The Lawes of the Colledge published publiquely before the Students of Harvard Colledge

May 4. 1655

The Lawes and Orders of Harvard Colledge

Agreed upon by the Overseers President and Fellowes many of them in former yeares at Severall times, and the rest more Lately, but all of them (as they hereafter follow) received ratified and Concluded upon At A Meeting of the Overseers President and Fellows of the Said Colledge on the 30th of the 2d Month 1655

First Concerning Admission & manners of Students, as also touching their Expences in the Colledge

When any Scholler is able to read and understand Tully Virgil or any such ordinary Classicall Authors, and can readily make & speake or write true Latin in prose and hath Skill in making verse, and is Competently grounded in the Greeke Language; so as to be able to Construe & Gram̄atically to resolve ordinary Greeke, as in the Greeke Testament, Isocrates, & the minor poets, or such like, having withall meet Testimony of his towardlinesse, hee shall be capab[le] of his admission into the Colledge. And every Scholler sh[all] procure for himselfe a true Coppy of the Lawes wh[ich] [2] being Signed with the Presidents and one of the Fellows hands shall be a testimony of his admission into the Colledge and also of the time thereof, which hee shall keepe with himselfe for his better guidance, whilest hee shall Continue a member of the Colledge.


Every one shall Consider the maine end of his Life and Studyes which is to know God & Jesus Christ, and answerably to lead an honest, sober & Godly Life.


The end of a Students life & studys

Every one shall so exercise himselfe in reading the Scriptures twice every day that hee shall bee ready to give account of his proficiency therein, both in theoreticall observations of Language & Logicke, & in practicall & Spirituall truths, as his Tutor shall require, according to their severall Standings respectively, seing the entrance of the word gives Light. psal. 119. 130.


Dayly exercise

All Students shall eschew the profanation of Gods holy Name, Attributes, Word, or Ordinances, & Times of worship, and in the publique assemblyes they shall Carefully eschew whatsoever may shew any Contempt or neglect thereof and be ready to give an account to their Tutors of their profitting & to use such helpes of Storing themselves with knowledge, as their Tutors shall direct.


They shall honour as their Naturall parents, so also Magistrates, Elders, the President, Tutors, Fellowes and all Superiors, keeping due Silence in their presence, & not disorderly gainesaying them, but shewing all those laudable expressions of honour & Reverence that are in use, as uncovering the Head & the like


All Students shall be slow to speake, & eschew and (as much as in them lyes) shall take Care that others may avoid all Swear[in]g, Lying, cursing, needlesse asseverations, foolish talking, [Scu]rrility, babling, filthy Speaking, Chiding, Strife, Rayling [3] reproaching, abusive Jesting, uncomely noise, uncertaine rumors, divulging Secrets, & all manner of troublesome & offensive gestures, as being they who should shine before others in exemplary Life.


Noe Scholler shall goe out of his Chamber without Coate, Gowne or Cloake, & every one, every where shall weare modest & sober habit, without strange ruffianlike or Newfangled fashions, without all lavish Dresse, or excesse of Apparell whatsoever; Nor shall any weare Gold or Silver, or such ornaments, except to whom upon just ground the president shall permit the same: neither shall it bee lawfull for any to weare Long haire, Locks or foretopps, nor to use Curling, Crisping, parting or powdering their haire.



Noe undergraduate upon any pretence of recreation, or any other Cause whatsoever (unlesse allowed by the President, or his Tutor) shall bee absent from his Studyes, or appointed exercises in the Colledge except halfe an hower at breakefast, an hower & halfe at dinner and after evening prayer untill nine of the Clocke: but while he is in the Colledge hee shall studiously redeeme his time, both observing the howers Common to all the Students, to meet in the Hall; and those that are appointed to his owne Lectures, where-unto he shall diligently attend being inoffensive in word or gesture.


Times of Recreations

Noe Student shall goe into any Taverne, victualling house or Inne to eat or drinke unlesse hee be Called by his Parents, Guardians, or without some sufficient Reason such as the President or his Tutor may approve of neither shall any one entertaine any Stranger to lodge or abide at the Colledge, unlesse by the leave of the President or his Tutor, or in Case of their absence of one of the Fellows: neither shall hee without sufficient reason such [4] as the President or his Tutor shall approve of, eyther take Tobacco or bring or permit to be brought into his Chamber strong Beere, wine, or strong water, or any other inebriating Drinke to the end that all excesse and abuse thereof may bee prevented.


Freqenting of Taverns

Entertaining of Strangers

Taking Tobacco

Noe Student shall under any pretence whatsoever use the Company or familiar acquaintance of persons of ungirt and dissolute Life, nor intermeddle with other mens businesse, nor intrude himselfe into Chambers, neither may any undergraduate goe out of the Towne, nor be present at any Courts, Elections, Fayres, Traynings or any such like assemblyes, except upon leave obtayned of the President, or his Tutor, or two of the Fellows in their absence.


keeping evill company

Frequenting of Traynings &c

Noe Student shall board or lye out of the Colledge without just Cause allowed by the President: nor shall any stay out of the Colledge after nine of the Clocke at Night nor watch after eleven, nor have a Light before foure in the morning, except upon extraordinary occasions.



