Abbadie, Jean d’, 124
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez, death, 3; tribute, 56
Abercromby, Sir Robert, 84
Adair, Douglas, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Adams, Arthur, elected Non-Resident Member, 313, 317, 384
Adams, John, elected Resident Member, 386
Adey, Web, 373
Aiken, Alfred Lawrence, death, tribute, 56
Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, 262, 264
Algonquins or Algonkins, 258, 414–421 passim
Alkahest (a liquor), 25, 39, 48, 221 n. 3, 223 n. 7, 229–234, 244 n. 9, 247 n. 8, 248 nos. 12, 13, 249 no. 19, 251 no. 31
Allis, Frederick Scouler, 55, 252
Altahest. See Alkahest
Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst, 84–85
Andrews, Charles McLean, 367, 387, 397
Andros, Sir Edmund, 123
Angell, James Rowland, death, 252; tribute, 264
Anne, ship, 371
Apthorp, Charles, 266, 267, 269
Argall, Samuel, 395
Arnaldus de Villanova, 250 no. 28
Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 223 and n. 8
Ashland, 153
Ashmole, Elias, 25 n. 6, 30 and n. 4, 31, 34
Assawompsett, 297
Astell, J., 221 n. 3, 223 n. 7, 230 n. 1, 3, 240, 243–244 and n. 4, 6, 247, 248 n. 12
Atherton, Humphrey, 205–206
Atkins, Sir Robert, 328
Auburn, 154
Bachelir, Rev. Stephen, 66
Banks, Gordon Thaxter, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 338
Barbeau, Marius, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Barnstable, 154
Beard, Charles Austin, death, tribute, 130
Belknap, Waldron Phoenix, elected Resident Member, 134, 219, 263; death, 265; tribute, 309
Bell, Whitfield Jenks, Jr., elected Non-Resident Member, 386
Belle-Isle, Marshal, 124
Bellomont, Richard, Earl of, 274
Bellows, Robert Peabody, 312
Berkeley, William, 24
Berkeley’s Hundred, 389
Berry, Joseph Breed, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
Beston, Henry, elected Corresponding Member, 317, 384
Billington, John, 371
Bingham-Baring Lands, 252
Birch, Colonel, 321
Blackwell, Francis, 389 n. 6
Blith, Walter, 35 and n. 1, 42
Block, Adrien, 393
Boate, Arnold, 34 and n. 7, 35, 36, 42, 44 n. 1, 45–46
Boate, Gerard, 46
Bolton, Charles Knowles, death, tribute, 310–311
Bortman, Mark, elected Associate Member, 252, 263; 133
Boston, The routes of the trade of (1752–1765), paper on, 81–120, Tables, 86–120: Termini, I, by major geographical areas, 87–88, by chief geographical sub-regions, 89–97, by specific ports, 98–118, List of voyages with multiple termini, 119–120
Boswell, James, 362
Bourchier, Sir John, 391 n. 7
Bourne, 154–156
Bourne, the Rev. Joseph, 148, 156, 174, 184, 185
Bourne, the Rev. Richard, 148, 154, 155, 168, 172, 174, 184, 189, 190, 193
Boutineau, Mr., 267
Bowditch, Dr. Harold, 362, 363
Bowdoin, Governor James, 152
Boyd, Julian Park, elected Honorary Member, 313, 317, 384; 385
Boyle, Hon. Robert, 28, 31 and n. 4, 41 n. 2, 44, 49 n. 7, 143, 147, 226 n. 2, 229, 230 n. 8, 235 and n. 3, 4, 5, 237, 238, 241 and n. 6, 8, 242 n. 3
Bradford, Hon. Robert Fiske, elected Honorary Member, 60, 130
Bradford, William, 366, 371–372, 374, 376, 377, 378, 379, 387 ff., 392 n. 9, 394, 396, 397–398
Branford, 156
Bray, the Rev. Thomas, 275–276
