women’s meeting, 1699–1782
fig. 10: Page 1, Women’s Monthly Meeting Records, 1699–1782
1Friends Fellowship must be in ye Spirit and all |
Friends must know one another in the Spirit & Power of God. |
1 |
In all ye Meetings of ye County two or three being gathered from ym to go to ye |
Generall Meetings for to give notice one to another if there be any that walk |
not in the Truth, & have been convinced, & gone from the Truth, & so dishonour |
=ed God: yt some may be ordered from the Meetings to go & exhort such & |
bring in to ye next Generall Meetings what they Say. |
2 |
If any yt Profess ye Truth follow pleasures, drunkenness, gamings, or is not |
faithfull in their dealings, nor honest nor just but runs into debt, & so brings |
a scandall upon the Truth, Friends may give notice to the Generall Meeting |
if there be any Such; & Some may be ordered to go & exhort ym & bring in their |
Answer next Generall Meeting. |
3 |
And if any goes disorderly to get her in Marriage, contrary to ye Pract[ices] |
of the Holy men of God, & Assemblies of the righteous in all ages; Who declares |
it in ye Assemblies of the righteous w[he]n. they took one another (all things being |
clear) & they booth being free from any other; & wn they do go together, & take one |
another, let there not less than a douzen Friends & Relations present, according |
to yor former order, having first acquainted the Mens Meeting & they having |
clearness & unity wth ym & it may be Recorded in a book; according to the Word |
& Commandment of ye Lord, & If any walk contrary to ye order of Truth herein, |
let some be ordered to speak to ym & give notice thereof to ye next Generall Meeting. |
4 |
And all yt be Widdows wch have Children, & do Intend to marry; Let Query be |
made what she hath done for her Children: If there be no Will made, let such |
part of her late Husbands Estate be set out for ye Children as is equall, and |
according to Truth: & what they can do more afterwards let ym do also & where |
there is a will made Let those Legacies, & Portions be improv’d, & secured before |
Marriage for the Children of ye deceased wth what more they can do for them |
& when these things are done let them be Recorded in a Book at ye nex Generall |
Meeting. |
5 |
And also all Widdows in yor severall Meetings, let ym be taken notice of & infor[m] |
=ed & encouraged in their outward business, that there may be no hindrance |
in their Inward growth; & so carefully looked after that there may be nourished |
& cherished & so preserved in ye Truth that love may be encreased; & If they |
have many Children to put out Apprentices, or Servants that may be a |
burden to ym to bring up, let Friends take care to ease ym by putting ym forth as |
may be meet: let all these things be looked into by every Meeting; & notice there |
of given to the next Generall Meeting. & yn [then] some ordered to see yt all things |
are done according to Truth & Righteousness. |
And such as Marry by the Priests of Baal who are the rough hands of Esau, |
& fists of Wickedness, & bloody hands; Who have had their hands in the blows |
of our Brethren, & who is the cause of all this Banishment of our Brethren, |
& have spoiled so many of our Goods; casting into Prison, & keeps many |
hundreds at this day; all such as go ^unto ym for wives or Husbands must come to |
Judgment, & Condemnation of yt Spirit wch leds them to Baal, & of Baals |
Priests also: Or else Friends that keep their Habitations must write against these |
& Baal both; for from Genesis to the Revelations you do never read of any Priest |
marryed People: But it is God’s Ordinance, & whom God joyns together let no m[an?] |
put asunder, & they took one another in the Assemblies of the Righteous wn |
all things were clear: Therefore let all these things be enquired into, & broug[ht] |
to the Generall Meeting; & from thence some ordered to go to them; & to return |
what they say to the next Meeting: & all these before they, or any of them be left |
as Heathens, or written against, let ym be three or four times gone to, that they |
may have Gospel Order so yt if it be possible they may come to yt which at |
first did Convince ym to condemn their unrighteous doings: so yt they might |
not leave a hoof in Egypt. |
7 |
And also all such as wear their hats wn Friends Pray; & are gotten into the old |
rotten Principles of the Ranters; who set up the wearing thereof in opposition |
to the Power of God, & ym yt uphold it is for Condemnation by it: & ye Power |
of God is gone over it; & ym who ranted from the Truth, & have stopt many |
who were coming into it, yt ye very world can say you are in confusion, & |
divided & gone from your first Principle; who said you were of one Heart, |
& one mind, & one Soul, And therefore yt Spirit must be cut off by the Sword |
of the Spirit of ye Lord, yt they may come to yt wch at first did Convince ym, & |
notice must be given to ye Generall Meeting of all these things; & from thence |
some must be ordered to exhort ym yt be in such things to come to ye first Prin= |
ciple ye did at first Convince ym, yt they may come out of such things; & |
Friends must stand in ye Noble Seed of God to Judge ye World, & all ye fallen |
Angels. |
8 |
And in all Your Meetings let notice be given to ye Generall Meeting of all |
ye Poor: And wn you have heard yt there is many more Poor belonging to one |
Meeting yn [than] to another; & yt Meeting is thereby burdened, & Oppressed let the rest |
of the Meetings help & Assist ym, so yt they may ease one another, & help to |
bear one anothers burdens, & so fulfill the Law of Christ, & so see yt there be |
nothing lacking according to the Apostles Words (mark nothing lacking) |
yn all is well: for ye Jew Outward tho; they were as the stars of Heaven, & as |
the Sand of the sea, Yet there was not to be a beggar among ym according to ye Law |
of God; & Amongst the Christians in ye first Age there was a Mans Meeting set up |
at Jerusalem to see yt nothing was lacking; wch was ye Gospel Order according to |
the Law of Jesus; & this continued so long as they lived in ye Spirit, Life, & Power |
of God, But when ye Apostacy came in, & ye true Church fled into ye Wilderness, |
who was to Continue there 1260 dayes, & the Witnesses Prophesyed in Sackcloth 1260 |
dayes; & ye Beast was Worshipped just so long 1260 dayes; & yn [then] all things went |
out of order, & every thing was wanting in the time they worshipped ye Dragon |
& ye Beast & wth ym ye false Prophet, Who shall be cast into the lake of fire |
And the true Church came up out of ye Wilderness; & ye Manchild wch was ~ |
caught up into Heaven came down again to Rule the Nations wth a Rod of |
Iron; & ye Marriage of ye Lamb is come; & the Lamb & ye [sts?]ts Shall have ye |
Victory; & the Everlasting Gospel shall be Preached again as was among ye |
Apostles, & ye Gospel Order shall be set up as was among ym; & a Mans |
Meeting as was at the first Conversion to see yt nothing be lacking in ye |
Church, yn all is well, so there is not to be a beggar now among ye Christians |
according to ye Law of Jesus as there was not to be any among the Jews |
according to the Law of God. |
9 |
And also all the men yt hunt after Women, from Woman to Woman, & also |
Women whose Affections run sometimes after one man, & sometimes after another, |
& so hold one another in Affection, & so draw out the affections one of another, & |
after a while leave one another, & go to others, & do ye same thing; & this doing |
makes more like Sodom yn Saints, & is not of Gods ^[making?] or joyning where they are not |
to be parted, for marriage is Gods ordinance, & Gods command, one to another, |
& in yt they feel the Power of the Lord. |
10 |
And notice to be taken of all evill Speakers, Backbiters, Slanderers, & foolish |
talkers, & Idle Jesters, for these things corrupt good manners, & is not according |
to ye Saints, & Holy ones; whose words are season’d with salt, Ministring |
Grace to ye Hearers. |
11 |
And all Such who are Tale-Carriers, & Railers, whose work is to Some Dissention, |
are to be reproved, & admonished: for such do not bring People into the unity |
of ye Spirit, but by such doings they lose their own Contion [sic]. ~ ~ ~ |
12 |
And such as go up & down to cheat, by their borrowing & getting money of |
Friends in by places, & have Cheated severall; all such are to be stopt & Judged |
13 |
And If there happen any difference between Friend & Friend of any matters, |
If it Cannot before the Generall Meeting Let half a dozen Friends from ye Gene= |
=rall Meeting be ordered to put a speedy end thereto, yt Justice may Speedily |
be done, yt no difference may rest or remaine among any. And let all your |
Generall Meetings be once ^in everie quarter of a Year, & to be appointed at such |
places as may be most Convenient for the most of Friends to Meet in: that ye |
house may be cleansed of all that is contrary to purity, virtue, light, life & |
Spirit, so yt Friends may not be one anothers sorrow; & troubles; but one |
anothers Joy, & Crown in the Lord. |
14 |
And all Friends, See that yor Children be trained up in the fear of ye Lord, |
In Soberness, & Holiness, Righteousness, & Temperance, & meekness, & Gentleness, |
& loveliness, & modesty in their Apparrel & Carriages, & so to exhort your |
Children, & Families in ye truth, yt ye Lord may be Glorified in yor Families |
& teach your Children wn they are young, & they will Remember it wn they |
are old, according to Solomon, so yt your Children May be a blessing to |
you & not a Curse. ~ |
15 |
And yt Friends to buy Convenient burying Places, as Abraham did who |
bought a place to bury his dead, & would not bury among the Egyptians, and |
Canaanites, & Jacob was brought out of Egypt & Joseph; & they were buryed |
in their Grandfathers, & Great Grandfathers burying place; & so Friends |
buy Burying Places for yor Meetings; & to keep out of ye Spirit of ye Sodomites |
& Egyptians & Canaanites, wch corrupt ye Earth; & let them be decently & |
well fenced, yt you Condemn ye World of all things. |
16 |
And also yt Friends buy a Convenient Book for ye Registring of Births, Marri= |
=ages, & Burials, as ye Holy Men of God of Old did, as you may read, yt every |
one may be ready to give a Testimony, & Certificate If need Require, and any |
be called thereunto. ~ |
17 |
And also all yt all ye Sufferings of Friends of all kind of Sufferings in all ye |
County be gathered up & put together, & Sent to the Generall Meeting, & so sent |
to London, yt nothing of ye Memorial of ye blood, & Cruel Sufferings of ye Bre= |
=thren be lost; wch shall stand as a Testimony against the Murdering Spirit of |
this World, & be to ye Praise of the Everlasting Power of the Lord in the |
Ages to come, who supported & upheld ym in such hardships, & Cruelties, who is |
God over all blessed for evermore amen. ~ |
18 |
And Enquiry to be made concerning all such as do pay Tythes, wch makes void the |
Testimony & Sufferings of all our Brethren who have Suffered many of ym to |
death; by which many Widdows & Fatherless have been made; & wch is contrary |
to ye Doctrine of ye Apostles, & ye Doctrine of ye Martyrs; & likewise contrary to ye |
Doctrine of the Righteous in this present Age; All such are to be enquired into. |
& exhorted. let Query be made concerning all Prisoners that are poor, yt |
they may be relieved, & so encouraged in their sufferings: & also yt care be |
taken for their wives, & Families, that they do not suffer for want of |
supply of Outward things: & let enquiry be made how many Prisoners there |
are in all your severall Counties; that diligent enquiry be made into all these |
things at every Monthly Meeting, & at every Quarterly Meeting; & to take |
diligent care accordingly. |
Dear Friends be diligent, & let it be your business to serve ye Lord & his |
Truth, & to keep up your Mens Meetings Monthly two or three out of every |
Meeting, to Meet together in Some co[n]venient place in ye middle of yor County |
for to see how all your Meetings is, yt there be nothing lacking among ym: |
So yt all may be kept as a Family, & nothing be lacking. yn all is well, For at |
the first Conversion of the Christians at Jerusalem, there was a Mans Meeting |
chosen out of ye People. Men yt were Faithfull, fearing God, & hating Covetouness |
& full of ye Holy Ghost; & these men were to see yt ye Widdows, the Fatherless, |
the Poor, & any that was in necessity did not want; & If nothing was |
wanting yn all was well, as you may read in the Acts. And so the Chu[r]ch were |
Ruled by Cou[n]sell six hundred years after Christ till ye Pope got up, & ye false |
Church, & since the true order of ye true Church hath been lost Whilst the true |
Church hath been in ye Wilderness, & the false Church hath gotten up, But |
now ye true Church is coming out of ye Wilderness, & ye Everlasting Gospel |
is Preached again as it was in the Apostles dayes In ye first Conversion, |
So that People do now come to ye first Conversion, & so to ye same Order, so you |
that know the Power of ye Lord God keep up yor Meetings in ye Power of ye Lord, |
& in his wisdome, & see yt nothing be lacking yn all is well, & If all of you yt |
belong to the Meeting Should be Imprisoned yn keep to yor Meeting in ye Prison. |
If that you should be kept So close in Prison as yt you should not know ye Conditions |
of all ye Meetings, yn whom you think fit you may speak to to keep up ye |
Meetings, & never let the deceit get advantage of you: for in these Meetings |
you do come into ye Practice of ye pure Religion, wch is to visit, cherish & |
preserve &c. And he that disobeys this pure Religion disobeys ye Lord. |
2To the Men and Womens Monthly and
Quarterly Meetings
1 |
Dear Friends: If there be any difference amongst friends, or betwixt |
Friend & Friend let them speak to one another, & If they will not hear |
let ym take two or three of the Meeting they belong to & they may end it |
If they can, & If they cannot end it yn it may be laid before the Monthly |
Meeting; & If it cannot be ended there yn it may be brought to ye Quarterly |
Meeting; & there let it be put to half a dozen Friends, & they may go out & End |
it yt they may keep their Meetings Civil, or ym yt be at difference may chuse |
three Friends, & Friends may chuse three more to ym, & let ym stand to their |
Judgment; for there is few that loves quietness & peace will have their Names |
brought to a Monthly or Quarterly Meeting: to have their Names sounded |
over the Country yt there is strife, but will rather endeavour to end it |
amongst ym selves at their common Meetings, before yt they come to ye |
monthly Meetings. |
2 |
And yt no one accuse any one either in Monthly or Quarterly Meetings |
publickly, except they have spoken to ym by themselves first, & by two or three before. |
3 |
Now concerning Marriages, no man ought to speak to a young Woman concerning |
marriage before yt he hath spoken to her Father & Mother and have their consent |
& If she have no Father or Mother, but Guardians, & Trustees, then they must |
speak to ym if she be under Age yt they may have their consent, & so proceed |
accordingly; as Abrahams Servant did concerning Isaacs Wife. And you are |
to see yt all Widdows make provision for their Children before they be Marryed |
to another, according ^to truth & Righteousness. |
4 |
And you are to see that every Man & Woman be free from all Intanglements with |
either Woman or Man before yt they be Married & If they have been engaged |
you must have a Certificate under the hands of ye Person yt they have been entangled |
with; so yt all things may be done in peace, & unity & Righteousness according to |
ye Truth that is in every Man, & Woman, & if ye young Man or young Womans |
Relations be of the World they must have their consent, & a Certificate from ym. |
And if ye Man or Woman comes from beyond Sea. or out of another County, |
Ye must have a Certificate from the Men & Womens Meeting there. how they have |
lived, & wheither they be free from all other Persons by any engagement, |
Covenant of Contract concerning Marriage, & if they are not clear they must |
Answer yt, & cleared by Certificate under their hands before they proceed any farther. |
5 |
And if any man should defile a Woman he must Marry her If she be a beg |
gar, & he have never so many hundreds. for he must fulfill the Law of God, so ye |
Law of God commands it that he must Marry her, & Condemn his Action. |
& clear Gods Truth. But no such Marriage where the bed is defiled we bring |
into our Men & Womens Meetings; but four or five Friends (If such a thing hap |
=pens) draw up a Certificate, & they set their hands to it that they will live faith |
fully together as Man & Wife & fulfill the Law of God. And this I write If |
ever such a thing should happen, But I Hope yt Friends will be careful, & keep |
in the fear of ye Lord, that they may have esteeme of ye Lords Truth & their |
own bodies, & ye honourable Marriage where the bed is undefiled. |
6 |
And all true Marriages must be layd first before the Womens Meetings; yt If |
there be any thing concerning ye Woman they may deal with it, & never let it go so |
far as the Men: & when things are clear, then three or four Women may go |
along with ye Man & ye Woman to ye Mens Meeting, & give in their Testimo= |
=ny concerning ym to ye Mens Meeting, & so yn you may enter into your books that |
they have appeared such a day of ye month; & year. And yn two men Friends of the |
Mens Meeting, & two Women Friends of ye Womens Meeting may enquire |
betwixt yt & ye next Monthly Meeting If any have ought to say concerning the |
Couple yt are not clear, & If there be any that hath any thing against them |
they may come & speak to those two Men & Women concerning of them, & so they |
may meet together and make an end of it before ye next Monthly Meeting. & so |
not to trouble the Meeting wth any weakness that may appear, & if they have ended i[t] |
and there be nothing against it, yn the four Friends may give in their Tes |
=timony of ym to ye Men & Womens Monthly Meeting, And so when they do |
take one another they may appoint a Meeting on purpose, & they may let their |
Relations, & as many of the World as they ^will know of it. so if any thing be upon |
any Friend to declare of the duty of Marriages they may do as they are moved |
And yn the Man & ye Woman may stand up & declare how that they take one |
another in the Presence of God, & in the presence of his People according to the |
Law and Ordinance of God, & according to the Practise of the Holy Men & |
Women of God as it is written in the scriptures of Truth to live faithfully together |
as Husband & Wife so long as they live &c. And they must have a Certificate ready |
drawn up, with ye day of ye Month & Year, & ye place, & there subscribe to it at that |
time; & as many Friends & as many of ye World as will, may set their hands to it, |
as at many Marriages they do: And the Certificate is to be read in the Present |
Meeting when they take one another publickly among all ye People, & this |
is the way & order of our Marriages, for we do marry none, But it is Gods |
Joyning, but we are witnesses; & then it is Recorded in a Book, & this is accord |
ing to ye Practise of ye Holy Men of God. |
7 |
Now concerning your Mont[h]ly Men & Womens Meetings, & your Quarterly Men & |
Womens Meetings; First as concerning your Monthly Men & Womens Meetings |
all ye Fait[h]full Men & Women are to make up the Mens Meeting & ye Womens |
Meeting, & let ym yt are not faithfull let ym be admonished in the Lords Power to |
live in Truth, modesty, & soberness, & so as they walk they may come to your |
Men & Womens Meetings, & ye Men to Meet in one Room, & ye Women in another, |
& so to wait upon ye Lord; for all things must be done in his Power & Name & |
there is many things yt ^is propper for Women to look into both in their Families, |
& concerning of Women wch is not so propper for ye Men, which Modesty in Wo= |
=men cannot so well speak of before Men as they can do among their Sex: & Wo= |
=men are more in their Families, & have more of ye tuition of their Children, & |
Servants yn ye men; they being alwayes among ym; either for the making of them, |
or ye marring of ym: and they are to be trained up in ye New Covent, as ye Jews |
trained up theirs in ye Old. And many Women are of more capacity yn others are, |
& so they must Instruct, & inform ye rest wn they are met together concerning |
Ordering of their Children & Families, & that they may prevent many things wch |
their Children may run into; & they know what will do in a Family, & stir up all |
to diligence, & serving the Lord: & what the Women cannot do they may three of four |
of ym go from their Meeting to ye Mens, & lay it before ym which is more propper |
for them: And what is more propper for ye Women yn ye men ye men may three or |
four of ym go & lay it before the Women; so that they may be helps meet together |
in the resturation, in Truth & Righteo^usness as man & Woman was before they fell. |
8 |
And If poor Friends have many Children to set fort[h] to Apprentices or Servants, |
If ye Women cannot do it the Men may help ym: & If they cannot find Masters |
for them, & do it in their Monthly Meetings, they may do it at their Quarterly |
Meetings, & place ym amongst Friends yt they may be preserved in ye Truth; & so |
they may come in time to teach their Brethren ye same Trades, And help |
their Father & their Mother in their Old Age. ~ |
Now concerning yor Quarterly Meetings yt is made up of your Monthly Meet |
ings you should speak in your Monthly Meetings who goes to ye Quarterly |
Meetings, so that one or two of every particular Meeting may go to ye Quarter= |
=ly Meeting, for they that do go to ye Quarterly Meeting must be substantiall |
Friends that can give a Testimony of your sufferings, & how things is amongst |
you in every particular Meeting; so yt none yt is raw or weak yt is not able |
to give a Testimony of ye affairs of ye Church, & Truth may go to ye Quarterly |
Meetings, But may be nursed up in you Montly Meetings fit for ye Lords service, |
So yt two may go one time from every Particular Meeting, & two another time; |
or as it is ordered in your Monthly Meetings; so yt some may go from all yor |
meetings, that make up of your Montly Meetings, for ye Quarterly Meetings |
should be made up of weighty seasoned, & Substantiall Friends that understand |
the business of ye Church; for no unruly, unseasoned Persons, should come there, |
nor Indeed in ye Monthly Meetings, but who are Simple, seasoned & honest, for |
such should be admonished. And If there be any difference come to ye Quarterly |
Meetings; either of Men or Women, or Monthly Meetings, after you have |
heard ym one by one (& let but one speak at a time never) & to know of them |
whether they will stand to yor Judgment, & If they will, let half a dozen Friends |
go out of ye Meeting & make a finall end of it, for If they will not stand to your |
Judgment they are not fit to bring it theither. And if any one should speak or |
tattle any thing out of your Monthly, or Quarterly Meetings to ye blemishing or |
defaming any Person, or ye meeting, Such are to be brought to Judgment & |
Condemnation, for it breaks ye Priviledge, & order of your Heavenly societie in |
yor Meetings, so yt all may be kept, & preserved in ye Power of ye Lord, & in his Spirit |
in Love, & unity. And therefore keep your Meetings Solid & Sober & ye Authority |
of your Men & Womens Meetings be in ye Power of God: for every heir of ye Power |
has right to ye Authority: & in it keep ye King of Kings, of Lord of Lords, peace in |
his Church, & much more I could write of these things, but this at present. & so ye Lord |
give you Wisdome that by it you may be Ordered to his Glory. And yt every one |
may have a care of Gods Glory his name, & Truth, & yt in his power they do see |
yt all do walk as becomes his Glorious Gospel, wch hath brought life and Immorta= |
=lity to Light in you which will preserve you in Life & Immortality over the |
Devil that hath darkend you, & before he was, so that nothing may get betwixt |
your souls, & minds, & ye Lord God, yt he may be Gloryfied in you all, & throug[h] |
you all, & over you all, Blessed for ever Amen. |
G. F. [George Fox] |
1 |
3My dear Friends |
Live all in the Power of ye Lord, & in his Truth, Light, & Life, yt in it you may |
all with one heart, Soul, & Mind keep Dominion, & in ye Light Life, & Truth & |
Power of God do true Judgment, Justice, & Truth, Righteousness, & Equity, |
in all your Mens, & Womens Meetings, wthout favour, & affections to Relations, |
Kindr[e]d, or Acquaintance, or any respect of Persons; for yt If you do not so, let |
Judgment come upon you from God to put you down from your places, before |
it will If you do not; for ye Power, & Light, & Life, & ye Truth respects not any, but |
Justice, Truth, Righteousness, & Equity. |
2 |
Let Mercy overshade the Judgment seat, and let mercy be mixt with |
Judgment. |
3 |
Take heed of a foolish pity. If you be not diligent against all Prophaneness |
Sin, & Iniquity, & uncleanness, & loosness & debauchery, & yt which dishonoureth |
God, yn let all those things come upon you wch you should be a stop of, & subdue, & |
Keep down with Righteousness, & ye Truth, & ye Power of God, If not be sure |
they will If you do not. |
And in all your Men & Womens Meetings Let all things be done in Love wch |
doth Edifie ye body, & let nothing be done with strife & vain glory; but keep in |
the unity of ye Spirit which is the bond of peace, & let all things be done in the Wise= |
dome of God which is pure & gentle from above, above the Eartly which is below, |
sensuall, & Develish. And take heed of hurting any concerning Marriage If the |
thing be right) through any Earthly reasoning, lest they do worse, |
5 |
And so all be diligent for the Lord God, & his Truth upon the Earth, & ye |
Inheritance of a Life that hath no end; that you may Live in ye Seed which is Bles= |
=sed for ever. |
6 |
And stop all reports & try ym, for thou shalt not raise a false report upon my |
People saith the Lord. |
7 |
And be diligent in all your meetings to enquire to see to ye setting forth Appren |
=tices, all Fatherless, & poor Friends Children; & yt all the Poor Widdows be careful= |
=ly looked after yt nothing may be lacking among, yn all will be well. |
8 |
And yt all to see the Testimony of Jesus be kept up in all things concerning |
his worship, his Way, his Religion, his Church his Testimony against the |
World, their works are evil; & Against Oaths, & against the hireling Priests, |
for his Doctrine is freely you have received, freely give: & Christs Church needs |
not to be mended by men; for he doth mend it himself without Money: & keep |
your Testimony against all ye filthy rags of ye World; & for your fine Linnen |
the Righteousness of Christ Jesus, And keep yor Testimony for your liberty in |
Christ Jesus, & stand fast in it against all ye false Liberties in Old Adam, & |
your Libertie in the Spirit of God, and in ye Gospel of Christ Jesus, |
against all false and loose Liberties in the flesh: And train up all your Children |
in the fear of the Lord, & in his New Covenant (and to keep the sabbath in Christ) |
as the Jewes did their Children & Sevants; in the Old Covenant, & so do you |
admonish yor Children, & Servants, & let no man live to himself, but in ye love |
that seek no her own. ~ |
9 |
And have an Eye over them yt comes to Spy out your Libertie in Christ, & will re= |
port out of your Meetings things to make advantage and to the defameing of |
Persons. |
10 |
And let every one seek the good of another and their welfare in the Truth. |
11 |
And let one make their Conditions every ones, & not their Conditions theirs, |
& this keeps in a Father, or Mother to condiscend to a Child; & all live in the seed wch |
hath ye blessings, & ye Wisdome by that you may Order all things to Gods glory over |
the Evill seed that is out of ye Truth. |
Friends keep to the Antient Principles of Truth. |
1 |
First be at a word in all your callings & dealings without Oppression. |
2 |
To the Sound Language thou to every one. |
3 |
Your Testimony against the Worlds Fashions. |
4 |
Your Testimony against the Priests, & Their Tythes, & maintenance. |
Against the Old masshouses, & their repairing. |
6 |
Against the worlds Joyning in Marriage, & ye Priests, & to stand up for Gods Joyning. |
7 |
Against Swearing, & the Worlds manners, & fashions. |
8 |
And against all looseness, & pleasure, & Prophaneness whatsoever. |
9 |
And against all the Worlds Wayes, & Worships, & Religions, & to stand up for Gods. |
10 |
And to see that every one that hath done wrong to any one yt they do restore. |
11 |
And yt all differences be made up speedily. |
12 |
And that all bad things be Judged speedily, that they do not fly abroad to Corrupt Peoples minds. |
13 |
And that all reports be stopped to ye defaming of any one. |
This is to be read in Friends Meetings as often as they have occasion. |
that people may hear, & fear the Lord. |
G. F. |
4Friends, The Law of Love must be kept among all the Saints in Light, which law |
of love is not provoked; & this Law of love slayes the enmity, & bars all things, |
& endures all things, & hopes all things; & this Law of love must be kept among all |
the Children of God, wherein the unity is preserved, & all is preserved by the Law of |
love in the Love of God, & the Law of Faith must be kept by all the Faithful |
ones, & amongst them, in the faith of Gods Elect is the Law of faith among the |
Elect before the foundation of the World was; wch Law of Faith keeps ym in |
victory, wth faith gaives Victory & Access to God, & purifies the heart, by wch faith |
they are saved; wch faith gives victory over that which seperates from God, in |
wch faith they all please God: And in this Law of faith they have all authority, |
& victory & unity: and so the Law of Faith keeps ever yt wch displeases God, |
& makes People impure, & corrupts them, or brings ym to destruction, and so by this |
Faith they are saved & purified, & please God, wch is the Gift of God; & Christ the |
author of it; & therefore keep this Law of Faith, the Just lives by his Faith, |
for the Just has ye Law of faith to pass Sentence on yt wch would not have him |
have the Victory. but keeps him bondage. all the spiritual have the Law of |
the Spirit, by which Law of the Spirit they have Authority, & a power to Mortifie |
sin, & evil, & Crucifie the Deeds of ye body; and have authority by the Lords Spirit |
to put off the Old man wth his Deeds; & have Power & authority from the Lords spirit |
to Crucifie ye Affections, and the Lusts of ye Flesh; & by the Law of the Spirit |
they have authority & Power to judge all Chambering & wantonness, evil speak= |
=ings, & evil words, & evil Communications, & all manner of evil words, & works |
that proceeds from the evil Spirit out of the Truth, & together with the Works of |
the flesh, as wrath, Malice, Envy, Theft, Murder, Fornication, By the Law of |
the Spirit there is a power & authority given to pass sentence, & Judge all these |
works together wth the Spirit from whence they came. And so by the Law of the Spirit |
of Life yt is in Christ Jesus, ye Saints have power, and authority to Jud[g]e the Law |
of Sin, & the man of sin from whence it came; & to Judge the Law of death with |
the Law of Life, & the Power of death the Devil from whence the Law of death |
came, which Law of Life was before death & his Law was, & has power over him |
and his Law, and the Saints sit on the head of him, freemen by the Law of Life & |
Law of the Spirit that’s in Christ Jesus, that was before sin was & his Law death |
was, & his Law So the Saints have the Law of Love, ye Law of faith ye Law of |
the Spirit, ye Law of Life. In Victory atop Enmity, In Life atop of Death, |
in the Spirit atop of Sin, the Law of sin is in Old Adam, in transgression, & |
disobedience, & amongst his sons, & daughters in disobedience, & transgression |
of Gods Spirit. & such has the Law of sin from the man of Sin, & the Law |
of death from the Prince of Death. ye God of the World that lies in wickedness |
& the Law of Sin & Death they plead for till they go to the grave, & so plead for ye |
prince of Death, & darkness, & the God of their world yt lies in Wickedness as long as |
they live, but the Law of Life, & the Law of the Spirit, ye Law of Faith ye Saints |
have in Christ Jesus the 2d Adam, Who is Author of the Law of Love, & ye Law of |
Faith which the Saints are to keep & walk in, wch they have from Christ, Who never |
transgressed, neither was there any guile found in his mouth; & Christ, Who bruiseth |
the head to the Serpent. Who is the head of the Law of Sin & death it self, & the Law |
in the members. And so in Christ Live. Who bruiseth this; who was, & is the Saints |
Life & will be to all Eternity, Who is first, & last, ye Amen. |
G. F. |
5Dear Friends My love in the Lord to you all among whom I have Laboured, |
and my desires are the God of all peace, & his Son of Peace may fill all yor Hearts |
with his Love, & Peace, & Wisdome, & Knowledge in all things to do his Heavenly |
glorious Will, in that you will know his Sons doctrine, & as you know it obey it, |
& my desires are in the Lord yt you may all walk worth of your Vocation, and |
of him that hath called you to holyness & Righteousness, & to peace; so yt his peace |
may flow as River, & Righteousness run down as a stream to the gladding of |
the City of God, ye walls of wch is power, & Salvation, & Light, & Life. And now |
my Friends first all yor Meetings keep in the Name of Jesus, in whom you have |
all Salvation, wch is above every name under ye whole Heaven, in whom there is |
no Salvation. |
And also all yor Men & Womens Meetings every where keep in the Power of ye Lord |
Jesus Christ his Gospel, by which he hath brought Life & Immortality to Light in |
you, yt you may see over him that hath darkned you, & before he was, wch Power will |
preserve you in Life & in Immortality: So yt now you may all Labor in the Gosp[el] |
the Power of God, in his Glorious Power, & Comfortable Gospel; & Joyfully ser= |
=ving the Lord in his Gospel of Peace, through which Gospel you have peace with |
God: so that in this Gospel the Power of God there can nothing come betwixt you & |
God: Here is your Everlasting Order, not of Man, nor by Man: so that all the faith[=] |
=full Men & Women May in the Lords power be stirred up in their Inheritances |
of the Same Gospel, & to labour in it, helps Meet in the resturation, as Man & |
Woman before they fell. In the Garden of God all are to work in his righteousness, |
in his Image, in his Power, in his Garden to subdue the Earth, & to keep the dominion |
in his power in the resturation as Man & Woman did in the Image of God before |
they fell; & whosoever would hinder you in this Work. it is the same serpents Spirit |
that Led Adam & Eve into the fall from the work of God; which now would keep |
you in the fall to do his work, & Command, & not the Lords, & therefore over yt |
keep your dominion, Authority, & Inheritance in the Resturation in the power |
of God, in which every one of you must give an account to God, & therefore |
be diligent in the Lords power, Light, Life, & Spirit in which you all see your services |
to God; so yt he may be glorifyed among you all, & in you all; & over you all his |
glory may shine. |
And all ye Men & Women in yor Men & Womens Meetings be diligent, Labouring |
in the Light, Life, & the power of God the Gospel in ye Garden, & Church of |
God; so yt Righteousness may flow down amongst you, Truth, & Godliness, |
Purity, Vertue & Holyness over all that is contrary; & that ye weight, & care |
of Gods Glory, and his honour, & his pure holy name, & his Truth, Religion, & |
Worship you may all stand up for against that wch would in any wise cause it |
to be evil spoken of by ill walkers. & talkers. & let all things you do be done in |
love; & condescend one unto another in the Power of the Lord, & in his Truth; |
and in it have es^teem one of another, And let all things be done among you |
without any strife, for it’s love that edifies the body, & knits it together, |
& unites it to Christ the Heavenly & holy head. |
And Now you Women tho you have been under the reproach because |
Eve was first in transgression, but the promise was that the seed of the |
Woman should bruise the Serpents head yt led her first in transgression, |
and the Man also: & this promise of God is fulfilled: A Virgin should have a Child, |
and they should call his name Emmanuel God wth us again; for Man & Woman |
was drove from God out of Paradise, & the Serpent became their head & God of ye |
World; but Christ is come according to the promise of God, & his Prophets who |
was born of a Virgin, & therefore saith Mary my spirit hath rejoyced in God my |
Saviour, my soul doth Magnifie the Lord for he hath regard to the Low estate of |
his handmaid for behold from hence forth all Generations shall call me blessed, |
Now here comes the reproach to be taken off from Women who were first in trans= |
=gression, & wch are not suffered to speak in the Church: But here Mary did speak & |
believe that wch was spoken to her: And also the reproach & transgression taken off |
of men that believe in the Seed Christ Jesus; who bruiseth the head of ye Serpent yt has |
brought Man & Woman into his Image, & his Works, wch Christ destroyes him & his |
works, & renews Man & Woman up into the Image of God as they were in before |
they fell, & into the Power to have dominion to work in his Garden to subdue |
the Earth &c, so that all are now to Labour in the Garden of God yt are in the |
power & Image of God brought by Christ Jesus yt bruises the serpents head, yt has been |
head in them all: so that Christ Jesus may be head in all Men & Women, & every Man |
& Woman may act from him their holy head, Life & Salvation, & keep his heavenly |
peace in his Church. And every Living member believing in the Light wch is the Life in |
Christ, & so grafted into him ye fountain of Life, water of Life, & do feel the Living springs, |
& the Rivers Springing up in ym To Eternal Life, wch are the Living Stones, ye Spiritual |
Household, of wch Christ is both head, Rock & Foundation & Christ is called ye Green |
tree, which green tree never withers, in whom they are Grafted by belief in ye Light, |
which is ye Life in him, from whom they all receive their Heavenly Living nou= |
=rishment, through wch every graft is nourished, yn it comes to bud, & bring forth |
fruit to ye praise of the Eternal God, now every one of these living believers are |
Members of ye Living Church in God wch Christ is ye head of, & every member in ye |
Church hath an Office; & so every member is serviceable in the body in his office. |
wthin the Light wch is over darkness, & was before it was; within the Life over |
death, & before it was; & in the Power of God which was before the power of ye |
serpent was; & so they are in this Light. Life & power to execute their Office: I say |
within this divine Light, Life, & Power, & Spirit of God for Gods glory. In Truth, |
Purity, Virtue, Holyness, & Righteousness they are to stand up for Gods glory, |
& the Honour of his Son, & receive him who hath all power in Heaven & Earth |
given to him; & all that receive him he gives them power to become the Sons & |
Daughters of God; yn in his Power all are to act, & walk, & serve God in their |
Generation, & in it to serve their generation, yea & in the New Creation in |
Righteousness, & Holyness, & stand up in his power for his Glory, & in his Power |
Righteousness, & Holyness yt Christ brings unto them, & renues in ym, & so into ye |
resturation, yt they may Labour in ye Church & Garden of God in his Power to |
his Everlasting Praise & Glory Amen. |
G. F. |
And all Friends stand fast in the Libertie wherewith Christ hath made you |
free, & in the Libertie in the faith which Christ Jesus is the Author, & finiser |
of; which Faith purifieth your hearts, & is the Victory, in which you have access |
to God; the mysterie of which is held in a pure conscience, in which Faith it hath |
its true Ribertie [sic]. And keep in the Liberty of the Everlasting Glorious Gospel of |
Peace which is not of Man nor by Man but from heaven; wch Gospel bringeth |
& hath brought Life, & Immortality to Light & will preserve you in Life, and in |
Immortality over him that hath darkened you: & in this Gospel you have an Ever= |
=lasting Liberty, & Peace & in the Truth wch maketh you free from him yt is out of |
Truth, this free state all are to keep in, & also in ye pure holy spirit of God, & Christ, |
yt doth mortifie all yt is to be mortified, & Circumcised; & doth Baptize you into |
one body: In this Holy Spirit you are to walk, which leadeth you into all Truth, |
in which is your Unity, & Fellowship, & giveth liberty from yt which hath grie[v=?] |
=ed it & vexed, & quenched it, & so in the Liberty, & Fellowship, & Unity if ye Holy, |
Pure Peaceable Spirit; & in ye Unity & Liberty of it you are all to dwell. |
which is the Bond of the Prince of Princes Peace. |
G. F. |
6A Paper given forth from Friends of ye half year
Meeting in Dublin.
Dear Friends It being Known to us yt ye antient of dayes is come to bring things |
in ye Antient Order yt ye searcher of all hearts is come to search throughly, |
yt ye Rock of Ages is appeared for People to build thereon, that ye comelyness, |
& beauty of him is now seen whose face hath been ^more marred yn ye face of any Man |
whose glorious brightness hath enlightned our understanding; by which Candle |
of ye Lord we see ye state of ye Sons & Daughters of Men, & how ye Enemy of |
mankind goeth about seeking whom he may devour: & entangle again wth ye glory |
and beauty of this world; & setting before Men & Women ye comlyness & decency |
of the severall fashions & Customes of ye World, as also the delight & pleasures wch |
may be had there in, by which we see many are ensnared by looking out at |
those things & not keep constantly upon their watch Tower, whereby they might |
see all the snares, & baits the Enemy of their Souls loads in the broad way, & Crooked |
by pathes for their hurt & destruction, & therefore ye Lord hath put it into our |
Hearts to be Willing, & to beseech all to be willing to come out, & lay aside all |
those dead things. which doth not become the Sons & Daughters Servants & |
Handmaids of ye Living God. after yt so gloriously in life & Power he hath |
appeared unto ym & we desire yt in all Men & Womens Meetings faithfull |
Men & Women be Chosen as have not entered into any of these things, but |
are come out, & kept out of ym all since they were Convinced of the Living Truth of |
God: Or such as now wth a ready & willing mind in ye dread & fear of ye Lord God |
Almighty will come out of ym all to ye end yt they wthout delay in ye meek & |
melting Spirit of ye Lord wth much tenderness may visit all those yt have - |
entred, or keep in ye Worlds fashions in their Apparrel, Household stuff, or |
otherwise: or in selling those things wch ye faithful People of God cannot Law= |
fully use, or wear, & to exhort ym to come out of ym all, & If any are not willing, |
& do not come out of those things after they be twice or thrice exhorted, yn those |
yt exhorted ym to acquaint the Men & Womens Meetings with it to whom they |
do belong, to ye end they may be had before the Meeting to answer for their so doing |
yt the glory & Honour of ye Lord may be over all in us to our Comfort & Consolation– |
This Paper was subscribed by sixty one Men & Women Friends. |
7Concerning hasty Marriage. |
In case the wife dye, now for ye Husband to take another Wife, or ye Widdow |
another man wthin five or six Months or more ye sober part of ye World would |
cry out shame against ym for such unclean Practices: & be ready to say with Chasti= |
=ty, Temporance, or Moderation do they manifest more yn some of us who Marry |
in so short a time, for it is oft-times the Practice of ye People ye World so to do, |
in so much as it is become a common Proverb among ymselve by reason of ye hasty |
Marriage to say, such a Man Married such a Woman (it being within ye year) |
before his wife was scarse cold in her grave, If I say he or she Marry within ye twelve |
month; But such Kind of Marriages doth not shew forth your Chastity, & Prudence, |
& Moderation; whereas we should shew it beyond the World, both Widdowers & Widdows |
that we have power over our selves, & over our affections; & so yt we are loose by ye |
Power of God to God; & so to keep every way a Dominion, whereby you will Judge ye |
World in these things Namely for their too much forwardness Intemperance & want |
of Chastity: & therefore be not too hasty to marry, but shew forth yor moderation and |
Chastity in your Orderly Marrying. |
G. F. |
8If a man find a Maid yt is not betrothed, & take her, & lye with her, yn ye Man yt |
Lay with her shall give to ye Maids Father fifty shekels of silver, & she shall be his |
wife because he humbled her, he cannot put her away, all his Life: Deut: 22.18.19. & |
this was ye Command of God in his Law wch ye Apostle saith in ye 7th of ye Rom: |
is Spiritual, Holy, just & Good: & we establish ye Law Rom: 3:31. Now for any |
to profess ye Gospel whose works & actions be below ye Law they are Judged both |
by Law & Gospel: & so by ye Law of God he must Marry her tho this Marriage is not hono= |
=rable. ~ |
G. F. |
An Epistle from Stephen Crisp To be read in ye Womens Meetings of Friends9 |
Friends In that Love that springs from the Root of Life, which hath brought forth many |
Living Branches, doth my Salutation reach unto you, In which we have our Refresh= |
=ments, & Incouragements in the Work of God, in this our Generation: & the more |
your Minds are gathered into yt Living Root Christ Jesus, the Everlasting Head |
of all Living Members, both Male & female, the more Incouragements you will feel |
in your service to God. And therefore, Dear Friends, though you be weak in yourselves |
yet in him is strength; & when ye Lack Wisdome, wait upon him, & he will Replenish you, |
and fill you with his Heavenly Counsel, to your soul’s Refreshment. ~ |
And my Friends, above all things, live in ye Fear of God, & in love & Tenderness one to= |
=wards another; & Let not the Enemy that lies in wait to destroy, Break the Band |
of your Peace; for while ye keep the peace of God unbroken, ye can communicate |
one to another of the Gifts & Grace of God, & so will daily feel a being the better one |
for another, which will beget a Dearness & Esteem in you towards one another. & in |
yt Dearness & Tenderness meet together about the Lords work Seeking with one Consent |
to Exalt the Name of the Lord, & to honour it above your own Merits; & let none |
seek Exaltation, but know this, that the Humblest & most self=denying, is highliest |
honoured of God, & fittest to do him service; & they that are most long Suffering |
& Patient, are most like to Christ the Head; & in such his Vertue will shine, |
& so make it self known. ~ |
And. Friends, have a care in your Meetings, to give due honour unto every |
Member in the Body, remembering none are useless, but stir up one another to |
their Proper Service in ye house of God, & let not the foot be troubled that it is not |
a hand, nor the hand that is not an Eye, but every one give thanks, that by the |
Grace of God you are what you are; & be Faithful in your place & Service yt ye |
may witness a Growth. & in your Meeting together, wait to feel the Rising if ye Life, |
& opening of ye Wisdom of God in one another, & let that speak and propound |
things needful & necessary for your Welfare, & ye Welfare of ye Church: And in th[e] |
Wisdom chuse out two of you Meeting, to commit the trust & Charge of the Contributio[ns] |
that are among you unto; & let them keep a Booke, in which your Charity and |
good works may be Recorded, for the Comfort & Example of them yt follow afte[r] |
Also chuse out one of each particular Meeting, & Lay it upon ym in ye Lord, to |
take care in their Respective Meeting on your behalf. |
1 |
That no Woman Young nor old. in their Respective Meetings, walk disorderly or |
Wantonly, but yt they be Admonished & Counselled speedily. |
2 |
That no Necessities that may fall upon any who are worthy, may be neglected |
or disregarded, nor delayed, until a Meeting, but they may be forthwith Comforted. |
that so the Enemy who lies in wait to tempt the Poor in the hour of their distress, |
may be prevented. |
3 |
That no Maids carry themselves unseemly toward their Mistresses, nor Mistresses |
toward their Servants: but if such things should happen, let the Matter be take[n] |
up & ended, & not to part asunder with evil in their Minds one toward another; |
for yt will spread & hurt others. |
4 |
That all Women Professing Truth, & having Children, may bring ym up in ye fea[r] |
of God; & yt they use no Uncomely, Rash nor Passionate Words unto ym, for yt |
sows an Evil seed in the Children, which may come up & dishonour God in ye ne[xt?] Generation. |
5 |
That no Women-Friends may speak evil of one another, nor fall out wth one |
another, nor carry evil in their Minds one against another; nor bear Tales ab[out?] |
to beget others in Evil, & into partyship but yt all such things may be speedily |
suppress’d & borne down in the Power & Judgment of God. |
And let that Woman-Friend give Account to ye Meeting, of such as will not receive |
admonition, yt some other friends may take the care of such a Matter upon them, & |
endeavour to break through the hardiness, In ye Wisdome & Love of God. |
And if yt Woman-Friend have laid out Money, let ye Meeting order ye two friend[s] |
who keep ye Collection, to reimburse her; yt so every one may be encouraged in yt |
work of ye Lord & ye may, as wth one shoulder, bear the Lord’s burden in this d[ay?] |
of Travail, & also ye burdens of ye weak, Who sometimes are neither strong enough,[nor?] |
wise enough to bear their own Burdens; & afterward, they may grow up to be sens[ible?] |
of yor Tenderness, & to bless you in the Name of ye Lord. |
So, my Dear Friends, feel my love, & live in yt from whence it springs, & ye God of |
Love & Life, Bless, Prosper & keep you in his Fear to the End, to be Fellow-helpers |
with the Lord in his Work, Comfort & Refreshment to your Brethren, and to lea[d?] |
a Holy, Innocent, Upright, Testimony & Example to ye Generations yt shall [follow ?] |
I rest your Friend in ye Truth. |
S. C. |
10Concerning Marriage in the Kindred |
We do grant it was there, & after the Law to keep up their Tribes, & their Lands by |
Lott (if yt ye deceased had not Children, they were to Raise up seed to their dead B[ro] |
ther) but Christ is come yt raises up the Seed of his dead Brethren, Who redeems out of the |
Tribes & Earth: For Jew & Gentile all are one without Christ & with in, & (by the Law [of] |
God & Gospel) to Marry in the kindred was forbidden: for it was ye Custome of ye Heath[ens?] |
ye Canaanites, & Egyptians. as you may read in Levit:18. And therefore ye Lord commands to |
Keep his Statutes, & Judgments, & live in ym, for he was their Lord who Orders, & Governs all |
his People, & Commands yt they shall not approach to any that ^was near of kin to him: & yt |
he was not to Marry the Sister ye daughter of ye Father, Nor ye Daughter of ye Mother wheith[er] |
she was born at home or abroad, nor the Sons Daughter, nor thy Daughters Daughter yt is |
the Cousen; nor were they to Marry wth their Fathers Wives Daughter begotten by |
their Father, for she was his Sister they were not to Marry with all, for she was a near |
Kinswoman, Thou shalt not take to Wife thy Aunt; thou shalt not marry Daughter in Law |
nor thy brothers wife, neither shalt thou Marry a Woman & her Daughter, neither shalt thou |
Marry thy Sons Daughter, or her Daughters, or her Daughter. therefore we do utterly |
deny all Marriages to any kindred, to any Cousen, we cannot give Liberty to admit it, |
John Baptist who saw Christ Reproved Herod for Marrying his Kinswoman. Therefore |
Friends live in ye spirit that reproves these things. |
And further if any Friend Intends to Marry a Young Woman or Maid let ym speak to her |
Father & Mother first if in case they go to their house upon Such an Account about |
Marriage & not to draw out the Maids affections first, & yn afterwards to speak to ye |
Father & Mother, that’s the Practice of the Worst of Men in the World, & not the Civil, |
men in ye World: for if they go upon such an Account to marry a Mans Daughter |
they will go & speak wth ye Father & Mother first before they proceed in ye thing wth ye |
Daughter, For Abraham when he sent to take a wife for his Son Isaac, his Servant, |
Eleazar did his Massage unto Bethuel (before he would eat or drink with them) concern |
ing ye Marriage & yn they called the Maid, & speak to her about it, & she Consented, & |
they said it was of ye Lord, & they could not gain say it. So yt If you should Meddle |
with ye young woman first, & draw her Affections, & after speak to her Father, & |
Mother, this brings the Father & Mother into Sorrow & Trouble, & cannot tell many |
times what to do fearing least their Daughter should be spoiled, and that brings con- |
fusion, & is for Judgment as is the worst of Mens Practice, & so I say is for Condemnation |
G. F. |
11All Friends keep in the tender Life of the Lamb over yt Unruly Puffed up, & swelling Spirit |
whose work is for strife, contention & division; drawing into looseness & false Liberty |
under a pretence of Conscience, & dangerous to ye spoiling of youth, & they yt do encou= |
=rage ym will be guilty of their destruction; & set up a sturdy will instead of Conscience |
in their Rage, & Passion; which will both quench the Universal Spirit in themselves |
& in every Man & Woman; & so yt Spirit Shall not have the Libertie in ymselves nor in others; & |
so hath shut up the Kingdome of Heaven in ym selves, & also in others: & so a loose Spirit |
under a pretence of Libertie of Conscience, or a Stubborn Will Making a Profession |
of the Words of Truth in a forme without Power; all loosness & Villany will be |
sheltered & covered under this Pretence which is for Eternal Judgment for yt doth |
dishonour God: And therefore keep to ye tender Spirit of God in all Humility, & in it |
you may know yt you are all Members of one another In the Spirit. & not in ye Flesh; So |
here is no man Ruling over the Woman as Adam did over Eve in the fall, but Christ ye |
Spiritul man among, & over his Spiritual Members which is Edified in ye heavenly |
Love yt is shed in their Hearts from God where all strife ceases. |
11th 5 Month 1678 |
G. F. |
12Dear Friends to whom is my Love in ye Heavenly seed in whom all nations, is blessed: oh there |
fore keep ^all in this Seed in wch you are blessed; & in wch Abraham, & all ye Faithfull was |
blest with out ye Deeds of ye Law, & so ye Promise was, & is with ye Seed, & now wth ye |
Law of ye first Covenant, & in this Seed all Nations & ye are blessed which bruiseth ye |
head of ye seed which broug[h]t the curse, & Seperated between Man & God; this is the Seed wch Reco[n] |
=ciles you to God, & this is ye Seed in which you are blessed both in Temporals, & Spirituals, |
through wch you have an Inheritance yt cannot be defiled among ye Sanctified; neither |
can any defiled thing enter into It’s possession; for all defilement is out of this Seed, this |
is that wch leavens up into ye New lump, & bruiseth the head of ye Wicked Seed yt Leavens into |
ye Old Lump, upon whom the sun of Righteoness goes down, & sets, but never goes down, |
nor sets to ym that walk in ye Seed in which all nations are blessed, by wch seed they are |
brought up to God, wch puts down yt Seed wch Seperated betwixt ym & God, so yt there comes |
to be nothing betwixt ym & God, & so now all my dear Friends my desire is that you may all |
be valiant in this Heavenly Seed for God & his Truth upon ye Earth, & spread it abroad |
answering yt of God in all, yt wth it ye Minds of People may be turned towards ye Lord, yt he |
may come to be known & served, & Worshiped; & yt ye may all be ye Salt of ye earth to make ye unsea= |
=soned Savoury. And in ye Name of Jesus keep yor Meetings who are gathered into it in whose |
name you have Salvation, & he in the Midst of you, Whose Name is above every Name under |
the Whole Heaven; & so you have a Prophet, a Bishop, Shepherd, & Priest & Counsellor above all |
Counsellors, & Priests, Bishops, Prophets, & Shepherds under ye Whole Heaven to exercise his |
Offices among you in your Meetings yt is gathered in his Name; & so Christs Mee[t]= |
=ing & gathering is above all ye Meetings & gatherings under ye Whole Heaven: & so his |
Body his Church & he ye Head of it is above all bodies, & Churches, & heads under ye |
Whole Heaven; & So ye Faith wch Christ is ye Author of, & ye Worship wch he hath set |
up, & his Fellowship in his Gospel is above all Historical Faiths, & ye Faiths wch |
Man hath made together wth their Worships & Fellowships under ye Whole Heaven. |
And now dear Friends keep your Men & Womens Meetings in ye Power of God ye |
Gospel the Authority of ym wch brings Life, And Immortality to Lighten you. & this |
Gospel ye Power of God will preserve you in Life. & Immortality wch hath brough[t] |
it to Light in you. yt ye may see over him yt hath darkened you from Life & Immo[r-] |
-tality (yt would throw down your Men & Womens Meetings) in ye power of God |
ye Gospel; & darken again from this Life & Immortality wch ye Gospel hath brought to |
Light, & Will preserve you in Life & Immortality, as your Faith stands in ye Power of God |
ye Gospel: in wch every one sees your Work & service for God, & ever Heir of ye Power |
of God ye Gospel hath right to this Authority wch is not of Man, nor by Man; wch Gospel |
ye Power of God is Everlasting an Everlasting Order & Everlasting Fellowship, & in |
Gospel is Everlasting Joy, Comfort, & Peace, & will outlast all those Joyes, Comforts, |
& Peace that will have an end, & also that Spirit yt opposes its Order, & the Glorious |
Fellowship. Peace & Comfort in it: And now my Dear Friends my desire is yt you may |
keep in ye Unity of ye Spirit. That Baptizes you all into ^one Body. wch Christ is ye Heavenly |
Spiritual Head of. So yt you may See, & Witness to your Spirituall, & Heavenly Head, |
& so all drink into Spirit: wch all People upon the Earth is not Like to drink into one |
Spirit while they grieve, quench, & Rebell against it nor to be Baptized into one Body, & to |
keep the Unity of ye Spirit wch is the Bond of ye King of Kings, & Lord of Lords |
Peace; wch is ye duty of all true Christians to keep, wch are Inwardly united to Christ. |
And so with my Love in ye Everlasting Seed. |
G. F. |
13Friends; There is a Summer Religion yt is up, & Flourisheth while ye Sun Shineth, & while |
they have ye Club, ye staff & ye Bag; but wn ye Winter & ye Storm & Tempest cometh |
they fly under the hils, & Mountains, & Trees to cover & shelter ymselves (but this is n[?] |
Ye Nature of ye Sheep of Christ,) in their Bestiall Religion, whose flight is in ye Wind |
whom the Powers do Seperate from their Religion, Worship Church (as they call it) their D[?] is |
But ye Nature of ye Sheep is not so; the Sheep will get a top of ye highest hill & mountain, & set |
their backs & Tails against the Storm, Weather, & Tempest, & bleat for one another: & |
the Dogs are abroad among ye sheep they will run all together, but they yt are not ye Sheep in him |
Will scatter, & be scattered wn any thing feareth ym; But part the Sheep asunder, & they will e[?] |
all On heaps again; & will keep together. & neither Storm, Tempest, nor Winter, nor Pow[er?] |
nor Principalities, can Seperate ym from the Love of God wch they have in Christ Jesu[s] |
their shepherd; & so Christs sheep beareth fruit in ye winter, & Tempest. & hath neither |
bag, staff, nor Club, but is in the Vine bearing fruit; sitting atop on ye Highest |
hill & Mountain, with their backs against ye weather. |
G. F. |
14To ye Quarterly Men & Womens Meetings wch are Gathered.
in the Name & Power of Jesus.
