Sevice and to make report next monthly |
meeting |
B Moshers Clearness |
The Friends appointed to Inquire into the clearness of Barnabus Mosher Jur |
Report they have taken due care in that respect and find nothing to hinder his |
proceeding marriage: |
Answer to Barnabus Mosher |
Barnabus Mosher and Ruth Anthony appeared for their answer |
which was, that they might proceed to take Each Other in marriage in Some Conveniant |
time before next monthly meeting: adviseing with the friends this meeting Shall |
appoint to Oversee the Same, who are Abiel Gifford and John Devol and they |
to report next monthly meeting |
Friends added to collect Suf= ferings |
One of the Committee that this meeting appointed to Collect friends Suffering |
being deceased: our friends Thomas Hicks, Elijah Gifford and Caleb Green |
are now added for that Service |
A Barkers certificate |
A Certificate for Asa Barker Son of David Barker was Signed in this |
meeting directed to the monthly meeting at Sandwich being gone to live |
as an apprentice there |
The case of J Sherman Ser was continued |
The friends appointed to Treat Joshua Shearman and his son Joshua |
make report tha they have fulfilled their appointment therein; and that |
Joshua Shearman senior doth condemn his not giving his Certificate to the |
meeting it was directed to and some other of his misconduct; but he being |
in the unwarrantable practice of the neglect of the due attendance of Religious |
meetings: Therefore said Committee are continued to treat further with him |
and to make report next monthly meeting |
disowned |
They also report that the young man hath attended Seperate meetings and |
that he gave them no Satisfaction therein; Therefore this meeting doth disown |
him from being a member of the Society: and the Said Committee are ordered |
to draw a Testimony of denial against him and Informe him thereof |
and bring Said Testimony to next monthly meeting |
Cerificate for A Devol |
A Certificate for Abner Devol directed to Sandwich monthly meeting |
Setting forth his clearness respecting mariage was Signed in this meeting |
Certificate for E Hathaway |
A Removal Certificate for Elisabeth Hathaway and Such of her Children as |
were members of this meeting directed to the monthly meeting of RhodIsland |
was Signed in this meeting they being gone there to Live |
Certificate for L Barker |
Also a Removal Certificate for Lydia Barker and her four daughters |
Directed to the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners was Signed in this |
meeting they being about to remove theither |
Certificate for M Greene |
Also a Removal Certificate for Martha Greene directed to the monthly meeting |
at East Greenwich, She having gone to reside there |
G Howland give in a bill |
Gideon Howland hath given in a Bill for keeping Alice Smith from the 28th |
of the 10th month last to the 28th of the 4th month Including 26 weeks at a Silver |
Doller per week or its Value in Such money as the meeting Collects together |
with the addition of two dollars fo keeping her when Sick amounting to the |
Sum of £8 – 8s – 0d hards money which this meeting alows and Orders the Treasurer |
to pay when Suplied with money |
Collected in Silver – |
1£ – 1s – 11d |
Collected in paper – |
19£ – 10s – 10d |
W Mosher and S Smith was [?] two books |
Out of which Collection Eight Shillings in Silver was paid to William Mosher |
and Samuel Smith. Who have Reimbursted Said Sum to pay for |
two of John Churchmans Journals for this meeting |
Request to enquire into said Conversation of D Wilbor |
A Paper directed to the monthly meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
Requesting them to Enquire into the Late Conversation of Deborah Willbor |
and make Some return to this meeting. Said paper was Signed in this |
Meeting, and the Clerk is ordered to take a Coppy thereof and |
To keep on file |
6th month 1780 |
Att a Monthly held in Dartmouth the 19th of 6th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Elijah Gifford Thomas Hicks and Benjamin |
Smith 2d all present |
John Lloyds Visit |
Our Friend John Lloyd attended this meeting with a Certificate |
from the monthly meeting held at Gwynedd in the County of Philidelphia |
Dated the 25th of 4th month 1780 which was Read to Satisfaction and his |
Visit and Labour in the Service of the Gospel well accepted |
Receivd a Certificate for Stephen Buffinton |
Received a removal Certificate the monthly meeting of Swanzey |
Bearing date the 5th of the 6th month 1780 For Stephen Buffinton his wife |
Sarah and their Children, they having removed here to reside |
Report of Barn Mosher marriage |
The Treasurer reports he hath paid Timothy Howland as ordered |
The Friends appointed to Oversee the marriage of Barnabus Ju Mosher and |
Ruth Anthony report they attended Said marriage and did no See but |
that it was accomplished orderly. |
The case of J. Sherman Continued |
The friends who were appointed to Treat with Joshua Shearman Junor Saw |
and to draw a Testimony of Denial against Joshua Shearman Junor |
Request that matter may be refer,d to next monthly meeting as they |
have not had oppertunity to accomplish the Same |
Complaint against J Smith and Son John |
The Overseers Inform by way of the Preparitive meeting that Joseph |
Smith and his Son John and William Taber and his son Edward have been |
in the practice of attending Such meetings as are held out of the Unity of |
Friends, and that he the Said John Smith hath allowed some of Said |
meetings ^to be held in his owne house: and Said Overseers and other friends having |
Laboured with them for their ^sd misconduct but they Still continue to persist |
in and Justify the Same, and much neglect the attending our meeting. |
Therefore we appoint our friends Elijah Gifford, Seth Russell, Thomas |
Hicks, John Devol, Jonathan Willbor, and William Anthony Jur To Labour |
further with them and to Endeaver in Love and meekness to convince |
them of the Evil tendency of Such a practice and to restore them to |
unity with friends againe: and to make report next monthly meeting |
E Hathaway Certificate returned another Sent |
The Removal Certificate that was Signed at our Last monthly meeting |
for Elizabeth Hathway and her Children being now returned by reason of |
Some incorrect ^[?] therein and another was prpared and Signed in this meeting |
in the Liew thereof |
Queries an= swered |
The Queries were Read and answers thereto prepared, approved and |
Signed, and the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting Read, Signed and sent |
Representatives to the Quar terly meeting |
to the Said Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Abiel |
Gifford William Anthony Ju and Caleb Greene and they to make |
report next monthly meeting |
The Treaty of attending Quarterly meetg referd |
This meeting hath been Informed by one of the Committee appointed |
by our yearly meeting, that they are to Treat with this meeting respecting |
being aded to Sandwich Quarter: And Requesting our attention by a |
Committee, which is refer.d to next monthly meeting |
A Almys Certificate receiv.d |
The Women friends informs they have received a removal Certificate for |
Ann Almy from the monthly meeting of RhodIsland She having here |
Removed here to Inhabit |
Coppy of the minit was Signd for J Lloyd |
A Coppy of the minuit respecting the Visit and Service of our |
Friend John Lloyd was taken of and Signed in this meeting by the |
Clerk: and delivered to him for his use when he may return home to his friends |
This meeting Collected in Silver . . |
0£ . . 17s . . 3½d |
In – paper . . |
23 . . 01 . . 0 |
1780 |
Att a monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 7th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell and William Mosher – present |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting report they all attended |
agreeable to appointment and have produced an Epistle from the Same |
Which was Read to good acceptance, wherein is Recommended a Subscrip |
tion to Supply the yearly meeting Treasury with one handed pounds |
[Epi]stles receiv.d |
Coppies of Epistles from our last yearly meeting, a written one from |
London of the year 1779 and one from Pensylvania of the 9th month last |
were all read in this meeting to good Satisfaction |
J. Harts Certi [fi]cate receiv,d |
A Removal Certificate for Jonathan Heart his wife Experiane and their |
child Martha was read in this meeting and accepted they being removed |
here to Inhabit |
The case of Shearman Jr refered |
The matter continued respecting Joshua Shearman and Joshua Shear= |
=man Jur not being fully completed, they are Still refer,d to next monthly |
meeting, and the same friends as before are continued in that Service |
and to report to next monthly meeting |
J Smith and Son John and [W] Tabor & Son Edward are [denied] & each of them Disowned |
The greater part of the friends appointed to Treat with Joseph Smith |
and Son John, and William Taber and Son Edward make report that |
they or the most of them, have accomplished Said Service, and that all and |
Each one of them in particular, persisted to Justify their misconduct |
in attending Saperate meetings without retracting the same; nor desireing |
Friends to wait further with them: Therefor this meeting taking the matter |
into Solled [solid?] consideration do conclud to disown the Said Joseph Smith, |
his son John, and William Taber and his son Edward and said Committee |
are appointed to draw a Testimony or Testimonies ^of denial against them and |
Inform them thereof and bring it to next next monthly meeting |
Committee appointed on account of clar [ity?] Sandwich Quarterly meeting |
The matter in regard to appointing a Committee to Treat with the |
yearly meetings Committee Respecting inlarging Sandwich Quarter was Consi- |
=dered: and do appoint our Friends Samuel Smith Abiels Gifford William |
Mosher, Caleb Russell, William Anthony Jur, Thomas Hicks, Elijah Gifford, and |
John Williams, for that Service and to make report when they have accomplished |
the Same |
Benj Smith Jur give in a bill |
Benjamin Smith Jur hath given in an account to this meeting for |
keeping Alice Smith about 10 weeks in the year 1776, amounting to 18£ old |
Tennor which is app^roved and the Treasurer is ordered to pay the Same |
When Supplyed with money by this meeting |
[?] Mosher dis= owned |
A Testimony of denial against Appltin[?] Mosher was Signed in this meeting |
Coppy of the miniut orderd for Allen |
James Allen being about to take a Journey to East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
in order to make Some Stay there: and hath Informed this meeting there |
of: and as he is a member of out Societ the Clerk is ordered to give him |
a Coppy of this minuit |
ted on account of J Slocums circumstanco |
The Women Friends Inform that John Slocums wife and Children |
having removed to RhodIsland, and as there are Several Sons among the |
children: This meeting doth appoint Joseph Tucker Ju Joseph Barker |
and Thomas Hicks to assist and Joine with the Women in making inquir[y] |
into their Circumstances, and prepare a Certificate for them if they |
find things clear |
and also D Barker and sons Certificates if they think proper |
And also to draw a Certificate for David Barker and Sons who hath |
Removed into the Compass of the Ninepartners monthly meeting, if on |
Inquiry they may think proper and ^[bring?] to next monthly meeting. |
£ s d |
Collected in Silver . . |
5 10 2 |
in paper . . |
15 18 0 |
8th month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of 8 month 1780 |
The Representatives are Elijah Gifford and Caleb Green present |
Testimony of denial against J. Shearman signd |
The friends appointed to D^raft a Testimony of denial against |
Joshua Shearman Juner, have performed the Same and brought it to |
this meeting; which was Signed by the Clerk who is ordered to read |
it publickly in the usual manner and make report next monthly meeting |
he informed thereof |
They also report they have Informed him of ^his Said denial as directed |
Last monthly meeting: The Said Committee also report they |
J Sherman Senor disown |
Have Treated with Joshua Shearman Senor and that he did notify |
them Satisfaction: Therefore he is disowned h’reby from being a member |
of our Religious Society; and Said Committee are appointed to Inform him |
hereof and to make report next monthly meeting |
Testimonies of den^ial Signd against J S: J S: WT: ET MT PT |
Testimonies of denial against Joseph Smith and his son John and |
William Taber and his wife Mary, and their Son Edward, and daughter |
Patience, were Signed in this meeting by the Clerk who is ordered |
to Read them publickly in the Usual manner and make report next |
monthly meeting; and the Committee who had the care of these matter[s] |
are desired ^to inform them of their denial and make report next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to Joine and assist the women in regard to |
Certificate M Slocum referd |
Martha Slocum (wife of (John Slocum) and their Childrens Certificate reports |
the matter is not accomplished; they are therefore continued in said service |
and to report next monthly meeting |
The case of D Barker referd |
The Same Committee being appointed to draw a Certificate for David |
Barker and sons; who report that things are not fully clear, they are |
therefore Still continued in the Same Service and to make report next |
monthly meeting |
Complaint against E Smith |
The Overseers Inform by the way of the preparative meeting that Eliassib |
Smith hath been in practice of attending meetings that are held out |
of the Unity of our Societ, and hath been laboured with to desist but he |
still continues to Justify himself therein and hath no desire that friends |
Should wait any longer for him to Consider of said matter; yet this meeting |
doth appoint our friends Joseph Tucker Jur and John Devol to labour |
further with him the said Eliassib Smith and if they do not find any |
Sattisfaction; to draft a Testimony of denial against him and inform him |
thereof and bring said Testimony to next monthly meeting |
Certificate requested for J Gifford |
Abiel Gifford desires Certificate for his Son John Gifford setting forth his |
Right of membership among us: to the monthly meeting of Accoakset he |
having gone to reside within the Verge of that meeting, with a friend - which is |
granted by these lines therefore the Clerk is ordered to give him a Coppy of |
this minuit |
B Smith Ju is paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath paid Benjamin Smith 2d as orderd last |
monthly meeting |
a Certificate requested for J Smith |
This meeting hath been informed that John Smith (Son of Peleg) is removd |
to reside within the compass of East Hoossuck and Saratoga monthly meeting |
and as he hath a Birth right in the Society, this meeting doth appoint [Samuel?] |
Smith and Benjamin Howland 2d to draw a paper to Inform the meeting |
where he resides, the Circumstances of him the said John Smith and |
make report next monthly meeting |
Friends Desired to Meet clear Some land |
Friends concluds to meet in general to clear up the land round our |
Meeting house. Therefore friends are desired to meet Generally the 28th [Insant?] |
for that purpose if the weather be Suitable if not the first fair day |
Collected in Silver . . |
1£ . . 1s . . 7d |
Collected in paper . . |
23 . . 9 . . 0 |
adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 30th Insant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment this 30th day of the 8th month 1780 |
The Representatives being called. both present |
Friends appointed to Collect money for yearly meet ing Stock |
As it is Recommended in the Last Epistle from the Quarterly meeting |
That one hundred pounds Lawful hard money be raised to Supply the |
yearly meeting Treasury: Therefore this meeting doth appoint our frie[n]d |
Caleb Green, James Tucker, George Smith, Jonathan Willbor, and |
Benjamin Gifford Jur to Collect by Subscriptions, Such Somes as frie[n]ds |
may have freedom to give, and pay the same to this meetings Treasurer |
And make report to this meeting of the Sum total so Collected [when ready?] |
Friends appoi nted to pro =cure Hay |
As there will be Hay wanting at the Quarterly meeting |
Nicholas Lapham, William Barker, and Jonathan Willbor are |
appointed to procure same on that account. |
Order to pay BH |
The Treasurer is Orderd to pay Benjamin Howland the 3d five Silver |
Dollars for keeping the meeting house half a year |
Ann Gifford |
Anne Gifford having desired our Certificate to the Quarterly meeting at |
Salem. She having it on her mind to Visit that meeting: Therefore one was |
drafted and Signed in this meeting Setting forth her unt unity and her |
acceptable publick Testimony |
Potter disor- derly Conduct |
Whereas John Potter Some time past went up to the Ninepartners to make some |
Stay there: and William Anthony Ju and Samuel Smith being appointed to inspect |
into his Circumstances, and finding things not clear was directed by this meeting |
to inform him of his disorder and to take what other needful can they may |
think proper in that respect and make report when ready: accordingly they |
now report: That he the Sa[i]d John went away in a disorderly manner with= |
=out the advice friends, or without the consent of his Gardian, he being |
under age and he not having yet returned, nor any late account been receivd |
from him: Therefore this meeting doth Still continue said Committee to |
make further inspection into the conduct of the Said John Potter as oppertunity |
may offer and act therein as they in the leadings of Truth may See meet and make |
report when they may see fitt |
9th month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of 9th month 1780 |
The Representatives Benjamin Taber and Jonathan Willbor present |
Shermans denial not recvd |
The Clerk reports he have not read the denial of Joshua Shearman Jur as |
directed last monthly meeting, he is therefore Still continued to perform it |
and make report next monthly meeting |
and John Williams reports that Joshua Shearman Senior hath been |
Informed of his denial as ordered |
denial against Smith & Son read |
The Clerk informs that the denial of Joseph Smith and John Smith |
hath been read as directed last monthly meeting and was informed |
of this denial . . . Which is as folloeth |
The Testimony of denial against Smith & Son Jon |
Whereas Joseph Smith, and his son John, having long made pro- |
=fession with us the people called Quaker and been under the care of this |
meeting; but have so far departed from the principals we profess as to |
frequant meetings held out of the unity of our Society and Joine in publick |
Worship with them that are disowned by us the afore said people; also the |
Said John Smith frequantly aloweth such meetings to beheld in his house |
and friends having bestoed much Labour in Love to reclame them from |
such practices that are so contrary to the principels we profess: But our |
Labour not having the desired effect to friends Satisfaction and they |
continue to Justify themselves therein; Therefore for the maintaing the princi |
=pals we profess are concerned to give forth this Testimony against them |
the said Joseph Smith and John Smith, hereby disown[n]ing them from being |
in unity with us, and from under our care, yet if it be agreeable to |
Divine goodness, that they may be resored to the way of Truth and find |
mercy, which is our sincer desire |
Given forth and Signed ^in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
held in Dartmouth the 21st of 8th month 1780 by William Anthony Ju Clerk |
Testimony against Tabor & family not recd |
The Clerk reports he hath not ^read the Testimony of denial against William |
Tabor his wife and their children, Edward and Patience he is desired |
to accomplish it and make report next monthly meeting |
and the Committee who had the care thereof are desired to Inform them |
of their denial and make report next monthly meeting |
Certificates for Barke[r] and Slocum not accomplished |
The friends appointed to draw a Certificate for David Barker and |
and also to Joine the Women in drawing a Certificate for Martha |
Slocum and ^her Children report that neither of them are accomplished |
they are therefore continued in said Service and make report |
next monthly meeting |
E S case referd |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Elishib Smith not havi[ng] |
accomplished the Same they are desired to fulfil Said Service and to |
report next monthly meeting |
a few lines for J Smith Sign,d |
John Smith son of Peleg deseased having removed to East Hoosuck |
a few Lines directed to that meeting, Setting forth his having a birth |
right in the Society was Signed in this meeting by the Crerk [Clerk] |
Treasurer not paid B Howland |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid Benjamin Howland 3d for |
keeping the meeting house as ordered; he is now ordered to pay the said |
Benjamin six dollars and two thirds for keeping house 8 months last part |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Complaint against A Taber |
The Overseers Inform that Ameziah Taber (son of William) is in the |
Practice of attending meetings held out of the Unity of our Society and hath |
been Laboured with by said overseers and he reather Justifies himself therein |
Therefore we do appoint John Williams and Stephen Buffinton to Treat |
with him the Said Ameziah, and if they do not find Satisfaction they are |
to draft a Testimony of his denial and inform him thereof, and bring |
said Testimony to next monthly meeting |
Hump^hry Shearmans proposal of marriage |
Humphry Shearman and Marcy Lapham having declared th[e]ir |
Intentions of taking Each other in marriag, they are desired to wait till next |
monthly meeting for their answer and our friends Benjamin Smith 2d and |
William Sanford are appointed to Enquire into the young mans Clearness in |
Respect to marriag and they to make report to next monthly meeting |
Friends appointed to Sell Wood |
We appoint our friends James Tucker, Nicholas Lapham and Philip |
Maccomber to Joine the overseers of the poor, and Endeavor to Sell wood of |
of the meetings ^Land to pay the Expence of Supporting our poor, if they think proper |
when they Inspect the wood and to cut as much as they shall think best for |
the meeting, and no more; and make report to this meeting from time to |
to time when it is accomplished, with account of the Wood so Cutt |
apointed to Joine the overseers in Visiting Friends |
Whereas sometime past this meeting did appoint a Committee of |
Friends to Joine the overseers in Visiting and Stiring up the neglect member |
thereof and now Some of Said friends with Some others having accomplis[hed] |
Said Service; have now made report of doings therein which is well |
accep[t]ed and ordered to be recorded, which is as followeth |
The report of Said Visiting Friend |
Whereas some time past Some Friends were appointed to assist the |
overseers in Treating with Some of our Neglegent members, and some thus |
appointed with Some other friends having had a concern on their minds |
to Joine and make General Visit to friends families throug our monthly |
meeting, for the reviveal of our antient Discipline in Stirring up the |
Careless Lukwarm Indolent members to Love and good works: and having |
Drawings in our minds, not only to the disobedient but those that are |
Setting their faces Zionwards, in order to encourage and Strengthen one |
another with desires that the wast places may yet be rebuilt, and by being |
willing to be Obedient our weak minds ^were Strengthned from time to time |
Through the many deep Exercies of mind in so weighty a Service and find |
Peace and Satisfaction therein: which is a Sufficient Reward |
And now after having accomplished said Visit which in General was |
well accepted: yet not without some Exceptions in some particular families |
State of Friends |
It Remains to give so^me account of the State of Friends in our meeting |
We Trust there are some that are Labouring to do their days work in the |
Truth Seems to be Low so that it might be truly said as formerly by whom |
shall Jacob, or the true Seed arise, which is in our ^[appearing?] but small and much pressed |
down with the many things that are hurtful, Especially by the Love of money |
Pride and forgetfulness of God |
Dated 18th of 9th month 1780 |
Freborn Rider |
Thomas Hicks |
Susanna Smith |
Abiel Gifford |
Deborah Hicks |
Gifford dis- [missed] from be= [ing] overseer |
Abiel Gifford Informed the preparitive meeting also this meeting that he |
desired to be dismest from the place of an overseer and friends having weightily |
considered thereof do dismiss him accor[d]ing to his request, his Service having |
been well accepted |
Collected in pape[r] money – – |
3 – – s8 – – 0 |
Collected in Silver money – – |
1 – – 4 – – 7 ½ |
Adjourn |
This meeting adjourns to the 27th Ins[t]ant after the meeting of Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 27th of the 9th month 1780 |
The Representatives being called both present |
Cornel Sent paper to this [meeting] Which [re]ferred to |
Zebulon Cornel having given a paper to this meeting his falling into the Sin |
of Fornication, with all other of his misconduct and request to be restored under |
Friends care again and he is removed into the compass of East Hoosuck |
[E Hoosuk] or [Sara]toga |
and Saratoga monthly meeting and cannot convenienly be treated by us here, this |
meeting doth appoint our friends Samuel Smith and William Anthony Jur to |
Write to that meeting requesting them in our behalf to Endeavor to discover |
the Sincerity of him the said Zebulon Cornel and Inform us thereof |
[?] Hussey and Woods Visit |
Jonathan Hussey and Isaac Wood attended this meeting and each produced |
a few lines from the meeting at East Hoosuck and Saratoga setting forth their |
concurrance with said friends Visits moring[?] us which said lines were Satisfactory |
and their Visit well accepted |
Allens request |
John Allen (Son of Jonathan) hath given in a paper to this meeting requesting |
to be taken under friends care therefore our friends William Mosher and |
Abiel Gifford are appointed to take an oppertunity of Sollid conferrece with |
the perticioner in order to discover the motive of his request and make report |
thereof next monthly meeting |
[Ap]point Overseer [seer]s refered |
An additional Choice of Overseers hath been proposed and referred to next |
monthly meeting for further Consideration |
[Qu]eries answerd [Epistle] signd & [rep]resentatives [appo]inted |
The Queries were answered and an Epistle Signed in this meeting for the |
Quarterly meeting and Said answers with said Epistle forwarded to said Quarterly |
meeting by our Representatives who are Thomas Hicks, Abiel Gifford, Elijah |
Gifford and Caleb Russell and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Friends appoint [ted] to Collect the [?] Testi [?]of pub [?] Friends [?] in order [?] who [?]sury |
As there have been Several Publick friends latly removed by death from among |
us, and our discipline requiring that Some Testimony or particular account of |
such friends be transmitted to the Quarterly and yearly meeting; this meeting |
doth appoint our Friends Thomas Hicks, Caleb Russell, William Mosher and |
Abiel Gifford, to collect the necessary particurlyrs in order; and to drawft such |
Testimony or Testimonies, if they think shall think it necessary and make report |
when they have accomplished the same they to Joine herein with Samuel |
Smith who was formerly appointed for that Service with Humphry Smith but |
the said Humphry being deceassed the above friends are appointed in his Stead29 |
[10th] month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of 10th month 1780 |
The Representatives being Caleb Russell and Abiel Gifford both present |
[Choo]sing overseers [cont]inued |
The matter of an additional choice of overseers being considered and |
Several nominated, but said matter is Still continued to next monthly |
meeting |
report of Testi [moni]es of denials |
The Clerk reports he hath Read the Testimonies of denials of Joshua |
Shearman Jur William Taber and his Wife and their Son Edward and |
Daughter Patience agreeable to appointment, but they not being informed |
of their denials as we hear off, therefore Samuel Smith is desired |
to Inform them the Said Tabers of their denials and make report next |
monthly meeting - Their Said denials are as Followeth |
Testimony o Against Sherman Jur |
Whereas Joshua Shearman (Son of Joshua) hath had his Education |
among Friends, but hath so far departed from the principels profess |
of Truth and Unity of Friends as frequently attend meetings held |
Out of Unity of our Society neglecting the attendence of our meetings |
of Worship and discipline and he not inclining to condemn the same |
after of our Labours of Love ^with him therein - Therefore for the clearing of Truth |
and Friends, we are concerned to give forth this as a Testimony |
against him the Said Joshua Shearman Jur as not being a member of our |
Society, yet desireing he may be favoured with a Sight of his errors and |
out going, and that he may find a return to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed ^in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
of Friends held in Dartmouth the 21st of 8th month 1780 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Testimony against W Taber his Wife Mary and Son & daug hter |
Whreas William Taber and his wife Mary Taber, and Edward Taber |
thir Son, and Patience Taber their daughter having all maid profession |
with us the people called Quakers and been under the care of this meeting |
But hath so far departed from the principles we profess, so as to frequent |
meetings held out of the Unity of our Society and Joine in publick Worship |
with them who are disowned by us the people afore said, and the said |
Patience also appearing disagreeable in some of her dress and friends having |
Laboured much in love to reclame them from such practices but our labour |
not having its desired effect to friends Satisfaction, and they continue to Justify |
themselves therein: therefore for the maintaining the principles we profess we |
are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against them the said William |
Taber and Mary his wife, and Edward Taber and Patience Taber their Children |
hereby disowning them from being in unity with us and from under the care of |
this meeting: yet if it be agreeable to divine goodness, that they may be restored |
to the way of Truth and find mercy is our Sincear desires |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
held in Dartmout[h] the 21st day of the 8th month 1780 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
D Barkers Certificate Refered |
The friends appointed to draw a Certificate for David Barker not finding |
things clear, are s[t]ill continued in said service and to make report when |
it is fulfilled |
E Smith Disowned |
The friends appointed to Treat with Elisabeth Smith report they have |
performed their appointment but that he did not give them any satisfaction |
in regard to his misconduct: Therefore they have drafted a Testimony against |
him; which after being read and considered was Signed in this meeting by |
the Clerk who is directed to read it in the Usual ^maner and make report next monthly |
meeting |
The case of A Taber Continued |
The friends appointed to Treat with Amaziah Taber (Son of William) not |
having accomplisht the same, they are still continued in said service and |
to make report next monthly meeting |
B Howland not paid |
The Treasurer reports he hath not paid Benjamin Howland 3d as ordered |
there not being a suffeciency in stock he is nevertheless ordered to pay the same |
when he is supplied with money by this meeting and to make report |
The case of J Allen refer,d |
The Friends appointed to discover the motive of the request of John Allen |
desires that matter refer,d to next monthly meeting which is referred under |
their case they are then to make report |
report of the Repre sentatives |
The Representative to the last Quarterly meeting report that they all |
attended and produced an Epistle from that meeting which was read in |
this meeting and well accepted |
Complaint against C Briggs |
The Overseers Inform by the way of the preparative meeting that Caleb |
Brigg has married out of the unity of friends after being precaution by said |
overseers; therefore the said David Briggs hereof is disowed as a member of our |
Societ and from under our care and Jonathan Willber [Wilbur] is appointed to |
Inform him of the same and report thereof next monthly meeting |
I Kelly J Sowl S Barton S Hamond Visited this meeting |
Our Friends Isaac Kelley from East Hoosuck: James Sowle Solomon |
Barton and Samuel Hammond from Ninepartners hath attended this |
meeting with Certificates from the respective monthly meetings they [?] |
Which were read in this meeting to Satisfaction, and their Visitt well accepted |
all which were Indorsed with a few lines and Signed by the Clerke |
[?]te of H [Shear]man Clear [?] marriage |
The Friends appointed to inquire into clearness of Humphry Shearman |
Report they find nothing materal to hinder his proceeding in marriage |
answer to Sherman |
Humphry Shearman and Mercy Lapham appeared for their answer, which |
was that they might proceed to take Each other in marriage in some convenient |
time before next monthly meeting adviseing with the friends that this meet- |
=ing shall appoint to oversee the same who are William Sanford and Ben= |
=jamin Smith 2d and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Smith re- [queste]d his [Cer]tificate |
Hezekiah Smith returned a Certificate which was granted him by this |
meeting some months past; it being Endorsed at the month meeting of Ninepartners |
[Certi]ficate for Slocum & [Chi]ldren |
A Removal Certificate for Martha Slocum and several of her Children |
whose names are Benjamin, Martha, John, Pardon, William, Sarah, Thomas, |
Christopher Elizabeth and Mary; was Signed in this meeting directed to the |
monthly meeting of Rhode Island |
Smith disown |
A Testimony of denial against Mary Smith daughter of Jonathan Smith was |
Signed in this meeting and the Clerk is directed to read the Same publickly at the |
close of the meeting of Worship before next monthly meeting and then to make |
report of the same |
Russell [dis]owned |
The Women friends Inform they have denied Mehetable Russell, now Akin |
Daughter of Jacob Russell deceased which this meeting concurs with |
[Free]born Rider [receiv]es a Certi ficate the Clerk [desi]r,d to [give] a coppy to miniut |
Our Friend Freeborn Rider Informs us that she has a desire to attend |
the Quarterly meeting next to be held at the Long Plain for Sandwich and at |
the old meeting house at Cushnet and desired our Certificate; these may inform |
that she is a Friend in Unity and her Publick Testimony well accepted |
And the Clerk is desired to give her a Coppy of this minuit |
Mosher to [?] a coppy of miniut |
Our friend William Mosher hath Informed this meeting of his Intention |
to goe to the Ninepartners upon business, and hath thought of attending the |
Quarterly meeting at Oblong which this meeting approves, he being a Friend |
in Unity, and a member of the Select meeting; and the Clerk is directed to |
give him a Coppy of this minuit to Inform Friends thereof |
[E.] Allen & T Allen to have [c]oppy of this [m]iniut |
Our friends Ebenezer Allen and Thomas Allen informes this meting |
that they intend to go to Visit their friends and Relatives at the Ninepartners |
And at East Hoosuck and Saratoga; which this meeting approves and the Clerk |
is desired to give them a Coppy hereof |
[Clerk] to give a [co]ppy of this [min]uit to Greenes |
Our Friend Caleb Greene informs this meeting of his Intention to go to the |
Oblong and Ninepartners and hath thoughts of attending the Quarterly meeting |
at Oblong on business which this meeting approves, he being in Unity and a |
member of this meeting and the Clerk is directed to give him a coppy hereof |
Collected in Silver money – – |
1£ – – 5s – – 1d |
Collected in paper money – – |
10 – – 10 – – 0 |
[11th] month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 11th month 1780 |
The representatives are Jonathan Willbor and Seth Huddleston Present |
[Chu]sing overseers [def]ered |
The matter of Chusing Overseers having again been under consideration and |
Same is Suspended untill the expiration of the time of these that now Stand |
as Overseers |
Tabor his [wi]fe & Children [inf]orm of their [denial] |
Samuel Smith informs he hath Informed Edward ^William Tabor, his wife Mary |
and Edward Taber and Patience Taber their Son and daughter of their |
Denial |
denial read |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testamony of denial against |
Eliashib Smith according to appointment which is as followeth |
[Te]stimony a [gai]nst Smith |
Whereas Eliashib Smith Son of Joseph Smith having made Profession with |
us the People called Quakers; But hath so far departed from the principles |
we make Profession of as to attend Sepperat meetings that are held out of |
the Unity of our Society, and Join in publick Worship with them ^that have been |
Disowned by us and Friends having Laboured with him in Love to Show |
him his misconduct therein: but their labour of Love not having the desired |
Effect, Friends are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against him the Said Eliashib Smith, hereby disowning him the from being |
a member of our Society and from under the care of this meeting; yet we |
Sincearly desire if it be consistent with divine wisdom that he may be |
favoured with a sense of his misconduct and find mercy |
Given forth by friends at their monthly meeting held in Dartmout[h] |
the 16th of the 10th month 1780 and Signed in and by order of said meeting |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
A Taber Disowned |
The friends appointed to Treat with Amaziah Taber report they |
have fulfilled the Same, but that he did not give them any Satisfaction |
therein but Justified his practice; therefore drafted and brught a Testimony |
of denial against him, and have Informed him thereof: which was Signed |
by the Clerk who is directed to read it publickly at the Close of a first |
day meeting for Worship and report the Same to next monthly meeting |
The case of J Allen Continu-d |
The friends appointed to confer with John Allen on his request have made |
a Satisfactory report, nevertheless said matter is still continued under their |
care untill next monthly meeting and then they to make report |
The Friends appointed attend |
report of H Shermans marriage |
The Marriage of Humpry Shearman and Mercy Lapham report they |
attended the same and that it was accomplisht in a becoming manner |
C Brigg in form,d of his denial |
Jonathan Willbor reports he hath Informed Caleb Briggs of his denial |
according to appointment |
M Smith de nial read |
The Clerk reports he hath Read the Testimony of denial of Mary |
Smith daughter of Jonathan Smith as appointed |
J Potters request |
Joshua Potter hath given in a paper to this meeting Requesting for |
himself and several young children Namly Esther, Zilpha, Gardner |
Phebe Patience and Apphia to be taken under the care of Friends |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint William Mosher Thomas Hicks and |
Thomas Mott: to Joine the women friends, and to take an oppertunity |
of a Solled conferrence with him in order to discover the motive of |
his request, also to Inspect the Circumstances and make report next |
monthly meeting |
Benj Hath= way Ju request |
And Benjamin Hathaway Jur making the like request and Seth Russell |
Stephen Buffinton and James Davis appointed for the same purposes |
as above and they to make report to next monthly meeting |
G Howland request to be dism ist overseer |
Gideon Howland request to be dismissed from Standing in the plan |
of Overseer of the poor which is granted and he dismissed accordingly |
bound a Jorney Clerk to give Coppy of min nuit |
Gideon Howland Informs this meeting of his Intention to go to East |
Hoosuck and Ninepartners, to do some business and to see his friends which |
this meeting approves; he being a member of our Society and under |
the care of this meeting and the Clerk is directed to give him a Coppy |
of this minuit |
Friends ap -pointed to take in Sup scrptions Griffiths books |
Proposals for Reprinting of John Griffiths Journals &c was Received |
from our meeting for Sufferings, Therefore William Anthony Jur |
Abiel Gifford, and John Williams are appointed to take in Sub- |
=scriptions for said Journals and make report when they have accom- |
plished the Same30 |
R Barker proposal of marriage |
Robert Barker and Ruth Tucker declared their Intentions of |
Taking Each other in marriage, and were desired to wait till next monthly |
meeting for their answer and Bannabus Mosher and John Devol are |
appointed to Enquire into the young mans clearness and make report |
next monthly meeting |
Bills given in |
The Several following accounts were given in to this meeting which |
were examind and allowed [in?] |
To Thomas Wilcox – – – – – – – |
3£ – 15s – 6d |
Seth Russell to the glaiser for mend glass |
1 – 13 – 3 |
To Philip Macomber for Hay – – |
2 – 6 – 6 |
To William Barker – – – – – – – |
2 – 15 – 10 |
All in Lawful hard money – – |
And the Treasurer is Ordered to pay the Same he is Supplied with |
money and make report to this meeting |
[Repo]rt and [requ]est of [Bedf]ord meet |
The Friends that were appointed to have the oversight of the meeing |
at Bedford, Report that it hath been kept up in a good degree Orderly |
and s[t]ill request same continued as usual as here^tofore; which is granted |
and the same to continue untill some Inconvendiencey attend the same and |
our friends Caleb Russell, Benjamin Taber John Williams William Mosher |
Thomas Hicks Benjamin Smith 2d Abiel Gifford and William Anthony Jur |
are appointed to Visit Said meeting when Convenency will slow and to make |
report to this meeting as frequently as they may see occation |
Collected in Silver money – – – |
1£ – 6s – 8d |
Collected in paper money – – – |
1 – 10 – 0 |
[12th] month 1780 |
Att a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of 12th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Elijah Gifford and Joseph Tucker Jur both present |
Tabers dnial [re]ad |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testimony of denial of Amaziah |
Taber, persuant to appointment Which is as followeth |
[Testi]mony against Tabor |
Whereas Ammeziah Taber (son of William) having made Profession |
with us the people called Quakers but hath found in the practice of |
freequenting and Joining with Sepperate meeting hel^d out of the Unity of our |
Societ and we having discharged ourselves in Labours of Love to reclaim him |
the Said Ammeziah but he still continues to Justify the practice; Therefore |
for the clearing of Truth, we give this forth as a Testimony against him |
hereby disowning him from being one in Unity with us. Nevertheless it is |
our desire that he may come to a sence of his outgoing and return to the |
way of Truth |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 11th month 1780 |
Signed in and by order of said meeting By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Allen receiv [ed un]der our case |
The Comittee appointed in the case of John Allens Request make the |
Like report as at the Last monthly meeting which is Satisfactory Therefore he |
the Said John Allen is Received under our Care |
case of Potter refer,d |
The Friends appointed in the case of Joshua Potters Request report that |
they have had a Conferrence with him in his family and received a degree |
of Satisfaction, and the matter is refered to next monthly meeting and Said |
friends still continued in said service and to make report next monthly |
meeting |
case of Hathaway [re]fered |
And likewise the Committee appointed in the like case with Benjamin |
Hathway Jur Report that he gave them a good degree of Satisfaction, which |
matter is also referred to next monthly meeting and the same friends Conti= |
=nued in said service, and then they to make report |
[repo]rt of R Barker [clear]ness respect [to m]arriage |
The Friends appointed to inquire into the Clearness of Robart Barker |
Report they have made inquirry ^therein, and find nothing Sufficient to hinder |
his proseeding in marriage, agreeable to his proposal |
[Comp]laint against Ricketson & Howland |
The Overseers Informed by way of the Preparitive meeting that John Barker |
Benjamin Ricketson and William Howland have Joyned with a considerable |
Large Company of young people, and went together under pretence of roast= |
=ing and eating of Quawhoggs, and after providing and pertaking of a |
considerable Entertainment at the Shore, both of provision and Spiritous |
Lickquors, Several of them went to a house and there took very undue |
Liberty Even to musick and Dancing: And said Overseers having |
Treated with them on that account, but they not giving them Satisfaction |
therefore this meeting doth appoint our friends William Anthony Jur |
Thomas Hicks and Joseph Gifford to treat farther with them therein and |
make report next monthly meeting |
[Re]port of money [colle]cted for [supp]ly meet |
The Friends appointed to Collect money by way of Subscription to Sup- |
ply the yearly meeting Treasury make report that they have fulfilled their |
appointments and have Collected the Sum of 10£ - 7s - 3 ½d LM and |
Delivered. to this meetings Treasury for the use above said |
to R Barkers proposal of marriage |
Robart Barker and Ruth Tucker appeared for their answer in regard to |
their proceeding in marriage; Which was, that they might proceed to take Eac[h] |
other in marriage, in some convenient time before next monthly meeting a[d]- |
=vising with the friends this meeting Shall appoint to see their said marria[ge] |
orderly accomplished, who are our friends Barnabus Mosher and John |
Devol; and they to make report next monthly meeting |
E Smith Disown,d |
The Women Friends inform they have disowned Elisabet Smith wife of |
Joseph Smith, which this meeting concurs with and the Clerk hath signed a |
Testimony of denyal against her |
Collected in hand money |
1£ – 18s – 3½d |
In Paper – – – – |
3 – 6 – 00 |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
meet |
Mett By adjournment the 27th of the 12th month 1780 |
The Representatives being called are both Present |
Queries answer,d |
The Queries were read and answers prepar,d in this meeting and an Epist[le] |
Signed by the Clerkes which were ordered forward to the Quarterly meeting by |
Representatives appointed |
our Representatives, who are Abiel Gifford William Anthony Jur Caleb Green |
John William, and they to Report to the next monthly meeting |
Subscripti ons for Schools |
Our friends Samuel Smith, Caleb Green, Jonathan Willbor and [?] William |
Mosher are appointed to procure and take in Subscriptions for Schools agr[ee?] |
to a direction from the meeting for Sufferings of the ninth month Last three[?] |
said friends to make report when ready |
B Rider condemnd his reflect =ing Speach |
Benjamin Rider appear,d in this meeting and Virblely [verbally] condemned his oppo[?] |
at the sitting of this meeting and dropt some Expressions by way of reflections |
on Benjamin Gifford which gave friends some uneasiness, But he appearing [as?] |
above said and condemning the same, friends concluds to accept of his ackn[ow]- |
=ledgment for Satisfaction |
Testimony of E Gidley & her manu scrip Sent up to 2 m |
A Copy of a manuscrip Wrote by our beloved Friend Elisabeth Gidley d[?] |
withe Testimony that this meeting formerly gave concerning her was read |
in this meeting, and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives31 |
1st month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 1st month 1781 |
The representatives ^are John Devol and Joseph Tucker Jur Present |
The case of J Potter refered |
The friends appointed to confer with Joshua Potter and his young Children |
being called upon, report nothing different from that of Last monthly meeting |
the matter is therefore referred to next monthly meeting under the same care |
as before and Said friends then to report |
B. Hathway Received in unity |
