Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1772

1772 January 1 (Wednesday). I have Still more and more cause to bless God for His Long suffering towards me. I am astonished at this unmerited Goodness! May I have Grace to glorifie God as He justly expects from me! Having obtained help from Him I continue to this Day. It is matter of Grief and sorrow that I have done so little for the Honour of God and the Benefit of His People! Master Taylor takes my Horse and rides to Rev. Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury to deliver him for Mr. Glazier, of whom I bought my Horse, 95£ old Tenor. At night he returns and tells me he has done so. Dr. Crosby made me a Visit. At Eve I married Nathan Fay to Persis Harrington. Two foolish, unhappy young Creatures who have fallen into Transgression. She is in but her 15th year. I could not go through the Service without Pain and Distress. The Lord grant them true Repentance and the Restraints of His Grace to the rest of our young people! And O that my own sins might be blotted out!

1772 January 2 (Thursday). Several Indians are the worse for Drink. Betty Ashbo comes here at Eve, and is so bad She can’t be trusted to go home. Stays here all night. A young man, Robert Osmer, lodges here.

1772 January 3 (Friday). He sets out for Concord—and carrys Letters to my Son William.

1772 January 4 (Saturday). Mr. Barnabas Newton and Mr. Nathan Townsend kill a large Swine for me: and do it gratis.

1772 January 5 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Act. 26.22. Deacon Burnet dined here and gave me a Letter from Hopkinton Church, but by reason of very few Members of the Church being at Meeting I did not read it. Mrs. Hannah Rice dined here also. P.M. preached again on Joh. 3.7, repeating on the Same subject as last sabbath, from p. 48 to 53, and broke off because of the Cold.

1772 January 6 (Monday). Rev. Fessenden of Walpole New Hampshire and his Wife here and dine with us. Leaves a Petition for Contribution (having been burnt out in Nov. last).1 I went to Mrs. Kendals and preached on Prov. 4.18. Had Special regard to Aged Mrs. Woods. N.B. Mr. Spring carryed home his little Billy.

1772 January 7 (Tuesday). [No entry.]

1772 January 8 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone made us a visit and dined here. Mr. Taylor came and first tryed my young Horse in my sleigh and has no Trouble.

1772 January 9 (Thursday). Dr. Joslyn dined here and Spends part of the afternoon here. By reason of Difficulty and Disappointment in getting Shooes made and mended, employ Neighbour Newton, and Send my Leather to him. Breck to Mrs. Kendals, with the Sleigh to bring home Sophy and Hannah, who went there in the morning.

1772 January 10 (Friday). Mr. Francis Whipple junior paid me 43£ old Tenor. Cousen Nanny Brigham visits—lodges.

1772 January 11 (Saturday). Received 10£ Old Tenor from Mr. Wheelock. Mr. Jonathan Lamb of Hardwick came with Mr. Daniel Warrin. Acquaints me with his House being burnt.

1772 January 12 (Sunday). Preach a.m. on Tit. 3.5, latter part, on Regeneration. Finished on Joh. 3.3. P.M. Preached on Luk. 15.17, “when he came to himself.” N.B. The Widow Sarah Smith who had for some years been in Melancholly and kept from Meeting, was out to Day and dined here. Master Taylor also dined with us.

1772 January 13 (Monday). Was at Mr. Beetons. I dined at Capt. Maynards. John Arnold paid me money for my pork which he lately carryed to Marblehead. Weighed there 14 Score and 16 lb. He paid me 30£ 17 s. and 8 d. He had 2/4 per pound and took 3 d. per pound for Carriage, for his Brother. I returned 4 Dollars in part for a Steer coming 4 Years, which I have traded with Mr. Arnold for. Mr. Francis Whipple also paid 38£ 6/ in full for oxen he bought of me and took his Note which he gave me in Sept. last, for them.

1772 January 14 (Tuesday). P.M. rode over to Hopkinton. In my way there visit Mrs. Hardy and pray with her. Visit also a Stranger who lies Sick at William Pierce’s junior. His name is George Pinkerton, a sailor. Prayed with him. Went to see Mr. Fitch that I might be better acquainted with him. He read one of his sermons to me. Lodged at Mr. Barretts.

1772 January 15 (Wednesday). Break fast at Capt. Joseph Mellens, where the Council met. Received a Letter from Rev. Mr. Mosely of Canada. Being chose Moderator I prayed in the Council. Mr. Prentice of Holliston Scribe. We passed two votes relative to Mr. Fitch’s Baptism, and that we were ready to proceed to his Ordination. Mr. Fish began with Prayer, Mr. Leonard preached on Act. 16.17. Mr. Frost prayed before the Charge; This I delivered; Mr. Bridge of Framingham prayed after; Mr. Webb gave the Right Hand, and Mr. Fitch appointed Ps. 118, latter part, to be Sung. We returned to Capt. Mellens, where we supped and lodged. N.B. Capt. Howard of Canada gave me some Account of Mercy Maynard, who lives, and has done for some years, at his House. Subscription goes on for printing Mr. Leonards Sermon.

1772 January 16 (Thursday). After breakfast, in returning home, a Number of us called at Brother Barretts, and seriously Saluted and took leave of him. N.B. I paid Mr. John Chamberlain Four Guineas. Mr. Stone of Douglass accompanys me home, and though late we dine here. Breck and Sophy who went to ordination in a double Sleigh, with Elijah and other Brighams, returned—but Breck had by a Fall on the Ice, a grievous shock, especially on his shoulder.

1772 January 17 (Friday). Read World displayed. Transcribed the Charge, being repeatedly requested and urged.

1772 January 18 (Saturday). Mr. Taylor here. Has finished his School in the South. I rode to Southborough, though it was a storm. Mr. Stone came here.

1772 January 19 (Sunday). Preached at Southborough a.m. on Isa. 50.11, p.m. on Ps. 139.23.24. Baptized Submit, Daughter of William and [blank] Winchester;2 and Timothy, Son of Joshua and Abigail Smith. I came home at Eve. Mr. Stone also went home. His Texts were James 4.14 and [blank].

1772 January 20 (Monday). Confined closely to my Study. Too stormy for the Boys to go to School. They give them selves to getting out indian Corn.

1772 January 21 (Tuesday). P.M. visit Mrs. Hardy. Her Face is wonderfully deformed and eaten away by the Cancer. She apprehends She is in some good Measure of Readiness. Prayed with her. Call to see old Mrs. Warrin.

1772 January 22 (Wednesday). Rode in my Sleigh to Northborough. My Daughter Hannah with me. We dined with Mrs. Martyn. Visit at Mr. Whitneys. Drank Tea there. Borrow Wards Mathem. Guide for Breck. Return at Eve in Safety. D.Gr.

1772 January 23 (Thursday). Sermonizing—and finished the 18th Vol. of World displayed.

1772 January 24 (Friday). Mr. John Maynard here. Shews me a Certificate of his Wifes publication at Brattleborough. He dines with us. Mr. Batherick here: tells me his Trouble at his Daughter Anna’s marriage by Coll. Ward of Shrewsbury.

1772 January 25 (Saturday). Sophy returns from Capt. Maynards (whither She went the Day before Yesterday) and says Isaac Davis has paid for 100 weight of Flax there for me at 5/ per pound.

1772 January 26 (Sunday). A.M. on Luk. XV.17. P.M. on v. 20 and appointed a Contribution for Rev. Mr. Fessenden. N.B. The widow Smith dined here again. Also her son in law Childs. Breck came in the Morning and Ruth at noon. Mrs. Spring very ill again. Also old Mrs. Beeman. At Eve I read in Mr. Fords Autocatac. part of the Application.

1772 January 27 (Monday). Sent to Capt. Maynards for 100 weight of Flax and 25£ for it, to Davis—and receive the Flax.

1772 January 28 (Tuesday). Have received an Invitation from Mr. Gale to visit there, and to Day was appointed but it was So very cold we could not go, and I Sent them word we could not. Breck went and dined there.

1772 January 29 (Wednesday). It being more moderate Mrs. P________ and I rode in the Sleigh first to Mr. Andrews’s and then to Mr. Gales where we dined. In returning home, called again at Mr. Andrews’s and at Mr. Haskills. Sophy goes to Mr. Springs to watch.

1772 January 30 (Thursday). Unhappily the Chain of my Watch was broke last night. Though it was rough weather I went to see old Mrs. Beeman at Mr. Jonathan Bruce’s. Dined there. Prayed with them. N.B. Mr. Bruce Speaks of Mr. Jonathan Cook and that he had been dismissed from their Church. I answered that I knew not that ever I received or ever saw, any. Called to see old Mrs. Sarah Forbush.

1772 January 31 (Friday). Mr. Ezra Baker and Daniel Chamberlin with a Load of Wood, each of them.

1772 February 1 (Saturday). My Mind as well as pen much engaged etc. etc.

1772 February 2 (Sunday). A.M. on Luk. 15.20. P.M. Carryed on the Design of Conviction by a Discourse from sermon on Joh. 16.8, page 16 to 23. Read in Mr. Ford at Eve. N.B. Contribution for Mr. Fessenden.

1772 February 3 (Monday). Deacon Wood here and counted the Collection made Yesterday; which was £21.4.9 old Tenor. Visit at Mr. Frosts and at Mr. Hannaniah Parkers, notwithstanding it was a snow storm.

1772 February 4 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. Tainters to a small Number (Roads and Weather difficult). Text Prov. 4.18. Alexander came at Evening.

1772 February 5 (Wednesday). Mr. Spring is very ill. Visited him. Prayed there, and read what at their request I wrote and have sent to their Mother Whitmore. Alexander tarrys with us and Breck came.

1772 February 6 (Thursday). Alexander has my oxen, and having bought a sled, he carrys home 1 and 1/2 Bush. of Rye and about two of Indian Corn. Capt. Benjamin Fay, at Eve, brings welcome Letters from Billy of his Wife’s Safe Deliverance last Sabbath Morning and that the Child was baptized the Same Afternoon Susanna: and from Mr. Moore of Jan. 14 that they were well.

1772 February 7 (Friday). My Son and Daughter Cushing came to See us, and brought their Son John with them to our Joy. Mr. Edwards Whipple and Mr. Nathan Maynard came and killed two Swine for us. At Eve Master Taylor was here: and Mr. Joseph Harrington came about Mr. Hutchinsons Preaching at his House next Wednesday. I told him Mr. Smith had appointed that day to visit me, and therefore I could not attend the Exercise—proposed Thursday.

1772 February 8 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing rode to Shrewsbury. I visited old Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Hardy. Prayed with each of them. Neighbour Nathan Kenny came and assisted in cutting out and salting our Pork. The Hogg weighed [blank], the Pig weighed [blank].

1772 February 9 (Sunday). The Weather was very rainy and few at Meeting. Mr. Cushing preached a.m. on Mat. 5.29.30. P.M. he preached on 1 Joh. 5.10—“hath the witness in himself.”

1772 February 10 (Monday). Mr. Cushing and I rode out in his Sleigh to Mr. Jonathan Grouts. I called to see Deacon Woods. Committed to him a Letter to Mrs. Eunice Rice, now in Grafton (as I suppose).

1772 February 11 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing to Southborough. Mrs. Maynard came to see us and dined. Capt. Maynard afterwards came and dined. We settled our Accounts and in ballancing I gave him a Note of 30£ old Tenor to the Constable Parker. N.B. I put the Captain in mind of the Trouble Beeton has given me in preventing my People who work for me, going through his Land, as I reserved the Liberty, to the ministerial Lot. He only Answered that it would be better to sell that Lot.

1772 February 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Smith of Marlborough made us and our Cushings a Visit, and dined here. I Suppose Mr. Hutchinson preaches this afternoon at Mr. Joseph Harringtons. At Eve Jonathan Forbes brought my Watch which I had sent by Mr. John Harrington to Mr. John Rogers of Newtown to mend the Hook of the Chain. He has also cleaned it, and I paid 25/ Old Tenor. Mr. Taylor here at Evening.

1772 February 13 (Thursday). My Cushings left us and went to Breakfast at Capt. Maynards and though it is exceeding Cold they design to go by the way of Brookfield, home, by slow Degrees as they can. At 10 at night came Mr. Thomas Adams from Medfield and lodged.

1772 February 14 (Friday). Mr. Adams here with me and Spends the Day here; which does exceedingly interrupt my Studys. He wants a Number of my Books, and importunes me till I consent. He has St. Augustine of the City of God. Translation of Juvenal and Persius, by Dryden etc. and the Latin by Farnaby: The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety: the Gentlemans Library: Life of de Rente and the Christian Philosopher. For which he gives me Mr. Gouge’s Works, Calvins Institutions; Dr. Youngs Night Thoughts, Dr. Whitbys Protestant Reconciler; Dr. Evans Christian Temper; and Dr. Stillingfleets Orig. Sacrae 4to. To which he adds a Number of Pamphlets. At Eve he goes to Dr. Hawes. My Grandson Elias rides my Horse to Leicester and to leave him with my Son Alexander, my English Hay being short.

1772 February 15 (Saturday). Elias returns from Leicester.

1772 February 16 (Sunday). Preached on Luk. 15.21. P.M. with alterations on Ps. 119.57. Mr. Phinehas Gleason and his Wife dined with us. Ruth Bellows also. Read Still in Mr. Fords Autocat.

1772 February 17 (Monday). Though it was exceeding Cold yet my Son Baldwin and Kinsman Bradshaw from Brookfield and lodge here. N.B. Mr. Whitneys Message that his Julia dyed of a Fever last Night.

1772 February 18 (Tuesday). They (our Company aforesaid) go on to Boston. Visit the Springs. At Dexters bought Some Exceeding good Boards for kitchin Window Shutters. Mr. Wheelock paid me 4 Dollars.

1772 February 19 (Wednesday). My Wife and I, accommodated with Neighbour Newtons Horse in my Sleigh, rode over to Northborough. Called to see Mrs. Martyn. N.B. her son John Consuming. We went thence to the House of Mourning. Mrs. Whitney has been so wrought on that She has had Histeric affections. We are obliged to converse with great Caution. Mr. Smith and Mr. Barns from Marlborough there. Dine together. P.M. Mr. Morse and his wife came. According to Mr. Whitneys Request I prayed at the Funerall. A Sore Bereavement. The Child was between 9 and 10 Months old. May the Lord teach them His holy Will, and enable them to conform to it. We returned home in the Eve—Calling at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards.

1772 February 20 (Thursday). A Messenger for me to go to Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain, whose Tongue is greatly Swelled So that he can very hardly Speak or Swallow. I hastened down to him. Find every one in great Distress. Dr. Flynt there, who Says it is Rana Sub Lingua. Dr. Parker came also. We prayed and then Dr. F. blooded him under the Tongue, and it gave Some Relief. However, his Case is still judged to be hazzardous. Dined there. Dr. Flynt accompanyed me as far as Mr. Ithamar Bellows where I visited. Also I Stopped to See Lt. Bruce and his Wife, who are aged and infirm. Prayed with them. N.B. I delivered to Mr. Artemas Bruce’s wife the Petition signed by her, and delivered hastily to my Wife to be handed to me, two or three years Since; about alienating Deacon Tainters Legacy. When I came home here were Messrs. Silas Bailey and James Goddard of Bolton, desiring a Copy of what the Association voted at their Meeting last Fall concerning the Conduct of a Number of the Brethren of Bolton Church in Dismissing and Excommunicating their Pastor. I read to them what we did—but was not ready to give them a Copy of it.

1772 February 21 (Friday). In my preparations.

1772 February 22 (Saturday). My son Baldwin, though he designed to have gone home the North Road, yet finding it exceeding bad travelling by reason of the Thaw, the ground very hollow, he came up hither, to tarry over the sabbath with us. He brings me various Accounts of my Relatives. Particularly of my Brother, that he yet goes abroad—is conversible, performs Family Exercises etc. Of my Cousen Winter, that her Brother Langdon has taken away from her what had been given by her F. Langdon, to her Daughter Molly etc.

1772 February 23 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Luk. 15.22, p.m. on v. 23, imploring the divine Concurrence that it may be savingly profitable both to my own soul and the people! In the Eve finished Mr. Fords treatise called [in Greek: Autokatakritos?]

1772 February 24 (Monday). Mr. Baldwin left us. I visited Mr. Levi Warrins Wife who is Sick, and is in a low Condition. Prayed with them. N.B. Molly also in distressing pain—probably the Cholic has Seized her. Mrs. Warrin desires a Fast may be kept there, and that Mr. Frost might assist. To which I readily Consent. I went as far as Deacon Bonds, on various Occasions—particularly N.B. he gives way freely to have the Family Meeting, though appointed to be next time at his House, to be at old Lt. Bruce’s.

1772 February 25 (Tuesday). Closely engaged all Day.

1772 February 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Levi Warrin goes to Mr. Bruce’s and gets leave to have the Meeting to be at their House and to be a Fast. I wrote Letters to desire Mr. Frost and Mr. Fish to assist at it. Sent by Mr. Morse for 12 lbs. of Sheeps Wool and gave him Money for it.

1772 February 27 (Thursday). Preached a Lecture to young men from 1 Joh. 2.14 with large Additions of new Address. Before Lecture Deacon Wood brought Mrs. Spring here in a Sleigh: but She could not bear the Cold of the Meeting House, and therefore went not there. The Deacon also came again after Exercise and carryed her home. Mr. Taylor here and tarrys the Eve. My son Breck here also.

1772 February 28 (Friday). Was at Mr. Newtons. Dined at Deacon Woods. At Mr. Wheelocks and at Mr. Hills. Paid Mr. Arnold 8 Dollars in part for his Steer. (N.B. have paid 4 Dollars before.) Mr. William Brigham and Wife, their Kinsman Nathan Taplin and Miss Susan. Gleason, made us a Visit p.m. and Evening. N.B. Mr. Brigham made a present of the large Keeler which he made some Months agoe, for Mrs. P________.

1772 February 29 (Saturday). Mr. Jonathan Barns of Marlborough came to preach for me. Mr. Levi Warrin came and acquainted me that Mr. Frost chose to have the designed Fast at Mr. Warrins to be on Thursday next and not on Tuesday.

1772 March 1 (Sunday). Mr. Barns preached a.m. on Joh. 3.3, p.m. on Mark 12.30.31. Which may God bless to us all for our highest Benefit! At the Close of the Exercises I acquainted the Congregation with the designed Fast at Mr. Warrins. N.B. My Kinsman Bradshaw came from Lt. Nathan Brighams of Southborough this morning, having been too much overcome with his Journey yesterday to get here. Master Taylor dined here and was here at Evening. But Mr. Barns chose to go back to Marlborough. Bradshaw lodges here.

1772 March 2 (Monday). Lt. Harrington with his Team, and Mr. Daniel Forbes’s son Simon and Team bring a large Stone (which Mr. Forbes gives me) for my West Door. A handsome Benefaction. Mr. Bradshaw goes to Brookfield. Mr. Tainter came with the Request of the Town that I would go to the Meeting House and pray with them before the Elections. Went accordingly. P.M. Came a Young Man of Brecks Acquaintance, his Name Calvin Jacobs from Uxbridge, and lodges here.

1772 March 3 (Tuesday). Young Jacobs leaves us to return to Uxbridge. I rode over to Mr. Phinehas Maynards (though he has not Sent for me) to visit him in his low, Consumptive Condition. Talked with him and prayed with him. Went to Mr. Fessendens. Borrowed of him Mr. Hookers Souls Humiliation and Preparation for Christ, also in the Same Vol. The unbeliever preparing for Christ. Visit Mr. James Godfry’s Wife, newly lain in, and Mrs. Maynard, who has lately had an ill Turn. Mr. Taylor at Eve here. Brings the British Grammar; and Several Pamphlets: his Letter also from Mr. Crosby at Ono’quage. Mr. Taylor etc. go to Ashbo’s Wigwam.

1772 March 4 (Wednesday). The fine Weather invited me to my Study. Read a Variety of Pamphlets. Got about my preparations. Read Hooker on the souls Humiliation, Some parts of it. May the Lord bless it to me!

