To Sarah Savage Thatcher

    Washington, D.C.        2 March 1801

    My dear

    This morning I recieved your letters of the 15th & 17th February—I can assure you I hear, with much satisfaction, of the good effects of the correction you inflicted upon George—as I feel a great degree of pain & regret at hearing his behaviour should have made correction necessary—After the mildness & forgivness we have so repeatedly manifested to him, I shall not object to any different line of conduct you please to take towards him—provided you will not call upon me to use the rod myself—

    Our Session will close tomorrow—but I shall not leave the city till thursday morning; so many people are hurrying off that it is difficult to get a seat & many will not be able to set off before fryday & Saturday—I have a strong inclination to be present at the inauguration of the new President, which takes place on Wednesday, at twelve oClock, in the Senate Chamber—I saw Washington & Adams introduced to the Presidential office—

    I have before wrote you my intentions respecting Lucy—Probably Fanny Searl will accompany me home. Shall we not croud our small house too much? It is doubtful weather I shall be able to see Lucy Bigelow, unless I fortunately meet her at Boston—

    Yours most affectionately

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    ALS, TFP