[f]rom the [C]olledge.



Every Undergraduate shall be Called onely by his Surname unlesse hee bee the Sonne of a Nobleman, or a Knights eldest Sonne or a Fellow Commoner.


Every Fellow Com̄oner shall bring a peice of Silver plate to the Colledge to the value (at the least) of three poundes with his Name ingraven thereupon, which hee may have the use of whilest hee shall abide in the Colledge and shall leave it to the propriety of the Colledge when hee departs from it.


[F]ellow [Co]mmoner

Every Student that is under-graduate shall bee bound to Continuance in the Colledge, excepting upon weighty occasions [5] made knowne to the President and his Tutor and with their Consent; and notwithstanding his discontinuance shall pay halfe Tuition.


Every Discontinuer shall beare a share in Colledge detriments viz hee shall pay after five shillings a Quarter.



For the removeall of those many distractions & great burthens of Labour Care & Cost that heretofore have pressed the Steward, & the great debts that hitherto sundry have runne into, and unsuitable pay whereby the House hath beene disappointed of suitable provision, occasioning offensive Complaints, It is therefore provided



That before the admission of any Scholler his Parents or Freinds shall both lay downe one quarter expences, and also give the Colledge Steward security for the Future, and without this ingagement noe Scholler shall be admitted into the Colledge.


Security for expences

That all such payments shall bee discharged to the Steward of the College either in Current Coine of the Country, or Wheat or Malt, or in such provision as shall satisfy the Steward for the time being, & Supply the necessityes of the Colledge.


The kind of Colledge pay

That whosoever is indebted to the Colledge at the end of any Quarter (besides [h]is being lyable to the Court of the Law for the recovering of the Debt) hee shall have his Stewards Bill given in, & in Case that the Bill be not payd within a month hee shall not bee Suffered to runne any further into Debt by expences in the Colledge, untill his whole Debt to the Colledge bee discharged.



The Students that now have Studyes in the Colledge shall pay for them the accustomed Rent, but all [who] are hereafter admitted shall pay Rent to the Colledge [6] quarterly for their Chambers and Studyes as they shall be valued by the President & Fellows.



Likewis[e] [w]hereas certaine Sum̄es of Mony have been Set upon the Students Heads for the building of the Gallery in the Meeting House (for which the Colledge is indebted) it is provided that each Student that shall bee admitted hereafter shall pay three shillings foure pence for the use of the sayd Gallery at their admission which they shall bee Charged withall without any repayment.


It is also ordered that for the Charges of his Commencement each Commencer shall pay three pounds.


Charges of Commencers

Secondly Lawes about holy Dutyes Scholasticall exercises and helps of Learning

Seing God is the giver of all wisedome all, & every Scholler (besides private prayers wherein everyone is bound to aske wisedome) shall bee present Morning and evening at publique prayers at the accustomed houres viz ordinarily at six of the Clocke in the Morning from the tenth of March at Sun rising and at five of the Clocke at Night all the yeare long.


Concerning prayers

It is appointed that some part of the holy Scripture be read at morning & evening prayer viz some part of the Old Testament at Morning, & some part of the New at Evening prayer on this manner.



That all students shall read the Old Testament in some portion of it out of Hebrew into Greeke, except the Freshmen who shall read it out of English into Greeke; and all shall turne the New Testament out of English into Greeke after which one of the Bachelors or Sophisters shall in his Course Logically analyse that which is read, by which meanes both their Scill in Logicke and the Scriptures and the Scriptures originall Language may be increased. [7]


All undergraduates shall publiquely repeat Sermons in the Hall in their Courses, as also Bachelours untill they have Commonplaced, that so with reverence & Love they may retaine God & his truths in their minds. Also the Students shall Constantly be examined on the Last Day of the weeke at Evening prayer and give an account of their profitting by the Sermons preached the weeke past.


Repeating Sermons

A Scholler shall not use the English tongue in the Colledge with other Schollers, unlesse hee be called thereunto in publique exercises of Oratory or the like


Speaking English

In the first yeare after admission for foure dayes of the weeke all Students shall bee exercised in the Study of the Greeke & Hebrew Tongues, onely beginning Logicke in the Morning towardes the latter end of the yeare unlesse the Tutor shall see Cause by reason of their ripenesse in the Languages to read Logicke sooner. Also they shall spend the second yeare in Logicke with the exercise of the former Languages, and the third yeare in the principles of Ethickes and the fourth in metaphysicks & Mathematicks still carrying on their former studyes of the weeke for Rhetoricke Oratory & Divinity.


yearely Exercise

It is appointed that in the teaching of all Arts such Authors bee read as doe best agree with the Scripture truths, wherein the speciall Care of the President and Fellows shall bee used & their direction therein attended.


