women’s meeting, 1699–1782

fig. 10: Page 1, Women’s Monthly Meeting Records, 1699–1782


1Friends Fellowship must be in ye Spirit and all


Friends must know one another in the Spirit & Power of God.


In all ye Meetings of ye County two or three being gathered from ym to go to ye


Generall Meetings for to give notice one to another if there be any that walk


not in the Truth, & have been convinced, & gone from the Truth, & so dishonour


=ed God: yt some may be ordered from the Meetings to go & exhort such &


bring in to ye next Generall Meetings what they Say.


If any yt Profess ye Truth follow pleasures, drunkenness, gamings, or is not


faithfull in their dealings, nor honest nor just but runs into debt, & so brings


a scandall upon the Truth, Friends may give notice to the Generall Meeting


if there be any Such; & Some may be ordered to go & exhort ym & bring in their


Answer next Generall Meeting.


And if any goes disorderly to get her in Marriage, contrary to ye Pract[ices]


of the Holy men of God, & Assemblies of the righteous in all ages; Who declares


it in ye Assemblies of the righteous w[he]n. they took one another (all things being


clear) & they booth being free from any other; & wn they do go together, & take one


another, let there not less than a douzen Friends & Relations present, according


to yor former order, having first acquainted the Mens Meeting & they having


clearness & unity wth ym & it may be Recorded in a book; according to the Word


& Commandment of ye Lord, & If any walk contrary to ye order of Truth herein,


let some be ordered to speak to ym & give notice thereof to ye next Generall Meeting.


And all yt be Widdows wch have Children, & do Intend to marry; Let Query be


made what she hath done for her Children: If there be no Will made, let such


part of her late Husbands Estate be set out for ye Children as is equall, and


according to Truth: & what they can do more afterwards let ym do also & where


there is a will made Let those Legacies, & Portions be improv’d, & secured before


Marriage for the Children of ye deceased wth what more they can do for them


& when these things are done let them be Recorded in a Book at ye nex Generall




And also all Widdows in yor severall Meetings, let ym be taken notice of & infor[m]


=ed & encouraged in their outward business, that there may be no hindrance


in their Inward growth; & so carefully looked after that there may be nourished


& cherished & so preserved in ye Truth that love may be encreased; & If they


have many Children to put out Apprentices, or Servants that may be a


burden to ym to bring up, let Friends take care to ease ym by putting ym forth as


may be meet: let all these things be looked into by every Meeting; & notice there


of given to the next Generall Meeting. & yn [then] some ordered to see yt all things


are done according to Truth & Righteousness.


And such as Marry by the Priests of Baal who are the rough hands of Esau,


& fists of Wickedness, & bloody hands; Who have had their hands in the blows


of our Brethren, & who is the cause of all this Banishment of our Brethren,


& have spoiled so many of our Goods; casting into Prison, & keeps many


hundreds at this day; all such as go ^unto ym for wives or Husbands must come to


Judgment, & Condemnation of yt Spirit wch leds them to Baal, & of Baals


Priests also: Or else Friends that keep their Habitations must write against these


& Baal both; for from Genesis to the Revelations you do never read of any Priest


marryed People: But it is God’s Ordinance, & whom God joyns together let no m[an?]


put asunder, & they took one another in the Assemblies of the Righteous wn


all things were clear: Therefore let all these things be enquired into, & broug[ht]


to the Generall Meeting; & from thence some ordered to go to them; & to return


what they say to the next Meeting: & all these before they, or any of them be left


as Heathens, or written against, let ym be three or four times gone to, that they


may have Gospel Order so yt if it be possible they may come to yt which at


first did Convince ym to condemn their unrighteous doings: so yt they might


not leave a hoof in Egypt.


And also all such as wear their hats wn Friends Pray; & are gotten into the old


rotten Principles of the Ranters; who set up the wearing thereof in opposition


to the Power of God, & ym yt uphold it is for Condemnation by it: & ye Power


of God is gone over it; & ym who ranted from the Truth, & have stopt many


who were coming into it, yt ye very world can say you are in confusion, &


divided & gone from your first Principle; who said you were of one Heart,


& one mind, & one Soul, And therefore yt Spirit must be cut off by the Sword


of the Spirit of ye Lord, yt they may come to yt wch at first did Convince ym, &


notice must be given to ye Generall Meeting of all these things; & from thence


some must be ordered to exhort ym yt be in such things to come to ye first Prin=


ciple ye did at first Convince ym, yt they may come out of such things; &


Friends must stand in ye Noble Seed of God to Judge ye World, & all ye fallen




And in all Your Meetings let notice be given to ye Generall Meeting of all


ye Poor: And wn you have heard yt there is many more Poor belonging to one


Meeting yn [than] to another; & yt Meeting is thereby burdened, & Oppressed let the rest


of the Meetings help & Assist ym, so yt they may ease one another, & help to


bear one anothers burdens, & so fulfill the Law of Christ, & so see yt there be


nothing lacking according to the Apostles Words (mark nothing lacking)


yn all is well: for ye Jew Outward tho; they were as the stars of Heaven, & as


the Sand of the sea, Yet there was not to be a beggar among ym according to ye Law


of God; & Amongst the Christians in ye first Age there was a Mans Meeting set up


at Jerusalem to see yt nothing was lacking; wch was ye Gospel Order according to


the Law of Jesus; & this continued so long as they lived in ye Spirit, Life, & Power


of God, But when ye Apostacy came in, & ye true Church fled into ye Wilderness,


who was to Continue there 1260 dayes, & the Witnesses Prophesyed in Sackcloth 1260


dayes; & ye Beast was Worshipped just so long 1260 dayes; & yn [then] all things went


out of order, & every thing was wanting in the time they worshipped ye Dragon


& ye Beast & wth ym ye false Prophet, Who shall be cast into the lake of fire


And the true Church came up out of ye Wilderness; & ye Manchild wch was ~


caught up into Heaven came down again to Rule the Nations wth a Rod of


Iron; & ye Marriage of ye Lamb is come; & the Lamb & ye [sts?]ts Shall have ye


Victory; & the Everlasting Gospel shall be Preached again as was among ye


Apostles, & ye Gospel Order shall be set up as was among ym; & a Mans


Meeting as was at the first Conversion to see yt nothing be lacking in ye


Church, yn all is well, so there is not to be a beggar now among ye Christians


according to ye Law of Jesus as there was not to be any among the Jews


according to the Law of God.


And also all the men yt hunt after Women, from Woman to Woman, & also


Women whose Affections run sometimes after one man, & sometimes after another,


& so hold one another in Affection, & so draw out the affections one of another, &


after a while leave one another, & go to others, & do ye same thing; & this doing


makes more like Sodom yn Saints, & is not of Gods ^[making?] or joyning where they are not


to be parted, for marriage is Gods ordinance, & Gods command, one to another,


& in yt they feel the Power of the Lord.


And notice to be taken of all evill Speakers, Backbiters, Slanderers, & foolish


talkers, & Idle Jesters, for these things corrupt good manners, & is not according


to ye Saints, & Holy ones; whose words are season’d with salt, Ministring


Grace to ye Hearers.


And all Such who are Tale-Carriers, & Railers, whose work is to Some Dissention,


are to be reproved, & admonished: for such do not bring People into the unity


of ye Spirit, but by such doings they lose their own Contion [sic]. ~ ~ ~


And such as go up & down to cheat, by their borrowing & getting money of


Friends in by places, & have Cheated severall; all such are to be stopt & Judged


And If there happen any difference between Friend & Friend of any matters,


If it Cannot before the Generall Meeting Let half a dozen Friends from ye Gene=


=rall Meeting be ordered to put a speedy end thereto, yt Justice may Speedily


be done, yt no difference may rest or remaine among any. And let all your


Generall Meetings be once ^in everie quarter of a Year, & to be appointed at such


places as may be most Convenient for the most of Friends to Meet in: that ye


house may be cleansed of all that is contrary to purity, virtue, light, life &


Spirit, so yt Friends may not be one anothers sorrow; & troubles; but one


anothers Joy, & Crown in the Lord.


And all Friends, See that yor Children be trained up in the fear of ye Lord,


In Soberness, & Holiness, Righteousness, & Temperance, & meekness, & Gentleness,


& loveliness, & modesty in their Apparrel & Carriages, & so to exhort your


Children, & Families in ye truth, yt ye Lord may be Glorified in yor Families


& teach your Children wn they are young, & they will Remember it wn they


are old, according to Solomon, so yt your Children May be a blessing to


you & not a Curse. ~


And yt Friends to buy Convenient burying Places, as Abraham did who


bought a place to bury his dead, & would not bury among the Egyptians, and


Canaanites, & Jacob was brought out of Egypt & Joseph; & they were buryed


in their Grandfathers, & Great Grandfathers burying place; & so Friends


buy Burying Places for yor Meetings; & to keep out of ye Spirit of ye Sodomites


& Egyptians & Canaanites, wch corrupt ye Earth; & let them be decently &


well fenced, yt you Condemn ye World of all things.


And also yt Friends buy a Convenient Book for ye Registring of Births, Marri=


=ages, & Burials, as ye Holy Men of God of Old did, as you may read, yt every


one may be ready to give a Testimony, & Certificate If need Require, and any


be called thereunto. ~


And also all yt all ye Sufferings of Friends of all kind of Sufferings in all ye


County be gathered up & put together, & Sent to the Generall Meeting, & so sent


to London, yt nothing of ye Memorial of ye blood, & Cruel Sufferings of ye Bre=


=thren be lost; wch shall stand as a Testimony against the Murdering Spirit of


this World, & be to ye Praise of the Everlasting Power of the Lord in the


Ages to come, who supported & upheld ym in such hardships, & Cruelties, who is


God over all blessed for evermore amen. ~


And Enquiry to be made concerning all such as do pay Tythes, wch makes void the


Testimony & Sufferings of all our Brethren who have Suffered many of ym to


death; by which many Widdows & Fatherless have been made; & wch is contrary


to ye Doctrine of ye Apostles, & ye Doctrine of ye Martyrs; & likewise contrary to ye


Doctrine of the Righteous in this present Age; All such are to be enquired into.


& exhorted. let Query be made concerning all Prisoners that are poor, yt


they may be relieved, & so encouraged in their sufferings: & also yt care be


taken for their wives, & Families, that they do not suffer for want of


supply of Outward things: & let enquiry be made how many Prisoners there


are in all your severall Counties; that diligent enquiry be made into all these


things at every Monthly Meeting, & at every Quarterly Meeting; & to take


diligent care accordingly.


Dear Friends be diligent, & let it be your business to serve ye Lord & his


Truth, & to keep up your Mens Meetings Monthly two or three out of every


Meeting, to Meet together in Some co[n]venient place in ye middle of yor County


for to see how all your Meetings is, yt there be nothing lacking among ym:


So yt all may be kept as a Family, & nothing be lacking. yn all is well, For at


the first Conversion of the Christians at Jerusalem, there was a Mans Meeting


chosen out of ye People. Men yt were Faithfull, fearing God, & hating Covetouness


& full of ye Holy Ghost; & these men were to see yt ye Widdows, the Fatherless,


the Poor, & any that was in necessity did not want; & If nothing was


wanting yn all was well, as you may read in the Acts. And so the Chu[r]ch were


Ruled by Cou[n]sell six hundred years after Christ till ye Pope got up, & ye false


Church, & since the true order of ye true Church hath been lost Whilst the true


Church hath been in ye Wilderness, & the false Church hath gotten up, But


now ye true Church is coming out of ye Wilderness, & ye Everlasting Gospel


is Preached again as it was in the Apostles dayes In ye first Conversion,


So that People do now come to ye first Conversion, & so to ye same Order, so you


that know the Power of ye Lord God keep up yor Meetings in ye Power of ye Lord,


& in his wisdome, & see yt nothing be lacking yn all is well, & If all of you yt


belong to the Meeting Should be Imprisoned yn keep to yor Meeting in ye Prison.


If that you should be kept So close in Prison as yt you should not know ye Conditions


of all ye Meetings, yn whom you think fit you may speak to to keep up ye


Meetings, & never let the deceit get advantage of you: for in these Meetings


you do come into ye Practice of ye pure Religion, wch is to visit, cherish &


preserve &c. And he that disobeys this pure Religion disobeys ye Lord.

2To the Men and Womens Monthly and

Quarterly Meetings


Dear Friends: If there be any difference amongst friends, or betwixt


Friend & Friend let them speak to one another, & If they will not hear


let ym take two or three of the Meeting they belong to & they may end it


If they can, & If they cannot end it yn it may be laid before the Monthly


Meeting; & If it cannot be ended there yn it may be brought to ye Quarterly


Meeting; & there let it be put to half a dozen Friends, & they may go out & End


it yt they may keep their Meetings Civil, or ym yt be at difference may chuse


three Friends, & Friends may chuse three more to ym, & let ym stand to their


Judgment; for there is few that loves quietness & peace will have their Names


brought to a Monthly or Quarterly Meeting: to have their Names sounded


over the Country yt there is strife, but will rather endeavour to end it


amongst ym selves at their common Meetings, before yt they come to ye


monthly Meetings.


And yt no one accuse any one either in Monthly or Quarterly Meetings


publickly, except they have spoken to ym by themselves first, & by two or three before.


Now concerning Marriages, no man ought to speak to a young Woman concerning


marriage before yt he hath spoken to her Father & Mother and have their consent


& If she have no Father or Mother, but Guardians, & Trustees, then they must


speak to ym if she be under Age yt they may have their consent, & so proceed


accordingly; as Abrahams Servant did concerning Isaacs Wife. And you are


to see yt all Widdows make provision for their Children before they be Marryed


to another, according ^to truth & Righteousness.


And you are to see that every Man & Woman be free from all Intanglements with


either Woman or Man before yt they be Married & If they have been engaged


you must have a Certificate under the hands of ye Person yt they have been entangled


with; so yt all things may be done in peace, & unity & Righteousness according to


ye Truth that is in every Man, & Woman, & if ye young Man or young Womans


Relations be of the World they must have their consent, & a Certificate from ym.


And if ye Man or Woman comes from beyond Sea. or out of another County,


Ye must have a Certificate from the Men & Womens Meeting there. how they have


lived, & wheither they be free from all other Persons by any engagement,


Covenant of Contract concerning Marriage, & if they are not clear they must


Answer yt, & cleared by Certificate under their hands before they proceed any farther.


And if any man should defile a Woman he must Marry her If she be a beg


gar, & he have never so many hundreds. for he must fulfill the Law of God, so ye


Law of God commands it that he must Marry her, & Condemn his Action.


& clear Gods Truth. But no such Marriage where the bed is defiled we bring


into our Men & Womens Meetings; but four or five Friends (If such a thing hap


=pens) draw up a Certificate, & they set their hands to it that they will live faith


fully together as Man & Wife & fulfill the Law of God. And this I write If


ever such a thing should happen, But I Hope yt Friends will be careful, & keep


in the fear of ye Lord, that they may have esteeme of ye Lords Truth & their


own bodies, & ye honourable Marriage where the bed is undefiled.


And all true Marriages must be layd first before the Womens Meetings; yt If


there be any thing concerning ye Woman they may deal with it, & never let it go so


far as the Men: & when things are clear, then three or four Women may go


along with ye Man & ye Woman to ye Mens Meeting, & give in their Testimo=


=ny concerning ym to ye Mens Meeting, & so yn you may enter into your books that


they have appeared such a day of ye month; & year. And yn two men Friends of the


Mens Meeting, & two Women Friends of ye Womens Meeting may enquire


betwixt yt & ye next Monthly Meeting If any have ought to say concerning the


Couple yt are not clear, & If there be any that hath any thing against them


they may come & speak to those two Men & Women concerning of them, & so they


may meet together and make an end of it before ye next Monthly Meeting. & so


not to trouble the Meeting wth any weakness that may appear, & if they have ended i[t]


and there be nothing against it, yn the four Friends may give in their Tes


=timony of ym to ye Men & Womens Monthly Meeting, And so when they do


take one another they may appoint a Meeting on purpose, & they may let their


Relations, & as many of the World as they ^will know of it. so if any thing be upon


any Friend to declare of the duty of Marriages they may do as they are moved


And yn the Man & ye Woman may stand up & declare how that they take one


another in the Presence of God, & in the presence of his People according to the


Law and Ordinance of God, & according to the Practise of the Holy Men &


Women of God as it is written in the scriptures of Truth to live faithfully together


as Husband & Wife so long as they live &c. And they must have a Certificate ready


drawn up, with ye day of ye Month & Year, & ye place, & there subscribe to it at that


time; & as many Friends & as many of ye World as will, may set their hands to it,


as at many Marriages they do: And the Certificate is to be read in the Present


Meeting when they take one another publickly among all ye People, & this


is the way & order of our Marriages, for we do marry none, But it is Gods


Joyning, but we are witnesses; & then it is Recorded in a Book, & this is accord


ing to ye Practise of ye Holy Men of God.


Now concerning your Mont[h]ly Men & Womens Meetings, & your Quarterly Men &


Womens Meetings; First as concerning your Monthly Men & Womens Meetings


all ye Fait[h]full Men & Women are to make up the Mens Meeting & ye Womens


Meeting, & let ym yt are not faithfull let ym be admonished in the Lords Power to


live in Truth, modesty, & soberness, & so as they walk they may come to your


Men & Womens Meetings, & ye Men to Meet in one Room, & ye Women in another,


& so to wait upon ye Lord; for all things must be done in his Power & Name &


there is many things yt ^is propper for Women to look into both in their Families,


& concerning of Women wch is not so propper for ye Men, which Modesty in Wo=


=men cannot so well speak of before Men as they can do among their Sex: & Wo=


=men are more in their Families, & have more of ye tuition of their Children, &


Servants yn ye men; they being alwayes among ym; either for the making of them,


or ye marring of ym: and they are to be trained up in ye New Covent, as ye Jews


trained up theirs in ye Old. And many Women are of more capacity yn others are,


& so they must Instruct, & inform ye rest wn they are met together concerning


Ordering of their Children & Families, & that they may prevent many things wch


their Children may run into; & they know what will do in a Family, & stir up all


to diligence, & serving the Lord: & what the Women cannot do they may three of four


of ym go from their Meeting to ye Mens, & lay it before ym which is more propper


for them: And what is more propper for ye Women yn ye men ye men may three or


four of ym go & lay it before the Women; so that they may be helps meet together


in the resturation, in Truth & Righteo^usness as man & Woman was before they fell.


And If poor Friends have many Children to set fort[h] to Apprentices or Servants,


If ye Women cannot do it the Men may help ym: & If they cannot find Masters


for them, & do it in their Monthly Meetings, they may do it at their Quarterly


Meetings, & place ym amongst Friends yt they may be preserved in ye Truth; & so


they may come in time to teach their Brethren ye same Trades, And help


their Father & their Mother in their Old Age. ~


Now concerning yor Quarterly Meetings yt is made up of your Monthly Meet


ings you should speak in your Monthly Meetings who goes to ye Quarterly


Meetings, so that one or two of every particular Meeting may go to ye Quarter=


=ly Meeting, for they that do go to ye Quarterly Meeting must be substantiall


Friends that can give a Testimony of your sufferings, & how things is amongst


you in every particular Meeting; so yt none yt is raw or weak yt is not able


to give a Testimony of ye affairs of ye Church, & Truth may go to ye Quarterly


Meetings, But may be nursed up in you Montly Meetings fit for ye Lords service,


So yt two may go one time from every Particular Meeting, & two another time;


or as it is ordered in your Monthly Meetings; so yt some may go from all yor


meetings, that make up of your Montly Meetings, for ye Quarterly Meetings


should be made up of weighty seasoned, & Substantiall Friends that understand


the business of ye Church; for no unruly, unseasoned Persons, should come there,


nor Indeed in ye Monthly Meetings, but who are Simple, seasoned & honest, for


such should be admonished. And If there be any difference come to ye Quarterly


Meetings; either of Men or Women, or Monthly Meetings, after you have


heard ym one by one (& let but one speak at a time never) & to know of them


whether they will stand to yor Judgment, & If they will, let half a dozen Friends


go out of ye Meeting & make a finall end of it, for If they will not stand to your


Judgment they are not fit to bring it theither. And if any one should speak or


tattle any thing out of your Monthly, or Quarterly Meetings to ye blemishing or


defaming any Person, or ye meeting, Such are to be brought to Judgment &


Condemnation, for it breaks ye Priviledge, & order of your Heavenly societie in


yor Meetings, so yt all may be kept, & preserved in ye Power of ye Lord, & in his Spirit


in Love, & unity. And therefore keep your Meetings Solid & Sober & ye Authority


of your Men & Womens Meetings be in ye Power of God: for every heir of ye Power


has right to ye Authority: & in it keep ye King of Kings, of Lord of Lords, peace in


his Church, & much more I could write of these things, but this at present. & so ye Lord


give you Wisdome that by it you may be Ordered to his Glory. And yt every one


may have a care of Gods Glory his name, & Truth, & yt in his power they do see


yt all do walk as becomes his Glorious Gospel, wch hath brought life and Immorta=


=lity to Light in you which will preserve you in Life & Immortality over the


Devil that hath darkend you, & before he was, so that nothing may get betwixt


your souls, & minds, & ye Lord God, yt he may be Gloryfied in you all, & throug[h]


you all, & over you all, Blessed for ever Amen.


G. F. [George Fox]


3My dear Friends


Live all in the Power of ye Lord, & in his Truth, Light, & Life, yt in it you may


all with one heart, Soul, & Mind keep Dominion, & in ye Light Life, & Truth &


Power of God do true Judgment, Justice, & Truth, Righteousness, & Equity,


in all your Mens, & Womens Meetings, wthout favour, & affections to Relations,


Kindr[e]d, or Acquaintance, or any respect of Persons; for yt If you do not so, let


Judgment come upon you from God to put you down from your places, before


it will If you do not; for ye Power, & Light, & Life, & ye Truth respects not any, but


Justice, Truth, Righteousness, & Equity.


Let Mercy overshade the Judgment seat, and let mercy be mixt with




Take heed of a foolish pity. If you be not diligent against all Prophaneness


Sin, & Iniquity, & uncleanness, & loosness & debauchery, & yt which dishonoureth


God, yn let all those things come upon you wch you should be a stop of, & subdue, &


Keep down with Righteousness, & ye Truth, & ye Power of God, If not be sure


they will If you do not.


And in all your Men & Womens Meetings Let all things be done in Love wch


doth Edifie ye body, & let nothing be done with strife & vain glory; but keep in


the unity of ye Spirit which is the bond of peace, & let all things be done in the Wise=


dome of God which is pure & gentle from above, above the Eartly which is below,


sensuall, & Develish. And take heed of hurting any concerning Marriage If the


thing be right) through any Earthly reasoning, lest they do worse,


And so all be diligent for the Lord God, & his Truth upon the Earth, & ye


Inheritance of a Life that hath no end; that you may Live in ye Seed which is Bles=


=sed for ever.


And stop all reports & try ym, for thou shalt not raise a false report upon my


People saith the Lord.


And be diligent in all your meetings to enquire to see to ye setting forth Appren


=tices, all Fatherless, & poor Friends Children; & yt all the Poor Widdows be careful=


=ly looked after yt nothing may be lacking among, yn all will be well.


And yt all to see the Testimony of Jesus be kept up in all things concerning


his worship, his Way, his Religion, his Church his Testimony against the


World, their works are evil; & Against Oaths, & against the hireling Priests,


for his Doctrine is freely you have received, freely give: & Christs Church needs


not to be mended by men; for he doth mend it himself without Money: & keep


your Testimony against all ye filthy rags of ye World; & for your fine Linnen


the Righteousness of Christ Jesus, And keep yor Testimony for your liberty in


Christ Jesus, & stand fast in it against all ye false Liberties in Old Adam, &


your Libertie in the Spirit of God, and in ye Gospel of Christ Jesus,


against all false and loose Liberties in the flesh: And train up all your Children


in the fear of the Lord, & in his New Covenant (and to keep the sabbath in Christ)


as the Jewes did their Children & Sevants; in the Old Covenant, & so do you


admonish yor Children, & Servants, & let no man live to himself, but in ye love


that seek no her own. ~


And have an Eye over them yt comes to Spy out your Libertie in Christ, & will re=


port out of your Meetings things to make advantage and to the defameing of




And let every one seek the good of another and their welfare in the Truth.


And let one make their Conditions every ones, & not their Conditions theirs,


& this keeps in a Father, or Mother to condiscend to a Child; & all live in the seed wch


hath ye blessings, & ye Wisdome by that you may Order all things to Gods glory over


the Evill seed that is out of ye Truth.


   Friends keep to the Antient Principles of Truth.


First be at a word in all your callings & dealings without Oppression.


To the Sound Language thou to every one.


Your Testimony against the Worlds Fashions.


Your Testimony against the Priests, & Their Tythes, & maintenance.


Against the Old masshouses, & their repairing.


Against the worlds Joyning in Marriage, & ye Priests, & to stand up for Gods Joyning.


Against Swearing, & the Worlds manners, & fashions.


And against all looseness, & pleasure, & Prophaneness whatsoever.


And against all the Worlds Wayes, & Worships, & Religions, & to stand up for Gods.


And to see that every one that hath done wrong to any one yt they do restore.


And yt all differences be made up speedily.


And that all bad things be Judged speedily, that they do not fly abroad to Corrupt Peoples minds.


And that all reports be stopped to ye defaming of any one.


   This is to be read in Friends Meetings as often as they have occasion.


     that people may hear, & fear the Lord.


G. F.


4Friends, The Law of Love must be kept among all the Saints in Light, which law


of love is not provoked; & this Law of love slayes the enmity, & bars all things,


& endures all things, & hopes all things; & this Law of love must be kept among all


the Children of God, wherein the unity is preserved, & all is preserved by the Law of


love in the Love of God, & the Law of Faith must be kept by all the Faithful


ones, & amongst them, in the faith of Gods Elect is the Law of faith among the


Elect before the foundation of the World was; wch Law of Faith keeps ym in


victory, wth faith gaives Victory & Access to God, & purifies the heart, by wch faith


they are saved; wch faith gives victory over that which seperates from God, in


wch faith they all please God: And in this Law of faith they have all authority,


& victory & unity: and so the Law of Faith keeps ever yt wch displeases God,


& makes People impure, & corrupts them, or brings ym to destruction, and so by this


Faith they are saved & purified, & please God, wch is the Gift of God; & Christ the


author of it; & therefore keep this Law of Faith, the Just lives by his Faith,


for the Just has ye Law of faith to pass Sentence on yt wch would not have him


have the Victory. but keeps him bondage. all the spiritual have the Law of


the Spirit, by which Law of the Spirit they have Authority, & a power to Mortifie


sin, & evil, & Crucifie the Deeds of ye body; and have authority by the Lords Spirit


to put off the Old man wth his Deeds; & have Power & authority from the Lords spirit


to Crucifie ye Affections, and the Lusts of ye Flesh; & by the Law of the Spirit


they have authority & Power to judge all Chambering & wantonness, evil speak=


=ings, & evil words, & evil Communications, & all manner of evil words, & works


that proceeds from the evil Spirit out of the Truth, & together with the Works of


the flesh, as wrath, Malice, Envy, Theft, Murder, Fornication, By the Law of


the Spirit there is a power & authority given to pass sentence, & Judge all these


works together wth the Spirit from whence they came. And so by the Law of the Spirit


of Life yt is in Christ Jesus, ye Saints have power, and authority to Jud[g]e the Law


of Sin, & the man of sin from whence it came; & to Judge the Law of death with


the Law of Life, & the Power of death the Devil from whence the Law of death


came, which Law of Life was before death & his Law was, & has power over him


and his Law, and the Saints sit on the head of him, freemen by the Law of Life &


Law of the Spirit that’s in Christ Jesus, that was before sin was & his Law death


was, & his Law So the Saints have the Law of Love, ye Law of faith ye Law of


the Spirit, ye Law of Life. In Victory atop Enmity, In Life atop of Death,


in the Spirit atop of Sin, the Law of sin is in Old Adam, in transgression, &


disobedience, & amongst his sons, & daughters in disobedience, & transgression


of Gods Spirit. & such has the Law of sin from the man of Sin, & the Law


of death from the Prince of Death. ye God of the World that lies in wickedness


& the Law of Sin & Death they plead for till they go to the grave, & so plead for ye


prince of Death, & darkness, & the God of their world yt lies in Wickedness as long as


they live, but the Law of Life, & the Law of the Spirit, ye Law of Faith ye Saints


have in Christ Jesus the 2d Adam, Who is Author of the Law of Love, & ye Law of


Faith which the Saints are to keep & walk in, wch they have from Christ, Who never


transgressed, neither was there any guile found in his mouth; & Christ, Who bruiseth


the head to the Serpent. Who is the head of the Law of Sin & death it self, & the Law


in the members. And so in Christ Live. Who bruiseth this; who was, & is the Saints


Life & will be to all Eternity, Who is first, & last, ye Amen.


G. F.


5Dear Friends My love in the Lord to you all among whom I have Laboured,


and my desires are the God of all peace, & his Son of Peace may fill all yor Hearts


with his Love, & Peace, & Wisdome, & Knowledge in all things to do his Heavenly


glorious Will, in that you will know his Sons doctrine, & as you know it obey it,


& my desires are in the Lord yt you may all walk worth of your Vocation, and


of him that hath called you to holyness & Righteousness, & to peace; so yt his peace


may flow as River, & Righteousness run down as a stream to the gladding of


the City of God, ye walls of wch is power, & Salvation, & Light, & Life. And now


my Friends first all yor Meetings keep in the Name of Jesus, in whom you have


all Salvation, wch is above every name under ye whole Heaven, in whom there is


no Salvation.


And also all yor Men & Womens Meetings every where keep in the Power of ye Lord


Jesus Christ his Gospel, by which he hath brought Life & Immortality to Light in


you, yt you may see over him that hath darkned you, & before he was, wch Power will


preserve you in Life & in Immortality: So yt now you may all Labor in the Gosp[el]


the Power of God, in his Glorious Power, & Comfortable Gospel; & Joyfully ser=


=ving the Lord in his Gospel of Peace, through which Gospel you have peace with


God: so that in this Gospel the Power of God there can nothing come betwixt you &


God: Here is your Everlasting Order, not of Man, nor by Man: so that all the faith[=]


=full Men & Women May in the Lords power be stirred up in their Inheritances


of the Same Gospel, & to labour in it, helps Meet in the resturation, as Man &


Woman before they fell. In the Garden of God all are to work in his righteousness,


in his Image, in his Power, in his Garden to subdue the Earth, & to keep the dominion


in his power in the resturation as Man & Woman did in the Image of God before


they fell; & whosoever would hinder you in this Work. it is the same serpents Spirit


that Led Adam & Eve into the fall from the work of God; which now would keep


you in the fall to do his work, & Command, & not the Lords, & therefore over yt


keep your dominion, Authority, & Inheritance in the Resturation in the power


of God, in which every one of you must give an account to God, & therefore


be diligent in the Lords power, Light, Life, & Spirit in which you all see your services


to God; so yt he may be glorifyed among you all, & in you all; & over you all his


glory may shine.


And all ye Men & Women in yor Men & Womens Meetings be diligent, Labouring


in the Light, Life, & the power of God the Gospel in ye Garden, & Church of


God; so yt Righteousness may flow down amongst you, Truth, & Godliness,


Purity, Vertue & Holyness over all that is contrary; & that ye weight, & care


of Gods Glory, and his honour, & his pure holy name, & his Truth, Religion, &


Worship you may all stand up for against that wch would in any wise cause it


to be evil spoken of by ill walkers. & talkers. & let all things you do be done in


love; & condescend one unto another in the Power of the Lord, & in his Truth;


and in it have es^teem one of another, And let all things be done among you


without any strife, for it’s love that edifies the body, & knits it together,


& unites it to Christ the Heavenly & holy head.


And Now you Women tho you have been under the reproach because


Eve was first in transgression, but the promise was that the seed of the


Woman should bruise the Serpents head yt led her first in transgression,


and the Man also: & this promise of God is fulfilled: A Virgin should have a Child,


and they should call his name Emmanuel God wth us again; for Man & Woman


was drove from God out of Paradise, & the Serpent became their head & God of ye


World; but Christ is come according to the promise of God, & his Prophets who


was born of a Virgin, & therefore saith Mary my spirit hath rejoyced in God my


Saviour, my soul doth Magnifie the Lord for he hath regard to the Low estate of


his handmaid for behold from hence forth all Generations shall call me blessed,


Now here comes the reproach to be taken off from Women who were first in trans=


=gression, & wch are not suffered to speak in the Church: But here Mary did speak &


believe that wch was spoken to her: And also the reproach & transgression taken off


of men that believe in the Seed Christ Jesus; who bruiseth the head of ye Serpent yt has


brought Man & Woman into his Image, & his Works, wch Christ destroyes him & his


works, & renews Man & Woman up into the Image of God as they were in before


they fell, & into the Power to have dominion to work in his Garden to subdue


the Earth &c, so that all are now to Labour in the Garden of God yt are in the


power & Image of God brought by Christ Jesus yt bruises the serpents head, yt has been


head in them all: so that Christ Jesus may be head in all Men & Women, & every Man


& Woman may act from him their holy head, Life & Salvation, & keep his heavenly


peace in his Church. And every Living member believing in the Light wch is the Life in


Christ, & so grafted into him ye fountain of Life, water of Life, & do feel the Living springs,


& the Rivers Springing up in ym To Eternal Life, wch are the Living Stones, ye Spiritual


Household, of wch Christ is both head, Rock & Foundation & Christ is called ye Green


tree, which green tree never withers, in whom they are Grafted by belief in ye Light,


which is ye Life in him, from whom they all receive their Heavenly Living nou=


=rishment, through wch every graft is nourished, yn it comes to bud, & bring forth


fruit to ye praise of the Eternal God, now every one of these living believers are


Members of ye Living Church in God wch Christ is ye head of, & every member in ye


Church hath an Office; & so every member is serviceable in the body in his office.


wthin the Light wch is over darkness, & was before it was; within the Life over


death, & before it was; & in the Power of God which was before the power of ye


serpent was; & so they are in this Light. Life & power to execute their Office: I say


within this divine Light, Life, & Power, & Spirit of God for Gods glory. In Truth,


Purity, Virtue, Holyness, & Righteousness they are to stand up for Gods glory,


& the Honour of his Son, & receive him who hath all power in Heaven & Earth


given to him; & all that receive him he gives them power to become the Sons &


Daughters of God; yn in his Power all are to act, & walk, & serve God in their


Generation, & in it to serve their generation, yea & in the New Creation in


Righteousness, & Holyness, & stand up in his power for his Glory, & in his Power


Righteousness, & Holyness yt Christ brings unto them, & renues in ym, & so into ye


resturation, yt they may Labour in ye Church & Garden of God in his Power to


his Everlasting Praise & Glory Amen.


G. F.


And all Friends stand fast in the Libertie wherewith Christ hath made you


free, & in the Libertie in the faith which Christ Jesus is the Author, & finiser


of; which Faith purifieth your hearts, & is the Victory, in which you have access


to God; the mysterie of which is held in a pure conscience, in which Faith it hath


its true Ribertie [sic]. And keep in the Liberty of the Everlasting Glorious Gospel of


Peace which is not of Man nor by Man but from heaven; wch Gospel bringeth


& hath brought Life, & Immortality to Light & will preserve you in Life, and in


Immortality over him that hath darkened you: & in this Gospel you have an Ever=


=lasting Liberty, & Peace & in the Truth wch maketh you free from him yt is out of


Truth, this free state all are to keep in, & also in ye pure holy spirit of God, & Christ,


yt doth mortifie all yt is to be mortified, & Circumcised; & doth Baptize you into


one body: In this Holy Spirit you are to walk, which leadeth you into all Truth,


in which is your Unity, & Fellowship, & giveth liberty from yt which hath grie[v=?]


=ed it & vexed, & quenched it, & so in the Liberty, & Fellowship, & Unity if ye Holy,


Pure Peaceable Spirit; & in ye Unity & Liberty of it you are all to dwell.


which is the Bond of the Prince of Princes Peace.


G. F.

6A Paper given forth from Friends of ye half year

Meeting in Dublin.


Dear Friends It being Known to us yt ye antient of dayes is come to bring things


in ye Antient Order yt ye searcher of all hearts is come to search throughly,


yt ye Rock of Ages is appeared for People to build thereon, that ye comelyness,


& beauty of him is now seen whose face hath been ^more marred yn ye face of any Man


whose glorious brightness hath enlightned our understanding; by which Candle


of ye Lord we see ye state of ye Sons & Daughters of Men, & how ye Enemy of


mankind goeth about seeking whom he may devour: & entangle again wth ye glory


and beauty of this world; & setting before Men & Women ye comlyness & decency


of the severall fashions & Customes of ye World, as also the delight & pleasures wch


may be had there in, by which we see many are ensnared by looking out at


those things & not keep constantly upon their watch Tower, whereby they might


see all the snares, & baits the Enemy of their Souls loads in the broad way, & Crooked


by pathes for their hurt & destruction, & therefore ye Lord hath put it into our


Hearts to be Willing, & to beseech all to be willing to come out, & lay aside all


those dead things. which doth not become the Sons & Daughters Servants &


Handmaids of ye Living God. after yt so gloriously in life & Power he hath


appeared unto ym & we desire yt in all Men & Womens Meetings faithfull


Men & Women be Chosen as have not entered into any of these things, but


are come out, & kept out of ym all since they were Convinced of the Living Truth of


God: Or such as now wth a ready & willing mind in ye dread & fear of ye Lord God


Almighty will come out of ym all to ye end yt they wthout delay in ye meek &


melting Spirit of ye Lord wth much tenderness may visit all those yt have -


entred, or keep in ye Worlds fashions in their Apparrel, Household stuff, or


otherwise: or in selling those things wch ye faithful People of God cannot Law=


fully use, or wear, & to exhort ym to come out of ym all, & If any are not willing,


& do not come out of those things after they be twice or thrice exhorted, yn those


yt exhorted ym to acquaint the Men & Womens Meetings with it to whom they


do belong, to ye end they may be had before the Meeting to answer for their so doing


yt the glory & Honour of ye Lord may be over all in us to our Comfort & Consolation–


This Paper was subscribed by sixty one Men & Women Friends.


7Concerning hasty Marriage.


In case the wife dye, now for ye Husband to take another Wife, or ye Widdow


another man wthin five or six Months or more ye sober part of ye World would


cry out shame against ym for such unclean Practices: & be ready to say with Chasti=


=ty, Temporance, or Moderation do they manifest more yn some of us who Marry


in so short a time, for it is oft-times the Practice of ye People ye World so to do,


in so much as it is become a common Proverb among ymselve by reason of ye hasty


Marriage to say, such a Man Married such a Woman (it being within ye year)


before his wife was scarse cold in her grave, If I say he or she Marry within ye twelve


month; But such Kind of Marriages doth not shew forth your Chastity, & Prudence,


& Moderation; whereas we should shew it beyond the World, both Widdowers & Widdows


that we have power over our selves, & over our affections; & so yt we are loose by ye


Power of God to God; & so to keep every way a Dominion, whereby you will Judge ye


World in these things Namely for their too much forwardness Intemperance & want


of Chastity: & therefore be not too hasty to marry, but shew forth yor moderation and


Chastity in your Orderly Marrying.


G. F.


8If a man find a Maid yt is not betrothed, & take her, & lye with her, yn ye Man yt


Lay with her shall give to ye Maids Father fifty shekels of silver, & she shall be his


wife because he humbled her, he cannot put her away, all his Life: Deut: 22.18.19. &


this was ye Command of God in his Law wch ye Apostle saith in ye 7th of ye Rom:


is Spiritual, Holy, just & Good: & we establish ye Law Rom: 3:31. Now for any


to profess ye Gospel whose works & actions be below ye Law they are Judged both


by Law & Gospel: & so by ye Law of God he must Marry her tho this Marriage is not hono=


=rable. ~


G. F.


An Epistle from Stephen Crisp To be read in ye Womens Meetings of Friends9


Friends In that Love that springs from the Root of Life, which hath brought forth many


Living Branches, doth my Salutation reach unto you, In which we have our Refresh=


=ments, & Incouragements in the Work of God, in this our Generation: & the more


your Minds are gathered into yt Living Root Christ Jesus, the Everlasting Head


of all Living Members, both Male & female, the more Incouragements you will feel


in your service to God. And therefore, Dear Friends, though you be weak in yourselves


yet in him is strength; & when ye Lack Wisdome, wait upon him, & he will Replenish you,


and fill you with his Heavenly Counsel, to your soul’s Refreshment. ~


And my Friends, above all things, live in ye Fear of God, & in love & Tenderness one to=


=wards another; & Let not the Enemy that lies in wait to destroy, Break the Band


of your Peace; for while ye keep the peace of God unbroken, ye can communicate


one to another of the Gifts & Grace of God, & so will daily feel a being the better one


for another, which will beget a Dearness & Esteem in you towards one another. & in


yt Dearness & Tenderness meet together about the Lords work Seeking with one Consent


to Exalt the Name of the Lord, & to honour it above your own Merits; & let none


seek Exaltation, but know this, that the Humblest & most self=denying, is highliest


honoured of God, & fittest to do him service; & they that are most long Suffering


& Patient, are most like to Christ the Head; & in such his Vertue will shine,


& so make it self known. ~


And. Friends, have a care in your Meetings, to give due honour unto every


Member in the Body, remembering none are useless, but stir up one another to


their Proper Service in ye house of God, & let not the foot be troubled that it is not


a hand, nor the hand that is not an Eye, but every one give thanks, that by the


Grace of God you are what you are; & be Faithful in your place & Service yt ye


may witness a Growth. & in your Meeting together, wait to feel the Rising if ye Life,


& opening of ye Wisdom of God in one another, & let that speak and propound


things needful & necessary for your Welfare, & ye Welfare of ye Church: And in th[e]


Wisdom chuse out two of you Meeting, to commit the trust & Charge of the Contributio[ns]


that are among you unto; & let them keep a Booke, in which your Charity and


good works may be Recorded, for the Comfort & Example of them yt follow afte[r]


Also chuse out one of each particular Meeting, & Lay it upon ym in ye Lord, to


take care in their Respective Meeting on your behalf.


That no Woman Young nor old. in their Respective Meetings, walk disorderly or


Wantonly, but yt they be Admonished & Counselled speedily.


That no Necessities that may fall upon any who are worthy, may be neglected


or disregarded, nor delayed, until a Meeting, but they may be forthwith Comforted.


that so the Enemy who lies in wait to tempt the Poor in the hour of their distress,


may be prevented.


That no Maids carry themselves unseemly toward their Mistresses, nor Mistresses


toward their Servants: but if such things should happen, let the Matter be take[n]


up & ended, & not to part asunder with evil in their Minds one toward another;


for yt will spread & hurt others.


That all Women Professing Truth, & having Children, may bring ym up in ye fea[r]


of God; & yt they use no Uncomely, Rash nor Passionate Words unto ym, for yt


sows an Evil seed in the Children, which may come up & dishonour God in ye ne[xt?] Generation.


That no Women-Friends may speak evil of one another, nor fall out wth one


another, nor carry evil in their Minds one against another; nor bear Tales ab[out?]


to beget others in Evil, & into partyship but yt all such things may be speedily


suppress’d & borne down in the Power & Judgment of God.


And let that Woman-Friend give Account to ye Meeting, of such as will not receive


admonition, yt some other friends may take the care of such a Matter upon them, &


endeavour to break through the hardiness, In ye Wisdome & Love of God.


And if yt Woman-Friend have laid out Money, let ye Meeting order ye two friend[s]


who keep ye Collection, to reimburse her; yt so every one may be encouraged in yt


work of ye Lord & ye may, as wth one shoulder, bear the Lord’s burden in this d[ay?]


of Travail, & also ye burdens of ye weak, Who sometimes are neither strong enough,[nor?]


wise enough to bear their own Burdens; & afterward, they may grow up to be sens[ible?]


of yor Tenderness, & to bless you in the Name of ye Lord.


So, my Dear Friends, feel my love, & live in yt from whence it springs, & ye God of


Love & Life, Bless, Prosper & keep you in his Fear to the End, to be Fellow-helpers


with the Lord in his Work, Comfort & Refreshment to your Brethren, and to lea[d?]


a Holy, Innocent, Upright, Testimony & Example to ye Generations yt shall [follow ?]


I rest your Friend in ye Truth.


S. C.


10Concerning Marriage in the Kindred


We do grant it was there, & after the Law to keep up their Tribes, & their Lands by


Lott (if yt ye deceased had not Children, they were to Raise up seed to their dead B[ro]


ther) but Christ is come yt raises up the Seed of his dead Brethren, Who redeems out of the


Tribes & Earth: For Jew & Gentile all are one without Christ & with in, & (by the Law [of]


God & Gospel) to Marry in the kindred was forbidden: for it was ye Custome of ye Heath[ens?]


ye Canaanites, & Egyptians. as you may read in Levit:18. And therefore ye Lord commands to


Keep his Statutes, & Judgments, & live in ym, for he was their Lord who Orders, & Governs all


his People, & Commands yt they shall not approach to any that ^was near of kin to him: & yt


he was not to Marry the Sister ye daughter of ye Father, Nor ye Daughter of ye Mother wheith[er]


she was born at home or abroad, nor the Sons Daughter, nor thy Daughters Daughter yt is


the Cousen; nor were they to Marry wth their Fathers Wives Daughter begotten by


their Father, for she was his Sister they were not to Marry with all, for she was a near


Kinswoman, Thou shalt not take to Wife thy Aunt; thou shalt not marry Daughter in Law


nor thy brothers wife, neither shalt thou Marry a Woman & her Daughter, neither shalt thou


Marry thy Sons Daughter, or her Daughters, or her Daughter. therefore we do utterly


deny all Marriages to any kindred, to any Cousen, we cannot give Liberty to admit it,


John Baptist who saw Christ Reproved Herod for Marrying his Kinswoman. Therefore


Friends live in ye spirit that reproves these things.


And further if any Friend Intends to Marry a Young Woman or Maid let ym speak to her


Father & Mother first if in case they go to their house upon Such an Account about


Marriage & not to draw out the Maids affections first, & yn afterwards to speak to ye


Father & Mother, that’s the Practice of the Worst of Men in the World, & not the Civil,


men in ye World: for if they go upon such an Account to marry a Mans Daughter


they will go & speak wth ye Father & Mother first before they proceed in ye thing wth ye


Daughter, For Abraham when he sent to take a wife for his Son Isaac, his Servant,


Eleazar did his Massage unto Bethuel (before he would eat or drink with them) concern


ing ye Marriage & yn they called the Maid, & speak to her about it, & she Consented, &


they said it was of ye Lord, & they could not gain say it. So yt If you should Meddle


with ye young woman first, & draw her Affections, & after speak to her Father, &


Mother, this brings the Father & Mother into Sorrow & Trouble, & cannot tell many


times what to do fearing least their Daughter should be spoiled, and that brings con-


fusion, & is for Judgment as is the worst of Mens Practice, & so I say is for Condemnation


G. F.


11All Friends keep in the tender Life of the Lamb over yt Unruly Puffed up, & swelling Spirit


whose work is for strife, contention & division; drawing into looseness & false Liberty


under a pretence of Conscience, & dangerous to ye spoiling of youth, & they yt do encou=


=rage ym will be guilty of their destruction; & set up a sturdy will instead of Conscience


in their Rage, & Passion; which will both quench the Universal Spirit in themselves


& in every Man & Woman; & so yt Spirit Shall not have the Libertie in ymselves nor in others; &


so hath shut up the Kingdome of Heaven in ym selves, & also in others: & so a loose Spirit


under a pretence of Libertie of Conscience, or a Stubborn Will Making a Profession


of the Words of Truth in a forme without Power; all loosness & Villany will be


sheltered & covered under this Pretence which is for Eternal Judgment for yt doth


dishonour God: And therefore keep to ye tender Spirit of God in all Humility, & in it


you may know yt you are all Members of one another In the Spirit. & not in ye Flesh; So


here is no man Ruling over the Woman as Adam did over Eve in the fall, but Christ ye


Spiritul man among, & over his Spiritual Members which is Edified in ye heavenly


Love yt is shed in their Hearts from God where all strife ceases.


11th 5 Month 1678


G. F.


12Dear Friends to whom is my Love in ye Heavenly seed in whom all nations, is blessed: oh there


fore keep ^all in this Seed in wch you are blessed; & in wch Abraham, & all ye Faithfull was


blest with out ye Deeds of ye Law, & so ye Promise was, & is with ye Seed, & now wth ye


Law of ye first Covenant, & in this Seed all Nations & ye are blessed which bruiseth ye


head of ye seed which broug[h]t the curse, & Seperated between Man & God; this is the Seed wch Reco[n]


=ciles you to God, & this is ye Seed in which you are blessed both in Temporals, & Spirituals,


through wch you have an Inheritance yt cannot be defiled among ye Sanctified; neither


can any defiled thing enter into It’s possession; for all defilement is out of this Seed, this


is that wch leavens up into ye New lump, & bruiseth the head of ye Wicked Seed yt Leavens into


ye Old Lump, upon whom the sun of Righteoness goes down, & sets, but never goes down,


nor sets to ym that walk in ye Seed in which all nations are blessed, by wch seed they are


brought up to God, wch puts down yt Seed wch Seperated betwixt ym & God, so yt there comes


to be nothing betwixt ym & God, & so now all my dear Friends my desire is that you may all


be valiant in this Heavenly Seed for God & his Truth upon ye Earth, & spread it abroad


answering yt of God in all, yt wth it ye Minds of People may be turned towards ye Lord, yt he


may come to be known & served, & Worshiped; & yt ye may all be ye Salt of ye earth to make ye unsea=


=soned Savoury. And in ye Name of Jesus keep yor Meetings who are gathered into it in whose


name you have Salvation, & he in the Midst of you, Whose Name is above every Name under


the Whole Heaven; & so you have a Prophet, a Bishop, Shepherd, & Priest & Counsellor above all


Counsellors, & Priests, Bishops, Prophets, & Shepherds under ye Whole Heaven to exercise his


Offices among you in your Meetings yt is gathered in his Name; & so Christs Mee[t]=


=ing & gathering is above all ye Meetings & gatherings under ye Whole Heaven: & so his


Body his Church & he ye Head of it is above all bodies, & Churches, & heads under ye


Whole Heaven; & So ye Faith wch Christ is ye Author of, & ye Worship wch he hath set


up, & his Fellowship in his Gospel is above all Historical Faiths, & ye Faiths wch


Man hath made together wth their Worships & Fellowships under ye Whole Heaven.


And now dear Friends keep your Men & Womens Meetings in ye Power of God ye


Gospel the Authority of ym wch brings Life, And Immortality to Lighten you. & this


Gospel ye Power of God will preserve you in Life. & Immortality wch hath brough[t]


it to Light in you. yt ye may see over him yt hath darkened you from Life & Immo[r-]


-tality (yt would throw down your Men & Womens Meetings) in ye power of God


ye Gospel; & darken again from this Life & Immortality wch ye Gospel hath brought to


Light, & Will preserve you in Life & Immortality, as your Faith stands in ye Power of God


ye Gospel: in wch every one sees your Work & service for God, & ever Heir of ye Power


of God ye Gospel hath right to this Authority wch is not of Man, nor by Man; wch Gospel


ye Power of God is Everlasting an Everlasting Order & Everlasting Fellowship, & in


Gospel is Everlasting Joy, Comfort, & Peace, & will outlast all those Joyes, Comforts,


& Peace that will have an end, & also that Spirit yt opposes its Order, & the Glorious


Fellowship. Peace & Comfort in it: And now my Dear Friends my desire is yt you may


keep in ye Unity of ye Spirit. That Baptizes you all into ^one Body. wch Christ is ye Heavenly


Spiritual Head of. So yt you may See, & Witness to your Spirituall, & Heavenly Head,


& so all drink into Spirit: wch all People upon the Earth is not Like to drink into one


Spirit while they grieve, quench, & Rebell against it nor to be Baptized into one Body, & to


keep the Unity of ye Spirit wch is the Bond of ye King of Kings, & Lord of Lords


Peace; wch is ye duty of all true Christians to keep, wch are Inwardly united to Christ.


And so with my Love in ye Everlasting Seed.


G. F.


13Friends; There is a Summer Religion yt is up, & Flourisheth while ye Sun Shineth, & while


they have ye Club, ye staff & ye Bag; but wn ye Winter & ye Storm & Tempest cometh


they fly under the hils, & Mountains, & Trees to cover & shelter ymselves (but this is n[?]


Ye Nature of ye Sheep of Christ,) in their Bestiall Religion, whose flight is in ye Wind


whom the Powers do Seperate from their Religion, Worship Church (as they call it) their D[?] is


But ye Nature of ye Sheep is not so; the Sheep will get a top of ye highest hill & mountain, & set


their backs & Tails against the Storm, Weather, & Tempest, & bleat for one another: &


the Dogs are abroad among ye sheep they will run all together, but they yt are not ye Sheep in him


Will scatter, & be scattered wn any thing feareth ym; But part the Sheep asunder, & they will e[?]


all On heaps again; & will keep together. & neither Storm, Tempest, nor Winter, nor Pow[er?]


nor Principalities, can Seperate ym from the Love of God wch they have in Christ Jesu[s]


their shepherd; & so Christs sheep beareth fruit in ye winter, & Tempest. & hath neither


bag, staff, nor Club, but is in the Vine bearing fruit; sitting atop on ye Highest


hill & Mountain, with their backs against ye weather.


G. F.

14To ye Quarterly Men & Womens Meetings wch are Gathered.

in the Name & Power of Jesus.


Christ ye Second Adam who is both Head & Husband of his Church, &


Redeemer, & Purchaser, & Saviour, & Sanctifier, & Reconciler of his Sons & Daughter


to God: I say his Presence (to wit) Christ, feel among you to exercise his Propheticall


Office in opening of you wth his Light, Grace, Truth, Power & Spirit, & Exercise his


Office as he is a Bishop to oversee you with his Light, Grace, Power. & Spirit, tha[t]


you do not go astray from God.


And as Christ is a Shepherd, feel, see, & hear him Exercising yt Office who


has laid down his life for his sheep, & feed ym in his Living Pastures of Life, & makes ym


to drink of his Living Eternal Springs, & Let him Rule & Govern in your Hearts as he is


a King, yt his Heavenly & Spiritual Government all may live under true Subjec[t]


of his Righteous Peaceable Kingdome that stands in Righteousness, & Power &


Joy in the Holy Ghost, over Satan & his Power, & ye Unclean Unholy Ghost,


& all unrighteousness.


So all you Subjects of Christs Kingdome of Peace & If yt you want Wisdome,


or knowledge, or Life, or Salvation, Christ is the Treasure, feel him ye Treasure


among you; And every one among you as he has Received Christ walk in him. in


whom you have all Peace, Who bruises ye head of ye Serpent that is ye Author of a[?]


strife, destractions, & Confusion, yea you have Peace wth God & one wth another


tho the trouble be from ye World, & ye Worlds Spirit: & Therfore My dear Fri[ends]


& Brethren Love one another wth ye Love yt is of God shed in your Hearts, yt yo[u]


may bear the Marks of Christs Disciples; & yt Christ be in you & you in him


so yt God Almighty may be Glorified among you: And wt ever ye do let it to be do[ne]


in ye Name of Jesus; To ye Praise of God ye Father keeping the Holy Spirit of God


wch was before the Unholy Spirit was; wch holy spirit is your bond of Peace yea ye


Holy King of Kings & Lord of Lords Peace, & In this Holy Pure spirit is your


Eternal Unity & Eternal Fellowship: In which Spirit of Truth you do serve &


Worship ye God of ye Truth. Who is God over all Blessed forever Amen. & so ye Lord


Guide you all wth his Word of Patience. Word of Life, Power, & Wisdome in all your


Actions, Lives & Conversations & Meetings to Gods Glory. So with my Love


to you all in ye Lord Jesus Christ by whom all things were made, Who is God


over all first & last.


4th Month 1681.


G. F.

15G Fs Testimony at a Yearly Meeting in London

3d Month 1681


To Friends; Blessed be ye Name of the Lord who hath been ye Preserver of his Peopl[e]


to this day, in wch the great Love of God to Mankind hath been made manifes[t]


For Christ said God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son


Yt [That] whosoever Believeth in him should not Perish, but have Everlasting


Life Joh. 3.16.


Now my Friends yt this you may mind; Man was drove from God when


he had disobeyed him; & all are in ye Corrupt state while man is drove from God:


But now God so Loved ye World yt he gave his only begotten Son; His Begotten;


not ye Begotten of Adam in the Fall, Son, nor Daughter, but his Begotten;


For God did not take a Son, or Daughter of Adam, but his Own Son, his only


Begotten: Now wn [when] his Son came who Received him? Who had Faith in him?


For it’s said wn the Son of Man cometh shall he find Faith in ye Eart[h].


For ye Son of God ye Beloved is ye Author & Finisher of Faith to the


Sons & Daughters of Men; Men may make Faiths, & Creeds, but what are they


all good for? So now ever Man yt hath ye true Faith must have it from God;


& his Son Christ Jesus; & not from the Sons & Daughters of Adam in ye fall.


& Transgression.


For God so Loved ye World yt he gave his Only Begotten Son into ye World,


The first born of every Creature; he gave his Son, who by ye Grace of God tasted


Death for every Man to be a Propitiation for our Sins, He did not take


a Son or Daughter of Adam in ye Fall yt they should be a Sacrif[i]ce for ye Sins


of ye World, but Gods Son; Here was a Promise ye Seed of the Woman shall


bruise ye Serpents Head. Here is another Promise w[ht?] his Name should be:


Immanuel ^God with us


So Now Friends Man being drove from God ye Seed of ye Woman bruises


the Head of ye Serpent yt so Man may come back again to God; And therefore


every Man & Woman must feel this Emmanuel (God wth us) in ym for it’s not Professing


ye Saints Words, & Painting their Sepulchres as ye Scribes, & Pharisees did. So now


Friends, Man & Woman being drove from God, every Man & every Woman must feel


this Emmanuel, if you feel God in you or with you; the Promises are yea & Amen in Christ


ye Seed forever; ye Prophets Prophesied of him, & ye Tipes & Figures, & Shadows did


Tipify him forth who is ye Substance that hath appeared ye second time without Sin


unto Salvation.


The Pharisees & Priests could tell by ye Scriptures where Christ should


be Born, but who did Receive him, this Emmanuel? Men all Confess yt wee


have been drove from God, & all Dyed in Adam, they have put on Adam by


Death: Here Death & Destruction may talk of ye Fame of God, & Christ Jesus; we


by Nature are ye Children of Wrath as Well as others saith ye Apostle; But before


People come to be grounded & Established in ye Truth, & Light of Christ Jesus they


must be turned Inward, & Baptized by one Spirit into one Body.


But now being all dead in Adam, & Batized into his unclean Ghost, this


foul Spirit out of Truth, & Plunged into the Death of Adam in transgression


in Sin, & Unrighteousness, & all Ungodliness; Here was the Plunging into ye foul


unclean Spirit; wn Adam went from God, & his Holy spirit he dyed, & all dyed in him


Now come to ye Second Adam ye Lord of Glory who was not begotten by the


Will of Man, he is a Baptizer: wth wt: by the Holy Ghost; Now this foul unclean


Ghost hath brought all miserie & Darkness, Malice, Envy, & wrath into Man, & by it


they are plunged into it.


Now ye second Adam is come; he shall Baptize you wth Fire & ye Holy Ghost


to burn up ye Chaff, wch must be burned out of every Man & Woman if ever they come to


God; for all having been Baptized into Adam in ye Fall, they must know a Renewing,


& a Baptizing again by Christ, before they come into ye Paradise of God again where


this Chaff is cleansed out of ye Heart.


Here is one Lord, one Faith. one Baptisme. All dead in Adam they must know


a Baptism again: Many may go into Outward Water, but they must come to this Bap=


=tism to be plunged wth this Spirit, this Holy Ghost to have their Corruptions burned up,


& Plunged down by him yt Gathers ye wheat into ye Garner, & burns up ye Chaff wth


unquenchable Fire. this must be plunged down, & burned up before Man comes to God.


So now my Friends, they that have been Baptized into ye Death of Adam


in Transgression have put him on; they have not put on Christ: But they yt are


Batized into ye Death of Christ have put him on, & put off ye Old Man, & are Renew=


=ed in their Minds to God again, so every Man & Woman must know this


Baptism of Christ, and as the Apostle did say to some ye are all Baptized into


one Body by one Spirit: So now this Holy pure Spirit of God yt doth plunge


down Sin & Iniquity, this pure Spirit is yt which was in Man before ye foul Spirit


got into Man & Woman by Transgression, the Pure Spirit of God was before yt was;


And this pure Spirit brings & Unites all into ^one Spirituall Body wch the Spiritual


man is ye Head of; Who is ye first-born of every Creature; He is not that Son yt was


Born by ye Will of Man, but by ye Will of God; So yt No Son or Daughter of Adam


in ye Fall can be Head of the true Church, but he that was ye first begotten of


God, Who tasted Death for every Man, this must People know, & every man feel in


their own Particulars by his Grace & Truth If they will come to Life & Salvation


by Jesus Christ, who is ye Head & Saviour of his Church.


So now Man being drove from God, ye Emmanuel God wth us Christ Jesus


is come into his Temple: There was Figures, Types, & Shaddows in ye time of


the Law, & Severall things did Tipe forth, yt ye Substance was to come wch is now


come: Therefore Said ye Apostle it pleased ye Father to Reveal his Son; ye Son of God;


not of Old Adam, Reveal his Son in me, yn he did Preach Emmanuel ^God with us:


& yt ye believers were ye Temple of God: The Faith of Gods Elect was known


in Christ; & here is no Life out of this Faith in Christ, but in him is enjoyment of


Peace; Here is ye Comfort of Christ Jesus, ye Emmanuel God with us; here is the seed of


ye Woman yt bruises ye Head of ye Serpent: so as it was said ye Gospel was preached


to Abraham, saying in thy Seed shall all nations of ye Earth be blessed. So now ye


Gospel was Preached to Adam, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob; it is in ye Seed Christ.


And so Friends all People must come into this Seed yt are blessed, & standing


& Living in this seed here is Glory to God in ye Highest, here is ye standing Rock


ye Rock of Ages, & standing foundation. He that bruises ye Serpents Head is come,


who is ye Foundation, & Rock of all true Believers in ye Light, ye Light in Christ


ye seed to build on, so bruises the Head of all other false Foundations, all yt wch must


have an end, yt had a Beginning among men; all their Formallities must have an


end, ye Substance is come; here is ye Foundation, yea ye Heavenly & Holy Foundation,


a Foundation not of Man, but of ye Heavenly Man: not of ye Sons & Daughters of


Old Adam, but ye Son of God. In thy Seed shall all Nations be blessed; & no nation


can be in ye Blessing except in the Seed, O ye Everlasting Love of God to all Mankind:


Here the pure God hath his Glory, & Praise, & Honour over all in his Pure Seed Blessed for


ever: & here is ye Emmanuel God wth Man; here is stability & Settlement upon this Rock


this Seed yt bruises ye head of ye Serpent (yt leads from God) in which all Nations are blessed,


Thee out of this seed to talk of ye Prophets, Talk of ye Figures & Shaddows yt Tipe forth


ye Seed thou hast not ye Blessing: So here in ye Seed Christ Jesus in ye Gospel shall all


Nations be blessed; So all Nations Must come into this Seed in wch ye Living God hath his


Praise, his Living Praise, his Living Honour, who is over all in his Heavenly Power.


There is a setled established state, being built on him ye Emmanuel God with us,


by whom Man is Reconciled to God: So every man know & feel him your Possession, in


whom all ye Promised Figures, Tipes & Shaddows end, in him ye Substance, here


is comfort of the Promises enjoying ye Substance, & here Praises arise to ye Everlasting


God thorow Christ, & to him yt was, & is to come, ye second Adam ye Lord from


Heaven: So now my friends this Answers to that of ye Apostles in their Dayes, wt [what] they


saw & enjoyed: But now as People come again to this Light & Life, Grace & Truth,


& ye Seed Christ Jesus from whence ye same comes: So they come to enjoy him again


as ye Apostle saith, E[x]amine your selves, prove your own selves. know you not your


own selves, how yt Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates; the Apostle here


would not have People to live in a Profession of God & Christ in Ungodliness.


but enjoy & Possess Christ; & to examine ym selves wheither they are Reprobates,


or not, but wt is a Reprobate? one yt is Wandred & dr^iven from God & Christ


out of ye Way of Truth, one yt talks, & has not ye Possession, a Reprobate: There


fore ye Apostle would have all to be true Christians, & to have Christ in them


Christ in you the Hope of Glory, as Christ was in him.


Therefore all Christians are to come to Try & Examine wheither Christ be


in ym yea or Nay: wt they Dye unto, & wt they Live unto, Who it is yt makes ym


alive again; So he being in ym ye Emmanuel God with us, here is no Repro=


=bation; Examine your selves: If Christ be not in you. yn [then] you are Reprobates,


the Apostle would have ym sound Christians, Possessors of Life & not Professors


only: & therefore he bid ym Examine ym selves, this is ye day Wherein all must


come to Examination, or how can they Preach Christ If he be not Revaled


in ym: for saith ye Apostle wn it pleased ye Father to Reve^al his Son in me


consulted not &c. And so he that had ye Son of God, & knoweth him to be Revealed


in him hath Life Everlasting; this must all know & feel in their own particulars


He yt doth Inherit him hath Peace, So now my Friends as People come out of ye


Apostacie into ye Possession of this Heavenly Seed. Christ Jesus; If you have him


you have Life Eternal, you have Peace with God, ye Emmanuel who Reconciles you


to God again; & here you all come to Eat of ye Living bread yt comes down from Hea=


=ven & drink of ye Living Waters, here is a Living Well comes to be Opened. O Blessing


& Praises to ye King of Sion, him yt Lives & Reigns forever; So now Friends here


is a Rock known; & we can say wt Rock is like our Rock who bruises ye Head of ye


Serpent; All must come to him yt is over all false Foundations to him yt brings


Man again ^into ye Image of God to build on Christ ye sure Foundation; So here


People come all to Witness to be Baptized into him & put him on; & to know ye


true Baptism yt plunges down ye false Spirit, & his works as ye Apostle saith


we are all Baptized by one Spirit into one body, & here we all drink into one


pure Spirit; ye Holy Spirit of God; drink in it here is unity.


To drink in this one pure Spirit wch is over ye foul Spirit, or else how


can it Baptize Man, or Plunge down Corruption if it be not above ye foul


Spirit? So drink in this Pure Holy Spirit, here is ye Pure standing Fellow=


ship; meet here, Feed here, drink here; many may come to sights, & Talk of these


things, but Few come to be possessors of this Pure Spirituall standing. Baptism [?]


yt Baptizeth into one Body, & to know Christ who was not Begotten by ye Will


of Man but of God; Who came from ye bosome of ye Father to be the Head of ye


Church: Now ym yt drink here will not drink of ye Whores Cup will not


drink of any Profession of Leligion [sic] set up without ye pure Spirit of God,


Because their drinking is in ye Spirit: Now here is a Fello^wship & perfect


Unity in ye Heart & Spirit wch is ye Bond of Peace unites to God & one unto


another in an intire Fellowship wch will stand wn all ye Fellowships in ye


world are gone, this unites & makes us known one unto another in yt wch


is Everlasting; not only in this World but in yt wch is to come; so this


pure Spirit Baptizes into one Body this Spirit brings in Life, & Love, &


Peace, & strength, & fills all wth good things; Ye foul Spirit hath No room


in Man here drinking in this Holy pure Spirit.


So now Friends here in this one pure Spirit is ye Unity of ye


Church in God yt Christ is ye Head of, O blessed be God for ever: You Read of the


Circumcision in ye Old Covenant to be Outward; & ye Men were to be Circum


=cised before they did eat of ye Sacrifices: for the Uncircumcised were to go


down into the Pit; this was in ye Old Testament; But Now in the New-


=Testament ye Circumcision is in ye Spirit yt cuts off ye Body of Death & Sin in


the Flesh wch hath got up into Man & Woman by Transgression; This all must come


to Witness ye Circumcision in ye Spirit before they come to feed on ye Sacrifice


Christ Jesus ye Bread yt comes down from Heaven.


You must consider yt Father Adam & Mother Eve had not a Body


of sin & Death before they went from God, But when they hearkened to ye Serpent


they fell from ye Image of God; Therefore there must be a Circumcision in [?]


ye Spirit to put off ye Body of Sin & Death wch hath got into Man & Woman


by Transgression before they come to Feed on ye Heavenly Sacrifice Christ the


Heavenly Spiritual Offering; for If they do not come to this Circumcision


with ye pure Spirit they cannot come to feed on ye Heavenly Bread; for he yt


is heavenly must be fed on by this Holy Heavenly Spirit; So every Man &


Woman must know this Heavenly Circumcision, who is ye Circumciser &


Baptizer: ye second Adam ye Heavenly Man, he Will baptize & Circumcise you


he is ye Substance, this Heavenly Man; Every Mans Eye must be to him in ye light


& Life, Grace, & Truth yt comes from him.


The Light wch is ye Life in Christ hath been often talked of, & called


Naturall, but this is a Mistake; for it is said in ye beginning was ye Word, & in


ye Word was Life; so it was Life in ye Word before any Naturall Created Lights


were, & before man was made, or Conscience either, ye Life in ye Word was


before Old Adam; So they yt call it Naturall Created Light, or Conscience,


are mistaken, Now this Light in Christ wch is ye Light in Man we have not


from any of ye Sons, & Daughters of Old Adam; from whom yn [?] from ye


second Adam whose name is called ye Word of God, by whom all things


was made; So now every Man yt comes to be a Believer in ye Light, ye Life,


in ye Word Christ; comes to be Grafted into Christ Jesus; here ye Root bears ye


branches; these be living Members, & make up a Spiritual Household, So this


Light, & Life comes not from Old Adam, or any of his Sons & Daughters,


but from ye Second Adam ye Lord from Heaven, therefore they yt say to ye


Contrary, & give ye Light other Names know not what they say; But they


who are come into this Light ye Life in ye Word they are established upon


Christ who is ye first & Last, & will be to all Eternity, Glory to God for ever:


This Light was before all Naturall Lights were (& this Word was before all false


words were) This was yt wch Christ taught to believe in, and they yt did Believe


were setled & Established in Christ; For Gods Love was so great to Mankind yt


he sent his Son a Light into ye World yt whosoever believes in him should not


perish but have Everlasting Life; He yt believeth not is Condemned already:


By one Mans Disobedience Condemnation came upon all. He yt comes out must


believe; He yt believeth cometh out of Condemnation: Therefore now I say this


Light ye Life in Christ keeps every Mans Eye to him from whom they Receive Power,


& from whom they Receive his Law, they come to be a Subject under, his Government;


here comes every one in their own Hearts to have a Testimony to ye Light, ye Second


Adam ye Lord From Heaven, he yt never transgressed nor Sinned, nor never fell,


So yn he in you, & you in him; here is ye Generall, Universal Love of God to all man=


kind; therefore the Gospel hath & must be Preached to all Nations; for they yt have


Received this Gospel of ye Son of God have received him, but you may say ye Apostle


calls it his Gospel, yes, he Received it, & was Heir of ye Everlasting Gospel by yt wch


came from God, & Christ came by none of Adams Sons: So this Order of ye Gospel ye


Power of God is not from Old Adam, for this brings under ye Government of Christ,


& this Power of God keeps Man clean, & Preserves him, being stronger yn ye Power


of ye Devil: So all Mankind hath a Visitation of ye Gospel of Life & Salvation


sounded to their Souls; but it is only ym yt Receive it & Obey it yt have ye Comfort


of it for they that are established in ye Gospel are established in ye Power of God,


Then this Gospel is their stability; So Glory to God for ever, this Gospel is from


Heaven & not from Man, the Enemy cannot come into it every Man & Woman


wth this Gospel wch hath brought Life & Immortality to Light they will see Christ,


& come under his Government. Power & Wing yt will preserve, & he will gather ym as


a hen gathers her Chickens under wings to keep ym from ye Vermin: Now Christ


preserves from under ye Power of Darkness ye Devil yt is ye great devourer of Mankind;


& so here under his Power & wing we can say thy Kingdome is an Everlasting Kingdom,


it is established in his Power, So stability is in ye Gospel the Power of God.


So now Friends two things are in my mind: first God poured out of his


spirit upon all Flesh in ye New Covenant. But in ye Old Covenant God poured


forth his Spirit on ye House of Israel & Judah; & they that were in ye Spirit of


God yn saw this day of ye New Covenant: & yt God would poure of his Spirit upon all Flesh.


So now all Flesh must come to this Spirit of God, & know this Spirit to be poured upon ym;


this was general & ye other particular, he will pour of his Spirit upon all Flesh, so all


Flesh must come to this Spirit if they will worship God. this Spirit doth not come from


Adam, nor none of his Sons & Daughters, but from God. God Almighty must have ye eye, or


Ear in his Spirit, so all come to this Spirit here is ye Comfort & Joy; this is that wch is


not of Man; So this Holy Spirit makes all Subject, & settles ym upon Christ & God,


let Waves & Persecutions, & wt ever come, here in this stand to be Preachers, & Possessors


of this, they know in it their End even Everlasting Life


So now here you may see the Love of God to Mankind yt he would not have ym to


Perish, but to have Everlasting Life in Christ Jesus, but some will say how shall I come to


know & have this good Spirit? you must leave ye bad Spirit yt leads into all badness,


Wickedness, & all manner of Evill, but this Pure, Holy Spirit leads into all manner


of Vertue, & all yt is good, there is a distinction one from ye other; as ye Apostle saith


ye Fruit of ye good Spirit is love &c.


So now Friends none to vex & quench, or give ye Spirit of God; for the Apos=


tle saw some in his day going from ye Light Spirit & Gospel, ye Power of God, &


went into ye Apostasie; therefore come again to ye Spirit & Truth yt leads out


of the Apostasie, & so come to Christ; for as ye Law was given by Moses in ye


Old Testament, so Grace & Truth came by Jesus Christ in ye New; In ye Old


Testament they had their Offerings of ye Blood of Bulls, Goats, Rams, & Tythes,


Swearing Temple, & all those Outward things: : But in ye New Testament ye


Lamb Christ Jesus Offered up himself for all; & Said freely you have received freely


give: Swear not at all; & hath abolished those Outward things; so there is a distinction


between ye Old Covenant & ye New.


Now as there was a going into ye Apostasie from ye Light, & Grace, & Truth,


& Spirit of God in ye Inward parts, So there must be a coming again to ye Grace &


Truth yt is come by Jesus ye Second Adam, & not by ye first Adam if they come


out of ye Apostasie; so every Man & Woman must come to this Grace which must be


their Teacher; every man come to Jesus from whom they have it; look to him yt


keeps your Eyes, Ears, & Hearts up to himself: But some will say this a Common


Grace, a natural Grace, & such Talk.


How can this be a Common or Natural Grace? The Grace of God yt brings


Salvation hath appeared unto all Mankind: The Grace & favour of God to all


Mankind; If all men do not Receive this Grace how can they come into ye Favour of


God? If this be a Naturall & Common Grace yn they are in ye Naturall Estats, & ye


Naturall Man perceives not the things of God; Nay yt is a Speciall Grace yt brings


Salvation, this is yt wch turns every Man & Womans eye to Jesus yt Receives it ye


Second Adam ye Lord from Heaven to his Light, Grace, & Truth from Death, &


Darkness, yt thereby in him all may be setled, & grow in Grace, yea from Grace to


Grace, & may encrease; So here in this & by this all is kept in ye sence & feeling of


ye Love of God wch ye Grace, Truth, Spirit, & Power yt comes from Jesus Christ, & so


comes from God; This keeps every Mans Eye out of old Adam: keeps out of all Carnall


Worships, Religions, & Fellowships & keeps up to him yt is Worshipped in ye Spirit


& Truth; & in ye true Worship yt ye Devil is out of; This is ye standing pure


path; here doth every Man & Woman by ye Grace, Truth, & Spirit, keep their Eye


to Jesus, so to God through him; by this comes every Man & Woman to know


Christ Jesus their Rock & Foundation, & come to be established, & setled on him ye


Rock over all other Foundations in ye World: So now Friends ye Love of God,


his blessing is come for every Man & Woman yt Receives it comes to know him


to Reigne in his Grace & Truth, Light, & Life, & Gospel wch is ye Power of God;


every Man & Woman in it Eye him, & he in you dwelling in you, & you in him, such


are sound Christians in Substance & in deed; & therefore prove your selves as ye


Apostle saith know you not your own selves how yt Jesus Christ is in you except


you be Reprobates; & If he be in you here is ye substance of ye Tipes, Figures, &


Shadows: Here is a setled Rest, & Sabbath in Christ Jesus for all his Believers in


his Light: O Glory to God for ever.


For saith ye Apostle look unto Jesus ye Author & Finisher of your Faith,


So now Friends he being ye Author & Finisher of your Faith every Man & Woman


must Receive it from him, & not from Old Adam nor none of his Sons, & Daughters


O let him come into your Hearts yt came from ye bosome of ye Father let him have


Room: wt Room had he formerly but in ye Manger among ye Outward Professing


Jews; let him have Room in your Hearts; For he has but a little Room in ye Profes=


=sors without Possession, who will not receive his Light, for he hath no Room in yt


Proud Lifty mind, therefore let him have ye Reign in you; If he be not in you wt


is all talk of Religion good for? for If Christ be not wth in, Man is Seperate


from God, from ye Emmanuel God wth us; & in yt Estate Man doth not Witness


Peace wth God; but If Christ be known wth in here will be no Reprobate, but


stability; he being wth in, yt bruises ye Head of ye Serpent.


Therefore to him yt is ye God of all Power I shall commit & commend you,


& to ye Word of his Grace to establish you upon Christ Jesus & Therefore every Man


& Woman come to know yt you have Received his Faith, his Spirit, his Grace his Life,


his Light, & Truth growing up in Christ from whence this comes yt bruises ye Head


of ye Serpent & Destroys him & his Works; who is above all, Glory to God for ever;


He was & he is & will be to all Eternity: He is a Prophet to open to his People; A.


Bishop to Oversee you: a Priest to sanctifie; a King to Rule & Reign in your heart


by Faith, exercising his Offices among you; so yt you may all come to sit down in


him in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus: If you want Life, Salvation, Wisdome,


Righteousness, Peace, he is ye Treasure, So come to ye Treasure; he was a Priest,


& Prophet, & he is, & will be forevermore to all his believers in his Light; And as


every one has Received Christ Jesus so to Walk in him; tis not talking only but


walking in Christ Jesus; not only to talk of the Light but walk in it, many may


talk of Grace & Truth, but walk in unrighteousness, & unholyness. God is Righteous,


& Holy, who will Judge such; to whom I leave you, & yt People may Live to God


& Receive ye good things, & blessings that come from God through Jesus Christ, Let


your eye be to him from whom you Receive Life, from whom you Receive Grace,


& Faith, Who is your Redeemer, by which Grace, & Faith your Hearts come to be


purified from dead Works to serve ye Living God; This is he wch Destroyes ye Devil


& his Works; In this Faith ye Holy men of God did believe in wch they pleased God,


Whereas tis said Heb.11. They all Dyed in ye Faith, not Receiving ye Promises;


So they all Dyed in yt wch came from God; they Dyed in yt wch Pleased God; & in


yt wch they had access to him, & in which is ye Unity in ye Faith of Gods Elect,


wch leads out of all ye bad wayes of old Adam; This is ye Faith yt Jesus Christ


is ye Author, & Finisher of ye Second Adam: this brings People to an Inward


Intire Life, out of all yt wch will fade away to a Holy Faith, a Holy Life, into


a pure, divine, precious Unity, & so to have access to ye Pure Holy God: in wch you


have life, & salvation, & in wch Faith you Please God.


So God hath ye Glory who is over all from Everlasting to Everlasting


   blessed for evermore


G. F.


16G Fs Prayer


Dear Friends & Brethren: as I was at Prayer in my Chamber upon ye 23:12th Month


1678. & making Interecssion [sic] to ye Lord for Friends his People, yt ye Lord would be


pleased to preserve them from this Rough, & Foul Spirit yt was risen up: & ye Lord did


Answer me in my Prayer yt this Spirit was Risen up for ye Tryall of his People In ye Life,


& Light, & Power, & Grace, & Truth, & I saw more yn can be Expressed in Words: for it was


Risen to try ym, & yt they might keep in ye Power of ye Lord, as in their Habitations:


And so wn ye Lord hath tried his People, & their Singleness to him, & When this Spirit


hath spent its strength, & gone ye Way of all yt has Risen before it yn they may see


how all things work together for good to ym yt Love God: And therefore stand fast in ye


Liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free in his Light, Grace, & Truth, & Power, &


Spirit, & Faith, to Christ, from whence it comes: Christ yor Rock, & Foundation yt


cannot be shaken, & in whom is this Election, Life, & Salvation so yt all may stand


to Christ their Lord & Master to be Ordered by him with his Glorious Gospel wch is


not of Man but from Heaven.


