A CONFERENCE was held at the St. Botolph Club, No. 2 Newbury Street, Boston, on Saturday evening, 10 December, 1892, at 7.45 o’clock, in pursuance of the following call: —

    Boston, Mass., 6 December, 1892.

    Dear Sir, — You are cordially invited to attend a private Conference of the gentlemen named below at the St. Botolph Club, on Saturday evening, 10th instant, at 7.45 o’clock, to consider a proposal to form a Society to be composed exclusively of gentlemen whose ancestors were residents of the Colonies of Plymouth or the Massachusetts Bay.

    It is hoped that you will make an effort to be present.

    Very truly yours,


    B. A. Gould.


    John C. Inches.

    The Hon. Leverett Saltonstall.

    Heney H. Edes.

    William Goodwin Russell.

    Phillips Brooks.

    Daniel Denison Slade.

    William Crowninshield Endicott.

    James Bradley Thayer.

    Charles Russell Codman.

    Moorfield Storey.

    Gustavus Arthur Hilton.

    William Lawrence.

    Andrew McFarland Davis.

    Charles Sedgwick Rackemann.

    Henry Ernest Woods.

    Winslow Warren.

    William Watson.

    George Wigglesworth.

    Francis Cabot Lowell.

    Henry Winchester Cunningham.

    There were present —

    • Benjamin Apthorp Gould.
    • John Chester Inches.
    • Andrew McFarland Davis.
    • George Wigglesworth.
    • Henry Herbert Edes.
    • Henry Ernest Woods.
    • Gustavus Arthur Hilton.

    The Conference was called to order by Dr. Gould, who made a succinct statement of the purpose for which it had been convened.

    Dr. Gould was elected Chairman, and Mr. Edes Secretary.

    Mr. Edes read such correspondence as had passed between himself and some of the gentlemen invited to attend the meeting who were unable to be present.

    A general discussion of the subject of forming a Society to commemorate the Founders of New England ensued, which was participated in by all the gentlemen present.

    On motion of Mr. Edes, it was unanimously —

    Voted, That it is expedient to organize a Society to commemorate the Founders of the Colonies of Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay, and their deeds.

    On motion of Mr. Inches, it was —

    Voted, That Messrs. Davis, Gould, Woods, and Hilton be a Committee to prepare a Statement of the purposes of the proposed Society and the draft of a Code of By-Laws; and to report at a future meeting preparatory to incorporation under the general law.

    The meeting was then adjourned to Saturday, 17th instant.

    An Adjourned Meeting of the Conference was held at the St. Botolph Club, No. 2 Newbury Street, Boston, on Saturday evening, 17 December, 1892, at 7.45 o’clock, Dr. Gould in the chair. There were present —

    • Benjamin Apthorp Gould.
    • Gustavus Arthur Hilton.
    • Andrew McFarland Davis.
    • William Watson.
    • Henry Herbert Edes.
    • Henry Ernest Woods.

    The record of the last meeting was read and approved.

    The Secretary read such correspondence as had passed, since the last meeting, between himself and some of the gentlemen invited to attend the Conference who were vented by other engagements from being present.

    The Committee appointed at the last meeting made a report recommending that the proposed Society be named The Massachusetts Society, and that its purposes be such as are expressed in the words subsequently used in the Articles of Association, dated 19 December, 1892, and in the Certificate of Incorporation printed on page 12 of this book.

    The report was accepted, and its recommendations were adopted.

    The same Committee presented the draft of a Code of By-Laws, which was read by the Secretary, discussed and amended by the meeting, and unanimously approved.

    On motion of Mr. Edes, it was —

    Voted, That Dr. Gould and Messrs. Davis and Woods be a Committee to prepare a design for a Corporate Seal and submit it at the next meeting; and that a proper description of the Seal constitute Chapter I. of the By-Laws to be adopted at that time.

    The meeting was then adjourned to Tuesday, 27th instant.