359 | From Thomas Hubbard

    Boston 21st June 1765

    May it please your Excelly.

    The Comtee. for the repairs of Castle William

    1 have viewed the Damage done there by the late Storm & find it to be very great, & are of the Opinion that the repairing it with Stone, tho’ at a great Expence at first, will in the conclusion be best & cheapest: but as this will require a considerable Sum of money, & borders to near on being new work, would be glad to have the [Sense?] of the General Court thereon & with submission would referr it to your Excellency to do this, in such way & manner as to yr Excelly shall seem best are

    Yr Excellys. most obedient humb Servts.

    Thos Hubbard In the Name of Comtee

    ALS, RC Mass. Archs., 110: 198.