Brew, John Otis, elected Resident Member, 252, 263
Brewington, Marion Vernon, elected Corresponding Member, 313, 317, 384
Brewster, Ellis Wethrell, 364
Brewster, William, 366, 368, 369, 374, 378
Bridenbaugh, Carl, elected Corresponding Member, 129, 219, 263
Brookfield, 156–157
Bucknar (apothecary in London), 52
Burbank, Harold Hitchings, death, 313; tribute, 384
Burnham, A. Stanton, 133, 262, 382
Burr, Allston, death, 219; tribute, 263
Burton, Clarence M., 126
Butler, Gen. Benjamin F., 363
Butler, Charles, 43 and n. 7
Butterfield, Henry Lyman, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Byers, Douglas Swaim, elected Resident Member, 317, 383
Cadillac. See Lamothe Cadillac
Caffinière, Captain de la, 123
Caner, the Rev. Henry, 267–273 passim
Canton, 157–158
Cape Ann, Patent for, 399, 404–407
Carmihill, 23 and n. 6, 47
Castine (Maine), 158
Chafee, Zechariah, elected Corresponding Secretary, 59, 262, 308, 382; 54, 129
Chamberlain, Samuel, elected Resident Member, 60, 130; 59, 128
Channing, Henry Morse, 291
Chaplin, Capt. William Robert, elected Corresponding Member, 380
Charles, Buchanan, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383
Charlestown (R. I.), 158
Charlet, Dr. (Walter Charleton?), 29
Charleton, Walter. See Charlet
Charlton, Sergeant, 327, 343, 347
Chartier, Michel, of Descoudet, 126
Chatham, 158–159
Chauncy, Charles, 19
Child, John (son of John Child and brother of Robert), 27 and n. 9, 48, 49
Child, John (Sr., father of Robert and John), 48, 49
Child, Robert, paper on, 21–53; 219 n. 1, 220, 222 and n. 3, 230 n. 9, 231, 234, 241 and n. 6, 242, 245 n. 3
Chilmark, 159–160
Chippewa Indians, art, 257
Christiaensen, Hendrick, 394
Churchill, Sir Winston, 296, 363
Clark, John, Mate of the Mayflower, 373–374
Clarke, Hermann Frederick, on Auditing Committee, 17; death, 54; tribute, 56
Clarke, William, 413
Clodius, Frederick, 226–240 passim
Clough, Samuel Chester, tribute, 263
Codman, Ogden, death, 313; tribute, 384
Cogswell, Willard Goodrich, on Auditing Committee, 121, 252, 291
Cohen, I. Bernard, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383
Colcord, Lincoln, death, 54; tribute, 56–57
Columbia (Conn.), 193
Conant, Kenneth John, elected Resident Member, 54, 60, 130; 3
Concord, 160
Condworth, James, 413
Coolidge, John Phillips, elected Resident Member, 312, 313, 383
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, elected Resident Member, 60, 130
Copeland, Charles Henry Powars, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
Copland, Rev. Patrick, 220
Coram, Capt. Thomas, 271
Cotton, Rev. John, Jr., 146, 154–193 passim
Crandall, Marjorie Lyle, 277
Crispe, Dr., 51
Culpeper, Sir Cheney, 35 and n. 9, 44, 47, 49
Currer (or Currar), William, 30, 35, 38, 242 n. 1, 244
Curtis, Edward Ely, elected Resident Member, 129, 252
Cushing, The Most Rev. Richard J., elected Honorary Member, 17, 54, 55
Cushman, Robert, 404
Customs, H.M. [1662], An Act for preventing Frauds and regulating Abuses in, 327–336
Customs, and Subsidies [1660], An Act to prevent Fraudes and Concealments of H.M.’s, 318–326
Customs Service, search warrants for officials of, 319 ff.
