894 | From Lord Barrington

    Cavendish Square Jan: 7. 1772

    Dear Sir,

    Since my arrival in Town, I have seen Lord North who desires me to inform you with his Compliments, that it will not be expected that you should do any thing contrary to your inclinations or hurtful to your health. I do not beleive it is determin’d that the Irish Commissions of Revennue shall be establish’d, but if they are ^should be^ you will be willingly allow’d to remain as you now are.1

    I know one of your objects in going to Ireland was to provide for my cousin Tom: There is now vacant a small office in my recommendation, which after paying a deputy will I beleive produce a sine cure 60 £ per annum. If that triffle be agreable to you, and to him, it is at your service. It becomes vacant by the death of my worthy and ingenious friend Mr. Stillingfleet for whom I procured it some years ago.

    I hope your health continues mending & I am with the greatest truth & regard

    Dear Sir Most faithfully yours


    My Comps attend my Cousins.

    ALS, RC      BP, 12: 243–244.