Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1771

1771 January 1 (Tuesday). I would bless God unfeignedly for the returning Light of this Morning. May I live to the Honour and Glory of God! Mr. Harvey left me, but left with me Sandivogius and Paracelsus translated into English. Mr. Stone and his Delegates return from Grafton. Mr. Hutchinson gave a Confession. P.M. Attended the Meeting at Mr. Jonah Warrins. Preached on Prov. 27.1. This Family is greatly afflicted.

1771 January 2 (Wednesday). Mr. William Wood yesterday fell into a Tub wherein was hot Water to scald an Hog, and was Sorrowfully scall’d. I visited him and prayed with him. Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield made me a Visit and lodged here. He brought me several Books to read. Baumgartens new Theory of human Nature and Education. Saaldfields Philosophical Discourse of Dreams. Sturmys plurality of worlds. And a General Table of Europe, its present and Future state. I was sent for to go to Mrs. Gale who is in a dangerous Fit. The Messenger, Samuel Andrews, at 9 o’clock—went—found many Neighbours gather—her Husband gone to Weston. Tarryed some time. Prayed, exhorted etc. Returned home late.

1771 January 3 (Thursday). Mr. Adams p.m. went to Grafton. Sent for again to Mrs. Gale. Visit Mr. William Wood—prayed with him. Went to Mrs. Gale. Mr. Gale is come—she was delirious, prayed etc. Breck came from Upton. Read Mr. Adams’s Sabrina.

1771 January 4 (Friday). Mr. Adams returned and dined—Conversed with him. He lodged here. Breck worked for me at the Barn—laying floors.

1771 January 5 (Saturday). Mr. Adams communicated Several pieces of his. Left his Seraphima etc. [here?] with reluctance. He himself left us. Breck at the Barn, making Partitions etc. P.M. visit Mrs. Gale, who is in a most dangerous State—a Fever, added to all her other Disorders, by which She is delirious and inconversible. Prayed by her and exhorted those about her. Went in to See William Wood, who Seems to be in a Comfortable Way. Proceeded to Southborough. Mr. Stone went by me while at Gale’s—lodged at Southborough.

1771 January 6 (Sunday). Preached at Southborough a. and p.m. on Ps. 90.9, latter clause. Mr. James Parker with me after Meeting. He is become a Practitioner in Physic. He (however) prayed in my stead, in Mr. Stones Family. Returning home I revisited Wood and Mrs. Gale being yet alive I called, prayed. N.B. Mr. Tim. Warrin’s Company part of the Way coming home. Mr. John Mead, he says, is come to live at his House. I arrive home in safety. Glory to God my preserver. Mr. Stone preached here from Prov. 29.1. May God bless our Endeavours!

1771 January 7 (Monday). Breck goes to Upton for his Chest, Tools, etc. Am engaged with Saalfelds Philosophical Discourse on the Nature of Dreams. P.M. came Mr. Peter Whitney to see me. Capt. Joseph Mellen from Hopkinton bears a message from Mrs. Abby, that her Husband is Dead, and she desires I would go over to the Funeral tomorrow: also Mr. Barrett that I would go so early as to visit Such of the Sick as I can.

1771 January 8 (Tuesday). Rode to Hopkinton. Visit Deacon Walker, who is ill again, and one of his Daughters in a languishing State. Prayed with them—dined there. Visit Nathan Walker, son of Mr. Thomas Walker, and prayed there. Thence to the House of Mourning and prayed among a great Assembly. From there I went, by repeated Desire, to see Mr. John Gibbs, who ‘tis feared, consumes. Prayed there also. Visit Mr. Barrett—find him still weak and feeble. Lodge there.

1771 January 9 (Wednesday). Return. In my way call at Capt. Joseph Wood’s—at Mr. James Bellows’s—Dine at Mr. William Pierce’s. Visit Cornelius Biglow, who wastes: At Mr. Daniel Hardys whose wife and Daughter are in sorrowful Circumstances. At Mr. Jonah Warrins—This is a distressed House! Mr. Warrin himself and Daughter in Law, as well as his Wife, are Confined by illness. Prayed at these afflicted Houses.

1771 January 10 (Thursday). Master Taylor at Eve and gives me a Copy of Mr. Hutchinsons Confession.

1771 January 11 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 January 12 (Saturday). Was called away to visit Mr. Jabez Snow junior who is in a Dangerous sickness. Went with Mr. Abraham Beeman there. Dr. Wilson has the Care of him, and gives me account of him. (N.B. Mr. Stone was sent for last-night, at midnight, and came.) I dined with them. Prayed with the sick man. Visit Mr. William Wood, and prayed with him, exhorting etc. Visit Mrs. Gale, who has now her reason. Prayed there also. My Son Samuel came from Boston. He hoped to have seen his Brother Breck—but he is gone, this forenoon to see William at Concord. Ruth Bellows came again to work here.

1771 January 13 (Sunday). A.M. on Acts 4.12. Capt. Maynard, Miss Nanny Brigham, Stephen and Gott Maynard dined here. P.M. with alterations and additions sermon on Prov. 14.12. At Eve in family Exercise read Owen of Spiritual Mindedness.

1771 January 14 (Monday). Samuel left us, designing to go to Boston by the way of his Brother Williams hoping also to meet Breck. N.B. delivered him 20£ old Tenor to lay out for me in Sundrys, viz. a Ream of paper etc.

1771 January 15 (Tuesday). Visit at Neighbour Nathan Maynards, his son Nehemiah having lately been sav’d by kind providence from Death by the fall of a Tree; which Struck him down and deprived him of sense for Some time. Went to Capt. Maynards to put him in mind of its being Time to Settle our Accounts—dined there. I told him of Mr. Beeton’s refusing to let my workmen, whom I send to the ministerial Lot, go through his Grounds, notwithstanding I reserved that privilege etc. etc. Visit Mr. David Maynard and his Daughter Fisk—endeavoured to discharge my Duty respecting her Fornication—read my Reasons for not reading their Note of Thanks. Parted in peace. Visit Neighbours Pratt and Bond—to excite them to their Duty and instruct them in it.

1771 January 16 (Wednesday). Breck came from Concord and went to Northborough brought his [illegible]. Visit old Mr. Jonah Warrin under the impairs of his Health and his Daughter in Law, Mrs. Deborah Warrin, who is sick. Dr. Ball there. Prayed with them. Was at Mr. Morse’s; Mr. Springs and Deacon Woods. Mr. Zechariah Hicks came from Boston and Cambridge and lodged here.

1771 January 17 (Thursday). Breck was designing to set out for Rochester, but the Rain prevented. Mr. Hicks returned home. Read The Grave. A poem by Robert Blair, 6th Edition, And an Elegy by Mr. Gray.

1771 January 18 (Friday). Breck set out early for Rochester, on my Horse. Deacon Wood came and brought his Kinsman Benjamin and likewise John Whitney came to assist ‘em; and killed a large Hog for me. Mr. Daniel Forbes came and settled with me. He brought me 22 Notes to the amount of £99.4.7 old Tenor and paid me £1:13:5 old Tenor which was in full of £500 old Tenor. He dined with us.

1771 January 19 (Saturday). A.M. Deacon Wood cut out and salts up my pork. My Kinsman Bradshaw from Boston, going to Great Barrington. Mr. John Marsh (a Young Gentleman I had not known) came here at Mr. P. Whitneys motion to help me: which I was very thankful for. He has lately come from Mr. Forbes’s at Brookfield, and informs me that Mr. Parsons dyed on Thursday last—to be buryed next Tuesday.

1771 January 20 (Sunday). Mr. Marsh a.m. on 1 Tim. 1. 15, “This is a faithful saying” etc. P.M. on 1 Joh. 3.3. He prayed before each sermon and performed in a very agreeable and graceful manner. May God grant His almighty Blessing! Mrs. Maynard dined with us. At Evening Mr. Snow requesting me to visit him and Mr. Marsh offering his Horse, I rode down there, found him much lower. Prayed with him and the distressed Family. Mr. Andrews and his Wife accompany me in returning.

1771 January 21 (Monday). The Gentlemen above mentioned left us—Mr. Marsh for Cambridge. Lt. Abraham Brown of Grafton (in return from Boston) free in Disc[oursing?] of Grafton Affairs.

1771 January 22 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Biglow. Went on Foot, across the Swamps and Meadows (in great Part); they being frozen. Find Mr. B. on his Bed. I think he looses ground, though he has himself a great deal of Courage and hardly thinks he is much worse. Dined there. I gave him the Strongest Cautions I could, along with my Instructions and pressing Exhortations—prayed with them and at taking Leave Old Mr. Biglow offered to accompany me the nearest way across. At Eve came Mr. John Eliot, who tells me he has been preaching at Salisbury (nigh New Hopkinton) in New Hampshire. Shews me a Call which he has received from them. He hands me also his Papers of Approbation by Rev. Messrs. George Jewett, John Emerson, Jonathan Parsons, and George Leslie: and his Admission under the Care of the Presbytery dated at Boston. Signed by John Morehead Moderator and [blank] Clerk. Shews great Disgust with the Association at Brookfield and with Mr. Forbes in particular and with his wife—and is grieved about their Daughter. He lodges here.

1771 January 23 (Wednesday). Mr. Eliot prays in the Family. He leaves us for Spencer. I visit Mr. Snow—having dined at Mr. Beemans in my way. I find Mr. Snow in an happy Frame, though much lower in Body, and expecting to die. Prayed with him; and took solemn leave. Went to see Mr. William Wood, but he was so far recovered as to be gone abroad. Visit Mrs. Gale, and prayed there.

1771 January 24 (Thursday). Went according to appointment to Mr. Bruce’s, and dined there. Mr. Jonas Bradish came, and with Mr. Artemas Bruce with us, went to see that part of Muskito swamp which I bought some time ago of the said Mr. Bradish—and he shewed me the Bounds of it. N.B. Mr. Bradish upon measuring the hither End, which, in the Deed he gave me, says Seventeen Rods, he finds to be 18 Rods and a few links. In the Evening received from my Son Samuel a Ream of paper £6.5, 1 Youngs Latin Dictionary £4.76, and a Cloke and Trimings for Sophy £9.1.6, each of them old Tenor.

1771 January 25 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 January 26 (Saturday). Mr. John Mead is brought to Mr. Timothy Warrins in a Miserable Condition. At Eve Breck returned from Rochester.

1771 January 27 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Act. 13.26, carrying on the Same subject of Salvation. P.M. still on Act. 4.12, and may a gracious God give His Blessing. Mrs. Maynard dines here.

1771 January 28 (Monday). Mr. Abraham Beeman comes and requests me to visit Mr. Snow again. I went. In my way I called to see old Mr. Mead at Mr. Timothy Warrins. Found him insensible—he lay as in a deep Sleep. By desire prayed by him. When I was at Mr. Snows, conversed with him as he could bear—professes true Faith and well grounded Hope. Prayed there, and by desire, returned to Mr. Mead, who lay insensible still. We prayed again, his Breathing altered—and I saw him expire! Tis conjectured in his 82d year. He was Mr. President Lock’s great Uncle. When I came home I found [here?] Mr. Forbes from Brookfield going to Boston to get a surgeon to extract a stone from poor pained Capt. Abbot. Our Brother in Law Mr. William Brown of Framingham from Leicester, was with Mr. Forbes, and informs me more clearly of my Son Alexanders Disappointment in having rollin fulling Works. They lodge here.

1771 January 29 (Tuesday). Our Company leave us. Breck [so ill?] with his shattered Jaw (having undergone a tedious Tooth-drawing at Rochester) that he cant go to Ashburnham, as designed. I spent some Time in preparing my papers for settling with Capt. Maynard. Send a Letter to Dr. Stiles of Newport, by Lt. Baker.

1771 January 30 (Wednesday). Began to read Sturmy of Plurality of Worlds. Could not go to Shrewsbury to preach Mr. Sumners Lecture as requested; and have writ to him of it; being obliged to attend the Funeral of Aged Mr. Mead, p.m. At Eve marryed Mr. Joseph Green, junior to Miss Lucy Whipple. Wrote president Locke an Account of the Death of his uncle Mead. Breck still indisposed, yet works a little at the Barn: he has hung the inner Doors of the west part of the Barn.

1771 January 31 (Thursday). Mr. Snow sends an hasty Message in the Morning. I Left [all?] and went—but he had breath’d his last before I got there. Prayed with the bereaved Family, and endeavoured to support and counsel them. Breck can’t journey, but lays a floor in the back passage way into the back, east Chamber. Marryed Peter Adams to Susanna Pratt.

1771 February 1 (Friday). Breck ventures to go to Brookfield and Sophy goes with him. Miss Nanny Brigham is to join them. All of them on single Horses. I hear that Squire Whipple marryed Antipas Maynard to Rhoda Fay1 and [Holden Maynard?] to [blank].

1771 February 2 (Saturday). Attend the Funeral of the late Mr. Jabez Snow junior. Dr. Hawes carryed me in his Chaise. Mr. Stone and a multitude from Southborough there. I prayed as I was able. It was a Time of Mourning and Sorrow. The Doctor carryed me also to See Mrs. Gale. N.B. Two Burials and 3 marriages in this Parish this Week.

1771 February 3 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Isa. 63.1, last clause. “Mighty to save,” but carryed on my Discourse on Act. 4.12. Deacon Burnap and his Daughter, Capt. Maynard and his Wife dined here. P.M. on Consideration of the sorrowful Circumstances of Several Familys, I delivered again the sermons on 2 Cor. 4.17, both in one Exercise. N.B. Mr. Corn. Biglow exceeding low. At Even in the Family read in Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness.

1771 February 4 (Monday). Mr. Biglow brings an Horse in the morning for me to visit his son. Find him very weak. He laments his neglect of making a Profession. He consents to the Covenant of Grace. He hopes that God forgives him. Prayed with him. Visit and prayed with Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Adams (all at Mr. Warrins). P.M. Mr. Benjamin Brigham returns from Douglass, having given them Denyal. At Night Breck returned from Brookfield. Miss Nanny Brigham came home with him, but Sophy tarrys there.

1771 February 5 (Tuesday). Mr. Summer came to see me. Dined here. His Wife came as far as Dr. Crosby’s in her way here; but it was too severe Weather to come any further. After Dinner he returned, for I went to private Meeting at the Widow Newtons; where I Preached on Isa. 4.5. I came away against their sollicitations to eat and drink with them because of our perplexitys and disappointments relative to Brecks going to Fitchbourg for my Strayed steer: but Breck would have gone on Foot. Read out Mr. Mat. Barker’s Intellectual Flower part 2d borrowed of Mr. Jonah Warrin.

1771 February 6 (Wednesday). Read Vol. 6 of the World displayed or Collection of Voiages and Travels. This Contains Dampier’s and Woods Rogers. Obtained an Horse of Mr. Nurse for Breck to ride to Ashburnham, Fitchbourg etc.

1771 February 7 (Thursday). Breck Sat out before Day. Sent 3 Vols. of the World Displayed by Breck to Dr. Green at Lancaster. Mr. Seth Morse came to inform me that Mr. Cornelius Biglow junior dyed this morning after one o’Clock and is to be buryed tomorrow. The Widow desires me to attend upon it. Captain Jonathan Fay here from the maltsters and offers me Malt ready ground at 25/ per Bush. I take two. To gratifie my own Curiosity, as also to be the better able to Judge of what my Children and others read, I took some View of Fieldings Joseph Andrews, Vol. 1, finding it accidently in the House.

1771 February 8 (Friday). Attended the Funeral of Mr. Biglow and prayed there. Dr. Hawes brought his Wife to Visit Mrs. P________(who could not go to the burial). They agree together to ride in a sleigh to Ashburnham. Hear that Capt. Ephraim Brigham of Marlborough dyed Yesterday.

1771 February 9 (Saturday). About noon came Breck and Elias from Ashburnham but from Lancaster to Day, in a violent impetuous Storm. The Wind has driven off part of my own Fence at the Well, and torn off the Covering of Mr. Andrews’s Stable, near the Meeting House, and the Covering of the Stables behind the Meeting House. P.M. the storm somewhat abated, but yet the Floods high, and the Wind strong. Difficult travelling. I gave up the Thought of going to Shrewsbury—yet at Eve came Mr. Sumner and lodged here.

1771 February 10 (Sunday). In the morning I Sent for Mr. Wheelocks Horse, and though it was very Cold, Windy, Sharp air, and Roads very icy, yet I rode to Shrewsbury. Preached at Shrewsbury a. and p.m. on Ps. 119.126 to page 20. Master Isaac Stone dined with me. At Eve Mr. Job Cushing came to see me. Mr. Sumner returned. I lodged there.

1771 February 11 (Monday). In returning called to See Lt. Marshall Newton, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Samuel Fay and others. Dined at home, but not till past two. My Son Breck is gone to keep School at Northborough. Capt. Maynard has been here and left me 100 Dollars. He is gone to the Funeral of Capt. Ephraim Brigham. A Letter from Dr. Joseph Joslyn, in great Affliction, requesting me to attend the Funeral of Mrs. Joslyn next Wednesday. A Number of Gentlemen from Douglass here, viz. Capt. Hill, Messrs. Draper, Whitney and [blank] came here, having been to Marlborough to wait upon Mr. Benjamin Brigham again—but I suppose in Vain, he having given his Answer Affirmatively to the people of Monadnock. When it was late at night came Sophy from Brookfield, accompanied accompanyed by Mr. Aaron Crosby, who lodged here.