Reading Authors

All the Students in the Colledge shall observe their Courses in disputation: Bachelours once a fort-Night and the Under-Graduates such as have read Logicke twice a weeke, excepting two Months for the Commencers before, and a Fort-Night after the Commencement for all the Students. Likewise all Under-Graduates shall declaime once in two Months: the number of Declaymers being so divided that in the Space of two Months all may Constantly Declaime excepting onely the times before mentioned. [8]



liberty of Commencers


There shall be a Common Place handled in Divinity handled [sic] once a Fort-Night, the President beginning, and the Masters of Art & Senior Bachelours following according to their Seniority; Wherein the President and Fellows shall take Care that heterodox opinions & Doctrines bee avoided & refuted & such as are according to the Analogy of Faith be held forth & Confirmed.


Common place

To the intent that the progresse of Learning amongst the Schollers of the Colledge be yearely made knowne unto, and incouraged by meet Judges all Questionests shall sit in the Colledge Hall on the second & third dayes of the three weekes next following the Sum̄er Solstice from Nine of the Clocke to eleven in the Forenoone, & from one till three in the afternoone, to bee examined by any according to the Law hereafter provided for such as are to Commence Bachelours. Also in Case of eminent defect or notorious insufficiency in any Student by experience found & knowne by the President & Fellows, they signifying this to Six or Seaven of the Overseers & with their Consent the deserving may bee preferred according to their merit, & the insufficient placed with such as may better further their progress in Learning.


Questionests Sitting in the Hall


Every Scholer that upon proofe is able to read extempore the Pentateuch, and the New Testament into Latin out of the Originall Tongues, & being Skilled in Logicke, & Competently principled in Naturall and Morall philosophy & the Mathematicks, & also of honest Life & Conversation, & at any publicke Act hath publicke approbation of the Overseers & President of the Colledge he may be invested with the first degree; But ordinarily besides such approbation none shall expect it, untill they have beene foure whole yeares in the Colledge, or three yeares & ten Months at the least being blamelesse and attending upon & performing in their Courses all publique exercises; or Otherwise if they bee discontinues approved as before & in matters of Learning & Manners qualified as continuers. [9]



What Bachelours soever shall present unto the President a written Synopsis, or Compendium of Logicke, Naturall Philosophy, morall philosophy, Arithmeticke, Geometry or Astronomy within a weeke of the Summer Solstace in his third yeare after his first degree (which Synopsis shall be kept in the Colledge Library) and shall bee ready to defend his positions, and be Skilfull in the Originall Tongues as afore-sayd, having Staid three yeares after his first degree, and herein thrice problemed, twice declaymed, & once made a Com̄on place or else some answerable exercise in the Studyes that he is most Conversant in & remayning of a blamelesse Conversation, at any publique Act having the approbation of the Overseers & the President of the Colledge, shall bee Capable of his second degree, viz to be Master of Arts.



Thirdly Concerning pœnall Lawes

There shall be appointed a Generall Monitor that shall observe them that are fayling eyther by absence from prayers or Sermons, or come tardy to the same which shall bring weekely a Catalogue of the Names of Delinquents to the President; which Monitor shall bee allowed a Stipend of three pounds per Annum for this paines of his, which shall Quarterly by equall division be Set upon the Heads of all the Under-Graduates whose Names are in the Buttery.



Each Student that shall absent himselfe from prayers (their being noe just Reason given to & allowed by the President for such absence) shall for the first offence being absent more then once or Comming Tardy more then twice in a weekes Space be punished a penny a time for once absent or twice Tardy.


Absence from prayer

If hee offend againe in the like kind within a Fort-Night hee shall bee non plust so many Dayes as hee hath beene absent from the Dutyes of Gods worship, and comming twice Tardy to prayers, and being once absent from Sermons it shall be accounted of as twice absent from prayers.


Absence from sermons

If this shall not worke Reformation in him or them but that within a Fort-Night hee shall soe offend againe It is appointed that for the next offence any such [10] delinquent or delinquents shall be publiquely admonished before the Students of the Colledge, and the admonition with the time thereof Noted by the Butler.




If this shall not worke reformation in him or them but that within another Fort Night hee or they shall offend againe in the like manner, It is appointed that every such delinquent shall make publique confession of his offence in a written forme prescribed by the President, which shall also be recorded by the Butler.


If any shall refuse to make such Confession or after such Confession of his offence shall not reforme but bee prophainely Negligent againe within a Months Time then hee shall bee Suspended from his Seniority, and the priveledges thereof as viz hee shall Sit below his Fellows, & Chuse after them at Meales &c for a weekes time or more according to the Nature of his offence.