1772 March 5 (Thursday). Capt. Brigham in his Sleigh came and took me to ride with him in the Snow Storm, to Mr. Jonah and Levi Warrins to attend a Fast there on Account of their great and Sore Troubles—in particular on Consideration of the Languishing Condition of young Mrs. Warrin. Messrs. Frost and Fish were there. Mr. Fish prayed and preached a.m. The Text was Mat. 17.17. Those words, “bring him hither to me.” P.M. Mr. Frost prayed and preached. His Text Ps. 6.1—3 verses. I prayed at the Conclusion. O that God would hear and accept! And that the word might do us good as it doth the upright! Miss Lucy Hall of Sutton called and dined here, with a young Man who waited on her.

1772 March 6 (Friday). I find by the Public Prints that Mr. David Cutler of Boston, an old Neighbour of Mr. Pierpoints, is dead.3 The Reflection on the Remove of the Inhabitants of that one street (Union Street) by Death, Since my Remembrance, is very affecting. Lord make me know my own End etc.

1772 March 7 (Saturday). We are in some perplexity on the Account of our Geese; all of them have been missing ever since the storm; and after great looking and Searching, must conclude they are covered up in the Snow, and probably have perished.

1772 March 8 (Sunday). Preached on Luk. 15.23, last clause and v. 24. P.M. went on with the repetition of Sermon on Ps. 119.57, former part. May the Lord be my portion, and may I partake of the Joy of those who though dead are alive again etc.! Cousen Nanny Brigham dined here. Appointed the Communion. N.B. Robert Ashbo (who with others of his, was at Meeting a. and p.m.) came here after Exercises, to talk with me about Gods being our Lot and Portion. This is very agreeable to me.

1772 March 9 (Monday). Confined by another Snow Storm. Read Dr. Chauncy against Episcopacy: on Ignatius’s Epistles. Began my Preparations.

1772 March 10 (Tuesday). P.M. Mr. Abraham Wood of Sudbury came up to inform me that yesterday about 3 quarters after one in the afternoon expired the Venerable Man, Father Loring, almost 90 years old If he Should have lived till the 17th of next month. Help Lord! The godly man ceaseth! My Father. My Father. The Chariots of Israel and the Horsemen thereof! Dr. Hawes and his Wife made us a Visit and drank Tea here. John Arnold here and tells me his Brother Thomas’s pleas with him to continue to serve him, have so prevailed that he can’t live with me, as I had bespoke.

1772 March 11 (Wednesday). Went to Deacon Wood to ask him to go with me to Sudbury; and he consents. Was at Lt. Bakers who undertakes to find a Sleigh for me, if not an Horse also. Received a Letter of the 7th from Mr. Whitney to preach his Lecture to Day, whereas it is my own. I have sent to Mr. Fitch to preach for me, but it is too stormy and too difficult travelling, especially out of the Great Road, to expect him. I was obliged to preach my Self—to a Small Handfull. The Text was Joh. 18.11, latter part.

1772 March 12 (Thursday). The Snow so deep, the wind high and the whole of the weather so rough, I am in great doubt about going to Sudbury tomorrow. But p.m. more Moderate. Deacon Wood came, and takes great Pains to provide for my going. Some Neighbours will help break the way. I went to Mr. Nurse’s in the Evening and obtain an Horse.

1772 March 13 (Friday). Deacon Wood came to accompany me. Mr. Nurse with an Horse for me and Sets out with us. Messrs. Timothy Warrin, Haskil and Andrews go also. We go by Southborough, overtake Mr. Stone at Cyprian Houses. Thus far came Deacon and the rest; and then returned. Mr. Stone and I arrived seasonably for Dinner at Mr. Lorings. Messrs. Goss, Smith, two Bridges, Woodward and Cushing of Waltham there. The Corps was carryed to the Meeting House. I could not be excused from Praying. The Corps were interred in Col. Browns Tomb. It was a most sorrowful Time! My Head and Heart full. I cry again, “Help Lord! The godly cease. I must work the works,” etc. Mr. Stone and I lodge in F. Lorings study. How many the Stimuli to our Duty and to be ready our selves!

1772 March 14 (Saturday). Mr. Stone leaves me. Mr. Abraham Wood undertakes to preach for me at Westborough. P.M. Deacon Plymton with me. He brings Mr. Lorings will for me to read. I prepared Something of Character to be published in the News Letter.

1772 March 15 (Sunday). Preached at Sudbury, West Side, on the Sorrowful Occasion of the Death of F. Loring, on John 12.35 a. and p.m., in which I gave some Account of Mr. Loring from his Diary, which he had appointed to be at my and Mr. Stone’s Disposal. N.B. My son William came to Meeting and heard me; he being but about 4 Miles off. He came on Racketts, across meadows etc. which made it much nigher. In the Evening I employed my Self as much time as I could, in Searching into the Diary, the Adversaria etc.

1772 March 16 (Monday). Mr. Nathan Loring accompanyed me to Capt. Wood’s. Dined at Capt. Ezekiel How’s. He tells me that Mr. Peter Noyes, who was at meeting with us yesterday, both forenoon and afternoon, is dead. The Road tolerable as far as the parting beyond the Milestone 26, but then it grew difficult. Met Mr. Abraham Wood returning home: but he had not been to Westborough. Said he could not get there by reason of the Snow. I stopped at Mr. Samuel Sherman’s who was so kind as to go with me, and took one of his sons with him, the Snow being very deep, and another Storm came on! We got as far as to Mr. Stone’s, and no farther. N.B. one William Henderson, Watch maker, etc. there in the Evening. I lodged there.

1772 March 17 (Tuesday). The Snow So deep I had Mr. Isaac Johnson and Mr. Ezra Baker to accompany Me as far as Mr. Timothy Warrins, but when I came to the Corner of Mr. Nurse’s Bridge, the Bank of Snow filled the Road: was forced to go back to Dr. Hawes to ask Help. After dining there, the Doctor and Solomon Batherick went with Shovels and assisted Me—so that I arrived here in Safety. D.G. My wife told me they had narrowly escaped burning last Saturday Evening by the Fire blazing out under my Study Hearth. N.B. Mr. Taylor came here Saturday p.m. and tarried till this Morning. Mr. Elisha Forbes calls at the Door to tell me Mr. Phinehas Maynard was near his End, and that his Wife desired me to go over there. But I had no Horse, the Snow deep, the night coming on, the Man incapable of Conversing, no going out to get any Assistance by Horse or sleigh, and I was so newly arrived from my Journey, that I did not go, but prayed for him and them here. N.B. Heard to day that Rev. Mr. Webb of Uxbridge is to be buryed to day. May the Lord sanctifie this and the other Deaths, that I may be the more quickened to prepare for my own!

1772 March 18 (Wednesday). Mr. Spring here to Mend and Secure my Hearth and Floor. Phinehas Forbush (whom I had Sent to) came, and I agreed with him to live with me Six Months from the middle of April (if the Weather shall suit to begin then), but I must give him £11 Lawful Money. But I Shall depend upon his doing my Business without further Charge. Mr. Hannaniah Parker here and pays me so much in Money and Notes that I gave him Receipt for £63.0.6 old Tenor. Mr. Wheelock came to acquaint me that Mr. Phinehas Maynard dyed last night; and to desire me to attend his Funeral on Friday.

1772 March 19 (Thursday). Mr. Levi Warrin came and paid me in Cash and Notes £84.8.7 old Tenor. Mr. John Chamberlain of Hopkinton here and I paid him old tenor £10.10 which is in full. Alexander came and brought home my Oxen, but he returns to Leicester without Delay.

1772 March 20 (Friday). Mr. Phinehas Maynard, nigh 43 year old, was buryed though it was a very great Storm of Snow. Lt. Baker came and carryed me in his Sleigh. The Assembly was great at the House of Mourning. I had some Freedom in Speaking and in Prayer. May God accept my feeble Attempts! Breck has finished his school and is returned home. The Season is uncommonly tedious, tempestuous and Snowing hard upon the great Body of Snow which is already on the Earth. The Lord prepare us for His Will, and extend Compassion to the Poor!

1772 March 21 (Saturday). Many people from the Several Quarters are assembled with Oxen to break through the Snow and make the Roads plain to the Meeting House.

1772 March 22 (Sunday). Read 2 Kings, Ch. 2, and preached a. and p.m. on v. 124 on Occasion of the Death of venerable F. Loring—of whom I endeavoured to give some Account—but I have not the Art of Embalming. Repeated at Eve. May God graciously quicken us by His Holy Spirit!

1772 March 23 (Monday). P.M. Mr. Gale and his Wife make us a Visit. I was Sent for urgently by Mrs. Spring who is very ill again. Mr. Gale is so good as to wait upon me there in his Sleigh. Found her not only low in Body, but distressed in mind—using great earnestness in her Expressions. Conversed and prayed with her.

1772 March 24 (Tuesday). My Kinsman Bradshaw came to sojourn with us for a while. He came from Brookfield yesterday and from Wor’ster to Day. Dines with us. I visited and prayed with Mrs. Spring.

1772 March 25 (Wednesday). Visit Mrs. Hardy whose Face is now chiefly eaten away and both her Eyes are so gone that She is wholly blind. Prayed with her. She Speaks but little, but thinks her Faith and Hope in Christ are well grounded. Mr. Bradshaw rides over to Mr. Daniel Adams, who consents to keep his Horse. Receive from Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield via Boston three Books, viz. Origines Sacrae, Mr. Thomas Gouge, and Dr. Youngs Night Thoughts. I am reading Dr. Chauncys complete View of Episcopacy; and have an high Esteem of it.

1772 March 26 (Thursday). Mr. Edwards Whipple has Sent his Horse, as well as repeated Invitations to us to make them a Visit. We rode over in my sleigh. Mr. Bradshaw drove: and we dined there—drank Tea—and by Day light favoring us, arrived home Safe. But in the Evening Mr. Bradshaw had Pain in his Stomach; and grows very poorly.

1772 March 27 (Friday). Mr. B. still indisposed. My Grandson also not well.

1772 March 28 (Saturday). Mr. B. is better; but I think it best to make some preparation.

1772 March 29 (Sunday). So difficult Roads and Weather that though I suppose the Deacons bring the Elements, yet there are so few Members, it appears most advisable still to defer the Administration of the Sacrament. Mr. B. so much better that he preaches—a.m. on Joh. 3.16 and p.m. on Joh. 13.15. I omitted Reading a.m. Read p.m. Tit. 3. At Evening read in Mr. Mitchels Letter to his Brother.

1772 March 30 (Monday). Have finished Dr. Chauncy’s View of Episcopacy. Am chiefly employed in Sermonizing.

1772 March 31 (Tuesday). Wrote to Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield. Mr. Bradshaw reads Bishop Pearson on the Creed. I am in my preparations.

1772 April 1 (Wednesday). Visit Mrs. Spring who mends apace, through the great Goodness of God. Mr. Hezekiah Maynard of Marlborough returns the Vol. of Mr. Baxters works which he borrowed of me some time Since. P.M. Deacon Wood and his Wife, Children and Maid, having been to See the Indians at the Wigwam, come here. I love to see my Friends and Neighbours but the Interruption it gives me in my Studys is a great Trouble and Disappointment.

1772 April 2 (Thursday). Publick Fast. I preached a.m. on Deut. 31.17. P.M. gathered an Exercise out of my Sermons on Isa. but with variations and additions that might suit the present Occasion. May the Lord pardon and graciously accept us and His People in these Humiliations! The Roads very difficult.

1772 April 3 (Friday). One of the most Violent and impetuous Storms of Snow! Blessed be God for the Protection and the Comforts which I and mine are favored with! May it please God who is a present Help in the Time of Trouble, to extend Compassion to all Such as are at this uncommon season, in Distress and Extremity, if Such there be, and mercifully relieve them! O may I fear the Great God! And may I be delivered from the Storms and Tempests of Eternal Wrath!

1772 April 4 (Saturday). It is a Time of extraordinary Difficulty in travelling: but the Weather being fair, many Neighbours from North and South are trying to break ways through the Snow, not with yoked Oxen and sleds, as before; but they are driven single by reason of the heigth [sic] of the Drifts, which are Some of them above the Tops of Fences. I am deeply engaged in my preparations. May the Lord assist, Strengthen and Succeed me!

1772 April 5 (Sunday). The Day being bright we went on with Communion Exercises: not thinking it best to put off the Sacrament any longer. Read Isa. 53. Preached a. and p.m. on 1 Cor. 6.20, first part of the v. Administered the Sacrament. N.B. Mr. Silas Warrin of Grafton desired leave to partake. I told him I consented if he was in Charity, especially if he was with his Minister. He bowed as if consenting, and I proposed it to the Church, and none objected. But after prayer he spoke out, and Said he did not know whether he understood me. I replyed, that we must all be in Charity. We could not now debate. If he was in Charity he might—but he thought best to withdraw. Deacon Bond dined here. P.M. I read the Epistle to Philemon.

1772 April 6 (Monday). In the Morning the Snow froze so as to bear, I accompanyed my Wife and Kinsman Bradshaw, to Ashbo’s wigwam.

1772 April 7 (Tuesday). Ebenezer Claffin of Hopkinton calls to tell me that Capt. Joseph Mellen dyed last night. Though the riding is very bad, yet I went to private Meeting at Lieutenant Bruce’s, where I preached on Ps. 139.23.24.

1772 April 8 (Wednesday). Visit Mrs. Grout and pray with her. N.B. Mr. Silas Warrin met me. He was going to my House on purpose, he said, to ask my forgiveness of his Conduct on Sabbath Day, which I was freely willing to do, he being to all Appearance very penitant. Lieut. Baker and I p.m. rode over to Lieut. Martyn, he being brought very low; consuming away. Dr. Wilson, Ball, Joslyn etc. there in Consultation. Sister Martyn at Brookfield, but Mr. Richard is gone for her. I went to Mr. Whitneys, where was the Widow Eager, who came to me and delivered me 25/ old Tenor to get a Cover for the great Bible which her Father Wheeler gave to our Church. I returned to Lieut. Martyn, and though I was not without some thoughts and Purpose to have tarryed all night, yet I perceived there might be little Opportunity to be Serviceable, and the great likelihood of a Storm; Mr. David Maynard happening to be coming over, I Sorrowfully took, as I suppose final, Leave and came home. N.B. The Deliverances of this Day and Evening were noticeable. When I was going to mount Mr. Bradshaws Horse, he was So merry and nestling that he pushed me down backward over an Hog-Trough and Stood over me, helpless, and it was wonderfull that being so over me and full of Motions he did not trample me to Death. May God be magnifyed and may I have a proper Sense of His Sparing Mercy! In going over to, and returning from Northborough when the ways were So very bad, by the Depth of the Snow and Hollowness of the Earth, So that I was in Difficulty Several Times; yet there was no Such Evil Occurrent as to grieve me. D.G.

1772 April 9 (Thursday). This, though it proves So very Stormy Day and most difficult Travelling, is the Time appointed for the Burial of Capt. Joseph Mellen at Hopkinton and when probably Mrs. Martyn is on the Road from Brookfield to See her son John before he dyes. The Lord be with all the Distressed! Mr. Bradshaw is much indisposed.

1772 April 10 (Friday). He continues not well. I am Sermonizing. Mr. B. is desired to preach for Mr. Whitney; but I fear lest he Should not be able to go to Northborough and then I must go there and change with Mr. Whitney. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes and talks over Mr. Silas Warrins late Conduct, but goes away Satisfyed. Mr. Taylor came, informs of the remarkable Occurrence at Squire Whipples of a Ewe’s yeaning two Lambs which dyed soon, and then in three weeks wanting 3 Dayes bringing three more, two of which live. Mr. T________ lodges here.

1772 April 11 (Saturday). Rev. Mr. Eden Burroughs came in the morning, prays and breakfasts with us and then goes on his Journey to New Hopkinton. Mr. Bradshaw takes physic, So that I must go to Northborough. P.M. Rode to Lieut. Martyns to See him and lodged there.

1772 April 12 (Sunday). Went early to Mr. Whitneys. Preached at Northborough a. and p.m. on Act. 16.29.30. Mr. Whitney on Mat. 16.26, what is a man profited etc. and he returned early. I tarried there. N.B. Mr. Briggs at Eve.

1772 April 13 (Monday). Visit Lieut. Martyn in my returning home. Mr. Bradshaw still drooping. Read Toogood on Infant Baptism.

1772 April 14 (Tuesday). A Letter from Mr. Cushing—all Well. Breck finishes a Desk for himself. Send Samuel 40£ old Tenor by Mr. Hannaniah Parker. Messrs. Hicks of Cambridge here at Dinner.

1772 April 15 (Wednesday). Breck in Some perplexity about Mr. David Hills, his Coming to Sett up Trading in this Neighbourhood. Mr. Benjamin How removes the Partition in the middle of the front Gallery of the Meeting-House, to the End. Mr. How at Eve takes the Great Bible to cover it. Read Dr. Gill against Mr. Toogood.

1772 April 16 (Thursday). Sermonizing.

1772 April 17 (Friday). Breck’s perplexitys increase. He hears of one Mr. Gillam Bass of Boston, his being at Deacon Woods, who having hired part of the Deacons House (where Mr. Spring lives) designs to open a Shop of Goods there. Breck goes up to Speak with him, but he is gone to Hopkinton. My Son is So uneasy about it that he borrows Mr. Bradshaws Horse and rides to Hopkinton. Mr. Spring and Wife with Billy here.

1772 April 18 (Saturday). Breck returns without much Satisfaction concerning Mr. Bass, for he persists in his Resolution to come. Mr. Bradshaw rode over to Northborough to preach for Mr. W. Messrs. Hickss return from Sutton, but dont light. N.B. Mr. Hicks has informed me that Cousen Thomas Barrett being married, Brother Champney and Sister Lydia have Set up Housekeeping together in the House where Mr. William Fessenden dwelt. Mr. Benjamin How brings the great Bible handsomely covered.

1772 April 19 (Sunday). Read Dan. 8. Preached on 1 Cor. 6.20. P.M. read Heb. 1. Repeated the last Sermon on Ps. 119.57. N.B. My Exposition in the morning required reading and Pains. N.B. Cousen Betty Gott dined here. I appointed a Catechizing to be next Thursday.

1772 April 20 (Monday). A Strange Sight this Morning. Winter is returned with Violence. The Earth is covered with Snow, and the storm fierce. Phinehas Forbes came, but by reason of the Storm returned home. P.M. cleared off. My Son William at Eve from Concord.

1772 April 21 (Tuesday). Phinehas came to work. Breck takes down the Chimney of the Shop. Sold Billy a two year old steer for 14£ old Tenor because he was urgent to have him to mate another. Billy returned. I went to Marlborough to Ministers Meeting. Was moderator and prayed. Mr. Smith poorly again. He has fears of a Cancer in his Lip. William Henderson rectifies the movement of the Day of the month in my Watch, and pay him. I return home at Eve and Mr. Bradshaw with me. N.B. Mrs. Vashti Hardy dyed last night about 11 o’Clock, aged 73 last Month, having gone through a long Tryal by her Cancer.

1772 April 22 (Wednesday). Mr. Sumner has writ to me to preach his Lecture to Day. Dr. Hawes was So good as to find me an Horse: and as he was going to Worcester I had his Company to Mr. Sumners—where we dined; and Mr. Bradshaw went with me also. There I met besides, my Son Cushing, who preached the Lecture at my Desire; I prayed before Sermon. N.B. Mr. Whitney of Northborough, his Wife and Miss Peggy Lambert were there with us likewise. Returned at Evening.

1772 April 23 (Thursday). A.M. Catechized at the Meeting House. Had only 23 Boys. Had no Exercise for the Girls p.m. by reason of the Funeral, viz. of Mrs. Vashti Hardy, which I attended upon and prayed at. Mr. Cushing here, dines and lodges. I am Somewhat concerned for my Son Breck, undertaking to prepare for Shopkeeping when Such a Number besides are purposing and preparing for the Same. N.B. Mr. Luke Brown of Worcester lately dyed there of the Small Pox.

