Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1769

1769 January 1 (Sunday). Through the Goodness of God we not only begin another Year, but begin it with a Sabbath. I do not read publickly during these winter Seasons. I preached upon Eph. 1.14. For since all Earthly Things are transitory, we need to Secure a Lot in the heavenly and Eternal Inheritance. I prepared largely for one Exercise; but I could not well divide it. I thought it best to deliver the whole a.m. and chose for p.m. the Discourse on Rom. 2.4, latter part. May God bless these Exercises for our highest Good! Master Jameson and Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve read in Dr. Taylors Contemplations on the state of Man.

1769 January 2 (Monday). Mr. Jonah Warrin comes again (this is the third time) to see whether I shall preach at his House tomorrow. I have alwayes consented when he has spoke to me, and with submission to providence design it.

1769 January 3 (Tuesday). Neighbour Barnabas Newton Constable, not having his Rates yet to gather Money for me, lends me 4 Dollars. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin works in Lt. Bruce’s Cedar Swamp, and John with him, to get Rails. They get 80. Mrs. Maynard and her son Gott dine here. P.M. preached at Mr. Warrins (and chiefly direct my Discourse to his wife’s sorrowful Case), from Ps. 42.8, to the End. In the Eve read Rutherfords Letters.

1769 January 4 (Wednesday). [No entry.]

1769 January 5 (Thursday). John goes to Master Jamesons School at Mrs. Kendalls.

1769 January 6 (Friday). Mr. Isaac Harrington, his Wife and Daughter Zipporah, returning from the Burial of their sister, Deacon Woods Wife of Marlborough, come to See us and dined here. John goes to School again. Little Elias is this Day Eight years old. May he be new-born by the Blessed Spirit of Grace! May my Instructions to him, be blessed for this End! Capt. Benjamin Fay has at my Desire paid Messrs. Mein and Fleeming for last Years Chronicle, wraping and directing it to me, and for an Almanack—for which I gave him 57/ old Tenor.

1769 January 7 (Saturday). Was much impeded by a Cold. John at home.

1769 January 8 (Sunday). I have been but poorly able to prepare—thought in the night, I Should hardly be able to go to meeting; it being stormy. But I went to meeting and preached. Text Eph. 1.13.14. Mr. Jameson and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. Text 1 Joh. 1.3. Began Extemporaneously—then used Part of my sermon on that Text, from p. 10 to 17, with omissions and alterations.

1769 January 9 (Monday). John goes to School again. P.M. Visit Deacon Wood, and old Mrs. Wood. Was at Mr. Zebulun Rice’s, who has sold his place to Lt. Baker, and has bought at Brookfield. He makes strange of the Agreement between him and me, about our Bounds at the Pine Field; and of mutually giving Quit Claims; and holds to his Banister Plat, though he gave much Cause to expect he would make no Difficulty of Settling my Line according to Lt. Wards Draught. This shews me again, the mutability and unsteadiness of human Minds.

1769 January 10 (Tuesday). Rode to Capt. Maynards—especially to have him answer my obligation to Mr. Ebenezer Maynard of an hundred pounds old Tenor, the Note to him (Ebenezer) having been out on Dec. 25, and I had relyed on the Captain to take the Care of it; having long ago, told them both, that This was the way in which I should pay this Sum: and they consented to it. I dined there. Then visited at Hows, Fessendens, Phinehas Maynards and Beetons. When I returned at Evening I marryed Isaiah Rider of Hopkinton to Mary Forbes (Mr. Daniel Forbes’s Daughter). Memorandum Sent 3 Dollars by Mr. [J.?] Thurston to my Son Samuel to buy me a Ream of Paper.

1769 January 11 (Wednesday). Mr. David Maynard and Neighbour Barnabas Newton killed our 2d Hog. At Eve John, assisted by Nehemiah Maynard, Cut it out. Weighed 229. Mr. Chamberlain in the Eve. Very full of the Sermons lately delivered. I wish we might all profit by them.

1769 January 12 (Thursday). John rides to Capt. Wards for Mr. Arnold. William from Ashby, on his Journey to See his Sister Moore at Rochester. At Eve (of the 12th) Mr. Tainter brought me a Ream of Paper from my Son Samuel but it proves, though fine yet too thin.

1769 January 13 (Friday). William setts out for Medway, on his Journey aforesaid. N.B. I sent by him to Mr. Moore an Account of what I would have him buy at Rochester for Suse—viz. Feathers etc. and Sent Religio Medici for Mr. S. West. Wrote by Billy also to Mr. Thomas Adams and Sent his Select Collection of Poems. N.B. John and Jonas Kenny go to the Ministerial Lot, with my Team to get Logs for Planks. It rains so much and it is so heavy for the wheels that Jonas can get but one to the mill; though John has cutt another. Dr. Hawes and his Wife here p.m. and into Evening.

1769 January 14 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 January 15 (Sunday). Had a Sad Night of deep Reflections but was more comfortable in the Morning. Preached a.m. on Eph. 4.30. The composing of which had took up my Time, So that I prepared no more, but went on with the Repetition of Sermon on 1 Joh. 1.3, viz. from p. 17 to 25. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. At Eve after our Family Exercise we read Dr. Youngs Estimate of human Life.

1769 January 16 (Monday). Walked up to Woods, Rice’s and Bakers.

1769 January 17 (Tuesday). Send to Samuel Linnin etc. per Mr. John Woods. John and Jonas get two Logs to Maynards saw-mill. At Eve Mr. Collins Moore brings an Horse from Mr. Bowman of Oxford for Sarah. He informs that the Sickness and Mortality there, continues, and is very distressing. 71 have been buryed in a twelve-month. 7 Graves have 2 in each. 3 are to be buryed to day. He lodges here. N.B. Sarah had a bad Fall from the Mare.

1769 January 18 (Wednesday). John to school again. As Soon as we have dined, Mr. C. Moore and Sarah (notwithstanding She was bruised and hurt by her Fall yesterday) leave us for Oxford.

1769 January 19 (Thursday). John goes with the Sleigh to Mr. Gales to have it Painted: and proceeds as far as Mr. Golding the Weaver at Marlborough. At Eve Mr. Amasa Maynard here.

1769 January 20 (Friday). I have been more closely applyed to the business of Sermonizing this Week than usual.

1769 January 21 (Saturday). John goes to the Mills with the Team. To Mr. Whipples Corn mill with a Grist, and to Mr. Maynards saw-Mill, and brings Eight plank. Am much pressed with the Thoughts on the subject which I am composing Discourses upon, for tomorrow.

1769 January 22 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Eph. 4.30, latter part. Mr. Jameson and Mrs. Ruhamah Pratt dined here. O that God would please to own and bless my poor labours that I may savingly benefit my own soul and them that hear me!

1769 January 23 (Monday). [No entry.]

1769 January 24 (Tuesday). Mr. Ballard of Oxford here on his Journey to Boston.

1769 January 25 (Wednesday). Am reading Several Authors on Assurance or the Sealing of the Spirit.

1769 January 26 (Thursday). Went to Visit Lt. Bruce, who has lately lost his Brother Elisha, but he was not at home. Visit Stockwell, Samuel Hardys and Garfields Familys. N.B. When I began some serious Discourse with Garfield, he answered me with Baseness. Visit Lt. Forbush again. Call at Dr. Haws’s. She is poorly and on the bed. At Eve my son William returned from Rochester, with Letters etc. He came by the way of Roxbury. He brings me from Mr. West of Dartmouth, Sale’s 2d Volume of the Koran, and from Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield, Kennicotts two Dissertations, viz. on the Tree of Life; and on the Offerings of Cain and Abel.

1769 January 27 (Friday). Billy with us. A young man from Hopkinton, one Joseph Gay, bears a Message to me from Mr. Barrett, that there has occurred among them a sorrowful Burning last Tuesday Night when the House of Mr. James Mellen was Consumed, but the Letter is lost. He is going also to Chauxit, with the like. P.M. Miss Elizabeth Arnold Visits here.

1769 January 28 (Saturday). Billy (having left with me a Pair of Silver rim’d Buckles, at 6£ old Tenor, as part of what I have lent him) goes upon his Journey home. Mr. Ballard of Oxford and his Brother of Charlton here and breakfast. They bring me a Pair of Moscovy Ducks from Mr. Surcomb. And they inform me that Mr. Holbrooks Leg was cut off, and it is doubtful whether he will out live it. We send to Sarah, packet from Rochester Shrewsbury etc. P.M. Mr. Steward came, and lodges here.

1769 January 29 (Sunday). Mr. Steward preached for me a. and p.m. on Mal. 3.16. May God bless the word to us, and bless His Servant, the dispenser of it! Old Mrs. Wood prayed for; She having lately had a bad Fall down Cellar, whereby her Arm is broke and her Head and Neck much bruised. This morning we finished the 2d Volume of Pool’s, that is, the [Continuation of?] Annotations.

1769 January 30 (Monday). So Cold weather that Mr. Steward tarrys with us. P.M. nigh Evening I visit and pray with old Mrs. Woods, at Deacon Wood’s. I sup there. Began Dr. Guise’s Paraphrase on the New Testament.

1769 January 31 (Tuesday). Mr. Steward left us. N.B. He has read out Kennicott’s two Dissertations, viz. on the Tree of Life; and on the Offerings of Cain and Abel. I visited Mr. Artemas Bruce’s Wife and Twins and prayed with them. Din’d there. Visit the Widow Smith and prayed with her. Then passed over to Mr. Gershom Brighams—to Mr. Gleasons—Mr. Samuel Fay’s—Edwards Whipples, where I drank Tea—and Mr. Solomon Bakers, with whom I reckoned, and paid for 41 pounds Cheese. 28 pounds at 2/ and 13 at 1/6. In the Eve, marryed Elisha Forbes to Hannah Flag.

1769 February 1 (Wednesday). Squire Campbel from Oxford calls at the Door, and informs me that my Daughter Sarah is Sick there, of the Throat-Distemper. Was taken last Friday, but is not now very bad. P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Lilly of Dudley brings me two Letters from Mr. Bowman—one writ yesterday, the other to day, concerning Sarah and that ‘tis hoped she is better. Thanks be to God for His great Goodness! By this Mr. Lilly I send a Bundle, of shirts etc., to Samuel and a Letter to Mr. Holbrook, being very desirous to know how he does, and where he is. But My News Papers are brought, and inform me that he dyed last Friday; and he was, I suppose, buryed yesterday. May I make a good use of this providence and prepare to follow! The Lord pity His bereaved Handmaid, Support, and carry her through these very sore Tryals. When John returns at Eve, from School, he relates Some Sad Occurrences which may prevent his going to Mr. Jameson again. Lt. Baker has Sent us poor Wood—Birch, pine, old rotten Maple and Ash; and now have but little of that, when a great Storm of Snow comes, and proves some what deep and difficult.

1769 February 2 (Thursday). Very difficult stirring, yet the Baker Team brings one (the 18th) Load. Alexander comes from Sturbridge.

1769 February 3 (Friday). Alexander goes to Framingham, and designs from thence to Boston. Miss Patty Clark of Hopkinton came, dines and tarrys with us: but is disappointed in that Sarah, whom She came more especially to See, is at Oxford. More Wood brought: two Load.

1769 February 4 (Saturday). More Wood.

1769 February 5 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on the Same Subject which I was last upon, viz. the Sealing of the Spirit but from another Text, Scil: 2 Cor. 1.22. O that God would Please to accept and succeed my weak Endeavours especially to my own Soul!

1769 February 6 (Monday). Mrs. Garfield (without her Husband) desired prayers yesterday, and I would have visited to Day, but that it was too Cold for my tender state of Health.

1769 February 7 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing came; dined here. I preached at Deacon Bonds, where, though it was cold, there was a considerable Assembly; on 1 Joh. 1.3 from p. 25th to the End. Lt. Baker provided a Young man to ride my Horse, and took me, for the better Security against the extreme Cold, into his Sleigh. Mr. Cushing lodges with us. Letter from Sarah at Oxford that She is Still better.

1769 February 8 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing takes my Mare and Sleigh (newly painted by Mr. Gale, and to day brought home by John) and goes to Oxford for Sarah, if She be well enough, and the Weather fit for her, to come. I visited Mrs. Garfield and prayed with her. At Eve Breck came from Ashby. Am reading Kennicott’s two Dissertations on the Tree of Life and the Offerings of Cain and Abel; and soon dispatch it.

1769 February 9 (Thursday). Alexander returns from Boston and Framingham. Breck and John are applyed to their Writing, what time can be afforded from the unavoidable Business of the Barn, Wood, going to Mill etc. My Mind is a good deal attentive to Sarahs Case; fearing it is too Cold for her to break forth at once from such sickness, and come so far. But I committ the matter to God! At Eve She comes, and I hope safely. Praise to God her Healer and Helper! Mr. Cushing lodges here. We (with Gott Maynard) make 12 to night.

1769 February 10 (Friday). Mr. Cushing after Dinner, leaves us. P.M. Mr. Andrews and his Wife make us a visit—and into Evening—are very Sociable, civil and agreeable. They have their Child also. They invite us repeatedly to return the Visit. I am glad of this Visit, except the ill-timing it, so interrupting to my studys.

1769 February 11 (Saturday). Alexander returns to Sturbridge. John carrys £6.15.5 old Tenor to Mr. John Kelly of Northborough being in full for Beef and Tallow of him.

1769 February 12 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Eph. 4.31. Have been prevented preparing for p.m. Repeated Sermon on Ps. 62.5 with Alterations etc.

1769 February 13 (Monday). Breck undertakes (his Brother John assisting) to lay the new Stable Floor. Mr. Lock of Sherbourn and his Wife, call and dine here; in their way to Rutland.

1769 February 14 (Tuesday). Mr. Stone and Wife and Miss Judith, also Coll. Brighams Wife and her son Joshua, all came in a sleigh—Perswade Me to go with them. I dine with them at Capt. Maynards. Thence to Shrewsbury and to Capt. Curtiss’s at Worcester. Mr. Maccarty there. We return to Shrewsbury. Mr. Stone, his wife and I lodge at Mr. Sumners. The rest of the Company, I Suppose, at Mrs. Cushings.

1769 February 15 (Wednesday). I was at Mr. Sumners at Breakfast, but we all dined at Mrs. Cushings. We then rode to Northborough, and another Sleigh full of them (Mr. Sumner and Wife, Mrs. Cushing and Daughter and Grand Daughter) accompanyed us to Mrs. Martyns. Mrs. Parkman was come over in my Sleigh to Meet me, and was gone over to Mr. Whitneys. I went there also and drank Tea there. N.B. Mr. Sumner and wife and Mrs. Cushing had designed this Day to have made me a Visit upon an Errand to Me from Mr. John Cushing, which now they delivered, both to me and my wife, as far as was needfull; relative to my Daughter Sarah. We returned home at Eve, safely. D.G. N.B. Am informed that Mr. Green and Mrs. Cotton from Hopkinton came to our House yesterday, lodged here, and to Day carryed Miss Patty Clark home, and Breck and Sarah are gone to Hopkinton with them.

1769 February 16 (Thursday). John Rogers (assisted a little by Neighbour Arnold) killed two Pigs for me. One weighs 174 1/2, the other 161 pounds. Breck and Sarah return at Eve. They bring me, from Miss Patty Clark, two of the 20 Volumes of the world displayed. Mr. Fish here p.m.

1769 February 17 (Friday). Sarah has brought from Oxford the Vicar of Wakefield, in 2 Volumes, which are read here, and Noah Volume 2. Breck goes to Dr. Crosby for Some Remedy against a breaking out that he is troubled with. At Eve Mr. John Wood here, with his own and his Fathers Accounts. His Kinsman Mr. James Mellen of Hopkinton came with a Petition for a Contribution, as a Sufferer by the late Burning of his House, Signed by Rev. Messrs. Barrett and Prentiss.

1769 February 18 (Saturday). Mr. James Mellen here again, to mend the writing in the Petition, by inserting an omitted particle or two, and endorses it as his Desire.