1771 February 12 (Tuesday). I delivered the 100 Dollars (which I received of Capt. Maynard) to Mr. Aaron Crosby, of which he gave me a Receipt, to be delivered to my son Alexander at Leicester. After dinner he left us. Elias is at his Books. Elias of Brookfield is gathering up Clover and English Hay-Seed in the Barn. Mr. Seth Morse here to shew me a Subscription of a Number of the Church and Congregation for Tate and Brady’s Version of the Psalms.

1771 February 13 (Wednesday). Weather so rigorous that I cannot go to the Funeral of Mrs. Joslyn at Sudbury. Send a Letter to Dr. Joslyn by Mr. Nathaniel Whitney. P.M. Came Messrs. Chandler and Amos Wood, two Concord men, who largely defend Mr. Emerson and the Church, against the aggrieved and against the last Council, which was chose by the aggrieved only.

1771 February 14 (Thursday). Dr. Hawes having provided Horses and a Sleigh, took Mrs. P________ in along with his Wife and her Child and Kinswoman, attempting to go to Ashburnham. They sat out between 8 and 9 a.m. Mr. Joseph Bond brought a Load of Wood, which we were much in need of.

1771 February 15 (Friday). A Cold, Difficult season. Mr. Solomon Baker brought a Load of Wood. Am close applyed to reading etc.: and to teaching my son Elias, who is daily reciting Corderius, and his Accidence.

1771 February 16 (Saturday). Mr. Francis Whipple jr. brought another Load of Wood.

1771 February 17 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 5.9. Mr. Abraham Gale dined here. P.M. after the usual Exercise I acquainted the Church and congregation that I had received a Paper of subscription for the New Version of the Psalms—by Dr. Brady and Nahum Tate Esq. but I could not read it at present, being it was a stormy Time and but few of the old Men at Meeting. N.B. Ensign Jeduthun Fay, doubtless fearing I was going to read something about it, went out.

1771 February 18 (Monday). Mrs. Parkman does not return from Ashburnham as was intended: the weather being too Severe. At Eve reckoned with Mr. Seth Morse and pay him by a Note to Constable Daniel Nurse—for 234 lbs. of Beef, @ 15d which came to £14.12.6. Also 11 1/2 lbs. Tallow @ 3/6. £2.0.0 and Sugar 7 lbs. £1.2.6. Add weaving £2.0.0. In all £19.15.0 old Tenor in full. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Batherick here. Was Examined and approved.

1771 February 19 (Tuesday). I rode in my Sleigh to see Mrs. Gale, who is very low; Scarce able to Speak. Prayed by her. Wrote to my Brother William and Sent it by Mr. James Knap of Uxbridge. In returning home called to see Mr. Andrews who is lame in his shoulder. Was treated very generously. At nine o’clock Dr. Hawes brought home my wife and Daughter Hannah. They came round by the way of Marlborough and made it so late by Calling at many places. N.B. My grandson Elias went to Mr. James Goddards and brought my two year old steer home.

1771 February 20 (Wednesday). Was poorly last night and to Day. Mrs. Batherick (Wife of Mr. Jonathan) was here to be examined. I spent a great deal of Time and pains with her. Mr. Gleason brought an excellent Load of Walnut Wood. Mr. Biglow requests a Note to Mr. Daniel Nurse for £4.4.0 when I owe him but 12/6 and receive only 48/ but tells me Mr. Thaddeus Warrin owes him the rest and shall bring it to me. I therefore gratifie him, though it is out of Line to do it, and if proceeded in frequently would cause no little trouble.

1771 February 21 (Thursday). At Deacon Woods. See there Doctor Wilson, Dr. Joslyn and others.

1771 February 22 (Friday). Pritty nigh out of sizable wood—when Messrs. Simeon Bellows, Edmund Chamberlin and Joseph Belknap bring 2 Load apiece. Six Load. Through divine Goodness am able to attend my Business again more freely.

1771 February 23 (Saturday). By Desire of Mr. Gale I visit his Wife again. Prayed there. Dined at home. Our Kinsman Mr. King of Suffield dined with us, as did Alexander and his wife, who have been to their Father Brown’s. They called here in the Eve of the 21st in the Severe Cold, but stood along. P.M. They Sat out again for Leicester. N.B. He is laying a New Scheme to purchase the Southgate place.

1771 February 24 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Heb. 5.9. P.M. Repeated in one Exercise on Ps. 91.16. N.B. Mr. Seth Morse came to my House in the morning desirous that I would lay the matter relative to Tate and Bradys Psalms before the Church. At Noon Deacon Bond requested the same, and said there was a Number more that desired, and he supposed expected it. Accordingly The Church were stopped, and after first mentioning the necessity of being supplyed with Psalm Books, and that they must either confirm the old Version, or Vote for Some other: but as I had received a great Subscription to purchase Tate and Brady’s, So it was most probable that they would Choose That; therefore It was put to Vote and it passed by a great Majority. Nay there appeared but 3 that did not vote (out of 30 present), viz. Messrs. Daniel Hardy, David Maynard and David Batherick. The last was for having the Vote tryed again: but I chose to put the Contrary—that if any did oppose it they were desired to stand up. But no one stood up. Messrs. Maynard and Batherick said they Should Vote if the Congregation would fall in. Mr. Hardy Said he did not oppose, for he knew nothing about it. N.B. Breck came in the morning from Northborough, and tarrys over Night.

1771 February 25 (Monday). Gave my Self to reading, and especially Mr. Lords (of Chatham) Diary: and to writing out the Close of my p.m. sermon yesterday. N.B. Mrs. Spring, and at Eve her Husband, Mr. William Spring, made us a Visit.

1771 February 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Daniel Hardy came to see me and borrowed my Tate and Brady. I am glad to find him so conversible and meek as he, for him, appears Seeing it is in so trying a Matter with him.

1771 February 27 (Wednesday). Hear much of the Damage by the Floods, as well as See my Self how deep and wide the waters Spread in all the low Grounds. Mr. Edmund Chamberlain here, dissatisfyed with Mr. Jonathan Batherick on Account of his leaving the young Mens meeting without giving any good Reason for it. At Eve Mr. John Maynard here to acquaint me with his mothers (Granny Maynard) Illness, and that She desires me to visit her.

1771 February 28 (Thursday). It was very rough Weather, cold, blowing, Sometimes Cloudy and Snowing; it is also difficult passing over Bridges; but I undertook to visit old Mrs. Maynard. As I went I called at Squire Whipple’s and dined there. N.B. I moved it to the Squire to try whether Ensign Jeduthun Fay would not comply with Some Method or other to obtain Peace. I offer in particular that if he will make it appear I have given him ground of Offence, I will make him reasonable Satisfaction—Or, if he will comply with no reasonable proposal to be reconciled to Me, yet that he and his Family would do what is requisite to prepare them for, and attend upon Gospel Administrations according to Christs Appointment in some other Christian Church. This I repeated and urged upon Squire Whipple to endeavour with that difficult man. Then I proceeded to Mr. James Maynards—found his Wife very low: under bilious Disorders. Conversed and prayed with her. Her Husband behaves with great Decency and Civility. Here am informed that Mrs. Gale (Mr. Abijahs Wife) expired last night. In returning home I called at Mr. Edwards Whipples, and Smoked a pipe with Master Taylor. Borrowed of him President Burrs Latin Grammar and Millers Rudiments of the Greek Tongue. N.B. A Number of Neighbours are at Work at Mr. Whipple’s Mill-dam etc. dammaged by the Floods, and he himself gone to Boston. N.B. Hear that Somewhat lately, Mr. Thomas Temple had a Separate and Baptist, viz. Mr. [blank] Southgate to preach at his House. Thus Ends this Winter Month, but not the Winter-Weather.

1771 March 1 (Friday). I desire gratefully to take notice of the Lord’s great Goodness in permitting me to begin another Month, though I have all manner of Reason to be deeply humbled before Him for my multiplyed Offences.

1771 March 2 (Saturday). Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Gale. My Wife was with me. While the waiters were getting ready I Spake largely about Preparation for Death—viz. of those great Articles of Regeneration, Faith, Repentence, Holiness, the Love of God and our Neighbour etc., without which we cannot rationally hope for Comfort at our Departure. Prayed with them. Have received a Letter from Mr. Moore dated Rochester 24 of February and Boston the 27. Ruth Bellows came again at night.

1771 March 3 (Sunday). Preached a.m. and p.m. on Gen. 49.18. So great a storm there were but few at Meeting, especially in the afternoon. N.B. p.m. Mr. Seth Morse was Chorister. In the Evening read at Family Exercise read Dr. Owen.

1771 March 4 (Monday). Town-Meeting. Messrs. Tainter and Wheelock came to me with the Towns Desire that I would go and pray with them. I did so. At Eve Mr. Tainter and Mr. Seth Morse here. The former apprizing me that Mr. Ely was expected from Summers this week, and asks for my Consent to his preaching in the Meeting House, and Spake of his bringing him to see me. I gave no consent; but told him I should not desire to see him here.

1771 March 5 (Tuesday). Attended the private Meeting at Deacon Woods, and Preached on Heb. 12.1 to p. 8.

1771 March 6 (Wednesday). My wife went with me in our Sleigh to Northborough and in going called to see Old Mrs. Maynard who is brought into a very low state, and to Day seems to be worse. We dined at Lt. Martyn’s. Old Mrs. Martyn has great Trouble in one of her Eyes. P.M. we visited at Mr. Whitneys. I borrowed of Lt. Martyn Bailys Dictionary in large Folio, by Dr. Joseph Nicol Scott. I Returned home by Capt. Jesse Brighams. At Evening came to Mr. Tainter and his Wife, and brought with them Mr. Ely. They Supped here late. No word was Spoke of preaching till they had taken leave and gone out: But Mr. Tainter and his Wife had asked me to Dinner at their House tomorrow, and Mrs. Parkman to be with me, which invitation I could not accept of; I knew also what would be like to follow. What Mr. Tainter broke forth with, was, that he believed Mr. Ely would deliver a Discourse at his House tomorrow afternoon. I shewed my Displeasure and Grief at it, and at him for asking him. Mr. Ely being at the Sleigh I went out to him and besought him not to and used a variety of Arguments with him to desist—at least to Wave the Matter for the present till we could look into the Matter and Enquire how his Character Stood, etc., etc.

1771 March 7 (Thursday). I perceive that people are travelling to Mr. Tainters: for in all likelihood Mr. Ely will preach there, notwithstanding all I have said to him and to Mr. Tainter against it. Miss Mary Bradish with two Boys waiting upon her, here, and they dined with me. Mr. Benjamin Brigham brought a Letter from the people and proprietors of Monadnock No. 4 to our Church to assist in Ordination of Mr. B. Brigham junior on the 27th. Mr. Jonathan Batherick here at Eve with his own and Wife’s Relation.

1771 March 8 (Friday). Master Taylor here and tells me he heard Mr. Ely at Mr. Tainters yesterday, and a considerable Assembly attended. The Text was Jer. 8.22, “Is there no Balm in Gilead”? etc. Very loud, very affecting. He intends to try to preach at Hopkinton next Sabbath; but Mr. Hutchinson has agreed to go there for that Day.

1771 March 9 (Saturday). A Mad Dog has gone up and down the Town, biting and killing a Number of Creatures: but is pursued and shot. Mrs. Abigail Batherick here, further to answer Some Questions and to have some Corrections in the Draught of her Relation.

1771 March 10 (Sunday). A great Storm, of Snow, wind, and towards Night Hail, and then Rain. Few at Meeting especially p.m. Preached on 1 Cor. 15.1 a. and p.m. Could not proceed to the Admission of the Bathericks by Reason of the small Number of Church members present. For the Same Reason wave Reading the Monadnock Letter. But appointed the Communion and preparatory Lecture on Wednesday next. Mrs. Maynard and Ruth Bellows dined here. At Eve Dr. Owen. Ruth stays over night.

1771 March 11 (Monday). And Works here. Adjournment of Town Meeting. Too stormy for me to go to see Mrs. Adams who Still lies very low. Mr. Moses Nurse is here and reckons; we ballance our Accounts to this Day. Mr. Daniel Forbes here. He is no approver of Mr. Ely. Mr. Israel Walker from Hopkinton. He wants to know my Inclination to afford Help to Mr. Barret in preaching. Acquaints me with his going to Upton about Mr. Ely, who, says, went from Westborough on Friday last (Lt. Tainter accompanying), to Hopkinton and offered to preach there; He went to Mr. Barretts and lodged there. On Saturday, they not accepting his Offer, he went off to Sherburn.

1771 March 12 (Tuesday). Visit Mrs. Hardy and her daughter Adams who is very low. I discoursed with her as She could bear. Prayed with them. Visit at old Mr. Warrins. Read more of Mr. Lords MSS.

1771 March 13 (Wednesday). It was So stormy weather and so difficult travelling that though I have Sent to Mr. Fish to come and help me to Day, yet I put my Self into the way of preparation to preach my self. But he came and Mr. Sumner also. They dined with me, and Mr. Fish Preached the Lecture on Ps. 27.6. But few hearers. N.B. Mr. Sumner, conversing about Mr. Ely, Said his Wife told him he called there in his Journey from Somers to Westborough (Mr. Sumner not being at home). He (Mr. Ely) told Mrs. Sumner he wanted to See him for he was well acquainted with him, was at College at the same time with him; he lived in the Chamber right under him, and was his Freshman etc., etc., whereas Mr. Sumner says, he never saw him in his Life, and that he came away from College before Ely entered; and that he never lived in College before Ely entered; and that he never lived in College after he took his first Degree. But there is a Kinsman of Mr. Sumners, of his Name, who was bred at College. To prevent mistakes therefore Mr. Ely asked whether this Mr. Sumner did not preach and receive a Call at Stafford? Whether his name was not Joseph? A tall man? etc.? It all agreed—this was the very same. This deserves to be Searched into.

1771 March 14 (Thursday). Mr. Silas Warrin of Grafton here under great Grievance, dissatisfyed with Mr. Hutchinsons untruth—Speaking against the Bible, that it is false—that he could translate some places better, etc. I endeavoured to open his Mind, inform and quiet him. Jejun and Suppl. and Concio preparation. Breck at Evening and lodged.

1771 March 15 (Friday). I rode to Mr. Tim. Warrens to see Mr. Meads Library. Bought a good Cole’s Dictionary and paid a Dollar for it. I bought also an Oxford Bible large octavo, for 3£ old Tenor, also the British Apollo for 6/ Ditto. It being greatly defaced, dirtyed and broken. Mr. Warren also made a present of Mr. Prince’s New England Psalm Book, and Leusdens Psalterium Hebreum; also Several of Cockers Copys. Returned as soon as I well could, but it very much broke the Day. At eve came Brother Brown of Framingham and lodged here.

1771 March 16 (Saturday). Brother Brown goes to Leicester intending to assist, or join with Alexander in buying Dr. Southgates place. Has, I Suppose, money with him for the first payment. Deacon Wood kills a Calf for me. Mr. Joseph Harrington takes it to market it for me.

1771 March 17 (Sunday). Instead of Reading the Chapter in public as usual, I read before and as Text to, my Sermon the whole portion which was to have been read, viz. Ezek. 36, from the 25th v. to the End. And formed my Exercise for this forenoon from some part of a Fast Discourse on this Passage but made some additions especially to what had not been writ out, and some application. Administered the Lord’s supper. [Marginal notation: Took in several into the Church, viz. the Bathericks and Mrs. Parker.] P.M. preached on 1 Cor. 13.1.2. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Parker dined here. At Eve Dr. Owen on Spiritual mindedness. N.B. The Church consented to send to the Ordination of Mr. Brigham, at Monadnock No. 4. In my study read Mr. Lords Diary. O that God would bless it to me! It is very instructing and quicking[?] to me.

1771 March 18 (Monday). Read various Things which I have partly bought and partly borrowed out of Mr. Medes Library, viz. Vindication of the Revolution in Massachusetts 1689, Advice to the Churches concerning Imposters, Dr. Mathers account of Mr. Samuel May etc., Mr. Nathan Prince of the Constitution and Government of Harvard College. N.B. Began to Sing Mr. Thomas Prince’s Version, of the Psalms, or Revising of the New England Psalm Book. P.M. Mr. Joseph Brigham here with Messages from his Kinsman and from Mr. Smith requesting me to go to Monadnock. At Eve Cornet Brigham here likewise.

1771 March 19 (Tuesday). A.M. to Mr. Timothy Warrins; but he was gone a Journey, therefore could do nothing more about Books. P.M. Brother Brown came from Leicester and Mr. [blank] Gleason with him. They dine here. Alexander has received a Deed of the Southgate place and has given a Deed of part of it to his Father Brown. N.B. I received a Letter to Day from Mr. President Locke, containing a just Character of the late Mr. John Mead. Breck came and on my Horse he rode to Upton to speak to some young men about living with me. He returned also but was unsuccessful.

1771 March 20 (Wednesday). I wrote to Mr. Thomas Wood of Brookfield for his Son John to come and live with me, and wrote to Alexander—to the Care of his Neighbour Gleason.