Likewise the friends appointed in the Like case with Benjamin Hathway Ju |
make a Satisfactory report, therefore this meeting doth receive him the said |
Benjamon Hathway under our care |
R Barkers marriage |
The Friends appointed to oversee the Marriage of Robert Barker and Ru[th] |
Tucker report that they attended the same: and saw nothing but that it was |
accomplished orderly |
Overseers appointed |
Our Friends Benjamin Smith 2d, Caleb Russell, Caleb Green, Elijah Giffo[rd] |
Seth Huddlestone and Joseph Barker, are appointed Overseers for the year |
Ensuing, or till others are chosen, Who are desired diligently to attend to the |
Leadings of Truth, therein Endeavour to See that the Testimony thereof be |
kept to in the several members thereof according to the discipline of the Church |
overseer of the poor appointed |
Our Friends John Devol, Jonathan Willbor, Philip Maccomber, |
Thomas Mott, Nicholas Lapham, Seth Russell and Abraham |
Howland, are appointed Overseers of the Poor for the year Ensuing |
Sissons [cer]tificate |
A Certificate for Nathaniel Sisson was produced and read in this Meeting |
from the monthly meeting at the Nine Partners Seting forth his Clearness respectin[g] |
marriage; He hath also produced his mothers Consent for him to proceed in marri- |
=age with Graces Gifford – – Therefore |
Sissons [prop]osal of [Ma]rriage |
Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford declared their Intentions of taking Each |
other in marriage: and were desired to wait till next monthly meeting for their answer |
This meeting collected in Silver |
7£ – 11s – 10d |
In Paper |
30 – 2 – 00 |
adjourn |
This Meeting adjourns to the 24th instant after the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Met By adjournment the 24th of the first month 1781 |
The Representatives being called Joseph Tucker Jur Present John Devol not |
Present by reason of indisposition of body |
[mo]ney paid to [year]ly meeting |
The Representatives from the Quarterly meeting report that the money for the |
yearly meetings Treasury was forwarded to the yearly meetings Treasury and |
a Receipt produced for the Same |
Gifford & Wife [gave] in a paper |
Nathaniel Gifford and Wife gave in a paper to the Preparitive meeting Condem- |
=ning their falling into the Sin of Fornication, but said paper being mislaid it is |
Refered to next monthly meeting |
case of [WH] BR TB [re]fered |
The friends appointed to Treat with William Howland, John Barker and |
Benjamin Ricketson, Request that matter refered to next monthly meeting which |
is accordingly |
[re]port from [Qua]rterly [mee]ting |
The Representative to the Quarterly meeting report that they all attended, and |
have produced an Epistle from said Quarterly meeting which was read in this meet= |
=ing to good satisfaction |
[C]ertificate B Shepherd [req]uested |
John Shepherd having requested (by way of the Preparitive meeting) |
a removal Certificate to Sandwich monthly meeting, for his Son Barnabus |
Shepherd, therefore our friends William Barker and Thomas Russell are |
appointed to Enquire into the young mans conduct, and Clearness in respect |
to marriage: and if they find things clear to draw a Certificate and bring |
to next monthly meeting |
[acu]sed of [f]ornication |
One of the Overseers Inform (with another Friend) that Jonas Slocum hath |
fallen into the Sin of Fornication, as charged upon him by Elisabeth |
Akin: Therefore, our friends William Anthony Jur Samuel Smith and |
Stephen Buffinton are appointed to Treat with said Jonas Slocum on that |
matter and make report to next monthly meeting |
[A]ltering the [Qua]rterly [mee]ting referd [to] this meet [ing] |
Proposals for altering or dividing the Quarterly meeting was Read and |
Signed in this meeting by the Clerk, in order for a concurrence of the other – – |
Monthly meetings therein |
[cer]tificate D Barker [and] sons to be [?] till af- [-fairs?] settled |
A Removal Certificate for David Barker and Three Sons Namely Edward |
David and James, directed to the Nine Partners monthly meeting, was signed |
in this meeting by the Clerk: and as there are some of his outward affares |
not fully Settled: the Committee is ordered to keep the same, and not deliver |
it until his said affairs are settled to satisfaction |
[2nd] month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 2 month 1781 |
The Representatives are Abiel Gifford and Barnabus Mosher – – Present |
[Joshu]a Porter [&] Children [re]ceived [u]nder Friend [car]e |
The Friends appointed to consider and confer with Joshua Potter and |
his young Children, on their request to come under friends care: Report that |
they had an oppertunity of Sollid conference with them, to Satisfaction |
Therefore, the said Joshua Potter and children, namly Esther, Zilphah |
Gardner, Phebe, Patience and Apphia are received under our Care |
Potter and [?] receiv,d |
The Women Friends Inform they have received Mary Potter and Rhoda |
Potter under their Care which this meeting concurs with |
[ans]wer to N [Siss]ons prosal [?] marriage |
Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford appeared for thei answer in regard |
to proceeding in marriage: Which was, that they might proceed to take Each |
other in marriage, in Some convenient time before next monthly meeting |
adviseing with the Friends this meeting Shall appoint |
To See Said Marriage orderly accomplished; who are William Moshe[r] |
and Abiel Gifford and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Friends appointed in the case of N Gifford & wife |
Nathaniel Gifford and his Wife,s Paper being produced, and Read in |
this meeting - therefore, Our Friends Abiel Gifford and William Anthony Jur |
are appointed to Joyne the Women friends to take an oppertunit of Sollid |
Conference with them the Said Nathaniel and wife in order to discover |
their Sencerity and Sorrow; and make report next monthly meeting |
Certificate fr B Shep= =herd |
A Removal Certificate for Barnabus Shepherd directed to the monthly mee[ting] |
of Sandwich setting forth his night of membership, and clearness of marriage |
Entanglements – Were Signed in this meeting |
The Case of J Slocum refered |
The matter respecting Jonas Slocum is refered to next monthly meeting under |
the care of those friends who were appointed to treat with him they having made |
Some progress and desires it refer,d which is accordingly refered and they then |
to make report |
for H B wife of R Bennet |
A Certificate was Signed in this meeting directed ^to the monthly meeting |
Rhod Island in behalf of Hannah Bennet Wife of Robart Bennet Setting |
forth her right of membership and Recommending her to the care of that meeting |
The case of W H: JB. B R. referd |
The Committee having the care of that matter Respecting William Howlan[d] |
John Barker and Benjamin Ricketson desires it refer,d which is referd |
under their care, and they to make report next monthly meeting |
D Barkers Certificate Deliver,d |
The Committee which had the care of David Barkers Removal Certificate |
Report that his afaires were Settled to Satisfaction and the said Certificate |
deliver,d to him – – |
D Wood wife of J W disown,d |
The Women Friends Inform that they have denyed Deborah Wood wife |
of Stephen Wood which this meeting concurs with |
Phebe Sis= =sons request |
Phebe Sisson having Requested for her Children to be taken under |
the care of this meeting, Therefore our Friends William Mosher and |
Seth Huddlestone are appointed to Joyn the Women friends in their care and |
Enquiery in that matter and make report next monthly meeting |
Letter in behalf of D Wilbor |
This Meeting Received a Letter from the monthly meeting of Saratoga |
Dated 11th of 1st month 1781 Informing that Deborah Willbor hath married |
Out of the Order of friends |
W. Gifford desires a Certificate |
William Gifford desires a Certificate to the Monthly meeting of Accokset |
Setting forth his Right of membership and clearness respecting marriage |
Therefore this meeting doth appoint our friends Joseph Tucker Jur and |
William Wood to inquire into the young mans Clearness and if they find |
things Clear to draw a Certificate and bring with them next monthly |
meeting |
J Russell C Barker J Howland G Smith gave in pa pers Conde mning their misconduct |
Jonathan Russell, Caleb Barker, Joseph Howland 2d and George Smith 2d |
Having given in paper Condemning their misconduct in going to an Entertain- |
ment Some time past and taking undue Liberty thereat; Therefore our Friends |
Thomas Hicks, Joseph Gifford, William Anthony Jur Stephen Buffinton Jonathan |
Willbor and Seth Huddleston, are appointed to take an oppertunity of Solled |
Conference with these young men to discover their Sincerity and make report |
next monthly meeting |
This Meeting is inform,d by the way of Preparitive meeting that |
Complaint against W[N] Taber |
Nicholas Taber is in the practice of freequenting and Joyning with meetings |
held out of the Unity of our Society, and after being Laboured with: |
Declines to Condemn it to friends Satisfaction: Therefore our friends Benjam[in] |
Taber Jur and Joseph Gifford are appointed to treat with said Nicholas |
and if he doth not give them Satisfaction, to draw a paper of denial and |
bring to next monthly meeting |
H Smiths Bill |
Henry Smith gave in a bill to this meeting for Hay and Carting |
to the amount of 3£ -- 12s - 0d Which the Treasurer is ordered to pay |
5£ – 6s – 11d |
Collected in paper money – |
8 – 16 – 0 |
[3rd] month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 3rd month 1781 |
The Representives are Benjamin Smith 2d and Chilon Wood . Present |
[repo]rt of [Sis]sons Marriage |
The Friends appointed to see the marriage of Nathaniel Sisson and |
Grace Gifford accomplished, report that they attended said marriag and |
did not see but that it was orderly Consumated |
[Ru]th Sowl & daughters [r]eceived under [our] care |
This Meeting is inform,d by the Women friends that they have ^received Ruth |
Sowl wife of Joseph Sowl with her Daughters whose names are Susanna |
Mary and Thankful which this meeting concurs with |
[Dav]id Brooks [Ru]th Coffins [visi]t |
Our Esteemed Friends David Brooks and Seth Coffin attended this |
meeting Producing Certificates, Dated 2nd of 10th month 1780 at Deep River |
Gilford County North Corrolina; which was Read in this meeting with Satis= |
=faction, and their Visit and Labours of Love, acceptable, Comfortable and |
Edifying32 |
[John] Form0an [atte]nded this [mee]ting |
Our Esteemed Friend John Forman also attended this meeting and produced |
a Certificate, Dated at the Monthly meeting at Gwyneed [Gwynedd] in the County of |
Philidelphia in Pensylvania the 30th of 1st month 1781 which was read |
in this meeting; and his Visit, and Labour of Love, acceptable Comfortable |
and Eddifying to us33 |
[Th]omas Scatter [good] also [att]ended this [me]eting |
Our esteemed Friend Thomas Scattergood Likwise attended this meeting in |
Company with our above said friends and his visit and Labour in love |
were acceptable and Eddifying to us34 |
The case of [N] Gifford & wife refered |
The Friends apointed to Joine the Women friends in confering with |
Nathaniel Gifford and Wife report that they had an oppertunity with |
them and that they gave them a degree of Satisfaction, but request the matter |
may be continued another month which accoringly refered under the same friends |
as before, together with Jonathan Willbor who is added to them and they to |
make report to next monthly meeting |
[The] case of [Sl]ocum referd |
The friends appointed to treat with Jonas Slocum desires it continued |
another month, which is accordingly and they to make report to next |
monthly meeting |
[Ce]rtificate for [W]illiam Gifford |
A Certificate was Signed in this meeting for William Gifford directed |
to the Monthly meeting of Accoakset Setting forth his right of membership |
and clearness respecting marriage |
[ow]ned |
The Friends appointed to Treat With Nicholas Taber ^report that they had an |
Oppertunity of Sollid conference with him but that he did not ^seem disposed |
to give them any Satisfaction they therefore according to appointment produced |
a Testimony against him which was Signed ^in this meeting by the Clerk who |
is desired to read the Same, at a close of a first day meeting of Worship |
Some time between this and next monthly meeting and make report to next |
Monthly monthly meeting |
Hathway to [inform] N Taber [of] denial |
And Benjamin Hathway is appointed to Inform said Nicholas thereof |
giving him a Coppy of the Testimony if he desires it, and make report |
to next Monthly meeting |
Jonson desires Certificate |
James Jonson desires a Certificate to Nantucket Setting forth his |
Right of membership, therefore our friends Samuel Smith and Abraham |
Howland are appointed to draw one and bring with them to the |
adjournment of this meeting |
Hart & A A [certifi]cate of [mar]riage |
Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony declared their Intentions of |
Taking Each other in Marriage, and they were desired to waite till |
next monthly meeting for their answer and our friends William |
Mosher, and Benjamin Rider are appointed to inquire into the |
young mans Clearness Respecting marriage and make report to next |
monthly meeting |
Certificate for Freeborn Rider |
A Certificate in behalf of Freeborn Rider directed to Friends |
within the Verge of Sandwich Quarterly meeting was Signed in this |
Meeting by the Clerk Setting forth her Right of membership and servi[ce] |
in the Ministry |
Certificate Grace Sisson |
A Certificate was Signed in this Meeting by the Clerk in behalf of Grace |
Sisson setting forth ^her right of membership; directed to the monthly meeting |
at the Nine Partners |
Certificate receiv,d for H B wife of WB |
The Women friends Inform that they have Received a removal |
Certificate from Swanzey directed to this meeting for Hannah Bowdish |
Wife of William Bowdish Junor |
Certificate receivd for Abigail Devol |
Also one from Sandwich monthly meeting to this meeting, For Abigai[l] |
Devol wife of Abner Devol, Setting forth their Right of membership |
Certificate for David Brooks and J Forman |
A Few lines by way of Endorsment were Signed by the Clerk on the |
Certificates of our Esteemed Friends David B^rooks and John Forman |
Expressing their attending this meeting, and that their Visit and Labours in |
Gosple Love with us was Eddifying and, Satisfactory |
also S Coffin Visit |
also that of Seth Coffins acceptable visit in Company with the other Friends |
Certificate for Thomas Scattergood |
A Few Lines by way of Certificate directed to the monthly meeting of |
Philadelphia northan district was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk expres |
=sing Thomas Scattergoods attending this meeting, and his acceptable Visit |
and Labour in Gospel Love |
Collected in Silver money – 1£ – 15s – 2d |
This meeting is adjourned to the 28th insant, after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
This Meeting Mett by adjournment the 28th of 3rd month 1781 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
The case of J Russell & company refered |
The Friends appointed to attend Confer with Jonathan Russell, Caleb Bar[ker] |
Joseph Howland 2nd, and George Smith 2d, and other report, that Some of |
the Committee had an Oppertunity of conference with the young men and s[aid] |
Committee Desires the matter may be refered to another month, which is accord |
=ingly refered under their care and they to make report to next monthly mee[ting] |
Certificate for J Jonson |
A Certificate in behlf of James Jonson Setting forth his right of |
Membership directed to the Monthly meeting of Nantucket was Signed |
in this meeting by the Clerk – – |
Joseph Wing desires to come under care of friends |
Joseph Wing having requested to come under the care of ^Friends of this meeting |
Therefore this Meeting appoints our Friends William Anthony Jur and |
Elijah Gifford to take an Oppertunity of Solled conference with Said |
Joseph in order to discover the motive of his request, and make |
report thereof to next monthly meeting |
Prince Potter request for himself & children Friends Care |
Prince Potter having requested for himself and children to come und[er] |
Friend Care this meeting therefore appoints our friends William |
Mosher, Jonathan Hart, and Benjamin Chase to Joyn with the Women |
Friend, and take an opertunity of Solid conference, with Said Prince, |
and family, in order to discover the motive of the request, and they |
also to make report thereof to next monthly meeting |
Testimonies of deceased Friends Sent to Quar terly meet ing |
Testimonies concerning our Beloved friends who are deceased viz |
Adam Mott, Paul Russell and Susanna Gifford, all whom were |
Publick Friends, were read in this meeting and Signed by the Clerk Coppie[s] |
of which were ordered to be maid out and sent to the Quarterly meeting |
Two of the Friends appointed to confer with Swanzey monthly |
The follow= ing report made of E Thurston & Wife |
meeting, respecting Edward Thurston Jur his Wife and Children |
have made the following Report |
Whereas Edward Thurston ^Ju and his wife Parnal having a Right |
of membership amoung friends at Dartmouth Some year past, and hath |
and Lived within the bounds of Swanzey monthly meeting a number |
of years and not requesting a Certifiate from Dartmouth: and of late Said |
Monthly meeting taking the matter under Consideration; and by a Committee |
from Each Monthly meeting, whose names are hereunto Subscribed, Enquiery |
have been made into their Lives and Conversations, and it not only appears |
that they neglect the attendance of Meetings, but fall so much Short of living up |
up to the Principles of Truth in bringing up their Children and many other |
respects: that we think it mo^st for the honnour of Truth to disown him |
the Said Edward Thurston his wife Pernal, and their Children from having |
any right of membership among us |
Eber Chase |
the 5th of 3rd month 1781 |
Robert Slade |
Thomas Hicks |
Azariah Shove |
Benjamin Buffinton |
report accept,d |
Said report is so far Accepted as to appoint our Friends Thomas Hicks |
and Thomas Russell to Treat with them for the afore said disorder; and to |
make report to next Monthly Meeting |
Friends appoint [?] revise & [repo]rt the minuits [a]nd Settle with Treasurer |
Our Friends Thomas Hicks, Caleb Green William Anthony Jur and |
Samuel Smith are appointed to Revise and Correct this Meetings minutes |
in order that they may be Recorded – as to well as to record those things |
to be Recorded from the yearly meeting in Book of Discipline: as also to |
to Settle Accounts with the Treasurer, and make report next monthly meeting |
[rep]ort of Bills [p]aid |
The Treasurer reports he hath paid the following Bills as Ordered (viz) |
To Henry Smith for Hay – – – – |
3£ – 12s – 0d |
To Philip Macomber for Hay – – |
2 – 6 – 6 |
To Gideon Howland for keeping Alice Smith – |
8 – 8 – 0 |
[Gi]deon Howland [gave] in a Bill for [k]eeping A Smith |
Gideon Howland gave in a Bill to this meeting for keeping Alice Smith |
30 weeks and three days amounting to the Sum of – 9£ – 14s – 6d |
[H]enry Howland [gave] in a bill for [the] same |
Also Henry Howland gave in a bill for keeping the Same woman |
16 weeks at 9s/ per week amounting to the Sum of Twenty four Dollers |
Both which Bills the Treasurer is ordered to pay when he is Supplied with |
money for the Same |
[Quer]ies answer,d |
The Queries have been Read and answers thereto prear,d, Read and approved |
with an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting, all of which were Signed and Sent by |
[re]presentatives [app]ointed |
our Representatives to the Quarterly meeting who are our friends William |
Mosher, Thomas Hicks Samuel Smith and Thomas Russell |
4th month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of 4 month 1781 |
The Representatives are Stephen Buffinton and Philip Maccomber - Present |
case of [N] Gifford and [wif]e refered |
The Friends appointed to Joyn the Women friends in a Conferrence |
with Nathaniel Gifford and Wife report, that as they have not had an |
Oppertunity of Such a conference Since Last monthly meeting, therefore |
desires that matter refered, which is accordingly refer,d under their |
care and they to make report next monthly meeting |
[T]he case of [J] Slocum Refered |
The friends appointed to Treat with Jonas Slocum desiers it refer,d |
another month, which is accordingly refered under the care of the Same |
Friends, who are to report next monthly meeting |
Taber inform,d his denial |
Benjamin Hathway reports that he hath informed Nicholas Taber |
of his denial |
denial not [?] Read |
The Clerk reports, that he hath not read the Testimony of Said |
Nicholas,s denial as ordered, he is desired therefore to read the Same |
at the close of a first days meeting for Worship, between this and next |
monthly meeting, and then make report thereof |
Harts clearness |
The Friends appointed to Inquire into Seth Harts clearness refer- |
=ing marriage report that they find nothing Sufficient to hinder his |
proceeding in marriage |
Answer to Seth Hart,s proposal of marriage |
Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony appearing for their answer |
Which was that they proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Som[e] |
convenient time between this and next monthly meeting adviseing with |
the Friends this meeting shall appoint to See Said marriage accompli[shed] |
who are William Mosher and Benjamin Rider; and they to report to the nex[t] |
Monthly meeting |
Receiv,d Freborn Ri ders Certifi cate with Endorment from Sandwich |
A few lines, by way of Endorsment on the Certificate of our esteemed Frie[nd] |
Freeborn Rider, (Expressing her attending the Several Settings of the Quarter[ly] |
and monthly meetings of Sandwich to Satisfaction) was read in this |
Meeting – – |
Maria Smith Wife of John Smith dis= =owned |
A testimony ^against Maria Smith Wife of John Smith, was Signed in this |
meeting, in concurrence of with the Women friends therein, And the Clerk |
is directed to read the Same at the Close of a first days meeting of worship |
between this and next monthly meeting, and make report next monthly m[eeting] |
The case of J Wing Refered |
The Friends appointed to take an opertunity of Solid conference |
with Joseph Wing; reported that they had an oppertunity with him and |
that he gave them a good degree of Satisfaction, but that they desire |
the matter refered another month, which is accordingly refered to next |
Monthly meeting, under the Same Friends care, and they then to make rep[ort] |
W Howlands paper accepted |
This meeting accepts of William Howlands paper (which he gave in Some |
time past, Condemning his misconduct in Joining with a young company |
in mirth and merriment at an Entertainment of roasting and eating |
Quahawks) for Satisfaction |
The case of P. Potter Refered |
The Friends appointed to Joine Women friends in a Solid conference |
with Prince Potter and family report, that they have not had an opper |
=tunity with him; and desires the matter refered, which is accordingly referd |
to next Monthly meeting under their care, and they then to make report |
The case of E Thurston refered |
The Committee appointed to confer with Edward Thurston and family |
desires the matter refered, which is according refered under their care to |
next monthly meeting and they then to make report |
Revising miniuts & Settleing with Treasurd |
The Friends appointed to Revise the Minutes and Settle with the |
Treasurer desires it Refered another month which is accordingly referd |
under their care and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the last Quarterly meeting Report that they |
all attended, and produced an Epistle from Said meeting, which was |
Read in this meeting to Satisfaction |
Report of th Comtee on acount of Bibles |
The Committee appointed to take in Subscriptions for Bibles agreeable to |
the Recommendation of the Meeting for Sufferings, now report that the |
Bibles Subscri =bed for |
Several members of this meeting with Some of their Friendly neighbours |
have Subscribed for 7 folio, 45 large Quarto: 39 large Octavo and |
29 Small Octavo Bibles, which are to be Sent for an account and |
Risk of the Subscribers who are to pay whatever the Cost and charge |
of the Bibles may be: amounting to the number of 120 in the whole |
report accep =ted |
The above report is accepted and a Coppy thereof is ordered to be |
Sent up to the meeting for Sufferings. |
The paper B Ricketson and Compa -ny Sent in is accepted |
The Paper of Benjamin Ricketson, Caleb Barker, William Barker Ju |
John Barker, Joseph Howland 2d, Jonathan Russell, and George Smith 2d |
given in Some time past, Condemning their misconduct in going to an |
Entertainment, where undue Liberty was taken: which paper is |
accepted for Satisfaction; Provided the above said young men |
Cause it to be read Publickly at the close of a first day meeting for Worship |
before next monthly meeting, they being present: and to make return and |
and report thereof next monthly meeting |
[H] Howland [requ]est a [certi]ficate |
Henry Howland Request a Removal Certificate for himself a Children, to the |
Monthly meeting at Accoakset, therefore our friends Benjamin Howland 2d and |
William Anthony Jur are appointed to take the necessary care therein and |
bring one to next monthly meeting if they think proper |
Collected in Silver – |
1£ – 10s – 1d |
[5th] month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth the 21st of 5 month 1781 |
The Representatives are William Barker and William Wood – Present |
[c]ase of [N] Gifford & [wi]fe refered |
The Friends appointed to Joine the Women Friends in a Conference with |
Nathaniel Gifford and Wife, report, that they have not had oppertunity as |
desired, therefore desiers it refer,d which is accordingly refered, under the Same |
friends care; and they to make report next Monthly meeting |
case of Slocum refered |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Jonas Slocum desires that matter refer,d |
another month, which is accordingly refered under the Care of the Same friends |
who are to report to the next monthly meeting |
[N] Tabers [de]nial read |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testimony of denial against Nicholas |
Taber: as also that against Mariah Smith wife of John Smith as ordered |
Denial of [M] Smith read |
Last Monthly meeting. That against Nicholas Taber is as followeth |
Testimony of denial against [Ni]cholas Taber |
Whereas Nicholas Taber hath had his Education amoung us the People |
called Quakers, but hath so far departed from our Religious Principles as |
to freequent meetings of Worship which are held out of the Unity of our Society |
and he being Laboured with to desist there from, and it not having the desired |
Effect: We are therefore confrained to give this forth as a Publick Testimony |
against him the Said Nicholas Taber, Disowning him from being a member |
of our ^religious Society, and from under our care: but with fervent desires that he |
may be favoured with a Sight and Sense of the Error of his out going and |
Experience the incom of Divine regaurd |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19 of 3 month 1781 |
Signed in and on behalf of sd meeting by William Anthony Jur Clerk |
[The] report of Seth [Ha]rts marriage |
The Friends apointed to see the Marriage of Seth Hart and Abigail |
Anthony accomplished, report, that they both attend and did not see but that |
it was orderly Consumated |
[T]he case of [Jo]seph Wing refered |
The friends appointed to confer with Joseph Wing, reports that they |
had not the desired oppertunity with him, therefore desire it referd another |
month, which is accordingly referred under the Same friends Care and they |
to make report next monthly meeting |
[P] Potter his Wife and Children [re]ceived into [u]nity with Friends |
The Friends appointed to Joyne the Women friends in a Solid conference |
with Prince Potter and Family report, that they had an Oppertunity of |
conference wherein they had a good degree of Satisfaction, Therefore this |
meeting (on their request, and in concurence with the Women friends meeting) |
Accepts of the Said Prince Potter his Wife Hannah and all their Children |
now born, to be under our Care |
[Ed]ward Thurston [his] Wife & Chil- dren disowned |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Edward Thurston and family |
wherein they were Joined by the women friends report that they had an |
oppertunit of conference with Said Edward and family, and that they |
therein had no Satisfaction; Therefore this meeting doth disown said Edward |
his wife Parnel, and their Children, from having any right of membership |
among us, and from under our care35 |
Clerk to desired to Transmit A Copy herof to Family |
And the Clerk is Desired to Transmitt a Coppy of this Minniute to Said |
Family, and make report next monthly meeting |
The paper of Benja Rick itson & Compa= =ny hath been read |
The Clerk Informs that Benjamin Ricketson, Caleb Barker William Bark[er] |
John Barker Joseph Howland 2d Jonathan Russell and George Smith 2d have cased [caused] |
their Paper to be read as directed last monthly meeting and returned said paper |
which is as Followeth |
The paper of acknowledg ment of Benjamin Ricketson and Compa =ny |
To the Monthly meeting of Friends to be held the 19th of Second month 1781 |
Whereas We Some time past Joined a considerable large company in an |
Entertainment with roasting and eating Quawhoks [Quahogs], whereat were also |
provided victuals and Spiritous Licquor, and after pertaking of the Same with |
Mirth and merriment we (with said company) repaired to a house where |
was musick and dancing, and so far Joined with them, as to remain at |
the house till the Company disperssed: For which misconduct we are |
Sorry, and do condemn, desireing Friends may so far pass it By as |
to let us remain under their care – From your real Friends |
Joseph Howland 2d |
Benjamin Ricketson |
Jonathan Russell |
Caleb Barker |
William Barker Jur |
John Barker |
Certificate for Henry Howland refered |
The Friends appointed to take the necessary care respecting a Certificate |
for Henry Howland and Children to the Monthly meeting of Accoakset report |
that they have not accomplished one by reason of an objection: therefore |
it is refered another month under the Same friends care they to make |
Report next Monthly meeting |
W Russell gave in a paper referd to a Comtee |
William Russell gave in a paper to this meeting condemning his making |
a Gameing Instrument – yet in Order to discover his Sincerity in condemning |
it, This meeting doth appoint Our Friends Seth Russell, Stephen Buffinton |
and John Williams, to take an oppertunity of Solid conference with him to |
Said William and make report next monthly meeting |
H Howlands paper accepted |
Humphry Howland gave in a paper Some considerable time past condemning |
his misconduct, in horse:racing and other things – Which is now Accepted for |
Satisfaction, provoided he causes it to be read publickly at the close of a |
day meeting of Worship, he being present at the reading thereof, returning |
and making report of the Same to next monthly meeting |
W Howland desires a cop =py of miniut of his mem bership |
William Howland Informes this meeting by the way of the Preparitive |
Meeting, that he intends to go to Nantucket in order to go to Sea from |
thence if he Should find a voiage agreeable to his mind: he desireing |
a coppy of a minniute thereon he having a righ of membership among us |
This meeting desires he may be under the care of Nantucket monthly meeting |
while there, and the Clerk is desired to give him a coppy thereof |
Correcting the miniuts & Set with Treasurer refered |
The Friends appointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer and revise |
the Monthly meeting minutes request it refer,d another month wich is |
accordingly under their care and they to report next monthly meeting |
Wood Sold |
The Committee appointed to have the care of Selling Wood report |
that they have Sold Seven Cords at two dollars pr Cord, which is Fourteen |
Dollars and paid the Same to the Treasurer |
Collected in Silver money 1£ – |
6s – 0d |
adjourn |
This Meeting is Adjournd to the 30th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 30th of the 5th month 1781 |
The Representatives are William Barker and William Wood – Present |
Complaint against C Sherman |
This meeting is inform,d by the way of Preparitve meeting that Caleb |
Sherman hath married out of the Unity of friends, & Friends having Treated |
with him thereon, but it is Refer,d to next monthly meeting for Consideration |
J Gifford Jn desires a certificate send to a Comtee |
Joseph Gifford Junr desires (by the way of Preparitive meeting) a Removal |
Certificate, for himself and Children, to the Monthly meeting of Sandwich as |
he hath removed within the Verge of that meeting to Live, therefore |
this Meeting doth appoint William Barker and Stephen Buffinton |
to take the necessary care therein; and if they find things clear to |
bring one to next Monthly meeting |
S Smith desires coppy of miniut [?] member [ship?] |
Stephen Smith son of Benjamin Smith Jur desireing a coppy of a |
Miniute of this Meeting Setting forth his Right of Membership here |
directed to the Monthly meeting of Falmoth in Salem Quarter as he |
has gone to do some business there, and the Clerk is directed to give a coppy |
hereof; He having a right of membership among us |
And this meeting desireing he may be under friends care while there |
complaint against David Hart referd to a Comtee |
This meeting is Inform,d by way of the preparative meeting that |
David Hart hath removed out of the Verge of this Meeting and not requested |
our Certificate, which not being according to good order amoung us therefore our friends John |
Devoal [Devol] and Abiel Gifford are appointed to treat with him thereon and |
make report when ready |
Jonathan Greene desires a certificate [trans]mmitted |
Jonathan Greene desireing a removal Certificate to the Monthly meeting |
of Greenwich, Setting forth his right of membership and clearness |
respecting marriage he having gone there to reside therefore our friends |
Benjamin Tabor and William Wood are appointed to take the necessary |
care therein, and if they find things clear to bring one to next monthly |
Meeting |
B Shepherds Certificate returned for a amendment: an [Endors?] ment was made and forwarded back |
Barnabus Shepherds Certificate being returned from the Monthly |
Meeting of Sandwich with Endorsmnent, informing that Said Certificate |
did not metion [mention] his outward afaires being Settled: Enquiry being made |
therein and finding things clear therein, an Endorsment was made |
thereof on said Certificate and forwarded |
M Maxfield received under Friends care |
The Women Friends Inform that they have received Mehitable Maxfield |
Wife of John Maxfield, under their care; which this meeting concurs with. |
B Allen(son of Philip) requests some advice |
The Overseers Inform that Benjamin Allen (son of Philip Allen deceasd) |
desires the advice of Friends, respecting Some of his Outward affairs |
therefore our Friends Henry Smith, Stephen Buffinton, Caleb Russell, |
and Ebenezer Allen, are appointed to Visit Said Benjamin and advise |
and assist on those affairs, as Truth may Direct and make report next |
Monthly Meeting |
6 month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 13th of 6th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Caleb Russell Joseph Barker Elijah Gifford and |
Henry Smith Present |
Thornton & Smith and Carrington Visit |
Our Esteem Friends James Thornton from Abington & Samuel |
Smith of Philadelphia both of the Province of Pensylvania and Thomas |
Carrington of New Garden attended the meeting, Producing Certificates |
from the meetings they belong to: and their Visits and Labours in |
Gospel Love acceptable Also |
D Cowper & G Churchman Visit |
Our Esteemed Friends Warner Mifflin of Duce Creek Kent County in |
Delaware, David Cowper of Haddonfield in New Jersey, and George |
Churchman of Nottingham , England producing Certificates from the |
Monthly meetings they belong to, and their Visits here well accepted36 |
N Gifford [&] wife |
The friends appointed to Confer with Nathaniel Gifford Jur & wife report |
that they before that matter continued another month that is according |
defer.d till next monthly meeting under their care then they to make Report |
J. Slocum case |
The Friends appointed to Treat with and inspect into the Conduct |
of Jonas Slocum, report that they desire that matter continued another |
month under their care they then to make Report |
Joseph Wing case |
The friends appointed to confer with Joseph Wing report that they |
had an oppertunity of conferrence with him, and that he gave them a |
degree of Satisfaction, yet desire ye matter continued another month [?] |
is accordingly under the Same friends care and they to make report |
next monthly meeting |
E Thurston informd |
The Clerk informed he hath Transmitted a Coppy of the minnuite of |
Last monthly meeting, to Edward Thurston and family respecting |
their denial, as ordered |
objection against Hen. Howland Certificate |
The friends appointed to take the necessary care respecting a Removal |
Certificate for Henry Howland and children report that the Same |
Objections remains as was last monthly meeting therefore the matter is |
continued under the Same friends care and they to make report |
When ready |
W. Russell case refer,d |
The friends appointed to have a Soled conference and inspection |
into the conduct of William Russell in order to discover his Sencerity |
in condemning his misconduct in making a Gaming Instrument |
Report: They have had Some conference with him but desires the matter |
refered another month with an addition of friends therein, Who are |
William Mosher and William Anthony Jur and they together to take |
the necessary care therein and make report to next monthly meeting |
be appinted for forreign friends |
Our Friends William Anthony Jur and Samuel Smith are appointed |
to draw Certificates for our Friends James Thornton, Samuel Smith |
Thomas Carrington Warner Mufftin [Mifflin] and George Churchman who |
Attended this meeting. – bringing with them Said Certificates to the |
adjournment of this meeting |
adjourn,d |
This Meeting is adjourned to the 27th instant after the meeting of |
Worship of that day |
mett |
The 27th mett by adjournment The Representatives all present |
Except Caleb Russell who is gone to the yearly meeting at Nantucket |
Caleb Greene is appointed Clerk for this time |
H Howland paper not read |
Humphry Howlands paper not being Read as directed last monthly |
meeting he not being informed thereof he is now inform,d and dire[cted] |
to cause the Same to be read and Returned as mentioned last |
monthly meeting |
To Settle with Trea surer |
The Friends appointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer and |
Revise the monthly meeting minutes Report that they have revised |
the minutes but have not accomplish,d the rest, therefore the finishing |
the Same is defered under their care till next monthly meeting and then |
to make report |
C Shearman disorder |
Our Friends William Barker and Joseph Tucker Jur are appointed to make |
Enquiry and Treat with Caleb Shearman on his marrying out of the Unity |
of friends: and make report thereof next monthly meeting |
J Greene certificate |
A Removal Certificate was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk for |
Jonathan Greene directed to the monthly meeting at Greenwich Setting forth |
his Right of membership Clearness respecting marriage and Outward affairs |
being Settled, he having gone to Said place to reside |
B Allen Case |
Part of the Committee appointed to Visit Benjamin Allen (Son of |
Philip deceased) and advise and assist him in Some of his outward |
affaires report, that they Visited him and gave him Such advice |
as they thought necessary but the matter not being fully accomplished |
His Brother Jedidiah being concerned in the matter with him hereto= |
=fore the Same friends are continued in that Service who are to advise |
Said Benjamin and Jedidiah and others of that family concerned therein |
as they may find necessary and make report next monthly meeting |
J Gifford case |
The Friends appointed Some considerable time past to treat with Job |
Gifford report that they have Confer,d with him Several times and he |
hath desisted from his misconduct, and gave Said Friends a good degree |
of Satisfaction; Therefore Said report is accepted as Satisfactory |
Silvia Smith Requesting for her young Son Benjamin Howland Smith to |
be received under Friends care: therefore our friends Thomas Hicks and |
Philip Maccomber are appointed to take necessary care in the matter and |
make report next monthly meeting |
Certificates for Traveling Friends |
Certificates were Signed in this Meeting by the Clerk for our Esteemed |
Friends James Thornton and Samuel Smith directed to the Several monthly |
meetings they belong to: Setting forth their acceptable Visit and Service in the |
Ministry, and Soled and waitty [weighty] conversation: Certificates were also Signed |
as above Said for our Friends Warner Mufflin [Mifflin], Thomas Carrington and George |
Churchman directed to the Several monthly meetings they belong to Setting |
forth their acceptable Visit and Service in the Love of the Truth |
Queries an answer.d |
The Queries have been Read and answers answers thereto prepared, and |
after Some amendment, approved and Sent by our Representatives to the |
Quarterly meeting, with the Epistle, which was Read, approved, And Sign,d |
by the Clerk |
Representatives Quarly meeting |
The Our Friends William Barker, Caleb Greene, Abner Devoal [Devol], Seth |
Huddleston, and Benjamin Gifford Jur are appointed to attend our next |
Quarterly meeting, and make report to our next monthly meeting |
7 month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 16th of 7th month 1781 |
The Representatives are John Williams and Joseph Tucker Jur Present |
Representatives report |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting report, that they all |
attended that meeting, and have produced an Epistle from the Same which |
was read in this meeting to Satisfaction: And the weighty advice therein |
Respecting Friends Settleing their outward Estates, and making |
their Wills whilst in helth, is Recommended to the Solid attention of |
Each member of this meeting |
A Transcrip of the Epistle of the yearly meeting from London last |
year was also produced by the sd Representatives and read in this |
meeting to Satisfaction |
N Gifford & Wife Case |
The Friends appointed to Confer with Nathaniel Gifford and Wife |
report, that they had an oppertunity with them and that they gave |
them Some degree of Satisfaction; yet as they are Slack in attending |
Religious meetings, and for a further discovery of the Sincerity of Said |
Nathaniel and Wife, in the Condemning their misconduct, the |
matter is continued under the care and inspection of the Same friends |
who are to report when ready |
J Slocums Case |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Jonas Slocum and inspect |
into his conduct report they do not find his fruits Sufficiently demonstrate |
to demonstrate a State of Sincear Repentance: yet not being out of |
hopes he may yet return; therefore Said matter is refer.d under the |
Same friends care and they to make report next monthly meeting |
J Wings Case |
The Friends appointed to confer with Joseph Wing report that |
they had an oppertunity of Solid conference with him and that he gave |
them Some degree of Satisfaction: yet this meeting concluds to continue |
that matter one month longer, and it is accordingly refer.d to next |
monthly meeting under the Same friends care and they then to make Report |
W Rusell Case |
The Friends appointed to have a Solid conferrence with and inspection into |
the conduct of William Russell, in order to discover his Sincerity in condem |
ning his misconduct in making a Gameing Instrument, report that they |
had an oppertunity with him and that he gave them so much Satisfaction |
that this meeting concludes to accept of his paper for Satisfaction, provided |
he cause Said paper to be read, at the close of one of our publick meetings |
for Worship on a first day between this and next monthly meeting and |
make return and report of the Same |
H Holand paper not Read |
The Clerk informs by desire of Humphry Howland that his paper hath not |
been read as directed at last monthly meeting therefore the Clerk is desired |
to direct him to cause it to be read as directed last monthly meeting |
P. Sissons Children Received. |
This meeting in concurence with the Womens meeting do conclude |
to receive Phebe Sissons Children whose names are Stephen, Ruth, and |
Judith, under our care |
Settled with Treasurer |
The Committee appointed to Settle accompts with the Treasurer report |
that they have accomplish.d the same, and find in Stock four Shillings |
and Eight pence Lawful hard money 0 – 4 – 8 not paid out which |
Benjamin Taber is ordered to pay to Jonathan Willbor: And the |
Meeting: and the in debt for order 9£ – 11s – 4d not yet paid |
Thereby the meeting in debt 9£ – 6s – 8d Lawful hard money |
A Ricketson Request thro.d out |
The Committee appointed in 2nd month 1780 to treat and Confer |
with Abraham Ricketson on his request to be restored among |
Friends and he not apearing to continue his request, this meeting |
Concludes to discharge that matter and Said Committee from that Service |
Respecting the books |
Part of the Committee appointed in 2nd month 1780 to Collect this |
meetings Books report that they have made Some progress therein and they are |
therefore continued in that Service and to make report next monthly meeting |
J Potter Case |
The Committee appointed in 2nd month 1780 to take the necessary care in the |
matter respecting John Potter going away in a disorderly manner Report that |
they have made Some progress therein and they are yet contintinued in that |
Service and to make report when ready |
D Hart Case |
The Friends appointed to treat with David Hart on his removing out of |
the Verge of this meeting without requesting a Certificate Report that they |
have treated with him and that he did not give any Satisfaction: Said Committee |
also inform that Said David is in the practice of attending meetings |
held out of the Unity of our Society and that they had Treated with him on |
that account, and that Justified himself, therefore, Seth Russell and |
John Williams are appointed to take an oppertunity of Solid Conference |
with him thereon and if he doth not give them Satisfaction to draw a |
Testimony of denial against him and inform him thereof and bring said |
Testimony with them to next monthly meeting |
B. Taber Dismisd J Willbor Treasu =rer |
Benjamin Taber having Served this meeting as Tresurer for Some time to |
Satisfaction, and requesting to be dismist there from, he is therefore dismissed |
and Jonathan Willbor is appointed to that Service for the year Ensuing |
Collected 2£ – 17s – 4d |
A Nichols miniute |
This meeting Received a Coppy of a miniute from South Kingstown in behalf |
of Andrew Nichols 3rd, Son of Andrew Nichols Jur informing of his Right |
of membership and of his removing from that meeting to Bedford |
to Live with a friend |
adjourn.d |
This Meeting is adjourned to the 25thh Instant after the meeting of Worship |
of that day |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 25th of the 7 month 1781 |
The Representatives being called Joseph Tucker Jur present |
John Williams not present for which no Excuse was rendered |
C Sherman Case |
The Friends appointed to make Enquiry and Treat with Caleb Sherman |
on his marrying out of the Unity of friends Report that they had an |
oppertunity with him and that he gave them no Satisfaction |
They also Inform that Said Caleb is guilty of fornication as appears by his |
wife having a Child Soon after marriage therefore the Same friends are |
continued: to Joyn the Women friends in treating with Said Caleb and |
Wife, if they do not find Sufficient Sattisfaction to draw a Testimony of denial |
and bring to next monthly meeting |
[Benj?] Allens case refer,d |