15G Fs Testimony at a Yearly Meeting in London
3d Month 1681
To Friends; Blessed be ye Name of the Lord who hath been ye Preserver of his Peopl[e] |
to this day, in wch the great Love of God to Mankind hath been made manifes[t] |
For Christ said God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son |
Yt [That] whosoever Believeth in him should not Perish, but have Everlasting |
Life Joh. 3.16. |
Now my Friends yt this you may mind; Man was drove from God when |
he had disobeyed him; & all are in ye Corrupt state while man is drove from God: |
But now God so Loved ye World yt he gave his only begotten Son; His Begotten; |
not ye Begotten of Adam in the Fall, Son, nor Daughter, but his Begotten; |
For God did not take a Son, or Daughter of Adam, but his Own Son, his only |
Begotten: Now wn [when] his Son came who Received him? Who had Faith in him? |
For it’s said wn the Son of Man cometh shall he find Faith in ye Eart[h]. |
For ye Son of God ye Beloved is ye Author & Finisher of Faith to the |
Sons & Daughters of Men; Men may make Faiths, & Creeds, but what are they |
all good for? So now ever Man yt hath ye true Faith must have it from God; |
& his Son Christ Jesus; & not from the Sons & Daughters of Adam in ye fall. |
& Transgression. |
For God so Loved ye World yt he gave his Only Begotten Son into ye World, |
The first born of every Creature; he gave his Son, who by ye Grace of God tasted |
Death for every Man to be a Propitiation for our Sins, He did not take |
a Son or Daughter of Adam in ye Fall yt they should be a Sacrif[i]ce for ye Sins |
of ye World, but Gods Son; Here was a Promise ye Seed of the Woman shall |
bruise ye Serpents Head. Here is another Promise w[ht?] his Name should be: |
Immanuel ^God with us |
So Now Friends Man being drove from God ye Seed of ye Woman bruises |
the Head of ye Serpent yt so Man may come back again to God; And therefore |
every Man & Woman must feel this Emmanuel (God wth us) in ym for it’s not Professing |
ye Saints Words, & Painting their Sepulchres as ye Scribes, & Pharisees did. So now |
Friends, Man & Woman being drove from God, every Man & every Woman must feel |
this Emmanuel, if you feel God in you or with you; the Promises are yea & Amen in Christ |
ye Seed forever; ye Prophets Prophesied of him, & ye Tipes & Figures, & Shadows did |
Tipify him forth who is ye Substance that hath appeared ye second time without Sin |
unto Salvation. |
The Pharisees & Priests could tell by ye Scriptures where Christ should |
be Born, but who did Receive him, this Emmanuel? Men all Confess yt wee |
have been drove from God, & all Dyed in Adam, they have put on Adam by |
Death: Here Death & Destruction may talk of ye Fame of God, & Christ Jesus; we |
by Nature are ye Children of Wrath as Well as others saith ye Apostle; But before |
People come to be grounded & Established in ye Truth, & Light of Christ Jesus they |
must be turned Inward, & Baptized by one Spirit into one Body. |
But now being all dead in Adam, & Batized into his unclean Ghost, this |
foul Spirit out of Truth, & Plunged into the Death of Adam in transgression |
in Sin, & Unrighteousness, & all Ungodliness; Here was the Plunging into ye foul |
unclean Spirit; wn Adam went from God, & his Holy spirit he dyed, & all dyed in him |
Now come to ye Second Adam ye Lord of Glory who was not begotten by the |
Will of Man, he is a Baptizer: wth wt: by the Holy Ghost; Now this foul unclean |
Ghost hath brought all miserie & Darkness, Malice, Envy, & wrath into Man, & by it |
they are plunged into it. |
Now ye second Adam is come; he shall Baptize you wth Fire & ye Holy Ghost |
to burn up ye Chaff, wch must be burned out of every Man & Woman if ever they come to |
God; for all having been Baptized into Adam in ye Fall, they must know a Renewing, |
& a Baptizing again by Christ, before they come into ye Paradise of God again where |
this Chaff is cleansed out of ye Heart. |
Here is one Lord, one Faith. one Baptisme. All dead in Adam they must know |
a Baptism again: Many may go into Outward Water, but they must come to this Bap= |
=tism to be plunged wth this Spirit, this Holy Ghost to have their Corruptions burned up, |
& Plunged down by him yt Gathers ye wheat into ye Garner, & burns up ye Chaff wth |
unquenchable Fire. this must be plunged down, & burned up before Man comes to God. |
So now my Friends, they that have been Baptized into ye Death of Adam |
in Transgression have put him on; they have not put on Christ: But they yt are |
Batized into ye Death of Christ have put him on, & put off ye Old Man, & are Renew= |
=ed in their Minds to God again, so every Man & Woman must know this |
Baptism of Christ, and as the Apostle did say to some ye are all Baptized into |
one Body by one Spirit: So now this Holy pure Spirit of God yt doth plunge |
down Sin & Iniquity, this pure Spirit is yt which was in Man before ye foul Spirit |
got into Man & Woman by Transgression, the Pure Spirit of God was before yt was; |
And this pure Spirit brings & Unites all into ^one Spirituall Body wch the Spiritual |
man is ye Head of; Who is ye first-born of every Creature; He is not that Son yt was |
Born by ye Will of Man, but by ye Will of God; So yt No Son or Daughter of Adam |
in ye Fall can be Head of the true Church, but he that was ye first begotten of |
God, Who tasted Death for every Man, this must People know, & every man feel in |
their own Particulars by his Grace & Truth If they will come to Life & Salvation |
by Jesus Christ, who is ye Head & Saviour of his Church. |
So now Man being drove from God, ye Emmanuel God wth us Christ Jesus |
is come into his Temple: There was Figures, Types, & Shaddows in ye time of |
the Law, & Severall things did Tipe forth, yt ye Substance was to come wch is now |
come: Therefore Said ye Apostle it pleased ye Father to Reveal his Son; ye Son of God; |
not of Old Adam, Reveal his Son in me, yn he did Preach Emmanuel ^God with us: |
& yt ye believers were ye Temple of God: The Faith of Gods Elect was known |
in Christ; & here is no Life out of this Faith in Christ, but in him is enjoyment of |
Peace; Here is ye Comfort of Christ Jesus, ye Emmanuel God with us; here is the seed of |
ye Woman yt bruises ye Head of ye Serpent: so as it was said ye Gospel was preached |
to Abraham, saying in thy Seed shall all nations of ye Earth be blessed. So now ye |
Gospel was Preached to Adam, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob; it is in ye Seed Christ. |
And so Friends all People must come into this Seed yt are blessed, & standing |
& Living in this seed here is Glory to God in ye Highest, here is ye standing Rock |
ye Rock of Ages, & standing foundation. He that bruises ye Serpents Head is come, |
who is ye Foundation, & Rock of all true Believers in ye Light, ye Light in Christ |
ye seed to build on, so bruises the Head of all other false Foundations, all yt wch must |
have an end, yt had a Beginning among men; all their Formallities must have an |
end, ye Substance is come; here is ye Foundation, yea ye Heavenly & Holy Foundation, |
a Foundation not of Man, but of ye Heavenly Man: not of ye Sons & Daughters of |
Old Adam, but ye Son of God. In thy Seed shall all Nations be blessed; & no nation |
can be in ye Blessing except in the Seed, O ye Everlasting Love of God to all Mankind: |
Here the pure God hath his Glory, & Praise, & Honour over all in his Pure Seed Blessed for |
ever: & here is ye Emmanuel God wth Man; here is stability & Settlement upon this Rock |
this Seed yt bruises ye head of ye Serpent (yt leads from God) in which all Nations are blessed, |
Thee out of this seed to talk of ye Prophets, Talk of ye Figures & Shaddows yt Tipe forth |
ye Seed thou hast not ye Blessing: So here in ye Seed Christ Jesus in ye Gospel shall all |
Nations be blessed; So all Nations Must come into this Seed in wch ye Living God hath his |
Praise, his Living Praise, his Living Honour, who is over all in his Heavenly Power. |
There is a setled established state, being built on him ye Emmanuel God with us, |
by whom Man is Reconciled to God: So every man know & feel him your Possession, in |
whom all ye Promised Figures, Tipes & Shaddows end, in him ye Substance, here |
is comfort of the Promises enjoying ye Substance, & here Praises arise to ye Everlasting |
God thorow Christ, & to him yt was, & is to come, ye second Adam ye Lord from |
Heaven: So now my friends this Answers to that of ye Apostles in their Dayes, wt [what] they |
saw & enjoyed: But now as People come again to this Light & Life, Grace & Truth, |
& ye Seed Christ Jesus from whence ye same comes: So they come to enjoy him again |
as ye Apostle saith, E[x]amine your selves, prove your own selves. know you not your |
own selves, how yt Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates; the Apostle here |
would not have People to live in a Profession of God & Christ in Ungodliness. |
but enjoy & Possess Christ; & to examine ym selves wheither they are Reprobates, |
or not, but wt is a Reprobate? one yt is Wandred & dr^iven from God & Christ |
out of ye Way of Truth, one yt talks, & has not ye Possession, a Reprobate: There |
fore ye Apostle would have all to be true Christians, & to have Christ in them |
Christ in you the Hope of Glory, as Christ was in him. |
Therefore all Christians are to come to Try & Examine wheither Christ be |
in ym yea or Nay: wt they Dye unto, & wt they Live unto, Who it is yt makes ym |
alive again; So he being in ym ye Emmanuel God with us, here is no Repro= |
=bation; Examine your selves: If Christ be not in you. yn [then] you are Reprobates, |
the Apostle would have ym sound Christians, Possessors of Life & not Professors |
only: & therefore he bid ym Examine ym selves, this is ye day Wherein all must |
come to Examination, or how can they Preach Christ If he be not Revaled |
in ym: for saith ye Apostle wn it pleased ye Father to Reve^al his Son in me |
consulted not &c. And so he that had ye Son of God, & knoweth him to be Revealed |
in him hath Life Everlasting; this must all know & feel in their own particulars |
He yt doth Inherit him hath Peace, So now my Friends as People come out of ye |
Apostacie into ye Possession of this Heavenly Seed. Christ Jesus; If you have him |
you have Life Eternal, you have Peace with God, ye Emmanuel who Reconciles you |
to God again; & here you all come to Eat of ye Living bread yt comes down from Hea= |
=ven & drink of ye Living Waters, here is a Living Well comes to be Opened. O Blessing |
& Praises to ye King of Sion, him yt Lives & Reigns forever; So now Friends here |
is a Rock known; & we can say wt Rock is like our Rock who bruises ye Head of ye |
Serpent; All must come to him yt is over all false Foundations to him yt brings |
Man again ^into ye Image of God to build on Christ ye sure Foundation; So here |
People come all to Witness to be Baptized into him & put him on; & to know ye |
true Baptism yt plunges down ye false Spirit, & his works as ye Apostle saith |
we are all Baptized by one Spirit into one body, & here we all drink into one |
pure Spirit; ye Holy Spirit of God; drink in it here is unity. |
To drink in this one pure Spirit wch is over ye foul Spirit, or else how |
can it Baptize Man, or Plunge down Corruption if it be not above ye foul |
Spirit? So drink in this Pure Holy Spirit, here is ye Pure standing Fellow= |
ship; meet here, Feed here, drink here; many may come to sights, & Talk of these |
things, but Few come to be possessors of this Pure Spirituall standing. Baptism [?] |
yt Baptizeth into one Body, & to know Christ who was not Begotten by ye Will |
of Man but of God; Who came from ye bosome of ye Father to be the Head of ye |
Church: Now ym yt drink here will not drink of ye Whores Cup will not |
drink of any Profession of Leligion [sic] set up without ye pure Spirit of God, |
Because their drinking is in ye Spirit: Now here is a Fello^wship & perfect |
Unity in ye Heart & Spirit wch is ye Bond of Peace unites to God & one unto |
another in an intire Fellowship wch will stand wn all ye Fellowships in ye |
world are gone, this unites & makes us known one unto another in yt wch |
is Everlasting; not only in this World but in yt wch is to come; so this |
pure Spirit Baptizes into one Body this Spirit brings in Life, & Love, & |
Peace, & strength, & fills all wth good things; Ye foul Spirit hath No room |
in Man here drinking in this Holy pure Spirit. |
So now Friends here in this one pure Spirit is ye Unity of ye |
Church in God yt Christ is ye Head of, O blessed be God for ever: You Read of the |
Circumcision in ye Old Covenant to be Outward; & ye Men were to be Circum |
=cised before they did eat of ye Sacrifices: for the Uncircumcised were to go |
down into the Pit; this was in ye Old Testament; But Now in the New- |
=Testament ye Circumcision is in ye Spirit yt cuts off ye Body of Death & Sin in |
the Flesh wch hath got up into Man & Woman by Transgression; This all must come |
to Witness ye Circumcision in ye Spirit before they come to feed on ye Sacrifice |
Christ Jesus ye Bread yt comes down from Heaven. |
You must consider yt Father Adam & Mother Eve had not a Body |
of sin & Death before they went from God, But when they hearkened to ye Serpent |
they fell from ye Image of God; Therefore there must be a Circumcision in [?] |
ye Spirit to put off ye Body of Sin & Death wch hath got into Man & Woman |
by Transgression before they come to Feed on ye Heavenly Sacrifice Christ the |
Heavenly Spiritual Offering; for If they do not come to this Circumcision |
with ye pure Spirit they cannot come to feed on ye Heavenly Bread; for he yt |
is heavenly must be fed on by this Holy Heavenly Spirit; So every Man & |
Woman must know this Heavenly Circumcision, who is ye Circumciser & |
Baptizer: ye second Adam ye Heavenly Man, he Will baptize & Circumcise you |
he is ye Substance, this Heavenly Man; Every Mans Eye must be to him in ye light |
& Life, Grace, & Truth yt comes from him. |
The Light wch is ye Life in Christ hath been often talked of, & called |
Naturall, but this is a Mistake; for it is said in ye beginning was ye Word, & in |
ye Word was Life; so it was Life in ye Word before any Naturall Created Lights |
were, & before man was made, or Conscience either, ye Life in ye Word was |
before Old Adam; So they yt call it Naturall Created Light, or Conscience, |
are mistaken, Now this Light in Christ wch is ye Light in Man we have not |
from any of ye Sons, & Daughters of Old Adam; from whom yn [?] from ye |
second Adam whose name is called ye Word of God, by whom all things |
was made; So now every Man yt comes to be a Believer in ye Light, ye Life, |
in ye Word Christ; comes to be Grafted into Christ Jesus; here ye Root bears ye |
branches; these be living Members, & make up a Spiritual Household, So this |
Light, & Life comes not from Old Adam, or any of his Sons & Daughters, |
but from ye Second Adam ye Lord from Heaven, therefore they yt say to ye |
Contrary, & give ye Light other Names know not what they say; But they |
who are come into this Light ye Life in ye Word they are established upon |
Christ who is ye first & Last, & will be to all Eternity, Glory to God for ever: |
This Light was before all Naturall Lights were (& this Word was before all false |
words were) This was yt wch Christ taught to believe in, and they yt did Believe |
were setled & Established in Christ; For Gods Love was so great to Mankind yt |
he sent his Son a Light into ye World yt whosoever believes in him should not |
perish but have Everlasting Life; He yt believeth not is Condemned already: |
By one Mans Disobedience Condemnation came upon all. He yt comes out must |
believe; He yt believeth cometh out of Condemnation: Therefore now I say this |
Light ye Life in Christ keeps every Mans Eye to him from whom they Receive Power, |
& from whom they Receive his Law, they come to be a Subject under, his Government; |
here comes every one in their own Hearts to have a Testimony to ye Light, ye Second |
Adam ye Lord From Heaven, he yt never transgressed nor Sinned, nor never fell, |
So yn he in you, & you in him; here is ye Generall, Universal Love of God to all man= |
kind; therefore the Gospel hath & must be Preached to all Nations; for they yt have |
Received this Gospel of ye Son of God have received him, but you may say ye Apostle |
calls it his Gospel, yes, he Received it, & was Heir of ye Everlasting Gospel by yt wch |
came from God, & Christ came by none of Adams Sons: So this Order of ye Gospel ye |
Power of God is not from Old Adam, for this brings under ye Government of Christ, |
& this Power of God keeps Man clean, & Preserves him, being stronger yn ye Power |
of ye Devil: So all Mankind hath a Visitation of ye Gospel of Life & Salvation |
sounded to their Souls; but it is only ym yt Receive it & Obey it yt have ye Comfort |
of it for they that are established in ye Gospel are established in ye Power of God, |
Then this Gospel is their stability; So Glory to God for ever, this Gospel is from |
Heaven & not from Man, the Enemy cannot come into it every Man & Woman |
wth this Gospel wch hath brought Life & Immortality to Light they will see Christ, |
& come under his Government. Power & Wing yt will preserve, & he will gather ym as |
a hen gathers her Chickens under wings to keep ym from ye Vermin: Now Christ |
preserves from under ye Power of Darkness ye Devil yt is ye great devourer of Mankind; |
& so here under his Power & wing we can say thy Kingdome is an Everlasting Kingdom, |
it is established in his Power, So stability is in ye Gospel the Power of God. |
So now Friends two things are in my mind: first God poured out of his |
spirit upon all Flesh in ye New Covenant. But in ye Old Covenant God poured |
forth his Spirit on ye House of Israel & Judah; & they that were in ye Spirit of |
God yn saw this day of ye New Covenant: & yt God would poure of his Spirit upon all Flesh. |
So now all Flesh must come to this Spirit of God, & know this Spirit to be poured upon ym; |
this was general & ye other particular, he will pour of his Spirit upon all Flesh, so all |
Flesh must come to this Spirit if they will worship God. this Spirit doth not come from |
Adam, nor none of his Sons & Daughters, but from God. God Almighty must have ye eye, or |
Ear in his Spirit, so all come to this Spirit here is ye Comfort & Joy; this is that wch is |
not of Man; So this Holy Spirit makes all Subject, & settles ym upon Christ & God, |
let Waves & Persecutions, & wt ever come, here in this stand to be Preachers, & Possessors |
of this, they know in it their End even Everlasting Life |
So now here you may see the Love of God to Mankind yt he would not have ym to |
Perish, but to have Everlasting Life in Christ Jesus, but some will say how shall I come to |
know & have this good Spirit? you must leave ye bad Spirit yt leads into all badness, |
Wickedness, & all manner of Evill, but this Pure, Holy Spirit leads into all manner |
of Vertue, & all yt is good, there is a distinction one from ye other; as ye Apostle saith |
ye Fruit of ye good Spirit is love &c. |
So now Friends none to vex & quench, or give ye Spirit of God; for the Apos= |
tle saw some in his day going from ye Light Spirit & Gospel, ye Power of God, & |
went into ye Apostasie; therefore come again to ye Spirit & Truth yt leads out |
of the Apostasie, & so come to Christ; for as ye Law was given by Moses in ye |
Old Testament, so Grace & Truth came by Jesus Christ in ye New; In ye Old |
Testament they had their Offerings of ye Blood of Bulls, Goats, Rams, & Tythes, |
Swearing Temple, & all those Outward things: : But in ye New Testament ye |
Lamb Christ Jesus Offered up himself for all; & Said freely you have received freely |
give: Swear not at all; & hath abolished those Outward things; so there is a distinction |
between ye Old Covenant & ye New. |
Now as there was a going into ye Apostasie from ye Light, & Grace, & Truth, |
& Spirit of God in ye Inward parts, So there must be a coming again to ye Grace & |
Truth yt is come by Jesus ye Second Adam, & not by ye first Adam if they come |
out of ye Apostasie; so every Man & Woman must come to this Grace which must be |
their Teacher; every man come to Jesus from whom they have it; look to him yt |
keeps your Eyes, Ears, & Hearts up to himself: But some will say this a Common |
Grace, a natural Grace, & such Talk. |
How can this be a Common or Natural Grace? The Grace of God yt brings |
Salvation hath appeared unto all Mankind: The Grace & favour of God to all |
Mankind; If all men do not Receive this Grace how can they come into ye Favour of |
God? If this be a Naturall & Common Grace yn they are in ye Naturall Estats, & ye |
Naturall Man perceives not the things of God; Nay yt is a Speciall Grace yt brings |
Salvation, this is yt wch turns every Man & Womans eye to Jesus yt Receives it ye |
Second Adam ye Lord from Heaven to his Light, Grace, & Truth from Death, & |
Darkness, yt thereby in him all may be setled, & grow in Grace, yea from Grace to |
Grace, & may encrease; So here in this & by this all is kept in ye sence & feeling of |
ye Love of God wch ye Grace, Truth, Spirit, & Power yt comes from Jesus Christ, & so |
comes from God; This keeps every Mans Eye out of old Adam: keeps out of all Carnall |
Worships, Religions, & Fellowships & keeps up to him yt is Worshipped in ye Spirit |
& Truth; & in ye true Worship yt ye Devil is out of; This is ye standing pure |
path; here doth every Man & Woman by ye Grace, Truth, & Spirit, keep their Eye |
to Jesus, so to God through him; by this comes every Man & Woman to know |
Christ Jesus their Rock & Foundation, & come to be established, & setled on him ye |
Rock over all other Foundations in ye World: So now Friends ye Love of God, |
his blessing is come for every Man & Woman yt Receives it comes to know him |
to Reigne in his Grace & Truth, Light, & Life, & Gospel wch is ye Power of God; |
every Man & Woman in it Eye him, & he in you dwelling in you, & you in him, such |
are sound Christians in Substance & in deed; & therefore prove your selves as ye |
Apostle saith know you not your own selves how yt Jesus Christ is in you except |
you be Reprobates; & If he be in you here is ye substance of ye Tipes, Figures, & |
Shadows: Here is a setled Rest, & Sabbath in Christ Jesus for all his Believers in |
his Light: O Glory to God for ever. |
For saith ye Apostle look unto Jesus ye Author & Finisher of your Faith, |
So now Friends he being ye Author & Finisher of your Faith every Man & Woman |
must Receive it from him, & not from Old Adam nor none of his Sons, & Daughters |
O let him come into your Hearts yt came from ye bosome of ye Father let him have |
Room: wt Room had he formerly but in ye Manger among ye Outward Professing |
Jews; let him have Room in your Hearts; For he has but a little Room in ye Profes= |
=sors without Possession, who will not receive his Light, for he hath no Room in yt |
Proud Lifty mind, therefore let him have ye Reign in you; If he be not in you wt |
is all talk of Religion good for? for If Christ be not wth in, Man is Seperate |
from God, from ye Emmanuel God wth us; & in yt Estate Man doth not Witness |
Peace wth God; but If Christ be known wth in here will be no Reprobate, but |
stability; he being wth in, yt bruises ye Head of ye Serpent. |
Therefore to him yt is ye God of all Power I shall commit & commend you, |
& to ye Word of his Grace to establish you upon Christ Jesus & Therefore every Man |
& Woman come to know yt you have Received his Faith, his Spirit, his Grace his Life, |
his Light, & Truth growing up in Christ from whence this comes yt bruises ye Head |
of ye Serpent & Destroys him & his Works; who is above all, Glory to God for ever; |
He was & he is & will be to all Eternity: He is a Prophet to open to his People; A. |
Bishop to Oversee you: a Priest to sanctifie; a King to Rule & Reign in your heart |
by Faith, exercising his Offices among you; so yt you may all come to sit down in |
him in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus: If you want Life, Salvation, Wisdome, |
Righteousness, Peace, he is ye Treasure, So come to ye Treasure; he was a Priest, |
& Prophet, & he is, & will be forevermore to all his believers in his Light; And as |
every one has Received Christ Jesus so to Walk in him; tis not talking only but |
walking in Christ Jesus; not only to talk of the Light but walk in it, many may |
talk of Grace & Truth, but walk in unrighteousness, & unholyness. God is Righteous, |
& Holy, who will Judge such; to whom I leave you, & yt People may Live to God |
& Receive ye good things, & blessings that come from God through Jesus Christ, Let |
your eye be to him from whom you Receive Life, from whom you Receive Grace, |
& Faith, Who is your Redeemer, by which Grace, & Faith your Hearts come to be |
purified from dead Works to serve ye Living God; This is he wch Destroyes ye Devil |
& his Works; In this Faith ye Holy men of God did believe in wch they pleased God, |
Whereas tis said Heb.11. They all Dyed in ye Faith, not Receiving ye Promises; |
So they all Dyed in yt wch came from God; they Dyed in yt wch Pleased God; & in |
yt wch they had access to him, & in which is ye Unity in ye Faith of Gods Elect, |
wch leads out of all ye bad wayes of old Adam; This is ye Faith yt Jesus Christ |
is ye Author, & Finisher of ye Second Adam: this brings People to an Inward |
Intire Life, out of all yt wch will fade away to a Holy Faith, a Holy Life, into |
a pure, divine, precious Unity, & so to have access to ye Pure Holy God: in wch you |
have life, & salvation, & in wch Faith you Please God. |
So God hath ye Glory who is over all from Everlasting to Everlasting |
blessed for evermore |
G. F. |
16G Fs Prayer |
Dear Friends & Brethren: as I was at Prayer in my Chamber upon ye 23:12th Month |
1678. & making Interecssion [sic] to ye Lord for Friends his People, yt ye Lord would be |
pleased to preserve them from this Rough, & Foul Spirit yt was risen up: & ye Lord did |
Answer me in my Prayer yt this Spirit was Risen up for ye Tryall of his People In ye Life, |
& Light, & Power, & Grace, & Truth, & I saw more yn can be Expressed in Words: for it was |
Risen to try ym, & yt they might keep in ye Power of ye Lord, as in their Habitations: |
And so wn ye Lord hath tried his People, & their Singleness to him, & When this Spirit |
hath spent its strength, & gone ye Way of all yt has Risen before it yn they may see |
how all things work together for good to ym yt Love God: And therefore stand fast in ye |
Liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free in his Light, Grace, & Truth, & Power, & |
Spirit, & Faith, to Christ, from whence it comes: Christ yor Rock, & Foundation yt |
cannot be shaken, & in whom is this Election, Life, & Salvation so yt all may stand |
to Christ their Lord & Master to be Ordered by him with his Glorious Gospel wch is |
not of Man but from Heaven. |
For I saw all Friends as If they were bedewed from Heaven, & they |
sate as in a Valley, & wet wth ye dew of Life, & ye other hard dead Spirit was |
floating atop wth Words of Truth; wch Spirit is for ye Triall of his People, of their |
standing singly in ye Life to god upon their own Foundation. And so as I was at Prayer ye Lord |
Answered me that this Spirit of J S & J W, & their company was Raised up for ye Triall of |
Friends their standing to God for it was High, & Friends was low in ye Power & |
Spirit of God & wet with his dew, & sate in ye Valley, & will Rise wn their High |
will Fall, & therefore Friends are to stand to God. |
G. F. |
The Truth is above all, & Will stand over all ym yt hate it, who Labour in |
vain against it, & will bring their Old house on their own Head in great |
Trouble, & in their Winter, & cold Weather, when that their house is down, |
& their Religion is Frozen, & their Rivers dried up, & their husks gone, & |
ye Swine begin to cry about their Plantations, & ye Vermine run up & down |
their Old Rubbish, & their sparks & Candles ^are gone out, & hail, & storm lighteth |
upon ye head of ye Wicked, yn Woe be to Gog & Magog who hath no covering. |
In christ you have Peace, In ye world you have trouble, In Christ you have Peace, |
In ye World you have trouble, No Peace wth God but in ye Light, No Peace wth God but |
in ye Covenant of Light, wth out is Trouble Amen. |
G. F. |
Dear Friends be faithfull in ye Service of God, & mind ye Lords business; be diligent, |
& bring ye Power of ye Lord over all those yt have gain said it; and all you yt be |
faithful go to visit ym all yt have been Convinced from house to house, that if it |
be possible you may not leave a hoof in Egypt: And so every one go seek ye Lost |
sheep: & bring him home on your back to ye fold, & there will be more Joy of yt |
one sheep yn of ye ninety nine in ye fold. |
G. F. |
17You may Read this in your Monthly, Quarterly, & Yearly Meetings. |
from our Womens County Meeting in Lancashire to be |
dispersed abroad among ye Womens Meetings every where |
Dear Sisters. In ye blessed unity in ye Spirit of Grace, our Souls salute you |
who are Sanctified in Christ Jesus, & called to be Saints, who are of ye true & |
Royal Offspring of Christ Jesus, who is ye Root & Offspring of David, & who |
is ye Resurrection & ye Life of all ye Saints in Light. |
To you yt [that] are of ye true seed of ye Promise of God in ye beginning yt was to |
bruise ye Serpents Head, & wch is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, of wch we are made pertakers, |
wch is ye Seed ye Promise is to, wch ye Apostle spoke of & said God sent forth his |
Son made of a Woman, made under ye Law to Redeem ym yt were under the Law |
yt we might Receive ye Adoption &c. Gal. 4.4. |
To you all every where, where this may come is this written yt in this |
blessed Seed wch hath ye Promise of ye Eternal God annexed yt he should bruise |
ye Serpents Head, & yt in this Seed you all Live & dwell in ye sensible feeling |
thereof; in wch Seed all Nations of ye Earth is blessed. |
That so we may be all Helps Meet for God in ye Restoration, & Co=heirs |
wth Christ Jesus, who hath purchased us wth his precious blood, & hath washed us, |
& Loved us, who is no Respecter of Persons: but hath a care, & regard unto all; ye |
weak as well as the strong. yt he may have ye Glory of his own Work, who treadeth |
ye Wine-press alone. |
And yt every particular of us may be ready & willing to answer wt [what] ye Lord |
Requires of us in our several places, & Conditions. |
For as many of us as are Baptized into Christ have put on Christ; for we |
are all ye Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus; where there is neither Male nor |
Female &c, but we are all one in Christ Jesus. |
And so being in Christ Jesus we are all Abrahams Seed & Heirs according |
to ye Promise: not of ye Bond-woman but of the free Jerusalem from above, wch is ye |
Mother if us all. |
And so here is our Possession, & Inheritance; yt every Faithful Mem= |
=ber of us may claim a Right unto, & an Interest in: yt all the Powers of Darkness, |
nor all the Enmity of ye Old Serpent (whose Head is coming to be bruised) can |
never Seperate us from, tho he may twine, & twist, & Rage, & Storm yt his Power shuld |
be taken from him, but all to no purpose: for ye Word of ye Eternal God yt endureth |
for ever stands upon his Head that the Seed of the Woman should bruise the |
Serpents Head. |
And this is fulfilled, & fulfilling in this ye Day of ye Lords Power, & of the |
Restoration, & Redemption of his Seed, & Body wch is his Church; wch is coming out |
of the Wilderness leaning on her beloved; wch is coming in his Power & Great |
Glory, tho in the Clouds; and every Eye yt is open sees him; & every Ear yt is unstopped |
hears him, & every understanding, & Heart yt is Enlightened & opened, is Converted, & |
healed in this Glorious Day, Praise to ye Highest. |
So here is the Blessed Image of ye Living God Restored again, in wch he |
made ym Male, & Female in the beginning; & in this his own Image. God Blessed |
ym both, & said unto ym Increase & Multiply, & Replenish ye Earth & subdue it, |
& have dominion over ye Fish of ye Sea, & have dominion over ye Fowls of ye Air, |
And have dominion over ye Beasts, & over ye Cattell, & over ye Earth: & over ever creep= |
=ing thing upon ye Face of ye Earth. & in this Dominion & Power ye Lord God is esta= |
blishing his own seed in ye Male, & in ye Female over ye Head of ye Serpent, & over |
his Seed, & Power. |
And he makes no difference in the Seed between the Male & ye Female, as |
Christ saith Matth. 19.4.6. yt he yt made ym in ye beginning made ym Male & Female; |
they were both in ye work of God in ye Beginning; & so in ye Restoration. |
But it is ye Work of ye Old Serpent to put ym out of ye Work of God as he did, |
in ye Beginning, Tempt ym to Sin & transgression, & Disobedience; so he would still keep |
ym there, & make a difference, & keep a Superiority, one over another, yt Christ ye |
Head should not Rule in Male & Female, & so keep ym in Bondage, & in slavery, |
& in difference, & dissension one wth another, & yn they are fit for his Tentations. |
But ye Lord God is coming to destroy this Tongue of ye Egyptian Sea, & to |
smite it in ye Seven Strams thereof; as in Isai. 11.15. And to make all as a Plain |
before him: & he will level down, & lay low all the loftiness of Man, & ye Harctiness of |
Men shall be made low, So yt ye Lord alone will be exalted in his own Seed & Power |
in Male & Female in this his day. Isai. 2.17. |
And therefore all dearly beloved Friends & Sisters, let us every one be bold, |
& Valiant, & Faithful, & diligent for ye Lords everlasting Truth upon ye Earth in our |
Day, & Generation: yt as good stewards we may give a good account unto God of his mani= |
fold Graces, yt we have Received, & do receive of him & from him daily. |
And yt as we have a Cloud of Witnesses yt is gone before us wch ye Scriptures |
of Truth Testifie of that hath Born Witness to his Eternall Truth, & hath been |
made partakers of the Divine. Blessings, favours, & Graces of Almighty God. |
And so God is the same to us in our age & Generation as he was to ym |
in their day & Age; we being Taught & led, & Guided by ye same Eternal Spirit as |
they were wch proceeds from ye Father & ye Son. |
So let none be weary, nor faint in their minds, but let all be given up faith- |
fully to ye Leading & Guiding of ye good Spirit of ye Living God: yt by it every one |
may know freedome & Redemption from ye Bondage of Corruption: wch Spirit ye |
Lord is Powring forth in these last dayes upon Sons & Daughters, Servants & |
Handmaidens, so yt ye General Universal Love of Almighty God is descending, & |
pouring upon all Flesh in this his Day of Grace, even as he did wn [when] he bid ym wait at |
Jerusalem to Receive Power from on high wn they were all gather together in an |
upper Room: & continued wth one Accord, Praying & Making Supplication wth ye |
Women, & Mary ye Mother of Jesus, & wth his Brethren. Act.1.14. |
And ye Holy Ghost was poured upon ym so plentifully yt ye Multitude |
were all amazed, but Peter stood up to witness ye fulfulling of wt was spoken by ye |
Prophet Joel, yt God would pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh: & your Sons & |
Daughters shall Prophesie, & on my Servants, & on my Handmaids will I pour out of |
my Spirit in those dayes, & they shall Prophesie Acts 2.17.19. Here Peter bears witness |
to ye same Truth & pouring forth ^of ye same Spirit in yt day wch we are Living Witnesses |
of in this our Day Praises to ye Lord for ever. |
So all Dear Friends, & Sisters, make full proof of ye Gift of God yt is in you |
& neglect it not in this your day & Generation, but yt you may be helps meet in the |
Restoration, & Resurrection of ye body of Christ wch is his Church, & yt every one |
may know their place, & calling therein as ye Godly Women under ye Law did. |
For all yt were wise in Heart put their hand to ye work about ye Taber= |
=nacle & all the Women whose Hearts stirred ym up in wisdome had their several place |
to work in about ye Tabernacle as well as ye Men; for all ye Congregation of ye |
Children of Israel, every one both Men & Women, whose Spirit was made |
willing they brought ye Lords Offering to ye Work of ye Tabernacle as yo may Read in |
Exodus [35.?] 25.26. |
And likewise Miriam ye Prophetess ye Sister of Aaron took a Timbrel in her |
hand & all the Women went out after her in Triumph, & singing Praises to ye Lord |
who by his mighty Power had overthrown Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. |
Exod. 15.20.21. |
And there was an assembly of Women wch Assembled at ye door of ye Taber= |
-nacle of ye Congregation. Exod. 38.8. |
And likewise Hannah wn she had weaned her Son Samuel took him & went |
up to ye House of ye Lord, & took wth her three Bullocks, one Ephah, & a Bottle of wine |
& slew one Bullock, & brought the Child to Eli & offered him up to ye Lord, & sayd, for |
this Child, I have prayed, & ye Lord hath given me my portion which I asked of him. |
as you may see 1Samu. And this Child Samuel did Minister unto ye |
Lord before Eli ye Priest. |
And Hannah Prayed: & O ye Gracious words, & Prayer that proceeded out |
of her mouth by ye Powerful demonstration of ye Eternal Spirit, & ye Power of Al- |
mighty God, in her! 1 Sam 2.1 to 11. wch all ye Adversaries & Gain sayers against Womens |
Meetings is not able to gain say. nor resist. |
Therefore let all mouths be stopped wch would limit the Spirit of ye Lord |
God in Male, or Female wch he hath not limitted. But ye Lord hath regard unto & takes |
notice of ye Women, & despises ym not. |
And you may Read in Isaiah 32. Where ye Kingdome of Christ Jesus is |
Prophesied of, Behold a King shall Reign in Righteousness, & Princes shall Rule in |
Judgment; & ye Eyes of ym yt see shall not be dimm, & ye Ears of ym yt Hear shall hear= |
ken, & the Heart also of the Rash shall understand knowledge, and ye Tongue of the |
Stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly. |
Here is ye Glorious Work of ye Lord Prophesied of; & here ye Lord calls. |
Rise up ye Women yt are at ease, hear my voice ye careless Daughters, give ear to my |
Speech, many dayes & years shall ye be troubled, ye careless Women, for ye Vintage |
shall fail, ye gathering shall not come: Tremble ye Women yt are at ease; be troubled |
ye careless ones: strip ye & make ye bare; gird sackcloth upon your Loyns; they shall |
lament for ye teats, for ye Pleasant Fields, & for ye Fruitful Vines (see here what a |
Requiring, or Ariel charge ye Lord layes upon ye Women) until ye Spirit be poured |
upon us from on high; & ye Wilderness be a fruit field; & ye work of Righteousness |
shall be peace, & ye effect of Righteousness quietness, & assurance for ever. Here ye Lord |
had a care & regard to ye Women as well as ye Men and have a Blessing, & a Mer= |
-cie in store for ym. |
And also in Jeremiah 9th Chapt. throughout where ye Lord brought destruc- |
-tion, & wo & misery upon ye Jews, & ye destruction of Jerusalem, because they had for= |
=saken ye Law of ye Lord. wch he had set before ym, & disobeyed his Voice, & walked |
not therein, I will scatter ym among ye Heathen saith ye Lord; & I will send a sword |
amongst ym till I have consumed ym. |
More over thus saith ye Lord call for ye mourning Womon yt they |
may come; for a Voice of Mourning is heard out of Zion; yet hear ye Word of ye |
Lord O Ye Women, & let your Ear Receive the Word of his Month; & Teach your |
Daughter. Waiting, & every one her Neig[h]bour Lamentation for Death is come up |
into our Windows, & is entred into our Palaces, to cut off ye Children from wth out, & ye |
young from ye Streets; speak thus saith ye Lord ye Carcases of Men shall fall as Dung |
upon ye Open field, & as ye handful after the Harvest Man, & none shall gather ym. |
Here ye Women had ye Word of ye Lord to speak to ye Men; & here ye Lord |
makes use, & had a Service for ye Women yt they should Speak his Word from his mouth |
in this dreadful & terrible day. |
And also thus saith ye Lord, let not ye Wise Men Glory in his Wisdome, |
neither let ye mighty Man Glory in his Might, nor let ye Rich man Glory in his |
Riches; but let him yt glorieth Glory in this yt he understandeth & knoweth me yt I am |
ye Lord wch exerciseth Loving Kindness, Judgment & Righteousness in ye Earth, for in these |
things I do delight saith ye Lord. |
Here ye Lord clearly manifesteth yt he delights in ye knowledge of himself, |
& of his Righteousness, & Judgment, & Loving kindness, & this he hath a Regard unto both in |
Man & in Woman, & not in Wise, nor mighty, nor Rich Men. |
And In Micah 2.9.10. The Lord saith ye Women of my People have ye cast |
out from their Pleasant Houses, & from their Children have ye taken away my Glory; |
rise ye and depart, for this is not your Rest because it is polluted; it shall destroy you |
even wth a sore destruction. &c. |
And Christ Jesus in ye days of his Flesh had a dear & tender care, & Re |
-gard unto Woman, who Received many Gracious blessings, & favours from him; he de- |
spised not ye Woman of Canaan wn she came unto him for her Daughter yt was vexed wth |
a Devil wn she Worshipped him; & said Lord help me – And wn he saw her Faith he |
said Woman great is thy Faith, as in Mat.15. |
And also ye Woman of Samaria in John 4. Christ Jesus directed her to ye |
gift of God, & told her whosoever drinketh of ye Water yt he giveth should never thirst |
but ye water yt he did give should be in her a Well springing up to Eternal Life. So he |
Reasoned & spoke wth her so long till he opened her understanding so yt she perceived |
yt he was a Prophet. |
But Jesus saith unto her Woman believe me (so here you may see |
ye mind of Christ was yt ye Woman should Believe his Doctrine yt he yn spoke unto |
her) ye Hour cometh wn ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem |
Worship ye Father; but ye Hour cometh & now is wn ye true worshipers shall wor- |
ship ye Father in Spirit & in Truth; God is a Spirit, & they yt worship him must |
Worship him in Spirit & in Truth. &c. |
The Woman said unto him, I know yt Messias commeth yt is called |
Christ; Wn he cometh he will tell us all things – Jesus saith unto her I yt speak |
unto thee am hee. |
See wt Love, & plainness he manifested unto this Woman not despising |
her weakness, nor under valueing her, but he spoke ye plain Everlasting Truth unto |
her; & set up yt Worship in his own Spirit unto her there; wch Remains, & will remain |
for ever: glorious Praises to his Holy Name for evermore. |
And all those Women yt he healed. As Peters Wifes Mother wch |
he healed of a fever; & ye Woman yt had an Issue of Blood; & certain Women yt |
had been healed of Evil Spirits: & Infirmities; Mary Called Magdalene; out of whom |
he had cast out Seven Devils; & Joanna ye Wife of Chusa Herods Steward; and |
Susannah, & many others wch ministered unto him of their Substance. |
And ye Woman yt had ye Alablaster Box. of Precious Oyntment wash- |
ed his feet & wiped ym wth ye hair of her Head; all these wth many more Lament him |
(as ye Scriptures mention) yt had received precious favours, & blessings from him |
they all Lamented him as they led him away to be Crucified, & all ye People, & |
Women Followed him, & bewailed him as they led him away; But Jesus turned |
unto ym & said, Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me, but weep for your selves, & |
your Children. And ye Women yt followed him from Galilee followed after, & |
beheld ye Sepulchre, & how his body was layd; & they Returned, & prepared spices, |
& Oyntments; & they Rested ye Sabbaoth, as you may see in Luke 23 Chap. |
And upon ye first day of ye Week very early in ye Morning they came |
unto ye Sepulchre (to wit ye Women) bringing their Spices wch they had Prepared, & |
certain others wth ym, & they found ye stone rolled away from ye Sepulchre; & |
they entred in & found not ye body of ye Lord Jesus. |
And it came to pass as they were much perplexed, behold Two |
Men stood by ym in shining Garments: & as they were afraid, & bowed down |
their faces to ye Earth they said unto ym, why seek ye yt Living among ye Dead ? |
He is not here, but is Risen — Remember how he spake unto you wn he was |
yet in Galilee saying ye Son of Man must be delivered into ye Hands of Sin |
=ful Men, & be Crucified, & ye third day Rise again, & they Remembred his Words; |
& Returned from ye Sepulchre, & told all these things unto ye Eleven, & to all |
ye Rest; It was Mary Magdalene, & Joanna, & Mary ye Mother of James, & other |
Women yt were wth ym wch told these things unto ye Apostles, & their words seemed unto ym |
as [?]ole Tales, & they believed ym not as you may see in Luke 2.4. & Mark 15.40.41. & |
Matth. 27.35. & Matth. 28.5 So these Women were ye first Preachers of ye Resurrecti= |
=on of Jesus. |
And Jesus himself spoke wth Mary before he was ascended unto his Father |
& said unto her go unto my Brethren; & say unto ym I ascend to my Father & your |
Father, & to my God, & your God. |
And Mary Magdalene came & told ye disciples yt she had seen ye Lord, |
& yt he had spoken these things unto her. |
So here ye Lord Jesus Christ sends his first Message of his Resurrec= |
=tion by Women unto his own Disciples, & they were faithful unto him, & did his |
Message, & yet they could hardly be Believed. |
And Paul & Silas wch was sent forth by ye Apostles, & Elders, & |
Brethren of ye Church wth ye Decrees yt were Ordained of ye Apostles & Elders at |
Jerusalem for ye Churches to keep; & so were ye Churches established in ye Faith, |
& Increased in Number daily. &c |
And this same Paul & Silas who had ye Decrees went to ye place |
where Prayer was wont to be made, & sate down & spoke to ye Women which |
Resorted as in Acts. 16. |
So these yt were chosen Men of ye Apostles & Elders, & ye Whole Church |
wn they were assembled together, who had their Letters & Decrees for ye Churches to |
Keep; & as they went through the Cities they deliverd ye Decrees, so established ye |
Churches in ye Faith: And tho ye Holy Ghost Suffered ym not to Preach at Asia |
nor Bithinia, yet they went among ye Women as well as ye Men |
So we having a Cloud of Witnesses of ye Order of ye Gospel, & of ye |
good Works, & Charitable practises wch is Multiplyed in the Scriptures, & ye Practise |
of ye Saints in Light in ye Primitives times, Women as well as Men yt is gone before |
us, we may be encouraged in ye Lords name, Power & Spirit to follow their Example, |
& Practises. |
And having ye same Rule wch is in Christ Jesus where neither Circum |
cision, nor uncircumcision availeth but a New Creature; & as many as walk according |
to & in this Rule, Peace be unto ym, & Mercy upon ye Israel of God. |
And as yt Apostle saith let us Press forward towards ye mark for ye price of ye |
high calling of God in Christ Jesus. |
And let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded, & if in any |
thing we be otherwise minded, God shall Revoal even this unto us; Nevertheless |
where unto we have already attained let us walk by ye same Rule, & mind ye same thing. |
And let us come into our practise, & into our possession of our portions, |
& Inheritances yt we have Received from ye Lord. |
And let us Stand Faithfull & True witnesses for him in our day against |
all deceit & Wickedness. |
And let us meet together & kept our Womens Meeting in ye Name & |
Power, & Fear of ye Lord Jesus whose Servants, & Handmaids we are, & in ye good |
Order of ye Gospel Meet. |
1 |
And first for ye Women of every Monthly Meeting where ye Mens |
Monthly Meeting is established; Let ye Women likewise of every Monthly Meeting |
Meet together to wait upon ye Lord, & hearken wt ye Lord will say unto ym, & to know |
his mind & Will, & be ready to obey & Answer him in every Motion of his Eternal Spirit, |
and Power. |
2 |
And also to make enquiry into all your several Particular Meetings |
that belongs to your Monthly Meeting if they be any yt walks disorderly (as doth |
not to become ye Gospel) or lightly, or wantonly, or yt is not of a good Report, yn to |
send to ym as you are Ordered by ye Power of God in ye Meeting wch is ye Authority |
of it, to Admonish & exhort ym, & to bring ym to Judge & Condemn wt hath been |
by ym done or Acted contrary to ye Truth. |
3 |
And If any transgression or action yt hath been done among Wo= |
men, or Maids yt hath done any thing yt hath been more Publick, & yt hath got into |
ye Word; or yt hath been a Publick offence amongst Friends; yn let ym bring in a Paper |
of Condemnation to be Published as far as ye offence hath gone, & yn to be Recorded in a |
Booke. |
4 |
And if there be any that goes out to Marry wth ye Priests, or Joyneth in |
Marriage wth ye World, & doth not obey ye Order of ye Gospel as it is established among |
Friends; Then for ye Womens Monthly Meeting to send to ym to Reprove ym, & to bear |
their Testimony against their acting contrary to ye Truth, & If they come to |
Repentance, & sorrow for their offence, & have a desire to come amongst Friends |
again, before they can be Received they must bring in a Paper of Condemnation, & |
Repentance, and Judgment of their action, wch must be Recorded in Friends Book. |
And also carry a coppy of yt Paper to ye Priest yt Marryed ym, & Judge, & Condemn, & deny |
yt Action before him, or any of ye World before whom it hath come. |
And Dear Sisters it is a Duty Incumbent upon us to look into our |
Families, & to prevent our Children of Runing into ye World for Husbands or for |
Wives, & so to ye Priests: for you know before ye Womens Meetings were set up many |
have done so wch brought dishonour both to God, & upon his Truth, & People. |
Therefore it is our Duty & care to prevent such things in ye Power & |
Wisdome of God; & to see yt our Children are trained up in ye Fear of God in ye |
New Covenant: for ye Jews were to train their Children up in ye Old: For you |
know yt we are much in our Families amongst our Children, Maids, & Servants, |
& may see more into their Inclinations yn ye Men : And so see yt none Indulge any to |
Loosness & Evil, but Restrain it. For you see wt became of Old Eli, & his Family |
for not Restraining his Children. |
5 |
And also all Friends yt keep in ye Power of God & in Faithfull Obedience |
to ye Truth yt according to ye Order of ye Gospel yt is Established, yt they bring |
their Marriage twice to ye Womens Meeting & twice to ye Mens. |
The first time they are come to ye Womens Meeting yt ye Women of ye Meeting |
do examine both ye Man ye Woman yt they be clear & free from all other Persons, |
& that they have their Parents, & Friends, & Relations Consent. |
And ye enquiry be made of their cleernesss in each Particular Meeting wch |
they belong to before their next appearance in ye Womens Meeting. |
And If nothing be found but yt they come in cleerness to ye Next Monthly |
Meeting yn they proceed according to ye Order of ye Gospel, & Perfect their Marriage in |
ye Meeting of Friends, as Friends wch they belong to sees it convenient. |
But If any thing be found yt they are not cleer but yt others layes challenge |
or charge to ym either by promise or otherwise. That yn they do not proceed till they |
have given satisfaction both to ye Party’s & Friends concerning yt matter according to ye |
Order of ye Gospel; And yt If any thing be amiss concerning ye Woman yt ye Woman |
Examine it, & look into it, wch may not be so proper f [sic] ye Men. |
6 |
And likewise ye Women of ye Monthly Meetings take care & oversight of |
all ye Women yt belongs to their several Particular Meetings yt they bring in their |
Testimonies for ye Lord, & his Truth against Tythes, & Hireling Priests once every |
Year; since ye Priest claims & challenges a Tythe wch belongs to Women to pay as well as |
Men, not only for Widdows, but for ym yt have Husbands: as Pigs & Geese, Hens, & Eggs, |
Hemp, & Flax, Wooll & Lambs, all wch Women may have a hand in. |
So it concerns ye Womens Meetings to look strictly through every Parti= |
cular Meeting yt every Woman bring their Testimony against Tythes, & yt those |
Testimonies be Recorded in ye Quarterly, or half years book once every Year. |
7 |
And yt every Monthly Meeting give timely Notice to every Particular |
Meeting yt they make ready their Testimonies against Tythes to be brought in at |
their Qurterly or half years Meeting as aforesaid. That so all Hearts, & Consciences may |
be kept cleer, clean, & sweet to our Precious High Priest of our Profession Christ Jesus. |
who is ye Author of our Faith yt becomes us; who Is Holy, & Harmless, & undefiled, & |
Seperate from Sinners, Who is made higher yn ye Heavens (Christ Jesus) Who is ye Mi= |
nister of ye Sanctuary, & of ye True Tabernacle which God hath Pitched, & not Man; |
He is our Everlasting High Priest forever. And so in him we deny all other |
Priests both in the time of ye Law & Since yt takes Tithes. |
8 |
And also all Friends in their Womens Monthly & Particular Meetings yt |
they take speciall care for the Poor & for all those yt stand in need, yt there be no want, |
nor suffering for outward things amongst the People of God, for ye Earth is ye Lords, |
& ye fulness of it, & his People is his Portion, & ye Lot of his Inheritance, & he gives freely |
& Liberally unto all & upbraids none. |
So it Concerns all yt Fear ye Lord yt he hath endued wth an Outward |
Substance yt they be free, & Liberal in their Hearts to any yt stand in need, but espe= |
cially as ye Apostle saith to ye Houshold of Faith. |
And so let care be taken for ye Poor, & Widdows yt hath young Children |
yt they be Relieved & helped till they be able, & fit to be put out Apprentices, or Servants. |
And all ye sick, & weak, & Infirm, or Aged, and Widdows, & fatherless yt |
they be looked after, & helped, & Relieved in every Particular Meeting either |
wth Clothes, or Maintenance, or wt they stand in need of; So yt in all things ye Lord |
may be Glorified, & Honoured; so yt there be no want, nor Suffering in ye House |
of God, who loves a cheerfull giver. |
9 |
Also let care be taken yt every Particular Womens Monethly Meeting |
have a Book to set down, & Record their businesses & Passages in yt is done or agreed |
upon in every Monthly Meeting, or any Service yt any yt any [sic] is to go upon; let yt |
Book be Read ye Next Monthly Meeting, & see yt ye business be performed according |
to what was Ordered. |
And also yt ye Collections be set down in ye Book; & ye Receipts & |
Disbursments of every Particular Meeting be set down in their Booke & Read |
at their Womens Monthly Meeting; yt every Particular Meeting may see & know |
how their Collections are Disbursed. |
And yt Some Honest Faithful Woman or Women Friends yt can Read & |
write keep ye Book & Receive ye Collections; & give a just & true Accont in ye Book |
of ye Disbursments of ym according as ye Meeting shall Order, wch must be Read every |
monthly Meeting; & so give notice wt is in ye Stock, & wn it is near out, to give notice |
yt it may be supplied. |
10 |
And Likewise yt there be a General Book in every County for their Quarterly |
or half years Womens Meeting. |
And yt there come & appear at ye Quarterly Meeting, some (or as many as |
can conveniently) of every Monthly & Particular Meeting of their Whole County; & |
yt Enquiry be made at ye Quarterly Meeting, or Half years Meeting whether there be |
some of every Montly Meeting; & one or more of every Particular Meeting. |
And yt ye Quarterly Meeting set down ye name of every Particular Meeting |
in ye Book yt is wthin, or Pertains to ye Whole County. |
And yt at every Quarterly Meeting they call over every Monthly, & |
Particular Meeting to see yt some of every Meeting be there. |
And yt they bring in every Particular Womans Testimony against Tythes. |
From every Particular Meeting of cleerness of their Meetings from all ye things |
before Mentioned; & yt they do all walk & act as becomes ye Gospel. |
And yt every Particular Meetings Testimonies be Recorded as ye Meetings |
stand severally in ye Quarterly Booke. |
And yt all other businesses as is there presented or done yt day may be |
Recorded in yt Book. |
And so here in ye Power & ye Spirit of ye Lord God Women come to be |
Co-heirs; & Fellow Labourers in ye Gospel as it was in ye Apostles dayes; Who Intrea- |
=ted ^his true Yoke-Fellow to help those Women yt Laboured wth him in ye Gospel. Philip. 4:3. |
And in his first Epistle to Timothy 5.3. he Exhorted yt Elder Woman yt they |
should be as Mothers, & ye Younger as Sisters wth all Purity. |
And in Titus. 2.3 The Aged Women likewise yt they be as becometh |
Holyness, & Teachers of Good things; And yt they Teach ye Younger Women to be sober, |
to Love their Husbands, to Love their Children, to be discreet, Chast keepers at home; |
Good, Obedient to their own husbands yt ye Word of God be not Blasphemed. |
So here was Womens Meetings, & Womens Teachings of one another, so yt |
this is no New thing, as some raw, unseasoned Spirits would seem to make it. |
So dear Sisters in ye everlasting Truth, we do conclude in ye Apostles |
Words to his Brethren in Phil. 4.8.9. wtsoever things are true, wtsoever things are Ho= |
=nest. wtsoever things are just: wt soever things are Pure; wtsoever things are Lovely; |
wtsoever things are of Good Report; If there be any virtue, If there be any Praise |
think on these things wch ye have both Learned, & Received, & heard, & seen in me, |
& do ym, & ye God of Peace shall be wth you Amen. |
And tho we be looked upon as ye Weaker Vessels yet ye strong & Powerful |
God whose strength is made manifest, & Perfect in Weakness, he can make us good, |
& valiant, & bold souldiers of Jesus Christ; if he Arm us wth his Armour of Light. |
& give unto us ye sword of his Eternal Spirit; wch is ye Word of ye Eternall God, & |
cover our Hearts wth ye Breastplate of Righteousness, & Crown us wth ye Helment |
of Salvation & give unto us ye holy shield of Faith; wth wch we can quench all ye |
fiery darts of Satan, & shooe our feet wth ye preparation of ye Gospel of Peace, & |
set our feet upon ye Mountains, so yt we stand there, & publish glad tidings of great |
Joy, & say unto Sion thy God Reigneth; & if he bring us to his banquetting house, & |
Spread his banner over us wch is Love, there we can stand our ground, & fight our |
Lords Battles boldly & valiantly under our Lords Banner, & in our Lords Armor; He |
who Respects no Persons, but chuseth ye weak things of ye World, & ye Foolis |
things of ye World to confound ye Wise; our sufficiency is of him; & His Armor |
& strength is in him: And all ye great strength yt is in Men if they want this |
Armor they can do nothing for God; nor he will have none of their service in ye |
state, who will have no Flesh to Glory in his presence: Our Glory^ing in him is, wh[ich?] |
doth not, nor will not despise, nor contemn ye weak. And so to him be all Glory |
& Power, & Dominion forever & ever Amen. |
This is given forth for Information, Instruction & direction yt in ye |
blessed unity of ye Spirit of Grace all Friends may be, & Live in ye Practise |
of ye Holy Order of the Gospel. |
Signed by 96 Women Friends |
From ye Generall Womens Meeting |
4th Month 1677. |
[blank page]
the womens meetings in Dartmouth began at Peleg Slocoms hous |
the • 26 of the 4 month • i699 |
the • 23 • of the 5 • [illegible] Month ^1699 was our womens meeting held in Dartmoth |
at this meeting John Hedly [Headley] and Mary Slocom [Slocum] laid their intention of |
marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two women freinds |
Hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker to see after the young womans clear |
=ness against the next monthly meeting |
at this meeting Ruth Smith undertook to sweep the meeting hous |
a year at this meeting it was agreed that the meeting at Mehetable [Mehitable] |
Russells shall be the 4 day of the next week after the womens meeting |
the 26 of the . 6 month i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting John |
Hedly [Headley] and Mary Slocom [Slocum] came the second time to receiue their an |
=swer enquiry being made acording to the order of truth ^and they [illegible] |
being clear haue [have] the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage |
the 18 of the 7 month . i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 16 of the . 8 . month . i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . 13 of the . 9 month . i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meet |
=ing that that[?] weekly meeting that was at peleg Slocums the . 4 day before |
the monthly meeting . shall be at Stephen Wilcocks [Wilcox] . one fourth day before |
the monthly meeting and one fourth day before the monthly. at James |
Trips [Tripps]. and the rest of the fourth day meetings. at the meeting Hous |
the 11 of the i0 month i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. it was ordered by this meet |
ing that their shall be a colection the next monthly meeting |
the 8 . of the . 11 . month i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Slocum |
was chose to keep the mony colected by the meeting. colected by this meeting |
and deliuered to Mary Slocum |
0-i5-2 |
it was ordered by this meeting that their shall be a colection once a quarter |
the 5 . of the 12 month i699 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting John Lapkam [Lapham] |
and Mary Russell laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the |
meeting chose two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker to |
see after the inquire conserning the young womans clearness from all others |
against the next monthly meeting |
the . 4 . of the first . month i700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Lapkam [Lapham] and |
Mary Russell ^came the secund time to receiue their answer enquiry being made |
acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of al others haue the |
consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage |
the i of the 2 month i700 |
was our womens meeting D held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting 0-15-0 |
taken out of the stock for the use of freinds |
0-12-0 |
the . 29 of the . 2 month 1700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . 27 . of the . 3 month . 1700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 24 of the 4 month . 1700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-12-0 |
the . 22 . of the 5 month . 1700 |
was our womens meeting held in Da[r]tmouth taken out of the stock at this meeting |
for the use of freinds |
0-12-0 |
at this meeting Ruth Smith [n?]undertook the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year |
the 2i9 . of the . 6 . month . I700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . 16 of the . 7 . month i700 . |
was our womens held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-16-1 |
the i4 of the . 8 . month i700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the• 11 of the • 9 • month • I700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock at |
this meeting for the use of freinds |
1-4-0 |
the . 9 . of the . 10 month i700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-11-0 |
the . 6 . of the . 11 . month . I700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where Abraham booth and |
abigaill howland laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting |
the meeting chose two women freinds Mary Slocum and Ruth Tucker to |
inquire after the young womans clearness, from all others against the next monthly meeting |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-17-0 |
the 3 . of the . 12 . month 1700 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Abraham booth |
and abigaill howland. came the second time to receiue their answer inquiry |
being made acording to the order of truth and they being clear from all |
others have the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage |
the . 3 . of the i month . 17001[sic] |
was our women meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-13-3 |
0-9-0 |
the . 31 of the . i month . 17001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meeting that the |
first days and weekly meetings shall begin at the eleuenth hour. and that the |
meetings that were at Sephen Wilcoks [Stephen Wilcox] and James Trips [Tripps] |
Shall be kept at the meeting hous |
the . 28. of the . 2 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting m held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meeting that the |
fourth day meeting at James Trips [Tripps] shall remain there once in two months. |
the . 26 . of the . 3 . month 17001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-15-2 |
to at this meeting two women freinds were Chose to giue [give] an acount to the yearly |
Meeting at Roadisland of any business that may consern the meeting |
the 25 of the . 4 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 2i of the . 5 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock / at this |
meeting for the use of freinds |
0-8-9 |
at this meeting hannah brigs [Briggs] . undertook the sweeping. the meeting hous |
for a year |
the i8 . of the . 6 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting — 0-16-8 |
the i5 of the . 7 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the i3 of the 8 month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock at this |
meeting for the use of freinds |
i-14-6 |
the . 10 . of the . 9 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting -0-9-0 |
at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the disburs= |
ment of monys out of the stock for the use of freinds as they shall see ocation |
the . 8 . of the . 10 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 5 . of the . 11 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . 2 . of the . 12 . month i7001 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
-0-5- |
taken out of the stock for the use of freinds |
0-8-1 |
the . 2 . of the . i . month i7002 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 27 of the . 2 . month i7002 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at the meeting hous |
colected by this meeting |
0-12-1 |
the 25 . of the . 3 . month i7002 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women |
freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker were chose for the yearly meeting at |
roadisland to giue acount of any business that may consern the meeting |
the 22 . of the . 4 . month i7002 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth . at this meeting Casander Mott and |
abigail wood were chose to make inquiry conserning James Trips [Tripps] clearness |
upon the acount of mariage. against the next monthly meeting |
the . 20 of the . 5 month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-16-? |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-8-0 |
the 17 of the 6 month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Smith |
undertook the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year |
the i4 of the . 7 month 1702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . i2 . of the . 8 . month 1702 |
was our womens meeting held in ^Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-12-2 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0 i-4-0 |
the . 9 of the 9 . month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Ralph Chapman and |
Deliverance Slocom [Slocum] laid their int intentions of mariage before the meeting the chose |
two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker to inquire conserning the young |
womans Clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting |
the . 7 . of the . i0 . month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting Ralph Chapman and |
Deliverance Slocom [Slocum] Came the Second time to receiue their answer. inquiry being made |
acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the consent |
of the meeting to proseed in mariage |
the . 4 . of the . 11 . month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting |
0-9-8 |
the i . of the i2 . month i702 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Nathaniell Chase and Abigaill Share |
man [Abigail Sherman] laid their intentions of mariage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women |
freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and hannah tucker to inquire after the young womans clearness |
from all others against the next monthly meeting taken out of the stock at this meeting for the |
use of freinds |
i-0-0 |
the . i . of the i . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where Nathaniell Chase and Abigaill Share |
man [Sherman] came the second time to receiue their answer inquiry being made acording to the |
order of truth. and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed |
in marriage taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-10-0 |
the . 29 . of the . i . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-10-3 |
the . 26 . of the . 2 . month i703 |
was our womens meeting of freinds held in Dartmouth it was ordered at this meeting |
that the meetings the other side cocset riuer [river] shall be at William Woods the next first |
day come week. after the monthly meeting. and one first day come week. after the |
monthly meeting at James Trips [Tripps] till furder order |
the . 24 of the . 3 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary |
m Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose to giue acount to the yearly meeting at road |
island of any business that may consern this meeting. at this meeting. it was ordered that |
the next men and womens monthly meetings of business. shall be at the meeting hous |
the . 2i . of the . 4 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Joseph Russell and Mary Tucker |
laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women freinds |
Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker to see after the young womans clearness, from all others against the next |
monthly meeting. colected by this meeting |
0i-i4-2 |
the . 19 of the 5 . month 1703 |
was our womens meeting of held in Dartmouth where Joseph Russell and Mary Tucker |
the second time to receiue their answer. inquiry being made acording to the order of |
truth and they being clear from all of others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed |
in marriage |
the . 16 . of the . 6 . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use |
of freinds |
i-0-0 |
at this meeting Mary Smith undertook the sweeping of ^the meeting hous |
the i3 . of the . 7 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-16-[?] |
the . 11 . of the 8 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock for the use freinds |
0-8-[?] |
the . 8 . of the . 9 . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting william born [Bourne] and |
hannah Sharman [Sherman] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the Meet= |
ing Chose two women freinds Ruhamah Smith and hannah Tucker to see after |
the young womans clearness from all others. against. the next. monthly meeting |
the . 6 . of the . 10 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where william born [Bourne] and hannah |
Sharman [Sherman] came the second time to receiue their answer enquiry being made acording to |
the order of truth, and they being clear from all others haue the consent of the |
meeting to proseed in marriage. colected by this meeting |
0-9-8 |
it was ordered at this meeting. that the meetings the other side Cocset river shall be one |
first day at William Woods. and one first day at James Trips [Tripps] and the fourth day of |
the week at Stephen Wilcocks [Wilcox] till furder order |
the . 3 of the . 11 . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . 31 . of the . 11 . month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 28 . of the i2 month i703 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-10-[?] |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
1-0-[?] |
the . 27 . of the i month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Russell and Rebekah |
Riketson [Rebecca Ricketson] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two |
women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell Allin [Allen] to enquire after the young womans clear |
ness f[r]om all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting Ruhamah Smith and |
Hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] were chose to enquire after Heniry [Henry] Tuckers clearness on the acount of |
marriage against the next monthly meeting |
the 21 . of the . 2 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Russell and Rebecah |
Riketson [Ricketson] came the second time to receiue their answer enquirie being made acording to the |
orde of truth and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed |
in marriage = taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-18-[?] |
the . 22 of the 3 month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth, at this meeting two women freinds |
Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose to giue an acount to the yearly meeting at |
Roadisland of any business that may consern the meeting colected by this meeting |
0-12-[?] |
the . i9 . of the 4 month 1704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the . i7 . of the 5 month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds |
Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Rose howland. were chose to take notise of any diferance |
or disorderly walking of any of the woman freinds. that belong to this meeting. and |
bring it to the monthly meeting if their be ocation for it at this meeting. eliashib Smith |
and Dinah allin [Allen] and Benjamine allin [Allen] and Deborah Russell laid their intentions of marria[ge] |
before this meeting. the meeting chose two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker to |
enquire after the young womens clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting. |
the . 2i . of the . 6 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where eliashib Smith and Dinah allin [Allen] |
and Benjamine allin [Allen] and Deborah Russell came the second time to receive their answer |
enquiry being made acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others |
haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage. at this meeting two women |
freinds were cho Ruth Tucker and Ruth Smith. were chose for the yearly meeting at |
Sallim [Salem ?] and Ruhamah Smith and Rose Howlland [Howland] for the quarterly meeting at roddisla[nd] |
to give an acount of any business that may consern the meeting. at this meeting hezekiah Smi[th] |
wife took the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year. colected by this meeting |
0-17-1 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
1-0-0 |
the . 18 . of the . 7 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 16. of the 8 month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the. 20. of the . 9 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] |
and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarterly at Roadisland [Rhode Island] to give an acount of any |
business that may consern the meeting. colected by this meeting |
0-i7-i0 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
1 - 1 - 8 |
the. 18 of the . 10 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 15 . of the . 11 . month i704 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where James Burrill and Mehetabell [Mehitable] Russell |
laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting Chose two women freinds |
Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the womans clearness from all others against |
the next monthly meeting. at this meeting Ruth Tucker and Rose Howland were chose at next |
business that may consern the meeting |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where James Burrill and Mehetabell [Mehitable] Russell |
Came the Second time to receive their answer enquirie being made acording to the order of truth |
and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage |
at this meeting peter Eston [Easton] and Content Slocom [Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before the |
Meeting the meeting Chose two women freinds Rachel allin [Allen] and Hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] to see after the |
young womans clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting |
Mary Slocom [Slocum] was ^chose for the quarterly meeting at Roadisland. and Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker |
for the yearly meeting at Sandwich. taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of |
freinds |
1-0-0 |
the i9 of the i . month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Peter Eston [Easton] and Content Slocom [Slocum] |
Came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to the order |
of truth - and they being clear from all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed |
in marriage |
the i5 . of the . 2 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the ^2i of the . 3 . month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Datmouth colected by this meeting — — 0-012-0 |
at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarter= |
=ly meeting at roadisland to giue an acount of any business that may consern the meeting. at |
this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Ruth Tucker ^were chose for the ouersight of this meeting |
the i8 of the 4 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. it was ordered at the yearly meeting at |
roadisland . 1705 . that their shall be a meeting called on purpose for marriages |
The i6 of the 5 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. At this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Rachell |
allin [Allen] were chose to see after Jacobs Motts Clearness upon the acount of marriage. taken out |
of the stock for the use of freinds at this meeting |
0-3-2 |
the 20 of the . 6 . month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where edward perry and eliphell [Eliphal] Smith |
laid their intentions of mariage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women |
freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the young womans clear |
=ness from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting two women |
freinds - Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at |
roadisland. for any business that may consern the meeting. colected by this meeting - 0-16-8 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
i-0-0 |
the 17 of the . 7 . month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where edward perry and eliphell [Eliphal] Smith came |
the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to the order of truth |
and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage |
at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Smith and Rose Howland were chose for the |
yearly meeting at Situate. |
the i5 of the 8 9 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Rachell Allin [Allen] was |
chose to be one to see after the disbursments of mony out of the stock with the women |
that were chose before |
the i9 of the 9 [blot] month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Mary |
Slocom [Slocum] and hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland at |
this meeting two women freinds were ch Ruth Tucker and hannah Cadman were chose |
to goe to Elizebeth Macumbor [Elizabeth Macumber] to enquire ^the reason of her absenting from the freinds meetings |
the acounts of the monys record and the acount ballanced: colected by this meetingi 0-8-8 |
the i7. of the 10 month 1705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] |
and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to goe the second [?] time to elizebeth Macumbor [Elizabeth Macomber] to discours her about[?] |
her absenting her self from the meetings of freind |
the 2i of the . 11 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tuck[er] |
and Rachell allin were chose to goe to Deborah Gifford to discours her - about sum reports they |
had heard of her |
the i8 of the i2 month i705 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds |
Ruth Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland for |
any business that may consern the meeting – and Ruth Smith and Rose howland for |
the yearly meeting at Sandwich colected by this meeting |
0-12-6 |
the i8 of the i month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock ^at this meeting for the use |
of freinds |
i-0-0 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 20 of the 3 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting |
0-9-2 |
at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Smith and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly |
meeting at roadisland and Ruth Tucker and hannah Tucker for the yearly meeting at roadisland |
for any business that may consern the meeting at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] |
were chose to uisit [visit] Catharine hudlstone [Huddleston] and to know the reason of her not coming to meeting |
at this meeting Rachell allin [Allen] and hasadiah Russell were chose to goe to Mary brigs [Briggs] the |
younger about her marrying without her mothers consent, and conterary to the order of freinds |
at this meeting these following lines were read |
these are to the monthly meeting of women freinds in Dartmouth |
whereas I have commited a trespass against the lord and against the truth in commiting of |
sin which I have been condemned for in my self and am sorry for it and desire the Lord to give |
me true repentance and forgiveness for the same. and I doe desire freinds to pass by the samo |
my transgression |
given under my |
Sarah Sherman |
hand the 20 of |
the 3 month i706 |
the younger |
the i7 of the 4 month i706 . was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
was our mon |
the i5 of the 5 month 1706 . was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the i9 of the 6 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] was chose for |
the yearly meeting at Salim colected by this meeting |
0-i3-3 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
i-5-6 |
from this meeting Judah Smith undertakes for a year the tending of the meeting hous |
the i5 of the 7 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds, Ruth Smith |
and eliphell Slocom [Slocum] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
the 2i of the 8 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 18 of the 9 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-i6-8 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-6-6 |
at this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Ruth Tucker were chose to see after the disorderly |
walking of any that belong to this meeting |
the i6 of the 10 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slu |
Slocom and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at Roadisland |
the 20 of the 11 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the i7 of the i2 month i706 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected at this meeting |
0-10-7 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-12-” |
at this meeting two women freinds mary Slocom and hannah Sole [Sowle] were chose to goe to Deborah |
Gifford about her not coming to meeting. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and |
Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to take notice if any women or woman should come to this our womans |
meeting that is not of us to enquire there business. and if they have none to desire their absence |
at this meeting two women freinds hannah Tucker and elizebeth Russell were chose to goe to |
Hezekiah Smiths wife about her not coming to meeting |
the i7 of the 1 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting a woman freind Hannah |
Tucker was chose for the yearly meeting at Sandwitch and two women freinds Mary Slocom |
and Ruth Tucker for the quarterly meeting at roadisland at this meeting two women freinds |
Rahamah Smith and Ruth Tucker were chose to see after the disorderly walking of any that |
belong to this meeting |
the 2i of the 2 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Rachell allin [Allen] |
and Hasadiah Russell were chose to goe to Deborah Gifford about her not coming to meeting |
the i9 of the 3 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary |
Slocom and Hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly ^yearly meeting at roadisland |
colected by this meeting |
0-i0-0 |
the 23 of the 4 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Ruth Smith was chose for |
the quarterly meeting at roadisland taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of |
freinds |
i-0-0 |
the 2i of the 5 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom |
and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to goe to Meribah Slocom about her proseedings conserning |
marriage contrary to her parents minds and the order of freinds |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Isaak barker and elizebeth Slocom |
[Elizabeth Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before this meeting the meeting chose two women freinds ^Ruth Tucker |
and Rachell allin to see after the young womans clearness from all others against the next |
monthly meeting. colected by this meeting |
0-14-4 |
taken out for the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-13-0 |
the i5 of the 7 month 1707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 20 of the 8 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Isaak barker and elizebeth Slocom |
came the second time to receiue there answer enquiry being made acording to the order of truth |
and they being clear haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage |
the i7 of the 9 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting |
0-6-1 |
the i5 of the i0 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds |
Ruth Smith and Hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
the i9 of the 11 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker |
and Hannah Tucker were chose to goe to Hannah Jenny [Jenney] to labour with her about |
her praying publickly in meetings |
the i6 of the 12 month i707 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting |
0-15-1 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-15-6 |
at this meeting the two women freinds returned hannah Jennys [Jenneys] answer conserning her praying publickly in meetings. which was that she should doe so no more. except the lord |
required it of her. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell Allin [Allen] |
were chose to viset freinds at Sepecan |
the i5 of the i month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds |
Ruth Smith and hannah Tucker chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose overseers |
for this meeting. at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker |
were chose visitors to goe with them to visit freinds famillys |
the i9 of th . 2 . month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at and wheras formerly there has been |
that were chose of publick freinds for visitors upon consideration find an ill conveniency |
in it. have from this meeting apointed Ruth Tucker and hannah Tucker and Rachell |
allin [Allen] and it is ordered that they shall be in the performance of this service. it is |
likewise suspected that after a genarall viset. of both men and women that these |
women give an acount to the womens meeting. ensuing before the quarterly meeting |
how they find things. |
the i7 of the 3 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds |
hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker were chose for the, yearly quarterly meeting at roadisland |
colected by this meeting |
0-17-0 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-5-0 |
the 2i of the 4 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds |
hannah Tucker and abigaill allin [Abigail Allen] were chose for the quartely meeting at |
roadisland |
the i9 of the 5 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth |
the i6 of the 6 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Samuell howland |
and Mary Meriho [Merrihew] and Georg thomas and Martha Tucker and william Rickison [Ricketson] |
and Meriba Slocom [Meribah Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting |
chose two women freinds to se[e] after the womens clearness from all others against |
the next monthly meeting Colected by this meeting |
0-i6-2 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
i-0-0 |
the 20 . of the 7 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Samuell Howland and georg |
Thomas Mary Meriho [Merrihew] and georg [George] Thomas and Martha Tuker [Tucker] and William Rickison [Ricketson] |
and Meriba Slocom [Meribah Slocum] came the second time to receive there answer enquiry being made |
acording to the order of truth and they being clear of all others have the consent of |
the meeting to proseed in marriage at this meeting six women freinds were chose to |
see the marriages performed acording to the order of freinds at this meeting two women |
freinds Ruth Tucker and Ruth Smith were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
this meeting was a journd from the i8 of the 8 of month to the i day of the 9 month |
1708. at this meeting it, was ordered that there should be a pap?? preparitive meeting |
the fourth day of the week before the monthly meeting |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-12-8 |
the i5 . of the . 9 month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected at this meeting |
0-8-9 |
at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Mary lapham were chose to goe to |
abigaill Howland to know the reason of her not coming to lay her intention of marriage |
before the meeting |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting the two women freinds make |
return of abigaill howlands answer which was that the fault was not hers that she |
had not come [blot] at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rose howland were |
chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
no womens meeting of business in the . 11 . month i708 by reason of the violentness of the wether |
the 2i . of the . i2 . month i708 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting |
0-i7-1 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-10-0 |
the . 2i . of the i . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Darmouth at this meeting Charls dyer [Charles Dyer] and Mary |
lapham laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two |
women freinds Hannah Tucker and Rose Howland to enquire after the young womans |
clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting at this meeting two women |
freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Smith were chose for the quarterly meeting at |
roadisland |
the i8 of the . 2 . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. Charls [Charles] dyer and Mary lapham |
coming for their answer is referd till the next monthly meeting: this meeting chose two |
women freinds elizebeth [Elizabeth] Russell and Mary lapham to goe to Hannah Jenny [Jenney] to desire |
her to forbear speaking or praying or singing publickly in meetings |
the i5 of the 3 month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this month |
0-i5-8 |
the 20 . of the . 4 . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting three women freinds Ruth Tucker |
and Hannah Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the viseting freinds familys. at |
his meeting two women freinds. Hannah Tucker and Rose Howland were chose for |
the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
the i8 of the 5 . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting the two women freinds |
make return from the quarterly meeting at roadisland. no business for this meeting |
the i5 . of the . 6 . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Charls dyer and Mary |
lapham. came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to |
the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the consent of the meeting to proseed |
in mariage. the meeting chose two women freinds to see this marriage performed acording |
to the order of freinds: colected by this meeting |
0-i3-6 |
the i9 - of the 7 month i709 . |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth |
Smith and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting James Russell and |
Rebeckah Howland laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chuse |
two women freinds to enquire after the young womans clearness from all others against |
the next monthly meeting. at this meeting the two women freinds make return from |
the quaterly meeting. no business for this meeting. only to desire that these quiries may |
be observed. quiery for the monthly meeting to query of the representives of weekly |
Meeting. how doe freinds keep their chilldren to the plain language of truth doe freinds |
attend weekly meetings with their children and servants. |
the . 2i . of the 9 . month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting James Russell and |
Rebeckah Howland came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being |
made acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the |
consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage - colected by this meeting |
0-i2-10 |
taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds |
0-i2-10 |
theof the . 10 month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting John Green and |
Mary allin [Allen] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose |
two women freinds Mary Slocam [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the young |
womans clearness, from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting two women |
freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker. were chose for the quarterly meeting at |
roadisland |
the i6 of the 11 month i709 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting John Green and |
Mary allin [Allen] came the second time to receiue their answer. enquiry being made |
acording to the order, of truth and they being clear of all others. have the consent |
of the meeting to proseed in mariage. at this meeting Jabes barker [Jabez Barker] and Rebeckah |
Russell laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose two |
women freinds rose howland and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] to see after the young womans |
clearness against the next monthly meeting. taken out of the Stock at this meeting for the use |
of friend |
i-0-0 |
the 29 of the i2 month i709 |
was our womens meeting of held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting |
0-18-3 |
the 27 of the i month i7010 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting Jabes barker [Jabez Barker] |
and Rebekah Russell came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry be- |
ing made acording to the order of truth and they being clear of all others haue [have] |
the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage. two women freinds Hannah Tucker |
and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] were chose to see the marage orderly consumated at this |
meeting Joseph Chase and Abigaill Tucker laid their intentions of mariage before |
the meeting. this meeting chose two women freinds18 Mary; Slocum & Ruth; Tucker |
to see into ye young womans clearness. our visiters brings in their account to this meeting; this |
meeting chose Ruth; Tucker to draw up an Epistle to Send to ye Quarterly meeting two |
women friends Rachel; Allen & Ruth; Tucker & Mary; Lapham are chose to speake wth |
Abigaill; Howland: concerning her going to marry out of ye good order of friends; R. T. |
is chose to be helpfull to write for ye Meeting |
The 17th day of ye 2th mth in ye year 1710; ~ |
was our womens meeting held in dartmouth: inquiry being made whether Jabez: Barker & |
Rebekah; [Rebecca] Russell had solemnized their marriage in ye good order of Truth; ye Answer was yes; that matter concerning Joseph; Chase & Abigail; Tucker comming for their Answer is refered to next monthly meeting; ye women frds [friends] yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly Meeting but one of ym [them] went by reason of sicknesse; no businesse from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting; ye ~women yt were chose to speake wth Abigaill; Howland conserning her going to marry out of good order of frds did speake wth her & she gives no satisfaction; ~ ~ ~ |
The 15th of 3d mo in ye year 1710 ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held at dartmouth; collected by this meeting 9s-8d ~ ~ ~ |
Joseph: Chase & Abigaill Tucker coming for their Answer is refered to ye next: monthly~ |
meeting; three women frds were chose with ye men to End ye business concerning Abigail; |
Howlands marrying out of ye order of frds & they agree yt a paper of Condemnation ~ ~ |
Shall goe against her; |
The 19th of ye 4th mo in ye year 1710 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth where Joseph: Chase & Abigaill Tucker |
came for their Answer concerning their taking Each other in marriage; inquirey being |
made & we find nothing to ye contrary but yt ye may proceed in marriage According to ye |
good order of Truth established amongst frds the women frds mary: Slocum & Ruth; Tu[cker] are Chosen to see ye marriage orderly consumated; ye two women frds yt were Chose to |
Attend ye Quarterly Meeting gives an accompt yt ye desire of ye Quarterly meeting |
is yt our collection may be Every mo; it is agreed at this meeting. ye monthly collect[ion] |
shall begin at our next Quarterly meeting it is ye order of ye yearly meeting at |
Rhoad Island yt all intentions of marriages Shall be brought first to ye prepar[ative] |
meeting before ye monthly meeting; this meeting chose two women frds mary; Sloc[um] |
and Hannah Tucker to attend ye Quarterly meeting; at this meeting our frd |
Ruth; smith being about to travail unto pensilvania to visit her Children & friends |
there; desires a Sertificate from this meeting upon yt account which was granted her ~ ~ |
The 17th of ye 5th mo 1710 |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting we received an Epistle ~ |
from ye Quarterly meeting of women frds held in Newport on Rhoad Island ye 14th of |
5th month in ye year 1710 which was kindly Excepted []: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 22th of ye 6th month in ye year 1710: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s[?]:11d:16s taken |
out of ye stock ye use of frds; accompt being given into this meeting concerni= |
=ng Joseph; Chase & Abigail; Tuckers Marriage yt it was orderly consumated; ~ ~ ~ |
The 18th of ye 7th month in ye year 1710; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 6s ~ ~ ~ |
this meeting made choyce of Elizabeth; Summers & sarah; Davis for visiters to ~ ~ ~ |
visit frds families at Rochester; this meeting chose two women frds to attend ye |
Quarterly meeting: Ruth; Tucker & Rachel; Allen; this meeting is ajourned untill |
ye 4th day before ye Quarterly Meeting: no account brought into this meeting by ye |
Visiters by reason of sicknesse; this meeting Chose Mary; Lapham to draw up an |
Epistle to send to ye Quarterly Meeting; ~ ~ |
The 16th of ye 8th mo 1710 ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 5s no ~ ~ ~ |
Account of any businesse from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 20th of ye 9th month 1710; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting; 7s:11d ~ ~ ~ |
The 18th of ye 10th month . 1710 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 12s:4d this ~ |
meeting chose two women frds. Hannah; Tucker; & Mary; Layton [Lawton?] to attend ye |
Quarterly meeting; this meeting Chose hannah . Tucker & Ruth Tucker to draw up |
an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting: ~The 15th day of ye 11th month 1710; ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting: 3s=8d; taken |
out of ye stock 21s; ye women frds yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting went |
And they bring no account of any businesse to this meeting; ⁄ The 19th of ye 12th mo 1710 |
Was our womens meeting held at Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s;10d ~ ~ |
The 26th of ye first month 1710: ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting; 9s ~ |
taken out of ye stock for ye use of frds at this meeting 11s: at this meeting ~ |
ye visiters brings in their account of visiting frds families this meeting chose two ~ |
women frds Rachell; Allen & Ruth; Tucker to attend ye Quarterly meeting |
this meeting chose Ruth: Tucker & Hannah: Tucker to draw up an Epistle |
to send ye Quarterly meeting; ~ |
The 16th of ye 2th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting, 9s=2d at this ~ |
ye two women frds makes their return from ye Quarterly meeting of no businesse to this |
meeting; this meeting chose Ruth: Tucker & Rachel Allen to speake wth Deborah; smith |
about her going to marry out of ye order of frds this meeting chose three women frds Hann[ah] cker Ruth Tucker & Judeth Howland to speak wth Abigail; allen about ye abusing |
of her servant: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 21th of ye 3d mo 1711 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth; collected by this meeting 7s:6d ~ye three women |
frds yt were chose to speake wth Abigaill; Allen; & David: Akin her accuser face to face he not |
to be had at yt time; they speaking wth her conserning the cruel whipping her negro servan[t] She signifying her consenting to it or rather incouraging of it; this meeting Chose three women frds Hannah: Tucker; Rachell; Allen & Ruth Tucker wth three men frds to draw up her condemnation this meeting by ajournment ye 30th day of ye 3d mo; Draws up ye ~ |
aboue sd Abigaill Allens condemnation & orders it to be read before ye next monthly ^meeting |
ye two women friends yt were chose to speake wth Deborah: smith concerning her going |
to marry out of ye good order of frds brings in this account from her yt her frds has not been |
so carefull in advising her in time to ye contrary; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 18th of ye 4th mo yeare 1711 - |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2s:10d ~ ~ |
Hannah; Tucker & Mary; Layton [Lawton?] are chose are for to attend ye Quarterly meeting. held at Newport on Rhoad Island ye 14th day of ye 7th mo; Hannah; Tucker & Ruth; Tucke[r] are chose to draw up an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting Mary; slocum & Rachel; Allen & Hasadiah; Russell are chose to look over ye monthly meeting book & |
Collection ^& ballan[ce] the accompts ~ ~ |
The 16th of ye 5th mo 1711 |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s:8d taken out |
Of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of frds 1£ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 20th of ye 6th mo 1711 ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this Meeting 10s ~ taken ~ |
out of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of frds 9s=9d at this meeting ye women |
yt were appointed to Look over ye accompts; brings into this meeting ye accompts are |
ballanced & there is in ye stock 3£=12s=4d it was agreed upon at this meeting yt ~ |
there should be an accompt taken of ye Collection & disburstments of money once |
yearly frds yt were chose by ye Last preparitive meeting to goe to Susanna; Allen to |
know whether ye report is true of her being wth child ye frds appointed makes |
brings into this meeting they have been wth her & she nows yt she is wth child |
And takes all ye blame & shame to her self clears her parents; This meeting finding |