1769 February 19 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Eph. 4.30, first Clause. P.M. delivered an Exercise on Rom. 2.5 to p. 10. At Eve after family Repetition etc. read Dr. Fordice, volume 2. N.B. delivered Mr. Mellens Desire of Contribution to the Deacons to be Communicated to the select men for their Advice.

1769 February 20 (Monday). Wrote and Sent to the Selectmen a Request that they would insert a Clause respecting my wood, in their next Warrant for Town Meeting. Sent it by my son John to Deacon Wood. Read Vicar of Wakefield, 2 Volumes.

1769 February 21 (Tuesday). Mr. Samuel Hicks here, going to Cambridge. Breck rode to Capt. Wards at Southborough and returns. Begin Volume 1 of the World Displayed.

1769 February 22 (Wednesday). Send my last Years Boston Chronicle to Mein and Fleeming, by Mr. Thomas Whitney: and Mrs. P________ Sends back a Muff to Mrs. Winter. Breck works at my Barn: makes a Rack for the new stable, puts up a Door, nails the loose Boards etc. I am reading Noah Vol. 2.

1769 February 23 (Thursday). Finish Noah Vol. 2. Breck and John Cyphering. Mrs. P. to Capt. Maynards. Capt. Maynard, I hear, has sold his three Negros.

1769 February 24 (Friday). Breck leaves us to go to Ashby, and I write by him to Billy. At Eve came Mr. Samuel Hicks from Cambridge and lodges here.

1769 February 25 (Saturday). Mr. Hicks goes home to Sutton. At Eve Deacon Woods brings me Mr. James Mellens Paper requesting a Contribution, the Deacons and Select Men having considered it, and advise that it be read. There came in also a stranger who says his name is Richard Dunham, that he has been in Captivity ten Years etc. Deacon Wood took him home with him.

1769 February 26 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Eph. 4.30, first Clause. Richard Dunham desired to give Thanks in the Assembly. I took him home to Dinner and invited to come here after Meeting. P.M. though my forenoon discourse was (as to the preparation) longer than ordinary, yet I did not divide it, but was minded to finish that Subject in this one Exercise more. Yet it took up such Time as I had (consistent with my other Employments) to compose my preparation in so that My Second Exercise was on Rom. 13.14, latter part. Dunham was here with us at Evening. Deacon Wood also came and brought with him Neighbour Zebulun Rice. Dunham lodges again at Deacon Woods. May God be gracious to the poor Man and grant him spiritual Deliverance!

1769 February 27 (Monday). I visited Rebecca Hardy who is languishing—at the widow Adams’s. Prayed with her. Visit at Mr. Gale’s in his New House. N.B. old Mr. Seth Morse there, very undesired Company in Such a Frame as he was in. Visited at Mr. Andrews’s, where I was courteously received and decently treated Ebenezer Maynard junior here. I hire him to live with me Six Months from the first of April to the first of October. He is to fill up the Week Days, and make allowance if he be not well and able to work. He is also to find an Ax; I am to find other Tools—Diet, Washing, etc., and give him 10£ Lawfull money.

1769 February 28 (Tuesday). Jonas Kenny, employed by John Rogers, goes to fetch home my Sleigh from Southborough where it has lain broken ever Since I lent it to him (Rogers) on the 15th to carry home Miss Lydia Chamberlin.

1769 March 1 (Wednesday). Jonas brings home the broken Remains of my Sleigh, but I refused to accept of it as mine. Went to Mr. Arnolds and acquainted him and his Wife, and their young man Chamberlin, that I did not receive these broken pieces, as my Sleigh.

1769 March 2 (Thursday). Though it was a Storm, and the Snow and Rain beating fiercely, yet Mr. Batherick acquainting me with the low state of Rebecca Hardy, and with her Desire to see me, I rode to Mrs. Adams’s, where she lies sick; conversed with, examined, instructed and Cautioned, I also charged her and Prayed with her. Then returned to my Study.

1769 March 3 (Friday). Ben. Gott Maynard here several Days.

1769 March 4 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 March 5 (Sunday). A Storm of Rain. Preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 4.18. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Old Mr. John McAllister dyed this Morning at Northborough. Above 90. David (son of Gershom) Fay came over with the Information. He came here, went to Meeting a.m., dined here; and p.m. went to Northborough again. Rebecca Hardy in a very low state. Receive a Packet of Letters from Rochester.

1769 March 6 (Monday). Town Meeting. Lt. Harrington and Mr. Daniel Forbes came in the Town’s Name, to desire me to go and pray with them. This I did. There is an Article in the Warrant concerning helping me, especially as to Wood—but they adjourn. I am reading the Lives of two remarkable publick Friends, viz. Samuel Bownas, and John Richardson. Sent me by the Potters at Leicester.

1769 March 7 (Tuesday). I visit Rebekah Hardy again. Rode with the Doctor in his Sleigh. At first sight of me She said, She was just gone. I talked closely with her, having desired the people all to go out. Had some Discourse with Mr. Gale about her. Prayed with her. P.M. Preached at Deacon Woods on Eccl. 12.7, which may God bless!

1769 March 8 (Wednesday). Numbers of Persons, both on the 6th and to day come for Notes to the Constable. Adjournment of the Town Meeting. N.B. They do not grant my Petition. Messrs. Chamberlin and Belknap here at Eve to inform me of it, and Shew me their Regret that it was not obtained. Ensign Snow was here also. I am sorry on the Account of the People as well as my own. They will not consider what a Loss it is to themselves. I desire to committ my Self and Family, and chiefly my work to the Great and good God—who will care for me; and in His Name I would go on Chearfully notwithstanding. Hear that Rev. Rice of Westminster is like to loose his Hand. Tis said it is to be cutt off to Day. May he obtain Almighty Grace and Support!

1769 March 9 (Thursday). Though it was a raw cold season I made another Visit to Rebecca Hardy, and had as much Conversation with her as her very difficult, distressed Case would admitt of. Was close with her. Would fain do her some Good. Would (by the Grace of God) save my own soul and them that hear me. Prayed with her, and with Fervency. She seems sensible her Time is very short. May the Lord prepare her!

1769 March 10 (Friday). My having been taken off so much obliges Me to give my self to Diligent Study in Sermonizing.

1769 March 11 (Saturday). Rebecca is yet alive. Wants to see me again. I went to her, though through much Difficulty. The Weather very Tedious, Cold, windy. Dr. Hawes there. Conversed with her again upon the like subject as before. Some Confession of peculiar sin. Mr. Gale and his Wife there. Praid with her, and that she might be forgiven.

1769 March 12 (Sunday). Read Jer. 41. Preached on Prov. 4.18. P.M. Read Rom. 14. Delivered an Exercise from Luke 12.5, gathered from Preparations on that Text, but omitted and altered as the different Occasions required. May God accept and bless etc.! Read Mr. James Mellens Paper signed by Messrs. Barrett and Prentice. Ruth Bellows at Eve.

1769 March 13 (Monday). Visit Rebecca Hardy once more. Dr. Hawes and his Wife there. Rebecca not Capable of saying much. What she says is very broken, much of it unintelligible: most of her Time either sleeps, or crys out. Her Legs dressed, her feet appear partly dead alread[y], some part of her Toes are mortifyed, as the Doctor judges, and the Ends are already black. Her right Hand, he says, he could not perceive any Pulse in for many Dayes, though there is in her left. I committ her to [sic] hardly thinking I shall see her alive any more. I returned home. Met Mr. Gale who had dined at our House. At Eve hear Rebecca is Dead. Capt. Baker of Bolton here, Mr. Edwards Whipple also. Capt. Benjamin Fay offers to pay me some money. He delivers me twelve Dollars and I gave him a Note to Constable Newton.

1769 March 14 (Tuesday). Mr. James Cook visits me p.m. Much Discourse of Newtown etc.

1769 March 15 (Wednesday). Rebecca Hardy was buryed a.m. I attended and prayed. Mr. Tainter, Mrs. Maynard, Miss Sarah Adams and Miss Patty Warrin dined here. I had sent to Mr. Whitney to come and preach my Lecture, but he did not. I hear he has a Lecture to Day himself. I preached on Joh. 14.21. O that I might feel the divine Energy of the Word of God and that all my hearers might! It was a considerable full Congregation. I read to the People the Paper of the prizers of the late Capt. Ellis’s Estate, and what Mr. James Mellen was to have out of it for keeping the old Folks. This was read in order to remove the Prejudices in the Minds of Persons which might prevent Contributing to his Relief. Capt. Maynard and his Wife here after Meeting. They sent us 25 1/4 pounds of Pork to Day, which I not knowing any thing about, till they were gone, did not so much as thank them for.

1769 March 16 (Thursday). Mrs. Dolly Rice visits us. At Night, in the Rain, my son Baldwin. John sleds a Maple Log to Mill which Mr. Barns has given me, having been brought here from his Swamp as Fire Wood by the Baker-Team.

1769 March 17 (Friday). He returns home to Brookfield having been gone a great while, ever since last Monday was sennight; with Cattle, and Pork, to Boston.

1769 March 18 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 March 19 (Sunday). Read Jer. 42. Preached on Luk. 14.17. Administered the Lords Supper. P.M. Read Rom. 15. Preached on Rom. 15.13. Read the Proclamation for a Fast. In addition thereto I recommended that we be humble under the divine Frowns, and that we supplicate Deliverance out of the present Grievances.

1769 March 20 (Monday). [No entry.]

1769 March 21 (Tuesday). Finish Reading Volume 1 of World Displayed, Discovery of America by Columbus.

1769 March 22 (Wednesday). Read Vol. 2 of the world Displayed being the Conquest of Mexico by Cortes, and end this Vol. Letter from Mr. Moore of March 11. Mr. Zebulon Rice has inadvertently cutt down my mark’d Trees at the N.W. Corner of my Swamp (of 5 acres etc.). It is the greater Trouble as it is the only mark I can easily know and go to. P.M. Visit old Mrs. Grout, at Mr. Phinehas Hardy’s, Widow Persis Warrin, Mr. Elijah Rice, Mr. Twitchels, Elijah Hardy; and in returning Capt. Benjamin Fay.

1769 March 23 (Thursday). Rode to Hopkinton by Mr. Bradish’s to See his Aged mother—at Mr. Belknaps. Went to Dr. Wilsons to pay him. I owed him according to his account 20£. He took 15£ and gave me Receipt in full. Dined at Capt. Clarks. Returned Vol. 1 and 2 of the world Displayed, and Miss Patty lent me Vol. 3 and 4. Visit Mr. Barrett. We converse on Mr. James Mellens Case—and We go to Lt. Abby’s, to talk with him, he having been one of the Apprizers of Capt. Ellis’s Estate. At Eve returned home in Safety. Lt. Baker here to reckon, but though he tarrys late We effect Nothing, but adjourn.

1769 March 24 (Friday). John and Jonas Kenny with my Team and Mr. Nurse’s fetch [blank] Posts from the ministerial Lot. They were got out by Solomon Batherick.

1769 March 25 (Saturday). Capt. King of Sutton here in his Return from Boston, and dines. John lays out Flax to rot; it not being Sufficiently rotted last Fall.

1769 March 26 (Sunday). Read Jer. 43. Preached a.m. on Prov. 4.18. Mr. Jamison, (who now keeps school in Shrewsbury) and Mr. Caleb Rice of Marlborough (our present school master) dine here. P.M. read Rom. 16. Preached on Rom. 15.13. Appointed a Catechizing of Children. N.B. We began again to Sing twice p.m. Began Ps. 119, long Meeter.

1769 March 27 (Monday). Catechized a.m. Had 46 Boys. P.M. Had but 7 Girls, two of which were my own. The weather was Somewhat foul. Mr. Tainter came whilst I was at Catechizing, and his wife being not well, carryed away Mrs. P_____ who tarrys there all night; I suppose by Reason of the storm, though it was not severe.

1769 March 28 (Tuesday). Mr. Tainter brings home Mrs. P_____ in the Snow. This Day was appointed for the Proprietors of a Cedar Swamp by Mr. Bradish’s termed Birch Swamp, to meet at Mr. Bradish’s, and to look for the Bounds or settle the Matter concerning the Bounds as Shall appear wisest and best. But it is a storm, the Earth is covered with snow, and I hear that the meeting is for Some other Reason also, put by. John gets a couple of Bags of Hay Seed from Mr. Batherick’s to sow part of my West field, which I would lay down. Wrote his Honour Governour Hutchinson an Account of the Rice’s Captivity; designing to send it the first good Opportunity.

1769 March 29 (Wednesday). I rode to North Shrewsbury to See Rev. Asaph Rice under his great Affliction. I first rode to Capt. Maynards and took with me Master Caleb Rice, who has put by his school for to Day. At Lt. Martyns Mr. Whitney offers to be our Company. I went to Mr. Jacob Rice’s, and eat and refreshed there. They call me, and we stand along to Mr. Morse’s, where Mr. Rice keeps. Mr. Morse and his wife are gone from home: he returns, and we dine together. They relate the History of the Amputation, and of the strange Sympathy with the Hand, after it was Separated; against all my Infidelity. Mr. Rice is in a hopeful way; and he is also learning to write with his left Hand. We return home at Eve. N.B. Mrs. Martyn joins her son in requesting me to write some Epitaph for the Tomb-stone which is to be prepared for Mr. Martyn. Lt. Baker here at night; we reckon. Wood# [At botton of page: #He throws in a Dollar.] 47£ 15/. Book account £18.10.0 old Tenor. Gave him a Note to Newton of £66.5.0 old Tenor. My Son Alexander from Sturbridge. He stops and lodges here.

1769 March 30 (Thursday). Visit at Mr. Artemas Bruce’s, his Wife being weak and low, but especially the little Twins are in a dangerous state, and not like to live. Prayed with them. Called to see Mrs. Smith who remains in a gloomy State yet.

1769 March 31 (Friday). Mr. Wheelock having carryed to Medfield Mr. Thomas Adams’ Book, viz. Kennicot’s two Discourses, to return it to Mr. Adams, makes Return to me that That was done, and he had brought two more from him, viz. Mrs. Wentworths Court Miscellany Vol. 1 and A. Ricker’s Great Events from little Causes. Mr. Hall of Sutton, calls here as he journeys home from Boston. Brings Mr. Stone’s Desire to Change with me after the Fast.

1769 April 1 (Saturday). Wrote to Mr. Whitney (who consented with Difficulty to my proposal to Change) of Mr. Stones Message. Sent John to Shrewsbury for Hay-seed, and he brings some from Deacon Miles. P.M. Ruth Bellows goes to Southborough. Wrote by her to Mr. Stone, of what I had done. Alexander returns from Framingham and tarrys.

1769 April 2 (Sunday). Read Jer. 44. Preached on Luk. 9.62. Master Rice dines with us. P.M. Read and preached on 1 Cor. 1. Appoint Contribution for Mr. Mellen. [Alexander is with us. At Eve hear his Wife has a Daughter—now 12 Days old.] Mr. Tainter carrys Mrs. P_____ to his Wife’s Labour. Receive from Rev. Gleason NOAH Vol. 1. Read Book 1.

1769 April 3 (Monday). Alexander left us very early to return to Sturbridge. Ebenezer Maynard junior comes to live with me and work for me for Six months, and I am to pay him 10£ Lawful money. Old Mr. Charles Rice and Lt. Bruce here, to whom, one after the other, I read my Account of the Captivity of the Rice’s, and they testifyed to the Truth thereof. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes was here, and is very earnest against a Contribution for Mr. Mellen. I answered that he should have objected before. It was now too late. He Said he knew it. I told him I had taken every Step that is fit in Such Cases. He reply’d that he did not pretend to lay any Blame on me. I added that He was much to blame. He answered that he knew it, and was Sorry. Yet must have some thing done to prevent it, because Such a Multitude were against it. I told him that no Soul had been here to object. He wondered at it; he thought every Thing was So plain against it that he took it for granted there would be none. I rejoined that all was on the Contrary with me: and if there were so many against it, they Should let me know it. I must know their minds by Fast forenoon: Seasonably to Speak to the Congregation at noon. He Said I should know seasonably.

