
    Adair, Douglass, 3

    Adams, John, 3

    Adams, John, quoted on writing methods, 374 n.

    Adams, Thomas Boylston, elected Resident Member, 28, 156; elected Vice-President, 494

    Akers, Charles, elected Resident Member, 422, 473

    Allen, Joel, his sample title page, 396

    Allis, Frederick Scouller, Jr., editor of Gen. David Cobb papers, 201–202, 205; elected Member of the Council, 495

    Andrew, a ship, and N. Bourne, 62, 66, 70, 84

    Ault, Warren Ortman, elected Resident Member, 22, 23; paper on a Court Roll of Scrooby Manor, 174–198

    Bail, Hamilton Vaughan, elected Non-Resident Member, 205, 206

    Barbeau, Marius, 3, 22

    Beach, Miles, his sample title page, 394–395

    Bell, Whitfield Jenks, Jr., 3

    Bentley, William, quoted on Jenkins’ penmanship system, 373–374

    Best, William Hall, elected Resident Member, 413, 422

    Booke Containing Divers Sortes of Handes . . . , influence in England, 345–346

    Bortman, Mark, 473

    Bourne, John, brother of N. Bourne, naval career, 142–148; associated with Trinity House, 148–149; death, 149; 59, 61, 65, 94, 134

    Bourne, Nehemiah, birth and ancestry, 28–39; early career and relationships, 40–51; sails to Massachusetts, 52; trading from Boston, 53–56; returns to England, 56; sails to Boston, 57; second return to England, 58; service as commander of Scottish coast, 59–60; fight with Tromp in First Dutch War, 62–64; at battle of Kentish Knock, 66–67; appointed a Navy Commissioner, 68; contracts to buy naval stores in N. England, 72; manning and supplying the fleet (1653), 73–81; appointed Resident Commissioner at Harwich and difficulties of service, 81–97; returns to London and Navy Office (1654), 97–99; appointed a Commissioner of Navy and Victualing, 100–105; last years at Harwich and improvement of naval yard, 106–119; membership in Trinity House, 119; resigns from Trinity House and returns to N. England (1622), 134–135; returns again to England, 137; residence in London and Pewter Platter Inn, 138–141; last years, death and descendents, 150–155

    Bradford, William, life at Scrooby, 176; use of italic script at Plymouth, 347

    Breitnal, Joseph, associate of B. Franklin, 367; his twelve cyphers writing method, 366–367, 371

    Brewster, Ellis Wethrell, on Dinner Committee, 233

    Brewster, William, life at Scrooby, 176; influence on handwriting of Plymouth colony, 346

    British Museum, 207, 230

    Brownell, George, writing master, teaches B. Franklin, 354; influence in Boston, 354

    Buck, Paul Herman, elected Resident Member, 473, 474

    Buell, Abel, his sample title page, 404

    Bunker, Jack, hides ship at Roque Island, 428–429

    Burr, Peter, writing master, 350

    Butterfield, Lyman Henry, 3, 240; elected Member of the Council, 420

    Butterworth, sample title pages, 405–406

    Byrd, William, birth and education, 156–157; career, 157–158; love of classical literature and quotations in diary, 160–166; use of classical allusion in his histories and in London diary, 166–171; estimate of position in colonial scholarship, 173

    Cadbury, Henry Joel, 4

    Callender, Joseph, his sample title page, 395

    Cappon, Lester Jesse, elected Corresponding Member, 413, 422

    Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., elected Corresponding Secretary, 25

    Champlain, and Roque Island, 470–471

    Chaplin, William Robert, 3; paper on Nehemiah Bourne, 28–155

    Charleston (South Carolina), free academy, 353

    Clark, John, quoted on letter formation, 372

    Cocker, Edward, writing method, 371

    Cogswell, Willard Goodrich, on Auditing Committee, 22, 24, 174, 203, 233, 239, 343; tribute, 418

    Cole, Charles Woolsey, elected Non-Resident Member, 205, 206

    Confidence, a ship, 52

    Coolidge, Julian Lowell, death, 233; tribute, 237

    Copybooks, 345; use in teaching writing, 349, and in study of mathematics, 353–354; self-instruction in teaching writing, 364–377