If he shall continue in manifest obstinacy & contempt of Authority, & of meanes of Reformation, then It is appointed that by the votes of all or the Major part, viz of the President & Fellows such a one shall bee expelled out of the Colledge, which condition shall bee attended still in all the after Lawes Concerning Expulsion.



Each undergraduate that shall neglect to repeate Sermons in his Course Shall be Non-plust two Dayes and loose his Com̄ons one Meale for such Neglect, and the Duty shall still lye upon him, & his Continued neglect thereof shall be punished according to the Gradation of penaltyes in the former Lawes.


Neglecting of Repetition

Also In Case any Student shall bee Negligent to repayre to Lectures in the Colledge with the rest of his Classis: It is appointed first that such Negligent persons bee carefully observed by their Tutors, which shall send for any such Student & admonish him before the rest of his Classis.

Neglecting Lectures [in the] colledge


punishment of offence

Secondly For the second offence his Tutor shall [11] Complaine to the President who shall publiquely admonish him.


After such admonition & noe reformation thereupon the President shall appoint him a publique Confession (as before) of his offence.


After this if it manifestly appeare he reforme not then by the plurality of votes of the President and Fellows (due patience being used) he shall be expelled out of the Colledge.


Every Student that shall neglect the performing of any Scholasticall exercise in his Course, shall for the first offence (by the President or his Tutor) be appointed to make double exercise or some Scholasticall exercise, besides the performance of that which was omitted.


punishment for neglect of scholasticall exercises

If hee shall still refuse the exercise then hee shall bee suspended from his Seniority as above, & if hee were ye lowest of his Classis before, for his Learning Sake he shall performe exercises with the rest of his Classis, but bee put below some of the next Classis in Sitting.


If hee continue negligent, then such neglect shall bee punished with the losse of Seniority in his Classis such as hee had before.


If the former Course prevayle not to worke more paines & diligence in the party, It is further appointed that such wilfull neglect shall be punished with degradation from his Classis & the losse of a years time.


If thereupon no Reformation shall follow, then after a Months patience, by the plurality of votes of the President & Fellows such a shamelesse Non-proficient shall bee expelled out of the Colledge.


If any Under-Graduate shall depart out of the Hall at Dinner or Supper before thankes be given without Just Cause, or the leave of the Senior Fellow that shall bee present in the Hall, hee shall loose his Commons so many meales as hee shall so offend; Also they that needlessely frequent the kitchin shall bee Non-plust by the President. [12]


Departing out of ye Hall

If any Scholler shall abide out of the Colledge or bee absent from his Studyes beyond the times before allowed, eyther spending his time in any House or place of the Towne, or going out of the Towne, without the leave of the President, or his Tutor, or having leave shall without cause stay longer then his appointed time hee shall for such offence be Non-plust by the President or his Tutor, & tasked to make some Scholasticall exercise by the appointment of the President.


Absence frō Studyes

or going out of ye Towne wthout leave

No Under-Graduate shall buy, sell barter or exchange Bookes, Apparell or any other thing of Considerable Value but by the leave of the President, his Tutor, Guardian or Parent, & if hee shall so sell or pawne any thing to any Scholler, the President shall make void the Bargaine, & admonish them both.


Buying Selling exchanging

No Student nor students shall be suffered to have a Gunn in his or their Chambers, or Studyes, or keeping for their use any elsewhere in the Towne, or if they bee found to have such by the President or their Tutors then they shall be admonished by the President or their Tutors to put them away: which if they refuse to doe the President shall have power to take them away quite from them, and if they resist the President herein, they shall upon due proofe hereof be expelled out of the Colledge by the advise of the Overseers. The same penalty is appointed to any Student that shall make resistance against, or offer violence unto the President or Fellows.



If any Student shall weare long Haire or otherwise offensive Contrary to the former Seventh Law the President shall have power to reforme it, or as need shall require to make his addresse to any three, or more of the Over-Seers who shall take order concerning it.


Long Haire

It is appointed that every Student that shall by good evidence bee Convicted of any hainous & flagitious Crime, as Robbery, Burglary, Speaking blasphemous words, Notorious prophanation of the Lords Day, Ordinances or word, Uncleanesse or such like shall be [13] expelled IPSO FACTO: and in Case that any be Convicted of Drunkenesse, Fighting Rayling, Swearing, Cursing, Lying, filthy Speaking, prophanesse, Revelling, playing at Cards or Dice, or such like, for the first offence, if it bee private, hee shall bee privately admonished by the President or his Tutor, for the second, or the first if it bee publique hee shall bee publiquely admonished by the President, and for the third make publique Confession of his offence at some publique meeting of the Students, & for the fourth bee Noted downe for a prophane person, having his Com̄ons sitting alone by himselfe in the Hall uncovered; And if upon this he reforme not, & make not some expression of Sorrow & Repentance, after a Months tryall & patience hee shall bee expelled out of the Colledge.