1772 April 24 (Friday). Mr. Cushing leaves us. Mr. Hannaniah Parker here under Disquietment concerning Brecks trading. One Mr. Partridge of Medway here to engage Mr. Bradshaw to preach there. P.M. Mr. Bradshaw Sets out for Brookfield. A Petition of Mr. Samuel Smith of Grafton for Contribution, he having suffered by Fire.

1772 April 25 (Saturday). Breck is preparing the Shop—putting up Shelves etc. to receive Goods. Mr. Taylor here. Wrote by him to Mr. Hutchinson.

1772 April 26 (Sunday). Read Dan. 9 and could not but take up time in Some expository Exercise upon it. Preached on 1 Cor. 6.20. P.M. Read Heb. 2. Delivered two of my Expository Exercises on Mat. 4 from v. 18 to v. 22. Baptized Mr. Hannaniah Parkers Son Pierpont. Appointed the Communion and Lecture.

1772 April 27 (Monday). Breck sat out early for Boston. Mr. Morse goes down for him with a Team. Mr. Spring with my Team, brings a Barrell of Cyder from Mr. Abraham Bond, for which I am to give a Dollar. Rev. Mellen of Chauxit, going to Hopkinton, calls here.

1772 April 28 (Tuesday). [No entry.]

1772 April 29 (Wednesday). Mr. Mellen came from Hopkinton, dined here, and preached my Lecture from Luk. 13.28, “There shall be Weeping” etc. May God bless this awakening Discourse to our highest Benefit! After Exercise he went on his Way home. Breck returned. At night Mr. Morse brought Brecks Goods. Breck informs that My Kinsman Nathaniel Parkman dyed last Saturday Night or sabbath morning and that my Brother is more and more lost and broke. The Lord Sanctifie His holy Hand! And extend Compassion to the Widow and fatherless! Sorrowful News increases. Am informed that Lt. John Martyn dyed this morning. The Lord be gracious to the bereaved and comfort them!

1772 April 30 (Thursday). Breck is Settling his Shop, marking his Goods etc. P.M. Mrs. Arnold came to see us and brought with her, her Sister Elizabeth lately come from Providence. N.B. Mrs. Arnold in much Spiritual Concern, which I hope will be cultivated.

1772 May 1 (Friday). This Morning came Mr. Bradshaw from Deacon Woods where he lodged last night, after his Journey from Brookfield. Deacon being his Company; and they very late in the Night. Rode to Capt. Maynards and dined—thence to the late Lt. Martyns, and then to Mr. Whitneys. I attended the Funeral of the late Lt. John Martyn, who has departed from us in the 42d Year of his Age, and has left Six Children. I was desired to walk among the Mourners. N.B. Mr. Whitney prayed. Mr. Smith of Marlborough and Mr. Sumner of Shrewsbury were there also. The Lord teach us all, the mournful Widow, Mother, Brethren etc. to profit. Returned at Eve.

1772 May 2 (Saturday). Mr. Bradshaw leaves us for a while, goes to Holliston, in order to his Supplying Medway-Precinct tomorrow, it being Communion time there, and the Church aims at having Mr. Prentice to administer. Mr. Joseph Rice here and wants the Date of his Marriage.

1772 May 3 (Sunday). In the morning Mr. Samuel Barrett from Hopkinton (Mr. Fitch being gone to Connecticut) and he dined with us. His Father still weak. Read Dan. 9 from v. 20. Administered the Lords Supper, after preaching on 1 Cor. 6.20. P.M. read Heb. 3. Preached on 2 Cor. 4.18, repeating two Sermons on that Text.

1772 May 4 (Monday). Mrs. Spring walked here, with her little boy. The afternoon was so cold that we invited Mrs. Spring to tarry with us till tomorrow. She and her son lodge here. N.B. Cousen Larkin Williams calls and refreshes here.

1772 May 5 (Tuesday). I walked to Deacon Bonds to private Meeting, and preached on Mat. 6.19.20. Received from Brookfield Mr. Forbes is gone to Boston, but called at his Cousen Samuels. N.B. Mr. Hutchinson called here in the Morning as he was going to Boston, and left with me his paper (or Book rather) containing 18 Articles against his aggrieved Brethren, which I read. Breck has Customers flocking to him.

1772 May 6 (Wednesday). Cousen Betty Gott made us a Visit and tarried the night. Read Mr. Baxters Disputations concerning Original Sin, and the imputation of the Sin of our nearer Parents.

1772 May 7 (Thursday). Cousen Uriah Brigham and his wife make us a Visit. She tarrys to dine and p.m. Mrs. Baker Sent her Chaise for Mrs. P________ and her two neeces. P.M. I catechized the Girls at the Meeting House. Only 21 came. Mr. Hutchinson in his Return from Boston, came in, took his Book of 18 Articles against the aggrieved Brethren. He asked me to change next Sabbath, but I told him that though I was not against it for myself yet it might not be Prudent with regard to our People. At Eve came my son Forbes from Boston and lodges here. Cousen Brigham and her Sister [Betty?] go to their Sister Maynards.

1772 May 8 (Friday). Mr. Forbes leaves us early to return home. Breck goes to Mr. Fish at Upton and returned at Eve in the Rain. Am informed that Mr. [blank] Bass and a Load of his Goods are come up from Boston, to Deacon Wood’s; the said Bass being about to set up Trading in this Neighbourhood.

1772 May 9 (Saturday). Breck riggs up my Vine House in the Garden. Mr. Uriah Brigham from Marlborough brings my watch and a parcel of Tallow which I have bought of him. Have some Discourse with him about the Troubles Mr. Smith meets with from a Number of Disgusted Persons there; Mr. Alpheus Woods, Sawin and others.

1772 May 10 (Sunday). Read Dan. 10. Preached on Luk. 15.24. The Widow Miller dined here. P.M. Read Heb. 4. Went on in repeating on 2 Cor. 4.18 to page 67. At Eve came Mr. Bradshaw from Hopkinton, having supplyed by Exchange at Medway. Letter from Mr. Fitch, to send the Charge.

1772 May 11 (Monday). Mr. Bradshaw to Boston. Mr. Solomon Prentice called here. At Eve Mr. Taylor.

1772 May 12 (Tuesday). Am informed that yesterday the Church of Grafton Met and Chose a Council, viz. the Churches under the Pastoral Care of the Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Dr. Eliot, Mr. Emmerson of Hollis, Mr. Lawrence of Lincoln, and Mr. Leonard of Woodstock. And least any of these Should fail, Rev. Mr. Morril and Mr. Pain. N.B. am reading the Life and Sermons of Mr. Thomas Steffe published by Dr. Doddridge.

1772 May 13 (Wednesday). A Number of my Cattle were driven to Brookfield by Messrs. Newton and Bond; and my Brookfield Elias goes with them to assist in driving. Mr. Fitch came for the Copy of the Charge I gave at his Ordination, and he has Received it, and Returned home. Between 9 and 10 at Night Came my Son and Daughter Moore, to our great Joy.

1772 May 14 (Thursday). Mr. Moore trys in Vain to get an Horse for him to go to Oxford; he is obliged to tarry with us. Held a Catechetical Exercise to young Women. 26 attended. And may God accept us herein! N.B. We began the Catechism again. Mr. Elisha Fobes brings up fresh Assortment of Goods for Breck. Benjamin Fay junior is marryed to Beulah Stow.

1772 May 15 (Friday). Mr. Bass and his Wife’s Nurse, I hear, came up in a Chaise, to Deacon Woods, and Mr. Seth Morse and Joseph Harrington brought up for him a large Quantity of Goods. Mr. Moore is gone to Oxford. At Eve came Mr. Bradshaw—but is not well.

1772 May 16 (Saturday). Phinehas begins to Plant in the further Field—assisted by my Elias. Mr. Bradshaw complains much of Indisposition—Pain in his Breast etc. I am Somewhat disquieted that Mr. Bass would come here to trade, when So advertised by my Son, previously; and that my Neighbours, especially that one so friendly and near as ________ ________, Should So assist him in it, when it is So apparently to my Son’s great Detriment. But I would view the Sovereign Dispositions of divine Providence etc. And desire to Observe the Hand of God in all that is done. Deacon Brown called in his returning from Leicester. Elias returned from Brookfield.

1772 May 17 (Sunday). Mr. Bradshaw is with me, but is not well and can’t preach. He went to Meeting, but in singing time went out. Read Dan. XI, former part. Gave but imperfect Sketches upon it. Preached on Prov. 12.26. N.B. Many Grafton and Shrewsbury people here at Meeting, Mr. Hutchinson being at Uxbridge, Mr. Sumner at Spencer. Mr. William Brigham and Master Taylor dined here. P.M. read Heb. 5. Delivered another of my Sermons on 2 Cor. 4.18, last Clause, and may God grant the awakening may have Effect!

1772 May 18 (Monday). Gave Mr. John Forbes, now of New Marlborough, a Certficat. Am Reading Dr. Stillingfleet’s Origines Sacrae, the Second Attempt under this Title, Folio, which is broke off imperfect.

1772 May 19 (Tuesday). Elias, my Grandson, goes home to his Father very Contrary to my Expectation, but his Father is unable to go on with his Business and Sends for him. Mrs. P________ and my Daughter Moore rode to Capt. Maynards. Mr. Bradshaw rode to Worcester and returned. I am reading a well writ Piece in defence of Immersion in baptizing, and of Antipoedo baptism. It was brought me by Master Taylor, with the Desire of Ensign Fay to read it: he wants my Thoughts of it. Nigh Night the Sheriff Baldwin of Shrewsbury, accompanyed by Mr. Phinehas Gleason, came to desire me in the Name of Judge Artemas Ward to go up to Deacon Woods to give Certificat of the Marriage of Joseph Rice and Eunice Harrington. I went, gave it, and took Oath to it. Squire Whipple was also there. Mr. Joseph Rice also. It was further desired, and insisted for, that I would let them See Mrs. Rice’s Confession which she offered the Church. This I found my self obliged to do. And a Copy of it was required.

1772 May 20 (Wednesday). Squire Whipple came (desired by Judge Ward and Mr. Joseph Rice) to receive a Copy of Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Confession, which I delivered, and the justice requiring my Oath to the Truth of the Copy and my Signing the Attestation, I submitted to it. Mrs. Wood made us a Visit, as did Mrs. Hawes—and drank Tea. Mr. Moore returned from Oxford to us, at Evening. Mr. Taylor with him.

1772 May 21 (Thursday). I Reckoned with Mr. Arnold and Paid all. I lent Breck two Guineas. Mr. Moore and my Daughter rode over to Northborough to visit Mrs. Martyn and at Mr. Whitneys. P.M. Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Taylor, each in a Chaise, take Sophy and Hannah with them to Northborough. Mr. Phinehas Haskell here, and I payd him in full. Town meet to choose Representative. They Unanimously choose Capt. Maynard. At Night Isaac Davis and Anne Brigham were marryed.

1772 May 22 (Friday). Mr. Benjamin How places the Great Stone at the West Door and forms and adjusts the Stone steps into the Garden. Mr. Joseph Hancock, Taylor, makes me a Pair of Velvet Breeches.

1772 May 23 (Saturday). Mr. Bradshaw goes to Worcester to keep School there. Mr. Breck came a.m. and dined with us. Mr. Moore being here also I recommended to them the Case of Marlborough, Mr. Smith being at Boston under the operations of Mr. Pope (a Quaker) for the Cure of his Cancer. But Mr. Breck chose to tarry here, and Mr. Moore’s Horse was at a Distance. Mine is at Leicester; He and his wife could not tarry here any longer than over the Sabbath if the weather should be suitable. So that neither of them went. Mr. Hancock, the Tailor, having finished his work for me, goes home to Hopkinton. Mr. Hannaniah Parker pays me £45 old Tenor.

1772 May 24 (Sunday). Read Joh. [4th?]. Mr. Moore preached on v. 24. P.M. read Heb. 6. Mr. Brecks Text was Gen. 50.20, but the whole Exercise was, Observations on the Story of Joseph. N.B. young Mr. Barrett of Hopkinton here and with him Deacon Barrett of Boston. They dined here, but returned to Hopkinton presently after the public Exercises.

1772 May 25 (Monday). Proved rainy. Mr. Breck left us after Dinner, but Mr. Moore tarrys. At night came my Son Alexander with my Horse.

1772 May 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Moore, his wife and I Sat out upon our Journey. Stopped at Col. Weeks’s and refreshed. Missed our way and went to Mr. Nathan Lorings at Sudbury. Proceeded to my Son Williams and lodged there.

1772 May 27 (Wednesday). Arrived in Cambridge seasonably, and attended the Election Sermon, which was preached by Mr. Moses Parsons on Prov. 21.1. Dined in the Hall. Rode to Boston at Eve. My Horse at Brackatts. Lodged with Samuel.

1772 May 28 (Thursday). Went to See my Brother. Found him weak and broken, yet he could converse. Attended the Convention, which met at Mr. Lovells School-House. Was moderator and prayed. Saw and conversed with Brother Smith who was at Convention. Mr. President Locke preached on 2 Cor. 4.2, latter part, “but by manifestation of the Truth” etc. The Collection was 21£ 3.11 Lawful Money. Last Years was £ Dined at Dr. Chauncy’s. Returned to the Convention. Dr. Eliot made the Concluding prayer. N.B. Mr. Ed. Barnard having been confirmed to preach next Convention, Mr. Chandler of Rowley was chose his Second. At Eve I visited Mr. Surcomb who is confined by his Gout and a Cold etc. Lodged with my Son Samuel. N.B. At my Son Samuels Request I have this afternoon complyed with a Message from Shaw Esq. to drink Tea at his House, where was his Daughter, Miss Sally, with whom, as it seems, my Son has contracted Intimacy.

1772 May 29 (Friday). Was at Mr. Cranch’s, watch maker. Dined at Dr. Pembertons. But first went, according to a previous Invitation, to Dr. Eliots, but Dr. P. sent a Card to invite him, Mr. Moses Parsons and me, to dine with him. Visit my Cousen Oliver—my Brother, Cousen Nat’s Widow, and other Relatives. The proprietors of the House which was my honoured Mothers confer about a settlement etc. Towards night rode to Roxbury. Visit Dr. Davis and paid him £15.10 old Tenor, which is in full. Supped and lodged at Mr. Adams’s.

1772 May 30 (Saturday). Sat out early, before Mr. Adams was up. Broke fast at Capt. Brewers at Watertown. Nahum Green rides with me from thence, Some way. He was of Leicester, lives now at Royalstone. Dined at Mr. Bridge’s at Framingham. Called at Mr. Stones. Arrived Seasonably and Safely here. Blessed be God for His Goodness to me! But my Kinsman Bradshaw is here Sick of a Fever. He came from Worcester last Wednesday and was taken ill. Such is the Will of God Supreme! He had Sophy to watch the night after the 27th. Mr. Taylor watched that after the 28th. Then Breck lay down by him several Nights. Ruth.

1772 May 31 (Sunday). Read Dan. 11, latter part. Preached a.m. on 2 Cor. 4.18, Delivering the last of my Sermon on that Subject. The widow Adams dined with us. P.M. Read Heb. 7. Preached on Rom. 8.6, first part, to the End of p. 6. Mr. Bradshaw a feverish Day. Dr. Hawes attends upon him.

1772 June 1 (Monday). Bradshaw is better to day. Sophy has my Horse and goes to Mr. Fish’s. She returns at Eve, and Miss Patty with her, to work here at her Taylor-Business, in making and altering Gowns. Ruth watches to night.

1772 June 2 (Tuesday). Mr. Bradshaw has had no sleep all night. Has an Ague-Fit. Fever afterward came on. But was not so bad as Sabbath Day. Hannah rode with me to Mr. Jonah Warrins, where I preached on Mat. 6.21, “For where your Treasure is” etc. After the Exercise the Widow Lydia Grout (who now lives at Mr. Warrins) desired to Speak with me. She delivered me letters from Deacon Plympton. One dated Apr. 13 concerning the Supply of their Pulpit, that is, who they had improved, and the Reason why he had not mentioned Mr. Bradshaw; the other dated May 28, containing a Certificat concerning this Mrs. Grout. She also desired to join with our Church.

1772 June 3 (Wednesday). Mr. Bradshaw has Slept well, and has a moderate Day. D.G. I rode to Southborough and dined there. Rev. Mr. Perry of Windsor there also, but did not tarry to dinner. I went with full purpose to preach Mr. Stone’s Lecture and did pray in public. But was so unhappy as inadvertently to leave my Note Case at home, and did not conceive I was called to attempt to preach without Notes. Mr. Stone preached himself from Mat. 9.13, “For I am not come to call the Righteous” etc.

1772 June 4 (Thursday). Mr. Bradshaw had a poor night, as Sleepless, and had an Ague fit about break of Day. Yet he had not so bad a Day as we feared. He slept a great part of the Day.

1772 June 5 (Friday). Mr. Briggs visits us—as does Mrs. Fish, and returns home.

1772 June 6 (Saturday). Mr. Bradshaw has ague Fitts every other Day.

1772 June 7 (Sunday). Read Dan. XII. Preached on Prov. 12.26. P.M. read Heb. 8. Preached again on Rom. 8.6. Miss Patty Fish is with us. Mr. Benjamin Tainter is Sick of a Fever. Mr. Bradshaw a Fitt at Eve.

1772 June 8 (Monday). Visit Mr. Tainter and pray with him. P.M. visit the Child of Mr. Joseph Green junior and prayed there. Cousen Betty Gott here, and takes leave of us, she being about to go to Springfield. Mr. Morril of Wilmington and his Deacon Jacquet here in their way to Grafton Council. Daughter Kezia came with her Son. Mr. Taylor came and took Mr. Bradshaw into a Chaise, and rode to the Doctors.

1772 June 9 (Tuesday). Read Mr. Fish on “Japhet dwelling in the Tent of Shem,” which I hope will by the Blessing of God be of Service in this Day of Defection, and may god graciously reward the author, and make him a Successful Angler! Read also an agreeable poetic piece delivered last Sept. at Nassau-Hall on the Rising Glory of America. Mr. Bradshaw had his Ague fit about 4 or 5 o’Clock p.m. Miss Patty is taken off from her work by Indisposition. Little Robert Breck is dipped.

1772 June 10 (Wednesday). Breck and Phinehas ride up to Grafton. Mr. Stone and Mr. Isaac Johnson call here as they go to Grafton. I chose to stay at home. John Chowin, an Indian, or rather Molatto, here, and acquaints me with the Death of his infant Child and desires I would be the Funeral of it tomorrow. Robert Breck is dipped 3 times.

1772 June 11 (Thursday). Our Little Robert-Breck is dipped twice this Morning. Visited Mr. Tainter and prayed there. Both my Daughter in Law Kezia and Miss Patty Fish are still with us. Wrote by John Arnold to my Cushings. Rode to John Chowin’s Wigwam; prayed there and attended the burying the Child. Mr. Stone and Mr. Johnson returned from Grafton. Mr. Jonathan Drury from Temple here. The Widow Lydia Grout here—brings a written Relation. Miss Patty Fish rides home. Hannah (my Daughter) rode with her. Mr. Bradshaw has another Fitt—somewhat gentler.

1772 June 12 (Friday). Trouble with Mr. B’s Merry Mare, which has broke my Fetters and causes Breck a sad Ramble—but finds her where she was Supposed to have jumped from, viz. Lt. Bakers Hill Pasture. Little Rob-Breck is dipped twice. Hannah returns from Upton. P.M. Kezia with her Son leave us to return home to Leicester. Mr. Morril and his Delegate, Deacon Jaquet, came in, and gave me an account of the Councils Proceedings, at Grafton. They tarried so long as that Mr. Morrill read the Result to me: and therein I [perceive?] Mr. Hutchinson has been found chargeable with Untruth in some Number of Articles; and blameable in other Respects. N.B. Mr. Taylor was here in the forenoon. Mr. Bradshaw took a ride with him in his Chaise. Memorandum. Mr. Taylor said he did not write the Publication so much talked of, and that he knew not who did. Mr. Taylor leaves this Town to go to Shrewsbury and to live at Mr. Sumner’s.

