Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1730

1730 January 1.1 I would heartily bless God for carrying me through the great Difficulties, Infirmties and Sufferings of the Year Past, and vouchsafing me the Beginning of another. I would humble my Self for the Sins of the Year Past with the rest of my Life before. I would Humbly give my Self up to God and Solemnly Renew my Covenant Transactions with Him. I would Humbly refer and Comitt to him all the Events and accidents of my Sickness and Health, beseeching the Divine Pity, Support and Direction Still, and Finally, would Fervently Begg His Favour and Blessing this Year and all my Dayes on Earth, and Assistance to Discharge all Duty. And when Years and Dayes Shall finish and when the Stream of Time shall be Swallow’d up in the Ocean of Eternity I may be Ever with the Lord. Through Jesus Christ alone, To whom be Glory forever. Amen.

1730 February 19.2 This Day was observed at Westborough in a Religious manner with Fasting and Prayer on the account of my remaining Infirmities. The Reverend Mr. Breck and the Reverend Mr. Cushing managed the Exercises. The former preach’d from those words in the Epistle to the Philippians 2.27, For indeed he was Sick, etc. I was my Self at Cambridge and Endeavour’d to hold Communion with them. How I employ’d my Self in hinted in the Minutes in Loose Papers. O that God would hear and forgive and Do, for his own name’s Sake.

1730 October 21. [From the New-England Weekly Journal, Nov. 2, 1730, p. [2]: “Southborough, October 21. 1730. This Day a Church was Gathered in this Place, and the Rev. Mr. Nathan Stone was Ordained the Pastor thereof. The Rev. Mr. Parkman of Westborough open’d the Solemnity with Prayer, Mr. Greenwood of Rehoboth preach’d from Rev. xi.I. Mr. Swift of Framingham gave the Charge, and Mr. Loring of Sudbury the Right Hand of Fellowship.”]

1730 September 5.3 At Cambridge. Read Ps. 90 the Eve before. In the Morn Ps. 103 and 145. I was much affected with some Conversation with my Brother William on Spiritual Subjects. I was Earnestly Desirous that with finishing my 27th Year I might finish intirely my Course of Sin, that I might certainly take leave of the latter, as I do of the former, Never to see anything of it more. And it was my passionate Request that if I never was yet Regenerated (as to my Grief I have not Evidence enough that I have been) This, This Day I may without fail be Born again, and This be my Glorious Birth Day to God!

I would 1. Bless God, for the Mercies of my whole Life, common and Signal, particularly this Years for upholding me through my many and Great Difficulties, weakness, etc., and bringing me to the return of this Day, through so many fears when my Life was So much being in Doubt. 2. I would Affect and humble my Self for my Sins, especially my September 5th. My covenant Violations, etc. 3. I would humbly renew my Covenant Transactions with God. 4. I would study New and better Methods of Glorifying God. [This I propos’d for, and endeavoured to attend upon in the Forenoon.] [In The Afternoon what follows.] 5. I would devoutly committ the remainder of my Life to the providences and grace of God, and the Conduct of his good Spirits. 6. I would meditate on the Frailty and uncertainty of human Life. At Noon I read Isaiah 55 and made a Recollection of Solemn Repetition of my Covenant, and p.m. I read Ps. 39.

[I would perform none of these formalities as if I would thereby Merit anything before the Lord, but only in hopes they may be some way beneficial to fix and excite and quicken my wandering, Vain heart].

On the above mention’d Day I resolv’d that I would, by Divine Assistance, Endeavour from this time forward 1. To make a great Business, a solemn, Set, Separated, Sancitify’d undiverted Business of Prayer; in Praying to Pray; to watch unto Prayer, and as much as I can to Delight in Prayer; 2. To make every part of my Life as directly to the purpose of Life as posible; 3. As far as possible to do some Good every where and in Every Thing; 4. To watch against Formalities and ostentatiousness, and against relying upon Good Works. 5. To enquire diligently after the Great Designs of God in his Severe Dispensations towards me, in his Severe Inflictions on my Body, and of long Continuance, and carefully to attend to answer them, as far as God shall enable me.

1 From the Natalitia.

2 From the Natalitia.

3 From the Natalitia.