1769 April 4 (Tuesday). Mr. Collins Moore from Oxford—is going to Rochester. I write by him to his Brother. At Eve Mr. Batheric here, and Shews himself against the Contribution.

1769 April 5 (Wednesday). Ebenezer Maynard is cutt in his Ankle by Johns Ax flying out of his Hands, as he was driving a Post, and glanc’d with great force to Ebbe on t’other side the Fence. It happened about 11 o ‘Clock a.m. P.M. Deacon Wood here.

1769 April 6 (Thursday). Publick Fast. Preached on Judg. and 16; and p.m. some passages selected thence. N.B. before I went into Meeting Mr. Daniel Forb. met me and told me it was agreed that Deacon Wood Should come to me and acquaint me with the minds of a Number that had been together and that they were against having a Contribution. Nay, Says he, Deacon himself is against it. Mr. Batherick being by, and hearing this from Forb. I bid him take Notice of it. Now although the Deacon was with me on Wednesday, and Said that Mr. F. had been at his House, yet he Said nothing of his being appointed to come in their name to me. Before I went up into the Pulpit, I acquainted the Deacon and asked him whether he had rather I would put it by? And he said that Since Things were so, he had. Accordingly after the Exercise, at noon I told the people it was waved, at least for the present. But after the last Exercise, I desired those who were for the Contribution to carry, whether money or what they could best Communicate, to one or Other of the Deacons. Dr. Hawes dressed Ebbe’s wound yesterday p.m. and to Day a.m.

1769 April 7 (Friday). The Doctor dresses it again. Was at Deacon Wood’s. Mr. Whitney and Wife, Child, sister Allice, together with Mrs. Martyn make us a Visit—dine, drink Tea. Sorrowful news from Shrewsbury of Miss Bridget Cushings being very ill, her Case desperate and has Sent several Times for my Daughter Sarah to go to See her. John goes up with her; and leaving her there, he returns.

1769 April 8 (Saturday). Mrs. P_____ dresses Eb’s Leg. Neighbour Arnold brings word from Mr. Stone that he does not come to change with me tomorrow.

1769 April 9 (Sunday). Rode to Northborough and preached there a.m. on Luke 12.19.20. P.M. on Prov. 1.28. At Eve I rode to Shrewsbury to visit Miss Bridget Cushing whom I found very low. Mr. Sumner came. We prayed together. I lodged there. Mr. Whitney preached here on [blank].

1769 April 10 (Monday). Breakfast at Mr. Sumners. Return to Miss Bridget and converse with her. In returning home called at Capt. Allens, buy a Pair of Stone Buttons of Master Lewis, for Mrs. P_____. Jonathan Maynard works here. Do something in gardening. At Eve Mr. Beeton pays me 48£ old Tenor for Capt. Maynard.

1769 April 11 (Tuesday). Was much disappointed by Mr. Newton who brings me no money though he knows I am going to Boston—and what I have got can’t answer my present Necessity. Yet I undertake my Journey. Call to take old Mrs. Bradishs Testimony to what I have drawn up concerning the Captivity of the Rices. Call also at Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlains (junior), at Mr. Moses Parkers that I might see and talk with Mary Beeton, who has fled from her Fathers House: found her and talked with her at Mr. Duntons. Old Mrs. Phillips being ill at Mr. Collins’s, at his earnest Request Stopped and prayed with her. Dined at Mr. Stones. P.M. Urge my way—called at Mr. Bridge’s at Framingham and at Mr. Nat. Goddards at Weston. Reached Mr. Cushings at Waltham but he was gone to a Council at Concord—Yet I lodged there.

1769 April 12 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Bemus at Waterton. Payd him Ten Dollars. Cambridge. Requested Mr. Thomas Barrett to take my Son John as an Apprentice; but don’t succeed. Proceed to Boston. Visit Mrs. Holbrook: dine at Mr. Surcombs, who is full of trouble about his Daughters Conduct. My Horse is put up there. Visit divers of my Relatives, especially my Brother. Was at His Honours this Eve, and read him my account of the Captivity of the Rice’s. Lodge at Capt. Bradfords.

1769 April 13 (Thursday). Attended the Public Lecture preached by Mr. Turner of Duxbury, on 1 Tim. 1.11, those words—“the blessed God.” Dined at Mr. Richard Salters. P.M. Was at Mr. Quincy’s, at Mrs. Holbrooks, Procters, at Dr. Chauncys but he was not at home. Viewed the Exercises of the Regulars in the Common. Visit Venerable Dr. Sewal. At Mr. Surcombs—he has had so great affliction respecting his Daughter that it Shocks him. In the Eve at Mr. Moses Gills. N.B. The Town is moved greatly by the Copys of a Number of Letters wrote by Governor Barnard, and one of General Gage’s. Went down to my Brothers and lodged there.

1769 April 14 (Friday). Breakfast at Loyds. At Mr. Hopestill Capons (where my Son Samuel lives). Mrs. Capon is in Grief at her Husbands being a Sandemanian. Prepare for my Journey home. Dine at Mr. Mathers. N.B. have settled with Capt. Bradford and paid all. Towards Evening rode to Mr. Jacksons of Brookline, who was not at home. I proceeded to Mr. Thomas Harringtons at Watertown and lodged there.

1769 April 15 (Saturday). Rode home, having called at Mr. Woodwards. Dr. Robys (where was Mr. Lock of Sherb. and we dined together), at Mr. Bridge’s, and at old Mrs. Darlings, who is above 90 Years old, and Stood in Need of Assistance in her great work. Found my Family in Comfort. D.G. Mr. Cushing here.

1769 April 16 (Sunday). Read Jer. 45 and 46 to v. 12. Mr. C. preached a. and p.m. on Eph. 2.8. I read p.m. 1 Cor. 2. Master Rice dined with us.

1769 April 17 (Monday). Mr. C. and Sarah rode to Southborough. At Eve they brought me a Pair of Doves from Mr. Stones. A Town Meeting on the Affair of making more room in the Meeting-House. John does something in the Garden, but at length is not well, and retires into the House.

1769 April 18 (Tuesday). [No entry.]

1769 April 19 (Wednesday). I rode to Marlborough Association Fast. Mr. Loring, Stone, Goss and Bridge there. Mr. Gardner and Barrett being absent, I preached a.m. on Judg. 10, particular Select Sentences from v. and 16 v. P.M. Mr. Goss prayed and Mr. Stone preached. His Text was Jer. 8.6. May God accept our Offerings! A large assembly though it was a Foul, Cold, Cloudy Day, and p.m. rainy. I returned at Eve.

1769 April 20 (Thursday). N.B. Mr. Stone having lent me his late Thanksgiving Sermon on Ezr. 9.8. to read, he therewith wrapped up Mr. Moses Gills Letter of Jan. 30th last, containing Remarks upon it; which I read. Mr. Beeton dines here, as does Mr. Ebenezer Maynard who works here. At Eve I rode up to Mr. Artemas Bruce’s, their Infants remaining very low and weak. Prayed there. Mr. Simon Tainter of Sutton there, also. Spoke to him about Mrs. Bruce’s Petition to the Church that She might have the Legacy his Father left to the Church and I think he seems disposed to let her have it; and yet he seems to agree with me that what is left to a public use, ought not to be disposed of to the private Benefit of any one person; which must put an End to That which appears designed for a perpetual Service and Emolument.

1769 April 21 (Friday). Mrs. Maynard here. Master Caleb Rice came, and Mr. John Burnaps Wife to get me to write her Relation; which She dictated, and I first took the Minutes of, and then transcribed and gave her. We were all at Tea together. Ebenezer Maynard rides to the Doctor’s.

1769 April 22 (Saturday). A Letter from Mr. C. at Ashburnham inclosing etc. Before night My Son William from Ashby.

1769 April 23 (Sunday). Read, and preached on, Jer. 46, especially v. 27.28. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 3. Deliver Sermon on Luk. 9.62 to page 17. Appoint the Communion. N.B. Mrs. Maynard dined here. The Doctor in dressing Ebbe Leg, is damped.

1769 April 24 (Monday). Eb.’s Leg is bad. The Doctor is much discouraged. Yet Eb. rode to his House. Mr. Maynard Sends an Horse for his Son, and he goes home before noon.

1769 April 25 (Tuesday). Send by Mr. John Maynard and Nurse to Boston for Sundrys. Mr. Bruce’s Eldest Twin dies about noon. Am reading Sale’s preliminary Discourse to the Koran.

1769 April 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Whitney came and dined with me. He preached my Lecture on Rom. 4.25. Master Rice after Meeting here at Tea. N.B. Ebenezer Maynard returned hither before Dinner, his wound ‘tis hoped not worse.

1769 April 27 (Thursday). Deacon Wood here—wants I Should Sell him some Hay. P.M. Attend the Burying of one of Mr. Artemus Bruce’s Twins.

1769 April 28 (Friday). Mr. Ebenezer Maynard works for me. Mr. Nurse has brought up from Mrs. Holbrook at Boston, Some Box Trees, and English Gooseberrys. Dr. Hawes dresses Ebe’s wound. There is no likelihood of his doing any work, of a great while. Mrs. Ruhamah Newton here p.m. drinks Tea. Asks me to preach at her House. At Eve Mr. E. Maynard and I talk of his Sons sorrowful Case; and therewith the great Disappointment as to my Business. Ebe says he has no prospect of doing my work. Would have me hire another. Richard Temple was in the House. With Ebe’s free consent I proceed to Agree with Richard for four Months—to begin next Week; for 56£ old Tenor. I am to allow him half a Day at Election, but he must be at home in season and to Observe Order. I am not to pay him for Lectures, Fasts or Thanksgivings. And seeing I pay him for foul weather he shall improve it as well as he can, contriving what may best be done for my Benefit.

1769 April 29 (Saturday). The Doctor Daily Visits Eb. Maynard to dress his Sore. Mr. John Maynard has brought me from Boston 6 Gallons of Rum.

1769 April 30 (Sunday). Read Jer. 47 and 48 to v. 17. Administered the Lords Supper. Preached on Luk. 14.17. Master Rice and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 4 and repeated the rest of sermon on Luk. 9.62.

1769 May 1 (Monday). Deacon Wood comes with a Cart and carrys away out of my Barn Hay which I have sold him. We judge 10 C. P.M. Was at Mr. Andrews’s and visit poor Jacob (or Benjamin) Garfield, in a Miserable Condition, by the Swelling of one of his Testicles.

1769 May 2 (Tuesday). Preached at the Widow Newtons on Rom. 6.1.2.

1769 May 3 (Wednesday). Mr. Thomas Bond graffs for me a.m. Some of his own Cyons. Richard Temple came to live with me for four months. My Wife and I rode over to Northborough Lecture. Dined at Mr. Whitneys. I prayed before Sermon. Mr. Goddard preached on John 3.32. We went after Meeting to Mr. Martyns, his Mother gone to Harvard. He entertains us with Salmon. Dr. Flynt came from Dr. Dexter, and says the latter will hardly live through the Night. Mr. Moore with his Suse came to our House, having sat out from Rochester on Monday.

1769 May 4 (Thursday). The Chief of the Day with Mr. Moore.

1769 May 5 (Friday). Mr. Moore goes to Oxford. He rides my Mare. N.B. He has heard that his Brother Shomway is dead, and his Sister Sick of the distressing Distemper.

1769 May 6 (Saturday). John rides Mr. Moore’s Horse to Marlborough and brings from Deacon Woods (Maltster) [blank] Legs of Pork. Dr. Dexter was buryed at Marlborough.

1769 May 7 (Sunday). Read Jer. ch. 48 from v. 17. Preached on Jer. 46.27.28. Mr. Rice dined here. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 5. By Reason of the Several Exercises I attended upon in the preceeding Week, and various Occurrences together with my particular Circumstances I could not prepare for the afternoon (This I acquainted the Congregation with) And I had designed to have changed with Mr. Sumner, but was obliged to Send him word to the Contrary, being under Necessity to Speak with the Church concerning the Association Fast and take their Vote for it (which I did after the usual Exercises). I delivered sermon on Joh. 14.6, last Clause.

1769 May 8 (Monday). Attended the Burying of Mr. Elijah Rice’s little Son Elisha, of about 2 Years—dyed the third Day of Throat Distemper. Eben Maynard leaves us and goes to his Fathers. Mr. Gale and a Number of Hands besides, begin to work at the Meeting House. They design to add another Seat to the Front Gallerys. Mrs. P. and Mrs. Moore visit at Lt. Bakers. Mr. B. Newton pays me £36 old Tenor. Read Mrs. Wentworths Court Miscellany.

1769 May 9 (Tuesday). Read Vol. 3 of Curious Collection of Travels—The Discovery of Golden Castile by Vasques Nunez de Balboa: and Conquest of Peru by Francis Pizarro.

1769 May 10 (Wednesday). Visit Mr. Benjamin Garfield. Dr. Hawes and I make some Division of our Fence at the Cook Island. Mr. Joshua Child comes here in great Earnestness for Richard Temple. N.B. His Brother Thomas has a Cause depending at Worcester Court with one Fisk. Towards Eve came Master Rice, who Sups and lodges here. At Eve came Sarah and Suse from Northborough and Mr. Moore with them.

1769 May 11 (Thursday). Master Rice to his School. John and Richard with the Team go to the Ministerial Lot for Some Timber to compleat the Floor and Scaffold at the Barn.

1769 May 12 (Friday). Mr. Zebulon Rice works here a.m. in laying the rest of the Floor in the new part of the Barn: and Temple and John assist him in it. P.M. Mr. Whitney of Northborough brings his Brother Cumings to see me. Mrs. Rice, Widow of the late Mr. Caleb of Sturbridge and her son Nathan, came also; and these latter lodged here. Mrs. Hawes here. Mr. Thomas Bonds wife here to be examined.

1769 May 13 (Saturday). Mr. Moore had designed to go to Boston, but concludes to keep Sabbath here.

1769 May 14 (Sunday). Read Jer. 49. Mr. Moore preached on Act. 3.19. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 6. Mr. Moore preached on Act. 26.28. These Sermons were very profitable as I hope. May God make them So to all of us! Propounded Thomas and Lydia Bond—and I likewise acquainted the Congregation with the Association Fast, and what the Church has done, very unanimously. Invited the people, all, to join with us. Took their silence for Consent—and exhorted to great Seriousness in it.

1769 May 15 (Monday). Mr. Moore and my dear Suse are leaving us. I have delivered to him, in old Tenor 30£ being in part of what he has bought for Suse at Rochester. 5/ for one of Mr. Adams’s sermons at his Ordination and 9/7 1/2 for the old Book which I had of old Mr. Ruggles, of Memorable History, etc. They set out for Boston. P.M. I rode to Mr. [Frosts?] and to Mrs. Parkers. At Eve came from Brookfield, my Grandson Ebenezer and with him Lolus (the indian Boy) and they lodge here. I have also Two Horses and a pair of Steers, for Mr. Zebulon Rice. One of the Horses is for the Boys to ride on when they return.

1769 May 16 (Tuesday). My Grandson Ebenezer and the Indian Boy take Leave. Am preparing my Self for the Solemnity before us.

1769 May 17 (Wednesday). Association met here. It was observed as a Day of Humiliation and Prayer on Consideration of the low state of Religion, the increase of Sin, and the Public Troubles. May the Lord be pleased to hear and answer and deliver us! N.B. I began with prayer. Mr. Smith preached on Jer. 7.1–7. P.M. Mr. Bridge prayed and Mr. Stone on Gen. 18.19. No Others of the Association were here.

1769 May 18 (Thursday). My Wife and I rode to visit Mr. James Cook and Family. Were at Deacon Bonds and at Mr. Tainters.

1769 May 19 (Friday). Have borrowed the Life of Mr. John Baily, of Deacon Bond: and now read it. May God bless this to me!

1769 May 20 (Saturday). To Capt. Maynards. Receive from Mr. Johns wife 2 Dollars. P.M. Rode to Southborough. Paid Capt. Jonathan Ward in full. Rode to Mr. Goldings in Marlborough. Returned to Mr. Stone’s. He comes to Westborough. N.B. Miss Huldah has been marryed this Month and more to Mr. Bangs, of Hardwick, her Kinsman.