an necessity to draw up a condemnation against her for it wch being read & signed here - |
is ordered to be read Publickly on a first day of ye weeke at this meeting house by ~ |
William; Soule [Sowle] and make Returne to next monthly meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 17th day of ye 7th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting ?5s at this ~ |
Meeting Ruth; Tucker was chose to keep ye Collection of ye monthly meeting ~ |
taken out of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of friends 1£:12s: This meeting is |
ajournd till ye 5th day of ye 8th mo 1711 at this meeting our visiters brings in accompt |
they have visited frds families & for ye most part were Kindly Excepted; & where |
any thing was amiss & spoken to there seems to be a Spiritt of Condecention ~ |
Signifying yt they would indeavour it should be soe no more: Ruth; Smith ~ |
& Mary; Layton were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting; Hannah; Tucker |
And Ruth; Tucker were chose to draw up an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly |
Meeting: |
The 15th of ye 8th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s; taken out |
of ye stock for ye use of frds 5s: Rachel; Allen & Ruth; Tucker is chose to speake |
wth Sarah; Gifford to know how She stands in her testimonie concerning her ~ |
Childrens marrying out of ye order of frds; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 19th day of ye 9th mo 1711 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s ~ |
The 17th day of 10th mo 1711; ~ ~ ~ |
was our womens Meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s=7d |
Taken out of ye stock for ye use of frds 1[?]: our visiters signifies yt they have not |
visited frds families this Quarter; Hannah; Tucker & Ruth Tucker are ~ |
Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting. Ruth; Tucker was chose to draw up an |
Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 21th day of ye 11th mo 1711 ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s.6d |
Ye women frds yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did not goe nor send |
by reason of ye hardnesse of ye weather |
The 18th of ye 12th mo 1711 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s:5d |
The 17th day of ye 1th mo 1712 ~ |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 6s |
at this meeting our visiters gives accompt yt things in ye generall are pretty well this Meeting makes choyce of Hannah; Tuckor [Tucker] & Mary; Layton to attend ye Quarterly meeting |
At this meeting it was agread upon yt ye Paper of ye condemnation should goe forth against |
Deborah Smith for marrying out of ye order of frds not withstanding frds care & advice |
has been to ye contrary; her condemnation is signed & ordered to be read on ye first day |
of ye week; |
The 21th of ye 2th moth 1712 ~ was our womens meeting |
held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s=7d ye women yt were chose to attend |
ye the Quarterly meeting but one of ym [them] went She brings no accompt of any businesse |
for this meeting; |
The 19th of ye 3d mo th 1712 ~ ~ ~ |
was our womens meeting held in dartmouth collected by this 7s: 6d ~ ~ |
The 23d day of ye 4th mo 1712 ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth collected by this meeting 12s .10d |
Taken out of ye stock. for keeping ye meeting house 2£ taken out of ye stock |
for ye use of frds 1£ 2s 6d this meeting chose two women frds mary; slocum |
And Rachel: Allen to attend ye Quarterly meeting: |
The 21st day of ye 5th |
month 1712, was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this ~ |
meeting 2s ~ ye women yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did not goe by |
reason of sickness; 5s disbursted for ye use of frds; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 18th day of ye 6th mo 1712 |
was our Womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 8s |
Our aged friend sarah; Allen desires a Sertificate having some intention to Leave |
this meeting Hannah: Tucker. & Ruth; Tucker are Appointed to draw up |
a Sertificate against ye next monthly meeting ~ The 15th day of ye 7th mo 1712 |
was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s ~ |
disbursted for ye use of frds 14s; our visiters brings in an accompt to this meeting |
That they have visited frds families & in ye generall things pretty well ~ ~ |
Some things not well we have taken care further conserning it: Rachell Allen |
And Ruth; Tucker are chose to attend ye Quarterlie meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The 20th of ye 8th mo 1712 ~ |
Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 3s:3d |
at this meeting mary: Dyre [Dyer] desires a Sertificate She intends to goe with her |
Husband to Providence to settle: frds has taken care yt it may be done |
against next monthly meeting. |
The 17th day of ye 9th mo 1712 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s:10[?]d |
disbursted for ye use of frds 18s: Mary: Dyres [Dyers] sertificate is not drawn for |
Some consideration at this meeting frds finding nothing to hinder has |
Chose two frds Hannah;Tucker & Ruth;Tucker to draw a Sertificate ~ |
Against next monthly meeting ~ The 15th day of ye 10th moth 1712 |
Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s 4d |
Our visiters Signifies they have not visited frds families this Quarter: two |
frds are chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting Hannah: Tucker & Rachel: Allen |
Ruth Smith is chose to be helpfull to make up ye accompts wth Ruth; Tuck[er] |
Accompts ballanced; & there is in ye stock two pound two shillings & six pe[nce] |
Ruth; Tucker is chose to draw up an epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting |
The 19th day of ye 11th mo 1712 ~ ~ ~ |
was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s:3[d] |
the women yt were chose to attend ye Quarterlie meeting did not goe by |
Reason of some Hinderances yt could not be avoided we have no |
Accompt from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting; 7s:3d disbursted for ye use of frds |
The 16th day of ye 12th 1712 |
was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s:10d |
The 16 of th i mo 1713 |
Was our monthly meeting of women frinds held in dartmouth |
Collected by this meeting 7s five pence 43 disbusted for the |
youce of frinds mary Slocom [Slocum] hannah tucker are chose to atend |
thay quarterly meeting this meeting is agurned tel thay 3 day of |
the 2 mo: our visitars gives acount to this meeting that thay |
haue visited frinds families and for the most part find things |
prety wall; hannah tucker and Ruth tucker are chos to draw |
up an acount to send to the quartarly meeting ^Abigail Allins [Allen] condemnation whare as i haue |
ben consenting to the beting of my negro saruent beyound what |
I now think was convenent being ty ed by his hands and stript |
for which i have ben consarned in my self and in much trobel |
for it and do on i was of my wach at that time and so hard |
ness of hart got in which if i had kept to the Spirit of truth |
had not consented as above sade: for the clering of truth and |
the testimony thare of i give thes lines de[s]ireing that the |
lord might pas it by and that i migh come into younity |
with the Lords peepel again. abygel allen [Abigail Allen] |
[lower half of page is blank]
[bottom third of page is blank]
The 17 of the 3 month [sic] was our monthly meeting of women Friends |
held at Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s 1d the account ballanct |
and There Remains 2£-1s-4d the in the Stock |
The 22 of the 4 month 1731 was our monthly meeting of women Friends |
held at Dartmouth where our Dear Friends Ruth Jones and Sarah |
Mouls Certificate was Read at this meeting and received with in |
Abundance of Love and unity Collected at this meeting 10s 10d |
£1-3s-4d Disbursted For the use of friends |
The 17 day of the 5 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting |
7s:8d At this meeting there was an Epistle read from the yearly |
Meeting ^at Rhod Island and Received in much love |
Mary Russell and Sarah Taber ar Chosen Visitters for Cushnot |
And Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chosen for Ponagansett |
and Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Peace Wood for Coaksett |
With Mary Ricketson Concerning her marrying out of |
the unity of friends |
The 16 of the 6 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting |
of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Anthony Arnold |
And Sarah Fish did lay their Intentions |
Collected at this meeting for the use of friends 8s:1d |
The 20th of the 7th month 1731 Was our monthly meeting |
of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Wher Anthony Arnold |
and Sarah Fish Laid their Intention of marriage before |
this meeting There was Collected at this meeting 7s |
Phebe Tucker and Mary Russell are Chose to attend the |
Quarterly meeting |
The 18th day of the 8th month 1731 Was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held In Dartmouth at this meeting |
Anthony Arnold and Sarah Fish Came for their answer |
And finding nothing to hinder they had their answer that |
they might proceed to take Each other in marriage in an |
Orderly way And Seth Hilliar [Hiller] and Dorcus Davis Laid their |
Intentions of marriage before this meeting And Hannah |
Cadman and Experience Wing are appointed to Inquire |
Concerning the young Womans Clearness |
The 15 of the 9 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting of |
Women held Friends held In Dartmouth at this meeting |
Seth Hilliar [Hiller] and Dorcas Davis Came for their Answer |
the meeting finding nothing to hinder them gave them leave |
To Proceed In marriage In the good order of Friends at this |
meeting John Russell and Patience Tucker laid their |
Intentions of marriage they are Desired to Wait ttil next |
monthly meeting for their answer Rebecca Barker and |
Mary Howland are Chose To make Inquiry Concerning |
The young womans Clearness Collected by this meeting 6s 1d |
The 20 of ye 10 month 1731 was our monthly meeting of Women |
friends held at Dartmouth where John Russell and |
Patience Tucker Came for their answer and Friends having |
made Inquiry Concerning her Clearness Could find nothing to |
hinder Gave them Leave to take each other In marriage according |
to the good order of Friends Timothy Ricketson and Bathsheba |
Wilbor [Wilbur] Laid their Intentions of marriage before this meeting |
Rebecca Russell and Mary Lapham Is Chose to Inquire Into ye young |
womans Clearness Mary Slocum and Rebecca Slocum Is Chose |
to Attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker is Chose to |
write to the Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 8s 9d |
The 17 of the 11 month 1731 was our monthly meetings of women |
Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-1d- 10s-disbus[t]ed |
for keeping the meeting house Timothy Ricketson and — — — |
Bathsheba Wilber [Wilbur] Came for their Answer to this meeting Inquiring |
being made finding nothing to hinder their proceeding to |
marry in the good order of truth |
The 21 of the 12 month 1731/2 was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends Held at Dartmouth 14s[?] Disbursted for the |
use of Friends. at this meeting Thomas Youen [Yewin?] and |
Abigail Wood laid their Intentions of marriage Collected |
at this meeting 5s 6d Rebecca Russell and Mary Lapham |
Is Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness |
The 27 of the 1 month 1732 - was Oour monthly meeting of women |
Friends held at Dartmouth by adjournment where Thomas |
Youen [Yewin?] & Abigail Wood Came for their answer and friends |
finding nothing to Hinder gave them Leave to take each |
other in marriage according to truth |
and John Borden and Hannah Russell Laid their Intentions of |
marriage before this meeting Mary Russell & Rebecca Slocum |
Is Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness |
Phebe Tucker & Mary Russell is Chose to atend the |
Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 4s 8d |
The 17 of the 2 month 1732 was our monthly meetings of women held |
Friends held at Dartmouth where John Borden and Hannah Russell |
Came for their answer and Friends finding nothing to Hinder |
gave them leave to take each other in marriage In the good order of |
Truth the Friends that was Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting |
did attend it Phebe Tucker & Rebecca Slocum is Chose to |
Attend the yearly meeting - Collected at this meeting 5s |
The 15 of the 3 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of wo |
woman Friends held at Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 2s |
The 19 of the 4 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held at Dartmouth this meeting Received an epistle |
from Rhodeisland yearly meeting which was Read and received |
In Love Collected at this meeting 3s . 4. 6s . Shillings taken out |
of the Stock for the Book posting Boock |
The 17 of the 5 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman |
held at Dartmouth collected 8s . 8d . Taken out of the Stock for the use |
of Friends. Collected at this meeting 6s 5d |
The 21 of the 6 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends |
held at Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 6s . 3d . 5s Disbursted |
for the use of Friends Phebe Tucker and Rebecca Slocum is Chose visiters |
for Ponigansit Mary Russell and Sarah Tabor [Taber] is Chose Cushnot |
Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Kezia Wood is Chose for Coaxit |
The 18 of the 7 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman — |
friends held at Dartmouth Mary Slocum and Phebe Tucker Is Chose |
by this meeting to attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker is |
Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 5s 4d |
this meeting is adjourned to the Youths meeting which is to be Held the |
first Sixth day in next month |
The 26 of the 8 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends |
Held at Dartmouth where William Sanford and Rebecca Howland laid their |
Intentions of marriage and Mary Howland and Mary Lapham were |
Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness Collected at |
this meeting 3s 8d. |
The 21 of the 9 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends |
held at Dartmouth where William Sanford and Rebecca Howland Came |
for their answer and Friends finding nothing to hinder gave them leave |
to take each other In marriage according to the good order of Truth |
The 18 of the 10 month 1732 Was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Richard Craw and |
Joanna Shearman [Sherman] Laid their Intentions of marriage |
Mary Lapham And Rebeca Barker Is Chose to Inquire into |
the young womans Clearness and William Willcox [Wilcox] and Dorothy |
Allen Laid their intentions of Marriage And Rebecca Barker |
Russell and Elisabeth Barker are Chose to Inquire Into the |
young Womans Clearness Phebe Tucker and Rebecca Slocum |
are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting and Ruth Tucker |
Is Chose Write to the Same |
The 15 of the 11 month 1732/3 was our monthly meeting of |
women Friends held at Dartmouth where Richard Craw and Joanna |
Shearman [Sherman] Came for their answer and Friends finding nothing to |
Hinder gave them leave to Proceed In marriage In the good order of truth |
and William Wilcox and Dorothy Allin [Allen] Came for their answer and Friends |
finding nothnng to hinder gave them leave to Proceed In marriage and |
Icabod Kirby and Rachel Allen Laid their Intentions of marriage |
Mary Russell and Jane Smith was Chose to Inquire Into the young |
womans Clearness 40s Taken out of the Stock for the keeping the |
Meeting house. Collected at this meeting Peter Allens and Content Smith |
Condiemndation Condemnnation was read at this meeting one of the |
friends that was Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting did attend it and |
no business to this meeting |
of Women Friends Held In Dartmouth Ichabod Kerby [Kirby] |
and Rachel Allen Came for their answer and Friends |
finding nothing to Hinder gave them their Answer |
that they might proceed to take each other in marriage |
In the Good order of Truth Collected at this meeting |
7s 5d The two Friends that were Chosen to ^settle the accompts |
Have Ballanced the Book and there remains in the |
Stoack 1£-7s-6d |
The 26 day of the 1 month 1733 Was Our monthly |
Meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth by |
adjournment Where Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum |
Laid their Intentions of taking each other in marriage |
And Mary Lapham and Rebecca Russell is Chose to |
Inquire into the young Womans Clearness Phebe Tucker |
And Mary Howland is Chose to attend the monthly Quarterly Meeting |
To be held at Portstmouth [sic] ye 13th of the 2 month |
And Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to ye Quarterly meeting |
Collected at this meeting 5s-2d |
The 16 of the 2d month 1733 Was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting |
4s-8d Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum Could not have |
their answer this monthly meeting by reason of things |
not being Settled In her business |
The 21 of the 3m Was our monthly meeting of Women |
Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 3s 10d |
£1[?] . 10s taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends |
the 18th of ye 4 month 1733 Was our monthly meeting of Women |
friends held In Dartmouth where Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum Came |
for their answer and finding nothing to hinder gave them their answer |
that they might proceed to marry In the good order of Friends |
Collected at this meeting 7s 10d Disbursted for the use of Friends 5s:1d |
The 16 of the 5 month 1733 was our Monthly meeting of woman |
Friends held at Dartmouth 13s 3d Disbursted for the use of friends |
Collected at this meeting 8s 11d |
The 20 of the 6 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of woman friends |
Held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s 2d. |
this meeting is adjourned till this Day 2 weeks the 3 Day of the 7 month 1733 |
was our meeting held by adjournmnt no business presented to this meeting |
The 17 Day of the 7 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of women friend |
Held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s |
Joseph Benson and Experience Barlow laid their Intentions of marriage |
Elisabeth Hilliar [Hiller] and Abigail Youen [Yewin?] are Chose to see Into the young womans |
Clearness and Epistle from Rhode Island yearly meeting was read and Kindly |
excepted Mary Russell Peace Wood are Chose to attend the Quarterly |
meeting to be held at Portsmouth in Rhode Island |
Mary Russell and Sarah Taber Chose Visiters for Cushnet |
Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Peace Wood Chose for Coaxet Ruth Tucker Chose |
to write to the Quarterly meeting |
The 15 day of the 8 month 1733. was our monthly meeting of |
women friends held at Dartmouth where Joseph Benson and |
Experience Barlow came for there answer the meeting finding |
nothing to hinder gave them leave to proceed in the good order of truth |
Collected by this meeting 5s Mary Lapham and Mary Tucker |
The 19 Day of 9 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of woman |
friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting five Shillings 1d |
The 17 day of the 10 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2s-6d |
At this meeting Henry Hedly [Headley] and Rachel Shearman [Sherman] hath |
laid their Intentions of marriage they were desired to wait for their |
answer till next monthly meeting Mary Russell and |
Rebecca Russell are Chose to See Into the young womans Clearness |
Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker are Chose to attend the |
Quarterly meeting to be held at Newport on Rhode Island Ruth |
Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting there Is account |
brought into this meeting that there Is a poor woman that wants |
help Friends has Concluded to take Care about It |
The 21 day of the 11 month 1733. was our montly meeting of women |
friends held in Dartmouth where Henry Hedly [Headley] and Rachal |
Shearman [Rachel Sherman] Came for their answer friends finding nothing to hinder |
them gave them leave to take each other in marriage in the good |
order of friends truth: Collected at this meeting £4 5s for |
Deborah Landers which was disbursted the Same Day |
The 18- Day of the 12- month 1733 was our monthly meting — — |
of woman friends held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 3s |
Benjamin Wing and Mary Hillier [Hiller] laid their Intentions of |
of [sic] marriage Ruth Davis and Abigail Youen [Ewen] were Chose to |
Inquire Into the young womans Clearness |
The 20 of the 1 month 1734 Was our Monthly meeting of |
Woman Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment the friend that |
laid their Intentions of marriage Came for their answer this meeting |
finding nothing to hinder gave them leave take each other In Marriage |
according to the good order of Truth Collected by this meeting 9s 9d |
Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting to be held at |
Portsmouth Phebe Tucker and Mary Tucker are Chose to attend the |
Quarterly meeting at Portsmouth Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker |
Are Chose to ballance the accounts of this meeting three shillings Disbursted |
for the use of friends |
The 15 of the 2 month 1734 was our monthly meeting of women friends |
held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting [blot] Twenty Shillings - - |
for Deborah Landers: 4s 6d Collected for the Stock accounts ballanced |
and there remains In the Stock 2£-3s-2d. |
The 20 day of the 3 month 1734 was our monthly meeting of women |
Friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-3d |
The friends that was was [sic] Chose to Speake with Susanna Smith and |
She Saith tis too Late. |
The 24 of the 4 month 1734 was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held in Dartmouth Where Mary |
Lapham and Lydia Soule [Sowle] was Chose to Discource |
Alice Sm [Smith] Concerning her having a bastard Child |
Collected at this meeting 5s 5d |
and Disbusted for keeping the meeting House 20 shillings |
The 15th of the 5th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting |
of Women Friends held in Dartmouth Where James |
Green and Hannah Tucker laid their Intentions of |
Marriage Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russell are Chose |
to See Into the young Womans Clearness |
And at this meeting William Lake and Joanna Bulter [Butler] |
Laid their Intentions of marriage and Mary Russell and |
Mary Lapham are Chose to Enquire into the young Womans |
Clearness. We received An Epistle from the yearly Meeting |
Which was read And kindly Accepted |
Collected by this meeting 4s 7d |
The 19th of the 6 month 1734 Was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held in Dartmouth Where James Green |
and Hannah Tucker Came for their Answer And Friends |
finding Nothing to hinder Gave them leave to proceed In marriag |
According to the Good order of Truth and William Lake and |
Joanna Butler Came for their answer |
and this meeting Permits theme to Proceed In marriage |
according to the good order Established amongst us |
Collected by this meeting 4s 8d |
The 16 of the 7 month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held in Dartmouth Collected att this meeting 3s 6d |
This meeting appoints Mary Russell and Rebeckah Russell |
to attend the Quarterly meeting Collected by this |
The 21 of the 8th month 1734 Was our monthly Meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth At this meeting Beriah |
Goddard and Unice West Laid their intentions of marriage |
And this meeting appoints Mary Russell and Mary Lapham |
to make Enquiry Into the young Womans Clearness |
At this meeting James Cornell And Abigail Tripp laid their |
Intentions of marriage And Peace Wood and Rebeckah Russell |
are Chose to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness |
and Joseph Merihew [Merrihew] and Edeth Whitely laid their Intentions of |
Marriage before this meeting And Phebe Tucker and Rebekah |
Bark^er are Chose to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness |
There was Collected at this meeting 4s 6d |
taken out of ye Stock for the use of friends 6s and 11 pence |
The 18 day of ye 9th month 1734 Was our month meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth The young Friends that |
Laid their Intentions of marriage the Last monthly Meeting |
Came for their answers And Friends finding nothing to hinder |
Gave them leave to marry In the good [order] of Friends |
At this Meeting Henry Chase and Mary Tripp Laid their |
Intentions of marriage before this meeting Peace Wood and |
Keziah Wood are appointed to Enquire into the young |
Womans Clearness and make return to the next monthly |
Meeting Collected at this meeting 6s 1d |
The 16 of the 10th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Henry Chase |
And Mary Tripp Came for their Answer and finding nothing |
to hinder the had their answer that they might proceed to take each |
other In marriage according to the Good order of Friends |
And at this meeting Rufus Green and Martha Russell Laid their |
Intentions of marriage And were Desired to Wait till the next |
Monthly Meeting for their Answer And Rebecca Russell and Phebe |
Tucker are appointed to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness |
Collected for Deborah Landers 3 pounds |
The 20th of the 11th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of Women |
Friend held In Dartmouth at this meeting Rufus Green and Martha |
Russell Came for their answer and Friend finding things Clear |
Gave them leave to marry according to good order. |
The 17th of the 12th month 1734 Was our monthly |
Meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 9 Shillings & 4 pence |
The 17th of the first month 1735 Was our monthly Meeting of |
out of the Stock Collected at this meeting |
Taken out of the stock for Deborah Landers 3 Pounds 10 Shillings |
Our visitters brings their account that the[y] have visited |
Friends families And find for the most part things pretty Well |
Lydia Soule [Sowle] and Mary Hull are Chose to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting Ruth Tucker and Mary are Chose to Write to the |
Quarterly meeting |
The 21 of the 2 month 1735 Was our monthly Meeting |
of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this ~ |
meeting 9s-1d Phebe Tucker and Ruth Tucker are Chose to |
ballance the accounts this meetings accounts ballanced and nothing |
remains in the Stock 7s due to them thatt Keeps the Stock |
The 19th of the 3 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s Phebe Tucker |
and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to Discorse Meribah Shearman [Sherman] |
Concerning the Scandelous reports that are abroad Concernning her |
The 23 Day of the 4 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of |
women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 14s 1d |
for Deborah Landers 4s 2d Collected for the use of friends Sarah Taber |
and Rebecca Barker are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting |
to be held at portsmouth In Rhode Island the business about |
Meribah Shearman [Sherman] Is referred to next monthly meeting |
The 21 day of the 5 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of |
women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting £1 5s |
8d Disbursted for the use of friends 5s 6d Meribah Shearman [Sherman] desires |
would waait till next meeting for answer at this meeting paid for |
Deborah Landers 1£ and 2d |
The 18 of the 6 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women |
fr[i]ends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 15s 4d at this |
meeting Meribah Shearman [Sherman] Sent In a paper Condemning her |
Out goings |
The 15 day of the 7 month 1735 Was our monthly meeting of |
women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 12s 9d |
Disbursted for the use of Friends 9s 3d - 2s 6d More Collected at |
this meeting Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker are Chose to |
To [sic] attend the Quarterly meeting to be held at Portsmouth on |
Rhode Island Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly |
meeting 17s 6d Taken out of the Stock for Deborah Landers |
The 20 Day of the 8 month 1735 Was our Monthly meeting of |
women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s 6d |
the friends that Ware Chose to attend the Quarterly were not there we |
Meribeth Shearmans Paper was read on a first day and excepted |
The 17 day of the 09 month 1735 wa[s] our monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 10s - Hannah Cadman |
and Kezia Wood are Chose Visiters for this year for Coaxet Sarah Taber |
and Mary Russell are Chose visiters for Acushnet this year |
Mary Lapham and Sarah Gifford are Chose Visiters for this meeting |
this year |
The 15 da of the 10 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held in Dartmouth where Luke Hart and Mary Huddlestone [Huttleston] |
laid their Intentions of marriage phebe Tucker and Hannah Tucker |
are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans Clearness |
Collected by this meeting 4s 3d - 1s 3d More 2d taken out of the Stock |
Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting |
The 19 Day of the 11 month was our 1736 monthly meeting of women friends held |
In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting £1 2s which was disbursted |
for Deborah Landers at this meeting Luke Hart and Mary |
Huddlestone [Huttleston] Came for their answer friends finding nothing to |
hinder them gave them leave to take each other in marriage |
according to the good order of truth |
The 16 of the 12 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting of women friends |
held In Dartmouth where Nicolas [Nicholas] Howland and Zaruiah Russell |
laid their Intention of marriage Mary Lapham and Hannah Tucker |
are Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness |
The 15 Day of 1 month 1736 was our monthly meeting of woman |
friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 5s the friends |
that laid their Intentions of marriage last monthly meeting came |
for their answer Inquiry being made nothing appearing to hinder |
them Friends Gave them leave to take each other In marriage |
according to the good order of Truth this meeting Is Adjourned to |
the youths meeting next ensuing |
At this monthly meeting held by adjournment on the |
2d of the 2d month 1736 our Visitters gives an account |
that they have Visited Friends Families In a Pretty |
General In this Vilage and in Cushnot And find things |
for the most part pretty Well as far as they Saw |
Mary Lapham and are Chose to attend the |
Quarterly meeting And Ruth Tucker is Chose to write |
to the Quarterly meeting |
The 19th Day of the 2 month 1736 was our monthly |
Meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth |
Where Joseph Brownell and Leah Lawton laid their |
the next monthly meeting for their answer Phebe Tucker |
and Rebecca Russell are Chose to Inquire Into the young |
Clearness Collected by this meeting 11s - Ruth Tucker and |
Phebe Tucker are Chose to ballance the accounts of this meeting |
The 17 – of the 3 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting of |
women friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting |
10s-3d at thhi this meeting Joseph Brownell and Leah Lawton |
Came for their answer this meeting finding nothing to hinder |
them gave them leave to take each other In marriage |
accounts ballanced there is in the Stock – £2-8s |
The 21 of the 4 month 1736 - Was our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth where Je William Bowdish [Bowditch] |
and Mary Hart laide their Intentions of marriage Collected |
at this meeting 12s-£1-10s Disbursted for keeping the |
meeting howse – 4s more disbursted for the use of friends |
Hannah Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to Inquire |
Into the young womans Clearness |
The 19 of the 5 month 1736 was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this |
meeting 8s-3d the friends that laid their Intention of marriage |
last monthly meeting Came for their answer friends |
finding nothing to hinder gave them leave to take each |
other in marriage according to the good order of truth: This |
meeting Received an Apistle [Epistle] from the yearly meeting |
which was read and kindly Excepted [Accepted] |
The 20 of the 6 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held In Dartmouth And Peace Wood |
and Susanna Gifford Were Chose to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting And the visitters of Coxet have visitted Friends |
Families and Were Seemingly well accepted |
And where they found things not agreable they gave |
advise that it might be better |
and there was 8 shillings and 10 pence Disbusted out |
of the Stock for a poor Woman The use of Friends. |
And Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly Meeting |
The 18 of the 7 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting |
of women Friends held In Dartmouth Wher Recompen[se] |
Kerby [Kirby] and Rebekah Cornell Laid their intentions of |
marriage and Rebekah Russell and Sarah Gifford are |
appointed to See Into the young Womans Clearness |
Collected at this meeting 5s-10d and Elizabeth Barker and |
Concerning her going to marry out of the order of Friends |
The 16 of the 8 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting |
of Women Friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 7s-10d |
The 15 of the 9 month 1736 Was our monthly |
Meeting of Women Friends Held In Dartmouth |
Where Recompence [Recompense] Kerby [Kirby] and Rebekah Cornell |
Came for their answer and friends finding nothing |
to hinder Gave them leave to take each other in marriage |
according to the Good Order of Friends |
Collected at this meeting 10s |
The 20 day of the 10 month 1736 Was our monthly meet |
ing of Women friends held In Dartmouth where Job — |
Howland and Naomy Chase laid their Intentions of marriage — |
they were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting |
Rebecca Russell and Rebecca Barker are Chose to make Inquirey |
Into Concerning the young womans Clearness: Phebe Tucker |
and Rebecca Russell are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting |
Collected by this meeting 8s-6d disbursted for keeping the meeting |
house twenty Shillings |
The 17 day of the 11 month ^1736 was our Monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 5s – Job — |
Howland and Naomy Chase came for their answer friends finding |
nothing to hinder their answer was they might take each other in |
marriage In the good order of Truth at this meeting Joseph Tripp |
and Abigail Wait laid their Intentions of marriage they were |
Desired to wait till next monthly Meeting for their answer |
Sarah Gifford and Lydia Allen Chose to make enquiry into the |
young womans Clearness And Daniel Russell and Ruth |
Howland Laid their Intentions of Marriage before this |
Meeting and were desired to wait till the next monthly |
Meeting for their answer And Mary Russell and Elizabeth |
Barker are Chose to Enquire into the young Womans |
Clearness and make return to the next monthly |
Meeting The Friends that Were Chose visiters last year |
are Chose to Serve again one year longer |
and Apphia Mott is Chose to assist our aged Friend |
Ruth Tucker in wighting or to write In her absence |
The 21 of the 12 month 1736 Was ^our monthly meeting of |
Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Joseph Tripp |
and Abigail Wait Came for their Answer and Enquiry |
gave them Leave to take Each other In marriage accord |
ing to the Good order of Friends also Daniel Russell and |
Ruth Howland Came for their answer and this meeting |
finding nothing to hinder them Gave leave that they |
Might preceed to take Each othe In Marriage |
According to the Abovesd Good order |
Collected at this meeting 7 shillings And 9 pence |
The 21 of the 1 month 1737 Was our monthly Meeting |
of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected 9s : 3d |
Ruth Tucker And Apphia Mott are Chose to write |
to the Quarterly meeting Our visitters gives an account |
to this meeting that they have visited Friends families |
In a General Way And in Some Families found things |
pretty well And In others not So well Where they Laboured |
With them in love for an amendment |
The 18 day of the 2 month 1737 Was our monthly |
meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 5 Shillings And 10 pence |
one of the Friends that was Chose to attend it but brought |
no account from the Quarterly meeting |
The 16 day of the 3 month 1737 Was our monthly |
meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth Where |
David Stafford And Lydia Davel [Davol] Laid their intentions |
of marriage And Were desired to wait till the next |
monthly meeting for their answer and Keziah Wood |
and Sarah Gifford ar Chose to make Enquiry Concerning |
the young Womans Clearness |
The 20 of the 4 month 1737 Was our monthly Meeting |
of Women Friends held In Dartmouth |
David Stafford and Lydia Davel [Davol] Waits till the next |
Monthly meeting for their answer |
The 18 Day the of the 5 month ^1737 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth where David Stafford and Lydia Davel [Davol] |
Came for their answer Inquiry being made friends finding |
nothing hinder them gave them leave to take each other In |
marriage according to the good order of Truth Collected by this |
meeting 6s - this meeting Received an epistele from the yearly |
meeting which was read and kindly Excepted |
The 15 day of the 6 month 1737 Was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-10d this |
meeting Chose Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker to ballance the |
accounts of this meeting we have ballanced the accounts and there |
remains In the stock £3-1s-7d |
The 19 day of the 7 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of |
women frinds held In Dartmouth Where Benjamin Wing and |
Experience Benson laid their Intentions of marriage the[y] were desired |
to wait till next montly meeting for their answer Ruth Davis and |
Margrit Wing are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans |
Clearness Collected at this meeting 5s Phebe Tucker and Sarah |
Gifford are Chose attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker |
and Apphia Mott are Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting |
The 17 Da of the 8 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth Where Benjamin Wing and |
Experience Benson came for their answer and friend finding |
nothing to hinder them gave them leave to take each other In marriage |
according to the good order of Truth |
Also Joseph Smith and Elizabeth Davis laid their Intentions of |
marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait till next month |
ly meeting for their answer Mary Lapham and Mary Russell were |
Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans Clearness Collected |
at this meeting 4s-9d taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends £1-10s |
The 21 day of the 9 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women friends |
held In Dartmouth Where Joseph Smith and Elisabeth Davis Came for their |
answer and friends finding nothing to hinder them gave them leave to take |
other In marriage according to the good order of Truth |
also Joseph Barker and Rebekah Smith laid their intentions |
of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait till |
the next monthly meeting for their answer |
Rebekah Russell and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to enquire |
Concerning the young Womans Clearness |
Collected at this meeting for the use friends 0£-11s-08d |
The 20 of the 10 month 1737 Was our monthly meeting |
of Women Friends held in Dartmouth. Joseph Barker and |
Rebekah Barker Smith Came for their answer and |
nothing appearing to hinder they had their answer that they |
might proceed to marry in the good order of Friends |
And Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham laid their intention |
of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait |
till the next monthly meeting for their answer |
Also Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham laid their Intentions |
of marriage before the abovesd meeting they were desired to wait |
untill the next monthly meeting for their answer Mary Tucker |
and Rebecca Barker are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning |
the young womans Clearness |
Reuben Davel [Davol] and Mary Ricketson laid their Intentions of |
marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their |
answer till next monthly meeting Sarah Gifford and Joanna |
Russell are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young |
Womans Clearness Collected at this meeting the sum 3£-4d-6 |
taken out of the Stock for keeping the meeting house £1 |
Susanna Gifford and Apphia Mott are appoynted Chose to attend the Quarterly |
meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to write to the |
Quarterly meeting |
The 16 day of the 11 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women |
Friends held In Dartmouth where Reuben Davel [Davol] and Ma |
Mary Ricketson came for their answer and after due Inquiry made |
Concerning the young womans Clearness and finding nothing to hinder |
their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this and |
and [sic] the next monthly meeting according to the good order of Truth |
Also Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham Received the Same answer |
that they might proceed In marriage between this and the next monthly |
meeting according to the good order Established among Friends |
Benjamin Russell and Hannah Allen laid their Intentions of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait till the next monthly |
meeting for their answer Mary Lapham and Apphia Mott are Chose |
to make Inquiry chose to Concerning the young womans Clearness |
The 20day of th 12 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women |
friends held In Dartmouth where Benjamin Russell and Hannah Allen |
Came for their answer and an Enquiry having been made Concer |
ning ye young womans Clerness and nothin being found to hinder |
they had their answer that they might proceed to take each other |
In marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
Next monthly meeting according to good order |
and ther was Collected at this meeting 8s-8d |
and Sarah Gifford and Audre Smith are Chose Visitters for |
Ponagansett and Mary Russell and Sarah Taber for Cushnot |
And Hannah Cadman and Keziah Wood for Coaksett |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held In |
Dartmouth ^the 20 day of ye [1?] month 1737/8 where Jacob Shearman and Margrit Prance [Prince] |
Signified their Intentions of marriage and were desired to |
wait till the next monthly meeting for their Answer and |
Mary Lapham and Rebekah Russell are appointed to make |
enquiry Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation |
and make return to ye next monthly meeting |
There was Collected at this meeting 5s-6d |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to Write to the |
Quarterly meeting, and this meeting is adjourned till the |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
on the 17th of the 2 month 1738 Jacob Shearman and Margrit Prance [Prince] |
Came and Desired their answer and due Enquiry having been made |
Concerning the young Womans Clearness and nothing appearing |
to hinder they had their answer that they might proceed in marri |
-age In some Convenient time between this and the next monthly |
meeting Observing good order in the accomplishment thereof |
Collected at this meeting 0£-9s-4d And Patienc[e] Wood the Wife |
of William Wood remains under dealing and this meeting |
hath Chose Phebe Tucker and Mary Tucker to go and talk |
further with her |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held In Dartmouth |
on the 15th of the 3 month 1738 John Allen and Margrate Soule |
Laid their Intentions of Marriage befor this meeting and were desired |
to Wait till the next monthly meeting for their answer and |
Rebekah Barker and Joanna Russell are appointed to Enquire |
Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make |
return to the next monthly meeting |
And Joseph Havens and Rebekah Russell did lay their Intentions |
of marriage before this meeting And were also desired to Wait |
till the next monthly meeting for their answer and Rebekah |
Russell and Eunice Goddard are appointed to make Enquiry into |
the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make |
return to the next monthly meeting |
There Was Collected at this meeting 6s-8d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth |
on the 19 day of the 4 month 1738 John Allen and Margrate |
Soule Came for their answer and nothing appearing to hinder |
they had their answer that they might proceed to take each other |
In marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next monthly meeting observing our good order in the |
Accomplishment thereof: Also Joseph Havens and Rebeckah |
Russells Answer was that they might proceed In marriage |
as abovesd And Mary Russell and Apphia Mott are appointed |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting And to write to ye Same |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth |
on the 17 of ye 5 month 1738 We received an Epistle |
from the Q yearly meeting at New Port which was read and |
kindly accepted There was Collected at this meeting 0-5-0 |
and Abgail Ricketson remaine yet under Dealing |
And Patience Wood hath made Sattisfaction for her |
out goings |
The 21 Day of the 6 month 1738: Collected at this meeting 0-5-3 |
And Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucke[r] are Chose to ballance the |
accompts of this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth |
on the 18th of the 7 month 1738 And William Ricketson and |
Hannah Russell laid their Intention of taking Each other in |
Marriage before this meeting And were desired to Wa[i]t till the |
next monthly meeting for their answer and Rebeckah Russell |
and Apphia Mott are appointed to make Enquiry into the young |
Womans Clearness and Conversation and make return to the |
next monthly meeting and Grizzel Shearman and Abigail |
Jenkins are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting |
all the acounts ballanced and remains In the Stock 3-17-4 |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dart |
mouth on ——————————— |
Collected at this meeting 7s-6d Disbusted at this 2 pounds for a |
perticular Friend And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott ar |
Chose to Write to the Quarterly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in |
Dartmouth on the 16th of the 8 month 1738 William |
Ricketson Came for their answer And Finding nothing |
to hinder them they had their answer that they might proceed |
to take each other In marriage in Some Convenient time |
between this and the next monthly meeting Observing good |
order in the performance thereof |
Collected at this meeting 0-7-7 |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In |
Dartmouth on the 20th day of the 9 month 1738 |
Collected at this meeting 0£-9s-0d And disbusted out of the Stock |
for the use of Friends —— 0£-6s-6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In |
Dartmouth on the 18th of the 10 month 1739 [sic] |
There was Collected at this meeting 0-3s-0d |
Taken out of the Stock out of the Stock [sic] for keeping the |
meeting House one pound. Susanna Gifford and Joanna Mott |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to Draw |
an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth on the 15th day of the 11 month 1738 |
Stephen Peckham and Keturah Arthur Signified their Intentions |
of marriage at this meeting and were desired to wait till the next |
Monthly meeting for their answer We have had an account |
of her Clearness and Conversation from Nantucket |
There was Collected at this meeting 0£-4s-0d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends Held at our |
Meeting House In Dartmouth on the 19th Day of ye 12 month 1738 |
Stephen Peckham and Keturah Arthur Came to this meeting |
For their Answer And there being nothing found to hinder |
their answer was that they might proceed to take Each |
other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between |
this and the next monthly meeting observing Our Good |
Order in the accomplishing of it |
No business presented from the Quarterly Meeting |
And this meeting mad Choice of Hannah Cadman and |
Peace Wood visitters for Coaksett Vil[l]age and for Ponggansitt |
Mary Lapham Sarah Gifford and Audre Smith |
And Mary Russell and Sarah Taber for Cushnot |
There was Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-0d |
At our monthly Meeting of Women Friends held at our |
meeting House in Dartmouth on the 19th day of the first month |
1739 there was Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-6d |
And this meeting is adjourned until the first sixth day in |
the 2d month next |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held by adjournmentpeleg |
on the 6 day of the 2 month 1739 Lydia Soule and |
Meribeh [Meribah] Slocum are appointed to attend the Quarterly |
Meeting: And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed |
to attend Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting next |
and Dorcas Shepherd is added to the Visitters for this year |
And Phebe Tucker is under Dealing Concerning the matter |
about Ruth Slocum |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In |
Dartmouth on the 16 day of the 2d month 1739 Robert Hall |
And Isabel Shearman did lay their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting and Were desired to wait till the next |
Monthly meeting for their answer and Mary Lapham and |
Mary Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into the |
young Womans Clearness and Conversation And make |
return to the next monthly meeting |
And John Potter and Hannah Barker laid their inten |
=tion of marriage before this meeting and were Desired as |
aforesd and Susanna Gifford and Mary Tucker are appoin |
as aforesd Collected at this meeting 0£-10s-9d |
Taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends 1-10-0 |
And Phebe Tucker hath not made full Sattisfaction as yet |
And Mary Tucker is Chose to keep ye Collection mony |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held at |
our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 21 of the 3 mo |
1739 Robert Hall and Isabel Shearman and John |
Potter and Hannah Barker Came for their answers |
And nothing Appearing to hinder they had their answers |
that they might proceed to marry in Some Convenient |
time between this and the next monthly meeting |
observing the Good order of Friends In the accomplishing |
thereof Collected at at [sic] this meeting 0£-6s-5d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at |
our meeting House in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the 4 mo |
1739. Abraham Stafford and Ruth Wood laid their |
their [sic] intentions of marriage before this meeting and |
were desired to wait til ye next monthly meeting for |
their answer And Elizabeth Barker and Peace Wood |
are Chose to make Enquiry Concerning the young wo- |
=mans Clearness and Conversation and make return |
to the next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held |
at our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 16 day |
of the 5 month 1739 Collected at this meeting 0-10-0 |
and Experience Wing is Chosen visitter for Rochester |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held |
at our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 20 of the |
6 month 1739 Abraham Stafford and Ruth Wood Came and |
desired their answer and nothing appearing to hinder |
their answer was that they might proceed to take each |
Other in marriage in the good order Established amongst |
Friends in some Convenient time between this and the |
next monthly meeting and Audere Smith and Apphia |
Mott are appointed to ballance the accompts of this |
meeting which they have done and remains |
In the Stock 2£-1s-9d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at our |
Meeting House in Dartmouth on the 17 day of the 7 month 1739 |
William Russell and Elisabeth Willber [Wilbur] laid their intentions |
of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait til |
Russell and Rebeckah Russell are appointed to make Enquirry |
Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and |
make return to the next monthly meeting |
And Joseph Taber and Mary Tinkham also laid their intention |
of marriage and were desired to wait accordingly And Mary |
Russell and Ruth Davis were Chose to Enquire into the young |
Womans Clearness as aforesd |
Collected at this meeting 0-5-6 and Audre Smith and |
Apphia Mott are Chose to Draw up an Epistle to the |
Quarterly meeting next |
At a monthly meeting of Woman Friends held at our |
Meeting House in Dartmouth on the 15 day of the 8 month |
1739 William Russell and Elizabeth Willber [Wilbur] appeared at |
this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention |
as did also Joseph Taber and Mary Tinkham and things |
appearing Clear they had their answers that they might |
proceed to mar[r]y in good order in Some Convenient time |
between this and the next monthly meeting |
Collected for the use of friend 0-5s-9d |
We received an Episle from Rode Island which was read |
and kindly accepted |
At a monthly meeting of Friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth on the 19 day of ye 9 month 1739 |
Collected at this meeting for the use of Friends 0£-4s-6d |
Taken out of the Stock 0£-11s-10d |
At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth |
The 17th of ye 10th month 1739. Collected for the youce of friends 1£=4s=1d |
Mary Russell and Peace Wood are Chose to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appoynted to Draw an Epissel to the |
Quarterly meeting next Ensuing this meeting is aiurned until the first |
adjournd |
6 Day in the next month |
Peleg Cornel proposal |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 11th mo 1739 |
Where Peleg Cornell and mary Russell Laid their intention of marri[a]g[e] they were |
To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Rebeckah Russell and |
Rebeckah Barker was Chose to make inquiry Concearning the young woman Clear |
ness and Conversation and make their Return to the next monthly meeting |
Eliz: Wing Meriba Gifford |
Mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford wear [were] Chose to talke with Elizabeth wing |
And meribah Gifford Conserning their out Goings Collected att this meeting: 4S[?] =6d |
Taken out of the Stock for the youce of Friends: £1–5S–0d |
Peleg Cornel answer |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th day of 12mo 1739 |
Wher[e] Peleg Cornell and mary Russell Boath appeared Signified the Continuation |
of their intention of marri[a]ge and their answer was that they might Proceed |
David Smith proposal |
David Smith and Jean Brown Laid their intention of marrige Before this meeting |
They wear Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer |
Mary Russell and Elizabeth Barker wear Chose to make inquire Conserning |
The yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the next |
Monthly meeting Collected for the youce of friends £0=4S=0d |
David Smith answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 17 of ye 1th mo 1740 |
Where David Smith and Jean Brown boath appeared Before this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marri[a]ge and their |
George Allen proposal |
Answer was they might Proceed George Allen and Rachel Smith Laid |
Their intention of marrige Before this meeting & they were Desired |
To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Rebeckah |
Russell and Apphia mott are to make inquirey Concerning the young |
Woman Clearness and make their Return to the next monthly meeting |
Col[l]ected for the youce of friends: £0=6S=1d–0[t?] this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until |
The first Sixth day in the next month Peace wood and Susannah Gifford |
Are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia |
Mott are to Draw up an Epistel to the Quartely meeting next ~~ |
George Allen answer |
At our mont[h]ly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 2th mo 1740 |
George Allen and Rachel Smith Both appeared and Signified the Continuation |
of their intention of marrige and their answer was they might proceed |
Wm Hart proposal |
William Hart and mary Shepard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of marrige Before this |
Meeting they were desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for |
Their answer mary Lapham and Joanna Russell are to make inquirey |
Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Return to the next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting the – |
Sum of 8s=9d no Business from the Quarte[r]ly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20 of ye 3th mo 1740 |
Wm Hart answer |
Where William Hart and Mary Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appearing Before this |
Meeting and signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and |
Jos Tripp answer proposal |
Their answer was that they might Proceed Joseph Tripp and Judah – – |
Mosher Laid their intention of marrige Before this meeting they wear |
To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Elizabeth |
Barker and Grizzel Sherman are Chose to make Enquire [inquiry] Concerning the |
yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the |
Phebe Tucker |
Next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting–1S=6d- Phebe Tucker hath made |
Friends Satisfaction |
At our monthly meeting of women holden in Dartmouth ye 23 of ye 4th mo 1740 |
Jos: Tripp answer |
Joseph Tripp and Judah mosher Boath appearing Before this meeting and |
signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and their answer was |
They might Proceed according to the Good order Established among friends |
Friends have maid Choyce of mary Gifford and Keziah Wood to visit friends |
Families at acokset this year Collected for the youce of friends the Sum of: 14S=0d |
Lyda taber and Mary Russell are appointed to visit friends families in |
Poniganset this year Keziah Wood and Abig[a]il Ginkins are Appointed to |
Attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next Ensuing Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott |
Are to draw an Epistel to the Quartely meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 5 mo 1740 |
Dan Russell proposal |
Where Daniel Russell and Edea Howland Laid their intention of marrage |
They ware [were] Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their |
Answers mary Lapham and Apphia mott were Chosen to make Enquire |
Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make |
Epistle Recd |
Their Return unto the next monthly meeting: we Recevid an Epistle |
From friends at Newport which was Re[a]d and the Love therein [ministered?] |
Kindly accepted: |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 6th mo 1740 |
Dan: Russell |
Where Daniel Russel[l] and Edea Howland Both appeared Before this meeting |
And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and their answer |
was they might Proceed in marrage Betwixt this and the next monthly |
Meeting observing Good orders Collected for the youce of friends: £0–7S–2d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 7th mo 1740 |
Nat Bowdish proposal |
Nathaniel Bowdash [Bowdish] and Francies Lapham Laid their intention of marrage |
Before this meeting they ware Desired to wait unt[i]l the next monthly |
Meeting for their answer Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth Barker |
Are Chose to make inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and |
make their Return to the next monthly meeting Collected for the youce |
of friends: =3s= 10d Audrey Smith and Apphia mott and mary Tucker are |
Chose to Ballance the accompts of this meeting Susannah Gifford and |
Joanna mott are Appoynted to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next |
Insuing and Apphia mott to write to the Quartely meeting Mary Lapham |
Elizabeth Barker and Susannah Gifford are Appoynted Visitors for Ponaganset |
Villige this year: all accounts Ballanced and hear Remains in the Stock: £3=15S=6d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 8th mo 1740 |
Natl Bowdish answer |
Nathaniel Bowdash [Bowdish] and Franses Lapham Came for their answer and there |
Being Nothing found to hender them their Answer was they might Proceed |
Betwean this and the next monthly meeting According to Good orders Established |
Among friend Collected for the youce [use] of friends: 5S=0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 9th mo 1740 |
Collected for the youce of friends: 2S=4d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 10th mo 1740 |
No Collection this meeting: Taken out of the Stock one Pound: towards keeping |
The meeting house: mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford are Chose to attend |
The Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to draw |
An Epistle to the Quarterly meeting Next insuing |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 11th mo 1740 |
Collected for the youce of friends: – - - - – - – – – £0=11S=11d |
Dan Howland proposal |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 25th of ye 12th mo 1740 |
Where Daniel Howland and mary Slocom [Slocum] Laid their intention of marr[i]age |
They ware to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting |
Rebeckah Russell and Rebeckah Barker were to make inquire [inquiry] Concerning |
The yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next |
Monthly meeting: no Collection this meeting |
Dan Howland answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 1th mo 1741 |
Where Daniel Howland and mary Slocome [Slocum] Boath Appeard at this meeting and |
Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and their answer |
was they might Proceed betwixt this and the next monthly meeting observing |
Good orders: Collected for the youce of friends: 7S- 8d= This meeting is a iourned [adjourned] |
until the first Six[th] day in next month Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott |
Are appoynted to Draw an Epistle to the Quarte[r]ly meeting Next |
Wm Gifford proposal |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 2th mo 1741 |
William Gifford and Elizabeth Tripp Laid their intention of marrage they |
were Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer |
Rebeckah Russell and Peace Wood are Appointed to make inquirey Concerning |
the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the next |
monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends – – – – £0– 5S– 0d |
Wm Gifford answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth ye 27th of ye 3th mo 1741 |
Where William Gifford and Elizabeth Tripp Both Appeared at this meeting |
And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and their - - - |
Answer was they might Proceed Betwix[t] this and the next monthly meeting |
Observing Good orders: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by an a iurnment [adjournment] |
the 22th of ye 4th mo 1741: Collected for the youce of friends: – - – – - – 5S=2d |
Visitors |
This meeting hath maid Choice of Keziah Wood and mary Gifford to visit |
Friends famelies in Acokset this year: mary Russell and Grizzel Sherman |
Are Appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next ensuing Ruth Tucker |
and Apphia mott are Appointed to write an Epistle to the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting: next |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 5th mo 1741 |
Collected for the youce of friends - - - – – £0=2S=0d |
Eliphel Harper Recd |
This meeting Received an Epistle from Newport yearly meeting which |
Was Re[a]d and Kindley Accepted: Eliphel Harper Certificate was Re[a]d in |
This meeting and well accepted and She taken under the Cear [care] of the meeting |
Eliphel Harper Certificate Came from Sandwich monthly meeting: |
Taken out of the Stock one Pound ten Shillings |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6 mo 1741 |
No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 7 mo |
1741: Collected for the youce of friends:= 10S=0d: |
Grizzel Sherman and Elizabeth Gidley are Appoynted to attend the |
Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott are Chose to write |
To the Quartely meeting Next Ensuing: Audrey Smith and mary |
Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to Balance the accoumpts [accounts] |
of the Above Said meeting: this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until the first Sixt[h] |
Day in Next month |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 8th mo 1741 |
The 11th day of ye 9th mo 1741: All Accounts Ballanced and hear [here] - - – |
Remains in the Stock - £3=14S=7d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends Held in Dartmouth |
John Gifford proposal |
The 16th day of ye 9th mo 1741 where John Gifford and Bershaba Lapham |
Both Appeared and Signified their intention of marr[i]age they wear [were] |
Desired to wait until the Next monthly meeting for their answer |
Rebeckah Russell and Apphia mott are Appointed to make inquire [inquiry] |
Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and make their Return to the Next |
Monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends = - - - - 5S–0d |
At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth the 21th day |
of ye 10th mo 1741: where John Gifford and Bershaba Lapham Both Appear[e]d |
John Gifford answer |
And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age and their |
Answer was they might Proceed Betwixt this and the Next monthly |
meeting observing Good orders: Collected for the youce of friends = 10S=9d= - |
Taken out of the Stock: £1=10S=0d towards payment for Keeping the meeting |
house: Susannah Gifford and Peace Wood are Appointed to Attend the |
Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing at Rhod island: Ruth Tucker and Apphia |
Mott are Appointed to Draw up an Epistle to the Qurtely meeting Next |
Silas Kirby proposal |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in dartmouth ye 18th of ye 11th mo |
1741 whear Silas Kirby and Elizabeth Russell Signified their |
intention of marrage they were desired to wait until the next monthly |
Meeting for their answer: mary Lapham and Grizzel Sherman wery [were] Chose |
To make inquire Concerning the yong woman Cl[e]arness and Conversation and |
Make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: No Collection this meeting |
At our mont[h]ly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 12th mo |
Frances Allen proposal |
1741 whery [where] Frances Allen and Rebeckah Tucker Came and Signified |
Their intention of mar[ri]age: they were to wait for their answer until |
The Next monthly meeting: Two friends were Chose to inquire into |
the yong woman Clearness and make their Return to the Next monthly |
meeting: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 1th month |
Silas Kirby answer |
1742: where Silas Kirby and Elizabeth Russel[l] Both Appeared and |
Signified the Contin[u]ation of their intention of marrige and their Answer was |
They might Proceed in marrage Betwixt this and the Next monthly meeting |
Francis Allen answer |
According to Good orders: also Francis Allen and Rebeckah Tucker Came and |
Desired their Answer and friends finding Nothing to hender them their [answer?] was they |
might proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good |
orders: Collected for the youce of Friends - - - - 6S–3d |
Phebe Tucker and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to Attend the Qua[r]te[r]ly meeting |
Elizabeth Barker and mary Tucker are Chose to Talk with marebah howland |
For her out Goings: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to write to |
The Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 2th mo 1742 |
No Collection this meeting: No Business Presented for the Qurtely meeting |
At our monthl[y] meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of ye 3th mo 1742 |
Collected for the youce [use] of friends - - - - 3S=9d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 4th mo 1742 |
Collected for the youce friends: 15S=9d= Peace Wood and Mary Gifford are Appointed |
to attend the Qurtely meeting Next insuing Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott |
are Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quertely meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 5th mo 1742 |
Collected for the youce of friends: 4S=3d: Taken out of the Stock: 15S=9[d?]: for the youce |
of friends: more taken out of the Stock towards Payment for Keeping the |
meeting house: =£2=0S=0d |
At our monthly of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 6th mo 1742 |
Collected for the youce of friends: =7S=8d= this meeting makes Choice of |
Visitors |
Peace Wood and Abig[a]il Cornel [Cornell] to visit friends Famelies at acokset |
the year insuing |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 7th mo |
1742: Collected for the youce of Friends – - – – - –– – 12S=6d– |
Elizabeth Gidley and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to Attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly |
Meeting Next insuing: Grizzel Sherman and mary Tucker are Chose |
Eliphel Harper |
To talke with Eliphel Harper Concerning her Clearness on her Removeal |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to Daraw an Epistle to the |
Qurtely meeting |
At our monthl[y] meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth 18th day |
of ye 8th mo 1742 No Business Pr[e]sented from the Qurtely = meeting |
Audrey Smith Mary Tucker Apphia Mott are to Balance the accou |
nts of this meeting No Collection this meeting: Elizabeth Gidley and |
Joanna Howland |
Susannah Gifford are Appointed to talk with Joanna Howland |
Concerning her out Goings |
The 8th day of the 9th mo 1742: all accompts Balanced and hear [here] |
Remains in the Stock= £2=14S=9d |
At our Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 15th of ye 9th mo 1742: No Collection this Meeting |
At our Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th |
of 10th mo 1742: Collected for the youce [use] of friends: 4S=6d: |
Two pounds taken out of the Stock for Keeping the meeting house |
3 Shillings more taken out of the Stock: this meeting Hath maid [made] |
Choice of Peace Wood and mary Willcox and Sarah Gifford to Talk with |
Leah Brownell for a miss step which She hath taken: Phebe Tucker and |
Sarah Gifford are Appointed to attend the Quertaly Meeting Next insuing |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Same |
At our Monthly meeting of women held in Dartmouth the 17th of |
the 11th mo 1742: hear [here] was Collected for the youce of friends: 10S–0d- |
Visiters |
This meeting maid Choice of Lyda Taber and Mary Russel [Russell] for to visit friends |
Friends families in Cushnet this year: this meeting maid Choice of |
Alice Slocum |
Audrey Smith and Elizabeth Gidley to Talke with Ealce Slocom [Alice Slocum] for |
Nat: Kirby & wife |
Her out Goings: Peace Wood and Mary Gifford are Appointed to go with |
the men to talke with Nathaniel Kerby [Kirby] and his Wife |
At our Monthly Meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth the 21th day |
of the 12th mo 1742: hear was Collected for the youce of friends: £3-0S-6d= |
Mary Wood & Sarah Giff= =ford |
this Meeting Chose Mary Gifford and Abig[a]il Cornal [Cornell] to talk with Mary |
Wood: Mary Russel[l] and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to talke with Sarah |
Gifford |
At our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 1th mo 1743 |
Peleg Gifford proposal |
whear Peleg Gifford and Abig[a]il Shephard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of marr[i]age |
they Friends Were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next |
Monthly meeting: Hannah Tucker and Apphia Mott were Appointed |
to make inquire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and |
make Return to the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Apphia |
Mott are Appointed to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: Ruth Tuck[er] |
and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Sam[e] no Collection this |
meeting: Hannah Cadman and Susannah Cornal [Cornell] are Appointed to See into |
mary Devile [Davol] Conv[e]rsation |
At our Montht[y] Meeting of Women Friends held in |
Peleg Gifford answer |
Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 2th mo 1743: where Peleg Gifford and Abig[a]il |
Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appear[e]d and Signified the Continuation of their |
intention of marri[a]ge: and their answer Was they might Proceed |
Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
Collected for the youce of friends: 12S–0d= |
Sarah Gifford made satisfaction |
Sarah Gifford hath maid friends Satisfaction for the uneasiness |
Which She hath Caused among friend Concerning the marr[i]age of |
her daughter |
The 15th of ye 3th mo 1743: No Collection this meeting |
Furreign Friends Visit |
At our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 20th of ye 4th mo 1743: Kezia Benson and Hocks[?] have visited our |
Meeting and their visits wear kindly accepted: Collected for the youce |
of friends: 6S–8d: Bethia Wadys Certificate was Read and well accepted: |
Bethiah Wady Recd |
Sarah Gifford and Kezia wood are Appointed to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly ~~~ |
meeting: Apphia Mott is Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Qurtely ~~~ |
meeting Next insuing |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the |
15th of ye 5th mo 1743: here was Collected for the youce of friends: 8S–3d |
Alice Bunting Ann Gant Visit |
Ealse Bunting and Ann Gant: have visited our meeting and their visits |
were Kindly Excepted: and our meeting had good unity with their Certificate |
The Epistle from Newport yearly meeting was Read and well accepted ~ |
No Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 15th of |
the 6th mo 1743: Collected for the youce of friends: 5S=0d= this meeting maid [choice?] of |
Visitors |
Peace wood and Abig[a]il Cornal [Cornell] to visit friends families in Acokset |
vilige this year: mary Lapham Susannah Gifford and Elizabeth Barker |
and Sarah Gifford are Chose to visit friends families in Poniganset [Apponagansett] ~~ |
vilige this year insuing |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 7th [mo] |
1743: Collected for the youce of friends: 6S=6d: Robard Mosher and Sarah |
Robart Mosher proposal |
Laton [Lawton] Both Appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention of marr[ia]ge |
they were Desired to weait for their answer until the Next monthly |
Meeting: Peace Wood and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to make inquire - - – - |
Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make Return to |
the Next monthly meeting: Audra Smith and Mary Wilcox are appointed to |
Attend the Qurtely meeting: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to Draw |
an Epistle to the Same: taken out of the Stock for the youce of |
Friends - - 6S=8d= |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 8th mo |
Robart Mosher answer |
1743: where Robard Mosher and Sarah Laton [Lawton] Boath appeard and Signified |
the Contin[u]ation of their intention of marrage: and friends finding Nothing to |
Hender them: their answer Was they might Proceed Betwix this and the |
Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Collected for the youce of friends |
:6S=6d=: taken out of the Stock: 9S-10d= this meeting Chose Audr[e]y Smith Mary |
tucker Apphia mott to balance the accounts of this meeting |
The 16th of the 9th mo 1743: all Accounts Balanced and here |
Remains in the Stock - - -£3–1S–2d- |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Wood proposal |
ye 21th ye 9th mo 1743: where Daniel Wood and mary wady Boath |
Appeared and Signified their intention pf marri[a]ge: they were desired |
to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah |
Russel [Russell] and Mary Russel[l] are to make inquirey concerning the yo[u]ng woman |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly |
meeting; Collected for the youce [use] of friends: =5S=0d: |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by |
Daniel Wood answer |
a iorment [adjournment] ye 6th of ye 10th mo 1743: where Daniel Wood and mary wady Boath |
Appeard and signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age |
and friends finding nothing to hender them their answer was they might |
Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observeing |
Good orders: taken out of the Stock: 2£ to wards Keeping the meeting |
house: Mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford are Appointed to attend the |
Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: No Collection this meeting: Ruth tucker |
and Apphia mott are Chose to Draw an Epistle to the Qurtely meeting |
At our Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth y 16th of ye 11th [mo] |
1743: No Collection this meeting nor no Business Presented from the |
Qurtely meeting |
At our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Daniel Gifford proposal |
ye 20th of ye 12th mo 1743\\4: where Daniel Gifford and Ann Howland Both |
Appeared att this meeting and signified their intention of marr[i]age |
they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly |
meeting: Phebe Tucker and mary Russel[l] are to make inquire [inquiry] |
Concerning the yong Woman Clearness and make their Return to the |
Next monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends: =3S–8d~ |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of y[e] 1th mo |
Dan Gifford Answer |
1744: Daniel Gifford and Ann Holand [Howland] Both appear[e]d at this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage: and |
friends finding nothing to hender them: their answer was they |
mig[h]t proceed in marr[ia]ge Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting |
observeing Good orders= Collected for the youce of friends – - - – 15S–4d |
Thomas Smith proposal |
Thomas Smith and Exsperence Chace Laid their intention of marr[i]age |
Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until |
John Parks proposal |
the Next monthly meeting: also John Parke and Sarah Gifford Both |
appe[a]red at this meeting and Signified their intention of marrage they were |
Were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting ~ ~ |
The friends that went out with them are to make inquire Concerning the |
yo[u]ng womens Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next |
monthly meeting: Phebe tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to attend the |
Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mottt are to write to the |
Qurtely meeting Next insuing |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of |
and John Parks answer |
ye 2th mo 1744: No Collection this meeting Thomas Smith and Exsperance Chace |
John Parke and Sarah Gifford all Appe[a]red att this meeting and Signified - - |
the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age: and friends finding |
Nothing to hender them their answer was that they might Proceed |
in marr[i]ag[e]: Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: |
Nothing of Business Pr[e]sented from the Qurtely meeting: taken out of the |
Stock: £1=10S–0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 3th mo |
1744: Collected for the youce of friends =6S=0d |
Bethiah walker Certificate was Read and She Rece[i]ved und[er] the Cear [care] of our |
Meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 4 mo |
1744 Collected for the youce of friends =6S=7d: Susannah Gifford and Deborah |
Visitors |
Hunt are Appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting: this meeting maid Choyce |
of Mary Gifford and hannah Mosher to visit friends famileys in acokset this |
year insuing: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to write to the |
Qurtely meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 5th mo 1744 |
This meeting Rece[i]ved an Epistle from the Newport yearley meeting which was |
Re[a]d and kindly accepted: No Collection this meeting: mary tucker and Apphia |
Mott are Appointed to give an account to the monthly meeting at |
Marcy Fish |
Rhod island Concerning mercy fish: Co[n]versation wher She Resided among us |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 6th mo |
Barna Mosher proposal |
1744: Barabas [Barnabas] mosher and Bethiah Walker Laid their intention |
of marrage and friends Desired them to wait for their answer until the |
Next monthly meeting: mary Russel[l] and Apphia Mott are to make |
inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make |
Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected for the yoce of friends =5S=6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of |
Barna Mosher proposal answer |
The 7th mo 1744: Barnabas Mosher and Bethia walker Boath appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age and friends finding |
Nothing to hender them their answer was they might Proceed in marr[i]ag[e] |
Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
Robart Kirby proposal |
Robard [Robert] Kirby and Abig[a]il Allen Laid their intention of marrage Before this |
meeting: they were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly |
meeting: Susannah Gifford and Deborah Slocom [Slocum] are Appointed to make inquire |
Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearniss and Conversation and make their Return |
to the Next monthly meeting: No Collection this meeting: Peace wood and |
Mary Potter are Chose to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to darw [draw] an Epistle to the same |
this meeting is Aiouned [Adjourned] until the first Six[th] Day in Next month |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 8th mo |
-cumber proposal |
1744: Collected for the youce of friends: 7S=9d= John macombar [Macomber] and Desire [?] Poter [Potter] Laid their intention of marr[i]ag[e] Before this meeting they |
were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting |
Keziah wood and hannah Mosher are Chose to make inqurey Concerning |
the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the |
Next monthly meeting No Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of |
Robart Kirby answer |
the 9th mo 1744: where Robard Kirby and Abig[a]il Allen Boath |
appeared and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age |
and friends finding Nothing that hendred them their answer was they |
might proceed in marr[i]age Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting |
John Ma comber answer |
observing Good orders: also John macomber and Desire Potter Both |
Appearing at this meeting and Required their answer and friends finding |
Nothing to hender them their answer was they might Proceed in marrage |
Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: |
taken out of the Stock 2£: No Collectedion this meeting: mary Tucker |
Apphia Mott audrey Smith are Appointed to Ballanced the accounts of our |
meeting: Audrey Smith and mary tucker are Appointed to talk with |
Phebe Russel |
Phebe Russel [Russell] |
The 11th of ye 10th mo 1744: all accounts Ballanced and here Remains in |
the Stock: £0–1S–9d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of |
the 10th mo 1744 John wood and Hannah Wing Samuel Sawdy and Pern= |
John Wood & Samuel Sawdy proposel |
nel mott Laid their intention of marr[i]age Before this meeting they were |
Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting |
Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and mary Russel[l] are Chose to make inquire Concerning |
the yo[u]ng womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the |
Next monthly meeting: Apphia mott and Keziah Wood are appointed |
to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: Ruth tucker and Apphia |
Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the S[a]me: Collected for the youce of friends =10S=1d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye |
Samuel Sawdy answer |
11 month 1744 Samuel Sawday [Sawdy] and Pernal Mott Boath appear[e]d at this |
meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]ag[e]: |
and friends finding Nothing that hendred: their answer was they might Proceed |
in marr[i]age Beteixt [betwixt] this and the Next monthly meeting observ[i]ng Good |
orders No of Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting |
Collected for the youce of friends= 2S=11d= |
At our monthly meeting of women held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 12th mo 1744 |
John Wood answer |
John Wood and hannah Wing Boath appear[e]d at this meeting and |
Signified the Continuation of the[i]r intention of marrage: and friends finding |
Nothing to hender: their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] |
this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders : |
Col[l]ected this meeting =13S=8d= : taken out of the Stock: =17S=6d= |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of |
the 1th mo 1745: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth Smith are Chose to talke with |
David Shermans Daughter: Phebe Tucker and Susannah Gifford are to attend |
the Qurtely meeting Next insuing: Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott are |
to Draw an Epistle to the Sam[e]: Collected =4S=7d= |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 2mo |
1745: No Business Presents from the Qurtely meeting: Collected =3S=3d == |
At our monthly meeting of women firiends [sic] held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 3th mo |
1745: Collected this meeting =8S=1d=0t: this meeting maid [made] Choyce of |
Visitors |
Mehetebell Mosher and Sarah Parks to visit friends families the year |
insuing: in Ponaganset vil[l]age |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in dartmouth ye 24th of |
Beriah Goddard propos |
the 4th mo: 1745 where Beriah Godard [Goddard] and Susannah Sison [Sisson] both Appeard at |
this meeting and signified their in tention of marr[i]age they ware [were] |
desired to wait for their Answer until the Next monthly meeting |
Phebe Tucker and Experents Smith are to make inquire Concerning |
the yong woman Clearness and make their Return to the next monthly meeting |
Epistle Recd |
Our meeting Recevid an Epistle from Newport yearly meeting which |
Was Read and well accepted; Collected this meeting – – 10S-2d: Audr[e]y Smith and |
Sarah Parke are Chose to attend the insuing Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting; Ruth Tucker |
and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Quartely meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 5th mo 1745 |
Nothing of Business presented from the Quartely meeting; taken out of the Stock |
12 Shil[l]ings for the youce [use] of friends; Beriah Godard [Goddard] and Susannah Sisson Boath |
Beriah Goddard answer |
Appear[e]d at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of mar[ri]ag[e] |
and friends finding Nothing that hendred: their answer was that they might |
Proceed Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
Collected for the youce of friends =6S=0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 6th mo |
Philip Allen proposal |
1745: Philip Allen and Susannah Allen Boath appeard at this meeting |
and Signified Sign their intention of marrage: they wear Desired to wait for |
their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeck[ah] |
Russel [Russell] are appointed to make in Quire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness |
and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting |
Collected this meeting – – 9S–0d |
Sarah Parke Certifi |
this meeting Recevid Sarah Parke Certificate on her Return Back to |
her native Land which Read was well Accepted; this meeting maid Choice |
of Mary Gifford and Hannah mosher to visit friends families in A |
Visitors |
Cokset this year insuing |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 16th of |
Allen answer |
the 7th mo 1745: Philip Allen and Susannah allen Boath appeared att |
this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage |
and their Being Nothing found that hendred their answer was that they |
might proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders; Collected this meeting – -3S–10d Peace wood and Elizabeth |
Gidley are Appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting next insuing |
Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to write the Quartely meeting ~ |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of the |
Othniel Tripp & Lamuel Sisson proposal |
8th month 1745: where othinial tripp and Abiga[i]l Ginkins also Lemuel Sison [Sisson] |
and Deborah Wing all appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention |
of marrag: they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next |
monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to make ~ |
inquire Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation: and make |
Return to the Next monthly meeting: no Business Presented from the Quartely |
meeting No Collection this meeting: Audrey Smith Mary Tucker and Apphia |
mott are to Balance the Accompts |
the 16 day of ye 9 mo[n]th accounts Ballanced |
} |
and hear [here] Remains in the Stock –£2=15S–0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 9th mo 1745 |
Othniel Tripp & Lamuel Sisson answer |
Where othinial tripp and Abig[a]il Ginkins also Lemuel Sisson and Deborah wing all |
Appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age |
and friends finding Nothing to hender their answer was they might Proceed in marrage |
Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observeing Good orders |
Collected at this meeting for the youce of friends =11S=0d Mary Russel[l] and Sarah Taber |
are Chose to visit friends families in Cuishnit vilige this year insuing: |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 10th mo 1745 |
John Howland proposal |
John Howland and Deborah Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appeared at this meeting and signified |
their intention of marrag they were desired to wait for their answer until |
the Next monthly meeting: Elizabeth Barker and Deborah Slocom [Slocum] are appointed |
to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and |
make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Peace Wood and Deborah |
Brown are appointed to attend the insuing Quarterly meeting: Apphia Mott |
is to Draw an Epistle to same No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 11mo |
John Howland answer |
1745: John Howland and Deborah Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appeared at this meeting and |
Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and friends finding |
Nothing that hendred their answer was they might Proceed in marrage betwix this |
and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders: William Gifford and Patience |
Wm Gifford & Natl Mosher proposal |
Russel [Russell]; also Nathaniel Mosher and Ruth Mott appeared at this meeting and |
Signified their intention of marrage: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russel[l] are appointed |
to make inquiry Concerning the yong women Clearness and Conversation and make |
their Return to the next monthly meeting: no Business Presented from the |
Quartely meeting Collected this meeting =11S=5d taken out of the Stock 2£ towards |
London Epistle |
towards keeping the meeting house: we received an Epistle from London which was |
Read and Kindly Accepted |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 12th mo |
Wm Gifford Natl Mo- sher answer |
1745\\6: William Gifford and Patience Russel[l] also Nathaniel mosher and Ruth |
Mott all appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their |
intention of marrage and friends finding nothing that hendred: their answer was they might |
Proced in marrage: Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting according to the Good |
John Wanton proposal |
orders Established among friends: John Wanton and Meraby Slocom [Slocum]: Laid their |
intention of marrage Befor this meeting: they were desired to wait for their |
answer until the Next monthly meeting Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth |
Barker are appointed to see make inqurey Concerning our friends Clearness |
and Conversation and make Return to the Next monthly meeting |
Collected this meeting =10S=10d= taken out of the Stock =£1-8S=0d: Peace Wood |
and Abigil Cornal [Cornell] are Chose to talke with John Latons [Lawton] too Daughters for |
their out Gouings: |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th |
of ye 1th mo: 1746- Phebe Tucker and mary wilcox are appointed to attend the – – |
Quarte[r]ly meeting Next insuing= Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the same |
this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until the first Six[th] day in next month: No Collection |
this meeting: the two friends have Brought in their accounts Concerning John Latons [Lawton] |
two Daughters; At the a iournment of our monthly meeting Josiah Akins |
Josiah Akin proposal |
and Judeth Hudleston [Huttleston]: Laid their intention of marr[i]age: they were Desired to |
Wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker – |
and Rhoda Wing are appointed to make inquire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman |
Clearness and Concerning Conversation and make their Return to the Next |
monthly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 2th mo |
John Wanton and Josiah Akin answer |
1746: John Wonton [Wanton] and meribah Slocom [Slocum] and Josiah Aken [Akin] and Judeth |
Hudlestone [Huttleston]: all appeared at this meeting and signified the Continuation of |
their intention of marrage: and their Being Nothing found to hender them – – |
their answer was they might Proceed in marrag Betwix this and the Next – – |
Isaac Gifford proposal |
monthly meeting: observing Good orders: Isaac Gifford and mary Cornal [Cornell] Laid |
their intention of marrage Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for |
their answer until the next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah ––– |
Russel [Russell] are appointed to make inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and |
Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: ~ |
Collected this meeting: =5S=4d |
Isaac Gifford answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 3th mo 1746 |
Isaac Gifford and mary Cornal [Cornell] Boath appeared at this meeting and Signified their |
Continuation of their intention of marrage: and after dew [due] Consideration made[?] |
Concerning the yong woman Clearness: and Nothing appearing to hender their |
answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next month |
ly meeting: observing Good orders: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 23th of ye 4th mont[h] |
Ann Gifford Certificate recd |
1746: we Receivd Ann Giffords Certif[i]cate and well accepted it: Pernalipy [Penelope] Allen and |
Keziah Wood are appointed to atend the Quartely meeting; Collected this meeting |
5S=8d= Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the insuing |
Quartely meeting: |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 5th mo 1746 |
this meeting Receved an Epistle from friends at Rhoad Island which we well |
accepted: No Business Presented from the Quartely meeting: Collected this meeting: 8S/7d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6th mo 1746 ~ |
Nat Howland and Elish[a] Coggeshall proposal |
Nathaniel Howland and Joanna Howland also Elisha Coxsil [Coggeshall] and Elizabeth Russel [Russell] |
Laid their intention of marrage: they were desired to wait for their answer until |
the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Joanna Russel[l] are appointed to make |
inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Visitor |
Return to the Next monthly meeting: this meeting appoints Abig[a]il Tripp visiter |
this year at acoxset: no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 7th mo 1746 |
answer [to?] friends proposals |
the[?] friends that Laid their intention of marr[i]age Last monthly meeting all ap[p]eared at this |
meeting: and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and after inquirey |
Being maid and they appeared: Clear from all others: their answer was they might |
Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
[John?] Law ton proposal |
John Laton [Lawton] and Rebeckah allen Laid their intention of mar[ri]age Before this meeting they |
were desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: marah Russel[l] |
and Rebeckah Barker are to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and |
Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker |
and Apphia Mott are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting and Apphia mott is Chose to |
Draw an Epistle to the Same: Hannah mosher and Ab[i]gial Tripp are appointed to talke with |
Lyda macombar upon her Request: No Collection this meeting: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth |
Barker are appointed to make inquirey Concerning meribah Slocoms Conversation when |
She Resided among us: and also her others [sic] affa[i]rs |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 8th mo 1746 ~ |
John Lawton proposal [sic] |
John Laton [Lawton] and Rebekah Allen Boath appeard at this meeting and Signified the Continuation |
of their intention of marrage: and after inquire Being maid and She appearing Clear from all others |
their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders: no Business Presented from the Quartely meeting: Audrah Smith |
Mary Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Balance the account of this meeting – – |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 9th mo 1746 ~ |
Wm Barker proposal |
William Barker and Hannah wood Boath appeared at this meeting and Signified |
their in tention of marrage: they were Desired to wait until the Next monthly |
meeting: for their answer: Rebeckah Russel[l] and mary Potter are appointed to make |
inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting =8S=10d ~ |
the 9 day of ye 10th mo: 1746 all Accounts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock: £2=8S=0[?]d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 10th mo: 1746 |
Wm Barker answer |
william Barker and Hannah wood appeared at this meeting and Signified the ~ |
Continuation of their intention of marr[ia]ge and they appearing Clear from all ot[h]ers their |
answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly |
Jonathan Sisson proposal |
meeting observing Good orders: Jonathan Sisson and Hannah Howland: Laid their intention |
of marrage: Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer until the |
Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Barker are appointed to |
make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Return to the Next monthly meeting: mary Lapham and mary Potter are appointed |
to attend the Quartely meeting: Apphia Mott is [to draw?] the Epistle to the Qurtely meeting |
Taken out of the Stock £2=0S=0 towards keeping the meeting house: no Collection |
this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 11th mo 1746~ |
Jonathan Sisson answer |
Jonathan Sisson and Hannah Howland: appeared at this meeting and Signified the |
Continuation of their intention of marrage: and they appearing Clear from all others their |
answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly |
meeting: observing Good orders: no Business Presented from the Quartely meeting ~~~ |
No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 12th mo |
Joshua Lapham and Richard Gifford proposals |
1746: Joshua Lapham and Hannah Shirman [Sherman] Richard Gifford and Elizabeth Cornal [Cornell] |
all Signified their intention of marr[i]ag[e]: they were Desired to for their answer until the |
Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Dorkis [Dorcas] Shephard are appointed to |
make inquirey Concerning the yo[u]ng womans Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Return to the Next monthly meeting no Collection this meeting |
aforesd friends answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 1th mo 1747 |
the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly meeting all appear[e]d at this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrag: and they appearing Clear from |
all others their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the |
Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: Collected this meeting =12S=4d – – |
Appia Mott Clerk |
Apphia Mott is Chose Clarke [Clerk] of the womens meeting: Grizel Shirman [Sherman] and Elizabeth |
Gidley are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting: and Apphia Mott is to Draw an |
Epistle to the Same: this meeting is a iorned [adjourned] until the first 6 day in Next month |
Meribah Wanton Mary Gifford Certificat[e] |
meribah wanton and mary Gifford each of them Desired a Certificate on their |
Removel which our meeting Granted |
James Tucker Job Antho[n]y John Wa[l] =ker prop posal |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 2 mo |
1747: where appeard Jeames [James] Tucker and Ruth Tucker Job antoney [Anthony] and Sarah |
Wing John Walker and margrit mosher who Signified their intention of |
marrage: they were desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly |
meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth Barker and Sarah Gifford are appointed |
to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and |
make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting: =6S=0d |
aforesd friends answer |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 3th mo |
where all the friends that Laid there intention of marrage Last monthly meeting |
appeared at this: and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and |
they appearing Clear from all others: their answer was they might Proceed in |
marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders ––– |
No Collection this meeting: |
At our monthly meeting of women friends in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 4th mo 1747 |
appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting: Phebe Tucker apphia mott and apphia |
mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same: no Collection this meeting: this meeting is |
a iorned until the 22 of ye 5 mo[n]th Wait allens Certificate was Re[a]d in this meeting |
and well accepted: taken out of the Stock: £2=0S=0d= |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 5th mo 1747 |
this meeting Receved an Epistle from the yearly meeting: which was Re[a]d and Kindly accepted |
Collected this meeting for the youce [use] of friend =9S=8d |
Han[n]ah Sisson |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6th mo 1747 |
this meeting appointed mary Tucker and apphia mott to talke with hannah |
Sisson for a miss step which She hath taken: no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of the |
Francis Barker David Gifford proposal |
