Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1732

1732 September 5 (Tuesday).1 At Westborough. Besides enlarging my Devotions according to my Custom on this Day (in Praises for the Divine Mercies through my Life and particularly through this Year past, in reviewing my Life and humbling my Self for my past iniquitys, Vanitys, impuritys and impietys, and reading Such suitable passages of the Sacred Scriptures as Ps. 145, Dan. 9, a.m., Ps. 103 and Job 14, p.m.), I made it considerably my Business to try and prove my Self whether I have indeed had a work of Grace Savingly wrought in my heart—in answer to the Following Question.

Question. What are the Signs of Conversion, and are they to be found in me? (And I esteem is a proper Enquiry, on my Natural Birth Day, What I may be able to find of my Spiritual Birth unto God).

Answer. 1. Sign. Ps. 18.23. I was upright before him, for I kept my Self from my own Iniquity. Do I?

2 Sign. 2 Cor. 5.17. If any man be in Christ he is a new Creature. Am I? Have I experienc’d this?

3 Sign. Gal. 5.24. He that is Christ’s hath Crucifyed the Flesh, with the Affections and Lusts. Have I?

4 Sign. Rom. 8.9. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. Have I the Spirit of Christ?

N.B. Mr. Guthrys Trial of a Saving Interest in Christ2 of great use.

N.B. Interruption by a woman under great Trouble of mind. Her name was Crouch,3 wife of William Crouch of Shrewsbury.

N.B. An Earthquake just about (or a little after) Noon.

1 From the Natalitia.

2 William Guthrie, Scottish Presbyterian divine, published The Christian’s Great Interest (c. 1658), which appeared in numerous later editions.

3 Mrs. Hannah Croutch.