1769 May 21 (Sunday). Preached at Southborough a. and p.m. on Ps. 27.4. Baptized a Child of Mr. Hezekiah Fay, by the Name of Martha-Draper. Returned home at Eve. Mr. Stone preached here, a.m. on [blank], p.m. on [blank].

1769 May 22 (Monday). Attended the Funeral of a new-born Infant of Mr. Francis Pierce. P.M. Am reading a Piece of Mr. Baxters, left here by Mr. Stone a little while agoe, containing Two Disputations of Original Sin.

1769 May 23 (Tuesday). Catechized—Boys about 35 or 6. Girls 14 including my own. Mr. Roberts and Capt. Damon call, and refresh here (but we had dined). Was Sorry we were not better provided at this Time: but they were not willing to stay while any Thing could be dressed for them, though I urged as far as was decent, for I remember how kindly and generously I have been entertained by Mr. Roberts.

1769 May 24 (Wednesday). Mrs. P____ and I rode to Mr. Stones; had Dr. Hawes’ Chaise. The Occasion was their Daughter, Mrs. Bangs, is going to her New Home at Hardwick, and therefore would have a few Friends together to dine with them. An handsome Entertainment and the whole Conduct very Agreeable! The Company, besides Mr. Bangs and his Brother (who came with a Team), were Coll. Brigham and his Wife, and Mr. Temple with his. P.M. When we returned we stopped at Mr. Timothy Warrins who raises his New House, and moves two Barns to Day.

1769 May 25 (Thursday). I rode to Shrewsbury—dined at Mr. Sumners. Preached the Lecture on Joh. 14.6, latter part. After the Exercises visit Miss Bridget Cushing who is become much lower. Capt. Curtis and his Wife there: also Mrs. Cushing of Waltham. Mr. Sumner walks with me to Coll. Wards who is not well. N.B. Our People of Westborough met to Day, to choose a Representative. Capt. Stephen Maynard has every Vote but one. And I hear that instead of a Treat, he gives 21£ Old Tenor in Boards etc. to Mrs. Judith Bellows to enable her to go on with the finishing her House. A very laudable Example!

1769 May 26 (Friday). P.M. Rev. Mr. Nathan Strong of Coventry here, riding for his Health, and designing to Stoneham. At Eve Came Brother Breck—and lodges here.

1769 May 27 (Saturday). Mr. Breck to Marlborough but returns at Eve. Mr. Newton pays me 50£ old Tenor.

1769 May 28 (Sunday). Read Jer. 50 to v. 23, inclusive. Mr. Breck a.m. on Act. 8.39, last Clause. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 7. Mr. Breck on Rom. 9.20, which may God graciously Succeed! At Eve I rode down to Mr. Edmund Brighams to See his wife who is extreme bad. She was delivered last Tuesday, and having taken Cold, a Fever setts in and rages. Discoursed and prayed.

1769 May 29 (Monday). Mr. Breck and I set out together for Boston though it was wet weather. I turned aside to visit Mrs. Brigham again, but she is so far gone that she can’t speak, nor understand me (by any thing that I perceive). She begins to have the ghastly Visage of Death. Many persons are there; I prayed by her: and took leave. Dined at Mr. Stones. Overtook Mr. Breck at Coll. Buckminsters. Called, but did not light, at Mr. W. Browns. We reached as far as Mr. Woodwards and lodged there.

1769 May 30 (Tuesday). We were long detained by the Rain. About 11 set out. Dine at Mr. Cushings at Waltham. Mr. Strong of Coventry there. P.M. Proceed to Boston. Lodged at Cousen Bradfords. Horse is kept by Mr. Loyd (who returned home from Branford last week).

1769 May 31 (Wednesday). The House of Representatives Protest against the Ensigns of Terror. Publick Meeting is late; begins past 12. Mr. Haven of Dedham preached on Ps. 75.6.7. Dined in Fanuel-Hall. At Mr. Quincys. Went thence to the Convention. Venerable Dr. Sewal so ill that we could not meet as usual at his House. Met at the South-latin-school-House. Was chose Moderator—and was forced to accept, and Prayed. Was chose to go in the Name of the Convention to Dr. Sewal and present gratefull acknowledgments for his great Goodness and Kindness in entertaining the Ministers on these Days, and for his eminent Services, for so many Years, etc. And Mr. Williams of Longmeadow, was chose to go also, with this Message. We went accordingly and he received us with an humble and grateful Sense of the Respect hereby paid him. He asks that one of us pray with him. This was complyed with. Mr. Williams so much my Senior and Superior performed. At Eve I visit Mr. Surcomb who is confined with the Gout. He required me to send him my Horse to keep and she was sent. Visit my Brother. Supped and Lodged at Cousen Winters, and my son Baldwin with me.

1769 June 1 (Thursday). Eleven Counsellors negativ’d by the Governor. I repaired to the School House to attend the Convention. As Dr. Cooper is desired to preach next Year, So Mr. Breck is chose his Second. We go to meeting to the Old South as usual. Mr. Dunbar preached on Gal. 1.8.9. May God grant Success! I dined at Mr. Mathers. When the Convention met p.m. we found the Collection of Money to Day amounted to £ old Tenor. While we were together News came that President Holyoke dyed this morning. Mr. Thomas Barnard prayed at the Conclusion of the Meeting. I visited Mrs. Holbrook, and Mr. Surcomb. N.B. His only Sister lyes dead and is to be buryed tomorrow. Lodged at Cousen Winters, and with me my Son Forbes.

1769 June 2 (Friday). Variously engaged, chiefly in Visits among my Friends and Relations. N.B. Cousen Briant comes to See me. My Son Forbes has bought Brother Samuels Clock, and is putting it up, for Brookfield. Took leave about noon and rode to Cambridge, to receive Cousen Thomas Barretts Answer concerning his taking my Son John. It is Negative. Went up to Bradshaw’s Chamber, and easily found him. At Watertown paid Mr. Bemis, the Joyner, in full. Arrived at Mr. William Browns in Framingham and lodged there. N.B. My Son Alexander and his Wife were gone out.

1769 June 3 (Saturday). Alexander and his Wife came there—and I had serious Talk with them. I perswade them to go to Mr. Bridge. They went; but He was not at Home. I Called at Mr. Stones. Arrived safely. D.G. Mrs. P_____ told me Mr. Cushing came the 30th at Night and dined here June 1. P.M. the same Day he went away. Mr. Foster of Berwick came.

1769 June 4 (Sunday). Read Jer. 50 from v. 24. Mr. Jacob Foster preached a.m. on 1 Sam. 2.30, latter part. His uncle dined with us, as well as Master Rice. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 8. Mr. Foster preached on Act. 10.2. N.B. Mr. Andrews and his wife, with his Brother and wife here, and Mr. Fosters uncle drink Tea here. The latter lodges here.

1769 June 5 (Monday). They take leave. N.B. My Wife informs me that last week (viz. on the 30 ult.) Mr. Hall of Sutton dined here, that Mr. Cushing came at Night, that he brought a Letter from William informing that his wife was delivered of a son on the 27th of May; and both mother and Child are well. Blessed be God! That Mr. Cushing dined here June 1 and p.m. went away. I visit poor Garfield, from whom one Testicle has been extracted by Dr. Ball. He is more humble and penitent, and asks me to pray with him. Which I complyed with. And am greatly rejoiced at any Signs of his Penitence. I have much Trouble in my mind for my Son John that he is not Apprenticed, but cannot tell where to put him. John has his Finger jammed between the Stones in making Wall.

1769 June 6 (Tuesday). Read London Magazine for January and Send it to Mr. Mein again, by Mr. Thomas Twitchell, of whom I bought a small fore quarter of Veal, weight 11 1/2. This afternoon at 4 o’Clock is the Time for the Solemn Obsequies at Cambridge, the late Venerable President being to be interred.

1769 June 7 (Wednesday). Mr. Hutchinson of Grafton dined with me and preached my Lecture. His Text was Joh. 1.31. May Grace be given that we may all profit by it! Visit Mr. Garfield and pray with him again. N.B. Mr. Hutchinsons and Mr. Tainters Altercations here at my House concerning one Mr. Samuel Ely, a prea[cher?] [torn]rs. Master Rice and Mr. John Wood here at Tea also. Mr. Phinehas Maynard invites me to raising his House tomorrow.

1769 June 8 (Thursday). Read London Magazine for November 1768. P.M. Go to the Raising of Mr. Phineas Maynards New House. Many there. Sing Watts’s Ps. 128.

1769 June 9 (Friday). Attend Closely to my preparations of one kind and another. Would cry earnestly to G. for His Grace to prepare me for the holy Communion. Mr. Putnam of Pomfret here. O may I be truely Serious!

1769 June 10 (Saturday). The Work before us is very Solemn and arduous. O for divine Grace.

1769 June 11 (Sunday). Read Jer. 51 to v. 33. Preached on Luk. 14.18. Administered the Lords supper. Mr. Rice, Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Parker dined here. P.M. read 1 Cor. 9. Preached on Isa. 63.8.

1769 June 12 (Monday). Visit the Widow Adams who is ill. Called to See Garfield who is better. Called at Neighbour Andrews’s, and brought thence a piece of striped Cloth, wove by Mrs. Beeman. Hear that my Son Ebenezers valuable Horse dyed Suddenly. N.B. This morning, as Temple was plowing with my Mare, She was frighted Suddenly and ran away; passed through the adjoining Rye, threw down the Fence, passed over the Rails and went up the Road. Temple was So hurt in his left Arm, that he broke off from Work, in the forenoon, and went to Mr. Parkers, and to Dr. Flynts to get his Elbow Set; and did not return till late at night.

1769 June 13 (Tuesday). John is ill with stomach-Ach. Temple is so lame that he cannot work. Coll. Williams of Marlborough here. Eben. Maynard jr. dined with us. P.M. I visited Ensign Fay and his Family. Besides the Death of her only Sister White at Boston, their Son Jeduthun was taken very ill in the Meeting House last Lords Day: but he is now in great Measure recovered. I also visited Capt. B. Fay’s Wife, who being near her time has been confined from public Worship and in particular from Sacrament. I went likewise to See poor Mr. Moses Brigham who is very bad with his Cough, etc. Prayed with him as well as Spent Time with him in Discourse to quicken and forward him in his preparation. He asks me to preach there at Some convenient time, Seeing he has been So long confined at home. Called at Lieut. Bakers to desire him to Supply me with a good Horse etc. and he tells me he will endeavour it, as Soon as he can. He offers to take my Mare now as Soon as I will, but then I must be without a Horse for our necessary Service.

1769 June 14 (Wednesday). A Letter from Mr. Collins Moore informs of their Distresses in Oxford by reason of the Sickness and Mortality again among them. Temple unable to work. John does Somewhat a.m. Goes out again at almost 5 p.m.

1769 June 15 (Thursday). Neither Temple nor John can work to Day. My weeding is deferred. John goes up to Grafton or Uxbridge to one Mr. Dun and brings from thence a foot-wheel, price 5£ O.T. P.M. Had a Catechetical Exercise, on Qu. 91.92. N.B. 27 Young Women. This Number is more encouraging, and I hope we shall continue this Custom. Mr. John Wesson of Wellington, Connecticut, here with Flax. Buy 24 1/2 lb. at 5/ old Tenor.

1769 June 16 (Friday). Mr. Elisha Davis of Leominster here, is in trouble about Paul Biglow, respecting a Note etc. John not well, but goes to plough. Temple is Still too lame to do any Thing in the Field, goes to Mill, etc. Mrs. Hannah Snow here and is examined. P.M. Mr. Moses Hemingway of Wells called to see me, with his Brother Jonathan.

1769 June 17 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 June 18 (Sunday). Read Jer. 51, v. 24 to the End. Preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 63.8. Read p.m. 1 Cor. 10. Mr. Fessendens mother, and Mrs. Maynard as well as Mr. Rice dine here. N.B. Mr. Garfield, notwithstanding there were good Symptoms a While agoe, yet has grown worse, has bled much. Mr. Jonathan Cook this morning fell into a Coal Pit; and though he got out again, yet not without being much burnt.

1769 June 19 (Monday). Temple goes to work again. John rides to Mr. Dun’s to carry back one foot Wheel, and bring us another and better. Samuel Whipple comes to work, to put up the Weather boards to my Barn, brings his Brother Jonathan to work with him. They have Temple to help the forenoon. At Eve Samuel asks 33/ if it be paid this week. Miss Kezia Adams from Medfield, here and dined with us. P.M. she went to her Uncle Morse’s at Shrewsbury. I visited and prayed with sick Garfield. Went to Haskills to get a Chaise to go to Rochester.

1769 June 20 (Tuesday). Received 4 Dollars of Mrs. Newton. Visit Mr. [torn] Cook at Capt. Maynards. Marryed Hephzebah.

1769 June 21 (Wednesday). Breakfast with Master Rice at [torn] Andrews’, in my Way to Sudbury Association Fast. Master goes with me, to Mr. Bridge’s, who prayed a.m. and Mr. Stone preached on Ezra 9.13.14. P.M. I prayed (though Father Loring [torn] it zealously, yet) Mr. Goss on Mat. 6.33. And now we have gone round the Association with Fasts. May the Lord pardon, graciously accept and bless us! Mr. Stone and I tarry and Lodge at Mr. Bridge’s.

1769 June 22 (Thursday). In our returning from Sudbury we called at divers places. I called to See my sister in Law, Baldwin. Mr. Stone and I went in to Capt. Baldwins. Mr. Smith being so ill that he could not attend the Ministers Meeting, we both went to see him, and din’d there. I went to the Weaver Goldings and paid him for his dying to this Day. Was at Mr. Solomon Newtons who discovered to me how to make the Newton Ointment. Called at Lt. Brighams, Adonijah Rice’s, William Woods.

1769 June 23 (Friday). [No entry.]

1769 June 24 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 June 25 (Sunday). Read the last Chapter of Jeremiah. Preached on Isa. 63.9.10–15, and thought to have made Additions to the Application of the Sermon on v. 8, but the strictures on these verses, engrossed me so wholly that I could not compass that Design, and yet preached too long. I suppose above an Hour. But it could not well be divided. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 11 and (with many Alterations etc.) preached on 2 Tim. 1.[torn] to the End of p. 8. And May God be pleased to bless my weak [at]tempts! Mr. Rice dined with us.

[1769 June 26 (Monday).] [W]ent to Capt. Maynard to purpose to know his Mind about [torn] Road northerly of the Meeting House. Went also with his son [torn] to the place to see where the Stone Wall had best be placed. [torn] Little Elias threw a stone yesterday at the Moscovy Drake, [torn] drive him off from a Goslin, and unhappily killed him. [P.]M. Came Mr. Thaddeus Warrin to inform us that This Morning expired Miss Bridget Cushing! [illegible] Cushing desires we would attend her Funeral on Wednesday. Read Dr. C. Mather on the famous Mr. John Bailey of Watertown. At Eve came Lt. Baker and Mr. Henry Prentice. The latter comes about buying the Mare.

1769 June 27 (Tuesday). Am reading the World displayed Vol. 3. The Conquest of Peru by the Pizarro’s etc., and of Chili. Settlement of Brazil by the Portugueze. At Lt. Bakers and Wheelocks. Neighbour Lt. begins to repair his House. My Daughter Sarah droops. John also is too poorly to work.

1769 June 28 (Wednesday). Sarah rides with me in Lt. Bakers Chaise, to the Sorrowful Funeral of Miss Bridget Cushing. We went to Breakfast at Capt. Allens, dined at Mrs. Cushings. Mr. Stone, Morse, Maccarty, Mellen, Sumner and I were Pall-bearers. Mr. Joshua Smith, Lewis Allen, Thaddeus Maccarty and James Curtis, were under bearers. Coll. Ward ranged the people in Procession; which was very great, and mournfull. She having been high in, I suppose, every ones esteem. I was oblig’d [torn] to pray, before the Procession. The Lord forgive what was amiss! And grant us all to be ready also. Mrs. Cushing prayed me to return without Sarah who was not very well, and She could be brought home in the Morning. I complyed.