7 mo[n]th 1747: Frances Barker and Sarah Howland: David Gifford and Deborah hart |
appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention of marraig: they were desired to |
Wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Apphia mott and abig[a]il wing |
are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation |
and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting =11S=8d ~ |
Grizel Sherman and Hannah mosher are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
and Apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same |
above sd friends Answer |
At our monthly meetin of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 8th mo |
1747: the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Last monthly meeting |
all appeared at this and Signified the Continuatio[n] of th[e]ir intention of marrag |
and they appearing Clear from all others their answer [was?] they might proceed in marr[i]age |
Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: No Collection |
this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 9th mo 1747 |
audrey Smith mary Tucker Apphia Mott are to Balance the accounts of this |
Hulda Tripp disownd |
meeting; Hulda Tripp is Denied at this meeting for her Disorderly Pr[o]ceeding |
No Collection this meeting; ~ the 19th of ye 10th mo 1747 |
all accounts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock =£0=7S=8d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 10th mo |
Benjamin Howland proposal |
1747; Benjamin Howland and Ann Brigs [Briggs] Boath appeared at this meeting and |
Signified their intention of marrage they were desired wait for their answer until |
the Next monthly meeting: Elizabeth Barker and Experents [Experience] Smith: are appointed to |
make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make |
their Return to the next monthly meeting: appointed to attend the Quartely |
Meeting: mary Lapham and Apphia mott and apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to |
the Same: Collected at this meeting = 10S–0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 11th mo |
Jos:Brownel Paul Russel Wm Sisson proposal |
1747: Appeared Joseph Brounal [Brownell] and Hannah Boudash [Bowdish]: Paul Russel [Russell] and Elizabeth |
Boudash [Bowdish]: William Sisson and Lyda Potter: all Laid their intention of marrage |
Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next= |
monthly meeting: Exsperents Smith and Hannah Tuckah [Tucker] are appointed to make |
inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and make Return |
Ben Howlan[d] answer |
to the next monthly meeting: Benjamin Howland and Ann Brigs [Briggs] Receved there |
their answer at this meeting: no Collection this meeting |
afore sd friends answer |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 12th mo |
1747: the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly meeting all appeard |
at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage – – |
and they appearing Clear from all others: their answer was they might proceed |
in marrag Betwean this and the next monthly meeting: observing Good orders– – |
Jacob Mott proposal |
Jacob mott and anne west Laid their intention of marrage Before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting |
mary Russel [Russell] and Hephzibah Hissey [Hussey] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning |
the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the |
Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting––––15S=6d |
1 month |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 1st Mo |
Jacob Mott answer |
1748: Jacob mott and Anna west appear[e]d at this meeting and Signified the |
Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age: and they appeard Clear |
from all others: their answer was they might Proceed in marrag Betwix[t] |
Sam How= =land Ben Allen Jonathan Smith proposal |
this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: |
Samuel Howland and Ruth Devile [Davol]: Benjamin allen and Elifal Slocom [Slocum] |
Jonathan Smith and Silviah [Sylvia] Howland: all Laid their intentions of marrag |
Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until |
the next monthly meeting: Hannah Tucker and Patience Russel [Russell] are |
appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yo[u]ng womens Clearness and |
Conve[r]sation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting |
Phebe Tucker and Patience Russel[l] are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting |
Apphia mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same: Collected this meeting £0=19S=4d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of the |
answer to friends proposal |
2th mo 1748: where all the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly |
meeting: appeared at this meeting: and Signified the Continuation of |
their intention of marraig: and they appearing [clear?] from all others: their |
answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the next |
monthly meeting observing Good orders: Collected at this meeting= 7S=2d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of |
the 3th mo 1748: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of |
ye 4th mo 1748: Apphia mott and Rebeckah Barker: are appointed to |
attend the Quarterly meeting: and apphia mott is to draw an Epistle |
to the Same: no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 5th mo |
1748: where we Receivid an Epistle from the yearly meeting at Rho Rhod |
island which was re[a]d and well accepted: Collected at this meeting =9S=6d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Giles & Peleg Slocum proposal |
ye 15th of ye 6th mo 1748: appeared Giles Slocom [Slocum] and Silvia Russel [Russell]: Peleg |
Slocom [Slocum] and Elizabeth Brown and Laid their intention of marrag: Hannah |
Tucker and Patience Russel[l] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning |
the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the |
Next monthly meeting: no Collection this meeting: this meeting makes |
Choice of Hannah mosher and Abig[a]il Tripp to visit friends families |
at acokset this year |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 7 mo |
Answer to friends proposals |
1748: the friends that Laid their intention of marrage Last monthly meeting |
all Came for their answer: and they appearing Clear from all others their |
answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the Next |
monthly meeting observing Good orders: Robard Barker and Johanna Russel [Russell] |
Walter Easton and meriba Rickson [Ricketson]: laid their intention of marraig Before this |
meeting they were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting |
Clearnes |
Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russel are to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans |
and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting –– |
Wm How= =land & Wm Bennit proposal |
William Howland and Rebeckah Peckham: William Bennet and Hannah Taber |
Laid their intention of marraig: Before this meeting: they were as above sd to wait for |
their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Mary Russel [Russell] and Phebe Tucker |
are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation |
and their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: Hannah Mosher and Patient Russel[l] |
are appointed to attend the Quartely meeting: this meeting appoints Susannah Gifford |
and Deborah Slocom [Slocum]: to talke with Mehetabell Allen for her out Going: no Collection |
this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 8th mo 1748 |
all the friend that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting |
answer to friends proposals |
Came for their answer and they appearing Clear from all others their answer was |
that they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders: Collected at this meeting= 9S=8d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 9th mo 1748~ |
audrah Smith marah Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Ballance the |
accounts of this meeting: no Collection this meeting |
the 18th day of ye 9 mo 1748: all accounts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock= £3=18S=10d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 10th mo |
1748: Appointed to attend the Quartely meeting: Marah Lapham and |
Apphia Mott: apphia mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same: Collected this |
meeting: 7 Shil[l]ings: Disbusted £3–0S-0d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 11th mo 1748 |
No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 12 mo |
1748: where Increas[e] Allen and Hannah Springner Laid their intention of |
marraig: Before this meeting: they are Desired to Wait for their answer |
until the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Hannah Tucker |
are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation |
and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: no Collection this |
meeting |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 1th mo 1749 |
the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting |
Came for their answer: and they appearing Clear from all others their answer |
was that they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the Next monthly |
meeting: observing Good orders: Be[n]jamin Shaw and Elizabeth Potter Laid their |
intention of marraig: Before this meeting they Were Desired to wait for |
their answer unt[i]l the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Russel[l] and |
Abig[a]il Cornail [Cornell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting: Collected at this meeting= 15S=6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 2th mo 1749 |
the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting |
Boath appeard at this meeting for their answer and they appearing Clear from |
all others: their answer was that they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this |
and the Next monthly meeting: observing Good orders Established among friends |
No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 3th mo |
1749: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 4th mo: 1749 |
We Receved an Epistle from the yearly meeting Which was Red and well accepted |
Appointed to attend the Quartely meeting Apphia Mott and Keziah Wood and |
to write an Epistle to the same: No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 5th mo 1749 |
Collected at this meeting =5s=6d= Mehetabell Mosher and Mary Tucker are |
appointed to talke with Lusannah Russel [Russell] for her Disorderly walkeing |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 6th mo 1749 |
this meeting appoints Marah Potter and Abigil Tripp to make inquirey into |
the Conversation of Alce Tripp: Collected at this meeting —— 15s-0d |
At our monthly meetin of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 7mo |
1749: Charles Slocom [Slocum] and Sarah Allen Philip Devile [Davol] and Elizabeth Sherman |
all Laid their intention of marraig: Before this meeting they were desired to |
Wait for there answer until the Next monthly meeting: Penalipay Allen ~ |
and Deborah Slocom are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting |
Appointed to attend the insuing Quartely meeting: Marah Potter and |
Abigil Tripp this meeting appoints Apphia Mott to write a Certificate |
for Alce Tripp on her Removeal and Bring to the Next monthly meeting |
No Collection this meeting. |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 8th mo 1749 |
the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Last monthly meeting all |
Came for their answer and they appearing Clear from all others. their answer |
was they maght Proceed in marrag Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders: disbusted =2s=6d: Collected at this meeting =s9=6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 9th mo |
1749. where Francis Allen and Marah Ridenton [Mary Wrightington] Boath appeared and |
Signified their intention of marraig Before this meeting they Were |
Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting — |
Elizabeth Barker and Apphia mott are appointed to make inquirey |
Concerning the yong Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Returns to the next monthly meeting. Audra Smith Apphia Mott and |
Mary Tucker are to Ballance the accounts of this meeting. taken out of |
the Stock 2£ no Collection this meeting |
The 14 of the 10th month 1749 all accounts Ballanced and here Remains |
in the Stock £1-13s-10d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 10 mo 1749 |
Frances Allen and Mary Ridenton [Wrightington] appeared and signified the Continuation of their |
intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others. their answer Was they might |
Proceed in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observeing Good orders |
Appointed to attend the Quartely Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker: Apphia Mott is |
Appoind to Daraw an Epistle to the Same, no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 11th mo 1749 |
Where Joshua Cornail [Cornell] and Lusannah Gifford Boath appeard and Signified their intention |
of marraig. they Were Desird to wait for their answer until the next monthly |
meeting Keziah Wood and Susannah Cornal [Cornell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning |
the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting. No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 12th mo 1749~ |
where Joshua Cornail [Cornell] and Lusannah Gifford Came for their answer and they appearing |
Clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in marraig Betwean this |
and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Job Gifford and Martha Wilcox |
Isaac Killey [Kelley]: and Judith Sherman Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting |
they were desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting. Rebeckah |
Barker and Patience Russel [Russell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong women’s —— |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting |
No Collection this meeting. Mary Lapham and Patience Russel [Russell] are appointed to talke with |
Abigail Slocom [Slocum] and Elizabeth Smith for their out Goings |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 1th mo 1750 ~ |
the friends that Laid their intention of marraig the last monthly meeting |
all appeard at this and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrag |
and they appearing Clear from all others, their answer was they might Proceed |
in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
Barnabass Howland and Pernaliphe Allen Laid their intention of marraig |
Before this meeting. they were desired to wait for their answe until the Next |
monthly meeting: Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and Ruth Sherman are appointed to make |
inquirey into our friends Clearness and make their Returns to the next monthly |
meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to write to the Quarterly. no Collection |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 2 mo 1750 |
The friends that Laid thier their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly |
meeting all appeard at this meeting. and signified the Continuation of their |
intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others their answer |
was they might Proceed in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders Collected at this meeting =9s-0d- this meeting appoints |
Hannah mosher and Abigail Tripp to talke with Rebeckah Kerby [Kirby] for her |
Disorderly Proceeding |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 3 mo 1750 |
Collected =5s-6d= taken out of the Stock for the youce of friends £1-10s-0d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of |
the 4th mo 1750 Apphia mott and Keziah Wood are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the same |
Collected at this meeting – – - – – – – – – – – – – – – – £0-6s-0d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of |
the 5 mo 1750. We Receved the Epistle from Newport yearly meeting |
We kindly accepted: our worthy friends Ann Sohalfield [Scholfield] and Lydia mendanhal |
have visited our meeting which Visit we kindly accepted and our meeting |
hath Good unity with their Certificates19 Collected at this meeting =18s=8d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth by an aiournment ye 29 of ye 6 mo 1750 |
Samuel Howland and Elizabeth Butler Boath appeared and signified their intention |
of marraig. they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly |
Meeting: Mary Russel [Russell] and Apphia Mott are appointed to make inquirey Concerning |
the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the next |
monthly meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 17 of ye 7 mo 1750 |
Samuel Howland and Elizabeth Butler Boath appeared and Signified the Continuation |
of their intention of marraig. and they appearing Clear from all others their |
answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly |
meeting observing Good orders. Philip Antoney [Anthony] and Mary Godard [Goddard]. John Wing and |
Jemima Shephard John Sisson and Sibbel Hudelstone [Sybil Huttleston] all Laid their intention |
of marraig Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer |
until the next monthly meeting, Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and Mary Smith are appointed |
to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and make |
their Returns to the next monthly meeting. Appointed to attend the Quartely |
meeting. Phebe Tucker and Hannah mosher. no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 8 mo 1750 |
all the friends that Laid their intention of marraig the Last monthly meeting |
Appeard and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marraig and |
they appearing Clear from all others their answer was they might |
Proceed in marraig. Betwean this and the next monthly meeting observ[in]g |
Good orders. no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 9 mo |
1750. Nicolas [Nicholas] Howland and mary Sisson Laid their intention of marraig |
Before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until |
the next monthly meeting Exsperients Smith and Rebekah Barker are |
appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and |
Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting |
Audra Smith mary Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Balance |
the accounts of this meeting. no Collection this meeting |
Pernelipa [Penelope] Howland and Susannah Gifford are to talke with Ann |
Almey [Almy] for her out Goings. ) all accounts Ballanced and here Remains |
in the Stock – – – – – – – – – – £2-3s-0d |
At our monthly meeting of Woman friends held in dartmouth ye 17th of ye 10th mo |
1750 Nicholas Howland and mary Sisson Came for their answer and they |
appearing Clear from all others their anser was they might Proceed in marraig |
Betwean this and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders. no Collection ~ |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 11th mo 1750 |
James Haden [Haydon] and Deborah Brown. John Russel [Russell] and Catherrine [Catherine] Williams all ~ |
Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting. they were desired to wait |
for their answer until the next monthly meeting Exsperents Smith and |
Hephzibah Hussey are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womenes |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting. Collected |
at this meeting –19s-6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 12 mo 1750 |
James Haden [Haydon] and Deborah Brown Came and Signified the Continuation of their |
intention of their marraig and they appearid Clear from all others their answer |
was they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders. no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 1 mo |
1751. appointed to attend the Quartely meeting Grizel Sherman and |
Apphia Mott. this meeting is a iorned [adjourned] until the first Six day in next |
month. this meeting appoints Keziah Wood and Abigial Tripp to make inquirey |
Conversation of hannah Ginin and her daughters. Collected at this meeting |
s14-5d |
At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of the 2 mo |
1752 [sic] John Russel [Russell] and Catherine Williams Came and Signified the |
Continuation of their intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from |
all others their answer was they might proceed in marraig Betwean this |
and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Stoks [Stokes] Potter and |
Rebekah Shaw Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were |
Desired to wait until the Next monthly meeting Phebe Tucker and illegible |
Hannah Tucker were appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting no Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of |
ye 3 mo 1751. Job Cornal [Cornell] and mary Davis Laid their intention of marraig |
Before this meeting. they were desired to wait for their answer until |
the next monthly meeting Exsperents Smith and Ruth Shirman [Sherman] are |
Appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and |
Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting |
Collected at this meeting -2s-6d. |
At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 24 of ye 4 mo |
1751 Job Corlal [Cornell] and mary davis Signified the Continuation of their intention of |
marraig and they appearing Clear from all others their anser was they |
might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders Collected at this meeting -14s-10d taken out of the Stock |
£6-18s-10d our worthy friends Jean Elis [Ellis] and and [sic] Rebekah Harvi [Rebecca Harvey] hve visited our meeting20 |
and their testimonyes were well accepted. Deborah Slocom [Slocum] and Patience Russel [Russell] are |
appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same |
At our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of |
the 5 mo 1751 Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Elizabeth Hammon [Hammond] Laid their intention of marraig |
they were desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting |
Sarah Taber and Exsprents Smith are appointed to mak inquirey Concerning |
our friends Clearnes and Conversation and make their Return, to the next monthly |
meeting. Beniamin Slocom [Benjamin Slocum] and Phebe Wing Laid their intention of marraig before |
this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until the Next |
monthly meeting Elizabeth Barker and Rebekah Barker are appointed to make |
inquirey the yong womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their Returns to the |
Next monthly meeting this meeting appoints Experints Smith and Hannah Tucker |
to make inquirey into the Conversation of Daborah Haden [Deborah Haydon] No Collection this |
meeting. |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 6 mo |
1751 the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly |
meeting all appeard at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their |
intention of marraig and appearing nothing that hendred their answer |
& was that they Proceed in marraig Between this and the — |
Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Joseph Mosher and Joanna |
Mott Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were desired |
for their answer until the Next monthly meeting Rebekah Barker and — |
Pernalipa [Penelope] Howland are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting No Collection at this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 7 mo |
1751 Joseph Mosher and Joanna mott Came and Signified the Continuaton |
of their intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others |
their answer Was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and |
the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Jonathan Barney and |
Hannah Russel [Russell] Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly |
Patience Russel [Russell] and Ruth Sherman are appointed to make inquirey |
Concerning the yong womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their |
Returns to the Next monthly meeting. appointed to attend the Quartely |
Meeting Deborah Slocom and Pernatipy [Penelope] Howland and Apphia Mott is |
to draw an Epistle to the Same. Collected this meeting=9s–0d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye |
8 mo 1750 [sic]. Jonathan Barney and Hannah Russel [Russell] Boath appared at this |
meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marraig |
and there appearing nothing that hendred their answer was they might |
Proced in marraig Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing |
Good orders. Audrey Smith Apphia mott and mary Tucker are appointed |
to Ballance the accounts of this meeting No collection this meeting |
taken out of the Stock £2=2s–0d ) The 2th of the 9 month in ye 1751 |
all accounts Ballanced and the meeting is in Debt ) 3£-15s-6d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 9 mo |
1751 Beniamim Smith and Susannah Wood Signified their intention of marrg |
Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their anser until the |
Next monthly meeting Grizel Sherman and Experents Smith are appointed |
to make inquirey Concerning the yong Womans Clearnes and Conversation and |
make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting |
Collected at this meeting = 18s=6d) this meeting hath maid Choyce of |
Ruth Sherman to Keep the Collected money |
At our Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 10th mo |
1751 Beniamin Smith and Susannah Wood Booth appeared and Signified the |
Continuation of their intention of marraig. and they appearing clear |
from all others their answer Was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix |
this and the Next monthly meeting observing good orders. No Collection |
this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20 of ye 11mo |
1751. No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17 of ye 12 moo |
1751/2 William Tripp and Lyda Sherman Laid their intention of marraig |
Before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until |
the Next monthly meeting Mary Smith and Jean Smith are to make inquiry |
Concerning the yong Womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their |
Returns to the Next monthly meeting. No Collection this meeting |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 3 mo |
1752. William Tripp and Lyda Sherman Boath appeard and Signified the |
Continuation of their intention of marraig and they apparing Clear |
from all others their answer was that they might Proceed in |
marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good |
orders Established among friends. Isaac Cornal [Cornell] and Prissilla Mosher |
Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were |
desired to wait for their anser until the Next monthly meeting |
Hannah Tucker and Pernalipa Howland are appointed to make |
inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation |
and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting. appointed |
to attend the Quartely meeting, Apphia mott and Keziah wood. |
Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle Same. Collected at this meeting |
£1=6s-2d |
At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 22th |
of ye 4 mo 1752. Isaac Cornal [Cornell] and Prissilla Mosher Boath appeared |
at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention |
of marraig. and they appearing Clear from all others their anser |
was that they might proceed in marraig Betwean this and the |
Next monthly meeting observing Good orders. |
No Collection at this meeting |
Ye 19th of ye 5th Mo 1752 |
At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 00£-09s=60d |
Ye 22th of ye 6th Mo 1752 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Kezia Wood & Jean Smith is appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting and Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same Lydia |
Allen and Penelope Howland are appointed to make Enquiery |
into the Conversation of Bethsheba Ricketson no Collection this Meeting |
Ye 20th of Ye 7th Mo 1752 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
nothing of business presented from the Quarterly meeting Collected |
at this meeting 1£-1s-0d |
Ye 17th of ye 8th Mo 1752 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where John Wood and Jerusha Taber both Appeared & Signified |
their Intention of Marriage they were desired to Wait for their |
answer untill the Next Monthly meeting Kezia Wood and Ruth Sherman |
are to make Inquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness |
and Conversation and make their Return to the Next Monthly |
meeting taken out of the Stock to Ballance the old accompt 3£=15s=00d |
No Collection this meeting |
Ye 16th of Ye 10th Mo 1752 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where John Wood and Jerusha Taber both appeared and Signified |
the continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing |
clear from all others their Answer Was that they might proceed |
in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting observing |
Good order. Philip Tripp and Sarah Wood Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for |
their answer untill the Next monthly Meeting Sarah Mosher |
and Hephsibeh Hussey are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning |
the Young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Return |
to the Next Monthly Meeting. |
Elisabeth Barker and Hephzibeh Hussey are appointed to |
make Enquiery into the Conversation of Deborah Hayden |
and make their Return to the Next Monthly Meeting |
Collected at this meeting 0£=6s=0d |
Ye 20th of ye 11th Mo 1752 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Philip Tripp and Sarah Wood received their answer — — |
Prins Howland and Deborah Slocum Laid their Intention of marri- |
age before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer |
untill the Next monthly meeting. Elisabeth Barker and Lydia |
Allen are to make Enquiery into the young Womans Clearness and Conversa- |
-tion and make their Return to the Next monthly Meeting Mary Wings |
Certificate was read at this meeting. No Collection at this meeting. |
Ye 18th of Ye 12th Mo 1752 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Prince Howland Deborah Slocum Received their answer. |
John Russell and Deborah Hunt Laid their Intention of Marriage |
Before this Meeting they were Desired to Wait for their answer untill |
the Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Tucker and Penelope Howland |
are appointed to make Enquiery into the friends Clearness & Conversation |
and make Return to the Next monthly meeting; Thomas Hathaway |
and Lois Taber Laid their Intention of Marriage before this Meet- |
ing they are Desired to wait for an answer untill the Next monthly |
meeting Kezia Wood and Mary Smith are to make Enquiery |
into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their |
Return to the Next monthly meeting; ~ Susannah Russells |
Certificate was read at this Meeting and Gave Satisfaction. |
Collected at this meeting, 1£=1s=0d appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting Mary potter & Elisabeth Gidley, Apphia Mott is to |
Ye 13th of ye 1st Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
where John Russell and Deborah Hunt Thamas Hathaway |
and Lois Taber all appeared and Signified the Continuation of their |
Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clear from all others |
their answer was that they might proceed in Marriage between |
this & Next Monthly meeting according to Good order Established |
among friends: Apphia Mott Ruth Shearman [Sherman] Hephzibeh |
Hussey are to Ballance the Accompts of this meeting; No Collection |
at this meeting |
Ye 19th of Ye 2d Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 00£-11s-8d |
Ye 6th of Ye 3d Mo 1753 |
accounts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 2£-17s |
Ye 19th of Ye 3d Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
2 pounds taken out of the Stock for Recording of the Books; |
appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Deborah Russell |
Apphia Mott and Apphia Mott is to write an Epistle to the |
Same21 Collected at this meeting 01£-3s-0d |
Ye 16th of Ye 4th Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Benjamin Russell & Anna Smith Laid their Intention |
of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting; Experence Smith Hannah Tucker |
are appointed to make Enquiery into the Young Womans Clearness |
and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly |
meeting No Collection at this meeting |
Ye 21st of Ye 5th mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Benjamin Russell and anna Smith Came & Received their |
Answer Josiah Wood and Hannah Tucker Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this Meeting they were Desired to wait for their |
answer untill the Next monthly meeting Experence Smith and |
Zerviah Howland are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the |
Young womans Clearness and make their return to the Next monthly |
meeting, no Collection at this meeting |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Josiah Wood and Hannah Tucker both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they |
appearing clear of all others their Answer was that they might |
proceed in marriage between this & Next monthly meeting observing |
Good orders; John Taber & Sarah Walker Laid their Intention of |
Marriage before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer |
untill the Next Monthly meeting; Sarah Taber Rebekeh Barker |
are appointed to make Enquiery into the friends Clearness & Conversation |
and make their return to the Next monthly Meeting: We received |
an Epistle from the Yearly Meeting at Newport which was read and |
well accepted: Collected at this meeting 00£-16s=6d |
appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Hannah |
mosher: Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same |
Ye 16th of Ye 7th Mo 1753 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where John Walker Taber & Sarah Walker both appeared |
and signified The Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appear- |
ing Clear from all others their answer was that they might pro= |
ceed in marriage Between this and Next monthly meeting observing |
Good orders; No business presented from the Quarterly meeting. |
Collected at this meeting 00£=12s=4d |
Ye 20th of Ye 8th Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
taken out of the Stock for the use of friends 01£-8s=0d |
No Collection at this meeting |
Ye 16th of ye 9th Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Daniel Wing and Lydia Shephard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of |
Marriage before this Meeting they were Desired to wait for their answ- |
er untill the Next monthly Meeting. Patience Russell & Ruth Shear- |
man [Sherman] are to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness |
& Conversation & make their return to the Next monthly meeting. |
Collected at this meeting 01£=00s=8d |
appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Deborah Russell |
Hannah Tucker Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to draw |
an Epistle to the same Kezia Wood and Abigail Tripp are appointed |
to talk with Rachel Howland for her out Goings |
Ye 15th of ye 10th Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Daniel Wing and Lydia Shepherd both appeared & Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing |
Clear of all others their answer was that they might proceed in |
Marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good |
Orders: Solomon Hoxie and Jemimah Shearman [Sherman] Laid their Intenti- |
on of marriage before this meeting they were desired to wait for |
their Answer untill the Next monthly meeting; Elisabeth Barker |
Hannah Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning |
the Young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their return |
to the Next monthly Meeting. no business presented from the Quar- |
terly meeting nor no Collection at this meeting |
Ye 16th of Ye 11th mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends in Dartmouth |
No Collection at this meeting |
Ye 19th of ye 12th Mo 1753 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Solomon Hoxie & Jemima Shearman [Sherman] Came for their answer and |
they Appearing Clear from all others their Answer was that they |
might proceed in Marriage Between this and the Next monthly meeting |
observing Good orders. Thomas Davis and Hannah Wood Isaac Wood |
and Ruth Barker all Laid their Intention of marriage before |
This meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Abigail Kerby [Kirby] and Ruth Shearman [Sherman] |
are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans |
Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next |
monthly meeting; no friends Appointed to Attend the Quarterly |
Meeting: Apphia Mott is appointed to draw an Epistle to the Ensuing |
Quarterly meeting; Collected at this meeting 00£=18s=6d |
Ye 25th of ye 1st mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Isaac Wood and Ruth Barker both Appeared and Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing |
Clear from all others their answer was that they might proceed in |
Marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting observing |
Good orders. No business presented from the Quarterly meeting. |
Collected at this meeting 00£=16s=0d |
Ye 17th of ye 2d Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where John Gidley & Susannah Tripp Phillip [Philip] Trafford & Naomey |
Allen all Laid their Intention of marriage before this Meeting |
they Were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly |
Meeting. Sovia Howland and Ruth Shearman [Sherman] were appointed to make |
Enquiery Womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns |
to the Next monthly meeting. no Collection at this meeting |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Phillip [Philip] Trafford and Neomey Allen John Gidley and |
Susannah Tripp all appeared at this meeting and Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing |
Clear of all others their answer was that they might proceed in |
marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting, observing |
Good orders: Jacob Taber & Lydia Howland Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer |
untill the Next monthly meeting; Rebekah Barker and Kezia |
Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans |
Clearness & Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly |
meeting Elisabeth Gidley & Jean Smith are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott Ruth Shearman & Hephzibeh |
Hussey are appointed to Ballance the Accompts of this Meeting. |
Collected at this meeting 0£=11s=3d |
taken out of the Stock for Recording of the Books 02£=10s |
Ye 9th day of Ye 4th mo 1754 |
all accompts balanced & here Remains in the Stock 01£=07s=0d |
Ye 15th of ye 4th Mo 1754 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where Jacob Taber and Lydia Howland Thomas Davis and |
Hannah Wood all Received their Answers that they might proceed |
in Marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting according |
to Good orders. no Collection at this meeting |
Ye 20th of Ye 5th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Phebe Tucker Deborah Russell are appointed to talk with Elisabeth |
Gidley for her Disorderly proceeding. Collected at this meeting 3s=6d |
Ye 24th of ye 6th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Deborah |
Slocum Patience Russell. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the |
Same no Collection at this meeting We received an Epistle from the |
Quarterly meeting which was well Accepted |
Ye 15th of Ye 7th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Kezia Wood and Abigail Tripp are appointed to talk with Lydia |
Kerby [Kirby] for her Disorderly Proceeding, Collected at this meeting 01£=5s=6d |
This Meeting hath made Choise of Elisabeth Barker & Hannah Tucker |
To talk with Levinah Howland for her out Goings |
Experence [Experience] Smith and Hephzebeh Hussey are appointed to talk with |
Hannah Briggs Concerning her marrying from among friends: it is the |
mind of this meeting that Hannah Mosher and Abigail Tripp Should talk |
with Lydia Cornwell Concerning her marrying |
Ye 19th of Ye 8th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Elisabeth Barker Deborah Slocum & Patience Russell are appointed to talk |
with Grizzel Shearman [Sherman] Concerning the uneasiness which She caused in |
the monthly Meeting. no collection at this meeting |
Ye 16th of Ye 9th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth |
Grizzell Sherman hath made Satisfaction for the uneasiness which She |
Caused in this meeting: appointed to Attend the Quarterly meeting Hannah |
Mosher Patience Russell. Collected at this meeting 00£=04s=06d |
Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly |
meeting; Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw up the Deniel of Lydia |
Cornwell and bring to the Next monthly meeting She Refusing to |
take up with friends advice |
The 21st of Ye 10th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Elisabeth Gidley hath made friends Satisfaction Concerning her |
Marrying: Lydia Cornwell was Denied at this meeting for her disorderly |
Marrying: Elisabeth Gidley and Deborah Slocum are appointed to |
talk with Neomy Trafford Anna Ricketson & Ruth Anthony for |
their Disorderly proceeding; no Collection at this meeting |
The 18th of Ye 11th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Ruth Shearman [Sherman] and Alice Anthony Were appointed to make |
Enquiery into the Conversation of Judah Killey [Kelley] and make return |
to the Next monthly meeting: no Collection at this meeting |
The 16th of Ye 12th Mo 1754 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Wher Benjamin Wing and Bethsheba Potter Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this meeting; they were Desired to wait for their |
Answer untill the Next monthly meeting: Abigail Kerby [Kirby] and Ruth |
Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans |
Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next monthly meeting |
Hannah Briggs hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorder in |
marrying Apphia Mott and Kezia Wood are to attend the Quarterly |
meeting, and Apphia Mott is to attend Draw an Epistle to the Same: |
Taken out of the Stock for LS two pound three shillings; This meeting |
hath made choice of Susannah Gifford & Hannah Tucker to talk |
with Rebekah Slocum for her Disorders: Apphia Mott is to write a |
Certificate for Judith Killey [Kelley]; Collected at this meeting 01£=06S=10D |
The 20th of Ye 1st Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Benjamin Wing and Bethsheba Potter both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage & they appeard |
Clear from all others their answer was that they might proceed in |
Marriage Between this ^& the Next monthly meeting observing Good |
Orders: Walter Cornwell and Ruth Wood laid their Intention of |
marriage before this meeting th[e]y were Desired to wait for their |
Answer untill the Next Monthly meeting Elisabeth Gidley Patience |
Gifford are appointed to make Enquiery concerning the young |
Womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Return to the Next |
monthly meeting: no Collection at this meeting |
The 17th of Ye 2d Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Walter Cornwell and Ruth Wood both appeared and Signified the Continu- |
ation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clear from all |
others their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between this |
and the Next monthly meeting Observing Good orders: Collected at this Meet- |
ing 00£=13s=6d |
The 17th of Ye 3d Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Elizabeth Gidley Patience Russell are appointed to talk with Silvia |
Wilcocx [Wilcox] Concerning her Disorder mmarrying; this meeting hath made |
Choise of hannah Tucker & Hephzibeh Hussey to purge our monthly |
meeting of Disorderly persons for time to come: Apphia Mott Hephzi- |
beh Hussey Ruth Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to Settle the accompts of this |
meeting no Collection at this meeting Sarah Howland Desires to Come |
under the Care of friends |
The 21st of Ye 4th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business presented from the monthly Quarterly meeting Except appoin- |
ting friends to attend the Yearly meeting & the friends that are appointed |
are Hannah Tucker Patience Russell; this meeting Chose Susannah |
Gifford and Deborah Slocum to talk with Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] about her concern |
no Collection at this meeting |
The 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1755 |
All accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 02£-19s-10d |
The 19th of Ye 5th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Thomas Cornwell and mary Russell Laid their intention of |
marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next |
monthly meeting Experance Smith and Deborah Slocum are appointed |
to make Enquiery Concerning our friends Clearness & Conversation and |
make their Return to the Next monthly meeting. Sarah Howland is |
taken under the Care of friends according to her Desire Collected at this |
meeting 1£=5s=9d |
The 23d of Ye 6th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
by Ajournment where Thomas Cornwell and mary Russell |
both Appeared and Signified the Continuation of Intention of marriage |
and there appearing nothing that might hinder their answer was |
that they might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly |
meeting observing Good orders |
Appointed to Attend the Quarterly meeting Elisabeth Barker |
Sarah Mosher: no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 7th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business presents from the Quarterly meeting: Collected at this |
meeting 15s=4d this meeting appointed Susannah Gifford Hannah |
Tucker Hephzibeh Hussey to talk with Wath Allen for her Disorders |
This meeting hath made choice of Bethiah Macomber and Abigail |
Tripp to visits friends families at Acoaxet the Year Ensuing |
The 18th of Ye 8th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Timothy Gifford and Martha Tucker laid their Intention of |
marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
Monthly Meeting Deborah Slocum and Patience Russell are appoin- |
ted to make Enquery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness & Conversa- |
tion and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting no Collection |
at this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 9th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Timothy Gifford and Martha Tucker both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they |
appearing Clear from all others their answer was that they might |
proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting |
according to Good orders Established among friends: Appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting Penelope Howland Alice Anthony, Apphia |
Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting |
Collected at this meeting 00£=5s=0d |
The 15th of Ye 10th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Susannah Gifford and Hannah Tucker have talked with |
Elisabeth Sanford for her Disorderly Proceedings but She concluded to |
proceed in marriage contrary to the Good orders of friends |
The 17th of Ye 11th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting 00£-11s-6d |
The 17th of Ye 12th Mo 1755 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are Hannah Tucker Hope |
Briggs Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same. no Collection at this meet |
The 19th of Ye 1st Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Elisabeth Gidley mary Cornwell are chose to talk with Abigail Wing Silvia |
Willcocx [Wilcox] Acknowledgment was accepted Hannah Hammond was denied at this meeting |
for marrying out of the orders of friends Rebekah Slocum Remains under dealing |
Still no collection at this meeting |
The 16th of Ye 2d Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Alice Earl is taken under the ciar [care] of this meeting Collected at this meeting 00£-13s=00d |
The 15th of Ye 3d Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Gershom Smith & Phebe White both appeared at this meeting and Signified |
their Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer |
untill the next monthly meeting Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher are |
appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness & Conversation |
and make their return to the next monthly meeting: Elisabeth Gidley Hope Briggs |
Hannah Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott |
is to Draw an Epistle to the same: no Collection at this meeting |
The 19th of Ye 4th Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Gershom Smith & Phebe White both appeared at this meeting and |
Signified their Continuation of their Intention of marriage nothing appeared but |
that they were clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in |
marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting According to Good orders |
Samuel Wing and Elisabeth Barker Deliverance Smith and Hannah Smith |
Abiel Mackember [Macomber] & Rest Devil [Davol] all laid their Intention of marriage before this |
meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the next monthly meeting |
the friends appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young womens Clearness and |
Conversation are Hope Briggs Ruth Shearman [Sherman] Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher |
no Collection at this meeting |
all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 05£-16s-04d |
The 17th of Ye 5th [mo] 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Samuel Wing and Elisabeth Barker: Deliverance Smith & Hannah |
Smith ~ Abiel Macomber & Rest Devil [Davol] all came for their answer and they |
appearing clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in |
marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders: |
Francis Tripp and Content Griffin Laid their Intention of marriage before this |
meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly |
meeting – Phebe Smith and Ruth Shearman [Sherman] are to make Enquiery into |
the Young womans Clearness & Conversation: no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 6th Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Francis Tripp and Content Griffin both appeared and Signified |
the Cont^inuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from ~ |
all others their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between ~ |
this and the next monthly observing Good orders: Christopher Devil [Davol] and |
Mehetable Allen laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting: they |
were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting; |
Kezia Wood Patience Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the |
Young womans Clearness & Conversation: and make their return to the Next monthly |
Meeting. We received an Epistle from the Yearly meeting of Newport which ~ |
was read and well accepted. Apphia Mott Kezia Wood are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting; no Collection at this meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to |
Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting |
The 19th of Ye 7th Mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where Christopher Devil [Davol] and Mehetabel Allen both appeared at this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing |
nothing that might hinder their answer was that they might proceed in |
marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Established |
Among friends: Mary Chase wife of Samuel Chase is received under the Care of this |
meeting Collected at this meeting 00£=12s-07d Hannah Hathaway is received under |
the care of this meeting |
The 16th of Ye 8th mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Wait Wood hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceeding |
Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] is taken under the care of this meeting. this meeting hath |
made choice of Ruth Tucker to keep the Collected money. no Collection at this |
meeting. |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where Jedediah Allen and Eunice Wood laid their Intention of marriage they |
were desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting. |
Experience Smith and Patience Gifford are appointed to make Enquiery concerning |
the Young womans Clearness and Conversation. and make their return to the |
Next monthly meeting appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe |
Tucker Deborah Russell: Patience Russell & Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle |
to the Same Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting -06-0 |
The 18th of Ye 10th mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
no business presented from the Quarterly meeting. [illegible] mary Cornwell and |
Elisabeth Gidley are appointed to talk with Abigail White for her Disorders |
no Collection at this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 11th mo 1756 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
where appeared Jedediah Allen and Eunice Wood and Signified the Continuation |
of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their |
answer was that they might proceed in Marriage between this and the Next ~ |
monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established among friends. |
Edward Wing Mehetabel Russell William Anthony, Sarah Shearman [Sherman] |
Jacob Russell Phebe Willcocx [Wilcox] Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting |
the friends appointed to Enquire into their Clearness & Conversation is as followeth ~ |
Penelope Howland Hannah Tucker Hope Briggs Patience Wait [Waite] is Received under |
the Care of this meeting Collected at this meeting £01-6-4 |
taken out of the Stock for the Use of friends £05-0-0 |
The 29th of Ye 12th Mo 1756 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
by ajournment. the friends that Laid their Intention of marriage before the |
Last monthly meeting all Came for their answer and there appearing |
nothing to hinder them their answer was that they might proceed in marriage |
between this and the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established |
Among friends. Collected at this meeting £00-17s-4d |
Apphia Mott is Appointed to write the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting: no friends |
appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
The 16th of Ye 1st Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
no business Presented from the Quarterly meeting. no collection |
The 21st of Ye 2d mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Collected at this meeting 01£-8-6 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where Elisabeth Sandford [Sanford] made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceedings Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Hannah Tucker Elisabeth Gidley |
Apphia Mott is to Draw the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting, no Collection at |
this meeting |
The 18th of Ye 4th Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Collected at this meeting for the Use of friends 01£-00-0 |
Ye 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1757 |
all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 05£=16s=7d |
The 16th of Ye 5th Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
no Collection at this meeting |
The 20th of Ye 6th Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where we Received an Epistle from Newport Yearly meeting which was well |
accepted, Patience Easty Certificate was read and friends had unity with it: also Sarah |
Cornwell Certificate was Read and friends accepted it and She is taken under the Care |
of this meeting appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Elisabeth |
Barker Hannah Mosher Kezia Wood Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an |
Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting no Collection at this meeting |
The 18th of Ye 7th mo 1757 |
Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
no business Presented from the Quarterly meeting Kezia Woods Certificate |
was Read and well accepted on her Return from visiting friends at Sand- |
wich Collected at this meeting 00£=05=00 |
The 15th of Ye 8th Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Hannah Dennis hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceeding |
in marrying out of the orders of friends. no Collection at this meeting |
The 19th of Ye 9th Mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Elisabeth Slocum |
no Collection at this meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an ~ |
Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly Meeting |
The 17th of Ye 10th mo 1757 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where Henry Howland and Abigail Godward [Goddard] both appeared at this meeting |
and Signified their Intention of marriage, they were Desired to wait for their answer |
untill the Next monthly meeting, Soviah Howland Patience Russell were to make |
Enquiery into the Young womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns |
to the Next monthly meeting Peace Wood hath ^made friends Satisfaction for the uneasiness |
which She Caused among friends. no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 11th mo 1757 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Collected at this meeting 00=18=0 taken out the Stock for the use of friends 04£=08s |
The 19th of Ye 12th Mo 1757 |
Was Our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
where Henry Howland and Abigail Godhard [Goddard] both appeared & Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clare |
from all others their answer was they might proceed in marriage between |
this and the Next monthly meeting According to Good orders among friends |
Benjamin Shearman [Sherman] and Elisabeth Lapham Laid their Intention of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
monthly meeting Patience Russell Hope Briggs were appointed to make Enquiery |
into the Young womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the |
Next monthly meeting appointed to attend the monthly ^Quarterly meeting Hope Briggs |
Alice Anthony. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same – no Collection |
at this meeting |
The 17th of Ye 1st mo 1758 |
Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
where Benjamin Shearman [Sherman] & Elisabeth Lapham both appeared & Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing nothing |
to hinder them their answer was that they might proceed in Marriage |
Between this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders |
Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Deborah Smith Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Zerviah |
Howland & Robe Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young |
womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting no Collection at this meeting |
The 20th of Ye 2d Mo 1758 |
Was our Monthly meeting of womens friends in Dartmouth ~ |
where Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Deborah Smith both appeared at this meeting and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing |
nothing to hinder their answer was that they might proceed in marriage |
between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders |
Abraham Sherman and Mary Howland Benjamin Butlar [Butler] and Easther |
Kemtom [Esther Kempton] Israel Wood and Hannah Tripp all Laid their Intention of |
Marriage before this meeting, they were Desired to wait for their |
answer untill the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood Alice Anthony |
are appointed to make Enquery into their Clearness & conversation |
and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting Collected at this |
meeting 01£-4s-0d |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
Where all the friends appeared that Laid their Intention of marriage |
before the Last monthly meeting and Signified the Continuation of their |
Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their |
answer was that they might proceed in marriage between this & the Next |
Monthly meeting according to Good orders Established among friends |
Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia Moot [Mott] Hannah Tucker |
Patience Russell Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarter |
ly meeting, no Collection |
The 17th of ye Ye 4th Mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
no business presented at the Quarterly Meeting Apphia Mott Hannah |
Tucker Ruth Tucker are appointed to Ballance the accompt of this meeting |
Nothing Collected at this meeting |
The 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1758 |
all accompts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock 03£-8s-7d |
The 16th of Ye 5th Mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~ |
where Edward Thuston [Thurston] and Pernal Sawdy Joseph Soal [Soule, Sowle] & Dinah- |
Tripp laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were |
Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting |
Kezia Wood Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Enquiery into |
the Young womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to |
the Next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting 00£~12s~06d |
The 19th of Ye 6th Mo 1758 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Edward Thuston & Pernal Sawdey Joseph Sowl [Soule] and Dinah Tripp all |
all [sic] appeared at this meeting and signified the Continuation of their Intention |
of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their answer was they |
might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting according |
to the Good orders Established among friends. Appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting Kezia Wood Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to |
the Ensuing Quarterly meeting no Collection at this meeting we received an Epistle |
from the Yearly meeting of women friends at Newport which was read and kindly accepted. |
The 17th of Ye 7th Mo 1758 |
Was Our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business presenting from the Quarterly Neither was there any Collection at this |
meeting Elisabeth Barker Susannah Russell are appointed to talk with Mary Wood |
for her out Goings. |
The 21[?]th of Ye 8th Mo 1758 |
Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Thomas Cook and Susannah Cornweel [Cornell] Laid their Intention of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
monthly meeting, Kezia Wood and Patience Russell are appointed to make |
Enquiery into the friends Clearness and Conversation and make Return to the Next |
monthly meeting Mary Davises Certificate was Receivd at this meeting, no Collection |
at this meeting |
The 18th of Ye 9th Mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
at this meeting Meriah [smudge] Hammond is taken under the Care of friends |
William tripp Meriah Hammond David Russell Susannah Sowl [Soule] Levi Smith |
Silvia Allen all Laid their Intention of Marriage before this meeting, they |
were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting; |
Kezia Wood & Penelope Howland are to make Enquiery Concerning the Young |
womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly |
meeting, appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley], Hannah |
Tucker, Apphia Mott is appointed to write the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting |
Collected at this meeting 0£-11s-9d att the ajournment of this meeting |
Thomas Cook and Susannah Cornwell [Cornell] came & Receivd their answer |
The 16th of Ye 10th mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where William Tripp Meriah Hammond David Russell Sush Susannah Sowl [Soule] - |
Levi Smith Silvia Allen all appeared at this meeting, and Signified the |
Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from |
all others their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this & |
the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established among |
friends Phillip Shearman [Sherman] and mary Russell Laid their Intention of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
monthly meeting, Alice Anthony Patience Russell are appointed to make Enqui- |
-ery into the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make return to the |
Next monthly meeting. No collection at this meeting |
The 20th of Ye 11th mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Phillip Shearman & mary Russell bothe appeared at this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there |
appearing nothing to hinder their answer was they might proceed in marriage |
between this & the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders |
Established among friends. Collected at this meeting 0£-06s-0d |
The 18th of Ye 12th mo 1758 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are Hannah Tucker |
Alice Anthony and Apphia Mott is appointed to write the Epistle to the |
Quarterly meeting. no Collection at this meeting Rhoda Allen hath made |
The 15th of Ye 1st mo 1759 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Barnabas Earl & Pernal Chase Laid their Intention of marriage |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting |
Kezia Wood Elisabeth Smith are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning |
the womans Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next |
monthly meeting no Collection |
The 17th of Ye 2d mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Barnabas Earl & Pernal Chase both appeared and Signified the |
Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing nothing to |
hinder their answer was that they might Proceed in marriage between this |
and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Established among |
friends Seth Russell & mary Mosher Laid their Intention of Marriage before |
this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next month |
ly meeting Apphia Mott Kezia Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concer |
ning the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make their return to |
the Next monthly meeting No Collection |
The 19th of Ye 3d mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Seth Russell and Mary Mosher both Appeared & Signified the |
Continuation of their Intention of marriage & there appearing Nothing |
to hinder their answer was they might proceed in Marriage between this |
and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders the friends appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting is Hannah Mosher Ruth Tucker Ruth |
Mosher Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-0d |
Deborah Slocum Susannah Allen Elisabeth Slocum are appointed |
to make Enquery Concerning Deborah Wilbers request to visit Oblong |
Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting |
The 16th of Ye 4th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting Apphia Mott Elisabeth [?] |
Ruth Tucker is appointed to ballance the accompts of this meeting, No Collection |
at this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 5th mo 1759 all accompts Ballanced and here Remains |
in the Stock 03£-13s-10d |
The 21st of Ye 5th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
this meeting hath Chose Peace Wood and Sarah Mosher visiters for acoaxet |
the year Ensuing, no Collection at this meeting |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where we Received an Epistle from the Yearly meeting of Newport which was |
read and well accepted the friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are |
Hannah Tucker Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to Ensuing |
Quarterly meeting no Collection this meeting is ajourned untill the first Sixth Day |
in Next month |
The 16th of Ye 7th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Mary Manchesters request is Granted and She remains under the notis [notice] of friends |
Peace Layton [Lawton] is Denied at this meeting for marrying out of the orders of friends |
Rebekah Burden [Borden] is Denied for her Disorderly marrying, Collected at this meeting 3s-9d |
Easther Butler hath made friends Satisfaction for her out Goings |
The 20th of Ye 8th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Nicolas Howland and his wifes acknowledgment is accepted at this meeting Leah |
Merrihew [Merihew] is taken under the care of friends according to her request collected at this |
meeting 00£-5s-0 |
The 17th of Ye 9th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Timothy Davis & Hephzibeh Hathaway Laid their Intention of marriage |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Hannah |
Tucker Susannah Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans |
Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next monthly meeting, no |
Collection at this meeting the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is |
Hannah Tucker Sarah Gifford Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the |
Ensuing Quarterly meeting Susannah Cook and mary manchester Certificate |
are both Signed at this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 10th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Timothy Davis and Hephzibeh Hathaway both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and after Enquiery they |
appearing Clear from all others respecting marriage their answer was they |
might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting according |
to Good orders Established among friends; Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith |
is appointed to Draw a Certificate for Mehetable Wing no Collection |
The 19th of Ye 11th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Elisabeth Tripp hath made friends Satisfaction for her marrying out of |
the Good orders of friends Collected at this meeting 0£-04s-02d |
The 17th of Ye 12th mo 1759 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
this meeting appoints Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher to talk with Bridg- |
et Allen Concerning her Disorderly proceedings no friends Appears to attend |
the Quarterly meeting, Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the |
Ensuing Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 0£-5s-0d |
The 21st of Ye 1st mo 1760 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business Presents from the Quarterly meeting |
Collected at this meeting |
00£-11s-00d |
The 16th of Ye 2d mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No Collection at this meeting |
The 17th of Ye 3d mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is Peace Wood |
and Sarah Mosher Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is appoint |
-ed to Draw an Epistle for the Ensuing Quarterly meeting, this meeting |
made Choise of Hannah Mosher and Mary Cornwell [Cornell] to talk with Mary |
Kirby for her Disorderly Proceeding; No Collection at this Meeting |
The 21st of Ye 4th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting; Apphia Mott |
Elisabeth Smith & Ruth Tucker are to Settle the meeting accompts |
No Collection at this Meeting |
Ye 12th of Ye 5th mo 1760 All accompts Ballanced and |
here Remains in the Stock |
£5-3s-00d |
The 19th of Ye 5th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Abigail Samuel Shove & Abigail Anthony Laid their Intention |
of Marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Hope Briggs Kezia Wood are |
Chose to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans Clearness |
and Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly |
meeting Collected at this meeting |
00£-6-3 |
The 23d of Ye 6th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Samuel Shove & Abigail Anthony both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage they appearing |
Clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in marr |
iage between this and the Next monthly meeting, according to the |
Good order Established among friends Benjamin Russell and Elisabeth |
Slocum Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were |
Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting |
Hope Briggs Kezia Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning |
the young womans Clearness and Conversation and make returns to |
the Next monthly our worthy friends Ann Gant Mercy Redmon[?] |
and Comfort Hoeg Mary Rowch [Rotch] their Certificates were Read to |
Satisfaction Peace Deval [Davol] is taken under the Care of friends |
Lydia Mackember [Macomber] and Sarah Mosher are Chose to visit friends |
families in acoaxet this year Ensuing Deborah Slocum Hope Briggs |
and Sarah Mosher are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
no Collection at this meeting Elisabeth Smith is appointed to Draw |
an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting |
The 21st of Ye 7th mo 1760 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Divers Epistles were read to Satisfaction and the Love there |
in mentioned kindly accepted Benjamin Russell and Elisabeth |
Slocum both appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation |
of their Intention of marriage & there appearing Nothing that |
hindered their answer was they might proceed in marriage between |
this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders |
Collected at this meeting. |
00£-16-5 |
The 18th of Ye 8th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Deborah Russell and Elisabeth Gidley were appointed to talk |
with Susannah Russell for her Disorderly proceeding Elisabeth |
Russells Certificate was Read and well accepted no Collection at |
this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 9th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Joseph Slaid [Slade] and Deborah Howland Laid their Intention |
of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood & Zerviah Howland are |
to make Enquiery into her Clearness & Conversation and make |
return to the Next monthly meeting the friends appointed to |
attend the Quarterly meeting is Kezia Wood & Sarah Gifford |
this meeting hath made Choise of Hannah Tucker Alice Anth- |
-ony Elisabeth Smith for to Visit friends families in apponegan- |
sett the year Ensuing and for aquishnet Sarah taber Hannah |
Hathaway and Lois Hathaway Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith |
is to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting now Ensuing |
no Collection at this meeting |
The 20th of Ye 10th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Joseph Slaid [Slade] and Deborah Howland both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there |
appearing Nothing that hindered their answer was they might |
proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting |
Observing Good orders, No collection at this meeting |
The 13th of Ye 11th mo 1760 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Deborah Haydons [Haydens] Certificate was read and well Accepted. No |
Collection at this meeting |
The 15th of Ye 12th mo 1760 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Apphia Mott and Elisabeth Smith were appointed to |
Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting and to answer |
the Queries Collected at this meeting |
£00-13-10 |
The 19th of Ye 1st mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting no Collection |
at this meeting |
The 16th of Ye 2d mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Weston Briggs and Phebe Russell Laid their Intention |
of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Hope Brigs [Briggs] and Alice Anthony |
are appointed to make Enquiery into the young womans Clearness |
and Conversation and make return to the Next monthly |
meeting Ruth Gifford and Mary Hammond have both made |
friends Satisfaction for their marrying out of the Good order |
of friends no Collection at this meeting mary Wilber is Denied |
for marry [sic] out of the Good order of friends |
The 16th of Ye 3d mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Weston Briggs and Phebe Russell both appeared |
and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage |
and they appearing Clear from all others their Answer was |
that they might Proceed in Marriage between this and the |
Next monthly meeting observing Good orders; Mary Akins [Akin] hath |
made Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Good order of |
friends Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is to Draw an Epistle |
to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting the friends appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting is Jane Smith & hannah Wood no Collection |
at this meeting |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Darthmouth |
taken out of the Stock for the use of friends £6-00-00 |
Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith and Ruth Tucker are appointed |
to ballance the accompts of this meeting Collected at this meeting £1-11-3 |
The 16th of Ye 5th mo 1761 |
accompts Ballanced and here remains in the Stock £01-09-00 |
The 18th of Ye 5th mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Daniel Russell Mary Russell Joseph Gifford & Hannah Howland |
Samuel Smith Mary Anthony all Laid their Intention of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their Answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Soviah Howland mary Smith are |
appointed to make Enquiery into the young womans Clearness and |
Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly meeting |
Collected at this meeting £00-7s-9d Peace Cornwell [Cornell] hath made |
friends Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Good order of friends |
The 22d of Ye 6th Mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Daniel Russell and Mary Russell Joseph Gifford |
and Hannah Howland Samuel Smith and Mary Anthony all |
appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their |
Intention of marriage & they appearing Clear from all others |
their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this |
and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Establish |
ed among friends. the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting is Kezia Wood Elisabeth Smith Apphia Mott & Elisabeth |
Smith is to Draw an Epistle to the Same Collected at this meet- |
ing 0-7-0 we well accepted the Epistle from Newport yearly |
meeting Jemima Allen Certificate was read and well accepted |
The 20th of Ye 7th mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Collected at this meeting £00-4-6 |
The 17th of Ye 8th Mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Mary Cornwell [Cornell] Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley] are appointed to make Enquiery |
into the Conversation of Sarah Barker & Sarah Anthony |
when Resident among us no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 9th mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Abigail Shepherd Hannah ^Taber [Hannah?] Allen Eunice Allen |
all their Certificates were read and accepted Salomy West and |
the care of friends according to their request Sarah Wood |
hath maid friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly Proceedings |
the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is Patience Russell |
Peace Daval [Davol] Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley] no Collection at this meeting |
Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an |
Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting |
The 19th of Ye 10th Mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Luthan Wood and Sarah Tucker both appeared and |
Signified their Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for |
their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, no Collection at |
this meeting |
The 16th of Ye 11th mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Luthan Wood and Sarah Tucker both appeared and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there |
appeared Nothing that hindred their answer was they might |
Proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly |
meeting, observing Good orders Nicolas Davis and Sarah |
Williams Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
monthly meeting Elisabeth Gidley and Susannah Russell |
were appointied to make Enquiery into the young womans |
Clearness and Conversation and make return to the Next |
monthly meeting no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 12th mo 1761 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Nicolas Davis and Sarah Williams both appeared |
and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage |
and there appearing nothing that hindered them their answer |
was they might Proceed in marriage between this & the Next |
monthly meeting, observing Good orders appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting Apphia Mott Hephzibeh Hussey and |
Jane Smith. Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is appointed |
to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting |
no Collection at this meeting |
The 18th of Ye 1st mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Elnathan Eldredg [Eldridge] and Ann Allen Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait |
for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, Susannah |
Concerning the young womans Clearness and Conversation and |
make Return to the Next monthly meeting, Hannah Gidly [Gidley] |
Desired the Liberty of Sitting in the monthly meeting her |
request is Granted Patience & Rebecka Tuckers requests is |
Granted as to the Liberty of Sitting in the monthly meeting |
Susannah Davels [Davols] request is Granted as to be taken under |
the care of friends Collected at this meeting £00 -11-6 |
The 15th of Ye 2d mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Elnathan Eldredg [Eldridge] & Ann Allen both appeared at this |
meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marri- |
-age & there appearing nothing to hinder their answer was they |
might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly |
meeting, observing Good orders Humphry Smith & Rebekah |
Slocum Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they |
were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly |
meeting Alice Anthony Elisabeth Slocum were appointed to make |
Enquiery into the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make |
return to the Next monthly meeting, Also John Akins [Akin] |
and Peace Russell Laid their Intention of marriage before this |
meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the |
Next monthly meeting Hephzibeh Hussey Jane Smith were |
to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans Clearness & |
Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly meeting |
Ignatious Dillingham and Deborah Gifford both appeared at this |
meeting and Signified their Intention of marriage they were Desired |
to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, Hannah |
Tucker & frances Bowdish [Bowditch] were to make Enquiery into the young |
womans Clearness & Conversation & make return to the Next |
monthly meeting Elisabeth Russell Now wife of Elisha Russell |
is Denied for marrying out of the unity friends this meeting |
is a[d]journed from ye 15th of ye 2d mo to ye 22d of ye Same |
Inclusive Collected at this meeting 0-1s-8d at the a[d]journment |
of this meeting Henry Russell and Mary Bayton [Brayton] Laid their |
Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer |
untill the Next monthly meeting |
The 15th of Ye 3d mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where Humphry Smith Rebecka Slocum John Akins [Akin] & Peace |
Russell Ignatious Dillingham & Deborah Gifford all appeared |
at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intentions |
of marriage they appearing clear from all others their answer |
monthly meeting according to Good orders Henry Russells & |
Mary Braytons answer was they might Proceed in marriage |
Between this & the Next monthly meeting; George Sandford [Sanford] and |
Rachel Gifford Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next |
monthly meeting Kezia Wood & Mary Smith were to make |
Enquiery Into the young womans Clearness & Conversation |
and make returns to the Next monthly meeting |
The 19th of Ye 4th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting |
being Called on here appears Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith for |
Ponagansett [Apponagansett] none for acoxet Elisabeth and Lydia Maxfeld Desires |
to be taken under the Care of friends |
The 17th of Ye 5th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
Elisabeth and Lydia Maxfeld are taken under the care of friends |
according to their Request no Collection at this meeting |
The 21st of Ye 6th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparatives meetings belonging to this meeting being |
Called on the Representatives are as followeth for Ponaganset |
Hepzibeh Hussey Elisabeth Smith for acoaxet Pace Dival [Davol] Hannah |
Wood Rachel Riders Request is granted and she is taken under |
the Care of friends; we Receivd an Epistle from the Yearly |
meeting at Newport which was Read and well accepted Peace Wood |
Apphia Mott is appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia |
Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to write an Epistle to the Ensuing |
Quarterly meeting Amey [Almy?] Slocum hath maid friends Satisfaction for |
her outgoings Ruth Sowl [Soule] is Denied at this meeting for marrying |
from among friends |
The 19th of Ye 7th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Praparative meetings being called on belonging to this |
meeting the Represantatives are as followeth for Ponaganset Hepzibeh |
Hussey Jane Smith for acoaxet Kezia Wood Dinah Sowl [Soule] Peace Wood |
Peace Dival [Davol] are appointed to Visit friends families in acoaxet for |
the year Ensuing Several Epistles were read to Satisfaction |
The 16th of Ye 8th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for |
Ponaganset Elisabeth Smith Jane Smith for acoaxet Peace Dival [Davol] |
Hannah Wood Elisabeth Smith Deborah Haydon [Hayden] Reliance |
Shepherd Alice Anthony Jane Smith are appointed to visit friends |
families in Ponaganset the year Ensuing |
The 20th of Ye 9th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on the Representatives |
are as followeth for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith |
for acoaxet Lydia Mackember [Macomber] Peace Dival [Davol] Samuel Shove & Rebec- |
ka Tucker Laid their Intention of Marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer till the Next |
monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is as followeth |
Penelope Howland Susannah Allen Sarah Gifford Abigail Tripp Apphia |
Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing |
Quarterly meeting; the Queries were Read and answered in this meet- |
-ing this meeting is a[d]journed from ye 20th of ye 9th mo to ye first |
of ye 10th mo 1762 The first of ye 10th mo 1762 was our monthly |
meeting of women friends held by a[d]journment Lydia Tripp was Denied |
at this meeting for marrying out of ye unity of friends |
The 18th of Ye 10th Mo 1762 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting |
being Called on the Representatives are as followeth for pona- |
ganset Hepzibeh Hussey Elisabeth Slocum for acoaxet Sarah Mosher |
only Samuel Shove and Rebecka Tucker both appeared and Sig- |
nified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they app- |
earing Clear from all others Respecting marriage their answer was |
that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next |
monthly meeting according to Good order Adam Mott and Rachel |
Rider Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they |
were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly |
meeting |
The 15th of Ye 11th Mo 1762 |
Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears |
for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Deborah Haydon [Hayden] none appeared |
for acoaxet Thomas Russell & Edith Sherman Laid their Intention |
of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their |
answer till the Next monthly meeting Abigail Briggs hath |
made friends hath made friends Satisfaction for her marrying |
out of the unity of friends Hannah Dival [Davol] and Anna Hix are |
taken under the Care of friends according to their Request |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears |
for Ponaganset Jane Smith Sarah Howland for acoaxet Hannah |
Wood Peace Dival [Davol] Adam Mott & Rachel Rider Thomas Russell |
and Edith Sherman all appeared at this meeting and Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of marriage their answer |
was that they might proceed between this & the Next monthly |
meeting Observing good orders Ebenezar Mosher & Jane Craw |
Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were |
Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meet |
ing Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are to Draw an Epistle to the |
Ensuing Quarterly meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill the |
first Sixth Day in the Next month the friends appointed to |
attend the Quarterly meeting is Jane Smith Peace Dival [Davol] |
The 17th of ye 1st mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where Ebenezar Mosher & Jane Craw appeared for their |
answer and there appeared Nothing to hinder them Respecting |
marriage their answer was that they might Proceed in Some |
Convenient time between this and the Next monthly meeting |
Observing good orders Lydia Barkers Certificate was read and |
accepted this meeting is a[d]journed untill the Last fourth Day |
in the month |
The 21st of ye 2d mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appeared |
for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey mary Russell and for acoaxet |
Sarah tripp John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford Elihu Russell and |
Elisabeth Slocum all Laid their Intention of marriage before this |
meeting they were Desired to wait for their Answer untill the |
Next monthly meeting Cyntha Wood and Elisabeth Slocum are |
both taken under the Care of friends according to their Request |
Rachel Wood and hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings |
The 21st of ye 3d mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparatives meetings being Called on here appears |
for Ponaganset Jane Smith Elisabeth Slocum and for acoaxet |
Peace Dival [Davol]; John Dillingham & Ruth Gifford Elihu Russell |
and Elisabeth Slocum all appeared at this meeting and Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing |
Clear from all others with respect to marriage their answer was |
they might Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting |
Observing Good orders Henry Smith and Cyntha Wood Laid their |
Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait |
for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting; Zerviah |
Howland Elisabeth Slocum Sarah Gifford are appointed to talk with |
Barshaba Gifford upon her Requesting a Certificate from this |
monthly meeting, the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting is Peace Dival [Davol] Ruth Tucker Elisabeth Slocum Apphia |
Mott Elisabeth Smith Jane Smith are appointed to Draw an |
Epistle to the Same this meeting hath made Choice of Hannah |
Tucker & Hepzibeh Hussey for Elders the Queries was read in this |
meeting and answered by the acoaxet visiters |
Likewise the visiters Inform that they have made a general |
visit the matter Concerning Edith Tripp is Refered untill the Next |
monthly meeting Alice Smith her Paper is accepted that She Sees it is |
read Publickly Hepzibeh Hussey and Jane Smith are appointed to Draw |
a paper of Denial against Abigail Mackember [Macomber] and Zilpha Dival [Davol] for thar |
Scandalous Proceedings this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth Day in |
Next month Jemimah Davis hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings |
The 18th of ye 4th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for ponaganset |
Mary Russell for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule] Henry Smith and Cyntha Wood |
both appeared and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage |
and there appears nothing to hinder their answer was they might Proceed |
between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Abner |
Shepherd and Hannah Gifford Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer till the Next monthly meeting |
Alice Smith hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings Hannah |
Tucker and ruth Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning |
Francis [Frances] Bowdish her Conversation upon her a Certificate from this meeting |
Hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery |
Concerning Deborah and Ruth Dillinghams Life and Conversation upon |
their Requesting a few Lines from this meeting by way of Certificate and |
Likewise they are to Draw them; Sarah Willcox [Wilcox] hath mad[e] friends |
Satisfaction for her outgoings Edith Tripps Paper is accepted if She Sees it read |
Publickly Alice Anthony Jane Smith Elisabeth Smith Sarah Gifford |
Elisabeth Slocum are Chose visiters for the year Ensuing Deborah Allen |
is taken under the Care of friends according to her request |
The 8th of ye 5th mo 1763 |
all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock £4-13-0 |
The 16th of ye 5th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several preparative meetings being called on there appeared |
for acoxet Peace Dival [Davol] Sarah Tripp Abner |
Shepherd & Hannah Gifford both appeared at this meeting and |
Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage |
and they appearing clear from all others respecting marriage their answer |
was that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the |
Next monthly meeting observing Good order Sarah Taber hath |
made friends Satisfaction for marrying from among them and She is taken |
under the Care of friends Deborah and Ruth Dillinghams Certificates |
were Signed at this meeting Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith and |
Kezia Wood were appointed to view the records Abigail Mackember [Macomber] |
and Zilpha Divavls [Davols] Deniel [Denial] was read Publickly Since the Last monthly |
meeting |
The 20th of ye 6th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings belonging to this meeting being |
Called on here appears for Apponaganset Alice Anthony Elisabeth Slocum |
none appeared for acoaxet John Ricketson and Patience Tucker Laid their |
Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their |
answer untill the Next monthly meeting the friends appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting is Susannah Gifford Patience Russell & Elisabeth Smith |
Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing |
Quarterly meeting we Receivd an Epistle from the yearly meeting at Newport |
which was read and accepted Elisabeth Howlands Certificate was accepted |
this meeting is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month |
The 18th of ye 7th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting being |
Called on here appears for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule] Mary Mackember [Macomber] none for |
apponagansett John Ricketson and Patience Tucker both appeared at this |
meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and |
there appearing nothing to hinder them Respecting marriage their answer |
was that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next month- |
ly meeting according to the good order Established among friends freeborn |
Riders Certificate was read and accepted |
The 15th of ye 8th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for |
apponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey & Elisabeth Slocum for acoaxet Hannah Wood |
The 19th of ye 9th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where the Several Preparitive meetings being Called on here appears for |
apponaganset Alice Anthony & Deborah Hayden for acoaxet Sarah Mosher |
Lydia Mackember [Macomber] Benjamin Tucker and Silvia Ricketson Laid their |
Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for |
their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood and Sarah |
Gifford are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting apphia Mott is |
to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting this meeting is adjourned |
untill the first Sixth Day in Next month |
The 17th of ye 10th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appears |
for apponagansett Elisabeth Slocum none for acoaxet Benjamin Tucker |
and Silvia Ricketson both appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation |
of their Intention of marriage there appearing Nothing to hinder thar answer |
was they might proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly |
meeting observing good orders |
The 21st of 11th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth where the |
Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appears for apponaganset |
Sarah Gifford & Deborah Willber [Wilbur] Anna Russells Certificate was |
read and accepted |
The 19th of ye 12th mo 1763 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on here appears for |
apponaganset Deborah Hayden Elisabeth Slocum none for acoaxet this meeting |
is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month the friends appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting is Alice Anthony & Elisabeth Slocum Apphia |
Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly |
meeting Chloe Bowen is taken under the Care of friends according to her |
request |
The 16th of ye 1st mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for |
apponaganset Jane Smith Patience Russell none for acoaxet, francis Coffin |
and Anna Hussey Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly |
meeting |
The 20th of ye 2d mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears |
for apponagansett Jane Smith Susannah Smith none for acoaxet francis |
Coffin and Anna Hussey both appeared and Signified the Continuation |
of their Intention of marriage and there appearing nothing to hinder them |
respecting marriage their answer was that they might proceed between |
this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Rebecka Cornell |
is taken under the Care of friends according to her request |
The 19th of ye 3d mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for apponaganset |
Hepzibeh Hussey none for acoaxet Joseph Howland and Bethsheba Sherman |
Daniel Smith and Rebecka Cornell all Laid their Intention of marriage |
before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the |
Next monthly meeting. Jona Sowl [Soule] is taken under friends care according to |
her Desire Sarah tripp and Susannah Smith are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith Susannah Smith are appoint- |
-ed to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting. |
this meeting is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month |
Elisabeth Gidley Alice Anthony are appointed to talk with Lilias Russell |
for her Disorderly proceedings |
The 16th of ye 4th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on here appears |
for apponagansett Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden none for acoaxet |
Joseph Howland and Bethsheba Sherman Daniel Smith and Rebecka |
Cornwell [Cornell] all appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of |
their Intention of marriage and there appeared nothing to hinder respecting |
marriage their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between |
and [sic] the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Lydia Cornwell [Cornell] |
is taken under the Care of friends according to her Desire Elisabeth Howlands |
acknowledgement is accepted and She remains under the Care of friends |
We received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting which was well accepted |
Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith Ruth tucker are appointed to ballance the |
meeting accompts the matter Concerning Amey Hart and Lylias Russell |
is refered untill the Next monthly meeting Deborah Allen Elisabeth Slocum |
are appointed to make Enquiery into the Conversation of Elisabeth Allen |
upon her requesting a few Lines by way of Certificate |
ye 13th of ye 5th mo 1764 |
all accompts ballanced and here remains in the Stock £6-13-14 |
The 21st of ye 5th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears |
for ponaganset Hepzibeh [Hussey?] Deborah |
Hayden for acoaxet Hannah Wood Sarah Tripp this meeting |
appoints Abigail Tripp Hannah Wood to talk with Hannah Potter for |
her Disorderly Proceedings in keeping company Contrary to the |
orders of friends no Collection at this meeting Lydia |
Sherman is Denied at this meeting for marrying out of the |
orders of friends Naomy Sisson is taken under the Care of friends |
at this meeting according to her Request |
The 18th of ye 6th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for |
Ponaganset Hannah Tucker Hepzibeh Hussey for acoaxet Hannah Cornwell |
Jona Sowle [Soule]; Stephen Hathaway Abigail Smith Laid their Intentions of marri- |
age before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill |
the Next monthly meeting Susannah Gifford Hannah Tucker are appo- |
inted to attend the Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are to Draw |
an Epistle to the Same this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth Day in |
Next month |
The 16th of ye 7th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmo |
Wher[e] the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears |
Alice Anthony Zerviah Howland for ponaganset for acoaxet Abigail |
Tripp Stephen Hathaway Abigail Smith both appeared at this meeting |
and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appears |
Nothing to hinder respecting marriage their answer was they might proceed |
Between this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Establishd |
among friends Jemimah Hoxie and mary Tuckers Certificates were accepted |
at this meeting we received an Epistle from Newport which was re[a]d and |
accepted Hannah Potter is Denied at this meeting for marrying Contrary |
to the order of friends the thing Concerning Choosing overseers is refered |
untill the Next monthly meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill the |
twenty fifth Day of this month at the ajournment of this meeting Elisabeth |
Allens Certificate was Signed according to her request |
The 20th of ye 8th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
Where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for |
ponagansett Hannah Tucker for acoaxet Lydia |
Mackember [Macomber] Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed t |
o Draw an Epistle a Certificate for Anna Coffin Ruth Eddy is |
publickly Denied for her Disorderly Proceeding |
The 17th of ye 9th mo 1764 |
Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears |
for acoaxet Abigail Kirby none for ponaganset according to the good |
orders of friends Hannah Mosher is taken under their Care upon her |
fig. 11: The interior of the Westport Meeting House.