    Cotton, John, 289, 297, 304

    Cottrell, George William, Jr., elected Resident Member, 473, 474

    Coupland, Sir Reginald, tribute, 27

    Coytmore, Rowland, 31, 32; career, 33–35

    Coytmore, Thomas, career, 54–55

    Craven, Wesley Frank, elected Corresponding Member, 489

    Darton, William, his sample title page, 408–409

    Davenport, Mary, 284

    Dean, Henry, imitator of J. Jenkins, 376

    Delano, Frederic Adrian, death, 174; tribute, 200–201

    De la Peña, Don José Maria, elected Corresponding Member, 205

    Dickerson, Oliver Morton, 3

    Dodge, Ernest Stanley, 4

    Drake, Samuel a., quoted on influence of islands, 423

    Dudley, Sarah, 313–314

    Dürer, Albrecht, writing method, 371

    Du Pont, Henry Francis, elected Honorary Member, 205, 206

    Dyer, Albert, 457–459

    Elizabeth i, 109–110; handwriting style, 344

    Emmison, Frederick George, elected Corresponding Member, 28

    Ernst, Roger, tribute, 418

    Fenno, Joseph, quoted on lumbering at Roque Island, 437–438

    Fisher, George, his sample title pages, 379–391

    Fitz, Reginald, tribute, 201

    Fletcher, Edward, 341

    Fletcher, Laurence Brown, elected Resident Member, 205, 206

    Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder, 25, 240, 421, 489

    Forbes, Allan, tribute, 418

    Forbes, John Douglas, elected Non-Resident Member, 205, 206

    Fowle, William Bentley, opinion of J. Jenkins quoted, 373

    Franklin, Benjamin, at writing school in Boston, 354; publishes The American Instructor, 366–367

    Freeman, Douglas Southall, tribute, 200

    Frese, Rev. Joseph Raphael, 3

    G. d., his self-help copybook, 364–365; writing method, 371; 376

    Gardner, George Augustus, at Roque Island, 425, 429, 441; buys islands adjacent to Roque, 442; cost of island living, 444; his boats, 444–445 his dress, 448; his meals, 449; his temper, 450–451; woodchopping, 451; encounter with bull, 452–453; death, 454; 469

    Gardner, George Peabody, 445, 454; death, 459

    Gardner, Mrs. George Peabody, and Point Esther, Roque Island, 426

    Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 429, 441, 443, 445; honors St. Roch, 447–448; attitude to natives at Roque Island, 448

    Gardner, John L., 454; death, 459; 469

    Gay, Ebenezer, elected Resident Member, 342, 343

    Gilmore, Myron Piper, 421; elected Resident Member, 422, 473

    Gookin, Rev. Warner Foote, elected Non-Resident Member, 22, 23; death, 174; tribute, 200

    Gould, Alice Bache, tribute, 200

    Grainger, Samuel, writing master, career at Boston, 354 and n. 1

    Graves, Thomas, career, 46–49; 54, 57, 62, 65, 70, 84–85

    Gummere, Richard Mott, elected Vice-President, 25, 203, 240, 420; paper on Byrd and Sewall, 156–173, 342; elected President, 494; 474

    Hamilton, Edward Pierce, elected Resident Member, 489

    Handwriting scripts, gothic cursive, 343–344; italic chancery cursive, 344–345; cursive mixed italic, 348; disappearance of gothic cursive, 348–349; decoration of school exhibition pieces, 358–359; scripts in Holbrook’s Writing Master's Amusement, 359–360

    Harlow, Thompson Ritner, elected Non-Resident Member, 233, 235

    Harrison, Brian, career, 38–39; death, 140; 31, 131, 134

    Hartley, Edward Neal, elected Resident Member, 205, 206

    Hatchett, Charles, 230 and n. 2, 231

    Hawkins, Thomas, career, 52–55

    Haynes, Robert Hammond, elected Resident Member, 156, 174

    Hill, Samuel, his sample title pages, 395, 410

    History of the Dividing Line (W. Byrd), 166

    Hodder, James, writing master, 368

    Holbrook, Abiah, writing master, opens school, 357; joins public writing school and secures pay increase, 357; opens summer singing school, 358; writing samples of school lists, 358; list of British writing books in his library, 361

    Holbrook, Samuel, assists brother in writing school, 357–358

    Howard, William, writing master, 350

    Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe, elected Honorary Member, 413, 422

    Hughes, Lewis, self-help copybook, 364

    Hugo, E. Harold, elected Non-Resident Member, 28, 156

    Hull, Robert, 341

    Hunnewell, James Melville, elected Treasurer, 25, 204; death, 233; tribute, 237

    Hunter, ship, of Roque Island, sails for Joseph Peabody, 439

    Huske, John, birth and early career, 475; politics in England, 475–476; unpopularity in America, 476; theories on N. American trade, 477–478; paper on trade between Gt. Britain and N. America quoted, 478–487

    Ingalls brothers, hermits of Roque Island, 442–443

    Ingersoll, Robert Sturgis, elected Corresponding Member, 233, 235

    Jackson, William a., 234

    Jason, ship, of Roque Island, 440

    Jefferson, Thomas, quoted on writing specimens, 374 n.