Dahl, Norman, 382
Dartmouth, 160–161
Davenport, John, 18–20 passim, 50, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 77–79
Delamere, Lord, 220 n. 4
Delanglez, Jean, 122
Demier (or Dermier), 297
Dennis, 161
Dexter, Hon. Samuel, 152
Deyo, Rear Admiral M. L., 59
Dickerson, Oliver Morton, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Dochet Island, 161
Dodge, Ernest S., paper on a Seventeenth-Century Pennacook Quilled Pouch, 253
Dooley, Dennis Aloysius, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383
Dorchester, 161
Dorislaus, Isaac, 26
Dover, Lord (Henry Carey), 238
Downing, Sir George, 325
Dunster, Henry, President of Harvard College, 141
Dury, John, Correspondence with the Clergy of New England about Ecclesiastical Peace, 18–21; 31 and n. 1, 38, 42 and n. 5, 222, 225, 227, 233 n. 2, 236 n. 7, 240–241
Easthampton, 162
Eaton, Louis F., Jr., 17 n. 1
Eaton, Theophilus, 50, 65, 66, 67, 71 n. 3, 78
Edgartown, 162–163
Eliot, Rev. Andrew, 152
Eliot, John, quoted, 169; letter to Maj. Atherton, 205–206; Tracts and Letters, 213–216; 135–193 passim; 297
Ellis, Milton, death, 54; tribute, 57
Embuscade, frigate, 123
Emerson, William, on Nominating Committee, 17
Endecott, John, 65
Ephemerides (by Hartlib), 21–53 passim; 220–224 passim; 240, 241 n. 8
Extortion and “oppression,” St. Paul on, 62; seventeenth-century instance from New Haven Town Records quoted, 62; in the case of Capt. Turner vs. the Widow Stolion, 61–76
Faber, Otto, 49
Falkland Islands, remarks by members on, 80
Fall River, 163
Falmouth, 163–164
Faneuil, Benjamin, 267
Farmington (Conn.), 193–194
Ferrar, John, 395
Field, Hon. Fred Tarbell, elected Vice-President, 59, death, tribute, 310
Finch, Sir Heneage, 337, 346, 347, 348–349
Fisher, Otto, 421
Fitz, Reginald, elected Member of the Council, 382
Fleur de Hundred, 389
Fludd, Robert, 25 and n. 6, 47
Fludd, Dr. (of Maidstone), 25 and n. 6
Flynt, Rev. Henry, paper on Silver Chamber-pot presented to, 360–363
Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder, 59, 133, 262, 274, 290, 308, 382
Forbes, Allyn Bailey, death, 3; tributes, 16–17, 57
Ford, Worthington C., 395
Fort Orange, 392
Fortune, ship, 371
Forty Acres, 128
Foxcroft, the Rev. Thomas, 152
Francius, Dr. John, 48 and n. 2
Frankland, Sir Henry, 266, 270
Freeman, Douglas Southall, elected Honorary Member, 313, 317, 384
Frese, Rev. Joseph Raphael, S.J., paper on Writs of Assistance, 317–359; elected Non-Resident Member, 386
Fund Raising in the 1750’s, paper on, 265–273
Gardiner, John Rawson, 129
Gardiner, Richard, 371
Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, 4–5
Gardyner, Sir Christopher (Sr.), 5, 6–7
Gardyner, Sir Christopher, paper on, 3–15; visit to America, 9 ff.; Morton’s comment on, 11
Gardyner, Sir Thomas (of Peckham), 5, 7
Gardyner, William (I), 4–5
Gardyner, William (II), 5–6
Gardyner, William (son of Onslow), 15
Gardyner, William (son of Sir Thomas), 8
Gardyner family, 3–15
Gay Head, 164–166
Gifford, John, 224 n. 2
Gifford, William Logan Rodman, death, tribute, 264
Gill, Lieut.-Gen. Moses, 152.
Gipson, Lawrence Henry, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 32, 33–34 and n. 2, 35–39 passim, 225
Gleason, Sarell Everett, 17, 54, 55
Goodbody, John, 308
Goodspeed, Charles Eliot, paper on Extortion, 60–79; on Nominating Committee, 121; death, tribute, 311; 80, 129, 363 n. 3
Gookin, Daniel, 154, 157, 171, 192, 204
Gore (of Amersfoort), 49–50 and n. 6
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 9, 10, 51, 390–391 and n. 7, 404, 408
Gosnold, 166–167
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 297
Gould, Alice Bache, elected Honorary Member, 17, 54, 55
Grafton, 167
Greene, Evarts Boutell, death, 54; tribute, 56
Greene, Jerome Davis, 360
Greenwood, the Rev. F. W. P., 277
Gummere, Richard Mott, elected Vice-President, 382
Guyon, François, 125
Guyon, Marie Therèse, 123