1769 June 29 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing brought Sarah home. Lieutenant’s Chaise is returned home.

1769 June 30 (Friday). Mr. Thomas Newton of Deerfield here to See me—after 29 Year. A Number of young Men were here to join as a Society for religious Purposes. Solomon Maynard (who was of the former Society) led the way. And I having Instructed exhorted and prayed with them, the following persons Signed the Articles, viz. Benjamin Fay, junr., Jonathan Forbes, Levi Brigham, John Arnold, Ebenezer Maynard, junr., Josiah Newton, John Fay, Eli Harrington, Nathan Fay. This, I have heard, was concerted and agreed upon, after meeting last Sabbath Day: and it was Seasonable after the Sermon p.m. of that Day. I am much rejoiced at it, and wish they may have Grace to conduct proportionably.

1769 July 1 (Saturday). Temple has my Mare to Framingham. His Sister Sara is [torn] ill. My Son John is still incapable of Labor. We have Account of the Death of the Aged and pious Dr. Sewall. My F. My F. The Chariots of Israel and the Horsemen thereof [illegible].

1769 July 2 (Sunday). Read Lam. 1. Preached on Luk. 14.18. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 12. Then on Occasion of the Young mens Meeting now reviv’d, went on with Repetition of Discourse on 2 Tim. 1.4,5. After the public Exercises the You[ng] men above mentioned met at the Noon House (as it is called) to pray, read and Sing. I think 10 of them.

1769 July 3 (Monday). Rode to Marlborough principally to visit Brother Smith under his distressing Trouble by Pain and Faintness at his Stomach. In my Way I called at Several Places—at Cornet Brighams, at Widow Beemans, at Mr. Jabez Rices, Cousen Larkin Williams who is very much demolished, I fear in all regards. May God be merciful to him and his! I dined at Mr. Smiths. I am grieved for his Sufferings! May God be gracious to him. Visit Mrs. Dexter and Dr. Curtis who lodges there. Visit at Squire Brighams, in pursuit of a good Horse.

[1769 July 4 through 1769 August 9: no diary.]

1769 August 10 (Thursday). Have writ to my Wife at Rochester in answer to hers of the 1st. Write to Mr. Gray about the Feathers, that he mayn’t wonder that I ha’n’t sent. Write to Mrs. Holbrook for the Laborator. Send by Mr. Moses Harrington. Miss Kezia goes back to her uncle Morse’s. At Eve Lieut. Baker, at my Desire, calls here. I again Apply to him for an Horse instead of what I have. He Says he has none that will do. But says he is ready to take this again, as Soon as I can get one that will Suit me better. A Letter from Mr. Hutchinson desiring to Change next Sabbath. One of my Daughters, having borrowed of Mr. Whitney the History of Lady Julia Mandeville in 2 small Volumes, I run through the first.

1769 August 11 (Friday). Finish the 2d. Though there are Dangers by the Softnesses in these Books and Young people had need beware, yet there are in this work, some strong and worthy Sentiments; and it exhibits a most affecting Tragedy! It holds forth also a lively Picture of the utter uncertainty of human Enjoyments and Dependencys. “Boast not thy Self of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a Day may bring forth”! This divine passage might with great propriety be inserted; but Such Authors are afraid of having their Works smell of Christianity and the Word of God. My Daughter Sarah, who is So much my Comfort, and Guide of the House now her Mother is gone, grows ill; goes to bed before Dark. She is Worse. After I was got to Bed, She wants to see me. She has been so sick as to Vomit some Number of Times. I call John to go to the Doctor. Temple readily offers to go—and the Doctor Came, leaves various Things, besides an Anodyne. It is nigh 11 in the Night when he leaves us.

1769 August 12 (Saturday). Sarah not much better. Has Vomited Several Times. I gave her Sal Absynthii. May God be grac[torn] for her! I went to the Doctors for Sarah, but she does not vomit sin[torn] of womwood [sic]. John Arnold brings a Letter from Mr. [torn] dated the 8th giving me account of his own being ill of a [torn] requesting me to go to Brookfield to preach th[torn] row; whereas Mr. Hutchinson depends upon me, Since I have [torn] word to the Contrary. But Sarah’s Illness forb[torn] not able to set up any longer then while her B[torn] P.M. Temple asks me to Consent to his joi[torn] Men in their Meeting. After Some Discourse [torn] Charge, and Solemn Caution, I consent. [torn] Sincere, and Grace to be stedfast! Rode to Gr[torn].

1769 August 13 (Sunday). Mr. Hutchinson to my Disquietment not only tarryed till morning, but now stays long before he setts out for Westborough. I preached at Grafton a. and p.m. on Gal. 1, former part of v. 15 and former part of v. 16. P.M. baptized 3 Children, viz. Elijah, of Mr. Aaron Kimbal, Cyrus, of Mr. John Stow, and Anna, of Mr. Dan. Willard. Returned to Westborough at Evening and Mr. Hutchinson to Grafton. His Texts were Luk. 16.3, Mat. 20.31 to 34. Moses Brigham grows worse. Mr. Hutchinson called there and prayed. I also called there and talked very Seriously to him, warning, cautioning, etc.

1769 August 14 (Monday). Sarah is weak yet, but is Somewhat more comfortable and has got down below. I am concerned about going to Brookfield. Went to Mr. Dan. Forbes to see if he would not go. He concludes either to go, or provide me an Horse to ride there. Was at Lt. Harringtons—her Conversation was gracious and generous.

1769 August 15 (Tuesday). Rode to Southborough to Ministerial Meeting. Dined at Mr. Stones. None came to the Concio, of members, but Mr. Goss and Mr. Jos. Bridge. Mr. Goss shews Displeasure at what (not only Mr. Loring, but what) Mr. Stone and I did at the Fast at East Sudbury in inducing him to give us any [Th?]ing under his Hand concerning what the Church of Bolton has voted of Satisfaction with him. At Eve came Father Loring. Lodged there.

1769 August 16 (Wednesday). Mr. Loring prayed at the Public Lecture. I preached on Prov. 4.18. Mr. Smith, to our surprize, came to Meeting. Mr. Benjamin Brigham Examined and approbated. I engaged him to preach for me when I shall be gone to Rochester as I [torn] secured Mr. Steward to preach for me next Sabbath [torn] as I purpose to go to Brookfield. Mr. Cushing wai[torn]is mother there, and on me home. Dr. Hawes and Wife visi[torn]r. Cushing lodges here.

1769 August 17 (Thursday). [torn] Brookfield to See my son Forbes who has been [torn] Deacon Wood accompanied me to Worcester. At Lei[torn]d with Mr. Matthew Watson the Sadler about taking [torn] Mr. Conklins—called at Deacon Oliver Watsons in [torn]s sake. Lodged at Mr. Forbes. N.B. Mr. John [torn]es there also, following his studys. [torn] Baldwins. Visit my Children and Friends. [torn] to the W[illegible] Inhabitants [torn] Mr. Daniel F[illegible].

1769 August 20 (Sunday). The Fever has so far left Mr. Forbes that he went to Meeting and prayed one part of the Day. I preached on Prov. 4.18, a. and p.m. May God be pleased to add His almighty Blessing!

1769 August 21 (Monday). Visit divers Families and Old Mr. Charles Rice, at his son Zebulun’s. Dined at my Son P______s. P.M. Mr. Forbes and I visited Rev. Mr. Parsons—Mr. Mic. Martyns, and the Manufactory House, which they begin to work in. We return at Eve to Mr. F.’s and I lodged there, as I have done every Night, and with Brother Eliot aforesaid.

1769 August 22 (Tuesday). Sat out on my journey from Brookfield. Mr. John Eliot accompanys me to his Father’s, where we breakfast. Squire is gone a Journey. I called again at each of the Watsons on my son John’s Account but neither of them inclined to take a ‘Prentice. Dined at Mr. Conklins. Called at Mr. Maccartys, Capt. Curtis’s, Mr. Sumners etc. Arrived at Eve in safety and found all well. To God be Glory. My Daughter Sarah informs me that Samuel has been at home, came on purpose to consult me about his undertaking to keep a store for Henry Barns Esq. of Marlborough as far off as Northfield. And that my Daughter Lydia and her little William have been here, from Ashby. Mr. Steward preached for me last Lords Day a.m. on Hos. 13.9 and on Act. 4.12.

1769 August 23 (Wednesday). My Son Samuel having left his Request relative to his keeping Mr. Barns’s Store, I rode down to Marlborough. Breakfast at Mr. Barns’s, conferred with him on the Business and wrote to Samuel by Dr. Crosby, that if the way was clear with respect to Mr. Capon, and it Should appear to be for his Benefit (or to Such purpose) I was willing. Sent also by Mr. Sumner to Mrs. Holbrook for the Laboratory. Visit Mr. Smith, and dine with him. Take Advice of him respecting Samuels Undertaking. Call at Squire Brighams and at George’s with respect to an Horse he has to sell. Returning Home call at Edmund Brighams to make him a Visit, but he was gone to Boston. Am very pensive on Samuels Affair. Write to him again by Mr. Moses Harrington of Grafton. May God be pleased to grant Wisdom! Enoch Rice of Brookfield came to me, and confessed freely his Evil Conduct and saucy Language when he contested with me last Year: and asks forgivness, upon which I forgave him. May God forgive!

1769 August 24 (Thursday). Wrote to Master John Eliot, and sent therewith the Life of the renowned Eliot, per Enoch Rice. Visit Mr. Moses Brigham; dined there: Prayed with him. Meet Mr. Phineas Hardy in the Road as I was endeavoring to go to the Widow Persis Warrin, to talk with her about Sending her son Moses to live at Ashby. Rode back with Mr. Hardy to Mr. Beetons, Mr. Phinehas Maynards, Capt. Maynards, etc. The last has commenced Inn-holder. Between 9 and 10 o’Clock at Night came Mr. Timothy Ruggles from Rochester with Letters from Mrs. P______, Mr. Moore, and Suse, who is not yet o’ Bed, and praying I would defer my Journey there, till first or second Week in September. He lodges here. The Letters dated yesterday.

1769 August 25 (Friday). Mr. Ruggles goes on his Journey to New Rutland. Mr. Moses Harrington returns from Boston, but no Letter from Rochester by him. Mr. Sumner and Dr. Crosby from Boston. The former brought from Mrs. Holbrook the Laboratory for which I gave, and he paid one Dollar, for Mr. John Potter at Brookfield. Dr. Crosby brought from my Son Samuel Letters relative to his going into Mr. Barns’s Employ. He brings also a Letter from my Brother, which respects the Settlement made with us the [Heirs?] etc. last Commencement Time. He likewise brings me a pair of black Leather Breeches from Mr. Freeman.

1769 August 26 (Saturday). Mr. Joseph Willard of Mendon here. I lent him Ductor Histor. Vol. 1.

1769 August 27 (Sunday). Read Lam. 3, latter part. Delivered an Exercise on Tit. 1.1, but made use chiefly of my Discourse on Gal. 5.6, latter part of it. Old Mrs. Fessenden dined here. P.M. Read 1 Cor. 15.26 to the End. Preached chiefly on v. 50. O that God would vouchsafe a Blessing!

1769 August 28 (Monday). Mr. Tainter and his Wife wait upon their Father and Mother Wood from Summers, here. They all dine with us. I was going out upon various Affairs, but Squire Whipple, considering how lonely I must needs be (and yet I ought to have it to say, Nunquam minus Solus eris, quam enin Solus eris:), made me a kind, friendly Visit and brought his Daughter Eliza to See Sarah. I made a Business of talking over the Affair of Mrs. Bruce’s Petition, but he said little about it. I had read him the Case of Sarah Green, as I took it from her Mothers mouth, which he said he could subscribe to.

1769 August 29 (Tuesday). A.M. at Deacon Woods, but hastily returned to Send to Ashby by Neighbour Arnold. Mr. P. Whitney, Miss Mary Sherman and her sister dined here. Mr. Whitney buys Dr. Hawes Chaise 106£ old Tenor. Richard Temple’s Sister Phebe here. Wrote to Samuel about his going to Mr. Barns’s Store etc. Sent by Mr. Daniel Nurse. And to Mr. William Gray about the Feathers. Sent by Mr. Phinehas Hardy.

1769 August 30 (Wednesday). Write various Letters to my Brother, etc. P.M. Brother Hicks made me a Visit. Lodged here. Mr. Hardy brought Return from Mr. Gray, who Still makes Mistake—now about the Quantity etc.

1769 August 31 (Thursday). Catechized 55 Boys. Brother Hicks dines with me. P.M. he leaves us. Sophy was drooping yesterday, and is to Day, but is better. P.M. Catechized 20 Girls. Rode to Capt. Maynards to See our Cousen Witt, who is there, and not well. Read a Discourse entitled, “The Baptism of Infants a reasonable service,” by the Author of the Dissenting Gentlemans Answer to the Rev. Mr. Whites three Letters.

1769 September 1 (Friday). Sophy is better. I wrote to Mr. Barns of Marlborough concerning my Consent to my Son Samuels going to Northfield, that it was on Condition that I be not any Way exposed by it; but wholly indemnifyed. Mrs. Tainter Sends an Horse for Sarah and she goes there, dines, and returns at Evening. Neighbour Daniel Adams comes in at Eve, and I Suppose to acquaint me that his Wife, who was long weakly, low and dying, is brought to bed, and has a Daughter, to their great Joy. Both Mother and Child in an hopefull Way. Would bring it to Baptism next Sabbath.

1769 September 2 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1769 September 3 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 1. Preached on 1 Cor. 15.50 and though it was long, and I was obliged to speak fast, I could not divide it, nor would it do for two Exercises. But the Things are vast and important. May my own Heart be deeply impressed with them. P.M. delivered another Exercise on Tit. 1.1., improving mainly from p. 13 to 20 of Sermon on Gal. 5.6.

1769 September 4 (Monday). Visit Mr. Moses Brigham again and pray with him. Engage Lieut. Baker and Neighbour Newton to plow my North Field. Visit the Wife of Mr. Joseph Green junr. who is sick, and pray with her. P.M. The Artillery Company trains. They send for me, and I prayed with them. Mrs. Maynard and her Sister [Davis?] visit us, and drink Tea. Mrs. Hawes here also.

1769 September 5 (Tuesday). Rose early enough to view the Comet. It appeared nigh Orion’s Shoulder, and with a great Stream from the Nucleus to the West: longer, I think, then ever I saw. Undertook my Journey to Rochester to wait on Mrs. P______ home. Got to Mr. Barretts before their Breakfast or prayer. Mr. Samuel Barrett of Boston and two sisters there. Rode by Mr. Isaac Lorings, by Mr. Aaron Ponds, and Hill’s in Medway. Dined at Mr. Timothy Haws’s in Wrentham. Visit Mr. Bean and Mrs. Simpson, [reach?] Mr. Palmers, at Norton and lodge there.

1769 September 6 (Wednesday). Sat out from Mr. Palmers and got to Taunton unhappily at a Time when the great Bridge was taken up, and was obliged to go ‘round by the Ware-Bridge. But had been kindly received and entertained by Robert Luscomb Esq. Was also generously entertained at [blank] Dean’s, Taverner, where Oated and dined (gratis). Stopped a While at Mr. Turners, minister of Middleborough and Taunton-Precinct. Missed my Road and go by Mr. Thomas Wests Meeting House. Go to See him. Arrive at Mr. Moore’s after sun setting. Find that my Daughter had been delivered on Aug. 29 about half after nine a.m. Was baptized Sept. 3, Susanna-Parkman. The Mother and Child in great Comfort. Blessed be God therefor! [blot] Mrs. P______ was not there at my first arrival: Mr. Moore and She had gone the Day before to Sandwich to visit her Kinsman Williams. After a while they came in; and it was matter of Praise to God that we have this Opportunity to rejoice together. D.G. Plurim.

