Relation of Sarah Brigham, 17851

I acknowledge the Existance of one Supreme uncreated God the Sovereign ruler and allwise govener of the universe Subsisting in three persons Father Son and holy Ghost. I acknowledge the holy Sperit to be our Sanctifier guide and Comforter. I acknowledge the holy Schriptures to be our only rule to walk by I believe that in consequence of adams transgression that the whole world are be com guilty before God and that we are by nature Children of wrath being Sunk into a most deplorable condition by Sin and tha [sic] we are utterly unable to recover ourselves from this condition. I herefore believe that the Son of God pitting our deplorable State and condition took uppon him human nature and offord himself a Spotless vollenterry Sacrafise to Satisfy divine justis. I accordingly Look for Justifycation and eternal life only throu faith in Christ believing him able to Save all that Come to god by him. I likewise believe that it is not only bearly to name the name of Christ but that we must depart from eniquity. I also believe that our Saviour did institute those two great Sacraments baptism and the Lords Supper as Seals of the new Covenant and pledges of his Love to man. I would therefore from a long Considration and a deep aprehention of this my duty to Christs command imploring Gods assistance all tho I acknowledge my Self to be unworthy to be admitted to Such priviledges. I offer my Self to your communion intreating your forgiveness of what you have Seen amiss in me and your prayrs to God for me that I may have an habitual temper of mind agreable to the Gospel and Suted to the nature and desidn of this ordinance.

Sarah Brigham

1 Digital image of the relation: (images 31–32). The filing notation reads: “Sarah Brigham’s Relation, 1785.” There is no record of the admission of a Sarah Brigham in 1785. On October 23, 1808, the church granted the request of Gershom and Sarah Brigham to be dismissed and recommended to the church in Winchester. The church records note that “Said G. Brigham and his wife came from Marlborough About 22 years Since and residid in this Town, and were admitted into our communion during our being destitute of a Settled minister after Reverend Mr. Parkmans decease”; Westborough Church Records, 293, Gershom Brigham of Marlborough mar. Sarah Allen, May 23, 1782; Vital Records of Northborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1850 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1901), 81. Leonard, the son of Gershom Brigham 3rd and his wife Sarah, was baptized on Oct. 16, 1785; Westborough Church Records, 237,