1772 June 13 (Saturday). Have been and am preparing another Sermon on Prov. 12.26. Mr. B. has a slighter Fit.

1772 June 14 (Sunday). Read Hosea first. Found I could not prepare more than for one Sermon on the Subject I had designed. Therefore went on with Repeating sermon on Rom. 8.6. Now delivered (with variations and additions) the 1st Sermon of the Second part, viz. on Spiritual Mindedness. P.M. read Heb. 9 and having been obliged to break off in Such manner as would not admit of Delay of the Connection of the remaining part with the foregoing, I went on with the Same Discourse, viz. how Spiritual Mindedness is Life and Peace. N.B. baptized Mr. Adonijah Rice’s Twins, Relief and Submitt.

1772 June 15 (Monday). Breck Setts out for Boston before Day. Mr. Green acquaints me that his Sons Child dyed a little before Sunsetting last Evening.

1772 June 16 (Tuesday). At 8 o’clock attended the Funeral of young Mr. Green’s Child. Then hastened to Ministers Meeting at Southborough. But few there present. Of the Association only Mr. Smith and I besides Mr. Stone. Mr. Peter Whitney and Mr. Caleb Rice gave us their Company. Mr. Stone gave a serious sermon on Col. 2.6. Returned at Eve. Marryed Joseph Belknap to Esther Snow. Nathan Fay came to me to be instructed in his Duty previous to his Making Confession etc. Reflecting upon this being the Day 48 Years agoe, that I gave affirmative Answer to the Town of Westborough to tarry with them. O what abundant Cause for mourning and Grief, having been so unprofitable! May God most gracious extend Mercy through Jesus Christ!

1772 June 17 (Wednesday). Breck returns from Boston: brings 2d and 3d Vol. of Mr. Winters Doddridge Expositor.

1772 June 18 (Thursday). Mr. Sumner came, dined with us, and preached my Lecture on Ps. 119.57, which may the divine Blessing accompany and follow! Mr. Jonathan Child and his Wife here to discourse about making a public Profession. He would own the Covenant but I perswade him to take it further into Consideration and recommended his joining in full Communion. He consents to do so. Mr. Bradshaw So drooping as not to go out to Meeting to day.

1772 June 19 (Friday). Mr. Hannaniah Parker here and wants to talk alone. Being retired he went over a Number of Complaints, which I endeavoured to answer, but he does not go away Satisfyed. I perceive that the main Disquietment is that I did not tell him, when I was at his House, of Brecks going into Trade.

1772 June 20 (Saturday). Phinehas went with the Cow we call Spot to Lt. Bakers Bowker Place to Pasture. Alexander came from Leicester. N.B. He takes with him three Bush. of Indian Corn. I hear there is an extraordinary Scarcity of Grain, especially in upper and new Towns. My Son Baldwin and his wife came.

1772 June 21 (Sunday). Read Hosea 2. Prepared Sufficient for two Exercises of Ordinary Length, but could not divide it. Determined therefore to endeavour to deliver the whole in one. And what I had yet remaining of the Sermons on Rom. 8.6, latter part, being very suitable to the Occasions of the Day, I a.m. finished that Discourse; administered the Lords Supper. Mr. Baldwin was with us at Communion. My Daughter was unwell and could not go to Meeting. Mrs. Maynard at Dinner. Ruth Bellows commonly dines here. P.M. read Heb. 10. Preached on Prov. 12.26, though it was long. Hezekiah How Fessenden Baptized. Mary Drury, heretofore Pratt, and My Daughter Moore dismissed. Mr. Bradshaw confined yet.

1772 June 22 (Monday). Heavy Weather prevents my Baldwins Setting out a.m. but after Dinner, though misty, they leave us for Boston. N.B. This Morning Ruth Bellows here to Spin. N.B. We lately had a Letter from Ashburnham and from Rochester of June 11 by Mr. Briggs. At Eve came Bowman from Cambridge and lodged here. Mr. Bradshaw has ups and downs: has a distemper attending him which keeps him low and weak.

1772 June 23 (Tuesday). Master Bowman leaves us, designing to Oxford and to Brookfield. My Kinsman is Still weak and under a Variety of Disorders which very much incapacitate him for any Business, Reading, writing etc. unless it be in low Degrees, and once in a good while.

1772 June 24 (Wednesday). I rode to Marlborough. Dined at Mr. Smiths. Preached the Lecture on Gen. 3.15, latter part. N.B. Committ my Watch to Mr. William Henderson to have the Day of the Month rectify’d. In returning home visited Mr. Nathaniel Adams.

1772 June 25 (Thursday). My Kinsman poorly yet—under Dr. Hawes’s Care and Administrations. He sleeps much—Several Hours in the Day time. Our Kinsman Larkin Williams and his Wife made us a Visit and drank Tea here. Dr. Joseph Wood here also. Elias complains of pain in his Temple.

1772 June 26 (Friday). Deacon Wood here, and we reckoned. Paid him in full, to this Day. Sent Mr. Tainter by his son Jonathan a Note of 27/ for a Bed Cord. P.M. Mr. Levi Warrin here. Pays me 97.14.8 old Tenor, which with the Notes (which were £9.0.6 old Tenor) made 106.15.2 and was in full of what he was to Collect, viz. 238.18.9 or 31.17.2 Lawful Money. Elias is greatly afflicted and confined with his Pains.

1772 June 27 (Saturday). Breck has Mr. Bradshaws Mare, and Hannah has my Horse to go up to Leicester. Elias Still in his grievous Complaints.

1772 June 28 (Sunday). Read Hosea III and made my expository and practical Remarks thereon the forenoon Exercise. P.M. Read Heb. 11 and being the forenoon preparation took up my time, and I have been informed of the ill behavior of many Young Persons, I repeated Sermons on Prov. 29.1, former part to page 9. Mr. Bradshaw at Meeting.

1772 June 29 (Monday). Breck and Hannah return from Leicester between 10 and 11 o’Clock. We have a sore Hand with Elias’s Illness. He has been blistered. And various other Means are used, but without Effect. Mr. Bridge of Worcester here with another message (by Letter) to Mr. Bradshaw from Mr. Pain, to urge him to take their School. Mr. Bridge dines with us. He also brings Mr. Maccartys Request to Change with him next Sabbath but Mr. Fish had bespoke me to go to Upton, for he was here last Saturday in his Return from Concord and expected to go there again. Accordingly he was here again to day with his Delegates going to Concord. I rode up to Mr. Joseph Grouts, his youngest Child being Sick. Mr. Bridge aforesaid, being much discouraged as to Mr. Bradshaws being able to bear the Weight of the School, at present, goes up to Grafton to try for young Mr. Hutchinson to undertake it. In my returning from Mr. Grouts (where I had prayed with them in their Affliction) I called in at Capt. Jonathan Fay’s. Here arose a new scene of Trouble, for one Rose was there, a Shooe-Maker, who had worked lately at Mr. Hannaniah Parkers; and having heard his (Mr. Parkers) Disquietments with Me, told them to these Fays, who therefore had got them to complain of with Additions. I called Rose into the Room, and in my Defence I related nakedly what had been the very Truth of Fact in the two Articles which they had mentioned. One of which was relative to Brecks Setting up Trading. The other referred to Mr. Parkers buying me a Psalm-Book at Mr. Boyles’s. But Capt. Fay was disturbed about the Choosing the Choristers, and about the Deacons and Choristers having (as he said) Psalm Books given them, and about the Seating of the Meeting House etc. etc. When I got home found my Baldwins here, they having kept Sabbath at Concord, and now were on their way home. N.B. At Boston, by Means of their Brother Samuel they had lodged at Mr. Shaw’s. Elias is in great Affliction yet.

1772 June 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Bradshaw leaves us to go to Brookfield with Mr. Baldwin and his Wife. Catechized a.m. about 53 Boys. P.M. Catechized about 29 Girls. N.B. Deacon Wood was here with a Letter which he had received from his Son John at Colrain, which gives Account of the great scarcity of Corn in the New Towns above us.

1772 July 1 (Wednesday). Breck is White-Washing the House. My Wife makes me a dark-figured Callico Gown, which is a present of Brecks to me.

1772 July 2 (Thursday). A.M. visited Mr. Richard Barns, Mr. Abraham Bonds, Mr. Bathericks, and Mr. Hannaniah Parker—had discourse with her as well as with him, but neither of them Seem to be well Satisfyed, though I endeavoured all I could to mollify, and answer their Complaints. Met with Mr. Reuben Pratt, who confirms what we have heard of the Straits and Difficultys people in New Towns are exercised with for want of Grain. P.M. my wife went with me to Mrs. Kendals where was Celebrated the Marriage of her son Jonathan to Miss Sarah Brigham. Elias was better in the Day but was worse again at Night. N.B. wrote by Mr. Pratt to my Son Cushing.

1772 July 3 (Friday). Mr. Phinehas Bowman in his way to Cambridge calls and asks me to his Commencement. Old Mrs. Kelly came in to see us. The new marryed Couple Send Invitation to Sophia and Hannah to go over and See ‘em. They comply and ride together.

1772 July 4 (Saturday). Expected Mr. Fish from Concord and depended upon preaching at Upton, but he came not; It was to my great Disappointment.

1772 July 5 (Sunday). Read Hosea 4. An Expository Account of the forepart, to v. 5, with Practical Observations, was the forenoon Exercise. P.M. read Heb. 12. And preached again on Prov. 29.1, repeating what remained of the Discourse began last Sabbath. At Even came Mr. Emmerson of Concord from Upton, Mr. Fish preaching for him. He lodges here.

1772 July 6 (Monday). Mr. Emmerson to Concord. P.M. Mr. Fish—tells me why he disappointed me and asks forgiveness. Acquaints me with their proceedings in their Council: their sad Contests and Splitting. The minor part of the Council drew up and read publickly a Protest against the Result. Mr. Fish leaves me a Result which I copyed.

1772 July 7 (Tuesday). I preached at Mr. Daniel Hardys on Joh. 4.10. N.B. One Mrs. Harrington of Worcester there present, who Deacon Wood informed me was in great trouble of mind; to whom the Exercise was serviceable. Mr. Spring works here and lays a Floor on a Scaffold in my Barn.

1772 July 8 (Wednesday). My son Breck and Nathan Fisher (having Mr. Bellows Horse to carry Tools) sat out for Monadnock. Elias is So much better as to do Some Small Chores, yet is not well.

1772 July 9 (Thursday). Several Persons assist my Daughters in Quilting an handsome Callico Bed-Quilt, viz. Mrs. Hawes, Zilpah Bruce. P.M. came Mr. Merriam of Newtown, with his Wife and Wife’s Mother. Mrs. Maynard came with them and they returned with her. My son John at Even.

1772 July 10 (Friday). A Number more of Neighbours came to help quilt, viz. Mrs. Spring, Abigail Woodward, who dined here. P.M. Miss Polly Baker and Several others. N.B. a.m. came Capt. Bradford and his Wife, from Mrs. Allens of Shrewsbury, and Mr. Allen with them. They dined, drank Tea. They tarry over the Night. Breck returned. N.B. Mr. Hannaniah Parker made up Accounts with me. Paid £111.10.4, which was in full of 261.1.3 old Tenor or 34.16.2 L.M.

1772 July 11 (Saturday). Mrs. Allen takes Mrs. Bradford with her to Shrewsbury. Capt. Bradford returns to Boston. Nabby Woodward quilts and dines here. Ensign Warrin also and one Joseph Prebble of old York, a stranger, dined here.

1772 July 12 (Sunday). I Read Ps. 92; because I had not finished what I wanted to deliver on Hosea IV and I preached again on that Chapter, verses 4 and 6. P.M. read Heb. 13 and being prevented by various Hindrances I repeated sermon on Joh. 3.19 to p. 13. The 6th Article of the propertys of Light was omitted for want of Time and strength.

1772 July 13 (Monday). Went up the Street on divers necessary Occasions. Was at Breakfast at Neighbour Arnolds. Mr. William Bowman of Brookfield brings me a Letter of Gratitude from My Kinsman Bradshaw. Mr. Hall of Sutton brings Burroughs Vol. 1.

1772 July 14 (Tuesday). Sat out early for Cambridge. Breakfast at Coll. Buckminsters. Am informed that Miss Henrietta Overing at Dr. Wilsons, Hopkinton, was lately married to Mr. [blank] Jones and is brought to bed of 2 Children.5 Called at Deacon Browns. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Capt. John Tainters. Hear that Mr. John Stearns is become distracted. Could not but go to See him. Saw the miserable Man in a Chamber, very naked, chained and wild: the poor Woman much distressed for him. Lodged at Capt. Daniel Whitneys.

1772 July 15 (Wednesday). Attended the Commencement at Cambridge. Cousen Thomas Barrett takes Care of my Horse (for there I put up). Visit Brother and Sister Champney. Dined in the Hall. At Sir Bowmans, Sir Whitneys etc. The publick Assembly very Splendid. N.B. p.m. Ladys of Quality took possession of the Foreseat instead of the Overseers. At Dr. Appletons at Evening where was Dr. Haven and Lady. One of their sons was graduated. I Supped there. Lodged at Barretts. N.B. William Crosby, having conducted unfitly, especially ungratefully to my Son Forbes, who was bound for him, has absconded. Mr. Bradshaw (now at Brookfield) has his 2d Degree.

1772 July 16 (Thursday). Went to Boston. My Cousen Bailey has a Son—named Samuel Proctor. Mr. Mather preached the Lecture on Joh. 16.14. I dined at Dr. Cooper’s, where Mr. Rand, Lawrence, Hitchcock, and a Number of other Ministers din’d. P.M. at Mr. Richard Cranch’s, to whom I committ my Watch. N.B. William Henderson was there, but I did not care to employ him. At Brother Williams with other Heirs of my Mother to settle our Accounts to this Day. £8.10 old Tenor my Share of money actually received by Sister Parkman from divers of the Tenants. The Heirs (except Cousen Oliver, who was Sent for, but did not come) desire Mr. Loyd and Cousen Elias to take the Care of the House and Tenants till providence shall open some other way for the Disposal of it. I supped at Loyds, but lodged with my Son Samuel at Bradfords. N.B. Mr. Joseph Greenleaf (who fell under the Frowns of the Governor and Council last year, as or for Mucius Scaevola) came to Mr. Loyds, and was full of the same Spirit that had appeared publicly.

1772 July 17 (Friday). Bought several Books for my Neighbours, viz. Willisons Sacramental Meditations for Mr. Arnold, Mr. Edwards Life for Miss Elizabeth Whipple. Bought for my self, of Mr. Condy, Bennets Christian Oratory, 2 Volumes. Gave 3.10 old Tenor. Visit Mrs. Bailey in her Lying in. In my returning home, called at Mrs. Goddards in Weston and dined there. Called also at Mr. Bridg’s at Framingham. Arrive Safely, through Gods great Goodness, at home, and find all Well. D.G. Find here my Cousen Bradford who came with Mrs. Allen, Sister Cushing and Miss Lucy Cushing. My Son Cushing came also and lodged here. N.B. Mr. Zeph. Briggs and his Wife and Mr. Hammook here, before I got home.

1772 July 18 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing in going home, goes to Harvard to change with Mr. Johnson. My Kinswoman, Mrs. Bradford, is here with us. I prepare as well as I can, for one Exercise.

1772 July 19 (Sunday). Read Ps. 93 and 94. Delivered another Exercise on Hosea IV, that is, on v. 7 and 8. P.M. Read Jam. 1. Went on with my old preparations on Job 3.19. Admitted Mrs. Lydia Grout into the Church. N.B. Cousen Bradford able to go to Meeting p.m.

1772 July 20 (Monday). In Complyance with a Letter from Mr. Hutchinson I went to Grafton to attend a Church Meeting there. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons. At the Meeting I prayed. The aggrieved oppose the Appointment of the Meeting and will not own the Choice of the Moderator. Spent the time in Altercations. It is complained by the Aggrieved that Mr. Hutchinson had agreed with them to have the Meeting (the Business of which was to see whether they would accept the Result of the late Council) to have been some Friday passed, but that he neglected to, and appointed it on a Sabbath Day when none of them were present (for they will not attend on his public Exercises) and when the assembly was dismissed chose a moderator which they had no hand in. N.B. Stephen Prentice very coarse, rude, impudent, upon which I did not care to tarry—but being perswaded to Stay, I prevailed with them to condescend to one another and appoint another Meeting and unite also in choosing their Moderator. These they did. The Day to be this Day Month, and though I opposed Coming again, they unanimously besought me to come again. Even Prentice, Lt. Ward and Mr. Ephraim Sherman requested etc. The Meeting concluded without Prayer or Blessing. Returned home at Eve, Deacon Meriam and Mr. Nat. Whitney junior accompanying part of the Way.

1772 July 21 (Tuesday). It being an exceeding dry time, and my Pastures dryed up, I rode to Mr. Jonathan Forbes to get my Horse pastured—but tryed in vain. Dined at Deacon Bonds. P.M. was not very well. N.B. Mrs. Caryl Sent me a pair of Doves. Sent to Boston by Mr. Daniel Nurse.

1772 July 22 (Wednesday). Most reviving Rain last night and the Early part of the Morning. To God most gracious be all praise and Glory! Cousen Bradford Seems to recruit and gather good Spirits.

1772 July 23 (Thursday). Elias going to catch the Horse, was kicked in his Side, which causes him to lie by. I have received from Mr. John Hicks junior of Boston, printer, Mr. Isaac Ambrose’s works, which he bought for me at the late Vendue. It stands me £5.15 old Tenor.

1772 July 24 (Friday). Elias has not got over the Kick by the Horse, but is unhappily wounded by the fall of a Chizzell upon his Ankle. This cutt further adds to his Confinement. Old Mr. Arnold of Grafton makes me a very respectfull Visit. Endeavours to comfort me under the Affronts received at the late Church-Meeting. At Eve Phinehas goes to Mr. Thomas Bonds, where he has bargained for a Barrell of Cyder, for 50/ Old Tenor and with my Team brings it home.

1772 July 25 (Saturday). Breck has met with Loss in a Load of Staves, Sent to Boston, but upon their Culling, are not merchantable. He had ‘em of a Son of Deacon Warrin of Upton. He is gone over to See what can be done, for Satisfaction. At Mr. Silas Hills urgent request I lent him Ten Dollars.

1772 July 26 (Sunday). Read Ps. 95 and 96. Preached on Hos. IV.9.10.11. P.M. with Additions and great urgency delivered the Remainder of Sermon on Joh. 3.19. My Cousen Bradford did not go to Meeting p.m.

1772 July 27 (Monday). Am reading Expositions and Sermonizing. Mrs. P and Mrs. Bradford visit Mrs. Spring and Mrs. Newton. At Eve Mr. Aaron Crosby here from Onoquaque. Mr. Taylor from Shrewsbury but they go to Grafton.

1772 July 28 (Tuesday). A Remarkable Day for Brightness, and Burning Heat: but little Wind. Reapers are Phinehas, Breck and Elias. They break off at 11 a.m., for they began very early. They go to work again about 4 p.m. Before the Heat came on I waited on my Cousen Bradford with my Horse: and we rode northwardly and Southwardly for the Sake of an Airing. Cousen Bradshaw from Brookfield and lodges here.

1772 July 29 (Wednesday). Another Burning Day—but not So hot as Yesterday. I preached a Lecture to Such as could and would attend, on Mat. 13.39. I Sent to Boston by Mr. Edwards Whipple for a Kegg of Rum. Gave him £3.15 old Tenor. Mr. Richard Kelly came here with his Mother—and in his Cart brought her Bed, Chest, and a variety of other Goods. Mr. Bradshaw and Sophy went in the Doctor’s Chaise to Concord.

1772 July 30 (Thursday). It pleased God in His great Goodness to Send us a plentiful Rain, after a distressing Drought. Mr. Gilmore from Volentown came, in his Journey to Nutfield, and he lodges here.

1772 July 31 (Friday). The Morning was too rainy, but towards noon Mr. Gilmore left us. I have bought of him Mr. Joseph Fish of Stonington’s Examiners Examined. Price 15/ old Tenor.

1772 August 1 (Saturday). Mrs. Spring brought my Watch from Mr. Cranch of Boston. Breck helps Phinehas Sometimes; when his Shop will allow, and his Mother often keeps Shop for him. Mr. Bradshaw and Sophy return.