© Copyright Jean Schnell
[inserted from the end of the book]
At our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the |
18th of the 9th Month 1769 |
Our Friend Paul Russell Aaquainted This Meeting that he |
had it on his Mind to Visit Pembrook [Pembroke] Quarterly Meeting |
which This Meeting has unity with |
A True Coppy of a minute of our Sd Meeting [?] |
[?] Russell Clerk |
10 mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th of the 10th Month 1769 Apphia Mott Chose Clark for this day |
R: Wing |
John Tucker and Roda Wing appeared for there answer which was they |
Might Proseed to take Each other in Marriage between this and the next |
Monthly Meeting According to the Good order of friends William |
M: Hart |
Taber and Martha Hart appeared at this Meeting and Signified there |
Intention of Marriage and was Desireed to weight untill the Next |
Monthly Meeting for theire answer Apphia Mott and Ruth Tucker |
are appointed to See into Martha Hart Clearness Respecting Marriage |
and Conversation and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Han= |
R Cornel |
=nah Tucker and Susannah Russell are appointed to talk with Rebecca |
Cornel Concerning her Request to Come under the Care of friends and |
Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting hath Signed a |
E: Gifford |
Removal Sertificate for Elizabeth Gifford to the Monthly Meeting of |
Acoakset Naomy Howland and Deborah Hicks are appointed to Draw |
a Sertificate for Mary Haymond if upon Inquiry they think proper |
and bring it to the Next Monthly Meeting |
11 Mo: 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 19th of the 11th Month 1769 the Representatives are Susanna Smith |
P Barnard and R Hussey D: Hussey E Barker C: Briggs |
and Deborah Allen Susanna Smith present Peter Barnard Rebecca |
Hussey, John Wood Dina Hussey, Increas Smith Elizabeth Barker all |
appeared at this Meeting and Signified there Intention of Marriage |
and they are Desireed to weight untill the Next Monthly Meeting |
for there answer Catherine Briggs hath ^maid friends Satisfaction Naomy |
Howland and Naomy Sisson are appointed to see into Rebecca Hussey |
Dina Hussey and Elizabeth Barker Clearness Respecting Marriage and |
Conversation and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting |
Haymond |
Hath Signed a Removal Sertificate for Mary Haymond wife of Thomas |
Haymond [Hammond]to the Monthly Meeting |
This Meeting is Aiourned to the 29th of this Instant |
11 Mo. 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by Aiournment the 29th of |
the 11th Month 1769 the Representatives being Called none present |
M: Hart |
William Taber and Martha Hart appeared for there answer which was |
they Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage Between this and the |
Next Monthly Meeting according to the Good Order of friends Received an |
Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well Excepted |
12 Mo 1769 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 20th of the 12th Month 1769. the Representatives are Deborah |
R:H D:H: E:B |
Allen and Mary Smith both present, Peter Barnard and Rebecca |
Hussey, John Wood and Dina Hussey, Increas Smith and Eliza= |
=beth Barker, all appeared for there answer which was that |
Each Cupple Might proseed to take Each other in Marriage |
between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according to the Good |
Order of friends Eunice Allen is appointed Overseer of Disorders |
Susanna Russell and Susanna Allen are appointed Overseers of |
the poor the Epistle with the answer to the Queries was Read |
in this Meeting and approved Susanna Allen and Anna Hicks |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the |
Epistle with the answers to the Queries Collected £1=2s=4d old ten |
1 Mo: 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 15th of the first Month 1770 the Representatives are Alice Anthony |
S: Smith |
and Elizabeth Slocum and Alice Anthony present Benjamin Howland |
and Silvester Smith Signified there Intention of Marriage and was De= |
=sired to weight untill the Next Monthly Meeting for there answer |
and Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are appointed to Make Inquiry |
into Silvester Smith Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and |
Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting Received an Epistle from the |
Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well accepted Mary Cornel wife |
M: Cornel |
of Daniel hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of |
Acoakset which this Meeting Excepts |
2 Mo: 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 19th of the 2th Month 1770 the Representatives are Jane Smith and |
S: Smith |
Susanna Allen Jane Smith present Benjamin Howland and Silvester |
Smith did not appear for there answer by Reason there outward |
affairs was not Settled to friends Satisfaction this Meeting is Ajourned |
to the 29th of this Instant |
This Meeting being held by Ajournment the 29th of the 2th Month |
. |
1770 the Representatives being Called both present friends having |
H: Shear= =man |
Sufficiently Laboured with Hiphziba Shearman for Marrying out |
of the unity of friends and She had no Mind to make friends Satis= |
=faction therefore we do Disone the Said Hiphziba Shearman from und= |
=er the Care of this Meeting |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 19th of the 3th Month 1770 the Representatives are Alice Anthony & |
S: Smith |
Jane Smith both present Benjamin Howland and Silvester Smith |
appeared for there answer which was that they Might proseed |
In Marriage in Some Convenant time between this and the next |
C: Russell C:Gifford |
Monthly Meeting Observing the Good order of friends Caleb Russell |
Jur and Content Gifford appeared at this Meeting and Signified there |
Intention of Marriage they was Desireed to weight untill the Next |
Monthly Meeting for there answer Jane Smith and Elizabeth Smith are |
appointed to See into Content Gifford Clearness Respecting Marriage and |
Conversation and Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting Rebecca |
Cornel is taken under the Care of friends this Meeting has Signed a |
P: Wing |
Removal Sertificate for Peace Wing to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich |
the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read in this Meeting |
and approved and Sarah Gifford and Hannah Mosher are appointed to |
attend the Quarterly Meeting and to Present the Epistle with the answers |
to the Queries |
4 Mo 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th of the 4th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are |
C: Russell C:Gifford |
Deborah Allen and Phebe Slocum Phebe Slocum Present Caleb Russell |
Ju and Content Gifford appeared at this Meeting for there answer which |
was they Might proseed in Marriage in Some Convenant time between |
this and the Next Monthly Meeting Observing the good order Esta= |
R: Rotch |
=blished among friends Rebecca Rotch hath brought a Removal Serti= |
ficate from the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island which was Read in |
this Meeting and Excepted Received an Epistle from the Quarterly |
Meeting which was Read and well Excepeted friends having Sufici= |
Sarah Almy |
=ently laboured with Sarah Almy for Marriing out of the unity of |
friends and She haveing no mind to Make friends Satisfaction there |
fore we do Disown the Said Sarah Almy from under the Care of this |
Meeting Collected at this Meeting £1=15s=0d old tenner |
5 Mo 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 21th of 5th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting |
R: Macom= =ber |
are Deborah Hicks and Mary Smith both present Rachil Macomber |
Hath Produced a Removal Sertificate from the Monthly Meeting of |
Acoakset which was Read in this Meeting and Excepted friends have= |
R: Rickit= =son |
=ing Sufficiently Laboured with Rebecca Rickitson [Ricketson] for falling into the Sin of |
Fornication which plainly appeared by her haveing a Child before Mar= |
=riage and She not being in a Disposition of Mind to Make friends Satis= |
=faction therefore we do publickly Deny the Said Rebecca Rickitson [Ricketson] from |
being in unity with friends and from under the Care of this Meeting |
6 Mo. 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 18th of the 6th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are |
M: Gifford L: Shearman R: Hathaway |
Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both present Mary Gifford wife of Obediah |
Gifford is taken under the Care of this Meeting Leah Shearman has Made |
Satisfaction Rhoda Hathaway has Made Satisfaction the Epistle with the |
answers to the Queries was Read in this Meeting and approved and Amy |
Barker and Phebe Slocum are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting |
M: Manch= ester |
and to Present the Epistle with the answers to the Queries Mary Man= |
=chester wife of Job Manchester hath Produced a Removal Certificate from |
the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island which was Read and accepted Patienc |
P: Davis E Kirby |
Davis hath made friends Satisfaction friends haveing Sufficiently Laboured |
with Elizabeth Cirby [Kirby] for falling into the Sin of fornication and She not |
being in a Disposition of Mind to make friends Satisfaction therefore we |
do publickly Disown the Said Elizabeth Cirby from being in unity with |
friends and from under the Care of this Meeting Collected £1=3=2 old tenner |
7 Mo 1770 |
At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th of the 7th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting |
are Susanna Smith and Elizabeth ^Smith both present Received an Epistle |
from the Quarterly Meeting which was Well Excepted |
The treasurer hath Paid Bethiah Wady 5lb-6s-9d old tenor for ye use |
of the poor |
8th mo 1770 |
Att amonthly Meeting of women friends holden at Dartmouth |
the 20th Day of ye 8th mo 1770 |
Mosher Joanna Gifford Certif recd |
Deborah Hix & Sarah Gifford was appointed to attend ye monthly |
meeting both Preasent Johannah Mosher & her family Sertifcate from |
The Nine Partners was Read in this ^meeting and Excepted. Hephzibah Hussey and Sarah |
view minits |
Gifford are appointed to look Over the Monthly Meeting Minuts & Record what |
Rebec: Bernrd Certif |
Is Necary Rebaca Barnards Removal Certificate was Signed In this Meeting |
Hep: Hussey Clerk |
To Nantucket Hephzibah Hussey is appointed Clark for another year and Deborah |
Hix is to join the above said Com.te att the Recording the Book and assist In |
Settle with Treasurer |
Setling with the treasurer and see that the book is ballancd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
9th m.o 1770 |
Att amonthly Meeting of Women Friends Holden at Dartmo ye 17th Day of |
the 9th mo 1770 – the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are Susannah |
Lemuel Mosher proposal of marriage |
Allen & Susannah Smith Both Preasant, Lemuel Mosher & Ruth |
Gifford appear-d at this meeting & Signified their Intention of Marriage and |
were Desired to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting for their answr |
Silvia Smith paper accepted |
Silva Smith Hath Given In a paper to this Meeting Condemning her Marrying |
Out of the Unity of friends which is Excepted, Elisabeth Smith & Neoma Howland |
Inquiry to be made |
are appointed to Inquire into Ruth Giffords Clearness Respecting Marriage |
and Conversation and Make Report to the next monthly meeting |
The queries hath Bean Read & answrd In this Meeting together with the |
meeting |
Epistle and Susannah Smith Susannah Allen and Deborah Haydon are |
appointed to attend the quarterly meeting and Present the Epistle with the |
answrs to the Queries Collected 5s:7d old tenor Susannah Allen Ebenezers wife |
overseer of poor |
is appointed Overseer of the Poor This Meeting Concludes to Deny Rebaca |
Reb. Briggs to be denied |
Briggs for Marrying Out of the unity of friends being Sufficiently labourd |
With & making No Sattisfaction |
10th mo 1770- |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends Holden at Dartm.o ye 15th of ye 10.th 1770 |
Deborah Allen and Deborah Hix was appointed to Represent this Meeting |
Lemuel Mosher answer |
Both Preasant Lemuel Mosher and Ruth Gifford appeared att this |
Meeting & Signified the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage with |
Each other & finding them Clear to proceed their answr was that they take |
Each other In marriage In Some Some Convenient time between this & the next |
monthly Meeting Observing the Good orders Established amongst friends |
Epistle Recd |
Receiv.d an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting held at Portsmouth on Rhodisl[and] |
which was Read & well Excepted; Apphia Mott and Elisabeth Smith are |
Han. Winslow Request |
appointed to take a solid opportunity with Hannah Winslow upon her Request to |
come under friends Care and Make Report to the next monthly meeting |
Mary Gifford req Certifi |
This Meeting hath Signed a removal Certificate for Mary Gifford wife of Obadiah |
Gifford to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine Partners In Dutches County |
Jenaverah Gifford Case |
Patience Russell & Susannah Smitts are appointed to write to Sandwitch Monthly |
Meeting to Inform this Meeting how Janavereth Gifford hath Conducted Since |
She has Resided among them |
11th mo 1770 |
At a monthly Meeting of Women Friends holden at Dartmouth ye 19th of 11th m.o 1770 |
The Representatives are Deborah Haydon & Jemimah Davis both Preasent |
Han. Winslow Recd |
Hannah Winslow is Taken Under the Care of This Meeting: according to |
Treasury Settled |
appointment we have setled with the treasurer and find in the stock 1lb:16s:6d |
Old tenor: Lydia Potters Paper of Denial was Read according to appointment |
Lydia Potter denied |
which testified against her for the Sin of fornication having been Raboured [Laboured] |
With in Love but our labour Proving Ineffectual Can Do no less then Deny |
her from being In unity with us and from under the Care of this meeting |
Treasurry |
Collected 2lb:15s:0d old tenor: Taken out of the Stock 2:15:9 ol. t. for the use |
Janaverah Gifford Paper |
of the poor, Janeverath Gifford hath Given in a paper to this meeting Condeming |
her falling Into the Sin of fornication which this Meeting Excepts Provided Said |
Paper be Read at the Close of a first Day Meeting for worship: She is Excused |
from being Preasant at the Reading Said paper by Reason of her being at a great |
Distance and a lame woman & under low Circumstances in the world |
Epistle Recd |
Receiv.d an Epistle from the yearly meeting of women friends held in Philedephia |
for Penselvana and New Jersey which was Read & kindly Excepted ~ ~ ~ ~ |
12th mo 1770 |
At a monthly meeting of women friends held at Dartmo ye 17th day of 12th mo 1770 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both Preasant |
Jose Gifford Ju proposal of marriags |
Joseph Gifford Jnr and Hannah Winslow Proposed their Intention of marriage |
with Each other and were Desired to wait untill the next monthly meeting for |
their answer and Hannah Mosher and Almy Barker appointed to Inquire |
Into Hannah Winslows Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation and make |
Janaverah Gifford |
Report to the Next monthly Meeting: Janevereth Giffords paper hath been Read |
according to appointment of last Monthly meeting: The queries hath been |
Read & answrd – In thir meeting. and Sent up to the quarterly meeting with the |
Sent up to Quart meeting |
Epistle By the Representatives which are Alice Anthony & Deborah Allen |
Phebe Brigg Certifi |
Hephzibah Hussey: Phebe Briggs Removal Sertificate was Signd. in this |
Meeting Recommending her to Swansey Monthly meeting: Eunice Allen |
Overseers |
is Dismist from being an Overseer of this meeting: Susannah Smith is |
appointed an overseer in the Room of Eunis Allen who was Dismist. |
At 1 mo. 1771 |
At a monthly meeting of women friends holden at Dartmo. ye 27th of ye 1st m.o 1771 |
The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Susannah Smith both Preasant |
J: Gifford answer |
Joseph Gifford Jr and Hannah Winslow appeared at this meeting and Signified |
the Continuation of their Intention of Mariage their answ.r was they Might |
Proceed in taking Each other in Some Convenient time between this and the |
Next monthly meeting Observing the Good orders Established amongst friends |
Epistle recd |
Receiv,d An Epistle from the last Quarterly meeting which was Read and |
Janaverah Gifford Certifi |
Kindly Excepted: Janavareth Gifford wife of Silvanus Gifford ^Certificate was Signd, |
In this meeting Recommending her to Sandwitch Monthly Meeting |
2d M.o 1771 |
At a monthly meeting of Woman friends holden at Dartm.o ye 18th day of ye 2d mo 1771 |
The Representatives are Jane Smith and Phebe Slocum both Preasant |
3d mo. 1771 |
At a monthly Meeting of woman friends holden att Dartm.o ye 18.th of ye 3d m.o 1771 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Haydon both Preasant |
Dinah Wood Certificate |
Dinah Woods wife of John Wood Sertificate was Signed in this meeting Recommed. |
Her to Acoakset Monthly Meeting: Ann Smith wife of Thomas Smith Produced |
Ann Smith certificate |
A Certificate from Nantucket monthly meeting which was Read & well Excepted |
The queries was Read & answered In this meeting with the Epistle and Sent up to the |
Sent up to Q meeting |
quarterly meeting by the Representatives which are Deborah Haydon Elisabeth |
Slocum & Mary Smith |
4th m.o 1771 |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o ye 15th of 4th m.o 1771- |
The Representatives are Deborah Hix and Sarah Howland both Preasant |
Jonathan Tucker propo =sal of marage |
Jonathan Tucker and Mehetable Mosher both appeared at this meeting & Signified |
Their Intention of Marriage and were Desired to wait untill Next monthly |
Meeting for their answr Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed |
To Inquire into Meheteble Moshers Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation |
Epistle recd |
and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting: Receiv.d an Epistle from the quartly |
meeting which was Read and kindly Excepted: Elisabeth Slocum and Mary |
Return from Q meeting |
Smith Report that that they attended the quarterly meeting: Susannah Allen |
overseer |
Wife of Phillip Allen Excus,d from being Overseer of the poor and appointed |
Overseer of the Church }. Collected 2lb:2s:2d ½ Old tenor |
5th m.o 1771 |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o ye 20.th of ye 5.th Mo 1771 - |
the Representatives are Deborah Allen and Deborah Haydon both Preasant |
Jonaa Tucker answer |
Jonathan Tucker & Mehetable Mosher appeared at this meeting & Signified the |
Continuation of Their Intention of Marriage Thiere appearing Nothing to hinder |
Therefore your answr is you May Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some |
Convenient time between this & the next Monthly meeting Observing the Good |
Elisa Shepherd Certifi |
Orers Established amongst friends: Elisabeth Shephard Produced a certificate |
from Portsmouth monthly meeting for Rhodisland which was Read in this |
overseer of poor |
Meeting & well Excepted: Judith Russel is appointed Overseer of the Poor friend |
Collected 1lb:13s:7½ d old tenor the treasurer is Ordered to Pay Susannah Allen 4lb:9s:0d |
6th mo 1771 |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o y.e 17.th of 6 M.o 1771 - |
the Representatives appointed was Alice Anthony and Sarah Howland they being |
ajournd |
Called Sarah Howland Preasant this Meeting ajorns to 24th Instant |
mett |
This Meeting Met according to ajornment ye 24th Instant the Representatives being |
Ann Shearman to be denied |
Called Both Preasent This Meeting Concludes to Deny ann Sherman from |
being in unity of friends for marrying out from amongst us altho Precotioned |
Abig; Winslow paper read |
Abigail Winslows Paper of acknowledgment was Read according to |
Treasurer report |
appointment the treasurer Reports She has Paid Susannah Allen |
4lb:9s:0d old tenor according to Order: The queries hath been Read and |
Sent up to Q meeting |
answer.d In this meeting with the Epistle and Sent up to the quarterly |
Meeting By The Representatives which are Alice Anthony Susannah Allen |
Rachel mac= comber certifi |
and Judith Russel: Rachel Macumber widow Certificate was Signed |
In this meeting which Recomends her to Acaksett Monthly meeting |
We have been favoured with the Company of our worthy friend Joseph Oxley |
Joseph Oxley Visit |
at this meeting to our Comfort & Sattisfaction with three Sertificates which |
Was Read in this meeting One from the Monthly meeting held at Norwich Old |
England the 23 day of ye 3d mo 1770 And one from the quarterly Meeting in |
the County of Norfolk at Norwich ye 28th Day of ye 3 Mo 1771 The third |
from the yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders held in London by A |
journments from ye 2d Day of 6th m.o 1770 to the 11 of the Same Inclusive |
Expressing their Unity with this Concern to visit us & were signed by a large |
Number of friends Both Men & Women |
7th mo 1771 |
At a monthly meeting of women friends holden att Dartmo ye 15th of ye 7th mo 1771 |
The Representative are Jean Smith and Elisabeth Slocum being Called not Preasant |
Abigail Winslow hath Given In apaper to this meeting (which is as followeth) |
Abigail Winslow acknowledg ment |
To the monthly meeting of friends to be holden at Dartmo ye 18th Day of ye 3 Mo 1771 |
Friends whereas I having had my Education amongst friends but through |
unwatchfullness I haveing fallen Into the Sin of fornication which I am Sorry |
for and Do Condemn with all my other offences hoping God will forgive me |
and friends Pass it by so far as to lett me Remain under their Care Abigail |
Epistles received |
Winslow Recevd an Epistle from the quarterly meeting of women friends held att |
Newport. By the hand of our friend alice anthony which was Read & well |
Excepted and one Epistle from the yearly meeting in London which was |
likwise Read and kindly Excepted |
8th mo 1771 |
At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of the 8th mo 1771 |
the friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Almy Barker and |
denial signd |
Jemima Davis both Preasant Abigail Tuckers Paper of Denial was |
Signed in this meeting in order to be Read at the Close of a first Day meeting |
for worship & Said Paper to be Returnd to the Clark to be Rcorded:22 |
to draw a certifi for Elisa: Potter |
Deborah Allen & Jamima Davis are appointed to draw a Certificate for Elisabeth |
Potter & bring to Next meeting if upon Enquirey She is found worthey: Apphia |
Mott & Elisabeth Smith & Susannah Russel are appointed to take asolid |
Mehitabel and Ann Howlands Request |
opportunity of Conference with Mehithabel Howland and Anne Howland |
upon their Request to See what the Motive of their Request Springs |
from & make Return to Next meeting: Alice Anthony & Deborah Allen |
are appointed to Confer with Hannah Gifford on account of her Making |
friends Sattisfaction and make Report to Next meeting ---- |
To Revise minits |
Jean Smith Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah Hussey are appoynted to |
to Peruse the Monthly meeting Minits and Order what is Propper to |
and Settle with Tresurer |
be Put on Record: & Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah Hussey are |
appointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer & make Report to |
To consider the return of Pernal Thurston Certifi |
Next Monthly meeting: Jean Smith Almy Barker & Phebe Slocum |
are are appointed to Consider the Return of Pernal Thustons [Thurston] Certificate |
and make Report to next meeting: Collected £2.2s.7d old tenor and the |
Order on Treasurer |
Treasurer is Desired to bring what money there is in the Stock to the |
Next meeting |
9th mo 1771 |
At amonthly Meeting of Women friends holden att Dartmo ye 16th 9th mo 1771 |
Deborah Haydon & Deborah Allen are appointed to attend the monthly |
Meeting both Preasant Jean Smith and Sarah Gifford are appointed |
Lucy Allen & Mary Howland under dealing |
to Confer with Lucy Allen & Mary Howland for marrying out of |
The unity of friends and make Report to Next meeting: Abigail |
Abig; Tucker paper read |
Tuckers Paper of Denial was Read according to appointment of |
Last Monthly meeting & Returnd to ye Clark to Record, and is |
Elisia Potter certifi |
Elisabeth Potter wife of Recorded in page 268 Benja Potter Certificate was Signd. in this |
Meeting Recommending her to the monthly ^meting at Ninepartners |
Mehitabel & Ann Howland referd |
The friends appointed to Confer with Mihithafel Howland and |
and Anne Howland: Report that they had an opportunity of conferri |
with them to Such Satisfaction as to Desire this meeting to Refer |
Han: Gifford referd |
The Matter to Next meeting Considering it best not to lay Sudden |
hands on None: the friends appointed to Confer with Hannah Gifford |
Report they Receivd a degree of Good Sattisfaction but this meeting |
thought Best to Refer the matter till Next meeting under the |
Same friends Care and Report to next meeting |
Miniuts reviewd |
Agreable to appointment Jean Smith Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah |
Hussey hath viewed the monthly meeting Minits of the last year |
Settled with Treasurer |
and ordered what Should Goe to Record & likewise we have Setled |
with the treasurer & find in stock £3=3s=8d old tenor: the Com,tt |
appointed to Consult Pernal Thurstons Certificate Make Report |
cerning Parnel Thurston |
They think best to Call in Some Men friends and Pay her avissit |
therefore Jean Smith and Phebe Slocum are appointed to vissit her. |
to See what her mind is in Regard to having a Certificate from this |
Mary Spencer Certifi Recd |
Meeting and make Report to Next meeting; Mary Spencer broug[ht] |
a removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of women friends |
in Newport which was Read & Excepted: Hannah Tucker and Elisabeth |
To draw a Certifi for Mary Taber |
Smith are appointed to Draw a Certificate for Martha Taber wife of |
William Taber and bring to Next meeting Such as She is found |
Adjournd |
Worthy of: This meeting to Attourns to the 4th of Next month |
9th month 1771 mett |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by |
Aiournment 4th day of the 10th Month 1771 the Representatives are Deborah |
Haydon and Deborah Allen Deborah Haydon present the epistle with the |
sent up to Q. meeting |
answers to the Queries was Red and approved and Signed in this Meeting |
and are Sent up by our Representatives who are at this time Alce |
Anthony Judith Russell and Keziah Russell and they to Make Report |
to the Next Monthly Meeting |
10 month 1771 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 21 day of the 10 Month 1771 the Representatives are Susanna Allen |
Lucy Allen & Mary How land referd |
and Sarah Gifford both present the Matter Concerning Lusa Allen and |
Mary Howland is Referred under the Same friends Care until the Next |
Mart: Taber Certifi |
Monthly Meeting and they to Make Report Martha Taber wife to |
William Taber had a Removal Certificate Signed in this Meeting to |
Ann Howland & Mehitabel Howland Referd |
the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich the Request of Anne Howland and |
Mehetable Howland is Refered under the Care of Elizabeth |
Smith and Susannah Smith and to make Report to the Next |
Han. Bennit. paper to be read |
Monthly Meeting Hannah Bennit paper of acknowledgment was |
Read and Excepted provided she Cause said paper to be Read at |
the Close of a first day Meeting She being present and then Return |
Rhoda Mitchel Certifi accepted |
Said paper to the Clark to go on Record Roda Mitchel wife of |
James Mitchel hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the Month= |
=ly Meeting of Rhodisland which was Read and Excepted in this |
Return from Q meeting Epistle recd |
Meeting the friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly |
Made Report that they all attended & have produced an Epistle |
from the Same which Read in this Meeting and the Contents there in |
well Excepted it is the Conclusition of this Meeting to Disown Hope |
Hope Allen disownd |
Allen wife to John allen of the Nine Pardners from being in U= |
nity with friends and from under the Care of this Meeting for her |
Marring our of the Unity of friends She being timely precautioned |
Collection |
but to no affect Collected £0:18s:6d old tenner |
18 mo 11 1771 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 18 day of the 11 Month 1771 the Representatives are Amy Bar= |
=ker and Elizabeth Slocum both present the friends appointed to |
& Ann How =land Recd |
Treat with Mehetable Howland & Anne Howland made a Rep= |
=ort which was Excepted and the Said Mehetable Howland and |
Anne Howland are taken under then Care of friends Welthon Spe= |
Welthen Spencer request |
=ncer Request to Come under friends Care and Hannah Tucker |
and Susannah Russell are appointed to take a Solid opportunity |
of Conferrence with the particioner to See if her Motive Sprung |
from the bottom of true Conviction & to Make Report to the next |
order on Treasurer |
Monthly Meeting the Treasurer is Desired to pay Jemima Davis |
the ballance of her accompt & make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
Collected £1:19s:8d old tennor this Meeting Aiourns to 27th Instant |
neglect meeting |
Friends did not Meet according to ajournment and we would Cha= |
retably hope it was by Reason of the weather being very Rainny |
yet there appeard Room to Dout that there was two Much Indiffer= |
=ency among us which we hope to be more Carefull for the time |
to Come |
16 mo12 1771 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 16 day of the 12 Month 1771 the Representatives are Elizabeth |
Slocum and Alce Anthony both present the men friends Inform us |
Barnabas Russell not to proceed |
that they think it is not proper for Barnibus Russell to pass to |
day Hannah Bennit paper hath been Red according to the appoint= |
Han. Bennit acknowledg =ment |
ment of Last Monthly Meeting & is Returned to the Clark to be put |
on Record & is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
15 mo 7 1771 H:ben: :nit |
The 15 of the 7 Month 1771 Esteemed friends whereas I haveing had |
my Education amongst friends but through unwatchfullness I have |
given way to the Temptation of the Enemy So far as to fall into |
the Sin of fornication which appears by my haveing a Child So |
Soon after Marriag which I am Sorry for and do Condemn with all |
other offences hoping that God will forgive me and friends pass it by So |
far as to let me Remain under their Care |
Hannah Bennet |
Welthan Spencer received |
The friends that was appointed to treat with Welthon Spencer Report they |
found Good Satisfaction So this Meeting thinks proper to Except of her under |
the Care of friends the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Red in |
Sent up to Q meeting |
this Meeting & approved & Signed & Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by our |
Representatives who are Elizabeth Smith Jane Smith and Elizabeth Slocum |
and they to make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting it is the Concl= |
P: Thuston |
=usition of this Meeting that Pernal thuston [Thurston] Should Remain under the |
Care of this Meeting agreeable to her Request which augh not to be |
made a presedent |
20 mo 1 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 20 day of the first Month 1772 the Representatives are Amy |
adjound |
Barker and Phebe Slocum both Present this Meeting id adjourned |
mett |
to the 29 day of this Instant this Meeting Met According to adiourn= |
proposal of marriage |
=ment 29 day of the 1 Month 1772 the Representatives being Called |
both Present William Russell and Welthon Spencer Signified |
there Intention of Marriag and was Desired to Wait untill the |
Barnabus Russell proposal of marriage |
Next Monthly Meeting for their answer Barnibas Russell and Anne |
Howland Signified there Intention of Marriag and was Desired |
to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting for their answer Eliza= |
To inquire into the young womens Clearness |
=beth Smith and Susanna Russell are appointed to Make Inquiry |
into Welthon Spencer & Anne Howland Clearness Respecting |
Marriag and Conversation and make Report to the Next |
Return from Q meeting |
Monthly Meeting Elizabeth Smith and Jeane Smith Report |
that they attended the Quarterly Meeting and have produced |
Epistle recd |
an Epistle from the Same which was Red and advise |
Mary Williams Certifi |
therein Contained well Excepted Mary Williams hath prod= |
=uced a Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of |
Sandwich which this Meeting Excepted |
2 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 17 day of the 2 Month 1772 the Representatives are |
The young womens clearness |
Jane Smith and Jemima Davis both present the friends appointed |
to See into the young women Clearness Respecting Marriag and Con= |
=versation Report that they found nothing to hinder there proseed= |
Wm Russell & Barnabus Russell answer |
=ing in Marriag William Russell and Welthon [Welthen] Spencer Barnibus [Barnabas] |
Russell Anne Howland all appeared for there answer which |
was that Each Cupple Might proseed to take Each other in Marriag |
between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according to the |
Good orders of friends the Committe appointed to Labour with |
Lusanna Allen disowned |
Lusanna Allen for her Marriag out of the Unity of friends Report that |
they have Discharged them Selves and found no Satisfaction & there |
Labour proved Ineffectual although She hath been much Labou= |
=red with & Long waited upon therefore this Meeting being |
Clear of any further Labour do Disone [Disown] the Said Lusanna Allen |
from being one of our Society & from under the Care of friends |
this Meeting is Informed from the preparative Meeting that |
Mercy Phillips under dealing |
Mercy Phillips hath fallen into the Sin of fornication which |
plainly appears by her haveing a Child before Marriag there |
fore Jane Smith and Anne Smith are appointed to Labour with |
her as they find Occation & Make Report to the Next Monthly |
Meeting this Meeting is Informed from the preparative Meeting |
Compl[a]int against Deborah Wilbour |
that there is a Scandalous Report about Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] |
therefore we do Appoint Jane Smith Hephzibah Hussey Deborah |
Allen & Susanna Allen to Inquire into the above Report |
and Labour as they May find Occation & Make Report to the |
Next Monthly Meeting |
1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 16 day of the 3 Month 1772 the Representatives are |
Deborah Allen & Sarah Gifford and Sarah Gifford present |
adjournd |
This Meeting is ajourned to the 3 day of Next Month and |
friends did not Meet the weather being Oncommon Stormy but |
meett |
the 4 day of the Same Month a few friends meet a nuf [enough] to |
adjournd |
ajourn the Meeting this Meeting is ajourned to the 7 day of this Instant |
mett |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by ajournment the |
7 day of the 4 Month 1772 the Representatives being Called both present |
Mercy Phillips Denied |
Jane Smith and Anne Smith Report that Mercy Phillips is not in a |
Disposissition to Make friends Satisfaction therefore Jane Smith and Hephzibah |
Hussey are appointed to draw a paper of Denial against Mercy Philips |
for falling into the Sin of fornication and bring it to the Next |
Deborah Willbor refered |
Monthly Meeting the Matter Concerning Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] is Refered |
to Next Monthly Meeting under the Same friends Care and then |
sent up to Q meeting |
to Make Report the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read |
and approved & Signed in this Meeting & Susanna Smith is appointed |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting & present the Epistle with the |
answers to the Queries & to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
4 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 20 day of the 4 Month 1772 the Representatives are Phebe |
Slocum and Jemima Davice [Davis] and Phebe Slocum present Mercy |
Mercy Phillips paper refd |
Philips paper was brought according to appointment and this |
Meeting thinks proper to Let it ly [lie] untill Next Monthly Meeting |
by Reason this Meeting is Small the friends that have the Care |
Deborah Willbor case referd |
of the Matter Concerning Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] are not Redy to make |
Report therefore it is Continued under the Same friends Care |
and they to Make Report when Redy Rachil Merehew [Rachel Merihew] hath |
Rachel Merihew request |
Requested a Removal Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of Sand= |
=wich therefore Hephzibah Hussey & Deborah Haydon are appointed |
to Joyn the Men friends and Make Inquiry into her Seircumstances |
and Draw a Certificate for her if they think proper and bring |
it to the Next Monthly Meeting |
5 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 18 day of the 5 Month 1772 the Representatives are Elizabeth |
Slocum and Susanna Allen and Susanna Allen present the friends |
appointed to Draw a Certificate for Rachil Merihew Report |
Refered |
that her Outward affairs are Not Settled to friends Satisfaction |
So it is Refered under the Same friends Care & they to Make |
Alice Phillips request |
Report to Next Monthly Meeting Alce Phillips Requested to |
Come under the Care of friends therefore we do appoint Apphia |
Mott and Mary Smith to take opportunity of Solid Conferrence |
with her in order to see whether the Motive Sprang from the |
Epistle receivd |
Meeting we Received an Epistle from the Last Quarterly Meeting |
and the advice therein Contained well Excepted, according |
Report Concerning Deborah Willbor |
to appointment we have Laboured with Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] Resp= |
=ecting the Scandelous Report Gone abroad & find her Gilty |
of takeing Spirituous Liquor two Liberally & got off of her |
Watch whereby She has fallen into Several Groce Evils and we |
have Laboured with her in Love in order to Convince her |
of her Misconduct but finding her in no Capasity to Make |
Satisfaction, Given forth from your Committe (Hepzibah Hussey |
Deborah Allen Susanna Allen) this Meeting Considering of the |
Report and finding them Selves Clear from any further Labour |
do appoint the Same friends to Draw a paper of Denial against |
Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] and bring it to the Next Monthly Meeting |
6 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 15 day of the 6 Month 1772 the Representitives are |
Alce Anthony and Jemima Davis both presen this Meeting is |
adjournd |
ajourned to the 22 day of this Instant |
mett |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by ajourn= |
Alice Phi= lips accepd |
=ment 22 day of the 6 Month 1772 the Representatives being |
Called both present the Committe Made Such a Report |
that Alce Phillips is taken under the Care of friends |
Mary Howland acknow= ledgment recd |
Mary Howland wife to Luthon Howland her Mis Step |
In Marr[y]ing out of the Meeting is passed by from a Verbil acknoledg= |
ment and She Remains under the Care of this Meeting it was |
permited by Reason friends did not take proper Care in time and |
not to be Made a president [precedent] for the time to Come Elizabeth Smith |
To draw a paper of denial against Deborah Willbor |
and Susanna Smith are appointed to Join the Committee in draw- |
ing a paper of Denial against Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] and bring it |
to Next Monthly Meeting Alce Anthony and Susanna Smith |
Elisa Mosher disorder |
are appointed to Labour with Elizabeth Mosher for Marr[y]ing out of |
the Vnity of friends and to Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
sent up to Quarterly meeting |
the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read & approved and |
Signed in this Meeting & Sent up by Apphia Mott & Joanna Mosher |
which are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present |
the Epistle with the answers to the Queries & Make Report to |
Mercy Phi llip[s] denial Signd |
Next Monthly Meeting Mercy Phillips paper of Denial was Signed |
in this Meeting in order to be Read at the Close of a first day |
Meeting & Returned to the Clark [Clerk] to be Recorded |
7 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 20 day of the 7 Month 1772 the Representatives are Elizabeth |
Elishib Smith proposal of marriage |
Slocum & Susanna Smith both present Elishub Smith and Alce |
Philips [Phillips] Signified their Intention of Marriage & was Desired to |
& Mary Smith & Naomy Howland are appointed to Make Enqu= |
=iry into Alce Philipses Clearness Respecting Marriag & Conversation |
& Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting Received an Epistle |
Return from Q meeting Epistles Receivd |
from the Last Quarterly Meeting by our Representatives |
which was Read & well Excepted and also one from the yearly |
Meeting of women friends held at Philidelphia for Pensylvania |
and New Jersey which was Read to Good Satisfaction the |
friends that was appointed to Labour with Elizebeth Mosher make |
Elisa Mosher Disownd |
Report that they have Laboured with her and they do not find |
her in a Disposistion to make friends Satisfaction for her Marring |
out of the unity of friends So this Meeting thinks proper to Deny the |
Disownd |
Said Elizebeth Mosher from under the Care of friends Susanna Smith |
to draw a Certifi for Han. Bennit |
and Mary Smith are appointed to draw a Certificate for Hannah |
Bennit [Bennet] to the Monthly Meeting of Rhodisland and bring it to the |
Next Monthly Meeting Deborah Hicks has paid Jemima Davis |
£1=9=6 old tennor according to appointment Collected £3=17=6 |
and paid out 3:17:6 for the use of poor friends Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] |
Debr. Willbor paper Signd |
paper of Denial was Signed in this Meeting in order to be Read |
at the Close of a first day Meeting |
8 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 17 day of the 8 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah |
Hicks and Mary Smith both present the Committe that was to |
Alice Philip[s] Clearness |
See into Alce Phillips Clearness Report that they dont find any |
thing to hinder there Intention of Marriag Elishub Smith and |
Elishib Smith pro= posal of marriage |
Alce Philips [Phillips] appeared for theire answer which was that they might |
Proseed to take Each other in Marriage Between this & the Next |
Monthly Meeting According to the Good order of friends Mercy |
Testimony against Mercy Philips |
Phillips paper of Denial was Read Accoding to appointment |
and is as followeth Whereas Mercy Phillips wife of Peter Phillips |
Junor haveing had her Education amongst friends and under |
the Care of this Meeting yet by Departing from the Testamony |
of Truth in her one [own] hart hath so far gone astray as to fall into the |
Reproachful Sin of fornication as appears by her haveing a Child |
before Marriage and friends haveing Laboured with her in Love |
in order to Shew her her Error and Restore her to the way of |
Truth but She not Seeing her way Clear to make friends Sattisfa= |
=ction and Acknoledg her Transgression friends therefore for the |
Clearing of Truth and friends from the Reproach of Such Enormous |
Evils therefore this Meeting is Concerned to give this forth as a Pub= |
lick Testimony against her Diso[w]ning her the Said Mercy Philips [Phillips] from |
being one of our Society and from under the Care of this Meeting |
Nevertheless if it be agreeable to Divine wisdom that She may |
Acknowledgment of the Evil of her ways Return to the way of truth |
Given forth & Signed in & on behalf of our Monthly Meeting of women |
friends held in Dartmouth the 22 day of the 6 Month 1772 |
Job Russell |
Clark |
Hepzibah Hussey |
Clark |
Testimony against Deborah Willbor |
And Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] paper of Denial was Read According to appoint= |
ment and is as followeth Where as Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] of Dartmouth |
in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in |
Newengland having been under the Care of friends and Some times has |
Appeared Publickly as a Minister tho’ never fully Approved of as a |
Minister amongst friends Yet through the Prevailance of the Grand |
Adversary of Mankind who Seeks to Devour the Innocent and by de= |
parting from the pure Principal of Life & power Wherein alone is |
Safety She hath so far fallen & gone Asstray, as to be found in Loose |
Company and in takeing too Much Spiritous Liquor whereby She Actively |
or passively fell into Gross Debauchery with Daniel Hathway [Hathaway] and |
Holder Slocum as She Saith who Vilely and wickedly Committed Lewdness |
with her whilst in that Condition which Shamful Conduct hath |
brought a Reproach on friends who being under a deep Concern and |
Excercise of Mind that the Truth and the Holy Profession we bear |
May be Cleared & Preserved from Such Odious Scandals & Reproaches |
and that Righteous Judgment may be brought forth and placed |
upon the offender According to the Nature of the Offence having |
therefore Laboured with her in Love in order for her Recovery and |
Restoration from her fall but friends Labour of Love not obtaining |
the Desired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting Do therefore |
Give this forth as a Publick Testamony Against her hereby Pub= |
=lickly disowning her the Said Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] from being a Mem= |
ber of our Religious Society and from under the Care of this Meeting |
yet Desiring if it be Agreeable with Divine pleasure that She may yet |
Come to a Clear Sight & discovery of her Error & by an unfeigned Repen= |
tance & Acknowledgment of the Same be Restored to the way of truth |
and find Mercy Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our |
Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th Month 1772 by |
Job Russell |
} |
Hephzibah Hussey |
Clark |
Hanah Giffords disorder |
The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Hannah Gifford has Gone |
Contarary to the orders of friends in not Riseing at Ann Gifford Sup= |
plication & Married out of the unity of friends which they have |
Laboured with her for it & She hath not Made friends Satisfaction |
therefore Amy Barker Phebe Slocum and Hannah Mosher are ap= |
pointed to Labour with her as they find Occation for her Disorders |
and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Bennit [Bennet] wife |
Hannah Bennet Certifi |
of Robert Bennit [Bennet] her Certificate was Signed in this Meeting |
Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod [Rhode] Island Debo= |
=rah Hicks Susanna Allen & Deborah Allen are appointed to Make a |
Eliz: Tucker to be Visited |
Visit to Elizabeth Tucker upon the account of the Sencarity of the |
paper She has Sent to this Meeting and they to Labour as they find |
Occation and to Make Report when they think proper |
9 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmout[h] |
The 21 day of the 9 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah |
Hayden and Susanna Allen and not present the Epistle with the |
answers to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed and Sent |
Sent up to Q meeting |
up to the Quarterly Meeting by our Representatives which are Amy |
Barker and Susanna Smith and they to Make Report to the Next |
Margret Straton request |
Monthly Meeting Margret Straton [Margaret Stratton] Request to Come under the Care |
of friends therefore Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith are appointed |
to taks an opertunity of Sollid Conferrence in order to See if her |
Request Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction and they to make |
Report when Reddy Susanna Russell and Keziah Russell are appo= |
Mary Hath= =way disorder |
=inted to take an Oppertunity of Conversation with Mary Hathway [Hathaway] |
on the Account of making friends Satisfaction for Marriing out of |
the unity of friends and make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting |
Hep: Hussey Clerk |
Hephzibah Hussey is appointed Clark for this year Hephzibah |
Hussey Deborah Allen & Sarah Gifford are appointed to Revise |
To revise miniuts |
and Correct the Monthly Meeting Minits to See what part of them |
Settle with Treasurer |
are proper to go on Record & they to Settle accounts with the |
Treasurer & make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Alce |
Overseers |
Anthony Susanna Smith and Deborah Allen are appointed |
Racel Merihew Certifi |
Overseers of Disorders for the year Ensuing Rachil Merihew [Rachel Merrihew] Certificate |
was Signed in this Meetind Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting |
Sandwich Collected £0=10=7 old tennor |
10 month 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 19 day of the 10 Month 1772 the Representatives are Susanna Allen |
Jose: Russell proposal of marriage |
and Sarah Anthony and Sarah Anthony present Joseph Russell and Mehe= |
table Howland appeared at this Meeting and Signified there Intention of |
Marriag & they are Desired to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting |
for there answer Hannah Tucker & Keziah Russell are appointed to See |
into Mehetable Howland Clearness Respecting Marriag and Conver= |
Han: Gifford acknow ledgment |
=Sation and make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Gifford |
appeared at this Meeting with a paper Condemning her Seting [sitting] at |
the time of Ann Gifford appearing in Supplication which is Excep= |
=ted of after it is Read at the Close of a first day Meeting She being |
Mary Hath way made Satisfaction |
present the friends appointed to Labour with Mary Hathway [Hathaway] Report |
She Gave them Some Satisfaction and Mary Hathway has made friends |
Satisfaction for Marr[y]ing out of the Good Order of friends the Com= |
=mitte appointed to Revise & Correct the Monthly Meeting Minits |
have answered there appointment and there Remains in the Stock |
Treasury Settled |
£6:4s:0d old tennor Deborah Allen and Sarah Gifford are appointed |
To draw a Certifi for Deb: Almy |
to Draw a Removal Certificate for Deborah Almy if upon Inquiry |
She is found worthy & bring it to Next Monthly Meeting the Overseers |
Complaint against Sarah Buf= finton |
Inform this Meeting that Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] has fell into the Sin of forni= |
cation and they have Laboured with her but there appeared no disposistion |
to make friends Satisfaction therefore Hannah Tucker and Amy Barker |
are appointed to Labour with Sarah Buffinton as they find freedom and |
make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the friends that was appointed |
failled of attending Q meeting Epistle & Coppy of miniut Rec |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting failed by Reason it was Very Stormy |
Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting of women friends which |
was Read & well Excepted and Likewise a Coppy of a Minit of the Last |
Yearly Meeting |
Eliz. Gifford acknowledgment |
Elizebeth Gifford William widow hath presented a paper of acknow= |
Ledgment for Seting [sitting] in Meeting in the time of Ann Gifford appearing |
in Supplication Hannah Tucker and Amy Barker are appointed to |
have Some Conversation upon the account of the Sincerity of her |
acknowledgment & make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
16 mo 11 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 16 day of the 11 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah |
Jos Russell answer |
Haydon and Elizebeth Slocum Deborah Haydon present Joseph |
Russell and Mehetable Howland appeared for there answer and |
finding nothing to hinder there answer was that they Might pro= |
ceed to take Each other in Marriage Between this and the Next |
Monthly Meeting according to the Good order of friends |
21 mo 12 1772 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women held in Dartmouth |
The 21 day of the 12 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah |
Han Gifford acknowledgment |
Haydon and Sarah Anthony and Sarah Anthony present Hannah |
Gifford paper of acknowledgment was Read according to appoint= |
ment and Returned to go upon Record^23 the Epistle with the answers |
Sent up to Q meeting |
to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed in this Meeting |
and Sent up by Alce Anthony and Susanna Allen which are |
appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting & present the Epistle |
with the answers to the Queries and make Report to Next Monthly |
Deb: Almy Certifi |
Meeting Deborah Almy had a Removal Certificate Signed in this |
Meeting Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset |
18 mo 1 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 18 day of the first Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah |
Hicks and Deborah Haydon and Deborah Hicks present this Meeting |
adjournd |
is a Journed to the 27 day of this Instant |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
mett |
[illegible] by appointment 27 day of the first Month 1773 the Representatives |
being Called Deborah Haydon present we Received an Epistle from |
the Quarterly Meeting by the hands of our Representatives which |
Epistle Recd |
was Read & the Contents therein well Excepted |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
15 mo 2 1773 |
The 15 day of the 2 Month 1773 the Representatives are Susanna Allen |
and Phebe Slocum both present Collected £2 : 2s : 4d old tenner [tenor] |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
3 month 1773 |
The 15 day of the 3 Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah Allen and |
Deborah Haydon and Deborah Allen present the Committee that was appointed |
to Labour with Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] Report they found no Disposistion in her to |
Sarah Buf finton to be denied |
Make friends Satisfaction for her Transgression so Alce Anthony Mary Smith are |
appointed to draw a paper of Denial against her and bring to the Next |
Monthly Meeting Hannah Cook appeared at the preparative Meeting and Like |
Han: Cook request |
wise at this Meeting and Desired to Come under the Care of friends therefore |
Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen are appointed to have a Solid opertunity |
with her to See where the Motive Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction |
and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the Epistle with the answers |
to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed in this Meeting & Sent |
up by Elizebeth Slocum and Keziah Russell which are appointed to |
Sent up to Q meeting |
attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the Epistle with the answers |
to the Queries and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
4 month 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 19 day of the 4 Month 1773 the Representatives are Elizebeth |
Slocum and Phebe Slocum both present the friends appointed to have |
Han: Cook Recd |
a Solid oppertunity with Hannah Cook to See if her Request Sprang |
from the bottom of true Conviction they Report that She Gave them |
Some Satisfaction and She is taken under the Care of friends Susanna |
Susanna Wing request |
Wing appeared at the Preparative Meeting and Likewise at this |
Meeting and Signified She had a desire to Come under friends Care |
which this Meeting takes Notis of and do appoint Deborah Allen |
and Deborah Hicks to take a Solid Opertunity with Susannah Wing |
to See if the Motive Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction and |
make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the friends appointed to |
Return from Quartly meeting |
attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that Keziah Russell attended |
and produced an Epistle from the Same which was Read & the advice |
therein well Excepted Sarah Buffenton [Buffington] paper of Denial was Signed |
Sarah Buf= finton Denial signed |
in order to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting & Returned |
to go on Record Collected £1 : 2sd : 11sd old tenner |
18 mo 5 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 18 day of the 5 Month 1773 the Representatives are Amy Barker |
and Mary Smith both present Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] paper of Denial was |
Sarah Buf= =finton paper of denial |
Read according to appointment and Returned to be put upon Record |
and is as followeth Whereas Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] Daughter of David Gifford |
and Deborah his wife of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the |
Province of the Massachusetts bay in New England haveing had |
her Education Among friends under the Care of this Meeting yet by |
Disregarding the Testamony of Truth in her one [sic] breast She hath So |
far deviated therefrom as to be found Guilty of the Reproachful |
Sin of Fornication as appears by her haveing a Child So Soon after |
Marriage and friends haveing Discharged themselves in Labouring |
with her in Tender Love to Discover to her the Evil thereof but our |
Labour not being Effectual to friends Satisfaction therefore for the |
Clearing of truth and friends from the Reproach thereof this Meeting |
is Concerned to Give this forth as a Testimony against her and do |
hereby Publickly Disown her the Said Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] from being |
one of our Religious Community and from under the Care of this Meeting |
Sincerely Desiring if it may be Agreeable with Divine pleasure |
that She may yet Come to a Sense of her out going and by an |
unfeigned Acknowledgment of the Error thereof Return to the |
way of Truth and find Mercy Given forth and Signed in and on |
behalf of our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
The 19 day of the 4 Month 1773 |
Job Russell Clark |
Hephzibah Hussey Clark |
The Committee that was to Inquire into the Sencerity of Margaret |
Margret Stratton recd |
Straton [Stratton] Request Report that She Gave Such Satisfaction as friends |
Might Except [Accept] therefore Margaret Straton [Stratton] is taken under the |
Eliz Gifford paper accepted |
Care of friends the friends appointed to Treat with Elizebeth Gifford |
William widow Report that She gave them Some Satisfaction and her |
Paper of Acknowledgment is Excepted after being Read at the Close |
of a first day Meeting She being present and Returned to the Clark [Clerk] to |
Susanna Wing recd |
go on Record the friends appointed to treat with Susanna Wing on the |
account of her Requesting to Come under the Care of friends Report they |
found Some Satisfaction and She is taken under the Care of friends |
Collected £2 : 5s : 0d old tenner |
6 month 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 21 day of the 6 Month 1773 the Representatives are Susanna Allen |
Susa: Baker Certifi |
and Susanna Smith both present Susanna Baker wife of Rice Baker |
Hath produced a Removel Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset |
Elis: Gifford acknowledg ment |
which this Meeting accepted Elizabeth Gifford her paper is Read accor= |
=ding to appointment and is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth |
the 19 day of the 10 Month 1772 Dear friends whereas I have through |
Ignorance broke the Good orders of friends in not ariseing at Ann |
Gifford Supplication and Since have been Informed that I was Disorderly |
and am Sorry for and do Condem hoping God will for give me and |
friends So far pass Mine offence by with all other of Mine offences So |
as to let me Still Remain under theire Care Elizebeth Xhermark Gifford william widow |
The Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed |
Sent up to Q meeting |
in this Meeting and Sent up by Elizebeth Wing and Elizebeth Sheppard [Shepherd] |
which are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the |
Epistle with the Answers to the Queries & Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
7 month 1773 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 19 day of the 7 Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah Allen |
Luthan Wood & Benja Sawdy proposals of marriage |
and Sarah Anthony both present Luthun Wood and Susanna Wing Benjamin |
Saudy [Sawdy]and Hannah Cook all appeared at this Meeting and Signified |
theire Intention of Marriage they are Desired to wate untill the Next |
Monthly Meeting for there answer and Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony |
are appointed to Make Enquiry into the youn women Clearness Respecting |
Marriag and Conversation and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting |
Epistle from Q meeting |
Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting which was Read and |
well Accepted not by our Representatives for they failed Going and |
Received an Epistle from the yearly Meeting of Women friends held |
Philidel: |
at Philadelphia and the advice therein well Accepted and also |
London |
one from the yearly Meeting held in London by aJournment |
From ye 8th Day of ye 6th Mo 1772 to ye 13th of ye Same Enclusive |
Order on Treasurer |
was Read & well Excepted the treasurer is ordered to Pay Joseph |
Russell 9£ : 4s : 9d old tenor Collected 3£ : 8s old tenor |
8 month 1773 |
At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 16th Day of ye 8th Mo 1773 the Representatives are |
Susan: Wing & Hanna: Cook clearness |
Deborah Hicks and Mary Smith both Preasant the friends |
appointed to See into Susannah Wing and Hannah Cooks Clearness |
Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report they find Nothing |
Luthan Wood Benja Sawdy answer |
To hinder Luthen Wood and Susannah Wing Benjamin Sawday [Sawdy] |
and Hannah Cook all appeared for their answer which was |
that Each Cupple Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage |
Between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according |
To the Good order of friends our Esteemed friend Cumfort [Comfort] |
Comfort Hoegg Visit |
Hoegg Being Preasant at this Meeting Presented her |
Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of hampton in the |
Province of New hampshear in New England Dated ye 17 of |
The 6th Mo 1773 and likewise one from the quarterly Meeting |
he[l]d in hampton ye 12th Day of ye 7th Mo 1773 which was Read |
Dorcas Allen acknowledg= =ment |
and well Excepted Deborah Allen and Susannah Allen is |
appointed to take a Solid opportunity of Conversation |
with Dorkis Allen Respecting the Cencerity of her |
Acknowledgement Sent in writing to this Meeting and they |
Paper sent to oblong concern =ing Hannah Hammond |
appointed to write to the oblong Concern[in]g Hannah |
Hammon [Hammond] braught a paper which was Signed in this |
Meeting to the Oblong the treasurer Reports She hath |
Treasurer Report |
Paid Joseph Russel [Russell] 9£ : 4s : 3d old tenor for the Support of Poor |
Friends |
9 month 1773 |
A[t] amonthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
the 20th Day of ye 9th Mo 1773 the Representatives are Alice |
Anthony and Susannah Smith both Preasant this |
adjournd |
Meeting ajourns to ye 21st Instant |
mett |
this Meeting Met according to ajournment ye 21st Day of ye 9th Mo |
1773 the Representatives being called both Preasant the Epistle |
Sent up to Q meeting |
with the answers to the queries were Read & approved and |
Signed in this Meeting and Sent up by our friends Judith |
Russell Keziah Russell and Almy Barker which |
are appointed to attend the quarterly Meeting and |
Presant the Epistle with the answers to the queries |
and Make Report to next Monthly Meeting |
10 month |
At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo [Dartmouth] |
the 18th Day of ye 10 Mo 1773 the Representatives are Elice |
Anthony and Deborah Allen both Preasant this Meeting |
adjournd |
Ajourns to ye 25th Instant |
Mett |
This Meeting Met according to ajournment ye 25th of ye 10th |
Month 1773 the Representatives being Called Both Preasant |
Dorcas Allen case referd |
The committe appointed to have a Solid opporunity with Dorkes Allen |
Make Report they have had an opportunity with ^sd Dorkes Allen |
and find Some Satisfaction but She Not being Preasant it is |
Referd one Month longer under the Same friend Care and then |
they Make Report. The Representative Report they all |
Return from Q meeting Epistle recd |
attend Except one which was Excused by Reason of being onwell |
and hav Pro[d]uced An Epistel which was Read in this |
Meeting and the advice therein well Excepted Jonathan |
Jonat: Wing proposal of marriage |
Wing & Ann Wood appeared at this Meeting and Signified |
Their Intention of Marriage & they are Desired to wait |
untill Next Monthly Meeting for their answer |
Alice Anthon [Anthony] and Deborah Allen are appointed |
Enquiry to be made |
To Make Inquiery into the young womans Clearness |
Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make |
Report to next Monthly Meeting |
11 month 1773 |
At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo |
ye 15th Day of ye 11th Mo 1773 |
The Representatives are Susannah Smith and Sarah |
paper accepted provided |
Anthony both Preasant Dorkas Allen hath Given in a paper |
Condeming her falling into the Sin of fornication which is |
Excepted with a provisor She Cause it to be Read at the |
close of a first d^ay Meeting between this and the Next |
Monthly meeting She being Preasant |
Miniuts Corected settled with Treasurer |
The comitte appointed to Correct the Minnits and Settle |
with the treasurer Report they have answered there |
appointment and find in the Stock 5£:18s old tenor |
Barker Little and wife acknowledg =ment |
Barker Little and Elisabeth his wife hath given in |
a paper to this meeting condeming their falling into |
The Sin of Fornication which this meeting takes |
Notis of and Do appoint Deborah Hicks and |
Sarah Gifford to take a soled opportunity of Conference |
with Elisabeth Little for further Sattisfaction of the |
cencerity of her Acknowledgment and Make Report |
to Next monthly meeting: the overseers Inform that |
Meribah Russell under Dealling |
Meribah Russel [Russell] keeps company with a man Not in |
Vnity with friends for which they have laboured with |
her and She Gave them no Sattisfaction but Persisted |
and is Published and this Meeting appoints Alice Anthony |
and Mary Smith to labour with her as they find freedom |
and Inform her that If She Proceeds to Marry the Meeting |
will Testifie against her |
Ann Wood Clearness |
the committe appointed to Inspect into Ann Woods clearness |
Respecting Marriag and Conversation Report they find |
Jonathan Wings answer in marriage |
Nothing to hinder there Proceeding Jonathan Wing and ann |
Wood appeared at this Meeting and Signified their |
Intention of Marriage there answer was They Might |
Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenien[t] |
time betwen this & the Next Monthly meeting acording |
Weston Briggs and wife certifi returnd |
to the Good order of friends Wesson Briggs & his wife |
Returned the Same Certificate as they had from hear [here] |
Bearing Date ye 17th Day of ye 12 Mo 1770 which was Excepted |
again Collacted 1£ : 1s old tenor |
12 month 1773 |
At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo |
the 20th Day of ye 12th Mo 1773 the Representatives are |
Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony both preasant: the |
Comtt that was appointed to have A Soled [solid] opportunity with |
Elisa Little case referd |
Elisabeth Little Make Report they have had an oppo= |
=rtunity with her and found Some Sattisfaction so the |
Meeting thinks to wait upon her & Rest it under the Same |
friends Cear the comtt that was appointed to labour |
Russell case referd |
with Meribah Russel [Russell] Report they have laboured with |
her and found no Sattisfaction but the Meeting thought |
Propper to wait awhile to See whether She Proceeded in |
Certifi:orderd for Mary Hart |
Marriag Deborah Hix [Hicks] and Sarah Anthony are appointed |
To Draw a certificate for Mary hart If upon Enquirey |
She is found worthy and bring to Next Monthly Meeting |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Epistle was Read and aproved and Signd in this Meeting |
and Sent up to the quarterly Meeting by our Representatives |
who are Deborah Allen & Silvester Howland and they to |
Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting |
adjournd |
Adjourns to the 29th Instant this Meeting Met according |
mett |
to adjournment ye 29th Day of ye 12 Mo 1773 the Representatives |
being Called both Preasant |
1st month 1774 |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden at Dartmo |
ye 17th Day of ye first Mo 1774 – The Representatives are |
Meribah Russell Case referd |
Deborah Haden [Haydon] and Mary Russell Both Preasant this meeting |
Thought Propper to Refer the matter Concerning Meribah |
Mary Hart certifi Epistle recd |
Russell by Reason She is Not Married to next monthly meeting |
under the Same friends Cear [care] and they to Make Report to Next |
Monthly Meeting: this Meeting hath Signed a certificate for |
2 month 1774 |
Mary Hart to Sandwitch Monthly meeting: Receivd an Epistle |
from the quarterly Meeting by the hand of Deborah Allen |
which was Read in this meeting and the Contents thereof well |
Excepted |
Meribah Russell now Arnold is disowned |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo ye 21st |
Day of the 2d Mo 1774: The Representatives are Sarah Gifford |
3 month 1774 |
and Sarah Anthony both Preasant: the Comtt Respeting |
Meribah Russell Report that She hath Proceeded in Marriage |
Contrary to the advice of friends and friends finding themselves |
Clear from any further Labour Do Deny the Sd Meribah |
Arnold from being in unity and from under the Cear of this |
Meeting: Collected 3£:0s:10d old tenor |
adjournd |
At amonthly Meeting of women friend held at Dartmo |
21st of the 3 Mo 1774 The Representatives are Alice Anthony |
and Deborah Allen Deborah Allen preasant this |
Mett. |
Meeting Adjourns to the first Six Day of next mo |
Meribah Arnold acknowledg =ment |
This Meeting Met by ajournment ye 1st Day of ye 4th |
Month 1774 the Representatives being Called both |
case referd |
Preasant. Meribah Arnold Presented a paper to this |
Meeting Condeming her Marrying out of the unity |
of friends and this meeting do appoint Alice Anthony |
and Susannah Smith to take an opportunity with |
her In order to Discover the Cincerity of her Request |
and they to make Repor[t] to Next monthly meeting |
Susan Baker request |
The committe appointed to labour with Elisabeth Little Report |
they found a good Disposition in her Therefore the Matter is |
Referred under the Same friends Cear to next Monthly |
Sent up to Q meeting |
Meeting and then to Make Report: Susannah Baker |
Request a removal Certificate to Aquoksett Monthly |
Meeting therefore we Do appoint Alice Anthony & Susannah |
Smith to Draw her one and bring to Next monthly Meeting |
If they find things Clear: the Epistle with the answers to the queries |
Darcos [Dorcas] Allen paper read |
was Read and aproved and Signd and Sent up to the quarterly |
Meeting by our Representatives who are Elsabeth Slocum and |
Sarah Anthony and they to Make Report to Next monthly |
4 month 1774 |
Meeting Dorkes Allens Paper was Read according to appointment |
and is as followeth |
[bottom half of page is blank]
Meribah Arnold case referd |
At Amonthly Meeting of women friends held at Dartmo |
ye 18th of the fouth Mo 1774: The Representatives are Deborah |
Hicks and Sarah Gifford both Preasent The Comtt Respecting |
Epistle recd from Q meeting |
Meribah Arnold Report they found a good Disposition in |
her Therefore the Matter is Referd under the Same friends |
Cear and they to Make Report to Next monthly meeting |
To draw Certificate for those removd |
Receivd An Epistle from the quarterly by our Representatives |
which was Read to Good Sattisfaction: Deborah Allen and |
Deborah Hicks are appointed to Draw Certificates for all |
order on Treasurer |
Those friends Removd within the Compas of the Nine partners |
Monthly Meeting: Collected 1£:15s:11d old tenor The treasurer is |
ordered to Pay Joseph Russell 12s:10d Lawfull Money and to |
5 month 1774 |
Thomas Phillips 1£:7s:0d old tenor |
Clerk for this day |
At amonthly Meeting of women friends held at Dartmo [Dartmouth] |
ye 16th Day of ye 5th Mo 1774 The Representatives are Susannah |
Allen & Sarah Anthony both Preasant Susannah Smith |
Meribah Arnold referd |
is appointed Clerk for this Day the matter Concerning |
Meribah Arnold is Continued under the Same friends |
Cear for better sattisfaction and Report to next Monthly |
Report from Treasurer |
Meeting the treasurer Reports She has Paid Joseph |
Russell 12s:10d Lawfull Money as ordered and also Pd |
to Thomas Phillips 1£:7s:0d old tenor for the use of the poor |
To draw a Certific for Sarah Cornel |
Deborah Hix [Hicks] & Sarah Anthony are appointed to Draw |
A certificate for Sarah Cornel [Cornell] and bring to next monthly |
Meeting: Reicivd a few lines from the oblong Monthly |
Recd few lines for Hannah Hammond |
meeting Concerning Hannah Hammond which Signifies |
She hath bean in Some Degree orderly since amongst us |
meeting accepts her paper |
life and Conversation Report they finde nothing to hinder |
hur being Reicived therefore this meeting accepts her paper |
Which is as Falloweth |
[next third of page is blank]
Meeting by |
{ |
William Anthony Ju |
Clark |
Susanna Smith |
Clark |
for the day |
1st month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held |
In Dartmouth the 16 day of the 1 month 1775 |
Representatives are Mary Smith and Phebe Slocom [Slocum] both |
Ann Russell Certificate not prepard Epistle recd |
present no Certificate brought for anne Russell we Received |
an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting by our Representa: |
:tives which was Read & the Contents therein well Excepted |
the Committe appointed to have a Solid Oppertunity with |
Content Tucker referd |
Content Tucker Report they have had an Oppertunity |
with her and She gave them Some Satisfaction but it was |
though proper to Refer it til next Monthly Meeting and |
under the Same friends Care Signed a Removal Certificate |
Certificate |
for Susann Russell wife to David Russell Directed to |
Jonathan How= =land proposal of marriage |
the Monthly Meeting at Acoakset Jonathan Howland |
and Mary Allen appeared at this Meeting & Signified there |
Intention of Marriage and was Desired to wait till next |
Monthly Meeting for there answer and Susanna Allen and |
Deborah Hicks are appointed to make Inquiry into Mary Allen |
Clearness Respecting Marriag and Conversation and Make Report |
Susan Smith appointed Cerk |
to next Monthly Meeting Susanna Smith is appointed Clark |
for the year Ensuing Phebe Slocom [Slocum] Deborah Hicks and |
miniutes to be Revised |
Hepzibah Hussey are appointed to Revise & Correct this Meetings |
Minits in order for to be put on Record Collected 3/7 old ten |
2 month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 20 day of the 2 Month 1775 the Representatives are Phebe Slocom [Slocum] |
and Mary Smith both Present Hephzibah Hussey and Phebe Slocom |
Naomy Sisson Certificate is drawd |
are appointed to draw a Certificate for Naomy Sisson and bring it |
to the Ajournment of this Meeting the Committe appointed to Inquire |
Mary Allen Clearness |
into Mary Allen Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report |
they find nothing to hinder there proseeding Jonathan Howland |
Jonathan Howland Answer |
Mary Allen appeared for there answer which was they Might |
Proseed to take Each other in Marrige at Some Conveniant time |
between this and the Next Monthly Meeting observing Good orders |
Thomas Mott: R: H proposal of marriage |
Thomas Mott and Rhode Hathaway hath Laid there Intention |
of Marriage before this Meeting and they was desired to wait |
untill the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer Elizabeth Smith |
and Mary Smith widow are appointed to make Inquiry into Rhode |
Hathaways Clearness Respecting Marrige and Conversation and |
Caleb Green & wife acknowledg ment |
make Report to next Monthly Meeting Caleb Green and Elizebeth |
his wife hath Sent a paper to this Meeting Condemning there |
Marring So neigh in kind and out of the Unity of friends which |
this Meeting takes notis of so far as to Appoint a Committe which |
are Elizabeth Smith and Deborah Haydon to gine the men |
friends to See if they are Sincear in there acknowledgment |
and they to make Report to next Monthly Meeting this |
adjournd |
Meeting is ajourned to Next forth day Come week |
mett |
Met by ajournment the 1 day of the 3 Month 1775 |
Content Tucker Receivd |
the Representatives borth present the Committe appointed |
to treat with Content Tucker Report that they find a Good prin- |
=cible in her and they think it may be for the best to accept her |
therefore She is taken under the Care of friends the Committe appointed |
miniuts Reviewd & settled with Treasurer |
to Revew the Minits inorder to go on Record and to Settle accounts |
with the Treasurer Report it is done and there Remains in the |
Stock £11=9=10 old tennor Hannah Tucker and Phebe Slocom [Slocum] |
Requird Hepzibah Hussey & |
are appointed to Gine the men friends inorder to Draw a Certi= |
=ficate for Hephzibah Hussey her Daughter and Gran Daughter |
if upon inquiry they are found worthy and bring it the next |
Anna Hussey proposal marriage |
Monthly Meeting Jonathan Hussey Jo and Content Tucker Laid |
there Intention of Marriage before this Meeting and they was |
Desired to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their answer |
Phebe Slocom [Slocum] and Sarah Anthony are appointed to See into |
Content Tuckers Clearness Respecting Marriag a Conversation |
Naomy Sisson Certificate |
and Report to next Monthly Meeting Signed a Removal |
Certificate for Naomy Sisson wife to John Sisson to the Monthly |
Rebecca Rotch request |
Meeting at Nine partners Rebecca Rotch hath informed this |
Meeting She is about to make a Visit to Philidelfia to See her |
Daughter and friends and desires a Certificate to Carry with her |
there which was drawed and Signed in this Meeting |
3 Month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in |
Dartmouth the 20 day of the 3 Month 1775 |
the Representatives are Deborah Allen and Lidda Barker |
Rhoda Hath= =way Clearness |
and Deborah Allen present the friends appointed to Inquiry |
into Rhoda Hathaways Clearness Respecting Marriage and |
Conversation Report they find nothing to hinder there |
matter of Elisa Green refer’d |
proseeding the Committe appointed to have Some Confer· |
:rence with Elizabeth Green Report they have not |
had an Oppertunity therefore the Matter is Refered under |
the same friends Care until Next Monthly Meeting and |
then they to Make Report the Committe appointed to Make |
Content Tucker Clearness |
Inquiry into Content Tuckers Clearness Respecting |
Marriage and Conversation Report that nothing appears |
to hinder there Proceeding Jemima Davis wife to Joseph |
Jamima Davis request |
Davis Request a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting at |
the oblong and Susanna Allen and Elizabeth Slocom are |
appointed to Make Inquiry and if nothing appears to |
hinder they are to draw one and bring to the Next |
Sent up to Qutly meeting |
Monthly Meeting the Queries have been Read and answered |
and the answers approved and the Epistle Signed and |
Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting Thomas Mott and |
Tho Mott & Jonat Hussey Answer |
Rhoda Hathaway Jonathan Hussey Ju and Content |
Tucker all appeared for there Answer which was that |
both Cupples Might proseed to take Each other in Marriage |
at Some Conveniant time between now and the Next Monthly |
Meeting observing the good order Established among friends |
Freeborn Rider Recommnded |
Signed a few Lines in this Meeting to Recommend Freborn Riders |
publick Testimony and that we have Unity with it to the |
Quarterly Meeting of Ministers and Elders this Meeting ajourns |
to 29 of this Instant |
friends appoi ted |
Met by ajournment 29 day of 3 Month 1775 |
the Representatives not present there is no friends appointed |
to attend the Quarterly Meeting at this time and the accounts are |
Sent by ye Men adjournd |
to be sent up by the Men friends this Meeting is ajoured to 7 day 4 Mo |
Next |
mett |
Met by ajournment 7 day of the 4 Month 1775 — |
the Representatives being Called are not present Signed |
J Hussey wife and children Certificate |
a Removal Certificate for Jonathan Hussey and his wife |
Hepzibah and their Children Silvenus and Rachil Hussey |
