Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1770

1770 January 1 (Monday). Such is the Long suffering of God we begin another Year. I desire to take a grateful Notice of it. I desire to be Grateful for the Favours granted me hit[h]erto: to be deeply humble for past Offences: to enter into fresh resolutions to Serve and glorifie God my Almighty Author, Preserver and Benefactor: And to Committ and Resign to Him the whole of my Life that remains; all the Events of the Ensuing Year, as it shall Please God to continue me, whether a longer or shorter part of it. My Son William with us. Mr. Nurse has brought me from Mrs. Holbrook Four Vols. more of the Morning Exercises. I have now 7 Vols. but I find that there is One which is a Duplicate, viz. The Cases of Conscience. Elias begins to learn the Accidence.

1770 January 2 (Tuesday). My Son William leaves us to go home to Ashby. I make my self more acquainted with the Morning Exercises. Delivered one Vol. (a Duplicate) to Billy for his and the people of Ashby’s use.

1770 January 3 (Wednesday). Read in Morning Exercises—vol. 2 and against Popery. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard came and killed an Hog for me, and dined here. Elias went to Master Taylors school and got him a better Accidence, and Seems chearful in Learning. But

1770 January 4 (Thursday). Mr. James Parker is come to keep at the Whipple School; and this being much nearer, both John and Elias go there. I hear also that Bowman is come from College to keep at the Warrin School House (besides Mr. Taylors at the Grout School-House). To these we may add Mrs. Eunice Rice’s School for little Children, little Girls especially, so that we are just now peculiarly alive on School Accounts. I went over to visit Mrs. Green again; and as I went, dined with Mr. Parker at Mr. Whipples. I found Mrs. Green Still loosing Ground and growing Worse in Body, but in a good Frame of Mind. She seems willing to die, and resigns to the Will of God. Prayed with her, which she is very thankfull for, and for my visit and Assistance.

1770 January 5 (Friday). Mr. Elijah Rice by whom I sent my Watch to Mr. John Rogers at Newtown, returns without it. I now receive the Boston Gazette of Messrs. Edes and Gill, having drop’d the Chronicle.

1770 January 6 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1770 January 7 (Sunday). It was very Stormy—Wind and Rain—The Earth So opened and filled with Water, that it is extreamly muddy and difficult getting to Meeting. Lt. Baker comes With his Chaise, for Mrs. Parkman and Sophy and carrys them to Meeting—returns them home also both a. and p.m. Very few women came. All the Womens long Seats below were empty. So were their Gallerys above. There was no Woman in either. I preached a. and p.m. on Lam. 1.9. Neighbour Daniel How dined with us. May God be pleased to awaken us to a due Remembrance of Death and Eternity So as to be fitted and prepared therefor! In the Evening read Bishop Stillingf. Origines Sacrae.

1770 January 8 (Monday). Read Orig. Sacra. at Eve. In the supplement to the Morning Exercise, to my Wife, on Mutual Conjugal Dutys, by Mr. Steel from Eph. 5.33.

1770 January 9 (Tuesday). John and Elias goe to school. Richard Temple Swingles Flax. I preached at Mr. Daniel Hardys on Heb. 2.1. Mrs. Hardys Cancer grows worse. Blind Mrs. Deland there; as was blind Molly Warrin. May God bless His Word to us, and help us to guard against letting it slip! It was too tedious weather and difficult going for my wife to venture. My Girls were neither of them well.

1770 January 10 (Wednesday). My Grandson Elias Parkman came from Brookfield yesterday, arrived here this morning with a Letter from his Father that John is to go to Mr. Hitchcocks, Sadler in Brookfield.

1770 January 11 (Thursday). John was very much indisposed: Had taken some [Aperiants?], and had taken Cold by going out too much in so searching Weather. At Eve he was very sick. Mr. Francis Whipples Son Abner dyed this morn.

1770 January 12 (Friday). I attended the Funeral of little Abner Whipple (Son of Mr. Francis Whipple), nigh 4 Years old. A Child much set by, and which the Grand Parents had Set much by. He was taken ill but last Monday, and dyed yesterday morning Some time before Day. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Park of Sutton brought my Watch last Night from Mr. Rogers of Newtown, Cleaned and Set to rights as I hope. I suppose Ensign Miller has been clearing in my Chauncy Swamp, he having been here yesterday and desired to bargain with me about it. And Some body has been at work to day there, as I conceive.

1770 January 13 (Saturday). John but tender. Am obliged to depend upon my two Elias’s, with Johns oversight of them. Mr. Allen of Sutton, from Boston brings Letters from Mr. Moore. All well.

1770 January 14 (Sunday). I have asked Mr. James Parker, School-master, to preach for me part of the Day—and therefore have prepared for but one part my Self. But I can’t understand whether he is able to come out, being valetudinary. And therefore to carry on my Subject of Repentance and particularly of that part which is concerning Conviction of sin, I used part of my Discourse on John 16.8, viz. Some passages here and there from p. 9, and then from p. 11 to 16, intending to deliver p.m. what I had prepared for that Exercise. But Mr. Parker came to meeting. He dined with me, and undertook if I would pray (the first prayer) to deliver a short sermon which he did on Eccl. 1.2. Vanity etc. N.B. Mrs. Green expired this morning. Miss Molly Whipple is ill of the Throat Distemper. My son John goes not out—has last night taken physic, and is tender (though his Physic does not work), and is under Other Disadvantages. Ruth Bellows with us. She came yesterday.

1770 January 15 (Monday). John being confined, having taken another Portion of physick, and the Bucket of the Lower Well having dropt in, the Cattle (17 Head) were drove to the ponds in the South Pasture; but it was very icy and Slippery under the Snow, so that the Pied Coww (as She is called), somewhat heavy with Calf, fell in to the water, and her hinder parts were covered. We were alarmed. Mr. Edmund Chamberlin helped her out. The most of the Cattle were afraid to go to drink. Was obliged to go to Neighbour Arnolds for assistance to get up the Bucket. John Arnold succeeds in it, and in fastening it on the Pole. It is with considerable Exertment that my two Boys, this cold Day, get their work done. Orig. Sacrae.

1770 January 16 (Tuesday). My Wife and I attend the Funeral of Mrs. Abigail Green (wife of Mr. Joseph Green junior). She is buryed with great Lamentation. The Lord Sanctifie her Death to all of us! Orig. Sacr. at Evening. Visited poor old Mr. Dunlop, dined there. Prayed with them also. Visit at Mr. Bucks—but still he is not at home; at Mr. Martyn Pratts; at Mrs. Kendals. When I returned went out again to see poor Neighbour Williams who is worse. At night one Aaron Stretton, a journey man to Mr. Wheelock, but born and bred at Cohanzy in the Jerseys, was here.

1770 January 17 (Wednesday). [No entry.]

1770 January 18 (Thursday). John goes to Brookfield designing to live with Mr. Hitchcock, Sadler. I wrote to Mr. Hitchcock by him, and to his Brother P______ to look after the Affair. Sermonizing—r [sic].

1770 January 19 (Friday). Mr. Nurse with Mr. Thaddeus Warrin go to the Ministerial Lot—and having my Oxen, they draw with them and their own Teams 3 Logs to the saw-mill. But going late they come home late in the Evening. Sermonizing. Master Bowman came to See me at Eve. Also Mr. John Wood from Colrain. Acquaints me that Mr. McClallan their minister is come down with him and is at his House. I told him to give my Compliments and desire him to come here tomorrow.

1770 January 20 (Saturday). A.M. do something further in my Preparations. P.M. Mr. Wood came with Rev. Mr. Daniel McClallan. He Shews me his Testimonials of his Licence for preaching—his admission into the Presbytery, and his Installment Pastor of Coulrain. Which having seen and interrogated as I then thought meet, I asked him to preach tomorrow. He endeavoured to excuse himself as a stranger etc., Presbyterian etc., but upon my manifesting my Self Satisfyed and repeating my Desire, he consented to preach half the Day. Afterwards he yielded to the other Part also. He returned to Mr. Wood’s.

1770 January 21 (Sunday). Though a Cold Day yet there was a considerable Assembly, especially in the afternoon. Mr. McClellan preached a.m. on Rom. 5.6 and p.m. on Heb. 3.7.8, and in the Close was fervent especially when he urged the Consideration of ETERNITY. He and Master Parker dined here. After the Exercises Mr. Wood came and conducted Mr. McC. to his House in his sleigh. Ruth Bellows was here the last Week, but this Eve went home. N.B. Received a M.S. Sermon from Mr. Loring with a Letter from him. O that his prayers and wishes concerning me might be answered! Read in the Evening to the Family part of Mr. Barkers Sermon in the morning Exercise on Mat. 11.24.

1770 January 22 (Monday). Various Studys.

1770 January 23 (Tuesday). Read the Life of the eminent Mr. Mitchel of Cambridge, in Dr. Mathers Magnalia. Visit Neighbour Arnold who is confined yet. At Eve Timothy Warrin junior came with a sleigh and in his Fathers Name, invite me who have not been to their New House, since they dwelt in it, and would have Mrs. P______ to ride with me, to visit them. We could not resist this, though sudden, yet earnest Importunity. We had a pleasant Time. Mr. Andrews and his Wife, with Master Phinehas Bowman, and Mr. Stockwell, were there. We had handsome Entertainment and civil and religious Conversation. About nine we returned home. Daniel How is here. Stays and lodges with us.

1770 January 24 (Wednesday). Magnalia. M.S. of Mr. Loring on Humiliation which subject I am preparing upon.

1770 January 25 (Thursday). Read Mr. Shepherds Sound Believer; on Compunction and Humiliation. At Eve Ezra Baker brings Ruth Bellows.

1770 January 26 (Friday). Ruth Spins here. Jonathan Forbes goes to Brookfield charged with bringing back my Horse which John P______ rode up.

1770 January 27 (Saturday). Mr. Morse with a sleigh carrys me to Mr. Seth Gashetts of Hopkinton where I dined. Attend the Funeral of their son Simeon, aged 5 Years and almost 5 Months who dyed of the Throat Distemper. The Grave was in the Gashett Land.

1770 January 28 (Sunday). Preached on Act. 20.2l, those words, “testifying—Repentance towards God.” Mr. McClallan at Meeting. He dined here, as did Master Nat. Harrington and Master Taylor. Mr. McClallan preached p.m. on 2 Thess. 1.7.8. May God bless the awakening Discourse to us all! He was here in the Evening. Deacon Wood and his son waited upon him.

1770 January 29 (Monday). A.M. was at Deacon Wood’s, and Spoke with Mr. McClalland, who seemed last Night somewhat to resent my insisting for his Credentials, before I asked him to preach; yet he then owned I had a Right to make Enquiry into those Things; nor did he make much Hesitation. All was now (as I hope) set to rights. We part in Peace. At Eve Mr. Tainter and his wife made us a Visit and Supped here. Magnalia etc.

1770 January 30 (Tuesday). Before Day Dr. Hawes comes for Mrs. P______ and carrys her in his sleigh to his Wife who is in Travail. Mr. William Pierce, and Benjamin Wood, Sent by the Deacon, killed two Piggs for me. One of 100, the other 114 pounds. Alexander came from Framingham. Disappointed in his Design of carrying home his Wife and Child; by Reason of the Childs not being well, and the great Thaw. Mrs. Hawes has a fine son. I read some part of Winter Evening Entertainment, Vol. 1.

1770 January 31 (Wednesday). Alexander returns to Sturbridge. Jonas Kenny came kindly to assist in cutting and Salting our Pork. At Eve came Jonathan Forbes from Brookfield with my Horse, and with a Letter from Mr. Forbes, that John is gone to live as apprentice to Mr. Hitchcock, that my son Breck is also come from Ashby to work with Mr. Hitchcocks Brother, a Shop-Joyner—and that all, especially my Daughter Baldwin, are well. Blessed be God for all His Goodness to me and mine! Thus ends this Month. “So teach us to number our Days etc.!”

1770 February 1 (Thursday). Capt. Jonathan Fay here to acquaint me with the Distresses of his Wife, and that the Infant born is dead. They desire I would be with them tomorrow at the burying of it. Sermonizing. I visited Mrs. Hawes. She is weak and low. Prayed and gave Thanks to God. Mr. Morse from Boston says, there the Report is, that the Acts are repealed. Ruth and Sophy go to Dr. Hawes’s at Evening and tarryed all night.

1770 February 2 (Friday). Ruth and Sophy return. It happened that the expected Watcher did not come, and therefore Ruth was obliged to Stay and watch. Sermonizing. P.M. Attended the Funeral of Capt. Jonathan Fays Infant. Mr. Steward called here.

1770 February 3 (Saturday). At Eve came Alexander Oliver from Brookfield, and lodges here.

1770 February 4 (Sunday). I go on with the Subject of Repentance and preach a. and p.m. on Act. 20.21, though this Discourse was begun from 2 Cor. 7.10. Mr. Parker dined here. After the Exercises Deacon Wood informs that there is no Meeting to Day at Hopkinton, Mr. Barrett being hurt by the falling of his Horse.

1770 February 5 (Monday). Alexander Oliver leaves us to go to Charlestown, and Boston if the Ferry be passable. Mr. Seth Woods carrys away Ruth Bellows, to his Wife. I visit and pray with Dr. Haws’s Wife, who is still very low. P.M. Four young men came to chop up my Wood at the Door, viz. John Fay, Jonathan Forbes, Nathan Fay and Eli Harrington. Mr. Moses Thompson and his sister Adams, who have come over to see their sister Hawes, Mr. Silas Hill and his wife, and Master Taylor, were here to see us.

1770 February 6 (Tuesday). P.M. Mrs. P______ goes with me to the Family Meeting at Mr. N. Whitneys. Preached on Heb. 2.1. May God Bless this Exercise to us! At Evening my son Alexander returns from Framingham. Alexander Oliver from Charlestown. They lodge here. Aaron Stretton spends the Evening here.

1770 February 7 (Wednesday). My son Alexander acquaints me with his Desire to throw up at Sturbridge and buy at Leicester, and settle there. He waits on his Mother to Capt. Maynards. P.M. He goes back to Framingham. Consent to be bound for him for 600£ old Tenor on Condition that (as he proposes) the Premises be mortgaged to me for security. Alexander Oliver goes home to Brookfield. Wrote by him to John. Wrote to Rochester and Sent it by Mr. Daniel Grout to Boston for Convayence. Am Called to visit at Mr. Francis Whipple’s, another of his Children has the Throat Distemper. Went and prayed with them. Thence to Capt. Maynards and brought Mrs. P. home. Sermonize on Prov. 28.13. N.B. One Silas Childs, a poor rheumatic man, of Barnstable, and about 55 years of Age, here, and wants what can be spared him.

1770 February 8 (Thursday). Mr. Nathan Maynard with a Message that Mr. F. Whipple’s son Joel is dead.

1770 February 9 (Friday). Mr. Ithamar Bellows, Ezra Baker, and Ebenezer Chamberlin brought wood. Dined here. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Whipples little Joel. Mr. Jonathan Champney dined here also. At Evening came my son Alexander and brought his Wife and Child, to tarry with us a little while.

1770 February 10 (Saturday). Messrs. Abijah Gale and Edmund Brigham bring Wood—and they dine here. As did Messrs. Artemas Bruce and Jonathan Child. Was prevented finishing my Preparations for tomorrow.

1770 February 11 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Rev. 2.21. For there were some special Reasons why I did not deliver what I had prepared, and which I weighed and considered as well as I could. But besides, I could not compleat the forenoon preparation without being somewhat late; though pages enough were writ, yet the Exercise was not finished. This Set of Sermons were very Suitable to the Subject which I had been upon, Repentance, and Seasonable, as the Throat Distemper has broke out among us again. At Evening Esq. Jedidiah Marcy of Dudley was here (upon Alexanders Invitation) and Supped here.

1770 February 12 (Monday). My Son Alexander wants I Should go with him to Leicester to be bound for him if he buys the House, Mill etc. which one Ebenezer Crossman, Clothier, lately occupied there. Before we went came Mr. Steward from Marlborough with Request (Verbal) from Mr. Smith to attend a Church Meeting next Friday at Marlborough, Mr. Smith himself being incapable, in his low state, to Moderate etc. I replyed, the Weather uncertain, my going a Journey, etc. Still Mr. Steward insisted and was not unwilling to preach for me next Sabbath—where upon I consented to go if I could with any Convenience etc. My Son and I (Eating at home with out Dinner formality) Sat out about 12 o’Clock, and towards night arrived at the Forge House, so called. Mr. John Southgate came to us. Go to Mr. Matthew Watson’s. There into Evening preparing the way for a Trade. I go up to Mr. Conklins who is ill of Rheumatism, and lodge there. Alexander to the Tavern (one Bond’s).

1770 February 13 (Tuesday). Very foul weather. A.M. kept at Mr. Conklins by the Storm—but there came to me the Three Partners in the Interest which my Son wants to Purchase, viz. Capt. John Brown, Mr. Mat. Watson (with whom was Mr. Thomas Denny) and Mr. John Southgate. We all (except the last person) dined handsomely at Mr. Conklins. The afternoon is spent in the Partners settling of their Accounts and agreeing with Mr. Watson about the Privilege of the Dam and Pond. At Evening he consents and Quit Claims are signed by Capt. Brown and prepared for the Southgates John and Robert. A Deed is prepared and signed by Mr. Watson. Alexander and I lodge at Mr. Conklins.

1770 February 14 (Wednesday). After Breakfast we came to Messrs. Southgates; went thence and viewed the works at the Place, the House, the Mill, the Dam, the Stream, and had a List of the Tools—and they were delivered to Alexander. Then went to Mr. Watsons, where his wife Signed the Deed (as he had done last night) and then the witnesses signed. Then Alex and I Signed the notes for payment of the money. Mr. Denny asked me to dine with him and I went. Din’d agreeably, Mr. Chaplin of Sutton and his wife being there. I returned to Mr. Watson who had been with Alex to Squire Henshaw, the Justice that took Mr. Watsons acknowledgement (Alexander having dined with Watson), and though rainy and the Floods high we proceeded on our Journey as far as to Mr. Sumners, where we were kindly received and agreeably entertained. Letter from my son Cushing that Sarah was Sick. Sister Cushing was gone with the Ashburnham Messenger.