Haak, Theodore, 28
Hadley, Journey of Members of the Society to, 128
Hadlock, Wendell Stanwood, elected Corresponding Member, 265, 309; paper on Ilesford Museum, 313, 314–316; 262
Hale, Richard Walden, paper on A. de L. Cadillac, 121, 129
Haling Manor, sale of, to Christopher Gardyner, 8
Hamilton, James Marquess, 404, 408
Harding, Dr., 30
Harrison, Peter, 266
Harrison, William Henry, 262; elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383
Hartlib, Samuel, in connexion with Dury, 18–21 passim; in connexion with Child, 21–50 passim; in connexion with Stirk, 219–246 passim
Hartprecht, J. F., 239 and n. 2, 240
Harvey, Dr. William, 23
Harwich, 168
Hatch, Francis Whiting, elected Resident Member, 260, 265, 309
Hauprecht. See Hartprecht
Hayes, Bartlett Harding, elected Resident Member, 60, 130
Heffernan, Capt. J. B., 59
Helmick, Maj.-Gen. C. G., 382
Helmont, Johannes, 23 and n. 6, 25, 29, 44, 47, 224 n. 3, 226 n. 9, 232 and n. 8, 233 n. 5, 234, 235 n. 4, 244, 247 no. 9
Hendricksen, Cornelis, 394
Henshaw, Thomas, 24, 25 and n. 5, 27, 28, 42
Hevelius, 25
Heydon, Sir John, relations with Gardyner, 8–9, 11–14
Hill, Col. Arthur, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38
Hill, Rev. H. J., 363
Hill, Sir Moses, 37
Hinckley, Governor Thomas, 407, 413
Hobbamock, 376
Hollandus, Isaac, 23
Holman, Edward, 372
Homans, George Caspar, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
Hooker, Thomas, 366
Hopkins, Stephen, 371, 372, 376
Hornblower, Henry, II, elected Resident Member, 134, 219, 263; 421
Horne, Dr. George, 41 n. 2
Howe, Henry Forbush, elected Resident Member, 60, 130; 59
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
Howe, William, 30 and n. 7
Howlett, Duncan, 308
Hubbard, Hon. Thomas, 152
Hubbard, Rev. William, 417
Hudson, Capt. H. B., 59
Humphrey (of Yorke Garden), 32 and n. 7, 34
Hundreds (granted by the Virginia Company), 389
Hunnewell, James Melville, elected Treasurer, 59, 262, 308, 382
Huntington, James Lincoln, 128
Hutchinson, Sally. See Oliver
Hutchinson, Thomas, and Stamp Act, 80; 151, 292, 296
Huygens (Heigenius), Constantyn (?), 28 and n. 6
Hyslop, Hon. William, 152
Inchiquin, Lord (Murrough O’Brien), 30 and n. 6
Indian Churches (in New England), List of, 198
Indian Missions (of N. E. Company of 1649), 153–195
Indian Place-names (in New England), List of, 196–197
Indians (in New England), Tracts in connexion with conversion of, 136
Iroquois art, 257, 258; Confederacy, 415
Islesford Museum, paper on, 314–316
James, Eldon Revare, death, 219; tribute, 263–264
Jamestown, 366
Jernegan, Marcus William, death, 219; tribute, 264
Johnson, Capt. Edward, 68 and n. 6, 135
Jones, Christopher, Master of the Mayflower, 373–374, 394, 395
Jones, Henry, 229 and n. 4
Jones, Howard Arthur, elected Resident Member, 386
Jones, Matt B., and his Collection of Americana, 219
Kennebec Patent, 399
Kent (Conn.), 168
Kentmannus, Johann, 26 and n. 5
Kimball, Frederick Milton, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
King Philip’s War, paper on French Involvement in, 414–421; 65–66, 144
King William’s War, 420
King’s Chapel, 265–277, 312. See also King’s Chapel Library.
King’s Chapel Library, paper on, 274–289; List of books in original collection, 278–286; List of books added since 1698, 286–289
Kinmonth, Dr. J. M., 133
Kittredge, George L., on Robert Child, 21 and n. 1, 22 and n. 5, 7, 44–49, 219 n. 1, 222 n. 3, 241 n. 8, 244 n. 8, 246 n. 4
Knollenberg, Bernhard, elected Corresponding Member, 312, 313, 384
Knowles, Lucius James, elected Resident Member, 260, 265, 309
Kretschmar, Frederick, 239 and n. 3
La donne (or Le Donne) sic, Charles de Menou, Sieur d’Aulnay (Dony) de Charnisay, 51–52 and n. 2
Lakeville, 168–169
Lamont, Thomas William, death, 121; tribute, 130
Lamothe Cadillac, Antoine de, Lord of Douaquet, 121–127
Lancaster, 169–170
Larrabee, Harold A., 262