1771 March 21 (Thursday). At Mr. Timothy Warrins and bought several more Books that were Mr. Meade’s. I dined there.

1771 March 22 (Friday). So full of Concern about my Horse that I have him new Shod, though it is but lately he was put to rights—yet stumbles. The Rain causes so great Floods that they are very noticeable.

1771 March 23 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1771 March 24 (Sunday). Read the last verses of Ezek. 36 and Ch. 37 to v. 14 and (with part of what I had heretofore delivered on v. 37 of ch. 36 and from Eph. 5.14 with a new Exposition of the first paragraph of Ch. 37) formed the forenoon Exercise. P.M. Read 1 Thess. 5. Preached on 1 Cor. 15.1.2. At Eve read Dr. Owen in the Family Exercise. Breck from Northborough this Morning.

1771 March 25 (Monday). I sat out upon my Journey to Monadnock No. 4, though the ways were very bad, and the Weather somewhat wet. Met the Delegate, Brother Levi Brigham, at Mr. Whitneys in Northborough. We proceeded to Lancaster and dined at Mr. Harringtons. From thence we had one Mr. Pepper at Framingham our Company. Arrived at Ashburnham at Eve. Mr. Smith was at Mr. Cushings and lodged there.

1771 March 26 (Tuesday). We proceeded to Winchenden and baited at Rev. Mr. Browns. Road tolerable, though the Snows up there were very deep. We arrived at Mr. John Mellens, the Entertainer, at Monadnock, so as to dine though late. Few of the Ministers came. We lodged there.

1771 March 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Brown of Winchenden, Mr. Goddard of Swanzey, and Mr. Lee of Royalston, were all the Ministers that came to join us; So that we were only five Ministers with our Delegates; and a Delegate from the Church in Keen. These six Churches formed into a Council. I was chose Moderator and Mr. Brown the scribe. The Candidates for Convenanting presented them Selves with their Dismissions from the Churches they belonged to. The Covenant was read to them which they Consented to; and Mr. Brighams Confession of Faith—voted Satisfactory. Every Thing being prepared, we proceeded to the place of public Assembly—and there Mr. Lee opened the Solemnity by Prayer. Mr. Smith Preached on Joh. 21.15. Then the Church was gathered. I prayed and gave the Charge: Mr. Goddard prayed after the Charge; and Mr. Brown gave the right Hand. Returned to Mr. Mellen’s. Were decently refreshed and lodged there.2

1771 March 28 (Thursday). In returning to Ashburnham, called at Mr. Browns. Dined at Mr. Cushings and I Preached Mr. Cushings Lecture—Text 2 Cor. 4.1. After Lecture Mrs. Winchester was there at Mr. Cushings. With her came Capt. Samuel Wilder and his Wife—and drank Tea. Cornet Brigham and the Brighams from Marlborough with Master [blank] Barns of Marlborough (at their Request) were dismissed to go homewards. At Evening Deacon Foster came to see us. Capt. Joseph Wilder there also. Mr. Smith and I lodged at my son Cushings.

1771 March 29 (Friday). Take leave. Call at Mr. Paysons in Fitchbourg and dined there. Proceeded to Mr. Gardners at Leominster: found Mrs. Gardner under an ill state of Health. Through extremely muddy Roads, we reached to Mr. Harringtons. Mrs. Fuller of Prince-Town, was there also. We lodged there.

1771 March 30 (Saturday). We were much entertained with their fine Singing in the Family. Mr. Elisha Marsh there. We rode to Mr. Goss’s to Sympathize with him under his Troubles. Dined with them. Call at Capt. Johnsons—and Mr. Whitneys. Find my Tabernacle in Peace. Blessed be God for His great Goodness and wonderful preservations in going out and returning home in Safety!

1771 March 31 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 37 from v. 15. Preach’d a. and p.m. on 1 Cor. 1.30. Sheriff Cutler of Grafton dined here. Mr. Hutchinson preaches to Day for Mr. Barrett. Mrs. Maynard dined here also. At Eve Dr. Owen.

1771 April 1 (Monday). Samuel Sever here to let himself to Me. Took it into Consideration till next Monday. Visit Mr. Jonathan Childs Wife, who is sick. Prayed and dined there. Her Mother Smith more comfortable and Conversible. Visit at Nurse’s, Whitneys, Pratts, and widow Brighams.

1771 April 2 (Tuesday). One Reuben Bruce from Paxton here to let himself to me. P.M. Preached at Lt. Joseph Bakers, on Heb. 12.1. Which may God graciously bless to us!

1771 April 3 (Wednesday). Mr. Thomas Wood calls here to speak about his Sons Benjamin and John, and of one of them’s living with me. He talks of 80£ for the wages of six month’s, but I could not consent to it. P.M. went to the Vendue of Mr. Meads Books, Pamphlets, utencils [sic], Tools etc. It was held at Mr. Andrews’s. I bought two Lotts of Pamphlets, in which were Mr. Niles’s Vindication of Gospel Doctrine, Mr. Philips Seasonable Advice relative to 5 points: Mr. Foxcrofts Soul-Health, Dillworths Lord Anson’s Voiage, Wigglesworths Inspiration of the SS [Sacred Scripture?], Dr. Colmans Law of the Sabbath; Bishop Londons Letter occasioned by the Earthquake: Dunbars Sermon previous to the Choice of a minister, and I bought Mrs. Bradstreets Poems: also a small Lock. In coming home I had a Fall on my back, which hurt me not a little, on the OS sacrum.

1771 April 4 (Thursday). Visit Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Adams who are both very bad and in Expectation of Death. Called at Mrs. Warrins. Mr. Amariah Haven of Hopkinton comes for me to go to Miss Jerusha Haven who is in a low state—but I am obliged to deny by reason of my great Indisposition. Mr. D. Nurse from Boston brings a Letter from my Aged Brother. Breck comes home.

1771 April 5 (Friday). Mr. Thomas Wood here and I agree with him for his son Benjamin to live with me and work for me Six Months; and I agree to give him 75£ old Tenor. But Benjamin came down and tells me they want to be alike in Wages—that his uncle would give him 78, and that his Father thinks I must give him t’other 40/. I told him I had not given any more than 75; that I did not care to break over this, to make it a bad Precedent—but as I had a Mind to have him, So I would do equivalent, to encourage him, and therefore I would depend upon his coming next Monday or Tuesday, to work. This he promised to do. N.B. received a letter from Mr. Isaac Stone that he could preach for me next Sabbath. I wrote immediately to Deacon Wood, and Sent it by Benjamin to contrive how I may go to Hopkinton and preach for My Brother Barrett.

1771 April 6 (Saturday). I found it was best to ride over to Hopkinton to Visit Jerusha Haven, and whereas Mr. Prentice of Holliston was expected to preach tomorrow for Mr. Barrett, Deacon Haven was willing to go to Mr. Prentice and prevail with him to take another Day (by the will of God) Since providence permitted me to go over to Hopkinton, and seeing that the foresaid Jerusha lived So far down towards Holliston, I went my Self to Mr. Prentice and we dined there. But Capt. Thomas Mellen was my Company to Mr. Jonathan Haven’s where I saw the poor young Woman in a languishing Condition confined to her Bed. Discoursed and prayed with her. Stopped at Capt. Mellens in my return—his wife shaved me. Lodged at Mr. Barrets. He is weak and low, has not ventured to go out of Doors.

1771 April 7 (Sunday). I Preached at Hopkinton on Rev. 16.15—former part a.m., the latter part p.m. Baptized Nathaniel son of John Burnet—Aaron, son of [blank] Smith, and Abigail, of Henry Mellen, were baptized. Returned home at Even and here were Masters Stone and Taylor, and they lodged here. Mr. Stone had preached for me the Day preceeding—a.m. on Mat. 4.17. P.M. on Phil. 4.7.

1771 April 8 (Monday). Mr. Stone prayed in the morning—then left us to return to his school at Shrewsbury. Mr. Taylor to his School at Mrs. Kendals, and he takes my Son Elias with him. Breck with us.

1771 April 9 (Tuesday). Breck goes to work for Mr. Beeton to build convenient shelter for his works in grinding scythes, by Water. Sermonize and read The World displayed Vol. VIII.

1771 April 10 (Wednesday). Rode to Shrewsbury Lecture. Mr. Whitney of Northborough [and?] Mr. Sumner dined there. Preached on Gen. 3.15. Returned at Eve. N.B. This 10th Day of April was the first of my receiving any Money of the Constable Gleason. This I was forced to go for, and now received but three Dollars only. Breck came home and lodged here. Elias lodged at Mrs. Kendalls, but came home this Eve. Received of Squire Whipple EIKON BAZALIKH, belonging to the late Mr. Meads Library.

1771 April 11 (Thursday). Mr. Daniel Forbes brings 8 lbs. of Wool from Boston at l0/ O.T. for which I payed him. He dines here. P.M. Mr. Joslin calls to See us. Benjamin Wood came at Evening and though he should have come yesterday to work, yet (contrary to my Agreement and his Engagement, his Fathers and uncles also) he tells me he can’t serve me: his Brother John having let himself at Brookfield while his Father was here, and so disappointing his uncle, the Deacon, the Deacon insists upon his living with him. This frustrates my expectation of him and his working for me.

1771 April 12 (Friday). Deacon Wood and Benjamin came here in the morning to adjust the Affair abovesaid. I am forced to yield up Benjamin except that he works for me to day—and Deacon takes my Team with him to Mill—with 14 1/2 Bushels of Grain.

1771 April 13 (Saturday). Mr. Daniel Adams’s Wife dyed this morning. A Letter from Mr. Hutchinson concerning Mr. Ely; inclosing the Letter of the Southern Association of the County of Hampshire to the Elders etc. at Somers Sept. 20. 69.

1771 April 14 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 38. Preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 4.23. Master Taylor dined here. P.M. read 2 Thess. 1. At Eve Dr. Owens Spiritual Mindedness, at Family Exercise. N.B. Breck with us.

1771 April 15 (Monday). A.M. having understood that Deacon Wood had been out and provided Samuel Chamberlin to live with him, and that Benjamin Wood might with me; I went and agreed with Benjamin again; only I must give him 78£ and he is to come to my Work tomorrow Morning. P.M. attended the Funeral of Mrs. Adams. N.B. Deacon Wood has acquainted me of Ben’s backwardness and says he has not promised me absolutely. After Funeral Mr. Batherick here. N.B. Talk of his Son Solomon to live with me. John Whitney came, and offers to live with me.

1771 April 16 (Tuesday). No Ben. Wood to Work though he had So far promised as that after I had answered his Objections he answered me that he thought he must, and when, at parting I asked him whether I might depend upon him to come, and he replyed as yielding and complying. Mrs. Dolly Rice here. I visit Mr. Morse’s sick Child—and prayed there. N.B. Alexander came to us about an hour after Midnight—went to Framingham and returned p.m. He left us towards night to go to Leicester. Spake to [blank] Reed, who seems inclined to work for me, or find me a young man that may. At Eve Breck and Elijah Brigham—he lodges here. Reed was to come here at Evening but he came not.

1771 April 17 (Wednesday). He came this Morning but has concluded to work in the Business of his Trade, being a Shooemaker. I Send by Breck to Mr. John Chamberlin of Hopkinton, for his son Joseph. After which came John Dunlap, son of James, to See whether I was supplyed. This is the 2d time; for he was here yesterday—but was obliged, not without Reluctance, to deny him. I am brought into perplexity, by my not having a man yet—the Season Spending, my Hay which I depend on, So gone—and my Business behind Hand. We are also much put to’t for want of Wood, which the people were to bring me, but have not done it. But Capt. B. Fay brought a Load.

1771 April 18 (Thursday). Publick Fast. I endeavoured to prepare a Discourse but was not able to accomplish my purpose. I therefore with proper alterations, omissions and additions of new Introduction and such application as was needful to accommodate it to the present Aspects of Providence, delivered my Discourse on James 4.3 in the two Exercises of the Day. Messrs. Samuel Barrett junior and Aaron Crosby from Brookfield here. N.B. Breck has a very bad sore on one of his Fingers, which proves very troublesome to him.

1771 April 19 (Friday). Rode over to Mr. John Chamberlains in Hopkinton and hired his son Joseph for 75£ if I shall be satisfyed he earns it; otherwise he is to have but 70, and he is to bring a scythe with him.

1771 April 20 (Saturday). Though it was rainy I rode to Shrewsbury and lodged at Mr. Sumners.

1771 April 21 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner to Westborough. I Preached at Shrewsbury a. and p.m. on Gal. 1.15.16. Baptized three Children. Read Mr. Barretts Letter requesting Mr. Sumner to preach for him next Sabbath. Mr. Sumner on Luk. 18.35 to the End. I returned at Eve—part of the way Dr. Crosby. At my own House was my Daughter Cushing, who with Mr. Cushing, came last Eve. Mr. Cushing Preached for Mr. Whitney at Northborough. Letter from Alexander that he has got his Thief.

1771 April 22 (Monday). Joseph Chamberlain of Hopkinton came to live and work here. Received a Letter by Hand of Mr. Abraham Bonds Wife, from Mr. Jonathan Cook and wrote some Reply, but did not send it now. Mr. Cushing here and lodged.

1771 April 23 (Tuesday). Received a Letter last Night from Alexander informing that the Thief James Jones, who stole his Cloth last year at Sturbridge, was seized and put into Worcester Jayl. I rode early to Mr. Stone’s. Broke fast there and prayed in their Family. After which he rode with me to Brother Browns at Framingham to acquaint him with Alexanders Case and desired he would ride up to Worcester, the Superior Court now sitting, and assist Alexander in the prosecution of Jones, or advise him as should be needful. Then Mr. Stone and I rode to Mr. Bridge’s at Sudbury to Ministers Meeting. Messrs. Loring, Smith and Goss there. Mr. Loring prayed. Mr. Bridge a Concio on Joh. 16.27. After meeting I went to my son Williams and lodged there. He tells me of new Discord in Concord.

1771 April 24 (Wednesday). Returned home. On my way dined at Coll. Weeks’s. At home Dr. Hawes and his Wife here. Mr. Forbes and Sir Crosby from Brookfield. The Former lodges here, the other goes to his Classmate Taylors. Mr. Cushing has been to Court but does not return.

1771 April 25 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing comes, tarrys till after Dinner—and then he and his wife leave us. Mr. Forbes and Crosby Sat out in the morning for Boston, in their way to Beverly Ordination (of Mr. Hitchcock). P.M. Catechetical Exercise to 25 young Women. The Questions were 101, 102, 103. Begin next at Question 104. At Eve Breck comes home and with him a young man, a Taylor, Joseph Hancock, as he says, of Derbyshire in old England. N.B. Mr. Ithamar Bellows’s House was burnt down to day; The Fire broke out from a Crack in the Oven—about 9 o’Clock a.m. They saved their Meat chiefly, but lost a great Quantity of Corn—great part of their household Goods—Apparrel, Linnen etc. A very sorrowful Loss! May the Lord sanctifie this Dispensation to them, and to us all!3

1771 April 26 (Friday). Many Neighbours (I hear) are gone to help Mr. Bellows in getting Timber for another House. Mr. Hancock at work for Breck, making him a pair of Leather Breeches. P.M. Mr. Edwards Whipple here—our Discourse concerning the Bounds of the Ministerial Lot, and of the Meadow.

1771 April 27 (Saturday). Mr. Hancock here Still. P.M. Mr. Sumner and Mr. H. Baldwin call here as they go to Hopkinton. Joseph goes home at Eve, and Hancock leaves us. Alexanders Rogue, I hear, has been whipped.

1771 April 28 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 39. Preached a.m. on Ps. 69.32, latter part. P.M. Read 2 Thess. 2. Preached on Col. 3.1.2, repeating and with alterations. In the Evening Messrs. Sumner and Baldwin from Hopkinton in their way home.

1771 April 29 (Monday). Mr. Taylor goes to Boston—and charged with various Affairs from us. Mr. Powers of Uxbridge Borders, with Master Taylor, and expresses abhorrence of Mr. Hutchinson untrueness. My Horse could not be spared from the Team in plowing, till late in the Day, but Then I went down to visit my Houseless Neighbours—and Sympathize with them. I found a great many at Work on a new Frame for Messrs. Bellows’s. My Son Breck works there to Day. I went to the Houses where the Sufferers sojourn, viz. Mr. Ezra Bakers, and Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain junior.

1771 April 30 (Tuesday). Having been out in the Evening Air, and in the Rain last Night, I took Cold and am invalid—poorly capable of any Exertment. Sent by Mr. Merriam of Grafton, a Letter to Mr. Williams at Boston Printer, An Account of the late Burning among us.

1771 May 1 (Wednesday). Wrote a Letter to Mr. McAlpine relative to his Supplying my Neighbours with the Books of Tate and Brady’s Version of the Psalms. Expected Mr. Sumner to preach my Lecture—but he did not come. Just before going to Meeting Mr. Maynard brought a Letter from him that there was a Funeral, at 3 o’Clock to Day which prevented. I went to Meeting, but poorly prepared. Preached on Col. 3.3, former part. May God of His abundant Goodness grant His Blessing and that we might truely profit hereby—that we may indeed be Dead to Sin etc.!

