To Sarah Savage Thatcher

    Philadelphia        30 January 1793

    10 a.m.

    My dear—

    I suspect our winter is just now commencing—It is now a snowstorm that would do honor to the regions of Maine; it began about three hours ago, & every thing is covered some inches with the white element—Yesterday we had made up our minds for Spring, & thought winter would rott in the Skye!—contrary to the old proverb—but to day we are pretty well convinced that old proverbs will keep up their credit—

    I spent last evening, till nine, at Mr. Daltons1—they enquired kindly after you—the young Ladies are mightily pleased with Philadelphia—but I suspect they would have found a better market at N[ewbury]. Port—They all possess merit—but that is not a very saleable article in luxurient Cities—Twenty or thirty thousand pounds will do here of itself; but worth & all the female virtues, without money, are likely to fade in old age—

    Last evening I recieved a Letter from our friend Docr. [Daniel] Cony at Boston, who wrote that he was thro Biddeford two or three days before but did not call on you, being told you were at what, to use his words, is called an [dance] assembly, in that Town—But was told the family was well2

    I send you a five dollar Bill & subscribe myself yours most affectionately—

    * * *

    ALS, TFP. Addressed to “District of [Maine]”; postmarked.