1770 February 15 (Thursday). The great Thaw, Rains etc. had made the Roads very hollow and difficult, but we got home to dinner. Sir Bradshaw here from Stoughtonham, returning to Brookfield.

1770 February 16 (Friday). So stormy and the Ground Hollow I could not go to Marlborough nor Sir Bradshaw to Brookfield nor Alexander, his Wife and Child to Framingham. P.M. Mr. Jonathan Walker from No. 4 with Flax: bought 21½ lbs. of him, part of 5/, part 5/7 1/2 per pound. Gave him a note for £5.16 old Tenor to Mr. Daniel Forbes. At Eve came Breck from Ashby, and much tired. His Brother William has writ to me of his Trouble and Difficulty at the Time of the great Thaw in January last. He himself got over a swift stream which he was endeavouring to pass—but his Horse was carryed down the Current—but was at length stopped and was got out—the Saddle and Housing finally lost. Sermonizing nigh finished for a.m. what I had been before providing.

1770 February 17 (Saturday). Go on in preparations. Begin another Discourse which is on Prov. 15.16. Mr. King of Suffield, Mrs. P______s Kinsman, came to see us.

1770 February 18 (Sunday). On consideration of Some Peculiar Circumstances I thought it best to wave the preparations I had composed and with New Introduction delivered two Discourses on Isa. 66.2, accommodated to follow upon what was delivered last Sabbath. Mr. King, Ruth Bellows. Dined here. Old Mrs. Kelly can’t get home—travelling being extreamly bad. She tarrys here.

1770 February 19 (Monday). My Sons Alexander and Breck, also Kezia and little Betty detained here by the weather. I read the Life of Sir William Phips in the Magnalia.

1770 February 20 (Tuesday). Alex, his Wife and Child yet here; the weather too rough for them to go. But Breck, upon my Colt, undertakes a Journey to Wrentham, Medfield, and Boston. Mr. Joseph How of Marlborough brings me a Letter from Mr. Smith requesting me to attend their Church Meeting next Monday. I consent with submission to Providence. Mrs. Kelly here yet and Spends her time profitably; Spinning excellent Thread. Magnalia.

1770 February 21 (Wednesday). Alexander gets Mr. Thaddeus Warrens Horse for his Wife to ride home upon, and carrys his Child himself before him. Thus they return to Framingham. I visit poor Garfields Child that has the Canker. Call at the Doctors to see his Wife. Hear that Mr. John Maynard (Shooe maker) is very bad with bilious Cholick. Mr. Hezekiah Maynard of Marlborough here and wants to relate the story of the present Contest between Rev. Smith and Alpheus Woods, but I refused to hear it. Alexander returns from Framingham. I wrote a Mortgage of the Leicester purchase, which Alexander offered to give me if I would be bound for him.

1770 February 22 (Thursday). Alex. signs the mortgage. Mr. Nurse and Jonas Kenny are Witnesses. Alex. leaves us—takes the mortgage with him to acknowledge it before Squire Whipple. P.M. Old Mr. Chadwick here to inform me that another of Mr. Seth Gashitts Children is dead of the Throat Distemper, and that they desire me to attend the Funeral tomorrow, at 2 p.m. I visited Mr. John Maynard in his sickness. Was also at Deacon Woods to visit them so newly after her Lying in. But She was asleep, and I did not converse with her.

1770 February 23 (Friday). Attended the Funeral of another of Mr. Seth Gashitts Children, about 3 years and 5 months old. The name was Betty. It dyed yesterday morning. I dined at Mr. James Bowmans. Deacon Cheney of Ashburnham here. He informs that my Daughter Cushing is better. He also acquaints us that there was yesterday a dreadful Riot at Boston. The Mob besett Mr. William Jacksons House: that a Gun was shot from the House and a Lad was killed. Upon which a Soldier rushed into the House and seized a Young man with the Gun in his Hand. My Kinsman Elias was wont to live there: but can’t yet know whether it was he or no. Expected Breck from Boston last night, and fear whether he is well, Since he delays his Coming.

1770 February 24 (Saturday). At Eve Breck came from Boston. He rectifies the News about the Mob on the 22 and informs that it was Richardsons House was beset—that it was he that killed the Lad, and was committed to Jayl.

1770 February 25 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.13. P.M. On Prov. 15.16. N.B. P.M. Squire Campbel was at meeting and in our Pew, but went out Suddenly and I suppose went on his Journey home.

1770 February 26 (Monday). Breck goes to Brookfield to work there. I rode to Marlborough at Mr. Smiths and the Churchs Request to assist Mr. Smith at a Church meeting. Dined at Mr. Smiths, with Mr. Stone and Mr. Steward. P.M. Mr. Smith went with us to the Church meeting. By Desire I prayed. Mr. Alpheus Woods who was complained of and also Complainant, was there. He was bent upon beating off and deferring the Business for this time. And after many Debates, to gratifie Mr. Woods the Meeting was adjourned again; and according to his Desire, to the first Tuesday in May next. Mr. Stone, Mr. Steward and I returned to Mr. Smiths: where, it being late and very Cold, I tarryed all night.

1770 February 27 (Tuesday). I rode up to Northborough and dined at Mr. Richard Martyns. Visit at Mr. Whitneys—and Mr. John Martyns—Saw old Lady, but her son and his wife were come over into the Town, and were here, but I missed of them. I saw also Mr. Whitney, returning from a Journey to Billerica. Came home at Eve. Mr. (or Brother) Brown of Framingham had called here while I was gone.

1770 February 28 (Wednesday). Dr. Hawes brought home my Sleigh, partly new built, from Mr. Whipples. I rode in it to Mr. Timothy Warrins junior to have him compleat it and strengthen it. Called at Dr. Hawes, where Mrs. P______ was visiting. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin builds me a Goose House p.m.

1770 March 1 (Thursday). My grandson Elias goes to School to Mr. James Parker at the Whipple school House. A number of Loads of Wood brought. I rode to Mr. Haskells. Gave him a note for 4£ old Tenor for the use of his Chaise to Rochester. It was deferred till now by Agreement.

1770 March 2 (Friday). Dr. Hawes brought home my Sleigh from Mr. Warrins, strengthened, but the new work not Painted. Elias (of Brookfield) to school. Mr. Benjamin Garfield here and dined. Am but poorly. My Son Baldwin, having been at Boston, returns this Way. Confirms the Sorrowful story of Ebenezer Richardsons Shooting among the Boys, gathered about his House, and killed a Lad of about 11 Years, and was committed to Goal.

1770 March 3 (Saturday). Mr. Baldwin leaves us for Brookfield.

1770 March 4 (Sunday). I rode over to Northborough and preached there a. and p.m. on Rom. 13.11. Mr. Whitney here a. and p.m. on 1 Cor. 9.24. I returned at Eve, as did he also.

1770 March 5 (Monday). Town Meet. Was desired to go and pray with them which I did; and after Prayer I, from the stairs, Spoke to them, wishing the Presence of God and good Success, that they might have Wisdom and unanimity. I gave Charge that those who were to be Sworn, would fear the Oath, and take heed to perform that Act of worship in Spirit and in Truth. Also would observe to them the growing Evil of resorting to the Tavern and prayed they would not any more than was necessary. I took this Opportunity, moreover, to manifest my Gratitude for their Kindness to me respecting Wood—that with what was already brought and what I had reason further to expect, I believed there would be a good sufficiency for the Year, and would render my Circumstances Comfortable, for which I offered my hearty acknowledgment to them. Gave Notes to sundry persons that I was indebted to.

  • Viz. To Mr. Seth Morse for Beef and Tallow, £9.1.6 old Tenor.
  • To Mr. Daniel Stockwell Shooemaker, 12.2.0 Ditto.
  • To Solomon Batherick for Rails and thrashing, 51/ Do.

1770 March 6 (Tuesday). Dr. Hawes accommodates me and Mrs. P________ with his Sleigh (my own not coloured in the new work, yet that would not have hindered using it, but he rode hither in his and it was ready tackled) and his Horse, for Mrs. P________ was afraid either to ride with mine in the sleigh or on the Doctors single; the Doctor therefore rode mine, to the Family Meeting at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s; where I preached on Act. 13.36, former part to page 9, omitting the 5th particular in p. 7 and 8. Which may God bless to us! Brought home 20 lb. of Flax which Mr. Forb. bought for me of a Flax-man from Western @ 5/ per pound.

1770 March 7 (Wednesday). Attend the Funeral Solemnity of Mr. Gashitts eldest Child, Hannah, and pray with them. Old Mr. Dunlop very low. Am sent for to visit him. I accordingly went. Discoursed with much Earnest Affection to him and prayed with him. Stopped at Mr. Martin Pratts and Eat there.

1770 March 8 (Thursday). Sad Accounts of Tumults in Boston—a Number killed by the Regulars. I read World in Miniature Vol. 1. Mr. Henry Gashitt here to desire me to attend another of his Brother Seths Childrens Funeral tomorrow.

1770 March 9 (Friday). Squire Whipple here to desire me to go and See his Grandson Francis, who is very ill of the Throat Distemper. I went, Spoke with the Child—prayed—returned a.m. P.M. rode to See old Mr. Dunlop who Seems somewhat easier and freer—Sits up and smokes his pipe. Says he is doing all he can (for his Salvation). Prayed with him. Attend the Funeral of a fourth of Mr. Gashitts Children.

1770 March 10 (Saturday). Mr. Thomas Twitchell here and informs me that Mr. Dunlop dyed this Morning about 3 o’Clock. About which Time also (as I hear) Francis Whipple tertius dyed. P.M. The Squire here and acquaints me with it, and the Time of burying.

1770 March 11 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Prov. 2[5?].13. P.M. on 1 Tim. 2.5. At Eve in the Family read part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Ps. 25.5.

1770 March 12 (Monday). Attended the Funeral of Francis Whipple tertius and prayed. Was desired to go to Mr. Phinehas Gleasons, to See his little son Josiah who has the Throat Distemper. Went—and conversed with them and prayed. Visit also Mrs. Deliverance Fays Daughter who is Sick, and prayed with her. Visit at Mr. Samuel Fays, whose Children, a Number of them, have been sick of the terrible Distemper but are better. Dined at home, notwithstanding. Reckoned with Capt. Jonathan Fay, and paid him. At Eve Mr. Samuel Fay here.

1770 March 13 (Tuesday). Attended the Funeral of Mr. Robert Dunlop. The Widow and Children came in here after the Funeral. Began to write a Sermon on Cant. 5.10.16. Both my Eliass oppressed with Coughs and are much indisposed.

1770 March 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Whitney came—dined—preached the Lecture on Amos 6.1, first part, “Wo to them that are at Ease in Zion.” May God succeed! Dr. Hawes, Mr. Tainter and his wife here after Meeting. A Sad Report of Mr. Thomas Temple’s Conduct at Mr. Edwards Whipples the night before last. A Warrant has been issued to apprehend him for his abusing his Neighbour Mr. Edmund Rice.

1770 March 15 (Thursday). Visit Mr. Thomas Whitney’s Child, sick of a Fever. Mr. Gleasons little Josiah, of 5 Years old, dies of the Throat Distemper. I dined at Rev. Whitney’s. Mr. Morse and his Wife, and Mr. Sumner there. Mr. Morse preached on 1 Cor. 11.29. A very useful Exercise: which may God bless! N.B. Mr. Morse and I, after Meeting, and Mr. Dummer being by, had some Discourse concerning the Difference which prevents their Harmony and Communion as Ministers etc. Mr. Whitney has a very great stone for his Front Door. In returning called to see Mrs. Martyn. When I came home Mr. Eli Whitney here. He tells me that there has been a Court held to Day at Squire Whipple’s. E. Rice and Temple agree. Also Widow Martha Warrin and Temple, who had defamed her, agree.

1770 March 16 (Friday). Capt. Fay came to call me to visit his grand Daughter, Polly Wood, who is sick, tis feared, of the Throat Distemper. And I hear of Several more that are taken with it. Went and prayed there. My son Cushing from Ashburnham came. He left his wife better. Waited on his Mother yesterday from Ashburnham to Shrewsbury. P.M. Went to Mr. Phinehas Gleasons who burys his little son Josiah. Prayed there. Divers other Children in several Familys are taken sick. Mr. Edmund Rice requests me to go to his House. His son Edmund and Daughter Dolly are ill. Went, prayed there. Called to see Mr. Amasa Maynards little Bernice: and Mr. Joseph Bonds Patty. Prayed with the last. Mr. Daniel Forbes here at Eve and pays me £32.10 old Tenor in Cash.

1770 March 17 (Saturday). I have been attempting to prepare one Sermon, at least, for the Sabbath—but by reason of various Avocations and interruptions, could not finish it. Mr. Cushing is returning to Ashburnham. Gave him Six Dollars to be delivered to Mrs. Winchester of Ashburnham for Six Chairs bought of her for Sarah. P.M. Mrs. Martha Temple (Wife of Mr. Thomas) came here to complain of Mrs. Martha Warrin for defaming her Husband. The said Mrs. Warrin here also. And Mr. Daniel Warrin to assist his Cousen. But I refused to hear their Contests, the Communion being So near approching, and there having been no preparatory Steps taken, and no room to lay their Matters before the Church: Neither could I be any further disturbed by them and therefore dismissed them all.

1770 March 18 (Sunday). Delivered the last sermon on 1 Cor. 11.23 to 26, especially on 24. Administered the Lords supper. Mr. Parker, Deacon Bond, Mrs. Maynard dined here. Mr. Parker prayed and preached p.m., his Text Rom. 1.18. Began to sing the 2d Time in the Afternoon Exercise. At Eve read in the Family the latter part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Ps. 25.5.

1770 March 19 (Monday). Visit Mr. John Woods little Daughter Polly again and prayed. Mr. Nurse brings me a Kegg of [blank] Gallons of Molasses, bought for me by Mr. John Maynard. P.M. I rode to Mr. James Maynards to See his Daughter Lock’s Children, Nancy and Fort., who have the Throat Distemper. I prayed there. Visit Mr. Amasa Maynards Children, viz. Bernice, Loretta and Cloedicea, which have the Same. Prayed there also. Mr. Edmund Rice acquaints me with the Death of his Daughter Dolly last night, about 11 o’Clock. When I returned home, found Mr. Forbes and with him Messrs. Fisk of Brookfield and Mr. Enos Hitchcock who preaches at Paxton. Mr. Forbes tells us that Ebenezer has called his last Son Benjamin. Brings the uncomfortable News of Alexanders shop being broke open while he was at Westborough etc., that he had lost about 30 yards of Cloth, and was in pursuit of the Thief who was gone into Connecticut. A Letter also from John. Mr. F. goes to his Sister Kendals; the other Gentlemen lodge here.

1770 March 20 (Tuesday). Wrote to Mr. Moore, by Mr. Forb. to the Care of the Rochester Representative. The abovesaid Gentlemen proceed on their Journey. P.M. attend the Funeral of Mr. Edmund Rice’s Daughter Dolly.

1770 March 21 (Wednesday). Deacon Wood here a.m. His grand Child Polly is better. He sows Hay seed for me, West of the Meeting House. This Day (March 21) is the Day for the solemn Inauguration of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Lock, President of Harvard College: whom may the Father of Lights yet further endow and enrich with all needed Gifts and Graces, and make an illustrious Blessing in that important Trust! Am diligently employed in preparing for Tomorrow.

1770 March 22 (Thursday). Sir Coffin (Peter of Cape Ann) here, going to Brookfield. I rode to the Fast at Marlborough, on account of Mr. Smiths illness. Mr. Josiah Bridge opened the Solemnity with Pertinent and fervent prayer. Mr. Stone preached a very excellent Sermon Suitable for the Solemn Occasion, on Isa. 33.24. P.M. Mr. Goss prayed: I preached on Phil. 2.27. Which may God accept and Succeed! Mr. Smith notwithstanding his Grievous Distresses was at Meeting with us a. and p.m. At Eve I returned home, though it snowed all the Way. Squire Whipple accompanyed me. We called in an Neighbour Andrews to warm us: and they treated us with great Civility.

1770 March 23 (Friday). Confirmed my Bargain with Jonas Kenny for a Cow. Am to give him 25£ old Tenor for her. Sermonizing.

1770 March 24 (Saturday). A large plow-share made by William Townsend for my Son William. Expected Mr. Forbes, whom I depend upon to preach tomorrow; but he did not come. However I have prepared one sermon—neither could I any more, by Reason of my being called so much otherwhere this Week.

1770 March 25 (Sunday). Another Child of Mr. Edmund Rice is dead; and another still at the point of Death. I Read publickly Ezek. XI. Preached on Ps. 90.5.7 on Consideration of the Mortality among Children and upon hearing so sorrowful Accounts of the Sickness aforesaid. I laid aside my new preparations for the p.m. and repeated the Rest of the Discourse on Ps. 90.5.7. Read 2 Cor. 10. Mr. Parker dined with us. At Eve read part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Closing the Day with God.

1770 March 26 (Monday). A Dog came into my Beeton Field, which appears to be mad—is Strangely affected—acts very oddly—froths much at the mouth etc. etc. Several Neighbours came. Tis concluded to be Duty to Kill him. Joseph McCulloch Shot him—then dragged him off from the Road. P.M. Attended the Funeral of Sarah Rice, a little infirm Daughter of Mr. Edmund Rice, which dyed of the Throat Distemper: and Several more of the Children are ill. Prayed there; and in returning by Mr. James Maynard went in to his Daughter Locks Children, one of which is very bad. Prayed with them. Deacon Wood accompanying me back, we called in to see Mr. Williams and prayed with him.

