Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1731

1731 September 5 (Sunday).1 At Westborough. Since my Birth Day fell out this Year on the Sabbath (as the Time of my Birth itself was, and My first Solemn Dedication by Baptism the Same Day in the afternoon) I turn’d the Course of my wonted public Exercises in some Measure to suit the Season with me, seeing my mind would be unavoidably employ’d much this way.

In my own retir’d Devotions I offer’d Thanks to God for the return of this Day, and Specially for the Divine Goodness in the Course of this Year past in Vouchsafing me Such Measures of Recovery and Strength for the Divine Service; humbled my Self as I could for my innumerable Transgressions, the Sin of my nature and the Vanity and impurity of my Childhood and Youth; and humbly Devoted my Self wholly to God and Committed my Self to Him in Covenant. Read Ps. 103 and then proceeded to the Family and Public Offices. I preach’d on Ps. 51.10. I may Lament before God my Coldness, unhumbledness, my undedicatedness to God Seeing I am under So peculiar and unspeakable Obligations.

1 From the Natalitia.