For I saw all Friends as If they were bedewed from Heaven, & they


sate as in a Valley, & wet wth ye dew of Life, & ye other hard dead Spirit was


floating atop wth Words of Truth; wch Spirit is for ye Triall of his People, of their


standing singly in ye Life to god upon their own Foundation. And so as I was at Prayer ye Lord


Answered me that this Spirit of J S & J W, & their company was Raised up for ye Triall of


Friends their standing to God for it was High, & Friends was low in ye Power &


Spirit of God & wet with his dew, & sate in ye Valley, & will Rise wn their High


will Fall, & therefore Friends are to stand to God.


G. F.


The Truth is above all, & Will stand over all ym yt hate it, who Labour in


vain against it, & will bring their Old house on their own Head in great


Trouble, & in their Winter, & cold Weather, when that their house is down,


& their Religion is Frozen, & their Rivers dried up, & their husks gone, &


ye Swine begin to cry about their Plantations, & ye Vermine run up & down


their Old Rubbish, & their sparks & Candles ^are gone out, & hail, & storm lighteth


upon ye head of ye Wicked, yn Woe be to Gog & Magog who hath no covering.


In christ you have Peace, In ye world you have trouble, In Christ you have Peace,


In ye World you have trouble, No Peace wth God but in ye Light, No Peace wth God but


in ye Covenant of Light, wth out is Trouble Amen.


G. F.


Dear Friends be faithfull in ye Service of God, & mind ye Lords business; be diligent,


& bring ye Power of ye Lord over all those yt have gain said it; and all you yt be


faithful go to visit ym all yt have been Convinced from house to house, that if it


be possible you may not leave a hoof in Egypt: And so every one go seek ye Lost


sheep: & bring him home on your back to ye fold, & there will be more Joy of yt


one sheep yn of ye ninety nine in ye fold.


G. F.


17You may Read this in your Monthly, Quarterly, & Yearly Meetings.


from our Womens County Meeting in Lancashire to be


dispersed abroad among ye Womens Meetings every where


Dear Sisters. In ye blessed unity in ye Spirit of Grace, our Souls salute you


who are Sanctified in Christ Jesus, & called to be Saints, who are of ye true &


Royal Offspring of Christ Jesus, who is ye Root & Offspring of David, & who


is ye Resurrection & ye Life of all ye Saints in Light.


To you yt [that] are of ye true seed of ye Promise of God in ye beginning yt was to


bruise ye Serpents Head, & wch is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, of wch we are made pertakers,


wch is ye Seed ye Promise is to, wch ye Apostle spoke of & said God sent forth his


Son made of a Woman, made under ye Law to Redeem ym yt were under the Law


yt we might Receive ye Adoption &c. Gal. 4.4.


To you all every where, where this may come is this written yt in this


blessed Seed wch hath ye Promise of ye Eternal God annexed yt he should bruise


ye Serpents Head, & yt in this Seed you all Live & dwell in ye sensible feeling


thereof; in wch Seed all Nations of ye Earth is blessed.


That so we may be all Helps Meet for God in ye Restoration, & Co=heirs


wth Christ Jesus, who hath purchased us wth his precious blood, & hath washed us,


& Loved us, who is no Respecter of Persons: but hath a care, & regard unto all; ye


weak as well as the strong. yt he may have ye Glory of his own Work, who treadeth


ye Wine-press alone.


And yt every particular of us may be ready & willing to answer wt [what] ye Lord


Requires of us in our several places, & Conditions.


For as many of us as are Baptized into Christ have put on Christ; for we


are all ye Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus; where there is neither Male nor


Female &c, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.


And so being in Christ Jesus we are all Abrahams Seed & Heirs according


to ye Promise: not of ye Bond-woman but of the free Jerusalem from above, wch is ye


Mother if us all.


And so here is our Possession, & Inheritance; yt every Faithful Mem=


=ber of us may claim a Right unto, & an Interest in: yt all the Powers of Darkness,


nor all the Enmity of ye Old Serpent (whose Head is coming to be bruised) can


never Seperate us from, tho he may twine, & twist, & Rage, & Storm yt his Power shuld


be taken from him, but all to no purpose: for ye Word of ye Eternal God yt endureth


for ever stands upon his Head that the Seed of the Woman should bruise the


Serpents Head.


And this is fulfilled, & fulfilling in this ye Day of ye Lords Power, & of the


Restoration, & Redemption of his Seed, & Body wch is his Church; wch is coming out


of the Wilderness leaning on her beloved; wch is coming in his Power & Great


Glory, tho in the Clouds; and every Eye yt is open sees him; & every Ear yt is unstopped


hears him, & every understanding, & Heart yt is Enlightened & opened, is Converted, &


healed in this Glorious Day, Praise to ye Highest.


So here is the Blessed Image of ye Living God Restored again, in wch he


made ym Male, & Female in the beginning; & in this his own Image. God Blessed


ym both, & said unto ym Increase & Multiply, & Replenish ye Earth & subdue it,


& have dominion over ye Fish of ye Sea, & have dominion over ye Fowls of ye Air,


And have dominion over ye Beasts, & over ye Cattell, & over ye Earth: & over ever creep=


=ing thing upon ye Face of ye Earth. & in this Dominion & Power ye Lord God is esta=


blishing his own seed in ye Male, & in ye Female over ye Head of ye Serpent, & over


his Seed, & Power.


And he makes no difference in the Seed between the Male & ye Female, as


Christ saith Matth. 19.4.6. yt he yt made ym in ye beginning made ym Male & Female;


they were both in ye work of God in ye Beginning; & so in ye Restoration.


But it is ye Work of ye Old Serpent to put ym out of ye Work of God as he did,


in ye Beginning, Tempt ym to Sin & transgression, & Disobedience; so he would still keep


ym there, & make a difference, & keep a Superiority, one over another, yt Christ ye


Head should not Rule in Male & Female, & so keep ym in Bondage, & in slavery,


& in difference, & dissension one wth another, & yn they are fit for his Tentations.


But ye Lord God is coming to destroy this Tongue of ye Egyptian Sea, & to


smite it in ye Seven Strams thereof; as in Isai. 11.15. And to make all as a Plain


before him: & he will level down, & lay low all the loftiness of Man, & ye Harctiness of


Men shall be made low, So yt ye Lord alone will be exalted in his own Seed & Power


in Male & Female in this his day. Isai. 2.17.


And therefore all dearly beloved Friends & Sisters, let us every one be bold,


& Valiant, & Faithful, & diligent for ye Lords everlasting Truth upon ye Earth in our


Day, & Generation: yt as good stewards we may give a good account unto God of his mani=


fold Graces, yt we have Received, & do receive of him & from him daily.


And yt as we have a Cloud of Witnesses yt is gone before us wch ye Scriptures


of Truth Testifie of that hath Born Witness to his Eternall Truth, & hath been


made partakers of the Divine. Blessings, favours, & Graces of Almighty God.


And so God is the same to us in our age & Generation as he was to ym


in their day & Age; we being Taught & led, & Guided by ye same Eternal Spirit as


they were wch proceeds from ye Father & ye Son.


So let none be weary, nor faint in their minds, but let all be given up faith-


fully to ye Leading & Guiding of ye good Spirit of ye Living God: yt by it every one


may know freedome & Redemption from ye Bondage of Corruption: wch Spirit ye


Lord is Powring forth in these last dayes upon Sons & Daughters, Servants &


Handmaidens, so yt ye General Universal Love of Almighty God is descending, &


pouring upon all Flesh in this his Day of Grace, even as he did wn [when] he bid ym wait at


Jerusalem to Receive Power from on high wn they were all gather together in an


upper Room: & continued wth one Accord, Praying & Making Supplication wth ye


Women, & Mary ye Mother of Jesus, & wth his Brethren. Act.1.14.


And ye Holy Ghost was poured upon ym so plentifully yt ye Multitude


were all amazed, but Peter stood up to witness ye fulfulling of wt was spoken by ye


Prophet Joel, yt God would pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh: & your Sons &


Daughters shall Prophesie, & on my Servants, & on my Handmaids will I pour out of


my Spirit in those dayes, & they shall Prophesie Acts 2.17.19. Here Peter bears witness


to ye same Truth & pouring forth ^of ye same Spirit in yt day wch we are Living Witnesses


of in this our Day Praises to ye Lord for ever.


So all Dear Friends, & Sisters, make full proof of ye Gift of God yt is in you


& neglect it not in this your day & Generation, but yt you may be helps meet in the


Restoration, & Resurrection of ye body of Christ wch is his Church, & yt every one


may know their place, & calling therein as ye Godly Women under ye Law did.


For all yt were wise in Heart put their hand to ye work about ye Taber=


=nacle & all the Women whose Hearts stirred ym up in wisdome had their several place


to work in about ye Tabernacle as well as ye Men; for all ye Congregation of ye


Children of Israel, every one both Men & Women, whose Spirit was made


willing they brought ye Lords Offering to ye Work of ye Tabernacle as yo may Read in


Exodus [35.?] 25.26.


And likewise Miriam ye Prophetess ye Sister of Aaron took a Timbrel in her


hand & all the Women went out after her in Triumph, & singing Praises to ye Lord


who by his mighty Power had overthrown Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea.


Exod. 15.20.21.


And there was an assembly of Women wch Assembled at ye door of ye Taber=


-nacle of ye Congregation. Exod. 38.8.


And likewise Hannah wn she had weaned her Son Samuel took him & went


up to ye House of ye Lord, & took wth her three Bullocks, one Ephah, & a Bottle of wine


& slew one Bullock, & brought the Child to Eli & offered him up to ye Lord, & sayd, for


this Child, I have prayed, & ye Lord hath given me my portion which I asked of him.


as you may see 1Samu. And this Child Samuel did Minister unto ye


Lord before Eli ye Priest.


And Hannah Prayed: & O ye Gracious words, & Prayer that proceeded out


of her mouth by ye Powerful demonstration of ye Eternal Spirit, & ye Power of Al-


mighty God, in her! 1 Sam 2.1 to 11. wch all ye Adversaries & Gain sayers against Womens


Meetings is not able to gain say. nor resist.


Therefore let all mouths be stopped wch would limit the Spirit of ye Lord


God in Male, or Female wch he hath not limitted. But ye Lord hath regard unto & takes


notice of ye Women, & despises ym not.


And you may Read in Isaiah 32. Where ye Kingdome of Christ Jesus is


Prophesied of, Behold a King shall Reign in Righteousness, & Princes shall Rule in


Judgment; & ye Eyes of ym yt see shall not be dimm, & ye Ears of ym yt Hear shall hear=


ken, & the Heart also of the Rash shall understand knowledge, and ye Tongue of the


Stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly.


Here is ye Glorious Work of ye Lord Prophesied of; & here ye Lord calls.


Rise up ye Women yt are at ease, hear my voice ye careless Daughters, give ear to my


Speech, many dayes & years shall ye be troubled, ye careless Women, for ye Vintage


shall fail, ye gathering shall not come: Tremble ye Women yt are at ease; be troubled


ye careless ones: strip ye & make ye bare; gird sackcloth upon your Loyns; they shall


lament for ye teats, for ye Pleasant Fields, & for ye Fruitful Vines (see here what a


Requiring, or Ariel charge ye Lord layes upon ye Women) until ye Spirit be poured


upon us from on high; & ye Wilderness be a fruit field; & ye work of Righteousness


shall be peace, & ye effect of Righteousness quietness, & assurance for ever. Here ye Lord


had a care & regard to ye Women as well as ye Men and have a Blessing, & a Mer=


-cie in store for ym.


And also in Jeremiah 9th Chapt. throughout where ye Lord brought destruc-


-tion, & wo & misery upon ye Jews, & ye destruction of Jerusalem, because they had for=


=saken ye Law of ye Lord. wch he had set before ym, & disobeyed his Voice, & walked


not therein, I will scatter ym among ye Heathen saith ye Lord; & I will send a sword


amongst ym till I have consumed ym.


More over thus saith ye Lord call for ye mourning Womon yt they


may come; for a Voice of Mourning is heard out of Zion; yet hear ye Word of ye


Lord O Ye Women, & let your Ear Receive the Word of his Month; & Teach your


Daughter. Waiting, & every one her Neig[h]bour Lamentation for Death is come up


into our Windows, & is entred into our Palaces, to cut off ye Children from wth out, & ye


young from ye Streets; speak thus saith ye Lord ye Carcases of Men shall fall as Dung


upon ye Open field, & as ye handful after the Harvest Man, & none shall gather ym.


Here ye Women had ye Word of ye Lord to speak to ye Men; & here ye Lord


makes use, & had a Service for ye Women yt they should Speak his Word from his mouth


in this dreadful & terrible day.


And also thus saith ye Lord, let not ye Wise Men Glory in his Wisdome,


neither let ye mighty Man Glory in his Might, nor let ye Rich man Glory in his


Riches; but let him yt glorieth Glory in this yt he understandeth & knoweth me yt I am


ye Lord wch exerciseth Loving Kindness, Judgment & Righteousness in ye Earth, for in these


things I do delight saith ye Lord.


Here ye Lord clearly manifesteth yt he delights in ye knowledge of himself,


& of his Righteousness, & Judgment, & Loving kindness, & this he hath a Regard unto both in


Man & in Woman, & not in Wise, nor mighty, nor Rich Men.


And In Micah 2.9.10. The Lord saith ye Women of my People have ye cast


out from their Pleasant Houses, & from their Children have ye taken away my Glory;


rise ye and depart, for this is not your Rest because it is polluted; it shall destroy you


even wth a sore destruction. &c.


And Christ Jesus in ye days of his Flesh had a dear & tender care, & Re


-gard unto Woman, who Received many Gracious blessings, & favours from him; he de-


spised not ye Woman of Canaan wn she came unto him for her Daughter yt was vexed wth


a Devil wn she Worshipped him; & said Lord help me – And wn he saw her Faith he


said Woman great is thy Faith, as in Mat.15.


And also ye Woman of Samaria in John 4. Christ Jesus directed her to ye


gift of God, & told her whosoever drinketh of ye Water yt he giveth should never thirst


but ye water yt he did give should be in her a Well springing up to Eternal Life. So he


Reasoned & spoke wth her so long till he opened her understanding so yt she perceived


yt he was a Prophet.


But Jesus saith unto her Woman believe me (so here you may see


ye mind of Christ was yt ye Woman should Believe his Doctrine yt he yn spoke unto


her) ye Hour cometh wn ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem


Worship ye Father; but ye Hour cometh & now is wn ye true worshipers shall wor-


ship ye Father in Spirit & in Truth; God is a Spirit, & they yt worship him must


Worship him in Spirit & in Truth. &c.


The Woman said unto him, I know yt Messias commeth yt is called


Christ; Wn he cometh he will tell us all things – Jesus saith unto her I yt speak


unto thee am hee.


See wt Love, & plainness he manifested unto this Woman not despising


her weakness, nor under valueing her, but he spoke ye plain Everlasting Truth unto


her; & set up yt Worship in his own Spirit unto her there; wch Remains, & will remain


for ever: glorious Praises to his Holy Name for evermore.


And all those Women yt he healed. As Peters Wifes Mother wch


he healed of a fever; & ye Woman yt had an Issue of Blood; & certain Women yt


had been healed of Evil Spirits: & Infirmities; Mary Called Magdalene; out of whom


he had cast out Seven Devils; & Joanna ye Wife of Chusa Herods Steward; and


Susannah, & many others wch ministered unto him of their Substance.


And ye Woman yt had ye Alablaster Box. of Precious Oyntment wash-


ed his feet & wiped ym wth ye hair of her Head; all these wth many more Lament him


(as ye Scriptures mention) yt had received precious favours, & blessings from him


they all Lamented him as they led him away to be Crucified, & all ye People, &


Women Followed him, & bewailed him as they led him away; But Jesus turned


unto ym & said, Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me, but weep for your selves, &


your Children. And ye Women yt followed him from Galilee followed after, &


beheld ye Sepulchre, & how his body was layd; & they Returned, & prepared spices,


& Oyntments; & they Rested ye Sabbaoth, as you may see in Luke 23 Chap.


And upon ye first day of ye Week very early in ye Morning they came


unto ye Sepulchre (to wit ye Women) bringing their Spices wch they had Prepared, &


certain others wth ym, & they found ye stone rolled away from ye Sepulchre; &


they entred in & found not ye body of ye Lord Jesus.


And it came to pass as they were much perplexed, behold Two


Men stood by ym in shining Garments: & as they were afraid, & bowed down


their faces to ye Earth they said unto ym, why seek ye yt Living among ye Dead ?


He is not here, but is Risen — Remember how he spake unto you wn he was


yet in Galilee saying ye Son of Man must be delivered into ye Hands of Sin


=ful Men, & be Crucified, & ye third day Rise again, & they Remembred his Words;


& Returned from ye Sepulchre, & told all these things unto ye Eleven, & to all


ye Rest; It was Mary Magdalene, & Joanna, & Mary ye Mother of James, & other


Women yt were wth ym wch told these things unto ye Apostles, & their words seemed unto ym


as [?]ole Tales, & they believed ym not as you may see in Luke 2.4. & Mark 15.40.41. &


Matth. 27.35. & Matth. 28.5 So these Women were ye first Preachers of ye Resurrecti=


=on of Jesus.


And Jesus himself spoke wth Mary before he was ascended unto his Father


& said unto her go unto my Brethren; & say unto ym I ascend to my Father & your


Father, & to my God, & your God.


And Mary Magdalene came & told ye disciples yt she had seen ye Lord,


& yt he had spoken these things unto her.


So here ye Lord Jesus Christ sends his first Message of his Resurrec=


=tion by Women unto his own Disciples, & they were faithful unto him, & did his


Message, & yet they could hardly be Believed.


And Paul & Silas wch was sent forth by ye Apostles, & Elders, &


Brethren of ye Church wth ye Decrees yt were Ordained of ye Apostles & Elders at


Jerusalem for ye Churches to keep; & so were ye Churches established in ye Faith,


& Increased in Number daily. &c


And this same Paul & Silas who had ye Decrees went to ye place


where Prayer was wont to be made, & sate down & spoke to ye Women which


Resorted as in Acts. 16.


So these yt were chosen Men of ye Apostles & Elders, & ye Whole Church


wn they were assembled together, who had their Letters & Decrees for ye Churches to


Keep; & as they went through the Cities they deliverd ye Decrees, so established ye


Churches in ye Faith: And tho ye Holy Ghost Suffered ym not to Preach at Asia


nor Bithinia, yet they went among ye Women as well as ye Men


So we having a Cloud of Witnesses of ye Order of ye Gospel, & of ye


good Works, & Charitable practises wch is Multiplyed in the Scriptures, & ye Practise


of ye Saints in Light in ye Primitives times, Women as well as Men yt is gone before


us, we may be encouraged in ye Lords name, Power & Spirit to follow their Example,


& Practises.


And having ye same Rule wch is in Christ Jesus where neither Circum


cision, nor uncircumcision availeth but a New Creature; & as many as walk according


to & in this Rule, Peace be unto ym, & Mercy upon ye Israel of God.


And as yt Apostle saith let us Press forward towards ye mark for ye price of ye


high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


And let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded, & if in any


thing we be otherwise minded, God shall Revoal even this unto us; Nevertheless


where unto we have already attained let us walk by ye same Rule, & mind ye same thing.


And let us come into our practise, & into our possession of our portions,


& Inheritances yt we have Received from ye Lord.


And let us Stand Faithfull & True witnesses for him in our day against


all deceit & Wickedness.


And let us meet together & kept our Womens Meeting in ye Name &


Power, & Fear of ye Lord Jesus whose Servants, & Handmaids we are, & in ye good


Order of ye Gospel Meet.


And first for ye Women of every Monthly Meeting where ye Mens


Monthly Meeting is established; Let ye Women likewise of every Monthly Meeting


Meet together to wait upon ye Lord, & hearken wt ye Lord will say unto ym, & to know


his mind & Will, & be ready to obey & Answer him in every Motion of his Eternal Spirit,


and Power.


And also to make enquiry into all your several Particular Meetings


that belongs to your Monthly Meeting if they be any yt walks disorderly (as doth


not to become ye Gospel) or lightly, or wantonly, or yt is not of a good Report, yn to


send to ym as you are Ordered by ye Power of God in ye Meeting wch is ye Authority


of it, to Admonish & exhort ym, & to bring ym to Judge & Condemn wt hath been


by ym done or Acted contrary to ye Truth.


And If any transgression or action yt hath been done among Wo=


men, or Maids yt hath done any thing yt hath been more Publick, & yt hath got into


ye Word; or yt hath been a Publick offence amongst Friends; yn let ym bring in a Paper


of Condemnation to be Published as far as ye offence hath gone, & yn to be Recorded in a




And if there be any that goes out to Marry wth ye Priests, or Joyneth in


Marriage wth ye World, & doth not obey ye Order of ye Gospel as it is established among


Friends; Then for ye Womens Monthly Meeting to send to ym to Reprove ym, & to bear


their Testimony against their acting contrary to ye Truth, & If they come to


Repentance, & sorrow for their offence, & have a desire to come amongst Friends


again, before they can be Received they must bring in a Paper of Condemnation, &


Repentance, and Judgment of their action, wch must be Recorded in Friends Book.


And also carry a coppy of yt Paper to ye Priest yt Marryed ym, & Judge, & Condemn, & deny


yt Action before him, or any of ye World before whom it hath come.


And Dear Sisters it is a Duty Incumbent upon us to look into our


Families, & to prevent our Children of Runing into ye World for Husbands or for


Wives, & so to ye Priests: for you know before ye Womens Meetings were set up many


have done so wch brought dishonour both to God, & upon his Truth, & People.


Therefore it is our Duty & care to prevent such things in ye Power &


Wisdome of God; & to see yt our Children are trained up in ye Fear of God in ye


New Covenant: for ye Jews were to train their Children up in ye Old: For you


know yt we are much in our Families amongst our Children, Maids, & Servants,


& may see more into their Inclinations yn ye Men : And so see yt none Indulge any to


Loosness & Evil, but Restrain it. For you see wt became of Old Eli, & his Family


for not Restraining his Children.


And also all Friends yt keep in ye Power of God & in Faithfull Obedience


to ye Truth yt according to ye Order of ye Gospel yt is Established, yt they bring


their Marriage twice to ye Womens Meeting & twice to ye Mens.


The first time they are come to ye Womens Meeting yt ye Women of ye Meeting


do examine both ye Man ye Woman yt they be clear & free from all other Persons,


& that they have their Parents, & Friends, & Relations Consent.


And ye enquiry be made of their cleernesss in each Particular Meeting wch


they belong to before their next appearance in ye Womens Meeting.


And If nothing be found but yt they come in cleerness to ye Next Monthly


Meeting yn they proceed according to ye Order of ye Gospel, & Perfect their Marriage in


ye Meeting of Friends, as Friends wch they belong to sees it convenient.


But If any thing be found yt they are not cleer but yt others layes challenge


or charge to ym either by promise or otherwise. That yn they do not proceed till they


have given satisfaction both to ye Party’s & Friends concerning yt matter according to ye


Order of ye Gospel; And yt If any thing be amiss concerning ye Woman yt ye Woman


Examine it, & look into it, wch may not be so proper f [sic] ye Men.


And likewise ye Women of ye Monthly Meetings take care & oversight of


all ye Women yt belongs to their several Particular Meetings yt they bring in their


Testimonies for ye Lord, & his Truth against Tythes, & Hireling Priests once every


Year; since ye Priest claims & challenges a Tythe wch belongs to Women to pay as well as


Men, not only for Widdows, but for ym yt have Husbands: as Pigs & Geese, Hens, & Eggs,


Hemp, & Flax, Wooll & Lambs, all wch Women may have a hand in.


So it concerns ye Womens Meetings to look strictly through every Parti=


cular Meeting yt every Woman bring their Testimony against Tythes, & yt those


Testimonies be Recorded in ye Quarterly, or half years book once every Year.


And yt every Monthly Meeting give timely Notice to every Particular


Meeting yt they make ready their Testimonies against Tythes to be brought in at


their Qurterly or half years Meeting as aforesaid. That so all Hearts, & Consciences may


be kept cleer, clean, & sweet to our Precious High Priest of our Profession Christ Jesus.


who is ye Author of our Faith yt becomes us; who Is Holy, & Harmless, & undefiled, &


Seperate from Sinners, Who is made higher yn ye Heavens (Christ Jesus) Who is ye Mi=


nister of ye Sanctuary, & of ye True Tabernacle which God hath Pitched, & not Man;


He is our Everlasting High Priest forever. And so in him we deny all other


Priests both in the time of ye Law & Since yt takes Tithes.


And also all Friends in their Womens Monthly & Particular Meetings yt


they take speciall care for the Poor & for all those yt stand in need, yt there be no want,


nor suffering for outward things amongst the People of God, for ye Earth is ye Lords,


& ye fulness of it, & his People is his Portion, & ye Lot of his Inheritance, & he gives freely


& Liberally unto all & upbraids none.


So it Concerns all yt Fear ye Lord yt he hath endued wth an Outward


Substance yt they be free, & Liberal in their Hearts to any yt stand in need, but espe=


cially as ye Apostle saith to ye Houshold of Faith.


And so let care be taken for ye Poor, & Widdows yt hath young Children


yt they be Relieved & helped till they be able, & fit to be put out Apprentices, or Servants.


And all ye sick, & weak, & Infirm, or Aged, and Widdows, & fatherless yt


they be looked after, & helped, & Relieved in every Particular Meeting either


wth Clothes, or Maintenance, or wt they stand in need of; So yt in all things ye Lord


may be Glorified, & Honoured; so yt there be no want, nor Suffering in ye House


of God, who loves a cheerfull giver.


Also let care be taken yt every Particular Womens Monethly Meeting


have a Book to set down, & Record their businesses & Passages in yt is done or agreed


upon in every Monthly Meeting, or any Service yt any yt any [sic] is to go upon; let yt


Book be Read ye Next Monthly Meeting, & see yt ye business be performed according


to what was Ordered.


And also yt ye Collections be set down in ye Book; & ye Receipts &


Disbursments of every Particular Meeting be set down in their Booke & Read


at their Womens Monthly Meeting; yt every Particular Meeting may see & know


how their Collections are Disbursed.


And yt Some Honest Faithful Woman or Women Friends yt can Read &


write keep ye Book & Receive ye Collections; & give a just & true Accont in ye Book


of ye Disbursments of ym according as ye Meeting shall Order, wch must be Read every


monthly Meeting; & so give notice wt is in ye Stock, & wn it is near out, to give notice


yt it may be supplied.


And Likewise yt there be a General Book in every County for their Quarterly


or half years Womens Meeting.


And yt there come & appear at ye Quarterly Meeting, some (or as many as


can conveniently) of every Monthly & Particular Meeting of their Whole County; &


yt Enquiry be made at ye Quarterly Meeting, or Half years Meeting whether there be


some of every Montly Meeting; & one or more of every Particular Meeting.


And yt ye Quarterly Meeting set down ye name of every Particular Meeting


in ye Book yt is wthin, or Pertains to ye Whole County.


And yt at every Quarterly Meeting they call over every Monthly, &


Particular Meeting to see yt some of every Meeting be there.


And yt they bring in every Particular Womans Testimony against Tythes.


From every Particular Meeting of cleerness of their Meetings from all ye things


before Mentioned; & yt they do all walk & act as becomes ye Gospel.


And yt every Particular Meetings Testimonies be Recorded as ye Meetings


stand severally in ye Quarterly Booke.


And yt all other businesses as is there presented or done yt day may be


Recorded in yt Book.


And so here in ye Power & ye Spirit of ye Lord God Women come to be


Co-heirs; & Fellow Labourers in ye Gospel as it was in ye Apostles dayes; Who Intrea-


=ted ^his true Yoke-Fellow to help those Women yt Laboured wth him in ye Gospel. Philip. 4:3.


And in his first Epistle to Timothy 5.3. he Exhorted yt Elder Woman yt they


should be as Mothers, & ye Younger as Sisters wth all Purity.


And in Titus. 2.3 The Aged Women likewise yt they be as becometh


Holyness, & Teachers of Good things; And yt they Teach ye Younger Women to be sober,


to Love their Husbands, to Love their Children, to be discreet, Chast keepers at home;


Good, Obedient to their own husbands yt ye Word of God be not Blasphemed.


So here was Womens Meetings, & Womens Teachings of one another, so yt


this is no New thing, as some raw, unseasoned Spirits would seem to make it.


So dear Sisters in ye everlasting Truth, we do conclude in ye Apostles


Words to his Brethren in Phil. 4.8.9. wtsoever things are true, wtsoever things are Ho=


=nest. wtsoever things are just: wt soever things are Pure; wtsoever things are Lovely;


wtsoever things are of Good Report; If there be any virtue, If there be any Praise


think on these things wch ye have both Learned, & Received, & heard, & seen in me,


& do ym, & ye God of Peace shall be wth you Amen.


And tho we be looked upon as ye Weaker Vessels yet ye strong & Powerful


God whose strength is made manifest, & Perfect in Weakness, he can make us good,


& valiant, & bold souldiers of Jesus Christ; if he Arm us wth his Armour of Light.


& give unto us ye sword of his Eternal Spirit; wch is ye Word of ye Eternall God, &


cover our Hearts wth ye Breastplate of Righteousness, & Crown us wth ye Helment


of Salvation & give unto us ye holy shield of Faith; wth wch we can quench all ye


fiery darts of Satan, & shooe our feet wth ye preparation of ye Gospel of Peace, &


set our feet upon ye Mountains, so yt we stand there, & publish glad tidings of great


Joy, & say unto Sion thy God Reigneth; & if he bring us to his banquetting house, &


Spread his banner over us wch is Love, there we can stand our ground, & fight our


Lords Battles boldly & valiantly under our Lords Banner, & in our Lords Armor; He


who Respects no Persons, but chuseth ye weak things of ye World, & ye Foolis


things of ye World to confound ye Wise; our sufficiency is of him; & His Armor


& strength is in him: And all ye great strength yt is in Men if they want this


Armor they can do nothing for God; nor he will have none of their service in ye


state, who will have no Flesh to Glory in his presence: Our Glory^ing in him is, wh[ich?]


doth not, nor will not despise, nor contemn ye weak. And so to him be all Glory


& Power, & Dominion forever & ever Amen.


This is given forth for Information, Instruction & direction yt in ye


blessed unity of ye Spirit of Grace all Friends may be, & Live in ye Practise


of ye Holy Order of the Gospel.


Signed by 96 Women Friends


From ye Generall Womens Meeting


4th Month 1677.

[blank page]


the womens meetings in Dartmouth began at Peleg Slocoms hous


the • 26 of the 4 month • i699


the • 23 • of the 5 • [illegible] Month ^1699 was our womens meeting held in Dartmoth


at this meeting John Hedly [Headley] and Mary Slocom [Slocum] laid their intention of


marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two women freinds


Hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker to see after the young womans clear


=ness against the next monthly meeting


at this meeting Ruth Smith undertook to sweep the meeting hous


a year at this meeting it was agreed that the meeting at Mehetable [Mehitable]


Russells shall be the 4 day of the next week after the womens meeting


the 26 of the . 6 month i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting John


Hedly [Headley] and Mary Slocom [Slocum] came the second time to receiue their an


=swer enquiry being made acording to the order of truth ^and they [illegible]


being clear haue [have] the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage


the 18 of the 7 month . i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 16 of the . 8 . month . i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 13 of the . 9 month . i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meet


=ing that that[?] weekly meeting that was at peleg Slocums the . 4 day before


the monthly meeting . shall be at Stephen Wilcocks [Wilcox] . one fourth day before


the monthly meeting and one fourth day before the monthly. at James


Trips [Tripps]. and the rest of the fourth day meetings. at the meeting Hous


the 11 of the i0 month i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. it was ordered by this meet


ing that their shall be a colection the next monthly meeting


the 8 . of the . 11 . month i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Slocum


was chose to keep the mony colected by the meeting. colected by this meeting


and deliuered to Mary Slocum




it was ordered by this meeting that their shall be a colection once a quarter


the 5 . of the 12 month i699


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting John Lapkam [Lapham]


and Mary Russell laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the


meeting chose two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker to


see after the inquire conserning the young womans clearness from all others


against the next monthly meeting


the . 4 . of the first . month i700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Lapkam [Lapham] and


Mary Russell ^came the secund time to receiue their answer enquiry being made


acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of al others haue the


consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage


the i of the 2 month i700


was our womens meeting D held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting 0-15-0


taken out of the stock for the use of freinds




the . 29 of the . 2 month 1700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 27 . of the . 3 month . 1700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 24 of the 4 month . 1700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the . 22 . of the 5 month . 1700


was our womens meeting held in Da[r]tmouth taken out of the stock at this meeting


for the use of freinds




at this meeting Ruth Smith [n?]undertook the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year


the 2i9 . of the . 6 . month . I700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 16 of the . 7 . month i700 .


was our womens held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the i4 of the . 8 . month i700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the• 11 of the • 9 • month • I700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock at


this meeting for the use of freinds




the . 9 . of the . 10 month i700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the . 6 . of the . 11 . month . I700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where Abraham booth and


abigaill howland laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting


the meeting chose two women freinds Mary Slocum and Ruth Tucker to


inquire after the young womans clearness, from all others against the next monthly meeting


taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the 3 . of the . 12 . month 1700


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Abraham booth


and abigaill howland. came the second time to receiue their answer inquiry


being made acording to the order of truth and they being clear from all


others have the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage


the . 3 . of the i month . 17001[sic]


was our women meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock for the use of freinds




the . 31 of the . i month . 17001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meeting that the


first days and weekly meetings shall begin at the eleuenth hour. and that the


meetings that were at Sephen Wilcoks [Stephen Wilcox] and James Trips [Tripps]


Shall be kept at the meeting hous


the . 28. of the . 2 . month i7001


was our womens meeting m held in Dartmouth agreed of at this meeting that the


fourth day meeting at James Trips [Tripps] shall remain there once in two months.


the . 26 . of the . 3 . month 17001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



to at this meeting two women freinds were Chose to giue [give] an acount to the yearly


Meeting at Roadisland of any business that may consern the meeting


the 25 of the . 4 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 2i of the . 5 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock / at this


meeting for the use of freinds




at this meeting hannah brigs [Briggs] . undertook the sweeping. the meeting hous


for a year


the i8 . of the . 6 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting — 0-16-8


the i5 of the . 7 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the i3 of the 8 month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock at this


meeting for the use of freinds




the . 10 . of the . 9 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting -0-9-0


at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the disburs=


ment of monys out of the stock for the use of freinds as they shall see ocation


the . 8 . of the . 10 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 5 . of the . 11 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 2 . of the . 12 . month i7001


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock for the use of freinds




the . 2 . of the . i . month i7002


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 30 . of the . i . month i7002


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 27 of the . 2 . month i7002


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at the meeting hous


colected by this meeting




the 25 . of the . 3 . month i7002


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women


freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker were chose for the yearly meeting at


roadisland to giue acount of any business that may consern the meeting


the 22 . of the . 4 . month i7002


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth . at this meeting Casander Mott and


abigail wood were chose to make inquiry conserning James Trips [Tripps] clearness


upon the acount of mariage. against the next monthly meeting


the . 20 of the . 5 month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the 17 of the 6 month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Smith


undertook the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year


the i4 of the . 7 month 1702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . i2 . of the . 8 . month 1702


was our womens meeting held in ^Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds


0 i-4-0


the . 9 of the 9 . month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Ralph Chapman and


Deliverance Slocom [Slocum] laid their int intentions of mariage before the meeting the chose


two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Hannah Tucker to inquire conserning the young


womans Clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting


the . 7 . of the . i0 . month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting Ralph Chapman and


Deliverance Slocom [Slocum] Came the Second time to receiue their answer. inquiry being made


acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the consent


of the meeting to proseed in mariage


the . 4 . of the . 11 . month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting



the i . of the i2 . month i702


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Nathaniell Chase and Abigaill Share


man [Abigail Sherman] laid their intentions of mariage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women


freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and hannah tucker to inquire after the young womans clearness


from all others against the next monthly meeting taken out of the stock at this meeting for the


use of freinds




the . i . of the i . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where Nathaniell Chase and Abigaill Share


man [Sherman] came the second time to receiue their answer inquiry being made acording to the


order of truth. and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed


in marriage taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the . 29 . of the . i . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the . 26 . of the . 2 . month i703


was our womens meeting of freinds held in Dartmouth it was ordered at this meeting


that the meetings the other side cocset riuer [river] shall be at William Woods the next first


day come week. after the monthly meeting. and one first day come week. after the


monthly meeting at James Trips [Tripps] till furder order


the . 24 of the . 3 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary


m Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose to giue acount to the yearly meeting at road


island of any business that may consern this meeting. at this meeting. it was ordered that


the next men and womens monthly meetings of business. shall be at the meeting hous


the . 2i . of the . 4 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Joseph Russell and Mary Tucker


laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women freinds


Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker to see after the young womans clearness, from all others against the next


monthly meeting. colected by this meeting




the . 19 of the 5 . month 1703


was our womens meeting of held in Dartmouth where Joseph Russell and Mary Tucker


the second time to receiue their answer. inquiry being made acording to the order of


truth and they being clear from all of others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed


in marriage


the . 16 . of the . 6 . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use


of freinds




at this meeting Mary Smith undertook the sweeping of ^the meeting hous


the i3 . of the . 7 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the . 11 . of the 8 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth taken out of the stock for the use freinds



the . 8 . of the . 9 . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting william born [Bourne] and


hannah Sharman [Sherman] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the Meet=


ing Chose two women freinds Ruhamah Smith and hannah Tucker to see after


the young womans clearness from all others. against. the next. monthly meeting


the . 6 . of the . 10 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where william born [Bourne] and hannah


Sharman [Sherman] came the second time to receiue their answer enquiry being made acording to


the order of truth, and they being clear from all others haue the consent of the


meeting to proseed in marriage. colected by this meeting




it was ordered at this meeting. that the meetings the other side Cocset river shall be one


first day at William Woods. and one first day at James Trips [Tripps] and the fourth day of


the week at Stephen Wilcocks [Wilcox] till furder order


the . 3 of the . 11 . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . 31 . of the . 11 . month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 28 . of the i2 month i703


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the . 27 . of the i month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Russell and Rebekah


Riketson [Rebecca Ricketson] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two


women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell Allin [Allen] to enquire after the young womans clear


ness f[r]om all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting Ruhamah Smith and


Hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] were chose to enquire after Heniry [Henry] Tuckers clearness on the acount of


marriage against the next monthly meeting


the 21 . of the . 2 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where John Russell and Rebecah


Riketson [Ricketson] came the second time to receiue their answer enquirie being made acording to the


orde of truth and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed


in marriage = taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the . 22 of the 3 month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth, at this meeting two women freinds


Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose to giue an acount to the yearly meeting at


Roadisland of any business that may consern the meeting colected by this meeting




the . i9 . of the 4 month 1704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the . i7 . of the 5 month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds


Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Rose howland. were chose to take notise of any diferance


or disorderly walking of any of the woman freinds. that belong to this meeting. and


bring it to the monthly meeting if their be ocation for it at this meeting. eliashib Smith


and Dinah allin [Allen] and Benjamine allin [Allen] and Deborah Russell laid their intentions of marria[ge]


before this meeting. the meeting chose two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker to


enquire after the young womens clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting.


the . 2i . of the . 6 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where eliashib Smith and Dinah allin [Allen]


and Benjamine allin [Allen] and Deborah Russell came the second time to receive their answer


enquiry being made acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others


haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage. at this meeting two women


freinds were cho Ruth Tucker and Ruth Smith. were chose for the yearly meeting at


Sallim [Salem ?] and Ruhamah Smith and Rose Howlland [Howland] for the quarterly meeting at roddisla[nd]


to give an acount of any business that may consern the meeting. at this meeting hezekiah Smi[th]


wife took the sweeping of the meeting hous for a year. colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the . 18 . of the . 7 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 16. of the 8 month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the. 20. of the . 9 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum]


and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarterly at Roadisland [Rhode Island] to give an acount of any


business that may consern the meeting. colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds

1 - 1 - 8


the. 18 of the . 10 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 15 . of the . 11 . month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where James Burrill and Mehetabell [Mehitable] Russell


laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting Chose two women freinds


Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the womans clearness from all others against


the next monthly meeting. at this meeting Ruth Tucker and Rose Howland were chose at next


business that may consern the meeting


the 19 of the 12 month i704


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where James Burrill and Mehetabell [Mehitable] Russell


Came the Second time to receive their answer enquirie being made acording to the order of truth


and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage


at this meeting peter Eston [Easton] and Content Slocom [Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before the


Meeting the meeting Chose two women freinds Rachel allin [Allen] and Hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] to see after the


young womans clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting


Mary Slocom [Slocum] was ^chose for the quarterly meeting at Roadisland. and Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker


for the yearly meeting at Sandwich. taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of






the i9 of the i . month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Peter Eston [Easton] and Content Slocom [Slocum]


Came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to the order


of truth - and they being clear from all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed


in marriage


the i5 . of the . 2 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the ^2i of the . 3 . month i705


was our womens meeting held in Datmouth colected by this meeting — — 0-012-0


at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarter=


=ly meeting at roadisland to giue an acount of any business that may consern the meeting. at


this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Ruth Tucker ^were chose for the ouersight of this meeting


the i8 of the 4 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. it was ordered at the yearly meeting at


roadisland . 1705 . that their shall be a meeting called on purpose for marriages


The i6 of the 5 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. At this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Rachell


allin [Allen] were chose to see after Jacobs Motts Clearness upon the acount of marriage. taken out


of the stock for the use of freinds at this meeting




the 20 of the . 6 . month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where edward perry and eliphell [Eliphal] Smith


laid their intentions of mariage before the meeting. the meeting chose two women


freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the young womans clear


=ness from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting two women


freinds - Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at


roadisland. for any business that may consern the meeting. colected by this meeting - 0-16-8


taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds




the 17 of the . 7 . month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. where edward perry and eliphell [Eliphal] Smith came


the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to the order of truth


and they being clear of all others haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage


at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Smith and Rose Howland were chose for the


yearly meeting at Situate.


the i5 of the 8 9 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Rachell Allin [Allen] was


chose to be one to see after the disbursments of mony out of the stock with the women


that were chose before


the i9 of the 9 [blot] month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Mary


Slocom [Slocum] and hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland at


this meeting two women freinds were ch Ruth Tucker and hannah Cadman were chose


to goe to Elizebeth Macumbor [Elizabeth Macumber] to enquire ^the reason of her absenting from the freinds meetings


the acounts of the monys record and the acount ballanced: colected by this meetingi 0-8-8


the i7. of the 10 month 1705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum]


and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to goe the second [?] time to elizebeth Macumbor [Elizabeth Macomber] to discours her about[?]


her absenting her self from the meetings of freind


the 2i of the . 11 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tuck[er]


and Rachell allin were chose to goe to Deborah Gifford to discours her - about sum reports they


had heard of her


the i8 of the i2 month i705


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds


Ruth Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland for


any business that may consern the meeting – and Ruth Smith and Rose howland for


the yearly meeting at Sandwich colected by this meeting




the i8 of the i month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. taken out of the stock ^at this meeting for the use


of freinds




the i5 of the 2 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 20 of the 3 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting



at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Smith and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly


meeting at roadisland and Ruth Tucker and hannah Tucker for the yearly meeting at roadisland


for any business that may consern the meeting at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle]


were chose to uisit [visit] Catharine hudlstone [Huddleston] and to know the reason of her not coming to meeting


at this meeting Rachell allin [Allen] and hasadiah Russell were chose to goe to Mary brigs [Briggs] the


younger about her marrying without her mothers consent, and conterary to the order of freinds


at this meeting these following lines were read


these are to the monthly meeting of women freinds in Dartmouth


whereas I have commited a trespass against the lord and against the truth in commiting of


sin which I have been condemned for in my self and am sorry for it and desire the Lord to give


me true repentance and forgiveness for the same. and I doe desire freinds to pass by the samo


my transgression


given under my


Sarah Sherman


hand the 20 of


the 3 month i706


the    younger


the i7 of the 4 month i706 . was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


was our mon


the i5 of the 5 month 1706 . was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the i9 of the 6 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Mary Slocom [Slocum] was chose for


the yearly meeting at Salim colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



from this meeting Judah Smith undertakes for a year the tending of the meeting hous


the i5 of the 7 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds, Ruth Smith


and eliphell Slocom [Slocum] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


the 2i of the 8 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 18 of the 9 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



at this meeting Ruhamah Smith and Ruth Tucker were chose to see after the disorderly


walking of any that belong to this meeting


the i6 of the 10 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slu


Slocom and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at Roadisland


the 20 of the 11 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the i7 of the i2 month i706


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected at this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



at this meeting two women freinds mary Slocom and hannah Sole [Sowle] were chose to goe to Deborah


Gifford about her not coming to meeting. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and


Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to take notice if any women or woman should come to this our womans


meeting that is not of us to enquire there business. and if they have none to desire their absence


at this meeting two women freinds hannah Tucker and elizebeth Russell were chose to goe to


Hezekiah Smiths wife about her not coming to meeting


the i7 of the 1 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting a woman freind Hannah


Tucker was chose for the yearly meeting at Sandwitch and two women freinds Mary Slocom


and Ruth Tucker for the quarterly meeting at roadisland at this meeting two women freinds


Rahamah Smith and Ruth Tucker were chose to see after the disorderly walking of any that


belong to this meeting


the 2i of the 2 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Rachell allin [Allen]


and Hasadiah Russell were chose to goe to Deborah Gifford about her not coming to meeting


the i9 of the 3 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary


Slocom and Hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly ^yearly meeting at roadisland


colected by this meeting



the 23 of the 4 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Ruth Smith was chose for


the quarterly meeting at roadisland taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of






the 2i of the 5 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom


and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose to goe to Meribah Slocom about her proseedings conserning


marriage contrary to her parents minds and the order of freinds


the i8 of the 6 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Isaak barker and elizebeth Slocom


[Elizabeth Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before this meeting the meeting chose two women freinds ^Ruth Tucker


and Rachell allin to see after the young womans clearness from all others against the next


monthly meeting. colected by this meeting



taken out for the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the i5 of the 7 month 1707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the 20 of the 8 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Isaak barker and elizebeth Slocom


came the second time to receiue there answer enquiry being made acording to the order of truth


and they being clear haue the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage


the i7 of the 9 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected by this meeting



the i5 of the i0 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds


Ruth Smith and Hannah Tucker were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


the i9 of the 11 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker


and Hannah Tucker were chose to goe to Hannah Jenny [Jenney] to labour with her about


her praying publickly in meetings


the i6 of the 12 month i707


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



at this meeting the two women freinds returned hannah Jennys [Jenneys] answer conserning her praying publickly in meetings. which was that she should doe so no more. except the lord


required it of her. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell Allin [Allen]


were chose to viset freinds at Sepecan


the i5 of the i month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds


Ruth Smith and hannah Tucker chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose overseers


for this meeting. at this meeting two women freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker


were chose visitors to goe with them to visit freinds famillys


the i9 of th . 2 . month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at and wheras formerly there has been


that were chose of publick freinds for visitors upon consideration find an ill conveniency


in it. have from this meeting apointed Ruth Tucker and hannah Tucker and Rachell


allin [Allen] and it is ordered that they shall be in the performance of this service. it is


likewise suspected that after a genarall viset. of both men and women that these


women give an acount to the womens meeting. ensuing before the quarterly meeting


how they find things.


the i7 of the 3 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds


hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker were chose for the, yearly quarterly meeting at roadisland


colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the 2i of the 4 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting two women freinds


hannah Tucker and abigaill allin [Abigail Allen] were chose for the quartely meeting at




the i9 of the 5 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth


the i6 of the 6 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Samuell howland


and Mary Meriho [Merrihew] and Georg thomas and Martha Tucker and william Rickison [Ricketson]


and Meriba Slocom [Meribah Slocum] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting


chose two women freinds to se[e] after the womens clearness from all others against


the next monthly meeting Colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the 20 . of the 7 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth where Samuell Howland and georg


Thomas Mary Meriho [Merrihew] and georg [George] Thomas and Martha Tuker [Tucker] and William Rickison [Ricketson]


and Meriba Slocom [Meribah Slocum] came the second time to receive there answer enquiry being made


acording to the order of truth and they being clear of all others have the consent of


the meeting to proseed in marriage at this meeting six women freinds were chose to


see the marriages performed acording to the order of freinds at this meeting two women


freinds Ruth Tucker and Ruth Smith were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


this meeting was a journd from the i8 of the 8 of month to the i day of the 9 month


1708. at this meeting it, was ordered that there should be a pap?? preparitive meeting


the fourth day of the week before the monthly meeting


taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the i5 . of the . 9 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth colected at this meeting



at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Mary lapham were chose to goe to


abigaill Howland to know the reason of her not coming to lay her intention of marriage


before the meeting


the 20 of the 10 month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting the two women freinds make


return of abigaill howlands answer which was that the fault was not hers that she


had not come [blot] at this meeting two women freinds Ruth Tucker and Rose howland were


chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


no womens meeting of business in the . 11 . month i708 by reason of the violentness of the wether


the 2i . of the . i2 . month i708


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



the . 2i . of the i . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Darmouth at this meeting Charls dyer [Charles Dyer] and Mary


lapham laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chose two


women freinds Hannah Tucker and Rose Howland to enquire after the young womans


clearness from all others against the next monthly meeting at this meeting two women


freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Ruth Smith were chose for the quarterly meeting at




the i8 of the . 2 . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. Charls [Charles] dyer and Mary lapham


coming for their answer is referd till the next monthly meeting: this meeting chose two


women freinds elizebeth [Elizabeth] Russell and Mary lapham to goe to Hannah Jenny [Jenney] to desire


her to forbear speaking or praying or singing publickly in meetings


the i5 of the 3 month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. colected by this month



the 20 . of the . 4 . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting three women freinds Ruth Tucker


and Hannah Tucker and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the viseting freinds familys. at


his meeting two women freinds. Hannah Tucker and Rose Howland were chose for


the quarterly meeting at roadisland


the i8 of the 5 . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting the two women freinds


make return from the quarterly meeting at roadisland. no business for this meeting


the i5 . of the . 6 . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting Charls dyer and Mary


lapham. came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being made acording to


the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the consent of the meeting to proseed


in mariage. the meeting chose two women freinds to see this marriage performed acording


to the order of freinds: colected by this meeting



the i9 - of the 7 month i709 .


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting two women freinds Ruth


Smith and Rachell allin [Allen] were chose for the quarterly meeting at roadisland


the i7 of the 8 month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting James Russell and


Rebeckah Howland laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting the meeting chuse


two women freinds to enquire after the young womans clearness from all others against


the next monthly meeting. at this meeting the two women freinds make return from


the quaterly meeting. no business for this meeting. only to desire that these quiries may


be observed. quiery for the monthly meeting to query of the representives of weekly


Meeting. how doe freinds keep their chilldren to the plain language of truth doe freinds


attend weekly meetings with their children and servants.


the . 2i . of the 9 . month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting James Russell and


Rebeckah Howland came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry being


made acording to the order of truth. and they being clear of all others have the


consent of the meeting to proseed in marriage - colected by this meeting



taken out of the stock at this meeting for the use of freinds



theof the . 10 month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting John Green and


Mary allin [Allen] laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose


two women freinds Mary Slocam [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker to enquire after the young


womans clearness, from all others against the next monthly meeting. at this meeting two women


freinds Mary Slocom [Slocum] and Hannah Tucker. were chose for the quarterly meeting at




the i6 of the 11 month i709


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting John Green and


Mary allin [Allen] came the second time to receiue their answer. enquiry being made


acording to the order, of truth and they being clear of all others. have the consent


of the meeting to proseed in mariage. at this meeting Jabes barker [Jabez Barker] and Rebeckah


Russell laid their intentions of marriage before the meeting. the meeting chose two


women freinds rose howland and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] to see after the young womans


clearness against the next monthly meeting. taken out of the Stock at this meeting for the use


of friend



the 29 of the i2 month i709


was our womens meeting of held in Dartmouth. colected by this meeting



the 27 of the i month i7010


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth. at this meeting Jabes barker [Jabez Barker]


and Rebekah Russell came the second time to receive their answer. enquiry be-


ing made acording to the order of truth and they being clear of all others haue [have]


the consent of the meeting to proseed in mariage. two women freinds Hannah Tucker


and hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] were chose to see the marage orderly consumated at this


meeting Joseph Chase and Abigaill Tucker laid their intentions of mariage before


the meeting. this meeting chose two women freinds18 Mary; Slocum & Ruth; Tucker


to see into ye young womans clearness. our visiters brings in their account to this meeting; this


meeting chose Ruth; Tucker to draw up an Epistle to Send to ye Quarterly meeting two


women friends Rachel; Allen & Ruth; Tucker & Mary; Lapham are chose to speake wth


Abigaill; Howland: concerning her going to marry out of ye good order of friends; R. T.


is chose to be helpfull to write for ye Meeting


The 17th day of ye 2th mth in ye year 1710; ~


was our womens meeting held in dartmouth: inquiry being made whether Jabez: Barker &


Rebekah; [Rebecca] Russell had solemnized their marriage in ye good order of Truth; ye Answer was yes; that matter concerning Joseph; Chase & Abigail; Tucker comming for their Answer is refered to next monthly meeting; ye women frds [friends] yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly Meeting but one of ym [them] went by reason of sicknesse; no businesse from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting; ye ~women yt were chose to speake wth Abigaill; Howland conserning her going to marry out of good order of frds did speake wth her & she gives no satisfaction; ~ ~ ~


The 15th of 3d mo in ye year 1710 ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held at dartmouth; collected by this meeting 9s-8d ~ ~ ~


Joseph: Chase & Abigaill Tucker coming for their Answer is refered to ye next: monthly~


meeting; three women frds were chose with ye men to End ye business concerning Abigail;


Howlands marrying out of ye order of frds & they agree yt a paper of Condemnation ~ ~


Shall goe against her;


The 19th of ye 4th mo in ye year 1710 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth where Joseph: Chase & Abigaill Tucker


came for their Answer concerning their taking Each other in marriage; inquirey being


made & we find nothing to ye contrary but yt ye may proceed in marriage According to ye


good order of Truth established amongst frds the women frds mary: Slocum & Ruth; Tu[cker] are Chosen to see ye marriage orderly consumated; ye two women frds yt were Chose to


Attend ye Quarterly Meeting gives an accompt yt ye desire of ye Quarterly meeting


is yt our collection may be Every mo; it is agreed at this meeting. ye monthly collect[ion]


shall begin at our next Quarterly meeting it is ye order of ye yearly meeting at


Rhoad Island yt all intentions of marriages Shall be brought first to ye prepar[ative]


meeting before ye monthly meeting; this meeting chose two women frds mary; Sloc[um]


and Hannah Tucker to attend ye Quarterly meeting; at this meeting our frd


Ruth; smith being about to travail unto pensilvania to visit her Children & friends


there; desires a Sertificate from this meeting upon yt account which was granted her ~ ~


The 17th of ye 5th mo 1710


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth at this meeting we received an Epistle ~


from ye Quarterly meeting of women frds held in Newport on Rhoad Island ye 14th of


5th month in ye year 1710 which was kindly Excepted []: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 22th of ye 6th month in ye year 1710: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s[?]:11d:16s taken


out of ye stock ye use of frds; accompt being given into this meeting concerni=


=ng Joseph; Chase & Abigail; Tuckers Marriage yt it was orderly consumated; ~ ~ ~


The 18th of ye 7th month in ye year 1710; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 6s ~ ~ ~


this meeting made choyce of Elizabeth; Summers & sarah; Davis for visiters to ~ ~ ~


visit frds families at Rochester; this meeting chose two women frds to attend ye


Quarterly meeting: Ruth; Tucker & Rachel; Allen; this meeting is ajourned untill


ye 4th day before ye Quarterly Meeting: no account brought into this meeting by ye


Visiters by reason of sicknesse; this meeting Chose Mary; Lapham to draw up an


Epistle to send to ye Quarterly Meeting; ~ ~


The 16th of ye 8th mo 1710 ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 5s no ~ ~ ~


Account of any businesse from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 20th of ye 9th month 1710; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting; 7s:11d ~ ~ ~


The 18th of ye 10th month . 1710 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 12s:4d this ~


meeting chose two women frds. Hannah; Tucker; & Mary; Layton [Lawton?] to attend ye


Quarterly meeting; this meeting Chose hannah . Tucker & Ruth Tucker to draw up


an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting: ~The 15th day of ye 11th month 1710; ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting: 3s=8d; taken


out of ye stock 21s; ye women frds yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting went


And they bring no account of any businesse to this meeting; The 19th of ye 12th mo 1710


Was our womens meeting held at Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s;10d ~ ~


The 26th of ye first month 1710: ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting; 9s ~


taken out of ye stock for ye use of frds at this meeting 11s: at this meeting ~


ye visiters brings in their account of visiting frds families this meeting chose two ~


women frds Rachell; Allen & Ruth; Tucker to attend ye Quarterly meeting


this meeting chose Ruth: Tucker & Hannah: Tucker to draw up an Epistle


to send ye Quarterly meeting; ~


The 16th of ye 2th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting, 9s=2d at this ~


ye two women frds makes their return from ye Quarterly meeting of no businesse to this


meeting; this meeting chose Ruth: Tucker & Rachel Allen to speake wth Deborah; smith


about her going to marry out of ye order of frds this meeting chose three women frds Hann[ah] cker Ruth Tucker & Judeth Howland to speak wth Abigail; allen about ye abusing


of her servant: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 21th of ye 3d mo 1711 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth; collected by this meeting 7s:6d ~ye three women


frds yt were chose to speake wth Abigaill; Allen; & David: Akin her accuser face to face he not


to be had at yt time; they speaking wth her conserning the cruel whipping her negro servan[t] She signifying her consenting to it or rather incouraging of it; this meeting Chose three women frds Hannah: Tucker; Rachell; Allen & Ruth Tucker wth three men frds to draw up her condemnation this meeting by ajournment ye 30th day of ye 3d mo; Draws up ye ~


aboue sd Abigaill Allens condemnation & orders it to be read before ye next monthly ^meeting


ye two women friends yt were chose to speake wth Deborah: smith concerning her going


to marry out of ye good order of frds brings in this account from her yt her frds has not been


so carefull in advising her in time to ye contrary; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 18th of ye 4th mo yeare 1711 -


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2s:10d ~ ~


Hannah; Tucker & Mary; Layton [Lawton?] are chose are for to attend ye Quarterly meeting. held at Newport on Rhoad Island ye 14th day of ye 7th mo; Hannah; Tucker & Ruth; Tucke[r] are chose to draw up an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting Mary; slocum & Rachel; Allen & Hasadiah; Russell are chose to look over ye monthly meeting book &


Collection ^& ballan[ce] the accompts ~ ~


The 16th of ye 5th mo 1711


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s:8d taken out


Of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of frds 1£ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 20th of ye 6th mo 1711 ~


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this Meeting 10s ~ taken ~


out of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of frds 9s=9d at this meeting ye women


yt were appointed to Look over ye accompts; brings into this meeting ye accompts are


ballanced & there is in ye stock 3£=12s=4d it was agreed upon at this meeting yt ~


there should be an accompt taken of ye Collection & disburstments of money once


yearly frds yt were chose by ye Last preparitive meeting to goe to Susanna; Allen to


know whether ye report is true of her being wth child ye frds appointed makes


brings into this meeting they have been wth her & she nows yt she is wth child


And takes all ye blame & shame to her self clears her parents; This meeting finding


an necessity to draw up a condemnation against her for it wch being read & signed here -


is ordered to be read Publickly on a first day of ye weeke at this meeting house by ~


William; Soule [Sowle] and make Returne to next monthly meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 17th day of ye 7th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting ?5s at this ~


Meeting Ruth; Tucker was chose to keep ye Collection of ye monthly meeting ~


taken out of ye stock at this meeting for ye use of friends 1£:12s: This meeting is


ajournd till ye 5th day of ye 8th mo 1711 at this meeting our visiters brings in accompt


they have visited frds families & for ye most part were Kindly Excepted; & where


any thing was amiss & spoken to there seems to be a Spiritt of Condecention ~


Signifying yt they would indeavour it should be soe no more: Ruth; Smith ~


& Mary; Layton were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting; Hannah; Tucker


And Ruth; Tucker were chose to draw up an Epistle to send to ye Quarterly




The 15th of ye 8th mo 1711 ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s; taken out


of ye stock for ye use of frds 5s: Rachel; Allen & Ruth; Tucker is chose to speake


wth Sarah; Gifford to know how She stands in her testimonie concerning her ~


Childrens marrying out of ye order of frds; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 19th day of ye 9th mo 1711


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s ~


The 17th day of 10th mo 1711; ~ ~ ~


was our womens Meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s=7d


Taken out of ye stock for ye use of frds 1[?]: our visiters signifies yt they have not


visited frds families this Quarter; Hannah; Tucker & Ruth Tucker are ~


Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting. Ruth; Tucker was chose to draw up an


Epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 21th day of ye 11th mo 1711 ~


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s.6d


Ye women frds yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did not goe nor send


by reason of ye hardnesse of ye weather


The 18th of ye 12th mo 1711


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s:5d


The 17th day of ye 1th mo 1712 ~


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 6s


at this meeting our visiters gives accompt yt things in ye generall are pretty well this Meeting makes choyce of Hannah; Tuckor [Tucker] & Mary; Layton to attend ye Quarterly meeting


At this meeting it was agread upon yt ye Paper of ye condemnation should goe forth against


Deborah Smith for marrying out of ye order of frds not withstanding frds care & advice


has been to ye contrary; her condemnation is signed & ordered to be read on ye first day


of ye week;


The 21th of ye 2th moth 1712 ~ was our womens meeting


held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s=7d ye women yt were chose to attend


ye the Quarterly meeting but one of ym [them] went She brings no accompt of any businesse


for this meeting;


The 19th of ye 3d mo th 1712 ~ ~ ~


was our womens meeting held in dartmouth  collected by this 7s: 6d ~ ~


The 23d day of ye 4th mo 1712 ~ ~ ~ ~


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth collected by this meeting 12s .10d


Taken out of ye stock. for keeping ye meeting house 2£ taken out of ye stock


for ye use of frds 1£ 2s 6d this meeting chose two women frds mary; slocum


And Rachel: Allen to attend ye Quarterly meeting:


The 21st day of ye 5th


month 1712, was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this ~


meeting 2s ~ ye women yt were chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did not goe by


reason of sickness; 5s disbursted for ye use of frds; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 18th day of ye 6th mo 1712


was our Womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 8s


Our aged friend sarah; Allen desires a Sertificate having some intention to Leave


this meeting Hannah: Tucker. & Ruth; Tucker are Appointed to draw up


a Sertificate against ye next monthly meeting ~ The 15th day of ye 7th mo 1712


was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s ~


disbursted for ye use of frds 14s; our visiters brings in an accompt to this meeting


That they have visited frds families & in ye generall things pretty well ~ ~


Some things not well we have taken care further conserning it: Rachell Allen


And Ruth; Tucker are chose to attend ye Quarterlie meeting: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 20th of ye 8th mo 1712 ~


Was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth collected by this meeting 3s:3d


at this meeting mary: Dyre [Dyer] desires a Sertificate She intends to goe with her


Husband to Providence to settle: frds has taken care yt it may be done


against next monthly meeting.


The 17th day of ye 9th mo 1712


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s:10[?]d


disbursted for ye use of frds 18s: Mary: Dyres [Dyers] sertificate is not drawn for


Some consideration at this meeting frds finding nothing to hinder has


Chose two frds Hannah;Tucker & Ruth;Tucker to draw a Sertificate ~


Against next monthly meeting ~ The 15th day of ye 10th moth 1712


Was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s 4d


Our visiters Signifies they have not visited frds families this Quarter: two


frds are chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting Hannah: Tucker & Rachel: Allen


Ruth Smith is chose to be helpfull to make up ye accompts wth Ruth; Tuck[er]


Accompts ballanced; & there is in ye stock two pound two shillings & six pe[nce]


Ruth; Tucker is chose to draw up an epistle to send to ye Quarterly meeting


The 19th day of ye 11th mo 1712 ~ ~ ~


was our womens meeting held in dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s:3[d]


the women yt were chose to attend ye Quarterlie meeting did not goe by


Reason of some Hinderances yt could not be avoided we have no


Accompt from ye Quarterly meeting to this meeting; 7s:3d disbursted for ye use of frds


The 16th day of ye 12th 1712


was our womens meeting held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s:10d


The 16 of th i mo 1713


Was our monthly meeting of women frinds held in dartmouth


Collected by this meeting 7s five pence 43 disbusted for the


youce of frinds mary Slocom [Slocum] hannah tucker are chose to atend


thay quarterly meeting this meeting is agurned tel thay 3 day of


the 2 mo: our visitars gives acount to this meeting that thay


haue visited frinds families and for the most part find things


prety wall; hannah tucker and Ruth tucker are chos to draw


up an acount to send to the quartarly meeting ^Abigail Allins [Allen] condemnation whare as i haue


ben consenting to the beting of my negro saruent beyound what


I now think was convenent being ty ed by his hands and stript


for which i have ben consarned in my self and in much trobel


for it and do on i was of my wach at that time and so hard


ness of hart got in which if i had kept to the Spirit of truth


had not consented as above sade: for the clering of truth and


the testimony thare of i give thes lines de[s]ireing that the


lord might pas it by and that i migh come into younity


with the Lords peepel again. abygel allen [Abigail Allen]


[lower half of page is blank]


The 20 of ye 2 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friend Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 7s The Frd That ware Chose to Attend The Q[illegible]


Meetting Brings no Account of any Bisness.


The 18 of ye 3 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 9s 2d Disbusted for the use of Frd 30s


The 22 of ye 4 moth


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 7s 2d Att This Meetting were Chose Elizabeth


Trip [Tripp] & Ruth Smith to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting


The 20 of ye 5 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Frd Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 7s 8d


The 17 of ye 6 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meeting 7s 4d


The 21 of ye 7 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 7s 6d Rochester The Weekly Meetting of Women


Frd gives an Account That Things are Prety well among Them. Hannah


Tucker & Rachel Allin [Allen] are Chose to Attend The Quarterly Meetting This


Meetting is Ajorned tell ye Youths Meetting.


The 20 of ye 8 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 1s 9d


The 16 of ye 9 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 2s: Disbusted for the use of frd 20s


The 21 of ye 10 moth 1713


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 3s 3d Edward Wing & Desire Smith Lead [Laid] Their


Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Hannah Tucker & Marye


Smith are Chose to Inquire into the Young Womans Clearness. Hannah


Tucker & Mary Smith are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tuc-


-ker is Chose to draw up an Account to send to ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 18 of ye 11 moth 1713/4


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 6s 6d Dusbusted out of ye Stock 5s att This Meetting


Edward Wing & Desire Smith Came for Their answer Inquiare being Made


Friends finds nothing but That They may Procede in Mariage According to the


good order Procribed among Them.


The 15 of ye 12 moth 1713/14


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 5s 7d Ruth Tucker & Mary Slocom [Slocum] are Chosen to Take


an Account of ye Colection and ye Disbustments. The Accounts are Ballanced and There


Remaines in ye Stock 2£ 3s 6d


The 15 of ye 1 moth 1714


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 4s 6d Rochester Weekly Meetting brings in Their


Account that Their visiters hath visited Frd familis and find Things in Prety


good order This Meetting is Ajorned tell ye 4d before ye Quarterly Meetting our


Visiters brings in Their Account to this Meetting held by Ajornement brings


That They have visited frd families and find good Satisfaction. Ruth Tucker


Mary Slocom [Slocum] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Dasbusted 20s on [Truths?]


Account Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw up an Account to Send to ye Quarterly




The 19 of ye 2 moth 1714


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friend Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 5s The Women That were Chose to Attend ye Quarterly


Meetting was not Their


The 17th of ye 3 moth 17414


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 9s 1d


The 21d of ye 4 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att this Meetting 12s 6d Dasbusted 12s 8d Mary Slocom [Slocum] Rachel Allin [Allen] Are Chosen to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is Chosen is to draw up ~


an Account to send to ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 19th d of ye 5 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att this Meetting 8s 1d Frd That were chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetti[ng]


Brought an Epesle which was Read and kindly Received


The 16d of ye 6 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 4s 6d


The 20th d of ye 7 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att this Meetting 5s 1d + 10s Dasbusted Ruth Smith is Chose to Attend


ye Quarterly Meetting our Visiters hath Visited frds families & was kindly Rece


ved with good satisfaction and find Things prety well as fare as they see


The 18d of ye 8 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 2s:5d Dasbusted 15s ye Frd That were Chose to Attend


The Quarterly Meetting did not go by Reason of Sickness


The 15d of ye 9 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att this Meetting 3s:6d Taken out of ye Stock 4s


The 20d of ye 10 moth 1714


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 8s 5d Desbusted 40s 6d for The Use of Friends


Hannah Tucker Mary Slocom [Slocum] are Appointed to Attend ye Quarterly


Meetting Hannah Born [Bourne] that was being Mar[ri]ed out of ye good Order of Truth


Friends hath sined [signed] a paper of Condemnation against her.


The 24d of ye 11 moth 1714/15


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 4s 11d Desbusted 6s one of ye Frds That was chose did


Attend ye Quarterly Meetting and brings an Account of no Bisness Ezieiah [Hezekiah] Smi


ths Daughter Mary her Mariing out of the Order of Friends is left to ye Judg


ment of ye Men and we shall joyn with Them in what they due [do]


The 21d of ye 12 moth 1714/15


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 13s:1d Nickleas [Nicholas] Davis & Mary Sommers [Summers] hath lead Their Intention of Mariage before This Meetting This Meetting hath Chose


Mary Smith & Sarah Wing to Inquire into The Young Womans Clearness


Hannah Tucker & Ruth Tucker are Chose to balance ye Accounts.


The 28d of ye 1 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att this Meetting 5s 7d Nickleas [Nicholas] Davis & Mary Sommers [Summers] Came for th[eir] Answer This Meetting finds nothing to hender Them but That they may Proc[e]de in Mariage According to ye good order of Truth Benjeman Born [Benjamin Bourne] and Hannah Wing Lead Their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Ruth


Tucker & Meheatable [Mehitable] Wing are Chose to Inquire into ye Young Womans Clearness Mary Laton [Lawton, Layton] & Ruth Tucker are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meettinge Rochesters Weekly Meetting gives an Account That they have Visited Friends


families & are Incoriaged in it Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw up an Account to


send to ye Quarterly Meetting


The 18d of ye 2 moth 1715


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 4s 7d Benjeman Born [Benjamin Bourne] & Hannah Wing Came


for Their Answer This Meetting finds nothing bat that These may Procede


In Their Mariage According to ye good order of Truth ye Frds That were Chose


did Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Brings no bisness to This Meetting


The 16 of ye 3 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 6d


The 20d of ye 4 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 4s 10d Taken out of ye Stock 6s Ruth Smith, Mary


Laton [Layton] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting


The 18d of ye 5 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 4s 6d one of ye Frds That were Chose did Attend


The Quarterly Meetting and brings no Bisness to this Meetting.


The 15d of ye 6 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s 9d Accounts Balanced and Their Remaines


In ye Stock £1:16s


The 19d of ye 7 moth 1715


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 5d Rochesters Weekly Meetting gives an Account


That they have Visited Frds families and in some families They find Thing[s]


are Indeforant well, This Meetting is ajorned tell ye 4 day before ye Quarterly M


The Visiteres brings in Their Account to This Meetting held by Ajornment.


The 12 day of ye 8 moth That they have Visited Frds families and find Things are


among Some in good Order Rachel Allin [Allen] & Mary Laton [Lawton, Layton] are Chosen to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker are Chose to draw up an


Account to Send to ye Quarterly Meetting


The 17 of ye 8 moth 1715


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 5s 2d Jeames [James] Barker & Elizabeth Tucker Lead


Their Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] and


Rachel Allin [Allen] is Chose to Inquire in to The Young Womans Clearness


The Frds That were Chose did Attend ye Quarterly Meetting and brings


no Bisness to This Meetting.


The 21 day of ye 9 moth 1715


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 9s Jeames [James] Barker & Elizabeth Tucker Came


for Their Answer This Meetting finds nothing but that they may Procede


In Mariage According to ye good Order of Truth.


The 19d of ye 10 moth 1715


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 6s 1d Desbusted for The use of Frds £1:9:6


Hannah Tucker & Mary Laton [Lawton, Layton] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly


Meetting Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw up an Account to Send to ye


Quarterly Meetting.


The 23d of ye 11 moth 1715/16


Was Oour Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s The Frds That were Chose did Attend the


Quarterly Meetting and brings no Bisness to this Meetting.


The 20d of ye 12 moth 1715/16


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 6s 7d


The 19d of ye 1 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 6s 7d Hannah Tucker and Mary Laton [Layton] is Chose


to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Desbusted for ye use of Frds 20s Ruth Tucker


is Chose to draw up an Account to Send to ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 16d of ye 2 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 4s We Received an Epestle from ye Quarterly ~




The 21d of ye 3 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 11s 6d


The 18 of ye 4 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected att This Meetting 8s 5d


The 16 of ye 5 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 6d Desbusted for ye use of Friends 7s 6


The 21 of ye 6 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 6d Desbusted for ye use of Friends 7s 6d Eleazar


Slocom [Slocum] & Deborah Smith lead Their Intention of Mariage before this


Meetting Hannah Sole [Soule, Sowle] & Mary Smith ^were chose to make Inquiery Into the


Young Womans Clearness


The 17 of ye 7 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth Colected


att this Meetting 6s 6d Eleazar Slocom [Slocum] [&] Deborah Smith Came for Their Answer


Inquiery being Made Nothing appeares but that they may procede In


Mariage According to ye good order of Truth


The 15d of ye 8 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 6d one of The Friends That were Chose did Attend


The Quarterly Meetting and no Besness offers to This Meetting


The 19 of ye 9 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 8s 2d.


The 17d of ye 10 moth 1716


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held att Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s 9d Mary Slocom [Slocum] & Mary Lawton are Chose


to Attend ye Quarterly Meeting Ruth Smith & Ruth Tucker are Chose


to Ballance ye Accounts Hannah Tucker is Chose to keep the Stock That


Belongs to This Meetting Desbusted 15s 5d for ye use of Frds ye Accounts Bal


lanced and Their is in ye Stock £1 15 6.


The 21d of ye 11 moth 1716/17


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 8s 6d The Friends That were Chose did Attend


The Quarterly Meetting and Brought an Epestle which was Read and


kindly Received


The 18d of ye 12 moth 1716/17


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 1s 10d.


The 18d of ye first moth 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 2s 2d Hannah Tucker & Mary Lawton is Chose


to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting This Meetting is Ajorned tell ye Youths


Meetting it being ye six day before ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 15 of ye Siesond [Second] moth 1717


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 4s 2d The Friends that were Chose to attend the


Quarterly Meetting did attend it and brings no Besness to this Meetting


The 20d of ye 3 moth 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 13s 11d Taken out of ye Stock for ye use of Friends 5s 6d


This as an Account from Rochesters preperative Meetting That Benjeman


Clevan [Benjamin Cleveland] Sarah Davis Juner is Married Contrary to the good order of truth altho Friends has Laboured much with them about it The Parents of ye Young


Woman is not found so Clear In there Testimoney against it as Friends Could


a Desired Hannah Tucker & Hepsabeth Hadaway [Hathaway] are Chose to Discorce


y Them Concerning it


The 24 of ye 4 moth 1717


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s.11d Edward Wing & Sarah Tucker Lead [Laid] Their


Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] & Hannah


Sole [Soule, Sowle] are Chose to Inquire into ye Young Womans Clearness


The 15d of ye 5 moth 1717


Was our Monthly Meetting of Woman Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 6s 9d Edward Wing [&] Sarah Tucker Came for


Their Answer Friends finds nothing against Them but that they may Pro


cede in Mariage According to The good Order of Friends 2s 6d Taken out of


The Stock for ye use of Friends.


The 19 of ye 6 mo 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 11s 6d The Women That were Chose to Speak wit[h]


Sarah Davis Concerning her daughter and She Signefies to This Meetting


That She has keept her Self Clear and been very muchConcerned for


Their wrong Procdings


The 16 of ye 7mo 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 10d Rochester Friends gives an Account That they


have visited Friends families and find Things prety well This Meetting is


Ajorned tell ye Youths Meetting which is before The Quarterly Meetting This


Meetting held by ajornment ye 4d of ye 8mo our visiters gives an Account that


They have visited Friends families and find Things in prety good order as far


as they See Mary Layton [Lawton] is Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker


is Chose to draw up an Account to send to ⁄this Meetting


the 16 of the 7mo 1777 [sic]


The 21 of ye 8 mo 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Woman Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 5s 3d Daniel Godard [Goddard] & Mary Tripp Lead Their


Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] & Hannah


Cadman are Chose to Inquire Into ye Young Womans Clearness Taken out


of ye Stock for The use of Friends 5s 7d Friends That were Chose [?] did attend


The Quarterly Meetting and brings no Bisness


The 18 of ye 9 moth 1717


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 7s 2d Daniel Godard [Goddard] & Mary Tripp Came for Their


Answer and Friends finds nothing but that They may Procede in Mariage Ac


cording to The good Order of Friends Isaac Howland [&] Hannah Allin [Allen] Lead


Their Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] & Hannah


Tucker are Chose to Inquire Into ye Young Womans Clearness


The 16d of ye 10th mo 1717


Was our Monthly Meetting of Woman Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 5s Isaac Howland & Hannah Allin [Allen] Came for


Their Answer and Friends has Given Them leave to Mary Taken out of ye Stock


30s for ye use of Friends Mary Lawton & Mary Russel [Russell] are Chose to Attend The Quar


terly Meetting Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw up an Account to Send to the Meeting


The 20 of ye 11 mo 1717/18


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 1s This Meetting Received an Eppestle from ye Quarterly


Meetting which was Read and kindly Excepted


The 17 of ye 12 mo 1717/18


Was our Monthly Meetting Held at Dartmouth Colected at This Meetting 8s


William Sole [Soule, Sowle] & Rachel Allin [Allen] Lead their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Daniel Shepard [Shepherd?] [&] Mary Sherman Lead Their Intention of Mariag Hannah Tucker Elizabeth Russel [Russell] are Chose to Inquire Into the Young


Womens Clearness.


The 17 of ye 1 moth 1718


Was our Monthly Meetting Held at Dartmouth Colected at This Meetting 9s


William Sole [Soule, Sowle] & Rachel Allin [Allen] Came for Their Answer and Friends Gave Them Leave to Mary According to ye good order of Friends Rochester Women Friends gives


an Account to This Meetting and it is Ajorned tell ye Youths Meetting


The 21 of ye 2 moth 1718


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 5s 1d Daniel Shepard Mary Sherman Came for


Their Answer and Friends finds nothing but that they may Procede in Mariage


According to the good Order of Friends.


The 23 of ye 3 mo 1718


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s-7d


The 23 of ye 4 moth 1718


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s-9d Mary Lawton Hannah Tucker are Chose to


Attend The Quarterly Meetting our Visiters gives an Account That They have


Visited Friends families and find Things much as They have been of leate


Disbusted for ye use of Friends 7s 2d


The 21 of ye 5 moth 1718


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Womaen Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 9s 8d Ruth Tucker Ruth Smith Hannah Tucker


are Chose to Ballance ye Accounts


The 18 of ye 6 moth 1718


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 12s Received an Epestle from ye Quarterly Meetting


which was Read and kindly Excepted The Accounts Ballanced and their is in


The Stock £6=2:6


The 15 of ye 7 mo 1718


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 6s=7d Joseph Mosher Mehittable [Mehitable] Smith Lead


Their Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] Mary


Smith are Chose to Inquire into the Young Womans Clearness Mary Lawton


Mary Smith are Chose to attend the Quarterly Meetting


The 20 of ye 8 mo+ 1718


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 2s 11d Joseph Mosher Mehettable [Mehitable] Smith Came for Their Answer and Friends gave Them leave to Mary According to the good Order of


Truth The Friends brings no Account of bisness from ye Quarterly Meetting


Disbusted for The use of Friends £1 8s


The 17d of ye 9 mo 1718


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 4s Adam Mott Abthyer Hadaway [Apphia Hathaway] Lead Their Inten tion of Mariage before This Meetting Hannah Tucker Mary Lappam [Lapham]


are Chose to make Inquire Concerning ye Young Womas Clearness.