1770 March 27 (Tuesday). My reading various. Partly view the World in Miniature—partly some M.S. Sermons of another. P.M. Mr. Daniel McAllister here to shew his Desire to Join with the Church—was examined and approbated. He having manifested a good Measure of Understanding and Experience.

1770 March 28 (Wednesday). Am much taken up in reviewing a MS Discourse of my son Forbes on 1 Thess. 5.21. “Prove all Things” etc. Dr. Hawes here with his Account which I pay by a Note to the Constable.

1770 March 29 (Thursday). Catechized at the Meeting House a. and p.m. 46 Boys and 14 girls. The Roads very muddy. Mr. Forbes from Boston dines here. Lend him the 4th Vol. of Casuistical Morning Exercises. He goes to his Sister Joanna’s—returns here and then hastens to Worcester in his way home. Ruth Bellows rides my young Horse to Capt. Wards and pays him for me 5£ old Tenor. I let Neighbour Nurse have two or more hundred of Hay.

1770 March 30 (Friday). Went over to Mrs. Kendals to hire her son Phinehas Forbes for the ensuing Six Months, but he will not consent to work for me under 77£ 10/, even although he would for another who will work with him for 75£. I offered him 76£ but he is inflexible. I dined there. Returned disappointed.

1770 March 31 (Saturday). Having agreed with Mr. John Wood to give him my French Dictionary, with Some Consideration, for his which is a later Edition, I Sent mine to him, with Pantons Speculum Juventutis, neatly bound, gilt and lettered; which I conclude satisfies him. I have not received the Proclamation for the Fast till to day. Squire Whipple brought it from Col. Chandlers at Worcester.

1770 April 1 (Sunday). Read Ezek. XII. Preached a. and p.m. on Cant. 5.10.16. Read p.m. 2 Cor. XI. Capt. Maynard and his Wife, and Ruth Bellows who now lives with them, dined here. At Eve, in the Family, read the latter part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Closing the Day with God.

1770 April 2 (Monday). Begin to prepare for the Fast. At Eve Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton—tells me his son Joseph would go out to work for six months but he can’t begin till the first of May. He asks 80£. I refuse. I tell him if his son is a good Hand and faithful I will give 75£. He agrees that if I hear nothing from his son before the Fast, I May depend upon his Coming to me for that, and begin the first of May, to continue out October.

1770 April 3 (Tuesday). Receive a Letter from Rochester. Am much engaged.

1770 April 4 (Wednesday). Strictly applyed and engaged in my preparations.

1770 April 5 (Thursday). Public Fast. Preach a. and p.m. on Prov. 18.13, latter part. “He that confesseth” etc. May God graciously hear and accept through Jesus Christ!

1770 April 6 (Friday). Visit Mr. Phinehas Gleasons Wife who is very low, and pray with her. Mrs. McAllister here and is Examined. P.M. Read in Burnetts History of the Reformation.

1770 April 7 (Saturday). Solomon Batherick came and offered to help me this a.m. gratis. I set him to cut up wood at the Door. Jonas Kenny helps my grandson Elias in going to Mill with my Team. They carry 11 Bush. Rye, and 9 of Indian, having about 3 of Indian in the House. He succeeds. Mr. Edwards Whipple here and informs me that another of Mr. Edmund Rice’s Children is dead. Desires me to spare him five pair of Gloves, which I consent to. Mr. Whipple takes them at 15/ per pair.

1770 April 8 (Sunday). Preached at Northborough on Rom. 13.12 a. and p.m. Mr. Whitney preached here a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.16. “The Spirit itself beareth Witness” etc. I tarried there. N.B. Mr. Aaron Whitney junior and his sister Alice there also. N.B. Lt. Martyn waits on his Mother at Eve to Mr. Whitneys. I Supped and lodged there.

1770 April 9 (Monday). Am furnished by Mr. Whitney with a Variety of Garden Seeds. Attend the Funeral of Mr. Edmund Rice’s Child, Susanna, who has dyed of the Throat Distemper. About 7 Years of Age. The 3d that has dyed in this Family of late by that terrible Visitation. As I return called to See Mr. Amasa Maynards Children and Mrs. Locks.

1770 April 10 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Eli Whitneys Wife, who having lain in lately, is very ill. Pray with her. Visit at Mr. Jonathan Grouts—his young Child languishes. Prayed there. Call to See the Widow Hitty Brigham. A Letter from Daughter Sarah to her Mother—that she is well etc.

1770 April 11 (Wednesday). Send a Letter to Mr. Moore (who I hope is at Boston) by Deacon Bond to the Care of Mr. Procter. Mr. Bowman of Oxford here. His Wife has another son which they have called Oliver.

1770 April 12 (Thursday). Visit Mrs. Gleason who is extremely low; So that She can’t converse, but by Signs. I Spoke to her of the most important Things, and prayed with her. I could not discharge my Self to her as I fain would, by reason of her Weakness. May God be pleased to extend Mercy to her.

1770 April 13 (Friday). Elias (my Grandson) with my Team, and Mr. Nurse’s Oxen added, went to the Mainard Saw-Mill, and brought me the Rafters, or large Joists, which I have provided for the Support of the Floors of my Barn scaffolds.

1770 April 14 (Saturday). Sent what I lately Wrote to Breck, by Mr. Daniel Forbes junior. N.B. what I wrote is Capt. Ezra Wood of Uptons Message concerning his Help in building their Meeting House. Mr. Daniel Forbes Paid me £75 old Tenor. Mr. Benjamin Brigham came to see me etc. and lodged here.

1770 April 15 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 13. Mr. Brigham prayed and preached a. and p.m. His Text Gal. 6.15 both Exercises. May God graciously add His Blessing! Read p.m. 2 Cor. 12. I propounded Daniel McAllister and his wife. Ruth Bellows dined here. Mr. Brigham returned to Marlborough at Even. Mr. Stratton, Sadler, visited—probably to See Mr. Brigham. My Young Horse went out to the Horses to Day and did not return till after We had got to bed. We had Sought for him but could not find him.

1770 April 16 (Monday). In my way to Mr. N. Whitneys, called at Mr. Joseph Harringtons and dined there. Visit Mr. Eli Whitneys Wife p.m. Prayed there. Called at Mr. Tainters—his Mother much more bewildered than I have seen her. Young Mrs. Tainters Father Wood there.

1770 April 17 (Tuesday). Lt. Baker, with a Yoke of Oxen, Neighbour Barnabas Newton with Do. and Plough, came, and with my own Oxen and Boys, and Neighbour Jo. Bonds Oxen, they plowed up that Piece of Grass Ground which was between the Meeting House and my Garden. Rode to Bolton, to Ministers Meeting. Dined there with Messrs. Goss, Loring, Stone and Bridge (Josiah), and Mr. Abraham Wood Candidate there, and was examined. His Approbation was not now signed because we found he was not as yet a member in full Communion.

1770 April 18 (Wednesday). It was Mr. Lorings Turn to preach the Lecture and he had been appointed to it, but the next Meeting must be at my House, and it would most likely be my Place to preach my Self. It was therefore proposed that we change. And I therefore preached in his stead to Day and he is to preach at Westborough. My Text was Ps. 139.23.24. N.B. Mr. Bridge Supported by Mr. Smith (or Mr. Smith Seconded by Mr. Bridge) makes a new Motion, to alter the Time of our Meetings, and that it be tryed this Year; namely to meet but one Day, and meet early: at 9 a.m. This was voted by all but me. Mr. Peter Whitney my Company to his House. In coming from thence I met Mr. Thomas Temple, who urged me to go with him to his House, two of his Children being very bad of the Throat Distemper. I went—prayed there. When I returned home was informed that Joseph Wood of Hopkinton had been here to desire longer time before he should come to work for me etc.

1770 April 19 (Thursday). Went a.m. to See Mrs. Gleason who is extremely low. She has been delivered and the Child is dead. Could converse very little with her. Prayed with her. She looks almost like a Corps already. I dined there. P.M. returned, but called to See Mr. Green, who is very ill with Rheumatism.

1770 April 20 (Friday). Mr. Brewer came to inform me of the extreme illness of Mr. Temple’s Children and to request me immediately to visit them. I went with Mr. Brewer. Hear that Mrs. Gleason dyed last night, whereas I was otherwise to have attended the Funerall of her infant Child. Dined at Mr. Temples. Prayed with them. Mr. Seth Morse having bought and given me 4 pound of Clover Seed, I employed Mr. Aaron Nurse to come and Sow it, and [that?] Seed my own Barn afforded me. At Eve came Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton. Came again on his sons Account to desire he might delay coming, which I consent to if he will send a good Hand in his Stead; also he wants to tarry with me but 4 Months, which I could not condescend to; unless he provides an Equivalent person in his room for the other two months.

1770 April 21 (Saturday). Capt. Benjamin Fay brings from Rev. Adams’s at Roxbury 11 Planes for my Son Breck, for which the Captain has paid £13.0.1. P.M. I attended the Funeral of Mrs. Azuba, the Wife of Mr. Phinehas Gleason. Her infant Child was also buryed with her.

1770 April 22 (Sunday). Read [Ezek.?] 14. Preached on Prov. 18.13. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 13. Was prevented preparing further on my Subject for the afternoon. Acquainted the people with it, and (with Some Alterations and Additions) delivered Sermon on Isa. 58.1. Appointed Lecture and Communion.

1770 April 23 (Monday). Wrote to Breck and Sent his Planes by Mr. B. Newton. Attended the Funeral of Anna Temple, Daughter of Mr. Thomas Temple, who dyed in her 10th Year, of the Throat Distemper. Much afflicted by the breaking in of Cattle through the stables into my Rye Field.

1770 April 24 (Tuesday). P.M. at Lieut. Bakers. He accepts a Note upon Him which I have given to Richard Temple for 27£ Old Tenor.

1770 April 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone came, dined here, and preached my Lecture from those Words, Luk. 14.17, “Come, for all Things are now ready.” An Excellent Discourse. May God bless it for our greatest good! Mr. Whitney waited upon Mrs. Martyn hither and they dined with us. Mr. McAllister here with his Relation. Shews me what was writ for his Wife’s, but I chose to see her, herself. Much perplexed about Cattle and sheep breaking in upon my Rye Fields. Am obliged to confine my sheep in the Barn and give ‘em Hay, great part of the Time.

1770 April 26 (Thursday). Arabella Temple of about 8 Years old, dies of the Throat Distemper. I am obliged to do something about gardening. Sowing parsnips and Carrotts. I hired Ebenezer Maynard to mend Fence. Neighbour Newton returns from Brookfield with Letter from Breck that there were more planes than he wanted.

1770 April 27 (Friday). Mr. Noah Hardy of Brookfield came with Message from Mr. S. Haskill. Arabella Temple dyed yesterday. I attend the Funeral to Day. Mrs. Haskill has been brought to bed; but the Child is dead. It was on the 26. The Child is bury’d at 4 p.m. Two Burials in a Day is unusual.

1770 April 28 (Saturday). Ebenezer and Nehemiah Maynard here mending Fences. Thomas Andrews makes me another Bucket for the lower Well. Mr. Joseph Harrington from Boston full of Mr. Procters Character of the Lt. Governor.

1770 April 29 (Sunday). Mr. McAlister and his Wife here before meeting, that her Relation might be corrected etc. They make divers Excuses that She was not here before. Read Ezek. 15 and part of 16 to v. 19. Preached on Cant. 5.10 but used a great deal of Sermon on Isa. 9.6, part of pages 134, 135, 139, 142, 143, 144. Admitted Mr. McAlister and his Wife. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mr. Gleason, dined here. P.M. Read Gal. 1. Preached on Ps. 68.24, repeating my Sermon on that Text, but with additional Reflections. N.B. Another of Mr. Thomas Temples Children is taken sick of Canker.

1770 April 30 (Monday). Rode to Mr. Temple’s to see their Child. Dined there, prayed with them. Visit Mr. Seth Rice, Benjamin How, and his son Jonathan who is removing to Hubbards Town.

1770 May 1 (Tuesday). Visit the Widow Anna Adams who is ill of a Nervous Fever. She is Somewhat delirious. Prayed by her. Rode to Marlborough. Dined at Mr. Smiths. Mr. Stone and Mr. Steward there. P.M. we attend the Church Meeting, by Adjournment from Feb. 26. Mr. Stone opens it with prayer. Mr. Alpheus Woods was there. The Business of the Meeting was read, as it was voted last time: but Mr. Woods would not consent to the Church’s doing any thing upon the first Article (which was that he should bring in his Objections against Mr. Hezekiah Maynard) but when he was asked whether he would or not? He replyed that he was not carefull to answer in that matter—but if the Church would let him Support his Charges against the Pastor, he was ready. It was declared to him that the Church would freely hear him, if it were taken in its Order. He said he would not bring in his Objections against Mr. Hezekiah Maynard—he would not do it now. It was urged (by me) that if the first article of the Business must be dropped (by reason of Mr. Woods refusing etc.), the Church ought to proceed to the Second, viz. that he give Satisfaction for his not coming to the Lords supper. Upon this he became Resolute, insulted the Church (he had impudently insulted me for my being there; whereas I asserted my being there by Authority and the Church renewed their Request to me by a Vote, to be there) and he flung away out, though called after and entreated one time after another, to tarry, which if he would, there would be Opportunity for him also to be heard in its Order. The Church Seeing he had conducted at this Rate, and was gone out from them passed 2 Votes concerning him—One of which was, that Brother A. Woods had behaved with great Insult and Contempt of the Church. The Other was, that he be Suspended from Special Ordinances till he make Christian satisfaction for this Conduct as well as for his Delinquency as to the Communion. Then I prayed and the Meeting was dissolved. Returned home at Eve. Found here Mr. Loyd from Boston and before we went to Bed came William from Ashby. Joseph Wood, Son of Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton, came to work for me, and to fulfill six months for 75£ old Tenor.

1770 May 2 (Wednesday). Mr. Loyd goes on his Journey to Blanford. P.M. my Daughter Sophy goes with me to the private Meeting at Mrs. Grouts. I preached on Prov. 16.31. The hoary Head etc. May God send a Blessing! At Evening Mr. Nurse requests that a Family that were moving to Athol, might have the Shop to rest them Selves in to night. It was one Mr. Bates, who had his Wife and Six Children—also a Young man accompanying them. They tarry there and in the House: some of them lodging here. Billy is also with us.

1770 May 3 (Thursday). Billy takes his Steers with him home. Mr. Bates and his Family leave us. Mr. Nurse has more Hay. 3 C wt. P.M. went to the raising of S. Whipples Saw-Mill.

1770 May 4 (Friday). Mr. Peregrine White, of Woodstock, dines here. Carrys a Pair of Breeches which came from Mr. Isaac Stone of the same Town, back to him again. Mr. Benjamin Webb here, and lodges.

1770 May 5 (Saturday). Mr. Webb goes to Deacon Woods in his Way to Uxbridge. My Son Breck came from Brookfield. A Letter from Ebenezer informs that his Indian Girl, Susanna, is gone, against both her and their Will, and without any Complaint against them, to live at Mr. Forbes’s.

1770 May 6 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 16 from v. 20 to v. 43. Preached on Ps. 119.3 but carryed on my Subject on Prov. 28.13, of the 3d part of Repentance, viz. Reformation. P.M. read Gal. 2 and Considering the present dark aspects together with the avocations I have had last week, improved with proper variation and omissions, Sermon on Ps. 46.6.

1770 May 7 (Monday). Breck goes to Upton—agrees with Capt. Ezra Wood to work on their New Meeting House, for Six months and to lead in the Work, at 10 Dollars per month, and be found Diet, Washing and Lodging. To have his money or a Note when the Work is done. He returned here at Night. I read part of Governor Hutchinsons 3d Vol. being a Collection of Original Papers etc.

1770 May 8 (Tuesday). Delivered Breck, Cash for Mr. Haskill of Brookfield £30 old Tenor and he to call at Capt. Maynards. He did so and received 30£ old Tenor more. Of which he Sent me back £7.15.0. So that he carrys with him from me 52£ 5/.

1770 May 9 (Wednesday). Much interrupted with various matters of the plowing, though I be not engaged in the work it self. P.M. at the Raising of Benjamin Fay’s Barn. Mr. Benjamin Webb there. Supped at Capt. Fay’s. Mr. Loyd returned from Blanford and lodged here.

1770 May 10 (Thursday). Mr. Loyd is detained here by the weather. Mr. B. Webb visits. It was So rainy all Day that no Young Women came, that I know of; the Meeting House was not opened. There was no Catechetical Exercise. Mr. Webb and Mr. Loyd lodged here.

1770 May 11 (Friday). Mr. Webb left us. Mr. Loyd Still with us by reason of the Weather, the Storm continuing, and he out of Health. Mr. Moses Haven here to request my Assistance at a private Fast at his House on Tuesday the 22d [marginal notation: Thursday the 24].

1770 May 12 (Saturday). Mr. Loyd left us for Boston. Write by him to Samuel for Sundrys. Have been greatly clogged in my preparations.

1770 May 13 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 16 from v. 44 to the End. Layd by the Small attempts of preparations which I had made, and with a new Introduction and various Alterations delivered a. and p.m. the three first sermons on Relative Dutys—viz. The Dutys of Husbands, from Eph. 5.25 to p. 20. P.M. Read Gal. 3. May God accept and bless our Exercises of this Day!

1770 May 14 (Monday). We rose early to send off Ebenezers young Cattle, which I have kept for some time for him: Mr. Newton and Thomas Bond going with Cattle to Brookfield, but though they had sent me word they Should go before Day, and we got up before half after two, and as Soon as the Cattle had eat a Small meating of Hay, Joseph hurryed away to Mr. Newtons but a little after Break of Day, yet they were gone, and gone some time, before he got there, so that he returns home with them.