1771 May 2 (Thursday). Was much indisposed—Great Trouble by Cattle breaking in from the stables, and from Mr. Arnolds part of the Fence against my west Field. Mr. Bellows 2 House raised. I could not be there by reason of my Cold—Headach etc.

1771 May 3 (Friday). Sophy rides to Marlborough. Cattle troublesome. Mr. David Hitchcock of Brookfield comes from the Ordination of his Brother Enos at Beverly: dines with us and then pursues his Journey home.

1771 May 4 (Saturday). Sophy did not arrive at home last night by reason of the Rain: she got no further than Mr. William Brighams. She lodged there. I have had another poor night, by reason of my Head-ach—Ague in my Face etc. Breck returns home.

1771 May 5 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 40, former part. Preached on Prov. 4.23. Administered the Lords Supper. Widow Sever and Cousin Maynard dined here. P.M. Read 2 Thess. 3. In preaching went on with Sermon on Col. 3.3, not having been able to prepare a second sermon for the Day.

1771 May 6 (Monday). Elias goes to Mr. Taylors School, nigh Mr. Daniel Warrins, and dined at Mr. Beemans. Mr. Jonathan Child came to desire me to Visit his Wife. She has fallen into an ill state of Health; and is in Darkness as to her Spiritual State. I went—discoursed with her, prayed also. Called at Mr. Daniel Nurse’s for money. He payed me 8 Dollars. When I returned home, found that Mr. Phinehas Gleason had been here and had left me 37 Dollars.

1771 May 7 (Tuesday). Mr. Newton takes some of my Creatures to pasture at Coi’s Hill and Some to Mr. Gleason at Leicester. P.M. The Family Meeting was, by Desire, at Capt. Benjamin Fays, and I Preached on Josh. 24.15, former part to the End of page 7.

1771 May 8 (Wednesday). I rode over to the South; visiting at Mr. James Cooks—old Mrs. Woods—and dined at Mrs. Kendals. Bought 220 of Chestnut Boards of Mr. Jonathan Forbes. Visit at Mr. Martyn Pratts. Mrs. Chamberlin, Josephs Mother, visited us. I rode at Eve to Mr. Timothy Warrins and Stockwells. William Sergeant, Apprentice to my son Alexander, came from Leicester, lodges here.

1771 May 9 (Thursday). His Errand he obtains, viz. to drive up Alexanders Cow and Calf and with them a Shoat which I have given him. He goes off with them—and my Son Elias to assist him. Joseph and the other Elias go with the Team to Mr. Forbes Saw Mill and brings home Boards, Slabbs etc. P.M. They go with the Team to the Interval, and gather off what the River, when high, had brought upon my mowing Grounds. They bring home two Jaggs of various stuff. I rode over to Mr. Fessendens to see his Mother—to Mr. Benjamin Hows—was at the other Houses in that Corner. But Capt. Maynard was not at home, So that I could not reckon with him. Met Brother Brown in his Return from Leicester, whither he had been to drive up young Cattle to pasture. 18 of them. He tells me the next Care must be to help Alexander in selling his Thief, who yet lies in Jail at Worcester.

1771 May 10 (Friday). Mr. Spring brought 3 Bundles which he said contained 50 Psalm Books from Mr. McAlpine of Boston.

1771 May 11 (Saturday). Deacon Bond was here with a Paper signed by Levi and Deborah Warrin. Mr. Daniel Nurse pays in Notes and Cash £100 old Tenor.

1771 May 12 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 41. Preached on Prov. 4.23. P.M. read 1 Tim. 1 and preached on 1 Cor. 3.7. An extract from Three sermons on that Text. N.B. I, by Desire of a number of Brethren, viz. the Deacons, Bond and Wood, Ithamar Bellows, Daniel Forbes and Benjamin Tainter (which Desire was writ, Signed, and Dated May 10th 1771) laid before the Congregation the Vote of the Church last February relating to the Version of Psalms to be used here, for their Consent and Concurrance and this was manifested by their silence. N.B. Ensign Fay, his Wife and Daughter, went out at the first Mention of it.

1771 May 13 (Monday). Visit Mr. B. Newtons Child that is Sick and pray there. P.M. visit Mr. Jonathan Childs wife who has been worse, and Miss Mary Nurse who has been very ill. Prayed with them both. Then attended the Raising of the House of young Benjamin Fay. Received a Letter from My son Forbes concerning his Troubles relative to the Ministerial Rights.

1771 May 14 (Tuesday). Wrote a Number of Letters which I sent by Mr. Seth Morse, viz. to Mr. Quincy, and to Capt. Phillips at Bolton, upon the Affair of Alexanders Thief, that they may favour us with Some Directions and Assistance in making sale of him. Wrote also to Brother Brown inclosing the Said Letters to him, as he had proposed to wait on those Gentlemen with my Letters etc. Wrote also to Mr. McAlpine, to know why he sent me those Psalm Books by Mr. Spring. Miss Sally Woods of Marlborough at work here, making stays. Joseph Wood was here, and I payed him in full to this Day, viz. in Old Tenor £72.1.0.

1771 May 15 (Wednesday). By reason of the Storm and Cold weather we dont plant the rest of our Grounds.

1771 May 16 (Thursday). Old Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard make us a Visit and dine here. Mr. Peter Adams from Monadnock here and gives me Account of their hopefull Circumstances there. Joseph Chamberlin and Brookfield Elias go 3 Times to the Ministerial Lot for Rails. They brought 104. Reckoned with Mr. Hill and paid all by a Note to Constable Gleason. N.B. I sent by my son Elias, an Order upon Mr. Gleason, to pay Mr. Stockwell my Account for Shooemaking and mending, in full to this Day. Mr. Morse from Boston brings a Return from Mr. McAlpine respecting the Psalm Books brought by Mr. Spring, which I never sent for; are without Tunes, and must be returned back.

1771 May 17 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 May 18 (Saturday). Mr. Peter Adams here and takes the Care of driving one of my Cows (which is with Calf) to Mr. Cushing at Ashburnham that he may have the Benefit of her the ensuing summer. My son Elias goes with Mr. Adams to assist in driving the Cow as far as Mr. Eliezar Pratts—the intention being to set out from thence next Monday morning. Miss Sally Woods yet continues at work here. Breck has been for some Days at work on a Frame of a Barn, at Mr. Isaac Johnsons at Southborough but returns home this Evening. Joseph Chamberlin has my Horse to go home to his Fathers. N.B. Mr. Levi Warrin here desiring his Paper of April 30 be laid before the Church. I recommend some alteration. He desires to take it with him, to consider it.

1771 May 19 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 43. Preached on Prov. 4.23. P.M. read 1 Tim. 2. Prepared in great Measure with reference to our Political State, on Ezek. 48, ult. Jehovah Shammah—but did not finish it. Chose rather to use, with alterations (viz. new Introduction and new Conclusion) Sermon on 2 Chron. 15.2, “Hear ye me,” etc. N.B. Took notice of the Times—in London—and had Regard to the important Affair of choosing a Representative tomorrow. N.B. Mr. Levi Warrin at noon gave me his Paper again, expecting it should be laid before the Church. This I did, after the Exercises—and the Church voted acceptance. Miss Sally Woods with us.

1771 May 20 (Monday). Joseph Chamberlin returned from Hopkinton. Breck to Southborough again.

1771 May 21 (Tuesday). Rode to the East Corner and dined at Mr. Ebenezer and Edward Chamberlains, attended the Funeral of Mr. Seth Woods youngest Child. Mrs. Hitty Brigham with me, and is uneasy about the Conduct of Mr. Jonathan Cook whom she has hired to work for her. N.B. Sundry young Women, viz. Miss Polly Baker, Miss Nanny Brigham—to help Sophy in Quilting a Petticoat. The Weather is so dark etc. that we are threatened with much Rain. Joseph and Elias go to the ministerial Lot for Rails (bring 94 [at?] several Times) but in the last Turn they are in the Rain, and till 9 at night. It rains so hard that the Young Women, Quilters, tarry all night.

1771 May 22 (Wednesday). The Young Women go home early—but Miss Sally Woods, making stays and altering Gowns, is here at work still. Mr. Jonathan Cook here, but I softened him with Gentle Words.

1771 May 23 (Thursday). Breck returned home from Southborough. Catechized a.m. 55 Boys—p.m. 21 Girls. I Sought to Mr. Joseph Harrington for pasturing—but in Vain. Sent by Mr. Samuel Thurston to Boston for a Rundlet for Rum. Gave him in old Tenor £3.12. Master Taylor at Eve. Fresh Complaints against Mr. Hutchinson. Miss Sally Woods finishes her work here.

1771 May 24 (Friday). Went to Mr. Morse and obtained Chestnut Timber for Posts for my Fence in the fore yard. Breck and Joseph go and hew and bring it with my Oxen. Brother Breck lodged at Capt. Maynards last night. Cousin Betty Gott is come with him. He came hither but he did not tarry. Goes on his Journey to Boston. N.B. He has informed me that my Son Alexanders Wife is brought to Bed and has a Son. Mr. Moore came, late at Night, by the way of Oxford, in a Chair, with a Letter from Suse requesting Sophy may go to Rochester.

1771 May 25 (Saturday). Mr. Moore being with me and designing to keep Sabbath with me I laid aside my preparations which I was making, and Spent a great deal of my time with him. But Solomon Woods and his Wife were here in their penitence, were examined, and desired to be propounded. Mr. Samuel Thurston brought from Boston a Rundlet of Rum. Mr. Moores Horse is sent to Capt. Maynards.

1771 May 26 (Sunday). Read a.m. Ezek. 44. Mr. Moore Preached on Gal. 4.4.5. Mr. Taylor dined with us. P.M. Read 1 Tim. 3. Mr. Moore preached on 2 Cor. 5.14. Mr. Samuel Fays twenty [blank] Child, Noadiah, was baptized. Solomon Woods and wife propounded; Caution and Exhortation given respecting Election Day rejoicings. N.B. The whole Time which was Set for bring objections (if any there be) against Singing Tate and Bradys Psalms, is run out, and none has been brought.

1771 May 27 (Monday). Mr. Moore and Sophy go to Cambridge. Alexander came here from Leicester, extremely early; to take advice what to do with James Jones, whose Time (for the County to maintain him in Goal) is now out. Alexander leaves us a.m. Mr. Taylor here as he goes to the Grout school-House; and takes Elias with him.

1771 May 28 (Tuesday). I rode to Waltham. In my way called at Coll. Buckminster and dined. P.M. at Brother Browns to See what he had done about Alexander’s Thief. Called at Mrs. Goddards (who was Lydia Cutting) whose Husband is dead. I lodged at Mr. Cushings with his Brother John.

1771 May 29 (Wednesday). Rode to Cambridge and heard the Election Sermon, Preached by Mr. Tucker of Newbury, from 1 Pet. 2.13 etc. N.B. Conferred with Mr. Sewall, the attorney General on the Affair of Alexander’s Thief. I dined in the Hall. P.M. was at the Presidents, and at Mr. Appletons where a Number of ministers were gathered to consult about an Address to the Governor. N.B. Mr. Breck and his Cousen Williams Seem to have prepared, each a Draught and read them. Rode to Roxbury with Mr. MacCarty, and put out my Horse at Mr. Lewis’s to pasture. Walked over to Boston with Mr. Maccarty—and lodged at Cousen Procters.

1771 May 30 (Thursday). Attended my Son Alexanders Affair relative to his Villain. Was at Mr. Quincys who had writ me an Answer to mine, on the Same Head. He is a very obliging and opens the way in Order to get a Market for him. I was at the Convention. Dr. Pemberton Moderator. An Address to his Excellency was voted, and a Committee at 9 to wait upon him with it. Was at the Concio. Mr. Breck Preached on Heb. 13.1, a very pacific Discourse. I dined at Dr. Chauncys where were Mr. Gay, Rand etc. The Doctor was very Sanguine against those Councils which sat at Concord and lately at Bedford Ordination, and which treated Mr. Emmerson of Concord with Severitys not to be vindicated. Visited my Aged Brother who is grown very weak and feeble. Visited Sister Bekky, Cousin Oliver, Winter etc. At Eve preached at Mr. Coverleys—on 2 Pet. 1.14, “Knowing that Shortly,” etc. I lodged at my Brothers.

1771 May 31 (Friday). Parkman Arms at my Kinsmans Elias’s (who was lately marryed but Still is in Mr. William Jackson’s Business). Visit Mr. Surcomb. Dine at Coll. Marshall’s. Took Directions from Mr. Quincy (and Mr. Benjamin Kent was present and assisted) in the Affair of Jones abovesaid. I went to Mr. Edes to have him advertised.4 N.B. Mr. Thomas Baily generous with regard to My Horse, which Lewis of Roxbury had Sent to Backets instead of Proctors, etc. etc. I rode over to Roxbury and lodged at Mr. Adams’s but my Horse is put up at the Widow Ruggles’s.

1771 June 1 (Saturday). Mr. Adams, I perceive, is just upon marriage to Dr. Chauncys Daughter. I called at Mr. Cushings at Waltham to write to Alexander by one Mr. William Brakenridge of Ware. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Mr. (now elected Deacon) Browns, to acquaint him with what I had done, and writ to Alexander. Made opportunity to confer with Col. Taylor upon the Case of Alexander with reference to the persons who bought the Stolen Cloth of Jones. His answer the Same as Messrs. Sewal, Quincy, Kent, Coll. Elisha Jones etc., viz., that Alexander pay them no farthing, they being to blame, and rather liable to Action; and nothing to any Officer in bringing the Villain to punishment. Unless my son shall get so much for him as to defray his own Charges, which must be looked to and satisfyed first. Old Mr. Gale my Company from Col. Taylors, as far as his Sons. Arrived safe, and my Tabernacle in Peace. Thanks be to God for His Goodness! Mr. Levi Warren came with his own and his Wife’s Relation. N.B. Breck has put up almost all the Pale Fence before the House.

1771 June 2 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 45. Preached a. and p.m. on Eccl. 7, last Clause, with various Additions. Cousin Betty Gott dined here. P.M. Read 1 Tim. 4. Admitted Levi Warren and his Wife—was obliged to have the Vote by rising up, it being in the Congregation: and I baptized their Child. At Eve Rev. Morse of Shrewsbury returning from Hopkinton where had Preached to Day, called here.

1771 June 3 (Monday). Breck sat out for Monadnock to build a Barn for Levi Brigham. Read variously. Wrote to Alexander about Jones.

1771 June 4 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. Jonathan Grouts, on Josh. 24.15, last Clause.

1771 June 5 (Wednesday). Mr. Seth Morse here, and desires me to write to Mr. John Boyles in his Name, and he Signed it, to desire him to suspend the sending of Psalm Books. Mrs. Bekky Warrin of Upton here, and dines with us.

1771 June 6 (Thursday). Joseph Chamberlin has had a bad night of pain and vomiting and is ill this Morning—continues ill through the Day—in great pain, though his Vomiting Ceases. I got Moses Smith (who works for Deacon Wood) to plow awhile, and Isaac Lamb and Sherebiah Fay to work p.m. with Elias in Weeding the West Field. A Letter from Mrs. Eunice Rice.

1771 June 7 (Friday). Joseph wants to go home. Deacon Wood is going to Hopkinton, acquaints Mr. Chamberlin with his Sons illness. Nathan (another Son) rides over, and p.m. works in his Brother Josephs Stead; Joseph rides home. At Eve came Mr. Daniel Nurse and paid me Twenty five pounds and two shillings old Tenor. Mr. Fisk of Brookfield and his Wife came from Cambridge. Afterwards Mr. Forbes and his Wife and son Eli came: and they lodged here.

1771 June 8 (Saturday). The Company proceed on their Journey to Brookfield. Nathan Chamberlin nigh Evening goes home.

1771 June 9 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 46. Preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 4.23. P.M. read 1 Tim. 5. N.B. Was obliged to Set the Psalm my Self, in the afternoon first Singing, and for the last desired that Some one would Set a convenient Tune. I added, that I named no body that I might not give Offence and I had been willing to do every Thing to keep Peace in this matter of Singing. Still no body arose. After waiting Some while, I desired Neighbour Batherick, and added “let who will be offended,” but neither did he Soon rise to do it. At length he undertook it. N.B. Mr. Joseph Ward of Bellingham here. Dined—lodged—tells me he was lately burnt out.

1771 June 10 (Monday). Mr. Ward left us. Mr. Spring finishes the paling my fore yard, and mends one of the great Gates. Deacon Wood carrys Letters to Messrs. John Boyles, Fleeming, etc. about Psalm Books. P.M. I walked out to provide Oxen for a Breaking up Team. Visit old Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Nathan Maynards Wife. N.B. In Pursuance of a Notification for that purpose, the Subscribers for Tate and Bradys Version of the Psalms, met at Evening at the Meeting House to agree upon a Method of providing and getting from Boston, the Books. Mr. Moses Nurse here in very great Perplexity—being Sued again, and wants me to relieve him. I had on the 7th of this month lent him 4 Dollars. I now Lent him 31£ old Tenor more, in all 40£ old Tenor which he promises (upon a Forfeit) to return to me by the 11th of July.