    Jenkins, John, early career and belief in patronage, 369; system approach to writing, 369–370; quoted on letter formation, 372; quoted on publication plans, 374–375; quoted on self-instruction, 376; effect of his system on writing instruction, 377; his sample title pages, 396–403

    Johnson, Allen, boatman, of Roque Island, 444

    Johnson, Frederick, elected Resident Member, 489

    Jones, Howard Arthur, 3

    Jones, Howard Mumford, 206

    Jupe children, and will of Robert Keayne, 284–289, 320–321, 327–328, 334–335

    Keayne, Anne, 253, 277, 282, 284, 322–323, 326, 329, 334

    Keayne, Benjamin, 253, 257, 276, 278, 280, 281, 282, 285, 287, 312–314, 315, 326–327, 329, 335, 336, 340

    Keayne, Hannah, 280–285, 312–314, 327, 335, 337

    Keayne, John, 335

    Keayne, Robert, early difficulties in Boston, 244; forced to resign judgeship, 245; spiritual and economic attitudes, 246–248; text of his will, 249–341: religious beliefs, 249–251; desires military burial, 251; account books, 251–252; bequests to wife and son, 253; bequests for conduit and town house, 254–257; disposes his books, 257; gift to elders’ meeting, 257–258; gifts to artillery company, 258–262; his gifts justified, 263–265; gifts to the free school and the poor fund, 265–268; use of poor fund justified, 268–270; Harvard College as alternate beneficiary of gifts, 270–272; gift to Indian education transferred to Harvard, 272–274; slowness in giving explained, 274–276; gift of religious writings to son, 276–277; gifts to wife, 277–278; appraisal and paying of legacies, 278–280; gift for granddaughter’s education, 280–282; provision for changes in legacies, 282–284; gifts to Jupe children, 285–289; minor bequests, 289–290; gifts to John Mansfield and children, 291–293; endured slanders in n. England, 293–296; asks repeal and return of fine, 298–299; details of usury charge, 299–307; details of church trial and comments, 307–312; appoints son executor of will, 315–316; description of account books and files, 316–322; reasons for giving, 323–325; summary of provisions, 325–329; objections to amounts in will, 329–331; tax charges in n. England, 331–333; possible attacks on will, 333–335; final provisions, 335–336; overseers of will appointed, 336–338; additional last provisions, 339–341

    Kelley, Eddie, fisherman, 456, 458

    Knopf, Alfred A., elected Corresponding Member, 489

    Labaree, Benjamin Woods, 474; elected Resident Member, 489

    Laing, Diana Whitehill, 422

    Lakeman’s Harbor, F. D. Roosevelt anchors, 455–456; fishing camps, 456; yachting parties, 457–458

    Leach, Douglas Edward, elected Non-Resident Member, 22, 23

    Leary, Dr. Timothy, Resident Member, resigned, 3

    Leland, Waldo Gifford, elected Honorary Member, 235

    Little, David Britton, elected Corresponding Secretary, 204, 240, 420, 494; on Dinner Committee, 343, 474

    Livingstone, Sir Richard, 27

    Long, Herbert A., caretaker at Roque Island, 442, 456–457

    Longfellow, Gilbert, partnership with J. Shorey, Jr., at Roque Island, 441; sells island, 442; 446, 469

    Loring, Augustus Peabody, 3; appointed to Finance Committee, 233

    Loring, Augustus Peabody, Jr., memoir by Samuel Eliot Morison, 5–21: his ancestry, 5–8; love of sailing and boats, 8–10; education and marriage, 10–14; career, 14–19; hospitality, 19–20; death, 21

    Mather, William, self-instruction writing manual, 365; influence on G. Washington’s handwriting, 365–366

    Mayflower, ship, 41, 43, 152

    McClintock, Gilbert Stuart, elected Corresponding Member, 422, 473

    McCord, David, 27, 204, 240, 421

    Merrill, Walter MacIntosh, elected Resident Member, 422, 473

    Metcalf, Keyes DeWitt, elected Honorary Member, 205, 206

    Middleton, Rev. Arthur Pierce, 3

    Mills, Edward, writing master, petition for tax relief, 351–352; writing style, 363