Caleb Russell in behalf of the Committee appointed to Visit Benjamin |
Allen (Son of Phillip deceased) and the rest of family, report that |
they appointed a time and place to meet them, but they not meeting them |
as appointed the Committee desires the matter defer,d another month which |
is accordingly Referred Under their care till next monthly meeting they |
then to make report |
Smiths request |
The Friends appointed to take the necessary care respecting the request |
of Silvia Smith for her young Son Benjamin Howland Smith to be taken |
under Friends care, report that they have taken the necessary care therein |
by taking an opertunity of Solid conference with Said Silvia thereon, who gave them |
a good degree of Satisfaction, Respecting the Religious Education of her Child |
therefore this meeting in a Solid consideration thereon concluds to receive Said |
Benjamin Howland Smith under our care |
B Howland Smith |
Silvia Smith Requests a Coppy of a minute of this meetings to the monthly |
meeting of Nantucket, Signifying the right of membership of her Son Benjamin |
Howland Smith (he being this day received into membership with us) he |
being gone to Nantucket to School: therefore the Clerk is desired to forward |
to Said monthly meeting of Nantucket, a Coppy of this minniute |
J Jonson Cer= tificate returnd |
James Johnson hath returned a Certificate which he received from this |
meeting of the 17th of 3d month 1781 Last directed to the monthly meeting of |
Nantucket; he not making any Stay there |
8 month 1781 |
Att a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of 8th month 1781 |
The Representatives Abiel Gifford and Jonathan Hart - Present |
Comtee in being joyn.d to Sand= wich Quarter |
There being a Committee appointed by the Quarterly meeting to Confer |
with this meeting on account of Dartmouth monthly meeting, being Joyn.d |
to Sandwich Quarter: therefore we appoint our Friends William Anthony Ju |
Thomas Hicks Samuel Smith Abiel Gifford William Mosher Seth Russell |
and Henry Smith, to Confer with Said Committee, with all other friends that |
hath a desire to meet on that Conference and they to report next monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment the 29th of the 8th month 1781 |
J Slocums Case refered |
The Friends continued in the Case of Jonas Slocum report that they |
had another conference with him and not being fully Satisfied it is referd |
to next monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as before and |
then they to report |
J Wings Case Refer,d |
Likewise the Friends appointed in the case of Joseph Wings report Still |
gives a degree of Satisfaction therefore it is refer,d to next monthly |
meeting and the Same friends to take the care thereof and then to report |
W Russells paper read is as Follows |
William Russells Paper having been Read according to direction and |
is returned to this meeting. – and is as followeth |
To the Monthly meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth 21st of 5th mo 1781 |
Dear friends, Whereas I Some time past through unwatchfullness did so far |
depart from the principle of Truth and friends as to make a Gaiming Instru = |
=ment or Table for the purpose of playing a Sort of Game called Bacgammon |
Since doing which I have been favoured to See my great error there th with |
with its concequences, for which Error I am Sincearly Sorry for and do Condemn |
desireing Friends may pass it by so far as to let me remain under their |
Care and that I may be so far favoured to dwell So near the divine princi= |
=ple for the futuer as not to fall into any since Such inormity for the future |
William Russell |
Consening Books |
The Friends appointed to Collect this meetings Books report that they |
made Some further progress therein but it not being fully accomplished |
they are continued therein and desired to make report to this meeting |
when they have fulfilled the Same |
disown,d |
The friends appointed to confer with David Hart Report they have fulfilled |
their appointment and that he did not give them any Satisfaction therefore |
this meeting disown him from being a member of this meeting and hath |
Given forth a Testimony of denial against him and the Clerk is [?] |
to Read the Same publickly or procure it Read in the usal manner and |
make return next monthly meeting, And Seth Russell is desired to |
inform Said David Hart thereof and that he hath a right of an apeal |
and he to report next monthly meeting |
J Williams excuse rec,d |
John Williams hath Render,d a Satisfactory reason for his not attending |
the adjourment of our Last monthly meeting when being a Representative |
of the Preparitive meeting |
C Shearmans Case refer,d |
The friends appointed in the case of Caleb Shearman make report, they |
have not accomplished their appointment (tho they made Some progress there) |
they are therefore Continued in that Service as before to make report |
next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to advise and assist Benjamin Allen and his [?] |
Jedidiah & Report that they have had a conference with the Said parties [?] |
yet thee Committee request Said matter continued, It is therefore Continued to |
next monthly meeting under the care of Said Committee who are then to make Report |
H Howland paper read |
This meeting is Informed that Humphry Howlands Paper hath been Read |
agreeable to the direction of the Monthly meeting: and is as followeth |
To the Monthly meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Whereas I have inconsiderately resorted to places of horse racing, and co[?] |
to my mares running runing Several times: I also, with others went and |
partook of the Entertain of Quaghaugs at the Shoar after which we went |
to a house and took undue Liberty, even to musick and dancing a[?] |
misconduct of mine, I am Sorry for, and do hereby Condemn the Same |
together with the wearing Such apparel as is not approved among friends |
and I desire friends so far to pass it by my Unwarrantable behavior |
in these and all other respects as to Suffer me Still to remain under |
Their Care |
From your friend Humphry Howland |
Dated in Dartmouth |
the 14th of 2d month 1781 |
P Beards deial |
The Women Friends Inform they have denied Phebe Beard Daughter |
of John Beard which this meeting Concurs with |
Trustees for meeting house lands |
It hath been proposed to make a additional Choice of Trustees to [?] |
the Title of the meeting house land at New Town; therefore Joseph |
Tucker Junor Jonathan Hart, Barnabus Mosher Ju and William Gifford |
are appointed for that Service unto whom a Deed or Deeds are [?] |
to be made: and to hold Said land for the Use of Friends till others |
be appointed in their Stead for that Service |
Bill |
Gideon Howland hath given a bill for nursing and tending Alice |
Smith during her Sickness the last Seven months he keep her, over and |
above the Usal alowence allow,d by the Oveseers of the poor 8 dollars [?] |
P Maccomber |
Phillip Maccomber also gave in an account as allow,d by Said |
Oversears, for a pair of Shoes 0£ – 9s – 0 |
which accounts the Treasurer is ordered to pay when Suplyd with |
money by this meeting |
Wood Sold |
The friends to Sell our wood report they have Sold 2½ Cords for |
Five dollars which money Deliverd to the Treasurer |
This Meeting Collected – – – |
1£ – 4s – 7½d |
adjourn |
This meeting adjurns to the 5th day of next month after meeting of |
Worship on Said day |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 5th day of the 9th month 1781 |
The Representatives being called both present |
A Russells prosel of marriage |
Allen Russell and Abigail Allen Declared their Intentions of taking |
Each other into Marriage (after having Consent of parents) and were desired |
to wait till next monthly meeting for their Answer |
And William Mosher and Wood William Wood are appointed to make |
the necessary inspection into the said Allen Russells clearness respecting |
marriag and conversation and make return to next monthly meeting |
Testimony Conserning P Russell |
The Testimony concerning Paul Russell that this meeting gave forth |
Some time past, was returned to this meeting, with Some amendment by |
the direction of the Quarterly meeting, which was Read approved and |
Signed by the Clerk |
9 month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17 day of the 9th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Stephen Buffinton and William Gifford both present |
Comtee report on Joining to Sandwich Qurter and |
The Committee appointed to confer with a Comittee from the Quarterly meeting |
on account of this meeting being Joyned to Sandwich Quarter: Report that |
they have fulfil,d their appointment, and think it not best for us to be annexed |
Thereto at present which report this meeting accept |
Sent to Qurly meeting Comtee |
A Report from this meeting was Signed by the Clerk directed to |
the Quarterly meetings Committee on the Subject of this meetings being annixed to |
Sandwich Quarter, Signifying, that we think it not best under present |
Circumstances to be So annexed |
J Slocums Case Continu,d |
The Friends continued in the case of Jonas Slocum desires it continu,d |
another month, it is accordingly continued under their: and if on their |
having another opportunity of Solid conference with him, they do not find |
Satisfaction, that they draw a Testimony of his denial, inform him thereof |
and bring said Testimony to next monthly meeting |
J Wing Recevd |
The friends appointed in the case of Joseph Wing report that he Still gave |
them a degree of Satisfaction, and that they think it may now be Safe for |
the meeting to receive him under our Care, Wherefore this meeting received |
the Said Joseph Wing into membership with us and under our Care |
The Clerk informs he hath Read the Testimony of David Harts denial |
as directed last monthly meeting. Which is as followeth |
D Harts Tes= =timony of denial |
Whereas David Hart having had his Education among us the People |
Called Quakers, but hath lately removed out of the Verge of this monthly meeting |
in disorderly manner; and freequents meetings held out of the Unity |
of our Society, and Friends having laboured with him in much love |
but it not having the desired Effect |
Therefore for the clearing of Truth we are concerned to give this forth as a |
Publick Testimony against him the Said David Hart, hereby disowning |
him from being any longer a member of our Societ. Neverthe it is our |
desire that he may come to a Sense of his out going and return to the way |
of Truth – Given forth and Signed in our monthly meeting held in |
Dartmouth the by adjournment the 26th day of the 8th month 1781 By |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
D Hart not inform.d |
Seth Russell informs he did not inform Said Hart of his Denial and |
Right of appeal which he is yet desired to, and make report thereof to next |
monthly meeting |
Caleb Sherman disowned |
The friends appointed in the case of Caleb Shearman report that |
that they had an oppetunity of Solid conference with him and that |
he did not give them any Satisfaction; therefore they produced a |
Testimony of his denial which was Read in this meeting and |
Signed by the Clerk who is directed to Read the Same |
at the close of a first day meeting of Worship between this and |
next monthly meeting, And Joseph Tucker Jur is desir,d to inform |
Said Shearman of his denial and Right of appeal and report to |
next monthly meeting |
A Russells Clearness |
The Friends appointed to inspect into Allen Russells Clearness |
Respecting marriage and Conversation, report that they do not find |
any thing Sufficient to hinder his proceeding in marriage |
A Russells Answer |
Allen Russell and Abigail Allen appearing in this meeting for |
their answer: Which was that they might proceed to take Each |
other in marriage at Some convenient time before next monthly |
meeting adviseing with the Friends this meeting Shall appoint to |
See Said marriage orderly Solemnized; And William Mosher and |
William Wood are are appointed to see Said marriage orderly |
Solemniz,d and make report next monthly meeting |
J Williams request a Certificate |
John Williams requested (By the way of the Preparitve meeting) a |
Certificate to the monthly meeting of RhodIsland Setting forth his |
clearness resecting marriage, and Conversation, Wherefore our friends |
Benjamin Taber and William Anthony Jur are appointed to take the |
Necessary care in that matter; and if they find things clear, to draw |
one and bring with them to next monthly meeting |
P Maccober request a removal Certificat |
Philip Maccomber Informing by the way of the Preparitive meeting) |
That he hath thoughts of moving to the Ninepartners with his family |
to Live desireing Friends advice therein, and a removal Certificate for |
himself and family if Friends think proper Wherefore Elijah Gifford |
Thomas Hicks and Samuel Smith are appointed to take the necessary |
Care in that matter and if they things clear to bring a Removal |
Certificate with them to next monthly meeting |
B Allens Case Continu,d |
The fiends appointed in the case of Benjamin Allen Jedidiah Allen |
and others of their family, Report, that they have had a further |
Oppertunity with them, and that as the matter is difficalt they request |
it continued another month which accordingly continued and Joseph |
Barker is added to them in that case and they are to act therein |
as they in the Wisdom of Truth may be directed, and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
meetings discontinu= =ed |
This meeting concluds to discontinue all our Week day meetings in |
the the week of the next Quarterly meeting be held here this yeare |
And that our next Preparitive meeting beheld the 26th of this instant |
Receiv,d S Crisps & M Brooks Epistles |
This meeting having receiv,d from the meeting for Sufferings Forty |
of Stephen Crisps Epistles and Forty of Mary Brooks on Silent |
waiting at pence Lawfull money per Set: To be paid for by those |
members who chuse to have them, therefore our Friends William Mosher |
Danniel Ricketson, Henry Smith, Caleb Greene and Timothy Russell |
Howland are appointed to dispose of sd Books as they See proper and |
bring the money if ready to the adjournment of this meeting37 |
Wood Sold |
The Committee appointed to Sell wood, report, that they have Sold five |
Cords and one Eight at two dollars per Cord is Ten dollars and a Quarter |
Which is paid or Sent to the Treasurer – – |
3£ – 1 – 6 |
Collected – |
2 – 11 – 3 |
adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 26th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournmet the 26th of the 9th month 1781 |
Queries answerd |
The Queries have been read and answers thereto prepared and read |
and approv,d, also an Epistle Signed by the Clerk all which is order,d |
The Representa tives |
forward to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Elijah Gifford John Devol Samuel Smith and Stephen Buffinton and they |
To make report next monthly meeting |
S Butters mi= niute |
Samuel Butter attended this meeting with a Coppy of a miniute from |
the monthly meeting of the Ninepartners Seting forth his being a |
Member in unity, which was Indorsed in this meeting |
R. Smiths miniute indors,d |
In concurrence with the Women Friends Robe Smiths Certificate |
from East Hoosuck monthly meeting was |
ndorsed in this meeting |
Epistles dis= posed of |
The friends that had the disposal of Stephen Crisps Epistles |
and Mary Brooks on Silent waiting report that they have disposed |
of them and Sent the money to the meeting for Sufferings |
10 month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of the 10th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Henry Smith and Joshua Potter present |
Report of ye Comtee from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly Meeting Report that they all |
attended and produced an Epistle to this meeting: as also a Coppy of an |
Epistle from the Yearly meeting held in Philadelphia for Pensylvany |
and New Jersey & c: which Epistles were Read to Satisfaction |
Jonas Slocum disowed |
The friends continued in the Case of Jonas Slocum report that they |
have had a Soled Conference with him but he gave them no Satisfaction they |
they thereupon produc,d a Testimony of his denial which was Signed |
by the Clerk who is desired to Read the Same at the Close of of a |
first day meeting for Worship between this and next monthly meeting |
Said friends also report that they have Informed said Slocum that |
Friends would proceed to disown him |
D Hart informd of his denial |
Seth Russell reports that he hath inform,d David Hart of his Denial |
According to appointment and his right to an appeal |
Testimony of denial of Caleb Shear= =man |
The Clerk reports he hath read the Testimony of denial against – – |
Caleb Shearman according to appointment: and Joseph Tucker reports |
that he hath informed Said Shearman of the Same: Which is as follows |
Whereas Caleb Shearman Son of Philip Shearman; And Hannah |
his Wife daughter of Jacob Russell deceased; Having had a Right of |
Membership with us the people called Quakers, but through unwach= |
=fulness and by disregarding the Testimony of Truth in their owne |
hearts, have so far deviated therefrom, as to fall into the Sin of |
Fornication, which is Evident by their having a Child Soon |
after marriage: And Friends having Treated with them in Love |
in Order to Shew the Evil of their Transgression, and restore them |
to the way of Truth: But their Labour of Love not having the desired |
Effect to Friends Satisfaction: Friends are concerned to give this forth |
as a Testimony against them the Said Caleb Shearman and Hannah |
his Wife, hereby disowning them from being members of our Society and |
from under the Care of this meeting: yet our desire is that they may |
become truly Sensible of their Transgression and be restored to the way of |
Truth |
Signed in and on behalf of men and womens By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
monthly meeing held in Dartmouth the 17th of 9th mo 1781 Susanna Smith Clerk |
report of A Russells marriage |
The Friends appointed to See the marriage of Allen Russell and Abigail |
Allen orderly Solemniz,d, report that they attended Said marriage and |
that they did not discover but that it was Solemniz,d in a good degree Orderly |
John Williams Certificate not accompli= =shed |
The Friends to take the necessary care in inquiring into John |
Williams Clearness and Certificate in Rhod Island monthly meeting |
Settng Setting forth the Same, Report, that they have not accom= |
=plished it by reason of Some Obstacle and that therefore they desire another |
month with an addition to the Committee it is accordly deferd and |
William Mosher John Devol and Joseph Gifford are added to them and |
They to make report to next monthly meeting |
Certificate for P. Mac comber his Wife & Chil dren |
A Removal Certificate was provided to this meeting for Philip |
Maccomber his Wife Susanna and their Children Whose names are Edith |
Gardner, Barnabus Abraham, and Hannah, directed to the monthly |
meeting of Ninepartners Setting forth that Said Maccomber affairs |
were Settled to Satisfaction as far as appears, and that he and his |
Wife are Members in Unity as also the Childrens right of membership |
which Certificate was Signed by the Clerk |
The Case Ben Allen Settled |
The friends that had the care of that matter between Jedidiah and |
Benjamin Allen report that matter is mutually Settled between the |
parties concerned |
W Sanford request a Certificate |
William Sanford Inform.d (by the way of the preparitive meeting) that has |
Thoughts going to the Ninepartners to See his Relations, also to make Some |
Stay there and desireing a few lines from this meeting which this meeting |
Concurs with, He being a member in Unity, and the Clerk is desir,d |
to give him a Coppy of this Minniute |
S Russell request a Certificate |
Seth Russell Informing this meeting that he intends a Visit to Oblong |
and Ninepartners to See his Relations, and to attend the Quarterly meeting |
at Oblong – Requesting a few lines thereon – He being a member in Vnity |
and the Clerk is desired to give him a Coppy of this meeting a miniut |
And this meeting approves of the Same |
another preparitive meeting |
This Meeting taking into Consideration the advice of the Quarlerty |
meetings Committee for Visiting the monthly meetings: The Expedency |
of Setting off another Preparitive meeting in this monthly meeting – wherefore |
we appoint Joseph Tucker, Caleb Russell, William Mosher, Benjamin |
Taber, William Anthony Jur, Samuel Smith, Thomas Hicks Stephen |
Buffinton, Joseph Barker, Joseph Gifford, Seth Huddleston, Henry Smith |
and Abiel Gifford a Committee and to Joine the Women friends and to |
Take the Same into Solid Consideration and if they find it proper that there |
Should be one, that they describe its Bounderies and make report thereon |
to next monthly meeting and any other Concerned friends may Joine the |
Said Committee therein if they See proper |
Collected – 1£ – 19s – 0 d |
11 month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 11th month 1781 |
The Representatives are John Devol and Henry Smith Present |
The Clerk informs he hath Read the Testimony of denial of |
Jonas Slocum as directed last monthly meeting; Which is as Follows |
Testimony of denial of J Slocum |
Whereas Jonas Slocum having had his Education among Friends |
but through unwachfulness hath So far departed from his Education |
and our Religious Profession as to fall into the Sin of Fornication |
as appears by the accusation of Elisabeth Akin (that he was the father |
of her Child) and friends having freequently Treated with him on |
account of his Crime in order to discover to him the evil thereof |
But our Labour therein not obtaining the desired end or effect to friends |
Satisfaction; Therefore, for the clearing our Name, and Truth from |
the reproch therof, this meeting doth give this forth as a publick |
Testimony against him and do hereby disown him the Said Jonas |
Slocum from being in membership with us untill by Sincear Repentance |
he Shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting of |
Friends held in Dartmouth 15th of the 10th month 1781 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Report on dividing preparitive meeting |
The Committee appointed to take into Consideration and inspection the |
Expedency of dividing our Preparitive meeting report that by reason |
of so many and so great weaknesses prevailing among us pirticurly |
the want of a true discipline being kept up in friends familyes |
The want of Unity in Some places, and other defects, that it is their |
opinion that the matter be continued under their care for further Trial” |
it is accordingly continued under the care of Said Committee who are |
desired to inspect and Labour to remove those defects and make report |
to next monthly meeting |
Joseph Wing request a few lines from this to Accoxet monthly meeting |
Setting forth his right of membership and clearness respecting marriage and |
Conversation; therefore we appoint Elijah Gifford and Chilion Wood |
to to take the necessary care in that matter and if they find things |
Clear to draght a Certificate and bring one to the next monthly meeting |
J Allen request [?] Certificate |
John Allen (Son of Jonathan) Request a removal Certificate to the monthly |
meeting of Ninepartners, as he expects to Remove there with his Parents |
to reside therefore William Gifford and Jonathan Hart are appointed to |
take take the necessary care in that matter and if they find things clear |
to draught and bring one to next monthly meeting |
Howland [illegible] [illegible] |
Gideon Howland desires a coppy of a Miniut Setting forth his right of mem= |
=bership here; directed to the monthly meeting of East Hoosuck he being |
about to take a Journey there on business, which this meeing approves |
he being a member of this meeting, and the Clerk is directed to give him |
a Coppy hereof |
R[blot] Received a Removal Certificate for David Shepherd and David |
Shepherd Jur from the monthly meeing Smithfield their wives and Children |
which Childrens names are Caleb, deborah, Gideon, Allen, Elisabeth and |
Lydia David Shepherd Junor his Childrens names are Thomas Reliance |
and John |
Barker produce Certificate |
James Barker attended this meeting and produced a Certificate from |
the monthly meeting at East Hoosuck Setting forth right of |
membership and their Unity of his Visiting his relations on which |
Certificate was Endorsed his attending this meeting to a degree |
of Satisfaction |
[?]tin Recd |
The Women friends Inform they have admitted Patient Austin |
Wife of Joseph Austin, into membership: which this meeing |
Concurs with |
[?]ficate |
The Committee appointed to the case take the necessary care in |
the Case of John Williams request for a Certificate to RhodIs- |
land monthly meeting, Setting forth his Clearness Respecting |
Marriage and Conversation, Report, That they find things |
so far clear in that case; provided Said John would acknowledg |
his misconduct (in this meeting) toward a young Woman he |
formerly kept Company with: And he appearing in this meeting and |
acknowledging and condemning the Same, desiring Friends |
to pass it by – And this Meeting accepts the Same for Satisfaction |
Whereupon a Certificate was prepared and Signed by the Clerk – – |
directed to the Monthly meeting of RhodIsland in his behalf Setting |
forth his clearness respecting marriag and Conversation |
Collected 2£ – 1s – 6d |
1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 12th month 1781 |
The Representatives Stephen Buffinton and Barnabus Russell both present |
A Certificate in behalf of Joseph Wing directed to the monthly meeting |
at Accoaxet, Setting forth his clearness respecting marriag and Conversa= |
=tion was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk |
Allen Certificate |
A Certificate in behalf of John Allen (son of Jonathan) directed to the |
monthly meeting of Ninepartners Setting forth his being a member of |
this meeting, Clearness respecting marriage and Settlement of his out= |
ward affaiers was produced in this meeting and Signed by the Clerk |
Queries Answer.d Represent apointed |
The Queries were read in this meeting and answers thereto Read and |
approved and an Epistle to the next Quarterly meeting prepared and |
Signed by the Clerk; all which is forwarded to Said Quarterly meeting |
by our Representatives; Who are Stephen Buffinton, Benjamin |
Smith 2nd Samuel Smith William Anthony Jur and Barnabus Russell |
And they to report next monthly meeting |
M Wilcox desires a few lines |
Micajah Wilcox Informing this meeting he intends a Visit to |
Oblong to see his Relations, and make Some Stay there; desireing a |
few lines thereon: this meeting approving of the Same he having a |
Right of membership amoung us, and the Clerk is directed to give a |
Coppy of this miniute |
Collected – 1£ – 1s – 10d |
adjorn.d |
This meeting adjourns to the 26th Instant, after the meeting for Worship |
Mett |
Mett by Adjournment the 26th of the 12th month 1781 |
The Representatives being called both present |
dividing preparative meeting refer.d |
The Committee appointed to inspect into the expedency of dividing |
our Preparitive meeting and to Remove Some defects amoung us |
Report that they have made some progress therein and desires said |
matter continued; it is therefore defer.d to next monthly meeting under |
their care and then they to make report |
Complaint against J Johnson |
The Overseers inform.d in writeing that James Johnson had conducted |
very unbecoming in his Conversation as Set forth in said writeing: There |
fore we appoint William Barker, David Shepherd & Henry Smith to enquire |
into the case and Labour with said Johnson for the above matters as Truth |
may open the way and report next monthly meeting |
This Meeting adjourns to the 6th day of next month after the meeting for Worship |
Mett by adjournment the 6th day of the 1st month 1782 |
The Representatives being called neither of them Present |
Comtee col lect friend Sufferings report |
The Committee appointed Some time [?] to Collect Friends Sufferings made |
Report. That they have made Such progress therein as to Collect most of |
them to this time, and the account of them being read in this meeting and |
approved was directed to be signd by the Clerk and sent up to the |
meeting for Sufferings and a Coppy thereof Left on file |
1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 21st of 1st month 1782 |
The Representatives are Luthan Wood and William Gifford present |
Report from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting, Report, that they all |
attended that meeting, and now produce an Epistle from the Quarterly |
meeting – a Transcript of last Yearly meetings: Epistles Coppies of two |
miniuts of the meeting for Sufferings, and an Epistle from New York |
all which were read to in this meeting & well accepted: and by the |
Epistle from the Quarterly meeting and New York, and one of the miniuts |
from the meeting for Sufferings we have a discription of the Sorrowful |
Dangers which some members of Society have expos.d them Selves and the |
Reproach the Truth may be brought under by them in the pursuite of such |
Voyages and business as is therein pointed out – This meeting feeling a |
Comtee appoin ted on ad =vioice from New York & on Clan =destine Trade |
concern to make enquiry and gaurd & preserve our fellow members from |
the Consequences of these things: do appoint William Anthony Jur |
William Wood, John Devol, William Gifford and James Davis a Committee |
to make the necessary enquiry in the compass of this monthly meeting |
Respecting these things and to Labour therein as they in True Wisdom |
may be directed and to make report next monthly meeting38 |
on dividing preparitive meeting |
The Committee to inspect into the expedency of dividing our Preparative |
meeting and to Labour to remove some defects amoung us report that they |
have made Some further progress therein & desire said matter Continud it is |
refer.d to next monthly meeting under their care they then to make report |
[?] case of J Johnson continued |
The Friends appointed to enquire into and Labour with James |
Johnson on his unbecoming Conversation, Report, that they have taken |
the necessary care in that matter; And that he acknowledges his mis= |
=conduct, and is willing to make Friends Satisfaction, and that they |
think it best to be continued under the care of a Committee to see it |
fully accomplished; therefore this meeting doth continue the Same |
under the care of the Same Friends who are to make report of their progress |
therein to next monthly meeting |
Collected – £1 – 18s – 4d |
adjourn |
This meeting Adjourns to the 30th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 30th of the 1st month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both present |
matters refer.d next month ly meeting |
There being Several matters advised and recommended from the Yearly |
and Quarterly meetings, they are defer.d to the Consideration of next |
monthly meeting, on account of the small number of meembers at |
this adjournment |
Friends Suffer ings Collected |
The Committee appointed to Collect Friends Sufferings, Report that |
they have Collected an additional account Since last monthly meeting |
which after being read was approved and ordered to be Sent up to the |
meeting for Sufferings and a coppy left on file |
2nd month 1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th day of 2nd month 1782 |
The Representatives are William Barker and Abner Devoal [Devol] both present |
William Jack son attended this meeting |
Our Esteemed Friend William Jackson attended this meeting with a |
Certificate from New Garden Monthly meeting in Chester County in |
Pensylvania dated the 10th of 1st month 1781. also a few lines from the |
Same monthly meeting dated the 2nd month 3d of 2d month 1782 |
Which were Read in this meeting to Satisfaction and his Visit and |
Labour of Love acceptable to us39 |
The Committee appointed Last monthly meeting to make inquiry |
and inspection if there be any Such Conduct in any of our members as |
describ.d in the Epistle from New York to the Quarterly meeting and |
in a miniute of the meeting for Sufferings Report – as here annexed |
,, To the Monthly meeting to be held the 18th of 2d month 1782 |
Comtee report on Clandestine Trade |
According to apointment; we have met and taken into Cosideration |
,, the Contents of the Epistle from New York made inquiry among our |
,, members and where Suspicion arose have cautiond and advised endea= |
,, =voring to Set forth the bad tendency of Such proceedings accordings |
,, according to our ability: and as nothing appears openly, conclude |
,, best to let the matter rest for the present under friends weighty Conside- |
,, ration and inspection |
From your friends |
James Davis |
William Wood |
William Anthony Jur |
John Devoal [Devol] |
William Gifford |
This meeting Concluds to continue Said Committee in the further care |
of that matter and make report of their progress therein to next monthly |
meeting |
Report on divid ing preparative meeting |
The Committee to inspect into the expediency of dividing our |
Preparitive meeting and to Labour to remove defect amoung us |
Report, that they have made some further progress therein and that as |
it is a matter that cannot be speedily accomplished desire it continued |
it is therefore continued under their further care and progress who are |
to make report thereof to next monthly meeting |
case refer.d |
The friends appointed to Labour with James Johnson on his unbe= |
=coming Conversation and his acknowledging his misconduct there- |
=in, Report that they wait to receive an answer from William Hassey |
at Nantucket, whom James Said had wronged him and on that accont |
account desires the matter defer.d. This meeting this defers sd matter under |
the same friends, who are desired to Labor to discover the Sincerity |
of James condemning his misconduct and they to make report of |
their progress thereof next monthly meeting |
B Wings Certificate |
Bennet Wing Informes this meeting that he intends Marriage with |
Rhoda Ricketson Daughter of William Ricketson & the said Bennet |
produceing a Certificate from Sandwich monthly meeting Setting forth his |
Clearness Setting forth respecting marriage he also hath consent of Parents |
in Writeing |
Letter from Nantucket behaf G Fol= =ger |
George Folger informes this meeting he intends marriage with Rebeckah |
Shove. And produced a few lines from two Friends of Nantucket |
monthly meeting Setting forth that they find nothing to hinder his |
his having a Certificate on that account, at their next monthly meeting |
and that they were appointed by the meeting for that purpose. |
Said George also produced consent of Parents in writeing |
B Wings proposal of marriage |
Bennet Wing and Rhoda Ricketson appeared in this meeting and |
declared their intentions of taking Each other in marriage |
G Folgers proposal of marriage |
as also George Folger and Rebeckah Shove who were desired to wate |
till next monthly meeting for their answer |
Collected – £2 – 3s – 10d |
Respecting the Bibles |
This Meeting Receivd a Coppy of a miniute of the meeting for Sufferings |
containing an extract from an Epistle from Philidelphia respecting |
the Bibles, Which Friends Subscribed for: Expressing that there is no |
way yet opened for procuring them to Satisfaction and this mnniute and extract were |
Read in this meeting |
adjourned mett |
This Meeting is adjurn.d till tomorrow at the 11th hour |
Met by adjournment the 19th day of the 2d month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both Present. |
Respecting being Joind to Sandwich Quarter |
The matter refer.d from last Quarterly meeting to us in regard to our |
Endeavouring to remove the Obstacles that renders the unfitness of our being |
Annexed to Sanwich Quarter: was taken into weighty consideration in this |
meeting: and we are very desireous to be in Labour to remove the above |
Dificiencies as Truth opens the way: and as there is a large Committee under |
appointment by this meeting, in order to remove those defects Complained of |
This matter is referd to next monthly meeting under their care |
The Women Friends Inform that there is a Difficalt matter Subsisting among |
Friends desires assistance |
them and desire the assistance of this meeting: therefore we appoint our |
Friends William Wood, James Davis, Benjamin Slocum, Stephen Buffinton |
Seth Russell, Peleg Gifford, Giles Slocum, Benjamin Chase and Abiel |
Gifford to advise and assist the Women Friends as Truth opens the way |
Concerning frinds books |
The Committee appointed Some time past to Collect this meetings books |
report, that they want some addition as there is one assent Therefore we |
appoint Joseph Tucker Junor Elijah Gifford and Benjamin Howland 2d |
to Joine withe the former Committee and accomplish that matter and |
to Settle with Caleb Russell in behalf of this meeting as said Caleb took |
Some books to dispose of for this meeting |
Hannah Smith Bill |
The Overseers of the poor handed in an account to this meeting from |
Hannah Smith for keeping Alice Smith 35 weeks to the amount of |
£10 – 10s – 0d Lawful money which being accepted, The Treasurer is |
ordered to pay the Same when he is suplied with money from this meeting |
Certificate for Henry Howland |
This meeting sign.d a Removal Certificate for Henry Howland and |
Abigail his Wife and Prince and Beriah Howland their young Children |
directed to the monthly meeting of Accokset they being remov.d there to Live |
Jeremiah Smith [?] |
Jeremiah Smith attended this meeting with a Coppy of a miniute of the |
Monthly meeting held at Saratoga the 11th of 1st month 1782 which was to Satis |
=faction, The Said miniut being Endorssed in this meeting to the Same purpose |
and Signed |
3 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 18th of 3rd month 1782 |
The Representatives are William Wood and Thomas Russell both present |
Report on Clandes= =tine Trade |
The Committee to make Enquiry if there be any Such Conduct in |
any of our members as describd in the Epistle from New York to the |
Quarterly meeting and miniute from the meeting for Sufferings |
Report, that they have made Some further inspection and find nothing |
different from their report last monthly meeting that matter is therefore conti= |
=nued under the care of the Same Friends who are to report of their progress |
therin to next monthly meeting |
[?] on di= viding prpri= ative[?] meeting |
The Committee to inspect into the expedency of dividing our preparative |
meeting and to Labour in removing Such defect as they find among us |
Report: that they hve been in a further progress in those things and that it |
their Judgmet that they be continued under of a Committee for a yet further |
Pogress in those weighty matters |
report respect ing being Joind [to?] Sandwich Quarter |
The same Committee having that matter in charge respecting this meeting |
being annexed to Sandwich Quarter as recommended from last Quarterly |
meeting, Report, – as Follows Whih Which is accepted |
,, We of the Committee unto whom the matter was Refer.d respecting |
,, being annext to Sandwich Quarter, having taken Said matter under |
,, Consideration, and find those obstacles Still reaining [remaining]which we have |
,, been in a Labour to remove, But as that is a work of time, we as a |
,, Committee have been unde deep Engagement of mind that this good work |
,, may be affected in its proper Season in which exersise we had measurably |
,, to witness the owning hand and arm of Divine goodness to be with us |
,, to our encouragement; but as yet we do not find the way open to be |
,, Joined to Sandwich Quarter as those Obstacles are remaining which is |
,, cause of pain and Sorrow of heart |
Signed by Order and in behalf of said Committee By |
Samuel Smith |
Deborah Hicks |
Dated this 14th of 3 month 1782 |
The above said Committee are Continued in Said Service and to report |
next monthly meeting |
J Johnsons Case defer.d |
The Friends appointed to Labour with James Johnson on his mis= |
conduct; and to discover his Sincerity in condemning the Same report |
That that they have made further progress therein, yet they desire the |
matter deferd to next monthly meeting, which is accordingly under |
their care they then to make report |
Received a Cer= =tificate for G Folger |
Received a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Nantucket |
in behalf of George Folger Setting forth that he is a member of |
Society and Clear of marriage Entangelments thare |
Stephen Barker request a Certificate |
Stephen Barker requests a Certificate to the Monthly meeting of |
Sandwich, Setting forth his Right of membership and Clearness |
Respecting marriage: therefore Benjamin Gifford Jur and John |
Devoal [Devol] are appointed to take the necesary care of that matter and |
if they find things clear to bring a Certificate to next monthly meeting |
T Russell desiers advice in dispos ing Estate |
At the Request of Timothy Russell for advice from this meeting |
respecting his disposeing his outward Estate; we appoint our |
Friends Giles Slocum and Joseph Barker, to advise said Timothy |
therein, and Report to next monthly meeting |
George Folger & [Bennet] Wing [Received] their answers respec ting marriage |
George Folger and Rebeckah Shove appearinging in this meeting |
for their answer; as also Bennet Wing and Rhoda Ricketson |
which were Each Cupple might proceed to take Each other in – |
Marriage at some convenent time between this and next monthly |
meeting: adviseing with the Friends therein which this meeting |
Shall appoint to See Said marriages Orderly Solemnized and our |
Friends Thomas Russell and Jonathan Willbor are appointed to see |
the first cupple and Joseph Gifford the last cupples amrriages orderly |
Solemnized; and to make report next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 6s – 3d |
This meeting is adjourned to the 27th instant after meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 27 of the 3d month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both present |
addition to the Comtee for S Barker |
The Friends appointed (at the first Sitting of their meeting) to take |
the necessary care on the request of Stephen Barker for a Certificate |
Request an addition to their number in that matter, therefore |
Seth Huddelston and William Mosher are added to them |
Queries an swered |
The Queries were answered in this meeting, and an Epistle |
Signd to the Quarterly meeting all which are forwarded to the Said |
Representa= =tives |
Quarterly meeting by our Representatives James Davis, Caleb Greene |
Representatives (in margin) |
William Mosher, Chilon Wood and Benjamin Chase and they to report to |
and they to report next monthly meeting |
Orderd to Draw mo ney for year =ly meeting |
This meeting directs that the Representatives to the Quaterly meeting |
Draw the sum of £3 – 12s – 0 Out of our Treasury and pay the Same |
to the yearly meeting Treasurer in order to Supply the yearly meeting |
Stock and report next monthly meeting |
Comtee to assist Women frid report the matter Se=t =tled |
The Friends appointed last monthly meeting to assist the |
Women Friends in a difficult matter Subsisting in their meeting Report |
therein, and that matter is Settled as will apear by the records of |
of the Womens meeting |
4 month 1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 15th of 4 month 1782 |
The Representatives are John Devol and Seth Huddelston both Present |
Return from Q meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting, Report, that they all attended |
and produced an Epistle from the meeting which was read in this meeting to |
Satisfaction: As also the Extracts from our last yearly meeting miniutes |
Copies of Epistles Receivd |
This meeting Receiv.d 160 Epistles Coppys of the last Epistles from the |
yearly meeting in London : also 160 Coppies of the Representation on behalf |
of Friends, to the President of Council, and the Assembly of Pensylvania |
One of Each of which were read in this meeting to good Satisfaction |
Chusing overseers refer d |
The Choice of overseers being under consideration at this time it is |
Refer.d to next monthly meeting for further consideration, as also Overseers of |
Poor who are continued till others are appointed |
Report on Clandstine Trade |
The Committee to make inquiry, If there be any Such conduct in any |
of our members, as discribed in an Epistle from New York to the Quartly |
meeting, Report that they have had that matter under can Inspection |
but do not find any thing different from last report; they are therefore |
Continued in that Service, and are desired to make diligent and Impartial |
Inquiry in those things, and make report next monthly meeting |
clandestine Trad dividing preparitive meeting |
The Committee to inspect into the expedency of dividing our Preparitive |
meeting and Indeavor to remove the obstacles which hinders such a division |
make report that they have been Still further in a labour therein and |
think it best deferd another month for further progress; it is accordingly |
defer.d under their care who are then to report |
On being annexed to Sandwich Qarter |
The same Committee had the matter in charge respecting the Meeting |
being annexed to Sandwich Quarter: and made report of their sence therein |
Last monthly meeting: which is all that appears needful therein at present |
Case of James Johnson |
The Friends appointed to Labour with James Johnson on his misconduct |
and Sencerity of Condemning it, Report, that they have not fully |
accomplished that matter, it is therefore continued under their care |
and if he doth not make give them Satisfaction, that they draw a Testimony |
of his denial and bring to next monthly meeting |
Certificate for Stephen Barker |
The Friends appointed to take the necessary care in the request of |
Stephen Barker for a Certificate to Sandwich monthly meeting Seting |
forth his right of membership and clearness respecting marriage |
Report that they have taken the necessary care therein and brought a |
Certificate with them which was read in this meeting and sign.d by Clerk |
The friends appointed last |
T Russell case |
The Friends appointed last monthly meeting to advise Timothy Russell |
according to his request, in Selling his outward Estate, Report, that they |
have advised him therein tho’ the matter of his disposing his Estate, |
is droped for the present |
George Folger and Bennett Wing marriage |
The friends appointed to see George Folger and Rebecca Shoves |
and also Bennett Wing and Rhoda Ricketsons marriages orderly Solemnized make |
Report that they all attended said marriages and that they were Solemnizd |
in Some degree Orderly |
money paid to Quarly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting inform, that they Receivd |
the money, ordered last monthly meeting, for our monthly meetings |
Treasurer, to be paid to the yearly meeings Treasurer, and that it was |
paid to him as directed |
Judith Hathaway disown.d |
The Women friends inform.d last monthly meeting, that they deny.d |
Judith Hathaway Wife of Jethro hathaway 2d, which tho then omitted |
being minitted, yet this meeting concurs there with |
J Moshers proposal of marriage |
Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Briggs Declared their Intentions of marri= |
=age, and were desired to wait till next monthly meeting for their answer |
Said Mosher having produced a Certificate from Smithfield monthly |
meeting also parents consent |
Andrew Nicols Certificate Endors.d |
Andrew Nicols the 3d being about to return to live with his father |
again within South Kingston monthly meeting, this meeting Endorst a |
few lines on the back of his Certificate which he brought from said |
monthly meeting |
Meetings Books Collected |
The Committy appointed Some time past to collect this meetings Books |
Now make report, that they have collected them, as by the list on file, |
And that they have Settled with William Mosher and Reced – 0 – 17 – 5 of |
of him and £0 – 12s – 0d of Caleb Russel [Russell] for Books which they Sold belong= |
=ing to this meeting Said money is paid to the Treasurer |