1771 June 11 (Tuesday). Walk in the morning to Mr. Joseph Harringtons and to Mr. Tainters to get a pasture for my Horse. Succeed with the latter, and for Assistance in breaking up. When I returned Capt. B. Fay was here about the Widow Brighams controversie with the Whipples. Deacon Brown and his Wife, from Framingham, going to Leicester. They hear Kezia is like to have a broken Breast. I finish vol. 10 of the world displayed. Rebuked a Pedlar and turned him off, though Mrs. P. wanted some small Supplys. Hope he will trouble us no more.

1771 June 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone dined with us and Preached my Lecture from Mat. 15.7.8. I stopped the Church to See whether they would not choose some more Choristers. This they agreed to, but did not proceed to do it at this Time, but would have the Congregation regarded in it and therefore would have them notifyed and join, as far as suitable, in it. This I consented to, for Peace Sake. I observed to them that it was however matter of Trouble to me that when I had done so much in Condescention to oblige the Congregation in the Matter of the Version, and given so much Opportunity for them to acquaint me with their Objections, if they had any to make that were of weight, yet that they Should still be disturbed when not one had come to me. Upon this, Mr. Batherick rose and was warm—also Mr. Daniel Hardy; Shewing that they were [illegible] were uneasy, and Seemed to want that something should be done, though no body knew what. I prevented further jarring by putting an End to the Meeting. At Eve wrote another Letter from Mr. Morse to Mr. Boyles at Boston, about Psalm-Books.

1771 June 13 (Thursday). Closely applyed to sermon etc., etc. Mrs. Eunice Rice here—About her Confession—but appears to me too lame and backward in some particulars. She does not incline to acknowledge that She is guilty of breaking the 7th Commandment—nor is willing to ask forgiveness of her Husband. At Eve Master Taylor here—talks of the unreasonableness of those persons who oppose our Singing the version, which has been Voted, particularly Ensign Jeduthun Fay.

1771 June 14 (Friday). Rev. Mr. Elnathan Whitman and Daughter Betsy of Hartford came and lodged here. Received from Rev. Adams of Roxbury Dr. Chauncys complete View of Episcopacy.

1771 June 15 (Saturday). Mr. Roger Sherman of New Haven, and his Lady here at Breakfast with us, to accompany Mr. Whitman etc. They all leave us, to go to Woburn and Boston. Towards Night Solomon Woods here, with a Confession—which I am oblidged to alter and transcribe.

1771 June 16 (Sunday). Administered the Lords Supper. Mr. Simon Tainter, Old Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard dined here. Read Ezek. 47 and preached on part. P.M. Read 1 Tim. 6. Preached on 1 Pet. 1.18—“Redeemed from a Vain Conversation.”

1771 June 17 (Monday). Mr. Brown and wife from Leicester, and dine here. Kezia is better. Jones in Jayl yet. Visit old Lt. Forbush and his Wife.

1771 June 18 (Tuesday). To Mr. Snows to see his Wife. To Southborough Ministers Meeting. But met Mr. Stone overwhelmed in Trouble, going to Hardwick, his Daughter Bangs in Travel and could not be delivered. I went to his House—Miss Judith ill: Quilla very low. Messrs. Loring, Smith and Bridge came. Mr. Loring prayed—dined there—Mr. Goss came—shewed us the Result of the late mutual Council at Bolton. I read to the Ministers Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Letter to me and Confession—asked their advice. Returned home before night. N.B. Mr. Williams the Sadler dyed suddenly at Marlborough yesterday: And Mr. Smith goes to his Burial to Day. I excepted against it—as in all such Cases, of Sudden Death, I cannot countenance a sudden Funeral. Returned home in safety. D.G.

1771 June 19 (Wednesday). Expected a large Team to plow up new ground, if it had been suitable Weather: but by reason of the Wet weather, it is deferred. I could not attend Mr. Whitneys Lecture.

1771 June 20 (Thursday). Deacon Wood and a Yoke of Oxen, Mr. Tainter with two Yoke, Mr. Nathan Maynard and one Yoke, Mr. Joseph Bond and one Yoke, Mr. Barnabas Newtons, Mr. Ebenezer Maynards, Mr. Beetons, Mr. Levi Warrins and my own, with Lt. Bakers great Plough, broke up the Corner of Land, north of my great Field. The plough was not good, or they would have plowed more, but they broke off by about 5 o’clock p.m. I went to Southborough and preached the Lecture on Matt. 14.14.15. Returned safely at Eve. D.G. Miss Eunice Andrews came kindly p.m. to assist Mrs. P________ in quilting. N.B. All the Behavior of that Family is benevolent.

1771 June 21 (Friday). Letter from Sophy at Rochester, that Mrs. Moore remains very poorly.

1771 June 22 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1771 June 23 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 48 and preached on it especially the last Clause. Cousin Betsy Gott dined here. P.M. read 2 Tim. 1. Preached on Cant. 1.6 as Introduction to what I had further to deliver on Prov. 4.23. Appointed a Lecture to Young people and the Church and Congregation to meet to choose Such as may lead in the Singing. Letter from Mrs. Cushing.

1771 June 24 (Monday). Lt. Baker blooded my Oxen. We settle our Accounts. I owe him £41.9.0 O.T. Paid him in part by a Note to Constable Gleason, viz. £22.10 old Tenor. Mrs. Tainter makes a Visit and dines here. I read World displayed.

1771 June 25 (Tuesday). P.M. Mr. Whitman of Hartford and his Daughter, in their Journey from Boston, Came, drank Tea and lodged here. My Son Ebenezer came from Brookfield—acquaints me with the great Disturbance there, about ministerial Rights, in the 2d Parish. Insomuch that Mr. Forbes talks of leaving them. N.B. Ruth goes to Ashburnham. Joseph goes with her to Coll. Wilders at Lancaster.

1771 June 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Whitman and Daughter leave us to return home. Ebenezer to Cambridge.

1771 June 27 (Thursday). Preached a Lecture to Young People from Eccl. 12, v.13. After Lecture Stopped the Church, to choose Choristers. The Males of the Congregation from 21 years old and upward, were permitted to join. Four were Chose. Two out of the Church and two out of the Congregation, viz. Mr. Eli Whitney out of the Church and Mr. Phinehas Maynard out of the Congregation, Mr. Seth Morse out of the Church and Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain junior out of the Congregation. It was accomplished without much Dissention. D.G. After Meeting a great [deal?] of Company at my House. Master Taylor in particular. Cousin Betty Gott tarrys and lodges here.

1771 June 28 (Friday). Here Began Dr. Chauncy on Episcopacy, and World displayed vol. XI. Cousin Betty returned to Capt. Maynards and Elias goes with her and lodges there. My son Ebenezer came from Cambridge and lodges here.

1771 June 29 (Saturday). He leaves us for Brookfield. I write by him to Mr. Sumner to change tomorrow, and receiving nothing to the Contrary I rode up to Shrewsbury (tho’ it was very Showery, and I was very wet when I got there) and lodged there.

1771 June 30 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. (at Shrewsbury) on 1 Sam. 4.13.22. N.B. Mr. Nathaniel Monroe’s Child, Nathan, was baptized. My Sister Cushing, having returned from Yarmouth, I asked to Mr. Sumners. In returning home, Stopped a little at Dr. Crosbys, where also Mr. Sumner came. Tells me he has Preached on Ps. 119.155, both a. and p.m., and that as to Singing, Mr. Whipple Struck the Pitch, and at the 2d Note others fell in and assisted. When I came home I understood that Joseph Chamberlain went this Morning, and on Foot to Hopkinton which was not agreeable to me. N.B. Mr. Levi Stone of Sutton brought up yesterday a great Number of New Psalm Books to Deacon Woods—but [illegible] not delivered yet.

1771 July 1 (Monday). Joseph returned from Hopkinton. He begins to mowe. Elias also mowes with him. I rode to Mr. Snow’s to see his Wife who is very low—being in great Distress with her Throat—scarce able to swallow the thinest Liquid. Prayed with them. Dr. Wilson, Hawes, Joslin came, and they expect Dr. Flynt. At Eve received Ashmole of the Knights of the Garter.

1771 July 2 (Tuesday). Reuben Maynard having come for me yesterday [torn] go and [torn] Jonathan Childs Wife, I went—Conversed [torn] and [torn]. Her Case very dubious. P.M. Preached [torn] Whitneys on Josh. 34.15.

1771 July [3] (Wednesday). [Torn]ily expected Mrs. Cushing and Mrs. Sumner from [torn]bury, and prepared for them and Mr. Sumner, with them [torn]ing agreed and appointed to come, but came not. Read the world displayed Vol. XI. Jonathan Willard came from the Rev. Mr. Whitney, desiring to change next sabbath.

1771 July 4 (Thursday). Visit old Mrs. Hardy, whose Cancer Still advances. Conversed and prayed with her. Call at Mr. Sever’s and to see old [Mr.?] Warrin. N.B. Mrs. Spring made us a visit, most of the Day.

1771 July 5 (Friday). Alexander came from Leicester—says Jones is in Jail yet. I have informed Mr. Whitney that I changed last Sabbath yet I have received another Letter from him in which he still requests it.

1771 July 6 (Saturday). Rode with Dr. Hawes in his Chaise, to See Mrs. Snow [torn]se grows more and more desperate. Discoursed with [torn]isted her what I could—prayed with her. [Torn] of Friends present. In returning dined at the Doctors. [Torn] Taylor here.

1771 July 7 (Sunday). [Torn] Whitney came here and Preached on Gal. 3.10 and [torn] v. 21. I rode over to Northborough and preached on 2 Cor. 4.1 to 4.

1771 July 8 (Monday). Mr. Taylor is here and is about to go to Brookfield. I wrote by him to Mr. Forbes. Read world Displayed—Vol. XII. Mrs. Snow dyed yesterday at 4 p.m.

1771 July 9 (Tuesday). A Mr. Wheelock I hear, buys the Woodland back of my [Barn?] of old Lt. Forbush for 100£ old Tenor. Mrs. P________ goes to Capt. Maynards. Sisters Cushing and Sumner visit here. They Soon return as far as Capt. Maynards. Mr. Nurse assists Mr. Jonas Bradish in Removing to [blank]. A Number of Gentlemen are prizing the younger Widow Williams Place. Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Snow (wife of Ensign Jabez), aged 56 last [blank]. I rode with Deacon Wood. N.B. He Speaks to me about Mrs. Eunice Rice. At Night Levi Brigham junior and Tabitha Hardy were marryed.

1771 July 10 (Wednesday). Extremely put to’t for want of an Horse to plow amo[torn] the Corn. Was oblidged to Send to Ensign Snows for [torn]. N.B. I this morning spoke to Lt. Forbes [torn] his Wood Lot nigh me to Mr. Wheelock [torn] Since he had offered it to me, and I had not refused. Mr. Morse lent me his Horse to go to Upton, where [torn] a Lecture on Joh. 1.11. Which may God be pleased to bless to [torn]. Mr. Willard of Mendon was there, and prayed. After serm[torn] I returned at Eve in Safety. Thanks be to God!

1771 July 11 (Thursday). Called at Lt. Forbush’s to Speak with him again about his Wood lot joining to me: but found that though no Deed was Signed to Mr. Wheelock, yet he had given his Word. Mr. Samuel Forbush offers me his Lot, which lyes near me, but he asks 350£ old Tenor for it. Mr. Taylor is returned from Brookfield. Mr. Crosby from Brookfield also, calls here. Mr. Forbes in great Trouble. N.B. Am informed that the Thunder yesterday killed [torn] man in Hopkinton. One Daniel Parmintor, ab[torn] old: Son of Mr. Elias Parmintor. [Torn] in the most High in his operations! May we learn to [torn] His great and dreadful Name, for it is holy!

1771 July 12 (Friday). Mr. Wheelock came and asked me to Shew him Mr. For[torn] Bounds of the Hill north of me. I reasoned with him [torn] the unneighbourliness of his interposing, at least [torn]ing on to buy out of my Hands what lyes so peculiarly handy to me, at the very Time whilst I was reasonably expecting that I Should proceed in it: and to [illegible] as I remember did not refuse the Offer which the Lieutenant made me of it. But Wheelock was in a [Toss?] presently, and went off without going to see the Bounds. N.B. Benjamin How came and mended the Back of one Chimney, and repaired the Hearths of both [illegible] in most Common use. Miss Judith Stone and Miss Sarah Smith visited and dined with us.

1771 July 13 (Saturday). Lt. Baker here in the Morning with a Letter from Mr. Zebu [torn] Rice of Brookfield containing an Account of the present Trou[torn] and Perplexities there. Lieutenant wants another Note or Order to the Constable Gleason for the rest of my Debt to h[torn].

[July 14—August 11 missing.]

1771 August 12 (Monday). Visit Mrs. Parker, under the remainder of her Bruises and Jarrs by her Fall. She seems to be in many Spiritual Troubles. Discoursed and prayed with her. At my returning home I grew more indisposed. P.M. had aguish Turns, repaired to the Bed. At Evening came Mr. Forbes from Brookfield and Mr. Aaron Crosby with him. The latter does not lodge here. I had a feverish turn; gentle perspiration was promoted—a Pultice of Malt was doubtless beneficial.

1771 August 13 (Tuesday). I rise this Morning through Gods great mercy and Goodness, and am in some Comfort. D.G. William Crosby came here. Mr. Forbes is going to Cambridge to present him to Examination. A great deal of Trouble by the breaking in of Swine into my Corn; and the Destruction that they made there.

1771 August 14 (Wednesday). Though I am much indisposed, yet both my Lads being Engaged, the bigger in waiting on his Lameness, the Less in assisting at the Hay-making, I am therefore obliged to the Small Offices that may promote the urgent Business of the Season.

1771 August 15 (Thursday). Joseph and Gould brought home the last Jaggs from the Interval. Paid Gould at the Rate of 5£ old Tenor per week for his Labor. That is, having paid him two Dollars before, I now delivered him £3.16.8 more—being his full Demand. He returned to his own Family. I droop for want of Ability to take necessary Food.

1771 August 16 (Friday). I have had but a poor night—pained in my Mouth, Sweating, restless: am to day very uncomfortable. God is righteous in thus dispensing! Am lonely also, my wife tarrying So long, am full of Fears that all is not well among them. Still I am pained and disrested—but I attend to my preparations—and can look after my domestic Affairs. No News from Ashburnham.

1771 August 17 (Saturday). One Patrick Bonner, a poor blind Man came. Says he has been blind Sixteen Years—that it was occasioned by taking too great a Quantity of Jesuits Bark, when affected by Fever and ague. I was affected with his Condition.

1771 August 18 (Sunday). Read Dan. IV to v. 18, which afforded the forenoon Exercise. P.M. Read 2 Tim. 1. Preached on Rom. 15.29, which may God Please to bless to each of us! In composing had Some view to make it, with proper Additions, the Subject of the Concio to the Ministers next Tuesday, at our Association. N.B. Mrs. Molly Taylor dined with us.

1771 August 19 (Monday). I was much taken up in various family Affairs relative to the Ministers Meeting. Master Taylor offered to get my Horse kept at his Fathers Pasture, and rides him there; leaving me his to ride as I have Occasion. Having heard nothing from Mrs. P________ I went over to Capt. Maynards to see what help I can have from thence. N.B. Mr. Spring kindly helps me in Sundry little Jobbs: putting in several new squares into my sashes, etc. At night Mr. Abraham Bond helpfull and neighbourly in killing and dressing a Pig, etc. But my Young woman, Anna Batherick too much indisposed to help us—especially p.m. and Evening. N.B. We have had Mrs. Garfield p.m. to Scower, etc.

1771 August 20 (Tuesday). Anna went home—paid her 53/ old Tenor for her labor. Cousen Maynard her self came and helped me—to my great Comfort. About 10 o’Clock came Father Loring and Brother Stone. Afterwards Messrs. Goss, Whitney, and [blank] More—a Candidate. P.M. at the Desire of the Ministers I drew up a paper, manifesting our dissatisfaction with the Conduct of the Brethren and People of Bolton. I was employed about this, while the Ministers examined Mr. More. Not hearing him I did not sign the approbation. At Eve, to my Joy, came Mr. Cushing with his Mother. They relate that my dear Daughter Sarah went through a tedious Travail last Friday and Night following and through the Great Goodness of God was delivered of a Son, on the 17th about 4 in the Morning. To Gods name be Glory and Praise. Ps. 30.5 weeping may endure—but etc. Job. 16.21. Mr. Green has [torn] 4 Volumes more of the World displayed, viz. 13, 14, 1[torn].

1771 August 21 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing leaves us early to return to Ashburham by Shrewsbury and that he may attend upon the Solemnity of giving out Commissions at Lancaster. Mr. Moses Hitchcock of Brookfield and his Sister Sally here—dined here—Mr. Forbes, and a little Boy with him from Boston returning to Brookfield. Dr. Crosby, and Mr. Aaron Crosby, who is going a Missionary to Onohoquage, met Mr. Forbes here. They go to Dr. Crosby’s, to lodge.

1771 August 22 (Thursday). We have so many Swine and have so Spent our Meal that I went to Mr. Thomas Temple’s and got two Bushels and brought it home my self. In my way was at the Whipple’s. Dined at the Squires. Was at Mr. Ed[torn] Rice’s and at old Mr. James Maynards.