1770 May 15 (Tuesday). Mr. Jonas Bradish came at my Request, with his Instruments to review my Bounds round my Island: And to take up some Scraps of Land which border upon me. Measure round, but he thinks there is so very little that it mayn’t be worth any ones while to. So that I desisted till further Discovery. P.M. I visited Mr. Ithamar Bellows and his Wife, both of them lame and confined. Dr. Hawes accompanyed me. Called at widow Bellows, William Johnsons, and made some Stay at Ensign Snows where we were refreshed. Called also at Mr. Andrews’s, where I was accommodated with peculiar Seed Corn.

1770 May 16 (Wednesday). Read Lt. Governor Hutchinsons Collections of Original Papers.

1770 May 17 (Thursday). Lt. Ward and Mr. Hezekiah Taylor here with a Letter Missive for a Council at Grafton—but the Time appointed for it, being the Very Day when our Association is (God willing) to meet at our House, I must be excused. Mr. Samuel Chase brought me from Mr. Ephraim Shearman three Quarto Pamphlets by Mr. Bollan, viz. Continued Corruption etc. (which I have already read), Free Britons Memorial; and his Supplemental Memorial. Mr. William Campbell of Oxford, who comes from Boston, informs me of Mr. William Fairfields (his Uncle) Death. Dr. Crosby here and brings his Transcript of Sarah Greens Case—which he Signs—and which Squire Whipple and I are to Sign. Sell more Hay to Nathan Kenny.

1770 May 18 (Friday). Lt. Ward dined with us. Informed that Mr. Stone of Southborough was taken very ill last night. We go to my 5 Acre Swamp, and Mr. Wheelock with us. Renew the Bounds of it.

1770 May 19 (Saturday). My Son Alexander came from Sturbridge, and tells me he has intirely quitted there. Relates his Losses by the Thief who broke open his Store, or shop; and the unsuccessful Pursuit of him. He goes to Framingham. N.B. Mr. Davids Lovell of Medfield was with him. After Dinner they rode away together. Mr. Joseph Harrington came from Boston—relates a strange story of one Mrs. Wiswall of Cambridge, who lately dyed there in an uncommon Manner.

1770 May 20 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 17. Preached a.m. on Ezek. 18.30. P.M. read Gal. 4 and with view to the Public state, I improved sermon on Ps. 44.1[3?], delivering the whole in one Exercise, with Introduction and Application to the present Times.

1770 May 21 (Monday). Visit Mr. Daniel Adams’s wife, who languishes. Prayed there. Sister Cushing and two of her grand Daughters came to See us, and dined here. P.M. visit Brother Stone; find him better, through the Goodness of God. When I came home my Son Alexander was returned from Framingham.

1770 May 22 (Tuesday). Alexander goes again to Framingham and Mr. Nurse with my Oxen and part of his own Team goes to bring up Alexanders Wife’s Goods. P.M. towards Eve came Breck and John from Brookfield. N.B. Mr. Abraham Wood of Sudbury came for the Associations Certificat of his Examination and Approbation, which he received from me, for Mr. Loring to Sign. He dined here. Taylor and Frost from Cambridge called here.

1770 May 23 (Wednesday). Frost calls in returning. Sent a M.S. of Mr. Lorings by him. P.M. Elias goes with Breck to Upton to bring back the Horse. Mr. Moore, his Wife and Child came. At Eve Alexander and Wife and Child. In the night Mr. Nurse with his Waggon load of Goods—and puts up his Cattle in my Barn.

1770 May 24 (Thursday). Mr. Nurse, to the great Disappointment of my Son and Daughter, neglects to move their goods from hence. I attended a Fast at Hopkinton at the House of Deacon Moses Haven, on account of his Wife’s Spiritual Troubles. Mr. Barrett, Mr. Joshua Prentice, and Mr. Fish were there. These last carryed on the forenoon Exercises. Mr. Fish preached on Luk. 24.47. I performed the afternoon Services. Preached on Cant. 8.5, former part. May God be pleased to pardon our Sins, hear our prayers and bless His holy word to us all! Especially to the poor disconsolate Woman. At Mr. Barretts was Capt. Morris of Hallifax. When I returned home, found here Mr. David Hitchcock (John’s Master), his Wife and little son Pelatiah: and afterwards came Mr. Cushing and his Wife. But Alexander and his wife and Child were gone to Leicester. The forementioned, with Mr. Moore, his Wife and Child, made up a numerous Family.

1770 May 25 (Friday). Mr. Hitchcock etc., leave us. Mr. Nurse Setts off with Alexanders Goods; but makes it late—and leaves their Cow behind. It also rains. P.M. the Moores and Cushings ride over to Capt. Maynards. Squire Whipple here and Signs the Transcript which Dr. Crosby left with me of Sarah Greens Case.

1770 May 26 (Saturday). Mr. Breck came. Mr. Stone had wrote me for Help. Mr. Cushing goes there. Mr. Moore to Marlborough to assist Mr. Smith.

1770 May 27 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 18. Mr. Breck on Luk. 7.9. P.M. read Gal. 5. Mr. Breck on Sam. 1.18, former part. Mr. Moore and Mr. Cushing return at Eve. O that our unsabbatical Frames might be forgiven and the precious means of Grace Sanctifyed to us!

1770 May 28 (Monday). Mr. Daniel Forbes pays me 50£ old Tenor. Joseph had gone to his Fathers Saturday Eve, but now returns here. I Set out with Mr. Breck for Boston. Call at Mr. Stones, who is much indisposed. Called at Coll. Buckminsters where we were well refreshed. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Arrived at Boston some time before sunsetting. Cousen Loyd kind and generous. My Horse kept at Mr. Simonds. Lodge at Loyds.

1770 May 29 (Tuesday). Visit my Brother who is very ill, and ‘tis feared will not recover. Visit Mrs. Holbrook: where I write to my Wife, of the Illness of my Brother. Dine at Mr. McAlpine’s. P.M. Visit my Friends. N.B. I am exceedingly sollicited to tarry at Boston and not go to Cambridge. I went again to my Brothers and lodged there.

1770 May 30 (Wednesday). My Brother revives. Bought me a Wig of Mr. John Bosson and gave him 4 Dollars for it. My Kinsman Nathaniel accompanys me to the bottom of the Common to See an Ox which was roasting whole. The Head, the Horns, the Tail on. The Election Sermon was preached to the Court at Cambridge, but I was not able, without Violence, to go there, my Relatives beseeching me not to go. A Lecture was preached in Boston by Dr. Chauncy on Ps. 22.4. Mr. Mather prayed before sermon. A Fine Anthem closed as a Psalm began the Exercise. Dined in Fanuel Hall most Elegantly. Dr. Chauncy [craved?], and (called upon by the oldest Selectman, who was as Moderator, viz. Joshua Henshaw Esq.) I returned Thanks. There was Anthem—Liberty Song—Toasts—the Roasted Ox surrounding the Hall—Guns firing, frequent Cheers, etc. P.M. The Convention was adjourned to tomorrow nine o’Clock, at the Grammar School House in school street. I visited divers Friends—at Mr. Surcombs. His Daughter is reconciled to her Husband and to her Father. Lodged at my Brothers.

1770 May 31 (Thursday). Attended the Convention. Brother Breck was moderator. Dr. Cooper preached on Rev. 12.1, last Clause. I dined at Dr. Coopers—sat forward Subscription for the Printing the Sermon.1 Did not attend the Convention p.m. My Children were going out of Town. Mr. Forbes and his Wife, Mr. Moore and Cushing with theirs. At Mr. Surcombs at Eve (where my Horse is now kept) and now first Saw his daughter Flagg. Returned again to my Brothers who acquaints me with the ill Treatment he met with from our Nephews Son, Elias. I lodged there, as I most desired. N.B. My Son Samuel lives at Capons for half pay, or less; till better Business presents.

1770 June 1 (Friday). Rose early but my Brother, who is much better, detained me with our Family Affairs. I left the Town after 11. Rode to Dr. Davis’s, but he was not at home. Called at Mr. Adams’s. First saw his New Wife. Kept on my Journey to Waltham to Mr. Cushings. Neither of them at home. Called at Mr. William Browns—at Mr. Stones. Safely arrived at home. D.G. My son and Daughter Cushing here.

1770 June 2 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing and his Wife having dined with us left us to go to Shrewsbury in their Way home.

1770 June 3 (Sunday). Mr. Stone had desired I would endeavour to help him in his feeble State; and Since Mr. Cushing was to preach for Mr. Sumner, he desired Mr. Sumner would come hither, and that I would go to Southborough. This was complyed with. Mr. Sumner came and I went to Southborough accordingly. I preached a.m. on Ps. 44.18, p.m. on [Jer.?] 6.8. Mr. Stone went to meeting in the afternoon [illegible] I was exceeding hoarse by a Cold. Returned at Eve. Mr. [Sumner?] preached on Rom. [8.31?] a. and p.m. May God graciously accept our Offerings and our Labors!

1770 June 4 (Monday). Visited Mr. Daniel Hardys Wife whose Cancer grows much worse. His Daughter Adams also [weak and?] wasting State. Prayed with them. When I have read Mr. Appletons late Fast Discourses, I can’t find any fit Reason for the late House of Representatives to make a Difficulty, as I hear they did, about Printing it.2

1770 June 5 (Tuesday). P.M. Instead of the Public Lecture I held an Exercise at old Mr. Williams’s, he having been long confined from the Public Worship. I went on with [the?] Discourse on Prov. 16.31. “The hoary Head” etc. A considerable Assembly, which I wish may be profited hereby!

1770 June 6 (Wednesday). [No entry.]

1770 June 7 (Thursday). Messrs. Stone and Smith (I hear by Sophy, who rode to Mr. Stones to get a Callico Gown made) Sat out on their Journey towards the Cape. Riding is thought beneficial for them under their [illegible]. Attended at the Entertainment made by Mr. Ebenezer Forbes, who this Day raised a long Barn. Capt. Jonathan Fay raised a new House, but I could not be there, though invited, being pre-requested. My Son Baldwin and his Daughter Betty came from Brookfield and lodged here.

1770 June 8 (Friday). By Reason of the Rain my son Baldwin and his Daughter are detained here. He directs Joseph in placing the Rafters for the flooring my Scaffolds [in?] the Barn. Joseph cutts the Gains etc. Thomas Temple here, with great complaint against divers members of the Church. Mrs. Martha Warrin in particular. But I would not hear.

1770 June 9 (Saturday). Mr. Baldwin and Daughter leave us, though it sometimes wetts, and is threatening.

1770 June 10 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 19. Gave a Somewhat large and mostly written Exposition [illegible] collected from Various Authors. Preached on Cant. 5.10. Under the Head of R [illegible] made use of Some part of sermon on Isa. 9.6 [illegible] the Death of Christ, with proper [illegible]. Miss Mary Steward, Mrs. Fessenden, Mrs. Maynard, Ruth Bellows, a young man Samuel Haven, and Joseph’s Sister Hannah, dined here. We have very Sorrowfull News, of the grievous Fall and Elopement of Mrs. Eunice Rice (Wife of Joseph Rice): and we have an Account of the much to be lamented Death of Mrs. Martha Green (heretofore our dear Patty Clark), the wife of Dr. Peter Green, of Harvard, in Child bearing. P.M. read Gal. 6. Preached on [Cant.?] 5.10 and 16, finishing that delightful Subject. May Gods word quicken and [enflame?] us! Appointed a Catechetical Exercise again. Mr. Adonijah Rices Wife at our House indisposed. Joseph [Ward?] with my Horse waits on her home.

1770 June 11 (Monday). P.M. Squire Whipple here. By him I committ Mrs. Eunice Cooks petition for a Contribution, to the Selectmen for their Advice, Deacon Bond being one of them. He returns it to me with their Advice that it be read to the Congregation and left to their Consideration for a Fortnight; that if any Objection arises against it, it may be made in that Time. Hear that the Rev. Mr. Ezekiel Dodge of Abington dyed last Tuesday Night. The Lord Sanctifie this sorrowfull Dispensation!

1770 June 12 (Tuesday). Went up to Mr. John Wood (now Esq.) and his Wife before they leave us. Charles Paxton Esq. and Mr. [Christopher?] Minot there. My Son Baldwin returns from Boston, and with him William Bowes Bradford, and his Sister. They dine and leave us for Brookfield.

1770 June 13 (Wednesday). John Wood Esq. and his Family, accompanyed with several Neighbours, leave us to go to Colraine.

1770 June 14 (Thursday). Mr. Nurse drives 5 of my young Creatures, 3 Heiffers and two Steers with [blank] of his own, to Ashby. Held a Catechetical Exercise at the Meeting House. Chiefly insisted on and opened part of Question 97. 27 Young Women attend it. May God bless what has been delivered to them! And I Should be greatly rejoiced to have my young people Shew a good Disposition to the ways of Piety.

1770 June 15 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 June 16 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1770 June 17 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 20. My Exercise a.m. was on that Chapter. P.M. was especially on the [illegible] verse. Had read Eph. 1. Read Mrs. Eunice Cooks Petition for a Contribution and a Letter signed Caleb Hill to recommend her. Gave the Congregation an Account of the Meeting of the Association at my House on Friday next, God willing; [illegible] Lecture on Wednesday.

1770 June 18 (Monday). Visit at Mr. Jonathan Grouts where I dined. At Capt. B. Fays, on Occasion of the Death of her sister How at Shrewsbury. At Capt. Jonathan Fays and the Hardys—Widow Persis Warrin etc.

1770 June 19 (Tuesday). This was the Time for the Association to meet at my House. Mr. Loring came early and dined with us. We looked in vain for any body else. P.M. We retired to my study—Mrs. P________ with us. Mr. Loring prayed and I read my Discourse on Cant. 5.10,16. After which I prayed. Spent our Time in various Conversations.

1770 June 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Loring preached the Lecture on Gen. 8.21, those words, “the Imagination of the Heart of Man is evil from his Youth.” Still no other Ministers came. P.M. when Mr. Loring would return home, I waited on him a few miles, and then turned to Mr. Benjamin Brighams to get help in Preaching whilst I Should go to preach at Ashby but Mr. Brigham was gone up to a new Town to preach a Number of Sabbaths. Returned home at Eve. Dr. Joslin calls, and lodges here.

1770 June 21 (Thursday). Visit old Mrs. Dunlop. Prayed and dined there. Visit old Mrs. Woods. Joseph Wood requests to go home a few Days on account of Some Work to be done at his saw-mill. And at Eve he went.

1770 June 22 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 June 23 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1770 June 24 (Sunday). A rainy Time. Read the latter part of Ezek. 20 and preached again on the former part but the Chief of the Exercise was on v. 25 and beginning of v. 26. Widow Judith Bellows dined here. P.M. Read Eph. [8?] and Endeavoured to entertain my people with an Expository Exercise on Mat. 11.20 to 24, being No. 176 of Expositions delivered in the Year 42.

1770 June 25 (Monday). Joseph Returned. Mr. Snow came to work in flooring my Barn scaffolds; Joseph assists, as he needs.

1770 June 26 (Tuesday). Catechized the Children at the Meeting House. 52 Boys a.m. 25 Girls p.m. My Son Ebenezer from Brookfield, going to Watertown, lodges here. As does Mr. George Gilmore, a Preacher, belonging to [V?] alentown.

1770 June 27 (Wednesday). Ebenezer to Cambridge. Carrys Letters from me to Mr. John Marrett, and Mr. Antipas Steward, requesting Assistance in Preaching next Sabbath. Mr. Gilmore setts out for Cumberland. Mr. Edwards Whipple calls me to Visit a Child of Mr. Amasa Maynard who is bad with the Throat Distemper. As soon as I had dined I went—but the Child was dead. She expired a little after 10 a.m. (while Mr. Whipple was with me). It was their Eldest, Loretta, nigh 8 Years old.

1770 June 28 (Thursday). Mr. Benjamin How and Mr. Batherick mending Headings, Clabboarding etc. of the Meeting House. P.M. attended the burying of Loretta Maynard. Breck came at Night and lodged here. Ruth Bellows came again to work here.

1770 June 29 (Friday). My Son Ebenezer returns from Watertown and Boston. He gives Account of some extraordinary Treatment which Mr. Cutler, Trader at Oxford, met with at Boston last Eve and this Morning, for attempting to bring out Tea and other Obnoxious Goods, by two Teams; which were stopped and turned back, as he himself also was, into the Town.

1770 June 30 (Saturday). I wanted to have gone to Ashby this morning but have not any body to preach for me. I have writ by my son to Mr. Steward and Mr. Marrett at Cambridge but in Vain—they are gone to the Eastward. But my son tells me he has engaged Mr. Morton, lately of Blanford, to Come. So that I am made to expect him. However I expect in Vain still for he came [sic]. Which I am very sorry for and it is a great Disappointment, as I have not been there so long, and have writ to them of my endeavouring to go, as I hoped, at this time. But I yield to the Providence of God. My Son sat out for home, and having promised to pay Money when he returns, but he being disappointed of what he hoped for at Watertown I let him have a Guinea.

1770 July 1 (Sunday). To my great Disappointment I am at home to Day. However I prepared one Sermon. Yet still I did not use that. Read and gave Expository Account of Ezek. 21. Went on with the Discourse from Mat. 11.20 to 24 a. and p.m. P.M. read Eph. 3. Appointed a Contribution to be next Lords Day p.m. for Mrs. Eunice Cook. The Lord bless my (Somewhat unusually) fervent Labours of this Day! Within my own Soul especially!

1770 July 2 (Monday). Wrote to Ashby, but could not Send it. Mr. Cutler of Oxford, I hear, was mobbed last week, at Boston etc.3 Levi Leland gives me an Account of his Brother in Law Fletc.her’s Death—that is, as far as he knew the Cause of it. Which was That he drove his Team furiously, Set them arunning, and the Pin of the Off-Ox Bow fell out, which Sat that Ox at Liberty; and the other Ox probably Struck Mr. Fletcher down and so the Wheel went over him and killed him.