Flagitious offences

It is provided that in such grosse offences as according to the Lawes aforesayd are punishable with expulsion it shall bee in liberty of ye the President with the Consent of the Fellows to inflict Corporall punishment by the Rod (as a degree antecedent to expulsion) according to the Condition of the Offender & Nature of the Offence.


Corporall punishment

Concerning the pœnaltyes aforesayd it is provided that if any of the prescribed degrees of punishment doe worke Reformation, then whatsoever degrees of punishment have before passed, they shall bee made void in order to any future Censure.



Whatsoever member of the Colledge (whether Student or Servant) shall bring any reall dam̄age or detriment thereunto, he shall bee bound to make such restitution as Justice & equity doe call for.



It is required of every Colledge officer or Servant that hee faithfully discharge the place & trust Committed to him, soe as may tend to the welfare of the Colledge & of all the Members thereof; And in case [14] of unfaithfullnesse negligence or any other miscarriage in his place hee shall bee accountable to, & punishable by the President & Fellows according to the quality of his offence.



All these Lawes upon publishing openly in the Colledge Hall shall bee of force im̄ediately.

At a Meeting of the Overseers on the 30th of the Second Month 1655

Forasmuch as the over-seers have beene Certified that there hath beene uncomfortable defects in the Diet of the Students, as also in their Lodging. It is ordered that the Corporation doe Speedily enquire into the Causes thereof & take order with ye Steward & Treasurer & any other Coll. Officer whom it may Concerne for the Just redresseof ye same & the Overseers doe promise their best assistance for ye effecting of what may be needfull therein.


Corporation nominated in ye Charter of 50 was as follows viz: Henry Dunster Presidt Samll Mather Samll Danforth Masters of Art, Jonathan Mitchel, Comfort Star & Samll Eaton Bachelors of Art, fellows: & Thô: Danforth Treasurer.

Samll Mather, & Samll Danforth were Tutors: [15]

Another Penall lawe enacted by the Generall Court held at Boston 8 14. 1656 and published in the audience of the Students in the Colledge 9 21. 1656.

It is heerby ordered, that the Præsident and fellowes of Harvard Colledge for the time being, or the major part of them are heereby impowred according to ther best discretion, to punish all misdemeanors of the youth in ther society, eyther by fine, or whipping in the hall openly, as the nature of the offence shall require, not exceeding ten shillings, or ten stripes for one offence; and this lawe to continue in force untill this Court, or the Overseers of the Coll. provide some other order to punish such offences.

This is a true copy of the courts order

as attests, Edw. Rawson Secrey

Concordat cū Originali.

Ità testor Charles Chauncy sec

The Præsident may impose 5s fine on such senrs Schollars as neglect Common-places, Disputes, & Declamations] when required:


Corporation Nominated in ye Grant of 72 is as follows viz: Leonard Hoar Presidt, Samll Danforth, Urian Oakes, Tho: Shepard, Joseph Brown, Jno Richardson fellows; Jno Richards Treasurer.

Joseph Brown & John Richardson were Tutors [16]

10 (3) 1666

Mason, Hubbard jun. and Wintrop jun. (according to the counsell of the Revd Elders) were expelled out of the Colledge, and ther names, cut out of the tables in the buttry by the order of the Præsident in the prsence of all the fellowes, for ther disorder and injurious cariage towards Andrew Belcher in killing, and hauing stolne ropes in hanging Goodmā Sells dogge upon the signe post in the night, wch fact was deliberately confessed by one of thes delinquents, before the corporation with the reason moving thereunto: wch confession was also attested before his companions, and not denyed in diverse particulars, being pressed by the Revd Elders about them: besides two of them afterwards corrupted, and seduced the confessor to unsay his confession: and many grosse lyes were told by all, and especially and especially [sic] by one of them: and ther were many circumstances, and probabilityes attesting ther guiltinesse of thes crimes. [18]470

Charles Chauncy

Laws that were reade, voted and passed by the over-seers 9th of the 2d Month—1660 and published in the Coll: the next, being the 10th day of the 2d Month

No Student shall Hue or board in the family or private house of any inhabitant in Cābridge, wthout leaue from the Prsident and his Tutor (as is ꝑvided in the 11th and 14th law of the first head) and if any upon such leaue obtained shall go hue, yet they shall attend all Coll: exercises both religiouse, and Scholasti[c]all, and be under Coll: order and discipline, as others ought to doe, and be that are Resident in the Coll: and shall pay also fiue shillings a quarter towards Coll detrimts, besides ther Tuturage, and in case that any student shall-bee and liue in Towne, as aforesaid out of ye Coll, Com̄ons, more then one moneth, whither together, or at severall times wthout leaue obtained, he shall thence-forth be looked-at as no member of the Collg.