and their Grandaughter Elizabeth Hussey all which are |
Recommended to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine partners |
Content Hussey Request a Certificate |
Content Hussey informs this Meeting that She is a bout to |
Remove and desires a Certificate and Sarah Anthony and |
Deborah Hicks are appointed to make Inquiry in Regard |
of her having one and if nothing appears to hinder they |
to Joyn the Men friends and draw one and bring to Next |
Monthly Meeting |
4 Month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held |
In Dartmouth the 17 day of the 4 Month 1775 — |
there not appearing any Representatives from the |
Preparitive Meeting the Reason aledged being the Severity |
no Represen tatives apeared |
of the wether on that day that there was no Meeting neverthe- |
-less this Meeting Concludes to go forward with business as |
usual yet we fear the Coolness and want of true Zeal |
for the Cause of truth was too Much the primary Cause |
of the a for Said Neglect or Omission Alce Anthony and |
Concerning Elisa Green Acknowledg -ment |
Susanna Allen are appointed in the Lieu of Deborah |
Haydon and Elizebeth Smith to have a Solid oppertunity |
of Conferrence with Elizebeth Green Concerning of her |
paper of acknowledgment that She hath Sent to this |
Mary Hart Certificate |
Meeting and they to Make Report to the Next Monthly |
Meeting Mary Hart hath brought back a Certificate |
from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich we Received an |
Epistle recd |
Epistle from our Last Quarterly Meeting of women |
friends held at East Greenwich which was Read in this |
Meeting and the advice Contained therein well accepted |
Rhoda Allen request |
this Meeting is informed that Roda Allen is a bout to Remov |
and desires a Certificate and Sarah Anthony and Mary Smith |
are appointed to Make inquiry and draw and bring one |
to Next Monthly Meeting if nothing apears to hinder |
Signed a Removal Certificate in this Meeting for Jonathan |
Jonathan Hussey Jur & wife certificate |
Hussey Jur and Content his wife to the Monthly Meeting |
of Nine partners Signed a Removal Certificate for Jemima |
Davis certificate |
Davis wife to Joseph Davis to the Monthly Meeting at |
the Oblong |
5 month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held |
in Dartmouth the 15 day of the 5 Month 1775 |
the Representatives are Amy Barker and Silvester |
Howland both present the Committe appointed to inspect |
E: Green Refered |
in the Matter Concerning the Sincerity of Elizebeth |
Greens acknowledgment Report they have had an |
Oppertunity with her and She gave them Some Satisfaction yet they |
think best it Should be Refered to Next Monthly Meeting under the Same |
friends Care and then they to Make Report Alce Anthony and Susanna |
Hannah Hicks request |
Smith are appointed to have a Sollid Oppertunity with Hannah Hicks Con= |
=cerning her Request to be taken under the Care of friends to find whether |
it Sprung from the bottom of true Conviction or not and they to Make |
Phebe Allen request |
Report when Reddy Phebe Allen Request a Removal Certificate and Susanna |
Allen and Elizebeth Slocom [Slocum] are appointed to Gine the men friends in |
Drawing one for the family if nothing appears to hinder and bring it to |
the Next Monthly Meeting the Committe appointed to inspect into the |
Ruth Russell be recd |
Sincerity of Ruth Russells acknowledgment Report that She gave them |
so Good Satisfaction that they think her paper May be Received and |
She to Remain under the Care of this Meeting and in Conciquence thereof |
this Meeting accepts her If She Causes Said paper to be publickly Read |
at the End of a first day Meeting for worship She being present |
and the paper to be Returned again to the Meeting to be put |
Rhoda Allen Certificate |
upon Record Signed a Removal Certificate for Roda Allen to the |
Monthly Meeting at the Ninepartners |
6 month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth |
The 19 day of the 6 Month 1775 the Representatives are Deborah |
James How= land Jur proposal of marriage |
Hicks and Silvester Howland both present James Howland Juner |
and Meribah Shephard [Shepherd] Laid theire Intention of Marriage before |
this Meeting and they were Desired to wait until Next Monthly |
Hannah Hicks request refer.d |
Meeting for there answer the Matter Concerning Hannah Hicks |
Requesting to Come under friends Care in Continued another Month |
and under the Same friends Care Susanna Russell & Judith |
Russell are appointed to Make Inquiry Into Meribah Shephard [Shepherd] |
To enquire into Meribah Shepherd clearness |
Clearness of Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to next |
Monthly Meeting Ruth Russell paper of acknowledgment hath |
been Read agreeable to the Conclution of Last Monthly Meeting |
and is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of friends In Dartmouth to beheld |
Ruth Russell acknowledg =ment |
The 15 day of the 5 Month 1775 |
Whereas I have Given way to the Insinuation of the |
adversary so far as to be Guilty of the Sin of fornication as |
Sin I am Sorry for and do hereby Condemn Desiring for= |
givness from the almighty and that friends may so far pass |
by Mine offence as to lett me Remain under their Care |
from your friend |
Ruth Russell |
Representa =tives to Q meeting |
Judith Russell Deborah Allen Keziah Russell and Silvester |
Howland are appointed to attend the Insuing Quarterly Meeting |
the Queries and answers was Read and approved and an Epistle |
Sent up to Q meeting |
Likewise and Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting |
Sarah Slocum Certificate accepted |
by our Said Representatives Sarah Slocom [Slocum] wife to Elihu Slocom [Slocum] |
hath brought a Removal Certificate which was Read and |
accepted |
Queries & Epistle to Quaterly meeting |
The Queries have been read in this meeting, and answered, and the |
answers approved, the Epistle likwise hath been read and Signed, all |
which are to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
Sah Slocum Certificate |
Received a Certificate from Accoakset monthly meeting on behalf of |
Sarah Slocum Wife of Elihu Slocum, which was accepted |
Elisah Green |
The matter conserning Elisabeth Greens acknoledgment is refer.d till |
next monthly meeting, by reason of the men friends request |
Obedi Allen |
Signed a Certificate for Obediah Allen and Phebe his wife and their Children |
Namely Ebenezer, Jonathan and James which is directed to the Ninepartners |
Monthly meeting |
Rebecca Russell & Mary Wing disowned |
The overseers make report that they have Precaussioned and Laboured with |
Rebecca Russell, wife of Jethro Russell: And Mary Wing wife of Giles Wing |
For keeping Company and marrying out of the unity of friends: and in |
consequence thereof this meeting thinks they are Clear of without any further |
Labur, and do disown the Said Rebecca Russell and Mary Wing from being |
in Membership with us |
7 month 1775 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of 7th mo 1775 |
The Representatives are Mary Smith widdow & Lydia Barker both present |
Meribah Shepherd clearness |
The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Meribah Shepherds |
Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage make report they find nothing |
to hinder their proceeding in Marriage |
Jam Howland Answer |
James Howland Ju and Meribah Shepherd both appeared for their answer |
Which was they might proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some Convenant |
time between now and next monthly meeting, Observing the good Order |
Established among Friends |
Han Hicks request |
The matter conserning Hannah Hicks requesting to come under friends |
Care is continued a nother month |
Return from Q: meeting |
Judith Russell, Deborah Allen Keziah Russell and Silvester Howland inform |
they all attended the Quarterly meeting according to appointment by whom |
Epistle receivd |
we Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting which was read in this |
our meeting and kindly Received |
Geen |
The Committee that was appointed to Inspect the Sinserity of Elisabeth Greens |
acknowledgment condemning her marrying near in kind and from amoung |
Friends: make Report, that She made them Such Satisfaction as they |
think she may be Received: In consequence thereof this meeting accepts |
and continues her the Said Elisabeth under their care and in membership |
Hannah Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to Inspect in the Sencerity |
Ann:Condel |
of Anna Condels acknowledgment in condemning her marrying out of the |
unity of Friends and they to make report to this meeting when ready |
8 month 1775 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Frinds held in Dartmouth the 21st of 8th month 1775 |
The Friends that was appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Amie Barker |
and Sarah Howland both Present |
Shubel Bunk= =er proposal of marriage |
Shubel Bunker and Lydia Gardner have Laid their Intentions of marriage before |
this meeting: and they were desired to wate for their answer untill the next |
monthly meeting for Judith Russell and Keziah Russell are appointed to^makeenquiry |
in Lydia Gardners Clearness and conversation respecting marriage and they to |
make Report to the next monthly meeting |
Hannah Hicks Recd |
The Comittee that was appointed respecting Hannah Hicks, request to See if she was |
Worthy to come under Friends care, make report, She gave them good Satisfaction |
and they find nothing to hinder her being received: In consideration there of it is |
the conclution of this meeting to Receive her under their care and in membership thereof |
Ann Condel referd |
The Committee appointed to inspect the Sincerity of Ann Condels acknowlegment |
make report, She gave them pretty good Satisfaction but they think it best to rest Longer |
Ann Wing request a cirtificate |
Anne Wing hath desired our Certificate, Recommending her to Accoakset |
monthly meeting: Susanna Allen and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry |
in ^sd Anne Life and Conversation, in regard to her having one, and if nothing appears |
to hinder they to Draw one and bring to next monthly meeting |
Patie Russell under deal= =ing |
The Overseers Inform they have Laboured with Patience Russell from time to |
time for her disorderly proceeding, and she hath not given Satisfaction therefore |
this meeting appoints Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks to make further inspection |
in the Circumstance, and Labour with her as they shall find freedom, and if no |
disposition to make Satisfaction, to draw a paper of denial a gainst her if her ofence |
require, and likwise acquaint her with the minniute |
9 month 1775 |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth the 18th of 9th month 1775 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Mary Smith Widdow |
and Ruth Howland _ Both Present |
Lydia Gardner Clearness |
The Committee appointed to make enquiry into Lydia Gardners clearness |
and Conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to hinder |
their proceeding therein |
Shubell ^ Bunker Gardner Answer |
Shubel Bunker and Lydia Gardner appeared for their answer: Which was |
they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time |
between now and next monthly meeting, observing good Orders |
Ann Condel referd |
The matter respecting Anne Condel is refered to next monthly meeting |
acknowledg ment |
Mary Potter hath sent a few lines to this meeting, condemning her being att a |
marriage consumated contrary to the Order of Friends: It is concluded at this |
meeting to accept of said acknowledgement and pass by her offence |
Complaint against Sarah Wilcox |
The Overseers inform this meeting this metting, that there is a Scandelous report |
Spread abroad respecting Sarah Wilcox, and that they have laboured with her |
for her fault and She hath not cleared it up to their Satisfaction, and they |
are clear; in Consideration thereof this meeting appoints Alice Anthony |
Susanna Allen 2 and Ruth Howland, as a Committee to Labour and deal with |
said Sarah as they shall find freedom: and they to make report of their doings |
to the next monthly meeting |
Ann Wing certificate |
The Friends according to appointment have brought a few lines by way |
of Certificat on behalf Anne Wing, wife to Jonathan Wing, which was |
Signed in this meeting. Recommending her to Accoakset monthly meeting |
Patience Russell disowned |
The Committee that was appointed in regard of Patience Russells offence make |
Report, She not having a disposition to make friends satisfaction they have |
Drawn a Paper of Denyal against her agreeable to their appointment which is |
Signed in this meeting and to be read at the End of a first day meeting of Worship |
between this and the next monthly meeting |
Queries & Epistle |
The Queries have been read and answered in this meeting the answers approved |
Likwise the Epistle read approved and Signed, all to be sent^upto the Quarterly |
meeting by our Reppresentatives who are Amie Barker Deborah Haden Deborah |
Hicks and Susanna Smith |
10 month 1775 |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 10th month 1775 |
Alice Anthony & Naomie Howland are appointed to attend ye month meeting both present |
Ann Condel referd |
The matter concerning Anne Condel is refered another month this meeting hath |
made an addition to the former Committe by chusing Amie Barker to inspect the |
matter concerning Said Anne Sencerity, and they to make report to the next |
monthly meeting |
Sarah Wilcox disowned |
The Comittee that was appointed to Labour with Sarah Wilcox concerning her |
misconduct report they have had an opertunity agreeable to appointment and |
found no Satisfaction: In consideration thereof it is the conclusion of and Judg= |
ment of this meeting to disown her the said Sarah from being one in membership |
with us; and do appoint Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to draw a paper |
of denial against her and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Deborah Davis Certificate Recd |
Received a removal Certificate on behalf of Deborah Davis wife of James Davis |
And one Certificate on behalf of Sarah Shepherd wife to David Shepherd Jur |
both from Smithfield monthly meeting which Certificates are both accepted |
Epistle Recd Represenvs return |
Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting, which is very acceptable |
to this meeting: The Representative inform they have attended the Quarterly |
meeting according to appointment |
Comfort Cas= =well disownd |
We have been Informed by some of the of the overseers that Comfort Cassell |
Wife of Daniel^Cassel hath been Preadmonished before marriage, it not having the |
desired Effect. She hath married out of the Unity of friends, for which offence |
friends have waited long with her, and receive no Satisfaction: In consi= |
=deration thereof, this meeting disowns her from being any longer in member= |
=ship with us: this meeting appoints Martha Chase to acquaint her with the |
Conclusion of this meeting |
Elis Wing Visit |
Received a few lines by way of Certificate, on behalf of our friend Elisabeth |
Wing, from the Oblong monthly meeting Signifying that She hath laid before |
them. She had a desire to Visit her friends and Relations in our parts and |
their Unity therewith |
Freeborn Riders minite |
Our Friend Freeborn Rider informed this meeting that she had an intention |
to Visit Sandwich Qurterly meeting which this meeting concurs with and gave |
her a copy of the miniute |
11 month 1775 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 11th month 1775 |
There are no Representatives appointed, the reason alleiged is the Weather was |
So Stormy that there was no Preparitive meeting |
Abraham Allen propo sal of mar= =riage |
Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby hath laid their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting, they were desired to waite for their answer until next |
monthly meeting - Deborah Hicks and Silvister Howland are appointed to make |
Enquiry in Phebe Kirbys Clearness and conversation respecting marriage and |
they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Ann Condel referd |
The matter concerning Anne Condels acknowlegment is referd another month |
Sarah Wilcox denial signd |
The Committee appointed to draw a paper of denial against Sarah Wilcok [Wilcox] |
Have don according to their appointment, which Paper is Signed by this |
meeting and to read at the End of a first day meeting of Worship between |
Now and the next monthly meeting |
Patience Russell paper of denial |
Patience Russells paper of denial hath been read since the Last monthly |
meeting and is as followeth |
Whereas Patience Russell wife of Stephen Russell Having had her |
Education amoungst Friend and under the Care of this meeting, yet by depart= |
=ing from the Testimony of Truth is her own heart hath so far gone a stray |
as to fall into the reproachful sin of Fornication as appears by her |
having a Child so soon after marriage, and friends having Labour with her |
in Love^in order to restore her to the way of Truth, but our Labour of Love |
Not having the desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction: Therefore for the Clearing |
of Truth and Friends from the reproach of such a Practice this meeting is conserned |
to give this forth as a Publick Testimony agaist her hereby disowning her the said |
Patience Russell from being one of our Society and from under the care of this meeting |
Desireing never theless if be agreeable to Divine Pleasur that she may yet find a |
place of Repentance, and unfeigned acknoledgment of the Evil of her way return |
to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting Held in Dartmouth the 18th of the 9th month 1775 By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Abigail Rogers certificate |
We Received a few lines by way of Certificate from Pembrook monthly meeting |
In behalf of Abigail Rogers which is accepted |
1775 |
At a Monthly meeting held of Women friends held in Dartmouth 18th of 12th month 1775 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Alice Anthony and Phebe |
Slocum; Alice Anthony present |
Phebe Kirby clearness |
The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Phebe Kirbys Clearness and conversa= |
=tion respecting marriage make report they find nothing to hinder their proceeding in |
marriage |
Abraham Allen answer |
Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby appeared for appeared for their answer whic |
which was they might prceed to take Each other in marriage, at Some Convenent |
time between this and the next monthly meeting observing good Orders |
Ann Condel referd |
The matter conserning Anne Condel acknowledgment is referd another month |
Sarah Wilcox paper of denial |
Sarah Wilcox paper of denial hath been read, since the last monthly meeting agree |
=able to the conclusion^of the meeting: said paper is as followeth |
Whereas Sarah Wilcox wife of William Wilcox having had her Education amongst |
Friends, but through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of Truth |
in her own heart; hath been found guilty of taking Spiritous Licquor to excess |
and also not attending meetings, all which She hath been Laboured with for |
and still continuing obstinate: Therefore friends can do no less that testifie |
against the Said Sarah Wilcox, and do hereby disown her from being a member |
of our Religious Society and from our under the care of this meeting: Desireing |
if it be Consistant with Divine goodness, She may come to a Sight and Sence of her |
outgoings, and by unfeigned Repentance be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 11th month 1775 By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Sarah Morrel acknowledg ment inspect ed |
Alice Anthony, Keziah Russell, Deborah Allen, and Sarah Howland, are appointed |
to inspect the Sencerity of Sarah Morrell and Patience Russells acknowledgment |
to find wheither they are Sencear and worthy to be received, and they to make |
report as Soon as they are ready to this meeting |
answers to queries & Epistle sent by Represenvis |
The Queries have been Read and answered in this meeting the answers approved |
And likwise the Epistle read and Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting |
by our Representa tives Freeborn Rider Deborah Hayden Elisabeth Ricketson |
Lydia Barker and Deborah Davis |
Aaron Veal & David Sands certificate Recd |
Received two Certificates in behalf of our Worthy Friends Aaron Veal and |
David Sands both from the Ninepartners monthly meeting Bearing date on |
the 17th day of the 11th month 1775 which was very acceptable amoung us and |
we ho^pe their Labour may be Serviceable |
Apphia Mosher acknowledment |
Apphia Mosher brought a few lines to this meeting condemning her going to |
a disapproved wedding. which was accepted so far as to let her remain under |
our care |
Susanna Smith Elder |
Susanna Smith hath some time a go been nominated to be an Elder in the |
Society, and now She^is chosen by the meeting for that Service |
1 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 1st month 1776 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Mary Smith 2d |
and Silvister Howland both Present |
accepted |
Anne Condel wife, to Enoch Condel hath made the meting Satisfaction |
for her marrying out from amongst them; and she is in membership with us |
Sarah Morrel & Patience Rus sell accepted |
The Committee appointed to Inspect the Sencerity of Sarah Morrell widoe |
and Patience Russell the Sencerity of their acknowledment make Report |
They both gave them good Satisfaction, and have freedom for them to be Receivd |
In consideration thereof, it is the Judgment of this meeting and conclusion to |
pass by both of their offences so far as to let them remain under the care of |
this meetin and in membership with us; provided Said Sarah reads or causes her |
Paper^of acknolegment to be read publickly at the End of a first day meeting of Worship before the |
next monthly meeting and She be present, and likewise the paper to be returnd to |
the Clerk to be put on record |
The Repreves not attening Q meeting except Freebn Rider Epistle Recd |
This meeting is Informed that it so fell out by some hendrenes [hindrances] that none of the |
Representatives attended the Quarterly meeting except Freeborn Rider, by whome |
we received an Epistle therefrom which was read in this meeting and Kindly accepted |
amongst us |
Sun Smith appointed Clerk |
Susanna Smith is appointed Clerk for the meeting |
2 month 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends Held in Dartmouth the 19th of 2d month 1776 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Susanna Smith and |
Lydia Barker both present |
John Ricketson proposal of marriag |
John Ricketson and Sarah Morrell hath laid their Intention of marriage before |
this meeting, and they were desired to waite for their answer untill the next |
monthly meeting; Hannah Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to make |
Enquiry into Sarah Morrell clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they |
to make report to the next month meeting |
Sarah Morrells paper of acknoledgment hath been Read according to the |
Conclusion of last monthly meeting and is followeth |
Sarah Morel paper |
To the Preparitive Meeting of Women Friends next to be held in Dartmouth |
the 13th of the 12th month: And to the Monthly meeting the 18th of the Same month |
Dear friends; Whereas I have through unwatchfulness fallen into the |
Reprachful Sin of Fornication, which is Evident by having a child soon after |
mariage, and marrying from amoungst friends, both of which I^condem & am sorrow for |
Praying to Almighty God to forgive me and Friends to so far pass it by as to |
Let me remain under your Christian care; this from your friend |
Dated in Dartmouth |
Sarah Morell |
the 18th day of ye 12 month 1775 |
Judith How= =land ac= =knolegment |
Judith Howland hath made acknowlegment for going and Joyning with a |
Rude and Licentious Rabble or company, which is contrary to our Principles |
And in consideration thereof Friends concluds to accept her acknowlegment |
and pass by her offence, desiring for the futer She may be careful to Shun Such |
company |
3 month 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 18th of 3d month 1776 |
The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Mary Smith 2d both present |
Queries Epistle & represent |
The Queries have been Read in this our meeting and answered, the Epistle |
Read Signed and approved and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our represen= |
tatives who are Judith Russell and Mary Tucker |
Edith Spring er disownd |
The Overseers Informe this meeting they have Preadmonished and Laboured |
with Edith Springer wife of Edward Springer, for keeping company out of the |
unity of friends: She not regarding their advice, but hath prceeded and |
Married: For which breach of orders Friends^thinkthey are clear without any further |
Labour, and do deny her the Said Edith from being in membership with us |
Conclution to deny Amie Hart |
One of the Overseers Informe this meeting that she had some Conversation |
with Amie Heart [Hart] concerning her being guilty of the Sin of fornication but |
she found no satisfaction, and it is the mind of the meeting they are clear without |
any more labour with her, and do appoint Susanna Allen and Deborah Hicks |
to draw a paper of denial against her and bring it to the next monthly meeting |
Elisabeth Smith is appointed to acquaint her with the conclusion of this meeting |
To corect ye minits |
Hannah Tucker, Ruth Tucker, Phebe Slocum, and Susanna Smith are appointed |
to Review and Corect the miniuts Suitable to be put on record and likwise to |
Settle accompts with the Treasury and report of their doings when ready |
Signed a paper for Ann Gifford |
Signed a few lines in this meeting Signifying our concurrence with |
Anne Giffords Intended Visit to Sandwich Quarterly meeting |
Adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant |
At a Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by adjounment |
on the 27th of the 3d month 1776. The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Mary |
Smith 2d both present |
Sarah Morel Clearness |
The Friends appointed to Enquire into Sarah Morrells clearness and conversation |
Respecting Marriage, make report they find nothing materal to hender their proceeding |
John Ricket= son answer |
John Ricketson and Sarah Morrell appeared for their answer: which was they |
might proceede to take Each other in marriage at Some conveniant time between |
now and the next monthly meeting, observing good Orders |
Rachel Case request |
Rachal Case hath appeared to this meeting with a few lines desireing to be taken |
under the care of friends: Susanna Allen Sarah Gifford and Deborah Allen |
are appointed to take Suitable oppertunities to inspect the Sencerity of her request |
Wheither it Springs from the bottom of true Conviction or not; they to make report |
of their doings when ready |
Ann Russell Certificate |
Signed a Certificate in this meeting on behalf of our friend Anne Russell widdow |
and her children, Namely Henry, Ann, and Joanna which recommends them to |
Smithfield monthly meeting |
4 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 4 month 1776 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Ruth Tucker and Phebe |
Slocum Neither of them attended |
Epistle Recd |
We Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting by Mary Tucker one of the |
Representatives Judith Russell did not attend |
Mary Wing acknowle= =dgment |
Mary Wing wife to Giles Wing hath sent a few lines to ^by way of acknoledgment this meeting |
condemning her marrying out of the unity of friends in consideration there of we do appoint |
Susanna Allen Sarah Gifford and Anne Gifford wife of Daniel Gifford to make Enquiry and |
consider on the matter, and take whole Care to Inspect into the Circumstance therof to |
find if She be worthy to be received; and they to make report to the meeting when ready |
Amie Hart paper Signd |
Amie Hart.s paper of Denial was Read Signed in this meeting and carried to |
the mens meeting for concurrance, and assistance to be read at the end of a fist day |
meeting and to be returned to this meeting to be put on Record |
Gid Howland and wife acknoledg ment |
Gedion Howland and Catherine his wife appeared in this meeting with a paper |
by way of acknowledgment for being guilty of the Sin of Fornication and Likwise |
for marrying nearer of kindred than is alowable among friends: for which this |
meeting appoints Deborah Haden and Judith Russell a Committee to Inspect the |
Sencerity of her acknowledgment or Joine the men friends to see wheither they are |
worthy to remain among friends or not, and they to make their to the meeting |
when they have done their Service |
Meribah Smith under dealing |
The Overseers Inform this meeting they have been with Meribah Smith |
concerning her being guilty of Fornication and they think best that the meeting |
Should appoint some Friends to Visit her; in consideration thereof this meeting |
appoints Ruth Howland and Silvester Howland to Joine the Overseers in Visiting |
Inspecting and dealing with her as they Shall find freedom, and have the matter |
under their care: and to make report when they are ready |
Mary Wing widdow |
The men friends desires Some assistance from this meeting on the account of |
Mary Wing widdow: Mary Smith and Sarah Howland are appointed for that Service |
5 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 5th month 1776 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland both present |
George Handy proposal of marriage |
George Handy and Mary Potter hath laid their Intentions of marriage |
before this meeting and were desired to wait untill the next monthly |
meeting for their answer; Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland are appointed to |
make Enquiry into Mary Potters Clearness and conversation respecting marriage |
and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Mary Wing wife of Giles accepted |
The Committee appointed to make Enquiry in regard of the Sencerity of Mary |
Wing wife of Giles Wing; and of her Life and conversation, and likwise In |
Regard of her being married out of the Unity of friends and from amoungst |
them; make report, they think She may be received again amoung friends |
In consideration thereof, this meeting accept her acknowlegment and doth take |
her under their care and in membership again -- |
Rachel Case accepted |
The committee appointed in regard of Rhachel Case wife to John Case |
Requesting to come under the care of the meeting Signify they have don according |
to their appointments and they found pritty good Satisfaction, and think she |
may be taken under friends care, and it is the Conclusion of this meeting, |
And they do Receive^her into Membership, and in Society with them |
Phebe Beard Certificate |
Phebe Baird haith Produced a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Nan= |
=tucket, which was read and accepted in this meeting |
to draw a Certificate for Mary Wing wife of Giels |
Susanna Allen and Deborah Allen are appointed to draw a Certificate |
for Mary Wing Wife to Geiles Wing, if on enquiry nothing appears to hinder |
it is to be directed to the Ninepartners monthly meeting |
Susanna Allen and Keziah Russell are appointed Overseers of Disorders |
6 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 6th month 1776 |
The Representatives^are Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks both Present |
adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 24th day of this month |
Mett |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth By adjournment |
on the 24th day of the 6th month 1776 |
The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks both present |
Mary Potter Clearness |
The friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Mary Potters clear= |
=ness and conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to |
hinder their proceeding |
George Handy answer |
George Handy and Mary Potter appeared for their answer; which was they |
may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time between |
this and the next monthly meeting, observing Rules and orders Established among |
Friends: Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland are appointed to have the |
care and oversight of the before mention marriage to See that it is consumated |
and carried on orderly; and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Phebe Yarn= =all Certificate |
Received a Certificate on behalf of our Worthy Friend Phebe Yarnall from |
the Monthly meeting held at Concord in Chester County in Pensylvania |
Bearing date on the 7th of the 2d month 1776 |
Rebecca Wright Certificate |
And one on behalf of our Worthy Friend Rebecca Wright from the monthly |
meeting held at Chesterfield on the 2d day of the 5th month 1776 both which was |
Read in this meeting and Received with their Labours of Love much to our |
Comfort and Satisfaction |
Rebeccah Russell request |
Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are appointed to have Some conference |
with Rebecca Russell wife to Charles Russell concerning her request to see |
wheither she is worthy to be received into membership and they to report when ready |
answers to Queries Epistles & Representaves to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read, answered and Likewise approved in this meeting |
Likewise the Epistle, and Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting |
by our Representatives who are Judith Smith Russell Keziah Russell Mary |
Smith Susanna Smith and Sarah Howland |
David Farris and John Perry |
Received Certificates on behalf of our Worthy Friends David Farres and |
John Perry both from the monthly meeting held at Wilmington in the County of |
New Casel upon Delaware bearing date on the on the 15th of ye 5 month 1776 |
which was read and Received to good Satisfaction |
adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 28th of this month |
mett |
At a monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment |
on the 26 of the 6 month 1776. Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks was |
appointed to attend the monthly meeting Deborah Hicks Present |
Mary Wing |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Mary Wing wife to Giles Wing Recom= |
=mending her to the Ninepartners monthly meeting |
Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are chosen Overseers of disorders |
Amie Harts Paper of denial hath been Read Since last monthly meting; is as follows |
Amie Hart denial |
Whereas Amie Hart Daughter of William Hart and Mary his wife of |
Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Masachusetts Bay in |
New England, Having had her Education among Friends and under the |
care of this meeting yet by disregarding the Testimony of Truth |
In her own heart She hath so far deviated therefrom, as to be to be found guilty of the |
Reproachful Sin of fornication, as^aperd by her having a Bastard Child and friends having |
discharged themselves with hin Labouring with her in tender love to discover to |
her the Evil thereof but our labour not being effectual to friends Satisfaction |
Therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends from the reprach thereof this |
meeting is conserned to give this forth as a Testimony against her and do hereby |
Publickly disown her the Said Amie Hart from being one of our Religious Society |
and from under the care of this meeting Yet desireing if may be agreeable with |
Divine Pleasure that She may yet come to a Sight and Sense of her outgoing and |
by an unfeigned acknowlegement of the Error thereof^& return to the way of Truth |
and find mercy. Given forth, and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
of Friends held in Dartmouth the 15 day of the 4 month 1776 By |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
7 month 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 7 month 1776 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Silvester Howland present |
Deborah Hayden did not attend George Handys and Mary Potters marriage |
according to appointment by reason she was not well able, Sarah Howland |
informed She was present and the marriag was consumated in an orerly manner |
report from Q meeting |
None of the Representatives attended the Quarterly except Mary Smith and ~ |
Susanna Smith by whome we received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting |
Epistles Recd |
also we receiver an Epistle from the yearly meeting of Women friends held |
in Philidelphia both were read and received much to the comfort of the |
and Satisfaction of the Living amoung us |
Meribah Smith |
Hannah Tucker and Phebe Slocum are added to the former committee in |
Regard of dealing and Labouring with Meribah Smith to bring her to a Sign |
of the Evil of her ways for her being guilty of the Sin of fornication and they |
to make report to the monthly meeting |
Elder proposed |
Deborah Hayden is nominated to be an Elder; and it is Left to the consi= |
=deration, both to the meeting and herself to consider on till the nex monthly |
meeting |
minits corrected |
The Committee appointed to revise and correct the Monthly meeting mi |
nits and Settle with the Treasurer report that they have answered their appointment |
and there Remains in the Stock £11-9-10 old Tennor |
8 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 8th month 1776 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Alice Anthony and |
Susanna Allen both present |
Meribah Smith |
Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen are appointed to draw a pap^er of Denial |
against Meribah Smith and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Mary Spooner disowned |
One of the Overseers Informs this meeting, She hath taken a friend and been |
with Mary Spooner in regard wife of Simson Spoorer [Spooner] in regard of her being about |
to marry out of the Unity of Friends; and admonished her on that account |
But the advice not having the desired Effect, for She went on and married, |
and we think the meeting is Clear without any more Labour; and the meeting |
disowne her of being any Longer in membership with them |
Mary Wing |
Signed a paper of denial against Mary Wing Widdow which is to be read |
at the End of a first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting |
Elders referd Mary Trafford |
The matter concerning chusing Elders is referd another month |
Alice Anthony and Selvester Howland are appointed to draw a removal |
Certificate for Mary Traford [Trafford] if on enquiry She is found worthy: and it is to be |
directed to Accoakset monthly |
Susanna Russell is appointed to acquaint Mary Stoner [Spooner?] that she is disowned |
from among friends |
adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to the 2d day of next week at the 11th hour |
mett |
At a Monthly Meting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment |
on the 26th of the 8th month 1776. The Representatives being called Alice Anthony present |
Ann Gifford Certificate |
Signed a few lines on behalf of Anne Giford [Gifford] Recommending her publick Testimony |
to Sandwich monthly meeting to be held at Falmoth |
List of friend removd Job Case Certificate |
Signed a List of the Names of the members that hath had Removal Certificates |
From our Meeting to the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners and Oblong |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Job Case and his Children Namely |
Pardon, Abner, Elisabeth, Alice, Jonathan, Mary, Sarah, Anna,^Roby Dinah and |
Amie, all which are Recommended to the monthly meeting at the Olong |
9 month 1776 |
At a Monthly meeting of Woman Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 9th month 1776 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Susanna Allen |
and Mary Smith 2d both Present |
Ann Gifford |
Our Friend Anne Gifford hath Returned her Certificate that she had |
Last monthly meeting recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting |
Mary Trafford |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Mary Trafford Recommending her to the |
Accockset monthly meeting |
Meribah Smith |
Signed a Paper of denial against Meribah Smith which is to be read publickly |
at the end of a first day meeting between this and the next monthly meeting |
Mary Wing To Q meeting |
Mary Wings paper of Denial hath not been read |
Judith Russell Sarah Gifford and Deborah Hayden are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting and they to make report to the next monthly meeting: The Queries |
have been read and answered the answer^approved & to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting by |
by our Representatives |
adjornd |
This meeting adjourns to the 2d day of next week at 11 a Clock |
mett |
At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment |
on the 23 day of the 9th month 1776 |
The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Mary Smith 2d both present |
Gideon Howland 2d & wife |
It is the Judgment and the Conclusion of this meeting to accept a paper |
of acknowledgment, that Gidenon Howland and his wife Catherine presented |
Provided they Read or cause Said paper to be red publickly at the end of a |
first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting he the |
Said Gideon being present: and She excluded of being present by reason of |
her Circumstance it is not to be a pesident for the futer. |
Elders |
Deborah Hayden and Deborah Hick [Hicks] are are chose and appointed into Service |
and place of Elders |
Epistle |
The Epistle was read approved and Signed in this meeting and to be Sent |
up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
10 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 10th month 1776 |
The Representatives are Judith Russell and Silvester Howland both present |
A Paper of denial against Meribah Smith hath been read Since last |
monthly meeting and is^as followeth |
Meribah Smith denial |
Whereas Meribah Smith Daughter of Benjamin Smith 2d and Susanna his wife |
hath had her Education amoungst Friends but by giveing way to the |
Insinuation of the Advisary so as to Commit the grose Sin of fornication |
as appears by her having a child unmarried and notwithstanding Our Labour |
of Love She hath not appeared to make Satisfaction: Now for the clearing of Truth |
And Friends from Such a reproachful Sin, do hereby deny the said Meribah |
Smith from being a Member of our Religious Society and from under the care |
of this meeting: Desiring if it may be Consistant with Divine Wisdom She |
may Come to a Sight&sence of her outgoings and by unfeigned Repentance be restored |
to the way of Truth |
Given forth at a Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the 16 day |
of the 9th month 1776. Signed in and on behalf of Said Meeting By |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
From Q meet= =ing |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, hath attended |
according to appointment: From which meeting we received an Epistle which |
was read and kindly accepted amoung us |
Abigail Rogers |
Abigail Rogers desires a few lines Recommending her back to Pembrook meeting |
Freeborn Rider and Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Inquiry and if |
nothing appear to hinder, to draw and bring a few lines to next monthly meeting |
Gideon Howland 2d & wife |
Gedion Howland and Catherine his Wife their paper of acknowledgment |
hath been read Since last monthly meeting – and is as followeth |
To the Preparative and monthly meeting of Poneganset to be held the 13th & 18 days of 3d mo 1776 |
Dear Friends – Whereas We through unwachfulness are fallen into the Sin of For= |
=cation as appears by our having a Child so Soon after marriage for which we are |
Sorry desiring the Lord may forgive us, and Friends pass it by, together with our |
marrying nearer in kindred than is allowable amoung Friends hopeing for the futer |
Through Divine assistance we may be Enabled to walk more circomspect that friends |
would Still continue us under their care |
Gideon Howland |
Dated this 13 of 3 month 1776 |
Catheren Howland |
Susanna Allen |
Signed a few lines for Susanna Allen Recommending her to the Ninepartner month |
=ly meeting on a Visit to See her friends and Relations thereabout |
1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 11th month 1776 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Naomy Howland & Deborah Allen both^present |
Sam Howland proposal of marriage |
Samuel Howland and Mary Smith hath laid their Intentions of Marriage before |
this meeting; They were desired to wait for their answer untill next monthly |
Naomey Howland and Deborah Allen are appointed to make enquiry into Mary Smiths |
Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they to make report to the next |
monthly meeting |
Rebecca Russell Reced |
The Committee that had the care concerning Rebecca Russell wife to Charles |
Russell, requesting to come under friends care, make report, they find nothing to |
hinder and think her worthy to be receivd; and in consideration thereof this meeting |
Concluds and doth receive her into membership and under the care of this meeting |
Abigail Rogers |
Signed a few lines in this meeting Recommending Abibail Rogers back to Pembrock |
monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This meeting adjourns to next fourth day come week |
mett |
At a Monthly meeing of Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment on the |
27th day of the 11th month 1776 the friends that ware appointed to attend th monthly |
meeting are Naomey Howland and Deborah Allen: Deborah Allen Present |
Overseer |
Deborah Allen is appointed in the place of an overseer of Disorders for one |
Quarter by reason that one of our overseers is gone a Journey and need require |
at present |
12 month 1776 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 12th month 1776 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hayden and Alice |
Anthony both present |
Mary Smith Clearness |
The friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into mary Smith clearness and |
Conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to hinder their |
prceeding |
Samuel Howland Answer |
Samuel Howland and Mary Smith appeared for their answer; Which was |
they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time before |
next monthly meeting advising with the overseers appointed for that purpose who are |
Deborah Allen and Hannah Mosher, and they to make report at the next monthly meting |
Susan Allen |
Susanna Allen hath returned a Certificate She had of this meeting to carry to |
the Ninepartners on a visit |
Mary Russel Lucy Howland Mar Howlan papers |
Mary Russell Widdow, Lucy Howland and Mary Howland have each of them |
Sent a few lines to this meeting Condeming their Purchasing Prize Suger: Which are |
Refered until the next monthly meeting for further Consideration |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th day of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment of the 12th month |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden present |
Silvester Howland is appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting and to make |
Return to the next monthly meeting |
To the Qatly meeting |
Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting to be sent up by our Representative |
1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 1st month 1777 |
The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Silvester and Hannah |
Mosher, both Present |
Sam Howland married |
Deborah Allen Informes that it so fell out that She could not with conveniency |
attend Samuel Howlands marriage according to appointment, Hannah Mosher |
Informes She attended and the marriage was consumated and carryed on orderly |
Silvr Howland not attend Q meeting |
Silvester Howland Informes She did not attend the Quarterly meeting by reason |
it was thought not practable on the account of the great Commotions; Nevertheless |
Epistle recd |
We received an Epistle from our said Quarterly meeting which was read in this |
our meeting and kindly received to the Living amoung us |
Martha Allen request |
Martha Allen appeared in this with a few lines desiring for herself and two |
daughters to be taken under Friends Care |
Hannah Mosher and Keziah Russell are appointed to have the matter under |
their care, and converse with her and her daughters to see wheither ^the motive |
Springs from true Conviction, and they Sutiable to be receivd amoung Friends |
and they to make report to this meeting when ready |
Mary Russel &c: paper Reced with provisor |
Mary Russell, Lucy Howland and Mary Howland have Sent in a few lines |
to this meeting condemning their offence in purchasing Prize Sugars24 which |
is accepted: Provoided, they do Sign a Testimony that the meeting shall draw |
For a more fully clearing the Truth: Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith |
Are appointed to Joine the men friends in drawing the before mentioned Testimony |
2 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 2d month 1777 |
There are no Representatives appointed to attend this meeting; by reason that a |
State of Indifferency so far prevails as to let Small things hinder attending our |
meetings, so that there was but two Women at our last Preparit[i]ve meeting |
Mar Allen Mary Russel &c Case referd |
The matter concerning Martha Allen is refered under the Same friends care |
The matter concernin those friends that have condemned their purchasing is Prize |
Suger, is refered until next monthly meeting by reason they are not present at this time |
Rebec Shove Certificate |
Rebecca Shove Widdow, hath Produced a Removal Certificate from Swanzey |
monthly meeting for herself and Daughter Rebecca to this meeting which is accepted |
Elisa Russel under dealing |
The overseers Inform this meeting that Elisabeth Russell appears to be guilty of |
purchasing Prize Sugar, for which they have Laboured with her for but no |
Dispossition appears for any Satisfaction; therefore this meeting appoints Susanna |
Allen Sarah Gifford and Sarah Anthony a Committee to deal and Labour further |
to bring her to a sight of so Inniquitous a practice and to let her know that friends |
proceed against her if She doth not find freedom to make Satisfaction: and said |
Committee to make report to the next monthly meeting |
3 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 3d month 1777 |
The friends that are appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hayden |
and Silvester Howland Both Present |
Martha Allen |
The matter concerni[n]g Martha Allen is refered another month under the same friends care |
&c |
Mary Russell, Mary Howland, and Lucey Howland hath Signed a Testimony condem= |
=ning their being concerned in prize goods Suger, and Sent to this meeting which is |
to be read publickly at the end of a first day meeting of Worship between this |
and the next monthly meeting; and then the matter will be made up |
Elis Russell refered |
The matter concerning Elisabeth Russell is refered Another month under the same friends care |
Bethiah Eldredg request |
Bethiah Eldredg [Eldridge] presented a few lines to this meeting desiring to come under friends |
care Deborah Hayden and Naomy Howland are appointed to converse with her and |
have the mater under their care to find wheither She is worthy of her request and |
they to make report when ready |
Judith Akin |
This meeting is Informed that Judith Akin is married out of the unity of Friends |
Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen are appointed to treat with her for the Same |
and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Willbor & wife request |
Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and his Wife Huldah desire for themselves and Children to |
be taken under the care of friends care: Deborah Allen Susanna Allen and |
Susannah Smith are appointed to Joine the men friends and viset the family to |
see if they are worthy to be receiveded under the care of friends, and they to |
Report when ready |
Queries answer |
The Queries have been read approved and Answered in this meeting |
Abigail Russell disorder |
We are by the overseers informd that Abigail Russell appears to be guilty of pur= |
=chasing prize Suger which She hath been Laboured with for. but friends not |
finding Satisfaction: This meeting doth appoint Hanah Tucker Susanna Allen |
Sarah Anthony and Sarah Gifford a Committee to treat further with said Abigail |
Concerning her offence and they to make [re]port to the next monthly mee[t]ing |
Mary Howland |
Mary Howland desires a few lines Recommending her to Accakset monthly meeting |
Mary Smith and Sunana Smith are appointed to draw the Same if nothing on inquery |
apears to hinder |
Abigail Wood Esther Wood |
Received a few lines by way removal Certificates on behalf of Abigail Wood |
Esther Wood daughters of Daniel Wood deceased, fom Acoakset monthly meeting |
Recommending them as members to this meeting which are accepted |
Adjournd |
This Meeting adjourns to next fourth day come week at the 11th hour the meeing to begin |
mett |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmout[h] by Adjournment on |
the 26th day of the 3d month 1777 Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland was appointed |
to attend the monthly meeting both present |
To the Qutly meeting |
The Epistle to the Quarterly meeting was read, approved, and Signed in this |
meeting and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Silvester Howland Martha Pabody [Peabody] and Susanna Smith |
Elders |
Deborah Hayden Deborah Hicks and Susanna Smith are Recommended as Elders |
to the Quarterly meeting in the Epistle |
Hannah Shearman |
Deborah Hayden, and Rebecca Ricketson are appointed to Draw a Certificate on behalf |
of Hannah Shearman [Sherman] Wife to Joshua Shearman [Sherman], on Enquiry nothing |
appears to hinder |
Recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting |
4 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 4th month 1777 |
The Representatives are Mary Tucker, and Barsheba Howland both present |
Allen Recd |
The Committee that was appointed in regard of Martha Allen wife of Jonathan Allen |
Requesting to come under friends care with her two daughters Namely Mary and |
Isabel Allen, make report, they found good Satisfaction and think they may be |
Received; In consideration thereof this meeting concluds to Receive them into |
Membership with said meeting |
Mary Russell Lucy Howland Mary Howland |
The Testimony that Mary Russell, Lucey Howland and Mary Howland Signed |
to be read before this monthly meeting, is not yet read, but is to be before next |
Monthly meeting; and as many of them as can convenienly are to be present |
Elis: Russell |
The matter concerning Elisabeth Russell is continued anoth^er month under ye friends care |
Judith Akin |
The Committee appointed last monthly meeting to Treat with Judith Akin have not had |
oppertunity have not had opportunity [sic] according to appointments Alice Anthony and |
Silvester Howland are appointed to treat ^with said Judith for the Same offence and |
make reporte to the next monthly meeting |
Abigail Russel |
The Committee appointed to treat with Abigail Russell concering her offence make |
Report, they have, accordingly to appointment, and found prity good Satisfaction |
and Likwise She hath Sent a few lines to this meeting condemning the Same. |
Which this meeting acccepts provided said paper is read publickly at the end |
of first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting She |
present |
Return from Q meeting |
This meeting is informed that Silvester Howland and Martha Pabedy [Peabody] |
attended the Quaterly meeting according to appointment: Susanna Smith was not able |
By whome we received an Epistle from the Same, which we Kindly accept hoping |
the good advice contained therein will be more observed for the future |
Elis Allen |
Elisabeth Allen wife of Eleazer Allen hath brought a few lines to this ~ |
meeting condemning her marr[y]ing out of the Unity of Friends; this meeting |
appoints Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to treat with said Elisabeth for |
her offence and find if She is sencear [sincere] in acknowledgment, and worthy to be |
Continued amoung friends; and they to make report when ready |
Mary Howland certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate on behalf of Mary Howland wife of Samuel |
Howland Recommending her as a member to Accoakset monthy meeting |
Sarah Slocum widdow & daughters |
We are Informed that Sarah Slocum Widdow to Charles Slocum with her |
Daug[h]ters are now Residens within the Compass of Greenwich monthly meeting |
And now they have a Title of membership in this meeting: In consideration |
thereof this meeting drew and Signed a few lines to Greenwich monthly meeting |
desiring they would make Enquiry into their lives and convesations |
wheither it is agreeable to friends Rules, and deal with them if occation |
on our behalf and Likewise inform us the Circumstance thereof |
Penelope Trafford |
Ths meeting appoints Alice Anthony Sarah Anthony and Barsheba Howland |
to treat and Labour with Penelope Trafford concerning Some disordere we fear |
She is guilty of and let her know that it is inconsistant with our Rules and |
that friends likely will disown her if she persists therein |
5 month 1777 |
At a Monthly mee[t]ing of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 5th month 1777 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Judith Russell and |
Deborah Hayden both present |
L: Howland M: Howland |
Mary Russell, Lucey Howland, and Mary Howlands paper of acknowledgment |
hath been read since last monthly meeting according to the conclusion of Said |
meeting ~ and is as followeth |
acknowledg ment |
To the Monthly meeting of friends in Dartmouth |
Beloved Friend. We the Subscribers having Inconsideratly Purchashed |
Or pertook of Some Small Quantaty of those goods called prize goods taken by |
War and Violence, which said Conduct of ours, after a mature Consideration |
thereof we do utterly Condemn, and are Sorry for it. Hereby Publickly Testifying |
to all people unto whome these presents shall come, that as our conduct is Inconsistant |
with the Religious Profession we make, So we would take the repr[o]ach theof to our |
Selves and clear the Truth and the professions thereof from the Same, Desireing forgivness |
from the Divine Goodness, and that friends would so far pass by this our misco[n]duct |
as to let us remain under their care hoping for the future through Divine assistance |
to be preserved from the Like misconduct |
Dated ye 17th of ye 3 month 1777 |
From your friends |
Mary Russell |
Lucy Holand [Howland] |
Mary Howland |
Elisabeth Slocum Russell |
The Committee that was appinted to treat and Labour with Elisabeth Russell concerning |
her having a hand in purchasing Prize goods, and Likewise her going to a mariage |
out of the Unity of friends: mak Report. they have discharged their duty according |
to appointment and found no Satisfaction; this meeting thinks they are clear without |
any further Labour, and do appoint Sarah Anthony and Sarah Howland to draw |
a paper of Denial against the said Elisabeth and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Judith Akin disowned |
The committee that was appointed to treat and Labour wth Judith Akin |
Wife of Richard Akin, for her marriing out of the Unity of Friends make report |
they have don according to appointment and they found no disposition in her |
to make Satisfaction for her offences and this meeting thinks they are clear |
from any further Labour, and do disown her of being any longer in membership with us. |
Abiail Russel Acknoledg= ment |
Abigail Russells paper of acknowlegment hath been read Since last monthly |
meeting accoring to the conclusion of said meeting ~ and is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting to be held ye 21st day of 4th month 1777 |
Wheare as I through unwatchfulness purchased Some of those goods Called |
Prize Goods; Which I am sorry for and do Condemn, desireing Friends to |
pass it by and Let me Remain under their Care hoping I shall be more carful |
for the time to come |
Dated 20th day of 4th month 1777 |
Abigail Russell |
Jonathan Willbor wife and Chil dren Recd |
The Committee that was appointed in regard of Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and |
Huldah his wife and children; concerning their requesting to come under |
Friends care make report, that they have according to appointment, and |
found a degree of Satisfaction: In Consideration thereof this Meeting |
Receives them the Said Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and Huldah Willbor [Wilbur] under |
our care, with their Children, Namely. Benjamin, Abigail, Barsheba |
Huldah, Charlottee Rebecah and Elizabeth |
Elisabeth Howland |
This meeting is Informed ^by overseers that Isaac Howland complains that his children? |
Daughter in law Elisabeth Howland hath abused him in some respects |
For which this meeting appoints Susannah Allen Deborah Allen and |
Keziah Russell to Inspect into the Circumstace and to Labour and deal |
with her as need requires for the Same and make report to the next monthly |
meeting |
Deborah Allen overseer |
Deborah Allen is appointd Overseer of Disorders |
Complint against Esther Russell |
This meeting is Informd that Est^her Russell hath married out of the Unity |
of Friends and had a child Soon after marriage, and hath been to a disorderly |
marriage Since, for which offence. Deborah Allen and Junah Smith are appoin= |
=ted to labur and deal with her therefor and report to next monthly meeting |
Abigail How land denyd |
The Overseers inform they have preadmonshed Abigail Howland wife to Isaac |
Howland for proceeding to marry out of the Unity of Friends, She not regarding the |
advice but persisted therein for which this meeting disowns her from being a member |
of our society |
widow Phebe Russell misconduct |
This meeing is informd by the overseers that Phebe Russell widow appeares to ^be guilty |
of purchasing and peataking of Prize goods for which offence Susanna Russell and Judith |
Russell are appointed to Labour to bring her to a Sight of her misconduct therein |
and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Judith Akin Abigail Howland |
And likwise the Same Committee to Inform Judith Akin of her denial |
and Inform Abigail Howland wife of Isaac Howland of her denial |
6 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 6th month 1777. |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Susanna Allen present |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 23d of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 23d of 6th month 1777 ~ Representatives both Present |
Elisabeth Howland disownd |
The Committee that was appinted in regard of Elisabeth Howlands conduct |
toward her father in law, make report. they have mett according to appointment |
Laboured and advised according to their capassity but found no Satisfaction. |
In consideration therof, it is the Judgment and conclusion of this meeting to disown |
her for her misconduct in Several respect for it appears that some violence was used |
which was the cause of much pain and Sorrow to him her said father: for which this |
meeting appoints Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to draw a paper of denial |
against her and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Phebe Russel referd |
The committee that was appointed concerning Phebe Russell being guilty of purchas |
ing prize goods: and allowing a marriage in her house out of the Unity of friends make |
report they found no Satisfaction: only She desires friends to wait another month |
Signfying she had a desire to make up the matter; which request is granted and the |
matter ^to rest under the Same friend care |
Bethiah Eldreg Rece |
The Committee that was appointed to see into the Sencerity of Bethiah Eldredg [Eldridge] |
Requesting to come under friend care report they found pretty good sattisfaction |
and they think she may be received: And in consideration^thereof She is admitted into |
membership and under the care of this meeting |
Elis. Russell denial singned |
The F[r]iends appointed to draw a ppaper of denial against Elizabeth Russell |
have brought one which was Signed in behalf of this meeting and is to be read |
at the End of a first day meeting, between this and the next monthly meeting |
and the paper to be returned to be put on Record |
Elisa Allen accepted |
The Committee appointed to Treat with Elisabeth Allin [Allen] concerning her making |
Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Unity of Friends make report She |
gave them pretty good Satisfaction: and it is the conclusion of this meeting to |
let her remain under their care and in membership with us |
Sent up to [Q?] meeting |
The Queries have been read, answered, and the answers approved, and the ~ |
Epistle read, and Signed in this meeting and Sent up by our Representatives, who |
are Judith Russell, Keziah Russell and Elisabeth Slocum and they to make |
report to the next monthly meeting |
Esther Russel |
The Commttee appointed to Treat with Esther Russell, make rep[o]rt thy have not |
accomplished the matter and it is refered another month |
Hanh Sherman Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate on behalf of Hanah Shearman Recommending |
her to Sandwich monthly meeting |
7 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Wome Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 7th month 1777 |
Susanna Allen and Amie Barker was appointed to attend the monthly meeting both present |
John Williams proposal of marriage |
John Williams And Martha Pabody [Peabody], Signified their Intentions marriage bef[o]re |
this meeting and they are desired to waite untill the next monthly meeting for |
their answer ~ Deborah Hayden and Keziah Russell are appointed to make |
Enquiry into Martha Pabody [Peabody] clearness and conversation respecting marriage |
and they to make report at the next monthly meeting |
Phebe Russel |
The matter concerning Phebe Russell is continued another month under |
the care of the former Committee with Alice Anthony & Silvester Howland aded therto |
Elis Russell |
The paper of denial against Elisabeth Russell hath not been read |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting make report they |
all have according to appointment except Elisabeth Slocum, by whom we receivd |
Return from Q meeting Epistles rece d |
the Quarterly meeting Epistle with one from the Womens Yearly meeting held |
at Philidelphia for Pensylvania, bearing date the 9th month 1776 with much |
Seasonable advice contained therein which was kindly received among us |
Esther Russel case |
The Committee that was appointed to Treat with Esther Russell wife to Paul |
Russell make report, they have had an oppertunity, according to their appointment |
and found her in no disposion to make Satisfaction; This meeting considering the |
report thinks they are with out any further Labour; do appoint the Same Committee |
to draw a paper of denial against her and bring to next monthly meeting |
Lillis Maccomber request |
Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] Requests to come under the care of Friends and this |
meeting appoints Deborah Hicks and Elisabeth Slocum to have the matter |
under their care, to See ^if she is worthy and they to make report when ready |
Mary Lap= =ham request |
Mary Lapham Wife to Nicholas Lappham [Lapham] Desiers to come under the care of |
Friends; and this meeting appoints Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith to have |
the matter under their care, to See if She is worthy of her request and they to |
make report when ready |
Elis. Howland denial signd |
A Paper of denial was Signed against Elisabeth Howland; and to be read |
at the close of a first day meeting before next monthly meeting |
This Meeting appoints Deborah Hayden, Deborah Hicks, Susana Smith, and Sarah |
Anthony, a Committee to Inspect consider, and determine the matter concerning |
Sarah Slocum case |
Sarah Slocum, and her children haveing a Birth right among us of membership |
and what manner to proceed in the affare that may be to the honnour of Truth |
And for them to take Such men friends as appears Suitable to assist them in |
the affairs and draw a paper of Denial against them if need requiren and make |
Report to the next monthly meeting. |
Penelope Trafford disowned |
The Committee that was appointed to Inspect and Labor with Penelope Trafford |
concerning Some reports that was abroad: Informe, they have had an oppertunity |
and it appears She hath freequantly attended the Priestbeterian meeting for |
Some considearable times and like drest after their custom and left our meeting |
which is not agreeable to our profession: For which they Laboured with her |
For her recovery, but found no Satisfaction; this meeting considering the |
report think they are clear without any more Labour, and do deny ^her of being a |
member in our Society |
8 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 8th month 1777 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland Daborah Hayden present |
Martha Papodys Clearnes |
The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Martha Pabodys [Peabodys] clearness and |
Conversation respecting marriage make report they find nothing to hinder their |
proceeding in marriage |
John Williams Answer |
John Williams and Martha Pabody [Peabody] appeared for their answer: which was |
they might proceed to take each other in marriage at Some convenient time between |
this and the next monthly meeting advising with the oveseers appointed for that |
Service who are Keziah Russell and Alice Anthony |
Lillis Mac= =comber case referd |
The Committee that was appointed to converse with Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] concerning |
her request: make report, they have had an oppertunity according to appointment |
and they think best waite longer that She may be better acquainted with friend |
Principles of Truth before She be Joined in Society, and for the Same friends |
to have the matter under their care |
A Paper of denial hath been read against Elisabeth Russell. Since last |
monthly meeting and is as followeth |
Elisabeth Russell paper of denial |
Whereas Elisabeth Russell wife of Benjamin Russell Miller haveing had her |
Education amoung friends and under the care of this meeting, but hath so far |
departed there from the Simplicity of Truth, and the prof[e]ssion we make as to |
be found in the pract^ice of buying or purtaaking of those called Prize goods |
Like wise in going or resorting at a Wedding out of the Unity off friends, all |
which She hath been Laboured with for in love, in order to Shew her the |
Evil thereof; but our Labour not obtaining its desired Effect, nor She |
being free to the Condemning said misconduct to friends Satisfaction: therfore |
There for the clearing of Truth and friends from the reproach thereof |
This meeting is concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her |
Hereby Disowning the said Elisabeth Russell from under the care of this meeting |
Nevertheless Desireing She may come to ^a sight of the Evil of such practices and |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 23d of ye 6 month 1777 |
Signed in & on behalf of sd meeting by Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Mary Wing paper of denial |
A Paper of denial against Mary Wing was read since last monthly meeting |
And is as followeth |
Whereas Mary Wing Some years past was under Dealing by this meeing as apear |
by our Records, and altho’ She gave in a paper Condemning her misconduct |
yet the meeting did not receive her in full Unity but Suspended the matter for |
a proof of her Sincerity, now this meeting of late havin made Enquiry into her |
conduct and Conversation with and Likwise have had conference with her on |
that matter and do not find a Sufficient proof of a Sincear Repentance but |
Reather the contrary: Therefore this meeting doth deny her the said Mary Wing |
From being a member of our Religious Society, until by Sencarer Repentance |
and a return from the Evil of her ways, (as a Sure Token thereof) to the way of |
Truth and well doing |
Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Held in Dartmouth the 19th of ye 8th month 1777 By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
A Paper of Denial against Elisabeth Howland was Read according to |
the Conclusion of the last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth |
Elisabeth Howland denial |
Whereas Elisabeth Howland Wife of Benjamin Howland, being a member |
of our Religious Society Through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony |
of Truth in her own heart, hath fallen into bodily Strife with her father in law |
Isaac Howland and abused him, and hath not made him Sattisfaction, for |
which misconduct much Labour hath been bestowed in love for her recovery |
But all our labour proveing Ineffectual to friends Satisfaction: Now for |
the Clearing of Truth, and Friends from Such Groos Evils Do hereby disown |
the said Elisabeth Howland from being a member of our ^Religious Society, and from |
from [sic] under the care of this meeing desireing She may come to a hearty Repentance |
and find mercy |
Given forth at a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth |
} |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
this 21st day of ye 7th month 1777 |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Signed in and on behalf of Said meeting By |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to next forth day come week |
meet |
At a monthly meeting Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjourment |
this 27th of the 8th month 1777. The Representatives Called upon: Sarah Howland present |
Phebe Russell |
Phebe Russell hath made this meeting Satisfaction Provided She cause her |
Paper to be read at the close of Some first day meeting before the next monthly meeting |
She being present |
Sarah Slocum case referd |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is referd another month under ye same friends care |
Jonathan Green Martha Green |
Received a Removal Certificate from East Greenwick [Greenwich] monthly meeting Recommening Jonathan Greene [Green] and Martha Greene [Green]. Children of Rufus Green as members to this meeting which is accepted |
Denied |
Signed a paper of denial against Ester Russell which is to be read at the |
Close of a first day meeting before the next monthly meeting |
David Sands Certificate |
Signed a few lines by way of Certificate on behalf of ^our worthy friend David Sands, Signifying |
the Satisfaction we received of his Labour of Love we receiv among us: To the |
Monthly meeting at the Ninepartners |
Aaron Lan= caster Certificate |
Likwise Signed a few lines by way of Certificate in behalf of our Worthy |
Friend Aaron Lancaster Signyfying the Satisfaction we Received of his labour |
of Love among us: to the monthly meeting at the Oblong |
Q meeting Commitee request |
This meeting is Informed that a Committee from the Quarterly requests |
That our next monthly meeting may be held the next day after the preparitive |
meeting, which this meeting concluds to grant according to ther request |
9 month 1777 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 11th of 9th month 1777 |
Sarah Anthony and Silvester Howland are appointed to attend ye montly meeting both present |
John Williams married |
Kaziah Russell Informs She attended the marriage of John Williams according |
to appointment and that it was consumated and carried on orderly ^as far as she discoverd |
Alice Anthony did ^not attend according to appointment |
Phebe Russell |
Phebe Russells paper of acknowledgment hath not been read but she Signifies |
She intends to accomplish the matter before the next monthly meeting |
Sarah Slocum |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is refered another month by reason we |
canot find the names of her Children |
Esther Russell paper of denial |
Easther Russells paper of denial hath been read according to the conclusion of |
the last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth |
Whereas Easter Russell Wife of Paul has had her Education amongst |
Friends, yet through unwatchfulness^and [mist_ing?] ye Testimony of Truth hath so far Given way to the |
Insinuations of the advesary as to fall into the Goose [Gross?] Sine of Fornication as appears by |
her having a Child so soon after marriage, and also married out from amoungst |
Friends all which She hath been Laboured with for in order to Convince her of |
the Evil of her ways; but our Labour of Love not having the desired effect to friends |
Satisfaction; do give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the said |
Easter Russell, disowning her from being a member of ^our Religious Society and from |
under the care of this meeting. desiring She may come to a Sight of her outgoings |
and by unfeig[n]ed Repentance be restored to the way of Truth |
Given^forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmout by adjournent |
this 21st day of the 8th month 1777. Signed in and on behalf of our said meeting By |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
To Indulge none But our society |
This meeting concluds not to Indulge any into this meeting that are not members |
of the Society for the future, Either at the proposing of marriages or at any |
other time |
To be Sent up to Qly meeting |
The Queries have been read ansered and approved in this meeting with the |
Epistle to be Sent up to the Quarterly meet meeting by our Representatives |
who are Deborah Haden [Hayden], Sarah Gifford and Deborah Allen and they to make |
report to the next monthly meeting |
minites |
This meeting appoints Deborah Hayden Susanna Smith and Deborah Allen |
to Revise and correct the miniuts and Settle withe Treasurer, and they to make |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
Complaint against Katurah Peckham |
We are Informed by one of the Oversers that Caturah Peckham appears |
to be guilty of purchasing prize goods, for which she hath been lab treated |
with for, but She is not at present in a disposition to make Friends any Satis= |
=faction, this meeting appoints Judith Russell and Kaziah Russell to Labour |
further with her to bring her to a Sight thereof, and they to make report to the next |
Monthly meeting |
Benj: How- =land 3d proposal of marriage |
Benjamin Howland ye 3d and Mary Slocum Declared their Intentions of |
Marriage at this meeting and they were desired to waite for their answer untill |
next monthly meeting Ruth Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to make |
Enquiry into Mary Slocums Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage |
and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
10 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 10th month 1777 |
The friends that are appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hicks |
And Sarah Anthony, Sarah Anthony present |
Phebe Russell |
Phebe Russells paper of ack[n]owledgment hath not been read, and the former comittee |
are desired to take an opertunity with her and Query what the case is and let |
her know the meeting waits another month upon her |
Sarah Slocum |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is refered another month on the account |
of the Same ocason as before given |
Martha Slocum Certificate |
Received a removal Certificate from Newport[?] monthly meeting on behalf |
of Martha Slocum wife to John Slocum with her Nine Children Namely |
Avis Martha Sarah, Benjamin, John, Pardon, William, Thomas, and Christopher |
Recommending them as members to this me[e]ting which is accepted Likewise one |
born Since they came w Here whose name is Elisabeth Said Martha desires should be |
under the care of friend this me[e]ting grants her request and looks on it as a member |
from meeting |
The friend appointed to attend the Quaterly meeting Inform they attend according |
to appointment, from which we received an Epistle to good satisfaction desireing |
the good advice contained therein may be more observed for the future |
minites not Corrected |
The committee that was appointed to revise corect the miniuts, and Settle |
with the Treasurer make report they have not acomplished the matter which is |
another month under their care |
Katurah Peckham |
The Committee that was appointed to Treat with caturah Peckham concerning her |
being guilty of purchasing prize goods, make report they hav had an oppetunity |
and her not in a disposition to make Satisfaction at present but she desires friends |