The 15 of ye 10 moth 1718


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 4s 6d Adam Mott Abthyer Hadaway [Apphia Hathaway] Came for Their Answer Friends finds nothing but that they may Procede In Mariage according


to ye good Order of Truth disbusted for ye use of friends 4s Mary Lawton Marye


Rusel [Mary Russell] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting


The 19 of ye 11 moth 1718/19


Was Oor Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 1s 6d we have no Account from ye Quarterly Meetting


The 16 of ye 12 moth 1718/19


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meeting 6s 5d Phineas Chase Desiare [Desire] Wing Lead Their


Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Elizabeth Wing with Mehittable [Mehitable]


Wing are Chose to make Inquire Into the Young Womans Clearness This Meetting


hath Received an Account from Rochester Weekly Meetting w gives an account


That They have Visited Friends families and find Things in prety good Order


The 16 of ye 1 moth 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 8s 1d ye Visiters gives an Account that they have visi


ted friends families and find Things prety well Mary Slocom [Slocum] Hannah Tucker


are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw up an


Account to sind to that Meetting £1-16 disbusted for ye use of Friends


The 20 of ye 2 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 3d Taken out of the Stock 7s for ye use of Friends


The friends that were Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting brings an Acc


ount That Their is a Woman Chose out of every Weekly Meetting to Attend


The Q Yearly Meetting


The 18 of ye 3 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 9s 3d £ 2 disbusted for a Woman that has


Met with a Loss by fire Rachel Allin [Allen] Dinah Smith are Chose


to discorce Dorcace [Dorcas] Earl Concerning her Daughter Deborah Marying


In the way of ye World.


The 22 of ye 4 moth 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected 4s 8d Phineas Chase Desire Wing Came for Their Answer friends finds


Nothing to hinder Them but that they may Procede According to the good


Order of Truth This Meetting is Ajorned tell ye Youth Meetting This


Meetting held by Ajornment gives Testimoney against Ruth Lawton


for her out going in haveing a Child with out being Maried Mary Slocom [Slocum]


Mary Smith are Chose to Attend the Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker


is Chose to write to the Meetting.


The 20 of ye 5 moth 1719


Was our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Metting 3s 6d Disbusted for ye use of Friends 8s Ruth


Lawtons Condemnation is Signed and to be read at Coket Meetting House


The 17 of ye 6 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s This Meetting Received an Eppestle


from ye Yearly and Quarterly Meetting at Newport and was Read &


kindly Received £ 2:10 Disbusted for the use of Friends


The 21 of ye 7 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 6s Receved an Account from Rochester that They


have Receved an Account from ye visiters That hath visited Friends and find


Things for ye most part prety well visiters of this Meetting gives word that they


find thing in pretty good Order as fure as they See Hannah Tucker Ruth


Smith are Chose to attend ye Quarterly Meetting


The 19 of 8 ye mot 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 3s 5d Rachel Allin [Allen] Ruth Tucker is Chose to go


to Alice Antone to discorce her Consirning her Marying out of the Order


of Friends Rachel Allin [Allen] Abigal Allin [Abigail Allen] Con is Chose to take Lyddy


How land to due for ye Same fault


The 16 of ye 9 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 6d John Summers Preast Davis Lead [Laid]


Their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Martha Wing and


Elizabeth Wing are Chose to Inquire into the Young Womans Clearness


The 25 of ye 10 mo 1719


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 11s 10d John Summers Preast Davis Came for


Their answer and Their is nothing found but that they may Procede


In Mariage According to the good Order of Truth Disbusted for the


use of friends 11s Mary Lawton Mary Smith are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly


Meetting Ruth Tucker


The 18 of ye 11 moth 1719/20


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 5s 6d Desbusted for ye use of Friends £2[?] 10


The 15 of ye 12 mo 1719/20


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s Ruth Smith Hannah Tucker Ruth Tucker


are Chose to Ballance ye Accounts Disbusted for The use of Friends 5s 6d


The 28 of ye 1 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 8s 11d visiters gives an Account that they have


Visited friends families and find Things prety well Mary Slocom [Slocum] Hannah


Tucker are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Abigal Allin [Abigail Allen] Phebe


Tucker are Chose to discorc Sarah Wing for her out goings Ruth Tucker is Chose


to write to the Quarterly Meetting


The 18 of ye 2 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 8s 3d Brier Godard [Goddard] Ann Smith Lead Their


Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Ruth Smith Phebe Tucker


are Chose to Inquire Into the Young Womans Clearness The Friends that


were Chose to ye Quarterly Meetting brings an Account that ye Meetting


hath Taken it in to Consideration Concerning ye Chusing of visiters and


Refered to ye Yearly Meetting. The Friends brings in their Accout Concer


ning Their discorse with Sarah Wing and She Signifies to them that


The Report is True for The which They have Sined [Signed] a paper to be Read


against her


The 16 of ye 3 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s 5d Rachel Allin [Allen] Ruth Tucker Allice [Alice]


Tripp is Chose to discorce Alice Tripp Concerning a paper that was


Sent in to the Meetting be She and her Husband


The 20 of ye 4 mo 1720


Was Our Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 2d Brier Godard [Goddard] Ann Smith Came for


Answer friends finds nothing but that they may Procede In Mariage


According to the good Order of Truth Mary Slocom [Slocum] Mary Smith are


Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 18 of ye 5 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 11s 11d Received an Epestle from ye Yearly


Meetting which was Read and kindly Excepted It is Con[c]luded by ye Year


ly Meetting that ye Monthly Meettings Shall Chuse Their visiters once


a Year Disbusted 20s for ye use of Friends


The 15 of ye 6 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth.


Colected at this Meetting 8s 6d John Waiker [Walker] Sarah Summers Lead


Their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Mehettable Wing


Doritie Wing are Chose to make Inquire Into the Young Womens Clear


ness this Meetting Chuses Rachel Allin [Allen] Hannah Tucke[r] Marye


Smith Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] visitors The Accounts are balanced and thei[rI


is In the Stock £1:12s


The 19 of ye 7 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 11d Rachel Allin [Allen] is Chose to keep the Stock Mary


Slocom [Slocum] Mary Lawton is Chose to Attend the Quarterly Meetting


The 17 of ye 8 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5[?]s John Su Waker [Walker] Sarah Summers Came


for Their Answer friends finds nothing but that they may Procede in Ma


riage According to the good Order of Truth Samuel Wing Dorite Clivens [Dorothy Clifton] Lead Their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Martha Wing Bashabe


Barler [Bathsheba Barker?] are Chose to Inquire Into ye Young Womans Cle arness


The 21 of ye 9 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s Benjeman Russel [Benjamin Russell] Abigal Howland


Lead Their Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Joseph Tucker


Mary Howland also Lead Their Intention Phebe Tucker Jeane [Jean, Jeanne] Smith


are Chose to make Inquiere Into ye Young Womens Clearness


The 19 of ye 10 mo 1720


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 1d Samuel Wing Dorite Cliven [Dorothy Clifton] Came for


Their Answer friends finds nothing to hinder Them but that they may Pro


cede In Mariage in the good order of Truth Benjeman Russel [Benjamin Russell] Abigal


Howland and Joseph Tucker Mary Howland Came for their Answer This


Meetting gives leave to them Mary in the good Order of truth Disbusted for ~


the use of friends £1:1 Ruth Tucker is Chose to     ye Sende to ye Quart


terly Meetting


The 16 of 11 mo 1720/21


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s Daniel Weeden Joanna Slocom [Slocum] Lead Their


Intention of Mariage before this Meeting Hannah Tucker Phebe Tucker


are Chose to Inquire into ye Young Womans Clearness. This Meetting hath


Sinned [Signed] a paper against Sarah Akines [Akin] for Mariing against friends Con




The 20 of 12 mo 1720/21


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 8s Daniel Weeden Joanna Slocom [Slocum] Came for Their answer Friends finds Nonthing to Hinder Them gives Leave to Mare in the good Order of


Truth Desbusted for ye use of Friends £1=15


The 27 of 1 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 8s. Receved an Account from Rochester Weekly Meett


ing That they have Visited Friends families and for the most part find things wel[l]


This Meetting is Ajorned tell ye Youths Meetting. ye 4d of 2 mo ye Meetting held[?]


by Ajornment our Visiters gives an Account they have Visited friends families


and finds among Some Things in good Order but Others not so well as Could be desired


but friends are in the Labour to Regulate and bring into order. Hannah Tucker


Phebe Tucker are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is


Chose to write to ye Meetting


The 17 of ye 2 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 3s 6d The friends brings no Account of Besness from


ye Quarterly Meetting.


The 15 of ye 3 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 6s 3d Desbusted 6s 4d


The 19 of ye 4 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected by This Meetting 7s Thomas Bordain [Borden] Mary Gifford Lead Their In


tention of Mariage before this Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] Hannah Tucker


are Chose to mak Inquiere Into the Young Womans Clearness £1 4 Desbusted


for ye use of Friends Mary Slocom [Slocum] Hannah Tucker are Chose to Attend the


Quarterly Meeting.


The 17 of ye 5 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s 6d Thomas Bordain [Borden] Mary Gifford Came for their


Answer friends finds nothing to Hinder them gives Leave to Take Each


Other In the good Order of Truth


The 21 of ye 6 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at This Meetting 4s 6d


The 18 of ye 7 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 10s Desbusted for the use of Friends 13s 6d Receivd


on Account from Rochester Weekly Meetting that they have visited friends


families and finde things prety well This meetting Chuses visiters for this Y


ear Hannah Cudmon [Cadman] Hannah Tucker Mary Smith Phebe Tucker Mary


Smith Mary Rusel [Russell] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is


Chose to R write to ye Quarterly Meeting.


The 23 of ye 8 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 4s


The 20 of ye 9 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this meetting 9s 6d


The 18 of ye 10 mo 1721


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s Abraham Tucker Elizabeth Rusel [Russell] Lead


Their Intention of Mariage Mary Rusel [Russell] Mary Smith are Chose to ma


ke Inquiere Into the Young Womans Clearness Mary Lawton Phebe Tucker


are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is Chose to draw


up an Account to send to y Meetting Hannah Tucker Mary Rusel [Russell] are Chose


to Speak with Mary Howland about her Marging out of ye order of Truth


The 15 of 11 mo 1721/22


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held At Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 6d Abraham Tucker Elizabeth Rusel [Russell] Came


for Their Answer friends finds nothing to hinder Gives Them Leave to Procede


In Mariage According to the good Order of Truth ye friends that were Chose to


Talke with Marye [Mary] Howland ^saes she gives them no Satisfaction.


The 19 of ye 12 mo 1721/22


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 14s 11d It is a Concluded Mary Howlands Condemnation


Shall be Signed and Read in ye Next Meetting


The 26 of ye 1 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s The Visiters gives an Account that they have visited


friends families and for the most part find things prety well Mary Slocom [Slocum]


Hannah Tucker are Chose to Attend the Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is


Chose to write to the Meetting


The 23 of ye 2 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 4s 10d Isacc Wood Mary Potter Lead Their Intention


of Mariage before this Meetting Hannah Cadman Phebe Tucker are Chose


to See Into the Young Womans Clearness


The 21 of ye 3 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s 6d Isaac Wood Mary Potter Came for Their Ans


wer friends finds Nothing to Hinder Them gives Leave to Mare In the good


Order of friends Seth Rusel [Russell] Hannah Allin [Allen] Lead Their Intention of


Mariage before This Meetting Mary Rusel [Russell] Phebe Tucker are Chose to Make


Inquiere Into the Young Womans Clearness Desbusted for ye use of Friends 1s6 d [?]


The 18 of ye 4 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s 5d Seth Rusel [Russell] Hannah Allin [Allen] Came for Their


Answer friends find Nothing to hinder Gives Leave That they may Procede


In Mariage In the good Order of Truth


The 16 of ye 5 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 9d Jeames [James] Sherman Grisel Merihue [Grizzel Merihew] Lead Their Intention of Mariage before This Meetting Mary Laton [Lawton] Phebe Tucker are Chose to make Inquiere Into ye Young Womans Clearness Received an Epestle from


Rhoadisland [Rhode Island] Yearly Meetting which was Read and kindly Excepted.


The 20 of ye 6 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s 7d Jeames [James] Sherman Grisel Mrihue [Grizzel Merihew] Came for Their Answer friends finds nothing to hinder gives them leave to Mare Rachel Al


lin [Allen] Ruth Smith Ruth Tucker is Chose to Balance ye Accounts Desbusted for the


use of Friends £1. 28.


The 17 of ye 7 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 9d Benjeman Wing Content Tucker Lead Their


Intention of Mariage before this Meetting Mary Slocom [Slocum] Mary Rusel [Russell] Are


Chose to Inquire Into the Young Womans Clearness Mary Lawton Hope Merihue [Merihew]


are Appointed to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Desbusted 9s 9d for ye use of Friends


The 15 of ye 8 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 9d Benjeman [Benjamin] Wing Content Tucker Came for Their


Answer friends finds nothing to Hinder gives them Leave to Mare [Marry] In the Good


Order of Truth John Lawton Patience Cerby [Kirby] Lead their Intention of


Mariage before this Meetting Hope Merihue [Merihew] Mary Lappam [Lapham] are Chose to Make Inquiere Into the Young Womans Clearness visiters Chose for this Year


are Hannah Tucker Phebe Tucker Mary Rusel [Russell] Hannah Cadman.


The 19 of ye 9 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Woman Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 6s John Lawton Patience Cerby [Kirby] Came for their answer


friends finds Nothing to Hinder gives them Leave to Mare In the good Order of


Truth The Accounts Ballanced and their is in the Stock £2 9 10.


The 17 of ye 10 mo 1722


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 8s Desbusted for ye use of Friends £2 15 Mary Slocom [Slocum]


Rebecca Slocom [Slocum] are Chose to Attend ye Quarterly Meetting Ruth Tucker is Cho


se to write to the Quarterly Meetting


The 21 of 11 mo 1722/23


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 5s Received an Epestle from ye Quarterly Meetting


which was Read and kindly Excepted


The 18 of ye 12 mo 1722/23


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Woman Friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 1d


The 15 of ye 1 mo 1723


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 7s 10d Hannah Tucker Mary Rusel [Russell] are Chose to Attend


The Quarterly Meetting visiters gives an Account that they have visited friends


families and find good Satisfaction in it Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to the




The 15 of ye 2-mo 1723


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 10d


The 20 of ye 3 mo 1723


Was Our Monthly Meetting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Colected at this Meetting 3s 4d Hearing an Accout that Elizabeth Tripp


ye Wife of Joseph Tripp has a mind to be in unity with friends haveing for


Some Time past been desowned for Mareing out of the Order of Friends This


Meetting Chuses Two friends Mary Lawton Hannah Cudman [Cadman] to discorce


with her and Return her Answer to ye Next Monthly Meeting.


The 22 of ye 4 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this Meeting 9sd 1d Mary Slocum and Mary Smith are Chosen


to Attend the Quarterly Meeting to be holden at Rhoadisland 14s ==


Disbusted for the Vse [use] of friends


The 15 of ye 5 mo 1723


Was Our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth


Collected. by this Meeting 5s 2d this Meeting Recieved an Epistle from


Rhoadisland Yearly Meeting Which Was Read and Cindly Excepted


The 19 of ye 6 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this Meeting: 8s 1d Disbusted by this 20s


The 16 of ye 7 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this Meeting 6s 1d Phebe Tucker and Mary Laton [Lawton] are Chosen


to attend the Quarterly Meeting to be holden at PorthMouth [Portsmouth] on Rhoad [Rhode]


Island Ruth Tucker Is Chosen to Righ [write] to the Quarterly Meeting 20s


Disbusted for the Vse fo [sic] friends


The 21 of the 8 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held at Dartmouth


Where Samuel Howland and Sarah Soul [Soule, Sowle] Laid their Intentions of Marriage and


Ware Desired to Wait for their Answer untill our Next Collected by this


Meeting 5s and 5s Disbusted for the Use of friends


The 18 of ye 9 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Collected By this Meeting 5s 6d at this Meeting Samuel Howland and


Sarah Soul [Soule, Sowle] Came for their answer. this Meeting finding Nothing to Hender


them giving them Leave that they Might Marry in the good order of truth


The 16 of ye 10 mo 1723


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Collected by this Meeting 5s 6d Visiters Chose for this year Hannah


Tucker Phebe Tucker Hannah Cadman Hannah Tucker and Mary Laph[am]


are Chosen to attend the Querterly Meeting to be Held at Newport on




The 20 of ye 11 mo 1723/4


Was our Month^ly Meeting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


No Business presented


The 17 of ye 12 mo 1723/4


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Held at Dartmouth


Collected by this meeting 5s 3d phebe Tucker is Chosen to Keep the Stock


The 16 of ye 1 mo 1724


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends Held at Dartmouth


Collected by this Meeting 8s 3d this Meeting is Aiurned [Adjourned] Untill the


3dy of ye 2 mo Next: this Meeting Being Met According to Aiurmend


Barnabas Howland and Rebecah Lapham Have Laid their intentions


of Marriage Before this Meeting Were Desired to Wait for their


answer Untill our Next Phebe Tucker and Mary Smith are Chosen


to Make inquire into the young Womans Clearness Elisabeth


Tripp and Phebe Tucker are Chosen to Attend the Quarterly Meeting to


be held at porth Mouth [Portsmouth] the 10 of ye 2 mo 1724 Ruth Tucker Is Chose


To Draw Up an Account to the Same


The 20 of the 2 mo 1724


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this meeting 4s 19d Barnabas Howland and Rebecah Lapham


Came for their Answer the Meeting Finding Nothing to hender give them leave


to Marry in the good order of truth ye friends that Was Chose to attend the


quarterly meeting Brings No account to this Meeting of any Business


The 18 of ye 3 mo 1724


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this Meeting 4s 3d ==


The 22 of ye 4 mo 1724


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in dartmouth


at this Meeting Amos Taber and Elizabeth Lapham laid their Inten


tions of Marriage and they are Desired to Wait untill our Next for


their Answer this Meeting Makes Choice of Mary Russel [Russell] and Phebe Tucker


to Make inquire into the young Womans Clearness this Meeting Makes


Choice of Mary Slocum and Hope Mariho [Merihew] to Attend the quarterly Meeting to be


held at Newport on Rhoad Island Ruth Tucker Is Chose to Draw up an


account to the Same: 3s Disbusted for the Vse of friends


The 20 of ye 5 mo 1724


Was our Month Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Amos Taber and Elizabeth Lapham Came for their Answer friends finde No


thing to hender. give them Leave to Marry in the good order of truth =


Collected By this meeting 6s 1d this meeting Recieved an Epistle from


Rhoad Island yearly Meeting Which was Read and Cindly Excepted


friends that Was chose to Attend the quarterly Meeting brings No account of


any business to this Meeting


The 17 of ye 6 mo 1724


Was our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in dartmouth


Jonathan Wood and Peace Davis Laid their Intention of Marriage and


they Were Desired to Wait Untill our Next for their answer and Phebe


Tucker and Mary Lapham are Chose to make inquire into the young Womans


Clearness Thomas Smith and Sarah Russel [Russell] Laid their intention of Marriage


before this Meeting and they are desired to Wait Untill our Next for their


answer. Also Nathan Jene [Jenney] and Prisciller Taber Laid their Intentions of


Marriage before this Meeting and they Were Desired to Wait Untill our


Next for their answer and Mary Russel [Russell] and Jeen [Jean] Smith are Chose to Make


Inquire into the young Womens Clearness Collected at this Meeting 8s 3d


Disbusted for the Use of friends 34s Shillings


The 24 of the 7th month 1724


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in


Dartmouth Jonathan Wood and Peace Davis Came for their answer


this Meeting finding nothing to hinder gives them Leave to marry in the


good order ^of truth and also Nathan Gene [Jenne] and Pricilla Taber Came to this meeting


for their ^answer and friends finding all thing Clear Gives them Leave to marry in the


order of truth and also At this meeting Simeon Gifford and Susanna Jenkins


Laid their intentions of taking each other in marriage and Was desired


to wait til the next monthly meeting for their answer and frien there


was friends Chose to se[e] into their Clearness of the young woman


Phebe Tucker and Mary Laton [Lawton] are Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting to be


held at Portsmouth ye 16 of ye 8th month next


There was Collected at this meeting 6 Shilling and three pence


The 19th of ye 8th month 1724 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


at Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3s and 8d


at this meeting Thos Smith and Sarah Russel [Russell] Came to this meetin[g] for their


answer and nothing appearing to hinder they had their answer and Leave


to marry One: of ye friends that was Chose to attend the Quar[ter]ly meeting Last


did attend and bring no account of any business


The 16th of ye 9th month 1724 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth: Collected at this meeting 0-07s=00 and taken out of the


Stock for ye use of friend 1-10=00 At this Meeting Abigal Ricketson


Gave in a Paper of Condemnation acknowledgemen of her out going in Marrying Contrary


to the Order of friends Which was accepted and She is under ye Care of friends again


The 21st of ye 10th mo: 1724 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in


Dartmouth Collected by this meeting six shillings & 8 pence


at this meeting Jedediah Wood and Keziah Summers Laid their intention of


Marriage Mary Russel [Russell] and Phebe Tucker are Chose to make inquiry into


the young womans Clearness and to make return to the Next monthly meeting


David Irish and Jenevereth Summers Laid their intention of marriage


and there was 2 friends chose to make inquiry concerning the young womans


Clearnes and make return to the next monthly meeting


this Meeting Makes Choice of Mary Laton [Lawton] and Phebe Tucker to attend ye


the Quarterly meeting next to be held at NewPort on Rhoad Island


Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose to Draw up an Epistle to Send to the


Quarterly meeting. Dinah Smith and Phebe Tucker Chose to ballance the


accounts of this meeting


The 18th day of the 11th month 1724/25 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth David Irish and Jenevereth Summers Came for their answer


and friends finding nothing to hinder they Gave them Leave to Marry in the Good


Order of truth At this meeting Nicholas Davis and Hannah Wood Laid their in


=tention of Marriage and Were desired to Wait until the next for their answer


And Mary Lapham and Rebecca Ruseel [Russell] were Chosen to make inquiery into


the young womans Clearness in that affair – and make return to our next


monthly meeting The accounts ballanced and Remains in ye stock 1=01=05


The 15th of ye 12th month 1724/25 was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth there was Collected by this meeting 0-6=07 and taken out


of ye Stock for ye use of friends 10 Shillings at this meeet^ing Jedediah Wood and Keziah


Summers Came for their answer and this meeting finding nothing to hinder


Gives them Leave to Marry in the Good order of truth and also Nicholas Davis


and Hannah Wood Came to this meeting for their answer and the meeting


finding nothing to hinder Gives them Leave to marry in ye Good order


Of truth and the visiters Chose for this year are


Mehetabel Burril [Burrell] and Rose Howland


The 15th day of ye first month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of women friends held


in Dartmouth. Collected by this meeting 4 Shillings and 8 pence


and this meeting is ajourned until the youths meeting next insuing


This meeting held by ajournment being meet our visiters ^gave an accoun that they


have visited friends families and for the most part find things pretty well


this meeting makes choice of Hannah Tucker and Phebe tucker to attend the Quarterly


Meting next to be held at Portsmouth on Rhoad Island and Ruth Tucker is chosen


to Write an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting.


The 19th the 2d month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in


Dartmouth Collected by this meeting six Shillings At this meeting Simeon


Gifford and Susanna Jenkins Came for their answer and nothing appearing


to hinder they had their answer that they might proceed to take each other in mar


=riage in the Good order of truth: ye friends that were chose to attend ye Quarterly


Meeting have attended it and there is no account of any business fro ye Quarterly


Meeting to this meeting this meeting received an Epistle from Elisabeth Webb


Which was Read and kindly accepted


The 17th of ye 3d month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth there was Collected by this Meeting 0-03=07 and two friends


Were Chose to Speak with Contet Howland Concerning her Going to Marry out


of ye order of friends her answer to them was that it Cannot now be helped


The 21 of ye 4th month 1725 Was our monthly Meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0=12=03 Marry Laton [Lawton] and


Hope Merihoo [Merrihew] are chosen to attend ye Quarterly meeting next to be held at


New Port on Rhoad Island ye 9th of ye 5th ^month next Phebe Tucker and Mehatabel


Burril [Burrell] are Chose with the men friends to Draw up Content Briggses


Condemnation there was 1-03=06 Disbusted out of ye Stock for ye use of friends


The 19th of ye 5th Month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-4=01 taken out of ye Stock for ye use


of friends 0-06=00 this meeting Received an Epistle from Rhoad Island yearly


Meeting which Was Read and kindly accepted this meeting hath Signed Content


Briggs her Condemnation for her Disorderly Marrying


The 16th day of ye 6th month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


In Dartmouth There was Collected at this meeting 0-07=05


The 20th day of ye 7th month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in


Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-06=07 This meeting makes Choice of


Mary Russell and Mary Smith to attend ye Quarterly meeting to be held at


Portsmouth the 8th of the 8th month next


The 18th of ye 8th month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-02-02


The 15th day of ye 9th month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-03=06 Disbusted out of ye Stock for


the use of friends twenty Shillings


The 20th of ye 10 month 1725/26 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-07=01 Disbusted out of ye Stock for ye


keeping the meeting house 1-10=00 Marry Laton [Lawton] and Hope Merrihoo [Merrihew]


are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting next to be held at New Port on


Rhoad Island Phebe Tucker and Ruth Tucker are Chosen to write an


Epistle to ye Quarterly meeting Hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker are


chose to ballance the accounts of this meeting


The 17th of the 11th month 1725/26 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this meeting 0-5=9 At this meeting John Lapham and Desire Howland


Laid their intention of marriage Phebe Tucker and Mary Smith are chose to see


after the young Womans Clearness and bring in their account to the next monthly


Meeting the friend that were chosen to attend the quarterly meeting Did attend it


but bring no account of any Business to this meeting


The 21 day of ye 12 month 1725 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth At this meeting John Lapham and Desire Howland Came for their


answer and friends finding nothing to hinder Gave them Leave to Marry


At this meeting George Smith and Elisebeth Allen laid their intention of


Marriage and are desired to wat until ye next monthly meeting for their


Answer Mary Russell and Phebe Tucker are chosen to make inquiry Con


=Cerning the young Woman Clearness and make return to the next month


=ly meeting There was Collected by this meeting – 0-04=10


the accounts of this meeting are ballanced and remains in ye Stock 0-10=[?]


Hannah Tucker and Mary Russel [Russell] and Phebe Tucker are chosen


visiters for the year Insuing


The 21 day of the first month 1726 was our monthly meeting of women friends


held in Dartmouth at this meeting George Smith and Elisabeth Allen Came


for their answer and friends finding nothing to Hinder gave them leave to


Marry in ye Good order of truth


John Tibbits and Sarah Soule [Sowle] laid their intention of taking each other in


marriage 2 friends are chose to make inquiry into the young womans clearness


this meeting is adjourned until ye youths meeting next Insuing


This meeting being mett according to adjournment our visiters gives an


account to this meeting that they have visited the families of friends and in


a General Way find things Indeferent well


and 2 friends are Chosen to attend ye Quarterly meeting at Portsmouth


the 8th of ye 2d month Insuing Ruth Tucker is chosen to Draw up the accounts


of this meeting to the Quarterly Meeting and there was 5 shillings


Collected at this meeting


The 18th of ye 2d month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


Held in Dartmouth: Collected by this meeting nine shillings & 3 pence


At this meeting John Tibbits and Sarah Soule [Sowle] Came for their Answer


and friends finding nothing to Hinder Gave them Leave to Marry in ye Good


Order of friends: John Russell and Joanna Tucker have laid their Intentions


of Marriage before this meeting and two friends are Chose to make Inquiry


Into ye Young Womens Clearness the friends that Were Chosen to attend


the Quarterly Meeting have attended it and bring no account of any


business to this meeting there was Disbusted for the use of friends


twenty shillings


The 16th of ye 3d mo 1726 Was our monthly meeting of women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 6 shillings and 3 pence


at this meeti^ng John Russell and Joanna Tucker Came for their answer


and this meeting finding nothing to hinder them gives them Leave to marry


In ye Good order of truth


The 20th of ye 4th month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting nine shillings & six pence


and disbusted for ye use of friends 4 Shillings and nine pence


This meeting Received an Epistle from Rhoad Island yearly meeting of Women


friends Which was Read and kindly accepted This meeting hath chosen 2 Women


frie[n]ds to attend the Quarterly meeting next to be held at New Port


The 18 of the 5 month ^1726 was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected by this meeting 18 eight Shillings and 4 pence


The 15th of ye 6 month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 8 Shillings and 4 pence


there was 10 Shillings Disbusted for ye use of friends


The 19 of ye 7th month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 5 shillings & 2ds


At this meeting Seth Kelle [Kelley?] and Mehetabel Wing laid their Intention of marriage


and two frie Women friends are Chose to make Enquiry into ye young


Womans Clearness and Give an account to ye next monthly meeting how they


find things And this meeting hath Chosen 2 women friends to attend the


Quarterly meeting next to be held at Portsmouth ye 14th of the 8 month next


and Ruth Tucker is Chose to Draw up an account to the Same


The 17 of the 8 month ne 1726 Was our monthly meeting of women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2 Shillings and 6 pence


Disbusted for the use of friends 11 Shillings and 10 pence


the friends that Laid their intentions ye Last monthly meeting Doth not


appear by reason of sickness


The 21 of ye 9 month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth: At this meeting Seth Kelle [Kelley?] and Mehetabel Wing


Came for their answer and nothing appearing to hinder friends gave


them Leave to Marry in the good order of truth


Collected by this meeting 11 Shillings and 8d and taken out of ye Stock


for keeping the meeting house one pound ten Shillings


The 19 of ye 10 month 1726 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 3 Shillings and 2 pence


The w two women friends were Chosen to attend ye Quarterly


Meeting next to be held at New Port on Rhoad Island ye 13th of the 11


month next Ruth Tucker is Chose to Write to ye Quarterly meeting


The 16 of the 11 month 1726 Was our monthly monthly [sic] meeting of


Women friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s 10d


At this meeting Archipas Hart and Sarah Clifton laid their Intentions


of Marriage this meeting Chuses 2 Women friends to inquire into the


Young Womans Clearness and make return to ye next monthly meeting


The 20 of the 12 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5 shillings & 2 pence


At this meeting Archipas Hart and Sarah Clifton Came for their


Answer and friends finding nothing to hinder gives them leave to marry


Ind in the good order of truth and there was Disbusted for the use of


friends 5 Shillings and two women friends are Chosen with the men


to Draw up Alice Sissons Condemnation for her disorderly marriage


and other faults and this meeting is adjourned until the 28 of the


fir[s]t month next


This meeting of women friends held by adjournment ye 23 of the 1 month


1727 Collected by this meeting 5s 2d


two Women friends are Chose to attend ye Quarterly next to be held


At Portsmouth on Rhoad Island the 19 of ye 2 month 1727


Ruth Tucker is Chose to Send in an account to ye Quarterly meeting


Our Vissiters gives an account to this meeting that they have visited


friends families in this Village and in a Generall way find things pretty well


The 17th day of ye 2 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


Held in Dartmouth: Collected by this meeting 7s 2d


one of the friends that was Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did attend it


and brings no account of any bisiness to this meeting


This meeting Chuses Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker to ballance the accounts


of this ing meeting Mary Russell and Phebe Tucker are Chosen to Speak with


Sarah Taber now Merihoo [Merrihew] Concerning her wrong Doings


Disbusted for the use of friends Seaven Shillings


The 15 of the 3 month 1727 Was our monthly Meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s 2d


The 19 of the 4th month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth At this Meeting Thomas Akin and Abigal Allen


Laid their Intentions of taking each other in marriage and this meeting


Desires them to wait until ye next monthly meeting for their answer


and there was two friends Chose to make Enquiery into the young Womans


Clearness and there was two friends Chose to attend ye Quarterly


Meeting next to be held at New Port on Rhoad Island


Collected at this meeting 7s 2d and Disbusted for ye use of friends 5s


The 17 of the 5 mon 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s 8d


At this meeti[ng] Thomas Akin and Abigal Allen Came for their answer


And this meeting finding nothing to hinder Gives them Leave to take


Each other in marriage in the Good order of friends


At this Meeting John Wing and Mary Tucker laid their Intention


of Marriage two Women friends are Chosen to make Enquiry into


the young Womans Clearness 2 Shilling was Disbusted for ye use of friends


The 21 of ye 6 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


Held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 7s 5d


and 4s and 6d disbusted for the use of friends At this meeting John


Wing and Mary Tucker Came for their answer and this meeting gives


them Leave to take each other in marriage according to ye good


Order of friends This meeting Received an Epistle from Rhoad Island


yearly meeting of Women friends Which was Read and kindly accepted


the accounts of this meeting ballanced and there is in ye Stock 1£=05s=2d.


The 18 of the 7 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 0-7s-6d


this meeting Coses [sic] two ^women friends to attend the quarterly meeting next


to be held at Portsmouth on Rhoad Island the 13 of the 8 month Insuing


Hannah Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose Visiters for this year


and Ruth Tucker is Chose to Draw up an account to Send from this


Meeting to ye Quarterly meeting


The 16 of the 8 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4 Shillings and 2 pence


The friends that were Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting one of them did


attend it No account of business from the Quarterly meeting


The 20 of the 9 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting Six Shillings and ten pence


The 18 of the 10 month 1727 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s


two women friend was Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting next to be


held at New Port on Rhoad Island


The 15 Day of ye 11 month 1717 [sic] Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2 Shillings & 8 pence


The friends that were Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting one of them


did attend it and brings no account of any business to this meeting


The 19 of the 12 month 1728 [sic] Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s 8d


The 20 of ye 1 month 1728 was our monthly meeting of women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting Seaven Shillings ———


two women friends are Chosen to Attend ye Quarterly meeting to be held at


Portsmouth on Rhoad Island in ye Second month next


Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose to Draw up an account


and Send it to ye Quarterly meeting


The 15 of the 2 month 1728 was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 6 Shillings & 2ds


and Disbusted for the use of ^friends 8 Shillings and 4 pence


The friends that were Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did attend it


and bring no account of any business to this meeting


The 20 of the 3 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting Six Shilling & 3ds


Disbusted for ye use of friends 8 Shillings & 4ds


The 24 day of ye 4 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 14s 01


taken out of ye Stock for ye use of friends nine Shillings


The 15 of the 5 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s 6d


This meeti[ng] Received an Epistle from Rhoad Island yearly meeting


of Women friends Which was read and kindly accepted


And this meeting makes Choice of Mary Laton [Lawton] and Ruth Tucker


to go and Discource with Hannah Howland junr Concernin her


Going to marry one that is not under ye Care of friends


The 19 of the 6 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


Held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 10s


forty Shillings six pence was Disbusted for the use of friends


Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chosen to ballance the accounts


belonnging to this meeting The friends that we Chose to Speak with


Hannah Howland Junr did Speak with her and Shee gave them no


Sattisfaction that Should marry in ye Good order of truth


the accounts Ballanced and and there is in the Stock 2£ 13s 06ds


The 16 of the 7 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting Seaven Shillings & two pence


two Women friend are chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting


to be held at Portsmouth on Rhoad Island on the Second 6 day of ye 8


Month 1728 Ruth Tucker is chose to Send an account from this meeting


to ye Quarterly meeting: and this meeting is adjourned until the first


Sixth day in the eighth month next


At this meeting held by adjournment the visiters gives an account


that they have visited friends families and their visits were accepted


in love


The 21 of the 8 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth: At this meeting Abram Russell and


Dinah Allen laid their Intentions of Marriage


two Women friends are Chose to See after ye young womans clearness


The friends that wer chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting did attend


it and bring no account of any business to this meeting


there was Collected by this meeting: 7s 1d


The 18 of ye 9 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 10s 11d


Disbusted for the use of friends 9 Shillings


At this meeting Abram Russell and Dinah Allen Came for their


answer and ye meeting finding nothing to hinder them gives


them Leave to marry in the good order of truth


Edward Wing and Patience Ellis laid their intention of marriage


before this meeting and at this meeting James Russell and Mary


Howland laid their Intention of marriage Marry lapham and


Mary Russell are appointed to enquire into the young womans


Clearness and Rebecca Russell and Rebecca Barker were


appointed to see into Patience Ellices [Ellis] Clearness


The 16 of the 10 month 1728 Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 2s 6d


forty and fower Shillings was Disbusted for keeping the meeting


house At this meeting James Russell and Mary Howland were


permitted to take each other in marriag in the good order of truth


Edward Wing and Patience Eliss [Ellis] Came for their answer to this meeting


this meeting gives them Leave to take each other in marriage in


the order of truth: Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose


to Send an account in writeing from this meeting to ye Quarterly




The 20 day of ye 11 month 178 [sic] Was our monthly meeting of Women friends


held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s 2d


The 17 of the 12 month 1729 [sic] Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held


in Dartmouth and there was Collected by this meeting Six Shillings


The 17 of the 1 month 1729 Was our monthly monthly [sic] meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 6 Shillings & 4 pence


our visiters gives account to this meeting that they have visited the most


part of friends families and their visits for in a general way were kindly


accepted but in Some families not so but were Rather reflected upon


Hannah Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose to attend ye Quarterly


meeting ^next to be held at Portsmouth on Rhoad [Rhode] Island and Ruth Tucker and


Phebe Tucker are Chose to Draw up an account from this meeting


to ye Quarterly meeting


The 21 day of the 2 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends Held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s 8d


there was Disbusted at this meeting for the use of friends


for the use of friends 5s –— The friends that were Chose to


attend the Quarterly meeting did attend it and brings no account


of any business to this meeting


The 19 day of the 3 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeti nine Shillings


At this meeting Nicholas Davies [Davis] hath laid their Intention of marriage


and this meeting Chuses Mary Lapham and Mary Russell to make


inquiry into ye young womans Clearness


The 23 of ye 4th month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s 5d


Nicholas Davis and Ruth Tucker Came for their answer and friends


finding nothing to object against it gave the leave to take


each other in marriage in the good order of truth


and Mary Trafford Sent in a paper of her out goings which was


read in this meeting and accepted


The 21 of the 5 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 9s 11s


forty three Shillings and six pence Disbusted at this meeting for


the use of friends


an Epistle from Rhoad Island yearly meeting was Read at this


meeting and and kindly accepted


The 18 of the 6 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 11s6d


9 Shillings and eleaven pence eleaven Shillings and six pence


Disbusted for the use of friends 2s 6d


The 20 of ye 8 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth there was Collected by this meeting 4 Shillings


The 17th of ye 9th month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth At this meeting Benjamin Taber and


Susanna Lewis laid their Intention of taking each other in marriage


and there was 2 women friends Chose to make Inquiry into the


young Womans Clearness and Give in an account to the next


Monthly meeting: Collected by this meeting 9 Shillings and one penny


and Disbusted for the use of friends 18 Shillings


Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chose to ballance ye accounts of this




The 15th of ye 10th month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held in Dartmouth The friends that laid their Intentions of


Marriage bef at the last monthly meeting doth not appear by


Reason of sickness


At this meeting Ebenezer Shearman and Wait Barker laid


their Intention of Marriage and there was two friends Chose


to Make Inquiry into the young Womans Clearness


At this meeting Thomas Lapham and Abigal Willbor [Wilbur] laid their


Intention of marriage and two women friends more are chose


to Inquire into ye young Womans Clearness


Collected by this meeting 9 Shillings and 11 pence


and 2 friends are Chose to attend ye Quarterly meeting next


to be held at New Port on Rhoad Island and Ruth Tucker is


Chose to Draw an account to the Quarterly meeting


and there was 40 Shillings Disbusted for keeping ye meeting house


The accounts of this meeting Ballanced and Remaines in the Stock 8s


The 19th Day of ye 11th month 1729 Was our monthly meeting


of Women friends held In Dartmouth Ebenezer Shearman and


Wait Barker Came to this meeting for their answer and the


meeting finding nothing to hinder Gave them Leave to marry


In the Good order of truth


And at this meeting Thos Lapham and Abigal Willber [Wilbur] Came


for their Answer and they were Permitted to take each other


In Marriage: At this meeting Benjamin Taber and Susanna


Lewis Came for their answer and friends finding nothing


to hinder Gave the Leave to marry in the Good or[der] of truth


The 16 day of the 12 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held in Dartmouth David Joy and


Mary Taber Came to lay their intention of marriage


before this meeting. Collected at this meeting 10s 8d


Mary Russell and Sarah Taber were Chose to Inquire


Into the young womans Clearness


The 16 of the 1 month 1729 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held in Dartmouth where Moses Shearman


and Meribeh Wood laid their Intentions of Marriage before


this meeting Phebe Tucker and Mary Russell was Chose to See


into the young Womans Clearness


Gedeon [Gideon] Gifford and Elizabeth Allen laid ther intentions of


marriage before this meeting and Mary Howland and Mary


Lapham were appointed to Inquire into the young Womans


Clearness Collected at this meeting 8s 0d


Mary Pennell and Mary Lewes [Lewis] their Certificates as read at


this meeting and Kindly received With their visits of Love


And this meeting is adjourned till ye first sixth day in next


Month to the youths meeting


The of [sic] the 2 month 1730 was our monthly meeting


held by adjournment Phebe Tucker and Mary Russell


Were chose to attend the Quarterly meeting


and Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting


The 20 of the 2d month 1730 Was our monthly Meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth David Joy and


Mary Taber Came for their answer and friends finding


them Clear gave them Leave to proceed in marriage


according to the good order of Friends


Moses Shearman and Meribeh Wood Came for their answer


and Friends finding them Clear gave them their answer


that they might proceed to take Each other in marriage


in the Good order of Friends Gideon Gifford and Elizabeth


Allen Came for their answer and finding nothing to hinder


they had their Answer that they might proceed to take each


other in the Good order of Friends


Collected at this meeting 12s 7d The Friends Chose to attend


the Quarterly meeting have attended it as ordered


The 18 of the 3d month 1730 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Isaac Smith and Mary


Willcox [Wilcox] laid their intention of marriage before this meeting


and Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth Barker were chose to


Inquire into the young Womans Clearness


Collected at this meeeting 7s 8d Rebekah Russell and Rachel


Allen are appointed to Discource with Audre [Audrey] Gifford


about her Intangling herselfe With marriage Contrary


to her Fathers Consent


The 28 of the 4 month 1730. Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held in Dartmouth where Isaac Smith


and Mary Willcox [Wilcox] Came for their answer and friends


having made Inquiry Could find nothing to Object gave


them leave that they might take each other in marriage


and Joseph Burden [Borden] and Abigail Russell laid their inten


=tions of marriage before this meeting And we received


an Epistle from the yearly meeting of Women Friends


at Rhoad Island which Was read at this meeting And


Received in much love Collected at this meeting 6s 8d


Mary Lapham and Mary Howland Was Chose to Inquire


Into the young Womans Clearness


The 20 of the 5th month 1730 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held in Dartmouth Where


Joseph Borden and Abigail Russell Came for their


answer And friends having made Inquiry Conc[e]rning


their Clerness And finding them Clear gave them leave


to take each other in marriage According to the Good


order of Friends Collected at this meeting 8s 1d


The 17th of the 6th month 1730 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 10s 2d Taken out of the Stock


for the use of Friend 2£-16-00


The 21 of the 7 month 1730 Was our monthly Meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 11s 6d Phebe Tucker And


Mary Lawton are Chose to Attend the Quarterly


Meeting And Ruth Tucker is Chose to Write to the


Quarterly meeting.


The 19 of the 8 month 1730 Was our monthly


meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth


Butler Wing and Bathsheba Cliffton [Clifton] did lay their


Intention of marriage before this meeting and were


desired to wait till the next monthly meeting


for their answer Collected at this meeting 3s 10d


18s 10d taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends


Ruth Davis and Elizabeth Hillier [Hiller] were Chose to


Inquire Into the young Womans Clearness


The 15 day of the 9 month 1730 Was our monthly


meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth


Butler Wing and Bathsheba Clifton Came for their


answer And Friends having made Inquiry Concerning her


Clearness Could find nothing to hinder Gave them leave


to take each other in marriage according to the good


order of Friends Collected at this meeting 4s 6d


The 21 day of the 10 month 1730 Was our monthly


Meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth Where


Stephen Wing and Margrate [Margaret] Clifton laid their Intentions


of Marriag Elizabeth Hilliar [Hiller] and Ruth Davis


were Chose to Inquire into the young womans Clearness.


at this meeting Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and Mary Thomas


laid their intention of marriag and Phebe Tucker


and Mary Howland are appointed to make Inquiry


into the young Womans Clearness. Collected at this


Meeting 6s 2d And there was 30 shillings Disbusted out


of the Stock for keeping the meeting House Mary


Lawton And Mary Laph Rebecca Barker are appointed


to attend the Quarterly Meeeting And Ruth Tucker and


Phebe Tucker are Chose to write to ye Quarterly meeting


The 18 day of the 11 month 1730 Was our monthly


meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


Stephen Wing and Margrit [Margaret] Clifton Came for their


their answer and Friends finding things Clear gave them


Leave to tak Each other in marriage according to


the good order of Friends And Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and


Mary Thomas Came for their answer and Friends


having made Inquiry and finding nothing to hinder


gave them leave to take each other in marriage


according to the good order of Friends Richard Smith


and Dorothy Potter did lay their Intentions of marriage


before this meeting and Were desired to wait till the


next monthly meeting for their answer


Collected at this meeting 6s 9d And Phebe Tucker


And Rebecca Russell were Chose to Inquire Into the


young womans Clearness


The 15 of ye 12 month [sic] was our montly meeting of women


Friends at Dartmouth where Richard Smith and Dorothy Potter


Came for their answer and Friends finding nothing to Hinder


gave the Leave to take each other In marriage according to the


Good order of Friends and Elishib [Eliashib] Smith and Audera [Audrey] Gifford laid


their Intentions of marriage before this meeting and


Humphry Smith and Mary Wilcox laid their Intentions of


marriage before this meeting Nathaniel Kirby and Abigail Russell


Laid their Intentions of marriage before this meeting Mary Russll [Russell]


and Rebecca Russell were Chose to Inquire Into Audera Giffords


Clearness and Elizabeth Barker and Rebecca Slocum were Chose


To Inquire Into Mary Wilcoxs is Clearness and Deborah Allen and


Mary Howland were Chose to Inquire Into Abigail Russells Clearness


Collected at this meeting 5s 3d this meeting Chose Ruth Tucker


and Phebe Tucker to Ballance the Book


The 15 of the 1 month 1730 was our monthly meeting of women


Friends Held at Dartmouth where Elishib [Eliashib] Smith and Audera [Audrey] Gifford


Came for their answer and Friends having made Inquiry Gave them


leave to Take each other In marriage Humphry Smith and Mary Wilcox


Came for their answer and Friends having made Inquiry Could


find nothing to hinder gave them leave to take each other in marriage


According to the good Order of Truth Nathaniel Kerby [Kirby] and Abigail Russell


Came for their answer and Friends having made Inquiry Could find


Nothing to hinder gave them leave to Take each other In marriage —


According to the Good order of friends Collected at this meeting 8s 6d


This motlogg monthly meeting is adjourned to youths meeting


[bottom third of page is blank]


The 17 of the 3 month [sic] was our monthly meeting of women Friends


held at Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 8s 1d the account ballanct


and There Remains 2£-1s-4d the in the Stock


The 22 of the 4 month 1731 was our monthly meeting of women Friends


held at Dartmouth where our Dear Friends Ruth Jones and Sarah


Mouls Certificate was Read at this meeting and received with in


Abundance of Love and unity Collected at this meeting 10s 10d


£1-3s-4d Disbursted For the use of friends


The 17 day of the 5 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting


7s:8d At this meeting there was an Epistle read from the yearly


Meeting ^at Rhod Island and Received in much love


Mary Russell and Sarah Taber ar Chosen Visitters for Cushnot


And Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker are Chosen for Ponagansett


and Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Peace Wood for Coaksett


And Content Wing and Rebecca Slocum are Chose to Talk


With Mary Ricketson Concerning her marrying out of


the unity of friends


The 16 of the 6 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Anthony Arnold


And Sarah Fish did lay their Intentions


Collected at this meeting for the use of friends 8s:1d


The 20th of the 7th month 1731 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Wher Anthony Arnold


and Sarah Fish Laid their Intention of marriage before


this meeting There was Collected at this meeting 7s


Phebe Tucker and Mary Russell are Chose to attend the


Quarterly meeting


The 18th day of the 8th month 1731 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held In Dartmouth at this meeting


Anthony Arnold and Sarah Fish Came for their answer


And finding nothing to hinder they had their answer that


they might proceed to take Each other in marriage in an


Orderly way And Seth Hilliar [Hiller] and Dorcus Davis Laid their


Intentions of marriage before this meeting And Hannah


Cadman and Experience Wing are appointed to Inquire


Concerning the young Womans Clearness


The 15 of the 9 month 1731 Was our monthly meeting of


Women held Friends held In Dartmouth at this meeting


Seth Hilliar [Hiller] and Dorcas Davis Came for their Answer


the meeting finding nothing to hinder them gave them leave


To Proceed In marriage In the good order of Friends at this


meeting John Russell and Patience Tucker laid their


Intentions of marriage they are Desired to Wait ttil next


monthly meeting for their answer Rebecca Barker and


Mary Howland are Chose To make Inquiry Concerning


The young womans Clearness Collected by this meeting 6s 1d


The 20 of ye 10 month 1731 was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held at Dartmouth where John Russell and


Patience Tucker Came for their answer and Friends having


made Inquiry Concerning her Clearness Could find nothing to


hinder Gave them Leave to take each other In marriage according


to the good order of Friends Timothy Ricketson and Bathsheba


Wilbor [Wilbur] Laid their Intentions of marriage before this meeting


Rebecca Russell and Mary Lapham Is Chose to Inquire Into ye young


womans Clearness Mary Slocum and Rebecca Slocum Is Chose


to Attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker is Chose to


write to the Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 8s 9d


The 17 of the 11 month 1731 was our monthly meetings of women


Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-1d- 10s-disbus[t]ed


for keeping the meeting house Timothy Ricketson and — — —


Bathsheba Wilber [Wilbur] Came for their Answer to this meeting Inquiring


being made finding nothing to hinder their proceeding to


marry in the good order of truth


The 21 of the 12 month 1731/2 was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends Held at Dartmouth 14s[?] Disbursted for the


use of Friends. at this meeting Thomas Youen [Yewin?] and


Abigail Wood laid their Intentions of marriage Collected


at this meeting 5s 6d Rebecca Russell and Mary Lapham


Is Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness


The 27 of the 1 month 1732 - was Oour monthly meeting of women


Friends held at Dartmouth by adjournment where Thomas


Youen [Yewin?] & Abigail Wood Came for their answer and friends


finding nothing to Hinder gave them Leave to take each


other in marriage according to truth


and John Borden and Hannah Russell Laid their Intentions of


marriage before this meeting Mary Russell & Rebecca Slocum


Is Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness


Phebe Tucker & Mary Russell is Chose to atend the


Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 4s 8d


The 17 of the 2 month 1732 was our monthly meetings of women held


Friends held at Dartmouth where John Borden and Hannah Russell


Came for their answer and Friends finding nothing to Hinder


gave them leave to take each other in marriage In the good order of


Truth the Friends that was Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting


did attend it Phebe Tucker & Rebecca Slocum is Chose to


Attend the yearly meeting - Collected at this meeting 5s


The 15 of the 3 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of wo


woman Friends held at Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 2s


The 19 of the 4 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held at Dartmouth this meeting Received an epistle


from Rhodeisland yearly meeting which was Read and received


In Love Collected at this meeting 3s . 4. 6s . Shillings taken out


of the Stock for the Book posting Boock


The 17 of the 5 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman


held at Dartmouth collected 8s . 8d . Taken out of the Stock for the use


of Friends. Collected at this meeting 6s 5d


The 21 of the 6 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends


held at Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 6s . 3d . 5s Disbursted


for the use of Friends Phebe Tucker and Rebecca Slocum is Chose visiters


for Ponigansit Mary Russell and Sarah Tabor [Taber] is Chose Cushnot


Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Kezia Wood is Chose for Coaxit


The 18 of the 7 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman —


friends held at Dartmouth Mary Slocum and Phebe Tucker Is Chose


by this meeting to attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker is


Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 5s 4d


this meeting is adjourned to the Youths meeting which is to be Held the


first Sixth day in next month


The 26 of the 8 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends


Held at Dartmouth where William Sanford and Rebecca Howland laid their


Intentions of marriage and Mary Howland and Mary Lapham were


Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness Collected at


this meeting 3s 8d.


The 21 of the 9 month 1732 was our monthly meeting of woman friends


held at Dartmouth where William Sanford and Rebecca Howland Came


for their answer and Friends finding nothing to hinder gave them leave


to take each other In marriage according to the good order of Truth


The 18 of the 10 month 1732 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Richard Craw and


Joanna Shearman [Sherman] Laid their Intentions of marriage


Mary Lapham And Rebeca Barker Is Chose to Inquire into


the young womans Clearness and William Willcox [Wilcox] and Dorothy


Allen Laid their intentions of Marriage And Rebecca Barker


Russell and Elisabeth Barker are Chose to Inquire Into the


young Womans Clearness Phebe Tucker and Rebecca Slocum


are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting and Ruth Tucker


Is Chose Write to the Same


The 15 of the 11 month 1732/3 was our monthly meeting of


women Friends held at Dartmouth where Richard Craw and Joanna


Shearman [Sherman] Came for their answer and Friends finding nothing to


Hinder gave them leave to Proceed In marriage In the good order of truth


and William Wilcox and Dorothy Allin [Allen] Came for their answer and Friends


finding nothnng to hinder gave them leave to Proceed In marriage and


Icabod Kirby and Rachel Allen Laid their Intentions of marriage


Mary Russell and Jane Smith was Chose to Inquire Into the young


womans Clearness 40s Taken out of the Stock for the keeping the


Meeting house. Collected at this meeting Peter Allens and Content Smith


Condiemndation Condemnnation was read at this meeting one of the


friends that was Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting did attend it and


no business to this meeting


The 19 day of the 12 month 1722/3 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends Held In Dartmouth Ichabod Kerby [Kirby]


and Rachel Allen Came for their answer and Friends


finding nothing to Hinder gave them their Answer


that they might proceed to take each other in marriage


In the Good order of Truth Collected at this meeting


7s 5d The two Friends that were Chosen to ^settle the accompts


Have Ballanced the Book and there remains in the


Stoack 1£-7s-6d  


The 26 day of the 1 month 1733 Was Our monthly


Meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth by


adjournment Where Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum


Laid their Intentions of taking each other in marriage


And Mary Lapham and Rebecca Russell is Chose to


Inquire into the young Womans Clearness Phebe Tucker


And Mary Howland is Chose to attend the monthly Quarterly Meeting


To be held at Portstmouth [sic] ye 13th of the 2 month


And Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to ye Quarterly meeting


Collected at this meeting 5s-2d


The 16 of the 2d month 1733 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting


4s-8d Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum Could not have


their answer this monthly meeting by reason of things


not being Settled In her business


The 21 of the 3m Was our monthly meeting of Women


Friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 3s 10d


£1[?] . 10s taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends


the 18th of ye 4 month 1733 Was our monthly meeting of Women


friends held In Dartmouth where Edward Wing and Rebecca Slocum Came


for their answer and finding nothing to hinder gave them their answer


that they might proceed to marry In the good order of Friends


Collected at this meeting 7s 10d Disbursted for the use of Friends 5s:1d


The 16 of the 5 month 1733 was our Monthly meeting of woman


Friends held at Dartmouth 13s 3d Disbursted for the use of friends


Collected at this meeting 8s 11d


The 20 of the 6 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of woman friends


Held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s 2d.


this meeting is adjourned till this Day 2 weeks the 3 Day of the 7 month 1733


was our meeting held by adjournmnt no business presented to this meeting


The 17 Day of the 7 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of women friend


Held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 5s


Joseph Benson and Experience Barlow laid their Intentions of marriage


Elisabeth Hilliar [Hiller] and Abigail Youen [Yewin?] are Chose to see Into the young womans


Clearness and Epistle from Rhode Island yearly meeting was read and Kindly


excepted Mary Russell Peace Wood are Chose to attend the Quarterly


meeting to be held at Portsmouth in Rhode Island


Mary Russell and Sarah Taber Chose Visiters for Cushnet


Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] and Peace Wood Chose for Coaxet Ruth Tucker Chose


to write to the Quarterly meeting


The 15 day of the 8 month 1733. was our monthly meeting of


women friends held at Dartmouth where Joseph Benson and


Experience Barlow came for there answer the meeting finding


nothing to hinder gave them leave to proceed in the good order of truth


Collected by this meeting 5s Mary Lapham and Mary Tucker


The 19 Day of 9 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of woman


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting five Shillings 1d


The 17 day of the 10 month 1733 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 2s-6d


At this meeting Henry Hedly [Headley] and Rachel Shearman [Sherman] hath


laid their Intentions of marriage they were desired to wait for their


answer till next monthly meeting Mary Russell and


Rebecca Russell are Chose to See Into the young womans Clearness


Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker are Chose to attend the


Quarterly meeting to be held at Newport on Rhode Island Ruth


Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting there Is account


brought into this meeting that there Is a poor woman that wants


help Friends has Concluded to take Care about It


The 21 day of the 11 month 1733. was our montly meeting of women


friends held in Dartmouth where Henry Hedly [Headley] and Rachal


Shearman [Rachel Sherman] Came for their answer friends finding nothing to hinder


them gave them leave to take each other in marriage in the good


order of friends truth: Collected at this meeting £4 5s for


Deborah Landers which was disbursted the Same Day


The 18- Day of the 12- month 1733 was our monthly meting — —


of woman friends held in Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 3s


Benjamin Wing and Mary Hillier [Hiller] laid their Intentions of


of [sic] marriage Ruth Davis and Abigail Youen [Ewen] were Chose to


Inquire Into the young womans Clearness


The 20 of the 1 month 1734 Was our Monthly meeting of


Woman Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment the friend that


laid their Intentions of marriage Came for their answer this meeting


finding nothing to hinder gave them leave take each other In Marriage


according to the good order of Truth Collected by this meeting 9s 9d


Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting to be held at


Portsmouth Phebe Tucker and Mary Tucker are Chose to attend the


Quarterly meeting at Portsmouth Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker


Are Chose to ballance the accounts of this meeting three shillings Disbursted


for the use of friends


The 15 of the 2 month 1734 was our monthly meeting of women friends


held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting [blot] Twenty Shillings - -


for Deborah Landers: 4s 6d Collected for the Stock accounts ballanced


and there remains In the Stock 2£-3s-2d.


The 20 day of the 3 month 1734 was our monthly meeting of women


Friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-3d


The friends that was was [sic] Chose to Speake with Susanna Smith and


She Saith tis too Late.


The 24 of the 4 month 1734 was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held in Dartmouth Where Mary


Lapham and Lydia Soule [Sowle] was Chose to Discource


Alice Sm [Smith] Concerning her having a bastard Child


Collected at this meeting 5s 5d


and Disbusted for keeping the meeting House 20 shillings


The 15th of the 5th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held in Dartmouth Where James


Green and Hannah Tucker laid their Intentions of


Marriage Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russell are Chose


to See Into the young Womans Clearness


And at this meeting William Lake and Joanna Bulter [Butler]


Laid their Intentions of marriage and Mary Russell and


Mary Lapham are Chose to Enquire into the young Womans


Clearness. We received An Epistle from the yearly Meeting


Which was read And kindly Accepted


Collected by this meeting 4s 7d


The 19th of the 6 month 1734 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held in Dartmouth Where James Green


and Hannah Tucker Came for their Answer And Friends


finding Nothing to hinder Gave them leave to proceed In marriag


According to the Good order of Truth and William Lake and


Joanna Butler Came for their answer


and this meeting Permits theme to Proceed In marriage


according to the good order Established amongst us


Collected by this meeting 4s 8d


The 16 of the 7 month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held in Dartmouth Collected att this meeting 3s 6d


This meeting appoints Mary Russell and Rebeckah Russell


to attend the Quarterly meeting Collected by this


And Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting


The 21 of the 8th month 1734 Was our monthly Meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth At this meeting Beriah


Goddard and Unice West Laid their intentions of marriage


And this meeting appoints Mary Russell and Mary Lapham


to make Enquiry Into the young Womans Clearness


At this meeting James Cornell And Abigail Tripp laid their


Intentions of marriage And Peace Wood and Rebeckah Russell


are Chose to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness


and Joseph Merihew [Merrihew] and Edeth Whitely laid their Intentions of


Marriage before this meeting And Phebe Tucker and Rebekah


Bark^er are Chose to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness


There was Collected at this meeting 4s 6d


taken out of ye Stock for the use of friends 6s and 11 pence


The 18 day of ye 9th month 1734 Was our month meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth The young Friends that


Laid their Intentions of marriage the Last monthly Meeting


Came for their answers And Friends finding nothing to hinder


Gave them leave to marry In the good [order] of Friends


At this Meeting Henry Chase and Mary Tripp Laid their


Intentions of marriage before this meeting Peace Wood and


Keziah Wood are appointed to Enquire into the young


Womans Clearness and make return to the next monthly


Meeting Collected at this meeting 6s 1d


The 16 of the 10th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Henry Chase


And Mary Tripp Came for their Answer and finding nothing


to hinder the had their answer that they might proceed to take each


other In marriage according to the Good order of Friends


And at this meeting Rufus Green and Martha Russell Laid their


Intentions of marriage And were Desired to Wait till the next


Monthly Meeting for their Answer And Rebecca Russell and Phebe


Tucker are appointed to Enquire Into the young Womans Clearness


Collected for Deborah Landers 3 pounds


The 20th of the 11th month 1734 Was our monthly meeting of Women


Friend held In Dartmouth at this meeting Rufus Green and Martha


Russell Came for their answer and Friend finding things Clear


Gave them leave to marry according to good order.


The 17th of the 12th month 1734 Was our monthly


Meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 9 Shillings & 4 pence


The 17th of the first month 1735 Was our monthly Meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Ther was 20 Shillings taken


out of the Stock Collected at this meeting


Taken out of the stock for Deborah Landers 3 Pounds 10 Shillings


Our visitters brings their account that the[y] have visited


Friends families And find for the most part things pretty Well


Lydia Soule [Sowle] and Mary Hull are Chose to attend the Quarterly


Meeting Ruth Tucker and Mary are Chose to Write to the


Quarterly meeting


The 21 of the 2 month 1735 Was our monthly Meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this ~


meeting 9s-1d Phebe Tucker and Ruth Tucker are Chose to


ballance the accounts this meetings accounts ballanced and nothing


remains in the Stock 7s due to them thatt Keeps the Stock


The 19th of the 3 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 7s Phebe Tucker


and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to Discorse Meribah Shearman [Sherman]


Concerning the Scandelous reports that are abroad Concernning her


The 23 Day of the 4 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of


women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 14s 1d


for Deborah Landers 4s 2d Collected for the use of friends Sarah Taber


and Rebecca Barker are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting


to be held at portsmouth In Rhode Island the business about


Meribah Shearman [Sherman] Is referred to next monthly meeting


The 21 day of the 5 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of


women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting £1 5s


8d Disbursted for the use of friends 5s 6d Meribah Shearman [Sherman] desires


would waait till next meeting for answer at this meeting paid for


Deborah Landers 1£ and 2d


The 18 of the 6 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women


fr[i]ends held in Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 15s 4d at this


meeting Meribah Shearman [Sherman] Sent In a paper Condemning her


Out goings


The 15 day of the 7 month 1735 Was our monthly meeting of


women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 12s 9d


Disbursted for the use of Friends 9s 3d - 2s 6d More Collected at


this meeting Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker are Chose to


To [sic] attend the Quarterly meeting to be held at Portsmouth on


Rhode Island Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly


meeting 17s 6d Taken out of the Stock for Deborah Landers


The 20 Day of the 8 month 1735 Was our Monthly meeting of


women friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s 6d


the friends that Ware Chose to attend the Quarterly were not there we


here no account of any business from them to this meeting


Meribeth Shearmans Paper was read on a first day and excepted


The 17 day of the 09 month 1735 wa[s] our monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 10s - Hannah Cadman


and Kezia Wood are Chose Visiters for this year for Coaxet Sarah Taber


and Mary Russell are Chose visiters for Acushnet this year


Mary Lapham and Sarah Gifford are Chose Visiters for this meeting


this year


The 15 da of the 10 month 1735 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held in Dartmouth where Luke Hart and Mary Huddlestone [Huttleston]


laid their Intentions of marriage phebe Tucker and Hannah Tucker


are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans Clearness


Collected by this meeting 4s 3d - 1s 3d More 2d taken out of the Stock


Ruth Tucker is Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting


The 19 Day of the 11 month was our 1736 monthly meeting of women friends held


In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting £1 2s which was disbursted


for Deborah Landers at this meeting Luke Hart and Mary


Huddlestone [Huttleston] Came for their answer friends finding nothing to


hinder them gave them leave to take each other in marriage


according to the good order of truth


The 16 of the 12 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting of women friends


held In Dartmouth where Nicolas [Nicholas] Howland and Zaruiah Russell


laid their Intention of marriage Mary Lapham and Hannah Tucker


are Chose to Inquire Into the young womans Clearness


The 15 Day of 1 month 1736 was our monthly meeting of woman


friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 5s the friends


that laid their Intentions of marriage last monthly meeting came


for their answer Inquiry being made nothing appearing to hinder


them Friends Gave them leave to take each other In marriage


according to the good order of Truth this meeting Is Adjourned to


the youths meeting next ensuing


At this monthly meeting held by adjournment on the


2d of the 2d month 1736 our Visitters gives an account


that they have Visited Friends Families In a Pretty


General In this Vilage and in Cushnot And find things


for the most part pretty Well as far as they Saw


Mary Lapham and        are Chose to attend the


Quarterly meeting And Ruth Tucker is Chose to write


to the Quarterly meeting


The 19th Day of the 2 month 1736 was our monthly


Meeting of women Friends held In Dartmouth


Where Joseph Brownell and Leah Lawton laid their


intentions of marriage and were Desired to wait till


the next monthly meeting for their answer Phebe Tucker


and Rebecca Russell are Chose to Inquire Into the young


Clearness Collected by this meeting 11s - Ruth Tucker and


Phebe Tucker are Chose to ballance the accounts of this meeting


The 17 – of the 3 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting of


women friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting


10s-3d at thhi this meeting Joseph Brownell and Leah Lawton


Came for their answer this meeting finding nothing to hinder


them gave them leave to take each other In marriage


accounts ballanced there is in the Stock – £2-8s


The 21 of the 4 month 1736 - Was our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth where Je William Bowdish [Bowditch]


and Mary Hart laide their Intentions of marriage Collected


at this meeting 12s-£1-10s Disbursted for keeping the


meeting howse – 4s more disbursted for the use of friends


Hannah Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to Inquire


Into the young womans Clearness


The 19 of the 5 month 1736 was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held in Dartmouth Collected by this


meeting 8s-3d the friends that laid their Intention of marriage


last monthly meeting Came for their answer friends


finding nothing to hinder gave them leave to take each


other in marriage according to the good order of truth: This


meeting Received an Apistle [Epistle] from the yearly meeting


which was read and kindly Excepted [Accepted]


The 20 of the 6 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held In Dartmouth And Peace Wood


and Susanna Gifford Were Chose to attend the Quarterly


Meeting And the visitters of Coxet have visitted Friends


Families and Were Seemingly well accepted


And where they found things not agreable they gave


advise that it might be better


and there was 8 shillings and 10 pence Disbusted out


of the Stock for a poor Woman The use of Friends.


And Ruth Tucker Is Chose to write to the Quarterly Meeting


The 18 of the 7 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting


of women Friends held In Dartmouth Wher Recompen[se]


Kerby [Kirby] and Rebekah Cornell Laid their intentions of


marriage and Rebekah Russell and Sarah Gifford are


appointed to See Into the young Womans Clearness


Collected at this meeting 5s-10d and Elizabeth Barker and


Mary Tucker are Chose to talk with Meribeh Shearman


Concerning her going to marry out of the order of Friends


The 16 of the 8 month 1736 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 7s-10d


The 15 of the 9 month 1736 Was our monthly


Meeting of Women Friends Held In Dartmouth


Where Recompence [Recompense] Kerby [Kirby] and Rebekah Cornell


Came for their answer and friends finding nothing


to hinder Gave them leave to take each other in marriage


according to the Good Order of Friends


Collected at this meeting 10s


The 20 day of the 10 month 1736 Was our monthly meet


ing of Women friends held In Dartmouth where Job —


Howland and Naomy Chase laid their Intentions of marriage —


they were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting


Rebecca Russell and Rebecca Barker are Chose to make Inquirey


Into Concerning the young womans Clearness: Phebe Tucker


and Rebecca Russell are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting


Collected by this meeting 8s-6d disbursted for keeping the meeting


house twenty Shillings


The 17 day of the 11 month ^1736 was our Monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth Collected at this meeting 5sJob —


Howland and Naomy Chase came for their answer friends finding


nothing to hinder their answer was they might take each other in


marriage In the good order of Truth at this meeting Joseph Tripp


and Abigail Wait laid their Intentions of marriage they were


Desired to wait till next monthly Meeting for their answer


Sarah Gifford and Lydia Allen Chose to make enquiry into the


young womans Clearness And Daniel Russell and Ruth


Howland Laid their Intentions of Marriage before this


Meeting and were desired to wait till the next monthly


Meeting for their answer And Mary Russell and Elizabeth


Barker are Chose to Enquire into the young Womans


Clearness and make return to the next monthly


Meeting The Friends that Were Chose visiters last year


are Chose to Serve again one year longer


and Apphia Mott is Chose to assist our aged Friend


Ruth Tucker in wighting or to write In her absence


The 21 of the 12 month 1736 Was ^our monthly meeting of


Women Friends held In Dartmouth Where Joseph Tripp


and Abigail Wait Came for their Answer and Enquiry


being made And Friends finding nothing to hinder them


gave them Leave to take Each other In marriage accord


ing to the Good order of Friends also Daniel Russell and


Ruth Howland Came for their answer and this meeting


finding nothing to hinder them Gave leave that they


Might preceed to take Each othe In Marriage


According to the Abovesd Good order


Collected at this meeting 7 shillings And 9 pence


The 21 of the 1 month 1737 Was our monthly Meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth Collected 9s : 3d


Ruth Tucker And Apphia Mott are Chose to write


to the Quarterly meeting Our visitters gives an account


to this meeting that they have visited Friends families


In a General Way And in Some Families found things


pretty well And In others not So well Where they Laboured


With them in love for an amendment


The 18 day of the 2 month 1737 Was our monthly


meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 5 Shillings And 10 pence


one of the Friends that was Chose to attend it but brought


no account from the Quarterly meeting


The 16 day of the 3 month 1737 Was our monthly


meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth Where


David Stafford And Lydia Davel [Davol] Laid their intentions


of marriage And Were desired to wait till the next


monthly meeting for their answer and Keziah Wood


and Sarah Gifford ar Chose to make Enquiry Concerning


the young Womans Clearness


The 20 of the 4 month 1737 Was our monthly Meeting


of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


David Stafford and Lydia Davel [Davol] Waits till the next


Monthly meeting for their answer


The 18 Day the of the 5 month ^1737 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth where David Stafford and Lydia Davel [Davol]


Came for their answer Inquiry being made friends finding


nothing hinder them gave them leave to take each other In


marriage according to the good order of Truth Collected by this


meeting 6s - this meeting Received an epistele from the yearly


meeting which was read and kindly Excepted


The 15 day of the 6 month 1737 Was our monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth Collected by this meeting 4s-10d this


meeting Chose Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucker to ballance the


accounts of this meeting we have ballanced the accounts and there


remains In the stock £3-1s-7d


The 19 day of the 7 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of


women frinds held In Dartmouth Where Benjamin Wing and


Experience Benson laid their Intentions of marriage the[y] were desired


to wait till next montly meeting for their answer Ruth Davis and


Margrit Wing are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans


Clearness Collected at this meeting 5s Phebe Tucker and Sarah


Gifford are Chose attend the Quarterly meeting Ruth Tucker


and Apphia Mott are Chose to write to the Quarterly meeting


The 17 Da of the 8 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth Where Benjamin Wing and


Experience Benson came for their answer and friend finding


nothing to hinder them gave them leave to take each other In marriage


according to the good order of Truth


Also Joseph Smith and Elizabeth Davis laid their Intentions of


marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait till next month


ly meeting for their answer Mary Lapham and Mary Russell were


Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young womans Clearness Collected


at this meeting 4s-9d taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends £1-10s


The 21 day of the 9 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women friends


held In Dartmouth Where Joseph Smith and Elisabeth Davis Came for their


answer and friends finding nothing to hinder them gave them leave to take


other In marriage according to the good order of Truth


also Joseph Barker and Rebekah Smith laid their intentions


of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait till


the next monthly meeting for their answer


Rebekah Russell and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to enquire


Concerning the young Womans Clearness


Collected at this meeting for the use friends 0£-11s-08d


The 20 of the 10 month 1737 Was our monthly meeting


of Women Friends held in Dartmouth. Joseph Barker and


Rebekah Barker Smith Came for their answer and


nothing appearing to hinder they had their answer that they


might proceed to marry in the good order of Friends


And Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham laid their intention


of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait


till the next monthly meeting for their answer


Also Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham laid their Intentions


of marriage before the abovesd meeting they were desired to wait


untill the next monthly meeting for their answer Mary Tucker


and Rebecca Barker are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning


the young womans Clearness


Reuben Davel [Davol] and Mary Ricketson laid their Intentions of


marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer till next monthly meeting Sarah Gifford and Joanna


Russell are Chose to make Inquiry Concerning the young


Womans Clearness Collected at this meeting the sum 3£-4d-6


taken out of the Stock for keeping the meeting house £1


Susanna Gifford and Apphia Mott are appoynted Chose to attend the Quarterly


meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to write to the


Quarterly meeting


The 16 day of the 11 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women


Friends held In Dartmouth where Reuben Davel [Davol] and Ma


Mary Ricketson came for their answer and after due Inquiry made


Concerning the young womans Clearness and finding nothing to hinder


their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this and


and [sic] the next monthly meeting according to the good order of Truth


Also Seth Shearman and Ruth Lapham Received the Same answer


that they might proceed In marriage between this and the next monthly


meeting according to the good order Established among Friends


Benjamin Russell and Hannah Allen laid their Intentions of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait till the next monthly


meeting for their answer Mary Lapham and Apphia Mott are Chose


to make Inquiry chose to Concerning the young womans Clearness


The 20day of th 12 month 1737 was our monthly meeting of women


friends held In Dartmouth where Benjamin Russell and Hannah Allen


Came for their answer and an Enquiry having been made Concer


ning ye young womans Clerness and nothin being found to hinder


they had their answer that they might proceed to take each other


In marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


Next monthly meeting according to good order


and ther was Collected at this meeting 8s-8d


and Sarah Gifford and Audre Smith are Chose Visitters for


Ponagansett and Mary Russell and Sarah Taber for Cushnot


And Hannah Cadman and Keziah Wood for Coaksett


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held In


Dartmouth ^the 20 day of ye [1?] month 1737/8 where Jacob Shearman and Margrit Prance [Prince]


Signified their Intentions of marriage and were desired to


wait till the next monthly meeting for their Answer and


Mary Lapham and Rebekah Russell are appointed to make


enquiry Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation


and make return to ye next monthly meeting


There was Collected at this meeting 5s-6d


Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to Write to the


Quarterly meeting, and this meeting is adjourned till the


First [6?] day in the 2d month next


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


on the 17th of the 2 month 1738 Jacob Shearman and Margrit Prance [Prince]


Came and Desired their answer and due Enquiry having been made


Concerning the young Womans Clearness and nothing appearing


to hinder they had their answer that they might proceed in marri


-age In some Convenient time between this and the next monthly


meeting Observing good order in the accomplishment thereof


Collected at this meeting 0£-9s-4d And Patienc[e] Wood the Wife


of William Wood remains under dealing and this meeting


hath Chose Phebe Tucker and Mary Tucker to go and talk


further with her


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held In Dartmouth


on the 15th of the 3 month 1738 John Allen and Margrate Soule


Laid their Intentions of Marriage befor this meeting and were desired


to Wait till the next monthly meeting for their answer and


Rebekah Barker and Joanna Russell are appointed to Enquire


Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make


return to the next monthly meeting


And Joseph Havens and Rebekah Russell did lay their Intentions


of marriage before this meeting And were also desired to Wait


till the next monthly meeting for their answer and Rebekah


Russell and Eunice Goddard are appointed to make Enquiry into


the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make


return to the next monthly meeting


There Was Collected at this meeting 6s-8d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


on the 19 day of the 4 month 1738 John Allen and Margrate


Soule Came for their answer and nothing appearing to hinder


they had their answer that they might proceed to take each other


In marriage in Some Convenient time between this and the


next monthly meeting observing our good order in the


Accomplishment thereof: Also Joseph Havens and Rebeckah


Russells Answer was that they might proceed In marriage


as abovesd And Mary Russell and Apphia Mott are appointed


to attend the Quarterly Meeting And to write to ye Same


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


on the 17 of ye 5 month 1738 We received an Epistle


from the Q yearly meeting at New Port which was read and


kindly accepted There was Collected at this meeting 0-5-0


and Abgail Ricketson remaine yet under Dealing


And Patience Wood hath made Sattisfaction for her


out goings


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth


The 21 Day of the 6 month 1738: Collected at this meeting 0-5-3


And Ruth Tucker and Phebe Tucke[r] are Chose to ballance the


accompts of this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dartmouth


on the 18th of the 7 month 1738 And William Ricketson and


Hannah Russell laid their Intention of taking Each other in


Marriage before this meeting And were desired to Wa[i]t till the


next monthly meeting for their answer and Rebeckah Russell


and Apphia Mott are appointed to make Enquiry into the young


Womans Clearness and Conversation and make return to the


next monthly meeting and Grizzel Shearman and Abigail


Jenkins are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting


all the acounts ballanced and remains In the Stock 3-17-4


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In Dart


mouth on ———————————


Collected at this meeting 7s-6d Disbusted at this 2 pounds for a


perticular Friend And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott ar


Chose to Write to the Quarterly meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in


Dartmouth on the 16th of the 8 month 1738 William


Ricketson Came for their answer And Finding nothing


to hinder them they had their answer that they might proceed


to take each other In marriage in Some Convenient time


between this and the next monthly meeting Observing good


order in the performance thereof


Collected at this meeting 0-7-7


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In


Dartmouth on the 20th day of the 9 month 1738


Collected at this meeting 0£-9s-0d And disbusted out of the Stock


for the use of Friends —— 0£-6s-6d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In


Dartmouth on the 18th of the 10 month 1739 [sic]


There was Collected at this meeting 0-3s-0d


Taken out of the Stock out of the Stock [sic] for keeping the


meeting House one pound. Susanna Gifford and Joanna Mott


are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting


And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to Draw


an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at our meeting


House in Dartmouth on the 15th day of the 11 month 1738


Stephen Peckham and Keturah Arthur Signified their Intentions


of marriage at this meeting and were desired to wait till the next


Monthly meeting for their answer We have had an account


of her Clearness and Conversation from Nantucket


There was Collected at this meeting 0£-4s-0d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends Held at our


Meeting House In Dartmouth on the 19th Day of ye 12 month 1738


Stephen Peckham and Keturah Arthur Came to this meeting


For their Answer And there being nothing found to hinder


their answer was that they might proceed to take Each


other in Marriage in Some Convenient time between


this and the next monthly meeting observing Our Good


Order in the accomplishing of it


No business presented from the Quarterly Meeting


And this meeting mad Choice of Hannah Cadman and


Peace Wood visitters for Coaksett Vil[l]age and for Ponggansitt


Mary Lapham Sarah Gifford and Audre Smith


And Mary Russell and Sarah Taber for Cushnot


There was Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-0d


At our monthly Meeting of Women Friends held at our


meeting House in Dartmouth on the 19th day of the first month


1739 there was Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-6d


And this meeting is adjourned until the first sixth day in


the 2d month next


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held by adjournmentpeleg


on the 6 day of the 2 month 1739 Lydia Soule and


Meribeh [Meribah] Slocum are appointed to attend the Quarterly


Meeting: And Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed


to attend Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting next


and Dorcas Shepherd is added to the Visitters for this year


And Phebe Tucker is under Dealing Concerning the matter


about Ruth Slocum


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held In


Dartmouth on the 16 day of the 2d month 1739 Robert Hall


And Isabel Shearman did lay their intentions of marriage


before this meeting and Were desired to wait till the next


Monthly meeting for their answer and Mary Lapham and


Mary Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into the


young Womans Clearness and Conversation And make


return to the next monthly meeting


And John Potter and Hannah Barker laid their inten


=tion of marriage before this meeting and were Desired as


aforesd and Susanna Gifford and Mary Tucker are appoin


=ted to See Into the young Womans Clearness and make return


as aforesd Collected at this meeting 0£-10s-9d


Taken out of the Stock for the use of Friends 1-10-0


And Phebe Tucker hath not made full Sattisfaction as yet


And Mary Tucker is Chose to keep ye Collection mony


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held at


our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 21 of the 3 mo


1739 Robert Hall and Isabel Shearman and John


Potter and Hannah Barker Came for their answers


And nothing Appearing to hinder they had their answers


that they might proceed to marry in Some Convenient


time between this and the next monthly meeting


observing the Good order of Friends In the accomplishing


thereof Collected at at [sic] this meeting 0£-6s-5d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at


our meeting House in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the 4 mo


1739. Abraham Stafford and Ruth Wood laid their


their [sic] intentions of marriage before this meeting and


were desired to wait til ye next monthly meeting for


their answer And Elizabeth Barker and Peace Wood


are Chose to make Enquiry Concerning the young wo-


=mans Clearness and Conversation and make return


to the next monthly meeting


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held


at our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 16 day


of the 5 month 1739 Collected at this meeting 0-10-0


and Experience Wing is Chosen visitter for Rochester


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held


at our meeting House in Dartmouth on the 20 of the


6 month 1739 Abraham Stafford and Ruth Wood Came and


desired their answer and nothing appearing to hinder


their answer was that they might proceed to take each


Other in marriage in the good order Established amongst


Friends in some Convenient time between this and the


next monthly meeting and Audere Smith and Apphia


Mott are appointed to ballance the accompts of this


meeting which they have done and remains


In the Stock 2£-1s-9d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held at our


Meeting House in Dartmouth on the 17 day of the 7 month 1739


William Russell and Elisabeth Willber [Wilbur] laid their intentions


of marriage before this meeting and were desired to wait til


the next monthly meeting for their answer and Mary


Russell and Rebeckah Russell are appointed to make Enquirry


Into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and


make return to the next monthly meeting


And Joseph Taber and Mary Tinkham also laid their intention


of marriage and were desired to wait accordingly And Mary


Russell and Ruth Davis were Chose to Enquire into the young


Womans Clearness as aforesd


Collected at this meeting 0-5-6 and Audre Smith and


Apphia Mott are Chose to Draw up an Epistle to the


Quarterly meeting next


At a monthly meeting of Woman Friends held at our


Meeting House in Dartmouth on the 15 day of the 8 month


1739 William Russell and Elizabeth Willber [Wilbur] appeared at


this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention


as did also Joseph Taber and Mary Tinkham and things


appearing Clear they had their answers that they might


proceed to mar[r]y in good order in Some Convenient time


between this and the next monthly meeting


Collected for the use of friend 0-5s-9d


We received an Episle from Rode Island which was read


and kindly accepted


At a monthly meeting of Friends held at our meet


ing House in Dartmouth on the 19 day of ye 9 month 1739


Collected at this meeting for the use of Friends 0£-4s-6d


Taken out of the Stock 0£-11s-10d


At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth


The 17th of ye 10th month 1739. Collected for the youce of friends 1£=4s=1d


Mary Russell and Peace Wood are Chose to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting


Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are appoynted to Draw an Epissel to the


Quarterly meeting next Ensuing this meeting is aiurned until the first


6 Day in the next month





At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 11th mo 1739

Where Peleg Cornell and mary Russell Laid their intention of marri[a]g[e] they were

To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Rebeckah Russell and


Rebeckah Barker was Chose to make inquiry Concearning the young woman Clear


ness and Conversation and make their Return to the next monthly meeting

Eliz: Wing



Mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford wear [were] Chose to talke with Elizabeth wing

And meribah Gifford Conserning their out Goings Collected att this meeting: 4S[?] =6d

Taken out of the Stock for the youce of Friends: £1–5S–0d





At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th day of 12mo 1739

Wher[e] Peleg Cornell and mary Russell Boath appeared Signified the Continuation

of their intention of marri[a]ge and their answer was that they might Proceed




David Smith and Jean Brown Laid their intention of marrige Before this meeting

They wear Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer

Mary Russell and Elizabeth Barker wear Chose to make inquire Conserning


The yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the next


Monthly meeting Collected for the youce of friends £0=4S=0d





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 17 of ye 1th mo 1740

Where David Smith and Jean Brown boath appeared Before this meeting

and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marri[a]ge and their




Answer was they might Proceed George Allen and Rachel Smith Laid

Their intention of marrige Before this meeting & they were Desired

To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Rebeckah


Russell and Apphia mott are to make inquirey Concerning the young


Woman Clearness and make their Return to the next monthly meeting


Col[l]ected for the youce of friends: £0=6S=1d–0[t?] this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until


The first Sixth day in the next month Peace wood and Susannah Gifford


Are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia


Mott are to Draw up an Epistel to the Quartely meeting next ~~





At our mont[h]ly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 2th mo 1740

George Allen and Rachel Smith Both appeared and Signified the Continuation

of their intention of marrige and their answer was they might proceed

Wm Hart


William Hart and mary Shepard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of marrige Before this

Meeting they were desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for


Their answer mary Lapham and Joanna Russell are to make inquirey


Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their


Return to the next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting the –


Sum of 8s=9d no Business from the Quarte[r]ly meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20 of ye 3th mo 1740

Wm Hart


Where William Hart and Mary Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appearing Before this

Meeting and signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and





Their answer was that they might Proceed Joseph Tripp and Judah – –

Mosher Laid their intention of marrige Before this meeting they wear

To wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer Elizabeth

Barker and Grizzel Sherman are Chose to make Enquire [inquiry] Concerning the


yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the



Next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting–1S=6d- Phebe Tucker hath made

Friends Satisfaction


At our monthly meeting of women holden in Dartmouth ye 23 of ye 4th mo 1740

Jos: Tripp


Joseph Tripp and Judah mosher Boath appearing Before this meeting and

signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and their answer was


They might Proceed according to the Good order Established among friends


Friends have maid Choyce of mary Gifford and Keziah Wood to visit friends


Families at acokset this year Collected for the youce of friends the Sum of: 14S=0d


Lyda taber and Mary Russell are appointed to visit friends families in


Poniganset this year Keziah Wood and Abig[a]il Ginkins are Appointed to


Attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next Ensuing Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott


Are to draw an Epistel to the Quartely meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 5 mo 1740




Where Daniel Russell and Edea Howland Laid their intention of marrage

They ware [were] Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their

Answers mary Lapham and Apphia mott were Chosen to make Enquire


Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make



Their Return unto the next monthly meeting: we Recevid an Epistle

From friends at Newport which was Re[a]d and the Love therein [ministered?]