Also wheras the penaltyes imposed upon such Students, as are in Commons in the Coll: are n[o]t Sutable in some ꝑticulars, to awe, and deterre such as board in the Towne, as aboue said, its yrfore heereby ꝑvided, that the Prsident or the Prsident and Tutours may ꝑceed wth them in the Towne in case of delinquency, by admonition and private Correction, vntill by reason of an incorrigible Spirit in the offenders, the Prsident and Fellowes shall see cause to ꝑceed to publicke Correction or Expulsion, any former or other lawe or Custome not-wthstanding.

Also wras diverse students are discontinuers for the indemnity of the Coll it is heereby ꝑvided, that in case any such shall bee behīd of payments of detriments, and halfe-tuition according to former lawes, more then one Month after the Quarter-bill is given by the Stuart to the Butler, such non-payment shall-bee looked at as ther utter wthdrawing from the Coll: and they shall loose all yr time and interest, as to the claming of any degree or future privilidge in the Coll:, otherwise then by Satisfaction of such arreages due and damages sustained and the approbation of the Corporation concerning them and notwthstanding such wthdrawing such students shall-bee liable to pay all such arrerages and just debts due to the Coll: [19]

At a meeting of ye overseers at ye presidents Aug: 24. 1663.

Whereas (through long experience) former orders have no[t] been effectuall for ye preventing of unnecessary dam̄ages to ye coll: by ye violence or carelesnes of those for whose accom̄odation great cost & charges have from time to time been expended. The overseers doe therefore order yt henceforth all due care be taken for preventing thereof, & yt where any dam̄age shall bee found done to any study or chamber inhabitated, ye person or persons resident therein shall make good ye same, & where any dam̄age is done to ye edifice of ye coll: (excepting by ye inevitable providence of god) any vacant chamber or study, ye coll: fences about [the] yard, pumpe, bell, or clock &c: ye same shall be made good againe by all ye students resident in ye coll a[t] such time when such dam̄age shall bee done, or dis[cov]red to bee done, & shall bee duly payd in their quarte[r bills] to ye treasurer, or other such officer of ye coll: as shall bee [ap]poynted to disburse the same. provided always if ye person [or] persons yt were ye actor or actours, or blameable occasion [of] such dam̄age done be discovered, & doe appeare, he or they [shall] make full satisfaction for ye same, & shall als[o be liable] to further punishment by fine or otherwise [according] to ye demerit of this fact. And where any student take up any study, he shall pay ye rent thereof fo[r one] whole yeare, whether he be resident therein soe lo[ng] or not, & shall stand engadged to deliver ye same in such go[od] repayr, as he received it on his entrance.

At a meeting of ye overseers of Harvard coll: at Boston. December 5. 1667.

It is ordered yt noe student be admitted into ye coll. by ye president or his tutour vntill hee bring a certificate [in] ye hand of ye steward, yt one quarters allowance f[or] dues to ye coll: be fully satisfyed, nor shall any [be con]tinued therein, unles from time to time at every q[uarter] [20] day they bring the like certificate from ye steward yt hee is satisfied for ye following quarter, with ye arreerages, if any bee for ye quarter past, & in case either president, tutour, or any other officer shall presume soe to doe, they shall satisfy ye dam̄age thereby sustained to ye coll:, or steward, & ye steward may abate such person whether president or tutour of any dues to them appertaining, soe far as shall bee in his hands to allow them, & they shall alsoe bee lyable otherwise fully to satisfy all ye sayd dam̄age.

It is ordered yt ye steward shall not bee enjoyned to accept, of above one quarter part flesh meat, of any person.

Whereas it is observed yt there is great discouragement put vpon parents, by reason of severall abuses yt are put vpon their children at their first entrance, by ye senior students sending them vpon their private errands &c: The overseers doe commend it to ye president & fellows, yt for ye future due care be taken to prevent ye same, & yt all abuses in yt kind bee severely punished, by imposeing a penalty on such person or ꝑsons as shall presume soe to doe, or by corporall punishment as to ye corporation shall seeme meet. [21]