La Torre sic (Charles de St. Etienne de la Tour), 51–52 and n. 2
Launay, Antoine de. See Lamothe Cadillac
Laut, Agnes, 122
Lawson, Murray G., paper on The Routes of Boston’s Trade, 81–120
Leach, Douglas Edward, paper by on The Question of French Involvement in King Philip’s War, 414–421
Leader, Richard, 26–27 and n. 7, 43, 53, 224 and n. 2
Lefebvres of Grandchamp, the, 126
Legacy of Husbandry, 21
Lennox, James, Duke of, 27
Lenox, Lodwick, Duke of, 404, 408
Leopold, Richard W., 59
Leveridge, the Rev. William, 155
Levett, John, 43 and n. 8
Lilly, William, 30
Lisneygarvey, 30 and n. 9, 31
Little, Bertram Kimball, elected Resident Member, 312, 383
Little Compton (R. I.), 170
Little, David Britton, elected Resident Member, 312, 313, 383
Little James, ship, 371
Littleton, 170–171
Locke, Matthew, 31
Longeuil, Baron de (Charles Le Moyne), 125
Loring, Augustus Peabody, elected Resident Member, 386
Loring, Augustus Peabody, Jr., on Dinner Committee, 17, 121, 252, 291; elected President, 59, 262, 308; death, 380; tribute, 385; 3, 16, 54, 60, 129, 134, 260, 265, 290, 306, 312, 313, 317, 363, 364
Loring, William Caleb, 262, 308
Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 84
Louis XVI, 363
Lowell, 171–172
Lunt, Storer Boardman, 133
Lyford, John, 371
Lyman, Theodore, Jr., 277
Lyme (Conn.), 194
Machias Seal Island, 126
McCord, David, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383; 59, 133, 308, 385
McKibbin, David, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383, 262, 308
Magesse, 126
Maine, List of seigneuries in (in 1705), 126
Malecite Indians, 258
Marlborough, 172
Marshall (entomologist), 32, 34
Martin’s (John) Hundred, 389
Martin’s (Richard) Hundred, 389
Mary II, portrait of, 277
Mascarene, General Paul, 270
Mason, Charles Francis, death, 16; tribute, 56
Mason, Jonathan, 152
Massachusetts, “Lost Liberties” of, 291
Mather, Cotton, 18, 67 and n. 2, 77, 138–139, 147, 420
Mather, William Gwinn, death, 317; tribute, 385
Mathesius, Johann, 22 and n. 8
Matthews, Albert, will of, 260
May, Joseph, 277
Mayerne, Dr., 22
Mayflower Compact, 368–370
Mayflower, paper on destination of, 387–413
Mayflower, ship, 366–375 passim; question of destination of, 387–413
Mayhew, Rev. Experience, 146, 159, 160, 164, 165, 178, 183, 192
Mayhew, Rev. John, 146, 165, 178, 191, 192
Mayhew, the Rev. Jonathan, 146, 152, 266
Mayhew, Major Matthew, 145
Mayhew, Rev. Thomas (Jr.), 135, 137, 141, 142, 145, 154
Mayhew, Rev. Thomas (Sr.), 145–146, 159, 162, 165, 166, 167, 178
Mayhew, the Rev. Zachariah, 146, 159, 165, 178, 182
Mayo, Lawrence Shaw, death, 54; tribute, 57
Mercator’s Atlas, 394
Merrett, Christopher, 28, 52 and n. 6, 53
Merrick. See Merrett
Metcalfe, Christopher, 325
Mexico, Meeting of the Congress of Historians of, and of the U. S. at Nuevo Leon, 265
Middleborough, Journey to, 292; 175–176
Middleton, Arthur Pierce, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Milford Haven, 408–409
Minot, George Richards, death, tribute, 309–310
Minuit, Peter, 396
Mitchell, Frank, 382
Montagnais, 259
Montville (Conn.), 176
Moody, Robert Earle, elected Recording Secretary, 59, 262, 308, 382
Morgan, Anthony, 30, 31, 32, 34, 42
Morgan, Edmund S., 80 and n. 1. 129
Moriaen, Johann, 48, 225, 226 n. 2, 230, 232, 236, 237, 245
Morison, Samuel Eliot, on Dinner Committee, 17, 121, 252, 291; elected Vice-President, 262, 308, 382; paper on the Pilgrim Fathers, 364–379; paper on the Mayflower’s destination and the Pilgrim Fathers’ Patents, 386–413; 16, 59, 80, 129, 308, 316, 380, 385
Morritt, J. B. S., 361
Morton, Nathaniel, 394–395, 413
Morton, Thomas, 11
Mount Desert Island (Maine), 176
Mourt’s Relation, 387–388, 393
Murphy, Alex, 308
Myles, the Rev. Samuel, 274
Mystic (Conn.), 176
Nantucket, 176–178
Nash, Chauncey Cushing, elected Resident Member, 17, 54, 55
Nash, Rt. Rev. Norman Burdett, Bishop of Massachusetts, elected Honorary Member, 17, 54, 55