Kindly accepted:


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 6th mo 1740



Where Daniel Russel[l] and Edea Howland Both appeared Before this meeting

And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrige and their answer


was they might Proceed in marrage Betwixt this and the next monthly


Meeting observing Good orders Collected for the youce of friends: £0–7S–2d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 7th mo 1740




Nathaniel Bowdash [Bowdish] and Francies Lapham Laid their intention of marrage

Before this meeting they ware Desired to wait unt[i]l the next monthly

Meeting for their answer Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth Barker


Are Chose to make inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and


make their Return to the next monthly meeting Collected for the youce


of friends: =3s= 10d Audrey Smith and Apphia mott and mary Tucker are


Chose to Ballance the accompts of this meeting Susannah Gifford and


Joanna mott are Appoynted to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next


Insuing and Apphia mott to write to the Quartely meeting Mary Lapham


Elizabeth Barker and Susannah Gifford are Appoynted Visitors for Ponaganset


Villige this year: all accounts Ballanced and hear Remains in the Stock: £3=15S=6d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 8th mo 1740




Nathaniel Bowdash [Bowdish] and Franses Lapham Came for their answer and there

Being Nothing found to hender them their Answer was they might Proceed

Betwean this and the next monthly meeting According to Good orders Established


Among friend Collected for the youce [use] of friends: 5S=0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 9th mo 1740


Collected for the youce of friends: 2S=4d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 10th mo 1740


No Collection this meeting: Taken out of the Stock one Pound: towards keeping


The meeting house: mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford are Chose to attend


The Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to draw


An Epistle to the Quarterly meeting Next insuing


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 11th mo 1740


Collected for the youce of friends: – - - - – - – – – £0=11S=11d





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 25th of ye 12th mo 1740

Where Daniel Howland and mary Slocom [Slocum] Laid their intention of marr[i]age

They ware to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting


Rebeckah Russell and Rebeckah Barker were to make inquire [inquiry] Concerning


The yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next


Monthly meeting: no Collection this meeting





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 1th mo 1741

Where Daniel Howland and mary Slocome [Slocum] Boath Appeard at this meeting and

Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and their answer


was they might Proceed betwixt this and the next monthly meeting observing


Good orders: Collected for the youce of friends: 7S- 8d= This meeting is a iourned [adjourned]


until the first Six[th] day in next month Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott


Are appoynted to Draw an Epistle to the Quarte[r]ly meeting Next





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 2th mo 1741

William Gifford and Elizabeth Tripp Laid their intention of marrage they

were Desired to wait until the next monthly meeting for their answer


Rebeckah Russell and Peace Wood are Appointed to make inquirey Concerning


the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the next


monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends – – – – £0– 5S– 0d


Wm Gifford


At our monthly meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth ye 27th of ye 3th mo 1741

Where William Gifford and Elizabeth Tripp Both Appeared at this meeting


And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and their - - -


Answer was they might Proceed Betwix[t] this and the next monthly meeting


Observing Good orders: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by an a iurnment [adjournment]


the 22th of ye 4th mo 1741: Collected for the youce of friends: – - – – - – 5S=2d


This meeting hath maid Choice of Keziah Wood and mary Gifford to visit


Friends famelies in Acokset this year: mary Russell and Grizzel Sherman


Are Appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting next ensuing Ruth Tucker


and Apphia mott are Appointed to write an Epistle to the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting: next


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 5th mo 1741


Collected for the youce of friends - - - – – £0=2S=0d




This meeting Received an Epistle from Newport yearly meeting which

Was Re[a]d and Kindley Accepted: Eliphel Harper Certificate was Re[a]d in

This meeting and well accepted and She taken under the Cear [care] of the meeting


Eliphel Harper Certificate Came from Sandwich monthly meeting:


Taken out of the Stock one Pound ten Shillings


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6 mo 1741


No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 7 mo


1741: Collected for the youce of friends:= 10S=0d:


Grizzel Sherman and Elizabeth Gidley are Appoynted to attend the


Quarte[r]ly meeting Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott are Chose to write


To the Quartely meeting Next Ensuing: Audrey Smith and mary


Tucker and Apphia Mott are Chose to Balance the accoumpts [accounts]


of the Above Said meeting: this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until the first Sixt[h]


Day in Next month


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 8th mo 1741


The 11th day of ye 9th mo 1741: All Accounts Ballanced and hear [here] - - –


Remains in the Stock - £3=14S=7d


At our monthly meeting of women friends Held in Dartmouth




The 16th day of ye 9th mo 1741 where John Gifford and Bershaba Lapham

Both Appeared and Signified their intention of marr[i]age they wear [were]

Desired to wait until the Next monthly meeting for their answer


Rebeckah Russell and Apphia mott are Appointed to make inquire [inquiry]


Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and make their Return to the Next


Monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends = - - - - 5S–0d


At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth the 21th day


of ye 10th mo 1741: where John Gifford and Bershaba Lapham Both Appear[e]d




And Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age and their

Answer was they might Proceed Betwixt this and the Next monthly

meeting observing Good orders: Collected for the youce of friends = 10S=9d= -


Taken out of the Stock: £1=10S=0d towards payment for Keeping the meeting


house: Susannah Gifford and Peace Wood are Appointed to Attend the


Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing at Rhod island: Ruth Tucker and Apphia


Mott are Appointed to Draw up an Epistle to the Qurtely meeting Next





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in dartmouth ye 18th of ye 11th mo

1741 whear Silas Kirby and Elizabeth Russell Signified their

intention of marrage they were desired to wait until the next monthly


Meeting for their answer: mary Lapham and Grizzel Sherman wery [were] Chose


To make inquire Concerning the yong woman Cl[e]arness and Conversation and


Make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: No Collection this meeting


At our mont[h]ly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 12th mo




1741 whery [where] Frances Allen and Rebeckah Tucker Came and Signified

Their intention of mar[ri]age: they were to wait for their answer until

The Next monthly meeting: Two friends were Chose to inquire into


the yong woman Clearness and make their Return to the Next monthly


meeting: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women Friends held in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 1th month




1742: where Silas Kirby and Elizabeth Russel[l] Both Appeared and

Signified the Contin[u]ation of their intention of marrige and their Answer was

They might Proceed in marrage Betwixt this and the Next monthly meeting




According to Good orders: also Francis Allen and Rebeckah Tucker Came and

Desired their Answer and friends finding Nothing to hender them their [answer?] was they

might proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good


orders: Collected for the youce of Friends - - - - 6S–3d


Phebe Tucker and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to Attend the Qua[r]te[r]ly meeting


Elizabeth Barker and mary Tucker are Chose to Talk with marebah howland


For her out Goings: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to write to


The Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 2th mo 1742


No Collection this meeting: No Business Presented for the Qurtely meeting


At our monthl[y] meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of ye 3th mo 1742


Collected for the youce [use] of friends - - - - 3S=9d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 4th mo 1742


Collected for the youce friends: 15S=9d= Peace Wood and Mary Gifford are Appointed


to attend the Qurtely meeting Next insuing Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott


are Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Quertely meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 5th mo 1742


Collected for the youce of friends: 4S=3d: Taken out of the Stock: 15S=9[d?]: for the youce


of friends: more taken out of the Stock towards Payment for Keeping the


meeting house: =£2=0S=0d


At our monthly of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 6th mo 1742


Collected for the youce of friends: =7S=8d= this meeting makes Choice of


Peace Wood and Abig[a]il Cornel [Cornell] to visit friends Famelies at acokset


the year insuing


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 7th mo


1742: Collected for the youce of Friends – - – – - –– – 12S=6d


Elizabeth Gidley and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to Attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly


Meeting Next insuing: Grizzel Sherman and mary Tucker are Chose



To talke with Eliphel Harper Concerning her Clearness on her Removeal

Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to Daraw an Epistle to the


Qurtely meeting


At our monthl[y] meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth 18th day


of ye 8th mo 1742 No Business Pr[e]sented from the Qurtely = meeting


Audrey Smith Mary Tucker Apphia Mott are to Balance the accou


nts of this meeting No Collection this meeting: Elizabeth Gidley and



Susannah Gifford are Appointed to talk with Joanna Howland

Concerning her out Goings


The 8th day of the 9th mo 1742: all accompts Balanced and hear [here]


Remains in the Stock= £2=14S=9d


At our Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 15th of ye 9th mo 1742: No Collection this Meeting


At our Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th


of 10th mo 1742: Collected for the youce [use] of friends: 4S=6d:


Two pounds taken out of the Stock for Keeping the meeting house


3 Shillings more taken out of the Stock: this meeting Hath maid [made]


Choice of Peace Wood and mary Willcox and Sarah Gifford to Talk with


Leah Brownell for a miss step which She hath taken: Phebe Tucker and


Sarah Gifford are Appointed to attend the Quertaly Meeting Next insuing


Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Same


At our Monthly meeting of women held in Dartmouth the 17th of


the 11th mo 1742: hear [here] was Collected for the youce of friends: 10S–0d-


This meeting maid Choice of Lyda Taber and Mary Russel [Russell] for to visit friends


Friends families in Cushnet this year: this meeting maid Choice of



Audrey Smith and Elizabeth Gidley to Talke with Ealce Slocom [Alice Slocum] for

Nat: Kirby

& wife

Her out Goings: Peace Wood and Mary Gifford are Appointed to go with

the men to talke with Nathaniel Kerby [Kirby] and his Wife


At our Monthly Meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth the 21th day


of the 12th mo 1742: hear was Collected for the youce of friends: £3-0S-6d=


Wood &

Sarah Giff=


this Meeting Chose Mary Gifford and Abig[a]il Cornal [Cornell] to talk with Mary

Wood: Mary Russel[l] and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to talke with Sarah



At our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 1th mo 1743




whear Peleg Gifford and Abig[a]il Shephard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of marr[i]age

they Friends Were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next

Monthly meeting: Hannah Tucker and Apphia Mott were Appointed


to make inquire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness and Conversation and


make Return to the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Apphia


Mott are Appointed to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: Ruth Tuck[er]


and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Sam[e] no Collection this


meeting: Hannah Cadman and Susannah Cornal [Cornell] are Appointed to See into


mary Devile [Davol] Conv[e]rsation


At our Montht[y] Meeting of Women Friends held in




Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 2th mo 1743: where Peleg Gifford and Abig[a]il

Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appear[e]d and Signified the Continuation of their

intention of marri[a]ge: and their answer Was they might Proceed


Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders


Collected for the youce of friends: 12S–0d=





Sarah Gifford hath maid friends Satisfaction for the uneasiness

Which She hath Caused among friend Concerning the marr[i]age of

her daughter


At our Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


The 15th of ye 3th mo 1743: No Collection this meeting





At our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 20th of ye 4th mo 1743: Kezia Benson and Hocks[?] have visited our

Meeting and their visits wear kindly accepted: Collected for the youce


of friends: 6S–8d: Bethia Wadys Certificate was Read and well accepted:




Sarah Gifford and Kezia wood are Appointed to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly ~~~

meeting: Apphia Mott is Appointed to draw an Epistle to the Qurtely ~~~

meeting Next insuing


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth the


15th of ye 5th mo 1743: here was Collected for the youce of friends: 8S–3d






Ealse Bunting and Ann Gant: have visited our meeting and their visits

were Kindly Excepted: and our meeting had good unity with their Certificate

The Epistle from Newport yearly meeting was Read and well accepted ~

No Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 15th of


the 6th mo 1743: Collected for the youce of friends: 5S=0d= this meeting maid [choice?] of


Peace wood and Abig[a]il Cornal [Cornell] to visit friends families in Acokset


vilige this year: mary Lapham Susannah Gifford and Elizabeth Barker


and Sarah Gifford are Chose to visit friends families in Poniganset [Apponagansett] ~~


vilige this year insuing


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 7th [mo]


1743: Collected for the youce of friends: 6S=6d: Robard Mosher and Sarah




Laton [Lawton] Both Appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention of marr[ia]ge

they were Desired to weait for their answer until the Next monthly

Meeting: Peace Wood and Sarah Gifford are Appointed to make inquire - - – -


Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make Return to


the Next monthly meeting: Audra Smith and Mary Wilcox are appointed to


Attend the Qurtely meeting: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to Draw


an Epistle to the Same: taken out of the Stock for the youce of


Friends - - 6S=8d=


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 8th mo




1743: where Robard Mosher and Sarah Laton [Lawton] Boath appeard and Signified

the Contin[u]ation of their intention of marrage: and friends finding Nothing to

Hender them: their answer Was they might Proceed Betwix this and the


Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Collected for the youce of friends


:6S=6d=: taken out of the Stock: 9S-10d= this meeting Chose Audr[e]y Smith Mary


tucker Apphia mott to balance the accounts of this meeting


The 16th of the 9th mo 1743: all Accounts Balanced and here


Remains in the Stock - - -£3–1S–2d-


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth




ye 21th ye 9th mo 1743: where Daniel Wood and mary wady Boath

Appeared and Signified their intention pf marri[a]ge: they were desired

to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah


Russel [Russell] and Mary Russel[l] are to make inquirey concerning the yo[u]ng woman


Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly


meeting; Collected for the youce [use] of friends: =5S=0d:


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by




a iorment [adjournment] ye 6th of ye 10th mo 1743: where Daniel Wood and mary wady Boath

Appeard and signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age

and friends finding nothing to hender them their answer was they might


Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observeing


Good orders: taken out of the Stock: 2£ to wards Keeping the meeting


house: Mary Lapham and Susannah Gifford are Appointed to attend the


Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: No Collection this meeting: Ruth tucker


and Apphia mott are Chose to Draw an Epistle to the Qurtely meeting


At our Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth y 16th of ye 11th [mo]


1743: No Collection this meeting nor no Business Presented from the


Qurtely meeting


At our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth




ye 20th of ye 12th mo 1743\\4: where Daniel Gifford and Ann Howland Both

Appeared att this meeting and signified their intention of marr[i]age

they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly


meeting: Phebe Tucker and mary Russel[l] are to make inquire [inquiry]


Concerning the yong Woman Clearness and make their Return to the


Next monthly meeting: Collected for the youce of friends: =3S–8d~


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of y[e] 1th mo




1744: Daniel Gifford and Ann Holand [Howland] Both appear[e]d at this meeting

and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage: and

friends finding nothing to hender them: their answer was they


mig[h]t proceed in marr[ia]ge Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting


observeing Good orders= Collected for the youce of friends – - - – 15S–4d




Thomas Smith and Exsperence Chace Laid their intention of marr[i]age

Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until




the Next monthly meeting: also John Parke and Sarah Gifford Both

appe[a]red at this meeting and Signified their intention of marrage they were

Were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting ~ ~


The friends that went out with them are to make inquire Concerning the


yo[u]ng womens Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next


monthly meeting: Phebe tucker and Apphia Mott are appointed to attend the


Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mottt are to write to the


Qurtely meeting Next insuing


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of

Tho Smith


John Parks


ye 2th mo 1744: No Collection this meeting Thomas Smith and Exsperance Chace

John Parke and Sarah Gifford all Appe[a]red att this meeting and Signified - -

the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age: and friends finding

Nothing to hender them their answer was that they might Proceed


in marr[i]ag[e]: Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders:


Nothing of Business Pr[e]sented from the Qurtely meeting: taken out of the


Stock: £1=10S–0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 3th mo


1744: Collected for the youce of friends =6S=0d


Bethiah walker Certificate was Read and She Rece[i]ved und[er] the Cear [care] of our




At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 4 mo


1744 Collected for the youce of friends =6S=7d: Susannah Gifford and Deborah


Hunt are Appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting: this meeting maid Choyce


of Mary Gifford and hannah Mosher to visit friends famileys in acokset this


year insuing: Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are Appointed to write to the


Qurtely meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 5th mo 1744


This meeting Rece[i]ved an Epistle from the Newport yearley meeting which was


Re[a]d and kindly accepted: No Collection this meeting: mary tucker and Apphia


Mott are Appointed to give an account to the monthly meeting at

Marcy Fish

Rhod island Concerning mercy fish: Co[n]versation wher She Resided among us


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 6th mo




1744: Barabas [Barnabas] mosher and Bethiah Walker Laid their intention

of marrage and friends Desired them to wait for their answer until the

Next monthly meeting: mary Russel[l] and Apphia Mott are to make


inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make


Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected for the yoce of friends =5S=6d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of





The 7th mo 1744: Barnabas Mosher and Bethia walker Boath appeared and

Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age and friends finding

Nothing to hender them their answer was they might Proceed in marr[i]ag[e]

Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders




Robard [Robert] Kirby and Abig[a]il Allen Laid their intention of marrage Before this

meeting: they were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly

meeting: Susannah Gifford and Deborah Slocom [Slocum] are Appointed to make inquire


Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearniss and Conversation and make their Return


to the Next monthly meeting: No Collection this meeting: Peace wood and


Mary Potter are Chose to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing:


Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to darw [draw] an Epistle to the same


this meeting is Aiouned [Adjourned] until the first Six[th] Day in Next month


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 8th mo

John Mac



1744: Collected for the youce of friends: 7S=9d= John macombar [Macomber] and Desire [?] Poter [Potter] Laid their intention of marr[i]ag[e] Before this meeting they

were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting

Keziah wood and hannah Mosher are Chose to make inqurey Concerning


the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the


Next monthly meeting No Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of




the 9th mo 1744: where Robard Kirby and Abig[a]il Allen Boath

appeared and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age

and friends finding Nothing that hendred them their answer was they


might proceed in marr[i]age Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting

John Ma



observing Good orders: also John macomber and Desire Potter Both

Appearing at this meeting and Required their answer and friends finding

Nothing to hender them their answer was they might Proceed in marrage


Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders:


taken out of the Stock 2£: No Collectedion this meeting: mary Tucker


Apphia Mott audrey Smith are Appointed to Ballanced the accounts of our


meeting: Audrey Smith and mary tucker are Appointed to talk with



Phebe Russel [Russell]


The 11th of ye 10th mo 1744: all accounts Ballanced and here Remains in


the Stock: £0–1S–9d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of


the 10th mo 1744 John wood and Hannah Wing Samuel Sawdy and Pern=


Wood &




nel mott Laid their intention of marr[i]age Before this meeting they were

Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting

Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and mary Russel[l] are Chose to make inquire Concerning

the yo[u]ng womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the

Next monthly meeting: Apphia mott and Keziah Wood are appointed


to attend the Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting Next insuing: Ruth tucker and Apphia


Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the S[a]me: Collected for the youce of friends =10S=1d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye




11 month 1744 Samuel Sawday [Sawdy] and Pernal Mott Boath appear[e]d at this

meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]ag[e]:

and friends finding Nothing that hendred: their answer was they might Proceed


in marr[i]age Beteixt [betwixt] this and the Next monthly meeting observ[i]ng Good


orders No of Business Presented from the Qurtely meeting


Collected for the youce of friends= 2S=11d=


At our monthly meeting of women held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 12th mo 1744




John Wood and hannah Wing Boath appear[e]d at this meeting and

Signified the Continuation of the[i]r intention of marrage: and friends finding

Nothing to hender: their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix[t]


this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders :


Col[l]ected this meeting =13S=8d= : taken out of the Stock: =17S=6d=


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of


the 1th mo 1745: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth Smith are Chose to talke with


David Shermans Daughter: Phebe Tucker and Susannah Gifford are to attend


the Qurtely meeting Next insuing: Ruth Tucker and Apphia mott are


to Draw an Epistle to the Sam[e]: Collected =4S=7d=


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 2mo


1745: No Business Presents from the Qurtely meeting: Collected =3S=3d ==


At our monthly meeting of women firiends [sic] held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 3th mo


1745: Collected this meeting =8S=1d=0t: this meeting maid [made] Choyce of


Mehetebell Mosher and Sarah Parks to visit friends families the year


insuing: in Ponaganset vil[l]age


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in dartmouth ye 24th of




the 4th mo: 1745 where Beriah Godard [Goddard] and Susannah Sison [Sisson] both Appeard at

this meeting and signified their in tention of marr[i]age they ware [were]

desired to wait for their Answer until the Next monthly meeting


Phebe Tucker and Experents Smith are to make inquire Concerning


the yong woman Clearness and make their Return to the next monthly meeting



Our meeting Recevid an Epistle from Newport yearly meeting which

Was Read and well accepted; Collected this meeting – – 10S-2d: Audr[e]y Smith and


Sarah Parke are Chose to attend the insuing Qu[a]rte[r]ly meeting; Ruth Tucker


and Apphia Mott are to Draw an Epistle to the Quartely meeting ~ ~ ~ ~


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 5th mo 1745


Nothing of Business presented from the Quartely meeting; taken out of the Stock


12 Shil[l]ings for the youce [use] of friends; Beriah Godard [Goddard] and Susannah Sisson Boath




Appear[e]d at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of mar[ri]ag[e]

and friends finding Nothing that hendred: their answer was that they might

Proceed Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders


Collected for the youce of friends =6S=0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 6th mo




1745: Philip Allen and Susannah Allen Boath appeard at this meeting

and Signified Sign their intention of marrage: they wear Desired to wait for

their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeck[ah]


Russel [Russell] are appointed to make in Quire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman Clearness


and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting


Collected this meeting – – 9S–0d




this meeting Recevid Sarah Parke Certificate on her Return Back to

her native Land which Read was well Accepted; this meeting maid Choice

of Mary Gifford and Hannah mosher to visit friends families in A


Cokset this year insuing


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth: ye 16th of




the 7th mo 1745: Philip Allen and Susannah allen Boath appeared att

this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage

and their Being Nothing found that hendred their answer was that they


might proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting


observing Good orders; Collected this meeting – -3S–10d Peace wood and Elizabeth


Gidley are Appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting next insuing


Ruth Tucker and Apphia Mott are to write the Quartely meeting ~


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of the


Tripp &




8th month 1745: where othinial tripp and Abiga[i]l Ginkins also Lemuel Sison [Sisson]

and Deborah Wing all appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention

of marrag: they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next

monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth Barker are Chose to make ~

inquire Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation: and make


Return to the Next monthly meeting: no Business Presented from the Quartely


meeting No Collection this meeting: Audrey Smith Mary Tucker and Apphia


mott are to Balance the Accompts


the 16 day of ye 9 mo[n]th accounts Ballanced



and hear [here] Remains in the Stock –£2=15S–0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 9th mo 1745


Tripp &




Where othinial tripp and Abig[a]il Ginkins also Lemuel Sisson and Deborah wing all

Appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age

and friends finding Nothing to hender their answer was they might Proceed in marrage

Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observeing Good orders

Collected at this meeting for the youce of friends =11S=0d Mary Russel[l] and Sarah Taber


are Chose to visit friends families in Cuishnit vilige this year insuing:


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 10th mo 1745




John Howland and Deborah Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appeared at this meeting and signified

their intention of marrag they were desired to wait for their answer until

the Next monthly meeting: Elizabeth Barker and Deborah Slocom [Slocum] are appointed


to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and


make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Peace Wood and Deborah


Brown are appointed to attend the insuing Quarterly meeting: Apphia Mott


is to Draw an Epistle to same No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 11mo




1745: John Howland and Deborah Shephard [Shepherd] Boath appeared at this meeting and

Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and friends finding

Nothing that hendred their answer was they might Proceed in marrage betwix this


and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders: William Gifford and Patience

Wm Gifford

& Natl



Russel [Russell]; also Nathaniel Mosher and Ruth Mott appeared at this meeting and

Signified their intention of marrage: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russel[l] are appointed

to make inquiry Concerning the yong women Clearness and Conversation and make

their Return to the next monthly meeting: no Business Presented from the


Quartely meeting Collected this meeting =11S=5d taken out of the Stock 2£ towards



towards keeping the meeting house: we received an Epistle from London which was

Read and Kindly Accepted


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 12th mo

Wm Gifford

Natl Mo-

sher answer

1745\\6: William Gifford and Patience Russel[l] also Nathaniel mosher and Ruth

Mott all appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their

intention of marrage and friends finding nothing that hendred: their answer was they might


Proced in marrage: Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting according to the Good




orders Established among friends: John Wanton and Meraby Slocom [Slocum]: Laid their

intention of marrage Befor this meeting: they were desired to wait for their

answer until the Next monthly meeting Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth


Barker are appointed to see make inqurey Concerning our friends Clearness


and Conversation and make Return to the Next monthly meeting


Collected this meeting =10S=10d= taken out of the Stock =£1-8S=0d: Peace Wood


and Abigil Cornal [Cornell] are Chose to talke with John Latons [Lawton] too Daughters for


their out Gouings:


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th


of ye 1th mo: 1746- Phebe Tucker and mary wilcox are appointed to attend the – –


Quarte[r]ly meeting Next insuing= Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the same


this meeting is a iourned [adjourned] until the first Six[th] day in next month: No Collection


this meeting: the two friends have Brought in their accounts Concerning John Latons [Lawton]


two Daughters; At the a iournment of our monthly meeting Josiah Akins




and Judeth Hudleston [Huttleston]: Laid their intention of marr[i]age: they were Desired to

Wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker

and Rhoda Wing are appointed to make inquire Concerning the yo[u]ng woman


Clearness and Concerning Conversation and make their Return to the Next


monthly meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 2th mo







1746: John Wonton [Wanton] and meribah Slocom [Slocum] and Josiah Aken [Akin] and Judeth

Hudlestone [Huttleston]: all appeared at this meeting and signified the Continuation of

their intention of marrage: and their Being Nothing found to hender them – –

their answer was they might Proceed in marrag Betwix this and the Next – –




monthly meeting: observing Good orders: Isaac Gifford and mary Cornal [Cornell] Laid

their intention of marrage Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for

their answer until the next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah –––


Russel [Russell] are appointed to make inquire Concerning the yong woman Clearness and


Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: ~


Collected this meeting: =5S=4d





At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 3th mo 1746

Isaac Gifford and mary Cornal [Cornell] Boath appeared at this meeting and Signified their

Continuation of their intention of marrage: and after dew [due] Consideration made[?]


Concerning the yong woman Clearness: and Nothing appearing to hender their


answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next month


ly meeting: observing Good orders: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 23th of ye 4th mont[h]





1746: we Receivd Ann Giffords Certif[i]cate and well accepted it: Pernalipy [Penelope] Allen and

Keziah Wood are appointed to atend the Quartely meeting; Collected this meeting

5S=8d= Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the insuing

Quartely meeting:


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 5th mo 1746


this meeting Receved an Epistle from friends at Rhoad Island which we well


accepted: No Business Presented from the Quartely meeting: Collected this meeting: 8S/7d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6th mo 1746 ~







Nathaniel Howland and Joanna Howland also Elisha Coxsil [Coggeshall] and Elizabeth Russel [Russell]

Laid their intention of marrage: they were desired to wait for their answer until

the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Joanna Russel[l] are appointed to make

inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their


Return to the Next monthly meeting: this meeting appoints Abig[a]il Tripp visiter


this year at acoxset: no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 7th mo 1746


[to?] friends


the[?] friends that Laid their intention of marr[i]age Last monthly meeting all ap[p]eared at this

meeting: and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and after inquirey

Being maid and they appeared: Clear from all others: their answer was they might


Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders

[John?] Law



John Laton [Lawton] and Rebeckah allen Laid their intention of mar[ri]age Before this meeting they

were desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: marah Russel[l]

and Rebeckah Barker are to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and


Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker


and Apphia Mott are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting and Apphia mott is Chose to


Draw an Epistle to the Same: Hannah mosher and Ab[i]gial Tripp are appointed to talke with


Lyda macombar upon her Request: No Collection this meeting: Phebe Tucker and Elizabeth


Barker are appointed to make inquirey Concerning meribah Slocoms Conversation when


She Resided among us: and also her others [sic] affa[i]rs


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 8th mo 1746 ~





John Laton [Lawton] and Rebekah Allen Boath appeard at this meeting and Signified the Continuation

of their intention of marrage: and after inquire Being maid and She appearing Clear from all others

their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting

observing Good orders: no Business Presented from the Quartely meeting: Audrah Smith


Mary Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Balance the account of this meeting – –


No Collection made this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 9th mo 1746 ~

Wm Barker


William Barker and Hannah wood Boath appeared at this meeting and Signified

their in tention of marrage: they were Desired to wait until the Next monthly


meeting: for their answer: Rebeckah Russel[l] and mary Potter are appointed to make


inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their


Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting =8S=10d  ~


the 9 day of ye 10th mo: 1746 all Accounts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock: £2=8S=0[?]d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 10th mo: 1746




william Barker and Hannah wood appeared at this meeting and Signified the ~

Continuation of their intention of marr[ia]ge and they appearing Clear from all ot[h]ers their

answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly




meeting observing Good orders: Jonathan Sisson and Hannah Howland: Laid their intention

of marrage: Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer until the

Next monthly meeting: Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Barker are appointed to


make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their


Return to the Next monthly meeting: mary Lapham and mary Potter are appointed


to attend the Quartely meeting: Apphia Mott is [to draw?] the Epistle to the Qurtely meeting


Taken out of the Stock £2=0S=0 towards keeping the meeting house: no Collection


this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 11th mo 1746~




Jonathan Sisson and Hannah Howland: appeared at this meeting and Signified the

Continuation of their intention of marrage: and they appearing Clear from all others their

answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix this and the Next monthly


meeting: observing Good orders: no Business Presented from the Quartely meeting ~~~


No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 12th mo







1746: Joshua Lapham and Hannah Shirman [Sherman] Richard Gifford and Elizabeth Cornal [Cornell]

all Signified their intention of marr[i]ag[e]: they were Desired to for their answer until the

Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Dorkis [Dorcas] Shephard are appointed to

make inquirey Concerning the yo[u]ng womans Clearness and Conversation and make their

Return to the Next monthly meeting no Collection this meeting




At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 1th mo 1747

the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly meeting all appear[e]d at this meeting

and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrag: and they appearing Clear from


all others their answer was they might Proceed in marrage Betwix[t] this and the


Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: Collected this meeting =12S=4d – –




Apphia Mott is Chose Clarke [Clerk] of the womens meeting: Grizel Shirman [Sherman] and Elizabeth

Gidley are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting: and Apphia Mott is to Draw an

Epistle to the Same: this meeting is a iorned [adjourned] until the first 6 day in Next month

Meribah Wanton

Mary Gifford


meribah wanton and mary Gifford each of them Desired a Certificate on their

Removel which our meeting Granted



Job Antho[n]y

John Wa[l]

=ker prop


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 2 mo

1747: where appeard Jeames [James] Tucker and Ruth Tucker Job antoney [Anthony] and Sarah

Wing John Walker and margrit mosher who Signified their intention of

marrage: they were desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly

meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Elizabeth Barker and Sarah Gifford are appointed

to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and


make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting: =6S=0d





At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 3th mo

where all the friends that Laid there intention of marrage Last monthly meeting

appeared at this: and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage and


they appearing Clear from all others: their answer was they might Proceed in


marrage Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders –––


No Collection this meeting:


At our monthly meeting of women friends in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 4th mo 1747


appointed to attend the Qurtely meeting: Phebe Tucker apphia mott and apphia


mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same: no Collection this meeting: this meeting is


a iorned until the 22 of ye 5 mo[n]th Wait allens Certificate was Re[a]d in this meeting


and well accepted: taken out of the Stock: £2=0S=0d=


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 5th mo 1747


this meeting Receved an Epistle from the yearly meeting: which was Re[a]d and Kindly accepted


Collected this meeting for the youce [use] of friend =9S=8d




At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 6th mo 1747

this meeting appointed mary Tucker and apphia mott to talke with hannah


Sisson for a miss step which She hath taken: no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of the






7 mo[n]th 1747: Frances Barker and Sarah Howland: David Gifford and Deborah hart

appeared at this meeting and Signified their intention of marraig: they were desired to

Wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Apphia mott and abig[a]il wing

are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman Clearness and Conversation

and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting =11S=8d ~


Grizel Sherman and Hannah mosher are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting


and Apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same


above sd



At our monthly meetin of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 8th mo

1747: the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Last monthly meeting

all appeared at this and Signified the Continuatio[n] of th[e]ir intention of marrag


and they appearing Clear from all others their answer [was?] they might proceed in marr[i]age


Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders: No Collection


this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 9th mo 1747


audrey Smith mary Tucker Apphia Mott are to Balance the accounts of this




meeting; Hulda Tripp is Denied at this meeting for her Disorderly Pr[o]ceeding

No Collection this meeting; ~ the 19th of ye 10th mo 1747

all accounts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock =£0=7S=8d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 10th mo




1747; Benjamin Howland and Ann Brigs [Briggs] Boath appeared at this meeting and

Signified their intention of marrage they were desired wait for their answer until

the Next monthly meeting: Elizabeth Barker and Experents [Experience] Smith: are appointed to


make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make


their Return to the next monthly meeting: appointed to attend the Quartely


Meeting: mary Lapham and Apphia mott and apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to


the Same: Collected at this meeting = 10S–0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 11th mo


Paul Russel

Wm Sisson


1747: Appeared Joseph Brounal [Brownell] and Hannah Boudash [Bowdish]: Paul Russel [Russell] and Elizabeth

Boudash [Bowdish]: William Sisson and Lyda Potter: all Laid their intention of marrage

Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next=

monthly meeting: Exsperents Smith and Hannah Tuckah [Tucker] are appointed to make


inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and make Return

Ben Howlan[d]


to the next monthly meeting: Benjamin Howland and Ann Brigs [Briggs] Receved there

their answer at this meeting: no Collection this meeting


afore sd



At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of 12th mo

1747: the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly meeting all appeard

at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrage – –


and they appearing Clear from all others: their answer was they might proceed


in marrag Betwean this and the next monthly meeting: observing Good orders– –




Jacob mott and anne west Laid their intention of marrage Before this meeting

they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting

mary Russel [Russell] and Hephzibah Hissey [Hussey] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning


the yong woman Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the


Next monthly meeting: Collected this meeting––––15S=6d


1 month

At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 1st Mo

Jacob Mott


1748: Jacob mott and Anna west appear[e]d at this meeting and Signified the

Continuation of their intention of marr[i]age: and they appeard Clear


from all others: their answer was they might Proceed in marrag Betwix[t]

Sam How=


Ben Allen




this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders:

Samuel Howland and Ruth Devile [Davol]: Benjamin allen and Elifal Slocom [Slocum]

Jonathan Smith and Silviah [Sylvia] Howland: all Laid their intentions of marrag

Before this meeting: they were Desired to wait for their answer until

the next monthly meeting: Hannah Tucker and Patience Russel [Russell] are

appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yo[u]ng womens Clearness and


Conve[r]sation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting


Phebe Tucker and Patience Russel[l] are appointed to attend the Quarte[r]ly meeting


Apphia mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same: Collected this meeting £0=19S=4d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of the


to friends


2th mo 1748: where all the friends that Laid their intention Last monthly

meeting: appeared at this meeting: and Signified the Continuation of

their intention of marraig: and they appearing [clear?] from all others: their


answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the next


monthly meeting observing Good orders: Collected at this meeting= 7S=2d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of


the 3th mo 1748: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of


ye 4th mo 1748: Apphia mott and Rebeckah Barker: are appointed to


attend the Quarterly meeting: and apphia mott is to draw an Epistle


to the Same: no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 5th mo


1748: where we Receivid an Epistle from the yearly meeting at Rho Rhod


island which was re[a]d and well accepted: Collected at this meeting =9S=6d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


& Peleg



ye 15th of ye 6th mo 1748: appeared Giles Slocom [Slocum] and Silvia Russel [Russell]: Peleg

Slocom [Slocum] and Elizabeth Brown and Laid their intention of marrag: Hannah

Tucker and Patience Russel[l] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning

the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the


Next monthly meeting: no Collection this meeting: this meeting makes


Choice of Hannah mosher and Abig[a]il Tripp to visit friends families


at acokset this year


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 7 mo


to friends


1748: the friends that Laid their intention of marrage Last monthly meeting

all Came for their answer: and they appearing Clear from all others their

answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the Next


monthly meeting observing Good orders: Robard Barker and Johanna Russel [Russell]


Walter Easton and meriba Rickson [Ricketson]: laid their intention of marraig Before this


meeting they were to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting


Phebe Tucker and Rebeckah Russel are to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans


and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting ––

Wm How=

=land &

Wm Bennit


William Howland and Rebeckah Peckham: William Bennet and Hannah Taber

Laid their intention of marraig: Before this meeting: they were as above sd to wait for

their answer until the Next monthly meeting: Mary Russel [Russell] and Phebe Tucker

are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation


and their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: Hannah Mosher and Patient Russel[l]


are appointed to attend the Quartely meeting: this meeting appoints Susannah Gifford


and Deborah Slocom [Slocum]: to talke with Mehetabell Allen for her out Going: no Collection


this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 8th mo 1748


all the friend that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting


to friends


Came for their answer and they appearing Clear from all others their answer was

that they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting

observing Good orders: Collected at this meeting= 9S=8d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 9th mo 1748~


audrah Smith marah Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Ballance the


accounts of this meeting: no Collection this meeting


the 18th day of ye 9 mo 1748: all accounts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock= £3=18S=10d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 10th mo


1748: Appointed to attend the Quartely meeting: Marah Lapham and


Apphia Mott: apphia mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same: Collected this


meeting: 7 Shil[l]ings: Disbusted £3–0S-0d


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 11th mo 1748


No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 12 mo


1748: where Increas[e] Allen and Hannah Springner Laid their intention of


marraig: Before this meeting: they are Desired to Wait for their answer


until the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Barker and Hannah Tucker


are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation


and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting: no Collection this




At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 1th mo 1749


the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting


Came for their answer: and they appearing Clear from all others their answer


was that they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the Next monthly


meeting: observing Good orders: Be[n]jamin Shaw and Elizabeth Potter Laid their


intention of marraig: Before this meeting they Were Desired to wait for


their answer unt[i]l the Next monthly meeting: Rebeckah Russel[l] and


Abig[a]il Cornail [Cornell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting: Collected at this meeting= 15S=6d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 2th mo 1749


the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly meeting


Boath appeard at this meeting for their answer and they appearing Clear from


all others: their answer was that they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this


and the Next monthly meeting: observing Good orders Established among friends


No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 3th mo


1749: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 4th mo: 1749


We Receved an Epistle from the yearly meeting Which was Red and well accepted


Appointed to attend the Quartely meeting Apphia Mott and Keziah Wood and


to write an Epistle to the same: No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 5th mo 1749


Collected at this meeting =5s=6d= Mehetabell Mosher and Mary Tucker are


appointed to talke with Lusannah Russel [Russell] for her Disorderly walkeing


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21th of ye 6th mo 1749


this meeting appoints Marah Potter and Abigil Tripp to make inquirey into


the Conversation of Alce Tripp: Collected at this meeting —— 15s-0d


At our monthly meetin of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 7mo


1749: Charles Slocom [Slocum] and Sarah Allen Philip Devile [Davol] and Elizabeth Sherman


all Laid their intention of marraig: Before this meeting they were desired to


Wait for there answer until the Next monthly meeting: Penalipay Allen ~


and Deborah Slocom are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting


Appointed to attend the insuing Quartely meeting: Marah Potter and


Abigil Tripp this meeting appoints Apphia Mott to write a Certificate


for Alce Tripp on her Removeal and Bring to the Next monthly meeting


No Collection this meeting.


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 8th mo 1749


the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Last monthly meeting all


Came for their answer and they appearing Clear from all others. their answer


was they maght Proceed in marrag Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting


observing Good orders: disbusted =2s=6d: Collected at this meeting =s9=6d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of ye 9th mo


1749. where Francis Allen and Marah Ridenton [Mary Wrightington] Boath appeared and


Signified their intention of marraig Before this meeting they Were


Desired to wait for their answer until the Next monthly meeting —


Elizabeth Barker and Apphia mott are appointed to make inquirey


Concerning the yong Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their


Returns to the next monthly meeting. Audra Smith Apphia Mott and


Mary Tucker are to Ballance the accounts of this meeting. taken out of


the Stock 2£ no Collection this meeting


The 14 of the 10th month 1749 all accounts Ballanced and here Remains


in the Stock £1-13s-10d


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 10 mo 1749


Frances Allen and Mary Ridenton [Wrightington] appeared and signified the Continuation of their


intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others. their answer Was they might


Proceed in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observeing Good orders


Appointed to attend the Quartely Mary Lapham and Phebe Tucker: Apphia Mott is


Appoind to Daraw an Epistle to the Same, no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 11th mo 1749


Where Joshua Cornail [Cornell] and Lusannah Gifford Boath appeard and Signified their intention


of marraig. they Were Desird to wait for their answer until the next monthly


meeting Keziah Wood and Susannah Cornal [Cornell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning


the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting. No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 12th mo 1749~


where Joshua Cornail [Cornell] and Lusannah Gifford Came for their answer and they appearing


Clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in marraig Betwean this


and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Job Gifford and Martha Wilcox


Isaac Killey [Kelley]: and Judith Sherman Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting


they were desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting. Rebeckah


Barker and Patience Russel [Russell] are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong women’s ——


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting


No Collection this meeting. Mary Lapham and Patience Russel [Russell] are appointed to talke with


Abigail Slocom [Slocum] and Elizabeth Smith for their out Goings


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of ye 1th mo 1750 ~


the friends that Laid their intention of marraig the last monthly meeting


all appeard at this and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marrag


and they appearing Clear from all others, their answer was they might Proceed


in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders


Barnabass Howland and Pernaliphe Allen Laid their intention of marraig


Before this meeting. they were desired to wait for their answe until the Next


monthly meeting: Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and Ruth Sherman are appointed to make


inquirey into our friends Clearness and make their Returns to the next monthly


meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to write to the Quarterly. no Collection


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 2 mo 1750


The friends that Laid thier their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly


meeting all appeard at this meeting. and signified the Continuation of their


intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others their answer


was they might Proceed in marraig. Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting


observing Good orders Collected at this meeting =9s-0d- this meeting appoints


Hannah mosher and Abigail Tripp to talke with Rebeckah Kerby [Kirby] for her


Disorderly Proceeding


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 3 mo 1750


Collected =5s-6d= taken out of the Stock for the youce of friends £1-10s-0d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of


the 4th mo 1750 Apphia mott and Keziah Wood are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the same


Collected at this meeting – – - – – – – – – – – – – – – – £0-6s-0d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of


the 5 mo 1750. We Receved the Epistle from Newport yearly meeting


We kindly accepted: our worthy friends Ann Sohalfield [Scholfield] and Lydia mendanhal


have visited our meeting which Visit we kindly accepted and our meeting


hath Good unity with their Certificates19 Collected at this meeting =18s=8d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth by an aiournment ye 29 of ye 6 mo 1750


Samuel Howland and Elizabeth Butler Boath appeared and signified their intention


of marraig. they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly


Meeting: Mary Russel [Russell] and Apphia Mott are appointed to make inquirey Concerning


the yong womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the next


monthly meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 17 of ye 7 mo 1750


Samuel Howland and Elizabeth Butler Boath appeared and Signified the Continuation


of their intention of marraig. and they appearing Clear from all others their


answer was they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly


meeting observing Good orders. Philip Antoney [Anthony] and Mary Godard [Goddard]. John Wing and


Jemima Shephard John Sisson and Sibbel Hudelstone [Sybil Huttleston] all Laid their intention


of marraig Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


until the next monthly meeting, Rebeckah Russel [Russell] and Mary Smith are appointed


to make inquirey Concerning the yong womens Clearness and Conversation and make


their Returns to the next monthly meeting. Appointed to attend the Quartely


meeting. Phebe Tucker and Hannah mosher. no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 15 of ye 8 mo 1750


all the friends that Laid their intention of marraig the Last monthly meeting


Appeard and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marraig and


they appearing Clear from all others their answer was they might


Proceed in marraig. Betwean this and the next monthly meeting observ[in]g


Good orders. no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 9 mo


1750. Nicolas [Nicholas] Howland and mary Sisson Laid their intention of marraig


Before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until


the next monthly meeting Exsperients Smith and Rebekah Barker are


appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and


Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting


Audra Smith mary Tucker and Apphia mott are appointed to Balance


the accounts of this meeting. no Collection this meeting


Pernelipa [Penelope] Howland and Susannah Gifford are to talke with Ann


Almey [Almy] for her out Goings. ) all accounts Ballanced and here Remains


in the Stock – – – – – – – – – – £2-3s-0d


At our monthly meeting of Woman friends held in dartmouth ye 17th of ye 10th mo


1750 Nicholas Howland and mary Sisson Came for their answer and they


appearing Clear from all others their anser was they might Proceed in marraig


Betwean this and the next monthly meeting observing Good orders. no Collection ~


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye 11th mo 1750


James Haden [Haydon] and Deborah Brown. John Russel [Russell] and Catherrine [Catherine] Williams all ~


Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting. they were desired to wait


for their answer until the next monthly meeting Exsperents Smith and


Hephzibah Hussey are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womenes


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting. Collected


at this meeting –19s-6d


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 12 mo 1750


James Haden [Haydon] and Deborah Brown Came and Signified the Continuation of their


intention of their marraig and they appearid Clear from all others their answer


was they might Proceed in marraig Betwean this and the next monthly meeting


observing Good orders. no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 1 mo


1751. appointed to attend the Quartely meeting Grizel Sherman and


Apphia Mott. this meeting is a iorned [adjourned] until the first Six day in next


month. this meeting appoints Keziah Wood and Abigial Tripp to make inquirey


Conversation of hannah Ginin and her daughters. Collected at this meeting




At our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of the 2 mo


1752 [sic] John Russel [Russell] and Catherine Williams Came and Signified the


Continuation of their intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from


all others their answer was they might proceed in marraig Betwean this


and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Stoks [Stokes] Potter and


Rebekah Shaw Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were


Desired to wait until the Next monthly meeting Phebe Tucker and illegible


Hannah Tucker were appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong woman


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting no Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of


ye 3 mo 1751. Job Cornal [Cornell] and mary Davis Laid their intention of marraig


Before this meeting. they were desired to wait for their answer until


the next monthly meeting Exsperents Smith and Ruth Shirman [Sherman] are


Appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and


Conversation and make their Returns to the next monthly meeting


Collected at this meeting -2s-6d.


At our monthly meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 24 of ye 4 mo


1751 Job Corlal [Cornell] and mary davis Signified the Continuation of their intention of


marraig and they appearing Clear from all others their anser was they


might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and the next monthly meeting


observing Good orders Collected at this meeting -14s-10d taken out of the Stock


£6-18s-10d our worthy friends Jean Elis [Ellis] and and [sic] Rebekah Harvi [Rebecca Harvey] hve visited our meeting20


and their testimonyes were well accepted. Deborah Slocom [Slocum] and Patience Russel [Russell] are


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same


At our Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15 of


the 5 mo 1751 Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Elizabeth Hammon [Hammond] Laid their intention of marraig


they were desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly meeting


Sarah Taber and Exsprents Smith are appointed to mak inquirey Concerning


our friends Clearnes and Conversation and make their Return, to the next monthly


meeting. Beniamin Slocom [Benjamin Slocum] and Phebe Wing Laid their intention of marraig before


this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until the Next


monthly meeting Elizabeth Barker and Rebekah Barker are appointed to make


inquirey the yong womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their Returns to the


Next monthly meeting this meeting appoints Experints Smith and Hannah Tucker


to make inquirey into the Conversation of Daborah Haden [Deborah Haydon] No Collection this




At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19 of ye 6 mo


1751 the friends that Laid their intention of marraig Before the Last monthly


meeting all appeard at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their


intention of marraig and appearing nothing that hendred their answer


& was that they Proceed in marraig Between this and the —


Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Joseph Mosher and Joanna


Mott Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were desired


for their answer until the Next monthly meeting Rebekah Barker and —


Pernalipa [Penelope] Howland are appointed to make inquirey Concerning the yong womans


Clearness and Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting No Collection at this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 7 mo


1751 Joseph Mosher and Joanna mott Came and Signified the Continuaton


of their intention of marraig and they appearing Clear from all others


their answer Was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix this and


the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders. Jonathan Barney and


Hannah Russel [Russell] Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer until the next monthly


Patience Russel [Russell] and Ruth Sherman are appointed to make inquirey


Concerning the yong womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their


Returns to the Next monthly meeting. appointed to attend the Quartely


Meeting Deborah Slocom and Pernatipy [Penelope] Howland and Apphia Mott is


to draw an Epistle to the Same. Collected this meeting=9s–0d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21 of ye


8 mo 1750 [sic]. Jonathan Barney and Hannah Russel [Russell] Boath appared at this


meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention of marraig


and there appearing nothing that hendred their answer was they might


Proced in marraig Betwix this and the Next monthly meeting observing


Good orders. Audrey Smith Apphia mott and mary Tucker are appointed


to Ballance the accounts of this meeting No collection this meeting


taken out of the Stock £2=2s–0d ) The 2th of the 9 month in ye 1751


all accounts Ballanced and the meeting is in Debt ) 3£-15s-6d


At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 of ye 9 mo


1751 Beniamim Smith and Susannah Wood Signified their intention of marrg


Before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their anser until the


Next monthly meeting Grizel Sherman and Experents Smith are appointed


to make inquirey Concerning the yong Womans Clearnes and Conversation and


make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting


Collected at this meeting = 18s=6d) this meeting hath maid Choyce of


Ruth Sherman to Keep the Collected money


At our Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 10th mo


1751 Beniamin Smith and Susannah Wood Booth appeared and Signified the


Continuation of their intention of marraig. and they appearing clear


from all others their answer Was they might Proceed in marraig Betwix


this and the Next monthly meeting observing good orders. No Collection


this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20 of ye 11mo


1751. No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17 of ye 12 moo


1751/2 William Tripp and Lyda Sherman Laid their intention of marraig


Before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer until


the Next monthly meeting Mary Smith and Jean Smith are to make inquiry


Concerning the yong Womans Clearnes and Conversation and make their


Returns to the Next monthly meeting. No Collection this meeting


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16 of ye 3 mo


1752. William Tripp and Lyda Sherman Boath appeard and Signified the


Continuation of their intention of marraig and they apparing Clear


from all others their answer was that they might Proceed in


marraig Betwean this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good


orders Established among friends. Isaac Cornal [Cornell] and Prissilla Mosher


Laid their intention of marraig Before this meeting they were


desired to wait for their anser until the Next monthly meeting


Hannah Tucker and Pernalipa Howland are appointed to make


inquirey Concerning the yong womans Clearness and Conversation


and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting. appointed


to attend the Quartely meeting, Apphia mott and Keziah wood.


Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle Same. Collected at this meeting




At our monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 22th


of ye 4 mo 1752. Isaac Cornal [Cornell] and Prissilla Mosher Boath appeared


at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their intention


of marraig. and they appearing Clear from all others their anser


was that they might proceed in marraig Betwean this and the


Next monthly meeting observing Good orders.


No Collection at this meeting


Ye 19th of ye 5th Mo 1752


At our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 00£-09s=60d


Ye 22th of ye 6th Mo 1752


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Kezia Wood & Jean Smith is appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting and Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same Lydia


Allen and Penelope Howland are appointed to make Enquiery


into the Conversation of Bethsheba Ricketson no Collection this Meeting


Ye 20th of Ye 7th Mo 1752


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


nothing of business presented from the Quarterly meeting Collected


at this meeting 1£-1s-0d


Ye 17th of ye 8th Mo 1752


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where John Wood and Jerusha Taber both Appeared & Signified


their Intention of Marriage they were desired to Wait for their


answer untill the Next Monthly meeting Kezia Wood and Ruth Sherman


are to make Inquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness


and Conversation and make their Return to the Next Monthly


meeting taken out of the Stock to Ballance the old accompt 3£=15s=00d


No Collection this meeting


Ye 16th of Ye 10th Mo 1752


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where John Wood and Jerusha Taber both appeared and Signified


the continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing


clear from all others their Answer Was that they might proceed


in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting observing


Good order. Philip Tripp and Sarah Wood Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for


their answer untill the Next monthly Meeting Sarah Mosher


and Hephsibeh Hussey are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning


the Young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their Return


to the Next Monthly Meeting.


Elisabeth Barker and Hephzibeh Hussey are appointed to


make Enquiery into the Conversation of Deborah Hayden


and make their Return to the Next Monthly Meeting


Collected at this meeting 0£=6s=0d


Ye 20th of ye 11th Mo 1752


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Philip Tripp and Sarah Wood received their answer — —


Prins Howland and Deborah Slocum Laid their Intention of marri-


age before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting. Elisabeth Barker and Lydia


Allen are to make Enquiery into the young Womans Clearness and Conversa-


-tion and make their Return to the Next monthly Meeting Mary Wings


Certificate was read at this meeting. No Collection at this meeting.


Ye 18th of Ye 12th Mo 1752


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Prince Howland Deborah Slocum Received their answer.


John Russell and Deborah Hunt Laid their Intention of Marriage


Before this Meeting they were Desired to Wait for their answer untill


the Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Tucker and Penelope Howland


are appointed to make Enquiery into the friends Clearness & Conversation


and make Return to the Next monthly meeting; Thomas Hathaway


and Lois Taber Laid their Intention of Marriage before this Meet-


ing they are Desired to wait for an answer untill the Next monthly


meeting Kezia Wood and Mary Smith are to make Enquiery


into the young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their


Return to the Next monthly meeting; ~ Susannah Russells


Certificate was read at this Meeting and Gave Satisfaction.


Collected at this meeting, 1£=1s=0d appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting Mary potter & Elisabeth Gidley, Apphia Mott is to


draw an Epistle to the Same


Ye 13th of ye 1st Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ~


where John Russell and Deborah Hunt Thamas Hathaway


and Lois Taber all appeared and Signified the Continuation of their


Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clear from all others


their answer was that they might proceed in Marriage between


this & Next Monthly meeting according to Good order Established


among friends: Apphia Mott Ruth Shearman [Sherman] Hephzibeh


Hussey are to Ballance the Accompts of this meeting; No Collection


at this meeting


Ye 19th of Ye 2d Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 00£-11s-8d


Ye 6th of Ye 3d Mo 1753


accounts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 2£-17s


Ye 19th of Ye 3d Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


2 pounds taken out of the Stock for Recording of the Books;


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Deborah Russell


Apphia Mott and Apphia Mott is to write an Epistle to the


Same21 Collected at this meeting 01£-3s-0d


Ye 16th of Ye 4th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Benjamin Russell & Anna Smith Laid their Intention


of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting; Experence Smith Hannah Tucker


are appointed to make Enquiery into the Young Womans Clearness


and Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly


meeting No Collection at this meeting


Ye 21st of Ye 5th mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Benjamin Russell and anna Smith Came & Received their


Answer Josiah Wood and Hannah Tucker Laid their Intention


of marriage before this Meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer untill the Next monthly meeting Experence Smith and


Zerviah Howland are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the


Young womans Clearness and make their return to the Next monthly


meeting, no Collection at this meeting


Ye 18th of Ye 6th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Josiah Wood and Hannah Tucker both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they


appearing clear of all others their Answer was that they might


proceed in marriage between this & Next monthly meeting observing


Good orders; John Taber & Sarah Walker Laid their Intention of


Marriage before this meeting they were desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next Monthly meeting; Sarah Taber Rebekeh Barker


are appointed to make Enquiery into the friends Clearness & Conversation


and make their return to the Next monthly Meeting: We received


an Epistle from the Yearly Meeting at Newport which was read and


well accepted: Collected at this meeting 00£-16s=6d


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Hannah


mosher: Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle to the Same


Ye 16th of Ye 7th Mo 1753


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where John Walker Taber & Sarah Walker both appeared


and signified The Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appear-


ing Clear from all others their answer was that they might pro=


ceed in marriage Between this and Next monthly meeting observing


Good orders; No business presented from the Quarterly meeting.


  Collected at this meeting 00£=12s=4d


Ye 20th of Ye 8th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


taken out of the Stock for the use of friends 01£-8s=0d


No Collection at this meeting


Ye 16th of ye 9th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Daniel Wing and Lydia Shephard [Shepherd] Laid their intention of


Marriage before this Meeting they were Desired to wait for their answ-


er untill the Next monthly Meeting. Patience Russell & Ruth Shear-


man [Sherman] are to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness


& Conversation & make their return to the Next monthly meeting.


Collected at this meeting 01£=00s=8d


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Deborah Russell


Hannah Tucker Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to draw


an Epistle to the same Kezia Wood and Abigail Tripp are appointed


to talk with Rachel Howland for her out Goings


Ye 15th of ye 10th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Daniel Wing and Lydia Shepherd both appeared & Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing


Clear of all others their answer was that they might proceed in


Marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good


Orders: Solomon Hoxie and Jemimah Shearman [Sherman] Laid their Intenti-


on of marriage before this meeting they were desired to wait for


their Answer untill the Next monthly meeting; Elisabeth Barker


Hannah Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning


the Young Womans Clearness and Conversation and make their return


to the Next monthly Meeting. no business presented from the Quar-


terly meeting nor no Collection at this meeting


Ye 16th of Ye 11th mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends in Dartmouth


No Collection at this meeting


Ye 19th of ye 12th Mo 1753


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Solomon Hoxie & Jemima Shearman [Sherman] Came for their answer and


they Appearing Clear from all others their Answer was that they


might proceed in Marriage Between this and the Next monthly meeting


observing Good orders. Thomas Davis and Hannah Wood Isaac Wood


and Ruth Barker all Laid their Intention of marriage before


This meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Abigail Kerby [Kirby] and Ruth Shearman [Sherman]


are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans


Clearness and Conversation and make their Return to the Next


monthly meeting; no friends Appointed to Attend the Quarterly


Meeting: Apphia Mott is appointed to draw an Epistle to the Ensuing


Quarterly meeting; Collected at this meeting 00£=18s=6d


Ye 25th of ye 1st mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Isaac Wood and Ruth Barker both Appeared and Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing


Clear from all others their answer was that they might proceed in


Marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting observing


Good orders. No business presented from the Quarterly meeting.


Collected at this meeting 00£=16s=0d


Ye 17th of ye 2d Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where John Gidley & Susannah Tripp Phillip [Philip] Trafford & Naomey


Allen all Laid their Intention of marriage before this Meeting


they Were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly


Meeting. Sovia Howland and Ruth Shearman [Sherman] were appointed to make


Enquiery Womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns


to the Next monthly meeting. no Collection at this meeting


Ye 18th of ye 3d mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Phillip [Philip] Trafford and Neomey Allen John Gidley and


Susannah Tripp all appeared at this meeting and Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing


Clear of all others their answer was that they might proceed in


marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting, observing


Good orders: Jacob Taber & Lydia Howland Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting; Rebekah Barker and Kezia


Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans


Clearness & Conversation and make their Return to the Next monthly


meeting Elisabeth Gidley & Jean Smith are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott Ruth Shearman & Hephzibeh


Hussey are appointed to Ballance the Accompts of this Meeting.


Collected at this meeting 0£=11s=3d


taken out of the Stock for Recording of the Books 02£=10s


Ye 9th day of Ye 4th mo 1754


all accompts balanced & here Remains in the Stock 01£=07s=0d


Ye 15th of ye 4th Mo 1754


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where Jacob Taber and Lydia Howland Thomas Davis and


Hannah Wood all Received their Answers that they might proceed


in Marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting according


to Good orders. no Collection at this meeting


Ye 20th of Ye 5th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Phebe Tucker Deborah Russell are appointed to talk with Elisabeth


Gidley for her Disorderly proceeding. Collected at this meeting 3s=6d


Ye 24th of ye 6th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Deborah


Slocum Patience Russell. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the


Same no Collection at this meeting We received an Epistle from the


Quarterly meeting which was well Accepted


Ye 15th of Ye 7th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Kezia Wood and Abigail Tripp are appointed to talk with Lydia


Kerby [Kirby] for her Disorderly Proceeding, Collected at this meeting 01£=5s=6d


This Meeting hath made Choise of Elisabeth Barker & Hannah Tucker


To talk with Levinah Howland for her out Goings


Experence [Experience] Smith and Hephzebeh Hussey are appointed to talk with


Hannah Briggs Concerning her marrying from among friends: it is the


mind of this meeting that Hannah Mosher and Abigail Tripp Should talk


with Lydia Cornwell Concerning her marrying


Ye 19th of Ye 8th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Elisabeth Barker Deborah Slocum & Patience Russell are appointed to talk


with Grizzel Shearman [Sherman] Concerning the uneasiness which She caused in


the monthly Meeting. no collection at this meeting


Ye 16th of Ye 9th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth


Grizzell Sherman hath made Satisfaction for the uneasiness which She


Caused in this meeting: appointed to Attend the Quarterly meeting Hannah


Mosher Patience Russell. Collected at this meeting 00£=04s=06d


Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly


meeting; Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw up the Deniel of Lydia


Cornwell and bring to the Next monthly meeting She Refusing to


take up with friends advice


The 21st of Ye 10th Mo 1754


Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Elisabeth Gidley hath made friends Satisfaction Concerning her


Marrying: Lydia Cornwell was Denied at this meeting for her disorderly


Marrying: Elisabeth Gidley and Deborah Slocum are appointed to


talk with Neomy Trafford Anna Ricketson & Ruth Anthony for


their Disorderly proceeding; no Collection at this meeting


The 18th of Ye 11th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Ruth Shearman [Sherman] and Alice Anthony Were appointed to make


Enquiery into the Conversation of Judah Killey [Kelley] and make return


to the Next monthly meeting: no Collection at this meeting


The 16th of Ye 12th Mo 1754


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Wher Benjamin Wing and Bethsheba Potter Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting; they were Desired to wait for their


Answer untill the Next monthly meeting: Abigail Kerby [Kirby] and Ruth


Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans


Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next monthly meeting


Hannah Briggs hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorder in


marrying Apphia Mott and Kezia Wood are to attend the Quarterly


meeting, and Apphia Mott is to attend Draw an Epistle to the Same:


Taken out of the Stock for LS two pound three shillings; This meeting


hath made choice of Susannah Gifford & Hannah Tucker to talk


with Rebekah Slocum for her Disorders: Apphia Mott is to write a


Certificate for Judith Killey [Kelley]; Collected at this meeting 01£=06S=10D


The 20th of Ye 1st Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Benjamin Wing and Bethsheba Potter both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage & they appeard


Clear from all others their answer was that they might proceed in


Marriage Between this ^& the Next monthly meeting observing Good


Orders: Walter Cornwell and Ruth Wood laid their Intention of


marriage before this meeting th[e]y were Desired to wait for their


Answer untill the Next Monthly meeting Elisabeth Gidley Patience


Gifford are appointed to make Enquiery concerning the young


Womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Return to the Next


monthly meeting: no Collection at this meeting


The 17th of Ye 2d Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Walter Cornwell and Ruth Wood both appeared and Signified the Continu-


ation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clear from all


others their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between this


and the Next monthly meeting Observing Good orders: Collected at this Meet-


ing 00£=13s=6d


The 17th of Ye 3d Mo 1755


Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Elizabeth Gidley Patience Russell are appointed to talk with Silvia


Wilcocx [Wilcox] Concerning her Disorder mmarrying; this meeting hath made


Choise of hannah Tucker & Hephzibeh Hussey to purge our monthly


meeting of Disorderly persons for time to come: Apphia Mott Hephzi-


beh Hussey Ruth Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to Settle the accompts of this


meeting no Collection at this meeting Sarah Howland Desires to Come


under the Care of friends


The 21st of Ye 4th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business presented from the monthly Quarterly meeting Except appoin-


ting friends to attend the Yearly meeting & the friends that are appointed


are Hannah Tucker Patience Russell; this meeting Chose Susannah


Gifford and Deborah Slocum to talk with Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] about her concern


no Collection at this meeting


The 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1755


All accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 02£-19s-10d


The 19th of Ye 5th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Thomas Cornwell and mary Russell Laid their intention of


marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer until the Next


monthly meeting Experance Smith and Deborah Slocum are appointed


to make Enquiery Concerning our friends Clearness & Conversation and


make their Return to the Next monthly meeting. Sarah Howland is


taken under the Care of friends according to her Desire Collected at this


meeting 1£=5s=9d


The 23d of Ye 6th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


by Ajournment where Thomas Cornwell and mary Russell


both Appeared and Signified the Continuation of Intention of marriage


and there appearing nothing that might hinder their answer was


that they might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly


meeting observing Good orders


Appointed to Attend the Quarterly meeting Elisabeth Barker


Sarah Mosher: no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 7th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business presents from the Quarterly meeting: Collected at this


meeting 15s=4d this meeting appointed Susannah Gifford Hannah


Tucker Hephzibeh Hussey to talk with Wath Allen for her Disorders


This meeting hath made choice of Bethiah Macomber and Abigail


Tripp to visits friends families at Acoaxet the Year Ensuing


The 18th of Ye 8th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Timothy Gifford and Martha Tucker laid their Intention of


marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


Monthly Meeting Deborah Slocum and Patience Russell are appoin-


ted to make Enquery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness & Conversa-


tion and make their Return to the Next monthly meeting no Collection


at this meeting


The 15th of Ye 9th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Timothy Gifford and Martha Tucker both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they


appearing Clear from all others their answer was that they might


proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting


according to Good orders Established among friends: Appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting Penelope Howland Alice Anthony, Apphia


Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


Collected at this meeting 00£=5s=0d


The 15th of Ye 10th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Susannah Gifford and Hannah Tucker have talked with


Elisabeth Sanford for her Disorderly Proceedings but She concluded to


proceed in marriage contrary to the Good orders of friends


The 17th of Ye 11th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting 00£-11s-6d


The 17th of Ye 12th Mo 1755


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting are Hannah Tucker Hope


Briggs Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same. no Collection at this meet


The 19th of Ye 1st Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Elisabeth Gidley mary Cornwell are chose to talk with Abigail Wing Silvia


Willcocx [Wilcox] Acknowledgment was accepted Hannah Hammond was denied at this meeting


for marrying out of the orders of friends Rebekah Slocum Remains under dealing


Still no collection at this meeting


The 16th of Ye 2d Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Alice Earl is taken under the ciar [care] of this meeting Collected at this meeting 00£-13s=00d


The 15th of Ye 3d Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Gershom Smith & Phebe White both appeared at this meeting and Signified


their Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the next monthly meeting Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher are


appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young Womans Clearness & Conversation


and make their return to the next monthly meeting: Elisabeth Gidley Hope Briggs


Hannah Shearman [Sherman] are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott


is to Draw an Epistle to the same: no Collection at this meeting


The 19th of Ye 4th Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Gershom Smith & Phebe White both appeared at this meeting and


Signified their Continuation of their Intention of marriage nothing appeared but


that they were clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in


marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting According to Good orders


Samuel Wing and Elisabeth Barker Deliverance Smith and Hannah Smith


Abiel Mackember [Macomber] & Rest Devil [Davol] all laid their Intention of marriage before this


meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the next monthly meeting


the friends appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young womens Clearness and


Conversation are Hope Briggs Ruth Shearman [Sherman] Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher


no Collection at this meeting


Ye 14th of Ye 4th Mo 1756


all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 05£-16s-04d


The 17th of Ye 5th [mo] 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Samuel Wing and Elisabeth Barker: Deliverance Smith & Hannah


Smith ~ Abiel Macomber & Rest Devil [Davol] all came for their answer and they


appearing clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in


marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders:


Francis Tripp and Content Griffin Laid their Intention of marriage before this


meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly


meeting – Phebe Smith and Ruth Shearman [Sherman] are to make Enquiery into


the Young womans Clearness & Conversation: no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 6th Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Francis Tripp and Content Griffin both appeared and Signified


the Cont^inuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from ~


all others their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between ~


this and the next monthly observing Good orders: Christopher Devil [Davol] and


Mehetable Allen laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting: they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting;


Kezia Wood Patience Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the


Young womans Clearness & Conversation: and make their return to the Next monthly


Meeting. We received an Epistle from the Yearly meeting of Newport which ~


was read and well accepted. Apphia Mott Kezia Wood are appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting; no Collection at this meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to


Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


The 19th of Ye 7th Mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where Christopher Devil [Davol] and Mehetabel Allen both appeared at this meeting


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing


nothing that might hinder their answer was that they might proceed in


marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders Established


Among friends: Mary Chase wife of Samuel Chase is received under the Care of this


meeting Collected at this meeting 00£=12s-07d Hannah Hathaway is received under


the care of this meeting


The 16th of Ye 8th mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Wait Wood hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceeding


Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] is taken under the care of this meeting. this meeting hath


made choice of Ruth Tucker to keep the Collected money. no Collection at this




The 21st of Ye 9th mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where Jedediah Allen and Eunice Wood laid their Intention of marriage they


were desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting.


Experience Smith and Patience Gifford are appointed to make Enquiery concerning


the Young womans Clearness and Conversation. and make their return to the


Next monthly meeting appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe


Tucker Deborah Russell: Patience Russell & Apphia Mott is to draw an Epistle


to the Same Quarterly meeting      Collected at this meeting -06-0


The 18th of Ye 10th mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


no business presented from the Quarterly meeting. [illegible] mary Cornwell and


Elisabeth Gidley are appointed to talk with Abigail White for her Disorders


no Collection at this meeting


The 15th of Ye 11th mo 1756


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


where appeared Jedediah Allen and Eunice Wood and Signified the Continuation


of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their


answer was that they might proceed in Marriage between this and the Next ~


monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established among friends.


Edward Wing Mehetabel Russell William Anthony, Sarah Shearman [Sherman]


Jacob Russell Phebe Willcocx [Wilcox] Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


the friends appointed to Enquire into their Clearness & Conversation is as followeth ~


Penelope Howland Hannah Tucker Hope Briggs Patience Wait [Waite] is Received under


the Care of this meeting Collected at this meeting £01-6-4


taken out of the Stock for the Use of friends £05-0-0


The 29th of Ye 12th Mo 1756


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


by ajournment. the friends that Laid their Intention of marriage before the


Last monthly meeting all Came for their answer and there appearing


nothing to hinder them their answer was that they might proceed in marriage


between this and the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established


Among friends. Collected at this meeting £00-17s-4d


Apphia Mott is Appointed to write the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting: no friends


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting


The 16th of Ye 1st Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


no business Presented from the Quarterly meeting. no collection


The 21st of Ye 2d mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Collected at this meeting 01£-8-6


The 21st of Ye 3d mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where Elisabeth Sandford [Sanford] made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceedings Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Hannah Tucker Elisabeth Gidley


Apphia Mott is to Draw the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting, no Collection at


this meeting


The 18th of Ye 4th Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Collected at this meeting for the Use of friends 01£-00-0


Ye 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1757


all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock 05£=16s=7d


The 16th of Ye 5th Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


no Collection at this meeting


The 20th of Ye 6th Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where we Received an Epistle from Newport Yearly meeting which was well


accepted, Patience Easty Certificate was read and friends had unity with it: also Sarah


Cornwell Certificate was Read and friends accepted it and She is taken under the Care


of this meeting appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Elisabeth


Barker Hannah Mosher Kezia Wood Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an


Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting no Collection at this meeting


The 18th of Ye 7th mo 1757


Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


no business Presented from the Quarterly meeting Kezia Woods Certificate


was Read and well accepted on her Return from visiting friends at Sand-


wich Collected at this meeting 00£=05=00


The 15th of Ye 8th Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Hannah Dennis hath made friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly proceeding


in marrying out of the orders of friends. no Collection at this meeting


The 19th of Ye 9th Mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Phebe Tucker Elisabeth Slocum


no Collection at this meeting. Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an ~


Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly Meeting


The 17th of Ye 10th mo 1757


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where Henry Howland and Abigail Godward [Goddard] both appeared at this meeting


and Signified their Intention of marriage, they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting, Soviah Howland Patience Russell were to make


Enquiery into the Young womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns


to the Next monthly meeting Peace Wood hath ^made friends Satisfaction for the uneasiness


which She Caused among friends. no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 11th mo 1757


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Collected at this meeting 00=18=0 taken out the Stock for the use of friends 04£=08s


The 19th of Ye 12th Mo 1757


Was Our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


where Henry Howland and Abigail Godhard [Goddard] both appeared & Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage and they appearing Clare


from all others their answer was they might proceed in marriage between


this and the Next monthly meeting According to Good orders among friends


Benjamin Shearman [Sherman] and Elisabeth Lapham Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting Patience Russell Hope Briggs were appointed to make Enquiery


into the Young womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the


Next monthly meeting appointed to attend the monthly ^Quarterly meeting Hope Briggs


Alice Anthony. Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Same – no Collection


at this meeting


The 17th of Ye 1st mo 1758


Was our monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


where Benjamin Shearman [Sherman] & Elisabeth Lapham both appeared & Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing nothing


to hinder them their answer was that they might proceed in Marriage


Between this and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders


Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Deborah Smith Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Zerviah


Howland & Robe Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the Young


womans Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting no Collection at this meeting


The 20th of Ye 2d Mo 1758


Was our Monthly meeting of womens friends in Dartmouth ~


where Thomas Hix [Hicks] and Deborah Smith both appeared at this meeting and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing


nothing to hinder their answer was that they might proceed in marriage


between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders


Abraham Sherman and Mary Howland Benjamin Butlar [Butler] and Easther


Kemtom [Esther Kempton] Israel Wood and Hannah Tripp all Laid their Intention of


Marriage before this meeting, they were Desired to wait for their


answer untill the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood Alice Anthony


are appointed to make Enquery into their Clearness & conversation


and make their Returns to the Next monthly meeting Collected at this


meeting 01£-4s-0d


The 19th of Ye 3d Mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


Where all the friends appeared that Laid their Intention of marriage


before the Last monthly meeting and Signified the Continuation of their


Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their


answer was that they might proceed in marriage between this & the Next


Monthly meeting according to Good orders Established among friends


Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia Moot [Mott] Hannah Tucker


Patience Russell Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarter


ly meeting, no Collection


The 17th of ye Ye 4th Mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


no business presented at the Quarterly Meeting Apphia Mott Hannah


Tucker Ruth Tucker are appointed to Ballance the accompt of this meeting


Nothing Collected at this meeting


The 14th of Ye 5th Mo 1758


all accompts Balanced and here Remains in the Stock 03£-8s-7d


The 16th of Ye 5th Mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ~


where Edward Thuston [Thurston] and Pernal Sawdy Joseph Soal [Soule, Sowle] & Dinah-


Tripp laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were


Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Kezia Wood Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Enquiery into


the Young womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to


the Next monthly meeting Collected at this meeting 00£~12s~06d


The 19th of Ye 6th Mo 1758


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Edward Thuston & Pernal Sawdey Joseph Sowl [Soule] and Dinah Tripp all


all [sic] appeared at this meeting and signified the Continuation of their Intention


of marriage and they appearing Clear from all others their answer was they


might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting according


to the Good orders Established among friends. Appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting Kezia Wood Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to


the Ensuing Quarterly meeting no Collection at this meeting we received an Epistle


from the Yearly meeting of women friends at Newport which was read and kindly accepted.


The 17th of Ye 7th Mo 1758


Was Our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business presenting from the Quarterly Neither was there any Collection at this


meeting Elisabeth Barker Susannah Russell are appointed to talk with Mary Wood


for her out Goings.