Out of the printed lawes in the title Colledge471

whereas through the good hand of God, there is a Coll[edge] founded in Cambridge in the County of Middles[ex] called Harvard Colledge, for the incouragement of [which] this Court hath given foure hundred pounds & also the revenue of the ferry between Charlestown & Boston, and that the well-ordering & managing of the said Colledge is of great concernment: it is therefore ordered by this Court, and the authority thereof, that the Governor & deputy Governor for the time being, and all the magistrates of this jurisdiction together wth the teaching Elders of the six next adjoining townes. viz. Cambridge, Watertown, Charlestowne Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, [&] the Præsident of the said Colledge for the time being shall frō time to time have full power & authority to make & establish such orders & constitutions, as they shall see necessary for [the] instituting, guiding and furthering of the said Colledge, and the severall members thereof frō time to time in piety, morality & learning, as also to dispose, order & manage to the use and behoof of the said Colledge & the members thereof all gifts, legacyes, bequeaths, revenues & donations, as eyther have been, are, or shalbe [co]nferred, bestowed or any wayes shall fall or come to the said Colledge: And wheras it may come to [pass] that many of the magistrates & said Elders may be absent or otherwise imployed in other waig[hty] affaires, whē ye said Colledge may need ther [pre]sent help & counsell, it is therefore ordered that [the] greater number of magistrates & elders that [shalbe] prsent wth the Præsident shall have power of [the] whole; Provided that if any constitution o[rder] or orders by thē shalbee found hurtfull to ye Coll. or the members thereof, or to the public thē upō appeal of the ꝑty or ꝑtys grieved unto the company of Overseers first mentioned they shall [repeal] the said order or orders, if they see cause at their next meeting or stand accountable thereof to the next ge[nerall] court. (1636. 1640. 1642)472

Statuta, Leges et Privilegia

a Præside et Sociis Collegii Harvardini, apud cantabrigienses, in Nova Angliâ, approbata et sancita, quibus Scholares sive Studentes, et admissi et admittendi, ad Literas et bonos mores promovendum, subjicere tenentur. Dat. ex Aulâ Academicâ 1692

1. Cuicunque fuerit Peritia legendi Ciceronem, aut quemvis alium ejusmodi Classicum Autorem ex tempore, et congruè loquendi ac scribendi Latinè facultas, oratione tam solutâ quam ligatâ, suo (ut aiunt) Marte et ad unquam inflectendi Græcorum Nominum et Verborum Paradigmata; hic admissionem in Collegium jure potest expectare. Quicunque vero destitutus fuerit, hac Peritiâ, Admissionem sibi Neutiquam vendicet. [2]

2. Quicunque in Collegium admittuntur, iidem etiam Contubernio excipiendi sunt; et Unusquisque Scholarium Oeconomo tres Libras cum Hospitio accipitur, numerabit; eidem ad finem cujusque Trimestris quod debitum erit, solvet: Nec licet ulli Academico, nondum gradu ornato, convictum extra Collegium quærere, nisi venia impetrata a Præside aut suo Tutore. Si quis autem hanc Præsidis aut Tutoris Indulgentiam obtinebit, consuetudinem, usitatam fidelitèr observabit; Sin autem aliquis a Collegio descedendo, privatam Institutionem quæsierit; Copiâ a Præside, vel a Tutoribus illi non facta, nullo privilegio academico patietur.

3. Dum hic egerint, Tempus studiose redimunto; tam communes omnium Scholarium horas; quam suis [3] Prælectionibus destinatas observando.

4. Unusquisque Scholarium Exercitia omnia Scholastica et religiosa, tàm publica quam privata sibi propria præstabit. Adhuc in Statu pupillari degentes, Sexies quotannis rostra oratoria ascendent. Unâquâque Septimanâ bis Disputationibus publicis Sophistæ interesse debent: Cum Baccalaurei turn Sophistæ Analysin in aliquam S. Literarum partem instituent: Baccalaurei singulis Semestribus, publice quæstiones Philosophicas sub Præsidis moderamine discutient: Absente verò Præside, duo seniores Tutores Moderatoris partes alternatim agent.

5. Ne quis sub quovis prætextu, Hominum, quorum perditi ac discincti sunt mores, consuetudine utitor.

6. Nemo in statu Pupillorum degens, nisi concessâ prius a Præside, vel a Tutoribus, veniâ ex oppido exeat. [4] Nec quisquam cujuscunque gradûs aut ordinis fuerit, Tabernas aut Diversoria, ad commessandum, aut bibendum, accedat, nisi ad Parentes, Curatores, Nutricios, aut hujusmodi accersitus fuerit.

7. Nullus Scholaris, nullo Parentum, Curatorum, aut Tutorum approbante, quicquam emito, vendito aut commutato qui autèm secùs fecerit, a Præside aut Tutore, pro delicti ratione mulctabitur.

8. Omnes Scholares a vestibus, quæ Fastum aut Luxum prae se ferunt abstineant; nec ulli Studenti extra Limites Academiæ sine Togâ, Tunicâ, vel Penulâ, exire liceat.

9. Omnis Scholaris non graduatus, solo cognomine vocetur, nisi sit commensalis, aut Equitis primogenitus, vel insigni Genere natus. [5]

10. Omnis Commensalis, quinque Libras in perpetuum Academiæ usum solvet, priusquam in Collegium admittatur.

11. Unusquisque Scholaris in Statu pupillari degens, Tutori suo duas libras, at si Commensalis, tres libras, per An͞n. dinumerare tenebitur.

12. Nulli ex Scholaribus Senioribus, solis Tutoribus et Collegii Sociis exceptis, Recentem sive Juniorem, ad itinerandum, aut ad aliud quodvis faciendum, Minis, verberibus vel aliis Modis impellere licebit. Et Si quis non graduatus, in hanc legem peccaverit, Castigatione corporali, Expulsione, vel alitèr, prout Præsidi, cum Sociis visum fuerit punietur.

