volume three

    At the outset of volumes one and two, and at various points throughout this volume, I have praised the efforts of a wonderful group of students and colleagues who have helped me at every step of the way. Let me repeat a few heartfelt “thank yous” here. Michael H. Hayden not only transcribed the Southern Journal, but added copious annotations. Brandon Bigelow, Kevin Cox, Elizabeth Kamali, Christina Nolan, Nicole Scimone, Susannah Tobin and Elisa Underwood provided valuable research assistance. Three Editorial Assistants to the Monan Chair labored long and hard at these complex and difficult manuscripts: Brendan Farmer, Patricia Tarabelsi, and Charles Riordan, together with Inge Burgess at Harvard Law School. Their intelligence and thoroughness marks every page. I have enjoyed library support of the very first order, with particular thanks to Karen Beck and Mark Sullivan at Boston College Law Library and David Warrington at the Harvard Law Library, and David Whitesell at Harvard’s Houghton Library. Then there have been my colleagues at the famous Stinehour Press, whose craftsmanship and design skills are self-evident in these volumes. There has also been the invaluable support of two other great institutions: the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, with its distinguished Editor of Publication, John W. Tyler, and the Massachusetts Historical Society and its enormously helpful librarian, Peter Drummey, along with his staff. Finally, I must thank my colleague and co-editor, Neil York, for his constant assistance, encouragement and friendship, my invaluable colleagues at both Boston College and Harvard, and, of course, my family and my wife, Judith, who have truly made all this possible.

    Daniel R. Coquillette

    Volume Editor