1772 August 2 (Sunday). I Spent my Self so much on my Preparations on Hosea 12.13.14, which I made my p.m. Exercise, that I could not finish a Discourse I endeavoured to compose on Eph. 5.2 for the Communion. I read Ps. 50 and took a sermon which was chiefly on v. ult. Altered and made Additions to it for the forenoon. Administered the Lords Supper. Miss Mary Steward, Mrs. Dunlop (with her Sister Kelly, who now lives here), Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Bradford, Mr. Bradshaw, and Ruth Bellows dined here. P.M. Read James 3. Preached ut Supr. on Hosea. At Evening family Exercise read a part of Mr. Mitchel on the Glorys of Heaven. I would be humble for my Leanness and Dryness; but bless God for Assistances afforded.

1772 August 3 (Monday). Mr. Bradshaw has Mr. Thomas Bonds Chaise and waits on Mrs. Bradford to Boston. Messrs. Crosby and Taylor, going to Boston, dined here.

1772 August 4 (Tuesday). Read chiefly Mr. Joseph Fish of Stonington’s Examiner Examined: or Answer to Mr. Backus’s Examination of Mr. Fish’s Nine sermons on Mat. 16.18. A Seasonable, judicious Piece. Mr. [sic] Dorothy Maynard, widow of the late Mr. Phinehas Maynard, here—was examined and accepted.

1772 August 5 (Wednesday). Phinehas not well—Sophy also: both take Emeticks. P.M. Mr. Arnold here, was examined and accepted. Breck, on Mr. Samuel Fays Horse, goes a Journey to Boston. At Night I began to read again in the Family, Dr. Doddridge’s Family Expositor, Vol. 1. It belongs to my Cousen Winter.

1772 August 6 (Thursday). Phinehas and Sophy are comfortable. I rode to Hopkinton to see Mr. Barrett. He is very weak in Body, but his Mind is somewhat free, and comfortable on Spiritual Accounts. He took an Opportunity to speak directly to me, and with great Seriousness. He Said, Mr. Parkman, “From the very time of this Stroke upon me (meaning the numb Palsey) I resigned my Self wholly to God; and I have trusted in Him—ever since—all along—and do. Want above all things in the whole world, that God may be glorifyed. When the night comes, that He may be glorifyed—and when the Light returns, I want He Should be glorifyed with it. And I want to continue no longer than He may have Glory by me. Every Moment may He be glorifyed! I have the Light of his Countenance Shining upon me. I am ready, when He shall see Cause, to go.” This Discourse very much rejoiced me. I dined there. I was a while at Mr. Fitch’s, but he was not at home. Met him as I was going to Capt. Clarks. We went there together. I returned home by Southborough, but neither was Mr. Stone at home. Their Family much better. Arrived in Safety. D.G. N.B. One Mrs. Johnson dyed Suddenly in Hopkinton yesterday. May the Lord make us Sensible how frail we are! And help us to get and keep ready!

1772 August 7 (Friday). My Chief attention is to my Preparation, in which Mr. Burroughs on Hosea is very useful. Though I was obliged to assist Phinehas in unloading Hay; and Read part of the Life of Old Mr. John Welch, minister of Air. Phinehas was not well in the Morning but he grew better afterward and worked pritty well.

1772 August 8 (Saturday). Messrs. Crosby and Taylor from Boston. Breck we hear has met with Trouble, for his Horse sickened and Suddenly dyed at Boston.

1772 August 9 (Sunday). We have had most terrible storms of Thunder, Lightning, Rain and Wind. One Clap of Thunder especially was very amazing, as if it would rend us to Destruction. O the majesty, the Glory, the mighty Power, and the Goodness of God! For we are preserved, and Safe! Glory to His great and glorious Name! O what a fearful Thing it is to fall into the Hands of the living, omnipotent God! We find this morning that the Thunder Struck one of the Stables, Mr. Andrews’s, and rent off the face board at the East End, and in some measure Shattered the Posts at each Corner. Mr. Aaron Crosby came this Morning to breakfast, and also dined with us. I read Job. 38 and preached on Hosea 4.15. P.M. I read James 4 and Mr. Crosby preached. His Text was Eph. 2.8. May God grant His Blessing! And make the Dispenser a great Blessing particularly among the Indians to whom he is Sent. At Eve I was in a great deal of Care about Breck, and how to get an Horse to him at Boston for his Return home. But after Bedtime he returned. He had got Mr. Loyds Horse, and so came up in the Chaise which he went down in. This delivered me out of much perplexity. Mr. Crosby lodges here.

1772 August 10 (Monday). Several Load of Hay at the Interval drenched. Dr. Crosby and his Brother.

1772 August 11 (Tuesday). Sister Martyn made us a visit after Dinner. Breck goes to Mr. Samuel Fay about his dead Horse. Submitts to Arbitration. They who judge upon the Case are Capt. Wood, Mr. Joseph Green junior and Mr. Thomas Whitney, but they do not determine it. Sophy rides to Capt. Maynards and lodges there.

1772 August 12 (Wednesday). Mrs. Kelly is poorly. Read Burroughs on Hosea. Am obliged to have Breck to help us, p.m. He brings home two Load from the Interval, and his Mother keeps Shop for him. [Nat.?] works to day but I did not know it.

1772 August 13 (Thursday). Mrs. Kelly Still indisposed. My Young hands are earnestly bent to our Business (haying). I am forced to leave my Study (my Sermonizing, reading etc.) and assist them in taking away (as Breck unloads) 3 Load of Hay. A Fourth is brought, but this Stands till Morning. N.B. Mr. Morse came from Boston, chiefly loaded for Breck but with Something for Mr. Bass, upon mention of which he falls upon me for my not visiting him Since he came to Town. I made my Defence. He Said the people grew uneasy at my neglecting him etc. I told him, the least said was Soonest mended. I heard well of Mr. Bass; and believed, by what I had Seen, he was a good Penman. I was willing to do him any Kindness that he Should Stand in need of. But it was not fit to play the Hypocrite, and go and congratulate him and bid him welcome, when his coming here to trade was So much to my Dammage, as it was to mine if it was to my son’s, inasmuch as I was obliged to provide for him, and could not do it any where else as I could here. And it would be doubtless to the Hurt of both, perhaps Several hundred pounds. And Breck had made a Business of informing him of his own Designs, and entreated him not to come; and this was so Seasonably as that it was before he brought any Goods here. But I did not want to have any Contest with him: and thought it best to let him alone. Mr. Thomas Twitchel was present and heard what I said. I also prayed Mr. Morse that he would rather promote peace, than be the means of any Misunderstanding among us.

1772 August 14 (Friday). Mrs. Kelly better, and follows her Business again. I am again forced to assist in the Mowing of Hay. I find it worrys Me much. But I return to my Study again. May the Lord Sustain and assist me!

1772 August 15 (Saturday). P.M. came my Son Samuel and with him Miss Sally Shaw, from Boston.

1772 August 16 (Sunday). Read Isa. 60. (I did not proceed in the Course of publick Reading, because I have not finished my Exercises on Hosea 4th.) Preached on Hos. 4.16.17.

1772 August 17 (Monday). Mr. Samuel Fay came with warm Resolutions and Threats, to my son Breck—demanding 5£ lawful Money for his dead Horse. I endeavoured to pacify him, and entreated some Forbearance, which he condescended to. My Argument with him to perswade him to Lenity was, my being obliged to go to Grafton immediately. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons and Attended the Church meeting at Grafton. Prayed—and then we proceeded to the Business of the Meeting, viz. to see whether they did accept of the Result of the Venerable Council of June 9th last. Which was voted in the Affirmative. Then voted to keep a Day of Fasting etc. on Wednesday next come 3 Weeks: and to request the 4 Ministers which had been recommended to them by the Council to perform the Services thereof. And finally this Meeting was adjourned to the Monday preceeding the Fast. The Meeting was concluded by Prayer. I designed to have returned home but night came on, and the Rain increased, so that I tarried at Mr. Hutchinsons and lodged comfortably there.

1772 August 18 (Tuesday). It was rainy but I designed home after Breakfast—In which I was notwithstanding prevented by my Horse being gone. This detained me till noon. Mr. Hutchinson borrowed his Neighbour Shermans mare, confining her Colt that She might the more certainly go back. Though we entertained hopes my Horse was gone home, yet it was not so—much perplexed, searched round about in vain. Nigh night Mr. Hutchinsons son Samuel brought the Horse to me. N.B. My Son Samuel and Miss Sally left our House Yesterday 2 p.m. in returning to Boston.

1772 August 19 (Wednesday). Wrote to Mr. Forbes of Brookfield by John Arnold, concerning my Great Coat, which probably Mr. Forbes, or Mr. Merick of Wilbraham carryed away when they went from hence. Old Mr. Arnold here. Shews much Gratitude for my Pains at Grafton. P.M. Mr. A. Crosby and his Brothers Son Samuel. They are now leaving us to go to Onoquage. He gives me the Names of the Indians who inhabit there. They take leave. Mrs. Kelly to Capt. Maynards.

1772 August 20 (Thursday). Mr. Abraham Taylor of Ashby here to take Advice concerning a preacher (particularly Mr. Bradshaw). At Breakfast with us. Breck is engaged about the building a New Store, and has employed Nathan Caruth to do the work. Old Mrs. Kelly returned here.

1772 August 21 (Friday). Am closely engaged and have been the greatest part of the Week.

1772 August 22 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1772 August 23 (Sunday). Read Isa. 61. Preached a. and p.m. on Hos. 4.17. P.M. Read 1 Pet. 1.

1772 August 24 (Monday). Made a Visit to Mr. James Maynards Family. He was not at home. His Wife asked me to pray—which I did. Visit at Mr. Childs. Dined there. Prayed with them. Was at Mr. Nurse’s and at Mr. Eleazer Pratts. Mr. Nathan Caruth and his ‘Prentice, Nathan Champney, begin to frame. They diet and loge [sic] here.

1772 August 25 (Tuesday). I leave Breck and the Carpenters to go to their work and Set out early to go to Ministers Meeting at East Sudbury. Call at Capt. Ezekiel Hows, and at Mr. [blank] Wheelers, who keeps Tavern. There was their poor sister Manson, who was disordered in Body and Mind. At her Request prayed with her. At our Meeting at Mr. Bridge’s were Messrs. Smith and Stone, and Mr. Goss. I was moderator and prayed. Candidates there also were Messrs. Marrit and Abraham Wood. Gave the latter a further Approbamus. See minutes of Association. Mr. Stone and I rode to my son Williams and lodged there.

1772 August 26 (Wednesday). We rode, by Special Request, to Bolton. Called to see Mr. Gardner (who yet preaches). Dined at Mr. Goss’s; and Messrs. Zadiel Adams and Whitney of Shirly. At the Lecture in Mr. Goss’s House, I prayed. Mr. Adams preached a seasonable sermon on Ps. 133.1, “Behold how good” etc. After the Lecture the Church desired the Ministers would return in among them. We went in accordingly and the Substance of the Conference was first to Settle which was really the Major part of the Church when the important Vote of the Dissatisfyed was passed. The Brethren present asserted them Selves to be, and Shewed how the Number stood. Then they considered and took Advice upon a Proposal Mr. Goss made about his Dismission, on these Terms with the Aggrieved, viz. their retracting their Extraordinary Measures and granting Such Consideration for Dammages as Indifferent Persons chosen from other Towns should See meet and reasonable. But it was feared they would not comply. Could not get away till about sunsetting. I had Capt. Edward Johnson for Company some part of the way. Lodged at Mr. Whitneys. N.B. Mrs. Whitney was delivered of another Daughter, last night.

1772 August 27 (Thursday). I returned home. Hear that Mr. Samuel Fay has a 24th Child, and that Mr. Bass’s Wife is brought to Bed also. Hear that My Kinsman Bradshaw is gone to Brookfield to wait on his Aunt Winter to Boston, Mrs. Bailey being dangerously ill. A Cellar under the floor of the store in Digging.

1772 August 28 (Friday). The Proprietors of the Stables nigh the Stoore [sic], generally for the moving the stables, except Mr. Andrews and Mr. Richard Barns. I went to them and made ‘em Offer, to their Satisfaction. P.M. a Number of Hands (to 40) came together and moved the Stables aforesaid—and the Shop—and raised a store 35 feet long; but 8 feet post. No Disaster. D.G. I made a Visit to Mr. and Mrs. Bass, in her new Circumstances, and am reconciled to them. Consent to Baptise the Child. Mr. Winter waits on his aunt Bradshaw here from Brookfield, and lodge here. Mr. James Maynard junior here, complaining of Deacon Bond and Capt. Jonas Brigham, as being Instruments of greatest Dammage to him.

1772 August 29 (Saturday). Mr. Bradshaw and his Aunt Set out before Breakfast for Boston. Mrs. Kelly visited her sister on the 27. Returns to Day.

1772 August 30 (Sunday). Read Isa. 62. Preached on Hosea 4.17. P.M. read 1 Pet. 2. Preached on 2 Cor. 2.16.

1772 August 31 (Monday). Elias goes to Leicester to his Brother Alexander for my Steers. I sat out on my Journey to Brookfield. Mr. Bangs of Hardwick my Company part of the way. I called at Mr. Maccarty’s, who was not at home. Mrs. Maccarty acquainted me with the sad News of Complaints at Holden against Mr. Davis, and that he had made a Confession of Some imprudent Behavior but nothing Vile. Refreshed my Self at Alexanders. Called at Mr. Conklings, where were Col. Joshua Henshaw and a Number of his Family. Engaged Mr. Conklin to preach at Westborough next Lords Day. Arrived at my son Forbes’s Some time before night; and lodged there. N.B. Mr. Forbes came home at Eve from Pelham. N.B. The Confirmation of Mr. Davis’s Case (so far as the Common Reports) fills me with sorrowful Reflections. Let him that thinks he stands etc. Ah! What a wound to Religion! How our Hands are weakened, and multitudes hardened in Sin!

1772 September 1 (Tuesday). Visited my Son Ebenezer and his Family: also my son Baldwin and his, where I dined. Visited several Neighbours. Particularly was at Capt. Wits, Mr. Samuel Hardys. Lodged at my son Baldwins.

1772 September 2 (Wednesday). Was willing to attend the Ministers Meeting at Mr. Jones’s, Western. Went with Mr. Ruggles and Mr. Forbes, and their Wives. Was obliged to preach the Publick Lecture. Mr. Ruggles prayed. My Text was Ps. 139.23.24. The Rain prevailed so that many Stayed there. I lodged with Mr. White of Hardwick. N.B. At this Meeting there were 12 Ministers and 2 Candidates. May God add His Almighty Blessing!

1772 September 3 (Thursday). In returning to Mr. Forbes’s, Stopped at Mr. Wards. Dined at my Son Ebenezers. P.M. visited Mr. Joseph Bruce’s. Lodged at Ebenezers. N.B. My Daughter P________ relates divers Things in Defence of her Daughter Betty against what her Aunt Moore had writ, and against what her Grandmother had Said of her to Mr. Bradshaw—what also her Aunt Cushing had said of her—which gave me no Small Trouble.

1772 September 4 (Friday). Visit old Mr. Charles and Mr. Zebulun Rice. Went to Ebenezers Pasture on Grassy Hill. Dined at Mr. Forbes’s. Preached the Lecture on Joh. 1.11, and O that God would please to make it savingly beneficial to us all! At Eve Ebenezer and I had a great deal of Conversation in the Road concerning Elias (his Son), and of many Things, till somewhat late. I lodged at Baldwins. My Daughter B. indisposed.

1772 September 5 (Saturday). My other sons came to See me before I mounted to come away. Ebenezer and Lucy (upon my intimating that I wanted to prepare for settling my small Affairs) opened to me their minds concerning their Labors and sufferings etc. in their first beginning the world. I was variously affected with what they Said. I beg that Wisdom and Grace to do what is just and kind to my Own. My Son B. sat out with me to accompany me in a direct way to Mr. Asher Rice’s. We called to see old Mrs. Watson; where was her Son Draper: who was our Company through the woods, and (my son parting with me when I got near Mr. Drapers) he took me to his House and I dined there. After Dinner he was kind enough to with [sic] me to Mr. Rice’s, whose Cancer has prevailed upon his Nose, and one of his Eyes is Shut up. I discoursed with and prayed and took final leave, not expecting ever to see him again here. Parted there also with that kind Mr. Draper. May the Lord reward him! I hastened to Mr. Conklings, and lodged there. N.B. He was gone hours before.

1772 September 6 (Sunday). I preached at Leicester a. and p.m. on 2 Thess. 3.1. N.B. The Henshaws attended all our Family, as well as the public Exercises. At Eve went with my Son Alexander and lodged at his House. Still the Case of Mr. Davis is heavy on my Heart.

1772 September 7 (Monday). In the morning hastened to Mr. Maccartys. He was not come home from Chauxit, but Mr. Mellen was there. More of Mr. Davis, who is the Subject of Conversation. Called at Mr. Isaac Pratts (in Worcester), where I was entertained with much frankness. Hastened on to Grafton. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons. Three aggrieved brought another paper of Complaint against Mr. Hutchinson to be laid before the Church. Attended the Church Meeting as Moderator and prayed. Read the votes of the last, and the Business of this, Meeting. It was urged by the aggrieved that I would lay before the Church, the Paper brought to day, but I was not prepared and could not be; for one of the Articles referred to the Letter which Mr. Hutchinson sent to me dated July 13 last, which I had not with me. Therefore I declined communicating it till a proper time. Read Mr. Hutchinsons Confession (which now had some Addition). N.B. Mr. Hutchinson was obliged to attend a Funeral, viz. of Hannah Lawrence, Indian, in the time of the Church-Meeting. The Vote was put whether they were Satisfyed with Mr. Hutchinsons Confession. Out of 30 members present, but 12 lifted up their Hands: 18, including the 7 aggrieved, were on the Negative. It was conceived that a Number were stumbled by the Paper thrown in as abovesaid but when it was handed among them and read privately, two more, viz. Major Willard and Mr. [blank] Holbrook, manifested their acceptance of the Confession. Much reasoning and debating ensued—particularly how they could keep the Fast since they would not forgive. The Paper which the Brethren aggrieved had before presented which contained their Confession and the Consideration of which was part of our proper Business to Day, was not heard, because of the many Debates and strifes—and therefore was deferred to another time. The Church Meeting was adjourned to Wednesday next after the public Exercises. The Meeting concluded with the Blessing. I met with some harsh Oppositions; particularly from Mr. Stephen Prentice—and because I remarked the Custom among them of Such Numbers of the Congregation being suffered to be at Church Meetings, Mr. John Sherman (not of the Church) made a bold Reply. In returning home Mr. Nathaniel Whitney junior was company part of the way. Found my Tabernacle in peace. Blessed be God for this Favour! Am informed that last Tuesday Mr. Fish (by Desire) preached at the Family Meeting at Deacon Woods. His Text Ps. 115.1. And that Mr. Sumner preached in my Pulpit, for Mr. Conkling on the Lords Day, Aug. 30. Texts Jonah and Rom. 12.2. Breck has a Number of workmen who are Closing, digging, stoning etc. Messrs. Joseph Green junior, [blank] Green of Hopkinton, John Harrington, Nathan Fisher, Joseph Rice, Solomon Batherick, Increase Daniels.

1772 September 8 (Tuesday). A considerable Number again at work. Mr. David Forbush of Grafton here to talk with me of their Troubles. He behaved with Civility and Affection.