Jona Wilber & Thos Russell to take care of sd Books |
Jonathan Wilbor and Thoma Russell are appointed to have the care |
of this meetings Books as a fore said and to lend them out to whom they |
may see proper, and to see them return.d, and they to remining that Service |
till others are appointed when they are to make Report. |
[?] make fence |
Friend concluded to to meat tomorrow generally to mend up the |
Fence round our meeting house |
Collectted – £1 – 4s – 4d |
Adjourns |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 24th Instant after the meeting of Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 24 of 4 month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both Present |
Collecting Suffering |
The Committee appointed sometime past to Collect friends Suffering |
have not accomplish that part of the business in compleating their |
account of Friends Sufferings as to present it to this meeting and |
desire the meeting to adjourn |
Jos Rotch Certificate |
Received a Removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of |
Nantucket, in behalf of Joseph Rotch, who hath removed in the |
Compass of this meeting to Live |
Adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 8th of next month after the meeting for Worship |
Mett by adjournment ye 8th of the 5 month 1782. The Repre= |
sentatives are Seth Huddleston present and John Devall [Devol] not |
Present. For which he hath rendered no excuse |
[?] account of Sufferings |
The Committee to Collect accounts of Friends Sufferings having |
Corrected those accounts that wear [were] returned from the meeting |
of Sufferings, which after being Read were approved and |
Sent up to the meeting for Sufferings. |
5 month 1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 5th mo 1782 |
The Representatives are Jonathan Willbor and Prince Potter present |
Overseers refe.rd |
The appointing Overseers being again under consideration |
it is refer.d to next monthly meeting; as also Overseers of the poor |
To assist Women friends |
On the Women friends requesting the assistance of this meeting |
in a dificult case subsisting in their meeting; our friends Abial |
Gifford, James Davis Elijah Gifford, Seth Huddelston Caleb Greene |
are appointed for that purpose, and to report to next monthly |
meeting |
request a Certificate |
John Barker requests a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of |
Rhod Island: Setting forth his clearness respecting marriage and |
conversation: Therefore Stephen Buffinton and Peleg Gifford |
are appointed to take the necessary care in that matter and |
if they find things clear to draw a Certificate and bring to |
next monthly meeting |
on Ellicit Trade |
The Committy to make enquiry if there be any Such unwar= |
rantable conduct in any of our members as described, in an Epistle |
from New York to the mee[ti]ing for Sufferings, – Report, that they |
have laboured and advised where they have Susspected Such |
conduct – they are continued in that Service and Benjamin |
Taber is added to them; and they are desired to make further |
Inspection and labour in those things; and make report next |
monthly meeting |
dividing preparitive meeting |
The Committee to Inspect into the Expeedency of dividing our |
Preparitive meeting, and to endeavour to remove Such obstacles |
as hinders Such a division: Report that they have continued |
their labour therein, and that it be refer.d another month; which is |
accordingly under their care, and they then to make report |
James Jon= =son case |
The Friends appointed to Labour with James Johnson on his |
misconduct, and to discover his Sincerity in condemning it |
report that they have laboured further with him; Yet they |
they are continued in that Service, who are desired to extend |
their further care in that matter; and if he on their labour with |
him doth not give them Satisfaction, to draw a Testimony of |
his denial and bring to next monthly meeting; Informing him |
thereof: or otherwise to make report accordingly |
Jos Mosher answer |
Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Brigg appeared in this meeting for their |
Answer; and their answer was; We do not find any thing to |
hinder their proceeding in marriage and that they might |
proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient |
time between this and next monthly meeting – advising with |
the Friend this meeting Shall appoint to see said marriage |
Orderly Solemnized Said friends are Benjamin Smith 2d and |
Wm Sanford minite returnd |
William Anthony Jur who are to report next monthly meeting |
William Sanford returned the Coppy of the miniute of |
this meeting of ye 10th month last: with an Endorsment from |
the monthly meeting of Ninepartners, that he attended that |
meeting to Satisfaction |
Hay |
William Barker gave in an account of Hay and carting |
for this meeting amounting to £1 – 7s – 6d. Which the Treasurer |
Is directed to pay |
Collected – £1 – 3s – 11d |
6 Month 1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 6th month 1782 |
Jonathan Willbor is appointed Clerk for this day |
Representatives are Peleg Gifford Joseph Barker Seth Huddleston and |
Benjamin Howland 2d all present |
John Barker Certificate |
A Certificate for John Barker, to the Monthly meeting at Rhod Island |
Setting forth his right of membership and clearness respecting marriage |
was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk |
L Smith request a Certificate |
Lamuel Smith informs this meeting that he is about to take a Voyage |
to Sea, and he requesting our Certificate, Setting forth his right of member= |
=ship: therefore we appoint our friend Joseph Tucker Jur Peleg Gifford |
Thomas Russell and Jonathan Willbor to inspect the Circumstances of |
of the Vessel and Voiage, and if they find things clear, to prepare a |
Certificate and bring it to the Adjournment of this meeting if Lamuel |
doth not want it before, if he doth the Committee may Sign in behalf |
of Said meeting |
adjourn.d |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 24th of this Instant |
Mett |
Mett by Adjournment this 24th of 6th month 1782 |
The Representatives are Peleg Gifford, Joseph Barker, Seth Huddleston |
and Benjamin Howland 2d all present |
Chusing over= =seers refer’d |
The choise of Overseers coming again under the notice of this meeting |
It is refer’d to next Monthly meeting for a choise of them; as also over= |
seers of the poor |
Women Visited |
The Friends appointed to assist the Women by their request last |
monthly meeting; Report, that they have assisted in the ability afforded |
report on unwarrantable Trading |
The Committee to make further enquiry, if there be any Such unwar= |
rentable conduct in any of our members as discribed in an Epistle from |
New York to the meeting for Sufferings: Report that they have made |
further enquiry, and where such conduct was Suspected, have given |
Such advice as they wear [were] enabled to: Yet that matter continued under |
their futher care who are to report to next monthly meeting |
[?]dividing preparitive meeting |
The committee to inspect into the expedency of dividing our Prepari= |
=tive meeting, and labour to remove such Obstacles as hinder such a |
division, Report that they have continued their labour therein; yet desire |
the matter continued another month; it is accordingly defer’d under the |
care of the Same Committee to next monthly meeting they then to report |
Case of James Johnson |
The Friends appointed in the case of James Johnson’s misconduct Report |
that they have not accomplished that matter, as one of the Committee was |
Sick, and they request it may be defered, till next monthly meeting under |
their care, and Stephen Buffinton and William Sanford are added to them |
who are desired to extend their care in that matter so as to accomplish it |
before next monthly meeting and then to make report |
Joseph Moshers marriage |
The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Joseph Mosher |
and Elisabeth Briggs, Report that they attended said marriage and |
that they did not find but it was in Some good degree orderly Solmenized |
Women’s request |
The Women friends requesting to this meeting to assist them in |
Labouring to remove defects respecting Plainness, and other |
defect, Which this meeting taking into serious consideration |
do appoint James Davis Abiel Gifford and Caleb Greene a |
A Committee, to Joine the Women in that Service in removing |
those defects so prevelent amoung the youth and others and make |
Report to next monthly meeting |
Elis Mosher Certificate Signed |
A Removal Certificate in behalf of Elisabeth Mosher was |
Wife of Joseph Mosher Setting forth her right of membership directly |
to the monthly meeting of Smithfield was Signed in this meeting |
by the Clerk |
Collected – £1 – 9s – 10½d |
Adjornd |
This meeting adjourns to the 26th Instant after meeting for Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 26th of 6th month 1782 |
The Representatives being called are Peleg Gifford, Joseph Barker |
Seth Huddleston, and Benjamin Howland 2d all present |
Clerk for this day Laml Smith Certificate Sign’d |
Caleb Greene, being assistant is appointed Clerk for this day. |
A Certificate was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk, in behalf of |
Lamuel Smith, Setting forth his right of membership directed to whom |
it may concern; he being about to take Voyage to Sea. |
Complaint against Giels Slocum & Caleb Anthony |
The Overseers Inform (by way of Preparitive meeting) that Giles |
Slocum Jur and Caleb Anthony did some time past fall into a |
bodily Strife, so far that Some blows were given for which they |
have been laboured with by said Overseers, but they did not find them |
dispos’d to give friends Satisfaction: Therefore Daniel Ricketson |
Prince Potter and Jonathan Willbor are appointed to take an opper= |
=tunity of Solid conference with the young men, and if they do not find |
Satisfaction to draw a Testimony of their denial and bring to the next monthly |
meeting, and if otherwise to make report accordingly |
Request from Sand= =wich |
This meeting receiving the following request from Sandwich monthly meeting |
From our Monthly meeting of Friends held at Rochester for Sandwich |
the 1st day of the 6 month 1782 |
To the monthly meeting of Dartmouth |
Philip Howland, Having had a right of membership with us and |
Served an apprintiship in the verge of your meeting, Since which |
we have been informed, he has deviated from our religious principles perticully |
in Sailing in a Vessel Armed in a warlike manner – which misconduct |
we now desire you will labour with him for, as Truth and our discipline |
may direct – with our Salutation of love we conclude your Friends |
and Brethren |
Signed in and on behalf of Said meeting by Richd Delano Clerk |
Committee on Philip Howlands case |
Whereupon our Friends Joseph Tucker Jur and James Davis are appoint= |
=ed to labour with the Said Philip Howland on his said misconduct and |
if he doth not give them Satisfaction, to prepare a Testimony of his denial |
and bring with them to next monthly meeting |
Sent up to Quar= =terly Meeting |
The Queries were read and answers thereto read, and after some |
amendment, were approved, and sent up to the Quarterly meeting with |
our Epistle which was also read and Signed by the Clerk and Sent |
up by our Representatives, who are Samuel Smith, Barnabus Mosher Jur |
Micajah Wilcox and Thomas Russell, and they to make report next |
monthly meeting. |
7 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 7th month 1782 |
The Representatives are John Devol & Chilon Wood both present |
Overseers appointed |
The Choice of Overseers being refer’d from last monthly meeting to |
this where upon James Davis, Joseph Barker, Caleb Greene, Seth Hud= |
=dleston & Caleb Russell are appointed, and a further choice referd to |
next monthly meeting |
Overseers of Poor |
The Choice of Overseers of the Poor being also refered to this meeting |
Seth Russell, Jonathan Willbor, John Devoal [Devol], Thomas Russell, Barnabus |
Russell and Chilion [Chilon] Wood for that Service the year ensuing |
dividing preparitive meeting |
The Committe to inspect into the expedency of dividing our Preparitive |
meeting, and to labour to remove such obstacles which hinder Such a |
division Report, that they have continued their labour therein, yet |
desire the matter refer’d another month; it is accordingly defer’d |
under the care of the Same Committee to next monthly meeting they then |
to make report |
[?]portion unwarrentable [Trading] |
The Committee to make further enquiry and discovery, if there is |
any such unwarrantable conduct in any of our members as de= |
=scribed in an Epistle from New York to the meeting for Sufferings |
with a coppy of a minute of that meeting thereon Report, that they |
Endeavoured to discharge themselves in that Trust by inspecting, |
and where any have been Suspected, to labour with them as way |
opened – yet they are continued that Service and to make report |
next monthly meeting |
case |
The friends appointed in the case of James Johnson’s misconduct |
report, that they have not accomplished that matter, and that it |
might be defer’d till next monthly meeting, it is accordingly defer’d |
under their care, who are desired to accomplish the same as soon |
as may be and make report to next monthly meeting |
Giles Slocum Jur and Caleb Anthony Case |
The Friends appointed to treat with Giles Slocum Jur and Caleb |
Anthony on their falling into a bodily Strife in which blows were given |
Report, that they have had a Soled conference with the young men |
who gave them a good degree of Satisfaction, with a paper condemning |
their said misconduct; Which accepted for Satisfaction, provoided |
they cause said paper to be read in a publick manner at the close of |
a first day meeting of Worship before next monthly meeting they |
being present and make report thereof to that meeting |
Collected – £1 – 2s – 8d |
Adjornd |
This meeting adjourns to ye 24th Instant |
after the meting of Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 24th of 7th month 1782 Reprsentes both present |
Testimony a= against Philip Howland Sign’d & inform.d |
The Friends appointed to labour with Philip Howland on his mis= |
=conduct and if he did not give them Satisfaction to draw a Testimony |
of his denial, Report, that they had an oppertunity with him and |
that he did not give them Satisfaction they therefore produced a |
Testimony of his denial, which was read and after a little alte= |
=ration Sign’d by the Clerk, who is directed to read the Same publick |
=ly in our usual manner, and make report to next monthly meeting |
Said Committee also report that they informed Said Howland of the |
conclusion of this meeting |
Return from Quarterly Meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting report that they |
all attended said meeting to Satisfaction. and produced an Epistle |
from the Quarterly meeting, also Transcrips of the following |
Epistles Recd |
Epistles Viz One from our Yearly meeting this year |
one from the Yearly meeting in London last year |
one from Pensylvania last year |
one from Westbury on Long Island last this year |
also Coppy of the Extract from our last yearly meetings minutes |
all which were read in thi meet to good Satisfaction |
Report of Comittee on Plainness |
The Committee to Joine the Women in labouring to remove Some |
defects respecting Plainness, and other defects among us Report, that |
they have maid Some progress therein, as way hath opened, and that |
they yet feel the weight of that Service: They are therefore continued |
therein, and to make report thereof when ready |
request for children |
Chilon Wood requesting his children may be admitted under our |
Care: Thomas Hicks and John Devol, are appointed to take the |
Joine the Women, and to take the necessary care therein and make |
report to next monthly meeting |
8 month 1782 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 8th month 1782 |
The Representaives are Luthan Wood and Thomas Mott both present |
chusing overseers refer.d |
An additional choice of Overseers being refer’d from Last |
monthly meeting to this; and some friends being named thereto |
yet it is refer’d to next monthly meeting |
Preparitive meeting |
The Committee Inspect into the expedency of dividing our |
Preparitive meeting and to labour to remove Such Obstacles as hinder |
Such a division Report, that they have continued their Labour and |
desires the matter defer’d another month under the caare of the Same |
Committee; it is accordingly defer’d under their care to next monthly |
meeting they then make report |
Contraband Trading |
The Committee to make further enquiry and discovery, if there is |
any such unwarrantable conduct in any of our members as discribed in |
an Epistle from New York to the meeting for Sufferings, with a Coppy of |
the meeting for Sufferings thereon, Report nothing different from last |
monthly meeting; they are therefore continued in that Service except |
James Davis, who desires to be dismissed therefrom, on account of other |
Services: he is accoringly dismissed, and Jonathan Willbor is appointed |
therein, who with the others of the Committee, are desired to attend closely |
to the Service and make report to next monthly meeting |
James Johnson |
The Friends appointed in the case of James Johnson Report that |
they have not accomplished that matter he being absent from home it is |
therefore continued under their care, who are who are desired to accomplish |
the Same before next monthly meeting if it may be: and report to Said |
meeting |
Giles Slocum Caleb Anthony |
The Clerk Informs that Giles Slocum Jur and Caleb Anthony |
have not caused their paper to be read as directed last monthly meeting |
by reason of disappointment they are therefore directed to take |
necessary care in that matter and report to next monthly meeting |
The Clerk informs that the Testimony of the denial of Philip Howland had |
been read as directed last monthly meeting which is as followeth |
Philip Howland denied |
Whereas Philip Howland of Dartmouth having had his Education |
among Friends, and under our care, but hath so far departed from |
the peacable profession we make, as to go Several voyages to Sea |
on board of Vessels Arm’d in a warlike manner, for which condition |
he hath been laboured with, but he continuing to Justifie the Same |
Friends are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony |
hereby disowning him from being a member of our Society and from a[-] |
our care – Nevertheless it is our desire that he may com-to a Sight |
and Sense of his outgoing, and a return to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
by adjournment the 24th of ye 7 month 1782 |
Signed in and on bhalf of said meeting by Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
report on Chilon Woods request |
The Friends appointed to Joine the Women and take the necessary |
care in Chilon Woods request, make a Satisfactory report; yet |
that matter is refer’d to next monthly meeting under their care |
they then to make Report |
Russells Bill |
Thomas Russell hath brought in an account to this meeting for |
Some repairs of the meeting house, amounting to £2: 2: 9 which |
being examined is approved |
[?] Gifford returned |
This meeting received a copy of a minute from Accoaxset |
Monthly meeting of 13th of 7th month last: Signifying that John Gifford |
son of Abiel Gifford has returned to this meeting |
friends to rec= eive Subscrip= tions |
Our Friends Micajah Wilcox, Barnabus Mosher Jur, Barnabus |
Russell, Gideon Anthony, Caleb Barker, and Elijah Gifford, are |
appointed to receive such Sums as friends may Subscrib in their |
freedom, toward supplying the yearly meeting Stock of £50 and report |
of the Sum total so Subscribed to next Monthly Meeting |
Collected £1 6s 11d |
9 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 9th month 1782 |
The Representatives are Benjamin Taber & Thomas Russell, Benjamin |
Taber present; Thomas Russell not present, for which no excuse or |
Reason being offered |
Benj Smith overseer |
The additional choice of Overseers being refer’d to this meeting Benja= |
=min Smith 2d is appointed to that place, in addition to those appointed in |
the 7th month last, and a further choice is refer’d to next monthly meeting |
dividing Preparitive meeting |
The Committee to Inspect into the expedency of dividing our Preparitive |
meeting, and to labour to remove such obstacles which hinders such a |
division Report, that they have been in a labour therein; but that they |
have not got through it to Satisfaction, therefor desires the matter |
Continued, they accordingly continued in that Service and to report |
when ready |
Contraband trading |
The Committee to make further ther enquiry, if there be any such |
unwarrantable conduct in any of our members as described in an Epistle |
from New York to the Quarterly meeting; with a coppy of the meeting |
for Sufferings thereon; Report nothing different from last monthly |
meeting they are therefore continued in that Service and to report |
to next monthly meeting |
James Johnson |
The friends appointed in the case of James Johnson, Report, that |
they have not accomplished that matter, by reason James being gone |
from home, a great distance; they therefore desire the matter continued |
another month, it is accordingly refer’d to next monthly meeting |
under the care of the Same friends who are desired to accomplish the |
same by that time and make report thereto |
Giles Slocum Caleb Anthony |
Report hath been made that Giles Slocum Jur and Caleb Anthony’s |
paper was read as directed last monthly meeting |
Chilon Woods children Recd |
The friends appointed to Joine the women friends and take the |
necessary in Chilon Woods request for his Children make a Satisfactory |
report: therefore this meeting concluds to admitt his Children whose |
names are Charles and Ruth, into membership with us and under our care |
Mary Wing Certificate |
The women inform that they have received a removal Certificate |
from Accoaxet monthly meeting in behalf of Mary Wing wife of Joseph Wing |
Lydia Bowdish Certificate |
This meeting hath Signed a Certificate or Information to the monthly |
meeting of the Oblong, respecting Lydia Bowdish, daughter of William |
Bowdish, who hath gon there some years past to live |
Collected This meeting Collected – 1£ – 13s – 8½d |
adjourn |
This meeting adjorns to the 25th of this Instant after meeting of worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjornment ye 25th of 9th month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both present |
Tho Russell |
Thomas Russell render’d Sufficien reason for his not attending |
at the first sitting of this meeting which is accepted |
Ben Smith 3d |
The Overseers inform by the way of the Preparitive meeting that |
Benjmin Smith son of Eleazer hath taken an oath in common form |
before a Majestrate: it is also reported of him that he partakes |
of Spiritous Lickquors to excess, that he uses Vulger and profain |
Language at times: he also much neglects the attendance of our |
Religious meetings, for which misconduct labour hath been bestow= |
=ed for his recover, yet we appoint our friends William Anthony Jr |
and Thomas Russell to labour further with him the said Benjamin |
and if he doth not give them Satisfaction to draw a Testimony of his |
denial and bring to next monthly meeting |
Freeborn Rider Testimony |
This meeting gave forth a Testimony sign.d by the Clerk concerning |
our Friend Freeborn Rider deceased in order to be sent up to |
the Quarterly meeting a Coppy thereof ordered to be kept on file |
yearly meet= =ing Stock |
The Committee appointed to to raise money by way of Subscription |
to Supply the Yearly meeting Stock report that they raised the Sum |
of Eight pounds, which is ordered forward to the Yearly meeting |
Treasurer by our Representatives |
The queries were answer’d and said answers ordered forward |
Sent to Qrtly meeting |
to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Benjmin |
Taber, Jonathan Hart, Caleb Green and Benjamin Smith 2d and |
they to make report to next monthly meeting |
This meeting Adjonnes to ye 6th day of next month after meeting of worship |
Adjornd |
Mett by Adjournment ye 6th of ye 10th month 1782 |
mett |
The Representatives being called Thomas Russell present Benjamin |
Taber not present; and Sufficient reason being renderd for his absence |
This meeting takeing under consideration the disadvantage of |
meeting discontinued |
holding our week day meeting on that week the Quarterly meeting is |
held here: Therefore do discontinue all our week day meetings in that |
week which the Quarterly meeting is held the present year: within |
within the compass of this monthly meeting |
There was an account Sign’d in this meeting, to the Quarterly meet= |
account to Qarly meet ing |
=ing and Ordered forward by our Representatives above named |
10 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 10th month 1782 |
The Representatives are Abraham Howland & Prince Potter both present |
The additional Choice of Overseers being refer.d to this meeting |
Overseers appointed |
Benjamin Taber and Joseph Tucker Jur were appointted to that place in |
addition to those who were lately appointed for the year ensuing or till |
others are appointed in their Stead: And they together are desir.d to Seek |
for Wisdom to Labour and deal Impartially with all offenders in order |
that our Testimony may be kept up in the Several braches thereof |
The Committee to make inquiry if there are Such unwarrentable and |
On contraband Trade |
in any of our members, as discribed in an Epistle from New York to the |
Quarterly meeting with a Coppy of the meeting for Sufferings there on Report |
that they have been in a further labour therein: yet they are continued in that |
Service; and are desired to attend closely to that which will enable them to |
labour effectually with those in Such practises; and Report to next |
monthly meeting |
The Friends appointed to labour further with Benjamin Smith son of |
[?] Smith 3d referd |
Eleazer, on his takeing an Oath in common form before a Magestrate |
and some misconduct, Report that they have had an oppertunity with |
him, yet desire the matter defer,d for further opportunity: it is |
accordingly deferd under their care to next monthly meeting they then |
to make report |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting that they all attended |
Quarterly meeting |
that meeting, and produced a coppy of an Epistle from that meeting |
which was read in this meeting to good Satisfaction: they also return.d |
the Testimony concerning Freeborn Rider, and account concerning |
Samuel Chase for Some amendment |
The Committee appointed to draw Testimonys concerning deceased |
Freeborn Rider Testimony |
friends are desired to make necessary amendment and addition in the |
Testimony concerning Freeborn Rider that was returned from the |
Quarterly meeting for that purpos: and make report to this meeting |
The Quarterly meeting (in their last Epistles) among other advices |
[Ad?]vice of Qurly Meeting on Wills Comtee appointed |
advise, that friends be careful to make their Wills without delay as |
Time waits for none: and some late affecting instances of Sundry Re= |
=movals death; and others incapiciated to make them, are fresh motives |
for renued care and attentions in this part of our Discipline. And |
That each Monthly meeting appoint a Committee, to call upon friend |
and excite them to a Speedy and active compliance therein: Upon |
which our Friends Joseph Gifford, Samuel Smith, William Anthony Ju |
William Mosher, Giles Slocum, and Thomas Hicks are appointed |
for that Service, and also to attend to that where friends have little or |
no Estate, but have children under age, Either provoid Suitable |
Gardians that the Children may be brought up and Educated among |
Friends – Said Committee to make report at our monthly meeting |
next preceeding next Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed in the case of James Johnson Report that they |
have taken the necessary care in that matter and have draughted and |
produced a Testimony against him: as follows |
Wheareas James Johnson hath had a right of Membership |
James Johnson denial |
amongst us the People called Quakers, but by his departing |
from the Testimony of Truth, has been assisting in fitting of |
Vessels concerned in War: Likewise in useing of thretning |
Language against the People of Nantucket, and asserting that |
William Hussey had wronged him and when called upon he could |
not make it out: he hath also been too neglectful in attending of our |
Religious meetings: all which misconduct said James hath been La= |
boured with for, but our labour of love not having the desired effect |
Therefore, for the clearing of Truth and Friends from Such Scandalus |
conduct, we give this forth as a publick Testimony again said |
James Johnson, denying of him from being one in Unity and from |
being in membership with us the afore Said people: But with desire |
he may be so far favoured as to have a Sight and Sence of his mis= |
conduct, and return to the way of well doing, and find for forgivness |
with the Almighty |
Signed in and on behalf of our Said Monthly meeting |
held in Dartmouth on the 21st day of the 10th month AD 1782 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Which was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk who is directed |
to cause the Same to be read publickly at the close of a first day |
Meeting for Worship before next Monthly meeting and Report to |
Said meeting, and William Barker is appointed to Inform said |
James of his denyal and make report to this meeting |
meeting discontinu =ed |
This meeting concluds to discontinue all our week day meetings |
within the compass of our monthly meeting, in that week the Quar= |
=terly meeting may be held here in futer, and that whenever our |
Preparitive meeting happens to fall in that week that the same be |
held on the 4th day of the next week before |
Wm Barker Ju published |
William Barker Jur and Deborah Shearman Informed this |
meeting of their Intentions to take each other in marriage they |
are desired to wait till next monthly meeting for their answer |
where upon Peleg Gifford, and William Sanford are desired to take |
the nessary care and Enquiry into the said Williams clearness respect= |
=ing marriage, as also his Conversation, and make report next |
Monthly meeting |
John Shep= =herd Jur request |
John Shepherd Jur being about to go to Oblong to make some |
tarry there, desires this meetings concurrence therein, this meeting |
takeing it into consideration approves thereof, he having a right |
of membership amoung us: and the clerk is directed to give him a |
copy of this minute |
Collected £1 – 8s – 8d |
Order on Treasurer |
This meeting directs the Treasurer to pay Thomas Russell |
Twenty four Shillings which he disbursed for Hay, and Report |
to this meeting |
adjournd |
This meeting Adjorns to the 30th of this Instant after meeting for worship |
mett |
Meet by adjournment ye 30th of the 10th month 1782 |
The Representatives being called; Prince Potter present, Abraham |
Howland not present for which some Excuse being rendered |
11 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 11th month 1782 |
The Representatives are John Devol and Benjamin Rider both present |
Jos Austin certificate |
This meeting Received a Certificate from the Monthly meeting |
of South Kingstown, in behalf of Joseph Austin, Son of Jeremiah |
Austin, Signifying his right of Membership, and recomending to |
the care of this meeting; which is accepted |
The Committee to make enquiry if there is any of our members |
acting or concerned in any contraband Trade:&:c: Report nothing |
different from lasst monthly meeting they are therefore continued |
in that Service (except Benjamin Taber who is dismissed there from |
on account of other Servises) and they are desired to make diligent |
enquiry and labour as they see needful and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
James Johnson denal read |
The Clerk reports the Testimony of Denyal of James Johnson hath |
been read as directed |
denials drawd |
The Friends appointed to draw Testimonies of denial against |
John Howland son of John deceased, and Benjamin Allen son |
of Philip deceased and inform them thereof, Reported and brought |
draughts against each of them and that they have been informed |
of their denials – Said Testimonies are a followeth |
John How= lands deni= al |
Whereas John Howland son of John Howland deceased having |
had his a right of Membership among us the people called Quaker |
But throug unwachfulness and disregarding the Testimony of |
Truth and his own heart have so far deviated there from |
as to fall into the Sin of Fornication, which is evident by his |
Wifes having a child soon after marriage, also married out of |
the unity of Friends: and friends having Treated with him in |
love in order to shew him the evil thereof, but not receiving |
any real Satisfaction; theref friends are concerned to give this |
forth as a Testimony against him, the said John Howland hereby |
disowning him from being a member of our Society, yet our desire |
is that he may become truly Sensible of his Transgression and be |
Restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 11th month 1782 by Wm Anthony Jnr Clerk |
Allens Denial |
Whereas Benjamin Allen son of Philip Allen deceased having |
had a right of membership with us the People called Quakers but |
unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of Truth in his |
own heart have so far departed therefrom, as to fall into the Sin |
of Fornication, which is evident by his Wifes having a child |
Soon after marriage, also married out of the Unity of friends and |
Friends having treated with him in love in order to shew him |
tho Evil thereof, but not Receiving any real Satisfaction: Therefore |
Friends are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against him the said Benjamin Allen hereby disowning him |
from being one in membership of our Society, yet our desire is that |
he may become truly Sensible of his Transgression and be resord [restored] |
to the way of the truth |
Given forth and Signed in, and on behalf of our Monthly meeting |
held in Dartmouth this 18th of 11th month 1782 by Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
[?] be read |
Which are Signed in this meeting by the Clerk who is directed |
to have said Testimonies read publickly at the close of a first |
day meeting for Worship, before next monthly meeting, and |
make report thereof |
Abraham Anthonys proposal of marriage |
Abraham Anthony son of Philip deceased and Latitia Smith |
Daughter of Benjamin Smith, Informed this meeting, of their Intenti= |
=ons to take Each other in Marriage, said Abraham having produced |
a Certificate from RhodIsland monthly meeting, Setting forth that |
he is a member of that meeting, and clear of marriage intanglement |
he also produced consent of parent in writeing; upon which they |
were desir’d to waite till next monthly meeting for their Answer |
Anne Gifford certificate |
A Certificate was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk, in behalf |
of our frind Anne Gifford, Setting forth that she is a member in Unity with |
us, and that her publick Testimony is acceptable among us: Which |
was directed to Sandwich monthly meeting, She being about to make |
a Visit within the Limmits of that meeting |
John Williams request advice |
John Williams Informs that he hath thoughts of removing to |
RhodIsland, desireing Friends advice therein; whereupon we |
appoint Caleb Russell, Benjamin Taber, and Caleb Greene to advise |
with him therein, and Report to next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 11s – 3d |
adjon.d |
This meeting adjorns to ye 4th of next month at ye close of meeting for woship |
mett |
mett by Adjournment ye 4th of 12th month 1782 |
The Representatives being called both present |
Ben Smith 3d denial sign’d |
The Committee appointed in the case of Benjamin Smith 3d |
Reports they have had a conference with him but he giving them |
no Satisfaction; therefore they have produced a draft of a Testi= |
=mony of denial against him which was Sign’d by the Clerk |
who is desired to read it publickly at the End of a first day meeting |
for Worship and make report next montly meeting; and Thomas |
Russell is appointed to Inform him thereof and make report |
next monthly meeting – Said Testimony is as followeth |
Ben Smith denial |
Wheras Benjamin Smith son of Eleazer, having had a right |
of membership among us the people called Quaker, but through |
unwatchfulness, and disregarding the Testimony of Tuth [Truth] in his |
own heart have so far deviated there from our Religious princiles |
much neglects the attendance of our Religious meeting, and friends |
Having Treated with him in love, in order to Shew him the Evil |
thereof: but not receiving any real Satisfaction, are concerned to |
give this forth as a publick Testimony against him the Said Benjamin |
Smith hereby disowning from being a member of our Society, yet our |
desire is that he may become truly Sencible of his misconduct and |
be restored to the way of Truth: and by a Sencear acknowledgment |
return to the Unity of his Friends again |
Given forth and Signed in and on behlf of our monthly meeting of |
Friends hld in Dartmouth by adjornment ye 4th of 12th month 1782 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
William Sanford and Peleg Gifford report they have made the |
Necessary enquiry in regard to William Barker Junor and find |
nothin Sufficient to hinder his proceeding in marriage: Therefore |
Wm Barkers Answer |
William Barker and Deborah Shearman appeard for their |
Answer; Which was, they might proceed to take Each other in |
Marriage in Some convenient time before next monthly meeting |
advising with the friends that this meeting Shall appoint to |
oversee Same, who are our friends William Sanford and Peleg |
Gifford, and they to make report next monthly meeting |
George Smith 2d proposal of marriage |
George Smith 2d and Mary Smith (daughter of Humphy) declared |
their Intentions of taking Each other in marriage, and wear |
desired to wait till next monthly meeting for their Answer |
And our Friends Chilion Wood and William Anthony Jur are |
appointed to Enquire into the young mans clearness in respect |
to marriage, and conversation, and make report next monthly meeting |
Rachel Weaver Receiv’d |
The Women Friends Inform they have received into membership |
Rachel Weaver, which we concur with |
Ben Shearman Bill |
Benjamin Shearman hath given in an accompt for carting |
Hay for this meeting amounting to the Sum 18 Shillings which is |
accepted, and the Treasuer is ordered to pay the Same, and make |
Report next monthly meeting |
12 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 12th month 1782 |
The Representatives are Stephen Buffinton & Seth Huddleston both present |
On contraband Trade |
The Committee to make enquiry, if there are any of our |
Members acting or concern’d in any contraband Trade & |
Report, That they have maide further enquiry and that further |
Care therein is necessary, they are therefore continu’d, and desir’d |
to have renewed attention to that matter and make report to next |
Monthly meeting |
denials read |
The Clerk Informs that the Testimonies of denials against John |
Howland son of John deceas’d, Benjamin Allen son of Philip deceasd |
and Benjamin Smith 3d, have all been read as directed last monthly meeting |
Report on John Williams request |
The Friends appointed to advise with John Williams, on his intend |
=ed removal to RhodIsland, Report that they had taken a Soled oppertunity |
with him, and after giving him such advice as appeared necessary |
gave it as their Sense; That as he had made cosiderable Step towards |
a Removal by disposing part of his possessions before he asked friends |
advice he must now proceed as he could conveniently, with his ingage= |
and the Truth |
B Smith 3d not informed |
Thomas Russell Informs he hath not inform’d Benjamin Smith 3d of |
his denial, as directed, by reason said Benjamin was gone to Sea |
he is therefore desir’d to do the Same as soon as he has an oppertunyty |
and make report thereof |
Wm Allens Certificate |
This meeting received, and excepted a Certificate from the monthly |
meeting of Nine=Partners, in behalf William Allen son of Philip decesd |
Signifying his right of membership, and that he is clear of marriage Engagements |
Wm Barker married |
The Friends appointed to Oversee the marriage of William |
Barker and Deborah Shearmans report, that they attended said |
marriage and did not discover but that it was In a degree orderly |
Solmnized |
George Smith 2d proposal disap= =proved |
The friends appointed to inspect into the clearness of George |
Smith respecting marriage Report that things are not clear for such |
a prossodur [procedure?] according to the order establishe among us |
James Davis dismist from Overseer |
James Davis informs that he finds his mind dismised from |
the Service of an Overseer, and request a dismission from that place |
this meeting considering other Servises doth dismiss him from that Service |
[A]braham Anthony Answer |
Abraham Anthony and Latitia Smith appearing for their Answer |
which was, that they might proceed to take each other in marriage |
in Some convenient time before next monthly meeting, advising |
with the friends that this meeting shall appoint to oversee the same |
who are Jonathan Willbor and William Anthony Jur and they to |
make report next monthly meeting |
Abiel Gilford dismist from Committee |
Abiel Gifford requesting to be dismised from the Committee |
for dividing the preparitive meeting on account of other Servises |
this meeting taking the Same into consideration doth dismis him |
from that Committee |
Treasurer’s report |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Benjamin Shearman 18 |
Shillings for carting Hay, as ordered last monthly meeting |
Collected – £5 – 8s – 6d |
Mett |
This meeting adjorns to ye 25th Instant at ye conclusion of meeting of worship |
Mett by adjournment ye 25th of 12th 1782 |
The Representatives being called both prefect |
Committee on Account of Wills report |
The Committee appointed to call on Friends and excite |
them to a steady active compliance in making their Will |
Report that they have made some progress in that matter |
and that they find a great deficiency amoung us on that account |
The Committee is therefore continued in that Service; and to make |
Report to the monthly meeting next proceeding the Quarterly |
meeting in 4th month next |
Esther Potters Certificate |
A certificate in behalf of Esther Potter daughter of Joshua Potter |
directed to the monthly meeting of Accoxset, Signifying her right |
of membership was Signed by the Clerk in concurrence with the |
Women friends |
Freeborn Riders Certificate |
Our Testimony concerning Freeborn Rider deceas’d, being returned |
to this meeting, by the Quarterly meeting, for a Small amendment |
the same was done and is again Sent up to the Quarterly meeting |
Sent to Quar= =terly meet ing |
The Queries ware answer’d in this meeting, and an Epistle Sign’d by |
the Clerk, and ordered forward to our next Quarterly meeting by our |
Representatives, who are Stephen Buffinton, William Mosher, Caleb |
Greene, Chilon Wood, and Joseph Tucker, they to make report |
next monthly meeting |
Report concern= =ing John Potter |
The Friends appointed in the case of John Potter some time past to |
make inspection into his conduct &c. Now make report that they have |
Answer,d their appointment therein: and that he the said John Potter |
hath fallen into other misconduct particularly, in proceeding in mar= |
=riage out of the Unity of Friends, and his wife having a Child son [soon] after |
marriage, and they having Treated with him for his Said misconduct |
and he did not give them Satisfaction, therefore said Committee are conti= |
=nued in said Service and to treat further with him, and if her [he] do not |
give them Satisfaction to draw a paper of denial against him and bring |
it to next monthly meeting |
1 month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 1st month 1783 |
The Representatives are Seth Huddleston & Stephen Gifford both present |
on Contraband Trade |
The Committee to make enquiry if there are any of our members |
acting or concerned in any contraband Trade &c, Report that they |
have made but little progress in that matter since last monthly |
meeting, and therefore they are continued in that Service, Except |
Jonathan Willbor who sent a request to be dismist from that Service |
on account of Sickness in his family: he is accordingly dismissed |
and William Mosher is added to Said Committee, who are desired |
to attend diligently to the matter in charge and report to next |
Monthly meeting |
Ben Smith 3 inform.d |
Thomas Russell informs he hath inform.d Benjamin Smith 3d of his |
Denial as desir’d last monthly meeting |
The Friends appointed to oversee the marriage of Abraham Anthony |
and Latitia Smith reports that he with the other friend attended |
the marriage – and that it was in Some good degree orderly Solemniz.d |
Return from Quar meet =ing Epistles Recd |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting report, that they |
all attended, and produced an Epistle from said meeting, together |
with a coppy of a minute, which ware read in this meeting to good |
Satisfaction, and the weighty advice in said Epistle friends are |
desired to attend to particularly that to Parents and Children |
Respecting marriage |
Committee to be appointed |
The Quarterly meeting directs in a coppy of Said minute to appoint |
Some sutible friends to assist the Quarterly meetings Committee |
in assisting those who have held Slaves, as well as those that have |
been so held:40 We defer appointing then to next monthly meeting |
that the matter may be further considered |
John Potter case |
The Friends appointed to treat with John Potter on account of |
his misconduct particularly in marrying out of the Unity of Friends |
&c: Report, that they have had a further oppertunity with him, and |
that he gave them some encouragement of Satisfaction; and friends |
weightily considering said matter, do refer it to next monthly meeting |
under the care of the same friends as before and then they to make |
Report |
John Williams request |
John Williams request a Removal Certificate to the Monthly meeting of |
RhodIsland for himself and Children; Therefore this meeting |
appoints Benjamin Taber and Seth Russell to take the necessary care |
in that respect, and to Joine the women friends therein; and report |
their doings in said matter to next monthly meeting |
Stephen Barker request |
Stephen Barker Request a removal Certificate to the monthly |
meeting at Sandwich he being about to move there to dwell if friends |
concur therein: Therefore this meeting appoints William Wood |
Stephen Buffinton and Barnabus Mosher Jur to draw a Cirtificate for |
him if on enquiry they find things clear and make report next monthly meeting |
Robert Nisbet visit |
Our Friend Robert Nesbit attended this meeting with his Certifi= |
=cate dated East Hoosuck ye 12th of ye 12th 1782 read to Satisfaction and his Visit |
and Labours of Love of the Gospel were Satisfactory to us and a few |
Lines Endorsed on his Certificate Signifying the same |
Friend Anthony visit |
Our Friend David Anthony attended this meeting also in compa |
=ny with our afore said friend, with a few lines from the said monthly |
meeting of East Hoosuck, which was read, and his Visit was to Satis= |
=faction and an Enorsment made Signifying the Same |
Adjourd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th of this Instant at the close of meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment the 29th of ye 1st month 1783 |
Complint against Abraham Gifford |
The Overseers inform that Abraham Gifford hath kept company somewhat in a private |
manner and married with one out of the Unity of Friends and that they |
have Treated with him on that account but he did not give them |
any real Satisfaction: therefore, we appoint Thomas Hicks and |
Chilion Wood to labour with said Abraham and if he doth not |
