Relation of Gershom Brigham 3rd, c. 17861

I Acknowlidge the Existance of One Supreme Uncreated being Subsisting in three persons Father Son and holy Ghost, each of them God, yet but One God; I Acknowlidge the Scriptures to be of divine Originale and that they are profitable for doctrine for Reproof, for Correction and for Instruction in Righteousness, and Able to make us wise unto Salvation; I beleive that in Consequence of Adams transgression; the whole World are become Guilty before God, and that we are all by Nature Children of wrath: being also conceived in Sin and born in Iniquity, and that we have been adding continually to the Stock of Origonel Sin that dweels with in us whereby we have Reason with the Apossel to Cry out and Say O rechard man that I am who Shall deliver me from this body of Sin and death, but thanks be unto God Through Our Lord and Seavour Jesus Christ, that he has been pleased to Open a dore of hope to them who belive in his Name. I accordingly look for Justifycation and Eternal Life Only thro’ Christs aloneing Blood, disclameing all merit of myself, depending entirely on what he has done in Order to promote a Reconcilation with an Offended God and to Recover man to a Capacity of Enjoying him forever—and that the holy Spirit is to be the applier of the work of Redemtion to the Souls of them who believe in the Etarnel Son of God, who under took the work of mans Redemtion, lived here on Earth, for our Example Instituted and appointed the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper as pledges and Seals of the Covenant of Grace, Saying come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy layden and you Shall find Rest to your Souls; being leaden with Sin and Iniquity I desire to commit my self and all my conserns into his hands and to give myself up unto God through Christ who gave his Life for to Redeme us from the Curse of the Law, and Saith do this in Rememberance of me. I am Sensible that I have Neglected this my duly too Long. Considering I was born in a Christian Land and of Such Pearents who early devoted me to God in Baptism and Instructed me in the principles of Relegion while young and that I have Lived under the Preeching of the Gospel and the Reeding of the word of God all my days: whereby my duty was plainly pointed out: but So foollish and unwise was I, that I litly esteemed the precious Oppetunites that was put into my hands to get Wisdom, for which I desire to take Shame to my self and thus publukly Ask forgivness of God through Christ, and of all whom I have any way Offended, desireing your Christian prayers for me That I may have an habitul Temper of mind, that is agreeable to the Gospel, that I may be a Worthy partaker at the table of the Lord.

Gershom Brigham the 3d

1 There is no record of the admission of a Gershom Brigham 3rd in 1785. On October 23, 1808, the church granted the request of Gershom and Sarah Brigham to be dismissed and recommended to the church in Winchester. The church records note that “Said G. Brigham and his wife came from Marlborough About 22 years Since and residid in this Town, and were admitted into our communion during our being destitute of a Settled minister after Reverend Mr. Parkmans decease.” Westborough Church Records, 293, Gershom Brigham of Marlborough mar. Sarah Allen, May 23, 1782; Vital Records of Northborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1850 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1901), 81. Leonard, the son of Gershom Brigham 3rd and his wife Sarah, was baptized on Oct. 16, 1785; Westborough Church Records, 237, Digital image of the relation: (images 29–30). The filing notation reads: “Gersham Brigham 3d 1785.”