Natick, 179–181
Nemasket, 297
New Bedford, 181
New England, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in, 142; Council for, 388; as destination of Pilgrim Fathers, 390 ff. See also New England Company
New England Company of 1649, paper on, 134–218; Indian Missions of, 153–195; index of Indian place names, 196–197; List of Indian Churches of New England, 198; Missionary Preachers, List of, 198–200; Native preachers among Indians, 200–202; Secretaries and Treasurers (N. E.), 202–203, 211; Superintendents of Indian Affairs, 204–206; Commissioners, 207–211; English officers of, 212; Members of, named in Act of Parliament, 212; Members elected to fill vacancies, 213; Eliot Tracts and Letters, 213–216; Books and Pamphlets in Indian Language published by, 216–218
New Haven, early legislation on wages and prices in, 69–71; appearance of “phantom ship” at, 77–79
New London (Conn.), 181–182
Newton, 182
Newton, Earle Williams, elected Resident Member, 317, 383
Nickerson, Capt. W. Sears, 387 and n. 1
Ninigret, 416–417
Norcutt, Mrs., 300–303
Norridgewock (Maine), 182
Northern Virginia Company, 390
Norton, John, letter (with Wilson) to Dury, 18–21
Norwegus, Johannes, 44
Norwich (Conn.), 182–183
Oak Bluffs, 183
Oliver, Daniel, 293
Oliver, Ebenezer, 277
Oliver, Elizabeth Belcher, 293
Oliver Hall, 299–305 and 292–299 passim
Oliver, Margaret, 303
Oliver, Mary Sandford, 296
Oliver, Judge Peter, paper on house in Middleborough built by him for his son, Dr. Peter Oliver, 292–305
Oliver, Capt. Peter (grandfather of Judge Peter Oliver), 293
Oliver, (Dr.) Peter, Jr., 292, 294
Oliver, Sally, 292, 301–303, 304
Oliver, Thomas Hutchinson, 303
O’Neale, Sir Philom, 42
Onslow, Elizabeth, 7
Orleans, 184–185
Otis, James, elected Resident Member, 386
Oughtred, William, 28
Oxford, 185
Palissy, Bernard, 26 and n 1
Paracelsus, 223, 229, 232, 244
Parkman, Francis, portrait of, 265 “Particular Plantations.” See Hundreds
Patents (of the Pilgrim Fathers), 387–413
Peabody, Robert Ephraim, elected Member of the Council, 59; on Nominating Committee, 121
Pemberton, Benjamin, 82
Pembroke, 185
Penacook Indians, paper on a Quilled Pouch made by, 253–259
Pequot War. See King Philip’s War
Perkins, Elliott, on Nominating Committee, 17, 252, 291
Perkins, Palfrey, elected Member of the Council, 308; paper on Fund Raising in the 1750’s, 265
Petty, William, 36 and n. 4, 37, 43, 44, 47
Philaletha Anonymous (probably George Stirk), 245–246, 249 nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23; 250 nos. 25, 27, 28
Philalethes, Eirenaeus Philoponos (probably George Stirk, q.v. also), 47–48, 244, 245, 246 and n. 4, 249 no. 16
Philalethes Zeteticus (George Stirk), 246 n. 4
Philip, King of the Wampanoags, 415
Phillips, James Duncan, 262
Phillips, John Marshall, elected Corresponding Member, 290, 309; 311
Phillips, Stephen Willard, 262
Phillips, Lieut.-Gov. William, 152
Pier, Arthur Stanwood, elected Member of the Council, 59; on Auditing Committee, 121, 252, 291
Pierce, John, Deed Poll of, 398–399; 391. See also Pierce Patents
Pierce Patents, 391, 392, 396 and n. 8, 397–404
Pierce, Richard Donald, elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383
Pierpont, Rev. James, letter to Cotton Mather on “phantom ship,” 77–78, 79
Pilgrim Fathers, paper on the, 364–379; paper on Patents of (in connexion with the destination of the Mayflower), 387–413
Plantation Trade [1696], An act for preventing Frauds and regulating abuses in, 352–359
Plat, Sir Hugh, 28 and n. 5
Plattes, Gabriel, 40 n. 7
Plymouth Colony, List of Patents obtained by or for, 398–399. See also Pilgrim Fathers
Plymouth, Journey of Members of the Society to, 364; 185. See also Plymouth Colony
Polignac, Diane de, 363
Pometican, 299
Pomfret (Conn.), 186
Pomfret, John Edwin, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Poore family, 253–255
Poore, John, 253 ff.