1770 July 3 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. B. Tainters on Mat. 5.20 to p. 8 at the bottom. May the Lord add His Blessing! Mr. Thomas Whitney here at Eve.

1770 July 4 (Wednesday). Sent an Iron Pot, which I buy of Mr. Job Cushing, by John Arnold, to Capt. Cowdons in Fitchbourg, for my Daughter Cushing in Ashburnham. Wrote to Billy to let him know the late Disappointment and the Circumstances of it. Am Still reading his Honours 3 Vol. Mr. Joel Brooks brought me a New Hat from Mr. Nathaniel Balch of Boston.

1770 July 5 (Thursday). Joseph Wood, in mowing behind the Baker Stables, finds it uncommon Burthen: the Clover so very rank and thick. I was a while among the Hay, turning, raking etc.

1770 July 6 (Friday). Beeton here, and informs me that the Committee Appointed by the Town to view the Bounds of the ministerial Lot, have challenged the little triangular piece which I formerly took up as common-Land, and bounded by the great white Oak marked M—at How’s line, and which I hear John Fessenden has cut down.

1770 July 7 (Saturday). Mr. J. Maynard has brought from Boston the New Wig which I bought lately of Mr. John Bosson. Am in some Trouble about my Clover which Joseph has carted in Yesterday, it being too green. Got Neighbour Newton to go to the Barn and examine it.

1770 July 8 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 22. Preached a. and p.m. on Zech. 2.5. Read p.m. Eph. 4. After the Exercises was a Contribution for Mrs. Eunice Cook of Douglas. May the Lord accept our Offering! And Pity His Handmaid, who I believe Stands in need of Relief. Mr. John Maynard, whose Wife was brought to bed to Day, came for Ruth and She went away with him.

1770 July 9 (Monday). Deacon Wood was here in the morning to count the Money of the Contribution and we found it to be in old Tenor £ P.M. Visit old Mrs. Kelly, old Mrs. Fessenden, and her son Johns Wife. Call at Capt. Maynards—his sons Wife has lately lain in; the Child appears unhappy: but I forbear Enquirys.

1770 July 10 (Tuesday). Rode to Southborough to Miss Bulah Bent—who gave free leave to me, to cut the Bent Meadow, as I used to, notwithstanding any thing that had been said to Jonas Kenny. And dined at Mr. Stone’s. P.M. we rode to Hopkinton. Called to see Dr. Wilson. Visit Capt. Clark to Sympathize for the Loss of dear Mrs. Green. N.B. She had left for me Vol. 5, 6, 7, 8 of the World displayed, for me to read—and her mother delivered them to me. After mutual Condoling, we parted affectionately. Mr. Stone and I proceeded to Mr. Barretts—to visit them under their Infirmitys. Left Mr. Stone and proceeded (as one part of my Design was) to visit Mr. Abby who has for some time languished. He is, I hear, [hectick?]: is about to undertake a Journey to Providence for his Health. Dr. Hawes, his Wife and Child are on their Journey home.

1770 July 11 (Wednesday). Mrs. Eunice Rice, wife of Mr. Joseph Rice, it is reported Commonly, and upon strong grounds feared, has fallen into a great sin: she sojourns at Deacon Wood’s. I went to see her, to talk with her. I brought to her mind how I had several Times warned her against living in so dangerous a manner as theirs was, who being in a sort Single persons, would be greatly exposed to Temptations. She owned it was so. She said she was sorry there was So much Occasion for my coming to See her at this Time. Added that She hoped after a while to give satisfaction to us all. Upon which I asked her whether She would then have me doubt, or call in Question whether she was guilty or no? She replyed that she did neither own nor deny. After dealing plainly with her, exhorting, Cautioning her, and defending my Visiting her (which she said She did not in any wise take in ill part) I wished her the Grace of God and took leave. Mr. Ballard of Oxford dined here.

1770 July 12 (Thursday). Mr. Elijah Rices Wife here, dines, and is examined. She is, by divine leave, to be propounded. Miss Mary Pratt here also and is examined. Mrs. Martyn and her Daughter Suse visit us; but I was so employed I could be but little with her.

1770 July 13 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 July 14 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1770 July 15 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 23 to v. [blank]. Preached on Lam. 3.22. P.M. read Eph. 5, former part. Preached on v. 6. Read the Brief from Marblehead.

1770 July 16 (Monday). Visit Mr. Gleasons Child, Betty, ill of the Throat Distemper—dangerously bad—prayed there. Dined at Dr. Crosbys. Visit Mrs. Knowlton. Breck had come from Upton and returns. Am obliged to Send to Mr. Daniel Forbes, for Money. He sends me only 4 Dollars. Am obliged to borrow. Mr. Newton obliges me. Marry Mr. Samuel Thurston and Sarah Harrington late in the Night.

1770 July 17 (Tuesday). Mount at 5 a.m. for Cambridge. Break fast at Dr. Joslins. Call at Mr. Wheelers to Enquire after Mr. Loring; his Daughter informs that he difficulty got through the last Sabbath Exercises. Called at Mr. Bridge’s. Mr. Smith was in Company and was very poorly. Dined at Waltham; Mr. Whitney of Petersham my Company from Sudbury. At Cambridge Put up my Horse at Mr. Hicks’s. Lodge at Mr. Thomas Barretts.

1770 July 18 (Wednesday). My grand son, Ebenezer, is with Mr. Barrett and behaves decently. Commencement is enlivened with News that the Custom-Acts being repealed. Mr. President Locke gave thanks publickly—yet it blew over as premature. Breakfast at the Presidents—dined in the Hall. Mr. Gardner of Stow returned Thanks. The Exercises of the Forenoon had been much diversifyed, and were entertaining: especially the forensic Disputation—the Dialogue in Chaldee that in Greek was delivered more distinctly than heretofore. At Eve I was at the Presidents where were Dr. Langdon of Portsmouth, Dr. Stiles of Newport, and Mr. Samuel Moody. Lodged as usual, at Cousen Barretts. N.B. Sister Lydia Champney more infirm: but not confined. The Rabble did mischief in their Garden last night.

1770 July 19 (Thursday). Broke fast at Mr. Adams’s at Roxbury and prayed with the Family there—went to Boston. Delivered the Case of Sarah Green, Signed by Justice Whipple, Dr. Crosby, and by me, to Dr. Stiles.4 He preached the Lecture on Luk. 12.32. “Fear not little Flock” etc. I dined at Mr. William Blair Townshends. Messrs. Green of Barnstable, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Dana of Groton: and Mr. J. Stacy Hastings, there. Visit at Mr. Surcombs. At Eve went to my Brothers and lodged there. [Marginal notation: Much said of Worms in multitudes, infesting Fields, of Corn, and the Grass.]

1770 July 20 (Friday). Could not set out Early in the Morning by Reason of many unexpected obstruction. Dined at Weston, at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Dr. Roby’s, Mr. Bridge’s, Capt. Wood’s, and engage Mr. Abraham to preach for me on the 12th or 19th of next month. Stopped and drank Tea at Dr. Joslins. Got home before 10. One Mr. Peas, of Enfield, was my Company part of the way. I found him a good deal in the Brownistical Way. He informed me of Mr. Ely’s Ordination at Summers, and that it was performed by Laymen: that he was present and liked it much. N.B. Mr. Forbes and Mrs. Loyd had got up here from Cambridge so as to dine here seasonably, and went to Capt. Allens, Shrewsbury.

1770 July 21 (Saturday). Was very much indisposed by my Journey, and could do little in my study.

1770 July 22 (Sunday). Read the latter part of Ezek. 23. Preached a.m. on Lam. 3.22.23. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. Read Eph. 6th. Preached on Mal. 3.11. The Worms prevailing in divers parts.

1770 July 23 (Monday). Visit Mr. Daniel Adams’s Child and prayed there. Visit old Mrs. Warrin. P.M. Dr. Hawes, his Wife, Child and neece here on a Visit. Currants have been agreeable, perhaps, to them and brought them. Mrs. Hill, of Douglass, Daughter of Mrs. Eunice Cook, here. Mr. Roger Bruce brought here Miss Azuba Allen, in deep Languishment. P.M. they move to deacon Bonds, in their way to Mendon.

1770 July 24 (Tuesday). A.M. I rode to the S.E. Corner, to visit several Familys. Mr. Artemas Bruce; Widow Bellows, Mr. Chamberlain: Mr. Ezra Baker: but Chiefly Mr. Ithamar Bellows and his wife who are Lame Yet, and much Confined. Dined at Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlains junior. Mrs. Hill of Douglass again in Difficulty, her Horse having got away, as she fears: and enquires about the Money lately contributed for her Mother.

1770 July 25 (Wednesday). Mrs. Hill has been to Marlborough and returned here. She hears nothing of a Contribution there. I direct her to Deacon Wood, who has the Money which we collected, and I wrote to him to disburse it so as to answer the Design of it, and the Expectation of the People. Preached my Lecture my Self; from Ps. 85.9.11. Capt. Maynard and his Wife here after Lecture. He tells me that the Select Men advised Deacon Wood to deliver Mrs. Hill the money. At Eve came Mr. Putnam of Pomfret, and my Kinsman Bradshaw—and lodged here.

1770 July 26 (Thursday). Mr. Putnam pursues his Journey home. Bradshaw to Brookfield. It grows a very dry Time, and feed is much dryed up. Mr. Roger Bruce returns from Mendon and dines here. I have sent by him several MSS of my son Forbes Sermons, to be delivered by his own Hands to Mr. F. Capt. Ezra Wood of Upton came from Breck. Mr. Elijah Rice’s Wife here with her Relation. Sophy is at Capt. Maynards from Day to Day.

1770 July 27 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 July 28 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1770 July 29 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 24. Preached on 1 Sam. 16.5, that Clause, “Sanctifie your Self and come with me to the Sacrifice.” Delivered with additions the Exercise to young women on that Question (the 97th) in the Assemblys Catechism, “What is required of them that would worthily partake of the Lords supper?” Admitted Mrs. Prudence Rice into Church Fellowship. Administered the Lords Supper. Old Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read Eph. 6. Preached on Eph. 5.6. Contribution for the poor at Marblehead.

1770 July 30 (Monday). Visit Mr. Gleasons sons that are sick. Prayed there. Dr. Bondeli there. Visit at Mr. Samuel Fays—at the Wigwam of Mohegin Indians. At Mr. Edwards Whipples. Dr. Bondali here; also Capt. Damon etc. Deacon Bond was here to assist in counting the Money collected yesterday. It was, in old Tenor, £

1770 July 31 (Tuesday). Joseph having got in the Rye yesterday (viz. in the whole 33 shock), to Day he goes to mowing in the Newton Meadow, and at Evening brings home a Load of it. I finished reading Lt. Governour Hutchinsons 3d Vol. Mr. Hannaniah Parkers wife here. She, as well as her Husband, is always generous and will be bringing something.

1770 August 1 (Wednesday). Visit at Mr. Gleasons again. His two sons are better, but his eldest Daughter, Katha, is taken very ill of the Same Distemper. I prayed with them.

1770 August 2 (Thursday). Greatly perplexed by my Sheep being unruly. Get Neighbour Aaron Nurse to help me in Yoking and fettering them.

1770 August 3 (Friday). Mr. Nurse finishes what he undertook to restrain the Sheep.

1770 August 4 (Saturday). Mr. Gleason came to acquaint me with the very low State of Kathy, and that She would be glad to See me. Went: found her very bad; her Throat much Swelled—her speech greatly altered. She was very humble, penitent, and earnest. Discoursed and prayed with her. Her Brothers are better.

1770 August 5 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 25 and on Consideration of the Distemper among us, and nigh to us, in Shrewsbury (Mr. William Parker, (Mr. Daniel Forbes Wife’s son) dyed of it this Morn) I preached on Ps. 28.5, gathering up a Discourse from several parts of my sermon on that Text, with great alterations, omissions, additions, etc., accommodating it to the present Occasion. The Lord pardon my great Defects, and add His own Blessing! P.M. read Phil. 1. Preached on Phil. 1.6, that Clause, “He which hath begun a good Work in you.” Received a Letter from Mr. Abraham Wood in Answer to Mine, that he intends to Supply my Pulpit on the 12th. Miss Lydia Chamberlain lodges here.

1770 August 6 (Monday). [As?] Joseph goes to work in the Newton Meadow, and my grandson Elias with him, I went down to look of the several Pieces which are yet to be mowed. Was at Dr. Hawes. Old Mrs. Kelly here and dined. Miss Lydia Chamberlin Works here as a Taylor for Breck. P.M. Mr. Levi Warrin and his Wife here, and are partly Examined. I enquired into the Birth of their Child. They Say it was exactly 7 Months, after marriage. I am full of deep Concern and Sollicitude. May the Lord direct me! Counsel and conduct me in these Difficultys!

1770 August 7 (Tuesday). Preached at the widow Kendals on Mat. 5.20 to p. 15. Received 10 Dollars of Mr. Daniel Forbes. Hear that Kathar. Gleason dyed about noon. Lydia Chamberlin Still here.

1770 August 8 (Wednesday). Mr. Sumner had Sent to me to preach his Lecture to day, but Squire Whipple came and told me Mr. Gleasons Daughters Funeral could be at no other Time than 2 o’Clock, so that I was forced to omitt going to Shrewsbury, and did attend at Mr. Gleasons; and after condoling and praying I took leave and went on my Journey to Ashby. Rode to Mr. Morse’s at Shrewsbury and lodg’d there. N.B. His Horse of 500£.

1770 August 9 (Thursday). Ride to Mr. Mellens, and break fast there. He is repairing his House. Proceed to Mr. Gardners at Leominster, and dine there. P.M. he is so good as to ride with me to Fitchbourg, but Mr. Payson5 was gone to Bradford. Called at Capt. Cowdin’s where was his Mother (Daughter of my old Neighbour Mr. Samuel Clark). I took leave of Mr. Gardner there, and hastened to Ashby: and found all well at My Sons. My Daughter Cushing also there. Lodged at Williams and in good Comfort. D.G.

1770 August 10 (Friday). Accompanyed my Daughter Cushing home to Ashburnham. Mr. Cushing busy with workmen, getting in Hay. Dined there. P.M. returned at Eve to Ashby and lodged there. N.B. In going to Ashburnham was kindly entertained by Mr. Hole.

1770 August 11 (Saturday). Visited divers of Williams Neighbours Barrett, Abraham Taylor and Brown. Dined at Mr. Barretts—and returned to my Sons.

1770 August 12 (Sunday). Preached at Ashby on Col. 1.21 a. and p.m. Baptiz’d Henry, of Henry and Katharine Sellenheim, and Elizabeth of Job and Eizabeth Colman. May the Lord pardon, accept and bless!

1770 August 13 (Monday). William went out with me to View my 37 Acre Lott. Bid Adieu to Ashby and rode to Ashburnham. Mrs. Hole very generous as I passed their Road. Dined at Mr. Cushings. P.M. Visit Mrs. Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. Cushing with me. Return thence at Eve to Mr. Cushings.

1770 August 14 (Tuesday). Read part of the Auction. Dined and then we [marginal notation: Mr. Cushing and his Wife, with me] rode to Winchendon; and it being rainy, we lodged at Mr. Browns.

1770 August 15 (Wednesday). We parted with Mr. Brown and Family, and returned to Ashburnham. We rode to Capt. Wilders and (though he was gone to Boston) Mrs. Wilder was apprized of our Coming and prepared. We dined handsomely; Mrs. Winchester and her Daughter Harris there also. P.M. took leave, and came (Mr. Cushing piloting through the Woods) to Fitchbourg. Then Leominster. Mr. Payson was so good as to conduct me; and we came the way by Mr. Swans at Leominster. Called there and saw Mrs. Swan (who had heretofore been bed-rid many Years) came to the Door, though like the Apparition of a Ghost; and told me she had a Daughter who has kept her Bed for 8 Months. Proceeded to Mr. Gardners and lodged there. Mr. Payson, who came with me thus far, returned home.

1770 August 16 (Thursday). Came from Mr. Gardners Somewhat late in the Morning. He was So good as to accompany me part of the Way to Lancaster. Called at Mr. Greens (Dr. Peter’s Father). Dined at Mr. Harringtons, who acquainted me with the proceedings at Bolton and with Mr. Goss’s present Case under Confinement to his Bed, by Lameness. N.B. Dr. Wait has the Care of him. The brief Story of Dr. Wait. Called at Mr. Josh. Townsends by reason of what has occurred lately relative to Dr. Nat. Martyn, who has lately absconded. His wife and two Children at Mr. Townsends. Thought it my Duty to visit Mr. Goss under his complicated Troubles and Disasters. Returned home by Mr. Whitneys, where I called. Arrived, D.G., in safety.

1770 August 17 (Friday). P.M. Mr. Whitney and his wife came to see us. Mr. Loyd and Cousen Hannah Bradshaw from Boston here and lodged with us. Alexander and Breck have been here, while I was gone. Mr. Abraham Wood preached for me on the 12th.

1770 August 18 (Saturday). Wrote by Mr. Loyd to Ebenezer on Billys urgency for money to help him pay for his Concord Place. Delivered Mr. Loyd four Dollars on my own account with him.

1770 August 19 (Sunday). Rode over to Northborough, and preached on Rom. 13.13 a. and p.m. on Drunkenness to page 72. I returned at Eve. O that God would please to add His Blessing to my poor Endeavours. Mr. Whitney preached here on Rom. 10.8 to 13.

1770 August 20 (Monday). Joseph went home at Eve of the 18 and does not return to work. Miss Molly Pratt here with her Relation.