give them Satisfaction, they are to draw a Testimony of Denial |
against him and bring to next monthly meeting; Or report accord= |
=ingly when ready |
The case of George Smith 2 |
Whereas, upon the report of the Committee appointed to enquire |
into the clearness of George Smith 2d Respecting marriage it apeard |
things were not clear: and since which this meeting is inform,d |
he hath proceeding in marriage out of the Order of Friends: therefore |
this meeting appoints Stephen Gifford and Nicholas Lapham to |
Inqure into the State of the matter, and Labour with him as they |
may see fit; and if they do not find Satisfaction to draw a Testimony |
of Denial against him: and they to make reports as soon as the |
nature of the case will admitt |
Complaint against Caleb Gifford he disown,d |
The overseers inform that Caleb Gifford hath kept company |
with a woman not of our Society, and married out of the Unity of |
Friends, after being precausioned by said Overseers: therefore |
this meeting disowne the said Caleb Gifford as a member amoung |
us, and from under our care as a member of our meeting and William |
Barker is desired to inform him therefore and report to next monthly |
meeting |
miniute for Gideon Anthony |
Gideon Anthony Informs this meeting that he proposes going |
to East Hoosuck and Saratoga and expect to tarry Some time there |
on a visit among his relation, with a prospect of doing Some business |
there, which this meeting concurs with, he being a member and |
the Clerk is desired to give him a coppy of this minute |
from meet Sufferings |
This meeting Received Seventeen Coppies of an address from the |
Meeting for Sufferings on the Subject of the Yearly meeting School |
one of which was read in this meeting to Satisfaction, and they |
are delivered to those friends who have the care of this meetings Both |
to be distributed a moung friend as they may find proper41 |
account from Isaac Russel on Alice Smith |
The Overseers of the Poor have render,d an account of agreement |
with Isaac Russell for keeping Alice Smith one of the por of the |
meeting for one year the amount being fifty Silver dollars, is |
directed by the meeting to be paid to the said Isaac Russell by |
the Treasurer whenever there is a Sufficiency in Stock for that purpose |
To Settle with Treasur= =er |
We appoint Samuel Smith Joseph Tucker Jur and William |
Anthony Jur to Settle accounts with the Treasurer and revise this |
meetings minutes in order for their being placed on Record and |
make Report to next monthly meeting |
2 month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 2d month 1783 |
The Representatives are John Devoal [Devol] & Benjan Taber both present |
John Lawton Certificate |
Received a Certificate from RhodIsland mo meeting in behalf of John |
Lawton son of Isaac Signifying his residence in this monthly meeting |
and his being a member; and clear of marriage Ingagements Was read in |
this meeting to Satisfaction |
Contraband Trade |
The Committee to make enquiry if there are any of our members |
acting or concerned in any contraband Trade, etc: Report, that they |
have attended somewhat to that matter and made further inquiry |
therein: Yet they are continued there in that Service and are desired |
to give more attention thereto, and make report to next monthly meeting |
Case of John Potter |
The friends appointed to have the care of the matter respecting John |
Potter’s misconduct, in marrying out of the Unity of friends etc |
desires the matter may be continued another month; it is accordingly |
defered under their care till next monthly meeting, and Sthephen |
Buffinton is added to them they then to make reports |
Comtee on ac= count of Slaves |
According to the minute from the Quarterly meeting to appoint Some |
Suitable friends to assist their Committee in visiting those who have |
heretofore held Slaves among us, and those that have been so held |
we appoint Thomas Hicks and William Mosher for that Service and |
to make report to this meeting as soon as the Circumstance of the |
Stephen Bark certificate |
matter will admitt |
The friends appointed to take the nessesary care respecting a Re- |
moval Cirtificate for Stephen Barker Report that they have |
Taken the necessary care therein and have presented a Certificate to |
this meeting, directed to the monthly meeting of Sandwich Signifying |
his right of membership and that his outward affairs was settled to |
Eben Bakers proposal of marriage |
to Satisfaction as far as appears; which was Signed by the Clerk |
Ebenezer Baker and Susana Mosher appeared in this meeting and |
declared their Intentions of taking each other in marriage; and they |
were desired to wait till next monthly meeting for their Answer said |
Ebenezer having produced a Certificate from Accoxset monthly meeting |
Signifying he was a member and clear of marriage engagements; |
and consent of parents in writeing. Collected 2 – 10 – 1 |
adjourd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 11th hour to morrow |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment the 18th of 2nd month 1783 |
The Representatives being call,d are John Devol & Benja Taber both present |
case of John Williams certificate |
The Friends appointed to take the necessary care respecting a |
removal Certificate for John Williams, having not fully accomplished |
that matter, they are therefore continued to have the care of the Same |
and report to next monthly meeting |
Abraham Giffords case |
The friends appointed to have the care of that matter respecting |
Abraham Gifford,s misconduct in keeping company and marrying out |
of the Unity of Friends Report, that they have taken proper care therein |
and that it appears he is guilty of the sin of Fornication, from his |
wifes having a child Soon after marriage; Therefore the same friends |
are directed to draw a Testimony of denial against him the said |
Abraham and inform him thereof and bring said Testimony to next |
monthly meeting |
George Smith 2 case |
The Committee appointed to labour with George Smith on account |
of his disorderly marriage being called upon; inform that they had |
not accomplished the Same; and it appearing necessary that there be an |
addition to the Committee, we therefore appoint William Anthony Junor |
to assist said Committee, who are to Joine the Women friends therein and |
make report to next monthly meeting |
Caleb Gifford Informed |
William Barker reports he hath informed Caleb Gifford of his denial as |
directed last Monthly meeting |
Subscriptions to [?] forth |
It appearing that there are Several accounts due from this meeting to |
a much larger amount than there is money in Stock to discharge the Same |
Therefore our friends Daniel Ricketson Seth Russell Thomas Mott Stephen |
Gifford and Jonathan Willbor are appointed to apply to friends without delay |
and take in Subscriptions for that purpose and return the Sum so Collected |
to the Treasurer and make report of the Sum to next monthly meeting |
Treasury Settled State there of |
The Committee appointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer and revise |
the meetings minutes in order for their being recorded, Report as followeth |
We the Subscribers have Settled accounts with the Treasurer this 9th day of |
the 2d month 1783 and remains in stock 4£ – 4s – 9d Lawful money and the |
meetings debts (as by accounts allowed) are 14 – 5 – 0 |
Joseph Tucker Jur |
William Anthony Jur |
The Committee appointed in the 6th month last to Joine the Women Friends |
to remove some defects amoung our youths and others respecting plainness and |
other defects; make report as followeth |
report of Visitors |
To the Monthly meeting of Men & Women Friends to be held in Dartmouth |
The 20th of the first month of 1783 |
We your Committee of Men and women Friends appointed to unite in our |
indeavors to remove some defects amoung our youths and others respecting |
Plainness and other defects as Truth might open the way have Sollidly |
Considered, and confer,d on that weighty work and service, and in that [?] |
which is in the bond of peace; way was opened for a general visit of our mem= |
Report of visitors |
=bers and therein we have endeavored to proceed and labour, and have in |
deep wadeings and heavy exercises under A sense of the many weaknesses and |
defects amoung us as a meeting which hinder the groth and spreading of |
the pure Seed of Life: and we have to remark with Sorrow, that it was [?] |
with Some few: to the almost forsakeing their assembling themselves together |
and that also a departure in some of the youths and others from that |
Simplicity Truth requires, and which leads to plainness in Conversation |
&c. if kept to would be as a call and invitation , not only to those amoung us |
but even to those that are without. There were however, some prospects |
which were encourageing, and even Some also amoung the youth with |
such we were nearly United, greatly desireing their growth and establish |
ment in the Truth: and that none may Sit down and be contented in a State of |
‘ease’ and indiffrency, in a concern of the utmost importance, but all may come |
up more and more in a lively Zeal for the cause and Testimony of Truth |
We have also to remark, that tho our Service was weighty and labourious |
yet our Visits Seemed generaly kindly recieved |
And as divers others who were not members often happened in families we |
visited Such we informed of our freedom to Sit with us if they were desireous |
(as was also the case of divers black people) in which we often felt the |
gathering Arme to be near; and a measure of that compulsive love extended |
which calls even from the high ways and hedges that his house may be filled |
For further encouragement we may say that we had to experience |
that Unity still continued amoung us throughout the visiting, with |
that Peace and Satisfaction which is the Sure Reward of Obedience |
Tho’ we had many provings and Trials, under an experience and |
Sense of our own weakness, and inability to performe any thing to |
the Honnour of the great Master, Or Satisfaction to ourselves, |
Without his emediate assistance |
Martha Gifford |
Abiel Gifford |
Sussana Smith |
James Davis |
Joanna Gifford |
Caleb Greene |
Martha Chase |
The above Report was accepted: and read in this Meeting to Satisfaction |
On seting up Publications at our meet =ing house |
The increasing concern of this meeting on account of the disagree= |
ableness of having Publications Sett up at our Meeting house which |
some times disturbs our meeting; reviveing on our minds: We appoint |
Thomas Hicks, William Anthony Jur and Stephen Buffinton to apply |
to those who have and do Sett up those things so contrary to the tender |
Scruples of us therein, and inform them of the mind of this meeting on that |
account, and Report to next monthly meeting |
Concerning appointing Elders |
This Meeting is Inform’d from the Select meeting of Ministers and Elders |
that there is a want of an adition of Elders, and Caleb Greene being |
nominated for that Service: and this Meeting nominates a Committee |
to Joine the women friends, who have nominated Mercy Slocum to that |
Service Committees names are Joseph Barker Benjamin Taber Benjamin |
Smith 2d and Caleb Russell, they to Join the Elders in that matter and |
they to report to next monthly meeting |
Isaac Kellys Visit |
Our frend Isaac Killey attended this meeting with a Certificate |
from ye monthly meeting at East Hoosuck held ye 12th month 1782 |
Setting forth their Unity with his accompanying Robert Nesbit on a |
Religious visit in those parts, whose visit and labour of love being |
Satisfactory to us, we having Endorssed thereon Setting forth the same |
[3?] month 1783 |
At the monthly meetng held in Dartmouth the 17th of 3rd month 1783 |
The Representatives are Joseph Tucker Jur & Wm Gifford both present |
contraband Trade |
The committee to make inquiry if there are any of our memebers act= |
ing or concerned in any contraband Trade & c. Report they have attended |
to and made further inquiry into that matter yet it appearing nessece |
ry that friends have deligent attention to it there fore the said committee are |
continued in that Service, and to make report next monthly meeting |
[?] Potter |
The friends appointed to have the care of the matter respecting John Potter |
misconduct in marrying out the Unity of Friends & C Resport that they |
have had an oppertunity with him which was Somewhat Satisfactory |
yet they are continued in that services and further care of that matter |
and to make report to next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to draw a Testimony of Abraham Gifford,s Denial |
and inform him thereof produced one as follows |
Gifford denial |
Whereas Abraham Gifford having had his Education and Birthright |
among friends but he through unwatchfulness and disregarding the |
Testimony of truth in his own heart has So far departed therefrom as to |
keep Companywith a young woman not a member of our Religious Society |
and thereby fell into the Sin of Fornication, and So married out of Unity |
which Sin plainly appears by her haveing a child so soon after marriage |
and friends having Laboured with him on them accounts but our Labour |
not having had the desired Effect to friends Satisfaction: therefore for the |
Clearing of Truth and friends from such practices we are concerned to give |
this forth as a publick Testimony against the Said Abraham disowning him |
from being a member of our society |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 17th of 3rd mo 1783 |
and Signed by order and in behalf of said meeting By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
who is directed also to read the same publickly at the close of a first day |
meeting for worship between this and next monthly meeting and report thereto |
in Setting up Publication |
The Friends appointed to apploy to those that set up publications at |
our meeting houses, report that they have applied most of them, who |
appeared somewhat condescending to friends request in desisting |
from that practices: yet the Same Friends are continued to have the |
Standing oversight of that matter |
In Deviding Preparitive Meeting |
The committee appointed some time past to consider the expendency |
of dividing our preparitive meeting, make the following report |
together with the minutes of Said committee; which was read in this |
meeting to satisfaction: and the appointing a Committee to Succeed those |
to Inspect further into these matters is refered to next monthly meeting |
Benj Gidly Minute |
Benjamin Giddley Informs that he proposes to go to East Hoosuck and Saratoga |
to make Some tarry there to do some hand labour this meeting concuring |
therewith he having a right of membership, the Clerk is desir’d to give him |
a Coppy of his minutes |
Eben Baker answer |
Ebenezer Baker and Susanna Mosher appeared for their answer |
Which was that they might proceed to take each other in marriage |
between this and next monthly meeting, they adviseing with |
the Friends this meeting shall appoint, who are Jonathan Host |
Benjamin Rider to see said marriage orderly Solemnized said |
friends to make report thereof next monthly meeing |
Chilion Wood request a Certificate |
Chilion Wood informed that he hath an intention of going to |
East Hoosuck and Saratoga to make Some Stay, desireing our |
concurrence: and Certificate, therefore this meeting appoints |
William Barker & Stephen Buffinton To |
To make due Inspection into the matter, and draw a Certificate if they |
find things clear and bring it to the adjournment of this meeting |
Collected £2 – 1 – 9½ |
adjournd |
This meeting is adjournd to the 26th Instant at the close of the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 26th of 3rd month 1783 |
Representatives are Joseph Tucker Jnr and William Gifford both present |
Clerk ap= =pointed |
The Clerk being absent by reason of Sickness Caleb Greene is appointed |
Clerk for this time |
John Williams Case |
The matter in respect to John Williams Certificate not being fully acom= |
=plished by the Committee it is continued under their care for the Same |
Service, and they to make report next monthly meeting |
George Smith 2 Case |
The matter in respect to George Smith 2d not being fully accomplished |
the Committee the Requesting it further continued, it is likewise |
continued to next monthly meeting, under the same care as before and |
then they to make report |
Elders deferd |
The Committee apointed to Joine the Elders in regard to makeing an |
addition choice of Elders, make report, that they have had Several Soled |
conferences on the Subject and that it was their united opinion that |
the said choice be defered some time longer therefore it is continued under |
their care, who are desired to attend to that Important matter; and |
to make report to our monthly meeting, next proceeding our Quarter= |
=ly meeting in the Seventh month next |
Chilion Wood Certificate |
The friends appointed in the case of Chilion Wood’s Certificate have |
presented a draft, which hath been read, approved and Signd by ye Cerk |
Susan Barker Cirificate |
The women friends informe that they have received a removal Certi= |
=ficate from the monthly meeting of RhodIsland, for Susanna Barker |
wife of John Barker, which this meeting concurs with |
Alice Woods Case |
The Women friends requesting our assistance in respect to answering |
a request to them from the womens monthly meeting of RhodIsland |
concerning Alice Wood, therefore this meeting appoints William Barker |
Joseph Barker and Caleb Russell to Joyn the women therein and |
they to report to our next monthly meeting |
Sent to Quar= terly meeting |
The Queries have been read and answers thereto read and after Some |
amendment were approved also an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting |
was prepared approved and Signed by the Clerk, and Sent up to the Quarterly |
meeting by our Representatives, who are Samuel Smith Caleb Greene |
James Davis and Abiel Gifford, and they to make report to our next |
monthly meeting |
money Col= =lected |
The Committee appointed to Collect money by Subscriptions report |
that they have Collected the Sum of Nine pounds foure Shillings £9-4-0 |
and delivered the Same to the Treasurer of this meeting |
1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 4th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Thomas Mott and William Gifford both present |
On Contraband Trade |
The Committee to make inquiry, if there are any of our members |
are acting or concerned in any contraband Trade &c, Report that |
they have had a conference on that matter; and from present Cirdumstances |
Request a dismisson from that Service; and this meeting considering |
the Same doth dismiss the Said Committee accordingly |
Abram Gifford denial read |
The Clerk responds hath the Testimony of denial against Abraham |
Gifford hath been read as directed last monthly meeting |
Eben Baker Married |
The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Ebenezer |
Baker and Susanna Mosher, Report that they attended Said |
marriage; and that they did not discover but that it was orderly Solemnized |
John Potters Case |
The friends appointed to have the care of that matter respect= |
ing John Potter,s misconduct in marrying out of the Unity of |
Friends &c: Report, that they have had another oppertunity with him |
in which he gave them some Satisfaction; yet they are continued in |
that Service for a further oppertuny with him and to make report |
to next monthly meeting |
Preparitive meeting |
The appointing a Committee to succeed thy former which reported |
last monthly meeting – to inspect into the Expediency of dividing our |
Preparitive meeting &c; is refered to next monthly meeting |
John Williams Case |
The friends appointed to have the care respecting John William’s Removal Cer= |
=tificate, report that they have not accomplished the matter; they are |
therefore continued to have the care of it; and if they find things clear to |
accomplish the Same and report to next monthly meeting |
George Smith 2d |
The Committee appointed to have the care of the matter respecting |
George Smith 2d Report that they have taken some care therein but |
request the matter continued; it is accordingly defered under |
the Same friends care who are to report next monthly meeting |
Alice Woods Case |
The friends appointed to assist the Women friends in answering a |
request from RhodIsland monthly meeting concerning Alice Wood |
Report they have attended to that matter, but have not accomplished |
it they are therefore continued in that Service & to report when Ready |
Return from Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they all |
attended excep Abiel Gifford, who rendered a Sufficient Reason for |
for his not attending; also they produced an Epistle from said meet= |
=ing which was read to Satisfaction |
Report of Visiters on account of Slaves |
The friends appointed to Joyn the Quarterly meeting Committee |
for Visiting those who have held Slaves: and those who have been so |
held, made report in writeing as follows; We the Committee appoint |
in the case of Slaves, have to report, that we Joined the Quarterly |
meetings Committee, and have Visited those who have held Slaves and |
those who have been held in Said State; and have Endeavoured |
In Love and tenderness to Impress their minds with a Sense of Religious |
duty, and laboured for a proper & Suitable Adjustment of the matter |
The 21st of 4th month 1783 |
Thomas Hicks |
Said Report is accepted & said friends are dismised |
William Mosher |
from that Service |
Weston Smiths Case |
The Overseears inform, that Wesson Smith, (after being precaussioned) |
hath Sailled in an Armed Vessel or Letter of Marque, which took a |
Vessel by force of Armes: and has Since been laboured with on that |
account; but did not Seem in any disposition to give Friends Satisfaction |
and has now gone to Sea; therefore this meeting appoints Benjamin Taber |
and Caleb Greene to draw a Testimony of his denial and report to next |
monthly meeting |
Freelove Gifford Certificate |
The Women friends inform that they have received a Certificate from |
Accoakset, in behalf of Freelove Gifford wife of William Gifford which |
this meeting concurs with |
Latilia Antho= ny Certificate |
In concurrence with the Women friends a removal Certificate |
was Signed by the Clerk in behalf of Latitia Anthony wife of |
Abraham Anthony directed to RhodIsland monthly meeting |
Complaint against Barker Little & Henry How= =land Jur |
The overseers inform that Barker Little hath removed in the compas of Accoa= |
=set monthly meeting, without Certificate or advice of Friends: and also |
that Henry Howland Son of Henry hath removed in the compass of the Same |
monthly meeting: without Certificates – and that both of them use profane |
and corrupt Language at times, and much neglect the attendance of |
our Religious meetings: Which said Overseers laboured with them |
for but they did not give them Satisfaction: We therefore appoint |
Jonathan Hart, John Devaul [Devol] and Thomas Mott to take a Solled |
oppertunity, and labour further with with Said Barker and Henry on |
them accounts; and if they or either of them do not give them Satisfac |
tion to bring a Testimony or Testimonies of their denial, and inform |
them thereof & Report to next monthly meeting |
David Chase misconduct |
The Overseers inform that David Chase have countenanced and |
alowed the consumating a marriage in his house, contrary to the order of |
Friends and that they treated with him and he Justifies the Same |
therefore we appoint William Anthony Jur, William Wood and William |
Mosher, to Labour with him further on that account, and report to |
next monthly meeting |
minute for Seth Russell |
Seth Russell informs he intends a Journey to New Jersey on business |
if friends concur therewith; and this meeting concuring he being a |
member in Unity; & the Clerk is desired to give him a coppy of this minuit |
Collected £1 – 2 – 6 |
Adjourns Mett |
This meeting adjourns to the 30th of this instant at the close of meeting of worship |
Mett by adjournment the 30th of 4th month 1783 |
The Representatives being called are Thomas Mott & Caleb Barker present |
advice from meeting of Suffrings on School |
The meeting for Sufferings having recommended a renewed engage= |
=ment to Friends to be in the way of theire duty, in Subscribing for |
the establishing the yearly meetings Schools and in order therefore that |
the monthly meetings Should appoint Committees to take in Subscriptions |
the meeting for Sufferings having furnished us with Printed blanks for |
Subscriptions for them accordingly – Therefore we appoint Joseph Tacker Ju |
Thomas Mott and Caleb Greene for that purpose, who are to make |
Return to the Treasurer of the Yearly meetings School when they have |
accomplished receiving Subscriptions, and also make report to this |
meeting of the Sum Total so Subscribed |
Ben Gifford Confession |
Benjamin Gifford Jur hath given in a paper to this meeting |
condemning his keeping company with a young woman sometime disorderly & |
Resorting Some times at places unbecoming those under our profession |
And Several of the overseers who inform that they have treated with |
Benjamin thereon, who gave them a good degree of Satisfaction, and this |
meeting taking the Same into consideration doth accept of the Same for |
Satisfaction |
Lydia Devaul denied |
The Women friends inform that they have received a Letter from the monthly |
meeting of Oblong, Signifying they had taken the necessary had taken the |
necessary care respecting Lydia Devaul, formerly Lydia Bowdish and |
had denied her, which this meeting concurs with |
John Lawton Certificate Endorst |
A few Lines was Endorsed on John Lawton (son of Isaac) Certificate |
from RhodIsland: and Signed by the Clerk Signifying his attending |
our meeting with his Certificate, and of his conduct being orderly |
in Some degree Orderly while amoung us he having returned |
to RhodIsland |
5 Month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th of 5th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Jonathan Willbor and Prince Potter both present |
[?] Potters Case |
The Friends appointed to have the care of the matter respecting John |
Potters misconduct in marrying out of the Unity of friends &c report |
that they have attended to it, and that John gave them a degree |
of Satisfaction: But that there is some obstruction to the accomplish= |
=ing the matter, and in order that it may be removed desires it may |
be defered, it is accordingly defered under their care till next month= |
=ly meeting they then to make report |
meeting |
The appointing a Committee to Succeed the former in the inspection |
of the expedency of dividind our preparitive meeting &c coming again |
consideration; is thought best to be omitted for the present |
John Williams Case |
The friends appointed to have the care respecting John Williams |
Removal Certificate, Report that they have not accomplished it by |
by reason of some Obstruction which they are desired to endeavor |
to have removed, that the matter be accomplished and report made |
to next monthly meeting |
Bersheba Wood Received |
The Women friends Inform that they have admitted Bershaba Wood |
Wife of Chilion Wood into membership which this meeting concurs with |
[?] Smith 2d Case |
The Committee appointed to have the care of the matter respecting |
George Smith 2d report that they have not accomplished that matter |
and therefore desires it continued it is accordingly defered under their |
care, who are to report to next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to draw a Testimony of Weston Smiths denyal; |
produced one as Follows |
Weston Smith denial |
Whereas Weston Smith Son of Levi Smith deceased hath had his education |
amoung us the people called Quakers but hath so far departed from the religious |
and Peacable Principle which we profess as to Sail a Voiage in an |
Armed Vessel or Letter of Marque which took a Vessel by force of |
Armes; previous to going Said Voiage he was precausioned by Friends, |
and hath since been laboured with on that account. but did not Seem |
disposed to give friends Satisfaction; Therefore for the clearing Truth |
and Friends from Such unwarrantable conduct; we are concerned to |
give forth this as a publick Testimony against the same, hereby |
disowning the Said Weston Smith from having a right of membership |
amoung us the people afore said, untill it shall please God to favor |
him with a Sight and Sense of his Error, that he may return with Re= |
=pentance unfeigned, which that he may is our desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of the Monthly meeting |
of the people afore said held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 5th month 1783 |
By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Which was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk who is desired to cause |
the Same to be read publickly at the close of a first meeting for worship |
between this and next monthly meeting and make report to the same |
and Caleb Greene is desir’d to inform Weston thereof when he returns |
and make report to this meeting |
Barker little and Henry Howlands Case |
The Comittee to Treat further with Barker Little and Henry |
Howland (son of Henry) on account of their removal without |
Certificates and other misconduct report that they have not had |
an oppertunity with Barker, but they had with Henry who did not |
give them Satisfaction and they have draughted a Testimony of his |
denial and informed him thereof the Testimony is as Follows |
Henry How= =land Jur denial |
Whereas Henry Howland Jur Having had his education amongst |
Friends, but by unwatchfulness and disregarding the Principle of |
Truth in his own heart hath removed out of the Compass of our |
meeting without requesting our Certificate; also uses corrupt langu[age?] |
and much neglects the attendance ^of our Religious meetings all which |
misconduct friends have laboured with him for, in order to convin[ce?] |
him of his Errors, but our Labours of love not having the desired effect |
to our Satisfaction: Therefore we are concerned to give this forth as |
a Publick Testimony against him the Said Henry Howland, disowning |
him from being a member of our Society. Nevertheless it is oure desire |
that he may have a Sight and Sense of his outgoings and return to the |
ways of Truth |
Given forth and Signed by order and in behalf of our monthly meeting |
held in Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 5th month 1783 By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Which was Signed by the Clerk who is directed to cause the Same to be red [read] |
at the close of a first day meeting between this and next monthly meeting and |
make report to the Same ~ and the Committee are continued to have |
the necessary care of that of Barker Little and report to monthly meeting |
Ben Giffords proposal of marriag |
Benjamin Gifford and Rhoda Potter declared their Intentions of taking |
each other in marriage and were desired to wait till next monthly meeting |
for their answer ~ and William Wood and William Mosher are appointed |
to make Enquiry into the mans Clearness respecting marriage and conversa= |
=tion and report to next monthly meeting |
David Chase deferd |
The Friends appointed to Labour further with David Chase on account |
of his allowing the accomplishing a marriage in his house out of |
the order of Friends, report that they have had an oppertunity |
with him, but he did not give them Satisfaction, yet the matter |
is defer’d till next monthly meeting for further consideration under |
the care of the same friends they then to make report |
Gid[n?] Sanfords minute |
This meeting is inform’d that Gideon Sanford has gone to the Ninepartners |
to make Some Stay with a Friend there, and requests a |
few lines from this meeting Signifying his right of membership; this |
meeting concuring he having a right of membership, and |
the Clerk is desired to give him a Coppy of this minute |
Collected £1 – 0 – 5d |
6th month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 6th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Peleg Gifford Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and Abiel |
Gifford, Present - And Caleb Russell not present as he attends the |
yearly meeting |
Caleb Green Clerk |
The Clerk not attending this meeting at this time, being gone |
to the yearly meeting, Caleb Greene is therefore appointed Clerk |
for this time |
Chilon Wood request a Certificate |
Chilion Wood requesting (in writting) a removal certificate for |
himself and Children, to Saratogua monthly meeting, as he is |
now gone, and about to remove his family and Settle there. We there= |
fore appoint our friends Abraham Howland and Jonathan Willbor |
to Joyn the Women friends and take the necessary and tim^ly care of that |
matter and if they find things clear to draw a Certificate and bring |
adjournd |
to the adjournment of this meeting |
The minutes of last monthly meeting not being[?] present |
this meeting adjourns to the 23d instant, at the close of a meeting |
for Worship on Said day |
mett |
The 23d of 6th month Mett by adjournment; The Representatives |
Being called, Peleg Gifford, Jonathan Willbor, Abiel Gifford |
and Caleb Russell, all present |
[Weston?] Smith [denial?] read |
The Clerk informs that the Testimonies of the denials of Weston Smith |
and Henry Howland (son of Henry) have been read as directed last |
monthly meeting |
[John?] Williams Case |
One of the Committee appointed to have the care respecting John |
Williams’s Certificate report that it is not yet accomplished and desires |
there may be another friend appointed to assist him therein as the |
other is absent therefore Joseph Gifford is appointed to assist there |
in, and they to accomplish that matter and report to next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to inspect into the Clearness of Benjamin |
Giffords clearness respecting marriage and conversation report that |
they find nothing to hinder his proceeding |
Ben Giffords answer |
Benjamin Gifford Jur and Rhoda Potter appeared in this meeting |
for their Answer which is they may proceed to take each other in |
marriage, at some convenient time between this and next monthly |
meeting, adviseing with the friends this meeting appoints to See the |
marriag orderly Solemnized who are William Mosher and William |
Wood and they to make report to next monthly meeting |
[?]annexing this meeting [to?]Sandwich Quarter |
A Committe from the yearly meeting attended this meeting at this |
time, and among other advices advised that this meeting appoint a |
Solid Committee to confer with the yearly meetings Committee on |
the Subject of annexing this meeting to Sa[n]dwich Quarter which is |
Refered to next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 16s – 2d |
This meeting adjourns to the 25th Instant at the close of the meeting of Worship |
mett |
25th of 6th month Mett by adjournment ~ The Representatives are Peleg Gifford, |
Jonathan Willbor, Caleb Russell and Abiel Gifford all present |
John Potters Case |
The friends who had the care of the matter respecting John Potters misconduct in |
marrying out of the unity of Friends report that it is not accomplished and desires |
ye matter defered another month; it is accordingly defer’d under the same friends care |
who are desired to accomplish the same before next monthly meeting and |
make report to the Same |
George Smiths Case |
One of the Committee (the other not being presen[t] nor reasons sent for his absence) |
appointe^d to have the care of the respecting George Smith the Second Report it is |
not accomplished therefore it is defered till next monthly meeting under the Same |
Friends care they then to make report |
Barker Little Case |
The Friends appointed to have th[e] care, and treat with Barker Little on |
acount of removing with a Certificate and other misconduct, report that |
they had an oppertunity with him, tho not fully to Satisfaction, as desired |
they are therefore continued to have the care of that matter, and make report |
to next monthly meeting |
David Chase Case |
The friends appointed to labour further with David Chase on account of |
his allowing the accomplishing a marriage in his house out of the order of |
Friends, report that they have had another oppertunity with him, but that he did |
not give them Sattisfaction so fully as desir’d yet the matter is defer’d till |
next monthly meeting, they then to make report |
Phebe Bowdish denied |
The Women friends inform they have denied Phebe Bowdish daughter of William |
Bowdish which this meetin[g] concurs with |
The Women friends inform they have admitted into membership Mary Wood |
wife of Abraham Wood which this meeting concurs with |
Isaac Smith bad conduct |
The overseers inform that Isaac Smith son of Gershem hath sometimes resort |
=ed to places whare undue liberty is taken, Such as gameing, musick and |
Dancing, and Joining therein, and useing profain and unbecomeing |
language, also keeps company with a young woman not of our |
Society, and much Neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings |
For which misconduct, and disorders the said Overseers have labou[red] |
with him for, but he did not Condemn the Same to Satisfaction; therefore |
We appoint Elijah Gifford and John Devaul [Davol] to take a Solid oppertunity |
and treat with him further thereon, and report to next monthly meeting |
Abraham Wood req= uest |
Abraham Wood hath given in a paper to this meeting condeming his |
misconduct in prepareing instruments for War; and request to come und[er?] |
Friends care; and he has now removed within compass of Saratoga monthly |
meeting; therefore we appoint Benjamin Taber Caleb Green and William |
Anthony Jur to take the nessecery care of that matter; and prepare a drau[ght?] |
of the State of the Same to Send to that monthly meeting, and bring it to next |
monthly meeting |
overseers of poor |
The Overseers of the poor desires an addition to their number, therefore |
We appoint Jonathan Hart and William Gifford to that Service as an ad= |
=dition to the former under appointment some time past, and they together are |
desired to attend to the Service as Truth may require |
on account of Elders |
The Committee to Joine the Elders; in ^respect of an additional choice of Elders make |
report, that they have had further attention, and furthe Solid conference |
on the Subject, and that it is their united opinion, that the said choice |
be defered Some time longer ~ It is therefore continued under their care |
and Solid attention and to make report to our monthly meeting next pro- |
=ceeding [sic] the Quarterly meeting in the 10th month next |
Sent up to Quarly meeting |
The Queries were read and answers thereto prepared, and an account to |
the Quarterly meeting also prepared and Signed by the Clerk which was sent |
up to said meeting by our friends William Mosher, Caleb Green and Thom[as?] |
Mott and Abiel Gifford who are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
David Smith request a Coppy |
David Smith formerly a member of this meeting, requesting a coppy of the |
Testimony of his denial, this meeting taking the Same into consideration |
doth commit the [sic] to the care of our Representatives to request the advice |
of the Quarterly mee[t]ing therein Said Representatives to mak[e] report to next |
monthly meeting |
Chilion Wood case |
One of the friends appointed to have the care of Chilion Woods Certificate |
report that it is not accomplished, they are therefore continued in care of |
that matter and to accomplish the Same and report to next monthly meeting |
Concerning Posting up publicati= ons |
The Committee appointed some time past to request of those who are in |
authority in the Town in respect of Posting up Publications at our meeting |
houses: having informed some of them thereof; and the Town having Sent |
a papper to this meeting, by the sa^id Committee: which was read in this |
meeting, wherein they desired this meeting would give Some reasons for the |
objections: for their so posting up publications – this meeting taking the |
Same under consideration, do appoint our friends Stephen Buffinton, |
Thomas Hicks, William Anthony Jur, Samu[e]l Smith, Joseph Gifford, |
Giles Slocum Elijah Gifford, Jonathan Willbor, William Mosher, and |
Caleb Greene to prepare a draught [draft] an answer to Said Towns request, |
and bring it to the adjurment [adjournment] of this meeting |
adjours |
This meeting adjourns to the 4th of next month at the 9th hour in the morning |
mett |
Met by adjournment the 4th of ye 7th month 1783 The Representatives called are Caleb |
Russell, Peleg Gifford, Abiel Gifford and Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] all present |
A draught prepard & Sent to the Town |
The Committee appointed to prepar[e] a draught to the Selectmen &c [etc.] as an answer |
to their Request, prepared one and presented to this meeting which was |
Sighned [signed] by the Clerke and we appoint Samuel Smith, Joseph Barke[r] and |
William Mosher, to present the Same to the Town, and they to keep a coppy |
on file and report to next monthly meeting |
[7?] month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 7th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Joseph Austin, William Wood and Timothy |
Howland all present |
[R?]eturn from [Qu]arterly met [ing] |
The Representatives appointed last monthly meeting to attend the |
Quarterly meeting Report, that they all attended, and produced an |
[Ep]istles: &.c: Received |
Epistle from said Quarterly meeting, together with extracts from the |
Last yearly meeting minutes: as also Transcrip[t]s of our last yearly |
meetings Epistle, and one from the yearly meeting of London last |
year, one from the yearly meeting of Philidelphia this year, and one |
from the yearly meeting held at Westberry for New York ~ all which was read |
in this meeting to Satisfaction |
And our Representatives to next Quarterly meeting are to give information |
to said meeting, of the Circumstances of recording the yearly meetings |
Extracts which are to be Recorded in our book of Discipline |
John Williams Case |
The Friends appoin[t]ed to have the care of the matter Respecting John |
Williams Certificate, Report that it is not accomplish, as the obstructions |
thereto are not removed, and desire it continued, which is accordingly deferd |
under their care, and they are desired to accomplish the Same and report |
to the adjour[n]ment of this meeting |
Ben Gifford married |
The Friends appointed to see the marriage of Benjamin Gifford Jur |
and Rhoda Potter orderly Solemniz’d report that they attended said mar= |
=riage, and that it was as far as they discover’d orderly Solemniz’d |
on account of annexing this meeting to Sandwich Quarter |
The appointing a Committee to confer with ^that of the yearly meeting, on the |
Subject of annexing this meeting to Sandwich Quarter; coming again under |
before this meeting; We appoint William Mosher, Stephen Buffin^ton, Thomas |
Hicks, William Anthony Jur, Benjamin Taber, Caleb Russell Joseph Tucker Jur |
and Samuel Smith to that Service who are to report when ready |
George Smith 2d Case |
Two of the Comittee (the other being absent) to have the care of the matter respec |
ting George Smith 2d report that they have made some progress therein, but |
the Womens Committee request it continued it is accordingly defered under |
the Same Friends care who are to report to next monthly meeting |
Barker Little Case |
The friends appointed to Treat further with Barker Little respecting his |
removing without a Certificate and other misconduct report that they have |
had an oppertunity with him and that he gave them so much incouragement |
that they desire the matter continued another month, it is accordingly d[e]fer’d |
under their care till next monthly meeting they then to make report |
John Potter |
The friends appointed to take necessary care of the matter respecting John |
Potters misconduct in marriing out of the unity of Friends and other miscon |
=duct Report that they have laboured with him in order to convince him of |
error, but have not Received Satisfaction; therefore we disown the said John |
Potter from haveing a right of membership among us; and the Same friends |
are desired to draw a Testimon[y] of his denial and inform him thereof, and |
Report to next monthly meeting |
David Chase |
The Friends appointed to labour further with David Chase on account |
of his allowing the accomplishing a marriage in his house out of the |
order of Friends Report that they have laboured further with him |
in order to convi[n]ce him of his Error: but that he did not give them |
Satisfaction yet the matter is defered under the Same friends care |
who are desired to labour with him, not only on that account, but |
on that of his neglecting the attendance of our Religious meetings |
and report to next monthly meeting |
Eunice Mars Certificate |
The Women friends inform they have Received a Certificate from Nantucket [in?] |
behalf Eunice Marshel, who lives in the compass of this meeting which Certifi[cate?] |
was read in this meeting to Satisfaction |
Sarah Wever Recived |
The women Friends Inform, that they with the concura[n]ce of this meeting com[ply?] |
to admit Sarah Weaver into membership; which we concur with |
to give David Smit a coppy |
This meeting concluds to give David Smith a coppy of the Testimony of |
his denial and the Clerk is desir’d to give him a Coppy thereof and report to |
the adjournment of this meeting |
Collected £1 – 0 – 6 [½?] |
Adjournd |
This meeting adjourns to the firs[t] 4th day in next month at the close of the |
meeting for Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 6th of the 8th month 1783 |
The Representatives being called are Joseph Austin William Wood and Timothy |
Howland all present |
Certificate for Chilion Wood |
The Friends appointed to have the care of a Removal Certificate for Chil[ion?] |
Wood, and his wife Barsheba, and their Children, who are Charles and Ruth |
to the monthly me[e]ting at Sarratoga, have produced one, Set[t]ing forth their being |
members, and in a degree of orderly lives and Conversations, which after some |
amendment was Signed by the Clerk |
Isaac Smith disown’d |
The friends appointed to treat further with Isaac Smith son of Gershem report |
that they have discharged themselves in that matter, according to appointment |
but Isaac gave them no Satisfaction, therefore we with the concurence of the |
Womens meeting do disown the said Isaac Smith from having any right |
of membership among us; and the same friends are desired to draw a |
Testimony of his denial, and inform him thereof, and report to next |
monthly meeting |
Respecting Abra Woods request |
The Friends appointed to prepare a draught [draft] of a request to the monthly |
meeting of Saratoga respecting Abraham Woods request produced one; which |
after some amendment, was Signed by the Clerk who is desired to forward |
the same |
John Williams Certificate |
A Removal Certificate in behalf of John Williams, and his Children |
Obediah, Jonathan, and Nicholas Signifying their being members, and that |
Johns outward affares was Settled to general Satisfaction directed to Rhod[e] Island |
monthly meeting was Signed by the Clerk |
David Smith |
The Clerk informes he hath given David Smith a coppy of the Testimony |
of his denial as directed |
To preserve meetings Epistles & papers |
It appearing necessary to this meeting that all the former Epistles and Trans= |
=scrip[t]s of Epistles be collected, and they, as well as those which may come in future |
be preserved on File. We therefore appoint Thomas Hicks, Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] |
Elijah Gifford and Samuel ^Smith to take the necessary care of them; and also of all the |
papers respecting Schools; and where to be recorded, and make report when ready |
Report of Comtee Sent to ye Town |
The Friends appointed to present an answer to the Town, respecting our reasons of |
objecting publications being Set up at our meeting houses, Report they all attended |
and presented the Same in consequence of which the Town Voted that all publications |
Should be hereafter Set up elsew[h]ere |