1771 August 23 (Friday). Mrs. Chamberlin, Josephs Mother, and his Brothers Nathan and Phinehas, came to see him.

1771 August 24 (Saturday). Deacon Wood here to apprize Mrs. Eunice Rice’s uneasiness that I don’t read her Confession to the Church. He shews me a letter which She has Sent to Deacon Bond and himself—and to be communicated to Brother Daniel Forbes—and others as they Should see Cause—desiring them to come to me to perswade me to do it, where as She refrains using proper means her Self—does not visit Me, nor take any pains to satisfie Me of her Penitence.

1771 August 25 (Sunday). Read Dan. 4.19–33 and gave an Exercise upon it. P.M. Read 2 Tim. 2. Preached on Rom. 11.26, that Clause, “there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer”—and went on with many Alterations from Page 17 of Sermon on 1 Thess. 1.10. May God graciously overlook my Deficiencies and Miscarriages and give His Blessing.

1771 August 26 (Monday). Read chiefly in World displayed, Vol. 13.

1771 August 27 (Tuesday). Neighbour Zebulon Rice, of Brookfield, came to see me. Mr. Stone and his Delegates, in their way to the Council at Grafton, call here. I went to Deacon Woods to See his Brother Johns Wife. Shewed him the Copy of my Letter which I have sent to Mrs. Rice. P.M. Mr. Daniel Forbes was here. N.B. No mention of Mrs. Rice, nor any Thing of her Case. He came to ask me to preach at his House.

1771 August 28 (Wednesday). Was at Lt. Bakers, and Saw there his Brother Samuel of Bolton. I testifyed against their Behavior in Bolton, towards Mr. Goss. Was at Deacon Woods because I could not have time to converse much with him yesterday. Called at Mr. Hills, She having lately lain in, and exhorted her to her Duty. Sheriff Culter and his Son Ebenezer came in very wet; they are on their Journey to Boston.

1771 August 29 (Thursday). Rode to Hopkinton to preach the Lecture. N.B. I unhappily left the Notes I designed to use at home, but had such as I was [torn] Mellen of Chauxit and his Son in Law [torn] Mr. Barret came to me (not knowing my perplexity) [torn] would preach—I accordingly [torn] with him. He Preached [torn].

1771 August 30 (Friday). Mr. Mellen and his Wife, in their return to Chauxit, called here. A little before Sunsetting came Mrs. Eunice Rice to see me. We Conversed about her Confession. She consents to some alteration. I consent to propound her in a little Time: but not next Sabbath, because I Shall not be at home. At Parting She asks me to be favourable to her in my Prayers—meaning in Publick, when I come to her Case. I told I Should use what Prudence and Faithfulness I could.

1771 August 31 (Saturday). I Saw another place in Mrs. Rice’s Confession which very much needed Alteration—and I recollected that she was much concerned about my Praying for her, which I thought did not well comport with the Frame of a Penitent. Therefore I rode over to her, in the Morning to Mrs. Kendals, to discourse further with her. She was willing to have the alteration made which I proposed to her: but when I spoke to her of her anxiousness concerning my Prayers, and told her it was necessary that the prayer Should be to the Purpose, She answered She must pray me to wave the Affair till I hear from her again. With this we parted. My ague and Tooth-ake so much disrested me that p.m. I went to Dr. Hawes, and got a principally Troublesome Tooth pulled out. Joseph went home at Evening.

1771 September 1 (Sunday). I rode over to Northborough and preached a. and p.m. on 2 Thess. 3.1 Occasioned by the Divisions and Contentions in Bolton and Grafton. Baptized Amos, son of Lemuel and [blank] Maynard. Mr. Whitney Preached here, for me on Gal. 3.13. He baptized Samuel son of Samuel Forbush and appointed the Communion and Lecture. We each returned home.

1771 September 2 (Monday). Alexander accompanied by Mr. Phillips, a Carpenter, here at morning Prayer and Breakfast. They go to Framingham to see Deacon Browns fulling mill. Joseph comes somewhat late. Wrote to Mr. Brid[torn] of Framingham inclosing my Letter [torn] Equal authority in [torn]

1771 September 3 (Tuesday). Alexander and Mr. Phillips her[torn] Sutton (widow of the late Mr. Noah Rice) came to see us. Mr. Tainter and his Wife came with her. She had also a little grand daughter. At Eve Messrs. Joseph Harrington and Eli Whitney came to enquire of me concerning Mrs. Eunice Rice and her Confession. At night came Deacon Bond apprehending that I wanted to Speak with him. Our Subject was Mrs. Rice, her Confession and Behavior. N.B. In the News Paper the sad account of John Sennett’s Bestiality.5

1771 September 4 (Wednesday). It is my Lecture Day but have no help in it. Mr. Whitney (who I spoke to) is gone to Reading with his Wife. Mr. Sumner (to whom I wrote) is gone to Association at Dudley where he expects to meet his Wife. Preached on Joh. 6.35. There was a very thin Assembly though the weather was agreeable, and the Season not calling for much engagedness in Business, to prevent. Yet one goes to his Farm and another to his Trading. Mrs. Kendal and her Daughter here. Mr. Abijah Gale made me a Visit and tarried to Evening. William Crosby going to [Leye?] brings word from Alexander that he has got rid of his Thief. Receive a Dozen of Mr. Forbes Artillery sermon.

1771 September 5 (Thursday). P.M. Mrs. Abby of Hopkinton and her sister make me a Visit and drink Tea. Dr. Hawes also. A difficult turn of weather with respect to stalks etc. Sometimes cloudy, or shining—yet threatening.

1771 September 6 (Friday). Mr. Robert Cook early—breaks fast here. Says he must bring his mother to the Town to be maintained. Joseph goes to Leicester for a Cow and Calf, which he brings home at Night, with a Letter from Alexander certifying me that he has got rid of Jones. Mr. Taylor at Eve.

1771 September 7 (Saturday). Mr. Daniel Forbes here to buy my Oxen. Would give 80£ old Tenor but would have till next June to pay it upon Interest. Delivered him one of Mr. Eli Forbes’s Artillery Sermons. To Mr. Hezekiah Taylor another.

1771 September 8 (Sunday). Read Dan. 5. Preached on Heb. 9.11. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Miss Molly Taylor dined here. P.M. Read 2 Tim. 3. Preached on 2 Thess. 2.16.17, using my old preparations from p. 8 nigh the bottom to the End of page 11. At night was Somewhat poorly; aguish—sickish etc.

1771 September 9 (Monday). Read World displayed. At Eve came Cousin Bradshaw and Ebenezers Molly: also little Nathaniel Oliver with them from Brookfield and they lodge here. N.B. To Day I began to read the Bible again. May God give His Blessing thereto!

1771 September 10 (Tuesday). Bradshaw etc. leave us to go to Cambridge and Boston. I have great Difficulty with my new-come-home Heiffer, being very unruly and Troublesome. Lt. Baker is ready to buy her. Mr. Nahum Wilson from Mendon here to See my Horse: But he is at Squire Brighams, at Grafton.

1771 September 11 (Wednesday). Am reading World displayed. Sold my Heiffer and her Calf to Lt. Baker for £30 old Tenor to be payed in 4 or 5 Weeks. My Son John from Brookfield.

1771 September 12 (Thursday). John to Concord, designing to Boston. Mr. Sumner dined here. Had a Catechetical Exercise, to 25 Young Women. N.B. we finished the Catechism. My Exercise was taken from my Exposition on the Lords prayer, No. 103, 104, with some additions. To make way for which, I was obliged to omitt some Things also. I acquainted young women with its being 30 years last June Since I began the Exercises: and that seeing Such a Number of ‘em were willing to attend, I Should be encouraged, probably, to appoint another before Winter: but that if I did, they must be sure to attend upon it, lest I should proceed no further.

1771 September 13 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 September 14 (Saturday). We were in no Small Surprize at finding one of our Hogs in the lower Well. We are not able to tell how he got in. Joseph Hardy and John Arnold were at work for Mr. B. Newton not far off, and at our Call ran, went down into the Well, fastened a Rope about him, and with help of others, drew him up, and as far as we could discern, unhurt. It was an Hog we were fatting, and pritty heavy. Master Taylor was here p.m. and to Evening—brings me Mr. Hutchinsons Letter to the late Council.

1771 September 15 (Sunday). Read Dan. 6. Preached on Heb. 6.18. P.M. Read 2 Tim. 4 and repeated the rest of Sermon on 2 Thess. 2.16.17. Was mindful in the Several Parts of the Exercises of this being the last Day of my 68th Year, and would have in mind the Close of my Life. Mr. Thomas Twitchels Wife dined with us.

1771 September 16 (Monday). As this Day begins my 69th Year, Such is the Long suffering of God towards me! I took some peculiar religious notice of it. May the Lord graciously accept my humble Attempt! Wrote to Breck by Mr. Levi Brigham junior of Monadnock who yesterday delivered us a Letter from him, which informs that lately he met with a Wound at a Raising. A Timber fell on his Right Hand, which broke one of his fingers, and hurt two more. John returns from Concord and Boston.

1771 September 17 (Tuesday). Mr. Sumner came early in the morning; and I sold him a Young sow, of English, or the great breed: weighed 97 lb. at 15d per pound. John and Joseph helped him lead her off, he having paid me for her.

1771 September 18 (Wednesday). Read world displayed vol. 14. Begin the 15th.

1771 September 19 (Thursday). Catechized at the Meeting House. 50 Boys: 26 Girls. In the Morning had been at Mr. Samuel Forbush’s, and Saw the sore in his mothers Breast, which I judge is a Cancer.

1771 September 20 (Friday). Mrs. Patty Wilson (that was Dunlop) here and her Husband, going home to New-Braintry. P.M. Mr. Daniel Mellen going home from Monadnock. Then Col. Buckminster and his Wife came to see us, and though late dined here. These last and Mrs. P________ went up to Deacon Woods. I went up at sun setting and drank Tea there. Coll. etc. lodged here.

1771 September 21 (Saturday). They go to Rutland. Capt. Thomas Mellen dines here. Mr. Daniel Warrin bears a message to me from Mrs. Eunice Rice, that She would have me proceed with her Affair tomorrow. Mr. Jonathan Child here and requests, and says his Mother Smith does, that I would preach at their House. The Text Ps. 41.4.

1771 September 22 (Sunday). Read Daniel 7 to v. 14. Preached a.m. on Heb. 6.18. N.B. Many of Grafton people were at meeting with us; Mr. Hutchinson being gone up among his Friends in Connecticut. P.M. Read Tit. 1 and delivered in one Exercise both the Sermons on Jer. 6.8 connecting it with what we had lately been upon. Stopped the Church at Eve and asked their Advice concerning propounding Mrs. Eunice Rice. Several desired to hear her Confession, and it was So urged that I complyed and read it. I also acquainted the Church with the Exceptions I had against some Passages in it, and the Alterations which with her consent, had been made in it. It was moved that we might know the Minds of the Church, by a Vote, Whether they advised to the propounding Mrs. Rice upon this Confession, and the present Circumstances with her? It passed in the Negative there being but one Hand, viz. Mr. Daniel Forb. for it. N.B. Capt. Jonas Brigham was for her making Satisfaction to her Husband. From the General Dislike of the Confession, the Church were induced to request (and it was manifested by a Vote) Deacon Bond to draw up Such a Confession as might be suitable. Which he consented to undertake and so the Affair was deferred till we could hear that.

1771 September 23 (Monday). I went to Mr. Nurse for the Money I had lent him; but in Vain. He let me have the little Mare, which he had engaged to Me, to ride, as I Should have Occasion: and particularly to Day. I visited at Mr. Whitney’s. He thinks Mrs. R________’s confession Covers Sin. At Mr. Ebenezer Millers, Mr. Solomon Millers, Mr. Antwistles, but especially at Mrs. Grow’s, and Miss Steward’s. Dined there (at Mr. John Harringtons Table). Went also to see Mrs. Thurston, and the Widow of the late Mr. Daniel Miller—at Mr. T. Twitchells. N.B. Mr. Elijah Rice there—and Shews with Mr. Twitchell disquietment at Mrs. Rice’s Confession. Called at Mr. Jonathan Grouts, where Master Taylor lodges; and he delivers me Mr. Wheelocks note for £14.10 L.M. for my Horse.

1771 September 24 (Tuesday). Mr. D. Forbes here, and gives way to Mrs. Smiths having the Next Private Meeting at her House. I send to Boston by Cousin Benjamin Hicks for Yellow Paint, to paint my House. P.M. Mrs. Spring came to help my wife in quilting. At Eve came Mr. Loyd and his Wife. They lodge here. N.B. Mr. Francis Whipple junior buys my Oxen. Gives 80£ to be paid with Interest, the first of January next, and he drove them away.

1771 September 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Loyd and his Wife leaves us to go to Brookfield and thence to Blanford. I had Mr. Taylors Horse to go over to Northborough Lecture. Dined at Mr. Whitneys with Rev. Messrs. Morse, Goss, Sumner, and Goddard of Keen. Mr. Goss preached an agreeable sermon on Joh. 4.45. N.B. our Conversation chiefly on Bolton Affairs. I returned at Eve.

1771 September 26 (Thursday). Rode up to Capt. Jonathan Fays to see old Mrs. Phillips. Called to see the Widow (Hitty) Brigham who has been absent several Times from the Communion. P.M. Mr. Benjamin Hicks returns from Boston and brought me 41 lbs. of Yellow paint, from Mr. Moffat @ 5/6 old Tenor per lb. The Pail was 9/. The whole was 5 Dollars and a Pisterene.

1771 September 27 (Friday). Judge Taplin of Cohose, and his Lady here. Mr. Gleason and his Wife (of Leicester) dined with us. Mr. John Eddy going to preach at Brookfield for Mr. Ephraim Ward, came towards Night and lodges here.

1771 September 28 (Saturday). Mr. Eddy goes on his Journey. Mrs. P________ sorely exercised with an hot Humour in her Blood. Her Face Swells, itches, Smarts and She feels it all over her Body; insomuch that She is much afflicted by it.

1771 September 29 (Sunday). Read Dan. 7 from v. 15. Preached on Heb. 6.18. Mrs. Bowker of Simsbury dined with us. P.M. Read Tit. 2 and delivered some parts of my Exposition of Mat. 11.12. Connecting it with the latter End of the forenoon Exercise. N.B. Mrs. Eunice Rice here in the morning, and I read to her what Deacon Bond had drawn, as a Confession—but she did not like it—desired the matter might be wav’d a while. This I informed Deacon Bond of. Deacon Bond was here at noon and desired that though Mrs. Rice did not like what he had drawn, yet that the Church might be stopped to hear it and Speak upon it. I therefore detained them after Exercises, read it to ‘em, according to the Deacons Desire, and acquainted them with her Refusal. They conferred a while about it, but nothing Special was done.

1771 September 30 (Monday). Am preparing a Sermon for tomorrow. Mr. James Kendall, who says he is of Monadnock No. 7, and was burnt out 2 sabbaths past. Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker (heretofore Widow Rogers) from Monadnock No. 5, came to See us. Miss Molly Taylor who tarried here last night, is here on a Visit for a few Days.

1771 October 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Peter Coffin and Polly Forbes came, and presently after Mr. William Greenough and his Nephew William, son of Deacon Thomas Greenough of Boston, going to New Haven. I rode up to the widow Smiths and dined there. Preached (according to her Request) on Ps. 41.4. She also chose the Psalm which we Sung, viz. 25 from v. 4 to the End of v. 11. I was Sorry it was so thin a meeting. As to men, but 7 I think, besides those of the House. Mr. Daniel Nurse delivered me 20£ 15/ old Tenor. I gave 8 Dollars to Lt. Baker towards buying a Yoke of Oxen for me, he owing me more than enough, with this, to pay the first payment for them. Mr. Bangs of Hardwick came from Mr. Stones of Southborough to Mr. Hannaniah Parker with a message to me, which Mr. Parker sent by his daughter to go to them in great Trouble by dangerous sickness. Whereupon I rode down at Evening, found Miss Judith very low of Cholic, Strangury etc. and Miss Joanna ill of Throat Distemper. Quilla their Negro Women, also, very low of Consumption. Prayed with them—but went with Dr. Parker to Col. Brighams and lodged there.

1771 October 2 (Wednesday). After Breakfast etc. I returned to Mr. Stones—conversed with the sick, in their Several Apartments and prayed with them, took leave. N.B. brought Dr. Owen on the Hebrews from the 6th to 10 Chapter. Visited Ensign Snow and dined there. P.M. found my Tabernacle in peace. D.G. N.B. heard of the Death of Capt. Drury of Framingham, which was last night by his Cart turning over upon him.6

1771 October 3 (Thursday). Mr. Nathan Fisher came and works for me in painting the outside of my House: he colours it with yellow. My Fields are exceedingly infested with Creatures—both Cattle and Hoggs, both my own and my Neighbours. My Sister Cushing and her Grand Daughter Miss Lydia here. They came from Mr. Stones. Miss Judith is living, but is dispaired of: Miss Joanna worse. Quilla much as She was. But old Madam Thatcher of Middleborough, is dead. Help Lord! When the Godly cease, and the Righteous fail! At Eve Master Taylor here—and lodges among us.