13. Scholares, cujuscunque conditionis, a Lusu Alearum vel Chartarum pictarum, necnon ab omni lusûs genere in quo de Pecunia, concertatur, abstineant, sub pœnâ viginti [6] Solidorum toties quotiès, si sit Graduatus, vel alitèr, pro arbitrio Præsidis et Tutoris, si non sit Graduatus.

14. Si quis Scholarium a Præcibus aut Prælectionibus abfuerit, nisi necessitate coactus, aut Præsidis aut Tutoris nactus Veniam, Admonitioni, aut aliusmodi, pro Præsidis aut Tutoris Prudentiâ, pœnæ, si plusquàm semèl, in Hebdomade peccaverit, erit obnoxius.

15. Nullus Scholaris quâvis de causâ (nisi praemonstrata et approbata, Præsidi aut Tutori suo) a Studiis statisvè exercitiis abesto: excepta Semihorâ Jentaculo Prandio verò Sesquihora, concessâ; necnon Cœnæ usque ad horam nonam &c.

16. Si quis Scholarium ullam Dei aut hujus Collegii legem, sive animo perverso, sive ex supinâ negligentiâ violarit, postquàm fuerit bis admonitus, gravioribus, Pro Præsidis aut [7] Tutoris prudentiâ pœnis coerceatur. In atrocioribus autèm delictis ut adeò gradatim procedatur Nemo expectet.

17. Quicunque Scholaris, probatione habitâ poterit sacras utriusque Testamenti Scripturas, de textu originali latinè interpretari; et logicè resolvere; fueritque naturalis et Moralis Philosophiæ principiis imbutus, vitâ et moribus inculpatus, et publicis quibusvis comitiis a Præside et Sociis Collegii approbatus, primo suo gradu possit ornari. Alitèr Nemo nisi post Triennium et decem menses ab admissione in Collegium, ad primum in Artibus Gradum admittetur.

18. Quicunque Scholaris locum habuit communem, scriptamque Synopsin, vel compendium Logicæ, naturalis vel moralis Philosophiæ, Arithmeticæ, Geometriæ, aut Astronomiæ, exhibuerit, fueritque ad Theses suas [8] Defendendas paratus; necnon originalium, ut suprà dictum, Linguarum peritus, quem etiamnum Morum Integritas et Studiorum diligentia cohonestaverint, publicis quibusvis Comitiis probatione factâ, secundi gradus Magisterii nimirum capax erit.

19. Statutum est quod qui Theologiæ dat operam, antequàm Baccalaureatum in illâ facultate consequatur, Gradum Magisterii in Artibus, suscipiat ac sedulo Theologicis et Hebraicis Lectionibus incumbat; quibus annorum septem dabit operam: quo spatio, bis disputabit contra Theologiæ Baccalaureatum semelque respondebit in Theologiâ; concionabitur latinè semèl et semèl anglicè, vel in Templo vel in Aulâ Academiæ. Et si in hoc tempore, in Theologiâ profecerit per solennem in-[9]augurationem Baccalaureus fiet hâc tamèn cautione servatâ, nè quis ante quinquennium completum a suscepto magistrali gradu Concionem hujusmodi habere permittetur.

20. Statutum est quòd qui cupit in ordinem Doctorum Theologiæ cooptari per integrum quinquennium, post susceptum Baccalaurei gradum, lectionibus et Studiis Theologicis dabit operam et antequàm ad incipiendum in eadem facultate admittatur, in Quæstionibus Theologicis bis opponet, semel respondebit, idque Doctori, si commodè fieri poterit, latinè semel, anglicè semel concionabitur in Templo vel in Aula Academiæ, solennitèr sexiès legat et explicet aliquam Scripturæ partem et post solennem inceptionem semèl infra annum ipse sibi Quæstionem proponere, tenebitur in Aulâ Academiæ, cujus [10] Ambigua et Dubitationes in utramquè partem, enucleabit, definiet et determinabit.

21. Statum est quod præter cætera Exercitia, pro gradibus Theologicis præstanda, unusquisque tàm pro Theologiæ Baccalaureatu quàm pro Doctoratu Candidatus tractatum quendam contra Hæresia vel Errorem aliquem grassantem aut in aliud utile quoddam argumentum, (dirigentibus id Præside atque Collegii Sociis) pro communi Ecclesiarum Commodo, in lucem emittere tenebitur.

22. Gradus Academici qui a Præside et Curatoribus Collegii Harvardini, antehàc collati sunt, pro validis habeantur.

23. Unusquisque Scholaris harum Legum Exemplar a Præside et Aliquo Tutorum subscriptum [11] Sibi comparabit, priusquam in Collegium admittatur.