Visitors apointed |
The case of Some negligent members who have and do much neglect the at= |
=tendence of our Religious meetings, as well as other defects in them and others |
being renewedly noticd by the meeting, with desire for their Reformation and |
better attention to these important matters and to clear our Selves toward them as |
a meeting: therefore we do appoint our friends Abiel Gifford, Thomas Hicks & |
James Davis, to Joine the Women and Visit all Such, ^neglect ones and others, as they may find |
freedom, and as Truth may open the way, and to labour in Love and tenderness |
to reclaim Such from such unwarrantable practices, and report when ready |
Obediah Allen Certificate Endorsed |
Endorsment on the Certificate of Obediah Allen, and his wife Phebe |
were Signed by the Clerk; Setting forth their conduct, while their last abode |
here, droct directed to the monthly meeting of Saratoga |
[8?] month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 8th month 1783 |
The Representatives being called are John Devaul [Davol], Caleb Greene |
& Caleb Barker all present |
[Ge?]org Smith 2d |
The Committee appointed to have the care of the matter respecting George |
Smith 2d report that they have had Some furthe[r] care therein but have |
not accomplished the Same, and request it defer’d it is dfer’d accord |
=ingly till next monthly meeting they then to make report |
[B?]arker Little |
The Friends appointed to treat further with Barker Little respect= |
=ing his removing without a Certificate and other misconduct report |
that they have attended Somewhat to that matter, but have received no |
Satisfaction from Barker, yet the matter is deferred for their accom= |
=plishing as by former minute and to make report to next monthly meeting |
The Friends appointed to draw a Testimony of denial of John Potter |
and Inform him thereof Produced a draught [draft] as follows |
John Potter Testimony of denial |
Whereas John Potter son of John Potter late of Dartmouth deceased and |
Margret his wife, Having had a right of membership among Friends, but by |
departing from the Simplicity of truth, and the dictates therof in his own |
mind, have fallen into Several disorders, particurlarly, whilst he was |
u^nder Gaurdianship he absented himself from his Gaurdian, and fell into |
Loose company, and kept company with a young woman not of our |
Society, and fell into the Sin of Fornication, and contracted marriage |
with the said young woman, who had a child soon after said marriage |
And friends having laboured with him therefor, but not receiving |
satisfaction: Therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends from |
the Imputation of such reproachful conduct this meeting is concerned to |
give this forth as a publick Testimony against the same hereby disown= |
=ing him the said John Potter from being a member of our Religious Society |
until by ^an unfeigned repentance he shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth, and Signed in and behalf our monthly meetting held in Dartmouth |
the 18th day of ye 8th month 1783 ~ |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Mercy Slocum Clerk for this day |
which was read and with the concurrence of the womens meeting was Signed |
by the Clerk who is directed to cause the Same to be read publickly at the |
close of a first day meeting for Worship before next monthly meeting |
and report to the Same; The Same friends report that they informed |
John of his denial |
Isaac Smiths Testimony of denial |
The Friends appointed to draw a Testimony of the denial of Isaac |
Smith (son of Gershem) and inform him thereof report that they have |
accomp[l]ished the Same, said Testimon[y] is as follows |
From our Monthly meeting held ^at Dartmouth ye 18th of 8th month 1783 |
Whereas Isaac Smith (son of Gershem Smith) Having had his Education |
among Friends, but through unwatchfulness, hath so far departed |
from the Truth, and good order of Friends, as to Resort to a place |
where was Singing and Dancing, and Joined himself therein, and |
useing profain and unbecomeing Language, and neglects the attendance |
of our meetings: and also keeps company with a young woman not |
a member of our society; all which misconduct he hath been |
Laboured with for, and it not havin the desired effect; therefore |
Friends for the clearing of Truth, do give this forth as a publick |
Testimony against Such Conduct, and disown him from being a |
member any longer of our Society, Nevertheless it is our desire that |
he may be favoured to come to a Sight and sense of his outgoings and |
return to the way of Truth. Signed in and on behalf said meeting By |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Mercy Slocum Clerk this day |
Which with the concurence of the womens meeting was Signed in Each meet[ing?] |
by the Clerks, and the Clerk is desired to cause the same to be read publickly [at?] |
the close of a meeting for Worship before next monthly meeting, and report be |
made to the Same |
David Chase |
The Friends appoint to labour further with David Chase on account of his |
allowing the accomplishment of a marriage in his house out of the order of [friends?] |
and on account of neglecting the attendance of our Religous meetings Report |
that they have laboured further with him therefor but he gave them no Satis= |
=faction: ^ therefore for the clearing of Truth, and Friends from such disorderly conduct |
We with the Concurrence of the womens meeting do disown the said David |
Chase from having any Right of membership among us: and John Devaul [Davol] is |
desired to informe him thereof and report to next monthly meeting |
Complint against Gilbert Russell |
The Overseers inform that Gilbert Russell is in the practice of keeping com= |
=pany with young woman not a member of our Society also appears in apparel far |
from that Simple plainness that becomes our profession for which they have lab[oured?] |
with him but have not received any Satisfaction, therefore we appoint William |
Anthony Jur Joseph Tucker Jun[i]or, and Josep[h] Austin, to labour further with him |
on account of his misconduct, and report to next monthly meeting |
Report of School Com= =mittee |
The School Committee laid the following report before this meeting |
We of the Committee appointed to advise and assist in the Erecting friends |
Schools, and in the maintainance of the Rules ^orders established by friends for the |
Virtious Education of the youth in Such Schools, have now to report that we |
have attended in some measure to that Service; But as these things are |
but new among us our progress herein hath been but small; Friends not all |
being fully acquainted, in every respect of the method proposed for the Esta |
blishing such Schools and some that are acquainted therewith do not Submit |
themselves thereto divers Schools having been set up without our advice or |
consent, and several School Teachers have been Implyed [employed] by Friends, who are |
not members of our Society: Yet notwithstanding these painf[ul?] obstructions we |
hope and beleive as friends dwell under a Sense of the weight of this Excel= |
=lent work it will gradually go on from step to stept as Truth shall lead the |
way, and by degrees open our eyes to see more clearly the many advantages |
arising from a Reformation in this Important brach [branch?] of our Discipline |
We would therefore return this our Report to the monthly meeting, desireing |
to be dismised from our appointment, that a new appointment may |
Caleb Russell |
Dated this 28th of ye 5th month 1783 |
Abiel Gifford |
Samuel Smith |
Which is refered to next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Wilbur |
Wm Anthony Jur |
For further consideration |
William Russell proposal of marriag |
William Russell (son of Abraham deced) and Hepzabah Mosher, declared their |
Intentions of takeing each other in marriage, he having consent in writeing |
of his Parent: and they are desired to wait till next monthly meeting for |
their answer and Benjamin Chase and William Gifford are appointed to |
make the necessary enquiry into the young mans clearness in respect to |
marriage and his conversation; and report to next monthly meeting |
money pro= cured for ye School |
The Committee to receive Subscriptions for the yearly meetings School |
report that they have procured the Subscription of £13–13–0 yet they are con= |
=tinued in that Service and to report when Ready Collected £0 – 16s – 2 |
feed to be preserved |
This meeting thinks it proper to ^endeavor to preserve the feed round our meeting |
house within the yards, against our next Quarterly meeting, therefore |
we appoint our friends Joseph Barker Peleg Gifford and Jonathan Wilbur |
to use their endeavours to preserve said feed for that purpose: also to |
Procure Hay if needed for said Quarterly meeting |
[9?] month 1783 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15th of the 9th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Elijah Gifford John Devaul [Davol] & Benja Taber all present |
Ebenezer Chase Jur Certificate |
Received a removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of Swanzey |
in behalf of Ebenezer Chase Jur Signifying he was a member of that meet= |
=ing, and that he had Settled his outward affairs to Satisfaction: and |
Abial [Abiel?] Gifford, Benjamin Chase, and William Gifford are appointed to |
Visit said Ebenezer, and inspect into his circumstances, and report when ready |
Gideon Anthony minute returnd |
Gideon Anthony returned a coppy of a minute of this meeting in |
the first month last, with an Endorsment thereon from East Hoosuck |
Signifying he appeared in a good degree of an orderly life and conversa= |
=tion and a diligent attender of meetings while there |
Answer to Queries |
Answers to the Queries were prepared and read in this meeting and some |
Sutiable remarks made thereon |
George Smith 2d |
The Committee appointed to have the care of that matter respecting George |
Smith 2d and wife report that they have had several oppertunities of Solid |
conferences with them, and received some degree of Satisfaction |
yet the matter is defered under the same friend care for further proof of their |
Sincerity and they to report to nex[t] monthly meeting |
John Potter & Isaac Smiths denial been read |
The Clerk informs that the Testimonies of Denials of John Potter and |
Isaac Smith son of Gershem have been read as directed last monly meeting |
David Chase in= formd |
John Devaul [Davol] informs that he hath informed David Chase of his denial |
as directed last monthly meeting |
denied |
The Friends appointed to treat further with Gilbart [Gilbert?] Russell on acount |
of his keeping company with a young woman not a member of our Society |
and other misconduct Report that they have taken an opertunity of Solid |
conference with him; and he did not object against anything alleig’d [alleged?] |
against him by our minutes; nor Shew any disposition to Retract therefrom |
Therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends from such disorderly |
conduct, we with the concurence of the womans meeting do disown the said |
Gilbart [Gilbert?] Russell from haveing any right of Membership among us and Joseph |
Gifford is appointed to inform him thereof, and report next monthly meeting |
Wm Russell clearness |
The Friends appointed to make the necessary enquiry into the Clearness |
of William Russell (son of Abraham) respecting marriage and conversation |
Report that they had taken the necessary care and that they find nothing |
Sufficient to hinder his proceeding in marriage |
Wm Russells proposal of marriage |
William Russell and Hepzabah Mosher appeared for their answer |
which was that they might proceed to take Each other in marriage at some |
convenient time between this and next monthly meeting, adviseing with |
the Friend this meeting shall appoint to see said marriage Solemniz’d |
Who are Benjamin Chase and William Gifford, and the[y] to report next |
monthly meeting |
The Friends apointed to treat further with Barker Little respecting |
his misconduct, report that they have discharg’d themselves in that |
matter, and have provided ^a draught of a Testimony of his denial as |
follows |
Barker Littles Testimony of denial |
Whereas Barker Little having had his Education amongst |
Friends, but through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Prin |
=ciple of Truth in his own heart have much neglected the attendence |
of our Religious meetings, also uses profane language at times, and |
hath removed out of the Verge of this meeting without a Certificate |
or advice of Friends and friends having laboured with him |
The Said Barker in order to convince him of his outgoings, But our |
Labours of Love not having the desired effect to Satisfaction therefore |
we are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony against |
him the said Barker Little, disowning him from being member of |
meeting, Nevertheless, it is our Sincear desire that he may have a Sigh[t?] |
and Sence of his outgoings, and with unfeigned Repentance turn to the |
ways of Truth |
By |
Given forth and Signed ^in and ^by Order of ^our said meeting ye 15th of 9th mo 1783 |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
which with the concurrance of the Women was Signed in each meeting by the |
Clerks; and the Clerk of this meeting is desir’d to cause the same to be |
read in the usual, the same friends informed Barker of his denial ~ |
Ruth Sowl & daughters Certificate |
A Removal Certificate for Ruth Sowl [Sowle?], and her daughters Susanna Mary & |
Thankful, directed to the monthly meeting of Accoaksett Signifying their right |
of membership; was Signed by the Clerk |
Ephraim Mosher pro= posal of - marriage |
Ephraim Mosher and Joanna Mosher declared their intentions of taking |
each other in marriage, and were desired to wait till next monthly meeting |
for their Answer: he having produced a Certificate from Ninepartners he |
Signifying his clearness respecting marriage |
Adam Mott desires advice |
Adam Mott desires the advice of Friends respecting Selling his Interest |
and removing his family: therefore we appoint William Gifford Benjamin |
Chase and Prince Potter to take the necessary care in that matter and they |
to report to next monthly meeting |
To inspect ye rights of Joanna Mosher Children |
Joanna Mosher widdow being about to marry we app[o]int William Anthony Ju[r] |
and Thomas Russell to inspect into the circumstances of her children that |
their rights by former marriages be not neglected; and report to next |
monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 8S – – 9d |
adjournd |
This meeting is adjournd to the 24th Instant after the meeting of worship |
mett |
mett [erasure] by adjournment ye 24th of 9th month 1783 Representatives all present |
appointing School Comtee referd Jane Mosher & daughter under dealing |
The appointing a School Committee coming again under consideration |
and is Refer’d to next monthly mee[t]ing by reason this meeting is so Small |
The Women Friends inform that they have taken Jane Mosher and her |
Daughter ^delilah under dealing for their misconduct, by written report of the |
men and women Overseers, and complaint of others; this meeting doth |
therefore appoint Jonathan Wilbur, John Devaul [Davol] and Joseph Austin |
to Joine the women friend in inspecting that matter, and Labour with the |
offenders; and if they do not find Satisfaction from them or either |
of them, to draw a Testimony of their denial accordingly, and inform |
thereof, and bring said Testimony to next monthly meeting |
Concerning Elders |
The Committee appointed to inspect into the matter of chusing an addi= |
tion of Elders, have reported their approbation of Caleb Greene and |
Mercy Slocum for that Service; Therefore this meeting doth approve of |
them, and do appoint ^Sd Caleb Green and Mercy Slocum to the place of |
Elders accordingly, having the Unity and concurrence of the womens |
meeting therein |
Representatives to Quarly meeting |
We appoint our friends Caleb Russel, Jonathan Wilbor, Abiel |
Gifford, Caleb Green, and Benjamin Smith 2d to attend our next |
Quarterly meeting, as Representatives, and present the answers to the |
Queries, and also the Epistle, which was Signed in this meeting |
and report next monthly meeting |
against Ben Gifford and wife |
The Overseers Inform that Benjamin Gifford Jur and Rhoda his |
Wife are guilty of the Sin of Fornication, as by their own Confesion |
Said Overseers hath Laboured with them therefor bu[t] received no Satis= |
=faction; and said Benjamin and wife hath absented themselves and cannot |
reasonably be spoke with ^therefore with the concurrence of the womens meeting we disown |
them the said Benjamin and wife Rhoda from membership among us; and |
Samuel Smith is appointed to draw ^ a Testimony of their denial and |
bring to nex monthly meeting, and inform them thereof in writeing when |
way is open |
Wm Anthony Jur atends a Jor= [ney?] to Hoosuck &c |
William Anthony Jur Clerk of this meeting informs that he intends |
a Journey to Hoosuck and Saratoga to Visit his relations in them parts |
as also to attend the Quarterly meetings at Oblong and Ninepartners |
and this meeting concurring with the same, he being a member of |
this meeting & Thomas Hicks to give him a coppy of this minute and |
Sign the same in behalf of this meeting |
money to be raisd for yearly meet ing Stock |
It having been recommended by the yearly meeting that £150 be |
raised for the yearly meeting Stock: Therefore we appoint our friend |
Gideon Howland, John Devaul, Joseph Austin and Elijah Gifford |
to receive in Subscriptions made in freedom for that purpos[e], and they |
to make report as soon as they have dischargd themselves therein |
Joanna Mosher reqest a Certificate |
The Women friends inform that Joanna Mosher reque[s]t a removal |
Certificate to Ninepartners: and desires the assistance of men friends |
therein, therefore We appoint William Anthony Jur to Join the |
Women, and take the necessary care therein and report to next monthly meeting |
10 month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 10th month 1783 |
The Representatives being called are Joseph Barker Benjamin |
Rider and Barnabus Russell, all present |
Giden Sanfords minute returnd |
Gideon Sanford returned the coppy of a minute of this meeting |
in : 5th month last; with an Endorsment from Creek meeting |
Signifying he attended their monthly meeting to Satisfaction |
George Smith 2d |
The Committe appointed to have the care of that matt^er respecting |
George Smith 2d and wife, report that they have made some progress |
therein but desires it may be deferred another month, it is accord- |
=ingly deferred under the same friends care till next monthly meeting |
they then to make report |
Rights of Joan= =na Mosher Settled |
The friends appointed to inspect into the Circumst^ances of the Rights |
of Joanna Moshers children, by former marriage, report that they |
have taken the necessary care therein and find thing Settled to |
mutual Satisfaction |
Gilbart Russell informd of denial |
Joseph Gifford informs that he hath inform’d Gilbert Russell of |
his denial as directed last monthly meeting |
married |
The Friends app[o]inted to see William Russell and Hepzibah |
Moshers Marriage orderly Solemniz’d Report that they attended |
thereto and did not find but that it was orderly Solemnized |
Barker Little denial read |
The Clerk informs that the Testamony of the denial of Barker |
Little hath been read as directed |
Report to Adam Motts request |
The friend appointed to have the care of the matter respecting |
Adam Motts request last monthly meeting, Report, that they have |
taken the necessary care therein, and gave Such advice as they thought |
best; yet they are continued in that Service of advice and care as |
they shall find necessary and report when Ready |
Case of Jane Mosher deferd |
The Friends appointed to Joine the Women friends, in inspecting [?] |
and treating with Jane Mosher and her daughter Delilah Report that |
they have not accomplished the same and desire it deferd it is according[ly?] |
defer under the Same friends care and attention till next monthly |
meeting, they then to make Report |
School Comtee appointed |
The School Committee made Report in writeing in the 8th month last |
and is Recorded in page 496 which is accepted and they dismised from |
that Service : And we now appoint Samuel Smith, Jonathan Wilbur |
William Gifford, Caleb Green, Joseph Austin, Benjamin Howland 2d |
and Thomas Mott, a School Committee for the year ensuing who are to |
proceed in that appointment agreeable to the direction of the yearly me[eting?] |
[smudge] [any?] four of which Committee to Set as a Comm[i]ttee and not less |
Elisa: Little Certificate & children |
A Removal Certificates for Elizabeth Little wife of Barker Little and |
their Children ~ Lydia Nathan, Charles, Rebeckah, Zerriah & Sylvester |
and Susannah Barker wife of Ebenezer Barker; directed to the |
Monthly meeting at Accoakset Setting forth their being members |
In corrence [sic] with the womens meeting were Signed by the Clerk |
Rhoda Wing Certificate |
A Removal Certificate directed to the monthly meeting of Sandwich in |
behalf of Rhoda wife ^of Bennet Wing, setting forth her being a member in |
concurence with the women friends was Signed by the Clerk |
Ephraim Moshers answer |
Ephraim Mosher and Joanna Mosher appeared in this meeting for their |
Answer : Which was that they might proceed to take each other in marriage |
at some convenient time, between this and next monthly meeting, advising |
with the friends this meeting shall appoint to see the marriage orderly |
Solemnized ~ who are John Devaul [Davol] a[nd] Abiel Gifford, and they are to |
make report to next monthly meeting |
A few Lines was endorsed on the copy of a minute Obediah Gifford prod[uced?] |
from the Crieek [Creek] monthly meeting Signifying he attended this meeting to Satisfaction |
Collected £1 – – 9S – – 3 ½ |
adjournd |
This meeting is adjorned to the 29th instant at the usual time of day |
met |
29th of ye 10th month, 1783 Mett by adjournment; The Representatives called |
are Joseph Barker, Benjamin Rider, and Barnabus Russell all present |
Caleb Green Clerk |
The Clerk not being present haveing gone his intended Journey therefore |
Caleb Greene is appointed Clerk for this time |
Return from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting, report that they all |
attended that meeting, and produced an Epistle from the same, which |
was read in this meeting to Satisfaction; and their ^request to make some alter= |
=ation in the Womens apartment, in order to accomidate it for Holding |
the Quarterly meeting is refer’d to next monthly meeting |
A Testimo= =ny of de[n]ial of Ben Gifford and wife |
A Testimony of Denial of Benjamin Gifford and wife Rhoda was |
prepaired as Follows |
Whereas Benjamin Gifford Jur and Rhoda his wife, Having stood as |
members of our Society, under the care of this meeting, but throug[h] in attention |
to the dictates Truth, they have fallen into the sin of Fornication as |
appears by their own Confession and friends having Laboured with em |
them on that account in order for their restoration and recovery |
But it not having the desired effect, and instead there of the said |
Benjamin and Rhoda suddenly moved themselves away to a |
distant land where they could not convenently be further Treated |
with on that account: Therefore this meeting being concerned for |
the clearing of Truth s Testimony herein, do disown them the |
Said Benjamin Gifford and Rhoda his wife from being members |
of our Society |
until by a Sencere Repentance and amendment of Life they may be |
restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth, and Signed in and on behalf of our [smudge] monthly meeting |
of men and women friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment |
the 29th day of the 10th month 1783 By ~ |
Caleb Greene Clerk this tim[e?] |
Mercy Slocum Clerk this time |
which was read and after some alteration was Signed by the Clerks |
of Each Meeting; and Benjamin Chase is desired to cause the same |
to be read in the usual manner at Newtown and report to next monthly meeting |
Chusing over seers refered |
The choice and appointment of Overseers for the year ensuing |
is proposed, as the time agreed on since last appointment is expired |
yet a new choice is defered till next monthly meeting for further |
consideration |
Joanna Mosher Certificate deferd |
The Women Friends inform that the matter respecting Joanna |
Moshers Certificate is defered till next monthly under the friends |
care who was appointed therefor |
Giles Russell request a advice |
Giles Russell request the advice friends respecting disposing or |
Selling his outward Estate, therefore we appoint Elijah Gifford, |
and Nicholas Lapham, and Timothy Gifford to advise him therein |
as way may open, and report when Ready |
11 month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 11th month 1783 |
The Representatives are Joseph Tucker Jur, Joseph Austin, and |
Seth Huddleston, being called are all present |
The Clerk yet being absent Caleb Greene is appointed Clerk for |
this time |
George Smith 2d |
The Committee appointed to have the care of the matter respect= |
=ing George Smith 2d and wife Report, that they have had some |
encourragement of Satisfaction, yet desire the matter defer’d, it |
is accordingly defer’d till next monthly meeting under the same |
friends care they then to report |
Case of Jane Mosher and her daughter Delilah referd |
The Committee in the case of Jane Mosher and her daughter |
Delilah not having accomplished the same, and request it |
continued, it is therefore continued till next monthly meeting |
under the care who are to report next monthly meeting |
Ephraim Mosher married |
The Friend to oversee the marriage of Ephraim Mosher and |
Joanna Mosher report that they attended the Same, and Saw |
nothing but that it was orderly Solemnized |
Respecting altering meeting house |
The matter respecting alteration of our meeting house for the |
better accommodating it for the Quarterly meeting as by their |
request; coming under consideration; We appoint Peleg Gifford |
Giles Slocum, Gideon Howland, Caleb Russell, James Tucker, John |
Tucker Samuel Smith, Thomas Hicks, and Benjamin Smith 2d a |
Committee to consider of said alteration, and accomedation and |
^what is necessary to be done therein; and report to next monthly meeting |
John Shepherd Ju minute re= =turnd |
John Shepherd Jur having returned to this meeting with the |
Coppy of a minute of this meeting in the 10th month last year Indorsed |
by the monthly meeting of the Oblong the 13th of last month, Signifying |
his orderly behaviour while among them which is accepted to Satisfaction |
Benjamin Chase Reports that the Testimony of denial of Benjamin |
Gifford Jur and his wife Rhoda had been read according to appointment |
Overseers referd |
The matter of Chuseing overseers, coming again under consideration |
is refered to next monthly |
Josiah Wood acknow= =ledgment |
Josiah Wood gave in a paper to this meeting condemning his mi[s?] |
conduct for which he was denied, therefore this meeting appoints |
Elijah Gifford and Thomas Hicks to have an oppertunity of Solid |
conference with him on that Subject in order to discover his Sincerity |
and to report next monthly meeting |
sher Certificate |
A Removal Certificate for Joanna Mosher directed to the monthly |
meeting at the Ninepartners, Setting forth her being a member of |
our Society, and that she had Settled her outward affairs to Satis= |
=faction; was Signed in this meeting in concurence with the Women’s |
meeting |
advice from meeting for Sufferings of coppies given |
Received the following advice from the meeting for Sufferings Viz |
It appearing necessary that some General advice be given respecting |
what coppies from our Records Such who have hearetofore been members |
of our Societ[y] may reasonably exspect to be furnished with ~ This meeting |
gives it as their Sence and Judgment, that it may be adviseable |
for any monthly meeting to direct their Clerks, on application of any |
Person heretofore, a member of our Society, or their Survice in friends |
relations, or others; to give coppies of their denials, marriage Certifi= |
=cates; of their Births and Deaths, of their Children and Friends, and |
of any other minute necessary for asserting their Rights on the Same |
reasonable Terms, as the like coppies are or would be grant^ed to members |
of our Society |
Coppy of a minute of the meeting for Sufferings held at Dartmouth |
the 6th of the 10th month 1783 Extxtracted by Thomas Arnold Clerk |
Which was read and accepted and is to the Satisfaction of this meeting |
Daniel & Alice Wing Certificate |
Received a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Sandwich |
in behalf of Daniel Wing a minor, living at Peleg Slocum’s, |
which is accepted: Also in behalf of Alice Wing a Girl, which |
as she is placed out from among Friends; We return the care |
of her to them; which was Signified by an Endorsment returned |
on Said Certificate, which was Signed by the Clerk |
Abigail Briggs request |
The Women inform that Abigail Briggs hath requested to |
be admitted under Friends care; We therefore appoint Jonathan |
Wilbur and Samuel Smith, to Joine the women friends to take |
the necessary care therein, and make report to next monthly meeting |
Jethro Russell request |
Jethro Russell having requested at the Preparitive and this meeting |
to be admitted under friends care, we therefore appoint William |
Wood and Seth Huddlestone to take a Solid oppertunity with him |
and family in order he may be rightly Initiated, and make |
Report to next monthly meeting |
Ruth Mott under dealing |
The Women Inform they have taken Ruth Mott under dealing |
for her misconduct, and have appointed a Comittee to treat with |
her, which this meeting concurs with; and appoints William |
Gifford, and Stephen Buffinton to Joine the women friends |
therein, and report to next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 16S – 7 ½d |
Treasurer |
Treasurer is ordered to pay to Giles Slocum One pound Ten Shillings |
for half a Load of Hay he Supplied this ^meeting with last, and report |
to this meeting |
The Treasurer Reports he hath paid Giles Slocum, as ordered |
12 Month 1783 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 12th month 1783 |
The Representatives from the Preparitive meeting are Benjamin |
Taber, Thomas Mott and Stephen Gifford all Present |
Queries approv’d |
The Queries were read and Answers thereto read and after Some |
amendment were approved by this meeting |
Overseers appoint |
The matter of Chusing Overseers coming again under conside= |
ration, We therefore appoint Benjamin Taber, Joseph Tucker Jur |
Joseph Austin, Benjamin Smith 2d, Josep[h] Barker and Caleb |
Russell to the place of Overseers for the year Ensuing and from |
that time ^till others shall be appointed in their Room; who are desir= |
=ed to attend to their own Gifts therein to see that the cause of |
Truth be keep to in the Several members of our meeting |
Wm Giffords Certificate |
Received a Certificate on account of William Gifford (son |
of Ephraim deceased) Setting forth his clearness in regard to ~ |
marriage, and that he is a member of Society, directed to this |
meeting, from Accoakset; also he hath produced |
consent of his mother therefore |
Wm Giffords proposal of marriage |
William Gifford and Hannah Smith declared their Intentions |
[of] taking Each other in marriage and were desired to wait till |
next monthly meeting for their Answer |
Gideon Anthonys minute |
Gideon Anthony Informed this meeting that he intends to go |
to East Hoosuck or Saratoga in order to make some Stay with which |
meeting doth concur he being a member hereof and the Clerk is deser |
=ed [desired] to give him a coppy of this minute |
Wm Anthony Jur return from Hoosuck |
William Anthony Jur having returned from his Journey at East |
Hoosuck and Saratoga, produced a few lines from the monthly |
meeting there Setting forth his attendance with them to Satisfaction |
The Committee appointed to alter or Repair our Meeting House |
make Report as follows |
Report on alter= ing meeting house |
We the Committee appointed to alter or Repair our meeting |
house, and after meeting Several times, have agreed to move |
the Partition as far Eastward as the Great doore: and to have |
a passage out the Little Room up Stairs: And that the |
Same be Effected as Soon as may be; and also that the |
Womens Chamber be repaired to make it warm, and that the |
Roof be mended ~ Signed by direction of the Committee by |
Dated this 10th of 12th month 1783 |
Samuel Smith |
meeting house |
Which is accepted, and in consequence thereof our Friends |
Peleg Gifford, Philip Trafford, and William Anthony Jur are |
appointed to See said meeting house altered and repaired |
accordingly and report next monthly meeting |
Collected – £1 – 19s – 3d |
money for yearly meet= ing Stock |
The Friends appointed to Collect money by way ^of Subscription have |
made Report, that they have Collected the sum of Collected £8 – 13s – 3d |
to Supply the yearly meeting Stock |
adjournd |
This meeting adjourns to the 24th of this Instant, after meeting of Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment the 24th of 12th month 1783 |
The Representatives being called, are Benjamin Taber |
Thomas Mott and Stephen Gifford all present |
George Smith 2d |
The Committee appointed to have the care of that matter |
Respecting George Smith 2d and wife Report that they have taken |
Further care therein and that they had some Satisfaction; Yet the |
matter for further Satisfaction of this meeting is Defer’d till next |
monthly meeting under the same friends care, who are then to Report |
Jethro Russell |
The Friends appointed to have the care of Jethro Russells request |
Report that they have visited him to some Satisfaction: yet Judge |
it best to defer the matter some time longer for futher Satisfaction |
It is accordingly defer’d under the same friends care till next |
monthly meeting, then to report |
Jane Mosher & daughter |
The Committee in the care of Jane Mosher and daughter Delilah |
desires the matter continued; it is accordingly defer’d till next mon |
monthly meeting, they then to Report |
Josiah Wood |
One of the Committee in the case of Josiah Woods Paper Con= |
=demning his misconduct, for which he was denied, request that |
matter continued ~ it is accordingly deferd till next monthly meet[ing?] |
The committee then to Report |
Ruth Mott |
The Friends appointed to Joine the Women friends, in treating |
with Ruth Mott ~ Report that the matter is not accomplished it is |
therfore continued under the same friends care till next monthly |
meeting they then to make report |
Complaint against Francis Allen Jur |
The Overseers inform that Francis Allen Jun[i]or much neglects the |
attendance of our Religious meetings: and hath attended a marriage |
out of the Unity of friends, and appears far from that plainness |
which we profess: for which defects, the said Overseers hath laboured |
with him, but he did not give them Satisfaction: therefore we appoint |
our Friends William Barker and William Anthony Jur to labour further |
with him thereon, and make report to next monthly meeting |
Tallman request |
Jonathan Tallman requests by way Preparitive meetings to be ad= |
=mitted under our Care, We therefore appoint our Friends Seth Hud= |
=dleston and Stephen Buffinton to take a Solid oppertunity with said |
Jonathan in order to discover his motive therein and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
overseers of poor referd |
The Choice of Overseers of poor (the year being expired since last choice) is referd |
to next monthly meeting |
Wm Russell disorder |
Received a request and Information by some Friends appointed by Saratoga |
monthly meetings of the 18th & 19th of last month; Signifying that William |
Russell removed from thence to Dartmouth without Certificate leaving his |
outward affairs unsettled to the Satisfaction of Friends: We therefore appoint |
Benjamin Howland 2d & Nicholas Lapham to treat with said William thereon |
and Report to next monthly meeting |
Sent to Quarterly meeting |
An Epistle to the Quarterly meeting was prepared, and Signed by the |
Clerk, and directed to be forwarded by our Representatives, who are |
William Anthony Jur, James Davis, Caleb Barker, and Joseph Austin, |
and they to make report to next monthly meeting |
order on Treasurer for Noah Russell |
The Committee to provide Hay for th[e] last Quarterly meeting past; have |
brought Noah Russell’s account for one Tun the amount being Twlve |
Twelve Dollars which the Treasurer is directed to pay, when he hath |
money from the meeting and make report to this meeting |
To review minutes and Settle with Trea= =surey |
Samuel Smith, Jonnathan Wilbur Benjamin Howland 2d and George Smith |
are appointed to review and Inspect this meetings minutes of the year |
past in order that they may be Recorded, and Settle accounts with the |
Treasurer, and make Report to next monthly meeting |
[1st?] Month 1784 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 1st month 1784 |
The Representatives from the Preparitive meeting are John Howland |
Joseph ^Barker and Prince Potter, all present. |
Josiah Wood |
The friends appointed to Treat with Josiah Wood, Report that they |
have had an oppertunity with him to a degree of Satisfaction; and |
he having given in a paper condemning his misconduct; which this |
meeting concluds to accept of for Satisfaction, Provided he cause |
Said paper to be publickly read at the close of a first day meeting |
of Worship, he being present, and return it to next monthly meeting |
Alice Wood |
This meeting in concurence with the Women friends, hath Signed an |
information to RhodIsland monthly meeting respecting Alice Wood |
informing them that we have made enquiry into her conversation |
and find nothing ^Sufficient to hinder her being receiv’d into membership |
meeting house |
The Friends appointed to repair the Meeting house: &c: Report that |
they have made some progress therein, but ^not accomplis[h]’d fully, they |
are therefore continued in said Service, and ^to report to next monthly meeting |
Georg Smith 2 [&?] wife |
The friends appointed in the case of George Smith 2d and wife |
Report that they have had another opertunity of Solid conferrence |
with them, and that they gave them so much Satisfaction as that |
Friends may receive their acknowledment; and this meeting Sol= [id?] |
weighing the matter and having the concurrence of Women friends, |
do conclude to accept of their said acknowledgment for Satisfaction |
Provided they cause Said paper of acknowledgment to be publickly |
Read at the Close of a first day worship, and they both present and |
return the Same to next monthly meeting |
Francis Allen Jur |
The Committee appointed to Treat with Francis Allen Jur Report |
that they treated with said offender, and that he gave them no Sa= |
=tisfaction; therefore this meeting doth Disown him the said Francis |
Allen Jur from being any longer a member of our Society |
Wm Gifford proposal Answer |
William Gifford and Hannah Smith appeared for their answer |
Which was that they might proceed to take Each other in marriage |
in Some convenient tim[e] before next monthly meeting, adviseing |
with the friends that this meeting Shall appoint to oversee the same |
who are Willam Anthony Jur and Jonathan Wilbur and they to make |
Report to next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Talman |
The Friends appointed to have a conference with Jonathan Talman [Tallman] |
on his request Report, that they have had a Solid Satisfactory opper= |
=tunity with him, and think he is in Some degree Sincear in his request |
Benja Gidley |
Benjamin Gidley having returned home hath produced a Certificate |
from the monthly meeting of Saratoga, Setting forth his orderly conduct |
while there, which is to our Satisfaction |
Joshua Maccomber |
Joshua Macumber attended this meeting with a coppy of a minute |
from the monthly meeting at Saratoga which was read to Satisfaction |
and an Indorsement wrote theron Signifying the Same |
Collected ~ ~ ~ £1 – 5s – 9d |
adjournd |
This meeting adjourns to ye 28th instant after the meeting for worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 28th of ye 1st month 1784 |
The Representatives being called are all present |
John Howland is appointed to Inform Francis Allen Ju of his denial |
make report next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Talman |
The matter in regard to Jonathan Talmans [Tallmans] request coming again |
under consideration, and Solidly considering thereof, do conclude to |
grant his request, and do receive him into membership with us, We |
haveing the concurence of women friends hearin [herein] |
Jethro Russell |
The Friends appointed to confer with Jethro Russell on his request |
to be taken under friends care, make Report, that they have had a |
Solid oppertunity of Conference with him, which was in degree Satis |
=factory, and this meeting taking it under consideration do accept of |
him into Membership with us having the womens concurence herein ~ |
Overseers of poor |
The matter of chuseing Overseers of the poore is referd to the next |
Monthly meeting, and the former ones are contin[u]ed to that time |
Wm Russell Saratoga |
The friends appointed in regard to Sara the request of Saratog[a] month |
=ly meeting concerning William Russell, Report, they have Treat[ed?] |
with him for his mis conduct, and that he gave them some encourage |
=ment to endeavour to Satisfy friends at that meeting; but it is |
not yet don, therefore said Committee are Still continued to See |
that he doth perform according to encouragement given and to |
make Report when it Shall be done, or otherwise, when they shall |
think friends have waited a Sufficient time therefor ~ |
Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report |
they all attended agreeable to appointment, who have produced an |
Epistle from Said meeting, which hath been read to Satisfaction, and |
the advices contained therein Refer’d to next monthly meeting for |
further consideration |
Jane Mosher & daugh =ter |
The Committee appointed (in conjunction with the womens meet= |
=ing) in the case of Jane Mosher and her daughter Delila [Delilah] make |
Report, that they have had Several Solid oppertunities with them and |
that the said Jane gave them So much Satisfaction they think it may [be?] |
Safe to Let the matter drop in regard to her the said Jane Mosher |
but as to her daughter Delila She did not give them Satisfaction, ther |
=fore they have drafted a Testimonial against said Delila which |
hath been read, and the said report and denial hath been |
accepted, and said Testimony Signed by the Clerk who is directed |
to read the Same publickly at the close of a meeting of Worship on a |
first ^day and make report to next monthly meeting |
Recept from year =ly meeting |
Our Representatives to the Quarterly meeting have produced a |
Rece[i]pt from the Yearly meetings Treasurer tha[t] he Recd £8 – 13S – 3d |
to Supply the yearly meeting Stock |
Seats for Blacks |
This meeting being informed that the Black people that attended |
Our meeting for Worship have at sometimes not been ^Sutiably provided with Seats |
Therefore this meeting appoints Thomas Hicks John Devaul [Davol] Phlip [Philip] |
Trafford William Anthony Jur Caleb Russell Joseph Austin and |
Abiel Gifford to inspect into that matter and provide Such Seats |
as they may think best and inform them thereof and make report |
when accomplished |
Revise minutes |
The Committee appointed to Revise this meetings minutes report |
they have revised said minutes, and directe them to be recorded |
And that ther[e] remained in Stock before the date hereof after |
all Orders are paid that are alowed the Sum of £9 – 4 – 2 |
which Sum was then in Stock which was ye 17th of first mo 1784 |
which was before our last Collection |
Phebe Lap= ham |
The women inform that Phebe Lapham keeps company with |
a man not of our Society, and request our assistance therein there |
fore we appoint Georg[e] Smith and William Anthony Jur for that |
purpose and they to report next monthly meeting |
Abraham Allen request |
Abraham Allen informs this meeting he has thoughts of disposeing |
of his Estate, and desires friends advice therein therefore we |
appoint Giles Slocum and Elijah Gifford to inspect into his Circum |
=stances and to advise him as they find best, and report to next |
monthly meeting |
Deborah Howland |
The women request the assistance of this meeting in regard to |
Deborah Howland who hath removed within Accoakset monthly |
meeting without a Certificate therefore we appoint John Devaul |
and Seth Huddlestone for that purpose and to report their doing |
therein next monthly meeting |
2 month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 16 of 2d month 1784 |
The Representatives from Preparitive meeting being called are |
Barnabus Russell Thomas Mott and Daniel Ricketson all present |
Josiah Wood |
The Clerk informes that Josiah Woods paper hath been read |
as directed last monthly meeting and the paper returned to |
this meeting, and said Josiah receiv’d accordingly |
Meeting house |
The Friends appointed to repair the meeting house report |
that they have not accomplish’d it yet by reason of the Severity of |
the weather, they are therefore continued to accomplish the Same |
and Report to next monthly meeting |
Georg Smith 2 [&?] wife |
The Clerk informs that George Smith 2 and wife may? have caused |
their paper of acknowledg[?]ments to be read as directed last monthly |
meeting, and the said George Smith and wife are readmitted into |
membership accordingly |
Wm Gifford married |
The friends appointed to attend the marriag of William Gifford |
and Hannah Smith, report that they attended said marriage |
and did not see but that it was orderly Solemnized |
Fransis Allen |
John Howland informs that he hath informed Francis Allen Ju |
of his denial, as directed last monthly meeting |
Quarterly meetings advice |
The advices of the Quarterly meeting coming again under the |
consideration of this meeting, viz, the Treating weightily and |
tenderly which [with?] Such as may be in the practice of Sleeping in meet= |
=ing, as also the tenderly advising those who pray ungaurdedly |
incline to the practice of dealing in Spiritous Licquor; and that |
dealing in them may be discouraged amoung Friends, Therefore |
mee[t] ing appoints Abial Gifford, Caleb Greene, Thomas Hicks, William |
Gifford, Joseph Austin, Jonathan Wilbor, John Devaul and |
Seth Huddleston to Treat with the former and advise the latter |
agreeable to the Quarterly meetings advice, and the mind of |
Truth therein; and make report from time to time as may |
be necessary |
Deborah Howland |
The friends appointed to asist the women in regard to |
Deborah Howland who hath removed within Accoakset |
Monthly meeting without a Certificate and too much neglects the |
attendence of our Religious meetings, Report ^there on that they with the |
women have taken a Solid oppertunity with her the said Deborah |
but that She did not give them any Satisfaction therefore this |
meeting doth concur withe the women in dis owning her |
mary Wood Certifi= =cate |
A Removal Certificate was Signed in this meeting by the Clerk on |
concuren[ce] of women friends, for Mary Wood wife of Abraham Wood |
directed to the monthly meeting at Saratoga signifying her right |
of membership |
Chusing Clerk |
The further advice of the Quarterly meeting respecting the chuseing |
Clerks for our meeting Annualy is refered to next monthly meeting |
Overseers of poor |
The choice of overseers of the poor being refered to this meeting Gideon |
Howland, John Devaul, Caleb Barker Jonathan Wilbor, John Howland |
George Smith and William Gifford are appointed for that Service the year |
Ensuing |
Mary Bowdish |
The Women request the assistance of men friends in treating with |
Mary Bowdish ~ therefore we appoint Joseph Barker and Seth Huddleston |
to assist the Women, and make report to next monthly meeting |
Collected – £1 – [smudge] 18S – 5d ~ |
Adjornd Mett |
This meeting adjourns to the 25th instant after the meeting for worship |