1771 October 4 (Friday). On Mr. Nurse’s mare I rode over to see old Mr. Freeland (about 94 year old). Dined there. Conversed and prayed with him. When I returned found there was fresh Dammage in my Cornfields. Fisher finishes his Paintings—paid him 40/ old Tenor.

1771 October 5 (Saturday). I rode up to Shrewsbury. Got Mr. Sumner to go with me to Mr. Jasper Stone’s to View his Horses. Agree to Send him word by next Tuesday come sennight if I have neither of his.

1771 October 6 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner Preached here on Joh. 3.14, a.m., on v. 15 p.m. I Preached at Shrewsbury on Rev. 16.15 a. and p.m. N.B. Two of the 3 Brethren of the late Capt. Drury of Framingham who was killed last week by his Cart, live in Shrewsbury and are prayed for, and the Sermons Seasonable I hope to all of us. At Eve Sister Cushing came to Mr. Sumners. Afterwards Mr. Job and his Wife visit me. I lodged there.

1771 October 7 (Monday). Early in the Morning Mr. Sumner and I rode to Mr. Morse’s where we broke Fast. N.B. A great Sow of his was mad—and they Shot her Yesterday Morning. She had bit two other of his Swine. Mr. Sumner returned home but Mr. Morse went with me to Mr. Joseph Glaziers who had a young Horse of 3 past, to sell. I agreed with him for 95£ old Tenor to be paid the first of January next without Interest. The Horse was delivered to me by Mr. Glazier in Presence of Mr. Morse and Mr. Ezra Beeman, at Mr. Beemans, and we brought him away. Dined at Mr. Morse’s, and led my Colt home. N.B. Mr. Seth Morse brought a Quarter of Beef, weighed 82—at 3 Coppers. N.B. as I came home, I found Mr. Whitney was at Mr. Tenny’s: I wrote by him to Mr. Jasper Stone that I was Supplyed with an Horse etc. This Eve came Mr. Peter Coffin from Brookfield and with him Joshua Winter. They lodge here. N.B. Mr. Forbes writes me that his Troubles increase; 16 of the Brethren of the Church have drawn up Charges against him; and are to have a Meeting on Wednesday next. He desires me to go up.

1771 October 8 (Tuesday). This Day was appointed to cutt up, cart and husk my Corn, but it had rained in the Night, was cloudy this Morn, and drizzly Sometimes in the Day that we deferred the Corn gathering but my Fields are more and more invaded by my own Cattle. A very great Affliction to me. Coffin etc. left us.

1771 October 9 (Wednesday). It was So great a Storm Night and Morn that we could not husk. Cattle and Hogs very troublesome. But, What is peculiarly distressing is my Wife’s Lameness—which is advancing: the sore runs exceedingly. May the Lord Sanctify it to us and prepare us for His holy Will. We received from Daughter Cushing dated Oct. 1: I wrote by Mr. Arnold going to Fitchbourg, an Answer thereto. At night Mr. Eli Whitney having been at Boston informs me that he saw Sophy there.

1771 October 10 (Thursday). My Fields are so infested with Cattle and Hogs that we were forced to go and begin to Cut up the Island Field—but the Rain beat them off of my Corn.

1771 October 11 (Friday). The weather being good, my Hands resolutely Set to the Cutting up of my Corn. Deacon Wood sent a Team and his hired Man. P.M. a great many more came. They brought it in and husked it out. Mr. Stone sent Peter (his Son) to call me to see Miss Judith before she expires. I left my Study, my pressing affairs, and went. She was alive and had her Reason—conversed a little. Said (as heretofore) Death was terrible. Discoursed with Miss Joanna and with poor Wasting Quilla. Prayed with them and returned. N.B. In going, my new Horse Stumbled, fell, and brought me down, but through Gods great Goodness, received no great Hurt. D.G. N.B. I left here my Daughter in Law, Lydia, and her Lydia, who came up from Concord to see us and I found here Joshua Winter who in a Chaise which Samuel had provided, brought up Sophy from Boston. My Kinswoman, Mrs. Winter, wrote me an Answer to my Letter to her concerning the Death of her Polly Langdon.

1771 October 12 (Saturday). Joshua Winter goes to Brookfield. I was grievously exercised at times with pain in my Stomach and Bowels so that I was not able to do much in my Study—but was forced to regard the necessary and unavoidable Affairs abroad. After Such a tumultuous husking—this was a great interruption, though I did not pretend to work, but to oversee it. P.M. a Storm threatening and my 3 Youths incapable to Secure the Corn and Husks, I was obliged to go to Mr. Nurse’s and Warrins for help. Mr. Aaron Lamb and Sherbiah Fay came and assisted; also Mr. Thaddeus Warrin for an Hour or more, in sorting and carrying in Corn etc.

1771 October 13 (Sunday). Read neither a. nor p.m., being much indisposed with pain and Laxness; but went to Meeting, and endeavoured to entertain them with some part of my Discourses on Phil. 3.20. My wife is so poorly She does not got to Meeting. N.B. When I appointed the Lecture I urged the people to attend thereon.

1771 October 14 (Monday). Lt. Baker has bought a Pair of young Cattle for me of 4 past, which cost me 70£ old tenor. The Chaise Sophy rode up in must be returned tomorrow, but I know not how. It causes me some perplexity. Went to Dr. Hawes on that account.

1771 October 15 (Tuesday). Rode to Mr. Whitney’s to Breakfast. Thence to Ministers Meeting at Bolton. There came Rev. Messrs. Loring, Smith, Harrington, Morse, Bridge and Whitney. Conversation was chiefly on Mr. Goss’s Case. N.B. a Court held to day, at Shrewsbury at which Mr. Phips is plaintiff against Ebenezer Bailey, Defendant for beating him. Venerable Mr. Loring delivered a Concio on Gen. 47.9, “few and evil etc.” N.B. We signed a Correction of the Draught made by the Association last meeting. It respects the Number of the Brethren of the Church in Bolton who discharged Mr. Goss, there not being (according to Mr. Goss’s account) a Majority of them. I returned as far as Mr. Whitneys, and it raining, I lodged there.

1771 October 16 (Wednesday). Borrowed of Mr. Whitney the Works of Mr. Thomas Gouge. Returned home. Mrs. P. tells me she has Sent the Chaise to Boston by Mr. Thomas Temple. That Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Wife has been here, and says her Brother Forbes has gained his Point, and his ministerial Rights are Secured. P.M. Deacon Burnap of Hopkinton came, and with him Mr. Fitch7 a Candidate who preaches there. Mr. Bowman of Oxford here, his Wife also, her Mother and sister came.

1771 October 17 (Thursday). Have understood that Ensign Fays Wife has bled a great deal, and that it has continued ever since last Saturday Night. I made a Visit to her. She asked me to pray with her. I enquired for her Husband? It was answered that he was gone from home. I conversed and prayed with her. When I came away she Still (by her daughter Maynard) desired my Prayers. Mr. Sumner came. Dined here. Preached for me a very Seasonable Lecture sermon on 2 Cor. 13.5, Prove your own.

1771 October 18 (Friday). Sophy rides my new Horse to Capt. Maynards. He is Shod behind by Mr. Beeton. She returns in Safety. Old Mrs. Tabitha Hardy of Brookfield here. Desires Dismission from our Church to Mr. Forbes’s. At Eve came my Son Ebenezer and his Daughter Molly—and with them Miss Esther Watson, and lodge here.

1771 October 19 (Saturday). Mr. Zebulun Rice here and dined with us. Am informed that Mrs. Barrett at Hopkinton is Speechless.

1771 October 20 (Sunday). I again Omitt Reading a. and p.m. because of the Other Dutys of the Day. Preached on Heb. 6.19. P.M. went on in repeating from Phil. 3.20. Mrs. Tabitha Hardy, Mrs. Maynard and her son Gott. Also Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Wife of Brookfield. As Mrs. Hardy had requested of me to lay her own and her Husbands Desire to be dismissed, before the Church, So I did; Obtained it, and delivered Certificat of it to her: for I prepared what I could of it beforehand.

1771 October 21 (Monday). Mr. Seth Bullard and his Wife (who was heretofore Mr. Jonas Twitchells Widow) in their Journey to Sutton call and dine here. Alexander goes down to Framingham to carry back his wife, She having been to visit her Father Brown in his Sickness. I rode down to Southborough to See Mr. Stones Family again. But on my way heard that Miss Judith was dead. When I got there Mr. Stone informed me that She expired in the morning, the Sun about an Hour high. May God Sanctify the heavy stroke! I returned home in the Evening. Have heard that Mrs. Barrett dyed on Saturday Evening.

1771 October 22 (Tuesday). Very early in the Morning came Mr. Thomas Walker of Hopkinton to desire me to attend her Funeral to Day. Mr. Tainter killed an Hog for me. Weighed 9 Score and 11 lbs. I went to console my poor bereaved Brother. Deacon Woods wife took mine into her Chair and carryed her over, and She dined at Lt. John Woods. But I dined at Mr. Barretts. I prayed and Mr. Bucknam, Prentice, Frost, Hutchinson, and Willard were the other Pall-Bearers. Capt. Thomas Mellen, Capt. Joseph Mellen and others, under-Bearers. Mr. Barrett went to the Grave, and held up wonderfully. After the Funeral Mrs. P________ returned home, but Mrs. Cotton prevailed upon me to go to Capt. Clarks because both he and his wife were ill. I lodged there.

1771 October 23 (Wednesday). I went from Capt. Clarks to Dr. Wilsons, and So from thence to Mr. Stone’s to attend the Funeral of his Daughter. In my way my young Horse Stumbled and I fell, my left Foot was so under the Horse as to hurt me much: but through divine Goodness, he did not roll over me. Blessed be God for this Deliverance. I dined at Mr. Stones, as did a Number of Ministers besides. Miss Joanna was better, and among us. I prayed at this Funeral also. Messrs. Smith, Mat. Bridge, Sumner, Josiah Bridge, and Dr. Parker and I were Pall-Bearers—and 4 young men under Bearers. I understand that Drs. Hemingway, Parker, and Curtis had opened her, and found an Obstruction between the Colon and Rectum; by which means there had not been Vent for 28 Days. They drew up an account of it for the publick. [See the first page of the supplement to the Massachusetts Gazette, 31 Oct. 1771, for what Shipton calls “a remarkable account of the autopsy.”] I returned at even. Alexander and his Wife had been here yesterday in their return home to Leicester.

1771 October 24 (Thursday). Am much afflicted with my Lameness. But having promised Mr. Tainter to go to his House at even I went there and marryed Joseph McCulloch and Sarah Spring.

1771 October 25 (Friday). Finished the XVIth Volume of the world displayed. And spent some part of the Day on the useful writings of the Excellent Mr. Thomas Gouge.

1771 October 26 (Saturday). Mr. Stone of Yarmouth here. My Foot I hope a little better. Master Taylor also calls here, with some Account of his going to the Spring at Stafford. I rode to Southborough and lodge there. Joseph counts his time out this Evening.

1771 October 27 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on Occasion of the Death of the late Miss Judith Stone. A.M. on Eccl. XII.1. P.M. on Heb. 2.15. Young Mr. Stone of Yarmouth preached for me a. and p.m. on 1 Joh. 1.9. I lodged with him at his Fathers.

1771 October 28 (Monday). In returning home called to See Miss Bulah Bent, and her Brother and Sisters; called also at Ensign Snows; and at Mr. Adonijah Rice’s, his wife having lately born him twins, Daughters. Joseph Chamberlin and his Brother Nathan came this morning from Hopkinton to work for me—Thrashing etc. At Eve Deacon Wood and his Brother John here. They acquaint me with Mr. Barretts Inclining and wishes to have me there next sabbath to administer the Lords Supper. But I Shall wait for other Notice than this.

1771 October 29 (Tuesday). P.M. rode to Mr. Gleasons, but in vain; he was not at home. I visited at Mr. Gershom Brighams. Called at Widow Smiths and at old Mr. Nurse’s. Mr. Daniel Nurse paid me in full of what he was appointed to collect of my Sallery. When I came home, found here Rev. Emerson of Concord and he lodged here. N.B. He tells me they are to call another Councill.

1771 October 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Emerson leaves us to go home. Mr. Schoff, who came from Ashbournham lodged here also the most of the night but before Day he was gone. Mrs. P________ goes to Capt. Maynards—but returns at Eve. Joseph Chamberlin leaves us. I have paid him 9 Dollars and including one at Election time, 10 Dollars. He wanted no more now.

1771 October 31 (Thursday). Mr. Schoff came on his Return home; and by him I wrote an answer to Mr. Cushing concerning Mrs. Winchesters Desire of buying a Cow of me which is in Mr. Cushings Possession.

1771 November 1 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 November 2 (Saturday). Mr. Chadwick of Hopkinton came to acquaint me with the Death of old Mr. Freeland (in his 94th Year)8 and to desire me to attend the Funeral next Munday [sic] at 9 a.m. Mr. Joseph Caryl came here also afterwards on the Same Errand. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Grout had been here to inform me of the Death of one of his Child[ren] and the Burying to be on the same Day—but the Hour 2 p.m. I was in Expectation of Mr. Fitch from Hopkinton or Some Message respecting my going there to preach and administer the Lords Supper. But neither came.

1771 November 3 (Sunday). It was so great a storm that there was a thin Assembly. I omitted Reading. Preached on Heb. 6.19.20. Miss Nanny Brigham dined here. P.M. I delivered the latter part of sermon on Phil. 3.20.

1771 November 4 (Monday). A.M. attended the Funeral of old Mr. Freeland and prayed. Mr. Fitch was there. N.B. Yesterday at Hopkinton the administration of the Lords supper was deferred to another sabbath and I was again requested to be there to officiate. Dined at Mr. Joseph Caryls. P.M. attended the Funeral of Mr. Jonathan Grouts Child. Dr. Haws here at Tea with us.

1771 November 5 (Tuesday). Mr. Daniel Forbes brought me a Barrell of Cyder from Lieut. Harrington. Preached at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s on Ps. 90.16. My daughter Sophy went with me. Sent by [Jos.?] to Breck at Monadnock.

1771 November 6 (Wednesday). My son and Daughter Baldwin from Brookfield, here and dined with us. They are going to Boston, and then a long Journey to the Northward. They inform me that Alexander and his Wife are out of Health.

1771 November 7 (Thursday). Rode to Mr. Gleasons, to settle with him, but return without success, this second Time. Mr. Taylor here and lodges.

1771 November 8 (Friday). O how amazing the Patience and Longsuffering of God! It is 47 Years since our Church was gathered, and I was ordained. The Lord humble me for, and pardon my great Defects and Transgressions! And Quicken me to serve Him agreeable to His Will! Mr. Taylor gives me some Account of Mr. John Eliot. Master goes to his school.

1771 November 9 (Saturday). Mr. Elijah Fitch from Hopkinton came, dined—communicated his Credentials. I rode to Hopkinton and lodged at Mr. Barretts.

1771 November 10 (Sunday). Preached at Hopkinton on Heb. 6.12 and mentioned the Death of old Mr. Freeland, aged 93 and the worthy Mrs. Barrett in her 70th Year. Mr. Barrett was too feeble to go out. Attended at the Funeral of a Negro Child at the Widow Newmans. I returned home at Eve, calling in to see the Widow Biglow. Mr. Fitch went to Grafton, in his way home, to Windham. He Preached on Luk. 17.32 and on [blank].

1771 November 11 (Monday). Mr. Edwards Whipple and Mr. Thaddeus Warren killed a young Cow for me.

1771 November 12 (Tuesday). I was much exercised with Pain in my left Foot, which was Sprained at the time of my late Fall from my Horse. Mr. James Maynard was here, dined with us. He borrows a Bushel and half of Rye of me. Prepare for the Fast tomorrow.

1771 November 13 (Wednesday). Rode to Hopkinton Fast previous to their Calling a Minister to be Colleague with Mr. Barrett. Mr. Frost pray’d and Mr. Fish Preached on Act. 20.24, latter part. P.M. Mr. Fish prayed and I Preached on Joh. 12.35. Several Gentlemen came after Meeting, and asked Advice, viz. Capt. Joseph Mellens, Mr. Israel Walker, and Mr. George Caryl. Came Home at night, and earnestly wish our Labours may be followed with Success.

1771 November 14 (Thursday). Read part of Dr. William Dods Reflections on Death. Mr. Spring at work, painting my House and Pale Fence. Deacon Burnet of Hopkinton makes me a Visit. At Eve came my Wife’s Kinsman Lt. Larkin Williams.

1771 November 15 (Friday). [No entry.]

1771 November 16 (Saturday). My Grandson Ebenezer came up from Cambridge to tarry over the Sabbath. Am interrupted in my Studys and called to go down to Mr. Adonijah Rice’s, one of his new-born Twins being ill. I went, and prayed—the woman but weak also. Capt. Clark and his Daughter Cotton from Hopkinton came to keep Sabbath here, there being no Body to preach in their Town.

1771 November 17 (Sunday). Young Mr. Barrett came also. I omitted Reading, and not having carryed on my preparations and there being a Number of Strangers who [illegible] with us I delivered both a. and p.m. sermon on Heb. 4.9 to page 25. Four sermons in the whole. Capt. Clark, Deacon Burnett and Mr. Barrett, dined with us. Read the Proclamation for Thanksgiving with an hint of Explanation. Capt. Clark and his Daughter lodge again here.