    Monks, Rev. George Gardner, 422

    Monks, Dr. George Howard, 449

    Monks, Mrs. George Howard, caught largest cod at Roque Island, 450; 445, 449, 454, 459

    Monks, Dr. John Peabody, elected Resident Member, 206, 233; death, 422; paper on history of Roque Island (Maine), 423–471; tribute, 492

    Moody, Robert Earle, elected Recording Secretary, 25, 203, 240, 420, 494

    Morison, Samuel Eliot, extract of memoir of Augustus Peabody Loring, Jr., 4–21; on Dinner Committee, 22, 174; elected Vice-President, 25, 203, 240, 420, 494; on the history of Plymouth colony, 471–472; theory on name of Roque Island, 471; 173, 204, 421, 489

    Mortimer, Cromwell, 210–211; praise of J. Winthrop quoted, 227–228

    Nash, Chauncey Cushing, appointed to Finance Committee, 233

    Nash, Ray, elected Corresponding Member, 199; paper on American writing masters and copybooks, 343–412; 204

    New London (Conn.), 207, 231

    Observations on the trade of G. Britain to her American colonies . . . see John Huske

    Oliver, William Hutchinson Pynchon, elected Corresponding Member, 199, 205

    Osgood, William Bradford, elected Resident Member, 413, 422; on Auditing Committee, 474

    Otis, James, 3

    Otterbein, George Gottfried, his sample title page, 404–405

    Palantino, G. B., mathematical approach to writing, 371

    Park, Rev. Charles Edwards, 28

    Parker, Richard, 338, 341

    Patten, Joseph, and logging at Roque Island, 427–428

    Paul, Jeremiah, his sample title page, 406

    Peabody, George Augustus, his dress in Maine, 448; his meals, 449

    Peabody, Joseph, acquires Roque Island, 423; shipbuilding, 431; death, 440; 447, 460, 469

    Pelham, Peter, advertisement of writing school in Boston, 355

    Perkins, Elliott, on Nominating Committee, 22, 173, 233, 343, 474

    Perkins, Palfrey, elected Member of the Council, 204; 342

    Phillips, James Duncan, tribute, 237

    Phillips, John Marshall, tribute, 201

    Phillips, Stephen Willard, tribute, 418

    Pier, Arthur Stanwood, on Auditing Committee, 22, 24, 174, 233, 343, 420, 474, 494

    Plimpton, Francis Taylor Pearsons, elected Non-Resident Member, 205, 206

    Pomfret, John Edwin, 3

    Powell, Sumner Chilton, 3

    Prynne, William, career, 49; 55–56, 131

    Pusey, Nathan Marsh, elected Honorary Member, 205, 206

    Putnam, Herbert, tribute, 417–418

    Rainsborough, Thomas, career, 37–38; 56–57

    Rainsborough, William, career, 36–37

    Rathbone, Perry Townsend, elected Resident Member, 422, 473

    Read, Sir Herbert, 204

    Reed, Abner, his sample title pages, 409–410

    Richmond, Carleton Rubira, elected Treasurer, 233, 240, 420, 495

    Riley, Stephen Thomas, elected Member of the Council, 204; 240, 473

    Rivington, James, his sample title page, 404

    Robinson, Fred Norris, on Nominating Committee, 22, 174, 233, 343, 474

    Roelker, William Greene, tribute, 200

    Rogers, Richard, writing style in his accounts, 362–363; and in his decorated broadsheets, 363–364

    Rolfe, John, 346

    Rollins, Carl Purington, elected Corresponding Member, 22, 23

    Roosevelt, Franklin D., anchors at Lakeman’s Harbor, 455–456

    Roque, steam launch, and George A. Gardner, 445; sold, 454

    Roque, ship, of Roque Island, sails for Joseph Peabody, 439

    Roque Island (Maine), description, 423–432; early Indian inhabitants, 432–435; early white inhabitants, 435–436; land sales; 436–438; water supply, 445–446; houses, 446–447; fishing, 449–450; farm animals, 451–452; pulpwood cutting, 459–460; bathing, 461; tides, 462–463; picnics, 463; lineage of island names, 467–471

    Royal Society of London, 209–210; J. Winthrop’s gift with item catalogue, 212–227; history of Winthrop gifts, 228–232

    Ruano, Ferdinando, writing method, 371

    Sachse, William Lewis, 3; paper on John Huske’s proposals for improving American trade, 474–487

    Sanford, Isaac, his sample title page, 394–395

    Saur, Christopher, publishes writing self-instructor, 367–368; his sample title pages, 391–393