Mett by adjournment the 25th of the 2nd month 1784 |
The Representatives being called were all present |
Delila Mosher |
The Clerk reports that the Testimony of denial of against Delila [Delilah] Mosher |
hath been read as directed last monthly meeting |
Abraham Allen |
The friends appointed to advise and assist Abraham Allen report that |
they have not fully accomplished Said matter therefore they are continued |
in that Service, and to report next monthly meeting |
Marshal |
The Women inform they have Received a removal Certificate for Anna |
Marshall from the monthly meeting of Nantucket which this meeting |
concurs with |
Dividing Prepariti =ve meeting |
It is proposed wheither it may not be best to divide our Preparitive |
meeting into two distinkt Preparitves meetings, Therefore we appoint |
our friends James Davis, Thomas Hicks, Abiel Gifford, Stephen |
Buffinton, Elijah Gifford and William Anthony Jur, to Joine the |
Women friends and take that matter under Consideration; and if |
they think best to divid[e] said meeting they to prepare Boundris [Boundaries] between |
Said meetings and report to next monthly meeting |
Barnabas Russell |
Barnabus Russell Informs this meeting that he hath thoughts of going to |
Philadelphia on buisness, and request a minute from this meeting; We |
concuring with His request; He being a member of this meeting the |
Clerk is desired to give him a coppy of this minute |
Bedford meeting House |
The friends at Bedford hand^ed in a Petition for to have a meeting house built there |
and friends taking the matter under consideration do appoint Joseph |
Tucker Jur William Gifford Peleg Gifford, Benj Smith 2 & Nichlas Lapham to |
take that matter under consideration, & report their Sense & Judgment thereon |
next monthly meeting |
Phebe Lap [=ham] |
The Commtee appointed to assist the women in that matter respecting Phebe Lap |
=ham desire it Refer’d and it is defer’d to next monthly meeting they then to report |
Part of the Comtee appointed in the matter respecting Ruth Mott report they |
made some progress therein and Recd no Satisfaction and She hath proceeded in marriage |
out of the unity of friends & the women inform they have disowned her the Sd Ruth Mott |
which this meeting doth concur with |
[3] Month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 3 month 1784 |
The Representatives from the Preparitve meeting are William Barker |
Seth Russell and William Gifford all present |
[repa]ir meeting house |
The friends appointed to repair the meeting house report that they have |
proceeded Somewhat further therein, but not having accomplish’d the |
Same they are continued in that Service and report next monthly meeting |
[Saml] Gidley |
Two of the Overseers inform that Samuel Gidley hath proceed^ed^to |
keep company, and contract marriage with a woman not of our |
Society, after being precautioned and treated with on that account |
Therefore this meeting (with with the concure^nce of the womens meeting) do |
disown him the said Samuel Gidley from being a member of our |
Society and Josiah Wood is desir’d to inform him thereof and to |
make report next monthly meeting ~ |
Mary Bowdish |
The friends appointed to Joine the women in Treating with Mary |
Bowdish, not having accomplis[h]ed it they are Still continued in |
said Service and to report next monthly meeting |
Allen |
The friend appointed to advise with Abraham Allen in regard to |
his disposeing of his Estate, report that they have performed said |
Service and it was their advice for him so to dispose of his ^Sd Estate |
if a suitable oppertunit[y] Should present which report is acceped by |
this meeting |
Bedford meet [ing?] house |
The friends appointed in the matter respecting the petition of |
Bedford friends building a Meeting house thear make the follow= |
=ing Report; which is accepted by this meeting and this meeting |
doth conclude to refer it to our next Quarterly meeting for their |
approbation and assistance if they may think proper |
Comtee reprt [?] on |
To the monthly meeting of Dartmouth to be held 15th of [4?]th month 1784 |
according to appointment Some of us attended with a Committee from the |
Quarterly meeting Respecting friends request at Bedford to build |
a meeting house there: and after concluding upon house the bigness of said |
house; to be 48 by 36 feet Computeing the cost of 400. We think |
propper for Friends to come to Subscriptions in order to accom= |
plish said matter |
Joseph Howland |
Benjamin Smith Jur |
Giles Slocum |
Wm |
Anthony Jur |
Wm Gifford |
Collected ~~~ |
£1 – 5S – 11d ~ |
Meeting in Allens neck |
Some friends in Allens neck and other Friends requesting the |
priviledge of one meeting or more in that neck; this meeting taking |
the Same under Consideration conclude with the womens ^meeting concurence |
to grant said request, and direct that one meeting for Worship be |
held at Susanna Allens in said Allens neck and that on the Sixth |
-day of this week to begin at the eleventh hour, and our friends |
Elijah Gifford, Giles Slocum, and Thomas Hicks are appointed to |
attend and have the care therof and report to next monthly meeting |
Adjourn’d |
This meeting Adjourns to the 24th Instant aft^er the meeting for worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjourment the 24th of ye 3 month 1784 |
The Representatives from the Preparitve meeting are William |
Barker Seth Russell and William Gifford all present |
Clerk appoint ed |
The advice of the Quarterly meeting respecting the Choice of |
Clerk to be chosen annually being referd from last monthly meeting |
and considerd |
William Anthony Junor is therefore appointed to continue in that |
Service the years Ensuing. |
Phebe Lapham |
The friends appointed to assist the Women in respect to Phebe |
Lapham Report that it is not accomplished they are therefore cont- |
=nued in that Service and to report next monthly meeting |
Rotch |
The Women inform they have received a removal Certificate from |
Nantucket monthly meeting in behalf of Rebecca Rotch which [this] |
meeting concur with |
on dividing Prepari =tive meeting & boun= daries |
The Committee appointed to Join the Women friends, to consider |
matter of dividing the Preparitive meeting into two distinks Prepar[-] |
tive meetings, and propose Bounderise between them Report as |
Follows— We the Committee of men and women Friend appoint |
by the Monthly meeting for considering the dividing the Preparit[ive] |
meeting, have Solidly considered and conferd on with Several |
other friends on that matter, and it is our Sense and Judgment |
that it is best it should be divided and called north & South preparative |
meeting and that Line of division be thus viz |
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Jonathan Tuckers land on the |
West Side of Clarks or Shearmans Cove, from thence till it goes to |
the Southward of John Howlands house, including said house to |
the Northward of said line, from thence to the Southeast corner of |
James Tuckers homstead farm, from thence in a direct line to the |
brook called the half mile Brook where said brooks crosses the |
Road Northward of Stephen Buffintons, from thence to the South |
=east corner of the land formerly belonging to James Shearman on |
the West side of the High way and from thence to the Southeast |
corner of Zephaniah Eddys land in Accoakset East line |
Bedford 3 mo 5th 1784 |
Judith Russell |
William Anthony Jur |
Mary Smith |
Abiel Gifford |
Sarah Howland |
James Davis |
Sarah Anthony |
Stephen Buffinton |
Report accepted Time & place fixed |
Which Report is accepted and with the concurence of the Women said |
Preparitive meeting is divided accordingly, and the denomination of |
them approved of; and that the South preparitive meeting be held as |
usual at our South old meeting house in Ponaganset and the North Prepa- |
ritive meeting be held on fifth day at Newtown, and at Bedford on |
Sixth day next proceeding our Monthly meeting, and the time for hold- |
ing it at Each place be concluded by a Committee for that purpose |
who are William Anthony Jur Joseph Tucker Junor and Stephen Buffinton |
they to Join the Women and to make report next monthly meeting and that |
first North Preparative meeting beheld at Newtown next month |
Hannah Tucker Request |
And notwithstanding the boundaries are as above said, yet by the request of |
Hannah Tucker and her two daughters Rebeckea and Joanna they are to |
Preparitive members of the South Preparitive meeting |
To Qurly meeting |
The Queries were answered and an account prepared to the Quarterly |
meeting which was Signed by the Clerk which account and answers were |
forwarded by our Representatives who are Samuel Smith John Howland |
Caleb Greene and they to report to next monthly meeting |
[4] month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting of Friends in Dartmouth ye 19th of 4th month 1784 |
The Representatives being called were from the South Preparitive meeting |
Elijah Gifford and Nicholas Lapham, from the North Preparitive |
meeting Caleb Russell and Seth Huddleston all present |
[Ca]leb Condon |
Received a removal Certificate on behalf of Caleb Congdon from |
the monthly meeting of Providence Setting forth his right of |
membership and that he is come to learn a Trade within the |
Compass of this meeting which this meeting accepts |
[?] meeting house |
The Committee appointed to repair the meeting house report that |
it is not yet fully accomplished therefore they are continued to accom= |
plish it and make report next monthly meeting – – |
[?]Gidley |
Josiah Wood not having made any report of his informing Samuel Giddley |
[Gidley] of his denial therefore he is desired to report next monthly meeting |
[R]eport fromquarterly meeting |
Report was made of the Representatives all attended the Quar= |
=terly meeting except Caleb Greene, who sent a reasonable excuse |
which was accepted and they produced an Epistle from said |
Quarterly meeting which was read and the contents thereof recommend |
ed to individles to observe; and as the Quarterly meeting hath |
Concluded upon the Sum of £5-16s-9d more from Dartmouth to |
Supply the yearly meeting Stock, therefore those friends that |
had the last Subscriptions for the Supply of the yearly meeting |
take said Subscriptions and endeavour to raise Said money by |
Friends Subscribing thereto again and they to report next month= |
=ly meeting Joseph Austin being dismissed by reason of his |
of his absence John Howland is aded in his room |
[Re]port of meeting [A]llens neck |
The friends appointed to have the care and Oversight of the meeting |
that was appointed in Allens neck, report, that they attended |
said meeting which was conducted orderly and pritty good |
Satisfaction which report the meeting accepts of |
Preparitive [m]eeting |
The Committee appointed to consider of the holding of the |
North Preparitve meeting report that said meeting be held |
one half the time at Newtown: and the other half the time |
at Bedford which report this meeting accepts of |
Amie Proud Certificate |
The Women friends inform they have received a remo= |
=val certificate from the monthly meeting of Greenwich on behalf |
of Amie Proud. Which meeting concurs with |
Phebe Lapham Disowned |
The Women friends inform they have disowned Phebe |
Lapham, Now Phebe Russell which this meeting concurs with |
ing house |
As the Quarterly meeting hath appointed a Committee to |
attend this meeting and Confer with us and friends at |
Bedford in request to Building a meeting house att Bedford |
therefore we appoint our friends Joseph Howland Benjamin |
Smith 2 William Anthony Jur Giles Slocum and William |
Gifford as a committee to Join the quarterly meetings |
Committee in that matter to consider on the bigness of said [house?] |
and compute the Cost, and to Consider all other matters necess[ary] |
therein and make report when ready |
Giles Slocum Jur |
Some of the Overseears inform by way of the Preparive meeting [that?] |
Giles Slocum Jur too much neglects the attendence of our Religious |
meetings and appears at times far from that plainess in habbit [as?] |
becomes our Profession – Also hath atten[d]ed one mariage and the |
Entertainment of another, which marriages were out of the Unity of [our?] |
Society and that they Laboured with him for the above offence[s] but |
Received no Satisfaction therefore we appoint Seth Huddleston William |
Barker and Thomas Mott to Labour further with him for the above said |
offences and make report to the next monthly meeting |
Isaac Russell account |
The Overseers of the poor handed in an account from Isaac Russell for |
keeping Alice Smith Eleven months, together with her Funeral charges |
to the amount of £16 – s10 – d0 which this meeting approves of and the |
Treasurer is ordered to pay the same when he is supply’d with mony |
and report to this meeting. |
Timothy Howland account |
The Overseers of the poor handed in an accompt from Timothy |
Howland, for keeping Hannah Barker 13 weeks to the amount of £4 –[?] |
which this meeting accepts and the Treasurer is ordered to pay the same |
when Supplied with money and report to this meeting |
Giles Russell |
The Friends appointed some time [prep ?] to advise with Giles Russell respect[=?] |
=ing Selling his Interest, report, that they advised with him therein accord [=?] |
=ing to their ability, which report is accepted |
Collected £1 – 13s – 6d |
5 month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth 19th of 5th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitve meeting are Peleg Gifford |
and Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur]: from the North Preparitive meeting Joseph |
Austin and Seth Huddleston all Present |
On our meet= ing house |
The Committee appointed to repair the meeting house report that they |
have accomplished said buisness as far as appears nessesary at present |
Sam Gidley |
Josiah Wood reports that he inform’d Samuel Gidley of his |
denial as ordered |
Giles Slo =cum Jur |
The friends appointed to Treat with Giles Slocum Jur on account |
of his disorderly conduct, &c, Report that they have had a Solid |
oppertunity, and Labour’d with him but did not receive their desir[’]d |
Satisfaction, but request that it may be continued for further Labour |
they are therefore continued in that Service to Treat further with him |
and to make report next monthly meeting — |
Barnabas Russell |
Barnbas Russell having returned from his Jorney to Philidelphia |
have returned the Coppy of this meetings minute which was made for the |
Purpose, to Satisfaction |
Philip Allen Jos Hart |
Philip Allen And Joseph Hart hath given in each of them a paper confes [=?] |
=sing and condemning their being in the practice of Gameing therefore |
this meeting do appoint Jonathan Willbore [Wilbur], William Anthony Jur |
and Caleb Barker, to inspect into the matter and treat with |
them on that account and report next monthly meetin |
Mary Bowdish [di]sownd |
The Women friends inform that they have concluded to disown Mary |
Bowdish [Bowditch] wife of William Bowdish [Bowditch] with the concurence of this |
meeting, which we do concur therewith, and have Signed a Testimony |
of denial against her the Said Mary, Jointly with the women friends |
and the Clerk is directed to read the same publickly at the Close of |
a first day meeting for Worship before next monthly meeting, and |
then to make report |
[N]at Gifford wife disownd |
The Committe appointed some time past to Treat with Natha= |
=niel Gifford & wife report that they have had Several Solid Confer= |
=ences with them, but their Labore not having the desired effect |
but that they still continue much remiss in the due attendence of |
our meetings and Friends having waited long for their return |
and not finding in them that Satisfaction which we desire, do |
disown them from being members of our Societ[y], and William |
Anthony Jur and Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur], are appointed to draw a Testimo= |
=ny of denial against them and bring it to next monthly meeting, and |
also to inform them of their denial, and make report thereof |
to next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 4s – 10d |
[A]djourn’d |
This meeting adjourns to the Second day of next month after |
the meeting for Worship |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 2d day of 6th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the Preparitives meetings being called |
are all present |
In Joining Sandwich Quarter |
Most of the Committee of men and women friends appointed to consi= |
=der and confer with the yearly meetings Committee on annexing this |
meeting to Sandwich Quarter not having an oppertunity with said |
yearly meetings Committee, as they did not attend the meeting |
as Expected; yet our said Committee have given in the following report |
Report of said Committee |
We of the Committee appointed the monthly meeting of Dartmouth |
to consider of the matter in regarerd to our being set off to Sandwich |
Quarter, have mett and Solidly considered there up on, our minds |
being measurably disposed to act therein as best Wisdom shall |
direct – but we have not as yet discovered any prospect of any ad= |
=vantage either toward promoting the cause of Truth or General |
good in Society, Sufficient in our opinion to make the proposed |
Alteration. |
Given forth by your Committee ye 25th of 5th month 1784 |
Stephen Buffinton |
Caleb Russell |
Elisabeth Slocum |
Wm Anthony Jur |
Benja Taber |
Mary Smith |
Jospeh Tucker Jur |
Thos Hicks |
Mercy Slocum |
Sam[?] Smith |
which report is accepted & said Committee is directed to lay the same with a coppy |
of this minute before said yearly meetings Committee & report to next monthly meeting |
Money for yearly meet= =ing Stock |
The Friends appointed to receive Subscriptions for the Supplying the |
yearly meetings Stock Report they have collected £5 – 10s – [11?]d and this meeting |
added thereto makeing the sum £5-s16-d9 as directed by the Quar= |
=terly meeting which is directed to be forwarded to the yearly meetings |
Treasurer by John Howland and to report next monthly meeting |
Account for repareing meeting house |
The friends that repaird the meeting house gave in their account |
of the same to the amount of three pounds Eleven Shillings |
which the Treasurer is directed to pay when Supplied with money |
6 month 1784 |
At a monthly meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 6th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitive meeting are Joseph [Ta?] |
and Nicholas Lapham; from the North Preparative meeting John De[?] |
and Benjamin Taber all present |
Alice Wood Certifite |
The Women inform they have received a removal Certificate from |
RhodIsland monthly meeting in behalf of Alice Wood which was |
read to Satisfaction |
Lydia Arter Rec- |
The Women also inform that they with the concurence of this meeti[ng] |
have admitted Lydia Arter into Membership which this meeting units [?] |
Samuel Hopkins |
Our Friend Samuel Hopkins attended this meeting with a Coppy |
of a Minute of a monthly meeting of Philidelphia, att the Bark[?] |
meeting house for Northen districks the 25th of 5th month 1784 |
John Willis |
Also our Friend John Willis attended this meeting with his C[erti=] |
=ficate, dated at Westbury on Long Island ye 25th of 5th month 1784 |
Tiddeman Hull |
Also our friend Tiddeman Hull attended this meeting with a Coppy |
of a minute from Creek monthly meeting held at Nine partners |
the 21st of 5th month 1784 |
Also our friend Joseph Willits [Willis?] attended this meeting a Companion to |
John Willis and produced a Coppy of a minute of Westbury monthly |
meeting of the 26th of ye 5th month 1784 |
All which Certificates and minutes were read in this meeting to [Sa?] |
Giles Slocum Jur |
The friends appointed to Treat with Giles Slocum Jur desires that |
matter defer[’?]d another month for a further oppertunity with him |
it is accordingly deferd under the same friends care who are to repo[rt] |
next monthly meeting |
Philip Allen JosHart |
The friends appointed to Inspect into the matter and treat with |
Philip Allen and Joseph Harts condemning their being their being |
in the practice of gameing with Cards report that they have taken |
a Solid oppertunity with the young men which was Somewhat Satis= |
=factory, yet the matter is continued under the Same Friends care |
in order to discover their Sincerity in condemning that practice and |
the friends to make report next monthly meeting |
The Women inform they have concluded to disown Mary Bowdish [Bowditch] |
wife of William Bowdish [Bowditch] (with this meetings concurence) which |
we do concur with, and Signed a Testimony of denial against |
her the said Mary Jointly with the women friends, and the Clerk is |
directed to read the Same publickly at the close of a first day meet= |
=ing for Worship before next monthly meeting and then to report |
The Clerk Informs sd Testimony hath been Read . is as Follows |
Mary Bowdi =sh Tetimony of denial |
Whereas Mary Bowdish [Bowditch], wife of William Bowdish [Bowditch] having |
made profession with us, and under the care of this meeting but through |
unwatchfulness. hath so far departed from the principles Princi[=?] |
ples we profess, as to attend meetings held out of the Unity of Friends |
for which misconduct She hath been Laboured with in love, but our |
Labour not having the desired Effect; therefore thinking ourselves |
Clear from any further Labour with her do disown her the said Mary |
Bowdish [Bowditch] from any right of membership with us, and from under |
the care of this meeting; Nevertheless hopein She may come to a |
sence of her outgoings and return to the way of peace |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 17th of 5th mo 1784 |
Signed in and on behalf of said meeting |
By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Mercy Slocum Clerk |
George Smith 2 [an]d wife [ac]knowledg ment |
George Smith and wifes paper of Confession and acknowledgment not |
being recorded in the proper place it is Recorde here and is as Followeth |
To the Monthly meting of Friends next to be held at Dartmouth |
Beloved Friends |
With concern and Sorrow of mind, we have to acquaint you that |
by departing from the dic[t?]ates and Testimony of Truth in our own |
minds, and giving way to the Temtation of the enemy have fall= |
=en into the reprachful Sin of Fornication as appears by our |
having a Child soon after marriage which occationed us to mar= |
=ry out of the Order of Truth: Now these are to Testify to Friends |
and publickly to declare to all the world that we are Sencearly Sor= |
=ry for our soTransgression and do hereby condemn the Same desire= |
forgiveness from the Almighty against whose righteous Law |
we have sinned, taking the Shame and reproach to ourselves |
desireing hereby to clear Friends and the Testimony they bear |
from the Same. and desire friends so far to pass by our offence |
that if the occation of the reprach hereby given shall be removed |
they would continue us under their care. desireing in future this |
Divine protection to be preserved from the Like Transgression |
From you Friends ~~~ |
George Smith |
Natl Gifford [a]nd wife |
Dated ye 18th of 4th month 1783 |
Mary Smith |
The friends appointed to draw a Testimony of denial of Nathaniel |
Their testi mony of denial |
Gifford and wife and inform they thereof report that they have |
given them a Coppy of the minute of their denial and produced a |
Testimony as follows |
Whereas Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitable his wife having |
had a Birthright amoungst Friends and under[?] the care of this |
Meeting, but by departing not adhearing to the dictates of Truth in |
their own hearts, and giving way To the Temtations of the Enemy |
hath fallen into the reproachful sin of Fornication as appears by |
their haveing a Child soon after marriage also they appearing |
Slack in attending Religious meetings, altho Friends bestowing |
much Labour in love to convince them of the Evil thereof, and |
the Incumbent duty of attending Religious meetings but our |
Labours not haveing the desired Effect to friend Satisfaction |
and they remaining much remiss in attending meetings; therefore |
we are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against |
such conduct, hereby disowning them the said Nathaniel Gifford |
and Mehitable his wife from being in membership with us; |
yet that they may come to a Sight and Sence of their outgoings and |
return to the way of truth is our Sencear desire |
Given forth and Signed in on behalf of our monthly meeting of |
Friends held in Dartmouth this 21st of 6th month 1784 |
Mercy Slocum Clerk |
Which is to Satisfaction, and Signed by the Clerk who is desir’d |
to cause the Same to be read at the Close of a first day meeting |
before next monthly meeting, and report to the Same |
yearly meet ing Comtee Informed |
The Committee appointed to Confer with[e?] the yearly meetings |
Committee and lay a Coppy of a minute of this meeting before the[m] |
Report that they accomplished the Same |
Receipt from year =ly meeting |
John Howland produced a Rece[i]pt from the Yearly meeting |
Treasurer for five pounds Sixteen Shillings and nine pence on |
account of this meeting for the Yearly mee[t]ings Stock |
Queries & answers to be compild |
The Queries with answers to them from the Preparitive meetings were |
read in this meeting, and our friends Abiel Gifford Samuel Smit[h] |
Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and William Gifford are appointed to Comp[?] |
Said answers. into general ones from this meeting to the Quarterly |
meeting, and prepare an account to the Quarterly meeting, and |
and bring to the adjournment of this meeting |
Collected £2 – 1s – 5d |
adjournd |
This meeting is adjournd to the 2d day of next month at the close |
of the meeting for Worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 2d day of ye 7th month 1784 |
The Representatives being called are all present |
answers compild Sent to Quarterly meeting |
The friends appointed to compile the answers to the Queries have |
accomplished said buisness, and this meeting approving of the |
general Answers, also have Signed an Epistle to the Quarter[ly] |
meeting all which are forwarded to said Quarterly meeting |
by our Representatives who are James Davis Caleb Greene and |
Joseph Austin and they to report next monthly meeting |
Abigail Briggs Rec’d John Tuck ers bill |
The women inform they have admitted Abigail Briggs wife of Da[?] |
Briggs into membership which this meeting concurs with |
John Tucker handed in a bill to the amount of £2 – 8s – 0d |
for one Tun of hay for the use of the Quarterly meeting 1782 |
which this meeting approves of and the Treasurer is directed |
to pay the Same when Supplied with money |
7 month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 7th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitive meeting are William |
Barker and Stephen Russell: from the North Preparitive meeting |
Joseph Austin and John Devaul [Davol], all present |
Hugh Judge |
Our Friend Hugh Judge attended this meeting with a Certificate |
from the Monthly meeting of Wilmonton [Wilmington] in the County of New Castle |
upon Deleware dated ye 17th of ye 6th month 178442 |
Joseph Tatnal |
Also our Friend Joseph Tatnale attended this meeting |
as a Companion to the above mentioned friend having the concur= |
=rence of said monthly meeting at Wilminton as expresed in said |
Certificate whose company and Certificate were to Satisfaction |
Giles Slocum Jur |
The friends appointed to treat with Giles Slocum Jur report |
that they have had further oppertunity with him and he request |
the matter may be continued another month, it is accordingly con= |
=tinued under the Same friends care who are to report to next |
monthly meeting |
Jos Hart Philip Allen |
The friend appointed to Treat and discover the Sencerity of Philip |
Allen and Joseph hart in their condemning their misconduc |
Report they have taken a further oppertunity with the young men |
which was some what Satisfactory, yet the matter is defered under |
those and William Gifford and Elijah Gifford who are desired |
to make a more Conclusionary report to next monthly meeting. |
Nat Gifford & [wifes] denial [not] read |
The Clerk informs that the Testimony of denial of Nathani |
=el Gifford and wife has not yet been read as directed he is there |
desired to cause the Same to be read as heretofore directed |
and make report to Next monthly meeting |
Gideon Anthony |
Gideon Anthony returned a Coppy of a minute of this meet= |
=ing in 15th of 12th month last with a few line endorssed there |
=on from Saratoga monthly meeting Signifying he made Some |
Stay and Stidily attended meetings there |
[Re]port from [Qu]arterly [m]eeting |
The Friends appointed ~ Report they all attended the Quarterly |
meeting, and prod[u]ced an Epistle therefrom and Transcrips |
of the following ~ One frorm London last year; One from |
Philidelphia last year;& One from Westbury on Long Island this |
year; and that from the Yearly meeting this year, together |
with the Extracts from the minutes from Said yearly meeting all |
which was read in this meeting to Satisfaction |
Report of Visitors |
The Friends appointed to Join the Wome[n] friend in Visiting |
those who neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings and |
those otherwise defective make report which is accepted and is |
as Satisfactory ~ and is as followeth |
We your Committee appointed to unite in labour in order to Stir |
up those who are neglegent in the attendance of our Religious meet= |
to a Solid consideration of the dangerous Situation they are in, |
that So an amendment herein may be discovered to our Satisfaction |
and Comfort. ~ We have viseited divers families, and in the |
ability we k received have endeavour to discharge our Selves |
in which we find peace and Satisfaction And hope it may prove |
useful to those visited. ~ from your friends |
Thomas Hicks |
To the Monthly meeting to be |
⎫ Martha Gifford |
Abiel Gifford |
=held in Dartmouth by ad= |
⎬ Sarah Gifford |
James Davis |
Journment – 2d of 6th mo 1784 |
⎭ Joanna Gifford |
[T]heodate Jonson |
A certificate was Signed by the Clerk directed to the Monthly |
meeting of Rhod Island in behalf of Theodate Jonson [Johnson] daughter of |
James Johnson and Elisabeth his wife, Signifying she is placed to |
to live with a friend there; That she was a member of our Society |
[E]pistle refer’d |
The Epistle from the Quarterly meeting being againe read and |
weighty advices therein noticed; yet a further consideration there= |
=of is refer’d to next monthly meeting . |
Benje Ricketson |
The overseers inform by way of the Preparitive meeting that |
Benjamin Ricketson have attended a marriag or at an entertain= |
=ment for a marriage, that was held out of the Unity of Friends |
for which the said Overseers Laboured with him but receiv’d |
no Satisfaction, w[h]ere upon we appoint Peleg Gifford ^John Howland and Stephen |
Buffinton to labour further with said Benja and report to next |
monthly meeting |
Jonathan Slocum |
Jonathan Slocum gave in a paper condemning his misconduct for |
which he was disowned, therefore Elijah Gifford and Timothy |
Howland are appointed to take a Solid oppertunity with said |
in order to discover his Sencerity, and make report to next |
monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 6s – 1d |
money paid for Book |
Out of which the Treasurer has paid Caleb Green 13 – 6 |
For a Blank Book for Records by direction of this meeting ~ |
8 month 1784 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 8th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparit[i]ve meeting are Stephen Buffinton |
JonathanJr Caleb Barker: from the North Preparitive meeting are |
Caleb Greene and Jonathan Hart all Present |
Natl Gifford request |
Nathaniel Gifford requests a Coppy of the Testamony of his denia[l] |
which the Clerk is directed to furnish him with and make report [to] |
next monthly meeting |
Deb Potter Reced |
The Women inform they have concluded to accept of Deborah |
Potters paper condemning her misconduct provided She chuseth it |
to be read publickly in the usual manner which this mee[t]ing concur wi[th] |
Ruth Bow= =dish |
Ruth Bowdish [Bowditch] hath returned her Certificate with an Endorsme[nt] |
from Oblong Monthly meeting Signifying She had attended with it |
Giles Slocum Jur |
The friends appointed in the case of Giles Slocum Jur desires the |
matter continued another month, it is therefore continued under the |
same friends care then to report to next monthly meeting |
Natl Gif= ford deni= =al read Ben Rick= =etson |
The Clerk informs that the Testimony of denial of Nathanial |
Gifford and wife, hath been read as directed |
The friend appointed to treat with Benjamin Ricketson repor[t] |
that they had an oppertunity with him which was in degree Satisfac[=] |
=tory and said Benja gave in a paper to this meeting condemning |
his misconduct in attending an Entertainment for a marriage |
out of the unity of friends which is excepted [accepted?] for Satisfaction |
Jonathan Slocum |
The friends appointed report they having taken a Solid oppertun[ity] |
with Jonathan Slocum which was in degree Satisfactory; yet the |
matter is defer’d under the same friends care to next monthly meeting |
they then to make report |
advice from Quarterly meeting |
The weighty advice from the Quarterly meeting by Epistle being |
again Considered is recommended to the Solid attention and practice |
observence of Friends accordingly |
Philip Allen Jos Hart |
The friends appoin[t]ed in the case of Philip Allen and Joseph Hart |
desires the matter defer’d another month, it is accordingly continud |
under the Same friends care till next monthly meeting they |
then to make report |
Jonathan Tucker disorder |
The Overseers inform that Jonathan Tucker hath so far departed from the |
Principles of Truth as to utter or diliver Some vile and profane expres[=] |
=sions, for which he hath been with but did not condemn it to |
Satisfaction therefore we appoint John Howland William Wood |
John Devaul [Davol] and William Gifford to take a Solid oppertunity with |
said Jonathan intreating with him for that and other misconduct and |
Report to next monthly meeting |
[Ca]leb Green and a Jour [n]ey |
Caleb Greene informs this meeting he intends a Journey to Ninepart |
=ners, and as far as East Hoosuck in order to Settle Some buisness and |
to Visit his relations and expects to visit Some meetings of friends |
and desires our concurence with a few lines Signif[y]ing the Same we |
therefore aprove of his proceding he being a friend in unity and an |
Elder, and the Clerk is desired to Vest him with a Coppy of |
this minute |
[A]braham Russell |
Abraham Russell gave in a paper condemning his misconduct in |
Joining in an Entertainment for a marriage out of the order of friends |
we therefor appoint David Shepher [Shepherd] and Jonathan Hart to take a Solid |
oppertunity with him ^in order to discover his Sencerity therein and report to |
next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 9s – 7½d |
Thomas Russell |
Thomas Russell presented an accompt against this meeting |
1 – 2 ½ |
for Schooling some poor children of this meeting |
1 – 10 – 10 |
amounting to £ 0 – 11s – 4d which the Treasurer is directed to pay |
when in Stock |
[9th] month 1784 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 9th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitive meeting are |
William Barker and Jonathan Willbore [Wilbur] from the North Preparitive |
meeting are David Shepherd and Benjamin Chase all present |
[St]ephen Barker [Ce]rtificate Received |
Received a Removal Certificate from Sandwich Monthly meet= |
=ing recomending Stephen Barker, his wife Margret and his Son |
Samuel to this meeting as members of Society, and in degree of |
Orderly Lives |
[Co]ppy of Nat [Gi]fford denial sent |
The Clerk informs he hath Signed and Sent forward (by the hand |
of Samuel Gifford) a coppy of the Testimony of denial of |
Nathaniel Gifford which he requested |
Jonathan Slocum |
The Committee appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum |
Report they have made some procedure therein, and request the |
matter continued with an addition to the Committee; therefore |
Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] is added to them for that service, and |
they to report next monthly meeting |
Philip Allen Jos hart |
Four of the Committy in the case of Philip Allen and Joseph |
Hart make Report that they have measurably discharg’d them= |
=selves with them and are free friend should receive their paper |
of acknowledgment, which this meeting accordingly accepts |
for Satisfaction provided they cause said paper to be read |
publickly at the Close of a first day meeting for Worship and return |
said paper to next monthly meeting |
Giles Slocum Jur |
The friends appointed in the case of Giles Slocum Jur Report that |
they have had another Solid oppertunity with him, and labour’d |
to convince him of the hurtful tendency of those practices laid |
to his charg, but that he did not give them Satisfaction; yet |
Several friends expressing their concern for the continuence |
of that matter it is accordingly defer’d under the Same Com= |
=mittees care: and concerned friend with the Committee as |
they Shall find freedom to take another oppertunity with |
Giles and report to next monthly meeting |
Recd – |
The Women inform they have admitted Elisabeth Sanford |
wife of Elisha Sanford into membership with us; which we con= |
=cur with |
Jonathan Tucker |
The friends appointed to Treate with Jonathan Tucker [of] |
his misconduct Report that they have ^not accomplished said |
matter for want of oppertunity and desires the matter defer’d |
it is ^accordingly defer’d under their care who are to report to next |
monthly meeting |
Abraham Russell |
The Friends appointed ^to have a Solid oppertunity with Abraham |
Russell in order to discover his Sencerity in condemning his mis[=] |
=conduct Report that they have not had Such an oppertunity as |
he is gone some distance from home they are continued in that |
Service and to report to next Monthly meeting |
Wm How= =lands pro= =posal of mariage |
William Howland and Abigail Willbor [Wilbur] declared their intention |
of Marriage with Each other and were desir’d to wait untill next |
monthly meeting for their answer, and Benjamin Smith 2 and |
William Anthony Jur are appointed to inquire into the young ma[ns] |
clearness respecting ^marriag and Conversation and make report to next |
monthly meeting |
Wm Sanford Jur |
William Sanford Jur gave in a paper condemning his misconduct |
in neglecting the attendance of meetings and Sueing Benjamin |
Allen at the Law; where upon William Wood Peleg Gifford and |
John Howland are to take a Solid oppertunity with him and |
inspect into the matter in order to discover his Sencerity and |
report to next monthly meeting |
Collected £1 – 2s – 1d |
adjourd |
This meeting adjourns to the first day of next month after meeting of worship |
mett |
10th month 1st mett by adjournment |
Representatives being called are all present |
answer to Queries & Epist =le sent to Qurt meeting |
The Queries with the answers from Each Preparitive meeting |
were read in this meeting from which general answers were made |
out and forwarded together with an Epistle to (which was Signed |
by the Clerk) to the Quaterly meeting by our Representatives who[?] |
John Devaul, [Davol] Joseph Barker, Benjamin Smith 2 and John Howland |
and they to report next Monthly meeting |
James Davis Martha Gifford recomm ended |
This Meeting being inform’d that the Select meeting approves of |
the Publick appearence in the Ministry of James Davis and |
Martha Gifford, – And Friends taking the Same into Solid |
consideration, do conclude with the con[cu]rrence of Womens Meeting |
to Recommend Said James Davis and Martha Gifford to the |
Select Quarterly meeting as Ministers – and the Clerk is di= |
=rected to forward a coppy of this minute to said meeting |
Thomas Hicks paper |
Thomas Hicks gave in a paper condemning his not axpressing |
himself so Clearly as might have been for best respecting ^a reference |
with Humphry Smith, which paper was read, but not being |
Satisfactory ^we apnt Peleg Gifford Seth Huddleston and John Howland to |
inspect into the matter and Treat with Thomas thereon and make |
report to next Monthly meeting |
John Howland Son of Benja |
The Overseers gave in a complaint against John Howland (son of Benja) |
for useing unbecoming and profane Language to Zebedee Mac= |
Daniel, for which they laboured with him but he did not give |
them Satisfaction. we therefore appoint George Smith and William |
Wood to treat further with him the sd John and report to next |
Monthly meeting |
Wm Russell Bedford disorder |
The Overseers inform by way of Preparit[i]ve meeting that |
William Russell of Bedford have fallen into the repr[o]achful Sin |
of Fornication as appears by his own confession to them and they |
having discharged themselves towards him therefore we appoint |
William Barker and John Devaul [Davol] to Joine the women friends |
and Treate further with him and if he doth not give them Satis= |
=faction to draw a Testimony of his denial and make report of |
the Same to next monthly meeting |
Wm Russell [?ter] Creek Certificate |
Received a removal Certificate from the Monthly meeting of |
Saratoga dated ye 17th of 6th month last in behalf of William |
Russell Signifying he is ^a member of our Society and Settled his |
outward affairs to Satisfaction; which was read to Satisfaction |
and is accepted in lieu of our Committees report in that case |
[10]th month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 10th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitve meeting are Peleg Gifford |
and George Smith from the North preparitive meeting are |
Caleb Russell and William Gifford all Present |
[R]eport from [Q]uarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Qarterly meeting report they all at= |
=tended except Benjamin Smith 2 who being not well sent his |
reason for his non attendence which was accepted and said Re= |
=presentatives have produced an Epistle fr[om] said Qurterlly meeting |
which hath been read to Satisfaction |
[P]hilip Allen [J]oseph Hart |
This meeting hath been inform’d that the papers of Philip |
Allen and Joseph Hart hath been ^read according to direction of |
-last monthly meeting and said papers returned to the meeting |
which are as follows |
[Ac]knowledg= ments |
To the Monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
Whereas I have practiced at times playing at Cards, which |
being contrary to the good Order of Friend; and being in Some |
measure convinced of the evil thereof, do hereby heartily con= |
=demn my misconduct therein, and desire Friends to pass |
by and let me remain under their care, desireing in future |
to be preserved from Such practices. from your friend |
Philip Allen |
Dartmouth 15th of 5 mo 1784 |
To the Monthly meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth |
Whereas I have practiced at times playing at cards which |
being contrary to the good Order of friends, and being in |
Some measure convinc’d of the evil thereof do hereby heartily |
Condemn my misconduct therein therei and desire friends |
to pass it by Let me remain under their care, desireing in |
future to be preserved from Such practices |
From your friend Joseph Hart |
Abraham Russell |
The Friends appointed to Treat with Abraham Russell |
Report that they have fulfild their appointment and that he |
gave them a good degree of Satisfaction; therefore said Abraham’s |
paper condemning his misconduct is accepted for Satisfaction |
Jonathan Slocum |
The friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum having |
made some progress therein, but not haveing accomplish’d it desir[e] |
it continu’d, it therefore is referd to next monthly meeting and |
said committee are accordingly continued in said Service and |
then they to make report |
Jonathan Tucker |
The friends appointed to treat with Jonathan Tucker report |
that he being gone from home they have not fulfil’d their ap= |
=pointment, they are therefore continued in that Service and to |
report to next monthly meeting |
Wm How =lands Clereness |
The friends appointed to enquire into the clearness of William |
Howland report they have made inquirey and do not find |
any thing to hinder his proceeding in marriage |
William Sanford Jur |
The friends appointed in the case of William Sanford Jur report that they |
have made some progress therein, and have had him and Benjamin |
Allen together who have put themselves in some way of Settlement |
But they not knowing it that it is fully Settled said friends |
are continued in that Service and they to make report to next |
monthly meeting |
Slocum Jur |
The friends concerned in the case of Giles Slocum Jur report |
that some of them have paid him a Visit, but not being able to |
make a conclusive report therein, it is continued to next month |
=ly meeting then they to make report |
John How =land son of Benja |
The Committee in the case of John Howland (son of Benjamin) |
Report that have not accomplished that matter by reason he was |
gone from home they are therefore continued in that Service |
and to make report when accomplished |
William Russell Bedford |
The Committee in the case of William Russell of Bedford report |
that they haven not had an oppertunity to fulfil their appointment |
they are therefore continued in that Service and they to make |
Report next monthly meeting |
Thomas Hicks |
The Friends appointed ^to inspect into the case of Thomas Hick |
Report that he hath Signed a paper which they think may be |
accepted for Satisfaction, which said paper having been read [i?] |
is accepted accordingly; provided he cause the Same to be publick |
=ly read in the us[u]al manner and returne the same to our next |
Monthly meeting |
Ezra Russell |
Received a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Smithfield [carryover line] |
Recommending Ezra Russell a young man under age to the care |
of this meeting as a member thereof |
William Howland and Abigail Willbore [Wilbur] appear’d for their |
answer; which was, that they may proceed to take Each other in |
marriage Some convenient time before next monthly |
meeting adviseing with the friends that shall be appointed to |
oversee the same, who are William Anthony Jur and Samuel Smith |
and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Abraham Wood |
We are informd by a letter from Saratoga monthly meeting that they |
have taken the Necessary care in regard to Abraham Wood’s acknow= |
=ledgment, and that they think well of accepting the same |
Provided it be publish’d where the disorders were comitted and |
have for that purpose Sent us said paper of acknowledgment and |
the Clerk is desired to read the Same publickly as usual and |
make Report to next monthly meeting; and said Wood a Cert |
Removal Certificate, if after enquiry they shall find that his |
outward affairs are Settled to Satisfaction; and Seth Russell |
is added for the Service |
Joseph Willbor [and] wife |
Joseph Willbore [Wilbur] and Abigail his wife gave in a paper to |
this meeting desireing to come under friends care, therefore |
Stephen Buffinton and Abiel Gifford are appointed to take |
an oppertunity of Sollid Conference with the Petitions in order |
to discover the motive of their request they to Join the women |
herein, and to report to next monthly meeting |
Elizann Shelden disown’d |
The Women inform that Elizann now wife of Jonathan Shelden |
hath married out of the unity of Friends, and that they have |
disowned her, which this meeting concurs with |
Joseph Austin [b?]ound a Jor= ney |
Joseph Austin informes that he intends to take a Journey to |
the Nine=partners on buisness, and requested our concurence [carryover line] |
which this meeting taking under consideration do concur there |
with he being a member of our Society and the Clerk is desired |
to give him a Coppy of this minute |
Raisd money to be meeting Stock |
Our Quarterly meeting having Proportioned to this meeting |
to raise the Sum of Sixteen pounds Lawful money to Supply |
the Quarterly and yearly meetings Stock; therefore Caleb Russell |
Samuel Smith, William Gifford, John Howland, Gideon |