1771 November 18 (Monday). The Captain and his Daughter returned home. Ebenezer and his Brother Elias went away very early in the Morning for Brookfield.

1771 November 19 (Tuesday). Joseph and Nathan Chamberlin returned from Monadinock. They bring a Letter from my Cushing at Ashburnham and drive home the pied Cow which I had lent my Daughter Cushing for the Summer past. William Sergeant, Prentice to Alexander came to inform of his Wife’s illness and great want of Help: in particular they want Ruth Bellows; who accordingly goes with William. The Town Met, upon my Support. I understand they voted to get my wood (besides 500£ old Tenor) but left if to every one to bring or do as they pleased.

1771 November 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Taylor and talks of disquietment of Some concerning the Proclamation and concerning the keeping the Thanksgiving.

1771 November 21 (Thursday). Publick Thanksgiving. I Preached on Zech. 14.9. Master Taylor and a young Gentleman with him, whose name is Osgood, came and eat with us. They also lodged here. N.B. I took Some Notice of the Year with the Church being up. O that we might be duely affected with a sense of it!

1771 November 22 (Friday). Deacon Wood came to inform me that on Monday next a Number of Hands and Teams would come to get wood. Mr. P. Whitney Visits.

1771 November 23 (Saturday). Neighbour Nathan Kenny and Joseph McCullock cleared my Wells.

1771 November 24 (Sunday). Rode to Northborough and preached a.m. on Eph. 5.15, p.m. on Heb. 12.25. Called at Lt. Martyns as I returned. Mr. Whitney preached for me a. and p.m. on 1 Joh. 3.9.

1771 November 25 (Monday). A number of Teams brought me Wood from the ministerial Lot. I rode to Cornet Brighams about his son Elijahs going to Monadnock, and helping Breck in his Journey home. Mrs. Mary Harrington, Wife of Mr. John Harrington, was here, was examined and approved. The Teams which brought Wood were Capt. Maynards drove by Solomon Maynard and Came three times. Deacon Wood, Messrs. Ebenezer Maynard, Phinehas Maynard, Benjamin Warrin, Ebenezer Forbush, Seth Morse, George Andrews, Timothy Warrin, Abijah Gale, Benjamin Tainter, Thomas Bond, Joseph Bond, Lt. Harrington, Lieutenant Baker, and Abraham Beeman, all came twice; and Abraham Bond once. The Cutters were Joseph Harrington, Eli Harrington, [blank] Davis, Antipas Maynard, Edward Gay (for himself), John McCullock for Deacon Wood; Benjamin Ball for Mr. Morse, Mr. Timothy Warrin junior, Samuel Andrews, Jonathan Maynard, Benjamin Tainter, these three (I suppose) for their Fathers, and Nathaniel Chamberlin for Lt. Baker. They cutt in and carted from the Ministerial Lot. They Supped here at Evening except a few, viz. Messrs. Abraham Bond, Abraham Beeman and Benjamin Ball, that went home with their Teams. Seven Quarts of Rum were sent and given. Capt. Brigham sent a Loin of Mutton and Capt. Maynard 22 1/2 lbs. of Beef.

1771 November 26 (Tuesday). Early at Mr. Tainters to get his Chair for Mrs. P________ to go to Boston, and had it brought here. Was at Mr. Nurse’s for Money, but got none—had his Mare to be rid up to Monadnock by Elijah Brigham for Breck to ride home and bring his Tools. N.B. I told Nurse that till he got my Money and paid me I Should use the Mare as my own: and I received her so. Capt. Jonas Brigham brought a Load of Wood—and his son Eli (for him) another. Mr. George Smith dines here. Mr. Hananiah Parker who was to go with Mrs. P________ sends word that he can’t go till tomorrow.

1771 November 27 (Wednesday). Heavy Rain prevents Mrs. P________ going her Journey. Mr. Stow not coming to preach for me, I preached my Lecture my Self on 2 Cor. 6.9. After Lecture came in Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, and drank Tea with us.

1771 November 28 (Thursday). Mrs. P________ with Mr. Hananiah Parker Sat out early in Mr. Tainters Chair, for Boston, the weather being Moderate. I rode, by request from Mr. Stone, to his House at Southborough, found Mr. Smith there. Dined there. After dinner Mr. Jonathan Barns was examined and approbated for Preaching. Mr. Barns delivered a Discourse on Eph. 2.8, “For by Grace” etc. And Mr. Solomon Ward was examined and approbated as a legal School master. I returned home at Eve—when Ebenezer and Elias (my Grandsons) came back from Brookfield—informs that my Kinsman Bradshaw began to preach last Sabbath at Oakham. Master Taylor was here. He has begun to day to keep School at the New School House beyond Deacon Bonds. We have now five School-Houses, yet none near the Meeting House.

1771 November 29 (Friday). Ebenezer tarrys with me till another Morning, intending to stir very early and Set out on his Journey to Cambridge. I am strictly engaged in my Preparations.

1771 November 30 (Saturday). Though yesterday was a good Day for travelling, it is far otherwise to Day, and especially in the Morning which was very Stormy; and by the heavy Rain Ebenezer is obliged to tarry here over the Sabbath. As to Mrs. P________ I gave up expecting her, and set my Mind to prepare to do without her. It was not indeed so rainy p.m. as in the morning yet it was wet, cloudy and uncomfortable—But, unlooked for, Mr. Parker and she came; and got here before Night, to my great Joy—and in a Peculiar manner considering She was So well and comfortable, and had been favoured with a prosperous Journey. They had Coll. Buckminsters Chaise from Framingham to Boston, and in returning got as far as Brewsters, Waltham to lodge, and this morn to Coll. Buckminsters to Break fast. D.G.

1771 December 1 (Sunday). Omitted Reading. Preached a.m. on Rom. 15.29. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. Preached on Heb. 6.20 and O that God would pardon my Defects, and accept and succeed my humble Attempts! Appointed a Catechizing of Children next Thursday.

1771 December 2 (Monday). Ebenezer Sat out early for Cambridge. Sent by him a Number of Papers—among which were those which Mr. Fitch left with me. I went to Deacon Woods to try for some Way to get Ruth Bellows back from Alexanders. Mr. Seth Morse brought me a side of Beef which I buy of him for 16d old Tenor per pound. It weighed 226 lbs. I gave him a Note to Constable Levi Warrin for £21.5.1 old Tenor. The Proprietors of Some of the South stables move them to make room for Mr. Spring to build a dwelling House and Shop. Indians from Mohegin are come to live in this Town. Asbo and Squa here.

1771 December 3 (Tuesday). Though Cold and Stormy I went to the Private Meeting at old Mrs. Grows and preached on Prov. 16.31 from p. 143 to the End—and made further Additions. At Eve Ruth Bellows returned from Leicester, Kezia being better.

1771 December 4 (Wednesday). Read the most of the Day in the General Table of Europe which also contains an Account of the famous German Prophets Kotternus, Christina, and Drabricius.

1771 December 5 (Thursday). Samuel Asbo and his Squa here, and they with the rest of his Friends make a Wigwam in the Swamp that is near us. He says he is son of the Minister of the Same Name at Mohegin. I read as yesterday.

Catechized at the Meeting House—but it was very Cold and therefore had but 27 Boys. P.M. it was So stormy and Cold that but one Girl came. I went to the Meeting House, but Soon returned. We were greatly rejoiced to see Breck who came from Monadnock the Day before yesterday, to Ashburnham and to day from Harvard. N.B. The Mare he rode on Stumbled, threw him, rolled upon him, so as to hurt his Knee, and his Wrist. Deacon Wood at Eve with Brecks help, cutts out and Salts down a Side of Beef for me.

1771 December 6 (Friday). The Snow-Storm has been very Vehement. The Snow is so difficultly passed through, by reason of the Drifts that neither can my biggest Boy get to Mill though he tryed with my Horse; nor could the Cattle get to any Water to drink.

1771 December 7 (Saturday). A Number of Teams, from the East and from the South are driven to the Meeting House to make Paths.

1771 December 8 (Sunday). Preached on Rom. 15.29. My whole time of preparation was Spent on this; and I chose to preach p.m. on Ps. 57.7, delivering the whole in one Exercise. Miss Nanny Brigham dined here. Propounded Mr. John Harringtons wife.

1771 December 9 (Monday). By eating a pleasant Apple which came from Leicester, I was much wrot on. It proved very Cathartick. A.M. I went to Mr. Nurse to see if there was any hope of my Money—but I went very much in vain. P.M. I was confined. Eat no mouthful of dinner: lay down: it did not go over.

1771 December 10 (Tuesday). Somewhat better, but not well. Attend Somewhat to Sermonizing.

1771 December 11 (Wednesday). Breck goes on my Horse to Upton. Miss Susanna Gleason came to Work here. Is making my Wife a Gown. I am Still reading the General Table of Europe, in which are the Accounts of the three prophets Kotterus, Christina and Drabricius, which Accounts are chiefly Strengthened by what is taken from Comenius. Wrote to Mr. Moore but can’t send it.

1771 December 12 (Thursday). Breck at work for himself in the Shop. Miss Susan makes riding Hoods for Sophy and Hannah. Read Mr. Willards Body, on the Office of Mediator, and especially of the Priesthood of Christ. Mr. Spring calls me to his Wife, who is very ill. Went—though the weather was bad. Conversed and prayed with her. She complains much of a grievous Pain in her stomach: has been ill Several Days, and is much distressed both inwardly and outwardly.

1771 December 13 (Friday). Lt. Martyn waited on his Mother in a Sleigh, to visit us. They dined here. Mrs. Spring I understand grows better. Elijah Brigham has brought from Dr. Green of Lancaster, Volumes 17, 18, 19, 20th of the World displayed.

1771 December 14 (Saturday). Mr. Hancock the Taylor comes to work here to make Breck a Coat. I Spent my time upon the divine Subject of the Priesthood of Christ So that I undertook no other.

1771 December 15 (Sunday). I Preached on Heb. 16.20, those words, “even Jesus made an high-Priest.” P.M. I delivered an Exercise on Joh. 3.3 of the Necessity of Regeneration using what I formerly offered on that Text from p. 37 to 42 nigh the bottom. To which I added a Number of Uses, anew, on a loose paper. May God succeed my sincere Endeavours and forgive my Deficiencies! Miss Sus. Gleason is with us over the sabbath. Joseph Chamberlin dined here. In the Evening I read to the Family in Fords Autokatakritos, page 89 to 112.

1771 December 16 (Monday). Mr. Hancock at work here, as also Miss Susan. Ruth Bellows finishes her work here and goes to Capt. Maynards. I Visited and prayed with Mrs. Hardy. Her Cancer has eat up the greatest part of her Face. By reason of Mr. Nurse’s delay to pay me, I am forced to borrow of One after another. Borrowed 4 Dollars of Mr. Levi Warrin. Visit Mrs. Spring. Supped at Deacon Woods. Squire Whipple and his Wife there also.

1771 December 17 (Tuesday). This morning Breck sets out for Boston. Miss Sus. is making me a blue Serge Jacket. I am engaged in my Preparations.

1771 December 18 (Wednesday). Mrs. Susan still. Visit Mrs. Spring who is very ill.

1771 December 19 (Thursday). World displayed Vol. XVII. Isaac Lamb waits on Miss Suse home in my Sleigh, and Sophy goes with them. P.M. I wait on Mr. Phinehas Gleason who carryed his wife home. I Supped there.

1771 December 20 (Friday). Mr. John Harringtons Wife here about her Relation. Mrs. Spring Sends for me. Went up to her in great Distress. Prayed with her.

1771 December 21 (Saturday). Mr. Ware brought up Mrs. Whitmore from Boston, to See her Daughter Spring. Breck returned from Boston by the way of Concord. He is in great perplexity having lost a valuable Hand saw which cost him 2 Dollars and has lost which is much worse, his Purse of Money.

1771 December 22 (Sunday). I could not divide my discourse which I had prepared and therefore delivered the whole a.m. It was on Heb. 6.20. Ruth Bellows though she lives at Capt. Maynards dines here usually. P.M. Preached on Joh. 3.7, going on with the Repetition of Sermon on Joh. 3.3 from p. 42 to 48 with Addition of 4 Heads of Improvement at this time. Admitted Mrs. Harrington. In the Eve read in the Family part of Fords Autocatacritos.

1771 December 23 (Monday). Go on with World displayed. P.M. Visit Mrs. Spring who is a good deal better. Her Mother desires that we give Thanks to God and pray for perfecting the Recovery. We did so. Breck begins to keep school at the Warren school-House.

1771 December 24 (Tuesday). Begin Vol. XVIII of world displayed. I was perplexed for want of Money to pay where I had borrowed, viz. of Mr. Levi Warren but Obtained it and Sent it at Eve by Breck, to Satisfaction. Mr. Spring (according to my Offer) brought his little Billy to be with us for a while. Mr. Taylor here at Eve and Supps with us.

1771 December 25 (Wednesday). Sorrowful Message by Mr. Thaddeus Warren from Mr. Joseph Bond that their Child, of 5 Months, dyed Suddenly about one this morning by the Mothers Side. It was in usual Health this last night. I went there, and prayed with them.

1771 December 26 (Thursday). Sermonizing. World Displayed.

1771 December 27 (Friday). Sermonizing. We hear that Brecks Purse is found at his Brother Williams. Attend the Burial of Mr. Joseph Bonds Child. Mr. Arnold confined by terrible Pains.

1771 December 28 (Saturday). Breck by invitation dined at Capt. Brighams, as Yesterday at Mr. Haskill’s.

1771 December 29 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 103.14. On Occasion of the late sudden Death, and its being the last sabbath of the Year.

1771 December 30 (Monday). Mrs. Springs Mother, Mrs. Whitmore returns to Boston. Mr. Spring, Dr. Hawes and Mr. Hananiah Parker go in the Same sleigh.

1771 December 31 (Tuesday). Busy my self in Collecting Money for tomorrow. Borrow 20£ and l0/ of Mr. Thomas Bond, because Mr. Wheelock fails me, though the time with him is out, and out again some time agoe. He however sends his man Mr. Ware to Marlborough after it; but returns without it. Yet he delivers me 8 Dollars for Mr. Wheelock, who has borrowed it for me. Capt. Maynard came and lends me 50£ Old Tenor. My Boys have not only gone to school in the Day; they go to Brecks Evening School also. Thus Ends another Year! Having greatest Cause to magnifie and praise His Glorious Name who has sustained and preserved me and mine through the various Passages of it: But O how many are my Transgressions and my Offences against Him! How justly an End might be put to my unprofitable Life, So full of Miscarriages and Deficiencies! May God forgive me through the Abundant Mercy offered in Jesus Christ. And O that I might be ever ready for the Will of the Sovereign God!

1 Antapas Maynard of Bolton int. Rhoda Fay, July 31, 1770 (WVR, 181).

2 Monadinock, No. 4, March 27, 1771.

This Day a Church was founded here, and the Reverend Mr. Benjamin Brigham was ordained to the Pastoral Care of it.—The Rev. Mr. Lee of Royalston began the Solemnity with Prayer: The Rev. Mr. Smith of Marlborough preached a Sermon suitable to the Occasion, from Joh. 15. The Rev. Mr. Parkman of Westborough prayed and gave the Charge: The Rev. Mr. Goddard of Swanzey prayed after the Charge: and the Rev. Mr. Brown of Winchendon gave the Right Hand of Fellowship.—Good Order and Decency were very observable throughout the whole of the Exercise.

Boston Evening-Post, Apr. 8, 1771, p. [3].

3 “On Thursday sen’night the Dwelling House of Mr. Ithamar Bellows, of Westborough, was consumed by Fire, together with most of the Furniture and about 100 Bushels of Grain. The compassionate, generous neighbours, are in great forwardness in their work to get up another building, for the unhappy sufferers.” Boston Evening-Post, May 6, 1771, p. 2.

4 The Boston Gazette, June 3, 1771, p. [2], advertised “TO BE SOLD The Time of a white Servant,” describing him as a “Man, aged about 21 Years, being an able-bodied Person, fit for Labour on Shore, or for Sea Business.—Any Person inclining to purchase such a Servant for Seven Years, may hear the Terms, by enquiring of the Printers.” The notice also appeared in the issues of June 10, p. [1], and June 17, p. [1].

5 This may have been the same John Sennet who was punished for bestiality in May 1772: “Wednesday last John Sennet, for Beastiality, and Bet Smith, for the second Time of Thieving, were set upon the Gallows, and received the Discipline of Whipping: They were severely pelted by the Populace.” Boston Gazette, Supplement, May 18, 1772, issue 893, p. [3].

6 Death not in Framingham Vital Records. “Capt. Josiah Drury killed with a Cart October 1 1771”; “The Drury Death Book,” New England Historical and Genealogical Register 65 (Oct. 1911), 358. Another source states that Josiah Drury, b. 1707, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Drury, was “killed in an ox-cart accident in Wayland”; American Biography: A New Cyclopedia (New York: American Historical Society, 1924), 15:280.

7 Elijah Fitch (1746–1788), Harvard 1765, was ordained at Hopkinton, Jan. 15, 1772; SHG 16:156–58.

8 Death not in Hopkinton VR.