1772 September 9 (Wednesday). After many Conflicts in my own Mind, concerning the Miserable state of Grafton, who have appointed a Fast, and yet have not accepted Mr. Hutchinsons Confession and will not forgive him; I rode up there (my Daughter Sophy with me) hoping to See the Ministers which they had sent to besides; and consult with them but there was very little Opportunity for that. Mr. Hall and Mr. Maccarty came, but must presently go to Meeting. Mr. Hall began with prayer. Mr. Maccarty entertained us with a pertinent Discourse on Ps. 133. P.M. Mr. Frost not coming, Mr. Maccarty prayed and I preached on Phil. 2.1 to 5 v. And O that God would forgive and pardon! That He would accept and bless, us and this poor divided People! I stopped the Church according to adjournment. Lt. Ward and Ephraim Sherman in Church Meeting had still their ill-natured Reflections—which I was obliged to resent and Suppress. What was so contrary to all the fervent Exhortations they had heard, was too grievous for me to bear. I could not easily get rid of my Moderatorship, though I made attempts one time after another: but I desired the Church to join Mr. Hall and Mr. Maccarty and invite them to come—first adjourning to next Monday come Se’nnight, one p.m. N.B. Deacon Batchellor, and Deacon Merriam Seconding him, desired it might be Friday next, and it was voted—but in Condescension to Mr. Adams, Ward etc., receded—and the Motion for Monday come sennight obtained. I was glad to See that good Spirit towards their Brethren. I gave the Blessing at the Close of their Meeting. Sophy went with Mrs. Molly Taylor. I returned home, though in the Rain. Breck had fewer hands at work at his store. Daniel lodges here.

1772 September 10 (Thursday). [No entry.]

1772 September 11 (Friday). Mr. Smith made a Visit. Dined here. He desires me to preach the Brigham Lecture to young People in Marlborough next Thursday. The Rain prevents his Return home. He lodges here.

1772 September 12 (Saturday). Mr. Smith returns to Marlborough. Mr. Silas Warrin here for a Copy of the Votes of the Church of Grafton at the several Church Meetings which I have hitherto Moderated at. P.M. Alexander, his Wife and Child here from Framingham and set out again from hence for home. I was, of necessity, closely engaged.

1772 September 13 (Sunday). When I was much Straitned and unprepared, a kind Providence cast in here Mr. Josiah Sherman of Woburn on his Journey home from New Haven Commencement. He preached for me a.m. on Rom. 7.13, last Clause—sin exceeding Sinful—and p.m. on Rom. 3.28. N.B. he read the Chapters where his text lay. May God grant grace to profit by these excellent and fervent Discourses, and reward the Preacher! I Baptized Mr. Bass’s Child—Hannah. Mr. Sherman returned at Eve to Capt. Benjamin Fay’s, from whence He came in the morning. Have the Sorrowful News that Cousen Nanny Davis was yesterday delivered of a Child: a Son! May God grant her true Repentance!

1772 September 14 (Monday). Mr. Sherman, with whom is Mr. Peter Thatcher of Malden, and who preached at Grafton yesterday, called and took Breakfast. N.B. Mr. Sherman left me last Evening President Claps History of Yale College, which I read out by Sunrise. Mr. Jonathan Barns of Marlborough comes to acquaint me that the Brigham Lecture is not appointed by reason of some Difficulty with the Select men. He Shews me his Call by the Church in Hillsboro. Dines here. P.M. he returns. Miss Molly Taylor brings Sophy home: She has taught her to knit Lace etc.

1772 September 15 (Tuesday). Messrs. Hezekiah Taylor and Ephraim Sherman from Grafton here. Dined with us. Their Errand was to confer with me upon this Question, Whether Mr. Hutchinson had not writ to me that the Church Meeting (to which I was called to be moderator) was by the Desire of the aggrieved Brethren? For this was one of the Articles which they had complained of Mr. Hutchinson for in their last Paper, which was offered the 7th instant. P.M. Rode to Mrs. Kendalls to the Marriage of her Daughter Mehetabel to Nathan Fisher. N.B. A young man from Dartmouth College, Cornelius Waters,6 there: he is the present School-Master and boards there. I am now concluding my 69th Year: the Thought of which impresses my Mind and Heart. O that I might have a due Sense of it, and might properly improve it!

1772 September 16 (Wednesday). This Day I begin my 70th Year. Surprizing, astonishing, adorable Goodness and longsuffering of God! Vid. natal. Mr. Stone came. Dined with us and preached my Lecture on 1 Cor. 6.19, a Serious, profitable Discourse! May a divine Influence accompany it for our Spiritual Good! He returned home at Evening. At Night came Mr. Searl of Stoneham from New-Haven, and lodged here.

1772 September 17 (Thursday). Rev. Messrs. Trumble of North Haven, and Joseph Dann of Ipswich (Mr. Searls Company who lodged at Deacon Woods) called here this Morning. They all go on their Way, notwithstanding the Rain. N.B. Mr. Searl borrows of me Mr. Edwards on enslaving Negros. I made Extracts from Mr. Clap’s History of Yale College, and wrote to Mr. Pierpoint of N.H., which I shall committ to the Care of Mr. Trumble.

1772 September 18 (Friday). [No entry.]

1772 September 19 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1772 September 20 (Sunday). Read Isa. 63. Preached on v. 16. Administered the Lords Supper. A Number of Strangers, 8 or 9, partook with us. Master Waters, old Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read 1 Pet. 3. Preached once more on Hos. 4.17. N.B. My Kinsman Bradshaw came in the morning, and tarrys over the Sabbath with us.

1772 September 21 (Monday). Mr. Bradshaw setts out on his Journey to Brookfield and designs to go to Pelham to preach there. I went again to the Church Meeting at Grafton, according to adjournment. Rev. Messrs. Hall and Maccarty came. We dined at Mr. Hutchinson’s. We all went to the Meeting. Mr. Hall prayed. Unhappy altercations follow. Mr. Holbrook, Mr. Nathaniel Whitney and others desired that the late Transactions of the Church should be Re-considered. It was proposed, and voted Affirmatively. See the Records for the rest of the proceedings. But I may well remember, that from the Copy which I had given of Mr. Hutchinsons Letter to me, there arose great Disquietment (which had occasioned those mens coming to me on the 15th), for they had Supposed that to be in the Letter, which was not. For which Reason I produced the Letter it self and read it. This caused Surprize, and I was asked earnestly whether it was indeed the very Letter. It was affirmed by some of them that it was very different from what I read in the first Meeting. I offered to be deposed before a Magistrate that it was the Same and that I had not read any other as his Letter. I conceive they have made this Mistake, viz. At the opening of the Business of these Meetings, I desired Mr. Hutchinson to read his Record of the Votes of the Meeting of the Church when this Meeting was appointed or warned. This he did, and I suppose I did after him—and therein Mention is made of the Motion made by the aggrieved for a Church Meeting. Now this (my reading his Record) was probably what they imagined to be his Letter to me; which led them into Mistake; and they were so stirred as that (having put it into the late paper of Charge against Mr. Hutchinson and not finding they could Support it) they would now question my Faithfulness. It was remarked how strong, extensive and mischievous the power of prejudice. I hope that what I said gave satisfaction to the impartial. When they moved for further adjournment I told them they might not depend upon my Coming again. The Meeting was adjourned to Wednesday come fortnight. Mr. Maccarty prayed at the Close. Was obliged to tarry at Mr. Hutchinsons. Mr. Hall also. In the Eve came in there Two Deacons Merriam and Batchellor, Mr. Ephraim Sherman, Mr. John Prentice and others. N.B. Mr. Shermans Exception against Mr. Hutchinson for baptizing a Negro without Administering the Covenant to him. Mr. Hutchinson told us he judged he did, for he did it as he, the Negro, could bear—in such Language as, by its being familiar, he might understand—spoke Negro, That is, such broken words and accents as they Speak. Mr. Sherman hastily took him up, and asked him if he could speak Negro? And grew ready to accuse him for this, which was to us Surprizing. Lodged with Mr. Hall.

1772 September 22 (Tuesday). Mr. Hall and Mr. Hutchinson go to Mendon Association. I returned home. In my way Mr. Rockwood stops me at his Wall to lament their Case. Owns his mistaking my Reading at the former Meeting, which probably was Mr. Hutchinsons Record, for his Letter to me, and thereupon his thinking—he did not know what, of me. Says he is sorry etc. I called at Deacon Merriams and refreshed. Called at Mr. Silas Warrins, and he (as well as Rockwood) owns his Mistake of that Reading. Says he is sorry. His Wife crys bitterly; her Cry was that when I took such Pains, and out of Goodness, to serve them in their Difficultys, they Should reward me so ungratefully. I went that Road that I might call and See Mr. Nathan Leland and his Wife, who are come to live among us. Was at Mr. Thomas Twitchells. Before I got to Mr. Phinehas Hardys, my Horse stumbled, fell down, threw me off, upon the Ground, and it was wonderfull I escaped—but, through the Great Goodness and Mercy of God, I got up unhurt, and arrived here safe.

1772 September 23 (Wednesday). It was rainy a.m. but Phinehas was desirous to go to the Training at Lancaster; and having provided him an Horse, he went. Though I had Grass seed for him to sow at the Island, and other things for him to do, yet many were going, and he went. Sophy was very ill at Night. Letter from Mr. Moore of last Saturday; via Grafton. I transcribe the Votes for the Church at Grafton, and for Lt. Hezekiah Ward.

1772 September 24 (Thursday). Young Mr. Stone of Yarmouth, his Wife and Child, here. Two more letters from Mr. Moore, viz. of the 10th and another before that time. Phinehas has come in the morning from Lancaster. At Eve Mrs. P________, having been not well, takes Physick. I write to Mr. Moore.

1772 September 25 (Friday). Go to Southborough and dine there. Send my Letter to Mr. Moore by young Mr. Stone. Return home in safety. D.G.

1772 September 26 (Saturday). I rode to Hopkinton. Met Mr. Fitch coming to Westborough. I called to see Mr. Barrett, who is more decayed and w[o]rn. His Brother Deacon B. and his wife there. I lodged at Mr. Fitch’s. His young Child ill.

1772 September 27 (Sunday). Preached at Hopkinton on Hosea 4.17 a. and p.m. Dined at Mr. Barretts and after Meeting—Mr. B. had a fit, fainting away, but he came to. Prayed with him. Mr. Fitch (who preached at Westborough on Col. 3.[ blank]) returned, and I went with him, and lodged there again.

1772 September 28 (Monday). The Child better. Visit Mr. B. and prayed with him. Return home. Mr. Samuel Fay here. He desires me to draw a Petition for a Contribution, being under great straits.

1772 September 29 (Tuesday). Breck to Boston. I Catechized a.m. There were only 20 Boys. And p.m. I went to the Meeting House, but there came only one little Girl. I stayed till a quarter after three. The time appointed (I suppose) was 2. Yet there came no more, so I returned. Read Mr. Lorings Adversaria in MS. No. 10. I am sorry that Brecks work at the shop is drawn out so long, in finishing Such a store. John Harrington and Nathan Fisher from Day to Day—Caruth to Day in Plaistering, and Joseph McCullock to tend him Yesterday and part of to Day. Phinehas can only do a few Chores, by reason of the Rain.

1772 September 30 (Wednesday). The Rain hinders my going to Sudbury, as I proposed, with Mr. Stone, to enquire after Mr. Lorings Diary, which I understand he has left to us. Wrote to Mr. Stone. I am much obstructed in reading by Sore Eyes.

1772 October 1 (Thursday). Rode to Shrewsbury Lecture. In my way called at Mr. Samuel Fays, and read to him a Petition which he had desired me to draw for him. He likes it well, and desires this may be read publickly. Dined at Mr. Sumners. I preached the Lecture on 1 Joh. 1.3 to page 13. Returning had Dr. Crosby’s Company. N.B. He says Coll. Whitcomb speaking to him of great Genius’s becoming crazy, he said, “there is our Deacon Baker, the sensiblest man we have, is sometimes so out, that he can’t follow his Business”; and this the Doctor also confirmed. Called again at Mr. S. Fays to see when he would sign his Petition? In Answer thereto, he desired me to sign it for him—and called old Mr. James Maynard to witness to it; and he accordingly took due notice of it. Came home in safety. Thanks be to God for it!

1772 October 2 (Friday). Breck from Boston. My Sister in law, Miss Lydia Champney, with my Son Baldwin, and little Eli Forbes came. Also Mr. D. Hitchcock and Wife. They all lodge here.

1772 October 3 (Saturday). The Company leave us for Brookfield.

1772 October 4 (Sunday). Read Isa. 64. Preached on Hos. 4.18.19. Mr. Waters dined here. P.M. Read 1 Pet. 4. Preached on Luk. 8.18, using from page 12 and of Sermon on Continuation of p. 12 to p. 7 of said Continuation [sic]. Read Mr. Samuel Fays Petition for a Contribution.

1772 October 5 (Monday). Lt. Hezekiah Ward of Grafton here requesting Copy of Votes of the late Church Meeting at Grafton, Sept. 21, which I gave him. At Evening I sent the Bundle of Papers relative to Grafton Affairs, to Mr. Hutchinson by Miss Molly Taylor with a Letter that I Should not go up there on Wednesday. My son Cushing and his Wife came from Boston and last from Waltham, where they kept sabbath. They lodge here.

1772 October 6 (Tuesday). Another Letter from Mr. Hutchinson, praying me to attend the meeting tomorrow. I have told Lt. Ward and Capt. Brooks that I had appointed to go to Sudbury concerning Mr. Lorings Papers. Was at Lt. Bakers. He shews me a Letter to him from Bolton, containing Lists of Church members there. P.M. Mr. Cushing and his wife attend the Family Meeting at Mrs. Newtons. And he preaches on Act. 8.39, last Clause. At Eve Capt. Brigham and Dr. Hawes came in and acquaint me with the Desire of many persons that if there shall be a Contribution for Mr. Samuel Fay, it may be delivered to the Care of some fit Person or Persons. The Deacons were named etc. etc.

1772 October 7 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing and his Wife leave us early to go to Shrewsbury and thence home. Had designed to go to Mr. Stones about Mr. Lorings Papers, but it rained, and afterwards proved stormy. I pity the miserable Condition of poor Grafton. May the Lord extend Compassion to them! The storm is so great that it is doubtful whether either Mr. Hall or Mr. Maccarty can be with them. Read in Dr. Appleton of being led by the Spirit, his Six Discourses. At Eve Deacon Wood makes me a visit. The chief Thing he came about seems to be to let me know that the People will not be willing to contribute to Mr. Fay unless it be committed to the Care of Some suitable Person or Persons to dispose of it for the Familys Good.

1772 October 8 (Thursday). It is a more than ordinary rainy time. It seems to be in judgment. Men have a great deal of Business to do, but cannot do it. My own man in particular. I am reading Expositors on Hos. 5.

1772 October 9 (Friday). Mrs. Hawes brought her aged Mother to see us. They drink Tea with us. Still the distressing Rains and the Cloudy Weather continue; except that sometimes the Sun has broke out, and there is much less wet to day. It is feared the Indian Corn will suffer in the Field; moulding in the Husk. At Evening came Mr. Jonathan Child to forward his owning the Covenant, but I was obliged to delay it, and lent him Bishop Beveridge’s private Thoughts.

1772 October 10 (Saturday). Mr. Stone writes me that Mr. Nathan Loring has brought him his Fathers Diary.

1772 October 11 (Sunday). Read Hosea 5 and preached a.m. on the first 4 verses. Dined here Mrs. Spring. P.M. Read 1 Pet. 5. In preaching went on with the Continuation of page 12 of Sermon on 2 Cor. 2.16 from p. 7 to p. 11, but had Luk. 8.18 for the Text, as that was most suitable. N.B. I was not aware that I had repeated them before now. N.B. The writing being Small, I was obliged to use spectacles and therefore borrowed Deacon Woods for this afternoon. I perceive my Eyes are not as heretofore. The Lord sanctifie this Token of my Decay, to me.

1772 October 12 (Monday). I rode to Grafton and a.m. attended the Church Meeting as Moderator again: and prayed. Rev. Messrs. Hall and Maccarty there also. The aggrieved Brethrens Paper of Sept. 7th, by Desire, was read. Question put whether it should be sustained? It passed in the Negative. And by the Church’s Consent it was returned. N.B. Mr. Isaac Harrington affirmed to the Church that I, at the first Church Meeting, did read a Letter or what I said was a Letter, from Mr. Hutchinson and which was not the Same with that Copy which I sent—or the Original which I at another Meeting afterwards read as Mr. Hutchinsons and that there were 20 persons besides which could testify the same. See on Sept. 21. I urged for Dissolution of the Meeting. Put it to a Vote—but they would not vote it. I repeated it—but still there was no Vote. The Meeting was adjourned to this Day fortnight, 9 o’Clock precisely. N.B. The aggrieved desire they may have a Friendly Conference with Mr. Hutchinson at his House next Thursday at his House, and he to invite such as he pleases of his Brethren. He consents. N.B. Mr. John Sherman, after Meeting, tells me he has been disquieted with me these 17 Years—and relates what I know nothing of—could remember nothing in the world about it. But asked his pardon if it were so. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons. Return home. One Mr. Ebenezer Tufts of Medford my Company part of the Way. Says Mr. Turell is not able to preach. Master Waters here—and lodges.

1772 October 13 (Tuesday). Visit old Mr. Stretton at Lt. Harringtons. Dine there. Visit Ensign Miller. Return to Harringtons and Examine Nathan Fay—and his Wife. Visit at Mr. Ebenezer Millers. When I came home here was old Mrs. Dunlop, who came to See her sister Kelley; and She lodges here.

1772 October 14 (Wednesday). I rode to Southborough, my Daughter Hannah with me. We dined at Mr. Stone’s. I preached the Lecture on 1 Pet. 1.8. O that God would add His Blessing. I am in hopes I felt something of the Sweetness of the word of God. But have abundant Reason to be deeply humbled for my low Experiences. O how gracious it is in God to order it so that such as we, who never saw the Lord Jesus Christ, may yet so believe and love, as that we may rejoice with the exceeding Joy of the Saints, which is unspeakable and full of Glory! Mr. Stone delivers me Nine Books of F. Lorings Diary. In returning home, it being cold, we called at Dr. Hawes’s. N.B. The Doctor, having took Licence, has begun to Retail.

1772 October 15 (Thursday). Began to read the Diary aforesaid. Letter from Rochester of the 5th. Mr. Hall of Sutton here. Nathan Fay here at Eve, on the Affair of his Examination. Capt. Maynard and Mr. Timothy Warrin have made a Visit to Mr. Samuel Fay, and they turn in here to desire me to acquaint the Congregation that Mr. Fay will be Satisfyed with the Collections being put into the Hands of the Deacons, that the improving of it may be under their Care; and that he shall take it kindly if the people contribute to him of whatsoever they think best.

1772 October 16 (Friday). I read the latter part of the Book of indian Dialogues, to the two aged women here, a.m. But Mrs. Dunlop leaves us—and that in a very gracious and affectionate manner. May the Lord be with her Spirit and may her fervent prayers at parting be graciously and abundantly answered! Sophy to Shrewsbury. P.M. Cousen Sally Brigham with her Sister Maynard came to See us. Forwarding my preparations.

1772 October 17 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1772 October 18 (Sunday). Read Isa. 65. Preached on Hosea V.1–4. Mr. Waters dined here. P.M. Read 2 Pet. Ch. 1. Went on with the Subject from Luk. 8.18 and finished the Repetition of that Continuation of page 12 of Sermon on 2 Cor. 2.16 and in the Close delivered some Quickenings and Directions in the Duty of Charitable Contributions. After Sermon we had a Contribution for Mr. Samuel Fay. I fear it is but small. Many Persons have manifested great Dissatisfaction with him for what they have understood of his Conduct towards his Wife and Children—but I hope he is more humble and meek, now he is brought into so great Straits and Difficultys. May the Lord pity and re[lieve?] him—blessing to him what has been Collected this Day for him! The Lord pardon us wherein we have been deficient and accept graciously our Offering, be it more or less!

1772 October 19 (Monday). Deacon Wood informs me that there is great Trouble at Ensign Jeduthun Fay’s: That his son came earnestly to him this morning to desire him to go to their House—that he found Mrs. Fay in a distressed Condition by Reason of the great Confusions and Contests in the Family arising from their different sentiments in Religion. A number of Neighbours, about 30 old and young, came about 9 or 10 o’Clock to husk my Corn. I committed the whole matter of their Refreshments and their Dinner to them, to have every thing relating thereto when and as they Should please. Accordingly They had Liquor and Bread and Cheese to their Satisfaction, but they did not choose to have the dinner till they had done husking the Corn, which was carted. A Load was left in the Field. This they could not meddle with because what was brought held them till sunsett. I went out to them not less than three times to entreat to have their Food, and See that they had Drink enough. But yet two, Mr. Tainter and Mr. Biglow, appeared offended and I was told that some went away—but a Number returned again and stayed to eat with us. The abovementioned were also pacifyed. The Two Deacons (especialy Deacon Wood), together with other elderly Men, conducted the Affair. The Corn was very Moist, having been greatly Soaked by the late great Rains.