1770 August 21 (Tuesday). Rode to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Lorings. N.B. Mr. Whitney of Northborough my Company great part of the way. Heard that one Mr. Muzzy was Struck Dead by the Lightning last Evening and the House being near, I went to see the Corps and Sympathize with the Family. O that we also might be ready! Mr. Loring gave us at his House a Concio on James 2.3, “If ye shall fulfill the royal Law—ye shall do well.” N.B. I had prayed before it. Mr. Gardner, to our Joy and profit, was with us. My son Cushing was also there. I returned with Mr. Stone, as far as his House and lodged there: he having requested me to preach his Lecture tomorrow.

1770 August 22 (Wednesday). Went with Mr. Stone a.m. to Capt. [Solomon Wards?] at whose shop I bought Cloth etc. for a Coat for my Son Elias. Then called at Coll. Brighams. Dined at Mr. Stones p.m. and preached his Lecture on Joh. 14.6. Mr. Stone lent me divers MSS of his late old Mr. Lord of Chatham, viz. some of his Diary—a Sermon on 1 Cor. 55 and Josiah Osgoods Journal of an Expedition under the Command of Col. James Moore, General. I rode to Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlins to get a Taylor (Miss Lydia). Called to see Mrs. Bruce and her Baby, which Seems to languish, as her Twins did, before they dyed.

1770 August 23 (Thursday). Miss Molly Pratt here with her Relation (of her own writing and) a very ample, Serious, Pathetick one. Mr. Levi Warrin brings me a Letter from the Elders of the Church in Medway 2d Precinct, concerning his Wife. Read the Narrative of the Boston Massacre, and the Depositions.

1770 August 24 (Friday). Deacon Wood went to Mr. Samuel Sherman about Flower for himself and Me. Miss Lydia Chamberlin at work here on my little Boys Coat. My Son Cushing, in his way from Boston, calls and breaks fast here; but does not Stay to dine. I am closely engaged, but do little.

1770 August 25 (Saturday). Miss Lydia Chamberlin finishes by about 5 o’Clock. Asks 9/ for making my Boys Coat. Much the Cheapest way of getting the work done. Elias goes home with her, very Manfully.

1770 August 26 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 26. Preached on Phil. 1.6. Mrs. Fessenden dined here. She tells me her son Johns wife is in an ill State, and tis feared whether She will soon be better. P.M. read Phil. 2. Preached on Ps. 139 v., or indeed the whole Psalm. 2 Exercises in One. In the Close of the Service propounded Mary Pratt; and appointed a Lecture to young people at the request of the society of young men.

1770 August 27 (Monday). My little Son Elias left us to go to his Brother Cushing’s. He went with John Arnold in his Waggon to Fitchbourg—and then Mr. Payson is to help him up to Ashburnham. Brookfield Elias goes to Mr. Samuel Sherman for Flower. He brings an Hh. for which I am to give 5£ old Tenor of which the Boy carried one Dollar. P.M. came Mr. Loyd and his wife from Brookfield. He had been detained there by Indisposition and fowl Weather. They lodge here.

1770 August 28 (Tuesday). Mr. Loyd and his Wife leave us to go to Boston.

1770 August 29 (Wednesday). Mr. Richard Pratt of Worcester and his Wife and Child here. They dine here. P.M. came one Mr. John Bond of Windham, aged 76, comes in, with his Daughter, Mrs. Rachel Dains, with two Children, who are come from Royalstown in the Eastern Country, and out of great straits.

1770 August 30 (Thursday). Master Hezekiah Taylor here; dines etc. I preach’d a Lecture to the Society of Young Men, on Luk. VI.25 with much addition and Enlargement of what I delivered formerly on that Text. Sir Taylor desires to board here. Neighbour Zebulun Rice calls here. At Eve Sent by Mr. Francis Whipple, to Mr. Nathaniel Balch, Hatter in Boston, 5 Dollars. Send also by the same to Mr. John Rogers in Newtown, Sir Taylors Watch; and a Dollar to pay for the mending the Chain etc. Mrs. Eunice Rice in Travail Pains: Mrs. P________ is Sent for, and is gone all Night. Mr. Benjamin Fisk and Hannah Maynard (Daughter of Mr. David) were marryed.

1770 August 31 (Friday). Mr. Hall of Sutton, from Cambridge, calls here. His Son Joseph is admitted into College. By what Mr. Hall says from Concord, my Son William is moving there this Week. [Marginal notation: It was on the 28th.]

1770 September 1 (Saturday). Poor Jonas Kenny in straights for money, being strained upon by divers.

1770 September 2 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 27. Gave Expository Observations which I have writ, and which unavoidably take up considerable Time. Preached a.m. on Phil. 1.6. Mrs. Fessenden dined here. N.B. poor woman! She looses her sight. P.M. read Phil. 3 and by reason of my spending my Time on my forenoon sermon and Exposition was obliged to preach what I had delivered before. It was on 1 Joh. 2.15 but in delivering, altered it in many places. I thought it very Suitable to the present Times. I went through almost two sermons, but could not deliver so much as I would ha’ been glad to. May the Lord accept and bless my poor, weak Endeavours and pardon my great Defects! At Eve read Some of Mr. Lords MSS, and I hope to my Benefit. It serves to humble and Shame, and quicken me.

1770 September 3 (Monday). I visited Mr. Biglow in his Sickness: find him to his Bed: and to my Surprize, his Wife with him, She having for some time retir’d from him to Upton. My Time was chiefly taken up in hearing this unhappy Couple contest and complain of each other. May the Lord pity, awaken and pardon them. And O that they might be reconciled! I prayed with them (on my own Motion) and may my poor Endeavours be blessed to them! Joseph has borrowed a Net and Set it in the Beeton Field. He incloses 18. P.M. Mr. Hutchinson made us a Visit, and Spent the Afternoon here. Shews me the Papers which have passed between him and his ‘grieved Brethren and Neighbours in Grafton. He also relates somewhat of the Character and Conduct of Mr. Ely, settled at Summers among the Separates.

1770 September 4 (Tuesday). Read Mr. Shower’s excellent Discourse on a Sacramental Question concerning Assurance. Shewing therein that persons may come to the Lord’s Table who labour under Doubts and Fears, but have reason to hope they are Sincere, though they are not certain of it. Also went on in perusing Mr. Lords MSS.

1770 September 5 (Wednesday). Not quite so well as usual, yet through Divine Goodness, am able to be at my Business in sermonizing. At Eve a Letter from Mr. Sumner that the Canker is prevailing among them, that they have agreed to have a Fast next Tuesday, and ask my Help. Sir Bradshaw and his sister, and Miss Nabby Foster came from Brookfield; came late—and lodged here.

1770 September 6 (Thursday). Sir Bradshaw etc. leave us to go to Boston. Mr. Hutchinson came and dined with me. He also preached my Lecture on Rev. 5.6, an excellent and useful Discourse! May God grant a Blessing upon it! O might I be savingly united to, interested in and an happy partaker of the Benefits purchased and bestowed by this glorious Lamb! Mr. Hutchinson tells me he has writ to Mr. Tainter about Mr. Ely, Separate Minister at Summers. My Wife is poorly, is much pained.

1770 September 7 (Friday). My Wife is no better—but is rather worse. Lt. John Martyn and his Wife Call here. P.M. old Mrs. Baker and her Daughter-in-law Visit Mrs. P________. I am closely engaged in my preparations.

1770 September 8 (Saturday). At my Wife’s Desire I went to Dr. Haws for her, being no easier. And he came. Administers Physick to her.

1770 September 9 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 25. Preached a. and p.m. on 1 Pet. 1.8. Admitted Mary Pratt (Daughter of Mr. Hezekiah Pratt). Her Relation was long, and very Pathetick. It was writ by her self. I wish it may be blessed to the Hearers. Administered both the Sacraments. It was after 5 o’Clock when we had done. O that we might not loose the Benefit of these Exercises! Thought we have not Seen Christ with our bodily Eyes, yet may we See Him by Faith, and both believe in and truely love him, and rejoice with that Spiritual and unspeakable Joy which has been this Day exhibited! Read p.m. Phil. 4. Deacon Bond and Cousen Maynard dined with me. My Wife is confined with Pain and Illness. Dr. Hawes visited her in the Morning and at Evening. May the Lord Shew Compassion and Prepare us for His holy Will! Received a Letter from Sarah—she says Elias is easy.

1770 September 10 (Monday). My Son William came—tells me he has removed his Family to Concord—and is now come from thence. He expected here to have received Money from his Brother Ebenezer—but it was not come. I lent him Six Dollars (and which I borrowed of Lt. Baker). Towards Evening he sat out for home again.

1770 September 11 (Tuesday). Mr. Daniel Forbes returned the foresaid Six Dollars to Lt. Baker for me, as they both informed me that it was Settled between them for Me. I rode to the Exercises at Shrewsbury, it being a Day of Humiliation and Supplication there, on account of the Terrible Distemper, the Canker, among them. Mr. Sumner began with prayer. Mr. Maccarty preached a seasonable sermon on Job 2.10, “What! shall we receive Good at the Hands of God, and Shall we not receive Evil?” P.M. Mr. Hutchinson prayed. (Mr. Morse was there, but could not be perswaded to perform any thing in publick.) I preach’d on Rev. 6.8. “And I looked, and behold a Pale Horse!” etc. O that God would pardon Me, accept and Succeed my poor Attempts! And that our Devotions this Day might be to His Glory, and the End answered through Jesus Christ! In returning home called at Mr. Abbots, who had buryed three Children in a little more than 4 Days. At Deacon Maynards who was in great Gloominess—and at his Fathers, where had been some Breaches. Mr. Daniel Forbes and his Wife my Company from thence in their Way home. Mrs. P________ is better, but yet is confined, and the Doctor daily visits her.

1770 September 12 (Wednesday). Begin to read Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness. Mr. Beeton here and gives me a Barrel of early Cyder.

1770 September 13 (Thursday). Rode to Grafton. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons. Preached his Lecture on Joh. 1.18. Returned at Evening but increased my Cold which I [went up under?]. Elias brought home a Barrell of Cyder from Mr. Beeton. At about 8 o’Clock in the Evening received a Letter from my son Alexander informing me of his Childs being very bad of a Quinzie.

1770 September 14 (Friday). Just after Midnight, in Rain and very Dark came Mr. Thomas Earl from Leicester, with the sorrowful Message that my sons Child was dead. It dyed about the Time I received the Letter foresaid. About 11 a.m. I sat out in the Rain with Mr. Earl—and dined at Mr. Sumners. Arrived before Night at my son Alexanders full of sorrow. The Child was nigh 18 months old. May God Sanctify the holy Dispensation to them and me! I was concerned about my Engagement with Mr. Fish to preach at Upton next Sabbath. Sent for Mr. Conklin, who came to me, and he soon, kindly engaged to go in my stead. The Neighbours there very Compassionate—especially Dr. Robert Southgate. I lodged at my Sons.

1770 September 15 (Saturday). Mr. Conklin, though uncomfortable Weather, went his way for Upton. P.M. prayed at the House of mourning and went up to the burying of my Grand Child. Went to Mr. Conklins and lodged there. O that God would teach me how frail I am!

1770 September 16 (Sunday). This is a remarkable Morning. I have now compleated my 67th Year: but am too insensible of it, and of the Lords Longsuffering towards me! Would humbly implore the pardoning Mercy of God. Preached at Leicester for Mr. Conklin on Mat. 16.26. May the divine Blessing accompany it! Vide Natal.

1770 September 17 (Monday). Dr. Southgate came to me and accompanyed me to Brookfield. We dined at Mr. Forbes’s, who was gone to Conway. P.M. Visit at Ebenezers and at Mr. Baldwins. Returned to my Daughter Forbes and lodged there. Sir Crosby, School master, lodged there also.

1770 September 18 (Tuesday). Dined at Mr. F’s. P.M. [pay?] an Indenture for John. Mr. F. returns from Conway. Lodged at my son Baldwins.

1770 September 19 (Wednesday). He accompanyed me over to Mr. Parsons’s. I went there but I could not see him: he was [illegible]. Was at the Manufactory. Dined at Mr. David Hitchcocks. John was bound to him. Squire [Foster?] and Mr. Moses Hitchcock Witnesses. Squire invited us to go over to his House to drink Coffee with Mrs. Foster. While there he acquainted me with a remarkable kind of Manure which he had found in his Land, with his great success in using it. I returned at Eve to Mr. Forbes’s and lodged there.

1770 September 20 (Thursday). Mr. Forbes and I visit Capt. Abbot, who is grievously exercised with the Stone. I prayed with him. I visit Mrs. Gilbert to condole the Loss of her Father and Brother Moses, Wheat. Dined at my son Baldwins—Mr. Forbes and his Wife, and my son Ebenezer (not his Wife) there. P.M. visit Capt. Wit. Lodged at Ebenezers. Talk with my Son and my Daughter in law, respecting the Differences between them and the Baldwins. Take notice of the Indian Young Man who is with them a Mohegan of Tunadella, named John Bollen. I find he has gained somewhat in his English Education.

1770 September 21 (Friday). I bid them farewell and return home. In my way dine at Mr. Conklins. He was gone to Worcester; but met him on the Way. He gave me some Account of the Sentiments of Mr. Fish respecting Mr. Ely, ordained in the Separate way at Sumners—who, I had reason to expect would have Visited me. But Providence has hitherto otherwise ordered. When I came home, my wife informed me of the Death of our Neighbour old Mr. Samuel Williams on the 17th and of a great Variety of Company which she had had while I was absent, viz. Mr. Jonas Bond of Sutton and his wife: Capt. Hill of Douglass: Our sister in law, Mrs. Brown of Framingham in her Journey to Leicester, and others with her: Mr. John Eliot, Candidate for the Ministry: Dr. Curtiss from Marlborough and his sister; One Capt. Curtiss; and Miss Betsy Williams of Sandwich: and I heard that Mrs. Eunice Rice was brought to bed with a dead Child.

1770 September 22 (Saturday). I attended the Funeral of it which was from Mr. Barnabas Newtons. Where I prayed, and had discourse with her. Sir Bradshaw and Miss Nabby Foster, returning to Brookfield. By the great Interruptions I meet with I cannot prepare new sermons. Alexander and his Wife and her Mother, with Mr. Eams and his wife, dined here.

1770 September 23 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 29. Went on a. and p.m. in Repeating Sermon on 1 Joh. 2.15, but with new Introduction, many alterations—and with ex temp. Close. P.M. Read Col. 1. N.B. Benjamin Fisks Wife being delivered of a Child, he came and offered a Note to give publick Thanks—but it Surpriz’d me much. I refused to take it; observing to him that it was but about 3 Weeks Since they were marryed; and called him to Repentance. I omitted also to mention publickly Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Case, though she yesterday desired it, and I wrote a Note for her; but fearing lest I Should either exceed (in her apprehension) or fall short (in the judgment of others) I sent her word by Mrs. Eunice Newton, that I desired to wave it; at least for the present, till I Should See her. In the Eve read the Beginning of Shepherd on the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

1770 September 24 (Monday). Having borrowed for Sophy, of Mrs. Conklin, The Gallery of Heroic Women, by Monsieur Peter Le Moyne, translated by the Marquesse of Winchester, I read a part of it. But my Neighbour Nurse’s Interest was somewhat endangered; it called my attention, because (as I hear) he is gone to Ashby for my Cattle, as well as to look after his own.

1770 September 25 (Tuesday). Visit the Widow Williams and to mourn with them. Mr. Daniel Forbes sollicits me to write a letter in his Wife’s name to her son Nathaniel at Annapolis. He dines here. At Eve he comes for the Letter which I have prepared, and he receives it. Mr. Asaph Rice makes me a visit, and lodges here.

1770 September 26 (Wednesday). I lend Mr. Rice one Vol. of the Morning Exercise. After Dinner Mr. Rice leaves us to visit his Aunt Hardy under her Cancer. I visited Mrs. Eunice Rice, to See how her Frame of Mind was relative to my not mentioning her Case in public last Lords Day. She answered that She did not know but that it was best not to. N.B. Lt. Baker met me in the Road and informed me that just before he was at Mr. Townsends Shop, where were Mr. Daniel Adams and Elisha Forbes: and that Mr. Timothy Warrin was among them Shewing great Dissatisfaction at my refusing to read Fisks Note of Thanks last Sabbath. Whereas if I had read it, and proceeded as usual upon it, I am sensible it had given Offence to divers of the Brethren.

1770 September 27 (Thursday). Deacon Bond was here to ask me to preach at his House next Week. And conversing about Fisks affair, he said that for his part he Should not approve of reading such Notes from persons in those Circumstances. Mr. David Maynard junior here, and Settles with me. His Sawing came to 51/9 old Tenor—Out of which he allows me 39/9 for my Wheel barrow which was almost destroyed by the use made of it at the building his Damm.

1770 September 28 (Friday). Neighbour Nurse returned from Ashby last night, and drove home 3 of my young Cattle. A red, yearling steer is still missing. Talk’d with Mr. Nurse about his sorrowful Circumstances. Elias went to Neighbour Arnolds Husking.

1770 September 29 (Saturday). My Son Alexander has been to Boston; he dines here in returning to [blank]. I delivered him my grandfathers, Alexander Adams’s, Bible, which I have given him.

1770 September 30 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 30. Preached a. and p.m. on Phil. 1.6. Mrs. Fessenden dined. P.M. read Col. 2.

1770 October 1 (Monday). By Mr. John Prentice of Grafton I returned to Mr. Stone the Narrative of the Massacre at Boston March 5 and Sundry Manuscripts of the late Rev. Mr. Lord of Chatham. P.M. I sat down to prepare my Papers, computing Interest etc. expecting Capt. Maynard to come and Settle with me; but he did not come. Sophy went over there—by her I sent Letters to Mr. Moore. She did not return.