The 21[?]th of Ye 8th Mo 1758


Was our Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Thomas Cook and Susannah Cornweel [Cornell] Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting, Kezia Wood and Patience Russell are appointed to make


Enquiery into the friends Clearness and Conversation and make Return to the Next


monthly meeting Mary Davises Certificate was Receivd at this meeting, no Collection


at this meeting


The 18th of Ye 9th Mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


at this meeting Meriah [smudge] Hammond is taken under the Care of friends


William tripp Meriah Hammond David Russell Susannah Sowl [Soule] Levi Smith


Silvia Allen all Laid their Intention of Marriage before this meeting, they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting;


Kezia Wood & Penelope Howland are to make Enquiery Concerning the Young


womens Clearness & Conversation and make their Returns to the Next monthly


meeting, appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley], Hannah


Tucker, Apphia Mott is appointed to write the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting


Collected at this meeting 0£-11s-9d att the ajournment of this meeting


Thomas Cook and Susannah Cornwell [Cornell] came & Receivd their answer


The 16th of Ye 10th mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where William Tripp Meriah Hammond David Russell Sush Susannah Sowl [Soule] -


Levi Smith Silvia Allen all appeared at this meeting, and Signified the


Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing Clear from


all others their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this &


the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders Established among


friends Phillip Shearman [Sherman] and mary Russell Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting, Alice Anthony Patience Russell are appointed to make Enqui-


-ery into the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make return to the


Next monthly meeting. No collection at this meeting


The 20th of Ye 11th mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Phillip Shearman & mary Russell bothe appeared at this meeting


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there


appearing nothing to hinder their answer was they might proceed in marriage


between this & the Next monthly meeting according to the Good orders


Established among friends. Collected at this meeting 0£-06s-0d


The 18th of Ye 12th mo 1758


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are Hannah Tucker


Alice Anthony and Apphia Mott is appointed to write the Epistle to the


Quarterly meeting. no Collection at this meeting Rhoda Allen hath made


friends Satisfaction for her out Goings


The 15th of Ye 1st mo 1759


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Barnabas Earl & Pernal Chase Laid their Intention of marriage


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Kezia Wood Elisabeth Smith are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning


the womans Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next


monthly meeting no Collection


The 17th of Ye 2d mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Barnabas Earl & Pernal Chase both appeared and Signified the


Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing nothing to


hinder their answer was that they might Proceed in marriage between this


and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Established among


friends Seth Russell & mary Mosher Laid their Intention of Marriage before


this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next month


ly meeting Apphia Mott Kezia Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concer


ning the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make their return to


the Next monthly meeting No Collection


The 19th of Ye 3d mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Seth Russell and Mary Mosher both Appeared & Signified the


Continuation of their Intention of marriage & there appearing Nothing


to hinder their answer was they might proceed in Marriage between this


and the Next monthly meeting observing Good orders the friends appointed


to attend the Quarterly meeting is Hannah Mosher Ruth Tucker Ruth


Mosher Collected at this meeting 0£-3s-0d


Deborah Slocum Susannah Allen Elisabeth Slocum are appointed


to make Enquery Concerning Deborah Wilbers request to visit Oblong


Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting


The 16th of Ye 4th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting Apphia Mott Elisabeth [?]


Ruth Tucker is appointed to ballance the accompts of this meeting, No Collection


at this meeting


The 15th of Ye 5th mo 1759 all accompts Ballanced and here Remains


in the Stock 03£-13s-10d


The 21st of Ye 5th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting hath Chose Peace Wood and Sarah Mosher visiters for acoaxet


the year Ensuing, no Collection at this meeting


The 18th of Ye 6th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where we Received an Epistle from the Yearly meeting of Newport which was


read and well accepted the friends Appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are


Hannah Tucker Alice Anthony Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to Ensuing


Quarterly meeting no Collection this meeting is ajourned untill the first Sixth Day


in Next month


The 16th of Ye 7th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Mary Manchesters request is Granted and She remains under the notis [notice] of friends


Peace Layton [Lawton] is Denied at this meeting for marrying out of the orders of friends


Rebekah Burden [Borden] is Denied for her Disorderly marrying, Collected at this meeting 3s-9d


Easther Butler hath made friends Satisfaction for her out Goings


The 20th of Ye 8th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Nicolas Howland and his wifes acknowledgment is accepted at this meeting Leah


Merrihew [Merihew] is taken under the care of friends according to her request collected at this


meeting 00£-5s-0


The 17th of Ye 9th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Timothy Davis & Hephzibeh Hathaway Laid their Intention of marriage


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Hannah


Tucker Susannah Russell are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans


Clearness & Conversation and make their return to the Next monthly meeting, no


Collection at this meeting the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is


Hannah Tucker Sarah Gifford Apphia Mott is to Draw an Epistle to the


Ensuing Quarterly meeting Susannah Cook and mary manchester Certificate


are both Signed at this meeting


The 15th of Ye 10th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Timothy Davis and Hephzibeh Hathaway both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and after Enquiery they


appearing Clear from all others respecting marriage their answer was they


might proceed in marriage between this & the Next monthly meeting according


to Good orders Established among friends; Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith


is appointed to Draw a Certificate for Mehetable Wing no Collection


The 19th of Ye 11th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Elisabeth Tripp hath made friends Satisfaction for her marrying out of


the Good orders of friends Collected at this meeting    0£-04s-02d


The 17th of Ye 12th mo 1759


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting appoints Abigail Tripp & Hannah Mosher to talk with Bridg-


et Allen Concerning her Disorderly proceedings no friends Appears to attend


the Quarterly meeting, Apphia Mott is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the


Ensuing Quarterly meeting Collected at this meeting 0£-5s-0d


The 21st of Ye 1st mo 1760


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business Presents from the Quarterly meeting


Collected at this meeting



The 16th of Ye 2d mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No Collection at this meeting


The 17th of Ye 3d mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is Peace Wood


and Sarah Mosher Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is appoint


-ed to Draw an Epistle for the Ensuing Quarterly meeting, this meeting


made Choise of Hannah Mosher and Mary Cornwell [Cornell] to talk with Mary


Kirby for her Disorderly Proceeding; No Collection at this Meeting


The 21st of Ye 4th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting; Apphia Mott


Elisabeth Smith & Ruth Tucker are to Settle the meeting accompts


No Collection at this Meeting


Ye 12th of Ye 5th mo 1760 All accompts Ballanced and


here Remains in the Stock



The 19th of Ye 5th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Abigail Samuel Shove & Abigail Anthony Laid their Intention


of Marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Hope Briggs Kezia Wood are


Chose to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans Clearness


and Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly


meeting Collected at this meeting



The 23d of Ye 6th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Samuel Shove & Abigail Anthony both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage they appearing


Clear from all others their answer was they might proceed in marr


iage between this and the Next monthly meeting, according to the


Good order Established among friends Benjamin Russell and Elisabeth


Slocum Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were


Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Hope Briggs Kezia Wood are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning


the young womans Clearness and Conversation and make returns to


the Next monthly our worthy friends Ann Gant Mercy Redmon[?]


and Comfort Hoeg Mary Rowch [Rotch] their Certificates were Read to


Satisfaction Peace Deval [Davol] is taken under the Care of friends


Lydia Mackember [Macomber] and Sarah Mosher are Chose to visit friends


families in acoaxet this year Ensuing Deborah Slocum Hope Briggs


and Sarah Mosher are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting


no Collection at this meeting Elisabeth Smith is appointed to Draw


an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting  


The 21st of Ye 7th mo 1760


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Divers Epistles were read to Satisfaction and the Love there


in mentioned kindly accepted Benjamin Russell and Elisabeth


Slocum both appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation


of their Intention of marriage & there appearing Nothing that


hindered their answer was they might proceed in marriage between


this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders


Collected at this meeting.



The 18th of Ye 8th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Deborah Russell and Elisabeth Gidley were appointed to talk


with Susannah Russell for her Disorderly proceeding Elisabeth


Russells Certificate was Read and well accepted no Collection at


this meeting  


The 15th of Ye 9th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Joseph Slaid [Slade] and Deborah Howland Laid their Intention


of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood & Zerviah Howland are


to make Enquiery into her Clearness & Conversation and make


return to the Next monthly meeting the friends appointed to


attend the Quarterly meeting is Kezia Wood & Sarah Gifford


this meeting hath made Choise of Hannah Tucker Alice Anth-


-ony Elisabeth Smith for to Visit friends families in apponegan-


sett the year Ensuing and for aquishnet Sarah taber Hannah


Hathaway and Lois Hathaway Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith


is to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting now Ensuing


no Collection at this meeting


The 20th of Ye 10th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Joseph Slaid [Slade] and Deborah Howland both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there


appearing Nothing that hindered their answer was they might


proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting


Observing Good orders, No collection at this meeting


The 13th of Ye 11th mo 1760


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Deborah Haydons [Haydens] Certificate was read and well Accepted. No


Collection at this meeting


The 15th of Ye 12th mo 1760


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Apphia Mott and Elisabeth Smith were appointed to


Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting and to answer


the Queries Collected at this meeting



The 19th of Ye 1st mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


No business Presented from the Quarterly meeting no Collection


at this meeting


The 16th of Ye 2d mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Weston Briggs and Phebe Russell Laid their Intention


of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Hope Brigs [Briggs] and Alice Anthony


are appointed to make Enquiery into the young womans Clearness


and Conversation and make return to the Next monthly


meeting Ruth Gifford and Mary Hammond have both made


friends Satisfaction for their marrying out of the Good order


of friends no Collection at this meeting mary Wilber is Denied


for marry [sic] out of the Good order of friends


The 16th of Ye 3d mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Weston Briggs and Phebe Russell both appeared


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage


and they appearing Clear from all others their Answer was


that they might Proceed in Marriage between this and the


Next monthly meeting observing Good orders; Mary Akins [Akin] hath


made Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Good order of


friends Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is to Draw an Epistle


to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting the friends appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting is Jane Smith & hannah Wood no Collection


at this meeting


The 20th of Ye 4th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Darthmouth


taken out of the Stock for the use of friends £6-00-00


Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith and Ruth Tucker are appointed


to ballance the accompts of this meeting Collected at this meeting £1-11-3


The 16th of Ye 5th mo 1761


accompts Ballanced and here remains in the Stock £01-09-00


The 18th of Ye 5th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Daniel Russell Mary Russell Joseph Gifford & Hannah Howland


Samuel Smith Mary Anthony all Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their Answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Soviah Howland mary Smith are


appointed to make Enquiery into the young womans Clearness and


Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly meeting


Collected at this meeting £00-7s-9d Peace Cornwell [Cornell] hath made


friends Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Good order of friends


The 22d of Ye 6th Mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Daniel Russell and Mary Russell Joseph Gifford


and Hannah Howland Samuel Smith and Mary Anthony all


appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their


Intention of marriage & they appearing Clear from all others


their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this


and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Establish


ed among friends. the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting is Kezia Wood Elisabeth Smith Apphia Mott & Elisabeth


Smith is to Draw an Epistle to the Same Collected at this meet-


ing 0-7-0 we well accepted the Epistle from Newport yearly


meeting Jemima Allen Certificate was read and well accepted


The 20th of Ye 7th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Collected at this meeting £00-4-6


The 17th of Ye 8th Mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Mary Cornwell [Cornell] Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley] are appointed to make Enquiery


into the Conversation of Sarah Barker & Sarah Anthony


when Resident among us no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 9th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Abigail Shepherd Hannah ^Taber [Hannah?] Allen Eunice Allen


all their Certificates were read and accepted Salomy West and


Alice Gifford and her Daughter Rachel are all taken under


the care of friends according to their request Sarah Wood


hath maid friends Satisfaction for her Disorderly Proceedings


the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is Patience Russell


Peace Daval [Davol] Elisabeth Gidly [Gidley] no Collection at this meeting


Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an


Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


The 19th of Ye 10th Mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Luthan Wood and Sarah Tucker both appeared and


Signified their Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for


their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, no Collection at


this meeting


The 16th of Ye 11th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Luthan Wood and Sarah Tucker both appeared and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there


appeared Nothing that hindred their answer was they might


Proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly


meeting, observing Good orders Nicolas Davis and Sarah


Williams Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting Elisabeth Gidley and Susannah Russell


were appointied to make Enquiery into the young womans


Clearness and Conversation and make return to the Next


monthly meeting no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 12th mo 1761


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Nicolas Davis and Sarah Williams both appeared


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage


and there appearing nothing that hindered them their answer


was they might Proceed in marriage between this & the Next


monthly meeting, observing Good orders appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting Apphia Mott Hephzibeh Hussey and


Jane Smith. Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith is appointed


to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


no Collection at this meeting


The 18th of Ye 1st mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Elnathan Eldredg [Eldridge] and Ann Allen Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait


for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, Susannah


Russell & Lois Hathaway are appointed to make Enquiery


Concerning the young womans Clearness and Conversation and


make Return to the Next monthly meeting, Hannah Gidly [Gidley]


Desired the Liberty of Sitting in the monthly meeting her


request is Granted Patience & Rebecka Tuckers requests is


Granted as to the Liberty of Sitting in the monthly meeting


Susannah Davels [Davols] request is Granted as to be taken under


the care of friends Collected at this meeting £00 -11-6


The 15th of Ye 2d mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Elnathan Eldredg [Eldridge] & Ann Allen both appeared at this


meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marri-


-age & there appearing nothing to hinder their answer was they


might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly


meeting, observing Good orders Humphry Smith & Rebekah


Slocum Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly


meeting Alice Anthony Elisabeth Slocum were appointed to make


Enquiery into the young womans Clearness & Conversation & make


return to the Next monthly meeting, Also John Akins [Akin]


and Peace Russell Laid their Intention of marriage before this


meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the


Next monthly meeting Hephzibeh Hussey Jane Smith were


to make Enquiery Concerning the young womans Clearness &


Conversation and make returns to the Next monthly meeting


Ignatious Dillingham and Deborah Gifford both appeared at this


meeting and Signified their Intention of marriage they were Desired


to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting, Hannah


Tucker & frances Bowdish [Bowditch] were to make Enquiery into the young


womans Clearness & Conversation & make return to the Next


monthly meeting Elisabeth Russell Now wife of Elisha Russell


is Denied for marrying out of the unity friends this meeting


is a[d]journed from ye 15th of ye 2d mo to ye 22d of ye Same


Inclusive Collected at this meeting 0-1s-8d at the a[d]journment


of this meeting Henry Russell and Mary Bayton [Brayton] Laid their


Intention of marriage they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting


The 15th of Ye 3d mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where Humphry Smith Rebecka Slocum John Akins [Akin] & Peace


Russell Ignatious Dillingham & Deborah Gifford all appeared


at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intentions


of marriage they appearing clear from all others their answer


was they might Proceed in marriage between this & the Next


monthly meeting according to Good orders Henry Russells &


Mary Braytons answer was they might Proceed in marriage


Between this & the Next monthly meeting; George Sandford [Sanford] and


Rachel Gifford Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting Kezia Wood & Mary Smith were to make


Enquiery Into the young womans Clearness & Conversation


and make returns to the Next monthly meeting


The 19th of Ye 4th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting


being Called on here appears Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith for


Ponagansett [Apponagansett] none for acoxet Elisabeth and Lydia Maxfeld Desires


to be taken under the Care of friends


The 17th of Ye 5th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth


Elisabeth and Lydia Maxfeld are taken under the care of friends


according to their Request no Collection at this meeting


The 21st of Ye 6th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparatives meetings belonging to this meeting being


Called on the Representatives are as followeth for Ponaganset


Hepzibeh Hussey Elisabeth Smith for acoaxet Pace Dival [Davol] Hannah


Wood Rachel Riders Request is granted and she is taken under


the Care of friends; we Receivd an Epistle from the Yearly


meeting at Newport which was Read and well accepted Peace Wood


Apphia Mott is appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Apphia


Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to write an Epistle to the Ensuing


Quarterly meeting Amey [Almy?] Slocum hath maid friends Satisfaction for


her outgoings Ruth Sowl [Soule] is Denied at this meeting for marrying


from among friends


The 19th of Ye 7th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Praparative meetings being called on belonging to this


meeting the Represantatives are as followeth for Ponaganset Hepzibeh


Hussey Jane Smith for acoaxet Kezia Wood Dinah Sowl [Soule] Peace Wood


Peace Dival [Davol] are appointed to Visit friends families in acoaxet for


the year Ensuing Several Epistles were read to Satisfaction


The 16th of Ye 8th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Elisabeth Smith Jane Smith for acoaxet Peace Dival [Davol]


Hannah Wood Elisabeth Smith Deborah Haydon [Hayden] Reliance


Shepherd Alice Anthony Jane Smith are appointed to visit friends


families in Ponaganset the year Ensuing


The 20th of Ye 9th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on the Representatives


are as followeth for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith


for acoaxet Lydia Mackember [Macomber] Peace Dival [Davol] Samuel Shove & Rebec-


ka Tucker Laid their Intention of Marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer till the Next


monthly meeting


The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is as followeth


Penelope Howland Susannah Allen Sarah Gifford Abigail Tripp Apphia


Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing


Quarterly meeting; the Queries were Read and answered in this meet-


-ing this meeting is a[d]journed from ye 20th of ye 9th mo to ye first


of ye 10th mo 1762 The first of ye 10th mo 1762 was our monthly


meeting of women friends held by a[d]journment Lydia Tripp was Denied


at this meeting for marrying out of ye unity of friends


The 18th of Ye 10th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting


being Called on the Representatives are as followeth for pona-


ganset Hepzibeh Hussey Elisabeth Slocum for acoaxet Sarah Mosher


only Samuel Shove and Rebecka Tucker both appeared and Sig-


nified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they app-


earing Clear from all others Respecting marriage their answer was


that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next


monthly meeting according to Good order Adam Mott and Rachel


Rider Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly




The 15th of Ye 11th Mo 1762


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears


for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Deborah Haydon [Hayden] none appeared


for acoaxet Thomas Russell & Edith Sherman Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer till the Next monthly meeting Abigail Briggs hath


made friends hath made friends Satisfaction for her marrying


out of the unity of friends Hannah Dival [Davol] and Anna Hix are


taken under the Care of friends according to their Request


The 20th of Ye 12th Mo 1762


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears


for Ponaganset Jane Smith Sarah Howland for acoaxet Hannah


Wood Peace Dival [Davol] Adam Mott & Rachel Rider Thomas Russell


and Edith Sherman all appeared at this meeting and Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage their answer


was that they might proceed between this & the Next monthly


meeting Observing good orders Ebenezar Mosher & Jane Craw


Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were


Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meet


ing Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are to Draw an Epistle to the


Ensuing Quarterly meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill the


first Sixth Day in the Next month the friends appointed to


attend the Quarterly meeting is Jane Smith Peace Dival [Davol]


The 17th of ye 1st mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Ebenezar Mosher & Jane Craw appeared for their


answer and there appeared Nothing to hinder them Respecting


marriage their answer was that they might Proceed in Some


Convenient time between this and the Next monthly meeting


Observing good orders Lydia Barkers Certificate was read and


accepted this meeting is a[d]journed untill the Last fourth Day


in the month


The 21st of ye 2d mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appeared


for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey mary Russell and for acoaxet


Sarah tripp John Dillingham and Ruth Gifford Elihu Russell and


Elisabeth Slocum all Laid their Intention of marriage before this


meeting they were Desired to wait for their Answer untill the


Next monthly meeting Cyntha Wood and Elisabeth Slocum are


both taken under the Care of friends according to their Request


Rachel Wood and hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings


The 21st of ye 3d mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparatives meetings being Called on here appears


for Ponaganset Jane Smith Elisabeth Slocum and for acoaxet


Peace Dival [Davol]; John Dillingham & Ruth Gifford Elihu Russell


and Elisabeth Slocum all appeared at this meeting and Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing


Clear from all others with respect to marriage their answer was


they might Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting


Observing Good orders Henry Smith and Cyntha Wood Laid their


Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait


for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting; Zerviah


Howland Elisabeth Slocum Sarah Gifford are appointed to talk with


Barshaba Gifford upon her Requesting a Certificate from this


monthly meeting, the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting is Peace Dival [Davol] Ruth Tucker Elisabeth Slocum Apphia


Mott Elisabeth Smith Jane Smith are appointed to Draw an


Epistle to the Same this meeting hath made Choice of Hannah


Tucker & Hepzibeh Hussey for Elders the Queries was read in this


meeting and answered by the acoaxet visiters


Likewise the visiters Inform that they have made a general


visit the matter Concerning Edith Tripp is Refered untill the Next


monthly meeting Alice Smith her Paper is accepted that She Sees it is


read Publickly Hepzibeh Hussey and Jane Smith are appointed to Draw


a paper of Denial against Abigail Mackember [Macomber] and Zilpha Dival [Davol] for thar


Scandalous Proceedings this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth Day in


Next month Jemimah Davis hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings


The 18th of ye 4th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for ponaganset


Mary Russell for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule] Henry Smith and Cyntha Wood


both appeared and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage


and there appears nothing to hinder their answer was they might Proceed


between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good orders Abner


Shepherd and Hannah Gifford Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer till the Next monthly meeting


Alice Smith hath made friends Satisfaction for her outgoings Hannah


Tucker and ruth Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery Concerning


Francis [Frances] Bowdish her Conversation upon her a Certificate from this meeting


Hannah Tucker and Ruth Tucker are appointed to make Enquiery


Concerning Deborah and Ruth Dillinghams Life and Conversation upon


their Requesting a few Lines from this meeting by way of Certificate and


Likewise they are to Draw them; Sarah Willcox [Wilcox] hath mad[e] friends


Satisfaction for her outgoings Edith Tripps Paper is accepted if She Sees it read


Publickly Alice Anthony Jane Smith Elisabeth Smith Sarah Gifford


Elisabeth Slocum are Chose visiters for the year Ensuing Deborah Allen


is taken under the Care of friends according to her request


The 8th of ye 5th mo 1763


all accompts Ballanced and here Remains in the Stock £4-13-0


The 16th of ye 5th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several preparative meetings being called on there appeared


for ponaganset Patience Russell Pheba Slocum


for acoxet Peace Dival [Davol] Sarah Tripp Abner


Shepherd & Hannah Gifford both appeared at this meeting and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage


and they appearing clear from all others respecting marriage their answer


was that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the


Next monthly meeting observing Good order Sarah Taber hath


made friends Satisfaction for marrying from among them and She is taken


under the Care of friends Deborah and Ruth Dillinghams Certificates


were Signed at this meeting Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith and


Kezia Wood were appointed to view the records Abigail Mackember [Macomber]


and Zilpha Divavls [Davols] Deniel [Denial] was read Publickly Since the Last monthly




The 20th of ye 6th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings belonging to this meeting being


Called on here appears for Apponaganset Alice Anthony Elisabeth Slocum


none appeared for acoaxet John Ricketson and Patience Tucker Laid their


Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer untill the Next monthly meeting the friends appointed to attend


the Quarterly meeting is Susannah Gifford Patience Russell & Elisabeth Smith


Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing


Quarterly meeting we Receivd an Epistle from the yearly meeting at Newport


which was read and accepted Elisabeth Howlands Certificate was accepted


this meeting is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month


The 18th of ye 7th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings belonging to this meeting being


Called on here appears for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule] Mary Mackember [Macomber] none for


apponagansett John Ricketson and Patience Tucker both appeared at this


meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and


there appearing nothing to hinder them Respecting marriage their answer


was that they might Proceed in marriage between this and the Next month-


ly meeting according to the good order Established among friends freeborn


Riders Certificate was read and accepted


The 15th of ye 8th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


apponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey & Elisabeth Slocum for acoaxet Hannah Wood


The 19th of ye 9th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Several Preparitive meetings being Called on here appears for


apponaganset Alice Anthony & Deborah Hayden for acoaxet Sarah Mosher


Lydia Mackember [Macomber] Benjamin Tucker and Silvia Ricketson Laid their


Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for


their answer untill the Next monthly meeting Kezia Wood and Sarah


Gifford are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting apphia Mott is


to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting this meeting is adjourned


untill the first Sixth Day in Next month


The 17th of ye 10th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appears


for apponagansett Elisabeth Slocum none for acoaxet Benjamin Tucker


and Silvia Ricketson both appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation


of their Intention of marriage there appearing Nothing to hinder thar answer


was they might proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly


meeting observing good orders


The 21st of 11th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth where the


Several Preparative meetings being Called on there appears for apponaganset


Sarah Gifford & Deborah Willber [Wilbur] Anna Russells Certificate was


read and accepted


The 19th of ye 12th mo 1763


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on here appears for


apponaganset Deborah Hayden Elisabeth Slocum none for acoaxet this meeting


is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month the friends appointed


to attend the Quarterly meeting is Alice Anthony & Elisabeth Slocum Apphia


Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly


meeting Chloe Bowen is taken under the Care of friends according to her




The 16th of ye 1st mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


apponaganset Jane Smith Patience Russell none for acoaxet, francis Coffin


and Anna Hussey Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly




The 20th of ye 2d mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears


for apponagansett Jane Smith Susannah Smith none for acoaxet francis


Coffin and Anna Hussey both appeared and Signified the Continuation


of their Intention of marriage and there appearing nothing to hinder them


respecting marriage their answer was that they might proceed between


this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Rebecka Cornell


is taken under the Care of friends according to her request


The 19th of ye 3d mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for apponaganset


Hepzibeh Hussey none for acoaxet Joseph Howland and Bethsheba Sherman


Daniel Smith and Rebecka Cornell all Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the


Next monthly meeting. Jona Sowl [Soule] is taken under friends care according to


her Desire Sarah tripp and Susannah Smith are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith Susannah Smith are appoint-


-ed to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting.


this meeting is adjourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month


Elisabeth Gidley Alice Anthony are appointed to talk with Lilias Russell


for her Disorderly proceedings


The 16th of ye 4th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparat[i]ve meetings being Called on here appears


for apponagansett Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden none for acoaxet


Joseph Howland and Bethsheba Sherman Daniel Smith and Rebecka


Cornwell [Cornell] all appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of


their Intention of marriage and there appeared nothing to hinder respecting


marriage their answer was that they might proceed in marriage between


and [sic] the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Lydia Cornwell [Cornell]


is taken under the Care of friends according to her Desire Elisabeth Howlands


acknowledgement is accepted and She remains under the Care of friends


We received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting which was well accepted


Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith Ruth tucker are appointed to ballance the


meeting accompts the matter Concerning Amey Hart and Lylias Russell


is refered untill the Next monthly meeting Deborah Allen Elisabeth Slocum


are appointed to make Enquiery into the Conversation of Elisabeth Allen


upon her requesting a few Lines by way of Certificate


ye 13th of ye 5th mo 1764


all accompts ballanced and here remains in the Stock £6-13-14


The 21st of ye 5th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears


for ponaganset Hepzibeh [Hussey?] Deborah


Hayden for acoaxet Hannah Wood Sarah Tripp this meeting


appoints Abigail Tripp Hannah Wood to talk with Hannah Potter for


her Disorderly Proceedings in keeping company Contrary to the


orders of friends no Collection at this meeting Lydia


Sherman is Denied at this meeting for marrying out of the


orders of friends Naomy Sisson is taken under the Care of friends


at this meeting according to her Request


The 18th of ye 6th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Hannah Tucker Hepzibeh Hussey for acoaxet Hannah Cornwell


Jona Sowle [Soule]; Stephen Hathaway Abigail Smith Laid their Intentions of marri-


age before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Susannah Gifford Hannah Tucker are appo-


inted to attend the Quarterly meeting. Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are to Draw


an Epistle to the Same this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth Day in


Next month


The 16th of ye 7th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmo


Wher[e] the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears


Alice Anthony Zerviah Howland for ponaganset for acoaxet Abigail


Tripp Stephen Hathaway Abigail Smith both appeared at this meeting


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appears


Nothing to hinder respecting marriage their answer was they might proceed


Between this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Establishd


among friends Jemimah Hoxie and mary Tuckers Certificates were accepted


at this meeting we received an Epistle from Newport which was re[a]d and


accepted Hannah Potter is Denied at this meeting for marrying Contrary


to the order of friends the thing Concerning Choosing overseers is refered


untill the Next monthly meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill the


twenty fifth Day of this month at the ajournment of this meeting Elisabeth


Allens Certificate was Signed according to her request


The 20th of ye 8th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


ponagansett Hannah Tucker for acoaxet Lydia


Mackember [Macomber] Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed t


o Draw an Epistle a Certificate for Anna Coffin Ruth Eddy is


publickly Denied for her Disorderly Proceeding


The 17th of ye 9th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears


for acoaxet Abigail Kirby none for ponaganset according to the good


orders of friends Hannah Mosher is taken under their Care upon her

fig. 11: The interior of the Westport Meeting House.

© Copyright Jean Schnell


Request this meeting hath made Choise of Hannah Tucker Patience


Russell Rebecka Tucker to attend the Quarterly meeting Next Ensuing


Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the


Same the thing Concerning Chuseing overseers is refered till the Next


monthly meeting Collected 00-02-0 Anna Coffins Certificate was


Signed at this meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth


Day in Next month


The 15th of ye 10th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several preparative meetings being Called on here appears


for Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Deborah Haydon [Hayden] for acoaxet Dinah


Sowl [Soule] Jona Sowl [Soule] Benjamin Wing and mary Potter Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting


The 19th of ye 11th mo 1764


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponagansett Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith for acoaxet Dinah Sowle Susannah


Cornwell [Cornell] Benjamin Wing and Mary Potter both appeared at this meeting


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing


Nothing to hi[n]der them Respecting Marriage their answer was they might


Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders


Established among friends mary Kirbys acknowledgment is accepted and


She is taken under friends Care Meribah Mosher is taken under the Care


of friends upon her Request Collected at this meeting 00-13-6.


this meeting a[d]journed untill tomorrow at the a[d]journment of this meeting


it was Conclu[d]ed that all offenders Should appear at the monthly meeting


themselves and bring their Confession Kezia Wood Dinah Russell Elisabeth


Smith are appointed to talk with Abigail Bennit [Bennett] Concerning the writing


she sent to this meeting


The 17th of ye 12th mo 1764


Was Our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Hepzibah Hussey Jane Smith None for acoaxet William


Hathaway and Ruth Barker Laid their Intention of marriage before


this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting Hepzibeh Hussey and Deborah Haydon [Hayden] are appointed


to attend the Quarterly meeting Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith Deborah


Haydon [Hayden] are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


no Collection at this meeting this meeting hath made Choise of Apphia


Mott Elisabeth Smith Alice Anthony Hepzibeh Hussey Ruth Tucker


for overseers this year this meeting is a[d]journed untill the twenty Sixth


Day of this month Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith Ruth Mosher are


appointed to Receive the Book of Discipline and to peruse it and return


it to the monthly meeting


The 21st of ye 1 mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Hannah Tucker Mary Russell for acoaxet Mary Wing


William Hathaway and Ruth Barker both appeared at this meeting


and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appear


ing nothing to hinder them Respecting marriage their answer was that they


might Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting according to


good orders Established among friends Zerviah Howland Jane Smith


and Jemimah Davis are appointed overseers of ye poor the year Ensuing


taken out of the Stock for the use of friends £02-07 We Received an Epistle


from the Quarterly meeting which was well accepted


The 18th of ye 2d mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Zerviah Howland Jane Smith none for acoaxet Ezekiel Comstock


and Mary Russell Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Hannah Tucker Hepzibeh Hussey Susannah Allen were appointed to talk with


Elisabeth Cornwell [Cornell] upon her request of being taken under the Care of friends


Abiel Husseys Certificate was read and accepted Collected at this meeting 00-9-0


Elisabeth Smith Jane Smith Alice Anthony are appointed to go and talk with


Lilias Beard


The 18th of ye 3d mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Ruth Tucker for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule] Ruth Wood


Ezekiel Comstock & Mary Russell both appeared at this meeting and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and they appearing


clear from all others Respecting marriage their answer was they might


Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders


Established among friends Elisabeth Cornwells [Cornells] request is granted and She is


taken under the Care of friends according to her request Jona Sowle [Soule] Susan-


nah Cornwell [Cornell] is appointed to talk with Patience Sowle [Soule] upon her request


Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing


Quarterly meeting no Collection at this meeting this meeting is a[d]journed untill


the first Sixth Day in Next month


The 15th of ye 4th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Deborah Haydon [Hayden] Jemimah Davis for acoaxet


Jona Sowl [Soule] Mary Mackember [Macomber] Patience Sowle


[Soule] is taken under the Care of friends according to her request


Charity Sowle [Soule] is Denied for marrying out of the unity of


friends We Received an Epistle from Newport friends which was read


and Kindly accepted Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith Ruth Tucker are


appointed to reckon and ballance the accompts of this meeting


ye 13th of ye 5th mo


all accompts Reckoned and Ballanced and here remains


in the Stock £05-13-0


The 20th of ye 5th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Deborah Haydon [Hayden] for acoaxet Abigail Tripp


Peace Divaul [Davol] Deborah Haydon Susannah Allen Elisabeth Slocum are Chose


overseers for the year Ensuing Susannah Clarkes Certificate was read in


this meeting and accepted Keziah Wood & Deborah Slead [Slade] are appointed to


make Enquiery Concerning Cibbels Sissons Life and Conversation upon her


Requesting a few Lines by way of Certificate from this meeting upon


her Removel to the Oblong Collected £2-05 2s-7d taken out of the Stock


£2-5 for to pay recording the book


The 24th of ye 6th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by a[d]jour-


nment where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears


for Ponaganset Jane Smith Elisabeth Slocum for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule]


Susannah Cornwell [Cornell] Judah Hix Daughter of Thomas Hix and Susannah


Allen are taken under the Care of friends according to their request


the Epistle was read which came from Newport and kindly accepted


Deborah Slead [Slade] and Ruth Mosher are appointed to Draw a Certificate


for Cibbel Sisson the friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting


is Jane Smith Peace Dival [Davol] Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith are appointed


to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting Collected at this


meeting 0-13-12


The 15th of ye 7th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Susannah Smith Mary Smith for acoaxet Mary Wing


Hannah Dival Zepheniah Anthony and Wait Allen Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting we Received the Epistle from Newport


which was well accepted Lilias Beard hath made friends Satisfaction


for her out goings and her paper accepted upon some Consideration


The 19th of ye 8th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called here appears for


Ponaganset Zerviah Howland for acoaxet Peace Dival Zepheniah


Anthony and wait allen both appeared at this meeting & Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing


Nothing to hinder them Respecting marriage their answer they [sic] might


Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting according to Good


Orders Benjamin Dival [Davol] & Patience Sowle [Soule] Laid their


Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait


for their answer until the Next monthly meeting Elisabeth White


wife of William White and Elisabeth Mackember [Macomber]


are taken under the Care of friends according to their Request


The 16th of ye 9th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Susannah Smith Anna Howland for acoaxet Susannah


Cornwell Hannah Dival Benjamin Dival [Davol] and Patience Sowle [Soule] both


appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention


of marriage and their answer was they might Proceed between this


and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Established


among friends Sarah Mosher and Sarah Gifford to attend the Quarterly


meeting Susannah Smith & Anna Howland are appointed to Draw an


Epistle to the Same this meeting is a[d]journed untill the first Sixth


Day in next month Phebe Wilber [Wilbur] is Publickly Denied for her misconduct


The 21st of ye 10th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears for


Ponaganset none for acoaxet Joan Sowle [Soule] John Howland and Hannah


Smith Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were


Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Hannah Russells Certificate was accepted at this meeting


The 18th of ye 11th mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Patience Russell none for acoaxet John Howland


and Hannah Smith both appeared at this meeting and Signified the Continu-


ation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing nothing to hinder


them Respecting marriage their answer was they might Proceed


between this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders Seth


Russell and Kezia Walker Laid their Intention of marriage before


this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next


monthly meeting Bridget Potter hath made friends Satisfaction for her


marrying out of their orders Abigail Slade hath made Satisfaction for her


Disorderly Proceedings this meeting makes Choise of Alice Anthony and


Susannah Smith to Draw a Certificate for Bridget Potter and Bring


to the Next monthly meeting


The 16th of ye 12 mo 1765


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears for


Ponagansett [Apponagansett] Susannah Allin [Allen] Jemimah


Davis for acoaxet Hannah Wood Peace Divaul [Davol] Seth Russell


and Kezia Walker both appeared at this meeting and Signified that


they Remained of the Same mind Respecting marriage and their


answer was that they might Proceed between this and the Next


monthly meeting according to good orders this meeting is a[d]journed


untill the first Sixth Day in Next month Alice Anthony Susannah


Smith are appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Next Quarterly meeting


The 20th of ye 1st mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Mary Russell Hepzibeh Hussey none for acoaxet this meeting


is a[d]journed untill the twenty Ninth Day of this month athe [at the] a[d]journment of


this meeting Bridget Potters Certificate was Signed


The 17th of ye 2d mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Hepzibeh Hussey Mary Russell for acoaxet Dinah Sowl [Soule]


Susannah Cornwell [Cornell]


The 17th of ye 3d mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Jemima Davis none for acoaxet


Ruth Tripp Rebeckah Tripp Lydia Tripp are taken under the Care


of friends according to their Desire this meeting is a[d]journed untill the


first Sixth Day in Next month Hepzibeh Russell Jane Smith are


appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


The 21st of ye 4th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Susannah Smith for acoaxet Jane Sowle [Soule]


Susannah Cornwell [Cornell] the friends that Laid their Intention of marriage


before the Last monthly meeting all appeared at this meeting and Signified


the Continuation of their Intention of marriage and there appearing Nothing

William Hart

& Esther Slade

Laid their intention of marriage

4 mo 1766

to hinder them Respecting marriage their answer they might Proce[e]d between

this and the Next monthly meeting according to good orders we received an Epistle

from the Quarterly meeting which was read and kindly accepted Meriah Smiths

Certificate was read and approved of Amey Hart hath made friends Satisfac-


tion for her Disorders Rebecka Russell is taken under the Care of friends


according to her request Judah Russell is taken under the Care of friends


Maxfield & Rachel Russell

4 mo 1766

Alice Anthony Susannah Smith are appointed to talk with Patience Russell

upon her Desire of being taken under the Care of friends Elisabeth Smith

Ruth Mosher Alice Anthony Susannah Smith are Chose overseers for the


year Ensuing Easther Slaeds [Esther Slades] Certificate was accepted


The 13 of ye 5th mo 1766


all accompts reckoned & Ballanced and here remains in the Stock £4-12-9


The 19th of ye 5th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


where the Several Preparative meetings being Called on here appears for


Ponaganset Susannah Smith Mary Smith for acoaxet Dinah Sowle Sarah tripp


Edward Wing Eddy Tucker Thomas Smith and Rebecka Howland all Laid


their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait


for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


Patience Russell is taken under the care of friends Elisabeth Tucker


Hath made friends Satisfaction for her many Disorders and friends accepts


her under their Care Susannah Smith and Mary Smith are appointed


to write a Denial against Susannah Brightman and bring to the Next


monthly meeting


The 23d of ye 6th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Several Preparative meetings being called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Hepzibeh Hussey Edward Wing Edith Tucker


Thomas Smith and Rebecka Howland all appeared at this meeting and


Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriag their answer was


they might Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting according


to good orders William Ricketson and Elisabeth Smith Laid their intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting Susannah Smith and Mary Smith are


appointed to Draw a Certificate for Deborah Slaid and her Children Kezia Wood


Elisabeth Tucker are Chose to attend the Quarterly meeting Next Ensuing


Susannah Smith and Mary Smith are to Draw an Epistle to the Said


this meeting is ajourned untill the first Sixth Day in Next month


The 21st of ye 7th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Preparative meeting being called on here appears for


Ponaganset Deborah Hix only William Ricketson and Elisabeth Smith


both appeared at this meeting and signified the Continuation of their Intention


of marriage their answer was they might proceed between this and the Next


monthly meeting according to good orders Susannah Smith and Mary


Smith are appointed to Draw a Certificate for Abigail Slaits and brought


to the Next monthly meeting Deborah Slaids Certificate was Signed at


this meeting


The 18th of ye 8th mo 1766 --


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Preparative meeting being called on here appears for


Ponaganset Alice Anthony Anna Rowland


The 15th of ye 9th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Representatives being called on but none appeared the friends


appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting is Kezia Wood Ruth Mosher


and Mary Smith is appointed to Draw an Epistle to the Same


The 20th of ye 10th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Representatives being Called on here appear for Ponaganset


Hannah Tucker Hepzibeh Hussey we Received an Epistle from the


Quarterly meeting which was read to Satisfaction


The 16th of ye 11th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where Hepzibeh Hussey appeared for Ponaganset Timothy Howland


and Susannah Allen Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly




The 15th of ye 12th mo 1766


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the representatives being Called on Deborah Hix appeared Timothy


Howland and Susannah Allen both appeared at this meeting and


Signified that they remained of ye Same mind respecting marriage


their answer was they might Proceed in marriage between this and


the Next monthly meeting according to good orders the Queries were


Read and answered Hepzibeh Hussey Deborah Haydon are appointed


to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting Alice Anthony and


Susannah Smith are Desired to Draw a Certificate for Abigail Hathaway


and bring it to the Next monthly meeting John Williams and wifes


Certificate was read at this meeting and accepted


The 19th of ye 1st mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the representatives being called on there appears Anna Howland Sarah


Anthony Elisabeth Russell is taken under the care of friends according to her request


We Received the Epistle from the Quarterly meeting which was read to Satisfaction


The 16th of ye 2d mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


Where the Representatives being called here appears Hepzibeh Hussey Deborah




The 16th of ye 3d mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the meeting being called on here appears for Ponaganset Hannah Tucker


Mary Russell Thomas Akins Rebecka Russell Laid their Intention of marri-


age before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Alice Anthony Susannah Smith are appointed


to Draw an Epistle to the Ensuing Quarterly meeting


The 20th of ye 4th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears for ponaganset Hannah Tucker


Alma Barker Thomas Akins Rebeckah Russell both appeared at this


meeting and Signified the Continuation of their Intention of marriage their


answer was they might Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting


Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the


Next monthly meeting


The 18th of ye 5th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears for ponaganset Hepzibeh


Hussey Deborah Haydon Timothy Russell and Hannah Briggs both


appeared at this meeting and Signified that they remained of ye same


mind respecting marriage and their answer was they might proceed


between this and the Next monthly meeting Elisabeth Smith and


Susannah Russell are appointed to talk with Eunice Kirby for her


Marrying from among friends it is the Conclution of this meeting


that Phebe Sisson Should be Denied for marry from among friends


The 12th of ye 6th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears none for ponaganset


Apphia Mott Alice Anthony are Appointed to attend the Quarterly


meeting Phebe Allen and Eddy Wing hath made Satisfaction for their


outgoings Hannah Tucker is appointed to assist concerning Setling


this meetings acompts


The 1st of ye 7th mo 1767


all accompts ballanced and here Remains in the Stock £8-0-8


The 22d of ye 7th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears for Ponaganset Hannah


Tucker Hepzibeh Hussey we Received an Epistle from the Quarterly


meeting which was read and kindly accepted


The 17th of ye 8th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friend held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears for ponaganset Susannah Allen


Jemima Davis Elisabeth Slocum and Jemima Davis are appointed


overseers of the poor for the year Ensuing Alice Anthony Elisabeth


Smith are to suppress difficulty if any should arise Rachel Wilber is taken


under the care of friends according to her Request.


The 21th of ye 9th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears for ponaganset Elisabeth


Smith Susannah Smith David Anthony and Judith Hix Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer untill the next monthly meeting Eunice Kirby hath made


friends Satisfaction for her marrying out of their orders appointed to


attend the Quarterly meeting Hannah Tucker Sarah Gifford


the Queries was read and answers accepted the Epistle was read and


approved of


The 19th of ye 10th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appear Deborah Haydon and


Deborah Hix David Anthony and Judith Hix both appeared and


Signified that they remained of the Same mind Respecting marriage


and their answer was they might Proceed Between this and the


Next monthly meeting observing good orders Sharech Dennis


and Abiel Hussey Laid their Intention of marriage before this


meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthlymeeting


The 16th of ye 11th mo 1767


Was our monthly meeting of womens friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on but none appeared Shadrech Dennis


and Abiel Hussey both appeared and Signified the continuation of


their Intention of marriage their answer was they might proceed


observing good orders Whereas our monthly meeting of women


friends was not held on ye 21th of ye 12th mo 1767 as it should


have been according to course by reason of the coldness of the weather


and we think we may acknowledge there was too much Luke warmness


and Indifferency we therefore have by the advice of ye men friends


called a meeting ye 29th of ye Same month Inclusive of carry on


our Discipline Hepzibeh Hussey and Jane Smith are appointed


to Draw an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting this meeting is


ajourned into ye 6th of ye 1st mo ye 6th of ye 1st mo was our


monthly of women friends held by ajournment


The 18th of ye 1st mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears Elisabeth Slocum Deborah Hix


we Received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting which was read


and well accepted


The 15th of ye 2d mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears Eunice Allen Elisabeth


Slocum Daniel Ricketson and Rebecka Russell Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their


answer untill the Next monthly meeting


The 21st of ye 3d mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting Called on Deborah Hix and Sarah Howland appears


Daniel Ricketson- and Rebecka Russell both appeared at this meeting


and Signified that they remained of the same mind and respected marriage


and their answer was they might Proceed between this and the Next monthly


meeting Benjamin Wing and Peace Gifford Laid their Intention of


marriage before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting


The 18th of ye 4th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being Called on Elisabeth Slocum Deborah Hix appears


Benjamin Wing and Peace Gifford both appeared and Signified that they remained


of the Same mind respecting marriage and their answer was they might


Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting David Allen and Hannah


Ricketson Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting they were Desired to


wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


The 19th of ye 4th mo 1768


all accompts ballanced and here remains in the Stock £ 9~12~2


The 16th of ye 5th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


this meeting being called on here appears Elisabeth Slocum Deborah Hix


David Allen and Hannah Ricketson both appeared and Signified the


continuation of their Intention of marriage and their answer was they might


Proceed between this and the Next monthly meeting observing good orders


The 22d of ye 6th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in poneganset


the Representatives are Alice Anthony Deborah Hix both present


Barnabas Kirby and Elisabeth Allen Laid their Intention of marriage


they were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly


meeting Mary Smith Joanna Mosher Eunice Allen are appointed


to attend the Quarterly meeting the answers to the Queries red in this


meeting and Likewise the Epistle to the Quarterly meeting and approved


The 19th of ye 7th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in ponaganset


the representatives are Deborah Haydon and Susannah Allen


Barnabas Kirby and Elisabeth Allen both appeared and


signified the continuation of their Intention of marriage their


answer was they might proceed in marriage between this and


the Next monthly meeting observing good orders Established among


friends William Tripp and Elisabeth Maxfeld laid their Intention of


marriage before this meeting and were Desired to wait for their answer


untill the Next monthly meeting we received an Epistle from the


Quarterly meeting at Newport which was read in this meeting and well


accepted Wesson Briggs & his wifes Certificate was read in this meeting


Signed from Sandwich monthly meeting


The 15th of ye 8th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the representatives are Hephzibeh Hussey Elisabeth Slocum both present


William Tripp and Elisabeth Maxfeld both appeared and Signified the


continuation of their Intention of marriage their answer was they might


proceed in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting


Observing good orders Established among friends Deborah Hix


Susannah Allen are appointed overseers for this Quarter


The 19th of ye 9th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Ponaganset


the representatives are Jemima Davis & Susanna Allen both


present Caleb Mackumber & Rachel Wilber Laid their Intention


of marriage before this meeting, they were Desired to wait for


their answer untill the Next monthly meeting the answer to the


Queries was read in this meeting and Likewise the Epistle and approved on


The 17th of ye 10th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives were Alice Anthony & Hannah Mosher both present


Caleb Mackomber and Rachel Wilber both appeared and Signified the continu-


=ation of their Intention of marriage their answer was they might proceed


marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting Observing good orders


Established among friends we received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting


which was read in this meeting and well accepted Lucy Howland is taken


under the care of friend according to her request Judith Anthonyes acknow-


ledgment is accepted & she still remains under friends care


The 21th of ye 11th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in poneganset


the representatives are Susannah Allen and Sarah Gifford both present


we Received a Letter from the monthly meeting of friends at the Ninepartners


to Desire our meeting to Deal with Elisabeth potter for her miss conduct


while she was under their care She being moved away and they not having


Oppertunity to Deal with her themselves and upon that account this meeting


hath appointed Hepzibeh Hussey & Jane Smith to talk with her and make


their returns to the Next monthly meeting


The 19th of ye 12th mo 1768


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives were Hepzibeh Hussey & Deborah Hix both present


Peleg Slocum and Lucy Howland Barnabas Wing and Jane Merrihew all


Laid their Intention of marriage before this meeting and they was Desired


to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting the answers


to the Queries was read in this meeting and Likewise the Epistle to the Quarter


ly meeting and approved on


The 16th of ye 1th mo 1769-


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in poneganset


the representatives are Hepzibeh Hussey Jane Smith both present


Peleg Slocum and Lucy Howland Barnabas Wing and Jane Merrihew all


all appeared and Signified the continuation of their Intention of marriage


their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this and the


Next monthly meeting according to the good orders Established among friends


Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish Thomas Amey [Almy] and Deborah


Allen all Laid their Intentions of marriage before this meeting they


were Desired to wait for their answer untill the Next monthly meeting


The 20th of ye 2d mo 1769


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in poneganset


the representatives are Deborah haydon not presen Elisabeth Slocum present


Bartholomew Taber and Mercy Bowdish Thomas Amey and Deborah Allen


all appeared and Signified the continuation of their Intention of marriage


their answer was they might proceed in marriage between this and the


Next monthly meeting observing good orders Established among friends


The 20th of ye 3d mo 1769


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives are Alice Anthony & Elisabeth Slocum both present


James Davis and Patience Russell Laid their Intention of marriage


before this meeting they were Desired to wait for their answer untill


the Next monthly meeting Sarah Gifford & Phebe Slocum Hannah Mosher


are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting the answers to the Queries


was read in this meeting & Likewise the Epistle and approved on


The 17th of ye 4th mo 1769


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives are Susannah Allen Deborah Hix both present


James Davis and Patience Russell both appeared and Signified the continu-


ation of their Intention of marriage their answer was they might proceed


in marriage between this and the Next monthly meeting Observing good


orders. Established among friends Hannah Tucker Elisabeth Smith are


appointed to make Enquiery concerning the Life and conversation of


Johanna Mosher & Elisabeth Tripp upon their requesting a Certificate


from this meeting Elisabeth Slocum & Lydia Wing are appointed to


talk with Rachel Mackumber upon her requesting a certificate


from this meeting Dinah Ricketson hath made friends Satisfaction for


her outgoings an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting was read in this


meeting to Satisfaction Deborah Hix is appointed Treasurer


The 15th of ye 5th mo 1769


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives are Deborah Haydon Jemimah Davis both present


The 19th of ye 6th mo 1769


Was our monthly meeting of women friends held in Poneganset


the representatives are Alice Anthony Elisabeth Slocum both present


Our Esteemed friend Rachel Wilson hath visited this meeting with


her Certificate from the monthly meeting of Kindal in Westmorland


ye 24th of ye 6th mo 1768 with the Concuring meetings from the


Quarterly meetings in Kindal for Westmorland ye 7th of ye 1 mo 1768


which hath been read to good Satisfaction & her visit kindly accepted


Our Esteemed friend Sarah Hopkins hath visited this meeting with her


Certificate from the monthly held at Haddonfield in the County of Glou-


cester ye 9th of ye 5th 1769 which hath been read in this meeting to good


Satisfaction and her visit kindly accepted: Elisabeth Potter hath


made friends Satisfaction for her out goings the answer to the


Queries was read in this meeting and Likewise the Epistle to the


Quarterly meeting and approved on Jane Smith Deborah Haydon


are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Mercy Taber Elisabeth


Tripp and Rachel Mackumber Certificates was all Signed at this meeting


7th mo


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in

Dartmouth the 17th of the 7th Month 1769


the Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum Present we



Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting which was

Read and kindly Excepted Hiphsiba Hussey Jane Smith and


Deborah Haydon are appointed to Draw a Sertificate for Edith


Wing and Jane Wing if upon Enquiry they think Proper this Meeting


hath made Choice of Hiphsiba Hussey for a Clark to the Meeting this


year Apphia Mott Hannah Tucker Elisabeth ^Smith are appointed to purruse


the Monthly Meeting Minits to See what part they Shall think proper


to put on Record


8th mo


At a Monthly Meeting f women friends held in Dartmouth

the 21th of the 8th Month 1769 the Representatives are Deborah Haydon

Z. Ricket=


and Amy Barker Deborah Haydon present Abraham Smith and Zerviah

Ricketson appeared at this Meeting and Signified theire Intention of


Marriage they are Desired to weight Untill the Next Monthly Meeting



for there answer Peace Shearman hath made Satisfaction for her

Transgression which was the Sin of Fornication Amy Barker & Jemimah


Davis are appointed to Make Inquiry into Zerviah Ricketson Clearness


Respecting Marriage and Conversation and make Report to the Next Monthly





Meeting Jane Wing and Edith Wing Certificates was both Signed to the

Monthly Meeting of Sandwich Apphia Mott Elisabeth Smith Alice Anthony

Deborah Hicks Deborah Allen are appointed Overseers for one year

9 mo


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 18th of the 9th Month 1769 the Representatives are Mary Smith and Han=




=nah Mosher both present Abraham Smith and Zerviah Ricketson appeared

for there answer and we finding Nothing to Hinder there answer was

they Might proseed to take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenant



Time between this and the Next Monthly Meeting According to the Good

Order of friends John Tucker and Roda Wing appeared at this


Meeting and Signified there Intention of Marriage they are Desireed


to weight untill the Next Monthly Meeting for there answer and



Mary Smith and Mary Shearman are appointed to See into Roda Wing

Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make Report


to the Next Monthly Meeting Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen are


appointed to Make Inquiry into Elizabeth Gifford Life and Conver=



=sation and Draw a Certificate and bring it to the Next Monthly Meet=

=ing if they think proper the Epistle with the answers to the Queries were


Read in this Meeting and approved and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting


by our Representatives which are Alice Anthony Deborah Haydon Sarah



Gifford, Roda Wing hath Produced a Sertificate from the Monthly Meet=



=ing of Acoaksett which this Meeting Accepts, Pheby Sisson hath made friends

Satisfaction for Marrying out of the Unity of Friends

[inserted from the end of the book]


At our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the


18th of the 9th Month 1769


Our Friend Paul Russell Aaquainted This Meeting that he


had it on his Mind to Visit Pembrook [Pembroke] Quarterly Meeting


which This Meeting has unity with


A True Coppy of a minute of our Sd Meeting [?]


[?] Russell Clerk


10 mo:


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 16th of the 10th Month 1769 Apphia Mott Chose Clark for this day



John Tucker and Roda Wing appeared for there answer which was they

Might Proseed to take Each other in Marriage between this and the next


Monthly Meeting According to the Good order of friends William



Taber and Martha Hart appeared at this Meeting and Signified there

Intention of Marriage and was Desireed to weight untill the Next


Monthly Meeting for theire answer Apphia Mott and Ruth Tucker


are appointed to See into Martha Hart Clearness Respecting Marriage


and Conversation and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Han=



=nah Tucker and Susannah Russell are appointed to talk with Rebecca

Cornel Concerning her Request to Come under the Care of friends and


Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting hath Signed a



Removal Sertificate for Elizabeth Gifford to the Monthly Meeting of

Acoakset Naomy Howland and Deborah Hicks are appointed to Draw


a Sertificate for Mary Haymond if upon Inquiry they think proper


and bring it to the Next Monthly Meeting


11 Mo:


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 19th of the 11th Month 1769 the Representatives are Susanna Smith




R Hussey







and Deborah Allen Susanna Smith present Peter Barnard Rebecca

Hussey, John Wood Dina Hussey, Increas Smith Elizabeth Barker all

appeared at this Meeting and Signified there Intention of Marriage

and they are Desireed to weight untill the Next Monthly Meeting

for there answer Catherine Briggs hath ^maid friends Satisfaction Naomy

Howland and Naomy Sisson are appointed to see into Rebecca Hussey

Dina Hussey and Elizabeth Barker Clearness Respecting Marriage and

Conversation and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting



Hath Signed a Removal Sertificate for Mary Haymond wife of Thomas

Haymond [Hammond]to the Monthly Meeting


This Meeting is Aiourned to the 29th of this Instant


11 Mo.


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by Aiournment the 29th of

the 11th Month 1769 the Representatives being Called none present



William Taber and Martha Hart appeared for there answer which was

they Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage Between this and the


Next Monthly Meeting according to the Good Order of friends Received an


Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well Excepted


12 Mo


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 20th of the 12th Month 1769. the Representatives are Deborah




Allen and Mary Smith both present, Peter Barnard and Rebecca

Hussey, John Wood and Dina Hussey, Increas Smith and Eliza=

=beth Barker, all appeared for there answer which was that


Each Cupple Might proseed to take Each other in Marriage


between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according to the Good


Order of friends Eunice Allen is appointed Overseer of Disorders


Susanna Russell and Susanna Allen are appointed Overseers of


the poor the Epistle with the answer to the Queries was Read


in this Meeting and approved Susanna Allen and Anna Hicks


are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the


Epistle with the answers to the Queries Collected £1=2s=4d old ten


1 Mo:


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 15th of the first Month 1770 the Representatives are Alice Anthony



and Elizabeth Slocum and Alice Anthony present Benjamin Howland

and Silvester Smith Signified there Intention of Marriage and was De=


=sired to weight untill the Next Monthly Meeting for there answer


and Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are appointed to Make Inquiry


into Silvester Smith Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation and


Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting Received an Epistle from the


Quarterly Meeting which was Read and well accepted Mary Cornel wife



of Daniel hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of

Acoakset which this Meeting Excepts


2 Mo:


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 19th of the 2th Month 1770 the Representatives are Jane Smith and



Susanna Allen Jane Smith present Benjamin Howland and Silvester

Smith did not appear for there answer by Reason there outward


affairs was not Settled to friends Satisfaction this Meeting is Ajourned


to the 29th of this Instant


This Meeting being held by Ajournment the 29th of the 2th Month


1770 the Representatives being Called both present friends having




Sufficiently Laboured with Hiphziba Shearman for Marrying out

of the unity of friends and She had no Mind to make friends Satis=

=faction therefore we do Disone the Said Hiphziba Shearman from und=


=er the Care of this Meeting


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


the 19th of the 3th Month 1770 the Representatives are Alice Anthony &



Jane Smith both present Benjamin Howland and Silvester Smith

appeared for there answer which was that they Might proseed


In Marriage in Some Convenant time between this and the next




Monthly Meeting Observing the Good order of friends Caleb Russell

Jur and Content Gifford appeared at this Meeting and Signified there

Intention of Marriage they was Desireed to weight untill the Next


Monthly Meeting for there answer Jane Smith and Elizabeth Smith are


appointed to See into Content Gifford Clearness Respecting Marriage and


Conversation and Make Return to the Next Monthly Meeting Rebecca


Cornel is taken under the Care of friends this Meeting has Signed a

P: Wing

Removal Sertificate for Peace Wing to the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich


the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read in this Meeting


and approved and Sarah Gifford and Hannah Mosher are appointed to


attend the Quarterly Meeting and to Present the Epistle with the answers


to the Queries


4 Mo


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 16th of the 4th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are




Deborah Allen and Phebe Slocum Phebe Slocum Present Caleb Russell

Ju and Content Gifford appeared at this Meeting for there answer which

was they Might proseed in Marriage in Some Convenant time between


this and the Next Monthly Meeting Observing the good order Esta=



=blished among friends Rebecca Rotch hath brought a Removal Serti=

ficate from the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island which was Read in


this Meeting and Excepted Received an Epistle from the Quarterly


Meeting which was Read and well Excepeted friends having Sufici=



=ently laboured with Sarah Almy for Marriing out of the unity of

friends and She haveing no mind to Make friends Satisfaction there


fore we do Disown the Said Sarah Almy from under the Care of this


Meeting Collected at this Meeting £1=15s=0d old tenner


5 Mo


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 21th of 5th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting




are Deborah Hicks and Mary Smith both present Rachil Macomber

Hath Produced a Removal Sertificate from the Monthly Meeting of

Acoakset which was Read in this Meeting and Excepted friends have=




=ing Sufficiently Laboured with Rebecca Rickitson [Ricketson] for falling into the Sin of

Fornication which plainly appeared by her haveing a Child before Mar=

=riage and She not being in a Disposition of Mind to Make friends Satis=


=faction therefore we do publickly Deny the Said Rebecca Rickitson [Ricketson] from


being in unity with friends and from under the Care of this Meeting


Collected at this Meeting £1=13s=0d old tenner


6 Mo.


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 18th of the 6th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are







Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both present Mary Gifford wife of Obediah

Gifford is taken under the Care of this Meeting Leah Shearman has Made

Satisfaction Rhoda Hathaway has Made Satisfaction the Epistle with the

answers to the Queries was Read in this Meeting and approved and Amy

Barker and Phebe Slocum are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting




and to Present the Epistle with the answers to the Queries Mary Man=

=chester wife of Job Manchester hath Produced a Removal Certificate from

the Monthly Meeting of Rhod Island which was Read and accepted Patienc





Davis hath made friends Satisfaction friends haveing Sufficiently Laboured

with Elizabeth Cirby [Kirby] for falling into the Sin of fornication and She not

being in a Disposition of Mind to make friends Satisfaction therefore we

do publickly Disown the Said Elizabeth Cirby from being in unity with


friends and from under the Care of this Meeting Collected £1=3=2 old tenner


7 Mo


At a Monthly Meeting of woman friends held in Dartmouth

the 16th of the 7th Month 1770 the friends appointed to attend this Meeting


are Susanna Smith and Elizabeth ^Smith both present Received an Epistle


from the Quarterly Meeting which was Well Excepted


The treasurer hath Paid Bethiah Wady 5lb-6s-9d old tenor for ye use


of the poor


8th mo


Att amonthly Meeting of women friends holden at Dartmouth

the 20th Day of ye 8th mo 1770


Joanna Gifford

Certif recd

Deborah Hix & Sarah Gifford was appointed to attend ye monthly

meeting both Preasent Johannah Mosher & her family Sertifcate from

The Nine Partners was Read in this ^meeting and Excepted. Hephzibah Hussey and Sarah

view minits

Gifford are appointed to look Over the Monthly Meeting Minuts & Record what

Rebec: Bernrd


Is Necary Rebaca Barnards Removal Certificate was Signed In this Meeting

Hep: Hussey


To Nantucket Hephzibah Hussey is appointed Clark for another year and Deborah

Hix is to join the above said Com.te att the Recording the Book and assist In

Settle with


Setling with the treasurer and see that the book is ballancd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

9th m.o 1770

Att amonthly Meeting of Women Friends Holden at Dartmo ye 17th Day of


the 9th mo 1770 – the friends appointed to attend this Meeting are Susannah

Lemuel Mosher

proposal of


Allen & Susannah Smith Both Preasant, Lemuel Mosher & Ruth

Gifford appear-d at this meeting & Signified their Intention of Marriage and

were Desired to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting for their answr

Silvia Smith

paper accepted

Silva Smith Hath Given In a paper to this Meeting Condemning her Marrying

Out of the Unity of friends which is Excepted, Elisabeth Smith & Neoma Howland

Inquiry to

be made

are appointed to Inquire into Ruth Giffords Clearness Respecting Marriage

and Conversation and Make Report to the next monthly meeting


The queries hath Bean Read & answrd In this Meeting together with the

sent to Quarly


Epistle and Susannah Smith Susannah Allen and Deborah Haydon are

appointed to attend the quarterly meeting and Present the Epistle with the


answrs to the Queries Collected 5s:7d old tenor Susannah Allen Ebenezers wife

overseer of


is appointed Overseer of the Poor This Meeting Concludes to Deny Rebaca

Reb. Briggs

to be denied

Briggs for Marrying Out of the unity of friends being Sufficiently labourd

With & making No Sattisfaction


10th mo 1770-

At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends Holden at Dartm.o ye 15th of ye 10.th 1770


Deborah Allen and Deborah Hix was appointed to Represent this Meeting




Both Preasant Lemuel Mosher and Ruth Gifford appeared att this

Meeting & Signified the Continuation of their Intention of Marriage with

Each other & finding them Clear to proceed their answr was that they take


Each other In marriage In Some Some Convenient time between this & the next


monthly Meeting Observing the Good orders Established amongst friends

Epistle Recd

Receiv.d an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting held at Portsmouth on Rhodisl[and]


which was Read & well Excepted; Apphia Mott and Elisabeth Smith are

Han. Winslow


appointed to take a solid opportunity with Hannah Winslow upon her Request to

come under friends Care and Make Report to the next monthly meeting

Mary Gifford

req Certifi

This Meeting hath Signed a removal Certificate for Mary Gifford wife of Obadiah

Gifford to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine Partners In Dutches County




Patience Russell & Susannah Smitts are appointed to write to Sandwitch Monthly

Meeting to Inform this Meeting how Janavereth Gifford hath Conducted Since

She has Resided among them


11th mo 1770

At a monthly Meeting of Women Friends holden at Dartmouth ye 19th of 11th m.o 1770


The Representatives are Deborah Haydon & Jemimah Davis both Preasent

Han. Winslow


Hannah Winslow is Taken Under the Care of This Meeting: according to

Treasury Settled

appointment we have setled with the treasurer and find in the stock 1lb:16s:6d


Old tenor: Lydia Potters Paper of Denial was Read according to appointment

Lydia Potter


which testified against her for the Sin of fornication having been Raboured [Laboured]

With in Love but our labour Proving Ineffectual Can Do no less then Deny


her from being In unity with us and from under the Care of this meeting


Collected 2lb:15s:0d old tenor: Taken out of the Stock 2:15:9 ol. t. for the use


Gifford Paper

of the poor, Janeverath Gifford hath Given in a paper to this meeting Condeming

her falling Into the Sin of fornication which this Meeting Excepts Provided Said


Paper be Read at the Close of a first Day Meeting for worship: She is Excused


from being Preasant at the Reading Said paper by Reason of her being at a great


Distance and a lame woman & under low Circumstances in the world

Epistle Recd

Receiv.d an Epistle from the yearly meeting of women friends held in Philedephia


for Penselvana and New Jersey which was Read & kindly Excepted ~ ~ ~ ~


12th mo 1770

At a monthly meeting of women friends held at Dartmo ye 17th day of 12th mo 1770


The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both Preasant

Jose Gifford Ju

proposal of


Joseph Gifford Jnr and Hannah Winslow Proposed their Intention of marriage

with Each other and were Desired to wait untill the next monthly meeting for

their answer and Hannah Mosher and Almy Barker appointed to Inquire


Into Hannah Winslows Clearness Respecting marriage & Conversation and make



Report to the Next monthly Meeting: Janevereth Giffords paper hath been Read

according to appointment of last Monthly meeting: The queries hath been


Read & answrd – In thir meeting. and Sent up to the quarterly meeting with the

Sent up to

Quart meeting

Epistle By the Representatives which are Alice Anthony & Deborah Allen

Phebe Brigg


Hephzibah Hussey: Phebe Briggs Removal Sertificate was Signd. in this

Meeting Recommending her to Swansey Monthly meeting: Eunice Allen


is Dismist from being an Overseer of this meeting: Susannah Smith is


appointed an overseer in the Room of Eunis Allen who was Dismist.



1 mo. 1771

At a monthly meeting of women friends holden at Dartmo. ye 27th of ye 1st m.o 1771

The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Susannah Smith both Preasant

J: Gifford


Joseph Gifford Jr and Hannah Winslow appeared at this meeting and Signified

the Continuation of their Intention of Mariage their answ.r was they Might


Proceed in taking Each other in Some Convenient time between this and the


Next monthly meeting Observing the Good orders Established amongst friends

Epistle recd

Receiv,d An Epistle from the last Quarterly meeting which was Read and




Kindly Excepted: Janavareth Gifford wife of Silvanus Gifford ^Certificate was Signd,

In this meeting Recommending her to Sandwitch Monthly Meeting

2d M.o 1771

At a monthly meeting of Woman friends holden at Dartm.o ye 18th day of ye 2d mo 1771


The Representatives are Jane Smith and Phebe Slocum both Preasant


3d mo. 1771

At a monthly Meeting of woman friends holden att Dartm.o ye 18.th of ye 3d m.o 1771


The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Haydon both Preasant

Dinah Wood


Dinah Woods wife of John Wood Sertificate was Signed in this meeting Recommed.

Her to Acoakset Monthly Meeting: Ann Smith wife of Thomas Smith Produced

Ann Smith


A Certificate from Nantucket monthly meeting which was Read & well Excepted

The queries was Read & answered In this meeting with the Epistle and Sent up to the

Sent up to

Q meeting

quarterly meeting by the Representatives which are Deborah Haydon Elisabeth

Slocum & Mary Smith


4th m.o 1771

At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o ye 15th of 4th m.o 1771-


The Representatives are Deborah Hix and Sarah Howland both Preasant


Tucker propo

=sal of marage

Jonathan Tucker and Mehetable Mosher both appeared at this meeting & Signified

Their Intention of Marriage and were Desired to wait untill Next monthly

Meeting for their answr Apphia Mott & Elisabeth Smith are appointed


To Inquire into Meheteble Moshers Clearness Respecting Marriage & Conversation

Epistle recd

and make Report to the next Monthly Meeting: Receiv.d an Epistle from the quartly


meeting which was Read and kindly Excepted: Elisabeth Slocum and Mary

Return from

Q meeting

Smith Report that that they attended the quarterly meeting: Susannah Allen


Wife of Phillip Allen Excus,d from being Overseer of the poor and appointed


Overseer of the Church }. Collected 2lb:2s:2d ½ Old tenor


5th m.o 1771

At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o ye 20.th of ye 5.th Mo 1771 -


the Representatives are Deborah Allen and Deborah Haydon both Preasant

Jonaa Tucker


Jonathan Tucker & Mehetable Mosher appeared at this meeting & Signified the

Continuation of Their Intention of Marriage Thiere appearing Nothing to hinder


Therefore your answr is you May Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some


Convenient time between this & the next Monthly meeting Observing the Good

Elisa Shepherd


Orers Established amongst friends: Elisabeth Shephard Produced a certificate

from Portsmouth monthly meeting for Rhodisland which was Read in this

overseer of


Meeting & well Excepted: Judith Russel is appointed Overseer of the Poor friend

Collected 1lb:13s:7½ d old tenor the treasurer is Ordered to Pay Susannah Allen 4lb:9s:0d


6th mo 1771

At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden att Dartm.o y.e 17.th of 6 M.o 1771 -


the Representatives appointed was Alice Anthony and Sarah Howland they being


Called Sarah Howland Preasant this Meeting ajorns to 24th Instant


This Meeting Met according to ajornment ye 24th Instant the Representatives being

Ann Shearman

to be denied

Called Both Preasent This Meeting Concludes to Deny ann Sherman from

being in unity of friends for marrying out from amongst us altho Precotioned

Abig; Winslow

paper read

Abigail Winslows Paper of acknowledgment was Read according to

Treasurer report

appointment the treasurer Reports She has Paid Susannah Allen


4lb:9s:0d old tenor according to Order: The queries hath been Read and

Sent up to

Q meeting

answer.d In this meeting with the Epistle and Sent up to the quarterly

Meeting By The Representatives which are Alice Anthony Susannah Allen

Rachel mac=



and Judith Russel: Rachel Macumber widow Certificate was Signed

In this meeting which Recomends her to Acaksett Monthly meeting

We have been favoured with the Company of our worthy friend Joseph Oxley

Joseph Oxley


at this meeting to our Comfort & Sattisfaction with three Sertificates which

Was Read in this meeting One from the Monthly meeting held at Norwich Old


England the 23 day of ye 3d mo 1770 And one from the quarterly Meeting in


the County of Norfolk at Norwich ye 28th Day of ye 3 Mo 1771 The third


from the yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders held in London by A


journments from ye 2d Day of 6th m.o 1770 to the 11 of the Same Inclusive


Expressing their Unity with this Concern to visit us & were signed by a large


Number of friends Both Men & Women


7th mo 1771

At a monthly meeting of women friends holden att Dartmo ye 15th of ye 7th mo 1771


The Representative are Jean Smith and Elisabeth Slocum being Called not Preasant


Abigail Winslow hath Given In apaper to this meeting (which is as followeth)





To the monthly meeting of friends to be holden at Dartmo ye 18th Day of ye 3 Mo 1771

Friends whereas I having had my Education amongst friends but through

unwatchfullness I haveing fallen Into the Sin of fornication which I am Sorry

for and Do Condemn with all my other offences hoping God will forgive me


and friends Pass it by so far as to lett me Remain under their Care Abigail



Winslow Recevd an Epistle from the quarterly meeting of women friends held att

Newport. By the hand of our friend alice anthony which was Read & well


Excepted and one Epistle from the yearly meeting in London which was


likwise Read and kindly Excepted


8th mo 1771

At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of the 8th mo 1771


the friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Almy Barker and

Abig; Tucker

denial signd

Jemima Davis both Preasant Abigail Tuckers Paper of Denial was

Signed in this meeting in order to be Read at the Close of a first Day meeting


for worship & Said Paper to be Returnd to the Clark to be Rcorded:22

to draw a

certifi for

Elisa: Potter

Deborah Allen & Jamima Davis are appointed to draw a Certificate for Elisabeth

Potter & bring to Next meeting if upon Enquirey She is found worthey: Apphia

Mott & Elisabeth Smith & Susannah Russel are appointed to take asolid


and Ann



opportunity of Conference with Mehithabel Howland and Anne Howland

upon their Request to See what the Motive of their Request Springs

from & make Return to Next meeting: Alice Anthony & Deborah Allen

are appointed to Confer with Hannah Gifford on account of her Making


friends Sattisfaction and make Report to Next meeting ----

To Revise minits

Jean Smith Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah Hussey are appoynted to


to Peruse the Monthly meeting Minits and Order what is Propper to

and Settle with


be Put on Record: & Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah Hussey are

appointed to Settle accounts with the Treasurer & make Report to

To consider the

return of Pernal

Thurston Certifi

Next Monthly meeting: Jean Smith Almy Barker & Phebe Slocum

are are appointed to Consider the Return of Pernal Thustons [Thurston] Certificate

and make Report to next meeting: Collected £2.2s.7d old tenor and the

Order on Treasurer

Treasurer is Desired to bring what money there is in the Stock to the


Next meeting


9th mo 1771

At amonthly Meeting of Women friends holden att Dartmo ye 16th 9th mo 1771


Deborah Haydon & Deborah Allen are appointed to attend the monthly


Meeting both Preasant Jean Smith and Sarah Gifford are appointed

Lucy Allen &

Mary Howland

under dealing

to Confer with Lucy Allen & Mary Howland for marrying out of

The unity of friends and make Report to Next meeting: Abigail

Abig; Tucker

paper read

Tuckers Paper of Denial was Read according to appointment of

Last Monthly meeting & Returnd to ye Clark to Record, and is

Elisia Potter


Elisabeth Potter wife of Recorded in page 268 Benja Potter Certificate was Signd. in this

Meeting Recommending her to the monthly ^meting at Ninepartners

Mehitabel &

Ann Howland


The friends appointed to Confer with Mihithafel Howland and

and Anne Howland: Report that they had an opportunity of conferri

with them to Such Satisfaction as to Desire this meeting to Refer

Han: Gifford


The Matter to Next meeting Considering it best not to lay Sudden

hands on None: the friends appointed to Confer with Hannah Gifford


Report they Receivd a degree of Good Sattisfaction but this meeting


thought Best to Refer the matter till Next meeting under the


Same friends Care and Report to next meeting



Agreable to appointment Jean Smith Deborah Haydon & Hephzibah

Hussey hath viewed the monthly meeting Minits of the last year

Settled with


and ordered what Should Goe to Record & likewise we have Setled

with the treasurer & find in stock £3=3s=8d old tenor: the Com,tt


appointed to Consult Pernal Thurstons Certificate Make Report

The matter Con=

cerning Parnel


They think best to Call in Some Men friends and Pay her avissit

therefore Jean Smith and Phebe Slocum are appointed to vissit her.

to See what her mind is in Regard to having a Certificate from this

Mary Spencer

Certifi Recd

Meeting and make Report to Next meeting; Mary Spencer broug[ht]

a removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of women friends


in Newport which was Read & Excepted: Hannah Tucker and Elisabeth

To draw a Certifi

for Mary Taber

Smith are appointed to Draw a Certificate for Martha Taber wife of

William Taber and bring to Next meeting Such as She is found


Worthy of: This meeting to Attourns to the 4th of Next month


9th month



At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by

Aiournment 4th day of the 10th Month 1771 the Representatives are Deborah

Haydon and Deborah Allen Deborah Haydon present the epistle with the

sent up to

Q. meeting

answers to the Queries was Red and approved and Signed in this Meeting

and are Sent up by our Representatives who are at this time Alce


Anthony Judith Russell and Keziah Russell and they to Make Report


to the Next Monthly Meeting


10 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 21 day of the 10 Month 1771 the Representatives are Susanna Allen

Lucy Allen

& Mary How

land referd

and Sarah Gifford both present the Matter Concerning Lusa Allen and

Mary Howland is Referred under the Same friends Care until the Next

Mart: Taber


Monthly Meeting and they to Make Report Martha Taber wife to

William Taber had a Removal Certificate Signed in this Meeting to

Ann Howland

& Mehitabel

Howland Referd

the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich the Request of Anne Howland and

Mehetable Howland is Refered under the Care of Elizabeth

Smith and Susannah Smith and to make Report to the Next

Han. Bennit.

paper to be


Monthly Meeting Hannah Bennit paper of acknowledgment was

Read and Excepted provided she Cause said paper to be Read at

the Close of a first day Meeting She being present and then Return



Certifi accepted

Said paper to the Clark to go on Record Roda Mitchel wife of

James Mitchel hath Produced a Removal Certificate from the Month=

=ly Meeting of Rhodisland which was Read and Excepted in this

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

Meeting the friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly

Made Report that they all attended & have produced an Epistle

from the Same which Read in this Meeting and the Contents there in


well Excepted it is the Conclusition of this Meeting to Disown Hope




Allen wife to John allen of the Nine Pardners from being in U=

nity with friends and from under the Care of this Meeting for her

Marring our of the Unity of friends She being timely precautioned


but to no affect Collected £0:18s:6d old tenner


18 mo 11 1771

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 18 day of the 11 Month 1771 the Representatives are Amy Bar=


=ker and Elizabeth Slocum both present the friends appointed to


& Ann How

=land Recd

Treat with Mehetable Howland & Anne Howland made a Rep=

=ort which was Excepted and the Said Mehetable Howland and

Anne Howland are taken under then Care of friends Welthon Spe=




=ncer Request to Come under friends Care and Hannah Tucker

and Susannah Russell are appointed to take a Solid opportunity

of Conferrence with the particioner to See if her Motive Sprung


from the bottom of true Conviction & to Make Report to the next

order on


Monthly Meeting the Treasurer is Desired to pay Jemima Davis

the ballance of her accompt & make Report to Next Monthly Meeting


Collected £1:19s:8d old tennor this Meeting Aiourns to 27th Instant



Friends did not Meet according to ajournment and we would Cha=

retably hope it was by Reason of the weather being very Rainny


yet there appeard Room to Dout that there was two Much Indiffer=


=ency among us which we hope to be more Carefull for the time


to Come


16 mo12


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 16 day of the 12 Month 1771 the Representatives are Elizabeth


Slocum and Alce Anthony both present the men friends Inform us


Russell not

to proceed

that they think it is not proper for Barnibus Russell to pass to

day Hannah Bennit paper hath been Red according to the appoint=

Han. Bennit



ment of Last Monthly Meeting & is Returned to the Clark to be put

on Record & is as followeth

To the Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth

15 mo 7




The 15 of the 7 Month 1771 Esteemed friends whereas I haveing had

my Education amongst friends but through unwatchfullness I have

given way to the Temptation of the Enemy So far as to fall into

the Sin of fornication which appears by my haveing a Child So


Soon after Marriag which I am Sorry for and do Condemn with all


other offences hoping that God will forgive me and friends pass it by So


far as to let me Remain under their Care


Hannah Bennet




The friends that was appointed to treat with Welthon Spencer Report they

found Good Satisfaction So this Meeting thinks proper to Except of her under

the Care of friends the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Red in

Sent up to

Q meeting

this Meeting & approved & Signed & Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting by our

Representatives who are Elizabeth Smith Jane Smith and Elizabeth Slocum


and they to make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting it is the Concl=



=usition of this Meeting that Pernal thuston [Thurston] Should Remain under the

Care of this Meeting agreeable to her Request which augh not to be


made a presedent


20 mo 1


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 20 day of the first Month 1772 the Representatives are Amy


Barker and Phebe Slocum both Present this Meeting id adjourned


to the 29 day of this Instant this Meeting Met According to adiourn=

Wm Russell

proposal of


=ment 29 day of the 1 Month 1772 the Representatives being Called

both Present William Russell and Welthon Spencer Signified

there Intention of Marriag and was Desired to Wait untill the



proposal of


Next Monthly Meeting for their answer Barnibas Russell and Anne

Howland Signified there Intention of Marriag and was Desired

to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting for their answer Eliza=

To inquire

into the young

womens Clearness

=beth Smith and Susanna Russell are appointed to Make Inquiry

into Welthon Spencer & Anne Howland Clearness Respecting

Marriag and Conversation and make Report to the Next

Return from

Q meeting

Monthly Meeting Elizabeth Smith and Jeane Smith Report

that they attended the Quarterly Meeting and have produced

Epistle recd

an Epistle from the Same which was Red and advise




therein Contained well Excepted Mary Williams hath prod=

=uced a Removal Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of

Sandwich which this Meeting Excepted


2 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 17 day of the 2 Month 1772 the Representatives are