1769 September 7 (Thursday). At Mr. Moore’s hearing and relating etc. P.M. attend the Funeral of one Mrs. [blank] a Stranger, who dyed at their Neighbour Claps.

1769 September 8 (Friday). Mr. M and I rode to Dartmouth to Mr. Samuel West’s. His Wife was delivered of a Daughter on the 5th. We dined there. P.M. Rain. The Storm increased. We lodge at Mr. Wests. N.B. his Explanations of prophecys in Daniel and Revelations. He writes [the?] Signs and delivers them to me.

1769 September 9 (Saturday). Mr. Moore and I ride to the Head of the River. I talk with Mr. Swift the Sadler about his taking John, but it doth not succeed. Returning from Dartmouth we dine at Mr. Church’s. Call at Mr. John Winslows, and at Capt. White’s. Hear that Mr. Ivory Hovey’s of Matapoisset Troubles continue.

1769 September 10 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. at Rochester on Luk. 19.10. “For the son of Man” etc. May God grant it may be savingly profitable! At Eve came Messrs. Perry and Bassett to See me.

1769 September 11 (Monday). Mr. Perry and his Wife invite us to dine at their House. We went accordingly and Mrs. P______ went also p.m. and Mrs. Ellis etc.

1769 September 12 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Seth Haskell; and likewise Ebenezer Haskell a.m. P.M. Preached Mr. Moore’s Lecture on 2 Cor. 5.20. N.B. Mr. [blank] Clap and his Wife, disquieted with Mr. Moore about their making Confession of Fornication, consult me. I advise to use the Term.

1769 September 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Moore, Mrs. P______ and I, Sat out together for Taunton: Call at Capt. Whites, (who has generously kept my Horse). I provide Mr. Moore an Horse (@ 20/) to draw the Chaise which my Wife rides in, of one Mr. Freeman. We refreshed at Mr. Turners, of Middleborough. Dined at Deacon Luscombe’s: where were Dr. McKinstry etc. Parted with Mr. Moore there. Arrive at Mr. Palmers before Night (where were Mr. Campbil and Wife of Easton). We lodged there.

1769 September 14 (Thursday). Continue our Journey to Wrentham. Call at Mrs. Simpsons. We unhappily mistook a New Road we went in toward Medway, to be wrong when it was the right; and our returning cost us a great deal of Time. At length got to Mr. Bucknams and dined there: borrowed of him Dr. Stillingfleets Origines Sacrae. Called at Mr. Locks. Mr. Lock ill of a Fever. Lodge at Col. Buckminsters. N.B. Letters from Mr. Keggell, in England to his Mother.

1769 September 15 (Friday). Coll. lends me Mr. Bollans Book on Continued Corruption etc. Breakfast at Mr. Stone’s. Arrive at home in safety a.m. and Find all well, both of my House and Neighbourhood. Blessed be God for His great Goodness! But am informed that the Pulpit was Vacant last Sabbath, though Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury came (instead of Mr. Edward Goddard) to preach, but was so Pained in his Face that he returned home. A very Sorrowful Occurrence happened about or a little before noon at Lt. Bakers. His little Daughter Lydia, of 16 months, fell into a Tub of Whey, and was suffocated. I hastened up. Tobacco Smoke was blown up into her. I ordered Salt and she was covered over with it, but all means were ineffectual. I prayed with them. Sarah informs me that Alexander and two of his Sturbridge Neighbours with their Wives were here on Monday last week, and lodged. He went to Framingham. That Mrs. Allen of Shrewsbury was here lately; and had taken Mr. Henry on the Evang. and Acts with her. Mrs. Cushing came with her: and they brought Dorcas Bradford to tarry with us. Cousen Thomas Barrett waits upon sister Lydia Champney here. Mr. Joseph Perry of Ashburnham, here.

1769 September 16 (Saturday). Sister Champney and her Nephew leave us to go to Brookfield. They ride in a Chaise which he has made for Mr. Forbes. P.M. Mrs. Cotton of Hopkinton came to see us, and tarrys with us.

1769 September 17 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 2. Preached on Ps. 144.3.4. Cousen Witt dined here. P.M. read 2 Cor. Preached on the Same Text and Subject as a.m. but used some parts of sermon on Sam. 4.14.

1769 September 18 (Monday). At 9 a.m. attended the Funeral of Lydia Baker. Mr. Ezra Beeman here to Summons me to Court. Went to Dr. Ball and got his Chaise for Sarah to go to Boston. Went to Mr. Whitneys; but he was not at home.

1769 September 19 (Tuesday). Sarah and John go to Boston. I had received Money from Capt. Maynard by the Hand of John Arnold, which I gave to Sarah. 60£ old Tenor. At Deacon Woods, who is summoned to Court also.

1769 September 20 (Wednesday). Deacon Woods and I rode to Worcester. Dined at the Tavern by the Court-House, with Mr. Beeman. Rev. Mr. Lawrence of Lincoln, Mr. Morse etc. dined there likewise. Attended the Court p.m. Such waste of Time is very uneasy to me. Mr. Lawrence and I rode to Capt. Curtis’s for Lodging and were very kindly received and generously entertained. Mr. Whitney preached my Lecture.

1769 September 21 (Thursday). We ride into Town again, and attend Court. Mr. Maccarty invites us to dine with him—we went accordingly. The Cause does not come on to Day. We waste our Time too Sorrowfully! Partly at Court, and partly at the Tavern (Bigolows). At Eve we return to Capt. Curtis’s, as last night; and are made Welcome there.

1769 September 22 (Friday). Returned to Court. Two Criminals were brought to the Bar for Stealing and pleaded Guilty. Mr. Beemans Case was called; a Number of Witnesses were sworn. Mr. Lawrence and I were Sworn together. I gave my Testimony as near as I could according to what I had, with all Care, Written. I dined at Mr. Maccartys again. P.M. Mr. Beeman gave up, and bore the Costs. He paid me 8/ L.M. N.B. Informed that Mr. Ammiel Weeks of Brookfield is Dead. Deacon Wood and I rode home together as we went.

1769 September 23 (Saturday). Sarah comes home, with John from Boston. A Letter from Samuel Shews him disquieted with my having writ my Letter to Mr. Barns, that I must be indemnifyed.

1769 September 24 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 3. Preached on 1 Cor. 11.23. N.B. used sermon on that Text Omitting the Introduction and proceeded to page 10. Administered the Lords supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Wilson of New Braintee dined here. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 2. Preached on Jer. 2.37, which may God Succeed!

1769 September 25 (Monday). Mr. Nathaniel Harrington began to keep our School last Week.

1769 September 26 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Moses Brigham and pray with him. Went to Mr. Nathaniel Whitneys, and saw the Chairs which he has made for Sarah. Called at Mr. Joseph Harringtons where master Nat. lodges. Wrote to Samuel by Mrs. Lyon of Grafton. Mr. Bowman of Oxford and Lady going to Boston.

1769 September 27 (Wednesday). Rode to Northborough. Dined at Mr. Whitneys. Preached his Lecture on Prov. 4.18. to page 16. Borrowed his Henry on the Prophets.

1769 September 28 (Thursday). We expected Company earlier than came. At length came Mr. Cushing. Afterwards my Son Ebenezer, Mr. Forbes, and in their New Chaise his Wife and Daughter with Sister Lydia Champney. By and by Mr. Hancock of Cambridge. My Daughter Sarah was marryed at Evening. Mr. Forbes prayed after the Covenant. Sung part of Dr. Watts’s Ps. 45. May God accept our Solemnitys! And make this Couple very happy; and a great Blessing! To us All! Mr. Hancock went to Deacon Woods to lodge. Mr. Forbes to his Sister Kendals, and Ebenezer to his Brother Bonds.

1769 September 29 (Friday). My Son, with Mr. Forbes’s Chaise and Horse, waits on sister Lydia to Cambridge. Mr. Hancock went along early. The rest of the Company dined with us. At Eve Mr. Forbes goes to his Brothers. Mrs. Cotton remains with us in a very infirm state.

1769 September 30 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing goes to Northborough to get Mr. Whitney to Preach at Ashburnham one of the Sabbaths on which he shall be absent: having obtained Mr. John Seccomb, lately of Harvard, for tomorrow. Mr. Forbes has one Mr. Bascomb to preach for him. Ebenezer returned from Cambridge.

1769 October 1 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 4. Mr. Forbes preached a.m. on Joh. 6.29. Besides our own Family and Company (who were 14) at Dinner we had Mr. Joseph King of Suffield and his Wife, who was Mrs. Trypheena Bowker. P.M. I read 2 Cor. 3. Mr. Forbes preached on Joh. 6.44. And may God grant His Blessing to accompany these useful Discourses!

1769 October 2 (Monday). Ebenezer (with Miss Lucy Bond) returns to Brookfield. N.B. I sent by him a Letter to Mr. John Eliot (Squire’s Son) in Answer to his by Mr. Forbes to me, and informing him that I can’t Comply with his Request to come and live with me, to Study Divinity here. Mr. Cushing goes to Southborough, Mr. Forbes to his Brothers, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Cotton to Mrs. Townsend the Taylor. They dine at Deacon Woods. Mr. John Potter of Brookfield here to See the Laboratory. Towards Eve came Sister Cushing and lodged here. Mr. Forbes and his Wife begin their Journey to Rochester by going as far as to Mr. Stones, at Southborough.

1769 October 3 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing waits on his Mother and his new Consort early this Morning on their Journey to Rochester and East Yarmouth, expecting his Aunt Brigham, Coll.’s Wife to accompany them. P.M. Preached at the Family meeting at Lt. Bakers, on Song 1, v. 4, former part. May God grant Success to our highest Benefit!

1769 October 4 (Wednesday). I complyed with Mr. Cotton’s Desire to go to Mr. Daniel Adams’s and waited upon him there. Afterwards visit at Mr. Tainters. It is affecting To See how impaired and Superannuated old Mrs. Tainter is become. Called at Mr. Morse’s. P.M. Came Mrs. Green (heretofore Miss Patty Clark)1 and her Husbands sister, Miss Abigail Green, to carry Mrs. Cotton to Deacon Burnaps. N.B. They passed by her at Mr. Adams’s without knowing it. After Tea they Return.

1769 October 5 (Thursday). Lt. Baker and Neighbour Newton plow in my further Field. My Sons assist, with my Oxen. Jonathan Tainter brought with their Team, a Barrell of Cyder and a Bag of Apples to cut and dry. P.M. rode to Capt. Maynards and made some settlement with him, but received no money. Lady Barnard and her Retinue dined there. When I returned home found here Capt. Peter Coffin of Gloucester, and his son Peter, on their Way to Brookfield, and lodged here. Had a Quarter of Beef of Mr. Seth Morse, wt. 120 at 3 Coppers. Received Letters from Mr. Moore of Sept. 22 and 30, of Suse’s sore Breast, which broke on the 20th and 29th ult.

1769 October 6 (Friday). Capt. Coffin and Son go on their Journey. Mr. John Potter here and received the Laboratory or school of Arts. For which he gives me 23/ old Tenor more (and Offers me 30/) rather than accept of my Offer to return his Dollar: but at the Same time I told him I demanded Nothing of him. Lt. Bakers Young Man and Team, with mine, are plowing as Yester Day and finish it.

1769 October 7 (Saturday). Received a sorrowful Letter from Rev. Mr. Bowman of the Sickness and Mortality in Oxford greatly increasing since he went home.

1769 October 8 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 5 and preached upon it, assisted by my Preparations on v. 5, which in great part delivered some years ago. Began at p. 2 and used some of the additions which I made thereto since. I also, in the Application, read the chief of Mr. Bowmans Letter which I received yesterday. Master Harrington dined with me. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 4 and preached on 3 first v.

1769 October 9 (Monday). Mr. Pain of Sturbridge here in his way to Boston. At Eve Capt. Coffin and his Son return here from Brookfield, and lodge with us.

1769 October 10 (Tuesday). Capt. Coffin and son leave us to go to Cambridge. I rode into the south to visit, dined at Deacon Bonds. Visit old Mrs. Woods at Mrs. Kendals. At Mr. Martyn Pratts, Mr. John Balls, Mr. Ebenezer Bucks, Mr. Dunlops, Isaac Adams’s (where came Mr. Partridge, Mrs. Adams’s Father). At Mr. Constantine Hardys and Mr. Bowmans. But was into Evening before I got home.

1769 October 11 (Wednesday). Mr. Pain returns from Boston, and proceeds for Home. Visit old Mr. Williams, who had last night some sort of Fitt. He is to day very low. Prayed with him, and a Number of Strangers that were in the House, attended. Was at Mr. Edwards Whipple’s and at the Squires. Proceed to Capt. Jonathan Fays to See old Mrs. Phillips, who was there. Call at Mr. Jonathan Grouts. When I came home, found my son and Daughter Forbes returned from Rochester; and they Inform that Suse is better, her Breast being in a Measure Comfortable Again.

1769 October 12 (Thursday). Mr. Forbes and his Wife set out for Brookfield. Dr. Curtis from Marlborough visits and dines with us. He goes to Capt. Maynards where are Miss Betty Eager, and Miss Betty Brigham; who were here also Yesterday; and Mrs. Maynard with them. N.B. Sent John to Lt. Baker’s with the Mare which I had of him more than a Twelve-Month agoe, as I could not with all my trying, make her do for my and my Family’s use; and Lt. had told me again and again that he would take her if I returned her. This therefore I have now done.

1769 October 13 (Friday). My Son John exerts himself in gathering and getting in, husking and laying up, the Corn himself; with out troubling the Neighbours. I was So indisposed that I could not accomplish much in my Study though I was here chiefly. At Eve Brother Hicks and his Wife from Newbury.

1769 October 14 (Saturday). Brother Hicks and his Wife leave us, to go home.

1769 October 15 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 6. Preached on 2 Cor. 4.4. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 5 and preached on Rom. 2.5. Used the Sermon on that Text with variations in Sundry respects, reading the Succeeding verses, for Connexion with the Text, etc.

1769 October 16 (Monday). Visit Mr. Levi Warrins wife, who is newly o’ bed and very low; I prayed there. P.M. Visit old Mr. Williams and pray with him.

1769 October 17 (Tuesday). Mr. Whitney of Northborough came in when I was getting ready to go to Ministers Meeting at Hopkinton. He knew not of it, and was Preparing to go to Lunenburg. I rode to Hopkinton and dined there, but no other Minister came. P.M. Mr. Barrett Sent an Express to Mr. Stone, but he was gone to Hardwick. Probably the unusual cold, Windy, rough Weather might hinder the aged and infirm, but what may be the reason of the Delinquency of Others, I can’t conjecture.

1769 October 18 (Wednesday). I lodged there. Mr. Barrett had several turns of Bleeding last night, and is faint and dizzy, this Morning but grew better afterwards and went to the Lecture. There was no body to preach but I. And therefore though I preached the last meeting, I was obliged to again. Text was Heb. XII.25. Dined at Mr. Barretts. Borrow of him Dr. Mathers Magnalia. As I was returning Lt. John Wood besought me to go in to see his Wife, under her sorrowful Deafness, and at his earnest Request I prayed there. When I came home Ezra Ripley was come for my grand-Daughter Polly Forbes. He lodges here.

1769 October 19 (Thursday). Ezra had come with two Horses. One of them was a Young Horse of one Mr. Haskels, recommending him to me. But they both got out of my Inclosure and we feared they were gone home. John got an Horse at Mr. Nurse’s and pursued to Shrewsbury. In the mean time Deacon Bond had taken ‘em up Nigh his House, and came with them. I viewed and rode the Said young Horse; also I took Such Advice as I could; and concluded to have him, though it is a Venture, at so little Acquaintance with him: but I can’t well do otherwise since he is So strongly recommended by Mr. Forbes, who has writ to me about him. The Terms are £100 old Tenor to be Paid in two months. Before I consented, I rode to Lt. Baker and consulted him, both about the Horse and about the Pay. Ezra assures me the Age is 3 Years only, last July. And the Letter says he is warranted Sound. Ezra and Polly leave us. P.M. Preached to the Young Men from Prov. 14.7, to page 8, to a thin meeting both of the Society and of other People. But may God bless the Exercise to Such of us as could attend! My son John seems to be much indisposed, but went to Meeting. He has greatly exerted himself in our Harvest-Work.

