To Warner Mifflin

    New York City        12 June 1790

    Dear Sir,

    Your favour of the fourth of the fifth month [May] came to hand some time ago,1 & would have been acknowledged before this time had I known how to have got a Letter to you.

    I assure you, my friend, I was much pleased when I found you had not altogether forgot me; and exceedingly gratified at your telling me “your esteem for me is considerable”—If our short acquaintance rendered me deserving your good will, it shall be my endeavour hereafter to become more so2

    I can acquit you of entertaining any ambitious, pecuniary, or interested motives in the application you, & your Brethren, made to Congress.3 I conscientiously beleive the happiness of your, and my fellow-creatures, and a real sense of duty were your only motives—And my most ardent wish is, that you and the friends of Humanity may be enabled to persevere in the glorious cause of general freedom untill we see the whole human Race equally partaking of its Blessings—

    Despare not, my friend, we have the sure word of prophesy declaring that Righteousness will finally prevail, & nations shall live in peace—This sentiment is animating—and the prospect is ravishing. What feelings can be more delicious than those of beholding the happiness of others springing from our Labour & Toil!

    I dont know that I shall ever see you again—but you have my wishes for your health & happiness—I shall always be happy to hear from you; and should you, or your friends ever pass into the eastern part of Massachusetts, I expect that you call and tarry with me4

    When you see the Gentlemen who were of the Committee, with you, tell them I respect them, & hope their endeavours will be abundantly success[ful] in this world5—I know they will be rewarded in a better—

    I am, my dear Sir, your sincere friend

    * * *

    FC, TFP. Addressed to Kent County, Del.