The young



Jane Smith and Jemima Davis both present the friends appointed

to See into the young women Clearness Respecting Marriag and Con=

=versation Report that they found nothing to hinder there proseed=

Wm Russell

& Barnabus



=ing in Marriag William Russell and Welthon [Welthen] Spencer Barnibus [Barnabas]

Russell Anne Howland all appeared for there answer which

was that Each Cupple Might proseed to take Each other in Marriag

between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according to the


Good orders of friends the Committe appointed to Labour with




Lusanna Allen for her Marriag out of the Unity of friends Report that

they have Discharged them Selves and found no Satisfaction & there

Labour proved Ineffectual although She hath been much Labou=


=red with & Long waited upon therefore this Meeting being


Clear of any further Labour do Disone [Disown] the Said Lusanna Allen


from being one of our Society & from under the Care of friends


this Meeting is Informed from the preparative Meeting that





Mercy Phillips hath fallen into the Sin of fornication which

plainly appears by her haveing a Child before Marriag there

fore Jane Smith and Anne Smith are appointed to Labour with

her as they find Occation & Make Report to the Next Monthly


Meeting this Meeting is Informed from the preparative Meeting





that there is a Scandalous Report about Deborah Wilber [Wilbur]

therefore we do Appoint Jane Smith Hephzibah Hussey Deborah

Allen & Susanna Allen to Inquire into the above Report

and Labour as they May find Occation & Make Report to the


Next Monthly Meeting


3 Month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 16 day of the 3 Month 1772 the Representatives are


Deborah Allen & Sarah Gifford and Sarah Gifford present


This Meeting is ajourned to the 3 day of Next Month and


friends did not Meet the weather being Oncommon Stormy but


the 4 day of the Same Month a few friends meet a nuf [enough] to


ajourn the Meeting this Meeting is ajourned to the 7 day of this Instant


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by ajournment the


7 day of the 4 Month 1772 the Representatives being Called both present




Jane Smith and Anne Smith Report that Mercy Phillips is not in a

Disposissition to Make friends Satisfaction therefore Jane Smith and Hephzibah

Hussey are appointed to draw a paper of Denial against Mercy Philips


for falling into the Sin of fornication and bring it to the Next




Monthly Meeting the Matter Concerning Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] is Refered

to Next Monthly Meeting under the Same friends Care and then

sent up to

Q meeting

to Make Report the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read

and approved & Signed in this Meeting & Susanna Smith is appointed


to attend the Quarterly Meeting & present the Epistle with the


answers to the Queries & to Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 20 day of the 4 Month 1772 the Representatives are Phebe


Slocum and Jemima Davice [Davis] and Phebe Slocum present Mercy



paper refd

Philips paper was brought according to appointment and this

Meeting thinks proper to Let it ly [lie] untill Next Monthly Meeting

by Reason this Meeting is Small the friends that have the Care



case referd

of the Matter Concerning Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] are not Redy to make

Report therefore it is Continued under the Same friends Care

and they to Make Report when Redy Rachil Merehew [Rachel Merihew] hath




Requested a Removal Certificate to the Monthly Meeting of Sand=

=wich therefore Hephzibah Hussey & Deborah Haydon are appointed

to Joyn the Men friends and Make Inquiry into her Seircumstances


and Draw a Certificate for her if they think proper and bring


it to the Next Monthly Meeting


5 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 18 day of the 5 Month 1772 the Representatives are Elizabeth


Slocum and Susanna Allen and Susanna Allen present the friends


appointed to Draw a Certificate for Rachil Merihew Report


that her Outward affairs are Not Settled to friends Satisfaction


So it is Refered under the Same friends Care & they to Make




Report to Next Monthly Meeting Alce Phillips Requested to

Come under the Care of friends therefore we do appoint Apphia

Mott and Mary Smith to take opportunity of Solid Conferrence


with her in order to see whether the Motive Sprang from the


botton of true Conviction and Make Report to Next Monthly



Meeting we Received an Epistle from the Last Quarterly Meeting

and the advice therein Contained well Excepted, according





to appointment we have Laboured with Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] Resp=

=ecting the Scandelous Report Gone abroad & find her Gilty

of takeing Spirituous Liquor two Liberally & got off of her

Watch whereby She has fallen into Several Groce Evils and we


have Laboured with her in Love in order to Convince her


of her Misconduct but finding her in no Capasity to Make


Satisfaction, Given forth from your Committe (Hepzibah Hussey


Deborah Allen Susanna Allen) this Meeting Considering of the


Report and finding them Selves Clear from any further Labour


do appoint the Same friends to Draw a paper of Denial against


Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] and bring it to the Next Monthly Meeting


6 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 15 day of the 6 Month 1772 the Representitives are


Alce Anthony and Jemima Davis both presen this Meeting is


ajourned to the 22 day of this Instant


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held by ajourn=

Alice Phi=

lips accepd

=ment 22 day of the 6 Month 1772 the Representatives being

Called both present the Committe Made Such a Report


that Alce Phillips is taken under the Care of friends






Mary Howland wife to Luthon Howland her Mis Step

In Marr[y]ing out of the Meeting is passed by from a Verbil acknoledg=

ment and She Remains under the Care of this Meeting it was

permited by Reason friends did not take proper Care in time and

not to be Made a president [precedent] for the time to Come Elizabeth Smith

To draw a

paper of denial against

Deborah Willbor

and Susanna Smith are appointed to Join the Committee in draw-

ing a paper of Denial against Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] and bring it

to Next Monthly Meeting Alce Anthony and Susanna Smith

Elisa Mosher


are appointed to Labour with Elizabeth Mosher for Marr[y]ing out of

the Vnity of friends and to Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting

sent up to

Quarterly meeting

the Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read & approved and

Signed in this Meeting & Sent up by Apphia Mott & Joanna Mosher


which are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present


the Epistle with the answers to the Queries & Make Report to

Mercy Phi

llip[s] denial


Next Monthly Meeting Mercy Phillips paper of Denial was Signed

in this Meeting in order to be Read at the Close of a first day

Meeting & Returned to the Clark [Clerk] to be Recorded


7 month 1772

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 20 day of the 7 Month 1772 the Representatives are Elizabeth

Elishib Smith

proposal of


Slocum & Susanna Smith both present Elishub Smith and Alce

Philips [Phillips] Signified their Intention of Marriage & was Desired to

wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting for theire answer


& Mary Smith & Naomy Howland are appointed to Make Enqu=


=iry into Alce Philipses Clearness Respecting Marriag & Conversation


& Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting Received an Epistle


from Q meeting



from the Last Quarterly Meeting by our Representatives

which was Read & well Excepted and also one from the yearly

Meeting of women friends held at Philidelphia for Pensylvania

and New Jersey which was Read to Good Satisfaction the


friends that was appointed to Labour with Elizebeth Mosher make

Elisa Mosher


Report that they have Laboured with her and they do not find

her in a Disposistion to make friends Satisfaction for her Marring


out of the unity of friends So this Meeting thinks proper to Deny the


Said Elizebeth Mosher from under the Care of friends Susanna Smith

to draw a

Certifi for

Han. Bennit

and Mary Smith are appointed to draw a Certificate for Hannah

Bennit [Bennet] to the Monthly Meeting of Rhodisland and bring it to the

Next Monthly Meeting Deborah Hicks has paid Jemima Davis


£1=9=6 old tennor according to appointment Collected £3=17=6


and paid out 3:17:6 for the use of poor friends Deborah Wilber [Wilbur]

Debr. Willbor



paper of Denial was Signed in this Meeting in order to be Read

at the Close of a first day Meeting

8 month 1772

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 17 day of the 8 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah


Hicks and Mary Smith both present the Committe that was to

Alice Philip[s]


See into Alce Phillips Clearness Report that they dont find any

thing to hinder there Intention of Marriag Elishub Smith and


Smith pro=

posal of


Alce Philips [Phillips] appeared for theire answer which was that they might

Proseed to take Each other in Marriage Between this & the Next

Monthly Meeting According to the Good order of friends Mercy





Phillips paper of Denial was Read Accoding to appointment

and is as followeth Whereas Mercy Phillips wife of Peter Phillips

Junor haveing had her Education amongst friends and under

the Care of this Meeting yet by Departing from the Testamony


of Truth in her one [own] hart hath so far gone astray as to fall into the


Reproachful Sin of fornication as appears by her haveing a Child


before Marriage and friends haveing Laboured with her in Love


in order to Shew her her Error and Restore her to the way of


Truth but She not Seeing her way Clear to make friends Sattisfa=


=ction and Acknoledg her Transgression friends therefore for the


Clearing of Truth and friends from the Reproach of Such Enormous


Evils therefore this Meeting is Concerned to give this forth as a Pub=


lick Testimony against her Diso[w]ning her the Said Mercy Philips [Phillips] from


being one of our Society and from under the Care of this Meeting


Nevertheless if it be agreeable to Divine wisdom that She may


yet find a place of Repentence and by unfained


Acknowledgment of the Evil of her ways Return to the way of truth


Given forth & Signed in & on behalf of our Monthly Meeting of women


friends held in Dartmouth the 22 day of the 6 Month 1772


Job Russell



Hepzibah Hussey






And Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] paper of Denial was Read According to appoint=

ment and is as followeth Where as Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] of Dartmouth

in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in

Newengland having been under the Care of friends and Some times has


Appeared Publickly as a Minister tho’ never fully Approved of as a


Minister amongst friends Yet through the Prevailance of the Grand


Adversary of Mankind who Seeks to Devour the Innocent and by de=


parting from the pure Principal of Life & power Wherein alone is


Safety She hath so far fallen & gone Asstray, as to be found in Loose


Company and in takeing too Much Spiritous Liquor whereby She Actively


or passively fell into Gross Debauchery with Daniel Hathway [Hathaway] and


Holder Slocum as She Saith who Vilely and wickedly Committed Lewdness


with her whilst in that Condition which Shamful Conduct hath


brought a Reproach on friends who being under a deep Concern and


Excercise of Mind that the Truth and the Holy Profession we bear


May be Cleared & Preserved from Such Odious Scandals & Reproaches


and that Righteous Judgment may be brought forth and placed


upon the offender According to the Nature of the Offence having


therefore Laboured with her in Love in order for her Recovery and


Restoration from her fall but friends Labour of Love not obtaining


the Desired Effect to the Satisfaction of this Meeting Do therefore


Give this forth as a Publick Testamony Against her hereby Pub=


=lickly disowning her the Said Deborah Wilber [Wilbur] from being a Mem=


ber of our Religious Society and from under the Care of this Meeting


yet Desiring if it be Agreeable with Divine pleasure that She may yet


Come to a Clear Sight & discovery of her Error & by an unfeigned Repen=


tance & Acknowledgment of the Same be Restored to the way of truth


and find Mercy Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our


Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th Month 1772 by


            Job Russell



            Hephzibah Hussey





The Overseers Inform this Meeting that Hannah Gifford has Gone

Contarary to the orders of friends in not Riseing at Ann Gifford Sup=

plication & Married out of the unity of friends which they have


Laboured with her for it & She hath not Made friends Satisfaction


therefore Amy Barker Phebe Slocum and Hannah Mosher are ap=


pointed to Labour with her as they find Occation for her Disorders


and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Bennit [Bennet] wife




of Robert Bennit [Bennet] her Certificate was Signed in this Meeting

Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting of Rhod [Rhode] Island Debo=

=rah Hicks Susanna Allen & Deborah Allen are appointed to Make a

Eliz: Tucker

to be Visited

Visit to Elizabeth Tucker upon the account of the Sencarity of the

paper She has Sent to this Meeting and they to Labour as they find


Occation and to Make Report when they think proper


9 month 1772

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmout[h]


The 21 day of the 9 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah


Hayden and Susanna Allen and not present the Epistle with the


answers to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed and Sent

Sent up to

Q meeting

up to the Quarterly Meeting by our Representatives which are Amy

Barker and Susanna Smith and they to Make Report to the Next

Margret Straton


Monthly Meeting Margret Straton [Margaret Stratton] Request to Come under the Care

of friends therefore Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith are appointed


to taks an opertunity of Sollid Conferrence in order to See if her


Request Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction and they to make


Report when Reddy Susanna Russell and Keziah Russell are appo=

Mary Hath=

=way disorder

=inted to take an Oppertunity of Conversation with Mary Hathway [Hathaway]

on the Account of making friends Satisfaction for Marriing out of


the unity of friends and make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting

Hep: Hussey Clerk

Hephzibah Hussey is appointed Clark for this year Hephzibah


Hussey Deborah Allen & Sarah Gifford are appointed to Revise

To revise miniuts

and Correct the Monthly Meeting Minits to See what part of them

Settle with Treasurer

are proper to go on Record & they to Settle accounts with the


Treasurer & make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Alce


Anthony Susanna Smith and Deborah Allen are appointed




Overseers of Disorders for the year Ensuing Rachil Merihew [Rachel Merrihew] Certificate

was Signed in this Meetind Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting

Sandwich Collected £0=10=7 old tennor


10 month 1772

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 19 day of the 10 Month 1772 the Representatives are Susanna Allen

Jose: Russell

proposal of


and Sarah Anthony and Sarah Anthony present Joseph Russell and Mehe=

table Howland appeared at this Meeting and Signified there Intention of

Marriag & they are Desired to wait untill the Next Monthly Meeting


for there answer Hannah Tucker & Keziah Russell are appointed to See


into Mehetable Howland Clearness Respecting Marriag and Conver=

Han: Gifford



=Sation and make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting Hannah Gifford

appeared at this Meeting with a paper Condemning her Seting [sitting] at

the time of Ann Gifford appearing in Supplication which is Excep=


=ted of after it is Read at the Close of a first day Meeting She being

Mary Hath

way made


present the friends appointed to Labour with Mary Hathway [Hathaway] Report

She Gave them Some Satisfaction and Mary Hathway has made friends

Satisfaction for Marr[y]ing out of the Good Order of friends the Com=

minites corected

=mitte appointed to Revise & Correct the Monthly Meeting Minits


have answered there appointment and there Remains in the Stock



£6:4s:0d old tennor Deborah Allen and Sarah Gifford are appointed

To draw a

Certifi for

Deb: Almy

to Draw a Removal Certificate for Deborah Almy if upon Inquiry

She is found worthy & bring it to Next Monthly Meeting the Overseers



Sarah Buf=


Inform this Meeting that Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] has fell into the Sin of forni=

cation and they have Laboured with her but there appeared no disposistion

to make friends Satisfaction therefore Hannah Tucker and Amy Barker

are appointed to Labour with Sarah Buffinton as they find freedom and


make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the friends that was appointed

failled of


Q meeting

Epistle &

Coppy of

miniut Rec

to attend the Quarterly Meeting failed by Reason it was Very Stormy

Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting of women friends which

was Read & well Excepted and Likewise a Coppy of a Minit of the Last

Yearly Meeting

Eliz. Gifford


Elizebeth Gifford William widow hath presented a paper of acknow=

Ledgment for Seting [sitting] in Meeting in the time of Ann Gifford appearing


in Supplication Hannah Tucker and Amy Barker are appointed to


have Some Conversation upon the account of the Sincerity of her


acknowledgment & make Report to Next Monthly Meeting


16 mo 11


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 16 day of the 11 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah

Jos Russell


Haydon and Elizebeth Slocum Deborah Haydon present Joseph

Russell and Mehetable Howland appeared for there answer and


finding nothing to hinder there answer was that they Might pro=


ceed to take Each other in Marriage Between this and the Next


Monthly Meeting according to the Good order of friends


21 mo 12 1772

At a Monthly Meeting of women held in Dartmouth


The 21 day of the 12 Month 1772 the Representatives are Deborah

Han Gifford


Haydon and Sarah Anthony and Sarah Anthony present Hannah

Gifford paper of acknowledgment was Read according to appoint=


ment and Returned to go upon Record^23 the Epistle with the answers

Sent up to

Q meeting

to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed in this Meeting

and Sent up by Alce Anthony and Susanna Allen which are


appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting & present the Epistle


with the answers to the Queries and make Report to Next Monthly

Deb: Almy


Meeting Deborah Almy had a Removal Certificate Signed in this

Meeting Recommending her to the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset


18 mo 1 1773

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 18 day of the first Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah


Hicks and Deborah Haydon and Deborah Hicks present this Meeting


is a Journed to the 27 day of this Instant

27 mo 1 1773

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


[illegible] by appointment 27 day of the first Month 1773 the Representatives


being Called Deborah Haydon present we Received an Epistle from


the Quarterly Meeting by the hands of our Representatives which



was Read & the Contents therein well Excepted


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

15 mo 2 1773

The 15 day of the 2 Month 1773 the Representatives are Susanna Allen


and Phebe Slocum both present Collected £2 : 2s : 4d old tenner [tenor]


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

3 month 1773

The 15 day of the 3 Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah Allen and


Deborah Haydon and Deborah Allen present the Committee that was appointed


to Labour with Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] Report they found no Disposistion in her to

Sarah Buf

finton to be


Make friends Satisfaction for her Transgression so Alce Anthony Mary Smith are

appointed to draw a paper of Denial against her and bring to the Next

Monthly Meeting Hannah Cook appeared at the preparative Meeting and Like

Han: Cook


wise at this Meeting and Desired to Come under the Care of friends therefore

Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen are appointed to have a Solid opertunity


with her to See where the Motive Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction


and Make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the Epistle with the answers


to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed in this Meeting & Sent


up by Elizebeth Slocum and Keziah Russell which are appointed to

Sent up to

Q meeting

attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the Epistle with the answers

to the Queries and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 19 day of the 4 Month 1773 the Representatives are Elizebeth


Slocum and Phebe Slocum both present the friends appointed to have

Han: Cook


a Solid oppertunity with Hannah Cook to See if her Request Sprang

from the bottom of true Conviction they Report that She Gave them


Some Satisfaction and She is taken under the Care of friends Susanna


Wing request

Wing appeared at the Preparative Meeting and Likewise at this

Meeting and Signified She had a desire to Come under friends Care


which this Meeting takes Notis of and do appoint Deborah Allen


and Deborah Hicks to take a Solid Opertunity with Susannah Wing


to See if the Motive Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction and


make Report to the Next Monthly Meeting the friends appointed to


from Quartly


attend the Quarterly Meeting Report that Keziah Russell attended

and produced an Epistle from the Same which was Read & the advice

therein well Excepted Sarah Buffenton [Buffington] paper of Denial was Signed

Sarah Buf=


Denial signed

in order to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting & Returned

to go on Record Collected £1 : 2sd : 11sd old tenner

18 mo 5


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 18 day of the 5 Month 1773 the Representatives are Amy Barker


and Mary Smith both present Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] paper of Denial was

Sarah Buf=


paper of


Read according to appointment and Returned to be put upon Record

and is as followeth Whereas Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] Daughter of David Gifford

and Deborah his wife of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the

Province of the Massachusetts bay in New England haveing had


her Education Among friends under the Care of this Meeting yet by


Disregarding the Testamony of Truth in her one [sic] breast She hath So


far deviated therefrom as to be found Guilty of the Reproachful


Sin of Fornication as appears by her haveing a Child So Soon after


Marriage and friends haveing Discharged themselves in Labouring


with her in Tender Love to Discover to her the Evil thereof but our


Labour not being Effectual to friends Satisfaction therefore for the


Clearing of truth and friends from the Reproach thereof this Meeting


is Concerned to Give this forth as a Testimony against her and do


hereby Publickly Disown her the Said Sarah Buffinton [Buffington] from being


one of our Religious Community and from under the Care of this Meeting


Sincerely Desiring if it may be Agreeable with Divine pleasure


that She may yet Come to a Sense of her out going and by an


unfeigned Acknowledgment of the Error thereof Return to the


way of Truth and find Mercy Given forth and Signed in and on


behalf of our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth


The 19 day of the 4 Month 1773


Job Russell Clark


Hephzibah Hussey Clark


The Committee that was to Inquire into the Sencerity of Margaret




Straton [Stratton] Request Report that She Gave Such Satisfaction as friends

Might Except [Accept] therefore Margaret Straton [Stratton] is taken under the

Eliz Gifford

paper accepted

Care of friends the friends appointed to Treat with Elizebeth Gifford

William widow Report that She gave them Some Satisfaction and her


Paper of Acknowledgment is Excepted after being Read at the Close


of a first day Meeting She being present and Returned to the Clark [Clerk] to


Wing recd

go on Record the friends appointed to treat with Susanna Wing on the

account of her Requesting to Come under the Care of friends Report they


found Some Satisfaction and She is taken under the Care of friends


Collected £2 : 5s : 0d old tenner


6 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 21 day of the 6 Month 1773 the Representatives are Susanna Allen

Susa: Baker


and Susanna Smith both present Susanna Baker wife of Rice Baker

Hath produced a Removel Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of Acoakset

Elis: Gifford



which this Meeting accepted Elizabeth Gifford her paper is Read accor=

=ding to appointment and is as followeth

To the Monthly Meeting of friends to be held in Dartmouth


the 19 day of the 10 Month 1772 Dear friends whereas I have through


Ignorance broke the Good orders of friends in not ariseing at Ann


Gifford Supplication and Since have been Informed that I was Disorderly


and am Sorry for and do Condem hoping God will for give me and


friends So far pass Mine offence by with all other of Mine offences So


as to let me Still Remain under theire Care Elizebeth Xhermark Gifford william widow


The Epistle with the answers to the Queries was Read and approved and Signed

Sent up to

Q meeting

in this Meeting and Sent up by Elizebeth Wing and Elizebeth Sheppard [Shepherd]

which are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and present the


Epistle with the Answers to the Queries & Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting


7 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 19 day of the 7 Month 1773 the Representatives are Deborah Allen


Wood &

Benja Sawdy

proposals of


and Sarah Anthony both present Luthun Wood and Susanna Wing Benjamin

Saudy [Sawdy]and Hannah Cook all appeared at this Meeting and Signified

theire Intention of Marriage they are Desired to wate untill the Next

Monthly Meeting for there answer and Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony

are appointed to Make Enquiry into the youn women Clearness Respecting


Marriag and Conversation and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting

Epistle from

Q meeting

Received an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting which was Read and

well Accepted not by our Representatives for they failed Going and


Received an Epistle from the yearly Meeting of Women friends held


at Philadelphia and the advice therein well Accepted and also


one from the yearly Meeting held in London by aJournment


From ye 8th Day of ye 6th Mo 1772 to ye 13th of ye Same Enclusive

Order on Treasurer

was Read & well Excepted the treasurer is ordered to Pay Joseph


Russell 9£ : 4s : 9d old tenor Collected 3£ : 8s old tenor


8 month


At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 16th Day of ye 8th Mo 1773 the Representatives are

Susan: Wing &

Hanna: Cook


Deborah Hicks and Mary Smith both Preasant the friends

appointed to See into Susannah Wing and Hannah Cooks Clearness

Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report they find Nothing

Luthan Wood

Benja Sawdy


To hinder Luthen Wood and Susannah Wing Benjamin Sawday [Sawdy]

and Hannah Cook all appeared for their answer which was

that Each Cupple Might Proceed to take Each other in Marriage


Between this and the Next Monthly Meeting according


To the Good order of friends our Esteemed friend Cumfort [Comfort]

Comfort Hoegg


Hoegg Being Preasant at this Meeting Presented her

Certificate from the Monthly Meeting of hampton in the


Province of New hampshear in New England Dated ye 17 of


The 6th Mo 1773 and likewise one from the quarterly Meeting


he[l]d in hampton ye 12th Day of ye 7th Mo 1773 which was Read

Dorcas Allen



and well Excepted Deborah Allen and Susannah Allen is

appointed to take a Solid opportunity of Conversation

with Dorkis Allen Respecting the Cencerity of her


Acknowledgement Sent in writing to this Meeting and they


to Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting the Comtt

Paper sent to

oblong concern

=ing Hannah


appointed to write to the oblong Concern[in]g Hannah

Hammon [Hammond] braught a paper which was Signed in this

Meeting to the Oblong the treasurer Reports She hath

Treasurer Report

Paid Joseph Russel [Russell] 9£ : 4s : 3d old tenor for the Support of Poor




9 month


A[t] amonthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

the 20th Day of ye 9th Mo 1773 the Representatives are Alice


Anthony and Susannah Smith both Preasant this


Meeting ajourns to ye 21st Instant


this Meeting Met according to ajournment ye 21st Day of ye 9th Mo


1773 the Representatives being called both Preasant the Epistle

Sent up to

Q meeting

with the answers to the queries were Read & approved and

Signed in this Meeting and Sent up by our friends Judith


Russell Keziah Russell and Almy Barker which


are appointed to attend the quarterly Meeting and


Presant the Epistle with the answers to the queries


and Make Report to next Monthly Meeting


10 month

At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo [Dartmouth]


the 18th Day of ye 10 Mo 1773 the Representatives are Elice


Anthony and Deborah Allen both Preasant this Meeting


Ajourns to ye 25th Instant


This Meeting Met according to ajournment ye 25th of ye 10th


Month 1773 the Representatives being Called Both Preasant


Allen case


The committe appointed to have a Solid opporunity with Dorkes Allen

Make Report they have had an opportunity with ^sd Dorkes Allen

and find Some Satisfaction but She Not being Preasant it is


Referd one Month longer under the Same friend Care and then


they Make Report. The Representative Report they all

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

attend Except one which was Excused by Reason of being onwell

and hav Pro[d]uced An Epistel which was Read in this

Meeting and the advice therein well Excepted Jonathan

Jonat: Wing

proposal of


Wing & Ann Wood appeared at this Meeting and Signified

Their Intention of Marriage & they are Desired to wait

untill Next Monthly Meeting for their answer


Alice Anthon [Anthony] and Deborah Allen are appointed

Enquiry to

be made

To Make Inquiery into the young womans Clearness

Respecting Marriage and Conversation and Make


Report to next Monthly Meeting


11 month


At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo

ye 15th Day of ye 11th Mo 1773


The Representatives are Susannah Smith and Sarah

Dorcas Allen

paper accepted


Anthony both Preasant Dorkas Allen hath Given in a paper

Condeming her falling into the Sin of fornication which is

Excepted with a provisor She Cause it to be Read at the


close of a first d^ay Meeting between this and the Next


Monthly meeting She being Preasant


Corected settled with Treasurer

The comitte appointed to Correct the Minnits and Settle

with the treasurer Report they have answered there


appointment and find in the Stock 5£:18s old tenor

Barker Little

and wife



Barker Little and Elisabeth his wife hath given in

a paper to this meeting condeming their falling into

The Sin of Fornication which this meeting takes

Notis of and Do appoint Deborah Hicks and


Sarah Gifford to take a soled opportunity of Conference


with Elisabeth Little for further Sattisfaction of the


cencerity of her Acknowledgment and Make Report


to Next monthly meeting: the overseers Inform that


Russell under Dealling

Meribah Russel [Russell] keeps company with a man Not in

Vnity with friends for which they have laboured with


her and She Gave them no Sattisfaction but Persisted


and is Published and this Meeting appoints Alice Anthony


and Mary Smith to labour with her as they find freedom


and Inform her that If She Proceeds to Marry the Meeting


will Testifie against her

Ann Wood


the committe appointed to Inspect into Ann Woods clearness

Respecting Marriag and Conversation Report they find


Wings answer

in marriage

Nothing to hinder there Proceeding Jonathan Wing and ann

Wood appeared at this Meeting and Signified their

Intention of Marriage there answer was They Might


Proceed to take Each other in Marriage in Some Convenien[t]


time betwen this & the Next Monthly meeting acording

Weston Briggs

and wife



to the Good order of friends Wesson Briggs & his wife

Returned the Same Certificate as they had from hear [here]

Bearing Date ye 17th Day of ye 12 Mo 1770 which was Excepted

again Collacted 1£ : 1s old tenor


12 month


At a monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo

the 20th Day of ye 12th Mo 1773 the Representatives are


Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony both preasant: the


Comtt that was appointed to have A Soled [solid] opportunity with

Elisa Little

case referd

Elisabeth Little Make Report they have had an oppo=

=rtunity with her and found Some Sattisfaction so the


Meeting thinks to wait upon her & Rest it under the Same


friends Cear the comtt that was appointed to labour


Russell case


with Meribah Russel [Russell] Report they have laboured with

her and found no Sattisfaction but the Meeting thought

Propper to wait awhile to See whether She Proceeded in


for Mary


Marriag Deborah Hix [Hicks] and Sarah Anthony are appointed

To Draw a certificate for Mary hart If upon Enquirey

She is found worthy and bring to Next Monthly Meeting

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Epistle was Read and aproved and Signd in this Meeting

and Sent up to the quarterly Meeting by our Representatives


who are Deborah Allen & Silvester Howland and they to


Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting this Meeting


Adjourns to the 29th Instant this Meeting Met according


to adjournment ye 29th Day of ye 12 Mo 1773 the Representatives


being Called both Preasant


1st month


At amonthly Meeting of women friends holden at Dartmo

ye 17th Day of ye first Mo 1774 – The Representatives are



Case referd

Deborah Haden [Haydon] and Mary Russell Both Preasant this meeting

Thought Propper to Refer the matter Concerning Meribah

Mary Hart




Russell by Reason She is Not Married to next monthly meeting

under the Same friends Cear [care] and they to Make Report to Next

Monthly Meeting: this Meeting hath Signed a certificate for

2 month


Mary Hart to Sandwitch Monthly meeting: Receivd an Epistle

from the quarterly Meeting by the hand of Deborah Allen


which was Read in this meeting and the Contents thereof well




Meribah Russell now

Arnold is


At amonthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmo ye 21st

Day of the 2d Mo 1774: The Representatives are Sarah Gifford

3 month


and Sarah Anthony both Preasant: the Comtt Respeting

Meribah Russell Report that She hath Proceeded in Marriage


Contrary to the advice of friends and friends finding themselves


Clear from any further Labour Do Deny the Sd Meribah


Arnold from being in unity and from under the Cear of this


Meeting: Collected 3£:0s:10d old tenor



At amonthly Meeting of women friend held at Dartmo


21st of the 3 Mo 1774 The Representatives are Alice Anthony


and Deborah Allen Deborah Allen preasant this


Meeting Adjourns to the first Six Day of next mo





This Meeting Met by ajournment ye 1st Day of ye 4th

Month 1774 the Representatives being Called both

Elisa Little

case referd

Preasant. Meribah Arnold Presented a paper to this

Meeting Condeming her Marrying out of the unity


of friends and this meeting do appoint Alice Anthony


and Susannah Smith to take an opportunity with


her In order to Discover the Cincerity of her Request


and they to make Repor[t] to Next monthly meeting

Susan Baker


The committe appointed to labour with Elisabeth Little Report

they found a good Disposition in her Therefore the Matter is


Referred under the Same friends Cear to next Monthly

Sent up to

Q meeting

Meeting and then to Make Report: Susannah Baker

Request a removal Certificate to Aquoksett Monthly


Meeting therefore we Do appoint Alice Anthony & Susannah


Smith to Draw her one and bring to Next monthly Meeting


If they find things Clear: the Epistle with the answers to the queries

Darcos [Dorcas]


paper read

was Read and aproved and Signd and Sent up to the quarterly

Meeting by our Representatives who are Elsabeth Slocum and

Sarah Anthony and they to Make Report to Next monthly

4 month


Meeting Dorkes Allens Paper was Read according to appointment

and is as followeth


[bottom half of page is blank]




case referd

At Amonthly Meeting of women friends held at Dartmo

ye 18th of the fouth Mo 1774: The Representatives are Deborah

Hicks and Sarah Gifford both Preasent The Comtt Respecting

Epistle recd from

Q meeting

Meribah Arnold Report they found a good Disposition in

her Therefore the Matter is Referd under the Same friends


Cear and they to Make Report to Next monthly meeting

To draw

Certificate for

those removd

Receivd An Epistle from the quarterly by our Representatives

which was Read to Good Sattisfaction: Deborah Allen and

Deborah Hicks are appointed to Draw Certificates for all

order on


Those friends Removd within the Compas of the Nine partners

Monthly Meeting: Collected 1£:15s:11d old tenor The treasurer is


ordered to Pay Joseph Russell 12s:10d Lawfull Money and to

5 month


Thomas Phillips 1£:7s:0d old tenor

Clerk for

this day

At amonthly Meeting of women friends held at Dartmo [Dartmouth]

ye 16th Day of ye 5th Mo 1774 The Representatives are Susannah


Allen & Sarah Anthony both Preasant Susannah Smith




is appointed Clerk for this Day the matter Concerning

Meribah Arnold is Continued under the Same friends

Cear for better sattisfaction and Report to next Monthly

Report from


Meeting the treasurer Reports She has Paid Joseph

Russell 12s:10d Lawfull Money as ordered and also Pd


to Thomas Phillips 1£:7s:0d old tenor for the use of the poor

To draw a

Certific for

Sarah Cornel

Deborah Hix [Hicks] & Sarah Anthony are appointed to Draw

A certificate for Sarah Cornel [Cornell] and bring to next monthly

Meeting: Reicivd a few lines from the oblong Monthly

Recd few lines

for Hannah


meeting Concerning Hannah Hammond which Signifies

She hath bean in Some Degree orderly since amongst us

The friends hear that was appointed to make Enquiery in her


accepts her


life and Conversation Report they finde nothing to hinder

hur being Reicived therefore this meeting accepts her paper

Which is as Falloweth


[next third of page is blank]

She is recd again

and She is taken under the Cear of this meeting again


Deborah Hix [Hicks] and Susannah Smith are appointed to Draw

To draw

certfic for

Han: Hamond

a certificate for Said Hannah Hammon [Hammond] and bring it

To Next monthly Meeting. This Meeting hath Signd acertificate

for Jonathan Smith and Phebe his wife to the Ninepartn

for Jonat: Smith

and wife for

David Anthony

wife and Children

and all

others moved to Hoosuck

ers and also A certificate for David Anthony wife &

Children to the Nine Partners. Deborah Allen and

Deborah Hicks were Desired to Draw the Remaining

Part of The Certificates for the friends Removd to East

Hoosuck and bring to Next monthly meeting

6th month


A[t] amonthly Meeeting of women friends held at Dartmouth

The 20th Day ye of 6th Mo 1774 Elisebeth Smith and


Deborah Allen are appointed to Attend the monthly

Susan Baker


Meeting Signed a removel Certificate for Susannah Baker

To Acoakset Monthly Meeting and also Signed A removal

Sarah Cornel


Certificate for Sarah Cornel [Cornell] wife to Walter Cornel [Cornell]

to the monthly Meeting of Rhodisland and likwise

Han: Hamond


a removal Certificate for Hannah Hammon [Hammond] wife to

Samuel Hammon [Hammond] To the Monthly meeting at Oblong


We Receiv.d Three Certificates on behalf of our Friend

Elisabeth Robinson

& Susanna



Elisabeth Robinson which was Read and well Exiepted

In this Meeting and also one in behalf of our friend

Susannah Lightfoot which was also Read in this

Meeting to Good sattisfaction An Eopistle with the answrs

Sent up to

Q meeting

To the queries was Read and approved and Signed in

This Meeting and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting


by our Representatives who are Rebecca Rotch and


Sarah Gifford and they to Present the Epistle with the


answrs to the queries and Make Report to Next




Monthly Meeting Mary Allen wife of John Allen

Produced acertificate from Sandwitch Monthly Meeting

which This Meeting Excepts Hannah Mosher and

To draw a

Certifi for


Smith & children

Meriah Smith are appointed to Draw Acertificate for

Edith Smith and her Children and bring to Next Monthly

If They think Propper

7 month


At A monthly Meeting of Women friends held at Dartm.o

the 18th Day of ye 7th M.o 1774 The friends appointed to


Attend the Monthly Meeting are Alice Anthony &


Arnold case referd

Susannah Smith both Preasant the Matter Respecting

Meribah Arnold is Refer.d to next Monthly Meeting

Edith Smith

Certifi not ready

The Com.tt appointed to Draw Certificate for Edith Smith

is not Ready.. Rec.d an Epistle from the quarterly

Epistle Recd

Meeting by the hand of Sarah Gifford which was


Read and well Excepted Rebeccah Rotch and Susannah

to draw a certifi for

Mary Spencer

Russell are appointed to Draw A certificate for Mary

Spencer and bring to Next Monthly Meeting If they


Think Propper Clement Biddle and Rebacah Cornel [Cornell]

Clement Biddle

proposal of


appeared at this Meeting and Signified their Intention

of Marriage and were Desired to wait till Next Monthly

Meeting for their answer^ & Judith Russel [Russell] and Susannah


Russel [Russell] are appointed to Enquire into the young womens


Clarness Respecting Marriage & Conversation -


And Make Report to next Monthly Mating


8 month


At amonthly Meeting of women friend held at Dartm.o ye 15th

Day of ye 8th M.o 1774. The Representatives are Susannah

matter of

Merebah Arnold


Allen and Sarah Howland both Preesent the Matter Respeit

ing Meribah Arnold is Refered to Next monthly Meeting

Jamimah Davis Sarah Gifford are appointed to Draw acertif

To draw a

Certifi for

Eunice Allen

icate for Eunice Allen and bring to Next Monthly meeting

If they think Propper: whereas the Monthly Meeting of

The matter


Mary Cornel

Acoaksett is oneasie[uneasy] about Some of Mary Cornells Conduct

whilst Mongst them and have Chose acom.tt to Joyn us there

fore we Do appoynt Deborah Allen Susannah Smith Deborah


Hix and Hephzibah Hussey acom.te to Labour with Mary


Cornel [Cornell] in the wisdom of truth according the nature of the Case


and Make Report to next Monthly Meeting

Hump Smith

wife and children


Signed a removal Certificate for Humphery Smith and Edith his wife

and their Children to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine Partners

Mary Spencer Certifi

Signed a Removal Certificate for Mary Spencer Directed to the Monthly


Meeting of Greenwich the Committe appointed to Labour with Elizabeth

Eliz Tucker

be denied

Tucker Report that they found Little or no Satisfaction therefore

Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are appointed to draw a paper of


Denial a gainst Said Elizabeth Tucker and bring it to the Next Monthly

Rebecca Cornel


Meeting the Committe appointed to Inquire into Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] Clearness

Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report they find nothing to

Clement Biddle


hinder there proceeding Clement Biddle and Rebecca Cornel [Cornell] appeared

for there answer which was that they Might proceed to take Each


other in Marriag between this and the Next Monthly Meeting

To draw a

certifi for

Rebec Cornell

according to the Good orders of friends Susanna Russell and Judith

Russell are appointed to draw a Certificate for Rebecca Cornel [Cornell].

after She in is Married and bring to the Next Monthly Meeting

To draw

certifi for

some re=


Susanna Smith Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are appointed to

Joyne the Men in order to draw Certificates for Some of our Members

that have Moved within the Compas of Nine Partner Monthly

Meeting this Meeting Collected £5:17:7 Old tennor


9th month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 19 day of the 9 Month 1774


The Representatives are Susanna Smith and Deborah Hicks both




present after Some time of Consideration and from the Report

of the Committe this Meeting Concludes to pass by Meriba

Arnold offence and take the Said Meriba Arnold under the Care



to be deni=


of friends again the Committe that was appointed to gin Acoakset [Acoaxet]

friends to Labour with Mary Cornel [Cornell] Make Report they have

had an Opertunity with her and notwith Standing She Sent a

paper of Acknowledgment to Acoakset it was not to Satisfaction


So the Committe thought it would be the Most Honour to truth


and Satisfaction to friends to Deny her and that was Submited to


Dartmouth Monthly Meeting this Meeting Concurs with the Report


of the Committe and in Consequence thereof do appoint Susanna


Smith and Deborah Hicks to draw a paper of Denial against


the Said Mary Cornel [Cornell] and bring to the Next Monthly Meeting

Elisa Tucker

Case refer.d

the Committe appointed to draw a paper of Denial against Elizabeth

Tucker Report they have had an opertunity with her and She


Desires to be waited upon until next Monthly Meeting So the

Elisa Brigg


Meeting Concurs with it Elizabeth Briggs Requesting to Come under

the Care of friends and Mary Smith and Sarah Howland is appointed


to take a Solid Opertunity with her and Make Report when Redy

Ruth Russell



Ruth Russell presented a few Lines Condemning her falling into

the Sin of fornication and Elee Anthony and Sarah Anthony are

appointed to take a Solid Opertunity in order to Labour with


her as they find Occation and Make Report to Next Monthly

Sent up to

Q meeting

Meeting the Queries was Read answered and approved in this

Meeting the Epistle also was Read and approved and Signed and Sent


up to the Quarterly Meeting by our Representatives who are


Elee Anthony Hannah Mosher and Keziah Russell and they to

Rebecca Biddle


Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting Signed a Removal Certificate

for Rebecca Biddle Recommending her to Philidelpha [Philadelphia] Monthly

Han Denis

Lillis Beard

Elisa: Smith


Meeting Signed Removal Certificates for Hannah Denis [Dennis] Lillis Beard

Elizabeth Smith Williams wife and there Children directed

to the Monthly Meeting of Nine Partners Hephzibah Hussey Deborah

To Revise miniuts

& Settle with


Allen and Susanna Smith are appointed to Revise and Correct

this Meetings Minits & have them Recorded & Like wise Settle with

the treasurer and Make Report to Next Monthly Meeting this


Meeting a Journs to the 28 day of this Instant


9 month 1774


At a Monthly Meeting held by aJournment 28 day of the 9 Month 1774

Shadreck Dennis



the Representatives both present Removal Certificates was Signed for

Shadrake Denis [Dennis] his wife and Children and for Zephaniah Anthony his

wife and Children directed to the Monthly Meeting at nine Partners

Advice to women on


it is the advice of this Meeting that for time to Come that women friends

that appears to publish or have there answer or Marry to take of[f] there


bunits or hats at the time of Such appearence Settleed all accounts

Settled with Treasurer

with the Treasurer up to the 28 day of the 9 Month 1774 and there Remains


in the Stock the Some of £11-9-10 old tennor


10 month 1774

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 17 day of the 10 Month 1774

Susan Smith


Susanna Smith is Chose Clarke for this day the Representatives being

Called both present the Committe appointed to have Some Confernence

Ruth Russel [Russell]

Case referd

with Ruth Russell Concerning the Sencerity of her acknowledgment made

Report that they had Some Satisfaction in there Visit to her but they


think it best to wate Some time Longer to See if her Conduct is agreeable


so it is Refered under Same friends Care and Susanna Allen is aded


to them and they to Make Report to next Monthly Alce Anthony and

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

hannah Mosher Made Report that they attended the Quarterly Meeting

according to appointment and have Produced an Epistle from the

Same which was Read in this Meeting and well accepted the Committe

Mary Cornell

denial Signd

appointed to draw a paper of denial against Mary Cornel [Cornell] wife

of Daniel Cornel [Cornell] have brought one which was Signed in this Meeting


and is to be Read at the Close of a first day Meeting between this


and next Monthly Meeting and then to be Returned to the Clark to


be put upon Record the Committe appointed to draw a paper of

Elisa Tucker



Denial against Elizabeth Tucker wife of Henry Tucker have done it

agreeable to appointment which was Signed in this Meeting

and ordered to be Read at the End of a first day Meeting and


then Returned to the Clark to be put on Record


11 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 21 day of the 11 Month 1774 the Representatives being Called


both present Hannah Mosher and Ruth Tucker are appointed


to be drawn

for Sunna Russell

to draw a Certificate for Susanna Russell wife to David Russell

if upon inquiry She is found worthy and bring to next

Monthly Meeting Susanna Russell and Keziah Russell are

Ann Russell


to be drawd

appointed to draw a Certificate for Anne Russell the Widow

and bring to the next Monthly Meeting if upon inquiry She

Overseers Appointed

is found worthy Susanna Smith Deborah Hicks Deborah Allen


and Susanna Allen are appointed Overseers of Disorders for

Ben: Russel

Jedediah Allen


the year Ensuing Signed a Removal Certificate for Benjamin

Russell his wife and Children and also Signed one for

Jedediah Allen his wife and Children all to the Monthly


Meeting at Nine Partners


12 month 1774

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth


The 19 day of the 12 Month 1774 the Representatives being


Called borth present the Committe appointed to have a Solid




Opertunity with Elizabeth Briggs Report they have had Several

Oppertunities and found Some Satisfaction therefore She is

taken under the Care of friends the Committe appointed

Anne Russell

case referd

to draw a Certificate for anne Russell widow Report that

her Outward affairs is not Settleed to Satisfaction therefore


the Matter is Refered under the Same friends Care as hereto


fore and they to Make Report to next Monthly Meeting the

Sent up to



Queries was Read and the answers & apprved and an Epistle

Signed and Sent to the Quaterly Meeting by our Represen=

=tatives who are Elizabeth Slocom [Slocum] and Silvester Howland


and they to Make Report to next Monthly Meeting




Content Tucker Request to Come under friends Care therefore

Hannah Tucker Susanna Allen and Deborah Hicks are appo=

=inted to have a Solid Oppertunity in order to See if her


Request Sprang from the bottom of true Conviction and


Make Report to next Monthly Meeting the Matter Concerning


Ruth Russell is Refered to next Monthly Meeting under the





Same friends Care Elizabeth Little paper of acknowledg=

=ment is accepted after it is Read at the Close of a first

day Meeting for worship She being present



Mary Cornel [Cornell] and Elizabeth Tucker papers of Denial was

Read according to the Direction of this Meeting and they to


go upon Record and are as followeth


Cornel her



Whereas Mary Cornel [Cornell] wife of Daniel Cornel [Cornell] who was under

the Care of this Meeting by a Certificate from Acoakset Monthly Meeting

and She Disregarding the Testimony of truth and So far under the

power of antichrist as to Come under the Care of friends in a Hipo=


critical Manner and in Making friends believe that Timothy


Gifford was the father of her bastard Child wrongfully and Since that


She hath Given the Said Gifford from under her hand that he is Clear


and Still She doth not openly declare who is the father of her Said


Child and for a Long time by her Groce abomination the Innocent


hath Suffered and the Gilty gone free which Shamefull Conduct hath


brought a Reproach on friends who bring under a deep Concern


and Excercise of Mind that the Truth and the holy Profession we


bare may be Cleaned and preserved from Such odious Scandols and


Reproaches and that Righteous Judgment may be brought forth and


placed upon the offender according to the nature of the offence haveing


therefore Laboured with her in order to bring her to a Sight of


her Misconduct but our Labour of Love not having the Desireed


affect to friends Satisfaction therefore for the Clearing of truth


and friends from the Reproach of such practises this Meeting is


Concerned to give this forth against her and do hereby publickly


Disown her the Said Mary Cornel [Cornell] from being one of our Society


and from under the Care of friends Nevertheless Desireing if it


be a greeable with Divine pleasure that She may yet beRest=


=ored from the Evil of her way and by unfained Repentance


Return to the way of truth Given forth and Signed in & on


behalf of our Monthly Meeting of friends held in Dartmouth


The 17 day of the 10 Month 1774 by


William Anthony Ju   Clark


Susanna Smith      Clark


for the day




Whereas Elizabeth Tucker wife of Henry Tucker having been

under the Care of friends for these Many years and Disregarding

the Testimony of truth So far as to fall into the Reproachfull Evil


of taking Spirituous Liquor to Excess as appears by her own


acknowledgment and her other Conduct is not agreeable to


truth and friends having Repeatedly Laboured with her in


Love in order to Restore her to the way of truth but our


Labour of love not having the Desired affect to friends


Satisfaction therefore for the Clearing of truth and friends


from the Reproach of Such Practices this Meeting is Concerned


to give this forth against her and do hereby publickly


Disown her the Said Elizebeth Tucker from being one of our


Society & from under the Care of friends Nevertheless Desiring


if it be agreeable with Divine pleasure that She may yet


be Restored from the Evil of her way and by unfained


Repentance Return to the way of truth Given forth at


our Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth the 17 day of


the 10 Month 1774 and Signed in and by order of Said


Meeting by


William Anthony Ju



Susanna Smith



for the day


1st month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held

In Dartmouth the 16 day of the 1 month 1775


Representatives are Mary Smith and Phebe Slocom [Slocum] both

Ann Russell


not prepard

Epistle recd

present no Certificate brought for anne Russell we Received

an Epistle from the Quarterly Meeting by our Representa:

:tives which was Read & the Contents therein well Excepted

the Committe appointed to have a Solid Oppertunity with

Content Tucker


Content Tucker Report they have had an Oppertunity

with her and She gave them Some Satisfaction but it was


though proper to Refer it til next Monthly Meeting and


under the Same friends Care Signed a Removal Certificate

Susanna Russell


for Susann Russell wife to David Russell Directed to

Jonathan How=

=land proposal

of marriage

the Monthly Meeting at Acoakset Jonathan Howland

and Mary Allen appeared at this Meeting & Signified there

Intention of Marriage and was Desired to wait till next


Monthly Meeting for there answer and Susanna Allen and


Deborah Hicks are appointed to make Inquiry into Mary Allen


Clearness Respecting Marriag and Conversation and Make Report

Susan Smith

appointed Cerk

to next Monthly Meeting Susanna Smith is appointed Clark

for the year Ensuing Phebe Slocom [Slocum] Deborah Hicks and

miniutes to be


Hepzibah Hussey are appointed to Revise & Correct this Meetings

Minits in order for to be put on Record Collected 3/7 old ten


2 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 20 day of the 2 Month 1775 the Representatives are Phebe Slocom [Slocum]


and Mary Smith both Present Hephzibah Hussey and Phebe Slocom

Naomy Sisson

Certificate is drawd

are appointed to draw a Certificate for Naomy Sisson and bring it

to the Ajournment of this Meeting the Committe appointed to Inquire

Mary Allen


into Mary Allen Clearness Respecting Marriage and Conversation Report

they find nothing to hinder there proseeding Jonathan Howland




Mary Allen appeared for there answer which was they Might

Proseed to take Each other in Marrige at Some Conveniant time

between this and the Next Monthly Meeting observing Good orders



R: H

proposal of


Thomas Mott and Rhode Hathaway hath Laid there Intention

of Marriage before this Meeting and they was desired to wait

untill the next Monthly Meeting for their Answer Elizabeth Smith

and Mary Smith widow are appointed to make Inquiry into Rhode

Hathaways Clearness Respecting Marrige and Conversation and

Caleb Green

& wife



make Report to next Monthly Meeting Caleb Green and Elizebeth

his wife hath Sent a paper to this Meeting Condemning there

Marring So neigh in kind and out of the Unity of friends which

this Meeting takes notis of so far as to Appoint a Committe which


are Elizabeth Smith and Deborah Haydon to gine the men


friends to See if they are Sincear in there acknowledgment


and they to make Report to next Monthly Meeting this


Meeting is ajourned to Next forth day Come week


Met by ajournment the 1 day of the 3 Month 1775




the Representatives borth present the Committe appointed

to treat with Content Tucker Report that they find a Good prin-

=cible in her and they think it may be for the best to accept her


therefore She is taken under the Care of friends the Committe appointed


Reviewd & settled with Treasurer

to Revew the Minits inorder to go on Record and to Settle accounts

with the Treasurer Report it is done and there Remains in the


Stock £11=9=10 old tennor Hannah Tucker and Phebe Slocom [Slocum]




Hussey &

are appointed to Gine the men friends inorder to Draw a Certi=

=ficate for Hephzibah Hussey her Daughter and Gran Daughter

if upon inquiry they are found worthy and bring it the next

Anna Hussey



Monthly Meeting Jonathan Hussey Jo and Content Tucker Laid

there Intention of Marriage before this Meeting and they was

Desired to wait till next Monthly Meeting for their answer


Phebe Slocom [Slocum] and Sarah Anthony are appointed to See into


Content Tuckers Clearness Respecting Marriag a Conversation

Naomy Sisson


and Report to next Monthly Meeting Signed a Removal

Certificate for Naomy Sisson wife to John Sisson to the Monthly




Meeting at Nine partners Rebecca Rotch hath informed this

Meeting She is about to make a Visit to Philidelfia to See her

Daughter and friends and desires a Certificate to Carry with her


there which was drawed and Signed in this Meeting


3 Month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in

Dartmouth the 20 day of the 3 Month 1775


the Representatives are Deborah Allen and Lidda Barker

Rhoda Hath=

=way Clearness

and Deborah Allen present the friends appointed to Inquiry

into Rhoda Hathaways Clearness Respecting Marriage and


Conversation Report they find nothing to hinder there

matter of

Elisa Green


proseeding the Committe appointed to have Some Confer·

:rence with Elizabeth Green Report they have not

had an Oppertunity therefore the Matter is Refered under


the same friends Care until Next Monthly Meeting and


then they to Make Report the Committe appointed to Make

Content Tucker


Inquiry into Content Tuckers Clearness Respecting

Marriage and Conversation Report that nothing appears


to hinder there Proceeding Jemima Davis wife to Joseph


Davis request

Davis Request a Certificate to the Monthly Meeting at

the oblong and Susanna Allen and Elizabeth Slocom are


appointed to Make Inquiry and if nothing appears to


hinder they are to draw one and bring to the Next

Sent up to

Qutly meeting

Monthly Meeting the Queries have been Read and answered

and the answers approved and the Epistle Signed and


Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting Thomas Mott and

Tho Mott &

Jonat Hussey


Rhoda Hathaway Jonathan Hussey Ju and Content

Tucker all appeared for there Answer which was that

both Cupples Might proseed to take Each other in Marriage


at Some Conveniant time between now and the Next Monthly


Meeting observing the good order Established among friends




Signed a few Lines in this Meeting to Recommend Freborn Riders

publick Testimony and that we have Unity with it to the

Quarterly Meeting of Ministers and Elders this Meeting ajourns


to 29 of this Instant

no Women

friends appoi


Met by ajournment 29 day of 3 Month 1775

the Representatives not present there is no friends appointed

to attend the Quarterly Meeting at this time and the accounts are

Sent by ye



to be sent up by the Men friends this Meeting is ajoured to 7 day 4 Mo



Met by ajournment 7 day of the 4 Month 1775 —


the Representatives being Called are not present Signed

J Hussey

wife and



a Removal Certificate for Jonathan Hussey and his wife

Hepzibah and their Children Silvenus and Rachil Hussey

and their Grandaughter Elizabeth Hussey all which are

Recommended to the Monthly Meeting at the Nine partners

Content Hussey

Request a


Content Hussey informs this Meeting that She is a bout to

Remove and desires a Certificate and Sarah Anthony and

Deborah Hicks are appointed to make Inquiry in Regard


of her having one and if nothing appears to hinder they


to Joyn the Men friends and draw one and bring to Next


Monthly Meeting


4 Month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held

In Dartmouth the 17 day of the 4 Month 1775 —


there not appearing any Representatives from the


Preparitive Meeting the Reason aledged being the Severity

no Represen

tatives apeared

of the wether on that day that there was no Meeting neverthe-

-less this Meeting Concludes to go forward with business as


usual yet we fear the Coolness and want of true Zeal


for the Cause of truth was too Much the primary Cause


of the a for Said Neglect or Omission Alce Anthony and


Elisa Green



Susanna Allen are appointed in the Lieu of Deborah

Haydon and Elizebeth Smith to have a Solid oppertunity

of Conferrence with Elizebeth Green Concerning of her

paper of acknowledgment that She hath Sent to this

Mary Hart


Meeting and they to Make Report to the Next Monthly

Meeting Mary Hart hath brought back a Certificate


from the Monthly Meeting of Sandwich we Received an

Epistle recd

Epistle from our Last Quarterly Meeting of women


friends held at East Greenwich which was Read in this


Meeting and the advice Contained therein well accepted

Rhoda Allen


this Meeting is informed that Roda Allen is a bout to Remov

and desires a Certificate and Sarah Anthony and Mary Smith


are appointed to Make inquiry and draw and bring one


to Next Monthly Meeting if nothing apears to hinder


Signed a Removal Certificate in this Meeting for Jonathan


Hussey Jur

& wife


Hussey Jur and Content his wife to the Monthly Meeting

of Nine partners Signed a Removal Certificate for Jemima




Davis wife to Joseph Davis to the Monthly Meeting at

the Oblong

5 month 1775

At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held


in Dartmouth the 15 day of the 5 Month 1775


the Representatives are Amy Barker and Silvester


Howland both present the Committe appointed to inspect




in the Matter Concerning the Sincerity of Elizebeth

Greens acknowledgment Report they have had an

Oppertunity with her and She gave them Some Satisfaction yet they


think best it Should be Refered to Next Monthly Meeting under the Same


friends Care and then they to Make Report Alce Anthony and Susanna

Hannah Hicks


Smith are appointed to have a Sollid Oppertunity with Hannah Hicks Con=

=cerning her Request to be taken under the Care of friends to find whether


it Sprung from the bottom of true Conviction or not and they to Make

Phebe Allen


Report when Reddy Phebe Allen Request a Removal Certificate and Susanna

Allen and Elizebeth Slocom [Slocum] are appointed to Gine the men friends in


Drawing one for the family if nothing appears to hinder and bring it to


the Next Monthly Meeting the Committe appointed to inspect into the

Ruth Russell

be recd

Sincerity of Ruth Russells acknowledgment Report that She gave them

so Good Satisfaction that they think her paper May be Received and


She to Remain under the Care of this Meeting and in Conciquence thereof


this Meeting accepts her If She Causes Said paper to be publickly Read


at the End of a first day Meeting for worship She being present


and the paper to be Returned again to the Meeting to be put




upon Record Signed a Removal Certificate for Roda Allen to the

Monthly Meeting at the Ninepartners

6 month


At a Monthly Meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth

The 19 day of the 6 Month 1775 the Representatives are Deborah

James How=

land Jur


of marriage

Hicks and Silvester Howland both present James Howland Juner

and Meribah Shephard [Shepherd] Laid theire Intention of Marriage before

this Meeting and they were Desired to wait until Next Monthly


Hicks request


Meeting for there answer the Matter Concerning Hannah Hicks

Requesting to Come under friends Care in Continued another Month

and under the Same friends Care Susanna Russell & Judith


Russell are appointed to Make Inquiry Into Meribah Shephard [Shepherd]

To enquire


Meribah Shepherd


Clearness of Marriage and Conversation and Make Report to next

Monthly Meeting Ruth Russell paper of acknowledgment hath

been Read agreeable to the Conclution of Last Monthly Meeting

and is as followeth


To the Monthly Meeting of friends In Dartmouth to beheld

Ruth Russell



The 15 day of the 5 Month 1775

Whereas I have Given way to the Insinuation of the

adversary so far as to be Guilty of the Sin of fornication as


appears by my having a bastard Child which Reproachfull


Sin I am Sorry for and do hereby Condemn Desiring for=


givness from the almighty and that friends may so far pass


by Mine offence as to lett me Remain under their Care


from your friend


Ruth Russell


=tives to

Q meeting

Judith Russell Deborah Allen Keziah Russell and Silvester

Howland are appointed to attend the Insuing Quarterly Meeting

the Queries and answers was Read and approved and an Epistle

Sent up to

Q meeting

Likewise and Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly Meeting



Certificate accepted

by our Said Representatives Sarah Slocom [Slocum] wife to Elihu Slocom [Slocum]

hath brought a Removal Certificate which was Read and


Queries & Epistle to

Quaterly meeting

The Queries have been read in this meeting, and answered, and the

answers approved, the Epistle likwise hath been read and Signed, all


which are to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives

Sah Slocum


Received a Certificate from Accoakset monthly meeting on behalf of

Sarah Slocum Wife of Elihu Slocum, which was accepted

Elisah Green

The matter conserning Elisabeth Greens acknoledgment is refer.d till


next monthly meeting, by reason of the men friends request

Obedi Allen

Signed a Certificate for Obediah Allen and Phebe his wife and their Children


Namely Ebenezer, Jonathan and James which is directed to the Ninepartners


Monthly meeting


Russell &

Mary Wing


The overseers make report that they have Precaussioned and Laboured with

Rebecca Russell, wife of Jethro Russell: And Mary Wing wife of Giles Wing

For keeping Company and marrying out of the unity of friends: and in

consequence thereof this meeting thinks they are Clear of without any further


Labur, and do disown the Said Rebecca Russell and Mary Wing from being


in Membership with us


7 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of 7th mo 1775

The Representatives are Mary Smith widdow & Lydia Barker both present

Meribah Shepherd


The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Meribah Shepherds

Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage make report they find nothing


to hinder their proceeding in Marriage

Jam Howland


James Howland Ju and Meribah Shepherd both appeared for their answer

Which was they might proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some Convenant


time between now and next monthly meeting, Observing the good Order


Established among Friends

Han Hicks request

The matter conserning Hannah Hicks requesting to come under friends


Care is continued a nother month

Return from

Q: meeting

Judith Russell, Deborah Allen Keziah Russell and Silvester Howland inform

they all attended the Quarterly meeting according to appointment by whom



we Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting which was read in this

our meeting and kindly Received



The Committee that was appointed to Inspect the Sinserity of Elisabeth Greens

acknowledgment condemning her marrying near in kind and from amoung


Friends: make Report, that She made them Such Satisfaction as they


think she may be Received: In consequence thereof this meeting accepts


and continues her the Said Elisabeth under their care and in membership


Hannah Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to Inspect in the Sencerity


of Anna Condels acknowledgment in condemning her marrying out of the


unity of Friends and they to make report to this meeting when ready


8 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Frinds held in Dartmouth the 21st of 8th month 1775

The Friends that was appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Amie Barker


and Sarah Howland both Present

Shubel Bunk=

=er proposal of marriage

Shubel Bunker and Lydia Gardner have Laid their Intentions of marriage before

this meeting: and they were desired to wate for their answer untill the next


monthly meeting for Judith Russell and Keziah Russell are appointed to^makeenquiry


in Lydia Gardners Clearness and conversation respecting marriage and they to


make Report to the next monthly meeting

Hannah Hicks


The Comittee that was appointed respecting Hannah Hicks, request to See if she was

Worthy to come under Friends care, make report, She gave them good Satisfaction


and they find nothing to hinder her being received: In consideration there of it is


the conclution of this meeting to Receive her under their care and in membership thereof

Ann Condel referd

The Committee appointed to inspect the Sincerity of Ann Condels acknowlegment


make report, She gave them pretty good Satisfaction but they think it best to rest Longer

Ann Wing

request a


Anne Wing hath desired our Certificate, Recommending her to Accoakset

monthly meeting: Susanna Allen and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry

in ^sd Anne Life and Conversation, in regard to her having one, and if nothing appears


to hinder they to Draw one and bring to next monthly meeting

Patie Russell under deal=


The Overseers Inform they have Laboured with Patience Russell from time to

time for her disorderly proceeding, and she hath not given Satisfaction therefore


this meeting appoints Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks to make further inspection


in the Circumstance, and Labour with her as they shall find freedom, and if no


disposition to make Satisfaction, to draw a paper of denial a gainst her if her ofence


require, and likwise acquaint her with the minniute


9 month


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth the 18th of 9th month 1775

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Mary Smith Widdow


and Ruth Howland _ Both Present

Lydia Gardner


The Committee appointed to make enquiry into Lydia Gardners clearness

and Conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to hinder


their proceeding therein

Shubell ^ Bunker



Shubel Bunker and Lydia Gardner appeared for their answer: Which was

they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time

between now and next monthly meeting, observing good Orders

Ann Condel


The matter respecting Anne Condel is refered to next monthly meeting

Mary Potter



Mary Potter hath sent a few lines to this meeting, condemning her being att a

marriage consumated contrary to the Order of Friends: It is concluded at this

meeting to accept of said acknowledgement and pass by her offence


against Sarah


The Overseers inform this meeting this metting, that there is a Scandelous report

Spread abroad respecting Sarah Wilcox, and that they have laboured with her

for her fault and She hath not cleared it up to their Satisfaction, and they


are clear; in Consideration thereof this meeting appoints Alice Anthony


Susanna Allen 2 and Ruth Howland, as a Committee to Labour and deal with


said Sarah as they shall find freedom: and they to make report of their doings


to the next monthly meeting

Ann Wing


The Friends according to appointment have brought a few lines by way

of Certificat on behalf Anne Wing, wife to Jonathan Wing, which was


Signed in this meeting. Recommending her to Accoakset monthly meeting




The Committee that was appointed in regard of Patience Russells offence make

Report, She not having a disposition to make friends satisfaction they have

Drawn a Paper of Denyal against her agreeable to their appointment which is


Signed in this meeting and to be read at the End of a first day meeting of Worship


between this and the next monthly meeting

Queries &


The Queries have been read and answered in this meeting the answers approved

Likwise the Epistle read approved and Signed, all to be sent^upto the Quarterly


meeting by our Reppresentatives who are Amie Barker Deborah Haden Deborah


Hicks and Susanna Smith


10 month


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 10th month 1775

Alice Anthony & Naomie Howland are appointed to attend ye month meeting both present

Ann Condel


The matter concerning Anne Condel is refered another month this meeting hath

made an addition to the former Committe by chusing Amie Barker to inspect the


matter concerning Said Anne Sencerity, and they to make report to the next


monthly meeting

Sarah Wilcox


The Comittee that was appointed to Labour with Sarah Wilcox concerning her

misconduct report they have had an opertunity agreeable to appointment and


found no Satisfaction: In consideration thereof it is the conclusion of and Judg=


ment of this meeting to disown her the said Sarah from being one in membership


with us; and do appoint Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to draw a paper


of denial against her and bring to the next monthly meeting

Deborah Davis



Received a removal Certificate on behalf of Deborah Davis wife of James Davis

And one Certificate on behalf of Sarah Shepherd wife to David Shepherd Jur

both from Smithfield monthly meeting which Certificates are both accepted

Epistle Recd Represenvs return

Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting, which is very acceptable


to this meeting: The Representative inform they have attended the Quarterly


meeting according to appointment

Comfort Cas=

=well disownd

We have been Informed by some of the of the overseers that Comfort Cassell

Wife of Daniel^Cassel hath been Preadmonished before marriage, it not having the


desired Effect. She hath married out of the Unity of friends, for which offence


friends have waited long with her, and receive no Satisfaction: In consi=


=deration thereof, this meeting disowns her from being any longer in member=


=ship with us: this meeting appoints Martha Chase to acquaint her with the


Conclusion of this meeting

Elis Wing


Received a few lines by way of Certificate, on behalf of our friend Elisabeth

Wing, from the Oblong monthly meeting Signifying that She hath laid before


them. She had a desire to Visit her friends and Relations in our parts and


their Unity therewith




Our Friend Freeborn Rider informed this meeting that she had an intention

to Visit Sandwich Qurterly meeting which this meeting concurs with and gave

her a copy of the miniute


11 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 11th month 1775

There are no Representatives appointed, the reason alleiged is the Weather was


So Stormy that there was no Preparitive meeting


Allen propo

sal of mar=


Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby hath laid their intentions of marriage

before this meeting, they were desired to waite for their answer until next

monthly meeting - Deborah Hicks and Silvister Howland are appointed to make

Enquiry in Phebe Kirbys Clearness and conversation respecting marriage and


they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Ann Condel referd

The matter concerning Anne Condels acknowlegment is referd another month

Sarah Wilcox

denial signd

The Committee appointed to draw a paper of denial against Sarah Wilcok [Wilcox]

Have don according to their appointment, which Paper is Signed by this


meeting and to read at the End of a first day meeting of Worship between


Now and the next monthly meeting


Russell paper

of denial

Patience Russells paper of denial hath been read since the Last monthly

meeting and is as followeth

Whereas Patience Russell wife of Stephen Russell Having had her


Education amoungst Friend and under the Care of this meeting, yet by depart=


=ing from the Testimony of Truth is her own heart hath so far gone a stray


as to fall into the reproachful sin of Fornication as appears by her


having a Child so soon after marriage, and friends having Labour with her


in Love^in order to restore her to the way of Truth, but our Labour of Love


Not having the desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction: Therefore for the Clearing


of Truth and Friends from the reproach of such a Practice this meeting is conserned


to give this forth as a Publick Testimony agaist her hereby disowning her the said


Patience Russell from being one of our Society and from under the care of this meeting


Desireing never theless if be agreeable to Divine Pleasur that she may yet find a


place of Repentance, and unfeigned acknoledgment of the Evil of her way return


to the way of Truth


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly

Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting Held in Dartmouth the 18th of the 9th month 1775  By

 Susanna Smith Clerk

Abigail Rogers


We Received a few lines by way of Certificate from Pembrook monthly meeting

In behalf of Abigail Rogers which is accepted


12 month


At a Monthly meeting held of Women friends held in Dartmouth 18th of 12th month 1775

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Alice Anthony and Phebe


Slocum; Alice Anthony present

Phebe Kirby


The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Phebe Kirbys Clearness and conversa=

=tion respecting marriage make report they find nothing to hinder their proceeding in



Abraham Allen


Abraham Allen and Phebe Kirby appeared for appeared for their answer whic

which was they might prceed to take Each other in marriage, at Some Convenent


time between this and the next monthly meeting observing good Orders

Ann Condel


The matter conserning Anne Condel acknowledgment is referd another month

Sarah Wilcox

paper of


Sarah Wilcox paper of denial hath been read, since the last monthly meeting agree

=able to the conclusion^of the meeting: said paper is as followeth

Whereas Sarah Wilcox wife of William Wilcox having had her Education amongst


Friends, but through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony of Truth


in her own heart; hath been found guilty of taking Spiritous Licquor to excess


and also not attending meetings, all which She hath been Laboured with for


and still continuing obstinate: Therefore friends can do no less that testifie


against the Said Sarah Wilcox, and do hereby disown her from being a member


of our Religious Society and from our under the care of this meeting: Desireing


if it be Consistant with Divine goodness, She may come to a Sight and Sence of her


outgoings, and by unfeigned Repentance be restored to the way of Truth


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly

Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting held in Dartmouth the 20th of the 11th month 1775   By

Susanna Smith Clerk

Sarah Morrel


ment inspect


Alice Anthony, Keziah Russell, Deborah Allen, and Sarah Howland, are appointed

to inspect the Sencerity of Sarah Morrell and Patience Russells acknowledgment

to find wheither they are Sencear and worthy to be received, and they to make

report as Soon as they are ready to this meeting

answers to

queries &

Epistle sent by


The Queries have been Read and answered in this meeting the answers approved

And likwise the Epistle read and Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting

by our Representa tives Freeborn Rider Deborah Hayden Elisabeth Ricketson

Lydia Barker and Deborah Davis

Aaron Veal &

David Sands



Received two Certificates in behalf of our Worthy Friends Aaron Veal and

David Sands both from the Ninepartners monthly meeting Bearing date on

the 17th day of the 11th month 1775 which was very acceptable amoung us and

we ho^pe their Labour may be Serviceable

Apphia Mosher


Apphia Mosher brought a few lines to this meeting condemning her going to

a disapproved wedding. which was accepted so far as to let her remain under


our care

Susanna Smith


Susanna Smith hath some time a go been nominated to be an Elder in the

Society, and now She^is chosen by the meeting for that Service


1 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 1st month 1776

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Mary Smith 2d


and Silvister Howland both Present

Ann Condel


Anne Condel wife, to Enoch Condel hath made the meting Satisfaction

for her marrying out from amongst them; and she is in membership with us

Sarah Morrel &

Patience Rus

sell accepted

The Committee appointed to Inspect the Sencerity of Sarah Morrell widoe

and Patience Russell the Sencerity of their acknowledment make Report

They both gave them good Satisfaction, and have freedom for them to be Receivd


In consideration thereof, it is the Judgment of this meeting and conclusion to


pass by both of their offences so far as to let them remain under the care of


this meetin and in membership with us; provided Said Sarah reads or causes her


Paper^of acknolegment to be read publickly at the End of a first day meeting of Worship before the


next monthly meeting and She be present, and likewise the paper to be returnd to


the Clerk to be put on record

The Repreves

not attening

Q meeting


Freebn Rider

Epistle Recd

This meeting is Informed that it so fell out by some hendrenes [hindrances] that none of the

Representatives attended the Quarterly meeting except Freeborn Rider, by whome

we received an Epistle therefrom which was read in this meeting and Kindly accepted

amongst us

Sun Smith

appointed Clerk

Susanna Smith is appointed Clerk for the meeting

2 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends Held in Dartmouth the 19th of 2d month 1776

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Susanna Smith and


Lydia Barker both present

John Ricketson

proposal of


John Ricketson and Sarah Morrell hath laid their Intention of marriage before

this meeting, and they were desired to waite for their answer untill the next

monthly meeting; Hannah Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to make


Enquiry into Sarah Morrell clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they


to make report to the next month meeting


Sarah Morrells paper of acknoledgment hath been Read according to the


Conclusion of last monthly meeting and is followeth

Sarah Morel


To the Preparitive Meeting of Women Friends next to be held in Dartmouth

the 13th of the 12th month: And to the Monthly meeting the 18th of the Same month


Dear friends; Whereas I have through unwatchfulness fallen into the


Reprachful Sin of Fornication, which is Evident by having a child soon after


mariage, and marrying from amoungst friends, both of which I^condem & am sorrow for


Praying to Almighty God to forgive me and Friends to so far pass it by as to


Let me remain under your Christian care; this from your friend


Dated in Dartmouth


Sarah Morell


the 18th day of ye 12 month 1775

Judith How=

=land ac=


Judith Howland hath made acknowlegment for going and Joyning with a

Rude and Licentious Rabble or company, which is contrary to our Principles

And in consideration thereof Friends concluds to accept her acknowlegment


and pass by her offence, desiring for the futer She may be careful to Shun Such




3 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 18th of 3d month 1776

The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Mary Smith 2d both present

answer to


Epistle & represent

The Queries have been Read in this our meeting and answered, the Epistle

Read Signed and approved and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our represen=

tatives who are Judith Russell and Mary Tucker

Edith Spring

er disownd

The Overseers Informe this meeting they have Preadmonished and Laboured

with Edith Springer wife of Edward Springer, for keeping company out of the


unity of friends: She not regarding their advice, but hath prceeded and


Married: For which breach of orders Friends^thinkthey are clear without any further


Labour, and do deny her the Said Edith from being in membership with us


to deny Amie


One of the Overseers Informe this meeting that she had some Conversation

with Amie Heart [Hart] concerning her being guilty of the Sin of fornication but

she found no satisfaction, and it is the mind of the meeting they are clear without


any more labour with her, and do appoint Susanna Allen and Deborah Hicks


to draw a paper of denial against her and bring it to the next monthly meeting


Elisabeth Smith is appointed to acquaint her with the conclusion of this meeting

To corect ye


Hannah Tucker, Ruth Tucker, Phebe Slocum, and Susanna Smith are appointed

to Review and Corect the miniuts Suitable to be put on record and likwise to


Settle accompts with the Treasury and report of their doings when ready

Signed a paper

for Ann


Signed a few lines in this meeting Signifying our concurrence with

Anne Giffords Intended Visit to Sandwich Quarterly meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant


At a Monthly meeting of women friends held in Dartmouth by adjounment


on the 27th of the 3d month 1776. The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Mary


Smith 2d both present

Sarah Morel


The Friends appointed to Enquire into Sarah Morrells clearness and conversation

Respecting Marriage, make report they find nothing materal to hender their proceeding

John Ricket=

son answer

John Ricketson and Sarah Morrell appeared for their answer: which was they

might proceede to take Each other in marriage at Some conveniant time between


now and the next monthly meeting, observing good Orders

Rachel Case


Rachal Case hath appeared to this meeting with a few lines desireing to be taken

under the care of friends: Susanna Allen Sarah Gifford and Deborah Allen


are appointed to take Suitable oppertunities to inspect the Sencerity of her request


Wheither it Springs from the bottom of true Conviction or not; they to make report


of their doings when ready

Ann Russell


Signed a Certificate in this meeting on behalf of our friend Anne Russell widdow

and her children, Namely Henry, Ann, and Joanna which recommends them to


Smithfield monthly meeting


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 4 month 1776

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Ruth Tucker and Phebe


Slocum Neither of them attended

Epistle Recd

We Received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting by Mary Tucker one of the


Representatives Judith Russell did not attend

Mary Wing



Mary Wing wife to Giles Wing hath sent a few lines to ^by way of acknoledgment this meeting

condemning her marrying out of the unity of friends in consideration there of we do appoint

Susanna Allen Sarah Gifford and Anne Gifford wife of Daniel Gifford to make Enquiry and


consider on the matter, and take whole Care to Inspect into the Circumstance therof to


find if She be worthy to be received; and they to make report to the meeting when ready

Amie Hart

paper Signd

Amie Hart.s paper of Denial was Read Signed in this meeting and carried to

the mens meeting for concurrance, and assistance to be read at the end of a fist day


meeting and to be returned to this meeting to be put on Record

Gid Howland

and wife



Gedion Howland and Catherine his wife appeared in this meeting with a paper

by way of acknowledgment for being guilty of the Sin of Fornication and Likwise

for marrying nearer of kindred than is alowable among friends: for which this

meeting appoints Deborah Haden and Judith Russell a Committee to Inspect the


Sencerity of her acknowledgment or Joine the men friends to see wheither they are


worthy to remain among friends or not, and they to make their to the meeting


when they have done their Service


Smith under


The Overseers Inform this meeting they have been with Meribah Smith

concerning her being guilty of Fornication and they think best that the meeting

Should appoint some Friends to Visit her; in consideration thereof this meeting


appoints Ruth Howland and Silvester Howland to Joine the Overseers in Visiting


Inspecting and dealing with her as they Shall find freedom, and have the matter


under their care: and to make report when they are ready

Mary Wing


The men friends desires Some assistance from this meeting on the account of

Mary Wing widdow: Mary Smith and Sarah Howland are appointed for that Service


5 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 5th month 1776

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland both present

George Handy

proposal of


George Handy and Mary Potter hath laid their Intentions of marriage

before this meeting and were desired to wait untill the next monthly

meeting for their answer; Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland are appointed to


make Enquiry into Mary Potters Clearness and conversation respecting marriage


and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Mary Wing

wife of Giles


The Committee appointed to make Enquiry in regard of the Sencerity of Mary

Wing wife of Giles Wing; and of her Life and conversation, and likwise In

Regard of her being married out of the Unity of friends and from amoungst


them; make report, they think She may be received again amoung friends


In consideration thereof, this meeting accept her acknowlegment and doth take


her under their care and in membership again --

Rachel Case


The committee appointed in regard of Rhachel Case wife to John Case

Requesting to come under the care of the meeting Signify they have don according


to their appointments and they found pritty good Satisfaction, and think she


may be taken under friends care, and it is the Conclusion of this meeting,


And they do Receive^her into Membership, and in Society with them

Phebe Beard


Phebe Baird haith Produced a Certificate from the monthly meeting of Nan=

=tucket, which was read and accepted in this meeting

to draw a

Certificate for

Mary Wing

wife of Giels

Susanna Allen and Deborah Allen are appointed to draw a Certificate

for Mary Wing Wife to Geiles Wing, if on enquiry nothing appears to hinder

it is to be directed to the Ninepartners monthly meeting

Susanna Allen and Keziah Russell are appointed Overseers of Disorders


6 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 6th month 1776

The Representatives^are Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks both Present


This Meeting adjourns to the 24th day of this month


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth By adjournment


on the 24th day of the 6th month 1776


The Representatives are Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks both present

Mary Potter


The friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Mary Potters clear=

=ness and conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to


hinder their proceeding

George Handy


George Handy and Mary Potter appeared for their answer; which was they

may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time between


this and the next monthly meeting, observing Rules and orders Established among


Friends: Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland are appointed to have the


care and oversight of the before mention marriage to See that it is consumated


and carried on orderly; and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Phebe Yarn=



Received a Certificate on behalf of our Worthy Friend Phebe Yarnall from

the Monthly meeting held at Concord in Chester County in Pensylvania

Bearing date on the 7th of the 2d month 1776




And one on behalf of our Worthy Friend Rebecca Wright from the monthly

meeting held at Chesterfield on the 2d day of the 5th month 1776 both which was

Read in this meeting and Received with their Labours of Love much to our


Comfort and Satisfaction




Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are appointed to have Some conference

with Rebecca Russell wife to Charles Russell concerning her request to see

wheither she is worthy to be received into membership and they to report when ready

answers to


Epistles &

Representaves to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read, answered and Likewise approved in this meeting

Likewise the Epistle, and Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting

by our Representatives who are Judith Smith Russell Keziah Russell Mary

Smith Susanna Smith and Sarah Howland

David Farris


John Perry

Received Certificates on behalf of our Worthy Friends David Farres and

John Perry both from the monthly meeting held at Wilmington in the County of

New Casel upon Delaware bearing date on the on the 15th of ye 5 month 1776


which was read and Received to good Satisfaction


This Meeting adjourns to the 28th of this month


At a monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment


on the 26 of the 6 month 1776. Ruth Howland and Deborah Hicks was


appointed to attend the monthly meeting Deborah Hicks Present

Mary Wing

Signed a Removal Certificate for Mary Wing wife to Giles Wing Recom=


=mending her to the Ninepartners monthly meeting


Alice Anthony and Deborah Hicks are chosen Overseers of disorders


Amie Harts Paper of denial hath been Read Since last monthly meting; is as follows

Amie Hart


Whereas Amie Hart Daughter of William Hart and Mary his wife of

Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Masachusetts Bay in


New England, Having had her Education among Friends and under the


care of this meeting yet by disregarding the Testimony of Truth


In her own heart She hath so far deviated therefrom, as to be to be found guilty of the


Reproachful Sin of fornication, as^aperd by her having a Bastard Child and friends having


discharged themselves with hin Labouring with her in tender love to discover to


her the Evil thereof but our labour not being effectual to friends Satisfaction


Therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends from the reprach thereof this


meeting is conserned to give this forth as a Testimony against her and do hereby


Publickly disown her the Said Amie Hart from being one of our Religious Society


and from under the care of this meeting Yet desireing if may be agreeable with


Divine Pleasure that She may yet come to a Sight and Sense of her outgoing and


by an unfeigned acknowlegement of the Error thereof^& return to the way of Truth


and find mercy. Given forth, and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting


of Friends held in Dartmouth the 15 day of the 4 month 1776 By


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk


7 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 7 month 1776

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Silvester Howland present


Deborah Hayden did not attend George Handys and Mary Potters marriage


according to appointment by reason she was not well able, Sarah Howland


informed She was present and the marriag was consumated in an orerly manner

report from

Q meeting

None of the Representatives attended the Quarterly except Mary Smith and ~

Susanna Smith by whome we received an Epistle from our Quarterly meeting

Epistles Recd

also we receiver an Epistle from the yearly meeting of Women friends held


in Philidelphia both were read and received much to the comfort of the


and Satisfaction of the Living amoung us



Hannah Tucker and Phebe Slocum are added to the former committee in

Regard of dealing and Labouring with Meribah Smith to bring her to a Sign


of the Evil of her ways for her being guilty of the Sin of fornication and they


to make report to the monthly meeting

Elder proposed

Deborah Hayden is nominated to be an Elder; and it is Left to the consi=


=deration, both to the meeting and herself to consider on till the nex monthly





The Committee appointed to revise and correct the Monthly meeting mi

nits and Settle with the Treasurer report that they have answered their appointment


and there Remains in the Stock £11-9-10 old Tennor


8 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 8th month 1776

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Alice Anthony and


Susanna Allen both present



Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen are appointed to draw a pap^er of Denial

against Meribah Smith and bring to the next monthly meeting




One of the Overseers Informs this meeting, She hath taken a friend and been

with Mary Spooner in regard wife of Simson Spoorer [Spooner] in regard of her being about

to marry out of the Unity of Friends; and admonished her on that account


But the advice not having the desired Effect, for She went on and married,


and we think the meeting is Clear without any more Labour; and the meeting


disowne her of being any Longer in membership with them

Mary Wing

Signed a paper of denial against Mary Wing Widdow which is to be read


at the End of a first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting

Elders referd

Mary Trafford

The matter concerning chusing Elders is referd another month

Alice Anthony and Selvester Howland are appointed to draw a removal


Certificate for Mary Traford [Trafford] if on enquiry She is found worthy: and it is to be


directed to Accoakset monthly


Susanna Russell is appointed to acquaint Mary Stoner [Spooner?] that she is disowned


from among friends


This Meeting adjourns to the 2d day of next week at the 11th hour


At a Monthly Meting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment


on the 26th of the 8th month 1776. The Representatives being called Alice Anthony present

Ann Gifford


Signed a few lines on behalf of Anne Giford [Gifford] Recommending her publick Testimony

to Sandwich monthly meeting to be held at Falmoth

List of friend removd

Job Case


Signed a List of the Names of the members that hath had Removal Certificates

From our Meeting to the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners and Oblong

Signed a Removal Certificate for Job Case and his Children Namely


Pardon, Abner, Elisabeth, Alice, Jonathan, Mary, Sarah, Anna,^Roby Dinah and


Amie, all which are Recommended to the monthly meeting at the Olong


9 month


At a Monthly meeting of Woman Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 9th month 1776

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Susanna Allen


and Mary Smith 2d both Present

Ann Gifford

Our Friend Anne Gifford hath Returned her Certificate that she had


Last monthly meeting recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting

Mary Trafford

Signed a Removal Certificate for Mary Trafford Recommending her to the


Accockset monthly meeting



Signed a Paper of denial against Meribah Smith which is to be read publickly

at the end of a first day meeting between this and the next monthly meeting

Mary Wing

To Q meeting

Mary Wings paper of Denial hath not been read

Judith Russell Sarah Gifford and Deborah Hayden are appointed to attend the


Quarterly meeting and they to make report to the next monthly meeting: The Queries


have been read and answered the answer^approved & to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting by


by our Representatives


This meeting adjourns to the 2d day of next week at 11 a Clock


At a monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment


on the 23 day of the 9th month 1776


The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Mary Smith 2d both present


Howland 2d

& wife

It is the Judgment and the Conclusion of this meeting to accept a paper

of acknowledgment, that Gidenon Howland and his wife Catherine presented

Provided they Read or cause Said paper to be red publickly at the end of a


first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting he the


Said Gideon being present: and She excluded of being present by reason of


her Circumstance it is not to be a pesident for the futer.