1770 October 2 (Tuesday). Preached at Deacon Bonds on Mat. 3.20 and finished on that Subject. I beseech God of His infinite Goodness to grant Success! O that it might be profitable to my own Conviction and Quickening! Sophy came home from Capt. Maynards who sends me no Money. She brings the Sorrowful News that the famous Mr. Whitefield dy’d last Sabbath Morn at Newbury Port.

1770 October 3 (Wednesday). To Day, as I have been informed, the General Court keep a Fast at Cambridge, to Seek the Lord under their present Distress. And Mr. Appleton and Mr. Cook are desired to conduct the Exercises. It was not convenient for me to go. I therefore joined with them as I could, at home. May the Lord be gracious and accept our Supplications. And O that God would please to grant wisdom and Direction in this Difficult Juncture! I have turned my Meditations to Isa. 22.5. “For it is a Day of Trouble” etc. And write upon it.

1770 October 4 (Thursday). Having received the Monday Public Papers of this week, I have writ a Letter, containing Some Remarks and Observations thereon, and on the Courts Refusing to go upon any Business while they are forced to Sit at Cambridge. Not determined to whom to Send it. Was at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s and received of him 5 Dollars.

1770 October 5 (Friday). Sent Ten pounds old Tenor to John by the Widow Kendall going to Simsbury.

1770 October 6 (Saturday). Prosecute the Same Subject. P.M. Mr. Ephraim Sherman here from Court. I delivered him all the pamphlets writ by Mr. Bollan, which I had borrowed of him.

1770 October 7 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 31. Preached a.m. on Isa. 22.5. P.M. read Col. 3 and having Spent my Time on the Morning Subject, and delivered the whole, Considering also the late Death of Mr. Whitefield, I repeated part of my Discourse on Ps. 23.4.

1770 October 8 (Monday). Walked over to Capt. Maynards and dined with him. N.B. He delivered me £52.10 old Tenor.

1770 October 9 (Tuesday). Mrs. P________ went with me to Mr. Hezekiah Pratts, to Solemnize the Marriage of his Daughter Mary, to Mr. Jonathan Drury of Temple. This Evening Joseph Wood went home.

1770 October 10 (Wednesday). P.M. came Mr. Moses Hemingway of Wells, to see me, and lodges here.

1770 October 11 (Thursday). Mr. Hemingway left us, though in foul weather.

1770 October 12 (Friday). Aged Squire Tyler of Mendon and his Wife were here.

1770 October 13 (Saturday). Mr. Asarelah Morse,6 Candidate, who has been preaching at Douglass, came in to See me, in his Way to Marlborough. He designs to preach at Marlborough tomorrow. N.B. Ebenezer Maynard brought my Watch from Mr. Thomas Earl at Leicester.

1770 October 14 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 32. Preached once more on Phil. 1.6. Old Mrs. Dunlop din’d here. P.M. Read Col. 4. Having Spent a great deal of my Studying time upon the forenoon sermon, I repeated a sermon which I preached nigh 40 Years agoe, on 1 Joh. 2.16 and do beg that God would bless it and each of the Exercises of this Day for our highest Benefit! At the Evening family Exercise read old Mr. Rogers of Dedham, in Old England, his Sixty memorials for a godly Life. See Dr. Mathers Magnalia.

1770 October 15 (Monday). Joseph returned this Morning early from Hopkinton and procures Isaac Lamb to work with him. They cut up the rest of the Corn between the Garden and the Meeting House. Mr. Benjamin Brigham dined with us. Two of Sister Hicks’s Daughters, of Byfield, viz. Mrs. Pearson and Miss Naomi Bourbank, were here. Breck came from Upton and two of Mr. Fish’s Daughters, viz. Miss Martha and Miss Hannah, who lodged here. Am much hindred, from Sermonizing especially which I designed. In Drapers last Paper is an account of the Death of dear Brother and old Friend, the Rev. Mr. Joseph Green of Barnstable. It is Said universally lamented. It was on the 4th instant in the 70th Year of his Age. Help, Lord, the Godly Man ceaseth! O that God would please to prepare me to follow!

1770 October 16 (Tuesday). Breck and the young women of Upton visited at Mr. Edward Barns etc. at Marlborough. I rode to ministers Meeting at Marlborough. Aged Mr. Loring was there; Mr. Stone and Mr. Bridge of Sudbury also. But Messrs. Gardner, Barrett and Goss, I suppose, were not capable of Coming. We had our Exercises of Religion before Dinner. P.M. I layd before the ministers my proceedings with Benjamin Fisk, and my Reasons—which they all approved of. And the Sum of what they said, as to their own parts, that they rarely had such Notes—that when they had they thought it expedient to pray for them as guilty, when the case was apparent and evident; and if they did not like it, it Would make them the more cautious. I returned at Eve—as did Breck etc. and lodged here.

1770 October 17 (Wednesday). Breck and his Company return to Upton. Deacon Wood offers to come and husk tomorrow afternoon, and to promote it among others, if I liked it. I could not but yield to him to do as he pleased, though Joseph had intended to do it himself. Mr. Stone came, his Wife and her aged Mother came with her—and dined with us. Mr. Stone preached my Lecture on Luk. 5.8—“depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” O that God would bless it to my, and the people’s, highest Benefit! I was Sorry there were so few at Meeting. It is to be Mr. Stones Lecture tomorrow: but for several Reasons was willing to excuse Me. He left me a Number more of Mr. Lords MSS.

1770 October 18 (Thursday). Deacon Wood, Lt. Baker, Mr. Daniel Hardy and his son Adams came about 2 p.m. to See if it would do to husk; for the Weather was misty. I wholly left the Matter with them to do as they inclined. They went to the Barn. I chose to attend as closely as I could to my Study. There came some Number more, viz. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard, Barnabas Newton, Thomas Bond, Moses Wheelock, Thomas Arnold, Silas Hill, Levi Warrin, Nathan Kenny, Joseph McCulloch, Benjamin Wood (who lives with his uncle), Ebenezer junior, Nathan junior, Jonathan, Nehemiah, Stephen, Calvin, Daniel Maynard, Benjamin Taynter junior, Daniel Adams junior, John McCulloch, Jacob and Aaron Foster, Abijah Gale (N. Kennys Lad) and Sherebiah Fay. Messrs. Baker, Newton and Bond provided a Small Quarter of Beef about 60 weight and gave it. Also the former brought a Basket of excellent sauce, Carrots and Turnips. May God reward him and them, for so great Kindness and Generousness!

1770 October 19 (Friday). Isaac Lamb is detained here by Joseph Wood to help him carry Corn, lay up the Husks etc. but about 2 p.m. Joseph goes away with a Company of young people that came to See him. This I would not resist although it was to my Hurt, because I had promised Mr. Chamberlin to send for 6 Barrels of Cyder early tomorrow Morning and Lamb was not willing to engage to go in Josephs stead.

1770 October 20 (Saturday). A very great Storm. We could not Send for the Cyder. No Joseph here: nor did Lamb come, as he had promised. I have no one to help me about the Creatures and cutting and getting in Wood, but Elias only. This greatly interrupts and prevents my studying. But I desire to repair to and depend on God most gracious. I can’t but Sympathize with those who are at Sea. May God who is a very present Help in Trouble appear for, Succour and deliver all who are now distressed! Towards Night Joseph returns home, and then could assist about wood etc.

1770 October 21 (Sunday). I Spent all the Time I could lay hold on to prepare my Self for preaching but could not any more than for one Exercise, and that for the afternoon. My Mind was greatly agitated. I exerted my Self and after Reading Ezek. 33, and giving some Expository Remarks thereon, I Delivered the sermon (to p. 9) which is on Joh. 15.9 with Some Alterations which were necessary. And in humble Dependence on the Pardoning Mercy of God and the Merits of Jesus Christ I proceeded to administer the Lords supper. O that God would pardon and accept of me and of His people! Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Parker (Hannaniahs wife) at Dinner. Mrs. Fessenden late, but dined also. I had rather have some poor widows, than the richest Ladys at my Table, especially on sacrament Dayes. P.M. read 1 Thess. 1. Preached on Heb. 12.15, former part. We finished singing Ps. 119, at the last public singing. After my Family Exercise in the Evening I read part of Dr. Owen on Spiritual Mindedness. A very excellent Treatise. May God bless it to me!

1770 October 22 (Monday). Joseph goes to Mr. Chamberlins for Cyder—brings 6 Barrells. Two I have agreed to pay for: One Ebenezer gives, the other Edmund. P.M. Mr. Williams of Sandwich made us a Visit. At Eve came Rev. Mr. Baldwin of Kingston, and Mr. John Eliot. They lodged here.

1770 October 23 (Tuesday). The Gentlemen left us after prayer but would not stay to Breakfast. They design to go to the Presbytery at Boston, which is to sit tomorrow. Received a Letter from William requesting 50£ old Tenor.

1770 October 24 (Wednesday). Am reading more of Mr. Lords Diary in M.S. Sermonizing.

1770 October 25 (Thursday). All manner of people are gone to Worcester to the Execution of poor William Lindsy. Ruth Bellows came from Ashburnham. Alexanders Wife came from Framingham (on my Horse that has been gone a month last Saturday). Kezia lodges here. Ruth goes to her mother, but the Horse she came on is left here for Hannah.

1770 October 26 (Friday). Mr. Cushing came early to Breakfast here. He went to the Execution Yesterday. Mr. Cushing and Hannah leave us for Ashburnham, a.m. P.M. came Mr. Silas Hill from Boston and brought Sundrys for Hannah—a Gown etc.

1770 October 27 (Saturday). My son Baldwin came here, with Billy and Nabby Bradford, in their way to Boston; and they Sett out accordingly intending to be there this Evening.

1770 October 28 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 34. Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 12.15. And may the divine Blessing accompany what has been said to my own saving Benefit and them that have heard me! Read 1 Thess. 2. Mr. Lords MSS in the Eve after Family Exercise.

1770 October 29 (Monday). Delivered Mr. Wheelock 3 Guineas, 7 Dollars and 15/ for my Son William. My Son is, I suppose, at Medfield. Mr. Wheelock is going to the Ordination there.

1770 October 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing of Waltham waits on his Mother here. They dine with us. She is designing to go in a short time to Yarmouth, to spend the Winter with her Daughter Stone. Sent a Letter by Dr. Hawes to Mr. Thomas Adams.

1770 October 31 (Wednesday). This Day, I Suppose, Mr. Thomas Prentice is ordained at Medfield. Master Taylor here at Evening. Tells me they are going to try for a Council at Grafton: that he supposes Letters Missive were carryed forth this Day to Mr. Rogers of Littleton, Mr. Stone, Mr. Smith, Marlborough, Mr. Bridge of Chelmsford, Mr. Morse of North Shrewsbury, Mr. Maccarty, and Mr. Davis of Holden. He says he believes he himself was the Means of their not sending to me, by informing them that by conversing with me he conceived I had rather be excused from it.

1770 November 1 (Thursday). Catechized at the Meeting house. 49 Boys a.m. and 26 Girls p.m. Mr. Zechariah Hicks from Boston returning home. At night having received the repeated Invitations to go to Supper at Mr. Nurse’s, after their Husking, which they began in the afternoon, but especialy to gratifie Mrs. Nurse in her urgent Requests, I went over. I went not to the Barn—but we could not rise from Supper till about 10. This sort of Entertainment I have not usually gone to. I don’t know when I have ever been at one Since I was ordained. I was not willing to grieve my Neighbour or I would not have gone now. But since it was So late when we left the Table, I would not so much as sit down again, but hastened home; exhorting all others to do so.

1770 November 2 (Friday). Though I was at my sermonizing yesterday, and closely engaged to Day, yet alas, I accomplish but little! And at Eve Mr. Andrews visits me in a very friendly manner. I was rejoiced at it, doing all I could to make it both a pleasant and profitable Time with him, and yet it was a great Dammage to my preparations. An unhappy Interruption.

1770 November 3 (Saturday). Joseph Wood at Evening finishes with me; and Returns home. N.B. He had eleven Days to make up of time in May, July and August. He has worked the 3 last Days more than his Time, and Eight more remain, besides the Consideration of the Difference of the worth of those Days that he was absent.

1770 November 4 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 35. Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 12.15. P.M. Read 1 Thess. 3. It being the last Sabbath of our 46th year I preached (a second Time) the Discourse on 2 Pet. 1.14 to p. 12. N.B. Breck here, but returned to Mr. Fish’s. At Eve my wife and I read some of Mr. Lords Diary.

1770 November 5 (Monday). [No entry.]

1770 November 6 (Tuesday). P.M. preached at Mr. Daniel Hardys the latter part of the Discourse on 2 Pet. 1.14. My Son Baldwin returns from Boston with his Daughter Betty, and Molly Forbes. They lodge here. N.B. My Sophia ill all Day—feverish, pained. Is Sweated; yet not much better.

1770 November 7 (Wednesday). Our Company go on their Journey to Brookfield. Mr. Biglow repairs the Garden Wall by the lower Well, and dines here. P.M. had a Catechetical Exercise on Questions [98.9?] and 100, containing some Sketches and Hints concerning Prayer and of the Lords Prayer, but the Girls began at Question 100. There were 21. But Sophy was confined by her illness. Dr. Hawes came in to see her. Says she has some Canker. The Doctor brought me from Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield, Court Miscellanys in which an Account of Mrs. Macaulay, Lord Bolingbroke etc. N.B. Mr. Seth Morse brought a side of Beef, weighed 117 lb., each Quarter at 3 Coppers per pound.

1770 November 8 (Thursday). This Day 46 years agoe, the Church here was gathered, and I was ordained the pastor. Whilst I would praise and bless the Lord for His Long suffering and for His great Mercy towards [sic] I have great Reason to be deeply humble on Consideration of my Sinfulness, slothfulness, and unprofitableness. Jej. priv. But ah how brokenly, dully, and formally all was managed! O that God would pardon and accept—through Jesus Christ! P.M. and Evening Sad interruption. Dr. Crosby came to see me—acquaints me that Capt. Nathaniel Allen of Shrewsbury is dead: and was buryed last Saturday.7 May God be gracious to the poor Widow! Dr. Crosbys Wife also came. N.B. The Doctor carryed away 3 Volumes of Dr. Smellie, belonging to Dr. Joslin. Mr. Daniel Forbes also came and to my sorrow took up much of the Evening in his objecting against Levi Warrins admission without an Acknowledgment. Deacon Wood came and cutt out and Salted up the Beef which I lately bought of Mr. Morse. Lt. Harrington was here and helped.

1770 November 9 (Friday). Mr. Biglow dresses my Barrells. Sophia remains poorly. Dr. Hawes sent for and comes.

1770 November 10 (Saturday). Sophy takes physick. Deacon Bond here. He came upon Levi Warrins affair: but says he thinks him guilty. I desired him to tell Levi that I must see him again before I proceed to propound him.

1770 November 11 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 36 to v. 24. This Exposition of which was the forenoon Exercise. And upon this I Spent my time, so that p.m. (having read 1 Thess. 4) I gathered an Exercise from my Sermons on Ps. 46 with Expletives and variations (as well as with many Omissions) which adapted it to the present state of the Land, and of this place. For to render it profitable I considered this as the First Sabbath of the New Year with us of this Church. And may God help us so to improve it! In my Study at Eve read Magnalia—of the Troubles by the Ignes fatus.

1770 November 12 (Monday). The Town met upon my Support etc. Am informed that they voted and agreed to do as they did last year. Levi Warrin here and wants to be propounded. But I tell him there is great Disquietment. Mr. Whitney (Nathaniel) and Mr. Joseph Harrington here, and manifest them Selves uneasy with the said Warrin because they fear he is guilty of Fornication. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes here in the same Strain. He came to pay me but delivers me only £15.10 old Tenor. My Grandson Ebenezer came from Brookfield. With him came John, the Indian of Unadella. They brought my Horse from Alexander. N.B. He and his wife have had him now above Seven Weeks. Wrote to Mr. More by Capt. Maynard.

1770 November 13 (Tuesday). Ebenezer and the Indian set out for Watertown. Elias Spends the chief of the Day in looking for my Sheep, which have been missing above a week. Sophy is better. D.G. N.B. Mr. Stone with Delegates, Deacon John Fay and Mr. Isaac Johnson, go to Grafton, to a designed Council there.

1770 November 14 (Wednesday). Rode to Northborough Lecture and preached on Heb. 13.12.13. Mr. Sumner was there. Borrowed of Mr. Whitney Reliquiae Wottoniance.

1770 November 15 (Thursday). Read part of Sir Henry Wotton. In much perplexity about my little Flock of Sheep. John, indian, came from Watertown—has been to See the great Town: he lodged here.

1770 November 16 (Friday). Wrote to my Son by John.

1770 November 17 (Saturday). Mr. B. Brigham going to Douglas, and Mr. Simon Tainter here. P.M. I rode to Upton. In my way visited old Mrs. Dunlop, who is weak and confined. Mr. Fish to Westborough. Breck is at work on their Meeting House, and lodges at Mr. Fish’s: where I lodge also.

1770 November 18 (Sunday). I preached at Upton on 2 Cor. P.M. on v. 4. Mr. Fish at Westborough on Joh. 13.8. P.M. on Eph. 3.8. He returned at Eve. Mr. Jonathan Wood and his Wife (I believe at Brecks Desire) came to see me, and discourse about the Ministerial Order, Ministers entering into their Office, Ministers Maintenance, the millenium etc.

1770 November 19 (Monday). Returning home dined at Mr. Samuel Forbush’s. Visited Mrs. Grow, Miss Steward etc.

1770 November 20 (Tuesday). First tryed my Horse in a Chaise. Visit at Mr. James Maynards junior and at Widow Smiths. Was also at Mr. Daniel Nurse’s, whose infant Child expired before I got there. Prayed with them and Dined there. P.M. Visit Mr. Cornelius Biglow and Mrs. Adams, who is very low—prayed with her.