Pory, John, 395 and n. 7, 421
Powell, Sumner Chilton, elected Resident Member, 386
Preachers, Missionary (in New England), List of, 198–200; Native, among Indians, 200–202
Prence, Thomas, 370
Prentice, Thomas, 206
Prince, the Rev. Thomas, 147
Pring, Martin, 297
Putnam, Alfred Porter, elected Resident Member, 380, 386
Queen Anne’s War, 420
Ramsden, Joseph, 373
Rand, Dr. William, 47
Randolph, Edward, 357
Rawson, Edward, 202
Remonstrants (1646), 22
Richardson, Robert Dale, elected Resident Member, 317, 383
Richmond, Carleton Rubira, elected Resident Member, 60, 130; 59
Rigby, 51
Riley, Stephen Thomas, elected Resident Member, 317, 383
Robartes, John, Lord, 343
Robinson, Fred Norris, on Nominating Committee, 17, 121, 252, 291
Robinson, George Frederick, tribute, 263
Robinson, the Rev. John, 365, 367, 369
Rochester, 186
Rogers, Ezekiel, 18
Rogers, Thorold, quoted on the regulation of prices, 60–61
Rowe, Col. Owen, 234
Rowe, William, 31
Rowe’s Wharf, 295
Royal African Company, 83
Sachse, William Lewis, elected Non-Resident Member, 386
St. Aubin family of Passamaquoddy, 126
St. Castin, Baron de, 124
St. Paul (of Tarsus), on extortioners, 62
Salomon, Lieut.-Commander Henry, Jr., 59
Saltonstall, Hon. Leverett, elected Honorary Member, 60, 130
Sandwich, 186
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 367–368, 395
Savage, James, 60
Schlezer, Johann Friedrich, 239 and n. 1
Scisco, Louis Dow, paper on Sir Christopher Gardyner, 3–15
Scott, Sir Walter, 361
Search Warrants, Legislation concerning, in the Parliaments of 1660, 1662 and 1696, 318–359
Sendivogius, Michael, 39 and n. 8
Sewall, Judge Samuel, 155, 203, 300
Seybolt, Robert Francis, death, 313; tribute, 384–385
Sharon, 187
Shatteleet (Châtelet?), Mons., 226 n. 9
Shaw, Commander James C., 133
Sheffeild, Edmond, Lord, 404–407
Shepler, Dwight C., 59
Shipton, C. K., 361
Smibert, Nathaniel, 290
Smibert, John, 290
Smith, F. Morton, on Auditing Committee, 17; death, 54; tribute, 56
Smith, Capt. John, 368, 375, 393
Smith’s Hundred, 389
Smyth of Nibley’s Hundred, 389
Southampton (L. I.), 194
Southampton Hundred, 389
Speedwell, ship, 367
Spruance, Admiral R. A., 59
Stafford, Sir Hugh (or Edward), 36 and n. 5, 38
Stallenge, William, 27 n. 1
Standish, Capt. Miles, 371, 413
Starkie (or Starkey). See Stirk
Stearns, Foster, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Sterky (or Stirky). See Stirk
Stirk, Rev. George (the elder), 219 and n. 1
Stirk, George (the younger), paper on, 219–251; List of works by, 246–251; 21, 27, 29, 38, 47, 48
Stirk, Susanna, 240
Stirke. See Stirk
Stockbridge, 187–188
Stockbridge, John, 373
Stockwell, Quentin, 419
Stoddard, Anthony, 203
Stolion, Abraham, 75 n. 1
Stolion, Jane, 71–76
Stonington (Conn.), 189
Storer, Ebenezer, 152
Stoughton, Israel, 221
Stoughton, Susanna, 221
Stoughton, William, 202–203, 221 n. 6
Strickland, Sydney T., elected Resident Member, 60, 130; 59
Sturgis, Richard Clifton, death, tribute, 385
Suchten, Alexander von, 239
Sutton, 189
Talon, Jean, 126
Tate, Vernon D., elected Resident Member, 313, 317, 383; 59
Taylor, Sylvanus, 39 and n. 5
Temple, Sir William, 126
Thanet, Earl of, 27
Thebaud, Rear Admiral Hewlett, 382
Thibeaudeau, Pierre, 126
Thomas, T. H., 382
Thompson, 189
Thomson, George, 242 n. 5, 244 n. 8, 247 no. 7
Tilley, Prof. Morris P., 362