Deborah Hayden and Deborah Hick [Hicks] are are chose and appointed into Service


and place of Elders


The Epistle was read approved and Signed in this meeting and to be Sent


up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives


10 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 10th month 1776

The Representatives are Judith Russell and Silvester Howland both present


A Paper of denial against Meribah Smith hath been read Since last


monthly meeting and is^as followeth




Whereas Meribah Smith Daughter of Benjamin Smith 2d and Susanna his wife

hath had her Education amoungst Friends but by giveing way to the

Insinuation of the Advisary so as to Commit the grose Sin of fornication


as appears by her having a child unmarried and notwithstanding Our Labour


of Love She hath not appeared to make Satisfaction: Now for the clearing of Truth


And Friends from Such a reproachful Sin, do hereby deny the said Meribah


Smith from being a Member of our Religious Society and from under the care


of this meeting: Desiring if it may be Consistant with Divine Wisdom She


may Come to a Sight&sence of her outgoings and by unfeigned Repentance be restored


to the way of Truth


Given forth at a Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the 16 day


of the 9th month 1776. Signed in and on behalf of Said Meeting By


William Anthony Jur Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk

From Q meet=


The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, hath attended

according to appointment: From which meeting we received an Epistle which


was read and kindly accepted amoung us



Abigail Rogers desires a few lines Recommending her back to Pembrook meeting

Freeborn Rider and Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Inquiry and if


nothing appear to hinder, to draw and bring a few lines to next monthly meeting


Howland 2d

& wife

Gedion Howland and Catherine his Wife their paper of acknowledgment

hath been read Since last monthly meeting – and is as followeth

To the Preparative and monthly meeting of Poneganset to be held the 13th & 18 days of 3d mo 1776


Dear Friends – Whereas We through unwachfulness are fallen into the Sin of For=


=cation as appears by our having a Child so Soon after marriage for which we are


Sorry desiring the Lord may forgive us, and Friends pass it by, together with our


marrying nearer in kindred than is allowable amoung Friends hopeing for the futer


Through Divine assistance we may be Enabled to walk more circomspect that friends


would Still continue us under their care


Gideon Howland


Dated this 13 of 3 month 1776


Catheren Howland



Signed a few lines for Susanna Allen Recommending her to the Ninepartner month

=ly meeting on a Visit to See her friends and Relations thereabout


11 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 11th month 1776

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Naomy Howland & Deborah Allen both^present

Sam Howland

proposal of


Samuel Howland and Mary Smith hath laid their Intentions of Marriage before

this meeting; They were desired to wait for their answer untill next monthly

Naomey Howland and Deborah Allen are appointed to make enquiry into Mary Smiths


Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they to make report to the next


monthly meeting




The Committee that had the care concerning Rebecca Russell wife to Charles

Russell, requesting to come under friends care, make report, they find nothing to

hinder and think her worthy to be receivd; and in consideration thereof this meeting


Concluds and doth receive her into membership and under the care of this meeting



Signed a few lines in this meeting Recommending Abibail Rogers back to Pembrock

monthly meeting


This meeting adjourns to next fourth day come week


At a Monthly meeing of Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjournment on the


27th day of the 11th month 1776 the friends that ware appointed to attend th monthly


meeting are Naomey Howland and Deborah Allen: Deborah Allen Present


Deborah Allen is appointed in the place of an overseer of Disorders for one


Quarter by reason that one of our overseers is gone a Journey and need require


at present


12 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 12th month 1776

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hayden and Alice


Anthony both present

Mary Smith


The friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into mary Smith clearness and

Conversation respecting marriage, make report, they find nothing to hinder their






Samuel Howland and Mary Smith appeared for their answer; Which was

they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time before

next monthly meeting advising with the overseers appointed for that purpose who are


Deborah Allen and Hannah Mosher, and they to make report at the next monthly meting

Susan Allen

Susanna Allen hath returned a Certificate She had of this meeting to carry to


the Ninepartners on a visit

Mary Russel

Lucy Howland

Mar Howlan papers

Mary Russell Widdow, Lucy Howland and Mary Howland have each of them

Sent a few lines to this meeting Condeming their Purchasing Prize Suger: Which are

Refered until the next monthly meeting for further Consideration


This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th day of this Instant


Mett by Adjournment of the 12th month


The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden present


Silvester Howland is appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting and to make


Return to the next monthly meeting

To the Qatly


Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting to be sent up by our Representative

1 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 1st month 1777

The Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Silvester and Hannah


Mosher, both Present

Sam Howland


Deborah Allen Informes that it so fell out that She could not with conveniency

attend Samuel Howlands marriage according to appointment, Hannah Mosher


Informes She attended and the marriage was consumated and carryed on orderly

Silvr Howland

not attend

Q meeting

Silvester Howland Informes She did not attend the Quarterly meeting by reason

it was thought not practable on the account of the great Commotions; Nevertheless

Epistle recd

We received an Epistle from our said Quarterly meeting which was read in this


our meeting and kindly received to the Living amoung us


Allen request

Martha Allen appeared in this with a few lines desiring for herself and two

daughters to be taken under Friends Care


Hannah Mosher and Keziah Russell are appointed to have the matter under


their care, and converse with her and her daughters to see wheither ^the motive


Springs from true Conviction, and they Sutiable to be receivd amoung Friends


and they to make report to this meeting when ready

Mary Russel

&c: paper

Reced with


Mary Russell, Lucy Howland and Mary Howland have Sent in a few lines

to this meeting condemning their offence in purchasing Prize Sugars24 which

is accepted: Provoided, they do Sign a Testimony that the meeting shall draw

For a more fully clearing the Truth: Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith


Are appointed to Joine the men friends in drawing the before mentioned Testimony


2 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 2d month 1777

There are no Representatives appointed to attend this meeting; by reason that a


State of Indifferency so far prevails as to let Small things hinder attending our


meetings, so that there was but two Women at our last Preparit[i]ve meeting

Mar Allen

Mary Russel

&c Case


The matter concerning Martha Allen is refered under the Same friends care

The matter concernin those friends that have condemned their purchasing is Prize

Suger, is refered until next monthly meeting by reason they are not present at this time

Rebec Shove


Rebecca Shove Widdow, hath Produced a Removal Certificate from Swanzey

monthly meeting for herself and Daughter Rebecca to this meeting which is accepted

Elisa Russel



The overseers Inform this meeting that Elisabeth Russell appears to be guilty of

purchasing Prize Sugar, for which they have Laboured with her for but no

Dispossition appears for any Satisfaction; therefore this meeting appoints Susanna


Allen Sarah Gifford and Sarah Anthony a Committee to deal and Labour further


to bring her to a sight of so Inniquitous a practice and to let her know that friends


proceed against her if She doth not find freedom to make Satisfaction: and said


Committee to make report to the next monthly meeting


3 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 3d month 1777

The friends that are appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hayden


and Silvester Howland Both Present

Martha Allen

The matter concerni[n]g Martha Allen is refered another month under the same friends care

Mary Russel


Mary Russell, Mary Howland, and Lucey Howland hath Signed a Testimony condem=

=ning their being concerned in prize goods Suger, and Sent to this meeting which is


to be read publickly at the end of a first day meeting of Worship between this


and the next monthly meeting; and then the matter will be made up

Elis Russell


The matter concerning Elisabeth Russell is refered Another month under the same friends care




Bethiah Eldredg [Eldridge] presented a few lines to this meeting desiring to come under friends

care Deborah Hayden and Naomy Howland are appointed to converse with her and

have the mater under their care to find wheither She is worthy of her request and


they to make report when ready

Judith Akin

This meeting is Informed that Judith Akin is married out of the unity of Friends


Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen are appointed to treat with her for the Same


and they to make report to the next monthly meeting


Willbor &

wife request

Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and his Wife Huldah desire for themselves and Children to

be taken under the care of friends care: Deborah Allen Susanna Allen and

Susannah Smith are appointed to Joine the men friends and viset the family to


see if they are worthy to be receiveded under the care of friends, and they to


Report when ready

Queries answer

The Queries have been read approved and Answered in this meeting




We are by the overseers informd that Abigail Russell appears to be guilty of pur=

=chasing prize Suger which She hath been Laboured with for. but friends not

finding Satisfaction: This meeting doth appoint Hanah Tucker Susanna Allen


Sarah Anthony and Sarah Gifford a Committee to treat further with said Abigail


Concerning her offence and they to make [re]port to the next monthly mee[t]ing

Mary Howland

Mary Howland desires a few lines Recommending her to Accakset monthly meeting


Mary Smith and Sunana Smith are appointed to draw the Same if nothing on inquery


apears to hinder

Abigail Wood

Esther Wood

Received a few lines by way removal Certificates on behalf of Abigail Wood

Esther Wood daughters of Daniel Wood deceased, fom Acoakset monthly meeting


Recommending them as members to this meeting which are accepted


This Meeting adjourns to next fourth day come week at the 11th hour the meeing to begin


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmout[h] by Adjournment on


the 26th day of the 3d month 1777 Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland was appointed


to attend the monthly meeting both present

To the Qutly


The Epistle to the Quarterly meeting was read, approved, and Signed in this

meeting and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are


Silvester Howland Martha Pabody [Peabody] and Susanna Smith


Deborah Hayden Deborah Hicks and Susanna Smith are Recommended as Elders


to the Quarterly meeting in the Epistle



Deborah Hayden, and Rebecca Ricketson are appointed to Draw a Certificate on behalf

of Hannah Shearman [Sherman] Wife to Joshua Shearman [Sherman], on Enquiry nothing


appears to hinder


Recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 4th month 1777

The Representatives are Mary Tucker, and Barsheba Howland both present


Allen Recd

The Committee that was appointed in regard of Martha Allen wife of Jonathan Allen

Requesting to come under friends care with her two daughters Namely Mary and


Isabel Allen, make report, they found good Satisfaction and think they may be


Received; In consideration thereof this meeting concluds to Receive them into


Membership with said meeting

Mary Russell

Lucy Howland

Mary Howland

The Testimony that Mary Russell, Lucey Howland and Mary Howland Signed

to be read before this monthly meeting, is not yet read, but is to be before next

Monthly meeting; and as many of them as can convenienly are to be present

Elis: Russell

The matter concerning Elisabeth Russell is continued anoth^er month under ye friends care

Judith Akin

The Committee appointed last monthly meeting to Treat with Judith Akin have not had


oppertunity have not had opportunity [sic] according to appointments Alice Anthony and


Silvester Howland are appointed to treat ^with said Judith for the Same offence and


make reporte to the next monthly meeting



The Committee appointed to treat with Abigail Russell concering her offence make

Report, they have, accordingly to appointment, and found prity good Satisfaction


and Likwise She hath Sent a few lines to this meeting condemning the Same.


Which this meeting acccepts provided said paper is read publickly at the end


of first day meeting of Worship between this and the next monthly meeting She



Return from Q meeting

This meeting is informed that Silvester Howland and Martha Pabedy [Peabody]


attended the Quaterly meeting according to appointment: Susanna Smith was not able


By whome we received an Epistle from the Same, which we Kindly accept hoping


the good advice contained therein will be more observed for the future

Elis Allen

Elisabeth Allen wife of Eleazer Allen hath brought a few lines to this ~


meeting condemning her marr[y]ing out of the Unity of Friends; this meeting


appoints Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to treat with said Elisabeth for


her offence and find if She is sencear [sincere] in acknowledgment, and worthy to be


Continued amoung friends; and they to make report when ready

Mary Howland


Signed a removal Certificate on behalf of Mary Howland wife of Samuel

Howland Recommending her as a member to Accoakset monthy meeting

Sarah Slocum

widdow &


We are Informed that Sarah Slocum Widdow to Charles Slocum with her

Daug[h]ters are now Residens within the Compass of Greenwich monthly meeting

And now they have a Title of membership in this meeting: In consideration


thereof this meeting drew and Signed a few lines to Greenwich monthly meeting


desiring they would make Enquiry into their lives and convesations


wheither it is agreeable to friends Rules, and deal with them if occation


on our behalf and Likewise inform us the Circumstance thereof



Ths meeting appoints Alice Anthony Sarah Anthony and Barsheba Howland

to treat and Labour with Penelope Trafford concerning Some disordere we fear


She is guilty of and let her know that it is inconsistant with our Rules and


that friends likely will disown her if she persists therein


5 month


At a Monthly mee[t]ing of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 5th month 1777

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Judith Russell and


Deborah Hayden both present

Mary Russell

L: Howland

M: Howland

Mary Russell, Lucey Howland, and Mary Howlands paper of acknowledgment

hath been read since last monthly meeting according to the conclusion of Said

meeting ~ and is as followeth



To the Monthly meeting of friends in Dartmouth

Beloved Friend. We the Subscribers having Inconsideratly Purchashed


Or pertook of Some Small Quantaty of those goods called prize goods taken by


War and Violence, which said Conduct of ours, after a mature Consideration


thereof we do utterly Condemn, and are Sorry for it. Hereby Publickly Testifying


to all people unto whome these presents shall come, that as our conduct is Inconsistant


with the Religious Profession we make, So we would take the repr[o]ach theof to our


Selves and clear the Truth and the professions thereof from the Same, Desireing forgivness


from the Divine Goodness, and that friends would so far pass by this our misco[n]duct


as to let us remain under their care hoping for the future through Divine assistance


to be preserved from the Like misconduct


Dated ye 17th of ye 3 month 1777

From your friends

Mary Russell


Lucy Holand [Howland]


Mary Howland




The Committee that was appinted to treat and Labour with Elisabeth Russell concerning

her having a hand in purchasing Prize goods, and Likewise her going to a mariage

out of the Unity of friends: mak Report. they have discharged their duty according


to appointment and found no Satisfaction; this meeting thinks they are clear without


any further Labour, and do appoint Sarah Anthony and Sarah Howland to draw


a paper of Denial against the said Elisabeth and bring to the next monthly meeting

Judith Akin


The committee that was appointed to treat and Labour wth Judith Akin

Wife of Richard Akin, for her marriing out of the Unity of Friends make report


they have don according to appointment and they found no disposition in her


to make Satisfaction for her offences and this meeting thinks they are clear


from any further Labour, and do disown her of being any longer in membership with us.

Abiail Russel



Abigail Russells paper of acknowlegment hath been read Since last monthly

meeting accoring to the conclusion of said meeting ~ and is as followeth

To the Monthly Meeting to be held ye 21st day of 4th month 1777


Wheare as I through unwatchfulness purchased Some of those goods Called


Prize Goods; Which I am sorry for and do Condemn, desireing Friends to


pass it by and Let me Remain under their Care hoping I shall be more carful


for the time to come


Dated 20th day of 4th month 1777


Abigail Russell



wife and Chil

dren Recd

The Committee that was appointed in regard of Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and

Huldah his wife and children; concerning their requesting to come under

Friends care make report, that they have according to appointment, and

found a degree of Satisfaction: In Consideration thereof this Meeting


Receives them the Said Jonathan Willbor [Wilbur] and Huldah Willbor [Wilbur] under


our care, with their Children, Namely. Benjamin, Abigail, Barsheba


Huldah, Charlottee Rebecah and Elizabeth

complaint against



This meeting is Informed ^by overseers that Isaac Howland complains that his children?

Daughter in law Elisabeth Howland hath abused him in some respects

For which this meeting appoints Susannah Allen Deborah Allen and


Keziah Russell to Inspect into the Circumstace and to Labour and deal


with her as need requires for the Same and make report to the next monthly



Deborah Allen


Deborah Allen is appointd Overseer of Disorders





This meeting is Informd that Est^her Russell hath married out of the Unity

of Friends and had a child Soon after marriage, and hath been to a disorderly

marriage Since, for which offence. Deborah Allen and Junah Smith are appoin=

=ted to labur and deal with her therefor and report to next monthly meeting

Abigail How

land denyd

The Overseers inform they have preadmonshed Abigail Howland wife to Isaac

Howland for proceeding to marry out of the Unity of Friends, She not regarding the


advice but persisted therein for which this meeting disowns her from being a member


of our society


Phebe Russell


This meeing is informd by the overseers that Phebe Russell widow appeares to ^be guilty

of purchasing and peataking of Prize goods for which offence Susanna Russell and Judith

Russell are appointed to Labour to bring her to a Sight of her misconduct therein


and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Judith Akin



And likwise the Same Committee to Inform Judith Akin of her denial

and Inform Abigail Howland wife of Isaac Howland of her denial

6 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of ye 6th month 1777.

The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Susanna Allen present


This Meeting Adjourns to the 23d of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 23d of 6th month 1777 ~ Representatives both Present




The Committee that was appinted in regard of Elisabeth Howlands conduct

toward her father in law, make report. they have mett according to appointment

Laboured and advised according to their capassity but found no Satisfaction.


In consideration therof, it is the Judgment and conclusion of this meeting to disown


her for her misconduct in Several respect for it appears that some violence was used


which was the cause of much pain and Sorrow to him her said father: for which this


meeting appoints Deborah Allen and Susanna Allen to draw a paper of denial


against her and bring to the next monthly meeting

Phebe Russel


The committee that was appointed concerning Phebe Russell being guilty of purchas

ing prize goods: and allowing a marriage in her house out of the Unity of friends make


report they found no Satisfaction: only She desires friends to wait another month


Signfying she had a desire to make up the matter; which request is granted and the


matter ^to rest under the Same friend care

Bethiah Eldreg


The Committee that was appointed to see into the Sencerity of Bethiah Eldredg [Eldridge]

Requesting to come under friend care report they found pretty good sattisfaction


and they think she may be received: And in consideration^thereof She is admitted into


membership and under the care of this meeting

Elis. Russell



The F[r]iends appointed to draw a ppaper of denial against Elizabeth Russell

have brought one which was Signed in behalf of this meeting and is to be read

at the End of a first day meeting, between this and the next monthly meeting


and the paper to be returned to be put on Record

Elisa Allen


The Committee appointed to Treat with Elisabeth Allin [Allen] concerning her making

Satisfaction for her marrying out of the Unity of Friends make report She


gave them pretty good Satisfaction: and it is the conclusion of this meeting to


let her remain under their care and in membership with us

Sent up to

[Q?] meeting

The Queries have been read, answered, and the answers approved, and the ~

Epistle read, and Signed in this meeting and Sent up by our Representatives, who


are Judith Russell, Keziah Russell and Elisabeth Slocum and they to make


report to the next monthly meeting

Esther Russel

The Commttee appointed to Treat with Esther Russell, make rep[o]rt thy have not


accomplished the matter and it is refered another month

Hanh Sherman


Signed a Removal Certificate on behalf of Hanah Shearman Recommending

her to Sandwich monthly meeting


7 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Wome Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 7th month 1777

Susanna Allen and Amie Barker was appointed to attend the monthly meeting both present

John Williams

proposal of


John Williams And Martha Pabody [Peabody], Signified their Intentions marriage bef[o]re

this meeting and they are desired to waite untill the next monthly meeting for

their answer ~ Deborah Hayden and Keziah Russell are appointed to make


Enquiry into Martha Pabody [Peabody] clearness and conversation respecting marriage


and they to make report at the next monthly meeting

Phebe Russel

The matter concerning Phebe Russell is continued another month under


the care of the former Committee with Alice Anthony & Silvester Howland aded therto

Elis Russell

The paper of denial against Elisabeth Russell hath not been read


The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting make report they


all have according to appointment except Elisabeth Slocum, by whom we receivd

Return from

Q meeting

Epistles rece d

the Quarterly meeting Epistle with one from the Womens Yearly meeting held

at Philidelphia for Pensylvania, bearing date the 9th month 1776 with much

Seasonable advice contained therein which was kindly received among us

Esther Russel case

The Committee that was appointed to Treat with Esther Russell wife to Paul


Russell make report, they have had an oppertunity, according to their appointment


and found her in no disposion to make Satisfaction; This meeting considering the


report thinks they are with out any further Labour; do appoint the Same Committee


to draw a paper of denial against her and bring to next monthly meeting




Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] Requests to come under the care of Friends and this

meeting appoints Deborah Hicks and Elisabeth Slocum to have the matter

under their care, to See ^if she is worthy and they to make report when ready

Mary Lap=

=ham request

Mary Lapham Wife to Nicholas Lappham [Lapham] Desiers to come under the care of

Friends; and this meeting appoints Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith to have


the matter under their care, to See if She is worthy of her request and they to


make report when ready

Elis. Howland



A Paper of denial was Signed against Elisabeth Howland; and to be read

at the close of a first day meeting before next monthly meeting

This Meeting appoints Deborah Hayden, Deborah Hicks, Susana Smith, and Sarah


Anthony, a Committee to Inspect consider, and determine the matter concerning

Sarah Slocum


Sarah Slocum, and her children haveing a Birth right among us of membership

and what manner to proceed in the affare that may be to the honnour of Truth


And for them to take Such men friends as appears Suitable to assist them in


the affairs and draw a paper of Denial against them if need requiren and make


Report to the next monthly meeting.




The Committee that was appointed to Inspect and Labor with Penelope Trafford

concerning Some reports that was abroad: Informe, they have had an oppertunity

and it appears She hath freequantly attended the Priestbeterian meeting for


Some considearable times and like drest after their custom and left our meeting


which is not agreeable to our profession: For which they Laboured with her


For her recovery, but found no Satisfaction; this meeting considering the


report think they are clear without any more Labour, and do deny ^her of being a


member in our Society


8 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 8th month 1777

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland Daborah Hayden present




The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Martha Pabodys [Peabodys] clearness and

Conversation respecting marriage make report they find nothing to hinder their

proceeding in marriage

John Williams


John Williams and Martha Pabody [Peabody] appeared for their answer: which was

they might proceed to take each other in marriage at Some convenient time between


this and the next monthly meeting advising with the oveseers appointed for that


Service who are Keziah Russell and Alice Anthony

Lillis Mac=


case referd

The Committee that was appointed to converse with Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] concerning

her request: make report, they have had an oppertunity according to appointment

and they think best waite longer that She may be better acquainted with friend


Principles of Truth before She be Joined in Society, and for the Same friends


to have the matter under their care


A Paper of denial hath been read against Elisabeth Russell. Since last


monthly meeting and is as followeth



paper of


Whereas Elisabeth Russell wife of Benjamin Russell Miller haveing had her

Education amoung friends and under the care of this meeting, but hath so far

departed there from the Simplicity of Truth, and the prof[e]ssion we make as to

be found in the pract^ice of buying or purtaaking of those called Prize goods


Like wise in going or resorting at a Wedding out of the Unity off friends, all


which She hath been Laboured with for in love, in order to Shew her the


Evil thereof; but our Labour not obtaining its desired Effect, nor She


being free to the Condemning said misconduct to friends Satisfaction: therfore


There for the clearing of Truth and friends from the reproach thereof


This meeting is concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her


Hereby Disowning the said Elisabeth Russell from under the care of this meeting


Nevertheless Desireing She may come to ^a sight of the Evil of such practices and


Return and be Restored to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth ye 23d of ye 6 month 1777


Signed in & on behalf of sd meeting by Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk

Mary Wing

paper of


A Paper of denial against Mary Wing was read since last monthly meeting

And is as followeth

Whereas Mary Wing Some years past was under Dealing by this meeing as apear


by our Records, and altho’ She gave in a paper Condemning her misconduct


yet the meeting did not receive her in full Unity but Suspended the matter for


a proof of her Sincerity, now this meeting of late havin made Enquiry into her


conduct and Conversation with and Likwise have had conference with her on


that matter and do not find a Sufficient proof of a Sincear Repentance but


Reather the contrary: Therefore this meeting doth deny her the said Mary Wing


From being a member of our Religious Society, until by Sencarer Repentance


and a return from the Evil of her ways, (as a Sure Token thereof) to the way of


Truth and well doing


Signed in and on behalf of our monthly meeting

William Anthony Jur Clerk


Held in Dartmouth the 19th of ye 8th month 1777 By

Susanna Smith Clerk


A Paper of Denial against Elisabeth Howland was Read according to


the Conclusion of the last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth




Whereas Elisabeth Howland Wife of Benjamin Howland, being a member

of our Religious Society Through unwatchfulness and disregarding the Testimony

of Truth in her own heart, hath fallen into bodily Strife with her father in law


Isaac Howland and abused him, and hath not made him Sattisfaction, for


which misconduct much Labour hath been bestowed in love for her recovery


But all our labour proveing Ineffectual to friends Satisfaction: Now for


the Clearing of Truth, and Friends from Such Groos Evils Do hereby disown


the said Elisabeth Howland from being a member of our ^Religious Society, and from


from [sic] under the care of this meeing desireing She may come to a hearty Repentance


and find mercy


Given forth at a Monthly Meeting held in Dartmouth


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


this 21st day of ye 7th month 1777

Susanna Smith Clerk


Signed in and on behalf of Said meeting By


This Meeting Adjourns to next forth day come week


At a monthly meeting Women friends held in Dartmouth by adjourment


this 27th of the 8th month 1777. The Representatives Called upon: Sarah Howland present



Phebe Russell hath made this meeting Satisfaction Provided She cause her

Paper to be read at the close of Some first day meeting before the next monthly meeting


She being present

Sarah Slocum

case referd

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is referd another month under ye same friends care

Jonathan Green

Martha Green

Received a Removal Certificate from East Greenwick [Greenwich] monthly meeting Recommening Jonathan Greene [Green] and Martha Greene [Green]. Children of Rufus Green as members to this meeting which is accepted

Esther Russell


Signed a paper of denial against Ester Russell which is to be read at the

Close of a first day meeting before the next monthly meeting

David Sands Certificate

Signed a few lines by way of Certificate on behalf of ^our worthy friend David Sands, Signifying


the Satisfaction we received of his Labour of Love we receiv among us: To the


Monthly meeting at the Ninepartners

Aaron Lan=



Likwise Signed a few lines by way of Certificate in behalf of our Worthy

Friend Aaron Lancaster Signyfying the Satisfaction we Received of his labour

of Love among us: to the monthly meeting at the Oblong

Q meeting



This meeting is Informed that a Committee from the Quarterly requests

That our next monthly meeting may be held the next day after the preparitive

meeting, which this meeting concluds to grant according to ther request


9 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 11th of 9th month 1777

Sarah Anthony and Silvester Howland are appointed to attend ye montly meeting both present

John Williams


Kaziah Russell Informs She attended the marriage of John Williams according

to appointment and that it was consumated and carried on orderly ^as far as she discoverd


Alice Anthony did ^not attend according to appointment

Phebe Russell

Phebe Russells paper of acknowledgment hath not been read but she Signifies


She intends to accomplish the matter before the next monthly meeting

Sarah Slocum

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is refered another month by reason we


canot find the names of her Children

Esther Russell

paper of


Easther Russells paper of denial hath been read according to the conclusion of

the last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth

Whereas Easter Russell Wife of Paul has had her Education amongst


Friends, yet through unwatchfulness^and [mist_ing?] ye Testimony of Truth hath so far Given way to the


Insinuations of the advesary as to fall into the Goose [Gross?] Sine of Fornication as appears by


her having a Child so soon after marriage, and also married out from amoungst


Friends all which She hath been Laboured with for in order to Convince her of


the Evil of her ways; but our Labour of Love not having the desired effect to friends


Satisfaction; do give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the said


Easter Russell, disowning her from being a member of ^our Religious Society and from


under the care of this meeting. desiring She may come to a Sight of her outgoings


and by unfeig[n]ed Repentance be restored to the way of Truth


Given^forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmout by adjournent


this 21st day of the 8th month 1777. Signed in and on behalf of our said meeting By


William Anthony Jur Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk

To Indulge

none But

our society

This meeting concluds not to Indulge any into this meeting that are not members

of the Society for the future, Either at the proposing of marriages or at any

other time

To be Sent

up to Qly


The Queries have been read ansered and approved in this meeting with the

Epistle to be Sent up to the Quarterly meet meeting by our Representatives

who are Deborah Haden [Hayden], Sarah Gifford and Deborah Allen and they to make


report to the next monthly meeting

To Correct


This meeting appoints Deborah Hayden Susanna Smith and Deborah Allen

to Revise and correct the miniuts and Settle withe Treasurer, and they to make


Report to the next monthly meeting





We are Informed by one of the Oversers that Caturah Peckham appears

to be guilty of purchasing prize goods, for which she hath been lab treated

with for, but She is not at present in a disposition to make Friends any Satis=

=faction, this meeting appoints Judith Russell and Kaziah Russell to Labour


further with her to bring her to a Sight thereof, and they to make report to the next


Monthly meeting

Benj: How-

=land 3d proposal of marriage

Benjamin Howland ye 3d and Mary Slocum Declared their Intentions of

Marriage at this meeting and they were desired to waite for their answer untill


next monthly meeting Ruth Tucker and Lydia Barker are appointed to make


Enquiry into Mary Slocums Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage


and they to make report to the next monthly meeting


10 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 10th month 1777

The friends that are appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Hicks


And Sarah Anthony, Sarah Anthony present

Phebe Russell

Phebe Russells paper of ack[n]owledgment hath not been read, and the former comittee


are desired to take an opertunity with her and Query what the case is and let


her know the meeting waits another month upon her

Sarah Slocum

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is refered another month on the account


of the Same ocason as before given

Martha Slocum


Received a removal Certificate from Newport[?] monthly meeting on behalf

of Martha Slocum wife to John Slocum with her Nine Children Namely


Avis Martha Sarah, Benjamin, John, Pardon, William, Thomas, and Christopher


Recommending them as members to this me[e]ting which is accepted Likewise one


born Since they came w Here whose name is Elisabeth Said Martha desires should be


under the care of friend this me[e]ting grants her request and looks on it as a member

from meeting

The friend appointed to attend the Quaterly meeting Inform they attend according


to appointment, from which we received an Epistle to good satisfaction desireing


the good advice contained therein may be more observed for the future

minites not


The committee that was appointed to revise corect the miniuts, and Settle

with the Treasurer make report they have not acomplished the matter which is


another month under their care



The Committee that was appointed to Treat with caturah Peckham concerning her

being guilty of purchasing prize goods, make report they hav had an oppetunity


and her not in a disposition to make Satisfaction at present but she desires friends


to wait another month which is complied with and left under the same friends care




Received Removal Certificate from the monthly meeting of Sandwich held at

Falmo[u]th on behalf of Marcy Slocum wife of Giles Slocum Recommending

her as a member to this meeting which is accepted

Mary Slocum


The friends that was appointed to make to ma Enquiry into Mary Slocums

Clearness and convesation respecting marriage make report they have performed


the Same and find nothing to hinder their proceeding in marriage

Ben How=

land 3


Benjamin Howland 3d and Mary Slocum appeared for their answer; Which

was they may proceed to take Each other in Marriage at Some convenient time

between this and next monthly meeting, advising with the Overseers who are Alice


Anthony and Susanna Smith, and ^report to the next monthly meeting

Mary How=



Mary Howland daughter to Job Howland Inform this meeting She is about

to Remove within the Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires

our Certificate: Deborah Hayden and Lydia Barker are appointed to make


Enquiry into her Life and conversation and if worthy draw a Certificate and


bring to the next monthly meeting


11 month


At a Monthly Meeing of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 11th month 1777

The friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Deborah Allen and Deborah


Hayden both present

Phebe Russel

This meeing concluds to waite one month Longer upon Phebe Russell

Sarah Slocum

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued anothe month


The matter concerning Caturah Peckham is referd another month and the Same


Committee are desired to treat with her according to appointment

Ben Howland:


Alice Anthony Informs She attended Benjaman Howland 3 marriage accor

according to appointment and it was consumated orderly as far as She discoverd


Susana Smith was disapointed ^of attend by reason her family was unwell

Lillis Mac=



The Committee that was appointed to Treat with Lillis Maccomber on acount

of her request, make report, they have had Several oppertunities with her and

think best to receive her [smudge] Therefore this meeting receives her into membership

Mary How=

land Certif=


Sigined a Removal Certificate on behalf of Mary Howland daughter to Job

Howland Recomending her to the Ninepartner Monthly meeting

12 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 12th month 1777

The Representatives Called Judith Russell and Mary Smith appeared

Phebe Russell



Phebe Russells paper of acknowledgment hath been read Since Last

monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth

To the Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 8th month 1777


Dear Friends ~ Whereas I have Suffered a marriage in my house which was not


according to friends orders, and purchased Some Prize Suggers, all which


Condemn and am Sorry for and hope friends will pass it by so far as to Let


me Remain under their care ~ From your Loving friend Phebe Russell

Mary Lap=

ham recd

The Committe appointed to Treat with Mary Lapham concerning her request

make report, they found pretty good Satisfaction, and that they dont find any


thing to hinder from being received; In Consideration there of this meeting


accept her into membership

Sarah Slocum


Peckham disownd

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued another month

The Comittee appointe to Labour with Caturah Peckham for being guilty

Guilty of Purchasing Prize goods, make report that she rather countananced


what She had done: and this meeting thinks they are clear without any further


^Labour and do appoint Deborah Hicks and Deborah Allen to draw a paper of denial


against the ^sd Catureh Peckham and bring to the next monthly meeting Keziah


Russell is appointed to acquainte caturah of her denial

Joanna Gifford


Joanna Giford [Gifford] Sent a few lines requesting to come under friends care and

her husband requests the Same for their children ~ Elisabeth Smith and Hana


Hannah Mosher are appointed to make Enquiry into their Lives and


Conversations, and take Suitable oppertunitys of conference with them the better


to understand wheither they are Worthy, and the motive Springs from true


Conviction: and they to make report when ready

To be Sent to

Q meeting

No answers prepared at this time ~ Signed an account to be Sent to the ~

Quarterly meeting by our Representatives Judith Russell, Sarah Anthony


Susanna Smith and Elisabeth Slocum, and they to make report to the


next Monthly meeting

0-15s -0 to

Mart Williams

This meeting desires the Treasurer to pay the Sum of 15s old Tennor to Martha

Williams which hath been contracted for the Use of Friends


1st month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 1st month 1778

The Friend appointed to attend the monthly meeting are Sarah Anthony and


Sarah Howland both Present

Sarah Slocum

The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is yet continued another month

report from

Q meeting

This meeting is Informd that none of the Representatives that was appointed

to attend the Quarterly meeting but Elisabeth Slocum hath performed according


to appointment but gave Such reasons as are accepted; we received an

Epistle Recd

Epistle from said Quarterly meeting which was read and Kindly accepted



The Treasurer Informs She hath paid the Sum of 15s Shillings old Tennor to Martha

Williams according to the direction of Last monthly meeting

Nic Lapham

and wife


Nicholus Lapham and his wife request that their childrren should be

Taken under the care of Friends

This meeting apoints Deborah Hicks and marry Smith to Joine the men


Frind in Visiting the family to find wheither it is agreeable to receive


them, and they to make ^report to the next monthly meeting

Mary Duel


Mary Duel Sent a few lines requesting to come under the care of

this meeting: Kaziah Russell and Hanah Mosher are appointed to treat


with her the better to understand wheither she is worthy to be received and


that the motive Springs from the bottom of true Conviction and they to


make report when ready

Content Cornel



Content Cornell hath ^made the meeting Satisfaction for going to a marrage out of the

unity of friends

Katurah Peck

denial signd

Signed a Paper of Denial against Caturah Peckham which is to be

Read at the Close of a first day meeting between now and next monthly meeting

Saml Gifford proposal of


Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] made proposal of marriage

before this meeting and were desired to waite untill next monthly meeting


for their Answer ~ Deborah Allen and Elisabeth Slocum are appointed


to make Enquiry into Lillis Maccombers Clearness respecting marriage


and Conversation; and make report to next monthly meeting


2 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 2nd month 1778

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Rebecca Ricketson: Rebeca present

Sarah Slocum


The matter concerning Sarah Slocum is continued another month

Lillis Maccom=

=ber Clear


The committee appointed to Enquire in Lillis Maccombers [Macombers] Clarness

and conversation respecting marriage make report, they find nothing

to hinder their proceeding in marriage

Sam Gifford


Samuel Gifford and Lillis Maccomber [Macomber] appeared for their Answer

Which is they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some


Convenient time before the next monthly meeting; advising with the


Overseers appointed for that Service who are Deborah Allen and Elisabeth


Slocum and they to make report next monthly meeting


The Denial against Katurah Peckham hath not been read


Rotch request

We are Informed that Rebecca Rotch Desires our Certificate Recommending her

to Nantucket Month meeting ~ Deborah Davis and Rebecca Ricketson are


appinted to make Enquiry into her Life and Conversation and if nothing apears


to hinder to Draw a few lines and bring to the nex monthly meeting


3 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmou[t]h ye 16th of 3d month 1778

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Mary Smith both present




Susanna Allen Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Smith are appointed to take

an oppertunity to converse with Sarah Slocum concerning Some reports that

is S[p]read abroad concerning her and her children and if they appear not to be


deserving to remain among Friends, for them to draw a paper of Denial against


them agreeable to their offence and make report to the monthly meeting

Sam Gifford


Elisabeth Slocum makes report she attended Samuel Giffords marriage according

to appointmentment and it was consumated and carried on with deacency as far


as She discovered


A Denial against Katurah Peckham hath been read against her Since last monthly


meeting and is as followeth




Whereas Katurah Peckham having had a right of membership amoung F[r]iends

and under the care of this meeting, but hath so far departed from the Simplicity

of Truth and the Prfession^we make as to be found in the practice of make of buying those


Called Prize goods; and She hath been Laboured with for it in love, in order to Shw


Shew her the Evil thereof but our Labour not having its desired effect nor She


being free to condemn it to friends Satisfaction: Therefor ^for the Clearing of Truth and


Friends from the repr[o]ach thereof this meeting is Concerned to give this forth


as a publick Testimony ^against her hereby disowning the Said Katurah Peckham from


under the care of this meeting desiring She may come to a Sigh[t] of the Evil


of Such practices and Return and be restored to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 19th day 1st month 1778


Signed in and on behalf of Said Meeting by —

William Anthony Junr Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk

Elis Johnson


Elisabeth Jonson [Johnson] desires to come under the care of this meeting with her two

Little daughters, if on Enquiry she is found worth: Deborah Hayden and Eunice


Taber are appointed to have Suitable oppertunities with ^her and make enquiry on


that account the better to understand Wheither the motive Springs from the


bottom of true conviction and they to make report when ready

David Sheherd

& son David


David Shepherd and his son David Signifies they are about to remove within

Verge of Smithfield monthly meeting and desires removal Certificates thereto

for themselves and families ~ Alice Anthony and Silvester Howland are appointed


to make Enquirey into their Lives and Conversations and if Nothing appears to


hinder to Joine the men Friends in preparing Said Certificates and bring to


the next monthly meeting



Phebe Briggs

The Overseers Informe this meeting that Phebe Brigg [Briggs] Widdow to Weston Briggs

appears to be guilty of Purtakeing or Countenancing the use of Prize goods, for whsh

which they have Laboured with her for, and She gave no satisfaction Sarah


Giford [Gifford] and Mary Smith are apointed to Labour further with her in order to


Restore her and if she gives no Satisfaction, for them to Draw a Testimony of


Denial against her and bring to nex monthly meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to the 25th of this Instant


Mett according to adjournment ye 25th of 3rd month 1778 Representativs calld both present

Joanna Gifford


The Committee that was appointed in regard to Joanna Giffords request

make report that they found good Satisfaction and find nothing to hinder her


being Received ~ In consideration thereof this meeting receives her into


membership with her two daughters Namely Lillis and Joanna Gifford

To be sent to

Qly meeting

The Queries have been read and answered. with the Epistle Signed and

approved and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives


who are Susanna Smith Sarah Howland and And [sic] Sarah Anthony; And


they to make report to the next monthly meeting


Slocum &

three daugh

ters disownd

The Committee appointed Some time past on account of Sarah Slocum

(widdow to Charles Slocum) And her children, make report, That they have

Joined the men friends, and considered the matter and the return from

Greenwich Monthly meeting; and also had conference with her; and finding


their their Lives and Conversations so different from our Profession, as


Not attending any of our Religious meeting, with many other disorders not


her[e?] mentioned that they think it most for the Honnour of T^ruth to disown


all them that are come to years of understanding. Which report being accepted


Therefore we do disown the Said Sarah Slocum and her three Eldest


daughters Namely Margret, Desiah, and Mary:


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 20th of 4th month 1778

The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Sarah Anthony both present

Phebe Briggs


The matter concerning Phebe Briggs is continued another month

Return from

Q meeting

The Friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting, report

they attended according to their appointment, by whom we received an


Epistle ^read and kindly accepted

Jos Rotch

and wife


Signed a Removal Certificate for Joseph Rotch and wife recommending

them to Nantucket monthly meeting

David Shep=

=herd Jur


Signed a Removal Certificate for David Shephrd Junor [Shepherd] his wife and their

two children Namly Thomas and Reliance Recomnending them to Smithfield

Monthly meeting

Mary Duel


The Committee that was appointed Some time past to treat with Mary Dewel [Davol?]

concerning her Request, Make report they have had Several conferences with


her and find pretty good Satisfaction and nothing to hinder her being


Received, This meeting accepts sd report, do receive her into membership


with us




Elisabeth Allen Sent a few lines to this meeting condemning her

marrying out of the Unity of friends, and being guilty of the Sin of Fornication

For which this meeting appoints Deborah Hayden Deborah Hicks and Sarah


Gifford to Treat with her to d^iscover wheither She is Sencear, and worthy to be


continued in membership; and they to report when ready




The overseers Inform ^this meeting that Hannah Woodman Wife of Robart Woodman hath

Lately marryed out of the Unity of friends, which they have Laboured with her

Sufficiently for, she being obstinate, this meeting thinks they are clear without


any further labour (She disregarding their advice) do disown her from being


in membership with said meeting




Rebecca Smith is a bout to remove to Saratoga within the verge of the

Ninepartners monthly meeting and requests a Certificate for her Self and

Children: Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make


Enquiry into their lives and Conversations. and prepare a Certificate for


them if nothing appears to hinder and bring to next monthly meeting

Han Woodman

to be informd

Margret Stratton is appointed to acquant Hannah Woodman withe her denial

5 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 5th month 1778

The Representatives are Amie Barker and Deborah Hayden both present

Phebe Briggs


The matter concerning Phebe Briggs is continued another month under ye Sam frinds care

Ester Allen


Some of the Overseers Inf^orm that Esther Allen Wife of Robart Allen

hath married out of the Unty of Friends and they laboured with her before


marriage, but She not regarding their advice and hath proceeded in marriage


This meeting thinks they are clear without any further labour and do


deny her of being in membership ~ Susanna Russell is appointed to acquaint


her of her denial




Signed a Removal Certificate for David Shepher [Shepherd], his Wife & children

under age whose names are Caleb, Deborah, Gideon, Allen, Elisabeth

and Lydia. Recommending them to Smithfield monthly meeting

Nic: Lapham



The Committee apointed to Joine the men friends concerning receiving

Nicholas Laphams children under the care of friends, those that are tho not all

ready make report they have had an oppertunty and think best to receive them


The meeting accepts said report do receive them into membership

Rebec: Smith


Signed a Removal Certificate for Rebecca Smith (Wife of Daniel Smith) and her

Children, Namely, Jeremiah, Humphry, Elisabeth, James, Stephen, Abigail


and Mary, Recomending them to the Ninepartners [Nine Partners] monthly meeting

Jonan: Sowle


of marriage

Jonathan Sowle and Barsheba Russell declared their Intentions of

marriage before this meeting and were desired to waite for their Answer till

the next monthly meeting ~ Mary Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to


make Enquiry into Barsheba Russells Clearness respe[c]ting Marriage, and her


Life and Conversation, and make report the next monthly meeting


6 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of ye 6th month 1778.

Deborah Hayden Chose Clerk for this day


The Representatives are Mary Smith and Silvester Howland both present


Folger &

Georg Folger

proposal of


Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum ~ And George Folge [Folger] and Rebecca Slocum

Declared their Intentions of marriage before this meeting, and were desired to

waite untill next monthly meeting for their Answers

Silvester Howland and Mary Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into Avis

Slocums Clearness and conversation respecting marriage, and make report next


monthly meeting ~ Deborah Hicks and Deborah Allen are appointed to See into


Rebecca Slocums Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage and they to


make report next monthly meeting


This Meeting is Adjournd to the 22nd day of this month at ye Usual time


Mett by adjournment this 22d day of 6th month 1778 Representatives both present

Elis Johnson


The Committee that was appointed Some time past in regard to Elisabeth Johnsons

Request, make report they found pretty good Satisfaction and think it may be for


the best to receive them into membership: In consideration therof this meeting


accepts Said report: and do receive her under the care of this meeting with


her two little daughters, Elisabeth and Theodate

Phebe Brigg


Phebe Briggs Presented a few lines to this meeting condemning her purchashing

Prize Suggar: Likewise the Committee Informs this meeting they have had Several


oppertunity on that account, and they are free She Should be Continued among


Friends, In Consideration thereof this meeting accepepts [sic] Said paper provided She


Cause the Same to be read at the Close of a first day meeting of Worship between


this and the next monthly meeting She being present when read

David Sand

Aaron Lan=


Received a Certificate from the Ninepartners monthly meeting on behalf of

our Worthy Friend David Sands: and one from Oblong on behalf of our Worthy

Friend Aaron Lankester [Lancaster]; both which are accepable whose labours have been Com=


fortable to the living among us

Esther Allen

Susanna Russell Inform this meeting She hath acquainted Easther Allen of her denial

Barsh Russell


The friends that was appointed to make enquiry into Barsheba Russell clearness and

Conversation respecting marriage make report. they have don acording to appointment


and nothing appears to hinder their proceedings

Jonan Sowle


Jonathan Sowl [Soule] and Barsheba Russell appeared for their Answer; Which was

They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient time between


this and next monthly meeting Advising with the overseers, who are Alice Anthony


Susanna Smith and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Elisa Hathway


Received a Removal Certificate from Swa[n]zey monthly meeting in behalf of our

Friend Elisabeth Hathaway and five of her Children Namely Elisabeth, Jonas,


Lydia, Mary and George, all which is accepted


This Meeting Adjourns to the 24th of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 24th of the 6th month 1778 Representatives both present

Sent up to

The Queries have been read and answered and the answers approved Likwise

Qualy meeting

the Epistle Signed and sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives

Aaron Lan=


David Sands

Who are Deborah Hayden, Judith Russell, Deborah Allen and Silvester

Howland; and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Signed a Certificate on behalf of our Worthy friend Aaron Lankester [Lancaster] to the


Oblong monthly meeting: and one for our Worthy Friend David Sands to


the monthly meeting at the Ninepartners where they belong Signifying our


Satisfaction with them while amoung us

Reprove Deserters

Alice Anthony and Kaziah Russell are apointed to Joine the men friends


to treat and labour with those families that are inclin^ing to freequant or attend


Such meetings as are not in Unity with friends and deal with them as Truth


Shall Require: and make report to the monthly meeting


7 month 1778

At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 7th month 1778


The Representatives are Phebe Slocum and Mary Smith both present

Avis Slocum

Rebec Slocum


The friends appointed to Enquire into Avis Slocums and Rebecca Slocums

Clearness and Conversation respecting marriage make report they have don

agreeable to their appointment and nothing appears to hinder their proceeding


as they have discovered

Silvus Folger

Geor Folger


Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum ~ George Folger Jur and Rebecca Slocum

all appeared for their Answers; Which was they may proceed in marriage at

Some convenient time between this and the next monthly meeting, advising


with the overseers this meeting shall appoint for that Service ~ Mary Smith


and Silvester Howland are appointed to have the oversight of Silvanus


Folgers and Avis Slocums marriage Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are


appointed to have the oversight of George Folgers ^& Rebecca Slocums marriage


and th[e]y all to make report of their proceedings to the next monthly meeting


Phebe Briggs paper of acknoledgment hath been read according to last


monthly meetings conclusion ~ and is as followeth

Phebe Brigg



To the Monthly meeting ^of Women friends to be held at aponeganset

the 15th day of ye 6 month in the year 1778. ~ Esteemed friends, these lines may

Inform you that I through unwatchfulness have pertook of prize Sager [Sugar]


which is contrary to the Testimony of Friends and the great Profession I am


makeing, for which disorder I am Sorry for, and desire Friends would


Pass it by and Suffer me to Remain under your Care, hopeing to be more


Careful for the time to come ~ From your friend Phebe Briggs




The friends that had the oversight of Jonathan Sowle and Barsheba

Russells marriage, report that they fulfild their appointment and as far

as they discoverd it was Consumated Orderly

Return from

Q meeting

Deborah Allen and Judith Russell report they have attended the Quarterly

meeting according to appointment, by whom we received an Epistle from


Said meeting which is kindly accepted

To reprove deserters

Deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks are added to the former Committee


that was appointed to treat and Labour further with those member that absent


themselves from our meetings and practice going to other meetings


Wanton &

Rebec Thra=

=sher disor


Susanna Russell and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Treat and labour

with Abigail Wanton and Rebecca Thrasher for marrying out of the Unity of

Friends and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Deb Gifford


Deborah Gifford presented a few lines to this meeting desireing to

to be taken under the care of Friends. This meeting appoints Sarah


Anthony Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith to Visit the Family the


better to understand wheither the motive Springs from the bottom of true


Conviction, and they to make report when ready


8 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth 17th of 8th month 1778

The Representatives are Deborah Hicks and Mary Howland both presnt


Folger &

Geo Folger


The Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of the marriage of

Silvanus Folger and Avis Slocum, and George Folger and Rebecca

Slocum make report their marriages was consumated orderly as far as

they discovered


Deborah Patience



under dealing

The friends that was appointed to Treat with those members that absent

from our meetings make report they have had an oppertunity with Mary

Hathway [Hathaway] wife of James Hathway [Hathaway]; and Deborah, Patience, and Freelove

Hathway [Hathaway] Daughters of Caleb Hathway [Hathaway]; and they continue in^Practice of

going to Seperate meetings and Countenancing the Same, for which they have Laboured to

The afore said

friends are



bring them to a sight of their disorder but it not proved effectual they think it for the honour

of Truth to Testify against them; this meeting accepting said report ^do deny them

and app^oint deborah Allen and Deborah Hicks to draw a paper of denial against

them agreeable to their offence and bring to the next monthly meeting


Wanton &




The friends that was apointed to treat with Abigail Wanton wife of John Wanton

and Rebeccah Thrasher Wife Samuel Thrasher for their marrying out from amongst

Friends, make report that they have discharged themselves, as well as oppetunity

would admit Some of the overseers have Laboured with them and as the Circumstance

is think Sufficient care hath been taken. and they Discovered no disposition of their


making Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting disowns them the said


Abigail Wanton and Rebeccah Thrasher from being in membership in our Society


Jud[i]th Russell is apointed to inform the above said women of their denial and make


report to the next monthly meeting




Wereas the Bounderies between Swanzey Monthly meeting and this: hath lately

been Settled: and Edward Thurston and his wife Pernal with their Children falls

into the Limmits ^of their Said meeting wherefore we recommend unto them ^the said family


as members of their meeting



Signed a Removal Certificate for Naome Howland and her daughter Rebeccah

Recommending them to the Monthly meeting at East Hoosuck


9 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 9th month 1778

The Representatives are Silvester Howland and Mary Smith both present

Elisah Allen


ment recd

The Friends that was appointed to Treat with Elisabeth Allen on the account

of her being guilty of the Sin of Fornication, make report, that She gave

them Such good Satisfaction that they are free Should remain a member in Society


This meeting accepting said report, do receive her paper of acknowledgment


Provided She cause the Same to be read at the Close of Some firs[t] day meeting for worship


between this and the next monthly meeting She being present

Rose Pinkham


Rose Pinkum [Pinkham] requests a Certificate to Nantucket monthly meeting recommending

her as a member: Deborah Hayden and Eunice Tabor [Taber] are appointed to make Enquiry


into her life and Conversation while among us, and if nothing appear to hender


to Draw one and bring to the next monthly meeting


Sowle request

Bersheba Sowle request a few Lines Recommending her to Accoakset [Acoaxet]

monthly meeting as a member: Mary Smith and Silvester Howland are appointed


to make Enquiry into her life and Conversation, and if nothing appears to hinder


to draw a few lines and bring to next monthly meeting

Mary Hath=

=way &c

denial signd

Signed a paper of denial against Mary Hathway [Hathaway] and several of Caleb Hathway

[Hathaway] daughters which is to be Read publickly at the close of a first day meeting of

before the next monthly meeting

Sarah Duel disow[n]ed

One of the overseers Inform this meeting She took a friend and went to Treat with


Sarah Duel [Davol?] (wife of David Duel [Davol?]) before marriage, in regard of her keeping


Company out of the Unity of friends, and Laboured with her for the Same but She


disregarding the advice hath gone out in marriage for which this meeing thinks


they are clear, and do deny her having any right of membership in Society amoung us


Judith Russell is appointed to acquaint sd Sarah of her denil [denial] and make report to


next monthly meeting


Q meeting

No answers prepared at this Time; Signed an Epistle to be sent up to the

Ensuing Quarterly meeting by our Representatives Who are Deborah Hayden


Eunice Taber Sarah Gifford and Kaziah Russell: they to report to the next


Monthly meeting


10 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 10th month 1778

The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Mary Tucker both present

Elis Allen

Elisabeth Allens paper hath not been read according to the conclusion of last


monthly meeting

Ann Butts


Anne Butts Sent a few lines to this meeing desireing to come under their Care

Susanna Allen Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to take


Sutible oppertunities of conferrences on account of ^her said request the better to


understand wheither She is Sinceare and Worthy to be received and they to


make report when ready




Rebecca Russell Informs this meeting that She is about to remove within the

Verge of East Hoosu[c]k monthly meeting and desires a Certi^ficate, and desires her

Little daughter Amie to be taken under the care of friends and be recommened


Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into her life


and conversation, and to consider the matter concerning her child, and if nothing


appears to hinder to draw a Certificate and bring to the next monthly meeting




Rebecca Folger desires a few lines Recommending her to Nantucket monthly

meeting Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry

and if nothing appears to hinder to draw a few lines and bring to next


monthly meeting

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle Recd

This meeting is Informed that all the friends that was appointed to attend the

Qarterly meeting hath fulfilled their appointment; we received an Epistle

from the Quarterly meeting, and one from the yearly meeting of friends at Phi=


=lidelphia both being read in this meeting and the Seasonable advices contained


therein. we hop will be regarded by the Sincear hearted amoung us


Signed two Removal Certificates one for Barsheba Sowle recommen[din]g her to

Barsh Sowle

Rose Pinkham


Accoakset monthly meeting

And one for Rose Pinkham Recomending her to Nantucket monthly meeting

11 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 11th month 1778

No Represenves

to this meeting

There are no Friends appointed to attend the monthly meeting by reason

there was no Women friends at the preparitive meeting by reason of an Indif=


=ferency that is much prevailing in this meeting; altho thether wether was


very rainny yet we beleive if all our members had been rightly Engaged for the


Cause our meeting would not have dropt at that time


Gifford &



The Committee that was apointed Some time ago to treat with Deborah Gifford

concerning her request to be taken under the [care?] of friends, make report that they

fulfilled their appointment and found Such Satisfaction that they find

nothing to hinder their being received: In Consideration thereof this meeting


Accepts of the Said Deborah Gifford and her four daughters Namely Rachel


Edith, Esther, and Lydia into membership with this meeting


Allens Case

Elisabeth Allens paper of acknowledgment hath not ^yet been read and this

meeting concluds that it Should be omitted untill friends are better Satisfied


and do conclude, the Same Committee, Marcy Slocum added thereto and they


to Labour farther^ther for her recovery as the Wisdom of Truth shall direct and they to


make report when ready


A paper of denial against Mary Hathaway Deborah, Patience and Freelove


Hathaway, hath been read Since last monthly meeting which is returned to the


Clerk to go on record ~ and is as followeth

Testimony of



Mary Hath=

=way & others

Wheras Mary Hathaway (Wife of James Hathaway) Deborah, Patence

and Freelove Hathaway. daughters of Caleb Hathaway, having a right

of membership amongst friends, and having for Some time neglected

the attending our meetings, and of Late followed Seperate meetings all

which there hath much labour in love to Convince them of their disorderly


walking, but our labour of love. not haveing the desired effect to friends


Satisfaction: Do hereby disown the said Mary Hathaway (wife of James


Hathaway) Deborah, Patience and Freelove Hathaway from being members


of our Religious Society and from under the care of this meeting hopeing they


may yet be favoured toith a come to a Sight and Sence of their Out goings


and be restored to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held at Dartmouth


this 21st day of ye 9th month 1778 Signed in and on behalf of our sd meeting By


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


Susanna Smith Clerk


12 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21 of 12 mo 1778

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Sarah Howland both present

Content Cornell


Content Cornel [Cornell] desires a Certficate to East Hoosuck monthly meeting

Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Allen are appointed to make Enquiry and if


nothing appears to hinder to draw one & bring to next monthly meeting

Mary Smith


Anne Smith Smith desires a Certificate to East Hoosuck monthly meeting for her

for herself and Children, Mary Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to


make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hender to draw one and bring to next


monthly meeting

Avis Slocum Folger


Avis Folger desires a Certificate to the Mnthly meeting at Nantucket Mary

Smith and Sarah Anthony are appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing apears


to hinder to bring one to the next monthly meeting

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read, Answered, and approved, With the Epistle

Signed and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives: Who are


Sarah Howland Mary Slocum and Kaziah Russell and they to make report


to the next monthly meeting

Abigail Winslow

complaind of

This meeing is Informed that Abigail Winslow appears to be guilty of the

Sin of Fornication. for which, Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen are appointed


to Treat with on that account as the Spirit Truth Shall direct, and they to


make report to the next monthly meeting


1 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in dartmout ye 18th day of 1st month 1779

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland both present

Return from

Q meeting

Marcy Slocum and Sarah Howland Informs this meeting they attended the

Quarterly meeting accor[d]ing to appointment by whom we received an Epistle


which was read in this meeting according to good Satisfaction and we hope the advice^therein


will be regarded

Abigail Winslow

We dont discover by the report of the Committee that was appointed to treat


with Abigail Winslow concerning her being guilty of the Sin of fornication


that they found much Satisfaction: Mary Smith and Silvester Howland are


appointed to draw a paper of denial a gainst her and bring to the next monthly meeting

Mary Allen


Mary Allen desires a few lines by way of a removal Certificate Recommending

her to the monthly meeting at East Hoosuck Mary Tucker and Rhod Mott are


appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hinder to Joine the men


Friends in drawing one for the family

Job Sisson

proposal of


Job Sisson and Ruth Shepherd declared their Intentions of marriage before this

meeting, they were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting

Deborah Hayden and Silvester Howland are appointed to make Enquiry into the


young womans clearness and conversation respecting marriage and they to make


Report to the next monthly meeting



Mary Wood

This meeting is informd that Mary Wood Wife of Abraham Wood hath

Lately marryed out of the Unity of friends Judith Russell, Silvester Howland,

and Marcy Slocum are apointed to Treat with her on that account and make


report when ready

Content Cornell


Avis Folger


Signed a Removal Certificate on behalf of Content Cornell daughter of Danil

Cornell, Recommending her to East Hoosuck monthly meeting

Likewise one for Avis Folger Recommending her to the monthly meeting

at Nantucket


This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 27th of 1st month 1779 Represenves Called Silvester Howland pesent

Slack in Atending


Having Several matters come before this meeting that is Taken under

Consideration; That in particular concerning appointing a Committee to Joine


the overseers in Visiting those members that are deficient in attending meet


=ing, with all other disorders




Likewise it apears that Several of our members have Removed from this

meeting without requesting our Certificates Namely, Anne Mott and her

daughter Susanna and Anne Condel, all which we think is needful to be


Taken care according to the Rules of our Discipline: But the meeting being


So Small at this time and so many of our members so Lukewarm and Slack


of attending that thare hardly appeared a Sificient number to carry on business


2 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 2nd month 1779

The Representatives are Deborah Allen and Alice Anthony both present



Ann Mott.

This meeting is informed that Anne Mott with her daughter Susanna

Hath gone to Reside out of the verge of this meeting without requesting a

Certificate: Judith Russell and Kaziah Russell are appointed to make


Enquiry into their Lives and Conversations and if nothing appears to hinder


draw Certificats and bring to the monthly meeting

Ann Condel

This meeting is Informed that Anne Condel [Cundell] hath removed out of the verge of


this meeting without requ[e]sting a Certificate: Deborah Hayden and Kaziah


Russell are appointed to make Enquiry into her life and Conversation and


if nothing appear to hinder bring one to the next monthly meeting Recommending


her to Sandwich monthly meeting


to deal with



Hannah Tucker Deborah Hayden and Susanna Smith are appointed a

Committee to Joine the Overseers in dealing with disorderly members and those

in perticular that are deficient in attending our meetings and where any

appear obstinate to return their names with their offences to the meeting




Thankful Cornell desires to be [illegible]Taken under the care of this meeting Elisabeth

Slocum and Sarah Gifford are appointed to treat with her on that account

to see wheithe She is worthy, and they to make report when ready

Ruth Shepherd


The Friend that was appointed to make Enquiry into the life and Conversation

of Ruth Shepherd respecting marriage make report they found nothing to hinder

Job Sisson


Job Sisson and Ruth Shepherd appeared for their Answer which was they

might proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time before


the next monthly meeting, advising with the overseers who are Deborah Hayden


and Silvester Howland and they to make report to the nex monthly meeting




Received a few lines from Pembrook monthly meeting desiring our assistance

and advice concerning Bethiah Slocums Life and Conversation Sinc her residence

was here: Sarah Gifford and Hannah Wood are appointed to Inspect into them


matters and Inform this meeting how things appears when ready



Signed a paper of denial against Abigal Winslow which is to be read at

the conclusion of a first day meeting of Worship at Newtown and then to


Lodge in the Clerks hands to go on record

Ann Smith


Signed a removal Certificate for Anne Smith and her Children Namely

Sarah, Lloyd, Paul and Barnabus Recommending them to East Hoosuck and


Saratoga monthly meeting


3 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 3rd month 1779

The Representatives are Mary Smith and Lydia Barker both Present

Ann Mott

The matter concerning Anne Mott and her Daughters Certificate rests^under same friend care by


reason the Committee not present

Job Sisson


The Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of Job Sissons marriage

make report they attended and it was consumated and carried on in Some


degree orderly




This meeting is Informed that Abigail Winslows paper of den[i]al hath been

Read according to the conclusion of last montly and returned to the Clerk as followeth

Whereas Abigail Winslow (widdow to John Winslow late of Dartmouth deceased)


having been in membership with us, but by departing from the Principal of Truth


in her owne mind, hath fallen into the Sin of Fornication as appears by her


having Child while unmarried, and friends having Treated with her and


admonish her in Love in order to reclaim her from the Evil of her ways but


our admonitions not being so Effectual as could be desired, this meeting therefore


being Concerned for maintain good Order in the Church, and that friends may


preserved from the repr[o]ach of Such Evil practices, do give this forth as a publick


Testimony against her, and do hereby disown her the said Abigail Winslow from


being a member of our Society, untill by unfeig[n]ed Repentance and acknow


ledgment thereof, She Shall be restored to the way of Truth

Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


Given forth at our monthly meeting held at Dartmouth


the 15th of 2 month 1779. and Signed in and on behalf of sd meeing by Susanna Smith Clerk

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been Read, Considered, and Answered, the Epistle Signed

and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are


Deborah Hayden Mary Smith and Mahetibel Tucker and they to make


Report to the next monthly meeting

Ann Condel

Signed a Removal Certificate Anne Condell [Cundell] wife of Enoch Condell [Cundell]


  Recommending her to Sandwich monthly meeting

Bethiah Slocum

The matter concerning Bethiah Slocum is continued another month under


Same friends care

John Allen &

wife certifite

Signed a removal Certificat for John ^Allen and his wife Mary with their Children

Namely, Gideon, Deborah, and Philip, Recommending them to East Hoosuck


Monthly meeting.


4 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 4 month 1779

The Representatives are Sarah Howland and Deborah Gifford both present

Ann Mott

The matter concerning Anne Mott^& daughter Rests under the same friends Care


This meeting Adjourns to next forth [?] day come Week after ye meting Worship Ends


Mett by Adjournment ye 28th of 4th monthon 1779 Representative Calld Sarah Howland present


Mary Smith Chose Clerk for this day

Return from

Q meeting

The Friends appointed to attend the Quaterly meeting make report they all

attended according to appointment: by whome we received an Epistle which


Read and well accepted




Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] desires to be taken under the care of this meeting if

She is worthy; Sarah Howland and Mary Smith are appointed to take Sutiable

oppertunitys of Conferences with her on that account and make report when ready

Ann Mott


The matter concerning Anne Mott and her daughter Susanna is refered

to next monthly meeting


5 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 5th month 1779

The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen both present

Ann Butts

Deborah Hick [Hicks] is added to the Committee that was appoined to treat with


Anne Butts concerning her request and they to report when ready


Kaziah Russell and Judith Russell was appointted Sume time past to Treat with

Ann Mott

and daughter

Anne Mott and her daughter Susanna, and make Enquiry into their L[i]ves and

Conversations; and if nothing apeared to hinder they was to draw a Certificate for


them to Sandwich monthly meeting; but they have not fulfild according to


appointment: Judith Russell desires to be dismist from that Service Susanna Russell


is added in her room [place] and they ^to make ^report to the next monthly meeting

Elisa Allen




Received a removal Certificate from Sandwich monthly meeting on behalf of


Elisabeth Allen Widdow and Meriah Hoxcie [Hoxie], Which this meeting accepts

Han Willbor


Joanna Mosher is added to the Committee that was appointed to Treat with

Hannah Willber [Wilbur] concerning her request and they to make report when ready


Cornll Recd

The Committee that was appointed to treat with Thankful Cornell concerning

her request; Signify they found good Sattisfaction, and think She may be receivd


this meeting accepting Said report, do receive her with her two little Children


Namely Allen and Stephen into membership of said meeting

To revise


Deborah Hayden Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointd to Revise

and correct the minniuts. and Settle with the Treasurer and they to make report


Next monthly meeting

John Allen


Signed a removal Certificate for John Allen and Mary his wife and their

Children Namely Gideon, Deborah, and Philip, Recommending them to the


Ninepartners monthly meeting


6 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 6th month 1779

The Representatives are Marcy Slocum and Mary Smith both present

miniuts not


The Friends appointed to Revise and Correct the minniuts Report they have not

fulfild their appointment, they are therefore continued in the Same Service


and make report next monthly meeting

Han Sawdy


Hannah Sawdy Request a removal Certificate Recommending her to East

Hoosuck monthly meeting Hannah Mosher and Martha Allen are appointed to


make Enquiry in her life and Conversation, and if nothing appears to hinder they to


prepare one and bring to the next monthly meeting


Underhill &

Jos Walters

Received a Coppy of a minniute from a yearly meeting held at Westbury on

Long Island on behalf of our Eteem^ed friend Solomon Underhill, in company with our friend

Joseph Walters whose Labour & Service was comfortable and acceptable amoung us




This Mee[t]ing is Informed that Margret Potter is gone on a Visit among her

Friends within Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a few lines

of Recommendation thereto; Mary Smith ^& Silvester Howland are apointed


to make Enquiry in her Life and conversation and if nothing apears to hender


to prepare a few lines and bring to the next monthly meeting

James Cornell

and wife


Signed a removal Sertificate in behalf of James Cornell and Thankful

his Wife with their two Children, Allen and Stephen, Recommending to the

monthly meeting at East Hoosuck or Saratoga

Abigail How=

land dis


The overseers Inform this meeting that they have Laboured with Abigail

Howland wife of Isaac Howland on the account of her disorderly proceedings

towards marriage but their Labour not having the desired Effect, She hath


marryed out of the Unity ^of friends for which this meeting denies her from being a


member in Society Deborah Allen is desired to acquaint her of her denial and


make report to the next monthly meeting


This Meeting Adjours to the 24th of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 24th of 6th month 1779 The Representatives present

Ann Butt


The Committ appointed to Treat with Anne Butts concerning her request

make report they found So much Satisfaction they think She may be received


the the meeting accepting Said report do receive her into membership with


Said meeting

Elis Allen


=ment Recd

The Friends that was appointed to treat with Elisabeth Allen concerning

her disorderly proceeding make report that She gave them cosiderable good Satisfaction

and find freedom to receive her again: in consideration thereof this meeting


Concludes to accept of her acknowledment Provided she causes it to be read


at the Close of a first day meeting of Worship betwen this and next monthly


meeting She being present

Mary Wood


The Comittee that was apointed to treat with Mary Wood wife of Abrham

Wood for her marrying out from amoung friends, make report they have


discharged themselves and^find her not in a disposition of making friends


Satisfaction; in consideration^thereof this meeting deny her of any right of mem


=bership in Said meeting

To be Sent

up to

Q meeting

The Qu^eries have been read, answered, and approved; The Epistle Signed

and sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives^who are Alice

Anthony and Deborah Allen they to make report to the next monthly meeting

David Sands and

Solomon Un=



Signed a Certificate for our Friend David Sands to the monthly meeting

at the Ninepartners Signifying a Satisfactory Vissit

Signed a Certificates for our Friends Solomon Underhill and Joseph Walters

to their respective monthly meetings they belong to Signifying their Satisfactory Visits

Anne Mott


This meeting being Informed that Anne Mott (wife of Jacob Mott) hath

Removed herself out of the Compass of this meeting without requesting our


Certificate; and likwise that She hath been very Slack in attending our Religious


meetings, and in other Respects her life and conduct not agreeable to our


Religion: For which this meeting appointed a Committee to Inspect into those


matters, and to treat and deal with her as they found occation required


Now this said Committee makes report, that they have discharged themselves


agreeable to appointment, and She appears to be guilty of the afore said offences


And gave no Satisfaction for the Same, for which it is their mind and


Judgment, She is no ways Worthy to remain under the care of Friends


This meeting accepting Said report do Deny her the said Anne Mott from


having any right of membership in Society among Friends


7 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 7 month 1779

The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Amie Barker both present


not Revised

The Commtt that was appointed to Revise and Correct the monthly meet

=ing minnits have not done according to appointment they are desired


to accomplish the Same and mak report to the next monthly meeting

Elis Allen



Elisabeth Allens paper of acknowledgment hath been read agreeable to the

Conclusion of last monthly meeting and is as followeth To the monthly meeting

to be held at Poniganset 19th of ye first month 1778. Dear friends I have brok a good


order of friends by marrying out of the Unity friends & of being gilty of ye Sin of


Forn[i]cation as doth apear by my having a child so Soon after marriage all which I con=


=demn and am Sorry for; hoping God will forgive me and that friends will so far pass


my offences as to Let me remain under their ˇcare From your friend Elisabeth Allen

Benj Sawdy


Signed a Removal Certificate for Benjamin Sawdy and his wife Hannah and their

Children Namely Samuel, Joseph, Elisabeth, Thomas Cook Sawdy Recommending


them to East Hoosuck or Saratoga monthly meeting

Grace Gifford


Grace Gifford desires to be taken under the care of this meeting Susanna Allen

and Hannah Mosher are appointed to inspect into the Sencerity of her so requesting


and to find what the motive is; and they to make report to this meeting when ready



According to appointment we hav mett, Revised and corrected this meetings

minniuts, and also Settleled with the Treasurer and ther remains in Stock 10£-14s-10d


old Tenner


8 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 8th month 1779

The Representatives are Mary Smith and Lucey Howland both present




The Committee that was appointed on account of Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] daughter

of Content Gidly [Gidley] on her requesting to come under the care of this meeting make

report ; they found good Satisfaction and think She may be Received; this


meeting accepts Said Report. do receive the Said Hannah Willbor [Wilbur] into mem=


=bership, and under the care of this meeting

Sarah How=

land wife

of Warren


Some of the Overseers Informe this meeting, that Sarah Howland wife of

Warren Howland, hath been Sutiably admonished for her proceeding toward

marriage out of the Unity of Friend, But She disregarding Said advice hath

married out of the Unity and from among Friends; for which this meeting


Denies her the ^sd Sarah Howland from having any Right of membership and from


Under the care of this meeting: Amie Barker is desired to Inform her of her denial


and make report to next monthly meeting

Jonathan Clerk


This meeting is Informed that Jonathan Clark is about to Remove within the

Verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting with his family and desires our


Certificate thereto ~ Hannah Mosher and Martha Allen are appointed to make


Enquiry, and Joine the Men friends in preparing one and bring to next monthly


If nothing appears to hender

Susan Mott


Signed a removal Certificate for Susanna Mott daughter of Jacob Mott Recom=

=mending her to Sandwich Monthly Meeting


9 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 9th month 1779

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Marcy Slocum both present

Elis Allen


Elisabeth Allen widdow of Gideon Allen Informes this meeting that She is

about to remove within^the verge of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires


A Removal Certificate thereto: Hannah Mosher^& Joanna Gifford are appointed into her


Circumstances and if nothing appears to hinder they to prepare one and bring


to the next monthly meeting

Phebe Smith


Phebe Smith (wife of George Smith) Informes this meeting She hath a desire to come

under the care of Friends: Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointed to


have Sutiable oppertunities of Conferences with her to See wheither She is


Worthy to be received and they to make report to this meeting when ready

Ann Mott




Susanna Russell informes ^this meeting She hath acquainted Anne Mott wife of

Jacob Mott, of her de[n]ial; Amie Barker Informes She hath acquainted Sarah

Howland wife of Warren Howland of her denial according to their appointment

Jane Smith

Mary Duel &

Elisa Gifford



The overseers with Some of the Committee that was Joined with them to treat with

those members that doth neglect attending our religious meetings make report

that Some of them have visited Jean Smith Mary Devel [Davol] and Elisabeth Gifford

and Laboured with them for neglecting attending of our religious meetings

and Some of them for going to Seperate meetings held out of the Unity of friends


and Countenancing the Same; for which they gave no Satisfaction for theire Offences


Said Committee finding themselves clear


Therefore this meeting appoints Keziah Russell Alice Anthony and Deborah


Gifford to treat and Labour further with them for their recovery as best


Wisdom shall direct and they to make report to the next monthly meeting when redy

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries was read considered & answerd in this meeting the Epistle Signed and

Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives, who are Marcy Slocum Sarah


Gifford and Deborah Hayden, and they to make report to the next monthly meeting


Davis Chil=

dren Birth


Mary Smith & Sarah Anthony are appointed to Joine ye men friends to consider &

Inspect into the matter concerning Joseph Davis,s Children; wheither they have a

right of membership among friends, according to the Rules of Discipline and m

make report next monthly meeting


10 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 10th month 1779

The Representatives are Deborah Gifford and Susanna Allen 2d both present


The Committee that was appointed to treat with those members that appear


dificient and careless on the account of attending our meetings and Joining


with Seperate meetings held out of the Unity of friends make report they

Jane Smith


they have had Suitable oppertunity opper with Jean Smith and found no

Satisfaction – In consideration there of it is the conclusion of thes meeting


to Testify against her proceedings and disown her the said Jean from


under their care and do appoint the Same Committee to draw a paper of


denial a gainst her and bring to next monthly meeting

others refer’d

The Committee not all having oppertunity with the aforesaid neglegent offenders


and for Some other circumstances it is refered another month under the Same


friends care, and they then to make report

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they all

attended but Deborah Hayden, and She was not able to attend

Received an Epistle from Said Quarterly meeting which was read and in this


our meeting and well accepted

Grace Gifford

Martha Allen is addeded to that Commitee that hath that matter respecting


Grace Giffords request under their care; and they to make report when ready

Elisa Allen


Signed ^a Removal Certificate for Elisabeth Allen widdow to Gideon Allen

And one for Jonathan Clark and his wife Susanna with their Children namely


Lydia, Philip, Elisabeth, Jonathan, and Ruth, all the above named are recommended


as members to the Ninepartners monthly meeting


11 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 11 month 1779

The Representatives are Sarah Anthony and Sarah Gifford both present

Elisa Gifford


Some of that Committee that was appointed to Labour with Elisabeth Gifford

for her Neglecting to attend our Religious meetings, Make report, they have


had an oppertunity and found no Satisfaction, In consideration thereof it


is the Conclusion of this meeting to deny her of any Right in Society, and


do appoint the Same Committee to draw a paper of denial against the Said


Elisabeth and bring to the Next monthly meeting

Mary Duel

[Devol, Davol]


The matter concerning Mary Duel [Devol, Davol] is refer’d under the Same friends care,

and they to accomplish the matter and make report to the next monthly meeting

Rhoda Gifford


Received a Removal Certificate on behalfe of Rhoda Gifford (wife of Stephen

Gifford) from Accoakset monthly meeting which is accepted

Lydia Hud=

dleston Requ=


Lydia Huddleston (wife of Seth Huddleston) desires to be taken under the care

of this meeting – Joanna Gifford and Deborah Hicks are appointed to inspect

into the Sencerity of her request, So as to discover wheither she is Worthy to be


Received; and they to make report when ready

Ruth Sisson


Ruth Sisson desires a ^removalCertificate to Accoakset monthly meeting Deborah

Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry, and if nothing


appears to hinder to prepare and bring to the next monthly meeting

Han: Wilcox

Alice Slocum

under dealing

This meeting is Informed that Hannah Willcox and Alice Slocum

appears to be in the practice of resorting to places where undue Liberty is

taken: And, Joining with those of a Rude and Licensious Rabble or company


contrary to our Principles; For which this disorder this meeting appoints


Susanna Allen 2d Deborah Hayden, Deborah Allen, and Susanna Smith to


Labour with and deal with above Said offenders, Indeavoring to bring them


off from their disorderly practices and they to make report to the monthly meeting


when ready

John Howland

proposal of


John Howland and Reliance Shepherd declared their Intentions of marriag

with Each other, before this meeting and were desired to waite for their answer until

Next monthly meeting – Susanna Russell and deborah Hayden are appoined


to make Inquiry into the young womans clearness respecting marriage and


her conversation; And they to make report next monthly meeting

Anna Shepherd


Signed a removal Certificate for Anna Shepherd daughter to David Shepherd

Recommending her to the Oblong monthly meeting as a member

Jane Smith

denial Signd

Signed a paper of denial against Jane Smith which is to be read publickly

at the close of a first ^day meeting of Worship between this and next monthly meeting


This Meeting addjourns to the 24th of Instant


Mettby adjournmentthe 24th of the 11th month 1779. The Representatives both present

Debora Haden


Deborah Hayden Clerk for this day

Elisa Gifford to be Re-


As to the matter concerning Elisabeth Gifford – One of the Committee not being

Present when the report being being made, and appearing not Quite Satisfied


this meeting adds Mary Smith Barsheba Howland and Deborah Hayden


to the Committee to make her another visit

Elisa Howland


This meeting received a removal Certificate from Accoakset monthly meeting

Recommend Elisabeth Howland (wife of Thomas Howland) and her two Children


Eunice and William to this meeting as members


12 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 12 month 1779

The Representatives are Deberah Hayden and Mary Smith, Deborah Hayden present

Alice Slocum


The matter concerning Alice Slocum is continued under the Same friends care

Han: Wilcox

[to]be denyd

In regard to Hannah Wilcox; two of the Committee Inform this meeting they

have had an oppertunity with her and found her no ways in a disposition to make


Sattisfaction: The meeting accepting said report, do deny her any right of


membership; and do appoint Sarah Anthon [Anthony] and Susanna Smith to^draw a paper of


denial against her agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting


Jane Smith denial hath been read agreeable to the conclusion of last monthly


meeting – and is as followeth

Jane Smith


Whereas Jane Smith (wife of David Smith) having been a member among

us the people called Quakers, and under the care of our meeting, but have


So far departed from the Principals we profess as to absent herself from our


Religious meetings, Likewise assembles at meetings that are held out of the


unity of us the people afore said, and notwithstanding our Labour in love


with her to retrect [retract] sd disorders She continues to Justify herself therin; Therefore


this meeting is concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her


the said Jane Smith hereby disowning her the from being a member of our


Religious Society untill by unfeigned Repentance and acknoledgment of her


misconduct, and shall return to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held in


Dartmouth ye 15th day of ye 11th month 1779.