1769 October 20 (Friday). Expecting to change next Sabbath, Spent the Day upon Magnalia, and upon a Pamphlet containing Letters of Governor Barnard, Lords Hillsborough, and Shelbourn, General Gage and Commadore Hood, the Commissioners of the Customs etc.

1769 October 21 (Saturday). Having no body but John and my little Elias to do the Harvest-Business, I was obliged to assist, what I could in it. At Eve Mr. Cushing came, with my Daughter, and his Mother, from their long Journey, to Yarmouth; which has been prosperous, through the Goodness of God. To him be all Glory. They came, by Boston, and bought many Necessarys for their Housekeeping. N.B. Sarah received the 20th Day, of Capt. Maynard £110 old Tenor. Have by them a Letter from Samuel whose Circumstances are now precarious, but I would cast my Cares about him upon a gracious covenant God.

1769 October 22 (Sunday). I rode over to Northborough and preached a. and p.m. on 2 Pet. 3.18. Mr. Whitney and his Wife were gone to Lunenbourg, and Mr. Cushing preaching for me, Mr. Whitney Supplys at Ashburnham. At Eve I called at Mrs. Martyns. Mr. Cushing preached a.m. on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on Prov. 30.8 and baptized Lois, a Child of Solomon Miller.

1769 October 23 (Monday). A.M. Mrs. P______ and I went to see Ruth Bellows, who lies sick of a Fever at Mr. Hannaniah Parkers. I prayed there. We then visited Lt. Forbush’s Wife, who is ill; and prayed likewise. P.M. Our Sister Cushing having dined with us, left us. Our son and Daughter Cushing go with her. I went up to Deacon Woods upon a Variety of Small Affairs, and to See Mr. Johns Wife, who has newly lain in, in her Husbands Absence. At Eve he returns from Colrain, with a drove of Cattle and a Flock of Sheep. N.B. A great Squirrell Hunting in this Town and Neighbourhood. Killed 1884.

1769 October 24 (Tuesday). Mr. Hall of Sutton, in his Journey to Boston, calls here. Wrote by him to Samuel. Dr. Simson Jones of Hopkinton dine here. At Evening Ebenezer Tertius came; He rode the Horse which Mr. Forbes has got for me of Mr. Haskell of Brookfield; and brought Letters from Rochester informing that Susa is much better. Mr. Hovey is dismissed, and Mr. Seth Haskill at the Point to die. Mr. Cushing and my Daughter return from Shrewsbury. Mrs. P______ much afflicted with stomach Ach. Ruth Bellows, we are told, is very ill.

1769 October 25 (Wednesday). Visit Ruth, who grows worse. Prayed with her. Was also at Neighbour Bathericks. After Dinner Mr. Cushing leaves us to go to Ashburnham. N.B. My Son John has mentioned to me his Inclination to Learning.

1769 October 26 (Thursday). My grand son leaves us, to go to Cambridge, to live with Mr. Thomas Barrett, to be a Sadler. Was obliged to go to Lt. Baker to Stir him up to bring Wood, and to provide Money to pay for my new Horse. Visit Mr. Levi Warrins Wife, and pray there: din’d also with them. Mr. Moses Nurse having brought yesterday a Pair of Pigs of the great Sort, from Col. Buckminster, to day Deacon Wood comes and has the Boar. The price of the Pair is 50/ old Tenor. My Daughter Cushing goes to See Ruth, and to watch with her. Mr. Moses Twitchel came in to see us.

1769 October 27 (Friday). Ruth has had a more comfortable Night, and there are more hopes. Messrs. Joshua and Benjamin Hicks called here in their Way from Boston; and din’d here likewise. Rev. Mr. Hall of Sutton with Letter from Samuel. At Eve came my Kinsman Bradshaw going to Brookfield to keep School there. He confirms the Account of the Death of Lowder [the?] Post, on the 24th, by a wheel going over him.

1769 October 28 (Saturday). Sir Bradshaw goes on his Journey. About noon came my son Alexander and dined here. P.M. He goes to Framingham. Mr. Andrews brings Sarah’s Trunk of Pewter, Brass, Tin, etc., Brass Kittle, and F[ry]ing Pan from Boston. Gave him 14/10 for Transport. Mr. Cordwell of Sutton came, but went home.

1769 October 29 (Sunday). Mrs. Rice (Relict of Rev. Mr. Caleb Rice of Sturbridge) from Taunton, came this morning in her Chaise, to keep Sabbath with us. Read Ezek. 7. Preached on Tit. 1.1, “according to the Faith of Gods Elect.” Improved the chief of Sermon IV. on Gal. 5.6, omitting in p. 26, 27, and otherwhere but adding as was useful and proper. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 6. Preached on 2 Cor. 4.4. Mr. Samuel Hardy of Brookfield, Mrs. Rice aforesaid, Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. Mrs. Rice lodged here.

1769 October 30 (Monday). Mrs. Rice returns to Marlborough intending to go back to Taunton by Boston. Wrote by her to Mr. Moore. Alexander returns from Framingham. I Suppose his Confession was read yesterday. He goes to Sturbridge. I dined at Mr. Beetons. Visit and pray with Ruth Bellows.

1769 October 31 (Tuesday). P.M. Visit Mr. John Wood (who is come from Colrain) and his wife. At Eve came my son Ebenezer and lodges here. Mr. Sumner Sends me a Line, dated yesterday, inviting me to the Association at his House tomorrow; and acquaints me that their meeting is turned into a Fast, on account of the public Calamitys.

1769 November 1 (Wednesday). My Son goes on his Journey to Cambridge. Was in Expectation of Mr. Stone to Preach for me, but he did not come. I preached my Self on 1 Cor. 11.23.24, from p. 10 to the End of p. 18.

1769 November 2 (Thursday). Rode to Southborough to Capt. Wards etc. Dined at Mr. Stones. Preached his Lecture on Dan. 5.25, “and this was the Writing” etc. O that it might be properly improved by every Hearer! Returned home at Evening. Several young women came to help Sarah in Quilting, viz. Sarah Spring, Hitty Forbes, and two of Mr. Ebenezer Millers Daughters. Also Nanny Brigham’s here.

1769 November 3 (Friday). Nanny Brigham, having lodged here, continues to help Sarah. At Eve my Son Ebenezer returned from Watertown.

1769 November 4 (Saturday). Deacon Wood came to talk with my Son about Anne Newton. It was an Affair that I did not care to open my Lips about. I gave my Son a Note of Hand, written to Mr. Samuel Haskell for the Colt which Mr. Forbes lately Sent me from him, of £13.6.8 lawful money to be Paid Jan. 1 next, to him or his Order. Ebenezer is accompanyed on his Journey by his Sister Bond, who is going to Brookfield. John goes to Capt. Maynards Cyder-Mill, for a Barrell of Cyder which Mr. Ebenezer Maynard is So kind as to Present me. Mr. Stone of Yarmouth calls to see me.

1769 November 5 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 8. Preached again on 1 Cor. 11.23–26, from page 19 to 25. Administered the Lords Supper. Mr. Harrington, Mrs. Fessenden, and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read 2 Cor. 7. Preached on Ps. 139.23.24. Appointed Catechetical Exercise.

1769 November 6 (Monday). Mrs. Eunice Hill of Douglass with me to request Something to be done for her mother (Mrs. Eunice Cook). I gave her Advice and Direction. She dined here. P.M. Visit at Mr. Elijah Rice’s, Twitchells, Hardys, and Widow Warrins.

1769 November 7 (Tuesday). Wrote by Mr. Elijah Hardy to Mr. Procter and Mr. Mein about the Chronicle. That it Should be sent to Procters no more etc. Visit at Mr. Abraham Bonds, by reason of the late remarkable Providence in Saving their youngest Child from Drowning in their Well. Visit also at Mr. Burns’s, Parkers etc. Dined at Mr. Moses Brighams and prayed there. P.M. attend the Family Meeting at Mr. Jonathan Grouts. Preached on Song 1.4. At Eve Mr. Abraham Bond here. Miss Molly Baker and Molly Harrington quilt for Sarah.

1769 November 8 (Wednesday). A Number of Women came to help Sarah in Quilting, Sewing, and Spinning. They were (according to their Coming) Miss Molly Whipple, Mrs. Hannah Forbes (Elisha’s Wife), Mrs. Tainter and Mrs. Hannah Miller, Mrs. Forbes (Mr. Daniels Wife) and Widow Kendal, Mr. Ezra Bakers Wife and Miss Lydia Chamberlain. N.B. Mrs. Rebecca Warrin of Upton dined here. P.M. Came Mrs. Eunice (of Joseph) Rice, to the Same Work. Mr. Joseph Bowker of Symsbury here. N.B. This Day I have been Ordained 44 Years. May I have Grace to take better Notice, and O that I might escape the Doom of the Slothful and unprofitable Servant!

1769 November 9 (Thursday). I prepared an Explanation of the Ordinance of Baptism, and delivered it at the Catechetical Exercise to Young Women. Including my Daughters Cushing and Hannah (Sophy was too ill to go) there were only 14. I could not Sing; and therefore omitted it at this Time. After meeting I rode to Mr. Daniel Warrins and to Mr. Abraham Beemans. When I returned found Mrs. Ruhamah Newton and her Sister Hannah Rice (the Wife of Jacob) were here to visit us.

1769 November 10 (Friday). Closely engaged in sermonizing, except while Joseph and Benjamin Rice from Annapolis were here. They brought a Letter from their Father. Sarah to Capt. Maynards to try for an Iron Pot and Kittle there. Neighbour Nathan Kenny here at Evening and says his Mother Williams has an Heifer that is in a strange Condition, and they fear she has been bit by a Mad Dog.

1769 November 11 (Saturday). Mrs. Maynard very ill. Sends for her Aunt, who goes and tarrys all Night.

1769 November 12 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 9 and preached especially on v. 3, taking Special Notice of its being now Forty Five Years Since the founding of this Church and my own Ordination. O what praise is due to God for His Long-suffering, what shame and Humiliation belong to me for my unprofitableness! May God be pleased to pardon and quicken and assist Me! And O that what ever threatning Aspects there are, yet that the Lord would not Remove from us! P.M. Read 2 Cor. 8 and preached on Ps. 139.23.24. Left off Singing in publick at Eve. Read the Proclamation, which I received [illegible] this Noon Time from Jonathan How.

1769 November 13 (Monday). Send by Mr. Daniel Nurse to Mr. Meins and Flemings Printing Office for the Chronicle, though I cease sending to Procters for it, the Other Westborough Papers are left there. Mr. Samuel Barrett of Boston Merchant returning from a long Journey, waited on by his Black, calls to See me. Mr. Edwards Whipple here at Evening. Sarah is getting all manner of Things ready for her Remove from us.

1769 November 14 (Tuesday). Mrs. Arnold in Labour. Mrs. P______ is gone to her. Her Husband is gone for Dr. Ball, but her Distress dispatches John after them to make greater Haste. She is delivered before the Doctor comes.2

1769 November 15 (Wednesday). Mr. [blank] Ames comes with a Team for Sarah’s Goods. He dines here, loads and goes to Mr. Job Cushings at Shrewsbury, to stay over the Thanksgiving there. The [Near?] Neighbours, or persons with them, disturb me with their shooting at Fowls, Some time in the Evening, to my great Grief, to think how poorly their Minds are prepared.

1769 November 16 (Thursday). Thanksgiving. Preached on Ps. 145.1.2. May the Lord accept our Sacrifice, and help us in ordering our Conversation aright. In the Eve read Dr. Mathers Magnalia. Marryed Job Pratt and Mercy Williams.

1769 November 17 (Friday). Rode out to hire Money to Send to Mr. Gray at Boston. Dined at Mr. Morse’s. Went to Deacon Bonds and Mr. Tainters. N.B. a great Court at Capt. Maynards on the Case of Phinehas Gleason, and Amasa Maynard. Mr. Caleb Rice with Mr. Stones Daughters came to see us and dined here. Mr. Belknap bought a Pig of me, weighed 71 pounds. Offered 3 Coppers per pound and Paid me: he also took it away. Lieut. Harrington came with a Cart and brought me about a Score of Cabbages and a Panniard of Turnips.

1769 November 18 (Saturday). We have the Sorrowfull News of the Death of the Rev. Mr. Silas Biglow, pastor of the Church in Paxton, of about 29 years. Was just going to be marryed to Miss Sarah Hall of Sutton. A most heavy Stroke! The Lord Sanctifie it! And repair the Breach! Went to Deacon Woods to try to hire some money, but could not. Mrs. Wood Shaved me. P.M. Rode to Southborough—to Capt. Wards. Bought of him 2 1/2 yards Half Thick, for Pillion Cloth and 2 1/2 Tow Cloth, half a piece of Quality—and a felt Hat for Elias. Mr. Stone to Westborough. I lodged at Mr. Stones.

1769 November 19 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough, a.m. on Mal. 1.11. P.M. on Heb. 12.28, and baptized Caleb, Son of Ezra Newton, and Huldah, Daughter of John Witherby. N.B. Dr. Prentice of Lancaster prayed for, as being near his End. I returned home at Eve. Met Mr. Stone who preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 9.3, mid. Clause, “they joy before thee, according to the Joy in Harvest.”

1769 November 20 (Monday). Hear that Mr. Biglow of Paxton was buryed on Saturday last. Sarah is preparing to leave us, but is under great Indisposition. I am much engaged in reading Magnalia. The Town Meet, but adjourn. Mr. Grout brings home my fat Cow, which he has kept much longer than he promised, and Gratis.

1769 November 21 (Tuesday). Although a great deal of Rain falls yet Mr. Cushing and his Landlord, Capt. Wilder, are come; but some other Company which they expected, are not arriv’d. Capt. Wilder lodges here. Receive Several Letters from Rochester—all very Well. Suses Breast restored; their Daughter fattens apace. D.G. But Mr. Seth Haskell is dead! He was a serious Man. Help, Lord!

1769 November 22 (Wednesday). This morning came Deacon Fellows, Deacon Cheney of Ashburnham, and Mr. Job Cushing. They breakfast here. Master Nat. Harrington can’t get either Chaise or Horse, and therefore does not go. But between 10 and 11 a.m., Sarah and her Company leave us; John also and Sophy goes with them. The Day bright, and May God Himself Graciously guard and bless them! They design as far as Col. Caleb Wilders in Lancaster, by Night; and to Ashburnham, by leave of Providence, tomorrow. Visit Mrs. Arnold and pray with her. At Eve I wrote to Mr. Moore, to be sent by the way of Grafton.

1769 November 23 (Thursday). A bright Day Smiles upon those who travel to Ashburnham. Visit Mrs. Arnold again. Delivered 12£ old Tenor to Mr. Nat. Sartel Prentice of Grafton, for Mr. William Grey of Boston. Mr. Prentice consents to pay him for me 3£ O.T. more, which I am to repay when he returns, next Saturday. Visit Mr. Moses Brigham, and dined there. His Father came; also Mr. Joseph Brigham and his Wife. Prayed with them. Went to see Ensign Jeduthan Fay, to hear his Account of the very Sudden Death of Mr. Joseph Morse, of Framingham, son of Deacon Morse, yesterday p.m., Ensign being present at the Time. May God grant I may be always Ready!

1769 November 24 (Friday). Mr. Beeton here to Reckon. Am sorry he takes such a Time. His account of Work for Sarah is in old Tenor £14.14/. I gave him a Note to Capt. Maynard for 2£ Lawful Money, and he is to Send me 5£ Old Tenor tomorrow morning, and he lets alone the rest, together with what he has done for my Self, in shooing etc.

1769 November 25 (Saturday). At Eve came Mr. Thomas Winchester of Hardwick, by whom I had sent to Boston. Mr. John Wood also and Mr. Nat. S. Prentice, by whom (paying him now 3£) I sent 15£ old Tenor to Mr. William Gray at Boston, and he brought a Receipt thereof.