Howland, and Jonathan Willbore [Wilbur] are appointed to pro= |
=portion said sum to each Prepari[ti]ve meeting and draw Sub= |
=scriptions for that purpose, and make report next monthly |
meeting |
Collected £1 – 10s – 4d |
11 month 1784 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 11th month 1784 |
The Representatives from the S Preparitve meeting are Elijah |
Gifford and Philip Traford; and those from the North Prepa= |
=ritive meeting are Benjamin Taber and Thomas Mott all present |
Jonathan Slocum |
The friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum report |
that they have been in a progress in that Service but not having |
accomplished it to Satisfaction they are therefore continued in |
that service and to make report next monthly meeting |
Thomas Hicks acknowledg ment |
Thomas Hicks haveing ret[u]rned his paper and report of its |
being read agreeable to the direction of last monthly meeting |
and is as follow |
To the Monthly meeting held 18th : 10th mo 1784 |
Whereas I did not express my mind so fully and intention |
so fully to Humphry Smith in respect to leaveing a matter to |
Reference, in so clear a means as I might have don[e], which |
and I beleive would have been best, which ^[give?] occation for |
our Religious Society to be reproachfully Spoken of |
which conduct of mine I am Sorry for and as hereby |
condemn |
Thomas Hicks |
Jonathan Tucker |
The friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Tucker make Some |
what a favorable report in regard to him, he giving encourrage= |
ment of reforming from the evil of his ways, and request said matter |
should be continued for Trial of his Sencerity it is accordingly con= |
=tinued, and said friends to have the inspection over him and to |
Report next monthly meeting |
Joseph Willbor |
The friends appointed to confer with Joseph Willbore and |
Wife, respecting his pertition make a Satisfactory report Report |
and that they think it may be safe for to receive them into mem= |
=bership, we do therefore with the Joint concurence of the Women |
Receive said Joseph Willbore and Wife into membership with us |
William Sanford Jur |
The friends appointed in the case of William Sanford Jur report |
that the matter is not fully Settled to satisfaction, they are therefore |
continued to see Endeavour to see that it be accomplish,d agree= |
=able to good Order and to make report next monthly meeting |
Giles Slocum Jur |
The Friends having the care of the matter in regard to |
Giles Slocum Jur not making a full and conclusive report in |
regard to said matter: it is therefore continued to next monthly |
meeting under the same care as heretofore and then they to |
make report |
William Russell |
The friends appointed in the case of William Russell make |
Report that the matter is not accomplished by reason that one of |
them was unwell, they are therefore continued in the same |
service and Seth Russell is added in the room of William Bar= |
=ker who is unwell and is dismist and they to report to next monthly meeting |
Elizabeth Wing |
The women inform that they have concluded to deny Elizabeth |
Wing widdow for attending Sepperate meeting not of our Society |
and continues therein; which this meeting concurs with |
William Howland married |
The Friends appointed to oversee the marriage of William |
Howland and Abigail Willbore report that they attended the |
Same and Saw nothing but that it was accomplished in a |
degree Orderly |
Eaquel pro= potion be= tween Pre paritives meeting |
The friends appointed to proportion the money to each |
Prepariture meeting Report that they have divided the Sum |
Equally between them and have drafted Subscriptions in |
order to Collect the Same; therefore Prince Potter, Jethro |
Russell David Shepherd Jur Hezekiah Smith Caleb Barker |
and Timothy Howland are appointed to take said subscription |
and receive the Collections and to pay the same to the Treasurer |
and to make return to this meeting of the Sum total so Collected |
when they have Collected the Same who are desired to accom= |
=plish it as soon as they conveaniently can |
Samuel Smith Clerk |
Samuel Smith is chosen Clerk for this day |
Collected – £1 – 7s – 8d |
This meeting adjourns to the 24th of this Instant after meeting of worship |
mett |
Mett by adjournment the 24th of 11th month 1784 |
The Representatives being called all present except Benja |
Taber, who hath Sent an excuse for his absence & is accepted |
Abraham Wood |
The friends appointed in the case of Abraham Wood, not having |
accomplished that matter, one of them being not well, Request |
it continued, which is accordingly to defer’d to next |
monthly meeting under the care of the Same friends as before |
and then they to make Report |
Amie Howland Rec’d Tittle of meeting House & Lands |
The women friends inform that they have received Amie |
Howland into membership with us which this meeting concurs with |
This meeting taking under consideration the mater in regard |
to the Tittle of our Meeing House and Lands, do appoint |
Caleb Barker John Howland and Elijah Gifford or either |
three of them with and in addition to the former Trustees |
to hold said Lands, and do also appoint our friends Caleb |
Russell, Joseph Barker and Jonathan Willbor to see that |
Tittles be made Secure in the manner and form that the meeting |
for Sufferings have agreed and concluded upon |
and they to make Report next monthly meeting |
Hanna Barker |
Jonathan Willbore hath handed in an account to this meeting |
for keeping Hannah Barker & for a pair of shoes the amount £5 – 17s – 6d |
which being alwed by the Overseers of the poor this meeting approves |
thereof and orders the Treasurer to pay the Same when Supplied |
with money |
Meetings in Allens Neck |
The friends in Allens Neck and there aways have proposed |
to have some meetings for Worship held at the wddow Susannah |
Allens for the Ensuing Winter Season, which this meeting take |
=ing under consideration; Our friends James Davis, Abiel |
Gifford and Stephen Buffinton are appointed to Visit those |
friends in Said Neck either Collectively or Individlily as they |
think best, and make Report their Sense to next monthly |
meeting wheither it may be for the prohiotion of the Cause |
of Truth or not, and if granted, how many meetings shall |
think best and they to Join the women herein |
Benjamin Howland 3 Comprained Of |
The Committee appointed some time past to advise |
with those who may ugaurdedly incline to the practice |
of dealing in Spiritous Licqurs; made Report that |
Benjamin Howland 3 is in that Practice, and altho’ |
they have treated with him thereon, an advised him to |
desist yet he continues therein in Such a manner as is repoch= |
=ful to our Society: therefore this meeting appoints John Howland |
Elijah Gifford, Philip Trafford and Samuel Smith to labour |
further with him the said Benjamin in order for his restoration |
from such a practice, and they to report to next monthly meeting |
School Comtee |
The time of the School Committees appointment being |
Expired the same are continued for one month Longer |
And George Smith and William Wood are added to them |
12 month 1784 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth 20th of 12th mo 1784 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitive are Giles Slocum |
and Peleg Gifford from the North Preparitive meeting are Joshua |
Potter and Joseph Austin, all Present |
Report concerning those that have held & those that have been held Slaves |
One of the Committee appointed to Joine the Quarterly meeting |
Committee in Visiting those that have held and those that have been |
held as Slaves, Report that they proceeded therein and find |
Two cases that remain in an unsettled way which need further care |
and Labour, which report being accepted, the sd friend of the |
Committee is directed to lay the said case before the Overseers |
who are directed to inspect therein, and the Committee is dismissed |
from that Service |
Jonathan Slocum |
The Friend appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum requests |
that matter continued, having been in a further labour therin, yet |
have not accomplished it; it is continued under the same friends |
care who are desired to accomplish their appointment and report |
to next monthly meeting |
Giles Jonathan Slocum |
Two of the friends appointed in the case of Giles Slocum Jur |
Report that they have had another oppertunity with to discover |
the State of his mind but reced no further Satisfaction; and |
Friends haveing discharged themselves towards him, do here= |
=by disown him from membership with us, and Elijah Gifford |
is directed to to inform him thereof and report to next monthly meeting |
William Russell disown’d |
The Friends appointed in the case of William Russell of Bedford |
Report that they that they have taken a further oppertunity with |
him and not receiving Satisfaction drafted a Testimony of |
his denial – with which the women concuring, and Caleb |
Greene is direct to cause the same to be read publickly in the usal |
manner at Bedford, and inform said William thereof and |
Report to next monthly meeting |
Annis Gid= =ley denid |
The women inform they have concluded to deny Annis Gidley |
which this meeting concurs therewith |
Wing dis =own’d |
The Women produced a Testimony of the denial of Elisabeth |
Wing which being read, was concur’d with and Signd by the Clerk |
who is directed to cause the Same to be read publickly in the |
usual manner before next monthly meeing and report to the Same |
Abraham Wood |
The Clerk reports that Abraham Woods paper of acknowledg= |
=ment hath been read as directed |
Abraham Wood Certificate |
A Removal Certificate was Signed by the Clerk in behalf of Abraham |
Wood, directed to the monthly meeting of Saratoga Signifying |
his acknowledgment was accepted and outward affairs Settled |
to Satisfaction he having moved and Settled there |
On Tittle of Lands |
The Committee to see the tittles of our meeting houses and |
Lands made Secure, &c Report, they gone into that matter and |
request it Defer’d, they are therefore continued in that Service |
and to make report next monthly meeting |
School Comtee |
The [?] School Committee with the addition of those last month |
are continued in that Service till others are appoint in their Steed |
Benjamin Howland 3 |
The friends appointed to Treat with Benjamin Howland 3 |
respecting his keeping a Tavern &c Report that they have treat= |
=ed with him accordingly; but he not giving them the desir’d |
Satisfaction; yet think it best it be continued and he fur= |
ther treated with; it is accordingly continued under the |
same friends care who are to report next monthly meeting |
on meetings in allen’s neck |
The friends appointed to Visit Friends in Allen’s neck |
and consider of their request for holding meetings there, Report |
that they have Visited Friends there accoring to appointment |
and think it best for them to have Some meetings there granted |
to be held there this meeting taking the matter under Consideration |
do with the concurence of the women grant said request so far |
as for them to hold meeting as follows; Two first days meeting in each |
month, that is One on the first day next before, and one on the |
first day after our Monthly meeting – and midweek meeting on |
Third days, in each week our mid week meetings are usually held |
for Worship; Only to be continued till the monthly meeting in |
the 4th month next; under the care of Elijah Gifford Timothy |
Gifford and Jonathan Willbore who are to report to this meeting |
at the Expiration of said Time |
John How= =land Son of Benjamin |
The Friends appointed to Treat with John Howland (son of |
Benja) produced a paper from him condemning his misconduct |
which is accepted Satisfaction provided he cause the same to be |
read in the usual publick manner, and return it with Report |
to the Same to next monthly meeting |
Bedford meet =ing House |
The Committee appointed in the case of Building meeting |
House at Bedford report that they had attended to the |
matter, and concluded on the Size of to be 48 feet by 36 – |
and compected the Cost to about £400 and think proper that |
Friends come to a Subscription for that purpose, Therefore |
we appoint Seth Russell, John Howland, Barnabas Howland |
Russell Edmond Maxfield and Caleb Russell Collect by |
way of Subscriptions such Sums as Friends may give for the |
Building said house, which said Committee are also to see built |
accomedated and accomplished as soon as conveaniency & Circum- |
stances will admit and report from time to time of their progress therein |
This meeting is adjournd to the 20th of this instant after meeing of worship |
Mett by adjournment |
The Representatives being called are all present |
Jonathan Tucker |
The friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Tucker, Report |
that they have had another oppertunity with him which was not much |
to Satisfaction: yet desire the matter continued; it is accordingly |
defer’d till next monthly meeting they then to make report |
William Sanford Jur |
The Friends appointed in the case of William Sanford Jur Report |
that it not Settled to Satisfaction they are therefore continued to |
use further endeavours that it be accomplished and Barnabas |
Russell are added to them in that Service, and they to make |
report next monthly meeting |
Collections |
The South Preparitive meeting in their account inform they have |
Collected and Sent to the Treasurer of this meeting |
£0 – 12s – 5d |
And the North Preparative meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
0 – 15 – 8 |
1 – 8 – 1 |
Ebenezer Mosher |
The Overseers inform that Samuel Mosher (son of |
Ebenezer) walks so far from the good Order established among Friends |
as to attend a marriage accomplished out of the Order of Friend and |
appears far from that Simple plainness we profess, much neglecting the |
attendance of our Religious meetings for all which he hath been |
Labour’d with but did not give Satisfaction therein therefore we |
appoint Benjamin Howland 2 and Caleb Green to treat further |
with him thereon and Report to next monthly meeting |
Sent to Quarterly meeting |
The Queries being answer’d in each Preparitive meeting, from which general |
Answers were prepared and read in this meeting – Also an Epistle |
prepared for the Quarterly meeting, all which are forwarded to |
said Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Abiel |
Gifford, James Davis, Stephen Buffinton and Caleb Greene |
and they to report next Monthly meeting |
bill for Hay |
Abiel Gifford gave in an account for Hay, and Carting, |
expended at our last Quarterly meeting to the amount of £3 – 6s – 0 |
an account whereof was handed to the Quarterly meeting and the |
Treasurer is Ordered to pay Abiel Gifford when Supplied with money |
Subscripti= =ons |
The Friends appointed to raise money by Subscriptions Report |
that they have collected in the South preparitive meeting |
£5 – 5s – 11d |
North Preparitive meeting |
6 – 15 – 3 |
Total |
12 – 1 – 2 |
To be con= =tinued |
Which they have paid to the Treasurer: and the Prepartives meetings |
are desired to continue their Subscription till the Sum of 16 pounds be rais,d |
Hannah Gifford |
In concurence of women Friend a removal Certificate was Signed by the Clerk |
in behalf of Hannah Gifford wife of Wm Gifford to ye mo meeting of acoaxset |
Revise minuets |
Samuel Smith Hezekiah Smith Wm Anthony Jur & Caleb Russell are ap= |
=pointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer and revise the minutes of this |
meeting in order they may be recorded & report next monthly meeting |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is directed to pay the above sd Sum of £12 – 1s – 2d and add 12/30 out |
of the Treasurry there, to the Representative to the Quarterly meeing & report |
to next monthly meeting: The said Representatives are to Send it to the Quarterly |
meeting Treasurer and Report of the Same to this meetin |
1st month 1785 |
At a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 1st month 1785 |
The meeting being conveaned ,The Representatives named |
from the Preparitives meetings are from the South Joseph Tucker Jur |
and Timothy Howland: North Joseph Austin and Thomas |
Mott, who being called are all Present |
Jonathan Slocum |
The Friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum report that |
they have not accomplished the same, and desired it continued; |
it is accordingly continued under the Same friends care who are |
desired to accomplish the same and report next monthly meeting |
Elijah Gifford informs that he hath not acquainted Giles Slocum Jur |
of his denial as directed, he is therefore continued in that Service |
and Report to next monthly meeting |
Elizabeth Wings |
The Clerk informs that the Testimony of denial of Elizabeth Wing hath |
been read as directed which is as follows |
Testimony of denial |
Whereas Elisabeth Wing widdow to Samuel Wing deceased |
Late of Dartmouth deceased; Having had her Education and |
lived in Profession with friends untill now of Late she hath |
so far departed from our Profession as to attend such meetings |
as are held out of the Unity of Friends and we having treated |
with her in love in order for her restoration and return, but She |
not adhearing to our advice and Counsel given, but still continues |
and persist therein and to Justify her said Practice; Therefore |
we do publickly disown her the said Elizabeth Wing from being |
a member of our Religious Society, until by a Sincear return and |
and Reformation she Shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting of |
men and women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 12 months 1784 |
By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Mercy Slocum Clerk |
On Tittle of meeting house and Lands |
The Committee to inspect and see the Tittles of our meeting |
Houses and Lands made Secure &c. Report, that they have made |
Some Progress therein, but as it will take some time to compleat |
it desires it continued; the Same friends are therefore continued |
in that Service and to report when ready |
Benjmin How land 3 |
Part of the Committee in the case of Benjamin Howland 3d |
Report that they have had further oppertuny with him, But |
not receive much Satisfaction; Yet the matter is continued |
under the same friends care who are to report next monthly meeting |
John Howland son of Benja paper read |
The Clerk Informs that John Howland (son of Benjamin |
hath caused his paper condemning his misconduct to be read |
as directed |
Jonathan Tucker |
The Friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Tucker |
report that they have not accomplished that matter tho’ they |
have mad some Inspection therein, and desires it refer’d, it is |
accordingly continued under the Same Friends care who are |
directed to take a Solid oppertunity with said Jonathan |
and Report to next monthly meeting |
William Sanford |
The Friends appointed in the case of William Sanford Jur |
Report they have made further progress therein, but not being |
accomplished it is continued under their care who are to report |
to next monthly meeting |
Return from Quarterly meeting |
The Representatives to the Quarterly meeting Report that |
they all attended except Abiel Gifford, who Sent a Satisfactory |
reason of his non attendence, said Representatives produced an |
an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting which was read in this |
meeting to Satisfaction, and the further consideration of it is |
refer’d to next monthly meeting, They also produced a Recept |
from the Quarterly meetings Treasurer for £12 – 14s – 0 the money |
Sent from this meeting, and that the account of £3 – 6s – 0 was accepted |
by the Quarterly meeting expended for Hay |
Caleb Green returnd |
Caleb Greene returned a coppy of a minute of this meeting in the 8th mo |
Last, he having returned from his Journey and Visit |
minuit not ac compli shed |
The Friends appointed to Revise this meeting minutes &c not |
having accomplished it they are continued in that Service and |
to Report to next monthly meeting |
Collected at the South Preparetive meeting the sum of |
0 – 7 – 3½ |
at the North the sum of – |
0 – 14 – 4 |
Total – |
1 – 1 – 1½ |
Samuel Mosher disown’d |
The Committee appointed to Treat with Samuel Mosher respect= |
=ing his disorder Report that they had a Solid oppertunity with |
him, but he gave them no Satisfaction nor no encouragement to |
Satisfy Friends: therefore with the concurence of the Women friends |
we hereby disown the said Samuel Mosher from being a member of |
of our Society – and Caleb Greene is desired to inform him |
William Russell Testimony of denial |
Caleb Greene Informs that the Testimony of the denial of William |
Russell of Bedford hath been read, as directed, William being pre= |
sent at the reading thereof – Which is as follows |
Whereas William Russell (son of Jonathan Russell of Nantucket |
having made profession with us the People called Quakers; But through |
in attention to the dictate of Truth, hath so far departed from its |
chaste Principles which we profess; as to fall into the gross Sin |
of Fornication, as appears by his own Confession; and Friends |
having labour’d with him on that account, and he not rendering |
the desired Satisfaction; – Therefore for the clearing Truth and |
Friends, from such reproach we are concerned to give forth this as |
a Public Testimony against him the said William Russell conduct |
hereby disowning, and disallowing him from being a member of our |
Religious Society, untill he may be favour’d with a Sight and a Sense |
way of Truth; which is Our Sincear desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of a Monthly meeting |
of the People afore Said held in Dartmouth the 20th of 12th month 1784 |
By — |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
2 Month 1785 Giles Slocum Jur informed |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 2ond month 1785 |
The Representatives from the South Preparitive meeting are Giles |
Slocum and Stephen Gifford: From the North, Seth Russell and |
Seth Huddleston, who being called are all present |
Elijah Gifford reports that he hath informed Giles Slocum Jur |
of his denial as directed |
Eliakim Mosher’s Certificate |
Received a Certificate from the Monthly meeting of Pembrock in |
behalf of Eliakim Mosher signifying that he hath Served out his apprintiship |
there, and behaved in a good degree Orderly; and clear of marriage |
Engagements ~ Which is accepted |
case |
The Friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum report |
that they have had Several oppertunities with him; and that he gave |
them some Satisfaction: yet for further proof of sencerity; the same |
Friends are continued for that Service; and take such further Steps |
therein as may appear best; and report to next Monthly meeting |
Joseph Austin returnd |
Joseph Austin returned a Coppy of a minute of this meeting he have= |
=ing returned from his Journey to the Nine Partners |
Rebecca Rotch Certificate |
A Removal Certificate in behalf of Rebecca Rotch Widdow of |
Joseph Rotch, directed to the Northern destrict of Philidelphia was |
read and Signed by the Clerk expressing that she is a member of our |
Society; and hath Settled her affairs to Satisfaction |
Wm Sanford Jur case |
The Friends appointed in the case of William Sanford Jur desires |
that matter continued it is accoringly defer’d under their care till |
next Monthly meeting they then to report |
Benja Howland 3 case |
The Commity in the case of Benjamin Howland 3d report that they |
have had another Solid oppertunity with him; but not to Satisfaction; |
yet the same friends are continued to treat further with him thereon |
and make report to next monthly meeting |
Reviseing Minutes Settling with Treasurer |
The Friends appointed to revise the minutes and settle accounts with |
the Treasurer Report that they have accomplished the last minutes and |
left them with William Anthony to Record, and have Settled accompts |
with the Treasurer, up to the 18th of the first month 1785 and find this |
Meeting hath given him order to pay out to the amount of £10 – 5 – 8½ |
more than he is supplied with money to pay as yet; consequently this meeting is |
in Debt that Sum |
Unice Russell disown’d |
The Women inform that they have concluded to deny Unice = |
Russel wife of William Russell of Bedford [New Bedford] which this meeting concurs |
with |
Saml Mosher informed |
Caleb Greene reports he hath informed Samuel Mosher of his denial |
as directed |
Overseers deferd |
The year being expir’d of the Service of the overseors, yet a new |
Choice is defer’d till next monthly meeting at the opening of the |
buisness therein |
Abra Mosher minute |
Abraham Mosher informs he intends a Journey to Nine partners |
with a view of doing some buisness there, which this meeting concurs |
with, he being a member of this Meeting, and the Clerk is desired |
to give him a Coppy of this Minute |
Abram Russell Certificate requested |
Abraham Russell requestin Certificate from this meeting to |
the Monthly meeting of the Northern destricts of Philidelphia |
Expressive of his being a member and, clearness respecting marri |
are appointed to take the necessary care therein, and if they find |
no Obstacle, they to Report a Certificate to the adjounment of this meeting |
Eben Chase request |
Ebenezer Chase desireing a Removal Certificate to the Monthly |
meeting of Swanzey, he being about to remove there, Abiel Gifford |
and William Gifford are therefore appointed to take the necessary care |
therein, and report to next Monthly meeting |
Jonathan Tucker’s Case |
The Friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Tucker, report that |
they have treated further with him on his misconduct, but that he did |
not give them Satisfaction: and produced a draught of a Testimony |
against him, which with the concurence of the Women Friends was |
Signed by the Clerk who is desired to cause the same to be read in the |
usal publick manner and report to next Monthly meeting; and the same friends are |
desired to inform Jonathan thereof ~ Which Testimony is as followes |
Jonathan Tucker’s Testimony of denial |
Whereas Jonathan Tucker having had his Birth and Education among |
us the people called Quakers; but for want of more clostly adhearing |
to the dictates of his own Conscience has been guilty of Useing profain |
and unbecoming Language; as also frequently, and unnecessaryly resorts |
at Taverns & too frequently pertakes of Spiritous Licquors; all which being |
inconsistant with our Religious Profession: We having Laboured with |
him for the above offences but do not find Satisfaction; therefore we |
give this forth as a publick Testimony against his conduct hereby dis= |
owning him the Said Jonathan Tucker from being a member of our Society |
Religious Society untill through unfeigned Repentance he shall return |
to the ways of Truth which is our Sencear desire. |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly meeting of friends |
held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 2nd month 1785 |
By William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Money raisd for Stock |
The North Preparitive meeting informs that they have raised the |
Remainder of their propotion of money for Yearly meeting and Quarterly |
meeting: and paid the Same to the Treasurer of this meeting |
To sell wood |
This meeting concludes to make Sale of some of the wood standing |
on this meetings Land; at the discression of Samuel Smith, Giles Slocum |
Thomas Hicks, and Gideon Howland, who are appointed for that Service |
and they to make report of their proceedings therein from time to time |
money collected |
The Preparitive meetings in their account inform they have Collcted |
and Sent up to the Treasurer viz from the South ~~~ |
0 – 15s – 0 |
from the North ~~~ |
0 – 18 – 11 |
Adjournd |
This meeting is adjournd to the 9th Instant after the meeting for Worship |
Mett |
3 month 9 mett by adjournment ~ The Representatives being called |
Giles Slocum and Stephen Gifford present; Seth Huddlestone and Seth |
Russell not present, nor any reason sent of their absence |
Abraham Russell’s Certificate |
One of the Friends appointed to take the necessary care for Abraham |
Russells request for a Certificate report that they have made the necessary |
enquiry therein and find no Sufficient obstacle to granting his request |
and therefore produced a Certificate, which after some alteration |
was Signed by the Clerk |
Report concerning Wood sold |
Part of the Committee to make Sale of wood report that it is their |
oppinion that a considerable Quantity may yet be disposed of, tho they |
have Sold one hundred Cords to Josiah Wood at four Shillings & Six pence |
per Cord Handing |
And that if Friends would assist in getting a Quantity to the Land= |
=ing it may be Sold to more advantage, therefore said Committee |
are desired to draught & Promote Subscriptions for Friends to cut |
and Cart as much as they Shall be free to; in order to defray the |
charge of this meeting and bring said Subscriptions to next monthly meeting |
3d moof 1785 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 21st of 3d mo 1785 |
The Representatives from the Preparative Meetings are from |
the South ~ Philip Trafford & Elijah Gifford |
North ~ Benja Butter & Jonathan Hart |
who being called are all present |
choice of overseers |
The choice of overseers being refer’d from last Mo meet- |
ing to this: Benjamin Taber Joseph Austin Joseph |
Tucker junr Elijah Gifford William Gifford Jonathan Hart |
Are appointed for that service for the year ensuing or till others |
may be appointed in their stead |
Jona Slocum’s case defer’d |
The friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Slocum re- |
port; that they have not all had oppertunity so as to |
accomplish that matter & desire it continued, it is according- |
ly deferd under their care & they to make report accord to next |
monthly meeting. |
Eben. Chace’s certifice defer’d |
The committee appointed in the case of Ebenezer Chase report |
that they have not accomplished sd business therefore they are |
continued in Sd service & to report the next Monthly meeting |
Jona Tucker’s Denial read |
The Clerk informs that the Testimony of the Denial of |
Jonathan Tucker hath been read as directed & the committee |
report that Jonathan hath been inform’d thereof. |
Benj. Howland’s case defer’d |
The comittee in the case of Benjamin Howland 3d re- |
port that he hath given them so much encourage- |
ment that they desire the matter continued, which |
care who are to report to next Monthly meeting |
Denial W. Russell’s Wife |
In concurrence with the Women’s meeting, a Testimo- |
ny of the denial of Eunice Russell, wife of William |
Russell of Bedford , was sign’d by our Clerk |
Ann Jessop visit |
Our Friend Ann Jessop attended this Meeting |
with her Certificates from New Garden Monthly |
meeting and Quarterly meeting of the 8th month last |
which were read in this Meeting to satisfaction & |
her visit and labours of Love were also to satisfaction43 |
S. Huddlest on’s excuse |
Seth Huddleston gave the reasons of his nonattend- |
ance of the Adjournment of last Monthly meeting |
of the 8th month last, which were satisfactory. |
The South Prepar.e meeting in their account in- |
form they have collected and handed to the Treasurer |
of this Meeting |
16 – 2 |
The North Preparative Meeting |
13 – 5 |
Total |
1 – 9 – 7 |
Queries answer’d |
The Queries were read with the Answers from |
the Preparative Meetings, and Samuel Smith & |
Jonathan Wilbur, are appointed to compile sd answers |
into general ones and bring to the Adjournment of this |
Meeting, with an account to this Meeting, with an |
Account to the Quarterly meeting – |
E Mosher’s Certificate sign’d |
A Removal Certificate was sign’d by the Clerk |
in behalf of Eliakim Mosher, to the Monthly meet- |
ing of Nine partners expressing his right of member- |
ship and membership and clearness respecting marriage. |
J & Rebecca Russell’s children rec.d |
With the Concurrence of the Women, this |
Meeting admits into Friend’s care, Jethro |
and Rebecca Russell’s Children by their re- |
quest of their Parents, the Children’s names are |
Martha, Mary and Howland. |
Adjourn’d |
This Meeting is adjourn’d to the 2d of |
next month at the 11th hour |
Met |
4th month 2d Met by adjourment |
The Overseers being called are all present |
app.d Clerk |
The Year of the service of the Clerk being ex- |
pir’d and William Anthony junr having serv’d |
this Meeting as Clerk for some years to satisfac- |
tion: therefore Caleb Greene is appointed Clerk |
for the year ensuing, or ‘till another be appointed |
in his place. |
Wm Sandford junr Case con- tinu’d |
The Friends appointed in the Case of Willi- |
am Sandford junr report, that it is not accomplish’d |
and desire it continu’d, it is accordingly defer’d un- |
der the same Friends care, ‘till next Monthly meet- |
ing, they then to report. |
A Propos.l to meeting respecting answerg Queries |
A Proposal from this Meeting in concur- |
rence with the Women, was forwarded to the |
Quarterly meeting: that it be recommended to |
the Yearly meeting, whether the answering the |
Queries once a year only, would not be more use- |
ful, than every Quarter, or at least, that some |
of the Principal ones only be answer’d at each Quarter |
One of the Friends appointed to compile the |
Answers to the Queries and prepare an Account |
to the Quarterly meeting reports, that he with |
Represtivs to Qy meetg |
the other Friend, took the necessary care therein and |
produc’d said Answers, which were read in this |
Meeting together with the Account or Epistle to |
the Quarterly meeting, after adding what appear’d |
to be necessary, were sign’d by the Clerk and for- |
warded by the Representatives appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting who are James Davis, |
Caleb Greene & Elijah Gifford, who are to make re- |
port to next Monthly meeting. |
As the service of the Overseers is not |
pointed out to them, in any manner particular |
in the Minute of their appointment, the follow- |
ing is concluded to be a necessary addition for |
that purpose, viz, They are desired to meet to- |
An addi tional mi nute point ing out the service of the overseers |
gether frequently by themselves, in as retired a man- |
ner as may be, and endeavour to center down to their |
own Gifts and Measures in order to get under a due |
Sense of the Weight of the Work assigned them; and |
under this Engagement of mind to keep up a careful |
Members of this Meeting to see that the Cause |
and Testimony of Truth be kept up and maintain- |
ed and where any shall appear faulty or defective |
or walk disorderly, tenderly to treat and Labour with |
them, in order to discover to them the Evil of their |
ways; but if such cannot be reclaimed and |
they appear manifestly Guilty of the Matter in |
charge, that then Information in Writing be |
brought to the Meeting of the State of the |
Fact and Circumstances attending it and they |
are particularly desired to watch and guard |
against, and discourage, that backbiting, |
slandering spirit so prevalent among us, ma- |
king report to this Meeting of the progress |
of their Service from Time to Time. |
The Committee to sell Wood, produc’d a |
Subscripn for cutting & carting Wood |
Draught of Subscriptions for Cutting and |
Carting which was read and sign’d by the |
Clerk, and they are to proceed therein when it |
may appear best. |
The Overseers inform that Rich.d Lapham |
son of Nicholas, hath far departed from that |
simple Plainness that we profess in several |
R Lapham disorder |
respects, particularly in tying his hair with |
a Riband [ribbon], for which he hath been labour’d |
with by said Overseers but he not giving them |
satisfaction – therefore Philip Trafford and |
William Anthony junr are appointed to take |
a solid opportunity and treat with him |
further thereon, and report to next Monthly meeting |
5th month 1785 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmt |
the 16th of the 5 month 1785 |
The Representatives from the South Prepar.e |
Meeting are Benjamin Howland 2d and George |
Smith, from the North, Prince Potter and |
Seth Russell, who being called are all present. |
The Committee in the Case of Jonathan |
Jona Slo cum’s case dis miss’d |
Slocum, report, that they have made further pro- |
gress therein; yet the obstacles for the accomplish |
ment thereof are not remov’d to satisfaction, & |
from this Meeting and Friends taking the same |
into Consideration do dismiss the same accordingly |
and the same Friends are desir’d to inform him |
of the reasons thereof. |
Certificate sign’d for Eben Chace |
A Removal Certificate was sign’d by the Clerk |
directed to the Monthly meeting of Swansey in |
behalf of Ebenezer Chace, signifying he is a mem- |
ber and settled his outward affairs to satisfaction |
The Friends appointed to treat with Richd |
Lapham on his Misconduct, report that they |
R.Lapham |
have not both had opportunity with him, it is |
therefore defer’d under their Care, with Caleb Greene |
‘till next Monthly meeting, they then to make report. |
Testim Denial of Abig. Cor- nel signd |
In Concurrence with the Women, a Testimony of |
the Denial of Abigail Cornel [Cornell] wife of Elihu Cornel |
was read and sign’d by the Clerk, and Wm Anthony Jur |
is appointed to read the same, in the usual |
public manner and report to next monthly meeting. |
Wm Sandford case defer’d |
The Friends appointed in the Case of Wm |
Sandford junr report that they have attended there- |
to, but not accomplish’d it to satisfaction; it is |
therefore continued under the same Friends |
Care, who are to report to next Mo meeting. |
The Committee in the Case of Benja Howland |
3d report, that some further opportunity with him |
B. Howland 3d case defer’d |
and that he signified he should continue in his |
Practice, yet at the Desire of some Friends, the |
matter is continu’d under the same friends care, as |
heretofore, who are desir’d to labour further with him |
and report to next Mo meeting. |
Report James Allen’s clearness respecting Marriage |
The Friends appointed to enquire into James |
Allen’s clearness and conversation respecting Mar- |
riage, report, that they find nothing sufficient |
to hinder such a Procedure |
The Friends appointed to take the necessa- |
S. Buffinton’s Certifice defer’d |
ry Care for a removal Certificate for Stephen |
Buffinton and Family, report, that they have |
not yet accomplish’d it, they are therefore continued |
to accomplish it and report to next Mo meeting |
James Allen and Sarah Howland junr appear’d |
sufficient to prevent their proceeding to take each |
other in Marriage, at some convenient time be- |
between this and next monthly meeting, advising |
with the Friends this Meeting appoints to see said |
Marriage orderly solemniz’d, who are Wm Anthony Jr |
and Elijah Gifford, who are to report to next Mo |
meeting. |
The Friends appointed to take a solid opportu- |
nity with Obadiah Beard, report, that they had |
O. Beard readmitted |
such an opportunity, in which they found a good |
Degree of satisfaction: - he is therefore, with the con- |
currence of the Women, readmitted into Membership with |
us, and Wm Anthony Junr is appointed to inform |
him thereof. |
The Treasurer having remov’d some distance, Ca- |
C. Barker Treasurer |
leb Barker is appointed for that service, for the year |
ensuing, or ‘till some other may be appointed in his |
Comtee to settle accot with former Treasr |
Stead, and Wm Anthony Junr and Samuel Smith |
are appointed to settle Accounts with the former Trea- |
surer and report to next Mo meeting. |
The Overseers inform that Job Deval son of |
John, thro’ unwatchfulness and giving way to a |
Complt agst Job Deval |
vain and Wanton mind, getting into loose and |
unprofitable Company, by which he hath so far depart- |
ed from our chaste Principles, as to fall into or come |
under the scandalous Report of being guilty of the |
reproachful Sin of Fornication, by the Declara- |
tion of Sarah Russell daughter of Elisha, he the |
said Job having been labour’d with thereon, but he |
denying said Crime, therefore Joseph Gifford, Samuel |
Smith & Caleb Russell are appointed to en- |
quire into the State of the Case and labour there |
in as way may open and Report to next Mo Meeting. |
Received a removal Certificate from |
the Monthly meeting of Acoaxet in behalf of |
Zephaniah Edy his Wife Anna and their |
Children Namely John, Job, Mary & Sarah |
signifying they are Members, and that their |
outward affairs are settled to pretty good satis- |
settled among us. |
The Overseers inform that it appears to |
Philip Allen & Jos. Hart |
them that Philip Allen and Joseph Hart, are |
guilty of the unwarrantable practice of gaming |
at Cards, for which they labour’d with them, but |
they condemning it not – therefore Wm Anthony |
Junr Wm Gifford & John Deval are appointed |
to treat further with them thereon, and report |
to next Mo meeting |
Addition to Trustees for holding Titles to Meeting house |
James Davis Joseph Austin & Caleb |
Greene are appointed as an Addition to the |
Trustees for receiving & holding our Tittles to |
our Meeting house Lands. |
Collection |
The So Prepara Meeting in their account |
they have Collected & paid to the former Treasr |
10 |
The North do collected and handed to |
the Present Treasrr |
1 – – 3 |
Total |
£1 – 10 – 3 |
6 mo 1785 |
At a Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 20th of the 6th month 1785 |
The Representatives from the South Prepara meeting are Thos |
Russell and Joseph Wilbur from the North, Bar- |
nabas Russell and Seth Huddlestone all present. |
Received a removal Certificate from the month |
Wm Tripp Certificate from ‘Coaxet |
ly Meeting of Acoaxet, recommending Wm Tripp |
and Wife Elizabeth to our Care, with their Chil- |
dren, namely Othniel, Maria, Lydia & Elizabeth, |
they having removed within the Compass of this Meet- |
ing to Live, which is accepted. |
The Friends appointed to treat further with |
Richd Lapham, report that he going to Sea |
R. Lapham case defer’d |
depriv’d them of an Opportunity of treating with |
him thereon, it is therefore defer’d under the same |
Friends Care ‘till next mo Meeting, they then to report. |
Testiy Ab. Cornel’s Denial read |
Wm Anthony Junr reports that he hath |
read the Testimony of Denial of Abigl Cornel [Cornell] |
Wife of Elihu Cornel according to the Direction |
of last Mo Meeting. |
Conclusion of Wm Sand- ford junr Case |
Sandford Junr report that the Matter between him |
and Benjamin Allen is settled by Arbitration |
this Meeting therefore concludes to accept of his Pa- |
per condemning his Misconduct, for Satisfaction |
Part of the Committee in the Case of Benj |
B Howlands case contin.d |
Howland 3d, report, they have had with other |
friends a solid Opportunity with him, and |
that he desir’d it may be continu’d, it is accord- |
ingly defer’d under the same Friends care ‘till |
next Mo meeting – they then to make report |
W. Anthony jr Report |
Willm Anthony junr reported that he in- |
form’d Obadiah Beard of his readmittance |
into Membership as desir’d last Mo meeting |
One of the Friends appointed in the over- |
Report of Committee J Allen’s Mar- riage |
sight of the Marriage of James Allen and |
Sarah Howland, reports that he attended |
said Marriage and according to his sense, it |
was solemnized in a degree orderly – and that |
Elijah Gifford, the other Friend, could not |
attend by reason of sickness. |
The Committee in the Case of Joseph Hart |
Hart & Allen |
and Philip Allen, desire that matter continu’d |
‘till next Mo meeting; which is according |
defer’d under their Care, they then to report |
Nanny Gifford informs that she has |
Nanny Gifford’s proposal to visit Qy Meeting Sandwich |
it on her Mind to attend the Quarterly meeting |
of Sandwich, next to be held at Nantucket |
desiring Friends Concurrence therewith, and |
this Meeting taking it under Consideration, do |
approve thereof, she being a Member in Uni- |
ty and her Publick Testimony approv’d among |
us, and the Clerk is desir’d to furnish her |
with a Copy of this Minute. |
Thomas Akin gave in a Paper condemning |
misconduct in going into Company, where were mu |
T. Akin gives in paper |
sic and Dancing and there drinking so as to unfi[?] |
him for business: – whereupon we appoint our friends |
David Shepherd, Caleb Greene and Jno Howland, |
to take a solid Opportunity with him, and make |
port to next Mo meeting |
B. Allen (son of Philip) gives in Paper |
Benja Allen (Son of Philip deceas’d) gave |
in a Paper condemning his falling into the re- |
proachful Sin of Fornication and Marrying out of the |
Unity of Friends, Thomas Russell & Thomas Hicks are |
appointed to take a solid Opportunity with said Benja in |
order to discover his Sincerity & report to next Mo meeting |
The Queries were read with the Answers |
Queries answerd |
from each Preparae Meeting, and James Davis, Wm |
Anthony junr, & Samuel Smith, are appointed to |
compile said Answers from this Meeting, prepare |
an Account to the Quarterly meeting, and bring to |
the Adjournment of this Meeting |
The South Prepara in their Acct |
inform, that they have collected & sent |
to the Treasurer |
11 10 ½ |
North Prepara Meeting |
13 6 |
£1 4 [?] |
Adjd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 1st Day of [?] |
month at the close of the meeting of Worship. |
Met |
7th month 1st Met according to Adjournment. |
The Representatives being called are all present |
except Seth Huddlestone, who sent a satis- |
factory reason in Writing of his Absence. |
The friends appointed in the Case of |
S. Buffintun’s Certificate refer’d |
Stephen Buffintun’s Certificate, report, that the |
Matter is not fully accomplished, they are there- |
fore continued in said service & to report to next |
monthly meeting. |
One of the Comtee to settle accounts with |
Comtee report settling with former Treasurer |
the former Treasurer, made report in writing; |
“hath he settled sd accts to the 23d of 6th month last, |
and that it appears, that the former Accounts |
allowed by this Meeting, amount to l3-10s-9½d |
more, than he was supplied with Mony to pay”, |
and the present Treasurer is desir’d to pay |
the same, as soon as supplied with sufficien- |
cy of money. |
One of the Committee appointed in the Case of |
Job Deval’s case defer’d |
opportunity with him, tho’ they have made |
some progress therein and therefore desire the |
Matter defer’d: it is accordingly continued un- |
der the same friends care ‘till next Monthly |
meeting, they then to report. |
Advice from Meetg for Sufferings |
Received Advice from the Meeting for |
Sufferings dated the 8th of the 6th month last, wherein |
they desire, that one of the first Class of Poor, ([?] |
any in the Monthly meeting) may be sent to the |
yearly meetings School: this Meeting taking |
it into consideration, do commit the care and |
oversight thereof to the Overseers of the Poor and School |
Committee, who are to Report next Mo meeting |
It appearing to this Meeting, that Francis |
Rotch remov’d from this Meeting without Certi- |
F. Rotch remov’d without Certificate |
ficate, and resides or is often within the Compass |
of Providence Mo meeting, Caleb Greene & Joseph |
Austin, are therefore appointed, to write to said |
Meeting; what may appear to them necessary and |
report to next Monthly meeting. |
Represen tatives Accot to the Quarterly Meeting |
The Friends appointed to compile the An- |
swers to the Queries, have presented them, with an |
Account to the Quarterly meeting, which after |
being read are appeared and signed by the Clerk |
and sent forward to the Quarterly meeting by |
our Representatives, who are our friends Thomas |
Hicks, Jonathan Hart, & Benja Chace, and they to |
make report to next Monthly meeting. |
This Meeting is informed by writing from |
Infor- mation from Nantucket mo meeting respecting Shubl Bunker Jr |
Nantucket Mo meeting that Shubael Bunker |
Junior hath resided for sometime, within the Com- |
pass of this Meeting, and hath had no Certificate, |
desiring us to take some care in that respect, and |
if it appears best, that he have one, that we acquaint |
them thereof, we thereof appoint Caleb Russell |
and Barnabas Russell to take the necessary |
care therein and make report to next Monthly meeting. |