1772 October 20 (Tuesday). The Ministers Meeting here, but only Messrs. Smith and Goss of the Association here. Mr. Fitch came, but did not speak of joining with us. I was chose Moderator but Mr. Goss prayed. Capt. Ezekiel How of Sudbury brought me a Letter from the Church of the West side to desire Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. Jacob Biglow, their Pastor. This Day an Ecclesiastical Council, I suppose, are met at Holden on Account of Some imprudent (if no worse) Conduct of Mr. Davis—to our great Astonishment! O that God would please to sanctifie these dark, sorrowful Dispensations to excite Self-search, deep Humilliation and Vigilant Circumspection!

1772 October 21 (Wednesday). Distressing Rains. Am reading Mr. Lorings Diary. Am deeply abased. O how worthless I am! How short I fall! Mr. Daniel Forbes here with a Message from Mr. Hutchinson to entreat me not to fail to attend at the Church meeting there. Mr. Forbes informs me Mrs. Fay (Ensigns Wife) had Fitts last night at Mr. Nurse’s: but she is got home to day.

1772 October 22 (Thursday). Catechetical Exercise. 22 Young Women. Preached to them on the Nature of God. Gave at the End (besides the former uses) a close application according to the present state—a Number of our young people having been guilty of Fornication. May the Lord grant them the Grace of unfeigned Repentance and Reformation and Others be admonished and Cautioned! Mrs. Wilson of New Brantry, and Mrs. Caryl here to see their Aunt. Hear that Mrs. Fay abovesaid has a Fever; and is insane. Wrote by Josiah Newton to Mr. Jacob Biglow at Waltham, that I did not know him etc. Received a Letter from Rochester of the 18, and that on the 19th 6 o’Clock a.m. my Daughter Moore was in Travel; has women about 2 Hours. May the Omnipresent and All sufficient God be with her as the Matter may require! Though I hope by this time she has happily experienced Deliverance. Capt. Jonas Brigham here, and very Curteous.

1772 October 23 (Friday). Ventured to make a Visit to Mrs. Fay. Found the Ensign not well, but his Wife delirious. Their Daughter, Mrs. Rhoda Maynard, much overcome. I conversed as I could, but was not asked to pray. However, Several of the Young Persons Said they hoped I would not forget them. Dr. Ball there and informs me that the Council at Holden is over, and that Mr. Davis is dismissed. A Most sorrowful Dispensation! May God grant me Grace to make proper Reflections! and O that Others, that I, may be kept from falling, and dishonouring our holy Office. Old Mr. Arnold was here Yesterday and to day, urging me to go again to the Church Meeting at Grafton. And towards Evening came Mr. Hutchinson himself. He desires he may find in me a Father and a Friend. Discovers to me what he purposes; and prays me not to deny his Request of my attending their Meeting this once more. After much importunity and reasoning with me upon it, I can’t withstand—but do Consent to go. He has been at Holden and attended on the Council; heard the Accusations, the Speeches and Result. I don’t understand that he was charged with any Gross Act: but So much was found, that it was evident all his Usefulness there, was over. Therefore Mr. Davis asked a Dismission; is accordingly dismissed; but by his humble Address is restored to the Charity of the Church, and if he shall behave well, after 3 Months (during which Time he is suspended from Preaching), he may be again recommended to Service in the Churches. The Lord Pity him and give him Repentance unto Life! And O that God would graciously compassionate our state who remain in the Ministry! We know not what to think or say. We are confounded, and Cast our Selves into the Dust. Horror hath taken hold of me, because men forsake the divine Law! Ezra Ripley from College came. Lodged here.

1772 October 24 (Saturday). Ripley to Brookfield. Dr. Crosby came in kindly to inform me of what had been done at Holden, and Shew me the Result. He was one of the Delegates and took a Copy of it. This also he is Obliging enough to give me. He informs of a Court held to day at Squire Whipple on Account of a Number of rude Fellows at Shrewsbury who there abused a poor Woman said to be one Widow Goff. Charles Brigham Esq. was here beseeching me to attend the Church Meeting at Grafton next Monday.

1772 October 25 (Sunday). Read Isa. 66. Preached on Amos 5.5. Master Waters and Ruth Bellows dined here. P.M. Read 2 Pet. 2. Preached a sermon I heretofore delivered, on Isa. 55.8. N.B. The Children of Jeduthun Fay desire prayers for their Mother. I hear there are two School masters in Town besides Waters.

1772 October 26 (Monday). According to my Promise to Mr. Hutchinson and in complyance with several Others who sollicited me, I went again to Grafton to the Church Meeting. Messrs. Hall and Maccarty came also. Mr. Hutchinson apprized us of his Design of asking a Dismission and shewed us a Paper which he designed to present us to be read to the Church. But we went to the Meeting in the form which had been planned for this adjournment. Mr. Hall began with Prayer. I proposed the Business of the Meeting—but did not go far into either Article. Mr. Hutchinson gave me his Paper exhibiting his Desire, which was read—I suppose to the Churchs Surprize. But it being directed to us the Moderators we desired to have a little Space to conferr together and therefore adjourned to one p.m. When we had dined and returned, having drawn up our Minds in a paper [which?] was read to the Church. The Church (with reluctance indeed) voted that they conformed to it. And as we therein advised to call a Council of five Churches to Conduct the solemn Affair of Dismission, So the Church Voted it and proceeded to nominate and vote them. They were Westborough, 1st in Sutton, Worcester, 1st in Shrewsbury, and Mr. Leonards in Woodstock. Mr. Hutchinson offered to have the Council at his House, but the Church chose a Committee both to Sign Letters Missive, and to take Care respecting Provision for the Council. The Meeting was dissolved. Mr. Maccarty prayed. After meeting I talked with Mr. Isaac Harrington and told him how probably, his and his Neighbours great Mistake was made, viz. through their apprehending that I read Mr. Hutchinsons Letter to me, when I read the Record of the preceeding Meeting. He went away Satisfyed. Mr. Maccarty drew a Letter Missive, whereby to form the rest. I gave Mr. Hutchinson solemn Charge to consider deeply and lay to Heart this awful Dispensation of divine Providence which he was himself so much the Cause of; and to labour to become truely and deeply humbled before God for all is [sic] Defects and Miscarriages, Such especialy as he had himself owned and acknowledged and that he might be verily Sincere—which if he was then he would not try to mitigate and palliate etc., for extenuating aggravates etc. etc. Returned at Eve. Mrs. P________ is poorly from Day to Day. Complains of an heavy, distressing Load at her stomach: and many times reaching to Vomit.

1772 October 27 (Tuesday). Employed chiefly in looking over and Correcting sermon Notes for the Brigham Lecture. Mr. Stacy here. [but?] is disappointed. He wants me to marry him next day; when I must be at Marlborough. At Night especially Mrs. P________ grew much indisposed and goes to bed before prayer. She is greatly oppressed with an heavy load at her stomach, attended with sickishness, reaching to vomit etc.

1772 October 28 (Wednesday). Mr. Fitch came. Dined with me, and preached my Lecture on Rom. 3.24, “Being justifyed freely by His Grace” etc. A good Discourse and Awakening. The Lord make it profitable to us. After Lecture our three Schoolmasters were here, viz. Mr. Manasseh Smith, Mr. [blank] Barnard, and Master Waters.

1772 October 29 (Thursday). I rode to Marlborough. Called at Coll. Williams. Got a Copy of Record of my 13 Acres and 14 Rods. Dined at Mr. Smiths. Mr. Stone was there. I preached the Brigham Lecture on Prov. 4.10. Had a Letter from Mr. Jacob Biglow (instead of Seeing him there) by which I can have no hope of any Acquaintance with him till the Day of Ordination. Mr. Smith takes advice relative to a Dismission. When I came home, found my Son William here. Sophy to Upton and brings Miss Hannah Fish to work here. N.B. My Young Cattle were drove home from Coi’s Hill, by Neighbour Newton and Six yearlings of Son Baldwins.

1772 October 30 (Friday). Phinehas Forbes, having filled up his Time with me, now leaves me. I have him a promissory Note for 11£ lawful Money with Interest. N.B. As soon as Phinehas was gone, Discovered my 3 Stacks of Husks were so wet as to take Dammage. Neighbours Newton and Joseph Bond killed my Brown steer of 4 Years, being good Beef.

1772 October 31 (Saturday). Yesterday being rainy could not have any thing done to Save my Stacks of Husks, though they Smoked visibly. To Day (depending upon Mr. Jonathan Barns to preach for me), I went out, and prevailed with Mr. Moses Nurse and Mr. Thaddeus Warrin to come and pitch off the Stacks and Spread the Husks abroad, and ventured to let them lie so over the Sabbath, they being too wet to make up again. Mr. Barns did not come. I was much perplexed—but set my Self to get ready in Case he Should not. My Son William returns to Concord and takes with him a 2 year old Steer and a fat Heiffer which I have Sold him.

1772 November 1 (Sunday). In the Morning came Mr. Barns from Marlborough to assist me. Miss Hannah Fish with us. I read publickly Lev. 10. Mr. B. preached on Lev. 10.3 a. and p.m. I administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Manasseh Smith dined with us. P.M. read 2 Pet. 3. N.B. Old Mrs. Dunlop very ill. Mr. Barns returned to Marlborough. Prayed him to acquaint Mr. Josiah Bridge who (I suppose) is at Marlborough with my Difficulty with regard to the Sudbury Ordination.

1772 November 2 (Monday). Visit Old Mrs. Dunlop and pray with her. An excellent Woman! Has much experience in the divine Life. N.B. As I went there visited at Lt. Harringtons; and talked again with their Daughter Fay. Took in Mrs. Harrington to hear the Questions put to her. P.M. their son Fay worked for me—taking Care of my Stalks etc. At Eve came Ezra Ripley, and lodged here.

1772 November 3 (Tuesday). Ripley goes to Cambridge. I wrote by him an Answer to Mr. Jacob Biglow. Nathan Fay works for me. It would have been private Meeting at Lt. Bakers, but it is prevented by the Town Meeting. I hear the Town have voted 50£ Old Tenor for my Wood this year ensuing.

1772 November 4 (Wednesday). Nathan Fay still. Breck has one Benjamin Cogswell to work on his Store. I rode to Hopkinton, being Sent for, to visit Mr. Barrett; he is now exceeding low and will doubtless very soon leave us. Mr. Fitch’s son Elijah is very bad with the Canker. Went there and prayed with them. Dined at Mr. Barretts. Prayed with him at his Desire—but He is capable of very little Conversation. I took Solemn, endearing, and I fear final, Leave of him. Returned home at Eve. Ebenezer tertius here from Cambridge, and lodges here.

1772 November 5 (Thursday). Ebenezer goes to his F’s at Brookfield. Nathan Fay yet. At night I marryed Mr. John Ball of Northborough to Miss Molly Baker (the late Squire Bakers Daughter).

1772 November 6 (Friday). Have been informed that one Buss of Chauxit, a youngish, but marryed Man, hanged himself last sabbath Day: and that a Clark at Boston, a Sea faring man, a Master, hanged himself about the Same time. Blessed be God for restraining Grace! May God Save me from Envy, Discontent, Malice, Melancholy Gloom; and May I, by Help from God, be enabled to improve rightly my Life, Reason, Comforts and Talents! And let the Thoughts of Death, Judgment and Eternity be so ballanced with divine Supports and Consolations that they may not overwhelm me! I desire to committ my Soul to God. May the Lord preserve me from this time forth and for ever! Mr. Joseph Harrington informs me that the Church of Chauxit was Sorrowfully disturbed last Lords Day by the presence of Sundry Bolton members desiring to communicate, whom Mr. Mellen did not care to administer to: and there being a majority for admitting them Mr. Mellen left them.

1772 November 7 (Saturday). Miss Hannah Fish goes home, and my Daughter Hannah with her. Mr. Jacob Biglow made me a Visit, with his uncle Thomas with him. John came from Brookfield. Has had a bad Cut upon his left Thumb, which is yet a troublesome sore. Nathan Fay goes home. I was very much engaged to Day, in my Thoughts on this being the last Day of the 48th year of this Church, and since my Ordination. May the Lord be graciously pleased to help me in humbling my self in a penitent manner for my many Sins and great unprofitableness!

1772 November 8 (Sunday). Rejoice before God for His Great Goodness to me and to this Church in permitting us to begin a New Year! Read Ps. 145. Preached a.m. on Hosea 5.5. P.M. Read 1 Joh. 1 and because of the present Occasion with us, preached on v. 7, latter part. O that God would graciously Vouchsafe this Benefit to Me! Read Letter from Sudbury Church—another from Grafton Church.

1772 November 9 (Monday). Hear that Mr. Fitch’s son Elijah is dead. I dined at Mr. Nathaniel Whitneys. Was at Mr. Jonathan Grouts. John meets me to give me the Sorrowful News from Rochester, that Suse was nigh Expiring last Evening and a Man was come on Purpose to acquaint me with it. I hastened home—found here a man who came Express, with a moving Letter from Mr. Moore, writ at 4 p.m. yesterday, and the Bearer, Mr. Eleazer Barrow, sat out when the sun was about 1/2 an hour high; and arrived here before two this afternoon; informing that my Daughter had been delivered above a fortnight before; has a Daughter—but her self was taken very ill last Saturday, and grew so bad the Doctors judged last Evening that She would not live till morning; and I was desired to hasten to her. I proposed to go in a Chaise. We provided one—but could not get a suitable Horse. My own was too young. Breck and John ran from Neighbour to Neighbour in Vain. Mrs. Wood, Deacons wife, offered hers for Mrs. P________ to ride Single. I accepted of it—but was obliged to defer till Morning. Mr. Barrow lodged here. Deacon Wood keeps the Horses; and I desired the Deacons Bond and Wood, to go to the Ordination at Sudbury, without me, and left the Letter missive for them accordingly.

1772 November 10 (Tuesday). Early in the Morning Mrs. P________ and I sat out on single Horses, for Rochester, in Company with Mr. Eleazer Barrow, who came for us. Mrs. P________ was favoured with a good Horse by Deacon Wood. In Hopkinton, beyond Mr. Caryls, my Horse fell and threw me off. My right Foot was unhappily under his side, crush’d so as to be bruised and sprained. But we called to see Mr. Barrett (who was become very weak, and chiefly confined to his Bed), and Mrs. Barrett was so kind as to bath and bind up my Foot, and with Barrows Boots on my Leggs, rode on—to Mr. Fitch’s. Left my Horse with him; he readily granting His. Called at Mr. Prentice’s at Holliston, who is confined with the Gout. Proceeded to Mr. Bucknams (by help of Mr. John Leland who piloted us through the difficult way), and we dined there. Oated at Man’s Tavern in Wrentham past 3 p.m. Arrived at Eve at Mr. Palmers at Norton, and lodged there.

1772 November 11 (Wednesday). Early we were mounted. Rode about 2 Miles before the Sun rose. Breakfast at Squire Luscombe’s. Mr. Barnham came to us and invited us to his House, but we hastened on to Fosters in Middleborough precinct, where was his Daughter Mrs. Russel of Plymouth with 3 of her Children. N.B. her mother was Mrs. Stones Sister Martha. We took Horse once more—and arrived at Mr. Moores about 2 p.m. And to the praise of God found my dear Suse alive! To God most high be all Glory! And may I be Ever sensible of my infinite Obligations to honour and Serve Him—fresh Obligations from this Token of divine Favour!

1772 November 12 (Thursday). Suse has various turns—sometimes Somewhat revived but distressing Load at her stomach and feverish, fluttering pulse—that her Case is exceeding doubtful. We are in the Hands of God! An Anodyne is given towards night—and She sleeps composedly when night comes on. Rev. Mr. Thomas West came kindly to visit us at Evening.

1772 November 13 (Friday). A great storm of Rain. In the morning Suse seems refreshed with her Anodyne. But she is very weak and low. P.M. 4 o’Clock she is very bad. She tells her Mother, she thinks she shall soon leave us: and she looks as if Death was nigh. She desires me to go aside and pray for her. We are in Distress and our Hearts wounded. I cry to God most high—to God who performs all things for us! O that God would vouchsafe to hear our Ardent supplications! But may God prepare us for His own sovereign Will! We are waiting the important Event. Dr. Pitcher has been here daily. Dr. Perry of Dartmouth is now sent for, as is Dr. Toby, but though we sit up till late, yet they do not come. I write by one Ward Nye of Douglass, to my Son Breck, how very low his sister is.

1772 November 14 (Saturday). My dear Suse, though very low and has had no sleep last night, is yet alive! The Doctors Toby, Perry and Pitcher came and consult—judge it a very doubtful and hazzardous Case. She has now an inflamatory Fever. By 10 a.m. it is high. We expect she will be worse in the afternoon. My Heart is full—But God is our Refuge. Walked to Neighbour Josephus Hammonds to See little Sukey. Mr. Moore and I dined there. When I returned found the Physic Suse had taken worked well, and instead of the Fever Fitts increasing, it abated and She was more calm and easy. Blessed be God for His great Goodness to her and us! Old Mr. Perry came to See us. The whole Neighbourhood are very kind and greatly affected. May God reward them!

1772 November 15 (Sunday). I preached (here at Rochester) a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.16, and baptized my grand Daughter, Anna-Sophia. It was at Mr. Moores repeated Desire, and he proposed it to the Church. N.B. at noon I went to Squire Ruggles’s, where I had refreshment though I did not formally dine. My Daughter was not so well this morning, having been much troubled with a Cough which exceedingly worrys her and keeps her low. May God be gracious to her in this her weak and distressed state! I pray for His almighty Grace to quicken me by this great Affliction and enable me to profit by it! And as I find my outward man decays, that my inward man may be renewed day by day. Would God be pleased to bless the Exercises of the Day to this purpose, to me, and to the Auditors! The Lord accept the Administration of Baptism, and bless the Infant, granting her divine Grace and Wisdom to His Glory and her Eternal Salvation!

1772 November 16 (Monday). My Daughter had a somewhat poor night by reason of her hacking Cough: but in the morning placid. About 10 a.m. our [sic] Cheek grew red. P.M. was the most feverish of any time yet. Drs. Pitcher and Perry here. She can’t be able to bear many Such Fits of Fever as this. She, however, did not so sink under this, as I feared. The women used an hot Bath to her Legs, which refreshed her. Mr. Thomas West here and prayed.

1772 November 17 (Tuesday). I am ready to doubt of my going home this week, and therefore wrote another Letter to Breck—and though I laid in with many persons for Opportunity to send it, I could not. Rode with Mr. Moore to See Several Friends—old Madam Ruggles—Mr. Nathaniel Briggs—and there we dined—Mr. Perrys (there being a Sick Lad who requested Prayer, I prayed)—drank Tea etc. Returned at Evening. My Daughter not quite so bad as yesterday, yet is very low. They bath her again.

1772 November 18 (Wednesday). Suse is a good deal livelier and has some more strength. It has been a Cold, frosty night, but uncommon fine Morn. Have been reading the Life of Coll. Church and his Account of Philips War. My Daughters Fever attends her, and although Mr. Moore counts as many Pulsations as yesterday (viz. 120 in a minute) yet She is evidently better and gathers Strength a little. Blessed be God! P.M. Mr. Moore and I walked to Dr. Pitcher’s to See his Physical Library; but he was not at home. At Eve he was here. Suse, we hope, better.

1772 November 19 (Thursday). This Morning Mrs. Moore is more free from Cough, from Fever and Distress, and can help her self at another Rate than heretofore. Mr. Moore and I dined, by Special Invitation, at Dr. Pitcher’s. At Eve my Daughters State more hopeful.