Signed in & on

By Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


behalf of sd meeting

Susanna Smith Clerk




The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Relianance Shepherd s~

Clearness respecting marriage and conversation make report they have Enquir’d

accordingly and find nothing to hinder their proceedings

John How-



John Howland and Reliance Shepherd appeared for their Answer which

was, They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some convenient

Time between this and next monthly meeting adviseing with the Overseers


this meeting shall appoint for that purpos


Deborah Hayden and Edith Russell are appointed to See the above sd marriag


Consumated orderly and make report to next monthly meeting

Nat Gifford

proposal of


Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitable Trafford declared their Intentions of

marriage with each other before this meeting, and were desired to wait for

their answer untill next monthly meeting


Deborah Allen and Sarah Anthony are appointed to make Enquiry into


Mehitabel Trafords clearness respecting and conversation and make report to


next monthly meeting

Ruth Sisson


Signed a removal Certificate for Ruth Sisson wife of Job Sisson Recommend-

-ing her to Accoakset monthly meeting

Phebe Smith


The Friends that was appointed on the account of Phebe Smith requesting

to come under the care of friend with her Children, make report; they found


so good Sattisfaction that they think they may be received: in consideration


therof this meeting Receives Said Phebe into membership with her children


Abner, Ruth Robe and William and under the care of this meeting



and wife


Philip Maccomber and his wife hath a desire to come under the care of this

meeting with all their children Sarah Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to

Joine the men friends to Visit the family so as to discover wheither they are

Worthy, and they to make report when ready


This Meeting Adjourns to the 29th of this Instant



There was but one Woman appeared at the adjournment on ye 29th of 12 mo 1779

By reason of the Extremity of the Weather and Said woman and with the


assistance of the mens meeting adjours the Womens meeting to the 5th day of


next month


Mett according to Adjournment ye 5 of first month 1780


The Representatives are Deborah Hayden & Mary Smith; Mary Smith present

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been Read, answered, and approved, the Epistle Signed

and Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are


Susanna Smith Sarah Howland and Mary Smith and they to make report to


the next monthly meeting


1st month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 1st month 1780

The Representatives are Amie Barke and Lucey Howland both present

Alice Slocum


The^matter concerning Alice Slocum is continued another month

Lydia Hud-



The Committee that was appointed on the account of Lydia Hudlestons

requesting to come under the care of friends of this meeting make report they

found pretty good Satisfaction and think She may be received the meeting taking


up with said report, do receive her into membership with her little child Jonathan


and under the care of this meeting

John Howland


John Howland and Reliance Shepherd^marriage was consumated Since last monthly

meeting: the overseers of Said marriage Inform, they was not able to attend


according to appointmentment

Mehet Trafford


The friends appointed to Enquire into Mehitabel Traffords clearness respecting

marriage and conversation make report, they have Enquired according to


appointment and find nothing to hinder their proceedings

Elisa Gifford

& Hannah

Wilcox denial


Signed a paper of denial against Elisabeth Gifford Widdow of William

Gifford ~ And one against Hannah Wilcox daughter of Stephen Wilcox both

to be Read publickly at the Close of Some first day meeting of Worship

Return from

Q meeting

This meeting is Inform’d that Sarah Howland attend, the Quarterly meeting

By whom we received an Epistle therefrom which was read to Satisfaction


the other two gave Such Reasons as are accepted


This Meeting Adjourns to the 26th day of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 26 of 1st month 1780. Representatives both present

Grace Gifford


The Committee that was appointed concerning Grace Gifford requesting

to come under the care of this meeting: make report, they found pretty good


Satisfaction and think She may be received: In consequence thereof this


meeting doth receive her into membership and under the care of this meeting

Nat: Gifford


Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel Trafford appeared att this meeting

for their answer ~ Which was they may proceed to take Each other in


marriage at some convenient time between this and next monthly meeting


adviseing with^ye overseers who are Elisabeth Slocum and Lucy Howland and


they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Elis: Gifford &

Han: Wilcox to

be informd

Hannah Mosher and Edith Russell are desired to acquaint Elisabeth

Gifford, and Hannah Wilcox of their denial and report to next monthly meeting

2 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friend held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 2nd month 1780

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum & Sarah Howland both present


The denials against Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox hath been read


Since the last monthly meeting ~ and is as Followeth

Testimony of

denial against

Elisa Gifford

Whereas Elisabeth Gifford Widdow of William Gifford late of Dartmouth in the

County of Bristol deceased: Having made Profesion with us as a member of our

Society, but hath so far departed from the Sinserity of her profession, and the


Practice of faithful friends, into Such a State of Indiffrence of mind as to almost


Wholly to forsake our the attendance of our Religious meetings, and friends


having frequently visited her in love, and Laboured with her in [much?] respect


and Tenderness of heart, in order to discover unto her the declined State of mind,


and Inconsistency of Practice that She hath fallen into: But friends Labour


not obtaining the desired end to the Satisfaction of this meetin


Therefore being concerned for clearing of Truth and friends from the reproach of


Such disagreeable practice and Conduct do give this forth as a publick Testimony


against her the Said Elisabeth Gifford hereby disowning her from being a mem-


-ber of our Society untill by a Sincear Repentance and acknoledment of the way


Error of her ways She Shall be restored to the way of Truth


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting of friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th day of 1st month 1780 by

Susanna Smith Clerk



Han: Wilcox

Whereas Hannah Wilcox daughter of Stephen Wilcox having having had a birth

Right among friends and under the care of this meeting, But disregarding the

the dictates of Truth in her own heart, hath So fell Short as to be remiss on


the account of asembling at our Religious meeting to perform acceptable Worship


And Likwise She appears to be in the practice of Resorting at places where


undue Liberty is taken such as musick, dancing, and rude behavour contrary


to our Principles: For which we have in She might be restored: But our labors


of love not having the desired Effect which appears by her continuing in the


Same Pactices ~ For whis meeting gives this forth as a publick Testimony against


her, the said Hannah Wilcox, here by disowning her of any right of membership


among us, and from under the care of this meeting, Until a Sincear acknowledg


-ment of her misconduct and a return to the way of Truth


Given forth at our Monthly meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth the 17th of 1st mo 1780


Signed in and on behalf of Said meeting By


William Anthony Jur Clerk


Susannah Smith Clerk

Elisa Gifford

Han Wilcox

not informd

We are Informed that Hanna Mosher and Edith Russell have not had an oppertunity

to Inform Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox of their denial and they are

desired to fulfil their appoint^ment and make report to next monthly meeting

Nat Gifford


This meeting is Informd that Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel Trafford

hath Taken Each other in mariage Since last monthly meeting: The friends


that was appointed to have the oversight of said marriage make report


they did not know when the marriage was nor was not there

Advice on


[in] marriage

It is the advice of this Meeting for the Future young Women be Strictly care

=ful to advise withe overseers, agreeable to the direction of the monthly meeting

when they are Tollerated to proceed in marriage: and likwise that overseers


would be careful to advise, So that deacency and moderation may prevail


Likwise attend their appointment so far as is realy needful to ye honour of Truth

Philip Mac=

omber Wife



The Committee that was appointed to Joine the men friends in regard of

Philip Maccomber and his family requesting to be taken under the care of

this meeting. Report, they fulfil’d their appointment, and found pretty good

Satisfaction and think they may be received: the meeting accepting said report


do receive Philip Maccomber and his Wife Susanna with their Children name


-ly Edith, Gardner, Barnabus, and Abraham, Maccombers under the care of


this meeting and into membership therin

Benj Sawdy


Signed a Removal Cirtificate for Benjamin Sawdy and his wife Hannah with

their Children Recommending them as members to Hoosuck or Saratoga monthly meeting

Hum: Russell

proposal of


Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldredg made proposal of marriag to this meeting

and were desired to wait for their answer until next monthly meeting

Hannah Tucker ^Mary Shearman are appointed to make Enquiry into Bethiah Eldredg clearness


Respecting marriage and conversation, and make report next monthly meeting

Sarah Howland

[o]verser of poor

Sarah Howland is appointed to the place of an overseer of the poor

3 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 3rd month 1780

The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Silvester Howland both present

Elisa Gifford

Han Wilcox

not inform’d

This meeting is Inform’d that Elisabeth Gifford and Hannah Wilcox are

not yet Informed of their denial the Same friends are desired to perform

their appointment and make report next monthly meeting

Bethi Slocum


Bethiah Slocum wife of Jonathan Slocum hath produced a Removal Certi=

-ficate from from Pembrook monthly meeting to this meeting: Which is accepted

Han Willbor


Signed a Removal Certificate for Hannah Wilbor Recommending her to the

Great Ninepartners monthly meeting in Dutchest [Dutchess] County

Bethi Eldredg


The Friends that was appointed to make Enquiry into Bethiah Eldredgs

Clearness Respecting marriage and conversation Report they ^find nothing to hinder


their procee^ding in marriage

Hum: Russell


Humphry Russell and Bethiah Eldredg appeared for their answer

Their answer was, They might proceed to take each other in marriage at some


convenient time between this and next monthly meeting advising with their


overseers who are Mary Tucker and Alice Anthony they to make report


next monthly meeting

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read and answer prepared. the Epistle Signed and

Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representative who is Elisabeth


Slocum, and She to make Report next monthly meeting

Louis Shear



Some of the overseers Informs this meeting that they precaustioned Louis[e]

Shearman (now the wife of Andrew Shearman) against her keeping company

out of the Unity of friends, But She persisted therein and married out from


amoung friend: for which this meeting denies her any right or claim to mem=


=bership or of being under the care of this meeting


4 month 1780

At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 4th month 1780

Deb: Hayden


Deborah Hayden Clerk for this day

Representatives are Sarah Howland and Mary Smith neither of them present

Ha:n Wilcox


Edith Russell reports She hath Informed Hannah Wilcox of her denial

Barna Mosher

proposal of


Barnabus Mosher And Ruth Anthony made proposals of marriage at

this meeting and were desired to wait for their answer until next monthly meeting

Silvester Howland and Elisabeth Johnson are appointed to makenquiry into Ruth


Anthonys Clearness respecting marriage and conversation; and make report next


next monthly meeting


This Meeting is Adjourned untill to morrow


Mett by Adjournment ye 18th of 4th month 1780. Representatives both present

Hum Russell


This meeting is informd that the friends that had the oversight of Humphry

Russell and Bethiah Eldredg^marage have fulfild their appoint^ment and that that it was


Consumated and Carried on in a good degree orderly so far as they discovered

Elisa Hathway


This meeting is Informed that Elisabeth Hathaway Widdow hath removed with

her family on RhodIsland and desires^a removal Certificate for her Self and Daughters


Recommening them to the monthly meeting ther to

Lydia Barker


Lydia Barker Informes this meeting she is a bout to remove with her family

within the compass of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a


Certificate for herself and daughter thereto


Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to mak enquir into their


Lives and conversations and if nothing appears to hinder to prepare Certificates


and bring to next monthly meeting

Martha Green


This meeting is Informed that that Martha Green is gone to reside within ye

verg of Greenwich monthly meeting, and agreeable to rule requires a Certificat


Eunice Taber and Marcy Slocum are appointed to make enquiry into her


Life and Conversation and if nothing appears to hinder to draw one therto


and bring to next monthly meeting

Louis Sherman

to be informd

Ruth Tucker is desired to acquint Louis[e] Shearman of her denial

Epistle Recd

Received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting^red and kindly accepted

Joan: Gifford


Joanna Gifford is appointed overseer of Disorders

5 month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 15th of 5th month 1780

The Representatives are Marcy Slocum and Hannah^Mosher both present

Elisa Gifford &

Louis Sherman


Hannah Mosher informs this meeting She hath notified Elisabeth Gifford of her denial

Ruth Tucker Report She hath Informed Louis[e] Shearman of her denial

Alice Slocum to

be Received

The Friends appointed to treat with Alice Slocum concerning her di^sorderly

Conduct Report that She is in a condesendin disposition, and willing to take


friends advice so far that they do receiv her into membership again; provided


Causes her paper of acknowledgment to be read publickly at the close of a first


day meeting between this and next monthy meting She being present


Marcy Slocum is appointed to the place of an overseer

Ruth Anthony


The Friends appointed to enquire into Ruth Anthonys Clearness respecting^marrig

and conversation, Report they find nothig to hinder their proceeding

Barnabus Jur



Barnabus Mosher and Ruth Anthony appeared for their Answer

their answer was, they may proceed to take Each other in marriage at

Some convenient time before the next monthly meeting: advising with the


Overseers; who are Sarah Plow Howland and Susanna Smith: and they to


make report next monthly meeting

Elisa Hatha

way Certi-


Signed a removal Certificate on behalf of Elisabeth Hathaway and her Chil=

=dren Namely Elisabeth, Jonah, Lydia, Mary, and George Recomending them

to the monthly meeting at RoadIsland

Lydia Barker


Likwise Signed one for Lydia Barker and her daughters Recommending

them to the Ninepartners monthly meeting, the Childrens names are, Phebe,


Elisabeth, Sarah and Rebeckah

Martha Green


Signed a Certificate for Martha Green Recommending her to Greenwich ~

monthly meeting

Rose Russell

complined of

Received a Complaint from the Overseers of the poor, against Rose Russells

disorderly conduct in many respects; for which we appoint Mary Shearman


and Ruther Tucker to Joine with the overseers to Labour with her agreeable to


her Circumstance and the direction of Truth





Some of the Overseers Inform this meeting, that they have had oppertunity

with Apphia Mosher concerning her having a Child unlawfully, and her not

to present Quallified to make friends Satisfaction: This meeting appoints Alice

Anthony and Deborah Hayden to Labour with her for her recovery, and that the


The Truth may be cleared from Such Groos Scandels ~ Collected 5s/10d Lawful mony


6 month


At a Monthly Meeeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 6th month 1780

The Representatives call’d Deborah Allen present


Alice Slocums acknowledgment hath been read Since last monthly meeting, is as follows

Alice Slocum



To the Monthly meeting of friends to be held ye 15th of ye 11th month 1780

Whereas I through unwatchfulness have so far gone a Stray as to get into bad

Company and going to frollicks all which am Sorry for and condemn, desiring


Friends so far to pass it by as to Let me remain under their care and I am in


hopes I shall be more careful in future. From your friend Alice Slocum


Mosher Jur


The Friends appinted to have the oversight of Barnabus Mosher and Ruth

Anthonys marriage make report they attended according to appointment

and it was consumated and conducted orderly so far as they discovered.

John Lloyd


Received a Certificate on behalf of our Friend John Lloyd from a monthly

meeting held in Guined[Gwynedd] in the County Philidelphia in Pensylvania bearing


date the 25th of ye 4 month 1780. Which ^was kindly Received with his Labours of Love


among us

Ann Almy


Received a Removal Certificate from Newport monthly meeting in behalf

of Anne Almy wife of Job Almy which is accepted

Stephen Buffinton


Received a removal Certifiate from Swanzey monthly meeting in behalf of

Stephen Buffinton and his wife Sarah Buffinton with their Children as


members to this meeting

Apphiar Mosher


The Committee that was appointed Labour with Aphia Mosher for

her being guilty of the Sin of Fornication make report they have fulfilled


their appointment and do not find her in a disposi^tion to make friends Satis-


=faction at present, for which this meeting appoints the Same friends


to draw a paper of denial against the Said Apphia Mosher and bring


to the next monthly meeting

Meriah Smith

under dealing

Some of the Overseers informs this meeting that Meriah Smith hath been in

the practice of attending meetings held out of the Unity of friends for which


She hath been laboured with for, but she still countenances the same, this meet=


=ing appoints Hannah Tucker Sarah Gifford and Deborah Hayden to labour fur=


ther with her for her disorderly proceeding; and make report next monthly meeting

Mary Taber

& Patience


This meeting is Informed that Mary Taber and her daughter Patience

have withdrawn themselves from friends meeting, and attend such meetings

as are held out of the unity of Friends; and Likwise the daughters dress is no


ways agreeable to our principles and Profession: For which Marcy Slocum


and Keziah Russell are appointed a comittee to Labour withem for their


help according to the direction of Truth; and they to make report next


monthly meeting

Sent up to



The Queries have been read and answers prepared and an Epistle

Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives

Alice Anthony and Sarah Howland: and they ^to make report to next monthly



Marth Slocum


Martha Slocums Certificate is refered another month


Collected at this meeing 0-4s-10d LM [Lawful Money]


7 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 7th month 1780

The Represetatives are Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen ~ Alice Anthny [Anthony] present


The matter concerning Meriah Smith is refered under the Same friends care until


next monthly meeting

Q meeting not


The friends appinted to attend the Qarterly meeting inform they have not attended

and gave Such reasons as this meeting accepts of

Epistles Recd

Nevertheless we received an Epistle from the Quarterly meeting and one from


Philidelphia for Pensylvania and New Jersey the latter bearing date


the 10th of the Second month 1779 which was read and Kindly accepted

Martha Slocum


Martha Slocum desires a Certificate for herself and children Recommending

them back to Rhod Island monthly meeting: Amie Barker and Mary Smith


are appoited to make enquiry into their lives and conversations and if nothing


appears to hinder they they to draw and bring one to next monthly meeting

Jonathan Hart

& wife Ceertif te

Received a Removal Certificate in behalf of Jonathan Hart and his

Wife Experience and child Martha from Smithfield monthly meeting


wa which is accepted ~ Collected 0-10s-9d Lawful money

Order on


The Treasurer is desired to answer Thomas Russells accompt

which is 1£1s-0d and make report to next monthly meeting

Apphia Mosher

denial Signd

Signed a paper of Denial against Apphia Mosher which is to be

Read publickly between this and next monthly meeting, at the close of


a first day meeting of Worship

Mary Taber &

Patience Taber


One of the Committee appointed to treat with Mary Taber and her

daughter Patience for their Neglecting the attending our Religious meetings

and freequenting meetings held out of the unity of friends: and Likewise


Patience dressing dixagreeable to the plainess our profession leads to, make


report, She visited the famaly with a Committy of men friends appointed


for the Same purpose, and they found no Satisfaction, there fore this meet-


-ing appoints Sarah Anthony and Sarah Howland to draw a paper of denial


against them and bring to next monthly meeting


8 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21st of 8th month 1780

The Representatives are Judith Russell ad Susanna Allen both present

Meriah Smith


The Committee appoin^ted to treat with Meriah Smith concerning her

disorderly prceeding, make report, they have had an oppertunity with her


and She noways Condemns her proceeding, nor gave them any encouragment


of dissisting therfrom: Therefore this meeting denies her of any right


to membership; and do appoint Sarah Anthony and Deborah Hicks


to draw a paper of denial a gainst her, and acquaint her with the


proceeding of the meeting and bring said paper to next monthly meeting,


Except they discover Some alteration of her mind



The Treasurer informs She hath answerd Thomas Russell acompt

which is 1£-1s-0d Lawful money


A Paper of Denial against Apphia Mosher hath been read


agreeable to the conclusion of last monthly meeting and is as followeth

Testimony against



Whereas Apphia Mosher daughter of Joseph Mosher ^Deceased and Joanna his wife

Having had her Education amoung Friends, but thro unwatchfulness and

and disregarding the Testimony of Truth in her own heart, hath so far departed


therefrom as to be found guilty of the Repr^ochful Sin of Fornication as appears


by her having a child whilst in an unmarried State; and friends having


Labour with her in Love in order for her recovery but our Labour^not having its


desired Effect to friends Satisfaction: Therefore this meeting is concern’d for


the mantaing our Chrstian Testimony and the preservation of our the prfessors


thereof from the reprach of Such practices, Do hereby, publickly disow her


the said Apphia Mosher from being a member of our Religious Society and


and from under the care of this meeting untill by unfeigned repentanc She


Shall return to the way of Truth and find marcy with the Lord


Given forth & Signed in and on behalf of our monthly


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting held in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 7th month 1780: By

Susanna Smith Clerk

Mary Smith


This meeting is Inform’d that Mary Smith Daughter of Jonathan Smith

appears to be in many practices out of the unity of friends that in particurly


of resorting and keeping company with those of pernishious and hurtful


consequencs out of the Truth, and her dressing and fashoning herself out of


Plainess that our principles leads to: Therefore this meeting appoints Alice


Anthony and Susanna Russell to labour with her in Love to bring her to


a Sight of her iniquitious practices, and they to make report next


monthly meeting or when ready

Martha Slocum

Case referd

The matter concerning Martha Slocum having a Certifiate is refered

another month under the Same friends care

Denial Signd

against Wm

Taber & wife

[&] two Children

A paper of denial was Signed in this meeting against William Taber

and Mary his Wife and their two children, Edward, and Patience Taber :

Which is to be read publickly at the close of Some meeting of Worship before

next monthly meeting

Appha Mosher

to be informd

Martha Allen is appointed to acquaint Apphia Mosher of her denial and

make report to next monthly meeting


This meeting is Adjourned to the 30th day of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 30th of ye 8th month 1780 Representatives both present

Complaint against

Elisa Smith

Some of the Overseers Informes this meeting that Elisabeth Smith appears

to be in the practice of attending Meetings held out of the Unity of friends


Therefore this meeting appoints Hannah Tucker and Alice Anthony to labour


further to bring her to a Sight of her disorderly proceedings; and they


to make report to next monthly meeting

Mary Duel


Joanna Gifford is added to the former Committee that was appointed to

Treat with Mary Duel [Devol, Davoll] concerning her disorderly proceedings and they to


make report when ready

Ann Giffor con-

cern to Visit

Salem meet


Our Friend Ann Gifford Informes this meeting that She hath a concern

on her mind to Visit Salem Quarterly meeting: which ^this meeting concurs with and Signed

a Certificate thereto

9 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18- of 9th month 1780

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Hannah Mosher both present

Meriah Smith

case referd

The matter concerning Meriah Smith is refer’d another month under the Same

Friends care

Denial to be

drawn against

Mary Smith

The friends tha Labured with Mary Smith for her misconduct make

Report, they found no Sattisfaction and think best She Should be denied:

This meeting takeing up with said report do deny her any right of


membership and do appoint Alice Anthony and Deborah Allen to draw


a paper of denial agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting


Catherine Howland is appointed to acquaint mary Smith of her denial


and make report the next monthly meeting

Apphia Mosher


Martha Allen reports She hath acquainted Apphia Mosher of her denial

Elisa Smith

Case referd

The matter concerning Elisabeth Smith is refered another month under

the Same friends care

Sent Up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read and answers prepared in this meeting an

Epistle Signed and to be Sent up to the Quarterly meeting with our said


answers, by our Representatives who are Marcy Slocum and Deborah Allen


and they to make report next monthly meeting ~ Collected 5£-0-0 old Tenner

Hum: Sherman


of marriag

Humphry Shearman and Mercy Lapham declar’d their Intentions of

marriag at this meeting at this meeting and were desired to waite for

their answer till next monthly meeting ~ Deborah Hicks and Sarah Gifford


are appointed to make enquiry into the young Womans Clearness respecting


marriage and Conversation, and make report next monthly meeting

Report on


of Visiting



The Visiters brought in a report of their prceeding on the account of

Visiting the familys of this monthly monthly meeting which this meeting

accepts of, and think proper Should go on Record; And is as Follweth

Whereas some time past Some Friends were appointed to assist the

Overseers in Treating with Some of our Neglegent members, and Some


thus appointed, with Some other Friends, having had a concern on


their minds to Joine and make a General Visit to friends families


throuout our Monthly meeting, for the Reviveal of our Antient Discipline


In Stiring up the careless, Lukwarm, Indolent members, to Love and


good works, and haviing Drawings in our minds, not only to the


disobedient, but those that are Setting their faces Zion-ward^in order to incourage


and Strengthen one another: With desires that ye wast places may yet be


Rebuilt; And by being willing to be obedient our weak minds were Strengthend


from Time to time through the many Deep Exercisses of mind, in so weighty a


Service; & find Peace and Satisfaction therein, Which is Sificient Reward


After having accomplishing Said Visit, which in general was well accepted


yet not without Some Exceptions in Some perticurler families

State of the


And Now it remains to give Some account of the State of friends in our meeting

We Trust there are Some that are Labouring to do their day’s work in the


day time, which we beleive desarves a word of Incouragement, though


the true Seed Seems to be Low, So that it might be truly Said as formerly


By w^home Shall Jacob, or the true Seed arise, which is in our apprehention


but Small and much pressed down with the many things that are hurtful


Especialy, by the Love of money, Pride, and forgitfulness of God.


Dated in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 9th month 1780

Freborn  Rider

Thomas Hicks


Susanna Smith

Abiel Gifford


Debrah Hicks


This Meeting Adjourns to ye 27th of this Instant month


Mett by adjourn^ment ye 27th of 9th month 1780 Representatives both present


10 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth 16th of 10th month 1780

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Howland both present

Meriah Smith

Case referd

The matter concerning Meriah Smith is Refered another month by her

Request and under the Same Committees notice

Mary Smith

denial signd

& she informd

Signed a paper of denial against Mary Smith which is to be read pub=

=lickly at the close of a first day meeting of Worship

Elisa Smith

Case referd

Catherine Howland hath Informed Mary Smith her denial

The matter Concerning Elisabeth Smith is continued another month

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Inform they attended

agreeable to appointment; Likwise Received an Epistle from the Same

which was read to the real comfort and Satisfaction of the upright hearted


among us


Akin disownd

The Overseers Informs this meeting that Mehitabel Akin now the wife of

Timothy Akin hath latly married out of the Unity of Friends and that they


went Several times before marriage in order to Treat with her but She would


not give them opertunity to Speak with her: this meeting finding themselves


Clear, without any further Labour, do deny her of any right to membership


among friends and do appoint Elisabeth Ricketson to acquaint her of her


Denial and inform the next monthly meeting

Marcy Lap=

ham Clear=


The friends appointed to make enquiry into Marcy Lapham clearness

respecting marriage and conversation report they find nothing to hinder their


Hum: Shearman


Humphry Shearman and Marcy Lapham appeared for their answer

And their answer was, They may proceed to take each other in marriage


at some convenent time before the next monthly meeting Advising with


withe overseers who are Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith and they to make


report next monthly meeting


of denial


Wm Taber &

Mary Taber

his wife &

Patience &

Edward their

son & daugh=


A Paper of denial hath been read against William Tabor and Mary Taber

his wife and their children Edward and Patience Tabers; and is as followeth

Whereas William Taber and Mary Taber his wife, and Edward Taber

and Patience Taber their Son and daughter, all having made profession

with us the people called Quakers and been under the care of this meeting

But hath so far departed from the principles we profess so as to fequent [frequent]

meetings held out of the Unity of our Society, and Join in publick Worship

with them that are disowed by us the afore sd people: and the said Patience

also appearing disagreeable in Some of her dress: and friends having

Laboured much in Love to reclaim them from Such practices but our Labours


not having its desired effect to Friends Satisfaction, and they continue to


Justify themselves therein; Therefor for the maintaining the principels we


Profess we are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against them the


Said William Taber, Edward Taber, Mary Taber, and Patience^Taber hereby


disowning them from being in Unity with us and from Under the care of


this meeting: yet if it Should be agreeable to Divine goodness that they be


Restored to the way of Truth a^nd find Marcy, is our Sincear desire


Given forth and Signed in & on behalf of our monthly


William Anthony Jur Clerk


Meeting held in Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 8th month 1780 By

Susanna Smith Clerk

Martha Slocum


Signed a Removal Certificate Recommending Martha Slocum and her

Children back to Rhod Island monthly meeting

Ann Gifford



Our Friend Ann Gifford Returned her Certificate to this meeting which

She hath had to travel to Salem Quarterly meeting ~ with their Reception of

her Labour of Love amoung them Indorssed on the back of said Certificate25

Freeborn Rider


Signed a Coppy of a miniut made in this meeting Signifying our Unita

Unity and concurrence, with our Friend Freborn Riders intended Visit


to the Long Plain Quarterly meeting held for Sandwich

Revise to minits

Settle with


Susanna Smith and Silvia Smith are appointed to Revise and correct the

miniuts and Settle with the Treasurer, and make repor next monthly meeting

11 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 11th month 1780

The Representatives are Deborah Gifford and Ann Butts both present

Meriah Smith

The matter concerning Meriah Smith is continued another month by her request

Paper of

[d]enial against

Mary Smith

daughter of


A paper of Denial against Mary Smith hath been read agreeable to the

Conclusion of last monthly meeting ~ and is as followeth

Whereas Mary Smith Daughter of Jonathan Smith and Silvia his wife

having had a birthright amoungst us the people called Quakers but hath

So far departed from our principle as to very much absent herself from


our Religious Meetings; also appearing in Habbit, Conversation, and


Conduct far from that Simple plainess we profess


And Friends having Laboured with her in love to convince her of the


Evil tendency therof, but our labour not having its desired Effect

Mary Smith

nor She manifesting any desire to remain under friends care; ~


Therefore we do hereby disown the said Mary Smith from being one in


unity with us, and from under our care; yet that She may be convinced


of the Evil thereof and return to the way of truth is our Sencear desire


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our

Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth

Susanna Smith Clerk


the 16 day of ye 10 month 1780.

Elisa: Smith


The Committee that had the matter concerning Elisabeth ^Smith under their Care

report, they have discharged themselves, and find no Satisfaction; this


meeting^[finds]there hath been Sufficient labour besto^wed, do deny her from


having any right of membership amonung us, and from under the care


of this meeting; and do appoint Alice Anthony and Deborah Hayden to


Draw a paper of denial against the Said Elisabeth Smith, agreeable to


her offence and bring to the next monthly meeting

Mehit: Akin


Elisabeth Ricketson Informs that she hath acquainted Mehitabel Akin

wife of Timothy Akin of her denial




The Friends that had the Oversight of Humphry Shearman and Marcy

Laphams marriage make report. they attended and it was consumated

and conducted in a ^good degree Orderly so far as they discovered

Minniuts not


The Committee that was appoint to Revise the minnits and Settle with

the Treasurer. have not accomplish’d it they are continued in the Same


Service and make report next monthly meeting

Ruth Sowl


Ruth Sowle brought a few lines to this meeting, condemning her

marrying out of the Unity of Friend: Hannah Mosher and Joanna


Gifford are appointed to take the proper care to Inspect into the Sencerity


of her acknowledgment and make report when ready

Joshua Potter


Joshua Potter desires to be taken under the care of this meeting

and likwise request for his Small children whose names are Easther


Zilpha, Gardner, Phebe, Patience, and Apphia; his two Eldest daughters


Request for themselves Mary and Rhoda Potter


Hannah Mosher Joannah Gifford and Martha Allen are appointed


to Joine the men friends in regard of Joshua Potter requesting for


himself and family; to See wheither they are Worthy to be received


amoung Friends; and they to make report when Ready



Received a coppy of the last yearly meetings Epistle held at Rod Island

containing good and Seasonable advises which was truly acceptable among us



proposal of


Robert Barker and Ruth Tucker made proposals of marriage^with eacch other before

this meeting and wear Desired to wait for their answer until next

Monthly Meeting; ~ Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed

to make enquiry into Ruth Tucker clearness respecting^marriage and conversation


and make report next monthly meeting

Mary [Duel]


The Committee that have had the matter under their care concerning

Mary Duels [Devoll’s, Davol’s] disorderly walking make report, they have had Several


oppertunities with her and^found no Satisfaction, She not having any Sight or


Sense of her falling Short: therefore this meeting finding freedom to Testify


against and do deny her from under their care or right to membership and


do appoint Alice Anthony and Sarah Gifford to draw a paper of denial


against the Said Mary Duel, and bring to the next Monthly meeting

Miniuts Revisd

Settld with


The Committee appointed to Correct and Revise this meetings

Miniutes, and Settle accompts with the Treasurer report that they have

Answered their appointment, and there remain in ye Stock 11£-2s-0d old tennor


12 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18 ye12th month 1780

The Representatives are Sarah Anthony and Abigail Shepherd both present

[El]isab: Smith

[d]enial Sign’d

The Committee that was appointed to draw a paper of denial against Elisabeth

Smith have presented one, Which is Signed and to be read at New Town at the Close


of Some first day meeting of Worship between this and next monthly meeting

[F]reborn Rider

minit Returnd

Our Friend Freeborn Rider hath returned a Coppy of a Minite that she had to

Visit Sanwich Quarterly meeting: With an Endorsment, Signifying their unity and


Satisfaction with her Visit and Labour of Love

Ruth Tucker


The friends appointed to make enquiry into Ruth Tuckers Clearness respecting

marriage and Conversation make report they find nothing to hinder their



[R]obert Barker


Robart Barker and Ruth Tucker appearing for their answer, their answer

was they might proceed to take Each other in marriage at Some Convenient


time before the next monthly meeting: adviseing with the overseers, who are


Hannah Tucker and Judith Russell, and they to make report next monthly meeting

Mary Duel


Mary Dewel [Devoll. Davol] hath made Some Acknoledgment for her misconduct, which hath

Stopt friends proceeding against her; and the matter is Continued under the Same


former Committees care, who are Alice Anthony Deborah Gifford and Joanna Gifford


and they to take the proper care to find whether She is Sincear in what She hath


offered: which her fruits will make manifest: and they to make report when ready


This meeting is Ajournd to the 27th of this Instant


Mett by adjournment ye 27th of the 12th month 1780 Representatives not present


The Queries hath been read, and answers prepared and approved: and the Epistle

[Se]nt up to

[Q] meeting

Signed, and ^all to be Sent up to Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are

Susanna Smith and Sarah Howland; and they to make report next monthly meeting


[1] month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 1st month 1781

The Representatives are Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford both present


A Denial against Elisabeth Smith hath been read agreeable to the last monthly


meeting and is as followeth

[E]lisa Smith


Whereas Elisabeth Smith wife of Joseph Smith having long made Profession

with us the people called Quakers; and of late hath so far departed there from


as to attend meetings held out of the of Unity of our Society and Joine in publick


Worship with them who are disowned by us the people afore said: And friends


having bestowed much Labour of love to convince her of the Evil tendency thereof


but it not having the desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction, and she continuing


to Justify herself therein: all which being so contrary to our profession, and these


Rules and orders of our Society that friends are consrained to give this forth as a


a publick Testimony against her the Said Elisabeth Smith. hereby disowning her


from being one in Unity with us and from under our care; But that She may be


Convinced of the evil of her outgoing is our Sincear desire


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting held in Dartmouth ye 18th of ye 12th month 1780 By Susanna Smith Clerk

Robart Barker


The Comittee that had the oversight of Robart Barkers marriage report they

have fulfilled their appointment: and so far as they discovered it was consu=


=matted Orderly

[H]annah Ben

-nett request


Alice Anthony and Susanna Smith are appointed to make Enquiry into the

Life and Conversation of Hannah Bennet, wife of Robert Bennet and if nothing

appears to hinder to draw a Certificate on her behalf and bring to the next monthly


meeting it is to be directed to Rhod Island monthly meeting



Alice Slo-


This meeting is Informd by one of the overseers that Alice Slocum appears to

be in the practice of resorting at places where undue liberty is taken of musick

and dancing, and keeping company with those that are out of the Unity of friends

For which much labour hath been bestowed it not having the desired Effect


Alice Anthony Deborah Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to labour


further with her and they to make report to the next monthly meeting

Return from

Q meeting

One of the Representatives Inform that She attended our Quarterly meeting

the other friend informs She did not, by reason of indisposition of body we


Received an Epistle from the Same which was read to good Satisfaction to the


Honnest hearted among us with desires that the Seasonable advice contained


may be observed and put in practice

Phebe Sisson


Phebe Sisson hath desired her Children may be taken under the care of this

meeting: Hannah Mosher and Joanna Gifford are appointed to Inspect into the


Circumstance and Sencerity of Said request and make report when ready

Deb Wood


Some of the Overseers inform that Deborah Wood wife of Stephen Wood hath maried

out of the unity of Friends; and that She hath been Sutiably and timly admonshed


for which this meeting doth deny her from under our care, and from having any


Right of membership in our Society and do appoint Keziah Russell to inform her


of her denial

Nat: Sisson


of marriage

Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford made proposals of marriage with Each

other before this meeting: and were desired to wait for their answer until next

monthly meeting Joanna Gifford and Rhoda Mott are appointed to make Enquiry


into the young woman’s clearness respecting marriage and conversation and


make report next monthly meeting

Nat Gifford

& wife ac=


Nathaniel Gifford and Mehitabel his wife hath made Some acknowledgment

to this meeting for their being Guilty of the Sin of fornication: this meeting appoints

Deborah Allen and Deborah Hayden to Joine the men friends to Inspect into the


Sencerity thereof and they to make report when ready


2 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 2nd month 1781

The Representatives are Silvester Howland & Mehitable Tucker: Mehitabel present

Grace Gifford


The Friends appointed to make enquiry into Grace Giffords Clearness respecting

marriage and conversation make report they find nothing to hinder their proceeding

Nat Sisson


Nathaniel Sisson and Grace Gifford appeared for their answer; Which was

They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient time


before next monthly meeting, adviseing with the overseers who are Hannah Mosher


and Rhoda Mott

Joshua Potter



The Committee that was appointed to have the matter under their care concerning

Joshua Potters children, make report they found pretty good Satisfaction and think

they may be received: In consideration thereof this meeting Receives them into


Membership and under the care of this meeting, their names being Mary, Rhoda


Esther, Zilpha, Phebe, Patience, Apphia Potters

Ruth Sowle &



The friends that had that matter under their care Respecting Ruth Sowls Request

=ing for her Self and her three daughter to be taken under friends care, they make

Report, they found good Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting accepts


her acknowledgment, and Receives her with her daughters Susanna, Mary, and


Thankful, Sowles under the care of this meeting

Alice Slocum

to be denied

The Committee that was appointed to deal and Labour with Alice Slocum for her

misconduct make report, they have fulfilled their appointment, She not having a


Sight thereof, gave us no Satisfaction: this meeting finding themselves clear


do appoint Alice Anthony and Sarah Gifford to draw a paper of denial against her


agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting

Ha:n Bennet


Signed a Removal Certificate for Hannah Bennet Recommeding her as a

member to RhodIsland monthly meeting




Mehitable Maxfield Request to come under^the care of this meeting, Sarah Anthony and

Deborah Gifford are appointed to Inspect the Sincerity of her request, whither

the motive is from true Conviction; and they to make report when Ready


3 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 3d month 1781

The Representatives are Amie Barker and Deborah Gifford both present

Nat: Sisson


The Committee appointed to have the oversight of Nathaniel Sissons and

Grace Giffords marriage report, that they attended said marriage and for


what they discovered it was conducted orderly

Alice Slocm denial signd

Signed a paper of denial against Alice Slocum that is to be read Publickly at the Close


of Some first meeting of Worship before the next monthly meeting

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read, answers prepared, and an Epistle Sign’d and to

be sent up to our Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Judith Russell,


Sarah Howland, and Silvester Howland; and they to make report to next monthly



[D]avid Brooks

Thos Sattergood


We ware favoured with the Company of our Friend David Brooks of deep

River Gifford County in North Carolina: likwise our friend John Foreman at

Gwinnedd in the Province of Pensylvania with Thomas Scattergood of Phlidelphia


with Some lines by way of Certificate with their Labours of love which was


truly comfortable to the honest hearted amongst us Likwise the Company of our


Friend Seth Coffin from a monthly meeting held at deep river

Deb: Wood


Keziah Russell Informes this meeting that she hath acquainted Deborah

Wood of her denial

[S]eth Hart

[p]roposal of


Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony made Proposals of marriage before this meeting

and were desired to wait for their answer till next monthly meeting Deborah

Hayden and Sarah Gifford are appointed to make Enquiry into ^the young womans clear


-ness respecting marriage and Conversation and make report to next monthly meeting

few lines for



Signed a few lines on behalf of our Friend Freeborn Rider Signifying our Unity

with her intended Visit within the Verge of Sanwich Quarterly meeting

Abig Devoal Certifi

Received a removal Certificat on behalf of Abigail Devol [Devoll, Davol] wife of


Abner Devol from Sandwich monthly meeting which is accepted

Han: Bowdish


Received a Removal Certificate from Swanzey monthly meeting on behalf of

Hannah Bowdish wife of William Bowdish which is accepted

Prince Potter


Prince Potter and his Wife Hannah desires for themselves and for their Children to be

Taken under the care of this meeting: Hannah Tucker and Susanna Smith are ap-


-pointed to take the proper care to Visit the family and Joine the men friends to find


whether they are worthy to be received into membership and make report when ready


This Meeting Adjourns to next fourth day come week


Mett by adjournment ye 28 of 3 month 1781 Representatives call’d Deborah Gifford present

Meriah Smith

denial to be


The Committee appointed to labour with Meriah Smith make report they have

Laboured with her from time to time, and She continues in the practice of going to

Seperate meeting, and gives no Satisfaction: In consideration thereof this meeting being


clear do appoint Alice Anthony and Barsheba Howland to draw a paper of denial


against Said meriah and bring to the next monthly meeting

[E]sther Allen


Esther Allen Sent in a paper condemning her marrying out from amoung friends

Judith Russell and Susanna Russell are appointed to Visit said Esther the better


to understand whether She is Sincear, and they to make report when ready

Mary Sear=

man Jur &c


Mary Shearman, Deborah Sherman, Rhoda Ricketson, Amie Barker and Lydia

Howland hath handed in a few lines Condemning their gathering in places

where undue liberty is taken which this meeting accepts of provoided they


Cause Said paper to be read at the close of Some meeting of Worship on firt day


they being present

[A]dam Mott

[S]usan Giffod



Signed in this meeting Some Testimonies concerning our Esteemed Friend

Adam Mott Susanna Gifford and Paul Russell, which Testimonies are to be

Sent up to our^next Quarterly meeting at Smithfield

[4] month 1781

At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 4th month 1781


The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Mary Smith both present


The denial against Alice Slocum hath been read agreeable to the last monthly


meetings Conclustion ~ and is followeth

Alice Slocum


Whereas Alice Slocum daughter of Peleg Slocum haveing had a right of member-

-ship among us the people called Quakers in Dartmouth, and been under the care


of our meeting but hath so far departed from the principles we profess as to be


in the practice of frequenting places where undue Liberty is taken Such as --


musick and Dancing and keeping company with those not of our Society


For which she hath been much laboured with in love to convince her of the


Evil tendency of Such conduck, but our labours not having the desired Effect to


friends satisfaction: therefore for the clearing of Truth and friends from the


reproach thereof, we give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the sd


Alice Slocum hereby disowning her from being one in Unity with us and from


under our care


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly By


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth 19 of 3 month 1781

Susanna Smith Clerk

Return from

Q meeting

The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report, they have

fulfil’d their appointment; by whome we received an Epistle that was


read to good Satisfaction containing much Seasonable advice therein

Freborn Rider

Certi returnd

Our Friend Freeborn Rider hath returned our Certificate that She had

to Visit Sandwich Quarterly meeting: with the concuren^ce and the Unity


they had whilst amoung them

Mary Sherman

& company

paper read

Mary Shearman, Deborah Shearman, Rhoda Ricketson, Amie Barker

and Lydia Howland, hath caused their acknowledgement to be read

according to the advice of Last monthly meetinge

Abig Anthony


The friends appointed to make Enquiry into Abigail Anthonys clear

-ness respecting marriage and conversation make report they find nothing


hinder their proceeding

Seth Harts


Seth Hart and Abigail Anthony appeared for thir answer: which was

they may proceed to take Each other in marriage, at Some convenient time


before next monthly meeting, adviseing with^the Overseers who are Deborah


Hayden and Susanna Smith they to make report next monthly meeting

Meriah Smith

denial Signd

Signed a paper of denial against Meriah Smith which is to be read

Publickly at the close of Some first day meeting of Worship before the next


monthly meeting

Han: Sherman


& to be informd

The overseers Inform that Hannah Shearman wife of Caleb Shearman

hath lately married out of the Unity of Friends, after being precausioned

In consideration thereof this meeting doth deny her from having any


Right of membership and from under the care of this meeting: and


Alice Anthony and Barsheba Howland are appointed to acquaint Hannah


Shearman of her denial; and likwise if any thing appears against her


that She was guilty of while under ^our care, they should draw a publick Denial and


bring to the monthly meeting


Freeborn Rider and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Inform Meriah Smith


of her denial and make report next monthly meeting

Certi: to be

prepar’d for

Henry How

land and family

This meeting is Inform’d that Henry Howland hath removed with his

Family within the Verge of Accoakset monthly meeting: Alice Anthony and

Sarah Anthony are appointed to Joine the men friends in preparing Certificats

for the family if they find nothing to hinder and bring to next monthly meeting


5 month


At a Monthly meet of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 21st of 5th month 1781

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Hannah Wood both present

Seth Hart


The Committee that had the oversight of Seth Hart^& Abigail Anthony marriage

Report they attended according to appointment, and that it was consumated


and conducted to Satisfaction


This meeting is Inform’d that the denial of Meriah Smith hath been read


Publickly by the director of last monthly meeting, and is as followeth





Whereas Meriah Smith Wife of John Smith of Dartmouth having made Pro-

-fession with us the people called Quakers, and been under the care of our meeting

But hath So far departed from the principles We profess as to attend meetings

held out of the Unity of our Society, and Joine in publick Worship with them


that are not own’d by us the afore said people and friends having bestowed


much labour in love to convince her of the Evil tendency therof but our


Labour not having its desired Effect to Friends Satisfaction and She


Continues to Justify herself therein: therefore We are concerned


To give this forth as a publick Testimony against her the Said Meriah


Smith hereby disowning her from being one in Unity with us and from under


our Care; Yet that She may so walk as to find marcy is our Sincear Desire


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of

William Anthony Jur Clerk


our monthly meeting of friends held in

By  Susanna Smith Clerk


Dartmouth the 16th day of the 4 month 1781

[M]eriah Smith


This meeting is Inform’d the Committee hath informd Meriah Smith of

her denial according to appointment

[Jo]s: Gifford Ju


This meeting is inform’d that Joseph Gifford Jur hath removed with his

family within the compass of Sandwich monthly meeting and Desires our Certi-


-ficate thereto Kaziah Russell and Mary Tucker are appointed to make Enquiry


Respecting their lives and Circumstances in order to prepare a Certificate if


nothing appears to Hinder and bring to next monthly meeting

[Pr]ince Potter

wife and



The Committee that was appointed to have the matter under their care concern

-ing Prince Potters family make report they have had Several oppertunities

and found pretty good satisfaction, and are willing they should be received

In consideration thereof this meeting Receives them under their care, namly


Prince Potter and Hannah his wife, with their Children Elisabeth, Samuel, Seth


Mary, Joseph, Benjamin, Abner and Lydia Potters





We are Informed from the mens meeting that they have concluded to deny

Edward Thurton, and Parnel his wife with all their Children from under our care

or from any right of membership, if the Womens meeting concurs therewith

which they do


This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this Instant


Mett according to adjournment The Representatives both present




The Committee appointed concerning Mehitabel Maxfield requesting

to be takeing under the care of this meeting report they found pritty good

Satisfaction and think She may be received into membership; In consideration


thereof accepts the report and receives her under the care of this meeting

[Ph]ebe Slocum

[Ju]dith How=

[la]nd acknowlgt Recd

Phebe Slocum and Judith Howland have Sent a paper to this meeting ac-

knowledging and condemning their Joining a company and assisting in

prepareing for an entertainment, and going to places where undue liberberty


is taken: all which they Seem to be Sorry for: in consideration thereof


this meeting takes up with what they have don for Satisfaction


[6] Month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 6th month 1781

The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Susanna Wood both present

[Jo]seph Gifford


The Committee appointed respecting Joseph Gifford Jur and familys Certifi-

-cats Signifie they are not ready to bring one to this meeting

[Es]ther Allen


[m]ent recd

The Committee appointed to Inspect the Sencerity of Esther Allens acknow-

-ledgment for marrying out of the Unity of friends make report, they found

pretty good Satisfaction and are willing She should be received in consideration


thereof this meeting receives her under their care and in membership again

[vi]sit of furreign


[J]ames Thorn

[to]n Samue


Received Certificates on behalf of our Worthy friends James Thornton from a

Monthly meeting at Abington in the Province of Pensyvannia bearing date

the 19th of 3d month 1781 ~ Samuel Smith from a monthly meeting held at Phi=

lidelphia by adjournment for the Northen destrict ye 17 of 4 month 1781

[T]ho: Carring


Thomas Carrington from a monthly meeting held in New Garden ^county in Pensylvania

held by adjournment ye 7th of 3d month 1781 Whose Testimonies with their labours


of Love were Eadifying and comfortable to the honest hearted among us

[D]av Cooper

Likewise Our friends David Cooper from Haddington monthly meeting held at


New Jersey the 9 of ye 4 month 1781



George Churchman from a monthly meeting held at Notingham in [?] in

Maryland the 31 of the 3 month 1781



Warner Mufflin from a monthly meeting held at Duck Crick in Kent County on

Deliware by adjournment ye 29 of 4 month 1781


Those three last mentioned friends being Recomended as Serviceable Elders


In Unity whose company are truly acceptable

Represetaes to

Q meeting

The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting are Kaziah Russell

Ruth Tucker Elisabeth Kirby and Mary Tucker and they to make report to the


next monthly meeting


This meeting concludes and is Adjourned to the 27th of this Instant


Mett according to adjournment ye 27 of ye 6 month 1781 Representatives both present




Signed a Removal Certificate for Abigail Howland wife of Henry Howlan[d]

and their daughter Deborah, Recommending them to Accakset [Acoaxet] monthly meeting

Martha Chace


Received a Removal Certificate from Swanzey monthly meeting on

behalf of Martha Chase wife of Benjamin Chase, Recommending her as a


member of this meeting, which is accepted

Abigail Allen


Received a Removal Certificate from Ninepartners monthly meeting

on behalf ^of Abigail Allen Recommending her as a member to this meeting


which is accepted

Epistle to

Q meetng

Signed an Epistle to the Quarterly meeting to be sent up by our Repre-

-sentatives who are as above mentiond

Jos Gifford


Signed A Removal Certificate for Joseph Gifford and his wife Hannah with

their Children Recommending them to Sandwich monthly meeting


7 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 16th of 7th month 1781

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Silvia Smith both pesent

Return from

Q meeting

Epistle recd

The Representatives appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting Report they

all attended said meeting except Ruth Tucker by whom we received an

Epistle from the same, with a Transcript of an Epistle from the last yearly


meeting of Women friends held at Philidelphia both containing much good


and seasonable advice

Phebe Sisson



The Committee that was appointed Some time past to Inspect into the

Sencerity and circumstance of the widdow Phebe Sissons Children, Inform this

Meeting, that that they find so much Satisfaction that they are in hopes it


will be for the best to receive them: this meeting taking up with said report


doth receive them into membership and under the care of friends the daugh-


-ter names^are Ruth and Judith Sisson


8 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 8th month 1781

The Representatives are Mary Shearman and Martha Allen both present


on Joining

to Sandwich


This meeting appoints Freeborn Rider, Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith

to confer with a Quarterly meeting Committee of men and women friends

Respecting Joining Ponaganset and Acoakset monthly meetings to Sand-

-wich Quarter


This meeting Adjournes to the 29th of this Instant month


Mett by adjournment ye 29 of 8th month 1781 Representatives both present

Mary Duel


Our Friends Martha Allen and Hannah Mosher are appointed to Joine

the Committe to treat further with Mary Deuel [Devol, Davoll] concerning her acknow-


ledgment and they to make report so Soon as may be performed

Phebe Beard


The Overseers Inform this meeting they have laboured with Phebe Beard

for her keeping company with one that is not of our Society, but she hath


so far persested as to be Published out of the Unity of friends, for which


She is denied from any right of membership and from being under the care


of friends; Rebecca Hayden is desired to acquaint said Phebe of her denial


and make report to next monthly meeting


This meeting Adjourns to the 5th day of next month


Mett according to adjournment ye 5 of 8 month Reptve Mary Sharman present

Allen Russell

proposal of


Allen Russell and Abigail Allen made proposals of marriage with Each

other before this meeting and were desired to wait for their answe till next

monthly meeting ~ Mary Shearman and Phebe Slocum are appointed to make


enquiry into the young womans clearness respecting marrage and conver


-sation and make report next monthly meeting


9 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 9th month 1781

The Representatives are Abigal Shepherd and Bersheba Howland both present

Susan Maccom

ber request a


Susanna Maccomber desires a Removal Certificate for her Self and daughters

to the great Ninepartners monthly meeting, Sarah Gifford and Abigail Shepherd

are appointed to make Enquiry and if nothing appears to hinder to Joine the


men friends in prepareing a Certificate for the family




Patience Austen desires to be taken under the care of this Meeting; Judith

Russell and Silvia Smith are desired to make Enquiry and inspect into the

Sencerity of her request and make report when ready

Abigail Allen


The Friends that was appointed to make inquiry into Abigail Allen’s

Clearness respecting marriage and conversation report they find nothing to


hinder their proceeding

Allen Russell


Allen Russell and Abigail Allen appeared for their; Which was, they

may proceed to take Each other in marriage before the next monthly meeting


Advising with the overseers, Who are Hannah Mosher and Joanna Gifford


they to make report next monthly meeting

To treat with

Howland &


Joanna Gifford and Martha Chase are appointed to treat with Abigail

Howland and her daughter Deborah concerning Some disorders appears in them

which hath been the cause that Acoakset monthly meeting could not accept a


Recommendation on their account

Caleb Serman

& wife denial


Signed a paper of Denial against Caleb Shearman and his wife Hannah

which is to be read publickly between now and next monthly meeting at the

Closs of some publick meeting of Worship

Commtee to Join

Q meeting


The Committee that was appointed to confer with the Quarterly meetings

Committee make report they have had an Oppertunity according to appointment

and have brought in their Judgment in said matter, likewise rendread the


Circumstances given, which Judgment is accepted by the meeting and Signed


therein by the Clerk and to go to the Quarterly meetings Committee

Phebe Beard

be inform’d

This meeting Still desires Rebecca Hayden to Inform Phebe Beard of her denial




It is the conclusion of this meeting to hold our next preparitive meeting on ye 26

of this Instant by reason that the meeting for Sufferings is to be held on the

Same day our Preparitive meeting comes in corse


Likewise this meeting Adjourns to the Same day


Mett according to Adjournmen: Represenvs Called Abigail Shepherd present Barsheba


Howland not present by reason of indisposition of body

Sent up to

Q meeting

The Queries have been read and answer prepared, with an Epistle Signed

and to be sent up to our Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are


Sarah Gifford, Marcy Slocum, and Elisabeth Slocum, and they to make report


next monthly meeting

Rhobe Smith


Rhobe Smith attended this meeting with a few lines from East Hoosuck monthly

meeting Signifying her being her being in membership and likewise their Unity


with her intended Visit ~ Which we returned back to that said meeting by


the bearer thereof with an Indorsment thereon Signifying our reception thereof


10 month


At a Month meeting of Women friend held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 10 month 1781

The Representatives are Alice Anthony and Hanah Mosher both present

Allen Russell

The Committee that had the oversight of Allen Russell and Abigail Allens


marriage Report they attended said marriage and it was conducted in a good


degree orderly as far as they discovered


Abi Howland case

The Committee that was appointed to treat with Abigail Howland and her

Daughter Deborah for disagreeable dress and their not attending meetings for


Business; are still continued to labour and deal with them as Truth shall direct

return from

Q meeting

The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting report they

attended accordingly by whom we received an Epistle which was read and


kindly accepted

Denial against



& wife

We are informed that a denial against Caleb Shearman and his wife Hannah

hath been Read agreeable to last monthly meetings conclusion and is as followeth

Whereas Caleb Shearman (son of Philip Shearman) and Hannah his wife

daghter of Jacob Russell deceased, having had a right of membership amoung


us the people called Quakers, but through unwatchfulness and by disregarding


the Testimony of Truth in their own hearts, have so far deviated thir from


as to fall into the Sin of fornication, which is Eviden by their having a


Child soon after marriage; and Friends having treated with them in love


to Shew the Evil of their Transgression and restore them to the way of Truth


But their Labours of love not having the desired Effect to friends Satisfaction


Friends are concerned to give this forth as a Testimony against them the said


Caleb Shearman and Hannah his wife; hereby disowning ^them from being members


of our Society and from under the care of this meeting; yet our desire is that


they may ^be come truly Sensible of their Transgressions and be resored to way ^the of truth


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of men & womens By

Wm Anthony Jnr Clerk


monthly meeting held in Dartmouth 17 of 9 month 1781

Susanna Smith Clerk

Phebe Berd informd of


Phebe Beard hath been Informed of her Denial

The Clerk hath Signed a Removal certificate for Philip Maccomber his wife


Susanna and their children Namely Edith Gardner, Barnabus, Abraham and


Hannah Recommend them to the Nine partners monthly meeting as members


This meeting appoints Sarah Anthony and Hannah Wood in the place


of overseers for disorders

commitee on




We have considered the matter concerning the dividing our preparitive

Meetings, agreeable to the advice of the Quarterly meetings Committy and

the requst of Some of the members of our meeting; and do apoint our

Friends Deborah Hick, Susanna Smith, Silvia Smith, Kaziah Russell and


Judith Russell to Joine with the men friends agreeable to their miniuts


and consider said matter as Truth shall direct & make report to the next


monthly meeting


11 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 19th of 11th month 1781

The Representatives are Susanna Allen and Hannah Wood both present




The Fiends that hath had the matter under their care concerning the

Sencerity of Patience Austins request, Inform they have had Several Sollid

oppertunities with ^her and She appears Sinceare therein, and they think well


of her being received, ~ This meeting accepts of Said report and do


Receive her into membership and under the care of this meeing

Case of Abigail

Howland &

daughter referd

The matter concerning Abigail Howland & her daughte is refer’d under the

Same Friends care


Allen request

This meeting is Inform’d that Martha Allen is about to remove with

her family within the ^compas of the Ninepartners monthly meeting and desires a removal


Certificate for herself and two daughter Mary and Isabel: Joanna Gifford


Martha Chase and Rhoda Mott are apointed to Inspect into their lives and


Circumstance, and if nothing appears to hinder to draw one and bring


to the next monthly meeting

Report concern

ing preparitive


The comittee that was appointed to take the matter under their care and

Consideration Respecting the dividing our Preparitive meeting Report

By Reason of so many great weakness prevailing amoung us, perticurly


the want of a true Discipline being kept up in Friends families;


want of Unity in Some places, and other defects; it is their Opinion


that this matter be continued under the care of the Commttee for further Trial


This meeting Accepts said report and continues them in their appointment


Each one to labour in their ability and the freedom of their minds to


Remove all those disorders out from amoung us; and they to make ^report to next


monthly meeting

David Shepherd

and Son David


Received a Certificate from Smithfield monthly meeting on behalf of David

Shepherd his wife and Children namely Caleb, Deborah, Gideon, Allen,

Elisabeth and Lydia


And one from the Same Monthly Meeting for David Shepherd Junor


with his wife and Children namely Thomas Reliance and John Recom=


=mending them as members to this meeing, all which are accepted


12 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women friends held in Dartmouth ye 17th of 12th month 1781

The Representatives Mary Smith and Rebecca Ricketson both present

Abigail How


case referd

The matter concerning Abigail Howland and her daughter is referd under the

Same friends care

Martha Allen


Signe a removal Certificate for Martha Allen wife of Jonathan Allen

And her two Daughters Mary and Isabel Allen Recomending them to the


Ninepartners monthly meeting

Sent up to



Answers to the Queries have been read and aproved with an Epistle Signed and

to be sent up to our Quarterly meeing by our Reprsentatives who are Elisabeth

Slocum, Martha Gifford, Susannah^Smith Silvia Smith Elisabeth Wood and Lillis Gifford


and they to make report to the next monthly meeting


This Meeting is adjournd to the 26th of this Instant


Meet acording to Adjournment ye 26 of 12 month 1781 Representatives both present


1 month 1782

At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 21st of 1st month 1782


The Representatives are Sarah Gifford and Mary Tucker both present



case refer

The matter concerning Abiail Howland her ^& daughter is still continued

under the Same friends care

Return from

Q meeting

We are Informed that the Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting

all attended but Silvia Smith, who gave the reason of her not attending


which is accepted Received an Epistle which was read to the Satisfaction


of this meeting

Phebe Allens



Phebe Allen Wife of Abraham Allen hath condemned her being at a marriage

Consumated out of the Unity friends which this meeting takes ^up with

desireing she may be more careful for the future


This Meeting Adjourns to the 30th of this Instant


Mett according to adjournment Representatives Pesent


2 Month


At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 2nd month 1782

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Marcy Slocum both present

Deb Howland

case referd

The matter is continued another month concerning Deborah Howland under the

Same cosiderations

George Folger

Bennet Wing

proposal of marriage

George Folger and Rebeckah Shove; Bennett Wing ^& Rhoda Ricketson all of

them made proposals of marriage and Each other before this meeting and were

desired to waite for their answer till next monthly meeting; Mary S^herman


Bersheba Howland and Susanna Wood are appointed to make enquiry into


the young womens clearness Respecting marriage and conversation and


make report to next monthly meeting


Jackson Visit

Our Esteemed Friend William Jackson attended this meeting with a Certifi=

=cate from a monthly meeing held at New Garden Chester County Pensylvannia


Bearing date the 10th of ye 1st month 1781, Whose labours of love was truly


acceptable amoung us to the honnest hearted


This Meeting Adjourns till tomorrow at the Eleventh hour


Mett according to adjournment Representatives both present


[?d] against

Silvester Howland

The Overseers hath handed in a Complaint that Sarah Howland Exhibeted

against Silvester Howland, Seting forth there are Some Scandelos reports

Spread abroad concerning her that she will cheat and Lies, and she Suspecting


Silvester to be the author thereof: Now the Overseers Inform they have labour


=ed to Inspect said matter: and according to their discovery, it doth not


apear that Sarah Howland is such a person: and that according to their


apprehention Silvester hath not cleared herself from the complaint before


mentioned, Therefore this meeting appoints our friends Martha Gifford


Mary Shearman and Hannah Tucker to labour further to bring her to a Sight


of the Evil tendency of Such conduct, and likewise for them to deal with


her for the Same, and to Judge of the matter according as Truth may direct


and they to make report when Ready

The matter


Alice Wood

Received a few lines from Rhod Island monthly meeting set[t]ing forth that

Alice Wood hath Sent them her acknowledgment for marrying out of the Unity

of Friends ~ (She now residing in the Verge of this meeting) and they


desireing our assistance; We now appoint Hannah Tucker and Sarah


Gifford; to have a Soled [solid] oppertunity with her, and make inquiry and


Inspect the Sencerity of said acknowledgment, & Said Committee to make report


to this meeting when ready

Mary Dewel


under frind


The committee that was appointed to Treat withe Mary Dewel concerning

Some defects and neglect on account of attending meetings report they have

Laboured according to their appointment and found Some Satisfaction and

think it may be best that She continues under the care of this meeting,


which said report was accepted of for Satisfaction

Henry How=

=land & wife


Signed a Removal Certificate for Hnry [Henry] Howland and Abigail his wife and

Two of his children under age namely Prince and Beriah Recomme[n]ding them to

Accoakset monthly meeting



Ann Butts

The Overseers Inform this meeting that Ann Butts appears to be defective in

Several respects, as Refusing the attending Religious mee[t]ings and Justifying

the Same, and resorting to places where undue liberty is taken: which the


Overseers Inform they have laboured with her for and she not clearing herself


therefrom: This meeting appoints our friends Elisabeth Slocum and Deborah


Gifford to restore her therefrom and likewise to deal with her for the Same as


Truth may direct in the authority there of and they to make report when ready


3 month


At a Monthly mee[t]ing of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 18th of 3rd month 1782

The Representatives are Mary Shearman [Sherman] and Rhoda Mott both present

Deb: Howland

case referd

The matter concerning Deborah Howland is continued another month

Elisabeth Slocum and Susanna Smith are appointed to Joine the Committee


Alice Wood

that was appointed to inspect the Sencerity of Alice Woods acknowledgment

to Rhod Island monthly meeting, they to make report when Ready

Rebe[c?] Shove

Rhoda Rick=



The Friends that was appointed to make Inquiry into Rebeccah Shoves and

Rhoda Ricketsons Clearness respe[c]ting marriage and conversation make report

they found nothing to hinder their proceeding ^in marriage

George Folger

Bennett Wing


George Folger and Rebeccah Shove; Bennett Wing and Rhoda Ricke[t]son

appeared for their Answers ~ Which was, they may proceed to take Each

other in marriage at some Convenient time before the next monthly meeting


Adviseing with the Overseers who are Elisabeth Slocum and Mary Shearman


for George Folger and Rebeccah Shove: Sarah Anthony and Marey Slocum


for Bennett Wing and Rhoda Ricketson; the Overseers to make report


to next monthly meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to the 27th of this Instant


Mett according to Adjournment Representatives both present

Sent up to Q meeting

The Queries have been read and answers prepared with an Epistle


Signed and to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives


who are Judith Russell and Hannah Wood and they to make report to next


monthly meeting




The Overseers Inform that Judith Hath[a]way wife of Jethro Hathaway hath

married out of the Unity of friends for which ^She hath been Pre admonished for

but she not accepting the advice of friends; therefore this meeting denies


her from a Right of Membership and from under the care of this meeting


Sarah Anthony is appointed to Inform said Judith of her denial and She


to make report to the next monthly meeting

Report of the





The Committee that was appointed to treat and labour with Silvester Howland

have handed in their report with an acknowledgment from Silvester Howland

and an agreement between the parties: Committees report is as Followeth

To the Committee of Men and Women Friends in the Case of Silvester Howland

at the Complaint of Sarah Howland


Dear Friends Having understood by Sitting in your Monthly meeting


That the matter committed to your Charge, was a considerable obstakole [obstacle] in the

From Qartly


Commite to

to mo meeting


way of that Service upon which we and other Friends attended your meeting

we were desireous to see the particurlar parties and neighborhood among whome

it Subsisted ~ And now having the Satisfaction to Inform you that with

the assistance and concurrance of Several other friends in the neighberhood

Those concerned therein have been favoured so far as to lay a hopeful foundation


for Reconsiliation and harmony, if their present resolution is abode in


The Substance of which is Set forth in the inclosed paper of acknowled[g]ment


Signed by Silvester and the agreement Signed by them both; [smudge] Which


together Set forth the Termes they upon which they have agreed to Settle


the Uneasiness; Their particular Connections, and those, who appeared


to have entertained favourable opinions of either parties having been parti=


=curlarly advised with and approved the Same, and agreed to Join in maintaining


love and unity upon those Termes, and Supporting the Discipline in that


respect according thereto


Should the above meet your approbation, we propose; wheither it might not


be best to report to the meeting, the above acknowledgment and agreement


as what might be accepted in Satisfaction, and advise that the acknowledg=


=ment be read at the Close of a publick meeting (unless you see Some thing


to render it unsuiutable) and the agre[e]ment to be preserved on file and the


whole matter be brought to a Close in the meeting as Soon as it can Conveniently


be accomplished; as we apprehend the matters, Still being continued in the


Meeting will not be so likely a way to gether [gather] Strength after this Settlement


as to leave the Sincerity of the acknowled[g]ment and agreement to be proved by


time free from any restraint ~ With desires that all may Join to Strengt[h]en the


Bonds of Unity ~ We Conclud[e] and remain your Friends

David Steere [Stare?]


Ooziel Wiltinson [Aziel Wilkerson?]


Thomas Arnold

monthly meeting



Whereas the Quarterly Meetings Committee having yielded their Assista[n]ce

Which In the above Settlement Which we Concur with

Mary Shearman


      Benja Chace

Benja Slocum

Martha Gifford


      Stephen Buffinton

Wm Wood

Peleg Gifford


Agreeme[n]t is as follows) Giles Slocum

Abiel Gifford

James Davis


between the


We are Sensible the uneasiness between us has given pain and Anxiety to the

body of Friends, We do therefore for the peace and Unity of Society hereby agree

and engage that by Divine assistance we will not endeavour to Spread or


promote the same directly or indirectly: Either to endeavor to enforce the tro


truth of said Report on the one part~ or the blame arising therefrom on the


other part, or in any wise endeavor to hurt each others Cherrecter. But we will


Endeavour to the utmost of ^our power that the same be no longer remembered


amoung Friends, ~ And ^as a further Confermation of ^our Sencerity here in we agree


and desire that all Evidences, or other things committed to writeing respect-


=ing the above difficulty Either in the hands of the monthly meetings Committee


or else where be committed to the fire


Silvester Howland


Dartmouth 21st of 3d month 1782


Sarah Howland

w^hich is



All which this meeting accepts of, Provided Silvester causes her a[c]knowledgment

to be read at the Close of Some first day meeting of Worship before the next

monthly meeting and said acknowledgment handed to the meeting to be put


on record


4 month


At a Monthly meeting of Woman Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th of 4 month 1782

Representatives ^are Sarah Gifford and Edith Russell both present

Deb Howland

case referd

The matter concerning Deborah Howland is continued another month

Jane Williams



Received a Removal Certificate from Rhod Island monthly ^meeting on behalf of

Jane Williams wich is accepted

Georg[e] Folger

Bennet Wing


The Friends appoin[t]ed to have the oversight of George Folger and Rebeccah

Sh [ink spot] Shoves: Bennett Wings and Rhoda Ricketson marriage make report that

they attended and they were consumated and conducted in some good degree orderly


Silvester Howland paper ^of acknowledgment hath been read according to the last monthly


meetings Conclusion and is as followeth





Dear Friends


To the Monthly meeting of Dartmouth

Whereas I have ^unwatchfully been Some Means of Spreading a report which hath

a Tendency to lessen the Character and Reputation of my Sister and nei[gh]bour

Sarah Howland: These are therefore to manifest that I am Sorry for it


and desire her forgiveness therein and Friends to pass it by: and this


Paper is Given up to Friends to be disposed of as best Wisdom shall direct


Dartmouth 2[?]th of 3d month 1782


Silvester Howland

Return from

Q meeting

Our Friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting [?]

Inform they attended, but by some means the Accounts did not come to Either


of them, so that they mist of them which they Informed the Quarterly meeting


thereof; by whom we received an Epistle therefrom which was read in


this meeting to good Satisfaction

Judith Hath

=way informd

of denial

Sarah Anthony Informs that She hath notify’d Judith Hathaway of her denial

The Committee that was appointed to deal and labour with Ann Butts [no Satisfaction?]

concerning her misconduct make report; they have discharged themselves and found


therefore this meeting denies her from a Right of membership


And do appoint Marcy Slocum to draw a paper of denial against her


agreeable to her offence and bring to next monthly meeting

Ann Butts


Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Briggs made proposals of marriage before

this meeting and they were desired to waite for their answer till the


next monthly meeting: Phebe Smith and Edith Russell are appointed to


make Enquiry into Elisabeth Briggs clearness respecting marriage and


Conversation and make report to next monthly meeting


Marcy Slocum Deborah Allen and Susanna Smith are appointed to View and

Joseph Mosher

proposal of


Correct the minietes [minutes] and Settle with Treasurer, and make report to the xt

Monthly meeting when ready

to correct


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth ye 20th of 5th month 1782

The Representatives are Judith Russell and Phebe Smith both Present

5 month


Signed a paper of denial against Ann Butt[s] which is to be read at the Cloes [Close]

of Some publick meeting of Worship on first day before next monthly meeting


Marcy Slocum is desired to Acquaint her with her denial and inform the meeting



Ann Butts

de[n]ial Signd

Receiv’d a Certificate from Greenwich monthly meeting in behalf of Martha Green

which is accepted

Martha Green


The Friends appointed to make Enq[u]iry into the Clearness of Elisabeth B[r]iggs

Respecting marriage; report they find nothing to h[i]nder their proceeding

Elisa Brigg clearness

[?] Joseph Mosher


Joseph Mosher and Elisabeth Briggs appeared for their answer which

was, They may proceed to take Each other in marriage at some convenient

time before the nex[t] monthly meeting, Advising with the Overseers, Alice


Anthony and Edith Russell are appointed to oversee the marriage, tha[t] it is


consumated ^& condu[c]ted orderly, and they to make report to next monthly meeting

Elisa Briggs



Elisabeth Briggs Request a few lines Recomending her to Smithfield monthly

meeting; the Same Committee are desired to draw own [one] if nothing apears to hinder

6 month


At a Monthly meeting of Women Friends held in Dartmouth 17 of 6 month 1782

The Representatives are Elisabeth Slocum and Mary Smith both present


This Meeting is Adjourned to ye 24th of this Instant


Mett according to adjournment The Representatives both present

Ann Butts denial

read and

The Paper of Denial against Ann Butts hath been read according to the

direction of last month ~ and She informed, And is as Followeth

She informd


of denial


Ann Butts

Whereas Ann Butts having made profession with us and been under the

care of this meeting but have so far departed from the Principles we profess,

as to much neglect the attendence of our Religious meetings; also resorts at

Places where undue liberty is taken; whc’h she Justifies, and friends having

Laboured with her in order to reclaim her from Such practices, but our labours


not having the desired Effect to friends Satisfaction: therefore for the clearing


of Truth; Friends are concerned to give this forth as a publick Testimony


against her the said Ann Butts, hereby disowning her from being ^in Unity


with us and from under our care; yet if it be ag^reeable to divine goo[d]ness


She may be restored to the way of Truth as is our Sincear desire


Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our monthly


Wm Anthony Jur Clerk


meeting held in Dartmouth ye 20 of 5 month 1782 By

Susanna Smith Clerk

Joseph Mosher


Our Friends that was appointed to have the oversight of Joseph Moshers

and Elisabeth Briggs Marriage make ^report they attended according to appointment


and it was consumated and conducted in a good degree orderly

Elisa Mosher


Signed a ^removal Certificat[e] on behalf ^of Elisabeth Mosher Recomending her to Smithfield

monthly meeting


This Meeting Adjourns to the 26th of this Instant


Mett accor^ding to Adjournment The Representatives present

Sent up to Quarterly


The Queries have been read and answers prepaired and to be sent up

to the Quarterly meeting by our Representatives who are Phebe Smith and


Edith Russell; they to make report to next monthly meeting

Judith Russell

& Susanna

Smith dismist[?]



preprt  meeting


to labour

for the reviev

al of plainness

Judith Russell and Su^sanna Smith hath desired to be dismist from an appoin

=tment they have been under concerning dividing the Preparitive meeting

which is complied with

Joanna Gifford, Martha Chace Martha Gifford and Susanna Smith are

appointed to Labour with the Members of this meeting for the Reviveal of

Plainness, and other defects ^to Remove as the way oppens to them in the authority of

Truth and to Untite [unite] with a Committee of men Friends that are appointed

on that account ~ and they ^to make report to the next monthly meeting

Minits cor[r]ec

ted Treasur

ey settled

The Committee appointed hath Revised and Corrected this meetings

Minites in order to go on Record; and also Settled with The Treasurer

up to the 30th of this Instant month, and there remains in Stock £11=2S=0d O[ld] Tennor




26Abigail Tuckers Paper of denial should have been Recorded in page 179. But


being neglected, It was thought proper to Record it her[e]; Which is as Followeth


of denial




Whereas Abigail Tucker, (daughter of James Tucker[?] and Ruth his wife)

Having had her Education amongst Fri[e]nds, and under the care of this meeting

yet, by departing from the Testimony of Truth in her own heart, hath so far

gon astray, as to fall into the Reproachful Sin of Fornication, as appears by

her having a child before marriage: And friends having Laboured with


her in Love is order to discover to her the Evil ther[e]of, and to restore her


to the way of Truth, but our Labours of Love not proving Effectual to the


Satisfaction of this Meeting: Therefor for the Preservation of Truth, and


Friends from the Reproach of such Enorm[o]us Evils: This meeting is concerned


to give this forth as a publick Testimony against her. hereby disowning


hur the said Abigail Tucker from being one in our Society, and from


under the care of this Meeting; desiring nevertheless if it be agreeable to


Divine Pleasur, that She may yet find a place of Repentance, and by


an unfeigned Acknowledgment of the Evil of her way return to the way of




Given forth and Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly meeting of Women


Friends held in Dartmouth ye 15th day of ye 7th month 1771. By


Hepzibah Hussey Clerk


Hannah Giffords acknowledgment Should have been Recorded in


page 191 being omit[t]ed, It is Recorded here, and is as Followeth


To the Monthly meeting of Women Friends to be held in Dartmouth


the 19th of the 10th month 1772





Dear Friends      Whereas I ^have some time past given way so far as to

marry out of the good Order of friends ~ And I said, I would not Rise

at Ann Giffords Supplicat[i]on; and likewise did not Rise at her Supplication

and ^Since[?] have Consider’d of it, and found I was disorderly, and I am


Sorry for it, and do condemn it, hoping God will forgive me, and friends


so far pass by ^this my offence with all other mine offences so as to Suffer me Still


to remain under their care


Hannah Gifford

[Insert start]




At our Monthly Meeting of Friends held in Dartmouth on the


18th of the 9th Month 1769


Our Friend Paul Russell Aaquainted This Meeting that he


had it on his Mind to Visit Pembrook [Pembroke] Quarterly Meeting


which This Meeting has unity with


A True Coppy of a minute of our Sd Meeting [?]


[?] Russell Clerk

[Insert end]

[on the opposite unnumbered page is a loose paper pasted in with the following text:]


Having accomplished the Recording these


Minites for the Space of Seven years past and


performed the same as well as age, Eye Sight


and ability of body would admitt, being much


disorder’d in he[a]lth ~ And having had occation


in the co[u]rse of these Records so of[t]en to mention the


name of that truly Pious and Worthy Matron


And faithful Labourer in the Vine=yard of whom


a large Testimony could be bourne but[?] only


remains for ^me to mention her name once more


Deborah Hayden, Who hath lately removed


from hence by death and gone to the world of Spirits


Where She ceaseth from all her Labour and her works


do follow~

Thus Saith


To whom concernd

William Anthony


Dartmouth ye 12th of 6th month 1782