1770 November 21 (Wednesday). Rev. Bowen of Boston and his Brother called here in their way to Woodstock. Funeral of Mr. Daniel Nurse’s Infant. I attended and Sophy with me; at Eve Master Bowman here. Also Mr. Levi Warrin, who insists to be propounded.

1770 November 22 (Thursday). Mrs. P________ and I undertake a Journey to Concord to see William and his Family in his New situation. Went in Dr. Hawes’s Chaise drawn by my Horse. Arrived there in Safety and found them well. To God be Thanks and Praise! N.B. had din’d at Coll. Weeks’s—Coll. Charles Prescot at Billys (as a Tavern) in the Evening and fervently invites me to his House. We lodge at our sons.

1770 November 23 (Friday). Take a View of Williams Possessions there. Lodge another Night there. N.B. By the News Paper I find my dear Kinswoman Mrs. Elizabeth Langdon, is Dead; aged 82. To be buryed from her Daughter Eliot’s. I dont remember any other of my first Cousens are now living, on either my Fathers or Mothers Side. Neither did I ever see either of my Fathers or Mothers, Brothers or sisters, but Cousen Langdons Mother, who was my mothers Sister Susanna. I once saw my Fathers Uncle Deliverance, who was of Salem; Father of Mrs. Curwin, wife of Rev. Mr. George Curwin. I also Saw old Mr. John Trask, my grandmother Parkmans Brother. O that I might be suitably impressed with this Death, that I may be ready also!

1770 November 24 (Saturday). We took leave of our son and his Family to come home. But N.B. he waited on his Mother with his Horse in the Chaise, as far as Deacon Rice’s. We dined at Mr. Smith’s at Marlborough. From thence (in the Rain) p.m. home—and found our Tabernacle in peace. Blessed be God our Preserver!

1770 November 25 (Sunday). Not being able to prepare any new Sermons, I delivered Expository Exercises on Mat. 11.27 a. and p.m. And may God graciously add His Blessing! N.B. I spoke to Mr. Daniel Forbes before I went in to Meeting in the Afternoon—acquainting him that I was obliged to propound Mr. Levi Warrin and his Wife (for there had been no Objection brought me, as he had given me Reason to Expect); and he no way opposing it, I proceeded to do it. I read the Proclamation for public Thanksgiving.

1770 November 26 (Monday). Am much concerned about my sheep, which we cannot hear of with any Certainty. Was at Deacon Woods to Enquire after Mr. Barrett, who I hear has had a Shock of the numb Palsie. Read Vol. 2 of Winter Evening Entertainment.

1770 November 27 (Tuesday). Ruth goes to her Mother—Miss Sarah Woods (daughter of Mr. Alpheus) at Work here making two Gowns of Irish Camblet (bought of Mr. Hopestill Capon of Boston)—one for Mrs. P________, the other for Sophy. I rode to Northborough. Received of Capt. Maynard 70/ old Tenor. Payd Dr. Ball for his Chaise 56/3 Old Tenor. Bought a Square leav’d Table at Lt. John Martyns. Visit Mr. Whitney—at Mr. Allens about Malt. Returned home at Eve. Mr. Elijah Returned from Boston—having paid for me to Mr. Capon for a piece of Irish Camblet £16.1.0 Old Tenor. There remains due to him, including Quality for binding, 49/.

1770 November 28 (Wednesday). This is the Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. Brown at Sherbourn, and of Mr. [blank] Thayer at Paxton—but is a great Snow Storm. May the almighty and most gracious Presence of the Great Head of the Church be with each of His servants in their Solemn Consecration—with His people in each society, and with all those who may perform, that may attend and that may be in any wise concerned therein! May I be seriously Thoughtful of the Solemn and awful Charge which I my Self received in the Name of the Lord! And may I remember how I have delivered the like to a Number of others, on whom I have in that sacred Action laid my Hand! O that God would pardon my numberless Defects, and wash me in the Blood of the Lamb! Miss Sarah Woods here still. Mr. Daniel How, in his Delirium here though so stormy; he tarrys all night.

1770 November 29 (Thursday). Paid Miss Sarah for her work and she returned to Marlborough. I got Mr. Levi Warrin to Spend what time he could to Day in looking and enquiring after my Sheep. I rode to Hopkinton to see Mr. Barrett, who last Saturday Night was struck with the Numb Palsie. Called at Mr. Abbys and prayed with him. Dined at Mr. Barretts. Carryed and returned to him, Dr. Mathers Magnalia: and borrowed of him Henry on the prophets. Prayed with him. Was called away to go to Deacon Jason Walker, whom I found in great Extremity of pain in his private parts through Retention of Urine etc. Prayed with him. Visited also Lt. John Wood’s Wife and prayed there. N.B. Bethiah Parmenter sojourns among them. Called at Biglows in returning—and at Warrins. Little news of my Sheep. Much chilled by my Evening Ride.

1770 November 30 (Friday). Ruth Bellows returns to work for us. At Eve came Messrs. Joseph Harrington and Eli Whitney about the Affair of Levi Warrin. I told them if they would have a Church Meeting they must write the Request and Sign it. I must also have it Seasonably.

1770 December 1 (Saturday). Employed Mr. Thaddeus Warrin to Search for my Sheep. He Sets out on my Horse—northerly etc. He finds them North of Mr. Andrews’s; and drives them home. For which I gave him a fat Goose (when picked) for Thanksgiving. The sheep had been gone nigh a Month.

1770 December 2 (Sunday). Omitted Reading a. and p.m. Preached a.m. on Luk. 11.4. “Lord teach us to pray.” P.M. on Isa. 50.10. Young Mr. Barrett here. Tells me his Father is somewhat better. He dines here; as does Deacon Walkers son and his Kinsman Jonathan Burnap junior of Windham. At Even in the Family read Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness.

1770 December 3 (Monday). Deacon Wood came with the Desire of Mr. Daniel Forbes etc. that I would draw up something for them to sign for Church meeting relative to Levi Warrin, but I declined it. My Kinsman Bradshaw from Great Barrington and lodged here.

1770 December 4 (Tuesday). Sir Bradshaw went to Boston. Mr. Jonathan Grout (as Mr. Batherick had spoke with me also on the same Account) Shewing uneasiness as to the Admission of Neighbour Levi Warrin and his Wife.

1770 December 5 (Wednesday). My son John came from Brookfield. Says Mr. Parsons is so weak and low that he is not capable of moving any Limb except [blank] that he is quite emaciated and longs to dye. Alexander came at Night and brought a Cow to be kept here this Winter.

1770 December 6 (Thursday). Public Thanksgiving. Preached on Zech. 14.6.7. N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbes was here before Meeting to acquaint me that a Number of Brethren were at his House last night upon L. Warrins Affair and could not come here with a written Request, but desired that the Church might be stopped and Opportunity given to confer upon this Matter: for, with them that were at his House, who were 9, there were many more (about 11 more were reckoned) who were too uneasy to vote for their Admission. Accordingly the Church were detained and Voted that their Admission be deferred for a short Space, that those who were unacquainted with the Case, may inform them Selves better, that the uneasy may discourse with the persons, and that if the Church must come together there may be proper preparation for it. In the Evening Ebenezer Maynard was marryed to Hannah Roberts. N.B. Breck was with us to day. He came over from Upton in the Morning.

1770 December 7 (Friday). Alexander and Breck rose before Day—and returned to their respective Business. Breck has been So closely engaged in his Work, that he has worked (he says) 40 hours together without breaking off, except to Eat only. John and Sophy went to Shrewsbury: to Mr. Cushings and to Mr. Sumners. Mr. Seth Morse came to speak with me upon what the Church did yesterday, on his Brother Warrins Case. William came from Concord—brought my Heiffer, and some onions.

1770 December 8 (Saturday). William returns home. Isaac Parker and his Wife Margery, heretofore Maynard, came to offer them Selves as Penitents and were examined, as the Time and Circumstances would allow.

1770 December 9 (Sunday). Preached on Zech. 14.6 a.m. Administered the Lords Supper. Deacon Bond, Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Abigail Parker dined here. Preached p.m. the other Sermon on Joh. 15, v. 9.10. (See Oct. 21.) Evening Family Reading was Dr. Owen on Spiritual mindedness. Mr. Lords MS.

1770 December 10 (Monday). John returns to Brookfield. N.B. Bought his Six sheep for 40/ per Head old Tenor. P.M. Benjamin Brigham from Douglass. Mr. Nathaniel Whitney at Evening.

1770 December 11 (Tuesday). Elias returned from Brookfield. Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Nat. Prentice call here as they go to Boston. I visit old Mrs. Hardy and her Daughter Adams and pray with them. Visit Mr. Levi Warrins Wife, and make Opportunity to talk with her alone. She talks in much the Same strain that her Husband does. Says She knows and can bring Suitable proof that She was not with Child a month before She was marryed—and if She must say whether She was innocent, She would have every body else examined as well as them: etc. etc. Mrs. Maynard makes us a Visit, and stays till night. My Wife and She visited Deacon Woods Wife.

1770 December 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Levi Warrin (who was not at home when I was there yesterday) came here, accompanyed by Mr. Daniel Hardy; and Deacon Bond. The Effect was a Paper requesting a Church meeting was headed and subscribed by those two. Read Winter Evening Entertainment Vol. 2.

1770 December 13 (Thursday). This is the Day of (I suppose) the Execution of [blank] Shaw at Springfield. P.M. Deacon Cheney of Ashburnham here with Letter from Sarah. He is in Spiritual Trouble and Darkness and desires to be alone with me. At Eve Deacon Samuel Baker of Bolton here, and discourses of their Divisions and Contentions with Mr. Goss. I perceive that he is himself under Uneasiness with him.

1770 December 14 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 December 15 (Saturday). Mr. B. Brigham going to preach at Uxbridge, accompanys Sophy to Upton. Deacon Bond has brought the Paper subscribed by Four, requesting Church meeting on L. Warrins Affair.

1770 December 16 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Zech. 14.7. Widow Bellows and Widow Thurston dined here. Appointed Church Meeting. Letter received from Mr. Moore. Little Suse sick.

1770 December 17 (Monday). Mr. Zephaniah Briggs going to preach at Great Barrington, calls and dines here. Tells me Mr. Bradshaw did not come because his Grandfather was not well—feared numb Palsie. He has Sent me from my Son Samuel a Gown of Plad and chocolate coloured Calamanco. Mr. Abijah Gale here upon the Warrin Case: he seems to be for his enjoying Privilege. Isaac Parker asks me to write his Confession.

1770 December 18 (Tuesday). Capt. Jonas Brigham and his wife called here. Sent to Samuel by Lt. Baker. P.M. The Church met on 1. Levi Warrins Case. He gave two papers, one was signed by himself and wife: the other was a Certificate from Dr. Ball. N.B. Nine out of 28, vote that we proceed to their Admission. They were Mr. Daniel Hardy, David Maynard, Capt. Benjamin Fay, Capt. Jonas Brigham, B. Taynter, Seth Morse, Thomas Twitchell, D. Adams, and Mr. A. Gale. 2. the Church were asked whether they would establish the old Psalm Book, or choose some other Version? 3. Choose a second Chorister. 4. Watch over Delinquents—reference to Jonas Bradish’s Case. In the Eve Dr. Hawes and Wife here. Sophy returned from Upton. Mr. B. Brigham not returned.

1770 December 19 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Ithamar Bellows to See him and his Wife in their Lameness and Confinement. Find her very bad with her Leg. Doctors Wilson and Hawes there. We all dined there. Thence I went to old Mr. Chamberlins, and officiated in the Solemnity of marrying his Daughter Lydia to Mr. William Brigham of Southborough, after which was an handsome Entertainment. In returning home I was by their Desire at Mr. Bellows again and prayed with them.

1770 December 20 (Thursday). Sold my little Flock of 12 sheep and Lambs to Mr. Barnabas Newton for 28£ old Tenor and he sent for them and had them accordingly. Visit a New Family who are come to live in Deacon Woods House, viz. Mr. William Spring, his Wife and Child. Mr. Spring not at home. Mr. Peter Coffin of Gloucester from Brookfield here, but goes on his Journey to Framingham. Mr. Seth Morse here at Evening to talk about his Brother Warrin—and of a Paper which he says Deacon Bond has got ready for subscriptions of those that desire to have another version of Psalms. N.B. I direct him to wait upon Lt. Forbush.

1770 December 21 (Friday). [No entry.]

1770 December 22 (Saturday). Lt. Baker paid me for Mr. Daniel Forbes £41.0.1 old Tenor.

1770 December 23 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 50.11. Widow Kendal dined with us. At Evening family Exercise read Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness. In my study read Mr. Lords Diary.

1770 December 24 (Monday). The following Teams brought Wood—viz. Capt. Jonas Brigham, two Loads from his own Land. Mr. Timothy Warrin and Mr. [G.?] Andrews two Load apiece, from Capt. Ephraim Brighams Land and from thence also Mr. Tainter, Samuel Forb., Ebenezer Forbes, Seth Morse, Thomas Bond, each of them three Load. And there were 13 Cutters, viz. Mr. Batherick, Lt. Baker, Mr. T. Frost, Joseph Harrington, Eli Whitney, Moses Sever and Samuel Sever, Phinehas Forbes, Joseph McCulloch, Samuel Lamb, Benjamin Tainter junior, and Benjamin Whitney, and William Low.

1770 December 25 (Tuesday). Elisha Forbes brings a Quarter of Beef. Weighed 86. [Marginal notation: This Beef came on the 26.] P.M. I rode to Southborough. Paid Capt. Ward £8.19.6 old Tenor in full. Mr. Stone and his wife were gone to Marlborough. I followed them there, to their son Rice’s. N.B. I had never seen them since the marriage till now. Mr. Luke Drury was my Company from Southborough. They are preparing for a new session of Grafton-Council. In returning I called to see Mr. William Brighams new Wife, and Mr. Andrews Children, ill of the Canker. May God be praised for my Preservation when my Horse threw me down.

1770 December 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Warrin came to desire me to preach at his House. P.M. Visit Mrs. Sever, Mr[s.?] Biglow, and Mrs. Hardy, whose Daughter Adams is still extremely low. I prayed at each of the last Houses. At Eve Master Taylor visits me. Mr. Joseph Grout supplys me with a side of Beef, at 15d per pound. Weight 192 lb. Sold 3 Geese at 15/ apiece to Deacon Wood.

1770 December 27 (Thursday). Deacon Wood going to Boston I wrote by him to my son Samuel. Lent the Deacon 5 Dollars. Read Mr. Maccartys very Serious and pertinent Discourse previous to the Execution of poor William Linsey. May it be blessed to my own Awakening and Quickening! At Eve Mr. Thaddeus Warrin came and cut out and Salted up 3 Quarters of Beef.

1770 December 28 (Friday). Elias being gone, I was obliged to winnow a Parcel of Flax-seed, Somewhat above two Bushels, for the Oyl Mill in Sutton: but fear I got cold, and that the Rheumatism would follow.

1770 December 29 (Saturday). Mr. Timothy Allen of Sutton came; dined with us; I sold him two Bushell of Flax seed @ 20/ old Tenor per Bushel: which he paid.

1770 December 30 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Act. 4.12. Was obliged to write more than for one Exercise, but, with my reading on the Subject, could not prepare for another—and it being at the Conclusion of the Year, I chose something that might be seasonable and pathetic, therefore delivered what I could of the Two Discourses on Ps. 39.6, first part, but was obliged to [pretermit?] some paragraphs, here and there, as I now and then supplyed Some passages unavoidably, extempore. I would humbly beseech God to give Success! And especially to make suitable application my Self. At Eve read in the Family Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness, which I find is very instructing and awakening.

1770 December 31 (Monday). Mr. Benjamin Brigham returns from Douglass; he has received a Call there, and a subscription to add to his Settlement. He seems greatly perplexed, by reason of their Importunity, he having received a Call from Monadnock No. 4, where he seems most inclined to go. At Eve came Mr. John Harvey of Southborough and lodges here. He is full of Chymistry, Mines and Minerals; Separations of Metals, and appears very much of an Adept. But I desire to close the Year with Serious Reflections! Humbling my Self for my Negligence and unprofitableness; imploring Forgiveness through the Mediation of Jesus Christ! And O that I might be ready for the closing up of my Life it Self. The Awful Day approching, may I be always in readiness for it!

1 Samuel Cooper (1725–1783; Harvard 1743), minister of the Brattle Street Church; SHG 11:192–213. The sermon was apparently not published.

2 Nathaniel Appleton (1693–1784), The Right Method. . . . Discourses on April 5, 1770. Being the Day of General Fasting and Prayer . . . and in the Time of the Session of the General Court at Cambridge (Boston 1770; Evans 11,554).

3 The incident was reported in several newspapers; see Boston Evening-Post, July 2, 1770, issue 1814, p. [3]; Boston-Gazette, July 2, 1770, issue 795, p. [2]; Essex Gazette, July 3, 1770, issue 101, p. 194; Massachusetts Gazette, July 5, 1770, issue 3482, p. [2].

4 See Franklin Bowditch Dexter, ed., The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College (3 vols.; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901), 1:75–76.

5 John Payson (1746–1804), Harvard 1764, minister of Fitchburg, 1768–1794.

6 Asarelah Morse (1745–1803; Harvard 1767), SHG 16:509–11.

7 “On Thursday the first of this Instant departed this Life, Capt. NATHANIEL ALLEN, of this Place: a noted Merchant of the City of London, was formerly a noted Merchant in the Town of Boston, but spent the last thirteen Years of his Life in this Town, where he was universally respected for his Integrity and Uprightness in his Dealings, as well as for his Charity and Benevolence, especially to the Poor and Distressed. His Remains were interred this Day with the greatest Decency.” Boston Post-Boy, Nov. 3, 1770, Issue 687, p. [1], with a byline of Shrewsbury, Nov. 3, 1770.