    Scrooby Manor, in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 176–177

    Scrooby Manor, court roll, translation, 178–193; commentary, 193–198

    Secret History of the Line (W. Byrd), 167

    Serle, Ambrose, quoted on letter formation, 373

    Sewall, Samuel, birth and education, 156–157; career, 157–158; love of classical literature and quotations in diary, 160–166; samples of Latin verses, 171–173; estimate of position in colonial scholarship, 173

    Shakespeare, William, on handwriting scripts, 345

    Shipton, Clifford Kenyon, elected Member of the Council, 25

    Shorey, John, shipwright, at Roque Island, 440, 469

    Shorey, John, Jr., partnership with G. Longfellow at Roque Island, 441, 469

    Siebert, F. T., on Roque Island Indian names, 468

    Sills, Kenneth Charles Morton, tribute, 237

    Skelton, Raleigh Ashlin, elected Corresponding Member, 28

    Sloane, Sir Hans, career, 207; gift to J. Winthrop, 208–209; his catalogue of metals collection, 230–231

    Small, Edwin Williams, elected Resident Member, 489

    Smith, Duncan, his sample title page, 396

    Smith, Frank, caretaker at Roque Island, 452

    Smith, Sewell, caretaker at Roque Island, 452, 453, 455, 457

    Smith, William Bentinck, 235, 240

    Snell, Charles, writing master, 372

    Sparrow, ship, and N. Bourne, 53

    Speaker, ship, and N. Bourne, 59

    Spruce, boat, of Roque Island, 425, 427, 429, 430, 432

    Stearns, Foster, 3; tribute, 492

    Stearns, Raymond Phineas, paper on John Winthrop (1681–1747) and his gifts to The Royal Society, 206–232

    Strickland, Charles Rutan, elected Resident Member, 206, 233

    Sturbridge (Mass.), 207

    Syme, Sir Ronald, 495

    Thomas, Isaiah, publishes first American copybook, 368; his sample title pages, 393–394

    Thomson, William, his sample title pages, 407–408

    Tinge, Edward, 297, 338, 341

    Towner, Lawrence William, elected Non-Resident Member, 413, 422

    Townshend, Charles, 477

    Tozzer, Alfred Marston, tribute, 234

    Trinity House, members and affairs during the Protectorate, 120–130; granted new charter (1660), 130–132; 41, 57, 119–120, 141

    Vicentino, Arrighi, writing system, 371

    Vietor, Alexander Orr, elected Non-Resident Member, 22, 23

    Wade, Winthrop Howland, death, 3; tribute, 26–27

    Walcott, Hon. Robert, elected President, 25, 203, 240, 420; death, 489; tribute, 492; 3, 23, 28, 156, 174, 199, 205, 206, 233, 235, 342, 343, 413, 422, 473

    Walsh, Michael J., 472

    Ward, Joseph, gathers manuscript specimens by Holbrook and others, 362

    Webster, Noah, endorsement of J. Jenkins’ writing system, 375

    Webster, William, writing master, 353

    Weedon, J., his sample title page, 410

    Wendell, William Greenough, entertains Colonial Society, 488

    Wheatland, David Pingree, 22

    White, John, 346

    Whitehill, Walter Muir, appointed Recording Secretary pro tempore, 174; on Dinner Committee, 22, 174, 233, 343, 474; 4, 27, 199, 235, 413, 420, 473, 489

    Whitney, Hugh, elected Resident Member, 233, 235

    Wightman, Thomas, his sample title page, 408–409

    Wilbur, Earl Morse, tribute, 492

    Williams, Alexander Whiteside, 3

    Williams, Stanley Thomas, tribute, 492

    Wilson, John, 289, 297, 304, 314, 322, 337, 338, 341

    Winship, George Parker, tribute, 27

    Winslow, Edward, use of English secretary script at Plymouth, 347

    Winthrop, Fitz John, 207

    Winthrop, John, 37 n. 2, 43, 45, 47, 50–51, 54–55, 56, 58, 297–298, 302, 347

    Winthrop, John (1681–1747), early life, 206–207; life in London, 207; gift to Sloane, 208; gift to Royal Society, 209–210; becomes member, 210–211; second gift to Royal Society with item catalogue, 211–227

    Winthrop, John Still, 207 n. 2

    Wrifford, Allison, imitator of J. Jenkins, 376–377

    Wright, Louis Booker, 3

    Writing schools, private teachers in Boston, 350; in colonial Boston public schools, 351; school methods, 352–353; conditions in the eighteenth century, 355–356

    Wroth, Lawrence C., 477

    Zavala, Prof. Silvio, 233