1772 November 20 (Friday). Suse has had fine rest last night: the best night she has had Since her sickness. We were greatly encouraged to undertake our Journey home. We rose early, and Sat out before Sun rise. Arrived at Taunton a little after noon. Congratulated Squire Luscombe on the Birth of a son yesterday, and his wife wondrously Comfortable: but we dined at Mr. Barnums. P.M. pursued our Design for Wrentham, and, Oating at one Fairbanks’s, in Norton, arrived at Mrs. Simson’s in the Evening. Her son Messenger and I made a visit at Mr. Beans, but returned and lodged at Mr. Messengers. N.B. Mrs. Simpsons constant Custom to read the Bible out in a Year, or in less time than that.

1772 November 21 (Saturday). Rose early. Mounted before Mrs. Simpson was up. Rode to Mr. Bucknams and broke fast there, acquainting with the joyful Tidings of their Daughter Luscombe’s safe Deliverance etc. We went to Mr. Joseph Lovells and he accompanyed us through the chief Difficultys in the perplexed Road to Holliston. Dined at Mr. Prentice’s; who has received the sad news of the Death of his only Brother Caleb at Cambridge. P.M. to Mr. Fitch’s, at Hopkinton, and changed Horses. N.B. mine has been to Boston, so that Mr. Fitch demands nothing for his. Called to see Brother Barrett, but he was not capable to Converse, though he seemed earnestly to try, and put his Arm over my Neck repeatedly to pull me to him. It was sorrowful to part from him. As we got near home heard of Mr. Hutchinsons Dismission last Wednesday: Squire John Woods wife of Colrain, her being under a Mortification and that Deacon Wood and Capt. Fay are gone up; and that Neighbour Thomas Arnold was grievously hurt by a Fall from his Horse at Grafton. At Eve we arrived here in Peace and Safety. Our Family well—Blessed be the name of our kind and merciful Preserver! who has carryed us through this tedious Journey.

N.B. I am informed that my Son John returned to Brookfield on the 11th. My Son Cushing here from Ordination on the 12th. And that Breck went to Boston on the 13th and came home at Evening the 14th. That Mr. Jonathan Barns supplyed the Pulpit on the 15th.

1772 November 22 (Sunday). I went early in the Morning to see Neighbour Arnold, who lay in a Miserable state, but has not lost his Eye which was much bruised. He has his Senses. Prayed with him and admonished and exhorted etc. I omitted publick Reading. Repeated a. and p.m. with Additions sermon on 2 Cor. 4.16. Master Waters dined with us. We desired public prayers for our Daughter Moore. Deacon Woods wife desired prayers for her Daughter in Law at Colrain.

1772 November 23 (Monday). Two of the School masters, Waters and Smith, here at Eve. The latter lodged here. Mr. Bradshaw and Ebenezer Tertius arrived from Brookfield and lodged.

1772 November 24 (Tuesday). They left us to go to Cambridge. I visited Mr. Ithamar Bellows’s wife—prayed—dined there.

1772 November 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Lorings Diary No. 4. What Strong Motives to imitation of So excellent Example, arise from hence! But it fills me with shame and Grief for my own unprofitableness. Lt. Baker has been bountiful—in fatting a Cow and bringing her back from his Pasture—in allowing me the use of his Cyder Mill etc. in making [6?] Barrells of Cyder, gratis—with other kindnesses—for which may God reward him! especially in Spirituals—but I am much grieved that my whole drove of Cattle (16) have lain a great deal, when they were turned out a Days, on his Clover etc. to his great Hurt. May God forgive the wrong and Ingratitude in this! I admire his Patience and Meekness, in freely overlooking it. Read Burroughs on Hos. 5.6.

1772 November 26 (Thursday). Master Waters has Mr. Thomas Bonds Horse and Chaise, and goes with Sophy to Fitchbourgh, Mr. Payson brings home his wife to Day, and Mr. Cushing is to take Sophy there to transport her to Ashburnham. But it is a wet Day and the Roads are very dirty. P.M. came my dear son Moores Brother Ebenezer and brings a Sorrowful letter of the 24th at Evening and yesterday Morning that our dear Susa grew bad again last Friday with Fever and Cough, and that the Case is now judged nigh desperate: yet that there is great Consolation in the middst of Grief, as “She can view Death without being afraid with any great amazement. She is sensible of her Danger, and yet talks of her Dissolution with Calmness, and is more and more reconciled to the Thoughts of it every Day.” Blessed be God for His abundant Grace! We hear Mrs. Wood (squire John’s Wife) of Colrain, is dead. Went up to see the Deacon upon his Return, but he was not at home. He was here at Eve and brought me a Letter from Rev. Mr. McClallan, giving her an Excellent Character. May the Lord support us in our sorrows and Distresses! And prepare each of us for His Sovereign Will! Mrs. Wood (the Deacon tells me) dyed somewhat Suddenly, of a Mortification in her Arm, which arose from the Scratch of a Nail a few Days before: but the Mortification was not perceived till the Day before that on which she expired.

1772 November 27 (Friday). Capt. Silas Bailey and Mr. Nathaniel Longley of Bolton came here and offered me a Letter, which I prayed them not to leave. After frequently testifying against their Disorders—till I was weak and faint, they left me without leaving the Letter. A Stranger enquires the way—says he was cast away at St. Martyns in the great Hurricane; that his Name is Joseph Graham—and that Mr. Graham of Woodbury, in Connecticut, is his uncle etc.

1772 November 28 (Saturday). My Son Baldwin returning from Boston, calls here in his way home. Master Waters returns at night from Ashburnham, having landed and left Sophy Safe there. He brings me two Volumes of Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, from Mr. Cushing.

1772 November 29 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Hos. 5.6. Mr. Waters dined here. P.M. finished the Repetition of Sermon on 2 Cor. 4.16, occasioned partly by the Death of Mrs. Martha Wood, wife of John Wood Esq. At Eve read in my Family Mr. Mitchel’s sermon 5 on the Glorys of heaven. O that God would please to grant His special Blessing on all these awakening Exercises, to my own soul, and the Souls of others!

1772 November 30 (Monday). Visit the widow Judith Bellows, to get her son Reuben to live with me. And Mr. Ithamar Bellows’s wife, in her low Languishment, and prayed there. At Eve Nathan Fay. Reckoned with him and gave him a Note to Joseph McCulloch for Six pounds old Tenor for his Work for me, being nigh a fortnights time with me.

1772 December 1 (Tuesday). Reuben Bellows came and offered to live with me this Winter at 3 Dollars per month—to come next Monday Morning, if I Send him no word to the Contrary.

1772 December 2 (Wednesday). Daniel Hardy (Mr. Phinehas’ son) to See whether he is to come and live with me the ensuing months. Asks 8£ per Month. I acquaint him with Reuben’s offer; and give up Expectations from Daniel, depending on Reuben. At Evening came Alexander, his Wife and Child.

1772 December 3 (Thursday). Public Thanksgiving. Preached (long) on Prov. 3.9.10. It is my earnest prayer that God would please to affect us all with this Subject; and that we may So improve this Solemnity that we may give Glory to our Great Benefactor. May I in particular be properly excited, heartily acknowledging, praising, extolling and thanking Him for all He has done and bestowed—and may all I enjoy or may yet be indulged with, be devoted to the Honour and Glory of God!

1772 December 4 (Friday). Alexander wants assistance towards his Payment to be made the 14th of this Month in Southgate Purchase. He, his Wife and Child, leave us to go home. Miss Patty Fish here to Visit us p.m. but leaves us at Even. N.B. Mr. Nathan Fay brings his wife to be further Examined—and I consent to their being propounded next Lords Day. Mr. Nathaniel Whitney junior of Grafton here to talk with me about the present state of their Church—brings me the Reasons of 16 (as he tells me the Number is) against the Dissolution of Mr. Hutchinsons pastoral Relation: and the Result of the late Council, which is very favourable to Mr. Hutchinson and corrective of the opposing Party. Mr. Whitney aforesaid dined here.

1772 December 5 (Saturday). Mrs. Mary Drury (who was Mary Pratt) with a Letter from Mr. Webster of Temple, desiring a Certificat of her Dismission, he having mislaid what I gave him at Commencement. I had depended upon Changing tomorrow and had Sent to both Mr. Stone and Mr. Whitney, but both have sent me their Return, that they cannot. Tomorrow is to be the Communion at Southborough and Mr. Whitney has agreed to change with Mr. Morse. I set my self to do what I can.

1772 December 6 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Hos. 5, v. 6 and 7. P.M. repeated sermon on Prov. 3.6. Which Exercises I pray may be awakening and instructive! Mrs. Maynard dined here.

1772 December 7 (Monday). Rode to see Mrs. Bellows, who is very low, and in danger of Death and prayed with her. Dined there etc. Reuben Bellows came at 3 Dollars per Month. N.B. The Town Met to see whether the Meeting House may be enlarged. It passed in the Negative. At Eve Mr. Cook the Miller here a long Time; and at Close of the Day Mr. Elijah Rice—gave him a Dismission to Hennecker.

1772 December 8 (Tuesday). Rev. Messrs. Frost and Fish call here in their way to Bolton. Read the Explanation of Saybrook Platform, brought me by Mr. Fish.

1772 December 9 (Wednesday). Reckoned with my Son Breck; and we settled and ballanced. Wrote to Mr. Moore in my uncertainty about his Wife. Sent it By Mr. Henry Bass.

1772 December 10 (Thursday). Reckoned and settled with Mr. Silas Hill. Towards Night Sent to Edes and Gill an Account of Squire Woods Wife and of her Death. Her Father Fay came from Boston and brought me a Letter from my Son Moore at Rochester containing an Account of his dear Wife’s, My beloved Susanna’s Decease! which occurred on Nov. 30 at 9 p.m. and that She was interred on the 2d instant. It proves very shocking to me! The Lord Sustain and direct me and mine, who Survive! under Such a Weight of Sorrow!

1772 December 11 (Friday). Jejun. and Suppl. With my Sermon Meditations. Pressed exceedingly with the weight of my Sorrows, my Work, and my preparations for the Communion. On the whole, make broken work! The Lord Pity and Pardon, for the Sake of the Great Redeemer who hath loved us (I hope Me) and given Himself for me.

1772 December 12 (Saturday). Reuben talks as if discouraged, but I induced him to go on. He went to Lt. Brighams. Hear that Mr. Barrett dyed last night. [Marginal notation: On the 12th Capt. Jonathan Fay here complaining of the Conduct of Several Church Members who had abused him etc.—but I persuaded him to wave it—and not disturb the Communion.]

1772 December 13 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Eph. 5.2. Administered the Lords supper. Deacon Bond dined here, as did Mrs. Dolly Rice. P.M. preached on Suse’s Death, from Ps. 39.9, “I was dumb—because Thou didst it.” A Message that Mr. Barrett is Dead, and to be buryed on Tuesday.

1772 December 14 (Monday). Reuben returned from Southborough, and determines to do what he can, and promises he will not go away from me. Deacon Wood came, and Mr. Tainter and Reuben to assist in killing an old, but fat, Cow. I visit the widow [Hetty?] Brighams Daughter Polly, who is sick. Prayed with them. Called at Deacon Woods and Mr. Bass’s at Evening.

1772 December 15 (Tuesday). Rode to Hopkinton and dined at the House of Mourning. My dear Brother, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Barrett, was interred. He finished his 72d year the Day before he expired. Rev. Messrs. Bucknam, Stone, Smith, Frost and Fish were Bearers. Mr. Fitch walked before the Corps with old Coll. Jones—and the rest of the Church before them. The Corps was carryed into the Meeting House: where I prayed—too imperfectly—the Lord forgive the Defects and miscarriages of it. I committed a Paper to Capt. Samuel Barrett of Boston, containing some Account and Character of the Deceased—having first read it to the Ministers, Dr. Wilson and Mr. Samuel Barrett of Boston. I returned home at Eve, in Company with Deacon Wood and his Wife. N.B. Neighbour Beeton overtook us—his Discourse was uncomfortable: Refusing to let me or mine cart through his Land to the Ministerial Lot, but by his pleasure as he would any other Neighbour, denying my Right of a Road or passage there. The Deacon and his Wife, witnesses.

1772 December 16 (Wednesday). Mr. David Maynard junior of Westminster dined here. Wrote by him to Mr. Cushing of the Death of his Sister Moore, and sent Mr. Moores large Letter. At Eve I wrote to Mr. Moore.

1772 December 17 (Thursday). Cousen Maynard has been ill of a Fever, for several Days: has Sent an Horse for her Aunt. Who is accordingly gone to See her. Mrs. Kelly is poorly to Day. At Evening Isaac Davis brings Mrs. Parkman home. I called him to Repentance etc. Master Smith here—returns the first Vol. of Mr. Richard Taylors Sermons and borrows the 2d. Nathan Fay and his wife here with their Confession and Relations. Elias Recites again.

1772 December 18 (Friday). Elias goes to Mr. Smiths School. I buy me a pair of Temple Spectacles; for my Sight is somewhat impaired. They may assist me at times, though I do not use them constantly. P.M. Visit and pray with Mrs. Bellows. Call to See Mr. Samuel Hardy’s Wife, who has lately born him a Son. The Doctors Company in returning.

1772 December 19 (Saturday). Rode to Hopkinton and lodged at Mr. Fitch’s. He came here.

1772 December 20 (Sunday). I preached at Hopkinton on Occasion of Rev. Mr. Barretts Death, from Rev. 3.3, former part. Remember how thou hast received and heard etc. a. and p.m. Dined at Mr. Barretts—and returned there at Even and Lodged there. I hope Some impression was made on my own Heart (may I long retain it!) by the Exercises of this Day.

1772 December 21 (Monday). Returned home in Safety. D.G. But in my way was obliged to call at Lt. John Wood’s to See his Wife. N.B. used great freedom with him concerning his Intemperance. He seemed to take it well; thanked me; would beg of God he might take the Advice and reform etc. Mr. How finishes Breck’s Chimney. Elias goes to Mr. Smiths School Steddily.

1772 December 22 (Tuesday). Read part of Theory of Mankind and Education.

1772 December 23 (Wednesday). Received another tender Letter from my Son Moore, via Oxford. Mr. Ballard has been to Rochester. Read in Mr. Lorings Diary. It affords me Delight and Profit: but fills me with shame! The Lord forgive my Slothfulness!

1772 December 24 (Thursday). The several News Papers Shew our Political state to be very Sorrowful. The Day is very dark with us after the best Excuses and Palliations. Mr. John Ball carrys his Wife home. Breck (on my Horse), with many more on Horses and in Chaises, waits upon them to Northborough.

1772 December 25 (Friday). Looked for Reuben a.m. but in vain. Miss Lucy Parker has been at work here several Days, making Cloths for Elias, out of Cast off Garments of Sam’s. But she is now making him a Pair of Breeches of a Deer skin which I buy of Breck. P.M. Reuben came from his Mothers, and otherwhere. But was now determined to break off and go way. Was willing to give all he had done—asked me nothing—I was welcome, because of the Dammage he was Sensible he Should do me by going away. My pleading, urging, expostulating, offers to him, pitying, representing the Injustice, breach of promise, unhandsomeness, unsteddiness, disgrace—the unfitness of leaving me at the Close of the week, and entreating that he would but tarry till the beginning of the week—nothing wrought upon him—nor my enquiring of him whether any thing was amiss or wanting, with me or mine—whether he was dissatisfyed with the Terms? It, all of it, produced any thing to hinder his going: he had no fault to complain of, only of himself and was resolved upon it, and bid me farewell. Thus childishly Stubborn and invincibly Sett, Reuben left me. This Evening Breck goes for me to Daniel Hardy on this Affair, to See whether he will consider my Disappointment and come. N.B. Received a large Letter from Mr. Ebenezer Rice of Annapolis, dated Nov. 23, last.

1772 December 26 (Saturday). Received a Letter from my Son Baldwin, of the 24th, that his wife was then ill, and feared some such Mis________ as heretofore.

1772 December 27 (Sunday). A.M. on Hos. 5.8.9. P.M. preached from Mat. 13.43. This latter being a Funeral sermon for my Brother Barrett, and gave some Character of him. O that I might my Self be of that happy and dignifyed Number! The Lord make me Right! by His Grace assisting I will practise Righteousness.

1772 December 28 (Monday). Messrs. Smith and Barnard visit Breck at Eve; Sup and lodge here.

1772 December 29 (Tuesday). Mrs. P. rode with me to Capt. Jonas Brighams (in compliance with his repeated Request). Dined there. P.M. Captain rode with me to See old Mrs. Beeman who is confined. Prayed with her. Returned with the Captain to his House. Drank Tea there, and he got his Horse and acommpanyed us in the way home, out to the Road by Dr. Haws—so respectful and courteous was he. Yet Several parts of the Conversation brought in Complaints respecting Ministers—particularly in the Bolton Affair and the ill State of Things in most places—and much amiss in our own. I mentioned to him Mrs. Eunice Rice and our incumbent Duty to call her to Account. We came home in safety. Blessed be God who upholds our goings, and saves us from Harm! N.B. Disquietment in Northborough and Westminster about Psalm-Books, and singing.

1772 December 30 (Wednesday). I rode down to See Mrs. Bellows again, but went first to Mr. Ebenezer and Edmund Chamberlins, and dined there. Called at Mr. Ezra Bakers. At Mr. Bellows’s found his Wife exceeding low—difficult to understand her—but from what I could gather from her, She appears to be in some proper frame. I desired Nurse to go out, and being alone with the Man and woman, brought them respectively to ask forgiveness of God and one another. In special the Woman did more directly than before. I hope they are sincere. May God accept it! Prayed there, and came home. At Eve Elijah Brigham here; and I agreed with him to live with me three months; for 8£ old Tenor per Month to begin next Monday or Tuesday. But if the Winter should prove a good Season (evidently So) for our Business, and we do accomplish and Succeed well, in getting Wood especially, then he must have 4 Dollars per Month. N.B. Mr. Stone came to see me, and dined here. He brought me two Bundles more of Mr. Lorings Diary. I was very Sorry it was at such a Time, that I missed of him.

1772 December 31 (Thursday). I took Some serious Notice of this Last Day of the Year. O how great has been the Goodness of God in carrying me through the Changes of it! Will the Lord Sanctifie to me the Deaths of persons So dear to me, as have Occurred in it!—of my Father Loring; my Brother Barrett; and my Daughter Moore. O how stupid am I that I am no more prepared for my own! The Lord of his infinite Mercy, Pardon all my Sins, and of this Year especially, that I may carry no old Sins into the New Year!

In Concluding the Year, I am thoughtful how my Life will conclude. What Frame am I now in? That I may be ready, if my Life Should now close! Glory to God!

1 “We hear from Walpole in the province of New-Hampshire, that on Saturday the 23d ult. the dwelling-House of the Rev’d Thomas Fessenden of that town, was consumed by fire, and though it was noon day, as they sat dining, and plenty of assistance at hand, yet his library, and the principal part of the household furniture, and their wearing apparel were utterly consumed in the flames. The loss is computed at between 3 and 400l. lawful money. It took fire by some Joiner’s shaveings, carelessly left, as they went to Dinner. It is to be hoped this will be a caution to men of that craft, through want of due care in whom such calamities too often happen.” Boston News-Letter, Dec. 12, 1771, page supplement [1]. See also the Essex Gazette (Salem, Massachusetts), Dec. 10, 1771, p. 79, and the Massachusetts Spy (Boston), Dec. 12, 1771, p. 163.

2 Submit, dau. of William and Hannah Winchester, b. Jan. 13, 1772; Southborough Vital Records, 83.

3 “Mr. David Cutler, Pewter, aged 69 Years. His Remains are to be interred To Morrow Afternoon at Four o’Clock, when his Friends and Acquaintance are desired to attend.” Boston Evening-Post, Mar. 2, 1772 (issue 1901), p. [3].

4 2 Kings 2.12: “And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.”

5 Edward Jones of Providence int. Henneritta Overing, May 6, 1772; Hopkinton VR, 309.

6 Cornelius Waters (1749–1824), Dartmouth 1774, minister at Goffstown, N.H., 1781–1795, and Ashby, Massachusetts, 1797–1816.