to wait another month which is complied with and left under the same friends care |
Marcy Slocum Certificate |
Received Removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of Sandwich held at |
Falmo[u]th on behalf of Marcy Slocum wife of Giles Slocum Recommending |
her as a member to this meeting which is accepted |
Mary Slocum Clearness |
The friends that was appointed to make to ma Enquiry into Mary Slocums |
Clearness and convesation respecting marriage make report they have performed |
the Same and find nothing to hinder their proceeding in marriage |
Ben How= land 3 Answer |
Benjamin Howland 3d and Mary Slocum appeared for their answer; Which |
was they may proceed to take Each other in Marriage at Some convenient time |
between this and next monthly meeting, advising with the Overseers who are Alice |
Anthony and Susanna Smith, and ^report to the next monthly meeting |
Mary How= land request |
Mary Howland daughter to Job Howland Inform this meeting She is about |
to Remove within the Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires |
our Certificate: Deborah Hayden and Lydia Barker are appointed to make |
Enquiry into her Life and conversation and if worthy draw a Certificate and |
bring to the next monthly meeting |
11 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeing of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 11th month 1777 |
The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Allen and Deborah |
Hayden both present |
Phebe Russel |
This meeing concluds to waite one month Longer upon Phebe Russell |
Sarah Slocum |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued anothe month |
The matter concerning Caturah Peckham is referd another month and the Same |
Committee are desired to treat with her according to appointment |
Ben Howland: marriage |
Alice Anthony Informs She attended Benjaman Howland 3 marriage accor |
according to appointment and it was consumated orderly as far as She discoverd |
Susana Smith was disapointed ^of attend by reason her family was unwell |
Lillis Mac= [co]mber received |
The Committee that was appointed to Treat with Lillis Maccomber on acount |
of her request, make report, they have had Several oppertunities with her and |
think best to receive her [smudge] Therefore this meeting receives her into membership |
Mary How= land Certif= icate |
Sigined a Removal Certificate on behalf of Mary Howland daughter to Job |
Howland Recomending her to the Ninepartner Monthly meeting |
12 month 1777 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 12th month 1777 |
The Representatives Called Judith Russell and Mary Smith appeared |
Phebe Russell acknowledg ment |
Phebe Russells paper of acknowledgment hath been read Since Last |
monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth |
To the Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 8th month 1777 |
Dear Friends ~ Whereas I have Suffered a marriage in my house which was not |
according to friends orders, and purchased Some Prize Suggers, all which |
Condemn and am Sorry for and hope friends will pass it by so far as to Let |
me Remain under their care ~ From your Loving friend Phebe Russell |
Mary Lap= ham recd |
The Committe appointed to Treat with Mary Lapham concerning her request |
make report, they found pretty good Satisfaction, and that they dont find any |
thing to hinder from being received; In Consideration there of this meeting |
accept her into membership |
Sarah Slocum Katurah Peckham disownd |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued another month |
The Comittee appointe to Labour with Caturah Peckham for being guilty |
Guilty of Purchasing Prize goods, make report that she rather countananced |
what She had done: and this meeting thinks they are clear without any further |
^Labour and do appoint Deborah Hicks and Deborah Allen to draw a paper of denial |
against the ^sd Catureh Peckham and bring to the next monthly meeting Keziah |
Russell is appointed to acquainte caturah of her denial |
Joanna Gifford Request |
Joanna Giford [Gifford] Sent a few lines requesting to come under friends care and |
her husband requests the Same for their children ~ Elisabeth Smith and Hana |
Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Enquiry into their Lives and |
Conversations, and take Suitable oppertunitys of conference with them the better |
to understand wheither they are Worthy, and the motive Springs from true |
Conviction: and they to make report when ready |
To be Sent to Q meeting |
No answers prepared at this time ~ Signed an account to be Sent to the ~ |
Quarterly meeting by our Representatives Judith Russell, Sarah Anthony |
Susanna Smith and Elisabeth Slocum, and they to make report to the |
next Monthly meeting |
0-15s -0 to Mart Williams |
This meeting desires the Treasurer to pay the Sum of 15s old Tennor to Martha |
Williams which hath been contracted for the Use of Friends |
1st month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 1st month 1778 |
The Friend appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Sarah Anthony and |
Sarah Howland both Present |
Sarah Slocum |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is yet continued another month |
report from Q meeting |
This meeting is Informd that none of the Representatives that was appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting but Elisabeth Slocum hath performed according |
to appointment but gave Such reasons as are accepted; we received an |
Epistle Recd |
Epistle from said Quarterly meeting which was read and Kindly accepted |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer Informs She hath paid the Sum of 15s Shillings old Tennor to Martha |
Williams according to the direction of Last monthly meeting |
Nic Lapham and wife request |
Nicholus Lapham and his wife request that their childrren should be |
Taken under the care of Friends |
This meeting apoints Deborah Hicks and marry Smith to Joine the men |
Frind in Visiting the family to find wheither it is agreeable to receive |
them, and they to make ^report to the next monthly meeting |
Mary Duel Request |
Mary Duel Sent a few lines requesting to come under the care of |
this meeting: Kaziah Russell and Hanah Mosher are appointed to treat |
with her the better to understand wheither she is worthy to be received and |
that the motive Springs from the bottom of true Conviction and they to |
make report when ready |
Content Cornel made satisfaction |
Content Cornell hath ^made the meeting Satisfaction for going to a marrage out of the |
unity of friends |
Katurah Peck denial signd |
Signed a Paper of Denial against Caturah Peckham which is to be |
Read at the Close of a first day meeting between now and next monthly meeting |
Saml Gifford proposal of marriage |
Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] made proposal of marriage |
before this meeting and were desired to waite untill next monthly meeting |
for their Answer ~ Deborah Allen and Elisabeth Slocum are appointed |
to make Enquiry into Lillis Maccombers Clearness respecting marriage |
and Conversation; and make report to next monthly meeting |
1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 2nd month 1778 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Rebecca Ricketson: Rebeca present |
Sarah Slocum referd |
The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued another month |
Lillis Maccom= =ber Clear ness |
The committee appointed to Enquire in Lillis Maccombers [Macombers] Clarness |
and conversation respecting marriage make report, they find nothing |
to hinder their proceeding in marriage |
Sam Gifford Answer |
Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] appeared for their Answer |
Which is they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some |
Convenient time before the next monthly meeting; advising with the |
Overseers appointed for that Service who are Deborah Allen and Elisabeth |
Slocum and they to make report next monthly meeting |
The Denial against Katurah Peckham hath not been read |
Rebeccah Rotch request |
We are Informed that Rebecca Rotch Desires our Certificate Recommending her |
to Nantucket Month meeting ~ Deborah Davis and Rebecca Ricketson are |
appinted to make Enquiry into her Life and Conversation and if nothing apears |
to hinder to Draw a few lines and bring to the nex monthly meeting |
3 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmou[t]h ye 16th of 3d month 1778 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Mary Smith both present |
Sarah Slocum Case |
Susanna Allen Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Smith are appointed to take |
an oppertunity to converse with Sarah Slocum concerning Some reports that |
is S[p]read abroad concerning her and her children and if they appear not to be |
deserving to remain among Friends, for them to draw a paper of Denial against |
them agreeable to their offence and make report to the monthly meeting |
Sam Gifford married |
Elisabeth Slocum makes report she attended Samuel Giffords marriage according |
to appointmentment and it was consumated and carried on with deacency as far |
as She discovered |
A Denial against Katurah Peckham hath been read against her Since last monthly |
meeting and is as followeth |
Katurah Peckham denial |
Whereas Katurah Peckham having had a right of membership amoung F[r]iends |
and under the care of this meeting, but hath so far departed from the Simplicity |
of Truth and the Prfession^we make as to be found in the practice of make of buying those |
Called Prize goods; and She hath been Laboured with for it in love, in order to Shw |
Shew her the Evil thereof but our Labour not having its desired effect nor She |
being free to condemn it to friends Satisfaction: Therefor ^for the Clearing of Truth and |
Friends from the repr[o]ach thereof this meeting is Concerned to give this forth |
as a publick Testimony ^against her hereby disowning the Said Katurah Peckham from |
under the care of this meeting desiring She may come to a Sigh[t] of the Evil |
of Such practices and Return and be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day 1st month 1778 |
Signed in and on behalf of Said Meeting by — |
William Anthony Junr Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Elis Johnson Request |
Elisabeth Jonson [Johnson] desires to come under the care of this meeting with her two |
Little daughters, if on Enquiry she is found worth: Deborah Hayden and Eunice |
Taber are appointed to have Suitable oppertunities with ^her and make enquiry on |
that account the better to understand Wheither the motive Springs from the |
bottom of true conviction and they to make report when ready |
David Sheherd & son David Request |
David Shepherd and his son David Signifies they are about to remove within |
Verge of Smithfield monthly meeting and desires removal Certificates thereto |
for themselves and families ~ Alice Anthony and Silvester Howland are appointed |
to make Enquirey into their Lives and Conversations and if Nothing appears to |
hinder to Joine the men Friends in preparing Said Certificates and bring to |
the next monthly meeting |
Complaint against Phebe Briggs |
The Overseers Informe this meeting that Phebe Brigg [Briggs] Widdow to Weston Briggs |
appears to be guilty of Purtakeing or Countenancing the use of Prize goods, for whsh |
which they have Laboured with her for, and She gave no satisfaction Sarah |
Giford [Gifford] and Mary Smith are apointed to Labour further with her in order to |
Restore her and if she gives no Satisfaction, for them to Draw a Testimony of |
Denial against her and bring to nex monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 25th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett according to adjournment ye 25th of 3rd month 1778 Representativs calld both present |
Joanna Gifford Recd |
The Committee that was appointed in regard to Joanna Giffords request |
make report that they found good Satisfaction and find nothing to hinder her |
being Received ~ In consideration thereof this meeting receives her into |
membership with her two daughters Namely Lillis and Joanna Gifford |
To be sent to Qly meeting |
The Queries have been read and answered. with the Epistle Signed and |
approved and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
who are Susanna Smith Sarah Howland and And [sic] Sarah Anthony; And |
they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Sarah Slocum & three daugh ters disownd |
The Committee appointed Some time past on account of Sarah Slocum |
(widdow to Charles Slocum) And her children, make report, That they have |
Joined the men friends, and considered the matter and the return from |
Greenwich Monthly meeting; and also had conference with her; and finding |
their their Lives and Conversations so different from our Profession, as |
Not attending any of our Religious meeting, with many other disorders not |
her[e?] mentioned that they think it most for the Honnour of T^ruth to disown |
all them that are come to years of understanding. Which report being accepted |
Therefore we do disown the Said Sarah Slocum and her three Eldest |
daughters Namely Margret, Desiah, and Mary: |
4 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 20th of 4th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Sarah Anthony both present |
Phebe Briggs Referd |
The matter concerning Phebe Briggs is continued another month |
Return from Q meeting |
The Friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, report |
they attended according to their appointment, by whom we received an |
Epistle ^read and kindly accepted |
Jos Rotch and wife Certificat |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Joseph Rotch and wife recommending |
them to Nantucket monthly meeting |
=herd Jur Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for David Shephrd Junor [Shepherd] his wife and their |
two children Namly Thomas and Reliance Recomnending them to Smithfield |
Monthly meeting |
Mary Duel Received |
The Committee that was appointed Some time past to treat with Mary Dewel [Davol?] |
concerning her Request, Make report they have had Several conferences with |
her and find pretty good Satisfaction and nothing to hinder her being |
Received, This meeting accepts sd report, do receive her into membership |
with us |
Elisabeth Allens Confession |
Elisabeth Allen Sent a few lines to this meeting condemning her |
marrying out of the Unity of friends, and being guilty of the Sin of Fornication |
For which this meeting appoints Deborah Hayden Deborah Hicks and Sarah |
Gifford to Treat with her to d^iscover wheither She is Sencear, and worthy to be |
continued in membership; and they to report when ready |
Hannah Woodman disownd |
The overseers Inform ^this meeting that Hannah Woodman Wife of Robart Woodman hath |
Lately marryed out of the Unity of friends, which they have Laboured with her |
Sufficiently for, she being obstinate, this meeting thinks they are clear without |
any further labour (She disregarding their advice) do disown her from being |
in membership with said meeting |
Rebeccah Smith request |
Rebecca Smith is a bout to remove to Saratoga within the verge of the |
Ninepartners monthly meeting and requests a Certificate for her Self and |
Children: Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make |
Enquiry into their lives and Conversations. and prepare a Certificate for |
them if nothing appears to hinder and bring to next monthly meeting |
Han Woodman to be informd |
Margret Stratton is appointed to acquant Hannah Woodman withe her denial |
5 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 5th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Amie Barker and Deborah Hayden both present |
Phebe Briggs Referd |
The matter concerning Phebe Briggs is continued another month under ye Sam frinds care |
Ester Allen disownd |
Some of the Overseers Inf^orm that Esther Allen Wife of Robart Allen |
hath married out of the Unty of Friends and they laboured with her before |
marriage, but She not regarding their advice and hath proceeded in marriage |
This meeting thinks they are clear without any further labour and do |
deny her of being in membership ~ Susanna Russell is appointed to acquaint |
her of her denial |
David Shepherd Certificat |
Signed a Removal Certificate for David Shepher [Shepherd], his Wife & children |
under age whose names are Caleb, Deborah, Gideon, Allen, Elisabeth |
and Lydia. Recommending them to Smithfield monthly meeting |
Nic: Lapham Children Recd |
The Committee apointed to Joine the men friends concerning receiving |
Nicholas Laphams children under the care of friends, those that are tho not all |
ready make report they have had an oppertunty and think best to receive them |
The meeting accepts said report do receive them into membership |
Rebec: Smith Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Rebecca Smith (Wife of Daniel Smith) and her |
Children, Namely, Jeremiah, Humphry, Elisabeth, James, Stephen, Abigail |
and Mary, Recomending them to the Ninepartners [Nine Partners] monthly meeting |
proposal of marriage |
Jonathan Sowle and Barsheba Russell declared their Intentions of |
marriage before this meeting and were desired to waite for their Answer till |
the next monthly meeting ~ Mary Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to |
make Enquiry into Barsheba Russells Clearness respe[c]ting Marriage, and her |
Life and Conversation, and make report the next monthly meeting |
6 month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 6th month 1778. |
Deborah Hayden Chose Clerk for this day |
The Representatives are Mary Smith and Silvester Howland both present |
Silvanus Folger & Georg Folger proposal of marriage |
Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum ~ And George Folge [Folger] and Rebecca Slocum |
Declared their Intentions of marriage before this meeting, and were desired to |
waite untill next monthly meeting for their Answers |
Silvester Howland and Mary Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into Avis |
Slocums Clearness and conversation respecting marriage, and make report next |
monthly meeting ~ Deborah Hicks and Deborah Allen are appointed to See into |
Rebecca Slocums Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they to |
make report next monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting is Adjournd to the 22nd day of this month at ye Usual time |
Mett |
Mett by adjournment this 22d day of 6th month 1778 Representatives both present |
Elis Johnson Recd |
The Committee that was appointed Some time past in regard to Elisabeth Johnsons |
Request, make report they found pretty good Satisfaction and think it may be for |
the best to receive them into membership: In consideration therof this meeting |
accepts Said report: and do receive her under the care of this meeting with |
her two little daughters, Elisabeth and Theodate |
Phebe Brigg Case |
Phebe Briggs Presented a few lines to this meeting condemning her purchashing |
Prize Suggar: Likewise the Committee Informs this meeting they have had Several |
oppertunity on that account, and they are free She Should be Continued among |
Friends, In Consideration thereof this meeting accepepts [sic] Said paper provided She |
Cause the Same to be read at the Close of a first day meeting of Worship between |
this and the next monthly meeting She being present when read |
David Sand Aaron Lan= kester |
Received a Certificate from the Ninepartners monthly meeting on behalf of |
our Worthy Friend David Sands: and one from Oblong on behalf of our Worthy |
Friend Aaron Lankester [Lancaster]; both which are accepable whose labours have been Com= |
fortable to the living among us |
Esther Allen |
Susanna Russell Inform this meeting She hath acquainted Easther Allen of her denial |
Barsh Russell clearness |
The friends that was appointed to make enquiry into Barsheba Russell clearness and |
Conversation respecting marriage make report. they have don acording to appointment |
and nothing appears to hinder their proceedings |
Jonan Sowle answer |
Jonathan Sowl [Soule] and Barsheba Russell appeared for their Answer; Which was |
They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time between |
this and next monthly meeting Advising with the overseers, who are Alice Anthony |
Susanna Smith and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Elisa Hathway certificate |
Received a Removal Certificate from Swa[n]zey monthly meeting in behalf of our |
Friend Elisabeth Hathaway and five of her Children Namely Elisabeth, Jonas, |
Lydia, Mary and George, all which is accepted |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 24th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 24th of the 6th month 1778 Representatives both present |
Sent up to |
The Queries have been read and answered and the answers approved Likwise |
Qualy meeting |
the Epistle Signed and sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
Aaron Lan= =kester David Sands |
Who are Deborah Hayden, Judith Russell, Deborah Allen and Silvester |
Howland; and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Signed a Certificate on behalf of our Worthy friend Aaron Lankester [Lancaster] to the |
Oblong monthly meeting: and one for our Worthy Friend David Sands to |
the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners where they belong Signifying our |
Satisfaction with them while amoung us |
Reprove Deserters |
Alice Anthony and Kaziah Russell are apointed to Joine the men friends |
to treat and labour with those families that are inclin^ing to freequant or attend |
Such meetings as are not in Unity with friends and deal with them as Truth |
Shall Require: and make report to the monthly meeting |
7 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 7th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Phebe Slocum and Mary Smith both present |
Avis Slocum Rebec Slocum Clearness |
The friends appointed to Enquire into Avis Slocums and Rebecca Slocums |
Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage make report they have don |
agreeable to their appointment and nothing appears to hinder their proceeding |
as they have discovered |
Silvus Folger Geor Folger Answer |
Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum ~ George Folger Jur and Rebecca Slocum |
all appeared for their Answers; Which was they may proceed in marriage at |
Some convenient time between this and the next monthly meeting, advising |
with the overseers this meeting shall appoint for that Service ~ Mary Smith |
and Silvester Howland are appointed to have the oversight of Silvanus |
Folgers and Avis Slocums marriage Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are |
appointed to have the oversight of George Folgers ^& Rebecca Slocums marriage |
and th[e]y all to make report of their proceedings to the next monthly meeting |
Phebe Briggs paper of acknoledgment hath been read according to last |
monthly meetings conclusion ~ and is as followeth |
Phebe Brigg acknowledg= =ment |
To the Monthly meeting ^of Women friends to be held at aponeganset |
the 15th day of ye 6 month in the year 1778. ~ Esteemed friends, these lines may |
Inform you that I through unwatchfulness have pertook of prize Sager [Sugar] |
which is contrary to the Testimony of Friends and the great Profession I am |
makeing, for which disorder I am Sorry for, and desire Friends would |
Pass it by and Suffer me to Remain under your Care, hopeing to be more |
Careful for the time to come ~ From your friend Phebe Briggs |
Jonathan Sowle married |
The friends that had the oversight of Jonathan Sowle and Barsheba |
Russells marriage, report that they fulfild their appointment and as far |
as they discoverd it was Consumated Orderly |
Return from Q meeting |
Deborah Allen and Judith Russell report they have attended the Quarterly |
meeting according to appointment, by whom we received an Epistle from |
Said meeting which is kindly accepted |
Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are added to the former Committee |
that was appointed to treat and Labour further with those member that absent |
themselves from our meetings and practice going to other meetings |
Abigail Wanton & Rebec Thra= =sher disor der |
Susanna Russell and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Treat and labour |
with Abigail Wanton and Rebecca Thrasher for marrying out of the Unity of |
Friends and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Deb Gifford request |
Deborah Gifford presented a few lines to this meeting desireing to |
to be taken under the care of Friends. This meeting appoints Sarah |
Anthony Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith to Visit the Family the |
better to understand wheither the motive Springs from the bottom of true |
Conviction, and they to make report when ready |
8 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth 17th of 8th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hicks and Mary Howland both presnt |
Silvanus Folger & Geo Folger married |
The Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of the marriage of |
Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum, and George Folger and Rebecca |
Slocum make report their marriages was consumated orderly as far as |
they discovered |
Mary Deborah Patience Freelove Hathway under dealing |
The friends that was appointed to Treat with those members that absent |
from our meetings make report they have had an oppertunity with Mary |
Hathway [Hathaway] wife of James Hathway [Hathaway]; and Deborah, Patience, and Freelove |
Hathway [Hathaway] Daughters of Caleb Hathway [Hathaway]; and they continue in^Practice of |
going to Seperate meetings and Countenancing the Same, for which they have Laboured to |
The afore said friends are disow ned |
bring them to a sight of their disorder but it not proved effectual they think it for the honour |
of Truth to Testify against them; this meeting accepting said report ^do deny them |
and app^oint deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks to draw a paper of denial against |
them agreeable to their offence and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Abigail Wanton & Rebecah Thrasher disowned |
The friends that was apointed to treat with Abigail Wanton wife of John Wanton |
and Rebeccah Thrasher Wife Samuel Thrasher for their marrying out from amongst |
Friends, make report that they have discharged themselves, as well as oppetunity |
would admit Some of the overseers have Laboured with them and as the Circumstance |
is think Sufficient care hath been taken. and they Discovered no disposition of their |
making Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting disowns them the said |
Abigail Wanton and Rebeccah Thrasher from being in membership in our Society |
Jud[i]th Russell is apointed to inform the above said women of their denial and make |
report to the next monthly meeting |
Edward Thurston Case |
Wereas the Bounderies between Swanzey Monthly meeting and this: hath lately |
been Settled: and Edward Thurston and his wife Pernal with their Children falls |
into the Limmits ^of their Said meeting wherefore we recommend unto them ^the said family |
as members of their meeting |
Naomy Howland |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Naome Howland and her daughter Rebeccah |
Recommending them to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck |
9 month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 9th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Silvester Howland and Mary Smith both present |
acknowledg ment recd |
The Friends that was appointed to Treat with Elisabeth Allen on the account |
of her being guilty of the Sin of Fornication, make report, that She gave |
them Such good Satisfaction that they are free Should remain a member in Society |
This meeting accepting said report, do receive her paper of acknowledgment |
Provided She cause the Same to be read at the Close of Some firs[t] day meeting for worship |
between this and the next monthly meeting She being present |
Rose Pinkham request |
Rose Pinkum [Pinkham] requests a Certificate to Nantucket monthly meeting recommending |
her as a member: Deborah Hayden and Eunice Tabor [Taber] are appointed to make Enquiry |
into her life and Conversation while among us, and if nothing appear to hender |
to Draw one and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Bershebah Sowle request |
Bersheba Sowle request a few Lines Recommending her to Accoakset [Acoaxet] |
monthly meeting as a member: Mary Smith and Silvester Howland are appointed |
to make Enquiry into her life and Conversation, and if nothing appears to hinder |
to draw a few lines and bring to next monthly meeting |
Mary Hath= =way &c denial signd |
Signed a paper of denial against Mary Hathway [Hathaway] and several of Caleb Hathway |
[Hathaway] daughters which is to be Read publickly at the close of a first day meeting of |
before the next monthly meeting |
Sarah Duel disow[n]ed |
One of the overseers Inform this meeting She took a friend and went to Treat with |
Sarah Duel [Davol?] (wife of David Duel [Davol?]) before marriage, in regard of her keeping |
Company out of the Unity of friends, and Laboured with her for the Same but She |
disregarding the advice hath gone out in marriage for which this meeing thinks |
they are clear, and do deny her having any right of membership in Society amoung us |
Judith Russell is appointed to acquaint sd Sarah of her denil [denial] and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
Representves Q meeting |
No answers prepared at this Time; Signed an Epistle to be sent up to the |
Ensuing Quarterly meeting by our Representatives Who are Deborah Hayden |
Eunice Taber Sarah Gifford and Kaziah Russell: they to report to the next |
Monthly meeting |
10 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 10th month 1778 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Mary Tucker both present |
Elis Allen |
Elisabeth Allens paper hath not been read according to the conclusion of last |
monthly meeting |
Ann Butts Request |
Anne Butts Sent a few lines to this meeing desireing to come under their Care |
Susanna Allen Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to take |
Sutible oppertunities of conferrences on account of ^her said request the better to |
understand wheither She is Sinceare and Worthy to be received and they to |
make report when ready |
Rebeccah Russell request |
Rebecca Russell Informs this meeting that She is about to remove within the |
Verge of East Hoosu[c]k monthly meeting and desires a Certi^ficate, and desires her |
Little daughter Amie to be taken under the care of friends and be recommened |
Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into her life |
and conversation, and to consider the matter concerning her child, and if nothing |
appears to hinder to draw a Certificate and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Folger request |
Rebecca Folger desires a few lines Recommending her to Nantucket monthly |
meeting Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry |
and if nothing appears to hinder to draw a few lines and bring to next |
monthly meeting |
Return from Q meeting Epistle Recd |
This meeting is Informed that all the friends that was appointed to attend the |
Qarterly meeting hath fulfilled their appointment; we received an Epistle |
from the Quarterly meeting, and one from the yearly meeting of friends at Phi= |
=lidelphia both being read in this meeting and the Seasonable advices contained |
therein. we hop will be regarded by the Sincear hearted amoung us |
Signed two Removal Certificates one for Barsheba Sowle recommen[din]g her to |
Barsh Sowle Rose Pinkham Certificates |
Accoakset monthly meeting |
And one for Rose Pinkham Recomending her to Nantucket monthly meeting |
11 month 1778 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 11th month 1778 |
No Represenves to this meeting |
There are no Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting by reason |
there was no Women friends at the preparitive meeting by reason of an Indif= |
=ferency that is much prevailing in this meeting; altho thether wether was |
very rainny yet we beleive if all our members had been rightly Engaged for the |
Cause our meeting would not have dropt at that time |
Deborah Gifford & daugh[t]ers Reced |
The Committee that was apointed Some time ago to treat with Deborah Gifford |
concerning her request to be taken under the [care?] of friends, make report that they |
fulfilled their appointment and found Such Satisfaction that they find |
nothing to hinder their being received: In Consideration thereof this meeting |
Accepts of the Said Deborah Gifford and her four daughters Namely Rachel |
Edith, Esther, and Lydia into membership with this meeting |
Elisabeth Allens Case |
Elisabeth Allens paper of acknowledgment hath not ^yet been read and this |
meeting concluds that it Should be omitted untill friends are better Satisfied |
and do conclude, the Same Committee, Marcy Slocum added thereto and they |
to Labour farther^ther for her recovery as the Wisdom of Truth shall direct and they to |
make report when ready |
A paper of denial against Mary Hathaway Deborah, Patience and Freelove |
Hathaway, hath been read Since last monthly meeting which is returned to the |
Clerk to go on record ~ and is as followeth |
Testimony of denial against Mary Hath= =way & others |
Wheras Mary Hathaway (Wife of James Hathaway) Deborah, Patence |
and Freelove Hathaway. daughters of Caleb Hathaway, having a right |
of membership amongst friends, and having for Some time neglected |
the attending our meetings, and of Late followed Seperate meetings all |
which there hath much labour in love to Convince them of their disorderly |
walking, but our labour of love. not haveing the desired effect to friends |
Satisfaction: Do hereby disown the said Mary Hathaway (wife of James |
Hathaway) Deborah, Patience and Freelove Hathaway from being members |
of our Religious Society and from under the care of this meeting hopeing they |
may yet be favoured toith a come to a Sight and Sence of their Out goings |
and be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held at Dartmouth |
this 21st day of ye 9th month 1778 Signed in and on behalf of our sd meeting By |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
12 month 1778 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21 of 12 mo 1778 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Sarah Howland both present |
Content Cornell Request |
Content Cornel [Cornell] desires a Certficate to East Hoosuck monthly meeting |
Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Allen are appointed to make Enquiry and if |
nothing appears to hinder to draw one & bring to next monthly meeting |
Mary Smith request |
Anne Smith Smith desires a Certificate to East Hoosuck monthly meeting for her |
for herself and Children, Mary Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to |
make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hender to draw one and bring to next |
monthly meeting |
Avis Slocum Folger Request |
Avis Folger desires a Certificate to the Mnthly meeting at Nantucket Mary |
Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing apears |
to hinder to bring one to the next monthly meeting |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read, Answered, and approved, With the Epistle |
Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives: Who are |
Sarah Howland Mary Slocum and Kaziah Russell and they to make report |
to the next monthly meeting |
Abigail Winslow complaind of |
This meeing is Informed that Abigail Winslow appears to be guilty of the |
Sin of Fornication. for which, Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen are appointed |
to Treat with on that account as the Spirit Truth Shall direct, and they to |
make report to the next monthly meeting |
1 month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in dartmout ye 18th day of 1st month 1779 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland both present |
Return from Q meeting |
Marcy Slocum and Sarah Howland Informs this meeting they attended the |
Quarterly meeting accor[d]ing to appointment by whom we received an Epistle |
which was read in this meeting according to good Satisfaction and we hope the advice^therein |
will be regarded |
Abigail Winslow |
We dont discover by the report of the Committee that was appointed to treat |
with Abigail Winslow concerning her being guilty of the Sin of fornication |
that they found much Satisfaction: Mary Smith and Silvester Howland are |
appointed to draw a paper of denial a gainst her and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Mary Allen request |
Mary Allen desires a few lines by way of a removal Certificate Recommending |
her to the monthly meeting at East Hoosuck Mary Tucker and Rhod Mott are |
appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hinder to Joine the men |
Friends in drawing one for the family |
Job Sisson proposal of marriage |
Job Sisson and Ruth Shepherd declared their Intentions of marriage before this |
meeting, they were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting |
Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland are appointed to make Enquiry into the |
young womans clearness and conversation respecting marriage and they to make |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
against Mary Wood |
This meeting is informd that Mary Wood Wife of Abraham Wood hath |
Lately marryed out of the Unity of friends Judith Russell, Silvester Howland, |
and Marcy Slocum are apointed to Treat with her on that account and make |
report when ready |
Content Cornell and Avis Folger Certificates |
Signed a Removal Certificate on behalf of Content Cornell daughter of Danil |
Cornell, Recommending her to East Hoosuck monthly meeting |
Likewise one for Avis Folger Recommending her to the monthly meeting |
at Nantucket |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 27th of 1st month 1779 Represenves Called Silvester Howland pesent |
Slack in Atending meetings |
Having Several matters come before this meeting that is Taken under |
Consideration; That in particular concerning appointing a Committee to Joine |
the overseers in Visiting those members that are deficient in attending meet |
=ing, with all other disorders |
Removing without Certificates |
Likewise it apears that Several of our members have Removed from this |
meeting without requesting our Certificates Namely, Anne Mott and her |
daughter Susanna and Anne Condel, all which we think is needful to be |
Taken care according to the Rules of our Discipline: But the meeting being |
So Small at this time and so many of our members so Lukewarm and Slack |
of attending that thare hardly appeared a Sificient number to carry on business |
2 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 2nd month 1779 |
The Representatives are Deborah Allen and Alice Anthony both present |
complaint against Ann Mott. |
This meeting is informed that Anne Mott with her daughter Susanna |
Hath gone to Reside out of the verge of this meeting without requesting a |
Certificate: Judith Russell and Kaziah Russell are appointed to make |
Enquiry into their Lives and Conversations and if nothing appears to hinder |
draw Certificats and bring to the monthly meeting |
Ann Condel |
This meeting is Informed that Anne Condel [Cundell] hath removed out of the verge of |
this meeting without requ[e]sting a Certificate: Deborah Hayden and Kaziah |
Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into her life and Conversation and |
if nothing appear to hinder bring one to the next monthly meeting Recommending |
her to Sandwich monthly meeting |
Committee to deal with disorderly members |
Hannah Tucker Deborah Hayden and Susanna Smith are appointed a |
Committee to Joine the Overseers in dealing with disorderly members and those |
in perticular that are deficient in attending our meetings and where any |
appear obstinate to return their names with their offences to the meeting |
Than[k]ful Cornel request |
Thankful Cornell desires to be [illegible]Taken under the care of this meeting Elisabeth |
Slocum and Sarah Gifford are appointed to treat with her on that account |
to see wheithe She is worthy, and they to make report when ready |
Ruth Shepherd Clearness |
The Friend that was appointed to make Enquiry into the life and Conversation |
of Ruth Shepherd respecting marriage make report they found nothing to hinder |
Job Sisson Answer |
Job Sisson and Ruth Shepherd appeared for their Answer which was they |
might proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time before |
the next monthly meeting, advising with the overseers who are Deborah Hayden |
and Silvester Howland and they to make report to the nex monthly meeting |
Bethiah Slocum Case |
Received a few lines from Pembrook monthly meeting desiring our assistance |
and advice concerning Bethiah Slocums Life and Conversation Sinc her residence |
was here: Sarah Gifford and Hannah Wood are appointed to Inspect into them |
matters and Inform this meeting how things appears when ready |
Abigail Winslow |
Signed a paper of denial against Abigal Winslow which is to be read at |
the conclusion of a first day meeting of Worship at Newtown and then to |
Lodge in the Clerks hands to go on record |
Ann Smith Certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate for Anne Smith and her Children Namely |
Sarah, Lloyd, Paul and Barnabus Recommending them to East Hoosuck and |
Saratoga monthly meeting |
3 month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 3rd month 1779 |
The Representatives are Mary Smith and Lydia Barker both Present |
Ann Mott |
The matter concerning Anne Mott and her Daughters Certificate rests^under same friend care by |
reason the Committee not present |
Job Sisson married |
The Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of Job Sissons marriage |
make report they attended and it was consumated and carried on in Some |
degree orderly |
Abigail Winslow denial |
This meeting is Informed that Abigail Winslows paper of den[i]al hath been |
Read according to the conclusion of last montly and returned to the Clerk as followeth |
Whereas Abigail Winslow (widdow to John Winslow late of Dartmouth deceased) |
having been in membership with us, but by departing from the Principal of Truth |
in her owne mind, hath fallen into the Sin of Fornication as appears by her |
having Child while unmarried, and friends having Treated with her and |
admonish her in Love in order to reclaim her from the Evil of her ways but |
our admonitions not being so Effectual as could be desired, this meeting therefore |
being Concerned for maintain good Order in the Church, and that friends may |
preserved from the repr[o]ach of Such Evil practices, do give this forth as a publick |
Testimony against her, and do hereby disown her the said Abigail Winslow from |
being a member of our Society, untill by unfeig[n]ed Repentance and acknow |
ledgment thereof, She Shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
Given forth at our monthly meeting held at Dartmouth |
the 15th of 2 month 1779. and Signed in and on behalf of sd meeing by Susanna Smith Clerk |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been Read, Considered, and Answered, the Epistle Signed |
and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Deborah Hayden Mary Smith and Mahetibel Tucker and they to make |
Report to the next monthly meeting |
Ann Condel |
Signed a Removal Certificate Anne Condell [Cundell] wife of Enoch Condell [Cundell] |
Recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting |
Bethiah Slocum |
The matter concerning Bethiah Slocum is continued another month under |
Same friends care |
wife certifite |
Signed a removal Certificat for John ^Allen and his wife Mary with their Children |
Namely, Gideon, Deborah, and Philip, Recommending them to East Hoosuck |
Monthly meeting. |
4 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 4 month 1779 |
The Representatives are Sarah Howland and Deborah Gifford both present |
Ann Mott |
The matter concerning Anne Mott^& daughter Rests under the same friends Care |
Adjournd |
This meeting Adjourns to next forth [?] day come Week after ye meting Worship Ends |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment ye 28th of 4th monthon 1779 Representative Calld Sarah Howland present |
Clerk |
Mary Smith Chose Clerk for this day |
Return from Q meeting |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quaterly meeting make report they all |
attended according to appointment: by whome we received an Epistle which |
Read and well accepted |
Hannah Willbor request |
Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] desires to be taken under the care of this meeting if |
She is worthy; Sarah Howland and Mary Smith are appointed to take Sutiable |
oppertunitys of Conferences with her on that account and make report when ready |
Ann Mott referd |
The matter concerning Anne Mott and her daughter Susanna is refered |
to next monthly meeting |
5 month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 5th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both present |
Ann Butts |
Deborah Hick [Hicks] is added to the Committee that was appoined to treat with |
Anne Butts concerning her request and they to report when ready |
Kaziah Russell and Judith Russell was appointted Sume time past to Treat with |
Ann Mott and daughter |
Anne Mott and her daughter Susanna, and make Enquiry into their L[i]ves and |
Conversations; and if nothing apeared to hinder they was to draw a Certificate for |
them to Sandwich monthly meeting; but they have not fulfild according to |
appointment: Judith Russell desires to be dismist from that Service Susanna Russell |
is added in her room [place] and they ^to make ^report to the next monthly meeting |
Elisa Allen Meriah Hoxcie Certificates |
Received a removal Certificate from Sandwich monthly meeting on behalf of |
Elisabeth Allen Widdow and Meriah Hoxcie [Hoxie], Which this meeting accepts |
Han Willbor request |
Joanna Mosher is added to the Committee that was appointed to Treat with |
Hannah Willber [Wilbur] concerning her request and they to make report when ready |
Thakful Cornll Recd |
The Committee that was appointed to treat with Thankful Cornell concerning |
her request; Signify they found good Sattisfaction, and think She may be receivd |
this meeting accepting Said report, do receive her with her two little Children |
Namely Allen and Stephen into membership of said meeting |
To revise Miniuts |
Deborah Hayden Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointd to Revise |
and correct the minniuts. and Settle with the Treasurer and they to make report |
Next monthly meeting |
John Allen certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate for John Allen and Mary his wife and their |
Children Namely Gideon, Deborah, and Philip, Recommending them to the |
Ninepartners monthly meeting |
6 month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 6th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Marcy Slocum and Mary Smith both present |
revised |
The Friends appointed to Revise and Correct the minniuts Report they have not |
fulfild their appointment, they are therefore continued in the Same Service |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Han Sawdy request |
Hannah Sawdy Request a removal Certificate Recommending her to East |
Hoosuck monthly meeting Hannah Mosher and Martha Allen are appointed to |
make Enquiry in her life and Conversation, and if nothing appears to hinder they to |
prepare one and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Solomon Underhill & Jos Walters |
Received a Coppy of a minniute from a yearly meeting held at Westbury on |
Long Island on behalf of our Eteem^ed friend Solomon Underhill, in company with our friend |
Joseph Walters whose Labour & Service was comfortable and acceptable amoung us |
Margret Potter request |
This Mee[t]ing is Informed that Margret Potter is gone on a Visit among her |
Friends within Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a few lines |
of Recommendation thereto; Mary Smith ^& Silvester Howland are apointed |
to make Enquiry in her Life and conversation and if nothing apears to hender |
to prepare a few lines and bring to the next monthly meeting |
James Cornell and wife Certificate |
Signed a removal Sertificate in behalf of James Cornell and Thankful |
his Wife with their two Children, Allen and Stephen, Recommending to the |
monthly meeting at East Hoosuck or Saratoga |
Abigail How= land dis owned |
The overseers Inform this meeting that they have Laboured with Abigail |
Howland wife of Isaac Howland on the account of her disorderly proceedings |
towards marriage but their Labour not having the desired Effect, She hath |
marryed out of the Unity ^of friends for which this meeting denies her from being a |
member in Society Deborah Allen is desired to acquaint her of her denial and |
make report to the next monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjours to the 24th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 24th of 6th month 1779 The Representatives present |
Ann Butt Reced |
The Committ appointed to Treat with Anne Butts concerning her request |
make report they found So much Satisfaction they think She may be received |
the the meeting accepting Said report do receive her into membership with |
Said meeting |
Elis Allen acknowledg= =ment Recd |
The Friends that was appointed to treat with Elisabeth Allen concerning |
her disorderly proceeding make report that She gave them cosiderable good Satisfaction |
and find freedom to receive her again: in consideration thereof this meeting |
Concludes to accept of her acknowledment Provided she causes it to be read |
at the Close of a first day meeting of Worship betwen this and next monthly |
meeting She being present |
Mary Wood disownd |
The Comittee that was apointed to treat with Mary Wood wife of Abrham |
Wood for her marrying out from amoung friends, make report they have |
discharged themselves and^find her not in a disposition of making friends |
Satisfaction; in consideration^thereof this meeting deny her of any right of mem |
=bership in Said meeting |
To be Sent up to Q meeting |
The Qu^eries have been read, answered, and approved; The Epistle Signed |
and sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives^who are Alice |
Anthony and Deborah Allen they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Solomon Un= =derhill Certificates |
Signed a Certificate for our Friend David Sands to the monthly meeting |
at the Ninepartners Signifying a Satisfactory Vissit |
Signed a Certificates for our Friends Solomon Underhill and Joseph Walters |
to their respective monthly meetings they belong to Signifying their Satisfactory Visits |
Anne Mott disowned |
This meeting being Informed that Anne Mott (wife of Jacob Mott) hath |
Removed herself out of the Compass of this meeting without requesting our |
Certificate; and likwise that She hath been very Slack in attending our Religious |
meetings, and in other Respects her life and conduct not agreeable to our |
Religion: For which this meeting appointed a Committee to Inspect into those |
matters, and to treat and deal with her as they found occation required |
Now this said Committee makes report, that they have discharged themselves |
agreeable to appointment, and She appears to be guilty of the afore said offences |
And gave no Satisfaction for the Same, for which it is their mind and |
Judgment, She is no ways Worthy to remain under the care of Friends |
This meeting accepting Said report do Deny her the said Anne Mott from |
having any right of membership in Society among Friends |
7 month 1779 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 7 month 1779 |
The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Amie Barker both present |
Miniuts not Revised |
The Commtt that was appointed to Revise and Correct the monthly meet |
=ing minnits have not done according to appointment they are desired |
to accomplish the Same and mak report to the next monthly meeting |
Elis Allen acknoledg ment |
Elisabeth Allens paper of acknowledgment hath been read agreeable to the |
Conclusion of last monthly meeting and is as followeth To the monthly meeting |
to be held at Poniganset 19th of ye first month 1778. Dear friends I have brok a good |
order of friends by marrying out of the Unity friends & of being gilty of ye Sin of |
Forn[i]cation as doth apear by my having a child so Soon after marriage all which I con= |
=demn and am Sorry for; hoping God will forgive me and that friends will so far pass |
my offences as to Let me remain under their ˇcare From your friend Elisabeth Allen |
Benj Sawdy Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Benjamin Sawdy and his wife Hannah and their |
Children Namely Samuel, Joseph, Elisabeth, Thomas Cook Sawdy Recommending |
them to East Hoosuck or Saratoga monthly meeting |
Grace Gifford request |
Grace Gifford desires to be taken under the care of this meeting Susanna Allen |
and Hannah Mosher are appointed to inspect into the Sencerity of her so requesting |
and to find what the motive is; and they to make report to this meeting when ready |
Miniutie revised |
According to appointment we hav mett, Revised and corrected this meetings |
minniuts, and also Settleled with the Treasurer and ther remains in Stock 10£-14s-10d |
old Tenner |
8 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 8th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Mary Smith and Lucey Howland both present |
Hannah Willbor Recd |
The Committee that was appointed on account of Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] daughter |
of Content Gidly [Gidley] on her requesting to come under the care of this meeting make |
report ; they found good Satisfaction and think She may be Received; this |
meeting accepts Said Report. do receive the Said Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] into mem= |
=bership, and under the care of this meeting |
land wife of Warren disownd |
Some of the Overseers Informe this meeting, that Sarah Howland wife of |
Warren Howland, hath been Sutiably admonished for her proceeding toward |
marriage out of the Unity of Friend, But She disregarding Said advice hath |
married out of the Unity and from among Friends; for which this meeting |
Denies her the ^sd Sarah Howland from having any Right of membership and from |
Under the care of this meeting: Amie Barker is desired to Inform her of her denial |
and make report to next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Clerk request |
This meeting is Informed that Jonathan Clark is about to Remove within the |
Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting with his family and desires our |
Certificate thereto ~ Hannah Mosher and Martha Allen are appointed to make |
Enquiry, and Joine the Men friends in preparing one and bring to next monthly |
If nothing appears to hender |
Susan Mott certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate for Susanna Mott daughter of Jacob Mott Recom= |
=mending her to Sandwich Monthly Meeting |
9 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 9th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Marcy Slocum both present |
Elis Allen request |
Elisabeth Allen widdow of Gideon Allen Informes this meeting that She is |
about to remove within^the verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires |
A Removal Certificate thereto: Hannah Mosher^& Joanna Gifford are appointed into her |
Circumstances and if nothing appears to hinder they to prepare one and bring |
to the next monthly meeting |
Phebe Smith Request |
Phebe Smith (wife of George Smith) Informes this meeting She hath a desire to come |
under the care of Friends: Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointed to |
have Sutiable oppertunities of Conferences with her to See wheither She is |
Worthy to be received and they to make report to this meeting when ready |
Ann Mott Informd Sarah Howland |
Susanna Russell informes ^this meeting She hath acquainted Anne Mott wife of |
Jacob Mott, of her de[n]ial; Amie Barker Informes She hath acquainted Sarah |
Howland wife of Warren Howland of her denial according to their appointment |
Jane Smith Mary Duel & Elisa Gifford under dealing |
The overseers with Some of the Committee that was Joined with them to treat with |
those members that doth neglect attending our religious meetings make report |
that Some of them have visited Jean Smith Mary Devel [Davol] and Elisabeth Gifford |
and Laboured with them for neglecting attending of our religious meetings |
and Some of them for going to Seperate meetings held out of the Unity of friends |
and Countenancing the Same; for which they gave no Satisfaction for theire Offences |
Said Committee finding themselves clear |
Therefore this meeting appoints Keziah Russell Alice Anthony and Deborah |
Gifford to treat and Labour further with them for their recovery as best |
Wisdom shall direct and they to make report to the next monthly meeting when redy |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries was read considered & answerd in this meeting the Epistle Signed and |
Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives, who are Marcy Slocum Sarah |
Gifford and Deborah Hayden, and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Joseph Davis Chil= dren Birth right |
Mary Smith & Sarah Anthony are appointed to Joine ye men friends to consider & |
Inspect into the matter concerning Joseph Davis,s Children; wheither they have a |
right of membership among friends, according to the Rules of Discipline and m |
10 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 10th month 1779 |
The Representatives are Deborah Gifford and Susanna Allen 2d both present |
The Committee that was appointed to treat with those members that appear |
dificient and careless on the account of attending our meetings and Joining |
with Seperate meetings held out of the Unity of friends make report they |
Jane Smith disown’d |
they have had Suitable oppertunity opper with Jean Smith and found no |
Satisfaction – In consideration there of it is the conclusion of thes meeting |
to Testify against her proceedings and disown her the said Jean from |
under their care and do appoint the Same Committee to draw a paper of |
denial a gainst her and bring to next monthly meeting |
others refer’d |
The Committee not all having oppertunity with the aforesaid neglegent offenders |
and for Some other circumstances it is refered another month under the Same |
friends care, and they then to make report |
Return from Q meeting Epistle recd |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they all |
attended but Deborah Hayden, and She was not able to attend |
Received an Epistle from Said Quarterly meeting which was read and in this |
our meeting and well accepted |
Grace Gifford |
Martha Allen is addeded to that Commitee that hath that matter respecting |
Grace Giffords request under their care; and they to make report when ready |
Elisa Allen Certificate |
Signed ^a Removal Certificate for Elisabeth Allen widdow to Gideon Allen |
And one for Jonathan Clark and his wife Susanna with their Children namely |
Lydia, Philip, Elisabeth, Jonathan, and Ruth, all the above named are recommended |
as members to the Ninepartners monthly meeting |
11 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 11 month 1779 |
The Representatives are Sarah Anthony and Sarah Gifford both present |
Elisa Gifford disown’d |
Some of that Committee that was appointed to Labour with Elisabeth Gifford |
for her Neglecting to attend our Religious meetings, Make report, they have |
had an oppertunity and found no Satisfaction, In consideration thereof it |
is the Conclusion of this meeting to deny her of any Right in Society, and |
do appoint the Same Committee to draw a paper of denial against the Said |
Elisabeth and bring to the Next monthly meeting |
Mary Duel [Devol, Davol] refer’d |
The matter concerning Mary Duel [Devol, Davol] is refer’d under the Same friends care, |
and they to accomplish the matter and make report to the next monthly meeting |
Rhoda Gifford Recd |
Received a Removal Certificate on behalfe of Rhoda Gifford (wife of Stephen |
Gifford) from Accoakset monthly meeting which is accepted |
Lydia Hud= dleston Requ= est |
Lydia Huddleston (wife of Seth Huddleston) desires to be taken under the care |
of this meeting – Joanna Gifford and Deborah Hicks are appointed to inspect |
into the Sencerity of her request, So as to discover wheither she is Worthy to be |
Received; and they to make report when ready |
Ruth Sisson request |
Ruth Sisson desires a ^removalCertificate to Accoakset monthly meeting Deborah |
Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry, and if nothing |
appears to hinder to prepare and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Alice Slocum under dealing |
This meeting is Informed that Hannah Willcox and Alice Slocum |
appears to be in the practice of resorting to places where undue Liberty is |
taken: And, Joining with those of a Rude and Licensious Rabble or company |
contrary to our Principles; For which this disorder this meeting appoints |
Susanna Allen 2d Deborah Hayden, Deborah Allen, and Susanna Smith to |
Labour with and deal with above Said offenders, Indeavoring to bring them |
off from their disorderly practices and they to make report to the monthly meeting |
when ready |
John Howland proposal of marriage |
John Howland and Reliance Shepherd declared their Intentions of marriag |
with Each other, before this meeting and were desired to waite for their answer until |
Next monthly meeting – Susanna Russell and deborah Hayden are appoined |
to make Inquiry into the young womans clearness respecting marriage and |
her conversation; And they to make report next monthly meeting |
Anna Shepherd Certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate for Anna Shepherd daughter to David Shepherd |
Recommending her to the Oblong monthly meeting as a member |
Jane Smith denial Signd |
Signed a paper of denial against Jane Smith which is to be read publickly |
at the close of a first ^day meeting of Worship between this and next monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting addjourns to the 24th of Instant |
mett |
Mettby adjournmentthe 24th of the 11th month 1779. The Representatives both present |
Debora Haden clerk |
Deborah Hayden Clerk for this day |
Elisa Gifford to be Re- Visited |
As to the matter concerning Elisabeth Gifford – One of the Committee not being |
Present when the report being being made, and appearing not Quite Satisfied |
this meeting adds Mary Smith Barsheba Howland and Deborah Hayden |
to the Committee to make her another visit |
Elisa Howland Sertificate |
This meeting received a removal Certificate from Accoakset monthly meeting |
Recommend Elisabeth Howland (wife of Thomas Howland) and her two Children |
Eunice and William to this meeting as members |
12 month 1779 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 12 month 1779 |
The Representatives are Deberah Hayden and Mary Smith, Deborah Hayden present |
Alice Slocum referd |
The matter concerning Alice Slocum is continued under the Same friends care |
Han: Wilcox [to]be denyd |
In regard to Hannah Wilcox; two of the Committee Inform this meeting they |
have had an oppertunity with her and found her no ways in a disposition to make |
Sattisfaction: The meeting accepting said report, do deny her any right of |
membership; and do appoint Sarah Anthon [Anthony] and Susanna Smith to^draw a paper of |
denial against her agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting |
Jane Smith denial hath been read agreeable to the conclusion of last monthly |
meeting – and is as followeth |
Jane Smith denial |
Whereas Jane Smith (wife of David Smith) having been a member among |
us the people called Quakers, and under the care of our meeting, but have |
So far departed from the Principals we profess as to absent herself from our |
Religious meetings, Likewise assembles at meetings that are held out of the |
unity of us the people afore said, and notwithstanding our Labour in love |
with her to retrect [retract] sd disorders She continues to Justify herself therin; Therefore |
this meeting is concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her |
the said Jane Smith hereby disowning her the from being a member of our |
Religious Society untill by unfeigned Repentance and acknoledgment of her |
misconduct, and shall return to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held in |
Dartmouth ye 15th day of ye 11th month 1779. |
Signed in & on |
By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
behalf of sd meeting |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Reliance Shepherd Clearness |
The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Relianance Shepherd s~ |
Clearness respecting marriage and conversation make report they have Enquir’d |
accordingly and find nothing to hinder their proceedings |
John How- land answer |
John Howland and Reliance Shepherd appeared for their Answer which |
was, They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient |
Time between this and next monthly meeting adviseing with the Overseers |
this meeting shall appoint for that purpos |
Deborah Hayden and Edith Russell are appointed to See the above sd marriag |
Consumated orderly and make report to next monthly meeting |
Nat Gifford proposal of mariage |
Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitable Trafford declared their Intentions of |
marriage with each other before this meeting, and were desired to wait for |
their answer untill next monthly meeting |
Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony are appointed to make Enquiry into |
Mehitabel Trafords clearness respecting and conversation and make report to |
next monthly meeting |
Ruth Sisson Certificate |
Signed a removal Certificate for Ruth Sisson wife of Job Sisson Recommend- |
-ing her to Accoakset monthly meeting |
Phebe Smith Rced |
The Friends that was appointed on the account of Phebe Smith requesting |
to come under the care of friend with her Children, make report; they found |
so good Sattisfaction that they think they may be received: in consideration |
therof this meeting Receives Said Phebe into membership with her children |
Abner, Ruth Robe and William and under the care of this meeting |
Philip Maccomber and wife request |
Philip Maccomber and his wife hath a desire to come under the care of this |
meeting with all their children Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to |
Joine the men friends to Visit the family so as to discover wheither they are |
Worthy, and they to make report when ready |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th of this Instant |
adjournd again |
There was but one Woman appeared at the adjournment on ye 29th of 12 mo 1779 |
By reason of the Extremity of the Weather and Said woman and with the |
assistance of the mens meeting adjours the Womens meeting to the 5th day of |
next month |
mett |
Mett according to Adjournment ye 5 of first month 1780 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden & Mary Smith; Mary Smith present |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been Read, answered, and approved, the Epistle Signed |
and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Susanna Smith Sarah Howland and Mary Smith and they to make report to |
the next monthly meeting |
1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 1st month 1780 |
The Representatives are Amie Barke and Lucey Howland both present |
Alice Slocum referd |
The^matter concerning Alice Slocum is continued another month |
Lydia Hud- -dleston recd |
The Committee that was appointed on the account of Lydia Hudlestons |
requesting to come under the care of friends of this meeting make report they |
found pretty good Satisfaction and think She may be received the meeting taking |
up with said report, do receive her into membership with her little child Jonathan |
and under the care of this meeting |
John Howland married |
John Howland and Reliance Shepherd^marriage was consumated Since last monthly |
meeting: the overseers of Said marriage Inform, they was not able to attend |
according to appointmentment |
Mehet Trafford Clearness |
The friends appointed to Enquire into Mehitabel Traffords clearness respecting |
marriage and conversation make report, they have Enquired according to |
appointment and find nothing to hinder their proceedings |
Elisa Gifford & Hannah Wilcox denial signd |
Signed a paper of denial against Elisabeth Gifford Widdow of William |
Gifford ~ And one against Hannah Wilcox daughter of Stephen Wilcox both |
to be Read publickly at the Close of Some first day meeting of Worship |
Return from Q meeting |
This meeting is Inform’d that Sarah Howland attend, the Quarterly meeting |
By whom we received an Epistle therefrom which was read to Satisfaction |
the other two gave Such Reasons as are accepted |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 26th day of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 26 of 1st month 1780. Representatives both present |
Grace Gifford Rece- |
The Committee that was appointed concerning Grace Gifford requesting |
to come under the care of this meeting: make report, they found pretty good |
Satisfaction and think She may be received: In consequence thereof this |
meeting doth receive her into membership and under the care of this meeting |
Nat: Gifford Answer |
Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel Trafford appeared att this meeting |
for their answer ~ Which was they may proceed to take Each other in |
marriage at some convenient time between this and next monthly meeting |
adviseing with^ye overseers who are Elisabeth Slocum and Lucy Howland and |
they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Elis: Gifford & Han: Wilcox to be informd |
Hannah Mosher and Edith Russell are desired to acquaint Elisabeth |
Gifford, and Hannah Wilcox of their denial and report to next monthly meeting |
2 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friend held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 2nd month 1780 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum & Sarah Howland both present |
The denials against Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox hath been read |
Since the last monthly meeting ~ and is as Followeth |
Testimony of denial against Elisa Gifford |
Whereas Elisabeth Gifford Widdow of William Gifford late of Dartmouth in the |
County of Bristol deceased: Having made Profesion with us as a member of our |
Society, but hath so far departed from the Sinserity of her profession, and the |
Practice of faithful friends, into Such a State of Indiffrence of mind as to almost |
Wholly to forsake our the attendance of our Religious meetings, and friends |
having frequently visited her in love, and Laboured with her in [much?] respect |
and Tenderness of heart, in order to discover unto her the declined State of mind, |
and Inconsistency of Practice that She hath fallen into: But friends Labour |
not obtaining the desired end to the Satisfaction of this meetin |
Therefore being concerned for clearing of Truth and friends from the reproach of |
Such disagreeable practice and Conduct do give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against her the Said Elisabeth Gifford hereby disowning her from being a mem- |
-ber of our Society untill by a Sincear Repentance and acknoledment of the way |
Error of her ways She Shall be restored to the way of Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly |
} |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting of friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th day of 1st month 1780 by |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Testimony against Han: Wilcox |
Whereas Hannah Wilcox daughter of Stephen Wilcox having having had a birth |
Right among friends and under the care of this meeting, But disregarding the |
the dictates of Truth in her own heart, hath So fell Short as to be remiss on |
the account of asembling at our Religious meeting to perform acceptable Worship |
And Likwise She appears to be in the practice of Resorting at places where |
undue Liberty is taken such as musick, dancing, and rude behavour contrary |
to our Principles: For which we have in She might be restored: But our labors |
of love not having the desired Effect which appears by her continuing in the |
Same Pactices ~ For whis meeting gives this forth as a publick Testimony against |
her, the said Hannah Wilcox, here by disowning her of any right of membership |
among us, and from under the care of this meeting, Until a Sincear acknowledg |
-ment of her misconduct and a return to the way of Truth |
Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of 1st mo 1780 |
Signed in and on behalf of Said meeting By |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Susannah Smith Clerk |
Elisa Gifford Han Wilcox not informd |
We are Informed that Hanna Mosher and Edith Russell have not had an oppertunity |
to Inform Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox of their denial and they are |
desired to fulfil their appoint^ment and make report to next monthly meeting |
Nat Gifford married |
This meeting is Informd that Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel Trafford |
hath Taken Each other in mariage Since last monthly meeting: The friends |
that was appointed to have the oversight of said marriage make report |
they did not know when the marriage was nor was not there |
Advice on proceeding [in] marriage |
It is the advice of this Meeting for the Future young Women be Strictly care |
=ful to advise withe overseers, agreeable to the direction of the monthly meeting |
when they are Tollerated to proceed in marriage: and likwise that overseers |
would be careful to advise, So that deacency and moderation may prevail |
Likwise attend their appointment so far as is realy needful to ye honour of Truth |
Philip Mac= omber Wife Children Receivd |
The Committee that was appointed to Joine the men friends in regard of |
Philip Maccomber and his family requesting to be taken under the care of |
this meeting. Report, they fulfil’d their appointment, and found pretty good |
Satisfaction and think they may be received: the meeting accepting said report |
do receive Philip Maccomber and his Wife Susanna with their Children name |
-ly Edith, Gardner, Barnabus, and Abraham, Maccombers under the care of |
this meeting and into membership therin |
certificate |
Signed a Removal Cirtificate for Benjamin Sawdy and his wife Hannah with |
their Children Recommending them as members to Hoosuck or Saratoga monthly meeting |
Hum: Russell proposal of marriage |
Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldredg made proposal of marriag to this meeting |
and were desired to wait for their answer until next monthly meeting |
Hannah Tucker ^Mary Shearman are appointed to make Enquiry into Bethiah Eldredg clearness |
Respecting marriage and conversation, and make report next monthly meeting |
Sarah Howland [o]verser of poor |
Sarah Howland is appointed to the place of an overseer of the poor |
3 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 3rd month 1780 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Silvester Howland both present |
Elisa Gifford Han Wilcox not inform’d |
This meeting is Inform’d that Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox are |
not yet Informed of their denial the Same friends are desired to perform |
their appointment and make report next monthly meeting |
Bethi Slocum certificate |
Bethiah Slocum wife of Jonathan Slocum hath produced a Removal Certi= |
-ficate from from Pembrook monthly meeting to this meeting: Which is accepted |
Han Willbor certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Hannah Wilbor Recommending her to the |
Great Ninepartners monthly meeting in Dutchest [Dutchess] County |
Bethi Eldredg Cleaness |
The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Bethiah Eldredgs |
Clearness Respecting marriage and conversation Report they ^find nothing to hinder |
their procee^ding in marriage |
Hum: Russell Answer |
Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldredg appeared for their answer |
Their answer was, They might proceed to take each other in marriage at some |
convenient time between this and next monthly meeting advising with their |
overseers who are Mary Tucker and Alice Anthony they to make report |
next monthly meeting |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read and answer prepared. the Epistle Signed and |
Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representative who is Elisabeth |
Slocum, and She to make Report next monthly meeting |
Louis Shear man disown’d |
Some of the overseers Informs this meeting that they precaustioned Louis[e] |
Shearman (now the wife of Andrew Shearman) against her keeping company |
out of the Unity of friends, But She persisted therein and married out from |
amoung friend: for which this meeting denies her any right or claim to mem= |
=bership or of being under the care of this meeting |
4 month 1780 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 4th month 1780 |
Deb: Hayden Clerk |
Deborah Hayden Clerk for this day |
Representatives are Sarah Howland and Mary Smith neither of them present |
Ha:n Wilcox informd |
Edith Russell reports She hath Informed Hannah Wilcox of her denial |
Barna Mosher proposal of marriage |
Barnabus Mosher And Ruth Anthony made proposals of marriage at |
this meeting and were desired to wait for their answer until next monthly meeting |
Silvester Howland and Elisabeth Johnson are appointed to makenquiry into Ruth |
Anthonys Clearness respecting marriage and conversation; and make report next |
next monthly meeting |
adjournd |
This Meeting is Adjourned untill to morrow |
mett |
Mett by Adjournment ye 18th of 4th month 1780. Representatives both present |
married |
This meeting is informd that the friends that had the oversight of Humphry |
Russell and Bethiah Eldredg^marage have fulfild their appoint^ment and that that it was |
Consumated and Carried on in a good degree orderly so far as they discovered |
Elisa Hathway request |
This meeting is Informed that Elisabeth Hathaway Widdow hath removed with |
her family on RhodIsland and desires^a removal Certificate for her Self and Daughters |
Recommening them to the monthly meeting ther to |
Lydia Barker request |
Lydia Barker Informes this meeting she is a bout to remove with her family |
within the compass of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a |
Certificate for herself and daughter thereto |
Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to mak enquir into their |
Lives and conversations and if nothing appears to hinder to prepare Certificates |
and bring to next monthly meeting |
Martha Green removed |
This meeting is Informed that that Martha Green is gone to reside within ye |
verg of Greenwich monthly meeting, and agreeable to rule requires a Certificat |
Eunice Taber and Marcy Slocum are appointed to make enquiry into her |
Life and Conversation and if nothing appears to hinder to draw one therto |
and bring to next monthly meeting |
Louis Sherman to be informd |
Ruth Tucker is desired to acquint Louis[e] Shearman of her denial |
Epistle Recd |
Received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting^red and kindly accepted |
Joan: Gifford overser |
Joanna Gifford is appointed overseer of Disorders |
5 month 1780 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 15th of 5th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Marcy Slocum and Hannah^Mosher both present |
Elisa Gifford & Louis Sherman inform’d |
Hannah Mosher informs this meeting She hath notified Elisabeth Gifford of her denial |
Ruth Tucker Report She hath Informed Louis[e] Shearman of her denial |
Alice Slocum to be Received |
The Friends appointed to treat with Alice Slocum concerning her di^sorderly |
Conduct Report that She is in a condesendin disposition, and willing to take |
friends advice so far that they do receiv her into membership again; provided |
Causes her paper of acknowledgment to be read publickly at the close of a first |
day meeting between this and next monthy meting She being present |
Marcy Slocum is appointed to the place of an overseer |
Ruth Anthony Clearness |
The Friends appointed to enquire into Ruth Anthonys Clearness respecting^marrig |
and conversation, Report they find nothig to hinder their proceeding |
Barnabus Jur Mosher Answer |
Barnabus Mosher and Ruth Anthony appeared for their Answer |
their answer was, they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at |
Some convenient time before the next monthly meeting: advising with the |
Overseers; who are Sarah Plow Howland and Susanna Smith: and they to |