Titicut, 297
Tiverton (R. I.), 194
Treat, the Rev. Samuel, 149–150
Trecothick, Barlow, 271, 272–273
Trowbridge, Judge, 296 Truro, 189
Tupper, Elisha, 149, 155, 156, 190
Tupper, Capt. Thomas, 149, 154
Tupper family, 148–149
Turnbull, Prof. G. H., paper on John Dury’s Correspondence with the Clergy of New England about Ecclesiastical Peace, 18–21; on Robert Child, 21–53; on George Stirk, Philosopher by Fire, 219–251
Turner, Sir Edward, 328
Turner, Captain Nathaniel, case at law of, against the Widow Stolion, 61–76
United New Netherland Company, 393
Uxbridge, 189–190
Van Goodenhausen, Samuel, 67 n. 3
Vaughan, Thomas, 25 and n. 5, 238 and n. 2
Vincent, Philip, 11
Virginia Company, connexion of the Pilgrim Fathers with, 387–393
Wabanaki, 257
Wages and prices, the regulation of, and cases concerning, in seventeenth-century New Haven, 61–76
Walcott, Hon. Robert, elected Vice-President, 59, 262, 308; elected President, 382; 121, 317, 386
Walker, Obadiah, 25 and n. 5
Walsh, Michael J., 219
Walton, Clarence Eldon, death, tribute, 310
Wamsutta, 299
Wareham, 190
Warren, Bentley Wirt, death, 16; tribute, 56
Warren, Sir Peter, 269–270
Warren, Richard, 371
Warwick Patent, 397–398, 399, 407, 413
Warwick, Sir Philip, 327, 328 Warwick, Robert, Earl of, 221, 404, 408, 413
Webbe, Joseph, 25, 231 n. 8, 240, 241 n. 8
Webster, 190
Weis, Frederick Lewis, elected Resident Member, 54, 60, 130; paper on New England Company of 1649, 134–218
Wellfleet, 190
Wendell, William Greenough, elected Corresponding Member, 290, 309
Wequosh (Pequot Captain), 137
Weston, Sir Richard, 34 and n. 5, 45
Weston, Robert Dickson, elected Registrar, 59, 262, 308; elected Member of Council, 262
Westover, The “Black Affair” of, 385
Westport, 191
West Tisbury, 191–192
Wheatland, David Pingree, elected Resident Member, 312, 313, 383
Wheatland, Stephen, elected Resident Member, 312, 313, 383
White, John (“The Gilder of Norwich”), 224, 238–239
Whitehill, Walter Muir, on Dinner Committee, 17, 121, 252, 291; appointed Editor, 55; elected Recording Secretary pro tempore, 121; paper on King’s Chapel Library, 274–289; address on Tutor Flynt’s Silver Chamber-pot, 360–363; 265
Wilkins, Hon. Raymond Sanger, elected Resident Member, 129, 134, 263
Willett, Thomas, 395
Willey, Basil, 133
William III, portrait of, 277
Williams, Alexander Whiteside, elected Resident Member, 386
Williams, Roger, 136–137, 140, 145, 155, 416, 417
Wilson, the Rev. John, letter (with Norton) to Dury, 20–21; 135
Wilson, Thomas J., 59
Wincop, John, 390
Winslow, Edward, 140, 142, 367, 369, 374, 377, 413. See also Cape Ann Patent and Warwick Patent
Winslow, Gilbert, 371
Winthrop, Adam, 203
Winthrop, John (the elder), 24, 53, 63–64, 78–79, 138
Winthrop, John (the younger), 22, 23 n. 6, 44–45, 47, 220 n. 7, 291, 416
Wolkins, George Gregerson, death, 317; tribute, 385
Wood, William, 136
Woodhead, Abraham, 25 and n. 5
Woodstock (Conn.), 192–193
Worsley, Benjamin, 31 and n. 3, 36, 42, 43, 44, 221 n. 3, 224, 225, 230
Wright, Harry Andrews, death, tribute, 311
Wright, Louis Booker, elected Corresponding Member, 386
Writs of Assistance, paper on Early Parliamentary Legislation on, 318–359
Wyncop Patent, 398. See also Wincop
Yarmouth, 193
Yeardley, Sir George, Governor of Jamestown Colony, 395
Zouche’s Hundred, 389