To Henry Sewall

    Philadelphia        1 January 1792

    Dear Sir,

    Yours of the 28 Novr. & 12 Decemr. are before me; and in answer to the first, I will observe that a Law appropriating money for the year ninety two, and to make up deficiencies for the last year, has been enacted this Session. And as to what farther provision will be made for the subordinate officers in the judiciary Department I cannot form a rational conjecture—The whole Judicial System is refered to a special Committee.

    I can give you no encouragement of the mail’s being extended either to Hollowell, or further east than Wiscassett—For after all my endeavors both in the special Committee and in the House, I have found a general disposition in the members rather to stop the mail at Portland than to consent it should be carried beyond Wiscassett;1 And some have always been decidedly in favor of stoping it at the former place. It is probable, however, that hereafter, it will go once a week to Wiscassett—

    The militia Bill as reported by the Committee makes no provision for Inspectors. It was the opinion of the House at the two former Sessions, that Congress had no authority to appoint & pay such officers—

    The Bill for apportioning the Representatives according to the late Census was negatived in the Senate. The House insisted on one representative to every thirty thousand, and the Senate, for but one to thirty three thousand inhabitants.2 And what will be the ratio finally agreed upon I cannot say—But there can be no doubt but maine will send more than one; so that your political astronimers certainly calculate justly in supposing the biennial hurricain will be divided into several vains—And I most sincerely wish the Impetus of each may be moderate3

    I am, dear Sir, Yours. &c

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    FC, TFP