make report next monthly meeting |
Elisa Hatha way Certi- ficate |
Signed a removal Certificate on behalf of Elisabeth Hathaway and her Chil= |
=dren Namely Elisabeth, Jonah, Lydia, Mary, and George Recomending them |
to the monthly meeting at RoadIsland |
Lydia Barker Certificate |
Likwise Signed one for Lydia Barker and her daughters Recommending |
them to the Ninepartners monthly meeting, the Childrens names are, Phebe, |
Elisabeth, Sarah and Rebeckah |
Certificate |
Signed a Certificate for Martha Green Recommending her to Greenwich ~ |
monthly meeting |
Rose Russell complined of |
Received a Complaint from the Overseers of the poor, against Rose Russells |
disorderly conduct in many respects; for which we appoint Mary Shearman |
and Ruther Tucker to Joine with the overseers to Labour with her agreeable to |
her Circumstance and the direction of Truth |
Complaint against Apphaer Mosher |
Some of the Overseers Inform this meeting, that they have had oppertunity |
with Apphia Mosher concerning her having a Child unlawfully, and her not |
to present Quallified to make friends Satisfaction: This meeting appoints Alice |
Anthony and Deborah Hayden to Labour with her for her recovery, and that the |
The Truth may be cleared from Such Groos Scandels ~ Collected 5s/10d Lawful mony |
6 month 1780 |
At a Monthly Meeeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 6th month 1780 |
The Representatives call’d Deborah Allen present |
Alice Slocums acknowledgment hath been read Since last monthly meeting, is as follows |
Alice Slocum acknowledg ment |
To the Monthly meeting of friends to be held ye 15th of ye 11th month 1780 |
Whereas I through unwatchfulness have so far gone a Stray as to get into bad |
Company and going to frollicks all which am Sorry for and condemn, desiring |
Friends so far to pass it by as to Let me remain under their care and I am in |
hopes I shall be more careful in future. From your friend Alice Slocum |
Barrabas Mosher Jur marriage |
The Friends appinted to have the oversight of Barnabus Mosher and Ruth |
Anthonys marriage make report they attended according to appointment |
and it was consumated and conducted orderly so far as they discovered. |
John Lloyd Certificat |
Received a Certificate on behalf of our Friend John Lloyd from a monthly |
meeting held in Guined[Gwynedd] in the County Philidelphia in Pensylvania bearing |
date the 25th of ye 4 month 1780. Which ^was kindly Received with his Labours of Love |
among us |
Ann Almy Certificate |
Received a Removal Certificate from Newport monthly meeting in behalf |
of Anne Almy wife of Job Almy which is accepted |
Stephen Buffinton Certificate |
Received a removal Certifiate from Swanzey monthly meeting in behalf of |
Stephen Buffinton and his wife Sarah Buffinton with their Children as |
members to this meeting |
Apphiar Mosher Case |
The Committee that was appointed Labour with Aphia Mosher for |
her being guilty of the Sin of Fornication make report they have fulfilled |
their appointment and do not find her in a disposi^tion to make friends Satis- |
=faction at present, for which this meeting appoints the Same friends |
to draw a paper of denial against the Said Apphia Mosher and bring |
to the next monthly meeting |
Meriah Smith under dealing |
Some of the Overseers informs this meeting that Meriah Smith hath been in |
the practice of attending meetings held out of the Unity of friends for which |
She hath been laboured with for, but she still countenances the same, this meet= |
=ing appoints Hannah Tucker Sarah Gifford and Deborah Hayden to labour fur= |
ther with her for her disorderly proceeding; and make report next monthly meeting |
& Patience disorder |
This meeting is Informed that Mary Taber and her daughter Patience |
have withdrawn themselves from friends meeting, and attend such meetings |
as are held out of the unity of Friends; and Likwise the daughters dress is no |
ways agreeable to our principles and Profession: For which Marcy Slocum |
and Keziah Russell are appointed a comittee to Labour withem for their |
help according to the direction of Truth; and they to make report next |
monthly meeting |
Sent up to Quarterly meeting |
The Queries have been read and answers prepared and an Epistle |
Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
Alice Anthony and Sarah Howland: and they ^to make report to next monthly |
meeting |
Marth Slocum referd |
Martha Slocums Certificate is refered another month |
Collected at this meeing 0-4s-10d LM [Lawful Money] |
7 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 7th month 1780 |
The Represetatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen ~ Alice Anthny [Anthony] present |
The matter concerning Meriah Smith is refered under the Same friends care until |
next monthly meeting |
Q meeting not attended |
The friends appinted to attend the Qarterly meeting inform they have not attended |
and gave Such reasons as this meeting accepts of |
Epistles Recd |
Nevertheless we received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting and one from |
Philidelphia for Pensylvania and New Jersey the latter bearing date |
the 10th of the Second month 1779 which was read and Kindly accepted |
Martha Slocum request |
Martha Slocum desires a Certificate for herself and children Recommending |
them back to Rhod Island monthly meeting: Amie Barker and Mary Smith |
are appoited to make enquiry into their lives and conversations and if nothing |
appears to hinder they they to draw and bring one to next monthly meeting |
Jonathan Hart & wife Ceertif te |
Received a Removal Certificate in behalf of Jonathan Hart and his |
Wife Experience and child Martha from Smithfield monthly meeting |
wa which is accepted ~ Collected 0-10s-9d Lawful money |
Order on Treasurer |
The Treasurer is desired to answer Thomas Russells accompt |
which is 1£1s-0d and make report to next monthly meeting |
Apphia Mosher denial Signd |
Signed a paper of Denial against Apphia Mosher which is to be |
Read publickly between this and next monthly meeting, at the close of |
a first day meeting of Worship |
Mary Taber & Patience Taber Case |
One of the Committee appointed to treat with Mary Taber and her |
daughter Patience for their Neglecting the attending our Religious meetings |
and freequenting meetings held out of the unity of friends: and Likewise |
Patience dressing dixagreeable to the plainess our profession leads to, make |
report, She visited the famaly with a Committy of men friends appointed |
for the Same purpose, and they found no Satisfaction, there fore this meet- |
-ing appoints Sarah Anthony and Sarah Howland to draw a paper of denial |
against them and bring to next monthly meeting |
1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21st of 8th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Judith Russell ad Susanna Allen both present |
Meriah Smith disowned |
The Committee appoin^ted to treat with Meriah Smith concerning her |
disorderly prceeding, make report, they have had an oppertunity with her |
and She noways Condemns her proceeding, nor gave them any encouragment |
of dissisting therfrom: Therefore this meeting denies her of any right |
to membership; and do appoint Sarah Anthony and Deborah Hicks |
to draw a paper of denial a gainst her, and acquaint her with the |
proceeding of the meeting and bring said paper to next monthly meeting, |
Except they discover Some alteration of her mind |
Treasurer report |
The Treasurer informs She hath answerd Thomas Russell acompt |
which is 1£-1s-0d Lawful money |
A Paper of Denial against Apphia Mosher hath been read |
agreeable to the conclusion of last monthly meeting and is as followeth |
Testimony against Apphia Mosher |
Whereas Apphia Mosher daughter of Joseph Mosher ^Deceased and Joanna his wife |
Having had her Education amoung Friends, but thro unwatchfulness and |
and disregarding the Testimony of Truth in her own heart, hath so far departed |
therefrom as to be found guilty of the Repr^ochful Sin of Fornication as appears |
by her having a child whilst in an unmarried State; and friends having |
Labour with her in Love in order for her recovery but our Labour^not having its |
desired Effect to friends Satisfaction: Therefore this meeting is concern’d for |
the mantaing our Chrstian Testimony and the preservation of our the prfessors |
thereof from the reprach of Such practices, Do hereby, publickly disow her |
the said Apphia Mosher from being a member of our Religious Society and |
and from under the care of this meeting untill by unfeigned repentanc She |
Shall return to the way of Truth and find marcy with the Lord |
Given forth & Signed in and on behalf of our monthly |
} |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 7th month 1780: By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Mary Smith disorder |
This meeting is Inform’d that Mary Smith Daughter of Jonathan Smith |
appears to be in many practices out of the unity of friends that in particurly |
of resorting and keeping company with those of pernishious and hurtful |
consequencs out of the Truth, and her dressing and fashoning herself out of |
Plainess that our principles leads to: Therefore this meeting appoints Alice |
Anthony and Susanna Russell to labour with her in Love to bring her to |
a Sight of her iniquitious practices, and they to make report next |
monthly meeting or when ready |
Martha Slocum Case referd |
The matter concerning Martha Slocum having a Certifiate is refered |
another month under the Same friends care |
Denial Signd against Wm Taber & wife [&] two Children |
A paper of denial was Signed in this meeting against William Taber |
and Mary his Wife and their two children, Edward, and Patience Taber : |
Which is to be read publickly at the close of Some meeting of Worship before |
next monthly meeting |
Appha Mosher to be informd |
Martha Allen is appointed to acquaint Apphia Mosher of her denial and |
make report to next monthly meeting |
This meeting is Adjourned to the 30th day of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 30th of ye 8th month 1780 Representatives both present |
Complaint against Elisa Smith |
Some of the Overseers Informes this meeting that Elisabeth Smith appears |
to be in the practice of attending Meetings held out of the Unity of friends |
Therefore this meeting appoints Hannah Tucker and Alice Anthony to labour |
further to bring her to a Sight of her disorderly proceedings; and they |
to make report to next monthly meeting |
Mary Duel Case |
Joanna Gifford is added to the former Committee that was appointed to |
Treat with Mary Duel [Devol, Davoll] concerning her disorderly proceedings and they to |
make report when ready |
Ann Giffor con- cern to Visit Salem meet ing |
Our Friend Ann Gifford Informes this meeting that She hath a concern |
on her mind to Visit Salem Quarterly meeting: which ^this meeting concurs with and Signed |
a Certificate thereto |
9 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18- of 9th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Hannah Mosher both present |
Meriah Smith case referd |
The matter concerning Meriah Smith is refer’d another month under the Same |
Friends care |
Denial to be drawn against Mary Smith |
The friends tha Labured with Mary Smith for her misconduct make |
Report, they found no Sattisfaction and think best She Should be denied: |
This meeting takeing up with said report do deny her any right of |
membership and do appoint Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen to draw |
a paper of denial agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting |
Catherine Howland is appointed to acquaint mary Smith of her denial |
and make report the next monthly meeting |
Apphia Mosher inform’d |
Martha Allen reports She hath acquainted Apphia Mosher of her denial |
Elisa Smith Case referd |
The matter concerning Elisabeth Smith is refered another month under |
the Same friends care |
Sent Up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read and answers prepared in this meeting an |
Epistle Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting with our said |
answers, by our Representatives who are Marcy Slocum and Deborah Allen |
and they to make report next monthly meeting ~ Collected 5£-0-0 old Tenner |
Hum: Sherman proposal of marriag |
Humphry Shearman and Mercy Lapham declar’d their Intentions of |
marriag at this meeting at this meeting and were desired to waite for |
their answer till next monthly meeting ~ Deborah Hicks and Sarah Gifford |
are appointed to make enquiry into the young Womans Clearness respecting |
marriage and Conversation, and make report next monthly meeting |
Report on account of Visiting friends families |
The Visiters brought in a report of their prceeding on the account of |
Visiting the familys of this monthly monthly meeting which this meeting |
accepts of, and think proper Should go on Record; And is as Follweth |
Whereas some time past Some Friends were appointed to assist the |
Overseers in Treating with Some of our Neglegent members, and Some |
thus appointed, with Some other Friends, having had a concern on |
their minds to Joine and make a General Visit to friends families |
throuout our Monthly meeting, for the Reviveal of our Antient Discipline |
In Stiring up the careless, Lukwarm, Indolent members, to Love and |
good works, and haviing Drawings in our minds, not only to the |
disobedient, but those that are Setting their faces Zion-ward^in order to incourage |
and Strengthen one another: With desires that ye wast places may yet be |
Rebuilt; And by being willing to be obedient our weak minds were Strengthend |
from Time to time through the many Deep Exercisses of mind, in so weighty a |
Service; & find Peace and Satisfaction therein, Which is Sificient Reward |
After having accomplishing Said Visit, which in general was well accepted |
yet not without Some Exceptions in Some perticurler families |
State of the meeting |
And Now it remains to give Some account of the State of friends in our meeting |
We Trust there are Some that are Labouring to do their day’s work in the |
day time, which we beleive desarves a word of Incouragement, though |
the true Seed Seems to be Low, So that it might be truly Said as formerly |
By w^home Shall Jacob, or the true Seed arise, which is in our apprehention |
but Small and much pressed down with the many things that are hurtful |
Especialy, by the Love of money, Pride, and forgitfulness of God. |
Dated in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 9th month 1780 |
Freborn Rider |
Thomas Hicks |
Susanna Smith |
Abiel Gifford |
Debrah Hicks |
adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to ye 27th of this Instant month |
mett |
Mett by adjourn^ment ye 27th of 9th month 1780 Representatives both present |
10 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth 16th of 10th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland both present |
Meriah Smith Case referd |
The matter concerning Meriah Smith is Refered another month by her |
Request and under the Same Committees notice |
Mary Smith denial signd & she informd |
Signed a paper of denial against Mary Smith which is to be read pub= |
=lickly at the close of a first day meeting of Worship |
Elisa Smith Case referd |
Catherine Howland hath Informed Mary Smith her denial |
The matter Concerning Elisabeth Smith is continued another month |
Return from Q meeting Epistle recd |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Inform they attended |
agreeable to appointment; Likwise Received an Epistle from the Same |
which was read to the real comfort and Satisfaction of the upright hearted |
among us |
Mehitable Akin disownd |
The Overseers Informs this meeting that Mehitabel Akin now the wife of |
Timothy Akin hath latly married out of the Unity of Friends and that they |
went Several times before marriage in order to Treat with her but She would |
not give them opertunity to Speak with her: this meeting finding themselves |
Clear, without any further Labour, do deny her of any right to membership |
among friends and do appoint Elisabeth Ricketson to acquaint her of her |
Denial and inform the next monthly meeting |
Marcy Lap= ham Clear= ness |
The friends appointed to make enquiry into Marcy Lapham clearness |
respecting marriage and conversation report they find nothing to hinder their |
proceeding. |
Answer |
Humphry Shearman and Marcy Lapham appeared for their answer |
And their answer was, They may proceed to take each other in marriage |
at some convenent time before the next monthly meeting Advising with |
withe overseers who are Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith and they to make |
report next monthly meeting |
Testamony of denial against Wm Taber & Mary Taber his wife & Patience & Edward their son & daugh= ter |
A Paper of denial hath been read against William Tabor and Mary Taber |
his wife and their children Edward and Patience Tabers; and is as followeth |
Whereas William Taber and Mary Taber his wife, and Edward Taber |
and Patience Taber their Son and daughter, all having made profession |
with us the people called Quakers and been under the care of this meeting |
But hath so far departed from the principles we profess so as to fequent [frequent] |
meetings held out of the Unity of our Society, and Join in publick Worship |
with them that are disowed by us the afore sd people: and the said Patience |
also appearing disagreeable in Some of her dress: and friends having |
Laboured much in Love to reclaim them from Such practices but our Labours |
not having its desired effect to Friends Satisfaction, and they continue to |
Justify themselves therein; Therefor for the maintaining the principels we |
Profess we are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against them the |
Said William Taber, Edward Taber, Mary Taber, and Patience^Taber hereby |
disowning them from being in Unity with us and from Under the care of |
this meeting: yet if it Should be agreeable to Divine goodness that they be |
Restored to the way of Truth a^nd find Marcy, is our Sincear desire |
Given forth and Signed in & on behalf of our monthly |
} |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 8th month 1780 By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Martha Slocum Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate Recommending Martha Slocum and her |
Children back to Rhod Island monthly meeting |
Ann Gifford certificate returnd |
Our Friend Ann Gifford Returned her Certificate to this meeting which |
She hath had to travel to Salem Quarterly meeting ~ with their Reception of |
her Labour of Love amoung them Indorssed on the back of said Certificate25 |
Freeborn Rider Minite |
Signed a Coppy of a miniut made in this meeting Signifying our Unita |
Unity and concurrence, with our Friend Freborn Riders intended Visit |
to the Long Plain Quarterly meeting held for Sandwich |
Revise to minits Settle with Treasurer |
Susanna Smith and Silvia Smith are appointed to Revise and correct the |
miniuts and Settle with the Treasurer, and make repor next monthly meeting |
11 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 11th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Deborah Gifford and Ann Butts both present |
Meriah Smith |
The matter concerning Meriah Smith is continued another month by her request |
Paper of [d]enial against Mary Smith daughter of Jonathan |
A paper of Denial against Mary Smith hath been read agreeable to the |
Conclusion of last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth |
Whereas Mary Smith Daughter of Jonathan Smith and Silvia his wife |
having had a birthright amoungst us the people called Quakers but hath |
So far departed from our principle as to very much absent herself from |
our Religious Meetings; also appearing in Habbit, Conversation, and |
Conduct far from that Simple plainess we profess |
And Friends having Laboured with her in love to convince her of the |
Evil tendency therof, but our labour not having its desired Effect |
Mary Smith |
nor She manifesting any desire to remain under friends care; ~ |
Therefore we do hereby disown the said Mary Smith from being one in |
unity with us, and from under our care; yet that She may be convinced |
of the Evil thereof and return to the way of truth is our Sencear desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our |
( Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth |
( Susanna Smith Clerk |
the 16 day of ye 10 month 1780. |
Elisa: Smith disowned |
The Committee that had the matter concerning Elisabeth ^Smith under their Care |
report, they have discharged themselves, and find no Satisfaction; this |
meeting^[finds]there hath been Sufficient labour besto^wed, do deny her from |
having any right of membership amonung us, and from under the care |
of this meeting; and do appoint Alice Anthony and Deborah Hayden to |
Draw a paper of denial against the Said Elisabeth Smith, agreeable to |
her offence and bring to the next monthly meeting |
Mehit: Akin informed |
Elisabeth Ricketson Informs that she hath acquainted Mehitabel Akin |
wife of Timothy Akin of her denial |
Humphry Shearman Married |
The Friends that had the Oversight of Humphry Shearman and Marcy |
Laphams marriage make report. they attended and it was consumated |
and conducted in a ^good degree Orderly so far as they discovered |
Minniuts not Revisd |
The Committee that was appoint to Revise the minnits and Settle with |
the Treasurer. have not accomplish’d it they are continued in the Same |
Service and make report next monthly meeting |
Ruth Sowl acknowledgment |
Ruth Sowle brought a few lines to this meeting, condemning her |
marrying out of the Unity of Friend: Hannah Mosher and Joanna |
Gifford are appointed to take the proper care to Inspect into the Sencerity |
of her acknowledgment and make report when ready |
Joshua Potter request |
Joshua Potter desires to be taken under the care of this meeting |
and likwise request for his Small children whose names are Easther |
Zilpha, Gardner, Phebe, Patience, and Apphia; his two Eldest daughters |
Request for themselves Mary and Rhoda Potter |
Hannah Mosher Joannah Gifford and Martha Allen are appointed |
to Joine the men friends in regard of Joshua Potter requesting for |
himself and family; to See wheither they are Worthy to be received |
amoung Friends; and they to make report when Ready |
Epistle Recd |
Received a coppy of the last yearly meetings Epistle held at Rod Island |
containing good and Seasonable advises which was truly acceptable among us |
Robart Barker proposal of marriage |
Robert Barker and Ruth Tucker made proposals of marriage^with eacch other before |
this meeting and wear Desired to wait for their answer until next |
Monthly Meeting; ~ Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed |
to make enquiry into Ruth Tucker clearness respecting^marriage and conversation |
and make report next monthly meeting |
Mary [Duel] disowned |
The Committee that have had the matter under their care concerning |
Mary Duels [Devoll’s, Davol’s] disorderly walking make report, they have had Several |
oppertunities with her and^found no Satisfaction, She not having any Sight or |
Sense of her falling Short: therefore this meeting finding freedom to Testify |
against and do deny her from under their care or right to membership and |
do appoint Alice Anthony and Sarah Gifford to draw a paper of denial |
against the Said Mary Duel, and bring to the next Monthly meeting |
Miniuts Revisd Settld with Treasurer |
The Committee appointed to Correct and Revise this meetings |
Miniutes, and Settle accompts with the Treasurer report that they have |
Answered their appointment, and there remain in ye Stock 11£-2s-0d old tennor |
12 month 1780 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 ye12th month 1780 |
The Representatives are Sarah Anthony and Abigail Shepherd both present |
[El]isab: Smith [d]enial Sign’d |
The Committee that was appointed to draw a paper of denial against Elisabeth |
Smith have presented one, Which is Signed and to be read at New Town at the Close |
of Some first day meeting of Worship between this and next monthly meeting |
[F]reborn Rider minit Returnd |
Our Friend Freeborn Rider hath returned a Coppy of a Minite that she had to |
Visit Sanwich Quarterly meeting: With an Endorsment, Signifying their unity and |
Satisfaction with her Visit and Labour of Love |
Ruth Tucker Clearness |
The friends appointed to make enquiry into Ruth Tuckers Clearness respecting |
marriage and Conversation make report they find nothing to hinder their |
proceedings |
[R]obert Barker answer |
Robart Barker and Ruth Tucker appearing for their answer, their answer |
was they might proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some Convenient |
time before the next monthly meeting: adviseing with the overseers, who are |
Hannah Tucker and Judith Russell, and they to make report next monthly meeting |
Mary Duel referd |
Mary Dewel [Devoll. Davol] hath made Some Acknoledgment for her misconduct, which hath |
Stopt friends proceeding against her; and the matter is Continued under the Same |
former Committees care, who are Alice Anthony Deborah Gifford and Joanna Gifford |
and they to take the proper care to find whether She is Sincear in what She hath |
offered: which her fruits will make manifest: and they to make report when ready |
Adjournd |
This meeting is Ajournd to the 27th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 27th of the 12th month 1780 Representatives not present |
The Queries hath been read, and answers prepared and approved: and the Epistle |
[Se]nt up to [Q] meeting |
Signed, and ^all to be Sent up to Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Susanna Smith and Sarah Howland; and they to make report next monthly meeting |
[1] month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 1st month 1781 |
The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford both present |
A Denial against Elisabeth Smith hath been read agreeable to the last monthly |
meeting and is as followeth |
[E]lisa Smith [d]enial |
Whereas Elisabeth Smith wife of Joseph Smith having long made Profession |
with us the people called Quakers; and of late hath so far departed there from |
as to attend meetings held out of the of Unity of our Society and Joine in publick |
Worship with them who are disowned by us the people afore said: And friends |
having bestowed much Labour of love to convince her of the Evil tendency thereof |
but it not having the desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction, and she continuing |
to Justify herself therein: all which being so contrary to our profession, and these |
Rules and orders of our Society that friends are consrained to give this forth as a |
a publick Testimony against her the Said Elisabeth Smith. hereby disowning her |
from being one in Unity with us and from under our care; But that She may be |
Convinced of the evil of her outgoing is our Sincear desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 12th month 1780 By Susanna Smith Clerk |
Robart Barker Married |
The Comittee that had the oversight of Robart Barkers marriage report they |
have fulfilled their appointment: and so far as they discovered it was consu= |
=matted Orderly |
[H]annah Ben -nett request [C]ertif |
Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into the |
Life and Conversation of Hannah Bennet, wife of Robert Bennet and if nothing |
appears to hinder to draw a Certificate on her behalf and bring to the next monthly |
meeting it is to be directed to Rhod Island monthly meeting |
[com]plaint [a]gainst Alice Slo- com |
This meeting is Informd by one of the overseers that Alice Slocum appears to |
be in the practice of resorting at places where undue liberty is taken of musick |
and dancing, and keeping company with those that are out of the Unity of friends |
For which much labour hath been bestowed it not having the desired Effect |
Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to labour |
further with her and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Return from Q meeting |
One of the Representatives Inform that She attended our Quarterly meeting |
the other friend informs She did not, by reason of indisposition of body we |
Received an Epistle from the Same which was read to good Satisfaction to the |
Honnest hearted among us with desires that the Seasonable advice contained |
may be observed and put in practice |
Phebe Sisson request |
Phebe Sisson hath desired her Children may be taken under the care of this |
meeting: Hannah Mosher and Joanna Gifford are appointed to Inspect into the |
Circumstance and Sencerity of Said request and make report when ready |
Deb Wood disownd |
Some of the Overseers inform that Deborah Wood wife of Stephen Wood hath maried |
out of the unity of Friends; and that She hath been Sutiably and timly admonshed |
for which this meeting doth deny her from under our care, and from having any |
Right of membership in our Society and do appoint Keziah Russell to inform her |
of her denial |
Nat: Sisson proposal of marriage |
Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford made proposals of marriage with Each |
other before this meeting: and were desired to wait for their answer until next |
monthly meeting Joanna Gifford and Rhoda Mott are appointed to make Enquiry |
into the young woman’s clearness respecting marriage and conversation and |
make report next monthly meeting |
Nat Gifford & wife ac= knowledgt |
Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel his wife hath made Some acknowledgment |
to this meeting for their being Guilty of the Sin of fornication: this meeting appoints |
Deborah Allen and Deborah Hayden to Joine the men friends to Inspect into the |
Sencerity thereof and they to make report when ready |
2 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 2nd month 1781 |
The Representatives are Silvester Howland & Mehitable Tucker: Mehitabel present |
Grace Gifford Clearness |
The Friends appointed to make enquiry into Grace Giffords Clearness respecting |
marriage and conversation make report they find nothing to hinder their proceeding |
Nat Sisson answer |
Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford appeared for their answer; Which was |
They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time |
before next monthly meeting, adviseing with the overseers who are Hannah Mosher |
and Rhoda Mott |
Joshua Potter Children Recd |
The Committee that was appointed to have the matter under their care concerning |
Joshua Potters children, make report they found pretty good Satisfaction and think |
they may be received: In consideration thereof this meeting Receives them into |
Membership and under the care of this meeting, their names being Mary, Rhoda |
Esther, Zilpha, Phebe, Patience, Apphia Potters |
Ruth Sowle & Children Recd |
The friends that had that matter under their care Respecting Ruth Sowls Request |
=ing for her Self and her three daughter to be taken under friends care, they make |
Report, they found good Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting accepts |
her acknowledgment, and Receives her with her daughters Susanna, Mary, and |
Thankful, Sowles under the care of this meeting |
Alice Slocum to be denied |
The Committee that was appointed to deal and Labour with Alice Slocum for her |
misconduct make report, they have fulfilled their appointment, She not having a |
Sight thereof, gave us no Satisfaction: this meeting finding themselves clear |
do appoint Alice Anthony and Sarah Gifford to draw a paper of denial against her |
agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting |
Ha:n Bennet Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Hannah Bennet Recommeding her as a |
member to RhodIsland monthly meeting |
Mehit: Maxfield request |
Mehitable Maxfield Request to come under^the care of this meeting, Sarah Anthony and |
Deborah Gifford are appointed to Inspect the Sincerity of her request, whither |
the motive is from true Conviction; and they to make report when Ready |
3 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 3d month 1781 |
The Representatives are Amie Barker and Deborah Gifford both present |
Nat: Sisson Married |
The Committee appointed to have the oversight of Nathaniel Sissons and |
Grace Giffords marriage report, that they attended said marriage and for |
what they discovered it was conducted orderly |
Alice Slocm denial signd |
Signed a paper of denial against Alice Slocum that is to be read Publickly at the Close |
of Some first meeting of Worship before the next monthly meeting |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read, answers prepared, and an Epistle Sign’d and to |
be sent up to our Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Judith Russell, |
Sarah Howland, and Silvester Howland; and they to make report to next monthly |
meeting |
[D]avid Brooks Thos Sattergood Visit |
We ware favoured with the Company of our Friend David Brooks of deep |
River Gifford County in North Carolina: likwise our friend John Foreman at |
Gwinnedd in the Province of Pensylvania with Thomas Scattergood of Phlidelphia |
with Some lines by way of Certificate with their Labours of love which was |
truly comfortable to the honest hearted amongst us Likwise the Company of our |
Friend Seth Coffin from a monthly meeting held at deep river |
Deb: Wood inform’d |
Keziah Russell Informes this meeting that she hath acquainted Deborah |
Wood of her denial |
[S]eth Hart [p]roposal of marriage |
Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony made Proposals of marriage before this meeting |
and were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting Deborah |
Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry into ^the young womans clear |
-ness respecting marriage and Conversation and make report to next monthly meeting |
few lines for Freborn Rider |
Signed a few lines on behalf of our Friend Freeborn Rider Signifying our Unity |
with her intended Visit within the Verge of Sanwich Quarterly meeting |
Abig Devoal Certifi |
Received a removal Certificat on behalf of Abigail Devol [Devoll, Davol] wife of |
Abner Devol from Sandwich monthly meeting which is accepted |
Han: Bowdish Certifte |
Received a Removal Certificate from Swanzey monthly meeting on behalf of |
Hannah Bowdish wife of William Bowdish which is accepted |
Prince Potter request |
Prince Potter and his Wife Hannah desires for themselves and for their Children to be |
Taken under the care of this meeting: Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith are ap- |
-pointed to take the proper care to Visit the family and Joine the men friends to find |
whether they are worthy to be received into membership and make report when ready |
adjourn’d |
This Meeting Adjourns to next fourth day come week |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 28 of 3 month 1781 Representatives call’d Deborah Gifford present |
Meriah Smith denial to be draw’d |
The Committee appointed to labour with Meriah Smith make report they have |
Laboured with her from time to time, and She continues in the practice of going to |
Seperate meeting, and gives no Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting being |
clear do appoint Alice Anthony and Barsheba Howland to draw a paper of denial |
against Said meriah and bring to the next monthly meeting |
[E]sther Allen confestion |
Esther Allen Sent in a paper condemning her marrying out from amoung friends |
Judith Russell and Susanna Russell are appointed to Visit said Esther the better |
to understand whether She is Sincear, and they to make report when ready |
Mary Sear= man Jur &c acknolegment |
Mary Shearman, Deborah Sherman, Rhoda Ricketson, Amie Barker and Lydia |
Howland hath handed in a few lines Condemning their gathering in places |
where undue liberty is taken which this meeting accepts of provoided they |
Cause Said paper to be read at the close of Some meeting of Worship on firt day |
they being present |
[A]dam Mott [S]usan Giffod Russell [t]estimony |
Signed in this meeting Some Testimonies concerning our Esteemed Friend |
Adam Mott Susanna Gifford and Paul Russell, which Testimonies are to be |
Sent up to our^next Quarterly meeting at Smithfield |
[4] month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 4th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Mary Smith both present |
The denial against Alice Slocum hath been read agreeable to the last monthly |
meetings Conclustion ~ and is followeth |
Alice Slocum denial |
Whereas Alice Slocum daughter of Peleg Slocum haveing had a right of member- |
-ship among us the people called Quakers in Dartmouth, and been under the care |
of our meeting but hath so far departed from the principles we profess as to be |
in the practice of frequenting places where undue Liberty is taken Such as -- |
musick and Dancing and keeping company with those not of our Society |
For which she hath been much laboured with in love to convince her of the |
Evil tendency of Such conduck, but our labours not having the desired Effect to |
friends satisfaction: therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends from the |
reproach thereof, we give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the sd |
Alice Slocum hereby disowning her from being one in Unity with us and from |
under our care |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly By |
} |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth 19 of 3 month 1781 |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Return from Q meeting |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report, they have |
fulfil’d their appointment; by whome we received an Epistle that was |
read to good Satisfaction containing much Seasonable advice therein |
Freborn Rider Certi returnd |
Our Friend Freeborn Rider hath returned our Certificate that She had |
to Visit Sandwich Quarterly meeting: with the concuren^ce and the Unity |
they had whilst amoung them |
Mary Sherman & company paper read |
Mary Shearman, Deborah Shearman, Rhoda Ricketson, Amie Barker |
and Lydia Howland, hath caused their acknowledgement to be read |
according to the advice of Last monthly meetinge |
Abig Anthony clearness |
The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Abigail Anthonys clear |
-ness respecting marriage and conversation make report they find nothing |
hinder their proceeding |
Seth Harts Answer |
Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony appeared for thir answer: which was |
they may proceed to take Each other in marriage, at Some convenient time |
before next monthly meeting, adviseing with^the Overseers who are Deborah |
Hayden and Susanna Smith they to make report next monthly meeting |
Meriah Smith denial Signd |
Signed a paper of denial against Meriah Smith which is to be read |
Publickly at the close of Some first day meeting of Worship before the next |
monthly meeting |
Han: Sherman disowned & to be informd |
The overseers Inform that Hannah Shearman wife of Caleb Shearman |
hath lately married out of the Unity of Friends, after being precausioned |
In consideration thereof this meeting doth deny her from having any |
Right of membership and from under the care of this meeting: and |
Alice Anthony and Barsheba Howland are appointed to acquaint Hannah |
Shearman of her denial; and likwise if any thing appears against her |
that She was guilty of while under ^our care, they should draw a publick Denial and |
bring to the monthly meeting |
Freeborn Rider and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Inform Meriah Smith |
of her denial and make report next monthly meeting |
Certi: to be prepar’d for Henry How land and family |
This meeting is Inform’d that Henry Howland hath removed with his |
Family within the Verge of Accoakset monthly meeting: Alice Anthony and |
Sarah Anthony are appointed to Joine the men friends in preparing Certificats |
for the family if they find nothing to hinder and bring to next monthly meeting |
1781 |
At a Monthly meet of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21st of 5th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Hannah Wood both present |
Seth Hart Married |
The Committee that had the oversight of Seth Hart^& Abigail Anthony marriage |
Report they attended according to appointment, and that it was consumated |
and conducted to Satisfaction |
This meeting is Inform’d that the denial of Meriah Smith hath been read |
Publickly by the director of last monthly meeting, and is as followeth |
Testimony against Meriah Smith |
Whereas Meriah Smith Wife of John Smith of Dartmouth having made Pro- |
-fession with us the people called Quakers, and been under the care of our meeting |
But hath So far departed from the principles We profess as to attend meetings |
held out of the Unity of our Society, and Joine in publick Worship with them |
that are not own’d by us the afore said people and friends having bestowed |
much labour in love to convince her of the Evil tendency therof but our |
Labour not having its desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction and She |
Continues to Justify herself therein: therefore We are concerned |
To give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the Said Meriah |
Smith hereby disowning her from being one in Unity with us and from under |
our Care; Yet that She may so walk as to find marcy is our Sincear Desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of |
William Anthony Jur Clerk |
our monthly meeting of friends held in |
By Susanna Smith Clerk |
Dartmouth the 16th day of the 4 month 1781 |
[M]eriah Smith inform’d |
This meeting is Inform’d the Committee hath informd Meriah Smith of |
her denial according to appointment |
[Jo]s: Gifford Ju [r]equest |
This meeting is inform’d that Joseph Gifford Jur hath removed with his |
family within the compass of Sandwich monthly meeting and Desires our Certi- |
-ficate thereto Kaziah Russell and Mary Tucker are appointed to make Enquiry |
Respecting their lives and Circumstances in order to prepare a Certificate if |
nothing appears to Hinder and bring to next monthly meeting |
[Pr]ince Potter wife and [ch]ildren Received |
The Committee that was appointed to have the matter under their care concern |
-ing Prince Potters family make report they have had Several oppertunities |
and found pretty good satisfaction, and are willing they should be received |
In consideration thereof this meeting Receives them under their care, namly |
Prince Potter and Hannah his wife, with their Children Elisabeth, Samuel, Seth |
Mary, Joseph, Benjamin, Abner and Lydia Potters |
[E]dward Thurston family disowned |
We are Informed from the mens meeting that they have concluded to deny |
Edward Thurton, and Parnel his wife with all their Children from under our care |
or from any right of membership, if the Womens meeting concurs therewith |
which they do |
[a]djourned |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this Instant |
[m]ett |
Mett according to adjournment The Representatives both present |
[M]ehitabel [M]axfield [r]eceived |
The Committee appointed concerning Mehitabel Maxfield requesting |
to be takeing under the care of this meeting report they found pritty good |
Satisfaction and think She may be received into membership; In consideration |
thereof accepts the report and receives her under the care of this meeting |
[Ju]dith How= [la]nd acknowlgt Recd |
Phebe Slocum and Judith Howland have Sent a paper to this meeting ac- |
knowledging and condemning their Joining a company and assisting in |
prepareing for an entertainment, and going to places where undue liberberty |
is taken: all which they Seem to be Sorry for: in consideration thereof |
this meeting takes up with what they have don for Satisfaction |
[6] Month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 6th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Susanna Wood both present |
[Jo]seph Gifford [r]eferd |
The Committee appointed respecting Joseph Gifford Jur and familys Certifi- |
-cats Signifie they are not ready to bring one to this meeting |
[Es]ther Allen [ac]knowledg [m]ent recd |
The Committee appointed to Inspect the Sencerity of Esther Allens acknow- |
-ledgment for marrying out of the Unity of friends make report, they found |
pretty good Satisfaction and are willing She should be received in consideration |
thereof this meeting receives her under their care and in membership again |
[vi]sit of furreign [fr]iends [J]ames Thorn [to]n Samue [S]mith |
Received Certificates on behalf of our Worthy friends James Thornton from a |
Monthly meeting at Abington in the Province of Pensyvannia bearing date |
the 19th of 3d month 1781 ~ Samuel Smith from a monthly meeting held at Phi= |
lidelphia by adjournment for the Northen destrict ye 17 of 4 month 1781 |
[T]ho: Carring [t]on |
Thomas Carrington from a monthly meeting held in New Garden ^county in Pensylvania |
held by adjournment ye 7th of 3d month 1781 Whose Testimonies with their labours |
of Love were Eadifying and comfortable to the honest hearted among us |
[D]av Cooper |
Likewise Our friends David Cooper from Haddington monthly meeting held at |
New Jersey the 9 of ye 4 month 1781 |
[Ge]orge [C]hurchman |
George Churchman from a monthly meeting held at Notingham in [?] in |
Maryland the 31 of the 3 month 1781 |
[W]arner [M]ufflin |
Warner Mufflin from a monthly meeting held at Duck Crick in Kent County on |
Deliware by adjournment ye 29 of 4 month 1781 |
Those three last mentioned friends being Recomended as Serviceable Elders |
In Unity whose company are truly acceptable |
Represetaes to Q meeting |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are Kaziah Russell |
Ruth Tucker Elisabeth Kirby and Mary Tucker and they to make report to the |
next monthly meeting |
Adjourn’d |
This meeting concludes and is Adjourned to the 27th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett according to adjournment ye 27 of ye 6 month 1781 Representatives both present |
Abigail Howland Certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Abigail Howland wife of Henry Howlan[d] |
and their daughter Deborah, Recommending them to Accakset [Acoaxet] monthly meeting |
Martha Chace Certifi |
Received a Removal Certificate from Swanzey monthly meeting on |
behalf of Martha Chase wife of Benjamin Chase, Recommending her as a |
member of this meeting, which is accepted |
Abigail Allen Certificate |
Received a Removal Certificate from Ninepartners monthly meeting |
on behalf ^of Abigail Allen Recommending her as a member to this meeting |
which is accepted |
Epistle to Q meetng |
Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting to be sent up by our Repre- |
-sentatives who are as above mentiond |
Certificate |
Signed A Removal Certificate for Joseph Gifford and his wife Hannah with |
their Children Recommending them to Sandwich monthly meeting |
7 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 7th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Silvia Smith both pesent |
Return from Q meeting Epistle recd |
The Representatives appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they |
all attended said meeting except Ruth Tucker by whom we received an |
Epistle from the same, with a Transcript of an Epistle from the last yearly |
meeting of Women friends held at Philidelphia both containing much good |
and seasonable advice |
Phebe Sisson Children Recd |
The Committee that was appointed Some time past to Inspect into the |
Sencerity and circumstance of the widdow Phebe Sissons Children, Inform this |
Meeting, that that they find so much Satisfaction that they are in hopes it |
will be for the best to receive them: this meeting taking up with said report |
doth receive them into membership and under the care of friends the daugh- |
-ter names^are Ruth and Judith Sisson |
8 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 8th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Mary Shearman and Martha Allen both present |
Committee on Joining to Sandwich Quarter |
This meeting appoints Freeborn Rider, Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith |
to confer with a Quarterly meeting Committee of men and women friends |
Respecting Joining Ponaganset and Acoakset monthly meetings to Sand- |
-wich Quarter |
Adjourns |
This meeting Adjournes to the 29th of this Instant month |
mett |
Mett by adjournment ye 29 of 8th month 1781 Representatives both present |
Mary Duel case |
Our Friends Martha Allen and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Joine |
the Committe to treat further with Mary Deuel [Devol, Davoll] concerning her acknow- |
ledgment and they to make report so Soon as may be performed |
Phebe Beard disownd |
The Overseers Inform this meeting they have laboured with Phebe Beard |
for her keeping company with one that is not of our Society, but she hath |
so far persested as to be Published out of the Unity of friends, for which |
She is denied from any right of membership and from being under the care |
of friends; Rebecca Hayden is desired to acquaint said Phebe of her denial |
and make report to next monthly meeting |
Adjourd |
This meeting Adjourns to the 5th day of next month |
mett |
Mett according to adjournment ye 5 of 8 month Reptve Mary Sharman present |
Allen Russell proposal of marriage |
Allen Russell and Abigail Allen made proposals of marriage with Each |
other before this meeting and were desired to wait for their answe till next |
monthly meeting ~ Mary Shearman and Phebe Slocum are appointed to make |
enquiry into the young womans clearness respecting marrage and conver |
-sation and make report next monthly meeting |
9 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 9th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Abigal Shepherd and Bersheba Howland both present |
Susan Maccom ber request a certificate |
Susanna Maccomber desires a Removal Certificate for her Self and daughters |
to the great Ninepartners monthly meeting, Sarah Gifford and Abigail Shepherd |
are appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hinder to Joine the |
men friends in prepareing a Certificate for the family |
Patience Austin request |
Patience Austen desires to be taken under the care of this Meeting; Judith |
Russell and Silvia Smith are desired to make Enquiry and inspect into the |
Sencerity of her request and make report when ready |
Abigail Allen clearness |
The Friends that was appointed to make inquiry into Abigail Allen’s |
Clearness respecting marriage and conversation report they find nothing to |
hinder their proceeding |
Allen Russell Answer |
Allen Russell and Abigail Allen appeared for their; Which was, they |
may proceed to take Each other in marriage before the next monthly meeting |
Advising with the overseers, Who are Hannah Mosher and Joanna Gifford |
they to make report next monthly meeting |
To treat with Howland & daughter |
Joanna Gifford and Martha Chase are appointed to treat with Abigail |
Howland and her daughter Deborah concerning Some disorders appears in them |
which hath been the cause that Acoakset monthly meeting could not accept a |
Recommendation on their account |
Caleb Serman & wife denial Sign’d |
Signed a paper of Denial against Caleb Shearman and his wife Hannah |
which is to be read publickly between now and next monthly meeting at the |
Closs of some publick meeting of Worship |
Commtee to Join Q meeting Comteereport |
The Committee that was appointed to confer with the Quarterly meetings |
Committee make report they have had an Oppertunity according to appointment |
and have brought in their Judgment in said matter, likewise rendread the |
Circumstances given, which Judgment is accepted by the meeting and Signed |
therein by the Clerk and to go to the Quarterly meetings Committee |
Phebe Beard be inform’d |
This meeting Still desires Rebecca Hayden to Inform Phebe Beard of her denial |
Preparitive meeting altered |
It is the conclusion of this meeting to hold our next preparitive meeting on ye 26 |
of this Instant by reason that the meeting for Sufferings is to be held on the |
Same day our Preparitive meeting comes in corse |
Adjourned |
Likewise this meeting Adjourns to the Same day |
mett |
Mett according to Adjournmen: Represenvs Called Abigail Shepherd present Barsheba |
Howland not present by reason of indisposition of body |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read and answer prepared, with an Epistle Signed |
and to be sent up to our Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are |
Sarah Gifford, Marcy Slocum, and Elisabeth Slocum, and they to make report |
next monthly meeting |
Rhobe Smith Visit |
Rhobe Smith attended this meeting with a few lines from East Hoosuck monthly |
meeting Signifying her being her being in membership and likewise their Unity |
with her intended Visit ~ Which we returned back to that said meeting by |
the bearer thereof with an Indorsment thereon Signifying our reception thereof |
10 month 1781 |
At a Month meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 10 month 1781 |
The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Hanah Mosher both present |
Allen Russell |
The Committee that had the oversight of Allen Russell and Abigail Allens |
marriage Report they attended said marriage and it was conducted in a good |
degree orderly as far as they discovered |
Abi Howland case |
The Committee that was appointed to treat with Abigail Howland and her |
Daughter Deborah for disagreeable dress and their not attending meetings for |
Business; are still continued to labour and deal with them as Truth shall direct |
return from Q meeting |
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they |
attended accordingly by whom we received an Epistle which was read and |
kindly accepted |
Denial against Caleb Sheaman & wife |
We are informed that a denial against Caleb Shearman and his wife Hannah |
hath been Read agreeable to last monthly meetings conclusion and is as followeth |
Whereas Caleb Shearman (son of Philip Shearman) and Hannah his wife |
daghter of Jacob Russell deceased, having had a right of membership amoung |
us the people called Quakers, but through unwatchfulness and by disregarding |
the Testimony of Truth in their own hearts, have so far deviated thir from |
as to fall into the Sin of fornication, which is Eviden by their having a |
Child soon after marriage; and Friends having treated with them in love |
to Shew the Evil of their Transgression and restore them to the way of Truth |
But their Labours of love not having the desired Effect to friends Satisfaction |
Friends are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against them the said |
Caleb Shearman and Hannah his wife; hereby disowning ^them from being members |
of our Society and from under the care of this meeting; yet our desire is that |
they may ^be come truly Sensible of their Transgressions and be resored to way ^the of truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of men & womens By |
Wm Anthony Jnr Clerk |
monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 17 of 9 month 1781 |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Phebe Berd informd of denial |
Phebe Beard hath been Informed of her Denial |
The Clerk hath Signed a Removal certificate for Philip Maccomber his wife |
Susanna and their children Namely Edith Gardner, Barnabus, Abraham and |
Hannah Recommend them to the Nine partners monthly meeting as members |
Overseers |
This meeting appoints Sarah Anthony and Hannah Wood in the place |
of overseers for disorders |
commitee on dividing preparitive meeting |
We have considered the matter concerning the dividing our preparitive |
Meetings, agreeable to the advice of the Quarterly meetings Committy and |
the requst of Some of the members of our meeting; and do apoint our |
Friends Deborah Hick, Susanna Smith, Silvia Smith, Kaziah Russell and |
Judith Russell to Joine with the men friends agreeable to their miniuts |
and consider said matter as Truth shall direct & make report to the next |
monthly meeting |
11 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 11th month 1781 |
The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Hannah Wood both present |
Patience Austin recd |
The Fiends that hath had the matter under their care concerning the |
Sencerity of Patience Austins request, Inform they have had Several Sollid |
oppertunities with ^her and She appears Sinceare therein, and they think well |
of her being received, ~ This meeting accepts of Said report and do |
Receive her into membership and under the care of this meeing |
Howland & daughter referd |
The matter concerning Abigail Howland & her daughte is refer’d under the |
Same Friends care |
Martha Allen request |
This meeting is Inform’d that Martha Allen is about to remove with |
her family within the ^compas of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a removal |
Certificate for herself and two daughter Mary and Isabel: Joanna Gifford |
Martha Chase and Rhoda Mott are apointed to Inspect into their lives and |
Circumstance, and if nothing appears to hinder to draw one and bring |
to the next monthly meeting |
Report concern ing preparitive meeting |
The comittee that was appointed to take the matter under their care and |
Consideration Respecting the dividing our Preparitive meeting Report |
By Reason of so many great weakness prevailing amoung us, perticurly |
the want of a true Discipline being kept up in Friends families; |
want of Unity in Some places, and other defects; it is their Opinion |
that this matter be continued under the care of the Commttee for further Trial |
This meeting Accepts said report and continues them in their appointment |
Each one to labour in their ability and the freedom of their minds to |
Remove all those disorders out from amoung us; and they to make ^report to next |
monthly meeting |
David Shepherd and Son David Certificates |
Received a Certificate from Smithfield monthly meeting on behalf of David |
Shepherd his wife and Children namely Caleb, Deborah, Gideon, Allen, |
Elisabeth and Lydia |
And one from the Same Monthly Meeting for David Shepherd Junor |
with his wife and Children namely Thomas Reliance and John Recom= |
=mending them as members to this meeing, all which are accepted |
12 month 1781 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 12th month 1781 |
The Representatives Mary Smith and Rebecca Ricketson both present |
Abigail How land case referd |
The matter concerning Abigail Howland and her daughter is referd under the |
Same friends care |
Martha Allen Certificate |
Signe a removal Certificate for Martha Allen wife of Jonathan Allen |
And her two Daughters Mary and Isabel Allen Recomending them to the |
Ninepartners monthly meeting |
Sent up to Quarterly meeting |
Answers to the Queries have been read and aproved with an Epistle Signed and |
to be sent up to our Quarterly meeing by our Reprsentatives who are Elisabeth |
Slocum, Martha Gifford, Susannah^Smith Silvia Smith Elisabeth Wood and Lillis Gifford |
and they to make report to the next monthly meeting |
adjourned |
This Meeting is adjournd to the 26th of this Instant |
mett |
Meet acording to Adjournment ye 26 of 12 month 1781 Representatives both present |
1 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 1st month 1782 |
The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Mary Tucker both present |
Abigail Howland case refer |
The matter concerning Abiail Howland her ^& daughter is still continued |
under the Same friends care |
Return from Q meeting |
We are Informed that the Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
all attended but Silvia Smith, who gave the reason of her not attending |
which is accepted Received an Epistle which was read to the Satisfaction |
of this meeting |
Phebe Allens Acknowledg ment |
Phebe Allen Wife of Abraham Allen hath condemned her being at a marriage |
Consumated out of the Unity friends which this meeting takes ^up with |
desireing she may be more careful for the future |
adjourned |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett according to adjournment Representatives Pesent |
2 Month 1781 |
At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 2nd month 1782 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Marcy Slocum both present |
Deb Howland case referd |
The matter is continued another month concerning Deborah Howland under the |
Same cosiderations |
George Folger Bennet Wing proposal of marriage |
George Folger and Rebeckah Shove; Bennett Wing ^& Rhoda Ricketson all of |
them made proposals of marriage and Each other before this meeting and were |
desired to waite for their answer till next monthly meeting; Mary S^herman |
Bersheba Howland and Susanna Wood are appointed to make enquiry into |
the young womens clearness Respecting marriage and conversation and |
make report to next monthly meeting |
William Jackson Visit |
Our Esteemed Friend William Jackson attended this meeting with a Certifi= |
=cate from a monthly meeing held at New Garden Chester County Pensylvannia |
Bearing date the 10th of ye 1st month 1781, Whose labours of love was truly |
acceptable amoung us to the honnest hearted |
Adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns till tomorrow at the Eleventh hour |
mett |
Mett according to adjournment Representatives both present |
Complaint [?d] against Silvester Howland |
The Overseers hath handed in a Complaint that Sarah Howland Exhibeted |
against Silvester Howland, Seting forth there are Some Scandelos reports |
Spread abroad concerning her that she will cheat and Lies, and she Suspecting |
Silvester to be the author thereof: Now the Overseers Inform they have labour |
=ed to Inspect said matter: and according to their discovery, it doth not |
apear that Sarah Howland is such a person: and that according to their |
apprehention Silvester hath not cleared herself from the complaint before |
mentioned, Therefore this meeting appoints our friends Martha Gifford |
Mary Shearman and Hannah Tucker to labour further to bring her to a Sight |
of the Evil tendency of Such conduct, and likewise for them to deal with |
her for the Same, and to Judge of the matter according as Truth may direct |
and they to make report when Ready |
The matter concerning Alice Wood |
Received a few lines from Rhod Island monthly meeting set[t]ing forth that |
Alice Wood hath Sent them her acknowledgment for marrying out of the Unity |
of Friends ~ (She now residing in the Verge of this meeting) and they |
desireing our assistance; We now appoint Hannah Tucker and Sarah |
Gifford; to have a Soled [solid] oppertunity with her, and make inquiry and |
Inspect the Sencerity of said acknowledgment, & Said Committee to make report |
to this meeting when ready |
continued under frind care |
The committee that was appointed to Treat withe Mary Dewel concerning |
Some defects and neglect on account of attending meetings report they have |
Laboured according to their appointment and found Some Satisfaction and |
think it may be best that She continues under the care of this meeting, |
which said report was accepted of for Satisfaction |
Henry How= =land & wife certificate |
Signed a Removal Certificate for Hnry [Henry] Howland and Abigail his wife and |
Two of his children under age namely Prince and Beriah Recomme[n]ding them to |
Accoakset monthly meeting |
Complaint against Ann Butts |
The Overseers Inform this meeting that Ann Butts appears to be defective in |
Several respects, as Refusing the attending Religious mee[t]ings and Justifying |
the Same, and resorting to places where undue liberty is taken: which the |
Overseers Inform they have laboured with her for and she not clearing herself |
therefrom: This meeting appoints our friends Elisabeth Slocum and Deborah |
Gifford to restore her therefrom and likewise to deal with her for the Same as |
Truth may direct in the authority there of and they to make report when ready |
3 month 1782 |
At a Monthly mee[t]ing of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 3rd month 1782 |
The Representatives are Mary Shearman [Sherman] and Rhoda Mott both present |
Deb: Howland case referd |
The matter concerning Deborah Howland is continued another month |
Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Smith are appointed to Joine the Committee |
Concerning Alice Wood |
that was appointed to inspect the Sencerity of Alice Woods acknowledgment |
to Rhod Island monthly meeting, they to make report when Ready |
Rebe[c?] Shove Rhoda Rick= =etson Clearness |
The Friends that was appointed to make Inquiry into Rebeccah Shoves and |
Rhoda Ricketsons Clearness respe[c]ting marriage and conversation make report |
they found nothing to hinder their proceeding ^in marriage |
George Folger Bennett Wing Answer |
George Folger and Rebeccah Shove; Bennett Wing and Rhoda Ricke[t]son |
appeared for their Answers ~ Which was, they may proceed to take Each |
other in marriage at some Convenient time before the next monthly meeting |
Adviseing with the Overseers who are Elisabeth Slocum and Mary Shearman |
for George Folger and Rebeccah Shove: Sarah Anthony and Marey Slocum |
for Bennett Wing and Rhoda Ricketson; the Overseers to make report |
to next monthly meeting |
Adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett according to Adjournment Representatives both present |
Sent up to Q meeting |
The Queries have been read and answers prepared with an Epistle |
Signed and to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives |
who are Judith Russell and Hannah Wood and they to make report to next |
monthly meeting |
Judith Hathaway Disowned |
The Overseers Inform that Judith Hath[a]way wife of Jethro Hathaway hath |
married out of the Unity of friends for which ^She hath been Pre admonished for |
but she not accepting the advice of friends; therefore this meeting denies |
her from a Right of Membership and from under the care of this meeting |
Sarah Anthony is appointed to Inform said Judith of her denial and She |
to make report to the next monthly meeting |
matter co[n]cerning Silvester Howland |
The Committee that was appointed to treat and labour with Silvester Howland |
have handed in their report with an acknowledgment from Silvester Howland |
and an agreement between the parties: Committees report is as Followeth |
To the Committee of Men and Women Friends in the Case of Silvester Howland |
at the Complaint of Sarah Howland |
Dear Friends Having understood by Sitting in your Monthly meeting |
That the matter committed to your Charge, was a considerable obstakole [obstacle] in the |
From Qartly meeting Commite to to mo meeting Committee |
way of that Service upon which we and other Friends attended your meeting |
we were desireous to see the particurlar parties and neighborhood among whome |
it Subsisted ~ And now having the Satisfaction to Inform you that with |
the assistance and concurrance of Several other friends in the neighberhood |
Those concerned therein have been favoured so far as to lay a hopeful foundation |
for Reconsiliation and harmony, if their present resolution is abode in |
The Substance of which is Set forth in the inclosed paper of acknowled[g]ment |
Signed by Silvester and the agreement Signed by them both; [smudge] Which |
together Set forth the Termes they upon which they have agreed to Settle |
the Uneasiness; Their particular Connections, and those, who appeared |
to have entertained favourable opinions of either parties having been parti= |
=curlarly advised with and approved the Same, and agreed to Join in maintaining |
love and unity upon those Termes, and Supporting the Discipline in that |
respect according thereto |
Should the above meet your approbation, we propose; wheither it might not |
be best to report to the meeting, the above acknowledgment and agreement |
as what might be accepted in Satisfaction, and advise that the acknowledg= |
=ment be read at the Close of a publick meeting (unless you see Some thing |
to render it unsuiutable) and the agre[e]ment to be preserved on file and the |
whole matter be brought to a Close in the meeting as Soon as it can Conveniently |
be accomplished; as we apprehend the matters, Still being continued in the |
Meeting will not be so likely a way to gether [gather] Strength after this Settlement |
as to leave the Sincerity of the acknowled[g]ment and agreement to be proved by |
time free from any restraint ~ With desires that all may Join to Strengt[h]en the |
Bonds of Unity ~ We Conclud[e] and remain your Friends |
David Steere [Stare?] |
Ooziel Wiltinson [Aziel Wilkerson?] |
Thomas Arnold |
monthly meeting Committee concurence |
Whereas the Quarterly Meetings Committee having yielded their Assista[n]ce |
Which In the above Settlement Which we Concur with |
Mary Shearman |
Benja Chace |
Benja Slocum |
Martha Gifford |
Stephen Buffinton |
Wm Wood |
Peleg Gifford |
Agreeme[n]t is as follows) Giles Slocum |
Abiel Gifford |
James Davis |
Agreement between the parties |
We are Sensible the uneasiness between us has given pain and Anxiety to the |
body of Friends, We do therefore for the peace and Unity of Society hereby agree |
and engage that by Divine assistance we will not endeavour to Spread or |
promote the same directly or indirectly: Either to endeavor to enforce the tro |
truth of said Report on the one part~ or the blame arising therefrom on the |
other part, or in any wise endeavor to hurt each others Cherrecter. But we will |
Endeavour to the utmost of ^our power that the same be no longer remembered |
amoung Friends, ~ And ^as a further Confermation of ^our Sencerity here in we agree |
and desire that all Evidences, or other things committed to writeing respect- |
=ing the above difficulty Either in the hands of the monthly meetings Committee |
or else where be committed to the fire |
Silvester Howland |
Dartmouth 21st of 3d month 1782 |
Sarah Howland |
w^hich is accepted provided |
All which this meeting accepts of, Provided Silvester causes her a[c]knowledgment |
to be read at the Close of Some first day meeting of Worship before the next |
monthly meeting and said acknowledgment handed to the meeting to be put |
on record |
4 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting of Woman Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 4 month 1782 |
Representatives ^are Sarah Gifford and Edith Russell both present |
Deb Howland case referd |
The matter concerning Deborah Howland is continued another month |
Jane Williams Certificate accepted |
Received a Removal Certificate from Rhod Island monthly ^meeting on behalf of |
Jane Williams wich is accepted |
Georg[e] Folger Bennet Wing marriage |
The Friends appoin[t]ed to have the oversight of George Folger and Rebeccah |
Sh [ink spot] Shoves: Bennett Wings and Rhoda Ricketson marriage make report that |
they attended and they were consumated and conducted in some good degree orderly |
Silvester Howland paper ^of acknowledgment hath been read according to the last monthly |
meetings Conclusion and is as followeth |
Silvester Howland acknowledg= ment |
Dear Friends |
To the Monthly meeting of Dartmouth |
Whereas I have ^unwatchfully been Some Means of Spreading a report which hath |
a Tendency to lessen the Character and Reputation of my Sister and nei[gh]bour |
Sarah Howland: These are therefore to manifest that I am Sorry for it |
and desire her forgiveness therein and Friends to pass it by: and this |
Paper is Given up to Friends to be disposed of as best Wisdom shall direct |
Dartmouth 2[?]th of 3d month 1782 |
Silvester Howland |
Return from Q meeting |
Our Friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting [?] |
Inform they attended, but by some means the Accounts did not come to Either |
of them, so that they mist of them which they Informed the Quarterly meeting |
thereof; by whom we received an Epistle therefrom which was read in |
this meeting to good Satisfaction |
Judith Hath =way informd of denial |
Sarah Anthony Informs that She hath notify’d Judith Hathaway of her denial |
The Committee that was appointed to deal and labour with Ann Butts [no Satisfaction?] |
concerning her misconduct make report; they have discharged themselves and found |
therefore this meeting denies her from a Right of membership |
And do appoint Marcy Slocum to draw a paper of denial against her |
agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting |
Ann Butts disowned |
Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Briggs made proposals of marriage before |
this meeting and they were desired to waite for their answer till the |
next monthly meeting: Phebe Smith and Edith Russell are appointed to |
make Enquiry into Elisabeth Briggs clearness respecting marriage and |
Conversation and make report to next monthly meeting |
Marcy Slocum Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointed to View and |
Joseph Mosher proposal of marriage |
Correct the minietes [minutes] and Settle with Treasurer, and make report to the xt |
Monthly meeting when ready |
to correct minites |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 5th month 1782 |
The Representatives are Judith Russell and Phebe Smith both Present |
5 month 1782 |
Signed a paper of denial against Ann Butt[s] which is to be read at the Cloes [Close] |
of Some publick meeting of Worship on first day before next monthly meeting |
Marcy Slocum is desired to Acquaint her with her denial and inform the meeting |
thereof |
Ann Butts de[n]ial Signd |
Receiv’d a Certificate from Greenwich monthly meeting in behalf of Martha Green |
which is accepted |
Martha Green certificate |
The Friends appointed to make Enq[u]iry into the Clearness of Elisabeth B[r]iggs |
Respecting marriage; report they find nothing to h[i]nder their proceeding |
Elisa Brigg clearness [?] Joseph Mosher Answer |
Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Briggs appeared for their answer which |
was, They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient |
time before the nex[t] monthly meeting, Advising with the Overseers, Alice |
Anthony and Edith Russell are appointed to oversee the marriage, tha[t] it is |
consumated ^& condu[c]ted orderly, and they to make report to next monthly meeting |
Elisa Briggs request certificate |
Elisabeth Briggs Request a few lines Recomending her to Smithfield monthly |
meeting; the Same Committee are desired to draw own [one] if nothing apears to hinder |
6 month 1782 |
At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 17 of 6 month 1782 |
The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Mary Smith both present |
Adjourned |
This Meeting is Adjourned to ye 24th of this Instant |
Mett |
Mett according to adjournment The Representatives both present |
Ann Butts denial read and |
The Paper of Denial against Ann Butts hath been read according to the |
direction of last month ~ and She informed, And is as Followeth |
She informd Testimony of denial against Ann Butts |
Whereas Ann Butts having made profession with us and been under the |
care of this meeting but have so far departed from the Principles we profess, |
as to much neglect the attendence of our Religious meetings; also resorts at |
Places where undue liberty is taken; whc’h she Justifies, and friends having |
Laboured with her in order to reclaim her from Such practices, but our labours |
not having the desired Effect to friends Satisfaction: therefore for the clearing |
of Truth; Friends are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony |
against her the said Ann Butts, hereby disowning her from being ^in Unity |
with us and from under our care; yet if it be ag^reeable to divine goo[d]ness |
She may be restored to the way of Truth as is our Sincear desire |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly |
} |
Wm Anthony Jur Clerk |
meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20 of 5 month 1782 By |
Susanna Smith Clerk |
Joseph Mosher marriage |
Our Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of Joseph Moshers |
and Elisabeth Briggs Marriage make ^report they attended according to appointment |
and it was consumated and conducted in a good degree orderly |
certificate |
Signed a ^removal Certificat[e] on behalf ^of Elisabeth Mosher Recomending her to Smithfield |
monthly meeting |
Adjournd |
This Meeting Adjourns to the 26th of this Instant |
mett |
Mett accor^ding to Adjournment The Representatives present |
Sent up to Quarterly Meeting |
The Queries have been read and answers prepaired and to be sent up |
to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Phebe Smith and |
Edith Russell; they to make report to next monthly meeting |
Judith Russell & Susanna Smith dismist[?] concerning dividing preprt meeting Committee to labour for the reviev al of plainness |
Judith Russell and Su^sanna Smith hath desired to be dismist from an appoin |
=tment they have been under concerning dividing the Preparitive meeting |
which is complied with |
Joanna Gifford, Martha Chace Martha Gifford and Susanna Smith are |
appointed to Labour with the Members of this meeting for the Reviveal of |
Plainness, and other defects ^to Remove as the way oppens to them in the authority of |
Truth and to Untite [unite] with a Committee of men Friends that are appointed |
on that account ~ and they ^to make report to the next monthly meeting |
Minits cor[r]ec ted Treasur ey settled |
The Committee appointed hath Revised and Corrected this meetings |
Minites in order to go on Record; and also Settled with The Treasurer |
up to the 30th of this Instant month, and there remains in Stock £11=2S=0d O[ld] Tennor |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
26Abigail Tuckers Paper of denial should have been Recorded in page 179. But |
being neglected, It was thought proper to Record it her[e]; Which is as Followeth |
Testimony of denial against Abigail Tucker |
Whereas Abigail Tucker, (daughter of James Tucker[?] and Ruth his wife) |
Having had her Education amongst Fri[e]nds, and under the care of this meeting |
yet, by departing from the Testimony of Truth in her own heart, hath so far |
gon astray, as to fall into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as appears by |
her having a child before marriage: And friends having Laboured with |
her in Love is order to discover to her the Evil ther[e]of, and to restore her |
to the way of Truth, but our Labours of Love not proving Effectual to the |
Satisfaction of this Meeting: Therefor for the Preservation of Truth, and |
Friends from the Reproach of such Enorm[o]us Evils: This meeting is concerned |
to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her. hereby disowning |
hur the said Abigail Tucker from being one in our Society, and from |
under the care of this Meeting; desiring nevertheless if it be agreeable to |
Divine Pleasur, that She may yet find a place of Repentance, and by |
an unfeigned Acknowledgment of the Evil of her way return to the way of |
Truth |
Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly meeting of Women |
Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th day of ye 7th month 1771. By |
Hepzibah Hussey Clerk |
Hannah Giffords acknowledgment Should have been Recorded in |
page 191 being omit[t]ed, It is Recorded here, and is as Followeth |
To the Monthly meeting of Women Friends to be held in Dartmouth |
the 19th of the 10th month 1772 |
Hannah Giffords acknowledge= =ment |
Dear Friends Whereas I ^have some time past given way so far as to |
marry out of the good Order of friends ~ And I said, I would not Rise |
at Ann Giffords Supplicat[i]on; and likewise did not Rise at her Supplication |
and ^Since[?] have Consider’d of it, and found I was disorderly, and I am |
Sorry for it, and do condemn it, hoping God will forgive me, and friends |
so far pass by ^this my offence with all other mine offences so as to Suffer me Still |
to remain under their care |
Hannah Gifford |
[Insert start]
p170 |
At our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the |
18th of the 9th Month 1769 |
Our Friend Paul Russell Aaquainted This Meeting that he |
had it on his Mind to Visit Pembrook [Pembroke] Quarterly Meeting |
which This Meeting has unity with |
A True Coppy of a minute of our Sd Meeting [?] |
[?] Russell Clerk |
[Insert end]
[on the opposite unnumbered page is a loose paper pasted in with the following text:]
Having accomplished the Recording these |
Minites for the Space of Seven years past and |
performed the same as well as age, Eye Sight |
and ability of body would admitt, being much |
disorder’d in he[a]lth ~ And having had occation |
in the co[u]rse of these Records so of[t]en to mention the |
name of that truly Pious and Worthy Matron |
And faithful Labourer in the Vine=yard of whom |
a large Testimony could be bourne but[?] only |
remains for ^me to mention her name once more |
Deborah Hayden, Who hath lately removed |
from hence by death and gone to the world of Spirits |
Where She ceaseth from all her Labour and her works |
do follow~ |
Thus Saith |
To whom concernd |
William Anthony |
Dartmouth ye 12th of 6th month 1782 |