875 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    Boston 4 Decr. 1770.


    No 46

    Dear Sir

    Mr Bernard asked me a few days ago whether I thought his Office would hinder him from his mercantile business.1 I told him the business which he first engaged in of importing from England and making return directly thither could not be exceptionable; I doubted the propriety of his being interested in Shipping and entring & clearing his own Vessels. My principal View was to prevent his being concerned in Shipping by which he has already been a sufferer. I advised him to collect all that was due to him to pay off all that he owed and to trade upon his own Stock; and the constant supply of ready money from his Office carried it into his trade would greatly serve it. He seemed to be sensible my advice was good and he promised to go the next week to Newbury and make an end of an engagement there in a Distillery of Rum which I knew he would lose by, and he promised me not to encrease a concern he entred into with a young man lately gone to England to whom he has given liberty to take ^up^ 2000 £sterlg on their joint Credit but to finish this adventure before he engages any further.2 I dont think it would be amiss if you should let him know that you think he ought not to be concerned in Shipping. He is exceeding diligent or and attentive to his business, to anxious I think, and needs a Curb rather than a Spur otherwise he will be too apt to embrace every offer which carries a specious appearance, without considering that too many engagements often prove ruinous when any one of them, alone, might have proved advantageous.

    You can easily conduct this matter so he will not suspect any hint to have come to you from me. He often asks my advice and I wish to serve him. If he is jealous of my saying any thing to you it will put it out of my power.

    I am sincerely Yr fat hble humble Servt

    L, LbC      Mass. Archs., 27: 63–64.