Relation of Hepzibah Brigham, October 16, 17851

I believe there is one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that God made man at first holy and upright, but man being left to the freedom of his own will, fell from the estate in which he was created, and thereby exposed himself to the wrath of almighty God. But God for his own Glory, and that man might be made happy, laid help on one that is mighty and able to Save, all that will come unto him. I desire to come unto him, in this the way of his own appointment and to follow him in his Ordinances.

I thank God that he has been pleased to Shew me that I am a Sinner, I desire to forsake every Sin to trust in the righteousness of Christ for Salvation, as it is Compleatly perfect, and able to make me acceptable in the sight of God. I bless God that I was early given up to him in Baptism, and now desire to take my Baptismal engagements on myself.

I desire your prayers to God for me that I may be a worthy partaker at the Table of the Lord.

Hepzibah Brigham

October 16, 1785

1 Hepzibah Brigham and her husband Antipas were admitted to the church on Oct. 16, 1785; Westborough Church Records, 251, Hepzibah, daughter of Edmund and Sarah Brigham, was born on July 29, 1760, and married Antipas Brigham on January 24, 1780. She died on March 9, 1789, two days after the birth of their sixth child, Persis. Digital image of the relation: (images 27–28). Filing notation: “Hepzebah Brigham, October 16, 1785.”