1769 November 26 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 10. Preached on Act. 17.30. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 9. Preached on Isa. 31.6, using chiefly what I before delivered on that Text, but with a great Addition in the forepart on Turning, and great Addition to the Application—Reasons for turning now, immediately, considering the Sudden Deaths of late, etc. Mr. Thomas Winchester dined with us; as did old Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Fessenden.

1769 November 27 (Monday). Am greatly concerned about my Son Samuel who may be at this Time returning from Casco Bay; it being very Tempestuous—snow, Rain, windy. At Eve came John and Sophy from Shrewsbury, they having come from Ashburnham last Saturday, and remained over the sabbath partly among the Cushings and partly at Mr. Sumners.

1769 November 28 (Tuesday). John Rogers and Esther Ball were marryed at Evening. And at 8 o’Clock and though very Cold, came Mr. Andrews and his Wife, with their Brother and Sister Day (from Danvers) to visit us, and Supped here.

1769 November 29 (Wednesday). Mr. Sumner has sent me Word of his Lecture to Day; and I much desired to go but was divers Ways hindered. Sent by Mr. Nurse a Letter to Mrs. Holbrook for 7 Volumes of the Morning Exercise. John is poorly and confined; none but Elias to tend the Cattle etc. Mr. Isaac Stone of Woodstock here with Leather Breeches to sell. I agreed with him to make a Pair for John, the best he can afford for 5 Dollars, to send them in about a Month. P.M. Visit and prayed with Mrs. Green. Called at Each of the Whipple’s.

1769 November 30 (Thursday). Deacon Wood killed a Cow for me, which I had some Years ago of Mr. Moses Twitchell. Mr. N. Whitney assisted a while but Word came that Mr. Jonah Warrin was in a Fit, at his (Mr. Whitney’s) House. He therefore left us; And then Mr. Ezra Baker came and helped. Deacon and he dined here. P.M. Mrs. Kenny (Neighbour Nathans Wife) and her sister Ruth (Pratt), whose home is at Monadnock, made us a Visit, bringing their Babys. N.B. The latter, Mrs. Pratt, has gone through great Affliction in her Child bearing; but through the great Goodness of God is finely recovered. Neighbour Joseph Bond (who brought me a Load of Wood from Ministerial Lot) spends Some Time in the Evening here. Thus ends another Month! The Lord Pardon the Defects and Miscarriages of it!

1769 December 1 (Friday). It being moderate, pleasant Weather, John goes out abroad. Sister Cushing Sends me word that Dr. Prentice dyed last Night, and is to be buryed tomorrow. O that God would Sanctifye this Death to me and to all concerned! Mr. Ebenezer Forbes comes to request me to Visit his Daughter Hannah who is Sick of a Fever and Canker. Was obliged to leave my Study to my great Interruption; for she wanted to see me. I went and found her very ill. Conversed and prayed with her. Her sister Betty begins to be ill also, and Seems greatly affrighted. Deacon Wood came here very kindly to cut out and Salt up my Beef: He supped here.

1769 December 2 (Saturday). John but poorly, yet can be about something. Mr. Jonas Bond junr. of Sutton returning from Boston, brings me a Line from my Son Samuel who is come back safe from Falmouth; for which I would render hearty Thanks to God, who has preserved him. Moses Brigham junr. rides to the Door, and with Crying tells me his Mother entreats me to go up to his Father, who She thinks is dying. I went, but he was somewhat revived, and could Speak to me. Expressed his Penitence, his Hope in Christ etc. Prayed with him and took final Leave of him. But after I was in Bed I was again called up by Benjamin Fay junr. who informs Mr. Brigham is now dying, and Mrs. Brigham prays me to go to him. Though it was about 11 o’Clock I complyed and went, found [sic] incapable of any Converse, prayed and commended him and the distressed Family, to the infinite mercy of God.

1769 December 3 (Sunday). Though Mrs. Brigham would have me go to Bed there, it being after midnight, yet I chose to return home. Slept and was refreshed. God has wonderfully sustained me. His name be magnifyed! Omitted public Reading a. and p.m. Preached a.m. on Act 17.30. P.M. on Act. 2.38, former part. After Introduction, Opening the Occasion of the words, and an Account of Repentence, used the last Catechetical Exercise on Baptism. Mr. Jonathan Grout having informed me that his Brother Mr. Moses Brigham dyed a little while after I left him, I (by Desire) informed the Congregation of the Funeral proposed to be next Wednesday at 12 o’Clock—and the Monthly meeting to be at Mr. Jonah Warrins. N.B. Mrs. Dunlop dined with us. O that God would grant His Blessing on our Spiritual Provisions this Day!

1769 December 4 (Monday). This Day the Town Met by Adjournment on the Affair of my supplys. I sent nothing to them but they voted £500 Old Tenor and my Wood. They sent also Deacon Wood and Mr. Belknap to inform me of it. I understand that they have voted 6£ or 45£ Old Tenor. Alexander came from Framingham. Informs me that he yesterday owned the Covenant and his Child was baptized Betty. He goes back to Sturbridge. Earnestly pray he may have Grace to keep the Solemn Covenant and walk according to the Gospel he makes profession of.

1769 December 5 (Tuesday). Mr. Arnold came in the Morning to Visit his Maid, one Elizabeth Stevens, who is very ill of a Fever at his House. I went, Discoursed and prayed with her. While I was there, and my Wife gone over to Capt. Maynards, by Desire to see her who is in some threatning Circumstances, Mrs. Martyn and her Kinsman, Mr. John Marritt came to see us, but not finding either of us at home, they went up to Lt. Bakers, and thence to Capt. Maynards. P.M. preached at Mr. Jonah Warrins, on Luk. 19.9. O that God would please to make it savingly Beneficial to us!

1769 December 6 (Wednesday). I visited Betty Stephens, who is, I fear, no better in the main. My Wife not well. P.M. I attended the Funeral of the late Mr. Moses Brigham, and prayed. The Assembly was very large. The Lord grant we may all be suitably impressed with it! After the burying, Sir Harrington and Master Taylor came here and drank Tea. At past 11 in the night Josiah Newton, a Watcher with Betty Stevens, calls me to go to see her, it being conceived she is dying. I went, talked and prayed with her.

1769 December 7 (Thursday). After midnight returned. I apprehend she is under power of hysteric Affections, as well as of a strong pleuretic Fever. Wrote to Mr. Fleming, printer, to desist sending Mr. Daniel Forbes’s paper, etc. Visit Mr. Gale’s Daughter Sarah who is ill of a Fever. Prayed with her, dined there. Visit at Mr. Beemans whose Children have been sick. Visit the Widow Adams, and Mrs. Andrews, who treats me very generously, drank Tea there, etc., etc.

1769 December 8 (Friday). Deacon Bradish of Upton brings me, from Mrs. Holbrook of Boston, 3 Volumes of the Morning Exercises, viz. The Morning Exercises Methodized. The Continuation of Morning Exercises, Questions and Cases of Conscience. And the Casuistical Morning Exercises the Fourth Volume.

1769 December 9 (Saturday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain watched with Betty Stevens, and tells me she is better. Ruth Bellows came to tarry with us, over the Sabbath, and be nigh to Meeting. At Eve came my Son Samuel from Boston. Ensign Aaron Warrin of Upton here.

1769 December 10 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 2 Cor. 7.10 and on Consideration of the many and frequent avocations through the last week I was obliged p.m. to deliver a Discourse which I delivered before. This was on Deut. 5.29, and I connected it with the forenoon Sermon. N.B. Ruth Bellows at Meeting to Day. At Eve Visit at Neighbour Arnolds, a Sick House! Mr. Arnold himself and wife as well as their Maid, Sick of Fevers and John Arnold not well. Mr. Stevens, Bettys Father, and her sister Mercy there. I prayed with them. Mr. Stevens lodged here.

1769 December 11 (Monday). Mr. Stevens goes to his Daughter. A Number of Cutters go down to Capt. Ephraim Brigham’s Land, and a Number of Teams came to Cart it. Some brought also from their own Land. Mr. Barnabus Newton, Deacon Wood, Capt. Benjamin Fay, Lt. Baker, Mr. Daniel Warrin, his Brother Timothy, Mr. Andrews, Capt. Maynard (from his own), Mr. Seth Morse, Mr. Tainter, Mr. Phinehas Maynard, Mr. Fessenden, Mr. Benjamin Warrin—some from their own, some from the Ministerial Lot, in all 28 Load to Day. Several brought Meat, others Rum. They all Sup’d here. I visited Neighbour Arnold and his Family. Samuel to Marlborough and returned.

1769 December 12 (Tuesday). Ruth goes to her Mothers. I visited at Mr. James Maynards, Mr. Edmund Rice’s, and Mr. Thomas Temples. In the Eve Magnalia—Life of the eminent Mr. Thomas Hooker of Hartford.

1769 December 13 (Wednesday). Mr. David Maynard came and killed a Swine for me. John is greatly indisposed, but lends an Hand; Samuel is also assisting. Was at Mr. Arnolds. ‘Tis hop’d they are somewhat better. At Lt. Bakers. Received of him 23£ 11/ old Tenor. My son Ebenezer came from Brookfield and brought 3 Heifers to be kept at my Barn.

1769 December 14 (Thursday). Ebenezer went to Cambridge. Samuel carryed 20£ old Tenor to Mr. Malachi Maynard to be delivered to my son Forbes to be delivered to Mr. Samuel Haskill at Brookfield. Received a Letter from Sir Bradshaw. John so well as to go to Mill with the Team.

1769 December 15 (Friday). Sent John with a Yoke of Oxen to assist Mr. Fessenden in getting a Log to Mill. (It is instead of a Log which he cut upon the Ministerial Lot and improved for Plank which he sold to Lt. Baker.) This succeeded no further than that John cutt down a great black Oake, and Mr. Fessenden sends word, that he will come when there shall be Snow. I visited at Neighbour Arnolds, all of them somewhat better. D.G.

1769 December 16 (Saturday). Samuel to Brookfield. Dr. John Hill and Mr. Joshua Smith dined here, and prov’d a very great Interruption to me in my Preparations which I could not forward in the former part of the Week. Yet I must needs confess bewail all my Negligence. May God be gracious to me through Jesus Christ!

1769 December 17 (Sunday). A.M. Preached again on 2 Cor. 7.10. I prepared also Several parts of another Exercise, on Repentence which I could not use, finding it necessary and unavoidable to treat of another part of the subject, and to do it from former preparations, viz. an Exposition of Mat. 3.8 (but read Luk. 3.8) and it being so Short a Day, and many Grafton people at Meeting, I was therefore obliged to omitt what I had prepared and designed to deliver. May God forgive my great Defects, Weaknesses and Miscarriages, for the Sake of Jesus Christ! Mrs. Mary Amsden, widow, dined with us. At Eve Visited and prayed at Neighbour Arnolds. Mrs. P______ was with me. ‘Tis hoped they are growing better.

1769 December 18 (Monday). Went over to the Ministerial Lot; a great White Oake Tree marked M has been cut down. Mr. Beeton, who was with me, says it was by Mr. Fessenden. Went to Mr. Benjamin Hows and to Mr. Fessendens. Visit Mrs. Maynard who is in a low Condition by excessive Hemorrages. Dined with her. Capt. was out on Jonathan Hows Land, measuring and about to buy it. P.M. I visited at Mr. Jonathan Grouts, his young Child languishing. Prayed there. At Eve my son Ebenezer returns hither from Cambridge.

1769 December 19 (Tuesday). Ebenezer is putting the Floor etc. of my New stable, into Order, and John assists him. I read divers Lives of eminent Men in Dr. Mathers Magnalia.

1769 December 20 (Wednesday). My Son tarrys another Day to assist me in my new Stable, making a Patition [sic], a Manger etc. My reading various.

1769 December 21 (Thursday). Sophy has watched at Mr. Arnolds, those sick growing better. Ebenezer leaves us to go to Brookfield. My Wife goes to see her Cousen Maynard. While She is gone there Mr. Smith of Marlborough visits and dines with me. Sophy goes to wait upon her Mother home.

1769 December 22 (Friday). One Mr. Tarbell and Mr. Shomway of Sturbridge call here, but though they seem only to light, tarry a while; say they have not been at Breakfast yet refuse to Eat. They take a Dram and go off. Samuel returns from Brookfield (from Worcester to Day) and dines here, brings me a Letter from Mr. Forbes concerning the Effects of the Canine Fury among them of late.

1769 December 23 (Saturday). [Engaged in my?] writing I was called away to Visit old Mrs. Bradish, who was Supposed to be drawing near her End. I went, conversed and prayed with her: but this interruption was very detrimental to my Preparations and I don’t find that I can prepare in the begining of the Week.

1769 December 24 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Act. 11.18, but in the afternoon was assisted by what I delivered on the same subject from Joh. 16.8, from p. 3 to p. 7. Ruth Stays over the sabbath with us.

1769 December 25 (Monday). Visit Mrs. Green, wife of Mr. Joseph Green junr. She is much lower; but appears to have admirable Tokens—behaves very agreeably. I dine at Mr. Greens. Prayed there. The poor, languishing Woman behaved with great Propriety. Rode down to Mr. Bradishes, but his Mother expired some while before I got there. She was 81 last May. Received a Line by a Messenger from Father Loring that his Consort is dead, and that he would have me attend her Funeral, which is appointed to be next Thursday. Gave Temple a promisory Note for 56£ old Tenor to be Paid Apr. 15 next.

1769 December 26 (Tuesday). Reading on my subject, especially Mr. Shepherds Sound Believer and particularly on Conviction. Visit at Mr. Arnolds.

1769 December 27 (Wednesday). At Lt. Bakers and receive of him Mr. William Grays Receipt in Full for Feathers. P.M. Attend Mrs. Bradish’s Funeral.

1769 December 28 (Thursday). Go to Sudbury, to Mr. Lorings. My Son Samuel in his way to Boston, accompanys me as far as the Mills. I dined at Mr. Lorings, with Rev. Messrs. Stone and Smith. P.M. We attend the Solemnitys of Mrs. Lorings Funeral. The Corps was carried into the Meeting House. I prayed. Mr. Gardner was so ill as not to come. Mr. Barrett was absent also. The Bearers were Rev. Messrs. Stone, Smith, Matt. Bridge, Woodward, and Josiah Bridge, with P______. The interrment was in Coll. Browns Tomb. Mr. Stone and I tarried and lodged there.

1769 December 29 (Friday). Mr. Stone and I drew up some Account of Mrs. Loring, to be sent to Mr. Draper. Took leave of our Mournful Venerable Father, and rode together to Mr. Stones and dined there. Came home safe, through divine Goodness and found my Tabernacle in Peace. And O that I might have proper Reflections, and that I might make a right Improvement of Gods holy Dispensations! May God be gracious to His Aged Servant that I have left, and afford Him all supplys and Consolations as he now needs! And remember his Family, his distant Progeny—to the fifth Generation. He baptized one last Lords Day; Mary, after the Name of her great great grandmother, whose Corps lay there by the Walls.

1769 December 30 (Saturday). Have set my Self to prepare a Sermon on the Conclusion of the Year. The Text Lam. 1.9. My Son William brought a pair of Three year old steers for me to keep this Winter.

1769 December 31 (Sunday). Preached Act. 11.18, using 4 pages of Sermon on Joh. 16.8, of Conviction of Sin. P.M. On Lam. 1.9, and in the Close was very fervent from some View and Sense of Eternal Things. The Lord grant that from the Consideration of the Last Day of the Year we may be brought to serious Thoughts of the Last Day of our Life, and the Last of the World. O that Awful Day When Eternity Shall Commence, and that Great Day when the states of all Men shall be determined for Endless Ages! The Lord grant that it may Suitably impress my own Soul, and influence my whole, brief, uncertain, remaining Life!

1 Martha Clark mar. Dr. Peter Green (int. May 28, 1769; mar. July 27 C.R.), Hopkinton VR, 249.

2 Mary, dau. of Thomas and Margery Arnold, b. Nov. 14, 1769; Westborough VR, 11.